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Trans Luxury Hotel, Bandung, October 10 13, 2016

Study about Environmental Geology in Framework of Flood Disaster Mitigation as Developing

Region of Buntok, South Barito District, Central Kalimantan Province
Topan Ramadhan1,Shandy H.W1, Eka Fajar.N.S1, Nico Okto W.H1
Geological Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta
The study area is located in the Buntok town which
is administratively a capital Dusun Selatan district as well
the capital of South Barito regency, Central Kalimantan
Province. Flooding always being yearly problematic
disaster significantly happens, this has an impact on social
aspects, but particularly impact on infrastructure
development problems. Geological investigations should be
conducted by means of geological mapping with analysis of
geomorphology and hydrology as well. Based on the
investigation it was found that the Buntok town is situated
by young sediment fraction predominantly fine grain. In
addition, from the manual analysis of coring obtained
multiple layers that show the ancient flood sediment.
Geomorphological analysis shows the city area Buntok is
situated in the Flood Plain landform unit on Barito drainage
basin (DAS) with an average elevation of 1-2 meters above
sea level. As well as on the analysis of aerial photographs
shows the presence of ancient Barito river flow patterns
that head to giving area. Based on a series of investigations
it is known that the study area is currently included in the
flood-prone area with high intensity that the relocation of
the urban area to a safer area is assumedly needed.
Keyword: study environmental geology, flood disaster
mitigation, buntok town, barito drainage basin

Daerah penelitian berada di kota Buntok secara

administratif merupakan ibukota kecamatan Dusun Selatan
sekaligus ibukota Kabupaten Barito Selatan, Provinsi
Kalimantan Tengah. Daerah penilitian sering mengalami
bencana banjir yang cukup signifikan, selain berdampak
pada sosial tetapi sering berdampak pada permasalahan
pembangunan infrastruktur. Maka perlu dilakukan
penyelidikan geologi dengan pemetaan geologi serta
analisis geomorfologi serta hidrologi dimana data
menunjukan kota Buntok disusun oleh endapan muda
dengan fraksi butir dominan halus. Selain itu juga dalam
analisis manual coring didapatkan beberapa lapisan
menunjukan endapan banjir purba. Selain itu analisis
geomorfologi menunjukan wilayah kota Buntok termasuk
dalam unit bentuklahan Dataran Banjir pada Daerah
Aliran Sungai (DAS) Barito dengan elevasi rata-rata 1-2
mdpl serta dari analisis foto udara menunjukan adanya
pola aliran purba sungai Barito yang mengarah kewilayah
kota. Sehingga data tersebut menunjukan bahwa kawasan
kota saat ini memiliki resiko kawasan banjir yang sangat
besar sehingga perlua danya relokasi wilayah perkotaan
kekawasan yang lebih aman.
Kata kunci: kajian geologi lingkungan, mitigasi banjir,
kota buntok, daerah aliran sungai barito

The study area is at coordinates S 114o 29 '00' '114o 55' 00 '' and S 01o 40 '00' '- 01o 45' 00 '', this area
administratively located in Buntok town which is included
in Dusun Selatan district, South Barito, Central Kalimantan
Province. Most of the area of South Barito Regency is a
lowland area with the average height around 0 to 40 meters
above of the sea level. Except a small partial area in the
Gunung Bintang Awai district is the highly mountainous
land. Buntok town located on the river bank (drainage
basin) of Barito. The flood disaster that ever happened was
in 2005 desperately bring many losses in infrastructure.
Furthermore flooding leads to paralysis of office activities,
education, and economy in Buntok, therefore the area is
considered a disaster-prone areas and regional development
is not sustainable that the town considerably should be
relocated to safer location. Regionally geomorphology of
study area is lowland characterized by peat bogs, floodplain
swamps and lakes.
Flooding has become a major natural disaster
problem in study area therefore This study aims to
geomorphologic aspect as well as evidence of sediment
deposition as result of the flooding process and their effect
on the environment. The purpose of this study for showing
that the geological conditions of the present course is the
trigger of flood disaster. Buntok town population in number
is 56.291 based on Dusun Selatan population data of
Central Bureau of Statistic (BPS) of South Barito regency.
As the time go by the flood would give considerably
negative impact on sustainable development (esp. on
infrastructure) in giving area as well hampering the
economic and governance activity. That condition
considered as unsustainable development. Therefore a
proper study and environmental geology mapping (in form
of disaster-prone area map) due to this disaster performcondition is necessarily needed. Relocation to disaster-free
area is considerably recommended also.
Data and Method
This study uses primary data and secondary data
drawn from direct observation in the field, as well as
laboratory and studio analysis. The primary data consist of
geological mapping, sediment analysis, aerial photograph
interpretation and referring to previous study,
geomorphologic analysis, hydrology, sedimentology flood
sediment by means of manual drilling. In geological
mapping conducted geological mapping and the
interpretation of aerial photographs (using google earth
software) and Rupa Bumi Indonesia map (RBI Map) as

Trans Luxury Hotel, Bandung, October 1013, 2016
studio analysis. Geomorphological analysis conducted
through identification of land forms type, observations and
reconstruction of Barito river flow patterns. Hydrological
data are taken is groundwater level on average in several
locals well points around the Buntok town and river water
level on average of Barito river. Secondary data come from
population demographics of Buntok town or Dusun Selatan
district in general. In addition data of rainfall intensity in
Buntok obtained from the Meteorology Climatology and
Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of South Barito regency are
including. This study also refers to the regional geological
data and previous study obtained from scientific journals
publication and proceedings. After reviewed the literature
and retrieval of on-site data and laboratory analysis of the
entire data, at the end the whole data examined to explain
the geologic factors involved in flooding of Buntok town
and surrounding area. From that point then considered the
parameters of flood- prone area. As final result a floodprone of giving area would generate.
Result and Discussion
In general geological conditions of the study area is
composed by members of the quartz sandstone of Dahor
Formation with undulating hills morphology. Then on top
of it composed by young sediments are generally composed
by deposition floodplain with a thickness of 10 meters
with a variety of materials such as clay, sand, gravel to
gravel (Sutrisno, 1994). In creating a geological map based
on the observations of rock or sediment is exposed on the
surface then observed from the image and refer to previous

3.Flood Plain Unit, covers Buntok, Jelapat, Hilir Sper,

Kalahien, Mabuan area, etc.
4.Fluvial Terrace Unit, covers Sababilah, Sanggu,
Mangaris area, etc.
Topography of the study area based on classification (Van
Zuidam, 1985) that compiled research include:
1.Flat slope to nearly flat topography, Includes area are
Jelapat , Buntok , Pemait area, etc.
2.Undulating to Gently Sloping Topography, Covers
Sababilah, Sanggu, Mangaris area, etc.
From the local topography height data obtained from
RBI Map sheet Buntok, some areas around Buntok has a
height of 20 to 22 meters above the level of the sea. But in
this study relating to flooding in the area that did not escape
the role of the Barito river, then it is assumed normal water
level of the river Barito as the basis for measuring the level
of land local area of research. In calculating the height of
the local area study used a calculation formula as follows:
Local Elevation = hs - hr
Explaination :
hs : height above of sea level
hr : height above of Barito level
Measurement of the normal high water level of the
river Barito several times (see table 1). For example, in
2016, July 7 obtained Barito river water level to the height
of 18 meters (above sea level). With an average surface
height Barito river at 19 meters (above sea level) is
assumsed as a 0 (zero) meter (local elevation).

Measurement on water level of Barito river during 2016

which conducted in several times
Table 1: normal water level of Barito river

Study area is situated by young sediment fraction

predominantly fine grain. Absence of fresh rock outcrops
covered by fluvial sedimentation from flood plain.
Sandstone only been found in Sanggu and Sababilah area
which part of Dahor formation
Figure 1: Geological Map of Buntok Area
Geomorphology & Hydrology
Geomorphology Buntok and surrounding area is
composed by several types of landforms based on (Van
Zuidam, 1983):
1.River Beds (F1), is a large part of the body of the Barito
river .
2.Lakes, Swamps, Backswamps, Flood plain Unit covers
Pemait area, etc.

Variations of ground level in some areas around Buntok

and converted into local ground level
Table 2: Ground level on some locations around Buntok
with convertion.
Then calculate the height in some areas around
Buntok based on height above sea level, the altitude will
then be converted to local elevation (from a mean Barito
level) as in Table 2. Stage of Barito river erosion is old
with lots are nearby oxbow lake, meanders, flood plains

Trans Luxury Hotel, Bandung, October 1013, 2016
with river valley forms a "U" dominant lateral erosion, with
water depth around the study area 3 to 5 meters so that if
the water discharge bigger then the river will overflowing
into the flood plain. As Barito drainage basin area, the
urban area is largely controlled by fluvial system such as
the gradual transfer of river channels, development of the
meandering river, stream sediment erosion and
sedimentation. Interpretation from remote sensing in the
southwestern side Buntok there is oxbow lake which can be
reconstructed that streams ever lead to urban areas.

large quantity, it is seen from the color of the water were

sufficiently dense and thick. Where the suspension current
and the level of the current strength will continue to affect
the movement of sediment in the water until the force of
gravity will provoke the sediments to settle. Type of
suspension is encountered on the results of coring.
Manual Coring-1 Description:

The floodplain Well developed flood plains because the

topography of the area is dominantly flat. Some oxbow lake
are also found in the study area. Interpretation and
reconstruction of the ancient Barito river channel that leads
urban area now day is conducted as well.

Flooding sedimentation shown on core identified as clay,

silt, and upper clay on the direct contact with the ground

Figure 2: Floodplain Features of Barito River

Data high groundwater level in some point well
taken examples include H1 at coordinates E 114 50' 21''
and S 1 43' 57.33'', high groundwater level is at an
elevation of 9.89 meters above the sea level. Meanwhile,
wells H2 at coordinates E 114 50' 31'' and S 1 43' 25.12''
with a high groundwater level is at 8.87 meters above of the
sea level. Then, the measurement of water level of the river
on 2016, July 9 at the location coordinates E 114 49'
49.94'' and S 1o 43' 20.18'' in front of Immanuel church
Buntok with high river water level of 11.96 meters above
the sea level. Normal high water level of the river Barito
assumsed as local water level. From these data that the
groundwater surface height is lower than the water level of
the river, then the type of Barito river is influent river
where the stream river affects the surrounding groundwater.
This was evidenced in which the physical appearance of
muddy color and typical smelled of river water.
Sedimentation to be present in Buntok controlled
by fluctuations in the Barito river water. When heavy
rainfall will cause the material stream sediments
transported in the flood. Type of transport mechanism in
the Barito river is Traction and Suspension affecting the
movement of sediment in the stream. The suspension will
carry sediment flow on the surface of the water in the form
of the movement of sediment material mixture lightly sized
silt to clay. In Barito river can be observed that the material
sediment washed downstream from upstream has a fairly

Figure 3: Column Core-1 of sedimentology

Core records that start at depth of 60cm is part of
the floodplain, indicated by soil and carbon material
derived from plant parts such as plant roots were carried on
by floods. This part characterized by the appearance of
reddish brown color with small pieces of wood as well as
wood charcoal that was also found. Clay material from
these deposits are characterized by reddish-brown color due
to the suspension mechanism that mixes with silt carried by
floods. Furthermore, silt material to very fine sand.
Sediment is transported and mixed with very fine sand that
carried far enough away from the river channel when
flooding occurred. The lower sediment is deposited
deposited by energy of the suspension.
Manual Coring-2 Description:

Recognizably no distinct with Core-1.

Figure 4: Column Core-2 of Sedimentology
Core records that start at depth of 64cm is part of
the floodplain, this character is much like that have been

Trans Luxury Hotel, Bandung, October 1013, 2016
found in Core-1. However, At a depth of 9 to 23 cm and 13
to 19 cm there is a clay material which is characterized by
reddish-brown color due to the suspension of mixed silt
carried by the river flow. In the same section also
encountered laminate structure, and there is appearance of a
clear boundary can be assumed the suspension process
occurred repeatedly. Organic materials also found either
from mollusk shells and carbon content derived from plants
that exist around the river or from upstream which is also
affected by the floods. During manual drilling process
determining the good drilling point is desperately
complicated. Because the study area dominated by fine
materials and clay are thus in the process of entering or
raising drill core was troublesome.
Disaster Prone Area
Results shows Buntok area morphologic is a flood
plains to be present precisely on the river bank. The urban
area present day located in Zone A area at high risk for
flooding because the topography are flat and directly
affected by fluctuation of the Barito river water. Pamait and
surrounding area is including to zone B which consider has
middle level of risk against flooding. Meanwhile, Sababilah
Bawah and the surrounding area is including to zone C with
low risk of flooding and are not affected directly towards
fluctuations of Barito river water. Then about Sanggu and
Sababilah located in zone D which consider as safe and
protected area from the danger of flooding. As a tropical
zone, Barito Selatan Regency have the average rainfall
index is 325.6 mm/year in 2013 (see table.3)

In 2009 to 2014, the average rainfall per year in South
Barito ranged from 228.9 mm to 325.6 mm.
Table 3: Average rainfall indexs in South Barito Regency
(Source: Meteorology & Geophysics Agency of Barito
Selatan Regency in Barito Selatan Dalam Angka 2015)

The level of land urban area currently stands at a height of
1 to 2 meters (local elevation). At this time the area are
residential area, offices, trade and many other sectors of life
so that urban areas are currently very vulnerable in the risk
of flooding due to overflow of the river Barito supported by
flat topography (0o to 2o). This study area is recently used
as residential, offices, trade and many other sectors of life.
Buntok elevation area of the city currently stands at 1-2
meters above sea level (local elevation) and considerably
has almost flat topography (0o to 2o). Geomorphological
this area is definitely a floodplain with the average level of
the highest rainfall in the last few years, namely in 2013
amounted to 325.6 mm/year . This fact showing that this
area is constantly at risk of flooding due to overflow of the
Barito river. Coring recorded flood sediments repeatedly
and created laminated clay. After a series of processes of
observation and analysis concluded that the former urban
area has high flood risk, so it is necessary to relocate to
safer area like Sababilah or Sanggu which located in zone
D. Further and detail research with parameters such as the
calculation of watershed area, value of wetness, as well as
more sophisticated methods of mechanic drilling is
BPS, 2016, Kabupaten Barito Seletan Dalam Angka, 20052015.
Grenfell, S. E., Ellery, W. N., Grenfell. M.C, 2009,
Geography Departement Rhodes University, South
Heryanto, R. 2010, Badan Geologi.1-14.
Soetrisno, Et all., 1994., Geological Research and
Development Center. Bandung.
Sukiyah, E., Haryanto, A.D., Zakaria, Z., 2004, Bulletin of
Scientific Contribution., Vol 2, 26-37.
Wakelin-king, G.A., Webb, A.J., 2007, Journal
Sedimentary Research., Vol 77 : 702-712.
Van Zuidam, R.A., 1983, Departement Of Geomorphology
and Geography ITC, Netherland.
Support from the Geological Engineering, HMTG GAIA,
Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, help
and discussion with MBC Consulting, Juventus Karo Sekali
Naibobe, Nenden Lestari and Achmand Maulan Afrizal.

The urban area now days is situated in high risk area

against floods. While Sanggu and Sababilah with areas
around them is considerably safe from flooding of
overflowing of Barito river.
Figure 5: Flood-Prone Area Map

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