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A Mayan Philosophy of Time

Katie Brown
Broadcast Journalism & Philosophy

hilosophers and scientists have stud-

known as Peten, which lies between Gua-

ied the concept of time for thousands

temala and the northern Yucatan. The

of years, yet nevertheless questions still re-

revered Classic Maya (435-830 AD) re-

main. Modern theories of time, such as

corded the most extensive and precise cal-

Einsteins theory of relativity or quantum

endar science in all of humanity. By track-

theory, are riddled with inconsistencies,

ing the movements of the Sun, Moon, the

contradictions, and unexamined para-

planet Venus, and other heavenly bodies,

doxes. Our problem with time is due to

the Mayans created calendars of remark-

both the ingrained assumption that lies at

able accuracy and complexity with dates

the root of the modern scientic concep-

reaching into the distant past and ap-

tion: that time is always dened in terms

proaching the future with astonishing ac-

of the dynamics of the three dimensional

curacy. It is said that the Classic Mayan

geometry of space and our adherence to

civilization devised a way to incorporate

an irregular calendar as a measurement of

higher dimensional knowledge of time

time. Adopting this paradigm and prac-

and creation. They achieved their supe-

tice has limited the way the human mind

rior understanding all without the use of

is able to experience and relate to itself.

telescopes or any other form of external

Cosmology is, as it always has been, a test-

material technology, including metallurgy

ing-ground for philosophical ideas, lying

and the wheel. The Maya had a temporal

at the limits of our notions of space, time,

perspective very different than our own.

and causality. This essay will address an

Miguel Leon-Portilla has called a passion

alternate notion of space and time, that

for time the soul of Mayan culture. After

of a pre-Columbian civilizationthe

years of research on the Mayan calendar

Mayain order to counter the covert im-

system, chief investigator Jose Arguelles,

perialism of our own conceptions of space

Ph.D., had concluded that the scientic

and time.

superiority and galactic sophistication of

The Maya emerged as a civilization

the Mayan calendarics was due to the fact

around 300 AD, in the jungle region

that they were based on an entirely differ-

Vol. 2, Issue 1 33

ent standard of measure and mathemat-

eternal now: the Zuvuya. The Zuvuya is

ics than any time keeping devices now

the source of the objective now point

known or in use world-wide today.

that accommodates subjective experience.

Our mathematics uses the decimal, or

It is called eternal because the Mayans

10-count, whereas the Mayan mathemat-

thought the present existed at all times,

ical code uses a vigesimal, or 20-count,

as did the past and future. This union al-

expressed as a 0-19 radial matrix. The

most reects the traditional tensed theo-

vigesimal count is capable of a positional

ry of time, which denes the present as

mathematics with exibility, powers, and

where the past meets the future. However,

qualities far superior to our own. The vi-

it would be incorrect to say that the Ma-

gesimal in the Mayan system also had a

yan theory was tensed because the future

subset, a cyclic thirteen-count constant.

is already real, as is the past and present.

Combined, these two elements created

The present state, then, is rather a sub-

the frequency ratio 13:20. This ratio is

jective view from where one exists on the

the foundation for the principle of Mayan

circuit of time.

measurement, the Tzolkin sacred calen-

At the basis of the Mayan mathemati-

dar. On this topic, it is important to keep

cal and calendar systems, there exists

in mind the concept of a radial matrix.

what Arguelles has named The Law of

The system of Mayan time science is

Time. The Law of Time is a scientic

one of holonomic resonance, as much of

and mathematical function of fourth-di-

the future as it is of the past. That is, the

mensional time which holds that there is

Mayans held a tenseless theory of time

one natural timing frequency that unies

in which the past, present, and future all

the whole galactic order, from its largest

exist. Time exists as a circuit; future and

constituent to its smallest. The 13:20 fre-

past ow equally, always meeting and be-

quency, as mentioned earlier, operates in

ing united in the present moment. Ma-

radial, fractal, and holonomic mathemat-

yans believed time repeated itself in cycles

icsa totally different construct from the

within cycles of elevating proportion un-

mathematics of third-dimensional space,

til it became almost linear in appearance.

which are fractional, algebraic and inni-

(Think of a large spiral spreading out un-

tesimally reductionist. Third-dimensional

til it looks at.) The endless web of cycles

science operates on the articial 12:60

was connected by an innite spiral of the

frequency, established by the Gregorian

34 Vol. 2, Issue 1

calendar and the sixty-minute hour of the

calendars; however, I will only be address-

mechanical clock. Arguelles claims that

ing the Tzolkin and the Long Count.

it lies in this reason that, while admitting

The key calendar, called the Tzolkin

that time is the fourth dimension, Albert

is a perpetual 260-day calendar created

Einstein and all other researchers have

by the permutations of twenty symbols

been unable to formulate the actual law

(day glyphs representing different tones

of fourth dimensional time.

and frequencies) and thirteen numbers

Unlike our culture, which is obsessed

(resonant pulsations) based the natural

with matter (i.e., physical science and

mathematical frequency 13:20, men-

materialism), the Maya based their un-

tioned previously. The 260 unit matrix

derstanding of reality on frequencies,

of resonate frequencies create a nonlinear

vibrations, and harmonies. The Maya

holographic pattern. It is nonlinear be-

understood that everything comes from

cause the entire pattern is innitely in-

and returns to one source: divine con-

terconnected with itself. Consistent with

sciousness. Divine consciousness mani-

the fundamental properties of holograms,

fests itself in an innite number of forms

each unit also essentially contains the

throughout all dimensions. Each possible

pattern of the whole. The Tzolkin cycle

form is a frequency vibration; indeed, all

reects a numeric common denominator

matter is essentially interconnected with

of the orbits of the Sun, Moon and the

waves of energy. In the basics of Mayan

planets Earth, Mars, Mercury and Venus.

time keeping, the numbers of the days

The base harmonic cycle of 260 is also a

do not specically relate to quantity, as is

fractal of the 26,000 year cycle of Earths

usually assumed. All numbers, including

precession through the equinoxes and our

zero, represent different frequencies and

Suns orbit around the central star of Ple-


iades. The Tzolkin is synchronized with

The classic Maya believed time to be a

universal synchronization factor and were

the movement of energy and consciousness within our galaxy.

able to harmonize different cycles in na-

The Long Count was a linear sys-

ture and consciousness with their calen-

tem capable of tracking extended cycles in

dars. Calendars function as instruments

time. This aspect of their calendar system

for measuring time. The Maya under-

is based on counting the number of days

stood and used at least seventeen different

that have elapsed since the beginning of

Vol. 2, Issue 1 35

the cycle (3114 BC, Gregorian time). The

zon at all points around, thus opening the

count is represented by a master fourth-

cosmic sky, and energy will progressively

dimensional 13:20 matrix. Long count

increase. The ancient Maya were aware

dates are expressed in a place-notation

of this impending alignment and consid-

system. The most important function of

ered it to be the dawn of the sixth world

the Long Count was to track the Great

age. The accuracy of this prediction, con-

Cycle, also called the 13-Baktun cycle. A

rmed by NASA, suggests a cosmological

Great Cycle can be considered equivalent

understanding which modern scholars

to a world age. Within the 13-Baktun cy-

have yet to explore.

cle exists a wave harmonic view: a charac-

Whereas the calendar of the Maya was

teristic patterning of historic activity with

a tool for synchronization, our calendar

astonishing accuracy. The Long Count

today is merely an articial convention.

extended nine baktuns into the past of

Conventionalism entails that there are no

the Maya, yet still recorded events dur-

objective facts about our units for mea-

ing each era with precision. For example,

suring timeincluding calendars. Our

in the Baktun of the Mind Teachings

denition of measurement is not true,

(747-353 BC), the Maya knew of the

but merely convenient. Thus, we have

Persians, Confucius, the Peloponnesian

established arbitrary agreement to decide

War, the Greeks, Aristotle & Plato, and

the matter. What if this has led us to false

Buddha. The coming era is named the


Baktun of the Transformation of Mat-

The calendar we use today is the Gre-

ter. According to Mayan calendrics, De-

gorian calendar, an approximation of a so-

cember 21, 2112 is a critical juncture of

lar calendar. It was last modied in 1582

galactic cycles, indicating the culminating

by Pope Gregory XII as a variation of the

point of the 26,000 year cycle of human

Julian calendar and the earlier calends

evolution. On the winter solstice of 2012,

schedule of taxationof the Roman Em-

the precession of the equinoxes will lead

pire. Pope Gregory XII had modied the

the sun to align with the Milky Way in a

calendar by removing ten days from the

region known as the dark riftcreated by

year and renaming the New Years Day.

interstellar dust clouds. The result of this

The era in which our calendar was last

alignment will orientate the Milky Way

modied was one of conquering and colo-

in such a way that it will rim the hori-

nization. European sea and technological

36 Vol. 2, Issue 1

power was invincible, making it easy to

The inequity results from dividing 360

impose a European sense and measure of

degrees into twelve equal 30-degree mea-

time upon the rest of the world. The Gre-

surements. The product of such a calcula-

gorian calendar was unilaterally instituted

tion is not compatible with our traditional

by the Vatican, because the Christian

measurement of the year. Thus, the Gre-

armies of Europe had conquered most of

gorian calendar is not dividing real time

the indigenous people on the planet and

into equal chunks of duration.

needed to have a mental time-framing de-

Our adherence to its systematic dis-

vice to impose all of their new practices,

harmony of physical time has created

such as religious holidays. Within 200

complexity in psychological timebeing

years of its modication, everyone in Eu-

conscious of physical timeas well. The

rope and the colonies was using the Gre-

Gregorian calendar has instituted an ir-

gorian calendar. Today, nearly all nations

regular and articial unconscious mental

and groups of people have instituted this

timing frequency identied as the 12:60,

practice/calendar for ofcial governmental

for the twelve month calendar and the

and nancial affairs. Thus, the Gregorian

mechanistic sixty-minute hour. This un-

calendar still exerts a mental time frame

even standard of measure, being neither

on todays society.

natural nor harmonic, reinforces a psy-

The core problem of the Gregorian

chological tendency towards irregularity

calendar is that it institutes an articial

and articiality thereby creating a social

standard of time that deviates from any

order that has frustration built into it. In

natural cycles on the planet. The calendar

chemistry, there is a state called Brownian

is at odds with the natural prevailing tim-

motion, in which all particles are agitated

ing frequency governing the natural order

because they do not create a form of or-

of the biosphere. In modern philosophy

der. This can be used as an analogy for

of time, there exists physical time and psy-

todays world society: six billion humans

chological time. The Gregorian calendar

are all agitating, but they cannot create a

has distorted both. The Gregorian twelve

whole consistent form of order that pro-

month calendar is made up of unitsthat

vides happiness. At the base of this prob-

is, monthsof unequal measures cre-

lem is the measurement of time we are

ated by a division of a geometrical circle

using and our inability to recognize the

forma two-dimensional plane in space.

need for change.

Vol. 2, Issue 1 37

Presently, there is a huge collective

out history as the harmonic standard.

movement occurring around the world

It is a logical and natural way to count

which is based on the teachings of natu-

the 365-day year. It would have thirteen

ral time and universal peace. This move-

evenly dated months of 28 days. Any day

ments primary objective is to actualize a

will be the same day of the week, year

complete calendar reform, replacing the

after year. There will still be four weeks

Gregorian calendar with the 13 Moon

to each month; only each week will rep-

calendar. The 13 Moon calendar is based

resent one of the four directions (north,

on natures time science, which the Maya

east, south and west). In addition to the

were aware of and recorded. The effort

thirteen months of twenty-eight days, ev-

began more than seventy decades ago. In

ery year will have one Day Out of Time

1931, a 28-day calendar was actively sup-

on the Gregorian date July 25. This date

ported by the International Chamber of

is neither a day nor part of a month. It is

Commerce because it made accounting

a time for forgiveness, love, and a world-

simple. In 1933, the League of Nations

wide celebration of peace, culture and art.

actually voted the 13 Moon Calendar to

The New Year will begin July 26, in corre-

be the new world standard, in recognition

spondence with the helical rising of Sirius,

of its continuity and reliability. Before im-

the brightest xed star in the sky.

plementation, however, the Vatican was

Unlike the 12-month calendar which

able to create enough skepticism about

corresponds to no natural cycles, the thir-

the calendars Day Out of Time to suc-

teen moon calendar is a solar-lunar calen-

cessfully oppose its acceptance. Efforts in

dar: 365 days is the measure of the earth

calendar reform continued into 1956, and

going around the sun (solar); 28 days is

as of 1992, are currently being furthered

the average measure of the moons synodic

by the World Thirteen Moon Calendar

and sidereal cycles (lunar). The calendar

Change Peace Movement-Planet Art Net-

will reect universally occurring energy


cycles by operating on the 13:20 timing

The 13 Moon calendar has been in

frequency. This is the same frequency the

use for more than 5,000 years! From the

wise Maya noted in systems of cyclic time

Incan, to Druidic count, to the Egyptian,

keeping and fourth dimensional oracles.

the Essene, to the Mayan, to the Polyne-

Just as societies in the past have lived

sian, this calendar has been used through-

in greater harmony, we too can nd the

38 Vol. 2, Issue 1

natural ow of time and peace of true

rhythms. Natural time is based on the relationship of organic and natural processes, such as the motion of the stars, planets, and galaxies; the biological rhythm of
plants and animals; as well as the subtle
inner-dimensional movements of consciousness and mind. It is my theory that
the perception of linear time is an illusion.

Stanford: Stanford University Press,

Schrenk, Laura Mues de. Latin America, preColumbian and indigenous thought in.
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London:
Routledge, 1998.
Thomas, Cyrus. Mayan Time Systems and
Time Symbols. American Anthropologist,
Vol. 2, No. 1 (Jan., 1900), 53-62.

With the introduction of the Maya paradigm, I hope I have shown that there are
alternate philosophies for the notions of
time and space.
Arguelles, Jose. The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond
Technology. Santa Fe: Bear & C o m p a n y ,
Boiles, Charles & Fernando Horcasitas. Time
and Reality in the Thought of the Maya.
Boston, Beacon Press: 1973.
Edmonson, Munro S. The Mayan Calendar
Reform of Current Anthropology.
Vol.17, No. 4 (Dec.,1976), 713-717.

Wantanabe, John M. In the World of the Sun:

a Cognitive Model of Mayan
Cosmolog y.
Man, Vol. 18, No. 4 (Dec., 1983), 710-728.
Waters, Frank. Mexico Mystique: The Coming
Sixth World of Consciousness. Chicago:
Swallow Press, 1975.

Jenkins, John Major. Galactic Alignment: the

Transformation of Consciousness According to
Mayan, Egyptian, and Vedic Traditions. Inner
Traditions International, 2002.
Leon-Portilla, Miguel. Time and Reality in
Maya Thought. Boston: Beacon Press, 1973.
Morley, Sylvanus Griswold. The Ancient Maya.

Vol. 2, Issue 1 39

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