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A. Background of Study
Book is a window of knowledge. By reading the book we will found more
about any knowledge in the world. The more dashing read the contents of the
book, the more out of science that has been written. When writing very
enlightening, students will typically carried away with anything presented by the
study. If not diligently read many books it will be left far behind other readers.
Book as a window of science, with a lot of reading to be a lot of knowledge that
can be acquired. This book really helped discover new things from not knowing to
knowing. In addition to adding insight, read the book also able to make active the
brain is always thinking every time.
Reading books is very important for everyone because it can get more
insight into the thinking in various kinds of knowledge that are written in a book. If
students are able to write with good knowledge in a book, anyone who reads it
will be enlightened and gain new knowledge about what is written. This can be a
life experience, it could be controlled and the like. When the students write
carefully, and based on research or research, it will be the quality and worth of
books read by many people. People who change the world are the people who
are happy and lots of reading. Reading books open world is not just window
science alone that we get, but was able to travel around the world with a lot of
reading and will be a lot of new knowledge in getting the world leaders who
inspire and can also take important lessons from those people who manages to
be a wise leader.
According to Gibbon (1993,p.70-71) reading as a process of acquiring
the meaning of the mold. Reading is not just activity that is passive and receptive,
but rather wants the reader to actively think. To obtain the meaning of the text,









understanding of the language system itself. Without these things a piece of text
does not mean anything to readers.

Faculty of Teacher Treaning and Education IAIN STS JAMBI

The habit of reading books, can stimulate the brain to think and
concentrate. Reading this book provides various types of exercise for the brain
when compared with while watching tv or listening to the radio, because while
reading a book, understand pages per page will be able to increase the ability of
the brain. Such as the ability of imagination, language skills and associative
learning simultaneously. People who articulate, and has a lot of vocabulary that is
emitted when talking are people who love to read. By reading regularly, slowly but
surely, the students will have a meaningful and comprehensive vocabulary,
especially if they read many books and varied types.
A recent study from Rush University Medical Center (2013) stated
"immerse themselves in the good books and good quality can actually extend the
life of the mind reader". It also emphasizes that adults who spend their spare time
doing creative or intellectual activity (such as reading) have a 32% possibility of a
slower cognitive decline later in life than those who do not, which means that they
are likely to develop dementia.
Motivation is a strategy used by a person to encourage the liked reading.
Fostering motivation is the responsibility earnestly for everyone requires a
different strategy. According Djaali (2011, p.101) motivation is physiological and
psychological conditions in the one who encouraged him to undertake activities in
order to achieve certain goals (needs). This means that the motivation to read is
a physiological and psychological condition of a person to encourage reading
activities in order to achieve certain goals.
Read English books not only as pleasure or entertainment, but also aims
to enrich the knowledge, reasoning, personality, and character of students. Like
reading High will certainly enhance students ' understanding of the interests ESP.
Less students learning to read can also be seen from the students' participation
in class while looking attending. The writer, difficult students and are reluctant to
ask questions about the material provided lecturers. Students tend to be silent
and accept all of the information provided by the lecture. They rarely leave
feedback, opinions or ideas. When the professor asked why the students did not
want to ask, most students feel confused and cannot apply (Fear question is not
eligible). On the other hand, the quality of the actual question is the result of the

Faculty of Teacher Treaning and Education IAIN STS JAMBI

students' reading. Students who are not able to leave a question that is not
qualified, may be afraid because previously they did not read about the material
given lecturer.
But in the era modern, the habit of reading books seems to have declined,
particularly in the community for a reading culture is not the culture of society
again. Especially now that the time has advanced, many people are using gudget
than reading a book for thought gudget more interesting, it is not wrong if many
the writer filmed contents of his book to get the message. Lack of motivation is
also an obstacle for students to read books, especially the lessons ESP, but the
culture of reading must be sent from the child still in the womb to achieve
independence. No smart people, and smart without reading. Smart as any man if
students had not read the book, then students will be less insight. In the end,
people like this will only be arrogant and selfish. Students was only thinking of
myself and think others are stupid. Try to spend some time in the middle of busy
life to read books, because reading the book will provide many benefits for life.
Especially to maintain and improve the ability of the brain.

B. Identification of The Problem

Based on baground of the Study, the identification of the problem is as
follows :
1. What is the students motivation in reading Esp books in IAIN STS Jambi?
2. What are the factors that influence the students motivation in reading
ESP books in IAIN STS Jambi ?
C. Limition of The Problem
In order to reach the expected goal, the researcher limits the problem on
Students Motivation to Read ESP Books ( A Case study at English Education
Department of IAIN STS Jambi in Academic Year of 2015/2016 )
D. purpose of The Study
1. To know what is students motivation in reading Esp books in IAIN STS

Faculty of Teacher Treaning and Education IAIN STS JAMBI

2. To know what are the factors that influence the students motivation in
reading ESP books in IAIN STS Jambi.
E. Significances of The Study
The researcher hopes that this research will be beneficial to the following :
1. Lecturer
Its very useful for lecturer as the instructor in learning procces to know
and evaluate the factors that can motivate the students motivation in
reading ESP book and make an alternative learning techniques to
improve students' reading ability.
2. Students
The students will easier to receive and procces the information caused
have motivation in rading especially in ESP and provide valuable
experience in the development of potential interest to read it to know
what are the factors influencing the reading ESP.
3. For Researcher
Hopefully this research can be a reference in increasing the researcher
knowledge in the case of students motivation in reading ESP books and
researchers hope the new learning in reading, especially to improve the
quality of education in general could increase again the motivation of
students in reading any particular book ESP.

Faculty of Teacher Treaning and Education IAIN STS JAMBI

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