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Daily Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Title/Subject: Rebelling Against Conformity

Standards (identify the content standards, or parts of them, that this lesson will

Purpose/Rationale (what do you want students to get from this lesson; why is
this lesson relevant to lives of students)
Students will understand the culture of the 1950s and why were people rebelling
against this culture. In addition naming examples of this rebellious culture.

Background Knowledge (How will you tap into the students prior knowledge,
experiences and prior learning)
Students will listen to and analize a song about the 1950s.

*Instructional Objectives: Must be

written in ABCD format observable and

Assessment (formal/informal)
HOW you will assess: WHAT you
will be looking for: Must align with
objective to the left

Students will be able to

understand the different trends
of society in the 1950s by
creating a poem, song, or

Students will create a poem,

song, comic book cover, or a
painting and write one
paragraph describing their

*Language Objectives:

about the language demands of the
lesson to determine the language
objectives. Each lesson must have at
least two academic language objectives.
The students will

Assessment (formal/informal)
HOW you will assess: WHAT you
will be looking for:

Students will learn the key

content terms of this chapter
including conformity, beatnik,
suburbia, beat movement, and
*Multicultural Objectives:
** How will the lesson address social

Students will create a poem,

song, comic book cover, or a
painting and write one
paragraph describing their
Assessment (formal/informal)HOW you will assess: WHAT you
will be looking for:

issues that relate to their life

experiences, communities, etc.

Students will be able to see the

different forces in society and
the nonconformists that rejected
the majority accepted rules.

Must align with objective to the left

Students will create a poem,

song, comic book cover, or a
painting and write one
paragraph describing their

*Expand table as necessary.

**Will be required by Week 8 of the semester

Materials and Safety Precautions (if applicable)

Textbook- History Alive! Pursuing American Ideals. Workbook pgs

247-253. A recording of "little boxes" by Malvina Reynolds.
Accommodations for special needs, advanced and English language
Extra time for assignments. Lyrics for the song in the preview.

Focus Lesson (Teacher does): After the preview, I will explain
the overview of the counterculture of the 1950s and what
avenues people took to escape the culture. I will also explain
terms that are unfamiliar to the students to help their
understanding of terms, such as conformity.
Modeling: I will model a typical 1950s dance for the students
to then do themselves.
Guided Instruction (Teacher and Students do together): I will
go over the worksheets with the class to make sure they know
the importance of the time period and the events. I will also
pass back the test and go over it with the students.
Collaborative Learning (Students do it together): The main
activity for the day, they will complete in groups, pgs 248-252,
that will be completed with information out of the textbook. It
will give them information on the beat movement, youth
movement, art of the 1950s, and comic books. They will create
a symbol of that particular subset of culture and list 3 facts
about it. Students can collaborate with their tables.
Independent Learning (Students do it alone): Students will
listen to the song in the preview and answer the questions.
Then we will discuss the answers to see what they learned.

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