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Admissible function, 163
Amplication factor, 36
Amplitude, 1, 22
Amplitude-modulated carrier, 630
Amplitude ratio, 36
Antinodes, 612
Approximate analytical methods, 647
Assumed modes method, 139, 670
Axial force in beams, 352
Axisymmetric modes of shells, 601
Bar in axial vibration, 69, 234
Basic equations of elasticity, 700
Beam in transverse vibration, 71, 317
under axial force, 352
bendingtorsional vibration, 380
boundary conditions, 323
continuous, 359
on elastic foundation, 364
EulerBernoulli theory, 317
exural waves, 628
free vibration, 185, 197
innite length, 385
under moving loads, 350
Rayleighs theory, 369
Timoshenko theory, 371
transform method, 385
Beat, 23
Beat frequency, 23
Bessel functions, 445, 491
Bessels differential equation, 445, 491
Bishops theory, 260
Boundary conditions
bar in axial vibration, 71, 239
beam in transverse vibration, 73, 323
circular plate, 489
extremization of functional, 100
forced, 101
free, 101
geometric, 101
kinematic, 101
Kirchhoff, 469

membrane, 421
natural, 101
plate, 79, 465
shaft, 281
shell, 579, 596
skew edge of a plate, 469, 508
string, 209,211
thick plate, 508
Calculus of a single variable, 85
Calculus of variations, 86
Cauchy-residue theorem, 193
Characteristic equation, 46, 219
Characteristic vector, 46
Circular frequency, 22
Circular membrane, 444
forced vibration, 448
free vibration, 444
mode shapes, 447
Circular plate, 485
equation of motion, 485
forced vibration, 495
free vibration, 490, 533
mode shapes, 494, 516
variable thickness, 531
Circular rings, 393
classication of vibration, 397
equations of motion, 393
extensional vibration, 407
in-plane exural vibrations,
torsional vibration, 406
twistbending vibration, 402
Classical plate theory, 457
Collocation method, 144, 680
boundary method, 680
interior method, 680
mixed method, 680
Comparison function, 163
Complementary energy, 105
Complex frequency response, 41
Complex number representation, 20
Compressional waves, 623

Vibration of Continuous Systems. Singiresu S. Rao
2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-471-77171-5


Concept of vibration, 1
Conical shell, 544, 560, 591
Constitutive relations, 703
Constraints, 96
Continuous beams, 359
Continuous systems
general, 132
history, 8
literature, 29
notable contributions, 12
Convolution integral, 42
Convolution theorem, 190
Coupled bendingtorsional vibration, 380
Critical damping constant, 35
Curved beams, 393
thick, 414
thin, 408
Cylindrical shell, 543, 559, 582
axisymmetric modes, 601
DonnellMushtariVlasov theory, 584
equations of motion, 583
natural frequencies, 584, 598
rotary inertia and shear deformation, 592
DAlembert force, 69
DAlemberts principle, 69
DAlemberts solution, 210, 608
Damped harmonic response, 40
Damped vibration, 15
Damping matrix, 43
Damping ratio, 35, 171
Denitions, 21
Degree of freedom, 11
Derivation of equations, 85, 123, 125
Dilatational waves, 631
Dirac delta function, 152, 680
Discrete systems, 11, 13, 33
Dispersive medium, 629
Distortional waves, 632
Distributed systems, 14
DonnellMushtariVlasov theory of shells,
natural frequencies, 584
Duhamels integral, 42
orthogonality, 133, 161, 165, 246
properties, 160
Eigenvalue problem, 45, 163

formulation, 130
positive denite, 164
self-adjoint, 163
semidenite, 164
Eigenvalues, 46
properties, 160
Eigenvector, 46, 55
Elastic element, 1
Elastic foundation, 364, 521
Elasticity, 700
basic equations, 700
constitutive relations, 703
equations of motion, 704
Lames elastic constants, 703
rotations, 702
straindisplacement relations, 700
stress, 700
stressstrain relations, 703
Elastic wave propagation, 607
in innite elastic medium, 631
traveling-wave solution, 608
Equation(s) of motion, 704
beam in transverse vibration, 71, 371
circular cylindrical shell, 583
circular plate, 485, 515
circular ring, 393, 398, 402
conical shell, 591
coupled bendingtorsional vibration of
beams, 380
curved beam, 408
integral, 127
longitudinal vibration of bars, 69, 235, 236,
258, 260
membrane, 420, 444
plate with in-plane loads, 523
plate in transverse vibration, 73, 457
shell, 575
spherical shell, 591
thick beam, 371
thick shell, 595
thin beam, 317
torsional vibration of shafts, 271
transverse vibration of string, 205
Equilibrium approach, 68
bar in axial vibration, 69, 234
beam in transverse vibration, 71
DAlemberts principle, 69
membrane, 420
Newtons second law, 68
plate with in-plane loads, 523
plate in transverse vibration, 73 457

shaft vibration, 271
string vibration, 205
thick plate, 499
thin ring, 393
Equivoluminal waves, 634
EulerLagrange equation, 89, 92. 95, 96, 109
Exceptional part, 123
Excitations, 17
Expansion theorem, 48, 151, 161, 166
Extensional vibration of circular rings, 407
Extremization of functional, 86, 96
Finite-dimensional systems, 13
First approximation shell theory, 556
Flexural rigidity of plate, 78, 458
Flexural waves, 628
Forced response, 169
Forced vibration
beam, 198, 344
beam on elastic foundation, 366
circular plate, 495
denition, 16
nite string, 183
longitudinal vibration of bar, 254, 264
membrane, 438, 448
under moving load, 367
multidegree-of-freedom system, 52, 53, 54
plate, 479
shaft in torsional vibration, 292
single-degree-of-freedom system, 36
string, 227
Foundation modulus, 364, 521
Fourier integral, 26
Fourier series, 24, 175
Fourier transform pair, 27
sine and cosine, 178
Fourier transforms, 175, 707
membrane vibration, 441
string vibration, 213
Free vibration
beam, 185, 325
beam on elastic foundation, 364
circular plate, 490
denition, 16
nite string, 181, 194, 217
innite beam, 385
longitudinal vibration of bar, 236, 249
membrane, 426, 444
Mindlin plate, 511
multidegree-of-freedom system, 47, 52


plate with in-plane loads, 528

plate with variable thickness, 533
rectangular plates, 471
shaft in torsional vibration, 276, 288
single-degree-of-freedom system, 33
string of innite length, 210
transverse vibration of beams, 341
Frequency, 1
Frequency equation, 46
plate, 480
string, 219
Frequency ratio, 39
Frequency spectrum, 25
Functional, 86, 91, 93, 95
Fundamental frequency, 24, 46
Galerkin equations, 674
Galerkin method, 143, 673
Gauss points, 146
General force, 41
Generalized coordinates, 48, 109
General viscous damping, 54, 679
Greens function, 126, 131, 132
Group velocity, 629
Hamiltons principle, 107
applications, 115
conservative systems, 109
continuous systems, 111
discrete systems, 108
generalized, 111
longitudinal vibration of bars, 235
nonconservative systems, 110
shell, 575
system of masses, 110
Timoshenko beam, 371
torsional vibration of a shaft, 115
transverse vibration of a thin beam, 116, 317
use of generalized coordinates, 109
Harmonic analysis, 24
Harmonic force, 36
Harmonic functions, 18
Harmonic motion
denition, 1
representation, 18
Harmonics, 25
Harmonic waves, 610
Heaviside, 174


Homogeneous equations, 153
solution, 153

Kirchhoff boundary condition, 469

Kirchhoffs hypothesis, 556

Importance of vibration, 4
Impulse response function, 126
Inertial element, 1
Innite beam, 385
Innite-dimensional systems, 14
Innite elastic medium, 631
Initial conditions, 48
beam, 341
membrane, 421
shaft, 289
string, 209, 613
Initial excitation
longitudinal vibration of bars, 249
In-plane exural vibrations of rings, 398
In-plane loads on a plate, 523
Integral equation, 123
approach, 123
assumed modes method, 139
classication, 124
collocation method, 144
rst kind, 124
Fredholm type, 124
Galerkin method, 143
homogeneous, 124
iterative method, 134
linear, 124
nonlinear, 123
normal, 125
numerical integration method, 146
RayleighRitz method, 139
second kind, 124
singular, 125
solution, 133
third kind, 124
Volterra type, 124
Integral transform, 174
Integral transform methods, 174
Integrodifferential equation, 123
Inverse transforms, 42, 193
Irrotational waves, 634
Isoperimetric problem, 96
Iterative method, 134

Lagrange equations, 109, 140, 672
Lagrangian, 107, 109
Lame parameters, 543, 703
Lames elastic constants, 543, 703
Laplace equation, 303
Laplace transforms, 41, 188, 707
convolution theorem, 190
partial fraction method, 191
properties, 189
shifting property, 189
string vibration, 215
Least squares method, 686
Left eigenvector, 55
Linear frequency, 22
Linear vibration, 16
Literature on vibration, 29
Longitudinal vibration of bars, 234
Bishops theory, 260
boundary conditions, 236, 238, 239
equation of motion, 235, 236
forced vibration, 254
free vibration, 236, 237
initial excitation, 249
mode shapes, 247, 259, 262
natural frequencies, 236, 259, 262
orthogonality of eigenfunctions, 246
Rayleigh theory, 258
support motion, 257
wave solution, 237
Longitudinal waves, 634
Loves approximations, 556
Lumped-parameter systems, 13

Kernel, 123, 174
Kinetic energies of structural elements,

Magnication factor, 36
Mass element, 1
Mass matrix, 43
Membrane analogy, 308
Membranes, 420
circular, 444
forced vibration, 438, 448
Fourier transform approach, 441
free transverse vibration, 130
irregular shape, 452
mode shapes, 430
partial circular, 453
rectangular, 426
Method of undetermined coefcients, 134

Mindlin theory of plates, 499
circular plate, 515
free vibration, 511
Modal analysis
approach, 151, 167
forced vibration, 292
forced vibration of bars, 264
free vibration, 289
membranes, 438, 448
multidegree-of-freedom system, 52, 54
in state space, 54
torsional vibration of shafts, 289, 292
Modal coordinates, 48
Modal vector, 46
Mode shapes
beam, 326
circular plate, 494
cylindrical shell, 601
longitudinal vibration of bar, 259, 262
membrane, 430, 447
rectangular plate, 480
string, 220
Moving load on a beam, 350, 367
Multidegree-of-freedom system, 43
eigenvalue problem, 45
equations of motion, 43
expansion theorem, 48
forced vibration analysis, 52, 53, 54
free vibration analysis, 47
generalized coordinates, 48
modal analysis, 47, 54
modal coordinates, 48
modal matrix, 47
orthogonality of modal vectors, 46
Natural frequency
beams, 326
circular plate, 520
circular rings, 398
cylindrical shell, 584, 598
denition, 23
DonnellMushtariVlasov theory of shells,
longitudinal vibration of bars, 259, 262
Loves theory of shells, 587
rotating beam, 359
shaft in torsional vibration, 277
single-degree-of-freedom system, 33
thick beams, 377
thick rings, 401


n-degree-of-freedom system, 44
Newtons second law of motion, 68
longitudinal vibration of bars, 234
Nodal lines, 430
Nodes, 612
Noncircular shafts, 295
torsional rigidity, 303
Nonhomogeneous equation, 167
Nonlinear vibration, 16
Nonperiodic function, 26
Nonperiodic motion, 1
Normalization, 46
Normal modes, 46
orthogonality, 339
Nucleus, 123
Numerical integration method, 146
Orthogonality of eigenfunctions, 162, 165
in integral formulation, 133
longitudinal vibration of bars, 246
torsional vibration of shafts, 286
transverse vibration of beams, 339
Orthogonality of modal vectors, 46
Partial fraction method, 191
Period, 22
Periodic functions, 24
Periodic motion, 1
Phase angle, 22, 41
Phase difference, 23
Phase velocity, 612
Plate in transverse vibration, 73, 457
additional contributions, 80
boundary conditions, 79
circular plate, 485
equations of motion, 78
exural rigidity, 78, 458
forced vibration, 495
free vibration, 471, 490
initial conditions, 79
with in-plane loads, 523
Mindlin theory, 499
mode shapes, 480, 494
momentdisplacement relations, 78
on elastic foundation, 521
rotary inertia and shear deformation, 499
state of stress, 75
straindisplacement relations, 76
variable thickness, 529


Potential energy, 104
Prandtls membrane analogy, 308
Prandtl stress function, 303
Primary (P) waves, 634
Principle of minimum complementary energy,
Principle of minimum potential energy, 104
Principle of stationary Reissner energy, 106
eigenfunctions, 160
eigenvalues, 160
Proportional damping, 53, 678
P waves, 623
Random vibration, 1
RayleighRitz method, 139, 661
Rayleighs method, 650
Rayleighs principle, 650
Rayleighs quotient, 648
Rayleigh theory, 258, 369
Rayleigh waves, 635
Recent contributions
approximate analytical methods, 693
circular rings and curved beams, 416
elastic wave propagation, 643
integral equation approach, 147
integral transform methods, 201
longitudinal vibration of bars, 267
membrane vibration, 453
modal analysis approach, 171
multidegree-of-freedom systems, 60
vibration of plates, 535
torsional vibration of shafts, 313
transverse vibration of beams, 387
variational approach, 119
vibration of shells, 603
vibration of strings, 231
Rectangular plate, 471
boundary conditions, 465
on elastic foundation, 521
equation of motion, 457
forced vibration, 479
free vibration, 471
frequency equations, 480
with in-plane loads, 523
mode shapes, 480
rotary inertia and shear deformation, 499
subjected to in-plane loads, 523
variable thickness, 529
Reference kinetic energy, 662

Reection of waves, 617, 619, 622

Regular part, 123
Reissner energy, 106
Residual, 144, 673
Resonance, 38
Right eigenvector, 55
Ritz coefcients, 661
Rotary inertia,
beams, 369
circular rings, 399, 403
plates, 499
shells, 592
Rotational waves, 634
Rotations, 702
Saint-Venants theory, 295
Scotch yoke mechanism, 19
Self-adjoint eigenvalue problem, 163
Separation of variables, 153
bar vibration, 237
beam vibration, 325
membrane vibration, 426, 444
rectangular plate, 471
string vibration, 217
torsional properties, 310
in torsional vibration, 271
Shear correction factor, 372
Shear deformation
beams, 371
circular rings, 399, 403
curved beams, 414
plates, 499
shells, 592
Shear waves, 623, 625
Shell coordinates, 541
Shells, 541
boundary conditions, 579
conical shell, 544, 560, 568, 591
cylindrical shell, 543, 559, 568, 582
DonnellMushtariVlasov theory, 584
rst quadratic form of surface, 543
force and moment resultants, 563
kinetic energy, 573
Kirchhoffs hypothesis, 556
Lame parameters, 543
Loves approximations, 556
rotary inertia and shear deformation, 592
spherical shell, 546, 561, 570, 591
straindisplacement relations, 552

strain energy, 571
stressstrain relations, 562
theory of surfaces, 541
Single-degree-of-freedom system, 33
critically damped, 36
damped harmonic response, 40
forced vibration, 36, 41
free vibration, 33
under general force, 41
under harmonic force, 36
overdamped, 36
underdamped, 35
Skew plate, 540
Solid mechanics. 104
Spectral diagram, 25
Spherical shell, 546, 561, 591
Spring element, 1
Standing wave, 612
State space, 54
State vector, 54
Static deection, 39
Stiffness matrix, 43
Straindisplacement relations, 700
Strain energies of structural elements, 652
Strain energy, 104
Stress, 700
Stressstrain relations, 703
boundary conditions, 211
nite length, 194
forced vibration, 183
free vibration, 181
harmonic waves, 611
innite, 210
transverse vibration, 205
traveling wave solution, 210
wave motion, 611
SturmLiouville problem, 154
classication, 155
periodic, 155
regular, 155
singular, 155
Subdomain method, 684
Support motion
longitudinal vibration of bars, 257
Surface waves, 635
S waves, 625
Synchronous motion, 23
Terminology, 21
Theory of surfaces, 541


Three-dimensional vibration of circular ring,

TimoshenkoGere theory, 300
Torsional properties of shafts, 310
Torsional rigidity, 303
Torsional vibration of circular rings, 406
Torsional vibration of shafts, 115, 271
elementary theory, 271
forced vibration, 292
free vibration, 276, 289
noncircular shafts, 295, 299
TimoshenkoGere theory, 300
Transformation of relations, 486
Transform method in beams, 385
Transform pair, 175
Transient motion, 1, 4
Transients, 42
Transmission of waves, 619
Transverse vibration of plates, 457
boundary conditions, 465, 489
circular plates, 485
on elastic foundation, 521
equation of motion, 457
forced vibration, 479
free vibration, 471, 511
frequency equations, 480
Mindlin theory, 499
mode shapes, 475, 480
rotary inertia and shear deformation, 499
with variable thickness, 529
Transverse vibration of strings, 205
Transverse vibration of thin beams, 71, 116,
185, 317
under axial force, 352
coupled bendingtorsional vibration, 380
on elastic foundation, 364
equation of motion, 317
EulerBernoulli theory, 317
exural waves, 628
forced vibration, 344
frequencies and mode shapes, 326
innite length, 385
with in-plane loads, 523
on many supports, 359
under moving load, 350, 367
orthogonality of normal modes, 339
Rayleighs theory, 369
response due to initial conditions, 341
rotating, 357
Timoshenko theory, 371
transformation methods, 385


Traveling wave solution, 210,
Uncoupled equations, 48
Undamped system, 47, 52
Undamped vibration, 15
Underdamped system, 35
Variational approach, 85
membrane, 423
plate, 458
shaft, 272
string, 235
thick plate, 505
Variational methods, 85
in solid mechanics, 104
Variation operator, 89
analysis, 16
beams, 317, 369, 371
beams on elastic foundation, 364
circular cylindrical shell, 582
circular rings, 393, 406
concept, 1
continuous beam, 359
curved beams, 393, 408
developments, 5
forced, 52, 53
free, 47
history, 8
importance, 4
membranes, 420
multidegree-of-freedom system, 43
origins, 5
plates, 457, 485, 499
problems, 15
rotating beam, 357
shafts, 271
shells, 541
single-degree-of-freedom system, 33
string, 205
thick beams, 371
Viscous damping coefcient, 170
Viscously damped system, 34, 54,
Warping function, 296

Wave equation
DAlemberts solution, 608
membrane, 421
one-dimensional, 607
string, 207
traveling-wave solution, 608
two-dimensional, 610
Wavelength, 612
Wave number, 612
Wave packet, 629
Wave propagation, 607
in innite elastic medium, 631
traveling wave, 608
compressional, 623
dilatational, 631
distortional, 631
equivoluminal, 634
exural, 628
harmonic, 611
irrotational, 634
longitudinal, 634
primary, 634
P, 623, 634
Rayleigh, 635
rotational, 634
shear, 623, 625
standing, 612
surface, 635
S, 625
traveling, 210, 608
Wave solution
compressional waves, 623
dilatational waves, 631
distortional waves, 632
exural waves, 628
graphical interpretation, 614
group velocity, 629
interface of two materials, 619
membrane, 425
P waves, 623
Rayleigh waves, 635
reection of waves, 617, 622
shear waves, 623, 625
string, 210, 611
surface waves, 635
S waves, 625
transmission of waves, 619
wave packet, 629
Weighted residual methods, 673

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