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Homework: 10/10-10/14

Monday: Walden, 189-206, Answer Questions 1-6

Wednesday: Self-Reliance, 187-188, qs 1-4
Thursday: AOW 6
Friday: Essay Rewrites
Homework: 10/3-10/7
Monday: Read 133 to 149, and take one page of notes
(single spaced)
Wednesday: NA
Thursday: AOW 5/SSR 1-Pager
Friday: Go out into nature for one hour. You cant look at your
phone. You cant talk to your friend. You must be on your own
in natural surroundings. After that hour, write a one-page
reflection on what you experienced. What was it like? Was it
good? Bad? Somewhere in between?

Homework: 9/26-9/30
Monday: Comparison paragraph: who has the best way of
thinking about Airbnb? Must have two new quotes in MLA
and one underlined conjunctive adverb.
Wednesday: Introductory paragraph with complex thesis
and template.
Thursday: Equiano, Jefferson & Airbnb Essay due
Friday: Read your personal book!
Homework: 9/19-9/23
Monday: One paragraph description of two of Jeffersons
main arguments with analysis of type of persuasion. Must
include two quotes in MLA and two templates.
Wednesday: One paragraph with argument with two MLA
paraphrases (one from each): how are the two different in
their arguments? Needs one underlined conjunctive adverb
and one template.
Thursday: AOW 4
Friday: Paragraph with two paraphrases: what happened in
Airbnb and what is the right position? Use one template from
signaling or so what or why your claim

Homework: 9/12-9/16
Monday: Read Lit Book, 95-104, and answers qs 1-6
Wednesday: Locate (on tv, the web, or in print) two
arguments made by one or both of the presidential
candidates. Then write out the argument and explain what
type of persuasion it is and why: ethos, pathos, or logos?
Thursday: AOW 3
Friday: One paragraph analysis of two of Equianos key
arguments and type of persuasion. Must use MLA format.
Must be typed unless you cant.
Homework: 9/7-9/9
Wednesday: Read Lit Book, 44-48. Write four quotes across
the pages, what type of persuasion they are (ethos, pathos,
or logos) and why theyre that type of persuasion.
Thursday: AOW 2
Friday: Read 50-59, answer questions 1-6 on page 63
Homework: 8/29-9/2
Monday: Two paragraphs. First paragraph: summarize
the differences between the Europeans and natives in
their views of nature and time. Second paragraph:
explain who is correct and why.
Wednesday: Native American Readings: Lit book, 2126. Answer questions 3-5 (Sun), 3-5 (Sky), 1-2
(Earth), 2-5 (Coyote)
Thursday: AOW 1
Friday: Read 1-19 in lit book, take one page minimum
of detailed notes.
Homework: 8/22-8/26
Monday: Marginalia on Delaying Gratification
Wednesday: One page self-analysis: what are your
strengths and weaknesses as a student, and what can
you do to grow over the next two years?
Thursday: Two paragraphs, typed: what is America and
who is an American?

Friday: Marginalia on Thrown Among The Strangers

Homework: 8/18-8/19
Thursday: Bio
Friday: Summer Reading & Two Paragraphs:
o Paragraph One: which position about education is
right and why?
o Paragraph Two: why is one (or more) of the other
positions wrong and why?
o Note: Three-ring binder with three dividers is due
on Tuesday!

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