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Mouth is the entrance of food and beverages into our bodies. The mouth is
formed by two jaws, namely maxilla and mandible
Tofunction of the mouth is :
To speak, To chew food, To laugh / smile, To give shape to the face
The most important parts of the mouth:
The tooth that is visible to the mouth is the crown of the tooth, the tooth roots
embedded in the jawbone. There is Various of the tooth
First is incisive or bicuspid its to cut the food into pieces, the second is canine or
cuspid to tear the food like meat because its have sharp form, the third
is premolars to grind and chew the food, and then the molars is to destroy and
smoothing the food.
The gums are soft tissue around the tooth crown. In order to protect the gums for
fine threads that bind the roots of teeth in the jawbone

Layers on teeth:
a. enamel
email is the outer layer of the tooth crown, this layer is very keras.Gunanya to
protect teeth
b. dentin layer
A layer of meat contained in the roots and crown teeth .its containing cells that
sensitive to heat stimuli, cold and acid . that also creates a feeling of pain.
c. dental pulp
Is the dental pulp cavity located in the middle tooth containing blood vessels

smooth, nerve fibers and an assortment of cells

d. layer of cementum
Cementum layer of the skin at the root of the tooth, this layer is not as hard as
email. to protect the tooth root and become a handle for fine fibers that bind the
roots of teeth on the bone

The importance of take care the oral hygiene is to prevent a tooth decay or
disease in oral cavity, example
1. Cavities
2. Cheek swelling
3. Bleeding gums
4. Sprue
to prevent that we must know how to brushing teeth in a good and right way
okay firstly i will show you How to choose a good toothbrush
toothbrush should be straight and easy to handle
Toothbrush head should be small so easy to brush his teeth in the back
the brush of the toothbrush has to made of nylon which is not too stiff so that
when brushing your teeth its not injure the gums

How to brush their teeth properly and correctly:

Prepare a brush and toothpaste that contains fluoride
Rinse your mouth before toothbrush
Brush all tooth surfaces up and down with the movement back and forth at
least 8 times the movement for each surface
Brush the surface of the teeth facing the palate or tongue movements to the
surface of the teeth and gums
Brush the surface facing the cheek and lips from the gums to the tooth surface
Once the tooth surface brushed finish, with clean rinse
Clean the brush with water and keep the toothbrush upright position the brush
head is above
Replace your toothbrush when the bristles are no straight 2-3 months
Maintain oral hygiene by means of toothbrush after meals morning, noon and
Reduce the habit of eating sweet and sticky foods (candy)
Eat eat a nutritious, fibrous and watery (vegetable / fruit)

Using a toothpaste containing fluoride

Control to the dentist / health center once every 6 months
the criteria of health tooth is
No plaque
Plaque is the leftovers of the food that left in teeth surface .Plak can cause a
gingivitis, and bleeding gums
No tartar
tartar is a hard layer that came from a accumulate plaque in a long periode, its
difficult to be clean and must do a scaling treatment. Tartar can cause a
periodontitis and shake teeth
No cavities
Cavities is the serious problem that indicate the bad oral hygiene. Cavities can
be solve by a filling treatment

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