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Classification of living things.

Bacteria, protoctists and fungi

Unit 6

Audio scripts:
 nit 6, activity 5, page 37. Listen to the plural forms of the taxonomic ranks and write
them next to the correct words.








Unit 6, activity 6, page 37. Listen and check your answers.


a) The only kingdom with prokaryotic organisms is monera.

b) Protoctists include both autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms.
c) Animals and plants have cells that are organised into tissues and organs.
d) Fungi are heterotrophs.

Unit 6, activity 8, page 37. Listen and complete the text.


Living beings are classified into big groups that are called kingdoms. All the individuals of the
same kingdom share the same basic characteristics. The most widely used classification divides
living things into five kingdoms. Living things of the monera kingdom are very small organisms
that can only be observed with very powerful microscopes.
Protoctist is a kingdom composed of heterogeneous groups. Fungi is a separate kingdom that
is between plants and animals. The plant kingdom includes terrestrial and aquatic species. The
animal kingdom is classified into vertebrates and invertebrates.

algaida editores, S.A. Authorized photocopiable material.

Unit 6, activity 12, page 39. Listen and repeat. Mark the stress in the words.

a) Amoeba.

e) Flagella.

b) Plasmodium.

f) Flagellum.

c) Cilia.

g) Autotrophic.

d) Cilium.

h) Autotroph.

Unit 6, activity 17, page 41. Listen and complete the text.

Plankton is the collection of living things of microscopic size that live drifting in water. These
microorganisms are the main food source for many marine animals. Microscopic algae form
plankton called phytoplankton which, is one of the main producers of oxygen on our planet.
Another component of plankton is zooplankton, made up of very small animals such as larvae
and small crustaceans.


Unit 6

Classification of living things. Bacteria, protoctists and fungi

Unit 6, extra activity 4. Listen and complete the sentences.


a) Bacteria can reproduce asexually by binary fission every 20 minutes.

b) Heterotrophic bacteria include parasites, which live inside other living beings, bacterial
symbiotes, and many others that feed on decomposing organic matter.
c) They have a thick wall that surrounds the plasma membrane and protects the cell.
d) Bacteria were the first living things which appeared on Earth.

Unit 6, extra activity 6. Listen and repeat. Mark the stress in the words.

a) Bacteria.

f) Hormone.

b) Decomposition.

g) Substance.

c) Saprophytic.

h) Parasite.

d) Symbiosis.

i) Cytoplasm.

e) Medicines.

j) Microorganism.

Unit 6, extra activity 10. Listen and complete the text.


The discipline ofbiology devoted to the study of fungi is known asmycology. The fungi kingdom
has an enormous diversity ofspecies. Most fungi are extremely small. They are genetically more
closely related to animals than to plants. We can find three types of fungi in nature: yeasts,
moulds and mushrooms.



Escherichia coli is abacteria that is commonly found in the lowerintestineofwarm-blooded

organisms.MostE. coliare harmless, but some of them can cause seriousfood poisoningin
human beings. The bacterium grows massively in fresh faecal matter under aerobic conditions
for three days. However, its numbers reduce slowly afterwards.

algaida editores, S.A. Authorized photocopiable material.

Unit 6, exam activity 2. Listen and complete the text.

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