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To political :

From a politically philosophical, is conceived to power as the ability that has

an individual or a group to modify the behavior of other individuals or groups.
In science policy, although already not is accepts that is the concept central
only, there is agreement in that has fundamental importance. . Burdeau
defines it as "una social energy, emanation of a mental, dominant, and
collective representation of the deseable social order", on behalf of which
compliance lends itself to political control. ". Always manifests itself in the
human relationship and its genesis is obedience: it has power to the extent
that it is obeyed. There are many classifications of power. We are here briefly
the most common in political analysis: power current (relationship between
effective behaviors); power potential (relationship between skills to Act);
stabilized power (very high probability to be obeyed); to anonymous (own of
communities primitive, resides more in the habit, the taboo, the tradition, that
in them people); power custom (that resides in the will personal of the head);
to institutionalized do (stabilized and articulated in roles coordinated;
culminates when the State is converted in holder unique and abstract of the
power); to be able to open (sensitive to variations in the collective
consciousness about desirable social order); can be closed (to the service of
a representation of the order social desirable that are considered
permanent); to de jure (recognized by the legal regulations in force); de-facto
(existing but devoid of support legal).

Power makes the essence of political life, implying a relationship of

command and obedience. Power is the ability to intentionally produce
consequences in another or others, through certain physical or ideal means.
It can be political always is develops among humans. Power is an energy
that accomplishes the obedience through promises of prizes or threats of
punishment. Is a power public full monopolist of the coercion, to avoid the
revenge private.

Power is a product of human interaction and therefore a permanent social

phenomenon. He power political above to the cheated modern, because
before he already existed people that developed activities political, of
struggles by the power and exercise of the same, since the man began to
grouping is under any form of leadership.

Thomas Hobbes defined the power as the media present of a man that you
allow get some well future manifesto.
Maurice Hauriou (1856-1929) French defined it as a free energy, which
governs a group of people by their superiority in order to continuously create
law and order.
Harold Laski, English scientist (1893-1950) justified the existence of the
power to meet the social demands.
In the age old (except in the Athenian democracy, the Roman Republic and
the early days of the Empire), power was absolute, generally supported the
idea of a deified King. With the advent of the Christianity the power absolute
of the monarch are justified as awarded by Dios. Current democracies power
is no longer absolute, but divided into the three branches of Government:
legislature, Executive and judiciary, and must have the recognition, or own
In the current democracies political power resides in the people who
delegate their representatives elected by popular vote for a limited period of

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