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1. Let be a set of natural numbers in which if , belong to (
) then either
belong to ( both cases may be posible at the same time). Decide wheter there is
or not a set consisting on exactly
elements which has four elements , , , ( not
necesarilly distinct) that satisfy
2. Given 365 cards, in which distinct numbers are written. We may ask for any three cards,
the order of numbers written in them. Is it always possible to find out the order of all 365
cards by 2000 such questions?
3. In a circumference with center we draw two equal chord
We consider
such that
Prove that the chord determined by extending
has the same as length as both
4. Find all integers solutions for
5. Let be a prime with
, and let
. Prove that
contains two elements and such that
6. Let be a natural number, and we consider the sequence
If we make the sum of consecutive members of the sequence, starting from one with an odd
index and finishing in one with and even index, the result is
How many sequence are there satisfying this conditions?
1. Let , , be distinct positive integers having exactly two digits in such a way that:

are digits)

Find all posible values of

2. Let
be a trapezium of parallel sides
and non-parallel
Let be the incenter of
. It is known that exists a point

such that if

is a point of the intersection of the bisectors of

Prove that

3. A
square is tiled by dominoes (i. e.
rectangles) in an arbitrary
way. Show that one can color the dominoes in three colors such that the number of
the dominoes of each color is the same, and each dominoe has at most two
neighbours of the same color as . (Two dominoes are said to be neighbours if a cell
of one domino has a common edge with a cell of the other one.)
4. Find all real values of
which satisfy:

5. Let

be the positive divisors of

find all posible values of
6. For natural we define
as the sum of digits of (in base ten)
Does there exist a positive real constant such that for all natural we have

1. Find all the functions from

that satisfy:

2. Triangle
is inscript in a circumference . A chord
of intersects the
at and respectively, with
, , ,
in that order in
. Let
be the diameter of perpendicular to
with and in the same
semiplane respect to

. Lines



in the ratios

and respectively (starting counting from

). Find
3. Find all the functions from
that satisfy:
4. Let

be the number of positive divisors of the natural number . Find all



is a prime number

5. Let
be a triangle, , and the points of tangency of the incircle with
respectively. Let be the second point of intersection of
and the incircle. If
is a cyclic quadrilateral prove that
is parellel to
6. Show that in acute triangle ABC we have:

1. On a
board, the centers of several unit squares are colored black. Find the
maximum number of centers that can be colored black in such a way that no three
black points form a right-angled triangle.
2. Let

be nonnegative real numbers, with

Find the maximum possible value of

3. Let
be a triangle,
the midpoint of side
the midpoint of side
. Let be the point of intersection (
) of the circumcircles of triangles
. Let be the point of intersection(
) of the line
and the
circumcircle of triangle

Prove that
4. Find all positive integers such that
is divisible by
5. There are several contestants at a math olympiad. We say that two contestants
and are indirect friends if there are contestants
such that and
are friends,
are friends,
are friends, ...,
and are friends.
In particular, if and are friends themselves, they are indirect friends as well.
Some of the contestants were friends before the olympiad. During the olympiad,
some contestants make new friends, so that after the olympiad every contestant has
at least one friend among the other contestants. We say that a contestant
is special if, after the olympiad, he has exactly twice as indirect friends as he had
before the olympiad.
Prove that the number of special contestants is less or equal than of the total
number of contestants.
6. Let
be an odd integer. We denote by
the set of all integers greater or
equal than
and less or equal than .
Player chooses an arbitrary positive integer , then player picks a subset of
(distinct) elements from
. Let this subset be .
If all numbers in
can be written as the sum of exactly distinct elements
of , then player wins the game. If not, wins.
Find the least value of such that player can always win the game.

1. In a football tournament there are teams, each of which plays exacly one match
against every other team. If a team defeats team , then is awarded points
and gets points. If they end up in a tie, they receive point each.
It turned out that in this tournament, whenever a match ended up in a tie, the two
teams involved did not finish with the same final score. Find the maximum number of
ties that could have happened in such a tournament.
2. Let
be a triangle with
. The incircle touches
at , and respectively. Let be a point on the arc
that does not contain
.Let be the second point of intersection of
and the incircle of
. The
meet the line
and , respectively.
Prove that the four points
3. Find all functions

lie on a circle and

such that

holds for all real numbers

4. Two players, and , play a game on a board which is a rhombus of side and
angles of
, divided into
equilateral triangles, as shown in the
diagram for
uses a red token and uses a blue token, which are initially placed in cells
containing opposite corners of the board (the
ones). In turns, players move their
token to a neighboring cell (sharing a side with the previous one). To win the game, a
player must either place his token on the cell containing the other player's token, or
get to the opposite corner to the one where he started.
If starts the game, determine which player has a winning strategy.
5. Let and be prime numbers. The sequence
is defined by
for all
Given that there is some such that
, find and .
6. Suppose
are integers with
for all such
Prove that the set
can be partitioned in subsets
each with
elements respectively, such that the sum of the numbers on
each subset is divisible by
Decide whether this property still holds if we replace
(that is, if the set to be partitioned is

1. Each number from the set
following these rules:

is either colored red or blue,

a) The number is colored red, and there is at least one number colored blue.
b) If two numbers
have different colors and
, then the number
is colored blue.
c) If two numbers
have different colors and
, then the number
colored red.


Find all possible ways the numbers from this set can be colored.
2. A wizard kidnaps
members from party ,
members from party ,
from party , and members from party , keeping them isolated in individual
rooms in his castle, where he forces them to work.
Every day, after work, the kidnapped people can walk in the park and talk with each
other. However, when three members of three different parties start talking with each
other, the wizard reconverts them to the fourth party (there are no conversations
with or more people involved).
a) Find out whether it is possible that, after some time, all of the kidnapped people
belong to the same party. If the answer is yes, determine to which party they will
b) Find all quartets of positive integers that add up to
that if they were to be
considered the number of members from the four parties, it is possible that, after
some time, all of the kidnapped people belong to the same party, under the same
rules imposed by the wizard.
3. Let
be a trapezoid with bases
, and nonparallel legs
be the intersection of
. Let
be a
circumference that passes through
and is tangent to
at point ; let
be a
circumference that passes through
and is tangent to
at point . Let be the
intersection of the lines
the intersection of
with the line
the intesection of
with the line
, and the circumcenter of triangle
Show that
4. Determine all positive integers such that the number
has at
positive divisors.
5. At least players take part in a tennis tournament. Each participant plays exactly
one match against each other participant. After the tournament has ended, we find
out that each player has won at least one match. (There are no ties in tennis).
Show that in the tournament, there was at least one trio of players
that beat , beat , and beat .

6. Each square of
, of a
grid is colored using red or blue, in such way that
between all the
subgrids, there are all the possible colorations of a
using red or blue, (colorations that can be obtained by using rotation or symmetry,
are said to be different, so there are 16 possibilities). Find:
a) The minimum value of .
b) For that value, find the least possible number of red squares.

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