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Experimental Study for High Strength SCC Beams Strengthened by External CFRP

under Shear Failure---ALI FAWZI\ALI FAWZI

Chapter Two
2.1 General
In this chapter, a survey of available related literature review oresearch
work related to shear behavior of SCC beams is considered. Literature review
on shear strengthening with FRP and the methods of design for this
strengthening are mentioned, shear behavior of the SCC beams and the
mechanisms of shear transfer in beams are also given.
2.2 Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC)
2.2.1 Basic Principles for Self-Compacting Concrete
The method for achieving self-compactability involves not only high
deformability of paste or mortar, but also resistance to segregation between
coarse aggregate and mortar when the concrete flows through the confined
zone of reinforcing bars(3).
SCC mixes always contain a powerful superplasticizer and often use a
large quantity of powder materials and/ or viscosity-modifying admixtures.
The super plasticizer is necessary for producing a highly fluid concrete mix
while the powder materials or viscosity agents are required to maintain
sufficient viscosity of the mix (low segregation and bleeding)(32).
SCC differs from compacting concrete (CC) in that its fresh properties
are critical to its ability to be placed satisfactorly. A concrete mix can only be
classified as self compacting concrete if the requirements for all three
characteristics below are fulfilled (a number of researchers agreed with the
following statements (8, 42, 42)):
1. Filling Ability: which is defined as the ability of fresh concrete to
flow, maintaining homogeneity whilst undergoing the deformation
necessary to completely fill the formwork, encasing the reinforcement
and achieving compaction through its own weight.

Chapter TWO


2. Passing Ability: which is defined as the ability of fresh concrete to

flow through tight openings such as between reinforcing rebar without
segregation or blocking.
3. Segregation Resistance: This is defined as the ability of fresh
concrete to remain homogenous in composition during and after
placement, without separation of individual components. It is also
referred to as the concrete stability. Another property was added(8).
4. Viscosity: can be assessed by T50cm time during the slumpflow test or
assessed by the V-funnel flow time. The time value obtained does not
measure the viscosity of SCC, but is related to it by describing rate of
flow. Concrete with a low viscosity will have very quick initial flow
and then stop. Concrete with a high viscosity may continue to creep
forward over an extended time.
Lars G.(32) reported some suggestions on suitability of test methods as
shown in Table (2-1).
Table (2-1) Some suggestions on suitability test methods(26)




T50 cm












Notations: XX= suitable

X= acceptable

n.a= not applicable

2.2.2 Limitation and Criteria for Workability of SCC
The various tests developed for assessing these properties are presented
in Table (2-2). The table also shows a comparison of different methods, in
terms of main property evaluated, and acceptability criteria suggested in
literatures such as Mehta, P.K., and Monteiro, P (27) and Schutter, G. (28).

Chapter TWO


Table (2-2) Test methods and the properties evaluated along with the
acceptance criteria for SCC (27, 28)



Acceptance criteria



Filling ability

Slump flow

Filling ability





Slump flow T50

Filling ability




Filling ability



Passing ability



Passing ability


Stability or segregation resistance


V-funnel T5min.


2.2.3 Mix-Design Methods for SCC

Self-compactability can be largely affected by the characteristics of
materials and the mix-proportions. A rational mix-design method for SCC
using a variety of materials is necessary (23).
Okamura and Ozawa (29) proposed a simple proportioning system. The
coarse and fine aggregate contents are fixed so that self-compactability can be
achieved easily by adjusting the water/binder ratio and superplasticizer
dosage only.
i. The coarse aggregate content in concrete is fixed at 50% of the solid
volume of the concrete.
ii. The fine aggregate content is fixed at 40% of the mortar volume.
iii. The water/binder ratio by volume is assumed as 0.9 to 1.0, depending
on the properties of the binder.
iv. The superplasticizer dosage and final water-powder ratio are
determined so as to ensure self-compactability.


Chapter TWO


Indicative typical ranges of properties and quantities in order to obtain

self- compactability are given below, and further modifications will be
necessary to meet strength and other performance requirements (8):
i. Water/powder ratio by volume of 0.8 to 1.10. Typical free water
content does not exceed 210 Liter/m3.
ii. Total powder (cement + mineral admixtures) content ranging from
0.16 to 0.24 by volume of the mix (380-600 kg/m3).
iii. Coarse aggregate content is normally 28 to 35 percent by volume of
the mix (750-1000 kg/m3).
iv. The sand content balances the volume of the other constituents.


suggested the following practical rules of thumb for the

proportioning SCC mixtures:

- Coarse aggregate content should be limited to (700-800) kg/m3 (about
50% of the total volume).
- Paste not less than 40% of the volume of the mixture.
- Low sand content in the mortar (40-50% by volume).

- Water/powder ratio not more than 0.5.

2.3 Factors Affecting Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete
Various parameters, which affect the shear strength of reinforced
concrete beams, are strength of concrete, tensile steel ratio (),beam size,
shear span to effective depth ratio (a/d) and shear reinforcement ratio (v)

.other factors affecting shear strength of concrete beams are given below


Type of loading (e.g., point load, two point load, uniformly distributed
load, symmetrical or unsymmetrical, repeated loadings, dynamic
loading, reversed loadings, axial loading, etc).
Shape of cross section (rectangular, T-section, L-section, etc).

Chapter TWO


Effect of the support (e.g., fixed, roller, width of the testing plates).
Effect of aggregate (e.g, Lightweight, shape, maximum size, texture,
Effect of the difference of concrete properties due to curing and
temperature during molding.
Effect of prestressing.
Effect of detailing (dimensional consistency, cover dimension, bar
spacing, number of bars used, etc).
The main factors explained in details as follow:
2.3.1 Concrete Compressive Strength ( )
Some codes of practice imply that beam shear strength is proportional
to the rate of ( )0.5 (ACI committee 318(33)).


concluded that the diagonal cracking load increases with

increased concrete strength. However, the rate of this load increase is lower
than that of concrete strength increase.
Taub and Neville


found that the influence of compressive strength

of concrete is greater when the failure is of the shear-compression type, and

for this reason, the effect of the compressive strength of concrete on the
strength of beams in shear decreases with the increase in (a/d) ratio.
Van der Berg (35) presented data on the shear strength of 44 simply
supported beams with between (15 to 60) MPa. It was concluded that the
relationship between

and the nominal shearing strength is non-linear. This

is because the shear strength depends on concrete tensile strength and the
latter has a curvilinear relationship with compressive strength.
Placas and Regan


proposed semiempirical equation for predicting

concrete contribution (Vc) for beams with web reinforcement as below:

Vc = 1.52(fc w)0.33 bw d


Where: Vc: shear strength of reinforced concrete beam (N)

fc': the compressive strength of concrete (MPa)
w: tensile steel reinforcement ratio

Chapter TWO


bw: width of section (mm)

d : depth of section (mm)
2.3.2 Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio (w)
The shear strength of a beam increases with increase in longitudinal
steel ratio. Taylor (32) found increase in diagonal cracking load for a beam with
increase in the amount of longitudinal reinforcement. Batchelor



a strong relationship between cracking shear and steel ratio in lightly

reinforced beams having steel ratio smaller than 0.015. Ahmed et al


concluded that the equations of shear strength could be unconservative for

high-strength concrete beams with a low percentage of longitudinal steel.
Ahmad and Lue (39) carried out a research and found that for very low steel
ratios, the flexural strength capacity is smaller than shear strength capacity
and for constant shear span to depth (a/d) ratio, the relative flexural strength
increases as the tensile steel ratio (w) decreases.
2.3.3 Beam size
More recently, Bazant and Kim


derived a shear strength equation

based on the theory of fracture mechanics. This equation accounts for the size
effect phenomenon as well as the longitudinal steel ratio and incorporates the
effect of aggregate size. This equation was calibrated using 296 previous tests
obtained from the literature and was compared with the AC1 Code equations.
It was noticed after the comparison that the practice used in the AC1 Code of
designing for diagonal shear crack initiation rather than ultimate strength does
not yield a uniform safety margin when different beam sizes are considered. It
was also found according to the new equation that for very large specimen
depths the factor of safety in the AC1 Code almost disappears.


conducted a number of tests on large-scale beams in which

the influence of member depth and aggregate size on shear strength was
investigated. In this study, lightly reinforced concrete beams containing no
transverse reinforcement were tested under a uniformly distributed load. The

Chapter TWO


beam depths in this experimental program ranged from 100 mm to 300 mm.
The same worker also found that the shear stress at failure decreased as the
member size increased and as the aggregate size decreased.
2.3.4 Shear Span-to-Effective Depth Ratio (a/d)
The shear span-to-depth ratio is the ratio of the distance (a) between
the support and the loading point to the effective depth (d) of the beam, i.e.,
(a/d). Many researches have shown that failure mode is strongly dependent on
the shear span to depth ratios (a/d). The shear strength increases as the shear
span to-depth ratio decreases (39, 42, 43, 44). This phenomenon is quite significant
in deep beams with the ratio (a/d) less than about 2.5 because a portion of
shear is transmitted directly to the support by an inclined strut (arch action).
As strut-and-tie models consider this direct shear flow in a concrete member,
it is more appropriate to use strut-and-tie models than sectional design
approaches for these deep beams (44).
Elzanaty et. al.


studied the behavior of HSC beams with fc' equal to

(65.5MPa) and longitudinal steel ratio of 1.2%-2.5%. They found that the
shear strength of test beams decreased with rising (a/d). They observed a high
shear strength of the beam with a/d =2, even with low w. Increasing (a/d)
from 2 to (4 and 6) leads to 9% and 35% decreases in shear strength in beams
with w values 2.5% and 1.2%, respectively.
2.3.5 Shear Reinforcement Ratio







contribution is an underlying assumption in most shear capacity analyses.

For example, the stirrup contribution predicted using the 45 truss analogy
(VS) is often combined with a concrete contribution (VC), to give the total
shear capacity as shown in Fig. (2-1) (46).


Chapter TWO


Fig.(2-1)Superposition of concrete and stirrups using the45truss analogy


The stirrup contribution assumes continuous curvature along the

shear-span. The concrete contribution is the shear capacity of an
equivalent beam without stirrups, in which the curvature at failure is
concentrated at a single critical crack (47).
The general form of the beam shear equation for beams with stirrups is (38):
Vn = Vc + kv fyv bw d ..... (2.2)
Vn : nominal shear strength of beam (N)
k: constant related to the stirrups contribution
v: web reinforcement ratio
fyv: yield stress of shear reinforcement (MPa)
2.4 Mechanisms of Shear Transfer
In reinforced concrete beams, shear does not produce failure directly
on the vertical plane on which it acts. The major effect of shear is to induce
tensile stresses on diagonal planes oriented approximately at (45) to the
vertical plane on which the shear acts. When these diagonal tension stresses,
in combination with bending stresses, exceed the tensile strength of the
concrete, diagonal tension cracks take place. A diagonal tension crack is

Chapter TWO


defined as an inclined crack in the shear span extending from the tensile
reinforcement towards the nearest concentrated load (48). Andrew and Gregory

defined the diagonal cracking stress as the shear stress at the time when

diagonal crack (the one that causes failure) becomes inclined and crosses middepth.
The shear force (V) in a cracked section of reinforced concrete beams,
with shear reinforcement (stirrups), is mainly resisted by the shear resistance
of compression zone (Vc), interlocking action of aggregate (Va), dowel action
(Vd) and shear reinforcement (Vs), as shown in Fig.(2-2). Meanwhile, in a
relatively short beam, the load is transferred directly from the loading points
to supports owing to arch action (48).
The amount of stirrup has the direct relations to the shear resistance by
increasing the effectiveness of beam action. Accordingly, in this terminology,
shear strength contributed by concrete was remained constant, no effect of
stirrup effectiveness, but changed in term of shear resisted by stirrup for
simplifying. Shear strength of beams with web reinforcement can be
determined by equation (2-3) (50):
Vn = Vc + Vs

.... (2-3) (33)

Where: Vn: nominal shear strength.

Vs: nominal shear strength provided by steel stirrups (N)
In summary, the shear carrying capacity of reinforced concrete beam
with web reinforcement does not simply sum up that of concrete and stirrups
together as Vc+Vs, but it has to concern with the interaction between them,
which actually depend on amount of web reinforcement (50).


Chapter TWO


Fig. (2-2) Shear Span of a Simply Supported RC Beam (48)

2.4.1 Uncracked Concrete and Flexural Compression Zone
In uncracked regions of a member, the shear force is transferred by
inclined principal tensile and compressive stresses, as visualized by the
principal shear-trajectories. The interaction of shear stress with tensile and
compressive stresses produces principal stresses, which may cause cracking
or crushing failure of the concrete. In cracked regions, this state of stress is
still valid in the uncracked compression zone(46).
2.4.2 Aggregate Interlock
The interface shear transfer mechanism was clearly described in the ACIASCE Committee 426 Report


based on the work carried out by Fenwick

and Paulay (51), Taylor (52), and Mattock and Hawkins (53).
The physical explanation of (Va) for normal density concrete is
"aggregate interlock", i.e.; aggregates protruding from the crack surface
provide resistance against slip. Because cracks go through the aggregates in
high strength concrete, the crack surface still has the ability to transfer shear,
thus, the term "friction" or "interface shear" is more appropriate (46).


developed a model that considered the probability that

aggregate particles (idealized as spheres) will project from the crack interface.
Other relationships have been proposed based on Walraven's




Chapter TWO

data (Kupfer et al.


and Vecchio and Collins

shear that can be transferred is a function of


) which assume that the

2.4.3 Dowel Action of Longitudinal Reinforcement (Vd)

The dowel action is the shear force carried by the longitudinal
reinforcement (crossing the shear crack). Normally, dowel action is not very
significant in members without web reinforcement because the maximum
shear in a dowel is limited by the tensile strength of the concrete cover
supporting the dowel. Dowel action may be significant in members with large
amounts of longitudinal reinforcement, particularly when the longitudinal
reinforcement is distributed in more than one layer (46).
2.4.4 Shear reinforcement
The truss analogy is used to view the action of web reinforcement
although this analogy helps to simplify design concepts and methods, it does
not consider the various types of shear transfer mechanisms properly. In
addition to any shear carried by stirrup itself, the shear reinforcement may
contribute significantly to the capacity of the member by restricting the
widening of inclined cracks, thus increasing the interface shear transfer,
dowel action and arch action (46).
2.5 Strengthening Concrete Sections
2.5.1 General
There have been techniques for strengthening almost as long as
structures have existed. When there was very limited structural knowledge,
structures were strengthened by insertion of extra members, supports or
increased dimensions, methods that still are used today. As building
knowledge has advanced, the strengthening techniques have become more
sophisticated, Carolin (57).
2.5.2 Historical Applications of FRP in Structural Engineering
To resolve corrosion problems in reinforcing steel and increase the
efficiency of repair work for the deteriorating RC infrastructure, professionals

Chapter TWO


have turned to alternative materials such as FRP composites. The interest in

the use of composites is attributable to declining manufacturing costs
combined with ease and speed of installation. FRP pre-cured laminates/shells
and strips are commonly used as external reinforcement for repair and
strengthening purposes.
The initial developments of FRP-strengthening technique took place in
1987, in Switzerland, under the leadership of Meier


.It was there that the

first on-site repair by externally bonded FRP took place in 1991. Since then,
strengthening by externally bonded FRP composites has been studied
worldwide. The sudden increase in the use of FRP composites was attained
after the 1995 Hyogoken Nanbu Earthquake in Japan. By 1997, more than
1500 concrete structures worldwide had been reinforced with externally
bonded FRP composites (59).
Strengthening with externally bonded FRP reinforcement has been
shown to be applicable to many types of RC structures. Currently, this
method has been implemented to strengthen such structural elements as
columns, beams, slabs, walls, chimneys, tunnels, and silos. The uses of
external FRP reinforcement may be generally classified as flexural
strengthening, improving the confinement and ductility of compression
members, and shear strengthening (60).
2.5.3 Strengthening Methods
It is important to stress that it is often more complicated to strengthen a
structure than to erect a new one. However, concerns must be taken to
existing materials, often in deteriorated condition, loads during strengthening
and to existing geometry. In some cases it is difficult to reach the areas that
need to be strengthened. Further, the existing documentation of the structure
is often very poor and sometimes even wrong (57).
The strengthening should be designed with consideration to minimize
the maintenance and repair needs. Not only the economical and structural
aspects that should form the basis for decisions of strengthening and choice of

Chapter TWO


strengthening method, but environmental and a-esthetic aspects must also be

considered. Another subject that must be considered when a strengthening of
a structure is designed which are the consequences from loss of strengthening
effectiveness by fire, vandalism, collision etc (57). Shear Strengthening of RC Beams Using CFRP
Berset (61), performed the first research focusing on shear strengthening
of reinforced concrete beams with composite materials by testing reinforced
concrete beams with externally bonded glass FRP (GFRP) laminates. He
proposed a simple analytical model to compute the contribution of the
external reinforcement to the shear capacity similarly to stirrups contribution.


, tested eight beams with continuous CFRP strips on sides or

fully wrapped. From the tests it was observed that CFRP substantially
increases the shear capacity of beams without stirrups. He concluded that, the
strains in the stirrups and the CFRP are different even at the same locations.
This is because a stirrup stretches evenly over its length while the CFRP strip,
which is adhered to concrete, stretches over a limited area across the shear
Sato et al.


, in their paper, tested six beams and demonstrated that

FRP increases the shear strength significantly. The U-wrap CFRP is more
effective than CFRP attached only to the sides. The strains of CFRP on two
beams were measured during the test; the first used U-wrap CFRP, while the
second had CFRP on sides only. It was shown that the CFRP strain along the
major shear crack was not uniform. CFRP strain is large at the middle of the
shear crack, small at the end of the crack. They concluded that the shear force
carried by CFRP was greater than that by stirrups.
Taerwe et al.


, tested five beams strengthened with U-wrap CFRP

strips. These strips have different CFRP distributions (continuous sheets or

strips). It was found that considerable shear strengthening can be obtained by
external FRP sheets bonding. However, the position and the distribution of
the FRP play important roles on the shear strengthening. They suggested that

Chapter TWO


CFRP increases the shear capacity in a way similar to that of internal stirrups.
The CFRP contribution can be calculated in a similar manner provided the
unique character of CFRP is considered, such as the amount and distribution
of the ultimate strains. Behavior of Bond between CFRP and Concrete
CFRP is integrated to reinforced concrete beams with epoxy glue. Prior
to cracking, CFRP and concrete work together. The modulus of elasticity of
CFRP at tension is about 7 times bigger than the modulus of elasticity of
concrete. Therefore external CFRP reinforcement of the flexural reinforced
concrete member restricts the strains in concrete tension, since prior to
cracking concrete and CFRP work together. Also the critical tension strains of
CFRP are much bigger than those of the concrete. As a result, the critical
tension strains of the concrete increases. It has also been found that CFRP
reinforcement in the tension zone influences expansion of cracks and restricts
the cracks development; therefore the width and height of the cracks do not
increase (64).
Due to the extreme importance of the bond between CFRP and the
concrete, some researchers performed experiments to better understand and
define this behavior.
The application of FRP plate or sheet material has been likened to
applying wallpaper; once it has been rolled on carefully to remove entrapped
air and excess adhesive it may be left unsupported. In general, no bolts are
required; in fact, the use of bolts would seriously weaken the material unless
additional cover plats are bond on. Furthermore, because there is no need to
drill into the structure to fix bolts or other mechanical anchors there is on risk
of damaging the existing reinforcement (65).
Chajes et al.


used single-lap shear test specimen to study the bond

strength and force transfer of graphite/epoxy composite. If proper adhesive

was used, the specimen would fail by concrete shearing directly beneath the

Chapter TWO


bond surface. They suggested the bond strength is proportional to

. The

tests indicated that the strain distribution in the CFRP along the bond length
decreases at a fairly linear rate. This means that the bond stress is almost
uniform. Tests also showed that there is a bond development length beyond
which no further increase in load force can be achieved.
2.6 Shear Strengthening Options by CFRP
2.6.1 General
In shear strengthening situations of RC beams, externally bonded FRP
reinforcement is used to wrap the beam cross section with the fibers in the
transverse direction in order to reinforce against diagonal tension cracks in
much the same way as steel stirrups. From this general approach, several
configurations of FRP shear reinforcing have been devised and investigated.
The goal of this section is to describe several alternatives that are available to
the designer that were considered by researchers.
2.6.2 Bonded Surface Configurations (Shape of CFRP Strip)
In shear strengthening situations of RC beams, three options of FRP
bonded surface configuration have been investigated

(62, 64 and 67)

. The first

option is to apply the FRP reinforcement on both sides of the beam. The
effectiveness of this configuration is limited due to possible debonding failure
of the FRP reinforcement


. The second option is to wrap the sides and

bottom of the beams (U-wrap) and the third is total wrap (wrapped around).
The U-wrap is practical and is relatively effective in increasing the shear
capacity of the beams


. However, when the shear cracks develop at

approximately 45 degrees, the FRP reinforcement (U-wrap) may have

minimal bonded length near the compression flange of a T-section, usually
leading to a premature failure due to debonding.
2.6.3 Shear Reinforcement Spacing of CFRP Strips


Chapter TWO


The transverse FRP reinforcement may be in the form of a continuous

wrap or as spaced strips. The use of strips may be effective in optimizing the
amount of material used (22).
2.6.4 Fiber Orientation of CFRP Strips
Because FRP is anisotropic material with high strength in the direction
of the fibers, the fibers may be oriented in such a way to best reinforce against
diagonal tension cracks. This is achieved by the use of inclined strips.
However, vertical plies are easier to install just as with the case of vertical and
inclined stirrups (22).
2.7 Design Approaches Adopted
2.7.1 General
The majority of researches treat FRP like internal stirrups. They
consider that FRP can resist shear force directly, and then use traditional
stirrup design methods to predict the FRP contribution to shear capacity. Both
truss models and compression field theory were also studied. The main
difference between researches is that they use different methods to predict the
effective FRP strain and stress at failure, since FRP does not reach its ultimate
tensile strength (22).
The methods of design are described in the following existed codes:
2.7.2 ACI.318 M -14 approach (33)
For member subjected to shear and flexural only, the nominal shear
strength (Vn) can be determined by equation (2-3). ACI.318 M -11



the basic expression for shear strength of concrete (Vc):

Vc = [0.16 fc +17( w Vud/Mu)] bwd 0.29 fc bw d .. (2.4)
Mu = factored moment at section (kN.m)
( Vud/Mu) should not be taken greater than unity
= modification factor for lightweight concrete which varies from 0.75 to
0.85. For normal weight concrete it is equal to 1 (33).

Chapter TWO


The nominal shear strength (Vs ) provided by steel should be computed

by :
Vs =Avfyvd/S... (2.5)

area of shear reinforcement perpendicular to flexural tension

reinforcement within a distance (S).

fyv = yield strength of shear reinforcement, MPa.
Vs 2 fc bwd/3 ... (2.6)
Minimum shear reinforcement is required, where the factored shear

exceeds one-half the factored nominal concrete shear strength

). Once met, the minimum area of steel, as shown:

.. (2.7)

(mm) is the center to center spacing of the shear

(mm2) is the minimum area of shear reinforcement

within spacing


(mm) is the web width, and

(MPa) is the

specified yield strength of the transverse reinforcement. Where, the maximum

spacing of stirrups used for this purpose should not exceed the smaller of
(1.5h) or (480 mm).
In this study minimum shear reinforcement

and the maximum

spacing of the shear reinforcement Smax are used.

2.7.3 ACI 440.2R-08 Guide for the Design and Construction of
Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete
Structures (69)
Strengthening for shear is covered in Chapter 11 of the guide
ACI 440.2R-08


which considers three types of FRP wrapping schemes

used to increase the shear strength of prismatic, rectangular beams, or

columns (Fig.2-3). Although all three techniques have been shown to improve
the shear strength of a member, completely wrapping the section is the most

Chapter TWO


efficient, followed by the three-sided U-wrap. Bonding to two sides of a beam

is the least efficient scheme.

Fig. (2-3) Typical wrapping schemes for shear strengthening using FRP
laminates (69)
The additional strength gain from the FRP is analogous to the shear
strength contribution from steel and concrete respectively allowable.
Committee 440 considers a value up to 40% increase in flexural strength
capacity is reasonable. In this respect, the FRP contribution is simply added to
the previous two shear contributions, resulting in a nominal resistance as
shown in Equation (2.8):
. (2.8)
Where strength reduction factor equal to 0.75 ,
Equation (2.5), and

is calculated using

is calculated using Equation (2.5) and (2.6). For

from table (2-3) to be calculated

from Equation (2.9).

Table (2-3) Recommended additional reduction factors for FRP shear

reinforcement (69)
= 0.95

Completely wrapped members

= 0.85

Three-side and two-opposite-sides schemes


Chapter TWO


Fig. (2-4) Illustration of the dimensional variables used in shearstrengthening calculations for repair, retrofit, or strengthening using FRP
laminates (69)
Fig. (2-4) illustrates the dimensional variables used in shearstrengthening calculations for FRP laminates, where Vf is calculated
according to the Equation (2.9):

is the area of FRP as fiber shear reinforcement within

spacing Sf and defined in Equation (2.10),

shear reinforcement (mm),

is the effective depth of FRP

effective stress in the FRP stress level attained

at section failure (MPa), = angle of inclination of stirrups or spirals

(degree), and

is the distance between FRP strips c/c (mm):

.. (2.10)

Where n number of plies of FRP reinforcement,

one ply of FRP reinforcement (mm) and

nominal thickness of

the width of FRP reinforcing is

plies (Fig. (2.4))

... (2.11)

tensile modulus of elasticity of FRP (MPa) and fe =

effective strain level in FRP attained at failure. Equation (2.12) represents the
design strain limit in CFRP for beams completely wrapped with CFRP and
loaded in shear:


.................................................................... (2.12)
is design rupture strain of FRP reinforcement.

Chapter TWO


For bonded face plies or bonded by the three-sided U-wrap or bonded

to two sides of a beam, FRP systems have been observed to delaminate from
the concrete before the loss of aggregate interlock of the section. Thus, a
bond-reduction coefficient

is applied by ACI 440.2R-08


guide to the

calculation of strain level that can be achieved in FRP system:

. (2.13)
The bond-reduction coefficient is calculated based on the concrete
strength, the wrapping scheme, and the stiffness of the laminate, as denoted in
Equation (2.14):
. (2.14)

is the active bond length over which the majority of the bond

stress is maintained,


are modification factors to the bond-reduction

coefficient that account for the concrete strength and the type of wrapping
scheme used, respectively. Expressions for

and for the modification

factors are given in Equation (2.15), (2.16) and (2.17):

... (2.15)

..... (2.16)

.. (2.17)

Where nf modular ratio of elasticity between FRP and concrete = Ef /Ec

The total shear strength provided by reinforcement should be taken as
the sum of the contribution of the FRP strips and the steel shear
reinforcement. The sum of the shear strengths provided by the shear
reinforcement (steel plus FRP) should be limited based on the criteria given
by ACI 318-11 (33). This limit is stated in Equation (2.18):

Chapter TWO


.................................................................... (2.18)

2.8 Literature Summary

From all the experiments found in the literature, the following
conclusions can be drawn:
1- In all the cases, FRP fiber did not reach its ultimate tensile strength due to
the bond to the concrete and stress concentrations.
2- Most of the failure mode of concrete beams with FRP strips bonded to
sides only or with U-wrap FRP strips is debonding of FRP from the concrete,
while the failure mode of concrete beams with FRP totally wrapped is FRP
rupture or concrete failure. Usually FRP rupture occurs at corners of the cross
section or along the shear crack due to stress concentration.
3- The bond between FRP and concrete is critical, which makes it possible to
increase the shear strength of beams with U-wrap strips or with strips bonded
to the sides. The bond also plays an important role in beams with FRP strips
wrapped around the section.
4- Generally, wrapped FRP strips around the cross section are the most
effective way to increase the beam shear capacity, while bonding FRP on
beam sides is the least effective way.
5-The fiber orientation does not appear to have a great influence on the
development of shear capacity.
In the literature, there is a vast amount of research on several subjects
that include direct shear behavior of several types of concrete, rebar influence
and pressure influence, etc.
Most previous researches studied the effect of CFRP on the shear
resistance and the effective characters on SCC beam. They found that shear
resistance will be increased in the beam with CFRP when the spacing between
CFRP strips decreased specially the case that of fully wrap beam which gave
the higher shear resistance, but they do not mention to an economy way to do


Chapter TWO


it so that excess of material can be avoided. This can lead that the contractor
(or the owner) can have economic and safe structure.
This work aims at studying the influence of carbon fiber with
reinforced SCC beams (according to shear span to depth ratio (a/d), shape and
CFRP amount and distribution) to resist the shear force in the reinforced SCC
beams with taking the structural safety with economy side in the study
because the CFRP sheets have expensive price in local market.


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