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will be uploading several essays on a daily basis beginning after the election. Howver, next
Saturday night, I will upload some more of the Urbn Tour which includes the narration to Rose,
Gary and Mr. Ellis. As those of you reading my work, this what you are about to read is another
style of my writing. Hope you enjoy my infusing the knowledge for you.
Not to worry, when the book comes out it will be in a different format.


This book is written for Gary of Chester, Pennsylvanian, Rose of Styles
2000 in New Haven, Connecticut, and Mr. Ellis of Connecticut Transit, New
Haven, Connecticut. While the materials in both The Anti-Vote Son Of
Man, and are voluminous, this book 2 will help to clear up and
further your understanding as to the end of satan's reign on the planet which
the beginning of that end occurred shortly after World War II with the
creation of the Israeli state.
Also in this book URBN will be defined and explained in it's usage. I
would like to thank all those enjoying the experience of reading these
materials. I ask that you not only read the material, this material is meant to
give people a better understanding of the world they live in as opposed to the
world they should be living in.
The writing of this particular book begins on October 28 my birthday and
ends October 29 my birthday. The 28th is the beginning of the Sabbath on
Calendar and ends the next day at the end of the Sabbath. The book will be a
living book and my last book writing. The first part will be that posted on the
eve of the 29th. The remainder of the material will be essay format as the
material given on the first part will be a narrative.
I will open this book before the time I was born up and through my being
URBN here on earth. Remember that the works that you read are not in
conjunction with Enoch. Enoch writings stand on its own. These writings
pertaining to Urbn represents the end, as Enoch outlines the beginning and
carries life through to the end. Urbn works in revers.
Now, many opinion the validity of Urbn and my right to establish this
principle. However, the balances which Urbn represents existed before
mankind and creation. Urbn exited before: Let there be light. It is for this
purpose that The Almighty placed me into this world. As the fallen spirits or
satans sought to destroy creation. The theft or use of Urbn by Urban
Outfitters and others is all apart of the overall plan. For it is written in their
writings that The Almighty will: come as a thief in the night, and it was
this simple means by which the whole of the economy or babylon will fall.
It is the nature of the beast to take possession of all things within this w


realm we live in and this will be further explained as the chapters in this book
move forward. The reader should not be offended by these writings, nor is
this an indictment of your beliefs. This only the truth, not influenced by the
trappings of this world. It is meant to help the reader overcome the lies and
fraud being perpetrated by mankind on behalf of what they believe are the
principles of righteousness which are in fact the ways of the fallen.
When you realize that you no longer want to be on this earth as it is and
that the world as we have it now is not the purpose of what it was meant for.
Once a person understand this, they are on the path of righteousness.
Mankind is being bound by the fallen evil spirits by way of money or

This book is about saying thank you to all those Black Panthers, and
others that fight in the revolution, lost their lives and until this day are
being kept as Prisoners of War here in the United States. Thank you to
all those around the world standing for justice and against injustice in
Honduras and other nations across the globe. For all those that stand
up, this is for you and all those being tortured in jail by the
Reagan/Clinton industrial complex.


Mr. Ellis The Almighty claimed me or called me forth in 1954. I was
always there, I don't know if I volunteered or the Almighty said: It's Urbn
time. and sent me in. But after the Korean war it was on, and it was time.
Revenge brought me into this world, and my parents bare witness to this.
As my mother puts it, she and her mate, the person that seeded me into the
world were having problems in the early 1950's. She had giving him a son
Sellis Charles McKnight, named after her mate, McKnight. Then, he
committed adultery, and thus caused her to do the same and brought forth
whore child. This child was made with another man as revenge for the
adultery committed by her mate. These infidelities were to better their
station, however it actually worsened their state of being. As it is written that
those who commit adultery causes their wife to commit adultery(remember
So it was that after this crazy thing, that the two minded their ways, so to
speak and had several more children together, and him taken on her child as
his own. Then the sixties approached, and the year of the dragon was on its'
way. However, the beast began to wound itself once again and the time of his
reign was over. This is why such chaos and war existed, the evil spirits were
trying to eliminate the possibility of someone coming into the world to save
the souls of man. It is through this that the Almighty sent me in.
IN 1963 with the murders of both Malcolm and King completed, it was
time. Satan only knew I was coming, but he didn't know where. The
probability of him getting me was greater, he was killing everything of color.
It is through this that righteousness was coming. With the murder of
Kennedy the satans destroyed their own, and it was lead by those that
murdered Jesus. They wanted war, the new nation of Israel and Kennedy was
deliberate and did not want this secret government represented by Israel to
overcome the United States with Nuclear weapons.
Just as in the nature of the beast, the nation of Israel sided with the
communist for technology leading to the making of a nuclear bomb. When
the murdered their own, Kennedy, it was the opening for me. It was the same
time Nathan McKnight Jr., The husband of Mary decided to exact revenge on
Mary for having her Whore Child ten years previous. That's when, through


all the hate and revenge that The Almighty took me and I was his. Neither
mother nor father could claim me as their son then and even until this day.
When neither of your parents want you, The Almighty gave me a Pearl.
Ms. Pearl, my God mother named me and loved me, I was not accepted in
my parents home so my heavenly father gave me another home to grow with.
I was the enemy of brothers and sisters, so the Almighty gave me different
brothers and sisters to love and nurture me. So, from the mouth of a Pearl
my name Anthony was given. Anthony means Priceless.
I didn't have happy birthdays, there was nothing happy about the day I
was born. In fact, because her husband was expecting two more children just
days after my birth, my birth was no cause for celebration. The fact that I did
not resemble him, later in life he didn't claim me as one of his. The words
were in fact told to the sibling before and after me that the were in fact his
children and I was not. Yes, they were McKnights and I was not. My
mother was said to have been pregnant by someone other than him. It was
appropriate of him that his other children outside of wedlock favored him and
I didn't. I was the Almighty Lord's.


Early URBN
Three was my earliest memory. That's when I remember Brother Martin
being killed and the Panthers were at their height. I recount crying
uncontrollably in the blue painted hallway of the back stair case. As I look
back, no three year old should have that level of consciousness. It hurt more
than anything I could imagine. Then, came this unbelievable download of
sorts. I became Aware, and I don't mean just knowing, but instantly self
aware and knowledgeable of things I could not tell you what and how. I
simply began to know everything.
Sellis noticed this and began to train me. He was in High school by now
and I was only about four and helped him with his Algebra and other
homework. As he was a Panther, he began training all of us in self defense.
He taught us what to eat and how to live and this was his downfall within the
family because our parents were more Self Preservationists and not about
any revolution or trying to help mankind. He thought they were cowards and
selfish and unrighteous. Now, almost fifty years later he is correct. He was
then, but when you don't honor your mother and father your days won't be
The days are short when the mother and father worship the likes of satan
and the fallen. It was them that delivered Sellis up to the government and
they murdered him like King, Henton, Hampton and others fighting for the
rights of the oppressed. The parents only wanted to collect the insurance
policies and move on with life. But, it didn't quite turn out that way. They
were being watched, and it will be confessed before the throne of
righteousness their unrighteous deeds.


The URBN Tour

Gary, the beginning of Urbn happened in 2002. I took on that name
official after my birthday that year. However, whenever a black man claims
something on this planet, white people take it. It does not matter music or
religion, those following the fallen satans think they own everything and
must oppress everything as being under them, contrary to the teachings of
Anyway, I was cleaning my house while living with my then wife and
mother of my children. The Question was asked: Are you chosen. I said:
Yes. That was the end of that relationship in essence. The demons joined
together to ruin my family. What is worst is that my then wife, sister and
supposed mother worked together to destroy my home.
First, they lied and then they separated me from my children. This is why
women are the weaker vessel from my experience. It seems as when it
comes to emotion and the physical elements of life, women allow these fallen
spirits to entice them more so then men. The downfall of men is thinking that
honoring the requests of woman is love. What it does is stair man away from
righteousness by consoling the man when he submits and punishing him
when he does not comply. It is truly the same indoctrination that is used in
racism and colonization.
Now, I don't think this as a bad thing, their fraud. At the time it was an
annoyance. The spirit of the Almighty is great in this, in a manner that in
your turmoil in life, there can be no anger. I can't explain losing everything
and not being upset internally, but it happened. First, I moved in with my
sister prior to the big break up.
This is when I the state of Connecticut terminated my employment. You
see I was fighting demons in earnest since 1987. It started as a union
representative. You see, having a degree, and then two, you may think I
would use it to climb the corporate or political latter right. That is some
human shit Gary. I was living an entirely different existence than the
physical nature of my being. This is when most of all in my life, I knew I
was surrounded by my own angels. The things that would just happen, it was
like being in a currant of water. Check this out.


When I was seven years old or so, my favorite uncle took us all to the
beach. He liked to drink and we loved him. He was never alcoholic uncle,
he was just someone who made you think that he was living life right. It
didn't matter he died of cancer and liver failure, his life was lived and when I
see him again I will forgive him of all his sins, and bless him because he
loved me when my parents couldn't.
Anyway, we are at the beach and everyone is swimming in the water and
everyone is going in and out, but I started to swim out further and I saw
everyone looking at me just fade away. No matter how I tried to get to them I
couldn't, I just kept going further out, and uncle was laying on the beach, you
know, like usual. I was in West Haven and was about to die. Most important,
after that, ma was gonna kill me again for dying. This is what I was thinking
along with: Why these niggas ain't getting the life guard? They just turned
around as I disappeared.
For some reason, I didn't panic, I could feel cool water on my feet, so I
held my breath and tried to touch the bottom with my toe, but there was no
bottom so I went back up and everyone seemed little, and I was like flying.
It was like riding in the air only not with wind I guess. When I leaned to the
left, I could swim, so when I did that I went even faster, not out but to the left
of everyone. About a minute later I didn't see anyone and then all of a
sudden I started going in again and then slammed into some rocks. I wasn't
happy for the rocks being there, I was wondering more where they came
from. Turns out it was a chain of them and I jump and swam back to the
beach, only thing is I was In what I now know to be Milford. So, I had to
walk back to West Haven. They thought I had drowned. What happened?
they asked, like they didn't see that shit. They were right there, and worst no
one told uncle or a damn lifeguard. The Almighty was my Life Guard.


There ain't no brain freeze with what I am about to tell you. This is the
part when life blows the fuck up. It's when you say to yourself I should have
fucked every chick that wanted some dick while I was sitting here being
faithful Mr. Mom. This is when your wife turns into a baby momma, like
that bugs bunny cartoon where dude keeps turn back and forth into Jeckle
and Hyde. I don't want you here no more. Shit, I even wrote a song about
it I only sing It to Devanna but yeah, you know some shit happened when
you got a damn song.
I was fighting the State of Connecticut and the Gay revolution in
Government. I was also working for my second advanced degree. I met a
man named Mr. Hunter who I knew of years prior due to my playing
basketball. But now, I was working for him as an intern at James Hillhouse
Hight. He was the one that told me to get out of New Haven because certain
factions in state and local government had planned for me not to be here if I
didn't drop my petitions in court against them. When I didn't do that, he was
the one that help me to get out of New Haven, along with my ex-wife. Yeah,
they want you back after making your life miserable. But, I couldn't take
seeing Mr. Hyde again. It wasn't until at least ten years later that I found out
why we broke up. Get out to me was enough, I didn't care why. So, finding
out why, and that my mother and sister were the ones that caused all this was
of no consequence. You'll see why.
I graduated and got an apartment and a few jobs and began to write. I
wrote Awtuhm Duv in a few days, all three parts. Met a woman that changed
the way I looked at life, and began to make plans to go. If not, life would
have been worst. So, I got some money from the ex, and called Mejah with
my new book and left New Haven. That's when I met Emlyn and Haneef.
She was the first to have me for a an official book signing although I did an
event in Wilmington with Haneef prior with a few others at a auction at the
Yacht Club.
I wrecked the RV the first day I got it when I went to pick up my order of
books. Then, it was across the country, up and down the interstate from
Boston to Maryland, then out west. The Urbn tour was in effect. From 2003
to 2005 no one in the country did more book signings and appearances than I


did.19. If you asked me the most remarkable signings I had it would be

Waterloo, Iowa.
I met some people in Waterloo, that reminded me of Mejah. I mean those
people out there are definitely my people. They are the most loving,
hospitable, knowledgeable, organized, community in the middle of no where
you will ever find. Harv and his family and the dudes at the bar, and
downtown and the church and radio station and the college. If it wasn't for
those japanese bugs or whatever they were, I could have lived their until this
I mean, I was doing an interview on the radio and people were stopping by
to get my book like a cd. I couldn't believe that people would actually hear
you on a radio, get into a car and buy your book to get it signed. Then invite
you to come to the college to lecture and join in on their ground breaking
ceremony just because. I was at a banquet one hour and the next at the bar
smoking a spliff signing something like fifty books knocking back shots.
Niggas was like come out back after this chick started rubbing up against me.
I didn't know she was getting her nigga mad. Yo you cool, you eating?
There was no grill back there when I got there to the bar. But, two hours later
there was a pack of wolves around a grill telling niggas who was and who
was not gonna eat. The fact that I just made about five bills in two hours and
needed a fifty dollar sack, made it love. I mean, I spent half of what I sold in
books on drinks and weed that night. What I couldn't understand is why they
kept passing the weed when mostly everyone had their own splif and niggas
had pounds. Pounds in the middle of the US of Fucking A.
Harv is a good guy and worked hard but had to stay in the house. He had
a wonderful wife, but he was lucky to have her, and she knew it and nigga
you gonna do what the fuck I say relationship cause ain't nothing better than
this out here. I mean she had good job, house, cook, gave him his own man
cave, own man cave, best man cave I ever seen for real. Nigga had no reason
to leave the house, and did I say she could cook, oh my good ness. The nigga
was pitifully addicted to a good life, and I loved that for him. Not only


because he had it like that but because that is one nigga that know he was not
gonna fuck this up. I was his chance
I didn't know nobody and didn't care to know anyone after all that driving
on the road, but I would be damned if Harv did not take me out every night. I
was amazed. We went to more bars and spots. Niggas was saying damn
Harv, how the hell you get out. What? It was how long five years. He got
married like seven years earlier and didn't go out since the day. The next
night: Hey baby I gotta show Urbn a good time. His wife couldn't stop
laughing at me, knowing he was just using me to get out. Really, dude was
like drinking water fro the first time. I won't mention the nights in detail but
Harv was a good dude, and a good Husband trying to show he was not locked
down in a house after saying I do. Yo, Gary. I did a book signing in a
church. I thought the heavens where gonna open up and the ground was
going to shake under my feet. That was worst than niggas pulling guns in
Philly, kid you not. I mean a bullet is the body, church the soul you know.
But, I'm still here nigga.

They Don't Love You

Let me tell you something Rose, growing up occurs when you can see the
dark from the light. When your parent tell you that if they have a chance to
do it all over, you wouldn't be here makes you wonder. That will definitely
open your eyes, and close your heart. You see, I was a hate baby. When I
sperm hit the egg it was something from the heavens to behold. It was then
that the Balances spoken of in Enoch came into being. Once, your purpose
thru the Almighty is established there is nothing no one can do. Trust me, I
should have died in the physical several times. Hell, the satans tried to burn
me in a hot scalding tub of water. From falls, to beatings and simply your
parent saying you are not his seed. Now, that's a trip.
However, his confession is true for I am the product of my father in
Heaven. When you are chosen you receive beatings that you have no idea as
to why. When you are chosen your own parents will call you crazy and


disown you. I experienced the hate of both parents. Heard the lies and dealt
with the injustices upon my life. Worst, I witness them choose kings and
soothsayers over the Almighty Creator, and death over life.
When I was in first and second grades I had a teacher named Ms.Coles at
Truman street school and I knew all the answers to all the questions and was
not allowed to raise my hand. But, when one of my boys didn't know the
answer I would say it out loud and get a beating. She would hit me with the
ruler, I couldn't count the times, it was nothing like home though.
Sellis was in the Navy. After King and the Black Panther Party thing.
The folks sold him out. Ho' child was going gay I guess and Jeannette was
finding religion. She had Arlene and Darlene in the back room catching the
Holy Ghost. Jeannette was about three hundred pounds and if she said you
was gonna get the Holy Ghost well damn it you gonna get the Holy Ghost. I
guess I was too young for the Holy Ghost but she was in charge that day and
She said Holy Ghost. It was like the best movie you could see.
Praise God, Thank Jesus. She had them crying, yelling, snotting,
slobbering. I mean, I thought She was stronger than anyone. I never seen her
be that way. I thought she was nice. I said to myself, they deserved it for all
the times they called her fat momma. I thought she was getting them back
and making them repent for all the shit they put me through, all the lying,
cheating and stealing they where doing. Then again, they were about to get
into their being of age and you gotta get the evil out of them before they turn
to the boys you know.
At seven is the first time I read the bible from cover to cover. Jeannette
attended Ebernezer Chapel on Columbus Avenue. It moved since then. All I
knew is that she was getting all the evil spirits out of them. I thought is was
good. Anything to stop the lying and stealing. We find out later that it didn't
work, for none of them at various stages of life. I liked going to that church
to see people run up and down and pass out when the Reverend Oliver would
touch them. They had enough family members they didn't need more
During this time I began to read every book in the school library. I would
remember the things Sellis taught me. This is when I was told that I wasn't a
McKnight like my other siblings. That's when I said I was a 'Davis', I took
my mothers last name in my mind. Then I understood what Sellis meant. It


is only as an adult I understand that the disdain my parents had for him, they
had for me. It's something when your parents can't wish the best for you.
Thank God for Ms. Pearl. If it wasn't for her I would not have gotten my
quotas of I love you, hugs. My birthday was a secret thing, she was the only
adult in the house that celebrated it. It wasn't to be spoken of.
Here I am not one of them and he made two a month later that looked and
acted like McKnight, but weren't but were. I was but wasn't. That's the
Almighty. Life had changed drastically once they shipped Sellis off to the
Navy. They made Jerome The Roman in charge. He was the weakest of
all, but that's what they wanted. The parents didn't want strong boys. Unlike
Sellis, they wanted the raising of unrighteous cowards and that's what
happened eventually as we see the results of that decision.
As a member of the Panthers and believing in self defense of our people,
Sellis would require us to practice in the attic while the parents were at work.
Jerome didn't like that, he was soft like that. He was the trickster and the
cheat of the bunch. When he was in charge there was no organization. Their
dad told him I was not a McKnight which gave them rights to beat me up in
the attic, take your food and all manner of stupidity. It was in being around
Ms. Pearl, Ms. Smith, and Ms. Ruby family that I realized that these idiots I
was affixed to were dysfunctional and later the whole lot.
We had the three monkeys in the cabinet that couldn't see, hear, or talk.
They had their hands over their appropriate parts to demonstrate that. Once
Sellis went to the Navy everyone began stealing, smoking, drinking. These
are the children, except me and Jeannette, and of course the youngest. I
thought I was doing the right thing by letting the adults know. That's when it
obvious something was wrong because here they are doing wrong and I am
the one getting the beating and being called disparaging names by the
parents. It was like being the step child and it didn't help that Ms. Pearl and
them moved away.
All I had then was the bible in the attic. When the season came around to
dug and plant the garden, mother would go to work and the father was
suppose go in the garden with us to turn the soil. But, he would only stay a
little while and his favorites would leave shortly after leaving me in the field
to turn the soil or I couldn't play basketball at the park. Then as usual when
mother would return from work, they would take the credit. It is the story of


my life in that household.

Honor Thy Mother and Thy Father.

Mr. Ellis, this is the problem with the church because they are all brain
washed. You have to believe such or you are not one of them. One should
only honor their parents in the Almighty Lord, in other words Righteousness.
Like Sellis, he was a victims of not honoring your parents. He was correct
and ended up dead. Martin was killed too, and the undeserving are still
living. Justice has come.
If a woman in India or Iraq does not want to marry an unknown man to
her, she is seen as not honoring her parents. However, if she marry another
man she loves whom her parents did not approve of she will more than likely
be murdered by family members.
Many souls are going to hell on this. For the parents have taken up with
the fallen spirits and just as Black Lives Matter is being opposed, so was the
members of the Black Panther Party. Those that don't follow the ways of
corrupt parents are separated from society and then eliminated. Those that
are responsible for this death are the parents who profit from government
It didn't matter to most parents that their black babies were being killed by
the government, they separated from them and moved on. Until this day, the
US Government is holding Black Panthers as political prisoners and parents
are content not to get involved. But, if it was not for this, the hangings would
still be openly taking place, and school children would be going to school
hungry. The Vietnam war would not have been opposed on both fronts as
All this, while the mother and father remain silent. This is what sin does.
It is in this that Sellis is dead. May 22, 1974, he was said to have shot
himself in the brain and in the heart. The government was killing Black
Panthers all across the country. These people that do the killing, are both


mother and father, and if you honor them you won't be killed. This is the
false covenant of the beast. However, you do end up dead inside, and the
judgment is yours to behold. The Righteous and unrighteous will have a
It was the first close up look I had of someone I knew. I remember
touching him when he was alive. T'il this day I remember what he felt like
when he was alive, when I touched him in the coffin I knew it wasn't him if
you know what I mean. To me, it just looked like him. Nothing he taught me
was forgotten. He taught me how to eat right, how to meditate. I was
meditating at two and three years old. Honor was instilled in me during a
revolution, and that went along with vengeance.
No person should honor Adulterers and Whores. That is of the fallen
spirits. Being born in this Revenge stage of my parents relationship during a
time when neither could claim me or love me, made me the fathers. When I
told the woman from whom womb I came forth that I saw her before she
gave birth to me caused a division beyond anything cutting an umbilical cord
could do. You ain't......... That's when Ms. Pearl grabbed me an hugged
me, she saved me from a sure enough slap. She was saying I didn't see her
and I am telling her then just like I saw her then before I was born. I wasn't
in her body yet. She got into the car sweating, and I was to the left of her if
you are looking forward in the car watching her, not yet being with her. I
didn't know at three years old that everyone didn't see their mother before
they was born. I didn't see the big deal. Mary, you don't know what he
saw. Ms. Pearl said. She called me her baby. Without her I wouldn't have
gotten a Happy Birthday, Birthday cake or present or anything. I was known
as the Black Sheep of the family.
From this time on, me and my parents would have times, sometimes
weeks or months were we wouldn't communicate. The house was big enough
and outside of meals, I could avoid them. Most of my time was spent in the
crawl space of the attic reading books and studying the bible. I would
actually as a five two seven year old boy fast and pray weeks on end and no
one would know. There was just too many children to keep track of and if
you didn't want your chicken someone was always willing to eat your food,
and the dog was right there as well.
I would sometimes get and almost get the shit knocked out of me for


nothing. It was always easy for me to get missing. My great escape was Ms.
Pearl because she lived downstairs and she would leave the back door open
and sometimes she would come home from work and wake me up from her
bed. I could spend hours in her apartment with her children or not. They all
loved me in a way only as a now adult I understand. They were all older and
heard the fighting that occurred over my coming into the world. It's only
now I understand all the hugs and kisses Cherie, her older daughter would
give me. Her sons didn't try to beat up on me like the so called brothers I was
given by birth. They understood my not having a father like I never met their

The Tour
Now Gary, if you asked me which city I had the best time in it would be
Philadelphia because in Philly I fulfilled the purpose of my being. But, we
will get back to that. Let's get to the tour.
Community Books in Milwaukee was great, although the city was poor
and like every city, the bookstore is on Martin Luther King Blvd. Or
something. But for sure, it was a poor community. Milwaukee is segregated.
That don't stop you. This time I came driving. Let's get to the time I was
hitch hiking and catching buses.
It was the time during the NAACP awards, I got a chance to meet a lot of
people from artist to business people big in the community. Most of all I had
my first chance away from the east coast with authors from around the world.
This is when I found out that they just don't add up, and can't stand up to my
scril. It was this time during the tour that I stopped and was satisfied that I
was the best out there. Keep in mind I went across the country a couple of
times and I am talking about this writing thing. This living this life thing in
the street thing. Yo Gary, I'm talking about writing this non fiction joint
saying, Yo Gary in this thing. Feel me.
I met all kinds of writers, scared writers, fake writers, groupie writers, not


writers writers you name it Gary. I mean, I blew my mind and I was out
there in it. The problem was I had expectations of what it was to be a 'street'
writer. In fact, I claim URBN and gave away URBAN when it came to
calling myself Urbn. These dudes were not giving up anything they were in
it for a dollar. They were pimping literature. It was this time I saw the
shadow of what was going on in the music industry. I stopped being around
this type of people because Eagles don't fly with buzzards. If you write you
don't need anyone else, it's writing, it's you. If someone has to co-sign yo
shit, it's shit.
After the disappointment in Milwaukee, being homeless with my sleeping
bag and things in tow, I decided to go hang out at a club. That's right, no one
with approval does this type thing. They were in their rooms at the hotel or
going out down stairs to the bar. Me, I was in the 'hood. I was watching
niggas do hood shit all day.
There was a bank parking lot across and down the street from the
bookstore and Ms Carla asked if I needed a ride to the bus station or hotel. I
couldn't tell her I was ruffing it. I was just hoping she would get the hell on
so I could throw my gear behind those bushes at the bank. I got good enough
dressed for the club before I left her store. She finally left and I thru the bags
in covered them up. No shit, I had to low crawl from that spot because I was
in the hood and didn't want to come back to my stuff missing. As I got down
the street some Jerry shit was going on. Some chick just ripped up this dude
shit for about to go into the club and started throwing his shit out while he
was trying to explain he didn't have nothing to do with the bitch that wouldn't
just walk away like he wasn't fucking her if you know what I mean. I mean I
was watching all this shit as I sat on the bench to gather myself and roll up.
Not a few minutes later I made it into the club and ordered a few drinks
and got the hell out of their. Dude didn't come in but the chick did, and just
about an hour later he and the other chick came in. It was time to ge out. I
didn't have time to explain shit like this in Milwaukee, so I went down the
street to my spot at the bank and called it a night after puffing to the stars.
The next day I went to the diner around the corner from the pub only with
al my gear. No shit, they ain't slow in Milwaukee, this chick that was waiting
on me got one of my books and all of five minutes I had a place to put my
bags and all. I was living in Milwaukee if I wanted to but my mind said get


back to Philly. So, I declined her offer, and let me tell you, she was working,
own place and all, and was not bad at all. I made sure to move faster, eat
faster before she said some shit like she lives upstairs and my dick get hard
type shit. You know what I mean Gary.

So yeah Mr. Ellis to catch a dragon, satan. You have to be a dragon. A
dragon must catch a dragon. This is why I was concieved in 1964 the year of
the dragon, the wood dragon. It is this that I was given the Holy Wood in
Philly. It was planted in New Haven and thus the drought conditions. As
stated in the AntiVote, it will reduce the water levels.
It was at my birth that the church of man came into decline. The peak of
the catholic church is 1963-1964. The Pope and Israel were on the decline
ever since. They killed Kennedy and here came the second installment of
Revenge. Satan was too caught up in trying to kill the Righteous of The
Almighty, he got caught slipping. The all seeing eye was not all seeing. The
Blood you have seen being spilled since WWII is the wailing of the beast.
This is Why someone like me was sent in. The devil thinks he is clever
enough not to be judged because the Almighty cannot contend to be his peer
because the Almighty will never be on that low level. So, send in URBN.
You see when you are conscience of the fact that you are from the spiritual
world you can never accept or be apart of the physical world. Therefore you
are a peer, hating this creation. The Fallen hating the first and me sent to hate
the second. IN other words they hate what the Almighty created and I hate
what they did to it on their level. I am here to experience all the trappings of
Satan on behalf of those that haven't, and then bare witness. Otherwise satan
would say: How can you judge me if you haven't been where I have


been? From death, to lies, adultery, theft and all satan will be held
accountable for this along with those that take part in this.

Should have stayed in Philly

I don't care if this Woman had man hair growing from her nipples that a
bic couldn't get. She was getting some dick. She couldn't use. When I first
saw her, I could relate her to a big three hundred pound nigga from around
the way, four feet tall, who's only chance was a strip club. This is the first
time in my life, I can understand anyone who says they gave up some pity
sex, took one for the team, or this is my duty to give you some cause you
don't get none kind of thing. Giving the situation, She deserved it let me
explain Gary.
So, I came back from Oklahoma, arriving in Philly on a rainy day like. It
was pleasant because slow in Philly is good when you just getting back into
the swing of things. I had made up my mind to go all in with staying in
Philly by now and had my storage unit and was getting my street vending
license situation together. To sell your books on the street you have to pay
for a license. I was doing it without one.
She called me and told me she was coming to the east coast. I guess she
had to have some more or something, only now I didn't think she deserved all
that. We went to the casino and got a room for a few days. Thats when I
noticed some of my items like my jacket missing, like books and other
things. She was picking blind. Now I know why she had all those odd things
in her house. I wasn't gonna tell the beginning of this story but I will.


It wasn't like the first time I went to Texas and I can't remember if I told
you this story or wrote this story. It was more than or almost ten years ago.
So, I don't want to repeat this if you heard this, but I will print this for those
that haven't. This is not the time I left Mejah in the RV and went to Under
One Roof in Killeen. Trust, it was the longest book signing, the soldiers were
going to Iraq and I stayed their for weeks. I sold more there than anywhere
but Mejah as signings. It was a signing everyday. I couldn't believe Koreans
were making soul food and brothers were making Tacos, it was weird. But, I
will get to the time I went homeless and hitchhiking cause niggas like to feel
your pain.
Let's see, I will begin with the Ms. Emma's Black Book Bizarre, she was a
Queen to me for real, treated me like Em. Then, there was the fine people of
The Black Book Worm in Fort Worth. There was a big market in Dallas, the
only thing is is you can't get to it. I even went to JoKae's which was not the
best of experiences, but that was the last trip.
After scheduling my signing dates from Philly, I had about two weeks
worth of free time while in Dallas between the weekend signings. I spent one
night at Black Book Bizarre, and then I was scoping out other hood spot and
other mall spots to husso up some sales. I found the best place at the mall.
Some Africans had a variety and bookstore in the Southwest mall.
It was time to move my house from Emmas' to The South West. The only
thing is, I didn't know the rules. People, know the rules when you go to
Texas. The guy said I could sign and sell books, and even let me shelve two
cases before the signing. I liked them more because they had a spot in
Houston and other places for me to ship books.
The move was by Transit. This is during the time I left Houston so I had
so much stuff, I was tired looking at it. It was nothing for me to throw things
in the trash. More about Houston later. Anyway, I made it to my new home
at the mall. It was evening so I tossed all of my things over the fence and
onto the highway. That's right, right onto the highway by the overpass. That
was going to be my house the next two weeks.
The next day I went back to Emmas and to the library to check with my
peoples and update things with my trip. Upon going back to the mall, I had


decided to hand out fliers telling of my signings in Dallas. I didn't know you
couldn't do that and instead of the black people saying brother you can't do
that they called the police. Someone told me to get out of the mall before the
cops got there so I left out the back door and got back on a bus.
Upon my returning before the mall closed: You can't come here, you
must take your books. the owner of the store said. I knew the police said
something and he was afraid. I packed my books and we settled up. No shit,
I sold like two hundred bucks worth in a day. He even kept some. He just
didn't want to deal with the cops, he thought they would deport him for
causing problems in America. You can't tell a Nigerian brother shit once they
get spooked them brothers ain't trying to go back to Africa and they know
people their.
Then, my phone started to get interrupted. It was a T-mobile account.
They are crap. When I dialed them and asked why my service was
interrupted they said that someone was in Dallas using my phone was it
stolen. I tried to explain it was me and that I was there from Philadelphia.
How did you get my number any way to cut it off I thought. So happens the
African guy gave the police my number and they wanted to ask me some
questions. Or, in my mind kill me like Kennedy. Can you come to the
store? they asked. I told them I couldn't, I am not from there, have no care.
Well, you can go to any location. So I went to the library to look up the
nearest location. It was almost a mile from the mall. I could walk it in no
time today. I told her I would be there tomorrow, so they weren't expecting
me. When I finally got there that evening, it was someone else that didn't
know what was going on in the shop at the time.
Then, when they turned on my phone and copied my identification, they
asked me to wait for what I knew were the police. I left the store heading
left, and went around the store, ran across the highway making sure not to use
the street and ended up back where my house for two week was. It was cat
and mouse from there. I had two weeks of this being hunted shit. From this
point I had to be more than on point.
I made sure I went to the WhattaBurger before the sun came up so no one
could see me and then on the bus and across town to Emmas area, and I even
went to Fort Worth on occasion where I met a few Rastas. It was just this
little mutherfucker in a damn security car that was my pain in the ass. Once


day after getting off the bus and heading to my cubby, he spotted me. To
make it worst it was starting to rain. I have a part of my gear, and thankfully
I had a sleeping bag on me.
I saw the car far across the parking lot, I mean he could have just ignored
me if he wanted to. But, when I saw the car lights dim and move, I knew he
saw me so I picked up the pace as I approached the corner I was next to. I
dipped behind the corner, throwing my bags against the wall over the bushes
as they slid from the wall, I did a blind jump right behind them and the
bushes. I didn't stand or anything, I simply rolled onto the bag and laid still
on my back and could see the yellow fake ass police lights bouncing off the
wall. The plants were huge and higher in elevation than the parking lot.
Yeah, the subject went behind the mall, I am behind him. he was saying
into the radio, and I am listening to this while he continued to roll by. Then
someone on foot. Do you see him?' Maybe he went inside. I was all but
four feet from him, but camouflage works. The rain was working as it started
to come down, and the darkness of the evening was setting in and I had a
overhang and just ate dinner.
The mall had closed and I had fallen to sleep and was awakened when
employees where going to their cars, leaving the lot. I said stay put in mind.
I rolled over and smoked a spliff and went back to sleep. There was no need
to risk getting caught when you ain't gonna get caught. But, it was on from
there. I finished my signings and had to get out. That's when I got in touch
with OKC. It was the next city.
It was thick now and I had to move out of the mall cubbie so I called OKC
and told her to come get me by 8am if she could. I called that morning at
about 4am before I went to the coffee house like usual. Then it happened.
The same parking guard caught up with me. This time I was all out. I
jumped the fence to the highway and got my things which took me two to
three trips across the lot. By this time, the guards called the cops and I don't
know why but it took them a while to get there I guess because of a change of
shift and the guy in the car is telling me to stop.
Here I am rolling a purple rolling luggage bag and several other bags and
he is behind me with lights flashing and I am ignoring this fool at two miles
per hour chasing me across the parking lot: Please Stop. Um saying fuck
you, while I'm on the phone with OKC who went to the wrong mall. When


she told me she was there, she was at the wrong mall throwing off my
coming out of hiding move. I could see the police coming off the highway
from the mall parking lot. Nothing like knowing they coming for you.
Where are You? I yelled into the phone. I'm here where are you, cops all
over the place. Follow the cops. I told her. Then the slow speed chase
came to an end. I saw her car.
Stop right there. So, I stopped. Open the trunk I never seen this
chick or anything Open the trunk. That's him The guards were saying,
now they had a chief mall guard guy with a white shirt. The look in
everyones eyes was of that of confusion. They didn't know what to do. I was
trying to sell and sign them a book. I explained to the officer who I was and
that this was all a mistake and that I had to get to OKC. She looked at me
like she knew she was gonna get fucked and I looked at her like she was
right. Now, just drive the car I thought. She got on the highway and then to
a store where I got some beer, and a Motel Six and I smoked and drank and it
had no affect on me, I could only think about not going to jail. I can't even
remember being with her. She was just looking at me with these big eyes
smiling. Oh brother. is all I could think off the next morning.


Now Mr. Ellis, once I decided to stay in Philadelphia my hold life changed
again. It was the middle of the night. I didn't know anyone and no one knew
me. I made it to Market Street with all the luggage I had. I had so much stuff
that the first bus driver wouldn't let me on. So, I hid half of it behind the bus
top and when the next bus came I got on and off and on and off until it all
was on the bus. Dudes with chicks on the bus had mad jokes: What
happened pops she kicked you out. the bus erupted in laughter. See, you
ain't nothing but Urbn now.
Where you going the driver asked. Is this going to the train station. He
said he would let me know when we got there. After taking all my things off
the bus, I made it into the station and made a cot like the other homeless
people at the station. I was waiting for the morning and the police said they
would make sure we were up before the morning rush hour started.
The next move was Robins bookstore. They let me keep my things there
and that's when I went about Philly trying to find a place. That place was the
Sunny B's on 13th and Pearl. Now for those that don't know. 13Th street is not
13th street. Philly is the home to the Masonic Temple on Broad. Broad is the
way that leads to destruction. I was in the right place.
It was in Philly at 15th and Vine that the Eagles came out of the sky and sat
with me and Devanna. That was the most thrilling experience of that time,
and many were to follow. I had not spoke to family in almost four years
other than my children. Mother and Father did not exist. The Almighty
became everything to me.



It all began in 1947 when those caling themselves Jews invaded Palestine
and formed the nation Israel. But, then again, what do you think World War
I was about. This Israel is the same which turned from The Almighty during
the time of Moses. This resulting formation is only the manifestation of the
prophecy of Enoch. Certainly these people are killing each other. This is
their divide and conquer technique which includes the act of religion created
by the Jews and the transformation into Catholic beliefs.
AS the Jew and Catholic were involved in the murder of one Jesus, and now
claim him. Just as they do in modern times with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
This includes the changing of Jesus' doctrine as well as Martins'. With
Jesus as in Enoch, they both are made in modern times to be caucasian or
european decent. Now, this is important because for the sake of 'currency
black people and other cultures under the guise of the church ignore the
truth. The African legacy which originates in Ethiopia or the land of the
Patriarch Enoch, a Black man. Which is opposite of zionism which makes
the chosen black man of Africa subordinate to the White Europeans whom
follow the crafts of the fallen spirits spoken of in The Book of Enoch.
Now, John Hagee and all of the other television evangelist will mention
Enoch and the rapture and the prophets at the end time. I say don't listen to
any of these people. Hagee calls black people marching for justice
Barbarians, these black people, the chosen. He sides with the police, the
murderers and those that do the deeds of Corporate American even involving
the Dakota protests of this day. He believes people should bow down to
injustices. He is the same stock of ministers that said nothing in the seventies
and the same descendants of those preachers and police officers attending
churches and then going out to hang black people.

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