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CHEMOTHERPY:- chemical substances of natural or synthetic origin which are used for curing diseases and reducing
suffering from pain are called Medicines. The branch of science which deals with the treatment of diseases using
chemicals is called Chemotherapy.
Classification of Medicines

Analgesics:-These are the Medicines used for getting relief from pain. they are
further classified into

Narcotics: which produce sleep and unconciousness such as Morphine, (thses are Habit forming) they
are effective analgesics, another narcotic is Marijuane which is also used as Analgesic.
Non -Narcotics:- asprin(2-Acetoxybenzoic acid) commonly used as analgesic with antipyretic
(Temperature lowering)properties, it has anti blood clotting action also, so it is used to prevent heart
attack these days. it is liver toxic in nature

Tranquilizers or Hypnotics :-these drugs act on the central nervous

system(CNS) and help in reducing stress and fatigue by inducing sence of
well being . they are also called psychotherapeutic drugs. these drugs are
helpful in reducing depression and emotional stress such as

Barbituric Acid,Luminal, Chlorodiazapoxide,Equanil, Valium(Diazepam), Serotonin.

Antiseptics:- these are chemical substances which prevent the growth

of Micro-organisms and may even kill them. they are applied on
wounds,cuts or ulcers in the form of powder or cream such as
soframycin furacins etc.

Disinfectant:- these are chemical substances which kill micro-organisms, but are not safe to
apply on living tissues
The same substance can act as antiseptic or disinfectants also depending upon the
concentration of the solution used. EXAMPLE:- 0.2% solution of phenol is antiseptic whwereas
1% solution is disinfectant.
EXAMPLES OF DISINFECTANTS:DETTOL- it is an antiseptic and mixture of chloroxylenol and Terpineol
Boric Acid
Cresols or Lysols


divided into i) Antibiotics ii)
Supha drugs. Drugswhich are
used such as used to cure
diseases caused by Microbes
Bacterias,Virus,Fungi, these
include antibacterials,antifungals
and antiviral agents.

The full range of microrganisms

attcked by an antibiotic is called
Spectrum Broad spectrum
Antibiotics are effective against
sevral different types of bacteria.

Sulpha Drugs:- A group of drugs

which are the derivatives of
Sulphanilamides . these have great
antibacterial powers and used in
the treament of
Diptheria,tuberclosis caused by
streptococci,gonococci and
pneumo-cocci infections.
Examples of Sulpha Drugs and Uses
Sulphanilamide:- Used for UTI, RTI,

Sulphadiazine:- Used for

Dysentry,this drug is less toxic
Sulphaguandine:- Used for severe
Bacillary Dysentry
Sulphapyridine:- Used for

All micro-organism which cause disease are called Pathogens.

These pathogens enter the body and multiply inside Host cell
and destroy the host cell metabolism. they produce
toxins(poisonous substances) and cause the diseases.
The diseases caused by them can be controlled by giving
drugs such as
Bactericidal Drugs- (Drug which kill the Microbes in the body.)
Such as :Penicillin,Aminoglycosides(Streptomycin),Ofloxacin,
Bectrioststic Drugs:- Erythromycin, Tetracyclin,
Chloramphenicol , Cephalosporins..

Tetracyclin, Vanomycin, Ofloxacin are highly is Broad

spectrum antibiotics.
Chloramphenicol is another Broad Spectrum Antibiotic which
is repidly absorbed from the Gastro-instestinal track hence
can be orally given in the treament of typhoid, dysentry,
acute fever, UTI's, Meningitis,and Pneumonia etc..
Streptomycin can be given for Tuberclosis (Specific Use)
Penicillin has a narrow spectrum therefore given for diseases
caused by Cocci and gram Positive Bacteria. therefore test has
to be conducted before given such antibiotic(Ampicillin and

Antifurtility Drugs:- Chemical substances which are used to

check the pregenancy in women or they are used as Birth
Control Drugs. They are also called Oral Contraceptives. they
are used to regulate Menstrual cycles and ovulations.
Example:- Enovid-E.
Antihistamins:- these are called Anti-allergic drugs . they are
used to treat skin rashes, inflamation of tissues, asthama and
itching of hives.
Further they also used in the treatment of
fever,Conjuctivities, Rhinitis, Sneezing, Nasal discharge,
itching of nose ,throat, nausea .
Examples:- Diphenylhydramine, cetrizine, Avil,
Chlorophenramine, Promethazine , cimidine ,
ranitidine(Zantac), Histamin. Histamin is a potent vasodilator
, it contrcts the smooth muscles in bronchi and gut and
relaxes other muscles. Brompheniramine and Terfenadine
act as Histamins.

Antacids:- Substances which neutralizes the excess acid and raise the Ph to an appropriate level in stomach.
During Acid Gastritis, the acid produced (HCI) in the gastric juices , the commonly used antacids are weak
bases Mg(0H)2, MgC03, AI(oH)3, hydroxide gel, NaHC03, AI(P04)3. These days Omeprazole and Lansoprazole
are being used widely.
CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS:A) On the basis of Pharmacologicla effects
B) On the basis of drug Action
zzzzzC) On the basis of Chemical structure
D) On the basis of Molecular Targets
B:- On the basis of drug action , drug is given based on perticular Bio-chemical process.

A. On the basis of pharmacological effects, it is easier for the doctors to

prescribe and choose from the wide range of drugs for the patient
depending upon the type of disease

C. On the basis of structural similarities, drugs are often given because they have common
features in them and similar pharmcological activities.
D. Normally all the drugs interact with biomolecules such as
carbohydrates, lipids and proteins as well as Nucleic acids these are
called target molecules or drug-Targets . hence these drugs can be given
based on Drug Targets.

Catalytic Action Of Enzymes:- The first function of enzymes is to hold

the substrate for a chemical reaction.Active sites hold the substrate
molecule in a perticular position, so that attack of the reagent should
be effective, then substrate binds the active site of the enzyme
through ionic or Hydrogen Bonding or Vander-Waal forces and may be
Dipole-Dipole interactions. The scond function of the enzymes is to
provide the functional group which will attack the substrate and carry
out chemical reaction. Drugs which stops the substrate from attaching
at the site of enzyme are called Competitive Inhibitors . Whereas the
drugs which do not bind to the active site are called Allosteric site.
they change the shape of active site so that substrate can not
recognize it. if the bond between the and the inhibitors is strong
covalent then enzyme is permanantely blocked,then the synthesis of
new enzyme takes place.
Receptors as drug Targets:- Receptors are proteins that are crucial to
body's communication process, they are embedded in cell membranes
and posesses active sitesout of the surface of the membrane. In our
body, message between two neurons and between neurons and
muscles is communicated through certain chemicals called chemical
Messengers. Chemical messengers are recieved at the binding sites of
receptors proteins. To accomodate a messenger shape of the site
changes. There are large numbers of receptors present in the body
which interact with different chemical messengers. these are selective
in nature.

CHEMICALS IN FOOD :- Chemicals are added to food for(i) their preservation (ii) Enhancing their
appeal (iii) Adding nutritive value in them. These are called Food Additives.

ARTIFICIAL SWEETENING AGENTS:- Natural sweetners such as Surcose, add to calorie intake. OrthoSulphobenzemide is called SACCHSRINE . It is about 500 times sweet as cane sugar. it is excreated from the
urine unchanged. its good for the Diabetic persons. EXAMPLES OF ARTIFICIAL SWEETNERS:- ASPARTAME,
SACCHARIN, SUCROLOSE, ALITAME. Aspartame is the most scucessfuland widely used is methyl
ester of dipeptide formed from aspartic acid and phenylalanine. it is used in soft-drinks and cold foods
because it is unstable at cooking temperature. Alitame is more stable than aspartame whereas sucrolose is
tri-choloro-Derivative of sucrose.

FOOD PRESERVATIVES:- Food preservatives are used to preserve the food due to Microbial Growth. They
are:- Table salt, vegitable oils, Sugar, Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Benzoate is used in limited quantities
because it is Metabolised in the body. Salts of Sorbic Acid and Propanoic Acid are also used as preservatives.


BACKSIDE NCERT. QUESTIONS:-- 16.2, 16.3, 16.5, 16.7,16.9,
16.10,16.12,16.13,16.14,16.15,16.17,16.22, 16.24, 16.25,



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