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The concept of a Green Economy has become increasingly prominent(menonjol) in

environmental policy discussions. The ongoing(terus menerus) financial crisis has

supported(telah mendukung) the emergence(munculnya) of this topic, as
uncertainty(ketidaktentuan) on the sustainability(ketahanan) of the current(sekarang) global
economic system grows. The Green Economy will be at the heart of the forthcoming Rio+20
Conference next year, where it will be discussed in the context(keadaan) of sustainable
development(perkembangan) and poverty(kemiskinan) eradication(pembasmian).
As a member of the Green Economy Coalition(persatuan), IUCN shares the Coalitions vision of
striving(berjuang) towards a resilient economy that provides a better quality of life for all within
the ecological(ekologis) limits of one planet. IUCN sees a Green Economy as an economy
which is motivated by social welfare(kesejahteraan) and securely(dengan aman)
anchored(dilabukan) on sustainable patterns(pola) of natural resource use (sumber penghasilan
yang lazim digunakan) and stewardship (pekerjaan mengurus). Ultimately(akhirnya), the goal is
to align(meluruskan) the economy with the principles(prinsip) of sustainable
IUCN firmly(sungguh sungguh) believes that a Green Economy should be (seharusnya) based
on a clear(jelas) recognition (pengakuan) of the fundamental(pokok)
dependence(ketergantungan) of human wellbeing(berlaku baik) on nature. As such, biodiversity
(keragaman hewan dan tumbuhan) and ecosystems need to be kept at the centre of a Green
Economy transition. (perlu tetap di jaga pada pusat transisi ekonomi hijau)
More specifically, IUCN suggests that a nature-based Green Economy transition(peralihan)
should build on the following three fundamental pillars:

Managing ecosystems and biodiversity to build resilience (kegenbiraan)- IUCN believes

that healthy ecosystems represent the foundation of a resilient and truly sustainable
economy. Consequently(hasilnya), there needs to be a stronger appreciation of the role of
biodiversity and green infrastructure as means of mitigating(mengurangi and managing
economic risks. In this regard, greater investment in ecosystem management, stewardship
and restoration (perbaikan) is essential in the transition(perubahan) towards(menuju) a
Green Economy.

Mainstreaming ecosystem values in the economy- IUCN emphasizes(menekankan) the

need to change current accounting(perhitungan) and planning frameworks(kerangka) to
ensure(menjamin) that ecosystem values(nilai) are reflected in economic
decisions(keputusan) and policies(kebijakan). Moreover(selain itu), greater
investment(besar investasi) in natural capital (modal alam) can play a key role in
supporting a Green Economy transition by generating(meningkatkan) income and
creating(mnciptakan) jobs in green markets and enterprises(perusahaan) such as
sustainable tourism (pariwisata berkelanjutan), organic agriculture(pertanian), and the

management of ecosystem services (manajemen dari perbaikan ekosistem) (e.g.

regulating water (menggatur air), nutrient(nutrisi), and water cycles(siklus air)).

Developing(mengembangkan) an appropriate(tepat) governance(penguasaan) model for a

Green Economy- IUCN believes it is imperative(penting sekali) that the green economy
transition be based on strong governance principles(prinsip), namely(yakni) access to
information, public participation and horizontal decision making (membuat keputusan
horizontal) all of which are essential(pada dasarnya) for a Green Economy to be
equitable(pantas) and effective(berhasil).

Note :

The Green Economy will be at the heart of the forthcoming Rio+20 Conference next year
( ekonomi hijau akan menjadi topic utama pada konferensi Rio 20+ tahun depan
IUCN shares the Coalitions vision of striving ( IUCN dengan visinya berjuang menuju
ekonomi tangguh yang menyediakan kualitas hidup bagi semua

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