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Five E Lesson Plan

Mitosis Review- Cell Cycle

Type of Lesson:
Inquiry and Challenged Activity
Learning Goal:
The students will be able to review the material they previously
learned at the beginning of the year regarding the cell cycle,
specifically Mitosis.
Key Question:
What are the main components of the Mitosis Cell Cycle?
Target TEKS:
112.34-5F: The student knows how an organism grows and the
importance of cell differentiation. The student is expected to:
(A) describe the stages of the cell cycle, including
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication and mitosis, and the
importance of the cell cycle to the growth of organisms
Related TEKS:
112.36-15D: The student knows that interactions among Earth's
five subsystems influence climate and resource availability,
which affect Earth's habitability. The student is expected to: (D)
explain the global carbon cycle, including how carbon exists in
different forms within the five subsystems and how these forms
affect life
Teacher Notes:
Materials Needed:
o EOC Released Questions
o Plicker Cards
o Mitosis Worksheet
o Scissors
o Manipulatives

As soon as the students come into the classroom and sit at their desks
(after the bell has rung), the instructor will begin by handing out each
students Plicker card. Each card is specifically assigned to each student
in order to hold him or her accountable for each question presented.
The instructor shows the students a Released End Of Course question
on the smart board and then the students have to answer each
question using their Plicker Card. All the cards are different shapes so
one student cant look at another students card and get the answer.
The students have to answer each question on their own. Then the
instructor uses her phone to scan each students Plicker Card to see
how many people get the answer right or wrong.

Reviewing previous material the students have been exposed to
regarding Mitosis.

The instructor will then hand out a Mitosis Worksheet that the students
must fill out using their own previous knowledge and their textbooks as
a reference if necessary. The students should be able to use their
previous knowledge of Mitosis in order to answer all the information on
the worksheet such as the two main stages of the Cell Cycle and the
purpose of each Cell Division. They can also refer to their textbooks for
a further explanation as well, if needed. Most of the information
needed can be found in detail on pages 136-137 of their Biology
textbook. After each section of the worksheet is filled out then the
students will need to use specific instructions in order to turn their
worksheet into an eight-page book. Using a series of different folds
such as hot dog and hamburger style-folds and cuts in the worksheet.

The students will do a final activity to show their mastery of the
concepts previously presented in the review session. This activity will
consist of the students thinking outside the box while using their
previous knowledge and keeping in mind the concepts of the eight-

page book they just created. They will be presented with a series of
manipulatives all mixed together and placed in a plastic baggy. The
students must take out all the different manipulatives and group them
all correctly. The first column should consist of all the different names
of the different phases in Mitosis such as Interphase, Prophase,
Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase. The next column should consist
of the different purposes of each phase. The following two columns
should consist of pictures of each phase either as a Cell Division Model
or as an implementation under the microscope. These can be used

Students will be continually self-assessed for over all understanding by
the instructor asking them a series of questions throughout the review
session regarding previous knowledge of Mitosis. The instructor will
also observe the students behaviors as they review the material. The
students will also show their complete understanding after they
complete the eight-page Mitosis mini book and the Mitosis
manipulative activity. Both of these activities will insure the instructor
that the students do understand the over all concepts of the Cell Cycle
because it will be a large portion of their End Of Course Exam the
following week on Wednesday.

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