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Okay, every time you jerk off, you orgasm

There's the physical part, and the chemical part

The chemical part is in your brain. The brain releases this stuff called dopamine to make you feel
good, because its rewarding you for impregnating a chick, passing on your genes
Only you're not
When you're watching porn, your brain is tricked into think you are actually sleeping with these
women. Your brain thinks you sleep with a harem of women everyday
Therefore, this impacts your motivation
Why would you want to do anything if you're already a stud?
Also, dopamine is released during normal social activity, but in lesser amounts
Basically you're cheating your brain chemically, rather than actually talking to girls, sleeping with
girls, which is hard work, your brain becomes addicted to this easy happy rush
Your brain thinks its doing great, when in fact you're not
By cutting out fapping, you cut out an easy way to get dopamine. So you're forced to go out and
socialize for your "fix" You have to break the cycle of easy pleasure and easy reward in order to
get anything tangible.

Since I'm at an all time high (more than half a year), I've decided to write out my thoughts,
experiences and tactics for tackling this beautiful thing called NoFap.
From reading this subreddit it's very easy to spot a common trend amongst the big majority of
NoFappers. Everyone who took some time and invested some energy in this knows the entire
theorybehind NoFap, right? They know the why and the how behind the entire idea. But it's
glaringly visible that amongst the 60k users here, only a small minority succeed in completing
the 90 day challenge and truly are committed to NoFap. The big majority is what I used to be

Knows that NoFap is right, yet they keep relapsing and telling themselves they'll eventually do
the damn thing and hook themselves off the addiction. But they won't. Just like a smoker who
throws away his cigarettes and then digs through his garbage to get them out because they
desperately need a hit of nicotine.
Why does this happen and how to finally succeed?
Part 1 - Complete understanding of the NoFap idea and an understanding of your
I'll make this easy for myself and just point you to this link:
Don't worry, it's not a porn site. Ok, it was a porn site. It was posted in this subreddit a while
ago. The owner of the site made a complete 180 and wrote out a huge essay about NoFap,
sexual energy and celibacy.
Read the entire text carefully and you will completely understand the entire idea behind NoFap.
And when you understand the idea, if you have half a brain and common sense, no offense,
you'll find the reasons to do NoFap and you really should have an intrinsic motivation. It is an
incredibly written text and covers male sexuality in a way never seen in modern society, the true
Part 2 - Conquer your mind, conquer NoFap - consciousness and awareness
After step 1, you should have enough motivation built up inside you not to struggle for the first
few days. Many people may struggle from day 1, but I firmly believe that step 1 should put you
in such a mindset that the first few days will have you excited not to fap, and you wouldn't do it
even if you had porn playing in front of you.
Then what happens? The early motivation wanes, It happens quickly, a few days is usually all it
takes. You see a hot picture, have a sexy dream and all of a sudden, you're relapsing.
It feels fucking great.
For the first minute or two. That's the sudden onrush of missing dopamine caused by too much
masturbation and then a sudden cessation of the practice for longer than what your brain likes
period of time.
Then the dopamine stops rushing. It flatlines. It stops feeling good mid-fap. You eventually
Regret ensues.
How to avoid this?

Remember, it all starts in the mind. I will list two rules below. When I say rules, I mean it.
You have to follow these 2 simple rules if you want to succeed with NoFap:

Do not, in any way, shape or form, touch yourself sexually. Not even a little.


Do not look at porn, hot images, images that are subtly sexual. Just avoid focusing on
anything sexual if it's not a real woman in real world which you're able to talk to and connect to
like a normal fucking person. Note: Don't even fantasise in your mind. Just don't.
What about sudden rushes of urges and dopamine, what do you do when you enter
"the haze"?
What is - "the haze"? It is a state of mind in a male, when he is aroused and thus the primary
task for the brain and the body is to impregnate the female because ofcourse, that is our main
purpose in this life. The animal can't think rationally and succumbs to his biological urges which
is to achieve orgasm and reproduce as fast as possible.
The "haze" is very powerful but since we as humans can think and are a bit more advanced than
animals, it's safe to say that you can master escaping it every single time.
I recommend The S.T.A.R. Method
Part 3 - How to "orgasm" with NoFap and make it a natural part of your life (forever)
If you follow the above two rules and completely avoid any sexual stimuli which isn't a real
woman you will have huge amounts of pent up sexual energy in you. Which brings us to this:
Sexual Transmutation.
Read it, learn it, use it. Thank me later.
It's important to be conscious and aware of potential triggers and situations. It's important to be
able to predict, react and stop. Use your sexual energy and transmute it into anything other than
the empty act of fapping. Your life will improve tenfold.
What do I mean by "orgasming" with NoFap?
Well, the problem many NoFappers have is that NF seems like an uphill struggle. It's hard, it's
long and there doesn't seem to be an actual end or a finite act to all this such is the orgasm to
the Fap. The only "ending" is the made up number of 90 or whatever days. That doesn't even
make sense. Why do the 90 days struggling and then what, get back into the habit of fapping 3
times a day and get back to being a human zombie?
That's why we use Sexual Transmutation which you've read up on.
Read slowly and carefully:
The urge you feel when you are horny and want to fap/have sex is NOT strictly the urge to cum.
It is not an urge to have sex or masturbate.
You don't need to have sex or masturbate ever again in your life and you'll be just fine.

But what is it then?

Despite not needing sex/fap and being completely fine without it, there's one thing you can't
You have to discharge your sexual energy through an outlet. Be it sex, fap or (you
guessed it) transmuting your sex energy into football, painting, music, whatever art, hobby or
sport you're into, the sexual energy MUST be discharged.
As the text says, if it's not discharged, it will force it's way out. (read: relapse.) Through sexual
transmutation you achieve "orgasm" by discharging your sexual energy without actually losing
your vital life force on nothing and bombarding your brain with mind shifting dopamine from
You still get horny, then you "fap" by discharging your sex energy and ultimately you are sexually
Does it sound familiar?
Well, I've run out of things to say. This is it from me. I didn't talk about benefits, E.D., this or
that...this is a pure guide on how to succeed in NoFap. NoFap is a continous process and as such
it has to be managed, otherwise you will fail.
Final note:
People forget. Write out a few hard facts from what you've learned today and read them every
single morning to yourself. Be conscious, be aware, never let your guard down.
Conquer your mind. It's easier if you know how and why.

Some of these ideas aren't all mine but I thought I'd combine other ideas with my own to create
a hypothesis for why this nofap business seems to work so well. I don't just mean recovering
porn addicts and the things Gary Wilson has already talked about, but perhaps some of the other
more mysterious elements (that Mr Wilson himself said might just be because everyone before
nofap was slightly addicted to porn, but personally I don't quite buy that).
I would just like to say, I'm not trained in science, psychology, anthropology or anything like
that, and this is somewhat based on mere thinking rather than actual research. I'm not
suggesting any of this to be definitely true, just an idea that could be and to me makes sense
that I'm throwing out that for the sake of debate. I am doing a degree in philosophy so hopefully
this has helped me think critically about this.
Also at times I might use the word energy. It could be referring to physical energy in the normal
sense, it could be used for want of a better word. I certainly don't mean it in a pseudo-scientific

sense. In new age bullshit they always talk about energy as if they've just invented a magical
force to explain something , I would just like to clarify I definitely don't not mean energy like
Why girls seem more attractive:
For recovering porn addicts it's probably due to restoring the old libido, but for others I think
there's an other explanation. If you've recently ejaculated, your body thinks you've had sex. It
seems quite possible that if your body thinks you've had sex, it's not going to be driving you to
get more, sort of saying 'well done bro, you can have a rest.' So the longer you go without
ejaculating the more your body is urging you to get that seed out of you and into a girl; it's
telling you your slacking and motivating you even more to reproduce.
The danger with PMO is it's so easy. You might not be that horny, your body may not be urging
you to get some seed out, but hey, an orgasm is still on orgasm so why not open a world of
millions of beautiful women and have a nice fap.
You might not be that hunrgy, but if there's a tasty looking bit of food in the fridge you might
just have a snack. To go to the effort of cooking a meal or walking to the shop, well that requires
real hunger to make the effort. To make the effort to talk to women, to try and seduce them and
flirt with them, well you might not NEED your body to urge you to do it, but it sure helps.
Why women react better to you:
I think if your body is (hypothetically) urging you to find a mate more than usual if you haven't
ejaculated in a while, then obviously you're going to notice women's subtle mannerisms when
they're interested in you more because your body is in that gear. So to some extent I think it's to
do with some of the same reasons we'll find women more attractive, but I think there's more.
When a women is ovulating men will find them more attractive. They're breasts and lips grow
slightly larger, saying 'look guys, this is the time you wanna get your seed in me so we can make
a baby'. I see no reason to believe something similar couldn't happen with men.
If you go haven't fapped in a while and your testicles are bulging with semen, then obviously
you'd be a better mate for reproduction than someone whose let one out this morning and had
three yesterday because you will be able to impregnate a girl more easily, thus you become more
desirable. I'm not sure how a female would be aware of this, perhaps pheromones or something
more subtle than women's breasts growing slightly, because obviously we'd notice if we suddenly
had bigger biceps or something ha.
Why you're more motivated:
Instinctively our main drives are to find food, fuck and father our offspring (the three fs perhaps)
amongst others, but it is not our instinct to learn to play guitar, read Shakespeare, work out or
anything like that. We can override our instincts of course, but perhaps even for tasks that aren't

related to sex or finding food, using some of the same energy can help us. I mean when you
want to fuck a girl you don't actually want to get them pregnant (most of the time), but you're
still using the same energy to drive you to do it. So why can't you divert that energy to
something entirely different?
Again, this could be all bullshit, just throwing it out there. If you think it's bullshit, be nice ha.
Also if people have said literally all of this before, sorry I didn't see it.

This post will be long and not straight-forward.

But the big picture should appear clearly as you keep on reading
Let's start with the first focus point.
The concept of a ''whoring oneself out''.
A term that can be described as the commitment-lessness of one's self.
In the scope of male and female interactions you have 3 individual forms of whoring.
A superior level. A valuable level.And an unwanted level.

Type 1:
The men that whore their bodies out to women.

Type 2:
The women that whore their bodies out to men.

Type 3:
The nice men that whore their bodies out to no one.
Now why does the men's whoring stand atop the other two?Why is the nice guy whoring at the
And why is the women's whoring only in the middle?What difference is there in each type of
Let's see.
In all makes sense when we start take a look at how our brains are wired as men and women.
We are truely different, not only in body but in mind. (obviously, but some people don't actually
really agree with this)
You might've heard a quote like :
''A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many
keys is a shitty lock.''
Well, no one got really wiser by reading this random shitty pun.
It does however hint to a direction towards the truth.
Now don't get alarmed and paint me as a hater of women' sexuality just yet.Stay with me.

Let's go back to the brain wiring.

While the age of technology and civil rights is blooming, our brains are still just plain primitive
and animal-wired organs.This is a fact.
So keep that in mind as you read what comes next.

Men are wired in a way that they naturally only give emotional commitment to a woman
after having had sex with her.
This makes sense, commitment or support from a male is needed in case the female gets
pregnant,which obviously happens only after sex.No commitment is needed to be given before

Men are able to have sex with a woman without necessarily giving out that commitment.
Now this sounds different?Yes.Males need to be able to impregnate multiple females at once,in
case the amount of fertile females is much higher then the amount of strong healthy fertile
men.In this case men need to be able to simply turn off the emotional commitment and have
sex with multiple partners. Why did I use more adjectives to describe the men the females want
then I did for females?More on that later.

Women need to first seek an emotional commitment before having sex with a man.
A female that gets impregnated is in an extremely vulnerable and high risk state for 9 months
and after that she is burdened with having to care for her offspring.It is absolutely necesarry
that before she runs the risk of getting pregnant she requires the full commitment of the men
she allows to have sex with her.

Again, a woman cannot have sex with a man without giving out and expecting emotional
A female does not naturally have sex with multiple partners. She cannot turn off her emotional
side in the activity sex because there has never been a need for it.A male has no comparable to
''getting impregnated''.There is no need for a male to have sex.Whether a single male has sex or
not does not matter in the grand scheme of things.
Males are disposable.One fertile male is enough to fertilize a large amount of women.
Women do not have sex with just about any male either.It is in their best interest and the
interest of the whole species that they chose the males who will give her optimal provision during
her pregnancy and after it.But also that they chose the males who carry the strongest genes in
the herd.
After all one man is all a female needs to get pregnant.So out of the abundance of men at the
disposal of the female herd, only the top will be chosen.
Cause after all, one strong healthy and fertile male can fertilize multiple females.
As you can slowly see, this is where the ''nice man'' starts to show up.

The Alpha men and ''other'' men.That is how females will split the male part of the herd.
This is why you hear of things like women find 80% of men to be unattractive/undesirable
As you may have heard, females are the gatekeepers of sex.
''Women have it so easy to get laid''
Yes they do.Women are not split into Alpha females and other females.
A man's mission is to be able to seek and impregnate the female that looks the healthiest and
protect her and his offspring.
A man's other mission, that is just as valuable is to be able to impregnate all the females in the
herd if needed.
A female's mission is to chose the strongest men in the herd to protect and impregnate her.
So the myth of women having it much easier to have sex is not really a myth, but frankly anyone
with a shred of common sense that doesn't bulge at the mere sight of political correctness
already knows this.
So we now know all men are divided into 2 groups by woman.The group that women wants to
fuck and the group women want nothing to do with.
Now let's go back to the ''whoring''.
Why is that the whoring of a man's body is set at the most superior level in our society?
Men that sleep around with tons of women, that show little to no respect to any of them are
adored (whether it's openly or secretly) by women.(And men alike!)
Why are women so attracted by this,why are other men so impressed by this?Why is literally
everyone in awe of this?
Because that is the gender role of a man.
A man doing such is one that is fullfilling his mission.That is to impregnate as many females as
he can.
And not only does he fuck around as much as possible, he does it with little to no commitment or
respect to the women he fucks.
And that is also allright and adored by everyone.
When a male impregnates multiple women he has no need to become emotionally commited.He
can knock them all up and move on with his day as if nothing happened.
Males are monogamous.They give their emotional commitment to a single woman.
The idea is that monogamy in humans and other primates evolved as a response to the threat of
males killing babies at the breast, the latter being a reproductive strategy for hurrying up the
female's return to fertility. Once the father starts sticking around, the threat is obviated, carrying
along with it associated benefits.''

This basically means that even though males are monogamous they are still supposed to be able
to fulfill their duty of impregnating a full group of females.Which explains the emotional switch
men have.
This is a very important point. Men can fuck without committing emotionally.
Men can chose at their will when they commit emotionally regardless of who they are currently
having intercourse with.
(this power coming from the 2 missions men have) So while women are the gatekeepers of sex.
Men are the gatekeepers of relationships.
Emotional commitment is a VERY important and valuable asset for both genders.
Females :'' I chose you as my alpha man, I want my offspring from you, and I want you to be
the man that protects and supports me and my children, for that I allow you to fertilize me.''
(gatekeepers of sex)
emotional commitment --> sex
Males : ''I chose to pass my genes on to you.And I also chose to stay committed to you, and to
protect and support you and your children.'' (gatekeepers of relationships) sex --> emotional
Now more clarification on the male side of this one.Sex is something a male offers by default.To
all women.Commitment though.
Is something a male will normally offer up to only one woman.
As said both genders are monogamous.
I have to stress yet again this is why emotional commitment is such a huge deal for both
Despite this one gender has to remain able to basically fuck anything that can move in case this
is needed.
This is why men who sleep around or ''whore out'' actually gain enormous social status.Not only
is it considered normal for them to do this, but it is a clear sign that they are alpha to both his
female and male peers.
After all as we know, the women's mission is to let only the best men they can get their hands
near their private parts.
A male that fucks around is a male that has been approved by many females as their ideal alpha
male protector.
And it's completely normal that such a male does this with no commitment whatsoever. eg. ''to
fuck and dump''
A male does not have to commit emotionally to fuck a women.
Which is why women get turned on by the whoring of the male body.
Not for a single second will a woman think ''this guy has emotionally connected to many other

No she will think that he has been doing what a good ol' male does, fuck while not giving a fuck.
And this is her chance to get HIM to commit and settle down to her.
Whichs explains the endless mysteries that nice guys have to face and pounder about.
Why do the girls go for the bad boy/asshole/douchebag/criminas that will dump her as soon as
they fucked her?why do they think they can fix them? (Note that I'm employing stereotypes
to make you recall the most obvious type of alpha, alpha's can be good and respectful
men as well of course.)
A man that fucks around and treats women with little to no respect is an alpha male doing his
thing.Impregnating females without the smallest of care or commitment in the world.
Females : ''That's the kind of man I want to settle down with me!!''
Nice guys : ''Huh?!Wait what,what?!''
A woman fully expects to get treated with barely any respect or feelings by a man until she has
given him sex.
Giving him sex is giving him emotional commitment, she enters an agreement for a
monogamous relationship, she fully expects the alpha male to give HIS emotional commitment in
Once a female has given sex to a male.She is at the complete mercy of the male.
She absolutely cannot give it without fully considering and consenting the man to be a worthy
candidate to a monogamous relationship.
This is why again women are gatekeepers of sex.
But men as we know have 2 missions or 2 settings.
After having sex the man can chose to either enter the monogamous relationship and give his
full emotional support and commitment to the woman.
Or he can simply chose to move on to the next woman.
Either way he fulfilled one of his missions.To impregnate the female or to start a relationship with
A woman has no idea, no way of knowing even in the slightest which mission the man is going to
chose.The only way she can know is by giving her male canditate sex, and then be at his
complete mercy.
Which is why men are the gatekeepers of relationships.
Smartfully so there's a reason to this absolute female ignorance.
In the worst case scenario a female must be able to let a man fertilize her that will not
necessarily take care of her as expected.
Again for example, worst case scenario :
There's only one strong and fertile male left in the herd and multiple woman.Despite there being

enough lesser males the best choice for evolution is still for that single alpha male to impregnate
all of the females in the herd.
At the same time how will nature let a woman willingly let a man fertilize her that won't even
take care of her while her very main mission is to look for an alpha male that will absolutely take
care of her and her children.
For this worst case scenario comes the second ''hidden'' mission of females.
That is to be ignorant.They have to be able to let the alpha male decide.But they cannot agree
consciously or their will be cognitive dissonance with their main mission.
It is the female's second mission to be completely dupable by the alpha male.So in times of need
the alpha male can impregnate the entire herd without any problem.
You may think in this case the Alpha male is the one taking control and taking sex from the
female by duping her.
Aren't females supposed to be gatekeepers of sex?
Yes they are.What these Alpha male do is not ''take sex'', they give the females the illusion of a
A female CANNOT consent to sex without offering herself up emotionally, she is after all giving up
her entire life and safety of her offrspring to a male when she has sex.She has to go all in right
from the start.
Women give sex to men.
But women seek relationships from men.
Men give sex or relationships to women.
An alpha male must be able to impregnate as many women as he can.Is it crucial to their
mission that they are able to dupe and override the female-male agreement of sex in exchange
for a monogamous relationship.
You always hear the nice men say:
''Why do girls go for such douchebags only to get dumped?!''
''Why does she believe she can change such a piece of shit of a man?''
''Why do girls complain about bad men when that's the only type they go for, what did they
''Why do girls ask for a nice guy but they always go for the ones that don't respect them?''
Because it is in their GENES to be dupable, and naive to the real motives of a male.It is in their
GENES to believe that the bad boy will stop fucking around and will settle with her and give her
emotional commitment, and change fully around.
''And why do these girls give the douchebags so much sex?''

Because sex is the only way for a woman to change a free alpha male (one that goes around
fucking females with little to no regard) to an alpha male in a monogamous relationship with her.
Why do girls throw so much sex at 'bad guys'?
Because that's the only way make him settle down and be nicer to her.
''Did you just say 'be nicer' to them?''
''That's what girls want right, someone to be nice to them?''
''Well I'm a nice guy, I'm nice right from the start, no headaches or duping with me, I'm honest
and genuine from the start, why am I being ignored?''
Because that's just not how things work. An alpha male treats women with minimal respect until
she offers him sex.And then only does the alpha male become nicer.End of the story.
No one likes desperation.You may think have thought before you read this that what people
despise is men and wome sleeping around, but now you know that is not true..So what do
people despise?
Desperation. The whoring out...not of your body, but of your emotional commitment. Absolutely
no one likes this.
A nice guy is a male that offers his emotional commitment before the female has even given him

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