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Directions: Use the links in boxes 1 and 2 for those specific boxes.

However, for the boxes that follow, use one of the career
explorations sites.
Job Quiz Aptitude
Job quiz link

58% Health Science Careers. 58% Wellness and Athletic


Goal setting: What are

your goals for your

My goals for my future is to work as a nurse practitioner for a few

years and move out of Merced in a couple of years.

Provide a brief
description of the job.
Include the
nature of the work,
environment, the duties
responsibilities, average
work week, etc
Career exploration site 1
Career exploration site 2
Career exploration site 3

Diagnose and treat acute, episodic, or chronic illness,

independently or as part of a healthcare team. May focus on
health promotion and disease prevention. May order, perform, or
interpret diagnostic tests such as lab work and x rays. May
prescribe medication. Must be registered nurses who have
specialized graduate education.Analyze and interpret patients'
histories, symptoms, physical findings, or diagnostic information
to develop appropriate diagnoses.
Recommend diagnostic or therapeutic interventions with attention
to safety, cost, invasiveness, simplicity, acceptability, adherence,
and efficacy.
Prescribe medications based on efficacy, safety, and cost as
legally authorized.
Diagnose or treat acute health care problems such as illnesses,
infections, or injuries.
Educate patients about self-management of acute or chronic
illnesses, tailoring instructions to patients' individual
Prescribe medication dosages, routes, and frequencies based on
patient characteristics such as age and gender.
Order, perform, or interpret the results of diagnostic tests, such
as complete blood counts (CBCs), electrocardiograms (EKGs),
and radiographs (x-rays).
Maintain complete and detailed records of patients' health care
plans and prognoses.
Recommend interventions to modify behavior associated with
health risks.
Develop treatment plans based on scientific rationale, standards
of care, and professional practice guidelines.
Detect and respond to adverse drug reactions, with special
attention to vuln

Describe key skills,

skills and abilities:Skills:

abilities, and personality

traits important for this

Active Learning - Understanding the implications of new

information for both current and future problem-solving and
Active Listening - Giving full attention to what other people are
saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking
questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate
Critical Thinking - Using logic and reasoning to identify the
strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions
or approaches to problems.
Reading Comprehension - Understanding written sentences and
paragraphs in work related documents.
Social Perceptiveness - Being aware of others' reactions and
understanding why they react as they do.
Speaking - Talking to others to convey information effectively.
Oral Comprehension - The ability to listen to and understand
information and ideas presented through spoken words and
Deductive Reasoning - The ability to apply general rules to
specific problems to produce answers that make sense.
Inductive Reasoning - The ability to combine pieces of
information to form general rules or conclusions (includes finding
a relationship among seemingly unrelated events).
Oral Expression - The ability to communicate information and
ideas in speaking so others will understand.
Problem Sensitivity - The ability to tell when something is wrong
or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem,
only recognizing there is a problem.
Written Comprehension - The ability to read and understand
information and ideas presented in writing.

Personality traits:
1. Excellent endurance
2. Outstanding communicator
3. Patient
4. Caring
5. Encouraging
What is the average or
median salary
range for this career both
nationally and locally?

National: $47.21

Local: $56.73
What is the outlook for
the future of this career?
Does research show
growth or decline in

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nurse

practitioner employment is projected to grow 31 percent through

Describe the education

and training
required for this position.
Are there
any licenses or
certifications required?

Typical education needed for entry: Master's degree

Typical work experience needed for a job in this occupation:
Typical on-the-job training once you have a job in this
occupation: None

What is your overall

impression of this


Job Outlook
The Power to Make a Difference in the Lives of Patients
Mentor Opportunities
Practice Settings


Antiquated Regulations & Laws Governing NP Practice
Bias Against the Profession
Landing that First Job
Lack of Formal Residency Programs

After learning more about

this career, are you still
interested? Would this
career fit with the lifestyle
you want? Does it match
your interests,
personality, skills and
work values?

List two occupations that

are similar that you may

still interested
not interested)
This career is a good match for me because: it pays a good
amount of money for me to do something I would love to do
which is looking after others and making people feel better, it's a
win win situation for myself. I would be able to interact with
patients accurately and to their needs because I am a very
patient person. I would like to progress as a nurse practitioner
and maybe then later become a doctor.
similar careers:
1. Health technologist

be interested in

2. Registered nurse
3. Nursing assistant
4. Midwife

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