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Slaughterhouse waste management

Waste is produced during the slaughter of animals with enormous wealth for
multiple purposes requires the development of a cultural plan to dispose of them in
a healthy and economical, so as to minimize contamination of the environment.
Types of animal waste from slaughterhouses:
- waste offset for human consumption:
Include the bowels of animals slaughtered kidneys liver heart tongue the
brain the intestine the rumen trotters spleen the lungs the udder)
- waste non-human consumption:
It includes leather hair wool centuries hooves waste the rumen and
intestines bladder the womb .. etc., as well as full carcasses or parts of them
that proves not to validity for human consumption after being checked before and
after slaughter.
However, the waste unfit for human consumption may have a significant impact on
human health, accumulation of the contents of the rumen and intestines in the open
and dumping of executions slaughterhouses outdoors helps the breeding of insects
and the emission of odors and pollution of the environment.
From this perspective highlights the company SEPCO Environment important role of
slaughterhouses in the grip of dealing with waste resulting from the slaughter and
processing) blood / leather / the contents of the rumen and intestinal / horns /
hooves . etc. (estimated quantity of about 50% of the weight of live animals , in
addition to the meat, which proves lack of suitability for human consumption as a
result of contaminated or infected with pathogens of bacterial or viral or parasitic)
Health benefit for treating the waste slaughterhouses:
According to studies carried out in the area of disposal or take advantage of the
waste slaughterhouse waste to 54% of the weight of the cows and 52% of the
weight of sheep slaughtered utilized as food for humans. Therefore, millions of tons
of waste slaughterhouses unfit for human consumption each year is required
processed so as not to pose a risk to public health and the environment and
alternative treatment or take advantage of the waste slaughterhouses is disposed of
by burning or burial, and this method results in economic losses, in addition to
serious health problems caused contamination of the environment
The importance of treating the waste slaughterhouses:
It must be emphasized the importance of addressing slaughterhouse waste to
protect the environment from pollution and to take advantage of the economic

returns of these residues rotate and turn them into new industrial products do not
pose a risk to public health. In this regard it should be noted the importance of
having a public system and a comprehensive compilation of safe waste, and
methods of treatment or disposal healthy ones, since in the absence of such a
system there is a real risk to public health and the environment from the use of
methods of treatment are not met the requirements of health to address the
millions of tons of animal waste in slaughterhouses. So as not to be remnants of
slaughterhouses persistent source of contamination of various biological .
Methods of treatment and final disposal of solid waste in slaughterhouses:
Is considered one of the biggest points of slaughterhouses producing solid and liquid
waste, given the nature and the mechanism of action for dealing with solid waste
from slaughterhouses several ways, some of the treatment and utilization of waste,
and the other for final disposal.
1- Aerobic fermentation method
2- Fermentation or anaerobic digestion
3- Method of processing or cooking
4- Method of burning or incineration
5- Landfilling

slaughterhouse wastes
Slaughterhouse wastes can be used to produce ingredients in the manufacture of fertilizer, animal
feed, and glues. The traditional methods of sun-drying, breaking up bones manually, composting
in pits (sometimes with the addition of household organics), and steam digestion carry various
health risks, and cannot be considered a sound practice.
Small-scale aerobic composting of animal wastes, including manures, hide scrapings, and
tannery and slaughterhouse wastes can also produce fertilizers, but carries some risks in terms of
spreading pathogens. All of these activities generate leachate and associated bad odors, and are
typically associated with poor working conditions and risks to worker health, but may be
profitable and provide subsistence income. Sound practice could involve introducing technical
and health improvements, rather than eliminating the activities themselves.

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