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West-wide Energy Corridor Programmatic EIS Information Center


West-wide Energy Corridor

Programmatic EIS Information Center
This Web site is the online center for public information and
involvement in the West-wide Energy Corridor Programmatic
Environmental Impact Statement (Energy Corridor PEIS).

2013 Annual Report

The 368 Working Group has released its 2013 annual report for the
section 368 corridors per the Settlement Agreement in Wilderness
Society v. United States Department of the Interior. No. 3:09-cv03048-JW (N.D. Cal.). The Memorandum of Understanding
executed under the settlement agreement states: The Workgroup
will provide a brief annual report to each agency and their principal
contacts. The annual report is a compilation of quarterly reports.
2013 Annual Report (2.2 MB)

2013 Annual
Memorandum of
Corrected USFS
Notice of
USFS Record of
Decision Available
BLM Record of
Decision Available
Final PEIS and
Maps Available

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The United States Department of Energy, the United States

Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management, the United
States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, and United States
Department of Defense (the Agencies) have issued a final
Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) that
evaluates issues associated with the designation of energy
corridors on federal lands in eleven Western states. Based upon the
information and analyses developed in this PEIS, the Departments of
the Interior, Agriculture, and Defense could amend their respective
land use plans by designating one or more of proposed energy
corridors identified in the PEIS. This Web site is the online center for
public information and involvement in the PEIS process.
There is no comment period on a Final PEIS. There was an extensive
comment period on the Draft PEIS for this project, and the Final PEIS
includes many changes and revisions based on comments received.
Following completion of the consistency reviews by the governors of
the 11 western states, any approval of the selected land use plan
amendments will be documented in agency-specific Records of
Decisions after a 30-day waiting period which begins on Nov. 28, with
the publication of official notice of the availability of this PEIS in the
Federal Register. These subsequent decisions will also be published in
the Federal Register and provided on request to interested parties. (1 of 2) [5/18/2016 1:29:04 PM]

West-wide Energy Corridor Programmatic EIS Information Center

Background Information
Section 368 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (the Act), Public Law 10958 (H.R. 6), enacted August 8, 2005, directs the Secretaries of
Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, and the Interior (the
Agencies) to designate under their respective authorities corridors
on federal land in 11 Western States (Arizona, California, Colorado,
Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and
Wyoming) for oil, gas, and hydrogen pipelines and electricity
transmission and distribution facilities (energy corridors).
Section 368 requires the Agencies to conduct any "environmental
reviews" necessary to complete the designation of Section 368 energy
corridors. The proposed designation of Section 368 energy corridors
would not result in any direct impacts on the ground that may
significantly affect the quality of the human environment.
Nevertheless, the Agencies prepared a PEIS to conduct a detailed
environmental analysis at the programmatic level and to integrate
NEPA at the earliest possible time. The proposed designation of more
than 6,000 miles of Section 368 energy corridors among the various
Agency land use plans is a forward-looking response, mandated by
statute, to address a national concern.
The evaluation of future project-related environmental impacts must
await site-specific proposals and the required site-specific
environmental review. A quantifiable and accurate evaluation of
impacts at the local project level can be made only in response to an
actual proposed energy project, when a proposal for an action with
specific environmental consequences exists.

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