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Lina Herni Suwartini, NIM. 1451700041. The factors influencing defecation

habits Gratuitous In the village Kulurejo Nguntoronadi District of
Wonogiri. Thesis Fakulitas Public Health, University Veteran Bangun
Nusantara Sukoharjo.
District of Nguntoronadi on target into the District ODF 2016. According to
the progress report on access to latrines in November 2015 in the District
Nguntoronadi that as much as 99% of the people to defecate in latrines, and
54 households (1%) is still open defecation. And as many as 25 families
that Babs is Kulurejo Village community.
This type of research is descriptive analytic survey method, while his
approach with cross sectional. research inidilaksanakan June s / d in July
2016 in the village of Kulurejo, Kecamatam Nguntoronadi Wonogiri. The
purpose of this study to determine the factors that influence the habit of
open defecation in the village Kulurejo, sub Nguntoronadi Wonogiri
district. Number of samples equals the total population of 25 heads of
families Babs. The independent variables in this study is the education
level, Possession Latrine, and the distance from the house of the river
flow. The dependent variable is the habit of open defecation. Data were
analyzed using chi-square with a kemaknaa: 0.05.
The results of this study indicate education level of respondents was 21
families (84%) had a primary education level, as many as 18 (72%) do not
have latrines and as many as 18 families (72%) within the house of the
river flow> 50 meters. Results of chi-square is 1) There is no correlation
between the educational level of indiscriminate defecation habits (p value
= 0.617). 2) there is a relationship between latrine ownership with
defecation habits (p value = 0.021). 3) There is a relationship between the
distance from the house by the river flow with defecation habits (p value =
Suggestions for community health centers to empowering communities and
budgetary planning of the village for the construction of latrines.
Keywords: Factor levels of education, latrine ownership, distance from the
house to the river.
Bibliography = 24 (1999-2015)

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