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Bailey Smith
Giovanna Walters
Section 31
26 September 2016
Leadership: Strengths vs. STRONG
Throughout my experiences with the different aspects of leadership, I have been able to
discover a few of my strengths. In class we were able to take a few tests that helped us learn a
little bit about who we are as future leaders of this society. Personally I have always aspired to be
a future leader and now I have found out some of my strengths that will put me on the road to
success. While analyzing my results from both tests that we took in class, I discovered that they
had very compatible results and both were not surprising to what I thought my strengths were
before the tests.
Taking the STRONG test my results ended up being: Investigative, Social and Artistic;
these results meant that I was analytical, caring and creative (STRONG). Ever since I was a little
girl I knew I wanted to either work with art or be in the medical field; the Strong assessment
proved that what I wanted for myself is also what I tested as. My brain has always worked in a
scientific or mathematical way; the fact that my brain works that way will help me achieve my
goal of being a well-respected, well-rounded physician and I can continue being a leader
throughout that journey (STRONG).
In Tom Rath's book, Strengths Based Leadership, it describes a leader who is futuristic
and that was one of my strengths (Tom Rath,2008). "People strong in the Futuristic theme are
inspired by the future and what could be. They inspire others with their visions of the future,"
this quote explains exactly what it means to be a futuristic leader and I believe that it perfectly

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describes the person I am trying to be (Rath, 2008). I was also classified as a strategic leader,
which after reading about what that actually meant I agreed with my results from the Strength
Finder exam. Being strategic and being analytical are both helpful to the first part of my code
from STRONG which was Investigative (STRONG).
The two assessments are both comparable with their results and they both correlate with
who I thought myself to be as a leader. After taking theses tests I am more confident in the leader
that I am aspiring to be and I am very excited to be able to take what I have learned about being
a leader and actually apply it to my every day life. I now know that I am on the right track with
wanting to become a Medical Physician because of who I am a leader and because of my
strengths that I can use as building blocks for the foundation of who I aspire to be.

Work Cited
Rath, Tom, and Barry Conchie. Strengths Based Leadership: Great Leaders,
Teams, and Why People Follow. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
Prince, Jeffrey. Strong Interest Inventory. CPP,2004

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