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Politics Those parts of Human relations that involve Power, who gets what, when

and how. Attempts to improve society

Power The ability to get what you want
Power Method The way power resources is used.
Power Resource Anything used to achieve power, for example, Propaganda or
Ideology Set of doctrines concering human natura, good society and how to
achieve it
Left Favoring a greater degree of equality (social, economic, political)
Right Favoring a greater degree of inequality. Believing the few should have
power based on birth or merit
Liberal favoring slow gradual changes toward equality
Conservative favoring slow gradual changes toward inequality
Radical favoring fast radical actions toward equality
Reactionary favoring fast radical actions toward inequality with the idea of a
return to the past

From the Wasserman reading:

Pluralism Group theory of Democracy in whicch groups attempt to influence

Elite Theory Theory of Democracy in which the elite have the major influence
and not groups
Fragmentation of Power Opposing pressures that prevent one pressure from outdoing another

Council on Foreign Relations An example of Elite theory according to C. Wright

Mills because they have a major influence on Foreign Policy while most of the
policymakers there are connected with wealthy interests.
C. Wright Mills American sociologist who favors the Elite theory by saying the
power elite are the business community, military and Government. Who interact
by connections.

From the Patterson reading

Governing schema

- Framing a story based on how a politician intends to

Game Schema
- Framing a story on the basis of non-governing such as
polls, stories of politicians unrelated to governance.
Bill Clinton at Syracuse University When Bill Clinton addressed Syracruse
University during the 1992 primary. Rather than focusing on a speech of his
positions. The Media instead focused instead of the state of the primary race in
the state at the time.
John F. Kennedy in West Virginia JFK addressed people who had issues about his
religion but again the Game schema was put other than Governing when he said
that he would not govern according to religion.
A journalist-centered form of communication
- Tendency of the press to report
a candidate for them rather than how the candidate prefers. This causes news not
to orginate from the politician but from the viewpoint of the journalist.

From Wolfsfeld:

Framing Pre-set idea of how a story is reported. Ex: law and order, free spech.
Priming News media making issues more important than the other when asking
a candidate.
Agenda setting News Media affecting the public agenda by the way they place
their importance on certain issues out of others.
Episodic Framing Present stories without a broader context.
Thematic Framing Framing that provides a broader context.
Cultural bias Bias based on cultural values, beliefs, etc.
Ideological Bias Bias based on the ideological preferences of the journalist.
Commercial bias Whereas journalists will report the news in a way that
generates clicks($$)
Representative deviance Where media creates a distorted view of news which
leads to viewers believing in occurances that are not true. Such as rising crime
when crime is in decades low.
Three Mile Island Accident at a nuclear power plant which occurred by
coincidence after a film on a similair event happened.
News Service Organizations that gathers news reports and sells them to media.
AP Associated Press, used by many media organizations who do not have their
own journalists.
Reuters British news agency.
Spiral of Cynicism Cynical views of politics coming from commercial stations
having a tendenacy to lead to disengagement with the political process due to
cynical reporting.
Swift Boat ads Group created by conservative Vietnam War Veterans which ran
ads claiming that John Kerry falsified his War Record which might of caused John
Kerry to lose.

Media Malaise The idea that continuted exposure to negativity in the media
leads to cynical views of politics, public affairs and the world.
Jessica Lunch Media reports about her were inaccurate. Some focusing on sexual
assault which later ended up being fake. Her tale of survival was a slight boost at
the time for Bush.
PMP process Politics influence Media which Influence back to Politics
Competitive symbiosis Mutual dependency to achieve goals between journalists
and politicians. One side wants to gain while doing the last.
Indexing News Media being used to index government activity
Front Door Coverage Access to the media because of interest
Back Door Coverage Access to the media because of activities that degrades
ones self.
Side Door Coverage Access to media while not losing legitmacy like Back Dor.
For example: protests
Cumulative inequality Problem with back door since those with power still get
more access while those without wont.
Event-driven Journalism framing choices made after events that chllanege the

From the New York Times:

First strike First to strike regarding a nuclear attack.

Janet Yellin Chairperson of the Federal Reserve
Federal Reserve The Central Banking institution of the United States
Government which sets monetary policy

NAFTA Free Trade Agreement with the three North American countries and is
responsible for making it easy to ship jobs to mexico.
Earned media Media coverage gained through efforts other than advertising.
Hence Earned because there is no need to spend money to generate coverage.
Media organization that said Trump won the primary through free
coverage given to him that would of needed $2 Billion dollars to generate the
coverage he got.

Kelly Media personality on Fox News who Donald Trump has gotten into
fights with.

Fox News Conservative media oulet

ABC/Manchester Union Leader A newspaper in New Hamsphire which was
dropped from a republican primary debate because of complaints from Donald
Samantha Bee Comedian and presenter of the weekly Full Frontal with
Samantha Bee
Jo Miller Producer of Full Frontal who complained about the positive coverage
given to Jimmy Fallon while Donald Trump appeared in the show.

Free Comedian for the daily show

Frank Newport New york times journalist

Group Group that Trump has interest with especially since they would
gain from defense contracts in the country if Trump pulls american troops out.

Paul Krugman Liberal economist and columnist for the New York Times
False equivalence (or false balance) Making one event seem as important to
another when it isnt.
Being Al Gored - When the media caused Al Gore to be seen as the loser of the
debates not because of his debate performance but because of actions in the
debate. Ignoring policy.
Liz Spayd Editor in the New York Times who wrote about False Balance.

Amy Chozick New York Times reporter whose main topic is Hillary Clinton
Cindy Hedges Woman in a article whose family is divided and she supports
Norman Ornstein Member of the conservative American Enterprise Institute who
said a close win for Hillary would only reinforce view amongst the hard right that
he was 'stabbed in the back' by the GOP.
Pam Bondi Attorney General for Florida who might have been given cash to drop a Trump
University lawsuit

F.E.C. - The Federal Election commission

Charles and David Koch Wealthy billionare brothers who have funded campaigns
to elect economically conservative politicians
Grassroots Leadership Academy Koch foundation funded group that trains
economic conservatives on campaigning for their views.
Americans for Prosperity Foundation economically conservative activist group
funded by the Koch brothers.
Jay Jacobs A new York Democrat who was featured in an article about Hillary's
$143 million Amount raised in August by Hillary's campaign.
$2700 The amount needed to take a photograph for children with Hillary.
$10,000 The amount required in Clinton fundraisers to be able to take a family
photo with the candidate.
$100,000 Cost for a lamb dinner in a Clinton private fund raiser with wealthy

In this election there is a change in how the campaigns have operated. On

the republican side the nomination of Donald Trump as their candidate has caused
one side to operate like a reality TV campaign for President while the Democrats
have operated once again in the idea of a traditional campaign. Although Donald
Trump's use of reality TV campaigning had worked in the Republican primary it
has backfired when faced against the general electorate who unlike the
Republican voter base is less attracted to the idea of Reality TV campaigns.
In the Trump campaign. He has operated his campaign like that of a reality
TV. Rather than focusing on policy and debating on issues. He has made a
mockery of the other candidates. Becoming a loose cannon with an unpredictable
personality that has allowed him to win the Republican primary. During the

Republican primary he had insulted women, insulted other candidates. Rather

than focusing on policy he has stated many stances and then later flip flopped on
them. A plurality of Republican voters became attracted to his style and allowed
him to win with less than fourty percent of the vote in the Republican primary
prior to Cruz dropping out. His ramblings and insults created a base of support for
him within the Republican party while allowing him to evade questions on his
policy stances. For example he said that those who have Abortions should be
punished, walked back his comments and then went back to his original stance.
The lack of consistent policy stances which is a a part of Traditional campaigns did
not hurt him with his base as they were attracted to his brash loose cannon style.
The Media coverage of Trump's campaign also helped him as their reporting
of Trump's antics that ranged from personal attacks to remarks widely seen as
having racist undertones. Made him more popular in the Republican party. They
had also failed to challenge him as a candidate which feed into the reality TV
show campaign style of the Trump campaign. Media quant which analyze news
trends said that the media giving Trump so much coverage was worth what would
of required $2 billion in advertising for a Traditional candidate to achieve.
In comparison to Trump. The Hillary campaign operated on a traditional media
campaign that emphasized her stances on policy. Her debates with Bernie had the
two candidates being respectful to eachother in contrast to the Repulican debates
where Trump dragged other candidates down to campaign in his reality TV style.
The past few weeks has given a large contrast of Clinton to the Trump campaign.
As we have seen in the debates, the reality TV style of Donald Trump which had
only worked on under fourty percent in the republican party. Created a large

contrast between the two candidates with the American Public despite having a
negative view of both candidates. Has a far more negative view of Trump mainly
because of the way he has campaigned .
The reality TV style did not work in the debates as debate viewers
overwhemingly state that Hillary won the debates. Prior to the debates Trump had
been catching up to Hillary on the general matchup. However after the debates
she now has a sizeable lead that left many wondering why it isnt even larger
compared to Trump. What also galvinzed voters, especially female voters in this
campaign was his actions regarding women. Even before the Access Hollywood
tape. He had been critcized heavily for mocking Megyn Kelly, Rosie o'Donnell. And
many other women based on their attractviness and weight. It would be poetic
justice if Trump looses in an election which was the Republican's to loose since
they had the advantage of being in the opposition after eight years. And electing
a candidate far more unpopular than that of the Democratic candidate.

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