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1. Introduction
2. Defining Tax Culture
3. Perspective
3.1. Current Tax Regime in Pakistan- An Overview
3.2. Dependence on Income Tax, Sales Tax and Customs
3.3. Usefulness of the existing tax system and its inherent inefficiencies
3.4. Public attitude toward taxation
3.5. The Need for promotion of tax culture in the country-its significance
4. Prospects
4.1. Restructuring and Reforming FBR
4.2. Large undocumented economy- an area of opportunity
4.3. Fast Paced Automation of FBR to facilitate stakeholders
4.4. Switch from Indirect taxation to direct taxation
4.5. Incentive based tax system
4.6. Public Awareness Campaign

5. Challenges
5.1. Red- Tapism in Tax collecting institutions
5.2. Rampant Corruption
5.3. Complex Tax Code
5.4. Tax Illiteracy
5.5. Muddled Centre-Province Tax Structure
5.6. Large Undocumented Economy
5.7. Government-Public Mistrust
6. Conclusion

Topic: I Disapprove of what you say, but I defend to death your right to say

1. Introduction
Attributed to Evelyn Beatrice Hall- in The Friends of Voltaire- 1906 under the pseudonym S.G. Tallentyre
It is often mistakenly attributed to Voltaire Himself.
The meaning of the Quote
Thesis Statement
2. I Disapprove of what you say- Difference of Opinion
2.1. Difference of Opinion is the beauty of any Society.
2.2. Why Difference of Opinion should be protected?
3. But I defend to death your right to say it- Freedom of Speech
3.1. Defining Freedom of Speech
3.2. Importance of the Freedom of Speech for the Society
3.3. Relationship of Freedom of Speech with other fundamental human rights
3.3. Freedom of Speech as envisaged in UNs Universal Declaration of Human Rights
3.4. Freedom of Speech as incorporated in constitutions of Different Countries
3.5. Religious perspective on Freedom of Speech
3.6. Freedom of Speech and Democracy as Complements
3.7. Relationship of Freedom of Speech and Free Media
3.8. Limitations on the freedom of Speech
4. Challenges and Obstacles to Freedom of Speech
4.1. Religious Extremism as a threat to Freedom of Speech
4.2. Anti- freedom of Speech Populist tendencies amidst growing Religious tensions across the globe- Special Emphasis on Islam and West
4.3. The growing intolerance of states toward freedom of speech amidst challenges of economic recession, extremism, terrorism and political
5. Measures to ensure complete right of freedom of speech to every individual- National and Global Levels
6. Conclusion

We have to learn to be our own best friends, because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies.
1) Introduction;
- It is rightly said that we should learn to become our own best friends , because we can fall easily into the trap of being our own worst
2) Current perspective ;
(a) This rule can be applied to nations dealing with each other at international level.
(b) It also applies to individuals in their domestic domains.
(c) The prevalent problems confronting us in form of terrorism , unequality, human rights violations, poverty and conflicts neccessitate the
application of this rule.
3) Factors showing the fact why we have to learn to become our own best friends;
(a) To promote peace and harmony
(b) To avoid evil evil desires
(c) To easily exploit of our potentials
(d) To achieve our goals in life
(e) To make progress
(f) To promote justice , equality and nurture noble values like courage , tolerance , honesty, uprightness, perservance and steadfastness
4) Factors showing the fact how we fall too easily into the trap of becoming our own worst enemies ;
(a) Human nature and evil desires
(b) Lust for power, waelth , status and domination
(c) Hegemonic designs
(d) Rise of radical and extremist tendencies
(e) Intolerance and violation of basic rights
(f) Despondency
5) Catalysts that can help in becoming of our best friends and avoiding to fall into the trap of being our own worst enemies;
(a) Education
(b) Technical skill to handle various problems effectively
(c) Seeking welfare of all humanity.
(d) Peaceful co-existence and harmony
(e) Promotion of noble values ;morality and ethics
(f) seeking justice , equality , fail play and guaranteing humans rights .
6) Conclusion;
(a) Today we are faced with many problems like terrorism, poverty, injustice , inequality and various other conflicts.
(b) These problems can be overcomed and the world can become a safe place to live in if we learn to become our best friend.

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