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style of two

Zephres V. Badilla

Submitted to:
Prof. Jong Bagay

Parenting styles:

Typical Family Structure

Mostly nuclear model

Made up of married parents and children
Practiced by urban industrial societies

In Spain nuclear family or elementary family is a common family group in the society whether it
was urban or upper social class the family is consisting of a pair of adults and their children.
This is in contrast to a single-parent family, to the larger extended family, and to a family with
more than two parents.

Parenting Style Most Often Used In Spain:

Authoritative parental style

- Study suggest that in Spain their parents parenting style is equal or better
than authoritative parenting style. Where the parents set limits, reasoning
with kids, and being responsive to their emotional needs. Spanish parents
tend to take a different, more moderate approach that emphasizes setting
high standards, being nurturing and responsive, and showing respect for
children as independent, rational beings.

Common Rules Parents Have:


Children in Spain are able to drink at the age of 16, or younger if they do it at
home. Children could participate in activities, such as sports, music, dance
and clubs at the age of 16.

Parenting Views

Children should acquire responsibility, tolerance, good manners, respect,

obedience, and work ethic,
Children are dependent on parents and society, therefore highly vulnerable
and need care from others.

Parenting Style:
Mongolian parenting style is very strange. During the first few years the parent takes the
children everywhere they go and even sleeps when they do. They do this because of the
dangers of the plains and know they will die without supervision. As they grow older are left
alone most of the time while the parents work and the animals look after the small child.
Family Structures:
Mongolian families usually are large with average 4 and more children. Even today,
mothers with 5 children are awarded as Honored Mother. The adoption was a normal practice
for families who could not have children on their own. However, not so today where the families
are getting smaller traditionally, the eldest son would inherit the father's possessions and
become the head of the household, however, the youngest would inherit the largest share of
material possessions being the least and needing the most help. It is fairness code. In rural
Mongolia where nomads are much more dependent on manpower in raising their livestock, the
family traditions are still strong and as a rule Mongolian family culture is much more traditional
and conservative.
Parenting Views:

Child must develop trust and respect to its surroundings.

Child must know the hierarchical base of the family (Mother, father, older
brother, etc.)
Child must learned to be independent
Child must not be ignorant on their tradition.
Child need to love, cherish their own kin (clan) and take care of them when
they grow old.

Comparison and contrast on two countries:

In Spain most of the parents use the authoritative kind of parenting style where one
parent need to be responsive of the emotional needs of the child and make them learned to be
rational and independent creature but the result shows that the children become dependent too
much to their parents and never learned to be independent while in Mongolia parents practice
their children to learn to itself provide its own necessities and learned the danger and the
benefits for their own good through their parenting style they make the child learned the power
of authority within the family and make them be independent but letting them learn the love of
each kin is greater than anything else.

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