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By Laws addendum/ Horse Club

Conduct Article III Members, Section H.

4H Programs and Armada Fair Macomb County: Participation in
the fair is subject to the observance of the Armada Fair and 4H
rules and regulations, code of conduct both fair and 4H and the
4H Alarro Club By-Laws. Any participant who knowingly violates
any rules, by-laws and code of conduct is subject to discipline, up
to and including removal from the activity he or she is
participating in, or the entire Armada Fair Macomb County 4H &
FFA Youth Fair.
We reserve the right to determination disciplinary action and it
shall be done with input from the Board. The Board will consist
of: Alarro Youth Council, Alarro Director and Co-Director (s) and
all MSUE screened Alarro 4H Leaders.
If a member participates in any act with their 4H Project and it is
considered dishonest to obtain higher goals, he/she will be
brought in front of the board with an opportunity to explain their
All Alarro 4H Youth Officers President, Vice President, Secretary,
4H Alarro Director, Alarro Co- Director (these position must be
filled by MSUE screened volunteers
Also, any and all Alarro 4H Project Leaders MSUE screened
members only.
Attendance Article III- Members, Section F.
Members who do not meet the requirement of at least 4 regular
scheduled meetings, unexcused will be subject to participate at a
scheduled Community Service for the amount of 4 hours. Failure
to do so my result in termination of participation within the Alarro
4H Club.
Club Dues Article III Members, Section D.
In the year 2016, the annual club dues will increase $10.00 per
4H member ($30.00 for family) and $5.00 per Clover sprout. Will
be due at October meeting.
Horse Club Members:

New 4H Member enrollment deadline is January 15th of that year.

Not the traditional MSUE deadline of April 1 of that year.

Any member participating in any 4H Horse show along with

Alarro Boots & Spurs MUST have a parent and or guardian
present the entire day of the horse show. A guardian must be at
least 18 years old, and have a signed permission note from the
members parents and or whomever is the legal guardian that
they, the parents, give permission to the indicated guardian to
be the adult representative of the student member the day of the
horse show. This includes authority to any medical decisions in
the event of an accident. The scheduled horse shows will be
limited to: Any 4H horse show in conjunction with the Macomb
County 4H Horse Project. Any shows at Camp Rotary, Ray, MI.
and at the Armada Fair grounds 4H Horse show. Any other 4H
horse show affiliated with the 4H Alarro Boots & Spurs Horse
Club, Macomb County. Michigan.
If there is no parent present and or no guardian present, the
member WILL not be permitted to mount and show their horse at
the horse show event unless member is age 18 and over.

Any social media or other forms of bantering, bullying, harassing

will not be tolerated. The member will be asked to leave the club
by the horse leader for the rest of the season. Re-Enrollment will
be determined.

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