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Nama: ..Tingkatan .. Skor :..

1. What is the meaning of the rate of reaction?
Apakah maksud kadar tindak balas?
A Decrease in amount of product/ Pengurangan amaun hasil tindak balas
B Decrease in amount of product against time./ Pengurangan amaun hasil tindak balas dengan
C Increase in amount of product against time./ Peningkatan amaun hasil tindak balas dengan
D Increase in amount of reactant against time./ Peningkatan amaun bahan tindak balas dengan
2. Which reaction has the highest rate of reaction?
Tindak balas manakah yang mempunyai kadar tindak balas yang paling tinggi?

Rusting of water pipe./ Pengaratan paip air

Photosynthesis in green plant./ Fotosintesis dalam tumbuhan hijau
Burning of a small piece of charcoal in the air./ Pembakaran ketulan kecil arang batu dalam
Formation of stalactites and stalagmites in a cave./ Pembentukan stalaktit dan stalagmit
dalam gua.

3. Which of the following is the characteristic of catalyst?

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah adalah sifat mangkin?
A Catalyst used only in solid form
Mangkin digunakan hanya dalam bentuk pepejal
B Catalyst increases the quantity of the product
Mangkin meningkatkan kuantiti hasil tindak balas
C Physical state of catalyst is unchanged during reaction
Keadaan fizikal mangkin tidak berubah semasa tindak balas
D The mass of catalyst remains the same after the reaction
Jisim mangkin tetap sama selepas tindak balas.
4. The higher the concentration of reactant, the higher the rate of reaction. Which statement explains
why the rate of reaction increases?
Apabila kepekatan bahan tindak balas meningkat, kadar tindak balas meningkat. Pernyataan
manakah menerangkan mengapa kadar tindak balas meningkat?
A Kinetic energy of the particles increases./Tenaga kinetik zarah-zarah bertambah
B The total surface area of the particles increases./Jumlah luas permukaan zarah-zarah
C The number of particles per unit volume increases./Bilangan zarah-zarah per unit isi padu
D More particles are able to achieve lower activation energy
Lebih banyak zarah-zarah berupaya untuk mencapai tenaga pengaktifan yang lebih rendah

5. Diagram 1 shows an energy profile for manufacturing ammonia through Haber process.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan profil tenaga bagi pembuatan ammonia melalui proses Haber.

Diagram 1
Rajah 1
What is the change needed to be done to get curve II from curve I?
Apakah perubahan yang perlu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan lengkung II daripada lengkung I?
A The mixture is passed through layers of iron
Campuran dilalukan melalui lapisan besi
B The mixture is cooled to produce ammonia in liquid form
Campuran disejukkan untuk menghasilkan ammonia dalam bentuk cecair
C The mixture is compressed to pressure of 200 atmosphere
Campuran dimampatkan sehingga tekanan 200 atmosfera
D The mixture is heated to temperature of 450 C
Campuran dipanaskan sehingga suhu 450 C

6. When the temperature of a reacting mixture increases, the rate of reaction increases. Which
statement explains why the rate of reaction increases?
Apabila suhu campuran bahan tindak balas meningkat, kadar tindak balas meningkat.
Pernyataan manakah yang menerangkan mengapa kadar tindak balas meningkat.
A The total surface area of the reactant particles increases.
Jumlah luas permukaan zarah-zarah bahan tindak balas bertambah
B The total number of the reactant particles per unit volume increases.
Jumlah bilangan zarah-zarah bahan tindak balas per unit isi padu bertambah
C The reactant particles move faster and collide more often with one another
Zarah-zarah bahan tindak balas bergerak lebih cepat dan berlanggar lebih kerap antara satu
sama lain
D The reactant particles which collide more often are able to overcome the lower activation
Zarah-zarah bahan tindak balas yang berlanggar lebih kerap boleh mengatasi tenaga
pengaktifan yang lebih rendah


Diagram 2 shows the apparatus set-up for an experiment to determine the rate of reaction.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi satu eksperimen untuk menentukan kadar tindak balas.

Diagram 2
Rajah 2
Which technique is the most suitable to determine the rate of reaction?
Teknik manakah yang sesuai untuk menentukan kadar tindakbalas?
A Record the time as soon as the bubbles of gas released
Catat masa sebaik sahaja gelembung gas terbebas
B Record the time as soon as the mark X invisible from sight
Catat masa sebaik sahaja tanda X hilang dari pandangan
C Record the time taken to obtain the maximum mass of the mixture
Catat masa yang diambil untuk mendapat jisim maksimum campuran
D Record the time taken for the change of the pH value until a fixed pH value is obtained
Catat masa bagi perubahan nilai pH sehingga nilai pH yang tetap diperolehi

8. Table 1 shows the total volume of hydrogen gas, collected at regular intervals for the reaction
between zinc and dilute hydrochloric acid.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan jumlah isi padu gas hidrogen, yang dikumpul pada sela masa yang sekata
bagi tindak balas antara zink dan asid hidroklorik cair.
Time (min)
Masa (min)

Total volume of hydrogen gas (cm3)

Jumlah isi padu gas hidrogen (cm3)
Table 6
Jadual 6

What is the average rate of reaction?

Berapakah kadar tindak balas purata?

0.10 cm3 min-1

7.60 cm3 min-1
10.60 cm3 min-1
37.40 cm3 min-1

9. The following equation shows the reaction between zinc powder and hydrochloric acid.

Persamaan berikut menunjukkan tindak balas antara serbuk zink dengan asid hidroklorik.
Zn (p)


2 HCl (aq)

ZnCl2 (aq)


H2 (g)

How can the rate of production of hydrogen be increased?

Bagaimanakah kadar penghasilan hidrogen boleh ditingkatkan?

Increases the size of the zinc./Meningkatkan saiz zink

Increases the volume of water in the acid./Meningkatkan isi padu air dalam asid
Increases the volume of the hydrochloric acid./Meningkatkan isi padu asid hidroklorik
Increases the temperature of the hydrochloric acid./Meningkatkan suhu asid hidroklorik

10. Table 1 shows the condition of reactants used in experiment I and experiment II.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan keadaan bahan tindak balas yang digunakan dalarn eksperimen I dan
eksperimen II.

Condition of reactants
Keadaan bahan tindak balas
Excess zinc granules + 50 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid
Ketulan zink berlebihan + 50 cm3 asid hidroklorik 2.0 mol dm-3
Excess zinc powder + 50 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid
Serbuk zink berlebihan + 50 cm3 asid hidroklorik 2.0 mol dm-3
Table 1

Which graph shows the correct curve for experiment I and experiment II?
Graf manakah yang menunjukkan lengkung yang betul bagi eksperimen I dan eksperimen II?

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