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Devontae Glover
Mr. Gooding
CP U.S History
17 October 2016
Eighth Amendment
The Eighth Amendment became part of the Bill of Rights September 5, 1989. The
Eighth Amendment was caused because of Titus Oates who lied in court and caused
many people their lives so, he was confined in a pillory for two days and was whipped
while tied to a moving cart. With that being said, Laws reported that Nor cruel or
unusual punishments should be inflicted. Meaning that police officers or any other type
of law enforcement should not enhance a criminal aggressively or abuse a criminal to
the point that their close to dieing. Which is one of the reasons behind the Eighth
amendment being established is so that people do not get whipped, brutally beat by an
officer using weapons like a baton or a gun or any other type of abusive acts towards a
criminal who committed a crime. The Constitution wanted to ban all cruelty and abuse to
criminals as a result from the crime that they have committed. Also, Laws stated
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed. For that reasoning,
a court can not set a large amount of money for bail to an accused criminal.
Furthermore, a court can not set an excessive bail because if they do then the judge
would base the bail hearing off of the amount of money that the criminal has received
from the court. By that being said, the main focus of the Eighth Amendment was to
make punishments fair, and to make sure that large fines or bails are not made.
Although this amendment is not the most popular amendment in the Bill of Rights, it still

helps criminals have a fair trial, without dealing with abuse or having a high bail

Laws.Kids. Eighth Amendment. Laws, publication date. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.

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