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Interventions targeting human fear of large carnivores

many ideas but scarce data

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Det skandinaviske bjrneprosjektet, Rapport 2015 3

Interventions targeting human fear of large carnivores many ideas but scarce data
By: Maria Johansson1, Ins A. Ferreira1, Ole-Gunnar Sten2, Jens Frank3 and Anders Flykt4

Environmental Psychology, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Lund

University, SE-22100, Lund, Sweden
Department of Natural Resources and Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences,
NO-1432 s, Norway
Wildlife Damage Centre, Department of Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
SE-730 91 Riddarhyttan, Sweden.
Department of Psychology, Mid Sweden University, SE-831 25 stersund, Sweden
This report reviews the peer-reviewed scientific literature on interventions discussed to address
peoples fear of large carnivores in human-large carnivore conflicts. Based on psychological
theories a wide definition of fear was adopted including fear as an emotion, and as a component
in (risk) perception or attitude. The systematic literature search in international databases yielded
31 relevant hits whereof 20 articles proposed and 11 articles evaluated interventions. Four major
categories of interventions were identified: information and education, exposure to animal and
habitat, collaboration and participation, and financial incentives. Each one of these categories
may have a potential to reduce fear related variables. The present scientific evidence of the effect
of these interventions on fear of large carnivores is, however, scarce and partly contradicting.
This makes it difficult to rely on present findings in the design of appropriate interventions.
Denne rapporten gjennomgr vitenskapelig fagfellevurdert litteratur om tiltak rettet mot folks
frykt for store rovdyr i konflikter mellom mennesker og store rovdyr. Basert p psykologiske
teorier ble det benyttet en bred definisjon av frykt. Dette inkluderte frykt som en flelse, og frykt
som en komponent i (risiko) oppfatning eller holdning. Et systematisk litteratursk i
internasjonale databaser ga 31 relevante treff hvorav 20 artikler foreslo tiltak og 11 artikler
evaluerte tiltak. Fire hovedkategorier av tiltak ble identifisert: informasjon og utdanning,
eksponering for dyr og habitat, samarbeid og deltakelse, og konomiske insentiver. Hver og en
av disse kategoriene kan ha et potensiale for redusere fryktrelaterte variabler. De nvrende
vitenskapelige bevisene for effekten av disse tiltakene p frykt for store rovdyr er imidlertid
knappe og delvis motstridende. Dette gjr det vanskelig stole p nvrende resultater fra
forskningen i utformingen av hensiktsmessige tiltak.

Large carnivore populations, such as brown bear (Ursus arctos), wolf (Canis lupus), lynx (Lynx
lynx) and wolverine (Gulo gulo), have increased in the last decades in Scandinavia (Chapron et
al. 2014). This has intensified the debate about the presence of the large carnivores as well as
about large carnivore policy and management (Sandstrm, Ericsson, Dressel, Eriksson &
Kvastegrd, 2014). To some people large carnivores are associated with positive feelings such as
interest and joy (Jacobs, Vaske, Dubois & Fehres, 2014). To others the presence of large
carnivores is stressful (Manfredo, 2008), and a concern for the perceived safety (Ericsson,
Sandstrm, Kindberg & Sten, 2010). People differ however to what extent they fear attacks on
humans, pets or livestock, and the expression of fear varies in strength between people as well as
situations (Frank, Johansson & Flykt, in press). Despite these individual differences, fear
reactions always reduce capacity to some extent for tasks not directly related to handle the threat
(Flykt & Bjrt, 2008). In this sense, to people who fear large carnivores, the presence of these
animals in their vicinity constitute an environmental stressor that may affect quality of life
(Moser, 2009), and well-being (WHO, 2014).
A range of potential management measures aiming to reduce the number of interactions
between humans and large carnivores exists, e.g. fencing livestock, attractant removal and
hunting (Shivik 2014). Despite several evaluations of the effectiveness of management measures,
the social or human aspects are seldom addressed (Treves, Wallace, & White, 2009;
Maheshwari, Midha, & Cherukupalli, 2014; Frank et al., in press). The literature frequently
suggest interventions to address negative attitudes, perceptions, or emotions towards large
carnivores, but few studies have assessed the impact of these measures on fear-related variables
(Gore, Knuth, Curtis, & Shanahan, 2006; Gusset et. al, 2008). In this paper we systematically
review the scientific literature on interventions put forward to address human fear of large
carnivores with the aim to summarize the current state of knowledge. The specific objectives are
to i) identify the interventions proposed and evaluated, ii) describe the impact of these
interventions on human fear responses, and iii) discuss the suitability of the interventions for the
management of large carnivores in Scandinavia.

Central concepts: emotion, perception and attitude

In the literature on wildlife management, human fear of animals is inconsistently theoretically
defined and operationalized. Therefore we have chosen a broad and inclusive view of the
concept of fear in this review as outlined below.

In human-large carnivore interactions, fear is considered as:

an emotion towards large carnivores (e.g. Jacobs, Vaske & Roemer, 2012a; Johansson,
Karlsson, Pedersen & Flykt, 2012; Flykt, Johansson, Karlsson, Lindeberg & Lipp, 2013),

a component in the (risk) perception of large carnivores (e.g. Gore et al., 2009; Thornton
& Quinn, 2009; Zajac, Bruskotter, Wilson, & Prange, 2012)

a component of attitudes towards large carnivores (e.g. Ericsson & Heberlein, 2003;
Espinosa & Jacobson, 2012).

Moreover, from a psychological view, fear of animals that is out of proportion and handicapping
is defined as a specific phobia (American Psychiatric Association, 1994).

Fear as an emotion: There is no consensus on the definition of emotion, but three components
are commonly accepted by most emotion psychologists, namely the subjective experience (i.e.
feeling), physiological reactions, and behavioural expression (Lang, 1997). Some psychologists
also include other components for example appraisal (Scherer, 2000; Kappas, 2006) and action
readiness/tendencies (Frijda, Kuipers, & ter Schure, 1989; Flykt, 2006). The feeling of fear in
studies involving large carnivores are most commonly captured by self-reports as either a general
affective experience, valence, or as a discrete emotion of fear (Jacobs, Fehres & Campbell,
2012b). The focus on valence is based on the idea that the unspecific arousal evaluated is
dependent on the environmental context, basically claiming that emotions are mental constructs.
The idea of discrete emotions presumes dedicated neural programmes for some (basic) emotions.
Emotions can be measured as physiological, central nervous, and behavioural changes (see
Jacobs et al., 2012 for an overview), where fear is for example expressed as reduced precision in
motoric movements (Buetti, Juan, Rinck, & Kerzel, 2012), delayed response times (Lipp
&Waters, 2007; Flykt, et al., 2012), and decreased accuracy in decision-making (Flykt & Bjrt,
2008) in tasks not related to the handling of the threat itself.

Fear and perception: Perception of a large carnivore species is defined in at least two ways in
the wildlife management literature: As a general or global concept, encompassing peoples
relation to large carnivores (Goldman, de Pinho, Perry, 2010; Lescureux et al., 2011). Or, more
specifically, to denote a risk perception related to the perceived consequences of an interaction
with large carnivores on human health, safety, property, or economy (Gore et al., 2009). The
latter concept is theoretically founded in risk psychology, and can be described as the subjective
assessment of the probability of a specified type of accident happening and how concerned we
are with the consequences (Sjberg, Moen & Rundberg, 2004). Lay peoples perceptions of risk,
as opposed to large carnivore experts in the present context, are often heightened for hazards that
are perceived as uncontrollable, involve fatal consequences, result from involuntary exposure,
not easily reduced or are new or relatively unknown to science (Slovic, 1987). Emotions play a
role in risk perception because feelings have an influence on how people perceive a certain risk
(Slovic & Peters, 2006), e.g. fear seems to amplify the perceived risk (Lerner & Keltner, 2001).
This emotional component is a prominent factor in risk perception, because it serves as a simple
decision rule, which is supposed to enhance survival among people (Visschers & Siegrist, 2008).
Operationalisations of this concept in studies involving wildlife include self-report questions on
fear (e.g. Zajac et al., 2012).

Fear and attitude: Attitudes towards large carnivores are one of the most frequently reported
social aspects in human-large carnivore interactions (Manfredo, 2008; Decker, Riley & Siemer,
2012). In social psychology, attitude is defined as a psychological tendency that is expressed by
evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favour or disfavour (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993).
This entity could be a person, object, or action, and the attitude could be explicit, formed from
deliberate thought and processing, or implicit, formed more automatically and not necessary
conscious. In wildlife research the focus has so far been on explicit attitudes captured by selfreports (Decker et al., 2012). Cognitive, affective, and behavioural processes are involved in the
formation of attitudes (Ajzen, 1991). Attitudes towards large carnivores may consequently be
inferred from i) cognitions, beliefs, about the animals based on direct, or indirect experience with
the animals, ii) affective or emotional experiences of the animal, the pleasant or unpleasant
feeling associated with situations involving the animal, and iii) past behaviour how you

previously have acted in response to the animal. As an example, the emotion of fear, elicited by a
potential threat, has been shown to have an impact also outside the time frame of the actual fear
responses (e.g. Suinn, Jorgensen, Stewart, & McQuirk, 1971; Huijding, Muris, Lester, Field, &
Joosse, 2011), and will thus influence attitude formation.

Animal fear as a specific phobia: In psychology the vast majority of studies on fear of animals
concerns snakes and spiders. These are animals with a high prevalence of phobic fear responses
(Fredrikson, Annas, Fischer, & Wik, 1996; Gadermann, Alonso, Vilagut, Zaslavsky, & Kessler,
2012). To fulfill the criteria for DSM-IV diagnosis Specific phobia, one should regularly get
strong fear reactions to a specific stimulus category which is incapacitating for the daily life
(American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Our previous research suggests that fear responses
towards large carnivores are commonly not so strong and that the term phobia should not
regularly be used for people having fear responses towards large carnivores (Johansson et al.,
2012; Flykt et al., 2013; Frank et al., in press). In this review we have excluded interventions
developed to address fear or phobia of snakes, spiders, and birds, but have been open towards
interventions that address dogs and other animal species (real or imaginary) that are not
necessarily large carnivores.

The search protocol
The review process was defined by a literature search protocol developed by an interdisciplinary
research group including psychologists and biologists (Pittel, Corcoran & Pillai, 2008). The
protocol stated:

the scope of the literature review: a) internationally available peer-reviewed scientific

papers b) in English language c) that suggests and/or evaluates interventions for humancarnivore conflict directly regarding fear or indirectly regarding fear as part of emotion,
perception or attitude.

the purpose of the literature review: to identify the effect of interventions (any action to
mitigate human-carnivore conflict); on human (any individual who may be exposed to
large carnivores); fear response (self-reported, physiological or behavioural); in relation
to large carnivores (any species of large carnivore that attack or threaten humans, with
special regards to those present in Scandinavian countries).

search strategies: Preliminary and thorough searches were made in electronic databases,
Web of science (ISI), Scopus, EBSCO (PsycInfo and SocINDEX with Full Text) and
Google Scholar. Reference lists of relevant publications were explored in order to find
additional relevant literature and in the end of the search period a confirmatory search
was made also including private databases.

eligibility criteria: The focus should be on fear of large carnivores and an intervention
in response to fear or human-carnivore conflict (with fear components) should be

key search terms: The search terms were defined broadly, in four groups carnivore (e.g.
carnivor*, wolf), human (e.g. people, hunter), fear response (e.g. emotion, fear), and
intervention (e.g. management, information) (Table 1). The search term attitude was not
used, since the concept although commonly employed, frequently lack theoretical
underpinning in studies on human-large carnivore interactions (Manfredo, 2008; Decker
et al., 2012). We therefore chose to focus on those studies on attitudes that specifically
reported an emotional or a fear component and hence was identified via these search

Table 1. Search terms and Boolean search strings employed.

Large Carnivore

Fear response

Intervention for human










Wolf / Canis lupus


















Brown bear/Ursus arctos

Eurasian lynx/Lynx lynx
Wolverine/Gulo gulo


Final Boolean search string [template]


(human OR people OR person OR hunter OR farmer OR local OR community OR shepherd OR resident

OR native OR stakeholder) AND (carnivor* OR predator OR wolf OR "canis lupus" OR "brown bear"
OR "ursus arctos" OR "eurasian lynx" OR "lynx lynx" OR wolverine OR "gulo gulo") AND (fear OR
emotion) AND (intervention OR mitigation OR management OR interaction OR action OR information
OR participation OR coexistence OR education OR legislation)

(human OR people OR person OR hunter OR farmer OR local OR community OR shepherd OR resident

OR native OR stakeholder) AND (carnivor* OR predator OR wolf OR "canis lupus" OR "brown bear"
OR "ursus arctos" OR "eurasian lynx" OR "lynx lynx" OR wolverine OR "gulo gulo") AND perception
AND (intervention OR mitigation OR management OR interaction OR action OR information OR
participation OR coexistence OR education OR legislation)

The search process

Preliminary scope searches were run by combining the search terms in different ways, defining a
preliminary Boolean search string. After several scope searches, which yielded relevant hits in
several data bases, a final Boolean string was defined (Table 1). The final search string was used
in the thorough literature search carried out in February 2014 using the five identified databases
(Booth, Papioannou & Sutton, 2012) (see Table 1). The search resulted in 136 relevant hits.

Screening and selection for eligibility of relevant references

The abstracts of the identified papers were read by two researchers. Articles that did not clearly
proposed or evaluated an intervention were excluded at this stage. Also articles not written in
English, articles only assessing human perceptions of general risks posed by wildlife and articles
dealing with general attitudes without including a fear or emotion component (e.g. general
opinion of presence of bears in Norway) and articles suggesting interventions related to
herbivores, were excluded. Full-text of the remaining articles were retrieved and read. Four
additional articles were during reading identified in the reference lists, retrieved and assessed for
eligibility by full-text. Resulting in a total of 26 references included in the list of eligible articles.

Confirmatory literature search

A confirmatory literature search was run in May 2014. The same Boolean string, slightly
modified, was used in this new search (terms fear OR emotion OR perception taken together),
with the human terms (e.g. people) searched in full text and those within the carnivore (e.g.
wolf) and intervention (e.g. management) dimensions searched in title. The search was run in
all five databases previously used, and in a private/restricted database of human-carnivore
studies, from The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Fifteen new references were
retrieved from the databases and another fourteen from reference lists and related records. These
articles were screened in full, but only five of them were found relevant for the review. This gave
us the final set of 31 articles for further thematic analysis.

Articles included in the review
The 31 articles were dated from 2001 to 2014, and included two literature reviews and 29 articles
published in peer-reviewed international scientific journals, primarily within the fields of
psychology, conservation, and human dimensions of wildlife. The majority of studies are based
on research in Europe (N=12), and North America (N=10), others are based on research in Africa
(N=5), Asia (N=3) and South America (N=2) (Table 2).
Two major groups of articles can be identified. The first group includes articles that
describe fear as a factor in human-large carnivore interactions and propose, but does not evaluate
interventions. The second group includes studies that evaluate interventions to address human
fear/phobia, negative emotion, perception or attitude towards large carnivores (or in some cases
other animals).

Group 1: Studies that proposed interventions

The articles in Group 1 propose interventions based on descriptions of human-large carnivore
interactions. The articles can serve to identify relevant interventions, but little can be concluded
regarding effects of the interventions. The approach, to a varying degree, departs from a
management perspective, i.e. fear of large carnivores (or other animals) should be addressed
primarily to overcome conflicts between people and large carnivores. The empirical studies are
largely based on cross-sectional research designs and correlational analyses in real world
contexts. The articles can be further divided into two sub-groups, those that explicitly focus on
the concept of fear, interventions proposed to address fear (N = 6) (Group 1A, Table 2) and
articles that address fear indirectly as an component of perception, attitude and in some cases
also behaviour, towards large carnivores, interventions proposed to address negative perceptions
and attitudes (N = 14) (Group 1B, Table 2).
Interventions proposed to address fear (Group 1A): These studies explicitly assess the publics
self-reported fear of large carnivores (brown bears, wolves, lynx and wolverines), mostly in a
Scandinavian context. The studies analyze possible antecedents of fear including sociodemographics and personal experience of large carnivores or of living in areas with presence of
large carnivores (Rskaft, Bjerke, Kaltenborn, Linnell, 2003; Zimmermann, Wabakken &


Dtterer, 2001), perceived physical condition (Prokop & Fancovicov, 2010) and psychological
variables, e.g. appraisal of a potential encounter with the species in terms of the perceived
danger, unpredictability of the animals behaviour and the uncontrollability of the personal
reaction (see the Cognitive Vulnerability Model, Armfield, 2006) and social trust in authorities
(Cvetkovich & Winter, 2003) (Johansson & Karlsson, 2011; Johansson et al., 2012). Based on
the variables explaining variance in self-reported these studies suggest that education (through
information campaigns) and experience of the animal species (through exposure activities)
would reduce fear of large carnivores among the public (Rskaft et. al, 2003; Johansson &
Karlsson 2011, Prokop & Fancovicov, 2010). The study by (Prokop, Usak, & Erdogan, 2011)
showed that school children who more frequently watched natural history films and walked in
nature were less fearful of wolves. These researchers also suggest educational activities
including nature visits for children. Outreach projects involving public and local authorities in an
effort to increase social trust is proposed to be a useful tool in reducing peoples fear of wolves
(Johansson et. al, 2012). Moreover, information and exposure combined with local participation
in livestock loss prevention actions and compensation schemes have also been suggested
(Zimmerman et. al, 2001).

Interventions proposed to address perceptions and attitudes (Group 1B): The interventions
proposed in Group 1B may apply to change perceptions, attitudes or even behaviour rather than
specifically address fear. Most of the studies concerns local people in areas with presence of the
investigated species. Stakeholder groups are commonly identified and contrasted (e.g. Bisi,
Kurki, Svensberg & Liukkonen , 2007; Gusset et al., 2008), and two studies include students
(Drahei, Patterson, Rockwood, Guagnano, & Parsons 2013; Hermann & Menzel, 2013). Several
different species are considered but approximately half of the studies deal with human
interaction with wolves and/or bears, in different parts of the world (Finland: Bisi et al., 2007;
Germany: Hermann & Menzel, 2013; U.S: Treves, Naughton-Treves, & Shelley., 2013; Norway:
Rskaft et al., 2007; Japan: Sakurai & Jacobson, 2011, Brazil: Sakurai, Jacobson, & Ueda, 2013,
U. S: Zajac et al., 2012).
Among the studies that focus upon a general perception of large carnivores a few have
applied anthropological or other qualitative approaches, and identified danger and fear as one
aspect reflected in local peoples perception of for example lions and lynx (Goldman et al., 2010;


Lescureux et al., 2011). Other studies have used quantitative approaches and considered the fear,
threat or danger associated with the animal as a risk perception (Thornton & Quinn, 2009) also
integrating fear-related variables in models of wildlife acceptance (Zajac et al., 2012). Yet other
studies have primarily aimed at understanding public attitudes towards large carnivores. Here
fear has been conceptualized as the emotional or evaluative component of an attitude referring to
Ajzen and Fishbeins (1980; 1991) Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned
Behaviour (Sakurai & Jacobson, 2011; Sakurai et al., 2013; Treves et al., 2013). Fear has also
been integrated as an additional part of Protection Motivation Theory (Gardner &Stern, 1996)
aiming to understand peoples pro-environmental behaviour (Hermann & Menzel, 2013).
However fear as part of a perception or attitude has sometimes been introduced without any clear
reference to social science theoretical basis (Bisi et al., 2007; Draheim et al., 2013; Sponarski,
Semeniuk, Glikman, Bath, & Musiani, 2013; Bhattacharjee & Parthasarathy, 2014).
Educational efforts, such as campaigns and outreach projects providing information and
training to increase peoples knowledge of the species biology, behavior, habitat and potential
benefits, as well as behavioral strategies for humans to avoid conflict, are by far the most
commonly proposed interventions. A few studies propose education as a universal intervention
to prevent human-large carnivore conflict and consequently also to reduce perceived risk and
feelings of fear (Rskaft, Hndel, Bjerke, & Kaltenborn, 2007; Zajac et. al, 2012). Rskaft et al
(2007) suggests that education including information about benefits of carnivores as well as loss
prevention may reduce fear but also argues that education should be combined with other
interventions if attitudes should be successfully addressed.
Some authors propose collaboration between authorities and locals (e.g. villagers, hunters
or farmers) and local participation in management as means to develop trust and prevent conflict
(Bisi et. al, 2007; Goldman et. al, 2010; Lescureux et. al, 2011; Sakurai et. al, 2013; Draheim et.
al, 2012; Bhattacharjee & Parthasarathy, 2014). In a Masaai community in Kenya, Goldman and
colleagues (2010) suggested collaborative interactions, based on Masaais narratives about the
problem, between community and conservationists in participatory projects to solve human-lion
conflicts. Financial incentives or loss compensation are also proposed as measures
complementing education and collaboration to support favourable attitudes or acceptance of
large carnivores (Bisi et. al, 2007; Thornton & Quinn, 2009; Sakurai & Jacobson, 2011).
Financial schemes are however also critizied for being ineffective (Rskaft et. al, 2007) since


negative attitudes towards wild predators may have other reasons than purely financial
(Lescureux et. al, 2011; Goldman et. al, 2010). A recent study in India emphasizes the use of
financial compensation as a short-term measure in combination with livestock protection and
education to increase awareness, as tools to reduce human-leopard conflicts (Bhattacharjee &
Parthasarathy, 2014).

Group 2: Studies that evaluates interventions

The second group of articles includes studies that evaluate interventions to directly or indirectly
address human fear. These articles can also be further divided into two sub-groups: studies that
evaluate the impact of an intervention on fear (N=4) (Group 2A, Table 2) and studies that
evaluate the impact of an intervention on perception or attitude (N=7) (Group 2B, Table 2) and
in some cases also behaviour towards large carnivores. These two groups largely differ in their
point of departure, theoretical approach, research design, and species investigated.

The effect of interventions on fear (Group 2A): We found no articles specifically evaluating the
effect of interventions directly addressing human fear of large carnivores. Instead the articles in
Group 2A depart from a therapeutic perspective and aim to understand and change human fear
responses towards dogs or hypothetical creatures/beasts. Theoretically the studies take a
behavioural learning approach amongst others referring to Rachman (1977) who distinguishes
between three different etiological pathways for phobias: i) having been attacked or directly
exposed to an animal (direct conditioning), ii) having observed another person being
attacked/harmed (vicarious acquisition), and/or iii) having been informed by a credible source
that specific animals are dangerous in some respect (i.e. instruction). These studies use
experimental research designs in laboratory environments (Field, Argyris & Knowles, 2001;
Hoffman & Odendaal, 2001; Hoffmann & Human, 2003) or school settings (Muris, Bodden,
Merckelbach, Ollendick, & King, 2003). Field et al. (2001) found that among children positive
and negative information about novel stimuli (a monster doll) changed their fear beliefs about the
doll. Positive information had little effect on self-reported fear beliefs, the fairly neutral initial
fear beliefs were only slightly lowered after positive information, whereas negative information
had a substantial effect in increasing fear beliefs. Direct verbal information from an adult was
more efficient than observational learning, i.e. vicarious aquisition (watching a film of a woman


interacting positively or negatively with the doll). Similarly Muris et al. (2003) assessing
childrens fear of an unknown (doglike) imaginary creature before, immediately after, and one
week after positive or negative information had been presented, found that negative information
increased self-reported fear of the beast, as well as fear of dogs and predators, and positive
information decreased the fear, immediately and one week after.
Hoffman and Odendaal (2001) evaluated systematic desensitization (exposure to
sequence of phobia stimulus, e.g. dogs) and instructional learning (pictures of fighter dogs and
explanation on how to act in an encounter) among women with dog phobia. The evaluation
included physiological, observational and self-report measures of fear. The participants in the
treatment group could walk closer to dogs and reported less anxiety after the intervention,
whereas no effect could be identified for the physiological measure. No significant changes were
reported in the control group. A follow-up eight months later indicated a significant
improvement in interactions with dogs for 75% of the participants in the treatment group
(Hoffman & Human, 2003).

The effect of interventions on perception and attitude (Group 2B): In this group all articles have
a management perspective, they show a high diversity in theoretical and conceptual approaches,
but all the interventions are evaluated in field settings. Most studies are carried out in the US
with a focus upon black bears (Dunn, Elwell & Tunberg, 2008; Gore Knuth, Scherer & Curtis ,
2008; Gusset et al., 2008; Baruch-Mordo, Breck, Eilson, & Broderick, 2011; Slagle, Zajac,
Bruskotter, Wilson, & Prange, 2013). The exceptions are Espinosa and Jacobson (2012) who
evaluate interventions in relation to Andean bear in Ecuador and the study by Meguro & Inoue
(2011) that concerns a wildlife program in Kenya.
Gore et al (2008) departing from the Elaboration Likelihood Model (Petty & Cacioppo
1981) found in a quasi-experimental study that various types of written information about
behaviour that can reduce human-black bear interactions, (e.g. risk-reducing behaviour) could
change risk perceptions via peripheral processing of information, but were not likely to change
behaviour. Dunn et al. (2008) referring to Theory of Planned Behaviour (Ajzen, 1980) found that
written information; brochures, posters, and signs, providing knowledge about bear safety
including black bear attractants and appropriate behaviour when encountering a black bear,
contributed to increased knowledge, i.e. changed beliefs. In a study of the effects of different


information packages on black bears in an area with a recently established bear population, Ohio
(USA), participants who were informed by a written online message on how to avoid bear
problems (by for example bringing birdfeeders or garbage cans inside during the night) reported
a lower acceptance for bears compared to persons that were informed on both how to avoid bear
problems and the potential benefits of having bears (Slagle et al., 2013).
Baruch-Mordo et al. (2011) evaluated the BeAware campaign including a combination of
written educational material (signs at dumpsters informing about bears feeding from garbage)
and personal contact with verbal information about how to reduce black bear attractants and
conflict, and proactive enforcement (i.e. daily patrolling and application of further measures in
areas with dumpsters). No significant effect could be identified of the educational part despite
the presence of factual, emotional, moral and nonverbal elements in the information, but the
proactive enforcement was efficient in changing peoples preventive behaviours (Baruch-Mordo
et al., 2011). Espinosa and Jacobson (2011) evaluated a long-term educational program aimed to
increase knowledge, change attitudes and strengthen behavioural intentions towards conserving
the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) habitat. Face to face surveys and group discussions
suggested that the local peoples knowledge somewhat increased, behavioural intention became
more positive, but attitudes towards the presence of bears became more negative.
Gusset and colleagues (2008) surveyed the effect of an educational program on wild dogs
in South Africa. The program was found successful in changing peoples opinion of wild dogs.
However negative attitudes towards the dogs increased and their perceived value for local
ecotourism decreased from the end of the one-year program to three years later. Meguro and
Inoue (2011) analysed the impact of efforts of a community-based conservation project in Kenya
aiming to increase the understanding of the value of wildlife to the local ecosystem and thereby
more favourable attitudes towards wildlife conservation. The evaluation suggested that
awareness of the economic benefits of wildlife conservation had increased.


Table 2. List of articles included in the review presented in chronological order of publication year. Articles in bold have evaluated the
intervention/s discussed.







Field et al.

Behaviour Research and


Information about animal

Modelling of behaviour



Hoffman & Odendaal

Whos afraid of the big bad wolf: a

prospective paradigm to test Rachmans
indirect pathways in children.
The effect of behavioral therapy on dog
phobia response patterns




Zimmermann et al.

Human-carnivore interactions in Norway:

How does the re-appearance of large
carnivore affect peoples attitudes and
levels of fear?

Forest, Snow, Landscape



Conforti & de Azevedo

Local perceptions of jaguars (panthera

onca) and pumas (puma concolor) in the
Iguau National Park area, south Brazil.

Biological Conservation


Hoffman & Human

Experiences, characteristics and treatment

of women suffering from dog phobia.



Muris et al.

Behaviour Research and



Rskaft et al.

Fear of the beast: a prospective study on

the effects of negative information on
childhood fear
Patterns of self-reported fear towards large
carnivores among the Norwegian public

Behavioural therapy, including animal

Modelling of behaviour
Information campaign
Exposure via presence of animal in
Local participation in monitoring
Livestock loss prevention
Financial compensation
Long-term education for children
Local participation and economic profit via
Participation in planning and
Financial compensations for prevention of
Behavioral therapy, including animal
Modelling of appropriate behaviour
Information about animal
Animal exposure



Bisi et al.

Human dimensions of wolf (canis lupus)

conflicts in Finland

European Journal of
Wildlife Research


Rskaft et al.

Human attitudes towards large carnivores

in Norway

Wildlife Biology

Exposure via close contact with carnivore
Power to local authorities & NGOs
Improvement of compensation system
Damage prevention actions
Education on benefits of having large
carnivore nearby (relevance, number and
distribution and prevention to loss).


Evolution and Human









Dunn et. al

Safety education in bear country: Are

people getting the message?



Gore et al

Evaluating a conservation investment

designed to reduce human-wildlife conflict

Conservation Letters


Gusset et al.



Thornton & Quinn


Goldman et al.


Prokop & Fancovicov


Baruch-Mordo et. al

Conflicting human interests over the reintroduction of endangered wild dogs in

South Africa
Coexisting with cougars: public
perceptions, attitudes and awareness of
cougars on the urban-rural fringe of
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Maintaining complex relations with large
cats: Maasai and lions in Kenya and
Perceived body condition is associated with
fear of a large carnivore predator in
The Carrot or the Stick? Evaluation of
education and enforcement as
management tools for human-wildlife


Johansson & Karlsson

Subjective experience of fear and the

cognitive interpretation of large carnivores

Human Dimensions of


Lescureux et al.

Fauna & Flora

International, Oryx


Meguro & Inoue)


Prokop et al.

Fear of the unknown: local knowledge and

perceptions of the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx
in western Macedonia
Conservation goals betrayed by the uses of
wildlife benefits in community-based
conservation: the case of Kimana
Sanctuary in Southern Kenya.
Good predators in bad stories: crosscultural comparison of childrens attitudes
towards wolves



Human Dimensions of

Information by brochures, posters

adhesive signs with messages about how
to be safe around animal.
-Peripheral communication material:
posters, magnets, billboard information,
lawn signs
-Centrally oriented communication
material magazine, article, brochure
Financial incentive schemes
Proactive education
Compensation programs

Human Dimensions of

Collaborative interactions between

conservationists and community


Annales Zoologici Fennici

Information about animals role in

Exposure by visits to habitat
Signs on site + website link
Personal home visits + educational
Law enforcement
Daily patrolling
Patrolling with notice application
Communication based on awareness of the
cognitive interpretation of the animal
Exposure to animal to enable people to learn
more about own reactions.
Local involvement in cooperative research
Community-based conservation program


Information natural history films

Exposure by nature walks in habitat



Human Dimensions of

Journal of Baltic Science










Sakurai & Jacobson


Public perceptions of bears and

management interventions in Japan


Education and outreach programs

Compensation programs



Espinosa & Jacobson

Human-wildlife conflict and

environmental education: evaluating a
community program to protect the Andean
Bear in Ecuador

Journal of



Johansson et al.

Factors governing human fear of brown

bear and wolf

Human Dimensions of


Zajac et al.

Learning to live with black bears: A

psychological model of acceptance

Journal of Wildlife


Draheim et al.



Hermann & Menzel

Journal of Environmental

Education that include affective views in

socio-scientific issues



Sakurai et al.

Attitudes of college undergraduates towards

coyotes (canis latrans) in an urban
landscape: management and public
outreach implications
Predicting the intention to support the
return of wolves: a quantitative study with
Public perceptions of risk and government
performance regarding bear management in

Five year educational and collaborative

Teacher training
Training of community members as parabiologists
Trust building actions authorities-locals
Exposure under controlled conditions and
Information focusing on building trust
Increasing personal control over humancarnivore conflict
Outreach program and education focusing
on what to do when encountering the animal


Participation in reducing conflicts to
increase perceived control,



Slagle et. al

Building tolerance for Bears: A

communications experiment

Journal of Wildlife



Sponarski et al.

Heterogeneity among rural resident

attitudes toward wolves

Human Dimensions of

Information and outreach material about

benefits of animal and on how to avoid
Education dispelling myths about the animal
and clarify policy


Treves, Naughton-Treves &


Longitudinal analysis of attitudes toward


Conservation Biology

Regulated hunting



Bhattacharjee & Parthasarathy


Coexisting with large carnivores: A case

study from western Duars, India

Human Dimensions of

Awareness program on understanding

human-animal conflict
Habitat restoration
Livestock protection.







This systematic review shows that the internationally available scientific peer-reviewed literature
provides many ideas for interventions to target the human dimension of human-large carnivore
conflicts. However the data on the effects on fear of such interventions are scarce. Most of the
interventions suggested or evaluated by the studies in the review included information and
education, and mixed interventions combining information and education with exposure to
species in the wild or in a laboratory, public participation and collaboration in species
management and conservation, and/or financial schemes. Our perspective was on the individual
level focusing on fear responses to large carnivores using a very broad definition also including
fear as a component of perception and attitude. Still few studies, in total 11, that scientifically
evaluated interventions relevant to human fear of large carnivores could be identified. None of
the studies specifically tested the effect of an intervention on fear of large carnivores. This result
is quite surprising considering the public concern about the presence of large carnivores in their
vicinity (Ericsson et al., 2010). It might be that our search strings were not efficient enough, but
we searched several databases, covered reference lists, and deliberately made the search string
broader than first intended in the confirmatory search. Our results are however in line with
previous studies concluding that evaluations of interventions addressing human large carnivore
interactions are scarce (Dunn et al., 2008; Sakuri & Jacobson, 2011), and that the existing studies
often do not capture relevant outcome measures for human dimensions factors (Gore et al.,
2006). We can only but agree that evidenced based knowledge is lacking and urgently needed
(Ericsson & Heberlein, 2003; Baruch-Mordo et al., 2011). Below, the different types of
interventions are discussed in relation to possible effects on human fear.

Information and education

Information and education is relatively easy to develop and implement and is also the universally
most frequently suggested and tested intervention to change individuals emotions, perception or
attitudes towards large carnivores (Decker et al., 2012). The experimental studies in this review
suggest that verbal information may have an impact both in positive and negative direction on
childrens emotions (Field et al., 2001; Muris et al., 2003). Studies on dog phobia show similar
findings, i.e. providing phobic individuals with accurate information about the animal and


training them how to react to the dog through direct contact reduced fear and increased coping
with dog encounters (Hoffman & Odendaal, 2001; Hoffmann & Human, 2003).
In field studies, information and education about the biology and the habitat of the
animal, as well as strategies to deal with and avoid conflict (e.g. remove food attractants), have
also been successful in changing peoples risk perception (Gore et al., 2008), increasing
knowledge and improving conflict avoidance behaviours (Dunn et al., 2008; Espinosa &
Jacobson, 2011; Slagle et. al, 2012), but the effect on attitudes seems less evident (Gusset et al.,
2008; Espinosa & Jacobson, 2011). The experiment by Slagle et al. (2012) stressed the
importance of providing information on benefits to humans of wolves to increase an accepting
attitude, but it is difficult to infer what the specific effect on fear responses would be. There is a
large variation in theoretical departures to fear as well as design and distribution, context, and
time frame of the interventions. Several information channels are sometimes simultaneously
introduced and evaluated. Moreover information/education are often combined with other
interventions. This lends many questions with regard to the set-up of the intervention. Taken
together, a tentative conclusion is that information might have a potential to change fear
responses. One should however be aware that information and education might go in both
directions and must therefore be highly context specific (Field et al., 2001). Verbal information
about non-harmfulness of evolutionary fear-relevant feared animals such as snakes and spiders is
not expected to have any impact on phobic responses. The reason for this is that this kind of
processing would not be compatible with the information processing system maintaining the fear
reactions (LeDoux, 1996). One relevant question will then be if information about nonharmfulness can be efficient in reducing fear for large carnivores with a shorter common
evolutionary history with humans. Another remaining question is to what extent the efficiency of
information and education is dependent on the combination with exposure, i.e. personal direct
experiences and role modelling of relevant behavioural strategies when exposed to large

Animal and habitat exposure

Proposals of education programs sometimes suggest the use of animal or habitat exposure to
increase predictability of animal behaviour and decrease uncontrollability of human reaction
during an encounter (Rskaft et al., 2003; Johansson et al., 2011; Prokop & Fancovicov, 2010),


but no studies testing the effect of exposure to large carnivores were found. In an experimental
study, Randler et al (2012) showed that fear of mice, snails and wood lice decreased among
school children who were exposed to these animals in class. Exposure is also the key to
treatment of animal phobia. The treatment of specific phobia that has proved efficient is
exposure in vivo together with modelling (st, 1988; Hellstrm & st, 1995). In explicit,
exposure to the actual object of fear and using behaviours provided by a model to get a
behaviour repertoire to use when confronted with the feared object. The modelling aspect seems
to be an important part not only for the modelling itself, but also because the presence of other
individuals might be a social support (Hellstrm & st, 1995). Much of this research on
interventions is concerned with snake and spider fear. Studies on dog phobia may have shown
similar findings, i.e. providing phobic individuals with accurate information about the animal
and training them how to react to the dog through direct contact reduced fear and increased
coping with situations of dog encounter (Hoffman & Odendaal, 2001; Hoffmann & Human,
2003). Habitat exposure has not been sufficiently evaluated to draw any further conclusions.
Further studies on exposure to large carnivores and their habitats also testing for the combined
effect with modelling of appropriate behaviour close to large carnivores would be needed.

Collaboration and participation

The large carnivore management literature mostly stress mixed interventions combining
education-information and public participation and/or financial schemes. Stimulating public
participation (i.e. co-participation) is increasingly referred to as a complement to education also
specifically in relation to fear (Zimmerman et. al, 2001; Johansson et. al, 2012). This may be
especially relevant in situations where lack of trust in managing authorities is associated with
fear responses (Johansson et. al, 2012; Zajac et al., 2012; Slovic & Peters, 2006). Participation
and collaboration is however in the Scandinavian context primarily introduced to address
conflicts between locals and authorities or between stakeholder groups (Matti & Lundmark, in
press). In other parts of the world educational programs have integrated collaboration and
participation (i.e. authorities/associations and public working together in
management/conservation actions). For example the program developed to conserve an Andean
bear habitat also included participatory components, recruitment and training of community
members to work as para-biologists to assist in the research. Expected effects were obtained for


knowledge and intention, but not attitudes (Espinosa & Jacobson, 2011). Another example is the
community-based conservation project evaluated by Meguro and Inoue (2011) showing that
peoples opinions about wildlife were more positive after the projects implementation for other
reasons than conservation itself, mainly economic benefits resulting from the projects existence.

Financial incentives
Financial incentives can aim at compensating for direct costs or overcompensate to provide
benefits of large carnivore presence (Zabel & Holm Muller 2008). In terms of human fear, the
result may be a potential for exposure and desensitization that had otherwise not been possible.
Financial incentives in this sense have the potential of an indirect effect on human fear on a large
scale, temporally and spatially. However, the feature of exposure under controlled condition is in
reality lacking. Despite the short time span of the analysed studies (13 years), there is a
decreasing tendency in using financial schemes (e.g. compensation, incentives) as a short-term
measure, combined with long-term education-information (e.g. campaigns, information signs), to
overcome peoples fear and change negative perceptions of large carnivore. Whether the main
reason for this is that scientists believe that there is not much left to investigate regarding the
effect of financial incentives or because of other interventions gaining popularity is unknown.
The most recent studies have emphasized the importance of combining education with coparticipation, and the few who still rely on compensation as a complementary short-term
measure suggest it to be integrated with public participation in a conflict mitigation process.
Interestingly, compensation and other financial schemes (e.g. incentives for species
conservation) as a complement to information campaigns are used in Asia (Sakurai & Jacobson,
2011; Bhattacharjee & Parthasarathy, 2014), whereas in South America and Africa these are
supplemented or replaced by collaborative actions in which public and authorities work together
to mitigate conflicts (Conforti & de Azevedo, 2003; Gusset et al., 2008). A recent study on
human-leopard coexistence in rural India proposed the use of financial compensation to affected
areas and animal translocation as short-term measures to end the conflict, but only if combined
with long-term strategies such as accurate education on preventive actions in order to increase
awareness of the conflict and how to cope with it (Bhattacharjee & Parthasarathy, 2014).
Zimmerman et al (2001) proposed compensation schemes in the Scandinavian context, but no
evaluations with regard to the effect on fear related variables are available.


At present there seems to be two separate research lines discussing interventions directed
towards human fear of large carnivores. One line departs from the human individual and applies
psychological perspectives. These studies use well-founded theoretical frameworks from social
psychology, risk psychology, environmental psychology, emotion psychology and analogous
operationalization of fear making it possible to grasp the effect of the intervention. Sometimes
these studies lack validity, both with regard to the setting and the animal, thereby reducing the
generalizability to the context of large carnivores in the wild. The second line has a clear
management approach departing from conservation or management goals for the large
carnivores. These studies rely on real cases of human large carnivore interactions and provide
thorough contextual descriptions and regardless of the suggested interventions, suggest that each
is specific to the context in which it is applied, the people (e.g. villagers, farmers or hunters) and
animal species involved (e.g. bears, wolves, wild dogs). The theoretical foundation is however
often limited to a brief reference to perception or attitude, and fear is generally not specifically
addressed. Jacobs et al, (2012) also noted that a majority of studies on human emotion towards
large carnivores have gaps in the conceptualization and operationalization of emotion. The
interventions proposed and evaluated may be well designed for the context, but it is hard to draw
conclusions regarding its effect on human fear or what possible antecedent of fear could be
expected to change. In further research evaluating interventions to address human fear of large
carnivores it would be desirable to design studies that use a strong theoretical approach to study
ecologically valid cases (see for example Gore et al., 2008; Espinosa & Jacobson, 2012; Slagle et
al., 2013), but preferably also integrate conceptualizations and assessment that directly focus on
fear (Johansson et al., 2012; Jacobs et al., 2012; Flykt et al., 2013), as well as the use of control
or reference groups (e.g. Hoffman & Odendaal, 2001; Muris et al., 2003; Slagle et al., 2013).
This review shows that research on interventions aiming at reducing human fear of large
carnivores is scarce, based on limited or diverging theoretical foundations and often conducted in
a way that does not allow conclusions about the effects.


Implications for management

The review highlights four major categories of interventions. Each one of these might have a
potential to reduce fear related variables, but the present evidence of the effect of these
interventions on fear of large carnivores is scarce and as described above partly contradicting.
Information/education has the advantage of being easily implemented, practically
feasible, relatively cheap, and can reach a large number of people. Information and education are
commonly proposed and used and would therefore benefit from more knowledge about the
actual effects. Managers should be aware that the effects of interventions based on
information/education can go in both directions i.e. positive information may reduce fear and
negative information may increase fear. Interventions must therefore be highly context specific
and designed according to communication strategies appropriate for the target group and the
conflict it is supposed to mitigate. That is, information intended to reduce fear might have the
opposite effect if not being carefully considered. However, introduction of interventions based
on providing information seems to be appreciated most people (Frank et al. in press).
Experiences from studies on fear and phobia of other animals support that exposure
might be a relevant intervention to address fear of large carnivores. Exposure in vivo as an
intervention for large carnivores might not be easy, but is possible. Exposure under controlled
conditions combined with modelling of appropriate behaviour in a situation perceived as
threatening in a laboratory environment should not be considered similar to exposure by random
encounters that may occur when there are large carnivores in the vicinity of people. Moreover
frequent encounters with the feared carnivore without any aversive consequence would be
needed. Animal exposure has practical limitations and may be costly and not suitable for
reaching large numbers of people. In addition animal exposure can have animal welfare and
ethical implications, if the exposure influence or disturbs the large carnivores. Present
technology such as virtual reality also opens for new possibilities to explore the potential of
exposure. The effect of habitat exposure is not yet established, but it would have less practical
limitations because it does not involve the large carnivore and therefore should be further
Participation and collaboration may take many different forms. It is usually directed
towards a group of people rather than the individual and the examples included in the review do
not directly include assessments of fear related variables. Collaboration and participation is


commonly applied and practically feasible, but can be expensive to implement and seems most
suitable for specific target groups. Projects that could foster trust and/or offer opportunities for
exposure together with role-modelling of appropriate human behaviour close to large carnivores
(see above), could possible contribute to reduced fear beyond information and exposure, but so
far no evidence are available.
Also the examples of financial incentives in the review lack evaluations on fear related
variables and no conclusions can be drawn. It is practically feasible, but may be associated with
high costs if directed towards larger groups of people. Financial incentives are currently used in
Scandinavia as a way of facilitating living in an area with large carnivores, and thus increasing
the potential for the public to be exposed to large carnivores and their habitat. However this
approach is as described above not comparable with exposure under controlled conditions.
The limited number of evaluations makes it is difficult to rely on the present scientific
findings when designing appropriate interventions to address human fear of large carnivores. It
would be advisable that any further large scale interventions launched to meet the publics fear
of large carnivores go hand in hand with a thorough evaluation based on appropriate theoretical
approach and relevant outcome variables. These evaluations should preferably be part of an
adaptive wildlife management scheme where managers and researchers in close cooperation
design the evaluation of an intervention before it is launched, evaluate the effect and if necessary
accordingly adjust the intervention.


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