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Anatomy Test 2 Memorandum:R/S ,CVS,GIT

1. Anterior junction line

2. Inferior vena cava
3. Azygoesophageal line
4. Aorticopulmonary window
5. Aorticopulmonary stripe
6. Azygous lobe/Azygous fissure
7. 15-27mm
8. Left anterior descending artery
9. Right acute marginal artery
10.Anomalous right coronary artery (ARCA) with interaterial course
11.R. hepatic vein
12. R. portal vein
13.Superior mesenteric artery
14.Splenic vein
15.L. hepatic artery
16.T2W coronal
18.Percutneous transhepatic cholangiography-PTC
19.Hepatic duct trifurcation
20.T-tube cholangiogram
21.Imino-diacetic scan-IDA scan
22. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography-MRCP
23. Combined Positron emission and computed tomography-PET CT
24.Phyrigian cap
25.5 Fluoro deoxy glucose-5 FDG
26.R basal accessory fissure/R basal superior accessory fissre
27. Aberrant L. subclavian artery
28. Splenenculi/splenomas/accessory spleens
29. Azygous continuation of IVC
30.Retroaortic L. renal vein
31.Magnetic resonance enterography-MRE
32. Oral eneteric agent
33.Small bowel enema/enteroclysis
36.Supraglottic airway
39.Glottic/Transglottic airway
40.Subglottic airway
41. R. Buccal space
42.-43. R. Ascending pharyngeal artery,maxillary artery,V3,pharyngeal venous plexus
44. Danger space
45. L. posterior cervical space
46. Lateral segmrntal middle lobe bronchus
47. Bronchus intermedius
48. R. Lower lobe superior segmental bronchus
49. L. lower lobe superior segmental bronchus
50. L. major fissure
51. L. Ventricular outflow tract

52. L. ventricular myocardium

53. L. lobe liver
54. Magnetic resonance angiogram of pulmonary arteries
55. R. Inferior pulmonary vein
56. R. pulmonary artery
57. R. middle lobe segmental bronchus
58. R. lower lobe posterior segmental bronchus
59. R. upper lobe bronchus
60. R. upper lobe anterior segmental bronchus
61. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt-TIPS
62. Portal hypertension
63. L. portal vein
64. Superior mesenteric arteriogram
65. Replaced hepatic artery
66. Abdominal computerised tomography with minimal intensity projection reconstruction
67. Inferior phrenic artery
68. Median sacral artery
69. Superior mesenteric artery
70. L. gastric artery
71. T1W Axial abdomen-out of phase
72. Phase shift artefact
73. Fish tail/bifid pancreas
74. Pancreatic divisum
75. Endoscopic retrograde pancreatico-cholangiogram-ERCP
76. 3D Volumetric cardiac computerised tomography
77. L.Anterior descending artery
78. Marginal branch of L. circumplex artery
79. Conus artery from R. coronary sinus
80. Myocardial bridging of LAD
81. Aeriae gastricae
82. Hooded fold
83. Hypotonic duodenogram
84. Intraperitoneal space
85. Major papillaof Vater
86. Z Line/A line
87. Vestibule/phrenic ampulla/lower esophageal sphincter
88. Colloid/hepatosplenic scan
89. Wandering spleen
90. Gastroesophageal junction
91. Barium meal and follow through/Barium follow through
92. 3-5 hours
93. Incissura angularis/angular notch
94. Pyloric canal
95. R. gastro-epiploic vein
96. 2,5-3,5 cm
97. 10-25cm/s
98. R. renal artery
99. 0,5-1cm
100.Dorsal pancreatic/inferior pancreatic/greater pancreatic arteries
101.Appendicular /RIF ultrasound & Longtudinal
102.R. common iliac artery

104.Appendicular artery
106.T1W Axial fat suppression post contrast
107.Arciform/Tigroid pattern
108.R. posterior pararenal space/perinephric fat
109.T2W Axial upper abdomen/kidneys
110.Chemical shift
111.True cords
112.Transglottic/glottic space/ventricle
113.AP tomogram of larynx/neck
114.R. aryepiglottic fold
115.Supraglottic airway/vestibule
116.Splenic septum
117.Splenenculi/splenomas/accessory spleen

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