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Umumnya, kupu-kupu betina lebih besar daripada Jantan. Ini adalah untuk tujuan
reproduksi, sebagai perempuan perlu perut yang lebih besar dan sayap untuk
membawa telur mereka, yang berjumlah ratusan per kopling.
Pupa kecil, atau ulat mengalami transformasi untuk menjadi kupu-kupu, biasanya
perempuan. Namun, ukuran keseluruhan bervariasi menurut spesies. Misalnya,
kupu-kupu Monarch Jantan yang sedikit lebih besar dari betina.
Munculnya kupu-kupu jantan dan betina bervariasi tergantung pada spesies. Yang
paling dikenal dari perbedaan milik pola dan pewarnaan dari sayap.
Misalnya, kupu-kupu Monarch Jantan memiliki bintik-bintik hitam tunggal pada
setiap bagian bawah sayap mereka, sedangkan betina tidak.
Kupu-kupu raja perempuan memiliki pembuluh darah lebih tebal, atau garis-garis
hitam, bersama sayap mereka daripada Jantan. Jantan kupu-kupu kapten memiliki
garis tunggal turun tengahnya sayap atas mereka, memisahkan patch berwarna
lebih terang pada sayap mereka; betina tidak.

Generally, the female butterflies bigger than the males. It is for the purpose of
reproduction, as women need a bigger belly and wings to carry their eggs, which
number in the hundreds per clutch.

Small pupa, or caterpillar undergoes a transformation to become a butterfly, usually

women. However, the overall size varies by species. For example, monarch
butterflies Males are slightly larger than females.

The emergence of butterflies male and female varies depending on the species. The
best known of the differences belong patterns and coloration of the wings.

For example, monarch butterflies Males have a single black spots on any part under
their wing, whereas females do not.

Monarchs women have thicker blood vessels, or black stripes along their wings than
males. Males have a skipper butterfly single line down the middle of the wings on
them, separating the lighter-colored patches on their wings; females do not.

Ulat menetas dari tiap telur kurang lebih 10 hari, kemudian berganti kulit sampai 5 kali hingga mencapai
ukuran sebenarnya.
Pergantian kulit yang terakhir menghasilkan kepompong yang basah dan lunak. Setelah kurang lebih 1
minggu pupa ini mengeras. Dari dalam kepompong, munculah kupu-kupu yang cantik, yang kemudian
bersambung pada fase imago (kupu-kupu dewasa). Seekor imago betina hanya dapat dikawini seekor
imago jantan.
Kupu-kupu memang berasal dari ulat yang mengalami metamorfosis sempurna atau tahap berbeda
sebelum jadi dewasa. Umur kupu-kupu berkisar antara 3-4 minggu.
1. telur menempel pada daun inang lamanya 2-7 hari
2. ulat (larva) berumur 14-20 hari dengan berganti kulit 4-5 kali, pada umur itu mengkonsumsi daun
setara luasan 20x30cm.
3. kepompong (chrysalis/pupa)berpuasa dan beristirahat selama 14-16 hari, butuh waktu 1-2 jam untuk
mengeringan sayap sebelum siang terbang untuk pertama kalinya.
4. kupu-kupu dewasa (imago) berumur 14-24 hari, dimana sekitar 7% hidup imago digunakan untuk

Caterpillars hatch from an egg approximately every 10 days, and then change its
skin up to 5 times until it reaches its actual size.
Substitution last skin produces wet and soft cocoon. After approximately 1 week
pupa is hardened. From the chrysalis, comes the beautiful butterflies, which are
then concatenated in phase imago (adult butterflies). A female imago imago can
only marry a male.
Butterflies are derived from caterpillars undergo complete metamorphosis or
different stages before it become an adult. Age butterfly ranges between 3-4 weeks.

1. egg attaches to the host leaf duration of 2-7 days

2. caterpillar (larva) aged 14-20 days with changing skin 4-5 times, at that age
taking similar leaf area 20x30cm.
3. cocoon (chrysalis / pupa) fasting and rest for 14-16 days, it took 1-2 hours to
mengeringan wing before noon flew for the first time.
4. The adult butterfly (imago) aged 14-24 days, of which about 7% of adult life are
used for copulation.

Metamorfosis adalah proses dari ulat menjadi hewan baru (fase sempurna)
yaitu kupu-kupu. Pada prosesnya terjadi cukup panjang dan lama namum
sederhana. Pertama-tama mulai dari telur yang diletakkan oleh kupu-kupu
pada daun (biasanya daun pohon jeruk atau dapat juga pohon yang lain) yang
bertujuan nantinya daun tersebut bisa menjadi bahan makanan ulat tersebut
hingga mencapai dewasa setelah tiba waktunya menjadi pupa/ kepompong
dan dalam beberapa hari akan menjadi kupu-kupu baru.

Telur akan menetas antara 3 5 hari, larva akan berjalan ke pinggir daun
tumbuhan inang dan memulai memakannya. Sebagian larva mengkonsumsi

cangkang telur yang kosong sebagai makanan pertamanya. Kulit luar dari
larva tidak meregang mengikuti pertumbuhannya, tetapi ketika menjadi sangat
ketat larva akan berganti kulit.
LARVA (Ulat)

Setelah menetas larva akan mencari makan Sebagian larva

mengkonsumsi cangkang telur yang kosong sebagai makanan pertamanya.
Kulit luar dari larva tidak meregang mengikuti pertumbuhannya, tetapi ketika
menjadi sangat ketat larva akan berganti kulit.
Jumlah pergantian kulit selama hidup larva umumnya 4 6 kali, dan
periode antara pergantian kulit (molting) disebut instar.
Larva kupu-kupu bervariasi dalam bentuk, tetapi pada sebagian besar
berbentuk silindris, dan terkadang memepunyai rambut, duri, tuberkel atau
Ketika larva mencapai pertumbuhan maksimal, larva akan berhenti makan,
berjalan mencari tempat berlindung terdekat, melekatkan diri pada ranting
atau daun dengan anyaman benang. Larva telah memasuki fase prepupa dan
melepaskan kulit terakhir kali untuk membentuk pupa.

PUPA (Kepompong)

Fase pupa kalau dilihat dari luar seperti periode istirahat, padahal dalam
pupa terjadi proses pembentukan serangga yang sempurna. Pupa pada
umumnya keras, halus dan berupa suatu struktur tanpa anggota tubuh.
Umumnya pupa berwarna hijau, coklat atau warna sesuai dengan sekitarnya
(berkamuflase) Pembentukan kupu-kupu dalam pupa biasanya berlangsung
selama 7 20 hari tergantung spesiesnya.

Setelah keluar dari pupa, kupu-kupu akan merangkak ke atas sehingga

sayapnya yang lemah, kusut dan agak basah dapat menggantung ke bawah
dan mengembang secara normal. Segera setelah sayap

mengering,mengembang dan kuat, sayap akan membuka dan menutup

beberapa kali dan percobaan terbang.
Fase imago atau kupu-kupu adalah fase dewasa

Kupu-kupu merupakan serangga yang melakukan aktivitas pada siang hari,
pada malam hari kupu-kupu akan istirahat dan terlindungan daun pepohonan.
siang kupu-kupu makin aktif terbang dan melakukan aktivitas mencari makan
dan berproduksi. Kegiatan mencari makan dilakukan sendiri-sendiri tetapi
sering tampak kupu-kupu jantan dan batina terbang berpasangan dan pada
saatnya akan melakukan kopulasi.
Selanjutnya induk kupu-kupu akan meletakkan telurnya pada tumbuhan
inangnya. kupu-kupu yang rentang sayapnya kecil akan terbamg rendah
antara 10cm- 2m. Sedangkan kupu-kupu yang rentang sayap lebih besar
terbang lebih tinggi sampai 10 m. Pada kegiatan mencari makan, kupu-kupu
akan hinggap pada bunga-bunga dan menjulurkan probosisnya.

Metamorphosis is the process of a caterpillar into a new animal (perfect stage) is a

butterfly. In the process happens quite long and drawn However the simple. First of
all from an egg laid by a butterfly on a leaf (usually leaves an orange tree or it can
be another tree), which aims eventually these leaves could be groceries caterpillars

to reach adulthood after it came time become pupa / cocoon and in some the day
will be a new butterfly.



The eggs will hatch in 3-5 days, the larvae will walk to the edge of the leaves of host
plants and started eating it. Most larvae consume empty egg shell as a first food.
The outer skin of the larva does not stretch to follow its growth, but when it became
very tight larvae will change its skin.

LARVA (Silkworm)


After hatching the larvae will eat the larvae consume the majority of an empty
egg shell as a first food. The outer skin of the larva does not stretch to follow its
growth, but when it became very tight larvae will change its skin.

The number of skin changes during larval life is generally 4-6 times, and the
period between the turn of the skin (molting) are called instars.

butterfly larvae vary in shape, but in most cylindrical, and sometimes

memepunyai hairs, spines, tubercles or filaments.

When the larvae reach the maximum growth, larvae will stop eating, walking
seek the nearest shelter, attach themselves to a twig or a leaf with woven threads.
The larvae have entered the phase of releasing the skin prepupa and last time to
form a pupa.

Pupa (cocoon)


Phase pupa when viewed from the outside as a rest period, whereas in the
process of establishing insect pupae occur perfect. Pupa generally hard, smooth and
form a structure without a limb. Generally pupa is green, brown or color according
to the surroundings (camouflage) Establishment of a butterfly in the pupa usually
lasts for 7-20 days depending on the species.



Once out of the pupa, the butterfly will crawl upward so that the wings are weak,
crumpled and slightly damp can hang down and inflate normally. Immediately after
the wings to dry, fluffy and strong, the wings will open and close several times and
attempted to fly.

Phase imago or butterfly is the adult stage


Butterflies are insects that do the activity during the day, at night butterflies will
rest and protect the leaves of trees.

Noon increasingly active butterfly flying and foraging activities and production.
Foraging activity carried out on their own but often seem to male butterflies and
female fly in pairs and in time will perform copulation.

Furthermore, the parent butterflies will lay their eggs on their host plants. butterfly
wings span small low will terbamg between 10cm- 2m. While the butterfly wing
span larger fly higher up to 10 m. In foraging activities, butterflies will land on the
flowers and stuck probosisnya.

Sebuah kupu-kupu adalah serangga terbang dari tatanan 'Lepidoptera' (urutan

serangga dengan sayap yang luas yang memiliki skala tumpang tindih ). Dalam bahasa
Yunani, 'Lepidoptera' berarti 'sayap skala'.
Pesanan ini milik super keluarga Hesperiidae atau Skippers seperti yang biasa disebut.
Skippers berbeda dari kupu-kupu dalam bahwa mereka memiliki tubuh lebih tebal,
mata yang lebih baik, otot sayap kuat dan doyan kembali antena.
Kupu-kupu saja disebut Papilionidae. Kupu-kupu khas memiliki tubuh ramping, antena
dengan bola kecil di ujung, enam kaki dan empat luas, sayap biasanya berwarna-warni.
Kupu-kupu didistribusikan di seluruh dunia kecuali dalam sangat dingin dan kering
(kering) daerah. Ada sekitar 17.500 spesies kupu-kupu (Papilionidae) dari sekitar
180.000 spesies Lepidoptera.
Banyak kupu-kupu memiliki warna mencolok dan pola pada sayap mereka. Kupu-kupu
sayap sebenarnya transparan itu adalah timbangan terlalu menjilati yang memberikan
sayap warna yang kita lihat. Timbangan ini berpigmen dengan melanins yang memberi
mereka kulit hitam dan cokelat, tapi biru, hijau, merah dan permainan warna biasanya
dibuat bukan oleh pigmen tetapi mikro timbangan.
Sebagian besar spesies kupu-kupu aktif pada siang hari sehingga mereka secara teratur
menarik perhatian. Pola beragam dibentuk oleh sayap mereka berwarna cerah dan
penerbangan tidak menentu namun anggun mereka telah membuat kupu-kupu
menonton hobi populer.
kamu dapat memegang kupu-kupu yang sangat lembut dengan sayapnya tanpa
melukainya, meskipun beberapa terlalu rapuh untuk ditangani dan dapat rusak jika
tidak ditangani sangat lembut. Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa ketika kupu-kupu
mendarat pada Anda itu berarti keberuntungan. Yang populer mengatakan kupu-kupu
di perut digunakan untuk menjelaskan ketika seseorang gugup atau khawatir.
Kupu-kupu merasakan udara untuk aroma, angin dan nektar menggunakan antena
mereka. Antena datang dalam berbagai bentuk dan warna. Visi dikembangkan dengan
baik dalam kupu-kupu dan sebagian besar spesies sensitif terhadap spektrum

Kupu-kupu tidak memiliki mulut untuk rasa dan makan makanan seperti yang kita
lakukan. Sebaliknya, mereka rasa melalui kaki mereka. Ketika mereka berdiri di
makanan mereka, mereka dapat mencicipi makanan, tapi bagaimana mereka bisa
makan tanpa mulut? Yah, bukannya mulut, mereka memiliki semacam panjang, struktur
jerami-seperti disebut belalai yang memungkinkan mereka untuk minum jus dan
nektar. Ketika ini belalai tidak digunakan, itu melingkar berdiri seperti selang taman.
Kupu-kupu terutama makan nektar dari bunga. Beberapa juga berasal makanan dari
serbuk sari, getah pohon, buah membusuk, kotoran dan mineral yang terlarut dalam
pasir basah atau kotoran. Kupu-kupu memainkan peran ekologis penting sebagai
Sebagai orang dewasa, kupu-kupu hanya mengonsumsi cairan dan ini tersedot melalui
belalai mereka. Mereka memakan nektar dari bunga dan juga minum air dari patch
basah. Ini mereka lakukan untuk air, energi dari gula dalam nektar dan untuk natrium
dan mineral lainnya yang penting untuk reproduksi mereka. Beberapa spesies kupukupu perlu natrium lebih dari yang disediakan oleh nektar. Mereka tertarik untuk sodium
dalam garam dan mereka kadang-kadang mendarat di orang, tertarik oleh keringat
manusia. [
Semua kupu-kupu memiliki enam kaki dan kaki. Dalam beberapa spesies seperti
Monarch Butterfly, depan sepasang kaki tetap terselip di bawah tubuh sebagian besar





















Nama kolektif untuk sekelompok kupu-kupu adalah mengipas.

Pengertian dan Karakteristik Kupu-kupu





Habitat kupu-kupu
Habitat kupu-kupu yang ditemukan di berbagai lingkungan iklim yang berbeda. Mereka
dapat ditemukan di daerah tropik , hutan, rawa-rawa, sungai, rawa, padang rumput,
lahan pertanian dan kebun, pada dasarnya. di mana pun ada tanaman dan bunga.
Kupu-kupu memakan jus busuk buah, nektar dan air di mana semua yang menghirup
melalui tabung belalai mereka.

Perilaku kupu-kupu
Butterflies sip nektar dari tanaman berbunga kemudian membawa serbuk sari dari satu
tanaman ke tanaman yang membantu reproduksi tanaman. Proses ini disebut
Penyerbukan. Kupu-kupu adalah penyerbuk terbesar kedua di dunia, setelah Lebah!

rentang Hidup Kupu-kupu

Rata-rata rentang hidup untuk kupu-kupu dewasa hanya 20 sampai 40 hari.










Pemangsa kupu-kupu
Kupu-kupu adalah makhluk yang rapuh dan hampir tak berdaya. Mereka mengandalkan
berbagai strategi untuk melindungi mereka dari predator lapar. Predator mereka
termasuk burung, laba-laba, reptil, serangga lain (misalnya, tawon, lalat dan tungau),
dan mamalia kecil.
Kebanyakan kupu-kupu melindungi diri dari predator dengan menggunakan kamuflase.
Beberapa kupu-kupu berbaur ke lingkungan mereka baik sehingga itu hampir tidak
mungkin untuk menemukan mereka ketika mereka beristirahat di cabang. Beberapa
kupu-kupu terlihat seperti daun-daun kering (seperti daun kupu-kupu India), yang lain
terlihat seperti kulit pohon dan akan sulit untuk menemukan!

A butterfly is a flying insect of the order 'Lepidoptera' (order of insects with broad
wings which have the scale overlap). In Greek, 'Lepidoptera' means 'wing scale'.

This order belongs to the super family Hesperiidae 'or' Skippers' as it is commonly
called. 'Skippers differ from butterflies in that they have a thicker body, the better
eye, wing muscles strong and hooked back the antenna.

A butterfly called 'Papilionidae'. Butterflies typically has a slender body, an antenna

with a small ball at the end, six feet and four broad, usually colorful wings.
Butterflies are distributed throughout the world except in very cold and dry (arid)
regions. There are about 17,500 species of butterflies (Papilionidae) from about
180,000 species of Lepidoptera.

Many butterflies have striking colors and patterns on their wings. Butterfly wings
actually transparent - it is too lapping scales that give wings the color we see.
Scales are pigmented with melanins that give them blacks and browns, but blue,
green, red and iridescence are usually created not by pigments, but micro scales.

Most butterfly species are active during the day so they regularly attract attention.
Diverse patterns formed by their brightly colored wings and erratic yet graceful
flight they have made butterfly watching a popular hobby.

You can hold the butterfly very gentle with wings without hurting, although some
are too fragile to be handled and can be damaged if not handled very gently. Some
people say that when a butterfly lands on you it means good luck. Is a popular
saying 'butterflies in the stomach' is used to describe when a person is nervous or

Butterfly feel the air for scents, wind and nectar using their antennae. Antennas
come in various shapes and colors. Vision is well developed in butterflies and most
species are sensitive to the ultraviolet spectrum.

Butterflies do not have a mouth to taste and eat the food as we did. Instead, what
they feel through their feet. As they stood in their food, they can taste the food, but
how they can eat without mouth? Well, instead of the mouth, they have some sort
of long, straw-like structure called a 'trunk' which allows them to drink juice and
nectar. When this 'trunk' is not used, it coiled up like a garden hose.

Butterflies feed primarily on nectar from flowers. Some also derives nourishment
from pollen, tree sap, rotting fruit, dung, and dissolved minerals in wet sand or dirt.
Butterflies play an important ecological role as pollinators.
As adults, butterflies consume only liquids and is sucked through their trunks. They
feed on nectar from flowers and also drank water from damp patches. This they do
for water, energy from sugars in nectar and for sodium and other minerals that are
essential for their reproduction. Several species of butterflies need more sodium
than provided by nectar. They are attracted to sodium in salt and they sometimes
land on people, attracted by human sweat. [

All butterflies have six legs and feet. In some species such as Monarch Butterfly, the
front pair of legs still tucked under the body most of the time, and it is difficult to
Male names referred to simply as the male.
The name referred to women just as women.
Name or offspring, or baby butterflies, larvae and caterpillars.
The collective name for a group of butterflies was 'flutter'.

Definition and Characteristics of Butterflies

Definition and Characteristics of Butterflies

Butterfly habitat

Habitat butterflies are found in a variety of different climatic environments. They

can be found in the tropics, forests, swamps, rivers, swamps, grasslands, farmland
and gardens, basically. wherever there are plants and flowers.
Butterflies consuming rotting fruit juice, nectar and water in which all who breathe
through their trunks tube.
Behavior butterfly
Butterflies sip nectar from flowering plants then carry pollen from plant to plant that
helps the reproduction of plants. This process is called 'Pollination'. Pollinating
butterfly is the second largest in the world, after the Bees!
Life span of Butterflies
The average life span of an adult butterfly is only 20 to 40 days.
The minimum life span of a butterfly is as little as 3 or 4 days.
Maximum life span of a butterfly is 6 months.
Predators butterfly
Butterflies are fragile creatures and almost helpless. They rely on a variety of
strategies to protect them from hungry predators. Their predators include birds,
spiders, reptiles, insects (eg, wasps, flies and mites), and small mammals.

Most butterflies protect themselves from predators by using camouflage. Some

butterflies blend into their surroundings so well that it is almost impossible to find
them when they are resting on a branch. Some butterflies look like dry leaves (leaf
butterflies India), others look like tree bark and will be hard to find!

1. Butterfly wings are transparent.

How can that be? We know butterflies as perhaps the most colorful, vibrant insects
around! A butterfly wing is actually formed by layers of chitin, the protein that makes up
an insect's exoskeleton. These layers are so thin you can see right through them.
Thousands of tiny scales cover the transparent chitin, and these scales reflect light in
different colors. As a butterfly ages, scales fall off the wings, leaving spots of
transparency where the chitin layer is exposed.

2. Butterflies taste with their feet.

Taste receptors on a butterfly's feet help it find its host plant and locate food. A female
butterfly lands on different plants, drumming the leaves with her feet to make the plant
release its juices.

How Does Color Affect How You Feel?

Spines on the back of her legs have chemoreceptors that detect the right match of plant
chemicals. When she identified the right plant, she lays her eggs. A butterfly will also
step on its food, using organs that sense dissolved sugars to taste food sources like
fermenting fruit.
3. Butterflies live on an all-liquid diet.
Speaking of butterflies eating, adult butterflies can only feed on liquids, usually nectar.
Their mouthparts are modified to enable them to drink, but they can't chew solids.
A proboscis, which functions as a drinking straw, stays curled up under the butterfly's
chin until it finds a source of nectar or other liquid nutrition. It then unfurls the long,
tubular structure and sips up a meal.
4. A butterfly must assemble its proboscis as soon as it emerges from the
A butterfly that can't drink nectar is doomed, so one of its first jobs as an adult butterfly
is to make sure its mouthparts work. When a new adult emerges from the pupal case,
or chrysalis, its mouth is in two pieces. Using palpi located adjacent to the proboscis,
the butterfly begins working the two parts together to form a single, tubular proboscis.
You may see a newly emerged butterfly curling and uncurling the proboscis over and
over, testing it out.
5. Butterflies drink from mud puddles.
A butterfly cannot live on sugar alone; it needs minerals, too. To supplement its diet of
nectar, a butterfly will occasionally sip from mud puddles, which are rich in minerals and
salts. This behavior, called puddling, occurs more often in male butterflies, which
incorporate the minerals into their sperm. These nutrients are then transferred to the
female during mating, and help improve the viability of her eggs.

6. Butterflies can't fly if they're cold.

Butterflies need an ideal body temperature of about 85F to fly. Since they're coldblooded animals, they can't regulate their own body temperatures. The surrounding air
temperature has a big impact on their ability to function. If the air temperature falls below
55F, butterflies are rendered immobile, unable to flee from predators or feed. When air
temperatures range between 82-100F, butterflies can fly with ease. Cooler days
require a butterfly to warm up its flight muscles, either be shivering or basking in the
sun. And even sun-loving butterflies can get overheated when temperatures soar above
100F, and may seek shade to cool down.
7. A newly emerged butterfly can't fly.
Inside the chrysalis, a developing butterfly waits to emerge with its wings collapsed
around its body. When it finally breaks free of the pupal case, it greets the world with
tiny, shriveled wings. The butterfly must immediately pump body fluid through its wing
veins to expand them. Once its wings reach full-size, the butterfly must rest for a few
hours to allow its body to dry and harden before it can take its first flight.
8. Butterflies live just 2-4 weeks, usually.
Once it emerges from its chrysalis as an adult, a butterfly has just a few short weeks to
live. During that time, it focuses all its energy on two tasks eating and mating. Some of
the smallest butterflies, the blues, may only survive a few days. Butterflies that
overwinter as adults, like monarchs and mourning cloaks, can live as long as 9 months.
9. Butterflies are nearsighted, but they can see and discriminate a lot of colors.
Within about 10-12 feet, butterfly eyesight is quite good. Anything beyond that distance
gets a little blurry to a butterfly, though. Butterflies rely on their eyesight for vital tasks,
like finding mates of the same species, and finding flowers on which to feed. In addition
to seeing some of the colors we can see, butterflies can see a range of ultraviolet colors
invisible to the human eye. The butterflies themselves may have ultraviolet markings on
their wings to help them identify one another and locate potential mates. Flowers, too,
display ultraviolet markings that act as traffic signals to incoming pollinators like
butterflies "pollinate me!"
10. Butterflies employ all kinds of tricks to keep from being eaten.
Butterflies rank pretty low on the food chain, with lots of hungry predators happy to
make a meal of them. Some butterflies fold their wings to blend in to the
background, using camouflage to render themselves all but invisible to predators.
Others try the opposite strategy, wearing vibrant colors and patterns that boldly

announce their presence. Bright colored insects often pack a toxic punch if eaten, so
predators learn to avoid them. Some butterflies aren't toxic at all, but pattern themselves
after other species known for their toxicity. By mimicking their foul-tasting cousins, they
repel predators.

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