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Teacher Candidate: Fallon Stone

EDUC 370 Field Experience

Candidate Lesson Planning Template
The following guide will help you plan, execute, assess, record and pre-reflect on your own instruction in the field classroom. You
should work closely with your host teacher on this experience, and use these forms to prepare and record your effort. Complete and
submit this lesson planning guide to your mentor and to me no less than 48 hours before you teach each of your two lessons.
Host Teacher _N/A_______________
Date __October 26, 2016______ Period and bell times: _7th Period (1:54 -2:45)_
Lesson Topic _American Attitudes towards the Vietnam War__ Subject _Contemporary Studies_ Grade and Level _11th Grade

State/Common Core/Next Generation Content Standards/Benchmarks/Unit Objectives addressed: find and use unit
objective (benchmark) statements; record number and text of benchmark/unit objective; label performance (P) and content
(C). (Some statements contain multiple unit objectives).

1. SS. SS.11.C.1 compare and contrast various citizens responses to controversial government actions and debate decisions. (P)

2. SS.11.H.CL5.5 analyze and explain the political, social and economic causes and consequences of American involvement in
the Korean Conflict and Vietnam. (C )

Daily Performance Objectives: convert the unit objectives above into daily performance (measurable) objectives by adding
useful and relevant conditions and criteria. When teaching, make these objectives a central pivot of the class, and
available in multisensory ways.

1. Students will identify the views of American citizens during World War II and the Vietnam War by viewing propaganda posters.
2. Students will compare and contrast the American publics opinions of World War II and the Vietnam War using a Venn Diagram.

Teacher Candidate: Fallon Stone


Anticipatory Set/Pre-Assessment: What questions will you ask to get S attention and frame/organize lesson?
Imagine if the United States were to declare war against another country. How would you feel? What would you do?

A. Connection to S previous learning: The students will already be familiar with World War II and prominent beliefs during that time

B. Connection to S lived experience: Most, if not all, of the students are beginning to form their own personal opinions on actions
taken by the government. Additionally, some students may have had family members involved in military conflicts, including the
Vietnam War.


Materials (attach handouts), activities, and timing guide:

Bellringer Question
Question: Imagine if the United
States were to declare war
against another country. How
would you feel? What would
you do?

Estimated/target time length

5-8 minutes

Nearpod presentation

Nearpod Presentation: I will be

utilizing a Nearpod presentation
in order to display different
examples of propaganda during
World War II and the Vietnam
War. There will also be two
questions, one after each set of

for students to respond
Nearpod presentation,
for students to respond
Questions: What are some
common themes present in

10-15 minutes

Teacher Candidate: Fallon Stone

posters, for students to respond

to using their electronic device.

Venn Diagram: After the

presentation is completed, I will
give each student a Venn
Diagram to compare and
contrast ideas and themes
present in propaganda from
World War II and the Vietnam
War. This will be completed as a
Think Pair Share activity, so
students will work
independently for five minutes
and in pairs for five minutes
before sharing their ideas with
the class. The classs ideas will
be shared on the whiteboard,
where students can help to fill
out the Venn Diagram on the
Writing Prompt: Students will be
given a writing prompt relevant
to todays lesson. If they do not
finish the prompt before the end
of class, it will be finished for

propaganda posters from World

War II?
What are some common themes
present in propaganda posters
from the Vietnam War?
Venn Diagram worksheet,

15-20 minutes

Whiteboard with Venn Diagram


Question: Do you think that you

would have supported the
Vietnam War? Why or why not?
Explain in one paragraph.
Paper, pens/pencils

8-10 minutes

Teacher Candidate: Fallon Stone


Accommodations and Modifications: List in code all (identified) exceptional learners in the classroom and describe
accommodations/modifications their IEP requires for them:
I am currently unaware of IEP accommodations for students. However, I have noticed several issues that students have had
in class, and I plan to create supports for these students.

Student (use pseudonym or number)

Student 1

IEP Identified Exceptionality

Difficulty paying attention

Student 2

Difficulty understanding
instructions/following directions


Accommodations/Modifications Made
Interactive questions during Nearpod activity to keep
student engaged, timers during Venn Diagram activity to
keep student on task, ability to work with partner during
Think Pair Share Activity to help keep student engaged
Writing instructions for activities on whiteboard, stating
instructions multiple times

Independent practice: what is tonights homework, or what would be a useful and entertaining way for students to
connect todays information to their home environments?
If the students do not complete their writing prompt in class, they will have to finish the activity for homework.


Closure/Post-Assessment: What questions will you use to determine how much/how well students have learned?
Do you think that you would have supported the Vietnam War? Why or why not?

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