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Q: What is resistor?

Ans: It is a basic electrical component that dissipates electrical energy.

Q: What is resistance?
Ans: It is defined as the obstrucle in the flow or movement of electrons.
Q: What is the source of resistance?
Ans: Collision between
1. Electron and electron
2. Electron and atom
Q: What is the result of resistance?
Ans Resistance converts or dissipates electrical energy into heat energy.
Q: What is the effect of temperature on resistance?
1. For conductor resistance increases with increasing temperature and decreases with
decreasing temperature.
2. For semiconductor with resistance decreases with increasing temperature and increases
with decreasing temperature.
3. For insulator with resistance decreases with increasing temperature and increases with
decreasing temperature
Q: N. B. : (Not for exam)

Unit of resistance is Ohm ()

Resistance is denoted by R
The circuit symbol is

Resistor is of two types: Fixed resistor and variable resistor

Q What is superconductor? (Not for exam)

Ans: A conductor having zero resistance is called superconductor.

Q: What is capacitor?

Ans: Capacitor is a basic electrical component that stores electrical energy in electric field.
Q: What is capacitance?
Ans; The ability of capacitor to store charge is called capacitance. Capacitance is denoted by C.
Unit of capacitance if Farad (F).
Q: How does capacitor stores energy? (Not for exam)
Ans: Let us consider the following figure.

The positive ion of acid ( ) attracted toward the positive plate of the battery. This positive ion
need electron. This electrion is supplied by the left plate of the capacitor. So that this plate
becomes positive.
The negative ion of acid (
) attracted toward the negative plate of the battery. This negative
ion leaves electron. This electrion is supplied to the right plate of the capacitor. So that this plate
becomes negative.
In this way capacitor stores energy.
Q: N. B. : (Not for exam)

Unit of capacitance is Farad (F)

Capacitance is denoted by C
The circuit symbol is

Capacitor is of two types: Fixed capacitor and variable capacitor

Capacity of the capacitor is finite

Q: What is inductor?
Ans: Inductor is a basic electrical component that stores electrical energy in magnetic field.
Q: What is inductance?
Ans; The ability of inductor to store charge is called inductance. Inductance is denoted by L.
Unit of inductance is Henry (H).
Q: How does inductor stores energy? (Not for exam)
According to the Faradays law, if magnetic field related to a coil is changed then voltage will be
induced in the coil or coil will act as a battery.
Let us consider the following figure

When there has no battery connection. So there have no magnetic field to the coil. So the voltage
of the coil is zero.
When there has battery connection. So there have magnetic field to the coil. So the voltage is
induced to the coil.
Q: N. B. : (Not for exam)

Unit of inductance is Henry (H)

inductance is denoted by C
The circuit symbol is

Inductor is of two types: Fixed inductor and variable inductor

Capacity of the inductor is finite

Q: Write basic equations for resistor, capacitor and inductor. (Not for exam)

V = IR

Q: What are the differences between capacitor and inductor?
1. The current through a capacitor can
1. The current through an inductor cannot
change instantaneously.
change instantaneously.
2. The voltage across a capacitor cannot
2. The voltage across an inductor can
change instantaneously.
change instantaneously.
3. The ideal capacitor does not dissipate
3. The ideal inductor does not dissipate
4. An capacitor acts like a short circuit to
4. An inductor acts like a short circuit to
5. Current is directly proportional to the
5. Voltage is directly proportional to the
rate of change of voltage.
rate of change of current.
6. Capacitance is denoted by C
6. Inductance is denoted by L
7. Unit of capacitance is Farad (F)
7. Unit of inductance is Henry (H)
8. Circuit symbol is
8. Circuit symbol is

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