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A MEDICAL,ICLTC EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) Date : 23.04.16 &) SRI CHAITANYA EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, INDIA. al A.P,TELANGANA, KARNATAKA, TAMILNADU,MAHARASHTRA,DELHI,RANCHI MEDICAL(P4&P5) ICLTC EAMCET GRAND TEST Date :23.04.16 Time : 2.30pm to 5.30pm Total Syllabus Max. Marks : 160 Instructions: (i). Each question carries one mark. 8 SHH af Srdy, sod. (ii). Choose the correct or most appropriate answer from the given options to the following questions and darken, with blue/black ball point pen the corresponding digit 1,2,3 or 4 in the circle pertaining to the question number concerned in the OMR Answer Sheet,separately supplied to you. BOS aS $8 SHw admdS TSS" SOS SdvgSdnio MyFI T2dI Srdod e08 1,2,3 3s 4 Sem ays OMR SSrqrs SCS" SHS Som0H00S Somsiio SSH onenF oS Hon Diy SSArhod Vsssa. BOTANY 1. Living organisms are SéSe ©XSD A) Self replicating Hyco BB HB Foes B) Self regulating Hyco Nabolges SOASD C) Capable of responding to external stimuli erirybtmt exSad wrxHysd D) Evolving systems SOertho Both XpS¥eo 1A, Bonly S»%>_ 2) C, D only Sra 3) A, Conly Sea 4) A, B,C, D Rough Work Sri Chaitanya 1 AM 2016 S A MEDICAL,ICLTC EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) Date: 23.04.16 2. Mateh the following with reference to Whittaker's classification. DEES SHSSOsw SomoHod S (Bob HNO aSA Sadun, List $68-1 List 568: ‘A) Monera 1) Uniceltular (or) multicellular holophytic eukaryotes with (or) without cell wall ander SeBsvicinS GS) SasSUES, Oke GS) aisovea KpoodFasy Dee Foss Seo dxjen B) Protista 11) Prokaryotes with (or) without cell wall and show great diversity in their mode of nutrition G6 Skim Oorxiod® Dkys B2Ugaxo crhord saSssains GS) srs So[ss Spowes EHeo ©) Fungi 111) Multicellular autotrophic eukaryotes with cellulosic cell wall Son ‘DOYS ST NOS Soo SSvlor SOAS, arwsacind kabod as ado[SS Seo den D) Plantae IV) Unicellular holophytes (or) heterotrophs with (or) without cell wall 08 Se SSivicind GS) SPS, SqooBRS GS) SUHHS S8veadspeo V) Multicellular (or) loose tissue organised heterotrophic eukaryotes with non-cellulosic cell wall RoAS’S Crs Sasisiaind aswsacind Gs) Sthenrr sot seowro SodGrs QaSo[s Seo dxHeo The correct match is SO@si5 Seon’ Sear cl D A B c D Du Vv Vv I Du Vv Vv ml 3) 11 i Vv v 4) 11 I Vv Ml 3. Identify a set of scientists from following who are associated with same aspect of biological studies 28 S8mS 5 Som0d wtpadirod® Sonossinyy a Igo Simarcthoi Mgordio 1) Haeckel, Mendel, Darwin WES, Dodd, FOs5 2) Khorana, Hutchinson, Krebs Pow, KISS, GA) 3) Shimakura, Skoog, Nitsch Sahoo smi, Dy 4) Linnaeus, Stephen hales, Camerarius — OoHS, PHESErs), SHTOaSS Rough Work Sri Chaitanya 2 AM 2016 S A EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) Be (608 SOS wxpao Hains. Diplontic life cycle eposhas dawseiso MEDICAL,ICLTC Date : 23.04.16 4. Study the following table. 1) Fucus Oogamous plant SSS wotsoaris Ans, 11) Marchantia Dioecious plant Haplo-diplontic life cycle Sronohase S8dormiBow Bk ——OS~cayBY EOSzKO II) Cycas Dioecious plant Diplo-haplontic life cycle pS D8Dormow Sosy, Gyo -OSQOs EDSSISO IV) Zea mays Monoecious plant —_Diplo-haplontic life eyele Adirah @sDorrigon Sosy Sq -DSROE ISAIFO Which of the above non-spermatophytic plants show correct combin PwOE SOs Sovowor ew Haters Sosy 1) 1&1 2) M&IV 3) 1&lll 5. Vascular cryptogams are a0's Seseroctnd S808) Sok} A) The only tracheophytes without seeds Bs WOSSeaero dos Sosyen ives davdsraren B) The only non, spermatophytes with vascular tissues & be UirdS Ande SxS wis Smereror SOA dotdio C) The only archaegoniates with independent sprophyte Se COAAPD GhiSen SrS KWos SGDadiow SOA aotse D) The only trachaeophytic embryophytes with independent gametophyte AD SxS How Soaiwrs Aatsox SOAS TOS Seseroaind Lot Grea Enxyeo 4) N&IV 1) All are correct except A 2) All are correct except B 3) All are correet except C 4) All are correct except D A 8% eYoiw SEO B 8S) eQoo SODLD C 8%) wa SOGND D 88) edo OGD 6. The roots, the stem and the leaves are modified for the same purpose respectively in 3, solo Hhbdin Seren 28 GIGS FS Srdosso BobohsFO axy Snsyen SOo8ire 1) Dolichos, Dioscorea, Dionea 2) Taeniophyllum, Euphorbia, Acacia 3) Asparagus, Nerium, Bryophyllum 4) Vanda, Citrus, Nepenthes Rough Work Sri Chaitanya Toss, Cawdyoae, SarOate PNArHgO, aPFQvair, eFhair exer, Seabo, @Breeo oer, HS, SHoGS AM 2016 S A MEDICAL,ICLTC EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) Date : 23.04.16 7. Match the following. & 808 09 adver List 88-1 List 88 -II A) Colacasia 1) Monomorphic flowers and are all cleistogamous Sesdair @Qy DLGPSY Soss Sori Ha eo B) Euphorbia II) Plant with geophilous stem and having trimorphic flowers ind Gy ate Sent) Sodisnk bain Gsrss Hayek SOAS Sosy ©) Carica III) Dimorphie flowers with both cleistogamous and chasmogamous Os flowers Sows LBaho DyS HAgow SOAS Sosy D) Commelina IV) Succulent xerophyte with dimorphic flowers SOT AQrSS HaQor SOAS Stakes dorO Sosy V) Exclusively xenogamous plant DHHS SOLON Sosjox SSA ahs Sosy A B ¢c D A B ¢c D DT Vv Vv I 2) Vv Vv Ml 3) 01 Mm Vv Vv 4) 11 I Vv Mm 8. Which of the following plant groups that include all heterogametic plants and show internal fertilization % 608 TIE ©2) GOSS FobSSas. KoOdw Hey Soares daros SOAs Anos? Sh aniyo Séoorciren 1)All Algae and Bryophytes © Bere HOdw Wir pein 2)All Algae and pteridophytes © Shere Odin BOS pio 3)Alll atrachaeophytic non. archegoniates sbyPidires 3) POS Smero LES Snkyn eho 4) All Bryophytes, pteridophytes and spermatophytes ©Q OEY Hien, BOE Her HOcto BHO peFen 9. Assertion (A) : Typical embryosac of angiosperms is monosporic. says (A): es eroot v6 hott Sein O¥ aGdasgsseio Reason _(R) : Alll the nuclei of monosporie embryosac are genetically same type except antipodals, sro (R): dE BY Hasye hoes So Sor WAFS Soren Ii) MOS Seroyoso atigivsorr 28 8850 1) Aand R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. A Sh6cip R S6GLSD. HbcioR xs A SSGbS DSGeo. 2) Aand R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A. AdbOcin R S6Gb59. cbc R mS A % S6GLS DSdeserch 3) Ais true, Ris false. A S886, RSODWH sre. 4) Ais false, Ris true. AS SH Sr, R SSRIS. Rough Work Sri Chaitanya 4 AM 2016 S A MEDICAL,ICLTC EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) Date : 23.04.16 10. Pickout the true statement from following. & 808 arNE SOS aryup% MQoezw. 1) The microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis involve meiosis and result in the for- mation of first cells of sporophytic generation Borg Octo Spo AGAE aAsyen Kose Deas SOA G08, dGdeds Se (PGoserosegyyow. 2) Hybridization is an artificial crossing which may involve either geitenogamy (or) xenogamy HosbSieaso eG ABSAD GS) ASKS LES H [BX SosSeowiw. 3) The endospermic and perispermic seeds of angiosperms contain the nutritive tissues of both parental and next generations SCOBHS MEPS Oa Sxpes Mrs exysha Ore asssorNs showy Seso BONE BOBS Bejeo Sowers KOA sotx. 4) The double fertilization involves only syngamy but not triple fusion in some angiosperms which produce non-endospermic seeds SOBTELS VES DG wrow sh Odo expsbe dneyen Qgiobstieoc Sov Soarribero Sowrfo Sr[Sd athroxo. se) GXoBrrfo atric. 11, The main draw back of natural systems of classification is that Nira HGSGe HSGooso GES So. 1) Giving more importance to floral characters than vegetative characters wbhobogero San OHoxeroh aMyYS SorysS Os. 2) Non-consideration of characters of evolutionary importance SOewrvoSs Gays SOAS Xerox Soros SOTA BHO 3) Giving equal importance to both vegetative and floral characters wbab hOco Sihoxerod Sirs Porgye Nege 4) Non-consideration of descriptive characters SowAS ofero% SoMBossB*Heo 12. The flower of Fabaceae shows. FBV Henow HRpotesygns. 1) Same number of non-essential and essential floral leaves ad Sogo OPSGE Hoch oLHY Hy Soren 11) Adhesion of inner whor! of non-essential and outer whorl of essential floral leaves ESO Soc OPSHE HYSIO HOU Iaswo Soa oS4S HSiwro eXoaXo Boeke III) Non-adhesion of any whorl of floral leaves 2 SocsoG'A SHSiwra eviowio Bo dots SHo IV) Bilateral symmetry with one (or) two bundles of stamens 286 (68) Both Stiristo Sirs MBS QStip THS Dio H1&il 2) M&IV 3) T&M 4) 1&IV Rough Work Sri Chaitanya 5 AM 2016 S A EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) MEDICAL,ICLTC Date : 23.04.16 13. Cell organelles abundantly present in oil storing seeds and germinating oil storing seeds respectively are AxBor DegGos Déwreot shBcko EwoBhedyy KrBor DogGas Déwrooe weyGsorr ot Serorren Soiire 1) Elaioplasts and Peroxysomes 2) Aleuroneplasts and Glyoxysomes 3) Elaeoplasts and glyoxysomes 4) Amyloplasts and Lysosomes BWarefeo Hoaiy Drs woxS dhe Sako Jesse BERR Geo HOaiy Pes S'Heo SDE HQE HOcio SIS 14. Mateh the following. & 808 P29 ed SUebiv. t 368 oA List 588 -I1 i apparatus I) Acidic prot B) Lysosomes BAAD C) Nucleolus Solisrovo D) Nucleosomes inaceous beads of chromatin PSPS Sos wxyaiod BSS 0038 Seden 11) Packaging the materials of E.R S08GS ScalSiigerexerysiner Sovsabssseots II1) Nucleoproteinaceous neutral beads of chromatin SSPES SoD SmyBae Ax VOyS SHHHB Heo 1V) Formed from golgi apparatus due to packaging of materials Semper Sodiabstiintoh ager MD SOBs sn Ho8 S4eo69 V) The site of active synthesis of r-RNA RNA Sogies ator Soo The correct match is $835 Sooner A B c D Dm Vv Vv I 3) Il ML Vv v 15. Wrong match of the following is 1) Uridine — Nucleotide 2) Ricin- Toxin 3) Collagen — Protein 4) Codeine ~ Alkaloid Rough Work Sri Chaitanya A B c D Du Vv Vv il 4) IL I Vv Ml & God WOE spr aX) ads ORS - KogBGrBE ORS - PBS Sead - B4x SGonS - eeyeroné AM 2016S A MEDICAL,ICLTC EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) Date : 23.04.16 16, 17. 18, Study the following. & G08 HOD wegasxo Sainz. 1) Prophase-I — Crossing over GBs GS-1 - PAB 11) Metaphase — Alignment of bivalents on the equatorial plate in the nulceus MeVUS - Sosso Sow wew dos Far siwo BardoiSen wi6 dows II1) Anaphase — Disjunction of bivalents to form single chromatid chromosomes SOS — BarBodian AYSAPHE Srd€imenrr DBS whe IV) Telophase-I - Organisation of haploid daughter nuclei with two chromatid chro- mosomes SoHSE -I- God GSrSEok SOAS GFSrMsvod LBS OHSS Tolssres Yee The correct combinations are 1) T&T 2) W&IV 3) 1&1V 4) 1&M ‘The universal conducting elements present in all tracheophytic plants are ed, TOS Seaewrodind Anvjoot Dewiaborr soto Liste Seo shresren 1) Lignified dead cells with tapering ends Sher BSD ey OAS GOs 04S Soren 2) Lignified cylindrical tube like dead cells with perforated ends FEsSoGomsos® ai SpFod TOS Sof OS SOS O45 Seren 3) Non. Lignified anucleated cells with tapering ends SNAG FAIS ax) OHSS Sosirs SES Seren 4) Non. Lignified anucleated cylindrical living cells with perforated ends Shen Fase aay SpSrd OS ord SoS LES SES Seren Identify the wrong statement from following. & 808 TNE SOHO arsast MYosén. 1) The vascular bundles do not have parenchyma in monocot stem O86e Derotosot wPswouren Sysimaroos SOA dots 2) The vascular cambium is more active on the inner side than on the outer side in dicot stem dyStibe: wovoxot aber Deraders! SeosO FHkay SMORIS doy BairSose GSgoadxo, 3) Both spring wood and autumn wood are present in both heartwood and sapwood SoStRLY KBr Sricrtipen BooSdhot Shos wrth HoOain SiaRLIGe Boer aoe 4) The vascular cambium is completely secondary in origin in dicot root dysetle: Sedwoth xv OeragdersO eodcin QBddorr eYDoudio Rough Work Sri Chaitanya 1 AM 2016S A MEDICAL,ICLTC EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) Date: 23.04.16 19, Assertion (A) : The roots in hydrophytes are of secondary importance Sgargans (A): 46 Enxyoor Sw aybad Sorxps% SOA aoe. Reason _(R) :Rooted hydrophytes have normal roots and are useful for maintaining bouyancy but not for absorption sre@0_(R): TE doth NS Bnvjeo Horde Sx YOA Gob aD FPxov srooar 58 8:5 BOciwwo asarnseox. 1) Aand R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. A SOcio R SOgdSd. SoScio R wxNG A to SOGDS DSceo. 2) Aand R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A. A SiOcim R SOgbNO. SOc» R oO A H HOGS DSSeasred. 3) Ais true, Ris false. A SOSH, R SOSA sre. 4) Ais false, R is true. A SOGnSO srt, R SONS. 20. Which of the following occurs in the successive seral stages. during the succession En¥yo CLVivosor SHYwsdo SF ahrowD. 1) Change in diversity of species who BOGSSot Ardy) II) Increasement in number of species sho Sos Diode IID) Increasement in total biomass Bngo AN Gkyor’s DOroeo IV) Increasement in the number of organisms £0 Soay Diorio 1) 1& Ionly 2) L1& Il only 3) ILM &IVonly 4) LIM & IV 21, Find out the true statement from following ? & Go PAE SOBs ays Boeri 1) Diffusion is a slow process and does not occur in living systems Ditea DoRSBS GEA wad HAS Spsxgoor atorito 2) The main driving force for pulling up of phloem sap in the plant body is — ve hydrostatic pressure gradient from shoot to root AngEsro Noth HAY Smero So PS ormthow grs moo Ysrotio x08 Fé B0% DO anergy aobees Giiead. 3) Plasmolysing solution occupies the space between cell membrane and cell wall in a deplasmolysed cell SRS Gig SYS*WOTOBS Smo Soth SAYS Hai Se SSviow sey anba Savery So8*SorPDoc (ErSm0 BBEowd%s. 4) Levitt's x* pump theory explains the opening and closing mechanism of photo - active stomata, BOS Antsy + Sow Srgosiin HESS HS Sogren Bioaherx soak sar Osx BroiBSox DSoix Rough Work Sri Chaitanya 8 AM 2016 S A MEDICAL,ICLTC EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) Date : 23.04.16 22. Assertion (A) : Macro essential elements are more important to plants than micro ele- ments Hisargms (A): Srkyow Sry torose So Spo soromen My ErgxyTPHO Reason _(R): The frame work elements are macro elements while reversibly oxidized essential elements are micro elements SSeai6n(R) : howd sorose Spo sorose sh aegndaborr hte Bote SS Lerowe Sry tree 1) Aand R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. A SpOcio R S649. SGaioR wxSO A SOGdS Diteo. 2) Aand R aretrue and R isnot the correct explanation of A. Adobcio R SOGLSD. Sbao R SSS A H HOGS Ditesred 3) Aistrue, Ris false, A SOgb%O, RYOGLSO seb, 4) Ais false, Ris true, ASOg0 5b,R SOGHNO. 23. Match the following, (808 OD ad Stein. List-I List-II SS- 1 S65 -I A) Transition state 1) Tightly bound organic co.factor to the apo-enzyme Bw SOsYS Fon 2B DoBSnse QKorr moGowind ai Sx DoBso B) Activation energy II) Higher energy level reactive state of substrate edad 3 wg Ser¥sin Gn) 88 Mion soho 8 C) Michelis-Menton constant III) Transiently bound organic co.factor to the apo-enzyme BBO - HowS Bro’ 28! DoBinsw Serenrr modowind say ir DOBSo D) Co. enzyme IV) Energy reguired to the substrate to reach Ki DoBSn reaction state Hoydo 88 Smo oF§ SorYsinse osIsps vB V) Approximate reverse affinity between enzyme and its substrate Dosw Hoaio GN CF$ SorYoo say shaireorr DEAPHIS Somoso The correct match is S6gbs Soonseo A BO cD Booc oD Hil Vv Vv I 2) IV Vv Tt 30 I Vv Vv 4) I WV Il Rough Work Sri Chaitanya 9 AM 2016 S A MEDICAL,ICLTC EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) Date: 23.04.16 24, Choose the correct statement from following. Be (B08 PS SOGS argmgho M8ordsn. 1) RUBISCO enzyme is universally present in all oxygenic autotrophs in chloroplasts only edhaSm Acodo dd od) Sstoo BRewoot HOISimipooc Sma RUBISCO dogisn Staxdsorr socio 2) Lights rarely a limitting factor of photosynthesis for plants growing in shady places and thick forests AS Sot HOdlo SyBSs eeHoot Boro Snsyo SoariysodnSddeo FOB GHP SSHSSIorr soci. 3) Proton translocation from mitochondrial matrix into perichondrial space is exergonic DSF wrolsde Sr[BSHod SOP wolddie Joos As adoro Perio Rwodsta aiYas soy 4) Proton accumulation in the lumen of thylakoids is endergonic FowonEarshS Sor Preriven Sods Toth eosYos seis 25, The ratio between the number of ATP consumed in one turn of C, eycle and that of ATP yield due to one turn of krebs cycle is 28 C\Si¥o Sot DNArAosat ATP e Somst HOdo af GA) Sedo Sos 48 of eae Sous Sotfgrfo a8 3:2 23:1 3) 1: 4) 1:5 26. Arrange the following in correct ascending order based on their number BSH THD HB Sons eordorr SOG’s oS'sra Kibod eosin. 1) Number of dephosphorylations in calvin cycle SOY Sodho Sodd APAVVIAS seyo Sows TI) Number of Cleavage reactions in TCA cycle TCA Sedbo Sot DES Sto Soms IIT) Number of carboxylations in C, pathway C, Sifo Sot sons) Smo Song IV) The number of biological oxidations in aerobic respiration within mitochondria Too SsaysEaos HUroldciy Soc ato ds ehhstao Soas 1) IVIL 2) 1M, 1IV 3) IVI, LIL 4) ,IV,I0, 1 27. Which among the following are the products of re-differentiation % Gob TNS HX: DPdo Ens, aayoswen A)Ray parenchyma tc Sy¢ Smereo —_B) Phellem Bot Seoarvo C) Endodermis 08S Ojo Xpostcs Seae00 DAB 2C,D 4)B,D Rough Work Sri Chaitanya 10 AM 2016 S A MEDICAL,ICLTC EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) Date : 23.04.16 28. Incorrectly matched of the following is _& 806 PDE SxyrP asSSSoBSD. 1) Removal of apical dorminance - Anti auxin property of cytokinins OUPALS FohosH - PBS Go eh Sow Hoody soy 2) Breakage of seed dorminancy - Anti ABA property of ethylene. DSS AWH POA} - GOS Anky SHE oiy HBSS wey 3) Delay of Scenescence - anti ethylene property of cytokinins PSI Soxgin Dao - PSPS Ane aS HOSS sey, 4) Bolting - Synergistic effect of G.A and ethylene BQoR - LOOSE wiyo Odio aghSe SDR sey 29, Howmany of the following plant diseases are caused by cellular pathogens % Gob WHEN Enso aychos DQ agen Saciod ay aiisroB® Senii Taoacoxo A) Rust in cereals B) Chlorosis 85 PSH Bnsyoord Hoss Bre Fos ©) Blight of Rice D) Nematode infestation in tobacco SOSot © Bre Srrhiow WHE ayer Sey) 3d E) Blight of potato F) Mosaic in tobacco nore tos BS ay SPS OG SF wy G) Smut in cereals H) Tuberculosis OFS IX Envpot sens a4 Sob ay Is 24a 3)6 4)7 30, Viruses B8Seo 1) Are inert inorganic crystals outside the host cell @8dan Smo Semiio at @SHS ros HSsrev ID) Exhibit Mutations 6&osgsoxs Gaquoxdxo II) Divide by binary fission OgrD2HB ax~T Dees Bots IV) Multiply within their specific host cells only HO 084 ©BJon Seoreot Sr SH GAPHY adwysrox 1) Land Ilare correct 2) Il and IV are correct 3) Land II are correct 4) Wand IV ate correct 31. Which of the following crosses involve the segregation of all the four traits into their progeny & Gob TNE D Sosiere YW Sh HoSB8 eid To Hy Groen HExyho Boe A)YyRrxYyRr ——B) Yyrrx yyRr C)yyRrx yyrr D) YyRrx yyrr 1)A, Bonly 2) B, Conly 3)A, Donly 4)A,B,D Rough Work Sri Chaitanya u AM 2016 S A MEDICAL,ICLTC EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) Date: 23.04.16 32. The progeny with two genotypes and one phenotype and the progeny with four geno- types and four phenotypes respectively are of Dot aig Srdken a8 thé UrSo fo SosW sOaby wrorih ay trdren, went He Srdvew Hho SoS8 SHr” DH8 BoBSD 1) Monohybrid back cross and Dihybrid back cross dE HOST So SokSwo Oak Qyioss SeSosseso 2) Monohybrid test cross and Dihybrid test cross AE S085 SEX Ho¥tes0 sOaby Go¥S SEX osteo 3) Monohybrid back cross and Dihybrid test cross dE SOB So Sokteo Baby Ggso¥ks SOY osteo 4) Monohybrid test cross and Dihybrid back cross S SO¥T SEX SosSeao HoOavw AySosS Sx SosSea0 33. Find out the true statement from following. Se (808 PS SSG argmgho MBordsn. 1) Phosphodiester linkages between the nucleotides are 5! +3) linkages SRBERBE © souly RBZ AYE aoqren 5! 3! aogren 2) The replication of D.N.A is semi-conservative in prokaryotes while conservative in eukaryotes SoSS Gy Seodhoot D.N.A G8HS 8 Sodgs Dersos Ocal Ne Sosy Sadsjoots DN,A GBHS SG SOOES DerNoSS advo 3) The genophore of prokaryotes is also called nucleoid SoS roy Soros a ESPNS KyBoirowE wd srar woerds. 4) R.N.As'are non-genetical in cellular organisms Seacind Biot R.N.A exteg sSorYo seh 34, Assertion (A): The m-R.N.A sequence that is flanked by the start codon and the stop codon is the translational unit. HSarsns (A): af BHS PSos SHS, HS BHS eos SorSvo SOAS m- RNA SSCmD oxars SSrwo Reason _(R): The start codon and the stop codon do not participate in translation. S8a0(R): Erdow SoS Lain cod SorSn wxardo Soc Hepsh 1) Aand R are true and R is the correct explanation of A A SOc R S6GLSD. SbdioR ems A SOGbS DSGeo. 2) Aand R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A. AcpOcin RSOGbSD. Odio R eS A SOGLS Diteasre 3) Aistrue, Risfalse. A S0gb%0, RSCG sve 4A false, R is true. ASSGHSO srth,R SEGHSO. Rough Work Sri Chaitanya 12 AM 2016 S A MEDICALICLTC EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) Date : 23.04.16 35. Match the following. BEB PHD awsSivordiso List- List-II A) EcoRI 1) Substance which can inactivate an antibiotic soBbadirBEss 26g%s0 dak sorYo B) Cosmid Il) Polymer of aminoacids SRyé ens eipo FOE ©) Biolistie method III) Gene that encodes antibiotic resistance substance @BrDRE SGO 08 adwOE NGS Sergor SosBorh airy D) Selectable marker TV) Vector with two sources of DNA SSmos adariisto Sot Sarero DNA of SOAS SEE SPOS V) Direct method of gene transfer into host cells @dFon Smo NS aidogHi GSS Dey SAL SFB The correct match is SOgo aden A B c D A B c Da nu Vv 1 Zu Vv Vv Ml 30 I Vv Mm 4) 0 Hit Vv v 36. ‘The method of selection of transformed cells with desirable gene by using gene probe is called aati WSS ASAPAD Tosa asx SOAS SOSGS Smisos dsYE so Sg 1) Insertional inactivation 386 aa-gSHS 2) Colony hybridization Foo POSS 3) Micro-injection @8* sougS 4) Southern blotting 4665S eeGoh. 37. Assertion (A) : Meloidogyne incognitia can infect the transgenic tobacco plants. Siargns (A) : SooorGkpAS oSeryhatre axysosgs dervt Soto Sosa dad Koos. Reason _(R) : Transgenic tobacco plants have RNAi mechanism, s°Sm0(R) : aSixgSOSQS Srrs& Bvsy (RNAI) RNA SB8Seq ciro[BSoxs SOA dodoiso 1) Aand R are true and Ris the correct explanation of A A SpOcto R SOHO. SSaioR omSd A SOgdS Diteo. 2) Aand R are true and R isnot the correct explanation of A A xpd R SOGRSD, KHOoo R GHNG A H HOGS Ditwsreh 3) Aistrue, Ris false, A SOgb%O, RSOGLSO seb, 4) Ais false, Ristrue, ASOg>S8 sP),R SEGSO. Rough Work Sri Chaitanya 13 AM 2016 S A MEDICAL,ICLTC EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) Date: 23.04.16 38. Correct match of the followign is & B08 WIE SOGdS at 1) Thransgenic Tomato - Resistant againt the fungal pathogen aiiyy SOSQS ESwres® - Dols ayHass O8'gss 2) Okra - Pest resistant bhindi variety &lge - dos NEIKS SOAS Bots So 3) Bt Cotton - Bacterial resistant variety Bt SQ - er§Sciror ISYfSS SOAS S80 4) Pusa sadabahar - Nematode resistant chilli variety HP Soros - drHs*Siot OO°GsS SOAS MSS So 39, Untrue statement among the following is Bi G08 WDE SOHO ayes 1) High yield and high quality of crop produce are the first preferential traits to be incor- porated in the improvement of a variety by a breeder GBatsrrtrto a Sor HQ Soiswyro Sob eGSGroad Hod OS ways @& oxeros Svs GSP Soosso SNE GST Dyno. 2) The selection of progeny of hybrids with desirable combination of characters is the crucial step for the success of breeding programme srogidh oferod® SrBS oss Sntjo SosB Simo OHNO Gass Gad SrSegse SomyHs coo 3) The resistance of the host plant against the pathogens is determined by genetic constitu- tion of the pathogen TY aisrot ©BFon HYPSYSSi TyH aio Anky axtogtiviso MGsord%s. 4) The sexual hybridization is the conventional and classical breeding method of crop improvement Sobe wBhyS Sot BoAS Sossiin esd Foiserad Hoa eHIPs ass wea 40. Correct match of the followign is (808 wae SOgdS ah 1) Probiotics - Harmful microbes for human health PradeSE - SPSS eSMsO8 SHOPS srg deo 2) Fermentors - Vessels used for culturing microbes and large scale production of microbial products HR6H) - Arg dHo adjoyjos oh8 Rond® BHB dawow srg dgow Sho Tawaes adairhows wea 3) Antibiotics - Antilife to human beings @oBaGin&§) - SrSHow 45 S:B8%e0 4) Lady bird - Female bird used as biopesticide SHS Hor - AShoL PBI Tio ot5s Rough Work Sri Chaitanya 14 AM 2016 S A MEDICAL,ICLTC EAMCET GRAND TEST (Total Syllabus) Date : 23.04.16 Zoolo, 41. Assertion (A) : Bubalus Bubalis, the binomen of Indian buffalo is an example for tautonymy. Reason _(R) : In tautonymy similar words are used for naming the genus and species. 1) Aand R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. 2) Aand R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A. 3) Ais true, R is false. 4) Ais false, R is true. anges (A) 2 @SSd%0 AG Gos, dyriharhSimo myeroS myrOS exoSd ers nds ease 256m (R) : ere*aind SerB SOcwo wB De SSH 28 SHS Soros asarhaw 1) A 6c R S859, R eX SG AH KOS DSSeo 2) A SOc R SOND, R OSH AS HBS DSteo sre 3) Aap, sO R Sp 4) A d8p.s0 Rap 42. A 'bio geographical region’ with a significant reservoir of biodiversity that is under threat of extinction from humans is 1) Western Ghats and Srilanka 2) Seshachalam hills 3) Kaziranga national park 4) Khasi and Jaintia hills SrSHo Sos Dewog{ss Mdabhy SSrdo Hx) HOcin ASZOGHVE Sodgw dower aod at ASAE rodso 1) ES BLED SOx Seon Ha Geos 2) dso Toten 3) Sa8orr erBah Sty 4) ah SOc Zodair Sotien 43. The simple epithelia associated with serosa and mucosa of gastrointestinal tract, respectively 1) Squamous and cuboidal 2) Squamous and columnar nonciliated 3) Squamous and columnar ciliated 4) Columnar non ciliated and squamous BOTS To Ens, AOS HS LHOako {HSS eromodsinrr sh) SOW ase SoS 1) S8Y Sew HOcko Hrrs assy 2) S88 Sow Shock Wevrrd Sogrss assy 3) SO Sey Hoan BOorioad Hows SS 4) ZOTVENS SogrTs Hoa Seseyo aise! 44. One that is caused due to un regulated phenomenan 1) Diapedesis 2) Leucopoiesis 3) Leucocytosis 4) Leukemia HSE wdabhold Sfad* woh Wea 1) cS BERS 2) ars SronbS 3) ors PEAS 4) exgSancie Rough Work Sri Chaitanya 15 AM 2016 S

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