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Olimpiada de limba englez

Etapa local 24 ianuarie 2015
Varianta I

Nu se vor acorda punctaje intermediare, altele dect cele precizate explicit prin
Se vor puncta orice alte formulari i modaliti de rezolvare corect a cerinelor, n
acord cu ideile precizate n barem.
Timp de lucru: 2 ore



1. a) 1p x 5= 5 p
F- Marco Polo was only 17 when he joined his father, Niccolo and his uncle Maffeo in
T - Kubai Khan was the Emperor of China at that time
F - Marco Polo told Kublai Khan a lot of stories about different lands.
F - The Travels of Marco Polo included stories about Marco Polos travels in different
regions of China.
F- Marco Polo went back to Venice in 1299.
b) 2p x 5 = 10 p
1. Yangzhou was the name of the city Marco Polo was governor of.
2. He went to prison because of a war between Genoa and Venice.
3. He dictated all his stories about his experiences in China to another man.
4. He went back to Venice to join his father and his uncle.
5. He was almost 70 years old when he died.
2. 1p x 5=5 p
1- C
2- A
3- C
4- C
5- A
3. 1p x5= 5 p
1. success
2. noisy

3. musical
4. impossible
5. engineer
4. 1p x 5= 5 p
1 - decided
2 - were living
3 - were looking
4 - havent managed/didnt manage
5 - have been looking

5. 2p x 5= 10 p
1. I havent been to the cinema for months.
2. My uncle Bob has never been to my house before.
3. This dress is too small for me to wear.
4. Peter is having right now.
5. Brian is very excited because he came back from a very interesting trip yesterday.
6. 1p x 10= 10 p
a) The children were happy because their teacher was in a good mood .
b) Thanks to Mr. Dawson, our car was repaired in time for our holiday.
c) Ruth was helpful, and went to a lot of trouble to make us comfortable.
d) Harry was leaning out of the window and shouting at the top of his voice.
e) When Alice heard the bad news, she burst into tears.
f) Neil is a very kind person. His heart is in the right place.
g) If you do something bad, it will be on your conscience for a long time.
h) I was really angry. I lost my temper and shouted at people.
i) We need some help. Could you give us a hand ?
j) The first time I saw a horror film, I was scared to death.



Se acord cte 10 puncte pentru fiecare din urmtoarele criterii:

1 ndeplinirea cerinelor (respectarea structurii unui text narativ; respectarea numrului de
cuvinte i alegerea unui titlu);
2 corectitudinea i varietatea gramatical i ortografie;
3 corectitudinea i varietatea vocabularului;
4 organizarea textului (folosirea a cel puin 4 cuvinte de legtur);
5 aportul creativ (coninut).

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