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Kelainan pigmentasi merupakan kelainan kulit yang memiliki dampak besar

pada kualitas hidup seseorang terutama bila mengenai wajah. Kelainan pigmentasi
wajah ditandai dengan adanya bercak coklat tipe hipermelanosis atau bercak putih
tipe hipomelanosis yang muncul di wajah. Kelainan pigmentasi wajah dapat
mempengaruhi emosional dan psikologis secara signifikan terutama pada wanita
yang berpengaruh pada kepercayaan diri, sehingga dapat menurunkan kualitas
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas hidup penderita kelainan
pigmentasi wajah pada pengunjung posyandu di Kecamatan Medan Labuhan.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deksriptif dengan metode
cross sectional. Jumlah sampel adalah sebanyak 100 orang dan teknik pengambilan sampel dengan metode consecutive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan
dengan menggunakan kuesioner dari bulan Agustus sampai bulan September
2015. Hasil data ditampilkan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kualitas hidup penderita kelainan
pigmentasi wajah yang diukur dengan menggunakan DLQI dan didapati
terbanyak pada tingkat efek besar 54,0%, diikuti tingkat efek sedang 21,0%,
tingkat efek sangat penting 15,0%, tingkat efek kecil 6,0% dan tidak ada efek
3,0%. Berdasarkan usia, tingkat kualitas hidup responden terbanyak adalah
berefek besar pada usia 31-40 dan 41-50 masing-masing sebanyak 17 orang.
Berdasarkan lama menderita, tingkat kualitas hidup responden terbanyak adalah
lama menderita > 1 tahun menimbulkan efek sangat penting 51,0%. Berdasarkan
tipe kelainan pigmentasi wajah tingkat kualitas hidup responden terbanyak adalah
hipermelanosis menimbulkan efek besar 54,2%.
Disimpulkan bahwa kualitas hidup penderita kelainan pigmentasi wajah
pada pengunjung Posyandu di Kecamatan Medan Labuhan terbanyak dalam
tingkat efek besar.
Kata Kunci : kelainan pigmentasi, hipermelanosis, hipomelanosis, kualitas hidup,
pengunjung posyandu

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Pigmentation disorder is a skin disordes who have an impact for the quality
of life of patients, especially those regarding the face. Facial pigmentation
disorder characterized by brown patches type of hypermelanosis or white patches
type of hypomelanosis that appear on the face. Facial pigmentation disorder can
significantly affect the emotional and psychology especially in female patients that
affect self confidence, which can degrade the quality of life of patients.
This study aims to determine the quality of life of patients with facial
pigmentation disorder on visitors of Posyandu in the Kecamatan Medan Labuhan.
This research is a descriptive with cross sectional method. The number of
samples were used as many as 100 people and sampling by using consecutive
sampling technique. Data was collected through questionnaires from August to
September 2015. The result of data displayed in the form of a frequency
distribution table.
The results show the level of quality of life of patients with facial
pigmentation disorder were measured using DLQI and Most samples are at the
level of great effect as many as 54.0%, moderate lavel are 21.0%, very important
level are 15.0%, small effect are 6.0%, and no effect level are 3.0%. According to
the age, the level of qualitiy of life in respondents the most is great effect at the
age 31-40 and 41-50 years each as many as 17 peoples. According to the duration
off suffering the most is > 1 year with very important effect are 51,0%. According
to the type of facial pigmentation disorder the most is hyperpigmentation with
great effect as many as 54,2%.
From the results of this study concluded that the quality of life of patients
with facial pigmentation disorder in visitors of Posyandu in the Kecamatan
Medan Labuhan is mostly in the great effect level.
Keyword : facial pigmentation disorder, hypermelanosis, hipomelanosis, quality
of life, visitors of posyandu

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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