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Prentice Hall Advanced Reference Series ze Engineering Denno Power System Design and Applications for Alternative Energy Sourees Fory, AKERS, AND GREENRICH Ultra Large Scale Integrated Microelectronics Havin, Ep. Selected Topics in Signal Processing JouNsON Lectures on Adaptive Parameter Estimation Muurinovic, Ep Microprocessor Design for GaAs Technology QuacKENBUSH, BARNWELL III, AND CLEMENTS Objective Measures of Speech Quality RorFeL, VERMEER, AND CHIN. Simulation and Implementation of Self-Tuning Controllers Sastry aNd Booson Adaptive Control: Stability, Convergence, and Robustness PRENTICE HALL INFORMATION AND SYSTEM SCIENCES SERIES Thomas Kailath, Editor ANDERSON & Moone Agro & WITTENMARK GaroxeR Goopwin & Sin Grav & Davison Haves Jaws SoHNSON Kalcati Kono Kono, Wuirenouse, & Kararn, Liuxe Macovsx Mesa & Sac: SastRy & BODsON Spuuker Wittians Optimal Filtering Computer-Controlled Systems: Theory and Design Statistical Spectral Analysis: A Nonprobabilistic Theory Adaptive Filtering, Prediction, and Control Random Provesses: A Mathenatical Approach for Engineers Adaptive Filter Theory Fundamentals of Digital Imege Processing Lectures on Adaptive Parameter Estimation Linear Systems VLSI Array Processors VLSI and Modern Signal Processing System Identification: Theory for the User Medical Imaging Systems ‘An Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Processes Adaptive Control: Stability, Convergence, and Robustness Digital Communications by Satellite Designing Digital Filters ADAPTIVE CONTROL Stability, Convergence, and Robustne: Shankar Sastry University of California at Berkeley Mare Bodson Carnegie Mellon University Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 Library of Congress Cataloging Pubic Data St: St Se Sa Sins Gal ae Mare Betas oe toe tps Ha snc ees te) 2 7 SSS iy ty, en nt ems, 1. aon Me Te Ha SF 1099 samo cao de cir Prentice-Hall Advanced Reference Series Prentice-Hall Information and System Sciences Series EG © 1989 by Promicestial, Ine A Division of Simon & Schuster Englewood Chiff, New Jersey 07692 All rights reserved. No part of this hook may be reproduced, in any form or by any meens ‘without permission in writing from the publisher Printed in the United States of America wosT6 54321 ISBN O-13-00432b-5 Prentice-Hall erations (UK) Limited, London Prentice-Hall of Austalia Py Limited, Svdaey Prentice-Hall Canada Ine. Toronto Prentice-Hall Hispanoamerican, S.A, Mexico Prentice-Hall of Inia Private Limited, New Delhi Ponte Hal of pan, Ie Tyo Simon & Schuster Asia Pie LU. Singapore Editors Premice-Hall do Bras Lida. Rio de Janeiro To our parents CON’ NTS Preface xv Chapter 0. Introduction (0.1 Identification and Adaptive Control 0.2. Approaches to Adaptive Control 0.2.1 Gain Scheduling 0.2.2. Model Reference Adaptive Systems 0.2.3 Self Tuning Regulators 0.2.4 Stochastic Adaptive Control 0.3. A Simple Example Chapter 1 Pretiminaries LLL Notation 1.2. Ly Spaces, Norms 1:3. Positive Definite Matrices 1.4 Stability of Dynamic Systems 1.4.1 Differential Equations 1.4.2. Stability Definitions 1.4.3 Lyapunov Stability Theory LS Exponential Stability Theorems 1.5.1 Exponential Stability of Nonlinear Systems 1.5.2. Exponential Stability of Linear Time-Varying Systems 32 1.5.3 Exponential Stability of Linear Time Invariant Systems 38 1.6 Generalized Harmonie Analysis 39 Chapter 2. Identification 2.0 2.8 Introduction Identification Problem Identifier Structure Linear Error Equation and Identification Algorithms 2.3.1 Gradient Algorithms 2.3.2 Least-Squares Algorithms Properties of the Identification Algorithms— Identifier Stability 2.4.1 Gradient Algorithms 4.2 Least-Squares Algorithms 4.3 Stability of the Identifier Persistent Excitation and Exponential Parameter Convergence Model Reference Identifiers—SPR Error Equation 2.6.1, Model Reference Identifiers 2.6.2 Strictly Positive Real Error Equation and Identification Algorithms 2.6.3 Exponential Convergence of the Gradient Algorithms with SPR Error Equations Frequency Domain Conditions for Parameter Convergence 2.7.1 Parameter Convergence 2.7.2 Partial Parameter Convergence Conclusions Chapter 3. Adaptive Control 3.0 3 3.2 33 Introduction Model Reference Adaptive Control Problem Controller Structure Adaptive Control Schemes 3.3.1 Input Error Direct Adaptive Control 3.3.2 Output Error Direct Adaptive Conirol 3.3.3. Indirect Adaptive Control 3.3.4. Alternate Model Reference Schemes 3.3.5. Adaptive Pole Placement Control The Stability Problem in Adaptive Control Analysis of the Model Reference Adaptive Control System Useful Lemmas Stability Proofs 3.7.1 Stability—Input Error Direct Adaptive Control 3.7.2. Stability—Output Error Direct Adaptive Control 3.7.3 Stability—Indirect Adaptive Control 45 45 52 37 58 61 63 63 66 69 1 16 16 85 90 90 95 98 99 99 103 104 10 ut 118. 123, 127 129 130 132 138 142 142 149 ist 3.8 Exponential Parameter Convergence 3.9 Conclusions Chapter 4 Parameter Convergence Using Averaging Techniques 4.0 Introduction 4.1. Examples of Averaging Ana 4.2. Averaging Theory—One-Time Scale 4.3 Application to Identification 4.4 Averaging Theory—Two-Time Scales 4.4.1 Separated Time Scales 4.4.2 Mixed Time Scales 4.5. Applications to Adaptive Control 4.5.1 Output Error Scheme—Linearized Equations 4.5.2 Output Error Scheme—Nonlinear Equations 4.5.3. Input Error Scheme 4.6. Conclusions Chapter 5 Robustness 5.1 Structured and Unstructured Uncertainty 5.2. The Rohrs Examples 5.3. Robustness of Adaptive Algorithms with Persistency of Excitation 5.3.1 Exponential Convergence and Robustness 5.3.2. Robustness of an Adaptive Control Scheme 5.4 Heuristic Analysis of the Rohrs Examples 5.5. Averaging Analysis of Slow Drift Instability 5.5.1 Instability Theorems Using Averaging 5.5.2 Application to the Output Error Scheme 5.6 Methods for Improving Robustness— Qualitative Discussion 5.6.1 Robust Identification Schemes 5.6.2 Specification of the Closed Loop Control Objective—Choice of Control Model and of Reference Input 5.6.3. The Usage of Prior Information 5.6.4 Time Variation of Parameters 5.7 Robustness via Update Law Modifications 5.7.1 Deadzone and Relative Deadzone 5.7.2 Leakage Term (o—Modification) 5.7.3 Regressor Vector Filtering 5.7.4 Slow Adaptation, Averaging and Hybrid Update Laws, 5.8. Conclusions 184 156 158 158, 159 166 175 179 183, 186 187 188. 192 202 207 209 209 215 219 221 225 231 236 236 241 248 248 250 250 251 251 251 233 253 234 254 Chapter 6 Advanced Topics in Identification and Adaptive Control 6.1 Use of Prior Information 6.1.1 Identification of Partially Known Systems 6.1.2 Effect of Unmodeled Dynamics 6.2. Global Stability of Indirect Adaptive Control Schemes, 6.2.1 Indirect Adaptive Control Scheme 6.2.2 Indirect Adaptive Pole Placement 6.2.3 Indirect Adaptive Stabilization— The Factorization Approach 6.3 Multivariable Adaptive Control 6.3.1 Introduction 6.3.2. Preliminaries Factorization of Transfer Function Matrices Interactor Matrix and Hermite Form 6.3.3 Model Reference Adaptive Control— Controller Structure 6.3.4 Model Reference Adaptive Control— Input Error Scheme 6.3.5 Alternate Schemes 6.4 Conclusions Chapter 7 Adaptive Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems 7.1 Introduction 7.2. Linearizing Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems— A Review 7.2.1 Basic Theory 7.2.2 Minimum Phase Nonlinear Systems The Single-Input Single-Ovtput Case The Multi-Input Multi-Ouiput Case 7.2.3. Model Reference Control for Nonlinear Systems 7.3. Adaptive Control of Linearizable Minimum Phase Systems 7.3.1. Single-Input Single-Output, Relative Degree One Case 7.3.2. Extensions to Higher Relative Degree SISO Systems 7.3.3 Adaptive Control of MIMO Systems Decouplable by Static State Feedback 7.4 Conclusions Chapter 8 Conclusions 8.1 General Conclusions 8.2 Future Research Appendix References Index PREFACE The objective of this book is to give, in a concise and unified fashion, the major results, techniques of analysis and new directions of research in adaptive systems. Such a treatment is particularly timely, given the rapid advances in microprocessor and multi-processor technol- ogy which make it possible to implement the fairly complicated non- linear and time varying control laws associated with adaptive control Indeed, limitations to future growth can hardly be expected to be com putational, but rather from a lack of a fundamental understanding of the methodologies for the design, evaluation and testing of the algorithms. Our objective has been to give a clear, conceptual presentation of adap- tive methods, to enable a critical evaluation of these techniques and sug- gest avenues of further development. Adaptive control has been the subject of active research for over three decades now. There have been many theoretical successes, includ- ing the development of rigorous proofs of stability and an understanding of the dynamical properties of adaptive schemes. Several successful applications have been reported and the last ten years have seen an impressive growth in the availability of commercial adaptive controllers. In this book, we present the deterministic theory of identification and adaptive control. For the most part the focus is on linear, continu- fous time, single-input single-output systems. The presentation includes the algorithms, their dynamical properties and tools for analysis— including the recently introduced averaging techniques, Current research in the adaptive control of multi-input, multi-output linear systems and a xvi Preface class of nonlinear systems is also covered. Although continuous time algorithms occupy the bulk of our interest, they are presented in such a way as to enable their transcription to the discrete sime case. A brief outline of the book is as follows: Chapter 0 is a brief his- torical overview of adaptive control and identification, and an introduc- tion to various approaches. Chapter I is a chapter of mathematical pre- liminaries containing most of the key stability results used later in the book. In Chapter 2, we develop several adaptive identification algo- rithms along with their stability and convergence properties. Chapter 3 is a corresponding development for model reference adaptive control. In Chapter 4, we give a self contained presentation of averaging techniques and we analyze the rates of convergence of the schemes of Chapters 2 and 3. Chapter 5 deals with robustness properties of the adaptive schemes, how to analyze their potential instability using averaging tech- niques and how to make the schemes more robust. Chapter 6 covers some advanced topics: the use of prior information in adaptive identification schemes, indirect adaptive control as an extension of robust non-adaptive control and multivariable adaptive control. Chapter 7 gives a brief introduction to the control of a class of nonlinear systems, explicitly linearizable by state feedback and their adaptive con- trol using the techniques of Chapter 3. Chapter 8 concludes with some of our suggestions about the areas of future exploration, This book is intended to introduce researchers and practitioners to the current theory of adaptive control, We have used the book as a text several times for a one-semester graduate course at the University of California at Berkeley and at Carnegie-Mellon University. Some back- ground in basic control systems and in linear systems theory at the gra- duate level is assumed, Background in stability theory for nonlinear sys- tems is desirable, but the presentation is mostly sel-contained, Acknowledgments It is a pleasure to acknowledge the contributions of the people who helped us in the writing of this book. We are especially appreciative of the detailed and thoughtful reviews given by Charles Desoer of the orii- nal Ph.D. dissertation of the second author on which this book is based. His advice and support from the beginning are gratefully acknowledged. Brian Anderson and Petar Kokotovic offered excellent critical comments, that were extremely helpful both in our research, and in the revisions of the manuscript. We also thank Karl Astrom and Steve Morse for their enthusiasm about adaptive control, and for fruitful interactions, The persistently exciting inputs of students at Berkeley and Came- gic Mellon have helped us refine much of the material of this book. We are especially thankful to those who collaborated with us in research, Preface xvii and contributed to this work: Erwei Bai, Stephen Boyd, Michel de Mathelin, Li-Chen Fu, Ping Hsu, Jeff Mason, Niklas Nordstrom, Andy Packard, Brad Paden and Tim Salcudean. Many of them have now adapted to new environments, and we wish them good luck, We are indebted to many colleagues for stimulating discussions at conferences, workshops and meetings. They have helped us broaden our view and understanding of the field. We would particularly like to met tion Anu Annaswamy, Michael Athans, Bob Bitmead, Soura Dasgupta, Graham Goodwin, Petros loannou, Alberto Isidori, Rick Johnson, Ed Kamen, Bob Kosut, Jim Krause, Rogelio Lozano-Leal, Iven Mareels. Sanjoy Mitter, Bob Narendra, Dorothee Normand-Cyrot, Romeo Ortega. Laurent Praly, Brad Riedle, Charles Rohrs, Fathi Salam and Lena Val We acknowledge the support of several organizations, including NASA (Grant NAG-243), the Army Research Office (Grant DAAG 29- 85-K0072), the IBM Corporation (Faculty Development Award), and the National Science Foundation (Grant ECS-8810145). Special thanks are due to George Meyer and Jagdish Chandra: their continuous support of our research made this book possible. We are also grateful for the logistical support received from the administration of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Com- puter Sciences at the University of California at Berkeley and of the Blectrical and Computer Engineering Department of Carnegie Mellon University. Part of our work was also done at the Laboratory for Infor- mation and Decision Systems, in the Massachussetts Institute of Tech- nology, thanks to the hospitality of Sanjoy Miter. We wish to express our gratitude to Carol Block and Tim Burns for their diligent typing and layout of the manuscript in the presence of uncertainty. The figures were drafted by Osvaldo Garcia, Cynthia Bit- brey and Craig Louis. at the Electronics Research Laboratory at Berke- ley. Simulations were executed using the package SIMNON, and we thank Karl Astrom for providing us with a copy of this software pack- age. We also acknowledge Bernard Goodwin of Prentice Hall for his friendly management of this enterprise and Elaine Lynch for coordinat- ing production matters. Last, but not least, we would like to express our sincere apprecia- tion to Nirmala and Cecilia for their patience and encouragement Despite distance, our families have been a source of continuous support and deserve our deepest gratitude. Shankar Sastry Berkeley, California Mare Bodson CHAPTER 0 INTRODUCTION 0.1 IDENTIFICATION AND ADAPTIVE CONTROL Most current techniques for designing control systems are based on a good understanding of the plant under study and its environment. How- ever, in a number of instances, the plant to be controlled is too complex and the basic physical processes in it are not fully understood. Control design techniques then need to be augmented with an identification tech- nique aimed at obtaining a progressively better understanding of the plant to be controlled. It is thus intuitive to aggregate system identification and control. Often, the two steps will be taken separately If the system identification is recursive—that is the plant model is periodically updated on the basis of previous estimates and new data— identification and control may be performed concurrently. We will see adaptive control, pragmatically, as a direct aggregation of a (non. adaptive) control methodology’ with some form of recursive system identification. Abstractly, system identification could be aimed at determining if the plant to be controlled is linear or nonlinear, finite or infinite dimen- sional, and has continuous or discrete event dyniamics. Here we will res. trict our attention to finite dimensional, single-input single-output linear plants, and some classes of multivariable and nonlinear plants. Then, the Primary step of system identification (structural identification) has already been taken, and only parameters of a fixed type of model need to be determined. Implicitly, we will thus be limiting ourselves to parametric system identification, and parametric adaptive control. 2 Introduction Applications of such systems arise in several contexts: advanced flight control systems for aircraft or spacecraft, robot manipulators, process control, power systems, and others. Adaptive control, then, is a technique of applying some system identification technique to obtain a model of the process and its environ- ‘ment from input-output experiments and using this model to design a controller. The parameters of the controller are adjusted during the operation of the plant as the amount of data available for plant identification increases. For a number of simple PID (proportional + integral + derivative) controllers in process control, this is often done manually. However, when the number of parameters is larger than three or four, and they vary with time, automatic adjustment is needed. The design techniques for adaptive systems are studied and analyzed in theory for unknown but fixed (shat is, time invariant) plants. In practice, they are applied to slowly time-varying and unknown plants. Overview of the Literature Research in adaptive control has a long and vigorous history. In the 1950s, it was motivated by the problem of designing autopilots for air- craft operating at a wide range of speeds and altitudes, While the object of a good fixed-gain controller was to build an autopilot which was insensitive to these (large) parameter variations, it was frequently observed that a single constant gain controller would not suffice. Conse- quently, gain scheduling based on some auxiliary measurements of airspeed was adopted. With this scheme in place several rudimentary model reference schemes were also attempted—the goal in this scheme was to build a self-adjusting controller which yielded a closed loop transfer function matching a prescribed reference model. Several schemes of self-adjustment of the controller parameters were proposed, such as the sensitivity rules and the so-called MIT. rule, and were verified to perform well under certain conditions. Finally, Kalman [1958] put on a firm analytical footing the concept of a general self- tuning controller with explicit identification of the parameters of linear, single-input, single-output plant and the usage of these parameter estimates to update an optimal linear quadratic contreller, The 1960s marked an important time in the development of con- trol theory and adaptive control in particular. Lyapunov's stability theory was firmly established as a tool for proving convergence in adap- tive control schemes, Stochastic control made giact strides with the understanding of dynamic programming, due to Bellman and others. Learning schemes proposed by Tsypkin, Feldbaum and others (see Tsyp- kin [1971] and [1973}) were shown to have roots in a single unified framework of recursive equations. System identification (offline) was ‘Section 0.1 Identification and Adaptive Control 3 thoroughly researched and understood. Further, Parks [1966] found a way of redesigning the update laws proposed in the 1950s for model reference schemes so as to be able to prove convergence of his controller, In the 1970s, owing to the culmination of determined efforts by several teams of researchers, complete proofs of stability for several ‘adaptive schemes appeared. State space (Lyapunov based) proofs of sta- bility for model reference adaptive schemes appeared in the work of Narendra, Lin, & Valavani [1980] and Morse [1980]. In the late 1970s, input output (Popov hyperstability based) proofs appeared in Egardt [1979] and Landau [1979]. Stability proofs in the discrete time deter- ministic and stochastic case (due to Goodwin, Ramadge, & Caines [1980}) also appeared at this time, and are contained in the textbook by Goodwin & Sin [1984]. Thus, this period was marked by the culmina- tion of the analytical efforts of the past twenty years, Given the firtu, analytical footing of the work to this point, the 1980s have proven to be a time of critical examination and evaluation of the accomplishments to date. It was first pointed out by Rohrs and co- workers [1982] that the assumptions under which stability of adaptive schemes had been proven were very sensitive to the presence of unmo- deled dynamics, typically high-frequency parasitic modes that were neglected to limit the complexity of the controller. This sparked a flood of research into the robustness of adaptive algorithms: a re-examination of whether or not adaptive controllers were at least as good as fixed gain controllers, the development of tools for the analysis of the transient behavior of the adaptive algorithms and attempts at implementing the algorithms on practical systems (reactors, robot manipulators, and ship steering systems to mention only a few). The implementation of the ‘complicated nonlinear laws inherent in adaptive control has been greatly facilitated by the boom in microelectronics and today, one can talk in terms of custom adaptive controller chips. All this flood of research and. development is bearing fruit and the industrial use of adaptive control is srowing, Adaptive control has a rich and varied literature and it is impossi- ble to do justice to all the manifold publications on the subject. It is a tribute to the vitality of the field that there are a large number of fairly recent books and monographs. Some recent books on recursive estima tion, which is an important part of adaptive control are by Eykhoft [1974], Goodwin & Payne (1977), Ljung & Soderstrom [1983] and Ljung [1987]. Recent books dealing with the theory of adaptive control are by Landau [1979], Egardt [1979], loannou & Kokotovic [1984], Goodwin & Sin [1984], Anderson, Bitmead, Johnson, Kokotovie, Kosut, Mareels, Praly, & Riedle [1986], Kumar and Varaiya [1986], Polderman [1988] and Caines [1988]. An attempt to link the signal processing viewpoint 4 Introduction with the adaptive control viewpoint is made in Johnson [1988]. Surveys Of the applications of adaptive control are given in a book by Harris & Billings [1981], and in books edited by Narendra & Monopoli [1980] and Unbehauen {1980}. As of the writing of this book, two other books on adaptive control by Astrom & Wittenmark and Narendra & ‘Annaswamy are also nearing completion, In spite of the great wealth of literature, we feel that there is a need for a “toolkit” of methods of analysis comparable to non-adaptive linear time invariant systems. Further, many of the existing results concern cither algorithms, structures or specific applications, and a great deal more needs to be understood about the dynamic behavior of adaptive systems. This, we believe, has limited practical applications more than it should have, Consequently, our objective in this book is 10 address fundamental issues of stability, convergence and robustness. Also, we hope to communicate our excitement about the problems and potential of adaptive control. In the remainder of the introduction, we will review some common approaches to adaptive control systems and introduce the basic issues studied in this book with a simple example. 0.2 APPROACHES TO ADAPTIVE CONTROL 0.2.1 Gain Scheduling One of the earliest and most intuitive approaches to adaptive control is, gain scheduling. It was introduced in particular in the context of flight control systems in the 1950s and 1960s. The idea is to find auxiliary process variables (other than the plant outputs used Zor feedback) that correlate well with the changes in process dynamics, It is then possible to compensate for plant parameter variations by changing the parame- ters of the regulator as functions of the auxiliary variables, This is illus- rated in Figure 0.1 in Avaany scheduar — wehSERBB comtano /contnonten SIGNAL F TF ourTPUT Conroe | CONTRO pn i Figure 04: Gain Scheduling Controle Section 0.2 Approaches to Adaptive Control 5 The advantage of gain scheduling is that the parameters can be changed quickly (as quickly as the auxiliary measurement) in response to changes in the plant dynamics. It is convenient especially if the plant dynamics depend in a well-known fashion on a relatively few easily measurable variables, In the example of flight control systems, the dynamics depend in relatively simple fashion on the readily available dynamic pressure—that is the product of the air density and the relative velocity of the aircraft squared, Although gain scheduling is extremely popular in practice, the disadvantage of gain scheduling is that it is an open-loop adaptation scheme, with no real “learning” or intelligence. Further, the extent of design required for its implementation can be enormous, as was illus- ‘trated by the flight control system implemented on a CH-47 helicopter. The fight envelope of the helicopter was divided into ninety flight condi- tions corresponding to thirty discretized horizontal flight velocities and three vertical velocities. Ninety controllers were designed, correspond- ing to each flight condition, and a linear interpolation between these controllers (linear in the horizontal and vertical flight velocities) was Programmed onto a flight computer. Airspeed sensors modified the con- trol scheme of the helicopter in flight, and the effectiveness of the design was corroborated by simulation, 0.2.2 Model Reference Adaptive Systems Again in the context of flight control systems, two adaptive control schemes other than gain scheduling were proposed to compensate for changes in aircraft dynamics: a series, high-gain scheme, and a parallel scheme. Series Figure 0.2 shows a schematic of the series high-gain scheme. Reredence outed SIGNAL | i ain Lint cyct : Asjstment |" Oatector Figure 0.2: Model Reference Adaptive Control—Series, High-Gain Scheme 6 Introduction The reference model represents a pilot's desired command-response characteristic. It is thus desired that the aircraft response, that is, the ‘output yp, matches the output of the reference model, that is, Yn The simple analysis that goes into the scheme is as follows: con- sider P(s) to be the transfer function of the linear, time invariant plant and k the constant gain of the servo, The transfer function from jy 10 Jy is KP(s\/1+k Pls). When the gain k is sufficiently large, the transfer function is approximately 1 over the frequencies of interest, so that yn ~ Jp ‘The aim of the scheme is to let the gain k be as high as possible, so that the closed-loop transfer function becomes close to 1, until the onset of instability (e limit cycle) is detected. If the limit cycle oscillations exceed some level, the gain is decreased. Below this level, the gain is increased. The limit cycle detector is typically just a rectifier and low- pass filter The series high-gain scheme is intuitive and simple: only one parameter is updated. However, it has the following problems 8) Oscillations are constantly present in the system. b) Noise in the frequency band of the limit eyele detector causes the tain to decrease well below the critical value, ©) Reference inputs may cause saturation due 10 the high-gain, 4) Saturation may mask limit cycle oscillations, allowing the gain to increase above the critical value, and leading to instability. Indeed, tragically, an experimental X-15 aircraft flying this control sys- tem crashed in 1966 (cf. Staff of the Flight Research Center [1971), owing panilly to the saturation problems occurring in the high-gain Scheme. ‘The roll and pitch axes were controlled by the right and left rear ailerons, using differential and identical commands respectively. ‘The two axes were assumed decoupled for the purpose of control design, However, saturation of the actuators in the pitch axis caused the aircraft to lose controllability in the roll axis (since the ailerons were at max- imum deflection). Due to the saturation, the instability remained undetected, and created aerodynamic forces too great for the aircraft to withstand, Parallel Scheme As in the series scheme, the desired performance of the closed-loop sys- tem is specified through a reference model, and the adaptive system attempts to make the plant output match the reference model output asymptotically. An early to this scheme is Osburn, Whitaker, & Kezer [1961]. A block diagram is shown in Figure 0.3. The controller Section 0.2 Approaches to Adaptive Control 7 Params] MECN o outea 00 Figure 0.3: Model Reference Adaptive Control—Parallel Scheme can be thought of as having two loops: an inner or regulator loop that is an ordinary control loop consisting of the plant and regulator, and an Outer or adaptation loop that adjusts the parameters of the regulator in Such a way as to drive the error between the model output and plant output to zero, ‘The key problem in the scheme is to obtain an adjustment mechan- ism that drives the output error eo y,~Ym to zero. In the earliest applications of this scheme, the following update, called the gradient update, was used. Let the vector 6 contain the adjustable parameters of the controller. The idea behind the gradient update is to reduce e? (0) by adjusting @ along the direction of steepest descent, that is de a a” (8) 02.1) ~28e00 5 (eo) = -2e2 (4) 02.2) where g is a positive constant called the adaptation gain. The interpretation of e9(@) is as follows: it is the output error (also a function of time) obtained by freezing the controller parameter at 9. The gradient of eo(@) with respect to 0 is equal to the gradient of y, with respect to 4, since ym is independent of 4, and represents the sensitivity of the output error to variations in the controller parameter @ 8 Introduction Several problems were encountered in the usage of the gradient update. The sensitivity function dy, (0)/0 usually depends on the unk- nown plant parameters, and is consequently unavailable. At this point the so-called M.LT. rule, which replaced the unknown parameters by their estimates at time 1, was proposed. Unforturately, for schemes based on the M.LT. rule, it is not possible in general to ‘prove closed- loop stability, or convergence of the output error to zéro. Empirically, it was observed that the M.LLT. rule performed well when the adaptation gain g and the magnitude of the reference input were small (a conclusion later confirmed analytically by Mareels et a/ (1986)). However, examples of instability could be obtained otherwise (cf. James [1971)). Parks [1966] found a way of redesigning adaptive systems using Lyapunov theory, so that stable and provably convergent model refer- fence schemes were obtained. The update laws were similar to (0.2.2), with the sensitivity dy, (0)/28 replaced by other functions, The stability and convergence properties of model reference adaptive systems make them particularly attractive and will occupy a lot of our interest in this book. 0.2.3 Self Tuning Regulators In this technique of adaptive control, one starts from a control design method for known plants, This design method is summarized by a con troller structure, and a relationship between plant parameters and con- troller parameters. Since the plant parameters are in fact unknown, they are obtained using a recursive parameter identification algorithm. The controller parameters are then obtained from the estimates of the plant parameters, in the same way as if these were the true parameters. This is usually called a certainty equivalence principle, The resulting scheme is represented on Figure 0.4. An explicit separation between identification and control is assumed, in contrast to the model reference schemes above, where the parameters of the con- troller are updated directly to achieve the goal of model following. ‘The self tuning approach was originally proposed by Kalman [1958] and clarified by Astrom & Wittenmark [1973]. The controller is called self tuning, since it has the ability to tune its own parameters. Again, it can be thought of as having two loops: an inner loop consisting of a conven- tional controller, but with varying parameters, and an outer loop consist- ing of an identifier and a design box (representing an on-line solution to a design problem for a system with known parameters) which adjust these controller parameters, The self tuning regulator is very flexible with respect to its choice of controller design methodology (linear quadratic, minimum variance, ‘gain-phase margin design, ...), and to the choice of identification scheme Section 0.2 Approaches to Adaptive Control 9 Aeterance 2] consrowen PUNT INNER LOOP Convote 9 Beramoter VoeniFieR Conraowen]|_ouren voor] dentin, besiGn fo aE Figure 0.4: Self-tuning Controller (east squares, maximum likelihood, extended Kalman filtering, ..). The analysis of self tuning adaptive systems is however more complex than the analysis of model reference schemes, due primarily to the (usually nonlinear) transformation from identifier parameters to controller parameters. Direct and Indirect Adaptive Control While model reference adaptive controllers and self tuning regulators were introduced as different approaches, the only real difference between them is that model reference schemes are direct adaptive control schemes, whereas self tuning regulators are indirect. The self tuning regulator first identifies the plant parameters recursively, and then uses these estimates to update the controller parameters through some fixed transformation. The model reference adaptive schemes update the con- troller parameters directly (no explicit estimate or identification of the plant parameters is made). It is easy to see that the inner or control loop of a self tuning regulator could be the same as the inner loop of a model reference design. Or, in other words, the model reference adap- tive schemes can be seen as a special case of the self tuning regulators, with an identity transformation between updated parameters and con. troller parameters. Through this book, we will distinguish between direct and indirect schemes rather than between model reference and self ‘tuning algorithms. 10 Introduction 0.2.4 Stochastic Control Approach Adaptive controller structures based on model reference or self tuning approaches are based on heuristic arguments. Yet, it would be appealing to obtain such structures from a unified theoretical framework. This can >be done (in principle, at least) using stochastic control. The system and its environment are described by a stochastic model, and a criterion is, formulated to minimize the expected value of a loss function, which is a scalar function of states and controls. It is usually very difficult to solve stochastic optimal control problems (a notable exception is the linear quadratic gaussian problem). When indeed they can be solved, the optimal controllers have the structure shown in Figure 0.5: an identifier (estimator) followed by a nonlinear feedback regulator, Figure 0.5: “Generic” Stochastic Controller The estimator generates the conditional probability distribution of the state from the measurements: this distribution is called the Ayperstate (usually belonging to an infinite dimensional vector space). The self tuner may be thought of as an approximation of this controller, with the hyperstate approximated by the process state and process parameters estimate, From some limited experience with stochastic control, the following interesting observations can be made of the optimal control law: in addition to driving the plant output to its desired value, the controller introduces probing signals which improve the identification and, there- fore future control. This, however, represents some cost in terms of con- trol activity. The optimal regulator maintains a balance between the control activity for learning about the plant it is controlling and the activity for controlling the plant output to its desired value. This pro- perty is referred to as dual control. While we will rot explicitly study stochastic control in this book, the foregoing trade-off will be seen repeatedly: good adaptive control requires correct identification, and for the identification to be complete, the controller signal has to be sufficiently rich to allow for the excitation of the plant dynamics. The Section 0.2 Approaches to Adaptive Control ul presence of this rich enough excitation may result in poor transient per- formance of the scheme, displaying the trade-off between learning and control performance. 0.3. A SIMPLE EXAMPLE Adaptive control systems are difficult to analyze because they are non- linear, time varying systems, even if the plant that they are controlling is linear, time invariant, This leads to interesting and delicate technical problems. In this section, we will introduce some of these problems with a simple example. We also discuss some of the adaptive schemes of the previous section in this context. We consider a first order, time invariant, linear system with transfer function ky sta 1) where a>0 is known. The gain k, of the plant is unknown, but its sign is known (say k,>0). The control objective is to get the plant output to match a model output, where the reference model transfer function is 1 sea Ps) = (0. Ms) = (0.3.2) Only gain compensation—or feedforward control—is necessary, namely a gain @ at the plant input, as is shown on Figure 0.6. vw Figure 0.6: Simple Feedforward Controller Note that, if kp were known, would logically be chosen to be 1/ky. We will call- ¢ (0.3.3) the nominal value of the parameter 0, that is the value which realizes the output matching objective for all inputs. The design of the various 12 Introduction adaptive schemes proceeds as follows. Gain Sched Let v(e) € IR be some auxilis-y measurement that correlates in known, fashion with Kp, say k(t) = f(v(0)). Then, the gain scheduler chooses at time ¢ 1 4) = Fay (0.3.4) ‘Model Reference Adaptive Control Using the M.L-T. Rule To apply the MALT. rule, we need to obtain d¢p(8}/ = dyp(0)/ 30, with the understauding that 6 is frozen. From Figure 0.6, it is easy to see that ayp(6) ky b a” «Sea " We see immediately that the sensitivity function in (0.3.5) depends on the parameter k, which is unknown, so that ay, /<0 is not available. However, the sign of k, is known (K,> 0), so that we may merge the con- stant k, with the adaptation gain. The MIT rule becomes KyYm (0.3.5) § = -ge0m — >0 (0.3.6) Note that (0.3.6) prescribes an update of the parameter 4 in the direction opposite to the “correlation” product of eo and the model output Yr. ‘Model Reference Adaptive Control Using the Lyapunoy Redesign ‘The control scheme is exactly as before, but the parameter update law is chosen to make a Lyapunov function decrease along the trajectories of the adaptive system (see Chapter 1 for an introduction to Lyapunov analysis). The plant and reference model are described by Jn = ayy + kyr (03.7) Jn =~ Oy th = ym + yr 03.8) Subtracting (0.3.8) from (0.3.7), we get, with €9 = Yp ~ Yon bo = -aeyt ky(0-0)r 0.39) Since we would like # to converge to the nominal value 6° = 1 /k,, we define the parameter error as = 0- (0.3.10) Section 0.3 A Simple Example B Note that since 6” is fixed (though unknown), é = 4. The Lyapunov redesign approach consists in finding an update law so that the Lyapunov function Veo) = 6b + ke (03.11) is decreasing along trajectories of the error system fy = ~aeot or @ = update law to be defined (0.3.12) Note that since k,>0, the function v(¢q.¢) is a positive definite fune- tion. The derivative of v along the trajectories of the error system (0.3.12) is given by ¥(e0,8) = -2ae} + 2kpeodr + 2kyod — (0.3.13) Choosing the update law G6 = 6 = -er (03.14) yields (e406) = -2ae§ $0 (0.3.15) 4 thereby guaranteeing that ef + ky@? is decreasing along the trajectories of (0.3.12), (0.3.14) and that eo, and ¢ are bounded. Note that (0.3. is similar in form to (0.3.6), with the difference that eg is correlated with r rather that yy. An adaptation gain g may also be included in (0.3.14). Since v(eo,@) is decreasing and bounded below, it would appear that ¢->0 as 1-+G0. This actually follows from further a vided that r is bounded (cf. Barbalat’s lemma 1.2.1). Having concluded that ¢9-+0 as +00, what can we say about 0? Does it indeed converge to #*= I/k,? The answer is that one can not conclude anything about the convergence of # to 6° without extra condi- tions on the reference input, Indeed, if the reference input was a con- stant zero signal, there would be no reason to expect # to converge to 4”. Conditions for parameter convergence are important in adaptive control and will be studied in great detail. An answer to this question for the simple example will be given for the following indirect adaptive control scheme. ysis, pro 4 Introduction Indirect Adaptive Control (Self Tuning) To be able to effectively compare the indirect scheme with the direct schemes given before, we will assume that the control objective is still model matching, with the same model as above. Figure 0.7 shows an indirect or self tuning type of model reference adaptive controller. ayn Figure 0.7; A Simple Indirect Controller ‘The identifier contains an identifier parameter «(t) that is an esti- mate of the unknown plant parameter k,. Therefore, we define x* = ky The controller parameter is chosen following the certainty equivalence principle: since 0° = 1/k, and x*= ky, we let )=1/x(2). The hope is that, a8 1 + 00, x(t) + ky, $0 that (0) I/Ky ‘The update law now is an update law for the identifier parameter x(t). There are several possibilities at this point, and we proceed to derive one of them. Define the identifier parameter error YO) = O-* (0.3.16) and let TO) = ae ‘The signal w may be obtained by stable filtering of the input w, since a>Qis known. The update las ‘based on the identifier error eis Rwy, (0.3.18) Equation (0.3.18) is used in the actual implementation of the algorithm. For the analysis, note that w (0.3.17) Section 0.3 A Simple Example 1s yp Hen tw 03.19) so that nye (0.3.20) Consider the update law eae ~gew gro (0.3.21) and let the Lyapunov function yay (03.22) ‘This Lyapunov function has the special form of the norm square of the identifier parameter error. Its derivative along the trajectories of the adaptive system is bom -eyrwt (0.3.23) Therefore, the update law causes a decreasing parameter error and all signals remain bounded. ‘The question of parameter convergence can be answered quite sim- ply in this case, Note that (0.3.20), (0.3.21) represent the first order linear time varying system = -ewy (0.3.24) which may be explicitly integrated to get v(t) = (0) exp (- 8 [winery (0.3.25) It is now easy to see that if [vtore + 0 as +00 (0.3.26) then ¥(¢)-+0, so that x(t)-r x" and O(t)-+1/kpy yielding the desired controller. The condition (0.3.26) is referred to as an identifiability con- dition and is much related to the so-called persistency of excitation that will be discussed in Chapter 2. It is easily seen that, in particular, it excludes signals which tend to zero as ¢ -» oo. The difficulty with (0.3.26) is that it depends on w, which in turn depends on u and therefore on both @ and r, Converting it into a condi- tion on the exogenous reference input r(¢) only is another of the prob- lems which we will discuss in the following chapters. 16 Introduction ‘The foregoing simple example showed that even when simple feed- forward control of a linear, time invariant, first order plant was involved, the analysis of the resulting closed-loop dynamics could be involved: the equations were time-varying, linear equations. Once feed- back control is involved, the equations become nonlinear and time vary- ing. CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINARIES ‘This chapter introduces the notation used in this book, as well as some basic definitions and results. The material is provided mostly for refer- ence. It may be skipped in a first reading, or by the reader familiar with the results. ‘The notation used in the adaptive systems literature varies widely. We elected to use a notation close to that of Narendra & Valavani [1978], and Narendra, Lin, & Valavani [1980], since many connections exist between this work and their results. We will refer to texts such as, Desoer & Vidyasagar [1975], and Vidyasagar [1978] for standard results, and this chapter will concentrate on the definitions used most often, and on nonstandard results. 11 NOTATION Lower case letters are used to denote scalars or vectors. Upper case letters are used to denote matrices, operators, or sets. When w(t) is a function of time, i(s) denotes its Laplace transform. Without ambi- guity, we will drop the arguments, and simply write w and i. Rational transfer functions of linear time invariant (LTI) systems will be denoted using upper case letters, for example, H(s) or H. Polynomials in s will be denoted using lower case letters, for example, fi(s) or simply A Thus, we may have = fi/d, where H is both the ratios of polyiomials in s and an operator in the Laplace transform domain, Sometimes, the time domain and the Laplace transform domain will be mixed, and 17 18 Preliminaries Chapter 1 parentheses will determine the sense to be made of an expression. For example, /1(u) or Hi is the output of the LTI system /7 with input w, Hi(u)v is H(u) multiplied by v in the time domain, while Hi(uv) is ‘operating on the product u(t) v(0), 1.2L, SPACES, NORMS We denote by |x| the absolute value of x if x is a scalar and the euclidean norm of x if x is a vector. The notation | || will be used to denote the induced norm of an operator, in particular the induced matrix norm Wall = sup, 14x (2.1) and for functions of time, the notation is used for the Ly norm lap = Cf luca rari (1.2.2) for pe[ 1,00), while I lgg = sup, | mE) (1.2.3) and we say that weL, when | uly exists. When p is omitted, || ul denotes the L; norm. Truncated functions are defined as La) = £0) tss =0 tps 1.24) and the extended L. spaces are defined by Lye = (S| forall < 00, fz € Lp) (125) For example, e' does not belong to L, we Ly, we have or but ee Ly. When Milly = supl eG)! (1.2.6) A function f may belong to L and not be bounded. Conversely, a bounded function need not belong to L1. However, if fel) NL... then feZy for all pe[1, 0] (ef. Desoer & Vidyasagar [1975], p. 17) Also, f € Ly does not imply that +0 as ta9. This is not even guaranteed if f is bounded. However, note the following results. Section 1.2 L, Spaces, Norms 19 Lemma 1.2.1 Barbalat’s Lemma f ——_f(0) isa uniformly continuous function, such that lim [foe exists and is finite, Then f(t) roo. Proof of Lemma 1.2.1 cf. Popov [1973] p. 211 Corollary 1.2.2 Bb € Lay and g € Ly, for some p € [1,00), Then g(t)-+0a5 +00 Ln, arr Proof of Corollary 1.2.2 C Direct from lemma 1.2.1, with f = | g|’, since g,@ bounded implies that f is uniformly continuous. O 13 POSITIVE DEFINITE MATRICES Positive definite matrices are frequently found in work on adaptive sys- tems. We summarize here several facts that will be useful. We consider real matrices. Recall that a scalar u, or a function of time u(t), is said to be positive if w 0, or u(t) > 0 for allt. It is strictly positive if u>0, or, for some a>0, u(t) 2 a for all ¢. A square matrix A € R™" is posi- tive semidefinite if x" A x & 0 for all x. It is positive definite if, for some a>0, xx 2 ax" x = a| x|? for all x. Equivalently, we can require 74x 2a for all x such that |x| = 1. The matrix is negative semidefinite if ~A is positive semidefinite and for symmetric matrices, we write A = B if A-B > 0. Note that a matrix can be neither posi- tive semidefinite nor negative semidefinite, o that this only establishes a partial order on symmetric matrices ‘The eigenvalues of a positive semidefinite matrix lie in the closed right-half plane (RHP), while those of a positive definite matrix lie in the open RHP. If 420 and 4=A?, then A is symmetric positive semidefinite. In particular, if A > 0, then A +47 is symmetric positive semidefinite. The eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are all real, ‘Such a matrix also has » orthogonal eigenvectors, so that we can decompose 4 as 4=UTAU (3.1) where U is the matrix of eigenvectors satisfying U? U = I (that is, U is a unitary matrix), and A is a diagonal matrix composed of the 20 Preliminaries Chapter t eigenvalues of A. When A 2 0, the square root matrix A* is a diagonal ‘matrix composed of the square roots of the eigenvalues of 4, and. 4% = uTA*U (13.2) is the square root matrix of 4, with A = 4%: 4 and(A®)? = 4%, If A 20 and B > 0, then 4 +B = 0 but it is not true in general that A-B 20. However, if A, B are symmetric, positive semidefinite ‘matrices, then AB—although not necessarily symmetric, or positive semidefinite—has all eigenvalues real positive. Another property of symmetric, positive semidefinite matrices, fol- lowing from (1.3.1), is Amin()| x]? S xTAX S Ama(A)| x]? (3.3) This simply follows from the fact that x74 x = x7UTAUx = 27 Az and |z|?= 27z = |x|, We also have that All = Amat) (1.3.4) and, when A is positive definite WAT = 1/\min(A) (1.3.5) 14 STABILITY OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS 1.4.1 Differential Equations This section is concerned with differential equations cf the form X= flux) xlto) = x0 (at) where x € RY): 20. The system defined by (1.4.1) is said to be autonomous, or time- invariant, if f does not depend on 1, and non awionomous, or time- varying, otherwise. It is said to be linear if f(t,x) = A(x for some A(): IR, > IR"" and nonlinear otherwise. We will always assume that /(¢,x) is piecewise continuous with respect tot. By this, we mean that there are only a finite number of discontinuity points in any coripact set. We define by By the closed ball of radius h centered at 0 in IR”, Properties will be said to be true: © locally, if true for all xq in some ball By. Section 1.4 ‘Stability of Dynamic Systems 21 © globally, if true for all xo € IR", ‘© imany closed ball, if true for all xo @ By, with h arbitrary. © uniformly, if true for all to = 0. By default, properties will be true locally, Lipschitz Conc mn and Consequences The function f is said to be Lipschitz in x if, for some h>0, there exists / > 0 such that [fx - feed] S Nx; =22] (1.4.2) for all x1, x2 € By, £20. The constant / is called the Lipschitz con- stant, This defines locally Lipschitz functions. Globally Lipschitz func- tions satisfy (1.4.2) for all x1, x2 € IR", while functions that are Lipschitz in any closed ball satisfy (1.4.2) for all x1, x; © By, with | possibly depending on /. The Lipschitz property is by default assumed to be satisfied uniformly, that is, ! does not depend on ¢. If f is Lipschitz in x, then it is continuous in x. On the other hand, if f has continuous and bounded partial derivatives in x, then it is Lipschitz, More formally, we denote #| (143) ax, so that if | D2 < J, then f is Lipschitz with constant From the theory of ordinary differential equations (ef. Coddington & Levinson [1955)), it is known that f locally bounded, and locally Lipschitz in x imply the existence and uniqueness of the solutions of (1.4.1) on some time interval (for as long asx € By). Dif = Definition Equilibrium Point x is called an equilibrium point of (1.4.1), if f(t,x) = 0 for all ¢ 2 0. By translating the origin to an equilibrium point xo, we can make the origin 0 an equilibrium point. This is of great notational help, and we will assume henceforth that 0 is an equilibrium point of (1.4.1) Proposition 1.4.1 Y x = Vis an equilibrium point of (1.4.1), f is Lipschitz in x with constant / and is piecewise, continuous with respect to 1 Then the solution x(0) of (1.4.1) satisfies 2 Preliminaries Chapter 1 Irate!" & [xO] & Jal eH 1.44) as long as x(t) remains in By Proof of Proposition 1.4.1 Note that |x|? = x?x implies that gee ie last] = att |r] rd | sapeda|sra[£e] ass so that [Gra] s [4e] (1.46) Since f is Lipschitz d mtixt s Aixt s dai (14) and there exists a positive function s(t) such that fix = -Uxi+s (1.4.8) Solving (1.4.8) [etn] = [get + pcan te 2 [ret ay 4 The other inequality follows similarly from (1.7). Proposition 1.4.1 implies that solutions starting inside By will remain inside By for at least a finite time interval. Or, conversely, given a time interval, the solutions will remain in B, provided that the initial conditions are sufficiently small. Also, f globally Lipschitz implies that xeL,,,. Proposition 1.4.1 also says that x cannot tend to zero faster than exponentially The following lemma is an important result generalizing the well- known Bellman-Gronwall lemma (Bellman [1943]). The proof is similar to the proof of proposition 1.4.1, and is left to the appendix. Section 14 ‘Stability of Dynamic Systems 23 Lemma 1.4.2 Bellman-Gronwall Lemma Let x(),a(.), w() IRR. Let 720. y #10 [atoninde + 00) (1.4.10) forall: © (0,7) Then fee x0) s [amuiner dr + ult) (4.1) for allt « [0,7] When u(.) is differentiable inde taste x(t) Ix) 0, there exists 8(¢0), such that [xo] <6 => lim |x(0)| = 0 Definition Uniform Asymptotic Stability (u.a.s.) x =0 is called a uniformly asymptotically stable (,) equilibrium point of (1.4.1), if (@) x = isa uniformly stable equilibrium point of (1.4.1), (b) the trajectory x(¢) converges to 0 uniformly in fo. More pre- cisely, there exists. 5>0 and a function y(r,x0) IR, x R"+IR,, such that lim y(r,xo) = 0 for all xo and [xl <8 => [x(0 < y(t ~t0, x0) foray’ ZO The previous definitions are local, since they concern neighbor- hoods of the equilibrium point. Global asymptotic stebility is defined as, follows, Definition Global Asymptotic Stability x =0 is called a globally asymptotically stable equilibrium point of (14.1), if it is asymptotically stable and lim|x(0)| = 0, for all Xo e RY Global u.a.s. is defined likewise, Note that the speed of conver- gence is not quantified in the definitions of asymptotic stability. In the following definition, the convergence to zero is required to be at least exponential. Definition Exponential Stability, Rate of Convergence x= 0 is called an exponentially stable equilibrium point of (1.4.1) if there exist m, a >0 such that the solution x(¢) satisfies [x] sme | x9] (1.4.13) Section 1.4 Stability of Dynamic Systems 25 for all xp € By, = fo 0. The constant a is called the rate of conver- gence. Global exponential stability means that (1.4.13) is satisfied for any Xo € IR". Exponential stability in any closed ball is similar except that ‘m and a may be functions of fh. Exponential stability is assumed to be uniform with respect to fo. It will be shown that uniform asymptotic stability is equivalent to exponential stability for linear systems (see Sec- tion 1.5.2), but it is not true in general. 1.4.3 Lyapunov Stability Theory We now review some of the key concepts and results of Lyapunov stabil- ity theory for ordinary differential equations of the form (1.4.1). A more complete development is available, for instance, in the texts by Hahn [1967] and Vidyasagar {1978}. The so-called Lyapunov second method enables one to determine the nature of stability of an equilibrium point of (1.4.1) without expli- city integrating the differential equation. The method is basically a gen- eralization of the idea that if some “measure of the energy” associated with a system is decreasing, then the system will tend to its equilibrium, To make this notion precise, we need to define exactly what we mean by a “measure of energy,” that is, energy functions. For this, we first define class K functions (Hahn [1967], p. 7). Definition Class K Funetions A function a(¢) : IR, -rIR, belongs to class K (denoted al.) € K), if it is continuous, strictly increasing, and a(0) = 0. Definition Locally Positive Definite Functions A continuous function v(¢,x): IR, x IR" > IR, is called a locally posi- tive definite function (Lp.d.f) if, for some h >0, and some a(.) © K (0) =0 and v(4,x)2a(lx]) — forallx © By 20 ‘An Lp.d.f. is locally like an “energy function.” Functions which are globally like “energy functions” are called positive definite functions (p.d.f) and are defined as follows. Definition -Positive Definite Functions A continuous function v(¢,.r): IR, x IR" -» IR, is called a positive definite function (pdf) ,if for some a(.) ¢ K (1,0) =0 and v(t,x)2a(/x}) forallx ¢ R020 26 F eliminaries Chapter 1 ‘and the function «(p)-» 60 as p» 00 In the definitions of Lp.df. and p.d.f. functions, the energy like functions are not bounded from above as ¢ varies, This follows in the next definition, Definition Decrescent Function The function v(t,.x) is called decrescent, if there exists a function A) © K, such that vx) B(\Ix1) forall x € Byt 20 Examples Following are several examples of functions, and their membership in the various classes: v(t,x) = |x|?: p.d.f, decrescent v(t,x) = x7 Px, with P>O: p.d.f., decrescent v(t,x) = (t+ Dx? pds. (t,x) =e! |x]? : decrescent v(t,x) = sin?(|x|?): Lp.d.f,, decrescent Lyapunoy Stability Theorems Generally speaking, the theorems state that when v(t,x) is a p.d.f,, or an Ip, and dv/di(t,x) $0, then we can conclude the stability of the equilibrium point. The derivative of v is taken along the trajectories of (1.4.1); that is, dv(tx 2 ED, LD yy ‘a 7 Go foxy (4.14) ay Theorem 1.4.3 Basie Theorems of Lyapunov Let v(t,x) be continuously differentiable: Then Section 14 Stability of Dynamic Systems n Conditions on | Conditions on Conclos ED ux) onclusions | ipa %0 locally | stable Lpa.t, deerescent | 20 locally | uniformly stable ipa, Inde asymptotically stable Ips, decrescent | | uniformly asymptotically stable pa, decrescent | pdt | globally uas Proof of Theorem 1.4.3 cf. Vidyasagar (1978), p. 148 and after. Example We refer to Vidyasagar [1978] for examples of application of the theorems. An interesting example is the second order system. Hy = mxP +49 = 1-22 y= x) + xQ(xf +x} - 1) (1.4.13) with the pd. vOe) = xP +3 (1.4.16) ‘The derivative of v is given by HX x2) = Qed +9) Oc? +27 - 1) (1.4.17) so that -¥ is an Lp.d.f. (in By, where <1), establishing the local asymptotic stability of the origin. The origin is, in fact, not globally asymptotically stable: the system can be shown to have a circular limit cycle of radius 1 (by changing to polar coordinates). From (1.4.17), we can also show that for all x € By i < -2(1-A*)y (1.4.18) so that v() S v(Qper2t-M ir [xO] Sx) eC foralez0 (1.4.19) and, in fact, x = 0 is a locally exponentially stable equilibrium point. Note that the Lyapunov function is in fact the squared norm of the state, a situation that will often occur in the sequel, 28 Preliminaries Chapter 1 Comments, ‘The theorems of Lyapunov give sufficient conditions guaranteeing the stability of the system (1.4.1). It is a remarkable fact that the converse of theorem 1.4.3 is also true: for example, if an equilibrium point is stable, there exists an Lp. v(t,x) with W(x) $0. The usefulness of theorem 1.4.3 and its converse is limited by the fact that there is no gen- eral (and computationally non-intensive) prescription for generating the Lyapunov functions. A significant exception to this concerns exponen- tially stable systems, which are the topic of the following section, 1.5 EXPONENTIAL STABILITY THEOREMS We will pay special attention to exponential stability for two reasons. When considering the convergence of adaptive algorithms, exponential stability means convergence, and the rate of convergence is a useful measure of how fast estimates converge to their nominal values. In Chapter 5, we will also observe that exponentially stable systems possess at least some tolerance to perturbations, and are therefore desirable in ‘engineering applications. 1.5.1 Exponential Stability of Nonlinear Systems ‘The following theorem will be useful in proving several results and relates exponential stability to the existence of a specific Lyapunov func- tion, ‘Theorem 1.5.1 Converse Theorem of Lyapunov Assume that /(¢,x) : IR, xIR" + IR" has continuous and bounded first partial derivatives in x and is piecewise continuous in ¢ for all xX € By, £20. Then, the following statements are equivalent: (@) x = Oisan exponentially stable equilibrium point of & = f(t.x) xl) = x (1.5.1) (b) There exists @ function v(¢,x), and some stictly positive con- stants fi’, ay,a,a3,a%4, such that, for all x € By, £20 yx]? < v(t,x) S ag] x|? (1.5.2) ae ay 27BIEP (1.5.3) | zen C2) | sal xt (54) Section 1.5 Exponential Stability Theorems 29 Comments Again, the derivative in (1.5.3) is a derivative taken along the trajec- tories of (1.5.1), that is dv(t x) HUE), HED Fey 15.39) Gas ae GeO fem) (1.5.5) This means that we consider x to be a function of ¢ to calculate the derivative along the trajectories of (1.5.1) passing through x at /. It does not require of x to be the solution x(t) of (1.5.1) starting at x(to). Theorem 1.5.1 can be found in Krasovskii [1963] p. 60, and Hahn [1967] p. 273. It is known as one of the converse theorems. The proof of the theorem is constructive: it provides an explicit Lyapunov func- tion v(¢,x). This is a rather unusual circumstance, and makes the theorem particularly valuable. In the proof, we derive explicit values of the constants involved in (1.5.2)-(1.5.4). Proof of Theorem 1.5.1 (a) implies (8) ( Denote by p(x, x, 1) the solution at time + of (1.5.1) starting at x(0), 1, and define yx) = f iptr,x,0)2dr (1.5.6) where T'>0 will be defined in (i). From the exponential stability and the Lipschitz condition mx} ee & [plex] & |x| el? as.) and inequality (1.5.2) follows with ay is (1 YT) / 20 a = m2(1-e787)/2a (1.5.8) Gi) Differentiating (1.5.6) with respect to ¢, we obtain wen = [p+T x07 - | p@.x,0/? wr d 2 : + [lpn dr (1.5.9) Note that d/dt is a derivative with respect to the initial time ¢ and is taken along the trajectories of (1.5.1) By definition of the solution p, POX +40, 6440 = pOx,0) (1.5.10) 30 Preliminaries Chapter 1 for all A‘, so that the term in the integral is identically zero over t,1+T7}. The second term in the right-hand side of (1.5.9) is simply |.x1?, while the first is related to |x|? by the assumption of exponential stability. It follows that BOR) gy ment) gf? HSA GS 7 mte |x] (15.11) Inequality (1.5.3) follows, provided that 7'>(1/a)Inm and ay t= Lome et (15.12) * (ii) Differentiating (1.5.6) with respect to x;, we have PED 2 Soren PE asin 1 fal 7 Under the assumptions, the partial derivative of the solution with respect to the initial conditions satisfies d [atexo) a fa #\e7]-¢ |g tease} = [sexo] - Ze I e Sates) 0319 (except possibly at points of discontinuity of f(r,x)). Denote Qilr.x,0) 2= api(r,x 0) (ax; Aylest) 2» alex) fax, (15.15) so that (15.16) ecome Leen =40eson-eten 516 Equation (1.5.16) defines Q(r,x,1), when integrated from r=t to r= t+T, with initial conditions Q(t ,x,1)=J, Thus, Q(r,x,1) is the state transition matrix (ef. Section 1.5.2) associated with the time vary- ing matrix A(p(r,x,4),7). By assumption, || A. ,.)|| 0 (0) implies (a) ‘This direction is straightforward, using only (1.5.2)-(1.5.3), and we find (1.5.20) a Comments ‘The Lyapunov function v(¢, x) can be interpreted as an average of the squared norm of the state along the solutions of (1.5.1). This approach is actually the basis of exact proofs of exponential convergence presented in Sections 2.5 and 2.6 for identification algorithms, On the other hand, the approximate proofs presented in Chapter 4 rely on methods for averaging the differential system itself. Then the norm squared of the state itself becomes a Lyapunov function, from which the exponential ‘convergence can be deduced. Theorem 1.5.1 is mostly useful to establish the existence of the Lyapunov function corresponding to exponentially stable systems. To establish exponential stability from a Lyapunov function, the following theorem will be more appropriate. Again, the derivative is to be taken along the trajectories of (1.5.1) Theorem 1.5.2 Exponential Stability Theorem Uf there exists a function v(t ,x), and strictly p 2, a5, and 8, such that for all x € By, = 0 ve constants a, - ai[x|? < v(x) S ag]? (1.5.21) da aod, oa 32 Preliminaries Chapter 1 drs -aslxit)l? (1.5.23) sn) A vee.xt) a Then x(t) converges exponentially to 0. Proof of Theorem 1.5.2 From (1.5.23) ¥(E (0) = 9 (E45, x00 +8) 2 (ayer) VEU) (1.5.24) for all ¢ 2 0, so that (C48, x(€+8) S (I~ a /az) ¥(0,x(0) (1.5.25) for all ¢ > 0, From (1.5.22) vena) S$ ¥(Cx() — forall ty [40 #5] (1.5.26) Choose for # the sequence tp, fo+8, f+28,... so that v(¢,x(0)) is bounded by a staircase v(to,x(tg)), v(to+8,x(f9+8),... where the steps are related in geometric progression through (1.5.24). It follows that vtxt) sme v(t, x(t) (1.5.27) for allt 2 f 2 0, where oo 1.5.28) ™ ale) on Silay, (1.529) where js 1 1 oe 1.5.30) rae)? «+ gerbe] oom 1.5.2. Exponential Stability of Linear Time-Varying Systems We now restrict our attention to linear time-varying (LTV) systems of the form X= AMX —xlla) = Xo (1.3.31) where A(1) € IR"*" is a piecewise continuous function belonging to L Section 1.5 Exponential Stability Theorems 33 Definition State-Transition Matrix The state-transition matrix (1,19) € IR"*" associated with A(t) is, by definition, the unique solution of the matrix differential equation Leet ta) = AM FEt) — Blood =F (15.32) Note that linear systems with A(.) ¢ L,,, automatically satisfy the Lipschitz condition over any finite interval, so that the solutions of (1.5.31) and (1.5.32) are unique on any time interval, It is easy to verify that the solution of (1.5.31) is related to that of (1.5.32) through (0) = ®(C 10) xU00) (1.5.33) In particular, this expression shows that trajectories are “proportional” to the size of the initial conditions, so that local and global properties of LTV systems are identical. The state-transition matrix satisfies the so-called semigroup property (cf. Kailath [1980], p. $99): PU to) = BE) B(rt0) forall 2729 (1.5.34) and its inverse is given by Bt)! = Plto,0) (1.5.35) ‘A consequence is that d d 1 Gig MD = Feud) = Plo)" "A () ® (C051) ®(Co,1) - 810A) (1.5.36) The following propositions relate the stability properties of (1.5.31) to properties of the state-transition matrix. Proposition 1.5.3 Uniform Asymptotic Stability of LTV Systems is @ uniformly asymptotically stable equilibrium point of (1.5.31) Wand only if x =0 is stable, which is guaranteed by xe BP, CSUP BEDI) < 00 3.37) and x = 0 is attractive, which is guaranteed by 1 2U,t0)|| +0 as ¢-200 uniformly in fo. (1.5.38) 34 Preliminaries Chapter I Proof of Proposition 1.5.3 direct from the expressicn of the solution (1.5.33). Proposition 1.5.4 Exponential Stability of LTV Systems, x = 0 is an exponentially stable equilibrium point of (1.5.31) if and only if for some m, « > 0 HBC, to)l| = mene" (1.5.39) for all (2 920. Proof of Proposition 1.5.4 direct from the expression of the solution (1.5.33), A unique property of linear systems is the equivalence between uni- form asymptotic stability and exponential stability, as stated in the fol- lowing theorem, Proposition 1.8.8 Exponential and Uniform Asymptotic Stability is a uniformly asymptotically stable equilibrium point of (1.5.31) if and only if x = 0 is an exponentially stable equilibrium point of (1.5.31). Proof of Proposition 1.5.5 That exponential stability implies uniform asymptotic stability is obvi- ous from their definitions and in particular from proposition 1.5.3 and. proposition 1.5.4. We now show the converse, Proposition 1.5.3 implies that there exists M >0 and T'>0, such that [eC tll 0 Bol = N(toto+) = Bl (1.5.44) where N(fo,f9 + 6) € IR"*" is the so-called observability grammian Mloto+8) = f #1, 0)CM)CH) Or ta)dr (1.5.45) ‘Comments Note that, using (1.5.33), condition (1.5.44) can be rewritten as Bal x(to)l? = f |CUr)x()|2dr = Bil xCt0)|? (1.5.46) for all x(0g) © IR*,fo 2 0, where x(t) is the solution of (1.5.43) starting at x(). The observability is called uniform because (1.5.43) is satisfied uni- formly for all ¢g and complete because (1.5.46) is satisfied for all x(t). AA specific x(t) is observable on a specific time interval {fo f0-+) if con- dition (1.5.46) is satisfied on that interval. Then, x(t) can be recon- structed from the knowledge of y(.) using the expression - fost X(to) = N(fosto+ 8)! f 8%r,t—)CTr)yr)dr (1.5.47) On the other hand, if condition (1.5.44) fails 10 be satisfied, (1.5.46) shows that there exists an x(q) # 0 such that the corresponding output 36 Preliminaries Chapter 1 satisfies f lv@itdr = 0 (1.5.48) so that x(fo) is not distinguishable from 0. ‘Theorem 1.5.6 Exponential Stability of LTV Systems The following statements are equivalent: (@) x = 0 is an exponentially stable equilibrium point of (1.5.31). (&) For all C(t) € IR"*" (with m arbitrary) such that the pair [C(0,A(O] is UCO, there exists a symmetric P(r) € IR"**, and some +7, 72> 0, such that nl 2 PO 2 vl (1.5.49) ~ PU) = ATP + PAM + CTH)C() (1.5.50) for all 120. (© For some C(t) ¢ IR"** (with m arbitrary) such that the pair [C(),A(#)] is UCO, there exists a symmetric P(t) ¢ IR™*" and some "1, ¥2>0, such tivat (1.5.49) and (1.5.50) are satisfied. Proof of Theorem 1.5.6 (a) implies (b) Define PW) = f OT OCTNCHOENdr (3st) We will show that (1.5.49) is satisied so that P(t) is well defined, but first note that by differentiating (1.5.51), and using (1.5.36), it follows that P(é) satisfies the linear differential equation (1.5.50). This equation is a linear differential equation, so that the solution is unique for given initial conditions, However, we did not impose initial conditions in (1.5.50), and P(0) isin fact given by (1.5.51). By the UCO assumption ta Bal = f A NCTC)Br, de = BT — (1.5.52) for all 1 2 0. Since the integral from ¢ to oo is not less than from £ to +4, the lower inequality in (1.5.50) follows directly from (1.5.52). To ‘Section 1.5 Exponential Stability Theorems 37 show the upper inequality, we divide the interval of integration in inter- vals of size 6 and sum the individual integrals. On the interval [648.0428] [ PTC CE) P(r de = OTE 45,1) ra $ [8M NCTHCHMSG,1+ ade | fe +5,0) S Aime tty (1.5.53) where we used the UCO and exponential stability assumptions, There fore J eM. NCTM CE) Brae S (lt mre 2s met 4e-0) 7 r= ygl (1.5.54) (©) implies (c) teivial. (©) implies (a). Consider the Lyapunov function v(x) = xT)PO)x() (1.5.53) so that Hie -ATOPOAMAD - THATIOPWOXO xP) PEOX), » = octiocensy fo (1.5.56) Using the UCO property tea tae [vd = -27O| f 87. NCTCHHr,Nar| xe) S ~Bilx(t)|? (1.5.57) Exponential convergence follows from theorem 1.5. 38 Preliminaries Chapter 1 It is interesting to note that the Lyapunov function is identical to the function used in theorem 1.5.1, when C= J, and the upper bound of integration tends to infinity. 1.5.3 Exponential Stability of Linear Time Invariant Systems ‘When the system (1.5.31) is time-invariant, even further simplification of the stability criterion results. Specifically, we consider the system ee Ax x(t) = x0 (1.5.58) Note that since the system is linear, local and global stability pro- pertics are identical, and since it is time-invariant, all properties are uni- form (in to) Theorem 1.5.7. Lyapunoy Lemma ‘The following statements are equivalent: (a) Alleigenvalues of 4 lie in the open left-half plane (o) x = 0 is an exponentially stable equilibrium point of (1.5.58) © For all Ce R"™*" (with m arbitrary), such that the pair [C4] is observable, there exists a symmetric positive definite Pe IR**” satisfying ATP + PA = ~CTC (1.5.59) (@ For some Ce R"*" (with m arbitrary), such that the pair {CA} is observable, there exists a symmetric positive definite Pe IR" satisfying (1.5.59). Proof of Theorem 1.5.7 (a) implies (b). This follows from the fact that the transition matrix is given by the exponential matrix (cf. Vidyasagar [1978], pp. 171) Blt) = el (1.5.60) (®) implies (0). Let SQ) = [etrercetar Section 1.5 Exponential Stability Theorems 39 DD” (1.5.61) Clearly S$", and since [C, A] is observable, $(1)>0 for all 10. Using both expressions in (1.5.61) SU) = eA CTCeM = ATS)HS(A+CTC (1.5.62) and using the exponential stability of A lim $@) = 0 = ATP+PA+CTC (1.5.63) where P= lim SO (1.5.64) (¢) implies (d) trivial, (A) implies (6) as in theorem 1.5.6. 0 Remark The original version of the Lyapunov lemma is stated with Q positive definite replacing C7 C (which is only semi-definite), and leading to the so-called Lyapunov equation: ATP+PA = @ (1.5.65) Then, the observability hypothesis is trivial, We stated a more general version of the Lyapunov lemma partly to show the intimate connection between exponential stability and observability for linear systems. 1.6 GENERALIZED HARMONIC ANALYSIS. ‘An appropriate tool for the study of stable linear time-invariant systems is Fourier transforms or harmonic analysis, since e” is an eigenfunction of such systems. We will be concerned with the analysis of algorithms for identification and adaptive control of linear time-invariant systems. The overall adaptive systems are time-varying systems, but, under cer- tain conditions, they become “asymptotically” time-invariant. For these systems, generalized harmonic analysis is a useful tool of analysis. The theory has been known since the early part of the century and was developed ini Wiener’s Generalized Harmonic Analysis (Wiener [1930]). Boyd & Sastry [1983] and [1986] illustrated its application to adaptive systems. Since the proofs of the various lemmas used in this book are neither difficult nor long, we provide them in this section. 40 Preliminaries Chapter I Definition Stationarity, Autocovariance A signal uw: IR, -+ IR" is said to be stationary if tke following limit exists, uniformly in fo test = 4 1 nen RO t= tim [vow (+ndr eR (1.6.1) in which instance, the limit Ry(t) is called the autocovariance of u. The concept of autocovariance is well known in the theory of sto- chastie systems. There is a strong analogy between (1.6.1) and RisM(t) = E [u(s)u7(t +7), when w is a wide sense stationary stochas- tic process. Indeed, for a wide sense stationary ergodic process u(t,«) (w here denotes a sample point of the underlying probability space), the autocovariance R,(t,) exists, and is equal to Ri**(¢) for almost all w. But we emphasize that the autocovariance defined in (1.6.1) is com- pletely deterministic Proposition 1.6.1 R, is a positive semirdefinite matrix-valued function, that is, for all t, fm € Reandcy,..., q € R® k DIR -We 20 (1.62) Proof of Proposition 1.6.1 Define the scalar valued function v(¢) by VO im Delue ray (1.6.3) Then, for all 7>0 it = [iv@rar 9s F [ioe (1.6.4) r [ucsoutesipane, war - J wouT(o+1~t)de)ey (1.6.5) Section 1.6 Generalized Harmonic Analysis 41 Since w has an autocovariance, the limit of (1.6.5) as T + 00 is D fF Rulty- wey (1.6.6) From (1.6.4), we find that (1.6.6) is positive, so that (1.6.2) follows. © From proposition 1 follows (see, for example, Widder [1971)) that R, is the Fourier transform of a positive semi-definite matrix S,(da) of bounded measures, that is, LP ie RAt) = 35 ee Syldee) (1.6.7) and J Silda) = 2R,(0) < 00 (1.6.8) ‘The corresponding inverse transform is Suds) = "fe Ryde (1.69) The matrix measure S,(dw) is referred to as the spectral measure of the signal 1. In particular, if has a sinusoidal component at frequency wo, then w is said to have a spectral line at frequency w». S,(dw) has point mass (a delta function) at w and —uy, If w(t) is periodic, with Period 2x/wp, then S,(de) has point mass at up, 2up,... and. ~ 8, ~2up,.... Further, if u(¢) is almost periodic, its spectral measure has Point masses concentrated at countably many points. Since R, is real, (1.6.9) shows that Re(S,) is an even function of w, and Im(S,) is an odd function of w. On the other hand, (1.6.1) shows that Rul) = RECO ‘Therefore, (1.6.9) also shows that Re(S,) is a symmetric matrix, while Im(S,) is an antisymmetric matrix. In other words, SI(da) = Sida) Equations (1.6.1) and (1.6.9) give a technique for obtaining the spectral content of stationary deterministic signals. For example, con- sider the scalar signal 42 Preliminaries Chapter 1 u(t) = sin(wyt) + sin(wt) + fe) (1.6.10) where f(t) is some continuous function that tends to zero as f+ oo, ‘The signal w has autocovariance RA) = F008(ust) + F coset) (61) showing spectral content at w; and «2 The autocovariance of the input and of the output signals of a stable linear time-invariant system can be related as in the following pro- position. Proposition 1.6.2 Linear Filter Lemma Let y = A(u), where HT is a proper, stable m xn matrix transfer func- tion, with real impulse response H(t), If wis stationary, with autocovariance Ry(t) Then _ y is stationary, with autocovariance Rw = fF PHOdRG on =rdHTeadde drs (16.12) and spectral measure Side) = Hiv) Sy(de) A (je) (1.6.13) Proof of Proposition 1.6.2 We first establish that y has an autocovariance, by considering Ler eo Z J vovternds = Ff (faedur-nan) (fut +r-r)HTn)éra)dr (1.6.14) For all T, the integral in (1.6.14) exists absolutely, since / is stable, and therefore H © L,. Therefore, we may change the order of integration, to obtain ener [[Hendy |e [wow re+n-n)de (H™(r)dr2) (1.6.15) Section 1.6 Generalized Harmonic Analysis 4B ‘The expression in parenthesis converges to Ry(t +7)~r2) a8 T-r 00, uniformly in fo, Further, itis bounded asa function of 7, fo, 7) and vs, since, by the Schwarz inequality ee Moule e4ry—n)do + inn spk Plume 66 Hence, by dominated convergence, (1.6.15) converges uniformly in fq, as T +00 , to (1.6.12), so that y has an autocovariance given by (1.6.12). ‘To complete the proof, we substitute (1.6.7) in (1.6.12) to get RAD = ff Hernan fe Sas) HT e2)dra = Fe fem femanendr, Silda) (fem Htea)de” = ae [MAK bs sduy A" ie) (16.17) Note that (1.6.17) is the Fourier representation of R,, so that, using the fact that H(t) is real Side) = H(-ju)S,(du) H" (jw) = A (jw) Sd) HI (jo) (1.6.18) a Remark It is easy to see that if u has a spectral line at frequency wo, so does y, and the intensity of the spectral line of y at wy is given by (1.6.18) Note, however, that if /1(s) has a zero of transmission at wp, then the amplitude of the spectral line at the output is zero, We will also need to define the cross correlation and cross spectral density between two stationary signals. Definition Cross Correlation Let w: IR, + IR" and y: IR, - IR" be stationary. The crass correlation between w and y is defined to be the following limit, uniform in fo 44 Preliminaries Chapter 1 Ral) im [rertern de eR” (1.6.19) It may be verified that the relationship between R,, and Ry, is Ryle) = RG) (1.6.20) and the Fourier transform of the cross correlation is referred to as the crass spectral measure of u and y. The cross correlation between the input and the output of a stable LT! system can be related in much the same way as in proposition 1.6.2. Proposition 1.6.3 Linear Filter Lemma—Cross Correlation Let y = H(u), where H is a proper stable m x matrix transfer func- tion, with impulse response H(t). If wis stationary Then the cross correlation between 1 and y is giver by Rul = f HGR +r ddr (1.6.21) and the eross spectral measure is Sylde) = Hiv) Sy(di) (1.6.22) Proof of Proposition 1.6.3 The proof is analogous to the proof of proposition 1.6.2 and is omitted here, CHAPTER 2 IDENTIFICATION 2.0 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, we review some identification methods for single-input single-output (SISO), linear time invariant (LTI) systems. To introduce the subject, we first informally discuss a simple example. We consider the identification problem fora first order SISO LT! system described by a transfer function Hs) 5 k 3. po) - 20.1) As) S44, ‘he parameters fy and dare unknown and are tobe determined by the lentiication scheme on the bass of measurements of the input and out put of the plant. The plant is assumed to be stable, ic. a,>0. Frequency Domain Approach A standard approach to identification is the frequency response approach. Let the input r be a sinusoid . HE) = sin(wot) 2.02) ‘The steady-state response is then given by 4) > mintaot +9) 2.0.3) where 45 44 Preliminaries Chapter 1 Ral) im [rertern de eR” (1.6.19) It may be verified that the relationship between R,, and Ry, is Ryle) = RG) (1.6.20) and the Fourier transform of the cross correlation is referred to as the crass spectral measure of u and y. The cross correlation between the input and the output of a stable LT! system can be related in much the same way as in proposition 1.6.2. Proposition 1.6.3 Linear Filter Lemma—Cross Correlation Let y = H(u), where H is a proper stable m x matrix transfer func- tion, with impulse response H(t). If wis stationary Then the cross correlation between 1 and y is giver by Rul = f HGR +r ddr (1.6.21) and the eross spectral measure is Sylde) = Hiv) Sy(di) (1.6.22) Proof of Proposition 1.6.3 The proof is analogous to the proof of proposition 1.6.2 and is omitted here, CHAPTER 2 IDENTIFICATION 2.0 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, we review some identification methods for single-input single-output (SISO), linear time invariant (LTI) systems. To introduce the subject, we first informally discuss a simple example. We consider the identification problem fora first order SISO LT! system described by a transfer function Hs) 5 k 3. po) - 20.1) As) S44, ‘he parameters fy and dare unknown and are tobe determined by the lentiication scheme on the bass of measurements of the input and out put of the plant. The plant is assumed to be stable, ic. a,>0. Frequency Domain Approach A standard approach to identification is the frequency response approach. Let the input r be a sinusoid . HE) = sin(wot) 2.02) ‘The steady-state response is then given by 4) > mintaot +9) 2.0.3) where 45 46 Identification Chapter 2 5 k, m = |PUisy)| = B= Vab+ a3 6 = ampPien) -asun{ | (2.04) Measurements of the gain m and phase @ at a single frequency wy # 0 uniquely determine k, and dy by inversion of the above relationships ‘At gp = 0, that is when the input signal is constant, phase information is lost. Only one equation is left, giving the DC gain. Then, only the ratio of the parameters k, and a, is determined, Conversely, if several fre- quencies are used, each contributes two equations and the parameters are overdetermined. Frequency response methods will not be further discussed in this book, because our goal is adaptive control. We will therefore concen- trate on recursive approaches, where parameter estimates are updated in real-time, However, we will still analyze these algorithms in the fre- quency domain and obtain similar results as above for the recursive schemes. ‘Time Domain Approach We now discuss schemes based on a time-domain expression of the plant (2.0.1), that is FeO) =~ apy) + Kr 2.0.5) Measurements of yp, jy and r at one time instant £ give us one equation with two unknown dp and ky. As few as two time instants may be sulficient to determine the unknown parameters from in] a, Yells) rly] ~! ky Yplla) rt) Fpltad assuming that the inverse exists. Note that, as in the frequency-domain approach, a constant input r(¢,) = r(¢2) with constant output Yplls) = yoltz) will prevent us from uniquely determiring a, and ky. We may refine this approach to avoid the measurement of J). Consider (2.0.1) and divide both sides by 5 + for some A>O 2.0.6) (2.0.7) This is equivalent to Section 2.0 Introduction 47 ’. ky dt oe 2.08) Define the signals wo wm. ty sex? ee or, in the time domain We WO er We pW sy, (2.0.10) ‘Then, in the time domain, (2.0.8) reads Yolt) = Kywi(t) + (— ay ywKey (2.0.11) The signals “", 2 may be obtained by stable filtering of the input and of the output of the plant, We have assumed zero initial conditions on w® ‘and w®), Nonzero initial conditions would only contribute exponential decaying terms with rate d (arbitrary), but are not con- sidered in this simplified derivation. Equation (2.0.11) is to be com. Pared with (2.0.5). Again, measurements at one time instant give us one equation with two unknowns. However, we do not require differentiation, but instead stable filtering of available signals, In the sequel, we wil assume that measurements of r and yp are made continuously between 0 and ¢. We will therefore look for algo- rithms that use the complete information and preferably update esti. tates only.on the basis of new data, without storing the entire signals. But first, we transform (2.0.11) into the standard framework used later in this chapter. Define the vector of nominal identifier parameters ky d-@ (2.0.12) Knowledge of 0° is clearly equivalent to the knowledge of the unknown parameters kp and a. Similarly, define 0() to be a vector of identical dimension, called the adaptive identifier parameter. 6(t) is the estimate of 6° based on input-output data up to time £. Letting o wy P m= [Nav 2.0.13) equation (2.0.11) may be written WO = OT wi) = wT 2.0.14) Based on measurements of r(t) and y,(t) up to time 4, w(t) may be 48 Identification Chapter 2 calculated, and an estimate 6(1) derived. Since each time instant gives us one equation with two unknowns, it makes sense to consider the esti- ‘mate that minimizes the identification error 0 = Om - HO = [HH-07] mH 0:5) Note that the identification error is linear in the parameter error @ ~ 6”. We will therefore call (2.0.15) a linear error equation. The purpose of the identification scheme will be to calculate 6(¢), on the basis of meas- urements of e,(t) and w(0) up to time ¢ Gradient and Least-Squares Algorithms ‘The gradient algorithm is a steepest descent approach to minimize ¢? (¢). Since et ae Gta Gee 2ew (2.0.16) we let the parameter update law b= -gew g>0 (2.0.17) where g is an arbitrary gain, called the adaptation gain ‘Another approach is the least-squares algorithm. which minimizes the integral-squared-error (ISE) (Plea “7 y (2.0.18) ise - [ Owing to the linearity of, Fr equation, the estimate may be obtained directly from sheEonc ition z [4 - 2[ men[ wre ae) - yn] dr = 0 (2.0.19) so that the least-squares estimate is given by Srs(t) = i w(r) wT (x) de (2.0.20) [j-ovoe Plugging (2.0.14) into (2.0.20) shows that 6,s(t) = 6°, assuming that the inverse in (2.0.20) exists Section 2.0 Introduction 49 For adaptive control applications, we are interested in recursive for- ‘ulations such as (2.0.17), where parameters are updated continuously con the basis of input-output data. Such an expression may be obtained for the least-squares algorithms by defining PO) = [i-» wT (x) dr 2.021) so that 4 [Po] = wow 2.022) Since -f 4 p-| o- 2-4 [ror] a = Y = £ (Pol Porro [Po] e023 it follows that 4 4 [p- flew) = -po 4 [Po] Pwo = = PU) w(e) wT) PO) 2.024 On the other hand, (2.0.20) may be written Sistt) = POD [ mle) de 2.025) so that, using (2.0.24) £ fas] = - PO we) WhO) Hs + PCO we) y(t) a = = PO wo [WTO HH - ¥0] = = Pit) wet) 2.0.26) Note that the recursive algorithm (2.0.24), (2.0.26) should be started with the correct initial conditions at some fo > 0 such that, 50 Identification Chapter 2 (2.0.27) Plo) = i W(r) w7 (7) dr exists. In practice, the recursive least-squares algorithm is started with arbitrary initial conditions at fo = 0 so that 6) = - Pwo (7 wo - 00] 0) = 00 PW = PWT PO F)=Po>0 —_ 2.0.28) Plo) 1k may be verified thatthe solution of (2.0.28) is ~ = PCo ao cv Poe [wi wr) dr xt) = (2.0.29) wt ft instead of (2.0,20). Since y, = 6"'w, the parameter error is given by HL) - Fae,- 0) (2.030) I on | wOn) wT engl de | It follows that 6(¢) converges asympiotically to 6° if { w(r) wT(r) dr is unbounded as ¢ - oo. In this chapter, we will study conditions that guarantee exponential convergence of the parameter estimates to the nominal parameter. These are called persistency of excitation conditions and are closely related to the above condition. It is not obvious at this, point how to relate the time domain condition on the vector w to fre- quency domain conditions on the input. This will be a goal of this chapter. Model Reference ldentfcaton ‘We now discuss another family of identification algorithms, based on the ‘so-called model reference approach. The algorithms have similarities to ‘the previous ones, and are useful to introduce adaptive control tech- niques. We first define a reference model transfer function ke a Oe Tray (2.0.31) where dq, kn >0. In the time domain Section 2.0 Introduction 31 Sin(O) =~ Ap Yn) + Kn MCE) (2.0.32) Let the input w to the model be given by UE) = aolt)r(e) + bolt) y(t) (2.0.33) where ag(t), bo(t) are adaptive parameters and r is the input to the plant. ‘The motivation is that there exist nominal values of the parame- ters, denoted a, bj, such that the closed-loop transfer function matches any first order transfer function, Specifically, (2.0.32) and (2.0.33) give the closed-loop system Bolt) = ~ (mK Bolt))Ym(t) + kmaoltdr(t) (2.0.34) 0 that the nominal values of ao, bo are (2.0.38) Clearly, knowledge of af, bj is equivalent to knowledge of dp, ky. We define the following vectors aft}} | |ae re) = Lou] = og] "> [nto (2.0.36) and the identification error e10) = yl) = 90) (2.0.37) so that 7 Bilt) = = Cy, Hm Bolt) Vmlt) + Kim @olt) P(E) + ay Yglt) ~ Ky rt) = ane) + Hella) — a8) 700 (bE) ~ 85) 90) = = dyei(e) + kn OOO w(t) 2.038) In short a = [07-0 0] 2.039) which may be compared to the linear error equation (2.0.15). This ‘equation is still Linear, but it involves the dynamics of the transfer func- tion Af, Can we still find update algorithms for 4(1), based on the new error equation? The answer is yes; but the approach is now based on the Lyapunov function 52 Identification Chapter 2 Te -0")0-6) (2.0.40) so that 2 . Serie B= mayest nes (OT =O Iw + ky (OF ONG (2.0.41) By letting b= -ew (2.0.42) it follows that, ¥ (2.0.43) Therefore, e; and 9 are bounded. It may also be shown that ¢,-»0 as, 1+ 00 and that 6» 0° under further conditions on the reference input. The resulting update law (2.0.42) is identical te the gradient algo- rithm (2.0.17) obtained for the linear error equation (2.0.15). In this case however, it is not the gradient algorithm for (2.0.39), due to the presence of the transfer function 47. The motivation for the algorithm lies only in the Lyapunov stability proof. Note that the derivation requires am>0 (in (2.0.43) and ky,>0 (in (2.0.40). In general, the conditions to be satisfied by Mf are that + AT is stable + Re(iia))>0 for all w= 0. ‘These are very important conditions in adaptive control, defining strictly positive real transfer functions, They will be discussed in greater detail later in this chapter. 2.1 IDENTIFICATION PROBLEM We now consider the general identification problem for single-input single-output (SISO) linear time invariant (LTI) systems. But first, a few definitions. A polynomial in s is called monic if the coefficient of the highest power in s is | and Hurwitz if its roots lie in the open left-half plane. Rational transfer functions are called stable if their denominator polynomial is Hurwitz and minimum phase if their numerator polyno- mial is Hurwitz, The relative degree of a transfer function is by definition the difference between the degrees of the denominator and numerator polynomials. A rational transfer function is called proper if its relative degree is at least 0 and strictly proper if its relative degree is at least 1 Section 2.1 Identification Problem 33 In this chapter, we consider the identification problem of SISO LTI systems, given the following assumptions. Assumptions (AI) Plant Assumptions The plant is a SISO LTI system, described by a transfer func- tion Ss) = x, tel Fs) d,(s) where #(s) and J,(s) are the Laplace transforms of the input and output of the plant, respectively, and f(s) and dy(s) are monic, coprime polynomials of degrees m and m respectively, m is unknown, but the plant is stritly proper (m wf) WPS) = (FA) Fpl5) + (STA) WO) (2.2.12) With this notation, the description of the plant (2.2.6) becomes Sols) = a" HAM) + BY WLS) 2.2.13) and, since the plant parameters a*, b* are constant, the same expression is valid in the time domain volt) = at whe) = BT wR) = OF Wyle) (2.2.14) where eR” welt” = Ovh(r), wi" (2) € IRE (2.2.15) 56 Identification Chapter 2 Equations (2.2.10)-(2.2.14) define a realization of the new parame- terization. The vector w, is the generalized state of the plant and has dimension 2n. Therefore, the realization of P(s) is not minimal, but the unobservable modes are those of X(s) and are all stable. The vector 6" is a vector of unknown parameters related linearly to the original plant parameters a 6; by (2.2.10)-(2.2.15). Knowledge of a set of parameters is equivalent to the knowledge of che other and each corresponds to one of the (equivalent) parameterizations. In the last form, however, the plant output depends linearly on the unknown parameters, so that standard identification algorithms can be used. This plant parameterization is represented in Figure 2.1 far 0 Figure 2.1: Plant Parameterization Identifier Structure ‘The purpose of the identifier is to produce a recursive estimate 6(t) of the nominal parameter 0°. Since r and yy are available, we define the observer WO = AW + bye Wo AW + ayy 2.2.16) to reconstruct the states of the plant. The initial conditions in (2.2.16) are arbitrary. We also define the identifier signals (a7), 67) € R™ (WO), weF() eR (22.17) By (2.2.11) and (2.2.16), the observer error w(t) ~ wplt) decays exponen- tially to zero, even when the plant is unstable. We note that the general- ized state of the plant w(t) is such that it can be reconstructed from available signals, without knowledge of the plant parameters. ‘The plant output can be written Section 2.2 Identifier Structure 37 yet) = 9 wie) + dt) (2.2.18) where the signal «(t) is to remind one of the presence of an additive exponentially decaying term, given here by = 8 (HN WO) (2.2.19) This term is due to the initial conditions in the observer. We will first neglect the presence of the «(¢) term but later show that it does not affect the properties of the identifier. In analogy with the expression of the plant output, the output of the identifier is defined to be vit) = OT(t)w(t) eR (2.2.20) We also define the parameter error HQ = M)-8 eR (2.2.21) and the identifier error exlt) i ye) yt) = oT OWE) + At) 2.2.22) ‘These signals will be used by the identification algorithm, and are represented in Figure 2.2. Bee Identifier Structure Figure 2.2: 2.3. LINEAR ERROR EQUATION AND IDENTIFICATION ALGO- RITHMS, Many identification algorithms (¢f. Eykhoff [1974], Ljung & Soderstrom [1983)) rely on a linear expression of the form obtained above, that is, 58 Tdemtfication Chapter 2 pt) = 0" w(e) (2.3.1) where y,(t), (0) are known signals and 6° is unknown, The vector »(¢) is usually called the regressor vector. With the expression of y(t) is associated the standard linear error equation pea ane (2.3.2) We arbitrarily separated the identifier into an identifier structure and an identification algorithm. ‘The identifier structure constructs the regressor w and other signals, related by the identifier error equation. ‘The identification algorithm is defined by a differential equation, called the update law, of the form G§ = b = Fly .01,8,0) (23.3) where F is a causal operator explicitly independent of 6°, which defines the evolution of the identifier parameter 6. 2.3.4 Gradient Algorithms ‘The update law G=-gew — g>0 2.3.4) defines the standard gradient algorithm. ‘The right-hand side is propor- tional to the gradient of the output error squared, viewed as a function of @, that is Otani By (2) = 2er 235) ‘This update law can thus be seen as a steepest descent method. The parameter g is a fixed, strictly positive gain called the adaptation gain, and it allows us to vary the rate of adaptation of the parameters. The initial condition (0) is arbitrary, but it can be chosen to take any a priori knowledge of the plant parameters into account. i steontve to this slgorithm isthe normalized gradient algo rithm ew. Tote 71> 0 2.3.6) where g and y are constants. This update law is equivalent to the previ- ous update law, with w replaced by w/V14-ywTw ind = -gww"o. ‘The new regressor is thus a normalized form of w. The right-hand side of the differential equation (2.3.6) is globally Lipschitz in 4 (using Section 2.3 Identification Algorithms 59 (2.3.2)), even when w is unbounded. When the nominal parameter 6° is known a priori to lie in a set © & IR™ (which we will assume to be closed, convex and delimited by a smooth boundary), it is useful to modify the update law to take this information into account. For example, the normalized gradient algo- rithm with projection is defined by Ao a © int(@) where int@ and 4@ denote the interior and boundary of ©, Pr(z) denotes the projection of the vector z onto the hyperplane tangent to 0 at @ and Gers denotes the unit vector perpendicular to the hyperplane, pointing outward, ‘A frequent example of projection occurs when a priori bounds pr spi are known, that is Sear. PF] (238) ‘The update law is then modified to i= 0 it 6 =o and 6,<0 or @ = pr and i >0 239) ‘The gradient algorithms can be used to identify the plant parame- ters with the identifier structure described in Section 2.2. Using the nor- ‘malized gradient algorithm, for example, the implementation is as fol- lows. Identifier with Normalized Gradient Algorithm—Implementation Assumptions (AL4{A2) Data ” Input HO, yA eR Output 60 Identification Chapter 2 (0), 90) R Internal Signals w(t) € RNC), WNC) € IR") H(t) © R2*(a(e), b(t) eR") WO eR Initial conditions are arbitrary. Design Parameters Choose + Ae IR"**, 6; € IR* in controllable canonical form such that det(st - 4) = X(s) is Hurwitz, + ay 0 Identifier Structure WO = AwO4 dr = AW + dy oT = (a7, b”) estimates of (a, wT ow (i, yO") +n ML Bhs Ba Ba) y= ow eL=-M Normalized Gradient Algorithm o Comment We leave it to the reader to check that other choices of (A., 6,) are possi ble, with minor adjustments. Indeed, all that is required for identification is that there exist unique a‘, b* in the corresponding parameterization. Alternate choices of (s/ ~ A)~'0, include Section 23 Identification Algorithms 6 1 sea yl = a>0 L (+a and by Fear (1 -ay'h = a; # a, > 0,5) #0 ae G+a,) 2.3.2 Least-Squares Algorithms Least-squares (LS) algorithms can be derived by several methods. One approach was presented in the introduction, Another interesting approach is to connect the parameter identification problem to the sto- chastic state estimation problem of a linear time varying system. ‘The parameter 0 can be considered to be the unknown state of the system o@ = 0 (2.3.10) with output elt) = wT(E)O%E) @ ‘Assuming that the righthand sides of (2.3.10)-(2.3.11) are per- turbed by zero mean white gaussian noises of spectral intensities Q © 2" and I/g e BR, respectively, the least-squares estimator is the so-called Kalman filter (Kalman & Bucy (1961) 1) g = -gPwe b= Q-gPwwP Q.g>0 (2.3.12) Q and g are fixed design parameters of the algorithm. The update law for 8 is very similar to the gradient update law, with the presence of the so-called correlation term wey, The matrix P is called the 2 Identification Chapter 2 covariance matrix and acts in the @ update law as a time-varying, direc- ional adaptation gain. The covariance update law in (2.3.12) is called the covariance propagation equation. The initial conditions are arbitrary, except that P(0)>0. P(0) is usually chosen to reflect the confidence in the initial estimate 6(0). In the identification literature, the least-squares algorithm referred to is usually the algorithm with Q =, since the parameter 6° is assumed to be constant. The covariance propagation equation is then replaced by @ = -gpmwtp or SE) ~ go? g>0 23:13) where g is a constant, The new expression for P-! shows that dP ~'/di = 0, so that P-! may grow without bound. Then P will become arbitrarily small in some directions and the adaptation of the parameters i those directions becomes very slow. This so-called covariance wind-w problem can be prevented using the least-squares with forgetting factor algorithm, defined by ap eT T&(ONP + Pow ™P) i or HONS Pte) eo 0318) Anoter possible remedy is te covariance resting, where P i cee toa predctermined postive dente vale, Wherever) fal thier sone tesla The normalized least-squares algorithm is defined (cf. Goodwin & Mayne [1987}) by i Pwes 5 tye Pw HT” ae _ _,_PwwTP dt i+ywT Pw HP) ww a Tew re) Again g,7 are fixed parameters and P(0) > 0. The sme modifications can also be made to avoid covariance wind-up. ‘The least-squares algorithms are somewhat more complicated to implement but are found in practice to have faster convergence Section 2.3 Identification Algorithms 63 properties. Identifier with Normalized LS Algorithm and Covariance Resetting— Implementation ‘The algorithm is the same as for the normalized gradient algorithm, except Internal Signals In addition PQ) € RO Design Parameters Choose, in addition + ko > ky>0 Normalized LS Algorithm with Covariance Resetting Power PwwtP ——— bo -g eet . Teywt Pw T+yw" Pw P(O) = POG*) = Kol > Owhere = (¢|Xmin(P(H)) < ki) a 2.4 PROPERTIES OF THE IDENTIFICATION ALGORITHMS— IDENTIFIER STABILITY 24.1 Gradient Algorithms In this section, we establish properties of the gradient algorithm <6 = -gew g>0 2.4.1) and the normalized gradient algorithm ew = 6 = -g— gyro (2.4.2) b-6--8 or 87 (2.4.2) assuming the linear error equation e = ow (2.4.3) Theorems 2.4.1-2.4.4 establish general properties of the gradient algorithms and concern solutions of the differential equations (2.4.1) (2.4.2), with e, defined by (2.4.3). The properties do not require that the vector w originates from the identifier described in Section 2.2, but only require that w be a piecewise continuous function of time, to guarantee the existence of the solutions. The theorems are also valid for vectors w of any dimension, not necessarily even. 64 Identification Chapter 2 Theorem 2.4.1 Linear Error Equation with Gradient Algorithm Consider the linear error equation (2.4.3), together with the gradient algorithm (2.4.1). Let w: IR, - IR be piecewise continuous. Then (a) e € Ly ®) eel, Proof of Theorem 2.4.1 The differential equation describing ¢ is = -gwnTe Let the Lyapunov function v = 97@ so that the derivative along the tra- jectories is given by = -2g(7w)? = -2ge? < 0 Hence, 0.< v(t) v(0) for all 0, so that v,¢ © Lay. Since v is a positive, monotonically decreasing function, the limit v(o0) is well: Getned and y EYfra- [aun that iser eZ; 0 Theorem 2.4.2 Linear Error Equation with Normalized Gradient Algo- rithm Consider the linear error equation (2.4.3) together with the normalized ‘gradient algorithm (2.4.2). Let w : IR, + IR™ be piecewise continuous. Then (a) = 6 L:0Ly Viv ywtw © bela de Lan, tw THI TTan © B= e L,0Ly Proof of Theorem 2.4.2 Let v = 676, so that Teywtw Hence, 0 < v(t) < v(0) for all 120, so that », & e:/Vitywtw, Section 2.4 Properties of the Identification Algorithms 65 6 © Lag. Using the fact that x/I+x <1 for all x20, we get that [él S@/*|él, and § © Lay. Since v is a positive, monctonically decreasing function, the limit v(0) is well defined and - [Pd < implies that e\/ViaqywTw © La. Note that a= tL View tw Visywtw 1 +l "lloo where the first term is in Ly and the second in L,, so that @ © Lz Since it follows that ¢ ¢ LO Effect of Initial Conditions and Projection In the derivation of the linear error equation in Section 2.2, we found exponentially decaying terms, such that (2.4.3) is replaced by ext) = sTwit) + a) (2.4.4) where ¢() is an exponentially decaying term due to the initial conditions in the observer. It may also be useful, or necessary, to replace the gradient algorithms by the algorithms with projection, The following theorem asserts that these modifications do not affect the previous results. ‘Theorem 2.4.3 Effect of Initial Conditions and Projection If the linear error equation (2.4.3) is replaced by (2.4.4) and/or the gradient algorithms are replaced by the gradient algorithms with projection, Then the conclusions of theorems 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 are valid. Proof of Theorem 2.4.3 (a) Effect of initial conditions Modify the Lyapunov function to 66 Identification Chapter 2 vn oar ff ema Note that the additional term is bounded and tends to zero as ¢ tends to infinity. Consider first the gradient algorithm (2.4.1), so that ¥ = -2e(oT wy? - 2el@Twye— Fe Twat = -2e(ews 5 The proof can be completed as in theorem 2.4.1, noting that © € L, AL, and similarly for theorem 2.4.2. (b) Effet of projection Denote by z the right-hand side of the update law (2.4.1) or (2.4.2) When @ € 09 and z is directed outside @, z is replaced by Pr(z) in the update law. Note that it is sufficient to prove that the derivative of the Lyapunov function on the boundary is less than or equal to its value with the original differential equation. Therefore, denote by Zyerp the component of z perpendicular to the tangent plane at 6, so that 2=PHz)+Zpep. Since 6° © @ and @ is convex, (6° ~0")-Zperp 6" Zp 2 0. Using the Lyapunov function v = 67¢, we find that, for the original differential equation, ¥ = 2¢72. For the differential equa- tion with projection, ip = 247Pr(z) 267 + Zyerp $0 that ip, S iy Py oso (2.4.5) ‘The proof can again be completed as before. 0 2.4.2 Least-Squares Algorithms We now turn to the normalized LS algorithm with covariance resetting, defined by the following update law od Per 0 2.4.6) = 6 = -g—*_ Ly 1+y0! Pw ay and a discontinuous covariance propagation ap PwwTP 4, dP) ww? dt l+ywT Pw di TeywTP PO) = Plit) = Kol >0 where = (t|Xmin(P(O) S ki < ko} 247) This update law has similar properties as the normalized gradient update Section 2.4 Properties of the Identification Algorithms or law, as stated in the following theorem. Theorem 2.4.4 Linear Error Equation with Normalized LS Algorithm and Covariance Resetting Consider the linear error equation (2.4.3), together with the normalized LS algorithm with covariance resetting (2.4.6)-(2.4.7) Let w : IR, + IR?" be piecewise continuous. Then (a) € LAL View w ©) Oe Lad e LOL © B= Tapeye Eke Proof of Theorem 2.4.4 ‘The covariance matrix P is a discontinuous function of time. Between discontinuities, the evolution is described by the differential equation in (2.4.7). We note that d/di P~' = 0, so that P~"(t))—P~"(c3) = 0 for all 4,220 between covariance resettings. At the resettings, PN!) = ke, so that P~"(t) & Pig) = ko, for all ¢ 2 0. On the other hand, due to the resetting, P(t) > k,J for all t > 0, so that kol = PW) = kyl kL > PM = kot 2.4.8) where we used results of Section 1.3. Note that the interval between resettings is bounded below, since i 1+ Xmin(P)L 1 s yr 2.4.9) a where we used the fact that x/1+x <1 for all x20. Thus, the differential equation governing P~' is globally Lipschitz. It also follows that (¢,} is a set of measure zero. Let now v = ¢7 P~', so that 68 Identification Chapter 2 between resettings. At the points of discontinuity of P, MG =v) = OTP MGt) - Pade <0 Ik follows that 0¥(¢)s¥(0), forall ¢20, and, from the bounds on P, wwe deduce that #,4, € L,,. Also ~ [dt 0 as 1 -> co. Similar conclusions follow directly for 6. 0 Regular Signals Theorem 2.4.5 relies on the boundedness of w, \, guaranteed by (A3). It is of interest to relax this condition and to replace it by a weaker condi- tion, We will present such a result using a regularity condition on the regressor w. This condition guarantees a certain degree of smoothness of the signal w and seems to be, fundamental in excluding pathological signals in the course of the proofs presented in this book. In discrete time, such a condition is not necessary, because it is automatically 70 Identification Chapter 2 verified. The definition presented here corresponds to a definition in Narendra, Lin, & Valavani [1980] Definition Regular Signals Let 2: IR, + IR" such that 2,2 € L,.. 2 is called regular if, for some ky, kz = 0 LO] < kill + k forall 20 (2.4.14) ‘The class of regular signals includes bounded signals with bounded derivatives, but also unbounded signals (e.g., e'). It typically excludes signals with “increasing frequency” such as sin(e' ). We will also derive some properties of regular signals in Chapter 3. Note that it will be sufficient for (2.4.14) to hold everywhere except on a set of measure zero, Therefore, piecewise differentiable signals can also be considered, This definition allows us to state the following theorem, extending the properties derived in theorems 2.4.2-2.4.4 to the case when w is reg- ular. Proposition 2.4.6 Let 6,w :IR, — IR be such that wv € La. and o,é € Ly. i (a) w is regular lw ) ¢=- —**— et, TI Mle Then p,8 € Lg, and 6+ 0.ast + oo. Proof of Proposition 2.4.6 Clearly, 6 € Ly, and since 8,8 © L.,,8 © Lz implies that 6 + 0 as 1+ © (corollary 1.2.2), we are left to show that # € L, We have that Timis | lw A/AtI Wily) | THH Wig, TFET en (2.4.15) ‘The first and second terms are bounded, since # € L,, and w is reg- ular. On the other hand Section 2.4 Properties of the Identification Algorithms 7 a = 4 sup to la tvte| = La sete] a ty = [Ziv s [Gro] esto ‘The regularity assumption then implies that the last term in (2.4.15) is pounded, and hence e L. O Stability of the Identifier with Unstable Plant Proposition 2.4.6 shows that when w is possibly unbounded, but nevertheless satisfies the regularity condition, the relative error 21/1 +) [| 5, OF gain from w-» é7w tends to zer0 as t-» co. The conclusions of proposition 2.4.6 are useful in proving stability in adaptive control, where the boundedness of the regressor w is not guaranteed a priori. In the identification problem, we are now allowed to consider the case of an unstable plant with bounded input, that is, to relax assumption (A3). ‘Theorem 2.4.7 Stability of the Identifier—Unstable Plant Consider the identification problem with (Al) and (A2), the identifier structure of Section 2.2 and the normalized gradient algorithm (2.4.2), or the normalized LS with covariance resetting (2.4.6), (2.4.7). oe LOL, B+ 0 as Then ‘The normalized error 8 = — T+i ll t+ and dé © Ly Proof of Theorem 2.4.7 It suffices to show that w is regular, to apply theorem 2.4.2 or 2.4.4 fol- lowed by proposition 2.4.6. Combining (2.2.16)=(2.2.18), it follows that A 0 b WO) = ; pfwmoe] fo 24.17) ba A+ bb" 0 Since r is bounded by (A2), (2.4.17) shows that w is regular. 28 PERSISTENT EXCITATION AND EXPONENTIAL PARAME- TER CONVERGENCE In the previous section, we derived results on the sta identifiers and on the convergence of the output error ey = 0 w =O" w #'w to zero, We are now concerned with the convergence of the n Identification Chapter 2 parameter @ to its nominal value 0*, that is the convergence of the parameter error ¢ to zero. ‘The convergence of the identification algorithms is related to the asymptotic stability of the differential equation -gwwrNen — g>0 25.1) Ho) which is of the form Mt) = - Ae) (2.5.2) where A(t) € IR2**2* is a positive semidefinite matrix for all r. Using the Lyapunov function v = 67% be OTA ATO When A(0) is uniformly positive definite, with Ayig(4 +47) 2 2a, then ¥ S ~2av, which implies that system (2.5.2) is exponentially stable with rate a For the original differential equation (2.5.1), such is never the case, however, since at any instant the matrix w(e)w'(t) is of rank 1. In fact, any vector @ perpendicular to w lies in the null space of ww? and results in 6 = 0. However, since w varies with time, we can expect ¢ to still converge to 0 if w completely spans IR" as ¢ varies. This leads naturally to the following definition. For consistency, the dimension of w is assumed to be 2n, but itis in fact arbitrary. Definition —Persistency of Excitation (PE) A vector w: IR, > IR?" is persistently exciting (PE) if there exist ay, a, 5> Ouch that al = [ w(ywTo)dr 2 at forallg20 28.) Although the matrix w(r)w"(r) is singular for all r, the PE condi- tion requires that w rotates sufficiently in space that the integral of the matrix w(7)w"(2) is uniformly positive definite over any interval of some length 6. ‘The condition has another interpretation, by reexpressing the PE condition in scalar form az = f W)xPdr 2 a forallig20,|x]=1 (2.5.4) Section 2.5 Persistent Excitation & Exponential Convergence B which appears as a condition on the energy of w in all directions. With this, we establish the following convergence theorem. ‘Theorem 2.5.1 PE and Exponential Stability Let w : IR, -» IR™ be piecewise continuous. Ue w is PE Then (2.5.1) is globally exponentially stable ‘Comments The proof of theorem 2.5.1 can be found in various places in the litera~ ture (Sondhi & Mitra [1976], Morgan & Narendra [1977a&b], Anderson [1977], Kreisselmeier (1977)). The proof by Anderson has the advantage of leading to interesting interpretations, while those by Sondhi & Mitra and Kreisselmeier give estimates of the convergence rates. ‘The idea of the proof of exponential stability by Anderson [1977] is to note that the PE condition is a UCO condition on the system #@ = 0 We) = wT (NOC) 23.) which is the system described earlier in the context of the least-squares identification algorithms (cf. (2.3.10), (2.3.11)). We recall that the identification problem is equivalent to the state estimation problem for the system described by (2.5.5). We now find that the persistency of excitation condition, which turns out to be an identifiability condition, is equivalent to @ uniform complete observability condition on system 25.3). The proof of theorem 2.5.1 uses the following lemma by Anderson & Moore [1969], which states that the UCO of the system [C, A] is equivalent to the UCO of the system with output injection (C, A + KC]. The proof of the lemma is given in the Appendix. It is an alternate proof to the original proof by Anderson & Moore and relates the eigen- values of the associated observability grammians, thereby leading to esti- rates of the convergence rates in the proof of theorem 2.5.1 given after- ward. Lemma 2.5.2 Uniform Complete Observability Under Output Injection Assume that, for all § > 0, there exists ky 2 0 such that, for all fo = 0 [UK@IRdr s ky (2.5.6) 74 Idemtification Chapter 2 Then the system [C,, A] is uniformly completely observable if and only if the system [C, A + KC] is uniformly completely observ- able. Moreover, if the observability grammian of the system Ag satisfies Bal & N( to, to+S) 2 Bil then the observability grammian of the system [4 +KC\C satisfies these inequalities with identical 6 ané BY = B/C + VBP 2.5.7) BY = Arexp(ky fa) (2.5.8) Proof of Lemma 2.5.2. in Appendix. Proof of Theorem 2.5.1 Let v= 4", so that ¥ = -2e(w?4)?<0 along the trajectories of 2.5.1). For all to > 0 i vdr = -2g J Ge?) 0) Pdr (2.5.9) By the PE assumption, the system Dery is UCO, Under output injection with K(() = -gw(), the sySM becomes [“gw(r)w7(r w"(r)], with ky =f lgw(s)/Pdr = attr] f w(rywT dr] < Qng?@, (2.5.10) where 2 is the dimension of w. By lemma 2.5.2, the system with out- ut injection is UCO. Therefore, for all fo = 0 2a ide —— 2 [ (1+ V2ng8,? Exponential convergence then follows from theorem 1.5. 1 o(o)I? 2.5.1) Section 2.5 Persistent Excitation & Exponential Convergence 15 Exponential Convergence of the Ider Theorem 2.5.1 can be applied to the identification problem as follows. ‘Theorem 2.5.3 Exponential Convergence of the Identifier Consider the identification problem with assumptions (A1)-(A3), the identifier structure of Section 2.2 and the gradient algorithms (2.4.1) or (2.4.2), or the normalized LS algorithm with covariance resetting (2.4.6), 2.4.7). Ue wis PE Then the identifier parameter @ converges to the nominal parameter 4° exponentially fast. Proof of Theorem 2.5.3 This theorem follows. directly from theorem 2.5.1. Note that when w is bounded, w PE is equivalent to w/V} + ww PE, so that the exponen- tial convergence is guaranteed for both gradient update laws, The bounds on P obtained in the proof of theorem 2.4.4 allow us to extend the proof of exponential convergence to the LS algorithm. Exponential Convergence Rates Estimates of the convergence rates can be found from the results in the proof of theorem 2.5.1. For the standard gradient algorithm (2.4.1), for example, the convergence rate is given by L 2ge (2.5.12) (1+V2nga2)? where g is the adaptation gain, a1, a2, and 3 come from the PE definition (2.5.3) and m is the order of the plant. The influence of some design parameters can be studied with this relationship. The constants ay, @2 and 5 depend in a complex manner on the input signal r and on the plant being identified. However, if r is multiplied by 2, then a1, a2 are multiplied by 4. In the limiting case when the adaptation gain g or the reference input r is made small, the rate of convergence a ga;/5. In this case, the convergence rate is proportional to the adaptation gain g and to the lower bound in the PE condition. Through the PE condi- tion, it is also proportional to the square of the amplitude of the refer- cence input r. This result will be found again in Chapter 4, using averag- ing techniques. 6 Identification Chapter 2 When the adaptation gain and reference input ge: sufficiently large, this approximation is no longer valid and (2.5.12) shows that above some level, the convergence rate estimate saturates and even decreases (cf. Sondhi & Mitra (1976). It is also possible to show that the presence of the exponentially decaying terms due to initial conditions in the observer do not affect the ‘exponential stability of the system. The rate of convergence will, how- ever, be as found previously only if the rate of decay of the transients is faster than the rate of convergence of the algorithm (cf. Kreisselmeier (1977p. 2.6 MODEL REFERENCE IDENTIFIERS-SPR ERROR EQUA- TION 2.6.1 Model Reference Identifiers In Section 2.2, we presented an identifier structure which led to a linear error equation, This structure was based on a convenient reparametriza- tion of the plant, It is worth pointing out that there exist several ways to reparametrize the plant and many error equations thet may be used for identification, The scheme discussed in Sections 2.2-2.3 is generally known as an equation error idemtifier. Landau [1979] discussed an interesting alternative called the output error approsch. ‘The resulting scheme has significant advantages in terms of noise bias, although its sta- bility may only be guaranteed from prior knowledge about the plant. Another approach, which we will call the model reference approach (cf. Luders & Narendra [1973)) is discussed now, We start from an arbitrary reference model, with transfer function Af satisfying the following condi- tions (A3) Reference Model Assumptions The reference model is a SISO LTI system, described by a transfer function fin(S) dns) where fin(s), dy(s) are monic, coprime polynomials of degrees / and k 0 Identifier Structure WO = AWO4 ir WO = AW by» 8 = [40,0 bo, 67] wT Er, wl, yp, WO] ys = Mew) e1 = Np 82 Identification Chapter 2 Gradient Algorithm O = -gew a Comments The model reference identifier is an alternative to the equation error Scheme discussed previously. It may result in savings in computations. Indeed, the state variable filters are of order n ~1, instead of n previe ously. If the transfer function Af is of order 1, the realization requires fone less state. The presence of 47, however, precludes the use of the least-squares algorithms, which are usually faster. We will also show in Chapter 4 how the transfer function M influences the convergence pro- perties of the gradient algorithm. 2.6.2. Strictly Positive Real Error Equation and Identification Algorithms In Section 2.6.1, we encountered a more general error equation, which ‘we will call the stricly positive real (SPR) error equation a) = at [e710] where AZ is a strictly positive real transfer function. This error equation is still linear, but it now involves additional dynamics contained in M7, In this section, we will establish general properties involving this error equation. For uniformity with previous discussions, we assume that wR, + IR*, but the dimension of w is in fact completely arbitrary. The definitions of positive real (PR) and strictly postive real (SPR) functions originate from network theory. A rational transfer function is the driving point impedance of a passive network if and only if itis PR. Similarly, it is the driving point impedance of a dissipative network if and only if itis SPR. ‘The following definitions are deduced from these Properties. Defnion Positive Real (PR) and Strictly Positive Real (SPR) Func tone A rational function 4713) of the complex variable = 0 ja is postive real (PR), if M(o) € IR for all « € IR and Re(M\o+ jw) 2 0 for all o>0,w 20. Itis strictly positive real (SPR) if, for some «> 0, M(5-«) is PR It may be shown (cf. Ioannou & Tao 1987) that a strictly proper transfer function A(s) is SPR if and only if, ‘Section 2.6 Model Reference Identifiers—SPR Error Equation 83 + M(s) is stable + Re(A/j)>O, for all w2 0 + lim wRe(MGw)>O For example, the transfer function ste Graysr) is SPR if and only if'a>0,b>0,a+b>c>0 SPR transfer functions form a rather restricted class. In particular, an SPR transfer function must be minimum phase and its phase may never exceed 90°. An important lemma concerning SPR transfer func- tions is the Kalman-Yacubovitch-Popoy lemma given next. Ms) = Lemma 2.6.2. Minimal Realization of an SPR Transfer Function Let [4,b,c7] be a minimal realization of a strictly proper, stable, rational transfer function Mf(s). Then, the following statements arc equivalent @ (5) is SPR (b) There exist symmetric positive definite matrices P, Q, such that PA+ATP = -Q Pb =e (2.6.20) Proof of Lemma 2.6.2 cf. Anderson & Vongpanitlerd [1973] SPR Error Equation with Gradient Algorithm ‘A remarkable fact about SPR transfer functions is that the gradient update law Ht) = Oe) = -gexttwit) gg > 0 (2.6.21) has similar properties when e, is defined by the SPR error equation (2.6.19), and when e; is defined by the linear error equation (2.4.3). Note that in the case of the SPR error equation, the algorithm is not the true gradient anymore, although we will keep using this terminology for the similarity. Using lemma 2.6.2, a state-space realization of M(s) with state ey, can be obtained so that bnlt) = Aem(t) + BOT (WCE) 84 Identification Chapter 2 entt) = cM em(t) O) = -gcTen(t)(r) g>0 (2.6.22) we ‘Theorem 2.6.3 SPR Error Equation with Gradient Algorithm Let w : IR, -» IR be piecewise continuous. Consider the SPR error equation (2.6.19) with Mf(s) SPR, together with the gradient update law (2.6.21), Equivalently, consider the state-space realization (2.6.22) where [4 , 5, c”] satisfy the conditions of lemma 2.6.2. Then (a) mer © La ) emer de Ly Proof of Theorem 2.6.3 Let P,Q be as in lemma 2.6.2 and v = ge, Pen + 07%. Along the tra- jectories of (2.6.22) 5 = gen PAen + gen PbdTw + gemAT Pem + dT WH? Pe ~ 2g07¢m 9™W = ~ 8h Qem 50 (2.6.23) where we used (2.6.20). The conclusions follow as in theorem 2.4.1, since P and Q are positive definite. Modified SPR Error Equation The normalized gradient update law presented for the linear error equa- tion is not usually applied to the SPR error equation. Instead, a ‘modified SPR error equation is considered ea = [oom omDe@] 1>0 62H ‘where is a constant, The same gradient algorithm may be applied with this error equation, so that in state-space form anf) = Aeglt) + 6 [87 Ente) = ywTWmUereTen(C)] et) = cTen(t) HO) = = gcTenltyw(o) gre (2.6.25) Section 2.6 Model Reference Identifiers—SPR Error Equation 85 ‘Theorem 2.6.4 Modified SPR Error Equation with Gradient Algorithm Let w IR, + IR® be piecewise continuous. Consider the modified SPR error equation (2.6.24) with Af(s) SPR, together with the gradient update law (2.6.21). Equivalently, consider the state-space realization (2.6.25), where [4 , b , c ] satisfy the conditions of lemma 2.6.2. Then @ — emeind © Lr ©) emeird € Ly Proof of Theorem 2.6.4 Let P, Q be as in lemma 2.6.2 and v = gez Pem +7. Along the trajec~ tories of (2.6.25) = ~ gehQem- 2ey(ew)" (er) < 0 (2.6.26) Again, it follows that em, e1, ¢ are bounded, and é,, € € La. More- over, it also follows now that exw € Lz,sothat ¢ © Lj. O 26.3 Exponential Convergence of the Gradient Algorithms with SPR Error Equations [As stated in the following theorem, the gradient algorithm is also ‘exponentially convergent with the SPR error equations, under the PE condition. Theorem 2.6.5 Exponential Convergence of the Gradient Algorithms with SPR Error Equations Let w : IR, > IR, Let [4, b, c7] satisfy the conditions of emma 2.6. If wisPEandw,w e Ly Then (2.6.22) and (2.6.25) are globally exponentially stable. The proof given hereafter is similar to the proof by Anderson [1977] (with some significant differences however). The main condition for exponential convergence is the PE condition, as required previously, and again, the main idea is to interpret the condition as a UCO condi- tion. The additional boundedness requirement on w guarantees that PE is not lost through the transfer function M (cf. lemma 2.6.7 hereafter) It is sufficient that the boundedness conditions hold almost everywhere, so that piecewise differentiable signals may be considered. 86 Identification Chapter 2 Auxiliary Lemmas on PE Signals ‘The following auxiliary lemmas will be useful in proving the theorem. Note that the sum of two PE signals is not necessarily PE. On the other hhand, an L; signal is necessarily nor PE. Lemma 2.6.6 asserts that PE is, not altered by the addition of a signal belonging to Lz. In particular, this implies that terms due to initial conditions do nct affect PE. Again, we assume the dimension of the vectors to be 2n, for uniformity, but the dimension is in fact arbitrary, Lemma 2.6.6 PE and L; Signals Let we: IR, + IR™ be piecewise continuous. Y w is PE eels Then w+ eis PE. Proof of Lemma 2.6.6 in the Appendix. Lemma 2.6.7 shows that PE is not lost if the signal is filtered by a stable, minimum phase transfer function, provided that the signal is sulliciently smooth. Lemma 2.6.7 PE Through LTI Systems Letw IR, +» R™, wis PEandw,w e Lay isa stable, minimum phase, rational transfer function Then H(w)is PE. Proof of Lemma 2.6.7 in the Appendin, We now prove theorem 2.6.5. Proof of Theorem 2.6.5 { As previously, let v = gen Pém +679, $0 that for both SPR error equa- tions toss toss [8dr s -@ fe Oendr ag dent), a [ea so (2.6.27) By theorem 1.5.2, exponential convergence will be guaranteed if, for some as > 0 Section 2.6 Model Reference IdentifiersSPR Error Equation 87 J eFlr dr & a (Yem(tod|? + |e(t0)1?) for all fo, €m(to), (to). Derivation of 2.6.28: This condition can be interpreted as a UCO condi- ‘tion on the system (2.6.28) bn = Aen + BAT d= 87m Ww = Mem (2.6.29) An additional term - by w7weTe, is added in the differential equation governing ¢ in the case of the modified SPR error equation, Using Iemma 2.5.2 about UCO under output injection, we find that inequality (2.6.28) will be satisfied if the following system bn = Ae + b9Tw é=0 a. Mem (2.6.30) is UCO. For this, we let 0 bywlw K= or Ke (2.6.31) ew ew for the basic SPR and modified SPR error equations, respectively. The condition on K in lemma 2.5.3 is satisfied, since w is bounded. ‘We are thus left to show that system (2.6.30) is UCO, ive, that ent) = che em(tg) + fe7 eb w(t) dr O60) r= xy(0) + x(t) (2.6.32) satisfies, for some fi, 3, 5> 0 2 [Iem(td1? + 1600)1*] 2 J eterydr 88 Identification Chapter 2 > 8: [lemttol? + 140017] (2.6.33) for all fo, &m (C0), $400). Derivation of 2.6.33: By assumption, w is PE and w, w € L,,,. There- fore, using lemma 2.6.7, we have that, for all fp 2 0, the signal wt) = feted) b wer de (2.6.34) is PE, This means that, for some a), a2, > 0 a | oto)? 2 f xb(r)dr = ey otto)? (2.6.35) for all 1, = 9 > 0 and oto). On the other hand, since 4 is stable, there exist y1, 72> 0, such that J xterdr s yilem(tadl2e72”"” (2.6.36) for all fg, ém(fo) and an arbitrary integer m > 0 to be defined later. 1) is observable, there exists yx(me) > 0, with y3(mo) ith ma such that J xt )dr = ym o)|emlto)]? (2.6.37) for all fo, m(to) and m > 0. Let n > 0 be another integer ae pe fs and et b=(m+n)o. Using the trrangloinequality Fact Keb (0.62% y ata. 6% feta fr atl xP (r)de [ dine ah] dinar f xteddr Lralon a) |en(ta)|? ~ maz| ot0)I? L Section 2.6 Model Reference Identifiers~SPR Error Equation 89 dna | 460)? 12 7?"* femlta)l? 2.6.38) t Let m be large enough to get asa) — ne?" = ystmo)/, 2.6.39) setnvinsouresian ny maz 2 a (2.6.40) Further, define K? B, = min (ox, 294m o/b) (2.6.41) ‘The lower inequality in (2.6.33) follows from (2.6.38), with 8, as defined, while the upper inequality is easily found to be valid with By = max (v1, (m + m)a2) (2.6.42) o ‘Comments a) Although the proof of theorem 2.6.5 is somewhat long and tedious, it hhas some interesting features. First, it relies on the same basic idea as the proof of exponential convergence for the linear error equation (cf. theorem 2.5.1). It interprets the condition for exponential convergence as a uniform complete observability condition. ‘Then, it uses lemma 2.5.2 concerning UCO under output injection to transform the UCO condition to a UCO condition on a similar system, but where the vector @ is constant (cf. (2.6.30)). The UCO condition leads then to a PE con- dition on a vector wy, which is a filtered version of , through the LTI system Af(s). b) The steps of the proof can be followed to obtain guaranteed rates of exponential convergence. Although such rates would be useful to the designer, the expression one obtains is quite complex and examination of the proof leaves little hope that the estimate would be tight. A more successful approach is found in Chapter 4, using averaging techniques. ©). The results presented in this section are very general. They do not rely on the structure of the identifier, but only on the SPR error equa- tion (2.6.19). We leave it to the reader to specialize these results and obtain stability and convergence properties of the model reference identifier of Section 2.6.1 90 Identification Chapter 2 2.7. Frequency Domain Conditions for Parameter Convergence Theorems 2.5.3 and 2.6.5 give a condition on the regressor vector w, namely that w be PE, to guarantee exponential convergence of the parameter error. The difficulty with the PE condition is that it is not an explicit condition on the reference input r. In this section, we give fre- quency domain conditions on the input r to guarantee that w is PE. The result of this section will make precise the following intuitive argument: assume that the parameter vector does converge (but not necessarily to the nominal value). Then, the plant loop is “asymptoti- cally time-invariant.” If the reference input contains frequencies «1, ‘oz, we expect that yp and y, will too. Since y; — yp as t -» oo, the asymptotic identifier transfer function must match the plant transfer function at 5 = jos, ..., jog. IF k is large enough, this will imply that the asymptotic identifier transfer function is precisely the plant transfer function and, therefore, that the parameter error converges 10 zero. Thus, we will show that the reference signal must be “rich enough,” that is, “contains enough frequencies,” for the parameter error to converge to zero. Roughly speaking, we will show A reference input r results in parameter error convergence to zero unless its spectrum is concentrated on k<2n points, where 2n is the number of unknown parameters in the adap- tive scheme. We will also discuss partial parameter convergence when the input is not suliciently rich. We will use the results of generalized harmonic analysis developed in Section 1,6 and restrict our attention to stationary refer- ence signals. 2.7.1 Parameter Convergence From the definition of the regressor w in (2.2.16), we see that w is the output of a LTI system with input r and transfer function (sl = A)“ Thy (1 ~A)-*),P(s) FigAs) = (2.7.1) We will assume that the input r is stationary and that P is stable. ‘Then, by the linear filter lemma (proposition 1,6.2), it follows that w is also stationary, that is has an autocovariance, For stationary signals, persistency of excitation is directly related to the positive definiteness of ‘the autocovariance, as stated in the following proposition. Note that Ry (0) is a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix. Section 2.7 Frequency Domain Conditions a1 Proposition 2.7.1 PE and Autocovariance Let w(t) € IR? be stationary. (a) wis BE if'and only if (©) R, (0) > 0. Proof of Proposition 2.7.1 (a) implies (6) From the PE condition on w, we have that for all c ¢ IR" and for any positive integer k took Steerer nt u i Ma yordr = hel 2.72) Hence, for all T 2 6 bet LT wrenetdr 2 Feb yey? Ff wi erar = F Fle 2.73) Since w has an autocovariance bet Ieee a eon ne pimp i (wT(r)cPdr = eT Ry (0) (2.74) Combining (2.7.3) and (2.7.4) yields that Ry(0) = StI > 0. () implies (a) From the definition of autocovariance, for all « > 0, there exists 6 such that ue 7, 2, v ls { (wT aePdr-e" Re | < € (2.7.5) Therefore Ef eM nertde = Ania Re (Ol el? ~€ 2.76) which implies PE for ¢ sufficiently small. We may relate the PE condition to the frequency content of w through the formula Ry(O)'= f So(de) (2.7.7) where S,(da) is the spectral measure of w. In turn, using the linear 92 Identification Chapter 2 filter lemma (proposition 1.6.2) and (2.7.7), we see thet Ry(O) = [Hee jw) th, (Je) S, (de) (2.7.8) ‘The expression (2.7.8) allows us to relate the frequency content of r to the persistency of excitation of w. This leads us to the following definition. Definition Sufficient Richness of Order k A stationary signal r : IR, > I is called suficiently rich of order k, if the support of the spectral density of r, namely, S,(dw) contains at least k points Comment Note that a single sinusoid in the input contributes 2 points to the spec- trum: at +uo and at ~ wo. On the other hand, a DC signal contributes only one point in the support of the spectral density. ‘Theorem 2.7.2. PE and Sufficient Richness Let w(t) © IR™ be the output of a stable LTI system with transfer func- tion fizr(s) and stationary input r(0). Assume that Ay, (jei), ... Tiyr(dean), ate linearly independent on €2 for all «1, w2, mn € RK (a) wis PE ‘if and only if (b) r is sufficiently rich of order 2n. Proof of Theorem 2.7.2 By proposition 2.7.1, (a) is equivalent to Ry(0)>0. (a) implies (b) We prove this by contradiction. Assume that r is not sufficiently rich of order 2n, that is the support of S;,(da) is « + we with k < Qn, Then, from (2.7.8), it follows that k Ry(0) 2 FAS Je) FD Jes) S,(( 0% )) (2.7.9) ‘The right hand side of (2.7.9) is the sum of k dyads, so that the rank of Ry (0) is at most k < 2n, contradicting the PE of w. (b) implies (a) We also prove this by contradiction. If w is not PE, there exists c ¢ IR?” such that Section 2.7 Frequeney Domain Conditions 93 TR Oe = 0 2.7.10) Using (2.7.8), we see that (2.7.10) implies that JIA, Giadel?S,(de) = 0 (2.7.11) Since 5, (du) is a continuous, positive measure, we may conclude that AY, Ga)e = 0 for all w ¢ support S,(ds) (2.7.12) Since the support of 5, (da) has at least 2n points, say a1... , aq, We have that Al aye = 0 beds... Qn (2.7.13) contradicting the hypothesis of linear independence of Ay, (Jj) for veo 2h We saw that sufficient richness of order 2n in the reference input ‘translates to w PE, provided that the Hf, (jwi) are independent for every set of 2 w)’s, It remains to be verified that this property holds for the Aig (s) given in (2.7.1). Theorem 2.7.3 Exponential Parameter Convergence and Sufficient Rich- ness Consider the identification problem of Section 2.1, with assumptions (Al) and (A2) and P stable, the identifier structure of Section 2.2 and the gradient algorithms (2.4.1) or (2.4.2), or the normalized LS algorithm with covariance resetting (2.4.6)-(2.4.7). If ris stationary and sufficiently rich of order 2n Then the identifier parameter # converges to the nominal parameter O* exponentially fast. Proof of Theorem 2.7.3 Using theorems 2.5.3 and 2.7.2, we are left to show that, for every «1, + @ay € IR, the vectors Hwr(ju,) (with Hy, defined in (2.7.1)) are linearly independent in C7", ‘We show the result by contradiction, Assume that there existed « + ag Such that Hg (jae = 0 (2.7.14) for some ce @™ and for all i=1,..., 2n. Using the fact that (A, 6) are in controllable canonical form and that P(s) = kpfig(s)/d(s), 94 Identification Chapter 2 (2.7.14) becomes 4, ja: (iw)! ky (joi) ky BL jayne HOT 9 2.7.15) a9) aie) fori = 1... 2n, that is 14s), 8448), 2, 3 *AS0), bys), Kg SiglS). 00.5 8° Ugfi(syle = 0 (2.7.16) for s = jw), » Jez. Equation (2.7.16) may be written more com- paclly as %s)dyls) + Os) ky ffs) = 0 2.17) for s = js. Jong where Ns) = cr tens to + est and MS) = Gear t Guest + cogs! (2.7.18) ‘The polynomial on the left-hand side of (2.7.17) is of degree at ‘most 2n~ 1. Since it vanishes at 2n points, it must be identically zero, Consequently, we have Hofigs) es) d,s) as) By assumption, d,(s) is of degree n and A,(s), dj(s) ate coprime. There- fore, (2.7.19) cannot be satisfied since the degree of é is at most 1-1. ‘This establishes the contradiction. 0 for all s (2.7.19) Comments It would appear that the developments of this section would enable us to sive an explicit expression for the rate of exponential convergence: it is, in fact possible to carry out this program rigorously when the rate of adaptation is slow (see Chapter 4 for a further and more detailed description of this point) If w is not PE, then the parameter error need not converge to zero. In this case, 5, is concentrated on k <2n frequencies w, oe Intition suggests that although @ need not converge to W*, it should Section 2.7 Frequency Domain Conditions 95 converge to the set of é's for which the identifier transfer function ‘matches the plant transfer function at the frequencies $ = ju... . jug This is indeed the case, 2.7.2 Partial Parameter Convergence ‘We now consider the case when the spectrum S,(du) is concentrated on k < 2n points, Before stating the theorem, let us discuss the idea infor- ‘mally. From the structure of the identifier, we see that the plant output is given by Vp = OT Ayr) (2.7.20) and the identifier output by Y= POA Ar) (2.7.21) Consequently, if the identifier output matches the plant output at 5 = joy. ..-, joe, the asymptotic value of # must satisty Aya) Beco as ° (2.7.22) Fy, Gay)? Bejan)? Let us then call , the set of 0's, which satisfy (2.7.22). Clearly, 6° ¢@ and Boro)” ® = 6" + null space (2.7.23) Fayre)? The k row vectors Fy,( ju)” are linearly independent. Consequently, @ has dimension 2n ~ k In terms of the parameter error vector ¢ = 0-6", @ has the simple description ~ 00 <> RO) = 0 (2.1.24) We leave the verification of this fact to the reader, recalling that 96 Identification Chapter 2 k Rw(O) = YY Fee ivi) Her (JoS,((01}) (2.7.28) Proceeding more rigorously, we have the following theorem. Theorem 2.7.4 Partial Convergence Theorem Consider the identification problem of Section 2.1, with assumptions (Al)-(A2) and P stable, the identifier structure of Section 2.2 and the gradient algorithms (2.4.1) or (2.4.2), or the normalized LS algorithm with covariance resetting (2.4.6)-(2.4.7) f —risstationary Then tim Ry (0)9(t) = 0 Proof of Theorem 2.7.4 ‘The proof relies on the fact, proved in theorem 2.4, that the output ertor e, = éTw +0 as 1+ 00, and so does the derivative of the parameter error ¢. Since and w are bounded, let k be such that [8], 1w()| $K, for allt > 0. We will show that, for all « > 0, there exists f, 2 0 such that, for all 12 £1, O7@)RyO) MC) Se This means that 67(r) Ry (0) 4(t) converges to zero as f + oo and since Ry (0) is symmetric positive definite, it also implies that | Ry-(0) ¢(0)| tends to zer0 as ¢ + 00. Since w has an autocovariance, for T large enough ter f w(r)w7(e)dr 1 T (2.7.28) and Section 2.7 Frequency Domain Conditions ” [| < (2.7.29) eT From (2.7.29), we have that |¢(r)- o(1)| $e(r-0)/6K3 7 for all +2124), Together with the boundedness of ¢ and w, this implies that, fort >t) Joo $f moweoa 4-4 f [erermervreraey a fv (0) ~ 067) 7) (00) + 467d | sf (2.7.30) Using (2.7.28), we have that, for # = fy [EJ etermerst epoca $ e73n Now, combining (2.7.27), (2.7.30) and (2.7.31), we have that, for ¢ > ft ATR OG) < « (2.1.32) which completes the proof of the theorem. Comments, The proof relies on the fact that for both the identification schemes dis- ‘cussed the parameter error eventually becomes orthogonal to the regressor w, and the updating slows down. ‘These are very common properties of identification schemes. While the 2n-k dimensional set © to which (¢) converges depends only on the frequencies w:, ..., w_ and not on the average powers S,({)), ..., Sp((wx)) contained in the reference signal at those frequencies, the rate of convergence of 0 to depends on both. ‘As opposed to the proof of theorem 2.7.3, the proof of theorem 2.74 does not rely on theorem 2.5.3 relating PE and exponential conver- gence. If w is PE and R,(0) >0, the proof of theorem 2.7.4 is an alter- nate proof of the parameter convergence results of Section 2.5, with the additional assumption of stationarity of the reference input r(1), 98 Identification Chapter 2 28 CONCLUSIONS In this chapter, we derived a simple identification scheme for SISO LTI plants, The scheme involved a generic linear error equation, relating the identifier error, the regressor and the parameter error. Several gradient and least-squares algorithms were reviewed and common properties were established, that are valid under general conditions. It was shown that for any of these algorithms and provided that the regressor was a bounded function of time, the identifier error converged to zero as f approached infinity. The parameter error was also guaranteed to remain bounded. When the regressor was not bounded, but satisfied a regularity condition, then it was shown that a normalized error still converged to zero. ‘The exponential convergence of the parameter error to its nominal value followed from a persistency of excitation condition on the regres- sor, Guaranteed rates of exponential convergence were also obtained and showed the influence of various design parameters. In particular, the reference input was found to be a dominant factor influencing the parameter convergence. The stability and convergence properties were further extended 10 strictly positive real error equations. Although more complex to analyze, the SPR error equation was found to have similar stability and conver- gence properties. In particular, PE appeared as a fundamental condition to guarantee exponential parameter convergence. Finally, the PE conditions were transformed into conditions on the input. We assumed stationarity of the input, so that a frequency-domain, analysis could be carried out. It was shown that parameter convergence ‘was guaranteed, if the input contained the same number of spectral com- ponents as there were unknown parameters. If the input was a sum of sinusoids, for example, their number should be greater than or equal to the order of the plant, CHAPTER 3 ADAPTIVE CONTROL 30 INTRODUCTION 1m this chapter, we derive and analyze algorithms for adaptive control. ur attention is focused on model reference adaptive control. Then, the objective is to design an adaptive controller such that the behavior of the controlled plant remains close to the behavior of a desirable model, despite uncertainties or variations in the plant parameters, More for- mally, a reference model Mf is given, with input r(¢) and output yn(0). The unknown plant P has input u(¢) and output y(t). The control objective is to design u(t) such that y,(t) asymptotically tracks Y>n(F), with all generated signals remaining bounded. We will consider linear time invariant systems of arbitrary order, and establish the stability and convergence properties of the adaptive algorithms. In this section however, we start with an informal discus- sion for a first order system with two unknown parameters. This will allow us to introduce the algorithms and the stability results in a simpler context. Consider a first order single-input single-output (SISO) linear time invariant (LTD) plant with transfer function ky sta, (3.0.1) where kp and a, are unknown. The reference model is a stable SISO LTI system of identical order 99 98 Identification Chapter 2 28 CONCLUSIONS In this chapter, we derived a simple identification scheme for SISO LTI plants, The scheme involved a generic linear error equation, relating the identifier error, the regressor and the parameter error. Several gradient and least-squares algorithms were reviewed and common properties were established, that are valid under general conditions. It was shown that for any of these algorithms and provided that the regressor was a bounded function of time, the identifier error converged to zero as f approached infinity. The parameter error was also guaranteed to remain bounded. When the regressor was not bounded, but satisfied a regularity condition, then it was shown that a normalized error still converged to zero. ‘The exponential convergence of the parameter error to its nominal value followed from a persistency of excitation condition on the regres- sor, Guaranteed rates of exponential convergence were also obtained and showed the influence of various design parameters. In particular, the reference input was found to be a dominant factor influencing the parameter convergence. The stability and convergence properties were further extended 10 strictly positive real error equations. Although more complex to analyze, the SPR error equation was found to have similar stability and conver- gence properties. In particular, PE appeared as a fundamental condition to guarantee exponential parameter convergence. Finally, the PE conditions were transformed into conditions on the input. We assumed stationarity of the input, so that a frequency-domain, analysis could be carried out. It was shown that parameter convergence ‘was guaranteed, if the input contained the same number of spectral com- ponents as there were unknown parameters. If the input was a sum of sinusoids, for example, their number should be greater than or equal to the order of the plant, CHAPTER 3 ADAPTIVE CONTROL 30 INTRODUCTION 1m this chapter, we derive and analyze algorithms for adaptive control. ur attention is focused on model reference adaptive control. Then, the objective is to design an adaptive controller such that the behavior of the controlled plant remains close to the behavior of a desirable model, despite uncertainties or variations in the plant parameters, More for- mally, a reference model Mf is given, with input r(¢) and output yn(0). The unknown plant P has input u(¢) and output y(t). The control objective is to design u(t) such that y,(t) asymptotically tracks Y>n(F), with all generated signals remaining bounded. We will consider linear time invariant systems of arbitrary order, and establish the stability and convergence properties of the adaptive algorithms. In this section however, we start with an informal discus- sion for a first order system with two unknown parameters. This will allow us to introduce the algorithms and the stability results in a simpler context. Consider a first order single-input single-output (SISO) linear time invariant (LTD) plant with transfer function ky sta, (3.0.1) where kp and a, are unknown. The reference model is a stable SISO LTI system of identical order 99 100 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 pee 3.0.2) ~ SF am a where km and d,>0 are arbitrarily chosen by the designer. In the time domain, the plant is described by SolO) = = ay yolt) + ky ult) (3.0.3) and the reference model by FAL) =~ Gn Yn) + im HCE) (3.0.4) The next steps are similar to those followed for model reference identification in Section 2.0. Let the control input be given by WO) = colt) rt) + dole) 990) (3.0.5) the motivation being that there exist nominal parameter values k, ay ~ a os dg = (3.0.6) “Tp & such that the closed-loop transfer function matches the reference model transfer function. Specifically, (3.0.3) and (3.0.5) yield Volt) = = Gy ¥olt) + ky ( colt) r(t) + dolt) volt) ) = = (ay ~ ky dolt)) yl0) + ky cof 0) 3.0.7) which becomes BoE) = ~ im Volt) + Km r(t) (3.0.8) when co(t) = ¢5, dolt) = d5. For the analysis, it is convenient to introduce an error formulation. Define the output error € = Yp- Ym (3.0.9) and the parameter error eal colt) ~ 06 St See) sala a Subtracting (3.0.4) from (3.0.7) Fo =~ Gy Op ~ Yor) + (doy ~ + Ky do) Yo + Ky cor ~ km Section 3.0 Introduction 10 = = am 60 + ky [co~ eb)r + (dy ~ d)¥» m= dm 0 + Kyler + by Yo) (3.0.11) ‘We may represent (3.0.11) in compact form as fy eo a Mr + yd) M (ber + by ¥p) = (3.0.12) M (rr + by, 3 Although this notation will be very convenient in this book, we caution the reader that it mixes time domain operations (¢,r + ¢, J) and filter- ing by the LTI operator 47. Equation (3.0.12) is of the form of the SPR error equation of Chapter 2. Therefore, we tentatively choose the update laws fo" -Beor do = -g¢0% 8>0 8.0.13) assuming that k,/k» >0 and that Mf is SPR. The first condition requires prior knowledge about the plant (sign of the high frequency gain ,), while the second condition restricts the class of models which may be chosen, Note that there is a significant difference with the model reference ‘identification case, namely that the signal y, which appears in (3.0.12) is ot exogeneous, but is itself a function of eg. However, the stability proof proceeds along exactly the same lines. First assume that r is bounded, so that y», is also bounded. The adaptive system is described by (3.0.3)-(3.0.5) and (3.0.13). Alternatively, the error formulation is bo = ~ am 00 + Kyldeh * by €0 + by Ym) d= - Ber by = ~ 865 - 8 e0¥m (3.0.14) In this representation, the right-hand sides only contain states (¢0, 4,, 4)) and exogeneous signals (r, y). Consider then the Lyapunov function a P ¥(C0, or 8) = + 36 8? + 6) (3.0.15) 102 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 so that, along the trajections of (3.0.14) B= = dy 68 + Ky C07 + ky dy €B + Kp dy C0 Ym = key de Cor ~ ky by 08 - ky by C0 Ym ame $0 3.0.16) It follows that the adaptive system is stable (in the sense of Lyapunov) and that, for all initial conditions, eo, 6, and 4, are bounded. From (3.0.14), éo is also bounded, Since v is monotonically decreasing and bounded below, limy(t) as foo exists, so that eq@ Ls. Since oe L:0L,,, and éo€ L,, it follows that eo + 0 ast + ao. The above approach is elegant, and relatively simple, However, it is not straightforward to extend it to the case when the relative degree of the plant is greater than 1. Further, it places restricions on the refer- ence model which are in fact not necessary, We now discuss an alter- nate approach which we will call the input error approach. The resulting scheme is slightly more complex for this first order example, but has significant advantages, which will be discussed later. Instead of using ¢q in the rdaptation procedure, we use the error €2 = Co ¥p + do MU) - Mu) (3.0.17) ‘The motivation behind this choice will be made clear from the analysis. Equation (3.0.17) determines how e7 is calculated in tae implementation (@s (3.0.9) in the output error scheme). For the derivation of the adapta- tion scheme and for the analysis, we relate ¢2 to the parameter error (as (3.0.12) in the output error scheme). First note that hn kin 5+ _ ky kn by = P+ aM Pe (3.0.18) where we used (3.0.6). Therefore, applying (3.0.18) to the signal w Mu) = 65 ¥p + ds MU») (3.0.19) Section 3.0 Introduction 103 and with (3.0.17) €2 = (Co~ CO)» + (do ~ di) MO, = 4, Yp + by My) (3.0.20) Equation (3.0.20) is of the form of the linear error equation studied in Chapter 2, Therefore, we may now use any of the identification algo- rithms, including the least-squares algorithms. No condition is posed on the reference model by the identification/adaptation algorithm. Proving stability is however more difficult, and is not addressed in this introduc- tion, The algorithms described above are both direct algorithms, for which update laws are designed to directly update the controller parame- ters cy and do, An alternate approach is the indirect approach. Using any of the procedures discussed in Chapter 2, we may design a recursive identifier to provide estimates of the plant parameters ky and a,. If ky and a, were known, the equations in (3.0.6) would determine the nomi- nal controller parameters cj and dj. In an indirect approach, one replaces ky and a, in (3.0.6) by their estimates, thereby defining co and dg. This is a very intuitive approach to adaptive control which we will also discuss in this chapter. After extending the above algorithms to more general schemes for plants of arbitrary order, we will study the stability and convergence pro- erties of the adaptive systems. Unfortunately, the simple Lyapunov stability proof presented for the output error scheme does not extend to the general case, or to the other schemes. Instead, we will use tools from functional analysis, together with a set of standard lemmas which we will first derive. The global stability of the adaptive control schemes will be established. Conditions for parameter convergence will also follow, together with input signal conditions similar to those encountered in Chapter 2 for identification. 3.1 MODEL REFERENCE ADAPTIVE CONTROL PROBLEM We now tum to the general model reference adaptive control problem considered in this chapter. The following assumptions will be in effec. Assumptions - (AI) Plant Assumptions The plant is a single-input, single-output (SISO), linear time- invariant (LTI) system, described by a transfer function 104 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 Of) = 4, HO as) 4) where f,(s), dy(s) are monic, coprime polynomials of degree m and n, respectively. The plant is strictly proper and minimum phase, The sign of the so-called shighfreauency gain ky is known and, without loss of generality, we will assume k, > 0. (A2) Reference Model Assumptions The reference model is described by Gad) nls) 6) = As) daf3) where fin(s), dm(s) are monic, coprime polynomials of degree m and nm respectively (that is, the same degrees as the corresponding plant polynomials). The reference model is stable, minimum phase and ky, > 0. (43) Reference Input Assumptions The reference input r(.) is piecewise continuous and bounded on R,. (3.1.2) Note that P(s) is assumed to be minimum phase, but is not assumed to be stable. 3.2 CONTROLLER STRUCTURE To achieve the control objective, we consider the controller structure shown in Figure 3.1. Ben pee aia Kew} Figure 3.1: Controller Structure By inspection of the figure, we see that = cor + fw Boy G2.) X6) Section 3.2 Controller Structure 105 where co is a scalar, &(s), d(s) and X(s) are polynomials of degrees n=2,n-1 and n= 1, respectively. From (3.2.1) x crt 5 o) 3.2.2) ke which is shown in Figure 3.2. Ye ay an Figure 3.2: Controller Structure—Equivalent Form Since wm Bw 2.3) the transfer function from r to yp is cokyd Ap Fo R-Ody-kyiiyd Note that the derivation of (3.2.4) relies on the cancellation of polynomials X(s). Physically, this would correspond to the exact cancel- lation of modes of é(s)/X(s) and d(s)/X(s). For numerical considera- tions, we will therefore require that X(3) is a Hurwitz polynomial. ‘The following proposition indicates that the controller structure is adequate to,achieve the control objective, that is, that it is possible to make the transfer function from r to y, equal to M(s). For this, it is clear from (3.2.4) that X(s) must contain the zeros of fin(s), so that we write (3.2.4) 7 KG) = Kols)in(s) 3.25) where Xo(s) is an arbitrary Hurwitz polynomial of degree n - m ~ 1. 106 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 Proposition 3.2.1 Matet 1g Equality There exist unique o§, 2°(3), d"(s) such that the transfer function from r>yp is Ms). Proof of Proposition 3.2.1 1. Existence The transfer function from r to yp is M if and only if the following ‘matching equality is satisfied 5. k, Ydy-kytigd = 055 a ofipdyy 3.2.6) The solution can be found by inspection. Divide Xodp by dy, let g be the quotient (of degree n—m ~ 1) and ~kyd° the remainder (of degree n=1). Thus d” is given by 3.2.7) (3.2.8) peste a+ = (6.29) Equations (3.2.7)-(3.2.9) define a solution to (3.2.6), as can easily be seen by substituting c3, e* and d” in (3.2.6), 2. Uniqueness Assume that there exist co = 0} + 5co, @ = "+52, d = d*+4d satisfy- ing (3.2.6). The following equality must then be satisfied : 3 byw og 82d, + byfgtd = ~b0y 72 Kotpdy (3.2.10) Recall that dp, #ip, So and dy have degrees n, m,n-m=1 and n, respectively, with m <1, and 8¢ and éd have degrees at most n~ 2 and m=. Consequently, the right-hand side is a polynomial of degree 2n~1 and the left-hand side is a polynomial of degret at most 2n ~ 2. No solution exists unless cy = 0, so that cS is unique. Let, then, co = 0, s0 that (3.2.10) becomes Section 3.2 Controller Structure 107 -P (3.2.11) bd This equation has no solution since fy, dy are coprime, so that é* and d° are also unique. O Comments a) The coprimeness of #i,, d, is only necessary to guarantee a unique solution. If this assumption is not satisfied, a solution can still be found using (3.2.7)-(3.2.9). Equation (3.2.11) characterizes the set of solutions in this case. ») Using (3.2.2), the controller structure can be expressed as in Figure 3.2, with a forward block X/X-@ and a feedback block d/i. When ‘matching with the model occurs, (3.2.7), (3.2.8) show that the compensa- tor becomes (3.2.12) and 8.2.13) ‘Thus the forward block actually cancels the zeros of P and replaces them by the zeros of 4 ©) The transfer function from r to y» is of order n, while the plant and controller have 3n~2 states. It can be checked (see Section 3.5) that the 2n~2 extra modes are those of X, Xp and f,. The modes corresponding to X, Xo are stable by choice and those of fi, are stable by assumption (Al). @) The structure of the controller is not unique. In particular, it is equivalent to the familiar structure found, for example, in Callier & Desoer {1982}, p. 164, and represented in Figure 3.3. The polynomials found in this case are related to the previous ones through dw h-2 y= nd (6214) ‘The motivation in using the previous controller structure is to obtain an expression that is Jinear in the unknown parameters. ‘These parameters are the coefficients of the polynomials ¢, d and the gain co. The expres- sion in (3.2.1) shows that the control signal is the sum of the parameters multiplied by known or reconstructible signals. fig = cod 108 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 7/4, kK@— ? 7 aya, Figure 3.3: Alternate Controller Structure State-Space Representation To make this more precise, we consider a state-space representation of ‘the controller. Choose A ¢ IR"=!*""' and 6 ¢ IR"-', such that (A, 4) is in controllable canonical form as in (2.2.9) and det (sl A) = X(s). It follows that (oF -ay th = te 2.15) X(s) gn Let ¢ € IR"! be the vector of coefficients of the polynomial 2(s), so that Oe crit —ay 6.2.16) XG) Consequently, this transfer function can be realized by WO = Aw + bu Eu) = Pw (62.19 x where the state w("” ¢ IR"! and the initial condition w("(0) is arbi- trary. Similarly, there exist do € Rand d ¢ IR", such that AO). dys dT st— Ay" (3.2118) Xs) and W = AW + by» Section 3.2 Controller Structure 109 {op i doy + d7 Ww 6.219) where the state w@) ¢ IR! and the initial condition w(0) is arbi- trary, The controller can be represented as in Figure 3.4, with Figure 3.4: Controller Structure—Adaptive Form w= cor + eT wll + doyy + dt wi = ow (3.2.20) where OT sm (CoB) = (Co,e7 do,d7) € IR (3.2.21) is the vector of controller parameters and (7,87) 2= (rw yyw") © IR (3,2,22) is a vector of signals that can be obtained without knowledge of the plant parameters. Note the definitions of # and W which correspond to the vectors @ and w with their frst components removed. In analogy to the previous definitions, we let OT rm (65,07) 2 (c5,07,.d5,d") « IR 3.2.23) be the vector of nominal controller parameters that achieves a matching of the transfer function r+ y, to the model transfer function Af. We also define the parameter errors * ois 0-0 © RM Oe R1 (3.2.24) 10 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 The linear dependence of w on the parameters is clear in (3.2.20). In the sequel, we will consider adaptive control algorithms and the parameter @ will be a function of time. Similarly, &(s), d(s) will be poly- nomials in s whose coefficients vary with time, Equations (3.2.17) and 8.2.19) give a meaning to (3.2.1) in that case, 33 ADAPTIVE CONTROL SCHEMES In Section 3.2, we showed how a controller can be designed to achieve tracking of the reference output J, by the plant output yp, when the plant transfer function is known, We now consider the case when the plant is unknown and the control parameters are updated recursively using an identifier. Several approaches are possible. In an indirect adaptive control scheme, the plant parameters (le., ky and the coefficients of f(s), dj(s)) are identified using a recursive identification scheme, such as those described in Chapter 2. The estimates are then used to compute the control parameters through (3.2.7/-(3.2.9). In a direct adaptive control scheme, an identiication scheme is designed that directly identifies the controller parameters co, ¢, do and d. A typical procedure is to derive an identifier error signal which depends linearly on the parameter error g. ‘The output error eclt) = yplt)-Yn(t) is the basis for output error adaptive control schemes such as those of Narendra & Valavani [1978], Narendra, Lin, & Valavani [1980], and Morse [1980]. An output error direct adaptive control scheme and an indirect adaptive control scheme will be described in Sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.3, but we will first turn to an input error direct adaptive control scheme in Section 3.3.1 (his scheme is dis- cussed in Bodson [1986] and Bodson & Sastry {1987)). Note that we made the distinction betweea controller and identifier, even in the case of direct adaptive control. The controller is by definition the system that determines the value of the control input, using some controller parameters as in a nonadaptive context. The ‘identifer obtains estimates of these parameters—, and the signal v are available, given these considerations. We also observed in Chapter 2 that standard properties of the identification algorithms are not affected by the (t) term. For simpli- city, we will omit this term in subsequent derivations. We now consider the practical implementation of the algorithm, with the required assump- tions. Assumptions The algorithm relies on assumptions (A1)~(A3) and the following addi- tional assumption. (A4) Bound on the High-Frequency Gain Assume that an upper bound on k, is known, that is, that Ky S Keay for Some K mas ‘The structure of the controller and identifier is shown in Figure 3.5, while the complete algorithm is summarized hereafter. The need for assumption (A4), and for the projection of co, will be discussed later, in connection with alternate schemes. It will be more obvious from the proof of stability of the algorithm in Section 3.7. Input Error Direct Adaptive Control Algorithm—Implementation Assumptions (AL)-(A4) Data nym, Kinax Input r(Q), yt) € RR Output u(t) e R Internal Signals w(t) € IR™ [wXe), WHC) € IR") (0) € R™ [eo{t), deft) € R, c(t), d(t)e R"') v()eR™, e(t)e R Initial conditions are arbitrary, except co(0) 2 Cmin ~ kin/K max > O- 116, Adaptive Control Chapter 3 ‘p . al | _J “ee Figure 3.5: Controller and Input Error Identifier Structures Design Parameters Choose + ME (ie. Kim tim» doy) satisfying (A2). + A © IR™ "15, © RY! in controllable canonical form, such that det (s/~A) is Hurwitz and contains the zeros of fin(s). + £-' stable, minimum phase transfer function of relative degree nom. + 8.70. Controller Structure WO = Aw + bw WO = Aw 4 by, Section 3.3 Adaptive Control Schemes 117 OT = (co,c7, dy, d7) 7 yy, 0 + Spe Ww) (rw u = 0Tw Idemifier Structure vl (ALL Nyy), £0"), Ep), >No] er = 0Tv-L-\uy Normalized Gradient Algorithm with Projection ew é- Teyy ify = Cmin and CoO wn cprsdtw® Identifier Structure aT = £-\(w) Ym = Mr) Ya MELT) FTE) ~ 49TFE4) er Section 3.3 Adaptive Control Schemes 12 1 = Vp Yon ~Ya Gradient Algorithm @ = -gev o Differences Between Input and Output Error Traditionally, the starting point in the derivation of model reference adaptive control schemes has been the output error 9 = Yp~ Ym. Using the error between the plant and the reference model to update controller parameters is intuitive, However, stability proofs suggest that SPR con- itions must be satisfied by the model and that an augmented error should be used when the relative degree of the plant is greater than 1 The derivation of the input error scheme shows that model reference adaptive control can in fact be achieved without formally involving the output error and without SPR conditions on the reference model. Important differences should be noted between the input and out- put error schemes, The first is that the derivation of the equation error (3.3.24) from (3.3.22) relies on the input signal v being equal to the computed value u = 07 w, at all times. Ifthe input saturates, updates of the identifier will be erroneous. When the input error scheme is used, this problem can be avoided, provided that the actual input entering the LTI plant is available and used in the identifier. This is because (3.3.19) is based on (3.3.17) and does not assume any particular value of w. If needed, the parameters used for identification and control can also be separated, and the identifier can be used “off-line.” A second difference appears between the input and output error schemes when the high-frequency gain k, is unknown, and the relative ‘degree of the plant is greater than 1. The error e, derived in (3.3.22) is not implementable if cj is unknown. Although an SPR error equation can still be obtained in the unknown high-frequency gain case, the solu- tion proposed by Morse [1980] (and also Narendra, Lin, & Valavani [1980}) requires an overparameterization of the identifier which excludes the possibility of asymptotic stability even when persistency of excitation (PE) conditions are satisfied (cf. Boyd & Sastry [1986], Anderson, Dasg- upta, & Tsoi [1985]). In view of the recent examples due to Rohrs, and the connections between exponential convergence and robustness (see Chapter 5), this appears to be a major drawback of the algorithm. ‘Another advantage of the input error scheme is to lead to a linear error equation for which other identification algorithms, such as the least-squares algorithm, are available. These algorithms are an advanta- Beous alternative to the gradient algorithm. Further, it was shown 122 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 recently that there are advantages of the input error scheme in terms of robustness to unmodeled dynamics (cf. Bodson {1988). In some cases, the input error scheme requires raore computations. This is because the observers for w", w are on crder m, instead of n~ 1 for the output error scheme. Also, the filter £~! is one order higher. When the relative degree is 1, significant simplifications arise in the output error scheme, as discussed now. Output Error Direct Adaptive Control—The Relative Degree 1 Case The condition that MZ be SPR is considerably stronger than the condi- tion that AZE simply be invertible (as required by the input error scheme and guaranteed by (A2)). The relative degree of L-', however, is only required to be n~m—1,, as compared to n - m for proper invertbility In the case when the relative degree ~ m of the model and of the plant is 1, £7" is unnecessary along with the additional signal y,. The output error direct adaptive control scheme then has a much simpler form, in which the error equation used for identification involves the output error 0 = )p—Ym only. The simplicity of this scheme makes it attractive in that case. We assume therefore the following: (A6) Relative Degree 1 and SPR Assumptions n=m = 1, M is SPR. Output Error Direct Adaptive Control Algorithm, Relative Degree 1— Implementation Assumptions (A1)~{A3), (46) Data Input rt), y(t) © R Output wm eR Internal Signals (0) @ IR [w0(0), w%e) eR") (1) € RR [eo{t), do(t) eR, c(t), d(t) € R*~"} Yt), €oft) € R Initial conditions are arbitrary. Lf Section 3.3 Adaptive Control Schemes 123 Design Parameters Choose + Mf (ice. Kms fms dm) satisfying (A2) and (A6). + Ae RUE, & © IR*! in controllable canoni and such that det (sf~A) = fin(s). + g>0. Controller Structure WO = We bu W = Wt dry, aT = (co, eT, do, d7) wT = (1, 0", yp, Ww") u=0Tw Identifier Structure Yo = Mr) €0" Yp~ Ym Gradient Algorithm 6 = -seow o Comment The identifier error equation is (3.3.24) and is the basic SPR error equa- tion of Chapter 2, The high-frequency gain k, (and consequently ¢q) can be assumed to be unknown, but the sign of k, must still be known to censure that c}>0, so that (1/c5)M is SPR. 3.3.3 Indirect Adaptive Control In the indirect adaptive control scheme presented in this section, esti- mates of the plant parameters kp, fp, and d, are obtained using the standard equation error identifier of Chapter 2. The controller parame- ters co, @ and d are then computed using the relationships resulting from the matching equality (3.2.6), Note that the dimension of the signals w', w used for identification in Chapter 2 is n, the order of the plant. For control, it is sufficient that this dimension be n,- 1. However, in order to share the observers for identification and control, we will let their dimension be mn. Proposition 3.2.1 is still true then, but the degrees of the polynomials 124 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 become, respectively, aX= 1, dhg=n-m, a= n-m, dd =n-1, and a = n= 1. Since dd = n~1, it can be realized as d7 (sf - A)-'d, without the direct gain do from yp. This a (minor) technical difference, and for simplicity, we will keep our previous notation, Thus, we define GT sm (TdT) RT cm (HO WO) © RR (3.3.26) and OT se (c97) RE wh The controller structure is otherwise completely identical to the con- troller structure described previously. The identifier parameter is now different from the controller parameter 6, We will denote, in analogy with (2.2.17) aT c= (a7,67) = (7) © RM (3.3.27) Bt Ong t Or eves Biveeee Dp) € IR (3.3.28) Since the relative degree is assumed to be known, there is no need to update the parameters dy, ,2—S0 that we let these parameters be zero in (3.3.28). ‘The corresponding components of W are thus not used for identification. We let ® be equal to # except for those components which are not used and are thus set to zero, so that WT se wf, WAP, wi) g IR (3.3.29) A consequence (that will be used in the stability proof in Section degree of the transfer function from u—> is at The nominal value of the identifier parameter x* can be found from the results of Chapter 2 through the polynomial equalities in (2.2.5), that is GS) = at tags +--+ tans" = kaye) Bs) = by + bis + ++ + byst! = X(s)-dyls) (3.3.30) The identifier parameter error is now denoted vis ros eR™ 6331) The transformation x—+@ is chosen following a certainty equivalence principle to be the same as the transformation x*-» 0", as in G.2.7)-(3.2.9), Note that our estimate of the high-frequency gain ky is Section 3.3 Adaptive Control Schemes 125 mu 1~ Since c5 = key / kp, WE Will Iet Co = ky / Gm 1. The control input 1 will be unbounded if dy, goes to zero, and to avoid this problem, we make the following assumption. (A7) Bound on the High-Frequency Gain Assume ky = Kin > 0- ‘The practical implementation of the indirect adaptive control algorithm is summarized hereafter. Indirect Adaptive Control Algorithm—Implementation Assumptions (A1)=(A3), (A7) Daa nym, Kein Input 1), yo) € R Output u(eR Internal Signals w(t) € RR"! WwN(e), WAL) eR] (t) € IR2"*! feo(t) eR, c(t), die R"] x(t) € R™ [a(), 6) € R"] we R™ y(t), ete R Initial conditions are arbitrary, except dm (0) > mia- Design Parameters Choose + M Gt. Kins fis dy) satisfying (A2), + A © IR"**, b, e IR" in controllable canonical form, such that det (sf - A) = X(s) is Hurwitz and X(5) = Xo(s) fin (6): + g.1>0. Controller Structure WY = AWE Y W = AW 4d yp 87 = (60,7, AT) = (Con Cis. -s Snr diss a) 126 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 wh an (7, wT, wa?) uaow Identifier Structure BT AT BT) = tyes Ome yO ey Bis eves Bad WP, Wher sO... ., way yun es= ayy Normalized Gradient Algorithm with Projection esi ee yale Thm +1 = Knig and dy.41 <0, then let dq. = 0. Transformation Identifier Parameter ~» Controller Parameter Let the polynomials with time-varying coefficients Gs) = ay t+ + de iS™ eS) wey > Hoga? BG) = byt es + bys! dls) = dye esse dyst! Divide Xod,, by (X- 5), and let @ be the quotient. is given by the coefficients ofthe polynomials ‘Transformation Identifier Parameter -» Controller Parameter We assumed that the transformation from the identifier parameter + to the controller parameter 6 is performed instantaneously, Note that X - 6 is a monic polynomial, so that @ is also a monic polyaomial (of degree n-m). Its coefficients can be expressed as the sum of products of coefficients of Xodq, and X-5. The same is true for ¢, d, and cy with an additional division by ay... Therefore, given n and m, the transfor- ‘mation consists of a fixed number of multiplications, additions, and a division, Section 3.3 Adaptive Control Schemes 127 Note also that if the coefficients of d and 6 are bounded, and if 4m. is bounded away from zero (as is guaranteed by the projection), then the coefficients of 4, é, d, and cy are bounded, Therefore, the transformation is also continuously differentiable and has bounded derivatives. 3.34 Alternate Model Reference Schemes The input error scheme is closely related to the schemes presented in discrete time by Goodwin & Sin [1984], and in continuous time by Goodwin & Mayne [1987]. Their identifier structure is identical to the structure used here, but their controller structure is somewhat different. In our notation, Goodwin & Mayne choose Ms) = kn 3.32) Toi where , X and £ are polynomials of degree +]alotws || cr 0 0 Y= OX 3.5.18) Defining yu € IR°*-? to be the total state of the plant and observer, this equation is rewritten as Sgn = AmXpe + On O™W + BCP Yo = ChXpw (3.5.19) where dy € "2-2, by © IRM? and cy € RM? are defined through (3.5.18). Since the transfer function from ry, is Mf when 6 = 0, we must have that cf (81 ~ Ay) "1b = (1/e5) M3), that is, that [Amb ¢h] is a representation of the model transfer function 47, divided by c§. Therefore, we can also represent the model and its out- put by Sin = Ame Xm + bm C57 Ym = Xm (3.5.20) ‘Note that although the transfer function 4 is stable, its representa- tion is non-minimal, since the order of Mf is n, while the dimension of Ay is 34-2. We can find where the additional modes are located by noting that the representation of the model is that of Figure 3.8. Using standard transfer function manipulations, but avoiding cancellations, we get 5.21) and, using the matching equality (3.2.6) Section 3.5 Analysis of the MRAC System 137 lip te wh ky 7 (3.5.22) a gata apical weacs he SE ~ Am)” Be = Thus, the additional modes are those of X, Xp, and fy, which are all stable by choice of X, Xq, and by assumption (Al). In other words, Am isa stable matrix. Since r is assumed to be bounded and A, is stable, the state vector trajectory xq is bounded, We can represent the plant states as their differences "from the model states, letting the slate error © = pwn © IRM, so that 6 = Ane + by oTW 0 y-Im = Che 3.5.23) and eo = pm = LMT w) = ML Tw) a Ps which is equation (3.5.6), (derived above) through a somewhat shorter path, Note that_(3.5.23) is nor a linear differential equation representing the plant with controller, because w depends on e, This can be resolved by expressing the dependence of w on e as (3.5.24) W = Wy + Qe 3.5.25) where 138 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 000 010 vo oo oor Retest aeatpen teers E = Ra? Rixe Ritalin R’ 3.5.26) IRM Den pretend ae benet AA differential equation representing the plant with controller is then = Age + Pm dT Wm + Om oT OL ar y= che where Wy is an exogeneous, bounded input. Complete Description—Output Error, Relative Degree 1 Case To describe the adaptive system completely, one must simply add to this set of differential equations the set corresponding to the identifier. For example, in the case of the output error adaptive control scheme for relative degree 1 plants, the overall adaptive system (including the plant, controller and identifier) is described by (3.5.27) 6 = Ane + bm d™ Wm + Om 67 OC @ = ~gcHeWm - scmeQe G.5.28) ‘As for most adaptive control schemes presented in this book, the adap- tive control scheme is described by a nonlinear, time varying, ordinary differential equation. This specific case (3.5.28) will be used in subse- ‘quent chapters as a convenient example. 3.6 USEFUL LEMMAS ‘The following lemmas are useful to prove the stability of adaptive con- {rol schemes, Most lemmas are inspired from lemmas that are present in one form or another in existing stability proofs, In contrast with Sas- try [1984] and Narendra, Annaswamy, & Singh (1985), we do not use any ordering of signals (order relations o(.) and O()), but keep relation- ships between signals in terms of norm inequalities. ‘The systems considered in this section are of the general form y= HW) (3.6.1) ‘Section 3.6 Useful Lemmas 139 where H : Lye Lye is a SISO causal operator, that is, such that Hy = Hu), 362) for all u Lye and for all ¢ 2 0. Lemmas 3.6.1-3.6.5 further restrict the attention to LTI systems with proper transfer functions #H(s). Lemma 3.6.1 is a standard result in linear system theory and relates the ZL, norm of the output to the L, norm of the input. Lemma 3.6.1 Input/Output Lp Stability Let y = H(u), where HY is a proper, rational transfer function. Let h be the impulse response corresponding to H. y — Aisstable Then for all p € (1,00) and for all w © Ly Wyllp SW All Maly + Hey 36.3) forallu € Lage LHL SW All te hgg + LOL (3.6.4) for all 1 2 0, where «(t) is an exponentially decaying term due to the initial conditions. Proof of Lemma 3.6.1 cf. Desoer & Vidyasagar [1975], p. 241, It is useful, although not standard, to obtain a result that is the con- verse of lemma 3.6.1, that is, with w and y interchanged in (3.6.3)- (3.6.4). Such a lemma can be found in Narendra, Lin, & Valavani [1980], Narendra (1984], Sastry [1984], Narendra, Annaswamy, & Singh [1985], for p= co. Lemma 3.6.2 is a version that is valid for D € [1,00], with a completely different proof (see the Appendix). Note that if 1 is minimum phase and has relative degree zero, then it has a proper and stable inverse, and the converse result is true by lemma 3.6.1. If A is minimum phase, but has relative degree greater than zero, then the converse result will be true provided that additional conditions are placed on the input signal w. This is the result of lemma 3.6.2. Lemma 3.6.2 Output/Input Lp Stability Let y = H(w), where H is a proper, rational transfer fun pe [loo]. : Let 140 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 y is minimum phase For some ky, kz 2 0, for all u, ii € Lpe and forall ¢ = 0 Willy S Rill Mellp + ke 3.6.5) Then there exist a),a2 > 0 such that Melly S aull Yelle + a2 (3.6.6) forall 1 2 0. Proof of Lemma 3.6.2 in Appendix. It is also interesting to note the following equivalence, related to Lg. norms. For alld, 5 ¢ Lae A(1)| $ Kill Belay +2 iff | 4ellgg S Kil lag +2 (3.6.7) ‘The same is true if the right-hand side of the inequalities is replaced by any positive, monotonically increasing function of time. Therefore, for co, the assumption (3.6.5) of lemma 3.6.2 is that w is regular (cf. definition in (2.4.14)). In particular, lemma 3.6.2 shows that if w is reg- ular and y is bounded, then u is bounded. Lemma 36.2 therefore leads to the following corollary. Corollary 3.6.3 Properties of Regular Signals Let y = H(u), where H is a proper, rational transfer function. Let Hf be stable and minimum phase and y € Lg, (@) If wis regular Then {u(0)| $ ail Yrlg +42 for alle > 0. (&) If wis bounded and 17 is strictly proper Then y is regular. © wis regular Then y is regular. The properties are also valid if w and y are vectors such that each com- ponent y; of y is related to the corresponding u; through y; = H7(u,). Proof of Corollary 3.6.3 in Appendix. In Chapter 2, a key property of the identification algorithms was obtained in terms of a gain belonging to L>. Lemma 3.6.4 is useful for such gains appearing in connection with systems with rational transfer function 7 ‘Section 3.6 Useful Lemmas 14 Lemma 3.6.4 Let y = (u), where /T is a proper, rational transfer function. if His stable, we L,,,, and for some xeL,,. jut) S BCD XI * B20) G.6.8) for all 1 2 0 and for some 1,82 € La Then — there exist 71,72 € La such that, for all ¢ > 0 IyOL S Vill Alles + 720) (3.6.9) in addition, either #7 is strictly proper, OF BisB2 € Legg and By(t),Bx(0) + 0 ast — 00 Then yry72 © Ley and mi(t)y alt) + 0.05 t > co Proof of Lemma 3.6.4 in Appendix. ‘The following lemma is the so-called swapping lemma (Morse [1980), and is essential to the stability proofs presented in Section 3.7. Lemma 3.6.5 Swapping Lemma Let 6,w:IR, + IR" and @ be differentiable, Let A be @ proper, rational transfer function, If Fis stable, with a minimal realization A = cMsl-Ay tb +d (3.6.10) Then Hicw? 4)- HT )@ = He yw") 4) 3.6.11) where Ay = (st -A)“'b = cM =A)! (3.6.12) Proof of Lemma 3.6.5 in Appendix. Lemma 3.6.6 is the so-called small gain theorem (Desoer & Vidyasagar [1975]) and concerns general nonlinear time-varying systems connected as shown in Figure 3.9. Roughly speaking, the small gain theorem states that the system of Figure 3.9, with inputs u;,u and outputs 1,2 is BIBO stable, pro- vided that #7, and H are BIBO stable and provided that the product of the gains of Hy and His less than 1 142 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 Figure 3.9: Feedback System for the Small-Gain Theorem Lemma 3.6.6 Small Gai Consider the system shown in Figure 3.9. Let pefl,oo}. Let Hy Hy Lye —> Lye be causal operators. Let e1, €2 € Lye and define wy, u2 by uy = ey + Hale) Theorem uy = e2- Hy(ey) (3.6.13) Suppose that there exist constants 82 and 7, 72 20, such that WAvedl S riled + 8 I Aaledll < ralle,+ 62 forall 20 (3.6.14) Yo owemst Then Went SC vvd"! all + yall wll + 2 + 7281) hea Ss Cava)! Ul aa, + rll mall + Br + 1182) 3.6.15) for all 120. If imaddition, w,, wz € Ly Then ey, €>, 1 = Hi(ei), Yi = H2{e2) € Ly and (3.6.15) is valid with all subscripts ¢ dropped. Proof of Lemma 3.6.6 cf. Desoer & Vidyasagar [1975], p. 41. 3.7 STABILITY PROOFS 3.7.1 Stability—Input Error Direet Adaptive Control The following theorem is the main stability theorem for the input error direct adaptive control scheme. It shows that, given any initial condi- tion and any bounded input r(1), the states of the adapti ut (0), of the adaptive system remain bounded (BIBS stability) and the output error tends to 2er0, as Section 3.7 Stability Proofs 143 t-+00. Further, the error is bounded by an L2 function We also obtain that the difference between the regressor vector ¥ land the corresponding model vector Yq tends to zero as 1 -> oo and is in L. This result will be useful to prove exponential convergence in Sec tion 3.8, ‘We insist that initial conditions must be in some small By, because ‘although the properties are valid for any initial conditions, the conver- ‘gence of the error to zero and the Lz bounds are not uniform globally. For example, there does not exist a fixed L2 function that bounds the output error no matter how large the initial conditions are. ‘Theorem 3.7.1 Consider the input error direct adaptive control scheme described in Section 3.3.1, with initial conditions in an arbitrary By. Then (a) all states of the adaptive system are bounded functions of time. (&) the output error eo = ¥p~ Ym € L2 and tends to zer0 as > 00; the regressor error ¥~ vq € L2 and tends to zer0 as f+ 00 Comments The proof of the theorem is organized to highlight the main steps that ‘we described in Section 3.4. ‘Although the theorem concerns the adaptive scheme with the gra dient algorithm, examination of the proof shows that it only requires the standard identifier properties resulting from theorems 2.4.1-2.4.4 ‘Therefore, theorem 3.7.1 is also valid if the normalized gradient algo- rithm is replaced by the normalized least-squares (LS) algorithm with ‘covariance resetting. Proof of Theorem 3.7.1 (a) Derive properties of the identifier that are independent of the bounded- ness of the regressor—Existence of the solutions. Properties obtained in theorems 2.4.1-2.4.4 led to 1e7OOL = [ACH religg AHO Be aA Ly eel, bel NLy 144 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 colt) = Cmin>0 forall 20 G7.) ‘The inequality for cy(t) follows from the use of the projection in the update law. The question of the existence of the solutions of the differential equations describing the adaptive system may be answered as follows. ‘The proof of (3.7.1) indicates that ¢ € L, as long as the solutions exist. In fact, | 8 (2)| S| #(O)), so that |6(F)| <6" +|o(0)| for all 120. ‘Therefore, the controlled system is a linear time invariant system with a linear time varying controller and bounded feedback gains, From propo- sition 1.4.1, it follows that all signals in the feedback loop, and therefore in the whole adaptive system, belong to Ly. . (b) Express the system states ard inputs in term of the control error. This was done in Section 3.5 and led to the control error ¢? w, with, a PMG) ¥ = MU) = Ym + LMT) 3 (1A) Pot . ) = Ay ty) (3.7.2) where the transfer functions M7 and ify, are stable and strictly proper. (©) Relate the identifier error to the control error. The properties of the identifier are stated in terms of the error oy = 47L~\(z), while the control error is ¢7w. The relationship between the two can be examined in two steps. (Cl) Relate 67 w to 672 Only the first component of w, namely r, is different from the first com- ponent of z, namely, r». The two can be related using (3.5.4), that is un by tiD (8.73) and using the fact that the control input Section 3.7 Stability Proofs 145 w= er sO 6.74) to obtain (3.7.5) and (3.7.6) It follows that L sty a Lyre B17 Letwe tg @77) 3 2 (c2) Relate 72 to o7v = 7 £~"(z) This relationship is obtained through the swapping lemma (lemma 3.6.5). We have, with notation borrowed from the lemma gry = Lore ices ter ® (yet = ete Lee Sy) G78) and, using (3.7.7) with (3.7.8) i oy) = MLE Lie 72) MEK + MELE Es eS) 879) With (3.7.2), this equation leads to Figure 3.10. It represents the plant as the model transfer function with the control error ¢w in feed- back. The control error has now been expressed as a function of the identifier error 6” using (3.7.9). ‘The gain 97 operating on v is equal to the gain @ operating on UH illgg» and this gain belongs to Za. On the other hand, € Lx, so that any of its component is in L. In particular éo € Lz. Also, Colt) & Cmiay 50 that I/co € Le, Thus, d/dt(d/ea) € Ly. Therefore, in Figure 3.10, the controlled pfant appears as a stable transfer function AY with an Lz feedback gain. (@) Establish the regularity of the signals. ‘The need to establish the regularity of the signals can be understood from the following. We are not only concerned with the boundedness of 146 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 Figure 3.10: Representation of the Plant for the Stability Analysis the output yp but also of all the other signals present in the adaptive sys- tem. By ensuring the regularity of the signals in the loop, we guarantee, using lemma 3.6.2, that boundedness of one signal implies boundedness of all the others. Now, note that since ¢eL,,, the controller parameter 0 is also bounded. It follows, from proposition 1.4.1, that all signals belong to Lge Recall from (3.7.5) that oF 6 (3.7.10) Note that co and r are bounded, by the results of (a) and by assumption (A3). i is related tor, through a strictly proper, stable transfer function Section 3.7 ‘Stability Proofs 147 (ef. (3.7.2)). Therefore, with (3.7.10) and lemma 3.6.1 IPL s KIGT HII, +k Pl s KOT ANIL +k G7.) i for some constant k 20. To prevent proliferation of constants, we will hereafter use the single symbol k, whenever such an inequality is valid for some positive constant. Since ¢ is bounded, the last inequality implies that [Ea 2 KF ena that is, that W is regular. Similarly, since and ¢ are bounded and using (3.7.11) 4 gry 4 ste alata ATHY s EET +O SkUOT HI +k G.7.13) so that 57 W is also regular, ‘The output y, is given by (using (3.7.10)) Mlegr) + + a(67 8) 3.7.14) cb 3 Yo = My) = where Mf(cor) is bounded. Using lemma 3.6.2, with the fact that 67 is regular and then (3.7.14) [87H] < kIGOT MN +k Sk Ypllgg + Kl OMCOP iM gg + & S ki Yolleg +k (3.7.15) hhence, with (3.7.10) and (3.7.11) Il SENET Bly +H S Hl Iplleg + K ILS KN yng + 8.7.16) Inequalities in (3.7.16) show that the boundedness of y, implies the boundedness of ry, i7,u,..., and therefore of all the states of the adap- tive system, 148 Adaptive Control Chapter 3 It also follows that » is regular, since it is the sum of two regular signals, specifically v= £-'e) 3.7.17) where the first term is the output of Z~! (a stable and strictly proper, minimum phase LTI system) with bounded input, while the second term is the output of £~' with a regular input (cf. corollary 3.6.3), (6) Stability proof. shes. Since v is regular, t Wi Z.6 thows that f-+0 as t-r00. Fi G72) ea ene Fe ween men Ye = Int L MCOTW) “ eal = im MEA ¥ Le P+ ME BeBe aE) (3.7.18) We will now use the single symbol ¢ in inequalities satisfied for some function satisfying the same conditions asta that is @ © L2nL,, and B(t)—+ 0, as t+ 00. The transfer functions ML, Ly > LE", are all stable and the last two are strictly proper. The gain 2~ is bounded by (3.7.2), because of the projection inthe update law. Therefore, using results obtained so far and lemmas 3.6.1 and 3.6.4 Wyp- Int $ Bll %4llgy + Bll Ellgn + B S Bl Falleg * BI Fillgy +8 S Bl Yalan +B $ Bll Op-Ymillog + 8 7.19) Recall that since # ¢ L,,, all signals in the adaptive system belong to Lae On the other hand, for T sufficiently large, 8(¢2T) (4.1.7) ‘Therefore, the averaged system defined by (4.0.2)-(4.0.3) is now given by =~ $%er — Xel0) = x0 4.1.8) The solution of the averaged system is all) = @ 4.1.9) Let us now compare the solutions of the original system (4.1.6) and of the averaged system (4.1.9). The difference between the solutions, at a fixed ¢ $, fean [x - xe] =e Fhe! - 11 (4.1.10) = | $sin@n| ase 0 G11) In other words, the solutions are arbitrarily close as «+ 0, s0 that we may approximate the original system by the averaged system, Also, both systems are exponentially stable (and if we were to change the sign in the differential equation, both would be unstable). As is now shown, the convergence rates are also identical. Recall that the convergence rate of an exponentially stable system is the constant « such that the solutions satisfy [xty} sme" | x0) (4.1.12) for all x(¢0), fo 20. A graphical representation may be obtained by plotting In(| x(t)| *), noting that Section 4.1 Examples of Averaging Analysis 161 In(| XC] 2) S In(m?| x(4q)| 2) — Zale = to) (4.1.13) ‘Therefore, the graph of In(| x(1)|7) is bounded by a straight line of slope - 2a. In the above example, the original and the averaged system have identical convergence rate « = + In this chapter, we will prove theorems stating similar results for more general systems. Then, the analytic solution of the original system is not available, and averaging becomes useful. The method of proof is completely different, but the results are essentially the same: closeness of the solutions, and closeness of the convergence rates as «> 0. We devote the rest of this section to show how the averaged system may be calculated in more complex cases, using frequency-domain expressions. c (One-Time Séle Averaging—Multiple Frequencies Consider the system = wx (4.1.14) where x ¢ IR, and w contains multiple frequencies wi) =D ax sin (et + 64) (4.1.19) a To define the averaged system, we need to calculate the average ot AVG (we) t= tim f wr) dr (4.1.16) real i, Expanding »? will give us a sum of product of sin’s at the frequencies oy. However, a product of two sinusoids at different frequencies has zero average, $0 that Ave wn) = YE 4.7) 4, and the averaged system is - ke -| > 3| Xe (4.1.18) ‘The averaged system is exponentially stable as soon as w contains at least one sinusoid. Note also that the expression (4.1.18) is independent of the phases ds. 162 Parameter Convergence Using Averaging Chapter 4 ‘Two-Time Scale Averaging Averaging may also be applied to systems of the form RD) = - ew VO) (4.1.19) WO) = =a y(t) +B wl) x0) (4.1.20) where x,y €IR, a> 0, In short, (4.1.20) is denoted b : ye Seg lon = Mx) 121) where Mf is a stable transfer function. (4.1.19) becomes X= -ew aT (wx) (4.1.22) Equations (4.1.19)-(4.1.20) were encountered in model reference identification with x replaced by the parameter error ¢, ¢ by the adapta- tion gain g, and y by the identifier error e, When ¢ > 0, x(t) varies slowly when compared to y(/), and the time scales of their variations become separated. x(t) is called the slow state, y(t) the fast state and the system (4.1.19)-(4.1.20) a two-time scale system. In the limit as ¢ 0, x(t) may be considered frozen in (4. or (4.1.21), so that oa Mwx) = Mow) x (4.1.23) ‘The result of the averaging theory is that (4.1.22) may indeed be approx- imated by Fay = ~ AVG (7 M(H) Xap (4.1.24) Again, a frequency domain expression brings more interesting insight, Let w contain multiple sinusoids w(t) = 2 ay, sin (041) (4.1.28) so that Mw) = a | MUou)| sin (ons + 44) (4.1.26) where = arg AM (jug) (4.1.27) The product wAf(w) may be expanded as the sum of products of, sinusoids. Further, sin (wx! + $x) = sin(we) c0s(¢x) + cos(ay 1) Section 4.1 Examples of Averaging Analysis 163 sin(g,). Now, products of sinusoids at different frequencies have zero average, as do products of sin’s with cos's of any frequency. Therefore ave [wareor] = 3, 17 Gap cos eo sak (i - 278 (de) (4.1.28) ‘Using (4.1.28), a sufficient condition for the stability of the averaged sys- tem (4.1.24) is that Re Mf (jw) > 0 for all w > 0 (4.1.29) ‘The condition is the familiar SPR condition obtained for the stability of the original system in the context of model reference identification. The averaging analysis brings this condition in evidence directly in the fre- quency domain. It is also evident that this condition is necessary, if one does not restrict the frequency content of the signal w(t). Otherwise, it is sufficient that the a;’s be concentrated in frequencies where Re M(jw)> 0, so that the sum in (4.1.28) is positive. Vector Case In identification, we encountered (4.1.2), where @ was a vector. The solution (4.1.5) does not extend to the vector case, but the frequency domain analysis does, as will be shown in Section 4.3. We illustrate the procedure with the simple example of the identification of a first order system (cf, Section 2.0). ‘The regressor vector is given by [a] [eg] em where P = ky/(s + ap). As before, we let the input r be periodic w r= Bn sine) (413) a so that the averaged system is given by (the gain g plays the role of «) dey = ~ 8 AVG (WHT) dar AVG) | AVG(r P(r) -8 Laver Bin) ave@() Pw) % 164 Parameter Convergence Using Averagiag Chapter 4 aa {1 Rehan) e,h—rhmrhr——C ; Sel oA +g az ap ere Pa bay (4.1.33) ob+ap ob + ap ‘The matrix above is symmetric and it may be checked to be positive semi-definite, Further, it is positive definite for all w, #0. Taking a Lyapunov function y= @%,da, shows that the averaged system is exponentially stable as long as the input contains at least one sinusoid of Jrequency w 0. Thus, we directly recover a frequency-domain result ‘obtained earlier for the original system through a much longer and laborious path. Nonlinear Averaging Analyzing adaptive control schemes using averaging is trickier because the schemes are usually nonlinear. This is the motivation forthe deriva- tion of nonlinear averaging theorems in this chapter. Note that it is pos- sible to linearize the system around some nominal trajectory, or around the equilibrium. However, averaging allows us to approximate a nonau- tonomous system by an autonomous system, independently ofthe linear- ity or nonlinearity of the equations. Indeed, we will show that it is pos- sible to keep the nonlinearity of the adaptive systems, and even obtain frequency domain results. The analysis is therefore not restricted to a neighborhood of some trajectory or equilibrium. As an example, we consider the output error model reference adap- tive control scheme for a first order system (cf. Section 3.0, with key = ky = C0 = 1) Jo" ~ Gp Yp +t Sn =~ Oy Yn (4.1.34) where dy, > 0, and dp is unknown. The adaptive controller is defined by Wr doy do = -8 0% (4.1.35) where g > 0 is the adaptation gain. The output error and the parameter ‘error are given by Section 4.1 Examples of Averaging Analysis 165 €o = Yo Ym @ = do d§ = do-(@m~ a) (4.1.36) “The adaptive system is completely described by by = ~(Gm - #) 0+ Ind $ = 8 ¢0(€0+ Yn) (4.1.37) where (4.1.38) cman When ¢ is small (g takes the place of « in the averaging analysis ) 4 varies slowly compared 10 r, Ym and eq, The averaged system is Gefined by calculating AVG(eo(éo + Ym) assuming that @ is fixed. In that case : (4.1.39) and 1_y, C04 Im = SGT y Vm) OY —— r (4.1.40) = Em ae Note that $ + dy ~ ¢ is the clased-loop polynomial, that is the polyno- ial giving the closed-loop pole for ¢ fixed. Assume again that r is of the form r= Dr silo) G14) andi allows tat AVG ele +9) sa us 2 ah + Gm - oP ok + am 6 (4.1.42) 166 Parameter Convergence Using Averaging Chapter 4 so that the averaged system is given by Se 1 Gm -2> $$_1_ _ = bay (4.1.43) KoA 2 ak + (nm ~ Gan)? ob + ah “The averaged system is a scalar nonlinear system, Indeed, averaging did not alter the nonlinearity of the original system, only its time variation. Note that the averaged system is of the form bay = = Aba) bor (4.1.44) where a(¢,y) is a nonlinear function of $4». However, for all h > 0, there exists @ > 0 such that (a) 2 @>0 forall | doy] and x. This is formulated ‘more precisely in the following definition. Definition Mean Value of a Function, Convergence Function ‘The function f(t, x, 0) is said to have mean value fay(x) if there exists a continuous function y(T): IR,-IR,, strictly decreasing, such that 4(T)+0as T +00 and | f fe. 0d7 - fated] < eT) (4.2.3) for all to 2 0, T 20, x € By. The function (7) is called the convergence function. Note that the function /(¢, x, 0) has mean value f(x) if and only if the function A, x) = Lx, 0)- Saux) (42.4) has zero mean value. It is common, in the literature on averaging, to assume that the function f(t, x, is periodic in f, or almost periodic in t. Then, the existence of the mean value is guaranteed, without further assum (Hale [1980], theorem 6, p. 344). Here, we do not make the assumption of (almost) ‘periodicity, but consider instead the assumption of the existence of the mean value as the starting point of our analysis Note that if the function d(¢, x) is periodic in ¢ and is bounded, then the integral of the function d(¢, x) is also a bounded function of time, This is equivalent to saying that there exists a convergence func- tion 7(T) = a/T (ic., of the order of 1/) such that (4.2.3) is satisfied. On the other hand, if the function d(¢, x) is bounded, and is not required to be periodic but almost periodic, then the integral of the func- tion d(¢, x) need not be a bounded function of time, even if its mean value is zero (Hale [1980], p. 346). The function (7) is bounded (by the same bound as d(¢, x)) and converges to zero as T'-> oo, but the convergence function need not be bounded by a/T as Too (it may be of order 1/VT for example). In general, a zero mean function need not have a bounded integral, although the converse is true. In this book, we do not make the distinction between the periodic and the almost periodic case, but we do distinguish the bounded integral case from the

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