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Esta obra ha sido realizada bajo la iniciativa

y coordinacin general del Editor.

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Coordinacin editorial: M Jos Simn Aragn, Jordi Teb Soriano
Asesora pedaggica: Llus Figueras Havidich, M Rosa Ramntol Estela
Realizacin: dos ms dos edicions, s. l.
Ilustraciones: Juanjo Barco (Alins ilustracin), Estudi Farrs
Cartografa: Santi Maicas
Diseo de cubierta: Juan Manuel Neira

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Larousse Editorial, S.L.

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Primera edicin: 2007
Tercera reimpresin: septiembre 2013
ISBN: 978-84-7153-268-8
Depsito legal: TO-0002-2009
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uiz ya tengas la costumbre de consultar el diccionario o

puede que esta sea la primera vez que ojeas uno. En cualquier caso, te ser til leer estas pginas para descubrir todas las cosas que puedes aprender con este libro. En primer lugar,
hablemos de nmeros. Vas a encontrar 30.000 palabras o entradas
(17.000 de ellas en lengua inglesa) y 70.000 traducciones. Hay diccionarios que tienen muchsimas ms, pero no estn adaptados al curso
que t realizas o a la etapa educativa en la que te encuentras. Tiempo
al tiempo: ya los descubrirs. Ahora te interesa tener una seleccin
de vocabulario que nuestros expertos editores y un grupo de profesores han seleccionado para ti, para que da a da y ao tras ao vayas
ampliando tus conocimientos de ingls de forma gradual.
Casi sin darte cuenta, vas aprendiendo vocabulario nuevo cada da
ya sea en clase, al ver una pelcula, al escuchar una cancin o al visitar
una pgina web. A veces puedes deducir el significado de una palabra
desconocida porque pertenece a la misma familia que otra que s has
estudiado, pero hay ocasiones en que no es fcil. Entonces, recurre a tu
diccionario: aprenders el significado de esa palabra nueva, encontrars
ejemplos que te ensearn cmo se usa y otras informaciones que, con
ayuda de tu profesor, te permitirn mejorar tu ingls.
Has empezado a ojear el diccionario por las pginas centrales?
Te han gustado las lminas? Hemos seleccionado algunos temas
interesantes para que aprendas palabras nuevas y recuerdes el
significado de las que ya conoces. Vers que muchos dibujos te
recuerdan lo que has estudiado en clase.
Puede que alguna vez hayas pensado cmo sera hablar
nicamente ingls con los compaeros y profesores. En las pginas
azules encontrars diversas frases ordenadas por asignaturas para
que puedas ir practicando. Seguro que disfrutas aprendiendo
expresiones que te gustara decir en ingls pero que no encuentras
en los libros! Tus profesores te orientarn para sacarles el mejor
partido tanto al vocabulario como a las frases.
Y ahora que conoces mejor el diccionario que tienes en las manos
scale el mximo provecho. Are you ready?


Cmo usar este diccionario

Abreviaturas usadas en este diccionario


Aprender en ingls



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Cmo usar

este diccionario
Quizs pienses que un diccionario slo te ensea la traduccin
de una palabra. Vamos a explicarte todas las cosas que puedes
hacer con l, porque seguro que alguna de ellas te resultar nueva:

Has descubierto que una palabra se escriba de manera distinta

a la que creas? Cada da utilizamos ms palabras en ingls pero
a veces no sabemos cmo se escriben o nos da pereza buscarlas
en el diccionario. Acurdate bien de cada palabra que busques
y as consolidars tu vocabulario.


appearance [pIrns] n 1 (becoming

aparcamiento nm 1 (accin) parking. 2

arithmetic [(n) rITmtIk; (adj) QrIT

aproximacin nf 1 (gen) approxi-

visible) aparicin f. 2 (before a court, etc)

comparecencia. 3 (look) apariencia.
metIk] n aritmtica.
P adj


(en la calle) place to park, parking


mation. 2 (acercamiento) bringing together; (de pases) rapprochement.

Ves los corchetes [ ] que hay inmediatamente despus de la palabra

en ingls? Si lees lo que pone, la sabrs pronunciar, porque
en ingls muchas palabras se pronuncian de forma distinta a como se
escriben. Tal vez hay signos que no entiendes, pero en otro apartado
hablaremos de ellos y te ensearemos qu significa cada uno.


achievement [tSivmnt] n 1 (com-

pletion) realizacin f. 2 (attainment)

logro. 3 (feat) hazaa, proeza.

Cmo usar este diccionario


Has visto unas abreviaturas despus de cmo se pronuncia una

palabra? Estas letras te indican si la palabra es un verbo transitivo,
un nombre, un adjetivo, un adverbio, etc. Seguro que tus profesores
de lengua te han explicado el significado de estas palabras. Aqu
puedes poner en prctica todo lo que te explican: a veces una misma
palabra inglesa puede ser un nombre o un adjetivo y tener dos
significados diferentes. Hay que prestar atencin a las diferentes
funciones de las palabras para no confundirse al traducir.


behind [bIhaInd] prep detrs de.

P adv 1 detrs, atrs. 2 (late) atrasa

P n fam (buttocks) trasero.

alemn,ana adj German.

P nm
P nm

& nf (persona) German.

alemn (idioma) German.

Ves que en algunas palabras aparecen unos nmeros en color azul?

Estos te indican los diferentes significados de una palabra.
El nmero 1 sera el significado ms corriente, pero los otros tambin
son interesantes y te pueden ayudar a encontrar la traduccin
que buscas.


capital [kQpItl] n 1 (of country, etc) capital f. 2 fin capital m: starting capital
capital inicial. 3 (letter) mayscula:
write it in capitals escrbelo con maysculas.

ampliar vt 1 to enlarge, extend. 2


to build an extension onto.

3 (fotografa) to enlarge. 4 (capital) to

increase. 5 (estudios) to further. 6

(tema, idea) to develop, expand on.

Hay palabras que slo se emplean en una expresin

concreta o que slo se usan con una preposicin. Otras tienen
peculiaridades, como un plural irregular. Por eso debes
asegurarte de leer todo lo que se dice de esa palabra.
Seguro que descubrirs cosas nuevas que te ayudarn a comprender
mejor su significado y su uso.


capability [keIpbIlItI] n capacidad

f (to, para/de).
pl capabilities.

absorto,a adj 1 (pasmado) amazed,

bewildered. 2 (ensimismado) ab
sorbed (en, in).

Has visto un recuadro azul con las letras c o m p ? Quiere decir que
la palabra que has buscado acostumbra a aparecer junto a otra y la
suma de las dos tiene un significado distinto. Has visto tambin


Cmo usar este diccionario


las letras l o c ? Ahora puedes aprender frases o expresiones donde

aparece esa palabra y ver de qu verbos va acompaada normalmente.
elementary [elImentrI] adj 1 (basic)

elemental, bsico,a. 2 (easy) fcil,

sencillo,a. c o m p elementary educa
tion enseanza primaria.
faithfully [feITfUlI] adv fielmente.
l o c yours faithfully (in letter) atentamente.

accidente nm 1 accident: sufrir un acci-

dente to have an accident. 2 (terreno)

unevenness. l o c por accidente by
chance. c o m p accidente de trabajo industrial accident. y accidente de trfi
co road accident. y accidentes geo
grficos geographical features.

Has visto unas letras (por ejemplo GB) despus de uno de los nmeros
que indican los diferentes significados? O despus de una entrada y
antes de una flecha? Este diccionario te explica las palabras segn se
utilizan en Gran Bretaa. Algunas cosas tienen nombres distintos en
Estados Unidos, en Canad o en Australia, y el diccionario te explica si
la palabra que buscas se emplea nicamente en uno de esos pases.
Si aparecen otras letras, cada una de ellas se refiere a la especialidad en
la que se utiliza esa palabra: por ejemplo, un significado de cocina,
militar, etc.


dresser [dresr] n 1 gb (in kitchen) apara-

dor m. 2 us (chest of drawers) tocador m.

fail [feIl] n educ suspenso.
P vt 1 (let down) fallar, decepcionar;
(desert) fallar, faltar. 2 educ suspender.

ADN abrev med (cido desoxirribonucleico) desoxyribonucleic acid;

(abreviatura) DNA.

adobar vt 1 culin to marinate, marinade. 2 (pieles) to tan.

Si ves un cuadro azul con una ,, lelo con atencin Esa informacin
es muy interesante. En ingls hay palabras que a veces se parecen al
castellano, pero no quieren decir lo mismo y puedes equivocarte.


fabric [fQbrIk] n 1 (material) tela, tejido. 2 (structure) fbrica, estructura.

Fabric no significa 'fbrica', que se

traduce por factory.

Un diccionario a veces se parece a una minienciclopedia.

Si ves un texto con el fondo azul y una bola del mundo, all
encontrars explicaciones sobre las costumbres de los pases


Cmo usar este diccionario

donde se habla ingls. Seguro que en el colegio tambin te las

explicarn y el diccionario te ayudar a recordarlas.
GCSE [dZisiesi] abbr gb (General Certifi-

cate of Secondary Education) Ensean-

za Secundaria Obligatoria; (abbreviation)

ESO f.

" GSCE es el examen que se hace en

Gran Bretaa al final de la enseanza secundaria, a los 16 aos aproximadamente.

Has buscado una palabra que queras saber y te has encontrado una
flecha y otra palabra que desconoces? Entonces ests de suerte, vas
a aprender al menos dos palabras. Eso quiere decir que para conocer
esa palabra has de ir a otra ms importante o de la cual viene o con
la que tiene relacin. Entonces podrs conocer su significado.


got [gt] pt & pp get.

gray [greI] adj us grey.

adecuado,a pp adecuar.
P adj

adequate, suitable.

Adems, tambin encontrars mucha informacin referida a las

palabras, como su plural, su pasado o su participio, si son irregulares,
o explicaciones sobre su utilizacin. Para que localices rpido estas
explicaciones, van precedidas de una o un ..


berry [berI] n baya.

pl berries.

. Hay muchas frutas cuyo nombre se

forma con berry, ya que se trata de bayas.
Por ejemplo: blackberry (mora), gooseberry (grosella espinosa), raspberry
(frambuesa) o strawberry (fresn).

Esperamos que todas estas explicaciones te sean de ayuda y las utilices.

Ahora puedes empezar a utilizar tu diccionario porque ya ests
preparado para saber cmo usarlo.


Abreviaturas usadas
en este diccionario


abreviatura, abbreviation
familiar use, uso familiar
adjective, adjetivo
fig figurative use,
abbreviation, abreviatura
uso figurado
adverb, adverbio
finance, finanzas
aeronautics, aeronutica
fsica, physics
agriculture, agricultura
formal use, uso formal
am American Spanish,
future, futuro
gb British English,
espaol americano
anatomy, anatoma
ingls britnico
architecture, arquitectura
in general, en general
argot, slang
geography, geografa
arquitectura, architecture
geology, geologa
art, arte
gerund, gerundio
article, artculo
gram grammar, gramtica
art def artculo definido,
history, historia
imperat imperative, imperativo
definite article
art indef artculo indefinido,
imperf imperfect, imperfecto
indef art indefinite article,
indefinite article
automobiles, automvil
artculo indefinido
aviation, aviacin
indicative, indicativo
biology, biologa
infinitive, infinitivo
botany, botnica
inform informtica, computing
chem chemistry, qumica
interjection, interjeccin
cinem cinema, cinematografa
ironic, irnico
comercio, commerce
irnico, ironic
comm commerce, comercio
law, derecho
comp comparative, comparativo
linguistics, lingstica
comput computing, informtica
literature, literatura
conjunction, conjuncin
locucin, phrase
contraction, contraccin
maritime, martimo
costura, sewing
matemticas, mathematics
culin cookery, cocina
mathematics, matemticas
def art definite article,
medicine, medicina
meteor meteorology,
artculo definido
deporte, sport
education, educacin
military, militar
electricity, electricidad
music, msica
etcetera, etctera
msica, music
euf uso eufemstico,
noun, nombre
neuter, neutro
euphemistic use
euph euphemistic
nf feminine noun,
uso eufemstico
nombre femenino

Abreviaturas usadas en este diccionario

nf pl plural feminine noun,

nombre femenino plural

nm masculine noun,
nombre masculino
nm o nf m
 asculine or feminine noun,
nombre de gnero ambiguo
nm & nf masculine and feminine
noun, nombre de gnero
nm pl masculine plural noun,
nombre masculino plural
plural noun, nombre plural
os oneself
pejorative, peyorativo
person, persona
peyorativo, pejorative
phrase, locucin
physics, fsica
politics, poltica
pp past participle,
participio pasado
prefix, prefijo
preposition, preposicin
present, presente
pronoun, pronombre
past, pasado
qumica, chemistry
rad radio
religion, religin
sewing, costura
smbolo, symbol
sing singular
slang, argot
sport, deporte
subjunctive, subjuntivo
superl superlative, superlativo
symb symbol, smbolo
teatro, theatre
tcnica, technical
technical, tcnica
theat theatre, teatro
television, televisin
us American English,
ingls norteamericano


v aux auxiliary verb,

verbo auxiliar

vi intransitive verb,

verbo intransitivo

vpr pronominal verb,

verbo pronominal

vt transitive verb,

verbo transitivo

vt insep inseparable transitive

 hrasal verb, verbo

preposicional transitivo
vt sep separable transitive
phrasal verb, verbo
preposicional transitivo
zoology, zoologa
approximately equivalent
to, aproximadamente
equivalente a

see, vase
indica cambio de categora
a indica que se trata
de un phrasal verb
l o c 
indica que se inicia
el bloque de frases
y locuciones
c o m p indica que se inicia
e l bloque de
indica que se inicia una
nota sobre algn tipo
de irregularidad morfolgica
indica que se inicia una
nota sobre alguna
particularidad de
la palabra
, indica que se inicia una
nota sobre un falso
indica que se inicia una
nota de tipo cultural


A, a [eI] n 1 (the letter) A, a. 2 mus la.

a [eI, unstressed ] indef art 1 un, una: a

man and a woman un hombre y una mu

jer. 2 (not translated): Im a history teacher
soy profesor de historia; two and a half
litres dos litros y medio. 3 (per) por:
three times a week tres veces por semana;
3 a kilo tres libras el kilo. 4 (a certain) un
tal, una tal: a Mr Fletcher would like to see
you un tal Sr. Fletcher quiere verle.

. Se usa delante de las palabras que em

piezan con sonido no voclico. Consulta
tambin an.

aback [bQk] adv hacia atrs.

be taken aback asombrarse.



abacus [Qbks] n baco.

abandon [bQndn] vt abandonar.
abate [beIt] vi (gen) reducirse; (storm,

anger) amainar; (wind) cesar.

P vt (reduce) reducir; (stop) acabar con.
abattoir [QbtwAr] n matadero.
abbey [QbI] n abada.
abbot [Qbt] n abad m.
abbreviate [brivIeIt] vt abreviar.
abbreviation [brivIeISn] n 1 (shortening) abreviacin f. 2 (shortened form)
abdicate [QbdIkeIt] vi abdicar.
abdomen [Qbdmn] n abdomen m.
abdominal [QbdmInl] adj abdomi
nal. c o m p abdominal muscles mscu
los abdominales.
abduct [Qbdkt] vt raptar, secuestrar.
abhor [bhr] vt aborrecer, detestar.

a to abide by vt insep (promise) cumplir

con; (rules, decision) acatar.
ability [bIlItI] n 1 (capability) capaci
dad f, aptitud f. 2 (talent) talento.

pl abilities.

ablation [bleISn] n ablacin f.

ablaze [bleIz] adj ardiendo, en llamas.
able [eIbl] adj 1 que puede: those able

to escape did so aqullos que podan se

escaparon. 2 (capable) hbil, capaz,
competente: hes a very able administrator es un gestor muy competente. l o c
to be able to poder.

. En pasado, to be able to se emplea en

vez de could para expresar una capacidad
relacionada con un acontecimiento con
creto: we weren't able to go no pudimos ir.

abnormal [Qbnml] adj 1 (not normal)

anormal. 2 (unusual) inusual.

aboard [bd] adv (ship, plane) a bordo;

(train) en el tren; (bus) en el autobs.

P prep (ship, plane) a bordo de; (train, bus)
en. l o c to go aboard 1 (ship, plane) em
barcar, subir a bordo. 2 (train, bus) su

abode [bUd] n


sin domicilio fijo.

of no fixed abode

abolish [blIS] vt 1 abolir, suprimir.

2 jur derogar.

abominable [bmInbl] adj abomi

nable; (terrible) terrible, horrible. c o m p

the Abominable Snowman el Yeti.
aborigine [QbrIdZInI] n aborigen mf.
abort [bt] vi abortar.
P vt 1 (foetus) abortar. 2 (mission, pro pt & pp abhorred, ger abhorring.
gram, etc) abortar.
abide [baId] vt (bear, stand) soportar,
that woman no abortion [bSn] n 1 (of foetus) aborto.
aguantar: I cant abide
2 (of mission, etc) interrupcin f.
aguanto a esa mujer.


abound [baUnd] vi abundar.

about [baUt] prep 1 (concerning) sobre,

acerca de: to speak about hablar de;

what is the book about? de qu trata el li
bro? 2 (showing where) por, en; (around)
alrededor de: hes somewhere about the
house est por algn rincn de la casa.
P adv 1 (approximately) alrededor de: at
about three oclock a eso de las tres; it cost
about 500 cost unas quinientas libras.
2 fam (almost) casi: shes about finished
est a punto de acabar. 3 (near) por
aqu, por ah: there was nobody about no
haba nadie. l o c to be about to estar
a punto de y how/what about +
noun qu te parece + sustantivo?: how
about a pizza? qu te parece si tomamos
una pizza? y how/what about + -ing y
si + subj?: how about going to Paris y si
furamos a Pars?
above [bv] prep 1 (higher than) por
encima de: above our heads por encima
de nuestras cabezas. 2 (more than) ms
de, ms que: above 5,000 people ms de
5.000 personas.
P adv 1 arriba, en lo alto: the palace,
seen from above el palacio, visto desde
arriba. 2 (in writing) arriba: see above va
se arriba. l o c above all sobre todo.
above-board [bvbd] adj leg
timo,a, legal.


[brest] adv l o c to walk

abreast caminar uno al lado de otro;
to keep abreast of things estar al tan

to de las cosas.

abridge [brIdZ] vt resumir, abreviar.

abroad [brd] adv (position) en el ex

tranjero; (movement) al extranjero.

[brpt] adj 1 (sudden) repen
tino,a. 2 (rude) brusco,a, arisco,a. 3
(slope) empinado,a.


ABS [eIbies] abbr (anti-lock braking system) sistema m de antibloqueo; (ab-

breviation) ABS.


[Qbses] n (gen) absceso; (on

gum) flemn m.

absent [(adj) Qbsnt; (vb) Qbsent] adj 1

ausente. 2 (expression) distrado,a.

absentee [Qbsnti] n ausente mf.

absenteeism [QbsntiIzm] n absen

absent-minded [QbsntmaIndId] adj

distrado,a, despistado,a.


[Q bs lUt ] adj 1 (gen)

absoluto,a. 2 (total) total: there was absolute silence hubo silencio total. c o m p
absolute zero cero absoluto.
absolutely [QbslUtlI] adv completa
mente, totalmente.
P interj (agreement) por supuesto!,
desde luego!: I think we should sell.

What about you John? Oh, absolutely!

creo que deberamos vender. Y t

John? Oh, por supuesto!
absolution [QbslUSn] n absolucin f.
absolutism [QbslUtIzm] n absolu
absolve [bzlv] vt absolver (of/from,
absorb [bzb] vt 1 (liquids, etc) absor
ber; (shock) amortiguar. 2 (time) ocupar.
absorption [bzpSn] n absorcin f.
abstain [bsteIn] vi abstenerse (from,
abstemious [QbstimIs] adj abste
mio,a, sobrio,a.
abstention [QbstenSn] n abstencin f.
abstinence [QbstInns] n abstinencia.
abstract [ (adj-n) QbstrQkt ; (vb) Qb
strQkt] adj (not concrete) abstracto,a.
P n (summary) resumen m.
absurd [bsd] adj absurdo,a.
abundance [bndns] n abundancia.
abundant [bndnt] adj abundante.
abuse [(n) bjUs; (vb) bjUz] n 1 (verbal)
insultos mpl; (physical) malos tratos
mpl. 2 (misuse) abuso.
P vt 1 (verbally) insultar; (physically)
maltratar. 2 (misuse) abusar de.
abyss [bIs] n abismo.
abysmal [bIsml] adj psimo,-a.

abscond [bsknd] vi fugarse.

AC [eIsi] abbr elec (alternating current)
abseil [QbseIl] vi hacer rappel.
corriente f alterna; (abbreviation) CA f.
absence [Qbsns]
n 1 (of person) ausen academic [QkdemIk] adj 1 (gen) aca
cia. 2 (of thing) falta, carencia.

dmico,a. 2 (theoretical) terico: its a


purely academic question es una cuestin

puramente terica.
P n (scholar) acadmico,a; (lecturer)
profesor,ra universitario,a. c o m p
academic year ao acadmico.
academy [kQdmI] n 1 academia. 2
(in Scotland) instituto de enseanza

pl academies.

accelerate [QkselreIt] vt acelerar.

P vi


acceleration [QkselreISn] n acelera

cin f.

dor m.

[kselreItr] n acelera

accent [(n) Qksnt; (vb) Qksent] n acento.

P vt


accentuate [QksentSUeIt] vt acentuar.

accentuation [QksentSUeISn] n acen
tuacin f.

accept [ksept] vt aceptar, admitir.

acceptable [kseptbl] adj acepta
ble, admisible.

acceptance [kseptns] n 1 (act of accept-

ing) aceptacin f. 2 (approval) acogida.

access [Qkses] n acceso.
P vt comput acceder a, entrar en. c o m p
access code cdigo de acceso. y access
road carretera de acceso.
accessibility [QksesIbIlItI] n accesi
bilidad f.
accessible [QksesIbl] adj 1 accesible.
2 (person) asequible, tratable.
accessory [QksesrI] n 1 (gadget) acce
sorio. 2 jur (accomplice) cmplice mf.
P n pl accessories (bag, gloves, etc) com
plementos mpl.
pl accessories.



[kmdeIS n] n

accomplice [kmplIs] n cmplice mf.

accomplish [kmplIS] vt lograr.
accomplishment [kmplISmnt] n 1

(act of achieving) realizacin f. 2 (achievement) logro.

P n pl accomplishments (skills) aptitu
des fpl, dotes fpl, habilidades fpl.
accord [kd] n (agreement) acuerdo:
the Oslo accords los acuerdos de Oslo. l o c
of ones own accord espontneamen
te, por propia voluntad.
P vt (award) conceder, otorgar.

To accord no significa acordar, que

se traduce por to agree.

accordance [kdns]

l o c in accord
ance with de acuerdo con.
according [kdIN] prep according to
1 segn: according to Philip/the paper/my
watch segn Philip/el peridico/mi reloj.
2 (consistent with) de acuerdo con: it
went according to plan sali tal como se

haba previsto.

accordion [kdIn] n acorden m.

account [kaUnt] n 1 (in bank) cuenta. 2

(report) relacin f, relato, informe m: he

gave us an account of his experiences nos
cont sus experiencias. l o c on account of
por, a causa de: dont leave on my account
no te vayas por m. y on no account bajo
ningn concepto. y to keep the ac
counts llevar las cuentas. y to take into
account tener en cuenta. c o m p accounts
department seccin f de contabilidad.
a to account for vi explicar.

accountable [kaUntbl] adj

l o c to be
accountable to sb for sth ser responsa

ble ante algn de algo.

[QksIdnt] n accidente m.
by accident por casualidad.
accidental [QksIdent l] adj fort ui

accountant [kaUntnt] n contable mf.

accumulate [kjUmjUleIt] vt acumular.

acclaim [kleIm] n 1 (welcome) aclama

accumulation [kjUmjUleISn] n acu



P vi


cin f. 2 (praise) elogios mpl, alabanza.

mulacin f.
P vt 1 (welcome) aclamar. 2 (praise) elo
accumulator [kjUmjUleItr] n acu
giar, alabar.
mulador m.
acclimatize [klaImtaIz] vt aclimatar. accuracy [QkjUrsI] n 1 (of numbers, inP vi aclimatarse.
strument, information) exactitud f, preci
accommodate [kmdeIt] vt alojar.
sin f. 2 (of shot) certeza.


[QkjUrt] adj 1 (numbers, etc)

exacto,a, preciso,a. 2 (instrument) de
precisin. 3 (shot) certero,a.
accusation [QkjUzeISn] n acusacin f.
accuse [kjUz] vt acusar (of, de).
accused [kjUzd] n the accused (man)
el acusado; (woman) la acusada.
accustom [kstm] vt acostumbrar
(to, a).

accustomed [kstmd] adj

l o c to be
accustomed to esar acostumbrado a.
ace [eIs] n 1 (gen) as m. 2 (tennis) ace m.
acetic [sitIk] adj actico,a. c o m p ace
tic acid cido actico.
acetone [QsItUn] n acetona.
acetylene [setIlin] n acetileno.
ache [eIk] n dolor m.
P vi doler: my head aches me duele la ca

beza, tengo dolor de cabeza.

. Ache se usa para formar palabras

compuestas como headache (dolor de cabeza), toothache (dolor de muelas), earache (dolor de odos) o stomach-ache
(dolor de estmago).

achieve [tSiv] vt 1 (finish) realizar, lle

var a cabo. 2 (attain) lograr, conseguir.

achievement [tSivmnt] n 1 (comple-

tion) realizacin f. 2 (attainment) logro.

3 (feat) hazaa, proeza.
Achilles [kIliz] n Aquiles. c o m p Achilles
heel fig taln m de Aquiles. y Achil
les tendon anat tendn m de Aquiles.
acid [QsId] adj 1 chem cido,a. 2
(taste) agrio,a. c o m p acid rain lluvia
P n chem cido,a.
acknowledge [knlIdZ] vt 1 (admit)
admitir, reconocer. 2 (be thankful)
agradecer, expresar agradecimiento
por. l o c to acknowledge receipt of
acusar recibo de.

acknowledgement [knlIdZmnt] n

acne [QknI] n acn f.

acorn [eIkn] n bellota.
acoustic [kUstIk] adj acstico,a.
acoustics [kUstIks] n (science) acstica.

pl (sound conditions) acstica f sing.

acquaint [kweInt] vt informar (with,

de). l o c to acquaint os with sth fami

liarizarse con algo. y to be acquaint
ed with sb conocer a algn, tener trato
con algn.
acquaintance [kweIntns] n (person)
conocido,a: an acquaintance of mine un
conocido mo. l o c to make sbs acquaint
ance conocer a algn.
acquiesce [QkwIes] vi consentir (in,
en), conformarse (in, con).
acquire [kwaIr] vt adquirir.
acquisition [QkwIzISn] n adquisicin f.
acquit [kwIt] vt absolver, declarar
pt & pp acquitted, ger acquitting.

acquittal [kwItl] n absolucin f.

acre [eIkr] n acre m.
. Un acre equivale a 40,47 hectreas.

acrobat [QkrbQt] n acrbata mf.

acrobatic [QkrbQtIk] adj acrobti

acronym [QkrnIm] n sigla.

acropolis [krplIs] n acrpolis f.
across [krs] prep 1 (movement) a tra

vs de, de un lado a otro de: to swim

across a river cruzar un ro nadando/a na
do. 2 (position) al otro lado de: they live
across the road viven enfrente.
P adv de un lado a otro: its 4 metres
across mide 4 metros de lado a lado.
. Con verbos como walk, run, swim, etc,
se suele traducir por cruzar o atravesar.

acrylic [krIlIk] adj acrlico,a.

act [Qkt] n 1 acto, accin f. 2 theat ac

to. 3 (of parliament) ley f. c o m p act of

God fuerza mayor.
(thanks) muestra de agradecimiento.
P vi 1 (do something) actuar. 2 (behave)
c o m p acknowledgement of receipt acu
portarse, comportarse: she acts like a
se m de recibo.
little girl se comporta como una nia. 3
(in theatre) actuar, hacer teatro; (in cinacknowledgment
[QknlIdZmnt] n
ema) actuar, hacer cine.
1 (recognition) reconocimiento. 2


P vt hacer el papel de: shes acting (the
part of) Portia ella hace el papel de Por


a to act as vt insep hacer de: I had to act as

interpreter tuve que hacer de intrprete.

acting [QktIN] adj en funciones.

P n 1 theat (profession) teatro. 2 (performance) interpretacin f, actuacin f.

actinium [QktInIm] n actinio.
action [QkSn] n 1 (gen) accin f. 2 jur
demanda. c o m p action replay repeti
cin f de la jugada. y action stations
zafarrancho de combate.

Action no significa accin (de una

empresa), que se traduce por share.

activate [QktIveIt] vt (mechanism, bomb)


activation [QktIveISn] n (of mechanism,

bomb) activacin f.

active [QktIv] adj activo,a.

c o m p the
active voice la voz activa.
activism [QktIvIzm] n activismo.
activist [QktIvIst] n activista mf.
activity [QktIvItI] n actividad f.
pl activities.
actor [Qktr] n actor m.
actress [Qktrs] n actriz f.
actual [QktSUl] adj real, verd ad e


Actual no significa actual, que se

traduce por present, current o up-todate.

fino,a, muy desarrollado,a.


acute accent acento agudo. y acute tri

angle tringulo acutngulo.
AD [eIdi] abbr (Anno Domini) despus

de Cristo; (abbreviation) d.J.C.

ad [Qd] n fam anuncio.

Adam [Qdm] n Adn m.

c o m p Adams
apple nuez f (de la garganta).
adamant [Qdmnt] adj firme, in
flexible. l o c to be adamant about sth

mantenerse firme en algo.

adapt [dQpt] vt adaptar.

P vi


adaptable [dQptbl] adj (person) ca

paz de adaptarse.

cin f.

[QdpteIS n] n adapta

adapter [dQptr] n elec adaptor.

adaptor [dQptr] n elec ladrn m.
add [Qd] vt 1 (gen) aadir, agregar. 2
(numbers) sumar.

a to add to vt insep aumentar.

a to add up vt sep (numbers) sumar.

fig cuadrar: theres something funny

going on; it doesnt add up pasa algo raro;

P vi

es que no cuadra.

addend [Qdnd] n mat sumando.

adder [Qdr] n zool vbora.
addict [QdIkt] n 1 adicto,a. 2 fam (fanatic) fantico,a.

addicted [dIktId] adj adicto,a.

addiction [dIkSn] n adiccin f.
addictive [dIktIv] adj que crea adic

cin: nicotine is addictive la nicotina crea

addition [dISn] n 1 adicin f, aadi
dura. 2 math adicin f, suma. l o c in
addition to adems de.
additional [dISnl] adj adicional.
additive [QdItIv] n aditivo.
, Actually no significa actualmente, additive-free [QdItIvfri] adj sin adi
que se traduce por nowadays, at present.
address [dres] n 1 (on letter) direccin
acupuncture [ Q k j U p n k t S ] n
f, seas fpl. 2 (speech) discurso, alocu
cin f.
acupuncturist [QkjUpnktSrIst] n
P vt 1 (problem) abordar. 2 (person) diri
acupunturista mf.
girse a. c o m p address book libro de
acute [kjUt] adj 1 (gen)
agudo,a. 2 (andirecciones. y form of address trata
gle) agudo,a. 3 (hearing, etc) muy

actually [QktjUlI] adv 1 en realidad,

realmente, de hecho: I havent actually

decided what to do yet en realidad, toda
va no he decidido qu hacer. 2 (indicating surprise) incluso, hasta: she actually
accused me of stealing her bag hasta me
acus de robarle el bolso.


adductor [dkt ] n anat aductor,ra.

adenoids [QdnIdz] n pl adenoides

mpl, vegetaciones fpl.

[dept] adj experto,a, dies



Adept no significa adepto, seguidor,

que se traducen por follower, supporter.

adequate [QdIkwt] adj 1 (enough) su

ficiente. 2 (satisfactory) satisf act o

adhere [dhIr] vi (stick) adherirse, pe
adherent [dhIrnt] adj adherente.
adhesive [dhisIv] adj adhesivo,a.
P n adhesivo.
adipose [QdIpUz] adj adiposo,a.
adjacent [dZeIsnt] adj adyacente.
c o m p adjacent angles ngulos adya
adjective [QdZIktIv] n adjetivo.
adjoin [dZIn] vt lindar con.
P vi colindar.
adjoining [dZInIN] adj 1 (building)
contiguo,a. 2 (land) colindante.
adjourn [dZn] vt aplazar, suspender.
P vi suspenderse.
adjournment [dZnmnt] n aplaza
miento, suspensin f.
adjust [dZst] vt ajustar, arreglar.
P vi (person) adaptarse.
adjustable [dZstbl] adj regulable.
c o m p adjustable spanner llave f inglesa.
adjustment [dZstmnt] n 1 ajuste
m, arreglo. 2 (person) adaptacin f.
3 (change) cambio.
administer [dmInIstr] vt 1 (control)
administrar. 2 (give) administrar, dar;
(laws, punishment) aplicar.
administration [dmInIstreISn] n 1 ad
ministracin f. 2 (of law, etc) aplicacin f.


[ d m a I r r] n ( g e n )
admirador,ra; (suitor) pretendiente mf.
admissible [dmIsIbl] adj admisible.
admission [dmISn] n 1 (gen) admisin
f; (to hospital) ingreso. 2 (price) entrada. 3
(acknowledgement) reconocimiento.
admit [dmIt] vt 1 (allow in) admitir; (to
hospital) ingresar. 2 (acknowledge) reco

pt & pp admitted, ger admitting.

[dmIt ns] n entrada.
l o c No admittance Prohibida la


admittedly [dmItIdlI] adv es verdad

que, lo cierto es que.

admonish [dmnIS] vt amonestar.

ado [dU] n l o c without further ado
sin ms prembulos.

adobe [dUbI] n adobe m.

adolescence [Qdlesns] n adoles


[Qdles nt] adj adoles

P n adolescente mf.
adopt [dpt] vt adoptar.
adoption [dpSn] n adopcin f.
adoptive [dptIv] adj adoptivo,a.
adore [dr] vt adorar.
adorn [dn] vt adornar.
adrenalin [drenlIn] n adrenalina.
Adriatic [eIdrIQtIk] adj adritico,a.
c o m p the Adriatic (Sea) el (mar) Adri
adrift [drIft] adj a la deriva.
adulate [QdjUleIt] vt adular.
adult [Qdlt] adj 1 (gen) adulto,a. 2
(film, etc) para adultos.
P n adulto,a.
adulterate [dltreIt] vt adulterar.
adultery [dltrI] n adulterio.
advance [dvAns] n 1 (gen) avance m.
2 (payment) anticipo. l o c in advance 1
administrator [dmInIstreIt ] n
(gen) antes. 2 (rent, etc) por adelantado.
P vt 1 (gen) avanzar. 2 (money, date)

admirable [QdmIrb l] adj admirable.

admiral [Qdmrl] n almirante m.
advantage [dvAntIdZ] n 1 ventaja.
admiration [QdmIreISn] n admira
2 (benefit) provecho. l o c to take ad
cin f.
vantage of 1 (thing) aprovechar. 2 (per
son) aprovecharse de.
admire [dmaIr] vt admirar.



[QdvnteIdZs] adj

ventajoso,a, provechoso,a.
adventure [dventS r] n aventura.
c o m p adventure playground parque m
adverb [Qdvb] n adverbio.
adversary [QdvsrI] n adversa
pl adversaries.

adversative [QdvstIv] adj adver


adverse [Qdvs] adj desfavorable.

adversity [dvsItI] n adversidad f.
pl adversities.
advert [Qdvt] n fam anuncio.
advertise [QdvtaIz] vt anunciar.
P vi hacer publicidad.


[dvtIsmnt] n

pl advertisements (on television) pu

blicidad f, anuncios mpl.


Advertisement no significa adverten

cia, que se traduce por warning.

advertiser [QdvtaIzr] n anunciante mf.

advertising [QdvtaIzIN] n publici
dad f. c o m p advertising agency agen
cia de publicidad. y advertising cam
paign campaa publicitaria.
advice [dvaIs] n consejos mpl. c o m p a
piece of advice un consejo.
advise [dvaIz] vt aconsejar.

To advise no significa avisar, que se

traduce por to warn.

adviser [dvaIzr] n consejero,a.

advocate [(n) Qdvkt; (vb) QdvkeIt]
n 1 (supporter) partidario,a. 2 (lawyer)


[erUdaInQmIks] n

aeronautics [erntIks] n aeronu


avin m.

[erpleIn] n aeroplano,

aerosol [ersl] n aerosol m.

aerostatic [erstQtIk] adj aer os

aesthetic [isTetIk] adj esttico,a.

aesthetics [isTetIks] n esttica.
affair [fer] n 1 (matter) asunto: thats

your affair eso es asunto tuyo. 2 (case) ca

so: the Watergate affair el caso Waterga
te. c o m p current affairs actualidad f sing.
affect [fekt] vt 1 (gen) afectar. 2 (feign)
fingir, afectar: he affected indifference
fingi indiferencia.
affection [fekSn] n afecto, cario.
affectionate [fekSnt] adj afectuo
so,a, carioso,a.
affiliate [fIlIt] n afiliado,a.
P vt afiliar.
P vi afiliar.
affinity [fInItI] n afinidad f.

pl affinities.

affirm [fm] vt afirmar, asegurar.

affirmation [QfmeISn] n afirmacin f.
affirmative [fmtIv] adj afirma

affix [fIks] vt (stamp) poner; (poster) fijar.

afflict [flIkt] vt afligir.
affluence [QflUns] n riqueza, pros
peridad f.

affluent [QflUnt] adj rico,a.

afford [fd] vt permitirse, costear: I

cant afford to pay 750 for a coat no puedo

(permitirme) pagar 750 libras por un abrigo.
afforestation [frIsteISn] n repo
blacin f forestal.
affricate [QfrIkt] n africada.
Afghan [QfgQn] adj afgano,a.
P n 1 (person) afgano,a. 2 (language) af

abogado,a defensor,ra.
P vt abogar por, propugnar.
Aegean [IdZin] adj egeo,a. c o m p the
Aegean (Sea) el (mar) Egeo.
aerial [erIl] adj areo,a.
P n antena.
Afghanistan [ Q f g Q n I s t Q n ] n
aerobe [erUb] n aerobio.
Afganistn m.
aerobics [erUbIks] n aerobic m, ae afield [fild] adv l o c far afield lejos:
rbic m.
they went as far afield as Canada llegaron
aerodrome [erdrUm] n aerdromo.
hasta Canad.

afloat [flUt] adj a flote.
afoot [fUt] adv en marcha, en proceso.
afraid [freId] adj temeroso,a. l o c to

be afraid 1 (frightened) tener miedo. 2

(sorry) temer, sentir, lamentar: Im
afraid so/not me temo que s/no. y to be
afraid of sth/sb tener miedo de algo/

afresh [freS] adv de nuevo: he had to

start afresh tuvo que volver a empezar.
[QfrIk] n frica. c o m p South
Africa Sudfrica.
African [QfrIkn] adj africano,a.
P n africano,a. c o m p South African su



Afro [QfrU] adj & n (hairstyle) afro.

Afro-American [QfrUmerIkn] adj
P n afroamericano,a.

" Afro-American es el trmino ms

adecuado para referirse a los estadouni
denses cuyos antepasados eran origina
rios del frica subsahariana y que, en su
mayora, fueron llevados como esclavos a
Amrica entre los siglos XVI y XIX.
after [Aftr] prep 1 (time) despus de:

after class despus de la clase. 2 (following)

detrs de: the police are after us la polica
nos est persiguiendo. 3 us (past) y: its a
quarter after four son las cuatro y cuarto.
P adv despus: the day after el da despus.
P conj despus que, despus de que:
after he left, I went to bed despus de que
se marchara, me acost.
P n pl afters gb fam postre m.
afterbirth [AftbT] n placenta.
after-effect [AftrIfekt] n efecto se
cundario, secuela.
afterlife [AftlaIf] n ms all m.
afternoon [AftnUn] n tarde f: in the
afternoon por la tarde.

after-sales service [AftseIlzsvIs]

n servicio posventa.

aftershave [AftSeIv] n locin f para

despus del afeitado.


[gen, geIn] adv 1 (once more)

otra vez, de nuevo: play me that song
again tcame esa cancin otra vez. 2 (in
questions): where do you live again? dnde
has dicho que vives? l o c again and
again repetidamente. y now and again
de vez en cuando.
against [genst, geInst] prep 1 (gen)
contra: against the wall contra la pared;
Leeds played against Liverpool Leeds jug
contra Liverpool. 2 (opposed to) en con
tra de: I voted against the proposal vot
en contra de la propuesta.
age [eIdZ] n edad f. l o c of age mayor
de edad. y under age menor de edad.
P vt & vi envejecer.
aged [eIdZd] adj de (tantos aos de)
edad: a boy aged ten un muchacho de diez
aos. c o m p the aged los ancianos mpl.
agency [eIdZnsI] n 1 (commercial) agen
cia: a travel/advertising/employment agency una agencia de viajes/publicidad/em
pleo. 2 (governmental, etc) organismo.

pl agencies.

agenda [dZend] n orden m del da.

Agenda no significa agenda, que se

traduce por diary.

agent [eIdZnt] n agente mf.

aggravate [QgrveIt] vt 1 (make worse)
agravar. 2 fam (annoy) irritar, molestar.

aggression [greSn] n 1 (act) agresin

f. 2 (feeling) agresividad f.

aggressive [gresIv] adj 1 (gen) agre

sivo,a. 2 (dynamic) emprendedor,ra.

aggressor [gresr] n agresor,ra.

aghast [gAst] adj horrorizado,a.
agile [QdZaIl] adj gil.
agility [dZIlItI] n agilidad f.
agitate [QdZIteIt] vt agitar.
agnostic [QgnstIk] adj agnstico,a.


ago [gU] adv hace: ten days ago hace

diez das; it happened a long time ago ocu
rri hace mucho tiempo.
. Ago se usa siempre con el verbo en pa

aftertaste [AftteIst] n regusto.

sado. Consulta tambin for, since.
afterwards [Aftwdz]
adv despus,
agonise [QgnaIz] vi agonize.


agonize [QgnaIz] vi agonizar.

agony [QgnI] n 1 (pain) dolor m muy
agudo. 2 (anguish) angustia.

P vt 1 (gun) apuntar ( at, a). 2 (attack)

dirigir (at, a).
aint [eInt] contr fam am not, is not,

air [er] n aire m.

pl agonies.

Agony no significa agona (antes de

morir), que se traduce por dying breath.

agora [Qgr] n gora.

pl agoras o agorae [QgraI, Qgri].

agree [gri] vi 1 (be in agreement) estar

de acuerdo (with, con): do you agree
with me? ests de acuerdo conmigo? 2

(reach an agreement) ponerse de acuer

do (on, en): they cant agree on a name
for the baby no se ponen de acuerdo en el
nombre del beb. 4 (food, climate, etc)
sentar bien (with, -): the prawns didnt
agree with me las gambas no me senta
ron bien.
P vt (grammatically) concordar (with, con).
agreeable [gribl] adj 1 (pleasant)
agradable. 2 (in agreement) conforme.
agreement [grimnt] n 1 acuerdo:
the two men reached an agreement los dos
hombres llegaron a un acuerdo. 2 (grammatical) concordancia.
agricultural [QgrIkltSrl] adj agrcola.
agriculture [QgrIkltSr] n agricultura.
agronomy [grnmI] n agronoma.
aground [graUnd] adj encallado,a.
l o c to run aground encallar.
ahead [hed] adv (in front) delante:
theres a police checkpoint ahead hay un
control de polica aqu delante; we finished ahead of schedule acabamos antes de
lo previsto. l o c go ahead! adelante!
aid [eId] n (help) ayuda; (rescue) auxilio.
c o m p humanitarian aid ayuda huma
P vt ayudar, auxiliar.

are not, has not, have not.

l o c by air 1 (send letter)
por avin. 2 (travel) en avin. c o m p air
hostess azafata. y air lane ruta area. y
air pressure presin f atmosfrica. y air
rifle escopeta de aire comprimido. y
air terminal terminal f area. y air traffic
controller controlador,ra areo,a.
P vt 1 (gen) airear. 2 (room) ventilar.
airbag [ebQg] n airbag m.
airbase [ebeIs] n base f area.
air-bed [ebed] n gb colchn m de aire.
air-conditioned [ekndIS nd] adj

con aire acondicionado, refrigera

air-conditioning [ekndISnIN] n ai
re m acondicionado.
aircraft [ekrAft] n (gen) aeronave f;
(plane) avin m.
pl aircraft.

aircraft-carrier [ekrAftkQrIr] n por

taaviones m inv.

airfield [efild] n campo de aviacin.

airforce [efs] n fuerza area, fuer
zas fpl areas.

airline [elaIn] n lnea area.

airliner [elaInr] n avin m de pa
sajeros (grande).

airmail [emeIl] n correo areo.

airplane [epleIn] n us aeroplano,
avin m.

airport [ept] n aeropuerto.

airship [eSIp] n dirigible m.
airsick [esIk] adj mareado,a.

l o c to
be airsick marearse.
airspace [espeIs] n espacio areo.
AIDS [eIdz] n (Acquired Immune Defi- airstrip [estrIp] n pista de aterrizaje.
ciency Syndrome) sida m.
airtight [etaIt] adj hermtico,a.
aileron [eIlrn] n alern m.
airway [eweI] n 1 (route) ruta area,
va area. 2 (airline) lnea area.
ailing [eIlIN] adj enfermo,a.
ailment [eIlmnt] n dolencia, acha airy [erI] adj 1 (ventilated) bien venti
lado,a. 2 (light) ligero,a.
que m.
comp airier, superl airiest.
aim [eIm] n 1 (marksmanship) puntera:
his aim is good tiene buena puntera. 2 (ob- aisle [aIl] n 1 (between seats, shelves, etc) pa
sillo. 2 (section of church) nave f lateral.
jective) meta, objetivo:
whats your aim in
aitch [eItS] n hache f.
life? qu objetivo tienes en la vida?



ajar [dZA ] adj entreabierto,a.

akimbo [kImbU] adv en jarras.
akin [kIn] adj parecido,a (to, a).
alabaster [QlbAstr] n alabastro.
alarm [lAm] n 1 (device) alarma. 2

(fear) temor m, alarma. c o m p alarm

clock despertador m.
P vt alarmar, asustar.
alarmism [lAmIzm] n alarmismo.
Albanian [QlbeInIn] adj albans,esa.
P n 1 (person) albans,esa. 2 (language)
albans m.
albatross [Qlbtrs] n albatros m.
albino [QlbinU] adj albino,a.
P n albino,a.
pl albinos.
album [Qlbm] n lbum m.
albumen [QlbjUmIn, us QlbjUmn] n
1 (white of egg) clara de huevo. 2 (in
plants) albumen m.
albumin [QlbjUmIn, us QlbjUmn] n

(strange) extrao,a, ajeno,a: his ideas

are alien to me sus ideas me son ajenas.
P n 1 (foreigner) extranjero,a. 2 (extraterrestrial) extraterrestre mf.
alight [laIt] adj encendido,a, ar

align [laIn] vt alinear (with, con).

alike [laIk] adj (the same) iguales; (simi-

lar) parecidos,as: they are alike in all respects son iguales en todo.
P adv igual: they dress alike visten igual.
alimentary [QlImentrI] adj alimen
ticio,a. c o m p alimentary canal tubo


[QlImnI] n pensin f


alive [laIv] adj vivo,a.

alkaline [QlklaIn] adj alcalino,a.
all [l] adj (singular) todo,a; (plural)

todos,as: all the chairs todas las sillas;

all day/month/year todo el da/mes/ao.
P pron 1 (everything) todo, la totalidad
f: all was lost in the fire se perdi todo en
alcohol [Qlkhl] n alcohol m.
el incendio. 2 (everybody) todos mpl, to
alcohol-free [Qlkhlfri] adj sin alcohol.
do el mundo: all of them helped/they all
alcoholism [QlkhlIzm] n alcoholismo.
helped ayudaron todos.
aldehyde [QldIhaId] n aldehdo.
P adv completamente, totalmente:
ale [eIl] n cerveza.
she was dressed all in leather iba vestida to
da de cuero. l o c after all 1 (despite everyalert [lt] adj 1 (quick to act) alerta, vi
thing) despus de todo. 2 (it must be regilante. 2 (lively) vivo,a.
membered) no hay que olvidarlo. y all
P n alarma.
over en todas partes. y to be all over
P vt alertar, avisar.
acabar: in ten minutes it was all over en
A-level [eIlevl] abbr gb (Advanced levdiez minutos todo haba acabado. y all
el) segundo curso de bachillerato.
right 1 (acceptable) bien, bueno,a: the
alfalfa [QlfQlf] n alfalfa.
films all right, but Ive seen better ones la pe
algae [QldZi] n pl algas fpl.
lcula no est mal, pero las he visto mejo
sing alga [Qlg].
res. 2 (well, safe) bien: are you all right?
algebra [QldZIbr] n lgebra.
ests bien? 3 (accepting suggestion) vale,
algebraic [QldZIbreIIk] adj alge
bueno: are you coming? all right te vie
nes? vale. y all that tan: hes not all that
Algeria [QldZIrI] n Argelia.
fast no es tan rpido. y all the + comp
Algerian [QldZIrIn] adj argelino,a.
tanto + adj/adv, an + adj/adv: all the betP n argelino,a.
ter tanto mejor. y all the time todo el ra
algorithm [QlgrIDm] n algoritmo.
to, siempre. y at all en absoluto. y in all
en total. y not at all no hay de qu.
alias [eIlIs] adv alias.
P n alias m.
Allah [Ql] n Al m.
alibi [QlIbaI] n coartada.
alleged [ledZd] adj presunto,a.
alien [eIlIn] adj 1 (foreign)
extranjero,a. allegory [QlIgrI] n alegora.
2 (extraterrestrial) extraterrestre. 3
pl allegories.



allergic [ldZIk] adj alrgico,a (to, a).

allergy [QldZI] n alergia.
pl allergies.

alleviate [livIeIt] vt aliviar, mitigar.

alley [QlI] n callejuela, callejn m.
alliance [laIns] n alianza.
allied [QlaId] adj 1 pol aliado,a. 2 (related) relacionado,a, afn.

alligator [QlIgeItr] n caimn m.

alliteration [lItreISn] n aliteracin f.
allocate [QlkeIt] vt (money) destinar;
(time, space, job, etc) asignar.


[Amnd] n almendra. c o m p
almond tree almendro.
almost [lmUst] adv casi.
alone [lUn] adj (unaccompanied) so


adv (only) solo, solamente. l o c to

leave sth alone no tocar algo. y to leave
sb alone dejar a algn en paz.
along [lN] prep 1 por, a lo largo de:
we walked along the riverbank caminamos
por la orilla del ro. 2 (in) en: his office is
along this corridor su despacho est en este

adelante, hacia adelante: move
asignacin f; (of money) distribucin f.
along, please circulen, por favor. l o c
2 (money given) cuota.
along with junto con. y come along 1
allot [lt] vt asignar.
(sing) ven. 2 (plural) venid.
pt & pp allotted, ger allotting.
alongside [lNsaId] prep al lado de.
all-out [laUt] adj total.
P adv al costado, al lado.
allow [laU] vt 1 (permit) permitir, de aloof [lUf] adj distante.
jar. 2 (set aside) conceder, dar, dejar. 3
P adv a distancia.
(admit) admitir, reconocer.
alopecia [QlpiS] n alopecia.
a to allow for vt insep tener en cuenta.
aloud [laUd] adv en voz alta.
allowance [laUns] n 1 (from govern- alpha [Qlf] n alfa. c o m p alpha ray rayo
ment) subsidio, prestacin f. 2 (from
employer) dietas fpl, asignacin f. 3 us alphabet [Qlfbet] n alfabeto, abece
(pocket money) paga semanal.
make allowances for 1 (take into account) alphabetical [QlfbetIk l] adj alfa
tener en cuenta. 2 (be permissive) tener
btico,a. l o c in alphabetical order
paciencia con.
por orden alfabtico.
alloy [QlI] n aleacin f.
alphanumeric [QlfnjUmerIk] adj alfa
all-purpose [lpps] adj multiuso.
all-star [lstAr] adj estelar: an all-star alpine [QlpaIn] adj alpino,a.
cast un reparto estelar.
Alps [Qlps] n pl the Alps los Alpes mpl.
all-terrain [ltreIn] adj todo terreno.
already [lredI] adv ya: theyve already
allude [lUd] vi aludir (to, a).
left ya se han ido.
allure [ljUr] n atractivo, encanto.
also [lsU] adv tambin.
P vt atraer, seducir.
altar [ltr] n altar m.
alluring [ljUrIN] adj seductor,ra.
altarpiece [ltpis] n retablo.
allusion [lUZn] n alusin f.
alter [ltr] vt (gen) cambiar; (clothes)
alluvial [lUvIl] adj aluvial.
P vi cambiar, cambiarse.
ally [QlaI] n aliado,a.
pl allies.
alteration [ltreISn] n modifica
P vt aliar (with, con).
cin f.
P vi aliarse (with, con).
P n pl alterations reformas fpl.
pt & pp allied, ger allying.
alternate [(adj) ltnt; (vb) ltneIt]
almighty [lmaItI] adj todopodero
adj alterno,a.
P vt alternar.
P n the Almighty el Todopoderoso.
P vi alternarse.

allocation [QlkeISn] n 1 (distribution)

P adv




[ltneItIN] c o m p alter
nating current corriente f alterna.
alternative [ltntIv] adj alterna

P n (option) opcin f, alternativa.
alternator [ltneItr] n alternador m.
although [lDU] conj aunque.
altimeter [QltImitr] n altmetro.
altitude [QltItjUd] n altitud f, altura.
altogether [ltgeDr] adv 1 (completely) del todo. 2 (on the whole) en conjun
to. 3 (in total) en total.
altruism [QltrUIzm] n altruismo.
aluminium [QljUmInIm] n aluminio.
c o m p aluminium foil papel m de alu
minio, papel m de plata.
aluminum [lUmInm] n us aluminio.
alveolar [QlvIUlr] adj alveolar. c o m p
alveolar sacs anat sacos alveolares.
alveolus [QlvIls] n alveolo, alvolo.
pl alveoli [QlvIlaI].

always [lweIz] adv siempre.

am [Qm] pres be.
a.m. [eIem] abbr (ante meridiem) de la

amass [mQs] vt acumular.

amateur [Qmtr] adj aficionado,a.



[ Q m t S r I z m ] n

amaze [meIz] vt asombrar, pasmar.

amazement [meIzmnt] n asom
bro, pasmo.

amazing [meIzIN] adj asombroso,a,


Amazon [Qmzn] n the Amazon 1 (river)

el Amazonas m. 2 (basin) Amazonia.
ambassador [QmbQsdr] n embaja
amber [Qmbr] n mbar m.
P adj mbar.
ambience [QmbIns] n ambiente m.
ambiguity [QmbIgjUItI] n ambige
dad f.
pl ambiguities.


[QmbISs] adj amb icio

ambulance [QmbjUlns] n ambulancia.

ambush [QmbUS] n emboscada.
P vt

poner una emboscada a.

P vi


ameba [mib] n us amoeba.

ameliorate [milIreIt] vt mejorarse.
amelioration [milIreISn] n mejora.
amen [Amen] interj amn.
amenable [minb l] adj tratable,
bien dispuesto,a.

amend [mend] vt (law) enmendar; (error) corregir.

amendment [mendmnt] n enmienda.

amenities [minItIz] n pl servicios

mpl, prestaciones fpl.

[merIk] n Amrica. c o m p
Central America Amrica Central,
Centroamrica. y Latin America


Amrica Latina, Latinoamrica. y

North America Amrica del Norte,

Norteamrica. y South America Am

rica del Sur, Sudamrica.

. Los estadounidenses suelen referirse a

su propio pas (Estados Unidos), como
America y a ellos, como Americans.


[merIkn] adj 1 (gen)

americano,a. 2 (from USA) esta
dounidense. c o m p American football
ftbol m americano.
P n 1 (gen) americano,a. 2 (from USA)
estadounidense mf.

" En Estados Unidos, llaman football al

ftbol americano (ms parecido al rugby
que al ftbol europeo) y denominan soccer
a lo que nosotros llamamos ftbol.
americium [QmrIsIm] n americio.
amethyst [QmTIst] n amatista.
amiable [eImIbl] adj afable, amable.
amicable [QmIkbl] adj amistoso,a,

amid [mId] prep en medio de, entre.

amidst [mIdst] prep amid.
ambition [QmbISn] n ambicin f.
amine [min] n amina.

[QmbIgjUs] adj amb i



amino acid

[QminUQsId] n ami

amiss [mIs] adv mal.


tomar a mal.

to take amiss

ammonia [mUnI] n amonaco.

ammunition [QmjUnISn] n municio
nes fpl.

amnesia [mnizI] n amnesia.

amnesty [QmnstI] n amnista.
pl amnesties.

amniotic [QmnItIk] adj amnitico,a.

amoeba [Qmib] n ameba.

pl amoebae [mibi].
l o c to run amok volver

amok [mk]

se loco,a y causar destrozos.

among [mN] prep entre (tres o ms).

amongst [mNst] prep among.
amorphous [mfs] adj amorfo,a.
amount [maUnt] n cantidad f.
a to amount to vt insep 1

ascender a.

2 fig equivaler a.
amp [Qmp] n (abbr of ampere) ampe
rio, ampere m.
ampere [Qmper] n amperio.
amphetamine [Qmfetmin] n anfe


amphibian [QmfIbIn] n anfibio.

amphibious [QmfIbIs] adj anf i

amphitheater [QmfITItr] n us anfi


amphitheatre [QmfITItr] n anfitea


amphora [Qmfr] n nfora.

pl amphoras o amphorae [Qmfri].

ample [Qmpl] adj 1 (enough) bastante.

2 (plenty) ms que suficiente. 3 (large,

generous) amplio,a.

amplification [QmplIfIkeISn] n am
plificacin f.

amplifier [QmplIfaIr] n amplificador m.

amplify [QmplIfaI] vt 1 (sound) ampli

amuck [mk] adv amok.

amulet [QmjUlt] n amuleto.
amuse [mjUz] vt entretener, divertir.
amusement [mjUzmnt] n 1 (enjoy-

ment) diversin f, entretenimiento. 2

(pastime) pasatiempo. c o m p amusement
arcade saln m de juegos. y amuse
ment park parque m de atracciones.
amusing [mjUzIN] adj entretenido,a,
an [n, Qn] indef art 1 un, una. 2 (per) por.
. Se usa delante de las palabras que empie
zan con sonido voclico. Consulta tambin a.

anabolism [nQblIzm] n anabolismo.

anachronistic [QnkrnIk] adj ana

anaconda [Qnknd] n anaconda.

anaemia [nimI] n anemia.
anaemic [nimIk] adj anmico,a.
anaerobic [QnerUbIk] adj anaero

anaesthesia [QnsTizI] n anestesia.

anaesthetic [QnsTetIk] adj anest


anaesthetise [nisTtaIz] vt anaes


anaesthetize [nisTtaIz] vt anestesiar.

anagram [QngrQm] n anagrama m.
anal [eInl] adj anal.
analgesic [QnldZizIk] adj analgsi
P n analgsico.

analog [Qnlg] adj-n us analogue.

analogue [Qnlg] adj analgico,a.



[nQldZI] n analoga, se


pl analogies.

analyse [QnlaIz] vt analizar.

analysis [nQlIsIs] n anlisis m.

pl analyses [nQlIsiz].
ficar. 2 (statement) ampliar.
pt & pp amplified, ger amplifying.
analyst [QnlIst] n analista mf.
amplitude [QmplItjUd] n amplitud f. anarchism [QnkIzm] n anarquismo.
amputate [QmpjUteIt] vt amputar.
anarchist [QnkIst] n anarquista mf.

amputation [QmpjUteIS
n] n ampu anarchy [QnkI] n anarqua.
pl anarchies.
tacin f.



anatomy [nQtmI] n anatoma.

anger [QNgr] n clera, ira, furia.

ancestor [Qnsstr] n antepasado.

anchor [QNkr] n ancla.

angina [QndZaIn] [also angina pec-

pl anatomies.

1 (ship) anclar. 2 (make secure) sujetar.

anchovy [QntSvI] n (salted) anchoa;
(fresh) boquern m.
pl anchovies.
ancient [eInS nt] adj 1 antiguo,a;
(monument) histrico,a. 2 fam
viejsimo,a. c o m p ancient history his
P vt

toria antigua.

P vt

encolerizar, enojar, enfurecer.

toris ] n angina de pecho.

Angina no significa anginas, que se

traduce por sore throat.

angiosperm [QndZIspm] n angios


angle1 [QNgl] n ngulo.

angle2 [QNgl] vi pescar con caa.
anglepoise lamp [QNglpIzlQmp] n

. Ancient no se emplea en el sentido de

'anterior' con el que a menudo se usa an
tiguo en espaol (mi antiguo jefe). La pa
labra inglesa para este sentido de anti
guo es former (my former boss).

angler [Qndlr] n pescador,-a.

Anglican [QNglIkn] adj anglicano,a.

and [Qnd, unstressed nd] conj 1 y; (before i-

P n 1 (person) anglosajn,ona. 2 (language) anglosajn m.
Angola [QNgUl] n Angola.
Angolan [QNgUln] adj angoleo,a.
P n angoleo,a.
angry [QNgrI] adj enojado,a, enfa

and hi-) e: black and white blanco y negro;

opinions and ideas opiniones e ideas. 2 (with
infinitives): go and look for it ve a buscarlo;
wait and see what happens espera a ver lo
que pasa. 3 (expressing repetition, increase): it
rained and rained no par de llover. 4 (with
numbers): a hundred and twenty ciento vein
te; two thousand and eighty four dos mil
ochenta y cuatro. 5 (in sums) ms: four and
six are ten cuatro ms seis son diez.
Andes [Qndiz] n pl the Andes los An
des mpl.
Andorra [Qndr] n Andorra.
Andorran [Qndrn] adj andor ra
P n andorrano,a.
android [QndrId] n androide m.
anecdote [QnIkdUt] n ancdota.



angling [QNglIN] n pesca con caa.

Anglo-Saxon [QNglUsQks n] adj

comp angrier, superl angriest.

angstrom [QNgstrm] n ngstrom m.

anguish [QNgwIS] n angustia.
angular [QNgjUlr] adj angular.
anhydride [QnhaIdraId] n anhdrido.
animal [QnIml] adj animal.

animal m.

animate [(adj) QnImt; (vb) QnImeIt]]

adj animado,a, vivo,a.

P vt 1 animar. 2 fig estimular.
animation [QnImeISn] n 1 anima
anemia [nimI] n us anaemia.
cin f. 2 (life) vida, marcha.
anemic [nimIk] adj us anaemic.
] n animador,ra.
anemometer [QnImmItr] n ane animator [QnImeIt

n animismo.
anemone [nemnI] n bot anmona. anion [QnaIn] n anin m.
anesthesia [QnsTizI] n anaesthe anise [QnIs] n (plant) ans m.
ankle [QNkl] n tobillo.
anesthetic [QnsTetIk] adj-n anaes annelid [QnlId] n anlido.
annexe [Qnks] n anexo, anejo.
anesthetize [nisTtaIz] vt anaes annihilate [naIleIt] vt aniquilar.
anniversary [QnIvsrI] n aniversario.
pl anniversaries.
angel [eIndZl] n ngel m.



announce [naUns] vt anunciar.

announcement [naUnsmnt] n anun

anther [QnT ] n antera.

anthology [QnTldZI] n antologa.

announcer [naUnsr] n (on TV, radio)

anthracite [QnTrsaIt] n antracita.

anthropology [QnTrpldZI] n

c io.

presentador,ra, locutor,ra.
annoy [nI] vt molestar, fastidiar.
annoying [nIIN] adj molesto,a.
annual [QnjUl] adj anual.
annul [nl] vt anular.
pt & pp annulled, ger annulling.

annular [QnjUlr] adj anular.

anode [QnUd] n nodo.
anomaly [nmlI] n anomala.
pl anomalies.

anonymous [nnIms] adj annimo,a.

anopheles [nfliz] n anofeles m.
anorak [QnrQk] n anorak m.
anorexia [QnreksI] n anorexia.
another [nDr] adj otro,a.
P pron


answer [Ansr] n respuesta, contes

tacin f.
P vt & vi responder, contestar.
a to answer back vt sep & vi replicar.
a to answer for vt insep 1 (guarantee)
responder por, garantizar. 2 (accept
responsibility) responder de.

answering machine [AnsrINmSin] n

contestador m automtico.

answerphone [AnsfUn] n contes

tador m automtico.

ant [Qnt] n hormiga.



ant hill hor

Antarctic [QntAktIk] adj antrtico,a.

P n the Antarctic la Antrtida. c o m p Ant

arctic Circle Crculo polar antrtico.
Antarctica [QntAktIk] n Antrtida.
anteater [Qntitr] n oso hormiguero.
antecedent [QntIsidnt] n antece
dente m.
antediluvian [QntIdIlUvIn] adj


pl anthologies.



[QntIbaItIk] adj antibi

P n antibitico.

antibody [QntIbdI] n anticuerpo.

pl antibodies.

anticipate [QntIsIpeIt] vt 1 (expect) es

perar. 2 (get ahead of) adelantarse a. 3

(foresee) anticiparse a, prever.
anticipation [QntIsIpeISn] n 1 (expectation) expectacin f. 2 (foresight) previsin f.
anticline [QntIklaIn] n anticlinal m.
anticlockwise [QntIklkwaIz] adj en
el sentido contrario a las agujas del
anticyclone [QntIsaIklUn] n antici
cln m.
antidote [QntIdUt] n antdoto.
antifreeze [QntIfriz] n anticongelan
te m.
antigen [QntIdZen] n antgeno.
Antilles [QntIliz] n pl Antillas fpl.
antimony [QntImnI] n antimonio.
antipodes [QntIpdiz] n pl antpodas fpl.
antipyretic [QntIpaIretIk] n antipir
antique [Qntik] adj antiguo,a. c o m p
antique shop tienda de antigedades.
P n antigedad f.
antiquity [QntIkwItI] n antigedad f.
pl antiquities.

antiseptic [QntIseptIk] adj antispti



antiviral [QntIvaIrl] adj med antivirus.

antivirus [QntIvaIrs] adj inform anti

antlers [Qntlr] n pl cornamenta f sing.

antonym [QntnIm] n antnimo.
[Qnteni]] (of insect) antena. 2 [ pl an- anus [eIns] n ano.
tennas] (aerial) antena.
anvil [QnvIl] n yunque m.
anterior [QntIrIr]
adj anterior.
anxiety [QNzaItI] n ansiedad f.
anthem [QnTm] n motete m.
pl anxieties.
antenatal [QntIneItl] adj prenatal.
antenna [Qnten] n 1 [ pl antennae



anxious [QNkSs] adj 1 (worried) preo

cupado,a ( about, por). 2 (desirous)

any [enI] adj 1 (in questions) algn,una:
are there any biscuits left? queda alguna
galleta? 2 (negative) ningn,una: he
hasnt bought any milk/biscuits no ha
comprado leche/galletas; without any difficulty sin ninguna dificultad. 3 (no matter
which) cualquier,ra: any old rag will do
cualquier trapo sirve.
P pron 1 (in questions) alguno,a: there are
foxes round here, have you seen any? hay
zorros por aqu, has visto alguno? 2
(negative) ninguno,a: theyre very cheap,
but I havent sold any son muy baratos,
pero no he vendido ninguno. 3 (no matter which) cualquiera: any of these books
will do cualquiera de estos libros sirve.
P adv no suele traducirse: I dont work there
any more ya no trabajo all; do you want
any more? quieres ms?.
. En preguntas y frases negativas, con los
sustantivos contables en singular no se
usa any sino a o an.

anybody [enIbdI] pron 1 (in questions)

alguien: has anybody seen my car? ha

visto alguien mi auto? 2 (negative) na
die: there isnt anybody in the room no hay
nadie en la sala. 3 (no matter who) cual
quiera: anybody would tell you the same
cualquiera te dira lo mismo.


[enIhaU] adv 1 anyway. 2

(carelessly) de cualquier forma, de

cualquier manera.

anyone [enIwn] pron anybody.

anyplace [enIpleIs] adv us anywhere.
anything [enITIN] pron 1 (in questions)

tal, en cualquier caso: anyway, as I was

saying, bueno pues, como te deca,
anywhere [enIwer] adv 1 (in questions -

situation) en algn sitio, en alguna

parte; (- direction) a algn sitio, a algu
na parte: have you seen my keys anywhere?
has visto mis llaves en alguna parte?;
are you going anywhere this weekend? vas
a algn sitio el fin de semana? 2 (negative
- situation) en ningn sitio, en ninguna
parte; (- direction) a ningn sitio, a nin
guna parte: I cant find him anywhere no
lo encuentro en ninguna parte; were not
going anywhere no vamos a ningn sitio.
3 (no matter where - situation) donde sea,
en cualquier sitio; (- direction) a donde
sea, a cualquier sitio: Id live anywhere
as long as its with you vivira en cualquier
sitio mientras sea contigo; shed travel anywhere to see Bruce viajara a cualquier si
tio para ver a Bruce.
aorta [eIt] n aorta.
apart [pAt] adv 1 (not together)
separado,a; (distant) alejado,a. 2 (in
pieces) en piezas. l o c apart from apar
te de. y to fall apart deshacerse. y to
tell apart distinguir.
apartheid [pAthaIt] n apartheid m.
apartment [pAtmnt] n departamen
to. c o m p apartment block / apartment
building edicficio m de departamentos.
apathetic [QpTetIk] adj aptico,a.
apathy [QpTI] n apata.
ape [eIp] n simio.
P vt imitar.


[QpnaInz] n the Apen

nines los (montes) Apeninos mpl.
aperitif [perItif] n aperitivo.
aperture [Qptjr] n abertura.

Aperture no significa apertura (de

algo, alguna cosa: is there anything left?

una tienda), que se traduce por opening.
queda algo? 2 (negative) nada: there
isnt anything left no queda nada. 3 (no apex [eIpeks] n pice m; (of triangle) vr
tice m.
matter what) cualquier cosa: anything
pl apexes o apices.
will do cualquier cosa sirve; they can cost
anything from 5 to 5,000 el precio va apiculture [eIpIkltSr] n apicultura.
apiece [pis] adv cada uno,a: she gave
desde cinco libras a cinco mil.
us three apiece nos dio tres a cada uno.
anyway [enIweI] adv 1 (in any case) de
todas formas, de
todos modos. 2 (in apocalypse [pklIps] n apocalipsis m.
conversation) bueno, bueno pues, to apogee [QpdZi] n apogeo.



apologise [pldZaIz] vi apologize.

apologize [pldZaIz] vi disculparse,

appetizer [QpItaIz ] n aperitivo.

appetizing [QpItaIzIN] adj apetito

apology [pldZI] n 1 (for mistake) dis

applaud [pld] vi (clap) aplaudir.

pedir perdn.

culpa. 2 fml (of beliefs) apologa.

pl apologies.

apoplexy [QppleksI] n apopleja.

pl apoplexies.

apophthegm [QpTem] n apotema.

apostle [psl] n apstol m.
apostrophe [pstrfI] n apstrofo.
apothegm [QpTem] vt apophthegm.
appal [pl] vt horrorizar.
pt & pp appalled, ger appalling.

Appalachians [QpleISns] n the Appa

lachians los (montes) Apalaches mpl.

appall [pl] vt us appal.

appalling [plIN] adj 1 (horrific)
horroroso,a. 2 (bad) malsimo,a.

apparatus [QpreIts] n 1 (equipment)

aparatos mpl; (piece of equipment) apara

to. 2 (structure) aparato.
apparent [pQrnt] adj 1 (obvious) evi
dente. 2 (seeming) aparente.
apparently [pQrntlI] adv 1 (obviously)
evidentemente. 2 (seemingly) aparen
appeal [pil] n 1 (request) ruego, llama
miento; (plea) splica. 2 (attraction)
atractivo. 3 jur apelacin f.
P vi 1 (request) pedir, solicitar; (plead)
suplicar. 2 (attract) atraer: it doesnt appeal to me no me atrae. 3 jur apelar
(against, -), recurrir (against, -).
appealing [pilIN] adj 1 (moving) supli
cante. 2 (attractive) atractivo,a.
appear [pIr] vi 1 (become visible) apa
recer. 2 (before a court, etc) comparecer
(before, ante). 3 (seem) parecer.
appearance [pIrns] n 1 (becoming
visible) aparicin f. 2 (before a court, etc)
comparecencia. 3 (look) apariencia.

P vt

1 (clap) aplaudir. 2 (praise) alabar.

applause [plz] n aplauso.

apple [Qpl] n manzana. c o m p apple pie

tarta de manzana. y apple tree manza

no. y the Big Apple Nueva York.
applet [Qplt] n comput applet m.
appliance [plaIns] n 1 (device) apara
to. 2 (fire engine) coche m de bomberos.
applicable [QplIkbl] adj aplicable.
applicant [QplIknt] n (for job) candi
dato,a, solicitante mf.
application [QplIkeISn] n 1 (for job)
solicitud f . 2 (of ointment, theory, etc)
aplicacin f. 3 (effort) diligencia.
apply [plaI] vt aplicar.
P vi 1 (be true) aplicarse, ser aplicable.
2 (for job) solicitar.
pt & pp applied, ger applying.
[pInt] vt 1 (person for job)
nombrar. 2 (day, date, etc) fijar, sealar.
appointment [pIntmnt] n 1 (meet-


ing - with lawyer, etc) cita; (- with hairdresser, dentist, doctor) hora. 2 (person for job)
apposition [QpzISn] n aposicin f.
appraisal [preIz l] n valoracin f,
evaluacin f.
appraise [preIz] vt valorar, evaluar.
appreciate [priSIeIt] vt 1 (be thankful for)
agradecer. 2 (understand) entender,
comprender. 3 (value) valorar, apreciar.
P vi revalorizarse, valorizarse.
appreciation [priSIeISn] n 1 (thanks)
agradecimiento, gratitud f. 2 (understanding) comprensin f. 3 (appraisal)
evaluacin f. 4 (increase in value) apre
ciacin f, aumento en valor.
apprehend [QprIhend] vt 1 (arrest) de
appendices [pendIsiz] n pl appendix.
tener, capturar. 2 (understand) com
appendicitis [pendIsaItIs] n apendi
citis f.
apprehension [QprIhenSn] n 1 (arrest)
detencin f, captura. 2 (fear) apren
appendix [pendIks] n 1 [ pl appendisin f, temor m, recelo.
ces] (in book) apndice m. 2 [ pl appendixes] med apndice m.
apprehensive [QprIhensIv] adj (fear
appetite [QpItaIt] n apetito.
ful) aprensivo,a.



apprentice [prentIs] n aprendiz,za.

approach [prUtS] n 1 (coming near)

aproximacin f, acercamiento; (arrival) llegada. 2 (way in) acceso, entra

da. 3 (to problem) enfoque m.
P vi (come near) acercarse, aproximarse.
P vt 1 (come near) acercarse a, aproxi
marse a. 2 (tackle - problem) enfocar,
abordar; (- person) dirigirse a. c o m p ap
proach road va de acceso.
appropriate [ prUprIt] adj apropia
do,a, adecuado,a, indicado,a.
approval [prUvl] n aprobacin f.
l o c on approval a prueba.
approve [prUv] vt aprobar.

To approve no significa aprobar (un

examen), que se traduce por to pass.

approximate [(adj)

prksImt ; (vb)
prksImeIt] adj aproximado,a.
P vi

aproximarse (to, a).

apricot [eIprIkt] n (fruit) albaricoque

apricot tree albaricoquero.
c o m p April Fools
Day el da 1 de abril ( da de los Santos Inocentes).



April [eIprIl] n abril m.

. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta May.


[eIprn] n 1 (garment - domestic)

delantal m; (- workmans) mandil m. 2
(at airport) pista de estacionamiento.
apse [Qps] n bside m.
apt [Qpt] adj 1 (suitable) apropiado,a;
(remark) acertado,a. 2 (liable to) pro

P n rabe mf. c o m p Arabian Peninsula

Pennsula Arbiga. y Arabian Sea Mar
m Arbigo.
Arabic [QrbIk] adj rabe.
P n (language) rabe m. c o m p arabic nu
merals nmeros mpl arbigos.
arachnid [rQknId] n arcnido.
aragonite [rQgnaIt] n aragonito.
arbitrary [AbItrrI] adj arbitrario,a.
arbitrate [AbItreIt] vt & vi arbitrar.
arc [Ak] n arco.
arcade [AkeId] n pasaje m. c o m p shop
ping arcade galeras fpl comerciales.
arch [AtS] n 1 (gen) arco; (vault) bve
da. 2 (of foot) empeine m.
P vt 1 (back, eyebrows) arquear, enarcar.
2 (vault) abovedar.




[AkIldZIk l] adj

[AkIldZIst] n ar

archaeology [AkIldZI] n arqueologa.

archaic [AkeIIk] adj arcaico,a.
archaism [AkeIIzm] n arcasmo.
archangel [AkenIdZl] n arcngel m.
archbishop [AtSbISp] n arzobispo.
archeological [AkIldZIkl] adj us

archeologist [AkIldZIst] n us ar


[AkIldZI] n



archer [AtSr] n arquero.

(Advanced Pas- archery [AtSrI] n tiro con arco.
senger Train) AVE m (Alta Velocidad archipelago [AkIpelIgU] n archipi
pl archipelagos o archipelagoes.
aptitude [QptItjUd] n aptitud f.
aquarium [kwerIm] n acuario.
architect [AkItekt] n arquitecto,a.
pl aquaria o aquariums.
architecture [AkItektSr] n arquitec
Aquarius [kwerIs] n Acuario.
aquatic [kwQtIk] adj acutico,a.
archives [AkaIvz] n pl archivo m sing.
aqueduct [QkwIdkt] n acueducto.
archivist [AkaIvIst] n archivero,a.
aquifer [QkwIfr] n acufero.
Arctic [AktIk] adj rtico,a.
P n the Arctic el rtico. c o m p the Arctic
Arab [Qrb] adj rabe.
Circle el Crculo Polar rtico. y the
P n (person) rabe mf.
Arctic Ocean el ocano rtico.
Arabia [reIbI] n Arabia.
Arabian [reIbIn]
adj rabe, arbi ardor [Adr] n us ardour.
ardour [Adr] n ardor m.

[eIpiti] abbr




arduous [AdjUs] adj arduo,a.

are [Ar, r] pres be.
area [erI] n 1 (extent) rea, superficie f.

2 (region) regin f; (of town) zona. 3 (field)

arena [rin] n 1 (stadium) estadio. 2
(in amphitheatre) arena. 3 fig mbito.

Arena no significa arena, que se tra

duce por sand.

arent [Ant] contr are not.

Argentina [AdZntin] n Argentina.
Argentine [AdZntaIn] adj argenti

the Argentine Argentina.

Argentinian [AdZntInIn] adj argen

P n argentino,a.
argon [Agn] n argn m.
argot [AgU] n jerga.
argue [AgjU] vi 1 (quarrel) discutir
(with, con). 2 (reason) argir, argu
mentar, sostener.
argument [AgjUmnt] n 1 (quarrel)
discusin f, disputa. 2 (reasoning) ar
gumento. l o c to have an argument
with sb discutir con algn.
arid [QrId] adj rido,a.
aridity [rIdItI] n aridez f.
Aries [eriz] n Aries.
arise [raIz] vi surgir (from, de).

armchair [AmtSe ] n silln m.

Armenia [AminI] n Armenia.
Armenian [AminIn] adj armenio,a.

P n 1 (person) armenio,a. 2 (language)

armistice [AmIstIs] n armisticio.
armor [Amr] n us armour.
armour [Amr] n 1 armadura. 2 (on
vehicle) blindaje m.
armpit [AmpIt] n sobaco, axila.
armrest [Amrest] n brazo.
army [AmI] n ejrcito.

pl armies.

aroma [rUm] n aroma m.

aromatic [QrmQtIk] adj aromtico,a.
arose [rUz] pt arise.
around [raUnd] adv 1 (near, in the area)

alrededor: is there anybody around? hay

alguien cerca? 2 (from place to place): they
cycle around together van juntos en bicicle
ta. 3 (approximately) alrededor de: it costs
around 5,000 cuesta unas cinco mil libras.
P prep 1 (near): there arent many shops
around here hay pocas tiendas por aqu.
2 (all over): there were clothes around the
room haba ropa por toda la habitacin.
3 (in a circle or curve) alrededor de: he put
his arms around her la rode con los bra
zos. 4 (at) sobre, cerca de: they came
around seven vinieron sobre las siete.
arouse [raUz] vt 1 (awake) despertar.
2 (sexually) excitar.
pt arose [rUz], pp arisen [rIzn].
aristocracy [QrIstkrsI] n aristocracia. arrange [reIndZ] vt 1 (gen) arreglar; (furniture, etc) colocar, ordenar. 2 (plan) pla
pl aristocracies.
near, organizar. 3 (marriage) concertar.
aristocrat [QrIstkrQt, us rIstkrQt]
arrangement [reIndZmnt] n 1 (agreen aristcrata mf.
ment) acuerdo, arreglo. 2 mus arreglo.
arithmetic [(n) rITmtIk; (adj) QrITme
P n pl arrangements (plans) planes mpl;
tIk] n aritmtica.
(preparations) preparativos mpl.
P adj aritmtico,a.
[ereI] n 1 (selection) surtido. 2 (se
arithmetical [QrITmetIk l] adj arit
ries) serie f. 3 comput matriz f.
mtico,a. c o m p arithmetical progres
arrears [rIz] n pl atrasos mpl.
sion progresin f aritmtica.
arrest [rest] n arresto, detencin f.
ark [Ak] n arca.

arm [Am] n 1 anat brazo. 2 (of coat, etc) arrival [raIv l] n llegada.
arrive [raIv] vi llegar.
manga. 3 (of chair) brazo.
arrogant [Qrgnt] adj arrogante.
P vt armar.
arrow [QrU] n flecha.
P n pl arms (weapons) armas fpl.
arse [As] n taboo (part of body) culo.
armadillo [AmdIlU]
pl armadillos.
arsenal [Asnl] n arsenal m.



arsenic [As nIk] n arsnico.

arson [Asn] n incendio provocado.
arsonist [AsnIst] n pirmano,a.
art [At] n (painting, etc) arte m.

pl arts (branch of knowledge) letras fpl.

art deco art deco m. y art gallery
1 (museum) pinacoteca. 2 (commercial) ga
lera de arte. y art nouveau art nou
veau m, modernismo.
artefact [AtIfQkt] n artefacto.
arterial [AtIrIl] adj 1 anat arterial.
2 (road) principal, importante.
artery [AterI] n anat arteria.
pl arteries.
artesian well [AtizInwel] n pozo



arthritis [ATraIts] n artritis f.

arthropod [ATrpd] n artrpodo.
artichoke [AtItSUk] n alcachofa.
article [AtIkl] n artculo. c o m p article
of clothing prenda de vestir. y definite
article artculo determinado. y indefi
nite article artculo indeterminado. y
leading article editorial m.
articulate [(adj) AtIkjUlt; (vb) AtIkjUleIt]
adj (person) que se expresa con facili

dad; (speech) claro,a.

P vt 1 articular. 2 (pronounce) pronunciar.
articulated [AtIkjUleItId] adj articu
lado,a. c o m p articulated lorry camin
m articulado.
articulation [AtIkjUleISn] n articula
cin f.

artifact [AtIfQkt] n us artefact.

artificial [AtIfISl] adj artificial.
artillery [AtIlrI] n artillera.
artisan [AtIzQn] n artesano,a.
artist [AtIst] n 1 artista mf. 2 (painter)

artistic [AtIstIk] adj artstico,a.

artwork [Atwk] n ilustraciones fpl.
as [Qz, unstressed z] prep como: he works

volva ms tolerante. 2 (because) ya que,

como: as there were no seats we had to
stand como no haba asientos tuvimos
que estar de pie. 3 (although) aunque: tall
as he was, he still couldnt reach the shelf aun
que era alto no poda alcanzar el estante.
l o c as far as hasta. y as far as I know que
yo sepa. y as for en cuanto a. y as if co
mo si. y as long as mientras. y as of des
de. y as soon as tan pronto como. y as
though como si. y as well as adems
de. y as yet hasta ahora, de momento.
asbestos [Qsbests] n amianto.
ascend [send] vt ascender, subir a.
P vi ascender, subir.
ascendancy [sendnsI] n predomi
nio, supremaca.
pl ascendancies.

ascension [senSn] n ascensin f.

ascent [sent] n 1 (slope) subida. 2 (climb)
ascensin f.

ascribe [skraIb] vt atribuir (to, a).

aseptic [septIk] adj asptico,a.
asexual [eIsekSUl] adj asexual.
ash1 [QS] n ceniza. c o m p Ash Wednes
day mircoles m de ceniza.
pl ashes.
ash2 [QS] n (tree) fresno.
pl ashes.
ashamed [SeImd] adj averg onz a


ashbin [QSbIn] n us cubo de la basura.

ashtray [QStreI] n cenicero.
Asia [eIS, eIZ] n Asia.
Asian [eISn, eIZn] adj asitico,a.


Asiatic [eISIQtIk, eIZIQtIk] adj asiti


aside [saId] adv al lado, a un lado.


aside from aparte de.

ask [Ask] vt 1 (inquire) preguntar. 2 (re-

quest) pedir: we have to ask permission

debemos pedir permiso. 3 (invite) invi
as a clerk trabaja de oficinista.
tar, convidar: he asked her to go out with
P adv (in comparatives): eat as much as you
him la invit a salir con l.
like come tanto como quieras.
P conj 1 (while) mientras; (when) cuando:
a to ask after vt insep preguntar por.
a to ask for vt insep (thing) pedir; (person)
as he painted, he whistled mientras pintaba,
preguntar por.
he became more tolsilbaba; as he grew older
a to ask out vt sep invitar a salir.
erant a medida que iba envejeciendo se



asleep [slip] adj (person) dormido,a.

to fall asleep dormirse.

asparagus [QspQrgs] n (plant) esp
rrago; (shoots) esprragos mpl. c o m p an
asparagus tip una punta de esprrago.
aspect [Qspekt] n 1 (gen) aspecto. 2 (of
building) orientacin f.
asphalt [QsfQlt] n asfalto.
asphyxia [sfIksI] n asfixia.
asphyxiate [sfIksIeIt] vt asfixiar.
aspic [QspIk] n culin gelatina.
aspire [spaIr] vi aspirar (to, a).
aspirin [QspIrIn] n aspirina.
ass1 [Qs] n (animal) burro,a, asno,a;
(person) burro,a, imbcil mf.
ass2 [Qs] n us taboo culo.
assail [seIl] vt 1 (physically) atacar. 2

(doubts, problems, etc) asaltar.

assailant [seIlnt] n atacante mf.
assassin [sQsIn] n asesino,a.
assassinate [sQsIneIt] vt asesinar.
assassination [sQsIneISn] n asesinato.

assessment [sesmnt] n 1 (valuation)

tasacin f, valoracin f. 2 (calculation)

clculo. 3 fig evaluacin f.
asset [Qset] n calidad f positiva, ven
P n pl assets comm activo m sing.
assign [saIn] vt asignar, atribuir.
assignment [saInmnt] n 1 (mission)
misin f. 2 (task) tarea.
assimilate [sImIleIt] vt asimilar.
P vi asimilarse.
assist [sIst] vt & vi ayudar.

To assist no significa asistir, ir, que

se traducen por to attend, to go.

assistance [sIstns] n ayuda.

assistant [sIstnt] n 1 (helper) ayu
dante mf. 2 (in shop) dependiente mf.

associate [(adj-n) sUSIt; (vb) sUSIeIt]

adj 1 (company) asociado,a. 2 (member)

P n (partner) socio,a.
P vt asociar.
P vi relacionarse (with, con).
. Assassin, assassinate y assassinaassociation [sUsIeIS n] n asocia
tion slo se emplean cuando se trata del
cin f.
asesinato de un personaje importante. En
los dems casos, se usan las palabras
associative [sUSItIv] adj asociati
murderer, murder.
associativity [sUSItIvItI] n propie
assault [slt] n 1 mil asalto, ataque
dad f asociativa.
m. 2 jur agresin f.
assonance [Qsnns] n asonancia.
P vt jur (gen) agredir; (sexually) abusar de.
assorted [stId] adj surtido,a, va
assemble [sembl] vt 1 (bring together)
reunir. 2 (put together) montar. 3 comassortment [stmnt] n surtido,
put ensamblar.
variedad f.
P vi reunirse.
[sjUm] vt 1 (suppose) supo
assembly [semblI] n 1 (meeting) reu
ner. 2 (power, responsibility) tomar, asu
nin f. 2 (group, body) asamblea. 3 tech
mir. 3 (attitude, expression) adoptar.
(putting together) montaje m; (unit) uni
dad f. c o m p assembly hall sala de ac assurance [SUrns] n 1 (guarantee)
garanta. 2 (confidence) seguridad f,
tos. y assembly line cadena de mon
confianza. 3 (insurance) seguro. c o m p
life assurance seguro de vida.
pl assemblies.
assure [SUr] vt asegurar.
assent [sent] n asentimiento.
asterisk [QstrIsk] n asterisco.
P vi asentir (to, a).
asteroid [QstrId] n asteroide m.
assert [st] vt aseverar, afirmar.
asthma [Qsm] n asma.
assertion [sSn] n afirmacin f.
astonish [stnIS] vt asombrar, sor
assess [ses] vt 1 (value)
2 (calculate) calcular. 3 fig evaluar.


[stnISIN] adj asom

broso,a, sorprendente.

astonishment [stnISmnt] n asom


astound [staUnd] vt asombrar.

astral [Qstrl] adj astral.
astray [streI] adv extraviado,a.

athletics [QTletIks] n atletismo.

Atlantic [tlQntIk] adj atlntico,a.

the Atlantic (Ocean) el (ocano)


atlas [Qtls] n atlas m inv.

atmosphere [QtmsfIr] n 1 atmsfera.

to go astray 1 (err) descarriarse. 2 (be

2 (ambience) ambiente m, atmsfera.

atmospheric [QtmsferIk] adj atmos

astronomical [QstrnmIkl] n astro

frico,a. c o m p atmospheric pressure

presin f atmosfrica.
atom [Qtm] n tomo. c o m p atom
bomb bomba atmica.
atomic [tmIk] adj atmico,a.
atrium [eItrim] n atrio.
pl atriums o atria [eItrI].
atrocity [trsItI] n atrocidad f.


attach [tQtS] vt 1 (fasten) sujetar. 2 (tie)

lost) extraviarse.


[strldZ r] n astrl o

astrology [strldZI] n astrologa.

astronaut [Qstrnt] n astronauta mf.
astronomer [strnmr] n astrno


[strnmI] n astrono

pl atrocities.

atar. 3 (stick) pegar. 4 (document) adjun

attachment [tQtSmnt] n 1 tech ac
cesorio. 2 (to an e-mail) anexo. 3 (fondrefugio. 2 (for mentally ill) manicomio.
ness) cario, apego.
asymmetric [QsImetrIk] adj asim
trico,a. c o m p asymmetric bars barras attack [tQk] n (gen) ataque m; (terrorist)
fpl asimtricas.
P vt 1 atacar.
at1 [Qt, unstressed t] prep 1 (position) en,
a: at home/school/work/church en casa/el attain [teIn] vt 1 (goal) lograr. 2 (rank,
age) llegar a.
colegio/el trabajo/la iglesia; shes at the
dentists fue al dentista. 2 (time) a: at two attempt [tempt] n (try) intento, ten
oclock a las dos; at night por la noche. 3
(direction, violence) a, contra: shes always
P vt intentar.
shouting at them no para de gritarles. 4 attend [tend] vt 1 (be present at) asistir
(with numbers) a: at 50 miles an hour a 50
a: all her friends attended the funeral todos
millas la hora,. 5 (state): hes at breakfast/
sus amigos asistieron al funeral. 2 (care
lunch/dinner est desayunando/comien
for) atender, cuidar.
do/cenando; men at work hombres tra
P vi asistir.
bajando. 6 (ability): hes good at French va
a to attend to vt insep 1 ocuparse de. 2
bien en francs. l o c at first al princi
(in shop) despachar.
pio. y at last! por fin! y at least por lo attendance [tendns] n 1 (being premenos. y at most como mximo.
sent) asistencia. 2 (people present) asis
y at the moment ahora.
tentes mpl.
at2 [Qt] n (Internet) arroba [@].
attendant [tendnt] n (in car park, museate [et, eIt] pt eat.
um) vigilante mf; (in cinema) acomoda
atheism [eITIIzm] n atesmo.
atheist [eITIIst] n ateo,a.
attention [tenSn] n atencin f.

Athens [QT nz] n Atenas.

P interj attention! mil firmes! l o c to
pay attention prestar atencin.
athlete [QTlit] n atleta mf.
athletic [QTletIk]
adj 1 atltico,a. 2 attentive [tentIv] adj 1 (paying attention) atento,a. 2 (helpful) solcito,a.
(sporty) deportista.

astute [stjUt] adj astuto,a, sagaz.

asylum [saIlm] n 1 (political) asilo,



attic [QtIk] n desvn m.

attire [taIr] n atuendo, atavo.
attitude [QtItjUd] n 1 (way of thinking)

actitud f. 2 (pose) postura, pose f.

[tnI] n us abogado,a.
c o m p Attorney General gb Minis
tro,a de Justicia.
attract [trQkt] vt atraer.
attraction [trQkSn] n atraccin f.
attractive [trQktIv] adj 1 (person)
atractivo,a. 2 (offer) interesante,


attribute [(n) QtrIbjUt; (vb) trIbjUt] n

P vt atribuir.

attribution [QtrIbjUSn] n atribucin f.

attributive [trIbjUtIv] adj atributi

atypical [eItIpIkl] adj atpico,a.

aubergine [UbZin] n berenjena.
auction [kSn] n subasta.
P vt


audacious [deISs] adj 1 (daring) au

daz, intrpido,a. 2 (rude) desc ar

ado,a, osado,a.
audible [dIbl] adj audible.
audience [dIns] n (spectators) pbli
co; (radio) audiencia; (television) tele
spectadores mpl.
audio-visual [dIUvIzjUl] adj au
audit [dIt] n auditora.
P vt auditar.
audition [dISn] n prueba.
auditor [dItr] n auditor,ra.
auditorium [dItrIm] n auditorio.
pl auditoriums o auditoria [dItrI].
augment [gment] vt fml aumentar.
P vi fml aumentarse.
augmentative [gmenttIv] adj au
August [gst] n agosto.
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta May.

aura [r] n aura.

auricle [rIkl] n 1 (of heart) aurcula. 2 (of

ear) aurcula, pabelln m de la oreja.

aurora [rr] n aurora. c o m p aurora
australis aurora austral. y aurora bore
alis aurora boreal.
auscultate [sklteIt] vt auscultar.
auscultation [sklteISn] n auscul
tacin f.
austere [stIr] adj austero,a.
austerity [sterItI] n austeridad f.
Australia [streIlI] n Australia.
Australian [streIlIn] adj austra
P n australiano,a.
Austria [strI] n Austria.
Austrian [strIn] adj austraco,a,
P n austraco,a, austriaco,a.
authentic [TentIk] adj autntico,a.
author [T r ] n autor,ra, escri


[TrIterIn] adj


[TrItI] n 1 (gen) autori

dad f. 2 (permission) autorizacin f,

pl authorities.

authorisation [TraIzeISn] n au

authorise [TraIz] vt authorize.

authorization [TraIzeISn] n auto
rizacin f.

authorize [TraIz] vt autorizar.

autism [tIzm] n autismo.
autistic [tIstIk] adj autista.
auto [tU] n us fam coche m.
pl autos.

autobiography [tbaIgrfI] n au

pl autobiographies.

autograph [tgrAf] n autgrafo.

P vt



[tmQtIk] adj autom

aunt [Ant] n ta.

tico,a. c o m p automatic pilot piloto
auntie [AntI] n fam ta, tita.
au pair [Uper] n au
pair f. c o m p au pair automation [tmeISn] n automati
girl au pair f.

zacin f.



automobile [tmbil] n automvil m,

coche m.


[tnms] adj aut

autonomy [tnmI] n autonoma.

pl autonomies.

autopsy [tpsI] n autopsia.

pl autopsies.

autumn [tm] n otoo.

auxiliary [gzIljrI] adj auxiliar.


auxiliary verb verbo auxiliar.

available [veIlbl] adj disponible.
avalanche [QvlAnS] n 1 alud m. 2 fig


avarice [QvrIs] n avaricia.

avenge [vendZ] vt vengar.
avenue [QvnjU] n 1 (street) avenida.
2 (means) va.

average [QvrIdZ] n promedio, me

dia. l o c above average por encima

de la media. y below average por de
bajo de la media. y on average por
trmino medio.
P adj 1 medio,a. 2 (not special) corrien
te, regular.
P vt hacer un promedio de: I average
10 kilometres an hour hago un promedio
de 10 kilmetros por hora.
aversion [vZn] n aversin f.
avert [vt] vt (avoid) evitar. l o c to
avert ones eyes apartar la vista.
aviary [eIvjrI] n pajarera.
pl aviaries.

aviation [eIvIeISn] n aviacin f.

aviator [eIvIeItr] n aviador,ra.
avid [QvId] adj vido,a.
avocado [QvkAdU] [also avocado

pear] n aguacate m.
pl avocados.
avoid [vId] vt 1 evitar. 2 (question)
eludir. 3 (person) esquivar.
awake [weIk] adj despierto,a.
P vi 1 despertar. 2 despertarse.
pt awoke [wUk], pp awoken [wU-

feo. 2 (grant) beca. 3 (damages) indem

nizacin f.
P vt 1 (prize, grant) otorgar, conceder. 2
(damages) adjudicar.
aware [wer] adj 1 consciente. 2 (informed) informado,a, enterado,a.
l o c to be aware of ser consciente
de. y to become aware of darse cuen
ta de.
away [weI] adv 1 lejos, fuera, alejn
dose: he lives 4 km away vive a 4 km (de
aqu); the wedding is 6 weeks away faltan
6 semanas para la boda. 2 (indicating continuity): they worked away all day trabaja
ron todo el da. l o c to go away irse,
marcharse. y to put away guardar. y to
run away irse corriendo.
awe [] n sobrecogimiento.
awful [fUl] adj 1 (shocking) atroz, ho
rrible. 2 fam (very bad) fatal, horrible,
awfully [fUlI] adv fam terriblemente.
awhile [waIl] adv un rato.
awkward [kwd] adj 1 (clumsy - person) torpe; (- expression) poco elegan
te. 2 (difficult) difcil; (uncooperative) po
co cooperativo,a: its an awkward place
to get to es difcil llegar hasta all. 3 (embarrassing) embarazoso,a, delicado,a.
5 (uncomfortable) incmodo,a.
awning [nIN] n toldo.

awoke [wUk] pt awake.

awoken [wUkn] pp awake.
ax [Qks] n us axe.
axe [Qks] n hacha.
axiom [QksIm] n axioma m.
axis [QksIs] n eje m.
axle [Qksl] n eje m.
axon [Qksm] n axn m.
Azerbaijan [QzbaIdZAn] n Azerbai
yn m.

Azerbaijani [QzbaIdZAnI] adj azer

baiyano,a, azer.
P n 1 (person) azerbaiyano,a, azer
mf. 2 (language) azer m, azerbaiyano.
k n].
azimuth [QzImT] n acimut m.
awaken [weIkn] vt-vi awake.
pt & pp awakened.
Aztec [Qztek] adj azteca.
P n 1 (person) azteca mf. 2 (language) az
award [wd] n
1 (prize) premio;
teca m.
(medal) condecoracin f; (trophy) tro


B, b [bi] n 1 (the letter) B, b f. 2 (musical

note) si m.


B road carretera se

babble [bQbl] vi balbucear.

vt farfullar.
n murmullo, rumor m.
baboon [bbUn] n mandril m, babui


baby [beIbI] n 1 beb m. 2 (of animal)

cra. l o c to have a baby dar a luz, te

ner un nio. c o m p baby carriage us
cochecito de nio. y baby tooth dien
te m de leche.

a to back up vt sep (support) apoyar; (vehicle) dar marcha atrs a.

. Cuando se combina con un verbo, la

partcula back da el sentido de contrapar
tida a la accin normal del verbo. As, to
answer back, to be back, to come back,
to give back, to phone back significan
contestar, estar de vuelta, volver, de
volver, volver a llamar

backache [bQkeIk] n dolor m de espalda.

backbone [bQkbUn] n columna ver

pl babies.

backbreaking [bQkbreIkIN] adj (work)

ro, cuidar nios.

backcloth [bQkklT] n teln m de fondo.

backdated [bQkdeItId] adj con efecto

baby-sit [beIbIsIt] vi hacer de cangu

pt & pp baby-sat [beIbIsIt], ger babysitting.
baby-sitter [beIbIsItr] n canguro mf.
baby-walker [beIbIwkr] n andador
m, tacataca m, tacat m.
bachelor [bQtSl r] n soltero. c o m p
bachelors degree ttulo de bachiller
(pre-grado universitario) y bachelor
flat departamento de soltero.
bacillus [bsIls] n bacilo.
pl bacilli [bsIlaI].
back [bQk] n 1 (of person) espalda. 2 (of
animal, book) lomo. 3 (of chair) respaldo.
4 (of hand) dorso. 5 (sport - player) de
fensa mf; (- position) defensa.
P adj trasero,a, de atrs.
P adv (at the rear) atrs; (towards the rear)
hacia atrs. l o c back to front al re



backer [bQkr] n 1 fin promotor,ra. 2

(guarantor) fiador,ra. 3 (supporter)

backfire [bQkfaIr] vi fallar: our plan
backfired nos sali el tiro por la culata.
background [bQkgraUnd] n 1 fondo.
2 fig (origins) orgenes mpl, anteceden
tes mpl. c o m p background knowledge
conocimientos mpl previos. y back
ground music msica de fondo.
backhand [bQkhQnd] n revs m. c o m p
backhand shot revs m.
backhanded [bQkhQndId] adj (compliment) equvoco,a.
backhander [bQkhQndr] n fam so
backing [bQkIN] n 1 (support) apoyo,
P vt 1 (support) apoyar, respaldar. 2 (firespaldo. 2 mus acompaamiento.
nance) financiar.
backlash [bQklQS] n reaccin f vio
a to back away vi retirarse.
lenta y repentina.
a to back off vi apartarse.
a to back out vi volverse atrs.
pl backlashes.

backlog [bQklg] n acumulacin f de

trabajo, trabajos mpl pendientes.

backpack [bQkpQk] n us mochila.
P vi viajar por un pas o continente:
my sisters backpacking around Europe mi
hermana est de viaje por Europa.
back-seat [bQksit] n asiento trasero.
backside [bQksaId] n fam trasero.
backslash [bQkslQS] n barra inversa.
backslide [bQkslaId] vi reincidir.
pt & pp backslid [bQkslId].

backstage [bQksteIdZ] n 1 (area) bas

tidores mpl. 2 (dressing-rooms) cameri

nos mpl.
backstroke [bQkstrUk] n (swimming)
backtrack [bQktrQk] vi 1 (retrace ones
steps) desandar lo andado, volverse
atrs. 2 (reverse opinion) desdecirse.
backup [bQkp] n 1 (moral support) apo
yo. 2 comput copia de seguridad. c o m p
backup file archivo de seguridad.
backward [bQkwd] adj 1 hacia atrs.
2 (child) atrasado,a. 3 (shy) tmido,a.

adv backwards.


[bQkwdz] adv 1 hacia

atrs. 2 (the wrong way) al revs: he always does things backwards siempre hace
las cosas al revs.
backyard [bQkjAd] n patio de atrs.
bacon [beIkn] n tocino, bacn m.
bacteria [bQktIrI] n pl bacterias fpl.

sing bacterium.

bacterium [bQktIrIm] n bacteria.

P adv mal. l o c to feel bad encontrarse
mal. y to look bad 1 (person) tener ma
la cara. 2 (situation) pintar mal.
P n lo malo. l o c too bad! mala pata!,
qu lstima!
baddy [bQdI] n fam malo,a de la pel

pl baddies.

bade [beId] pt bid.

badge [bQdZ] n 1 insignia, distintivo. 2
(metallic) chapa. c o m p lapel badge pin m.

badger [bQdZr] n tejn m.

badly [bQdlI] adv 1 mal: he behaved badly

at the party se port mal en la fiesta. 2 (seriously) gravemente: he was badly hurt in
the bombing fue gravemente herido en el
atentado. 3 (very much) mucho,a: he
badly needs your help tiene mucha necesi
dad de tu ayuda.


[bQdmQnd] adj

bad-tempered [bQdtempd] adj (per-

manently) de mal genio; (temporarily)

malhumorado,a, de mal humor.
baffle [bQfl] vt 1 (perplex) dejar per
plejo,a, desconcertar. 2 (frustrate) frus
bag [bQg] n 1 (paper, plastic) bolsa; (large)
saco. 2 (handbag) bolso. 3 (for school)
P n pl bags (under eyes) ojeras fpl. l o c
bags of montones de.
baggage [bQgIdZ] n equipaje m.
baggy [bQgI] adj holgado,a, an

pl bacteria.
[bQd] adj 1 malo,a; (before masc
comp baggier, superl baggiest.
noun) mal: he made a bad decision tom bagpipes [bQgpaIps] n pl gaita f sing.
una mala decisin. 2 (rotten) podrido,a. bail1 [beIl] n fianza. l o c to be on bail
3 (serious) grave: they had a bad accident
estar en libertad bajo fianza.
tuvieron un accidente grave. 4 (naughty)
a to bail out vt sep 1 pagar la fianza a.
malo,a, travieso,a. 5 (aches, illnesses)
2 fig sacar de un apuro.
fuerte, intenso,a: hes got a bad head2
[beIl] vt (water) achicar.
ache tiene un fuerte dolor de cabeza. l o c
[beIlIf] n (court officer) alguacil m.
to be bad at (skill, subject) ser malo,a en:
hes bad at English es malo en ingls. y to bait [beIt] n cebo.
P vt 1 cebar. 2 (torment) atosigar. l o c to
come to a bad end acabar mal. y to have
take the bait picar.
a bad leg tener la pierna lisiada. c o m p
bake [beIk] vt cocer (en el horno).
bad cheque cheque
m sin fondos.
P vi cocerse.
comp worse, superl worst.




baked [beIkt] adj cocido al horno.


baked apple manzana al horno. y baked

beans alubias fpl guisadas en salsa de
tomate. y baked potato patata asada.
baker [beIkr] n (of bread) panadero,a;

ballot [bQlt] n 1 (vote) votacin f. 2

(votes recorded) nmero de votos escru

tados. l o c to take a ballot on sth so
meter algo a votacin. c o m p ballot
box urna. y ballot paper papeleta.

(of cakes) pastelero,a.

ballpoint [blpInt] [tambin ballpoint

ra; (for cakes) pastelera.


bakery [beIkrI] n (for bread) panade

pl bakeries.

baking [beIkIN] n coccin f. c o m p baking

powder levadura en polvo. y baking

soda bicarbonato sdico.
balaclava [bQlklAv] n pasamonta
as m.
balance [bQlns] n 1 equilibrio. 2
(scales) balanza. 3 (of account, etc) saldo. 4

(remainder) resto.
P vi 1 mantenerse en equilibrio. 2 fin
balanced [bQlnst] adj equilib ra
balcony [bQlknI] n 1 balcn m. 2 (in
theatre) anfiteatro; (gallery) gallinero.

pl balconies.
[bld] adj 1 calvo,a. 2 (tyre)
desgastado,a. 3 (style) escueto,a. 4


(statement) directo,a, franco,a.

Balearic [bQlIQrIk] adj balear, bale

rico,a. c o m p the Balearic Islands las

(islas) Baleares.
ball [bl] n 1 (gen) pelota; (football, etc)
baln m; (golf, billiards) bola. 2 (of paper)
bola; (of wool) ovillo. 3 (of eye) globo
ocular. 4 (dance) baile m, fiesta. l o c to
play ball 1 us (sport) jugar a la pelota.
2 (cooperate) cooperar, colaborar. c o m p
gala ball baile m de etiqueta.
ballad [bQld] n balada.




ball-and-socket joint articulacin f de


ballast [bQlst] n (boat, balloon) lastre m.

ballerina [bQlrin] n bailarina.
ballet [bQleI] n ballet m.
ballistics [blIstIks] n balstica.
balloon [blUn] n 1 globo. 2 (in cartoon)
bocadillo. 3 (glass) copa grande.

pen] n bolgrafo.

[blrUm] n sala de baile.

ballroom dancing baile m de saln.
balm [bAm] n blsamo.
balmy [bAmI] adj 1 (weather) suave. 2

(soothing) balsmico,a.

comp balmier, superl balmiest.

balsam [blsm] n balm.

balsamic [blsQmIk] adj balsmico,a.
Baltic [bltIk] adj bltico,a. c o m p the
Baltic (Sea) el (mar) Bltico.

bamboo [bQmbU] n bamb m.

ban [bQn] n prohibicin f.

vt prohibir.
pt & pp banned, ger banning.
banal [bnAl] adj banal, trivial.
banality [bnQlItI] n banalidad f.
pl banalities.
banana [bnAn] n 1 (fruit) pltano,
banana. 2 (tree) bananero, am banano.
band [bQnd] n 1 (gen) banda; (pop)
conjunto; (jazz) orquesta. 2 (strip) tira.
3 (around arm) brazalete m. 4 (wrapper)
faja. 5 phys banda, frecuencia. 7 tech


bandage [bQndIdZ] n venda, vendaje m.


vt vendar.

a to bandage up vt sep vendar.

Band-Aid [bQndeId] n tirita,

che curita.


B and B [binbi] abbr (bed and break-

fast) casa de huspedes que ofrece habitacin

con desayuno incluido.

" Los B and B son una alternativa por lo

general ms asequible a los hoteles. Tradi
cionalmente, estos establecimientos so
lan estar situados en casas grandes cuyos
dueos obtenan as una fuente adicional
de ingresos. Hoy en da, el concepto se ha
ampliado y hay B and B para todos los
gustos y bolsillos.

Balloon no significa
baln, que se
bandit [bQndIt] n bandido,a.
traduce por ball.



bandstand [bQndstQnd] n quiosco de


bandwidth [bQndwIdT] n ancho de


bandy [bQndI] vt sp (ball) pasarse.

to bandy

sb s

banns [bQnz] n pl amonestaciones fpl.

banquet [bQNkwIt] n banquete m.
banter [bQntr] n bromas fpl, guasa.


name about difamar

hablar mal de algn.

pt & pp bandied, ger bandying.

[bQndlg d] adj pa


bang [bQN] n 1 (blow) golpe m. 2 (noise)

ruido; (of gun) estampido; (explosion) es

tallido; (of door) portazo.
P vt golpear, dar golpes en.
P adv fam justo: bang in the middle justo
en medio. l o c to bang the door dar un
P n pl bangs us flequillo.
banger [bQNr] n 1 (firework) petardo.
2 gb fam (sausage) salchicha. 3 fam (car)
cacharro, trasto.
bangle [bQNgl] n brazalete m.
banish [bQnIS] vt (expel) desterrar.
banishment [bQnISmnt] n destierro,
banister [bQnIstr] n barandilla.
bank1 [bQNk] n banco. c o m p bank holi
day gb festivo, da festivo.
P vt (deposit money) ingresar, depositar.
bank2 [bQNk] n 1 (of river) ribera; (edge)
orilla: on the banks of the Manzanares a
orillas del Manzanares. 2 (mound) loma;
(embankment) terrapln m.
P vt 1 (soil, earth) amontonar. 2 (river)
bankbook [bQNkbUk] n libreta de
ahorro, cartilla de ahorro.
banker [bQNkr] n banquero,a.
banking [bQNkIN] n banca.
banknote [bQNknUt] n billete m de
bankruptcy [bQNkrptsI] n quiebra,

vi bromear, estar de guasa.

baptise [bQptaIz] vt baptize.

baptism [bQptIzm] n bautismo.
baptize [bQptaIz] vt bautizar.
bar [bAr] n 1 (iron, gold) barra. 2 (in prison)

barrote m. 3 (soap) pastilla. 4 (obstacle)

obstculo. 5 (counter) barra, mostrador
m. 6 (room) bar m. 7 (in court) tribunal m:
the prisoner at the bar el acusado, la acusa
da. c o m p bar chart grfica de barras.
P vt 1 (door) atrancar; (road, access) cortar.
2 (ban) prohibir, vedar; (from a place) pro
hibir la entrada. 3 (prevent) impedir.

pt & pp barred, ger barring.

P prep excepto, salvo: they all came, bar
his parents acudieron todos, excepto sus


n the Bar jur el colegio de abogados.

[bAberIn] adj brba


n brbaro,a.


[bAbkjU] n barbacoa,

P vt asar a la parrilla.
ger barbecuing.

barbed [bAbd] adj 1 con pas, pun

zante. 2 fig mordaz, incisivo,a.

barber [bAbr] n barbero.

bers shop barbera.



barbiturate [bAbItSrt] n barbitrico.

bare [ber] adj 1 (naked) desnudo,a;

(head) descubierto,a. 2 (land) raso,a;

(tree, plant) sin hojas. 3 (empty) vaco,a;
(unfurnished) sin muebles. 4 (scant)
escaso,a. 5 (worn) gastado,a, rado,a.
P vt desnudar; (uncover) descubrir.
barefaced [befeIst] adj descarado,a.
barefoot [befUt] adj descalzo,a.
P adv descalzo,a.
barely [belI] adv apenas.
pl bankruptcies.
bargain [bAgn] n 1 (agreement) trato,
acuerdo. 2 (good buy) ganga.
banner [bQnr] n 1 (flag) bandera. 2
P vi 1 (negotiate) negociar. 2 (haggle) re
(placard) pancarta. 3 (on web page) ban
gatear. c o m p bargain offer oferta es
ner m, anuncio.
P adj us excelente, de primera. c o m p
pecial. y bargain price precio de ofer
banner headlines grandes titulares mpl.
ta, precio de saldo.



barge [bAdZ] n gabarra, barcaza.

baritone [bQrItUn] n bartono.
barium [berIm] n bario.
bark1 [bAk] n 1 (of dog) ladrido. 2 (cough)
tos f fuerte.
P vi ladrar.

bark2 [bAk] n (of tree) corteza.

barley [bAlI] n cebada.
barmaid [bAmeId] n camarera.
barman [bAmn] n camarero, bar
man m.
pl barmen [bAmen].
barn [bAn] n (for grain) granero.
barnacle [bAnkl] n percebe m.
barnyard [bAnjAd] n corral m.
barometer [brmItr] n barmetro.
baron [bQrn] n barn m.
baroness [bQrns] n baronesa.
baroque [brk] adj barroco,a.
P n barroco.
barrack [bQrk] vt (jeer) abuchear.
barracks [bQrks] n pl cuartel m.
. Puede considerarse singular o plural:
where is/are the barracks dnde est el

barrage [bQrAZ] n presa, embalse m.

barrel [bQrl] n 1 (of beer) barril m; (of

wine) tonel m, cuba. 2 (of gun) can m.

3 (of pen) depsito. 4 tech tambor m.
barren [bQrn] adj 1 (land, woman) est
ril. 2 (meagre) escaso,a.
barricade [bQrIkeId] n barricada.
P vt poner barricadas en.
barrier [bQrIr] n barrera. c o m p barrier
reef banco de coral, arrecife m.
barrister [bQrIst r] n abogado,a
(capacitado,a para actuar en tribunales superiores).
barrow [bQrU] n (wheelbarrow) carreti


[beIs] adj 1 bajo,a, vil. 2 (metal)

comn, de baja ley.
baseball [beIsbl] n bisbol m.
baseline [beIslaIn] n 1 sp (tennis) lnea
de saque. 2 (diagram) lnea cero. 3 art
punto de fuga.
basement [beIsmnt] n stano.
bash [bQS] vt fam golpear, aporrear.
P n 1 fam (blow) golpe m. 2 fam (try) in
bashful [bQSfUl] adj vergonzoso,a,
tmido,a, modesto,a.
basic [beIsIk] adj 1 bsico,a. 2 (elementary) elemental, para principiantes.
basil [bQzl] n bot albahaca.
basilica [bzIlIk] n baslica.
basin [beIsn] n 1 (bowl) cuenco; (washbowl) palangana. 2 (washbasin) lavabo.
3 geog cuenca.
basis [beIsIs] n base f, fundamento.
l o c on the basis of 1 (according to) se
gn. 2 (in accordance with) de acuerdo
con. 3 (starting from) a partir de. 2 (because of) por, a causa de.

pl bases [beIsiz].

. En ocasiones, basis puede traducirse

al espaol mediante un adverbio: on a
temporary/regular/weekly basis temporal

bask [bAsk] vi tumbarse al sol.

basket [bAskIt] n 1 cesta, cesto. 2

(basketball) canasta, cesta. 3 (of balloon)

basketball [bAskItbl] n baloncesto.
Basque [bAsk] adj vasco,a.
P n 1 (person) vasco,a. 2 (language) vas
co, euskera m.
bas-relief [bQsrIlif] n bajorrelieve m.
bass1 [beIs] n 1 mus (singer) bajo. 2 mus
lla; (for carrying goods) carro.
(notes) graves mpl. 3 mus (guitar) bajo.
barstool [bAstUl] n taburete m de bar.
P adj mus bajo,a.
bartender [bAtendr] n us camarero,
bass2 [bQs] n (fish) rbalo, lubina; (freshbarman m.
water) perca.
barter [bAtr] n trueque m.
bassoon [bsUn] n fagot m.
P vt trocar.
bastard [bAstd] adj & n bastardo,a.
basalt [bQslt] n basalto.
base1 [beIs] n 1 (gen) base f. 2 arch (of baste [beIst] vt culin rociar, baar.
bastion [bQstIn] n baluarte m.
column) basa, base f.
3 (of word) raz f.
P vt basar.
bat1 [bQt] n zool murcilago.


[bQt] n sp bate m; (table tennis) pala.

vi batear.
pt & pp batted, ger batting.
batch [bQtS] n (gen) lote m, remesa; (of

bread, etc) hornada.

bath [bAT] n 1 bao. 2 (tub) baera.

vi baarse.
n pl baths piscina f sing municipal.
l o c to have a bath / take a bath baar
se. y to run a bath preparar un bao.
bathe [beID] vt 1 med (cut, wound) lavar.
2 (eyes) baarse. 3 fig (with light) baar.
P vi (in sea) baarse.

" La diferencia entre los verbos bath y

bathe es que este ltimo se emplea para

referirse a un bao en el mar, un ro o un
lago, es decir, sin un objetivo higinico.


bawl [bl] vi chillar, gritar.

bay1 [beI] n geog baha; (large) golfo.

Bay of Biscay golfo de Vizcaya.

bay2 [beI] n (tree) laurel m.

bay3 [beI] vi (howl) aullar.
bay4 [beI] n 1 arch (recess) hueco, ni
cho. 2 (in factory) nave f.

bayonet [beInt] n mil bayoneta.

bazaar [bzAr] n bazar m.
BBC [bibisi] abbr (British Broadcast-

ing Corporation) compaa britnica

de radiodifusin; (abbreviation) BBC f.
BC [bisi] abbr (before Christ) antes de


be [bi] vi 1 (permanent or essential charac-

teristic) ser: shes clever es inteligente. 2

(nationality, origin) ser: Johns English John
es ingls. 3 (occupation) ser: we are both
bather [beID ] n baista mf.
teachers los dos somos profesores. 4
bathing [beIDIN] n bao. l o c No bath
(ownership, authorship) ser: its my pencil es
ing Prohibido baarse. c o m p bath
mi lpiz. 5 (composition) ser: this cupboard
ing costume traje m de bao. y bathing
is oak este armario es de roble. 6 (use)
suit traje m de bao.
ser: this product is for tiles este producto
bathrobe [bATrUb] n albornoz m.
es para baldosas. 7 (location) estar: Whitbathroom [bATrUm] n cuarto de bao.
by is on the coast Whitby est en la costa.
8 (temporary state) estar: your suppers cold
bathtub [bATtb] n us baera.
tu cena est fra; how are you? cmo es
bathyscaph [bQTIskQf] n batiscafo.
ts? 9 (age) tener: Philip is 22 Philip tiene
baton [bQtn, bQtn] n 1 (truncheon)
22 aos. 10 (price) costar, valer: a single
porra. 2 mus batuta. 3 sp testigo.
ticket is 9.50 un billete de ida cuesta 9,50
batrachian [btreIkjn] adj batracio,a.
libras. 11 tener: hes hot/cold tiene calor/
P n batracio.
fro; hes right tiene razn. l o c to be
battalion [btQljn] n batalln m.
about to + inf estar para + inf, estar a
batter [bQt ] n culin rebozado.
punto de + inf: the train is about to arrive
batter2 [bQtr] vt (person) golpear, apa
el tren est a punto de llegar.
lear; (bruise) magullar; (object) maltra
P aux 1 be + pres part (action in progress or
tar, estropear.
near future) estar: it is raining est llovien
batter [bQt ] n sp (baseball, cricket)
do; the train is coming viene el tren; I am
going on Thursday ir el jueves. 2 to be +
battery [bQtrI] n 1 elec (wet) batera;
pp (passive) ser: she was arrested at the bor(dry) pila. 2 mil (of artillery) batera. 3
der fue detenida en la frontera, la detu
(series) batera.
vieron en la frontera. 3 be + to + inf (fu pl batteries.
ture): the King is to visit Egypt el Rey visitar
battle [bQtl] n batalla.
Egipto. l o c there is / there are hay.
P vi pelearse, batirse.
a to be after vi querer, estar buscando:
battlefield [bQtlfild] n campo de
what are you after? que ests buscando?
a to be off vi (leave) salir, marcharse;
battleship [bQtlSIp] n acorazado.
(be stale, bad) estar pasado,a.
a to be in vi 1 (at home) estar en casa. 2
bauble [bbl] n
1 (trinket) baratija. 2
(Christmas decoration) bola de Navidad.
(in fashion) estar de moda.


a to be out vi (away) no estar, estar
fuera: Johns out at the moment John no
est en estos momentos.
a to be away vi estar fuera.
a to be back vi estar de vuelta, haber
a to be over vi haber acabado.

pres 1 pers am, 2 pers sing y todas las del

pl are, 3 pers sing is; pt 1 y 3 pers sing was,
2 pers sing y todas del pl were; pp been.
beach [bitS] n playa.
pl beaches.
beacon [bikn] n 1 (fire) almenara. 2
(light) baliza. 3 (lighthouse) faro.
bead [bid] n 1 (on rosary, necklace) cuen
ta; (glass) abalorio. 2 (of liquid) gota.
beak [bik] n pico.
beaker [bik r] n 1 taza alta. 2 (for
measuring, playing dice) cubilete m. 3

vaso de precipitacin.

beam [bim] n 1 (wooden) viga. 2 (of light)

rayo. 3 (width of ship) manga. 4 (smile)

sonrisa radiante. 5 phys haz m.
P vi 1 (shine) brillar. 2 (smile) sonrer.
P vt irradiar, emitir. c o m p electron
beam haz m de electrones.
bean [bin] n 1 (vegetable) alubia, juda,
haba. 2 (of coffee) grano.
beansprout [binspraUt] n brote m de
bear1 [ber] n zool oso. c o m p bear cub
zool osezno. y grizzly bear oso par
do. y the Great Bear la Osa Mayor. y
the Little Bear la Osa Menor.
bear2 [ber] vt 1 (gen) llevar. 2 (show signs
of) mostrar, revelar. 3 (weight) soportar,
aguantar; (responsibility, cost) asumir. 4
(fruit) producir. 5 fin (interest) devengar.
pt bore [br], pp borne [bn].
bearable [berbl] adj soportable,


beard [bId] n 1 (on face) barba. 2 (of

corn) arista, raspa.

bearded [bIdId] adj barbudo,a.

bearing [berIN] n 1 (posture) porte m. 2

beast [bist] n bestia, animal m.

beastly [bistlI] adj 1 bestial. 2 (unpleas-

ant) antiptico,a. 3 sl (damn) dicho

so,a, maldito,a.

comp beastlier, superl beastliest.

beat [bit] n 1 (of heart) latido. 2 (noise)
golpe m, ruido; (of rain) tamborileo;
(of wings) aleteo. 3 mus ritmo. 4 (of po-

liceman) ronda.
P adj fam agotado,a, rendido,a.
P vt 1 (hit) golpear; (metals) martillear;
(person) azotar; (drum) tocar. 2 culin
batir. 3 (defeat) vencer, derrotar; (in
competition) ganar.
P vi 1 (heart) latir. 2 (wings) batir.
a to beat down vt sep 1 (door) derribar,
echar abajo. 2 (price) conseguir un
precio ms bajo.
a to beat up vt sep dar una paliza a.
pt beat, pp beaten [bitn].

beater [bitr] n 1 culin batidora. 2 (in

hunting) ojeador,ra.

beating [bitIN] n 1 (thrashing) paliza. 2

(defeat) derrota. 3 (of heart) latidos mpl.

beautician [bjUtISn] n esteticista mf.

beautiful [bjUtIfUl] adj 1 (person, object,

place) hermoso,a, bonito,a, precio

so,a; (person) guapo,a. 2 (wonderful)
maravilloso,a, magnfico,a. 3 (delicious) delicioso,a.
beauty [bjUtI] n belleza. c o m p beauty
spot 1 (on face) lunar m. 2 (place) lugar
m pintoresco.
pl beauties.

beaver [bivr] n castor m.

became [bIkeIm] pt become.
because [bIkz] conj porque.

prep because of a causa de: they were

late because of the snow llegaron tarde a

causa de la nieve.

become [bIkm] vi 1 (with noun) con

vertirse en, hacerse, llegar a ser: to

become a doctor/teacher h a c e r s e
mdico,a/maestro,a; to become friends
hacerse amigos. 2 (change into) conver
tirse en, transformarse en: chrysalises
become butterflies las crislidas se trans
forman en mariposas. 3 (irrevocable state)

(relevance) relacin f. 3 (importance) tras

cendencia. 4 tech cojinete m. 5 arch
soporte m, columna. 6 mar rumbo,
orientacin f.
volverse; (temporary state) ponerse; (in
bearskin [beskIn] n (hat) birretina.
voluntary state) quedarse: to become mad

volverse loco,a, to become fat engordar;
to become sad ponerse triste.

pt became [bIkeIm], pp become.

becoming [bIkmIN] adj 1 (dress, etc)
que sienta bien, favorecedor,ra. 2

(behaviour, language) apropiado,a.

bed [bed] n 1 cama. 2 (for animals) lecho.

3 (of flowers) arriate m, macizo. 4 (of river)

lecho, cauce m; (of sea) fondo. 5 geol
capa, yacimiento. l o c to go to bed
acostarse. y to put sb to bed acostar a
algn. y to make the bed hacer la cama.
c o m p bunk bed litera. y double bed ca
ma de matrimonio. y single bed cama
individual. y twin beds camas fpl sepa
radas. y bed and board pensin f com
pleta. y bed and breakfast alojamiento

con desayuno incluido.


beef [bif] n 1 (meat) carne f de buey,

carne f de vaca. 2 (animal) buey m, va

ca; (cattle) ganado vacuno. c o m p corned
beef carne f de vaca en conserva.
beefburger [bifbg r] n hambur
beefeater [bifitr] n alabardero de
la Torre de Londres.
beefsteak [bifsteIk] n bistec m.
beehive [bihaIv] n colmena.
beekeeper [bikipr] n apicultor,ra.
beekeeping [bikipIN] n apicultura.
beeline [bilaIn] n lnea recta. l o c to
make a beeline for irse directamen
te a

been [bin, bIn] pp be.

beep [bip] n pitido.

bedpan [bedpQn] n cua, orinal m de

P vi pitar, tocar el pito. l o c to beep

the horn tocar el claxon.
beer [bIr] n cerveza.
beeswax [bizwQks] n cera de abejas.
beet [bit] n remolacha.
beetle [bitl] n escarabajo.
beetroot [bitrUt] n 1 [pl beet] remola
cha azucarera. 2 us [pl beets] remo

bedridden [bedrIdn] adj postrado,a

before [bIfr] prep 1 (earlier) antes de. 2

. Consulta B and B.

bedbug [bedbg] n chinche f.

bedclothes [bedklUDz] n pl ropa de ca

bedding [bedIN] n 1 ropa de cama. 2

(for animals) lecho.

en cama.


(in front of) delante de; (in the presence of)

ante; (for the attention of) ante: hes before
me in the queue va delante de mi en la cola;
habitacin f.
he appeared before the judge compareci
bedside [bedsaId] n cabecera.
ante el juez. 3 (rather than) antes que. 4
bedsit [bedsIt] n estudio.
(ahead) por delante. 5 (first) primero: ladies before gentlemen las seoras primero.
" El bedsit es un tipo de alojamiento de
P conj 1 (earlier than) antes de + inf, an
alquiler asequible tpico del Reino Unido.
Consiste en una sola habitacin que hace
tes de que + subj : dont forget to say
de dormitorio, sala de estar y comedor. Se
goodbye before you go no te olvides de
suele compartir el bao con otras perso
despedirte antes de irte. 2 (rather than)
nas y a veces se tiene derecho a cocina.
antes de + inf: he would starve before he
asked them for money preferira morir de
bedsore [beds] n med llaga, lcera.
hambre antes de pedirles dinero.
bedspread [bedspred] n cubrecama.
P adv 1 (earlier) antes. 2 (previous) ante
bedtime [bedtaIm] n la hora de acos
rior. 3 (already) ya: weve seen it before ya
lo hemos visto.
bee [bi] n abeja.
beforehand [bIfhQnd] adv 1 (earlier)
beech [bitS] n (wood) haya. c o m p beech
antes. 2 (in advance) de antemano, con
grove hayal m, hayedo. y beech tree
antelacin: payment must be made a
month beforehand los pagos deben efec
bee-eater [biitr] n abejaruco.
tuarse con un mes de antelacin. 3 (be-


[bedrUm] n dormitorio,



fore) antes: they arrived two hours beforehand llegaron dos horas antes.
befriend [bIfrend] vt ofrecer su amis
tad a.

beg [beg] vt 1 mendigar. 2 (ask for) pe

dir. 3 lit (beseech) suplicar, rogar. l o c

I beg your pardon cmo ha dicho?
P vi 1 mendigar. 2 (dog) sentarse (con
las patas delanteras levantadas).
pt & pp begged, ger begging.
began [bIgQn] pt begin.
beggar [begr] n 1 mendigo,a, por
diosero,a. 2 fam tipo, individuo,a:
hes a funny beggar es un tipo raro.
begin [bIgIn] vt empezar, comenzar.
pt began [ b I g Q n ] , pp begun
[bIgn], ger beginning.
beginner [bIgInr] n principiante mf.
beginning [bIgInIN] n 1 principio, co
mienzo. 2 (cause) origen m, causa.
begrudge [bIgrdZ] vt 1 (envy) envi
diar. 2 (disapprove) desaprobar.
beguile [bIgaIl] vt 1 (seduce) seducir,
atraer; (bewitch) embrujar. 2 (cheat) en

being [biIN] n 1 (living thing) ser m. 2 (ex-

istence) existencia. l o c being as ya que,

puesto que: being as they arrived late
puesto que llegaron tarde y for the
time being por ahora, de momento.
c o m p human being ser m humano.
Belarus [belrs] n Bielorrusia.
belated [bIleItId] adj fam tardo,a.
belay [bIleI] vt (boat) amarrar; (rope in
mountaineering) asegurar, fijar.
belch [beltS] n eructo.
P vi eructar. l o c to belch (out) vomi
tar, arrojar: the burning building belched
out smoke el edificio en llamas arrojaba
beleaguer [bIligr] vt 1 (beseige) sitiar,
cercar. 2 (harass) perseguir, hostigar.
belfry [belfrI] n campanario.
pl belfries.

Belgian [beldZn] adj belga.


n belga mf.

Belgium [beldZm] n Blgica.

belie [bIlaI] vt 1 (contradict) mostrar co

mo falso. 2 (misrepresent) no reflejar,

ocultar. 3 (fail to justify) defraudar.
belief [bIlif] n 1 (gen) creencia. 2 (opinion) opinin f. 3 (confidence) confianza:
for) en nombre de, de parte de; (in fahe has no belief in the legal system no tiene
vour of) por, en favor de; (for the benefit
confianza en el sistema jurdico. l o c to
of) para, en beneficio de.
the best of my belief que yo sepa. y it
behave [bIheIv] vi 1 (people) compor
is beyond belief parece mentira.
tarse, portarse. 2 (equipment, machinery)
funcionar bien: this computer wont be- believable [bIlivbl] adj creble, ve
have este ordenador no funciona bien.
[bIliv] vt 1 (accept as true, think)
behavior [bIheIvj ] n us behaviour.
creer. 2 (suppose) suponer.
behaviour [bIheIvj r] n 1 (of person)
P vi 1 creer ( in, en). 2 (trust) confiar
conducta, comportamiento. 2 (of
(in, en). 3 (support, be in favour of) ser
equipment, machine) funcionamiento. 3
partidario,a (in, de). 4 rel tener fe.
(treatment) trato.
l o c it is believed that se cree que.
behead [bIhed] vt decapitar.
believer [bIlivr] n 1 creyente mf. 2
behind [bIhaInd] prep detrs de.
(supporter) partidario,a.
P adv 1 detrs, atrs. 2 (late) atras a
do,a. 3 (with payment) retrasado,a: belittle [bIlItl] vt menospreciar.
hes behind with the payments est retrasa bell [bel] n 1 (church, etc) campana. 2
(handbell) campanilla. 3 (on bicycle, door,
do en los pagos.
P n fam (buttocks) trasero.
etc) timbre m. 4 (on toy, hat) cascabel m. 5
(cowbell) cencerro. 6 (flower) campani
behindhand [bIhaIndhQnd] adv en re
lla. l o c to ring the bell tocar el timbre.
traso, retrasado,a.
bell-bottoms [belbtmz] n pl panta
beige [beIZ] n beige
P adj (de color) beige.
lones mpl acampanados.

begun [bIgn] pp begin.

behalf [bIhAf] phr on behalf of (acting

bellboy [belbI] n botones m.
bellhop [belhp] n us botones m.
belligerent [bIlIdZrnt] adj belige

bellow [belU] n bramido.

vi bramar.
n pl bellows fuelle m sing.
belly [belI] n 1 (person) vientre m, barri
ga. 2 (animal) panza. c o m p belly button
ombligo. y belly laugh carcajada.
pl bellies.
bellyache [belIeIk] n fam dolor m de

P vi fam quejarse.

bellybutton [belIbtn] n fam ombligo.

belong [bIlN] vi 1 pertenecer (to, a),

ser (to, de). 2 (be a member of a club) ser

socio,a (to, de); (be a member of a political party) ser miembro (to, de). 3 (have
suitable qualities) ser apto,a (in, para).
belongings [bIlNINz] n pl pertenen
cias fpl, brtulos mpl.
beloved [(adj) bIlvd; (n) bIlvId] adj
querido,a, amado,a.
P n amado,a.
below [bIlU] prep 1 debajo de, bajo. 2
por debajo (de). 3 (lower than) ba
jo. l o c below sea level por debajo del
nivel del mar.
P adv 1 abajo. 2 de abajo. l o c see be
low vase abajo.
belt [belt] n 1 cinturn m. 2 tech co
rrea. 3 (area) zona.
P vt fam (hit) arrear un tortazo.
a to belt along vi fam ir a todo gas.
a to belt up vi fam cerrar el pico.
bemused [bImjUzd] adj perplejo,a.
bench [bentS] n 1 banco. 2 jur tribunal
m . 3 sp banquillo. l o c to be on the
bench ser juez,za.


2 (head) inclinarse; (back) encorvarse.

3 (road) torcer.
a to bend down vi agacharse.
a to bend over vi inclinarse.
pt & pp bent [bent].
beneath [bIniT] prep 1 bajo, debajo
de. 2 por debajo de: the underground
line runs beneath our house la lnea de me
tro va por debajo de nuestra casa. 3 fig
indigno,a de, no digno,a de: its beneath you to behave like this es indigno de

ti comportarte de esta manera.

adv de abajo: she lives in the flat beneath vive en el piso de abajo.
benefactor [benIfQktr] n benefactor m.
beneficial [benIfISl] adj beneficio
so,a, provechoso,a.
beneficiary [benIfISrI] n beneficia

pl beneficiaries.

benefit [benIfIt] n 1 (advantage) benefi

cio, provecho. 2 (good) bien m. 3 (allowance) subsidio. 4 (charity performance)

funcin f benfica; (charity game) par
tido benfico.
P vt beneficiar.
P vi beneficiarse (from, de).

pt & pp benefited (us benefitted), ger

benefiting (us benefitting).
benevolence [bInevlns] n benevo



[bInevlnt] adj ben

volo,a. c o m p benevolent society so
ciedad f benfica.
beneficence [bInefIsns] n benefi
benign [bInaIn] adj benigno,a.

bent [bent] pt & pp bend.

adj 1 torcido,a, doblado,a. 2 sl

(corrupt) corrupto,a.
P n (innate ability) facilidad f , don m :
pl benches.
shes got a bent for maths tiene facilidad
bend [bend] n 1 (in road, etc) curva. 2 (in
para las matemticas.
pipe) ngulo.
benzene [benzin] n chem benceno.
P vt 1 doblar, curvar. 2 (head) inclinar;
(back) doblar, encorvar; (knee) doblar, benzine [benzin] n chem bencina.
bequest [bIkwest] n legado.
P vi 1 doblarse, combarse: the legs of
bereaved [bIrivd] adj descons ol a
do,a, afligido,a: his bereaved wife su
the chair bent when
he sat down las patas
de la silla se combaron cuando se sent.
desconsolada esposa.




[bIrivmnt] n 1 (loss)

prdida. 2 (mourning) duelo.

beret [bereI] n boina.
berry [berI] n baya.
pl berries.

. Hay muchas frutas cuyo nombre se

forma con berry, ya que se trata de bayas.
Por ejemplo: blackberry (mora), gooseberry (grosella espinosa), raspberry
(frambuesa) o strawberry (fresn).

berserk [bzk] adj enloquecido,a.

berth [bT] n 1 (in harbour) amarrade
ro. 2 (on ship) camarote m, litera.
P vi atracar.
beryl [berl] n geol berilo.
beryllium [brIlIm] n chem berilio.
beseech [bIsitS] vt lit implorar, suplicar.

pt & pp besought [bIst] o beseeched.

beset [bIset] vt 1 (attack, harass) acosar,
asaltar. 2 (hem in, surround) acorralar,


pt & pp beset, ger besetting.

[bIsaId] prep 1 al lado de. 2


(compared to) frente a, comparado,a

con. l o c to be beside os estar fuera
de s. y thats beside the point esto no
viene al caso.
besides [bIsaIdz] prep (as well as) ade
ms de, aparte de.
P adv adems.
besiege [bIsidZ] vt 1 mil sitiar. 2 fig
asediar, inundar.

besought [bIst] pt & pp beseech.

best [best] adj (superl of good) mejor.

l o c the best part of casi: it cost me the

best part of 5,000 me cost casi 5.000 li
bras. c o m p best man padrino de boda.
the best one el mejor, la mejor.
P adv 1 (superl of well) mejor. 2 (to a greater extent) ms: of all the girls she is the one
he likes best de todas las chicas ella es la
que le gusta ms. l o c best before con

3 (in sport) plusmarca. l o c all the best! 1

que te vaya bien! 2 (in letter) un saludo.
y its for the best ms vale que sea as.
bestial [bestIl] adj bestial, brutal.
bestow [bIstU] vt (honour, award) otor
gar (on, a); (favour) hacer (on, a); (title)
conferir (on, a).
best-seller [bestselr] n best seller m,
superventas m.
bet [bet] n apuesta. l o c to make a bet
hacer una apuesta.
P vt & vi apostar

pt & pp bet o betted, ger betting.

c o m p beta rays ra
yos mpl beta.
betray [bItreI] vt 1 traicionar. 2 (secret)
revelar. 3 (show signs of) dejar ver, acu
sar. 4 (deceive) engaar.
betrayal [bItreIl] n 1 traicin f. 2 (de-

beta [bit] n beta.

ceit) engao.

better1 [betr] adj 1 (comp of good) me

jor: his new novel is better than his last one
su ltima novela es mejor que la ante
rior. 2 (more healthy) mejor: hes feeling
better today hoy se encuentra mejor. l o c
to get better recuperarse, mejorarse.
y better and better cada vez mejor.
P adv 1 (comp of well) mejor. 2 (to a greater
extent) ms: I like this one better me gusta
ms ste. l o c had better + inf ms vale
que + subj: wed better be going ms vale
que nos vayamos. y to like sth/sb better
preferir algo/a algn.
P vt 1 (improve) mejorar: he has bettered
their working conditions ha mejorado sus
condiciones de trabajo. 2 (surpass) supe
rar: he bettered his own record super su
propio rcord.
P n pl betters superiores mpl: you must
listen to your betters debes escuchar a tus
betting [betIN] n apuestas fpl. l o c

whats the betting that he (she, it,

etc)? qu apuestas a que ?: whats
the betting that he arrives late? qu apuestas
a que llega tarde? c o m p betting shop gb
sumir preferentemente antes de
administracin f de apuestas hpicas.
P n 1 lo mejor: the best is yet to come lo
mejor an est por venir. 2 (person) el me between [bItwin] prep entre: choose a
best in the class at
jor, la mejor: shes the
number between one and ten escoge un
nmero entre uno y diez.
history es la mejor de la clase en historia.

adv [tambin in between] de en me
dio: we could see the sea if it wasnt for the
houses (in) between podramos ver el mar
si no fuera por las casas de en medio.
bevel [bevl] n bisel.
beverage [bevrIdZ] n bebida.
bevy [bevI] n (of birds) bandada.

pl bevies.

beware [bIwer] vi tener cuidado (of,

con): beware of the dog! cuidado con el pe

bewilder [bIwIldr] vt desconcertar,
dejar perplejo,a.
bewitch [bIwItS] vt 1 hechizar, em
brujar. 2 fig hechizar, fascinar.
beyond [bIjnd] prep 1 ms all de:
they live beyond the mountains viven ms
all de las montaas. 2 (outside) fuera
de: its beyond my jurisdiction est fuera
de mi jurisdiccin. l o c its beyond doubt
es indudable, es seguro, no cabe
P adv ms all, ms lejos.
P n the beyond el ms all.
bias [baIs] n 1 (prejudice) parcialidad f,
prejuicio. 2 (inclination) tendencia,
predisposicin f. 3 (in statistics) mar
gen f de error.
P vt predisponer, influenciar.
pt & pp biased o biassed, ger biasing
o biassing.
biased [baIst] adj parcial.
bib [bIb] n 1 (for baby) babero. 2 (top of

apron, overall) peto.

Bible [baIbl] n Biblia.

bibliography [bIblIgrfI] n bibliogra

pl bibliographies.

bicarbonate [baIkAbnt] n chem bi




[bId r ] n postor,ra, puja

dor,ra, licitador,ra.
bidding [bIdIN] n 1 (at auction) puja,
oferta. 2 (order) orden f.
bide [baId] vt to bide ones time espe
rar el momento oportuno.

pt bided o bode [bUd], pp bided, ger

bidet [bideI] n bid m.
bifocal [baIfUkl] adj bifocal.
P n pl bifocals lentes fpl bifocales.
bifurcate [baIfkeIt] vi bifurcarse.
big [bIg] adj 1 (size, importance) grande;
(before sing noun) gran. 2 (older) mayor.
comp bigger, superl biggest.
bigamy [bIgmI] n bigamia.
big-head [bIghed] n sabihondo,a,


big-hearted [bIghAtId] adj de buen

corazn, generoso,a.


[bIgmaUT] n fanfarrn,
-ona, bocn, -ona.
bigot [bIgt] n fantico,a.

Bigot no significa bigote, que se tra

duce por moustache.

bigotry [bIgtrI] n fanatismo.

bigwig [bIgwIg] n fam pez m gordo.
bike [baIk] n 1 fam (bicycle) bici f. 2 (motorcycle) moto f.

bikeway [baIkweI] n carril-bici m.

bikini [bIkinI] n biquini m, bikini m.
bilateral [baIlQtrl] adj bilateral.
bile [baIl] n bilis f, hiel f. c o m p bile duct
conducto biliar.

biliary [bIlIrI] adj biliar.

bilingual [baIlINgwl] adj bilinge.
bilirubin [bIlIrUbIn] n bilirrubina.
bill1 [bIl] n 1 factura; (in restaurant) cuen

ta. 2 (law) proyecto de ley. 3 us (bank

note) billete m. 4 (poster) cartel m. c o m p
bill of exchange letra de cambio. y Bill
of Rights declaracin f de derechos.
P vt 1 facturar, pasar la factura. 2 theat
a bicycle montar en bicicleta. c o m p bi
cycle pump bomba de bicicleta.
bid [bId] n 1 (at auction) puja. 2 (attempt) bill2 [bIl] n 1 (of bird) pico. 2 (headland)
cabo, promontorio.
intento. 3 (offer) oferta.
P vi (at auction) pujar (for, por).
billboard [bIlbd] n us valla publici
pt & pp bid, ger bidding.

biceps [baIsps] n bceps m.

bicker [bIkr] vi discutir, porfiar.
bicycle [baIsIkl] n bicicleta. l o c to ride



billfold [bIlfUld] n us billetero, cartera.

billing [bIlIN] n 1 (invoicing) facturacin
f. 2 theat orden de aparicin en cartel.

billion [bIlIn] n 1 mil millones mpl. 2


(formerly) billn m.

. En el uso actual, tanto en EEUU como

en Gran Bretaa, un billion equivale a mil
millones. Antiguamente, el billion brit
nico tena el mismo significado que en es
paol, es decir, un milln de millones

billionaire [bIlIner] n multimillo



[bIlU] n 1 (of water) ola. 2 (of

smoke) nube f.
P vt 1 (sea) ondear. 2 (sail) hincharse.
billy goat [bIlIgUt] n macho cabro.
bin [bIn] n 1 (for rubbish) cubo de la ba
sura; (for paper) papelera. 2 (large container) recipiente m.
binary [baInrI] adj binario,a. c o m p bina
ry fission biparticin f, fisin f binaria.
bind [baInd] n fam fastidio, molestia.
P vt 1 (tie up) atar; (cereals, corn) agavi
llar. 2 culin (sauce) ligar. 3 (book, etc)
encuadernar. 4 (bandage) vendar. 5
(require) obligar.

pt & pp bound [baUnd].

binder [baIndr] n 1 (file) carpeta. 2 (of

books) encuadernador,ra.

binding [baIndIN] n 1 (of book) encua

dernacin f. 2 sew ribete m. 3 (of skis)
fijacin f.
P adj obligatorio,a (on, para).
binge [bIndZ] n (drinking) borrachera;
(eating) atracn m.
P vi atiborrarse, hartarse de comida.
bingo [bINgU] n bingo.


[baIldZIkl] adj biol

biologist [baIldZIst] n bilogo,a.

biology [baIldZI] n biologa.
biomass [baIUmQs] n biomasa.
biomechanics [baIUmIkQnIks] n

biometry [baImtrI] n biometra.

bionic [baInIk] adj binico,a.
biophysics [baIUfIzIks] n biofsica.
biopsy [baIpsI] n biopsia.
pl biopsies.

biorhythm [baIrIDm] n biorritmo.

biosphere [baIsfIr] n biosfera.
biotope [baItp] n biotopo.
biped [baIped] adj bpedo,a.

n bpedo.

biplane [baIpleIn] n biplano.

bipolar [baIpUlr] adj bipolar.
birch [btS] n 1 (tree) abedul m. 2 (rod)

vara de abedul.
P vt azotar.
bird [bd] n 1 (large) ave f; (small) pjaro. 2
gb sl (girl) chica. 3 sl (person) tipo. c o m p bird
of prey ave f de rapia, ave f de presa.
birdcage [bdkeIdZ] n jaula de pjaro.
birdie [bdI] n 1 (little bird) pajarito. 2
(in golf) birdie m.
birdseed [bdsid] n bot alpiste m.
birds-eye view [bdzaIvjU] n vista
bird-watcher [bdwtS r] n orni
tlogo,a (cuya aficin es observar las aves).
Biro [baIrU] [also written biro] n fam
boli m.
pl Biros.

birth [bT] n 1 nacimiento. 2 med parto.

biochemistry [baIUkemIstrI] n bio

3 (descent) linaje m. l o c to give birth to 1

(child) dar a luz a. 2 fig dar lugar a. c o m p
birth certificate partida de nacimiento.
y birth control control m de la natalidad.
y birth rate tasa de natalidad.
birthday [bTdeI] n cumpleaos m.
birthmark [bTmAk] n mancha de

biodegradable [baIUdIgreIdbl] adj


pl bingos.

binnacle [bInkl] n bitcora.

binoculars [bInkjUlz] n pl prismti
cos mpl, gemelos mpl.


nacimiento, antojo.

[bTpleIs] n lugar m de


biscuit [bIskIt] n galleta.

biography [baIgrfI]
n biografa.
pl biographies.
bisection [baIsekSn] n biseccin f.

bisectrix [baIsektrIks] n bisectriz f.

pl bisectrices [baIsektrIsiz].
bisexual [baIseksjUl] adj bisexual.
P n bisexual mf.
bishop [bISp] n 1 obispo. 2 (chess) alfil m.
bison [baIsn] n bisonte m.
bissextile [baIsekstaIl] adj bisiesto,a.
bit1 [bIt] n 1 (small piece) trozo, pedacito.
2 (small amount) poco. 3 fam (time) un po
co, un ratito. l o c a bit fam (rather) algo,
un poco. y a bit of algo de. y quite a bit /
a good bit fam bastante. to come to bits

hacerse pedazos, romperse.

bit2 [bIt] n 1 (of bridle) bocado. 2 (of drill)


bit3 [bIt] n comput bit m.

bit4 [bIt] pt bite.
bitch [bItS] n 1 (gen) hembra; (of dog)

perra. 2 pej (woman) bruja, lagarta.

P vi fam quejarse. c o m p son of a bitch
taboo hijo de perra, hijo de puta.
bite [baIt] n 1 (act) mordisco. 2 (of insect)
picadura. 3 (of dog, etc) mordedura. 4
(of food) bocado.
P vt 1 morder. 2 (insect, snake) picar.
3 (grip) agarrar.
P vi 1 morder. 2 (insect, snake) picar. 3
(fish) picar.



[bIzA r] adj 1 raro,a, extra

blab [blQb] vi 1 fam (gossip) cotillear,

chismear. 2 fam (talk constantly) rajar,

pt & pp blabbed, ger blabbing.

[blQk] adj 1 negro,a. 2 (dirty)
sucio,a. 3 (threatening) amenaza
dor,ra. l o c black and white blanco y
negro. c o m p black economy econo


ma sumergida.
P n 1 (colour) negro. 2 (person) negro,a.
P vt 1 (make black) ennegrecer. 2 (boycott) boicotear.
a to black out vt sep 1 (windows of house)
tapar; (electrical supply) apagar el alum
brado. 2 (cause power cut) dejar sin luz,
causar un apagn.
P vi (faint) desmayarse.
blackberry [blQkbrI] n zarzamora,
mora. c o m p blackberry bush zarza.
pl blackberries.

blackbird [blQkbd] n mirlo.

blackboard [blQkbd] n pizarra.
blackcurrant [blQkkrnt] n grosella

blacken [blQkn] vt 1 ennegrecer. 2

fig (defame) manchar.

pt bit, pp bitten [bItn].

biting [baItIN] adj 1 (wind) cortante,
penetrante. 2 (comment) mordaz.
bitten [bItn] pp bite.
bitter [bIt r] adj 1 (gen) amargo,a;
(fruit) cido,a, agrio,a. 2 (weather)
glacial. 3 (person) amargado,a. 4

blackhead [blQkhed] n espinilla.

blackjack [blQkdZQk] n (card game)

bitterly [bItlI] adv 1 con amargura,

blackout [blQkaUt] n 1 (through electrical

(fight) enconado,a.
P n cerveza amarga.


blackleg [blQkleg] n esquirol m.

blacklist [blQklIst] n lista negra.
blackmail [blQkmeIl] n chantaje m.

vt hacer chantaje a, chantajear.

blackmailer [blQkmeIlr] n chantajis

ta mf.

amargamente: she complained bitterly

fault) apagn m; (in wartime) oscurecimiento
se quej amargamente. 2 (very) muy: its
general de una ciudad. 2 (fainting) prdida
bitterly cold hace un fro glacial.
de conocimiento, desmayo.
bitterness [bItns] n 1 (gen) amargura; blacksmith [blQksmIT] n herrero.
c o m p blacksmiths forge herrera.
(of fruit) acidez f. 2 (of weather) crudeza. 3
(resentment) rencor m, resentimiento.
blackthorn [blQkTn] n bot endrino.
bittersweet [bItswit] adj agridulce. bladder [blQdr] n 1 vejiga. 2 (in tyre,
bitumen [bItjUmIn] n betn m.
football) cmara de aire.
bivalent [baIveIlnt] adj bivalente.
blade [bleId] n 1 (of sword, knife, etc) ho
ja. 2 (of ice skate) cuchilla. 3 (of propeller,
bivalve [baIvQlv]
adj bivalvo,a.
P n bivalvo.
fan, oar, hoe) pala. 4 (of grass) brizna.



blame [bleIm] n culpa.

vt culpar, echar la culpa a.

blanch [blAntS] vt culin escaldar.
P vi palidecer.
bland [blQnd] adj soso,a.

Bland no significa blando, que se

traduce por soft.

blank [blQNk] adj 1 (page, etc) en blan

co. 2 (look, etc) vaco,a. 3 (cassette, tape)

virgen. c o m p blank cheque cheque m
en blanco.
P n 1 (on paper) espacio en blanco. 2
(bullet) bala de fogueo.
blanket [blQNkIt] n 1 manta, am fra
zada. 2 (layer) capa, manto: a blanket
of snow una capa de nieve.
blare [bler] n 1 (loud noise) estruendo,
fragor m. 2 (of trumpet) trompetazo.
P vi resonar, sonar.
a to blare out vi sonar muy fuerte.
blaspheme [blQsfim] vi blasfemar
(against, contra).
blasphemy [blQsfmI] n blasfemia.
pl blasphemies.

blast [blAst] n 1 (of wind) rfaga. 2 (of

water, air, etc) chorro. 3 (of horn) toque m.

4 (of trumpet) trompetazo. 5 (explosion)
explosin f, voladura. 6 (shock wave)
onda expansiva. 7 (reprimand) bronca.
P vt 1 (explode) volar, hacer volar. 2
(criticize) criticar. 3 (reprimand) echar
una bronca. 4 (ruin, spoil) echar a per
der, dar al traste con. 5 (shoot) pegar
un tiro a. 6 (shrivel, wither) marchitar.
blasted [blAstId] adj maldito,a, di

blast-off [blAstf] n (of rocket, missile)

despegue m.

blatant [bleItnt] adj descarado,a.

blaze [bleIz] n 1 (fire) incendio. 2 (flame)


[blik] adj 1 (countryside) deso

lado,a. 2 (weather) desapacible. 3 (future) poco prometedor,ra. 4 (welcome,
reception) fro,a.
bleary [blIrI] adj 1 (from tears) nublo
so,a. 2 (from tiredness) legaoso,a.

comp blearier, superl bleariest.

bleat [blit] n balido.


vi balar.

bled [bled] pt & pp bleed.

bleed [blid] vi med sangrar.
pt & pp bled [bled].

bleep [blip] n pitido.

vi pitar.
vt localizar con un busca.
bleeper [blipr] n busca m, buscaper
sonas m.
blemish [blemIS] n 1 desperfecto, im
perfeccin f.
P vt 1 (spoil) estropear, desmejorar. 2

fig (reputation) manchar, tiznar. l o c

without a blemish fig intachable.
blench [blenS] vi 1 (recoil) retroceder. 2
(flinch) pestaear, inmutarse.
blend [blend] n mezcla, combinacin f.
P vt 1 (mix) mezclar, combinar. 2
(match) matizar, armonizar.
blender [blend r] n culin batidora,
minipmer m.
bless [bles] vt bendecir. l o c bless you!
(on sneezing) Jess!
blessed [blesId] adj 1 (holy) bendito,a,
santo,a. 2 (content, happy) bienaven
blessing [blesIN] n bendicin f.

blew [blU] pt blow.

blight [blaIt] n 1 (mildew) tizn m. 2 (calamity) plaga.

blind [blaInd] adj ciego,a.

P n (on window) persiana.

P vt 1 cegar, dejar ciego,a. 2 (dazzle)
llamarada. 3 (of light) resplandor m. 4
(outburst) arranque m, acceso.
P vi 1 (fire) arder. 2 (sun) brillar con
blindfold [blaIndfUld] n venda.
fuerza. 3 (light) resplandecer.
P vt vendar los ojos a.
P adv con los ojos vendados.
blazer [bleIzr] n americana de sport,
blazer m.
blink [blINk] n 1 parpadeo. 2 (gleam,
glimmer) destello. l o c on the blink fam
bleach [blitS] n leja.
P vt blanquear.
bleachers [blitSz] n pl us gradas fpl.
blinkers [blINkz] n pl anteojeras fpl.

bliss [blIs] n felicidad f, dicha.
blister [blIstr] n 1 (on skin) ampolla. 2

(on paint, surface) burbuja.

blizzard [blIzd] n tempestad f de nie
ve, ventisca.
bloated [blUtId] adj hinchado,a.
blob [blb] n 1 (drop) gota. 2 (smudge)
borrn m. 3 (of colour) mancha.
bloc [blk] n pol bloque m.
block [blk] n 1 bloque m. 2 (of wood,
stone) taco. 3 (group of buildings) manza
na. 6 (obstruction) obstruccin f. c o m p
block letters maysculas fpl. y block of
flats bloque m de departamentos. y
note block taco, bloc m de notas.
P vt 1 (pipe, etc) obstruir, atascar. 2
(streets, etc) bloquear.
blockade [blkeId] n mil bloqueo.
P vt bloquear.
blockage [blkIdZ] n obstruccin f,
blockbuster [blkbstr] n 1 fig (novel)
best seller m, xito de ventas. 2 fig
(film) pelcula de accin.
bloke [blUk] n gb fam tipo, to.

blond [blnd] [suele escribirse blonde cuando se refiere a una mujer] adj rubio,a.

n rubio,a.

blonde [blnd] adj-n blond.

blood [bld] n sangre f. 2 (ancestry) pa

rentesco, alcurnia. c o m p blood pres

sure tensin f arterial. y blood vessel
vaso sanguneo.
bloodhound [bldhaUnd] n sabueso.
bloodshed [bldSed] n derramamien
to de sangre.
bloodstream [bldstrim] n corriente
f sangunea.
bloodthirsty [bldTstI] adj sangui
nario,a, vido,a de sangre.

comp bloodthirstier , superl bloodthirstiest.

bloody [bldI] adj 1 (battle) sangrien
to,a. 2 sl (damned) puetero,a, mier

da de.

comp bloodier, superl bloodiest.


bloom [blUm] n 1 (flower) flor f. 2 (on

fruit) pelusa.
vi florecer.

bloomer [blUmr] n gb fam metedura

de pata, pifia.

blossom [blsm] n flor f.


vi florecer.

a to blossom out vi


alcanzar su ple

. Blossom se refiere a las flores de los

rboles; para el resto de flores, se emplea
la palabra flower.

blot [blt] n (of ink) borrn m; (on reputation) mancha.

P vt 1 (stain) manchar. 2 (dry) secar.
a to blot out vt sep 1 (hide) ocultar. 2
(memory) borrar.
pt & pp blotted, ger blotting.

blotch [bltS] n mancha.

vi 1 (become stained) mancharse. 2

(skin) salir manchas.
blotting-paper [bltINpeIpr] n papel
m secante.
blouse [blaUz] n blusa.
blow1 [blU] n golpe m.
blow2 [blU] vi 1 (wind) soplar. 2 (instrument) tocar, sonar; (whistle) pitar. 3
(fuse) fundirse. 4 (tyre) reventarse.
P vt fam (money) despilfarrar, malgastar.
a to blow away vt sep 1 arrastrar. 2
fam fig mandar al otro barrio.
a to blow in vt sep derribar.
a to blow off vi (lid, hat) salir volando.
a to blow out vt sep 1 (flame) apagar;
(candle) soplar. 2 (cheeks) hinchar.
a to blow over vt sep derribar.
P vi 1 derrumbarse. 2 (storm) amainar.
a to blow up vt sep 1 (explode) (hacer)
volar: they blew up the building hicieron
volar el edificio. 2 (inflate) hinchar. 3
(photograph) ampliar.
P vi 1 (explode) explotar. 2 (lose ones temper) salirse de sus casillas.

pt blew [blU], pp blown [blUn].

blowhole [blUhUl] n 1 (of whale) orifi

cio nasal. 2 (hole, air vent) respiradero.

[blUlQmp] n soplete m.
(stubborn) tozudo,a,
tempered) de malas pulgas.
blown [blUn] pp blow.

bloody-minded [bldImaIndId] adj 1



blowout [blUaUt] n 1 auto reventn m,

pinchazo. 2 sl comilona, atracn m.

blowtorch [blUttS] n soplete m.
blow-up [blUp] n (photograph) amplia
cin f.
blue [blU] adj 1 azul. 2 (sad) triste. 3
(depressed) deprimido,a. 4 (obscene)
verde: a blue joke un chiste verde.
P n azul m.
P n pl blues mus blues m.
P n pl the blues la depresin f.
bluebell [blUbel] n bot campanilla.
blueberry [blUbrI] n bot arndano.
pl blueberries.

blue-collar [blUklr] adj obrero,a.

blueprint [blUprInt] n fig anteproyecto.
blues [blUz] n pl blue.
blunder [blndr] n metedura de pata.

vi meter la pata.

blunt [blnt] adj 1 (knife) desafilado,a;


vt (ship, etc) subirse a, embarcar en.

vi (lodge) alojarse; (at school) ser inter


boarder [bdr] n 1 (gen) husped mf.

2 (at school) interno,a.

boarding [bdIN] n 1 (ship, plane, etc)
embarque m. 2 (lodging) pensin f, alo
jamiento. c o m p boarding card tarjeta
de embarque. y boarding house casa
de huspedes. y boarding school inter


boast [bUst] n jactancia.

P vi jactarse ( about , de), presumir

(about, de).
P vt fig presumir de.
boat [bUt] n barco, nave f; (small) bote
m , barca; (large) buque m , navo;
(launch) lancha.
boatswain [bUsn] n contramaestre m.
boatyard [bUtjAd] n astillero.
bob1 [bb] n 1 (jerking movement) sacudi
da; (bouncing movement) rebote m . 2
(curtsy) reverencia.
P vi 1 (jerk) moverse a sacudidas;
(bounce) rebotar. 2 (curtsy) hacer una re
bobbin [bbIn] n (for textiles, wire, etc) ca
rrete m, bobina; (for lace) bolillo, palillo.
bobby [bbI] n gb fam poli m.

(pencil) despuntado,a. 2 fig (person)

que no tiene pelos en la lengua.
P vt desafilar, embotar; (pencil) des
puntar. c o m p blunt angle math ngulo
blur [blr] n borrn m, mancha.
blurb [blb] n fam pej informacin f
blurred [bld] adj 1 borroso,a. 2 fig
pl bobbies.
(memories) vago,a, confuso,a.
blurt [blt] l o c to blurt sth out soltar
" Este trmino, aunque hoy poco utiliza
algo bruscamente, espetar algo.
do, se usa para referirse a los agentes de
blush [blS] n rubor m, sonrojo.
polica del Reino Unido. El nombre provie
P vi ruborizarse, sonrojarse.
ne del fundador del cuerpo, sir Robert Peel,
blusher [blSr] n colorete m.
ya que Bobby es el diminutivo de Robert.
blustery [blstrI] adj (windy) vento
bobsleigh [bbsleI] n bobsleigh m.
bode [bUd] pt bide.
boa [bU] n zool boa.
P vt (foretell) presagiar, augurar. l o c to
boar [br] n zool verraco.
bode ill/well ser de buen/mal agero.
board [bd] n 1 (piece of wood) tabla, table
ro. 2 (food) comida, pensin f. 3 (commit- bodice [bdIs] n corpio.
tee) junta, consejo. 4 (company) compa body [bdI] n 1 cuerpo. 2 (corpse) cad
ver m. 3 (organization) organismo, enti
a: the gas board la compaa del gas. l o c
dad f, ente m; (association) agrupacin f.
on board mar a bordo. y to take on
4 (of wine) cuerpo. 5 (of people) grupo,
board 1 (responsibility) asumir. 2 (concept,
conjunto. 6 auto (of car) carrocera. 7
idea) abarcar. c o m p board and lodging
av fuselaje m.
pensin completa. y board of directors
pl bodies.
junta directiva. y board
of trade us c
mara de comercio.
body-blow [bdIblU] n revs m.

body-building [bdIbIldIN] n sp cultu

paldas m.

[bdIgAd] n guardaes

bodywork [bdIwk] n carrocera.

bog [bg] n 1 pantano, cenagal m. 2 sl
(toilet) medromo.

a to bog down vt sep atascar.

bogey [bUgI] n (golf) bogey m.

bogus [bUgs] adj 1 (fake) falso,a,

P vt mil bombardear; (terrorist) colocar
una bomba en.
P vi us fam (fail) fracasar.
bombard [bmbAd] vt bombardear.


[bmbAdmnt] n

bombastic [bmbQstIk] adj rimbom

bante, ampuloso,a.

bomber [bmr] n 1 mil bombardero.

2 (terrorist) terrorista mf que coloca

apcrifo,a. 2 (fictitious) ficticio,a. 3
(sham) simulado,a, fingido,a.
, Bomber no significa bombero, que
se traduce por fireman.
boil1 [bIl] n med furnculo, fornculo.
boil2 [bIl] vt (liquid) hervir; (food) hervir, bombing [bmIN] n 1 mil bombardeo.
cocer; (egg) pasar por agua, cocer.
2 (terrorist act) atentado con bomba.
P vi 1 (liquid) hervir; (food) hervir, co
bombshell [bmSel] n 1 fig bomba. 2
cerse. 2 fig (undulate, seethe) bullir.
mil (artillery bomb) obs m. 3 fam (attraca to boil down to vt insep fig reducirse a.
tive woman) mujer f explosiva.
boiler [bIl ] n 1 caldera. 2 (fowl) galli bona fide [bUnfaIdI] adj genuino,a,
na (que solo sirve para el caldo).
boiling [bIlIn] adj hirviendo, hir bond [bnd] n 1 (link) lazo, vnculo:
viente. c o m p boiling point punto de
bonds of friendship vnculos de amistad. 2
fin bono, obligacin f. 3 jur fianza. 4
boisterous [bIstrs] adj 1 (noisy, row(agreement) pacto, compromiso.
dy) bullicioso,a, alborotador,ra. 2
P vt 1 (stick, join) pegar, unir. 2 (deposit in
(weather) borrascoso,a; (sea) agita
customs) depositar.
P vi (stick, join) pegarse, unirse.
bold [bUld] adj 1 (brave) valiente. 2 bondage [bndIdZ] n esclavitud f,
(daring) audaz, atrevido,a. 3 (cheeky)
servidumbre f.
descarado,a, fresco,a. 4 (vivid) bone [bUn] n 1 hueso. 2 (of fish) espi
vivo,a. 5 (print) en negrita.
na, raspa; (of whale) barba. 3 (of corset)
Bolivia [blIvI] n Bolivia.
Bolivian [blIvIn] adj boliviano,a.
P vt (meat) deshuesar; (fish) quitar la
P n boliviano,a.
P n pl bones (remains) huesos mpl, res
bolster [bUlstr] n 1 (pillow) cabezal
tos mpl mortales. c o m p bone marrow
m, travesao. 2 tech soporte m.
mdula sea.
P vt reforzar.
a to bone up on vt insep empollar.
bolt [bUlt] n 1 (on door, etc) cerrojo;
(small) pestillo. 2 (screw) perno, torni bonfire [bnfaIr] n hoguera. c o m p Bon
fire night gb la noche del cinco de noviembre; se
llo. 3 (lightning) rayo.
celebra con hogueras y fuegos artificiales.
P vt 1 (lock) cerrar con cerrojo, cerrar
con pestillo. 2 (screw) sujetar con per
" Es la noche del 5 de noviembre que se
nos, sujetar con tornillos. 3 fam (food)
celebra en Inglaterra con hogueras y fuegos
artificiales. Conmemora el intento fallido
P vi (person) escaparse; (horse) desbo
en el ao 1605, de Guy Fawkes y otros cons
piradores, de volar el edificio del parlamen
bolus [bUls] n bolo alimenticio.
to. Tambin se llama Guy Fawkes Night.
bomb [bm] n 1 bomba.
2 us (failure)
bonkers [bNkz] adj gb sl chalado,a.



bonnet [bnIt] n 1 (childs, womans) go

rro, gorra. 2 (maids) cofia. 3 auto cap m.

bonus [bUns] n 1 (gratuity) plus m, so
bresueldo, prima. 2 (benefit) beneficio.

pl bonuses.
bony [bUnI] adj 1 (thin) esqueltico,a.
2 (with a lot of bone) huesudo,a. 3 (like
bone) seo,a. 4 (meat) lleno,a de hue

sos; (fish) lleno,a de espinas.

comp bonier, superl boniest.

bonze [bnz] n bonzo.

boo [bU] n abucheo.

vi abuchear.
boob1 [bUb] n (mistake) metedura de

P vi meter la pata.
boob2 [bUb] n fam (breast) teta.
booby [bUbI] n alcatraz m.
pl boobies.

booby-trap [bUbItrQp] n trampa ex


book [bUk] n 1 libro. 2 (of tickets) taco;

bookshop [bUkSp] n librera.

bookstand [bUkstQnd] n 1 (stall) quios
co de peridicos. 2 (bookrest) atril m.

bookstore [bUkstr] n us librera.

bookworm [bUkwm] n fig ratn m
de biblioteca.

boom1 [bUm] n (noise) estampido.

vi tronar, retumbar.
interj bum!
boom2 [bUm] n 1 mar botaln m. 2 (of
microphone) jirafa. 3 (of crane) brazo. 4

(barrier) barrera.

boom3 [bUm] n fig (prosperity, increase)

boom m, auge m.

boomerang [bUmrQN] n 1 bumern

m. 2 fig resultado contraproducente.

boost [bUst] n 1 (incentive) incentivo,

estmulo. 2 (promotion) promocin f,

fomento. 3 (increase) aumento.
P vt 1 (create an incentive) incentivar, es
timular. 2 (promote) promocionar, fo
mentar. 3 (increase) aumentar.
booster [bUstr] n 1 elec elevador m
de voltaje. 2 rad repetidor m. 3 tech
motor m auxiliar de propulsin. c o m p
booster injection med revacunacin f.
boot [bUt] n 1 (footwear) bota. 2 gb (of
car) maletero, portaequipajes m. 3
(kick) patada.
P vt 1 (kick) dar una patada a. 2 comput
cargar el sistema operativo.
a to boot out vt sep echar, echar a pa
bootblack [bUtblQk] n us limpiabo
tas m, am lustrabotas m.
booth [bUD] n 1 cabina. 2 (at fair) pues
to. c o m p telephone booth locutorio.
bootleg [bUtleg] n (illegal recording) gra
bacin f pirata.
bootlegger [bUtlegr] n contraban
dista mf de licores.
booty [bUtI] n botn m.

(of matches) cajetilla.

P vt 1 (table, room, holiday) reservar; (entertainer, speaker) contratar. 2 (police)
multar; (football) advertir, amonestar.
P n pl books comm libros mpl, cuentas
fpl. l o c to be booked up 1 (hotel, restaurant) estar completo. c o m p savings book
libreta de ahorro.
a to book in vt sep (in hotel) hacer la re
P vi registrarse.
bookcase [bUkkeIs] n librera, estan
booking [bUkIN] n (table, room, holiday)
reserva; (entertainer, speaker) contrata
cin f. c o m p booking office taquilla.
bookkeeping [bUkkipIN] n contabili
dad f, tenedura de libros.
bookmaker [bUkmeIkr] n gb corre
dor,ra de apuestas.
bookmark [bUkmAk] n (for book) pun
pl booties.
to de libro; (electronic) marcador.
booze [bUz] n fam trinque m, alcohol m.
P vt (electronically) agregar un marcador.
P vi fam mamar.
bookseller [bUkselr] n librero,a.
bop [bp] n 1 fam (dance) baile m. 2 fam
bookshelf [bUkSelf] n estante m.
(thump) cachete m.
P n pl bookshelves estantera.
P vi fam (dance) bailar.
pl bookshelves.

pt & pp bopped, ger bopping.



border [bd ] n 1 (of country) frontera.


2 (edge) borde m. 3 (in sewing) ribete m,

orla. 4 (of flowers, plants) arriate m.
a to border on vt insep 1 lindar con. 2

fig rayar en.

bore1 [br] pt bear.

bore2 [br] n 1 (of gun) nima, alma;
(calibre) calibre m. 2 (hole) taladro.
P vt & vi perforar, taladrar.
bore 3 [b r ] n (person) pelmazo,a,
pesado,a; (thing) lata, rollo, tostn m.
P vt aburrir, fastidiar.
bored [bd] adj aburrido,a. l o c to
get bored aburrirse.
boredom [bdm] n aburrimiento.
borer [brr] n 1 (tool) taladro, barre
na. 2 (machine) taladradora.
boric [brIk] adj chem brico,a. c o m p
boric acid cido brico.
boring [brIN] adj aburrido,a.
born [bn] adj nato,a: shes a born leader
es una lder nata. l o c to be born nacer.

borne [bn] pp bear2.

borough [br] n 1 (district) barrio, dis
trito. 2 (town, city) ciudad f.

borrow [brU] vt pedir prestado,a,

pron ambos,as, los dos, las dos:

both of us nosotros,as dos; both of you
vosotros,as dos; both of them los dos,
las dos, ambos,as. l o c both and tan
to como: both she and her sister are
teachers tanto ella como su hermana son

P adv a la vez: its both cheap and good es
bueno y barato a la vez.
bother [bDr] n 1 (nuisance) molestia,
fastidio. 2 (problems) problemas mpl.
P vt 1 (be a nuisance) molestar, fasti
diar. 2 (worry) preocupar.
P vi 1 (take trouble) molestarse, tomar
la molestia. 2 (worry) preocuparse.
Botswana [btswAn] n Botsuana.
Botswanan [btswAnn] adj botsua
ns,esa, botsuano,a.
P n botsuans,esa, bostuano,a.
bottle [btl] n 1 botella; (small) fras
co; (for baby) bibern m; (for gas) bom
bona. 2 sl (nerve) agallas fpl.
P vt (wine, etc) embotellar; (fruit) envasar.
bottle-bank [btlbQnk] n contene
dor m de vidrio.
bottled [ b t l d ] adj (wine, etc)
embotellado,a; (fruit) envasado,a.
c o m p bottled gas gas m butano.
bottom [btm] n 1 (gen) fondo; (of bottle) culo; (of hill, steps, page) pie m; (of
ship) quilla. 2 (of dress) bajo; (of trousers)
bajos mpl. 3 (buttocks) trasero, culo. 4
(last) ltimo,a. 5 (underneath) parte f
inferior, parte f de abajo.
P adj 1 (position) de abajo. 2 (number, result) ms bajo,a.
bottomless [btmls] adj sin fondo,
boudoir [bUdwAr] n tocador m.
bough [baU] n rama.

tomar prestado,a: can I borrow your

pen? me dejas tu boli?; you can borrow it
if you like te lo presto si quieres.
Bosnia [bznI] n Bosnia.
Bosnian [bznIn] adj bosnio,a.
P n bosnio,a.
bosom [bUzm] n 1 pecho. 2 (centre) se
no: in the bosom of the family en el seno de
la familia. c o m p bosom friend amigo,a
del alma.
boss [bs] n jefe,a.
a to boss around vt sep mangonear.
bosun [bUsn] n mar contramaestre m.
botanic [btQnIk] adj botnico,a.
botanical [btQnIkl] adj botnico,a. bought [bt] pt & pp buy.
bouillon [bUjn] n culin caldo.
c o m p botanical gardens jardn m bot
boulder [bUldr] n canto rodado.
boulevard [bUlvAd] n bulevar m.
botany [btnI] n botnica.
bounce [baUns] n bote m.
botch [btS] n chapuza.
P vi (ball) rebotar, botar.
P vt [also to botch up.] (bungle) pifiarla,
P vt 1 (cheque) ser rechazado por el
banco. 2 (ball) hacer botar.
both [bUT] adj ambos,as,
bouncer [baUns ] n sl gorila m.
las dos.




[baUnd] pt & pp bind.

adj 1 (tied) atado,a. 2 (forced)
obligado,a. 3 (book) encuadernado,a.
l o c to be bound to ser seguro que.
bound2 [baUnd] adj (destined) destina
do,a: he knew he was bound to succeed sa

ba que estaba destinado a tener xito.

l o c to be bound for ir con destino, na
vegar con rumbo a. y -bound con
rumbo a: Paris-bound con rumbo a Pars.
bound3 [baUnd] n (jump) salto, brinco.
P vi saltar.
boundary [baUndrI] n lmite m, fronte
ra. c o m p boundary stone hito, mojn m.
pl boundaries.

boundless [baUndls] adj sin lmites.

bounds [baUndz] n pl (border) frontera;
(boundary) lmites mpl.

bouquet [bUkeI] n 1 (flowers) ramo. 2

(wine) aroma m, buqu m.


[ b U Z w A r ] adj bur

n burgus,esa.

bourgeoisie [bUZwAzi] n burguesa.

bout [baUt] n 1 (period) rato. 2 med (of

flu, measles, etc) ataque m . 3 (boxing)

boutique [bUtik] n boutique f, tienda.
bovine [bUvaIn] adj bovino,a.
P n bovino.
bow1 [bU] n 1 (for arrows) arco. 2 (of violin) arco. 3 (knot) lazo. c o m p bow saw
sierra de arco.
bow2 [baU] n mar proa.
bow3 [baU] n (with body) reverencia.
P vt inclinar: he bowed his head inclin la
bowel [baUl] n intestino.
P n pl bowels (entrails) entraas fpl.
bowl [bUl] n 1 (for food, etc) cuenco,
fuente f, bol m; (large drinking bowl) ta
zn m. 2 (for washing) palangana, ba
rreo. 3 (of toilet) taza.

bow-legged [bUlegd,

bUlegId] adj

bow-tie [bUtaI] n pajarita.

box1 [bks] n 1 caja; (large) cajn m. 2 (of
matches) cajetilla. 3 theat palco. 4 (for
sentry) garita. 5 (of coach) pescante m. 6
gb fam (telly) tele f. c o m p box number n
mero de apartado de correos. y box
office taquilla. y post-office box aparta
do de correos.
box2 [bks] vi boxear.
boxcar [bkskAr] n us furgn m.
boxer [bks r] n 1 boxeador,ra. 2
(dog) bxer m.
boxing [bksIN] n boxeo. c o m p Boxing
Day gb el da 26 de diciembre.

" El 26 de diciembre es festivo en Gran

Bretaa. Las tiendas inician las rebajas, se

disputan partidos de ftbol y se celebran
carreras de caballos.


[bI] n (baby) nio; (child) chico,

muchacho; (youth) joven m.
boycott [bIkt] n boicoteo, boicot m.
P vt boicotear.
boyfriend [bIfrend] n 1 (fianc) novio.
2 (male friend) amigo.
boyhood [bIhUd] n infancia, niez f.
P adj de la infancia.
bra [brA] n sostn m, sujetador m.
brace [breIs] n 1 (clamp) abrazadera. 2
arch (support) riostra. 3 (drill) berbiqu
m. 4 (on teeth) aparato.
P n pl braces tirantes mpl.
bracelet [breIslt] n pulsera, brazale
te m.
bracken [brQkn] n bot helechos mpl.
bracket [brQkIt] n 1 (round) parntesis
m. 2 (for shelf) escuadra, soporte m. 3
(group, category) grupo, categora m.
c o m p square bracket corchete m.
brag [brQg] n jactancia, fanfarria.
P vi jactarse (about, de).

pt & pp bragged, ger bragging.

braggart [brQgt] n fanfarrn,ona.

braid [breId] n 1 (on clothing) galn m. 2
(plait) trenza.

bowler [bUlr] n (hat) bombn m.

Braille [breIl] n braille m.
bowler2 [bUlr] n (cricket) lanzador,ra. brain [breIn] n (organ) cerebro, seso.
P n pl brains 1 (intellect) cerebro, seso,
bowling [bUlIN] n
bolos mpl . c o m p

bowling alley bolera.

inteligencia. 2 (as food) sesos mpl.





have brains ser un cerebro, ser inteli

gente. l o c brain death muerte f cere
bral. y brain drain fuga de cerebros. y
brain scan electroencefalograma m.
brain-dead [breInded] adj clnica
mente muerto,a.
brainstorming [breInstmIN] n reu
nin f creativa, lluvia de ideas.
brainy [breInI] adj fam inteligente,

comp brainier, superl brainiest.

braise [breIz] vt culin frer y luego co

cer a fuego lento.

brake [breIk] n freno.


brake arm

palanca del freno. y brake block pas

tilla de freno. y brake fluid lquido de
P vt frenar, hacer frenar.
bramble [brQmbl] n bot zarzamora,
mora. c o m p bramble bush zarza.
bran [brQn] n salvado.
branch [brAntS] n 1 (tree) rama. 2 (of
family) ramo. 3 (road, railway) ramal m;
(stream, river) brazo. 4 (of shop) sucursal
f; (of bank) oficina, sucursal f. 5 (field of
science, etc) ramo. 6 (of candelabra) brazo.
P vi (road) bifurcarse.
brand [brQnd] n 1 marca. 2 (type) clase f,
brand-new [brQnnjU] adj flamante,
de estreno.
brandy [brQndI] n brandy m.
pl brandies.

brass [brAs] n 1 latn m. 2 sl (money)

Brazilian [brzIlIn] adj brasileo,a.

n brasileo,a.
[britS] n 1 (opening) brecha,
abertura. 2 (in promise, undertaking) in
cumplimiento; (in law) violacin f,
infraccin f. 3 (in relationship) ruptura.
bread [bred] n pan m. c o m p wholemeal
bread pan m integral.
bread-and-butter [brednbtr] adj


(commonplace) rutinario,a, corriente y

breadth [bredT] n 1 (broadness) ancho, an
chura. 2 (space) extensin f, amplitud f.
break [breIk] n 1 (in leg, etc) rotura. 2 (in
relationship) ruptura. 3 (in meeting) des
canso, pausa; (at school) recreo. l o c to
take a break tomarse un descanso. y
without a break sin descansar, sin
parar. y at break of day al amanecer.
P vt 1 romper. 2 (record) batir.
P vi 1 romperse. 2 (storm) estallar.
a to break away vi (escape) escaparse,
darse a la fuga; (leave family, job) irse.
a to break down vt sep 1 (door) derribar,
echar abajo. 2 (resistance) vencer.
P vi 1 (car) averiarse; (driver) tener una
avera. 2 (burst into tears) romper a llo
rar. 3 (talks, negotiations) fracasar.
a to break in vi (force entry) entrar por
la fuerza.
a to break off vt sep 1 (relationship) romper.
2 (discussions, negotiations) interrumpir.
a to break out vi 1 (prisoners) escapar
se. 2 (war, fire, etc) estallar.
a to break up vt sep (chair, table, etc) rom
per; (ship, boat) desguazar.
P vi 1 (couple) separarse. 2 (gathering,
meeting) disolverse. 3 (school) empezar
las vacaciones.

pasta. 3 mus metales mpl.

P adj de cobre.
brassiere [brQzI r] n sujetador m ,
sostn m.
brat [brQt] n fam pej mocoso,a.
pt broke [brUk], pp broken [brUkn].
brave [breIv] adj valiente.
P n guerrero indio.
breakable [breIkbl] adj frgil, rom
P vt 1 (defy) desafiar. 2 (confront) afron
tar, hacer frente a.
breakage [breIkIdZ] n rotura.
bravo [brAvU] interj bravo!
breakdown [breIkdaUn] n 1 (of car, mabrawl [brl] n reyerta, pelea.
chine) avera. 2 med crisis f nerviosa. 3
P vi pelearse.
(in negotiations) ruptura. 4 (chemical analysis)
bray [breI] vi 1 (donkey, ass) rebuznar. 2
anlisis m. c o m p breakdown service (ser
(laugh) carcajearse.
vicio de) asistencia en carretera. y
Brazil [brzIl] n Brasil.
breakdown van / breakdown truck gra.



breakfast [brekfst] n desayuno.


to have breakfast desayunar.

P vi desayunar.
break-in [breIkIn] n entrada forzada.
breaking [breIkIN] n 1 (of leg, object) ro
tura. 2 (of relationship) ruptura.
break-out [breIkaUt] n (from prison) fuga.
breakthrough [breIkTrU] n avance m


break-up [breIkp] n (of relationship, negotiations) ruptura; (of couple) separacin f.

breakwater [breIkwtr] n rompeo

las m.

bream [brim] n (river fish) brema.


gilt-head bream dorada. y red bream


P vt 1

(beer) elaborar. 2 (tea, etc) preparar.

vi 1 (tea, etc) reposar. 2 (storm) prepa

rarse, acercarse.

brewer [brUr] n fabricante mf de cer

veza, cervecero,a. c o m p brewers

yeast levadura de cerveza.
brewery [brUrI] n fbrica de cerve
za, cervecera.
pl breweries.

briar [braIr] n bot (heather) brezo.

bribe [braIb] n soborno.

vt sobornar.

bribery [braIbrI] n soborno.

bric-a-brac [brIkbrQk] n baratijas fpl.
brick [brIk] n 1 ladrillo. 2 (toy) cubo (de

pecho, seno. 2 (of chicken, etc) pechuga.

bricklayer [brIkleIr] n albail m.

bridal [braIdl] adj nupcial. c o m p bridal

nn m.


breast [brest] n 1 (chest) pecho; (of woman)

breastbone [brestbUn] n anat ester
breast-feed [brestfid] vt amamantar,
dar el pecho a.

pt & pp breast-fed [brestfed].

[breststrUk] n (swim-

ming) braza.

breath [breT] n 1 (of person) aliento. 2 (of

air) soplo. 3 (breathing) resuello, respira

cin f. l o c out of breath sin aliento.
c o m p breath test gb prueba del alcohol.
Breathalyser [breTlaIzr] n alcoho
breathe [briD] vt (air, etc) respirar.
P vi 1 (air, etc) respirar. 2 (be alive) respi
rar, vivir: is he still breathing? respira
an? l o c to breathe in aspirar. y to
breathe out espirar.
breathing [briDIN] n respiracin f.

gown vestido de novia.

[braId] n novia, desposada.
c o m p the bride and groom los novios.
bridegroom [braIdgrUm] n novio.

. Bridegroom o groom slo se em

plean para referirse al novio durante el da
de la boda.

bridesmaid [braIdzmeId] n dama de


bridge [brIdZ] n 1 puente m. 2 (of nose)

caballete m.

bridle [braIdl] n brida.

vt (horse) embridar.
vi mostrar desagrado (at, por).
brief [brif] adj (short) breve; (concise)

conciso,a; (scanty) diminuto,a.

P n 1 (report) informe m . 2 jur expe
diente m. 3 mil instrucciones fpl.
bred [bred] pt & pp breed.
P vt 1 (inform) informar (about, sobre).
2 (instruct) dar instrucciones a.
breeches [brItSIz] n pl 1 (knee-length trousers) calzones mpl. 2 fam (trousers) pan briefcase [brifkeIs] n maletn m, car
talones mpl.
breed [brid] n (of animal) raza; (of plant) briefing [brifIN] n reunin f informa
variedad f.
tiva, briefing m.
P vt (animals) criar.
brigade [brIgeId] n mil brigada.
P vi (animals) reproducirse.
P vt mil formar una brigada con.
pt & pp bred [bred].
bright [braIt] adj 1 (gen) brillante. 2
breeze [briz] n meteor brisa.
meteor (sky, day) claro,a, despejado,a;
brew [brU] n 1 (tea,
etc) infusin f. 2
(sunny) soleado,a, de sol. 3 (colour)
(potion) brebaje m.
vivo,a. 4 (cheerful) alegre, animado,a.

a to brighten up vt sep 1 meteor despe
jar. 2 (room, house) dar un aspecto ms
alegre a. 3 (enliven) alegrar, animar.
brightness [braItns] n 1 (light) lumi
nosidad f. 2 (of sun) resplandor m. 3 (of
day) claridad f. 4 (of colour) viveza. 5
(cleverness) inteligencia.
brilliant [brIljnt] adj 1 (gen) brillante.
2 (colour) vivo,a. 3 fam estupendo,a,
brim [brIm] n 1 (of cup, glass, etc) borde
m. 2 (of hat) ala.
P vi rebosar ( with , de): he was brimming with pride rebosaba de orgullo.
brine [braIn] n salmuera.
bring [brIN] vt 1 traer. 2 (lead) llevar,
a to bring about vt sep (accident, change,
etc) provocar, causar.
a to bring back vt sep 1 (book, record, etc)
devolver. 2 (past experience, childhood,
etc) recordar, hacer recordar.
a to bring down vt sep 1 (chair, book, etc)
bajar. 2 (door, house, government) derri
bar. 3 (prices, temperature) hacer bajar.
a to bring forward vt sep 1 (meeting, appointment) adelantar. 2 (theme, question)
presentar, plantear.
a to bring in vt sep 1 (person) hacer pa
sar. 2 (coal, food, etc into house) traer. 3 jur
(verdict) emitir, pronunciar.
a to bring off vt sep (victory, result) conse
guir, lograr.
a to bring on vt sep (illness) provocar.
a to bring out vt sep (record) sacar al
mercado, sacar; (book) publicar.
a to bring to vt sep hacer volver en s.
a to bring up vt sep 1 (chair, book, etc) su
bir. 2 (child) criar, educar. 3 (subject,
topic) plantear. 4 (vomit) devolver.

pt & pp brought [brt].

brink [brINk] n borde m.

brisk [brIsk] adj enrgico,a.
bristle [brIsl] n cerda.


Briton [brItn] n britnico,a.

brittle [brItl] adj quebradizo,a, frgil.
broach [brUtS] n 1 (drill bit) broca. 2

(roasting-spit) espetn m.
[brd] adj 1 (street, avenue) an
cho,a; (surface, water, plateau) exten
so,a. 2 fig (field of study, debate) am
plio,a. 3 (measurement) de ancho. 4
(general) general. 5 (main) principal. 6 (accent) marcado,a, cerrado,a. 7 (vowel)
broadcast [brdkAst] n (by TV, radio)
emisin f.
P vt 1 (by TV, radio) emitir, transmitir.
2 (make known) difundir.


pt & pp broadcast.

broadcasting [brdkAstIN] n 1 rad

radiodifusin f. 2 tv transmisin f.

broaden [brdn] vt ensanchar.

broadly [brdlI] adv en trminos ge

broad-minded [brdmaIndId] adj li

beral, tolerante.

broccoli [brklI] n brcol m, brcoli m.

brochette [brSet] n brocheta.
brochure [brUSr] n folleto.
broil [brIl] vt us asar a la parrilla.
broiler [brIlr] n 1 culin pollo. 2 (gridiron) parrilla.

broke [brUk] pt break.


adj fam sin un duro, sin blanca.

broken [brUkn] pp break.

P adj 1 (plate, window, etc) roto,a. 2 (machine) estropeado,a. 3 (bone) frac

turado,a. 4 (person) destrozado,a. 6
(language) chapurreado,a: he speaks
broken Spanish chapurrea el espaol.
broker [brUkr] n comm corredor,ra,
agente mf de Bolsa.
brolly [brlI] n gb fam paraguas m.

pl brollies.

bromine [brUmaIn] n chem bromo.

bronchial [brNkIl] adj anat bron

vi 1 (hair) erizarse, ponerse de pun

quial. c o m p bronchial tubes anat bron
ta. 2 (show annoyance) mosquearse.
quios mpl.
Britain [brItn] n Gran Bretaa. c o m p bronchitis [brNkaIts] n med bron
Great Britain Gran Bretaa.
quitis f.
British [brItIS] adj britnico,a.
bronchus [brNks] n bronquio.
P n pl the British los britnicos mpl.
pl bronchi [broNkaI].



brontosaurus [brntsrs] n bronto


bronze [brnz] n bronce m.

c o m p the
Bronze Age hist la Edad del Bronce.
P vi (get a suntan) broncearse.
brooch [brUtS] n broche m.
brood [brUd] n 1 (birds) nidada. 2 fam
fig (children) prole f.
P vi 1 (hen) empollar. 2 fig (worry) apu

rarse, preocuparse.
brook [brUk] n arroyo, riachuelo.
broom [brUm] n 1 (for sweeping) esco
ba. 2 bot hiniesta.
broomstick [brUmstIk] n 1 (handle)
palo de escoba. 2 (of witch) escoba.
Bros [brs] abbr (Brothers) Hermanos mpl;
(abbreviation) Hnos: Jones Bros Hnos Jones.
broth [brT] n culin caldo.
brothel [brTl] n burdel m.
brother [brDr] n 1 (gen) hermano. 2
us fam (friend) colega m, to: whats happening brother? qu pasa to?
brotherhood [brDhUd] n herman
dad f, cofrada.
brother-in-law [brDrInl] n cuado.
pl brothers-in-law [brDrInl].

brought [brt] pt & pp bring.

brow [braU] n 1 (eyebrow) ceja. 2 (forehead) frente f. 3 (of hill) cresta.
browbeat [braUbit] vt intimidar.

pt browbeat , pp browbeaten

brown [braUn] adj 1 marrn. 2 (hair, etc)

brunch [brnS] n brunch m.

. El brunch es una especie de copioso de
sayuno que se toma a ltima hora de la ma
ana y hace asimismo las veces de almuerzo.

brunette [brUnet] n morena.


adj moreno,a.

brush [brS] n 1 (for teeth, clothes, etc) ce

pillo. 2 (artists) pincel m; (house painters)

brocha. 3 (unpleasant encounter) roce m:
he had a brush with the police tuvo un roce
con la polica.
P vt 1 (gen) cepillar. 2 (touch lightly) rozar.
a to brush away vt sep (dirt, dust) quitar,
a to brush up vt sep (knowledge) refres
car, repasar.
brush-off [brSf] n (rebuff, snub) desai
re m.
brushwood [brSwUd] n 1 (twigs) bro
za. 2 (undergrowth) maleza.
brusque [brsk] adj brusco,a.
Brussels [brslz] n Bruselas. c o m p
Brussels sprouts coles fpl de Bruselas.
brutal [brUtl] adj brutal, cruel.
brute [brUt] n bruto,a, bestia mf.
P adj brutal, bruto,a.

Brute no se utiliza en el sentido de

(importe) bruto, que se traduce por gross.

bubble [bbl] n (in liquid) burbuja; (of

soap) pompa.


[bjUbnIk] adj med bub

nico,a. c o m p bubonic plague peste f
brownie [braUnI] n us pastelito de chocolate buck [bk] n (rabbit, hare) macho; (deer)
(goat) macho cabro.
y nueces.
P adj (animal) macho.
browse [braUz] vi 1 (grass) pacer. 2 (perbuck2 [bk] n us fam dlar m.
son in shop) mirar.
bucket [bkIt] n cubo.
a to browse through vt insep (book, magbuckle [bkl] n (on shoe, belt) hebilla.
azine) hojear.
P vt (belt) abrochar.
browser [braUzr] n (Internet) navega
P vi 1 (metal, object) torcerse, combar
dor m, explorador m.
se. 2 (knees) doblarse.
bruise [brUz] n morado, magulladu
bucolic [bjUklIk] adj buclico,a.
ra, contusin f.
bud1 [bd] n (on tree, plant) brote m, ye
P vt magullar, contusionar.
ma; (of flower) botn m, capullo.
P vi magullarse.
[bd] n us fam colega mf.
bruiser [brUzr] n fam
Buddhism [bUdIzm] n rel budismo.
tn m.

castao,a. 3 (skin) moreno,a.

P vi culin dorarse.

budding [bdIN] adj en ciernes.
buddy [bdI] n us fam amigote m, co
lega mf.

pl buddies.

budge [bdZ] vt 1 (move) mover. 2 (make

change opinion) hacer cambiar de opinin.

budgerigar [bdZrIgAr] n zool peri


budget [bdZIt] n presupuesto.

adj (good-value) bien de precio.

vt to budget for presupuestar.
budgie [bdZI] n zool fam periquito.
buff [bf] n 1 (leather) piel f de ante. 2
(colour) color m de ante. 3 (enthusiast)


buffalo [bflU] n zool bfalo.

pl buffalo o buffaloes.

buffer [bfr] n 1 (for train) tope m. 2

memoria intermedia. 3 chem

regulador m.
buffet [bfeI] n 1 (bar) bar m; (at station)
bar m, cantina. 2 (meal) buf m libre,
buf m. 3 (sideboard) aparador m.
bug [bg] n 1 (insect) bicho. 2 fam (microbe) microbio. 3 (microphone) micr
fono oculto. 4 fam (interest) aficin f. 5
(in computer program) error m.
P vt 1 fam ocultar micrfonos en. 2
us (annoy) molestar, fastidiar: whats
bugging her? qu mosca le ha picado?

pt & pp bugged, ger bugging.

bugle [bjUgl] n mus corneta.

build [bIld] n (physique) constitucin f,

complexin f: a strong build una com

plexin fuerte.
P vt construir.



[bIltIn] adj 1 (as component)

incorporado,a. 2 (recessed) empo
built-up [bIltp] adj urbanizado,a.
bulb [blb] n 1 bot bulbo. 2 elec bom
Bulgaria [blgerI] n Bulgaria.
Bulgarian [blgerIn] adj blgaro,-a.
P n blgaro.
bulge [bldZ] n bulto.
bulimia [bjUlimI] n bulimia.
bulk [blk] n 1 (mass) masa, bulto;
(amount, quantity) volumen m, cantidad
f. 2 (greater part) mayor parte f.
bulk-buying [blkbaIIN] n compra en
grandes cantidades.
bull1 [bUl] n 1 toro. 2 (elephant, whale, etc)
macho. 3 fin alcista mf.
P adj 1 (elephant, whale, etc) macho. 2 fin
alcista, en alza.
bull2 [bUl] n rel (papal) bula.
bulldog [bUldg] n bulldog m.
bulldozer [bUldUzr] n bulldozer m.
bullet [bUlIt] n bala.
bulletin [bUlItIn] n 1 (publication) bole
tn m. 2 (medical, etc) parte m.
bulletproof [bUlItprUf] adj antibalas.
c o m p bulletproof vest chaleco antibalas.
bullfight [bUlfaIt] n corrida de toros.
bullfighter [bUlfaItr] n torero,a.
bullfighting [bUlfaItIN] n los toros mpl;
(art) tauromaquia.
bullion [bUljn] n (gold) oro en lingo
tes; (silver) plata en lingotes.
bullock [bUlk] n buey m.
bullring [bUlrIN] n plaza de toros.
bulls-eye [bUlzaI] n 1 (target) diana. 2 (score)
acierto. 3 mar (porthole) portilla. l o c to
score a bulls-eye dar en el blanco.
bullshit [bUlSIt] n taboo (nonsense) cho
rradas fpl.
bully [bUlI] n matn,ona.

pt & pp built [bilt].

[bIldr] n 1 (owner of company)
constructor,ra. 2 (bricklayer) albail m.
building [bIldIN] n 1 edificio. 2 (action)
construccin f, edificacin f. c o m p
building society sociedad f hipoteca
ria. y the building industry / the build
pl bullies.
ing trade la construccin.
bum1 [bm] n gb fam (bottom) culo.
build-up [bIldp] n 1 (increase) aumento: bum2 [bm] n 1 us fam (tramp) vagabun
a build-up in pollution un aumento de la
do,a. 2 us fam (idler) vago,a, holga
contaminacin. 2 (of gas) acumulacin f.
P vt fam (scrounge) gorrear, sablear.
built [bIlt] pt & pp build.




bumblebee [bmblbi] n zool abejorro.

bummer [bmr] n fam lata, latazo.
bump [bmp] n 1 (blow) golpe m, bata

cazo. 2 (on head) chichn m; (swelling)

hinchazn m; (lump) bulto. 4 (dent)
abolladura. 5 (on road) bache m.
P vt 1 darse un golpe en: he bumped his
head se dio un golpe en la cabeza. 2 dar
un golpe a.
P vi 1 chocar (into, con), topar (into,
contra). 2 (collide) chocar, colisionar.
a to bump into vt insep fam encontrar
por casualidad, tropezar con.
a to bump off vt sep sl liquidar.
bumper [bmpr] n parachoques m.
P adj abundante.
bumpy [bmpI] adj 1 (surface) desigual,
accidentado,a. 2 (road) lleno,a de

comp bumpier, superl bumpiest.

bun [bn] n 1 (bread) panecillo; (sweet) bo
llo. 2 (cake) ma(g)dalena. 3 (hair) moo.
bunch [bntS] n 1 manojo. 2 (flowers)
ramo. 3 (fruit) racimo. 4 fam (group of

people) grupo; (gang) pandilla.

bundle [bndl] n 1 (clothes) fardo, bul

cia. 4 us (chest of drawers) cmoda. 5 us

departamento del estado.
pl bureaus o bureaux [bjUrU].

bureaucracy [bjUrkrsI] n burocracia.

pl bureaucracies.
burger [bgr] n hamburguesa.
burglar [bglr] n ladrn,ona.
burglary [bglrI] n (gen) robo.
pl burglaries.
burgle [bgl] vt robar.
burial [berIl] n entierro. c o m p burial
ground cementerio.
burn1 [bn] n quemadura.
P vt quemar.
P vi 1 arder.
a to burn down vt sep incendiar.
a to burn out vi 1 (fire) extinguirse. 2

(fuse, bulb) fundirse.

pt & pp burnt [bnt] o burned.

burn2 [bn] n (stream) arroyo.

burner [bnr] n quemador m.
burning [bnIN] adj 1 (on fire) en llamas,

ardiendo. 2 (sun) abrasador,ra, de

justicia; (heat) achicharrante. 3 (desire,
need) ardiente. c o m p burning issue /
burning question cuestin f candente.

to. 2 (wood) haz m. 3 (papers, banknotes)

fajo. 4 (keys) manojo.
bung [bN] n (stopper) tapn m.
bungalow [bNglU] n bungalow m.
bungle [bngl] vt chapucear.
bungler [bNglr] n chapucero,a.
bunion [bnjn] n med juanete m.
bunk [bNk] n (bed) litera.
bunk-bed [bNkbed] n litera.

burnt [bnt] pt & pp burn.

burnt-out [bntaUt] adj 1 (building, car)

bunker [bNkr] n 1 mil bnker m. 2

tn m; (of tyre) pinchazo, reventn m.

2 (explosion) estallido, explosin f. 3
(of applause) salva. 4 (of gunfire) rfaga.
P vi (balloon, pipe) reventarse; (tyre) pin
charse, reventarse.

pl bunk-beds.

(golf) bnker m.

bunny [bnI] n fam conejito.

pl bunnies.

buoy [bI] n boya, baliza.

buoyant [bInt] adj 1 flotante. 2

carb onizado,a. 2 fig (person) que

mado,a, caduco,a.
burp [bp] n fam eructo.
P vi fam eructar.
burrow [brU] n madriguera.
bursary [bsrI] n (scholarship) beca.
pl bursaries.

burst [bst] n 1 (of balloon, pipe) reven

pt & pp burst.

bury [berI] vt enterrar.

(cheerful) animado,a. 3 (optimistic) opti

pt & pp buried, ger burying.
bus [bs] n 1 autobs m , bus m . 2
burden [bdn] n carga.
comput bus m. c o m p bus conductor co
P vt cargar.
brador. y bus conductress cobradora. y
bureau [bjUrU] n 1
(desk) escritorio.
bus lane carril m de autobuses. y bus
route lnea de autobs. y bus shelter
2 us (office) oficina. 3 us (agency) agen

parada de autobs cubierta. y bus sta
tion estacin f de autobuses. y bus
stop parada de autobs.
pl buses (us busses).


estaba comunicando. l o c to get busy 1

fam (work) ponerse a trabajar. 2 (hurry)
darse prisa.
comp busier, superl busiest.
[bIzIbdI] n entremet i

bush [bUS] n 1 (plant) arbusto. 2 (land)


n pl bushes matorral m, maleza.

Bushman [bUSmn] n & adj bosquima

but [bt] conj 1 pero: its cold, but dry hace



do,a, fisgn,ona.
pl busybodies.

fro, pero no llueve; Id like to, but I cant me

gustara, pero no puedo. 2 (after negative)
sino: not two, but three no dos, sino tres. 3
(after negative with verb) sino que: she told
him not to wait, but to go home le dijo que no
se esperara, sino que se fuera para casa.
l o c but for de no ser por, si no fuera
por: but for him, we would have failed de
no ser por l, habramos fracasado.
P adv (nada) ms que, no sino, so
lamente, solo,: he spoke nothing but the
truth no dijo nada ms que la verdad.
P prep excepto, salvo, menos: everyone but me todos menos yo; I can meet
you any day but Friday te puedo ver cual
quier da excepto el viernes.
P n pero: there are no buts about it no hay
pero que valga.
ta de presentacin, tarjeta comercial. butane [bjUteIn] n chem butano. c o m p
y business trip viaje m de negocios.
butane bottle bombona (de butano).
businesslike [bIznslaIk] adj formal,
y butane gas gas m butano.
butcher [bUtSr] n carnicero,a.
businessman [bIznsmn] n hombre butchers [bUtSz] n carnicera.
m de negocios, empresario.
butchery [bUtSrI] n carnicera.
pl businessmen [bIznsmen].
businesswoman [bIznswUmn] n butt2 [bt] n (with head) cabezazo.
[bt] n 1 (of rifle) culata. 2 (of cigamujer m de negocios, empresaria.
rette) colilla. 3 us fam (bottom) culo.
pl businesswomen [bIznswImIn].
busker [bskr] n gb msico calleje butt4 [bt] n (target) blanco.
butt [bt] n 1 (barrel) tonel m. 2 (for waro,a.
ter) aljibe m.
bust1 [bst] n busto.
bust2 [bst] adj fam roto,a. l o c to go butter [btr] n mantequilla.
P vt untar con mantequilla. c o m p but
bust fam quebrar.
ter dish mantequera. y
P vt fam romper.
a to butter up vt sep fam dar coba a.
P vi romperse.
buttercup [btkp] n bot botn m de
pt & pp bust [bst] o busted.
oro, rannculo.
bustard [bstd] n avutarda.
butterfingers [btfINgz] n mana
bustle [bsl] n bullicio, ajetreo.
zas mf, torpe mf.
busy [bIzI] adj 1 (person) ocupado,a,
atareado,a. 2 (street, place) concu butterfly [btflaI] n 1 mariposa. 2 sp
(swimming) mariposa.
4 us (telrrido,a. 3 (day) ajetreado,a.
pl butterflies.
ephone) comunicando: the line was busy
pl Bushmen [bUSmen].
bushy [bUSI] adj espeso,a, tupido,a.
comp bushier, superl bushiest.
business [bIzns] n 1 (commerce) nego
cios mpl: the business world el mundo de
los negocios. 2 (firm) negocio, empresa:
hes got a small business on the coast tiene un
pequeo negocio en la costa. 3 (affair)
asunto, tema m: Ive got business to discuss
with the manager tengo asuntos que tratar
con el director. l o c its my (your, etc)
business to me (te, etc) incumbe . y
to go out of business quebrar. y to run a
business llevar un negocio. y to set up a
business montar un negocio. y mind
your own business! no te metas donde
no te llaman! y l o c business card tarje



buttock [btk] n 1 (of person) nalga. 2

(of animal) anca.

P n pl buttocks (bottom) trasero, nalgas fpl.
button [btn] n 1 (on clothing, machine)
botn m; (on doorbell) pulsador m, bo
tn m: press the button pulse el botn. 2
bot (bud) botn m, yema.
P vi abrocharse.
P vt to button (up) abrochar, abro
charse: button (up) your coat abrchate el
buttonhole [btnhUl] n ojal m.
buttress [btrs] n arch contrafuerte m.
butty [btI] n fam bocadillo m, snd
wich m.
pl butties.

buy [baI] n compra.

vt 1 comprar: theyve just bought a new

car acaban de comprar un auto nuevo. 2
(bribe) sobornar. 3 fam (accept, believe)
tragrselo: hes so gullible he bought it es

tan ingenuo que se lo trag.

pt & pp bought [bt].

buyer [baIr] n comprador,ra.

buying power [baIINpaUr] n poder m


metros por 4. 9 (rate) por: paid by the

hour pagado por horas. 10 math por: 12
divided by 3 12 dividido por 3. 11 (progression) a: day by day da a da; little by little
poco a poco. 12 (in sets) en: two by two
de dos en dos. 13 (introducing gerund) :
you can find out by reading the papers te
enterars leyendo los peridicos. l o c to
go by pasar delante. y by os solo,a.
P adv al lado, delante. l o c to go by

pasar delante.

bye [baI] interj fam adis!, hasta lue

go!, chao!


[baIbaI] interj fam adis!,

hasta luego!, chao! l o c to say byebye fam decir adis. y to go to byebyes ir a dormir, ir a la cama.

Byelorussia [bjelUrS] n Belarus.

bygone [baIgn] adj pasado,a: a by-

gone age tiempos pasados.

n (object) antigualla. l o c in bygone
times antiguamente. y let bygones be
bygones lo pasado, pasado est.
bylaw [baIl] n ley f municipal.
bypass [baIpAs] n 1 auto variante f. 2
tech tubo de desviacin. 3 med bypass m.
P vt 1 (traffic, road) desviar. 2 (avoid) es

[bz] n 1 zumbido. 2 (of voices)

murmullo. 3 fam telefonazo, pincha
quivar, evitar.
zo m: give me a buzz dame un pinchazo.
by-product [baIprdkt] n 1 subpro
P vi zumbar.
ducto, derivado. 2 fig consecuencia.
buzzard [bzd] n guila f ratonera,
byre [baIr] n establo.
buitre m.
by-road [baIrUd] n carretera secun
buzzer [bzr] n timbre m.
buzzing [bzIN] n zumbido.
bystander [baIstQnd r] n espect a
buzz-saw [bzs] n sierra circular.
dor,ra, curioso,a.
buzz-word [bzwd] n palabra pega
byte [baIt] n comput byte m.
diza, palabra que est de moda.
by [baI] prep 1 (agent) por: painted by Con- by-way [baIweI] n 1 (road) carretera
secundaria. 2 (remote path) camino
stable pintado por Constable. 2 (means)
poco frecuentado.
por: by air/sea por avin/mar; by car/
train en coche/tren; by hand a mano; by byword [baIwd] n 1 arquetipo, ma
yor mf exponente. 2 (proverb) refrn m,
heart de memoria. 3 (showing difference)
proverbio. l o c to be a byword in ser
por: I won by 3 points gan por tres pun
sinnimo de: their products are a byword
tos; better by far muchsimo mejor. 4 (not
in luxury sus productos son sinnimo de
later than) para: I need it by ten lo necesito
para las diez. 5 (during) de: by day/night
de da/noche. 6 (near) junto a, al lado Byzantine [bIzQntaIn] n bizanti
de: sit by me sintate a mi lado. 7 (accordP adj bizantino,a.
ing to) segn: by the
rules segn las re
glas. 8 (measurements) por: 6 metres by 4 6 Byzantium [bIzQntIm] n Bizancio.

C, c [si] n 1 (the letter) C, c f. 2 mus do.
c. [sentSrI] abbr (circa) hacia; (abbreviation)

h.: Ramses III c. (800 BC) Ramss III (h. 800

a. d. C.).
cab [kQb] n 1 (taxi) taxi m. 2 (in vehicle)
cabina. c o m p cab driver taxista mf. y
cab rank parada de taxis.
cabaret [kQbreI] n cabaret m.
cabbage [kQbIdZ] n col f, repollo,
cabin [kQbIn] n 1 (wooden house) caba
a. 2 (on ship) camarote m. 3 (on plane)
cabina. c o m p cabin crew personal m
de cabina.

Cabin no significa cabina (telefni

ca), que se traduce por phone box.


[kQbInt] n 1 (furniture - gen)

armario; (glass fronted) vitrina. 2 pol
gabinete m (ministerial), consejo de
ministros. c o m p cabinet meeting con
sejo de ministros.
cable [keIbl] n 1 (rope, wire) cable m. 2
(telegram) cable m, telegrama m. c o m p
cable television televisin por cable.
cacao [kkAU] n bot cacao.
cache [kQS] n 1 (store) alijo. 2 (computer
memory) cach m. c o m p cache memory
memoria cach.
cackle [kQkl] n 1 (of hen) cacareo. 2 (of
person) risotada, carcajada.
P vi 1 (of hen) cacarear. 2 (of person) rer
se a carcajadas.
cacophony [kkfnI] n cacofona.
cactus [kQkts] n cactus m.


cadet [kdet] n cadete m.

cadge [kQdZ] vt fam gorronear.

vi fam gorronear (from/off, a).

cadger [kQdZr] n fam gorrn,-ona.

cadmium [kQdmIm] n cadmio.
caecum [sikm] n anat intestino ciego.
pl caeca [sik].

Caesarean [sIzerIn] [also Caesarean

section] n cesrea.

caesium [sizIm] n cesio.

caf [kQfeI] n cafetera, caf m.
cafeteria [kQftIrI] n (in factory, col-

lege, etc) cafetera, cantina; (restaurant)

autoservicio, self-service m.
caffeine [kQfin] n cafena.
cage [keIdZ] n (gen) jaula.
P vt enjaular.
cagey [keIdZI] adj fam reservado,-a,
cauteloso,-a, precavido,-a.
comp cagier, superl cagiest.

cagoule [kgUl] n chubasquero.

cajole [kdZUl] vt engatusar.
cake [keIk] n 1 culin pastel m, tarta,
torta. 2 (of soap) pastilla.

calamity [klQmItI] n calamidad f.

pl calamities.

calcite [kQlsaIt] n calcita.

calcium [kQlsIm] n calcio.
calculate [kQlkjleIt] vt & vi calcular.
calculation [kQlkjleISn] n clculo.
calculator [kQlkjleItr] n calculadora.
calculus [kQlkjls] n 1 math clculo

matemtico. 2 [pl calculi [kQlkjlaI]]

med clculo.
calendar [kQlIndr] n calendario.
pl cacti [kQktaI] o cactuses.
calf1 [kAf] n zool (of cattle) ternero,-a,
caddie [kQdI] n (in golf) cadi m. c o m p
becerro,-a; (of whale) ballenato; (of othcaddie car / caddie cart carrito de golf.
er animals) cra.
cadence [keIdns] n cadencia.
pl calves.




[kAf] n anat pantorrilla.

pl calves.
caliber [kQlIbr] n us come.
calibre [kQlIbr] n calibre m.
caliph [keIlIf, kQlIf] n califa f.
call [kl] n 1 (shout, cry) grito, llamada.
2 (by telephone) llamada (telefnica). 4

(demand) demanda; (need) motivo. l o c

to be on call estar de guardia. y to give
sb a call llamar a algn. c o m p call box gb
cabina telefnica.
P vt 1 (shout) llamar. 2 (by telephone) lla
mar. 3 (summon - meeting, strike, election)
convocar; (announce - flight) anunciar.
P vi 1 (shout) llamar. 2 (by phone) lla
mar. 3 (visit) pasar, hacer una visita: I
called round at Martins this afternoon he
pasado por casa de Martin esta tarde. 4
(train) parar (at, en). l o c to call for sth/
sb pasar a recoger algo/a algn.
a to call back vi (by phone) volver a lla
mar; (visit) volver a pasar.
a to call on vt insep visitar, ir a ver a.
a to call out vt sep (summon - fire brigade)
llamar; (doctor) hacer venir; (workers)
llamar a la huelga.
caller [klr] n 1 (visitor) visita, visitante
mf. 2 (by telephone) persona que llama.
calligraphy [klIgrfI] n caligrafa.
calling [klIN] n (vocation) vocacin f,
llamada; (profession) profesin f. c o m p
calling card us tarjeta de visita.
callous [kQls] adj duro,-a, insensible.

calves [kAvz] npl calf.

calyx [keIlIks, kQlIks] n cliz m.
pl calices o calixes.

Cambodia [kQmbUdI] n Camboya.

Cambodian [ k Q m b U d I n ] adj
P n 1 (person) camboyano,-a. 2 (language) camboyano.
camcorder [kQmkdr] n videoc

came [keIm] pt come.

camel [kQml] n zool camello,-a.
camellia [kmilI] n bot camelia.
camera [kQmr] n cmara.
cameraman [kQmrmn] n cmara mf.
Cameroon [kQmrUn] n Camern m.
Cameroonian [kQmrUnIn] adj & n

camomile [kQmmaIl] n bot manza

nilla, camomila.

camouflage [kQmflAZ] n camuflaje m.

camp [kQmp] n 1 (gen) campamento.
2 (group, faction) bando.
P vi acampar.
campaign [kQmpeIn] n campaa.
P vi hacer una campaa (for, en fa

vor de).

camper [kQmpr] n 1 (person) campis

ta mf. 2 (vehicle) caravana.


[kQmpfaIr] n fogata, ho

camping [kQmpIN] n camping m.


No camping Prohibido acampar. y

to go camping ir de camping. c o m p
, Callous no significa callos, que se
camping site camping m, campamento.
traduce por tripe.
campus [kQmps] n campus m.
callus [kQls] n callo.
pl campuses.
pl calluses.
can1 [kQn] n 1 (tin - for food, drinks) lata, bo
calm [kAm] adj 1 (sea, weather) en cal
te m. 2 (container - for oil, petrol, etc) bidn m.
ma, tranquilo,-a. 2 (person) tranquilo,
can2 [kQn] aux 1 (gen) poder: can you
-a, calmado,a: keep calm! tranquilo!
come tomorrow? puedes venir maana?. 2
P n 1 (of sea, weather) calma. 2 (peace
(know how to) saber: he can speak Chinese
and quiet) tranquilidad f.
sabe hablar chino; can you swim? sabes
P vt calmar, tranquilizar, sosegar.
nadar?. 3 (be allowed to) poder, estar
a to calm down vt tranquilizar, calmar.
permitido,-a: you cant smoke here no se
P vi tranquilizarse, calmarse.
puede fumar aqu; you can go now ya te
Calor Gas [kQlgQs] n (gas m) butano.
puedes ir. 4 (with verbs of perception or mental
caloric [klrIk] adj calrico,-a.
activity): she couldnt see anything no vea
nada; I can smell burning huele a quemado.
calorie [kQlrI] n calora.
calvary [kQlvrI] n calvario.
pt & cond could [kUd].



Canada [kQnd] n Canad.

Canadian [kQndIn] adj canadiense.

n (person) canadiense mf.

canal [knQl] n canal m.

canap [kQnpeI] n canap m.
canary [knerI] n canario.

pl cannon o cannons.


[kQnsl] vt 1 (gen) cancelar. 2

(stamp) matasellar. 3 (delete) tachar.
6 math eliminar.

pt & pp cancelled (us canceled), ger

cancelling (us canceling).
cancellation [kQnsleISn] n 1 (gen) can
celacin f. 2 (of stamp) matasellos m.
cancer [kQnsr] n med cncer m.
P n Cancer (constellation, sign) Cncer m.
cancerous [kQnsrs] adj canceroso,-a.
candid [ k Q n d I d ] adj franco,-a,
sincero,-a. c o m p candid camera cma

ra indiscreta.

Candid no significa cndido, que se

traduce por ingenuous.

candidacy [kQndIdsI] n candidatura.

pl candidacies.

candidate [kQndIdt] n candidato,-a.

candidature [kQndIdtSr] n candi

candle [kQndl] n (gen) vela; (in church)


candlestick [kQndlstIk] n (gen) can

delero, palmatoria.

candy [kQndI] n us (sweets) caramelos

mpl, golosinas fpl; (a sweet) caramelo.

pl candies.
candyfloss [kQndIfls] n gb algodn
m de azcar.
cane [keIn] n 1 bot caa. 2 (stick) bas
tn m. 3 (furniture) mimbre m.
canine [keInaIn] adj zool canino,-a.
c o m p canine tooth (diente m) canino,


canister [kQnIstr] n (for tea, coffee, etc)

bote m, lata.

canned food conservas fpl.

c o m p can
ning factory fbrica de conservas. y
canning industry industria conservera.
cannon [kQnn] n 1 mil can m. 2 (in

billiards) carambola.

pl canaries.

canned [kQnd] adj enlatado,-a.

canning [kQnIN] n enlatado.


cannelloni [kQnlUnI] n pl canelones

cannonball [kQnnbl] n bala de ca


cannot [kQnt] aux = can not.

canoe [knU] n canoa, piragua.
canonization [kQnnaIzeISn] n cano

can-opener [kQnUpnr] n abrelatas m.

cant [kAnt] aux = can not.
canteen [kQntin] n 1 (restaurant) canti

na, comedor m. 2 (set of cutlery) juego

de cubiertos. 3 (flask) cantimplora.
cantilever [kQntIlivr] n arch voladi
zo. c o m p cantilever bridge puente m
canton [kQntn] n cantn m.
canvas [kQnvs] n 1 (cloth) lona. 2 art
canvass [kQnvs] vi pol hacer propa
ganda electoral (for, a favor de), ha
cer campaa (for, a favor de).
canyon [kQnjn] n geog can m.
canyoning [kQnjnIN] n barranquismo.
cap [kQp] n 1 (type of hat) gorra. 2 (cover
- of pen) capuchn m; (- of bottle) tapn
m, chapa. 3 geog casquete m.
capability [keIpbIlItI] n capacidad f
(to, para/de).
pl capabilities.

capable [keIpbl] adj 1 (able) capaz (of,

de): hes capable of breaking the world record

es capaz de batir el rcord mundial. 2 (competent) competente, capaz: a very capable
person una persona muy competente.
capacity [kpQsItI] n capacidad f.
pl capacities.

cape1 [keIp] n (garment) capa.

cape2 [keIp] n cabo. c o m p Cape Verde
Cabo Verde.

caper1 [keIpr] n alcaparra.

caper2 [keIpr] n 1 (jump) brinco. 2 fam
(prank) travesura, broma.

mpl, canalones mpl.

capillary [kpIlrI] n capilar m.
cannibal [kQnIbl] n canbal mf.
pl capillaries.



capital [kQpIt l] n 1 (of country, etc) capi

tal f. 2 fin capital m: starting capital ca

pital inicial. 3 (letter) mayscula: write it
in capitals escrbelo con maysculas.
P adj 1 (gen) capital. 2 (letter) mayscu
la: capital A A mayscula. c o m p capital
goods bienes mpl de equipo.
capitalism [kQpItlIzm] n capitalismo.
capitol [kQpItl] n capitolio.
capitulation [kpItjleISn] n capitu
lacin f.
Capricorn [kQprIkn] n (constellation,
sign) Capricornio.
capsicum [kQpsIkm] n pimiento.
capsize [kQpsaIz] vi zozobrar.
P vt hacer zozobrar.
capsule [kQpsjUl] n cpsula.
captain [kQptIn] n capitn,-ana.
caption [kQpSn] n 1 (under picture) leyen
da, pie m de foto. 2 cinem subttulo.
captivate [kQptIveIt] vt cautivar, fas


[ k Q p t I v e I t I N ] adj

encantador,-ra, cautivador,-ra.
captive [kQptIv] adj & n cautivo,-a.
captivity [kQptIvItI] n cautiverio,
cautividad f.
capture [kQptSr] n (seizure - of person)
captura, apresamiento; (of town) to
ma, conquista.
P vt 1 (seize - person) capturar, apresar;
(- town) tomar. 2 fig (attract) captar.
car [kAr] n 1 auto automvil m, auto
m. 2 us (railway carriage) vagn m, co
che m. l o c to go by car ir en auto.
caramel [kQrmel] n 1 culin (burnt sugar)
azcar m quemado. 2 (toffee) caramelo.
carapace [kQrpeIs] n caparazn m.
carat [kQrt] n quilate m.
caravan [kQrvQn] n caravana.
caravel [kQrvel] n carabela.
carbohydrate [kAbUhaIdreIt] n hi
drato de carbono, carbohidrato.
carbon [kAbn] n chem carbono. c o m p
carbon dioxide dixido de carbono. y
carbon monoxide monxido de car
bono. y carbon paper papel m carbn.


[kAb neItId] adj (fizzy)

gaseoso,-a, con gas.

Carboniferous [kAbnIfrs] adj geol

carbonfero,-a. c o m p the Carbonifer

ous period el carbonfero.
carburettor [kAbretr] n carburador m.
carcass [kAks] n res f muerta.

carcinogenic [kAsIndZenIk] adj med

cancergeno,-a, carcingeno,-a.

card [kAd] n 1 (gen) tarjeta. 2 (greetings

card) tarjeta de felicitacin, felicita

cin f. 3 (of membership, identity) carnet
m, carn m. 4 (stiff paper) cartulina. 5
carta, naipe m.
cardboard [kAdbd] n cartn m.
cardiac [kAdIQk] adj cardaco,-a.
c o m p cardiac arrest paro cardaco. y
cardiac sphincter cardias.
cardigan [kAdIgn] n rebeca.
cardinal [kAdInl] adj (most important)
capital, fundamental, principal.
P n rel cardenal m. c o m p cardinal num
ber nmero cardinal. y cardinal point
punto cardinal. y cardinal sin pecado


[kAdIldZIst] n

cardiology [kAdIldZI] n cardiologa.

care [ker] n 1 (gen) cuidado: take care

when driving at night (ten) cuidado al con

ducir de noche; I left the baby in the care of
my mother dej al beb al cuidado de mi
madre. 2 (worry, grief) preocupacin f.
P vi (be worried, be concerned) preocupar
se (about, por), importar: I dont care
no me importa, me da igual.
P vt (feel concern, mind) importar: no-one
cares if youre late a nadie le importa si lle
gas tarde. l o c Handle with care
Frgil. y take care! 1 (be careful) ten
cuidado! 2 (look after yourself) cudate!
c o m p medical care asistencia mdica.
a to care for vt insep 1 (look after) cuidar,
atender. 2 (like) gustar; (feel affection for)
querer, sentir cario por.
career [krIr] n 1 (profession) carrera. 2
(working life) vida profesional.
carefree [kefri] adj despreocupa
carbn, que se
, Carbon no significa
traduce por coal.
do,a, libre de preocupaciones.

careful [kefUl] adj 1 (cautious) prudente,

cuidadoso,-a: a careful driver un conduc

tor prudente. 2 (painstaking) cuidado
so,a. l o c to be careful tener cuidado.
carefully [kefUlI] adv 1 (cautiously) con
cuidado, con precaucin: drive carefully conduce con cuidado. 2 (with great
attention) cuidadosamente.
careless [kels] adj (inattentive, thoughtless - person) descuidado; (driving) ne
caress [kres] n caricia.
P vt acariciar.
caretaker [keteIkr] n conserje m,
cargo [kAgU] n (goods) carga; (load)
pl cargoes o cargos.

Cargo no significa cargo (empleo),

que se traduce por position.

Caribbean [kQrIbIn, us krIbIn] adj

caribeo,-a. c o m p the Caribbean (Sea)

el (mar) Caribe.
caribou [kQrIbU] n carib m.
caricature [kQrIktjUr] n caricatura.
caries [kerIz] n caries f.
carnage [kAnIdZ] n carnicera.
carnal [kAnl] adj carnal.
carnation [kAneISn] n clavel m.
carnival [kAnIvl] n carnaval m.
carnivore [kAnIvr] n carnvoro,-a.
carnivorous [kAnIvrs] adj carn
carol [kQrl] n villancico.
carotene [kQrtin] n caroteno.
carousel [kQrsel] n 1 us (roundabout)
tiovivo, caballitos mpl, carrusel m. 2
(for baggage) cinta transportadora. 3 (for
slides) carrete m de diapositivas.
carp1 [kAp] n (fish) carpa.
carp 2 [kAp] vi (complain) quejarse
(about/at, de).
carpenter [kApIntr] n carpintero,-a.
carpentry [kApIntrI] n carpintera.
carpet [kApIt] n 1 (gen) alfombra; (fitted) moqueta. 2 fig alfombra.


carriage [kQrIdZ] n 1 hist (horse-drawn)

carruaje m. 2 gb (railway vehicle) vagn

m, coche m. 3 (of typewriter) carro. 4
(cost of transport) porte m, transporte m.
carriageway [kQrIdZweI] n gb calzada.
carrier [kQrIr] n 1 (company, person)
transportista mf. 2 av compaa area,
lnea area. 3 med (of disease) portador,ra. c o m p aircraft carrier mar portaavio
nes m. y carrier pigeon paloma mensa
carrion [kQrIn] n carroa.
carrot [kQrt] n zanahoria.
carrousel [kQrsel] n 1 (roundabout) tiovi
vo, carrusel. 2 (for baggage reclaim) cinta.
carry [kQrI] vt 1 (gen) llevar. 2 (goods,
load, passengers) transportar. 3 (disease)
ser portador,-ra de. 4 (blame, responsibility) cargar con. 5 (entail, involve) con
llevar 8 math llevar(se).
a to carry forward / carry over vt sep

llevar a la columna siguiente, llevar

a la pgina siguiente: carry this figure
forward to the next page lleva esta cifra a
la pgina siguiente.
a to carry off vt sep 1 (part, action, duty)
realizar con xito, salir airoso,-a de:
she carried the speech off well sali airosa del
discurso. 2 (prize) llevarse, hacerse con.
a to carry on vt insep continuar con, se
guir con.
a to carry through vt sep (plan, etc) lle
var a cabo.
pt & pp carried, ger carrying.

carry-out [kQrIaUt] n 1 us (food) comida

para llevar. 2 (drink) bebida para llevar.

carsick [kAsIk] adj mareado,-a (al ir en

coche). l o c to get carsick marearse

en coche.
cart [kAt] n 1 (horse-drawn) carro, ca
rreta; (handcart) carretilla. 2 us (for
shopping) carrito, carro.
cartel [kAtel] n crtel m.
Cartesian [kAtiZn] adj cartesiano,-a.
Carthaginian [kATdZInIn] adj car
P n cartaginense mf.
[kAtIlIdZ] n cartlago.
, Carpet no significa
traduce por folder.
cartography [kAtgrfI] n cartografa.



carton [kAt n] n (of cream, yoghurt) bote

m; (of milk, juice, cigarettes) cartn m; (of

cereals, etc) caja.

Carton no significa cartn, que se

traduce por cardboard.

cartoon [kAtUn] n 1 (drawing) vieta,

chiste m; (strip) tira cmica, historie

ta. 2 (animated) dibujos mpl animados.
cartridge [kAtrIdZ] n 1 mil cartucho.
2 (for pen) recambio.
carve [kAv] vt 1 (wood, stone) tallar;
(statue, etc) esculpir; (initials) grabar. 2
(meat) cortar, trinchar.
cascade [kQskeId] n cascada.
case1 [keIs] n 1 (gen) caso. 2 jur (lawsuit)
causa, litigio, pleito. l o c in case
por si, en caso de que y in no
case bajo ninguna circunstancia.
case2 [keIs] n 1 (suitcase) maleta. 2 (box)
caja, cajn m; (small, hard container) es
tuche m; (soft container) funda.
cash [kQS] n dinero (en) efectivo, me
P vt (cheque) cobrar, hacer efectivo.
cashier [kQSIr] n cajero,-a.
cashmere [kQSmIr] n cachemira.
casino [ksinU] n casino.
pl casinos.

cask [kAsk] n tonel m, barril m.

Cask no significa casco (para la cabe

za), que se traduce por helmet.

casket [kAskIt] n 1 (box) cofre m. 2 (cof-

caste [kAst] n casta.

caster [kAstr] n (wheel) ruedecilla.
Castilian [kQstIlIn] adj castellano,-a.

P n 1 (person) castellano,-a. 2 (language)

casting [kAstIN] n 1 tech (process) fun
dicin f ; (object) pieza fundida. 2
theat (selection) seleccin f, casting m.
cast-iron [kAstaIn] adj de hierro
fundido, de hierro colado.
castle [kAsl] n 1 (gen) castillo. 2 (chess)
torre f.
P vi (chess) enrocar.

castor1 [kAstr] n caster.

castor2 [kAstr] n c o m p castor oil acei
te m de ricino.

castrate [kQstreIt] vt castrar, capar.

casual [kQZjUl] adj 1 (chance - visit, visitor)

ocasional; (- meeting) fortuito,-a, ca

sual. 2 (superficial) superficial; (reader)
ocasional. 3 (informal) informal.
casually [kQZjUlI] adv 1 (dress) de ma
nera informal. 2 (unconcernedly) des

Casually no significa casualmente,

que se traduce por by chance.


[kQZjUltI] n (of accident)

herido,-a; mil baja

pl casualties.

Casualty no significa casualidad,

que se traduce por chance.

fin) atad m.

cat [kQt] n (domestic) gato,-a; (lion, tiger)

la. 2 (food) guiso, guisado.

Catalan [kQtlQn] adj cataln,-ana.

casserole [kQsrUl] n 1 (dish) cazue


P n 1 (person) cataln,-ana. 2 (language)

cataln m.
catalogue [kQtlg] n catlogo.
(mould) molde m; (product) pieza.
P vt catalogar.
P vt 1 (gen) lanzar. 2 (shadow, light) pro
yectar. 3 (vote) emitir. 4 theat (part, catalyst [kQtlIst] n catalizador m.
role) asignar el papel a. l o c to be cast catapult [kQtplt] n 1 (gen) catapul
ta. 2 (toy) tirachinas m.
away naufragar. y to cast a spell on
cataract [kQtrQkt] n 1 (waterfall) ca
sth/sb hechizar algo/a algn.
tarata. 2 med catarata.
a to cast about for / cast around for vt
catarrh [ktAr] n catarro.
insep buscar, andar buscando.
a to cast out vt sep fml expulsar.
catastrophe [ktQstrfI] n catstrofe f.
pt & pp cast.
catch [kQtS] n 1 (of ball) parada. 2 (of
castaway [kAstweI] n nufrago,-a.
fish) presa. 4 (fastener on door) pestillo.

cassette [kset] n casete f.

cast [kAst] n 1 theat reparto. 2 tech

vt 1 (gen) coger, agarrar; (fish) pescar.
2 (train, plane - take) tomar: I just caught
the last train tom el ltimo tren con el
tiempo justo. l o c to catch a cold res

friarse, pescar un resfriado.

a to catch on vi 1 (understand) entender,
darse cuenta (to, de). 2 (become popular)
ponerse de moda, imponerse.
a to catch out vt sep (doing something
wrong) pillar, sorprender; (trick) hacer
que uno caiga.
a to catch up vt sep (person) alcanzar.
pt & pp caught [kt].

catching [kQtSIN] adj contagioso,-a.

catchword [kQtSwd] n eslogan m.
catechism [kQtkIzm] n catecismo.
categoric [kQtgrIk] adj categrico,-a.
category [kQtgrI] n categora.
pl categories.

cater [kItr] vi (food) proveer comida

(for, para).

a to cater for vt insep (needs, interests,

tastes) atender a, satisfacer.
caterer [keItrr] n proveedor,-ra.
catering [keItrIN] n (business, course)
hostelera; (service) catering m.
caterpillar [kQtpIlr] n oruga.
cathedral [kTidrl] n catedral f.
catheter [kQTtr] n catter m.
cathode [kQTUd] n ctodo. c o m p
cathode ray rayo catdico.
Catholic [kQTlIk] adj & n rel catlico,-a.
Catholicism [kTlIsIzm] n rel catoli
cattle [kQtl] n pl ganado (vacuno).

caught [kt] pt & pp catch.

cauldron [kldrn] n caldero.
cauliflower [klIflaUr] n coliflor f.
cause [kz] n 1 (gen) causa 2 (reason,



[kSs] adj cauteloso,-a,

prudente, cauto,-a.
cavalry [kQvlrI] n caballera.

pl cavalries.

cave [keIv] n cueva.


cave painting

pintura rupestre.
a to cave in vi (roof, etc) hundirse, de
rrumbarse; (opposition, etc) ceder.
caveman [keIvmQn] n caverncola m,
hombre m de las cavernas.
cavern [kQvn] n caverna.
caviar [kQvIAr] n caviar m.
caving [keIvIN] n espeleologa.
cavity [kQvItI] n 1 (hole) cavidad f. 2 (in
tooth) carie f.
pl cavities.

caw [k] n graznido.


vi graznar.

cayman [keImn] n caimn m.

CD [sidi] abbr (compact disc) disco
compacto; (abbreviation) CD m.


[sidirm] abbr (compact

disc read-only memory) CD-ROM m.
cease [sis] vt suspender. l o c to cease
fire mil cesar el fuego.
P vi cesar.
cease-fire [sisfaIr] n alto el fuego.
ceaseless [sisls] adj incesante.
cecum [sikm] n us caecum.
cedar [sidr] n bot cedro.
ceiling [silIN] n 1 (of room) techo. 2 (upper limit) tope m, lmite m.
celebrate [selIbreIt] vt & vi celebrar.
celebrated [selIbreItId] adj clebre,


celebration [selIbreISn] n (event) fies

ta, festejo; (activity) celebracin f.

P n pl celebrations festividades fpl ,
festejos mpl.
celebrity [slebrItI] n celebridad f,
personaje m famoso.

grounds) razn f, motivo.

P vt causar.
caustic [kstIk] adj custico,-a. c o m p
pl celebrities.
caustic soda sosa custica.
celery [selrI] n apio.
cauterize [ktraIz] vt cauterizar.
caution [kSn] n 1 (care, prudence) cau celestial [sIlestIl] adj 1 (heavenly) ce
lestial. 2 (of the skies) celeste.
tela, precaucin f , prudencia. 2
cell [sel] n 1 (in prison, monastery) celda. 2
(warning) aviso, advertencia.
P vt 1 (warn) advertir. 2 gb (judge, etc)
(of honeycomb) celdilla. 3 (of organism)
clula. 4 elec (in battery) pila.




[sel ] n 1 (basement) stano. 2

(for wine) bodega.
cellist [tSelIst] n violoncelista mf.
cello [tSelU] n violoncelo.

pl cellos.

Cellophane [selfeIn] n celofn m.

cellphone [selfUn] n us telfono mvil.
cellular [seljlr] adj celular. c o m p cel
lular telephone telfono mvil.

cellulite [seljUlaIt] n (fat) celulitis f.

celluloid [seljlId] n celuloide m.
cellulose [seljlUs] n celulosa.
Celsius [selsIs] adj Celsius: 30 degrees
Celsius 30 grados Celsius.

Celt [kelt] n celta mf.

cement [sIment] n 1 (in building) cemento.

2 (glue) adhesivo; (for filling teeth) empaste

m. c o m p cement mixer hormigonera.
cemetery [semtrI] n cementerio.
pl cemeteries.
censor [sensr] n censor,-ra.
P vt censurar.
censorship [sensSIp] n censura.
censure [senSr] n fml censura.
P vt fml censurar.
census [senss] n censo, padrn m.
cent [sent] n centavo, cntimo.
centenary [sentinrI] n centenario.
pl centenaries.
centennial [sentenIl] n us centenario.
center [sentr] n & vb us centre.
centigrade [sentIgreId] adj centgra


centigram [sentIgrQm] n centigramo.

centilitre [sentIlitr] n centilitro.
centimetre [sentImitr] n centmetro.
centipede [sentIpid] n ciempis m.
central [sentrl] adj 1 (government, bank,

century [sentSrI] n siglo: the twentieth

century el siglo veinte.

pl centuries.
ceramic [srQmIk] adj de cermica.
P n cermica.
ceramics [srQmIks] n (art) cermica;
(objects) objetos mpl de cermica.
cereal [sIrIl] n (plant, grain) cereal m;
(breakfast food) cereales mpl.
cerebellum [serIbelm] n cerebelo.
cerebral [serIbrl] adj cerebral. c o m p
cerebral palsy parlisis f cerebral.
cerebrum [serbrm] n cerebro.
ceremony [serImnI] n ceremonia.
pl ceremonies.
certain [stn] adj 1 (gen) seguro,-a:
shes certain to pass seguro que aprobar.
2 (specific, particular) cierto,-a. 4 (named)
tal: a certain Pedro Daz un tal Pedro Daz.
certainly [stnlI] adv 1 (definitely, surely) seguro. 2 (when answering questions)

desde luego, por supuesto.

certainty [stntI] n certeza, seguri

dad f.
pl certainties.

certificate [stIfIkt] n (gen) certifica

do: birth certificate partida de nacimiento.

certify [stIfaI] vt certificar.

pt & pp certified, ger certifying.

cervical [svIkl] adj 1 (of neck) cervical.

2 (of uterus) del (cuello del) tero. c o m p
cervical cancer cncer m de tero. y cer
vical vertebrae vrtebras cervicales.
cervix [svIks] n 1 fml (neck) cerviz f,
cuello. 2 (uterus) cuello del tero.
pl cervixes o cervices.
cesium [sizIm] n us caesium.
cesspit [sespIt] n pozo negro.
cetacean [sIteISn] adj cetceo,-a.
P n cetceo.
chafe [tSeIf] vt 1 (make sore) rozar, exco
riar. 2 (make warm) frotar, friccionar.
P vi irritarse.
chain [tSeIn] n 1 (metal rings) cadena. 2

committee) central. 2 (of, at or near centre)

cntrico,-a. c o m p central nervous sys
tem sistema m nervioso central.
centre [sentr] n centro.
P vt (put in centre) centrar.
P vi (focus on) centrarse (on/upon, en).
(of shops, hotels, etc) cadena; (of events)
centrifugal [sentrIfjUgl] adj cent
cadena, serie f. c o m p chain reaction
reaccin en cadena. y mountain chain

centripetal [sentrIpIt
l] adj cent r
cordillera, cadena montaosa.
P vt encadenar, atar.



chair [tSe ] n (gen) silla; (with arms) silln


m, butaca.

to address the chair di


rigirse al presidente, dirigirse a la

presidencia. c o m p chair lift telesilla.
P vt (meeting) presidir.
chairman [tSemn] n presidente m.
pl chairmen [tSemen].


[tSemnSIp] n presi


[tSeps n] n pres i


[tSewUmn] n pre


pl chairwomen [tSewImIn].
chaise longue [SeIzlN] n divn m.
chalet [SQleI] n chalet m, chal m.
chalice [tSQlIs] n cliz m.
chalk [tSk] n 1 (mineral) creta, roca
caliza. 2 (for writing) tiza.
a to chalk up vt insep fam (victory, success)


challenge [tSQlIndZ] n reto, desafo.

vt 1 (invite to compete) retar, desafiar. 2

(statement) poner en duda, cuestionar.
challenger [tSQlIndZr] n (for title, leadership) aspirante mf ; (opponent, rival)
contrincante mf, rival mf.
challenging [tSQlIndZIN] adj (task, job,
problem) que supone un reto; (idea) es
timulante; (look, tone) desafiante.
chamber [tSeImbr] n 1 (gen) cmara.
2 (of gun) recmara.
chambermaid [tSeImbmeId] n ca
marera (de hotel).
chameleon [kmilIn] n camalen m.
champagne [SQmpeIn] n (French) cham
pn m, champaa; (Catalan) cava m.
champion [tSQmpIn] n 1 campen,
-ona. 2 fig (defender) defensor,-ra,
P adj premiado,-a.
P vt fig defender, abogar por.

likelihood) posibilidad f. l o c by chance

por casualidad.
P adj (meeting, discovery, occurrence)
fortuito,-a, casual.
P vt (risk) arriesgar.
chancellor [tSAnslr] n 1 pol canciller m.
2 gb (of university) rector,-ra. c o m p Chancel
lor of the Exchequer gb ministro,-a de
chancy [tsAnsI] adj fam arriesgado,-a.
comp chancier, superl chanciest.

chandelier [SQndlIr] n araa.

change [tSeIndZ] n 1 (gen) cambio. 2 (of

clothes) muda. 3 (coins) cambio, mone

das fpl; (money returned) cambio, vuelta.
P vi cambiar, cambiarse.
changeable [tSeIndZbl] adj variable.
changeless [tSeIndZls] adj inmutable.
changing [tSeIndZIN] adj cambiante.
c o m p changing room vestuario.
P n mil cambio, relevo.
channel [tSQnl] n 1 (gen) canal m. 2 (on
television) canal m, cadena.
chant [tSAnt] n 1 rel canto litrgico, cn
tico. 2 (of crowd) eslogan m, consigna.
chaos [keIs] n caos m.
chaotic [keItIk] adj catico,-a.
chap [tSQp] n fam to, tipo.
chapel [tSQpl] n capilla.
chaplain [tSQplIn] n capelln m.
chapter [tSQptr] n captulo.
char [tSAr] vt chamuscar, carbonizar.
pt & pp charred, ger charring.

character [kQrktr] n 1 (gen) carcter

m. 2 (in film, book, play) personaje m.

characteristic [kQrktrIstIk] adj ca

P n caracterstica.

characterize [kQrktraIz] vt (gen) ca

racterizar; (describe character of) califi

car (as, de).
chard [tSAd] n acelgas fpl.
championship [tSQmpInSIp] n sp charge [tSAdZ] n 1 (price) precio; (fee(s))
honorarios mpl. 2 (responsibility) cargo.
chance [tSAns] n 1 (fate, fortune) azar m,
3 jur cargo, acusacin f. 4 mil (attack)
casualidad f. 2 (opportunity) oportuni
carga. 5 (explosive) carga explosiva. 6
dad f, ocasin f: you wont get another
elec carga.
P vt 1 (ask as a price - customer, amount)
chance like this no
se te presentar otra
oportunidad como sta. 3 (possibility,
cobrar; (record as debit) cargar. 2 jur



acusar (with, de). 3 elec cargar. 4 mil

cargar contra, atacar.
charger [tSAdZr] n 1 elec cargador m.
2 (horse) corcel m.
chariot [tSQrIt] n cuadriga, carro.
charisma [krIzm] n carisma m.
charitable [tSQrItbl] adj 1 (person)
caritativo,-a. 2 (organization) benfico,-a.
charity [tSQrItI] n 1 (gen) caridad f. 2
(organization) institucin f benfica.
pl charities.

charlatan [SAltn] n embaucador,-a.

Charlatan no significa charlatn (que

habla mucho), que se traduce por chatterbox.

chastity [tSQstItI] n castidad f.

chat [tSQt] n 1 (in general) charla. 2 (on
Internet) charla, chat m.

chatter [tSQtr] n 1 (rapid talk) chcha

ra, parloteo. 2 (of teeth) castaeteo.

P vi 1 (talk rapidly) chacharear, parlo
tear, cotorrear. 2 (teeth) castaetear.
chatterbox [ t S Q t b k s ] n fam
parlanchn,-ina, charlatn,-ana.
chatty [tSQtI] adj (person) hablador,-ra,
comp chattier, superl chattiest.

chauffeur [SUfr] n chfer mf, chofer mf.

chauvinism [SUvInIzm] n chovinismo.
cheap [tSip] adj 1 (gen) barato,-a. 2 (of

poor quality, shoddy) ordinario,-a. 3 (contemptible - trick, gibe, crook) vil, bajo,-a;
(object) amuleto. 3 (spell) hechizo.
(vulgar - joke, remark) de mal gusto.
P vt encantar.
P adv barato.
charmer [tSAmr] n 1 (charming person) cheapen [tSipn] vt 1 (in price) abara
persona encantadora. 2 (of snakes)
tar. 2 (degrade) degradar, rebajar.
cheat [tSit] n 1 (gen) tramposo,-a;
charming [tSAmIN] adj (delightful) en
(swindler) estafador,-ra. 2 (trick) tram
pa; (swindle) estafa, timo.
chart [tSAt] n 1 (table) tabla; (graph)
P vt (trick, deceive) engaar; (swindle) es
grfico; (map) carta, mapa m. 2 (navitafar, timar.
gational) carta de navegacin.
P vi (gen) hacer trampa(s); (in exam)
P vt (make a map of) trazar un mapa de;
(plan, plot on map) trazar.
check [tSek] n 1 (gen) revisin f, control
P n pl the charts mus la lista de xitos,
m; (of machine) verificacin f, inspec
el hit parade m.
cin f; (of results, facts, information) com
charter [tSAtr] n 1 (gen) estatutos mpl;
probacin f, verificacin f. 2 (stop, re(of town) fuero. 2 (constitution) carta. 3
straint) control m, freno. 3 us cheque.
(hiring of plane, etc) fletamiento.
4 us (bill) cuenta, nota. 5 (chess) jaque m.
P vt 1 (grant rights, privileges to) aprobar
P vi (make sure) comprobar, verificar.
los estatutos de. 2 (hire plane, boat, etc)
a to check in vi (at airport) facturar el
fletar, alquilar.
equipaje; (at hotel) registrarse.
P vt sep facturar.
chartered [tSAtd] adj (qualified)
a to check out vi pagar la cuenta e ir
colegiado,-a. c o m p chartered account
se, dejar el hotel.
ant contable mf diplomado,-a.
P vt sep (facts, information) verificar, com
chase [tSeIs] n (gen) persecucin f; (hunt)
probar; (place) ir a ver; (person) hacer
averiguaciones sobre.
P vt (gen) perseguir; (hunt) cazar.
chasm [kQzm] n 1 geog sima. 2 fig checked [tSekt] adj a cuadros.
checkers [tSekz] n pl us damas fpl.
checkmate [tSekmeIt] n (jaque m) ma
chassis [SQsI] n chasis m.
te m.
pl chassis.
P vt dar (jaque) mate a.
chaste [tSeIst] adj 1 (pure) casto,-a, puro,
-a. 2 (not ornate) sobrio,-a,
[tSekaUt] n (in supermarket) caja.
chastise [tSQstaIz] vt fml castigar.
checkpoint [tSekpInt] n control m.

charm [tSAm] n 1 (quality) encanto. 2



[tSekrUm] n



[tSekp] n (by doctor) che

queo, reconocimiento mdico.

cheek [tSik] n 1 anat mejilla. 2 fam
(nerve, impudence) descaro, cara.
cheekbone [tSikbUn] n pmulo.
cheeky [tSikI] adj (person) descarado,
-a, fresco,-a; (remark) impertinente.
comp cheekier, superl cheekiest.

cheer [tSIr] n 1 (shout of joy) viva m, v

chess [tSes] n ajedrez m: a game of chess

una partida de ajedrez.


[tSesbd] n tablero de

chessmen [tSesmn] n pl piezas fpl de


chest [tSest] n 1 (large) arca, arcn m;

(small) cofre m. 2 anat pecho.

chestnut [tSesnt] n 1 bot (tree, wood)

castao; (nut) castaa. 2 (colour) casta

o. 3 (horse) alazn,-ana.
P adj (colour) castao,-a; (horse) ala
chew [tSU] vt (food) mascar, masticar;
(nails, pencil) morder.
chewing gum [tSUINgm] n chicle m.
chic [Sik] adj chic, elegante.
P n elegancia.
chick [tSIk] n polluelo.
chicken [tSIkIn] n 1 (hen) gallina; (food)
pollo. 2 fam (coward) gallina mf.
P adj fam gallina.
chickenpox [tSIkInpks] n varicela.
chickpea [tSIkpi] n garbanzo.
chicory [tSIkrI] n achicoria, chicoria.
chief [tSif] n (gen) jefe,-a; (of party) lder
mf; (of tribe) cacique m.
P adj principal.
chiefly [tSiflI] adv (mainly) principal
mente; (especially) sobre todo.
chieftain [tSiftn] n cacique m, jefe,-a.
chiffon [SIfn] n gasa.
chilblain [tSIlbleIn] n saban m.
child [tSaIld] n 1 (boy) nio; (girl) nia. 2
(son) hijo; (daughter) hija.

tor m, hurra m. 2 (happiness) alegra.

P vt 1 (applaud with shouts) vitorear,
aclamar. 2 (gladden) animar, alegrar.
a to cheer up vt sep animar, alegrar.
P vi animarse, alegrarse: cheer up! ni
cheerful [tSIfUl] adj alegre.
cheerio [tSIrIU] interj gb fam adis!,
hasta luego!
cheerleader [tSIlidr] n animador,
-ra (de un equipo deportivo).
cheers [tSIz] interj 1 fam (as toast) sa
lud! 2 fam (thanks) gracias! 3 fam
(goodbye) adis!, hasta luego!
cheese [tSiz] n queso.
cheetah [tSit] n guepardo.
chef [Sef] n chef m, jefe,-a de cocina.
chemical [kemIkl] adj qumico,-a.
P n sustancia qumica.
chemist [kemIst] n 1 chem qumico,
-a. 2 gb (pharmacist) farmacutico,-a.
c o m p chemists (shop) gb farmacia.
chemistry [kemIstrI] n qumica.
chemotherapy [kimUTerpI] n qui
pl children.
childbirth [tSaIldbT] n parto.
cheque [tSek] n cheque m, taln m.
chequebook [tSekbUk] n talonario de childhood [tSaIldhUd] n infancia.
childish [tSaIldIS] adj (of a child) infantil;
(immature) pueril, infantil.
chequered [tSekd] adj 1 (cloth, pattern)
a cuadros. 2 fig (past, history, career) con childlike [tSaIldlaIk] adj infantil.
altibajos, accidentado,-a.
children [tSIldrn] n pl child.
chequers [tSekz] n pl damas fpl.
chili [tSIlI] n us chilli.
cherish [tSerIS] vt 1 (person) apreciar, chill [tSIl] n med (cold) resfriado; (shiver)
querer. 2 (hope, memory, illusion) abrigar.
P adj (wind, etc) fro,-a.
cherry [tSerI] n (fruit) cereza, guinda;
P vt enfriar.
p cherry tree cerezo.
(wood) cerezo. c o m
pl cherries.
chilli [tSIlI] n chile m.



chilling [tSIlIN] adj 1 glacial. 2 fig espe

luznante, escalofriante.
chilly [tSIlI] adj (gen) fro,-a.

comp chillier, superl chilliest.

chime [tSaIm] n (bells) carilln m; (sound

of bells) repique m; (of clock) campana

da; (of doorbell) campanilla.
P vi (bells) sonar, repicar; (clock) dar la
hora, sonar.
chimney [tSImnI] n chimenea.
. Chimney slo se refiere al conducto
por donde sale el humo. El hogar se tradu
ce por fireplace.

panc m.

[tSImpQnzi] n chim

chin [tSIn] n barbilla, mentn m.

china [tSaIn] n 1 (white clay) loza; (fine)

porcelana. 2 (crockery) vajilla, objetos

mpl de porcelana, loza.
China [tSaIn] n China.
Chinese [tSaIniz] adj chino,-a.
P n 1 (person) chino,-a. 2 (language) chino.
chink1 [tSINk] n grieta, abertura.
chink2 [tSINk] n (noise) tintineo.
P vt hacer tintinear, hacer sonar.
chip [tSIp] n 1 gb (fried potato) patata fri
ta. 2 us patata frita (de bolsa). 3 comput chip m. 4 (of wood) astilla; (of stone)
lasca. 5 (flaw - in plate, glass) desporti
lladura. 6 (in gambling) ficha.
P vt 1 gb (potatoes) cortar. 2 (china, glass)
desportillar; (paint) desconchar.

chives [tSaIvz] n pl bot cebollino, ce


chloride [klraId] n cloruro.

chlorine [klrin] n cloro.
chloroform [klrfm] n cloroformo.
chlorophyll [klrfIl] n clorofila.
chock [tSk] n calzo, cua.
chock-a-block [tSkblk] adj fam
hasta los topes, de bote en bote.

chock-full [tSkfUl] adj fam hasta los


chocolate [tSklt] n 1 (substance) cho

colate m: a bar of chocolate una chocola

tina, una tableta de chocolate. 2 (individual sweet) bombn m.
choice [tSIs] n 1 (act) eleccin f, op
cin f. 2 (person, thing chosen) eleccin f.
3 (variety, range) surtido, seleccin f.
P adj 1 (top quality) selecto,-a, de pri
mera calidad.
choir [kwaIr] n coro.
choke [tSUk] vt 1 (person) ahogar, as
fixiar, estrangular. 2 (block - pipe, drain,
etc) atascar, obstruir.
P n estrter m.

Choke no significa choque, que se

traduce por collision.

cholera [klr] n clera m.

cholesterol [klestrl] n colesterol m.
choose [tSUz] vt 1 (select) escoger, ele

gir; (elect) elegir. 2 (decide) decidir, op

tar por.

pt & pp chipped, ger chipping.

chipboard [tSIpbd] n aglomerado,

pt chose [ t S U z ] , pp chosen
[tSUzn], ger choosing.
choosy [tSUzI] adj fam exigente.

chiropodist [kIrpdIst] n podlogo,


madera aglomerada.

comp choosier, superl choosiest.

[tSp] n 1 (blow) tajo, golpe m;
-a, pedicuro,-a, callista mf.
(with axe) hachazo. 2 culin chuleta.
chirp [tSp] vi (insect) chirriar; (bird)
P vt cortar (up, -).
a to chop down vt sep (tree, etc) talar.
a to chop off vt sep cortar.
chisel [tSIzl] n (for stone) cincel m.
pt & pp chopped, ger chopping.
P vt (stone) cincelar; (wood, metal) labrar,
choppy [tSpI] adj (sea) picado,-a.
comp choppier, superl choppiest.
pt & pp chiselled (us chiseled), ger
chiselling (us chiseling).
chopsticks [tSpstIks] n pl palillos mpl.
chit [tSIt] n fam (note) nota.
choral [krl] adj coral. c o m p choral so
ciety coral f, orfen m.
chitchat [tSIttSQt]
n fam palique m,
chorale [krAl] n coral f.


[kd] n 1 math cuerda. 2 anat

chord2 [kd] n mus acorde m.
chore [tSr] n (job) quehacer m, tarea;


churchyard [tStSjAd] n cementerio,


churn [tSn] n 1 gb (for milk) lechera. 2

(for butter) mantequera.

P vt 1 (butter) hacer; (milk, cream) batir. 2
(water, earth) agitar (up, -), revolver (up, -).
choreography [krIgrfI] n coreo
a to churn out vt sep producir en se
rie, hacer como churros.
chorister [krIstr] n corista mf.
chorus [krs] n 1 (choir) coro. 2 (of song) chute [SUt] n (slide) tobogn m.
cicada [sIkAd] n cigarra.
cider [saIdr] n sidra.
chose [tSUz] pt choose.
cigar [sIgAr] n puro, cigarro.
chosen [tSUzn] pp choose.
P adj elegido,-a, escogido,-a.
cigarette [sIgret] n cigarrillo.
Christ [kraIst] n Cristo, Jesucristo.
cinder [sIndr] n ceniza, pavesa.
christening [krIsnIN] n (ritual) bautis Cinderella [sIndrel] n (la) Cenicienta.
mo; (celebration) bautizo.
cinema [sInm] n cine m.
Christian [krIstIn] adj & n cristiano,-a. cinnamon [sInmn] n canela.
Christmas [krIsms] n Navidad f, Na cipher [saIfr] n 1 (code) cdigo, clave f.
vidades fpl. c o m p Christmas Eve No
2 (zero) cero; (numeral) cifra.
chebuena. y Christmas Day da m de circle [skl] n crculo.
P vt (encircle) rodear, cercar; (move in a
chrome [krUm] n cromo.
circle) dar vueltas alrededor de.
chromosome [krUmsUm] n cromo circuit [skIt] n 1 (route, journey round) reco
soma m.
rrido; (of running track) vuelta. 2 elec cir
chronic [krnIk] adj 1 (disease, person,
cuito. 3 sp (series of tournaments) circuito.
problem) crnico,-a. 2 gb fam (terrible) circular [skjlr] adj circular.
malsimo,-a, terrible.
circulate [skjleIt] vi circular.
chronicle [krnIkl] n crnica.
P vt hacer circular.

chronological [krnldZIk l] adj circulation [skjleISn] n 1 (gen) circu

lacin f. 2 (of newspaper, magazine) tirada.
chronology [krnldZI] n cronologa.
circulatory [skjleItrI] adj circu
chronometer [krnmIt ] n cron
circumcision [skmsIZn] n circun
chrysalis [krIslIs] n crislida.
cisin f.
pl chrysalises.
circumference [skmfrns] n cir
chrysanthemum [krIsQnTmm] n cri
chubby [tSbI] adj (person) regordete,-a, circumflex [skmfleks] n circunflejo.
circumstance [skmstns] n (condigordinfln,-ona.
tion, fact) circunstancia.
comp chubbier, superl chubbiest.
P n pl circumstances (financial position)
chuck [tSk] vt 1 fam (throw) tirar. 2 fam
situacin f econmica.
(give up) dejar, plantar.
circus [sks] n 1 (entertainment) circo.
a to chuck away vt sep (rubbish) tirar;
2 gb (in town) glorieta, plaza redonda.
(money) derrochar.
chuckle [tSkl] vi rerse (entre dientes). cistern [sIstn] n cisterna.
cite [saIt] vt citar.
P n risita.
citizen [sItIzn] n ciudadano,-a.
chum [tSm] n fam compinche mf.
citizenship [sItIznSIp] n ciudadana.
c o m p Church of
church [tStS] n iglesia.
England Iglesia Anglicana.
citric [sItrIk] adj ctrico,-a.
(boring job) lata.


city [sItI] n ciudad f.


city council gb

ayuntamiento, municipio. y the City

gb el centro financiero de Londres.
pl cities.

" La City de Londres es el barrio original

a partir del cual creci la actual metrpoli.

Hoy en da, concentra las sedes de las
grandes empresas y es unos de los centros
econmicos ms importantes del mundo.


[sIvIk] adj (duty, pride) cvico,-a;

(leader, event) municipal.
civics [sIvIks] n educacin f cvica.
civil [sIvl] adj 1 (of citizens) civil. 2 (polite) corts,-esa, educado,-a. c o m p civil
servant funcionario,-a. y the Civil Ser
vice la administracin pblica.
civilian [sIvIljn] adj civil. l o c in civil
ian dress de paisano.
P n civil mf.
P n pl civilians poblacin f sing civil.
civility [sIvIlItI] n cortesa.
civilization [sIvIlaIzeISn] n civiliza
cin f.
civilize [sIvIlaIz] vt civilizar.

clad [klQd] pt & pp clothe.


adj vestido,-a.

claim [kleIm] n 1 (demand - for insurance)

reclamacin f; (for benefit, allowance) so

licitud f. 2 (assertion) afirmacin f.
P vt 1 (gen) reclamar. 2 (apply for) soli
citar. 3 (of disaster, accident, etc) cobrar. 4
(assert) afirmar, sostener, decir.
P vi presentar un reclamacin.
claimant [kleImnt] n 1 (of benefit, allowance) solicitante mf; (of insurance) recla
mante mf. 2 (to throne) pretendiente mf.
3 jur demandante mf.
clam [klQm] n almeja.
clamber [klQmbr] vi trepar gateando
(over, a).
clammy [klQmI] adj (weather) bochor
noso,-a; (hands) pegajoso,-a.
comp clammier, superl clammiest.

clamor [klQmr] n us clothe.

clamour [klQmr] n clamor m.

vi clamar.

a to clamp down on vt insep poner freno
a, tomar medidas drsticas contra.
clan [klQn] n clan m.
clandestine [klQndestIn] adj clan
clang [klQN] n sonido metlico (fuerte).
P vi sonar.
clap [klQp] n 1 (noise) ruido seco. 2 (applause) aplauso. 3 (slap) palmada.
P vt 1 (applaud) aplaudir. 2 (slap) dar
una palmada a.
a to clap on vt sep (add) agregar.
clapperboard [klQpbd] n claqueta.
clapping [klQpIN] n aplausos mpl.
claret [klQrt] n (wine) clarete m.
clarify [klQrIfaI] vt aclarar.

pt & pp clarified, ger clarifying.

clarinet [klQrInet] n clarinete m.

clarity [klQrItI] n claridad f.
clash [klQS] n 1 (fight) enfrentamiento,

choque m; (disagreement, argument) des

acuerdo. 2 (conflict - of interests) conflic
to; (- of personalities, cultures, opinions)
choque m. 3 (loud noise) sonido.
P vi 1 (opposing forces - fight) chocar;
(- disagree) discutir, enfrentarse (with, a).
2 (interests) estar en conflicto. 3 (dates,
events) coincidir. 4 (colours) desentonar
(with, con). 5 (cymbals) sonar.
clasp [klAsp] n (on necklace) broche m;
(on belt) cierre m, hebilla.
P vt agarrar, sujetar.
class [klAs] n clase f.
P vt clasificar, catalogar.
classic [klQsIk] adj clsico,-a.
P n (novel, film, play) clsico.
P n pl classics (literature) clsicos mpl;
(languages) clsicas fpl.
classical [klQsIkl] adj (gen) clsico,-a.
classification [klQsIfIkeISn] n clasifi
cacin f.
classified [klQsIfaId] adj 1 (categorized)
clasificado,-a. 2 (secret) secreto,-a,
classify [klQsIfaI] vt clasificar.
pt & pp classified, ger classifying.

classmate [klAsmeIt] n compaero,-a

de clase.
clamp [klQmp] n abrazadera.
P vt sujetar con abrazaderas.
classroom [klAsrUm] n aula, clase f.



classy [klAsI] adj sl con clase.

comp classier, superl classiest.

clatter [klQtr] n ruido.
P vi hacer ruido.
clause [klz] n 1 (in document) clusula.
2 ling oracin f.
claustrophobia [klstrfUbI] n



[klstrfUbIk] adj


clavichord [klQvIkd] n clavicordio.

clavicle [klQvIkl] n clavcula.
claw [kl] n 1 (of lion, tiger, etc) garra,

(house, room - of furniture) vaciar. 2 (accused person) absolver, exculpar; (ones

name) limpiar. 3 (debt) liquidar, saldar.
4 (obstacle) salvar. 5 sp (ball) despejar.
a to clear away vt sep (dishes, etc) reco
ger, quitar.1
a to clear off vi fam largarse.
P vt sep (debt) liquidar.
a to clear out vi fam largarse.
P vt sep (cupboard, drawers, room) vaciar;
(old things) tirar.
a to clear up vt sep 1 (mystery, crime) resol
ver, esclarecer; (issue, misunderstanding)
aclarar; (loose ends) atar. 2 (tidy) recoger.
P vi 1 (tidy) ordenar. 2 (weather) despe
jar, mejorar.
clearance [klIrns] n 1 sp despeje m.
2 (permission) autorizacin f . c o m p
clearance sale liquidacin f.
clear-cut [klIkt] adj claro,-a, bien
clear-headed [klIhedId] adj lcido,-a,
clearing [klIrIN] n (in wood) claro.
clearness [klIns] n claridad f.
clear-sighted [klIsaItId] adj perspi
caz, lcido,-a.
clef [klef] n mus clave f: bass/treble clef
clave de fa/de sol.
cleft [kleft] adj (chin, lip) partido,-a.
P n hendidura, grieta.
clementine [klemntaIn] n clementina.
clench [klentS] vt 1 (teeth, fist) apretar. 2
(grip) apretar, agarrar.
clergy [kldZI] n clero.
clergyman [kldZImn] n clrigo.

zarpa; (of cat) ua; (of bird) garra; (of crab, lobster) pinza.
P vi (scratch) araar (at, -).
clay [kleI] n arcilla.
clean [klin] adj limpio,-a.
P vt (gen) limpiar.
P vi limpiarse.
a to clean out vt sep 1 (room, etc) limpiar
a fondo. 2 fam (take all money) dejar
limpio,-a, dejar sin blanca.
a to clean up vt sep 1 (room, mess, etc)
limpiar. 2 fam (money, fortune) hacer,
P vi 1 (room, etc) limpiar. 2 fam (make
money) forrarse, barrer con todo.
clean-cut [klinkt] adj (outline, feature)
bien definido,-a, ntido,-a; (person, appearance) limpio,-a, muy cuidado,-a.
cleaner [klinr] n 1 (person) encargado,
-a de la limpieza. 2 (product) limpia
dor m.
P n cleaners (place, shop) tintorera.
cleanse [klenz] vt limpiar (of, de).
cleanser [klenzr] n (detergent) produc
to de limpieza; (lotion for skin) leche f
pl clergymen [kldZImn].
limpiadora, crema limpiadora.
clerical [klerIk l] adj 1 rel clerical,
cleansing [klenzIN] n limpieza.
eclesistico,-a. 2 (of a clerk) de ofici
clear [klIr] adj 1 (glass, plastic, liquid) trans
na, administrativo,-a.
parente; (sky, day, etc) despejado,-a. 2
clerk [klAk, us klrk] n 1 (office worker)
(not blocked - road, desk) despejado,-a; (free
oficinista mf, administrativo,-a. 2 us
- time) libre. 3 (picture, outline) ntido,
(in a shop) dependiente,-a mf.
-a. 4 (voice, sound, explanation) claro,-a.
clever [klevr] adj 1 (person - intelligent)
P adv 1 (clearly - speak) claramente;
listo,-a, inteligente; (skilful) hbil. 2
(hear) bien. 2 (not touching) a distancia.
(idea, plan, gadget) ingenioso,-a; (move)
P vt 1 (table) quitar; (floor, road) despe
jar; (pipe, drain) desatascar;
room - of people) desalojar, desocupar; clich [kliSeI] n clich m, tpico.




[klIk] n (sound - gen) clic m ; (of

tongue, fingers) chasquido.
P vt (tongue, fingers) chasquear.
P vi 1 (make noise) hacer clic. 2 (understand, realize) caer en la cuenta, darse
cuenta de.
client [klaInt] n cliente,-a.
cliff [klIf] n acantilado, precipicio.
cliffhanger [klIfhQNr] n situacin f
de suspense.
climate [klaImt] n 1 geog clima m. 2
fig clima m, situacin f.
climatic [klaImQtIk] adj climtico,-a.


[klaImtldZIkl] adj


climatology [klaImtldZI] n clima


climax [klaImQks] n clmax m.

climb [klaIm] n 1 (gen) subida. 2 sp es
vt subir (a).
P vi trepar.

a to climb down vi 1 (descend) bajar. 2

fig (admit mistake, withdraw) ceder, vol
verse atrs.
climber [klaImr] n 1 sp alpinista mf,
escalador,-ra. 2 bot enredadera.
climbing [klaImIN] n sp alpinismo,
clinch [klIntS] n 1 fam (embrace) abrazo
apasionado. 2 sp (in boxing) cuerpo a
P vt fam (deal) cerrar; (argument) resol
ver; (title) hacerse con.
P vi sp (in boxing) abrazarse.
cling [klIN] vi 1 (hold tightly) agarrarse
(to, a). 2 (stick - clothes) pegarse, ceir
se; (- smell) pegarse.

pt & pp clung [klN].

P vt 1 (cut - gen) cortar; (ticket) picar;

(animals) esquilar. 2 (cut out) recortar. 3
fam (hit) dar un cachete a.

pt & pp clipped, ger clipping.

clip2 [klIp] n 1 (for papers, etc) clip m; (for

hair) pasador m, clip m. 2 (brooch) bro

che m, alfiler m de pecho.
clipboard [klIpbd] n inform porta
papeles m.
clippers [klIpz] n pl (for nails) cortaas
m sing; (for hair) maquinilla f sing.
clipping [klIpIN] n (cutting) recorte m de
peridico, recorte m de prensa.
clique [klik] n pej camarilla.
clitoris [klItrIs] n cltoris m.
cloak [klUk] n 1 (garment) capa. 2 fig
(cover) capa, manto.
cloakroom [klUkrUm] n 1 (gen) guar
darropa. 2 gb euph (toilet) lavabo, ser
vicios mpl.
clock [klk] n reloj m (de pared).
P vt 1 (time - athlete, race) cronometrar.
2 (register - speed, time) registrar, hacer.
a to clock in/on vi fichar (al llegar al
a to clock out/off vi fichar (al salir
del trabajo).
a to clock up vt insep (miles, hours) hacer.
clockwise [klkwaIz] adv en el senti
do de las agujas del reloj.
clog [klg] n (shoe) zueco.
P vt [also clog up] obstruir, atascar.
P vi [also clog up] obstruirse, atascarse.
pt & pp clogged, ger clogging.

cloister [klIstr] n claustro.

clone [klUn] n clon m.

vt clonar.

close1 [klUz] n 1 (end) fin m, final m. 2

(precincts) recinto.
P vt cerrar.
P vi 1 (gen) cerrar, cerrarse. 2 (end) con
cluir, terminar.
clinic [klInIk] n 1 (private, specialized) cl
a to close up vi 1 (of wound) cicatrizar,
nica. 2 (in state hospital) ambulatorio,
cerrarse. 2 (shop, etc) cerrar.
close2 [klUs] adj 1 (near) cercano,-a
clink [klINk] n (noise) tintineo.
P vt hacer tintinear.
(to, a), prximo,-a ( to, a). 2 (friend)
P vi tintinear.
ntimo,-a; (relation, family) cercano,-a.
P adv 1 (in position) cerca. 2 (in time) cerca.
clip1 [klIp] n 1 (with scissors)
tijeretada. 2 (of
film) fragmento. 3 fam (blow) cachete m. closed [klUzd] adj cerrado,-a.

clingfilm [klINfIlm] n film m transpa



close-knit [klUsnIt] adj unido,-a.

closely [klUslI] adv 1 (connect) estre


(follow) de cerca; (question) a fondo.

closet [klzIt] n us armario.
close-up [klUsp] n primer plano.
closing [klUzIN] n cierre m.
closure [klUZr] n (gen) cierre m; (debate) clausura.
clot [klt] n 1 (of blood) cogulo. 2 gb
fam tonto,-a, bobo,-a.
P vt coagular.
P vi (blood) coagularse; (cream) cuajar.

clung [klN] pt & pp cling.

cluster [klstr] n (of trees, stars, buildings,

chamente, muy. 2 (resemble) mucho.

3 (carefully - watch, listen) atentamente;

[klmzI] adj 1 (gen) torpe. 2

(tool, shape) pesado,-a y difcil de ma
nejar; (furniture) mal diseado,-a.

comp clumsier, superl clumsiest.

people) grupo; (of berries, grapes) raci

mo; (of plants) macizo.
P vi agruparse, apiarse (round, alre
dedor de/en torno a).
clutch [kltS] n 1 auto embrague m. 2
(grasp, grip) agarrn m.
P vt (seize) agarrar; (hold tightly) estre
char, apretar.
clutter [kltr] n (things) cosas fpl, tras
pt & pp clotted, ger clotting.
tos mpl; (untidy state) desorden m.
cloth [klT] n 1 (fabric) tela; (thick) pao.
P vt [also to clutter up] llenar, atestar,
2 (rag) trapo.
. Consulta tambin clothes.
cm [siem] symb (centimetre) centme
clothe [klUD] vt 1 (dress, provide clothes
tro; (symbol) cm.
for) vestir (in/with, de). 2 (cover) reves coach [kUtS] n 1 gb (bus) autocar m. 2
tir (in, de), cubrir (in, de).
(carriage) carruaje m, coche m de caba
pt & pp clothed o clad [klQd], ger
llos. 3 (on train) coche m, vagn m. 4
educ (tutor) profesor,-ra particular. 5
clothes [klUDz] n pl ropa f sing.
sp (trainer) entrenador,-ra.
clothing [klUDIN] n ropa.
P vt 1 educ dar clases particulares a,
preparar. 2 sp entrenar.
cloud [klaUd] n nube f.
a to cloud over vi (sky) nublarse; (face,
coagulate [kUQgjleIt] vt coagular.
eyes) empaarse.
P vi coagularse.
cloudy [klaUdI] adj 1 (sky, weather, day) coagulation [kUQgjleISn] n coagu
nublado,-a. 2 (liquid) turbio,-a.
lacin f.
comp cloudier, superl cloudiest.
coal [kUl] n carbn m, hulla.
clout [klaUt] n 1 fam tortazo. 2 fam (in- coalition [kUlISn] n coalicin f.
fluence) influencia, peso.
coarse [ks] adj 1 (fabric) basto,-a; (skin)
clove1 [klUv] n (spice) clavo.
spero,-a; (sand, salt) grueso,-a. 2 (lan2
clove [klUv] n (of garlic) diente f.
guage, joke) grosero,-a, vulgar.
clover [klUvr] n trbol m.
coast [kUst] n costa, litoral m.
P vi (in car) ir en punto muerto; (on bicloverleaf [klUvlif] n bot hoja de
cycle) ir sin pedalear.
clown [klaUn] n payaso, clown m.
coastal [kUstl] adj costero,-a.
club [klb] n 1 (gen) club m. 2 (stick) po coastguard [kUstgAd] n guardacos
rra. 3 sp (in golf) palo. 5 (in cards - English
tas mf.
pack) trbol m; (- Spanish pack) basto.
coat [kUt] n 1 (overcoat) abrigo; (short)
cluck [klk] n cloqueo.
chaquetn m. 2 (of paint) capa, mano f;
P vi cloquear.
(of dust) capa. 3 (of animal) pelo, pelaje m.
P vt 1 cubrir (in/with, de).
clue [klU] n pista.
clump [klmp] n 1 (of trees) grupo; (of coating [kUtIN] n 1 culin capa, bao.
2 (of paint, dust, wax) capa; (of metal) re
2 (of earth) te
plants) mata, macizo.
rrn m.



coax [kUks] vt (person) engatusar.

coaxial [kUQkSl] adj coaxial.
cob [kb] n (of corn) mazorca (de

cog [kg] n 1 (on wheel) diente m. 2 fig

cobble [kbl] n adoqun m.

cognac [knjQk] n coac m.

cognitive [kgnItIv] adj cognitivo,-a.
coherent [kUhIrnt] adj coherente.
coil [kIl] n 1 (of rope, wire) rollo; (of cable)


vt (street) adoquinar.

cobblestone [kblstUn] n adoqun m.

cobweb [kbweb] n telaraa.
cocaine [kkeIn] n cocana.
coccyx [kksIks] n coxis m, cccix m.
pl coccyxes o coccyges.

cochineal [ktSInil] n cochinilla.

cochlea [kklI] n caracol m del odo.
cock [kk] n 1 (rooster) gallo; (any male
bird) macho. 2 (on firearm) percutor m.

cockle [kkl] n berberecho.

Cockney [kknI] adj del barrio obrero del es-

te de Londres.
P n 1 (person) persona del barrio obrero del este
de Londres. 2 (dialect) dialecto que se habla en
el barrio obrero del este de Londres.
cockpit [kkpIt] n (in plane) cabina del

piloto, carlinga; (in racing car) cabina.

cockroach [kkrUtS] n cucaracha.

cocktail [kkteIl] n cctel m.
cocoa [kUkU] n (powder) cacao; (drink)
chocolate m.

coconut [kUknt] n coco.

cocoon [kkUn] n capullo.

vt fig envolver, arropar.

cod [kd] n bacalao.

pl cod.


[kUd] n 1 (gen) cdigo. 2 (telephone) prefijo; (postal) cdigo (postal).

P vt poner en clave, cifrar.
codification [kUdIfIkeISn] n codifi
cacin f.
codify [kUdIfaI] vt codificar.



[kUdZnt] adj convincente,


carrete m ; (of hair) rizo, moo; (of

smoke) espiral m, voluta. 2 (single loop)
vuelta, lazada. 3 tech bobina.
P vt [also to coil up] enrollar.
coin [kIn] n moneda.
P vt acuar.
coincide [kUInsaId] vi coincidir
(with, con).
coincidence [kUInsIdns] n coinci
dencia, casualidad f.
Coke [kUk] n Coca Cola.
coke [kUk] n (coal) coque m.
colander [klndr] n colador m.
cold [kUld] adj fro,-a.
P n 1 (weather) fro. 2 med resfriado,
catarro, constipado. c o m p cold cuts us
embutidos mpl, fiambres mpl.

cold-blooded [kUldbldId] adj 1 zool

de sangre fra. 2 fig (person) fro,-a,

insensible; (crime) a sangre fra.
coleslaw [kUlsl] n ensaladilla de
col y zanahoria.
colic [klIk] n clico.
coliseum [klIsim] n coliseo.
collaborate [klQbreIt] vi colaborar
(with, con).


[klQbreIt r ] n 1

colaborador,-ra. 2 (with enemy) cola

boracionista mf.
collage [klAdZ] n art collage m.
collapse [klQps] n 1 (falling down) de
pt & pp codified, ger codifying.
rrumbamiento; (falling in) hundimien
coeducation [kUedjkeISn] n ense
to. 2 (failure, breakdown) fracaso. 3 (pricanza mixta.
es, currency) cada en picado; (business,

coefficient [kUIfIS nt] n coeficiente m.

company) quiebra. 4 med colapso.
coexist [kUIgzIst] vi coexistir.
P vi 1 (building, bridge, etc) derrumbarse,
coffee [kfI] n caf m.
desplomarse; (roof) hundirse, venirse
coffeepot [kfIpt] n cafetera.
abajo. 2 med (person) sufrir un colapso.
P vt (table) plegar.
coffer [kfr] n arca,
cofre m.
coffin [kfIn] n atad m, fretro.
collapsible [klQpsbl] adj plegable.



collar [kl ] n 1 (of shirt, etc) cuello. 2


(for dog) collar m. 3 tech collar m, abra

P vt fam pescar, pillar.

Collar no significa collar (de perso

na), que se traduce por necklace.

collarbone [klbUn] n clavcula.

collateral [klQtrl] adj colateral. l o c

collateral damage daos mpl colatera



[klig] n colega mf ,


collect [klekt] vt 1 (glasses, plates, belong-

ings, etc) recoger; (information, data) reunir,

recopilar. 2 (stamps, records, etc) coleccio
nar. 3 (taxes) recaudar; (rent) cobrar. 4
(pick up, fetch) ir a buscar, recoger.
P vi 1 (dust, water) acumularse; (people)
reunirse, congregarse. 2 (for charity)
recaudar dinero, hacer una colecta.
collection [klekSn] n 1 (of stamps, paintings, etc) coleccin f; (of poems, short stories)
recopilacin f; (of people) grupo. 2 (range
of new clothes) coleccin f. 3 (for charity) co
lecta. 4 (of mail, of refuse) recogida. 5 (of
taxes) recaudacin f; (of rent) cobro.
collective [klektIv] adj colectivo,-a.
P n (enterprise) cooperativa.
collector [klektr] n 1 (of stamps, etc)
coleccionista mf. 2 (of rent, debts, tickets)
college [klIdZ] n 1 (for higher education)
escuela, instituto mf. 2 us (university)
universidad f, facultad f. 3 gb (within
university) colegio universitario.

colon1 [kUln] n anat colon m.

colon2 [kUln] n ling dos puntos mpl.
colonel [knl] n coronel m.
colonial [klUnIl] adj colonial.

n colono,-a.


[klUnIlIz m] n colo

colonist [klnIst] n (inhabitant) colono;

(colonizer) colono,-a, colonizador,-ra.

colonize [klnaIz] vt colonizar.

colony [klnI] n (gen) colonia.
pl colonies.

color [klr] n us colour.

colossal [klsl] adj colosal.
colossus [klss] n coloso.
colour [klr] n color m.

adj (television, film, etc) en color.

vt 1 (with pen, paint, crayon) pintar, co
lorear; (dye) teir. 2 fig (affect negatively,

influence) influir en.

P vi 1 (blush) ruborizarse, sonrojarse,
ponerse rojo,-a. 2 (of leaves) ponerse
amarillo,-a; (fruit) coger color.
P n pl colours gb (worn by team, school) co
lores mpl; mil (flag) bandera, ensea.
a to colour in vt sep pintar, colorear.
colour-blind [klblaInd] adj dal
coloured [kld] adj de color, de colo
colourful [klfUl] adj 1 (full of colour,
bright) lleno,-a de color, vistoso,-a;
(brightly coloured) de colores vivos. 2
(person) pintoresco,-a.
colouring [klrIN] n 1 (substance, dye)
, College no significa colegio (de ni
colorante m. 2 (persons skin, hair and eye
os), que se traduce por school.
colour) color m. 3 (of animals skin, fur, plumage) color m.
collide [klaId] vi chocar.
colourless [klls] adj 1 (without colour)
colliery [kljrI] n mina de carbn.
incoloro,-a, sin color; (pale) plido,-a.
pl collieries.
2 fig (dull, uninteresting) soso,-a, ano
collision [klIZn] n (between cars, trains,
dino,-a, gris.
etc) colisin f, choque m; (between ships)
colt [kUlt] n potro.
abordaje m.
column [klm] n (gen) columna.
colloquial [klUkwIl] adj coloquial.
cologne [klUn] n colonia.
columnist [klmnIst] n columnista mf.
Colombia [klmbI] n Colombia.
coma [kUm] n med coma m. l o c to
go into a coma caer en coma, entrar
Colombian [klmbIn]
adj & n co
en coma.



comb [kUm] n 1 (for hair) peine m. 2 (for

a to come in vi (enter) entrar.

a to come on vi 1 (make progress) avan
wool, cotton) carda. 3 (of bird) cresta. 4 (of
zar. 2 (hurry up) darse prisa.
honeycomb) panal m.
P vt 1 (hair) peinar. 2 (wool, cotton) cardar,
a to come out vi 1 (leave) salir (of, de);
(tooth, hair) caerse; (stain) salir, quitarse;
peinar. 3 (search - area) rastrear, peinar.
(colour, dye) desteirse. 2 (sun, moon, stars)
combat [kmbQt] n combate m.
salir. 3 (new book, record, magazine, figures)
P vt combatir, luchar contra.
salir, publicarse; (film) estrenarse.
combination [kmbIneISn] n combi
a to come through vt insep (operation, acnacin f.
cident) sobrevivir, salir con vida de;
combine [(vb) kmbaIn; (n) kmbaIn] vt
(illness) recuperarse de; (difficult period)
pasar por, atravesar.
P vi (gen) combinarse; (teams, forces)
a to come up to vt insep 1 (equal) alcan
unirse; (companies) fusionarse.
zar, llegar a, estar a la altura de. 2 (apP n comm grupo industrial, asocia
proach - in space) acercarse a; (- in time)
cin f.
ser casi.
combined [kmbaInd] adj comb i
a to come up with vt insep (idea) tener,
nado,-a, conjunto,-a.
ocurrirse; (solution) encontrar; (plan)

combustible [kmbstIb l] adj com

idear; (proposal) presentar, plantear.
bustible, inflamable.
a to come upon vt insep encontrarse
combustion [kmbstSn] n combus
con, encontrar.
tin f.
pt came [keIm], pp come[km], ger
come [km] vi 1 (gen) venir. 2 (arrive,
reach) llegar. 3 (happen) suceder.
comeback [kmbQk] n 1 fam (of person)
P vt (behave, play the part) hacerse: dont
reaparicin f, vuelta, retorno. 2 (way
come the innocent with me no te hagas el
of obtaining compensation) reclamacin f.
inocente conmigo.
3 (reply) rplica, respuesta.
a to come about vi (happen) ocurrir,
comedian [kmidIn] n cmico, hu
morista m.
a to come across vt insep (thing) encon
comedienne [kmidIen] n cmica,
trar, tropezar con.
P vi 1 (be understood) ser comprendido,
comedy [kmdI] n comedia.
-a. 2 (make an impression) causar una
pl comedies.
[kmIt] n cometa m.
a to come after vt insep seguir.
comfort [kmft] n 1 (well-being) co
a to come along vi 1 (progress) ir, mar
modidad f, confort m, bienestar m. 2
char. 2 (hurry up) darse prisa. 3 (arrive)
(thing, luxury) comodidad f. 3 (consolavenir, llegar; (appear) aparecer.
tion) consuelo.
a to come back vi 1 (return) volver (from,
P vt consolar.
de). 2 (remember) volver a la memoria. 3

(return to topic, question, idea) volver (to, a); comfortable [kmf tb l] adj 1 (furniture, clothes, etc) cmodo,-a. 2 (life)
(reply, retort) replicar, contestar.
desahogado,-a, acomodado,-a.
a to come before vt insep 1 jur compa
recer ante. 2 (be more important than) ser comforting [kmftIN] adj reconfor
ms importante que.
comic [kmIk] adj cmico,-a.
a to come down vi 1 (gen) bajar; (colP n 1 (comedian) cmico,-a, humorista
lapse) caerse, hundirse, venirse aba
mf. 2 (magazine) historieta, cmic m.
jo; (fall - rain, snow) caer. 2 (plane - land)
aterrizar; (- fall) caer.
coming [kmIN] adj (gen) prximo,-a;
a to come down with
vt insep (illness)
(generation) venidero,-a, futuro,-a.
P n llegada.
caer enfermo,-a de, contraer, pescar.



comma [km] n coma.

comma comilla.



command [kmAnd] n 1 (order) orden f.

2 (control, authority) mando. 3 (knowledge,

mastery) dominio. 4 inform comando,
instruccin f.
P vt 1 (order) mandar, ordenar. 2 mil
(have authority over) estar al mando de,
commander [kmAndr] n 1 mil co
mandante m. 2 mar capitn m de fra
commanding [kmAndIN] adj 1 (voice,
manner, appearance) autoritario,-a. 2 (position) dominante, de superioridad.

commandment [kmAndmnt] n rel


commando [kmAndU] n comando.

pl commandos o commandoes.
commemorate [kmemreIt] vt con


commend [kmend] vt (praise) alabar

(for, por), elogiar (for, por); (recommend) recomendar.

comment [kment] n comentario,
observacin f. l o c no comment sin
P vt comentar, observar.
commentary [kmntrI] n 1 (spoken
description) comentario, comentarios
mpl. 2 (set of written remarks) comentario,
pl commentaries.

mentarista mf.

[kmnteIt r ] n co

commerce [kms] n comercio.

commercial [kmSl] adj comercial.

n (advertisement) anuncio, spot m pu


commercialization [kmSlaIzeISn]
n comercializacin f.


[kmS laIz] vt co

commission [kmIS

commit [kmIt] vt 1 (crime, error, sin) co

meter. 2 (send to prison, etc) internar. 3
(bind) comprometer, obligar; (pledge)
asignar, consignar, destinar.
pt & pp committed, ger committing.

commitment [kmItmnt] n 1 (under-

taking, obligation) compromiso, obliga

cin f; (responsibility) responsabilidad f.
2 (dedication) dedicacin f, entrega.
committed [kmItId] adj (to a cause)
comprometido,-a; (dedicated) dedi
cado,-a, entregado,-a.
committee [kmItI] n comit m
commode [kmUd] n cmoda.
commodity [kmdItI] n 1 comm pro
ducto, artculo, mercanca. 2 fin ma
teria prima.
pl commodities.

Commodity no significa comodi

dad, que se traduce por comfort.

common [kmn] adj 1 (ordinary, aver-

age) corriente. 2 (usual, not scarce) co

mn, corriente. 3 (shared, joint) co
mn. 4 pej (vulgar) ordinario,-a.
P n (land) tierras fpl comunales.
commoner [kmnr] n plebeyo,-a.
commonplace [kmnpleIs] adj co
mn, corriente.
P n (platitude) lugar m comn, tpico.

Commons [kmnz] n pl the Commons

gb los Comunes. c o m p the House of
Commons la Cmara de los Comunes.

" La Cmara de los Comunes britnica

es el equivalente al Congreso espaol y es

el rgano legislativo ms importante del
Reino Unido.


[kmnwelT] n


Commonwealth f.

" La Commonwealth es una organiza

cin compuesta por 53 naciones con fuer
tes vnculos con el Reino Unido por haber
pertenecido en algn momento de su his
toria al Imperio britnico.

n] n 1 comm co
misin f. 2 (piece of work) encargo.
P vt (order) encargar.
commissioner [kmISnr] n 1 (public commotion [kmUSn] n (scandal) es
cndalo; (noise, excitement) alboroto,
2 (member of a comofficial) comisario.
mission) comisionado,-a.
jaleo; (confusion) confusin f.



communal [kmjn l] adj (shared) comu

nal; (of a community) comunitario,-a.

commune [kmjUn] n comuna.


[kmjUnIkeIt] vt 1

(make known, convey) comunicar. 2 med

transmitir, contagiar.
P vi comunicarse (with, con).

communication [kmjUnIkeISn] n 1

(gen) comunicacin f. 2 (message) co

P n pl communications comunicacio
nes fpl.


[kmjUnIktIv] adj



[kmjUnjn] n fml co

munin f.

n Communion rel Comunin f.

communiqu [kmjUnIkeI] n comu



[kmjnIzm] n comu

communist [kmjnIst] adj comunista.


n comunista mf.

dad f.

[kmjUnItI] n comuni

pl communities.


[kmjUt] vi desplazarse

diariamente al lugar de trabajo.

vt conmutar.
commuter [kmjUtr] n persona que
se desplaza diariamente a su lugar
de trabajo. c o m p the commuter belt
los barrios mpl perifricos.
compact [(adj-vb) kmpQkt; (n) kmpQkt] adj (gen) compacto,-a; (style)
P n 1 (for powder) polvera de bolsillo.
2 us coche m utilitario.
P vt compactar, comprimir.
companion [kmpQnjn] n 1 (partner,
friend) compaero,-a. 2 (person employed) persona de compaa. 3 (either
of pair or set) compaero,-a, pareja.

comparable [kmp rbl] adj compa

rable (to, a) (with, con).

comparative [kmpQrtIv] adj 1 (rela-

tive) relativo,-a. 2 (making a comparison)

comparado,-a. 3 ling comparativo,-a.
P n ling comparativo.
compare [kmper] vt comparar (to/
with, con).
comparison [kmpQrIsn] n compa
racin f.
compartment [kmpAtmnt] n (in
wallet, fridge, desk) compartimento; (in
train) departamento, compartimento.
compass [kmps] n 1 (magnetic) brju
la, comps m: the points of the compass
los puntos cardinales. 2 [se usa como sing
or pl] (for drawing) comps m: a pair of
compasses, a compass un comps. c o m p
compass rose rosa de los vientos.
compassion [kmpQS n] n compa
sin f.



[kmpQS nt] adj

[kmpQtbIlItI] n

compatibilidad f.

compatible [kmpQtIbl] adj compa

tible (with, con).

triota mf.

[kmpQtrIt] n compa

compel [kmpel] vt 1 (force) obligar. 2

fig (inspire) infundir, inspirar.

pt & pp compelled, ger compelling.

compensate [kmpnseIt] vt 1 (recompense, indemnify) indemnizar (for, por),

compensar ( for, por). 2 (counterbalance) compensar.
P vi compensar (for, -).


[kmpnseIS n] n 1

(money, damages) indemnizacin f (for,

por). 2 (way of compensating) compen
sacin f (for, por).
compere [kmper] n gb presentador,
companionship [kmpQnjnSIp] n
P vt gb presentar.
compaerismo, camaradera.
company [kmpnI] n 1 (companionship) compete [kmpit] vi (try to win) dispu
tarse; (take part in) competir, participar.
compaa. 2 (visitors) visita. 3 (business)
empresa, compaa, sociedad f. 4 competence [kmpItns] n 1 (ability)
competencia, capacidad f, aptitud f:
theat compaa. 5 mil compaa.
pl companies.
a fair level of competence in German un



buen nivel de alemn. 2 jur (legal authority) competencia.

Competence no significa compe

tencia (en el mercado), que se traduce por


[kmpItnt] adj 1 (person)

competente; (work, novel, etc) acepta

ble, bastante bien. 2 jur competente.
competition [kmptIS n] n 1 (gen)
concurso; (race, sporting event) compe
ticin f. 2 (rivalry) competencia.
competitive [kmpetItIv] adj compe
competitor [kmpetItr] n 1 comm (rival) competidor,-ra, rival mf. 2 sp (in
race, etc) participante mf ; (opponent)
contrincante mf. 3 (in quiz, etc) concur
sante mf, participante mf; (in competitive
examination) opositor,-ra.
compilation [kmpIleISn] n 1 (gen)
compilacin f. 2 (record, etc) recopila
cin f.
compile [kmpaIl] vt 1 (produce book, list,
etc) compilar; (collect information) reco
pilar. 2 comput compilar.
complain [kmpleIn] vi quejarse
(about/of, de).
complaint [kmpleInt] n 1 (gen) queja
(about, de); (formal) reclamacin f. 2
med enfermedad f (leve), achaque m.
complement [kmplImnt] n (gen)
complemento (to, de).
P vt complementar.

complexity [kmpleksItI] n compleji

dad f.

pl complexities.

complicate [kmplIkeIt] vt complicar.

complicated [ k m p l I k e I t I d ] adj

complication [kmplIkeISn] n com

plicacin f.

n pl complications med complicacio

nes fpl.


[kmplIsItI] n complici

dad f (in, en).

compliment [kmplImnt] vt felicitar

(on, por).
n (praise) cumplido, halago.
P n pl compliments saludos mpl, felici
taciones fpl.
comply [kmplaI] vi (order) obedecer
(with, -), cumplir (with, con); (request)
acceder (with, a); (law) acatar (with, -);
(standards) cumplir (with, con).

pt & pp complied, ger complying.

[kmpUnnt] adj com


P n 1 (gen) componente m. 2 auto pie
compose [kmpUz] vt 1 (music, poem)
componer; (letter) redactar. 2 (constitute) componer. 3 (ones thoughts) poner
en orden.
P vi mus componer.
composed [kmpUzd] adj (calm)
sereno,-a, sosegado,-a, tranqui
composer [kmpUz r] n composi
complementary [kmplImentrI] adj
(gen) complementario,-a.
composite [kmpzIt] adj compues
complete [kmplit] adj 1 (entire)
completo,-a. 2 (finished) acabado,-a,
P n combinacin f, conjunto.
composition [kmpzISn] n 1 (gen)
P vt 1 (make whole) completar. 2 (finish)
composicin f. 2 (essay) redaccin f.
acabar, terminar. 3 (fill in - form) rellenar.
3 (substance) mezcla.
completion [kmpliSn] n (act, state) fi compost [kmpst] n abono orgni
nalizacin f, terminacin f.
co, abono vegetal, compost m.
complex [kmpleks] adj complejo,-a. composure [kmpUZr] n calma, se
P n complejo.
renidad f, compostura.
complexion [kmplekSn] n (quality of compound 1 [ (adj-n) kmpaUnd ; (vb)
skin) cutis m; (colour or tone of skin) tez f.
kmpaUnd] adj compuesto,-a.
P n 1 chem compuesto. 2 (substance)
significa complexin
, Complexion no
mezcla. 3 ling palabra compuesta.
(fsica), que se traduce por constitution.


P vt 1 (mix) componer, combinar,
mezclar. 2 (worsen, exacerbate - problem)
agravar; (- difficulty) aumentar.
compound2 [kmpaUnd] n (enclosed area) recinto.
comprehend [kmprIhend] vt 1 (understand) comprender. 2 fml (include)
comprender, abarcar.

comprehensible [kmprIhensbl] adj



[kmprIhenS n] n


[kmprIhensIv] adj

comprensin f.

(thorough) detallado,-a, global, com

pleto,-a; (broad) amplio,-a, extenso,-a.

Comprehensive no significa com

prensivo (tolerante), que se traduce por

computation [kmpjUteIS n] n clcu

lo, cmputo.

compute [kmpjUt] vt computar, cal


computer [kmpjUtr] n ordenador m,


computerization [kmpjUtraIzeISn]

n (of data) computerizacin f; (of system,

business) informatizacin f.
computerize [kmpjUtraIz] vt (data)

computarizar, computerizar; (system, business) informatizar.

computing [kmpjUtIN] n informtica.
comrade [kmreId] n pol camarada mf,
con1 [kn] n fam estafa, timo.
P vt fam (money) estafar, timar; (person)
embaucar, engaar.
pt & pp conned, ger conning.

compress [(n) kmpres; (vb) kmpres] n

con2 [kn] n (disadvantage) contra m.


concave [knkeIv] adj cncavo,-a.

concavity [knkQvItI] n concavidad f.
conceal [knsil] vt (gen) ocultar; (facts)

P vt 1 (air, straw) comprimir. 2 (text, argument, speech) condensar.

[kmprsIbIlItI] n

compresibilidad f.

compression [kmpreSn] n compre

sin f.

compressor [kmpres ] n compresor m.

comprise [kmpraIz] vt (consist of, be

made up of) comprender, constar de;

(constitute, form) componer, constituir.
compromise [kmprmaIz] n acuerdo
mutuo, solucin f de compromiso.
P vi llegar a un acuerdo, transigir.
P vt (endanger, weaken) comprometer.

Compromise no significa com

promiso (obligacin o promesa de matri
monio), que se traducen por commitment y engagement.


. Consulta tambin pro.

encubrir; (feelings) disimular.

concede [knsid] vt 1 (admit) reconocer,

admitir. 2 (allow, give away) conceder.
P vi ceder, rendirse.
conceit [knsit] n (pride) vanidad f.
conceivable [knsivbl] adj concebi
ble, imaginable.
conceive [knsiv] vt 1 (gen) concebir.
2 (understand) entender.

concentrate [knsntreIt]

vt (gen) concentrar (on, en).

vi 1 (person) concentrarse (on, en).
concentration [knsntreISn] n con
centracin f (on, en).
concentric [knsentrIk] adj concn

[kmplS n] n 1 (force)
obligacin f, coaccin f. 2 (urge) com
concept [knsept] n concepto.
pulsin f.
compulsive [kmplsIv] adj 1 (compel- conception [knsepSn] n 1 (of child,
idea, plan) concepcin f. 2 (idea) con
ling, fascinating) fascinante, irresisti
cepto, idea, nocin f.
ble, absorbente. 2 (obsessive) obsesi
concern [knsn] n 1 (worry) preocu
pacin f, inquietud f. 2 (interest) inte
compulsory [kmplsrI] adj (subject,
rs m; (affair) asunto. 3 comm (company,
military service) obligatorio,-a;
redundancy) forzoso,-a.
business) negocio.



vt 1 (affect, involve) afectar, concernir.

(interest) interesar. 2 (worry) preocupar.
3 (book, film, article, etc) tratar de.
concerned [knsnd] adj (worried)
preocupado,-a (about/for, por).
concerning [knsnIN] prep referente
a, con respecto a, en cuanto a.
concert [knst] n concierto.
concerted [knstId] adj concerta
do,-a, coordinado,-a.
concerto [kntSetU] n concierto.

pl concertos o concerti [kntSetI].

. Concerto se refiere especficamente a
conciertos de msica clsica para uno o va
rios instrumentos solistas y una orquesta.

concession [knseSn] n concesin f

(to, a).



[knseSne r ] n

conciliate [knsIlIeIt] vt & vi conciliar.

concise [knsaIs] adj conciso,-a.
concision [knsIZn] n concisin f.
conclude [knklUd] vt 1 (end) concluir,

finalizar. 2 (settle - deal) cerrar; (- agreement) llegar a; (- treaty) firmar. 3 (deduce)

concluir, llegar a la conclusin de.
P vi concluir, terminar.
conclusion [knklUZn] n conclusin f.
conclusive [knklUsIv] adj conclu
concoct [knkkt] vt 1 (dish, sauce, drink)
confeccionar, preparar. 2 (story, excuse, explanation) inventar, inventarse.
concord [kNkd] n 1 fml (harmony)
concordia. 2 ling concordancia.
concourse [kNks] n (hall) vestbulo;
(in station) explanada.

concurrence [knkrns] n acuerdo,


concussion [knkSn] n med conmo

cin f cerebral.

condemn [kndem] vt condenar.

condemnation [kndemneIS n] n

condensation [kndenseISn] n chem

(process) condensacin f; (on glass) vaho.

condense [kndens] vt condensar.

condenser [kndensr] n condensa
dor m.


[kndIsend] vi 1 (deign)
condescender, dignarse. 2 (patronize)
tratar con condescendencia.
condescending [kndIsendIN] adj (attitude, answer) condescendiente.
condiment [kndImnt] n condimento.
condition [kndISn] n 1 (state) condi
cin f, estado. 2 (requirement, provision)
condicin f. 3 med afeccin f, enfer
medad f.
P vt 1 (determine, accustom) condicionar.
2 (treat - hair) acondicionar, suavizar.
conditional [kndISnl] adj condicio
P n the conditional ling el condicio
nal m.
conditioner [kndIS n r] n (for hair)
acondicionador m, suavizante m.
condolences [kndUlnsIs] n pl psa
me m sing.
condom [kndm] n condn m, pre

condominium [kndmInIm] n 1 pol

condominio. 2 us (apartment block)

bloque m de departamentos; (apartment) apartamento.
condone [kndUn] vt (person) aprobar,
, Concourse no significa concurso
(competicin), que se traduce por comcondor [kndr] n cndor m.
conducive [kndjUsIv] adj propicio,-a
concrete [kNkrit] adj 1 (definite, not ab(to, para).
stract) concreto,-a. 2 (made of concrete) conduct [(n) kndkt; (vb) kndkt] n 1
de hormign.
(behaviour) conducta, comportamien
P n hormign m.
to. 2 (management) direccin f, gestin
concur [knk r] vi (agree) estar de
f, administracin f.
P vt 1 (direct - survey, campaign) llevar a
acuerdo, coincidir.
cabo, realizar; (- business) administrar.
pt & pp concurred, ger concurring.


2 (lead, guide) conducir, guiar. 3 (transmit - heat, etc) conducir. 4 mus dirigir.
P vi mus dirigir.
conduction [kndkSn] n phys con
duccin f.

confidant [knfIdQnt] n confidente m.
confidante [knfIdQnt] n confidenta.
confide [knfaId] vt confiar.
a to confide in vi confiar en.

confidence [knfIdns] n 1 (trust, faith)

confianza (in, en), fe f (in, en). 2 (selfconfidence) confianza, seguridad f. 3 (secrecy) confianza. 4 (secret) confidencia.
conductivity [kndktIvitI] n conduc confident [knfIdnt] adj 1 (certain) se
tividad f.
guro,-a. 2 (self-confident) seguro,-a de
conductor [kndktr] n 1 (of heat, electrics mismo,-a.
ity) conductor m. 2 (of orchestra) direc confidential [knfIdenSl] adj confi
tor,-ra de orquesta. 3 (on bus) cobra
dor,-ra. 4 us (on train) jefe,-a de tren.
confine [knfaIn] vt 1 (person) confinar,
, Conductor no significa conductor (de
recluir; (animal) encerrar. 2 (limit, reun vehculo), que se traduce por driver.
strict) limitar.
conductress [kndktrs] n (on bus) co confinement [knfaInmnt] n 1 (imprisonment) reclusin f. 2 med (in childbradora.
birth) parto.
conduit [kndjUIt] n conducto.
cone [kUn] n 1 (shape, for traffic) cono. 2 confines [knfaInz] n pl lmites mpl,
confines mpl.
(for ice cream) cucurucho. 3 bot (fruit of
confirm [knfm] vt confirmar.
pine tree) pia.

confectioner [knfekSnr] n confite confirmation [knfmeIS n] n confir

macin f.
ro,-a, pastelero,-a.
confectionery [knfekSnrI] n dulces confirmed [knfmd] adj (inveterate)
confederacy [knfedrsI] n confede confiscate [knfIskeIt] vt confiscar.
conflict [ (n) knflIkt ; (vb) knflIkt] n
racin f.
pl confederacies.
P vi chocar (with, con), estar en con
confederation [knfedreISn] n con
flicto (with, con).
federacin f.
confer [knfr] vt (award, grant, bestow) conflicting [knflIktIN] adj (evidence, accounts) contradictorio,-a; (opinions, inconferir, conceder.
terests) contrario,-a, opuesto,-a.
P vi (consult, discuss) consultar ( with ,
confluence [knflUns] n confluencia.
con) (about/on, sobre).
pt & pp conferred, ger conferring.
conform [knfm] vi 1 (comply with rules,
standards, regulations) ajustarse (to/with,
conference [knfrns] n 1 (large event,
a), cumplir (to/with, con). 2 (agree, be
convention) congreso. 2 (meeting) reu
consistent with) conformarse (to/with,
nin f, junta.
con), concordar (with, con). 3 (fit in,
, Conference no significa conferencia
behave like other people) ser conformista.
(discurso), que se traduce por lecture.
conformist [knfmIst] adj confor
confess [knfes] vt & vi confesar.
confessed [knfest] adj declarado,-a.
P n conformista mf.
confession [knfeSn] n confesin f.
conformity [knfmItI] n conformi
dad f.
confessional [knfeSnl] n confesio
confront [knfrnt] vt hacer frente a,
enfrentarse a.
confessor [knfesr]
n rel confesor m.
confetti [knfetI] n confeti m.
confuse [knfjUz] vt confundir.

Conduction no significa conduccin

(de un vehculo), que se traduce por driving.




[knfjUzd] adj 1 (person)

confundido,-a. 2 (mind, ideas, account)
confusing [knfjUzIN] adj confuso,-a.
confusion [knfjUZn] n confusin f.
congeal [kndZil] vi (blood) coagular
se; (fat) solidificarse.
congenial [kndZinIl] adj agradable.
congenital [kndZenItl] adj med con
congested [kndZestId] adj conges
congestion [kndZestSn] n conges
tin f.
conglomerate [(n) knglmrt; (vb)
knglmreIt] n 1 comm conglomerado
(de empresas). 2 geol conglomerado.
congratulate [kngrQtjleIt] vt felici
tar (on, por).

felicitacin f.

[kngrQtjleISnz] n

interj congratulations! felicidades!

fpl, enhorabuena!
congregate [kNgrIgeIt] vi congre



[kNgrIgeIS n] n


a to conjure up vt sep (evoke - memories)

evocar, traer a la memoria; (summon
- spirits) invocar.

Conjure no significa conjura (conspi

racin), que se traduce por plot.

conjurer [kndZrr] n mago,-a, pres


connect [knekt] vt 1 (gen) conectar. 2

(associate) relacionar, asociar. 3 (on telephone) poner (with, con).

connection [knekSn] n 1 (gen) co
nexin f. 2 (train, plane) conexin f,
enlace m.
P n pl connections (professional) contac
tos mpl; (relatives) familia, parientes mpl.
connector [knektr] n conector m.
connoisseur [knsr] n entendido,-a,
connotation [knteISn] n connota
cin f.
conquer [kNkr] vt (country, mountain,
heart) conquistar; (enemy, fear) vencer.
conqueror [kNkr r] n conquista
dor,-ra, vencedor,-ra.
conquest [kNkwest] n conquista.


[knsQNgwInItI] n

(people gathered) fieles mpl; (parishioners)

consanguinidad f.
feligreses mpl.
conscience [knSns] n conciencia.
congress [kNgres] n congreso.
conscientious [knSIenSs] adj (work)
P n Congress us el Congreso.
concienzudo,-a; (person) aplicado,-a,
congruent [kNgrUnt] adj math con
conscientiousness [knSIenSsns] n
conic [knIk] adj cnico,-a.
escrupulosidad f.
conifer [knIfr] n confera.
conscious [knSs] adj 1 med cons
conjecture [kndZektSr] n conjetura,
ciente. 2 (aware) consciente. 3 (intensuposicin f.
tional, deliberate) deliberado,-a.
P vi hacer conjeturas.
conscript [(n) knskrIpt; (vb) knskrIpt]
conjugal [kndZgl] adj conyugal.
n recluta.
P vt reclutar.
conjugate [kndZgeIt] vt conjugar.
P vi conjugarse.
conscription [knskrIpSn] n servicio
militar obligatorio.
conjugation [kndZgeISn] n conju
consecrate [knsIkreIt] vt consagrar.
gacin f.
conjunction [kndZNkSn] n conjun consecutive [knsekjtIv] adj con
cin f. l o c in conjunction with con
juntamente con.
consensus [knsenss] n consenso.
conjure [kndZr]
vi hacer magia, ha consent [knsent] n consentimiento.
P vi consentir (to, en), acceder (to, en).
cer juegos de manos.



consequence [knsIkwns] n 1 (result)

consecuencia. 2 (importance) impor
tancia, trascendencia.
consequent [knsIkwnt] adj consi
conservation [knsveISn] n conser
vacin f.

ecologista mf.


[knsveIS nIst] n

[knsvtIzm] n



conservative [knsvtIv] adj 1 (tradi-

tional) conservador,-ra. 2 (cautious)

cauteloso,-a, prudente.
P n (traditionalist) conservador,-ra.
P adj Conservative pol conservador,-ra.
P n Conservative pol conservador,-ra.
conservatoire [knsvtwAr] n con
conservatory [knsvtrI] n 1 mus con
servatorio. 2 (greenhouse) invernadero.
pl conservatories.


[knsv] vt (nature, wildlife,

etc) conservar, proteger; (save) con

servar, ahorrar.
P n culin (jam) confitura.
consider [knsIdr] vt considerar.
considerable [knsIdrbl] adj consi
considerate [knsId rt] adj con
siderado,-a, atento,-a.
consideration [knsIdreISn] n 1 (gen)
consideracin f. 2 (factor to consider)
factor m a tener en cuenta.
considering [knsIdrIN] prep tenien
do en cuenta.
P conj teniendo en cuenta que.
P adv despus de todo.
consign [knsaIn] vt 1 comm (send goods) consignar. 2 fml (entrust) confiar.

consignment [knsaInmnt] n comm

remesa, envo.

consist [knsIst] vi 1 fml (have as chief


[knsIstnt] adj (of person,

behaviour, beliefs) coherente (with, con),
consecuente (with, con); (denial, improvement) constante.
consolation [knsleISn] n consuelo.
console1 [knsUl] n (electrical) consola;
(video games) consola.
console2 [knsUl] vt consolar.
consolidate [knslIdeIt] vt 1 (gen)
consolidar. 2 comm (merge) fusionar.
consolidation [knslIdeISn] n 1 (gen)
consolidacin f. 2 comm fusin f.
consomm [knsmeI] n consom m.
consonant [knsnnt] n consonante f.
conspicuous [knspIkjUs] adj (clothes)
llamativo,-a; (mistake, difference, lack)
evidente, obvio,-a.
conspiracy [knspIrsI] n conspira
cin f: a conspiracy to murder una conspi
racin de asesinato.

pl conspiracies.


[knspIrt r ] n cons

conspire [knspaIr] vi conspirar.

constable [knstb l] n polica mf,
guardia mf, agente mf (de polica).

constabulary [knstQbjlrI] n gb po

pl constabularies.

constant [knstnt] adj 1 (gen) cons

tante. 2 (unchanging) constante.

n constante f.
constellation [knstleISn] n conste
lacin f.
consternation [knstneISn] n cons
ternacin f.
constipated [knstIpeItId] adj estre

To be constipated no significa estar

constipado (acattarrado), que se traduce
por to have a cold.

constipation [knstIpeISn] n estrei

element) consistir (in, en). 2 (comprise, be
Constipation no significa constipa
composed of) constar ( of , de), estar
do (catarro), que se traduce por cold.
compuesto,-a (of, de).
consistency [knsIstnsI] n (of actions, constituency [knstItjUnsI] n cir
lgica. 2
behaviour, policy) coherencia,
cunscripcin f, distrito electoral.
(of mixture) consistencia.
pl constituencies.



constituent [knstItjUnt] adj consti

P n (component) componente m.
constitute [knstItjUt] vt constituir.
constitution [knstItjUSn] n 1 (gen)
constitucin f. 2 (of person) constitu
cin f, complexin f.


[knstItjUSn l] adj

constrain [knstreIn] vt 1 (oblige, force)

contagion [knteIdZn] n contagio.

contagious [knteIdZs] adj conta

contain [knteIn] vt contener.

container [knteInr] n 1 (receptacle) re

cipiente m; (packaging) envase m. 2 (for

transporting goods) contenedor m, con
tiner m.
containment [knteInmnt] n con
tencin f.
contaminate [kntQmIneIt] vt conta

constreir, obligar, forzar. 2 (restrict,

hold back) contener.
constraint [knstreInt] n 1 (compulsion, contamination [kntQmIneIS n] n
coercion) coaccin f, obligacin f. 2 (recontaminacin f.
striction) restriccin f, limitacin f.
contemplate [kntempleIt] vt con
constrict [knstrIkt] vt 1 (blood vessels)
estrangular; (breathing, movement) difi contemporaneous [kntempreI cultar; (neck) apretar, oprimir. 2 fig
nIs] adj fml contemporneo,-a.
(action, behaviour) limitar, coartar.
contemporary [kntemp rrI] adj
construct [knstrkt] vt construir.
construction [knstrkSn] n 1 (gen)
P n contemporneo,-a.
construccin f. 2 fig (meaning) inter
pl contemporaries.
pretacin f.
contempt [kntempt] n desprecio,
constructive [knstrktIv] adj cons
desdn m, menosprecio.
contemptible [kntemptbl] adj des
constructor [knstrkt ] n construc
contend [kntend] vi 1 (compete) con
construe [knstrU] vt interpretar.
tender, competir. 2 (deal with, struggle
consul [knsl] n cnsul mf.
against) enfrentarse a, lidiar con.
consulate [knsjlt] n consulado.
P vt (claim, state) sostener, afirmar.
consult [knslt] vt consultar.
contender [kntendr] n contendien
P vi consultar.
te mf (for, por).
consultant [knsltnt] n 1 (expert, ad- content1 [kntent] n contenido.
visor) asesor,-ra, consultor,-ra. 2 gb
P n pl contents contenido m sing.
(doctor) especialista mf.
content2 [kntent] adj contento,-a,
consultation [knslteISn] n consulta.
satisfecho,-a: hes content to watch the
consulting [knsltIN] adj (architect, enmatch at home se conforma con ver el par
gineer) asesor,-ra, consultor,-ra. c o m p
tido en casa.
consulting room med consulta.
P n contento.
P vt contentar, satisfacer.
consume [knsjUm] vt consumir.
consumer [knsjUm r ] n consu contented [kntentId] adj contento,-a,
consummate [ (adj) knsmt ; (vb) contention [kntenSn] n 1 (opinion, assertion) opinin f. 2 (dispute, disagreeknsmeIt] adj fml consumado,-a.
P vt fml consumar.
ment) discusin f, controversia.
consumption [knsmpSn] n consumo. contentious [kntenSs] adj pol
contact [kntQkt] n contacto. c o m p
contest [(n) kntest; (vb) kntest] n 1
contact lenses lentes
fpl de contacto.
P vt ponerse en contacto con.
(competition - gen) concurso; (- sports)



competicin f; (- boxing) combate m. 2

(struggle, attempt) contienda, lucha.
P vt 1 (championship, seat) competir por,
luchar por, disputarse; (election) pre
sentarse como candidato,-a a. 2 (dispute) refutar, rebatir. 3 jur (appeal
against) impugnar.

vt 1 (place under contract) contratar. 2

(make smaller) contraer. 3 fml (debt, habit, illness) contraer.
contraction [kntrQkSn] n contrac
cin f.
contractor [kntrQktr] n contratista mf.
contradict [kntrdIkt] vt & vi contra
, To contest no significa contestar,
contradiction [kntrdIkSn] n con
que se traduce por to answer.
tradiccin f.
contestant [kntestnt] n (in competition, contradictory [kntrdIktrI] adj con
quiz, game) concursante mf; (for post, positradictorio,-a.
tion) candidato,-a, aspirante mf.
contraption [kntrQpSn] n fam ca
context [kntekst] n contexto.
charro, artefacto, artilugio.
contiguous [kntIgjUs] adj conti contrary [(adj) kntrrI; (n) kntrerI]
adj 1 (opposite) contrario,-a. 2 (stubborn)
terco,-a, obstinado,-a, tozudo,-a.
continent [kntInnt] n continente m.
P n the contrary lo contrario.
continental [kntInentl] adj conti
contrast [(n) kntrAst; (vb) kntrAst] n
contraste m.
P adj Continental gb europeo,-a.
P vt & vi contrastar.
contingency [kntIndZnsI] n contin
gencia. c o m p contingency plan plan m contribute [kntrIbjUt] vt 1 (money)
contribuir (to, a; towards, para); (idede emergencia.
as, information) aportar. 2 (article, poem,
contingent [kntIndZnt] adj contin
etc) escribir.
P vi 1 (gen) contribuir (to, a; towards,
P n contingente m.
para); (in discussion) participar (to, en).
continual [kntInjUl] adj continuo,-a,
2 (to newspaper, magazine, etc) colaborar
(to, en), escribir (to, para).

continuation [kntInjUeIS n] n conti contributor [kntrIbjtr] n 1 (to charity,

nuacin f.
appeal, etc) donante mf. 2 (to newspaper,
magazine, etc) colaborador,-ra.
continue [kntInjU] vt & vi continuar,
contrive [kntraIv] vt 1 (way, device) idear,
inventar; (meeting) arreglar; (meal, dress,
continuous [kntInjUs] adj con
etc) improvisar. 2 (manage) conseguir.
contrived [kntraIvd] adj artificial.
contort [kntt] vt (face) contraer.
control [kntrUl] vt controlar.
P vi contraerse.
P n 1 (power, command) poder m, domi
contortion [kntSn] n contorsin f.
mando; (authority) autoridad f. 2
contour [kntU ] n contorno.
(restriction, means of regulating) control m.
contraband [kntrbQnd] n contra
3 (place, people in control) control m. 4
(switch, button) botn m, mando. c o m p

contraception [kntrsepS n] n anti

control tower torre f de emergencia.
concepcin f.
P n pl controls (of vehicle) mandos mpl.
contraceptive [kntrseptIv] adj an controller [kntrUl r] n 1 (financial)
interventor,-ra. 2 (in broadcasting)
P n anticonceptivo.
director,-ra de programacin.
contract [(n) kntrQkt; (vb) kntrQkt] n controversy [kntrvsI] n contro
(gen) contrato; (for
public work, services)
versia, polmica.
pl controversies.



contusion [kntjUZ n] n contusin f.

convalesce [knvles] vi convalecer.
convalescence [knvlesns] n con



[knvlesnt] adj con

convenience [knvinIns] n conve


[knvInsIN] adj convin

convoy [knvI] n convoy m.

cook [kUk] n cocinero,-a.

P vt (food) guisar, cocinar; (meals) pre

parar, hacer.
cooker [kUkr] n (stove) cocina.
cookery [kUkrI] n cocina: Spanish
cookery cocina espaola. c o m p cookery
book libro de cocina.
cookie [kUkI] n 1 us (biscuit) galleta. 2
(in computing) cookie m & f, galleta.
cooking [kUkIN] n cocina: home cooking
cocina casera.
cool [kUl] adj 1 (gen) fresco,-a. 2 (unfriendly, reserved) fro,-a. 3 (calm) tranquilo,-a,
sereno,-a. 4 fam (great) guay.
coop [kUp] n gallinero.
cooperate [kUpreIt] [also written
co-operate] vi cooperar, colaborar.
coordinate [ (vb) kUdIneIt ; (n)
kUdInt] [also written co-ordinate] vt coordinar.
P n math coordenada.
coordination [kUdIneISn] [also writ
ten co-ordination] n coordinacin f.
cop [kp] n sl (policeman) poli mf.
cope [kUp] vi arreglrselas, poder.
copious [kUpIs] adj copioso,-a,
copper [kpr] n 1 (metal) cobre m. 2 gb
fam (coin) penique m, pela, perra. 3 sl
(policeman) poli mf.
copse [kps] n arboleda, bosquecillo.
copulate [kpjleIt] vi copular.
copy [kpI] n 1 (reproduction) copia. 2 (of
book, magazine, etc) ejemplar m.

niencia, comodidad f. c o m p conveni

ence food plato precocinado.
convenient [knvinInt] adj (time, arrangement) conveniente, oportuno,-a;
(thing) prctico,-a, cmodo,-a.
convent [knvnt] n convento.
convention [knvenS n] n conven
cin f, congreso.
converge [knvdZ] vi (lines, roads)
convergir (on, en), converger (on,
en); (people) reunirse.
conversant [knvs nt] adj fami
liarizado,-a (with, con), versado,-a
(with, en).
conversation [knvseISn] n conver
sacin f.
converse [knvs] adj opuesto,-a,
conversion [knvSn] n conversin f
(to, a; into, en).
convert [(vb) knvt; (n) knvt] vt
(gen) convertir (into, en; to, a).
P n rel converso,-a.
convertible [knvtb l] adj (gen)
convertible; (car) descapotable.
P n auto descapotable m.
convex [knveks] adj convexo,-a.
convey [knveI] vt 1 (goods, people, electricity) transportar, conducir; (sound)
transmitir, llevar. 2 (opinion, feeling,
idea) comunicar, transmitir.
conveyance [knveIns] n 1 (transport)
pl copies.
transporte m. 2 fml (vehicle) vehculo.
P vi copiar.
3 jur traspaso, transferencia.
conveyor belt [knveIrbelt] n cinta copycat [kpIkQt] n fam copin,-ona.
P adj (crime) inspirado,-a en otro.
[kpIraIt] n copyright m,
convict [ (n) knvIkt ; (vb) knvIkt] n
derechos mpl de autor.
presidiario,-a, recluso,-a.
coral [krl] n coral m.
P vt jur declarar culpable, condenar.
conviction [knvIkSn] n 1 (belief) con cord [kd] n 1 (string, rope) cuerda. 2
elec cable m. 3 (corduroy) pana.
viccin f, creencia. 2 jur condena (for,
[kdn] n cordn m.
convince [knvIns] vt convencer.
corduroy [kdrI] n pana.



core [k ] n 1 (gen) ncleo. 2 (of apple,


pear, etc) corazn m.

P adj central, principal, medular.
coriander [krIQndr] n cilantro.
cork [kk] n (material) corcho.
corkscrew [kkskrU] n sacacorchos m.
corm [km] n bulbo.
corn1 [kn] n (gen) cereales mpl; (wheat)
trigo; (oats) avena; (maize) maz m.
corn2 [kn] n med callo.
corncob [knkb] n mazorca de maz.
cornea [knI] n crnea.
corned beef [kndbif] n carne f en
corner [knr] n 1 (of street) esquina;
(bend in road) curva; (of table, etc) esquina,
punta. 2 (of room, cupboard, etc) rincn m;
(of mouth) comisura; (of eye) rabillo; (of
page, envelope) ngulo. 3 sp (kick - in football) crner m, saque m de esquina.
P vt arrinconar, acorralar; (person)
cornet [knIt] n 1 mus corneta. 2 gb
(for ice-cream) cucurucho.
cornflakes [knfleIks] npl copos de
cornice [knIs] n cornisa.
corolla [krl] n corola.
coronation [krneISn] n coronacin f.
coroner [krnr] n juez mf de instruc
corporal [kprl] n mil cabo.
corporate [kp rt] adj 1 (collective)
colectivo,-a. 2 (of a corporation) de la
empresa, de la compaa.
corporation [kpreISn] n corpora
cin f.
corps [kr] n cuerpo.
pl corps [kz].

corpse [kps] n cadver m.

corpus [kps] adj 1 (of texts) corpus m.

2 anat cuerpo. c o m p anat corpus callo

sum cuerpo calloso.
corpuscle [kps l] n corpsculo,


correspond [krIspnd] vi 1 (gen) co

rresponderse (with, con). 2 (write) es

cribirse (with, con).
correspondence [krIspndns] n co
correspondent [krIspndnt] n co
rresponsal mf.
corridor [krIdr] n pasillo.
corrode [krUd] vt corroer.
P vi corroerse.
corrosion [krUZn] n 1 (process) corro
sin f. 2 (substance) herrumbre f, orn m.
corrupt [krpt] adj corrompido,-a,
P vt corromper; (bribe) sobornar.
corruption [krpSn] n corrupcin f.
corset [ksIt] n cors m.
cortex [kteks] n corteza.
cos [kUsaIn] abbr (cosine) coseno; (abbreviation) cos.
cosine [kUsaIn] n math coseno.
cosmetic [kzmetIk] adj cosmtico,-a.
c o m p cosmetic surgery ciruga esttica.
cosmic [kzmIk] adj csmico,-a.
cosmonaut [kzmnt] n cosmonau
ta mf.
cosmopolitan [kzmplItn] adj cos
cosmos [kzms] n cosmos m.
cost [kst] vt costar, valer.

pt & pp cost [kst].

P n (price) coste m, precio. c o m p cost of
living coste de la vida.
costal [kztl] adj costal.
co-star [kUstAr] n coprotagonista mf.
Costa Rica [kztrik] n Costa Rica.
Costa Rican [kztrikn] adj costarri

n (person) costarricense mf.

cost-effective [kstIfektIv] adj rentable.

costly [kstlI] adj costoso,-a.
comp costlier, superl costliest.

costume [kstjUm] n traje m.

n pl costumes theat vestuario.

[kUzI] adj 1 (room, house, atmosphere) acogedor,-ra. 2 (chat) ntimo,-a


correct [krekt] adj correcto,-a.

y agradable.

vt corregir.

comp cosier, superl cosiest.

cot [kt] n 1 (for baby) cuna. 2 us (camp
bed) cama de campaa.
cotton [ktn] n 1 (cloth, plant) algodn
m. 2 (thread) hilo (de coser).
P adj (shirt, etc) de algodn. c o m p cotton
bud bastoncillo de algodn. y cotton
wool algodn m hidrfilo.
couch [kaUtS] n (sofa) canap m, sof m.
couchette [kUSet] n litera.
. Couchette se refiere especficamente a
las literas de los trenes. Las literas que puede
haber en una casa se llaman bunk beds.

cougar [kUgr] n puma m.

cough [kf] n tos f.

vi toser.

could [kUd] pt can.

council [kaUnsl] n 1 (elected group) con

sejo. 2 gb (of town, city) ayuntamiento.

3 rel concilio.
councillor [kaUnslr] n concejal,-la.
counsel [kaUnsl] n 1 (advice) consejo.
2 jur abogado,-a.
counsellor [kaUns l r] n 1 (adviser)
consejero,-a, asesor,-ra. 2 us (lawyer)
count1 [kaUnt] n (act of counting) recuento;
(of votes) escrutinio; (total) total m, suma.
P vt 1 (gen) contar. 2 (consider) considerar.

To count no significa contar (rela

tar), que se traduce por to tell.


counterfoil [kaUntfIl] n matriz f.

counterpart [kaUntpAt] n homlogo,-a.
counterproductive [kaUntprdktIv]
adj contraproducente.

countess [kaUnts] n condesa.

countless [kaUntls] adj incontable,

country [kntrI] n 1 (state, nation) pas

m; (people) pueblo. 2 [no se usa en pl]

(rural area) campo. 3 [no se usa en pl] (region, area of land) regin f, zona, terri
torio. 1 [tambin country music] mus
msica country, country m.
pl countries.
P adj (rural - life, lane) rural; (- house) de


countryman [kntrImn] n 1 (man from

country) campesino. 2 (compatriot) com
patriota m.
pl countrymen [kntrImn].

countryside [kntrIsaId] n (area) cam

po, campia; (scenery) paisaje m.


[kntrIwUmn] n 1

(woman from the country) campesina. 2

(compatriot) compatriota.
pl countrywomen [kntrIwImIn].

county [kaUntI] n condado.

pl counties.

coup [kU] n golpe m.


coup dtat

golpe m de estado.
couple [kpl] n 1 (two things) par m; (a
few) unos,-as. 2 (two people) pareja.
count2 [kaUnt] n (nobleman) conde m.
P vt conectar, acoplar.
countable [kaUntbl] adj contable.
[kUpn] n 1 comm (for discount,
countdown [kaUntdaUn] n cuenta atrs.
free gift, etc) cupn m, vale m. 2 gb (for
counter [kaUntr] n 1 (in shop) mostra
competition, football pools) boleto.
dor m; (individual) ventanilla. 2 (in board
courage [krIdZ] n coraje m, valor m,
games) ficha.
counteract [kaUntrQkt] vt contra
courageous [kreIdZs] adj valiente.
counterattack [kaUntrtQk] n con courgette [kUZet] n calabacn m.
courier [kUrIr] n 1 (messenger) mensa
traataque m.
jero,-a. 2 (guide) gua mf turstico,-a.
P vt contraatacar.
counterclockwise [kaUntklkwaIz] course [ks] n 1 (gen) curso; (of ship)
rumbo. 2 educ (year - long) curso;
adj us en sentido contrario a las agu
(- short) cursillo; (at university) carrera; (injas del reloj.
dividual subject) asignatura. 3 (of meal)
counterfeit [kaUntfIt] adj falso,-a,
plato. 4 sp (for golf) campo. l o c of course
P n falsificacin f.
desde luego, por supuesto. c o m p main
P vt falsificar.
course segundo plato.



court [kt] n 1 jur (place, people) tribunal

m; (building) juzgado. 2 (royal) corte f. 3

sp (tennis, squash, etc) pista, cancha. 4

(courtyard) patio.

courteous [ktIs] adj corts.

courtesy [ktsI] n 1 (good manners)
cortesa, educacin f. 2 (polite act or remark) favor m, atencin f.
pl courtesies.

courthouse [kthaUs] n juzgado.

courtroom [ktrUm] n sala de justi
cia, tribunal m.

courtyard [ktjAd] n patio.

cousin [kzn] n primo,-a.
cove [kUv] n cala, ensenada.
covenant [kvnnt] n jur (formal agree-

ment) convenio, pacto; (clause) clusu

la, provisin f.
cover [kvr] n 1 (lid) tapa, cubierta. 2
(thing that covers - gen) funda. 3 (outside
pages - of book) cubierta, tapa; (- of magazine) portada. 4 (insurance) cobertura. 5
(shelter, protection) abrigo, proteccin f.
P vt 1 (place over - gen) cubrir (with, de);
(- floor, wall) revestir (with, de); (- sofa)
tapizar; (- book) forrar. 2 (with lid,
hands) tapar. 3 (hide) tapar.
coverage [kvrIdZ] n cobertura.

coveralls [kvrlz] n pl us overalls.

covering [kvrIN] n (protective) cubier
ta, envoltura; (layer) capa.

covert [kvt] adj secreto,-a.

cover-up [kvrp] n encubrimiento.
covet [kvt] vt codiciar.
cow [kaU] n vaca.
coward [kaUd] n cobarde mf: hes a

coward es un cobarde.
cowardly [kaUdlI] adj cobarde: that is
a cowardly attitude esa es una actitud co


cowboy [kaUbI] n vaquero.

cox [kks] n timonel mf.
coy [kI] adj tmido,-a, recatado,-a.
coyote [kaIUtI] n coyote m.
cozy [kUzI] adj us cosy.
comp cozier, superl coziest.

crab [krQb] n (shellfish) cangrejo.

crack [krQk] vt 1 (break - cup, glass, etc) ra

bottle) abrir, descorchar. 3 (hit) pegar,

P vi 1 (break - cup, glass) rajarse, resque
brarse; (- rock, plaster, paint, skin) agrie
tarse. 2 (relationship, system) venirse aba
jo; (person) sufrir una crisis nerviosa.
P n 1 (in cup, glass) raja; (in ice, wall,
ground, pavement, etc) grieta. 2 (slit, narrow opening) rendija. 3 (of whip) restalli
do, chasquido.
P adj (troops, regiment, shot) de primera.
cracked [krQkt] adj fam (mad, crazy)
chiflado,-a, chalado,-a.
cracker [krQkr] n 1 (biscuit) galleta se
ca. 2 (firework) petardo m.
cracking [krQkIN] adj fam (shot, goal) de
primera; (pace) muy rpido,-a.
crackle [krQkl] n (of twigs, etc) crujido,
P vi (twigs, etc) chasquear; (fire) chispo
rrotear, crepitar; (radio, telephone) ha
cer ruido.
cradle [kreIdl] n cuna f.
P vt (baby) acunar (en los brazos), mecer.
craft [krAft] n 1 (occupation) oficio. 2
(art) arte m; (skill) habilidad f, destre
za. 3 (boat) embarcacin f.
P vt trabajar.
craftsman [krAftsmn] n artesano.
pl craftsmen [krAftsmn].

craftswoman [krAftswUmn] n artesana.

pl craftswomen [krAftswImIn].
[krAftI] adj (person) astuto,-a;


(child) pillo,-a; (method, idea, etc) hbil.

comp craftier, superl craftiest.

crag [krQg] n pea, risco, peasco.

cram [krQm] vt (stuff, fill) atestar (with,
de), atiborrar (with, de).
P vi fam (learn for exam) empollar.

pt & pp crammed, ger cramming.

cramp1 [krQmp] n med calambre m.


n pl cramps (gen) retortijones mpl

cramp2 [krQmp] vt obstaculizar.

cranberry [krQnbrI] n arndano.
pl cranberries.

crane [kreIn] n 1 zool grulla comn. 2

(machine) gra.
romper. 2 (break cranium [kreInIm] n crneo.
jar; (- bone) fracturar,
pl craniums o crania [kreInI].
open - safe) forzar; (- egg, nut) cascar; (-

crank [krQNk] n 1 (crankshaft) cigeal
m. 2 (starting handle) manivela.
cranky [krQNkI] adj fam excntrico,

-ca, chiflado, -da.

comp crankier, superl crankiest.

[krQS] n 1 (noise) estrpito; (of
thunder) trueno, estallido. 2 (collision)
choque m, accidente m. 3 comm (col-


lapse) quiebra.
crate [kreIt] n caja, cajn m.
P vt embalar.
crater [kreItr] n crter m.
crave [kreIv] vt ansiar, tener ansias de.
craving [kreIvIN] n (gen) ansia (for, de),
ansias fpl (for, de); (in pregnancy) anto
jo (for, de).

crawfish [krfIS] n crayfish.

crawl [krl] vi 1 (move slowly - person,

snake) arrastrarse; (- baby) gatear. 2

(car, traffic) ir a paso de tortuga.
P n sp (in swimming) crol m.
crayfish [kreIfIS] n cangrejo de ro.
pl crayfish.

crayon [kreIn] n lpiz m de cera.

craze [kreIz] n (fashion) moda; (game,
sport, hobby, etc) mana.
crazy [kreIzI] adj fam loco,-a.

comp crazier, superl craziest.

creak [krik] vi (floorboard, stairs, joints) crujir,


n pl credits (of film, programme) ficha


creditor [kredItr] n acreedor,-ra.

creed [krid] n credo.
creek [krik] n 1 gb cala. 2 us riachue
lo, arroyo.

creep [krip] vi 1 (move quietly) moverse si

gilosamente, deslizarse. 2 (move with the
body close to the ground) arrastrarse, reptar.
pt & pp crept [krept].

creeper [kripr] n (planta) trepadora.

cremate [krImeIt] vt incinerar.
crematorium [kremtrIm] n (hor
no) crematorio.

pl crematoriums o crematoria [kremtrI].

crepe [kreIp] n crepe m.
crept [krept] pt & pp creep.
crescent [kresnt] n (shape) medialuna.
P adj creciente. c o m p crescent moon

luna creciente.

cress [kres] n berro.

crest [krest] n 1 (of cock) cresta. 2 (of hill)
cima, cumbre f; (of wave) cresta.

crestfallen [krestfln] adj abatido,-a.

crevice [krevIs] n grieta, raja.
crew1 [krU] n 1 (of ship, etc) tripulacin f.
2 (working team) equipo.

crew [krU] pt crow.

hacer un crujido; (door, hinge) chirriar.
cream [krim] n 1 (of milk) nata, crema crib [krIb] n 1 (manger) pesebre m; (Nativity scene) beln m, pesebre m. 2 (for baby)
(de leche). 2 (cosmetic) crema; (medical)
cuna. 3 (for cheating) chuleta.
pomada, crema.
P vt plagiar, copiar.
crease [kris] n 1 (wrinkle) arruga; (fold)
pt & pp cribbed, ger cribbing.
pliegue m; (ironed) raya. 2 sp (in cricket)
[krIk] n (in neck) tortcolis f.
create [krieIt] vt 1 (gen) crear. 2 (cause) cricket2 [krIkIt] n (insect) grillo.
cricket [krIkIt] n sp cricket m.
producir, causar.
cried [kraId] pp cry.
creation [krieISn] n creacin f.
creature [kritSr] n 1 (animal) criatura. crime [kraIm] n crimen m.
criminal [krImInl] adj criminal.
2 (human being) ser m.
P n delincuente mf, criminal mf.
credentials [krIdenSlz] n pl 1 (qualifications) credenciales fpl. 2 (documents) cringe [krIndZ] vi encogerse, agacharse.
crinkle [krINkl] n arruga.
cartas fpl credenciales.
P vt arrugar.
credible [kredIbl] adj creble.
credit [kredIt] n 1 (praise, approval) m cripple [krIpl] n lisiado,-a, tullido,-a.
P vt 1 (person) dejar cojo,-a, lisiar. 2 fig
rito, reconocimiento. 2 (belief, trust,
(industry, country) paralizar.
confidence) crdito. 3 fin (gen) crdito;
(in accountancy) haber
m; (on statement) crisis [kraIsIs] n crisis f.
pl crises [kraIsis].
saldo acreedor. 5 educ crdito.



crisp [krIsp] adj 1 (pastry, biscuits, etc) cru

jiente; (lettuce) fresco,-a. 2 (weather, air)
fro,-a y seco,-a.
P n gb patata frita (de bolsa o churrera).
. Son las patatas de bolsa o de churrera
que se comen fras, pues las que se comen
calientes se llaman chips en ingls brit
nico y french fries en ingls americano.

crisscross [krIskrs] vt entrecruzar.

critic [krItIk] n (reviewer) crtico,-a.
critical [krItIkl] adj crtico,-a.
criticism [krItIsIzm] n crtica.
criticize [krItIsaIz] vt criticar.
croak [krUk] n 1 (of raven) graznido; (of
frog) canto. 2 (of person) voz f ronca.

Croatia [krUeIS] n Croacia.

Croatian [krUeISn] adj croata.

adj (person) croata mf; (language) croa

ta m.

crochet [krUSeI] n ganchillo.

crockery [krkrI] n loza, vajilla.
crocodile [krkdaIl] n cocodrilo.
crocus [krUks] n azafrn m.
crony [krUnI] n fam compinche mf.
pl cronies.


[krUk] n 1 cayado, gancho. 2


[krswd] [tambin

crossword puzzle] n crucigrama m.

crotch [krtS] n entrepierna.
crotchet [krtSIt] n mus negra.
crouch [kraUtS] [tambin crouch down]
vi (person) agacharse, ponerse en cu

clillas; (cat) agazaparse.

crow1 [krU] n (bird) cuervo.
crow2 [krU] vi (cock) cantar, cacarear.

pt crowed o crew [kru], pp crowed.

crowbar [krUbAr] n palanca.

crowd [kraUd] n 1 (large number of people)

multitud f, muchedumbre f, gento;

(at match, concert, etc) pblico. 2 (particular group) gente f; (clique) pandilla.
crowded [kraUdId] adj abarrotado,-a
de gente, concurrido,-a.
crown [kraUn] n 1 (of king, queen) coro
na. 2 anat (of head) coronilla; (of tooth)
corona. 3 (top - of hat, tree) copa.
crucial [krUSl] adj crucial.
crucifix [krUsIfIks] n crucifijo.
crucify [krUsIfaI] vt crucificar.
pt & pp crucified, ger crucifying.

crude [krUd] n 1 (manners, style) tosco,-a,

g r os e r o , - a ; (joke) g r o s e r o , - a ,
ordinario,-a. 2 (oil) crudo,-a.

fam (criminal) sinvergenza mf, delin

, Crude no significa crudo (sin hacer),
cuente mf.
que se traduce por raw.
P vt (finger, arm) doblar.
crop [krp] n 1 (plant) cultivo; (harvest) cruel [krUl] adj cruel.
comp crueller, superl cruellest.
cosecha. 2 (group, batch) tanda. 3 (haircruelty [krUltI] n crueldad f (to, hacia).
style) corte m al rape.
pl cruelties.
cross [krs] n 1 (gen) cruz f. 2 biol (hycruise
[krUz] vi mar hacer un crucero.
brid) cruce m.
P n crucero.
P vt (street, river, bridge,) cruzar, atrave
cruiser [krUzr] n 1 (warship) crucero.
sar; (arms, legs) cruzar.
2 (pleasure boat) yate m.
P vi (walk across) cruzar (over, -); (intercrumb [krm] n miga, migaja.
sect, pass each another) cruzarse.
crossbar [krsbAr] n (of goal) travesa crumble [krmbl] vt (gen) desmenu
zar, deshacer; (bread) desmigajar.
o, larguero; (of bicycle) barra.
crossing [krsIN] n 1 mar travesa. 2 crumple [krmpl] vt (clothes) arrugar;
(paper) estrujar.
(intersection, crossroads) cruce m . c o m p
crunch [krntS] vt 1 (food) mascar. 2
border crossing paso fronterizo.
(with feet, tyres) hacer crujir.
cross-reference [krsrefrns] n re
crusade [krUseId] n cruzada.
misin f.
P vt remitir.
crush [krS] vt 1 (squash - gen) aplastar;
(squeeze) estrujar;. 2 (smash, pound - gen)
crossroads [krsrUdz]
n encrucijada,
cruce m.
triturar; (- ice) picar.

n 1 (of people) aglomeracin f. 2 gb
(soft drink) refresco.
crust [krst] n corteza.
crustacean [krsteISn] n crustceo.
crutch [krtS] n 1 (for walking) muleta.
crux [krks] n quid m, meollo.
cry [kraI] vt 1 (shout, call) gritar. 2 (weep)

pt & pp cried, ger crying.

crying [kraIIN] n (weeping) llanto.

crypt [krIpt] n cripta.
crystal [krIstl] n cristal m.
crystallize [krIstlaIz] vt cristalizar.
cub [kb] n zool cachorro,-a
cube [kjUb] n 1 (shape) cubo; (of sugar)
terrn m; (of ice) cubito; (of cheese, meat,
etc) dado. 2 math cubo. c o m p cube root
raz f cbica.
P vt math elevar al cubo.
cubic [kjUbIk] adj cbico,-a.
cubism [kjUbIzm] n cubismo.
cuckoo [kUkU] n cuco.
pl cuckoos.

cucumber [kjUkmbr] n pepino.

cuddle [kdl] vt abrazar, acariciar.
cue1 [kjU] n 1 (for actor) pie m; (for musi-

cian) entrada. 2 (signal) seal f. 3 (example) ejemplo.

cue2 [kjU] n (in billiards, etc) taco. c o m p
cue ball bola blanca.
cuff1 [kf] n 1 (of sleeve) puo. 2 us (of
trousers) dobladillo.
P n pl cuffs sl esposas fpl.
cuff2 [kf] vt dar un bofetada a.
P n bofetada, cachete m, bofetn m.
cufflinks [kflINks] n pl gemelos mpl.
cuisine [kwIzin] n cocina.
cul-de-sac [kldsQk] n calle f sin salida.
culminate [klmIneIt] vi culminar.
culottes [kjUlts] n pl falda pantaln
f sing.
culprit [klprIt] n culpable mf.
cult [klt] n (gen) culto; (sect) secta.
cultivate [kltIveIt] vt cultivar.


cumbersome [kmbsm] adj 1 (thing)

incmodo,-a, voluminoso,-a, pesa

do,-a. 2 (procedure) torpe, engorroso,-a.
cumin [kmIn] n comino.
cunning [knIN] adj astuto,-a
P n astucia.
cup [kp] n 1 (for drinking) taza. 2 sp (trophy) copa.
cupboard [kbd] n armario.
curator [kjUreItr] n (of museum) conser
curb [kb] n 1 (for horse) barbada. 2
(control) freno. 3 us bordillo.
curd [kd] n (from milk) cuajada. c o m p
curd cheese requesn m.
curdle [kdl] vi (form curds) cuajarse;
(go bad) cortarse.
cure [kjUr] vt curar.
P n cura.
cure-all [kjUrAl] n panacea.
curfew [kfjU] n toque m de queda.
curiosity [kjUrIstI] n curiosidad f.
pl curiosities.


[kjUrIs] adj 1 (inquisitive)

curioso,-a. 2 (strange, odd) curioso,-a,
extrao,-a; (interesting) interesante.
curl [kl] vt rizar.
P vi rizarse.
P n (of hair) rizo; (ringlet) bucle m, tira
buzn m; (of smoke) espiral f, voluta.
curly [klI] adj rizado,-a.

comp curlier, superl curliest.

currant [krnt] n 1 (dried grape) pasa

(de Corinto). 2 (fruit) grosella.

currency [krnsI] n fin moneda.


foreign currency divisa.

pl currencies.
current [krnt] adj 1 (present, existing - gen)

actual; (- month, year) en curso; (most recent

- issue) ltimo,-a. 2 (generally accepted) co
rriente, comn, habitual, general.
c o m p current account cuenta corriente.
P n (gen) corriente f.
currently [krntlI] adv 1 (at present) ac
tualmente, en la actualidad. 2 (commonly) comnmente.
pt & pp cupped, ger cupping.
curriculum [krIkjlm] n educ plan m
culture [kltSr] n
1 (gen) cultura. 2
de estudios. c o m p curriculum vitae
(growth) cultivo.
currculum m, historial m.


curry [krI] n culin curry m.

pl curries.
curse [ks] n 1 (evil spell) maldicin f. 2

cutaneous [kjUteInIs] adj cutneo,-a.
cute [kjUt] adj 1 (sweet) mono,-a, rico,

-a; (good-looking) guapo,-a, lindo,-a. 2

us (clever) listo,-a.
cutlery [ktlrI] n cubiertos mpl, cu
cutlet [ktlt] n culin chuleta.
cutout [ktaUt] n 1 (shape) recortable
m. 2 (device, switch) cortacircuitos m.
cutter [ktr] n (tool) cter m.
cutting [ktIN] n 1 (from newspaper) re
corte m. 2 bot esqueje m.
cuttlefish [ktlfIS] n jibia, sepia.
cyanide [saInaId] n cianuro.
cybernetics [saIbnetIks] n ciberntica.
cycle [saIkl] n 1 (series of events, of songs,
etc) ciclo; (of washing machine) progra
ma m. 2 (bicycle) bicicleta; (motorcycle)
moto f. c o m p cycle lane/path/way ca
rril m bici. y cycle track veldromo.
P vi ir en bicicleta.
cyclic [sIklIk, saIklIk] adj cclico,-a.
cyclical [sIklIk l, saIklIk l] adj ccli
cycling [saIklIN] n ciclismo.
cyclist [saIklIst] n ciclista mf.
cyclone [saIklUn] n cicln m.
custom-made [kstmmeId] adj cygnet [sIgnt] n pollo de cisne.
(clothes, etc) hecho,-a a medida.
cylinder [sIlIndr] n 1 (gen) cilindro. 2
customs [kstmz] n aduana.
(for gas) bombona.
. Puede ser tanto singular como plural.
cylindrical [sIlIndrIkl] adj cilndrico,-a.
cut [kt] n 1 (ge) corte m; (knife wound) cu cymbal [sImbl] n cmbalo, platillo.
chillada. 3 (share) parte f, tajada. 4 (re- cynic [sInIk] n cnico,-a.
duction - in budget, services, wages) recorte cynical [sInIkl] adj cnico,-a.
m; (- in level, number, price) reduccin f. 6 cynicism [sInIsIzm] n cinismo.
elec corte m, apagn m.
cypress [saIprs] n ciprs m.
P vt 1 (gen) cortar 2 (reduce - level, numCypriot [sIprIt] adj chipriota,-a.
ber) reducir; (- budget, spending) recor
P n 1 (person) chipriota mf. 2 (language)
tar; (- price) rebajar, reducir.
chipriota m.
a to cut down vt sep (tree) talar, cortar;
Cyprus [saIprs] n Chipre m.
(kill) matar.
cyst [sIst] n quiste m.
a to cut off vt sep 2 (disconnect, discontinue)
cortar: our phones been cut off nos han cystitis [sIstaItIs] n cistitis f.
cortado el telfono. 3 (isolate, separate) czar [zA ] n zar m.
Czech [tSek] adj checo,-a.
aislar: she felt cut off se senta aislada.
P n 1 (person) checo,-a. 2 (language)
a to cut out vt sep 1 (from newspaper) re
checo. c o m p Czech Republic Repbli
cortar; (in sewing) cortar. 2 (exclude) su
ca Checa.
primir, eliminar.
pt & pp cut, ger cutting.
Czechia [tSekI] n Chequia.

(oath) palabrota.
cursor [ksr] n cursor m.
curt [kt] adj seco,-a, brusco,-a.
curtain [kt n] n 1 (gen) cortina. 2
theat teln m.
curvature [kvtS r] n 1 (of surface)
curvatura. 2 med encorvamiento.
curve [kv] n (gen) curva.
P vi (of road, river, ball) describir una
curva, torcer.
cushion [kUSn] n (gen) cojn m; (large)
almohadn m.
P vt fig suavizar, amortiguar.
custard [kstd] n (cold, set) natillas fpl;
(hot, liquid) crema. c o m p custard apple
custom [kstm] n costumbre f: its a
typical Spanish custum es una tpica cos
tumbre espaola.
customary [kstmrI] adj (habitual)
acostumbrado,-a, habitual.
customer [kstmr] n cliente mf.
customize [kstmaIz] vt hacer por
encargo, hacer a la medida.


D, d [di] n 1 (the letter) D, d f. 2 mus re m.

d [d] aux 1 would. Id go ira. 2

had: hed seen haba visto. 3 fam did.

whatd you do? qu hiciste?
dab [dQb] n (of paint) toque m; (of per-

dairymaid [derImeId] n lechera.

dairyman [derImn] n lechero.
pl dairymen[derImn].

dais [deIz] n tarima.

pl daises.

fume) gota; (of butter) poquito.

P vi dar ligeros toques (at, en).
P n pl dabs gb sl huellas fpl dactilares.
dabble [dQbl] vi (in activity) aficionar
se (in, a), tener escarceos (in, con).
P vt (in water) chapotear.
dad [dQd] n fam pap m.
daddy [dQdI] n fam pap m, papi m.

daisy [deIzI] n margarita.

daffodil [dQfdIl] n narciso.

dagger [dQgr] n 1 (weapon) daga, pu

dam2 [dQm] n zool madre f.

damage [dQmIdZ] n (gen) dao; (to

pl daddies.

pl daisies.

daltonism [dltnIzm] n daltonismo.

dam1 [dQm] n 1 (barrier) dique m. 2 (reservoir) embalse m, presa.
a to dam up vt sep 1 (river) represar,
embalsar. 2 (emotions) reprimir, con
pt & pp dammed, ger damming.

reputation, cause, health) perjuicio, da

os mpl; (destruction) destrozos mpl, da
os mpl.
[deIm] n 1 us fam mujer f, ta. 2 (in
dahlia [deIlj] n dalia.
pantomime) vieja (representada por un hombre).
daily [deIlI] adj (newspaper, prayers) dia
P n Dame gb (title) ttulo honorfico concedido
rio,a; (routine) diario,a, cotidiano,a.
a una mujer.
P adv diariamente, a diario.
damn [dQm] interj fam mecachis!, ca
P n (newspaper) diario.
pl dailies.
P adj fam maldito,a, condenado,a.
dainty [deIntI] adj 1 (delicate - thing) deli
P adv fam muy, sumamente: you were
cado,a, fino,a; (- person) precioso,a,
damn lucky tuviste mucha suerte.
delicado,a, refinado,a.
P vt 1 rel condenar. 2 (curse) maldecir:
comp daintier, superl daintiest.
damn it! maldita sea!
P n pl dainties (small cakes) pastelitos
damned [dQmd] adj 1 fam maldito,a,
condenado,a. 2 rel condenado,a.
dairy [derI] n 1 (on farm) vaquera. 2 damp [dQmp] adj (gen) hmedo,a;
(shop) lechera; (company) central f leche
(wet) mojado,a. c o m p damp course
ra. c o m p dairy products productos lc
aislante m hidrfugo.
teos. y dairy products productos lcteos.
P n humedad f.
pl dairies.
dampen [dQmpn] vt 1 (make damp) hu
medecer. 2 fig (enthusiasm, ardour, etc)
. No hay que confundir las palabras dairy
hacer perder, apagar, enfriar; (persons
'diario, agenda'.
con diary, que significa
spirits) desanimar.
al m. 2 (obelisk) cruz f.


[dgerUtaIp] n da



damsel [dQmzl] n doncella.

dance [dAns] n (gen) baile m; (classical,

darn [dAn] n zurcido.

dancer [dAnsr] n bailarn,ina; (fla-

2 (rush) movimiento rpido. 3 sew (fold)

P vt (look, glance) lanzar; (tongue) disparar.
P vi (move quickly - person) lanzarse, pre
cipitarse; (- butterfly, etc) revolotear.
dartboard [dAtbd] n diana, blanco
de tiro.
dash [dQS] n 1 (sudden run) carrera. 2
(small amount) poco; (of salt, spice) pizca;
(of liquid) chorrito, gota. 3 (horizontal
mark) raya; (hyphen) guion m; (in Morse
code) raya. 4 (style, panache) elegancia;
(energy, vitality) bro, dinamismo. 5 us
(dashboard) salpicadero.
P vt 1 (hit) lanzar, arrojar; (smash)
romper, estrellar. 2 (hopes) truncar.
dashboard [dQSbd] n salpicadero.
data [deIt] n pl datos mpl, informa
cin f.

tribal) danza.
P vi bailar.

menco) bailaor,ra.

dandelion [dQndIlaIn] n diente m de


dandruff [dQndrf] n caspa.

dandy [dQndI] n dandy m, petimetre m.

pl dandies.
P adj us fam estupendo,a.
danger [deIndZr] n (peril, hazard) peli

gro; (risk) riesgo.


vt (sock, etc) zurcir.

darnel [dAnl] n cizaa.

dart [dAt] n 1 (object) dardo, flechilla.

[deIndZrs] adj (gen)

peligroso,a; (risky) arriesgado,a; (illness) grave.
dangle [dQNg l] vt (hang) colgar;
(swing) balancear.
P vi colgar, pender.
Danish [deInIS] adj dans,esa.
P n (language) dans m.
P n pl the Danish los daneses mpl.
sing datum.
dank [dQNk] adj hmedo,a y fro,a. database [deItbeIs] n comput base f
dare [der] vi atreverse (to, a), osar (to, -).
de datos.
P vt (challenge) desafiar.
date1 [deIt] n 1 (in time) fecha. 2 (apP n desafo, reto.
pointment) cita, compromiso: Ive got a
daredevil [dedevl] n atrevido,a,
date with David tonight tengo una cita
con David esta noche. 3 us (person) li
daring [derIN] adj (bold, brave) audaz,
gue m , amigo,a, pareja. 4 (perforosado,a, atrevido,a.
mance, booking) actuacin f.
P n osada, atrevimiento, audacia.
P vt 1 (write a date on) fechar. 2 (determine
the date of) datar. 3 (show the age of) de
dark [dAk] adj 1 (without light) oscuro,a. 2
mostrar la edad de. 4 us fam (go out
(hair, skin) moreno,a; (eyes) negro,a.
with) salir con.
3 (gloomy) triste, sombro,a. 4 (sinister)
P vi 1 (have existed since) datar (from, de),
siniestro,a, tenebroso,a. 5 (secret)
remontarse (back to, a). 2 (go out of fashmisterioso,a.
ion) pasar de moda. 3 us (go out together)
P n 1 (darkness) oscuridad f. 2 (nightfall)
salir juntos, ser novios.
anochecer m.
darken [dAkn] vt 1 oscurecer, hacer date [deIt] n (fruit) dtil m.
ms oscuro,a. 2 fig entristecer, en dated [deItId] adj anticuado,a.
dative [deItIv] n ling dativo.
datum [deItm] n dato.
darkness [dAkns] n oscuridad f.
pl data.
darling [dAlIN] n (lover) querido,a,
amor m , cario; (popular person) daub [db] n 1 (small bit, smear) man
cha. 2 (bad painting) pintarrajo.
nio,a mimado,a.
P vt embadurnar.
P adj 1 (loved) querido,a. 2 fam (charming) precioso,a, encantador,ra,
mo daughter [dtr] n hija.
daughter-in-law [dtrInl] n nuera.



[dnt] vt (frighten) intimidar; deadlock [dedlk] n punto muerto,

impasse m.
(dishearten) desanimar, desalentar.
deaf [def] adj sordo,a.
dauphin [dfIn] n delfn m.
P n the deaf los sordos mpl.
dawn [dn] n alba, aurora, amanecer m.
P vi amanecer, alborear, clarear.
deaf-aid [defeId] n audfono.
day [deI] n da m. l o c the day after to deafen [defn] vt ensordecer.
morrow pasado maana. y the day deaf-mute [defmjUt] n sordom u
before tomorrow anteayer. c o m p day off
da libre.
deafness [defns] n sordera.
P n pl days (period) poca, tiempos mpl.
deal [dil] n 1 (agreement) trato, acuer
daybreak [deIbreIk] n amanecer m,
do, pacto; (financial) acuerdo. 2 (treatalba.
ment) trato. 3 (amount) cantidad f. 4 (in
daydream [deIdrim] n ensueo, en
card games) reparto.
P vt 1 (cards) repartir, dar. 2 (drugs) tra
soacin f.
P vi soar despierto,a, fantasear.
a to deal with vt insep 1 comm (trade with)
daytime [deItaIm] n da m.
tratar con, tener relaciones comer
P adj (flight) diurno,a.
ciales con. 2 (tackle - problem, etc) abor
daze [deIz] n aturdimiento.
dar, ocuparse de; (- task) encargarse
P vt aturdir.
de; (- person) tratar (con), lidiar con.
D-day [dideI] n 1 (in war) da m D. 2
pt & pp dealt [delt].
(important date) el da m sealado.
dealer [dilr] n 1 comm comerciante
deacon [dikn] n dicono.
mf, negociante mf. 2 (illegal - in drugs) tra
deactivate [diQktIveIt] vt desactivar.
ficante mf; (- in stolen goods) perista mf. 3
dead [ded] adj 1 (not alive) muerto,a. 2
fin corredor,ra de bolsa, corredor,ra
(obsolete - language) muerto,a; (- custom)
de valores.
desusado,a, en desuso; (finished with topic, issue, debate) agotado,a, pasa dealt [delt] pt & pp deal.
do,a; (- glass, bottle) terminado,a, aca dean [din] n 1 rel den m . 2 educ
bad o,a. 3 (numb) entumecido,a,
dormido,a. 4 (not functioning - telephone) deanery [dinrI] n decanato.
desconectado,a, cortado,a; (- ma- dear [dI r ] adj 1 (loved - person)
querido,a; (- thing) preciado,a. 2 (as
chine) averiado,a; (- battery) des
form of address) querido,a. 3 fam (in letter)
cargado,a, gastado,a; (- match) gas
querido,a; (more formally) apreciado,a,
tado,a. 5 fam (very tired) muerto,a. 6
estimado,a. 4 (expensive) caro,a.
(dull, quiet, not busy) muerto,a. 7 (sounds)
P interj Dios mo!
sordo,a; (colours) apagado,a. 8 sp (ball)
P adv caro.
muerto,a. 9 (total) total, completo,a,
dearly [dIlI] adv 1 (very much) mucho.
2 (at a cost) caro.
P adv 1 (completely, absolutely) completa
mente, sumamente; (as intensifier) death [deT] n 1 (gen) muerte f; (decease,
demise) fallecimiento, defuncin f. 2
muy: Im dead sure estoy segursimo. 2
(end - of custom, institution) fin m. c o m p
(exactly) justo: we arrived dead on time lle
death penalty pena de muerte.
gamos puntualsimos.
P n the dead los,las muertos,as.
deathtrap [deTtrQp] n fam lugar peli
deaden [dedn] vt (pain) calmar, ali
viar; (noise, blow) amortiguar.
debacle [deIbAkl] n debacle m.
deadline [dedlaIn] n (date) fecha lmi debate [dIbeIt] n debate m.
P vt 1 (discuss) debatir, discutir. 2 (considte, fecha tope,
plazo de entrega;
(time) hora lmite, hora tope.
er, think over) considerar, dar vueltas a.



debit [debIt] n fin dbito.

vt cargar en cuenta.
debrief [dibrif] vt interrogar.
debris [deIbri] n (ruins) escombros mpl;
(wreckage) restos mpl.
debt [det] n (something owed) deuda; (inP

debtedness) endeudamiento.
debtor [detr] n deudor,ra.
debug [dibg] vt 1 (computer programme,
system) depurar. 2 (room, building, etc)
quitar los micrfonos ocultos de.
pt & pp debugged, ger debugging.
debunk [dibNk] vt fam (person) des

mitificar, desenmascarar; (idea, belief)

desacreditar, desprestigiar.
debut [deIbjU] n debut m.
decade [dekeId] n dcada, decenio.
decadence [dekdns] n decadencia.


[dikQfIneItId] adj


decagon [dekgn] n decgono.

decagonal [dIkQgnl] adj decagonal.
decahedron [dekhidrn] n decaedro.
decalitre [deklitr] n decalitro.
decanter [dIkQntr] n decantador m.
decapitation [dIkQpIteISn] n deca

decennial [dIsenIl] n decenal.

decent [disnt] adj decente.
decentralize [disentrlaIz] vt descen

deception [dIsepSn] n (trick) engao;

(deceiving) falsedad f.

Deception no significa decepcin,

que se traduce por disappointment.

deceptive [dIseptIv] adj engaoso,a:

appearances can be deceptive las aparien

cias engaan.

decibel [desIbel] n decibelio.

decide [dIsaId] vt decidir.
deciduous [dIsIdjUs] adj de hoja ca

decigram [desIgrQm] n decigramo.

decilitre [desIlitr] n decilitro.
decimal [desIml] n decimal m. c o m p
decimal point coma decimal.

decimate [desImeIt] vt diezmar.

decimation [desImeISn] n reduccin
f catastrfica, accin de diezmar.

decimetre [desImitr] n decmetro.

decipher [dIsaIfr] vt descifrar.
decision [dIsIZn] n 1 (choice, verdict) de

cisin f. 2 (resolution) resolucin f, de

cisin f, determinacin f.
decisive [dIsaIsIv] adj 1 (conclusive - gen)
decisivo,a; (- victory) contundente. 2
(firm, resolute - person) decidido,a, re
suelto,a; (- reply, action) firme.
composicin f; (of teeth) caries f. 2 (of deck [dek] n 1 (of ship) cubierta. 2 (of
bus, coach) piso. 3 us (of cards) baraja. 4
building) deterioro, desmoronamien
(of record player) plato. 5 us (raised roofless
to. 3 fig (of culture, values) decadencia.
area) terraza.
decease [dIsis] n fallecimiento, de
deckchair [dektSer] n tumbona.
funcin f.
deceit [dIsit] n (trick) engao; (deceiv- declaim [dIkleIm] vt declamar.
P vi declamar.
ing) falsedad f.
declamation [deklmeISn] n decla
deceive [dIsiv] vt engaar.
macin f.
decelerate [diselreIt] vi reducir la
declarant [dIklernt] n declarante mf.
velocidad, desacelerar.

December [dIsembr] n diciembre m. declaration [deklreIS n] n declara

cin f.
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta May.
declare [dIkler] vt 1 (gen) declarar;
(opinion) manifestar. 2 (at customs) decla
decency [disnsI] n 1 (seemliness) decen
cia, decoro. 2 (politeness) buena educa
declassify [dIklQsIfaI] vt desclasificar.
cin f, cortesa, consideracin
pitacin f.

decapod [dekpd] n decpodo.

decasyllable [deksIlbl] n decaslabo.
decathlete [dIkQTlit] n decatleta m.
decathlon [dIkQTln] n decatln m.
decay [dIkeI] n 1 (of organic matter) des

pl decencies.

pt & pp declassified, ger declassifying.



[deklIneIS n] n declina
cin f, variacin f. c o m p magnetic dec
lination variacin f magntica.
decline [dIklaIn] n 1 (decrease) disminu
cin f, descenso. 2 (deterioration - gen)
deterioro, declive m, decadencia; (in
health) deterioro, empeoramiento.
decode [dikUd] vt decodificar, des
decompose [dikmpUz] vt descom
P vi 1 descomponerse, pudrirse. 2
chem descomponerse.
decomposer [dikmpUz r] n sa
decompress [dIkmpres] vt someter
a descompresin.
decompression [dIkmpreSn] n des
compresin f.
decongestion [dikndZetSn] n des
congestin f.


[dikntQmIneIt] vt

decor [deIkr] n 1 (furnishings) decora

cin f. 2 theat decorado.

decorate [dekreIt] vt 1 (adorn, make beau-

dedicatory [dedIktrI] adj dedicato


deduce [dIdjUs] vt deducir (from, de).

deduct [dIdkt] vt (gen) descontar, de
ducir; (from taxes) desgravar.

deduction [dIdkSn] n 1 (subtraction) de

duccin f, descuento; (from taxes) des

gravacin f. 2 (reasoning) deduccin f.
deed [did] n 1 lit (act) acto, accin f,
obra; (feat) hazaa, proeza. 2 jur escri
deejay [didZeI] n pinchadiscos mf,
discjockey mf.
deep [dip] adj 1 (river, hole, well, etc)
hondo,a, profundo,a. 2 (shelf, wardrobe) de fondo; (hem, border) ancho,a. 3
(sound, voice) grave, bajo,a; (note) grave;
(breath) hondo,a.
P adv 1 (to a great depth) profundamente.
2 (far from the outside) lejos. 3 (far in time,
late) tarde.
deepen [dipn] vt 1 (well, channel, river)
profundizar, hacer ms profundo,a. 2
(knowledge) profundizar, ahondar; (sympathy) aumentar; (colour, emotion) intensifi
car; (sound, voice) hacer ms grave.
deep-freeze [dipfriz] n congelador m.
P vt (at home) congelar; (commercially)

tiful) decorar (with, con), adornar (with,

con). 2 (paint) pintar; (wallpaper) empa
pt deep-froze [dipfrUz], pp deeppelar. 3 (honour) condecorar (for, por).
frozen [dipfrUzn].
decoration [dekreISn] n 1 (act, art)
decoracin f. 2 (ornament) adorno. 3 deep-sea [dipsi] n (fishing, diving) de
(medal) condecoracin f.
decorator [dekreIt r ] n (designer) deer [dIr] n ciervo, venado.
pl deer.
decorador,ra, interiorista mf; (painter)
pintor,ra; (wallpaperer) empapelador,ra. default [dIflt] n 1 (failure to act) omisin
f, negligencia. 2 (failure to pay) incumpli
decoy [dikI] n 1 (bird) cimbel m; (in
miento de pago, mora, demora. l o c
hunting) seuelo, reclamo. 2 fig (lure)
by default comput por defecto (instaseuelo, carnada, gancho.
lacin o configuracin de un programa).
decrease [dIkris] n disminucin f,
P vi 1 (fail to act) faltar a sus compromi
sos, incumplir un acuerdo. 2 (fail to pay)
P vt disminuir, reducir.
no pagar (on, -), demorarse (on, en).
decreasing [dIkrisIN] adj decreciente. defeat [dIfit] n 1 (of army, team) derro
decree [dIkri] n 1 (command) decreto. 2
ta; (of motion, bill) rechazo. 2 fig (of hopes,
us (judgement) sentencia.
plans) fracaso.
P vt decretar.
P vt 1 (gen) derrotar, vencer. 2 fig (hopes,
decriminalize [dikrImInlaIz] vt des
plans) frustrar.
defect [(n) difekt; (vb) dIfekt] n (gen)
dedicate [dedIkeIt] vt dedicar.
defecto; (flaw) desperfecto, tara.



vi (party, team) desertar, pasarse al

bando contrario; (country) huir.
defective [dIfektIv] adj 1 (faulty)
defectuoso,a; (flawed) con desperfec
tos; (incomplete, lacking) deficiente. 2 ling
defence [dIfens] n defensa.
defend [dIfend] vt defender.
P vi sp jugar de defensa.
defendant [dIfendnt] n jur (in civil case)
demandado,a; (in criminal case)
defender [dIfendr] n 1 (gen) defen
sor,ra. 2 sp defensa mf.

defense [dIfens] n us defence.

defensive [dIfensIv] adj defensivo,a.
defer 1 [dIf r] vt (postpone) aplazar,
posponer, retrasar.

pt & pp deferred, ger deferring.

defer2 [dIfr] vi (submit to) deferir (to, a).

pt & pp deferred, ger deferring.

defiance [dIfaIns] n desafo.

defiant [dIfaInt] adj desafiante.
deficiency [dIfISnsI] n 1 (lack) defi

ciencia; (shortage) escasez f, falta, d

ficit m. 2 (fault, shortcoming) defecto,
pl deficiencies.

deficient [dIfISnt] adj deficiente.

deficit [defIsIt] n dficit m.
define [dIfaIn] vt definir.
definite [defInt] adj 1 (final, fixed - gen)

deform [dIfm] vt deformar.

deformation [difmeISn] n defor
macin f.

deformed [dIfmd] adj deforme.

defraud [dIfrd] vt estafar.

To defraud no significa defraudar (de

cepcionar, que se traduce por to disappoint.

defrost [difrst] vt 1 (freezer, food) des

congelar. 2 us (windscreen) desempaar.

deft [deft] adj diestro,a, hbil.

defunct [dIfNkt] adj difunto,-a.
defy [dIfaI] vt 1 (gen) desafiar; (disobey law, order, authority) desobedecer, des
acatar. 2 (make impossible) ser imposible.

pt & pp defied, ger defying.

degenerate [ (adj-n)

dIdZenrt ; (vb)
dIdZenreIt] adj degenerado,a.

n degenerado,a.
vi degenerar (into, en).

degenerative [dIdZenrtIv] adj de


dacin f.

[degrdeISn] n degra

degrade [dIgreId] vt degradar.

degree [dIgri] n 1 (unit of measurement)

grado. 2 (extent, level, point) nivel m,

punto; (amount) algo. 3 educ ttulo.
dehumanize [dihjUmnaIz] vt des
dehydrate [dihaIdreIt] vt deshidratar.
P vi deshidratarse.
de-icing [diaIsIN] n deshielo.
deification [diIfIkeISn] n deificacin f.
deign [deIn] vi dignarse (to, a).
deity [deIItI] n deidad f.

definitivo,a; (- opinions) fijo,a. 2

(clear, distinct) claro,a.
definitely [defIntlI] adv 1 (without doubt)
sin duda, seguramente. 2 (definitively)
pl deities.
P interj desde luego!, claro que s!
dejection [dIdZekSn] n abatimiento,
definition [defInISn] n definicin f.
desaliento, desnimo.
definitive [dIfInItIv] adj 1 (final, conclusive) definitivo,a. 2 (ultimate - study, etc) delay [dIleI] n retraso.
P vt 1 (gen) aplazar, retrasar. 2 (make late
de mayor autoridad.
- flight, train) retrasar, demorar; (person)
deflate [dIfleIt] vt (balloon, tyre) desin
flar, deshinchar.
deflation [dIfleISn] n 1 (of balloon, tyre) delayed [dIleId] adj con retraso.
desinflamiento. 2 (economic) deflacin f. delegate [(adj-n) delIgt; (vb) delIgeIt]
n delegado,a.
deflect [dIflekt] vt desviar.
P vt (duties, responsibility, etc) delegar (to, en).
P vi desviarse.
deforest [difrIst] vt deforestar.
delegation [delIgeIS n] n delegacin f.

delete [dIlit] vt (remove) eliminar, su

primir; (cross out) tachar.

deliberate [(adj) dIlIbrt; (vb) dIlIbreIt]
adj 1 (intentional) deliberado,a, intencio
nado,a; (studied) premeditado,a. 2
(slow, unhurried) pausado,a, lento,a;
(careful) reflexivo,a.
P vi deliberar (on, sobre).
delicacy [delIksI] n 1 (softness, tenderness) delicadeza. 2 (fragility) fragilidad
f. 3 (food) exquisitez f.
pl delicacies.



delta [delt] n 1 geog delta m. 2 (Greek

letter) delta.

deltoid [deltId] adj deltoides.


n deltoides m.

delude [dIlUd] vt engaar.

deluge [deljUdZ] n 1 (rain) diluvio;
(flood) inundacin f. 2 fig avalancha,
alud m.
delusion [dIlUZn] n 1 (false belief) falsa
ilusin f; (mistaken idea) error m. 2 (act,
state) engao.
de luxe [dlks] adj de lujo.
demagogue [demgg] n demago
demagogy [demggI] n demagogia.
demand [dImAnd] n 1 (request) solici
tud f, peticin f; (claim) exigencia; (for
pay rise, rights, etc) reclamacin f. 2
comm demanda. 3 (note, warning) aviso.
P vt (call for, insist on) exigir; (rights, conditions, etc) reclamar.
demanding [dImAndIN] adj 1 (person gen) exigente; (awkward) difcil. 2 (tiring - job, etc) agotador,ra.
dementia [dImenSI] n demencia.
demise [dImaIz] n 1 (death) falleci
miento, defuncin f. 2 fig (end) desa
paricin f; (failure) fracaso.
demist [dimIst] vt desempaar.
demo [demU] n 1 (recording, tape) ma
queta. 2 fam (demonstration) manifa f,
manifestacin f. 3 inform demo.

[delIkt] adj 1 (fine - gen)

delicado,a; (- embroidery, handiwork)
fino,a, esmerado,a. 2 (easily damaged)
frgil. 3 (sensitive - instrument) sensible;
(- sense of smell, taste) fino,a.
delicatessen [delIktesn] n charcu
delicious [dIlISs] adj delicioso,a.
delight [dIlaIt] n 1 (great pleasure, joy)
placer m, gusto, alegra, deleite m. 2
(source of pleasure) encanto, delicia,
placer m.
P vi deleitarse (in, en/con).
delighted [dIlaItId] adj (person) encan
tado,a, contentsimo,a; (smile, shout,
look) de alegra.
delinquency [dIlINkwnsI] n 1 (behaviour) delincuencia. 2 (act) delito.
delinquent [dIlINkwnt] adj 1 (youth)
delincuente; (activity) delictivo,a. 2
fin (person) moroso,a.
P n delincuente mf.
pl demos.
delirious [dIlIrIs] adj 1 med delirante. demobilize [dimUbIlaIz] vt desmo
2 fig (happy) loco,a de alegra.
deliver [dIlIvr] vt 1 (gen) entregar; (dis- democracy [dImkrsI] n democracia.
tribute) repartir (a domicilio). 2 (hit,
pl democracies.
kick, push) dar; (shot, fast ball) lanzar. 3 democrat [demkrQt] n demcrata mf.
(say) pronunciar. 4 (produce, provide, fuldemography [dImgrfI] n demogra
fil) cumplir. 5 med (baby) asistir en el
parto de, atender en el parto de.
[dImlIS] vt derribar, demo

delivery [dIlIv rI] n 1 (act - gen) entre

ler, echar abajo.
ga, reparto; (- of mail) reparto. 2 (con
signment) partida, remesa. 3 (manner of demolition [demlIS n] n demolicin f,
speaking) modo de hablar. 4 (of baby)
parto. 5 (throwing, launching - of ball, mis- demon [dimn] n demonio, diablo.
sile) lanzamiento. c o m p delivery note demonstrate [demnstreIt] vt de
albarn de entrega.
P vi (protest) manifestarse.
pl deliveries.




[demnstreIS n] n 1


[dImnstrtIv] adj 1

(act of showing) demostracin f, mues

tra. 3 (march) manifestacin f.
(person - showing feelings) abierto,a,
expresivo,a. 3 ling demostrati


[demnstreItr] n

manifestante mf.


demoralize [dImrlaIz] vt desmorali


den [den] n 1 (of animals) guarida. 2 (secret meeting-place) antro. 3 fam (room)
cuarto; (for study) estudio.
denarius [dInerIs] n denario.
pl denarii [dInerII].

denaturize [dineItSraIz] vt desnatu


dendrite [dendraIt] n dendrita.

denial [dInaIl] n 1 (of accusation) men

ts m, desmentido 2 (of principle) nega

cin f. 3 (of rights, justice) denegacin f.
4 (of request) negativa, rechazo.
denim [denIm] n tela vaquera.
P n pl denims vaqueros mpl, tejanos mpl.
Denmark [denmAk] n Dinamarca.
denominate [dInmIneIt] vt denominar.

denomination [dInmIneISn] n 1 rel

confesin f. 2 (standard of value) valor

m. 3 (classification) denominacin f.


[dInmIneItr] n

denominador m.


denounce [dInaUns] vt denunciar.

dense [dens] adj denso,a.
density [densItI] n (gen) densidad f.

pl densities.
dent [dent] n (in car, metal) abolladura.
P vt (car, metal) abollar.
dentist [dentIst] n dentista mf.
dentistry [dentIstrI] n odontologa.
denture [dentSr] n (plate) prtesis f

rante m.

[diUdrnt] n desodo

deoxyribonucleic [diksIraIbUnjUkleIIk] n desoxirribonucleico,a.

depart [dIpAt] vi fml partir, salir.

department [dIpAtmnt] n 1 (in shop)

seccin f; (in company, organization) de

partamento, seccin f; (in government)
ministerio. 2 fam (responsibility) cam
po, esfera, terreno.
departure [dIpAtS r] n 1 (of person)
partida, marcha; (of plane, train, etc) sa
lida. 2 fig (divergence) desviacin f;
(venture, type of activity) innovacin f.
depend [dIpend] vi depender.
a to depend on vt confiar en.
depict [dIpIkt] vt 1 (portray visually, in
music) pintar, representar, retratar. 2
(describe in writing) describir, retratar.
deplore [dIplr] vt deplorar.
deploy [dIplI] vt 1 mil desplegar. 2
(use effectively) utilizar, hacer uso de.
deport [dIpt] vt deportar.
deportee [dipti] n deportado,a.
depose [dIpUz] vt 1 (remove from power leader, president) deponer, destituir; (king) destronar. 2 jur declarar, deponer.
deposit [dIpzIt] n 1 (sediment) sedi
mento, depsito; (layer) capa. 2 (mining - of gold,etc) yacimiento. 3 fin (payment into account) depsito, ingreso.

Deposit no significa depsito (reci

piente), que se traduce por tank.

depot [depU] n (storehouse) almacn m.

depreciate [dIpriSIeIt] vi fin depre

vt fin depreciar, amortizar.

depress [dIpres] vt 1 (make sad) depri

mir. 2 (reduce - prices, sales, wages) redu

cir, disminuir. 3 fml (press down) pul
sar, apretar.
P n pl dentures dentadura f sing postiza.

deny [dInaI] vt 1 (repudiate - accusation, depression [dIpreS n] n depresin f.

fact) negar; (rumour, report) desmentir; depressive [dIpresIv] adj depresivo,a.
(charge) rechazar. 2 (refuse - request) de deprive [dIpraIv] vt privar (of, de).
negar; (- rights, equality) privar de; (- ac- depth [depT] n (of hole, swimming pool,
mine, etc) profundidad f; (of cupboard,
cess) negar.
shelf) fondo; (of hem, border) ancho.
pt & pp denied, ger denying.



P vt 1 (gen) disear, proyectar; (fashion, set, product) disear; (course, programme) planear, estructurar. 2 (develdeputy [depjtI] n 1 (substitute) sus
op for a purpose) concebir, idear; (intend,
tituto,a, suplente mf. 2 pol dipu
mean) pensar, destinar.
tado,a. 3 us ayudante mf del shrif.
designate [(vb) dezIgneIt; (adj) dezIgnt]
c o m p deputy head educ subdirector,ra.
vt 1 fml (indicate, mark, show) indicar, se
pl deputies.
alar. 2 (appoint) designar, nombrar.
derby [dAbI] n 1 sp (between two local
teams) derby m. 2 us (horse race) carrera desire [dIzaIr] n deseo.
P vt fml desear.
(de caballos). 3 us (bowler hat) bombn
desist [dIzIst] vi fml desistir (from, de).
m, sombrero (de) hongo.
desk [desk] n 1 (in school) pupitre m; (in
pl derbies.
office) escritorio. 2 (service area) mos
derelict [derIlIkt] adj (building) aban
trador m. 3 (newspaper office) seccin f.
donado,a, en ruinas.
deride [dIraId] vt burlarse de, ridicu desktop [desktp] n escritorio. c o m p
desktop computer ordenador de so
lizar, rerse de.
bremesa. y desktop publishing au
derive [dIraIv] vt (get, obtain) sacar, re
desolate [deslt] adj 1 (place) deshabi
P vi 1 ling (word) derivar, derivarse
tado,a, desierto,a. 2 (person - sad) tris
(from, de). 2 (stem from - problem, attitude)
te, desconsolado,a; (lonely) solita
provenir (from, de).
dermatitis [dmtaItIs] n dermatitis f.
P vt desolar.
dermis [dmIs] n dermis f.
despair [dIsper] n desesperacin f.

derogatory [dIrgt rI] adj (remark, atP vi desesperar (of, de), desesperarse
titude, article) despectivo,a; (meaning,
(of, por).
sense) peyorativo,a.
desperado [desprAdU] n foraji
derrick [derIk] n 1 (crane) gra. 2 (tower
over oil well) torre f de perforacin.
desperate [desprt] adj (reckless, risky)
descend [dIsend] vt descender, bajar.
descent [dIsent] n (by plane, climbers, etc) despicable [dIspIkbl] adj (person, act)
descenso, bajada; (slope) pendiente f,
despreciable, vil; (behaviour) indigno,a.
declive m.
despise [dIspaIz] vt despreciar, me
describe [dIskraIb] vt 1 (depict in words)
describir. 2 (call, characterize) calificar, despite [dIspaIt] prep a pesar de: she
definir. 3 (move in shape) describir;
went to work despite having a bad cold se
(draw) trazar.
fue a trabajar a pesar de estar muy res
desert1 [dezt] n desierto.
desert2 [dIzt] vt (family, person, place) despondent [dIspndnt] adj desalen
abandonar; (political party, idea) deser
tado,a, desanimado,a, abatido,a.
tar (from, de).
despot [despt] n dspota mf.
deserve [dIzv] vt merecer, merecerse. dessert [dIzt] n postre m.
desiccation [desIkeISn] n desecacin f. destabilize [disteIblaIz] vt desesta
design [dIzaIn] n 1 art (gen) diseo,
dibujo. 2 (plan, drawing) plano, pro destination [destIneISn] n destino.
yecto; (sketch) boceto; (of dress) patrn destined [destInd] adj 1 (intended, meant)
m; (of product, model) modelo. 3 fig (purdestinado,a. 2 (fated) condenado,a,
pose, intention) plan
m, intencin, pro
destinado,a. 3 (bound) con destino
(for, a).

cin f.

[depjUteIS n] n delega



destiny [destInI] n destino, sino.

pl destinies.

Destiny no significa destino (punto de

llegada), que se traduce por destination.


[destItjUt] adj indigente,


To destitute no significa destituir,

que se traduce por to dismiss.

destroy [dIstrI] vt destruir.

destruction [dIstrkS n] n destruc
cin f.


[dItQtS] vt 1 (separate, remove)

separar, quitar; (unstick) despegar: you

can detach the collar from the coat se pue
de quitar el cuello del abrigo. 2 mil des
detached [dItQtSt] adj 1 (separated - gen)
separado,a, suelto,a. 2 (person, manner
- impartial) objetivo,a, imparcial;
(- aloof) distante, indiferente. c o m p de
tached house vivienda unifamiliar.
detail [diteIl] n detalle m, pormenor m.
P vt 1 (describe) detallar. 2 mil destacar.
P n pl details (information) informacin f;
(particulars) datos mpl.
detain [dIteIn] vt 1 (hold - in custody) de
tener. 2 (delay) entretener, demorar.
detainee [diteIni] n detenido,a.
detect [dItekt] vt 1 (gen) detectar. 2 (discover - crime, criminal, fraud) descubrir.
detective [dItektIv] n (private) detective
mf; (in police force) agente mf, oficial mf.
detector [dItektr] n detector m.
detente [deItnt] n distensin f.
detention [dItenSn] n 1 jur (of suspect)
detencin f, arresto. 2 educ (of pupil)
deter [dItr] vt 1 (person - dissuade) di
suadir (from, de). 2 (prevent, stop) im

determination [dItmIneISn] n de
terminacin f.

determine [dItmIn] vt determinar.

determined [dItmInd] adj (person)
decidido,a, resuelto,a; (attempt, effort) enrgico,a, persistente.

Determined no significa determina

do (cierto), que se traduce por particular.

determiner [dItmIn ] n ling deter


minante m.

deterrent [dIternt] adj disuasivo,a,

P n fuerza disuasoria, fuerza disua
detest [dItest] vt detestar, odiar, abo
rrecer: I detest cooking odio cocinar.
detonate [detneIt] vi estallar, deto
nar, explotar.
P vt hacer estallar, hacer explotar.
detonation [detneIS n] n detona
cin f.
detour [ditUr] n (in traffic) desvo.


[dItrQkt] vt to detract from

(achievement) quitar mrito(s) a, restar

valor a; (beauty) deslucir.
detractor [dItrQktr] n detractor,ra.
detritus [dItraIts] n 1 geol detrito,
detritus m. 2 (debris) deshechos mpl.
deuce [djUs] n (in tennis) cuarenta mpl
devaluation [divQljUeISn] n fin de
valuacin f, desvaloracin f.
devalue [divQljU] vt 1 fin (currency)
devaluar, desvalorizar. 2 (person,
achievement) subvalorar.
devastate [devsteIt] vt 1 (city, area,
country) devastar. 2 fam fig (person)
anonadar, apabullar.
devastation [devsteISn] n devasta
cin f
develop [dIvelp] vt 1 (gen) desarro
llar; (foster - trade, arts) fomentar, pro
pt & pp deterred, ger deterring.
mover. 2 (acquire - habit, quality, feature)
detergent [dItdZnt] n detergente m.
contraer, adquirir; (- talent, interest)
deteriorate [dItIrIreIt] vi (economy,
mostrar; (get - illness, disease) contraer.
health, situation, relations, material) dete
3 (exploit - resources) explotar; (- site, land)
riorarse; (weather, work) empeorar.
urbanizar. 4 (film, photograph) revelar.

P vi 1 (gen) desarrollarse; (- system) per

deterioration [dItIrIreIS
n] n (gen)
empeoramiento; (of material) deterioro.
feccionarse. 2 (evolve - emotion) conver



tirse (into, en), transformarse (into, dexterity [deksterItI] n (manual) des

treza, maa; (intellectual) habilidad f.
en); (plot, novel) desarrollarse. 3 (appear
- problem, complication, symptom) aparecer, diabetes [daIbitiz] n diabetes f.
surgir; (situation, crisis) producirse. 4 (of
pl diabetes.
film, photograph) salir.
diabolical [daIblIkl] adj 1 (evil) dia
developer [dIvelpr] n 1 (of land, propblico,a. 2 gb fam (extremely bad) es
erty - company) promotora inmobilia
pantoso,a, atroz.
ria, empresa constructora; (- person) diabolo [dIQblU] n dibolo.
constructor,ra. 2 (for photographs) re diacritic [daIkrItIk] adj diacrtico,a.
velador m.
P n signo diacrtico.
developing [dIvelpIN] adj (country) en diadem [daIdem] n diadema.
vas de desarrollo.
diaeresis [daIersIs] n diresis fpl.
development [dIvelpmnt] n 1 (gen)
pl diaereses [daIersiz].
desarrollo; (- of skill, system) perfeccin diagnose [daIgnUz] vt med diagnos
f; (fostering) fomento, promocin f; (evoticar.
lution) evolucin f. 2 (invention - of product) diagnosis [daIgnUsIs] n med diag
creacin f. 4 (event, incident) aconteci
miento, suceso; (advance) avance m,
pl diagnoses [daIgnUsis].
conquista. 5 (of resources) explotacin f; diagonal [daIQgnl] adj (line) diago
(of site, land, etc) urbanizacin f.
nal; (path) en diagonal.
deviance [divIns] n desviacin f.
P n diagonal f.
deviant [divInt] adj anormal.
diagram [daIgrQm] n (gen) diagrama
P n pervertido,a.
m; (graph) grfico, grfica; (of process,
deviate [divIeIt] vi desviarse (from, de).
system) esquema m.
device [dIvaIs] n 1 (object, equipment) dialect [daIlekt] n dialecto.
aparato, artefacto; (mechanism) meca dial [daIl] n 1 (of clock) esfera. 2 (of ranismo, dispositivo. 2 (scheme, trick) ar
dio) dial m.
did m, estratagema.
P vt marcar. c o m p dialling code prefijo

devil [dev l] n diablo, demonio.

(telefnico). y dialling tone seal f de
devious [divIs] adj tortuoso,a, si
dialogue [daIlg] n dilogo.
devise [dIvaIz] vt (plan, scheme) idear, diameter [daIQmItr] n dimetro.
concebir, crear; (object, tool) inventar.
diamond [daImnd] n 1 (stone) dia
devoid [dIvId] adj carente (of, de),
mante m, brillante m. 2 (shape) rom
desprovisto,a (of, de).
bo. 3 (in cards) diamante m.
devote [dIvUt] vt (time, effort) dedicar, diaper [daIpr] n us paal m.
diaphragm [daIfrQm] n diafragma m.
devoted [dIvUtId] adj (loyal - friend) fiel diarrhoea [daIrI] n diarrea.
(to, a), leal (to, a); (- couple) unido,a; diary [daIrI] n 1 (of thoughts, events, etc)
(- follower, supporter) ferviente; (selfless)
diario. 2 (for appointments) agenda.
abnegado,a: your devoted daughter tu
pl diaries.
hija que te quiere.
Diary no significa diario (peridico),
devotion [dIvUSn] n 1 (loyalty) lealtad
que se traduce por newspaper.
f, fidelidad f; (love) cario, afecto,
amor m. 2 (to work, research, cause) dedi diastole [daIstlI] n distole f.
cacin f, entrega. 3 rel (devoutness) de dice [daIs] n dado.
vocin f.
pl dice.
devour [dIvaUr] vt
dichotomy [daIktmI] n dicotoma.
dew [djU] n roco.
pl dichotomies.



dictate [(vb) dIkteIt; (n) dIkteIt] vt 1 (let-

ter, etc) dictar. 2 (state, lay down - law, demands, trends) ordenar; (terms, conditions)
P vi (read out) dictar.
P n mandato.
dictation [dIkteISn] n dictado.
dictator [dIkteItr] n dictador,ra.
dictatorship [dIkteItSIp] n dictadura.
dictionary [dIkSnrI] n diccionario.
pl dictionaries.

did [dId] pt do.

didnt [dIdnt] pt do.
didactic [dIdQktIk] adj didctico,a.
die [daI] vi morir, morirse.

a to die away vi (noise) desvanecerse,

irse apagando; (breeze) amainar.
die-hard [daIhAd] n intransigente mf.

dieresis [daIersIs] n us diaeresis.

diesel [dizl] n 1 (fuel) gasleo, gasoil m.
2 (car) coche m diesel.

diet [daIt] n (food) dieta (alimenticia),

alimentacin f. 2 (restricted food) rgi

men m, dieta. l o c to be on a diet estar
a rgimen. y to go on a diet ponerse a
P adj (food) de rgimen, bajo,a en ca
P vi estar a rgimen, estar a dieta,
hacer rgimen, hacer dieta.
differ [dIfr] vi 1 (be unlike) ser distinto,a
(from, de), ser diferente (from, de), di
ferir (from, de). 2 (disagree) discrepar
(about/on, en).
difference [dIfrns] n diferencia.
different [dIfrnt] adj diferente (from,
de), distinto,a (from, de).
differential [dIfrenSl] adj diferencial.
P n 1 fin diferencial m . 2 [tambin
differential gear] auto diferencial m.
differentiate [dIfrenSIeIt] vt diferen
ciar (from, de), distinguir (from, de).
P vi distinguir (between, entre).
difficult [dIfIklt] adj difcil.
difficulty [dIfIkltI] n dificultad f.

diffusion [dIfjUZ n] n difusin f.

dig [dIg] n 1 (poke, prod) codazo. 2 fam

(gibe) pulla; (hint) indirecta. 3 (by archaeologists) excavacin f.

P vt (ground, garden) cavar (en); (by machine - tunnel, trench) excavar; (by hand hole) hacer, cavar; (site) excavar.
a to dig into vt insep 1 (investigate, examine) investigar. 2 (resources, savings, reserves) echar mano de.
a to dig out vt sep (trapped person, car)
sacar, desenterrar.

pt & pp dug, ger digging.

daIdZest ; (vb) dIdZest] n
(summary) resumen m, compendio.
P vt digerir.
digestion [dIdZestSn] n digestin f.
digestive [daIdZestIv] adj digestivo,a.
digger [dIgr] n excavadora.
digit [dIdZIt] n 1 math dgito. 2 anat
(finger) dedo; (thumb) pulgar m.
digital [dIdZItl] adj 1 (watch, display, recording) digital. 2 anat dactilar, digital.
dignify [dIgnIfaI] vt dignificar.
pt & pp dignified, ger dignifying.
dignitary [dIgnItrI] n dignatario,a.
pl dignitaries.
dignity [dIgnItI] n dignidad f.
dilapidated [dIlQpIdeItId] adj (furni-

digest [ (n)

ture) desvencijado,a, en mal estado;

(building) ruinoso,a; (car) desvenci
jado,a, destartalado,a.

Dilapidated no significa dilapidado

(malgastado), que se traduce por wasted.

dilate [daIleIt] vt dilatar.

dilation [daIleISn] n dilatacin f.
dilemma [dIlem] n dilema m.
diligence [dIlIdZns] n diligencia.
dill [dIl] n eneldo.
dilute [daIlUt] vt 1 (liquid, concentrate)

diluir. 2 fig (criticism, effect, influence) ate

nuar, suavizar.
P adj diluido,a.
dilution [daIlUSn] n dilucin f.
pl difficulties.
dim [dIm] adj 1 (light) dbil, tenue; (room,
corridor, corner) oscuro,a. 2 fam (person)
diffuse [(adj) dIfjUs; (vb) dIfjUz] adj
tonto,a, corto,a (de luces).
(light, gas) difuso,a.
P vt (light, heat, news) difundir.
comp dimmer, superl dimmest.



P vt (light) atenuar, bajar; (eyes) nublar,

empaar; (memory) borrar, difuminar.

pt & pp dimmed, ger dimming.

[daIm] n us moneda de diez



dimension [dImenSn] n dimensin f.


n pl dimensions dimensiones fpl.

diminish [dImInIS] vt disminuir, reducir.

diminution [dImInjUSn] n disminu
cin f, reduccin f.


[dImInjtIv] adj 1 dimi

nuto,a. 2 ling diminutivo,a.
P n ling diminutivo.
dimmer [dIm r] [tambin dimmer
switch] n regulador m de intensidad
(de la luz).
dimple [dImpl] n hoyuelo.
din [dIn] n (of voices) barullo, alboroto;
(of traffic) estruendo, ruido.
dine [daIn] vi fml (gen) comer (on, -); (in
evening) cenar (on, -).
a to dine out vi cenar fuera.
diner [daInr] n 1 (person) comensal mf.
2 us restaurante m barato.
dinghy [dINgI] n bote m.

pl dinghies.

dingy [dIndZI] adj (dark, depressing - room,

house, street) lgubre, deprimente,
srdido,a; (drab - colour, wall, curtains)
deslucido,a; (dirty) sucio,a.
comp dingier, superl dingiest.

dining car [daInINkAr] n vagn m res


dining room [daInINrUm] n comedor m.

dinner [dInr] n (at midday) comida; (in

l o c to have dinner cenar.

dinner jacket esmoquin m, smo
king m.

evening) cena.

" En los pases anglosajones la cena se

sirve mucho ms temprano que en Espa

a (entre las 17 h 30 y las 19 h) y es la comi
da ms importante del da.

dinosaur [daInsr] n dinosaurio.

diocese [daIsIs] n dicesis f.
dioxide [daIksaId] n dixido.
dip [dIp] n 1 (downward slope) declive m,

so. 2 fam (quick swim) chapuzn m. 3

culin (sauce) salsa.
P vt 1 (put into liquid - pen, brush, bread)
mojar; (- hand, spoon) meter. 2 (lower head) agachar, bajar.
P vi bajar.
pt & pp dipped, ger dipping.

diphthong [dIfTN] n ling diptongo.

diploma [dIplUm] n diploma m.
diplomacy [dIplUmsI] n diplomacia.
diplomat [dIplmQt] n 1 (ambassador,

etc) diplomtico,a. 2 (tactful person)

persona diplomtica.
diplomatic [dIplmQtIk] adj diplom
dire [daI r] adj 1 (desperate, extreme)
extremo,a, urgente. 2 (serious, ominous) serio,a, grave. 3 (terrible, dreadful)
terrible, atroz.
direct [dIrekt, daIrekt] adj 1 (gen) direc
to,a. 2 (exact, complete) exacto,a. 3 (straight
forward - person) franco,a, sincero,a;
(- question) directo,a; (- answer) claro,a.
P adv (go, write, phone) directamente;
(broadcast) en directo.
P vt 1 (gen) dirigir. 2 (show the way) in
dicar el camino a.
direction [dIrekSn, daIrekSn] n direc
cin f.
P n pl directions instrucciones f pl de
uso. l o c to ask for directions pregun
tar cmo se va.
directive [dIrektIv] n directiva, direc
triz f.
director [dIrektr, daIrektr] n direc
directory [dIrektrI, daIrektrI] n 1 (telephone) gua telefnica, listn m (de
telfonos); (book, lost, index) directo
rio, gua. 2 [tambin street directory]
pl directories.
[dt] n 1 (dirtiness) suciedad f. 2
(earth) tierra. 3 fam (scandal, gossip)
chismes mpl, trapos mpl sucios.
dirty [dtI] adj 1 (gen) sucio,a; (stained)
manchado,a. c o m p dirty word pala


pendiente f; (drop
- in prices, temperature,
comp dirtier, superl dirtiest.
P vt ensuciar.
sales, production, profits) cada, descen




[dIsbIlItI] n (state) invali

dez f, discapacidad f, minusvala;
(handicap) desventaja, handicap m.

pl disabilities.


[dIseIb ld] adj minusv

lido,a. c o m p disabled access acceso
para minusvlidos.
P n pl the disabled los minusvlidos.


[dIsdvAntIdZ] n

(drawback) desventaja; (obstacle) incon

veniente m.

disadvantaged [dIsdvAntIdZd] adj


n pl the disadvantaged los desfavo

recidos mpl.

disagree [dIsgri] vi 1 (not agree) no es

tar de acuerdo (on, en), (with, con),

disentir (with, de), discrepar (with,
de), (on, en). 3 (food) sentar mal (with,
a); (weather) no convenir (with, a).
disagreeable [dIsgrIbl] adj desa
disagreement [dIsgrimnt] n 1 (difference of opinion) desacuerdo; (argument)
discusin f, ria, altercado. 2 (lack of
similarity) discrepancia.
disappear [dIspIr] vi desaparecer.
disappearance [dIspIrns] n desa
paricin f.
disappoint [dIspInt] vt decepcio
nar, defraudar, desilusionar.
disappointed [dIspIntId] adj de


[dIspIntmnt] n

desilusin f, decepcin f.

disapprove [dIsprUv] vt desaprobar

(of, -).

disarm [dIsAm] vt 1 (gen) desarmar;

(bomb) desactivar.


[dI sA m m nt ] n


[dIsnmnt] n (buen)
criterio, discernimiento.
discharge [(n) dIstSAdZ; (vb) dIstSAdZ]
n 1 descarga. 2 (of prisoner) liberacin
f, puesta en libertad; (of patient) alta. 3
(of worker) despido.
P vt 1 (give, send out - sewage, waste, oil)
verter; (smoke, fumes) despedir; (- electric current) descargar. 2 (prisoner) libe
rar, poner en libertad; (patient) dar de
alta. 3 (dismiss) despedir.
disciple [dIsaIpl] n discpulo,a.
disciplinary [dIsIplInrI] adj discipli
discipline [dIsIplIn] n 1 (behaviour) dis
ciplina. 2 (punishment) castigo.
disclose [dIsklUz] vt 1 (make known) re
velar, dar a conocer. 2 (show) mos
trar, dejar ver.
disco [dIskU] n fam disco f, discoteca.

pl discos.

discomfort [dIskmft] n 1 incomo

didad f. 2 inquietud f, desasosiego.

disconnect [dIsknekt] vt (from mains)

desconectar; (gas, electricity, etc) cortar.

[dIsknslt] adj des
discontent [dIskntent] n descontento.
discontinue [dIskntInjU] vt (service)
suspender, interrumpir; (model) dejar
de fabricar.
discotheque [dIsktek] n fml discoteca.
discount [(n) dIskaUnt; (vb) dIskaUnt] n
P vt (goods) rebajar; (price) reducir;
(amount, bill of exchange) descontar.
discourage [dIskrIdZ] vt 1 (dishearten)
desanimar, desalentar. 2 (dissuade)
disuadir (from, de).



[dIskrIdZmnt] n

desaliento, desnimo.
discover [dIskvr] vt (find - gen) descu
disaster [dIzAst ] n desastre m.
brir; (mistake, loss, fact) descubrir, dar
disbelief [dIsbIlif] n incredulidad f.
se cuenta de.
disc [dIsk] n disco. c o m p disc jockey discoverer [dIskvrr] n descubri
pinchadiscos m sing.
discard [dIskAd] vt desechar, desha discovery [dIskvrI] n descubri
cerse de.
discern [dIsn] vt percibir, distinguir.
pl discoveries.
desarme m.


[dIskredIt] n (dishonour, dis-

disenchantment [dIsIntSAntmnt] n

discreet [dIskrit] adj (gen) discreto,a;

disengage [dIsIngeIdZ] vt 1 (free - gen)

grace) descrdito.

(distance) prudencial.


[dIskrepnsI] n discre

pl discrepancies.
discrete [dIskrit] adj diferenciado,a,


Discrete no significa discreto, que

se traduce por discreet.

discretion [dIskreSn] n 1 (quality of be-

ing discreet) discrecin f; (prudence) pru

dencia. 2 (judgement) criterio, juicio.
discriminate [dIskrImIneIt] vi (treat differently) discriminar (against, a; between, entre).
P vt (see a difference) distinguir ( from,
de), discriminar.


[dIskrImIneISn] n 1

(bias) discriminacin f. 2 (distinction) di

ferenciacin f, distincin f. 3 (judgement) discernimiento, criterio.
discus [dIsks] n (object) disco.
P n the discus (event, sport) el lanza
miento de disco.

pl discuses o disci [diskaI].

[dIsks] vt (talk about - person)


hablar de; (- subject, topic) hablar de,

tratar; (- plan, problem) discutir.

To discuss no significa discutir (pe

learse), que se traduce por to argue.

debate m.

[dIskS n] n discusin f,

Discussion no significa discusin

(pelea), que se traduce por argument.

disdain [dIsdeIn] n desdn m, desprecio.


vt desdear, despreciar.

disease [dIziz] n enfermedad f.

disembark [dIsImbAk] vt desembar


[dIsImbAkeIS n] n

(of people) desembarco; (of goods) de

sembarque m.

desencanto, desilusin f.

soltar ( from, de); (gears, mechanism)

desconectar. 2 mil (troops) retirar
(from, de).
disentangle [dIsIntQNgl] vt (unravel)
desenredar, desenmaraar.
disfavour [dIsfeIvr] n desaprobacin f.
disfigure [dIsfIgr] vt (face, person) des
figurar; (building, town, landscape) afear,
disgrace [dIsgreIs] n 1 (loss of favour)
desgracia; (loss of honour) deshonra,
deshonor m . 2 (shame) escndalo,
P vt 1 (bring shame on) deshonrar. 2 (discredit) desacreditar.

d i s g ra c e f u l

[dIsgreIsfUl] adj

vergonzoso,a: its disgraceful es vergon

zoso, es una vergenza.
disguise [dIsgaIz] n disfraz m. l o c in
disguise disfrazado,-a.
P vt (person) disfrazar (as, de); (voice,
handwriting) disimular.
disgust [dIsgst] n (revulsion) asco, re
pugnancia; (strong disapproval) indig
nacin f.
P vt (revolt) repugnar, dar asco a; (disapprove) indignar.

To disgust no significa disgusto, que

se traduce por displeasure o sorrow.


[dIsgstIN] adj asquero

so,a, repugnante.
dish [dIS] n 1 (plate) plato; (for serving)
fuente f. 2 culin (food) plato. 3 tv an
tena parablica.
P n pl dishes (crockery) platos mpl, vaji
lla f sing. l o c to do the dishes lavar los
dishcloth [dISklT] n trapo, bayeta.
dishearten [dIshAtn] vt descorazo
nar, desanimar, desalentar.
dishevel [dISevl] vt despeinar.

pt & pp dishevelled (us disheveled),

ger dishevelling (us disheveling).
dishonest [dIsnIst] adj (person, answer)

disenchanted [dIsIntSAntId]
deshonesto,a, poco honrado,a;
desencantado,a, desilusionado,a.

(means, etc) fraudulento,a.



dishonour [dIsn ] n deshonra, des



disobey [dIsbeI] vt desobedecer.

disorder [dIsdr] n desorden m.
disordered [dIsdd] adj des or

honor m.
P vt deshonrar.


[dIsnrb l] adj

dishwasher [dISwSr] n (machine) la

vaplatos m, lavavajillas m; (person)

lavaplatos mf.
disillusion [dIsIlUZn] vt desilusionar.
disinfect [dIsInfekt] vt desinfectar.
disinfection [dIsInfekSn] n desinfec
cin f.
disinherit [dIsInherIt] vt desheredar.
disintegration [dIsIntIgreISn] n des
integracin f.
disinter [dIsIntr] vt fml desenterrar.

pt & pp disinterred, ger disinterring.

c o m p disk drive

disk [dIsk] n (gen) disco.



diskette [dIsket] n comput disquete m.

dislike [dIslaIk] n aversin f, antipa

dislocation [dIslkeISn] n med dislo

cacin f.

dislodge [dIsldZ] vt 1 (object) sacar. 2

(person) desalojar (from , de).

disloyal [dIslIl] adj desleal (to, a/
dismal [dIzml] adj sombro,a, depri
mente, lgubre.
dismantle [dIsmQntl] vt (take apart machinery) desmontar; (- furniture)
dismay [dIsmeI] n consternacin f.
P vt consternar.

To dismay no significa desmayo,

que se traduce por faint.


[dIsbidInt] adj de


disorganisation [dIsgnaIzeISn] n

disorganization [dIsgnaIzeISn] n
desorganizacin f.

disorganize [dIsgnaIz] vt desorga



[dIsgnaIzd] adj



[dIsrInteIt] vt deso


desorientacin f.

[dIsrInteIS n] n

disown [dIsUn] vt renegar de, repu


disparity [dIspQrItI] n fml (inequality)

disparidad f; (difference) discrepancia.
pl disparities.

dispatch [dIspQtS] n 1 mensaje, des

pacho. 2 (journalists report) noticia, re

portaje m.
P vt 1 (send) enviar, expedir. 2 (finish
quickly) despachar.

To dispatch no significa despachar

(despedir), que se traduce por to dismiss.

dispel [dIspel] vt disipar.

pt & pp dispelled, ger dispelling.

dispensary [dIspensrI] n (in hospital)

dispensario; (in school) enfermera.
pl dispensaries.

dispense [dIspens] vt 1 (distribute) dis

tribuir, repartir. 2 jur (justice) admi

nistrar. 3 fml (public service) suminis
trar, administrar.
sechar. 2 (sack) despedir.
a to dispense with vt insep prescindir
dismissal [dIsmIsl] n 1 descarte m,
de, pasar sin.
abandono. 2 (sacking - of employee) des
pido; (- of official, minister) destitucin f. dispenser [dIspensr] n mquina ex
dismissive [dIsmIsIv] adj desde
disperse [dIsps] vt dispersar.
dismount [dIsmaUnt] vi desmontarse dispersed [dIspst] adj disperso,a.
(from, de), apearse (from, de).
displace [dIspleIs] vt 1 (gen) desplazar;
(bone) dislocar. 2 (replace) sustituir, reem
disobedience [dIsbidIns]
n de


[dIsmIs] vt 1 descartar, de



[dIspleI] n 1 exposicin f ,
muestra. 2 comput visualizacin f.
P vt 1 exhibir, exponer. 5 comput vi
displease [dIspliz] vt fml disgustar.
displeasure [dIspleZr] n disgusto.
disposable [dIspUzbl] adj desecha
ble, de usar y tirar.
disposal [dIspUzl] n 1 eliminacin f.
2 disponibilidad f.
dispose [dIspUz] vt 1 disponer, colo
car. 2 fml predisponer (to/towards,
a to dispose of vt insep 1tirar, desha
cerse de.

dissatisfaction [dIssQtIsfQkSn] n in
satisfaccin f, descontento.


[dIssQtIsfaId] adj insa

tisfecho,a, descontento,a.
dissect [dIsekt, daIsekt] vt diseccionar.
disseminate [dIsemIneIt] vt fml di
vulgar, difundir, diseminar.
dissemination [dIsemIneISn] n fml
diseminacin f, difusin f.
dissent [dIsent] n desacuerdo, dis
conformidad f.
P vi disentir, discrepar.
dissenting [dIsentIN] adj discrepante.
dissertation [dIsteISn] n 1 (formal discourse) disertacin f. 2 educ (for lower
, To dispose no significa disponer de
degree, masters) tesina; (for PhD) tesis f
(tener), que se traduce por to have.
disposition [dIspzISn] n 1 fml carc dissidence [dIsIdns] n disidencia.
ter m. 2 disposicin f.
dissident [dIsIdnt] adj disidente.
P n disidente mf.
dispossess [dIspzes] vt desposeer,
dissimilar [dIsImIlr] adj diferente (to,
disproportionate [dIsprpSnt] adj
de), distinto,a (to, de/a).
desproporcionado,a (to, a).
dissimilarity [dIsImIlQrItI] n diferen
disprove [dIsprUv] vt (theory) refutar,
dissimulate [dIsImjleIt] vt fml disi
disputable [dIspjUtbl] adj discuti
mular; ocultar, encubrir.
P vi fml disimular.
dispute [(n) dIspjUt; (vb) dIspjUt] n dissipate [dIsIpeIt] vt dispersar; di
discusin f.
P vi discutir.
P vi disiparse, desvanecerse.

disqualification [dIskwlIfIkeIS n] n dissipated [dIsIpeItId] adj disoluto,a,

descalificacin f.
disqualify [dIskwlIfaI] vt descalificar.
dissociate [dIsUSIeIt] vt (separate) di
pt & pp disqualified, ger disqualifysociar (from, de), separar (from, de).
dissolve [dIzlv] vt disolver.
disregard [dIsrIgAd] n indiferencia
dissuade [dIsweId] vt disuadir (from,
(for, hacia); despreocupacin f.
P vt (danger, difficulty) ignorar, despre
dissuasion [dIsweIZn] n disuasin f.
disrespect [dIsrIspekt] n falta de res dissuasive [dIsweIsIv] adj disuaso
disrespectful [dIsrIspektfUl] adj distance [dIstns] n (gen) distan
cia. l o c from a distance desde lejos. y
irrespetuoso,a; irreverente.
in the distance a lo lejos.
disrupt [dIsrpt] vt interrumpir.
P vt distanciar.
disruption [dIsrpSn] n (of meeting) in
terrupcin f; (of traffic) problemas mpl. distant [dIstnt] adj lejano,a, distante.
disruptive [dIsrptIv]
adj perjudicial, distaste [dIsteIst] n aversin f, desa
nocivo,a; perturbador,ra.



distasteful [dIsteIstfUl] adj (idea, task)

desagradable; (joke, remark) de mal
distend [dIstend] vt dilatar, hinchar.
P vi dilatarse, hincharse.
distil [dIstIl] vt destilar.

pt & pp distilled, ger distilling.

distill [dIstIl] vt us distil.
distillation [dIstIleISn] n destilacin f.
distiller [dIstIlr] n destilador,ra.
distillery [dIstIlrI] n destilera.
pl distilleries.
distinct [dIstINkt] adj distinto,a
(from, a), diferente (from, de).
distinction [dIstINkSn] n 1 diferen
cia, distincin f. 3 gb matrcula de



[dIstINktIv] adj distin

tivo,a, caracterstico,a; personal,
distinctly [dIstINktlI] adv con clari

Distinctly no significa de forma dis

tinta, que se traduce por differently.

distinguish [dIstINgwIS] vt distinguir.


vi distinguir (between, entre).

[dIstINgwISt] adj dis


distort [dIstt] vt deformar.

distortion [dIstSn] n deformacin f.
distract [dIstrQkt] vt distraer (from,


distributor [dIstrIbjt ] n distribui



district [dIstrIkt] n (of town, city) distri

to, barrio; (of country) regin f, zona.

distrust [dIstrst] n desconfianza, re

vt desconfiar de, no fiarse de.
disturb [dIstb] vt molestar.
disturbed [dIstbd] adj pertur
disturbing [dIstbIN] adj inquietante.
disuse [dIsjUs] n desuso.
ditch [dItS] n (gen) zanja; (at roadside)
cuneta; (for irrigation) acequia.
P vt fam deshacerse de.
P vi av hacer un aterrizaje forzoso.
dither [dIDr] vi vacilar, titubear.
ditto [dItU] n (in list) dem m.
diuretic [daIjretIk] adj diurtico,a.
diurnal [daInl] adj diurno,a.
divan [dIvQn] n (couch) divn m, cana
p m.
dive [daIv] n 1 (into water) zambullida;
(in competition) salto (de trampoln); (underwater) buceo; (whale) inmersin f. 2
(of plane, bird) picado.
P vi [ us pt dove [dUv] ] 1 (into water)
zambullirse, tirarse (de cabeza); (in
competition) saltar; (underwater) bucear;
(whale) sumergirse. 2 (birds, planes) ba
jar en picado. 3 (move suddenly) preci
pitarse hacia.
a to dive in vi zambullirse, tirarse de
diver [daIvr] n buzo, submarinista mf.
diverge [daIvdZ] vi (gen) divergir;
(roads) bifurcarse.
divergence [daIvdZns] n divergen
divergent [daIvdZnt] adj divergente.
diverse [daIvs] adj diverso,a, va

[dIstrQktIN] adj (noise)

molesto,a; (presence) que distrae.
distraction [dIstrQkSn] n distraccin
f. 2 desconsuelo, afliccin f.
distraught [dIstrt] adj afligido,a.
distress [dIstres] n (mental) afliccin f,
angustia; (physical) dolor m; (exhaustion)
agotamiento. c o m p distress call seal
de socorro.
diversification [daIvsIfIkeISn] n 1
P vt (upset) afligir; (grieve) consternar.
(variety) variedad f. 2 comm diversifi
distressing [dIstresIN] adj penoso,a,
cacin f.
diversify [daIvsIfaI] vt diversificar.
distribute [dIstrIbjUt] vt distribuir.
pt & pp diversified, ger diversifying.
distribution [dIstrIb
jUSn] n distribu diversion [daIvSn] n desvo, desvia
cin f.
cin f.



diversity [daIvsItI] n diversidad f.

divert [daIvt] vt 1 desviar. 2 divertir.
divest [daIvest] vt despojar, privar

fam (cheat, swindle) estafar, timar. l o c

how do you do? (greeting) buenos das,
buenas tardes; (answer) mucho gusto.

divide [dIvaId] vt dividir, separar.

. Do es el verbo auxiliar que se emplea

en ingls con la mayora de los verbos pa
ra formar las preguntas (do you like
dancing? te gusta bailar?; does she live
in Spain? vive en Espaa?) y formar las
frases negativas (I dont want to go no
quiero ir; he doesnt play tennis no jue
ga a tenis). Tambin sirve para sustituir al
verbo principal en las respuestas (did you
see the film? no I didnt viste la pel
cula no, no la vi) y para otros usos, como
en las question tags o como manera de
enfatizar una afirmacin.

(of, de).

vi dividirse, bifurcarse.
P n fml divisin f, diferencia.
divided [dIvaIdId] adj (opinion) dividi


dividend [dIvIdend] n dividendo.

divider [dIvaIdr] n (in file) separador
m; (in room) mampara.

dividers [dIvaIdz] n pl comps m de

punta (fija).

divine [dIvaIn] adj divino,a.

diviner [dIvaInr] n zahor m.
diving [daIvIN] n 1 buceo, submari

nismo. 2 (in competition) saltos mpl (de

trampoln). c o m p diving board tram
poln m. y diving mask gafas f pl de
divinity [dIvInItI] n 1 (quality, state) di
vinidad f. 2 (subject) teologa.
pl divinities.

divisible [dIvIzbl] adj divisible.

division [dIvIZn] n divisin f, reparto.
divisor [dIvaIzr] n divisor m.
divorce [dIvs] n divorcio.

vi divorciarse.

divorced [dIvst] adj divorciado,a.

divulge [daIvldZ] vt divulgar, reve

DIY [diaIwaI] abbr gb (do-it-yourself)

bricolaje m.

dizziness [dIzIns] n mareo, vrtigo.

dizzy [dIzI] adj 1 (person) mareado,a. 2

(speed, pace) vertiginoso,a; (height) de

comp dizzier, superl dizziest.

DJ1 [didZeI] abbr gb fam (dinner jacket)

esmoquin m, smoking m.

DJ2 [didZeI] abbr (disc jockey) pincha

discos m, disc-jockey m.


[dieneI] abbr (deoxyribonucleic

a to do away with vt insep


abolir, su

a to do for vt insep (manage) arreglrse

las para conseguir.
a to do in vt sep fam matar, agotar.
a to do up vt sep 1 fam (fasten, belt)
abrochar(se). 2 (wrap) envolver. 3
(dress up) arreglar.
a to do with vt insep (need) venir bien a.
a to do without vi arreglrselas sin.

pt did [dId], pp done [dn], ger doing.

doc [dk] n fam doctor,ra.

docile [dUsaIl] adj dcil.
dock1 [dk] n 1 mar (gen) muelle m; (for

cargo) drsena. 2 jur banquillo (de los

P vt (ship) atracar ( at , a); (spaceship)
P n pl docks puerto.
dock2 [dk] vt 1 (animals tail) cortar. 2
(wages) descontar dinero de.
docker [dkr] n estibador,ra, carga
dockland [dklQnd] n zona del puer
to, zona portuaria.

" En Londres Docklands es la antigua zo

na portuaria cerca del ro Tmesis donde

acid) cido desoxirribonucleico; (abse han establecido muchas grandes em
breviation) ADN m.
presas, sobre todo del sector financiero.
do [dU] vt 1 (gen) hacer. 2 (as job) dedi
carse. 3 (be sufficient
for) ser suficiente; dockside [dksaId] n drsena.
(be satisfactory for, acceptable to) ir bien a. 4 dockyard [dkjAd] n astillero.



doctor [dkt ] n mdico,a, doctor,



vt pej falsificar, amaar.

doctorate [dktrt] n doctorado.

doctrine [dktrIn] n doctrina.
document [dkjmnt] n documento.

vt documentar.

documentary [dkjmentrI] adj do

P n documental m.

pl documentaries.


[dkjmnteIS n] n

documentacin f.

dodder [ddr] vi fam andar tamba


doddery [ddrI] adj fam chocho,a.

doddle [ddl] c o m p its a doddle fam

es pan comido, est chupado.

dodecagon [dUdekgn] n dodec


[dUdekhidrn] n


[dUdeksIlb l] n



[dgmQtIk] adj dogm

dogmatism [dgmtIzm] n dogma


dog-tired [dgtaId] adj rendido,a,

hecho,a polvo.

doh [dU] n mus do.

do-it-yourself [dUItjself] n bricola
je m.

dole [dUl] n the dole gb fam el subsi

dio de desempleo, el paro.

a to dole out vt sep repartir, dar.

doll [dl] n mueca.
a to doll up vt sep fam poner



dollar [dlr] n dlar m.

dolly [dlI] n (doll) mueca.
pl dollies.

dolmen [dlmn] n dolmen m.

dolphin [dlfIn] n delfn m.
domain [dmeIn] n 1 (lands) dominios

mpl. 2 (in computing) dominio. 3 (sphere

of knowledge) campo, esfera; (area of activity) mbito.

dome [dUm] n arch (roof) cpula; (ceiling) bveda.
dodge [ddZ] n 1 (quick movement) regate
domestic [dmestIk] adj 1 dom s
m. 2 fam (trick) truco, treta, artimaa.
tico,a: domestic animal animal domsti
P vt esquivar.
co. 2 hogareo,a, casero,a. 3 (news,
dodgems [ddZmz] n pl coches mpl
flight) nacional; (trade, policy) interior;
de choque, autos mpl de choque.
(affairs, policy, market) interno,a.
dodgy [ddZI] adj 1 fam (risky) arriesga
[dmestIkeIt] vt domes
do,a. 2 fam (person) que no es de fiar.
comp dodgier, superl dodgiest.
domicile [dmIsaIl] n jur domicilio.
doe [dU] n (of deer) gama; (of rabbit) co
dominance [dmInns] n dominio.
dominant [dmInnt] adj dominante.
does [dz] pres do.
dominate [dmIneIt] vt dominar.

doesnt [dz nt] contr (does + not) do.

P vi (predominate) predominar.
dog [dg] n perro,a.
domination [dmIneISn] n domina
P vt (pursue) perseguir.
cin f.
pt & pp dogged, ger dogging.
domineer [dmInIr] vi avasallar.
dogged [dgId] adj terco,a, obstina domineering [dmInIrIN] adj domi
doggie [dgI] n doggy.
Dominica [dmInik] n Dominica.
doggy [dgI] n perrito,a.
Dominican [dmInIkn] adj domini
pl doggies.
doghouse [dghaUs] n us caseta del
P n dominicano,a. c o m p Dominican
Republic Repblica Dominicana.
dogma [dgm] n dogma m.
dominion [dmInjn] n dominio.



domino [dmInU] n ficha de domin.

n pl dominoes (game) domin m.

pl dominoes.
donate [dUneIt] vt donar.
donation [dUneISn] n 1 (act) dona
cin f. 2 (gift) donativo.
done [dn] pp do.
P adj 1 (finished) terminado,a,
hecho,a. 2 bien visto,a.
donkey [dNkI] n burro,a, asno.
donor [dUnr] n donante m.
dont [dUnt] aux (do + not) do.
donut [dUnt] n doughnut.
doodle [dUdl] vi garabatear.
P n garabato.
doom [dUm] n (fate) destino; (ruin) fa
talidad f; (death) muerte f.
P vt (destine) destinar; (condemn) conde

pl dormice [dmaIs].

dorsal [dsl] adj dorsal.

dosage [dUsIdZ] n (amount) dosis f; (on
medicine bottle) posologa.

dose [dUs] n dosis f.


vt medicar.

doss [ds] n fam (short sleep) cabezada.

a to doss down vi gb


fam echarse a

dossier [dsIeI] n expediente m, dos

sier m.

dot [dt] n (spot) punto.

P vt 1 (letter) poner el punto a. 2 (scatter) esparcir, salpicar.

pt & pp dotted, ger dotting.


dote [dUt] vi to dote on adorar.

dotted [dtId] adj (line) de puntos.
dotty [dtI] adj gb fam chiflado,a.

puerta, entrada.

double [dbl] adj doble.

door [dr] n 1 (gen) puerta. 2 (entrance)

doorbell [dbel] n timbre m.
doorknob [dnb] n pomo.
doorman [dmn] n portero.
doormat [dmQt] phr felpudo.
doorstep [dstep] n 1 peldao, um

bral m. 2 gb fam (thick slice of bread) re

banada gruesa de pan.
doorstop [dstp] n cua, tope.
door-to-door [dtd] adj de puerta
en puerta, a domicilio.
doorway [dweI] n entrada, portal m.
dope [dUp] vt 1 fam (food, drink) adul
terar con drogas, poner droga en. 2
sp (athlete, horse) dopar, drogar.
doping [dUpIN] n dopaje m, doping m.
dormant [dmnt] adj 1 (volcano) inac
tivo,a; (animal, plant) aletargado,a.
2 fig (idea, emotion, rivalry) latente.
dormer [dm r] [tambin dormer
window] n buhardilla.
dormitory [dmItrI] n 1 (in boarding
school, hostel) dormitorio. 2 us residen
cia de estudiantes, colegio mayor.
pl dormitories.

comp dottier, superl dottiest.

c o m p double
bass contrabajo. y double bed cama
de matrimonio. y double room habi

tacin doble.
n doble.
P vt 1 (increase twofold) doblar, duplicar.
2 (fold in half) doblar por la mitad.
P n pl doubles (tennis) partido de do
a to double back vi volver sobre sus
a to double up vt sep doblar.
P vi 1 (with pain, laughter) doblarse; (with
laughter) partirse, mondarse. 2 (share)
compartir la habitacin.
double-click [dblklIk] vi hacer do
ble clic.
double-cross [dblkrs] vt fam enga
ar, traicionar.
double-dealing [dbldilIN] n doble
double-decker [dbldekr] n [tam
bin double-decker bus] gb autobs m
de dos pisos.

" Double-decker es cualquier vehculo de

dos pisos. Sin embargo el double-decker
por antonomasia es el clsico autobs lon
dinense rojo.
dormouse [dmaUs]
n lirn m.

Dormitory no significa dormitorio (de

una casa), que se traduce por bedroom.



double-edged [dbledZd] adj de do

downhill [daUnhIl] adv cuesta abajo.


download [daUnlUd] vt bajar; (inter-

ble filo.

[dblpAk] vt estacio

nar en doble fila.

[daUt] n (gen) duda; incerti
dumbre f.
P vi dudar.
doubtful [daUtfUl] adj dudoso,a,
doubtless [daUtls] adv sin duda, in
dough [dU] n 1 culin masa. 2 sl (money) pasta.
doughnut [dUnt] n rosquilla, do
nut m.
Douro [dUrU] n el Duero.
douse [daUs] vt 1 (extinguish - light, candle) apagar. 2 (soak) mojar, empapar.
dove1 [dv] n (bird) paloma (blanca).


dove2 [dUv] pt us dive.

dovecote [dvkeUt] n palomar m.
dowdy [daUdI] adj pej sin gracia, sin

comp dowdier, superl dowdiest.

down1 [daUn] prep 1 (to a lower level) (ha

n (in skiing) descenso.

net) descargar.

downpour [daUnpr] n chaparrn m,



[daUnraIt] adj fam des

P adv fam muy, absolutamente.
downs [daUnz] n pl gb colinas fpl.

Downs syndrome [daUnz sIndrUm]

n med sndrome m de Down.

downstairs [daUnstez] adv (down the

stairs) abajo.
adj (room) (del piso) de abajo.
P n planta baja.



[daUnstrim] adv ro

[daUntaUn] adj

P n us centro de la ciudad.




[daUnwd] adj (movement)

descendente; (direction, pressure) hacia
downwards [daUnwdz] adv hacia
downy [daUnI] adj aterciopelado,a.

cia) abajo. 2 (at a lower level) abajo. 3

(along) por: cut it down the middle crtalo
por la mitad.
comp downier, superl downiest.
P adv 1 (to lower level) (hacia) abajo. 2
[daUrI] n dote f.
(on paper, in writing): she wrote his phone
pl dowries.
number down apunt su telfono.
doze [dUz] n cabezada.
P vt 1 (knock over, force to ground) derri
P vi dormitar, echar una cabezada.
bar, tumbar. 2 fam (drink) beberse r
a to doze off vi quedarse dorm i
pidamente: he downed the glass in one se
bebi el vaso de un trago.

down2 [daUn] n (on bird) plumn m; (on dozen [dz n] n docena.

adj 1 (sleepy) adorm i
peach) pelusa; (on body) vello.
lado,a. 2 gb fam (stupid) tonto,a.
downcast [daUnkAst] adj abatido,a.
comp dozier, superl dozier.
downer [daUnr] n 1 fam (drug) cal
mante m, sedante m. 2 (blow, depressing Dr [dktr] abbr (Doctor) Doctor,ra;
(abbreviation) Dr., Dra.
experience) palo.
downfall [daUnfl] n 1 fig (of person) drab [drQb] adj 1 (colour) apagado,a;
(appearance) soso,a, sin gracia. 2
perdicin f, ruina. 2 (of regime, dictator,
(dreary - life) montono,a, gris.
etc) cada.
downgrade [daUngreId] vt 1 (demote) draft [drAft] n 1 (rough copy - of letter,
bajar de categora. 2 (make seem unimspeech, etc) borrador m; (of plot) esbozo;
portant) restar importancia a.
(of plan, project) anteproyecto. 2 fin (bill
of exchange) letra de cambio, giro. 3 us
downhearted [daUnhAtId]
adj desa
nimado,a, desmoralizado,a.
(conscription) (reclutamiento para el)



servicio militar obligatorio. 4 us

P adj (version, copy) preliminar.
draftsman [drAftsmn] n us draughts
drag [drQg] n (hindrance) estorbo (on,
para), carga (on, para).
P vt (pull, cause to trail) arrastrar, llevar a

a to drag on vi

alargarse, prolongar
se, hacerse interminable.
a to drag out vt sep alargar, prolongar.
a to drag up vt sep (revive, recall) sacar a

pt & pp dragged, ger dragging.

[drQgn] n 1 (mythology) dra
gn m. 2 fam (woman) bruja.
dragonfly [drQgnflaI] n liblula.
pl dragonflies.
drain [dreIn] n desage m, alcantarilla.
P vt 1 (empty) vaciar; (- wound, blood)
drenar. 2 (rice, pasta, vegetables, etc) es



[dreIp] vt 1 (decorate) drapear;

(cover) cubrir (in/with, con). 2 (part of
body) descansar, acomodar.
P n pl drapes us (curtains) cortinas fpl.
drastic [drQstIk] adj drstico,a.
draught [drAft] n 1 (of cold air) corrien
te f (de aire). 2 (swallow of beer, etc) tra
go. 3 (medicine) pcima. 4 (piece in game)
dama, pieza.
P n pl draughts gb damas fpl.
draughtboard [drAftbd] n tablero
de damas.
draughtsman [drAftsmn] n 1 (artist)
delineante mf. 2 gb (in game) ficha de

pl draughtsmen [drAftsmn].



[drAftswUmn] n

pl draughtswomen [drAftswImIn].

draw [dr] n 1 (raffle, lottery) sorteo. 2

sp (tie - gen) empate m . 3 (attraction)

atraccin f.
P vt 1 (sketch - picture) dibujar; (- plans)
trazar. 2 (move) llevar. 3 (pull out, take
out - gen) sacar, extraer; (bow) tensar. 4
sp (tie) empatar. 5 (attract) atraer. 6 (produce, elicit) provocar, obtener; (- praise)
a to draw back vi 1 (move away) retirar
se, retroceder. 2 (pull out) echarse
atrs, volverse atrs.
a to draw in vi 1 (of days) acortarse. 2
(train) llegar.
a to draw off vt sep (liquid) sacar, extraer.
a to draw on vt insep (make use of - experience, etc) recurrir a, hacer uso de; (- money, savings) utilizar, recurrir a.
P vi (approach - winter, night, etc) acercarse.
a to draw up vt sep (draft - contract, treaty,
etc) preparar, redactar; (- list) hacer; (plan) esbozar.
P vi (of vehicle) detenerse, pararse.

P vi 1 (discharge - pipes, rivers) desaguar. 2
(dry out) escurrir (off, -), escurrirse (off, -).
3 fig (strength, energy, etc) irse agotando.
P n pl the drains (of town) el alcantari
llado m sing; (of building) las tuberas fpl
del desage.
a to drain away vi (liquid - empty) va
drainage [dreInIdZ] n 1 drenaje,
desage m. 2 (drains - of town) alcanta
rillado; (of building) desage m. c o m p
drainage basin cuenca hidrogrfica.
drainpipe [dreInpaIp] n (pipe) tubo de
drake [dreIk] n pato (macho).
drama [drAm] n 1 theat (play) obra
de teatro; (plays, literature) teatro, dra
ma m. 2 (as school subject) expresin f
corporal; (at drama school) arte m dra
pt drew [dru], pp drawn [drn].
drawback [drbQk] n inconveniente
dramatic [drmQtIk] adj dramt i
m, desventaja.
co,a, teatral, emocionante.
drawbridge [drbrIdZ] n puente m
dramatist [drQmtIst] n dramatur
[drr] n 1 (in furniture) cajn m.
drank [drQNk] pt drink.
2 (draughtsperson) dibujante mf.



drawing [drIN] n dibujo: shes good at

drawing dibuja muy bien. l o c to go

back to the drawing board volver a

empezar, empezar de nuevo. c o m p

drawing board tablero de dibujo. y
drawing pin gb chincheta. y drawing
room sala de estar, saln m.

drawn [drn] pp draw.


adj 1 (face - tired, haggard) ojeroso,a,

cansado,a; (- worried) preocupado,a.

2 sp (match, etc) empatado,a.
dread [dred] n terror m, pavor m.
P vt temer, tener terror a: hes dreading
the exam el examen le da terror.
dreadful [dredfUl] adj 1 (shocking) terri
ble, espantoso,a, atroz. 2 fam (awful) fatal, horrible, malsimo,a: how
dreadful! qu horror!
dream [drim] n 1 (while asleep) sueo: I
had a bad dream tuve una pesadilla; sweet
dreams! felices sueos! 2 (daydream) en
sueo, sueo: he lives in a dream vive en
las nubes. 3 (hope, fantasy) sueo (do
rado), deseo, ilusin f: the house of
your dreams la casa de tus sueos.
P adj (imaginary) imaginario,a; (ideal)
ideal, de ensueo: your dream holiday
las vacaciones de tus sueos.
P vt 1 (while asleep) soar: I dreamt that I
was flying so que volaba. 2 (imagine)
imaginarse: I never dreamt youd actually
do it nunca me imagin que lo haras de
P vi 1 (while asleep) soar ( about/of,
con); (daydream) soar (despierto,a): I
dreamt about you last night so contigo
anoche; dream on sigue soando. 2 (imagine) soar (of, con); (contemplate) soar
despierto: I dream of having my own business sueo con tener mi propia empresa.
a to dream up vt sep fam pej (excuse) in
ventarse; (plan) idear.
pt & pp dreamed o dreamt [dremt].

dreamer [drimr] n soador,ra.

dreamt [dremt] pt & pp dream.
dreary [drIrI] adj 1 (gen) triste, depri


[dredZ] vt & vi (river, lake, etc)

dragar, rastrear.

dredge2 [dredZ] vt culin (with sugar) es

polvorear; (with flour) enharinar, re

drench [drentS] vt empapar. l o c to
be/get drenched empaparse. y to be
drenched to the skin estar calado,a
hasta los huesos.
dress [dres] n 1 (for women) vestido. 2
(clothing) ropa, vestimenta.
P adj (shirt, suit) de etiqueta. c o m p dress
rehearsal theat ensayo general.
P vt 1 (person) vestir. 2 med (wound)
vendar. 3 culin (poultry, crab) aderezar,
preparar; (salad) aliar. 4 (shop window)
arreglar, decorar; (Christmas tree) de
corar, adornar; (hair) arreglar.
P vi (gen) vestirse; (formally) vestirse
de etiqueta. l o c to get dressed ves
a to dress down vt sep (scold) regaar;
(rebuke) echar una bronca.
P vi (dress informally) vestirse informal
a to dress up vi (in fancy dress) disfra
zarse (as, de); (dress formally) ponerse
de tiros largos.
P vt sep fig (truth, facts, etc) disfrazar.
dresser [dresr] n 1 gb (in kitchen) apara
dor m. 2 us (chest of drawers) tocador m.
dressing [dresIN] n 1 (gen) apsito;
(bandage) vendaje m. 2 (act of getting
dressed) el vestir(se) m. 3 culin (for salad)
alio. 4 us (stuffing) relleno. c o m p dress
ing gown bata. y dressing room theat
camerino. y dressing table tocador m.
dressmaker [dresmeIk r] n (woman)
modista f, modisto; (man) modista
m, modisto.
dressmaking [dresmeIkIN] n costura.

drew [drU] pt draw.

dribble [drIbl] n 1 (saliva) saliva, ba

ba. 2 (of water, blood) gotas fpl, hilo,

chorrito. 3 sp dribling m.
P vi 1 (baby) babear. 2 (liquid) gotear.
P vt driblar, regatear.

mente. 2 fam (dull, uninteresting) dried [draId] pp dry.

P adj (fruit) seco,a; (milk) en polvo.
pesado,a, aburrido,a.
comp drearier, superl dreariest.

drier [draIr] n dryer.



drift [drIft] n 1 (of snow) ventisquero;

(of sand) montn m. 2 mar (flow of water)

deriva. 3 (movement) movimiento;
(tendency) tendencia. 4 (meaning, gist)
significado, sentido, idea: do you get
my drift? entiendes lo que quiero decir?
P vi 1(float on water) ir a la deriva. 2 (pile up
- of snow, sand, leaves, etc) amontonarse.
drill1 [drIl] n 1 (handtool) taladro; (large
machine) barreno, perforadora; (dentists) fresa; (drill head, bit) broca. 2 mil
instruccin f. 3 educ (exercise) ejerci
cio. 4 (rehearsal, practice) simulacro;
(procedures to be followed) procedimien
to: fire drill simulacro de incendio; safety
drill instrucciones de seguridad.
P vt 1 (wood, metal, etc) taladrar, perfo
rar; (hole) hacer, perforar. 2 mil ins
P vi 1 (for oil, coal) perforar. 2 mil entre
narse. l o c to drill sth into sb inculcarle
algo a algn.
drill2 [drIl] n (material) dril m.
drink [drINk] n (gen) bebida; (alcoholic
drink) copa, trago; (soft drink) refresco:
lets go for a drink! vamos a tomar algo!,
vamos a tomar una copa!
P vt (gen) beber, tomar: you havent
drunk your tea no te has bebido el t; what
do you want to drink? qu quieres be
ber? l o c to drink a toast to sb brindar
por algn. y to drink to sth/sb brindar
por algo/algn. y to have sth to drink
tomar(se) algo.
P vi beber: she doesnt drink (alcohol) no
bebe (alcohol); dont drink and drive si be
bes, no conduzcas.
a to drink in vt sep (scene, sights, sounds,
etc) apreciar, empaparse de; (success)
pt drank [drQNk], pp drunk [drNk].

drinkable [drINkbl] adj (water) pota

they put him on a drip le pusieron el gota a

gota. 3 fam (person) soso,a.
P vi (fall in drops) gotear, caer; (fall heavily) chorrear: the tap drips el grifo gotea.
P vt dejar caer gota a gota.

pt & pp dripped, ger dripping.

drive [draIv] n 1 (trip) paseo en coche;

(journey) viaje m: we went for a drive di
mos una vuelta en coche; its a two-hour
drive es un viaje de dos horas. 2 (road)
calle f. 3 sp (golf, tennis) drive m. 4 (campaign) campaa: sales drive promocin;
membership drive campaa para atraer
socios; a no-smoking drive una campaa
antitabaco. 5 (energy, initiative) energa.
6 (propulsion system) transmisin f, pro
pulsin f; (of wheeled vehicle) traccin f:
front-wheel drive traccin delantera; fourwheel drive traccin en las cuatro ruedas.
P vt 1 (operate - vehicle) conducir: he
drives a bus es conductor de autobs. 2
(take - person) llevar (en coche). 3
(cause to move - person) hacer, obligar a;
(- animal) arrear. 4 (provide power for, keep
going) hacer funcionar, mover: the river drives the waterwheel el ro mueve el
molino. 5 (force, compel to act) forzar,
obligar; (cause to be in state) llevar: youre
driving me crazy me ests volviendo loco.
P vi (vehicle) conducir: can you drive?
sabes conducir?; hes learning to drive
est aprendiendo a conducir; I drove here
vine en coche.
a to drive at vt insep insinuar.
a to drive away vt sep (fend off - attacker,
animal) ahuyentar; (throw out) alejar.
a to drive off vt sep ahuyentar.
P vi (car, driver) irse.
a to drive out vt sep expulsar.
pt drove [drUv], pp driven [drIvn].
drivel [drIvl] n tonteras fpl, bobadas
fpl, memeces fpl.

driven [drIvn] pp drive.

ble; (wine, beer, etc) aceptable.

driver [draIvr] n 1 (of bus, car) conduc
drinker [drINkr] n bebedor,ra.
tor,ra; (of taxi) taxista mf ; (of lorry)
drinking [drINkIN] n (alcohol) bebida;
camionero,a; (of racing car) piloto mf;
(action) beber m. c o m p drinking foun
(of train) maquinista mf: hes a very good
tain fuente f de agua potable. y drink
driver conduce muy bien. 2 sp (golf club)
ing water agua potable.
madera nmero 1. c o m p drivers li
drip [drIp] n 1 (drop
of liquid) goteo;
cence us carnet m de conducir, per
(sound) gotear m. 2 med gota a gota m:
miso de conducir.



driving [draIvIN] n auto conduccin f:

we shared the driving nos turnamos para


driving licence carnet m de

conducir, permiso de conducir. y driv
ing school escuela de conductores. y
driving test examen m de conducir.
drizzle [drIzl] n llovizna.
P vi lloviznar.
droll [drUl] adj (amusing) gracioso,a,



chistoso,a; (odd, quaint) curioso,a.

dromedary [drmdrI] n dromedario.

pl dromedaries.

drone1 [drUn] n (bee) zngano.

drone2 [drUn] n 1 (noise) zumbido. 2

dead caerse muerto,a. y to drop sb a

line / drop sb a note escribir cuatro/

unas lneas a algn.

vi 1 (fall - object) caer, caerse; (- person)
dejarse caer, tirarse. 2 (prices, temperature, voice) bajar; (wind) amainar; (speed)
reducirse, disminuir. 3 (lapse) dejar:
let it drop! djalo ya!, basta ya!
a to drop away vi 1 (support, interest)
disminuir. 2 (ground) caer.
a to drop by vi pasar.
P vt insep pasar por.
a to drop in vi (visit) pasar.
a to drop off vi 1 fam (fall asleep) dor
mirse. 2 (sales, interest, etc) disminuir.
a to drop out vi (of school, etc) dejar los
estudios; (of group) dejar el grupo; (of
race, competition) abandonar; (of society)

(monotonous talk) cantinela, sonsonete m.

P vi (bee, plane, engine) zumbar.
drool [drUl] n 1 (of baby) baba, babas
fpl. 2 (drivel) tonteras fpl, bobadas fpl.
pt & pp dropped, ger dropping.
P vi (of baby, dog) babear.
droop [drUp] n (of shoulders) cada, in droplet [drplt] n gotita.
drought [draUt] n sequa.
clinacin f,.
P vi 1 (head) inclinarse, caerse; (shouldrove [drUv] pt drive.
ders) encorvarse; (eyelids) cerrar. 2 (flowP n 1 (of cattle) manada. 2 (of people)
er) marchitarse; (branches) inclinarse.
multitud f.
drop [drp] n 1 (of liquid) gota: she car- drown [draUn] vt 1 (gen) ahogar. 2 (subried the cup without spilling a drop llev la
merge - place) inundar, anegar.
taza sin derramar ni una gota; we could
P vi ahogarse.
do with a drop of rain nos ira bien un po drowse [draUz] vi dormitar.
co de lluvia. 2 (sweet) pastilla, carame drowsy [draUzI] adj (person, look) som
lo. 3 (descent, distance down) desnivel m,
noliento,a: these tablets make me
cada. 4 (fall - gen) cada; (in temperature)
drowsy estas pastillas me dan sueo. l o c
to feel drowsy tener sueo.
P vt 1 (let fall - accidentally) carsele a uno:
comp drowsier, superl drowsiest.
he dropped the glass se le cay el vaso; dont
drug [drg] n 1 (medicine) medicamen
drop it! que no se te caiga!. 2 (let fall - delibto. 2 (narcotic) droga: hard/soft drugs
erately) dejar caer, tirar; (let go of) soltar;
drogas duras/blandas. l o c to be on/do/
(launch - bomb, supplies) lanzar: she dropped
take drugs drogarse. c o m p drug addict
her handkerchief by his chair dej caer su pa
drogadicto,a, toxicmano,a. y
uelo al lado de su silla; drop it! sultalo! 3
drug dealer traficante mf de drogas. y
(lower - gen) bajar; (- speed) reducir. 4 fam
drug pusher camello mf.
(set down - passenger) dejar (off, -); (- delivP vt 1 (person, animal) drogar. 2 (food,
ery) dejar, pasar a dejar (off, -): where
drink) adulterar con drogas.
shall I drop you? dnde quieres que te de
pt & pp drugged, ger drugging.
je? 5 (give up, abandon) dejar, abandonar.
6 (omit, leave out - in speaking) no pronun druggist [drgIst] n us farmac u
ciar, comerse; (in writing) omitir: dont
drop your hs no te comas las haches. 7 drugstore [drgstr] n us establecimiento
donde se puede comprar medicamentos, cosmtisp (player from team) echar, sacar, no se
leccionar; (lose) perder. l o c to drop
cos, peridicos y otras cosas.



drum [drm] n 1 (instrument) tambor m.

2 (container) bidn m. 3 tech tambor.

P vi 1 tocar el tambor.
pt & pp drummed, ger drumming.
P n pl drums (set) batera.
drummer [drmr] n (in marching band)
tambor mf; (in pop group, jazz band) ba
tera mf.
drumstick [drmstIk] n 1 mus baque
ta, palillo (de tambor). 2 culin mus

lo (de ave).

drunk [drNk] pp drink.

adj borracho,a: you are drunk ests

borracho. l o c to get drunk emborra
drunkard [drNkd] n borracho,a:
you are a drunkard eres un borracho.
drunken [drNkn] adj borracho,a.
dry [draI] adj 1 seco,a. c o m p dry dock di
que m seco. y dry goods 1 gb comesti
bles mpl no perecederos. 2 us artculos
mpl de mercera. y dry land tierra firme.

comp drier, superl driest.

P vt secar.
P vi secarse (off, -).
pt & pp dried, ger drying.
dry-clean [draIklin] vt limpiar en seco.
dry-cleaners [draIklinz] n tintore
ra, tinte m.
dryer [draIr] n (for clothes) secadora;
(for hair) secador m.
dryness [draIns] n sequedad f.
dual [djUl] adj (gen) doble. c o m p dual
carriageway gb carretera de doble


dub1 [db] vt (soundtrack) doblar (into, a).

pt & pp dubbed, ger dubbing.

dub2 [db] vt (give nickname) apodar.

pt & pp dubbed, ger dubbing.

dub3 [db] n mus dub m (gnero musical

ductile [dktaIl] adj dctil.

ductility [dktIltI] n ductilidad f.
dud [dd] n 1 fam (object) trasto intil,

engaifa, invendible; (person) desas

tre m, intil mf. 2 (grenade, bomb, firework, etc) granada, bomba, fuego ar
tificial, etc. que no estalla.
P adj (defective) defectuoso,a; (worthless,
useless) intil,; (valueless - note, coin) falso,a;
(grenade, bomb, firework) que no estalla.
c o m p dud cheque cheque m sin fondos.
due [djU] adj (expected) esperado,a: her
new book is due out in December su nuevo
libro saldr en diciembre; the train is due
(in) at five oclock el tren debe llegar a las
cinco. l o c due to debido a. c o m p due
date (fecha de) vencimiento.
P n merecido.
P adv derecho hacia: due north dere
cho hacia el norte.
P n pl dues cuota.
duel [djUl] n duelo.
P vi batirse en duelo (with, con).
pt & pp duelled (us dueled), ger duelling (us dueling).
duet [djUet] n do.
dug [dg] pt & pp dig.
duke [djUk] n duque m.
dull [dl] adj 1 (boring - job) montono,a,

pesado,a; (- person, life, film) pesado,a,

aburrido,a, soso,a; (- place, town)
aburrido,a. 2 (not bright - colours)
apagado,a; (weather, day) gris, triste,
feo,a. 3 (sound, pain) sordo,a. 4 (slowwitted) torpe, lerdo,a.
P vt (pain) aliviar, calmar; (sound)
amortiguar; (hearing) embotar.
duly [djUlI] adv 1 fml (properly) debida
mente. 2 (as expected) como era de
dumb [dm] adj 1 (unable to speak)
mudo,a. 3 us fam (stupid) tonto,a.
dummy [dmI] n 1 (in shop window,
dressmakers) maniqu m. 2 (fake) imita
cin f. 3 gb (for baby) chupete m. 4 fam
imbcil mf.

originado en Jamaica a partir del reggae).

[dbIN] n (of soundtrack) do
blaje m.
duchess [dtSs] n duquesa.
duck1 [dk] n pato,a.
duck2 [dk] vi (bend down) agacharse;
(hide) esconderse: she ducked behind the
pl dummies.
sofa se escondi detrs del sof.
dump [dmp] n vertedero, basurero.
duckling [dklIN] n
P vt (drop, unload - rubbish) verter, des
duct [dkt] n conducto.
cargar; (leave) dejar, poner: he dumped




his dirty washing on the floor dej su ropa

sucia en el suelo.

dumping [dmpIN] n vertido.



dumping Prohibido arrojar basuras.

[djUn] [tambin sand dune] n



dung [dN] n estircol m.

dungarees [dngriz] n (garment) pe
to; (overalls) mono.

dungeon [dndZn] n mazmorra.

duo [djUU] n do.
pl duos.

Dutchwoman [dtSwUmn] n holan


pl Dutchwomen [dtSwImIn].
duty [djUtI] n 1 (obligation) deber m,
obligacin f: I feel its my duty to go creo
que es mi obligacin ir. 2 (task) funcin f,
cometido: her duties include dealing with
the public sus funciones incluyen atender
al pblico. 3 (service) guardia, servicio. 4
(tax) impuesto. l o c to be off duty 1 (doctor, nurse, etc) no estar de guardia. 2 (po-

lice, firefighter, etc) no estar de servicio. y

to be on duty 1 (doctor, nurse, etc) estar de

duodena [djUdin] n pl duodenum.
guardia. 2 (police, firefighter) estar de ser
duodenum [djUdinm] n duodeno.
vicio. c o m p customs duties derechos
pl duodenums o duodena [djUdin].
mpl de aduana, aranceles mpl.
dupe [djUp] n ingenuo,a.
pl duties.
P vt engaar, embaucar.
duty-free [djUtIfri] adj & adv libre de
duplex [djUpleks] n us (house) casa
impuestos. c o m p duty-free shop dutyadosada; (flat, apartment) dplex m.
free m, tienda libre de impuestos.
duplicate [ (adj) d j U p l I k t ; (n) duvet [dUveI] n gb edredn m. c o m p
djUplIkeIt] adj duplicado,a.
duvet cover funda de edredn.
P n copia, duplicado. l o c in duplicate
DVD [dividi] n (Digital Video Disc) DVD
por duplicado.
m. c o m p DVD player lector m de DVD.
P vt duplicar, hacer copias de.
dwarf [dwf] n enano,a.

durable [djUrb l] adj duradero,a.

pl dwarfs o dwarves [dwz].
duration [djUreISn] n duracin f.
P adj enano,a.
during [djUrIN] prep durante: I lived in dwell [dwel] vi fml habitar, vivir.
France during the war viv en Francia du
pt & pp dwelt [dwelt].
rante la guerra; shes out at work during the dweller [dwelr] n habitante mf.
day trabaja fuera de casa durante el da.
dwelling [dwelIN] n fml morada.
dusk [dsk] n anochecer m . l o c at dwelt [dwelt] pt & pp dwell.
dusk al anochecer.
dye [daI] n tinte m, tintura, colorante m.
dust [dst] n polvo.
P vt teir.
P vt quitar el polvo a.
dying [daIIN] adj moribundo,a.
dustbin [dstbIn] n gb cubo de la ba
dyke [daIk] n (bank) dique m, barrera;
sura. c o m p dustbin man basurero.
(causeway) terrapln m.
dustcart [dstkAt] n camin m de la
dynamic [daInQmIk] adj dinmico,a.
duster [dstr] n (for dusting) pao, trapo dynamics [daInQmIks] n dinmica.
dynamite [daInmaIt] n dinamita.
(del polvo); (for blackboard) borrador m.
dynamo [daInmU] n dinamo f.
dustman [dstmn] n gb basurero.
pl dynamos.
dustpan [dstpQn] n recogedor m.
Dutch [dtS] adj holands,esa, dynasty [dInstI] n dinasta.
pl dynasties.
neerlands,esa. l o c to go Dutch
dyne [daIn] n dina.
(with sb) pagar a escote.
dysentery [dIsntrI] n disentera.
P n (language) holands m.
Dutchman [dtSmn] n holands m, dyslexia [dIsleksI] n dislexia.
dyslexic [dIsleksIk] adj dislxico,a.
neerlands m.
pl Dutchmen [dtSmn].
dystrophy [dIstrfI] n distrofia.


E, e [i] n 1 (the letter) E, e f. 2 mus mi m.

each [itS] adj cada: each day cada da,

todos los das.

cada uno,a: they each have their
own car cada uno tiene su coche.
P adv cada uno,a: apples cost 15p each las
manzanas cuestan 15 peniques la pieza.
P pron

. Each y every tienen significados muy

similares. Each se emplea cuando se considera cada cosa por separado. Every,
cuando se considera cada c osa en funcin
del todo del que forma parte.

eager [igr] adj (anxious) vido,a (to,

de), ansioso,a (to, de); (desirous) de

seoso,a (to, de).
eagle [igl] n 1 (bird) guila. 2 (in golf)
eagle m.
eaglet [iglt] n aguilucho.
ear1 [Ir] n 1 anat oreja. 2 (sense) odo.
c o m p ear canal conducto auditivo. y
ear flap orejera. y ear lobe lbulo. y ear,
nose and throat specialist otorrino
ear2 [Ir] n (of cereal) espiga.
earache [IreIk] n dolor m de odos.
eardrum [Idrm] n tmpano.
earflap [IflQp] n orejera.
earl [l] n conde m.
early [lI] adj 1 (before expected)
temprano,a, pronto,a: we were early
llegamos temprano. 2 (initial) prime
ro,a: take the early train toma el primer
tren de la maana. 3 (near beginning): in
the early 1960s a principios de los sesenta.

tiempo, con anticipacin: we got

there early to get a good seat llegamos con

tiempo para encontrar un buen sitio

earn [n] vt ganar, ganarse: how much do
you earn a month? cunto ganas al mes?
. Cuando se habla de dinero, la diferencia entre earn y win (ambos, ganar) es
que earn se refiere al dinero que se gana
trabajando y win al que se obtiene por
azar, como en la lotera.

earner [nr] n 1 (person) persona que

gana dinero: Im the only earner in the

family soy el nico de la familia que gana un sueldo. 2 (thing) cosa rentable.
earnest [nIst] adj serio,a, formal.
earnings [nINz] n pl 1 (personal) ingre
sos mpl. 2 (of company) ganancias fpl.
earphones [IfUnz] n pl auriculares mpl.
earplug [Iplg] n tapn m para los odos.
earring [IrIN] n pendiente m.
earth [T] n 1 (gen) tierra. 2 gb toma de
tierra, tierra. 3 gb (of fox, badger) madri
. Cuando se refiere al planeta Tierra se
suele escribir con mayscula: Earth.

earthen [Dn] adj 1 (of earth) de tierra.

2 (of baked clay) de barro, de arcilla.

earthquake [TkweIk] n terremoto.

earthworm [Twm] n lombriz f.
earwax [IwQks] n cerumen m, cera.
earwig [IwIg] n tijereta.
ease [iz] n 1 (lack of difficulty) facilidad f.

comp earlier, superl earliest.

adv 1 (before expected) temprano,
2 (natural manner) soltura, naturalidad
pronto; (soon) pronto:
she got up early
f. 3 (freedom from pain) alivio. 4 (leisure,
affluence) comodidad f, desahogo.
se levant temprano. 2 (in good time) con



1 (relieve, alleviate) aliviar (of, de),

calmar. 2 (improve) mejorar, facilitar;
(make easier) facilitar.
P vi 1 (pain) aliviarse, calmarse; (tension, etc) disminuir. 2 (become easier) me
a to ease off / ease up vi 1 (pain) ali
viarse, calmarse; (tension, etc) dismi
nuir; (rain) amainar. 2 (slow down) ir
ms despacio.
a to ease up on vt insep fam (go easy, be
more moderate) aflojar, no pasarse con.
easel [izl] n caballete m.
easily [izIlI] adv 1 (without difficulty) f
cilmente, con facilidad. 2 (by far) con
mucho; (without doubt) sin duda.
east [ist] adj (gen) este, oriental; (wind)
del este.
P adv hacia el este.
P n este m.
P n the East (Asia) Oriente m; (Eastern
Europe) el Este m.
Easter [istr] n 1 rel Pascua (de Resu
rreccin). 2 (holiday) Semana Santa.
easterly [istlI] adj 1 (to the east) al este,
hacia el este. 2 (from the east) del este.
P n viento del este.
P vt

pl easterlies.

eastern [istn] adj oriental, del este.

eastward [istwd] adj hacia el este.
eastwards [istwdz] adv hacia el este.
easy [izI] adj 1 (not difficult) fcil, sencillo.

2 (comfortable) cmodo,a, holgado,a.

3 (unworried, relaxed) tranquilo,a.
comp easier, superl easiest.
P adv con cuidado, con calma.
easy-going [izIgUIN] adj (relaxed)

tranquilo,a; (easy to please) fcil de

complacer, poco exigente.
eat [it] vt comer.
P vi comer.
a to eat away vt sep (mice) roer; (termites) carcomer; (acid) corroer.
a to eat out vi (lunch) comer fuera;
(dinner) cenar fuera.
a to eat up vt sep 1 (finish food) comer
se: eat it all up! cmetelo todo!. 2 (consume) consumir, tragar, devorar.

eavesdrop [ivzdrp] vi escuchar a es

condidas (on, -).

pt & pp eavesdropped , ger eavesdropping.

ebb [eb] n reflujo, retroceso.
P vi 1 (water) bajar. 2 fig disminuir.
ebonite [ebnaIt] n ebonita.
ebony [ebnI] n bano.
eccentric [IksentrIk] adj excntrico,a.
P n (person) excntrico,a.
echinoderm [IkainUdm] n equino


echo [ekU] n eco.

pl echoes.
P vt 1 repetir (back, -). 2 fig (words) re

petir, imitar; (opinions) hacerse eco de.

eclectic [IklektIk] adj fml eclctico,a.



P vt


eclipse [IklIps] n eclipse m.

ecofriendly [ekUfrendlI] adj que no
perjudica el medio ambiente.
[ikldZIkl] adj ecol
gico,a. c o m p ecological footprint hue
lla ecolgica.
ecologist [IkldZIst] n ecologista mf.
ecology [IkldZI] n ecologa.


economic [eknmIk, iknmIk] adj 1

(gen) econmico,a. 2 (profitable) rentable.

economically [eknmIklI, iknmIklI]

adv econmicamente: economically

speaking en trminos econmicos.
economics [eknmIks, iknmIks] n
1 (science) economa. 2 educ econ
micas fpl, ciencias fpl econmicas.
economist [IknmIst] n economista mf.
economize [IknmaIz] vi economi
zar (on, en), ahorrar (on, en).
economy [IknmI] n 1 (saving) econo
ma, ahorro. 2 (science) economa.
pl economies.
ecosystem [ikUsIstm] n ecosiste
ma m.
Ecuador [ekwdr] n Ecuador m.
Ecuadorian [ e k w d r I n ] adj

P n ecuatoriano,a.
[eksIm] n eccema m.
pt ate [et, eIt], pp eaten [itn].

eaten [itn] pp eat.

edema [Idim] n us oedema.



Eden [idn] n el Edn m.

edge [edZ] n 1 (of cliff, wood, etc) borde

m. 2 (of coin, step, etc) canto. 3 (of knife)

filo. 4 (of water) orilla. 5 (of town) afue
ras fpl. 6 (of paper) margen m.
P vt 1 (supply with border) bordear. 2 sew


a to edge away vi alejarse poco a poco.

a to edge forward vi avanzar lenta

mente, avanzar poco a poco.

edible [edIbl] adj comestible.

edict [idIkt] n 1 edicto. 2 jur decreto.
edit [edIt] vt 1 (prepare for printing) pre

parar para la imprenta. 2 (correct) co

rregir; (put together) editar. 3 (run newspaper, etc) dirigir. 4 (film, programme)
montar, editar.
a to edit out vt sep cortar.
edition [IdISn] n edicin f.
editor [edItr] n 1 (of book) editor,ra;
(writer) redactor,ra; (proofreader) correc
tor,ra. 2 (of newspaper, etc) director,ra.
3 (of film, programme) montador,ra.
editorial [edItrIl] adj editorial.
P n editorial m. c o m p editorial staff re
daccin f.
educate [edjUkeIt] vt educar.
educated [edjUkeItId] adj culto,a,

Educated no significa educado (de

buenos modales), que se traduce por polite.


[edjUkeISn] n 1 (system of
teaching) educacin f, enseanza. 2
(training) formacin f, preparacin f. 3
(acquisition of knowledge) estudios mpl,
formacin f acadmica. 4 (theory of
teaching) pedagoga. 5 (knowledge, culture) cultura.

Education no significa educacin (bue

nos modales), que se traduce por manners.

educational [edjUkeISnl] adj educa


eel [il] n anguila.

eerie [IrI] adj misterioso,a.
effect [Ifekt] n efecto.

effective [IfektIv] adj 1 (successful) efi

caz. 2 (real, actual) efectivo,a. 3 (operative) vigente. 4 (impressive) impresio

nante; (striking) llamativo,a.
effervescent [efvesnt] adj eferves
efficiency [IfISnsI] n 1 (of person) efi
ciencia, competencia. 2 (of system,
product) eficacia. 3 (of machine) rendi
efficient [IfISnt] adj 1 (person) eficien
te, competente. 2 (system, product) efi
caz. 3 (machine) de buen rendimiento.
effigy [efIdZI] n efigie f.
pl effigies.

effort [eft] n 1 (exertion) esfuerzo. 2

(attempt, struggle) intento, tentativa. 3

(achievement) obra.
egg1 [eg] n 1 (laid by birds, etc) huevo. 2
biol (ovum) vulo. c o m p boiled egg
huevo pasado por agua.
egg2 [eg] vt to egg on animar, incitar.
eggplant [egplAnt] n us berenjena.
eggshell [egSel] n cscara de huevo.
ego [igU] n ego.
pl egos.

egocentric [igUsentrIk] adj egocn


egoism [igUIzm] n egosmo.

egoist [igUIst] n egosta mf.
Egypt [idZIpt] n Egipto.
Egyptian [IdZIpSn] adj egipcio,a.

n 1 (person) egipcio,a. 2 (language)

eider [aIdr] [also eider duck] n eider m.
eiderdown [aIddaUn] n plumn m.
eight [eIt] adj ocho.
P n ocho.

. Consulta tambin six.

eighteen [eItin] adj dieciocho.



. Consulta tambin six.

eighteenth [eItinT] adj decimoc

fml efectuar, provocar.
P n pl effects (property) efectos mpl.
P adv en decimoctavo lugar.
P vt

P n 1 (in series) decimoctavo,a. 2 (fraction) decimoctavo; (one part) decimoc
tava parte f.

. Consulta tambin sixth.

eighth [eItT] adj octavo,a.

P adv

en octavo lugar.

1 (in series) octavo,a. 2 (fraction) oc

tavo; (one part) octava parte f.

. Consulta tambin sixth.

eightieth [eItIIT] adj octogsimo,a.

P adv

en octogsimo lugar.

1 (in series) octogsimo,a. 2 (frac-

tion) octogsimo; (one part) octogsi

ma parte f.
. Consulta tambin sixtieth.

eighty [eItI] adj ochenta.



. Consulta tambin sixty.



P vi (discuss in detail) explicar detallada

mente; (expand) ampliar, dar ms de
elaboration [IlQbreISn] n 1 (working
out in detail) elaboracin f. 2 (additional
detail) complicacin f, detalle m.
elastic [IlQstIk] adj elstico,a. c o m p
elastic band goma elstica.
elasticity [IlQstIstI] n elasticidad f.
Elastoplast [IlQstplAst] n tirita.
elbow [elbU] n 1 anat codo. 2 (bend)
elder [eldr] adj mayor.
P n 1 mayor m. 2 rel anciano,a.
elderly [eldlI] adj mayor, anciano,a.
P n the elderly los ancianos mpl.
eldest [eldIst] adj mayor.
P n el mayor, la mayor.
elect [Ilekt] adj electo,a.
P vt 1 (vote for) elegir. 2 (choose, decide)
election [IlekSn] n eleccin f.
P adj electoral.
elector [Ilektr] n elector,ra.
electoral [Ilektrl] adj electoral. c o m p
electoral college colegio electoral. y
electoral roll / electoral register censo
electorate [Ilektrt] n electorado.
electric [IlektrIk] adj elctrico,a.
electrical [IlektrIkl] adj elctrico,a.
electrician [IlektrISn] n electricista mf.
electricity [IlektrIsItI] n electricidad f.
electrocute [IlektrkjUt] vt electrocu
electrode [IlektrUd] n electrodo.
electrolysis [IlektrlsIs] n electrli
sis f.
electrolyte [IlektrlaIt] n electrolito,

[aIDr, iDr] pron 1 (affirmative)

cualquiera: either of them cualquiera de
los dos. 2 (negative) ni el uno ni el
otro, ni la una ni la otra, ninguno de
los dos, ninguna de las dos: I cant
stand either no aguanto ni el uno ni el
P adj 1 cualquier. 2 (both) cada, los dos,
las dos, ambos,as. 3 (neither) ninguno
de los dos, ninguna de las dos.
P conj 1 (affirmative) o: hell arrive either today
or tomorrow llegar u hoy o maana. 2
(negative) ni: I didnt go to either the wedding
or the party no fui ni a la boda ni a la fiesta.
P adv (after negative) tampoco: Ann didnt
come either tampoco vino Ann.
ejaculation [IdZQkUleISn] n 1 (ejection)
eyaculacin f. 2 (exclamation) excla
macin f.
eject [IdZekt] vt expulsar, echar.
P vi av eyectar(se).
electromagnet [IlektrUmQgnIt] n
electroimn m.
ejection [IdZekSn] n 1 (gen) expulsin
electromagnetism [IlektrUmQg f. 2 (from plane) eyeccin f.
nItIzm] n electromagnetismo.
elaborate [(adj) IlQbrt; (vb) IlQbreIt]
adj 1 (detailed, extensive) detallado,a. 2 electromagnetic [IlektrUmQgnetIk]
adj electromagntico,a.
(ornate, intricate) muy trabajado,a, es
merado,a. 3 (complex, intricate) com electron [Ilektrn] n electrn m. c o m p
electron microscope microscopio
P vt (work out in detail, refine) elaborar.


[IlektrnIk] adj electr

electronics [IlektrnIks] n (science, tech-

nology) electrnica.
pl (circuits and devices) componentes
mpl electrnicos.
elegance [elIgns] n elegancia.
elegant [elIgnt] adj elegante.
element [elImnt] n 1 chem elemen
to. 2 (necessary part of a whole) parte f,
componente m. 5 elec resistencia. 4
(group, section) fraccin f.
P n pl elements 1(weather) los elemen
tos mpl. 2(basics) rudimentos mpl.
elementary [elImentrI] adj 1 (basic)
elemental, bsico,a. 2 (easy) fcil,
sencillo,a. c o m p elementary educa
tion enseanza primaria.
elephant [elIfnt] n elefante m. c o m p
elephant seal elefante m marino.
elevate [elIveIt] vt fml (raise) elevar;
(promote) ascender, promover.
elevated [elIvaItId] adj fml (fine, noble)
elevado,a, noble.
elevation [elIvelSn] n 1 fml (gen) eleva
cin f. 2 fml (in rank) ascenso. 3 (height)
altitud f, altura. 4 arch alzado.
elevator [elIveItr] n 1 us ascensor m.
2 (machine) montacargas m.
eleven [Ilevn] adj once.
P n once m.

. Consulta tambin six.

eleventh [IlevnT] adj undcimo,a.

P adv

en undcimo lugar.

1 (in series) undcimo,a, onceno,a.

2 (fraction) onceavo, undcimo; (one part)

onceava parte f, undcima parte f.

. Consulta tambin sixth.


elite [eIlit] n elite f.

P adj

exclusivo,a, selecto,a.

elk [elk] n alce m.

ellipse [IlIps] n elipse f.
ellipsis [IlIpsIs] n elipsis f.
pl ellipses [IlIpsiz].

elliptic [IlIptIk] adj elptico,a.

elm [elm] n olmo.
elongated [ilNgeItId] adj alargado,-a.
eloquence [elkwns] n elocuencia.
eloquent [elkwnt] adj elocuente.
else [els] adv ms, otro,a: anything

else? algo ms?; where else have you been?

en qu otro(s) sitio(s) has estado?

elsewhere [elswer] adv en otro sitio,

en otra parte.

elude [IlUd] vt 1 (escape from) escapar

se de. 2 (avoid) eludir. 3 (not remember)

no recordar, no acordarse; (not understand) no entenderse.
elusive [IlUsIv] adj 1 (difficult to capture)
huidizo,a, esquivo,a. 2 (difficult to remember) difcil de recordar; (difficult to
understand) difcil de entender.
e-mail [imeIl] n correo electrnico.
emancipate [ImQnsIpeIt] vt emanci


[ImQnsIpeISn] n


[ImbQNkmnt] n 1

emancipacin f.

(wall, earth, etc) terrapln m . 2 (river

bank) dique m.
embargo [embAgU] n embargo.
pl embargoes.
P vt 1 (prohibit) prohibir. 2 (seize) em


pt & pp embargoed, ger embargoing.

embark [ImbAk] vt embarcar.
a to embark on vt insep emprender.
embarrass [ImbQrs] vt (make ashamed)

[IlIsIt] vt 1 fml (facts, information)

sonsacar, obtener. 2 (reaction, response)
avergonzar, hacer pasar vergenza
elide [IlaId] vt elidir.
a; (make awkward) desconcertar.
P vi elidirse.
eligible [elIdZbl] adj 1 (qualified, suita- embarrassed [ImbQrst] adj (behaviour,
action) embarazoso,a; (person) aver
ble) idneo,a, apto,a. 2 (desirable)
gonzado,a, molesto,a.
eliminate [IlImIneIt]
vt eliminar.
, Embarrassed no significa embara
elision [IlIZn] n elisin f.
zada, que se traduce por pregnant.



embarrassing [ImbQrsIN] adj emba

eminence [emInns] n eminencia.

eminent [emInnt] adj 1 (of person)

embarrassment [ImbQrsmnt] n 1

emir [emIr] n emir m.

emirate [emIrt] n emirato.

razoso,a, violento,a, desconcer


(state) vergenza, desconcierto. 2 (person, object) vergenza, estorbo. 3 (event,

situation) disgusto, vergenza.
embassy [embsI] n embajada.
pl embassies.


[Imbed] vt (jewels, stones) in

crustar; (weapon, nails) clavar (in, en).

pt & pp embedded, ger embedding.

embellish [ImbelIS] vt adornar, embe

eminente. 2 (of qualities) destacado,a.


United Arab Emirates Emiratos mpl

rabes Unidos.

emissary [emIsrI] n emisario,a.

pl emissaries.

emission [ImISn] n emisin f.

Emission no significa emisin (de te

levisin), que se traduce por programme.




emoticon [ImtIkn] n comput emoti

ember [embr] n brasa, ascua.

emblem [emblm] n emblema m.
emblematic [ e m b l m Q t I k ] adj
emboss [Imbs] vt (leather, metal) repu

jar; (initials) grabar en relieve.

embrace [ImbreIs] n abrazo.
P vt 1 (hug) abrazar, dar un abrazo a.
2 (include) abarcar, incluir. 3 fml (accept
- opportunity, etc) aprovechar; (- offer)
aceptar. 4 fml (adopt - religion, etc) con
vertirse a; (- new idea) abrazar.
embroidery [ImbrIdI] n sew bor
embryo [embrIU] n embrin m.
pl embryos.
P adj embrionario,a.
emerald [emrld] n esmeralda f.
P adj (de color) esmeralda.
emerge [ImdZ] vi 1 (come out) emer
ger, aparecer, salir. 2 (become known)

[ImIt] vt (signal, heat, light, smoke)

emitir, producir; (sound, noise) produ
cir; (smell) despedir; (cry) dar.

pt & pp emitted, ger emitting.

cn m, emoticono.

emotion [ImUSn] n 1 (feeling) senti

miento. 2 (strong feeling) emocin f.

emotional [ImUSnl] adj 1 (connected

with feelings) emocional, afectivo,a. 2
(moving) conmovedor,ra, emotivo,a.
3 (sensitive) emotivo,a, sentimental.
emotive [ImUtIv] adj emotivo,a.
emperor [emprr] n emperador m.
emphasis [emfsIs] n nfasis m.
pl emphases [emfsis].

emphasize [emfsaIz] vt enfatizar.

emphatic [emfQtIk] adj 1 (forceful - tone,

gesture) enftico,a, enrgico,a. 2 (insistent - refusal, rejection, assertion) categ

rico,a, rotundo,a.
empire [empaIr] n imperio: the British
Empire el Imperio Britnico.
emergence [ImdZns] n aparicin f. empirical [empIrIkl] adj emprico,a.
emergency [ImdZnsI] n 1 emer employ [ImplI] n fml empleo.
gencia. 2 med urgencia.
P vt 1 (give work to) emplear; (appoint)
pl emergencies.
contratar. 2 fml (make use of, use) em
P adj de emergencia, de urgencia.
plear, usar. 3 (occupy) ocupar.
emergent [ImdZnt] adj 1 (emerging) employed [emplId] adj 1 (in work)
emergente. 2 (of countries, nations) en
empleado,a. 2 (busy) ocupado,a.
vas de desarrollo.
employee [emplIi, emplIi] n em
emery [emrI] n esmeril m.
emigrant [emIgrnt] n emigrante mf.
employer [emplIr] n 1 (manager, boss)
emigrate [emIgreIt] vi emigrar.
empresario,a; (of domestic worker)
patrn,ona. 2 (company, organization)
emigration [emIgreISn]
n emigra
empresa, organismo.
cin f.



employment [emplImnt] n 1 (work)

trabajo; (availability of work) empleo. 2

(use) empleo, uso.
empress [emprs] n emperatriz f.
empty [emptI] adj 1 (gen) vaco,a;
(place) des ierto,a; (house) desoc u
pado,a, deshabitado,a; (seat, table,
place) libre. 2 fam (hungry) hambrien

comp emptier, superl emptiest.

P vt vaciar.
P n pl empties envases mpl, cascos mpl.
emulsifier [ImlsIfaIr] n emulsio
nante m.
emulsify [ImlsIfaI] vt emulsionar.
pt & pp emulsified, ger emulsifying.
emulsion [ImlSn] n emulsin f.
enable [IneIbl] vt permitir.
enact [InQkt] vt 1 (law) promulgar. 2

(play) representar.

enamel [InQml] n esmalte m.

P vt


pt & pp enamelled (us enameled), ger

enamelling (us enameling).
encephalic [ensIfQlIk] adj encefli


enchant [IntSAnt] vt 1 (delight) encan

encourage [InkrIdZ] vt 1 (cheer, inspire)

animar, alentar. 2 (develop, stimulate)
fomentar, favorecer, estimular.


[InkrIdZmnt] n 1

(act) aliento, nimo. 2 (development) fo

mento, estmulo.
encrypt [enkrIpt] vt cifrar.
encyclopaedia [ensaIklpidI] n en
encyclopedia [ensaIklpidI] n enci
end [end] n 1 (extremity - of rope) cabo; (- of
street) final m; (- of table, sofa) extremo;
(- of stick, tail) punta; (- of box) lado. 2 (final
part, finish) fin m, final m. 3 (aim) objeto,
objetivo, fin m. 4 (of cigarette) colilla.
P adj final, ltimo,a.
P vt 1 (conclude) acabar, terminar. 2 (stop)
terminar, poner fin a, acabar con.
a to end in vi acabar en.
a to end off vt sep acabar.
a to end up vi acabar, terminar.
endanger [IndeIndZ r] vt poner en
endangered [IndeIndZd] adj en peli
gro. c o m p endangered species especie
f en peligro (de extincin).

endeavor [Indevr] n us endeavour.

tar, cautivar. 2 (cast spell on) hechizar.

endeavour [Indevr] n fml esfuerzo,
enchanted [IntSAntId] adj encan
P vi esforzarse, intentar, procurar.
enchanting [IntSAntIN] adj encanta endemic [endemIk] adj endmico,a.
ending [endIN] n 1 final m, conclusin f,
enchantment [IntSAntmnt] n 1 (dedesenlace m. 2 ling terminacin f.
light) encanto. 2 (spell) hechizo.
endive [endaIv] n 1 gb escarola. 2 us
encircle [Inskl] vt rodear, cercar.
enclitic [enklItIk] adj encltico,a.
endless [endls] adj interminable.
enclose [InklUz] vt 1 (surround) ence endocarp [endUkAp] n endocarpio.
rrar; (with wall or fence) cercar, rodear. 2 endocrine [endUkrIn] adj endocri
(include in letter) adjuntar.
no,a. c o m p endocrine gland glndula
enclosure [InklUZr] n 1 (land) cerca
do; (area) recinto. 2 (with letter) anexo, endorse [Inds] vt 1 (of cheque, etc) en
documento adjunto.
dosar. 2 (approve) aprobar, apoyar.
encode [INkUd] vt codificar.
endow [IndaU] vt 1 (bless) dotar. 2 (give
money) dotar (de fondos).
encore [Nkr] interj otra!.
P n repeticin f, bis m.
endurance [IndjUrns] n resistencia,
aguante m.
encounter [InkaUntr] n encuentro.
P adj de resistencia.
P vt (meet) encontrar, encontrarse con;
(be faced with) tropezar con.
endure [IndjUr] vt soportar, aguantar.


P vi

(continue to exist, survive) durar.

enemy [enmI] n enemigo,a.

pl enemies.
P adj enemigo,a.

energetic [endZetIk] adj enrgico,a.

energy [endZI] n energa.

n pl energies (efforts) energas fpl ,

fuerzas fpl.

pl energies.

enforce [Infs] vt 1 (force to obey) hacer

cumplir. 2 (impose) imponer.

engage [IngeIdZ] vt 1 (hire) contratar.
2 (take up, occupy) ocupar, entretener.
3 (attract) llamar, atraer, captar. 5
auto (gear) engranar, meter; (clutch)
apretar. 6 tech engranar con.
engaged [IngeIdZd] adj 1 (to be married)
prometido,a. 2 (busy) ocupado,a.
engagement [IngeIdZmnt] n 1 (to be
married) peticin f de mano; (period)
noviazgo. 2 (appointment) compromi
so, cita. 3 mil combate m. 4 (employment) contrato, empleo.
engaging [IngeIdZIN] adj atractivo,a.
engine [endZIn] n 1 motor m. 2 (of
train) mquina, locomotora. c o m p en
gine driver maquinista mf.
engineer [endZInIr] n 1 (graduate) in
geniero,a; (technician) tcnico,a. 2 us
maquinista mf.
P vt (contrive) maquinar, tramar, urdir.
engineering [endZInIrIN] n ingeniera.
England [INglnd] n Inglaterra.
English [INglIS] adj ingls,esa.
P n (language) ingls m.
Englishman [INglISmn] n ingls m.

enigma [InIgm] n enigma m.

enigmatic [enIgmQtIk] adj enigm

enjoy [IndZI] vt 1 (get pleasure from) dis

frutar de; (like) gustarle a uno. 2 (benefit from) gozar de.

enjoyment [IndZImnt] n placer m.
enlarge [InlAdZ] vt (gen) extender, au
mentar; (photograph) ampliar.
enlargement [InlAdZmnt] n 1 (photograph) ampliacin f. 2 extensin f.
enlighten [InlaItn] vt 1 (free from ignorance) iluminar, ilustrar. 2 (inform) in
formar, instruir.
enlightenment [InlaItnmnt] n 1 fml
(act) aclaracin f, explicacin f. 2 (liberalism) tolerancia.
P n the Enlightenment la Ilustracin f.
enliven [InlaIvn] vt avivar, animar.
enormous [Inms] adj enorme.
enough [Inf] adj bastante, suficiente.
P adv bastante, suficientemente.
enquire [INkwaIr] vt preguntar.
P vi 1 preguntar, informarse. 2 jur in
vestigar (into, -).
enquiry [INkwaIrI] n 1 pregunta. 2 jur
investigacin f.
pl enquiries.

enrage [InreIdZ] vt enfurecer.

enrich [InrItS] vt enriquecer.
enrol [InrUl] vt matricular, inscribir.
P vi

matricularse, inscribirse.

engrave [IngreIv] vt grabar.

engrossed [IngrUst] adj absorto,a

pt & pp enrolled, ger enrolling.

enroll [InrUl] n us enrol.
enrollment [InrUlmnt] n us enrol
enrolment [InrUlmnt] n matrcula,
inscripcin f.
ensemble [nsmbl] n conjunto.
ensue [InsjU] vi 1 (follow) seguir. 2 (result) resultar (from, de).
ensure [InSUr] vt 1 (make sure) asegu
rarse. 2 (assure) asegurar.
entail [InteIl] vt (involve, mean) suponer,

engulf [Inglf] vt envolver.

enhance [InhAns] vt 1 (beauty, taste)

entangle [IntQNgl] vt enredar.

enter [entr] vt 1 (gen) entrar en. 3 (partici-

pl Englishmen.

de habla inglesa.


[InglISspikIN] adj

[INglISwUmn] n in

pl Englishwomen [INglISwImIn].

(in, en).

implicar; (make necessary) ocasionar.

realzar; (quality, chances)

mejorar; (powpate) participar en; (register) inscribirse
en. 4 (write down, record) anotar, apuntar.
er, value) aumentar. 2 comput procesar.



enterprise [entpraIz] n 1 (venture) em

presa, proyecto. 2 (initiative) iniciati

va. 3 (firm) empresa.
entertain [entteIn] vt 1 (amuse) entre
tener, divertir. 2 fml (suggestion, etc)
considerar, tener en cuenta; (doubts,
etc) abrigar. 3 (invite) recibir, invitar.
P vi (act as host) tener invitados.

To entertain no significa entretener

(distraer), que se traduce por to occupy.


[entteInIN] adj diver

tido,a, entretenido,a.


[entteInmnt] n 1

(amusement) entretenimiento, diver

sin f. 2 theat espectculo, funcin f.
enthral [InTrl] vt cautivar.
pt & pp enthralled, ger enthralling.

enthrall [InTrl] vt us enrol.

enthrone [InTrUn] vt entronizar.
enthusiasm [InTjUzIQzm] n entu

siasmo (about/for, por).

enthusiast [InTjUzIQst] n entusiasta mf.
enthusiastic [InTjUzIQstIk] adj 1 (reaction) entusistico,a, caluroso,a. 2
(person) entusiasta.
entice [IntaIs] vt persuadir, tentar.
entire [IntaIr] adj entero,a.
entitle [IntaItl] vt 1 (give right to) dar
derecho (to, a). 2 (book, etc) titular.
entity [entItI] n entidad f.

ary) entrada. 5 (in competition - participant)

participante mf.
pl entries.

entryphone [entrIfUn] n portero au


enumerate [InjUmreIt] vt enumerar.

enunciate [InnsIeIt] vt 1 (pronounce)

pronunciar, articular. 2 (express) ex

presar, enunciar.
envelop [Invelp] vt envolver.
envelope [envlUp] n (of letter) sobre
m; (covering) envoltura.
enviable [envIbl] adj envidiable.
envious [envIs] adj (person) envidio
so,a; (look, etc) de envidia.
environment [InvaIrnmnt] n 1 (ecology) medio ambiente m: we need to protect the environment hemos de proteger
el medio ambiente. 2 (surroundings) am
biente m, entorno; (habitat) hbitat m.

environmental [InvaIrnmentl] adj

1 (ecological) del medio ambiente, am

biental: environmental pollution conta
minacin del medio ambiente. 2 (of surroundings) ambiental.
environs [InvaIrnz] n pl alrededores mpl.
envisage [InvIzIdZ] vt 1 (foresee) pre
ver. 2 (imagine) imaginarse.
envoy [envI] n enviado,a.
envy [envI] n envidia (at/of, de).

pl envies.
P vt envidiar, tener envidia de.
pt & pp envied, ger envying.
entourage [ntUrAZ] n squito.
entrails [entreIlz] n pl entraas fpl, tri enzyme [enzaIm] n enzima m & f.
ephemeral [Ifemrl] adj efmero,a.
pas fpl, vsceras fpl.
entrance [entrns] n 1 (gen) entrada; epic [epIk] adj pico,a.
(door, gate) puerta; (hall) vestbulo, hall epicentre [epIsent ] n epicentro.
n epidemia.
m. 2 (admission) entrada, admisin f; (to
P adj epidmico,a.
school, university) ingreso.
entrant [entrnt] n (competitor) partici epidermis [epIdmIs] n epidermis f.
epiglottis [epIgltIs] n epiglotis f.
pante mf; (applicant) aspirante mf.
entrepreneur [ntrprnr] n (business epigraph [epIgrAf] n epgrafe m.
epilepsy [epIlepsI] n epilepsia.
person) empresario,a.
epileptic [epIleptIk] adj epilptico,a.
entrust [Intrst] vt confiar.
P n epilptico,a.
entry [entrI] n 1 (entrance) entrada; (joining) ingreso. 2 (right to enter) admisin f. epilogue [epIlg] n eplogo.
3 us (door, gate) puerta.
4 (item in accounts) episode [epIsUd] n 1 episodio. 2 (of
series) captulo.
asiento; (in diary) anotacin f; (in diction pl entities.



epitaph [epItAf] n epitafio.

epithelial [epITelIl] adj epitelial.
epithet [epITet] n epteto.
epoch [ipk] n poca.
equal [ikwl] adj 1 (identical) igual;

(same) mismo,a. 2 (capable) capaz.

P n igual mf.
P vt 1 math ser igual a, equivaler a. 2
(match) igualar.
equality [IkwlItI] n igualdad f.
pl equalities.

equalize [ikwlaIz] vi sp empatar.

P vt


midad f.

[ekwnImItI] n ecuani


[IkweIt] vt equiparar ( with,

con), comparar (with, con).
equation [IkweIZn] n 1 math ecua
cin f. 2 fml (relationship) relacin f.
c o m p simple equation ecuacin f de
primer grado.
equator [IkweItr] n ecuador m.
equestrian [IkwestrIn] adj ecuestre.
P n (man) jinete m; (woman) amazona.
equidistant [ikwIdIstnt] adj equi
equilateral [ikwIlQtrl] adj equi
ltero,a. c o m p equilateral triangle
tringulo equiltero.
equilibrium [ikwIlIbrIm] n equilibrio.
equine [ekwaIn] adj equino,a.
equinox [ikwInks] n equinoccio.
equip [IkwIp] vt 1 (fit out, supply) equi
par (with, con), proveer (with, de). 2
(prepare) preparar (for/to, para).

pt & pp equipped, ger equipping.

equipment [IkwIpmnt] n 1 (materials)

eradication [IrQdIkeISn] n erradica

cin f.

erase [IreIz] vt borrar.

eraser [IreIzr] n goma de borrar.
erect [Irekt] adj 1 (upright) derecho,a,

erguido,a. 2 anat erecto,a.

P vt (build) erigir, levantar; (put up - tent)
armar; (- flagstaff) izar.
erection [IrekSn] n ereccin f.
ergonomic [gnmIk] adj ergon
erode [IrUd] vt 1 (rock, soil) erosionar.
2 (metal) corroer, desgastar.
erosion [IrUZn] n 1 (of rock, soil) ero
sin f. 2 (of metal) corrosin f.
erotic [IrtIk] adj ertico,a.
errand [ernd] n encargo, recado.
error [err] n error m, equivocacin f.
erupt [Irpt] vi 1 (volcano) entrar en
erupcin. 2 fig (war, violence, fire) esta
llar. 3 med (rash, spots, etc) brotar, salir;
(tooth) salir.
eruption [IrpSn] n 1 (volcano) erup
cin f. 2 fig (war, anger) estallido. 3
(disease) brote m, epidemia; (rash, spots,
etc) erupcin f.
escalator [eskleItr] n escalera me
escalope [esklp] n escalope.


[eskpeId, eskpeId] n

escape [IskeIp] n 1 (flight) fuga, huida

(from, de). 2 (of gas) fuga, escape m.

1 (get free, get away) escaparse, fu
garse, huir. 2 (gas, etc) escapar.
P vt 1 (avoid) escapar a, librarse de. 2
(be forgotten or unnoticed) no recordar.
escort [(n) eskt; (vb) Iskt] n 1 acom
paante mf. 2 mil escolta.
P vt 1 acompaar: Ill escort you home te
acompaar a casa. 2 mil escoltar.
Eskimo [eskImU] n 1 (person) esqui
mal mf. 2 (language) esquimal m.
P vi

equipo, material m. 2 (act of equipping)

equitable [ekwItbl] adj fml equita
equivalence [IkwIvlns] n equiva
pl Eskimos o Eskimo.
P adj esquimal.
equivalent [IkwIvlnt] adj equiva
esophagus [Isfgs] n us oesophagus.
P n equivalente m.
esoteric [esUterIk] adj esotrico,a.
era [Ir] n era, poca.
espadrille [espdrIl] n alpargata.
eradicate [IrQdIkeIt] vt erradicar.
especial [IspeSl] adj especial.



especially [IspeSlI] adv especialmen

te, sobre todo.

espresso [espresU] n caf m exprs.

pl espressos.
essay [eseI] n 1 (school) redaccin f;
(university) trabajo. 2 (literary) ensayo. 3

fml (attempt) intento.

P vt fml intentar.
essence [esns] n esencia.
essential [IsenSl] adj esencial.
P n (necessary thing) necesidad f bsica.
P n pl essentials lo esencial m sing, lo
fundamental m sing.
establish [IstQblIS] vt 1 (gen) estable
cer. 2 (find out, determine) determinar,
established [IstQblISt] adj 1 (practice,
custom) consolidado,a. 2 (person - set
up) establecido,a; (- well known) reco
nocido,a. 3 (fact) comprobado,a.
establishment [IstQblISmnt] n 1 (setting up) establecimiento, fundacin f.
2 (premises) establecimiento; (business)
negocio. 3 (staff) plantilla, personal m.
P n the Establishment gb el sistema.
estate [IsteIt] n 1 (land) finca. 2 gb
(with houses) urbanizacin f. 3 (money
and property) propiedad f, bienes mpl;
(inheritance) herencia.

Estate no significa estado, que se

traduce por state o condition.

esteem [Istim] vt estimar.


aprecio, estima.

esthetic [isTetIk] adj us aesthetic.

estimate [(n) estImt; (vb) estImeIt] n

1 (calculation - of amount, size) clculo,

estimacin f; (- of value, cost) valora
cin f, estimacin f; (- for work) presu
puesto. 2 (judgement) evaluacin f ,
juicio, opinin f.
P vt 1 (calculate) calcular. 2 (judge, form

opinion about) pensar, creer, estimar.

vi (for work) hacer un presupuesto
(for, de).

Estonia [estUnI] n Estonia.

Estonian [estUnIn] adj estonio,a.

P n 1 (person) estonio,a. 2 (language)


estrogen [istrdZn] n us oestrogen.

estuary [estjUrI] n estuario.
pl estuaries.

etching [etSIN] n aguafuerte m & f.

eternal [Itnl] adj 1 (everlasting)

eterno,a. 2 fam (unceasing) incesante.

3 (immutable) inmutable.
eternity [ItntI] n eternidad f.
ether [iTr] n ter m.
ethic [eTIk] n tica.
ethical [eTIkl] adj tico,a, moral.
ethics [eTIks] n (science) tica.
P n pl (moral correctness) moralidad f.
Ethiopia [iTIUpI] n Etiopa.
Ethiopian [iTIUpIn] adj etope.
P n 1 (person) etope mf, etiope mf. 2
(language) etope m.
ethnic [eTnIk] adj tnico,a. c o m p eth
nic minority minora tnica.
ethnography [eTngrfI] n etnografa.
ethnology [eTnldZI] n etnologa.
ethyl [iTaIl, eTIl] n chem etilo. c o m p
ethyl alcohol alcohol m etlico.
etiquette [etIket] n protocolo, eti

Etiquette no significa etiqueta (r

tulo), que se traduce por label.



[etImldZIkl] adj

etymology [etImldZI] n etimologa.

pl etymologies.

eucalyptus [jUklIpts] n eucalipto.


eucalyptus tree eucalipto.

EU [ijU] abbr (European Union) Unin

f Europea; (abbreviation) UE f.

euphemism [jUfmIzm] n eufemismo.

euro [jUrU] n euro.
Europe [jUrp] n Europa.
European [jUrpIn] adj europeo,a.

(person) europeo,a. c o m p European

Economic Community Comunidad f
Econmica Europea. y European Par
estimation [estImeISn]
n 1 opinin
liament Parlamento Europeo. y Euro
f, juicio. 2 (esteem) estima, aprecio.
pean Union Unin f Europea.

To estimate no significa estimar

(querer), que se traduce por to respect.




euthanasia [jUTneIzI] n eutanasia.

evacuate [IvQkjUeIt] vt 1 (people) eva

cuar. 2 (place) desalojar; (mil) desocupar.

evacuation [IvQkjUeISn] n 1 (of people) evacuacin f. 2 (of place) desalojo.
evade [IveId] vt 1 evadir, eludir.
evaluate [IvQljUeIt] vt (assess) evaluar,
juzgar; (estimate value) valorar, calcu
lar (el valor de), tasar.
evaluation [IvQljUeISn] n evaluacin f.
evaporate [IvQpreIt] vt evaporar.
P vi evaporarse.
evaporation [IvQpreISn] n evapo
racin f.
evasion [IveIZn] n 1 (gen) evasin f. 2
(excuse, etc) evasiva.
evasive [IveIsIv] adj evasivo,a.
eve [iv] n vspera, vigilia. l o c on the
eve of sth en vsperas de algo.
even [ivn] adj 1 (level, flat) llano,a,
plano,a; (smooth) liso,a: this surface
isnt even esta superficie no es plana. 2
(regular, steady) uniforme, regular,
constante. 3 (evenly balanced) igual,
igualado,a. 4 (number) par. 5 (placid character) apacible. 7 (on the same level as)
a nivel (with, de).
P adv 1 hasta, incluso, aun: its always
sunny, even in winter siempre hace sol, in
cluso en invierno. 2 (with negative) si
quiera, ni siquiera: she never even said
hello ni siquiera me salud. 3 (before comparative) aun, todava: shes even more
beautiful than I remembered es aun ms
guapa de lo que recordaba. l o c even if
aun si, aunque. y even so aun as. y
even though aunque, aun cuando.
P vt 1 (level) nivelar, allanar. 2 (score)
igualar; (situation) equilibrar.
a to even out vt sep (make level) nivelar;
(make equal) igualar; (spread equally) re
partir equitativamente.
evening [ivnIN] n (early) tarde f; (late)
noche f. l o c good evening! buenas
tardes!, !buenas noches!

evenly [ivnlI] adv 1 (uniformly) unifor

memente. 2 (fairly, equally) equitati

vamente, igualmente. 3 (of voice) en
el mismo tono,.
event [Ivent] n 1 (happening) suceso,
acontecimiento. 2 sp prueba.
eventual [IventSUl] adj 1 (final, ultimate)
final. 2 (resulting) consiguiente. 3 (possible) posible.

Eventual no significa provisional,

que se traduce por temporary.

eventually [IventSUlI] adv finalmen

te, con el tiempo.

[ev r] adv 1 (in negative sentences)
nunca, jams. 2 (in questions) alguna
vez. 3 (always) siempre. 4 (after comparative and superlative) nunca. 5 (emphatic use): how ever did you lose your coat?
cmo has podido perder el abrigo? l o c
for ever para siempre.
evergreen [evgrin] adj bot de hoja
P n rbol m de hoja perenne.
everlasting [evlAstIN] adj 1 (eternal,
lasting for ever) eterno,a. 2 (lasting for a
long time) duradero,a.
every [evrI] adj 1 (each) cada; (all)
todos,as: every day cada da, todos los
das. 3 (all possible): we encourage people
to help in every way animamos a la gente a
que ayude de cualquier manera. l o c
every other day un da s un da no,
cada dos das.


. Consulta tambin each.

everybody [evrIbdI] pron todos,as,

todo el mundo.


[evrIdeI] adj (day-to-day)

diario,a; (ordinary) corriente, cotidia
no,a: for everyday use para uso diario.

everyone [evrIwn] pron everybody.

everyplace [evrIpleIs] adv us every

everything [evrITIN] pron todo.

everywhere [evrIwer] adv 1 (place) en

. Evening comprende la parte final de la

todas partes, por todas partes: hes
tarde y el principio de la noche, antes de
been everywhere ha estado en todas par
que anochezca del todo.
tes. 2 (movement) a todas partes.



evidence [evIdns] n 1 (proof) prueba,

pruebas fpl. 2 (sign, indication) indicio,

indicios mpl, seal f. 3 jur (testimony)
testimonio, declaracin f.
P vt 1 (prove) demostrar, probar. 2 (give
proof of) justificar.
evident [evIdnt] adj evidente.
evil [ivl] adj 1 (gen) malo,a. 2 (foul smell) ftido,a, repugnante; (- temper,
weather) terrible, de perros. 4 (unlucky)
aciago,a, de mal agero.
P n (wickedness) mal m, maldad f.
evoke [IvUk] vt 1 (bring to mind) evocar.
2 fml (produce, cause) provocar.
evolution [ivlUSn] n evolucin f.
evolve [Ivlv] vt 1 (develop) desarrollar.
2 (give off) desprender.
P vi evolucionar.
ewe [jU] n oveja.
exact [IgzQkt] adj 1 (precise) exacto,a.
2 (meticulous) meticuloso,a. 3 (accurate)
preciso,a. 4 (specific, particular) justo.
P vt (demand, insist on) exigir (from, a).
exacting [IgzQktIN] adj exigente.
exaggerate [IgzQdZreIt] vt exagerar.
exalt [Igzlt] vt 1 fml (elevate) exaltar,
elevar. 2 (praise, extol) ensalzar.
exam [IgzQm] n fam examen m.

exceed [Iksid] vt exceder.

excel [Iksel] vt (surpass) superar.

P vi (be very good at) destacar ( at/in ,

en), sobresalir (at/in, en).

pt & pp excelled, ger excelling.

excellence [ekslns] n excelencia.

excellent [ekslnt] adj excelente.
P interj

fam estupendo!, fantstico!.

except [Iksept] prep excepto, salvo.

P vt

fml excluir, exceptuar.

exception [IksepSn] n excepcin f.

exceptional [IksepSnl] adj excep

excerpt [ekspt] n extracto.

excess [Ikses] n 1 exceso. 2 comm ex

cedente m.
excedente, sobrante.
excessive [IksesIv] adj excesivo,a.
exchange [IkstSeIndZ] n 1 (gen) cam
bio. 2 (of ideas, information, etc) inter
cambio. 3 (of prisoners) canje m. 4 fin
cambio. 5 educ (reciprocal visit) inter
P vt 1 (gen) cambiar. 2 (ideas, information, etc) intercambiar. 3 (prisoners)
exchequer [IkstSekr] n (treasury) teso
ro pblico.
examination [IgzQmIneISn] n 1 educ
P n the Exchequer Hacienda.
examen m. 2 (inspection) inspeccin f,
[IksaIt] vt 1 (enthuse, thrill) emo
examen m; (of house, room) registro. 3
cionar, apasionar. 2 fml (bring about)
med reconocimiento. 4 jur interro
provocar. 3 (stimulate) excitar.
examine [IgzQmIn] vt 1 (inspect) ins excited [IksaItId] adj 1 emocionado,a,
ilusionado,a. 2 (sexually) excitado,a.
peccionar, examinar; (check) com
probar; (consider) examinar, estudiar. excitement [IksaItmnt] n 1 (strong
feeling) emocin f, entusiasmo, ilu
2 (customs) registrar. 3 educ examinar
sin f. 2 (commotion) agitacin f, con
(in/on, de). 4 med hacer un reconoci
mocin f, revuelo.
miento a. 5 jur interrogar.
examiner [IgzQmIn r] n examin a exciting [IksaItIN] adj emocionante.
exclaim [IkskleIm] vt exclamar, gritar.
example [IgzAmpl] n (gen) ejemplo. P vi exclamar.
exasperate [IgzAspreIt] vt exasperar, exclamation [eksklmeISn] n excla
irritar. l o c for example por ejemplo.
macin f. c o m p exclamation mark sig
excavate [ekskveIt] vt excavar.
no de admiracin. y exclamation point
us signo de admiracin.
excavation [ekskveISn] n excava
cin f.
exclude [IksklUd] vt 1 (leave out, not inr
clude) excluir, no incluir. 2 (debar, preexcavator [ekskveIt
] n (machine) ex
vent from entering) no admitir.
P adj



excluding [IksklUdIN] prep (excepting)

exhale [eksheIl] vt (breathe out) exhalar.


exhaust [Igzst] n 1 (pipe) (tubo de)

excepto, con excepcin de.

[IksklUsIv] adj 1 (gen)

exclusivo,a. 2 (press) en exclusiva.

P n (press) exclusiva.
excrement [ekskrImnt] n excremento.
excrete [Ikskrit] vt excretar.
excretory [IkskritI] adj excre
tor,ra. c o m p excretory system sistema
excruciating [IkskrUSIeItIN] adj 1 in
soportable. 2 euph fatal, horrible.
excursion [IkskZn] n (outing) excur
sin f, viaje m.
excuse [(n) IkskjUs; (vb) IkskjUz] n 1
(apology) disculpa. 2 (pretext) excusa.
P vt 1 perdonar, disculpar. 2 (justify)
justificar. 3 (exempt) eximir.
execute [eksIkjUt] vt 1 (put to death)
ejecutar. 2 (carry out) ejecutar; (orders)
cumplir; (tasks) realizar. 3 (music, etc)
execution [eksIkjUSn] n 1 (carrying
out) ejecucin f; (of order) cumplimien
to; (of task) realizacin f. 2 (putting to
death) ejecucin f. 4 (of music, etc) inter
pretacin f.
executioner [eksIkjUSnr] n verdugo.
executive [IgzekjtIv] adj ejecut i
P n (person) ejecutivo,a; (committee)
P n the executive el (poder) ejecutivo.
exemplify [IgzemplIfaI] vt ejemplificar.
pt & pp exemplified, ger exemplifying.

exempt [Igzempt] adj exento,a, libre

P vi

(give off) despedir.

escape m. 2 (fumes) gases mpl de com

P vt 1 (gen) agotar. 2 (empty) vaciar.
exhausted [IgzstId] adj agotado,a.
exhausting [IgzstIN] adj agota
exhaustive [IgzstIv] adj exhaus
exhibit [IgzIbIt] n art objeto expuesto.
P vt 1 (display, show) exponer, presentar.
2 fml (manifest) manifestar, mostrar.
P vi (of artist) exponer.
exhibition [eksIbISn] n 1 (art, etc) ex
posicin f. 2 (display) demostracin f,
exhibitionist [eksIbISnIst] n exhibi
cionista mf.
exhilarating [IgzIlreItIN] adj (invigorating)
estimulante; (exciting) emocionante.
exhume [ekshjUm] vt exhumar.
exile [eksaIl] n 1 (action) destierro, exi
lio. 2 (person) desterrado,a, exilia
P vt desterrar, exiliar.
exist [IgzIst] vi 1 (gen) existir. 2 (subsist)
subsistir (on, a base de).
existence [IgzIstns] n existencia.
existent [IgzIstnt] adj existente.
exit [eksIt] n 1 (gen) salida. 2 theat mu
tis m.
P vi theat hacer mutis.

Exit no significa xito, que se tradu

(from, de).
ce por success.
P vt eximir, dispensar (from, de).
exemption [IgzempSn] n exencin f exodus [eksds] n xodo.
exorbitant [IgzbItnt] adj exorbi
(from, de).
exercise [ekssaIz] n ejercicio. c o m p
exorcism [ekssIzm] n exorcismo.
exercise book cuaderno.
P vt 1 (employ, make use of) ejercer, em
exotic [egztIk] adj extico,a.
plear. 2 (give exercise to - dog) sacar de expand [IkspQnd] vt 1 (enlarge - business)
paseo; (- horse) entrenar.
ampliar; (- number) aumentar, incre
P vi hacer ejercicio, entrenarse.
mentar. 2 (gas, metal) dilatar, expandir.
exert [Igzt] vt ejercer.
P vi 1 (grow larger) crecer, aumentar.

2 (metal) dilatarse; (gas) expandirse. 3

exhalation [ekshleIS
n] vt exhala
(spread out) extenderse.
cin f.



a to expand on vt insep ampliar, desa

experimentar, hacer experimen

expanse [IkspQns] n extensin f.
experimental [IksperImentl] adj ex
expansion [IkspQnSn] n 1 crecimien
to, aumento. 2 (gas, metal) dilatacin f, expert [ekspt] n experto,a (at/in/
expansin f. 3 (trade) desarrollo.
on, en).
expansive [IkspQnsIv] adj 1 (friendly,
P adj experto,a.
talkative) hablador,ra, comunica expertise [eksptiz] n (skill) pericia,
tivo,a. 2 (able to expand) expansivo,a.
habilidad f; (knowledge) conocimiento
expect [Ikspekt] vt 1 (anticipate) espe
rar: I never expected to win no esperaba expire [IkspaIr] vi 1 (come to end) termi
ganar. 2 (demand) esperar, contar
nar, acabarse; (die) expirar, morir. 2
con. 3 gb fam (suppose) suponer, ima
(run out - contract) vencer; (- passport, ticket)
caducar. 3 med (breathe out) espirar.
expectancy [IkspektnsI] n (anticipaexpiry
[IkspaII] n 1 (ending) expira
tion) expectacin f , expectativa;
cin f, terminacin f. 2 (of contract, bill
(hope) ilusin f.
of exchange) vencimiento; (of passport,
expectation [ekspekteISn] n (hope,
driving licence, etc) caducidad f.
firm belief) esperanza.
explanation [eksplneISn] n explica
P n pl expectations (confident feelings) ex
cin f.
pectativas fpl.
[IksplIsIt] adj explcito,a.
, Expectation no significa expectati
explode [IksplUd] vt 1 (blow up - bomb, etc)
va, que se traduce por excitement.
hacer estallar, hacer explotar. 2 (refute expedient [IkspidInt] adj convenien
theory) refutar; (- rumour) desmentir.
te, oportuno,a.
P vi 1 (blow up) estallar, explotar. 2 (react
P n expediente m, recurso.
violently) reventar, explotar, estallar.
expedition [ekspIdISn] n 1 (gen) ex exploit [(n) eksplIt; (vb) IksplIt] n ha
pedicin f. 2 fml (speed) aceleracin f,
zaa, proeza.
prontitud f.
P vt 1 (work, develop fully) explotar. 2 (use
expel [Ikspel] vt expulsar.
unfairly) aprovecharse de, explotar.
pt & pp expelled, ger expelling.
exploitation [eksplIteISn] n explo
expend [Ikspend] vt 1 fml (spend, use)
tacin f.
gastar, emplear. 2 fml (use up, exhaust)
exploration [eksplreISn] n explora
cin f.
expendable [Ikspendbl] adj fml
explore [Iksplr] vt 1 (gen) explorar. 2
(examine) examinar.
expenditure [IkspendItSr] n gasto,
P vi explorar.
expense [Ikspens] n gasto, desem explorer [Iksplr ] n explorador,ra.
n 1 (gen) ex
plosin f, estallido. 2 (violent outburst)
P n pl expenses gastos mpl.
ataque m, arrebato.
expensive [IkspensIv] adj caro,a.
experience [IkspIrIns] n experiencia. explosive [IksplUsIv] adj explosi
P vt (sensation, situation, etc) experimen
tar; (difficulty) tener; (loss) sufrir.
exponent [IkspUnnt] n 1 (gen) expo
nente m; (supporter) defensor,ra (of,
experienced [IkspIrInst] adj expe
rimentado,a, con experiencia.
de), partidario,a (of, de). 2 (performer)
intrprete mf; (expert) experto,a. 3
experiment [IksperImnt]
n experi
math exponente m.

P vi





[IkstenSn] n 1 (widening)
ampliacin f, extensin f. 2 (of line,
road, etc) prolongacin f. 5 (telephone
export [(n) ekspt; (vb) Ikspt] n 1
line) extensin f; (telephone) supletorio.
(trade) exportacin f. 2 (article) artculo
extensive [IkstensIv] adj 1 (area)
de exportacin.
extenso,a, amplio,a. 2 (wide-ranging)
P vt exportar.
vasto,a, amplio,a, extenso,a; (thorexporter [ekspt r ] n exporta
ough) exhaustivo, minucioso,a. 3
(very great in effect, widespread) importan
expose [IkspUz] vt 1 (uncover, make visite, mltiple.
ble) exponer. 2 (make known - secret, etc)
revelar, descubrir; (- person) desen extensor [Ikstensr] n extensor.
mascarar. 3 fig (lay open) exponerse. 4 extent [Ikstent] n 1 (expanse) exten
sin f. 2 (range, scale, scope) amplitud f,
(photo) exponer.
alcance m. 3 (point) punto.
exposure [IkspUZr] n 1 (being exposed)
exposicin f. 2 (revelation, disclosure) re extenuate [IkstenjUeIt] vt fml ate
velacin f, descubrimiento. 3 (in photography - picture) fotografa; (- time) ex exterior [IkstII r ] adj exterior,
externo,a: exterior walls paredes exte
posicin f . 4 (position of house, etc)
situacin f, orientacin f. 5 (publicity)
P n 1 exterior m. 2 (of person) aspecto
publicidad f; (coverage) cobertura.
externo, apariencia.
express [Ikspres] adj 1 (explicit) expre
so,a, claro,a. 2 (fast - mail) urgente; exterminate [IkstmIneIt] vt exter
(- train, coach) expreso.
extermination [IkstmIneISn] n ex
P adv urgente.
terminacin f, exterminio.
P n (rail) (tren m) expreso.
P vt 1 expresar. 2 fml (juice) exprimir.
external [ekstnl] adj externo,a,
exterior. c o m p external ear odo ex
expression [IkspreSn] n 1 (gen) ex
presin f; (manifestation) manifesta
cin f. 2 math expresin f.
extinct [IkstINkt] adj 1 (of animal) extin
guido,a. 2 (of volcano) extinguido,a,
expressive [IkspresIv] adj expresi
expressway [IkspresweI] n us auto extinction [IkstINkSn] n extincin f.
extinguish [IkstINgwIS] vt extinguir.
extinguisher [IkstINgwISr] n extintor m.
expulsion [IksplSn] n expulsin f.
exquisite [ekskwIzIt, ekskwIzIt] adj 1 extort [Ikstt] vt (money) sacar, conse
guir a la fuerza; (promise, confession)
(delicate, etc) exquisito,a, perfecto,a.
arrancar, obtener.
2 fml (of emotion) intenso,a; (of power to
feel) delicado,a.
extortion [IkstSn] n extorsin f.
extend [Ikstend] vt 1 (enlarge) ampliar; extra [ekst] adj (additional) extra,
ms, otro,a; (spare) de sobra; (on top)
(lengthen - line, road) prolongar, alargar.
2 (over time) prolongar, alargar; (deadP adv (more than usually) extra, muy;
line) prorrogar. 3 (stretch out - arm, hand)
(additional) aparte.
alargar, tender; (- leg) estirar; (- wing)
P n 1 (additional thing) extra m, comple
desplegar, extender.
mento; (additional charge) suplemento;
P vi 1 (in space) continuar, extenderse,
(luxury) lujo. 2 cinem extra mf. 3 (press)
llegar hasta. 2 (in time) prolongarse,
edicin f especial.
alargarse, durar. 3 (become extended 4 (include, affect) extract [(n) ekstrQkt; (vb) IkstrQkt] n
ladder, etc) extenderse.
incluir, abarcar, extenderse a.


[ekspnenSl] adj




1 (pull out) extraer, sacar. 2 (obtain confession, promise, etc) arrancar, obte
ner; (- information, passage, quotation) ex
traer, sacar. 3 (produce) extraer, sacar.
extraction [IkstrQkSn] n 1 (gen) ex
traccin f. 2 (of tooth) extraccin f. 3
(descent) origen m.
extractor [IkstrQktr] n extractor m. c o m p
extractor fan extractor m de humos.
extradite [ekstrdaIt] vt extraditar,
extradition [ekstrdISn] n extradi
cin f.
extramarital [ekstrmQItl] adj ex
P vt


[IkstrdnI] adj


extrasensory [ekstrsensI] adj ex


extraterrestrial [ekstrtrestrIl] adj

P n extraterrestre mf.

extravagance [IkstrQvgns] n (spending) derroche m, despilfarro, lujo; (behaviour) extravagancia.


[IkstrQvgnt] adj 1

(wasteful - person) derrochador,ra,

despilfarrador,ra; (- thing) ineficaz,
ineficiente. 2 (extreme) extravagante.
3 (luxurious) lujoso,a.
extreme [Ikstrim] adj 1 (gen) extre
mo,a. 2 (severe, unusual) excepcional.
P n extremo.
extremism [IkstrimIzm] n extremis
extremist [IkstrimIst] n extremista mf.
extremity [IkstremItI] n 1 fml (furthest
point) extremo. 2 fml (extreme degree, situation) situacin f extrema.
P n pl extremities anat extremidades fpl.
pl extremities.

extricate [ekstrIkeIt] vt fml librar, sa

car. l o c to extricate os lograr salir

(from, de).
extrinsic [IkstrInzIk] adj extrnseco,a.
extrovert [ekstrvt] adj extrover
P n extrovertido,a.
exuberance [IgzjUbns] n (vigour)
exuberancia; (high spirits) euforia.
exuberant [IgzjUbnt] adj 1 (of person) eufrico,a. 2 (of plants) exube
exude [IgzjUd] vt 1 fml (of sweat, etc)
exudar, rezumar. 2 fig (of feeling) re
bosar: she exudes confidence rebosa de
P vi (of sweat, etc) exudar, rezumar.
exultant [Igzltnt] adj exultante.
eye [aI] n 1 anat ojo. 2 (sense) vista. 3
(of needle, potato, storm) ojo.
P vt (observe) mirar, observar; (look at
longingly) echar el ojo a.
eyeball [aIbl] n globo ocular.
eyebolt [aIbUlt] n armella, hembrilla.
eyebrow [aIbaU] n ceja.
eye-catching [aIkQtSIN] adj llamati
eyelash [aIlQS] n pestaa.
eyelid [aIlId] n prpado.
eyeliner [aIlaInr] n lpiz m de ojos.
eyesight [aIsaIt] n vista.
eyesore [aIsr] n monstruosidad f.
eyestrain [aIstreIn] n vista cansada.
eyetooth [aItUT] n colmillo.
eyewash [aIwS] n 1 med colirio. 2
fam (nonsense) tonteras fpl: its all eyewash! eso son disparates!.
eyewitness [aIwItns] n testigo pre
sencial, testigo ocular.


F, f [ef] n 1 (the letter) F, f f. 2 mus fa m.

F [fQrnhaIt] abbr (Fahrenheit) Fahren

heit; (abbreviation) F.
fable [feIbl] n fbula.
fabric [fQbrIk] n 1 (material) tela, tejido.
2 (structure) fbrica, estructura.

Fabric no significa fbrica, que se tra

duce por factory.

fabulous [fQbjls] adj fabuloso,a.

faade [fsAd] n fachada.
face [feIs] n 1 (gen) cara. 2 (surface) su

perficie f. 3 (of dial) cuadrante m. 4 (of

watch) esfera. l o c face down boca aba
jo. y face up boca arriba.
P vt 1 (look towards) mirar hacia. 2 (look
onto) estar orientado,a hacia, dar a. 3
(be opposite to) estar enfrente de. 4 (confront) presentarse, plantearse; (deal with)
enfrentarse a. 5 (tolerate) soportar.
a to face up to vt insep afrontar, en
frentar, enfrentarse a.
faceless [feIsls] adj annimo,a.
facelift [feIslIft] n 1 lifting m. 2 fig
(building) lavado de cara.
facet [fQsIt] n faceta.
facial [feISl] adj facial.
facilitate [fsIlIteIt] vt facilitar.
facility [fsIlItI] n facilidad f.
P n pl facilities 1 (equipment) instalacio
nes fpl, servicios mpl. 2 (means) facili
dades fpl.

factorize [fQktraIz] vt descomponer

en factores.

factory [fQktrI] n fbrica.

pl factories.

faculty [fQkltI] n 1 (power, ability) facul

tad f. 2 (at university) facultad f. 3 us (at

university) profesorado.
pl faculties.

fad [fQd] n 1 (fashion) moda pasajera. 2

(personal) mana.

fade [feId] vt (colour) descolorar, desco

lorir, desteir.

a to fade away vi 1 (become less intense,

strong, etc) desvanecerse, esfumarse. 2

(die) morirse.

faecal [fikl] adj fecal.

faeces [fisiz] n pl heces fpl.
fag [fQg] n 1 gb fam (cigarette) pitillo. 2 sl
(drag) lata, rollo.

Fahrenheit [fQrnhaIt] adj Fahrenheit.

fail [feIl] n educ suspenso.

P vt 1 (let down) fallar, decepcionar; (desert) fallar, faltar. 2 educ suspender.

P vi 1 (neglect) dejar de. 2 (not succeed)
fracasar, no hacer algo. 3 (crops) fa
llar, echarse a perder. 4 (stop working)
fallar. 5 (light) acabarse, irse apagan
do. 6 (become weak) debilitarse, fallar.
7 comm (become bankrupt) quebrar, fra
failing [feIlIN] n (fault) defecto, fallo;
(weakness) punto dbil.
P prep a falta de.
pl facilities.
fail-safe [feIlsaIf] adj (device, mechanism)
fact [fQkt] n 1 (event, happening) hecho. 2
de seguridad; (plan) infalible.
(the truth) realidad f. l o c as a matter of failure [feIljr] n 1 (lack of success) fracaso.
fact en realidad. y in fact de hecho.
2 comm quiebra. 3 educ suspenso. 4
faction [fQkSn] n faccin f.
(person) fracasado,a. 5 (breakdown) fallo,
avera. 6 (of crops) prdida.
factor [fQktr] n factor m.



faint [feInt] adj 1 (sound, voice) dbil, te

nue. 2 (colour) plido,a. 3 (slight - memory, etc) vago,a.

P n mareo.
P vi desmayarse (from, de).
fair1 [fer] adj 1 (just) justo,a; (impartial) im
parcial; (reasonable) razonable. 2 (considerable) considerable. 3 (idea, guess, etc) bas
tante bueno,a. 4 (weather) bueno,a. 5
(hair) rubio,a; (skin) blanco,a.
fair2 [fer] n 1 (market) mercado, feria.
2 (show) feria; (funfair) parque m de
fairground [fegraUnd] n (site) recinto
ferial; (show) feria; (funfair) parque m de
fairly [felI] adv 1 (justly) justamente. 2
(moderately) bastante. 3 (completely)
fairway [feweI] n 1 (golf) calle f. 2 (sea)
canal m navegable.
fairy [ferI] n hada. c o m p fairy story/
tale cuento de hadas.
pl fairies.

to fall back on vt insep

rrir a.

(resort to) recu

a to fall behind vi (be overtaken) retra

sarse, rezagarse.

to fall down vi 1 (gen) caer, caerse. 2

(fail) fallar.

to fall for vt insep 1

(be tricked) dejarse

engaar por, picar. 2 fam (fall in love)
enamorarse de.
to fall off vi 1 (decrease in quantity) ba
jar, disminuir; (in quality) empeorar. 2
(become detached) desprenderse, caerse.
to fall out vi (quarrel) reir (with, con),
pelearse (with, con).
P vi (drop) caerse.
to fall over vt insep caer, tropezar con.
pt fell [fel], pp fallen [fln].

fallen [fln] pp fall.

P adj

(not virtuous) perdido,a.

Fallopian tube [flUpIntjUb] n trom

pa de Falopio.

fallout [flaUt] n lluvia radiactiva.

fallow [fQlU] adj en barbecho.
false [fls] adj 1 (untrue) falso,a. 2 (artifi-

cial) postizo,a. c o m p false alarm falsa

alarma. y false start salida nula. y
fianza (in, en), fe f (in, en). 3 rel fe f.
false teeth dentadura postiza.
faithful [feITfUl] adj 1 (loyal) fiel (to, a),
falsify [flsIfaI] vt 1 (alter falsely) falsifi
leal (to, a/con). 2 (accurate) exacto,a.
car. 2 (misrepresent) falsear.
faithfully [feITfUlI] adv fielmente. l o c
pt & pp falsified, ger falsifying.
yours faithfully (in letter) atentamente.
fake [feIk] n 1 falsificacin f. 2 (person) falter [flt ] vi (person) vacilar, titu
bear; (voice) fallar.
impostor,ra, farsante mf.
fame [feIm] n fama.
P adj falso,a, falsificado,a.
familiar [fmIlIr] adj 1 (well-known) cono
P vt 1 (falsify) falsificar. 2 (pretend) fingir:
cido,a (to, a). 2 (aware) familiarizado,a
she faked illness fingi estar enferma.
(with, con). 3 (intimate) ntimo,a.
falcon [flkn] n halcn m.
, Familiar no significa familiar (de la
fall [fl] n 1 (act of falling) cada. 2 (of rock)
familia), que se traduce por family.
desprendimiento; (of snow) nevada. 3
(decrease) baja, descenso, disminucin
[fmIlIQrItI] n familiaridad f.
f. 4 (defeat) cada. 5 us (autumn) otoo.
familiarize [fmIlIraIz] vt (become acP vi 1 (gen) caer, caerse. 2 (decrease) bajar,
quainted) familiarizarse (with, con).
descender. 3 (be defeated) caer; (be killed)
perecer. l o c to fall asleep quedarse family [fQmIlI] n familia.
pl families.
dormido. y to fall in love enamorarse.
P adj familiar. c o m p family name ape
P n pl falls (waterfall) cascada f sing, cata
ratas fpl.
to fall apart vi romperse, deshacer famine [fQmIn] n hambruna, hambre f.
famous [feIms] adj famoso,a (for, por).
se, caerse a pedazos.
to fall back vi (retreat)
retroceder, re famously [feImslI] adv fam estupen

faith [feIT] n 1 fe f. 2 (trust, confidence) con




[fQn] n 1 (object) abanico. 2 elec

ventilador m. 3 (follower) aficionado,a;
(of pop star, etc) admirador,ra, fan mf. 4
(of football) hincha mf.
P vt (face) abanicar; (elec) ventilar.

P vt 1 (use land) cultivar, labrar. 2 (breed

animals) criar.
P vi (grow crops) cultivar la tierra.
farmer [fAmr] n granjero,a, agri
pt & pp fanned, ger fanning.
farmhouse [fAmhaUs] n granja.
fanatic [fnQtIk] n fantico,a.
farming [fAmIN] n agricultura. l o c farm
P adj fantico,a (about, de).
ing industry industria agropecuaria.
fancier [fQnsIr] n aficionado,a.
farmland [fAmlQnd] n tierra de cultivo.
fanciful [ f Q n s I f U l ] adj 1 (idea) farmyard [fAmjAd] n corral m.
imaginario,a, fantstico,a. 2 (extrav- far-reaching [fAritSIN] adj de gran al
agant) caprichoso,a, estrafalario,a.
fancy [fQnsI] n 1 (imagination) fantasa, farrier [fQrIr] n herrero.
imaginacin f. 2 (whim) capricho, antojo. far-sighted [fAsaItId] adj previsor,ra.
pl fancies.
fart [fAt] n 1 fam pedo. 2 (fool) carcamal
P adj 1 (jewels, goods, etc) de fantasa. 2
m, carroza m.
(high-class, posh) elegante, de lujo.
P vi tirarse un pedo.
P vt 1 (want) apetecer, querer. 2 (find atfarther [fADr] adj comp far: San
tractive) encontrar atractivo,a. 3 (think)
tander is farther than Murcia Santander es
creer, suponer.
t ms lejos que Murcia.
pt & pp fancied, ger fancying.
farthest [fADIst] adj far: Pluto is the
fanfare [fQnfer] n fanfarria.
farthest planet from the Sun Plutn es el
fang [fQN] n colmillo.
planeta ms alejado del Sol.
fantastic [fQntQstIk] adj fantstico,a.
P adv far: who lives farthest from the
fantasy [fQntsI] n fantasa.
school? quin vive ms lejos de la escuela?
pl fantasies.
fascinate [fQsIneIt] vt fascinar.
FAQ [efeIkjU] n (frequently asked ques- fascinating [fQsIneItIN] adj fascinante.
tions) preguntas frecuentes.
fascination [fQsIneISn] n fascinacin f.
far [fAr] adj 1 (distant) lejano,a, remoto,a. fascism [fQSIzm] n fascismo.
2 (more distant) opuesto,a, extremo,a.
fascist [fQSIst] n fascista mf.
comp farther o further, superl farthest o
P adj fascista.
fashion [fQSn] n 1 (style) moda. 2 (way)
P adv 1 (a long way) lejos. 2 (a long time) lejos.
modo. l o c in fashion de moda. y out
3 (much) mucho. l o c as far as hasta: as far
of fashion pasado de moda.
as I am concerned por lo que a m se refiere. y
P vt (clay) formar; (metal) labrar.
far away lejos. y so far hasta ahora.
fashionable [fQSnbl] adj de moda.
faraway [fArweI] adj lejano,a,
fast1 [fAst] adj 1 (gen) rpido,a. 2 (tight,
remoto,a; (look) distrado,a.
secure) firme, seguro,a. 3 (clock) adelan
farce [fAs] n farsa.
fare [fer] n (price) tarifa, precio del bi
P adv 1 rpidamente, deprisa. 2 (sellete; (boat) pasaje m.
curely) firmemente; (thoroughly) profun
P vi (progress, get on) desenvolverse.
fast2 [fAst] n ayuno.
. Fare se refiere slo a los billetes de
P vi ayunar.
transporte pblico.
fasten [fAsn] vt 1 (attach) fijar, sujetar.
farewell [fewel] interj adis!
2 (tie) atar. 3 (box, door, window) cerrar;
P n despedida.
(belt, dress) abrochar.
P vi (box, door, etc) cerrarse; (dress, etc)
farm [fAm] n granja.
P adj agrcola, de granja.



fastener [fAsn ] n cierre m.

fastidious [fQstIdIs] adj quisq ui

lloso,a, melindroso,a.

Fastidious no significa fastidioso

(molesto), que se traduce por annoying.

fat [fQt] adj gordo,a.

comp fatter, superl fattest.

P n 1 (of meat) grasa; (of person) carnes
fpl. 2 (for cooking) manteca; (lard) lardo.
fatal [feItl] adj 1 (causing disaster) fatal,
funesto,a; (serious) grave. 2 (causing
death) mortal. 3 (fateful) fatdico,a.

faulty [fltI] adj defectuoso,a.

comp faultier, superl faultiest.

fauna [fn] n fauna.

faux pas [fUpA] n metedura de pata.
pl faux pas.

favor [feIvr] n-vt us favour.

favorite [feIvrIt] n us favorite.
favour [feIvr] n 1 (kindness) favor m. 2

(approval) aprobacin f, favor m. 3 (favouritism) parcialidad f, favoritismo.

P vt 1 (prefer) preferir, inclinarse por.
2 (benefit, aid) favorecer.
[feIvrbl] adj favorable
, Fatal no significa fatal (muy malo), favourable
(to/towards, a).
que se traduce por awful.
favourite [feIvrIt] n favorito,a.
fatality [ftQlItI] n vctima mortal.
P adj favorito,a.
pl fatalities.
favouritism [feIvrItIzm] n favoritismo.
fate [feIt] n 1 (destiny) destino. 2 (persons fawn [fn] n 1 zool cervato. 2 (colour)
lot) suerte f.
beige m.
fated [feItId] adj predestinado,a.
P adj beige.
fateful [feItfUl] adj fatdico,a.
to fawn on vt insep adular, lisonjear.
father [fAD ] n 1 (male parent) padre m. fax [fQks] n fax m.
2 (priest) padre m.
P vt enviar por fax. c o m p fax machine
P vt engendrar.
fax m.
father-in-law [fADrInl] n suegro.
fear [fIr] n miedo, temor m.
fatherland [fADlQnd] n patria.
P vt temer, tener miedo a.
fatherly [fADlI] adj paternal.
P vi temer, tener miedo.
fatigue [ftig] n 1 fatiga, cansancio. 2
to fear for vt insep temer por: I fear for
tech fatiga.
the childrens safety temo por la seguridad
P vt fml fatigar, cansar.
de los nios.
fat-soluble [fQtsljbl] adj liposoluble. fearful [fIfUl] adj 1 (frightened) teme
fatten [fQtn] vt 1 (animal) cebar (up, -).
roso,a (of, de). 2 (terrible) terrible, es
2 (person) engordar (up,).
fattening [fQtnIN] adj que engorda: fearless [fIls] adj audaz.
biscuits are fattening las galletas engordan. fearsome [fIsm] adj temible.
fatty [fQtI] adj (greasy) graso,a.
feasibility [fizbIlItI] n viabilidad f.
comp fattier, superl fattiest.
feasible [fizbl] adj 1 (viable) factible,
P n fam pej gordinfln,ona.
viable. 2 (plausible) verosmil.
pl fatties.
feast [fist] n 1 festn m, banquete m. 2
faucet [fsIt] n us grifo.
fam comilona. 3 rel fiesta de guardar,
fault [flt] n 1 (gen) defecto. 2 (blame)
da m de fiesta.
culpa. 4 (mistake) error m, falta. 5 (in
P vi banquetear, festejar.
earth) falla. 6 (in tennis, etc) falta.
feat [fit] n proeza, hazaa.
P vt criticar, encontrar defectos a.
feather [feDr] n pluma.
, Fault no significa falta (carencia), feature [fitSr] n 1 (of face) rasgo, faccin
que se traduce por lack.
f. 2 (characteristic) rasgo, caracterstica. 3
(press) artculo especial, especial m.
faultless [fltls] adj
perfecto,a, inta
c o m p feature (film) largometraje m.
chable, impecable.


P vt (have) tener; (film) tener como pro
tagonista: this car features the latest safety devices este coche incorpora los lti
mos dispositivos de seguridad.
P vi (appear) figurar (in, en): his name
featured in the police report su nombre fi
gur en el informe policial.
February [febrUrI] n febrero.

. Para ejemplo de uso, consulta May.

fecal [fikl] adj us faecal.

feces [fisiz] n us faeces.
fed [fed] pt & pp feed. l o c to be fed up

with fam estar harto,a de.

federal [fedrl] adj federal.
federation [fedreISn] n federacin f.
fee [fi] n 1 (doctors, etc) honorarios mpl;
(for tuition) derechos mpl (de matrcula).
2 (membership) cuota, cuota de socio.
c o m p registration fee matrcula.
feeble [fibl] adj 1 (person) dbil. 2 (light,
sound) tenue, dbil. 3 (argument, excuse)

de poco peso.

feed [fid] n 1 comida. 2 fam comilo

na. 3 (for cattle) pienso. 4 tech alimen

tacin f.
P vt 1 alimentar: could you feed our cat while
were away? podras dar de comer a nuestro
gato mientras estamos fuera? 2 (breastfeed)
dar de mamar a; (bottle-feed) dar el bibe
rn a. 3 tech alimentar, suministrar. 4
(insert) introducir; (coins) meter.
P vi (people) comer, alimentarse (on,
de); (animals) pacer.
a to feed up vt sep (animal) cebar; (person) engordar.
pt & pp fed [fed].

feedback [fidbQk] n 1 tech retroali

all eyes upon her senta que todos la mira

ban. 4 (opinion) opinar, pensar: how do
you feel about exams? qu opinas de los


a to feel for vt insep (have sympathy for)

compadecer a, compadecerse de.

pt & pp felt [felt].

feeler [filr] n antena.

feeling [filIN] n 1 (emotion) sentimien
to, emocin f. 2 (sensation) sensacin f.
3 (sense) sensibilidad. 4 (impression) im
presin f: I have the feeling that tengo la
impresin de que
sensible, compasivo,a.
P n pl feelings sentimientos mpl.
P adj

feet [fit] n pl foot.

feign [feIn] vt fingir, aparentar: she

feigned illness to get off school fingi estar

enferma para no ir a la escuela.
feint [feInt] n fml (fencing) finta; (boxing)
treta, estratagema.
P adj (paper) rayado,a.
feldspar [feldspAr] n feldespato.
feline [filaIn] adj felino,a.
P n felino,a.
fell1 [fel] vt 1 (tree) talar. 2 (enemy) derribar.

fell2 [fel] pt fall.

fellow [felU] n 1 fam (chap) tipo, to: old

fellow viejo amigo; poor fellow! pobrecito!

2 (companion, comrade) compaero,a,
camarada mf. 3 (member) socio,a.
fellowship [felUSIp] n 1 (group) asocia
cin f, sociedad f. 2 (companionship)
compaerismo, camaradera. 3 educ

(scholarship) beca.

felspar [felspAr] n feldespato.

felt1 [felt] pt & pp feel.
felt2 [felt] n fieltro.

mentacin f, retroaccin f. 2 fig reac

P adj de fieltro.
cin f, respuesta.
feeder [fidr] n 1 tech alimentador m. felt-tip [felttIp] [also felt-tip pen] n ro
tulador m.
2 (road) ramal m, carretera.
[fimeIl] n 1 hembra. 2 (woman)
feel [fil] n 1 (sense, texture) tacto. 2 (atmujer f; (girl) chica.
mosphere) aire m, ambiente m.
P adj 1 femenino,a. 2 zool hembra.
P vt 1 (touch) tocar, palpar. 2 (search with
fingers) buscar. 3 (sense, experience) sentir, feminine [femInIn] adj femenino,a.
P n femenino,a.
experimentar. 4 (believe) creer.
feminism [femInIzm] n feminismo.
P vi 1 (be) sentir(se), encontrarse. 2
(seem) parecer: it feels
like leather parece feminist [femInIst] n feminista mf.
piel. 3 (perceive, sense) sentir: she could feel femoral [fimrl] adj femoral.



femur [fim ] n fmur m.

fence [fens] n valla, cerca.


to sit on

the fence ver los toros desde la barrera.

P vi 1 sp practicar la esgrima. 2 (land)


fencing [fensIN] n 1 sp esgrima. 2 (structure) cercado.

fend [fend] vi to fend for os valerse por

uno mismo,a.

a to fend off vt sep (blow) parar, des

viar; (question) esquivar; (attack) recha

zar, defenderse de.
fender [fendr] n 1 (for fire) pantalla. 2
us (on automobile) parachoques m.
fennel [fenl] n hinojo.
ferment [(n) fmnt; (vb) fment] n 1 (substance) fermento. 2 (unrest) agitacin f.
P vt & vi fermentar.
fermentation [fmenteISn] n fer
mentacin f.
fern [fn] n helecho.
ferocious [frUSs] adj feroz.
ferocity [frsItI] n ferocidad f.
ferret [ferIt] n hurn m.
to ferret out vt sep descubrir.
ferrous [fers] adj ferroso,a.
ferry [ferI] n (small) barca de pasaje;
(large) transbordador m, ferry m.
pl ferries.
P vt transportar.
pt & pp ferried, ger ferrying.
ferryboat [ferIbUt] n ferry.
fertile [ftaIl] adj frtil.
fertility [ftIlItI] n fertilidad f.


[ftlaIzeISn] n 1 (soil)
fertilizacin f. 2 (egg) fecundacin f.
fertilize [ftIlaIz] vt 1 (soil) fertilizar,
abonar. 2 (egg) fecundar.
fertilizer [ftIlaIzr] n fertilizante m,
ferule1 [ferUl] n frula.
fervent [fvnt] adj fervoroso,a.

fervor [fvr] n us fervour.

fervour [fvr] n fervor m.
fester [festr] vi 1 med supurar, enco

fetal [fits] n us foetal.

fetch [fetS] vt 1 (go and get) ir por, ir a

buscar, buscar; (bring) traer. 2 fam (sell

for) venderse por, alcanzar.
to fetch up vi ir a parar.
fte [feIt] n (party) fiesta; (fair) feria.
P vt festejar.
fetid [fetId] adj ftido,a.
fetish [fetIS] n fetiche m.
fetter [fetr] vt 1 encadenar. 2 fig es
torbar, poner trabas a.
P n pl fetters grilletes mpl, cadenas fpl.

fetus [fits] n us foetus.

feud [fjUd] n enemistad f (duradera):

theres been a feud between the two families

for years hace aos que existe una ene

mistad entre ambas familias.

P vi disentir, reir, pelear.

Feud no significa feudo (dominio),

que se traduce por fief.

feudal [fjUdl] adj feudal.

feudalism [fjUdlIzm] n feudalismo.
fever [fivr] n fiebre f.
feverish [fivrIS] adj febril.
few [fjU] adj 1 (not many) poco,a,

pocos,as: very few cars muy pocos coches.

2 (some) uno,as cuantos,as, algunos,as:
in the next few days en los prximos das.
P pron 1 (not many) pocos,as: many try
but few succeed muchos lo intentan pero
pocos lo consiguen. 2 (some) unos,as
cuantos,as, algunos,as: there are a
few left quedan unos cuantos.
fianc [fIQnseI] n prometido, novio.
fiance [fIQnseI] n prometida, novia.
fiasco [fIQskU] n fiasco, fracaso.
pl fiascos.
fib [fIb] n fam bola, trola.
P vi fam contar bolas, contar trolas.
pt & pp fibbed, ger fibbing.
fibre [faIbr] n fibra. c o m p fibre optics fi
bra ptica. y man-made fibre fibra arti

fibreglass [faIbglAs] n fibra de vidrio.

fibrosis [faIbrUsIs] n fibrosis f.
fibrous [faIbrs] adj fibroso,a.
narse. 2 fig amargarse.
festival [festIvl] n
1 (event) festival m. fibula [fIbjl] n peron m.
2 (celebration) fiesta.
fickle [fIkl] adj inconstante, voluble.



fiction [fIkSn] n 1 (novels) novela, na

rrativa. 2 (invention) ficcin f.

fictitious [fIktISs] adj ficticio,a.
fiddle [fIdl] n 1 fam violn m. 2 fam
(fraud) estafa, trampa.
P vi 1 tocar el violn. 2 fam (play) ju
guetear (with, con).
P vt fam (cheat) amaar, falsificar.
a to fiddle about / fiddle around vi

fam perder el tiempo.

fiddler [fIdlr] n 1 fam (violinist) violinis
ta mf. 2 fam (cheat) tramposo,a.
fidelity [fIdelItI] n fidelidad f.
fidget [fIdZIt] n persona inquieta.
P vi (move about) moverse, no poder
estar(se) quieto,a; (play about) jugar
(with, con).
fief [fif] n feudo.
field [fild] n 1 (gen) campo. 2 (for mining)
yacimiento. 3 (subject, area) campo, te
rreno. 4 sp (competitors) competidores
mpl; (horses) participantes mpl.
fierce [fIs] adj 1 (gen) feroz. 2 fig (heat,
competition, etc) fuerte, intenso,a; (argument) acalorado,a.
fiery [faIrI] adj 1 (colour) encendido,a,
rojo,a. 2 (burning) ardiente. 3 (food)
muy picante; (drink) muy fuerte.

n 1 (in series) quincuagsimo,a. 2

(fraction) quincuagsimo; (one part)
quincuagsima parte f.

. Consulta tambin sixtieth.

fifty [fIftI] adj cincuenta.


cincuenta m.

. Consulta tambin sixty.

fifty-fifty [fIftIfIftI] adv fam mitad y

mitad, a medias.

fig [fIg] n higo. c o m p fig tree higuera.

fight [faIt] n 1 (struggle) lucha. 2 (physical

violence) pelea; (quarrel) ria; (argument)

disputa. 3 (boxing) combate m.
P vi 1 (quarrel) pelear(se) (about/over,
por), discutir (about/over, por). 2 (in
boxing) pelear (against, contra). 3 (with
physical violence) pelearse (with, con)
(against, contra), luchar (with, con)
(against, contra).
P vt 1 (bull) lidiar. 2 (engage in - battle) librar;
(- war) hacer; (- election) presentarse a. 3
(with physical violence) pelearse, luchar.
to fight back vi defenderse, resistir.
P vt sep (tears) contener.
to fight off vt sep vencer, rechazar.
pt & pp fought [ft].

fighter [faItr] n 1 (war) combatiente mf.

2 (boxing) boxeador,ra. 3 fig lucha

fig-leaf [fIglif] n hoja de parra.
figurative [fIgrtIv] adj figurado,a.
figure [fIgr] n 1 (number, sign) cifra, n
. Consulta tambin six.
mero. 2 (money, price) cantidad f, pre
cio. 3 (in art, shape, human form) figura. 4
fifteenth [fIftinT] adj decimoquinto,a.
(personality) figura, personaje m.
P adv en decimoquinto lugar.
P vi (appear) figurar, constar.
P n 1 (in series) decimoquinto,a. 2 (fracP vt us (think) suponer, imaginarse.
tion) decimoquinto; (one part) decimo
a to figure out vt sep fam (gen) com
quinta parte f.
prender, enterarse; (problem) resolver,
. Consulta tambin sixth.
filament [fIlmnt] n filamento.
fifth [fIfT] adj quinto,a.
file [faIl] n 1 (tool) lima. 2 (folder) carpeta.
P adv quinto, en quinto lugar.
3 (archive) archivo, expediente m. 4
P n 1 (in series) quinto,a. 2 (fraction)
comput archivo. 5 (line) fila.
quinto; (one part) quinta parte f.
P vt 1 (smooth) limar. 2 (put away) archi
. Consulta tambin sixth.
var; (in card index) fichar. 3 jur presentar.
P vi (walk in line) desfilar.
fiftieth [fIftIT] adj quincuagsimo,a.
P adv en quincuagsimo lugar.
filigree [fIlIgri] n filigrana.

comp fierier, superl fieriest.

fifteen [fIftin] adj quince.
P n quince m.



fill [fIl] vt 1 (make full) llenar (with, de). 2

(time) ocupar. 3 (cover) cubrir. 4 culin

rellenar. 5 (tooth) empastar. 6 (hold a position) ocupar; (appoint) cubrir. 7 (fulfil)
P vi llenarse (with, de).
to fill in vt sep 1 (space, form) rellenar. 2
(inform) poner al corriente (on, de).
to fill in for vt insep sustituir a.
to fill up vt sep llenar.
P vi llenarse.
fillet [fIlIt] n filete m.
filling [fIlIN] n 1 (in tooth) empaste m. 2
culin relleno. c o m p filling station gaso
film [fIlm] n 1 cinem pelcula, filme m,
film m. 2 (coating of dust, etc) capa, pel
cula. 3 (of photos) carrete m, rollo.
P vt 1 cinem rodar, filmar; (tv programme)
grabar. 2 (event) filmar.
P vi cinem rodar.
filter [fIltr] n filtro.
P vt filtrar.
filth [fIlT] n 1 (dirt) suciedad f, porque
ra. 2 fig (obscenity) obscenidades fpl,
porqueras fpl.
filthy [fIlTI] adj 1 (dirty) sucio,a, asque
roso,a. 2 (obscene) obsceno,a, gro
sero,a, asqueroso,a.

(money available) fondos mpl.
financial [faInQnsIl] n financiero,a,
find [faInd] n (act, thing found) hallazgo.
P vt 1 (gen) encontrar. 2 jur declarar.
a to find out vt sep 1 (enquire) pregun
tar, averiguar; (discover) descubrir, en
terarse de.
P vi 1 (enquire) informarse (about, so
bre), averiguar. 2 (discover) enterarse
(about, de), (llegar a) saber.
P vt

P n pl finances

pt & pp found [faUnd].

finding [faIndIN] n 1 (of inquiry) conclu

sin f, resultado. 2 jur fallo, veredicto.

. Se usa en plural con el mismo significado.


[faIn] adj 1 (gen) fino,a. 2 (highquality) excelente. 3 (weather) bueno,a.

4 (healthy) bien. 5 fam (all right) bien.
P adv 1 (in small bits) fino, finamente. 2
fam (very well) muy bien.
fine2 [faIn] n (punishment) multa.
P vt multar.
finger [fINgr] n dedo.
P vt tocar.
fingernail [fINgneIl] n ua.
fingerprint [fINgprInt] n huella digi
tal, huella dactilar.
comp filthier, superl filthiest.
fingertip [fINgtIp] n punta del dedo,
fin [fIn] n aleta.
yema del dedo.
final [faInl] adj final: final call ltimo finish [fInIS] n 1 fin m, final m. 2 sp lle
gada, meta. 3 (for surface) acabado.
P n sp final f: the final will be held in LonP vt acabar, terminar.
don la final se celebrar en Londres.
to finish up vi (end up) ir a parar a/en.
P n pl finals (at university) exmenes mpl
[faInaIt] adj finito,a.
Finland [fInlnd] n Finlandia.
finale [fInAlI] n final m.
Finn [fIn] n (person) finlands,esa.
finalist [faInlIst] n finalista mf.
finality [faInQltI] n carcter m defini Finnish [fInIS] adj finlands,esa.
P n (language) finlands m.
fiord [fId] n fiordo.
, Finality no significa finalidad (obje fir [fr] n abeto.
tivo), que se traduce por purpose, aim.
fire [faIr] n 1 (gen) fuego. 2 (blaze) incen
finalize [faInlaIz] vt (plans, arrangements)
dio, fuego. 3 (heater) estufa. 4 mil fuego.
ultimar; (date) fijar.
l o c to be on fire estar ardiendo. y to
finally [faInlI] adv 1 (at last) por fin, al
catch fire prenderse. c o m p fire brigade
final. 2 (lastly) por ltimo, finalmente.
los bomberos. y fire engine coche de
bomberos. y fire escape escalera de in
finance [faInQns]
n (management of moncendios. y fire extinguisher extintor m.
ey) finanzas fpl.



y fire hydrant boca de incendios. y fire

station estacin f de bomberos.
P vt (weapon) disparar; (rocket) lanzar. 2
fam (dismiss) despedir.
P vi 1 (shoot) disparar (at, sobre), hacer
fuego. 2 auto encenderse.
P interj fuego!
firearm [faIrAm] n arma de fuego.
firebreak [faIbreIk] n cortafuego.
firecracker [faIkrQkr] n petardo.
firefighter [faIfaItr] n bombero mf.
firefly [faIflaI] n lucirnaga.
pl fireflies.

fireman [faImn] n bombero.

pl firemen [faImn].

fireplace [faIpleIs] n 1 (structure) chi

menea. 2 (hearth) hogar m.

fireproof [faIprUf] adj a prueba de


firewall [faIwl] n cortafuego.

firewood [faIwUd] n lea.
fireworks [faIwks] n pl fuegos mpl
artificiales, fuegos mpl de artificio.
firing [faIrIN] n tiroteo.
firm1 [fm] n (business) empresa.

Firm no significa firma (escrita), que

se traduce por signature.

firm2 [fm] adj 1 (strong, solid, steady) fir

first-rate [fstreIt] adj de primera.

P adv

de primera.

fiscal [fIskl] adj fiscal.

fish [fIS] n 1 pez m. 2



fish farm piscifactora. y fish finger

palito de pescado rebozado. y fish
shop pescadera.
pl fish o fishes.
P vi pescar (for, -).

. Cuando significa pez, fish es un nom

bre contable y su plural es fish, aunque
tambin se puede emplear la forma me
nos frecuente fishes. Cuando significa
pescado, es incontable y, por lo tanto, no
tiene plural.

fishbowl [fISbUl] n pecera.

fisherman [fISmn] n pescador m.
pl fishermen [fISmn].

fish-hook [fIShUk] n anzuelo.

fishing [fISIN] n pesca. l o c to go fishing

ir de pesca. c o m p fishing line sedal m. y

fishing net red f de pesca. y fishing rod
caa de pescar.
fishmonger [fISmNgr] n gb pesca
dero,a. c o m p fishmongers pescade
fission [fISn] n fisin f.
fissure [fISr] n fisura, grieta.
fist [fIst] n puo.
fistful [fIstfUl] n puado.
fit1 [fIt] n 1 med ataque m, acceso. 2 (of
laughter, rage) ataque m.
fit 2 [fIt] adj 1 (suitable, appropriate)
adecuado,a, apropiado,a; (qualified
for) capacitado,a, capaz. 2 (in good
health) sano,a, bien de salud; (physically) en forma. 3 fam (ready) a punto de.

me, slido,a. 2 (strict, strong) duro,a. 3

(steady) firme, estable.
first [fst] adj primero,a.
P adv 1 (before anything else) primero. 2
(for the first time) por primera vez. 3 (in
preference to) antes. l o c at first al prin
cipio. y first of all primero.
P n 1 la primera vez. 2 (gear) primera: I
cant put it into first no puedo meter primera.
first-aid [fsteId] adj de primeros au
comp fitter, superl fittest.
xilios. c o m p first-aid kit botiqun m.
P n 1 (of clothes) : its a perfect fit me va per
first-born [fstbn] adj primo
fectamente. 2 (in space): itll be a tight fit
vamos a estar muy apretados.
P n primognito,a.
P vt 1 (be right size for) sentar bien, que
first-class [fstklAs] adj 1 de primera
dar bien. 2 (try (clothing) on sb) probar. 3
clase. 2 fig de primera, excelente.
(key) abrir. 4 (install) instalar, poner. 5
P adv en primera.
(adapt) ajustar, adaptar, adecuar.
first-hand [fsthQnd] adj de primera
to fit in vi 1 (get on) llevarse bien, in
tegrarse. 2 (suit) encajar; (harmonize)
pegar, quedar bien; (tally) cuadrar.
firstly [fstlI] adv en primer lugar.



sep 1 (physically) hacer sitio para.

2 (in timetable) hacer un hueco para. 3

flag1 [flQg] n (paving slab) flagstone.

flag2 [flQg] n 1 (gen) bandera. 2 mar pa

pt & pp fitted, ger fitting.

fitness [fItns] n 1 (health) buena forma
fsica, buen estado fsico. 2 (suitability)
capacidad f (for, para).
fitted [fItId] adj (cupboard)

to flag down vt sep hacer seales pa

P vt

(harmonize) encajar, cuadrar.

empotrado,a; (room) amueblado,a.

c o m p fitted carpet moqueta.
fitting [fItIN] adj (appropriate, proper)
apropiado,a, adecuado,a.
P n sew prueba.
P n pl fittings 1 (accessories) accesorios mpl.
2 (furnishings) muebles, cortinas y alfombras.
five [faIv] n cinco.
P adj cinco.
. Consulta tambin six.

fix [fIks] n 1 fam (difficult situation) apuro,

aprieto. 2 (position of ship, aircraft) posi
cin f. 3 (dishonest arrangement) tongo.
P vt 1 (gen) fijar. 2 (decide) decidir; (date,
meeting, etc) fijar. 3 (organize) arreglar, or
ganizar. 4 (dishonestly) amaar. 5 (repair)
to fix on vt insep (decide, select - person) de
cidir, optar por, escoger; (- date) fijar.
to fix up vt sep 1 (accommodate, provide
with) proveer (with, de), conseguir. 2
(organize) arreglar, organizar. 3 (repair,
redecorate) arreglar; (install) poner.
fixation [fIkseISn] n obsesin f.
fixture [fIkstSr] n sp encuentro.
P n pl fixtures (furniture) muebles mpl
fizz [fIz] n burbujeo, efervesencia.
P vi burbujear.
fizzle [fIzl] vi burbujear.
a to fizzle out vi esfumarse, perder
fuerza, quedar en nada.
fizzy [fIzI] adj (gen) gaseoso,a, con gas;
(wine) espumoso,a.
comp fizzier, superl fizziest.

fjord [fId] n fiordo.

flabbergasted [flQbgAstId] adj pas

belln m. 3 (for charity) banderita.

ra que un coche se detenga.

flagellum [fldZlm] n flagelo.

pl flagellums o flagella [fldZl].

flagpole [flQgpUl] n asta de bandera.

flagship [flQgSIp] n buque m insignia.
flagstone [flQgstUn] n (large) losa;
(small) loseta.

flair [fler] n talento, don m, facilidad f.

flake [fleIk] n 1 (of snow, oats) copo. 2 (of

skin, soap) escama. 3 (of paint) descon

chn m, trozo desprendido.
P vi to flake away/off (gen) descamarse;
(paint) desconcharse.
flamboyant [flQmbInt] adj llama
tivo,a, extravagante.
flame [fleIm] n llama.
P vi 1 (burn) arder. 2 (glow, shine) brillar.
3 (become angry) montar en clera.
flame-thrower [fleImTrUr] n lanza
llamas m.
flamingo [flmINgU] n flamenco.
pl flamingos o flamingoes.

flammable [flQmbl] adj inflamable.

flan [flQn] n culin tarta rellena.

Flan no significa flan, que se traduce

por crme caramel.

flange [flQndZ] n (on wheel) pestaa; (on

pipe) reborde m.

flank [flQNk] n 1 (of animal) ijada, ijar m.

2 mil flanco. 3 (of building, mountain, etc)

lado, falda.
flannel [flQnl] n (material) franela.
flap [flQp] n 1 (of envelope, pocket) solapa.
2 (of tent) faldn m. 3 (of plane) alern m.
P vt (wings) batir; (arms) agitar.
P vi 1 (wings) aletear. 2 (flag, sails) on
dear. 3 fam inquietarse.

pt & pp flapped, ger flapping.

flare [fler] n 1 (flame) llamarada. 2 (sig-

nal) bengala.
llamear. 2 fig estallar, encenderse.
to flare up vi (blow up, erupt) estallar,
comp flabbier, superl flabbiest.
encenderse; (get angry) enfadarse,
montar en clera.
flaccid [flQksId] adj flccido,a.
mado,a, atnito,a.
flabby [flQbI] adj (part of body) fofo,a.

P vi 1



flared [fled] adj acampanado,a.

flash [flQS] n 1 (of light) destello, cente

lleo; (of lightning) relmpago. 2 (from firearm) fogonazo. 3 fig destello, rayo. 4
(photography) flash m.
P vi brillar, destellar.
P vt (shine - light) dirigir, lanzar; (- torch)
encender, dirigir.
flashback [flQSbQk] n flashback m.
flashlight [flQSlaIt] n 1 (torch) linterna.
2 (photo) flash m.
flashy [flQSI] adj llamativo,a.

comp flashier, superl flashiest.

flask [flQsk] n 1 frasco. 2 chem matraz m.
flat1 [flQt] n (apartment) departamento.
flat2 [flQt] adj 1 (level, even) llano,a,
plano,a; (smooth) liso,a. 2 (shoes) sin
tacn. 3 (tyre, ball, etc) desinflado,a. 4
(battery) descargado,a. 5 (drink) sin
gas. 6 mus (key) bemol; (voice, instrument)


comp flatter, superl flattest.

P n 1 (plain) llano, llanura. 2 (of hand) pal
ma. 3 mus bemol m. 4 us (tyre) pinchazo.
flatly [flQtlI] adv 1 (categorically) categ
ricamente, rotundamente. 2 (voice)

con voz montona.

flatten [flQtn] vt 1 (make flat) allanar,

aplanar (out, -); (smooth) alisar. 2 (crush)

aplastar; (knock down) derribar, tum
bar; (knock over) atropellar.
flatter [flQtr] vt 1 (praise) halagar, adu
lar. 2 (suit) favorecer.
flattering [flQtrIN] adj 1 (words)
lisonjero,a, halageo,a. 2 (clothes,
etc) favorecedor,ra.
flattery [flQtrI] n adulacin f, hala
gos mpl.
flaunt [flnt] vt hacer alarde de, hacer
ostentacin de.
flautist [fltIst] n flautista mf.

flavor [fleIvr] n us flavour.

flavour [fleIvr] n sabor m, gusto.
P vt

sazonar, condimentar (with, con).

flavouring [fleIvrIN] n condimento.

flaw [fl] n 1 (fault - in material, product, etc)

flawless [flls] adj sin defecto, impe

cable, perfecto,a.

flax [flQks] n lino.

fleck [flek] n mota, punto.
fled [fled] pt flee.
flee [fli] vt (run away) huir de.

P vi 1 (run away, escape) huir. 2 (vanish)


pt & pp fled [fled].

fleece [flis] n 1 (sheeps coat, fabric) lana.

2 (sheared) velln m.

fleet [flit] n 1 (of ships) flota. 2 (of vehicles)

flota, parque m mvil.
fleeting [flitIN] adj fugaz, efmero,a.
flesh [fleS] n 1 (of animals, humans) carne f.
2 (of fruit) carne f, pulpa.

flew [flU] pt fly1.

flex [fleks] n gb cable m.
P vt

(body, joints) doblar; (muscles) flexionar.

flexibility [fleksIbIlItI] n flexibilidad f.

flexible [fleksbl] adj flexible.
flexor [fleksr] n flexor.
flexitime [fleksItaIm] n horario flexible.
flick [flIk] n 1 (jerk) movimiento rpido,

movimiento brusco. 2 (of fingers) capi

rotazo; (of whip) latigazo, chasquido;
(of tail) coletazo. 3 (of pages) hojeada.
to flick away vt sep quitar, sacudirse.
to flick through vt insep hojear.
flicker [flIkr] n 1 (of flame, eyelids) parpa
deo; (of light) titileo, parpadeo. 2 fig
(slight sign) seal f, muestra; (faint emotion) chispa, pizca.
P vi 1 (gen) parpadear; (shadow) bailar. 2
(eyelids) parpadear. 3 (smile) esbozarse.

flies [flais] pt fly3.

flight [flaIt] n 1 (journey by air) vuelo: our

flight has been delayed nuestro vuelo se ha

retrasado. 2 (path) trayectoria. 3 (flock of
birds) bandada. 4 (of stairs) tramo. 5 (escape) huida, fuga. c o m p flight atten
dant auxiliar mf de vuelo.
flimsy [flImzI] adj 1 (thin) fino,a,
ligero,a. 2 (structure) poco slido,a. 3

fig (unconvincing) flojo,a, pobre, poco

comp flimsier, superl flimsiest.

defecto, tara. 2 (failing

- in character) de flinch [flIntS] vi 1 (wince) estremecerse.
fecto; (- in argument) error m.
2 (shun) retroceder (from, ante).




[flIN] n 1 (throw) lanzamiento.

2 (wild time) juerga. 3 (affair) aventura
(amorosa), romance m.
P vt 1 (throw) arrojar, tirar, lanzar. 2
(move) echar, lanzar. 3 (say) lanzar.
pt & pp flung [flN].
flint [flInt] n 1 (stone) slex m; (piece) pe
dernal m. 2 (of lighter) piedra.
flip [flIp] n 1 (light blow) golpecito. 2

(somersault) voltereta (en el aire).

P interj fam ostras!
P vt 1 (toss - gen) echar, tirar al aire; (coin) echar a cara o cruz. 2 (turn over)
dar la vuelta a.
P vi fam (get angry) perder los estribos;
(go mad) volverse loco,a.
pt & pp flipped, ger flipping.

flip-flop [flIpflp] n chancla.

flipper [flIpr] n aleta.
flirt [flt] n coqueto,a, lign,ona.

vi (coquette) flirtear (with, con), co

quetear (with, con).
float [flUt] n 1 (for fishing) boya, flota
dor m. 2 (for swimming) flotador m. 3 (vehicle - in procession) carroza; (- for delivery)
P vi (gen) flotar.
flock [flk] n 1 (of sheep, goats) rebao; (of
birds) bandada. 2 fam (crowd) multitud f,
tropel m.
flood [fld] n 1 (overflow of water) inunda
cin f. 2 (of river) riada.
P vt 1 (gen) inundar, anegar; (engine)
ahogar. 2 fig (with calls, applications, etc)
llover, inundar (with, de).
P vi 1 (river) desbordarse. 2 fig (cover, fill)
invadir, inundar.
floodgate [fldgaIt] n compuerta.
flooding [fldIN] n inundacin f.
floodlight [fldlaIt] n foco.
floor [flr] n 1 (surface) suelo. 2 geog fon
do. 3 (storey) piso, planta. 4 (dance) pista.

Floor no significa flor, que se tradu

ce por flower.

flop [flp] n fam fracaso.

floppy [flpI] adj blando,a, flexible.


floppy disk comput disco flexible,

disquete m.

comp floppier, superl floppiest.

flora [flr] n flora.

florist [flrIst] n florista mf.

c o m p flo
rists (shop) floristera.
flounce [flaUns] n sew volante m.
flounder [flaUndr] n (fish) platija.
P vi 1 (struggle, move with difficulty) force
jear. 2 fig (hesitate, dither) vacilar.
flour [flaUr] n harina.
P vt enharinar.
flourish [flrIS] n 1 (gesture) ademn m,
gesto exagerado. 2 (signature) rbrica.
P vt (wave about) agitar, blandir.
P vi 1 (be successful) florecer, prosperar.
2 (plant) crecer bien.
flow [flU] n 1 (gen) flujo. 2 (of river) co
rriente f. 3 (of traffic) circulacin f.
P vi 1 (gen) fluir. 2 (pour out - blood) ma
nar; (- tears) correr. 3 (tide) subir. 4 (traf-

fic) circular.

to flow into vi (river) desembocar en:

the Ebro flows into the sea at Amposta el

Ebro desemboca en el mar en Amposta.
flower [flaUr] n flor f.
P vi florecer.
flowerbed [flaUbed] n parterre m,
flowerpot [flaUpt] n maceta, tiesto.

flown [flUn] pp fly.

flu [flU] n gripe f: hes got (the) flu tiene la

fluctuate [flktjUeIt] vi fluctuar.

fluency [flUnsI] n 1 fluidez f. 2 (of language) dominio (in, de).

fluent [flUnt] adj 1 (gen) fluido,a. 2

(language) fluido,a: he speaks fluent English habla ingls con soltura.

fluff [flf] n 1 (down, material) pelusa, la
nilla. 2 fam (mistake, blunder) pifia, fallo.
P vt fam (do badly, fail) hacer mal.
fluffy [flfI] adj 1 (feathery) mullido,a. 2
(toys) de peluche.

comp fluffier, superl fluffiest.

1 (fall clumsily) abalanzarse, arrojar fluid [flUId] adj 1 (not solid) fluido,a,
se (into, en); (sit or lie clumsily) tumbarse,
lquido,a. 2 (smooth, graceful) natural,
dejarse caer. 2 fam
(fail) fracasar.
con soltura. 3 (not fixed) flexible.
P n fluido, lquido.
pt & pp flopped, ger flopping.
P vi



fluke [flUk] n fam chiripa.

flung [flN] pt & pp fling.
fluorescent [flUresnt] adj fluores
cente. c o m p fluorescent light/lamp
fluorescente m.
flurry [flrI] n 1 (of wind) rfaga; (of snow)
nevisca. 2 fig (burst) nerviosismo.

pl flurries.
flush1 [flS] n (in cards) color m.
flush2 [flS] n 1 (blush) rubor m. 2 (of emotion)
acceso, arrebato. 3 (of toilet) cisterna.
P vt 1 (cause to blush) ruborizar, sonro
jar. 2 (clean) limpiar con agua. 3 (toilet)

tirar (de) la cadena.

P vi 1 (blush) ruborizarse. 2 (toilet) fun
fluster [flstr] vt poner nervioso,a.
P n confusin f, agitacin f.
flute [flUt] n flauta.
flutter [fltr] n 1 (excitement) agitacin f,
emocin f. 2 (of wings) aleteo. 3 (of eyelashes) pestaeo. 4 fam (bet) apuesta.
P vt 1 (eyelashes) parpadear. 2 (wings)
P vi 1 (flag) ondear. 2 (wings) aletear.
3 (flit) revolotear. 4 (heart) palpitar.
fluvial [flUvIl] adj fluvial.
fly1 [flaI] vi 1 volar. 2 (go by plane) ir en
avin. 3 (flag, hair) ondear. 4 fam (flee)
P vt 1 (plane) pilotar. 2 (send by plane) trans
portar. 3 (kite) hacer volar. 4 (flag) enar

foamy [fUmI] adj espumoso,a.

comp foamier, superl foamiest.

fob [fb] vt engaar, engatusar.

pt & pp fobbed, ger fobbing.

focal [fUkl] adj focal.

focus [fUks] n 1 foco. 2 (centre) centro.

pl focuses o foci [fUsaI].

1 (camera, etc) enfocar (on, -). 2 fig
(concentrate) fijar (on, en), centrar (on, en).
pt & pp focused o focussed, ger focusing o focussing.
fodder [fdr] n pienso, forraje m.
foetal [fitl] adj fetal.
foetus [fits] n feto.
fog [fg] n niebla.
P vt 1 (mirror, etc) empaar. 2 (photo) ve
lar. 3 fig complicar.
P vi empaarse (up/over, -).
pt & pp fogged, ger fogging.
foggy [fgI] adj 1 de niebla: its foggy
hay niebla. 2 (confused) confuso,a.
comp foggier, superl foggiest.
foglamp [fglQmp] n faro antiniebla.
foil1 [fIl] vt (prevent, frustrate) frustrar.
foil2 [fIl] n 1 (metal paper) papel m de
plata. 2 (contrast) contraste m.
fold1 [fUld] n (for sheep) redil m, aprisco.
fold2 [fUld] n 1 (crease) pliegue m, do
blez m. 2 geog pliegue m.
P vt 1 doblar, plegar (up, -). 2 (wrap)
P vt

P vi 1 doblarse, plegarse. 2 (go bankrupt) quebrar.
pt flew [flU], pp flown [flUn], ger flying.
folder [fUldr] n carpeta.
P n pl flies (on trousers) bragueta f sing.
folding [fUldIN] adj plegable.
to fly away / off vi irse volando.
fly2 [flaI] adj gb fam (smart) astuto,a.
folk [fUk] n pl gente f sing.
P adj popular.
comp flier, superl fliest.
P n pl folks fam (family) familia f sing;
fly3 [flaI] n mosca.
(friends) amigos mpl.
pl flies.
flying [flaIIN] n 1 av aviacin f. 2 (action) folklore [fUklr] n folklor(e) m.
follicle [flIkl] n folculo.
P adj 1 (soaring) volante; (animal, machine)
follow [flU] vt 1 (gen) seguir. 2 (pursue)
volador,ra, que vuela. 2 (quick) rpi
perseguir. 3 (take interest in) seguir, es
tar al corriente de.
flyover [flaIUvr] n gb paso elevado.
P vi 1 (gen) seguir. 2 (understand) enten
foal [fUl] n potro,a.
der. 3 (be logical) resultar, derivarse.
P vi parir.
to follow up vt sep 1 (develop) profun
foam [fUm] n espuma.
dizar en. 2 (investigate) investigar.



following [flUIN] adj siguiente

despus de.
P n (supporters) seguidores mpl.
folly [flI] n fml locura, desatino.
P prep

pl follies.

fond [fnd] adj 1 (loving) carioso,a. 2

(indulgent) indulgente. 3 (hope, belief)

fondle [fndl] vt acariciar.
fondness [fndns] n 1 cario (for, a).
2 (liking) aficin f (for, a/por).
font [fnt] n pila (bautismal).
food [fUd] n comida, alimento.
foodstuffs [fUdstfs] n pl alimentos
mpl, productos mpl alimenticios.
fool [fUl] n 1 tonto,a, loco,-a. 2 (jester)
bufn,ona. l o c to make a fool of po
ner en ridculo a. y to play the fool ha
cer el tonto.
P vt engaar.
P vi bromear.
a to fool about / fool around vi 1 (be
stupid) hacer el tonto, hacer el paya
so. 2 (waste time) perder el tiempo ne
foolish [fUlIS] adj 1 (silly) tonto,a. 2
(stupid) estpido,a; (unwise) impru
dente. 3 (ridiculous) ridculo,a.
foolproof [fUlprUf] adj 1 (plan, method,
idea) infalible. 2 (machine) seguro,a.
foot [fUt] n 1 anat pie m. 2 (measurement)
pie m. 3 (bottom) pie m. 4 (of animal) pa
ta. l o c on foot a pie.
pl feet.

football [fUtbl] n 1 (game) ftbol m. 2

(ball) baln m. c o m p football player fut
bolista mf. y football pools quinielas.

" En ingls americano football a secas

se refiere al ftbol americano; el ftbol
tal como se conoce en Europa se suele lla
mar soccer.
football [fUtblr] n futbolista mf.
footlights [fUtlaIts] n pl candilejas fpl.
footloose [fUtlUs] adj libre.
footnote [fUtnUt] n nota a pie de p

footwear [fUtwer] n calzado.

for [fr] prep 1 (intended) para. 2 (purpose)

para: whats this for? para qu sirve esto?

3 (destination) para. 4 (in order to help, on behalf of) por: do it for me hazlo por m. 5
(because of, on account of) por, a causa de.
6 (past time) durante; (future time) por;
(specific point in time) para. 7 (distance): I
walked for five miles camin cinco millas. 8
(in exchange, as replacement of) por. 9 (in favour of, in support of) por, a favor de. 10
(despite) a pesar de, para; (considering, contrast) para: shes very tall for her age es muy
alta para su edad. 11 (as) de, como, por.
12 (in order to obtain) para: for further details
para ms informacin
P conj 6 fml lit ya que, puesto que.
forage [frIdZ] n (food) forraje m.

forbade [fbeId] pt forbid.

forbid [fbId] vt 1 (prohibit) prohibir. 2
(make impossible) impedir.

pt forbade [fbeId], pp forbidden

[fbIdn], ger forbidding.
forbidden [fbIdn] pp forbid.
forbidding [fbIdIN] adj (stern) seve

ro,a; (unfriendly) formidable.

force [fs] n 1 (strength, power, violence)

fuerza. 2 phys fuerza. 3 mil cuerpo.

P vt (oblige) forzar, obligar.
forceful [fsfUl] adj (person, manner)
enrgico,a; (speech) contundente; (argument) convincente.
forceps [fseps] n pl frceps m inv.
ford [fd] n vado.
P vt vadear.
forearm [frAm] n antebrazo.
foreboding [fbUdIN] n presenti
forecast [fkAst] n pronstico, pre
visin f.
P vt pronosticar.
pt & pp forecast o forecasted.

forefinger [ffINgr] n (dedo) ndice m.

forefront [ffrnt] n vanguardia.
forego1 [fgU] vt (precede) preceder.

pt forewent [fwent], pp foregone

[fgn], ger foregoing.
footpath [fUtpAT] n sendero, camino. forego2 [fgU] vt forgo.
footprint [fUtprInt]
n huella, pisada.
pt forewent [fwent], pp foregone
footstep [fUtstep] n paso, pisada.
[fgn], ger foregoing.




foregoing [fgUIN] adj precedente.

foregone [fgn] pp forego.

1 (counterfeit) falsificar. 2 (metal) for

jar, fraguar.
forgery [fdZrI] n falsificacin f.

no, primer trmino.

forget [fget] vt 1 (gen) olvidar, olvi

P adj

foreground [fgraUnd] n primer pla

forehead [frId, fhed] n frente f.
foreign [frIn] adj 1 (from abroad)
extranjero,a. 2 (dealing with other countries) exterior. 3 (strange) ajeno,a, ex
foreigner [frInr] n extranjero,a.
foreman [fmn] n 1 (of workers) capataz
m. 2 (of jury) presidente m del jurado.
pl foremen [fmn].

foremost [fmUst] adj principal.

forename [fneIm] n nombre m (de

forensic [frensIk] adj forense.

forerunner [frnr] n precursor,ra.
foresaw [fs] pt foresee.
foresee [fsi] vt prever.

pt foresaw [fs] , pp foreseen

[fsin], ger foreseeing.
foreseen [fsin] pp foresee.
foresight [fsaIt] n previsin f.
foreskin [fskIn] n prepucio.
forest [frIst] n 1 (gen) bosque m. 2 (jun-

gle) selva.
P adj forestal.

forestall [fstl] vt 1 (preempt) antici

parse a. 2 (prevent) prevenir.

forestry [frIstrI] n silvicultura.

foretell [ftel] vt predecir, pronosticar.
pt & pp foretold [ftUld].

forethought [fTt] n 1 previsin f.

2 jur premeditacin f.

foretold [ftUld] pt & pp foretell.

forever [frevr] adv 1 (all the time) siem
pre. 2 (for good) para siempre.

forewarn [fwn] vt prevenir.

forewent [fwent] pp forego.
foreword [fwd] n prlogo.
forfeit [ffIt] n 1 (penalty) pena, multa.

P vt

pl forgeries.

darse de. 2 (leave behind) dejar.

pt forgot [fgt] , pp forgotten

[fgtn], ger forgetting.

P vi

olvidarse de, no recordar.

forgive [fgIv] vt 1 (pardon) perdonar. 2

(let off debt) perdonar.

pt forgave [fgeIv] , pp forgiven

forgiven [fgIvnn] pp forgive.
forgiveness [fgIvns] n perdn m.
forgo [fgU] vt renunciar a, sacrificar.
pt forwent [fwent], pp forgone
[fgn], ger forgoing.
forgone [fgn] pp forgo.
forgot [fgt] pt forget.
forgotten [fgtn] pp forget.
fork [fk] n 1 (for eating) tenedor m. 2
agr horca, horquilla. 3 (in road, river, etc)
bifurcacin f.
P vi 1 (road, river, etc) bifurcarse. 2 (person,

car) torcer, girar.

P n pl forks (on bike) horquilla.
forlorn [ f l n ] adj 1 (forsaken)
abandonado,a. 2 (desolate) triste. 3
(hopeless) desesperado,a.
form [fm] n 1 (shape, mode, etc) forma. 2
(kind) clase f, tipo. 3 (formality) formas
fpl; (behaviour) educacin f. 4 (physical
condition) forma. 5 (mood, spirit) humor m.
6 (document) formulario, impreso, ho
ja. 7 educ (age group) curso; (class) clase f.
P vt 1 (mould) moldear; (make) hacer,
formar. 2 (be, constitute) formar, consti
tuir. 3 fig (idea) hacerse, formarse.
formal [fml] adj 1 (gen) formal. 2
(dress, dinner) de etiqueta.

Formal no significa formal (serio),

que se traduce por serious.

formality [fmQlItI] n (correctness) for

2 (in games) prenda.
malidad f; (convention) ceremonia.
P vt perder, perder (el derecho de).
pl formalities.
forgave [fgeIv] pt forgive.
format [fmQt] n formato.
P vt comput formatear.
forge [fdZ] n 1 (apparatus)
fragua. 2
(smithy) forja.
pt & pp formatted, ger formatting.



formation [fmeISn] n 1 (gen) forma

cin f. 2 (establishment) creacin f.

former [fmr] adj 1 (earlier) antiguo,a;
(person) ex. 2 (of two) primero,a.
P pron the former aqul, aqulla.
formerly [fmlI] adv (previously) anti
guamente, antes.
formidable [fmIdbl] adj 1 (impressive) formidable. 2 (daunting) temible,

Formidable no significa formidable

(magnfico), que se traduce por wonderful.

forum [frm] n foro.

forward [fwd] adv [como adverbio,

tambin forwards] 1 (gen) hacia ade

lante. 2 (time) en adelante.
P adj 1 (position) delantero,a, frontal;
(movement) hacia delante. 2 (future) a lar
go plazo. 3 (advanced) adelantado,a,
precoz. 4 (too bold, too eager) atrevido,a,
descarado,a, fresco,a.
P vt 1 (send on to new address) remitir;
(send goods) enviar, expedir. 2 fml (further, advance) adelantar, fomentar.

formula [fmjl] n frmula.

forwent [fwent] pt forgo.

fossil [fsl] n fsil m.

formulate [fmjleIt] vt formular.

formulation [fmjleISn] n formula

foster [fstr] vt 1 (child) acoger tempo

fort [ft] n fuerte m.

forth [fT] adv (onwards) en adelante.
forthcoming [fTkmIN] adj 1 fml (hap-

fought [ft] pt & pp fight.

foul [faUl] adj 1 (dirty, disgusting) asque

pl formulas o formulae [fmjUli].

cin f.

pening in near future) prximo,a. 2 (available) disponible. 3 (communicative) co

municativo,a, dispuesto,a a hablar.
fortieth [ftIT] adj cuadragsimo,a.
P adv en cuadragsimo lugar.
P n (fraction) cuadragsimo; (one part)
cuadragsima parte f.
. Consulta tambin sixtieth.

fortification [ftIfIkeISn] n fortifica

cin f.


[ftIfaI] vt 1

(strengthen) fortalecer.


fortificar. 2

pt & pp fortified, ger fortifying.

fortnight [ftnaIt] n gb quincena,
quince das mpl.
fortress [ftrs] n (military stronghold)



[ftSnt] adj afortun a


[ftSntlI] adv afortu

nadamente, por suerte.

fortune [ftSn] n 1 (fate) fortuna; (luck)

suerte f. 2 (money) fortuna.


[ftSntelr] n adivi

forty [ftI] adj cuarenta.


cuarenta m.

P adj


ralmente. 2 (encourage) fomentar, pro

P adj adoptivo,a.

roso,a; (smell) ftido,a. 2 (language)

grosero,a, obsceno,a.
P n sp falta (on, contra).
P vt 1 (dirty) ensuciar; (pollute) contami
nar. 2 (snag) enredar. 3 sp cometer una
falta contra.
found1 [faUnd] vt (metals) fundir.
found2 [faUnd] vt 1 (establish) fundar. 2
(base) basar (on, en).

found3 [faUnd] pt & pp find.

foundation [faUndeISn] n 1 (act, organi-

zation) fundacin f. 2 (basis) funda

mento, base f. 3 (make-up) base f.
P n pl foundations cimientos mpl.
founder1 [faUndr] vi 1 (plan, etc) fraca
sar, malograrse. 2 (ship) hundirse. 3
(horse) dar un traspi.
founder2 [faUndr] n fundador,ra.
foundry [faUndrI] n fundicin f.
pl foundries.

fountain [faUntn] n 1 fuente f. 2 (jet)

surtidor m, chorro.

four [fr] adj cuatro.



. Consulta tambin six.

fourteen [ftin] adj catorce.

P n catorce m.

. Consulta tambin sixty.

. Consulta tambin six.



fourteenth [ftinT] adj decimocuar

P adv en decimocuarto lugar.
P n 1 (in series) decimocuarto,a. 2 (fraction) decimocuarto; (one part) decimo
cuarta parte f.
. Consulta tambin sixth.

fourth [fT] adj cuarto,a.

P adv

cuarto, en cuarto lugar.

n 1 (in series) cuarto,a. 2 (fraction)

cuarto; (one part) cuarta parte f.

. Consulta tambin sixth.

fowl [faUl] n ave f de corral.

pl fowl.

fox [fks] n zorro,a.

P vt 1 fam (trick) engaar. 2 (confuse) de

jar perplejo,a, confundir, despistar.
foxy [fksI] adj fam astuto,a.

comp foxier, superl foxiest.

foyer [fIeI, fIr] n vestbulo.
fraction [frQkSn] n 1 (division) fraccin
f. 2 (small part, bit) poquito.
fractional [frQkSnl] adj 1 (in fractions)
fraccionario,a. 2 (very small) muy

framework [freImwk] n 1 armazn f.

2 fig estructura, sistema m, marco.

franc [frQNk] n (monetary unit) franco.

France [frAns] n Francia.
franchise [frQntSaIz] n 1 comm conce

sin f, franquicia. 2 (vote) derecho de

frank [frQNk] adj (honest) franco,a.
P vt franquear.
frantic [frQntIk] adj 1 (hectic) fren
tico,a. 2 (anxious) desesperado,a.
fraternal [frtnl] adj fraternal.
fraternity [frtnItI] n 1 (brotherhood)
fraternidad f. 2 (society) asociacin f. 3
rel hermandad f, cofrada. 4 us (university) club m de estudiantes.
pl fraternities.

fraud [frd] n 1 (act) fraude m. 2 (person)

impostor,ra, farsante mf.

fraught [frt] adj 1 (filled, charged) lle

no,a (with, de), cargado,a (with,

de). 2 fam (worried) nervioso,a,
alterado,a, tenso,a.
fray1 [freI] vi 1 (cloth) deshilacharse,
raerse. 2 (tempers, nerves, etc) crisparse.
[freI] n contienda, lucha.
pequeo,a, nfimo,a.
[frik] n (monster) monstruo;
fracture [frQktSr] n fractura.
(strange person) bicho raro. 2 fam (fan)
P vt fracturar.
fantico,a. 3 (eccentric) estrafalario,a.
P vi fracturarse.
P adj (unusual) inslito,a; (unexpected)
fragile [frQdZaIl] adj 1 frgil. 2 fig
(health) delicado,a.
to freak out vt sep estar muy asusta
fragility [frdZIlItI] n fragilidad f.
do, enojado o excitado.
fragment [(n) frQgmnt; (vb) frQgment] freckle [frekl] n peca.
n fragmento.
free [fri] adj 1 (gen) libre. 2 (without cost)
P vi fragmentarse.
gratuito,a, gratis; (exempt) libre (from,
fragmentation [frQgmnteISn] n
fragmentacin f.
P adv 1 (gratis) gratis. 2 (loose) suelto,a.
fragrance [freIgrns] n fragancia.
P vt 1 (liberate, release - person) poner en li
fragrant [freIgrnt] adj fragante.
bertad, liberar; (- animal) soltar. 2 (rid)
deshacerse (of/from, de), librarse (of/
frail [freIl] adj 1 frgil, delicado,a. 2
from, de). 3 (loosen, untie) soltar, desatar.
(morally weak) dbil.
frame [freIm] n 1 (of building, machine, tent) freedom [fridm] n libertad f.
armazn f. 2 (of bed) armadura. 3 (of freehand [frihQnd] adj a mano alzada.
bicycle) cuadro. 4 (of spectacles) montura. freelance [frilAns] adj independiente,
5 (of window, door, picture, etc) marco. 6
P n persona que trabaja por cuenta
cinem fotograma m. 7 (of comic) vieta.
P vt 1 (picture) enmarcar. 2 (door) encua
P vi trabajar por cuenta propia.



freestyle [fristaIl] n (swimming) estilo


freeway [friweI] n us autopista.

freewheel [friwil] vi (cycle) ir a rueda
libre; (car) ir en punto muerto.

freeze [friz] n 1 meteor helada. 2 comm

congelacin f.
P vt (gen) congelar.
P vi 1 (liquid) helarse; (food) congelarse.
2 meteor helar.

pt froze [frUz], pp frozen [frUzn],

ger freezing.
freezer [frizr] n congelador m.
freeze-up [frizp] n helada.
freight [freIt] n 1 (transport) transporte m.
2 (goods) carga, flete m. 3 (price) flete m.
P vt transportar.
freighter [freItr] n (ship) buque m de
carga; (aircraft) avin m de carga.
French [frentS] adj francs,esa.
P n (language) francs m.
P n pl the French los franceses mpl.
Frenchman [frentSmn] n francs m.
pl Frenchmen [frentSmn].
Frenchwoman [frentSwUmn] n fran


pl Frenchwomen [frentSwImIn].

frenzy [frenzI] n frenes m.

P vt

(wear away) raer, desgastar.

pt & pp fretted, ger fretting.

P n (worry) preocupacin f.
fret2 [fret] n (on guitar) traste m.
friar [fraIr] n fraile m.
fricative [frIktIv] adj fricativo,a.
P n fricativa.
friction [frIkSn] n 1 (conflict) friccin f, ro
ces mpl. 2 (rubbing) rozamiento, roce m.
Friday [fraIdI] n viernes m.
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta Saturday.

fridge [frIdZ] n nevera, frigorfico.

fried [fraId] pt & pp fry.
P adj



[frend] n 1 amigo,a, compa

ero,a. 2 (helper, supporter) amigo,a (of/
to, de).
friendly [frendlI] adj 1 (person) simpti
co,a, amable. 2 (atmosphere) acoge
dor,ra. 3 (smile, manner, etc) amable.

comp friendlier, superl friendliest.

friendship [frendSIp] n amistad f.

frieze [friz] n 1 (painted) friso. 2 (wallpaper) cenefa.

frigate [frIgt] n fragata.

fright [fraIt] n 1 (shock) susto. 2 (fear)

frequency [frikwnsI] n frecuencia.

frighten [fraItn] vt asustar, espantar.

frightfully [fraItfUlI] adv fam muchsimo.
frigid [frIdZId] adj 1 (sexually) frgido,a.

frequent [(adj) frikwnt; (vb) frIkwent]

frill [frIl] n (on dress) volante m.

pl frenzies.

pl frequencies.
adj frecuente.
P vt frecuentar.

fresco [freskU] n fresco.

2 (icy) glacial, muy fro,a.

P n pl

frills (decorations) adornos mpl.

fringe [frIndZ] n 1 (decorative) fleco. 2 (of

hair) flequillo. 3 (edge) borde m.

pl frescos o frescoes.
frisk [frIsk] vt (search) registrar, cachear.
fresh [freS] adj 1 (gen) fresco,a. 2 (water)
P vi (frolic) brincar, retozar.
dulce. 3 (air) puro,a.
frisky [ f r I s k I ] adj (child, animal)
freshen [freSn] vt refrescar.
juguetn,ona; (adult) vivo,a, vital.
P vi refrescarse.
comp friskier, superl friskiest.
freshly [freSlI] adv recin: freshly baked fritter [frItr] n culin buuelo.
bread pan recin hecho.
frivolity [frIvltI] n frivolidad f.
pl frivolities.
freshness [freSns] n 1 (brightness) fres
cura. 2 (cool) frescor m. 3 (newness) no frizzy [frIzI] adj crespo,a, rizado,a.
comp frizzier, superl frizziest.
vedad f. 4 fam (cheek) descaro.
freshwater [freSwQtr] adj de agua frock [frk] n vestido.
dulce: freshwater fish pez de agua dulce.
frog [frg] n rana.
fret1 [fret] vi preocuparse
(about/at/ frolic [frlIk] vi juguetear, retozar.
P n aventura.
over, por).



from [frm] prep 1 (starting at) de; (train,

plane) procedente de: the train from Madrid el tren procedente de Madrid. 2 (origin, source) de, desde. 9 (because of) por, a
causa de. 10 (considering, according to) se
gn, por. 11 (indicating difference) de;
(when distinguishing) entre. 12 (indicating
position) desde. l o c from now on de
ahora en adelante, a partir de ahora.
front [frnt] n 1 (forward part) parte f de
lantera, frente m. 2 meteor frente m. 3
(facade) fachada. 4 mil frente m. 5
(promenade) paseo martimo.
P adj delantero,a, de delante.
P vi (face) dar (on/onto, a).
P vt 1 (lead, head) encabezar. 2 (present)
frontalis [frntalIs] n msculo frontal.
frontier [frntIr] n frontera.
P adj fronterizo,a.
front-page [frntpeIdZ] adj de porta
da, de primera plana.
frost [frst] n 1 (covering) escarcha. 2
(freezing) helada.
P vt helar, cubrir de escarcha.
frostbite [frstbaIt] n congelacin f.
frosted [frstId] adj 1 (glass) esmerila
do,a. 2 culin recubierto,a de azcar
glas, escarchado,a.
frosty [frstI] adj 1 meteor (cold with frost)
de helada; (very cold) helado,a, muy
fro,a. 2 meteor (covered with frost)
escarchado,a, cubierto,a de escar
cha. 3 fig (unfriendly) glacial.

fruitful [frUtfUl] adj fructfero,a.

frustrate [frstreIt] vt 1 (thwart) frus
trar. 2 (upset) frustrar.

frustration [frstreISn] n frustracin f.

fry1 [fraI] vt frer.

1 frerse. 2 fig (in sun) asarse, achi


P vi

pt & pp fried, ger frying.

fry2 [fraI] n pl (fish) alevines mpl.

fryer [fraIr] n (frying pan) sartn f.
frying pan [fraIINpQn] n sartn f.
ft [fUt, fit] abbr (foot, feet) pie m, pies mpl.
fuel [fjUl] n 1 (gen) combustible m. 2

(for motors) carburante m.

P vt 1 (plane) abastecer de combusti
ble; (car) echar gasolina. 2 fig (make
worse) empeorar; (encourage) alimentar.
fugitive [fjUdZItIv] n (from danger, war,
etc) fugitivo,a; (from justice) prfugo,a.
P adj fugitivo,a.
fulcrum [fUlkrm] n fulcro.
fulfil [fUlfIl] vt 1 (promise, duty) cumplir. 2
(task, plan, ambition) realizar. 3 (role, function, order) efectuar, desempear. 4
(need, desire, wish) satisfacer.
pt & pp fulfilled, ger fulfilling.

fulfill [fUlfIl] vt us fulfil.

fulfilled [fUlfIld] pt & pp fulfill.
P adj

realizado,a, satisfecho,a.

full [fUl] adj 1 (gen) lleno,a. 2 (week, day)

cargado,a, movido,a. 3 (entire, complete) completo,a. 4 (highest or greatest

possible) mximo,a. l o c full time a jor
comp frostier, superl frostiest.
nada completa. c o m p full board pen
sin f completa. y full stop punto.
froth [frT] n (gen) espuma.
P adv (directly) justo, de lleno.
frown [fraUn] n ceo.
P vi fruncir el ceo.
full-length [fUlleNT] adj 1 (mirror, portrait)
de cuerpo entero. 2 (garment) largo,a.
froze [frUz] pt freeze.
3 (film) de largo metraje.
frozen [frUzn] pp freeze.
P adj 1 (water, ground) helado,a. 2 (food)
full-scale [fUlskeIl] adj 1 (actual size) de
tamao natural. 2 (complete, total )
completo,a, total.
fructose [frktUz] n fructosa.
full-time [fUltaIm] adj a tiempo com
frugal [frUgl] adj frugal.
pleto, de jornada completa.
fruit [frUt] n 1 (food) fruta. 2 bot fruto.
P adv a tiempo completo.
3 (result, reward) fruto.
fumble [fmbl] vt dejar caer.
P adj de fruta. c o m p fruit juice zumo
P vi to fumble for buscar a tientas.
de fruta. y fruit salad
P vi dar fruto.
P vi to fumble with hacer torpemente.




[fjUm] vi 1 (produce smoke, etc)

echar humo. 2 fig (show anger) echar
humo, subirse por las paredes.
P n pl fumes humos mpl.

To fume no significa fumar, que se

traduce por to smoke.

fumigate [fjUmIgeIt] vt fumigar.

fun [fn] n 1 (enjoyment, pleasure) diver

sin f: itll be good fun when we go camping

lo pasaremos muy bien cuando nos vayamos de camping. 2 (amusement) gra
cia: its no fun staying in alone on Saturday
night no tiene gracia quedarse solo en casa el sbado por la noche.
P adj (humorous, amusing) divertido,a.
function [fNkSn] n 1 (purpose, use, duty)
funcin f. 2 (ceremony) acto, ceremo
nia; (reception) recepcin f. 3 math fun
cin f.
P vi funcionar. l o c to fulfil a function
desempear una funcin. c o m p function key tecla de funcin.
functional [fNkSnl] adj 1 (operational)
funcional. 2 (practical, useful) prc
fund [fnd] n 1 (sum of money) fondo. 2
(supply) fuente f.
P vt 1 (finance) patrocinar. 2 (debt) con
P n pl funds (financial resources) fondos mpl.
fundamental [fndmentl] adj fun
P n pl fundamentals (essential part, basic rule)
fundamentos mpl, reglas fpl bsicas.

fundamentalist [fndmentlIst] adj

fundamentalista, integrista.
fundamentalista mf, integrista mf.
funeral [fjUnrl] n entierro, funeral m.
P adj fnebre.
funfair [fnfer] n gb feria, parque m
de atracciones.
fungus [fNgs] n hongo.

P n rel

pl funguses o fungi [fNdZaI].

funicular [fjUnIkjlr] n funicular m.

funk [fnk] n mus funky m.
funky [fnkI] adj 1 mus funky. 2 fam

funnel [fnl] n 1 (for liquid) embudo. 2

(chimney) chimenea.
P vi verterse.
P vt fig (channel) encauzar.
funny [fnI] adj 1 (amusing) gracioso,a,
divertido,a: I dont find your remarks at all
funny tus comentarios no son nada graciosos. 2 (strange) raro,a, extrao,a, cu
rioso,a: the funny thing is that lo curioso
es que 3 fam (slightly ill) rarillo,a, ma
lito,a; (slightly mad) chiflado,a: I feel
funny no me encuentro bien.
comp funnier, superl funniest.

fur [fr] n 1 (of living animal) pelo, pelaje

m. 2 (of dead animal) piel f. 3 (garment)

abrigo de piel. 4 (on tongue) sarro.
P adj de piel. c o m p fur coat abrigo de
furious [fjUrIs] adj (very angry)
furioso,a: shell be furious if we break anything se pondr furiosa si rompemos algo;
hes got a furious temper tiene muy mal genio.
furnace [fns] n horno.
furnish [fnIS] vt 1 (house, etc) amueblar
(with, de): Id like to rent a furnished flat
quisiera arrendar un departamento amueblado. 2 fml (supply - material) suminis
trar, proveer; (- information, etc) facilitar,


[fnISINz] n pl muebles,

cortinas y alfombras.


[fnItS r ] n mobiliario,
muebles mpl: I need some new furniture
necesito unos muebles nuevos.
furrow [frU] n 1 agr surco. 2 (wrinkle)
P vt 1 agr surcar. 2 (forehead) arrugar.
furry [frI] adj 1 (hairy) peludo,a. 2
(scaly) sarroso,a.

comp furrier, superl furriest.

further [fDr] adj 1 (farther) ms lejos:

she lives further down the road vive ms

abajo de la calle. 2 (more, additional) ms,
adicional; (new) nuevo,a: I have just one
further question tengo una pregunta ms;

this office will remain closed until further notice esta oficina permanecer cerrada hasta nuevo aviso; for further information,
(fashionable) guay, chulo,a.
please contact para ms informacin,
pngase en contacto con
comp funkier, superl funkiest.



1 (farther) ms lejos: is it much further? queda mucho ms?; dont go any

further no vayas ms lejos. 2 (more, to a
greater degree) ms: the police want to take
the matter further la polica quiere investi
gar ms el asunto; Id like to go further into
this subject me gustara estudiar el tema
ms a fondo. 3 fml (besides) adems: further, Id like to complain about the lack of
parking spaces adems, quisiera quejarme
P adv

de la falta de aparcamientos.
vt (advance, promote) fomentar, pro
mover: he would have gone to any lengths
to further his career hubiera hecho cual
quier cosa para promover su propia ca
rrera. l o c this must not go any further
esto tiene que quedar entre noso
tros, esto no tiene que salir de aqu. y
further to con referencia a, referente
a: further to your letter of the 6th inst con
referencia a su carta del da 6 del corrien
te. c o m p further education estudios mpl

. Consulta tambin far.

furthermore [fDmr] adv fml ade


furthest [fDIst] adj far, farthest, fur

P adv far, further.
furtive [ftIv] adj furtivo,a.
fury [fjUrI] n furia. l o c to be in a fury
estar furioso,a. y to fly into a fury po

nerse hecho,a una furia.

pl furies.

fuse [fjUz] n 1 elec fusible m, plomo:

fuselage [fjUzlAZ] n fuselaje m.

fusillade [fjUzleId] n tiroteo,.
fusion [fjUZn] n fusin f.
fuss [fs] n 1 (commotion, nervous excitement)

alboroto, jaleo. 2 (angry scene, dispute)

escndalo, problemas mpl; (complaints)
quejas fpl.
P vt (pester, annoy, bother) molestar: stop
fussing me no me molestes.
P vi 1 (worry, fret) preocuparse, inquie
tarse: dont fuss, well get there on time no te
preocupes, llegaremos a tiempo. 2 (pay
excessive attention to) preocuparse excesi
vamente (over, de). l o c to make a fuss
/ kick up a fuss (complain strongly) armar
un escndalo, montar una escena. y to
make a fuss of sb deshacerse por algn.
fussy [fsI] adj 1 (concerned with details)
quisquilloso,a, exigente. 2 (nervous
about small things) nervioso,a. 3 (too elaborate) recargado,a.
comp fussier, superl fussiest.
[fstI] adj 1 (musty) mohoso,a,
rancio,a; (stale) que huele a cerrado. 2


(old-fashioned) chapado,a a la antigua.

comp fustier, superl fustiest.

futile [fjUtaIl] adj vano,a, intil: a fu-

tile attempt to save him un intento intil de


future [fjUtSr] adj futuro,a: my future

husband mi futuro marido; we arranged to

meet at some future time quedamos para
vernos en un futuro. c o m p future tense

P n 1 futuro, porvenir m: the future is
promising el futuro es prometedor. 2 (verb
tense) futuro. l o c in future en el futu
ro, de aqu en adelante. y in the future
en el futuro. y in the distant future en
un futuro lejano. y in the near future
en un futuro prximo. y in the not too
distant future en un futuro no muy
fuzz [fz] n (fluff) pelusa; (fine hair) vello.
fuzzy [fzI] adj 1 (frizzy) rizado,a,
crespo,a; (fluffy) con pelusilla. 2
(blurred) borroso,a, movido,a.

the fuses blew saltaron los fusibles, se fun

dieron los plomos. 2 (wick) mecha; (detonator) espoleta. l o c to blow a fuse 1
(appliance) saltar el fusible de, fundirse
el plomo de. 2 (person) estallar, explo
tar. c o m p fuse box caja de fusibles.
P vt 1 (cause to stop working, melt) fundir2 fig (merge) fusionar.
P vi 1 (stop working, melt) fundirse: the
lights have fused se han fundido los plo
mos. 2 fig (merge) fusionarse: the two
companies fused las dos empresas se fu
comp fuzzier, superl fuzziest.


G, g [gi] n 1 (the letter) G, g f. 2 mus sol m.

g [grQm] symb (gram, gramme) gramo;
(abbreviation) g.
gab [gQb] n labia, palique m. l o c to have
the gift of the gab tener el pico de oro.
P vi charlar, parlotear.

pt & pp gabbed, ger gabbing.

gabardine [gQbdin] n gabardina.
gabble [gQbl] n chapurreo.
P vt farfullar, charlotear.
gadfly [gQdflaI] n zool tbano.
pl gadflies.
gadget [gQdZIt] n fam aparato, artilu
gio, chisme m.
Gaelic [geIlIk] adj galico,-a.
P n (language) galico.
gaffe [gQf] n metedura de pata.
gag [gQg] n 1 (cover for the mouth) morda
za. 2 (joke) chiste m, gag m, broma.
P vt amordazar.
P vi tener nuseas.
pt & pp gagged, ger gagging.
gaily [geIlI] adv alegremente.
gain [geIn] n 1 (achievement) logro. 2
(profit) ganancia. 3 (increase) aumento.
P vt 1 (achieve) lograr, conseguir. 2 (obtain) ganar. 3 (increase) aumentar. 4

gallant [gQlnt] adj 1 (brave) valiente. 2

(chivalrous) galante.

galleon [gQlIn] n galen m.

gallery [gQlrI] n 1 (gen) galera. 2 (in
theatre) gallinero.
pl galleries.

galley [gQlI] n 1 (ship) galera. 2 (kitchen

on ships) cocina.

gallon [gQln] n galn m.

. Equivale en gb a 4,55 litros y en us 3,78

gallop [gQlp] n galope m.

P vi


gallows [gQlUz] n pl horca sing, pat

bulo sing.

galore [glr] adj en abundancia.

galvanize [gQlvnaIz] vt galvanizar.
gamble [gQmbl] n 1 (risky undertaking)

empresa arriesgada. 2 (risk) riesgo. 3

(bet) jugada, apuesta.
P vt jugar(se).
P vi 1 (bet) apostar. 2 (take a risk) arries
garse, confiar.
gambler [gQmblr] n jugador,-ra.
gambling [gQmblIN] n juego.
game [geIm] n 1 juego. 2 (match) parti
(clock) adelantar.
do. 3 (of cards, chess, etc) partida. 4 (hunting)
P vi 1 (clock) adelantar. 2 (shares) subir.
caza. c o m p game reserve coto de caza.
gait [geIt] n andares mpl.
P adj dispuesto,-a, listo,-a.
gaiter [geItr] n polaina.
P n pl games gb educacin f sing fsica.
galactic [glQktIk] adj galctico,-a.
gamekeeper [geImkipr] n guarda
bosque mf.
galaxy [gQlksI] n galaxia.
pl galaxies.
gammon [gQmn] n gb jamn m
(ahumado o curado a la sal).
gale [geIl] n (wind) vendaval m; (storm)
tempestad f.
gamut [gQmt] n gama, serie f.
gall1 [gl] n fig descaro, caradura. c o m p gander [gQndr] n ganso.
gall bladder vescula biliar.
gang [gQN] n 1 (criminals) banda. 2 (youths)
gall2 [gl] vt irritar, molestar.



gangplank [gQNplQNk] n plancha.

gangrene [gQNgrin] n gangrena.
gangster [gQNstr] n gngster m.
gangway [gQNweI] n 1 gb (aisle, passage)
pasillo. 2 (on ship) pasarela.
gaol [dZeIl] n gb crcel f.
. Consulta tambin jail.

gap [gQp] n 1 (hole) abertura, hueco. 2

(crack) brecha. 3 (empty space) espacio. 4

(blank) blanco. 5 (time) intervalo.
gape [geIp] vi 1 abrirse. 2 (stare) mirar
garage [gQrAZ, gQrIdZ] n 1 garaje m. 2
(for repairs) taller m mecnico. 3 (for petrol, etc) gasolinera.
garbage [gAbIdZ] n 1 us basura. 2 gb
desperdicios mpl. 3 fig tonteras fpl,
majaderas fpl, sandeces fpl.
garbled [gAbld] adj confuso,-a.
garden [gAdn] n jardn m.
P vi cuidar el jardn.
gardener [gAdnr] n (gen) jardinero,-a;
(of vegetables) hortelano,-a.
gargle [gAgl] vi hacer grgaras.
gargoyle [gAgIl] n grgola.
garish [gerIS] adj (colour) chilln,-ona,
llamativo,-a; (light) cegador,-ra, des
garland [gAlnd] n guirnalda.
garlic [gAlIk] n ajo.
garment [gAmnt] n (clothes) prenda.
garnet [gAnIt] n granate m.
garnish [gAnIS] n guarnicin f.
P vt guarnecer.
garrison [gQrIsn] n guarnicin f.
garter [gAtr] n liga.
gas [gQs] n 1 (substance) gas m. 2 us ga
solina. 3 (anaesthetic) anestesia. 4 us fig
algo divertido. c o m p gas chamber c
mara de gas. y gas mask mscara an
tigs. y us gas station gasolinera.

gasp [gAsp] vi 1 (in astonishment) quedar

boquiabierto,-a. 2 (to pant) jadear.

gassy [gQsI] adj gaseoso,-a.

comp gassier, superl gassiest.

gastric [gQstrIk] adj gstrico,-a.

gastronomy [gQstrnmI] n gastrono

gate [geIt] n 1 (door) puerta, verja. 2 (at

airport) puerta; (at stadium) entrada. 3 gb

(attendance) asistencia.
gateau [gQtU] n pastel m, tarta.
pl gateaux [gQtUz].
gatecrash [geItkrQS] vt fam colarse en.
P vi fam colarse.
gateway [geItweI] n entrada, puerta.
gather [gQDr] vt 1 (collect) juntar. 2
(call together) reunir. 3 (pick up) recoger.
4 (taxes) recaudar. 5 (gain) ganar, co
P vi 1 (come together) reunirse, juntarse. 2
(build up) acumularse. 3 (form) formarse.
gathering [gQDrIN] n reunin f.
gauche [gUS] adj (awkward) torpe,
desmaado,-a; (tactless) sin tacto.
gaudy [gdI] adj chilln,-ona.
comp gaudier, superl gaudiest.

gauge [geIdZ] n 1 (device) indicador m,

calibrador m. 2 (measure) medida es

tndar. 3 (railways) ancho de va.
P vt 1 (measure) medir, calibrar. 2 fig
apreciar, calcular.
gaunt [gnt] adj 1 (lean) demacrado,-a.
2 fig (desolate) lgubre; (grim) siniestro,-a.
gauze [gz] n gasa.

gave [geIv] pt give.

gay [geI] adj 1 fam (homosexual) gay. 2
(happy, lively) alegre. 3 (bright) vistoso,-a.

gaze [geIz] n mirada fija.

P vi

mirar fijamente.

gazelle [gzel] n gacela.

gazette [gzet] n gb boletn oficial.
GCSE [dZisiesi] abbr gb (General Cer-

tificate of Secondary Education) Ense

pl gases o gasses.
P vt asfixiar con gas.
anza Secundaria Obligatoria; (abbreP vi fam charlotear.
viation) ESO f.
gaseous [gQsIs] adj gaseoso,-a.
" GCSE es el examen que se hace en
gash [gQS] n cuchillada.
Gran Bretaa al final de la enseanza se
gasket [gQskIt] n junta.
cundaria, a los 16 aos aproximadamente.
gasoline [gQslin] n us gasolina.




[dZidipi] abbr (gross domestic

product) producto interior bruto; (abbreviation) PIB m.
gear [gIr] n 1 tech engranaje m. 2 auto
marcha, velocidad f. 3 (equipment) equi
po. 4 fam (belongings) efectos mpl perso
nales, pertenencias fpl; (clothes) ropa.
c o m p gear lever palanca de cambios.
gearbox [gIbks] n caja de cambios.
gearshift [gISift] n auto us palanca de


gearstick [gIstIk] n auto palanca de


geese [gis] n pl goose.

gel [dzel] n 1 gel m. 2 (for hair) gomina,
fijador m.

gelatine [dZeltin] n gelatina.

gem [dZem] n 1 (jewel) gema. 2 fig (person, thing) joya, alhaja.

Gemini [dZemInaI] n Gminis m.

gender [dZendr] n gnero.
gene [dZin] n gene m, gen m. c o m p gene
pool banco gentico.

genera [dZenr] n pl genus.

general [dZenrl] adj general.


general election elecciones fpl genera

les. y general knowledge cultura gene


P n mil

general m.

generalize [dZenrlaIz] vt & vi genera


generate [dZenreIt] vt (gen) generar.

generation [dZenreISn] n generacin f.
generator [dZenreItr] n generador m.
generic [dZnerIk] adj genrico,-a.
generosity [dZenrstI] n generosi
dad f.

generous [dZenrs] adj generoso,-a.

genetic [dZnetIk] adj gentico,-a. c o m p

genetic code cdigo gentico.

genetically [dZnetIklI] adv gentica
mente. l o c genetically modified


genetics [dZnetIks] n gentica.

genial [dZinIl] adj afable, amable.

P n pl genitals

(rganos mpl) genitales mpl.

genitive [dZenItIv] adj genitivo,-a.



genius [dZinIs] n 1 (person) genio. 2

(gift) don m.

pl geniuses.

Genius no significa genio (carcter),

que se traduce por temper.

genocide [dZensaId] n genocidio.

genome [dZinUm] n genoma m.
genotype [dZentaIp] n genotipo.
genre [ZAnr] n gnero.
gent [dZent] n fam caballero, seor m.
gentle [ d Z e n t l ] adj 1 (person)

bondadoso,-a, dulce, tierno,-a. 2

(breeze, movement, touch, etc) suave. 3
(hint) discreto,-a. 4 (noble) noble.

comp gentler, superl gentlest.

P n pl gents servicio de caballeros.
gentleman [dZentlmn] n caballero,
seor m.
pl gentlemen [dZentlmn].
gently [dZentlI] adv 1 (smoothly) suave
mente. 2 (slowly) despacio, poco a po
co. 3 (kindly) amablemente.
genuine [dZenjUIn] adj 1 (authentic, true)

genuino,-a, autntico,-a, verdade

ro,-a. 2 (sincere) sincero,-a.
genus [dZins] n gnero.
pl genera [dZenr].


[dZIgrQfIk] adj geogr

geography [dZIgrfI] n geografa.

geological [dZIldZIkal] adj geolgi

geology [dZIldZI] n geologa.

geometric [dZImetrIk] adj geom

geometry [dZImtrI] n geometra.

geranium [dZreInIm] n geranio.
geriatric [dZerIQtrIk] adj geritrico,-a.
germ [dZm] n germen m.
German [dZmn] adj alemn,-ana.

P n 1 (person) alemn,-ana. 2 (language)

alemn m.
, Genial no significa genial (brillante), Germany [dZmnI] n Alemania.
que se traduce por brilliant.
germinate [dZmIneIt] vi germinar.
P vt hacer germinar.
genital [dZenItl] adj genital.



germination [dZmIneIS n] n germi

nacin f.

gerund [dZernd] n gerundio.

gestation [dZesteISn] n biol gestacin f.
gesticulate [dZestIkjleIt] vi gesticular.
gesture [dZestSr] n 1 ademn m, gesto.

a to get away vi escaparse, irse.

P vt sep alejar, quitar, sacar.
a to get away with vt insep salir impu

ne de.

a to get back vi 1 (return) volver, re

gresar. 2 (move backwards) moverse
hacia atrs, retroceder.
2 fig (token) detalle m, gesto, muestra.
P vt sep (recover) recuperar: did you get your
P vi hacer gestos, hacer ademanes.
money back? te devolvieron el dinero?
, Gesture no significa gesto (de la ca
a to get behind vi atrasarse.
ra), que se traduce por grimace.
a to get by vi 1 (manage) arreglrselas.
2 (pass) pasar.
get [get] vt 1 (obtain) obtener, conseguir:
to get down vt sep 1 (depress) deprimir,
I want to get a job quiero conseguir un tra
desanimar. 2 (gen) bajar. 3 (write down)
bajo; he got a bank loan le concedieron un
apuntar, anotar. 4 (swallow) tragar.
crdito bancario; what did you get in maths?
P vi (descend) bajarse.
qu sacaste en matemticas?. 2 (receive)
a to get down to vi ponerse a.
recibir: I got your letter yesterday recib tu
to get in vi 1 (arrive) llegar. 2 (enter) en
carta ayer. 3 (buy) comprar: where did you
trar; (car) subir; (be elected) ser elegido,-a.
get your jeans? dnde compraste tus va
P vt sep 1 (insert) meter. 2 (harvest) cose
queros? 4 (fetch) traer: get the car traiga el
char; (washing) recoger; (supplies) com
auto. 5 (catch illnesses, means of transport)
prar. 3 (summon) llamar.
pescar: she got the flu pesc la gripe. 6 (rea to get into vt insep 1 (arrive) llegar a.
ceive signal) captar, recibir, coger. 7 (ask)
2 (enter) entrar en; (car) subir a.
pedir, decir; (persuade) persuadir, con
a to get off vt sep (remove) quitarse.
vencer: get your brother to help you pdele a
P vt insep (vehicle, horse, etc) bajarse de.
tu hermano que te ayude. 8 (have sth done)
P vi 1 bajarse. 2 (leave) salir. 3 (begin) co
hacer algo a uno: she loves getting her hair
menzar. 4 (escape) escaparse.
done le encanta que le arreglen el pelo.
to get off with vt insep fam ligar con.
P vi 1 (become) ponerse, volverse: she gets
a to get on vt insep (vehicle) subir a, su
very angry if were late se pone furiosa si lle
birse a; (bicycle, horse, etc) montar a.
gamos tarde. 2 (go) ir: how do you get there?
P vi 1 (make progress) progresar, avan
cmo se va hasta all? 3 (arrive) llegar: how
zar, ir. 2 (succeed) tener xito. 3 (be
did you get home? cmo llegaste a casa? 4
friendly) llevarse bien, avenirse, enten
(come to) llegar a. 5 (start) empezar a. l o c
derse. 4 (continue) seguir, continuar. 5
to get dressed vestirse. y to get lost per
(grow old) hacerse mayor, envejecerse.
derse. y to get married casarse. y to get
a to get out vt sep (thing) sacar; (stain)
old envejecer, hacerse viejo. y to get
ready prepararse. y to get wet mojarse.
P vi 1 (leave) salir. 2 (of car, etc) bajar de,
a to get across vt insep (cross - street, road)
bajarse de. 3 (escape) escapar(se). 4
cruzar; (- bridge) atravesar.
(news, rumours, etc) llegar a saberse, ha
P vi hacerse entender.
cerse pblico,-a.
to get ahead vi adelantar, progresar.
to get out of vt insep (avoid) librarse de.
to get along vi 1 (manage) arreglrselas,
P vi (stop) dejar, perder la costumbre.
aparselas. 2 (leave) marcharse, irse.
a to get over vt insep 1 (illness) recupe
to get along with vt insep 1 (person) lle
rarse de. 2 (recover from) sobreponerse
varse (bien) con. 2 (progress) marchar.
a; (forget) olvidar. 3 (obstacle) salvar;
a to get around vi 1 (person) moverse;
(difficulty) vencer.
(travel) viajar. 2 (news) difundirse.
P vt sep (idea, etc) comunicar, hacer
P vt insep (avoid) evitar, sortear.
a to get around to vi
encontrar tiem
a to get over with vt sep acabar con.
po para.



a to get round vt insep 1 (obstacle) sal

var. 2 (law, regulation) evitar, soslayar.
3 (person) convencer, persuadir.
P vi (news) difundirse, hacerse pbli

co,-a, llegar a saber.

a to get through vi 1 (gen) llegar. 2 (on

phone) conseguir hablar (to, con). 3

(communicate) hacerse comprender

(to, a).
P vt insep 1 (finish) acabar, terminar. 2
(consume) consumir; (money) gastar;
(drink) beber. 3 (exam) aprobar.
a to get together vi (people) reunirse,
P vt sep 1 (people) juntar, reunir. 2 (assemble) montar; (money) recoger, reunir.
a to get up vi 1 (rise) levantarse; (climb
up) subir. 2 (become stronger - wind, storm)
a to get up to vt insep 1 hacer: what
have you been getting up to? qu has esta
do haciendo? 2 (reach) llegar a.

pt got [got], pp got [got] (us gotten

[gotn]), ger getting.
getaway [getweI] n fam fuga, huida.
get-together [gettgeDr] n fam (meeting) reunin f; (party) fiesta.
getup [getp] n fam atavo, atuendo.
geyser [gizr, us gaIzr] n 1 (natural
spring) giser m. 2 (water heater) calenta
dor m de agua.
ghastly [gAstlI] adj 1 espantoso,-a,
horrible, horroroso,-a. 2 (pale) pli

do,-a, mortecino,-a.

comp ghastlier, superl ghastliest.

gherkin [gkIn] n pepinillo.
ghetto [getU] n gueto.
pl ghettos o ghettoes.
ghost [gUst] n fantasma m, espectro.
c o m p ghost train tren m de la bruja.
ghostwrite [gUstraIt] vt (literature) ha

gift [gIft] n 1 (present) regalo, obsequio. 2

(talent) don m. 3 rel ofrenda. 4 jur dona

cin f. c o m p gift shop tienda de regalos.
gifted [gIftId] adj dotado,-a.
gigabyte [gIgbaIt] n (giga)byte m.
gigantic [dZaIgQntIk] adj gigantesco,-a.
giggle [gIgl] n 1 risita, risa tonta. 2 gb
fam broma, diversin f.
gild [gIld] vt dorar.
gill [gIl] n (of fish) agalla, branquia.
gilt [gIlt] adj dorado,-a.
P n dorado.
gin [dZIn] n ginebra.
ginger [dZIndZr] n (spice) jengibre m.
P adj (hair) rojo,-a; (person) pelirrojo,-a.
to ginger up vt sep animar, estimular.
gingerbread [dZIndZbred] n pan m de
gipsy [dZIpsI] n gitano,-a.
pl gipsies.

giraffe [dZIrAf] n jirafa.

girdle [gdl] n 1 (clothes) faja. 2 fig cin

turn m.
P vt fig rodear.
girl [gl] n 1 chica, muchacha, joven f;
(small) nia. 2 (daughter) hija.
girlfriend [glfrend] n 1 (partner) novia.
2 (friend) amiga, compaera.
girlish [glIS] adj (of girl) de nia; (effeminate) afeminado,-a.
giro [dZaIrU] n gb giro.
pl giros.

gist [dZIst] n (general idea) idea general,

sentido general; (fundamental idea) lo

give [gIv] n (flexibility) elasticidad f, flexi
bilidad f.
P vt 1 (gen) dar, entregar. 2 (as a gift) dar,
regalar: he gave her a dress le regal un
vestido. 3 (perform a concert, etc) dar;
cer de negro, escribir para otro.
(speech) pronunciar. 4 (dedicate) dedicar,
giant [dZaInt] n gigante,-a.
consagrar. l o c to give way ceder el pa
P adj gigante, gigantesco,-a.
gibberish [dZIbrIS] n galimatas m.
P vi (yield) ceder; (cloth, elastic) dar de s.
Gibraltar [dZIbrlt ] n Gibraltar m.
a to give away vt sep 1 (gen) distribuir,
Gibraltarian [dZIbrlterIn] adj gi
repartir; (present) regalar; (prize) entre
gar. 2 (betray) delatar, traicionar; (disclose) revelar, descubrir.
giddy [gIdI] adj (dizzy)
comp giddier, superl giddiest.
a to give back vt sep (return) devolver.



a to give in vi (admit defeat) darse por

vencido,-a, rendirse; (yield) ceder.

P vt sep (hand in) entregar.
a to give off vt sep (smell, heat, etc) des
pedir, desprender, emitir.
a to give onto vi dar a.
a to give over vt sep (hand over) entre
gar; (allocate) dedicar, asignar.
P vi fam (stop) dejar de.
a to give up vt sep 1 (renounce) dejar;
(idea) abandonar, renunciar a. 2 (devote) dedicar. 3 (surrender) entregarse.
P vi (admit defeat) darse por vencido,-a,
a to give up on vt insep abandonar,

pt gave [geIv], pp given [gIvn], ger

given [gIvn] pp give.
P adj 1 (fixed) dado,-a, determinado,-a.
2 (prone) dado,-a, propenso,-a.
P prep 1 (considering) dado,-a, teniendo
en cuenta. 2 (if) si.
glacial [gleISl] adj 1 geol glaciar. 2 (icy)


glacier [glQsIr, gleISr] n geol glaciar m.

glad [glQd] adj (pleased) contento,-a,
alegre; (happy) feliz.

comp gladder, superl gladdest.

gladden [glQdn] vt alegrar.
gladiator [glQdIeItr] n hist gladiador m.
gladly [glQdlI] adv de buena gana, con

mucho gusto.

glamorous [glQmrs] adj 1 atractivo,

pl glasses gafas fpl, lentes mpl. c o m p

sun glasses lentes de sol.
glassware [glAswer] n cristalera.
glaze [gleIz] n (for pottery) vidriado; (lustre) brillo, lustre m; (varnish) barniz m,
esmalte m.
P vt 1 (pottery) vidriar, esmaltar. 2 (windows) poner cristales a. 3 culin glasear.
gleam [glim] n 1 destello, rayo. 2 fig
rayo, resquicio, vislumbre m.
P vi brillar, destellar, relucir.
glean [glin] vt 1 agr espigar. 2 fig reco

ger, cosechar.


[glaId] n 1 deslizamiento. 2 av
planeo, vuelo sin motor. 3 ling semi
vocal f.
P vi 1 deslizarse. 2 av planear.
glider [glaIdr] n av planeador m.
glimmer [glImr] n (light) luz f tenue.
P vi brillar con luz tenue.
glimpse [glImps] n visin f fugaz.
P vt vislumbrar, entrever.
glisten [glIsn] vi brillar, relucir.
glitter [glItr] n brillo.
P vi brillar, relucir.
global [glUbl] adj 1 mundial. 2 (total)
global. c o m p global warming calenta
miento global.
globalization [glUzblaIzeISn] n glo
balizacin f.
globe [glUb] n 1 (object) globo, esfera.
2 (the Earth) Tierra

Globe no significa globo (de nio),

que se traduce por balloon.

-a. 2 (charming) encantador,-ra.
glamour [glQmr] n 1 atractivo. 2 globe-trotter [glUbtrtr] n fam trota
(charm) encanto.
mundos mf.
glance [glAns] n vistazo, ojeada.
globule [glbjUl] n glbulo.
P vi echar un vistazo (at, a).
gloom [glUm] n 1 (darkness) penumbra f.
gland [glQnd] n anat glndula.
2 (sadness) tristeza, melancola. 3 (hopelessness) desolacin f, pesimismo.
glare [gler] n 1 (light) luz f deslumbran
te. 2 auto deslumbramiento. 3 (look) gloomy [glUmI] adj 1 (dark) lbrego,-a,
mirada furiosa, mirada hostil.
oscuro,-a, tenebroso,-a. 2 (sad)
P vi 1 (dazzle) deslumbrar. 2 (look) lan
melanclico,-a, triste; (depressing) depri
zar una mirada furiosa.
mente. 3 (pessimistic) pesimista. 4 (weather) gris, encapotado,-a.
glass [glAs] n 1 (material) vidrio, cristal
comp gloomier, superl gloomiest.
m. 2 (for drinking) vaso; (with stem) copa.
3 gb barmetro.
glorious [glrIs] adj 1 glorioso,-a. 2
pl glasses.
(wonderful) esplndido,-a, magnfico,-a.



glory [glrI] n 1 (gen) gloria. 2 fig es

plendor m.

pl glories.

gloss [gls] n 1 lustre m, brillo. 2 (expla-

nation) glosa. 3 fig oropel m.

P vt (text) glosar, comentar.
a to gloss over vt insep (play down) pa
liar, suavizar; (hide) encubrir; (ignore)
pasar por alto.
glossary [glsrI] n glosario.
pl glossaries.
[glv] n guante m. c o m p glove
compartment guantera.
glow [glU] n 1 (of lamp) luz f; (of jewel)
brillo. 2 (of fire) calor m vivo; (of sky)
arrebol m; (of fire, metal, etc) incandes
cencia. 3 (of face) rubor m. 4 fig sensa
cin f de bienestar, satisfaccin f.
P vi 1 (jewel, sun, etc) brillar; (of metal) es
tar al rojo vivo; (fire) arder. 2 fig rebo


sar de.

glucose [glUkUz] n glucosa.

glue [glU] n cola, pegamento.
P vt

encolar, pegar.

gluten [glUtn] n gluten m.

gluteal [glUtl] adj glteo,-a.
gluteus [glUtIs] n glteo.
glutton [gltn] n glotn,-ona.
glycerine [glIsrIn] n glicerina.
GMT [dZiemdi] abbr (Greenwich Mean

cio marcha muy bien. 5 (become) volverse,

ponerse, quedarse: to go deaf quedarse
sordo,-a. 6 (fit) entrar, caber: the bed wont
go into the room la cama no cabr en la ha
bitacin. 7 (break) romperse, estropear
se; (yield) ceder; (blow) fundirse. 8 (progress) ir, marchar, andar: things arent
going too well for him no le van muy bien las
cosas. 9 (be available) quedar, haber: is
there any more meat going? queda algo de
carne?. 10 (make a noise, gesture, etc) hacer:
go like this with your head haz as con la ca
beza. 11 (time - pass) pasar; (- be remaining)
faltar: the years went by slowly los aos pa
saron lentamente; only two weeks to go solo
faltan dos semanas. 16 (say) decir: as the
saying goes segn el dicho.
P vt 1 (make a noise) hacer: it goes tick-tock
hace tic-tac. 2 (travel) hacer, recorrer.
P interj go! (starting races) ya!: ready, steady,
go! preparados, listos, ya!.
a to go after vt insep (pursue) perseguir,
andar tras.
a to go ahead vi (proceed) proceder: go
ahead! adelante!.
a to go along with vt insep estar de
acuerdo con.

a to go around vi to go round.
a to go away vi marcharse.
to go back vi (return) volver, regresar;

(date from) datar de, remontarse a.

a to go back on vt insep (break) romper,
breviation) GMT.
no cumplir.
gnat [nQt] n zool mosquito.
a to go by vi (time) pasar.
gnaw [n] vt 1 (bite) roer. 2 fig (worry)
P vt insep (rules) atenerse a, seguir; (incorroer.
stinct) dejarse llevar por; (appearances)
gnome [nUm] n gnomo.
juzgar por.
to go down vi 1 (gen) bajar; (tyre) des
GNP [dZienpi] abbr (gross national
product) producto nacional bruto;
hincharse; (sun) ponerse; (ship) hun
(abbreviation) PNB m.
dirse. 2 (be received) ser acogido,-a.
a to go for vt insep 1 (attack) atacar. 2
gnu [nU] n u m.
(fetch) ir a buscar. 3 fam (like) gustar.
go [gU] n 1 (energy) energa, empuje m.
4 fam (be valid) valer para.
2 (turn) turno: its my go me toca a m. 3
a to go in vi entrar.
(try) intento: Id like to have a go at hang
a to go in for vt insep (enter - race, compegliding me gustara intentar vuelo con ala
tition) participar en; (- exam) presen
delta. 4 (start) principio.
tarse a; (- career) dedicarse a; (like,
P vi 1 (gen) ir: to go on holiday irse de vaca
agree with) ser partidario,-a de.
ciones. 2 (leave) marcharse, irse; (bus,
a to go into vt insep 1 (gen) entrar en.
train, etc) salir: lets go! vmonos. 3 (vanish)
2 (investigate) investigar. 3 (crash) cho
funcionar, mar
desaparecer. 4 (function)
char: his business is going very well su nego
car contra.
Time) hora media de Greenwich; (ab-



a to go off vi 1 (leave) marcharse. 2

(bomb) estallar; (alarm) sonar; (gun) dis

pararse. 3 (food) estropearse, pasar
se; (milk) cortarse. 4 (stop operating)
P vt insep (stop liking) perder el gusto por,
perder el inters por.
a to go on vi 1 (continue) seguir, conti
nuar. 2 (happen) pasar, ocurrir: whats
going on? qu pasa?. 3 (complain) que
jarse (about, de); (talk at length) hablar
sin parar. 4 (light, etc) encenderse. 5
(age) estar a punto de cumplir: shes
ten going on eleven est a punto de cum
plir los once aos.
a to go out vi 1 (leave) salir: he goes out
a lot sale mucho. 2 (fire, light) apagarse.
a to go over vt insep (check, revise) revi
sar, repasar.
a to go over to vt insep 1 (betray) pasar
se a. 2 (change to) cambiar a, pasar a.
to go round vi 1 (gyrate) dar vueltas,
girar. 2 (visit) pasar por casa de, visitar.
a to go through vt insep 1 (undergo) pa
sar por, sufrir, padecer. 2 (examine)
examinar; (search) registrar; (spend)
gastar; (explain) explicar.
P vi (act, law) ser aprobado,-a.
a to go through with vt insep llevar a
a to go under vi 1 (ship) hundirse. 2
fig fracasar.
a to go up vi 1 (gen) subir; (approach)
acercarse. 2 (curtain in theatre) levantar
se. 3 (explode) estallar; (burst into flames)
prenderse fuego.

pt went [went], pp gone [gn], ger

goal [gUl] n 1 sp (area) meta, portera. 2
sp (point) gol m, tanto. 3 (aim) fin m, ob

jetivo, meta.

goalkeeper [gUlkipr] n portero,-a,

guardameta mf.

goat [gUt] n (female) cabra; (male) ma

cho cabro.

goatee [gUti] n (beard) perilla.

gobble [gbl] vt engullir, zamparse.
god [gd] n (deity, idol) dios m.

goddaughter [gddt ] n ahijada.

goddess [gds] n diosa.
godfather [gdfADr] n padrino.
godmother [gdmDr] n madrina.
godparents [gdpernts] n pl padri

nos mpl.


del cielo.

[gdsend] n regalo llovido

godson [gdsn] n ahijado.

goggle [ggl] vi quedarse atnito,-a.
goggles [gglz] n pl gafas fpl protec

going [gUIN] n 1 (departure) ida, salida.

2 (pace) paso, ritmo. 3 (path, road) esta

do del camino.
P adj 1 (price, rate) actual, corriente. 2
(business) que marcha bien.
gold [gUld] n (metal) oro.
P adj 1 (colour) dorado,-a. 2 (made of gold)
de oro.
golden [gUldn] adj 1 de oro. 2 (colour)
dorado,-a. 3 (hair) rubio,-a.
goldfinch [gUldfIntS] n jilguero.
goldfish [gUldfIS] n pez m de colores.
pl goldfish [gUldfIS].

goldsmith [gUldsmIT] n orfebre mf.

golf [glf] n golf m.

jugar al golf. c o m p golf course cam

po de golf.
golfer [glfr] n jugador,-ra de golf.
P vi

gone [gn] pp go.

P adj 1 (time) pasado,-a. 2 (dead)

gong [gN] n 1 gong m. 2 fam fig (award,
prize) galardn m.
good [gUd] adj 1 bueno,-a; (before m sing
noun) buen. 2 (healthy) sano,-a. 3 (kind)
amable. 4 (useful) servible. l o c for good
para siempre. c o m p Good Friday Vier
nes m Santo.

comp better, superl best.

P n bien m: its for your own good es por tu

propio bien.

pl goods (property) bienes mpl; comm

(in shop) gnero m sing, artculos mpl;
comm (merchandise) mercancas fpl.
P n God Dios m.
goodbye [gUdbaI] [also written goodbye] n adis m.
godchild [gdtSaIld]
n ahijado,-a.
P interj adis!
pl godchildren [gdtSIldrn].


[gUdfnTIN] n

good-hearted [gUdhAtId] adj de buen


good-humoured [gUdhjUmd] adj de

buen humor, campechano,-a.

good-looking [gUdlUkIN] adj guapo,-a,

bien parecido,-a.


[gUdneItSd] adj

goodness [gUdns] n 1 (virtue) bondad

f. 2 (in food) lo nutritivo.
goodwill [gUdwIl] n buena voluntad f.
goose [gUs] n ganso, oca.
pl geese.
gooseberry [gUzbrI, gUsbrI] n 1 bot
grosella espinosa. 2 gb fam fig (person)


pl gooseberries.

gooseflesh [gUsfleS] n piel f de gallina.

gore1 [gr] n sangre f derramada.
gore2 [gr] vt dar una cornada a.
gorge [gdZ] n (mountain pass) desfila
dero; (ravine) barranco.

gorgeous [gdZs] adj 1 magnfico,-a,

esplndido,-a. 2 (person) guapsimo,-a.

P n fam guapo,-a.
gorilla [grIl] n zool gorila m.
go-slow [gUslU] n huelga de celo.
gospel [gspl] n 1 rel evangelio. 2 mus
msica gospel.
gossip [gsIp] n 1 (talk) cotilleo, chis
morreo. 2 (person) cotilla mf, chismo
so,-a. c o m p gossip column crnica de
P vi cotillear, chismorrear.

1 (of government) del gobierno, gu

bernamental. 2 (of a governor) del go
governmental [gvnmentl] adj gu
governor [gvnr] n 1 (town, state, bank)
gobernador,-ra. 2 (prison) director,-ra.
3 (school) administrador,-ra. 4 gb fam
(employer) jefe m.
gown [gaUn] n 1 vestido largo. 2 (judges,
academics) toga. 3 (surgeons) bata.
P adj


[dZipi] abbr (general practitioner)

mdico,-a de cabecera.

pl GPs.

grab [grQb] vt 1 (seize, snatch) coger, aga

rrar, asir. 2 (capture, arrest) pillar, atra

par. 3 fam entusiasmar.

pt & pp grabbed, ger grabbing.

grace [greIs] n 1 gracia, elegancia. 2

(deportment) garbo. 3 (courtesy) delicade

za, cortesa. 4 (blessing) bendicin f. 5
rel gracia. 6 (delay) plazo.
P vt 1 (adorn) adornar. 2 (honour) honrar.

Grace no significa gracia (chiste),

que se traduce por joke.

gracious [greISs] adj 1 gracioso,-a. 2

(polite) corts. 3 (kind) amable. 4 (benevolent) benvolo,-a.

P interj Dios mo!.

Gracious no significa gracioso (di

vertido), que se traduce por funny.

grade [greId] n 1 (degree, level) grado. 2

(quality) calidad f. 3 (class, category) clase f,

categora. 4 (rank) rango, grado. 5
(mark) nota. 6 us (gradient) pendiente f.
7 us (form) clase f.
P vt 1 (sort, classify) clasificar. 2 (road) ni
got [gt] pt & pp get.
velar. 3 (student) calificar, poner una
Gothic [gTIk] adj 1 godo,-a. 2 (language,
nota. 4 (colours) degradar.
architecture, type) gtico,-a.
a to grade up vt sep subir de catego

gotten [gt n] pp us get.

gourmet [gUmeI] n gastrnomo,-a,
a to grade down vt sep bajar de cate
gurmet mf.
govern [gvn] vt 1 gobernar, dirigir. 2 gradual [grQdjUl] adj gradual.
ling regir. 3 (determine) dictar.
graduate [(n) grQdjUt; (vb) grQdjUeIt]
P vi 1 gobernar. 2 (predominate) predo
n educ (after 3-year course) diplomado,-a;
minar, prevalecer.
(after 5-year course) licenciado,-a.
P vt (grade, classify) graduar.
government [gvnmnt] n gobierno.


P vi (after 3-year course) diplomarse (in,
en); (after 5-year course) licenciarse (in, en).
graduation [grQdjUeISn] n 1 educ gra
duacin f. 2 tech graduacin f.
graft [grAft] n (of plant, tissue) injerto.
P vt injertar (onto, en).
grain [greIn] n 1 (gen) grano. 2 (cereals)
cereales mpl. 3 (in wood) veta, fibra; (in
stone) filn m, veta; (of leather) flor f.
P vt (give granular texture) granular.
grammar [grQmr] n gramtica. l o c
grammar school instituto de ensean
za media.
gramme [grQm] n gramo.
granary [grQnrI] n granero.

pl granaries.
grand [grQnd] adj 1 (splendid) grandio
so,-a, esplndido,-a, magnfico,-a. 2
(impressive) impresionante. 3 (important person) distinguido,-a, importante. 4
fam (great) fenomenal. c o m p grand pi
ano piano de cola.
grandchild [grQntSaIld] n nieto,-a.
pl grandchildren [grntSIldrn].
granddad [grQndQd] n fam abuelo.
granddaughter [grQndtr] n nieta.
grandfather [grQndfADr] n abuelo.
grandma [grQnmA] n fam abuela.
grandmother [grQnmDr] n abuela.
grandpa [grQmpA] n fam abuelo.
grandparents [grQndpernts] n pl
abuelos mpl.
grandson [grQndsn] n nieto.
granite [grQnIt] n granito.
P adj de granito.
granny [grQnI] n fam abuela.
pl grannies.
grant [grAnt] n 1 educ beca. 2 (subsidy)
subvencin f. 3 jur (rights, property) ce
sin f.
P vt 1 conceder, otorgar. 2 jur ceder,
transferir. l o c to take sth for granted

dar algo por sentado.

granule [grQnjUl] n grnulo.

grape [greIp] n uva.
grapefruit [greIpfrUt] n pomelo.

graph [grAf] n grfica, grfico.


graph paper papel cuadriculado.

graphic [grQfIk] adj 1 (gen) grfico,-a. 2

(vivid) muy grfico,-a, vvido,-a.

graphite [grQfaIt] n grafito.

grasp [grAsp]vt 1 (seize - with hands) aga

rrar, asir; (opportunity, offer) aprovechar.

2 (understand) comprender, captar.
grass [grAs] n (plant) hierba, yerba;
(lawn) csped m; (pasture) pasto; (dried)
grasshopper [grAshpr] n saltamon
tes m.
grassy [grAsI] adj cubierto,-a de hierba.
comp grassier, superl grassiest.

grate1 [greIt] vt 1 culin rallar. 2 (scrape gen) rascar; (- teeth) hacer rechinar.

grate2 [greIt] n (metal frame) rejilla; (fireplace) chimenea.

grateful [greItfUl] adj (person) agradeci

do,-a; (letter, smile) de agradecimiento.

grater [greItr] n rallador m.

gratification [grQtIfIkeISn] n gratifi
cacin f, satisfaccin f, placer m.

gratify [grQtIfaI] vt 1 (satisfy - desire, etc)

satisfacer. 2 (give pleasure to) complacer,
pt & pp gratified, ger gratifying.
[grQtItjUd] n gratitud f,



gratuitous [grtjUIts] adj gratuito,-a.

grave1 [greIv] n tumba, sepultura.
grave2 [greIv] adj 1 (gen) grave. 2 [grAv]
(accent) grave.

gravel [grQvl] n grava, gravilla, guijo.

gravestone [greIvstUn] n lpida.
graveyard [greIvjAd] n cementerio.
gravity [grQvItI] n 1 phys gravedad f. 2

(seriousness) gravedad f; (of person, manner)

gravedad f, circunspeccin f.

gray [greI] adj us grey.

graze1 [greIz] n rasguo, roce m.
graze2 [greIz] vt (sheep, cattle) pastar, pas
torear, apacentar.

grease [gris] n (gen) grasa.

P vt (part of car, machine, device) engrasar.

pl grapefruits o grapefruit.
greasy [grisI] adj 1 (oily - hands)
grapevine [greIpvaIn]
n (gen) parra;
grasiento,-a. 3 fam pej (smarmy) pelota.
(vine) vid f.
comp greasier, superl greasiest.



great [greIt] adj 1 (gen) grande; (before

gregarious [gregerIs] adj gregario,-a,

great-grandchild [greItgrQntSaIld] n

gremlin [gremlIn] n duende m.

Grenada [grneId] n Granada.
grenade [grneId] n granada.
grew [grU] pt grow.
grey [greI] adj 1 (colour) gris; (hair) cano,-a;

sing noun) gran. 2 fam (excellent, wonderful)

estupendo,-a, fantstico,-a, sensa
cional, fabuloso,-a.
P adv fam muy bien, estupendamen
te, fenomenal.
bisnieto,-a, biznieto,-a.

pl great-grandchildren [greItgrntSIldrn].

great-grandfather [greItgrQndfADr]
n bisabuelo.

great-grandmother [greItgrQnmDr]
n bisabuela.

Greece [gris] n Grecia.

greed [grid] n 1 (for money, power) codicia,
avaricia. 2 (for food) gula, glotonera.
[gridI] adj 1 (for money, power)
codicioso,-a. 2 (for food) glotn,-ona.


comp greedier, superl greediest.

Greek [grik] adj griego,-a.

P n 1 (person) griego,-a. 2 (language)

green [grin] adj 1 (colour) verde. 2 (environment friendly) ecolgico,-a. 4 (pale)
plido,-a. 5 (inexperienced) novato,-a,
verde; (gullible) ingenuo,-a, crdulo,-a.
6 (jealous) envidioso,-a.
P n 1 (colour) verde m. 2 (stretch of grass)
csped m; (in golf) green m; (in village)
csped pblico .
P n pl greens (vegetables) verduras fpl.
P n pl the Greens pol los verdes mpl.
greenfly [grinflaI] n pulgn m.

pl greenflies.

greengrocer [gringrUsr] n verdulero,



greengrocers (shop) verdulera.

greenhouse [grinhaUs] n invernade


(sky) nublado,-a, gris. 2 (gloomy) triste, gris.

P n 1 (colour) gris m. 2 (horse) caballo tor
do. l o c to go grey encanecer.
greyhound [greIhaUnd] n galgo.
grid [grId] n 1 (grating) reja, parrilla, reji
lla. 2 elec (network) red f nacional de ten
dido elctrico. 3 (on map) cuadrcula.
griddle [grIdl] n culin plancha.
grief [grif] n dolor m, pena.
grieve [griv] vt afligir, apenar, dar pe
na a, entristecer.
P vi apenarse, afligirse.
grill [grIl] n culin (over cooker) gratinador
m, grill m; (on charcoal) parrilla. 4 grille.
grille [grIl] n reja.
grim [grIm] adj 1 (serious) austero,-a,
severo,-a; (look) ceudo,-a. 2 (unpleasant) horroroso,-a, pesimista; (- prospect,
outlook) nefasto,-a, desalentador,-ra;
(- reality) crudo,-a, duro,-a. 3 (gloomy landscape, place) lgubre, sombro,-a.
comp grimmer, superl grimmest.

grimace [grIms] n mueca.

grin [grIn] n (genuine) sonrisa (abierta);
(mocking) sonrisa burlona.
P vi sonrer (abiertamente).

pt & pp grinned, ger grinning.

[graInd] vt 1 (mill) moler; (crush)


machacar, triturar; (lens, mirror) pulir;

(knife, blade) afilar. 2 us (mince - beef) pi
car. 3 (teeth) rechinar. 4 (press down hard
on) incrustar, aplastar; (press in) meter.
P vi 1 (crush) triturarse. 2 (make harsh
noise) rechinar. 3 us (swot) empollar.

ro. c o m p greenhouse effect efecto in

Greenland [grinlnd] n Groenlandia.
Greenlander [grinlndr] n groen
pt & pp ground [graUnd].
P n 1 fam (work) trabajo pesado; (effort)
greet [grit] vt 1 (wave at, say hello to) salu
paliza. 2 us fam (swot) empolln,-ona.
dar; (welcome) dar la bienvenida a; (rea to grind down vt sep oprimir.
ceive) recibir. 2 (react) acoger, recibir. 3
a to grind out vt sep (music) tocar.
fig (meet) llegar, presentarse.
grinder [graIndr] n (machine - for coffee)
greeting [gritIN] n saludo.
P n pl greetings saludos mpl, recuerdos
molinillo; (person - for knives, etc)



grindstone [graInstUn] n muela, pie

dra de afilar.

gringo [grINgU] n pej gringo,-a.

pl gringos.

grip [grIp] n 1 (tight hold) asimiento. 2 (of

tyre) adherencia, agarre m. 3 fig (control,

force) control m, dominio. 4 sp (way of
holding) la forma en que uno coge la
raqueta, etc; (part of handle) asidero,
empuadura. 5 (hairgrip) horquilla.
P vt 1 (hold tightly - gen) agarrar, asir, suje
tar. 2 (adhere to) tener agarre, agarrarse,
adherirse. 3 fig (film, story, play) captar el
inters de, captar la atencin de.
P vi adherirse.

pt & pp gripped, ger gripping.

grit [grIt] n 1 (fine) arena; (coarse) gravilla;
(dirt) polvo. 2 fam (determination) valor m,
agallas fpl.
grizzly [grIzlI] [also grizzly bear] n oso


groan [grUn] n 1 gemido, quejido. 2

(creak) crujido.
P vi 1 (in pain) gemir, quejarse; (with disapproval) gruir. 2 (creak) crujir.
grocer [grUsr] n tendero,-a. c o m p gro
cers (shop) tienda de comestibles.
groceries [grUsrIz] n pl comestibles mpl.
grocery [grUsrI] n us tienda de ultra
marinos, tienda de comestibles.
pl groceries.

groggy [grgI] adj fam grogui.

comp groggier, superl groggiest.

groin [grIn] n anat ingle f.

groom [grUm] n 1 (bridegroom) novio. 2
(for horses) mozo de cuadra.

. Se usa para referirse al novio slo du

rante el da de la boda. Es la forma abre
viada de bridegroom.

groove [grUv] n 1 (gen) ranura; (for door)

gua; (in column) acanaladura. 2 (on record) surco.

groovy [grUvI] adj fam guay, genial.
comp groovier, superl grooviest.
grope [grUp] vi andar a tientas.
gross [grUs] adj 1 (flagrant - injustice) fla

3 (behaviour, manners) grosero,-a, tos

co,-a; (- language) soez; (disgusting) as
queroso,-a. 4 fin (total) bruto,-a.
P vt (person) obtener unos ingresos
brutos de; (film, etc) recaudar.
grotesque [grUtesk] adj grotesco,-a.
grotto [grtU] n gruta.

pl grottoes o grottos.

ground1 [graUnd] n 1 (surface of earth) sue

lo; (soil, earth) tierra; (terrain, land) campo,
terreno. 2 us (electrical) tierra. 3 art (background) fondo. 4 (matter, subject) aspecto,
punto. c o m p ground floor planta baja.
P n pl grounds (reason, justification) razn f,
motivo; (of coffee) poso, posos mpl; (gardens) jardines mpl; (area of land) terreno.

ground2 [graUnd] pt & pp grind.

P adj 1 (coffee) molido,-a. 2 us (beef)

grounding [graUndIN] n base f, conoci
mientos mpl.
groundwork [graUndwk] n trabajo
preliminar, trabajo preparatorio.
group [grUp] n grupo.
P vt agrupar.
grouper [grUpr] n mero.
groupie [grUpI] n fam grupi mf.
grow [grU] vi 1 (gen) crecer. 2 (increase)
aumentar. 3 (become) hacerse, volver
se. 4 (begin gradually) llegar a. l o c to
grow old envejecer.
P vt 1 (crop, plant, flower) cultivar. 2 (beard,
etc) dejarse (crecer); (hair, nails) dejarse
a to grow into vt insep (become) conver
tirse en, hacerse.
a to grow on vt insep llegar a gustar.
a to grow up vi 1 (become adult) hacer
se mayor; (spend childhood) criarse,
crecer. 2 (spring up) surgir, nacer, de

pt grew [gru], pp grown [grUn].

grower [grUr] n (farmer) cultivador,-ra.

growl [graUl] n gruido.
P vi


grown [grUn] pp grow.

P adj



[grUnp] adj mayor,

craso,-a; (- error)
grante; (- ignorance)
grave. 2 (fat) muy gordo,-a, obeso,-a. P n persona mayor.



growth [grUT] n 1 (gen) crecimiento;

(increase) aumento; (development) desa

rrollo. 2 med (tumour) bulto, tumor m. 3
(of beard) barba.
grub [grb] n (larva) larva, gusano.
P vi 1 (by digging) escarbar, hurgar. 2 fig
pt & pp grubbed, ger grubbing.

grudge [grdZ] n rencor m.

P vt 1 (begrudge, resent) dar a regaadien

tes, dar de mala gana. 2 (envy) envidiar.
grumble [grmbl] n 1 (complaint) queja.
2 (of thunder) estruendo.
P vi 1 (moan, complain) refunfuar, que
jarse (about, de). 2 (rumble - thunder) re
tumbar; (- stomach) hacer ruido.
grumpy [grmpI] adj grun,-ona,
malhumorado,-a, de mal humor.

comp grumpier, superl grumpiest.

grunge [grndZ] n mus grunge m.

grunt [grnt] n gruido.
P vi


guarantee [gQrnti] n (gen) garanta;

(certificate) certificado de garanta.

P vt 1 (gen) garantizar; (assure, promise)
asegurar. 2 (debt) avalar, garantizar.
guard [gAd] n 1 (sentry, soldier) guardia
mf; (security guard) guarda mf, guarda
jurado,-a, guarda de seguridad; (prison
officer) carcelero,-a. 2 (duty) guardia. 3
gb (on train) jefe,-a de tren. 4 (on machine)
dispositivo de seguridad; (on gun) se
guro. l o c to be on guard estar de guar
dia. y to stand guard montar guardia.
P vt 1 (watch over) vigilar; (protect - person,
reputation) proteger; (keep - secret) guar
dar. 2 (control - tongue) cuidar, controlar.

To guard no significa guardar (en un

sitio), que se traduce por to put away.

guesswork [geswk] n conjeturas fpl,

suposiciones fpl.


[gest] n 1 (at home, restaurant, etc)

invitado,-a; (in hotel) cliente,-a, hus
ped,-da.2 (on TV programme) invitado,-a.
guesthouse [gesthaUs] n casa de hus
pedes, pensin f.
guestroom [gestrUm] n cuarto de
(los) invitados.
Guiana [gaIQn, gIAn] n Guayana.
guidance [gaIdns] n (help, advice) orien
tacin f, consejos mpl.
guide [gaId] n 1 (person) gua mf. 2 (book)
gua. 3 (indicator) gua, modelo. c o m p
guide dog perro lazarillo.
P vt 1 (show the way) guiar; (lead) conducir.
2 (advise, influence) orientar, aconsejar.
guidebook [gaIdbUk] n gua.
guideline [gaIdlaIn] n pauta, directriz f.
guiding [gaIdIN] adj que gua, que sir
ve de gua.
guild [gIld] n (of workers) gremio; (association) asociacin f, agrupacin f.
guillotine [gIltin] n guillotina.
P vt (person, paper) guillotinar.
guilt [gIlt] n 1 jur culpabilidad f. 2
(blame) culpa; (remorse) remordimiento.
guilty [gIltI] adj culpable (of, de). l o c to
find sb guilty declarar culpable a algn.

comp guiltier, superl guiltiest.

c o m p Equatori
al Guinea Guinea Ecuatorial. y New
Guinea Nueva Guinea.
guinea [gInI] n (coin) guinea. c o m p guinea
fowl gallina de Guinea, pintada. y guin
ea pig conejillo de Indias, cobaya.
Guinea-Bissau [gInIbIsaU] n Guinea

Guinea [gInI] n Guinea.


Guinean [gInIn] adj guineano,-a.

P n guineano,-a.
[gAdIn] n 1 (defender)
guardin,-ana, defensor,-ra. 2 jur (of guitar [gItA ] n guitarra.
guitarist [gItArIst] n guitarrista mf.
child) tutor,-ra.
gulf [glf] n 1 geog golfo. 2 fig abismo.
guava [gwAv] n (fruit) guayaba.
c o m p Gulf of Mexico golfo de Mjico. y
guess [ges] n (conjecture) conjetura; (estiPersian Gulf golfo Prsico. y Gulf Stream
mate) clculo. l o c to have a guess adi
corriente f del Golfo.
gull [gl] n gaviota.
P vt 1 (gen) adivinar. 2 us fam (suppose)
gulley [glI] n gully.
suponer, pensar, creer.
P vi adivinar.
gullible [glIbl] adj crdulo,-a.




gully [glI] n 1 geog (small valley, ravine)

barranco, torrentera. 2 (deep ditch, waterway, channel) surco, cauce m.
pl gullies.

gulp [glp] n (of drink) trago; (of air) boca

nada: he drank his glass in one gulp se bebi

todo el vaso de un trago.
P vt (drink) beberse de un trago
(down, -); (food) engullir (down, -).
P vi (swallow air) tragar aire; (with fear)
tragar saliva.
a to gulp back vt insep tragarse.
gum1 [gm] n anat enca.
gum2 [gm] n 1 (natural substance) goma,
resina. 2 (chewing gum) chicle m. 3 (glue)
goma (de pegar), pegamento.
P vt pegar (con goma).
pt & pp gummed, ger gumming.

gumboil [gmbIl] n absceso m, infla

macin f de las encas

gumboot [gmbUt] n bota de agua.

gumtree [gmtri] n gomero, rbol m
del caucho.

gun [gn] n 1 (gen) arma de fuego; (hand-

gun) pistola, revlver m; (rifle) rifle m,

fusil m; (shotgun) escopeta; (cannon) ca
n m. 2 sp pistola.
gunboat [gnbUt] n (lancha) caonera.
gunfire [gnfaIr] n (gen) fuego, dispa
ros mpl; (shooting) tiroteo; (shellfire) cao
neo, caonazos mpl.
gunman [gnmn] n pistolero.

over her new baby todos se deshacan en

elogios con su nuevo beb.

chorrear, derramar.
gust [gst] n 1 (of wind) rfaga, racha; (of
rain) chaparrn m. 2 fig (of anger) arreba
to: gust of laughter carcajada.
P vi soplar.
gut [gt] n 1 anat intestino. 2 fam (belly)
barriga, tripa.
P n pl guts (entrails) entraas fpl, tripas fpl;
fam (courage) agallas fpl: it takes guts to do
what you did hay que tener agallas para ha
cer lo que hiciste.
gutter [gtr] n (in street) arroyo, cuneta;
(on roof) canal m, canaln m. c o m p gutter
press prensa amarilla.
guy [gaI] n 1 fam (man) tipo: hes a great
guy es un tipo estupendo; a tough guy un
tipo duro. 2 us fam (person) tipo,-a: come
on you guys venga tipos. c o m p Guy Fawkes
Night Bonfire night.
Guyana [gaIQn] n Guyana, Guayana.
P vt

Guyanan [gaIQnn] adj-n Guyanese.

guzzle [gzl] vt fam (eat) zamparse, en

gullirse; (drink) chupar, tragar.

vi fam (eat) engullir; (drink) chupar,
gym [dZIm] n 1 fam (gymnasium) gimna
sio. 2 (gymnastics) gimnasia.
gymkhana [dZImkAn] n gymkhana.
gymnasium [dZImneIzIm] n gimnasio.
pl gymnasiums o gymnasia [dZImneIP


pl gunmen [gnmn].
gunner [gnr] n artillero.
gunpoint [gnpInt] l o c at gunpoint a

gymnast [dZImnQst] n gimnasta mf.

gymnastics [dZImnQstIks] n gimnasia.
gymnosperm [dZImnUspm] n biol

gunpowder [gnpaUdr] n plvora.

gunshot [gnSt] n disparo, tiro.
guru [gUrU] n gur m.
gush [gS] n chorro, borbotn m.

gynaecologist [gaInIkldZIst] n gine

punta de pistola.

P vi 1 (liquid) salir a borbotones. 2 (person) ser efusivo,-a: everyone was gushing


gypsum [dZIpsm] n yeso.

gypsy [dZIpsI] n gitano,-a.
pl gypsies.
P adj gitano,-a.


H, h [eItS] n (the letter) H, h f.

habit [hQbIt] n 1 (custom) hbito, cos
tumbre f. 2 rel (garment) hbito.

hairspray [hespreI] n laca para el pelo.

hairstyle [hestaIl] n peinado.
hairy [herI] adj 1 peludo,-a. 2 fig

tual. 2 (liar, etc) empedernido,-a.

Haiti [heItI] n Hait m.

Haitian [heISn] adj haitiano,-a.

(cut) cortar.


habitable [hQbItbl] adj habitable.

habitat [hQbItQt] n hbitat m.
habitual [hbItSUl] adj 1 (usual) habi
hack [hQk] vt 1 (cut) cortar. 2 comput
hacker [hQkr] n fam (in computers) pi
rata mf.

had [hQd] pt & pp have.

haddock [hQdk] n (fish) eglefino.
hadnt [hQd] pt have.
haematoma [himtUm] n hema
toma mf.


[hemrIdZ] n hemo

haggis [hQgIs] n culin plato tpico escocs

hecho con las asaduras del cordero.

haggle [hQgl] vi regatear (over, -).

hail1 [heIl] n (greeting) saludo; (shout) grito.
P vi

1 (call a taxi) llamar. 2 (acclaim) acla


[heIl] n 1 meteor granizo. 2 fig llu



P vi meteor


hailstone [heIlstUn] n granizo.

hailstorm [heIlstm] n granizada.
hair [her] n 1 (on head) cabello, pelo. 2
(on body) vello. 3 (horses mane) crin f.

hairbrush [hebrS] n cepillo para el

(scary) espeluznante, espantoso,-a.

comp hairier, superl hairiest.

[heIk] n (fish) merluza; (young)
half [hAf] n 1 mitad f: a kilo and a half un
kilo y medio. 2 sp (period) parte f, mitad
f, tiempo. 3 (beer) media pinta.

pl halves.
P adj medio,-a: hes been gone for half an
hour lleva fuera media hora. c o m p half
board media pensin f. y half term
vacaciones que se hacen a mitad de trimestre.
P adv medio, a medias: shes half Spanish
es medio espaola. l o c half past y me
dia: its half past two son las dos y media.

" Half term es una semana de vacacio

nes que los colegios britnicos tienen a
mediados de cada trimestre.

half-day [hAfdeI] n media jornada.

half-mast [hAfmAst] phr at half-mast
a media asta.

half-note [hAfnUt] n us blanca.

half-time [hAftaIm] n sp descanso,
media parte f.


[hAfweI] adj medio,-a, in

P adv a medio camino.
haircut [hekt] n corte m de pelo.
l o c to have a haircut cortarse el pelo.
hall [hl] n 1 (entrance) vestbulo, en
trada. 2 (for concerts, etc) sala. 3 (mansion)
hairdresser [hedresr] n peluque
casa solariega, mansin f. 4 us (corriro,-a. c o m p hairdressers peluquera.
dor) pasillo, corredor m.
hairdryer [hedraI
] n secador m (de
hallo [hlU] interj hello.




[hQlUin] n vspera de

Todos los Santos.

" Halloween es la fiesta de la vspera de

Todos los Santos. Los nios se disfrazan y
van de casa en casa. Cuando les abren la
puerta dicen trick or treat! (truco o
dulce) y la gente les da golosinas.
hallucinate [hlUsIneIt] vi alucinar.
hallway [hlweI] n us vestbulo.
halo [heIlU] n 1 (round moon, etc) halo.
2 rel aureola.
pl haloes o halos.

halogen [hQldZen] n halgeno.

halt [hlt] n 1 alto, parada. 2 (railway)
P vt parar, detener, interrumpir.
halve [hAv] vt 1 (cut in two) partir en
dos. 2 (reduce) reducir a la mitad. 3
(share) compartir. 4 (golf) empatar.

halves [hAvz] n pl half.

ham [hQm] n (food) jamn m.
hamburger [hQmbg r ] n (food)

. Lo ms habitual es llamar burger a la


hamlet [hQmlt] n aldea.

hammer [hQmr] n 1 (tool, bone) marti


a to hand on vt sep (traditions, etc) trans

mitir, heredar; (give) pasar, dar.
a to hand out vt sep (distribute) repartir,
distribuir; (give - gen) dar; (- punishment)
a to hand over vt sep (give) entregar;
(ones possessions, etc) ceder.
handbag [hQndbQg] n bolso.
handball [hQndbl] n sp balonmano.
handbook [hQndbUk] n (guidebook)
gua; (reference book) manual m.
handbrake [hQndbreIk] n freno de
handcuff [hQndkf] vt esposar.
P n pl handcuffs esposas fpl.
handful [hQndfUl] n puado.
handicap [hQndIkQp] n 1 (physical)
discapacidad f; (mental) deficiencia,
disminucin f psquica. 2 (in sport)
handicap m. 3 fig obstculo.
P vt obstaculizar, impedir.

pt & pp handicapped, ger handicapping.

handicapped [hQndIkQpt] adj 1 (phys-

ically) minusvlido,-a, discapacita

do,-a, disminuido,-a fsico,-a; (mentally) disminuido,-a psquico,-a. 2 fig
handicraft [hQndIkrAft] n 1 (job, art)
artesana; (objects) objetos mpl de ar
tesana. 2 (manual skill) habilidad f
handkerchief [hQNktSif] n pauelo.

llo. 2 (gun) percutor m.

P vt 1 (gen) martillar, martillear; (nail)
clavar. 2 fam (beat) dar una paliza,
pl handkerchiefs o handkerchieves.
hammock [hQmk] n 1 hamaca. 2
handle [hQndl] n 1 (of door) pomo,
mar coy m.
manilla. 2 (of drawer) tirador m. 3 (of
hamster [hQmstr] n zool hmster m.
cup) asa. 4 (of knife) mango. 5 (lever) pa
hand [hQnd] n 1 mano f. 2 (worker)
lanca. 6 (crank) manivela.
trabajador,-ra, operario,-a; (sailor)
P vt 1 (gen) manejar, manipular. 2
tripulante mf, marinero,-a. 3 (of clock)
(people) tratar. 3 (tolerate) aguantar. 4
manecilla, aguja. 4 (handwriting) letra.
(control) controlar, dominar. 5 (man5 (of cards) mano f, cartas fpl. 6 (apage) poder con, tener la capacidad
plause) aplauso. l o c at hand a mano,
cerca. y hands up! manos arriba! y on

the one hand por un lado y by hand a handlebar [hQnd lbA ] n manillar m.
mano y on the other hand por otro la handmade [hQndmeId] adj hecho,-a
a mano.
do y to lend a hand echar una mano.
handout [hQndaUt] n 1 (leaflet) folleto,
a to hand back vt sep devolver.
prospecto; (political) octavilla. 2 educ
a to hand in vt sep (work,
etc) entregar;
material m. 3 (press) nota de prensa.
(resignation, etc) presentar, notificar.

de manos.

[hQndSeIk] n apretn m


[hQnsm] adj 1 (man)

apuesto, guapo; (woman) bella, gua
pa. 2 (elegant) elegante. 3 (generous)
considerable, generoso,-a.
hands-on [hQndzn] adj (for computers)

handstand [hQndstQnd] n
handstand hacer el pino.


to do a

handwriting [hQndraItIN] n letra, es



[hQndI] adj 1 (person) hbil. 2

(close at hand) a mano, cercano,-a. 3
(useful) prctico,-a, cmodo,-a, til.

comp handier, superl handiest.

handyman [hQndImQn] n manitas mf.
pl handymen [hQndImn].
hang [hQN] vt 1 [pt & pp hung [hN]]
(gen) colgar. 2 [pt & pp hung [hN]] (wallpaper) colocar. 3 [pt & pp hanged.] jur

P n (of dress, etc) cada.


[hQpIns] n felicidad f ,

happy [hQpI] adj 1 (cheerful) feliz, ale

gre, dichoso,-a, afortunado,-a. 2

(glad) contento,-a, satisfecho,-a. l o c
happy birthday! !feliz cumpleaos!
comp happier, superl happiest.

harass [hQrs] vt 1 acosar, hostigar. 2

(military) hostilizar, hostigar. 3 (worries,

problems) atormentar, agobiar.
harassment [hQrsmnt] n acoso,

harbor [hAbr] n us harbour.

harbour [hAbr] n puerto.

P vt 1 (criminal) encubrir. 2 (doubts)

abrigar. 3 (suspicions) tener; (contain,
hide) contener, esconder.
hard [hAd] adj 1 (gen) duro,-a; (solid)
slido,-a. 2 (difficult) difcil. 3 (harsh)
s e v e r o , - a . 4 (work) a r d u o , - a ,
a g o t a d o r, - r a . 5 (final decision)
definitivo,-a, irrevocable; (person)
severo,-a, inflexible. 6 ling fuerte.
l o c hard of hearing duro,-a de odo. y
to work hard trabajar mucho. c o m p
hard court pista dura. y hard disk disco
duro. y hard labour trabajos forzados.
P adv (forcibly) fuerte; (diligently) mucho,
concienzudamente, con ahnco.
harden [hAdn] vt 1 endurecer. 2 fig
hardly [hAdlI] adv (scarcely) apenas,
casi; (not easily) difcilmente.
hardness [hAdns] n dureza.
hardware [hAdwer] n 1 (goods) art
culos mpl de ferretera. 2 comput
hardware m, soporte m fsico. c o m p
hardware store ferretera.

a to hang about / hang around vi 1 es

perar. 2 (waste time) perder el tiempo.
P vt insep frecuentar.
a to hang back vi 1 quedarse atrs. 2
fig vacilar.
a to hang down vi colgar, caer.
a to hang on vi 1 (hold tight) agarrarse.
2 (wait) esperar.
a to hang out vt sep (washing) tender.
P vi fam soler estar.
a to hang up vt sep colgar.
hangar [hQNr] n hangar m.
hanger [hQNr] n percha.
hang-glider [hQNglaIdr] n ala delta.
hang-gliding [hQNglaIdIN] n ala m
hard-working [hAdwkIN] adj
hangover [hQNUvr] n 1 (after too much
drinking) resaca. 2 (remains) resto, ves hare [her] n zool liebre f.
P vi correr muy deprisa.
happen [hQpn] vi 1 (occur) ocurrir, haricot bean [hQrIkUbin] n alubia,
pasar, suceder. 2 (by chance) dar la ca
sualidad de.
harm [hAm] n mal m, dao.
P vt daar, perjudicar. l o c to do sb
happening [hQp nIN] n aconteci
harm hacerle dao a algn. y theres
no harm in... no se pierda nada...
happily [hQpIlI] adv 1 (in a happy way)
felizmente, con
alegra. 2 (luckily) harmful [hAmfUl] adj daino,-a, no
civo,-a, perjudicial.



[hAmls] adj inocuo,-a,


harmonic [hAmnIk] adj armnico,-a.

harmony [hAmnI] n armona.
pl harmonies.

harp [hAp] n mus arpa.

harpist [hApIst] n mus arpista mf.
harpoon [hApUn] n arpn m.
P vt


harsh [hAS] adj 1 (cruel) cruel, duro,-a,

severo,-a. 2 (sound) discordante. 3

(rough) spero,-a.
harvest [hAvIst] n 1 (gen) cosecha,
siega. 2 (grapes) vendimia.
P vt 1 cosechar, recoger. 2 (grapes)
harvester [hAvIst r ] n 1 (person)
segador,-ra. 2 (machine) segadora, co

has [hQz] pres have.

haste [heIst] n prisa, precipitacin f.
hasten [heIsn] vi darse prisa.
hastily [heIstIlI] adv (quickly) de prisa.
hat [hQt] n sombrero.
hatch [hQtS] n 1 (on ship) escotilla. 2 (of

brar, tener, dar. 7 (cause to happen) ha
cer, mandar: he had the house painted
hizo pintar la casa. 8 fam (cheat) timar.
l o c have got tener: hes got two sisters
tiene dos hermanas; we havent got any
sugar no tenemos azcar. y to have
breakfast desayunar. y to have dinner
cenar. y to have just acabar de: I have
just seen him acabo de verlo. y to have
lunch comer, almorzar. y to have a
bath baarse. y to have a shower
ducharse. y to have a swim darse un
P aux haber: I have seen her la he visto.
a to have on vt sep 1 (wear) llevar
puesto,-a. 2 (tease) tomar el pelo a.
a to have out vt sep (tooth) sacarse; (appendix) operarse de.
3rd pers pres sing has [hQz], pt & pp
had [hQd], ger having.

. Have es el verbo auxiliar que se em

plea en ingls para conjugar los tiempos

haven [heIvn] n 1 fig refugio, asilo. 2

(harbour) puerto.
chickens, brood) pollada.
havoc [hQvk] n estragos mpl.
P vt 1 (eggs) empollar, incubar. 2 fig
hawk1 [hk] n halcn m.
(plot, plan) idear, tramar.
hawk2 [hk] vt 1 (in the street) vender
P vi salir del cascarn, salir del huevo.
en la calle; (door to door) vender de
hate [heIt] n odio.
puerta en puerta. 2 (gossip, news) di
P vt 1 fam (detest) odiar, detestar, abo
pregonar, difundir.
rrecer. 2 fam (regret) lamentar, sentir.
P vi carraspear.
hatred [heItrd] n odio.
hay [heI] n bot heno. c o m p hay fever
haul [hl] n 1 (distance) recorrido, ca
fiebre f del heno.
mino. 3 (fish) redada. 4 (loot) botn m.
hazard [hQzd] n 1 (risk) riesgo, peli
P vt 1 (drag) tirar de, arrastrar. 2 (boat)
gro. 2 (in sports in general) obstculo.
halar; (car, caravan, etc) remolcar.
P vt 1 fml arriesgar, poner en peligro.
haunt [hnt] n (of people) sitio preferi
2 fml (guess, remark) aventurar, atre
do; (of criminals, animals) guarida.
verse a hacer.
P vt 1 (frequent - gen) frecuentar; (- ghost)
aparecer en, rondar por. 2 (memory, hazardous [hQzds] adj arriesgado,-a,
peligroso,-a, aventurado,-a.
thought) obsesionar, perseguir.
haze [heIz] n 1 neblina. 2 fig confu
haunted [hntId] adj encantado,-a.
sin f, vaguedad f.
have [hQv] vt 1 (gen) tener, poseer. 2
P vt us hacer una novatada a.
(food) comer, tomar; (drink) beber, to

mar. 3 (treatment) recibir: shes having hazel [heIz l] n bot avellano.

de) avellana.
physiotherapy acude a fisioterapia. 4 (inhazelnut
[heIzlnt] n bot avellana.
vite) recibir, invitar.
prestado, dejar. 6 (party, meeting) cele hazy [heIzI] adj con neblina.



he [hi] pron 1 l: hes my brother (l) es mi

hermano. 2 (gen) el que, quien.

P n 1 (male animals) macho. 2 (man)
hombre m, varn m.
head [hed] n 1 (gen) cabeza; (mind)
mente f. 2 (on tape recorder, video) cabe
zal m. 3 (of bed, table) cabecera. 4 (of
page) principio. 5 (on beer) espuma. 6
(cape) cabo, punta. 7 (of school, company)
P adj principal, jefe.
P vt 1 (company, list, etc) encabezar. 2
(ball) rematar de cabeza, dar un ca
bezazo a, cabecear.
a to head for vt insep dirigirse hacia.
a to head off vi marcharse, irse.
P vt sep (divert) interceptar; (avoid) evi
headache [hedeIk] n dolor m de ca
head-first [hedfst] adv de cabeza.
head-hunter [hedhntr] n 1 caza
dor,-ra de cabezas, jbaro,-a. 2 fam
fig cazatalentos mf.
heading [hedIN] n 1 (of chapter) enca
bezamiento, ttulo. 2 (letterhead)
membrete m.
headlamp [hedlQmp] n auto faro.
headlight [hedlaIt] n auto faro.
headline [hedlaIn] n titular m.
headmaster [hedmAstr] n director m.
headmistress [hedmIstrs] n directora.
headphones [hedfUnz] n pl auricula
res mpl, cascos mpl.
headquarters [hedkwtz] n 1 (of an
organization) sede f; (main office) oficina
central. 2 (of a firm) domicilio social.
3 mil cuartel m general.

1 (wounds) cicatrizar, cicatrizarse;

(people) curarse,. 2 fig remediarse.
a to heal up vi curarse, cicatrizarse.
health [helT] n 1 salud f. 2 (service) sa
nidad f . 3 fig prosperidad f . c o m p
health care sanidad f. y health centre
centro de salud. y health food ali
mentos mpl naturales.
healthy [helTI] adj 1 (gen) sano,-a. 2
(good for health) saludable. 3 (appetite)
bueno,-a. 4 (prosperous) prspero,-a;
(disposition) sensato,-a.
P vi

comp healthier, superl healthiest.

heap [hip] n montn m.

hear [hIr] vt 1 (gen) or. 3 (lecture) asistir
a; (a news item) saber. 3
(witness, defendant) or.


(case) ver;

pt & pp heard [hd].

heard [hd] pt & pp hear.

hearer [hIrr] n oyente mf.
hearing [hIrIN] n 1 (sense) odo. 2 (act

of hearing) audicin f. 3 jur audiencia,

heart [hAt] n 1 anat corazn m. 2 (centre of feeling) corazn m. 3 (courage) va
lor m, corazn m. 4 (of lettuce, etc) cogo
llo; (of place) corazn m, centro; (of
question) fondo, quid m, meollo. l o c
to learn by heart aprender de memo
ria. y to take heart animarse. y to learn
by heart aprender de memoria. c o m p
heart attack ataque m de corazn.
P n pl hearts (cards) corazones mpl ;
(Spanish cards) copas fpl.
heartbeat [hAtbit] n latido del cora
heartburn [hAtbn] n ardor m de es
hearten [hAtn] vt animar, alentar.
heartless [hAtls] adj cruel, insensible.
. Headquarters puede considerarse
heat [hit] n 1 (gen) calor m. 2 (heating)
tanto singular como plural: our headquarcalefaccin f. 3 sp eliminatoria, serie
ters is/are in New York nuestra sede est
f. 4 zool celo.
en Nueva York.
P vt 1 calentar. 2 fig acalorar.
a to heat up vi (warm up) calentarse;
headteacher [hedtir] adj director,-a.
(to raise excitement, etc) acalorarse.
headword [hedwd] n entrada.
heal [hil] vt 1 (disease, patient) curar; heater [hitr] n calentador m.
(wound) cicatrizar,
curar. 2 fig curar, re heather [heDr] n bot brezo.
heating [hitIN] n calefaccin f.


heatstroke [hitstrUk] n med insola

cin f.

heatwave [hitweIv] n ola de calor.

heave [hiv] n (pull) tirn m; (push) em

pujn m.
P vt 1 (pull) tirar; (lift) levantar. 2 (push)
empujar. 3 fam (throw) lanzar, arrojar.
heaven [hevn] n 1 cielo. 2 fam gloria,
P n pl heavens cielo.
heavily [hevIlI] adv 1 (fall, move, step, etc)
pesadamente; (rain) fuertemente,
mucho. 2 (sleep, etc) profundamente;
(drink) con exceso, mucho; (breathe)
con dificultad f.
heavy [hevI] adj 1 (gen) pesado,-a. 2
(rain, blow) fuerte, pesado,-a. 3 (traffic)
denso,-a. 4 (sleep) profundo,-a. 5
(crop) abundante. 6 (atmosphere)
cargado,-a. 7 (loss, expenditure) grande,
considerable. c o m p heavy metal rock
m duro, heavy metal m.
comp heavier, superl heaviest.
[hevIdjUtI] adj (clothes,



height [haIt] n 1 (gen) altura. 2 (altitude)

altitud f. 3 (of person) estatura. 4 geog
cumbre f, cima.
heir [er] n heredero.
heiress [eres] n heredera.

held [held] pt & pp hold.

helicopter [helIkptr] n helicptero.
heliport [helIpt] n helipuerto.
helium [hilIm] n chem helio.
helix [hilIks] n hlice f.
hell [hel] n infierno.
hell [hil] contr 1 he will. 2 he shall.
hello [helU] interj 1 hola! 2 (on tele-

phone - answering) diga!; (- calling) oi

ga! 3 (to get sbs attention) oiga!, oye!
helm [helm] n mar timn m.
helmet [helmIt] n casco.
help [help] n 1 (gen) ayuda. 2 (servant)
asistenta, criada.
P interj socorro!
P vt 1 (gen) ayudar. 2 (be of use) ayudar,
servir. 3 (to relieve) aliviar. 4 (avoid) evitar.
a to help out vt sep ayudar.
helper [help r] n 1 ayudante,-a mf,
auxiliar mf. 2 (collaborator)
helpful [helpfUl] adj 1 (thing) til, prc
tico,-a,. 2 (person) amable.
helping [helpIN] n racin f, porcin f.
P adj ayuda.
helpless [helpls] adj 1 (unprotected)
desamparado,-a, indefenso,-a,
desvalido,-a. 2 (powerless) impotente,
incapaz, intil.
hem [hem] n sew dobladillo.
P vt hacer un dobladillo en.

shoes, etc) de faena, resistente; (equipment, machinery, etc) reforzado,-a,

robusto,-a, para grandes cargas.
heavyweight [hevIweIt] n 1 sp peso
pesado. 2 fig peso pesado.
Hebrew [hibrU] adj hebreo,-a.
P n 1 (person) hebreo,-a. 2 (language)
hectare [hektAr] n hectrea.
hectic [hektIk] adj agitado,-a, aje
treado,-a, movido,-a.
hed [hiz] contr 1 he had. 2 he would.
pt & pp hemmed, ger hemming.
hedge [hedZ] n 1 seto vivo. 2 fig pro hematoma [himtUm] n us hae
teccin f, barrera.
P vi contestar con evasivas.
hemisphere [hemIsfIr] n hemisferio.
P vt 1 cercar, separar con un seto. 2
hemorrhage [hemrIdZ] n us
fig (protect) proteger, guardar; (protect
os against) protegerse.
hen [hen] n (chicken) gallina; (female bird)
hedgehog [hedZhg] n zool (mammal)
hence [hens] adv 1 fml (so) por eso, por
lo tanto, de ah. 2 (from now) de aqu
heel [hil] n 1 anat taln m. 2 (on shoe)
a, dentro de.
tacn m; (of sock) taln m.
P vt 1 poner tacn a. 2 (in rugby) talo
henceforth [hensfT] adv fml de aho
ra en adelante.
near. 3 mar inclinar.
P vi mar escorar.
henhouse [henhaUs] n gallinero.



henna [hen] n bot alhea.

heptagon [heptgn] n heptgono.
heptagonal [heptQgnl] adj hepta

her [hr] pron 1 (direct object) la: I love her

la quiero. 2 (indirect object) le; (with other

third person pronouns) se: give it to her d
selo. 3 (after preposition) ella: go with her
vete con ella. 4 fam (as subject) ella: listen, thats her! escucha, es ella!
P adj su, sus; (emphatic) de ella.
heraldic [herQldIk] adj herldico,-a.
herb [hb] n hierba.
herbaceous [hbeISs] adj herb
herbal [hbl] adj de hierbas.
herbicide [hbIsaId] n herbicida m.
herbivore [hbIvr] n zool herb
herd [hd] n 1 (cattle) manada; (goats)
rebao; (pigs) piara. 2 fam (people)
montn m, multitud f.
here [hIr] adv aqu. l o c here you are
aqu tienes.
hereby [hIbaI] adv fml por la presente.
hereditary [hIrdItrI] adj heredita
heredity [hIredItI] n herencia.
heresy [hersI] n hereja.

herself [hself] pron 1 (reflexive use) se:

she washed herself se lav. 2 (emphatic) ella

misma: she made it all herself lo hizo todo
ella misma. l o c by herself sola.
hertz [hts] n hertz m, hercio.
hes [hiz] contr 1 he is. 2 he has.
hesitate [hezIteIt] vi vacilar, dudar.
hesitation [hezIteISn] n duda, inde

heterogeneous [hetrUdZinIs] adj



[hetrUseksjUl] adj


[hetrUtrfIk] adj


hexagon [heksgn] n hexgono.

hexagonal [heksQgnl] adj hexagonal.
hi [haI] interj fam hola!
hibernate [haIbneIt] vi hibernar.
hiccough [hIkp] n-vi hiccup.
hiccup [hIkp] n hipo: to have hiccups
tener hipo.

hid [hId] pt & pp hide.

hidden [hIdn] pp hide.
P adj

1 escondido,-a. 2 fig oculto,-a.

hide1 [haId] n (concealed place) escondite m.

(conceal) esconder; (obscure) ocul

tar, tapar.

P vt

heritage [herItIdZ] n herencia, patri

pt hid [hId], pp hid [hID] o hidden

hide2 [haId] n 1 piel f, cuero. 2 fig (of a


[hmQfrdaIt] adj

hide-and-seek [haIdnsik] n escon

hernia [hnI] n hernia.

hero [hIrU] n 1 (gen) hroe m. 2 (in

hideous [hIdIs] adj 1 (terrible) horro

pl heresies.



novel) protagonista m.
pl heroes.

heroic [hIrUIk] adj heroico,-a.

heroin [herUIn] n (drug) herona.
heroine [herUIn] n 1 herona. 2 (in
novel) protagonista.

herpes [hpiz] n herpe m, herpes m.

herring [herIN] n arenque m.

pl herring o herrings.
hers [hz] pron (sing) (el) suyo, (la) su

person) pellejo.
dite m.

roso,-a, atroz. 2 (ugly) horrendo,-a,

hide-out [haIdaUt] n escondrijo, es
condite m, guarida.
hierarchic [haIrAkIk] adj jerrquico,-a.
hierarchy [haIrAkI] n jerarqua.
pl hierarchies.

hieroglyphics [haIrglIfIks] n pl jero

glficos mpl.

hi-fi [haIfaI] n hifi m, alta fidelidad f.

high [haI] adj 1 alto,-a, elevado. 2 (im-

ya; (pl) (los) suyos, (las) suyas; (emportant) alto,-a, importante; (strong)
pencil is hers este lpiz
phatic) de ella: this
fuerte. 3 (very good) bueno,-a. 4 (going
es suyo.
rotten - food) pasado,-a; (- game)


manido,-a. 5 (of time) pleno,-a. c o m p

high jump salto de altura. y high school
instituto (de bachillerato). y high
street calle mayor. y high tide marea

" El high school es el equivalente a los

establecimientos de enseanza media o

secundaria, sobre todo en Estados Unidos.

high-class [haIklAs] adj (classy) de ca

tegora; (superior) de calidad f.

higher [haIr] adj 1 high. 2 superior.

3 (bigger) ms alto,-a; (number, velocity,

etc) mayor. c o m p higher education en

seanza superior.


[haIhild] adj de tacn

highlight [haIlaIt] vt 1 destacar, hacer

resaltar. 2 (with pen) marcar (con un

rotulador fosforescente).
P n 1 art toque m de luz. 2 (hairdressing) reflejo. 3 fig (especially in show business) atraccin f principal; (most out-


hillside [hIlsaId] n ladera.

hilltop [hIltp] n cumbre f, cima.
him [hIm] pron 1 (direct object) lo: I love him

lo quiero. 2 (indirect object) le; (with other

pronouns) se: give him the money dale el
dinero; give it to him dselo. 3 (after preposition) l: we went with him fuimos con l.
4 fam (as subject) l: its him! es l!
himself [hImself] pron 1 (reflexive) se;
(alone) solo, por s mismo: he cut himself se cort; he did it by himself lo hizo
solo. 2 (emphatic) l mismo, s mismo,
en persona.
hinder [hIndr] vt dificultar, entorpe
cer, estorbar, impedir.
Hindu [hIndU, hIndU] n hind mf.
P adj hind.
Hinduism [hIndUIzm] n hinduismo.
hinge [hIndZ] n 1 tech gozne m, bisa
gra. 2 (for stamps) fijasello. 3 fig eje m.
P vi girar sobre goznes.
hint [hInt] n 1 insinuacin f, indirecta.
2 (advice) consejo, sugerencia. 3 (clue)
pista. 4 (trace) pizca. 5 (sign) sombra.
P vt (imply) insinuar, aludir a.
hip1 [hIp] n anat cadera.
hip2 [hIp] l o c hip hip hooray! hurra!
hippie [hIpI] n fam hippie mf.
hippo [hIp] n fam hipoptamo.

standing) punto culminante; (aspect or

feature) caracterstica notable.
highly [haIlI] adv (very) muy; (favourably) muy bien.
Highness [haIns] n Alteza mf.
high-pitched [haIpItSt] adj (sound,
voice) agudo,-a; (roof) empinado,-a.
hippopotamus [hIpptms] n zool
high-tech [haItek] adj de alta tecno
hippy [hIpI] n fam hippie mf.
highway [haIweI] n 1 us autova. 2
pl hippies.
jur va pblica.
hire [haIr] n alquiler m.
hijack [haIdZQk] n secuestro.
P vt 1 (rent) alquilar. 2 (employ) contratar.
P vt secuestrar.
a to hire out vt sep (equipment, vehicles,
hijacker [haIdZQkr] n secuestrador,-a.
etc) alquilar; (people) contratar.
hijacking [haIdZQkIN] n secuestro.
his [hIz] adj 1 su, sus: his dog su perro. 2
hike [haIk] n 1 (walk) excursin f a pie.
(emphatic) de l.
P pron (el) suyo, (la) suya, (los) su
2 fam aumento de precio.
P vi ir de excursin, hacer una ex
yos, (las) suyas.
Hispanic [hIspQnIk] adj hispnico,-a.
P vt fam aumentar los precios.
P n us hispano,-a, latino,-a.
hiker [haIkr] n excursionista.
hiss [hIs] n 1 (gen) siseo. 2 (air, snake,
hiking [haIkIN] n excursionismo a pie.
steam, etc) silbido. 3 (protest) silbido.
P vt 1 sisear, silbar. 2 (in protest) pitar,
hilarious [hIlerIs] adj graciossimo,abuchear.
a, hilarante, divertidsimo,-a.
[hIstrIk] adj histrico,-a.
hill [hIl] n 1 colina,
historical [hIstrIkl] adj histrico,-a.



history [hIst rI] n 1 (in general) historia.

2 comput historial m.
pl histories.

History no significa 'historia (relato)',

que se traduce por story.


[hIt] n 1 (blow) golpe m. 2 (success)

xito, acierto. 3 (shot) impacto. 4 (visit

to web page) acceso. 5 fig (damaging remark) pulla.
P vt 1 (strike) golpear, pegar. 2 (crash into) chocar contra. 3 (affect) afectar,
perjudicar. 4 (reach) alcanzar.
a to hit back vi (strike in return) devol
ver golpe por golpe; (reply to criticism)
pt & pp hit, ger hitting.

hitch [hItS] n obstculo, dificultad f.

(tie) enganchar, atar.

fam hacer autoestop, ir a dedo,
hacer dedo.
hitchhike [hItShaIk] vi hacer autoes
hitchhiking [hItShaIkIN] vi autoestop
m, dedo.
P vt

P vi

HIV [eItSaIvi] abbr (human immunode-

ficiency virus) virus m de inmunodefi

ciencia humana; (abbreviation) VIH m.
hive [haIv] n 1 colmena. 2 fig lugar m

muy activo.

hoard [hd] n 1 (provisions) reserva. 2

(money) tesoro escondido.

P vt 1 (objects) acumular. 2 (money) ate
hoarse [hs] adj ronco,-a, spero,-a.
hoax [hUks] n (trick) trampa, engao;
(joke) broma pesada.
P vt engaar a, gastar una broma a.
hob [hb] n (of cooker) encimera; (next to
fireplace) repisa.
hobble [hbl] vi (limp) cojear, andar
con dificultad f.
P vt 1 (tie) trabar, manear. 2 fig poner
trabas a, obstaculizar.
hobby [hbI] n aficin f, hobby m,
pasatiempo favorito.
pl hobbies.

P vt (earth) azadonar, cavar; (weeds) sa

hog [hg] n 1 cerdo, puerco, marrano.
2 fam pej (not a nice person) indeseable mf.
P vt acaparar.

pt & pp hogged, ger hogging.

[hIst] n 1 (crane) gra. 2 (lift)
montacargas m.
P vt 1 levantar, subir. 2 (flag) izar.
hold [hUld] n 1 (place to grip) asidero. 2
(in ship, plane) bodega. l o c to get hold
of 1 (grab) agarrar, tomar. 2 (obtain)


hacerse con, encontrar.

P vt 1 (keep in ones hand) aguantar, sos
tener: hold my bag aguntame el bolso. 2
(opinion) sostener. 3 (contain) dar cabida
a, tener capacidad para: the stadium
holds a lot of people el estadio tiene capaci
dad para mucha gente. 4 (meeting) cele
brar; (conversation) mantener: political
parties often hold meetings in parks los par
tidos polticos celebran a menudo sus
mtines en los parques. l o c to hold sb
abrazar a algn.
a to hold back vt sep 1 (suspect) retener.
2 (information) ocultar; (restrain) conte
ner; (feelings) reprimir; (keep) guardar.
P vi (hesitate) vacilar, no atreverse; (abstain) abstenerse.
a to hold down vt sep (control) domi
nar; (job) desempear.
a to hold forth vi hablar largo y ten
a to hold off vt sep mantener aleja
P vi (refrain) refrenarse.
a to hold on vi 1 (grip tightly) agarrarse
fuerte, agarrarse bien. 2 (wait) espe
rar; (on phone) no colgar.
a to hold over vt sep aplazar.
a to hold up vt sep 1 (rob) atracar, asal
tar. 2 (delay) retrasar. 3 (raise) levantar.
4 (support) aguantar, sostener.
P vi aguantar, resistir.
a to hold with vt insep estar de acuer
do con.
pt & pp held [held].

holder [hUldr] n 1 (owner) poseedor,

-ra; (of passport) titular mf. 2 (container) re

hockey [hkI] n sp

hockey m.
cipiente m, receptculo. 3 (bearer - gen)
hoe [hU] n azada, azadn m.
portador,-ra; (- of bonds) tenedor,-ra.



4 (handle) asidero. 5 (tenant - on land)

arrendatario,-a; (- of a flat) inquilino,-a.
hold-up [hUldp] n 1 (robbery) atraco;
(of train, etc) asalto. 2 (delay) retraso. 3
auto atasco.
hole [hUl] n 1 (gen) agujero; (in ground,
golf) hoyo. 2 (in road) bache m. 3 (of rabbits) madriguera; (cavity) cavidad f. 4
fam (town) pueblucho de mala muer
te. 5 fam (place to live) cuchitril m; (unsavoury place) antro. 6 (a tight spot) aprieto,
P vt 1 (make holes - small) agujerear;
(large) hacer un boquete en. 2 (at golf)
meter en el hoyo.
holiday [hlIdeI] n 1 (one day) fiesta,
da m de fiesta, da m festivo. 2 (period) vacaciones fpl. l o c to be on holi
day estar de vacaciones. y to go on
holiday irse de vacaciones.
P vi gb (gen) pasar las vacaciones; (in
summer) veranear.
Holland [hlnd] n Holanda.
hollow [hlU] adj 1 (sound, thing)
hueco,-a. 2 (cheeks, etc) hundido,-a. 3
fig (laugh) falso,-a; (promise) vaco,-a.

comp hollower, superl hollowest.

P n 1 hueco. 2 geog hondonada.
holly [hlI] n acebo.
pl hollies.
holocaust [hlkst] n holocausto.
holy [hUlI] adj 1 rel (sacred) santo,-a,
sagrado,-a. 2 (blessed) bendito,-a.
comp holier, superl holiest.
home [hUm] n 1 (house) hogar m, casa.
2 fml domicilio. 3 (institution) asilo. 4
(country, village, etc) patria, tierra. 5
zool hbitat m. l o c at home en casa.
P adj 1 casero,-a. 2 pol (del) interior.
3 (native) natal.
homeland [hUmlQnd] n (gen) patria;


[hUmsIkns] n ao
ranza, morria, nostalgia.
homework [hUmwk] n deberes mpl.


[hmdZinIs] adj

homograph [hmgrQf] n homgrafo.

homonym [hmnIm] n homnimo.
homosexual [hUmUseksjUl] adj & n

honest [nIst] adj 1 (trustworthy) hon

rado,-a, honesto,-a. 2 (frank) since

ro,-a, franco,-a. 3 (fair) justo,-a.
P adv fam de verdad.
honestly [nIstlI] adv 1 (fairly) honra
damente. 2 (frankly) sinceramente,
francamente. 3 (truthfully) de verdad,
a decir verdad.
P interj (question) de verdad?; (exclamation) hay que ver!
honesty [nIstI] n honradez f.
honey [hnI] n 1 miel f. 2 us fam (dear)
cario, cielo.
honeycomb [hnIkUm] n panal m.
honeymoon [hnImUn] n luna de
miel, viaje m de novios.

honor [nr] n us honour.

honour [n r] n 1 (virtue) honor m,

honra. 2 (title) Su Seora.

P vt 1 (respect) honrar. 2 (cheque) pagar,
aceptar; (promise, word, agreement) cum
hood [hUd] n 1 (of clothes) capucha. 2
(on pram, etc) capota. 3 us (car bonnet)
cap m. 4 (of hawk) capirote m.
hoof [hUf] n (of sheep, cow, etc) pezua;
(of horse) casco.
pl hoofs o hooves.

hook [hUk] n 1 (gen) gancho. 2 (for fish-

ing) anzuelo.
1 (catch) enganchar. 2 (fishing) pescar,
(birthplace) tierra natal.
coger. 3 (in boxing) pegar un gancho.
a to hook up vt sep (connect) conectar.
homeless [hUmls] adj sin hogar, sin
hooligan [hUlIgn] n gamberro,-a.
home-made [hUmmeId] adj case hoop [hUp] n (gen) aro; (of barrel) fleje m;
ro,-a, de fabricacin casera, hecho,-a
(of wheel) llanta.
en casa.
hoot [hUt] n 1 (of owl) ululato, grito. 2
homemaker [hUmmeIkr] n ama de
(of car) bocinazo. 3 fam (funny thing)
cosa divertida; (funny person) persona
homesick [hUmsIk] adj nostlgico,-a.
P vt



hooter [hUt ] n 1 (siren) sirena. 2 (on


car) bocina, claxon m. 3 gb (nose) nari

zota, napias fpl.
Hoover [hUvr] n gb aspiradora.

hooves [huvz] pl hoof.

hop1 [hp] n 1 salto, brinco. 2 fam

(dance) baile m. 3 av fam vuelo corto.

P vi saltar, dar brincos, dar saltos.
P vt 1 us fam (train, etc) tomar. 2 av cruzar.
pt & pp hopped, ger hopping.

hop2 [hp] n (plant) lpulo.

hope [hUp] n (gen) esperanza; (false)
ilusin f.
P vt esperar.

hopeful [hUpfUl] adj 1 (promising) es

peranzador,-ra, prometedor,-ra,
alentador,-ra. 2 (confident) optimista.
hopefully [hUpfUlI] adv 1 (confidently)
con esperanza, con ilusin, con op
timismo. 2 fam (all being well) ojal.
hopeless [hUpls] adj 1 desespera
do,-a. 2 fam (useless) intil.
hopelessly [hUplslI] adv sin espe
ranza, con desesperacin, deses
horizon [hraIzn] n horizonte m.
horizontal [hrIzntl] adj horizontal.
hormonal [hmUnl] adj hormonal.
hormone [hmUn] n hormona.
horn [hn] n 1 zool asta, cuerno. 2
auto bocina, claxon m. 3 mus cuerno,
horoscope [hrskUp] n horscopo.
horrible [hrIbl] adj (gen) horrible,
horroroso,-a; (person) antiptico,-a.
horrid [hrId] adj (horrible) horroroso,-a,
horrible; (unkind) antiptico,-a,
odioso,-a; (child) inaguantable, inso
horrific [hrIfIk] adj horrendo,-a,
horrify [hrIfaI] vt horrorizar, espantar.
pt & pp horrified, ger horrifying.

horrifying [hrIfaIIN] adj escalofriante.

horror [hrr] n horror m, terror m.
horror film pelcula de terror.

horse [hs] n 1 zool caballo. 2 (in gym)

potro. 3 tech caballete m. 4 sl (heroin)

caballo. c o m p horse riding equitacin f.
horseback [hsbQk] adj & adv a caba
llo. l o c on horseback a caballo.
horsepower [hspaUr] n 1 auto ca
ballo de vapor, caballo. 2 potencia.
horseshoe [hsSU] n herradura.
hose1 [hUz] n (pipe) manguera.
pl hose.
P vt regar, lavar.
hose2 [hUz] n pl (socks) calcetines mpl;
(stockings) medias fpl.
hosepipe [hUzpaIp] n manguera.
hospitable [hspItb l] adj hosp i

talario,-a, acogedor,-ra.

hospital [hspItl] n hospital m.

hospitality [hspItQlItI] n hospitali
dad f.

host1 [hUst] n 1 (person) anfitrin,-ona;

(place) sede f. 2 (TV presenter) presen

tador,-ra. 3 (animal, plant) husped m.
P vt 1 tv presentar. 2 celebrar,.
host2 [hUst] n (large number) multitud f.
Host [hUst] n rel hostia.
hostage [hstIdZ] n rehn mf.
hostel [hstl] n residencia, hostal m.
hostess [hUsts] n 1 (at home) anfi
triona. 2 (on plane, etc) azafata. 3 (in
club) camarera. 4 tv presentadora.
hostile [hstaIl] adj hostil, enemigo,-a.
hostility [hstIlItI] n hostilidad f.
pl hostilities.

hot [ht] adj 1 (gen) caliente. 2 meteor

caluroso,-a, clido,-a. 3 (food - spicy)

comp hotter, superl hottest.

hotel [hUtel] n hotel m.

hotline [htlaIn] n lnea directa.
hound [haUnd] n perro de caza.
P vt

(harass) acosar, perseguir.

hour [aUr] n hora.

hourly [aUlI] adj cada hora.
P adv

a cada hora, por horas.

house [(n) haUs; (vb) haUz] n 1 (gen) casa;

(official use) domicilio. 2 pol cmara. 3

theat sala. 4 (company) empresa, casa.
c o m p House of Commons Cmara de
ms m.
los Comunes. y House of Lords Cma
pl hors doeuvre o hors doeuvres.

hors doeuvre [dvr] n culin entre



ra de los Lores. y House of Representa

tives Cmara de Representantes. y
Houses of Parliament Parlamento.
P vt 1 (gen) alojar, albergar; (supply housing) proveer de vivienda. 2 (store) guar
dar, almacenar; (fit) dar cabida a.

" Tanto el Reino Unido como Estados Uni

dos disponen, al igual que nosotros, de un
sistema legislativo bicameral, con unas c
maras bajas (equivalentes al Congreso de
los diputados), que se llaman House of
Commons en el Reino Unido y House of
Representatives en Estados Unidos, y
unas cmaras altas (similares a nuestro Se
nado), que se llaman House of Lords en el
Reino Unido y Senate en Estados Unidos.
tutor m.

[haUsmAst r] n


housemistress [haUsmIstrs] n educ


housewife [haUswaIf] n ama de casa.

pl housewives [haUswaIvz].

housework [haUswk] n quehaceres

mpl domsticos.

housing [haUzIN] n 1 vivienda. 2 tech

bastidor m, caja.

hover [hvr] vi 1 (aircraft) permanecer

inmvil (en el aire). 2 (bird) cernerse, re

volotear. 3 (move around) rondar. 4
(hesitate) dudar, vacilar.
hovercraft [hvkrAft] n aerodesli
zador m.
pl hovercraft.

how [haU] adv 1 (in questions - direct) c

mo?; (- indirect) cmo: tell me how to do it

dime cmo se hace. 2 (in exclamations)
qu: how odd! qu extrao!, qu raro!
l o c how about...? qu te parece si...? y
how are you? cmo ests? y how many
cuntos,-as y how much cunto
. La expresin How do you do? se em
plea en ingls formal cuando se encuen
tran dos personas por primera vez. La res
puesta es la misma How do you do? El
equivalente en espaol sera encantado.

por: however hard it may be por difcil

que sea; however much por ms que, por
mucho que.
howl [haUl] n (cry) aullido.
P vi aullar.
a to howl down vt sep abuchear.
HP [eItSpi] abbr (horsepower) caballos
mpl de vapor; (abbreviation) cv mpl.


[eItSkjU] abbr 1 (headquarters)

cuartel m general. 2 fig centro de ope



[eItStiemel] abbr (hypertext

markup language) HTML.
hub [hb] n 1 auto cubo. 2 fig centro,
eje m.
hubcap [hbkQp] n auto tapacubos m.
huddle [hdl] n grupo.
P vi 1 (crouch) acurrucarse, apiarse,
amontonarse. 2 (cluster) apiarse.
hug [hg] n abrazo.
P vt 1 abrazar. 2 fig (kerb, coast) pegar

se a, ceirse a.

pt & pp hugged, ger hugging.

huge [hjUdZ] adj enorme, inmenso,-a.

hull [hl] n 1 (of ship) casco. 2 bot (shell)
cscara; (pod) vaina.
P vt (peas, beans, etc) desvainar.

hullo [hlU] interj hello.

hum [hm] n (of bees, engine) zumbido.

P vi 1 (bees, engine, etc) zumbar. 2 (sing)

tararear, canturrear. 3 (bustling with activity) hervir.
P vt (tune) tararear, canturrear.

pt & pp hummed, ger humming.

human [hjUmn] adj humano,-a.

human being ser m humano.
P n ser m humano, humano.

humanitarian [hjUmQnIterIn] adj

humanitario,-a, filantrpico,-a.
P n filntropo,-a.
humanity [hjUmQnItI] n 1 (virtue) hu
manidad f. 2 (mankind) gnero huma
no, raza humana.
pl humanities.

humanize [hjUmnaIz] vt humanizar.

humble [hmbl] adj humilde.

P vt humillar.
however [haUevr]
adv 1 (nevertheless)

sin embargo, no obstante. 2 (with adj)


comp humbler, superl humbliest.



humerus [hjUmrs] n anat (bone) h


pl humeri [hjUmraI].

humid [hjUmId] adj hmedo,-a.

humidity [hjUmIdItI] n humedad f.
humiliate [hjUmIlIeIt] vt humillar.
humiliation [hjUmIlIeISn] n humilla
cin f.

hummingbird [hmINbd] n colibr m.

humor [hjUmr] n us humour.
humorous [hjUmrs] adj 1 (funny)

gracioso,-a, divertido,-a. 2 (writer)

humorstico,-a, humorista.
humour [hjUmr] n 1 humor m. 2 (of a
joke) gracia. 3 (whim) capricho.
P vt complacer, seguir el humor a.

Humour no significa 'humor (estado

de nimo)', que se traduce por mood.

hump [hmp] n 1 (on back) giba, joro

ba. 2 (hillock) montculo.

P vt 1 gb fam (carry) cargar.
humus [hjUms] n agr mantillo, hu
mus m.
hunchback [hntSbQk] n (person) joro
hundred [hndrd] n cien.
P n pl hundreds (many) centenares mpl,
cientos mpl.
hundredth [hndrdT] adj centsi
P adv en centsimo lugar.

hung [hN] pt & pp hang.

Hungarian [hNgerIn] adj hnga

1 (person) hngaro,-a. 2 (language)

Hungary [hNgrI] n Hungra.
hunger [hNgr] n 1 hambre f. 2 fig
sed f. c o m p hunger strike huelga de

a to hunger after / hunger for vt insep

ansiar, anhelar, tener hambre de.

hungry [hNgrI] adj 1 hambriento,-a.
2 fig vido,-a, sediento,-a. l o c to be
hungry tener hambre.
comp hungrier, superl hungriest.

hunt [hnt] n 1 (gen) caza, cacera. 2

a to hunt down vt sep (corner) acorra

lar, perseguir; (to find) dar con, en
a to hunt out / hunt up vt sep (to find)
encontrar; (to look for) buscar.
hunter [hntr] n 1 cazador,-ra mf. 2
zool caballo de caza. 3 (watch) sabo
hunting [hntIN] n (gen) caza; (expedition) cacera, montera.
hurdle [hdl] n 1 sp valla. 2 fig obst
P vt sp (barrier) saltar.
hurdling [hdlIN] n sp carrera de va
hurl [hl] vt 1 lanzar, arrojar, tirar. 2
(insults) soltar.
hurrah [hUrA] interj hurra!: hurrah for
Peter! viva Peter!
P vt vitorear, aclamar.
hurray [hUreI] interj hurra!
hurricane [hrIkn, hrIkeIn] n hura
cn m.
hurry [hrI] n prisa: are you in a hurry for
the report? le corre prisa el informe? l o c
to be in a hurry tener prisa.
P vi apresurarse, darse prisa.
a to hurry up vi darse prisa.

pt & pp hurried, ger hurrying.

[ht] n 1 (harm) dao, dolor m,
mal m. 2 (wound) herida. 3 fig dao,


1 (physically) herido,-a. 2 (offended)
P vt 1 (cause injury) lastimar, hacer da
o; (to wound) herir: he has hurt his arm
se ha hecho dao en el brazo. 2 sp lesio
nar. 3 (offend) herir, ofender: you hurt
her feelings la has ofendido, le has herido
los sentimientos.
P vi 1 doler: my eyes hurt me duelen los
ojos. 2 fam venir mal, ir mal.
P adj

pt & pp hurt.

husband [hzbnd] n marido, esposo.

hush [hS] n quietud f, silencio.
P vt

callar, silenciar.

interj silencio! cllate! cllese!

chito! c o m p hush money fam sobor
(search) bsqueda.
P vt cazar.
no (que se paga para que alguien no hable).


a to hush up vt sep (affair) echar tierra
a; (person) hacer callar.
hustle [hsl] n bullicio. c o m p hustle
and bustle ajetreo.
hut [ht] n 1 cabaa. 2 (in garden) co
bertizo. 3 mil barraca.
hyacinth [haIsInT] n bot jacinto.
hyaena [haIin] n hiena.
hybrid [haIbrId] adj hbrido,-a.
P n hbrido.
hydrant [haIdrnt] n boca de riego.
hydrate [haIdreIt] vt hidratar.
hydraulic [haIdrlIk] adj hidruli
co,-a. c o m p hydraulic brake freno hi

hydrocarbon [haIdrUkAbn] n chem



[haIdrklrIk] adj clo

rhdrico,-a. c o m p hydrochloric acid

cido clorhdrico.


[haIdrUIlektrIk] adj

hidroelctrico,-a. c o m p hydroelectric
power station central f hidroelctrica.
hydrogen [haIdrdZn] n chem hidr
geno. c o m p hydrogen bomb bomba
de hidrgeno.
hydrography [haIdrgrfI] n hidro
hydrology [haIdrldZI] n hidrologa.
hydroplane [haIdrpleIn] n hidroa
vin m, hidroplano.
hydrosphere [haIdrsfr] n hidrosfera.
hydroxide [haIdrksaId] n hidrxido.
hyena [haIin] n zool hiena.

hygiene [haIdZin] n higiene f.

hygienic [haIdZinIk] adj higinico,-a.
hymn [hIm] n himno. c o m p hymn book
cantoral m.

hyperbola [haIpbl] n hiprbola.

pl hyperbole [haIpblI] o hyperbolas.

hyperbole [haIpblI] n hiprbole f.
hyperlink [haIplINk] n hiperenlace.
hypermarket [haIpmAkIt] n gb hi


hypertension [haIptenSn] n med hi

pertensin f.

hypertext [haIptekst] n hipertexto.

hyphen [haIfn] n guion m.
hypnosis [hIpnUsIs] n med hipnosis f.
hypnotise [hIpntaIz] vt hypnotize.
hypnotize [hIpntaIz] vt hipnotizar.
hypochondriac [haIpkndrIQk] n hi
hypocrisy [hIpkrIsI] n hipocresa.
hypocrite [hIpkrIt] n hipcrita mf.
P adj

hypotension [haIpUtenSn] n med hi

potensin f.

hypotenuse [haIptnjUz] n (geometry)


hypothesis [haIpTsIs] n hiptesis f.

pl hypotheses [haIpTsiz].
[haIpTetIk] adj hipo


hysteria [hIstIrI] n histeria.

hysterical [hIsterIkl] adj histrico,-a.


I, i [aI] n (the letter) I, i f.

I [aI] pron yo.
Iberian [aIbIrIn] adj (modern) ibri

co,-a; (historically) ibero,-a, bero,-a.

P n 1 (person - now) ibrico,-a; (- historically) ibero,-a, bero,-a. 2 (language)
ibero, bero. c o m p Iberian Peninsula
Pennsula Ibrica.
ice [aIs] n 1 (frozen water) hielo. 2 (icecream) helado. c o m p ice cube cubito de
hielo. y ice hockey hockey m sobre
hielo. y ice lolly polo. y ice ring pista
de hielo.
iceberg [aIsbg] n 1 iceberg m. 2 fig
persona fra.
icebreaker [aIsbreIkr] n rompehie
los m inv.
ice-cream [aIskrim] n helado.
Iceland [aIslnd] n Islandia.
Icelander [aIslndr] n (person) islan
Icelandic [aIslQndIk] adj islands,-esa.
P n (language) islands m.
ice-skate [aIsskeIt] vi patinar sobre
ice-skating [aIskeItIN] n patinaje m
sobre hielo.
icicle [aIsIkl] n carmbano.
icing [aIsIN] n cobertura.
icon [aIkn] n icono.
iconography [aIkngrfI] n icono
icy [aIsI] adj 1 (very cold - hand, etc)
helado,-a; (- wind) glacial. 2 (covered with
ice) cubierto,-a de hielo. 3 fig glacial.

Id [aId] contr 1 I would. 2 I had.

idea [aIdI] n 1 (gen) idea; (opinion) opi

nin f. 2 (intuition) impresin f, sensa

cin f. 3 (concept) concepto.
P n the idea (aim, purpose) idea, inten
cin f, objetivo.
ideal [aIdil] adj ideal, perfecto,-a.
P n 1 (perfect example) ideal m. 2 (principle) principio, ideal m.
idealize [aIdIlaIz] vt idealizar: we
tend to idealize the past tendemos a idea
lizar el pasado.
identical [aIdentIkl] adj 1 (exactly alike)
idntico,-a (to/with, a). 2 (the same)


[aIdentIfIkeIS n] n 1

(gen) identificacin f. 2 (papers) docu

mentacin f.
identify [aIdentIfaI] vt 1 (gen) identifi
car. 2 (associate) asociar (with, con),
relacionar (with, con).
pt & pp identified, ger identifying.
c o m p Identikit
picture retrato robot.
identity [aIdentItI] n identidad f. c o m p
identity card carnet m de identidad.
pl identities.
ideogram [IdIUgrQm] n ideograma m.
ideological [aIdIldZIkl] adj ideo

Identikit [aIdentIkIt]


ideology [aIdIldZI] n ideologa.

pl ideologies.

idiom [IdIm] n 1 (phrase) locucin f,

modismo, frase f hecha. 2 (language)
lenguaje m, idioma m; (style) estilo.

, Idiom no significa 'idioma', que se

comp icier, superl iciest.
traduce por language.
ID [aIdi] abbr (identification) identifica
cin f. c o m p ID card
documento nacio idiomatic [IdImQtIk] adj idiomti
nal de identidad, DNI m.



idiot [IdIt] n 1 fam idiota mf, tonto,-a.

2 med idiota mf.

idle [aId l] adj 1 (lazy) perezoso,-a,
vago,-a. 2 (not working - person) parado,-

a, desempleado,-a; (- machinery)
parado,-a; (- money) improductivo,-a.

comp idler, superl idlest.

P vi (waste time) gandulear, holgaza

near, perder el tiempo.

idol [aIdl] n dolo.

idolatry [aIdltrI] n idolatra.

pl idolatries.
i.e. [aIi] abbr (id est) esto es, a saber;

(abbreviation) i.e.

if [If] conj 1 (supposing) si: if it rains, well

stay at home si llueve, nos quedaremos

en casa; you can come if you want puedes
venir si quieres. 2 (whether) si: do you
know if she got the job? sabes si consi
gui el trabajo? 3 (used after verbs expressing feelings) que: do you mind if I open the
window? te importa que abra la venta
na? 4 (but) aunque, pero: its good, if a
little slow at times es bueno pero algo len
to a veces. 5 (in exclamations): well, if it
isnt Jimmy Jazz! vaya, pero si es Jimmy
Jazz! l o c if I were you yo que t, yo
en tu lugar. y if only (present or future

time) ojal!, si al menos...!

igloo [IglU] n igl m.
pl igloos.

igneous [IgnIs] adj gneo,-a.

ignition [IgnIS n] n 1 ignicin f. 2

encendido, arranque m.
ignorance [Ignrns] n ignorancia.
ignorant [Ignrnt] adj 1 (unaware) ig
norante (of, de). 2 fam (rude) descor
ts, maleducado,-a.
ignore [Ignr] vt 1 (order, warning) no
hacer caso de, hacer caso omiso de;
(behaviour, fact) pasar por alto. 2 (person) hacer como si no existiese.

1 (badly) mal. 2 (unfavourably) mal.

3 (with difficulty) mal, a duras penas.
P n pl ills (problems, misfortunes) desgra
cias fpl.
Ill [aIl] contr 1 I will. 2 I shall.
illegal [Iligl] adj ilegal.
illegality [IlIgQlItI] n ilegalidad f.
pl illegalities.
illegible [IledZIbl] adj ilegible.
illegitimate [IlIdZItImt] adj ileg
P adv


illicit [IlIsIt] adj ilcito,-a.

illiterate [IlIt rt] adj 1 (unlettered)
analfabeto,-a. 2 (uneducated) ignorante,
inculto,-a. 3 (poor style) inculto,-a, po
P n (unlettered person) analfabeto,-a.
ill-mannered [IlmQnd] adj male
ducado,-a, descorts.
illness [Ilns] n enfermedad f.
pl illnesses.

illogical [IldZIkl] adj ilgico,-a.

illuminate [IlUmIneIt] vt iluminar.
illuminated [IlUmIneItd] adj (manuscript) iluminado,-a.

illumination [IlUmIneISn] n 1 (light) ilu

minacin f. 2 (clarification) aclaracin.

illusion [IlUZn] n ilusin f, falsa im

presin f.

Illusion no significa 'ilusin (espe

ranza)', que se traduce por hope.

illusionist [IlUZnIst] n ilusionista mf.

illustrate [IlstreIt] vt ilustrar.
illustrated [IlstreIt] adj ilustrado,-a.

Illustrated no significa 'ilustrado

(culto)', que se traduce por learned.

illustration [IlstreISn] n 1 (gen) ilus

tracin f. 2 (example) ejemplo.


[IlstrtIv] adj 1 (gen)

ilustrativo,-a, ilustrador,-ra. 2 (example) aclaratorio,-a.
Im [aIm] contr I am.
iguana [IgwAn] n iguana.
image [ImIdZ] n 1 (gen) imagen f. 2
(reputation) imagen f, fama, reputa
ilium [IlIm] n ilion m, leon m.
cin f.
ill [Il] adj 1 (sick) enfermo,-a. 2 (harmful,
imaginary [ImQdZInrI] adj imagina
unpropitious) malo,-a.
P n fml (harm, evil) mal m.
rio,-a, inventado,-a.

To ignore no significa 'ignorar (no sa

ber)', que se traduce por not to know.




[ImQdZIneIS n] n (gen)
imaginacin f; (inventiveness) inventiva.
imaginative [ImQdZIntIv] adj (person)
imaginativo,-a, de gran inventiva;
(creation) lleno,-a de imaginacin,
lleno,-a de fantasa.
imagine [ImQdZIn] vt 1 (visualize) ima
g i n a r. 2 ( s u p p o s e ) s u p o n e r,
imaginar(se), figurarse.
imam [ImAm] n imn m.
imbalance [ImbQlns] n desequili

IMF [aIemef] abbr (International Mone-

tary Fund) Fondo Monetario Inter

nacional; (abbreviation) FMI m.
imitate [ImIteIt] vt (gen) imitar, co

piar; (for fun) imitar.

imitation [ImIteIS

immortal [Imtl] adj 1 (god, soul, etc)

inmortal. 2 fig (fame, memory, etc)

imperecedero,-a, perdurable.
P n inmortal mf.
immortality [ImtQlItI] n inmortali
dad f.
immune [ImjUn] adj 1 (gen) inmune
(to, a). 2 (exempt) exento,-a.
immunity [ImjUnItI] n 1 (gen) inmu
nidad f. 2 (exemption) exencin f.
immunize [ImjnaIz] vt inmunizar
(against, contra).



adj inmunodeficiente.

immunodeficiency [ImjUnUdIfISnsI] n inmunodeficiencia.

immunology [ImjUnldZI] n inmu

n] n 1 (gen) imita
cin f, copia; (for fun) imitacin f. 2
impact [(n) ImpQkt; (vb) ImpQkt] n 1
(reproduction) reproduccin f.
(gen) impacto; (crash) choque m. 2 (imP adj de imitacin.
pression, effect) efecto, impresin f, im
immaterial [ImtIrIl] adj 1 (unimporpacto.
tant) irrelevante. 2 (incorporeal) inma
P vt us (have impact on) impresionar.
terial, incorpreo,-a.

immature [ImtjU r ] adj 1 (gen) impartial [ImpAS l] adj imparcial.

inmaduro,-a; (- plant) joven. 2 (child- impatience [ImpeIS ns] n 1 (eagerness)
impaciencia, ansiedad f. 2 (irritation)
ish) inmaduro,-a, pueril.
impaciencia, irritacin f.
immediate [ImidIt] adj 1 (instant)

inmediato,-a; (urgent) urgente. 2 impatient [ImpeIS nt] adj 1 (eager) im

2 (irritable) irri
(nearest) inmediato,-a, ms
table. 3 fml (intolerant) intolerante.
prximo,-a. 3 (direct) primero,-a,
impeachment [ImpitSmnt] n jur (acprincipal.
cusation) acusacin f, denuncia; (trial)
immediately [ImidItlI] adv (instantly,
at once) inmediatamente, de inme
diato, en seguida, en el acto.
impeccable [Impekbl] adj (gen) im
pecable, perfecto,-a.
immense [Imens] adj inmenso,-a,
impending [ImpendIN] adj inminente.
immensely [ImenslI] adv enorme imperative [ImpertIv] adj 1 (indispenmente, sumamente.
sable) imprescindible. 2 (authoritative)
immersion [ImSn] n 1 inmersin f,
imperativo,-a, imperioso,-a. 3 ling
sumersin f. 2 fig absorcin f.
immigrant [ImIgrnt] adj inmigrante. imperfect [Impfekt] adj 1 (gen)
P n inmigrante mf.
imperfecto,-a; (goods, sight)
immigrate [ImIgreIt] vi inmigrar.
defectuoso,-a. 2 ling imperfecto,-a.
P n the imperfect ling el imperfecto.
immigration [ImIgreISn] n inmigra
cin f.
imperfection [ImpfekSn] n (gen) im
imminent [ImInnt]
adj inminente.
perfeccin f; (defect) defecto, tara, ta
cha; (blemish) mancha.
immoral [Imrl] adj inmoral.



imperial [ImpIrIl] adj 1 (gen) impe

rial. 2 (weight, measure) del sistema mtrico

imperialism [ImpIrIlIzm] n impe
imperialist [ImpIrIlIst] n imperia
lista mf.
impersonal [Impsnl] adj imperso
impersonate [ImpsneIt] vt 1 (imitate
to deceive) hacerse pasar por. 2 (imitate
to entertain) imitar.
impertinent [ImptInnt] adj imper
tinente, descarado,-a.
implant [(vb) ImplAnt; (n) ImplAnt] vt
1 med implantar, injertar. 2 (ideas, etc)
inculcar (in, en).
P n med implantacin f, injerto.
implement [ (n) Implmnt ; (vb)
ImplIment] n (instrument) instrumento,
utensilio; (tool) herramienta.
P vt (plan, suggestion, etc) llevar a cabo,
poner en prctica; (law, policy) aplicar.

implementation [ImplmenteISn] n

(of plan, etc) puesta en prctica, desa

rrollo; (of law, etc) aplicacin f.
implicate [ImplIkeIt] vt implicar, (in, en).
implication [ImplIkeISn] n implica
cin f.
implicit [ImplIsIt] adj 1 (implied)
implcito,-a, tcito,-a. 2 (absolute)
absoluto,-a, incondicional.
implied [ImplaId] adj implcito,-a,
imply [ImplaI] vt 1 (involve, entail) impli
car, suponer, presuponer. 2 (mean)
significar, querer decir; (hint) insi
nuar, dar a entender.

important [Impt

nt] adj 1 (gen) im

portante. 2 (influential) de categora.
importation [ImpteISn] n importa
cin f.
importer [Imptr] n importador,-ra.
impose [ImpUz] vt (gen) imponer (on, a).
a to impose on vt insep (take advantage
of) abusar de, aprovecharse de.
impossible [ImpsIbl] adj (gen) impo
impotence [Imptns] n impotencia.


[ImpvrISmnt] n



[ImprsaIs] adj impreci

so,-a, inexacto,-a.

imprecision [ImprsIZn] n impreci

sin f, falta de precisin.

impress [Impres] vt 1 (cause respect) im

presionar. 2 (emphasize, stress) subra

yar, convencer, recalcar. 3 fig grabar.
impression [ImpreSn] n 1 (gen) impre
sin f. 2 (imitation) imitacin f. 3 (imprint,
mark) marca, seal f, impresin f; (in
wax, plaster) molde m; (of foot, etc) huella.
4 (reprint) impresin f, edicin f.


[ImpreSnIzm] n



[ImpreS nIst] adj



P n 1 art impresionista. 2 (mimic)
impressive [ImpresIv] adj impresio
imprison [ImprIz n] vt encarcelar,
meter en la crcel.
imprisonment [ImprIznmnt] n en
improbable [Imprbbl] adj 1 (event)
improbable. 2 (story, explanation) inve
pt & pp implied.
impolite [ImplaIt] adj maleducado,improper [Imprpr] adj 1 (behaviour)
a, descorts.
impropio,-a; (method, conditions)
import [Impt] n 1 (article) artculo de
inadecuado,-a. 3 (language) indecen
importacin. 2 (activity) importacin f.
te. 2 (proposal) deshonesto,-a.
P vt importar.
[ImprUv] vt 1 (quality, etc) me
, To import no significa 'importar (tener improve
jorar. 2 (skill, knowledge) perfeccionar.
importancia)', que se traduce por to matter.
3 (mind) cultivar. 4 (property) hacer

importance [Impt
ns] n importan
mejoras en. 5 (increase) aumentar.
P vi (get better) mejorar, mejorarse.

a to improve on vt insep



(better) supe

improvement [ImprUvmnt] n 1 (gen)


[InQkjrsI] n 1 (gen) in
exactitud f. 2 (error) error m, incorrec
cin f.

pl inaccuracies.
mejora, mejoramiento; (in health)
mejora. 2 (in knowledge) perfecciona inaccurate [InQkjrt] adj (gen)
miento. 3 (increase) aumento.
inexacto,-a; (incorrect) incorrecto,-a,
improvise [ImprvaIz] vt improvisar.
imprudent [ImprUdnt] adj fml (unwise) inactive [InQktIv] adj inactivo,-a.
imprudente; (rash) precipitado,-a.
inactivity [InQktIvtI] n inactividad f.
impudent [ImpjUdnt] adj insolente, inadequate [InQdIkwt] adj 1 (not suffifresco,-a, descarado,-a.
cient) insuficiente; (not appropriate)
impulse [Impls] n 1 (sudden urge) im
inadecuado,-a. 2 (person) incapaz,
pulso, capricho; (stimulus, drive) impul
incompetente. 3 (defective) defectuo
so, estmulo, mpetu m. 2 tech im
so,-a, imperfecto,-a.
inanimate [InQnImt] adj inani
impulsive [ImplsIv] adj impulsivo,-a,
inappropriate [InprUprIt] adj (unimpunity [ImpjUnItI] n impunidad f.
suitable - clothes, behaviour) poco
apropiado,-a, no apropiado,-a; (impure [ImpjU r] adj 1 (contaminated)
time, remark) inoportuno,-a, inconve
contaminado,-a; (adulterated)
adulterado,-a. 2 (morally - act) impuro,-a;
(- thought) impdico,-a, deshonesto,-a. inarticulate [InAtIkjUlt] adj 1 (person)
in [In] prep 1 (place) en, dentro de: its in
incapaz de expresarse. 2 (speech,
the box est en la caja. 2 (motion) en, a:
words, writing) mal expresado,-a, inco
we arrived in Bonn llegamos a Bonn. 3
herente. 3 (cry, sound) inarticulado,-a.
(time - during) en, durante: in 1980 en
4 (joints) inarticulado,-a.
1980. 4 (time - within) en, dentro de. 5 inattentive [IntentIv] adj (not paying
(wearing) en, vestido,-a de: the woman
attention) poco atento,-a, distrado,-a;
in black la mujer vestida de negro. 6
(not attentive) poco atento,-a.
(state, condition) en. 7 (ratio, measurement, inaudible [Indbl] adj inaudible,
number) varias traducciones: in twos de dos
en dos; shes in her thirties tiene treinta y inaugural [IngjUrl] adj inaugural,
tantos aos. 8 (profession) en: shes in telde inauguracin, de apertura.
evision trabaja en la televisin. 9 (weather,
inaugurate [IngjUreIt] vt 1 (building,
light) varias traducciones: walking in the rain
exhibition, etc) inaugurar. 2 (president, etc)
caminando bajo la lluvia. 10 (after superinvestir.
lative) de: the tallest in the class el ms al
inauguration [IngjUreISn] n 1 (of buildto de la clase. l o c in all en total.
ing, etc) inauguracin f. 2 (of president, etc)
P adv 1 (motion) dentro. 2 (tide) alto,-a.
toma de posesin.
3 (fashionable) de moda: hats are in los
sombreros estn de moda. 4 (on sale, ob- inborn [Inbn] adj innato,-a.
inbox [Inbks] n bandeja de entrada.
tainable) disponible.
inbred [Inbred] adj 1 (innate) innato,-a. 2
P n pl ins and outs (details) detalles mpl,
(produced by inbreeding) endogmico,-a.
pormenores mpl.
P phr to be in (at home) estar en casa; (at
Inc [InkpreItId] abbr us (Incorporatwork) estar.
ed) sociedad f annima; (abbreviation) S.A.
inability [InbIlItI] n incapacidad f.
inaccessible [InQk
sesbl] adj inacce incantation [InkQnteISn] n conjuro,



incapable [InkeIpb l] adj 1 (unable) in

capaz. 2 (incompetent) incompetente.

3 (helpless) impotente,
incapacity [InkpQsItI] n incapaci
dad f.
incense1 [Insens] n incienso.
incense2 [Insens] vt (make angry) enfu
recer, poner furioso,-a.
incentive [InsentIv] n incentivo, est
mulo, aliciente m.
incest [Insest] n incesto.
inch [IntS] n 1 (measurement) pulgada. 2
(small amount) poco, pelo, pice m.
pl inches.

. Equivale a 2,54 cm.

incidence [InsIdns] n 1 (occurrence) fre

including [InklUdIN] prep incluso, in


inclusion [InklUZn] n inclusin f.

inclusive [InklUsIv] adj inclusive.
incognito [InkgnitU] adv de incg

incoherence [InkUhIrns] n incohe


incoherent [InkUhIrnt] adj incohe


income [Inkm] n (from work) ingresos

mpl, renta; (from investment) rditos mpl.

c o m p income tax impuesto sobre la


incompatibility [InkmpQtbIlItI] n
incompatibilidad f.

pl incompatibilities.

cuencia, extensin f. 2 phys incidencia. incompatible [InkmpQtb l] adj in

with, con).

incident [InsId nt] n (event) incidente

incompetence [Inkmptns] n in
m; (violent episode) altercado.
competencia, ineptitud f, incapaci

incidentally [InsIdent lI] adv 1 (by the

dad f.
way) a propsito, por cierto, dicho sea
incompetent [Inkmpt nt] adj in
de paso. 2 (by chance) por casualidad.
competente, inepto,-a, incapaz.
incinerate [InsInreIt] vt incinerar,
P n incompetente mf, inepto,-a.
incineration [InsInreISn] n incinera incomplete [Inkmplit] adj 1 (not
whole) incompleto,-a; (not finished)
cin f, quema.
inacabado,-a, sin terminar. 2 (partial)
incision [InsIZn] n incisin f.
incisive [InsaIsIv] adj 1 (comment, wit)
[InkmprIhensincisivo,-a, mordaz. 2 (mind) pene
bl] adj incomprensible.

incisor [InsaIzr] n (diente m) incisivo. inconceivable [Inknsivb l] adj 1 in


inclination [InklIneIS n] n 1 (tendency)

inclinacin f, tendencia; (disposition) inconclusive [InknklUsIv] adj 1 (debate, vote, etc) no decisivo,-a. 2 (evidisposicin f, propensin f. 2 (slope)
dence, result, etc) no concluyente.
inclinacin f, pendiente f. 3 (bow) in
inconsequent [InknsIkwnt] adj 1
clinacin f.
(not following logically) inconsecuente.
incline [(n) InklaIn; (vb) InklaIn] n pen
2 (inconsequential) de poca importan
diente f, inclinacin f, cuesta.
cia, sin trascendencia.
P vt 1 (bend forward) inclinar. 2 fml (perinconsiderate [InknsIdrt] adj des
suade, influence) inclinar, predisponer.
considerado,-a, inconsiderado,-a,
P vi 1 (slope) inclinarse, estar
poco atento,-a.
inclinado,-a. 2 (tend) tender a, tener
tendencia a.
inconsistent [InknsIstnt] adj 1 (not
inclined [InklaInd] adj 1 (disposed, enagreeing with, at variance with) inconse
couraged) dispuesto,-a (to, a). 2 (tending
cuente; (contradictory) contradictorio,
to) propenso,-a. 3 (having natural ability)
-a. 2 (changeable - weather) variable;
dotado,-a. 4 (sloping)
(- person) inconstante, voluble, irregu
include [InklUd] vt incluir.
lar; (- behaviour) imprevisible, irregular.



[Inknst nt] adj 1 (person)

inconstante, veleidoso,-a, mudable.
2 (not fixed) variable.
incontinence [InkntInns] n inconti
inconvenience [InknvinIns] n (gen)
inconveniente m; (trouble, difficulty) mo
lestia, dificultad f; (hindrance) estorbo,
obstculo; (discomfort) incomodidad f:

Im sorry to cause you so much inconvenience

siento causarle tanta molestia.

P vt (annoy) causar molestia a, moles
tar; (cause difficulty) incomodar.
inconvenient [InknvinInt] adj 1 (gen)
inconveniente, molesto,-a,
incmodo,-a; (place) mal situado,-a;
(time) mal, inoportuno,-a; (arrangement)
poco prctico,-a. 2 (fact) incmodo,-a.
incorporate [InkpreIt] vt 1 (make
part of, include in) incorporar (in/into,
a), incluir (in/into, en); (include, contain)
incluir, contener. 2 us (company) cons
tituir, constituir en sociedad.
P adj us (company) constituido,-a,
constituido,-a en sociedad.

To incorporate no significa 'incorpo

rarse (levantarse)', que se traduce por to
sit up.

incorrect [Inkrekt] adj 1 (wrong, untrue)

incubate [InkjUbeIt] vt incubar.

P vi

(of eggs) incubar; (of bird) empollar.

incubation [InkjUbeISn] n incubacin f.

incubator [InkjUbeItr] n incubadora.
incurable [InkjUrbl] adj 1 (disease)

incurable. 2 fig (loss) irremediable;

(habit, optimist) incorregible.
P n enfermo,-a incurable.
indebted [IndetId] adj 1 (in debt)
endeudado,-a. 2 fig (grateful) agra
indecent [Indisnt] adj 1 (obscene) in
decente, indecoroso,-a, obsceno,-a.
2 (improper) impropio,-a, indebido,-a,
injustificado,-a; (undue) excesivo,-a.
indecisive [IndIsaIsIv] adj 1 (hesitant)
indeciso,-a, irresoluto,-a. 2 (inconclusive) poco concluyente, no conclu
yente, no decisivo,-a.
indeed [Indid] adv 1 (yes, certainly)
efectivamente, en efecto: are you Mr
Fox? yes, indeed es el Sr Fox? s, efectiva
mente. 2 (intensifier) realmente, de ve
ras, de verdad: thank you very much indeed muchsimas gracias. 3 fml (in fact)
realmente, en realidad, de hecho;
(what is more) es ms.
indefinite [IndefInt] adj 1 (vague, not
precise) indefinido,-a, vago,-a,
impreciso,-a. 2 (not fixed - period of time,
amount, number) i n d e f i n i d o , - a ,
indefinitely [IndefIntlI] adv indefini
indemnity [IndemnItI] n 1 (insurance,
guarantee) indemnidad f (against, con
tra). 2 (compensation) indemnizacin f
(for, por), reparacin f, compensa
cin f.

incorrecto,-a, errneo,-a,
equivocado,-a. 2 (- dress) impropio,a, inadecuado,-a.
increase [(n) Inkris; (vb) Inkris] n (gen)
aumento, incremento; (in price, temperature) subida, alza.
P vt (gen) aumentar, incrementar;
(temperature) subir.
increasing [InkrisIN] adj creciente.
increasingly [InkrisINlI] adv cada vez
pl indemnities.
indent [(vb) Indent; (n) Indent] vt (text)

incredible [InkredIb l] adj (unbelievable)

increble, inverosmil; (amazing)
P vi gb (order) hacer un pedido ( for ,
de), encargar (for, -).
incredulous [Inkredjls] adj incrdu
P n gb (order) pedido.
indentation [IndenteISn] n 1 (in text)
increment [InkrImnt] n aumento,
sangra. 2 (notch in edge, mark) mella,
incriminate [InkrImIneIt]
vt incrimi independence [IndIpendns] n inde
pendencia (from, de).




[IndIpend nt] adj (gen)

P n pol (candidato,-a) independiente
in-depth [IndepT] adj minucioso,-a,
exhaustivo,-a, a fondo.


[IndItmInt] adj

India [IndI] n (la) India. c o m p India
rubber caucho.
index [Indeks] n ndice. c o m p index
finger dedo ndice.
pl indixes o indices [IndIsiz].

Indian [IndIn] adj indio,-a, hind mf.

n indio,-a, hind. c o m p the Indian

Ocean el ocano Indico.
indicate [IndIkeIt] vt indicar, sealar,


P vi auto

poner el intermitente.

indication [IndIkeISn] n (gen) indicio,

seal f, indicacin f.

indicative [IndIktIv] adj 1 fml indica

tivo,-a (of, de). 2 ling indicativo,-a.
P n ling indicativo.
indicator [IndIkeItr] n 1 (gen) indica
dor m. 2 auto intermitente m.

indices [IndIsiz] n pl index.

indictment [IndaItmnt] n 1 jur acusa
cin f, sumario. 2 fig (criticism) crtica.

indifference [IndIfrns] n indiferen

cia (to, ante).

indifferent [IndIfrnt] adj 1 (gen) indi

ferente (to, a). 2 (mediocre, average) me
diocre, regular, pobre.

Indifferent no significa 'indiferente

(irrelevante)', que se traduce por immaterial.

indigestion [IndIdZestSn] n indiges

tin f, empacho.

indignation [IndIgneISn] n indigna

cin f (about/over, por) (at, ante/por).

indigo [IndIgU] n ail m.

indirect [IndIrekt] adj indirecto,-a.
indirectly [IndIrektlI] adv indirecta


[IndIvIdjUl] adj 1 (single,

separate) por separado. 2 (for one person)
individual. 3 (particular, personal) per
sonal, propio,-a. 4 (different, unique)
personal, original.
P n 1 (person) individuo, persona. 2 fam
individuo, tipo, to,-a.
individualism [IndIvIdZUlIzm] n in
individualist [IndIvIdZUlIst] n indi
vidualista mf.
individually [IndIvIdZUlI] adv (separately) individualmente, por separa
do; (one by one) uno por uno.
indivisible [IndIvIzbl] adj indivisible.
indoor [Indr] adj 1 (aerial, plant, photography, etc) interior; (clothes, etc) de estar
por casa. 2 sp (swimming pool, running
track) cubierto,-a.
indoors [Indz] adv (inside house) den
tro (de casa); (at home) en casa; (inside
building) a cubierto, dentro.
induction [IndvkSn] n 1 (initiation - gen)
admisin f, ingreso; (- of priest) insta
lacin f. 2 us (recruitment) reclutamien
to. 3 (logic) induccin f.
inductive [IndktIv] adj inductivo,-a.
indulgence [IndldZns] n 1 (luxury)
(pequeo) lujo; (bad habit) vicio. 2 (of
desire, whim) satisfaccin f, compla
cencia; (partaking - of food, drink) abuso;
(of person) consentimiento; (of child)
mimo. 3 rel indulgencia.
industrial [IndstrIl] adj industrial.
industrialize [IndstrIlaIz] vt indus
P vi industrializarse.
industrious [IndstrIs] adj (hard-working) trabajador,-ra, laborioso,-a; (diligent) diligente, aplicado,-a.
industry [IndstrI] n 1 (gen) industria.
2 fml (hard work) diligencia.

pl industries.

inefficiency [InIfISnsI] n 1 (gen) inefi

cacia. 2 (of person) incompetencia, in

eficiencia, ineptitud f.
indissoluble [IndIsljbl] adj fml (can- inefficient [InIfISnt] adj 1 (gen) ine
ficaz. 2 (person) incompetente, inefi
(cannot be
not be dissolved) indisoluble;
ciente, poco eficiente.
broken) inseparable.



inept [Inept] adj (person) inepto,-a, in

capaz; (remark) torpe.

inequality [InIkwltI] n desigualdad f.

pl inequalities.

infiltration [InfIltreISn] n infiltracin f.

infinite [InfInt] adj (endless) infinito,-a;
(very great) sin lmites.
P n the Infinite Dios m.

inequity [InekwtI] n injusticia.

infinitesimal [InfInItesIml] adj infini

argy) inercia, letargo, apata.

infinitive [InfInItIv] n ling infinitivo.

infinity [InfInItI] n 1 (gen) infinidad f.

pl inequities.
inertia [InS] n 1 phys inercia. 2 (leth-

inevitable [InevItbl] adj 1 (unavoida-

ble) inevitable. 2 fam (usual) sempiter

no,-a, consabido,-a, de siempre.
inexact [InIgzQkt] adj inexacto,-a.


[ I n I k s p e n s I v ] adj

barato,-a, econmico,-a.

inexperience [InIkspIrIns] n inex

periencia, falta de experiencia.

inexpert [Inekspt] adj (person) inex
perto,-a (at, en).
inexplicable [InIksplIkbl] adj inex
inexpressive [InIkspresIv] adj inex
infant [Infnt] n 1 (baby) beb m ,
nio,-a; (at infant school) nio,-a,
prvulo,-a. 2 gb menor mf de edad.
c o m p infant school escuela primaria.
infanticide [InfQntIsaId] n 1 (crime) in
fanticidio. 2 (person) infanticida mf.
infantry [InfntrI] n infantera.
infect [Infekt] vt 1 (wound, cut, etc) infec
tar; (food, water, etc) contaminar; (person) contagiar. 2 fig (emotions) conta
giar. 3 (poison) envenenar.
infection [InfekSn] n 1 (of wound, cut,
etc) infeccin f; (of food, water, etc) con
taminacin f; (with illness) infeccin f,
contagio. 2 (disease) infeccin f.
infectious [InfekSs] adj infeccioso,-a,
inferior [InfIrIr] adj inferior (to, a).
P n inferior mf.
inferiority [InfIrIrtI] n inferioridad f.
infertility [InftIltI] n esterilidad f.
infidel [InfIdl] n infiel mf (que no profesa una fe).

Infidel no significa 'infiel (con la pareja,

un amigo)', que se traduce por unfaithful.

tesimal, infinitsimo,-a.
2 math infinito.

infirmary [InfmrI] n 1 (hospital) hos

pital m. 2 (in school, etc) enfermera.
pl infirmaries.

inflammable [InflQmbl] adj 1 infla

mable. 2 fam fig explosivo,-a.

macin f.

[InflmeISn] n infla

inflate [InfleIt] vt 1 inflar, hinchar. 2

fig inflar, hinchar, exagerar. 3 (economy) inflar.

inflation [InfleISn] n inflacin f.
inflexible [InfleksIbl] adj inflexible.
inflict [InflIkt] vt 1 (grief, suffering, pain)
causar (on, a); (blow) dar a, asestar a,
propinar a; (defeat, punishment) infligir
(on, a), imponer (on, a); (grief, suffering,
pain) causar (on, a). 2 fig (view, etc) im
poner (on, a).
influence [InflUns] n (gen) influencia.
P vt (decision, etc) influir en/sobre; (person) influenciar.
influential [InflUenSl] adj influyente.
influenza [InflUenz] n gripe f.
info [InfU] n fam informacin f.
inform [Infm] vt informar, notificar.
informal [Infml] adj (speech) infor
mal, familiar; (discussion) informal.

Informal no significa 'informal (poco

serio)', que se traduce por unreliable.


[InfmeIS n] n (gen) in


[InfmtIv] adj infor

formacin f; (facts) datos mpl.


infrared [Infrred] adj infrarrojo,-a.

infrastructure [InfrstrktSr] n in

infringe [InfrIndZ] vt (law, rule, etc) in

infidelity [InfIdeltI]
n infidelidad f.
pl infidelities.

fringir, transgredir, violar; (copyright,



agreement, etc) no respetar; (liberty, rights)

violar, usurpar.
infuriate [InfjUrIeIt] vt enfurecer,
poner furioso,-a, sacar de quicio.
ingenious [IndZinIs] adj (person, thing)
ingenioso,-a; (idea) genial.
ingenuity [IndZInjUItI] n ingenio, in
geniosidad f, inventiva.
ingredient [IngridInt] n 1 culin in
grediente m. 2 fig componente m,
inhabit [InhQbIt] vt habitar, vivir en,
ocupar, poblar.
inhabitable [InhQbItbl] adj habitable.

Inhabitable no significa 'inhabita

ble', que se traduce por uninhabitable.

inhabitant [InhQbItnt] n habitante mf.

inhalation [InhleISn] n inhalacin f.
inhale [InheIl] vt (air) aspirar, respirar;

injured [IndZd] adj 1 (hurt) herido,-a,

lesionado,-a, lastimado,-a. 2 fig (offended - feeling) herido,-a; (- look, tone, etc)

P n pl the injured los heridos.
injury [IndZrI] n 1 herida, lesin f. 2
fig (to feelings, etc) dao; (to reputation)
pl injuries.

Injury no significa 'injuria', que se tra

duce por insult.

injustice [IndZstIs] n injusticia.

ink [INk] n tinta.
P vt


inkblot [INkblt] n borrn m.

inkjet printer [INkdZet prIntr] n im
presora de chorro de tinta.

inkpad [INkpQd] n tampn m de en

tintar, almohadilla.
(gas, vapour) inhalar.
inland [(adj) Inlnd; (adv) InlQnd] adj
inherit [InherIt] vt heredar (from, de).
(del) interior.
inheritance [InherItns] n (money, propP adv (travel) tierra adentro, hacia el
erty, etc) herencia (from, de); (succession)
interior; (live) en el interior. c o m p In
sucesin f.
land Revenue gb Hacienda.
inheritor [InherItr] n heredero,-a.
inn [In] n (with lodgings) posada, fonda,
inhibit [InhIbIt] vt 1 (person) inhibir,
mesn m; (in country) venta; (pub) ta
cohibir. 2 (hold back - attempt) inhibir. 3
(prevent) impedir, restringir.
innate [IneIt] adj innato,-a.
inhuman [InhjUmn] adj inhumano,-a. inner [Inr] adj 1 (room, region, etc) inte

initial [InIS l] adj inicial, primero,-a.

rior; (organization) interno,-a. 2 (feelings,
P n inicial f, letra inicial.
etc) interior, ntimo,-a.
P n pl initials (of name) iniciales fpl; (of
innocence [Insns] n inocencia.
abbreviation) siglas fpl.
innocent [Insnt] adj (gen) inocente;

initially [InIS lI] adv al principio.

(harmless) inocuo,-a, inofensivo,-a;
initiate [(vb) InISIeIt; (n) InISIt] vt 1
(naive) ingenuo,-a.
(gen) iniciar; (reform, plan, etc) promo
ver. 2 jur entablar. 3 (admit, introduce) innovate [InveIt] vi innovar.
innumerable [InjUmrbl] adj innu
admitir (into, en).
P n iniciado,-a.
inopportune [InptjUn] adj inopor
initiative [InISItIv] n iniciativa.
inject [IndZekt] vt 1 (drug, etc) inyectar;
(person) poner una inyeccin a, pin inorganic [IngQnIk] adj inorg
char. 2 fig (new ideas, enthusiasm, etc) in
fundir; (money, resources, etc) invertir.
input [InpUt] n (of power) entrada; (of
injection [IndZekSn] n 1 inyeccin f.
money, resources) inversin f; (of data) in
put m.
injure [IndZr] vt 1 herir, lesionar, las
P vt comput entrar, introducir.
timar. 2 fig (feelings)
herir; (health, reputation, etc) perjudicar.
pt & pp input o inputted.



inquire [InkwaI ] vi fml preguntar, in

insignificant [InsIgnIfIknt] adj insig

a to inquire into vt insep investigar.

inquiry [InkwaI rI] n 1 fml (question)



pregunta. 2 (investigation) investiga

cin f.
pl inquiries.

inquisition [InkwIzISn] n investiga

cin f, inquisicin f. c o m p the Inquisi

tion hist la Inquisicin f.
inquisitive InkwIzItIv] adj (person) cu
inroads [InrUds] n pl (raid) incursin f
P n fig (encroachment) intrusin f.
insalubrious [InslUbrIs] adj fml in
insane [InseIn] adj 1 (person) loco,-a,
demente; (act) insensato,-a. 2 fam
(idea, etc) loco,-a. l o c to go insane vol
verse loco,-a.

Insane no significa 'insano', que se

traduce por unhealthy.

inscription [InskrIpSn] n (gen) inscrip

cin f; (in book) dedicatoria.

insect [Insekt] n insecto.

insecticide [InsektIsaId] n insectici
da m.

insecure [InsIkjUr] adj inseguro,-a.

insecurity [InsIkjUrItI] n inseguridad f.
inseminate [InsemIneIt] vt inseminar.
insensitive [InsenstIv] adj insensible.
insert [(vb) Inst; (n) Inst] vt (gen) in


[InsInsIr] adj poco since

ro,-a, insincero,-a, falso,-a.
insinuate [InsInjUeIt] vt 1 (hint, suggest)
insinuar, dar a entender. 2 (worm, install) insinuarse (into, en).
insist [InsIst] vt 1 (declare firmly) insistir
en. 2 (demand forcefully) exigir.
insolence [Inslns] n insolencia.
insolent [Inslnt] adj insolente.
insoluble [Insljbl] adj 1 (of substances) insoluble, indisoluble. 2 fig sin
solucin, insoluble.
insomnia [InsmnI] n insomnio.
inspect [Inspekt] vt (gen) inspeccionar,
examinar, revisar.
inspection [InspekSn] n 1 (gen) ins
peccin f, examen, revisin f 2 (of
luggage) registro.
inspector [Inspektr] n (gen) inspec
tor,-ra; (on train) revisor,-ra; (in police)
inspector,-ra de polica.
inspiration [InspIreISn] n 1 (gen) inspi
racin f. 2 fam (good idea) genialidad f.
inspire [InspaIr] vt 1 (gen) inspirar. 2
(encourage) estimular, animar, mover.
3 (fill with - fear) infundir; (- confidence,
respect) inspirar.

To inspire no significa 'inspirar (aire)',

que se traduce por to breathe, to inhale.

install [Instl] [also instal] vt 1 (equip-

ment, etc) instalar. 2 (person) instalar,

troducir en, meter en; (comment, clause,
paragraph, etc) incluir (in, en), insertar installation [InstleISn] n instalacin f.
(in, en); (advertisement) poner (in, en).
installment [Instlmnt] n us in
P n (in book, newspaper) encarte m; (in
clothing) aadido.
instalment [Instlmnt] n 1 (of payinside [InsaId] n 1 interior m, parte f
ment) plazo. 2 (of book, story, etc) entre
interior. 2 (driving on left) la izquierda;
ga; (of collection) fascculo.
(driving on right) la derecha.
instance [Instns] n ejemplo, caso.
P adv (position) dentro; (movement)
l o c for instance por ejemplo.
adentro. l o c inside out del revs.
P vt poner por caso, citar como
P prep dentro de.
P n pl insides fam entraas fpl, tripas
Instance no significa 'instancia (for
mulario)', que se traduce por form.
insight [InsaIt] n 1 (deep understanding,
perception) perspicacia,
penetracin f. instant [Inst nt] n instante m, mo
2 (sudden understanding) idea.



P adj 1 (at once) inmediato,-a. 2 (coffee,

insurance [InSUrns] n 1 seguro. 2 fig
etc) instantneo,-a. 3 fml (urgent) ur
(safeguard) salvaguarda, proteccin f,
gente. 4 comm (of the present month) del
insure [InSUr] vt 1 asegurar (against,
instantly [InstntlI] adv al instante,
contra). 2 us (ensure) asegurar.
insurgent [InsdZnt] adj insurgen
instead [Insted] adv en cambio, en su
te, insurrecto,-a.
lugar: Mrs Jones couldnt do the class so I insurrection [InsrekSn] n insurrec
did it instead la Seora Jones no pudo dar
cin f.
la clase as que yo la di en su lugar.
intact [IntQkt] adj intacto,-a.
P prep instead of en vez de, en lugar
intake [InteIk] n 1 (of food, etc) consu
de: we should eat more fish instead of meat
mo; (of breath) inhalacin f. 2 tech (of
deberamos comer ms pescado en lu
water) entrada; (of electricity, gas, wagar de carne.
ter) toma. 3 (number of people) nmero
instinct [InstINkt] n instinto.
de personas inscritas.
instinctive [InstINktIv] adj instintivo,-a.
integer [IntIdZr] n math entero, n
institute [InstItjUt] n 1 (gen) institu
mero entero.
to, centro. 2 (professional body) colegio,
integral [IntIgrl] adj 1 (intrinsic, essenasociacin f; (educational) escuela.
tial) integral, esencial, fundamental.
P vt fml (organize, establish) instituir, es
2 (built-in) incorporado,-a. 3 math in
tablecer, fundar; (initiate - enquiry) ini
ciar, empezar; (- proceedings) entablar.
institution [InstItjUSn] n 1 (gen) ins integrity [IntegrtI] n 1 (honesty) inte
gridad f, honradez f. 2 (completeness)
titucin f 3 (home) asilo; (asylum) hos
totalidad f.
pital m psiquitrico, manicomio; (orintellect [Intlekt] n 1 (intelligence) inte
phanage) orfanato.
lecto, inteligencia. 2 (person) intelec
instruct [Instrkt] vt 1 (teach) instruir,
tual mf.
ensear; (inform) informar. 2 (order) or
denar, mandar, dar instrucciones. 3 intellectual [IntlektjUl] adj intelec
jur (solicitor, barrister) dar instrucciones
P n intelectual mf.
a; (jury) instruir.
instruction [InstrkSn] n 1 (teaching) intelligence [IntelIdZns] n 1 (gen) in
teligencia. 2 (information) informacin
instruccin f, enseanza. 2 (order) or
f, espionaje m.
den f, mandato.
instructor [Instrktr] n (gen) instruc intelligent [IntelIZnt] adj inteligente.
tor,-ra; (of driving) profesor,-ra; (of intend [Intend] vt 1 (plan, mean, have in
sport) monitor,-ra.
mind) tener la intencin de, tener el
instrument [Instrmnt] n instru
propsito de, proponerse, pensar,
querer. 2 (destine for) ir dirigido,-a a.
insufficient [InsfISnt] adj insuficiente. intense [Intens] adj 1 (gen) intenso,-a,
insulate [InsjleIt] vt 1 tech aislar
fuerte; (stare) penetrante. 2 (emotions)
(against/from, de). 2 fig (protect) pro
profundo,-a, grande, vivo,-a. 3 (perteger (against, contra), (from, de).
son) muy serio,-a.
insulation [InsjleISn] n tech aisla intensify [IntensIfaI] vt (search, cammiento.
paign) intensificar; (effort) redoblar;
insulator [InsjleItr] n tech aislante
(production, pollution, pain) aumentar.
m, aislador m.
pt & pp intensified, ger intensifying.
insulin [InsjlIn] n insulina.
intensity [IntensItI] n 1 intensidad f.
2 (of person) seriedad f.
insult [(n) Inslt; (vb)
Inslt] n insulto.
P vt insultar, ofender, injuriar.
pl intensities.



intensive [IntensIv] adj 1 (course, training,

etc) intensivo,-a. 2 (search) minucioso,a; (study) profundo,-a. c o m p intensive

care cuidados mpl intensivos.
intention [IntenS n] n (purpose, aim,
plan, determination) intencin f, prop
interact [IntrQkt] vi 1 (people) relacio
narse, interaccionar. 2 chem reaccio
interaction [IntrQkSn] n interaccin f.





inter-city [IntsItI] adj interurbano,-a,

de largo recorrido.

intercom [Intkm] n interfono.

interconnection [IntknekSn] n in
terconexin f.

intercontinental [IntkntInentl] adj


intercostal [Intkstl] adj intercostal.

intercourse [Intks] n 1 (dealings)

internal [Intnl] adj interno,-a.

international [IntnQSnl] adj inter



[IntnQSnlaIz] vt

Internet [Intnet] n Internet f.

interpret [Intprt] vt (gen) interpre

tar; (understand) interpretar, entender.

[IntprteISn] n in
terpretacin f.
interpreter [Intprtr] n intrprete mf.
interrogate [IntergeIt] vt interrogar.
interrogation [IntergeISn] n inte
interrogative [IntrgQtIv] adj fml
P n ling (word) palabra interrogativa;
(phrase) oracin f interrogativa.
interrupt [Intrpt] vt interrumpir.
P vi interrumpir.
interruption [IntrpSn] n interrup
cin f.
interstate [IntsteIt] adj (esp us) inter
estatal, entre estados.
interval [Intvl] n 1 (in time, space) in
tervalo (between, entre). 2 (in play,
film, etc) intermedio, descanso; (in
play) entreacto. 3 (pause, break) pausa;
(silence) silencio; (rest) descanso. 4 mus
intervene [Intvin] vi 1 (person) inter
venir (in, en). 2 (event, etc) sobrevenir,
ocurrir. 3 fml (time) transcurrir, me


trato. 2 (sexual) coito, relaciones fpl

interest [Intrst] n 1 (gen) inters m. 2
(hobby) aficin f, inters m. 3 (advantage, benefit) provecho, beneficio. 4
comm (share, stake) participacin f, in
ters m. 5 fin (money) inters m, rdito.
P vt interesar.
interested [IntrstId] adj interesa
do,-a (in, en).
interesting [IntrstIN] adj interesante.
interface [IntfeIs] n 1 comput inter
face f, interfaz f. 2 fig terreno co
, To intervene no significa 'intervenir
interfere [IntfIr] vi (meddle) entrome
(operar)', que se traduce por to operate on.
terse (in, en), inmiscuirse (in, en).
interference [IntfIrns] n 1 (med- interview [IntvjU] n (gen) entrevista;
(press) entrevista.
dling) intromisin f, entrometimien
P vt entrevistar, hacer una entrevista
to, injerencia. 2 (with broadcast) inter
a, entrevistarse con.
interviewee [IntvjUi] n entrevis
interior [IntIrIr] adj interior.
P n interior m, parte f interior.
interjection [IntdZekSn] n 1 (part of interviewer [IntvjUr] n entrevis
speech) interjeccin f. 2 (comment) in
intervocalic [IntvkQlIk] adj inter
terposicin f.
intermediate [IntmidIt]
adj inter
intestinal [IntestInl] adj intestinal.



intestine [IntestIn] n intestino.


large intestine intestino grueso. y

small intestine intestino delgado.
intimate1 [IntImt] adj 1 (gen) ntimo,-a;
(link, etc) estrecho,-a. 2 (knowledge)

P n (friend) amigo,-a ntimo,-a.
intimate2 [IntImeIt] vi fml insinuar,
dar a entender.

To intimate no significa 'intimar (co

nocerse mejor)', que se traduce por to become close.

intimidate [IntImIdeIt] vt intimidar.

into [IntU] prep 1 (indicating movement)

en, dentro de, a; (in direction of) a, ha

cia; (against) contra, con. 2 (time, age)
hasta. 3 (indicating change) en, a: he
turned water into wine transform el agua
en vino. 4 math entre: whats four into
twenty? cunto son veinte entre cuatro?
intolerant [Intlrnt] adj intoleran
te, intransigente.
intonation [IntneISn] n entonacin f.
intoxicate [IntksIkeIt] vt 1 fml embria
gar, emborrachar. 2 fig embriagar.

To intoxicate no significa 'intoxicar',

que se traduce por to poison.

briaguez f.

[IntksIkeIS n] n em

Intoxicate no significa 'intoxicacin',

que se traduce por poisoning.

intranet [Intrnet] n red f local.

intransitive [IntrQnsItIv] adj ling in


[IntrjUtraIn] adj



to; (- of law, procedure, etc) introduccin

f, institucin f. 4 (first experience) inicia

cin f. 5 mus introduccin f.
introvert [Intrvt] n introvertido,-a.
intruder [IntrUdr] n intruso,-a.
intuition [IntjUISn] n intuicin f.
intuitive [IntjUItIv] adj intuitivo,-a.
invade [InveId] vt (gen) invadir.
invader [InveIdr] n invasor,-ra.
invalid 1 [InvlId] n (disabled person)

invlido,-a, minusvlido,-a; (sick person) enfermo,-a.

invalid2 [InvQlId] adj (gen) invlido,-a,
no vlido,-a, nulo,-a; (out of date)
invalidate [InvQlIdeIt] vt (result, rule,
etc) invalidar, anular; (argument) refu
tar, demostrar el error de.
invasion [InveIZn] n (gen) invasin f.
invent [Invent] vt inventar, inventarse.
invention [InvenSn] n 1 (gen) invento,
invencin f; (lying) invencin f, men
tira. 2 (capacity for inventing) inventiva.
inventive [InventIv] adj inventivo,-a.
inventor [Inventr] n inventor,-ra.
inventory [InvntrI] n inventario.
pl inventories.

inversion [InvZn] n inversin f.

Inversion no significa 'inversin (de

dinero)', que se traduce por investment.

invert [Invt] vt invertir.

ed commas comillas.



To invert no significa 'invertir (dine

ro)', que se traduce por to invest.


[InvtIbrt] adj inver

invest [Invest] vt 1 (money) invertir (in,

en). 2 (time, effort, etc) emplear (in, en),
gramme) presentar. 2 (bring in - gen) in
invertir (in, en). 3 fml (right, rank, power,
troducir; (- new product, etc) presentar,
etc) investir (with, con), conferir (with,
lanzar; (law, procedure, etc) instituir. 3
-), otorgar (with, -). 4 fml (quality, charac(to hobby, habit) iniciar (to, en). 4 (bring
teristic, etc) revestir (with, con), envol
up) proponer, sugerir, plantear. 5 fml
ver (with, de). 5 mil dated sitiar, cercar.
(insert) introducir, meter, insertar.
introduction [IntrdkSn] n 1 (of person, investigate [InvestIgeIt] vt (crime) in
vestigar; (cause, possibility) examinar,
programme) presentacin f. 2 (to book,
speech, etc) introduccin
f. 3 (- of new
P vi fam (check) mirar.
product, etc) presentacin f, lanzamien
introduce [IntrdjUs] vt 1 (person, pro-



[InvestIgeIS n] n (of
crime) investigacin f (into, sobre); (of
cause, possibility) examen m (into, de),
estudio (into, de).
investigator [InvestIgeItr] n inves
investment [Investmnt] n 1 (of money)
inversin f. 2 (investiture) investidura.
investor [Investr] n inversor,-ra, in
versionista mf.
invidious [InvIdIs] adj 1 (task, job, etc)
odioso,-a, ingrato,-a. 2 (comparison,
choice, etc) injusto,-a.

Invidious no significa 'envidioso', que

se traduce por envious.

invisible [InvIzbl] adj invisible.

invitation [InvIteISn] n invitacin f.
invite [(vb) InvaIt; (n) InvaIt] vt 1 (guest,

etc) invitar, convidar; (candidate, participant) pedir, invitar. 2 (comment, suggestion, etc) solicitar. 3 (criticism, disaster, etc)
provocar, incitar.
invoice [InvIs] n comm factura.
invoke [InvUk] vt invocar.
involuntary [InvlntrI] adj invo
involve [Invlv] vt 1 (entail) suponer,
implicar, conllevar; (give rise to) aca
rrear, ocasionar. 2 (include, affect, concern) tener que ver con, afectar a. 3
(implicate) implicar, involucrar, meter.
inward [Inwd] adj interior.
P adv hacia dentro.
inwards [Inwdz] adv hacia dentro.
iodine [aIdin] n yodo.
ion [aIn] n ion m.
ionize [aInaIz] vt ionizar.
ionosphere [aInsfIr] n ionosfera.

Irishman [aIrISmn] n irlands m.

pl Irishmen [aIrISmn].

Irishwoman [aIrISwUmn] n irlandesa.

pl Irishwomen [aIrISwImIn].

iron [aIn] n 1 (metal) hierro. 2 (appli-

ance) plancha. 3 (for golf) hierro, palo

de hierro.
P adj de hierro.
P vt (clothes) planchar.
P n pl irons (fetters) grilletes mpl.
a to iron out vt sep 1 (clothes) planchar.
2 fig (problem, difficulty, etc) resolver, so
ironing [aIrnIN] n planchado. l o c to
do the ironing planchar. c o m p ironing
board tabla de planchar.
ironic [aIrnIk] adj irnico,-a.


[a I n m N g r ] n



ironmongers (shop)

ironmongery [aInmNgrI] n gb fe

irony [aIrnI] n irona.

pl ironies.

irregular [Iregjlr] adj 1 (gen) irregu

lar; (uneven) desigual. 2 (unusual, abnormal) raro,-a, anormal; (against the rules)
inadmisible. 3 (troops) irregular.
irrelevant [IrelIvnt] adj 1 (unimportant
- fact, detail, etc) irrelevante. 2 (out of
place) que no viene al caso: thats irrelevant eso no tiene nada que ver, eso no
viene al caso.
irresistible [IrIzIstbl] adj 1 (temptation,
impulse, etc) irresistible: an irresistible
urge un impulso irrefrenable. 2 (person,
thing) irresistible.


[IrIspnsbIltI] n

irresponsabilidad f, falta de seriedad.

IQ [aIkjU] abbr (intelligence quotient) irresponsible [IrIspnsbl] adj irres
coeficiente m de inteligencia; (abbreponsable, poco serio,-a.
viation) CI m.
irrigable [IrIgbl] adj irrigable, re
Iran [IrAn] n Irn.
Iraq [IrAk] n Irak.
irrigate [IrIgeIt] vt 1 agr regar, irrigar.
2 med irrigar.
Ireland [aIlnd] n Irlanda. c o m p
Northern Ireland Irlanda del norte.
irrigated [IrIgeItId] vt 1 agr irriga
do,-a. 2 med irrigar.
iris [aIrIs] n 1 (of eye) iris m inv. 2 bot li
irrigation [IrIgeISn] n agr riego, irri
Irish [aIrIS] adj irlands,-esa.
gacin f. c o m p irrigation channel ace


quia, canal m de riego. y irrigation

farming cultivo de regado. y irriga
tion system sistema m de regado.
irritate [IrIteIt] vt 1 (annoy) irritar, mo
lestar, fastidiar. 2 med (cause discomfort)
irritar; (make inflamed) inflamar.
irritating [IrIteItIN] adj 1 (annoying) irri
tante, molesto,-a, fastidioso,-a,
pesado,-a. 2 med irritante.
irritation [IrIteISn] n 1 med irritacin
f. 2 (cause of annoyance) molestia, fasti
dio. 3 (anger) mal humor m, enfado,
irritacin f.

is [Iz] pres be.

Islam [IzlAm] n islam m.
Islamic [IzlQmIk] adj islmico,-a.
island [aIlnd] n isla.


6 fml (emergence - of water, blood) flujo. 7

fml (children) descendencia. 8 fml (result, outcome) resultado, consecuencia,
desenlace m.
P vt 1 (book, article) publicar. 2 (stamps,
shares, banknotes, etc) emitir. 3 (passport,
visa) expedir. 4 (equipment, supplies, etc)
distribuir, repartir, suministrar, pro
porcionar. 5 (order, instruction) dar;
(statement, warning) dar, hacer pblico;
(writ, summons) dictar, expedir; (decree)
promulgar; (warrant) expedir.
P vi 1 fml (liquid, blood) fluir, manar;
(smell, etc) salir. 2 fml (result) resultar
( from , de), provenir ( from , de),
derivar(se) (from, de).
isthmus [Isms] n istmo.
it [It] pron 1 (subject) l, ella, ello: wheres
my supper? its in the oven! dnde est mi
cena? est en el horno!; whose is this
coat? its mine! de quin es este abrigo?
es mo!; is it a boy or a girl? es nio o ni
a?; whos that? who is it? its me! quin
eres? quin es? soy yo! 2 (object - direct)
lo, la; (- indirect) le: I doubt it lo dudo; Ive

P adj isleo,-a. c o m p safety island us

isla de peatones, isleta, refugio. y
traffic island isla de peatones, isleta,
isle [aIl] n isla.
islet [aIlt] n islote m.
isobar [aIsbAr] n isobara.
just got this letter. Can you read it for me?
isolate [aIsleIt] vt aislar (from, de):
acabo de recibir esta carta. Me la pue
scientists have isolated the germ los cient
des leer?; do you like skiing? yes, I love it te
ficos han aislado el microbio.
gusta esquiar? s, me encanta; she went
isolated [aIsleItId] adj 1 (solitary) ais
up to the horse and patted it se acerc al
lado,-a, apartado,-a: an isolated house
caballo y lo acarici; can you manage that
una casa aislada; I live a very isolated life
bag? Give it to me puedes con esa bolsa?
llevo una vida muy solitaria. 2 (single)
Dmela. 3 (after prep) l, ella, ello: a
aislado,-a, nico,-a, excepcional: an
vase with flowers in it un florero con flores
isolated case un caso aislado.
dentro; the train was still there so I ran for it
isosceles [aIssliz] adj issceles. c o m p
el tren an estaba all as que corr para
isosceles triangle tringulo issceles.
tomarlo / agarrarlo; youre not frightened
isotherm [aIsTm] n isotermo.
of it, are you? no le tienes miedo, ver
isotope [aIstUp] n istopo.
dad?; tell me about it explcamelo, cun
Israel [IzrIl] n Israel.
tamelo. 4 (abstract) ello: lets get on with it
Israeli [IzreIlI] adj israel.
vamos a por ello. 5 (impersonal) no se
P n israel mf.
traduce: its cold hace fro; its too early es
Israelite [IzrIlaIt] adj israelita.
demasiado temprano; its six oclock son
P n israelita mf.
las seis; its Wednesday es mircoles; its
issue [ISU] n 1 (subject, topic) tema m,
cloudy est nublado; its not far no est
cuestin f, asunto. 2 (of newspaper,
lejos; its impossible es imposible; its immagazine, etc) nmero. 3 (of stamps,
portant es importante; its worth it vale la
shares, back notes, etc) emisin f; (of book)
pena; it doesnt matter no importa; whats
publicacin f. 4 (of passport, licence) ex
it like? cmo es?; it cost a fiver cost cin
pedicin f. 5 (of equipment,
supplies, etc)
co libras; its true es verdad; it seems
distribucin f, reparto, suministro.
(that) she failed parece que suspendi.



Italian [ItQlIn] adj italiano,-a.


n 1 (person) italiano,-a. 2 (language)


italic [ItQlIks] adj (letra) cursiva.

itch [ItS] n 1 med picazn f, picor m. 2

fam fig (strong desire) deseo, anhelo,

ansia: an itch to travel un deseo de viajar.
P vi picar: my feet itch me pican los pies;
Im itching all over me pica todo; this blanket itches esta manta pica.
itd [Itd] contr 1 it had. 2 it would.
item [aItm] n 1 (on list) artculo, cosa;
(in collection) pieza. 2 (on agenda) asun
to, punto. 3 (on bill) partida, asiento.
4 (in show) nmero. c o m p item of cloth
ing prenda de vestir.
P adv tambin.
itinerary [aItInrrI] n itinerario, ruta.
pl itineraries.

itll [Itl] contr it will.

its [Its] adj (one thing) su; (more than one thing)

sus: the cat cleaned its paws el gato se lim

pi las patas; the babys in its pram el beb
est en su cochecito; the film has its good
points la pelcula tiene sus puntos buenos.

its [Its] contr 1 it is. 2 it has.

itself [Itself] pron 1 (reflexive) se: the bird

preened itself el pjaro se arregl las plu

mas; Barcelona has opened itself up to the
sea Barcelona se ha abierto al mar. 2 (emphatic) en s: the house itself is quite old la
casa en s es bastante vieja; the job itself

isnt that difficult el trabajo en s no es

muy difcil; she is politeness itself es la
cortesa personificada. 3 (after prep) s:

the committee wants to keep all the profits

for itself el comit quiere guardar todos
los beneficios para s; each dog has a kennel to itself cada perro tiene su propia ca
sita; the idea in itself isnt bad la idea en s
no est mal; the first course was a meal in
itself el primer plato ya era una comida
de por s. l o c by itself solo,-a: it switches off by itself se apaga solo, se apaga au
tomticamente; the baby did it all by itself

el nio lo hizo l solo.

Ive [aIv] contr I have.

ivory [aIvrI] n (substance) marfil m; (col-

our) color m marfil.

P adj de marfil.
P n pl ivories (objects) objetos mpl de
marfil; (piano keys) teclas fpl. l o c an
ivory tower una torre de marfil. c o m p
Ivory Coast Costa de Marfil.
ivy [aIvI] n hiedra, yedra. c o m p Ivy

League ocho prestigiosas universidades

privadas del nordeste de los Estados Unidos.

" La Ivy League rene a las ocho univer

sidades ms prestigiosas de Estados Uni
dos que, adems, son de las ms antiguas.
Un ttulo de cualquiera de estos centros
suele ser sinnimo de una excelente for
macin acadmica.


J, J [dZeI] n (the letter) J, j f.

jab [dZQb] n 1 pinchazo; (with elbow)

codazo. 2 fam (of pain) pinchazo: a flu

jab una inyeccin contra la gripe. 3 (in
boxing) gancho.
P vt pinchar; (with elbow) dar un coda
zo a.
pt & pp jabbed, ger jabbing.

jack [dZQk] n 1 auto gato. 2 (in cards)

P vt 1 (fill) abarrotar, atestar: thousands
of people jammed the streets miles de per
sonas abarrotaban las calles. 2 (cram) em
butir, meter a la fuerza: she jammed all
her things into the bag embuti todas sus
cosas en la bolsa. 3 (block) bloquear: the
switchboard was jammed with calls of complaint las llamadas de protesta bloquea

ron la centralita.
pt & pp jammed, ger jarring.
jota; (Spanish pack) sota. 3 (in bowls)
boliche m. 4 elec enchufe m. c o m p jack Jamaica [dZmeIk] n Jamaica.
Jamaican [dZmeIkn] adj jamaicano,-a.
plug elec jack m, clavija.
P n jamaicano,-a.
jackal [dZQkl] n chacal m.

jacket [dZQkIt] n 1 (in general) chaque jangle [dZQNg l] vi sonar de un modo

ta; (of suit) americana; (leather, etc) ca
P vt hacer sonar de un modo discor
zadora. 2 (of book) sobrecubierta. 3 us
(of record) funda. c o m p jacket potato
P n sonido discordante.
patata asada (con su piel).
January [dZQnjUrI] n enero.
jackknife [dZQknaIf] n navaja.
. Para ejemplos de usos, consulta May.
jackpot [dZQkpt] n (premio) gordo.
l o c to hit the jackpot tocarle a algn el
Japan [dZpQn] n (el) Japn m.
Japanese [dZQpniz] adj japons,-esa.
Jacuzzi [dZkUzI] n jacuzzi m.
P n 1 (person) japons,-esa. 2 (language)
jade [dZeId] n jade m.
japons m.
jagged [dZQgId] adj irregular, denta jar [dZAr] n 1 (glass) tarro, bote m: a jar
of strawberry jam un tarro de mermelada
jaguar [dZQgjUr] n jaguar m.
de fresa. 2 (earthenware) vasija, tinaja. 3
jail [dZeIl] n crcel f, prisin f.
(shake, shock) sacudida: it gave me a bit
P vt encarcelar: he was jailed for life lo
of a jar me choc bastante. 4 fam (drink)
condenaron a cadena perpetua.
copa: lets go and have a few jars! vamos
a tomar unas copas!
jailer [dZeIlr] n carcelero,-a.
jargon [dZAgn] n jerga, jerigonza.
jailhouse [dZeIlhaUs] n us crcel f.
jam1 [dZQm] n mermelada, confitura. jasmine [dZQzmIn] n jazmn m.
c o m p jam jar bote m de mermelada.
jaundice [dZndIs] n ictericia.
jam2 [dZQm] n (tight spot) aprieto, apu jaunty [dZntI] adj garboso,-a.
comp jauntier, superl jauntiest.
ro. l o c to get into a jam meterse en
un apuro. c o m p jam
[dZQvlIn] n jabalina. l o c to
provisada de jazz o rock.
throw the javelin lanzar la jabalina.



javelin competition lanzamiento

de jabalina.


[dZ] n 1 anat mandbula. c o m p

upper jaw maxilar m superior. y lower
jaw maxilar m inferior. 2 zool man

dbula, quijada, carrillera.

P vi fam (talk) charlar.
jazz [dZQz] n jazz m. l o c and all that
jazz y dems, y toda la pesca, y to
do el rollo.
P adj de jazz, jazzstico,-a. c o m p jazz
band conjunto de jazz.
a to jazz up vt sep (in general) hacer ms
alegre, dar vida a; (party) animar.
jealous [dZels] adj 1 celoso,-a. 2 (envious) envidioso,-a. l o c to be jealous
of sb tener celos de algn , estar
celoso,-a de algn. y to make sb jealous
poner celoso,-a a algn.
jealousy [dZelsI] n 1 celos mpl. 2 (envy) envidia.

jester [dZestr] n hist bufn m.

Jesus [dZizs] n Jess m, Jesucristo.


Jesus Christ Jesucristo.

[dZet] n 1 (aircraft) reactor m . 2

(stream) chorro. 3 (outlet) boquilla, me

chero. c o m p jet engine reactor m, pro
pulsor m a chorro. y jet foil desliza
dor m. y jet lag jet lag m, desarreglo
horario. y jet set la jet set f, la jet f. y
jet propulsion propulsin f a chorro.
jetty [dZetI] n (stone) malecn m; (wooden) embarcadero.
pl jetties.

Jew [dZU] n rel judo,-a.

jewel [dZUl] n 1 joya, alhaja. 2 (stone)

piedra preciosa. 3 (in watch) rub m.

[dZUld] adj adornado,-a
con piedras preciosas.
jeweller [dZUlr] n joyero,-a.
jewellery [dZUlrI] n joyas fpl.
pl jealousies.
Jewish [dZUIS] adj judo,-a.
jeans [dZinz] n pl vaqueros mpl, teja jigsaw [dZIgs] n 1 (saw) sierra de
nos mpl.
vaivn. 2 (puzzle) rompecabezas m,
jeep [dZip] n jeep m, todoterreno.
puzzle m.
jeer [dZIr] vi (mock) burlarse (at, de), jingle [dZINgl] n 1 tintineo. 2 tv tona
mofarse (at, de).
dilla publicitaria.
P vt (boo) abuchear.
P vi tintinear.
P vi (boo) abuchear.
P vt hacer sonar.
P n pl jeers (booing) abucheos mpl ;
(mocking) burlas fpl, mofas fpl, befas fpl. jinx [dZINks] n 1 (person) gafe mf. 2 (bad
luck) mala suerte f: theres a jinx on this
jelly [dZelI] n 1 (in general) jalea. 2 (fruit)
computer este ordenador est gafado.
P vt gafar.
pl jellies.
job [dZb] n 1 (employment) empleo,
jellyfish [dZelIfIS] n medusa.
(puesto de) trabajo: whats your job?
pl jellyfishes.
en qu trabajas? 2 (piece of work) traba
jeopardy [dZepdI] n peligro. l o c to
jo; (task) tarea: he did a good job (of work)
be in jeopardy estar en peligro, peli
hizo un buen trabajo. l o c its a good
grar. y to put in jeopardy poner en pe
job that menos mal que... y on the
ligro, hacer peligrar.
job trabajando. y out of a job parado,
jerk [dZk] n 1 (pull) tirn m; (jolt) sacu
-a. y to make the best of a bad job po
dida. 2 fam imbcil mf, subnormal
ner a mal tiempo buena cara. c o m p
mf. l o c with a jerk bruscamente.
job centre oficina de empleo. y job
P vt dar una sacudida a, tirar de.
hunting bsqueda de trabajo.
P vi dar una sacudida.
jobless [dZbls] adj parado,-a.
jerrycan [dZerIkQn] n bidn m.
jockey [dZkI] n jockey m.
jersey [dZzI] n jersey m, suter m.
jest [dZest] n broma. l o c in jest en jog [dZg] n 1 (push) empujoncito, sa
cudida. 2 (pace) trote m.
P vi bromear.
P vt empujar, sacudir.



P vi hacer footing. l o c at a jog trot a
trote corto. y to go for a jog (ir a) ha
cer footing.
a to jog along vi 1 andar a trote cor
to. 2 fig ir tirando.

pt & pp jogged, ger jogging.

jogging [dZgIN] n footing m.

l o c to
go jogging hacer footing.
join [dZIn] vt 1 (bring together) juntar,
unir. 2 (connect) unir, conectar: the two
cities are joined by a bridge las dos ciuda
des estn unidas por un puente. 3 (company, etc) incorporarse a: Mr Osuna
joined the company last year el Sr Osuna

se incorpor a la empresa el ao pasado.

4 (armed forces) alistarse en; (police) in
gresar en. 5 (club) hacerse socio,-a
de. 6 (party) afiliarse a, ingresar en. 7
(be with sb) reunirse con, unirse a:
would you like to join us for the evening?

broma a algn. y to tell a joke contar

un chiste.
P vi bromear. l o c you must be joking!
venga ya!
joker [dZUkr] n 1 bromista mf: some
joker put salt in the sugar algn gracioso ha
puesto sal en el azcar. 2 (card) como
dn m. 3 fam idiota mf. c o m p the joker
in the pack un elemento desconoci
jolly [dZlI] adj (cheerful) alegre,
animado,-a: she was a very jolly person
era una persona muy animada.
comp jollier, superl jolliest.
P adv gb fam muy: its jolly difficult es la
mar de difcil; they played jolly well juga

ron fenomenal.

a to jolly along vt sep


dar nimos a,

pt & pp jollied, ger jollying.

les gustara pasar la tarde con nosotros? jolt [dZUlt] n 1 sacudida. 2 (fright) susto.
P vt sacudir.
l o c join the club! ya somos dos etc!
P vi dar tumbos.
y to join forces aunar esfuerzos. y to
Jordan [dZdn] n 1 (country) Jordania.
join hands tomarse de las manos.
P vi 1 juntarse, unirse. 2 (rivers) con
Jordanian [dZdeInIn] adj jordano,-a.
P n jordano,-a.
fluir; (roads) juntarse, empalmar.
a to join in vi participar.
jot [dZt] n pizca: there isnt a jot of truth
P vt insep (debate) intervenir en.
in it no hay pizca de verdad en esto; I
a to join up vi alistarse.
dont care a jot me importa un bledo.
P vt apuntar, anotar.
joiner [dZIn r] n carpintero que se
a to jot down vt sep apuntar.
dedica a puertas, ventanas, etc.
pt & pp jotted, ger jotting.
joint [dZInt] n 1 junta, unin f. 2 anat
articulacin f. 3 sl (drugs) porro. l o c joule [dZUl] n julio.
to put out of joint (elbow, shoulder, etc) journal [dZnl] n 1 (magazine) revista.
2 (diary) diario.
dislocar: she put her shoulder out of joint
se disloc el hombro.
journalism [dZnlIzm] n periodis
P adj colectivo,-a, mutuo,-a. c o m p
joint account cuenta conjunta, cuen journalist [dZnlIst] n periodista mf.
t a i n d i s t i n t a . y j o i n t o w n e r journey [dZnI] n viaje m: its a 100 mile
journey es un viaje de 100 millas.
P vt culin descuartizar.
P vi viajar.
jointed [dZIntId] adj 1 articulado,-a. joy [dZI] n 1 alegra, jbilo: her face
2 (chicken, etc) cortado,-a a piezas.
was a picture of joy estaba radiante de ale
jointly [dZIntlI] adv conjuntamente.
gra; hes a joy to work with da gusto traba
jar con l. 2 fam (satisfaction) satisfac
joke [dZUk] n 1 chiste m: shall I tell you a
cin f; (luck) suerte f; (success) xito:
joke? te cuento un chiste? 2 (practical)
you can complain all you like, but youll get
broma: John cant take a joke John no
no joy qujate todo lo que quieras, pero
aguanta una broma. 3 (person) payaso.
l o c to make a joke of sth rerse de alno te servir de nada.
go . y to play a joke on sb gastar una
joyful [dZIfUl] adj jubiloso,-a, alegre.



joystick [dZIstIk] n 1 av palanca de

mando. 2 comput joystick m.
jubilation [dZUbIleISn] n jbilo.

Jubilation no significa 'jubilacin',

que se traduce por retirement.


[dZUbIli] n 1 festejos mpl. 2

(anniversary) aniversario.
Judaism [dZudeIIzm] n judasmo.
P n vibracin f (violenta).
judge [dZdZ] n 1 (man) juez m; (woman)
juez f, jueza. 2 (in competition) jurado,
miembro del jurado.
P vt 1 (court case) juzgar. 2 (calculate)
calcular: its hard to judge how much we
need es difcil calcular cunto necesita
judgement [dZdZmnt] [tambin se
escribe judgment.] n 1 (ability) (buen)
juicio, (buen) criterio. 2 (opinion) jui
cio, opinin f: my personal judgement is
that mi opinin es que ; in my judgement a mi juicio... 3 (decision) fallo. 4
(criticism) crtica.
judicial [dZUdISl] adj judicial. c o m p ju
dicial inquiry investigacin f judicial.
judo [dZUdU] n yudo, judo.
jug [dZg] n 1 jarra, jarro. 2 sl (prison)
juggle [dZgl] vi 1 hacer juegos ma
labares (with, con). 2 fig (figures, etc)
jugar (with, con).
juggler [dZglr] n malabarista mf.
jugular [dZgjlr] adj yugular. c o m p
jugular vein vena yugular.
P n yugular f. l o c to go for the jugular
saltarle a algn a la yugular.
juice [dZUs] n 1 (gen) jugo. 2 (of fruit)
zumo, am jugo. 3 fam (petrol) gasoli
na; (electricity) fuerza, luz f. c o m p juice
extractor licuadora.
juicy [dZUsI] adj 1 jugoso,-a. 2 fam
(gossip, etc) picante, escabroso,-a.

jumble [dZmbl] n revoltijo, mezco

lanza. c o m p jumble sale rastrillo be

P vt desordenar.
jumbo [dZmbU] adj gigante.
P n [Also jumbo jet.] (plane) jumbo.
jump [dZmp] n 1 salto: a parachute jump
un salto en paracadas. 2 (in prices, etc) sal
to, aumento importante, disparo:
theres been a tremendous jump in profits ha
habido un aumento importante de los
beneficios. 3 (fence) valla, obstculo:
the horse refused at the first jump el caballo
se plant en el primer obstculo. c o m p
jump seat asiento plegable. y jump
suit mono.
P vi 1 saltar. 2 (rise sharply) dar un sal
to: inflation jumped 2% last month la infla
cin dio un salto de un 2% el mes pasa
do. l o c to jump to conclusions llegar a
conclusiones precipitadas.
P vt saltar: he tried to jump the wall, but it
was too high intent saltar el muro, pero
era demasiado alto. l o c to jump rope us
saltar a la comba. y to jump the gun
precipitarse, adelantarse. y to jump
the lights saltarse el semforo en ro
jo. y to jump the queue colarse.
a to jump at vt insep aceptar sin pen
sarlo: when they offered him the job, he
jumped at it cuando le ofrecieron el tra
bajo lo acept sin pensar.
jumper1 [dZmpr] n 1 gb jersey m. 2
us (dress) pichi m.
jumper2 [dZmpr] n sp saltador,-ra.
junction [dZNkSn] n 1 (railways) em
palme m. 2 (roads) cruce m. 3 (motorway
- entry) acceso; (- exit) salida.
June [dZUn] n junio.
. Para ejemplos de usos, consulta May.

jungle [dZNgl] n selva, jungla.

junior [ d Z U n I r ] adj 1 (in rank)

subalterno,-a. 2 (in age) menor, ms

joven. 3 us (after name) hijo.
P n 1 (in rank) subalterno,-a. 2 (in age)
menor mf: she is three years my junior tie
ne tres aos menos que yo. 3 gb
July [dZUlaI] n julio.
alumno,-a de EGB. 4 us hijo: wheres
. Para ejemplos de
usos, consulta May.
your mom, Junior? dnde est tu mam,
comp juicier, superl juiciest.
jukebox [dZUkbks] n mquina de


c o m p junior college us colegio
universitario para los dos primeros cursos. y jun
ior high school us instituto de ense
anza secundaria. y junior school gb


escuela primaria.
[dZNk] n trastos mpl. c o m p junk
food comida chatarra. y junk mail co
rreo basura. y junk shop tienda de ca
Jupiter [dZUpItr] n Jpiter m.
Jurassic [dZUrQsIk] adj jursico,-a.
jury [dZUrI] n jurado.


pl juries.

just1 [dZst] adj 1 (fair) justo,-a. 2 (justifi-

able) fundado,-a, justificado,-a. 3 (deserved) merecido,-a. l o c to get ones

just desserts llevar su merecido.
just2 [dZst] adv 1 (exactly) exactamen
te, precisamente, justo: this is just what
I needed esto es justo lo que necesitaba. 2
(only) solamente, solo: no sugar for me,
please, just milk no quiero azcar, gracias,
solo leche. 3 (barely) apenas, por poco:
I ran all the way and (only) just caught the
bus fui corriendo y cog el autobs por
poco. 4 (right now) en este momento:
Im just finishing it lo acabo ahora mismo.

5 (simply) sencillamente: we could just

stay here and wait for her pues, sencilla

mente podramos quedarnos aqu y es

perarla. 6 (for emphasis): hes just as clever
as you are l es tan inteligente como t. 7
(used to interrupt): just shut up, will you? c
llese, por favor! 8 fam (really) realmen
te, verdaderamente: the weathers just
marvellous hace un tiempo realmente
maravilloso. l o c just about prctica
mente. y just in case por si acaso. y
just like that! sin ms! y just so 1 (tidy)
ordenado,-a, arreglado,-a. 2 (as a reply) s, exactamente. y just then en
ese momento. y just the same 1 (not
different) exactamente igual. 2 (nevertheless) sin embargo, no obstante.
P phr to have just + pres part acabar de
+ infin: he has just telephoned acaba de te
justice [dZstIs] n 1 justicia. 2 (judge man) juez m; (- woman) juez f, jueza.
l o c to bring to justice llevar ante los
tribunales. y to do justice to sb hacer
justicia a algn.
justify [dZstIfaI] vt justificar.
pt & pp justified, ger justifying.


K, k [keI] n (the letter) K, k f.

kaleidoscope [klaIdskUp] n cali

kangaroo [kQNgrU] n canguro.

pl kangaroos.

karaoke [kQrIUkI] n karaoke m.

karate [krAtI] n krate m.
karstic [kAstIk] adj krstico,-a.
Kazakh [kQzQk] adj kazajio,-a.

P n 1 (person) kazajio,-a. 2 (language)

Kazakhstan [kQzQkstQn] n Kazajstn.
keen [kin] adj 1 (eager) entusiasta, afi
cionado,-a: hes a very keen pupil es un
alumno muy entusiasta. 2 (sharp - mind,
senses, etc) agudo,-a, vivo,-a; (- look)
penetrante; (- wind) cortante; (- edge,
point) afilado,-a. 3 (feeling) profundo,
-a, intenso,-a. 4 (competition) fuerte,
reido,-a. 5 (price) competitivo,-a.
l o c to be keen on sth ser aficiona
do,-a a algo, gustarle algo a algn. y
to be keen on sb gustarle algn a algn.
y to take a keen interest in mostrar un
gran inters por.
keep [kip] n 1 (board) sustento, man
tenimiento: to earn ones keep ganarse el
pan. 2 (of castle) torren m, torre f del
P vt 1 (not throw away) guardar. 2 (not
give back) quedarse con: keep the change
qudese con el cambio. 3 (have) tener;
(carry) llevar. 4 (look after, save) guardar:

can you keep me a loaf of bread for Friday?

these doors must be kept locked estas puer

tas deben mantenerse cerradas.
P vi 1 (do repeatedly) no dejar de; (do
continuously) seguir, continuar: she was
exhausted but kept swimming estaba ago
tada pero sigui nadando. 2 (stay fresh)
conservarse. 3 (continue in direction)
continuar, seguir: keep left/right circula
por la izquierda/derecha. 4 (with adj,
verb, etc) quedarse, permanecer: we
must keep calm debemos mantener la cal
ma. l o c to keep going seguir (adelan
te). y to keep ones head no perder la
cabeza. y to keep quiet callarse, no
hacer ruido. y to keep sb from doing
sth impedir que algn haga algo. y to
keep sth from sb ocultar algo a algn.
a to keep off vi (stay away) mantener
se a distancia; (of rain) no llover: if the
rain keeps off, well be able to play tennis si
no llueve, podremos jugar a tenis.
P vt sep (make stay away) no dejar en
trar, no dejar acercarse; (avoid) no
tocar, no hablar de: Keep off the grass
No pisar la hierba.
a to keep out vt sep no dejar entrar,
no dejar pasar.
P vi no entrar.
a to keep up vt sep 1 (gen) mantener,
seguir. 2 (from sleeping) mantener
despierto,-a, tener en vela.
P vi 1 (not fall behind) aguantar el ritmo.
2 (stay in touch) mantenerse al da.

pt & pp kept [kept].

[kipr] n 1 (in zoo) guardin,
-ana. 2 (in park) guarda mf. 3 (in muse-


me guarda una barra de pan para el

um) conservador,-ra; (in archives) ar
viernes?. 5 (put away, store) guardar:
where do you keep the glasses? dnde
guardas los vasos? 6 (secret) guardar: kennel [kenl] n caseta del perros.
P n pl kennels (boarding) residencia f
can you keep a secret?
sabes guardar un
secreto? 7 (with adj, verb, etc) mantener:
sing canina.



Kenya [kenj] n Kenia.

Kenyan [kenjn] adj keniano,-a.


kerb [kb] n bordillo.

kept [kept]pt & pp keep.
kernel [knl] n 1 (of nut, fruit) semilla.
2 fig ncleo, grano.

kerosene [kersin] n us queroseno.

ketchup [ketSp] n ketchup m, catsup m.
kettle [ketl] n tetera (para hervir agua):
will you put the kettle on to make some tea?

kid gloves tratar a

algn con guantes

de seda.
P adj (brother, sister) menor.
kid2 [kId] vt 1 (deceive, tease) tomar el
pelo a, engaar. 2 (fool os) engaarse
a s mismo, hacerse ilusiones.
P vi estar de broma: youre kidding! es
ts de broma!, no me digas!; no kidding!
en serio!
kidnap [kIdnQp] vt secuestrar, raptar.

pt & pp kidnapped, ger kidnapping.

quieres poner el agua a hervir para ha kidnapper [kIdnQp r] n secuestra

cer t? l o c thats a different kettle of
fish eso es harina de otro costal.
kidnapping [kIdnQpIN] n secuestro.
key [ki] n 1 (of door, car, etc) llave f. 2 (of kidney [kIdnI] n rin m. c o m p kidney
clock, mechanical) llave f. 3 fig (to problem,
machine rin m artificial.
map, code) clave f; (to exercises) respues kill [kIl] n (act) matanza; (animal) pieza.
tas fpl. 4 (on computer, piano, etc) tecla. 5
P vt 1 matar, asesinar. 2 fig (hope, conmus (on wind instrument) llave f, pistn
versation, etc) destruir, acabar con;
m; (set of notes) clave f; (tone, style) tono.
(pain) aliviar. 3 (hurt) doler mucho: my
P adj clave, principal: tourism is the
backs killing me me duele mucho la es
countrys key industry el turismo es la in
palda. l o c to kill os matarse, suicidar
dustria principal del pas. c o m p key ring
se. y to kill os laughing morirse de ri
sa. y to kill time pasar el rato, matar
a to key in vt sep introducir, teclear:
el tiempo. y to kill two birds with one
she keyed in the data introdujo los datos.
stone matar dos pjaros de un tiro. y
keyboard [kibd] n teclado. c o m p
a to kill off vt sep exterminar, rema
keyboard player teclista mf.
P n pl keyboards teclados mpl.
keyhole [kihUl] n ojo de la cerradura. killer [kIl ] n (person) asesino,-a; (thing)
mata. c o m p killer whale
khaki [kAkI] n caqui m.
P adj caqui.
kick [kIk] n 1 (by person) puntapi m, pa killing [kIlIN] n matanza; (of person)
asesinato. l o c to make a killing ganar
tada. 2 sp golpe m, tiro. 3 (by animal)
una fortuna, hacer el negocio del
coz f. 4 fam (pleasure) diversin f, emo
cin f: he gets a kick out of playing basketP adj fig agotador,-ra, duro,-a.
ball se divierte jugando al baloncesto.
kiln [kIln] n horno.
P vt 1 (hit ball) dar un puntapi a, gol
pear con el pie; (score) marcar. 2 (hit per- kilo [kilU] n kilo.
son) dar una patada a; (move legs) pata
pl kilos.
lear. 3 (by animal) dar coces a, cocear.
kilobyte [kIlbaIt] n kilobyte.
to kick off vi sp sacar, hacer el saque kilocalorie [kIlkQlrI] n kilocalora.
inicial; (begin) empezar, comenzar.
kilogram [kIlgrQm] n kilogramo.
P vt sep 1 (begin) empezar, comenzar,
kilogramme [kIlgrQm] n us kilogram.
iniciar. 2 (remove - shoes) quitarse.
kilometer [kIlmItr] n us kilometer.
a to kick out vt sep echar.
kilometre [kIlmItr] n kilmetro.
kick-off [kIkf] n sp saque m inicial.
kid [kId] n 1 fam cro,-a, nio,-a, chi kilt [kIlt] n falda escocesa.
co,-a, chaval,-la. 2
(animal) cabrito. 3 kimono [kImUnU] n quimono.
(leather) cabritilla. l o c to treat sb with
pl kimonos.

kin [kIn] n parientes mpl, familia.


next of kin pariente m ms prximo.

kind [kaInd] adj (person) amable: she is
the sweetest, kindest person I know es la per

sona ms dulce y amable que conozco;

thats very kind of you eres muy amable.
P n (sort) tipo, gnero, clase f: what kind
of ? qu clase de ? l o c to be two of a
kind ser tal para cual. y to pay in kind 1
pagar en especie. 2 (treatment) pagar
con la misma moneda.
P adv fam kind of bastante, algo, un
poco: its kind of difficult es un poco difcil;
have you finished? Kind of has acabado?
Ms o menos; and that kind of thing y
cosas por el estilo.
kindergarten [kIndgAtn] n parvu
lario, guardera.
kind-hearted [kaIndhAtId] adj bon
kindly [kaIndlI] adj amable.

comp kindlier, superl kindliest.

P adv 1 con amabilidad: she very kindly
lent me 5 tuvo la amabilidad de prestar
me cinco libras. 2 (please) por favor:
kindly shut up! haz el favor de callarte!
kindness [kaIndns] n 1 bondad f,
amabilidad f. 2 (favour) favor m.
kinetics [kInetIks] n cintica.
king [kIN] n rey m. c o m p the king and
queen los reyes mpl. y the Three Kings
los Reyes mpl Magos.
kingdom [kINdm] n reino.
kingfisher [kINfISr] n martn pesca
dor m.
king-size [kINsaIz] adj extragrande,


kiosk [kisk] n 1 quiosco. 2 (telephone)

cabina telefnica.

kipper [kIpr] n arenque m.

Kiribati [kIrIbQtI] n Kiribati.
kiss [kIs] n beso.

kitchen [kItSIn] n cocina.

c o m p kitchen
garden huerto.
kite [kaIt] n 1 (bird) milano. 2 (toy) come
ta: to fly a kite hacer volar una cometa.
kitten [kItn] n gatito,-a. l o c to have
kittens tener un ataque: I nearly had
kittens! por poco me da un ataque!
kitty [kItI] n 1 fam (cat) minino,-a. 2 (in
card games) bote m; (for bills, drinks) fon

do comn.

pl kitties.

kiwi [kiwi] n 1 (bird) kiwi m. 2 (fruit)

kiwi m.

klaxon [klQksn] n claxon m.

knack [nQk] n maa, truco. l o c to get

the knack of doing sth entender cmo

hacer algo, agarrarle el punto a algo.
knapsack [nQpsQk] n mochila.
knead [nid] vt amasar.
knee [ni] n 1 anat rodilla: on ones
knees de rodillas. 2 (of trousers) rodillera.
P vt dar un rodillazo a.
kneecap [nikQp] n rtula.
kneel [nil] vi arrodillarse.

pt & pp knelt [nelt].

kneepad [nipQd] n rodillera.

knelt [nelt] pt & pp kneel.
knew [nju] pt know.
knickers [nIkz] n pl bragas fpl: she bought
three pairs of knickers compr tres bragas.

knife [naIf] n (gen) cuchillo; (folding) na


pl knives.
P vt apualar, acuchillar.
knight [naIt] n 1 arch caballero. 2
(chess) caballo. 3 caballero, (hombre que
lleva el ttulo de Sir). c o m p knight in shining
armour prncipe m azul.
knit [nIt] vt tejer.
P vi 1 hacer punto, hacer media. 2
med soldarse. 3 fig unirse. l o c to knit
ones brow fruncir.
pt & pp knit o knitted, ger knitting.
knitting [nItIN] n (material) punto; (activity) labor f de punto. c o m p knitting
machine tricotosa. y knitting needle

pl kisses.
P vt besar, dar un beso a: he kissed her
on the cheek le dio un beso en la mejilla.
P vi besarse, darse un beso.
kit [kIt] n 1 (equipment, gear) equipo,
aguja de tejer.
equipaje m. 2 (clothes) ropa. 3 (model)
knives [naIvz]pl knife.
maqueta, kit m.
to kit out vt sep equipar.
knitwear [nItwer] n gnero de punto.



knob [nb] n 1 (on door - large) pomo;

(- small) tirador m. 2 (on stick) puo. 3

(natural) bulto, protuberancia. 4 (on
radio, etc) botn m.
knock [nk] n 1 (blow) golpe m. 2 (on
door) llamada: was that a knock at the
door? han llamado a la puerta? 3 fig (bad
luck) revs m.
P vt 1 (to hit) golpear, darse un golpe en.
2 fam (criticize) criticar, hablar mal de:

the newspapers are forever knocking the England manager los peridicos siempre criti

can al entrenador de la seleccin inglesa.

P vi 1 (at door) llamar: please knock before
entering por favor, llamen antes de entrar.
2 (of car engine) golpear, martillear.
a to knock down vt sep 1 (building) de
rribar. 2 (person - with a car) atropellar;
(- with a blow) derribar. 3 (price) rebajar.
a to knock out vt sep 1 (make unconscious) dejar sin conocimiento; (put to
sleep) dejar dormido,-a; (boxing) dejar
K.O. 2 (from competition) eliminar.
a to knock over vt sep 1 (overturn) vol
car, tirar. 2 (run over) atropellar.
knockdown [nkdaUn] adj rebajado.
c o m p knockdown price precio de saldo.
knocker [nkr] n 1 aldaba. 2 (critic)
knockout [nkaUt] n 1 sp knock-out
m, fuera de combate m. 2 fam mara
villa: its a knockout! es alucinante!
knot [nt] n 1 (gen) nudo. 2 (people) co
rrillo, grupo.
P vt anudar.
pt & pp knotted, ger knotting.

know [nU] vt 1 (be acquainted with) co

y you know best t sabes mejor que

yo, sabes lo que ms te conviene. y
to know better tener ms juicio. y to
know by sight conocer de vista. y
a to know about vt insep 1 saber de,
entender de.
a to know of vt insep saber de, haber
odo hablar de.
pt knew [nju], pp known [nUn].

know-all [nUl] n sabelotodo mf.

know-how [nUhaU] n saber hacer m,
conocimiento prctico.

knowledge [nlIdZ] n 1 (learning, infor-

mation) conocimientos mpl: his knowledge of football is amazing sus conoci

mientos de ftbol son increbles. 2
(awareness) conocimiento: at that time I

had no knowledge of what was happening

entonces no tena conocimiento de lo

que estaba pasando. l o c to my know
ledge que yo sepa. y to be common
knowledge that ser notorio que ,
todo el mundo sabe que y it has
come to my knowledge that he lle
gado a saber que y to have a good
knowledge of sth conocer algo bien.
knowledgeable [nlIdZbl] adj en
tendido,-a: hes very knowledgeable about
music es muy entendido en msica.

known [nUn] pp know.

knuckle [nkl] n nudillo.

a to knuckle down vi fam ponerse a

trabajar en serio.

to knuckle under vi pasar por el aro.
koala [kUAl] n koala m.
Koran [krAn] n Alcorn m, Corn m.
Korea [krI] n Corea. c o m p North Ko

rea Corea del Norte. y South Korea

Corea del Sur.
nocer: do you know Colin? conoces a Co
lin? 2 (recognize) reconocer: Id know him Korean [krIn] adj coreano,-a.
P n 1 (person) coreano,-a. 2 (language)
if I saw him again lo reconocera si lo vol
coreano. c o m p North Korean norcorea
viera a ver. 3 (have knowledge of) saber: I
no,-a. y South Korean surcoreano,-a.
dont know the answer no s la respuesta.
kudos [kjuds] n prestigio.
l o c as far as I know que yo sepa. y
dont I know it! y me lo dices a m?, Kurd [kd] adj kurdo,-a.
P n (person) kurdo,-a.
ni que lo digas! y how should I know?
yo qu s? y if only Id known! ha Kurdish [kdIS] adj kurdo,-a.
P n (language) kurdo.
berlo sabido! y not that I know of que
yo sepa, no. y you never know nunca Kuwait [kUweIt] n Kuwait.
ya lo tengo! y Kuwaiti [kUweItI] adj kuwait.
se sabe. y I know what!
P n kuwait mf.
to be in the know estar enterado,-a.


L, l [el] n (the letter) L, l f.

l [litr] symb (litre, us liter) litro; (symbol) l.
lab [lQb] n fam (abbr of laboratory) la

label [leIbl] n 1 etiqueta. 2 (record company) casa discogrfica.

P vt 1 etiquetar, poner etiqueta a. 2
fig calificar (as, de).

pt & pp labelled (us labeled), ger labelling (us labeling).

laboratory [lbrtrI, us lQbrtrI] n


pl laboratories.

labor [leIbr] n us labour.

lachrymal [lQkrIml] adj lagrimal, la


lack [lQk] n falta, carencia, escasez f:

she has no lack of self-confidence no le falta

confianza en s misma. l o c for lack of
por falta de.
P vt carecer de.
lacquer [lQkr] n laca.
P vt (metal, wood) lacar; (hair) poner laca a.

lacrimal [lQkrIml] adj lachrymal.

lactic [lQktIk] adj lctico,-a.
lactose [lQktUs] n lactosa.
lad [lQd] n 1 gb fam muchacho, cha

laborer [leIbrr] n us labourer.

labourer [leIbrr] n pen m, jornale

val m, chico. 2 gb fam diablillo, pillo:

Johns a bit of a lad. John es un poco pillo.
3 (stable boy) mozo de cuadra.
ladder [lQdr] n 1 escalera (de mano).
2 gb (in stocking) carrera. 3 fig escala.
c o m p rope ladder escalera de cuerda.
P vi gb hacerse una carrera.
P vt gb hacerse una carrera en.
laden [leIdn] adj cargado,-a (with,
de). l o c to be fully laden estar lleno,-a
hasta el tope.
ladies [leIdIz] n gb (toilet) lavabo (de
seoras). c o m p ladies room us lavabo
(de seoras).
ladle [leIdl] n cucharn m.
P vt servir con cucharn.
a to ladle out vt sep repartir.
lady [leIdI] n seora; (of high social position) dama.

labyrinth [lQbrInT] n laberinto.

lace [leIs] n 1 (material) encaje m. 2

ladybird [leIdIbd] n mariquita.

ladybug [leIdIbg] n us mariquita.
lag [lQg] n 1 retraso. 2 gb sl preso.

" El Labor Day es el da del trabajo en

Estados Unidos. Se celebra del primer lu
nes de septiembre y marca el final del ve
rano y el inicio del curso escolar.


[leIb r] n 1 (work) trabajo. 2

(task) labor f, tarea, faena. 3 (workforce)
mano f de obra. 4 (childbirth) parto.
c o m p labour camp campo de trabajos
forzados. y Labour Day da del traba
jo. y labour force mano f de obra.
P vi 1 (work hard) trabajar duro. 2 (move
slowly) avanzar penosamente; (engine)
funcionar con dificultad.
P n Labour gb los laboristas mpl , el
Partido Laborista.

ro,-a, bracero.
pen m agrcola.


farm labourer

pl ladies.

c o m p time lag retraso.

(shoestring) cordn m.
[lAgr] n cerveza rubia.
P vt (pull string through) poner los cor
dones a.
laid [leId] pt & pp lay2.



lain [leIn] pp lie .

lake [leIk] n lago.
lama [lAm] n lama m.
lamb [lQm] n 1 (animal) cordero,-a. 2

(meat) carne f de cordero. 3 fam (person)

cordero,-a: poor lamb! pobrecito,-a!
lame [leIm] adj 1 cojo,-a: lame in one leg
cojo,-a de una pierna. 2 fig dbil; (excuse) poco convincente; (business)
fallido,-a. c o m p lame duck intil mf.
lamp [lQmp] n 1 lmpara. 2 (on car,
train) faro.
lamppost [lQmppUst] n (poste m de)
farol m.
lampshade [lQmpSeId] n pantalla (de
land [lQnd] n 1 (gen) tierra: by land and
sea por tierra y por mar. 2 (soil) suelo,
tierra. 3 (country, region) tierra: in foreign
lands en tierras extranjeras. 4 (property)
terreno, tierras fpl. l o c land ahoy!
tierra a la vista! c o m p farm land tie
rras fpl de cultivo. y land-agent gb
encargado,-a de una granja.
P vi 1 (plane, etc) aterrizar, tomar tie
rra; (bird) posarse. 2 (disembark) des
embarcar. 3 (fall) caer.
a to land in vt sep causar, traer: hes
bound to land you in trouble seguro que te
traer problemas.
a to land up vi acabar.
landing [lQndIN] n 1 (plane) aterrizaje
m. 2 (on stairs) descansillo, rellano. 3
(of people) desembarco. c o m p crash
landing aterrizaje m de emergencia.
y landing field pista de aterrizaje. y
landing gear tren m de aterrizaje.
landlady [lQndleIdI] n (of flat) propie
taria, duea; (of house) casera.
pl landladies.

landlord [lQndld] n 1 (of flat) propie

(on road) carril m. 3 (in athletics, swimming)

calle f.
language [lQNgwIdZ] n 1 (faculty, way
of speaking) lenguaje m. 2 (tongue) idio
ma m, lengua. 3 (school subject) lengua.
l o c to use bad language ser mal
hablado,-a. c o m p language laboratory
laboratorio de idiomas. y language
school escuela de idiomas.
lantern [lQntn] n linterna, farol m.
Laos [laUz, laUs] n Laos.
Laotian [laUSIn] adj laosiano,-a.
P n laosiano,-a.
lap1 [lQp] n regazo; (knees) rodillas fpl;
(skirt) falda.
lap2 [lQp] n 1 sp vuelta. 2 fig (stage) eta
P vt sp (overtake) doblar.
P vi (go round) dar la vuelta.
pt & pp lapped, ger lapping.

lap3 [lQp] vt 1 (animal) beber a lenge

tadas. 2 (waves) lamer, besar.
pt & pp lapped, ger lapping.

lapel [lpel] n solapa.

Lapland [lQplQnd] n Laponia.
lapse [lQps] n 1 (in time) intervalo, lap

so. 2 (slip) desliz m. 3 (when speaking)

lapsus m; (of memory) fallo.
laptop [lQptp] [also laptop computer] n ordenador m porttil.
lard [lAd] n manteca de cerdo.
larder [lAdr] n despensa.
large [lAdZ] adj 1 grande; (before sing
noun) gran; (sum, amount) importante;
(meal) abundante. 2 (family) nume
roso,-a. 3 (extensive) amplio,-a, exten
so,-a. l o c at large (as a whole) en gene
ral. y by and large por lo general.
large-scale [lAdZskeIl] adj 1 de gran
escala. 2 (map) a gran escala.
lark1 [lAk] n (bird) alondra.
lark2 [lAk] n fam (bit of fun) broma.
a to lark about / lark around vi fam
hacer el indio.
larva [lAv] n larva.

tario, dueo; (of house) casero.

[lQndUnr] n propieta
rio,-a, terrateniente mf, hacendado,-a.
landscape [lQndskeIp] n paisaje m.
c o m p landscape gardener jardinista mf,
arquitecto,-a paisajista. y landscape
pl larvae [lAvi].
painter paisajista mf.
laryngitis [lQrIndZaIts] n laringitis f.
P vt ajardinar.
lane [leIn] n 1 (in country)
camino, sen larynx [lQrINks] n laringe f.
pl larynxes o larynges [lQrIdZiz].
dero; (in town) callejuela, callejn m. 2




lasagna [lzAnj] n lasaa.

laser [leIzr] n lser m.
lash [lQS] n 1 (blow with whip) latigazo,
azote m; (with tail) coletazo. 2 (whip) l
tigo; (thong) tralla. 3 (eyelash) pestaa.
pl lashes.
P vt 1 (in general) azotar. 2 (fasten) suje


[leItlI] adv ltimamente, re


later [leItr] adj 1 ms tardo,-a: well

discuss that at a later date hablaremos de

eso ms adelante. 2 (more recent) ms re


1 ms tarde: five minutes later cin

co minutos ms tarde; see you later! hasta
luego! 2 (afterwards) despus, luego.
a to lash out vi 1 arremeter (against/
l o c later on ms adelante, ms tarde.
at , contra). 2 (splurge) gastarse un
lateral [lQtrl] adj lateral.
montn (de dinero) (on, en).
latest [leItIst] adj ltimo,-a, ms re
lass [lQs] n fam chica, chavala.
pl lasses.
P n lo ltimo. l o c at the latest como
lasso [lQsU] n lazo.
pl lassos o lassoes.
last [lAst] adj 1 (final) ltimo,-a. 2 (most latex [leIteks] n ltex m.
recent) ltimo,-a: the last time la ltima lather [lADr] n 1 (of soap) espuma. 2
(sweat) sudor m.
vez. 3 (past) pasado,-a; (previous) ante
P vt enjabonar.
rior: last Monday el lunes pasado; the
Latin [lQtIn] adj latino,-a.
night before last anteanoche.
P n 1 (person) latino,-a. 2 (language) la
P adv 1 por ltima vez: when he last
t n m . comp L a t i n A m e r i c a n
came to see me cuando vino a verme por
ltima vez. 2 (at the end) en ltimo lu
gar; (in race) en ltima posicin. l o c at latitude [lQtItjUd] n latitud f.
last al fin, por fin. y at long last por latter [lQtr] adj 1 (last) ltimo,-a: the
latter days of his life were very happy los l
P n (person) el/la ltimo,-a; (thing) lo
timos das de su vida fueron muy feli
ltimo: are you the last? eres t el lti
ces. 2 (second) segundo,-a.
P pron the latter ste,-a, este,-a lti
mo? l o c last but one penltimo,-a.
P vi (continue) durar; (hold out) aguantar,
lattice [lQtIs] n celosa, enrejado.
P vt durar.
Latvia [lQtvI] n Letonia.
a to last out vi resistir, aguantar.
Latvian [lQtvIn] adj letn,-ona.
lasting [lAstIN] adj duradero,-a.
P n 1 (person) letn,-ona. 2 (language)
lastly [lAstlI] adv por ltimo, final
letn m.
laugh [lAf] vi rer, rerse: it makes me
latch [lQtS] n pestillo: come in, the doors
laugh me da risa. l o c he who laughs
on the latch entra, el pestillo no est
last laughs longest quien re ltimo
re mejor. y to laugh ones head off
fam morirse de risa, matarse de ri
late [leIt] adj 1 (not on time) tardo,-a:
youre ten minutes late llegas diez minu
P n risa: we had a really good laugh nos
tos tarde. 2 (far on in time) tarde: in late
remos muchsimo.
May a finales de mayo. 3 euph (dead)
a to laugh at vt insep rerse de.
difunto,-a, fallecido,-a. 4 (former) an
a to laugh off vt sep tomar a risa.
terior. 5 (last-minute) de ltima hora.
l o c to get late hacerse tarde.
laughter [lAft r] n risas fpl: a fit of
laughter un ataque de risa.
P adv 1 tarde: I stayed up late last night
anoche me acost muy tarde. 2 (recently) launch [lntS] vt 1 lanzar: it will be
recientemente: as
late as yesterday ayer
launched on the market next year se lanza
r al mercado el ao que viene. 2 (ship)
mismo. l o c of late ltimamente.


P adv



botar; (lifeboat) echar al mar. 3 (film,

etc) estrenar; (book) presentar. 4 (company) fundar. 5 (scheme, attack) iniciar.
c o m p launch pad plataforma de lan
P n (boat) lancha.
pl launches.

launching [lntSIN] n 1 lanzamiento.

2 (of ship) botadura. 3 (of film) estreno;

(of book) presentacin f. c o m p launch
ing pad plataforma de lanzamiento.
launder [lndr] vt 1 (clothes) lavar (y
planchar). 2 fig (money) blanquear.
launderette [lndret] n lavandera


laundry [lndrI] n 1 (place) lavande

ra. 2 (dirty) ropa sucia, colada; (clean)

ropa limpia, ropa lavada. l o c to do
the laundry lavar la ropa.
pl laundries.

lava [lAv] n lava.

lavatory [lQvt rI] n 1 vter m . 2
(room) lavabo, bao.
pl lavatories.


5 (bet) apostar. 6 (charge) formular. l o c

to lay the table poner la mesa.
P vi (hen) poner huevos.
a to lay by vt sep guardar; (money) aho


a to lay down vt sep 1 (let go) dejar, sol

tar. 2 (give up) entregar. 3 (establish) im

poner, fijar.
a to lay off vt sep (worker) despedir.
P vt insep fam (stop) dejar en paz.
P vi fam parar: lay off! ya est bien!,
para ya!
a to lay on vt sep (provide) suministrar.
P vt insep (burden) cargar.
a to lay out vt sep 1 (spread out) tender,
extender. 2 (arrange) disponer, colo
car. 3 (present) presentar, exponer. 4
(town, etc) hacer el trazado de; (garden)
a to lay over vi us (gen) hacer una pa
rada (at/in, en); (plane) hacer escala
(at/in, en).
pt & pp laid [leId].

lay3 [leI] pp lie2.

lay-by [leIbaI] n rea de descanso.

[lQvInd r] n espliego, la
pl lay-bys.
layer [leIr] n 1 capa. 2 (of rock) estrato.
P adj (colour) de color lavanda.
3 (hen) gallina ponedora.
law [l] n 1 ley f. 2 educ derecho. l o c layout [leIaUt] n 1 (arrangement) dispo
against the law contra la ley. y by law
sicin f; (presentation) presentacin f.
por ley. y to keep within the law obrar
2 (printing) composicin f, formato. 3
segn la ley. c o m p law and order or
(plan) trazado.
den m pblico. y law court tribunal m laze [leIz] vi gandulear, holgazanear.
de justicia.
a to laze about / laze around vi hacer
lawful [lfUl] adj legal.
el vago.
lawn [ln] n csped m.
laziness [leIzIns] n pereza.
lawnmower [lnmUr] n cortacs lazy [leIzI] adj 1 gandul,-la, vago,-a,
ped m & f.
perezoso,-a. 2 (river) perezoso,-a.
lawsuit [lsjUt] n pleito, juicio.
comp lazier, superl laziest.
lawyer [ljr] n abogado,-a.
lazybones [leIzIbUnz] n perezoso,-a,
laxative [lQkstIv] adj laxante.
P n laxante m.
pl lazybones.
lay1 [leI] adj 1 rel laico,-a, seglar. 2 lb [paUnd] abbr (pound) libra.
pl lb o lbs.
(non-professional) lego,-a, no profesio
lead1 [led] n 1 (metal) plomo. 2 (in pencil)
mina. l o c to swing the lead fam hacer
lay [leI] vt 1 (gen) poner, colocar;
el vago.
(spread out) extender. 2 (bricks, carpet)
poner; (cable, pipe) tender; (foundations, lead2 [lid] vt 1 (guide) llevar, conducir:
3 (prepare)
basis) echar; (bomb) colocar.
our tour guide led the way to the cathedral
la gua nos llev a la catedral. 2 (be leader
preparar; (curse) lanzar. 4 (eggs) poner.



of) liderar, dirigir. 3 (be first in) ocupar

el primer puesto en. 4 (influence) lle
var: he is easily led se deja llevar fcil
P vi 1 (road) conducir, llevar (to, a). 2
(command) tener el mando. 3 (go first) ir

pt & pp led [led].

P n 1 (front position) delantera. 2 sp lide
rato; (difference) ventaja. 3 theat pri
mer papel m.
leader [lidr] n 1 pol lder mf, dirigen
te mf. 2 (in race) lder mf (of/in, de).
leadership [lidSIp] n 1 (position) lide
rato, liderazgo. 2 (qualities) dotes mpl
de mando. 3 (leaders) direccin f.
lead-free [ledfri] adj sin plomo.
leading [lidIN] adj destacado,-a,


leaf [lif] n 1 (of plant) hoja. 2 (of book)

hoja, pgina.

pl leaves [li:vz].

leaflet [liflt] n (folded) folleto; (single

sheet) octavilla, hoja suelta.

P vi gb repartir folletos, repartir oc
league [lig] n liga. l o c to be in league
with sb estar conchabado,-a con
leak [lik] vi 1 (container) tener un aguje
ro; (pipe) tener un escape. 2 (roof) go
tear. 3 (gas, fluid) escaparse.
P n 1 (hole) agujero. 2 (in roof) gotera. 3
(of gas) fuga, escape m; (of liquid) escape
m. 4 fig (of information, etc) filtracin f.
a to leak out vi 1 (gas, fluid) escaparse.
2 fig filtrarse.
leakage [likIdZ] n fuga, escape m.
leaky [likI] adj 1 (container) agujerea
do,-a; (pipe) con un escape. 2 (roof)
que tiene goteras. 3 (pipe) que tiene

lean2 [lin] vi 1 inclinarse. 2 (for support)

apoyarse (on, en) (against, contra).

P vt apoyar.
a to lean on vt insep 1 (depend on) de
pender de. 2 (pressure) presionar a.
a to lean towards vt insep estar a fa
vor de, tirar hacia.
pt & pp leaned o leant [lent].

leaning [linIN] adj inclinado,-a.


inclinacin f, tendencia.

leant [lent] pt & pp lean2.

leap [lip] vi saltar, brincar.

pt & pp leaped o leapt [lept].

P n 1 salto, brinco. c o m p leap year ao


leapfrog [lipfrg] n pdola.

P vt

fig (skip) saltarse.

pt & pp leapfrogged, ger leapfrogging.

leapt [lept] pt & pp leap.
learn [ln] vt 1 aprender: Id love to
learn (how) to ice-skate me encantara
aprender a patinar sobre hielo. 2 (find out

about) enterarse de, saber.

1 aprender. 2 (find out) enterarse
(about/of, de).
P vi

pt & pp learned o learnt [lnt].

learned [lnd] adj erudito,-a.

learner [lnr] n estudiante mf.


learner driver conductor,-a en prcti


learnt [lnt] pt & pp learn.

leash [liS] n correa.
leasing [lisIN] n 1 arrendamiento,

arriendo. 2 fin leasing m.

[list] adj menor, menos: he
makes the least money es el que gana me
nos dinero.
P adv menos: when you least expect it
cuando menos lo esperas.
P n lo menos: its the least I can do es lo
menos que puedo hacer. l o c at (the)
least por lo menos.
comp leakier, superl leakiest.
leather [leDr] n piel f, cuero.
lean1 [lin] adj 1 (person) delgado,-a, fla
P adj de piel, de cuero.
co,-a. 2 (meat) magro,-a. 3 (harvest) leave1 [liv] vt 1 (go away from) dejar,
malo,-a, escaso,-a; (year) malo,-a,
abandonar; (go out of) salir de: she left
pobre: it was a lean year for car sales fue
home when she was 16 se march de casa
un mal ao para la
venta de coches.
a los 16 aos. 2 (stop being with) irse de,
P n (meat) carne f magra.
marcharse de. 3 (forget) dejarse, olvi




dar, olvidarse. 4 (allow to remain) dejar:

please leave the door open por favor, deja
la puerta abierta. 5 (cause to remain) de
jar: the glass left a ring on the table el vaso
dej un cerco en la mesa. 6 (bequeath)
dejar, legar. 7 math dar: two from six
leaves four seis menos dos dan cuatro.
P vi marcharse, irse, partir: he left for
Rome this morning esta maana sali ha
cia Roma.
a to leave off vt insep dejar de: there
was so much noise that I had to leave off
studying haba tanto ruido que tuve que

dejar de estudiar.
acabar, terminar.
a to leave out vt sep omitir, excluir.
P vi

pt & pp left, ger leaving.

[liv] n 1 (time off) permiso. 2
(permission) permiso. l o c to be on leave


estar de permiso.

leaven [levn] n levadura.

leaves [livz] pl leaf.
Lebanese [lebniz] adj libans,-esa.


pl the Lebanese los libaneses mpl.

Lebanon [lebnn] n Lbano.

lectern [lektn] n atril m; (in church) fa
cistol m.

lecture [lektSr] n 1 conferencia. 2 (in

university) clase f. 3 (telling-off) repri

menda, sermn m.
P vi 1 dar una conferencia ( on, so
bre). 2 (in university) dar clase.
P vt (scold) sermonear, echar una re
primenda a.

Lecture no significa 'lectura', que se

traduce por reading.

lecturer [lektSrr] n 1 conferenciante

mf. 2 (in university) profesor,-ra.

Lecturer no significa 'lector', que se

traduce por reader.

led [livz] pp & pt lead2.

ledge [ledZ] n 1 (shelf) repisa; (of win-

leech [litS] n sanguijuela.

leek [lik] n puerro.
left1 [left] adj 1 izquierdo,-a. 2 pol de

izquierdas: the left wing of the party el

ala izquierda del partido.
P adv a la izquierda, hacia la izquier
P n 1 izquierda: keep to the left mantn
gase a la izquierda. 2 (punch) golpe m de
la izquierda. l o c on the left a mano


[left] pt & pp leave1. l o c to be

left quedar: is there any milk left? queda
leche? y to be left over sobrar, quedar.
c o m p left luggage office consigna.
left-hand [lefthQnd] adj izquierdo,-a:
the shop is on the left-hand side la tienda

est a mano izquierda.

leftover [leftUvr] adj sobrante, res


pl leftovers sobras fpl, restos mpl.

leg [leg] n 1 anat pierna; (of animal) pa

ta. 2 culin (lamb, etc) pierna; (chicken,

etc) muslo. 3 (of furniture) pata, pie m. 4
(of trousers) pernera. 5 (stage) etapa. l o c
to pull sbs leg fam tomarle el pelo a
legal [ligl] adj 1 legal, lcito,-a. 2 (relating to the law) jurdico,-a, legal: the
legal profession la abogaca. l o c to take
legal action entablar un pleito
(against, contra).
legalize [liglaIz] vt legalizar.
legend [ledZnd] n leyenda.
legendary [ledZndrI] adj legenda
leggings [legINz] n pl (whole leg) mallas
fpl; (below knee) polainas fpl.
legible [ledZbl] adj legible.
legion [lidZn] n legin f.
legionary [lidZnrI] n legionario.
pl legionaries.

legionnaire [lidZner] n legionario.

c o m p legionnaires disease enferme

dad f del legionario.
dow) antepecho, alfizar m. 2 (of rock)
legislation [ledZIsleISn] n legislacin f.
saliente m.
lee [li] n 1 mar sotavento, socaire m. 2 l e g i s l a t i v e [ l e d Z I s l t I v ] a d j
c in the lee of al
(shelter) abrigo. l o
abrigo de.
legitimate [lIdZItImt] adj legtimo,-a.



legume [legjUm] n legumbre f.

leisure [leZr, us liZr] n ocio, tiempo

libre. l o c at leisure 1 (with free time) en

su tiempo libre. 2 (calmly) tranquila
mente. c o m p leisure centre centro re
lemon [lemn] n limn m.
P adj (colour) de color limn. c o m p lem
on squeezer exprimidor m. y lemon
tree limonero.
lemonade [lemneId] n 1 (fizzy - plain)
gaseosa; (- lemony-flavoured) limonada.
2 (still) limonada.
lend [lend] vt 1 dejar, prestar: could you
lend me some money? me dejas un poco
de dinero? 2 fig (add) dotar de, pres
tar. l o c to lend os to sth prestarse a
algo, prestarse para algo. y to lend
(sb) a hand echar una mano (a algn).
pt & pp lent [lent].

length [leNT] n 1 longitud f. 2 (of time)

duracin f. 3 (piece) trozo; (of cloth) lar
go. 4 (of road) tramo; (of swimming pool)
lengthen [leNTn] vt 1 (skirt, etc) alar
gar. 2 (lifetime) prolongar.
P vi 1 (skirt, etc) alargarse. 2 (lifetime)
prolongarse; (days) crecer.
lengthy [leNTI] adj (in general) largo,-a.
comp lengthier, superl lengthiest.

lens [lenz] n 1 (of glasses) lente m & f. 2

(of camera) objetivo. 3 anat cristalino.
pl lenses.

lent [lent] pt & pp lend.

lentil [lentl] n lenteja.
Leo [liU] n Leo.
leopard [lepd] n leopardo.
leotard [litAd] n malla.
Lesotho [lIsUtU] n Lesotho.
less [les] adj menos.

lesser [lesr] adj menor.

lesson [lesn] n 1 (class) clase f. 2 (warning) leccin f.

let [let] vt (allow) dejar: he lets the children

watch cartoon videos a los nios les deja

mirar vdeos de dibujos animados.


to let sb alone dejar a algn en paz, no

molestar a algn. y to let sb know ha

cer saber a algn, avisar a algn.

que + subjuntivo: let him come que
venga; lets go! vamos!, vmonos!
P vt gb (rent) alquilar: House to let Se
alquila casa.
P n gb (renting) alquiler m.
a to let down vt sep 1 (lower) bajar. 2
(lengthen) alargar. 3 (deflate) desinflar.
4 (disappoint) fallar, defraudar.
a to let in vt sep dejar entrar: her father
let me in me abri su padre.
a to let into vt sep 1 dejar entrar a: this
key will let you into the garage con esta lla
ve podrs entrar en el garaje. 2 (reveal)
a to let off vt sep 1 (leave off) dejar. 2
(bomb) hacer explotar; (fireworks) ha
cer estallar. 3 (person - forgive) perdo
(- let leave) dejar marcharse; (- free) de
jar en libertad.
a to let on vi fam (tell) decir, descu
P vt insep fam (pretend) hacer ver.
a to let out vt sep 1 (in general) dejar
salir; (release) soltar (from, de). 2 (utter)
a to let through vt sep dejar pasar.
a to let up vi parar.
a to let up on vt insep fam dejar en
P aux

pt & pp let, ger letting.

lets [lets] v aux let.

letter [letr] n 1 (of alphabet) letra. 2

pron menos: the less you buy, the less

(message) carta. l o c to the letter al pie
youll spend cunto menos compres, me
de la letra. c o m p capital letter mays
nos gastars. l o c no less nada menos.
cula. y letter box buzn m. y small let
P adv menos: less and less cada vez me
ter minscula.
nos; he was being less than sincere no fue
nada sincero. l o c much less menos an. lettuce [letIs] n lechuga.
leukaemia [lUkimI] n leucemia.
P prep menos.
leukemia [lUkimI] n us leukaemia.
lessen [lesn] vt disminuir,
P vi disminuir, reducirse.
leukocyte [lUksaIt] n leucocito.




[lev l] adj 1 (horizontal) llano,-a,

plano,-a. 2 (even) a nivel, nivelado,-a;
(spoonful, etc) raso,-a: the tables not level la
mesa no est nivelada. 3 (equal) igual,
igualado,-a. 4 (steady) estable; (voice)
llano,-a. c o m p level crossing paso a ni
P n 1 nivel m: above sea level sobre el ni
vel del mar. 2 (flat ground) llano, llanu
ra. l o c to be on a level with estar al
mismo nivel que.
P vt 1 (make level, survey) nivelar. 2 (raze)
arrasar, rasar. 3 (aim) apuntar.
P adv a ras (with, de).

pt & pp levelled (us leveled), ger levelling (us leveling).

lever [liv r] n 1 palanca. 2 (in lock)


levy [levI] vt recaudar; (fine) imponer.

pt & pp levied, ger levying.

recaudacin f; (of fine) imposicin f.
pl levies.
lexical [leksIkl] adj lxico,-a.
liable [laIbl] adj 1 (likely, susceptible)
propenso,-a (to, a): the car is liable to
stall el coche tiende a calarse. 2 (susceptible) susceptible (to, a).
liar [laIr] n mentiroso,-a, embuste
ro,-a: hes such a liar! menudo embus

tero est hecho!

liberal [lIbrl] adj 1 (in general) liberal.

2 (abundant) abundante.

Liberal [lIbrl] adj pol liberal.

P n pol

liberal mf.

liberalize [lIbrlaIz] vt liberalizar.

liberation [lIbreISn] n liberacin f.
Liberia [laIbIrI] n Liberia.
Liberian [laIbIrIn] adj liberiano,-a.


liberty [lIbtI] n libertad f.

pl libraries.

Library no significa 'librera (tienda)',

que se traduce por bookshop, ni 'librera
(mueble)', que se traduce por bookcase.

libretto [lIbretU] n libreto.

pl librettos o libretti [lIbreti].

Libya [lIbI] n Libia.

Libyan [lIbIn] adj libio,-a.


lice [laIs] pl louse.

licence [laIsns] n 1 (permit) licencia,
permiso. 2 (freedom) libertad f; (excessive freedom) licencia. c o m p licence
number matrcula.

license [laIsns] n us licence.

P vt

autorizar, dar licencia a.

licensed [laIsnst] adj autorizado,-a.

lichen [laIkn, lItSn] n liquen m.
lick [lIk] vt 1 lamer. 2 fam (defeat - team)

vencer a, derrotar; (- problem) supe

rar, solucionar. l o c to lick ones lips
P n 1 lamedura, lengetada. 2 fam (of
paint) mano f.
licorice [lIkrIs, lIkrIS] n regaliz m.
lid [lId] n 1 (cover) tapa. 2 (of eye) prpa
do. l o c to take the lid off sth fig desta
par algo.
lie1 [laI] vi mentir.
pt & pp lied, ger lying.
P n mentira. l o c to tell lies mentir.
lie2 [laI] vi 1 (adopt a flat position) acos
tarse, tumbarse. 2 (be situated) estar
(situado,-a), encontrarse. 3 (be buried) yacer. 4 (remain) quedarse, per


a to lie back vi recostarse.

a to lie down vi acostarse, tumbarse,


pl liberties. l o c at liberty en liber

tad, libre (to, de). y to take liberties
with sb/sth tomarse libertades con

a to lie up vi guardar cama.

pt lay [leI], pp lain [leIn], ger lying.
Liechtenstein [lIktnstaIn] n Liech

Libra [libr] n Libra m.

librarian [laIbrerIn] n biblioteca

lie-down [laIdaUn] n siesta.

lieutenant [leftennt, us lUtennt] n 1



teniente m. 2 (non-military) lugarte

niente m.
c o m p newspaper li
lection) coleccin f.
life [laIf] n 1 vida. 2 (of battery) duracin
brary hemeroteca.
f. l o c its a matter of life and death es

library [laIbrrI] n 1 biblioteca. 2 (col-




cuestin de vida o muerte. y not on

your life! fam ni hablar! y to come to
life cobrar vida. y to lose ones life per
der la vida. y to take ones own life sui
cidarse, quitarse la vida. y to take sbs
life matar a algn. c o m p life belt / life
buoy salvavidas m. y life jacket chaleco
salvavidas. y life style estilo de vida.
pl lives [laIvz].

lifeboat [laIfbUt] n 1 (on shore) lancha

de socorro. 2 (on ship) bote m salvavi

lifeguard [laIfgAd] n socorrista mf.
lifelong [laIflN] adj de toda la vida.
life-saver [laIfseIvr] n socorrista mf.
lifestyle [laIfstaIl] n estilo de vida.
lifetime [laIftaIm] n 1 vida: in her lifetime en su vida. 2 fam eternidad f.
lift [lIft] vt 1 (in general) levantar, coger.
2 (by plane) transportar.
P vi (of movable parts) levantarse:.
P n gb ascensor m. l o c to give sb a lift 1
(in car) llevar a algn en auto. 2 (cheer
up) animar.
liftoff [lIftf] n despegue m.
ligament [lIgmnt] n ligamento.
light1 [laIt] n 1 (gen) luz f. 2 (lamp) luz f,
lmpara; (traffic light) semforo. 3 (for
cigarette, fire) fuego. l o c in (the) light of
gb en vista de, teniendo en cuenta. y
to come to light salir a luz. y to throw
light on sth aclarar algo . c o m p light
bulb bombilla. y light switch interrup
tor m de la luz. y light year ao luz.
P vt 1 (ignite) encender. 2 (illuminate) ilu
minar, alumbrar.
pt & pp lighted o lit [lIt].
P adj 1 (colour) claro,-a; (complexion)
blanco,-a. 2 (bright) con mucha clari


lighter [laItr] [also cigarette lighter] n

encendedor m, mechero.

lighthouse [laIthaUs] n faro.

lighting [laItIN] n 1 (in general) ilumi
nacin f. 2 (system) alumbrado.

lightly [laItlI] adv 1 (not heavily) ligera

mente. 2 (not seriously) a la ligera.

lightning [laItnIN] n rayo; (flash only)


lights-out [laItsaUt] n la hora de apa

gar las luces.

lightweight [laItweIt] n (boxing) peso


lignite [lIgnaIt] n lignita.

like1 [laIk] prep 1 (the same as) como: the

dress looks like new el vestido est como

nuevo. 2 (typical of) propio,-a de: it isnt
like her to make a scene no es propio de
ella armar un escndalo. l o c to look like
sb parecerse a algn. y something like
that algo as, algo por el estilo.
P adj 1 (such as) como. 2 fml parecido,-a.
P conj fam como.
P n algo parecido: Ive never seen the
like of it nunca he vista cosa igual.
like2 [laIk] vt 1 (enjoy) gustar. 2 (want)
querer, gustar: Id like a cup of coffee me
gustara tomar un caf. l o c to like sth
better preferir algo.
P vi querer: if you like si quieres.
P n pl likes gustos mpl.
likeable [laIkbl] adj simptico,-a.
likelihood [laIklIhUd] n probabilidad f.
likely [laIklI] adj probable: hes likely to
leave late es probable que salga tarde.
P adv probablemente. l o c as likely as
not fam lo ms seguro.

comp likelier, superl likeliest.

likeness [laIkns] n 1 (similarity) seme

janza, parecido. 2 (portrait) retrato.

[laIt] adj 1 (not heavy) ligero,-a;
(rain) fino,-a; (breeze) suave. 2 (sentence, likewise [laIkwaIz] adv 1 (the same) lo
mismo, igualmente: to do likewise ha
wound) leve. c o m p light aircraft avio
cer lo mismo.
lighten1 [laItn] vt 1 (colour) aclarar. 2 liking [laIkIN] n (for thing) gusto, aficin
f; (for person) simpata; (for friend) cario.
(room) iluminar.
lilac [laIlk] n 1 bot lila. 2 (colour) lila m.
P vi (colour) aclararse.
P adj (de color) lila.
lighten2 [laItn] vt (make less heavy) ali
[lIlI] n lirio, azucena.
P vi (mood, etc) alegrarse.
pl lilies.





[lImb] n 1


(branch) rama.

miembro. 2

a to limber up vi sp entrar en calor.

P vt

sep calentar.

lime [laIm] n 1 (citrus fruit) lima. 2 (citrus

tree) limero. 3 (linden) tilo.

limestone [laImstUn] n piedra cali


limit [lImIt] n lmite m.

l o c thats the
limit! fam eso es el colmo! y to be off
limits estar en zona prohibida (to,
para). y within limits dentro de cier

line-up [laInp] n (of people) alineacin

f, formacin f.

lingerie [lAnZri] n fml lencera.

linguist [lINgwIst] n 1 lingista mf. 2
(fam) polglota mf.

linguistic [lINgwIstIk] adj lingstico,-a.

linguistics [lINgwIstIks] n lingstica.
lining [laInIN] n forro.
link [lINk] n 1 (in chain) eslabn m. 2 (connection) enlace m. 3 fig vnculo, lazo.
P vt 1 unir, conectar. 2 fig vincular,
linkage [lINkIdZ] n conexin f.
lintel [lIntl] n dintel m.
lion [laIn] n len m.
lioness [laIns] n leona.

tos lmites.
limitar, restringir (to, a)
limitation [lImIteISn] n limitacin f.
limousine [lImzin] n limusina.
limp1 [lImp] vi cojear.
pl lionesses.
P n cojera.
lip [lIp] n 1 labio. 2 (of cup, etc) borde m.
limp 2 [lImp] adj 1 (floppy) flojo,-a, lipid [lIpId] n lpido.
flccido,-a; (lettuce) mustio,-a. 2 lip-read [lIprid] vt leer en los labios.
(weak) dbil.
P vi leer en los labios.
pt & pp lip-read [lIpred].
limpet [lImpIt] n lapa.
lipstick [lIpstIk] n (stick) barra de la
linden [lIndn] n tilo.
bios, lpiz m de labios; (substance)
line [laIn] n 1 (in general) lnea: in a
pintura de labios.
straight line en lnea recta. 2 (drawn on
paper) raya. 3 (of text) lnea, rengln m; liquefaction [lIkwIfQkSn] n licuefac
cin f, licuacin f.
(of poetry) verso: new line punto y aparte.
4 (row) fila, hilera. 5 us (queue) cola. 6 liquefy [lIkwIfaI] vt licuar.
P vi licuarse.
(cord) cuerda, cordel m; (fishing) sedal
pt & pp liquefied, ger liquefying.
m; (wire) cable m. 7 (route) va. l o c all
along the line 1 (from the beginning) des liqueur [lIkjUr, us lIkr] n licor m.
de el principio. 2 (in detail) con todo liquid [lIkwId] n 1 lquido.
P adj 1 lquido,-a.
detalle. y in line with fig conforme a. y
to stand in line us hacer cola. c o m p liquidate [lIkwIdeIt] vt liquidar.
dotted line lnea de puntos. y line liquor [lIkr] n us licor m.
drawing dibujo lineal.
liquorice [lIkrIs, lIkrIS] n regaliz m.
P vt 1 (draw lines on) dibujar rayas en. 2
lira [lIr] n lira.
(mark with wrinkles) arrugar. 3 (form rows
pl liras o lire [lIr].
along) bordear.
list [lIst] n lista.
a to line up vi ponerse en fila; (in
P vt hacer una lista de: he listed the conqueue) hacer cola.
tents of the house hizo una lista de las co
linen [lInIn] n 1 (material) lino, hilo. 2
sas que haba en la casa.
(sheets, etc) ropa blanca, lencera. c o m p listen [lIsn] vi escuchar (to, -): listen to
bed linen ropa de cama. y table linen
me! escchame!
a to listen in vi (radio) escuchar (to, -).
liner [laInr] n (mar) transatlntico.
a to listen out vi fam estar a la escu
cha, estar en escucha (for, de).
linesman [laInzmn] n juez mf de l
nea, linier m.
listener [lIsnr] n 1 (in general) oyente
pl linesmen [laInzmn].
mf. 2 rad radioyente mf.
P vt



listing [lIstIN] n listado.

lit [lIt] pt & pp light.
liter [litr] n us litre.
literacy [lItrsI] n 1 (ability to read) alfa

betizacin f. 2 (knowledge) conoci

mientos mpl, nociones fpl.
literal [lItrl] adj literal.
literary [lItrrI] adj literario,-a.
literature [lItrtSr] n 1 literatura. 2
(bibliography) bibliografa.
lithium [lITIm] n litio.
lithograph [lITgrAf] n litografa.
lithosphere [lITsfIr] n litosfera.
Lithuania [lITjUeInI] n Lituania.
Lithuanian [lITjUeInIn] adj lituano,-a.
P n 1 (person) lituano,-a. 2 (language) li
litre [litr] n litro.
litter [lItr] n 1 (rubbish) basura, des
perdicios mpl; (paper) papeles mpl. 2
(of kittens, etc) camada. c o m p litter bin
gb papelera.
little [lItl] adj 1 (small) pequeo,-a: a
little cup una tacita. 2 (not much) poco,-a:
a little milk un poco de leche. c o m p little
finger dedo meique.
comp less, superl least.
P pron poco: more tea? -just a little, please

quieres ms t? -un poco, por favor.

P adv poco: Im a little (bit) tired estoy un
poco cansada. l o c little by little poco a
liturgy [lItdZI] n liturgia.

pl liturgies.
[lIv] vi vivir: he lives in the country


live2 [laIv] adj 1 (not dead) vivo,-a: its a

real live snake es una serpiente de verdad.

2 (still burning) vivo,-a, candente; (issue)
candente. 3 (broadcast) en directo: a
live concert un concierto en directo.
P adv en directo, en vivo.
livelihood [laIvlIhUd] n sustento.
lively [laIvlI] adj 1 vivo,-a, animado,-a;
(interest) entusiasmado,-a. 2 (colour)


comp livelier, superl liveliest.

liven [laIvn] vt to liven up animar.

P vi

liven up animarse.

liver [lIvr] n anat hgado.

lives [laIvz] pl life.
livestock [laIvstk] n ganado.


livestock farming ganadera.

living [lIvIN] adj vivo,-a: every living
creature todo bicho viviente.
P n vida: what do you do for a living? c
mo te ganas la vida? c o m p living room
saln m, sala de estar. y living thing
ser m vivo.
lizard [lIzd] n lagarto; (small) lagartija.
ll [l] v aux will, shall.
llama [lAm] n zool llama.
load [lUd] n 1 (in general) carga: a lorry
shed its load on the motorway yesterday

ayer un camin perdi su carga en la au

topista. 2 (weight) peso. l o c a load of
/ loads of fam montones de, un
montn de
P vt cargar (with, de): they loaded up the
van with furniture cargaron la furgoneta
de muebles.
P vi cargar.
a to load down vt sep cargar ( with,
de); (with worries, etc) agobiar ( with,
de/ por).
loaf [lUf] n pan m ; (French) barra;
(sliced) pan m de molde.

vive en el campo.
P vt vivir: the old woman had lived a life of
luxury la vieja haba llevado una vida lle
na de lujos. l o c to live it up fam pasr
selo bomba.
pl loaves [lUvz].
a to live down vt sep lograr que se ol
loan [lUn] n (of money) prstamo, cr
dito. l o c on loan prestado,-a.
a to live in vi (student) estar interna
loathe [lUD] vt odiar, aborrecer.
do,-a; (servant) vivir con la familia.
loaves [lUvz] pl loaf.
a to live off vt insep vivir de.
a to live on vi sobrevivir; (memory) se
lobby [lbI] n 1 (hall) vestbulo. 2 pol
guir vivo,-a.
grupo de presin.
a to live through vt insep sobrevivir.
pl lobbies.



presionar (for, para) (against, en

contra de).
P vt pol presionar, ejercer presin so
lobe [lUb] n lbulo.
lobster [lbstr] n bogavante m.
local [lUkl] adj 1 (in general) local. 2
(person) del barrio, de la zona.
P n 1 fam (person) vecino,-a. 2 gb fam
bar m, pub m (del barrio). 3 us (train) tren
m de cercanas; (bus) autobs m.
P vi

Local no significa 'local (estable

cimiento)', que se traduce por premises.

locality [lUkQlItI] n fml localidad f.

pl localities.

locate [lUkeIt] vt 1 fml (find) localizar.

2 fml (situate) situar, ubicar.

location [lUkeISn] n 1 lugar, ubica

cin m. 2 cinem exteriores mpl.

loch [lk] n (in Scotland) lago.
lock1 [lk] n 1 (gen) cerradura; (padlock)
candado. 2 (in canal) esclusa. 3 (in
wrestling) llave f.
P vt (with key) cerrar con llave; (with
padlock) cerrar con candado.
P vi 1 (door, etc) cerrarse (con llave).
lock2 [lk] n (of hair) mecha, mechn m.
locker [lkr] n armario, taquilla.
locksmith [lksmIT] n cerrajero.
locomotion [lUkmUSn] n locomo
cin f.
locomotive [lUkmUtIv] n locomo
P adj locomotor,-ra.
locomotor [lUkmtr] adj locomo
locust [lUkst] n langosta.

lodging [ldZIN] n alojamiento.


lodging house casa de huspedes.

loft [lft] n desvn m, buhardilla.
P vt sp lanzar al aire.
log [lg] n 1 tronco; (for fire) leo. 2 (on

ship) cuaderno de bitcora; (on plane)

diario de vuelo. 3 math fam (abbr of
logarithm) logaritmo.
P vt 1 registrar, anotar. 2 (cover) reco
a to log in vi comput entrar (en el sis
a to log out vi comput salir (del siste
pt & pp logged, ger logging.

logarithm [lgrIDm] n logaritmo.

logic [ldZIk] n lgica.
logical [ldZIkl] adj lgico,-a: the logical thing would be to say yes lo lgico sera

decir que s.

logistics [ldZIstIks] n logstica.

logo [lUgU] n logotipo.
pl logos.

loin [lIn] n culin (of pork) lomo; (of beef)


lollipop [llIpp] n 1 pirul m, pirule

ta. 2 gb (iced) polo.

lolly [llI] n 1 gb fam pirul m, piruleta.

2 gb fam (iced) polo.
pl lollies.

loneliness [lUnlIns] n soledad f.

lonely [lUnlI] adj 1 (person) solo,-a. 2
(place) solitario,-a, aislado,-a.

comp lonelier, superl loneliest.

lonesome [lUnsm] adj us lonely.

long1 [lN] adj largo,-a: a long journey un

largo viaje. c o m p long jump salto de

P adv mucho tiempo: it takes a long
time to climb the mountain se tarda mu
. La palabra locust se refiere al insecto;
cho en escalar la montaa. l o c as long
el marisco se llama lobster.
as (while) mientras. y long ago hace
lodge [ldZ] n 1 (in general) casita; (huntmucho tiempo.
ers) refugio. 2 (porters) portera. 3 long2 [lN] phr to long to do sth tener
(masonic) logia.
muchos deseos de hacer algo.
P vi 1 (as guest) alojarse, hospedarse. 2
a to long for vt insep (yearn) anhelar;
(become fixed) quedarse atrapado,-a.
(nostalgically) aorar.
P vt (complaint) presentar.
long-distance [lNdIstns] adj de lar
lodger [ldZr] n husped,-da.
ga distancia.



longing [lNIN] n (yearning) ansia, an

helo; (nostalgia) nostalgia.

longitude [lndZItjUd] n longitud f.
long-life [lNlaIf] adj (battery) de larga
duracin; (milk) UHT, uperizado,-a.
long-range [lNreIndZ] adj 1 (distance)
de largo alcance. 2 (plans, forecast) a
largo plazo.
long-term [lNtm] adj a largo pla
zo, de largo plazo.
long-wearing [lNwerIN] adj us dura
dero,-a, resistente.
loo [lU] n gb fam vter m.
pl loos.

look [lUk] vi 1 mirar (at, -). 2 (seem) pa

loom2 [lUm] vi vislumbrarse; (causing

fear) amenazar.

a to loom up vi surgir.
loony [lUnI] adj fam chiflado,-a,



comp loonier, superl looniest.

loop [lUp] n (in string, etc) lazo.

P vi formar un lazo. l o c to loop the

loop rizar el rizo.
loose [lUs] adj 1 (in general) suelto,-a. 2

(not tight) flojo,-a; (clothes) holgado,-a.

P vt lit soltar.
loose-fitting [lUsfItIN] adj holga
do,-a, amplio,-a.
loosen [lUsn] vt (gen) soltar, aflojar;
(belt) desabrochar.
P vi 1 soltarse, aflojarse.
a to loosen up vi (relax) relajarse.
loot [lUt] n botn m.
lord [ld] n 1 seor m. 2 gb (title) lord
m. 3 (judge) seora mf. l o c good Lord!
ay Dios!, Dios mo! c o m p the Lord
rel el Seor.
lorry [lrI] n gb camin m.

recer: he looks tired parece cansado. l o c

look out! cuidado!
P vt 1 mirar: I cant look him in the face no
puedo mirarle a la cara. 2 (seem) pare
cer: he doesnt look his age no aparenta la
edad que tiene.
P n 1 (glance) mirada: have a look at this
mira esto. 2 (appearance) aspecto, apa
riencia. 4 (fashion) moda: Im not into
pl lorries.
the punk look no me va la moda punk.
lose [lUz] vt 1 (in general) perder: dont
P interj mira!
lose it no lo pierdas. 2 (clock) atrasar.
a to look after vt insep (deal with) ocu
P vi 1 (in general) perder: Liverpool lost to
parse de, atender a; (take care of) cui
United el Liverpool perdi ante el Uni
dar (de).
ted. 2 (clock) atrasarse. l o c to lose
a to look at vt insep 1 (consider) mirar,
ones way perderse. y to lose sight of
considerar. 2 (examine) mirar.
sth perder algo de vista.
a to look back vi mirar atrs.
pt & pp lost [lst], ger losing.
a to look for vt insep buscar: what are
loser [lUzr] n perdedor,-ra.
you looking for? qu buscas?
loss [ls] n 1 (in general) prdida. 2 mil
a to look forward to vt insep esperar
(death) baja.
(con ansia).
pl losses.
a to look on vt insep considerar.
lost [lst] pt lose.
a to look like vt insep parecerse a: he
P adj perdido,-a. l o c to get lost per
looks like his father se parece a su padre.
derse. c o m p lost property objetos per
a to look out vi (be careful) ir con cui
lost-and-found [lst nfaUnd] [ also
a to look through vt insep (check) revi
lost-and-found department] n us ofici
sar (bien); (quickly) ojear.
na de objetos perdidos.
a to look up vi fam (improve) mejorar.
lot [lt] n 1 (large number) cantidad f: he
P vt sep 1 (in dictionary, etc) consultar,
talks a lot habla mucho. 2 (group) grupo:
the next lot of passengers el prximo gru
lookalike [lUklaIk] n fam doble mf,
po de pasajeros. 3 (fate) suerte f. l o c
sosia m.
thanks a lot! muchsimas gracias!
P n the lot todo,-a, todos,-as.
loom [lUm] n telar m.



lots of mucho,-a, muchos,-as,

cantidad de: there were lots of people ha
ba mucha gente.
lotion [lUSn] n locin f.
lottery [ltrI] n lotera.
P phr

pl lotteries.

loud [laUd] adj 1 (sound) fuerte. 2 (voice)

alto,-a. 3 (colour) chilln,-ona.

P adv fuerte, alto. l o c out loud en voz
loudly [laUdlI] adv (speak) alto; (shout)
fuerte; (complain) a voz en grito.
loudness [laUdns] n (of sound) fuerza,
intensidad f; (noisiness) bullicio.
loudspeaker [laUdspikr] n altavoz m.
lounge [laUndZ] n saln m . c o m p
lounge suit fam traje m.
P vi 1 (on sofa, etc) repantigarse. 2 (idle)
lounger [laUndZr] n (chair) tumbona.
louse [laUs] n 1 piojo. 2 fam canalla mf.
pl lice.


[laUzI] adj 1 fam fatal, malsi

mo,-a: he felt lousy se encontraba fatal.

comp lousier, superl lousiest.

lovable [lvbl] adj adorable.

love [lv] n 1 (in general) amor m; (affec-

tion) cario; (liking) aficin f (for, a).

2 gb fam (person) guapo,-a, chato,-a. 3
(regards) recuerdos mpl: (give my) love to
your parents muchos recuerdos a tus pa
dres. l o c to be in love with estar
enamorado,-a de. y to fall in love ena
morarse. y to make love hacer el
amor (to, a). c o m p love affair aventu

jas. 2 (battery) gastado,-a. 3 (depressed)

deprimido,-a, abatido,-a. 4 mus gra
ve. l o c to keep a low profile ser
discreto,-a. c o m p low tide marea ba
ja. y the Low Countries los Pases Ba
P adv bajo: were running low on petrol se
nos acaba la gasolina.
P n (low level) punto bajo.
low-calorie [lUkQlrI] adj bajo,-a en
caloras, hipocalrico,-a.
lower [lUr] adj inferior. c o m p lower
case caja baja, minscula.
P vt 1 (in general) bajar; (price) rebajar. 2
(flag) arriar.
lower-class [lUklAs] adj de clase
lowest [lUIst] adj ms bajo,-a; (price,
speed) mnimo,-a.
P n mnimo: at the lowest como mni
low-fat [lUfQt] adj de bajo conteni
do graso.
loyal [lIl] adj leal, fiel.
loyalty [lIltI] n lealtad f, fidelidad f.
pl loyalties.

lozenge [lzIndZ] n 1 pastilla. 2 (geometry) rombo.

LP [elpi] abbr (long player) elep m; (abbreviation) LP.

lubricant [lUbrIknt] n lubricante m.

lucerne [lUsn] n gb alfalfa.
luck [lk] n suerte f. l o c bad luck! /

hard luck! / tough luck! mala suerte! y

good luck! / best of luck! suerte! y to
be in luck estar de suerte. y to try
ones luck probar fortuna.
luckily [lkIlI] adv afortunadamente.
lucky [lkI] adj (in general) afortuna
do,-a; (timely) oportuno,-a: how lucky
you were! qu suerte tuviste! c o m p lucky
charm amuleto.
comp luckier, superl luckiest.
comp lovelier, superl loveliest.
lucrative [lUkrtIv] adj lucrativo,-a.
lover [lvr] n amante mf.:
loving [lvIN] adj carioso,-a: your lov- ludo [lUdU] n gb parchs m.
ing son, Paul tu hijo que te quiere, Paul.
luggage [lgIdZ] n gb equipaje m .
c o m p luggage rack portaequipajes m. y
low [lU] adj 1 (in general)
bajo,-a; (neck
line) escotado,-a: low clouds nubes ba
luggage van furgn m de equipaje.

ra amorosa, lo.
P vt 1 amar, querer: do you love him? lo
quieres? 2 (like a lot) encantarle a uno,
gustarle a uno mucho: I love playing
tennis me encanta jugar a tenis.
lovely [lvlI] adj 1 (wonderful) estupen
do,-a, maravilloso,-a. 2 (beautiful)
hermoso,-a, precioso,-a; (charming)


[lUkwm] adj tibio,-a,


lullaby [llbaI] n cancin f de cuna,


pl lullabies.

lumbar [lmbr] adj lumbar.

luminous [lUmIns] adj luminoso,-a.
lump [lmp] n 1 (chunk) pedazo, trozo;

(in sauce) grumo. 2 (swelling) bulto,

protuberancia; (in throat) nudo. 3 (of
sugar) terrn m. 4 fam (idiot) burro,-a.
lumpy [lmpI] adj lleno,-a de bultos;
(sauce) grumoso,-a.
comp lumpier, superl lumpiest.
[lUn r ] adj lunar. c o m p lunar
landing alunizaje m . y lunar month
mes m lunar.
lunatic [lUntIk] adj loco,-a.
P n loco,-a, luntico,-a. c o m p lunatic
asylum manicomio. y the lunatic
fringe los fanticos mpl.
lunch [lntS] n comida, almuerzo:
well have lunch at one comeremos a la
una. c o m p business lunch almuerzo de
trabajo. y lunch break hora de comer.
y lunch hour hora de comer.
P vi fml comer, almorzar.
lunchtime [lntStaIm] n hora de co


mer, hora de almorzar.

lung [lN] n pulmn m: her little girl has a

good pair of lungs! su hijita tiene buenos

pulmones! c o m p lung cancer cncer m
de pulmn.
lurk [lk] vi 1 (wait) estar al acecho. 2
(hide) esconderse.
lust [lst] n 1 (sexual) lujuria. 2 (greed)
codicia; (strong desire) ansia.
lute [lUt] n lad m.
Luxembourg [lksmbg] n Luxem
Luxembourger [lksmbgr] n lu
luxuriant [lgzjUrInt] adj 1 (vegetation) exuberante; (hair) abundante.
luxurious [lgzjUrIs] adj lujoso,-a.
luxury [lkSrI] n lujo.

pl luxuries.

lychee [laItSi] n lichi m.

lying [laIIN] adj (deceitful) mentiroso,-a.

(lies) mentiras fpl.


poema m lrico.
pl lyrics (of song) letra f sing.

lymph [lImf] n linfa.

lymphatic [lImfQtIk] adj linftico,-a.
lynch [lIntS] vt linchar.
lynx [lINks] n lince m.
lyre [laIr] n lira.
lyric [lIrIk] adj lrico,-a.


M, m [em] n (the letter) M, m f.

mac [mQk] n gb fam (mackintosh) imper
meable m.

macaroni [mQkrUnI] n macarrones mpl.

macaw [mk] n guacamayo, ara m.
mace [meIs] n (club, staff) maza.
macerate [mQsreIt] vt macerar.
P vi


machine [mSin] n 1 (gen) mquina. 2

(organization, system) organizacin f, apa

rato. c o m p machine gun ametralladora.
P n pl machines (machinery) maquinaria
f sing.
machinery [mSinrI] n 1 (machines)
maquinaria. 2 (workings) mecanismo.
mackerel [mQkrl] n caballa (pez).
mackintosh [mQkIntS] n impermea
ble m.
macro [mQkrU] n comput macro f.
macroeconomics [mQkrUikn mIks] n macroeconoma.
macroscopic [mQkrskpIk] adj ma
mad [mQd] adj 1 (insane) loco,-a: she's
quite mad est completamente loca. 2
fam (person) loco,-a; (crazy - idea, plan)
disparatado,-a, descabellado,-a. 3
fam (enthusiastic) loco,-a (about, por),
chiflado,-a: he's mad about her est loco
por ella. 4 fam (angry) enfadado,-a,
furioso,-a (at/with, con). l o c to drive
sb mad / send sb mad volver a algn
loco,-a, traer loco,-a a algn. y to get
mad enfadarse. y to go mad volverse
loco,-a, enloquecer.

(person) malgache mf, natural mf de

Madagascar [mQdgQskr] n Mada
madam [mQdm] n fml seora.

made [meId] pt & pp make.

P adj

(produced) hecho,-a, fabricado,-a:

made in England hecho,-a en Inglaterra.

l o c to be made from sth estar hecho,
-a de algo. y to be made of sth ser de

algo, estar hecho,-a de algo, estar

compuesto,-a de algo.
madly [mQdlI] adv como un loco.
madness [mQdns] n 1 (insanity) locu
ra, demencia. 2 (foolishness) locura: it is
madness to drive in this weather es una lo
cura conducir con el tiempo que hace.
magazine [mQgzin] n 1 (periodical) re
vista. 2 (on TV, radio) magacn m, maga
zine m. c o m p magazine rack revistero.
maggot [mQgt] n larva, gusano.
magic [mQdZIk] n magia.
P adj mgico,-a. c o m p magic wand va
rita mgica.
magical [mQdZIkl] adj mgico,-a.
magician [mdZISn] n 1 (conjurer) pres
tidigitador,-ra, ilusionista mf. 2 (wizard) mago,-a.
magistrate [mQdZIstreIt] n jur magis
trado,-a, juez mf.
magma [mQgm] n magma.
magnesite [mQgnesIt] n magnesita.
magnesium [mQgnizIm] n magnesio.
magnet [mQgnt] n imn m.
magnetic [mQgnetIk] adj 1 (force, etc)
comp madder, superl maddest.
magntico,-a. 2 fig (personality, charm)
Madagascan [mQdgQskn] adj mal
gache, perteneciente
o relativo a Ma magnetism [mQgnItIzm] n magne



magnetized [mQgnItaIzd] adj magne

tizado,-a. 2 fig (person) magnetizar,

magnification [mQgnIfIkeISn] n 1 (increase) aumento, ampliacin f. 2 (power of lens, etc) aumento.
magnificent [mQgnIfIsnt] adj (splendid) magnfico,-a, esplndido,-a.
magnify [mQgnIfaI] vt 1 (enlarge) au
mentar, ampliar. 2 fig (exaggerate) exa
gerar, agrandar.
pt & pp magnified, ger magnifying.

magnifying glass [mQgnIfaIINglAs]

n lupa.
pl magnifying glasses.

magnitude [mQgnItjUd] n (size) mag

nitud f; (importance) magnitud f, enver

magnolia [mQgnUlI] n 1 (tree) mag
nolio, magnolia. 2 (flower) magnolia.
magpie [mQgpaI] n urraca.
mahogany [mhgnI] n (wood, tree)
caoba; (colour) color m caoba.
maid [meId] n (servant) criada, sirvien
ta; (in hotel) camarera.
maiden [meIdn] n (unmarried woman,
girl) doncella.
P adj (first of its kind - speech, voyage) inau
mail [meIl] n 1 (system) correo: send it by
mail envalo por correo. 2 (letters, etc) co
rreo, cartas mpl, correspondencia.
P vt (send) mandar por correo.
mailbox [meIlbks] n buzn m.
mailman [meIlmQn] n us cartero.

mainly [meInlI] adv (chiefly) principal

mente, sobre todo; (mostly) en su ma

maintain [meInteIn] vt 1 (preserve, keep
up - gen) mantener; (- silence, appearances) guardar. 2 (support financially) man
tener, sostener.
maintenance [meIntnns] n 1 (gen)
mantenimiento. 2 (upkeep of family)
manutencin f.
maize [meIz] n maz m.
majesty [mQdZstI] n majestad f.
pl majesties.


[meIdZ r] adj 1 (more important,

greater) mayor, principal: tourism is the
major industry el turismo es la industria
principal. 2 (important - gen) importante;
(- issue) de gran envergadura; (- illness)
grave. 3 mus (key, scale) mayor.
P n 1 mil comandante m.
majorette [meIdZret] n majorette f.
majority [mdZrItI] n mayora: the
great majority of students la gran mayora
de los estudiantes. l o c to be in a/the
majority ser mayora.

pl majorities.
P adj mayoritario,-a.
make [meIk] n (brand) marca: what make
is your watch? de qu marca es tu reloj?
P vt 1 (produce - gen) hacer; (construct)

construir; (manufacture) fabricar; (create)

crear; (prepare) preparar: she made some
sandwiches hizo unos bocadillos, prepar
unos bocadillos; stop making all that
noise! dejad de hacer tanto ruido! 2 (carry out, perform) hacer: I must make a phone
pl mailmen [meIlmQn].
call tengo que hacer una llamada. 3
maim [meIm] vt mutilar, lisiar.
(cause to be) hacer, poner, volver: the
main [meIn] adj (most important) princi
gift made him happy el regalo lo hizo feliz.
pal: be careful when you cross the main road
4 (force, compel) hacer, obligar; (cause to
ten cuidado al cruzar la carretera princi
do) hacer: they make me go to bed early me
pal. c o m p main course plato principal,
obligan a acostarme temprano. 5 (be, besegundo plato. y main road carretera
come) ser, hacer; (cause to be) hacer,
convertir en: she'll make a good singer
mainframe [meInfreIm] [also mainser buena cantante, tiene madera de
frame computer] n unidad f central,
ordenador m central.
P vi (to be about to) hacer como, simular:
mainland [meInlnd] n continente o isla
he made as if to kiss her hizo como si la besa
grande en contraposicin
a una isla cercana ms
ra. l o c to make sense tener sentido. y to
make sure (of sth) asegurarse (de algo).


a to make for vt insep 1 (move towards)
dirigirse hacia. 2 (result in, make possible)
contribuir a, crear, conducir a.
a to make out vt sep 1 (write - list, receipt)
hacer; (- cheque) extender, hacer; (- report) redactar. 2 (see) distinguir, divi
sar; (writing) descifrar. 3 (understand)
entender, comprender.
P vt insep fam (pretend, claim) pretender,
hacerse pasar por.
a to make up vt sep 1 (invent) inventar. 2
(put together) hacer; (assemble) montar;
(bed, prescription) preparar; (page) compo
ner; (clothes, curtains) confeccionar, ha
cer. 3 (complete) completar. 4 (constitute)
componer, formar, integrar; (represent)
representar. 5 (cosmetics) maquillar.
P vi 1 maquillarse, pintarse. 2 (become
friends again) hacer las paces, reconci

pt & pp made, ger making.

maker [meIkr] n (of product) fabricante

mf; (of film, etc) creador,-ra.

make-up [meIkp] n 1 (cosmetics) ma


[mQl, ml] n us (covered) centro

comercial; (street) zona comercial.
malleability [mQlIbIlItI] n 1 (metal) ma
leabilidad f. 2 fig (person) docilidad f.
malleable [mQlIbl] adj 1 (metal) ma
leable. 2 fig (person) dcil.
mallet [mQlt] n mazo.
malnutrition [mQlnjUtrISn] n desnu
tricin f.
malt [mlt] n (grain) malta.
Malta [mlt] n Malta.
Maltese [mltiz] adj malts,-esa.
P n 1 (person) malts,-esa. 2 (language)
malts m.
P n pl the Maltese los malteses mpl.
maltreatment [mQltrItmnt] n malos
tratos mpl.
mammal [mQml] n mamfero.
mammary [mQmrI] adj mamario,-a.
c o m p mammary gland mama.
mammography [mQmgrfI] n ma

pl mammographies.

quillaje m: she never wears make-up nunca mammoth [mQmT] n zool mamut m.
se maquilla, nunca se pone maquillaje. 2 mammy [mQmI] n fam mam.
(composition, combination) composicin f.
pl mammies.
3 (of person) carcter m.
man [mQn] n 1 (adult male) hombre m,
malaria [mlerI] n malaria, palu
seor m: an old man un hombre mayor,
un seor mayor, un viejo. 2 (human being,
Malawi [mlAwI] n Malawi.
person) ser m humano, el hombre m:
Malawian [mlAwIn] adj malawia
all men are born equal todos los hombres
nacen iguales. 3 (husband) marido,
P n malawiano,-a.
hombre m; (boyfriend) novio; (partner)
Malaysia [mleIzI] n Malaysia, Ma
pareja: man and wife marido y mujer.
pl men.
Malaysian [mleIzIn] adj malasio,-a. manage [mQnIdZ] vt 1 (run - business,
P n malasio,-a.
company) dirigir; (- property) adminis
Maldives [mldaIvz] n Maldivas.
trar: she manages a shop es la encargada
Maldivian [mldIvIn] adj maldivo,-a.
de una tienda, lleva una tienda. 2 (handle,
P n maldivo,-a.
cope with - child, person) llevar, manejar;
(- animal) domar; (- work, luggage, etc)
male [meIl] adj 1 (animal, plant) macho;
(person, child) varn; (sex, hormone, characpoder con. 3 (succeed) conseguir, lo
ter, organ) masculino,-a. 2 (manly) varo
grar: we managed it! lo conseguimos! 4
nil, viril.
(have room for, have time for) poder.
P n (man, boy) varn m; (animal, plant)
P vi 1 poder: can you manage? puedes?
2 (financially) arreglrselas, apaarse.
Mali [mAlI] n Mal.
manager [mQnIdZr] n 1 (of company,
bank) director,-ra, gerente mf. 2 (of
Malian [mAlIn] adj
P n maliense mf.
shop, restaurant) encargado,-a; (of depart-



ment) jefe,-a. 3 (of actor, group, etc) repre

sentante mf, manager mf. 4 sp (of football team) entrenador m, mster m.
mandarin [mQndrIn] n 1 mandarina.
2 gb pej (government official) mandarn m.
P n Mandarin (language) mandarn m.
mandatory [mQndtrI] adj (compulsory) obligatorio,-a.
mandible [mQndIbl] n mandbula.
mane [meIn] n (of horse) crin f; (of lion)

maneuver [mnUvr] n & v us ma



[mQNgniz] n manga

manger [meIndZr] n pesebre m.

mangle [mQNgl] vt 1 (cut to pieces) des
trozar, despedazar; (crush) aplastar.

mango [mQNgU] n mango.

pl mangoes o mangos.

mangrove [mQNgrUv] n manglar m.

maniac [meInIQk] n 1 fam (wild person)

loco,-a. 2 fam (fan) entusiasta mf ,

manifestation [mQnIfesteISn] n fml
manifestacin f.

Manifestation no significa 'manifes

tacin (de protesta)', que se traduce por

manifesto [mQnIfestU] n manifiesto.

pl manifestos o manifestoes.
manioc [mQnIk] n mandioca, yuca.
manipulate [mnIpjleIt] vt 1 (work -

pl manners (social behaviour) mane

ras fpl, modales mpl; (customs) costum
bres fpl. c o m p bad manners falta de
educacin. y good manners buenos
modales mpl.
manoeuvre [mnUvr] n maniobra.
P vt 1 (gen) maniobrar. 2 (person) mani
pular, manejar.
P vi maniobrar.
manometer [mnmItr] n manmetro.
manor [mQnr] n seoro. c o m p manor
house casa solariega.
manpower [mQnpaUr] n mano f de
mansion [mQnSn] n (gen) casa gran
de; (country) casa solariega.
mantelpiece [mQntlpis] n repisa de
mantis [mQntIs] n mantis f.

pl mantis.

manual [mQnjUl] adj manual.


manual m.


[mQnjfQktSr] n (gen)
fabricacin f; (of clothing) confeccin f;
(of foodstuffs) elaboracin f.
P vt 1 (gen) fabricar; (clothing) confec
cionar; (foodstuffs) elaborar. 2 fig (excuse, etc) inventar.

manufactured [mQnjfQktSrd] adj


fabricante mf.

[mQnjfQktSr r] adj

manure [mnjUr] n abono, estircol m.

manuscript [mQnjskrIpt] n 1 (historic

machine) manejar; (- knob, lever) accio

handwritten book) manuscrito. 2 (original
nar. 2 (control, influence) manipular.
copy of text) original m, texto original.
mankind [mQnkaInd] n la humanidad many [menI] adj mucho,-a, muchos,f, el gnero humano, los hombres mpl.
as: many people never go abroad mucha
man-made [mQnmeId] adj 1 (lake, etc)
gente nunca va al extranjero.
artificial. 2 (fabric, etc) sinttico,-a.
comp more, superl most. l o c as many
as tantos,-as como. y how many?
mannequin [mQnIkIn] n 1 (dummy)
cuntos,-as? y not many pocos,-as, no
maniqu m. 2 dated (model) modelo f.
muchos,-as. y too many demasiados,-as.
manner [mQnr] n 1 (way, method) ma
P pron muchos,-as: I don't want many no
nera, modo: in this manner de esta ma
quiero muchos.
nera. 2 (way of behaving) forma de ser,
comportamiento, aire m: she has a
. Many se usa sobre todo en las frases ne
pleasant manner tiene una forma de ser
gativas y en las preguntas; en las frases afir
manner of speaking
agradable. l o c in a
mativas se usa ms a lot of.
por decirlo as, hasta cierto punto.


map [mQp] n (of country, region) mapa m;

(of town, bus, tube) plano. c o m p map of

the world mapamundi m.
P vt (area) trazar un mapa de.
pt & pp mapped, ger mapping.

maple [meIpl] n (tree, wood) arce m.

marathon [mQrTn] n maratn m.
P adj

fig maratoniano,-a, largusimo,-a.

marble [mAbl] n 1 (stone, statue) mr

mol m. 2 (glass ball) canica.

n pl marbles (game) canicas fpl.
mrmoles mpl.
March [mAtS] n marzo.


. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta May.

march [mAtS] n 1 mil marcha. 2 (walk)


ne una mancha. 2 (sign, symbol) marca,

seal f: I've put a mark by the things I'm interested in he sealado las cosas que me
interesan. 3 educ nota, calificacin f: he
got a good mark in sciences sac una buena
nota en ciencias. l o c on your marks, get
set, go! preparados, listos, ya!
P vt 1 (gen) marcar. 2 educ (correct) co
rregir; (grade - student) poner nota a;
(- exam, essay, etc) puntuar, calificar.
P vi (stain) mancharse.
a to mark down vt sep 1 (reduce price of) re
bajar el precio de. 2 (reduce marks of) bajar
la nota de. 3 (note in writing) apuntar.
a to mark out vt sep 1 (area) marcar,
delimitar; (boundary) marcar, trazar. 2
(choose) sealar, seleccionar.
market [mAkIt] n 1 (selling fruit, vegetables, etc) mercado; (selling clothes, etc)
mercadillo; (marketplace) plaza: I always
go to the market on Saturdays siempre voy
a la plaza los sbados. 2 (trade) merca
do: the property market el mercado inmo
biliario. l o c to be on the market estar
en venta. c o m p market day da m de
mercado. y market garden gb huerta. y
market price precio de mercado.
marketing [mAkItIN] n marketing m,
marketplace [mAkItpleIs] n merca
do; (square) plaza.
marksman [mAksmn] n tirador m.

caminata. 3 (demonstration) manifesta

cin f. 4 mus marcha.
P vi 1 mil marchar, hacer una mar
cha. 2 (walk) caminar, marchar.
P vt hacer marchar.
mare [mer] n yegua.
margarine [mAdZrin] n margarina.
marge [mAdZ] n gb fam margarina.
margin [mAdZIn] n 1 (gen) margen m.
2 (difference, leeway) margen m: there is no
margin for error no hay margen de error.
marginal [mAdZInl] adj 1 (small, minor)
menor, pequeo,-a, mnimo,-a. 2
(artist) marginal.
marihuana [mQrIhwAn] n marihua
pl marksmen [mAksmn].
marina [mrin] n puerto deportivo. marmalade [mAmleId] n mermela
marinate [mQrIneIt] vt adobar.
da (de ctricos).
marine [mrin] n (life, flora, etc) mari
. La palabra marmalade slo se refiere
no,-a, martimo,-a.
a las mermeladas de ctricos y en especial a
P adj (law, stores, etc) martimo,-a.
la de naranja. Las dems mermeladas se
P n soldado de infantera de marina.
llaman jam.
P n pl the Marines gb la infantera de
maroon [mrUn] adj granate.
marionette [mQrInet] n marioneta,
P n (color m) granate m.
ttere m.
marquee [mAki] n (large tent) carpa.
marital [mQrItl] adj (relations, problems) marriage [mQrIdZ] n 1 (state, institution)
matrimonial, marital; (bliss) conyu
matrimonio. 2 (act, wedding) boda, ca
gal. c o m p marital status estado civil.
samiento, enlace m matrimonial. l o c
maritime [mQrItaIm] adj martimo,-a.
to take sb in marriage casarse con
mark [mAk] n 1 (imprint, trace) huella;
algn. c o m p marriage bureau agencia
(from blow) seal f
; (stain) mancha:
matrimonial. y marriage certificate
there's a mark on this blouse esta blusa tie
certificado de matrimonio.



[mQrId] adj 1 (person, status)

casado,-a (to, con): a married couple un
matrimonio. 2 (life, bliss) matrimonial,
marrow [mQrU] n 1 ([also bone marrow] anat (of bone) tutano, mdula.
fig (inner meaning) meollo. 2 [also vegetable marrow] gb calabacn m grande.
marry [mQrI] vt 1 (take in marriage) ca
sarse con. 2 (unite in marriage) casar.
P vi 1 casarse. 2 fig unirse. l o c to get
married casarse (to, con).

mask [mAsk] n (gen) mscara; (disguise)

careta, cartula; (around eyes) antifaz m.

c o m p diving mask gafas fpl de bucear.
P vt (gen) enmascarar.
masked [mAskt] adj enmascarado,-a.
c o m p masked ball baile m de disfraces,
baile m de mscaras.
masking tape [mAskINteIp] n cinta
masochism [mQskIz m] n maso
masochist [mQskIst] n masoquista.
pt & pp married, ger marrying.
P adj masoquista.
Mars [mAz] n Marte m.
mason [meIsn] n (builder) albail m.
marsh [mAS] n 1 (bog) pantano. 2 (area) mass [mQs] n 1 (large quantity) montn
zona con pantanos, pantanal m.
m, masa; (of people) masa, multitud f,
marshal [mASl] n 1 mil mariscal m. 2
muchedumbre f: a mass of books un
(at sports event, demonstration) oficial mf,
montn de libros. 2 (majority) mayora.
P vi (crowd) congregarse, reunirse en
gran nmero.
martial [mASl] adj marcial.
P vt reunir.
Martian [mASn] n marciano,-a.
P adj masivo,-a, multitudinario,-a,
P adj marciano,-a.
de masas: there was a mass meeting se
martyr [mAtr] n 1 mrtir mf. 2 fam
celebr un mitin multitudinario. c o m p
vctima (to, de).
mass media medios mpl de comuni
martyrdom [mAtdm] n martirio.
cacin (de masas).
marvel [mAvl] n 1 (wonder) maravilla:
P n pl masses fam (lots) cantidad f ,
it's a marvel no-one was hurt es un milagro
montones mpl, mogolln m.
que no hubiera heridos. 2 (person) mara
villa. l o c to do marvels / work marvels Mass [mQs] n rel misa.
massage [mQsAZ] n masaje m.
hacer maravillas.
P vt 1 (person, body) dar un masaje a;
P vi 1 fml maravillarse ( at , con),
(part of body) dar un masaje en.
asombrarse (at, de).
pt & pp marvelled (us marveled), ger masseter [mQstr] n masetero.
masseur [mQsr] n masajista m.
marvelling (us marveling).
marvellous [mAvls] adj maravillo masseuse [mQsz] n masajista.
so,-a, magnfico,-a, estupendo,-a.
massif [mQsif] n macizo.
marzipan [mAzIpQn] n mazapn m.
massive [mQsIv] adj 1 (huge) enorme,
gigantesco. 2 (solid, weighty) slido,-a,
mascara [mQskAr] n rmel m.
, Mascara no significa 'mscara', que
mast [mAst] n 1 mar mstil m, palo. 2
se traduce por mask.
(transmitter) torre f, poste m.
mascot [mQskt] n mascota.
master [mAstr] n 1 (of slave, servant,
masculine [mAskjlIn] adj masculino,-a.
dog) amo; (of household) seor m; (owner)
P n ling masculino.
dueo. 2 mar (of ship) capitn m; (of
mash [mQS] n culin fam pur m de pa
fishing boat) patrn m. 3 gb (teacher - intatas.
fant school) maestro, profesor m; (- secP vt 1 (beat, crush) triturar (up, -), ma
ondary) profesor m. c o m p master bed
chacar (up, -). 2 culin (potatoes) hacer
room dormitorio principal. y master
p mashed potatoes
un pur de. c o m
copy original m.
P n Masters (degree) educ mster m.
pur m de patatas.



(expert, skilled) maestro,-a, exper

P vt (learn - subject, skill) llegar a domi
nar; (- craft) llegar a ser experto,-a en.
mastermind [mAstmaInd] n (person)
cerebro, genio.
masterpiece [mAstpis] n obra
mastodon [mQstdn] n mastodonte m.
masturbation [mQstbeISn] n mas
turbacin f.
mat [mQt] n 1 (rug) alfombrilla; (doormat) felpudo. 2 (rush mat) estera; (beach
mat) esterilla. 3 sp colchoneta.
match1 [mQtS] n (light) cerilla, fsforo.
match2 [mQtS] n 1 sp (football, hockey, etc)
partido, encuentro. 2 (equal) igual mf:
P adj

when it comes to chess, she's no match for

you ella no puede competir contigo al
ajedrez. 3 (marriage) casamiento, ma
trimonio. 4 (clothes, colour, etc) juego,
combinacin f.
pl matches.
P vt 1 (equal) igualar: nobody can match
him nadie lo iguala. 2 (go well with) hacer
juego (con), combinar (con): her shoes
match her dress los zapatos hacen juego
con el vestido. 3 (be like, correspond to) co

rresponder a, ajustarse a.
P vi 1 (go together) hacer juego, combi
nar. 2 (tally) coincidir, concordar. 3
(people) llevarse bien, avenirse.
matchbox [mQtSbks] n caja de ceri
pl matchboxes.

matching [mQtSIN] adj que hace jue

go, a juego.

mate [meIt] n 1 (school friend, fellow worker,

etc) compaero,-a, colega mf; (friend)

amigo,-a, colega mf, compinche mf. 2
(assistant) ayudante mf, aprendiz,-za. 3
zool pareja; (male) macho; (female) hem


[mtIrIl] n 1 (physical substance) materia, material m: raw material

materia prima; building materials materia
les de construccin. 2 (cloth) tela, tejido.
P adj 1 (physical) material. 2 (important)
materialism [mtIrIlIzm] n mate
maternity [mtnItI] n maternidad f.
math [mQT] n fam us matemtica fpl.



[mQTmQtIk l] adj

mathematician [mQTmtISn] n ma

mathematics [mQTmQtIks] n mate

mticas fpl.

maths [mQTs] n fam matemticas fpl.

mating [meItIN] n zool acoplamiento,

apareamiento. c o m p mating call recla

mo. y mating season poca de celo.
matrix [meItrIks] n matriz f.
pl matrixes o matrices [meItrIsiz].

matter [mQtr] n 1 (affair, subject) asun

to, cuestin f: it's a personal matter es un

asunto personal. 2 (trouble, problem) pro
blema m: what's the matter? qu pasa? 3
phys (physical substance) materia, sus
tancia. 4 (type of substance, things of a particular kind) materia. l o c as a matter of
fact en realidad, de hecho. y to be an
other matter ser otra cosa.
P vi (be important) importar ( to, a): it
doesn't matter no importa, es igual, da
igual. l o c no matter no importa: no
matter what pase lo que pase; no matter
what I say diga lo que diga.
matting [mQTIN] n estera.
mattress [mQtrs] n colchn m.
pl mattresses.

mature [mtSUr] adj (gen) maduro,-a.

P vt


P vi & vt

maturity [mtSUrtI] n madurez f.

Mauritania [mrIteInI] n Mauritania.
Mauritanian [ m r I t e I n I n ] adj

. Mate entra tambin en la formacin

de palabras como classmate (compaero de
clase), flatmate (persona con la que se com
P n mauritano,-a.
parte un departamento), roommate (per
mausoleum [mslIm] n mausoleo.
sona con la que se comparte una habitacin)
mauve [mUv] adj malva.
de equipo).
o teammate (compaero
P n malva m.



maverick [mQv rIk] n inconformista

mf, independiente mf.

P adj inconformista, independiente.
maxilla mQksIl] n maxilar m.
pl maxillae.
maximum [mQksImm] adj mximo,-a.
P n mximo, mximum m. l o c to the
maximum al mximo.
May [meI] n mayo: his birthday is on the
twentieth of May su cumpleaos es el
veinte de mayo; at the beginning/end of
May a principios/finales de mayo; in the
middle of May a mediados de mayo; last
May en mayo del ao pasado; next May

en mayo del ao que viene.

may [meI] aux 1 (possibility, probability) po

der, ser posible: he may come es posible

que venga, puede que venga; you may
laugh, but I think it's serious t bien puedes
rer, pero yo creo que es grave. 2 (permission) poder: may I help you? en qu puedo
servirle?; may I go? puedo irme? 3 (wish)
ojal: may it be so ojal sea as.
. Cuando may expresa una posibilidad
se puede traducir por quiz, quizs, a lo
mejor, tal vez o puede que; cuando se
usa para pedir o conceder permiso se tra
duce sencillamente por poder. Consulta
tambin might.

maybe [meIbi] adv quiz, quizs, tal

vez: maybe it'll rain tal vez llueva; maybe
you're right quizs tengas razn, a lo me

jor tienes razn.

mayday [meIdeI] n seal f de socorro,

S.O.S. m.

mayonnaise [meIneIz] n mayonesa,


mayor [mer] n (man) alcalde m; (woman) alcaldesa.

mayoress [meres] n alcaldesa.

maze [meIz] n laberinto.
me1 [mi] n mus mi m.
me2 [mi] pron 1 (as object of verb) me: fol-

meadow [medU] n prado, pradera.

meal1 [mil] n (flour) harina.
meal2 [mil] n (gen) comida: three meals

a day tres comidas al da. l o c to have a

meal 1 (lunch) comer. 2 (supper) cenar.

. Meal se refiere a cualquiera de las tres

comidas principales que se toman a lo lar
go del da.

mealtime [miltaIm] n hora de comer.

mean1 [min] adj 1 (miserly, selfish - person)

mezquino,-a, tacao,-a, agarrado,

-a. 2 (unkind) malo,-a, antiptico,-a;
(petty) m e z q u i n o , - a ; (ashamed)
avergonzado,-a. 3 fam (skilful, great)
excelente, de primera, genial. l o c to
be no mean ser todo,-a un,-a: she's no
mean singer es una cantante genial.
mean2 [min] vt 1 (signify, represent) signi
ficar, querer decir; (to be a sign of, indicate) ser seal de, significar: what does
mug mean? qu significa mug?, qu
quiere decir mug? 2 (have in mind) pen
sar, tener la intencin de: she didn't
mean to do it lo hizo sin querer. 3 (involve,
entail) suponer, implicar; (have as result)
significar: that means we can't go on holiday eso significa que no podemos irnos
de vacaciones. l o c to be meant for 1 (be
intended for) ser para. 2 (be destined for)
estar dirigido,-a a, ir dirigido,-a a:
these shoes are meant for light walking es
tos zapatos son para pasear.
pt & pp meant [ment].
[min] adj (average) medio,-a:
mean temperature temperatura media.
P n 1 (average) promedio. 2 math me
dia. 3 (middle term) trmino medio.
meander [mIQndr] vi 1 (river, etc) ser
pentear. 2 (person) vagar, deambular,
andar sin rumbo fijo. 3 fig (conversa-


tion) divagar.
P n (of river, etc) meandro.
meaning [minIN] n 1 (sense) sentido,
significado. what's the meaning of
low me sgueme; give it to me dmelo; he
draft? qu significa draft?, qu
looked at me me mir. 2 (after prep) m:
quiere decir draft? 2 (significance, imporit's for me es para m; are you talking to me?
tance) sentido; (purpose, intention) inten
me lo dices a m? 3
(emphatic) yo: it's me!
cin f: a glance full of meaning una mira
da llena de intencin.
soy yo!; it's me, David soy David.




[minINls] adj 1 (word,

phrase, etc) sin sentido. 2 (futile) sin sen
tido, intil, vano,-a.
means [minz] n (way, method) medio,
manera: there's no means of escape no hay
escapatoria, no hay manera de escapar; a
means of transport un medio de transporte.
P n pl (resources) medios mpl de vida,
recursos mpl. l o c a means to an end
un medio de conseguir un objetivo,
un medio para lograr un fin. y by all
means naturalmente, por supuesto. y
by means of por medio de, median
te. y by no means / not by any means
de ninguna manera, de ningn mo
do. y to live beyond one's means vivir
por encima de sus posibilidades.

pl means.

meant [mQrIhwAn] pp & pt mean.

meantime [mintaIm] adv mientras

tanto, entretanto. l o c in the mean

time mientras tanto.
meanwhile [minwaIl] adv mientras
tanto, entretanto.
measles [mizlz] n med sarampin m.
measurable [meZrbl] adj mensura
measure [meZr] n 1 (system) medida:
liquid measure medida para lquidos. 2
(indicator) indicador m: it's a measure of
her popularity es un indicador de su po
pularidad. 3 (ruler) regla. 4 (measured
amount, unit) medida. 5 (amount, degree,
extent) grado, cantidad f: some measure
of happiness cierta felicidad. 6 (method,
step, remedy) medida, disposicin f:
safety measures medidas de seguridad.
l o c in large measure en gran parte,
en gran medida. y in some measure
hasta cierto punto, en cierta medi
da. y to take measures tomar medi
das, adoptar medidas.
P vt 1 (area, object, etc) medir. 2 (person)
tomar las medidas de. 3 fig (assess)
evaluar; (consider carefully) sopesar,
pensar bien.
P vi (be) medir: it measures 3 feet by 6 feet
mide 1 metro por 2 metros.

" Tanto los britnicos como los america

nos utilizan un sistema de medidas dife
rente del sistema mtrico decimal, que es
el que empleamos nosotros. En la pginas
centrales de este diccionario encontra
rs las equivalencias entre estos dos siste
mas de medicin.

[meZmnt] n 1 (act)
medicin f. 2 (length, etc) medida.
measuring [meZrIN] n (act) medicin
f. c o m p measuring tape cinta mtrica,
meat [mit] n carne f: I prefer meat to fish me
gusta ms la carne que el pescado. c o m p
cold meat / cooked meat fiambre m.
meatball [mitbl] n albndiga.
mechanic [mkQnIk] n (person) mec
mechanical [mkQnIk l] adj mec
mechanics [mkQnIks] n (science) me
cnica. c o m p the mechanics (working
parts) el mecanismo. (processes) el fun
mechanism [meknIzm] n mecanismo.
medal [medl] n medalla.
medallist [medlIst] n medalla mf,
media [midI] n pl the media los me
dios mpl de comunicacin.

. Consulta tambin media.

mediaeval [medIivl] adj medieval.

median [midIn] adj math mediano,-a.
P n math

(line) mediana; (quantity) valor

m mediano.

mediator [midIeItr] n mediador,-ra.

medical [medIkl] adj (treatment, care, ex-

amination) mdico,-a; (book, student) de

P n fam (check-up) chequeo, reconoci
miento mdico, revisin f mdica.
medicinal [mdIsInl] adj medicinal.
medicine [medIsn] n 1 (science) medi
cina. 2 (drugs, etc) medicina, medica
medieval [medIivl] adj medieval.
'mesura', que se
mediocrity [midIkrtI] n mediocri
, Measure no significa
traduce por moderation.
dad f.

cin f.

[medIteIS n] n medita


[medItreInIn] adj


P n the Mediterranean

el Mediterrneo.
medium [midIm] adj (average) me
diano,-a, regular, normal. c o m p me
dium wave onda media.
P n 1 [ pl media] (means) medio. 2 [ pl
media.] (environment) medio (ambien
te). 3 [pl media] (middle position) punto
medio, trmino medio. 4 [pl mediums] (spiritualist) mdium mf.


[midImsaIzd] adj

(thing) de tamao mediano.

meet [mit] vt 1 (by chance) encontrar,
encontrarse con: she met an old friend
se encontr con un viejo amigo. 2 (by arrangement) reunirse con, quedar con;
(informally) ver: I'm meeting Rob tomorrow
he quedado con Rob para maana. 3
(meet for first time) conocer: I met him at a
party lo conoc en una fiesta. 4 (collect) ir
a buscar, pasar a buscar; (await arrival
of) esperar; (receive) ir a recibir: he'll
meet me at the station me vendr a buscar
a la estacin.
P vi 1 (by chance) encontrarse: we'll meet
again nos volveremos a encontrar. 2 (by
arrangement) reunirse, verse, quedar,;
(formally) entrevistarse: we arranged to
meet on Saturday quedamos para el sba
do., 3 (get acquainted) conocerse: I think
we've already met creo que ya nos cono

pt & pp met [met].

P n 1 sp encuentro.
meeting [mitIN] n 1 (gen - prearranged)
reunin f; (- formal) entrevista; (- date)
cita. 2 (chance encounter) encuentro. 3 (of
club, committee, etc) reunin f; (of assembly)
sesin f; (of shareholders, creditors) junta.
4 pol (rally) mitin m . c o m p meeting
place lugar m de encuentro, lugar m

de reunin.

megabyte [megbaIt] n comput me

gabyte m, megaocteto.

megawatt [megwt] n megavatio.

melamine [melmin] n melamina.
melodramatic [meldrmQtIk] adj

melody [meldI] n meloda.

pl melodies.

melon [meln] n (honeydew, etc) meln

m; (watermelon) sanda.

melt [melt] vt 1 (ice, snow, butter, etc) de

rretir. 2 (metal) fundir (down, -). 3 (sugar, chemical) disolver. 4 fig ablandar.
P vi 1 (ice, snow) derretirse (away, -). 2
(metal) fundirse. 3 (sugar, chemical) di
a to melt away vi 1 (money, crowd, person) desaparecer. 2 fig (confidence, etc)
desvanecerse, esfumarse; (anger) di
siparse, desaparecer.
melting [meltIN] n (of metal) fundicin
f; (of snow) derretimiento. c o m p melt
ing point punto de fusin. y melting
pot crisol m.
member [membr] n 1 (gen) miembro
mf; (of club) socio,-a; (of union, party)
afiliado,-a: the youngest member of the
family el miembro ms joven de la fami
lia. 2 pol (of Parliament) diputado,-a; (of
European Parliament) eurodiputado,-a.
3 anat miembro.
P adj (country, state) miembro,-a.
membership [membSIp] n 1 (of club state) calidad f de socio,-a, pertenen
cia; (- entry) ingreso. 2 (of political party,
union - state) afiliacin f; (- entry) ingreso.
3 (members - of club) miembros mpl, so
cios mpl; (- of political party) afiliados mpl.
membrane [membreIn] n membrana.
memo [memU] n 1 (official) memorn
dum m. 2 (personal note) nota, apunte
m. c o m p memo pad bloc m de notas.
pl memos.


[memrQndm] n 1

(official note) memorndum m, memo

rando. 2 (personal note) nota, apunte m.

pl memorandums o memoranda
memorial [mmrIl] adj (plaque, etc)

megalith [meglIT] n megalito.

P n (monument) monumento conme
megaphone [megfUn]
n megfo
no, altavoz m.

morativo; (ceremony) homenaje m.



" El Memorial Day es una fiesta que se

celebra en Estados Unidos el ltimo lunes
de mayo en honor de todos los soldados
muertos en las distintas guerras en las
que ha participado el pas americano.
memorize [memraIz] vt memorizar,

aprender de memoria.
memory [memrI] n 1 (ability, computers)
memoria: she's got a good memory for
names tiene buena memoria para los
nombres. 2 (recollection) recuerdo. l o c
to lose one's memory perder la me
moria. y within living memory que se
pl memories.
men [men] pl man.
menace [mens] n 1 (threat) amenaza
(to, para); (danger) peligro (to, para). 2

fam (nuisance - person) pesado,-a; (thing) lata, molestia.

P vt amenazar (with, de).
mend [mend] vt 1 (repair - gen) reparar,
arreglar; (sew) coser; (patch) remen
dar; (darn) zurcir: can you mend my
watch? me puedes arreglar el reloj? 2
(improve) mejorar. l o c to be on the
mend ir mejorando.
P n (patch) remiendo; (darn) zurcido.
meninges [menIdZs] n pl med menin
ges fpl.
meningitis [menIndZaIts] n med me
ningitis f.
meniscus [mInIsks] n menisco.
pl meniscuses o menisci [mInIskaI].
[menUpz] n meno


menstrual [menstrUl] adj menstrual.

quica. y mental home / mental hospi

tal (hospital m) psiquitrico.
mentality [mentQltI] n mentalidad f.
pl mentalities.


[menS n] n mencin f: she

made no mention of your visit no mencio

n tu visita.
P vt mencionar, hacer mencin de,
aludir a: he never mentioned the money
no mencion el dinero. l o c don't men
tion it! de nada!, no hay de qu!
menu [menjU] n 1 carta, men m. 2
comput men m. c o m p menu bar barra
de mens.
pl menus.

meow [mIaU] n maullido, miau m.

P vi


mercenary [msnrI] adj mercena

P n mercenario,-a.
pl mercenaries.

merchandise [mtSndaIz] n mercan

cas fpl, gneros mpl.

P vt (sell) vender, poner en venta; (promote) promocionar.
merchant [mtSnt] n (trader) comer
ciante mf; (dealer, businessperson) nego
ciante mf. c o m p merchant bank banco
comercial. y merchant navy marina
Mercury1 [mkjrI] n (planet) Mercurio.
mercury2 [mkjrI] n (metal) mercurio.
mercy [msI] n 1 (compassion) miseri
cordia, clemencia, piedad f: have mercy upon me! tenga piedad de m! 2 fam
(good fortune) suerte f, milagro; (blessing)
bendicin f.
l o c to be at the mercy of sb/sth estar a la
merced de algn/algo.

c o m p menstrual cycle ciclo menstrual.

y menstrual period regla, perodo.
pl mercies.
P adj de ayuda, de socorro. c o m p mer
menstruation [menstrUeISn] n mens
truacin f, regla.
cy killing eutanasia.
menswear [menzwer] n ropa de ca mere [mIr] adj mero,-a, simple, pu
ballero, ropa de hombres.
P adj merest (slightest) el/la ms mni
mental [mentl] adj mental: mental efmo,-a.
fort esfuerzo mental; mental health salud
mental; mental arithmetic clculo mental. merge [mdZ] vt (combine - gen) unir
c o m p mental age edad f mental. y
(with, a), combinar (with, con); (- road)
empalmar (into, con); (- river) desem
mental handicap disminucin f ps



bocar (into, en); (- firms, businesses) fu

meridional [mrIdInl] adj meridional.
meringue [mrQN] n merengue m.
merit [merIt] n mrito.
P vt (deserve) merecer.
mermaid [mmeId] n sirena.
merry [merI] adj 1 (cheerful) alegre;
(amusing) divertido,-a, gracioso,-a. 2
fam (slightly drunk) alegre, achispado,
-a. l o c merry Christmas! felices Na
comp merrier, superl merriest.


[merIgUraUnd] n

tiovivo, caballitos mpl.

mess [mes] n 1 (untidy state) desorden

m, revoltijo: your room is a complete mess!

tu habitacin est toda desordenada! 2
(confusion, mix-up) confusin f, lo, fo
lln m; (person, thing) desastre m: what a
mess! vaya lo!
P vt (untidy) desordenar; (dirty) ensu


a to mess about / mess around vi 1

(idle) gandulear; (kill time) pasar el

tiempo; (potter about) entretenerse. 2
(act the fool) hacer el primo, tontear.
a to mess up vt sep 1 fam (untidy) des
ordenar; (dirty) ensuciar. 2 (spoil) es
tropear, echar a perder.
message [mesIdZ] n 1 (communication)
recado, mensaje m: could you give her a
message? podras darle un recado? 2 (of
story, film, etc) mensaje m. l o c to get the
message (understand) entender, darse
messenger [mesIndZr] n mensaje
ro,-a. c o m p messenger boy recadero.
Messiah [msaI] n rel Mesas m.
messy [mesI] adj 1 (untidy) desordena
do,-a, en desorden; (- dirty) sucio,-a. 2
(confused) complicado,-a, enreda
do,-a; (awkward) difcil; (unpleasant)
comp messier, superl messiest.
met [met] pp & pt meet.
metabolism [mtQblIzm] n meta

metallic [mtQlIk] adj metlico,-a. c o m p

metallic paint pintura metalizada.

[mtQldZI] n metalur


metamorphic [metmfIk] adj meta


metamorfosis f.

[metmfsIs] n

pl metamorphoses [metmfsiz].

metaphor [metfr] n metfora.

metaphysics [metfIzIks] n metafsica.
metatarsus [mettAss] n metatarso.
pl metatarsi [mettAsaI].
meteorite [mitIraIt] n meteorito.

meteorological [mitIrldZIkl] adj


meteorologist [mitIrldZIst] n me

meteorology [mitIrldZI] n meteo


meter [mitr] n 1 us metre. 2 conta

dor m.
P vt medir.

methacrylate [meTQkrIleIt] n meta


methane [miTeIn] n metano.

method [meTd] n 1 (manner, way) m
todo, forma. 2 (system, order) sistema m,
orden m, lgica.
metonymy [metnImI] n metonimia.
metre [mitr] n 1 (measure) metro. 2 (in
poetry) metro. c o m p cubic metre metro
metric [metrIk] adj mtrico,-a. c o m p
metric system sistema mtrico. y met
ric ton tonelada mtrica.
metropolis [mtrplIs] n metrpoli
f, metrpolis f.
pl metropolises.

metropolitan [metrplItn] adj me


mew [mjU] vi maullar.





P vi


Mexican [meksIkn] adj mejicano,-a.

Mexico [meksIlU] n Mjico.

mi [mi] n mus mi m.
metal [metl] n metal
miaow [miaU] n maullido.
P adj

metlico,-a, de metal.



mica [maIk] n mica.

mice [maIs] pl mouse.
micro [maIkrU] n fam microordena
dor m.

middle-aged [mId leIdZd] adj de me

diana edad.

middle-class [mIdlklAs] adj de la cla

se media.

pl micros.

middleman [mIdlmn] n intermedia



microbe [maIkrUb] n microbio.

microbiology [maIkrUbaIldZI] n
microchip [maIkUtSIp] n microchip m.
microclimate [maIkrUklaImt] n mi
croclima mf.

microfilm [maIkrUfIlm] n microfilme m.

micron [maIkrn] n micra.
microphone [maIkrfUn] n micrfono.
microprocessor [maIkrUprUsesr] n
microprocesador m.

microscope [maIkrskUp] n micros



[maIkrskpIk] adj mi


microwave [maIkrweIv] n microon

da. c o m p microwave oven horno de

microondas, microondas m inv.
P vt cocinar en el microondas.
midday [mIddeI] n medioda m.
P adj de medioda. l o c at midday al
middle [mIdl] adj (central) de en me
dio, central; (medium) mediano,-a,
medio,-a: he's the middle son l es el hijo
mediano. l o c in the middle of nowhere
en el quinto pino. c o m p middle age
mediana edad f. y middle class clase f
media. y middle finger dedo corazn.
y the Middle Ages la Edad Media.
P n 1 (centre) medio, centro: there's a
pond in the middle of the garden hay un es
tanque en medio del jardn. 2 (halfway
point of period, activity) mitad f: in the middle of a storm en medio de una tormenta.
3 fam (waist) cintura.


pl middlemen [mIdlmen].

peso medio.

[mIdlweIt] n (boxing)

midnight [mIdnaIt] n medianoche f:

we got home at midnight llegamos a casa a



[mIdwaIf] n comadrona,

partera, matrona.

pl midwives [mIdwaIvz].

might [maIt] aux 1 (possibility) poder: it

might rain podra llover. 2 (in suggestions or

requests) poder: you might try the hardware shop podras probar en la ferretera.
3 (permission) poder: he asked if he might
come in pidi permiso para entrar. l o c I
might have known! deb imaginr
melo!, tpico! y might ( just) as well
ms vale que.

. Como expresa una posibilidad tam

bin se puede traducir por quiz, quizs,
a lo mejor, tal vez o puede que. Consul
ta tambin may.

mighty [maItI] adj 1 (very strong) muy

fuerte; (powerful) potente. 2 (great, imposing) enorme.

comp mightier, superl mightiest.

P adv us fam (very) muy.
migraine [maIgreIn] n jaqueca, mi


migrant [maIgrnt] adj migratorio,-a.

P n (person) emigrante mf; (bird) ave f

migrate [maIgreIt] vi migrar.
migration [maIgreISn] n migracin f.
migratory [maIgrtrI] adj migrato
. El apellido se traduce por surname o
family name y el nombre de pila, por
mike [maIk] n fam micro.
Christian name o first name. Casi todo el
mild [maIld] adj 1 (person, character) apaci
mundo tiene dos Christian names, aun
ble, afable, dulce. 2 (climate, weather) be
que se utilice slo uno. Ese segundo nom
nigno,-a, templado,-a, suave, blan
bre de pila es el middle name, que se sue
do,-a; (soap, detergent) suave. 3 (protest,
le escribir slo con la inicial.
attempt) ligero,-a; (punishment, fever) leve;



(illness, attack) ligero,-a, leve; (criticism, rebuke) suave, leve.

mile [maIl] n milla (1,6 kms).
P n pl miles (much) mucho, muchsi
mo: I'm miles better estoy mucho mejor;
it's miles away est muy lejos.
mileage [maIlIdZ] n 1 auto (miles travelled by a car) kilmetros mpl, kilo
metraje m. 2 fam fig (benefit, advantage,
use) jugo, partido.


[maIlmIt r ] n


millstone [mIlstUn] n muela, rueda

de molino.

mime [maIm] n 1 (art) mimo. 2 (perfor-

mance) pantomima, representacin f

de mimo.
P vt (express by mime) expresar hacien
do mmica.
mimic [mImIk] n imitador,-ra.
P vt (copy) imitar, remedar.
pt & pp mimicked, ger mimicking.

mince [mIns] n gb (meat) carne f pica

c o m p mince pie pastelito.

(chop, cut) picar.
jn m. 2 fig hito.
mind [maInd] n 1 (intellect) mente f. 2
(mentality) mentalidad f . 3 (brain,
militant [mIlItnt] adj pol militante.
thoughts) cabeza, cerebro: her mind was
P n pol militante mf.
very confused estaba confusa.
military [mIlItrI] adj militar.
P vt 1 (heed, pay attention to) hacer caso
P n the military los militares, las fuer
de; (care about) importar, preocupar: I
zas armadas.
mind what people say me importa lo que
milk [mIlk] n (gen) leche f. c o m p milk
dice la gente. 2 (be careful with) tener cui
shake batido. y milk tooth diente m de
dado con: mind the step! cuidado con el
escaln! 3 (look after - child) cuidar, cui
P adj (bottle, production) de leche; (product)
dar de; (- house) vigilar; (- shop) aten
der; (- seat, place) guardar. 4 (object to, be
milkman [mIlkmn] n lechero, repar
troubled by) tener inconveniente en,
tidor m de la leche.
importar: I don't mind staying no tengo
pl milkmen [mIlkmen].
inconveniente en quedarme. 5 (fancy,
milky [mIlkI] adj 1 (liquid, jewel) tur
quite like) venir bien: I wouldn't mind a
bio,-a. 2 (coffee, tea) con mucha leche;
coffee me vendra bien un caf.
(substance) lechoso,-a. 3 (colour) pli
P vi 1 (be careful) tener cuidado: mind
do,-a. c o m p Milky Way Va Lctea.
(out)! cuidado!, ojo! 2 (object to) impor
comp milkier, superl milkiest.
tar, molestar: do you mind if I open the
mill [mIl] n 1 (machinery) molino. 2 (for
window? le importa que abra la ventana?
coffee, pepper, etc) molinillo. 3 (factory)
l o c never mind 1 (it doesn't matter) no
importa, da igual. 2 (don't worry) no te
P vt (crush, grind) moler.
preocupes. 3 (let alone) ni hablar de. y
millennium [mIlenIm] n milenio,
to be out of one's mind estar loco,-a.
y to change one's mind cambiar de
pl millenniums o millennia [mIlenI].
opinin, cambiar de parecer. y to
millet [mIlIt] n mijo.
make up one's mind decidirse. y to sb's
millimetre [mIlImitr] n milmetro.
mind en la opinin de algn.
million [mIljn] n milln m: one million mine1 [maIn] n (gen) mina.
dollars un milln de dlares.
P vt 1 (coal, gold, etc) extraer; (area) explo
P n pl millions fam (lots) millones mpl.
tar. 2 mil sembrar minas en, minar.
millionaire [mIljne ] n millona
P vi explotar una mina.
mine2 [maIn] pron (el) mo, (la) ma,
millionth [mIljnT] adj millonsimo,-a.
(los) mos, (las) mas, lo mo: hey!
P n millonsima parte, millonsimo.
that's mine! ey! eso es mo!; a friend of
mine un/una amigo,-a mo,-a.
millipede [mIlIpid] n milpis m inv.

cuentakilmetros m.

milestone [maIlstUn] n 1 hito, mo


P vt


miner [maIn ] n minero,-a.

mineral [mInrl] adj mineral.

P n mineral m . c o m p mineral water

agua mineral. y mineral oil gb petr
miniature [mInItSr] n miniatura.
P adj (en) miniatura.
minibus [mInIbs] n microbs m.

pl minibuses.

minicab [mInIkQb] n gb taxi m.

minicomputer [mInIkmpjUtr] n mi
croordenador m.

minimal [mInIml] adj mnimo,-a.

minimum [mInImm] adj mnimo,-a.

P n mnimo: a minimum of 20 people un

mnimo de 20 personas.
mining [maInIN] n minera, explota
cin f de minas: coal mining extraccin
de carbn.
P adj (area, town, industry) minero,-a.
c o m p mining engineer ingeniero,-a de
miniseries [mInIsIriz] n tv miniserie f.
miniskirt [mInIskt] n minifalda.
minister [mInIstr] n 1 (gen) ministro,
-a (for, de). 2 gb (priest) pastor,-ra.
P vi atender (to, a), cuidar (to, a).
ministry [mInIstrI] n (gen) ministerio.

the ministry
pl ministries. gb (priesthood) el clero.
minor [maInr] adj 1 (unimportant) me
nor; (secondary) secundario,-a. 2 mus

P n jur menor mf.


P n 1 math menos m. 2 (disadvantage)

desventaja m.
minuscule [mInskjUl] adj minscu
minute1 [maInjUt] adj (tiny) diminu
to,-a, minsculo,-a.
minute2 [mInIt] n 1 (of time) minuto: it's
a five minute walk es un paseo de cinco
minutos. 2 fam (moment) momento; (instant) instante m: I'll be back in a minute
ahora vuelvo, vuelvo en un momento.
P n pl minutes (notes) acta f sing, actas
fpl. l o c (at) any minute now en cual
quier momento. y at the last minute
en el ltimo momento, a ltima
miracle [mIrkl] n (gen) milagro.
mirage [mIrAZ] n espejismo.
mirror [mIrr] n (gen) espejo: stop looking at yourself in the mirror deja de mirarte
en el espejo. c o m p driving mirror espejo
P vt reflejar.
misbehave [mI sb IheIv] vi portarse
mal, comportarse mal.
miscarriage [mIskQrIdZ] n med abor
to (espontneo).
miscarry [mIskQrI] vi 1 med abortar
(espontneamente), tener un abor
to. 2 (plans, etc) fracasar, frustrarse,

pt & pp miscarried, ger miscarrying.

miscellaneous [mIsIleInIs] adj (mixed,

varied) variado,-a, vario,-a, diver

so,-a, miscelneo,-a.
minority [maInrItI] n 1 minora. 2 jur mischief [mIstSIf] n 1 (naughtiness) tra
minora de edad.
vesura, diablura: I know you're up to
pl minorities.
some mischief s que ests haciendo algu
P adj minoritario,-a.
na travesura. 2 fml dao, mal m.
mint1 [mInt] n fin (place) casa de la mo miserable [mIzrbl] adj 1 (person - unneda.
happy) abatido,-a, triste, deprimido,
P vt (coins, words) acuar.
-a; (- bad-tempered) antiptico,-a. 2
mint2 [mInt] n 1 bot menta. 2 (sweet)
(place, etc) deprimente, triste; (weather)
caramelo de menta.
horrible. 3 (paltry) miserable,
mezquino,-a; (pathetic) lamentable.
minus [maIns] prep 1 math menos:
four minus three equals one cuatro menos misery [mIzrI] n 1 (wretchedness, unhaptres es igual a uno. 2 meteor bajo cero:
piness) desgracia, desdicha, tristeza.
minus five degrees cinco grados bajo cero.
2 (suffering) sufrimiento, dolor m, su
P adj negativo,-a. c o m p minus sign sig
plicio. 3 (poverty) pobreza, miseria.
pl miseries.
no de menos m.



misfortune [mIsftS n] n infortunio,

desgracia, mala fortuna.

miss1 [mIs] n seorita.

. Miss se emplea delante del apellido de

una mujer soltera.

miss2 [mIs] n (catch, hit, etc) fallo; (shot)

tiro errado.
P vt 1 (not to hit, score, etc) fallar: he missed
a penalty fall un penalti. 2 (not catch)
perder: I missed the bus perd el autobs.
3 (not experience) perderse: don't miss this
concert! no te pierdas este concierto! 4
(not see) perderse: she doesn't miss anything no se le escapa nada. 5 (not attend meeting, etc) no asistir a; (- class, work)
faltar a. 7 (long for - person) echar de
menos; (- place) aorar: she misses her
family echa de menos a su familia.
P vi 1 (catch, kick, etc) fallar; (shot) errar el
tiro. 2 (engine) fallar. 3 (fail) fallar.
a to miss out vt sep (omit, fail to include)
saltarse, omitir; (overlook, disregard) pa
sar por alto, dejarse.
P vi (lose opportunity) dejar pasar, per
missile [mIsaIl] n 1 (explosive weapon)
misil m. 2 (object thrown) proyectil m.
missing [mIsIN] adj 1 (object - lost) perdi
do,-a, extraviado,-a. 2 (person - disappeared) desaparecido,-a; (- absent) au
sente: she's been missing for a week hace
una semana que desapareci. l o c to be
missing faltar. c o m p missing person
mission [mISn] n misin f.
missionary [mISnrI] n misionero,-a.

1 (in error) por error. 2 (unintentionally)

sin querer. y to make a mistake equi
vocarse, cometer un error.
P vt 1 (misunderstand) entender mal. 2
(confuse) confundir (for, con).
pt mistook [mIstUk], pp mistaken [mIsteIkn].

mistaken [mIsteIkn] pp mistake.

P adj (wrong, incorrect) equivocado,-a,

errneo,-a. l o c to be mistaken equi
mister [mIstr] n seor m.
mistletoe [mIsltU] n murdago.

mistook [mIstUk] pt mistake.

mistreat [mIstrit] vt maltratar, tratar

mistress [mIstrs] n 1 (owner - gen) due

a, ama, seora; (of dog) ama, duea.

2 (lover) amante f. 3 gb maestra, pro
mistrust [mIstrst] n desconfianza,
P vt desconfiar de.
misty [mIstI] adj 1 meteor neblino
so,-a: it's misty hay neblina. 2 (window,
glasses, etc) empaado,-a.
comp mistier, superl mistiest.


[mIsndstQnd] vt

(gen) entender mal; (misinterpret) ma


pt & pp misunderstood [mIsndstUd].

misunderstanding [mIsndstQndIN]
n malentendido (about, sobre).

mite [maIt] n (insect) caro, acrido.

miter [maItr] n us mitre.
mitigating [mItIgeItIN] adj mitiga

dor,-ra. c o m p mitigating circumstances

circunstancias fpl atenuantes.
pt & pp misspelled o misspelt [mIs- mitre [maItr] n 1 rel mitra. 2 tech in
glete m.
spelt], ger misspelling.
mitten [mItn] n (fingers covered) mano
misspend [mIsspend] vt malgastar.
pla; (fingers exposed) mitn m.
pt & pp misspent [mIsspent].
mist [mIst] n 1 (gen) neblina; (sea) bru mix [mIks] n 1 (mixture - gen) mezcla. 2
ma; (haze) calima. 2 (on window, mirror,
culin preparado.
P vt 1 (combine) mezclar, combinar: mix
etc) vaho.
the sugar with the butter mezclar el azcar
mistake [mIsteIk] n (error) equivoca
con la mantequilla. 2 (make, prepare cin f, error m; (in test) falta; (oversight)
plaster, cement) amasar; (- cocktail, salad,
be some mistake
descuido: there must
debe haber algn error. l o c by mistake
medicine) preparar.
pl missionaries.

misspell [mIsspel] vt escribir mal.




1 (substances) mezclarse. 2 (clothes, modem [mUdem] n comput modem m.

colours, food) combinar bien, ir bien moderate [md rt] adj 1 (average)
juntos,-as. 3 (people - come together)
mediano,-a, regular: moderate size ta
mezclarse con la gente; (- get on) lle
mao mediano. 2 (not extreme) moderado,varse bien (with, con).
a; (reasonable) razonable. 3 (talent, ability,
a to mix up vt sep 1 (ingredients) mezclar
performance) mediocre, regular.
bien. 2 (confuse) confundir. 3 (mess up,
P vt moderar.
put in disorder) desordenar, revolver.
P vi moderarse.
mixed [mIkst] adj 1 (of different kinds) moderation [mdreISn] n modera
variado,-a: mixed biscuits galletas surti
cin f.
das. 2 (ambivalent) desigual. 3 (for both modern [mdn] adj 1 (up-to-date) mo
sexes) mixto,-a.
derno,-a. 2 (history, literature, etc) contem
mixer [mIksr] n (for food) batidora.
porneo,-a. c o m p modern language len
mixture [mIkstS ] n (gen) mezcla.
gua moderna.
mix-up [mIksp] n fam (confusion) lo, modernize [mdnaIz] vt modernizar.
confusin f; (misunderstanding) malen
P vi modernizarse.
modest [mdIst] adj 1 (gen) modesto,-a,
mm [mIlImitr] symb (millimetre) mil
humilde. 2 (improvement, increase)
metro; (abbreviation) mm.
modesto,-a; (- price) mdico,-a.
moan [mUn] n 1 (groan) gemido, que modesty [mdIstI] n 1 (humility) mo
jido. 2 (complaint) queja, protesta.
destia, humildad f. 2 (chastity) pudor
P vi 1 (groan) gemir. 2 (complain) quejar
m, recato.
se (about, de), protestar (about, por). modify [mdIfaI] vt (change) modificar.
moaner [mUnr] n quejica m & f.
pt & pp modified, ger modifying.
moat [mUt] n foso.
module [mdjUl] n mdulo.
mobile [mUbaIl] adj (object, troops, etc) moist [mIst] adj (damp) hmedo,-a;
mvil, movible. c o m p mobile home ca
(slightly wet) ligeramente mojado,-a: a
ravana, remolque m. y mobile phone
moist sponge cake un bizcocho tierno.
telfono mvil.
moisture [mIstSr] n humedad f.
P n (hanging ornament) mvil m.
mold [mUld] n mould.
mock [mk] adj 1 (object) de imitacin.
mole1 [mUl] n (on skin) lunar m.
2 (feeling) fingido,-a, simulado,-a;
mole2 [mUl] n 1 zool topo. 2 fam (spy)
(modesty) falso,-a.
topo mf, espa mf.
P vt (laugh at, make fun of) burlarse de,
molecular [mlekjlr] adj molecular.
mofarse de.
molecule [mlIkjUl] n molcula.
P vi burlarse (at, de).
mockery [mkrI] n 1 (ridicule) burla, molest [mlest] vt 1 (attack - person) ata
car, asaltar; (- dog) perseguir, atacar. 2
mofa. 2 (farce) farsa; (travesty) parodia.
(sexually) abusar sexualmente.
l o c to make a mockery of sth poner algo en ridculo.
To molest no significa 'molestar', que
modal [mUdl] adj modal. c o m p modal
se traduce por to bother.
auxiliary auxiliar m modal. y modal
mollusc [mlsk] n molusco.
verb verbo modal.
molt [mUlt] n us moult.
model [mdl] n modelo.
mom [mm] n us fam mam f.
P adj 1 (miniature) en miniatura, a esca
la; (toy) de juguete. 2 (exemplary) ejem moment [mUmnt] n (instant) mo
mento, instante m: just a moment un
plar; (ideal) modelo.
P vt (clay, etc) modelar.
momentito; I didn't believe that story for a
moment no me cre ese cuento ni por un
pt & pp modelled
(us modeled), ger
modelling (us modeling).
momento. l o c at any moment de un
P vi



momento a otro, en cualquier mo

mento. y at the moment en este
momento. y at the last moment a lti
ma hora. y for the moment de mo
mento, por el momento. y in a mo
ment dentro de un momento.
mommy [mmI] n us fam mam.

monolith [mnlIT] n monolito.

monologue [mnlg] n monlogo.
monopoly [mnplI] n monopolio.

Monaco [mnkU] n Mnaco.

monarch [mnk] n monarca m.
monarchy [mnkI] n monarqua.

monotonous [mntns] adj mon

pl mommies.

pl monarchies.

monastery [mnstrI] n monasterio.

pl monasteries.

Monday [mndI] n lunes m inv.

. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta Saturday.


[mngQsk] n mone

monetary [mnItrI] adj monetario,-a.

money [mnI] n 1 (gen) dinero: how

much money have you got? cunto dinero

tienes? 2 (currency) moneda. l o c to
make money 1 (person) ganar dinero,
hacer dinero. 2 (business) dar dinero. y
to put money on sth apostar por algo.
moneybox [mnIbks] n hucha.
pl moneyboxes.
Mongol [mNgl] n mongol,-la, mo


Mongolia [mNgUlI] n Mongolia.

Mongolian [mNgUlIn] adj mongol,

pl monopolies.

monorail [mnUreIl] n monorral m,

monocarril m.


[mnUTIIz m] n mo


monotony [mntnI] n monotona.

monoxide [mnksaId] n monxido.
monsoon [mnsUn] n 1 (wind) mon

zn m. 2 (rainy season) estacin f llu

viosa. c o m p monsoon rains lluvias fpl
monster [mnstr] n (gen) monstruo.
P adj fam (huge) enorme, gigantesco,-a.
Montenegrin [mntInigrIn] adj mon
P n montenegrino,-a.
Montenegro [mntInigrU] n Mon
month [mnT] n mes m: I'm going on holiday at the end of the month me voy de va
caciones a final de mes.
monthly [mnTlI] adj mensual.
P adv mensualmente, cada mes.
P n (magazine) revista mensual.
monument [mnjmnt] n monu
mento (to, a).
monumental [mnjmentl] adj 1 (gen)
monumental. 2 fam (lie, blunder, etc) ga
rrafal, monumental.
moo [mU] n (of cow) mugido.
P vi mugir.

-la, mogol,-la.
P n 1 (person) mongol,-la, mogol,-la. 2
(language) mongol m, mogol m.
monitor [mnItr] n 1 (screen) monitor
m . 2 (school pupil) responsable mf ,
a to mooch about / mooch around vi
dar vueltas, deambular.
P vt (check) controlar; (follow) seguir de
pt & pp mooed, ger mooing.
cerca; (watch) observar.
mood1 [mUd] n ling modo.
monk [mNk] n monje m.
mood2 [mUd] n 1 (humour) humor m:
monkey [mNkI] n (gen) mono,-a;
her moods change very quickly cambia de
(long-tailed) mico,-a. c o m p monkey nut
humor de repente. l o c to be in a good/
cacahuete m. y monkey wrench llave f
bad mood estar de buen/mal humor.
moon [mUn] n luna: full moon luna lle
monogamy [mngmI] n monoga
na. l o c to be over the moon estar en el
sptimo cielo.
monographic [mngrQfIk]
adj mo moonlight [mUnlaIt] n claro de luna,
luz f de luna.



Moor [mU ] n moro,-a.

moor1 [mUr] n (heath) brezal m.
moor2 [mU r] vt (with rope) amarrar;

(with anchor) anclar.

P vi (with anchor) anclar; (with rope) echar
mooring [mUrIN] n (place) amarra
P n pl moorings (ropes, etc) amarras fpl.
Moorish [mUrIS] adj moro,-a.
moorland [mUrlnd] n pramo.
moose [mUs] n alce m.
mop [mp] n 1 (for floor) fregona. 2 fam
(of hair) mata de pelo.
P vt 1 (floor) fregar, limpiar. 2 (brow,
tears) enjugarse (with, con), secarse.
a to mope about / mope around vi an
dar abatido,-a, andar deprimido,-a.
pt & pp mopped, ger mopping.
moped [mUped] n ciclomotor m.
moral [mrl] adj moral.
P n (of story) moraleja.
P n pl morals moral f sing, moralidad f sing.

Moral no significa 'moral (estado de

nimo)', que se traduce por morale.

morale [mrAl] n moral f, estado de


moral f.

[mrQlItI] n moralidad f ,

morally [mrlI] adv moralmente.

more [mr] adj ms: more than half an
hour ms de media hora.
P pron ms: we need some more necesita
mos ms. l o c the more , the more
cuanto ms , ms y what is more

adems, lo que es ms.

P adv ms: it's more expensive es ms ca
ro. l o c more and more cada vez ms.
y more or less 1 (approximately) ms o
menos. 2 (almost) casi.
. Consulta tambin many y much.


l o c good morning! buenos das! y in

the morning (tomorrow before noon) ma

ana por la maana.

P adv mornings por la maana, por
las maanas.
Moroccan [mrk n] adj marroqu,
P n marroqu,-ina.
Morocco [mrkU] n Marruecos.
morose [mrUs] adj malhumorado,
-a, hosco,-a, taciturno,-a.

Morose no significa 'moroso', que se

traduce por defaulting.

morpheme [mfim] n ling morfema m.

morphine [mfin] n morfina.
morphological [mfldZIk l] adj

morphology [mfldZI] n (gen) mor


Morse [ms] n Morse m.

c o m p Morse
code alfabeto Morse.
mortal [mtl] adj (gen) mortal.
P n mortal mf.
mortality [mtQltI] n mortalidad f.
mortgage [mgIdZ] n hipoteca.
P adj hipotecario,-a.
P vt hipotecar.
mosaic [mzeIIk] adj mosaico.
Moslem [mzlm] adj musulmn,-ana.
P n musulmn,-ana.
mosque [msk] n mezquita.
mosquito [mskitU] n mosquito.
c o m p mosquito bite picadura de mos
quito. y mosquito net mosquitero,


pl mosquitoes o mosquitos.
moss [ms] n bot musgo.
most [mUst] adj 1 (greatest in quantity)
ms: Simon's got the most points Simon
tiene ms puntos. 2 (majority) la mayora
de, la mayor parte de: most people live in
flats la mayora de la gente vive en depar

[mrUv r] adv fml ade

ms, por otra parte.
morgue [mg] n depsito de cadveres.
P adv ms: the most difficult question la
pregunta ms difcil.
morning [mnIN] n (gen) maana;
P pron 1 (greatest part) la mayor parte: it
(early) madrugada: at eight o'clock in the
rained most of the time llovi durante la
morning a las ocho de
la maana; the following morning a la maana siguiente.
mayor parte del tiempo. 2 (greatest number



or amount) lo mximo. 3 (the majority of

people) la mayora.
P adv 1 (superlative) ms: the most beautiful girl la chica ms guapa. 3 (very) muy,
de lo ms: it was most kind of you ha sido
muy amable de su parte; a most delightful
evening una tarde muy agradable. 3 us
(almost) casi. l o c for the most part por
lo general. y most of all sobre todo.
. Consulta tambin many y much.

mostly [mUstlI] adv 1 (mainly) princi

palmente, en su mayor parte. 2 (generally) generalmente; (usually) normal
moth [mT] n mariposa nocturna.
c o m p clothes moth polilla.
mother [mD r] n madre f: a single
mother una madre soltera.
P vt 1 (care for) cuidar como una ma
dre; (rear) criar. 2 (spoil) mimar. c o m p
Mother Nature la Madre f Naturale
za. y mother ship buque m nodriza. y
mother tongue lengua materna.
mother-in-law [mDrInl] n suegra.
pl mothers-in-law.

mother-of-pearl [mDrvpl] n ma
dreperla, ncar m.

motif [mUtif] n 1 (pattern, design) moti

vo. 2 (in music, literature - theme) tema m.

motion [mUSn] n 1 (movement) movi

motorbike [mUtbaIk] n fam moto

cicleta, moto f.

motorboat [mUtbUt] n lancha mo

tora, motora.


[mUtsaIkl] n motoci

cleta, moto f.

motorcycling [mUtsaIklIN] n moto


motorcyclist [mUtsaIklIst] n moto

ciclista mf, motorista mf.

motorist [mUtrIst] n automovilista

mf, conductor,-ra (de coche).

motorway [mUtweI] n gb autopista.

motto [mtU] n lema m.
pl mottos o mottoes.

mould1 [mUld] n (growth) moho.

mould2 [mUld] n 1 (cast) molde m. 2 fig

(type) carcter m, temple m.

P vt 1 (figure) moldear; (clay) modelar.
moult [mUlt] vi zool mudar.
P n zool muda.
mound [maUnd] n 1 (small hill) mont
culo. 2 (pile, heap) montn m.
mount1 [maUnt] n (mountain) monte m.
mount2 [maUnt] n 1 (horse, etc) montu
ra. 2 (for machine, gun, trophy) soporte m,
base f; (for photo, picture) fondo; (for jewel)
engaste m, engarce m; (for slide) mar
P vt 1 montar. (stairs) subir.
P vi 1 (go up) subir, ascender.
a to mount up vi (accumulate) amonto
narse, acumularse.
mountain [maUntn] n 1 geog monta
a. 2 fig (large amount) montaa, mon
tn m. c o m p mountain bike bicicleta de
montaa. y mountain range cordille
ra, sierra.
P adj de montaa.
mountaineer [maUntnIr] n monta
ero,-a, alpinista mf, am andinista mf.

miento. 2 (gesture) gesto, ademn m. 3

(proposal) mocin f. l o c in motion
en movimiento. y in slow motion cinem
a cmara lenta. c o m p motion picture
pelcula. y motion pictures el cine m.
motivate [mUtIveIt] vt motivar.
motive [mUtIv] n 1 (reason) motivo. 2
jur mvil m.
P adj motor,-ra, motriz. c o m p motive
force / motive power fuerza motriz.
motocross [mUtkrs] n sp moto mountaineering [maUntnIrIN] n
cross m.
montaismo, alpinismo, am andi
motor [mUtr] n 1 (engine) motor m. 2
mountainous [maUntns] adj 1 (regb fam (car) coche m, automvil m. c o m p
gion) montaoso,-a. 2 (huge) enorme,
motor racing carreras fpl de coches. y
motor vehicle vehculo a motor.
P adj 1 tech motor,-ra. 2 biol motor,-ra,
mourn [mn] vt (person) llorar la muer
te de; (thing) llorar, aorar.


mourning [mnIN] n luto, duelo.


to be in mourning for sb estar de luto

por algn.

mouse [maUs] n (gen) ratn m.

pl mice.

mousse [mUs] n culin mousse f.

moustache [mstAS] n bigote m.
mouth [(n) maUT; (vb) maUD] n 1 anat


movement [mUvmnt] n 1 (act, motion)

movimiento; (gesture) gesto, ademn

m. 2 (of goods) traslado; (of troops) des
plazamiento; (of population) movi
miento. 3 (political, literary) movimien
to. 4 (trend) tendencia, corriente f.
P n pl movements (activities) movimien
tos mpl, actividades fpl.
movie [mUvI] n us pelcula.
P n pl the movies el cine m sing. l o c to
go to the movies ir al cine.
moving [mUvIN] adj 1 (that moves) m
vil; (in motion) en movimiento, en
marcha. 2 (causing motion) motor,-ra,
motriz. 3 (causing action, motivating)
instigador,-ra, promotor,-ra. 4 (emotional) conmovedor,-ra.
mow [mU] vt (lawn) cortar, segar; (corn,
wheat) segar.

boca. 2 (of river) desembocadura; (of

bottle) boca; (of tunnel, cave) boca, entra
da. 3 (person to feed) boca. l o c to keep
one's mouth shut mantener la boca
cerrada, no decir nada. c o m p mouth
organ armnica.
mouthful [maUTfUl] n 1 (of food) boca
do; (of drink) trago; (of air) bocanada. 2
fam (long word, phrase) trabalenguas m.
mouth-to-mouth [maUTtmaUT] [al
so mouth-to-mouth resuscitation ] n
pt mowed, pp mowed o mown [mUn].
boca a boca m.
mower [mUr] n (for lawn) cortacs

movable [mUvb l] adj movible, m

ped m & f; (for fields) segadora.
mown [mUn] pp mow.
move [mUv] n 1 (act of moving, movement)
movimiento: he watched my every move Mozambique [mUzQmbik] n Mo
observ todos mis movimientos. 2 (to

new home) mudanza; (to new job) trasla Mozambiquean [mUzQmbik n] adj
do. 3 (in game) jugada; (turn) turno:
P n mozambiqueo,-a.
whose move is it? a quin le toca jugar? 4
(action, step) paso, accin f, medida; MP [empi] abbr (member of Parliament) diputado,-a.
(decision) decisin f; (attempt) intento.
mph [empieItS] abbr (miles per hour)
P vt 1 (gen) mover; (furniture, etc) cam
millas por hora.
biar de sitio, trasladar; (transfer) tras
ladar; (out of the way) apartar: you've Mr abbr (Mister) seor; (abbreviation) sr.
moved the furniture! habis cambiado los Mrs abbr seora; (abbreviation) sra.
muebles de sitio! 2 (affect emotionally) Ms abbr (Miss) seorita; (abbreviation)
conmover. 3 (in games) mover, jugar.
P vi 1 (gen) moverse; (change - position)
much [mtS] adj mucho,-a: we haven't got
trasladarse, desplazarse; (- house)
much bread no tenemos mucho pan; he
mudarse; (- post, department) trasladar
didn't have much time no tena mucho
se: she was so scared she couldn't move te
tiempo; we've made too much jam hemos
na tanto miedo que no poda moverse.
hecho demasiada mermelada; why is there
a to move away vi 1 (move aside, etc)
so much traffic? por qu hay tanto trfico?;
alejarse, apartarse. 2 (change house)
take as much time as you need tmate tanto
mudarse de casa.
tiempo como necesites; how much money
a to move in vi 1 (into new home) insta
have you got? cunto dinero tienes?
larse. 2 (prepare to take control, attack, etc)
comp more, superl most.
P pron mucho: there's not much to do
a to move over vt sep (step aside) apar
round here no hay mucho que hacer por
aqu; how much is it? cunto vale? l o c a
P vi (make room) correrse, moverse.
bit much un poco demasiado, un po



co excesivo,-a. y as much 1 (equal)

equivalente a. 2 (the same) lo mismo.
P adv mucho: he felt much better se en
contraba mucho mejor.
. Much se emplea sobre todo en las fra
ses negativas e interrogativas, en las
frases afirmativas se emplea a lot.

mucus [mjUks] n mucosidad f.

mud [md] n (gen) barro, lodo; (thick)

muddle [mdl] n 1 (mess) desorden m:

everything's in a muddle todo est en des

orden. 2 (confusion, mix-up) confusin f,
embrollo, lo.
P vt [also to muddle up] (untidy) revol
ver, desordenar; (confuse mentally) liar,
confundir, embarullar; (confuse, mix
up) confundir.
a to muddle through vi arreglrselas.
muddy [mdI] adj 1 (gen) fangoso,-a,
barroso,-a, lodoso,-a. 2 (colour)
sucio,-a. 3 (thinking, idea, etc) confuso,a, turbio,-a.

comp muddier, superl muddiest.

mudguard [mdgAd] n guardabarros
m inv.
muesli [mjUzlI] n muesli m.
muffin [mfIn] n 1 gb panecillo redondo que
se come tostado y con mantequilla. 2 us tipo de
mug [mg] n (large cup) taza alta, ta
zn m.
mugger [mgr] n atracador,-ra, asal
tante mf.
mugging [mgIN] n atraco, asalto.
mule [mjUl] n zool mulo,-a.
mullet [mlIT] c o m p grey mullet mjol
m. y red mullet salmonete m.
multicultural [mltIkltSrl] adj mul

multiple-choice [mltIpltSIs] adj ti

po test.


[mltIpleks] adj 1 (cinema)

multicines mpl. 2 tech mltiple.
multiplication [mltIplIkeISn] n mul
tiplicacin f. c o m p multiplication sign
signo de multiplicar. y multiplication
table tabla de multiplicar.
multiply [mltIplaI] vt math multipli
car (by, por).

pt & pp multiplied, ger multiplying.

P vi multiplicarse.
multipurpose [mltIpps] adj mul
tiuso inv.
mum [mm] n gb fam mam f.
mumble [mmbl] vt (gen) decir entre

dientes, mascullar; (prayer) musitar.

P vi hablar entre dientes, farfullar.
mummify [mmIfaI] vt momificar.

pt & pp mummified, ger mummifying.

mummy1 [mmI] n (dead body) momia.

pl mummies.

mummy2 [mmI] n gb fam (mother) ma

m f.

pl mummies.

mumps [mmps] n med paperas fpl.

mundane [mndeIn] adj 1 (worldly)

mundano,-a. 2 pej (banal) rutina

rio,-a, banal.
municipal [mjUnIsIpl] adj municipal.
municipality [mjUnIsIpQlItI] n muni
pl municipalities.

mural [mjUrl] n pintura mural, mu

ral m.

murder [mdr] n 1 asesinato, homi

cidio. 2 fam fig (difficult experience) pesa

dilla. c o m p murder story novela negra,
novela policaca.
P vt 1 (kill) asesinar, matar. 2 fam fig
(be angry with) matar.
murderer [mdrr] n asesino, homi
multilateral [mltIlQtrl] adj multila
cida mf.
murmur [mmr] n 1 (of voice) murmu

multinational [mltInQS nl] adj mul

llo, susurro. 2 (of traffic) rumor m; (of
insects) zumbido; (of wind) murmullo;
P n multinacional f.
(of water) susurro. 3 med soplo.
P vt murmurar: they murmured their apmultiple [mltIpl]
adj mltiple.
P n math mltiplo.
proval hubo un murmullo de aprobacin.


P vi 1 murmurar, susurrar. 2 (complain)
quejarse (against/at, de).

To murmur no significa 'murmurar

(hablar mal)', que se traduce por to gossip.


[ms l] n 1 anat msculo. 2

(muscle power) fuerza. 3 fig (strength, power) poder m, fuerza. l o c to not move a
muscle no inmutarse.
a to muscle in vi (situation) entrometer
se (on, en); (place) introducirse por la
muscular [mskjlr] adj 1 (pain, tissue)
muscular. 2 (person) musculoso,-a.
musculature [mskjltSr] n 1 mus
culatura. 2 (person) musculoso,-a.
muse1 [mjUz] vi meditar (on/over, -),
reflexionar (on/over, sobre).
muse2 [mjUz] n musa.
P n pl the Muses las Musas fpl.
museum [mjUzIm] n museo.
mushroom [mSrUm] n 1 bot seta,
hongo. 2 culin (button mushroom) cham
pin m; (wild) seta. c o m p mushroom
cloud hongo nuclear.

. La palabra mushroom se usa para de

signar cualquier seta u hongo comestible;
las setas no comestibles se llaman toadstools.

music [mjUzIk] n msica.

c o m p music
box caja de msica. y music centre
equipo de msica. y music hall teatro
de variedades. y music score partitu
ra. y music stand atril m.
musical [mjUzIkl] adj 1 (gen) musical.
2 (person - gifted) dotado,-a para la m

muslin [mzlIn] n muselina.

mussel [msl] n mejilln m.
must1 [mst] aux 1 (necessity, obligation)

deber, tener que: I must leave now ten

go que marcharme ahora; must you play
your music so loud? es necesario poner la
msica tan fuerte? 2 (probability) deber
de: she must be tired debe de estar cansa
da; but someone must have seen her pero
alguien debe de haberla visto. l o c if I
must si no hay ms remedio. y if you
must know, si te empeas en saber
P n (need) necesidad f: it's an absolute
must for all film buffs es imprescindible
para todos los cinfilos.


[mstAS] n




[mstd] n (gen) mostaza.

mustard gas gas m mostaza.
mutant [mjUtnt] n mutante mf.
P adj mutante.
mutation [mjUteISn] n mutacin f.
mute [mjUt] adj (dumb, silent) mudo,-a.
c o m p deaf mute sordomudo,-a.
P n 1 ling mudo,-a. 2 (dumb person)
mudo,-a. 3 mus sordina.
mutilate [mjUtIleIt] vt mutilar.
mutilation [mjUtIleIS n] n mutila
cin f.
mutiny [mjUtInI] n motn m, amoti
namiento, sublevacin f, rebelin f.
pl mutinies.
P vi amotinarse.
pt & pp mutinied, ger mutinying.
mutter [mtr] n murmullo, refun

P vt (mumble) murmurar, mascullar,
sica; (- fond of music) aficionado,-a a la
decir entre dientes, refunfuar.
msica, melmano,-a. c o m p musical
P vi 1 (mumble) murmurar, hablar en
box caja de msica. y musical instru
tre dientes. 2 (complain) refunfuar,
ment instrumento musical.
rezongar, quejarse.
P n musical m.
mutton [mtn] n carne f de oveja.
musician [mjUzISn] n msico,-a.
mutual [mjUtSUl] adj 1 (help, love, etc)
musk [msk] n (substance) almizcle m.
mutuo,-a, recproco,-a. 2 (friend, intermusket [mskIt] n mosquete m.
est, etc) comn.
musketeer [msktI r] n mosque mutually [mjUtSUlI] adv mutuamen
Muslim [mzlIm] adj
musulmn,-ana. muzzle [mzl] n 1 (snout) hocico. 2
P n musulmn,-ana.
(guard) bozal m. 3 (of gun) boca.



P vt 1 (dog) poner un bozal a. 2 fig (person, press, etc) amordazar.

muzzy [mzI] adj 1 (blurred) borroso,-a.
2 (groggy) atontado,-a, espeso,-a.

comp muzzier, superl muzziest.

my [maI] adj mi, mis: my book mi libro;
my records mis discos; one of my friends un

amigo mo.
P interj caramba!, caray!
myopia [maIUpI] n miopa.
myopic [maIpIk] adj miope.
myrtle [mtl] n bot arrayn m, mirto.
myself [maIself] pron 1 (reflexive) me: I
cut myself me cort; I helped myself me
serv. 2 (after preposition) m (mismo,-a):
I kept it for myself lo guard para m; I said
to myself me dije a m mismo. 3 (emphatic) yo mismo,-a: I did it by myself lo hice
yo mismo,-a. l o c all by myself 1 (alone)

solo,-a. 2 (without help) yo solo,-a. y to

myself (private) para m solo,-a.
mysterious [mIstIrIs] adj miste

mysteriously [mIstIrIslI] adv miste


mystery [mIstrI] n misterio.

pl mysteries.

mystic [mIstIk] adj mstico,-a.



mystical [mIstIkl] adj mstico,-a.

myth [mIT] n 1 (ancient story) mito. 2 (fallacy) falacia.

mythical [mITIkl] adj 1 (of a myth) mti

co,-a. 2 (not real, imagined) imaginario,-a,


[mITldZIk l] adj

mythology [mITldZI] n mitologa.


N, n [en] n (the letter) N, n f.

N [nT] abbr (north) norte m; (abbrevia-

Namibian [nmIbIn] adj namibio,-a.

naff [nQf] adj fam hortera.

nag [nQg] vt 1 (annoy) molestar, fasti

fam (grandmother) yaya, abuela.

pl nannies.
nap [nQp] n siesta.
P vi dormir la siesta. l o c to have a nap
/ take a nap echar la siesta.

tion) N.

diar. 2 (complain) dar la tabarra a.

P vi quejarse.
pt & pp nagged, ger nagging.

nail [neIl] n 1 (on finger, toe) ua: to bite/

n namibio,-a.

nanny [nQnI] n 1 (carer) niera. 2 gb

pt & pp napped, ger napping.

cut/trim ones nails morderse/cortarse/

arreglarse las uas. 2 (metal) clavo.
P vt 1 clavar, fijar con clavos. 2 fam
pillar, atrapar. c o m p nail clippers cor
taas m. y nail polish esmalte m para
las uas. y nail varnish barniz m para
las uas. y nail varnish remover qui
taesmaltes m.
a to nail down vt sep 1 (thing) clavar,
sujetar con clavos. 2 fig (person) con
seguir que algn se comprometa: I
couldnt nail him down to a price no pude

nape [neIp] n nuca, cogote m.

napkin [nQpkIn] n servilleta. c o m p nap

naive [naIiv] adj ingenuo,-a.

naked [neIkId] adj desnudo,-a.
name [neIm] n 1 (first name) nombre m;

narrator [nreItr] n narrador,-ra.

narrow [nQrU] adj 1 estrecho,-a: a

conseguir que me concretara un precio.

kin ring servilletero.

nappy [nQpI] n gb paal m.

pl nappies.

narcissus [nAsIss] n narciso.

pl narcissi o narcissuses.

narcotic [nAktIk] adj narctico,-a.


n narctico.

n 1 narracin f. 2 (genre) narrativa.

narrate [nreIt] vt narrar.

narrative [nQrtIv] adj narrativo,-a.

narrow road una carretera estrecha. 2 (restricted) reducido,-a, restringido,-a: a

(surname) apellido: his names Richard se
narrow circle of friends un crculo reducido
llama Richard; whats your name? cmo
de amigos. 3 (by very little) escaso,-a: by
te llamas? 2 (fame) fama, reputacin f:
a narrow majority por una escasa mayora.
she made her name in the theatre se hizo
comp narrower, superl narrowest.
famosa en el teatro.
P vt 1 (make narrower) estrechar. 2 (reP vt 1 llamar: they named the child Domiduce) reducir, acortar: Leeds narrowed
nic after his uncle al nio le pusieron Do
Hulls lead to only 1 point el Leeds redujo la
minic por su to. 2 (appoint) nombrar:
ventaja del Hull a 1 solo punto.
he was named Minister of Transport lo
nombraron Ministro de Transportes. nasal [neIz l] adj 1 nasal. 2 (way of
l o c in the name of en nombre de
speaking) gangoso,-a.
c o m p big name pez m gordo. y name
nasty [nAstI] adj 1 (unpleasant) desagra
day santo.
dable, repugnante, horrible: what a
namely [neImlI] adv
a saber.
nasty smell! qu olor ms desagradable! 2
Namibia [nmIbI] n Namibia.
(malicious) malintencionado,-a; (unkind)



antiptico,-a: she was really nasty to everyone se mostr muy antiptica con to
dos. 3 (dangerous) peligroso,-a: this bend
is really nasty esta curva es muy peligrosa.
4 (tricky) peliagudo,-a: its quite a nasty
little problem es un problemita bastante
peliagudo. 5 (serious) grave: a nasty cold
un resfriado de cuidado.

comp nastier, superl nastiest.

[neISn] n 1 (country) nacin f,
pas m. 2 (ethnic group) pueblo, nacin f.
national [nQSnl] adj nacional. c o m p
national anthem himno nacional.
P n sbdito,-a, ciudadano,-a.
nationalism [nQSnlIzm] n naciona



nationalist [nQSnlIst] adj naciona

n nacionalista mf.

nationality [nQSnQlItI] n nacionali

dad f.
pl nationalities.
native [neItIv] adj 1 (place) natal; (language) materno,-a: her native country su
pas natal; his native tongue is Danish su
lengua materna es el dans; we need a native speaker of English necesitamos un ha
blante de ingls que sea nativo. 2 (plant,
animal) originario,-a: its native to Australia es originario de Australia; native varieties
of grape variedades autctonas de vid.
P n 1 natural mf, nativo,-a: shes a native of Orense es natural de Orense. 2
(original inhabitant) indgena mf. c o m p Na
tive American indio,-a americano,-a.

" Se llama Native American a los des

cendientes de las tribus aborgenes que

habitaban Estados Unidos antes de la lle
gada de los europeos. Se trata de una mul
titud de pueblos con lenguas y tradiciones
diferentes que fueron diezmados durante
la colonizacin y, posteriormente, reclui
dos en reservas.

natural [nQtSrl] adj natural. 3 (usual)

natural, normal: its only natural to feel

afraid es normal tener miedo. c o m p nat
ural childbirth parto natural. y natural
gas gas m natural. y natural history
historia natural. y natural resources
recursos mpl naturales. y natural sci
ence ciencias fpl naturales. y natural
selection seleccin f natural.
naturally [nQtSrlI] adv 1 (by nature)
por naturaleza. 2 (unaffectedly) con
naturalidad. 3 (not artificially) de ma
nera natural. 4 (of course) naturalmen
te, por supuesto.
nature [neItSr] n 1 (gen) naturaleza. 2
(character) carcter m, forma de ser: its
in her nature to be like that es as por natu
raleza. l o c by nature por naturaleza.
c o m p nature conservation conserva
cin f de la naturaleza. y nature re
serve reserva natural. y nature study
ciencias fpl naturales.
naughty [ntI] adj 1 travieso,-a, ma
lo,-a. 2 (risqu) atrevido,-a.
comp naughtier, superl naughtiest.
Nauru [naUrU, nAUrU] n Nauru.
Nauruan [naUrUn] adj nauruano,-a.
P n nauruano,-a.
nausea [nzI] n 1 (physical) nusea. 2
(disgust) asco, repugnancia.
nauseating [nzIeItIN] adj 1 (physically) nauseabundo,-a. 2 (disgusting)
asqueroso,-a, repugnante.
nautical [ntIkl] adj nutico,-a. c o m p
nautical mile milla nutica.

Navajo [nQvhU] adj-n Navaho.

naval [neIv l] adj naval. c o m p naval

battle batalla naval. y naval base base

f naval.
navel [neIvl] n ombligo.
navigate [nQvIgeIt] vt 1 (river, sea) na
vegar por. 2 (steer - ship) gobernar;

(- plane) pilotar.
vi (when sailing, flying) dirigir; (when
driving) guiar: you drive, Ill navigate tu
nativity [ntIvItI] n natividad f.
conduce, yo te guiar.
pl nationalities.
NATO [neItU] [also written Nato] abbr navigation [nQvIgeISn] n navega
cin f.
(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Tratado del At navigator [nQvIgeItr] n mar nave
Organizacin f del
gante mf.
lntico Norte; (abbreviation) OTAN f.



navy [neIvI] n marina de guerra, ar



navy blue azul marino.

pl navies.

Nazi [nAtsI] adj nazi.


n nazi mf.

Nazism [nAtsIzm] n nazismo.

Neanderthal [nIQndtAl] adj de

neck [nek] n cuello.

l o c to be in sth up
to ones neck estar metido,-a en algo
hasta el cuello. y to break ones neck
desnucarse. y to risk ones neck jugar

se el tipo.

necklace [nekls] n collar m.

neckline [neklaIn] n escote m .


with a low neckline muy escotado,-a.

Neanderthal. c o m p Neanderthal man
hombre m de Neanderthal.
nectarine [nektrIn] n nectarina.
near [nIr] adj 1 cercano,-a: where is the ne [neI] adj de soltera: Mrs Hastings, ne
nearest bank? dnde est el banco ms
Lawley la Sra. Hastings, de soltera Lawley.
cercano?; a near relative un pariente cer need [nid] n 1 necesidad f: theres no
cano. 2 (time) prximo,-a: in the near
need for all of you to come with me no hace
future en un futuro prximo.
falta que me acompais todos; I have
comp nearer, comp nearest.
enough to satisfy my needs tengo suficien
P adv cerca: I live quite near (by) vivo bas
te para satisfacer mis necesidades. 2
tante cerca.
(poverty) necesidad f, infortunio: to
P prep1 cerca de: its near the market es
help sb in time of need ayudar a algn en
t cerca del mercado.2 [also near to.] a
tiempos de necesidad. l o c if need be si
punto de: she was near to crying estuvo a
hace falta. y to be in need of necesi
punto de llorar.
tar. y to have need of necesitar, tener
P vt acercarse a: we are nearing the day
necesidad de.
when nos acercamos al da en que
P vt necesitar: youll need a pencil necesi
nearby [(adj) nIbaI; (adv) nIbaI] adj cer
tars un lpiz; I need to see you tengo que
cano,-a: a nearby hotel un hotel cercano.
P adv cerca: is there one nearby? hay al
P aux hacer falta: need we all go? hace
guno cerca?
falta que vayamos todos?; need you drive
so fast? tienes que conducir tan depri
nearly [nIlI] adv casi. l o c not nearly ni
sa?; you neednt come in tomorrow no hace
mucho menos, ni con mucho: theres
falta que vengas maana; you neednt
not nearly enough time to finish el tiempo
have bought me a present no haca falta
para acabar es del todo insuficiente.
que me compraras ningn regalo.
neat [nit] adj 1 (room) ordenado,-a; (garden) bien arreglado,-a. 2 (person) needle [nidl] n 1 (gen) aguja. 2 gb fam
(friction) pique m. 3 us fam (injection) in
pulcro,-a; (in habits) ordenado,-a. 3 (writyeccin f. 4 (leaf) hoja: pine needles ho
ing) claro,-a. 4 (clever) ingenioso,-a, apa
jas de pino. l o c its like looking for a
ado,-a. 5 (drinks) solo,-a. 6 us fants
needle in a haystack es como buscar
tico,-a, estupendo,-a, chulo,-a, guay.
una aguja en un pajar.
neatness [nitns] n esmero.
P vt fam pinchar.
necessarily [nesserIlI] adv 1 necesa
riamente. 2 (inevitably) inevitable needless [nidls] adj innecesario,-a.
neednt [nidnt] v need.
mente, forzosamente.
necessary [nesIsrI] adj 1 necesario,-a. negative [negtIv] adj negativo,-a.
P n 1 ling negacin f. 2 (answer) nega
2 (inevitable) inevitable, forzoso,-a. l o c
tiva. 3 (photograph) negativo.
to do the necessary hacer lo necesario.
P n pl necessaries lo necesario, cosas
neglect [nIglekt] n 1 (of thing) descui
fpl necesarias.
do, desatencin f: the house was in a
state of neglect la casa estaba totalmente
necessity [nIsesItI] n 1 necesidad f:
descuidada, la casa se encontraba en un
its a necessity es indispensable. 2 (item)
estado de abandono. 2 (of duty) incum
requisito indispensable.
pl necessities.



vt 1 (not take care of) tener abandona

do,-a, desatender: Ive been neglecting
my friends recently tengo abandonados a
mis amigos. 2 (fail to attend to) descui
dar: with so much sport youve been neglecting your academic work con tanto de
porte tienes los estudios muy
descuidados. 3 (forget to do) olvidar: she
neglected to lock the safe olvid cerrar la
caja con llave.
neglected [nIglektId] adj descuida
negligence [neglIdZns] n negligencia.
negotiate [nIgUSIeIt] vt negociar.
negotiation [nIgUSIeISn] n negocia
cin f: the agreement is under negotiation
el acuerdo se est negociando.
negotiator [nIgUSIeItr] n negocia
neigh [neI] n relincho.
P vi relinchar.

neighbor [neIbr] n us neighbour.

neighbour [neIbr] n 1 vecino,-a. 2
(fellow man) prjimo,-a.


Nepali [nplI] adj Nepalese.

nephew [nevjU] n sobrino.
Neptune [neptjUn] n Neptuno.
nerve [nv] n 1 nervio. 2 (daring) valor
m. 3 (cheek) descaro, cara: what a nerve!
qu cara! l o c to be a bundle of nerves

estar hecho,-a un manojo de ner

vios. y to get on sbs nerves crispar los
nervios a algn. y to lose ones nerve
acobardarse. c o m p nerve cell neurona.
y nerve centre centro neurlgico. y
nerve gas gas m nervioso.
nervous [nvs] adj 1 nervioso,-a. 2
(afraid) miedoso,-a; (timid) tmido,-a.
3 (apprehensive) aprensivo,-a. c o m p
nervous breakdown crisis f nerviosa.
y nervous system sistema m nervio
so. y nervous wreck manojo de nervios.
nest [nest] n 1 nido; (hens) nidal m. 2
(wasps) avispero; (animals) madrigue
ra. 3 fig nido, refugio.
P vi anidar, nidificar.
P vt comput anidar.
net1 [net] n red f.
P vt coger con red.
pt & pp netted, ger netting.
net2 [net] adj fin neto,-a: they made a net
profit of 1.5M tuvieron beneficios netos
de un milln y medio de libras. c o m p net
result resultado final. y net weight pe
so neto.
nether [neDr] adj lit inferior, de abajo.
Netherlander [neDlQndr] n neer

[neIbhUd] n 1 ve
cindad f, barrio. 2 (people) vecinda
rio. c o m p neighbourhood watch grupo
de vigilancia vecinal.
neither [naIDr, niDr] adj ninguno de
los dos, ninguna de las dos: neither
boy knew the answer ninguno de los dos
chicos saba la respuesta.
P pron ninguno de los dos, ninguna
de las dos: neither is here ninguno de los
dos est aqu.
Netherlands [neDlndZ] n the Neth
P adv 1 ni: hes neither fat nor thin no es
erlands los Pases mpl Bajos.
ni gordo ni delgado. 2 tampoco: I dont
like it and neither does my wife no me gus netsurfer [netsf ] n internauta mf.

ta a m, y a mi mujer tampoco. l o c nei nettle [net l] n ortiga. l o c to grasp the

nettle tomar el toro por las astas.
ther nor ni ni: she neither
c o m p nettle rash urticaria.
smokes nor drinks ni fuma ni bebe.
network [netwk] n red f.
neolithic [nUlITIk] adj neoltico,-a.
P vt comput conectar en red.
neon [nin] n nen m. c o m p neon light
luz f de nen. y neon sign rtulo con neuron [njUrn] n neurona.
tubos de nen.
neuter [njUtr] adj neutro,-a.
P n ling neutro.
Nepal [npl] n Nepal.
Nepalese [nepliz] adj nepals,-esa, neutral [njUtrl] adj (in general) neu
tro,-a: a neutral colour/shampoo un color/
P n 1 (person) nepals,-esa, nepal mf.
champ neutro. 2 pol neutral: a neutral
2 (language) nepals m, nepal m.
country un pas neutral. 3 (impartial) neu



tral, imparcial: a neutral judgment un

juicio imparcial.
P n auto punto muerto: leave the car in
neutral deja el coche en punto muerto.
neutron [njUrn] n neutrn m.
never [nevr] adv nunca, jams: I have
never been there jams he estado all; we
never go there any more ya no vamos all
nunca; never have I heard such rubbish en
mi vida he odo tales tonteras; he never
so much as thanked me ni siquiera me dio
las gracias. l o c never again nunca
ms. y never mind! no importa!
never-ending [nevrendIN] adj inter
nevertheless [nevDles] adv sin em
new [njU] adj 1 nuevo,-a: a new car un
coche nuevo; new bread pan recin hecho.
2 (baby) recin nacido,-a: shes got a new
baby acaba de tener un hijo. l o c whats
new? qu hay de nuevo? c o m p new
moon luna nueva. y New Testament
Nuevo Testamento. y new wave nue
va ola. y New World Nuevo Mundo. y
New Year Ao Nuevo. y New Years Day
da m de Ao Nuevo. y New Years Eve
Nochevieja. y New York Nueva York. y
New Zealand Nueva Zelanda. y New
Zealander neozelands,-esa.
newborn [njUbn] adj recin naci
newcomer [njUkmr] n recin llega
Newfoundland [njUfndlnd] n Te
news [njUz] n noticias fpl. l o c bad news
travels fast las malas noticias corren
deprisa. y its news to me fam ahora
me entero. y no news is good news la
falta de noticias son buenas noticias.
y to break the news to sb dar la noticia a
algn. c o m p a piece of news una noticia.
y news agency agencia de noticias. y
news bulletin boletn m de noticias.
y news conference conferencia de
prensa. y news item noticia.


newsagents (shop) quiosco, puesto

de peridicos.

newsdealer [njUzdilr] n us vende

dor,-ra de peridicos.

newsflash [njUzflQS] n noticia de l

tima hora.


[njUzgrUp] n grupo de

newsletter [njUzletr] n hoja infor

mativa, boletn m.

newspaper [njUspeIpr] n diario, pe



[njUzstQnd] n quiosco,
puesto de peridicos.
newt [njUt] n tritn m.
newton [njUtn] n newton m.
next [nekst] adj 1 (following - in order)
prximo,-a, siguiente; (- in time)
prximo,-a, que viene: the next street
on the left la prxima calle a la izquierda;
its on the next page est en la pgina si
guiente; not this stop, the next esta parada
no, la siguiente; next Thursday (Friday, etc)
el prximo jueves (viernes, etc), el jueves
(viernes, etc) que viene; next week/month/
year la semana/el mes/el ao que viene. 2
(room, house, etc) de al lado: they live in the
next house viven en la casa de al lado.
P adv luego, despus, a continua
cin: what did you say next? qu dijiste
luego?; what do you want to do next? qu
quieres hacer ahora?
P prep next to al lado de: its next to the
cinema est al lado del cine. l o c next to
nothing casi nada. y next door al la
do, la casa de al lado: they live next
door viven (en la casa de) al lado.
next-door [nekstdr] adj de al lado,
de la casa de al lado: my next-door
neighbours los vecinos de al lado.

NGO [endZiU] abbr (Non-Governmen-

tal Organization) Organizacin f no

gubernamental; (abbreviation) ONG f.
nibble [nIbl] n 1 (action) mordisco. 2

(piece) bocadito.
P vi picar.

Nicaragua [nIkrQgjU] n Nicaragua.

Nicaraguan [nIkrQgjUn] adj nicara

[ n j
UzeIdZnt] n
P n nicaragense.
vendedor,-ra de peridicos. c o m p



nice [naIs] adj 1 (person) amable, simp

nineteen [naIntin] adj diecinueve.

tico: hes such a nice boy! es un chico tan
P n diecinueve m.
simptico! 2 (thing) bueno,-a, agradable:
. Consulta tambin six.
nice day today, isnt it? hace buen da, ver
dad? 3 (food) delicioso,-a, bueno,-a. 4 n i n e t e e n t h [ n a I n t i n T ] a d j
(pretty) bonito,-a, mono,-a, guapo,-a.
nicely [naIslI] adv 1 (well) bien: she was
P adv en decimonono lugar.
very nicely dressed iba muy bien vestida. 2
P n 1 (in series) decimonono,-a. 2 (frac(properly) bien: behave nicely, dear com
tion) decimonono; (one part) decimo
prtate bien, cario. 3 fam (very well)
nona parte f.
perfecto, estupendo: Friday would suit
. Consulta tambin sixth.
me nicely el viernes me ira perfecto.
nickel [nIkl] n 1 nquel m. 2 us mone ninetieth [naIntIT] adj nonagsimo,-a.
da de cinco centavos.
P adv en nonagsimo lugar.
nickname [nIkneIm] n apodo.
P n 1 (in series) nonagsimo,-a. 2 (fracP vt apodar: he was nicknamed Lanky lo
tion) nonagsimo; (one part) nonagsi
apodaron Lanky.
ma parte f.
niece [nis] n sobrina.
. Consulta tambin sixtieth.
Niger [niZer] n Nger.
ninety [naIntI] adj noventa.
Nigeria [naIdZIrI] n Nigeria.
P n noventa m.
Nigerian [naIdZIrIn] adj nigeriano,-a.
P n nigeriano,-a.
. Consulta tambin sixty.
night [naIt] n noche f. l o c all night long
[naInT] adj nono,-a, noveno,-a.
toda la noche. y at night de noche. y by
P adv en nono lugar, en noveno lugar.
night de noche. y last night anoche. y
P n 1 (in series) nono,-a, noveno,-a. 2
late at night a altas horas de la noche. y
(fraction) noveno; (one part) novena
night and day noche y da. y to have a
parte f.
bad night pasar una mala noche. y to
have a good night 1 (sleep well) dormir
. Consulta tambin sixth.
bien. 2 (have fun) pasrselo bien. y to
have a late night acostarse tarde. y to nip [nIp] n 1 (pinch) pellizco: she gave
him a nip le peg un pellizco. 2 (bite)
have a night out salir por la noche.
c o m p night shift turno de noche. y night
mordisco, mordedura: the dog gave
watchman vigilante m nocturno.
me a nip on the ankle el perro me peg un
mordisco en el tobillo. 3 (drink) trago: a
nightdress [naItdres] n camisn m.
pl nightdresses.
nip of whisky un trago de whisky.
P vt 1 (pinch) pellizcar: a crab nipped my
nightfall [naItfl] n anochecer m.
finger un cangrejo me pellizc el dedo. 2
nightie [naItI] n camisn m.
(bite) morder (con poca fuerza): the dog
nightgown [naItgaUn] n camisn m.
nipped me el perro me mordi.
nightingale [naItINgeIl] n ruiseor m.
pt & pp nipped, ger nipping.
nightmare [naItmer] n pesadilla.
nipple [nIpl] n 1 (female) pezn m. 2
nighttime [naIttaIm] n noche f.
(male) tetilla. 3 (teat) tetilla. 4 tech pe
nil [nIl] n 1 cero, nada: costs have been rezn m.
duced to practically nil los costes se han redu
cido prcticamente a cero. 2 sp cero: Lincoln nit [nIt] n 1 liendre f. 2 gb fam imbcil mf.
beat Grantham two goals to nil Lincoln gan niter [naItr] n us nitre.
a Grantham por dos goles a cero.
nitre [naItr] n salitre m.
nine [naIn] adj nueve.
nitrogen [naItrdZn] n nitrgeno.
P n nueve m.
no [nU] adv no: have you seen it? no! lo
. Consulta tambin
has visto? no!; hes no better than a thief


no es ms que un ladrn. l o c no way!

ni hablar!
P adj ninguno,-a; (before masc sing) nin
gn: I have no time no tengo tiempo; No
smoking Prohibido fumar; No motorcycles Motos no.
P n no: there were two noes, nine yeses and
one abstention hubo dos noes, nueve ses
y una abstencin.
nobility [nUbIlItI] n nobleza.
noble [nUbl] adj noble.
comp nobler, superl noblest.
P n noble mf.
nobleman [nUblmn] n noble m.
pl noblemen [nUblmn].
noblewoman [nUblwUmn] n noble f.
pl noblewomen [nUblwImIn].
nobody [nUbdI] pron nadie: nobody
went to the party no fue nadie a la fiesta.
P n don nadie m.
nod [nd] n 1 saludo con la cabeza. 2 (in
agreement) seal f de asentimiento.
P vi 1 saludar con la cabeza . 2 (agree)
asentir (con la cabeza).
pt & pp nodded, ger nodding.
noise [nIz] n ruido, sonido.
P n pl noises comentarios mpl. l o c to
make a noise hacer ruido. c o m p big
noise fam pez m gordo.
noisy [nIzI] adj ruidoso,-a.
comp noisier, superl noisiest.
nomad [nUmQd] n nmada mf.


mala experiencia. l o c none but nica

mente, solamente, solo: none but the
strongest survived sobrevivieron solo los
ms fuertes..
nonsense [nnsns] n tonteras fpl:
dont talk nonsense! no digas tonteras!
nonstick [nnstIk] adj antiadherente.
nonstop [nnstp] adj 1 (continuous)
continuo,-a. 2 (flight, etc) directo,-a,
sin escalas.
P adv sin parar.
noodle [nUdl] n fideo.
noon [nUn] n medioda m.
no-one [nUwn] [also written no one]
pron nadie: no-one went to the party no
fue nadie a la fiesta.

no-place [nUpleIs] adv us nowhere.

nor [nr] conj 1 ni: neither you nor I ni t ni

yo; I neither know nor care ni lo s ni me im

porta. 2 tampoco: nor do I yo tampoco.
Nordic [ndIk] adj nrdico,-a.
normal [nml] adj normal.
normally [nmlI] adv normalmente.
normality [nmQlItI] n normalidad f.
north [nT] n norte m: to the north of
London al norte de Londres; in the north
of Scotland en el norte de Escocia.
P adj del norte: I live in north London vi
vo en el norte de Londres.
P adv al norte, hacia el norte: were travelling north viajamos hacia el norte; theyve
moved north se han trasladado al norte; its
no-mans-land [nUmQnzlQnd] n
north of Cambridge est al norte de Cam
tierra de nadie.
bridge. c o m p North Pole Polo Norte.
nominal [nmInl] adj 1 nominal. 2
northeast [nTist] n nordeste m, no
(price) simblico,-a.
reste m.
nominate [nmIneIt] vt 1 nombrar:
P adj del nordeste.
he was nominated team captain lo nom
P adv al nordeste, hacia el nordeste.
braron capitn del equipo. 2 (propose)
proponer: I nominate Neil as captain yo northern [nTn] adj norte, del norte.
northwest [nTwest] n noroeste m.
propongo a Neil como capitn.
P adj del noroeste.
nonconformist [nnknfmIst] adj
P adv al noroeste, hacia el noroeste.
none [nn] pron ninguno,-a: none of the Norway [nweI] n Noruega.
keys opens the door ninguna de las llaves Norwegian [nwidZn] adj norue
abre la puerta; none of them could do it nadie
P n 1 (person) noruego,-a. 2 (language)
supo hacerlo; I wanted nutmeg, but they had
none quera nuez moscada, pero no tenan.
P adv de ningn modo: hes none the
nose [nUz] n 1 nariz f. 2 (of animal) hoci
co. 3 (sense) olfato. 4 (of car, etc) morro.
worse for his ordeal no le ha afectado esa



l o c to blow ones nose sonarse. y to get

up sbs nose gb fam fastidiar a algn. y
under sbs very nose / right under sbs
nose ante las propias narices de algn.
nosebleed [nUzblid] n hemorragia


nostril [nstrl] n fosa nasal.

nosy [nUzI] adj fam curioso,-a, entro

comp nosier, superl nosiest.

not [nt] [la forma contracta es nt: isnt,
arent, doesnt.] adv no: I did not steal it no
lo rob; she told me not to tell anyone me di
jo que no lo dijera a nadie; I hope/suppose
not espero/supongo que no; are you coming or not? vienes o no? l o c not likely! ni
hablar! y not that no es que: where
is he?, not that I mind, of course dnde est?,
no es que me importe, claro est. y not to
say por no decir
. Not acompaa al auxiliar del verbo en
las oraciones negativas. En el ingls habla
do y en los textos escritos informales se
suele contraer a -nt: she isnt English; he
doesnt like it. Tambin se usa para la for
ma negativa de los verbos subordinados.

fam gratis. y nothing but nicamen

te, solo
P adv de ningn modo, de ninguna
manera: its nothing like a pheasant no se
parece en nada a un faisn.
notice [nUtIs] n 1 (sign) letrero: theres a
notice which says No parking hay un letre
ro que dice Prohibido estacionar. 2 (announcement) anuncio: theres a notice in the
paper about a lost dog hay un anuncio en el
diario acerca de un perro extraviado. 3
(warning) aviso: they gave him a months notice to quit the flat le dieron un plazo de un
mes para abandonar el departamento. l o c
to take no notice of no hacer caso de. y
until further notice hasta nuevo aviso.
y without notice sin previo aviso.
P vt notar, fijarse en, darse cuenta de.
P vi fam (show) verse: dont worry, the
stain doesnt notice no te preocupes, la
mancha no se ve.

Notice no significa 'noticia', que se

traduce por news.

noticeable [nUtIsbl] adj que se no

ta, evidente.

noticeboard [nUtIsbd] n tabln m

de anuncios.

notary [nUtrI] n notario,-a.

notify [nUtIfaI] vt notificar, avisar.

note [nUt] n 1 mus nota; (key) tecla. 2

notion [nUSn] n nocin f, idea, con

pl notaries.

(message) nota. 3 (money) billete m.

P vt 1 (notice) notar, advertir: I noted a
certain reluctance on Johns part not cierta
reticencia por parte de John. 2 (pay special attention) fijarse en: note that the plural of child is children fijaos en que el
plural de child es children. 3 (write
down) apuntar, anotar.
P n pl notes apuntes mpl.
a to note down vt sep apuntar.

pt & pp notified, ger notifying.


n pl notions us mercera f sing.

notorious [nUtrIs] adj pej clebre: a

notorious criminal un conocido criminal.

Notorious no significa 'notorio (co

nocido)', que se traduce por well-known.

nougat [nUgA] n turrn m blando.

nought [nt] n cero: nought point sixty-

six cero coma sesenta y seis. c o m p

noughts and crosses tres en raya m.
noun [naUn] n nombre m, sustantivo.
c o m p noun phrase sintagma m nominal.
notebook [nUtbUk] n 1 (book) libreta,
cuaderno. 2 (computer) ordenador m nourish [nrIS] vt nutrir, alimentar.
nourishing [nrISIN] adj nutritivo,-a.
notepad [nUtpQd] n bloc m de notas. novel [nvl] adj original, novedoso,-a:
novel idea! qu idea ms original!
nothing [nTIN] n nada: theres nothing
left no queda nada;
its nothing special no novel [nvl] n novela.
es nada del otro jueves. l o c for nothing novelist [nvlIst] n novelista mf.

Note no significa 'nota (calificacin)',

que se traduce por mark.




[nv ltI] n 1 novedad f: the

novelty soon wore off pronto dej de ser
novedad. 2 (trinket) chuchera.
pl novelties.
November [nUvembr] n noviembre m.

clear. y nuclear waste residuos nuclea

res. y nuclear weapon arma nuclear.
nucleus [njUklIs] n ncleo.
pl nuclei [njUklIaI].
nude [njUd] adj desnudo,-a.
P n desnudo.
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta May.
nudge [ndZ] n 1 (with elbow) codazo. 2
novice [nvIs] n 1 novato,-a. 2 rel no
empujn m suave.
P vt dar un codazo a.
now [naU] adv 1 (at the present) ahora; nuisance [njUsns] n 1 molestia, fas
(used contrastively) ya: where do you work
tidio, lata. 2 (person) pesado,-a. l o c to
now? dnde trabajas ahora?; Im ready
make a nuisance of os dar la lata.
now ya estoy listo. 2 (immediately) ya, numb [nm] adj entumecido,-a, in
ahora mismo: do it now! hazlo ya! 3 (in
sensible. l o c to be numb with cold
past) ya, entonces. 4 (introductory) bue
estar helado,-a de fro.
no, vamos a ver, veamos: now, lets number [nmb r] n nmero. l o c a
begin bueno, empecemos. l o c by now
number of varios,-as y any num
ya: shell be in Mexico by now ya debe de
ber of muchsimos,-as y without
estar en Mjico. y for now por el mo
number un sinfn de c o m p number
plate placa de matrcula..
mento. y from now on de ahora en
a to number off vi numerarse.
adelante. y just now 1 (at this moment)
en estos momentos, ahora mismo. numeral [njUmrl] n nmero, cifra.
2 (a short while ago) hace un momento, numerous [njUmrs] adj numero
ahora mismo: I cant help you just now
ahora mismo no puedo ayudarte; y now nun [nn] n monja, religiosa.
and then de vez en cuando. y right nurse [ns] n 1 enfermero,-a. 2 (chilnow ahora mismo.
drens) niera.
P conj [also now that] ahora que, ya que:
P vt 1 (look after) cuidar. 2 (suckle) ama
now (that) were all here, we can begin ya
mantar. 3 (hold) acunar. 4 (feeling)
que estamos todos, podemos empezar.
nowadays [naUdeIz] adv hoy da, nursery [nsrI] n 1 (in house) cuarto
de los nios. 2 (kindergarten) guarde
hoy en da, actualmente.
ra. 3 (for plants) vivero. c o m p nursery
nowhere [nUwer] adv (position) en
rhyme cancin f infantil, poema m
ninguna parte, en ningn sitio, en
infantil. y nursery school parvulario.
ningn lugar; (direction) a ninguna par
pl nurseries.
te, a ningn sitio: where are you going?
nowhere special dnde vas? a ningn nut [nt] n 1 bot fruto seco. 2 tech
tuerca. 3 fam (head) coco. 4 fam (nutsitio en especial; theres nowhere to hide no
case) chalado,-a, chiflado,-a.
hay donde esconderse. l o c in the mid
dle of nowhere en el quinto pino. y nutcrackers [ntkrQkz] n pl casca
nueces m inv.
nowhere near muy lejos de.
nozzle [nzl] n (of hose) boquilla; (of nutmeg [ntmeg] n nuez f moscada.
nutrient [njUtrInt] n nutriente m.
oilcan) pitorro; (large calibre) tobera.

nuclear [njUklIr] adj nuclear. c o m p nu nutrition [njUtrIS n] n nutricin f.

clear bomb bomba nuclear. y nuclear nutritious [njUtrISs] adj nutritivo,-a.
energy energa nuclear. y nuclear fission nutshell [ntSel] n cscara. l o c in a
nutshell en pocas palabras.
fisin f nuclear. y nuclear fusion fusin f
nuclear. y nuclear power energa nu nylon [naIln] n nailon m.
P n pl nylons medias fpl de nailon.
station central f
clear. y nuclear power
nuclear. y nuclear reactor reactor m nu nymph [nImf] n ninfa.


O, o [U] n (the letter) O, o f.

O [U] n (as number) cero.
oak [Uk] n 1 bot roble m. 2 (wood) roble m.
adj de roble.
oar [r] n remo.

oarsman [zmn] n remero.

pl oarsmen [zmn].
oasis [UeIsIs] n oasis m.
pl oases [UeIsiz].
oats [Uts] n pl avena.
oath [UT] n 1 jur juramento. 2 (swearword) palabrota, juramento. l o c on
my oath lo juro. y to be on oath / be
under oath estar bajo juramento.
obedience [bidIns] n obediencia.
obedient [bidInt] adj obediente.
obelisk [blIsk] n obelisco.
obese [Ubis] adj obeso,-a.
obesity [UbisItI] n obesidad f.
obey [beI] vt 1 (gen) obedecer; (orders)
acatar. 2 (law) cumplir.
P vi (gen) obedecer.
object [(n) bdZekt; (vb) bdZekt] n 1
(thing) objeto, cosa. 2 (aim, purpose) obje
tivo, fin m. 3 (focus of feelings) objeto: he
was an object of ridicule fue objeto de bur
las. 4 ling complemento: direct/indirect
object complemento directo/indirecto.
c o m p object glass / object lens objetivo.
P vt objetar.
P vi 1 (oppose) oponerse (to, a), poner
reparos (to, a).
objection [bdZekSn] n objecin f, re

obligation [blIgeISn] n obligacin f.

oblige [blaIdZ] vt 1 (compel) obligar:

I felt obliged to attend me vea obligado a

asistir. 2 (do a favour) hacer un favor a,
ayudar a. l o c much obliged! muy

vi (do a favour) hacer un favor, ayu
oblong [blN] adj oblongo,-a, alar
P n rectngulo.
oboe [UbU] n oboe m.
obscene [bsin] adj obsceno,-a, in
obscenity [bsenItI] n obscenidad f.
pl obscenities.
obscure [bskjUr] adj 1 (unclear) oscuro,-a,
poco claro,-a. 2 (vague, indistinct) vago,-a,
confuso,-a; (hidden) recndito,-a.

Obscure no significa 'oscuro (un co

lor)', que se traduce por dark.

obsequious [bsikwIs] adj servil.

Obsequious no significa 'obsequio

so', que se traduce por obliging.


[bzv nt] adj observa

observation [bzveISn] n 1 (watching,

study) observacin f; (surveillance) vigi

lancia. 2 (remark) observacin f, co
observatory [bzvtrI] n observa
paro, inconveniente.
pl observatories.
objective [bdZektIv] adj objetivo,-a.
observe [bzv] vt 1 (see, watch) obser
P n 1 (purpose) objetivo, fin m. 2 (lens)
var, ver; (in surveillance) vigilar. 2 (law)
cumplir, respetar. 3 fml (say) sealar.
P vi observar.
objectivity [bdZektIvItI]
n objetivi
dad f.
obsess [bses] vt obsesionar.




[bseS n] n obsesin f

(with/about, con).

obsessive [bsesIv] adj obsesivo,-a.


n obsesivo,-a.

obstacle [bstkl] n 1 obstculo. 2 fig

obstculo, impedimento. c o m p ob
stacle race carrera de obstculos.
obstetrics [bstetrIks] n obstetricia,

obstinate [bstInt] adj obstinado,-a.

obstruct [bstrkt] vt 1 (block - gen) obs

truir; (- pipe, etc) atascar, bloquear;

(- view) tapar. 2 (make difficult) dificultar.
obstruction [bstrkSn] n 1 (gen) obs
truccin f . 2 (hindrance) estorbo,
obtain [bteIn] vt obtener, conseguir.
obtuse [btjUs] adj fml (stupid) obtu
so,-a. c o m p obtuse angle ngulo obtuso.
obvious [bvIs] adj (clear) obvio,-a: for
obvious reasons por razones obvias.
obviously [bvIslI] adv obviamente,
occasion [keIZn] n 1 (time) ocasin f;
(event) acontecimiento. 2 (opportunity)
ocasin f, oportunidad f: if the occasion arises si se presenta la ocasin. l o c
on occasion de vez en cuando. y on
the occasion of con motivo de. y to
rise to the occasion estar a la altura
de las circunstancias, dar la talla.
occasional [keIZnl] adj (not frequent)
espordico,-a, eventual.
occasionally [keIZnlI] adv de vez
en cuando, ocasionalmente.
occipital [kspItl] adj occipital.
occult [klt] adj oculto,-a.

Occult no significa 'oculto (escondi

do)', que se traduce por hidden.

occupant [kjpnt] n (gen) ocupante

mf; (tenant) inquilino,-a.

occupation [kjpeISn] n 1 (job) ocupa

occur [k ] vi 1 (happen - event, incident)


ocurrir, suceder; (- change) producirse. 2

fml (be found, exist) existir, darse. 3 (come to
mind) ocurrir, ocurrirse: it never occurred
to me to ask no se me ocurri preguntar.
pt & pp occurred, ger occurring.
occurrence [krns] n 1 (event, incident)
suceso. 2 fml (frequency) incidencia,
frecuencia; (existing amount) cantidad f.

Occurrence no significa 'ocurrencia',

que se traduce por idea.

ocean [USn] n ocano.

P adj ocenico,-a: ocean currents co

rrientes ocenicas.
oceanic [USIQnIk] adj fml ocenico,-a.
oceanography [USngrfI] n ocea

ocher [Ukr] adj us ochre.

ochre [Ukr] adj (de color) ocre.

n ochre m.

oclock [klk] adv : its one oclock es la

una; at three oclock a las tres.

octagon [ktgn] n octgono, oct


octagonal [ktQgnl] adj octagonal,


octahedron [kthidrn] n octaedro.

October [ktUbr] n octubre m.
Para ejemplos de uso, consulta May.

octopus [ktps] n pulpo.

pl octopuses.
[d] adj 1 (strange) extrao,-a, ra
ro,-a: the odd thing is that lo raro es
que 2 (number) impar. 3 (approximately)
y pico: thirty odd people unas treinta y
pico personas. 4 (shoe, glove, etc) suel
to,-a, desparejado,-a. l o c to be the
odd man out 1 (be over) estar de ms. 2
(be different) ser la excepcin. c o m p odd
jobs trabajillos mpl.
P n pl odds 1 (probability, chances) proba
bilidades fpl: the odds are that lo ms
probable es que 2 (in betting) apues
tas fpl. l o c against (all) the odds con


cin f, profesin f. 2 (pastime) pasatiem

tra todo pronstico.
po. 3 (act, state of occupying) ocupacin f.
odontology [dntldZI] n odonto
occupied [kjpaId] adj ocupado,-a.
[Udr] adj us odour.
occupy [kjpaI] vt ocupar.
pt & pp occupied, ger occupying.
odorless [Udls] adj us odourless.



odour [Ud ] n (smell) olor m; (fragrance)


perfume m, fragancia.

odourless [Udls] adj inodoro,-a.

odyssey [dIsI] n odisea.
oesophagus [isfgs] n esfago.
pl oesophagi [isfgaI].

oestrogen [istrdZn] n estrgeno.

of [v, unstressed v] prep 1 (belonging to) de:

P adj 1 (event) cancelado,-a, suspendi

do,-a: the weddings off la boda se ha
suspendido. 2 (not turned on - gas, water)
cerrado,-a; (- electricity) apagado,-a.
c o m p off season temporada baja.
offence [fens] n 1 jur delito, infrac
cin f: a traffic offence una infraccin de
trfico. 2 (insult) ofensa. l o c to take of
fence at sth ofenderse por algo, sen
tirse ofendido,-a por algo.
offend [fend] vt 1 (insult, hurt) ofender:
shell be offended if we dont go se ofender
si no vamos.
P vi 1 fml (do wrong to) atentar (against,
a). 2 jur fml (commit crime) cometer un
offender [ f e n d r ] n 1 j u r (gen)
infractor,-ra; (criminal) delincuente mf.
2 (culprit) culpable mf.
offensive [fensIv] adj 1 (insulting)
ofensivo,-a, insultante. 2 (disgusting gen) repugnante; (- smell) desagrada
ble. 3 (attacking) ofensivo,-a.
P n mil ofensiva.
offer [fr] vt 1 (gen) ofrecer: she offered
us a coffee nos ofreci un caf. 2 (show
willingness) ofrecerse (to, para): he offered me a lift to the airport se ofreci para
llevarme al aeropuerto. 3 (propose) pro
poner, sugerir.
P n 1 (gen) oferta, ofrecimiento; (proposal) propuesta. 2 comm oferta. l o c
to be on offer 1 (at reduced price) estar
de oferta. 2 (available) disponible.
office [fIs] n 1 (room) despacho, ofici
na; (building) oficina; (staff) oficina. 2 gb
ministerio: the Foreign Office el Ministe
rio de Asuntos Exteriores. 3 (post, position) cargo. l o c to hold office ocupar
un cargo. c o m p office block edificio
de oficinas. y office boy recadero. y
office junior auxiliar mf de oficina. y
office worker oficinista mf.
officer [fIsr] n 1 mil oficial mf. 2 (police
officer) agente mf . 3 (in government)
funcionario,-a. 4 (of club, society)
official [fISl] adj (gen) oficial.
P n funcionario,-a, oficial mf.

a friend of mine un amigo mo. 2 (made

from) de: Spanish-leather shoes zapatos de
piel espaola. 3 (containing) de: a bag of
crisps una bolsa de patatas. 4 (showing a
part, a quantity) de: a kilo of apples un kilo
de manzanas. 5 (partitive use) de: the two
of us nosotros dos. 6 (dates, distance) de:
the 7th of August el 7 de agosto. 7 (apposition) de: the city of London la ciudad de
Londres. 8 (by) de: the works of Shakespeare las obras de Shakespeare. 9 (with,
having) de: a child of five un nio de cinco
aos. 10 (after superlative) de: best of all was
the food lo mejor de todo fue la comida.
off [f] prep 1 (movement) de: he got off the
bus baj del autobs. 2 (indicating removal)
de: he cut a branch off the tree cort una
rama del rbol. 3 (distance, situation)
diferentes traducciones: a narrow street off the
main road una callejuela que sale a la ca
rretera; the ship sank off Malpica el barco
se hundi a la altura de Malpica. 4 (away
from) diferentes traducciones: the ship went off
course el barco se desvi de su rumbo;
were a long way off finding a cure estamos
lejos de encontrar una cura. 5 (not wanting) : Im off coffee ya no tomo caf. 6 (not
at work) : she comes off duty at 10.00pm
acaba el turno a las 10.00. 7 fam (from) a:
I bought it off Eva se lo compr a Eva.
P adv 1 (departure): he ran off se fue co
rriendo; Im off me voy. 2 (showing distance) a: the village is three miles off el pue
blo est a tres millas. 3 (reduced in price)
menos: 70% off! 70% menos! 4 (disconnected, not working) diferentes traducciones:
turn the light off apaga la luz; she turned
the tap off cerr el grifo. 7 (free, on holiday)
libre: can I have the afternoon off? puedo
tomarme la tarde libre? l o c off and on /
, Official no significa 'oficial (militar)',
on and off de vez
en cuando, a ratos.
que se traduce por officer.
y right off / straight off acto seguido.


officially [fIS lI] adv oficialmente.

officious [fISs] adj (too eager) oficio


ointment [Intmnt] n ungento, po

so,-a, solcito,-a, hacendoso,-a; (in- okay [UkeI] interj vale!, de acuerdo!
P adj correcto,-a, bien: are you okay?
terfering) entrometido,-a.
ests bien?
off-licence [flaIsns] n gb tienda de
P adv bien, bastante bien: hes doing
bebidas alcohlicas.
okay at school va bien en el colegio.
offshoot [fSUt] n bot retoo, vstago.
P n visto bueno, aprobacin f.
offshore [fS r] adj 1 (at sea) a poca
distancia de la costa. 2 (breeze) terral, old [Uld] adj 1 (gen) viejo,-a: an old man
un anciano, un hombre mayor; the old
de tierra. 3 (overseas) en el extranjero.
part of the city el casco antiguo de la ciu
P adv mar adentro.
dad; hes an old friend es un viejo amigo. 2
offside [fsaId] adj 1 sp fuera de juego.
(former) antiguo,-a: in my old job en mi
2 gb (part of vehicle) del lado del con
antiguo trabajo. l o c how old are you?
cuntos aos tienes?, qu edad
P adv sp en fuera de juego.
tienes? y to be years old tener
P n gb (of vehicle) lado del conductor.
aos. c o m p old age vejez f. y the Old
offspring [fsprIN] n 1 fml (child) des
World el viejo mundo.
cendiente mf; (children) descendencia,
P n the old las personas fpl mayores,
prole f. 2 (animal - one) cra; (- several)
los ancianos mpl.
cras fpl.
older [Uldr] adj 1 (comparative) old. 2
pl offspring.
(elder) mayor.
off-the-record [fDrekd] adj ex old-fashioned [UldfQSnd] adj (outdattraoficial, confidencial.
ed - gen) anticuado,-a, pasado,-a de
often [fn, ftn] adv (frequently) a me
moda; (- person) chapado,-a a la anti
nudo, con frecuencia: we often go to
the theatre vamos al teatro a menudo.
olfactory [lfQktrI] adj olfativo,-a,
oh [U] interj oh!, ay!, vaya!: oh, really?
olfatorio,-a. c o m p olfactory epitheli
de veras?; oh, look! eh, mira!
um epitelio olfativo. y olfactory nerve
ohm [Um] n ohmio, ohm m.
nervio olfativo.
oil [Il] n 1 (gen) aceite m: sunflower oil oligarchy [lIgAkI] n oligarqua.
aceite de girasol. 2 (petroleum) petrleo:
pl oligarchies.
crude oil crudo. 3 art (painting) leo, pin olive [lIv] n 1 (tree, wood) olivo. 2 (fruit)
tura al leo.
aceituna, oliva. 3 (colour) verde m oli
P vt engrasar, lubricar, lubrificar.
va. c o m p olive grove olivo. yolive oil
P n pl oils (paints) leo: she paints in oils
aceite m de oliva. y olive tree olivo.
pinta al leo. c o m p oil painting cuadro
P adj (paint) color aceituna; (skin) acei
al leo, leo. y oil rig plataforma pe
trolfera. y oil slick marea negra. y oil Olympiad [lImpIQd] n Olimpada,
tanker petrolero. y oil well pozo pe
Olympic [lImpIk] adj olmpico,-a.
oilcan [IlkQn] n aceitera.
P n pl the Olympics los Juegos Olm
picos, la Olimpada f sing. c o m p Olym
oilcloth [IlklT] n hule m.
pic Games Juegos mpl Olmpicos.
oilfield [Ilfild] n yacimiento petrol
omega [UmIg] n omega.
oily [IlI] adj 1 (food) aceitoso,-a, gra omelette [mlt] n tortilla. c o m p plain
omelette tortilla francesa.
siento,-a; (skin, hair) graso,-a. 2 pej
(manner) empalagoso,-a.
omit [UmIt] vt 1 (not include, leave out)
comp oilier, superl oiliest.
omitir, suprimir; (forget to include) olvi



dar incluir. 2 (fail to do) omitir, dejar once [wns] adv 1 (one time) una vez: once a
de; (forget) olvidarse.
week una vez por semana. 2 (formerly) an
pt & pp omitted, ger omitting.
tes, en otro tiempo: I was a cook once an
tes era cocinero. l o c at once 1 (at the same
omnivore [mnIvr] n omnvoro.
time) a la vez. 2 (immediately) en seguida,
omnivorous [mnIvrs] adj zool fml
inmediatamente, ahora mismo. y
once again otra vez. y once and for all
on [n] prep 1 (covering or touching) sobre,
de una vez para siempre, de una vez
encima de, en: its on the table est enci
por todas. y once in a while de vez en
ma de la mesa. 2 (supported by, hanging
cuando. y once more una vez ms.
from) en: she put the picture on the wall col
y once upon a time rase una vez.
g el cuadro en la pared. 3 (to, towards) a,
P conj una vez que, en cuanto: once
hacia: on the right/left a la derecha/iz
everyone gets here, we can start una vez
quierda. 4 (at the edge of) en: a village on
que lleguen todos, podemos empezar.
the coast un pueblo de la costa. 5 (days,
P n vez f: just this once solo esta vez.
dates, times) no se traduce: on Saturday el s
bado. 6 (at the time of, just after) al: on arriv- oncoming [nkmIN] adj 1 (traffic) que
ing al llegar. 7 (as means of transport) a, en:
viene en direccin contraria. 2 (event,
on foot a pie; on the train en el tren. 8 (reseason) venidero,-a, futuro,-a.
garding, about) sobre, de: a book on art un one [wn] adj 1 (stating number) un, una:
libro de arte. 9 (in possession of) con: have
Ive got one brother tengo un hermano. 2
you got any money on you? llevas dinero?
(unspecified, a certain) un, una, algn,
P adv 1 (not stopping) sin parar: she kept
-una: one day in January un da de enero. 3
on talking sigui hablando. 2 (movement
(only, single) nico,-a: its my one chance es
forward) diferentes traducciones: walk on until
mi nica oportunidad. 4 (same) mismo,
you get to the church sigue hasta que lle
-a: in one direction en la misma direccin.
gues a la iglesia; its time we were moving
P pron 1 (thing) uno,-a: a red one uno,-a
on es hora de que nos vayamos. 3 (clothes
rojo,-a; this one ste,-a. 2 (person) l, la:
- being worn) puesto,-a: she had a cap on
hes the one who I was telling you about es l
llevaba puesta una gorra. 4 (working)
de quien te estaba hablando. 3 (any perdiferentes traducciones: who left the TV on?
son, you) uno, una: one cant think of everyquin dej la TV encendida?; dont leave
thing uno no puede pensar en todo. l o c
the tap on! no dejes el grifo abierto! 5
one after another uno,-a detrs de
(happening) diferentes traducciones: what time
otro,-a. y one another el uno al otro. y
is the film on? a qu hora ponen la pelcu
one at a time de uno en uno. y one by
la?; have we got anything on this weekend?
one de uno,-a en uno,-a.
tenemos plan para este fin de semana?
P n (number) uno: my son is one today mi
l o c and so on y as sucesivamente. y
hijo cumple un ao hoy.
from that day on a partir de aquel da.
[wnself] pron 1 (reflexive) se;
P adj 1 (in use) diferentes traducciones: is the
(emphatic) uno,-a mismo,-a; (after prep)
heating on? est puesta la calefaccin?;
s mismo,-a: to wash oneself lavarse. 2
all the lights were on todas las luces esta
(alone) solo,-a: one cant do everything
ban encendidas. 2 (happening) diferentes
oneself uno no puede hacerlo todo solo
traducciones: the strikes on la huelga sigue
l o c (all) by oneself solo,-a. y to oneself
convocada; is the party still on? se hace la
para s, para s solo,-a.
fiesta?; the match is on after all despus de
todo, el partido se celebra. 3 (performing) one-way [wnweI] adj 1 (street) de sen
tido nico, de direccin nica. 2
diferentes traducciones: youre on next! sales
(ticket) de ida.
t el prximo!; theyre bringing the sub on
hacen salir a jugar al suplente. l o c its onion [nIn] n cebolla.
not on no hay derecho,
eso no vale. online [nlaIn] adj comput en lnea.
P adv comput en lnea.
y youre on! trato hecho!




[nlUk ] n espectador,-ra,



[UnlI] adj (sole) nico,-a: the only

problem is that el nico problema es
que c o m p only child hijo,-a nico,-a.
P adv 1 (just, merely) solo, solamente: hes
only a child solo es un nio. 2 (exclusively)
solo, solamente, nicamente: only my
mother knows mi madre es la nica que lo
sabe. l o c not only but also no sola
mente sino tambin. y only just 1 (a
moment before) acabar de. 2 (almost not,
scarcely) por poco. y only too muy
P conj pero: its like yoghurt, only better es

como el yogur, pero mejor.

onshore [nSr] adj (on land) en tierra.


adv (towards land) tierra adentro.

onto [ntU] prep 1 (movement) a, en: it fell

onto the floor cay al suelo. 2 (new subject)

a: lets move onto a different subject cam

biemos de tema.


adj open to (susceptible) susceptible a,

expuesto,-a a; (receptive) abierto,-a a.
P n the open (the outdoors, open air) cam
po, aire m libre.
a to open into / open onto vt insep dar
a: the back door opens onto the patio la
puerta trasera da al patio.
open-air [Upner] adj al aire libre.
opener [Upnr] n abridor m.
opening [UpnIN] n 1 (ceremony - gen)
inauguracin f, comienzo. 2 (first night)
estreno. 3 (process of opening, unfolding)
apertura. 4 (hole) abertura; (space) hue
co; (gap) brecha; (clearing) claro. 5
(chance) oportunidad f (for, para). 6
(vacancy) vacante f ( for, para). c o m p
opening hours horario de apertura. y
opening night noche f de estreno.
P adj (initial) inicial.
openly [UpnlI] adv (not secretly) abier
tamente; (publicly) pblicamente, en

[nwdz] adv gb adelante,

hacia adelante: from now onwards de
open-minded [Up nmaIndId] adj
ahora en adelante.
abierto,-a, de actitud abierta.
ooze [Uz] vi rezumar.
openness [Upnns] n (frankness) fran
P vt 1 rezumar. 2 fig rebosar.
queza; (receptiveness) actitud f abierta.
ooze2 [Uz] n cieno, lodo.
opera [pr] n pera.
opacity [UpQsItI] n 1 (non-transparency)
operate [preIt] vt 1 (machine, etc) ha
opacidad f. 2 (obscurity) oscuridad f.
cer funcionar, manejar,. 2 (manage,

opal [Up l] n palo.

run - business) dirigir, llevar.
opaque [UpeIk] adj 1 (not transparent)
P vi 1 (function - machine, etc) funcio
opaco,-a. 2 (difficult to understand, obscure)
nar. 2 (carry on trade) operar; (work) tra
obscuro,-a, oscuro,-a, poco claro,-a.
bajar. 3 med operar (on, a), interve

open [Up n] adj 1 (gen) abierto,-a; I cant

nir (on, a).
keep my eyes open no puedo mantener los
operating [preItIN] adj comm (losses,
ojos abiertos. 2 (not covered) descubierto,costs) de explotacin. c o m p operating
a: an open car un coche descapotable.
room us quirfano. y operating sys
c o m p open day jornada de puertas
tem comput sistema m operativo. y
abiertas. y open letter carta abierta.
operating theatre gb quirfano.
y open season temporada de caza.
operation [preISn] n 1 med opera
P n sp (competition) open m.
cin f, intervencin f. 2 (of machine P vt abrir: open your mouth abre la boca.
gen) funcionamiento; (- by person) ma
l o c to open fire abrir fuego ( on/at ,
n e j o ; (of system) u s o . 3 (activity)
operacin f; (planned campaign) cam
P vi 1 (gen) abrir, abrirse: the door
paa. 4 mil operacin f. 5 math opera
opened la puerta se abri. 2 (spread out,
cin f.
unfold) abrirse: the roses are opening las
rosas se estn abriendo. 3 (start - confer- operator [preItr] n 1 (of equipment,
machine) operario,-a. 2 (of switchboard)
ence, play, book) comenzar,
(film) estrenarse. 4 (begin business) abrir.
operador,-ra, telefonista mf.



ophthalmologist [fTQlmldZIst] n

optional [pSnl] adj opcional.

oftalmlogo,-a, oculista mf.
or [r] conj 1 (alternative - gen) o; (- before word
beginning with o or ho) u: tea or coffee t o
opinion [pInIn] n 1 (belief) opinin f,
caf. 2 (with negative) ni: she cant sing or
parecer m. 2 (evaluation, estimation) opi
dance no sabe cantar ni bailar. 3 (otherwise)
nin f, concepto. l o c in my opinion
o: come on, or well be late! date prisa o lle
en mi opinin, a mi juicio. c o m p
garemos tarde! l o c or so ms o menos.
opinion poll encuesta.
oral [rl] adj 1 (spoken - gen) oral; (tradiopium [UpIm] n opio.
tion) transmitido,-a oralmente. 2 med
opponent [pUnnt] n adversario,-a,
(contraceptive) oral; (hygiene) bucal.
oponente mf.
P n (exam) examen m oral.
opportunity [ptjUnItI] n 1 (gen)
oportunidad f, ocasin f. 2 (prospect) orange [rIndZ] n 1 (fruit) naranja. 2 (colour) naranja m. c o m p orange blossom
azahar m. y orange juice zumo de na
pl opportunities.
ranja. y orange tree naranjo.
oppose [pUz] vt oponerse a.
P adj naranja, de color naranja.
opposite [pzIt] adj 1 (facing) de en
[rQNUtQn] n orangu
frente: she lives on the opposite side of the
tn m.
road vive al otro lado de la calle. 2 (contraorbicularis [bIklQrIs] adj 1 anat or
ry, different) opuesto,-a, contrario,-a.
bicular. 2 fml lit (sphere) esfera; (sun) el
P prep enfrente de, frente a: the buildsol m; (moon) la luna.
ing opposite the cinema el edificio enfren
orbit [bIt] n 1 (of satellite) rbita. 2 (area
te del cine.
of influence) rbita, esfera de influen
P adv enfrente: the family who live oppocia, mbito. l o c to go into orbit en
site la familia que vive enfrente.
trar en rbita.
P n lo contrario, lo opuesto: the opP vt girar alrededor de, orbitar alre
posite of big is small lo contrario a grande
dedor de.
es pequeo.
opposition [pzIS n] n 1 (resistance) orbital [bIt l] adj orbital, orbita
rio,-a. c o m p orbital road carretera de
oposicin f, resistencia. 2 (rivals - in
sport) adversarios mpl ; (- in business)
orchard [tSd] n huerto.
P n the Opposition pol la oposicin f.
orchestra [kIstr] n orquesta.
oppress [pres] vt oprimir.
orchid [kId] n bot orqudea.
oppression [preSn] n opresin f.
order [dr] n 1 (gen) orden m: in alphabetical/chronological order por orden alfa
oppressor [presr] n opresor,-ra.
btico/cronolgico. she put her affairs in
opt [pt] vi optar (for, por).
order puso sus asuntos en orden. 2 (fitness
a to opt out vi (person) abandonar, de
for use) condiciones fpl, estado: the cars
jar de participar.
in good working order el coche funciona
optic [ptIk] adj ptico,-a.
bien. 3 (obedience, authority, discipline) or
optical [ptIkl] adj ptico,-a.
den m, disciplina. 4 (rules, procedures, etc)
optician [ptISn] n ptico,-a, oculista
orden m, procedimiento. 5 (command)
mf. c o m p opticians (shop) ptico.
orden f. 6 comm (request, goods) pedido:
optics [ptIks] n ptica.
the waiter took our order el camarero tom

optimism [ptImIz m] n optimismo.

nota de lo que queramos. 7 (group, society)
optimist [ptImIst] n optimista mf.
orden f; (badge, sign worn) condecora
optimistic [ptImIstIk] adj optimista.
cin f, orden f: the monastic orders las r
option [pSn] n 1 (choice) opcin f, po
denes monsticas. l o c in order that pa
sibilidad f. 2 educ
(optional subject) asig
ra que, a fin de que. y in order to para,
natura optativa.
a fin de. y out of order (not working) que



no funciona. c o m p order book libro de

pedidos. y order form hoja de pedido.
P vt 1 (command) ordenar, mandar. 2
(ask for) pedir, encargar: Ive ordered a
cake for his birthday he encargado un pastel
para su cumpleaos. 3 (arrange, put in order, organize) ordenar, poner en orden.
P vi (request to bring, ask for) pedir.
ordinal [dInl] adj ordinal.
P n ordinal m.
ordinarily [dnrIlI] adv general
ordinary [dIn rI] adj (usual, normal)
normal, usual, habitual; (average)
normal, comn. c o m p ordinary sea
man marinero.

Ordinary no significa 'ordinario (vul

gar)', que se traduce por vulgar.

ordinate [dInt] n math ordenada.

ore [r] n mineral m, mena.

Ore no significa 'oro', que se traduce

por gold.

oregano [rIgAnU] n organo.

organ [gn] n rgano.
organic [gQnIk] adj 1 (living) orgni

original [rIdZIn l] adj original, origi

nario,-a, primero,-a.
P n original m.

originally [rIdZInlI] adv 1 (in the begin-

ning) originariamente, en un princi

pio. 2 (in a new way) con originalidad.
originate [rIdZIneIt] vt (create) origi
nar, crear, dar lugar a.
P vi (arise) tener su origen ( in , en),
originarse (in, en), provenir (in, de).
ornament [nmnt] n (decoration) or
namento, adorno; (object) adorno.
ornithology [nITldZI] n ornitolo
orography [rgrfI] n orografa.
orphan [fn] n hurfano,-a.
P vt dejar hurfano,-a. l o c to be or
phaned quedar hurfano,-a.
orphanage [fnIdZ] n orfanato.
orthodox [Tdks] adj ortodoxo,-a.
orthography [TgrfI] n ortografa.



mosis f.

[TUpidIk] adj


[zmUsIs] n smosis f, os

osseous [zUz] adj seo,-a.

co,-a. 2 (without chemicals) biolgico,-a, ostensible [stensIb l] adj (apparent)
aparente; (alleged) pretendido,-a,
organism [gnIzm] n organismo.
organization [gnaIzeISn] n orga
, Ostensible no significa 'ostensible',
nizacin f.
que se traduce por obvious.
organize [gnaIz] vt organizar, or
ostrich [strItS] n avestruz m.
other [D r] adj 1 (additional) otro,-a:
P vi organizar.
I have one other idea tengo otra idea. 2 (diforganized [gnaIzd] adj (gen) organi
ferent) otro,-a: people from other countries
gente de otros pases. 3 (second, remainorganizer [gnaIzr] n organizador,-ra.
ing) otro,-a: its on the other side of the

orgasm [gQz m] n orgasmo.

street est al otro lado de la calle. l o c
orgy [dZI] n (wild party) orga.
every other day un da s, otro no. y
pl orgies.
the other day el otro da.
Orient [rInt] n the Orient el oriente m.
P pron otro,-a. l o c one after the other
oriental [rIentl] adj oriental.
uno tras otro.
P n oriental mf.
P prep other than (except) aparte de, sal
orientate [rInteIt] vt orientar.
vo: there was nobody other than the teacher
aparte del profesor, no haba nadie.
orientation [rIenteISn] n orienta
cin f.
otherwise [DwaIz] adv 1 (differently)
de otra manera, de manera distinta:
origin [rIdZIn] n origen
P n pl origins origen m sing.
she couldnt do otherwise no poda obrar



de otra manera. 2 (apart from that, in other

respects) aparte de eso, por lo dems.
P conj (if not) si no, de no ser as, de lo
P adj distinto,-a.
otitis [UtaItIs] n otitis f.
otter [tr] n nutria.
ouch [aUtS] interj ay!
ought [t] aux ought to 1 (moral obligation) deber: you ought to have helped them
debiste ayudarles. 2 (recommendation) de
ber, tener que. 3 (expectation) deber
de: they ought to be home by now segura
mente ya estarn en casa.
ounce [aUns] n 1 (weight) onza. 2 fam
(small quantity) pizca.
. La onza equivale a 28,35 gramos.

our [aUr] adj nuestro,-a: our house nues

tra casa; our children nuestros hijos.

ours [aUz] pron (el) nuestro, (la) nues

outboard motor [aUtbdmUtr] n mar

motor m fueraborda, fueraborda m.

outbreak [aUtbreIk] n 1 (of violence, fight-

ing) brote m. 2 (of disease) brote m, epi

demia; (of spots) erupcin f.
outburst [aUtbst] n 1 (of emotion) ex
plosin f , arrebato m . 2 (of activity)
explosin f.
outcast [aUtkAst] n marginado,-a.
outclass [aUtklAs] vt superar.
outcome [aUtkm] n resultado.
outdated [aUtdeItId] adj anticuado,-a.
outdoor [aUtdr] adj (gen) exterior.
outdoors [aUtdrz] adv fuera, al aire
outer [aUtr] adj exterior, externo,-a.
c o m p outer space espacio exterior. y
outer suburbs afueras fpl.
outgrow [aUtgrU] vt (clothes, etc) hacer
se demasiado grande para: hes outgrown his shoes se le han quedado peque
os los zapatos.

tra: a friend of ours un amigo nuestro.

[aUselvz] pron 1 (reflexive)
pt outgrew [aUtgru], pp outgrown
nos: we made ourselves comfortable nos
pusimos cmodos. 2 (emphatic)
outing [aUtIN] n (trip) salida, excursin f.
nosotros,-as mismos,-as: we did it ouroutlaw [aUtl] n forajido,-a, proscri
selves lo hicimos nosotros mismos.
out [aUt] adv 1 (gen) fuera, afuera: could
P vt prohibir, declarar ilegal.
you wait out there? podras esperar all fue
[aUtlet] n 1 (opening - gen) salida;
ra?; she ran out sali corriendo. 2 (expressing
(for water) desage m. 2 fig (for emotions)
distance) en: they live out in the country viven
vlvula de escape. 3 comm (shop) pun
en el campo. 3 (expressing removal) diferentes
to de venta.
traducciones: Ive had a tooth out me han sa
cado una muela; she got out a handkerchief outline [aUtlaIn] n 1 (outer edge) contor
no; (shape) perfil m. 2 (draft) bosquejo,
sac un pauelo. 4 (available, existing)
esquema m; (summary) resumen m.
diferentes traducciones: the film comes out next
P vt 1 (draw lines of) perfilar; (sketch)
month la pelcula se estrenar el mes que
bosquejar. 2 (summarize) resumir.
viene; its the best sandwich out es el mejor
bocadillo que hay. 5 (protruding) que se outnumber [aUtnmb ] vt superar en
nmero, ser ms que.
sale: a nail sticking out un clavo que sobre
sale. 6 (clearly, loudly) en voz alta: he called out-of-date [aUtvdeIt] adj (fashion) pasa
do,-a de moda; (technology) desfasa
out to me me llam en voz alta.
do,-a, obsoleto,-a; (food, ticket)
P prep out of 1 (gen) fuera de: out of
danger fuera de peligro; they are out of the
cup han quedado fuera de la copa. 2 output [aUtpUt] n 1 (gen) produccin f; (of
machine) rendimiento. 2 comput salida.
(from among) de: she got five out of ten in
French sac (un) cinco sobre diez en outrageous [aUtreIdZs] adj 1 (shocking
francs. 3 (without) sin: out of money sin
- gen) escandaloso,-a; (crime) atroz;
dinero. 6 (using, made
from) de: made out
(language) injurioso,-a. 2 (unconventional)
of wood hecho,-a de madera.




outside [(n) aUtsaId; (prep) aUtsaId] n 1

P prep 1 (gen) encima de: a sign over the

door un letrero encima de la puerta; he
(exterior part) exterior m, parte f exte
wore a jacket over his sweater llevaba una
rior: from the outside desde fuera. 2 gb
americana encima del jersey. 2 (across)
(when driving) derecha.
sobre; (on the other side of) al otro lado
P prep 1 (gen) fuera de. 2 (beyond) ms
de: he lives over the border vive al otro la
all de, fuera de: outside working hours
do de la frontera. 3 (during) durante:
fuera del horario laboral. 3 (other than)
over the past 25 years durante los ltimos
aparte de, fuera de.
25 aos. 4 (throughout) por: we travelled
P adv (gen) fuera, afuera.
all over Italy viajamos por toda Italia. 5
P adj 1 (exterior) exterior. 2 (external) ex
(more than) ms de: shes over thirty tiene
terno,-a. 3 (remote) remoto,-a. l o c at the
ms de treinta aos. 6 (about) por: an aroutside como mximo, como mucho.
gument over money una discusin por di
outsider [aUtsaIdr] n 1 (person- stranger)
nero. l o c all over en todas partes. y
extrao,-a, forastero,-a,
over and above adems de.
desconocido,-a. 2 (unlikely winner - athP adj (ended) acabado,-a, terminado,
lete, etc) competidor,-ra con pocas
-a: the game is over la partida ha acabado.
probabilidades de ganar.
outskirts [aUtskts] n pl afueras fpl, overact [UvrQkt] vi exagerar, so
alrededores mpl, extrarradio m sing.
outstanding [aUtstQndIN] adj 1 (excel- overall [(adj) Uvrl; (adv) Uvrl] adj
(general) global, total.
lent) destacado,-a, notable, sobresa
P adv (generally, on the whole) en conjun
liente; (exceptional) excepcional,
to, por lo general.
extraordinario,-a, singular. 2 (gen) sin
P n gb (work coat) guardapolvo, bata.
pagar, pendiente.
P n pl overalls mono m sing.
outstretched [aUtstretSt] adj exten overambitious [UvrQmbISs] adj
demasiado ambicioso,-a.
outward [aUtwd] adj 1 (appearance) ex overboard [Uvbd] adv por la bor
terior; (sign) externo,-a, show. 2 (jourda. l o c to fall overboard caer al agua.
ney, flight) de ida.
y to go overboard pasarse.
outwards [aUtwDZ] adv (gen) hacia overbooking [UvbUkIN] n sobre
fuera, hacia afuera; (attention, etc) ha
contratacin f.
cia el exterior.
[UvkeIm] pt overcome.
oval [Uvl] adj oval, ovalado,-a.
overcoat [UvkUt] n abrigo.
P n valo.
overcome [Uvkm] vt 1 (defeat) vencer.
ovary [UvrI] n ovario.
2 (overwhelm) agobiar, abrumar, inva
pl ovaries.
dir, apoderarse de, vencer: he was over
ovation [UveIS n] n ovacin f.
come by sleep el sueo se apoder de l.
oven [vn] n horno.
pt overcame [UvkeIm], pp overcome [Uvkm].
over [Uv r ] adv 1 (down) diferentes
traducciones: the boy fell over el nio se cay; overdose [UvdUs] n sobredosis f.
I knocked the glass over tir la copa (de un overflow [(n) UvflU; (vb) UvflU] n
golpe). 2 (from one side to another) diferentes
1 (of river, etc) desbordamiento. 2 (pipe)
traducciones: turn over the page dar la vuelta a
tubo de desage; (hole) rebosadero.
la pgina; he bent over se inclin. 3 (across)
P vi 1 (river) desbordarse; (bath, etc) re
diferentes traducciones: lets cross over cruce
bosar. 2 (people) rebosar. 3 (be full of)
mos al otro lado; over here/there aqu/all.
rebosar (with, de). l o c to be full to
5 (too much) de ms: its 50 grams over pesa
overflowing estar lleno,-a hasta el
c over here aqu. y
50 gramos de ms. l o
P vt (liquid) salirse de.
over there all.



overhead [(adj) Uvhed; (adv) Uvhed]

adj (cable) areo,-a; (railway) elevado,-a.

P adv arriba, por encima de la cabeza.
overhear [UvhIr] vt or por casualidad.
pt & pp overheard [Uvhd].
overheard [Uvhd] pt & pp overhear.
overland [ (adj) U v l Q n d ; (adv)
UvlQnd] adj por tierra.
P adv por tierra.
overlap [UvlQp] vi superponerse,


pt & pp overlapped, ger overlapping.

P n superposicin f, coincidencia.
overlook [UvlUk] vt 1 (not notice) pasar
por alto;. 2 (excuse) disculpar. 3 (have a

view of) tener vistas a.


[UvnaIt] adv 1 (during the

night) durante la noche; (at night) por la
noche: it rained overnight llovi durante
la noche. 2 fam (suddenly) de la noche a
la maana.
P adj 1 (during the night) de la noche; (for
the night) de una noche. 2 fam (sudden)

oversaw [Uvs] pt oversee.

overseas [ U v s i z ] adj (person)
extranjero,-a; (trade) exterior.
P adv en ultramar.
oversee [Uvsi] vt supervisar.

pt oversaw [Uvs], pp overseen


overseen [Uvsin] pp oversee.

oversized [UvsaIzd] adj demasiado

oversleep [Uvslip] vi quedarse dor

mido,-a, no despertarse a tiempo.
pt & pp overslept [Uvslept].

overslept [Uvslept] pt & pp over


overtake [UvteIk] vt 1 gb (a vehicle) ade

lantar, pasar, am rebasar: we overtook a

sports car adelantamos un coche deporti
vo. 2 (surpass) superar. 3 (happen suddenly
to) adelantarse a; (surprise) sorprender.

overtook [UvtUk] pt overtake.

overturn [Uvtn] vt 1 (vehicle) volcar;

(boat) hacer zozobrar; (furniture) dar la

vuelta a. 2 (government) derrocar. 3 fig
(ruling) anular.
P vi (vehicle) volcar; (boat) zozobrar.
overview [UvvjU] n perspectiva
overweight [UvweIt] adj (thing) de
masiado pesado,-a; (person) demasia
do gordo,-a.
overwhelm [Uvwelm] vt 1 (physically
- defeat) arrollar, aplastar. 2 fig (emotionally) abrumar.
overwhelming [UvwelmIN] adj (defeat, victory) aplastante, arrollador,-ra;
(generosity) abrumador,-ra.
ovine [UvIn] adj ovino,-a.
oviparous [UvIprs] adj ovparo,-a.
ovulate [vjleIt] vi ovular.
ovulation [vjleISn] n ovulacin f.
ovule [vjUl] n vulo.
owe [U] vt (gen) deber: you owe me 10
pounds me debes 10 libras.
owing [UIN] adj (due) debido,-a.
P prep owing to debido a, a causa de.
owl [aUl] n bho, lechuza.
own [Un] adj propio,-a: they grow their own
vegetables cultivan sus propios verduras.
P pron propio,-a: would you like to borrow
mine or do you have your own? quieres que
te deje el mo o ya tienes uno propio?
l o c on ones own 1 (alone) solo,-a. 2
(without help) uno,-a mismo,-a.
P vt (possess) poseer, ser dueo,-a de.
a to own up vi confesarlo.
owner [Unr] n dueo,-a, propieta
ox [ks] n buey m.
pl oxen [ksn].

oxen [Aksn] npl ox.

oxidation [ksIdeISn] n oxidacin f.
oxide [ksaId] n xido.
oxygen [ksIdZn] n oxgeno.
oyster [Istr] n (shellfish) ostra.
ozone [UzUn] n ozono. c o m p ozone

pt overtook [UvteIkn], pp overtaken [UvtUk].

overtaken [UvteIkn] pp overtake.
layer capa de ozono.
overtime [UvtaIm]
n (extra work, extra ozone-friendly [UzUnfrendlI] adj
que no daa la capa de ozono.
hours) horas fpl extras.


P, p [pi] n (the letter) P, p f.

pace [peIs] n 1 (rate, speed) marcha, rit

mo, velocidad f. 2 (step) paso.

P vt 1 (room, floor) ir de un lado a otro
de. 2 (set speed for) marcar el ritmo a.
pacemaker [peIsmeIkr] n 1 sp liebre f.
2 med marcapasos m.
pachyderm [pQkIdm] n paquidermo.
pacifism [pQsIfIzm] n pacifismo.
pacifist [pQsIfIst] n pacifista mf.
pacify [pQsIfaI] vt 1 (person) calmar,
tranquilizar. 2 (country) pacificar.
pt & pp pacified, ger pacifying.

pack [pQk] n 1 (parcel) paquete m; (bun-

packed [pQkt] adj (with people) lleno,-a,

abarrotado,-a, repleto,-a; (with facts,

information, etc) lleno,-a.
packet [pQkIt] n 1 (small box - gen) pa
quete m, cajita; (of cigarettes) paquete m,
cajetilla; (envelope) sobre m. 2 fam (large
amount of money) dineral m.
packing [pQkIN] n (material) embalaje m.
pact [pQkt] n pacto.
pad [pQd] n 1 (cushioning) almohadilla,
cojinete m. 2 (inkpad) tampn m. 3 (of
paper) taco, bloc m. 4 (of animal) almo
hadilla. 5 (platform) plataforma. c o m p
knee pad rodillera. y sanitary pad
P vt (chair, etc) acolchar, rellenar, gua
tear; (garment) poner hombreras a.

dle) fardo, bulto; (rucksack) mochila. 2

(packet - gen) paquete m; (of cigarettes)
paquete m, cajetilla. 3 gb (of cards) ba
pt & pp padded, ger padding.
raja. 4 pej (of thieves) banda, partida. 5
(of lies) sarta. 6 (of wolves, dogs) manada; paddle1 [pQdl] n (oar) pala, remo.
(of hounds) jaura.
P vt (boat, canoe) remar con pala.
P vt 1 (goods) empaquetar, envasar. 2
P vi remar con pala.
(suitcase) hacer; (clothes, etc) poner, me paddle2 [pQdl] vi (walk or play in water)
ter. 3 (fill) atestar, abarrotar, llenar:
mojarse los pies, chapotear.
the disco was packed with young people la
P n chapoteo.
discoteca estaba abarrotada de jvenes. paddling pool [pQdlINpUl] n piscina
4 (press down) apretar.
para nios, piscina infantil.
P vi 1 (suitcase, etc) hacer las maletas,
padlock [pQdlk] n candado.
hacer el equipaje: he hasnt packed yet
P vt cerrar con candado.
an no ha hecho las maletas. 2 (people)
[padreI] n (priest) padre m.
apiarse, apretarse, meterse.

to pack up vi 1 (stop, give up) dejarlo. 2 paediatrician [pidIQtrIS n] n pediatra mf.
paedophile [pidfaIl] n pedfilo,-a.
(machine) estropearse; (car) averiarse.
pagan [peIgn] adj pagano,-a.
P vt sep (belongings - in case) meter en la
P n pagano,-a.
maleta; (gather together) recoger.
package [pQkIdZ] n 1 (parcel) paquete page1 [peIdZ] n (of book) pgina; (of newspaper) plana, pgina. l o c on the front
m. 2 (proposals) paquete m; (agreement)
page en primera plana.
acuerdo. c o m p package holiday viaje m
page2 [peIdZ] n 1 (boy servant, at wedding)
P vt (goods) empaquetar, envasar.
paje m; (in hotel, club) botones m. 2 hist
packaging [pQkIdZIN] n embalaje m.



pagoda [pgUd] n pagoda.

paid [peId] pp & pt pay.

Palaeolithic [pQlIUlITIk] adj paleolti

adj (purchase, holiday) pagado,-a;

(work) remunerado,-a.

pail [peIl] n cubo.

pain [peIn] n 1 (physical) dolor m: Ive got

a pain in my stomach me duele el estma

go. 2 (mental suffering) sufrimiento, do
lor m. 3 (annoying thing) lata, fastidio;
(person) pesado,-a, pelmazo. l o c to be
a pain in the neck ser un,-a pesado,-a.
P vt doler, dar pena a, apenar.
P n pl pains (effort) esfuerzos mpl.

Pain no significa 'pena (tristeza)', que

se traduce por grief, sorrow.


[peInfUl] adj (physically) do

loroso,-a; (mentally) angustioso,-a.
painkiller [peInkIlr] n calmante m.
painless [peInls] adj 1 (without pain)
indoloro,-a, sin dolor. 2 (without distress) sencillo,-a, sin complicaciones.
paint [peInt] n pintura: a tin of paint una
lata de pintura. l o c Wet paint Re
cin pintado.
P vt (gen) pintar: were going to paint the
walls yellow vamos a pintar las paredes de
P vi pintar: she paints in oils pinta al leo.
paintbrush [peIntbrS] n 1 (for walls, etc)
brocha. 2 (artists) pincel m.
painter [peIntr] n 1 art pintor,-ra. 2
(decorator) pintor,-ra de brocha gorda.
painting [peIntIN] n 1 art (picture) pin
tura, cuadro. 2 (activity) pintura.
pair [per] n 1 (of shoes, socks, gloves, etc)
par m; (of cards) pareja: a pair of brown eyes
dos ojos castaos. 2 (of people, animals)
pareja. l o c in pairs de dos en dos.
c o m p a pair of scissors unas tijeras. y a
pair of trousers unos pantalones.
P vt (people) emparejar; (animals) aparear.
P vi (animals) aparearse.


[pdZQmz] n pl



Pakistan [pAkIstAn] n Pakistn m.

Pakistani [pAkIstAnI] adj pakistan.


palate [pQlt] n (gen) paladar m.

pale [peIl] adj (complexion, skin) plido,-a;

(colour) claro,-a, plido,-a; (light) dbil.

l o c to turn pale ponerse plido,-a.
P vi palidecer.

Paleolithic [pQlIUlITIk] adj us Pal


Palestine [pQlIstaIn] n Palestina.

Palestinian [pQlIstInIn] adj palesti


palette [pQlt] n paleta.

palfrey [plfrI] n palafrn m.
palm1 [pAm] n bot (tree) palmera; (leaf)


palm tree palmera.

palm2 [pAm] n anat palma.

pamphlet [pQmflt] n folleto.
pan [pQn] n (saucepan) cacerola, cazue
la, cazo; (cooking pot) olla.

Panama [pQnm] n Panam.

Panamanian [pQnmeInIn] adj pana
P n panameo,-a.

pancake [pQnkeIk] n tortita, crepe f.

pancreas [pQNkrIs] n pncreas m.
panda [pQnd] n (oso) panda m.
pane [peIn] n cristal m, vidrio.
panel [pQnl] n 1 (of door, wall, car body,

etc) panel m; (on ceiling) artesn m. 2 (of

controls, instruments) tablero. 3 (group of
people) panel m; (team) equipo.
panic [pQnIk] n pnico: panic spread
throughout the crowd el pnico cundi en
tre la gente. l o c to get into a panic de
jarse llevar por el pnico.
P vt infundir pnico a.
P vi entrarle el pnico a, aterrarse.
pt & pp panicked, ger panicking.

panic-stricken [pQnIkstrIkn] adj pre

so,-a de pnico, aterrorizado,-a.

panorama [pQnrAm] n (view) pano

rama m.

panoramic [pQnrQmIk] adj panor

pakistan mf.
pant [pQnt] vi jadear, resoplar.
pal [pQl] n fam amigo,-a,
colega mf.
pantheon [pQnTIn] n arch panten m.
palace [pQls] n palacio.
panther [pQnTr] n pantera.



pantomime [pQntmaIm] n 1 (mime)

pantomima. 2

(play) representacin
musical navidea basada en cuentos de hadas.

" Es una representacin teatral cmica y

musical que se hace por Navidades y que

suele contar historias tradicionales como,
por ejemplo, Aladdin (Aladino y la lmpara maravillosa), Puss in Boots (El gato con
botas) o Cinderella (La Cenicienta).

pantry [pQntrI] n despensa.

pl pantries.


[pQnts] n pl 1 gb (underpants mens) calzoncillos mpl; (- womens) cal

zn f. 2 us (trousers) pantaln m, panta
lones mpl.
papaya [ppaI] n papaya.
paper [peIpr] n 1 (material) papel m:
take a sheet of paper coge una hoja de pa
pel. 2 (newspaper) peridico, diario. 3
(examination) examen m. 4 (essay, written
work) trabajo (escrito); (for conference)
ponencia. l o c on paper por escrito.
c o m p paper mill fbrica de papel. y pa
per money papel m moneda. y paper
shop quiosco.
P vt empapelar.
P n pl papers (documents) documentos mpl.

Paper no significa 'papel (en el teatro

o el cine)', que se traduce por role, part.

paperclip [peIpklIp] n clip m.

paprika [pQprIk] n pimentn m dulce.
Papua [pQpjU] n Papa. c o m p Papua

New Guinea Papa Nueva Guinea.

Papuan [pQpjUn] adj pap,-a.
P n pap,-a.
parabola [prQbl] n math parbola.
parachute [pQrSUt] n paracadas m.
P vi saltar en paracadas.
parade [preId] n 1 (procession) desfile
m: fashion parade desfile de modelos. 2
mil desfile m.
P vt 1 mil hacer desfilar. 2 (flaunt - knowl-

edge, wealth) alardear, hacer alarde de.

P vi 1 (gen) desfilar. 2 mil pasar revista.

Parade no significa 'parada (deten

cin)', que se traduce por stop.

paradox [pQrdks] n paradoja.

paraffin [pQrfIn] n gb queroseno.

paraffin wax parafina.

paragraph [pQrgrAf] n prrafo.

P n paraguayo,-a.

parallel [pQrlel] adj 1 paralelo,-a (to/

with , a). 2 fig (similar) paralelo,-a

(to/with, a), anlogo,-a (to/with, a).
P n 1 math paralela. 2 geog paralelo. 3
(similarity) paralelo, paralelismo.
paralyse [pQrlaIz] vt (gen) paralizar.
paralysis [prQlsIs] n 1 med parlisis f.
2 fig paralizacin f.
paralytic [pQrlItIk] adj med paralti
P n med paraltico,-a.
parameter [prQmItr] n parmetro.
paranoia [pQrnI] n paranoia.
paraplegia [pQrplidZ] n med para
parasite [pQrsaIt] n parsito,-a.
parasol [pQrsl] n sombrilla.
paratrooper [pQrtrUpr] n mil para
caidista mf.
parcel [pAsl] n 1 (package) paquete m.
2 (piece of land) parcela. l o c parcel post
servicio de paquetes postales.
parchment [pAtSmnt] n pergamino.
pardon [pAdn] n 1 (forgiveness) perdn
m. 2 jur indulto. l o c I beg your pardon!
fml perdone! y I beg your pardon? fml
cmo dice?
P vt 1 (forgive) perdonar: pardon me for
interrupting perdone que le interrumpa.
2 jur indultar. c o m p pardon? (for repetition) cmo dice?, cmo? y pardon
me! (sorry) perdn!, perdone!, Vd.
parent [pernt] n (father) padre m;
(mother) madre f.
P n pl parents padres mpl.

Parent no significa 'pariente', que se

traduce por relative.

paradise [pQrdaIs] n paraso.


full stop, new paragraph punto y aparte.

Paraguay [pQrgwaI] n Paraguay.
Paraguayan [pQrgwaIn] adj para

parietal [praIt l] adj parietal.



parish [pQrIS] n 1 rel parroquia. 2 gb

(civil) municipio.

parishioner [prISnr] n feligrs,-esa.

park [pAk] n parque m, jardn m pblico.

(car) aparcar, estacionar: Im parked

opposite he aparcado enfrente.
P vi aparcar, estacionar.
parking [pAkIN] n (act) estacionamien
to. l o c No parking Prohibido esta
cionar. c o m p parking meter parqume
P vt




[pAlmnt] n (assembly)



(period) legislatura.

(body) Parlamento;

parlor [pAlr] adj us parlour.

parlour [pAlr] n 1 us (shop) saln m,
tienda. 2 dated (room in house) saln m.
c o m p parlour game juego de saln.
parody [pQrdI] n parodia.

pl parodies.
P vt parodiar.
pt & pp parodied, ger parodying.
parole [prUl] n libertad f condicional.
P vt poner en libertad condicional.
parquet [pAkeI] n parqu m.
parrot [pQrt] n loro, papagayo.
parsimonious [pAsImUIs] adj fml

mezquino,-a, tacao,-a.

Parsimonious no significa 'parsimo

nioso (lento)', que se traduce por slow.

parsley [pAslI] n perejil m.

parsnip [pAsnIp] n chiriva.
part [pAt] n 1 (gen) parte f: we spent part

of the day on the beach pasamos parte del

da en la playa. 2 (component) pieza. 3 (of
serial, programme) captulo. 4 (measure)
parte f. 5 (in play, film) papel m: she plays
the part of Scarlett hace el papel de Scar
lett. 6 (role, share, involvement) papel m,
parte f: I want no part in your dodgy deals

(separate) separar (from, de).

1 (separate) separarse; (say goodbye)
despedirse: they parted as friends se se
pararon amistosamente. 2 (open - lips,
curtains) abrirse.
P n pl parts (area) zona, parajes mpl.
a to part with vt insep desprenderse
de, separarse de.
partial [pASl] adj 1 (not complete) par
cial. 2 (biased) parcial. l o c to be partial
to sth ser aficionado,-a a algo.
participant [pAtIsIpnt] n (gen) partici
pante mf; (in competition) concursante mf.
participate [pAtIsIpeIt] vi participar
(in, en).
participation [pAtIsIpeISn] n partici
pacin f.
participle [pAtIsIpl] n participio.
particle [pAtIkl] n partcula.
particular [ptIkjUlr] adj 1 (special) parti
cular, especial: for no particular reason por
nada en especial. 2 (specific) concreto,
particular. 3 (fussy) exigente, especial.
P n pl particulars (of event, thing) detalles
mpl; (of person) datos mpl personales.
P vt
P vi

Particular no significa 'particular (pri

vado)', que se traduce por private.

particularly [ptIkjUllI] adv especial

mente, particularmente.

partly [pAtlI] adv en parte.

partner [pAtn r] n 1 (in an activity)

compaero,-a; (in dancing, tennis, cards,

etc) pareja. 2 comm socio,-a, asocia
do,-a. 3 (spouse) cnyuge mf; (husband)
marido; (wife) mujer f; (in relationship)
pareja, compaero,-a.
partnership [pAtnSIp] n 1 comm (company) sociedad f. 2 (working relationship)
asociacin f.
partridge [pAtrIdZ] n perdiz f.
pl partridges o partridge.

part-time [pAttaIm] adj (work, job) de

media jornada, a tiempo parcial.

no quiero saber nada de tus negocios su
P adv media jornada, a tiempo parcial.
cios. l o c for my part por mi parte, en
cuanto a m. y in part en parte. y the part-timer [pAttaImr] n trabajador,
-ra a tiempo parcial.
best part of / the better part of la ma
yor parte de, casi todo,-a. y to play a party [pAtI] n 1 (celebration) fiesta: birthpart in desempear un papel en.
day party fiesta de cumpleaos. 2 pol
P adv en parte.
partido. 3 (group) grupo.
P adj parcial.
pl parties.


P adj 1 (dress) de fiesta; (mood, atmosphere) festivo,-a. 2 pol (member, leader)
del partido.
P vi (go to parties) ir a fiestas; (have fun)

pt & pp partied, ger partying.

pass [pAs] n 1 geog (in mountains - gen)

puerto, paso (de montaa); (narrow)

desfiladero. 2 (official permit) pase m, per
miso. 3 (in exam) aprobado. 4 sp pase m.
c o m p bus pass abono de autobs.
P vt 1 (go past - gen) pasar; (person) cru
zarse con: I passed her in the street me
cruc con ella en la calle. 2 (overtake)
adelantar. 3 (cross - border, frontier) pa
sar, cruzar. 4 (give, hand) pasar: pass me
that screwdriver psame ese destornilla
dor. 5 sp (ball) pasar. 6 (exam, test, examinee) aprobar; (bill, law, proposal, motion)
aprobar; (censor) pasar. 7 (time) pasar.
P vi 1 (go past - gen) pasar; (procession)
desfilar; (people) cruzarse: I was just
passing pasaba por aqu. 2 (overtake)
adelantar. 3 (move, go) pasar: we passed
through Zaragoza pasamos por Zaragoza.
4 sp hacer un pase. 5 (exam, test) apro
bar; (bill, motion) ser aprobado,-a. 6
(happen) ocurrir, acontecer, suceder:
it came to pass that sucedi que
a to pass away vi (die) pasar a mejor
a to pass by vi pasar: she watched the
people passing by miraba pasar a la gente.
P vt sep pasar de largo.
a to pass out vi 1 (faint) desmayarse.
2 mil graduarse.
P vt sep (distribute) repartir.
passage [pQsIdZ] n 1 (in street) pasaje m;
(alleyway) callejn m; (narrow) pasadizo.
2 (in building - corridor) pasillo. 3 (way,
movement - gen) paso; (of vehicle) trnsito,
paso. 4 (of time) paso, transcurso. 5
mar (journey) travesa, viaje m; (fare) pa
saje m. 6 (writing, music) pasaje m.
passenger [pQsIndZr] n pasajero,-a.
passer-by [pAsbaI] n transente mf.
pl passers-by.

passion [pQSn] n pasin f.


fruit granadilla, maracuy m.


passionately [pQS

ntlI] adv apasio

nadamente, fervientemente.
passive [pQsIv] adj (gen) pasivo,-a.
P n ling voz f pasiva.
passivity [pQsIvtI] n pasividad f.
passport [pAspt] n pasaporte m.
password [pAswd] n contrasea.
past [pAst] adj 1 (gone by in time) pasado,
-a; (former) anterior. 2 (gone by recently)
ltimo,-a: the past few days los ltimos das.
3 (finished, over) acabado,-a, terminado,a: summer is past el verano ha terminado. 4
ling pasado,-a. c o m p past participle par
ticipio pasado. y past tense pasado.
P n 1 (former times) pasado: in the past en
el pasado, antes, antiguamente. 2 (of person) pasado; (of place) historia.
P prep 1 (farther than, beyond) ms all
de; (by the side of) por (delante de): its
just past the cinema est un poco ms all
del cine. 2 (in time) y: its five past six son
las seis y cinco. 3 (older than) ms de:
hes past forty pasa de los cuarenta (aos).
4 (beyond the limits of): its past my comprehension me resulta incomprensible.
P adv: a few joggers ran past pasaron unos
haciendo footing.
pasta [pQst] n pasta, pastas fpl.
paste [peIst] n 1 (mixture) pasta; (glue)
engrudo. 2 culin pasta, pat m.
P vt (stick) pegar; (put paste on) encolar.
pasteboard [peIstbd] n cartn m.
pastel [pQstl] n 1 (chalk) pastel m;
(drawing) dibujo al pastel. 2 (colour) co
lor m pastel.
P adj (drawing) al pastel; (colour, tone,
shade, etc) pastel.

Pastel no significa 'pastel (tarta)', que

se traduce por cake, pie.

pastime [pAstaIm] n pasatiempo.

pastry [peIstrI] n 1 (dough) masa. 2
(cake) pasta, bollo.
pl pastries.

pasture [pAstSr] n pasto.

pasty1 [pQstI] n culin empanadilla.
pl pasties.

pasty2 [peIstI] adj 1 (pale) plido,-a. 2

(like paste) pastoso,-a.

passionate [pQSnt] adj apasionado,-a.

comp pastier, superl pastiest.



pat [pQt] n 1 (tap) golpecito, palmadi

ta; (touch) toque m; (caress) caricia. 2 (of
butter) porcin f.
P vt (tap) dar palmaditas a; (touch) to
car; (caress) acariciar.
pt & pp patted, ger patting.

patch [pQtS] n 1 (to mend clothes) remien

do, parche m. 2 (over eye) parche m. 3

(area on surface - gen) trozo, lugar m, zo
na; (- of colour, damp, etc) mancha. 4 (plot
of land) parcela.
P vt (mend) remendar; (put patch on) po
ner un parche a.
patchwork [pQtSwk] n 1 labor f de
retales. 2 fig (of fields) mosaico.
P adj de retales.
pt [pQteI] n pat m.
patella [ptel] n rtula.
patent [peItnt] n comm patente f.
P adj (obvious) patente, evidente. c o m p
patent leather charol m.
P vt comm patentar.
paternity [ptnItI] n paternidad f.
path [pAT] n 1 (track) camino, sendero:
keep to the path seguir el camino. 2 (course
of bullet, missile) trayectoria; (of flight)
rumbo. l o c to be on the right path ir
bien encaminado,-a.
pathetic [pTetIk] adj pattico,-a.
pathology [pTldZI] n patologa.
pathway [pATweI] n camino, sendero.
patience [peISns] n 1 (quality) pacien
cia: I lost my patience perd la paciencia. 2
(card game) solitario.
patient [peISnt] adj (person - gen) pa
ciente; (long-suffering) sufrido,-a: be patient with him ten paciencia con l.
P n paciente mf, enfermo,-a.
patiently [peISntlI] adv pacientemente.
patio [pQtIU] n patio.

P vt (area) patrullar por, estar de pa

trulla en.

pt & pp patrolled (us patroled), ger patrolling (us patroling).

patron [peItrn] adj 1 (customer) cliente,
-a habitual, parroquiano,-a. 2 (sponsor) patrocinador,-ra, mecenas m .
c o m p patron saint patrn m.

Patron no significa 'patrn (jefe)', que

se traduce por boss.

pattern [pQtn] n 1 (decorative design) di

seo, dibujo; (on fabric) diseo, estam

pado. 2 (way something develops) orden
m, estructura: behaviour pattern patrn
de conducta. 3 (example, model) ejemplo,
modelo. 4 (for sewing, knitting) patrn m;
(sample) muestra.
pause [pz] n 1 (gen) pausa; (silence) si
lencio; (rest) descanso. 2 mus pausa.
P vi (gen) hacer una pausa; (stop moving)
pavement [peIvmnt] n gb acera. 2 us
calzada, pavimento.
paving [peIvIN] n pavimento. c o m p
paving stone baldosa, losa.
paw [p] n 1 zool (foot) pata; (claw - of
big cats) zarpa, garra. 2 fam (persons
hand) manaza.
pawn [pn] n (in chess) pen m. 2 (unimportant person) juguete m, marioneta,
ttere m.
pawnshop [pnSp] n casa de empe
pawpaw [pp] n papaya.
pay [peI] n (wages) paga, sueldo, sala
rio. c o m p pay phone telfono pblico.
P vt 1 (gen) pagar; (bill, debt) pagar, sal
dar: I paid him 10 pounds to mend my bike
le pagu 10 libras para que me arreglara
la bici. 2 (make, give - attention) prestar;
pl patios.
(homage, tribute) rendir; (respects) presen
patriarch [peItrIAk] n patriarca m.
tar, ofrecer; (compliment, visit, call) hacer.

patrician [ptrIS n] adj patricio,-a.

3 fin (make, give - interest, dividends) dar. 4
P n patricio.
(be worthwhile) compensar, convenir:
patrimony [pQtrImnI] n patrimonio.
itll pay you to keep your mouth shut te con
patriot [peItrIt] n patriota mf.
viene no decir ni po. l o c to pay atten
patriotic [pQtrItIk] adj patritico,-a.
tion prestar atencin.
l o c to be on
P vi 1 (gen) pagar: you dont have to pay to
patrol [ptrUl] n patrulla.
go in no hay que pagar para entrar. 2 fig
patrol patrullar, estar de patrulla.



(suffer) pagar (for, -): hell pay for this! me

las pagar! 3 (be profitable - business, etc) ser
rentable, ser factible. 4 (be worthwhile)
compensar, convenir. l o c to get paid
cobrar. y to pay in advance pagar por
adelantado. y to pay cash / pay in cash
pagar al contado, pagar en efectivo.
to pay back vt sep 1 (money) devolver,
reembolsar; (loan, mortgage) pagar. 2
fig (take revenge on) hacer pagar a: Ill pay
you back for this! te har pagar por esto!
to pay off vt sep 1 (debt) saldar, liqui
dar, cancelar; (loan) pagar; (mortgage)
acabar de pagar. 2 (worker) dar el fini
quito a.
P vi (be successful) dar resultado; (prove
worthwhile) valer la pena.
pt & pp paid [peId].

payment [peImnt] n 1 (paying) pago. 2

(instalment) plazo.

payroll [peIrUl] n nmina.

pea [pi] n guisante m.
peace [pis] n 1 (not war) paz f. 2 (tranquil-



pl peanuts (small amount) una mise

pear [per] n (fruit) pera.

peral m.


pear tree

pearl [pl] n perla.

peasant [peznt] adj campesino,-a, rural.

1 (gen) campesino,-a. 2 pej (uncultured person) inculto,-a, palurdo,-a.

pebble [pebl] n guija, guijarro, china.
peck [pek] n (of bird) picotazo; (kiss) be
P vt (bird) picotear; (kiss) dar un besito a.
P vi (bird) picotear (at, -).
pectin [pektIn] n pectina.
pectoral [pektrl] adj pectoral.
peculiar [pIkjUlIr] adj 1 (strange) extra
o,-a, raro,-a; (unwell) indispuesto,-a.
2 (particular) caracterstico,-a (to, de),
propio,-a (to, de).
pedagogy [pedgdZI] n pedagoga.
pedal [pedl] n (gen) pedal m. c o m p pedal
bin cubo de la basura con pedal.
P vi pedalear.

lity) paz f, tranquilidad f: I just want a bit

pt & pp pedalled (us pedaled), ger pedof peace and quiet solo quiero un poco de
alling (us pedaling).
paz y de tranquilidad. l o c at peace / in

peace en paz. y to make ones peace pedalo [ped lU] n patn m.

pl pedalos o pedaloes.
with sb hacer las paces con algn.

peaceful [pisfUl] adj 1 (non-violent) pac peddle [ped l] vt comm vender de

puerta en puerta.
fico,-a. 2 (calm) tranquilo,-a.
peacefully [pisfUlI] adv (quietly) tran pederast [pedrQst] n pederasta m.
quilamente; (non violently) pacfica pedestal [pedIstl] n pedestal m.
pedestrian [pdestrIn] n peatn,
-ona. c o m p pedestrian crossing paso de
peacetime [pistaIm] n tiempos mpl de
peatones. y pedestrian precinct zona
peach [pitS] n 1 (fruit) melocotn m. 2
P adj (dull) pedestre.
(colour) (color m) melocotn m.
pediatrician [pidIQtrISn] n us paedi
P adj de color melocotn. c o m p peach
tree melocotonero.
pedigree [pedIgri] n (of animals) pedigr
peacock [pikk] n pavo real.
m; (of people) linaje m.
peak [pik] n 1 geog (of mountain) pico;
P adj de raza.
(summit) cima, cumbre f. 2 fig (highest
point) cumbre f, punto lgido; (climax) pedophile [pidfaIl] n us paedophile.
apogeo. 3 (of cap) visera. l o c peak pee [pi] n fam pis m, pip m.
hours horas fpl punta.
P vi fam hacer pis, hacer pip.
P adj (maximum) mximo,-a.
peel [pil] n (skin - gen) piel f; (- of orange,
P vi alcanzar el punto mximo.
lemon, etc) corteza, cscara, monda,
peaked [pikt] adj (cap)
con visera.
P vt pelar, quitar la piel de.
peanut [pint] n cacahuete m.



P vi (skin) pelarse; (paint) desconchar

se; (wallpaper) despegarse.
peeler [pilr] [also potato peeler] n pe
lapatatas m.
peep1 [pip] n (look) ojeada, vistazo.
P vi espiar, mirar a hurtadillas.
peep2 [pip] n (noise) po: I dont want to
hear another peep out of you! que no te oi
ga decir ni po!
peephole [piphUl] n mirilla.
peer [pIr] vi (look closely) mirar deteni
damente (at, -).
peg [peg] n 1 (for hanging clothes on) per
cha, colgador m. 2 tech clavija.
P vt 1 (clothes) tender (out, -); (tent) fijar
con estacas (down, -). 2 (prices) fijar,

pt & pp pegged, ger pegging.

pejorative [pdZrtIv] adj peyorati

vo,-a, despectivo,-a.
pelican [pelIkn] n pelcano.
pelvis [pelvIs] n pelvis f.
pen1 [pen] n (gen) pluma; (ballpoint) bol
grafo m.
P vt (write - gen) escribir.
pt & pp penned, ger penning.

. Pen es el nombre general que se da a

cualquier instrumento que escriba con
tinta, por ejemplo, la estilogrfica (fountain pen), el bolgrafo (ballpoint pen) o
el rotulador (felt tip pen).

pen2 [pen] n corral m.

penal [pinl] adj penal.
penalty [penltI] n 1 (gen) pena, casti
go; (fine) multa. 2 sp (gen) castigo
(mximo); (football) penalti m. 3 (disadvantage) desventaja, inconveniente m.

penetrate [penItreIt] vt 1 (gen) pene

trar en; (clothing) atravesar, traspasar;

(organization) infiltrarse en. 2 (understand) penetrar, entender.
P vi (sink in) causar impresin.
penfriend [penfrend] n amigo,-a por
penguin [peNgwIn] n pingino.
penicillin [penIsIlIn] n penicilina.
peninsula [pnInsjUl] n pennsula.
penis [pinIs] n anat pene m.
pl penises o penes [pinis].

penknife [pennaIf] n cortaplumas m,


pl penknives [pennaIvz].

pennant [pennt] n bandern m.

penny [penI] n 1 gb penique m: a fifty
pence piece una moneda de cincuenta pe
niques. 2 us centavo.

pl penises o pence [pens].

pennyroyal [penIrIl] n poleo.

pension [penSn] n pensin f.
pensioner [penSnr] n jubilado,-a,
pensionista mf.

pentagon [pentgn] n pentgono.

" El Pentagon (Pentgono) es la sede de

la secretara de Defensa de los Estados
Unidos y es sinnimo del podero militar
del pas. Fue uno de los objetivos de los fa
mosos atentados perpetrados con aviones
de pasajeros el 11 de septiembre de 2001.
pentathlon [pentQTln] n pentatln m.
penthouse [penthaUs] n tico.
penultimate [pInltImt] adj penl

people [pipl] n pl 1 (gen) gente f, perso

nas fpl: a lot of people mucha gente; over a

hundred people ms de cien personas; peo pl penalties.
ple say that dicen que, se dice que 2
(citizens) ciudadanos mpl; (inhabitants) ha
pence [pens] n penny
bitantes mpl. c o m p old people los viejos
pencil [pensl] n lpiz m: write in pencil
mpl, los ancianos mpl, la gente f mayor.
escribir con lpiz. c o m p pencil case plu
y the common people la gente f corrien
mero, estuche m de lpices. y pencil
te. y young people los jvenes mpl, la
sharpener sacapuntas m.
juventud f, la gente f joven.
pending [pendIN] adj (waiting to be decided
P n (nation, race) pueblo, nacin f.
or settled) pendiente; (imminent)
P vt poblar.
prximo,-a, inminente.
. Consulta tambin person.
P prep (while awaiting) en espera de.



pepper [pep ] n 1 (spice) pimienta. 2

hacer, cumplir. 2 (piece of music) inter

pretar, tocar; (song) cantar; (play) re
presentar, dar; (role) interpretar.
P vi 1 (actor) actuar; (singer) cantar; (mupeppermint [pepmInt] n 1 bot men
sician) tocar, interpretar; (dancer) bai
ta. 2 (sweet) caramelo de menta.
lar. 2 (machine) funcionar, marchar;
per [pr] prep por: 100 miles per hour 100
(person) trabajar.
millas por hora. l o c as per de acuerdo
con, segn. y per annum por ao, al performance [pfmns] n 1 (of task)
ao. y per cent por ciento.
ejecucin f, realizacin f; (of function,
duty) ejercicio. 2 (session - at theatre) re
perceive [psiv] vt (see) percibir, ver;
presentacin f, funcin f; (- of circus,
(notice) notar; (realize) darse cuenta de.
show, etc) nmero, espectculo. 3 (ac, To perceive no significa 'percibir (di
tion - of song, of musician) interpretacin f;
nero)', que se traduce por receive.
(- of play) representacin f; (- of actor)
percentage [psentIdZ] n porcentaje m.
interpretacin f, actuacin f. 4 (of maperception [psepSn] n 1 (sense) per
chine) funcionamiento.
cepcin f. 2 (insight) perspicacia, agu performer [pfmr] n (gen) artista mf,
deza. 3 (way of understanding) idea.
actor m, actriz f; (musician) intrprete mf.
perch1 [ptS] n (fish) perca.
perfume [pfjUm] n perfume m.
pl perch o perches.
P vt perfumar.
perch2 [ptS] n 1 (for bird) percha. 2 (high perhaps [phQps] adv quiz, tal vez:
position) posicin f elevada, posicin f
perhaps theyve got lost quiz se hayan per
privilegiada; (pedestal) pedestal m.
P vi (bird) posarse (on, en); (person) sen
perimeter [prImItr] n permetro.
tarse (on, en).
period [pIrId] n 1 (length of time) pero
percolator [pkleIt r] n cafetera
do, periodo. 2 (epoch) poca. 3 geol pe
rodo. 4 educ (lesson) clase f. 5 (menstruapercussion [pkSn] n percusin f.
tion) regla, perodo. 6 us (full stop) punto.
percussionist [pekSnIst] n percusio
P adj (dress, furniture) de poca.
nista nf.
periodic [pIrIdIk] adj peridico,-a.
perennial [prenIl] adj perenne.
c o m p periodic table chem tabla peridica.
perfect [(adj) pfIkt; (vb) pfekt] adj 1 periodical [pIrIdIkl] adj peridico,-a.
(gen) perfecto,-a. 2 (absolute, utter - fool)
P n publicacin f peridica.
perdido,-a, redomado,-a; (- gentleman)
peripheral [prIfrl] adj 1 (zone, etc) pe
consumado; (- waste of time) autnti
rifrico,-a. 2 (secondary) secundario,-a.
co,-a: hes a perfect stranger to me me es to
talmente desconocido. 3 ling perfecto,-a. periphery [prIfrI] n 1 (of city) perife
ria. 2 (of society) margen m.
P n ling perfecto.
periscope [perIskUp] n periscopio.
P vt perfeccionar.
perfection [pfekSn] n 1 (state, quality) perish [perIS] vi 1 (die) perecer, fallecer.
2 (decay) estropearse.
perfeccin f. 2 (act) perfeccionamien
P vt (rubber) deteriorar.
to. l o c to do sth to perfection hacer alperishable [perISbl] adj perecedero,-a.
go a la perfeccin.
perfectionist [pfekSnIst] n perfec peritonitis [perItnaIts] n med perito
nitis f.
cionista mf.
perfectly [pfektlI] adv 1 (exactly, fault- perm [pm] n fam (in hair) permanente f.
lessly) perfectamente. 2 (absolutely) to permanent [pmnnt] adj 1 (lasting talmente.
gen) permanente; (dye, ink) indeleble;
(damage) irreparable. 2 (job, address)
perform [pfm] vt
1 (task) ejecutar,
llevar a cabo; (function) desempear,

(vegetable) pimiento.
P vt culin echar pimienta a.



permission [pmIS n] n (gen) permiso;

(authorization) autorizacin f. l o c to ask

for permission to do sth pedir permiso
para hacer algo.
permit [(n) pmIt; (vb) pmIt] n permiso.
P vt (gen) permitir; (authorize) autorizar:
he was not permitted access to the meeting

no se le permiti la entrada a la reunin.

P vi permitir: weather permitting si el
tiempo lo permite.
pt & pp permitted, ger permitting.

permutation [pmjUteISn] n 1 math

permutacin f. 2 gb fam (in football pools)

combinacin f.


[ppndIkjUl r] adj 1

perpendicular (to, a). 2 (upright)

P n perpendicular f.
perpetuity [ppItjUtI] n perpetuidad f.
perplexity [ppleksItI] n perplejidad f.
persecution [psIkjUSn] n persecu
cin f.
perseverance [psIvIrns] n perse
persistent [psIstnt] adj 1 (person) in
sistente. 2 (cough, pain, fog) persistente;
(rain) continuo,-a, persistente; (denials,
rumours, warnings) continuo,-a, cons
tante, repetido,-a.
person [psn] n 1 (gen) persona: hes a
really nice person es una persona muy sim
ptica. 2 ling persona. l o c in person

.El plural ms usual es people, pero persons se emplea en el lenguaje jurdico.

personal [psnl] adj 1 (private) perso

personally [psnlI] adv 1 (in person)

personalmente, en persona. 2 (for my
part) personalmente. 3 (as a person) co
mo persona. l o c to take sth personally
personify [psnIfaI] vt personificar.
pt & pp personified, ger personifying.

perspective [pspektIv] n 1 art pers

pectiva. 2 fig (view, angle) perspectiva.

persuade [psweId] vt persuadir, con

vencer: shes easily persuaded se deja

convencer fcilmente.
persuasion [psweIZn] n 1 (act) per
suasin f. 2 (ability) persuasiva.
perturb [ptb] vt perturbar.
Peru [prU] n Per.
Peruvian [prUvIn] adj peruano,-a.
P n (person) peruano,-a.
perversion [pvSn] n 1 (sexual) per
versin f. 2 (distortion) tergiversacin f,
distorsin f.
perversity [pvsItI] n (wickedness) per
versidad f; (stubbornness) terquedad f.
pl perversities.

pessimist [pesImIst] n pesimista mf.

pessimistic [pesImIstIk] adj pesimista.
pest [pest] n 1 plaga: greenfly and other

pests pulgones y otras plagas. 2 fam (person)

pelma mf, pesado,-a; (thing) lata, rollo.

Pest no significa 'peste (mal olor)', que

se traduce por stink.

pester [pestr] vt molestar.

pesticide [pestIsaId] n pesticida.
pet [pet] n (tame animal) animal m de

compaa, mascota. c o m p teachers

pet enchufado,-a.
P adj 1 (kind person) sol, cielo; (term of affection) cario, cielo. 2 (tame) domestica
do,-a. 3 (favourite - theory, subject, etc) favori
to,-a. c o m p pet name nombre m carioso.
y pet shop tienda de animales.
P vt (animal) acariciar.
P vi fam tocarse y besuquearse.

nal, privado,-a: for personal reasons por

motivos personales. 2 (own) particular,
personal. 3 (individual) personal. 4
(physical - appearance) personal; (hygiene)
ntimo,-a, personal. 5 (in person) en
persona. l o c to get personal hacer
alusiones personales. c o m p personal
pt & pp petted, ger petting.
computer ordenador personal.

personality [psnQlItI] n 1 (nature) petal [pet l] n ptalo.

personalidad f. 2 (famous person) perso petiole [petIUl] n pecolo.
naje m.
petition [ptISn] n 1 peticin f, solici
tud f. 2 jur demanda.
pl personalities.


P vt
P vi

presentar una solicitud a.

solicitar (for, -).

petrochemical [petrUkemIkl] adj pe


petrol [petrl] n gasolina.

c o m p petrol
pump surtidor m de gasolina. y petrol
station gasolinera.

Petrol no significa 'petrleo', que se

traduce por oil.


[ptrUlIm] n petrleo.
petroleum jelly vaselina.
petticoat [petIkUt] n (underskirt) ena
guas fpl; (slip) enagua, combinacin f.
petty [petI] adj 1 (trivial) insignificante,
sin importancia. 2 (mean) mezquino,
-a. c o m p petty cash dinero para gastos
mpl menores.
comp pettier, superl pettiest.
petulant [petjUlnt] adj malhumora


Petulant no significa 'petulante', que

se traduce por vain.

pew [pjU] n banco de iglesia.

phalange [fQlQndZ] n falange f.
phallus [fQls] n falo.
phantom [fQntm] n (ghost) fantasma m.
P adj

(imaginary) ilusorio,-a.

Pharaoh [ferU] n faran m.

pharmaceutical [fAmsjUtIkl] adj

pharmacist [fAmsIst] n farmacuti


pharmacy [fAmsI] n farmacia.

pl pharmacies.

. Drugstore (US) tambin se usa para el

establecimiento donde se expenden me
dicamentos y drogas de uso mdico.


[fIlAmnIk] adj filar

Philippine [fIlIpin] adj filipino,-a.

Philippines [fIlIpinz] n Filipinas.
philology [fIlldZI] n filologa.
philosopher [fIlsfr] n filsofo,-a.
philosophical [fIlsfIkl] adj filos

philosophy [fIlsfI] n filosofa.

phobia [fUbI] n fobia.
Phoenician [fniSn] adj fenicio,-a.

1 (person) fenicio,-a. 2 (language) fe

P n fenicio,-a.
phone [fUn] n fam telfono. c o m p
phone book listn m, gua telefnica. y
phone box cabina telefnica. y phone
call llamada telefnica. y phone num
ber nmero de telfono.
P vt llamar (por telfono), telefonear.
P vi llamar (por telfono), telefonear.
phonecard [fUnkAd] n tarjeta telef
phonetic [fnetIk] adj fontico,-a.
phonetics [fnetIks] n fontica.
phosphorus [fsfrs] n fsforo.
photo [fUtU] n fam foto f.
photocopier [fUtUkpIr] n fotoco
photocopy [fUtUkpI] n fotocopia.

pl photocopies.
P vt fotocopiar.
pt & pp photocopied, ger photocopying.
photoelectric [fUtUIlektrIk] adj fo
toelctrico,-a. c o m p photoelectric cell

clula fotoelctrica, fotoclula.

photograph [fUtgrAf] n fotografa,

foto f: colour photograph fotografa en co

lor. l o c to take a photograph of sth/sb
fotografiar algo/a algn, hacer/sacar/
pharyngitis [fQrIndZaItIs] n faringitis f.
tomar una fotografa de algo/algn.
pharynx [fQrINks] n faringe f.
P vt fotografiar.
phase [feIz] n (gen) fase f; (stage) etapa.
photographer [ftgrfr] n fotgra
P vt escalonar, realizar por etapas.
pheasant [feznt] n faisn m.
photographic [fUtgrQfIk] adj foto
phenomenon [fInmInn] n fenmeno.
pl phenomenons o phenomena photography [ftgrfI] n fotografa.
photosynthesis [fUtUsInTsIs] n fo
philately [fIlQtlI] n filatelia.
tosntesis f.

phrasal verb
phrasal verb

[freIz lvb] n verbo

. Los phrasal verbs son verbos segui

dos de una partcula (adverbio, preposi
cin) cuyo significado es muy distinto del
significado del verbo por si solo. Existen
multitud de phrasal verbs y su traduc
cin suele plantear bastantes problemas
a los estudiantes de ingls. En algunos ca
sos, el verbo es separable, es decir, se pue
den colocar complementos entre el verbo
y la partcula, y en otros no.

phrase [freIz] n 1 ling frase f, locucin

f. 2 (expression) frase f, expresin f.

P vt (express) expresar.
physical [fIzIkl] adj 1 (gen) fsico,-a,
material. 2 (of physics) fsico,-a. 3 fam
euph (rough) duro,-a: it was a very physical
game fue un partido muy duro. l o c
physical education educacin f fsica.
y physical geography geografa fsica.
P n (medical examination) reconocimien

to mdico.

physician [fIzISn] n mdico,-a.

physicist [fIzIsIst] n fsico,-a.
physics [fIzIks] n fsica.
physiology [fIzIldZI] n fisiologa.
physiotherapist [fIzIUTerpIst] n fi
sioterapeuta mf.

a to pick on vt insep (victimize) meterse

con; (choose for task) elegir, escoger.
to pick up vt sep 1 (lift) levantar; (from
floor) recoger; (take) coger; (telephone) le
vantar, contestar: dont forget to pick up
all your litter no se olviden de recoger toda
la basura. 2 (learn - language) aprender;
(- habit) adquirir, coger; (- news, gossip)
descubrir, enterarse de. 3 (illness, cold)
pescar, pillar. 4 (acquire, get) conseguir,
encontrar. 5 (collect - person) recoger,
pasar a buscar; (- hitchhiker) coger;
(- thing) recoger: Ill pick you up at 9.00 pm
te vendr a buscar a las nueve.
pickaxe [pIkQks] n gb pico, piqueta.
picket [pIkIt] n 1 (industry) piquete m. 2
(stick) estaca.
pickle [pIkl] vt encurtir, conservar en
P n pl pickles (vegetables) encurtidos mpl.
pickpocket [pIkpkIt] n carterista mf.
pick-up [pIkp] n (on record player) brazo
(del tocadiscos). c o m p pick-up truck
furgoneta, camioneta.
picnic [pIknIk] n picnic m.
P vi (go on a picnic) ir de picnic; (eat) ha
cer un picnic.
pt & pp picnicked, ger picnicking.

picnicker [pIknIkr] n excursionista mf.

picture [pIktSr] n 1 (painting) pintura,

cuadro; (portrait) retrato; (drawing) di

bujo, grabado; (illustration) ilustracin
f, lmina; (photograph) fotografa, foto f:
pianist [pInIst] n pianista mf.
he painted her picture la retrat; I took a picpiano [pIQnU] n (instrument) piano.
ture of them les saqu una foto. 2 (account,
pl pianos.
description) descripcin f; (mental picture)
piccolo [pIklU] n flautn m.
imagen f, idea, impresin f. 3 tv (qual pl piccolos.
ity of image) imagen f. 4 gb (film) pelcu
pick1 [pIk] n (tool) pico, piqueta.
la. l o c to take a picture hacer una fo
to. c o m p picture book libro ilustrado. y
pick2 [pIk] n (choice) eleccin f, seleccin
picture window ventanal m.
f: take your pick elige el que quieras, esco
P vt 1 (imagine) imaginarse, verse: I cant
ge el que quieras. c o m p the pick of the
picture them married no me los imagino
bunch el/la mejor de todos,-as.
casados. 2 (paint) pintar; (draw) dibujar.
P vt 1 (choose - gen) elegir, escoger;
P n pl the pictures gb el cine: we went to
(team) seleccionar. 2 (flowers, fruit, cotton,
the pictures fuimos al cine.
etc) coger, recoger. 3 (remove pieces from
- gen) escarbar, hurgar; (spots) tocarse. pie [paI] n culin (sweet) pastel m, tarta;
(savoury) pastel m, empanada.
4 (remove from - hair, etc) quitar. 5 (open con una ganza. 6 piece [pis] n 1 (bit - large) trozo, pedazo;
lock) forzar, abrir
(of birds) picotear.
(small) cacho; (of broken glass) fragmento.

physiotherapy [fIzIUTerpI] n fisio




2 (part, component) pieza, parte f: a thirtypiece dinner service una vajilla de treinta pie
zas. 3 (coin) moneda. 4 (in board games) fi
cha. 5 (in newspaper) artculo. 6 (item,
example of) pieza: a piece of advice un con
sejo; a piece of chalk una tiza; a piece of furniture un mueble; a piece of news una noticia;
a piece of paper un papel; a piece of work un
trabajo. l o c in one piece (unharmed)
sano,-a y salvo,-a. y to be in pieces 1
(broken) estar hecho,-a pedazos. 2 (dismantled) estar desmontado,-a. y to
break sth in pieces hacer algo pedazos.
pier [pIr] n 1 (landing place) muelle m,
embarcadero. 2 arch (pillar) pilar m,


pierce [pIs] vt 1 (make hole in) perforar,

agujerear; (go through) atravesar, traspa

sar. 2 (of light, sound) penetrar, traspasar.
piercing [pIsIN] adj (sound) agudo,-a;
(scream) desgarrador,-ra; (look) pene
trante; (wind) cortante.
piety [paItI] n piedad f.
pig [pIg] n 1 zool cerdo, puerco, ma
rrano. 2 pej (ill-mannered person) cerdo,
puerco, cochino; (glutton) glotn,-ona,
tragn,-ona, comiln,-ona.
pigeon [pIdZIn] n (bird) paloma; (for eating) pichn m.
pigeonhole [pIdZInhUl] n casilla.
P vt encasillar.
piggy [pIgI] n cerdito. c o m p piggy bank
hucha (en forma de cerdito).
pl piggies.

piglet [pIglt] n cerdito, cochinillo.

pigment [pIgmnt] n pigmento.
pigsty [pIgstaI] n pocilga.
pl pigsties.

pigtail [pIgteIl] n coleta.

pilchard [pIltSd] n sardina.
pile1 [paIl] n 1 (heap) montn m, pila. 2

pilgrim [pIlgrIm] n peregrino,-a.

pilgrimage [pIlgrImIdZ] n peregrina
cin f.

pill [pIl] n (gen) pldora, pastilla.

pillow [pIlU] n almohada.
pillowcase [pIlUkeIs] n funda de al


[paIlt] n 1 av piloto mf. 2 mar

prctico mf. 3 (TV or radio programme)
programa m piloto. c o m p pilot light pi
P adj piloto, experimental.
P vt 1 (ship, etc) pilotar. 2 (guide) dirigir.
3 (test) poner a prueba.
pimento [pImentU] n pimiento morrn.

pl pimentos.

pimp [pImp] n chulo, proxeneta mf.

pimple [pImpl] n (spot) grano.
pin [pIn] n 1 (gen) alfiler m. 2 (badge,

brooch) insignia, pin m, alfiler m. 3 tech

(peg, dowel) clavija, espiga. 4 elec polo:
a two-pin plug una clavija de dos patillas.
c o m p pins and needles hormigueo.
P vt 1 (garment, hem, seam) prender (con
alfileres); (papers, etc together) sujetar
(con un alfiler); (notice on board, etc) cla
var (up, -); (hair) recoger (up,-). 2 (person) inmovilizar; (arms) sujetar.
P n pl pins fam (legs) patas fpl.
to pin up vt sep clavar (con chinche
tas), sujetar (con alfileres).
pt & pp pinned, ger pinning.

pinafore [pInfr] n (apron) delantal m.


pinafore dress pichi m.

pinball [pInbl] n flipper m.

pincer [pInsr] n (of crab, etc) pinza.
P n pl

pincers (tool) tenaza, tenazas fpl.

pinch [pIntS] n 1 (nip) pellizco. 2 (small

amount) pizca.
1 (nip) pellizcar; (shoes) apretar. 2
fam (steal) birlar, afanar, robar.
P vt

fam (a lot of) montn m, pila: Ive got a

, To pinch no significa 'pinchar', que se
pile of essays to mark tengo que corregir un
traduce por to prick.
montn de redacciones.
P vt 1 (form a pile) amontonar, apilar.
pine1 [paIn] n bot (tree, wood) pino.
P adj de pino. c o m p pine cone pia. y
2 (fill) llenar, colmar: the sink was piled
pine nut pin m.
high with dishes el fregadero estaba lleno
to pine away vi consumirse, morir
de platos.
P n pl piles of montones mpl de.
se de pena.
pile [paIl] n arch pilote m, pilar m.
pineapple [paInQpl] n pia.



ping-pong [pINpN] n tenis m de me

sa, ping-pong m.

pinion[pInIn] n tech pin m.

pink [pINk] adj (de color) rosa, rosa
do,-a. l o c to go pink / turn pink poner
se colorado,-a.
P n 1 (colour) (color m) rosa m. 2 bot cla
vel m, clavellina.
pint [paInt] n (measurement) pinta.
P n a pint fam (of beer) una cerveza, una
jarra. l o c to go for a pint ir a tomar
una cerveza.
. En Gran Bretaa equivale a 0,57 litros;
en Estados Unidos equivale a 0,47 litros.

pioneer [paInIr] n pionero,-a.

P vt (policy, industry) promover; (technique) iniciar.

pious [paIs] adj piadoso,-a.
pip1 [pIp] n (seed) pepita.
pip2 [pIp] n (sound) seal f (corta).
pipe [paIp] n 1 (for water, gas, etc) tubera,
caera, conducto. 2 (for smoking) pipa:
he smokes a pipe fuma en pipa.
P n pl pipes gaita f sing.
pipeline [paIplaIn] n (for water) tubera,
caera; (for gas) gasoducto; (for oil)
piper [paIpr] n gaitero,-a.
piping [paIpIN] n tubera, caera.
piracy [paIrsI] n piratera.
piranha [pIrAn] n (fish) piraa.
pirate [paIrt] n pirata m.
P adj pirata.
P vt piratear.
pirouette [pIrUet] n pirueta.
Pisces [paIsiz] n piscis.
P vi hacer piruetas, piruetear.
piss [pIs] n sl meada.
P vi sl mear.
pistachio [pIstASIU] n pistacho. c o m p
pistachio tree pistachero.

metal, glass) seal f, marca; (- on skin) pi

cadura, cicatriz f. 4 theat (for orchestra)
foso de la orquesta.
P n pl the pits (in motor racing) los boxes mpl.
pit2 [pIt] n us (seed) pepita; (stone) hueso.
pitch1 [pItS] n 1 mus (of sound) tono; (of
instrument) diapasn m. 2 sp (field) cam
po, terreno; (throw) lanzamiento. 3
(degree, level) grado, punto, extremo.
4 (position, site) lugar m, sitio; (in market)
puesto. 5 mar (movement) cabezada. 6
(slope of roof) pendiente f.
P vt 1 mus (note, sound) entonar. 2 fig
(aim, address) dirigir (at, a); (set) dar un
tono a. 3 (throw) tirar, arrojar; (in baseball) lanzar. 4 (tent) plantar, montar;
(camp) montar.
P vi 1 (fall) caerse. 2 (ship, plane) cabe
cear. 3 sp (in baseball) lanzar.
pitch2 [pItS] n (tar) brea, pez f.
pitched [pItSt] adj (roof) en pendiente,
inclinado,-a. c o m p pitched battle bata
lla campal.
pitcher1 [pItSr] n (of clay) cntaro.
pitcher2 [pItSr] n sp ptcher mf, lanza
pitchfork [pItSfk] n agr horca.
pith [pIT] n 1 (of bone, plant) mdula; (of
orange) piel f blanca. 2 fig meollo.
pitiful [pItIfUl] adj 1 (arousing pity - sight)
lastimoso,-a; (cry) lastimero,-a. 2
(arousing contempt) lamentable.
pituitary [pItjUItrI] adj pituitario,-a.
l o c pituitary gland glndula pituitaria.
pity [pItI] n 1 (compassion) piedad f,
compasin f: she gave him some money
out of pity le dio dinero por compasin. 2
(regret) lstima, pena. l o c for pitys
sake! por amor de Dios! y what a
pity! qu lstima!, qu pena!
pl pities.
P vt (feel pity for) compadecerse de, te

ner lstima de, dar lstima.

pt & pp pitied, ger pitying.

pl pistachios.
pivot [pIvt] n 1 pivote m. 2 fig eje m.
pistil [pIstIl] n pistilo.
pixel [pIksl] n pxel m.
pistol [pIstl] n pistola.
piston [pIstn] n tech pistn m, mbolo. pizza [pits] n pizza.
pit1 [pIt] n 1 (hole) hoyo,
foso; (grave) fo pizzeria [pitsrI] n pizzera.
sa. 2 (mine) mina, pozo. 3 (mark - on placard [plQkAd] n pancarta.


place [pleIs] n 1 (particular position, part)

lugar m, sitio: we visited lots of different

places fuimos a muchos sitios diferentes.
2 (proper position) lugar m, sitio; (suitable
place) lugar m adecuado, sitio adecua
do: put the book back in its place devuelve
el libro a su sitio. 3 (building) lugar m, si
tio; (home) casa, departamento: lets go
to my place vamos a mi casa. 4 (in book)
pgina. 5 (seat) asiento, sitio; (at table)
cubierto. 6 (position, role, rank) lugar m;
(duty) obligacin f: if I were in your place
yo en tu lugar. 7 (in race, contest) puesto,
lugar m, posicin f; (in queue) turno. 8
(job) puesto; (at university, on course) pla
za; (on team) puesto. l o c all over the
place por todas partes, por todos la
dos. y in place en su sitio. y in place of
sb / in sbs place en el lugar de algn. y
out of place fuera de lugar. y to take
place tener lugar.
P vt 1 (put - gen) poner; (- carefully) colo
car: she placed the vase on the shelf puso el
florero en el estante. 2 (find home, job for)
colocar. 3 (rank, class) poner, situar. 4
(remember - face, person) recordar; (- tune,
accent) identificar. l o c to place an order
hacer un pedido.
placenta [plsent] n placenta.

de planes. 2 (map, drawing, diagram) plano;
(design) proyecto; (for essay) esquema m.
P vt 1 (make plans) planear, proyectar,
planificar; (intend) pensar, tener pen
sado: they plan to get married next year
tienen planeado casarse el ao que vie
ne. 2 (make a plan of - house, garden, etc)
hacer los planos de, disear; (- economy, strategy) planificar.
pt & pp planned, ger planning.

plane1 [pleIn] n 1 math (surface) plano. 2 fig

(level, standard) nivel m. 3 fam (aircraft)

avin m: they went by plane fueron en avin.
P adj plano,-a.
plane2 [pleIn] n (tool) cepillo.
P vt cepillar.
plane3 [pleIn] n (tree) pltano.
planet [plQnt] n planeta m.
planetarium [plQnIterIm] n plane

pl planetariums o planetaria
plank [plQNk] n (of wood) tabln m, tabla.
plankton [plQNktn] n plancton m.
planning [plQnIN] n planificacin f.
plant1 [plAnt] n bot planta.
P vt 1 (flowers, trees) plantar; (seeds, vege-

tables) sembrar; (bed, garden, etc) plantar

( with, de). 2 (bomb) colocar; (blow)
plantar; (kiss) dar, plantar. 3 (ideas,
doubt) inculcar, meter.
plant2 [plAnt] n (factory) planta, fbrica;
(machinery) equipo, maquinaria.
afligir, asolar, plagar, atormentar.

plain [pleIn] adj 1 (clear) claro,-a, evi plantation [plQnteIS n] n (for crops)
dente: he made it quite plain lo dej muy
claro. 2 (straightforward) franco,-a, plasma [plQzm] n plasma m.
directo,-a: tell me in plain language dme plaster [plAstr] n 1 (powder, mixture gen) yeso; (for walls) revoque m, enluci
lo en lenguaje corriente. 3 (simple, ordido. 2 med escayola: hes got his arm in
nary) sencillo,-a; (without pattern) liso,-a.
plaster tiene el brazo escayolado.
4 (unattractive) poco agraciado,-a,
P vt 1 (wall, ceiling) enyesar, enlucir. 2
fecho,-a. 5 (chocolate) sin leche. l o c in
(cover, spread) cubrir (with, de).
plain clothes vestido,-a de paisano.
P adv 1 (absolutely) totalmente. 2 (clearplastic [plQstIk] adj 1 (bag, cup, spoon, etc)
ly) claramente, francamente.
de plstico,-a. 2 (malleable) moldeable.
P n geog llanura.
c o m p plastic surgery ciruga plstica. y
the plastic arts las artes fpl plsticas.
plait [plQt] n trenza.
P n 1 plstico. 2 fam (credit cards) tarje
P vt trenzar.
tas de crdito.
plan [plQn] n 1 (scheme,
m, proyecto: a change of plan un cambio Plasticine [plQstIsin] n gb plastilina.
pl placentas o placentae [plsenti].
plague [pleIg] n 1 (of insects, etc) plaga. 2
med peste f.
P vt 1 (pester) acosar, asediar. 2 (afflict)



plate [pleIt] n 1 (dish, plateful) plato. 2

(sheet of metal, glass) placa; (thin layer) l

mina. 3 (illustration) grabado, lmina.
c o m p number plate matrcula. y plate
rack escurreplatos.
plateau [plQtU] n 1 geog meseta. 2
(state) estancamiento.

pl plateaus o plateaux [plQtUz].

platform [plQtfm] n 1 (gen) platafor


[pleIf] n



partido de de

playpen [pleIpen] n parque m (para ni


playtime [pleItaIm] n recreo.

plead [plid] vi suplicar (with, -).
P vt

(give as excuse) alegar.

pleading [plidIN] adj (tone, voice, look) su

ma; (for speaker) tribuna, estrado; (for
P n splica, ruego.
band) estrado. 2 (railway) andn m, va.
pleasant [pleznt] adj 1 (gen) agradable;
platinum [plQtInm] n platino.
(surprise) grato,-a. 2 (person) simptico,
platonic [pltnIk] adj platnico,-a.
-a, amable.
platoon [pltUn] n mil pelotn m.
comp pleasanter, superl pleasantest.
platypus [plQtIps] n ornitorrinco.
please [pliz] vt (make happy, be agreeable
play [pleI] n 1 (recreation) juego: children
to) agradar, gustar, complacer; (satisfy)
at play nios jugando. 2 sp (action) juego;
contentar, complacer: you cant please
(match) partido; (move) jugada. 3 theat
everyone no se puede complacer a todos.
obra (de teatro), pieza (teatral).
P vi 1 (satisfy) contentar, complacer,
P vt 1 (game, sport) jugar a. 2 sp (compete
satisfacer. 2 (choose, want, like) querer:
against) jugar contra; (in position) jugar
you can do as you please puedes hacer lo
de; (ball) pasar; (card) jugar; (piece) mo
que quieras.
ver. 3 mus tocar. 4 (joke, trick) gastar,
P interj por favor: quiet, please silencio,
hacer. 5 theat (part) hacer el papel de,
por favor.
hacer de; (play) representar, dar: she
pleased [plizd] adj (happy) contento,-a;
plays the part of Juliet hace de Julieta. l o c
(satisfied) satisfecho,-a. l o c pleased to
to play it cool hacer como si nada. y to
meet you! encantado,-a!, mucho gus
play the game jugar limpio.
P vi 1 (amuse oneself) jugar (at, a), (with,
con). 2 sp (at game) jugar. 3 theat (cast) pleasing [plizIN] adj agradable, grato,-a.
actuar, trabajar; (show) ser represen pleasure [pleZ ] n placer m: its a pleasure
estar aqu. l o c my
tado,-a. 4 mus tocar.
pleasure ha sido un placer. y to have
to play about vi juguetear.
the pleasure of tener el placer de,
a to play around vi (gen) juguetear;
tener gusto de y with pleasure con
(have affairs) tener los.
mucho gusto.
player [pleIr] n 1 sp jugador,-ra. 2
plebeian [plIbin] adj 1 hist plebeyo,
theat (actor) actor m; (actress) actriz f.
-a. 2 pej ordinario,-a.
playful [pleIfUl] adj juguetn,-ona, tra
plentiful [plentIfUl] adj abundante.
playground [pleIgraUnd] n patio de plenty [plentI] n abundancia.
P pron mucho,-a, muchos,-as: weve got
plenty of time tenemos tiempo de sobra.
playhouse [pleIhaUs] n 1 (theatre) tea
pliers [plaIz] n pl alicates mpl, tenazas fpl.
tro. 2 (for children) casita.
playing card [pleIINkAd] n carta, nai plinth [plInT] n (of column, pillar) plinto;
pe m.
(of statue) peana.
playing field [pleIINfild] n campo de plod [pld] vi 1 (walk slowly) andar con
paso lento. 2 (work steadily) hacer labo
playmate [pleImeIt]
n compaero,-a
de juego, amiguito,-a.
pt & pp plodded, ger plodding.




[plt] n 1 (conspiracy) conspiracin

f, complot m. 2 (of book, film, etc) trama,

P vt 1 (plan secretly) tramar, urdir. 2
(course, position) trazar.
P vi conspirar, tramar, maquinar.
pt & pp plotted, ger plotting.

plot2 [plt]
plough [plaU] n agr arado.
P vt

(land, etc) arar.

plow [plaU] adj us plough.

plug [plg] n 1 (for bath, sink, etc) tapn m.

2 elec (on lead) enchufe m, clavija; (socket) enchufe m, toma de corriente. 3

(publicity) publicidad f.
P vt 1 (hole, etc) tapar (up, -). 2 (publicize)
dar publicidad a, promocionar.
to plug away vt insep perseverar (at, en).
to plug in vt sep enchufar.
P vi enchufarse.
to plug into vt sep enchufar a.

pt & pp plugged, ger plugging.

plug-in [plgIn] n plug-in m, conector m.

plum [plm] n 1 (fruit) ciruela. 2 (colour)

Pluto [plUtU] n Plutn m.

plutonium [plUtUnIm] n plutonio.

to ply with vt sep (drink, food) no parar de

ofrecer; (questions) asediar a, acosar a.

ply [plaI] n (of wood) chapa; (of paper) capa.

pl plies.

plywood [plaIwUd] n contrachapado.

pm [piem] abbr (post meridiem) de la

tarde. it is 5.10 p.m. son las cinco y diez de

la tarde.
pneumatic [njUmQtIk] adj neumti
pneumonia [njUmUnI] n pulmona.
poach[pUtS] vt culin (fish) hervir; (eggs)
poacher [pUtSr] n (of game) cazador,-ra
furtivo,-a; (of fish) pescador,-ra furtivo,-a.
pocket [pkIt] n 1 (gen) bolsillo. 2 (small
area - of air) bolsa; (- of resistance) foco.
P adj (dictionary, camera, etc) de bolsillo.
l o c pocket money (for children) paga,
pocketknife [pkItnaIf] n navaja.

pl pocketknives.
color m ciruela. c o m p plum tree ciruelo.
pod [pd] n bot vaina.
P adj fam fantstico,-a.
to plumb in vt sep instalar, conectar. podium [pUdIm] n podio.
pl podiums o podia [pUdI].
plumber [plmr] n fontanero,-a.
plumbing [plmIN] n 1 (occupation) fon poem [pUm] n poema m, poesa.
poet [pUt] n poeta mf.
tanera. 2 (system) tubera, caera.
poetic [pUetIk] adj potico,-a.
plump [plmp] adj regordete, rollizo,-a.
plunder [plndr] n 1 (action) pillaje m, poetry [pUtrI] n poesa.
saqueo. 2 (loot) botn m.
point [pInt] n 1 (sharp end - of knife, nail,
P vt saquear, pillar.
pencil) punta. 2 (place) punto, lugar m:
plunge [plndZ] n 1 (dive) zambullida,
meeting point punto de encuentro. 3 (mochapuzn m. 2 (fall) cada, descenso.
ment) momento, instante m: at this point
P vi 1 (dive) lanzarse, zambullirse; (fall)
en este momento. 4 (state, degree) punto,
caer, hundirse. 2 (drop - prices, etc) caer
extremo. 5 (on scale, graph, compass) pun
en picado.
to; (on thermometer) grado. 6 sp (score, mark)
P vt (immerse) sumergir, hundir; (thrust) cla
punto, tanto. 8 (item, matter, idea, detail)
var, meter; (in despair, poverty, etc) sumir.
punto. 9 (central idea, meaning) idea, sig
nificado: youve missed the point no has
plural [plUrl] adj plural.
P n plural m.
captado la idea. 10 (purpose, use) sentido,
propsito: whats the point? para qu? 11
plus [pls] prep ms: four plus five is nine
(quality, ability) cualidad f. 12 geog punta,
cuatro ms cinco son nueve.
cabo. 13 math (in geometry) punto (de
P adj 1 (ion, number) positivo,-a. 2 (and
interseccin). 14 (in decimals) coma: five
more) ms de, algo ms de. 3 (advantapoint six cinco coma seis. l o c to come to
geous) positivo,-a.
P n 1 math (sign) signo ms. 2 (advanthe point ir al grano. c o m p point of view
punto de vista.
tage) ventaja, factor m positivo, pro.



P vi 1 (show) sealar: the girl pointed at

the clown la nia seal al payaso con el
dedo. 2 fig (indicate) indicar.
P vt 1 (with weapon) apuntar. 2 (direct)

policewoman [pliswUmn] n poli

sealar, indicar.

ca, agente f de polica, guardia.

pl policewomen [pliswImIn].
policy [plIsI] n 1 pol poltica. 2 (course
of action, plan) poltica, estrategia. 3 (in-

(mention) sealar, hacer notar; (warn)


polish [plIS] n 1 (for furniture) cera (para

to point out vt sep 1 (show) sealar. 2

. En el sistema ingls, los millares se se

paran con una coma y los decimales con
un punto, as que tres mil ochocientos
treinta y cinco se escribira 3,835 y treinta y
ocho coma veinticinco se escribira 38.25.

pointed [pIntId] adj puntiagudo,-a,

en punta.

pointless [pIntls] adj (meaningless) sin

sentido; (useless) intil.

poison [pIzn] n veneno.

(harm, kill - person, animal) envene

nar; (make ill) intoxicar; (river) conta
poisoning [pIznIN] n envenenamiento.
poisonous [pIzns] adj 1 (plant, berry,
snake) venenoso,-a; (drugs, gas) txico,
-a. 2 fig pernicioso,-a.
poke [pUk] n (jab) empujn m, golpe
m; (with elbow) codazo; (with sharp object)
poker [pUkr] n (card game) pquer m.
Poland [pUlnd] n Polonia.
polar [pUlr] adj polar. c o m p polar bear
oso polar.
polarity [pUlQrItI] n polaridad f.
P vt

pl polarities.

Pole [pUl] n polaco,-a.

pole1 [pUl] n (stick, post) poste m, prti


pole vault salto con prtiga.

surance) pliza (de seguros).

pl policies.

muebles); (for shoes) betn m; (for floors)

cera, abrillantador m (de suelos); (for
nails) esmalte m. 2 (shine) lustre m, bri
llo. 3 fig (refinement) refinamiento, bri
P vt (floor, furniture) sacar brillo a, ence
rar; (shoes) limpiar; (silver, cutlery) sacar
brillo a; (nails) pintar con esmalte;
(stone) pulir.
Polish [pUlIS] adj polaco,-a.
P n 1 (person) polaco,-a. 2 (language) po
P n pl the Polish los polacos mpl.
polite [plaIt] adj corts, educado,-a,
cumplido,-a, correcto,-a: he was very
polite to me me trat con cortesa.
comp politer, superl politest.
[plaItlI] adv cortsmente,


educadamente, correctamente.

politeness [plaItns] n cortesa, edu

cacin f.

political [plItIkl] adj (gen) poltico,-a.

politician [plItISn] n poltico,-a.
politics [plItIks] n 1 (gen) poltica: hes

active in politics es militante (poltico). 2

(science) ciencias fpl polticas.
P n pl (view, opinions) ideas fpl polticas.
polka [plk] n (dance) polca. c o m p pol
ka dot lunar m.
poll [pUl] n 1 (voting) votacin f. 2 (sur-

vey) encuesta, sondeo.

P vt 1 (votes - obtain) obtener. 2 (ask opinto be poles apart ser polos opuestos.
ion) sondear, encuestar.
police [plis] n pl (body) polica f sing; (ofP n pl the polls las elecciones fpl, los
ficers) policas mpl. c o m p police station
comicios mpl. l o c to go to the polls
acudir a las urnas.
[pln] n polen m.
. Recuerda que el verbo que acompaa a
pollination [plIneI1n] n poliniza
police va en plural.
cin f.
policeman [plismn] n polica m, polling [pUlIN] n votacin f. c o m p poll
ing station colegio electoral.
guardia m.
agente m de polica,
pl policemen [plismn].
pollute [plUt] vt contaminar.

pole2 [pUl] n (electrical, geographical) polo. l o c



cin f.

[plUS n] n contamina

polo [pUlU] n sp polo.

polo-neck [pUlUnek] adj (sweater) de

cuello alto, de cuello cisne.

polyester [plIestr] n polister m.
polygamy [plIgmI] n poligamia.
polygon [plIgn] n polgono.
polytechnic [plIteknIk] n escuela po
litcnica, politcnico.
pond [pnd] n estanque m.
pony [pUnI] n pney m, poni m.
pl ponies.

ponytail [pUnIteIl] n cola de caballo.

pool1 [pUl] n 1 (of water, oil, blood, etc)

charco; (of light) foco. 2 (pond) estan

que m; (in river) pozo.
pool2 [pUl] n 1 (common fund of money)
fondo comn; (in gambling) bote m. 2
(common supply of services) servicios mpl
comunes. 3 us (snooker) billar m ameri
P vt (funds, money) reunir, juntar; (ideas,
resources) poner en comn.
P n pl the pools las quinielas fpl.
poor [pUr] adj 1 (person, family, country)
pobre. 2 (inadequate) pobre, escaso,-a;
(bad quality) malo,-a; (inferior) inferior:
youve got a poor memory tienes mala me
moria. 3 (unfortunate) pobre: poor Edward
el pobre Edward.
P n pl the poor los pobres mpl.
poorly [pUlI] adj (ill) indispuesto,-a.
P adv (badly) mal: poorly dressed mal
pop1 [pp] n 1 (of cork) taponazo. 2 fam
(drink) gaseosa.
P vt 1 (burst) hacer reventar; (cork) ha
cer saltar. 2 (put) poner, meter.
P vi 1 (burst) estallar, reventar; (cork)
saltar. 2 (go quickly) ir rpidamente.
pt & pp popped, ger popping.
pop2 [pp] n fam (music) msica pop.
c o m p pop art pop-art m. y pop star es

poppy [ppI] n amapola.

pl poppies.

popular [ppjUlr] adj 1 (well-liked - gen)

popular; (- person) estimado,-a; (- resort,

restaurant) muy frecuentado,-a; (fashionable) de moda: shes popular with her
workmates les cae muy bien a sus compa
eras de trabajo. 2 (of or for general public)
popular; (prices) popular, econmi
popularity [ppjUlQrItI] n populari
dad f.
population [ppjUleIS n] n pobla
cin f.
porcelain [pslIn] n porcelana.
P adj de porcelana.
porch [ptS] n 1 (of church) prtico; (of
house) porche m, entrada. 2 us (veranda)
porcine [psaIn] adj porcino,-a.
porcupine [pkjUpaIn] n puerco es
pore [pr] n anat poro.
pork [pk] n carne f de cerdo. c o m p
pork butcher charcutero,-a.
pornography [pngrfI] n porno
porridge [prIdZ] n gachas fpl de ave
port1 [pt] n (harbour, town) puerto.
P adj portuario,-a.
port2 [pt] n (left side) babor m.
portable [ptbl] adj porttil.
porter [ptr] n 1 (in hotel, block of flats)
portero,-a; (in public building, school) con
serje m; (in hospital) camillero. 2 (at station, airport) mozo, maletero.
portion [pSn] n (gen) porcin f, parte
f; (of food) racin f.
to portion out

portrait [ptreIt] n retrato.

portray [ptreI] vt 1 (painting) repre

sentar, retratar. 2 (describe) describir,

retratar. 3 (act) interpretar.
popcorn [ppkn] n palomitas fpl de portrayal [ptreIl] n 1 (painting) repre
sentacin f. 2 (description) descripcin f.
3 (acting) interpretacin f.
pope [pUp] n papa m
poplar [pplr] n bot lamo.
Portugal [ptjUgl] n Portugal.
trella del pop.



Portuguese [ptjgiz] adj portugus,


possible [psIbl] adj posible.

l o c as
much as possible todo lo posible. y as
soon as possible cuanto antes, lo antes

P n 1 (person) portugus,-esa. 2 (language) portugus m.

P n pl the Portuguese los portugueses mpl.
P n posible candidato,-a.
pose [pUz] n 1 (position, stance) postura, possibly [psIblI] adv 1 (reasonably, conactitud f. 2 pej (affectation) pose f, afec
ceivably) posiblemente: you cant possibly
tacin f.
have finished already! no es posible que ya
P vt (problem, question, etc) plantear;
hayas acabado! 2 (in requests): could you
(threat) representar.
possibly give me a lift to the station? me po
P vi 1 (for painting, photograph) posar. 2 pej
dra llevar a la estacin? 3 (perhaps) posi
(behave affectedly) presumir, hacer pose.
blemente, quizs.
l o c to pose as hacerse pasar por.
post1 [pUst] n (of wood) estaca, poste m.
posh [pS] adj 1 gb fam (place, area) ele post2 [pUst] n 1 (job) puesto, empleo;
gante, de lujo; (accent) refinado,-a. 2
(important position) cargo. 2 mil puesto.
gb fam (upper-class) pijo,-a.
P vt 1 mil destinar, apostar. 2 (employposition [pzISn] n 1 (place) posicin f.
ee) destinar, mandar.
2 (right place) sitio, lugar m: they manoeu- post3 [pUst] n gb (mail) correo; (collecvred the piano into position colocaron el
tion) recogida; (delivery) reparto: its in
piano en su lugar. 3 (posture) postura,
the post ya est enviado.
posicin f. 4 (on scale, in competition) po
P vt 1 gb (send - letter, parcel) mandar por
sicin f, lugar m, puesto; (social standing)
correo, echar al correo; (put in postbox)
categora social, posicin f. 5 (job)
echar al buzn. c o m p post office Co
puesto. 6 (situation, circumstances) situa
rreos, oficina de correos.
cin f, lugar m. 7 (opinion, point of view) postage [pUstIdZ] n franqueo, porte m.
postura, posicin f. 8 sp posicin f.
postal [pUstl] adj postal.
P vt (put in place) colocar, poner.
postbag [pUstbQg] n 1 (sack) saca (de
positive [pzItIv] adj 1 (gen) positivo,
correos). 2 gb (letters) correspondencia.
-a. 2 (definite - proof, evidence) concluyen postbox [pUstbks] n gb buzn m.
te, definitivo,-a; (- refusal, decision) cate
postcard [pUstkAd] n tarjeta postal f.
grico,-a; (- instruction, order) preciso,-a.
3 (effective - criticism, advice) constructi postcode [pUstkUd] n gb cdigo
vo,-a; (- attitude, experience) positivo,-a.
4 (quite certain) seguro,-a (about, de): poster [pUst ] n pster m, cartel m.
postgraduate [pUstgrQdjUt] n post
Im absolutely positive estoy segursimo.
P n positivo.
P adj de postgrado.
possess [pzes] vt 1 (own) poseer, tener.
postman [pUstmn] n cartero.
2 (take over - anger, fear) apoderarse de.
pl postmen [pUstmn].
possession [pzeSn] n 1 (ownership) po
sesin f, poder m. 2 (thing owned) bien postmark [pUstmAk] n matasellos m.
P vt timbrar, matasellar.
m, posesin f.
possessive [pzesIv] adj 1 (person) po postpone [pspUn] vt posponer.
sesivo,-a; (selfish) egosta. 2 ling pose posture [pstSr] n 1 (position of body)
postura, pose f. 2 (attitude) postura.
P vi hacer poses, adoptar poses.
P n ling posesivo.
postwar [pUstwr] adj de la posguerra.
possessor [pzesr] n poseedor,-ra.
possibility [psIbIlItI] n 1 (likelihood) postwoman [pUstwUmn] n cartera.
pl postwomen [pUstwImIn].
posibilidad f. 2 (something possible) posi
pot [pt] n 1 culin (container) pote m, ta
bilidad f.
rro; (for cooking) olla, puchero; (earthen pl possibilities.



ware) vasija; (teapot) tetera; (coffee pot)

cafetera. 2 (of paint) bote m. 3 (flowerpot)
maceta, tiesto.
P vt (plant) plantar en una maceta.
P n the pot (in card games) el bote.
potassium [ptQsIm] n potasio.
potato [pteItU] n patata.

powder [paUd ] n (dust) polvo; (cosmetr

pound3 [paUnd] n (enclosure - for dogs) pe

ic, medicine) polvos mpl.

P vt 1 (put powder on) poner polvos,
empolvar. 2 (pulverize) pulverizar, re
ducir a polvo.
power [paUr] n 1 (strength, force) fuerza;
(of sun, wind) potencia, fuerza; (of argument) fuerza. 2 (ability, capacity) poder m,
capacidad f: its beyond his power no est
en sus manos. 3 (faculty) facultad f. 4 (control, influence, authority) poder m; (of country)
podero, poder m: the power of the media
el poder de los medios de comunicacin.
5 (nation) potencia; (person, group) fuerza.
6 phys (capacity, performance) potencia; (energy) energa. 7 elec electricidad f, co
rriente f. 8 math potencia: six to the power of four seis elevado a la cuarta potencia.
P vt propulsar, impulsar: its powered by
electricity funciona con electricidad.
powerful [paUfUl] adj 1 (strong - athlete,
body, current) fuerte; (- blow, engine, machine) potente. 2 (influential - enemy, nation, ruler) poderoso,-a. 3 (effective ) im
powerless [paUls] adj impotente.
practical [prQktIkl] adj 1 (gen) prc
tico,-a. 2 (good with hands) hbil.
P n (lesson) clase f prctica. c o m p practi
cal joke broma.
practically [prQktIklI] adv 1 (almost) ca
si, prcticamente. 2 (in a practical way)
de manera prctica.
practice [prQktIs] n 1 (repeated exercise)
prctica; (training) entrenamiento: Im
out of practice me falta prctica. 2 (action,
reality) prctica: in practice en la prctica. 3
(custom, habit) costumbre f. l o c to be out
of practice haber perdido prctica.

pour [pr] vt (liquid) verter, echar; (sub-

practise [prQktIs] vt 1 gb (do repeatedly -

pl potatoes.

potential [ptenSl] adj potencial.


potencial m.


[pthUlr] n



potholing [pthUlIN] n gb espeleolo


potter [ptr] n alfarero,-a.

pottery [ptrI] n alfarera.
potty [ptI] n orinal m.
pl potties.

pouch [paUtS] n 1 (gen) bolsa (peque

a); (for tobacco) petaca. 2 zool bolsa

poultry [pUltrI] n aves fpl de corral.
pounce [paUns] n salto.
P vi saltar ( on, sobre), abalanzarse
(on, sobre).
pound1 [paUnd] vt 1 (crush) machacar. 2
(strike, beat) aporrear, golpear.
P vi 1 (strike, beat) aporrear (at/on, -),
golpear ( at/on , -); (of waves) batir
(against, contra). 2 (heart) palpitar, la
tir con fuerza.
pound2 [paUnd] n 1 fin libra: a fivepound note un billete de cinco libras. 2
(weight) libra: half a pound of tomatoes
media libra de tomates.
. Como medida de peso equivale a 454 gr.

rrera; (- for cars) depsito.

stance) echar; (drink) servir: she poured

the orange juice into a jug verti el zumo de

P vt & vi us practise.

language, serve, scales) practicar; (song, act)

ensayar. 2 gb (religion, belief, economy)
naranja en una jarra.
practicar. 3 gb (profession) ejercer.
P vi 1 (blood) manar, salir; (water, sweat)
P vi 1 gb (gen) practicar. 2 gb (sports
chorrear. 2 fig moverse en tropel. c o m p
team) entrenar; (actors) ensayar. 3 gb
to pour (down/with rain) llover a cnta
(professionally) ejercer (as, de/como).
ros: its pouring est lloviendo a cntaros.
pragmatic [prQgmQtIk] adj pragm
pouring [prIN] adj (rain)
poverty [pvtI] n (gen) pobreza.
prairie [prerI] n pradera, llanura.



praise [preIz] n 1 alabanza, elogio, loa.

2 rel alabanza.
P vt 1 elogiar. 2 rel alabar.
pram [prQm] n gb cochecito de nio.
prank [prQNk] n (trick) broma; (of child)
travesura. l o c to play a prank on sb ha

cer una broma a algn.

prawn [prn] n (large) langostino; (medium) gamba; (small) camarn m.
pray [preI] vi rel orar, rezar.
prayer [prer] n rel (request) oracin f,
rezo, plegaria; (action) oracin f, rezo.
preach [pritS] vt 1 rel (gospel) predicar; (sermon) dar, hacer. 2 (advocate) aconsejar.
P vi rel predicar.
preacher [pritSr] n predicador,-ra.
precaution [prIkSn] n precaucin f.
precedent [presIdnt] n precedente m.
preceding [prIsidIN] adj anterior.
precinct [prisINkt] n 1 (of cathedral, hospital, etc) recinto. 2 gb (part of town) zona.
P n pl precincts recinto m sing.

Precinct no significa 'precinto', que se

traduce por seal.

precious [preSs] adj 1 (jewel, stone, metal)

precioso,-a. 2 (moment, memory, possession) preciado,-a, querido,-a. c o m p pre

cious little poqusimo,-a.

Precious no significa 'precioso (boni

to)', que se traduce por beautiful.

precipice [presIpIs] n precipicio.

precipitation [prIsIpIteISn] n 1 fml

predominate [prIdmIneIt] vi predo


prefect [prifekt] n 1 (official) prefecto. 2


(in school) monitor,-ra.

prefer [prIfr] vt preferir: she prefers cof-

fee to tea prefiere el caf al t.

pt & pp preferred, ger preferring.
preferable [prefrbl] adj preferible
(to, a).
preference [prefrns] n preferencia
(for, por).
prefix [prifIks] n ling prefijo.
pregnancy [pregnnsI] n embarazo.
pl pregnancies.
pregnant [pregnnt] n (woman) embara
zada; (animal) preada: shes six months
pregnant est embarazada de seis meses.
preheat [prihit] vt precalentar.
prehistoric [prihIstrIk] adj prehist


prehistory [prihIstrI] n prehistoria.

prejudice [predZdIs] n 1 (unfavourable

bias) prejuicio; (favourable) predisposi

cin f.
P vt 1 (influence, bias) predisponer
(against, contra), (in favour of, a favor
de). 2 (harm) perjudicar.
prejudiced [predZUdIst] adj parcial.
premature [premtjUr] adj (gen) pre
premiere [premIer] n estreno.
premises [premIsIz] n pl local m. l o c on
the premises dentro del local.
preoccupy [prikjUpaI] vt (worry)
preocupar; (think about too much) pensar
demasiado en.

(haste) precipitacin f. 2 meteor preci

pt & pp preoccupied, ger preoccupying.
precise [prIsaIs] adj preciso,-a.

precisely [prIsaIslI] adv (exactly) preci preparation [prepreIS n] n 1 (action)

preparacin f. 2 (substance) preparado.
samente; (accurately) con precisin.
P n pl preparations preparativos mpl
l o c precisely! exacto!, eso es!
(for, para).

precision [prIsIZ n] n precisin f.

preparatory [prIpQrtrI] adj prepara
precocious [prIkUSs] adj precoz.
torio,-a, preliminar.
precooked [prikUkt] adj precocinado,-a. prepare [prIper] vt (gen) preparar; (repredator [predtr] n zool depredador m.
port) redactar.
predecessor [pridIsesr] n predece
P vi prepararse (for, para).
sor,-ra, antecesor,-ra.
prepared [prIped] adj 1 (gen) prepara
predict [prIdIkt] vt
do,-a. 2 (willing) dispuesto,-a (to, a).
prediction [prIdIkSn] n prediccin f.
preposition [prepzISn] n preposicin f.



prescribe [prIskraIb] vt 1 (medicine, drugs,

etc) recetar; (holiday, rest) recomendar. 2

fml (order) prescribir.
prescription [prIskrIpS n] n receta
presence [prezns] n 1 (gen) presencia;
(attendance) asistencia. 2 (spirit) espritu m.
present1 [preznt] adj 1 (in attendance) pre
sente. 2 (current) actual. 3 ling presente.
P n (now) presente m, actualidad f. l o c
at present actualmente, en este mo
P n the present ling presente m. c o m p
present continuous presente conti
nuo. y present perfect presente perfec
to. y present tense presente.
present2 [(vb) prIzent; (n) preznt] vt 1
(make presentation) entregar, hacer entre
ga de; (give - as gift) regalar. 2 (offer - report,
petition, bill, cheque) presentar; (- argument,
ideas, case) presentar, exponer. 3 fml (offer
- apologies, respects) presentar; (- compliments, greetings) dar. 4 (give - difficulty, problem) plantear; (constitute) suponer, consti
tuir, ser. 5 (introduce) presentar. 6 (play)
representar; (programme) presentar.
P n (gift) regalo; (formal) obsequio: he
gave me a present me hizo un regalo.
presentation [prez nteIS n] n 1 (of
awards, prizes, gifts) entrega. 2 (way of presenting) presentacin f. 3 (of play) repre
sentacin f.
presenter [prIzentr] n (on radio) pre
sentador,-ra, locutor,-ra; (on TV) pre
presently [prez ntlI] adv 1 gb (soon)
pronto, enseguida. 2 us (at present) ac
preservation [prezveISn] n (of wildlife)
conservacin f, preservacin f; (of food,
works of art, buildings) conservacin f.
preservative [prIzvtIv] n culin con
servante m.
preserve [prIzv] n culin (fruit) conser
va; (jam) confitura, mermelada.
P vt conservar, proteger.
preset [priset] vt programar.

president [prezId nt] n presidente,-a.

press [pres] n 1 (newspapers) prensa. 2 (ma

chine) prensa, imprenta. 3 (act of pressing)

presin f; (of hand) apretn m; (act of ironing) planchado. c o m p press agency agen
cia de prensa. y press conference confe
rencia de prensa, rueda de prensa.
P vt 1 (push down - button, switch) pulsar,
apretar, presionar; (- accelerator) pisar;
(- key on keyboard) pulsar; (- trigger) apre
tar. 2 (squeeze - hand) apretar. 3 (crush fruit) exprimir, estrujar; (- grapes, olives,
flowers) prensar. 4 (clothes) planchar,
planchar a vapor. 5 (record) imprimir.
6 (urge, put pressure on) presionar, ins
tar; (insist on) insistir en, exigir.
P vi 1 (push) apretar, presionar. 2
(crowd) apretujarse, apiarse. 3 (urge,
pressurize) presionar, insistir; (time)
pressing [presIN] adj urgente, apre
pressure [preSr] n 1 (gen) presin f. 5 (stress)
tensin f: hes under a lot of pressure est so
metido a una gran presin. c o m p pressure
cooker olla a presin, olla exprs.
prestige [prestiZ] n prestigio.
prestigious [prestIdZs] adj prestigio
presume [prIzjUm] vt suponer, imagi
narse, presumir: I presume so supongo
que s.
P vi 1 suponer. 2 (venture to) atreverse a.

To presume no significa 'presumir (va

nagloriarse)', que se traduce por to boast.

pretend [prItend] vt (feign) fingir, apa

rentar: the children pretended to be asleep
los nios fingan estar dormidos.
P vi (feign) fingir.
P adj (make-believe) de mentirijillas.

To pretend no significa 'pretender',

que se traduce por to want to, to try to.

pretension [prItenSn] n pretensin f.

pretentious [prItenSs] adj pretencio

preterite [pretrIt] n ling pretrito.

pt & pp preset, ger presetting.
pretty [prItI] adj (girl, baby) bonito,-a,
presidency [prezIdnsI]
guapo,-a, mono,-a; (thing) bonito,-a
pl presidencies.



mono,-a: what a pretty little girl! qu ni

a ms bonita!

comp prettier, superl prettiest.

P adv bastante: Im pretty sure estoy bas
tante seguro,-a. l o c pretty much ms o
menos. y pretty well casi.
prevailing [prIveIlIN] adj predominante.
prevent [prIvent] vt (gen) impedir;

(avoid - accident) evitar; (- illness) preve

nir. l o c to prevent sb from doing sth im
pedir a algn hacer algo.
prevention [prIvenSn] n prevencin f.
preview [privjU] n preestreno.
previous [privIs] adj previo,-a, ante
rior: the previous day el da anterior.
prey [preI] n 1 (animal) presa. 2 fig pre
sa, vctima.
price [praIs] n 1 (gen) precio; (amount) im
porte m; (value) valor m: whats the price of
this jacket? qu precio tiene esta chaqueta?
2 fig (cost, sacrifice) precio. l o c at any price
a toda costa, cueste lo que cueste.
P vt (fix price of) tener un precio; (value)
valorar, tasar; (mark price on) poner el
precio a.
priceless [praIsls] adj que no tiene
precio, inestimable.
pricey [praIsI] adj fam caro,-a.
comp pricier, superl priciest.

prick [prIk] n (pain) pinchazo; (hole) agu

P vt (with needle, pin, fork) pinchar.
P vi (pin, thorn) pinchar; (itch, sting) esco
cer, picar.
prickly [prIklI] adj 1 (plant) espinoso,-a;
(animal) con pas; (wool, sweater) que pi
ca. 2 (irritable, touchy) enojadizo,-a, irri
table, difcil.
comp pricklier, superl prickliest.

pride [praId] n 1 (gen) orgullo; (self-re-

primario,-a. c o m p primary school es

cuela primaria.
primate [praImeIt] n zool primate m.
prime [praIm] adj 1 (main, chief) princi
pal, primero,-a. 2 (first-rate - meat) de
primera (calidad); (example, location) ex
P n (best time of life) flor f de la vida. c o m p
Prime Minister primer,-a ministro,-a.
P vt 1 (engine, pump, bomb) cebar; (surface,
wood) imprimar, preparar. 2 fig (person)
preparar, ensear.
primitive [prImItIv] adj (man, tribe, culture) primitivo,-a; (tool, method, shelter)
rudimentario,-a, primitivo,-a.
prince [prIns] n prncipe m.
princess [prInses] n princesa.
pl princesses.

principal [prInsIpl] adj principal.

P n 1 educ director,-ra. 2 theat prota

gonista mf, primera figura.
principle [prInsIpl] n 1 (basic idea, rule,
law) principio; (basis) base f. 2 (moral
rule) principio: its a matter of principle es
cuestin de principios.
print [prInt] n 1 (lettering) letra: in large
print en letra grande. 2 (photo) copia. 3
(printed fabric) estampado. 4 (mark - of
finger, foot) huella.
P vt 1 (book, page, poster, etc) imprimir;
(publish) publicar, editar. 2 (photo - negative) imprimir; (- copy) sacar una co
pia de. 3 (write clearly) escribir con le
tra de imprenta. 4 (fabric) estampar. 5
(make impression) marcar.
to print out vt sep imprimir.
printer [prIntr] n (person) impresor,-ra;
(machine) impresora.
printing [prIntIN] n (act, process) impre
sin f; (industry) imprenta. c o m p print
ing press prensa.
print-out [prIntaUt] n comput impre
sin f.
prior [praIr] adj anterior, previo,-a.
l o c prior to antes de.
priority [praIrItI] n prioridad f.

spect) amor m propio. 2 (arrogance) so

berbia, orgullo.
priest [prist] n sacerdote m, cura m.
priestess [pristes] n sacerdotisa.
priesthood [pristhUd] n (clergy) clero;
(office) sacerdocio.
pl priorities.
P adj prioritario,-a.
primary [praImrI]
adj 1 (main) princi
pal, fundamental. 2 (first, basic) prism [prIzm] n prisma.



prison [prIz n] n prisin f, crcel f: hes

in prison est en la crcel.

prisoner [prIznr] n (in jail) preso,-a,

recluso,-a; (captive) prisionero,-a.

privacy [praIvsI] n privacidad f.

private [praIvt] adj 1 (own, for own use -

property, house, class) particular; (- letter, income) personal. 2 (confidential) privado,

-a, confidencial. 3 (not state-controlled)
privado,-a. 4 (not official) privado,-a,
personal. 5 (person) reservado,-a. c o m p
private eye detective mf privado,-a.
P n mil soldado raso.
privatize [praIvtaIz] vt privatizar.
privilege [prIvIlIdZ] n privilegio.
prize [praIz] n (gen) premio.
P adj (having won a prize) premiado,-a;
(excellent) de primera, selecto,-a.
probability [prbbIlItI] n probabili
dad f.
pl probabilities.

probable [prbbl] adj probable.

probably [prbblI] adv probablemen
te: itll probably rain es probable que llueva.
probation [prbeISn] n 1 jur libertad f
condicional. 2 (in employment) perodo
de prueba.
probe [prUb] n 1 med sonda. 2 (investigation) investigacin f.
P vt 1 med sondar. 2 (investigate - gen) in
vestigar; (public opinion) sondear.

process [prUses] n 1 (set of actions, chang-

es) proceso: the process of growing old el

envejecimiento. 2 (method) procedi
miento, proceso.
P vt 1 (raw material, food) procesar, tratar;
(film) revelar. 2 (deal with) ocuparse de,
tramitar. 3 comput procesar, tratar.
processing [prUsesIN] n 1 (treatment)
procesamiento, tratamiento; (of film)
revelado. 2 (in business, law) tramita
cin f. 3 comput procesamiento.
procession [prseSn] n 1 (gen) desfile
m. 2 rel procesin f.
processor [prUsesr] n 1 (for food) robot
m de cocina. 2 comput procesador m.
proclaim [prkleIm] vt proclamar, de
procure [prkjUr] vt (obtain) conseguir,

To procure no significa 'procurar (in

tentar)', que se traduce por to try.

prodigy [prdIdZI] n prodigio.

pl prodigies.

produce [(vb) prdjUs; (n) prdjUs] vt 1

(gen) producir, fabricar. 2 (give birth to)

tener. 3 (show) ensear, presentar. 4
(cause) producir, causar. 5 (play) poner
en escena, dirigir.
P n productos mpl: produce of Spain pro
ductos de Espaa.
producer [prdjUsr] n 1 (gen) produc
, To probe no significa 'probar (demos
tor,-ra, fabricante. 2 (play) director,-ra
trar o catar)', que se traducen por to prove
de escena.
o to taste.
product [prdkt] n producto.

problem [prblm] n problema m: no production [prdkS n] n 1 (gen) pro

duccin f, fabricacin f. 2 (of film) produc
problem! no hay problema!, ningn pro
cin f; (of play) produccin f, puesta
en escena. c o m p production line cade
procedure [prsidZr] n (set of actions) pro
na de montaje.
cedimiento; (step) trmite m, gestin f.
[prdktIv] adj produc
proceed [prsid] vi 1 (continue) seguir,
continuar. 2 (progress) marchar. 3 fml
(go along) avanzar, circular; (go towards) productivity [prdktIvItI] n producti
vidad f.
dirigirse a.
[prfeSn] n (occupation) pro
, To proceed no significa 'proceder (ve profession
fesin f: hes a baker by profession es pana
nir de)', que se traduce por to come from.
dero de profesin.
proceedings [prsidINz] n pl 1 (events at professional [prfeSnl] adj (gen) pro
meeting, ceremony, etc)
actos mpl. 2 jur
P n profesional mf.
(lawsuit) proceso sing.



professor [prfs ] n 1 gb catedrtico,


-a. 2 us profesor,-ra universitario,-a.

proficiency [prfISnsI] n competen
profile [prUfaIl] n 1 (side view) perfil m.
2 (description) perfil m; (written) resea.
profit [prfIt] n 1 comm ganancia, be
neficio. 2 fml (advantage) provecho.
l o c to make a profit sacar beneficios,
tener ganancias.
profitable [prfItbl] adj 1 comm ren
table. 2 (beneficial) provechoso,-a.
profit-making [prfItmeIkIN] adj (business) rentable; (charity) con fines lucra
profound [prfaUnd] adj profundo,-a.
program [prUgrQm] n comput pro
grama m.
P vt comput programar.
pt & pp programmed, ger programming.

programme [prUgrQm] n (gen) pro

proletariat [prUlterIt] n proleta


prologue [prUlg] n prlogo.

prolong [prlN] vt prolongar, alargar.
promenade [prmnAd] n 1 gb (at seaside)
paseo martimo. 2 fml (walk) paseo.

prominent [prmInnt] adj (important)

importante; (projecting) prominente,

promise [prmIs] n 1 (pledge) promesa.
2 (expectation, hope) esperanza, espe
ranzas fpl. l o c to break a promise rom
per una promesa. y to keep a promise
mantener una promesa.
P vt 1 prometer: you promised to help me
prometiste ayudarme. 2 (seem likely)
P vi (gen) prometer; (swear) jurar:
I promise te lo prometo.
promote [prmUt] vt 1 (in rank) pro
mover, ascender. 2 (encourage) promo
ver, fomentar.
promotion [prmUSn] n promocin f.
prompt [prmpt] adj (quick) pronto,-a,
rpido,-a; (punctual) puntual.
P adv en punto.
P vt 1 (cause, incite) instar, incitar, mo
ver. 2 theat apuntar.
P n theat (line) apunte m.
promptly [prmptlI] adv rpidamente.
prone [prUn] adj (face down) boca aba
j o . l o c to be prone to st h s e r
propenso,-a a algo.
pronoun [prUnaUn] n ling pronombre m.
pronounce [prnaUns] vt 1 ling pro
nunciar. 2 (declare) declarar.
P vi pronunciarse (on, sobre).
pronunciation [prnnsIeISn] n pro
nunciacin f.
proof [prUf] n 1 (evidence) prueba. 2 (trial
copy, print) prueba.
propaganda [prpgQnd] n propa

grama m; (plan) plan m.

P vt (gen) programar; (activities) planear.
programmer [prUgrQmr] n progra
programming [prUgrQmIN] n pro
gramacin f.
progress [(n) prUgres; (vb) prUgres] n
(advance) progreso, avance m; (development) desarrollo.
P vi 1 (advance) progresar, avanzar,
adelantar; (develop) desarrollar. 2 (improve) mejorar, hacer progresos. l o c
to be in progress (work) estar en curso,
estar en marcha.
progression [prgreSn] n 1 (development) evolucin f, avance m. 2 (series)
serie f.
prohibit [prhIbIt] vt prohibir.
prohibition [prUIbISn] n prohibicin f.
project [(n) prdZekt; (vb) prdZekt] n 1
(gen) proyecto. 2 educ trabajo, estudio.
P vt 1 (gen) proyectar. 2 (extrapolate) ex
, Propaganda no significa 'propaganda
P vi sobresalir, resaltar.
(publicidad)', que se traduce por advertising.
projectile [prdZektaIl] n proyectil m.

projection [prdZekS n] n 1 (gen) pro propagation [prpgeISn] n propaga

cin f.
saliente m,
yeccin f. 2 (protuberance)
propane [prUpeIn] n propano.



propel [prpel] vt propulsar, impulsar.

pt & pp propelled, ger propelling.
propeller [prpelr] n hlice f.

propelling pencil
portaminas m.

[prpelINpensl] n

proper [prpr] adj 1 (suitable) adecua

do,-a, apropiado,-a; (correct) correcto,

-a. 2 fam (real, genuine) verdadero,-a, de
verdad. 3 fam (thorough) autntico,-a. 4
(respectable) correcto,-a, decente. c o m p
proper name / proper noun nombre

, Proper no significa 'propio (de uno)',

que se traduce por own.
properly [prplI] adv 1 (properly) bien,

adecuadamente. 2 (correctly) bien; (as

one should) como es debido.
property [prptI] n 1 (possessions, ownership) propiedad f. 2 (buildings, land)
propiedad f, bienes mpl; (estate) finca.
3 fml (building) inmueble m.
pl properties.

prophecy [prfsI] n profeca.

pl prophecies.

prophet [prfIt] n profeta m.

prophetic [prfetIk] adj proftico,-a.
proportion [prpSn] n 1 (ratio) propor

prospect [(n) prspekt; (vb) prspekt] n

1 (picture in mind) perspectiva. 2 (possibility, hope) posibilidad f, probabilidad f.

3 fml (wide view) panorama m, vista,
P vt prospectar, explorar.
P vi buscar (for, -).
P n pl prospects perspectivas fpl.

Prospect no significa 'prospecto', que

se traduce por leaflet.

prosper [prspr] vi prosperar.

prosperity [prsperItI] n prosperidad f.
prosperous [prsprs] adj prspero,-a.
prostate [prsteIt] n prstata.
prosthesis [prsTsIs] n prtesis f.
prostitute [prstItjUt] n prostituta.
protect [prtekt] vt (gen) proteger; (interests) proteger, salvaguardar.

protection [prtekSn] n (gen) protec

cin f; (shelter) proteccin f, amparo.

protective [prtektIv] adj protector,-ra.

protector [prtektr] n protector,-ra.
protein [prUtin] n protena.
protest [(n) prUtest; (vb) prtest] n (gen)

protesta; (complaint) queja; (demonstration) manifestacin f de protesta.

P vt protestar por.
P vi protestar (about, por), (against,
contra), (at, por): they protested about
the working conditions protestaron por las
condiciones de trabajo.
Protestant [prtIstnt] adj protestante.
P n protestante mf.
proton [prUtn] n protn m.
proud [praUd] adj orgulloso,-a: Im
proud of you estoy orgulloso de ti.
proudly [praUdlI] adv (with satisfaction) or
gullosamente, con orgullo; (arrogantly)
arrogantemente, con arrogancia.
prove [prUv] vt 1 (show to be true) probar,
demostrar. 2 (turn out to be) demostrar.

cin f. 2 (part) parte f; (porcentage) porcen

taje m. 3 (correct relation) proporcin f.
P n pl proportions dimensiones fpl ,
proporciones fpl.
proportional [prpSnl] adj propor
cional (to, a).
proposal [prpUzl] n propuesta.
propose [prpUz] vt 1 (suggest) propo
ner. 2 (intend) pensar.
P vi declararse, proponer matrimo
nio a.
prose [prUz] n lit prosa.
prosecute [prsIkjUt] vt jur procesar.
P vi jur (bring a charge) entablar una ac
cin judicial; (be prosecutor) llevar la
pt proved , pp proved o proven
prosecution [prsIkjUSn] n jur (action)
[prUvn], ger proving.
procesamiento, accin f judicial.
To prove no significa 'probar (comi
P n the prosecution jur (person) la acu
da)', que se traduce por to taste.

prosecutor [prsIkjUt
] n jur fiscal mf, proven [prUv n] pp prove.
P adj probado,-a, comprobado,-a.



proverb [prvb] n proverbio, refrn m.

provide [prvaId] vt 1 (supply) proveer,

suministrar, proporcionar: he provided

us with all the information nos facilit toda
la informacin. 2 fig (answer, example)
ofrecer, dar.
provided [prvaIdId] [also provided
that] conj siempre que, con tal que.
province [prvIns] n 1 (region) provincia.
2 fig terreno, campo, competencia.
provincial [prvInSl] adj 1 (government)
provincial; (town) de provincia(s). 2
pej provinciano,-a, pueblerino,-a.
provision [prvIZn] n 1 (supply) sumi
nistro, abastecimiento. 2 (preparation)
previsiones fpl.
P n pl provisions (food) provisiones fpl,
vveres mpl.
provisional [prvIZnl] adj provisio
provoke [prvUk] vt 1 (make angry) pro
vocar, irritar: hes not easily provoked no
se irrita fcilmente. 2 (cause) provocar.
prowl [praUl] vi merodear, rondar.
P vt merodear por, rondar por.
P n merodeo.
proximity [prksImItI] n fml proximi
dad f.
prune [prUn] n ciruela pasa.
psalm [sAm] n salmo.
pseudonym [sUdnIm] n seudnimo.
psychedelic [saIkIdelIk] adj psicodli
psychiatric [saIkIQtrIk] adj psiquitri
psychiatrist [saIkaItrIst] n psiquiatra mf.
psychiatry [saIkaItrI] n psiquiatra.
psychic [saIkIk] adj (mental) psquico,-a.
psychoanalyst [saIkUQnlIst] n psi
coanalista mf.
psychological [saIkldZIkl] adj psico
psychologist [saIkldZIst] n psiclo
psychology [saIkledZI] n psicologa.
psychosis [saIkUsIs] n psicosis f.

pubis [pjUbIs] n pubis m.

public [pblIk] adj pblico,-a.

c o m p pub
lic convenience servicios mpl, aseos mpl.
y public holiday fiesta nacional. y public
house bar m, pub m. y public school 1 gb
colegio privado. 2 us colegio pblico.
P n the public el pblico.

" En el Reino Unido, los public schools son

colegios privados de prestigio y de mucha
tradicin; suelen ser internados. Los colegios
pblicos britnicos se llaman state schools.
En Estados Unidos los public schools son,
sencillamente, colegios pblicos.
cin f.

[pblIkeIS n] n publica

publicity [pblIsItI] n publicidad f.

publish [pblIS] vt 1 (book, newspaper) pu
blicar, editar. 2 (make known) divulgar.

publisher [pblISr] n (person) editor,ra. (company) editorial f.

pudding [pUdIN] n 1 culin (sweet) budn

m, pudn m; (savoury) pastel m. 2 gb fam

(dessert) postre m.
puddle [pdl] n charco.
Puerto Rican [pwetUrik n] adj

puertorriqueo,-a, portorriqueo,-a.
P n puertorriqueo,-a, portorrique
Puerto Rico [pwetUrikU] n Puerto
puff [pf] n 1 (of wind, air) soplo, racha,
rfaga; (of smoke) bocanada. 2 (action)
soplo, soplido; (at cigarette, pipe) calada,
P vt (blow - gen) soplar; (- smoke) echar.
P vi 1 (pipe, cigarette) chupar (at/on, -), dar
caladas (at/on, a). 2 (pant) jadear, reso
plar. 3 (train) echar humo, echar vapor.
puke [pjUk] vi fam devolver, vomitar.
pull [pUl] n 1 (tug) tirn m. 2 (of moon, current) fuerza. 3 (attraction) atraccin f; (influence) influencia.
P vt 1 (draw) tirar de; (drag) arrastrar:
the horse was pulling a cart el caballo tiraba
de una carreta. 2 (tug forcefully) tirar de,
pl psychoses [saIkUsiz].
dar un tirn a: dont pull my hair! no me
pub [pb] n bar m, pub
m, taberna.
tires del pelo! 3 (remove, draw out) sacar.
puberty [pjUbtI] n pubertad f.
4 (damage - muscle) sufrir un tirn. 5



fam (attract - crowd, audience) atraer; (boy, punctuate [pNktjUeIt] vt 1 ling pun
tuar. 2 (interrupt) interrumpir.
girl) ligarse, ligar con.
P vi 1 (tug) tirar (at/on, de). 2 (on pipe,
punctuation [pNktjUeISn] n puntua
cigarette) chupar, dar caladas a. 3 (of vecin f. c o m p punctuation mark signo
de puntuacin.
hicle - veer) tirar.
to pull down vt sep derribar, tirar (aba puncture [pNktSr] n pinchazo.
P vt (tyre, ball, etc) pinchar.
a to pull in vt sep 1 (crowd) atraer. 2 punish [pnIS] vt castigar.
(money) sacar, ganar.
punishment [pnISmnt] n castigo.
P vi (train) entrar en la estacin; (bus,
punk [pnk] n (person) punk mf; (music)
car) parar.
punk m.
a to pull out vt sep (gun, tooth, plug, etc) pupil1 [pjUpl] n educ alumno,-a.
sacar; (troops) retirar.
pupil2 [pjUpl] n anat pupila.
P vi 1 (train) salir de la estacin; (bus,
puppet [ppIt] n 1 ttere m. 2 fig ttere
car) salir. 2 (withdraw) retirarse.
m. c o m p puppet show teatro de tteres.
pulley [pUlI] n polea.
puppy [ppI] n cachorro,-a.
pullover [pUlUvr] n pullover m, jer
pl puppies.
sey m.
purchase [ptSs] n fml compra.
pulmonary [plmnrI] adj pulmonar.
P vt fml comprar, adquirir.
pulse1 [pls] n 1 anat pulso. 2 phys pul pure [pjUr] adj (gen) puro,-a: it was pure
sacin f.
chance fue pura casualidad.
P vi palpitar, latir.
pure [pjUreI] n pur m.
pulse2 [pls] n bot legumbre f.
purification [pjUrIfIkeISn] n purifica
cin f.
puma [pjUm] n puma m.
pumice stone [pmIsstUn] n piedra purify [pjUrIfaI] vt (gen) purificar; (water) depurar, purificar.
pt & pp purified, ger purifying.
pump1 [pmp] n (machine) bomba: bicypuritan [pjUrItn] adj puritano,-a.
cle pump bomba de aire, bombn m.
P n puritano,-a.
P vt bombear.
purple [ppl] adj morado,-a.
P vi (of heart) latir.
P n (color m) prpura, (color m) mo
to pump up vt sep inflar.
pump2 [pmp] n (plimsoll) zapatilla de
lona, playera; (for dancing) zapatilla purpose [pps] n 1 (aim, intention) pro
psito, intencin f, fin m; (reason) ra
de ballet.
zn f, motivo: what is the purpose of your
pumpkin [pmpkIn] n calabaza.
visit? cul es el motivo de su visita? 2
punch1 [pntS] n 1 (blow) puetazo, gol
(use) uso, utilidad f. 3 (determination) re
pe m; (in boxing) pegada. 2 fig fuerza,
solucin f. l o c to no purpose intil
empuje m.
mente, en vano. y on purpose a pro
P vt dar un puetazo a, pegar a.
psito, adrede, a posta.
punch [pntS] n (for making holes) perfo purr [pr] n (of cat) ronroneo.
radora, taladro; (in leather) punzn m;
P vi (of cat) ronronear.
(for tickets) mquina de picar billetes.
purse [ps] n 1 gb monedero, porta
P vt (make a hole in) perforar; (leather)
monedas m. 2 us bolso.
punzar; (ticket) picar.
P vt (lips) fruncir.
punch [pntS] n (drink) ponche m.
pursue [psjU] vt 1 (chase) perseguir;
punctual [pNktjUl] adj puntual.
(follow) seguir. 2 (seek) buscar; (strive for)
punctuality [pNktjUlItI1
] n puntuali
esforzarse por conseguir, luchar por.
3 (carry out - policy) llevar a cabo; (- matdad f.



organizar. 5 (switch on - light, television)

ter) investigar. 4 (continue with) seguir,
dedicarse a, ejercer.
encender; (- music, radio) poner.
a to put out vt sep 1 (fire, light, cigarette)
pursuit [psjUt] n 1 (chase) persecu
apagar. 2 (put outside - cat, washing, rubcin f; (hunt) caza. 2 (search) bsqueda;
bish) sacar. 3 (extend - hand) tender,
(striving) lucha. 3 (activity) actividad f.
alargar; (- tongue) sacar; (dislocate) dislo
pus [ps] n pus m.
car. 4 (inconvenience) molestar; (upset, ofpush [pUS] n (shove) empujn m.
fend, annoy) molestar, ofender. 5 (pubP vt 1 (gen) empujar. 2 (press - button, bell,
lish, issue) publicar; (broadcast) difundir.
etc) pulsar, apretar.
a to put up vt sep 1 (provide accommodaP vi 1 (shove) empujar. 2 (move forward)
tion for) alojar, hospedar. 2 (erect - tent)
abrirse paso. 3 (pressurize) presionar,
armar; (- building, fence) levantar, cons
truir. 3 (shelves, picture, decorations) colo
pushchair [pUStSer] n gb cochecito de
car; (curtains, notice, poster) colgar. 4 (raise
nio, sillita de nio.
- hand) levantar; (flag) izar; (hair) reco
push-up [pUSp] n us flexin f.
ger; (umbrella) abrir. 5 (increase - price, etc)
pussycat [pUsIkQt] n fam minino,-a,
aumentar, subir. 6 (present - candidate)
presentar, proponer.
put [pUt] vt 1 (gen) poner; (place) colo
P vt insep 1 (resistence, struggle) ofrecer,
car; (add) echar, aadir; (place inside)
oponer: they put up a good fight ofrecie
meter, poner. 2 (express) expresar, de
ron mucha resistencia. 2 (money) poner,
cir: you put that very well lo has expresado
muy bien. 3 (calculate, estimate) calcular:
a to put up with vt insep soportar,
Id put the cost at 100 pounds yo dira que
cuesta 100 libras. l o c to put sth right
pt & pp put, ger putting.
arreglar algo. y to put the blame on sb
putt [pt] n tiro al hoyo.
echar la culpa a algn.
P vt tirar al hoyo.
a to put down vt sep 1 (set down - gen)
dejar; (- phone) colgar. 2 (payment) en puzzle [pzl] n 1 (jigsaw) puzzle m; (toy)
rompecabezas m; (riddle) adivinanza,
tregar, dejar (en depsito); (deposit)
acertijo; (crossword) crucigrama m. 2
dejar. 3 (rebellion) sofocar. 4 (write)
(mystery) misterio, enigma m.
apuntar, anotar, escribir.
P vt dejar perplejo,-a, extraar.
P vi av aterrizar.
a to puzzle out vt sep (problem) resol
a to put forward vt sep 1 (idea, theory,
ver; (mystery) descifrar.
plan) proponer, presentar. 2 (clock,
meeting, wedding) adelantar.
pygmy [pIgmI] adj pigmeo,-a, enano,-a.
a to put in vt sep 1 (install, fit) instalar,
P n (small person) pigmeo,-a, enano,-a.
poner. 2 (include, insert) poner, incluir; pyjamas [pdZAmz] n pl pijama m
(say) agregar. 3 (enter, submit - claim, resing.
quest, bid) presentar. 4 (spend time work- pylon [paIln] n 1 elec torre f (de tendi
ing) trabajar, hacer.
do elctrico). 2 arch piln m, pilar m.
P vi (ship) hacer escala.
pylorus [paIlrs] n ploro.
a to put off vt sep 1 (postpone) aplazar,
pyramid [pIrmId] n pirmide f.
posponer. 2 (distract) distraer. 3 (discourage) desanimar, disuadir, quitar pyrites [paIraItiz] n pirita.
pyromaniac [paIrUmeInIQk] n pir
las ganas a.
to put on vt sep 1 (clothes) poner, po
nerse: put your coat on ponte el abrigo. 2 pyrotechnics [paIrUteknIks] n piro
(expression, attitude) fingir, adoptar. 3
P n pl fuegos mpl artificiales.
(gain, increase) aumentar.
4 (present
show) presentar, montar; (- exhibition) python [paITn] n pitn m.

Q, q [kjU] n (the letter) Q, q f.
Qatar [kQtAr] n Qatar.
quack [kwaQk] vi graznar.
quadriceps [kwdrIseps] n
cudriceps m.


quail [kweIl] n codorniz f.

quake [kweIk] n fam terremoto.
qualification [kwlIfIkeISn] n 1 (for

job) requisito. 2 (ability) aptitud f, capacidad f. 3 (paper) diploma m, ttulo.

4 (reservation) reserva, salvedad f. 5
(restriction) limitacin f.

Qualification no significa 'calificacin

(nota)', que se traduce por mark 0 grade.


[kwlIfaId] adj 1 (for job)

capacitado,-a. 2 (with qualifications)

titulado,-a: qualified nurse enfermero,-a
titulado,-a. 3 (limited, modified) limitado,-a,
qualify [kwlIfaI] vt 1 (entitle, make eligible) capacitar, dar derecho. 2 (modify) modificar,
matizar, puntualizar. 3 ling calificar.

rel with sb meterse con algn, buscar

pelea con algn.
P vi (argue) reir, pelearse, disputar, discutir: she is always quarrelling with her mother
siempre est discutiendo con su madre.

pt & pp quarrelled (us quarreled), ger

quarrelling (us quarreling).
quarry [kwrI] n 1 cantera. 2 (in hunt-

ing) presa.

pl quarries.
P vt extraer.
pt & pp quarried, ger quarrying.
quart [kwt] n cuarto de galn.
. En Gran Bretaa equivale a 1,14 litros;
en Estados Unidos equivale a 0,95 litro.

quarter [kwtr] n 1 cuarto. 2 (area)

barrio: the old quarter el casco antiguo.

3 (time) cuarto: its a quarter to one es un
cuarto para la una. 4 (of moon) cuarto. 5
(three months) trimestre m. 6 us (amount)
veinticinco centavos; (coin) moneda
de veinticinco centavos. c o m p first
quarter cuarto creciente. y last quar pt & pp qualified, ger qualifying.
ter cuarto menguante.
quality [kwlItI] n 1 (degree of excellence)
P n pl quarters alojamiento m sing. c o m p
calidad f: of good quality de buena calidad;
at close quarters desde muy cerca. y
of poor quality de poca calidad. 2 (attribute)
to give no quarter no dar cuartel.
cualidad f: she has many qualities tiene
muchas cualidades. c o m p quality control quartz [kwts] n cuarzo. c o m p quartz
watch reloj m de cuarzo.
control m de calidad. y quality newspaquay [ki] n muelle m.
pers prensa de calidad.
pl qualities.
queen [kwin] n 1 reina. 2 (cards, chess)
dama, reina; (chess) reina. c o m p queen
quantity [kwntItI] n 1 cantidad f. 2
bee abeja reina. y Queen Mother reimath cantidad f.
na madre.
pl quantities.
quarrel [kwrl] n 1 ria, disputa, pe- queer [kwIr] adj 1 raro,-a, extrao,-a.
2 (ill) malucho,-a. 3 fam gay. 4 (mad)
lea. 2 (disagreement) desacuerdo. 3
loco,-a, chiflado,-a.
(complaint) queja: I have no quarrel with
him no tengo ninguna
queja de l, no quench [kwentS] vt 1 (thirst) saciar. 2
(fire) apagar.
tengo nada contra l. l o c to pick a quar-



query [kwIrI] n 1 pregunta, duda. 2

signo de interrogacin. 3 fig in
terrogante m.


pl queries.
P vt 1 (doubt) poner en duda. 2 (ask)


pt & pp queried, ger querying.

quest [kwest] n bsqueda, busca.


in quest of en busca de: in quest of the

Holy Grail en busca del Santo Grial.
question [kwestSn] n 1 pregunta. 2 (in
exam) pregunta, problema m. 3 (problem,
issue) cuestin f, problema m. 4 (topic,
matter) cuestin f, asunto. l o c its a
question of se trata de, es cuestin de:
its a question of time es cuestin de tiempo.
y out of the question imposible, impen
sable. y that is the question de eso se
trata. y without question sin rechistar:
she did it without question lo hizo sin rechis
tar. c o m p question mark 1 (punctuation

P vi us calmarse. l o c on the quiet a la

chita callando, a hurtadillas: he did it
on the quiet lo hizo en secreto.
quietly [kwaItlI] adv 1 (silently) silen
ciosamente, sin hacer ruido; (not loudly) bajo: she always speaks quietly siempre
habla en voz baja. 2 (calmly) tranquila
mente. 3 (discreetly) discretamente,
con discrecin. 4 (simply) sencilla
mente, con sencillez.
quilt [kwIlt] n edredn m.
quince [kwIns] n membrillo.
quit [kwIt] vt 1 dejar, abandonar: he
quit his job dej el trabajo. 2 (stop) dejar
de: she quit smoking dej de fumar.
P vi marcharse, irse.

pt & pp quit, ger quitting.

To quit no significa 'quitar', que se

traduce por to remove.

quite [kwaIt] adv 1 (rather) bastante:

mark) signo de interrogacin, interro
they played quite well jugaron bastante
gacin f, interrogante m. 2 (doubt) inte
bien; theyre quite difficult exercises son
rrogante m. y question tag coletilla.
ejercicios bastante difciles. 2 (totally)
P vt 1 hacer preguntas a, interrogar. 2
completamente, del todo: I quite un(cast doubt on) cuestionar, poner en duda.
derstand lo entiendo perfectamente. 3
(exceptional) excepcional, increble,
questionnaire [kwestSner] n cues
original: its been quite a year ha sido un
ao excepcional. 4 (exactly) exacta
queue [kjU] n gb cola. l o c to jump the
mente: it isnt quite what I was looking for
queue colarse.
no es exactamente lo que buscaba.
P vi hacer cola.
quick [kwIk] adj 1 (fast) rpido,-a: lets quiver [kwIvr] n 1 (tremble of lips, voice)
temblor m; (of eyelids) parpadeo; (shivhave a quick look echemos un vistazo. 2
er) estremecimiento.
(clever) espabilado,-a, listo,-a.
P vi temblar, estremecerse.
quickly [kwIklI] adv (speed up) rpido
quiz [kwIz] n 1 (competition) concurso. 2
P vi (speed up) acelerarse.
(enquiry) encuesta; (exam) examen m.
quicksand [kwIksQnd] n arenas fpl
P vt preguntar, interrogar.

quiet [kwaIt] adj 1 (silent) callado,-a, quotation [kwUteIS n] n 1 ling cita. 2

fin cotizacin f. 3 comm presupues
silencioso,-a: he kept quiet all night es
to. c o m p quotation marks comillas fpl.
tuvo callado toda la noche. 2 (peaceful,
calm) tranquilo,-a, sosegado,-a: this is quote [kwUt] n 1 ling cita. 2 (price - gen)
presupuesto; (- for shares) cotizacin f.
a very quiet village ste es un pueblo muy
P vt 1 citar, entrecomillar. 2 (price) dar,
tranquilo. 3 (unobtrusive) callado,-a,
ofrecer. 3 fin cotizar.
reservado,-a. 4 (tranquil, without fuss)
quotient [kwUSnt] n 1 (in mathematics)
tranquilo,-a. l o c be quiet! cllate!
P n 1 (silence) silencio. 2 (calm) tranqui
cociente m. 2 (degree) coeficiente m,
lidad f, calma, sosiego.
grado. c o m p intelligence quotient
P vt us calmar, silenciar: she quieted the
coeficiente intelectual m, coeficien
baby down calm a la criatura.
te m de inteligencia.


R, r [A] n 1 (the letter) R, r f.

rabbit [rQbIt] n conejo.
raccoon [rkUn] n mapache m.
race1 [reIs] n (people) raza.
race2 [reIs] n 1 sp carrera. 2 (current) co

rriente f fuerte; (channel) canal m. l o c to

run a race participar en una carrera.
P vt 1 (person) competir con, echar
una carrera a. 2 (engine) acelerar.
racecourse [reIsks] n gb hipdromo.
racehorse [reIhs] n caballo de ca
racial [reISl] adj racial.
racing [reIsIN] n carreras fpl.
P adj de carreras. c o m p racing car co
che m de carreras. y racing driver pilo
to de carreras.
racism [reIsIzm] n racismo.
racist [reIsIst] adj racista.
P n racista mf.
rack [rQk] n 1 estante m. 2 auto baca.
3 (on train) rejilla. 4 (for torture) potro.
racket1 [rQkIt] n sp raqueta.
racket2 [rQkIt] n 1 (din) alboroto, rui
do. 2 fam (fraud) timo. 3 fam (business)
asunto, negocio.
racoon [rkUn] n mapache m.
racquet [rQkIt] n raqueta.
radar [reIdAr] n radar m. c o m p radar trap
control m de velocidad por radar.
radiation [reIdIeISn] n radiacin f.
radiator [reIdIeItr] n radiador m.
radical [rQdIkl] adj radical.
P n radical mf.

radii [reIdIaI] n pl radius.

radio [reIdIU] n radio f.

radioactive [reIdIUQktIv] adj radiac

tivo,-a. l o c radioactive waste residuos

mpl radiactivos.
radioactivity [reIdIUQktIvItI] n ra
diactividad f.
radiography [reIdIgrfI] n radiogra

pl radiographies.

radiologist [reIdIldZIst] n radilo


radiology [reIdIledZI] n radiologa.

radish [rQdIS] n rbano.
radium [reIdIm] n radio.
radius [reIdIs] n radio.
pl radii [reIdIaI].

radon [reIdn] n radn m.

raffle [rQfl] n rifa.
P vt

rifar, sortear.

raft [rAft] n 1 balsa. 2 us fam montn m.

rag[rQg] n 1 harapo, andrajo,. 2 (for
cleaning) trapo.

rage [reIdZ] n rabia, furor m, clera.

P vi 1 (person) estar hecho,-a una fu

ria. 2 (fire, etc) arder sin control; (storm,
sea) rugir; (debate, etc) seguir candente.
ragout [rQgU] n rag m.
raid [reId] n 1 mil incursin f, ataque m.
2 (by police) redada. 3 (robbery) atraco.
P vt 1 mil hacer una incursin en. 2
(police) hacer una redada en. 3 (rob)
atracar, asaltar.
rail [reIl] n 1 barra. 2 (handrail) pasama
no, barandilla, baranda. 3 (for train)
ral m, carril m, riel m. 4 (the railway) fe
rrocarril m. l o c by rail por ferrocarril.
railing [reIlINz] n verja.

c o m p radio
railroad [reIlrUd] n us railway.
P vt 1 (person) presionar. 2 (measure, bill)
cassette radiocasete
tramitar sin debate.
pl radios.

railway [reIlweI] n ferrocarril m.


railway carriage vagn m. y railway en

gine locomotora. y railway line va
frrea. y railway station estacin f de
ferrocarril. y railway track va frrea.
rain [reIn] n lluvia. c o m p rain forest sel
va tropical. y rain gauge pluvimetro.
P vi llover: its raining est lloviendo.
rainbow [reInbU] n arco iris m.
raincoat [reInkUt] n impermeable m.
raindrop [reIndrp] n gota de lluvia.
rainfall [reInfl] n 1 precipitacin f.
2 (quantity) pluviosidad f.
rainforest [reInfArIst] n selva tropical.
rainy [reInI] adj lluvioso,-a.
comp rainier, superl rainiest.
raise [reIz] vt 1 (lift up) levantar: raise
your hands levantad la mano. 2 (move to a
higher position) subir. 3 (build, erect) eri
gir, levantar. 4 (increase) subir, au
mentar. 5 (improve) mejorar. 6 (laugh,

smile, etc) provocar; (doubt, fear) susci

tar. 7 (children) criar, educar; (animals)
criar. 8 (matter, point) plantear. 9 (funds)
P n us aumento de sueldo.
. Raise en el sentido de levantar siem
pre va seguido de un complemento. Mien
tras que rise (subir), nunca lleva comple

raisin [reIzn] n pasa.

rake[reIk] n (tool) rastrillo.
rally [rQlI] n 1 (public gathering) reunin
f; (political) mitin m; (demonstration) ma
nifestacin f. 2 (car race) rally m. 3 (in
tennis) intercambio (de golpes).

random [rQndm] adj aleatorio,-a.


at random al azar. c o m p random access

memory memoria de acceso directo.
rang [rQN] pt ring.
range [reIndZ] n 1 (choice) gama, surti

do; (of products) gama; (of clothes) lnea.

2 (reach) alcance m. 3 (of mountains) cor

dillera, sierra. 4 us (prairie) pradera.
P vi 1 variar, oscilar: they range from
to van desde hasta 2 (wander) va
gar (over, por).
P vt 1 (arrange) colocar, disponer. 2

(travel) recorrer, viajar por.

rank [rQNk] n 1 (line) fila. 2 mil (in hierarchy) graduacin f, rango.

P vi (be) figurar, estar
P vt (classify) clasificar, considerar.
ranking [rQNkIN] n clasificacin f,
ranking m.
ransom [rQnsm] n rescate m. l o c to
hold to ransom 1 pedir rescate por. 2
fig chantajear. l o c ransom money res
cate m.
P vt rescatar.
rap [rQp] n 1 golpe m seco. 2 mus rap m.
P vi 1 golpear. 2 mus cantar rap.
pt & pp rapped, ger rapping.

rape1 [reIp] n violacin f.


P vt

rape2 [reIp] n bot colza.

rapid [rQpId] adj rpido,-a.

pl rapids rpidos mpl.

rapist [reIpIst] n violador,-ra.

rapper [rQpr] n cantante mf de rap,


[re r] adj 1 (uncommon) poco co

mn, raro,-a. 2 (air) enrarecido,-a. 3
culin poco hecho,-a. c o m p rare earth
tierra rara. y rare gas gas m raro.

pl rallies.
P vi (recover) reponerse, recuperarse.
P vt (bring together) unir.
, Rare no significa 'raro (extrao)', que
pt & pp rallied, ger rallying.
se traduce por strange.
ram [rQm] n zool carnero.
ramp [rQmp] n 1 (slope) rampa. 2 (steps) rarely [relI] adv rara vez, pocas veces.
escalerilla. 3 gb (speed bump) badn m. rascal [rAskl] n bribn m, pillo.
4 us (slip road) va de acceso.
rash1 [rQS] n 1 med sarpullido, erup
cin f cutnea. 2 (series) sucesin f, se
ran [rQn] pt run.
rie f.
ranch [rQntS] n rancho, hacienda. c o m p
ranch house 1 (type
of house) bungalow rash2 [rQS] adj imprudente, precipita
m. 2 (house on ranch) hacienda.



raspberry [rAzb rI] n 1 frambuesa. 2

fam (noise) pedorreta.

pl raspberries.

rat [rQt] n 1 rata. 2 fam canalla m.

rate [reIt] n 1 tasa, ndice m 2 (speed)

velocidad f, ritmo 3 (price) tarifa, pre

cio. l o c at any rate 1 (anyway) de to
dos modos. 2 (at least) por lo menos,
al menos. y at the rate of a razn de.
y first/second rate de primera/segun
da (categora). c o m p rate of exchange
tipo de cambio.
P vt 1 (consider) considerar 2 (deserve)
merecer. 3 (fix value) tasar.
P n pl rates gb contribucin f sing ur
rather [rADr] adv 1 (a little) algo; (fairly)
bastante; (very) muy. 2 (showing preference): Id rather go out preferira salir. 3
(more precisely) o mejor dicho: there was
a river, or rather a stream haba un ro, o
mejor dicho un arroyo
ratify [rQtIfaI] vt ratificar.
pt & pp ratified, ger ratifying.

ratings [reItINs] n pl tv ndice m sing de



[reISIU] n razn f, relacin f,

proporcin f.
pl ratios.

ration [rQSn] n racin f.

P vt


pl rations vveres mpl.

, Ration no significa 'racin (de comi

da)', que se traduce por portion.
rational [rQSnl] adj racional.
rattle [rQtl] n 1 (object) carraca, ma


[r] adj 1 (uncooked) crudo,-a. 2

(unprocessed) bruto,-a; (unrefined) sin re
finar; (untreated) sin tratar. 3 (inexperienced) novato,-a. 4 (weather) crudo,-a.
c o m p raw material materia prima.
ray1 [reI] n (of light) rayo.
ray2 [reI] n (fish) raya.
razor [reIzr] n 1 (cutthroat) navaja de
afeitar; (safety) maquinilla de afeitar.
2 (electric) mquina de afeitar. c o m p
razor blade hoja de afeitar.
reach [ritS] n alcance m. l o c beyond the
reach of fuera del alcance de. y out of
reach of fuera del alcance de. y within
reach of 1 (at hand) al alcance de. 2
(near) cerca de
P vt 1 (arrive in/at, get to) llegar a. 2 (rise
to, fall to) alcanzar. 3 (be able to touch) al
canzar, llegar a. 4 (contact) contactar,
localizar. 5 (pass) alcanzar
P vi 1 (be long enough) llegar. 2 (extend)
extenderse. 3 (take) extender la ma
no, tender la mano.
react [rIQkt] vi reaccionar.
reaction [rIQkSn] n reaccin f.
reactor [rIQktr] n reactor m.
read [rid] vt 1 (gen) leer. 2 (instrument) in
dicar, marcar. 3 (sign, notice) decir, po
a to read out vt sep leer en voz alta.

pt & pp read [red].

readable [rIdbl] adj 1 (handwriting) le

gible. 2 (style) ameno,-a.

reader [ridr] n 1 (person - gen) lector,-ra;

(- of proofs) corrector,-ra. 2 (at university)

profesor,-ra adjunto,-a. 3 (apparatus)
lector m.
traca; (babys) sonajero; (rattlesnakes)
cascabel m. 2 (noise) ruido; (of train) readily [redIlI] adv 1 (easily) fcilmen
traqueteo; (vibration) vibracin f.
te. 2 (willingly) de buena gana.
P vt hacer sonar, hacer vibrar.
reading [ridIN] n 1 lectura. 2 (of bill,
P vi sonar, vibrar.
law) presentacin f. 3 (of instrument) in
rattlesnake [rQtlsneIk] n serpiente f
dicacin f, lectura. 4 (interpretation)
de cascabel.
interpretacin f.
ravage [rQvIdZ] vt devastar, asolar.
readjust [ridZst] vt reajustar.
P n pl ravages estragos mpl.
P vi (readapt) readaptarse.
rave [reIv] n gb fiesta con msica de baile y ready [redI] adj 1 (prepared) prepara
que puede durar toda la noche.
do,-a, listo,-a. 2 (willing) dispuesto,-a.
raven [reIvn] n cuervo.
3 (quick) rpido,-a; (easy) fcil. l o c to
get ready prepararse. y to get sth ready
ravine [rvin] n barranco.




y to make ready pre

ready-made [redImeId] adj hecho,-a,


reafforestation [rIfrIsteISn] n gb re
forestacin f, repoblacin f forestal.

reagent [rieIdZnt] n reactivo.

real [rIl] adj 1 real, verdadero,-a. 2
(genuine) autntico,-a. c o m p real estate
bienes mpl inmuebles.
P adv us fam muy

rebel [(adj-n) rebl; (vb) rIbel] adj rebelde.


P vi

rebelde mf.
rebelarse (against, contra).

pt & pp rebelled, ger rebelling.

rebellion [rIbelIn] n rebelin f.

rebound [(n) ribaUnd; (vb) rIbaUnd] n
rebote m
P vi rebotar.

recall [(n) rikl; (vb) rIkl] n 1 (memory)

memoria. 2 (withdrawal) retirada.

P vt 1 (remember) recordar. 2 (withdraw)
realise [rIlaIz] vt realize.
receipt [rIsit] n 1 (document) recibo.
reality [rIQlItI] n realidad f.
2 (act of receiving) recepcin f, recibo.
realize [rIlaIz] vt 1 (understand) darse
P n pl receipts comm ingresos mpl, re
cuenta de, comprender. 2 (know) sa
caudacin f sing.
ber. 3 (carry out) realizar. 4 (sell) reali
receive [rIsiv] vt 1 (gen) recibir. 2
zar, vender; (fetch) reportar
(wound) sufrir. 3 (radio signal) recibir. 4
, To realize no significa 'realizar', que
(stolen goods) comerciar con
se traduce por to carry out.
P vt (welcome) recibir, acoger.
[rIsivr] n 1 (of telephone) auri
really [rIlI] adv 1 (in fact) en realidad.
2 (of stolen goods) perista mf. 3
2 (very) muy, realmente. 3 (showing injur sndico,-a, sndico,-a de quie
terest) ah s?, en serio? de verdad?;
bras. 4 (of radio signal) receptor m. 5 (in
(showing surprise) de verdad?, no me
American football) receptor,-ra.
digas!; (showing annoyance) vaya!
recent [risnt] adj reciente: in recent
reap [rip] vt cosechar.
months/years en los ltimos meses/aos.
rear1 [rIr] adj trasero,-a, de atrs.
recently [risntlI] adv 1 (lately) recien
P n 1 (back part) parte f de atrs. 2 (of
temente, ltimamente. 2 (a short time
room) fondo. 3 fam (of person) trasero.
ago) hace poco
rearmament [riAmment] n rearme m. reception [rIsepSn] n 1 (gen) recep
rearrange [rireIndZ] vt 1 (objects) co
cin f. 2 (welcome) acogida. 3 (party)
locar de otra manera. 2 (event) cam
recepcin f; (after wedding) banquete
biar la fecha de, cambiar la hora de.
m. c o m p reception desk recepcin f.
rear-view mirror [rIvjUmIr] n re receptionist [rIsepSnIst] n recepcio
trovisor m.
nista m & f.
reason [rizn] n 1 (cause) razn f, mo recharge [ritSAdZ] vt recargar.
tivo. 2 (faculty) razn f.
rechargeable [ritSAdZbl] adj recar
P vt deducir, llegar a la conclusin
de que
recipe [respI] n 1 receta. 2 fig frmu
P vi razonar.
la. c o m p recipe book 1 (personal collection)
reasonable [riznbl] adj 1 (gen) ra
recetario. 2 (cookery book) libro de co
zonable. 2 (acceptable) aceptable.
reasonably [riznblI] adv 1 (gen) ra reckless [rekls] adj 1 (hasty) precipita
zonablemente. 2 (quite) bastante.
do,-a. 2 (careless) imprudente, teme
reassure [riSUr] vt 1 (comfort) tran
rario,-a. c o m p reckless driving con
quilizar. 2 (assure again) volver a ase
duccin f temeraria.
reckon [rekn] vt 1 (estimate) calcular. 2
rebate [ribeIt] n 1
(of tax) devolucin f.
(calculate) calcular. 3 (regard) conside
rar. 4 (think) creer, considerar.
2 (discount) descuento.



reckoning [rek nIN] n clculos mpl: by

my reckoning, segn mis clculos,

recognise [rekgnaIz] vt recognize.
recognition [rekgnISn] n reconoci


recognize [rekgnaIz] vt reconocer.

recollect [reklekt] vt recordar.

To recollect no significa 'recolectar,

cosechar', que se traducen por to harvest.

recollection [reklekSn] n recuerdo.

Recollection no significa 'recoleccin,

cosecha', que se traducen por harvest.

recommend [rekmend] vt recomen


recommendation [rekmendeISn] n
recomendacin f.

reconstruct [riknstrkt] vt reconstruir.

record [(n) rekd; (vb) rIkd] n 1 (written

evidence) constancia escrita 2 (note) re

lacin f. 3 (facts about a person) historial
m. 4 mus disco. 5 sp rcord m, marca,
plusmarca. l o c to break a record batir
un rcord. c o m p medical record histo
rial m mdico. y record holder plus
marquista mf. y record player tocadis
cos m sing.
P vt 1 (write down) anotar, apuntar. 2
(voice, music) grabar. 3 (instrument, gauge)
P adj rcord.
P n pl records (files) archivos mpl

Record no significa 'recordar', que se

traduce por to remember.

recorded [rIkdId] adj (written) anota

recreation [rekrIeIS n] n 1 (free time) es

parcimiento. 2 (hobby) pasatiempo. 3

(in school) recreo.
recruit [rIkrUt] n (soldier) recluta m.
P vt (soldier) reclutar.
recruitment [rIkrUtmnt] n (of soldiers)
reclutamiento; (of employees) contra
tacin f.

recta [rekt] n pl rectum.

rectangle [rektQNgl] n rectngulo.
rectangular [rektQNgjUlr] adj rectan

rectify [rektIfaI] vt rectificar.

rectum [rektm] n recto.

pl rectums o recta [rekt].

recur [rIkr] vi repetirse, reproducirse.

pt & pp recurred, ger recurring.

To recur no significa 'recurrir a', que

se traduce por to resort to, to turn to.

recurrent [rIkrnt] adj 1 math peri

dico,-a. 2 med recurrente.

recycle [risaIkl] vt reciclar.

recycling [risaIklIN] n reciclaje m.
red [red] n 1 (colour) rojo. 2 (left-winger)
P adj 1 rojo,-a 2 (hair) pelirrojo,-a.
comp redder, superl reddest.

redbreast [redbrest] n petirrojo.

redcurrant [redkrnt] n grosella.
redemption [rIdempSn] n 1 (of debt)

pago. 2 (of voucher) canje m. 3 rel re

dencin f.
red-haired [redhed] adj pelirrojo,-a.
redhead [redhed] n pelirrojo,-a.

redid [ridId] pt redo.

redo [ridU] vt rehacer, volver a hacer.

pt redid [ridId], pp redone [ridn],

do,-a; (on tape, etc) grabado,-a. c o m p

ger redoing.
recorded delivery correo certificado.
redone [ridn] pt redo.
recorder [rIkd ] n mus flauta. c o m p redskin [redskIn] n piel roja mf.
cassette recorder casete m.
reduce [rIdjUs] vt 1 (gen) reducir, dis
recording [rIkdIN] n grabacin f.
minuir. 2 (price, etc) rebajar.
c o m p recording studio estudio de gra
reduction [rIdkSn] n (gen) reduccin
f; (fall) disminucin f; (in price) rebaja.
recover [rIkv r] vt (gen) recuperar; redundancy [rIdndnsI] n 1 (dismissal)
(dead body) rescatar.
despido. 2 (superfluity) superfluidad f.
P vi recuperarse, reponerse.
3 ling redundancia.
recovery [rIkvrI] n recuperacin f.
pl redundancies.



redundant [rIdndnt] adj 1 (dismissed)

desp edido,-a. 2 (superfluous) super
fluo,-a. 3 ling redundante.
redwood [redwUd] n secuoya.
reed [rid] n 1 (plant) caa, junco. 2 mus
reef [rif] n arrecife m.
reel [ril] n 1 (of thread, cotton) carrete m;
(of camera film) carrete m, rollo; (of cine
film) bobina; (of wire, tape) rollo. 2 (for
fishing) carrete m.
a to reel in vt sep (line) recoger, cobrar;
(fish) cobrar, sacar del agua.
refer [rIfr] vt (send) mandar, enviar
P vi 1 (allude to) referirse (to, a). 2 (mention, name) hacer referencia (to, a).

pt & pp referred, ger referring.

referee [refri] n sp rbitro,-a.
P vt arbitrar.
reference [refrns] n 1 referencia,
mencin 2 (for job) referencias fpl.
c o m p reference book libro de consulta.
referendum [refrendm] n refern
dum m.
pl referendums o referenda [refrend].
refill [(n) rifIl; (vb) rifIl] n (for pen, etc) re

cambio; (for lighter) carga.

P vt (glass, pen) volver a llenar; (lighter)
refinery [rIfaInrI] n refinera.
pl refineries.

reflect [rIflekt] vt reflejar

P vi

(think) reflexionar (on, sobre)

a to reflect on vt insep perjudicar

reflection [rIflekSn] n 1 (image) reflejo.

2 (thought) reflexin f. 3 (aspersion) des

crdito. l o c on reflection, pensn

dolo bien,

reflector [rIflektr] n (gen) reflector m;

(on car) catafaro.

reflex [rifleks] n reflejo.

pl reflexes.

refraction [rIfrQkSn] n refraccin f.

refrain1 [rIfreIn] n mus estribillo.

Refrain no significa 'refrn', que se

traduce por proverb, saying.

refrain2 [rIfreIn] vi abstenerse (from, de)

refresh [rIfreS] vt refrescar.
refreshing [rIfreSIN] adj (gen) refres
cante; (rest, sleep) reparador,-ra.

refreshment [rIfreSmnt] n refresco.

refrigerator [rIfrIdZreItr] n frigorfi
co, nevera.

refuge [refjUdZ] n refugio.

refugee [refjUdZi] n refugiado,-a.
refund [(n) rifnd; (vb) rifnd] n reem
P vt reembolsar.

refusal [rIfjUzl] n 1 (negative reply) ne

gativa, respuesta negativa. 2 (rejection) rechazo.

refuse1 [refjUs] n basura. c o m p refuse
collection recogida de basuras.
refuse2 [rIfjUz] vt 1 (reject) rehusar, re
chazar, no aceptar. 2 (withhold) negar,
denegar, no conceder
P vi negarse (to, a)
regard [rIgAd] n respeto, considera
cin. l o c to hold in high regard tener
en gran estima. y without regard to
sin hacer caso de.
P vt 1 (consider) considerar. 2 (look at)
mirar. 3 (heed) hacer caso a.
P n pl regards recuerdos mpl.
regarding [rIgAdIN] prep tocante a,
respecto a.
regardless [rIgAdls] adv fam a pesar
de todo.
P prep regardless of fam sin tener en

regime [reIZim] [also written rgime] n

rgimen m.

regiment [redZImnt] n regimiento.

P vt 1 mil regimentar. 2 fig discipli

nar, reglamentar.
region [ridZn] n regin f.
regional [ridZnl] adj regional.
restacin f, repoblacin f forestal.
register [redZIstr] n (gen) registro; (in
reform [rIfm] n reforma.
school) lista. c o m p register office regis
P vt reformar.
tro civil.

reflexive [rIfleksIv] adj reflexivo,-a.

reforest [rifrIst] vt reforestar.
reforestation [rifrIsteISn] n refo



vt 1 (put on record, list) registrar; (car,

student) matricular; (birth, death, marriage) inscribir en el registro. 2 (show reading) indicar, marcar; (- feeling)
mostrar, reflejar. 3 (make known) ha
cer constar. 4 (letter) certificar.
P vi 1 (for classes) matricularse; (at congress, with doctor) inscribirse; (at hotel)

reindeer [reIndI ] n reno.


pl reindeer o reindeers.

reject [(n) ridZekt; (vb) rIdZekt] n (thing)

artculo defectuoso; (person)

P vt (gen) rechazar, no aceptar; (in law)
rejection [rIdZekSn] n (gen) rechazo;
(negative reply) respuesta negativa.
, To register no significa 'registrar (re rejoice [rIdZIs] vi alegrarse.
visar)', que se traduce por to frisk.
relapse [rIlQps] n 1 med recada. 2
(crime) reincidencia.
registered [redZIstd] adj 1 (person)
P vi 1 med recaer. 2 (crime) reincidir. l o c
inscrito,-a; (student) matriculado,-a. 2
to suffer a relapse tener una recada.
(letter) certificado,-a. 3 (car, etc) matri
culado,-a; (ship) de bandera. c o m p reg relate [rIleIt] vt 1 (tell) relatar, contar.
2 (connect) relacionar (to, con).
istered trademark marca registrada.
P vi (connect) relacionarse.
registration [redZIstreISn] n 1 (of birth,
[rIleItId] adj 1 (connected) rela
death, marriage) inscripcin f; (of patent,
cionado,-a. 2 (relatives) emparenta
etc) registro. 2 (enrolment) inscripcin f;
(of student) matrcula. c o m p registration
relation [rIleISn] n 1 (connection) rela
number auto matrcula.
cin f. 2 (family) pariente mf.
registry [redZIstrI] n registro. c o m p
relationship [rIleISnSIp] n 1 (connection)
registry office registro civil
relacin f. 2 (between people) relaciones
regret [rIgret] n 1 (remorse) remordi
miento. 2 (sadness) pesar m.
relative [reltIv] adj relativo,-a.
P vt 1 (feel sorry) lamentar, arrepentirse
P n pariente mf, familiar mf.
de. 2 (express ones sadness) lamentar. 3
relatively [reltIvlI] adv relativamente.
(miss) echar de menos, echar en falta.
relativity [reltIvItI] n relatividad f.
P n pl regrets excusas mpl
regular [regjUlr] adj. 1 (gen) regular. 2 relaunch [(vb) rilntS; (n) rilntS] vt
(normal) normal. 3 (habitual) habitual.
P n relanzamiento.
4 (normal in size) de tamao normal. 5
us (pleasant) simptico,-a.
relax [rIlQks] vt 1 (gen) relajar. 2 (grip,
P n fam cliente mf habitual.
hold) aflojar. 3 (rules, control) suavizar.
P vi 1 (gen) relajarse. 2 (grip, hold) aflo
, Regular no significa 'regular (pasa
ble)', que se traduce por so-so, not bad.
relaxation [rilQkseISn] n 1 (gen) rela
regularity [regjUlQrtI] n regularidad f.
jacin f. 2 (of grip, hold) aflojamiento.
regularly [regjUllI] adv regularmen
3 (of rules, control) suavizacin f.
te, con regularidad.
relaxed [rIlQkst] adj 1 (person) relaja
regulate [regjUleIt] vt regular.
do,-a. 2 (atmosphere) distendido,-a.
regulation [regjUleISn] n 1 (control) re relaxing [rIlQksIN] adj relajante.
gulacin f. 2 (rule) regla.
relay [rileI] n 1 relevo. 2 elec rel m.
rehearsal [rIhsl] n ensayo.
c o m p relay race carrera de relevos.
rehearse [rIhs] vt ensayar.
y relay station estacin f repetidora.
reign [reIn] n reinado.
release [rIlis] n 1 (setting free) libera
P vi reinar.
cin f, puesta en libertad. 2 (relief)
alivio. 3 (of film) estreno; (of record) lan
rein [reIn] n rienda.
P n pl reins (childs) andadores mpl.
zamiento. 4 (of gas, etc) emisin f.



5 (new thing - film) estreno, novedad f

cinematogrfica; (- record) nuevo dis
co, novedad f discogrfica. 6 (statement) comunicado.
P vt 1 (set free) liberar, poner en liber
tad. 2 (let go of) soltar. 3 (bring out - film)
estrenar; (- record) sacar. 4 (gas, etc - give
out) emitir. 5 (statement, information) ha
cer pblico, dar a conocer.
relevant [relvnt] adj 1 (connected) per
tinente. 2 (important) relevante.
reliable [rIlaIbl] adj fiable.
relief [rIlif] n 1 (from pain, etc) alivio. 2
(help) auxilio, socorro, ayuda. 3 (person) relevo. 4 (lifting of siege) liberacin
f. 5 geog relieve m.
relieve [rIliv] vt 1 (lessen) aliviar. 2 (take
over from) relevar. 3 (help) socorrer,
ayudar. 4 (lift siege of) liberar.
religion [rIlIdZn] n religin f.
religious [rIlIdZs] adj religioso,-a.
reload [rilUd] vt (gun) volver a car
gar; (program, page) recargar.
reluctant [rIlktnt] adj reacio,-a.
reluctantly [rIlktntlI] adv muy a mi
(tu, su, etc) pesar.
rely on [rIlaI n] vt (trust) confiar en.

pt & pp relied.

remade [rimeId] pt & pp remake.

remain [rImeIn] vi 1 (stay) quedarse,

permanecer. 2 (be left) quedar, sobrar.

3 (continue) seguir, continuar.
P n pl remains restos mpl.
remainder [rImeIndr] n resto.
remake [ (n) rimeIk ; (vb) rimeIk] n
nueva versin f.
P vt hacer una nueva versin de.
pt & pp remade [rimeId].
remark [rImAk] n observacin f.
P vt 1 (say) observar, comentar. 2 (notice) advertir.

a to remark on vt insep comentar.

remarkable [rImAkbl] adj 1 (excep-

tional) extraordinario,-a, excepcio

nal. 2 (odd) extrao,-a; (surprising) sor
prendente, curioso,-a.
remedy [remdI] n remedio.
pl remedies.
P vt remediar.

remember [rImembr] vt 1 recordar,

acordarse de. 2 (commemorate) recordar.
acordarse, recordar.

P vi

. La diferencia entre remember y remind

es que remember se refiere al acto de recor
dar algo (acordarse de) y remind se emplea
cuando se le recuerda algo a alguien.

remind [rImaInd] vt recordar.

. Consulta tambin remember.

reminder [rImaIndr] n 1 (note) recor

datorio. 2 (of payment due) aviso. 3

(keepsake) recuerdo.
remorse [rIms] n remordimiento.
remote [rImUt] adj 1 (far away) remo
to,-a, lejano,-a. 2 (lonely) aislado,-a,
apartado,-a. 3 (person) distante. c o m p
remote control mando a distancia.
removal [rImUvl] n 1 (getting rid of) elimi
nacin f; (surgically) extirpacin f. 2 (moving) traslado; (to another house) traslado,
mudanza. 3 (from post) destitucin f.
remove [rImUv] vt 1 (get rid of - gen)
quitar, eliminar; (- surgically) extirpar.
2 (take out, take off) quitar. 3 (move) tras
ladar. 4 (dismiss) destituir.
P vi (change houses) trasladarse.
renaissance [rneIs ns] n renaci
miento. c o m p the Renaissance el Re
P adj Renaissance renacentista.
rename [rineIm] vt renombrar.
rendezvous [rndIvU] n 1 cita. 2
(place) lugar m de reunin.
pl rendezvous.

renew [rInjU] vt 1 (gen) renovar; (con-

tract, permit, etc) prorrogar. 2 (start again)

reanudar. 3 (replace) sustituir.
renewable [rInjUbl] adj renovable.
c o m p renewable energy energa reno
renounce [rInaUns] vt renunciar a.
rent [rent] n 1 (for flat, etc) alquiler m. 2
(for land) arriendo.
P vt 1 (flat) alquilar. 2 (land) arrendar.
l o c For rent Se alquila.

Renta no significa 'renta (ingresos)',
que se traduce por income.



rental [rent

l] n 1 (for flat, etc) alquiler

m. 2 (for land) arriendo.
rented [rentId] adj de alquiler.
reorganise [rignaIz] vt reorganize.
reorganize [rignaIz] vt reorganizar.
repaid [ripeId] pt & pp repay.
repair [rIper] n reparacin f.
P vt reparar, arreglar.
repay [ripeI] vt devolver.
pt & pp repaid, ger repaying.
repeat [rIpit] n 1 (gen) repeticin f. 2
(on television) reposicin f.
P vt & vi repetir.
repel [rIpel] vt 1 (gen) repeler. 2 (disgust)

repugnar, repeler.

pt & pp repelled, ger repelling.

repellent [rIpelnt] n repelente m.

P vt

arrepentirse de.

repetition [reptISn] n repeticin f.

repetitive [rIpetItIv] adj repetitivo,-a.
replace [rIpleIs] vt 1 (put back) devol

ver a su sitio. 2 (substitute) reempla

zar, sustituir; (change) cambiar.
replacement [rIpleIsmnt] n 1 (act)
sustitucin f, reemplazo. 2 (person)
sustituto,-a. 3 (thing) otro,-a. 4 (spare
part) recambio, pieza de recambio.
replay [(n) ripleI; (vb) ripleI] n 1 (of film
sequence) repeticin f de la jugada. 2
(match) partido de desempate.
P vt 1 (tape, film) volver a poner. 2
(match) volver a jugar.
reply [rIplaI] n respuesta, contesta
cin f. l o c in reply to en respuesta a.
pl replies.
P vi responder (to, a), contestar (to, a).
pt & pp replied.
report [rIpt] n 1 (informative document)
informe m. 2 (school report) boletn m es
colar, informe m escolar. 3 (piece of news)
noticia. 4 (news story) reportaje m. 5 (rumour) rumor m. 6 (of gun) estampido.
P vi 1 (give information) informar ( on ,
sobre). 2 (go in person) presentarse.
P vt 1 (say, inform) decir. 2 (to authority)
informar de. 3 (to police - crime) denun

reporter [rIpt ] n reportero,-a.

represent [reprIzent] vt representar.
representative [reprIzenttIv] adj re

P n 1 representante mf. 2 us diputa
reproach [rIprUtS] n reproche m.
P vt reprochar (for, -).
reproduce [riprdjUs] vt reproducir.
P vi reproducirse.
reproduction [riprdkSn] n repro
duccin f.
reproductive [riprdktIv] adj repro
reptile [reptaIl] n reptil m.
republic [rIpblIk] n repblica.
republican [rIpblIkn] adj republi
P n republicano,-a.
repugnant [rIpgnnt] adj repugnante.
repulsion [rIplZn] vt 1 (reject) recha
zar. 2 (drive back) repulsar.
repulsive [rIplsIv] adj repulsivo,-a.
reputation [repjUteISn] n reputacin
f, fama. l o c to have a reputation for
tener fama de
request [rIkwest] n 1 solicitud f, peti
cin f. 2 (on radio) cancin f.
P vt 1 (gen) pedir, solicitar; (officially)
rogar. 2 (on radio) pedir.
require [rIkwaIr] vt 1 requerir, exigir.
2 (need) necesitar, requerir. l o c to be
required to do sth estar obligado,-a a
hacer algo.
requirement [rIkwaIment] n 1 (demand) requisito. 2 (need) necesidad f.

reran [rirQn] pt rerun.

rerun [(n) rirn; (vb) rirn] n (repetition)

repeticin f; (TV programme) reposi

cin f; (film) reestreno.
P vt (repeat) repetir; (TV programme) re
poner; (film) reestrenar.

pt reran [rirQn], pp rerun [rirn],

ger rerunning.
resat [risAt] pt & pp resit.
rescue [reskjU] n rescate m.
P vt rescatar (from, de).
ciar; (- accident) dar parte de
research [rIstS] n investigacin f.
P vi investigar (into, -).
reported speech [rIptIdspitS]
n es
P vt documentar.
tilo indirecto.



researcher [rIstS ] n investigador,-ra.

resemblance [rIzemblns] n pareci

do, semejanza.

resemble [rIzembl] vt parecerse a.

resent [rIzent] vt ofenderse por.
resentment [rIzentmnt] n resenti
miento, rencor m.

reservation [rezveISn] n reserva.

reserve [rIzv] n (gen) reserva.
P vt


reservoir [rezvwAr] n 1 (lake) embal

se m. 2 (store) reserva.

reset [riset] vt 1 (programmer, computer)

reinicializar; (mechanism) rearmar. 2
(clock) poner en hora. 3 (bone) compo
ner. 4 (book) recomponer.
pt & pp reset, ger resetting.

residence [rezIdns] n residencia.

resident [rezIdnt] adj residente.

P n (gen) residente mf; (of area) vecino,

-a; (in hotel) husped,-da.
residential [resIdenSl] adj residencial.
residual [rIzIdjUl] adj residual.
resign [rIzaIn] vi dimitir (from, de),
presentar la dimisin.
P vt dimitir de. l o c to resign os to sth
resignarse a algo.
resignation [rezIgneISn] n 1 (from post)
dimisin f. 2 (acceptance) resignacin
f. l o c to hand in ones resignation pre
sentar la dimisin.
resilience [rIzIlIns] n 1 (flexibility) elasti
cidad f. 2 (strength) fuerza, resistencia.
resin [rezIn] n resina.
resist [rIzIst] vt 1 (not give in to) resistir.
2 (oppose) oponer resistencia a.
resistance [rIzIstns] n 1 (gen) resis
tencia. 2 (opposition) oposicin f. l o c to
put up resistance oponer resistencia.
resistant [rIzIstnt] adj resistente.
resit [(n) risIt; (vb) risIt] n examen m
de repesca.
P vt volver a presentarse a.

pt & pp resat [risIt], ger resitting.

resolution [rezlUSn] n resolucin f.

resort [rIzt] n 1 (place) lugar m de va

respect [rIspekt] n 1 (admiration, consid-

eration) respeto. 2 (aspect) respecto

respectable [rIspektbl] adj 1 (gen)
respetable. 2 (decent) decente.
respiration [respIreISn] n respira
cin f.
respiratory [resprtrI] adj respirato
rio,-a. c o m p respiratory system siste
ma m respiratorio.
respond [rIspnd] vi responder.
response [rIspns] n 1 (gen) respues
ta. 2 (reaction) reaccin f.
responsibility [rIspnsIbIlItI] n res
ponsabilidad f. c o m p to accept respon
sibility for responsabilizarse de.
P vt

pl responsibilities.


[rIspnsb l] adj 1 (gen)

responsable. 2 (position) de responsa
rest1 [rest] n 1 (repose) descanso, repo
so. 2 (peace) paz f, tranquilidad f. 3
(support) soporte m; (for head) reposa
cabezas m; (for arms) apoyabrazos m.
P vt 1 (relax) descansar. 2 (lean) apo
P vi 1 (relax) descansar. 2 (be calm) que
darse tranquilo,-a. 3 (depend) depen
der (on, de).
P vt (lean) apoyar.

To rest no significa 'restar', que se tra

duce por to substract.

rest2 [rest] vi quedar as.


the rest el resto.

restaurant [restrnt] n restaurante m.

restless [restls] adj inquieto,-a. l o c
to grow restless impacientarse.

restoration [restreISn] n 1 (gen) res

tauracin f. 2 (return) devolucin f.

restore [rIstr] vt 1 (gen) restaurar. 2

(return) devolver. 3 (order) restablecer.

restrain [rIstreIn] vt contener.

restrict [rIstrIkt] vt restringir, limitar.
restriction [rIstrIkSn] n (limited) res
triccin f.

result [rIzlt] n 1 resultado. 2 (conse-

caciones. 2 (recourse) recurso.

quence) consecuencia.
recurrir (to, a).
P vi to result from resultar de.
resource [rIzs] n recurso.
a to result in vt insep producir.
P vi



resume [rIzjUm] vt 1 (begin again) rea

nudar. 2 (take over again) volver a asumir.
P vi continuar.

To resume no significa 'resumir', que

se traduce por to summarize.

rsum [rezjUmeI] n 1 (summary) resu

men m. 2 us (curriculum vitae) currculo,

currculum vitae m.
resuscitate [rIssIteIt] vt reanimar.
retail [riteIl] n venta al detalle, venta
al por menor.
P vt vender al detalle, vender al por
P adv al detalle, al por menor.
retailer [riteIlr] n detallista mf, mi
norista mf.
retain [rIteIn] vt 1 (keep - power, moisture)
retener; (- heat, charge) conservar. 2 sp
(lead) mantener; (title) revalidar. 3
(possessions) guardar. 4 (remember) rete
ner, recordar. 5 (hold back) contener. 6
(employ) contratar.
retaliate [rItQlIeIt] vi tomar represa
lias (against, contra).
retard [rItAd] vt retardar, retrasar.
retina [retIn] n retina.
pl retinas o retinae [retIni].
retinue [retInjU] n squito.
retire [rItaIr] vt (from work) jubilar.
P vi 1 (from work) jubilarse. 2 (withdraw)
retirarse. 3 (go to bed) acostarse.
retired [rItaId] adj jubilado,-a.
retirement [rItaInt] n jubilacin f.
retrace [rItreIs] vt desandar, volver
sobre. l o c to retrace ones steps vol

return [rItn] n 1 (coming or going back)

vuelta, regreso. 2 (giving back) devolu

cin f. 3 sp (of ball) devolucin f; (of service) resto. 4 (on keyboard) retorno. 5
(ticket) billete m de ida y vuelta. c o m p
return ticket billete m de ida y vuelta.
P vi 1 (come back, go back) volver, regre
sar. 2 (reappear) reaparecer.
P vt 1 (give back) devolver. 2 sp (ball) de
volver; (serve) restar. 3 pol (elect) ele
gir. 4 (verdict) pronunciar. 5 (interest)
P n pl returns resultados mpl electorales.
returnable [rItnbl] adj retornable.
reunion [rijUnIn] n reencuentro.

Reunion no significa 'reunin', que se

traduce por meeting.

reunite [rijUnaIt] vt (parts) reunir.

reuse [rijUz] vt (parts) reutilizar.
reveal [rIvil] vt 1 (make known) revelar.
2 (show) dejar ver, mostrar.

To reveal no significa 'revelar (una

foto)', que se traduce por to develop.

revenge [rIvendZ] n venganza.

P vt



to revenge os vengarse.

revenue [revnjU] n ingresos mpl.

reverberation [rIvbreISn] vt reso
nar, retumbar.

reverse [rIvs] adj inverso,-a.

P n 1 (back - of coin, paper) reverso; (- of

cloth) revs m. 2 auto marcha atrs. 3
(setback) revs m . c o m p reverse gear
marcha atrs. y the reverse side 1 (of
coin, paper) reverso. 2 (of cloth) revs m.
P vt 1 (positions, roles) invertir. 2 (decision)
ver sobre sus pasos.
revocar. 3 (vehicle) dar marcha atrs a.
retreat [rItrit] n 1 (withdrawal) retira
P vi auto poner marcha atrs, dar
da. 2 (place) retiro, refugio.
marcha atrs.
P vi 1 (withdraw) retirarse. 2 (back down)
P n the reverse lo contrario.
dar marcha atrs.
revert [rIvt] vi 1 volver (to, a). 2 jur

retribution [retrIbjUS n] n justo cas

review [rIvjU] n 1 (magazine, show) re
vista. 2 mil revista. 3 (examination)
, Retribution no significa 'retribucin
examen m. 4 (of film, book, etc) crtica.
(pago)', que se traduce por pay.
P vt 1 (troops) pasar revista a. 2 (examretrospective [retrspektIv] adj 1 (exine) examinar. 3 (film, book, etc) hacer
hibition, etc) retrospectivo,-a. 2 (law)
una crtica de. l o c under review bajo



revise [rIvaIz] vt 1 revisar. 2 (correct) co

rregir. 3 (change) modificar. 4 (examination topic) repasar.

P vi (for exam) repasar.
revision [rIvIZn] n 1 revisin f. 2 (correction) correccin f. 3 (change) modifi
cacin f. 4 (for exam) repaso.
revival [rIvaIvl] n 1 (rebirth) renaci
miento. 2 (of economy) reactivacin f.
3 (of play) reestreno.
revive [rIvaIv] vt 1 reanimar, reavivar,
despertar. 2 (economy) reactivar. 3
(play) reestrenar. 4 med reanimar.
P vi med volver en s.
revolt [rIvUlt] n (rising) revuelta, rebe
lin f.
P vi (rise) sublevarse (against, contra),
rebelarse (against, contra).
P vt (disgust) repugnar.
revolting [rIvUltIN] adj repugnante,
revolution [revlUSn] n revolucin f.
revolutionary [revlUSnrI] adj re
P n revolucionario,-a.
revolve [rIvlv] vi girar.
P vt hacer girar.
revolver [rIvlvr] n revlver m.
revolving [rIvlvIN] adj giratorio,-a.
c o m p revolving door puerta giratoria.
reward [rIwd] n recompensa.
P vt recompensar.
rewind [riwaInd] vt rebobinar.
pt & pp rewound [riwaUnd].

rewound [riwaUnd] pt & pp rewind.

rewrite [(vb) riraIt; (n) riraIt] vt volver
a escribir.

rhyme [raIm] n rima.

P vi

rimar (with, con).

rhythm [rIDm] n ritmo.

rhythmic [rIDmIk] adj rtmico,-a.


rhythmic gymnastics gimnstica rt



[rIb] n costilla.



rib cage caja

ribbon [rIbn] n 1 cinta. 2 (for hair) lazo.

ribonucleic [raIbUnjUkleIk] adj ribo

rice [raIs] n arroz m.

c o m p rice field arro

zal m. y rice pudding arroz m con leche.
rich [rItS] adj 1 rico,-a. 2 (luxurious) sun
tuoso,-a, lujoso,-a. 3 (fertile) frtil. 4
(food) fuerte, pesado,-a.
P n pl riches riqueza f sing.

Rich no significa 'rico (sabroso)', que

se traduce por tasty.

richness [rItSns] n 1 (wealth) riqueza.

2 (fertility) fertilidad f. 3 (of voice) sono

ridad f. 4 (of colour) viveza.
rid [rId] vt librar. l o c to get rid of des
hacerse de.

pt & pp rid o ridded, ger ridding.

ridden [rIdn] pp ride.

riddle [rIdl] n acertijo, adivinanza.

P vt 1 cribar, seleccionar cuidadosa

mente. 2 (with bullets) acribillar.
ride [raId] n 1 (on bicycle, horse) paseo. 2
(in car) paseo, vuelta; (on bus, train) via
je m, trayecto.
P vi 1 (on horse) montar a caballo; (on bicycle) ir en bicicleta. 2 (in vehicle) viajar.
P vt 1 (horse) montar. 2 (bicycle) montar
en, andar en.

pt rewrote [rirUt], pp rewritten [rirItn].

pt rode [rUd] , pp ridden [rIdn] ,
P n nueva versin f.
ger riding.
rewritten [rirItn] pp rewrite.
rider [raIdr] n 1 (on horse - man) jinete
m, (woman) amazona. 2 (on bicycle) ci
rewrote [rirUt] pt rewrite.
clista mf. 3 (on motorcycle) motorista mf.
rheumatism [rUmtIzm] n reuma
4 (clause) clusula adicional.
tismo, reuma m, rema m.
rhinoceros [raInsrs] n rinoceronte m. ridge [rIdZ] n 1 geog cresta. 2 (of roof)
caballete m.
pl rhinoceroses o rhinoceros.
ridiculous [rIdIkjUls] adj ridculo,-a.
rhizome [raIzUm] n rizoma m.
ridicule [rIdIkjUl] n ridculo.
rhombus [rmbs] n rombo.
P vt ridiculizar, poner en ridculo.
pl rhombuses o rhombi [rmbaI].
rhubarb [rUbAb] n ruibarbo.
riding [raIdIN] n equitacin f.



rifle [raIf l] n rifle m, fusil m.

rig [rIg] n plataforma petrolfera.

1 mar aparejar. 2 fam (fix) amaar.

pt & pp rigged, ger rigging.
right [raIt] adj 1 (not left) derecho,-a. 2
(correct) correcto,-a. 3 (just) justo,-a.
4 (suitable) apropiado,-a, adecuado,-a.
5 fam (total) autntico,-a, total. 6 fam
(okay) bien. l o c all right! bien!, con
forme!, vale! y right away en seguida.
y right now ahora mismo. y to be right
tener razn. y to get it right acertar. y
to put right arreglar, corregir. c o m p
right angle ngulo recto. y right wing
P vt

P adv 1 a la derecha. 2 (correctly) bien,
correctamente. 3 (exactly) justo. 4
(well) bueno, bien.
P n 1 (not left) derecha. 2 (entitlement)
P vt 1 corregir. 2 mar enderezar.
right-hand [raIthQnd] adj derecho,-a.
right-handed [raIthQndId] adj dies
right-wing [raItwIN] adj pol de dere
chas, derechista.
rigid [rIdZId] adj rgido,-a.
rim [rIm] n 1 (gen) borde m, canto. 2 (of
wheel) llanta. 3 (of spectacles) montura.
rind [raInd] n corteza.
ring1 [rIN] n 1 (for finger) anillo, sortija. 2
(hoop) anilla, aro. 3 (circle) crculo; (of
people) corro; (of criminals) red f. 4 (of circus) pista, arena. 5 (for boxing) ring m,
cuadriltero; (for bullfighting) ruedo.
c o m p ring road cinturn m de ronda.
P vt 1 (put a ring on) anillar. 2 (draw a ring
round) marcar con un crculo. 3 (encircle) rodear.
ring2 [rIN] n 1 (of bell) taido, toque m;
(of doorbell) llamada. 2 (phone call) lla
P vi 1 (bell) sonar. 2 (ears) zumbar.
P vt 1 (call) llamar. 2 (bell) tocar.
a to ring off vt sep colgar el telfono.
a to ring up vt sep llamar por telfo
no, telefonear.

rink [rINk] n pista de patinaje.

c o m p ice
rink pista de hielo.
rinse [rIns] vt 1 (clothes, hair) aclarar. 2

(dishes, mouth) enjuagar.

P n 1 (of clothes) aclarado. 2 (of dishes)
enjuague m. 3 (for hair) tinte m.
riot [raIt] n 1 (in street) disturbio. 2 (in
prison) motn m. c o m p riot police poli
ca antidisturbios.
P vi 1 (in street) provocar disturbios. 2
(in prison) amotinarse.
rip [rIp] n rasgn m, desgarrn m.
P vt rasgar, desgarrar.
pt & pp ripped, ger ripping.

ripe [raIp] adj maduro,-a.

rip-off [rIpf] n fam timo.
ripple [rIp l] n 1 (on water) onda. 2

(sound) murmullo.
P vt rizar.
P vi rizarse.
rise [raIz] n 1 ascenso, subida. 2 (increase)
aumento. 3 (slope) subida, cuesta.
P vi 1 ascender, subir. 2 (increase) au
mentar. 3 (stand up) ponerse de pie. 4
(get up) levantarse. 5 (sun) salir. 6 (river)
nacer. 7 (level of river) crecer. 8 (mountains) elevarse.
pt rose [rUz], pp risen [rIsn].

risen [rIsn] pp rise.

rising [raIzIN] n (rebellion) levantamiento.

P adj 1 (prices) en aumento. 2 (sun) na

ciente. 3 (land) en pendiente.
risk [rIsk] n riesgo, peligro. l o c to take
a risk correr un riesgo.
P vt arriesgar.
risky [rIskI] adj arriesgado,-a.

comp riskier, superl riskiest.

ritual [rItjUl] adj risorio.
rite [raIt] n rito.
rival [raIvl] adj competidor,-ra, rival.
P n competidor,-ra, rival mf.
P vt competir con, rivalizar con.
river [rIvr] n ro.
river-bed [rIvbed] n lecho.
riverside [rIvsaId] n ribera, orilla.
rivet [rIvIt] n remache m.
P vt 1 remachar. 2 fig fijar, absorber.
pt rang [rQN], pp rung [rN].
ringing [rININ] n 1
campaneo, repi road [rUd] n 1 carretera. 2 (way) cami
no. c o m p road sign seal f de trfico.
que m. 2 (in ears) zumbido.



roadway [rUdweI] n calzada.

roadworks [rUdweks] n pl obras.
roam [rUm] vt vagar por.
P vi


roar [rr] n 1 (of bull, person) bramido. 2

(of lion, sea) rugido. 3 (of traffic) estruen

do. 4 (of crowd) gritero, clamor m.
P vi 1 (bull, person) bramar. 2 (lion, sea)
roast [rUst] adj asado,-a. c o m p roast
beef rosbif m. y roast potato patata al
P n asado.
P vt 1 (meat) asar. 2 (coffee, nuts, etc) tostar.
P vi asarse.
rob [rb] vt 1 robar. 2 (bank) atracar;
(shop) asaltar, robar.
pt & pp robbed, ger robbing.

. Rob no es lo mismo que steal: rob se

usa con la persona robada o con un sitio
que se atraca; steal se usa con el dinero u
objetos robados. Consulta tambin steal.

robber [rbr] n atracador,-a.

robbery [rbrI] n atraco.
robin [rbIn] n petirrojo.
robot [rUbt] n robot m.
rock [rk] n 1 (gen) roca. 2 us piedra. 3
P vt

rock m, msica rock.

1 (chair) mecer. 2 (baby) acunar. 3

(upset) sacudir, convulsionar.

P vi (chair) mecerse.
rocket [rkIt] n 1 (missile) cohete m.
c o m p rocket launcher lanzacohetes m.
P vi (rise) dispararse.
rocking-chair [rkINtSer] n mecedora.
rocky [rkI] adj rocoso,-a.
comp rockier, superl rockiest.

rod [rd] n 1 (thin) vara. 2 (thick) barra.

3 (for fishing) caa.

rode [rUd] pt ride.

rodent [rUdnt] n roedor m.
roebuck [rUbk] n corzo.
rogue [rUg] n bribn,-ona, pillo,-a.
role [rUl] n papel, interpretacin m.
roll [rUl] n 1 (gen) rollo. 2 (of film) carre

P vt 1 (ball, coin) hacer rodar. 2 (flatten)

allanar, aplanar. 3 (into a ball) enros
car. 4 (paper) enrollar.
a to roll up vt sep 1 enrollar. 2 (into a
ball) enroscar.
P vi enrollarse.
roller [rUlr] n 1 (for painting) rodillo. 2
(wave) ola grande. 3 (for hair) rulo. c o m p
roller coaster montaa rusa. y roller
skating patinaje m sobre ruedas.
rollerblades [rUlbleIdz] n pl patines
mpl en lnea.


[rm] abbr (read-only memory)

memoria solo de lectura; (abbreviation) ROM f.

Roman [rUmn] adj romano,-a.
P n romano,-a. c o m p Roman numeral
nmero romano.
Romance [rUmQns] adj romnico,-a.
romance [rUmQns] n 1 romance m.
2 (novel) novela romntica.
Romania [rUmeInI] n Rumana.
Romanian [rUmeInIn] adj rumano,-a.
P n 1 (person) rumano,-a. 2 (language)
romanise [rUmnaIz] vt romanizar.
romantic [rUmQntIk] adj romnti
roof [rUf] n 1 tejado; (tiled) techado. 2
(of mouth) cielo. 3 (of car, etc) techo. c o m p
flat roof azotea. y roof rack baca. y
roof tiles tejas fpl.
P vt techar.
rooftop [rUftp] n tejado.
rookie [rUkI] n fam novato,-a.
room [rUm] n 1 habitacin f, pieza. 2
(space) espacio, sitio, lugar m. c o m p room
temperature temperatura ambiente.
P vi 1 (lodge) alojarse. 2 (share a room)
compartir una habitacin.
roomy [rUmI] adj espacioso,-a.
comp roomier, superl roomiest.

rooster [rUstr] n gallo.

root1 [rUt] n raz f.

te m. 3 (list) lista. 4 (of bread) bollo, pa rope [rUp] n (gen) cuerda; (thicker) soga.
P vt atar (con cuerdas), amarrar.
necillo; (sandwich)
bocadillo. c o m p to
a to rope off vt sep acordonar.
call the roll pasar lista.
P vt
P vi



rosary [rUzrI] n rosario.

pl rosaries.
rose1 [rUz] n 1 (flower) rosa. 2 (bush) ro
sal m. 3 (colour) rosa m. 4 (of shower, etc)
alcachofa. c o m p rose garden rosaleda.
y rose window rosetn m.
rose2 [rUz] pt rise.
ros [rUzeI] n vino rosado.
rosebud [rUzbd] n capullo de rosa.
rosebush [rUzbS] n rosal m.
rosemary [rUzmrI] n romero.
rot [rt] n 1 (decay) putrefaccin f. 2
(rubbish) tonteras fpl.
P vt pudrir.
P vi pudrirse.
pt & pp rotted, ger rotting.
rotate [rUteIt] vt 1 (spin) hacer girar,
dar vueltas a. 2 (alternate) alternar.
P vi 1 (spin) girar, dar vueltas. 2 (alter-

nate) alternarse.

rotation [rUteISn] n rotacin f.

rotten [rtn] adj podrido,-a.
rough [rf] adj 1 (not smooth) spero,-a,

routine [rutin] n rutina.

row1 [raU] n 1 (fight) ria, pelea. 2 (din,
racket) jaleo.
row2 [rU] n (line) fila, hilera.
row3 [rU] vi (in a boat) remar.
rowing [rUIN] n remo. c o m p rowing
boat bote m de remos.
royal [rIl] adj real.
royalty [rIltI] n 1 realeza. 2 (people)
miembros mpl de la familia real.
P vi

pl royalties.
P n pl royalties (gen) royalties mpl; (of
writer) derechos mpl de autor.
rub [rb] n friega.
P vt (gen) frotar; (hard) restregar.
P vi rozar.
a to rub out vt sep borrar.
P vi borrarse.
pt & pp rubbed, ger rubbing.
rubber [rbr] n 1 caucho, goma. 2
(eraser) goma de borrar. c o m p rubber
band goma elstica. y rubber ring flo
tador m.
rubbish [rbIS] n 1 (refuse) basura.
2 (nonsense) tonteras fpl. c o m p rubbish
bin cubo de la basura. y rubbish
dump vertedero, basurero.
rubella [rUbel] n rubola.
ruby [rUbI] n rub m.
pl rubies.
rucksack [rksQk] n mochila.
rudder [rdr] n timn m.
rude [rUd] adj 1 (person) maleducado,

basto,-a. 2 (road) lleno,-a de baches. 3

(edge) desigual. 4 (rude) rudo,-a. 5 (approximate) aproximado,-a.
roughly [rflI] adv 1 (about) aproxima
damente; (more or less) ms o menos.
2 (not gently) bruscamente.
round [raUnd] adj redondo,-a.
P n 1 (circle) crculo. 2 (series) serie f, tan
da; (one of a series) ronda. 3 sp (stage of
competition) ronda; (boxing) asalto; (of golf)
partido. 4 (of drinks) ronda. 5 (of policeman, etc) ronda. 6 (for gun) cartucho. 7 (of
bread) rebanada. c o m p round trip viaje
-a, grosero,-a; (behaviour) grosero,-a;
m de ida y vuelta. y round number n
(word) malsonante. 2 (improper)
mero redondo.
grosero,-a. 3 (crude) rudo,-a, tosco,-a.
P adv 1 (in circles): it goes round and round
[rg] n alfombra, alfombrilla.
da vueltas y vueltas. 2 (about) por ah. 3
rugby [rgbI] n rugby m.
(to somebodys house) a casa.
ruin [rUIn] n ruina.
P prep alrededor de.
P vt 1 arruinar. 2 (spoil) estropear.
P vt doblar.
roundabout [raUndbaUt] n 1 tiovi ruined [rUInd] adj 1 arruinado,-a. 2
(spoilt) estropeado,-a. 3 (building) en
vo. 2 auto rotonda.
route [rUt] n 1 ruta, camino. 2 (of bus)
a to rule out vt sep excluir, descartar.
lnea, trayecto.
P vt mandar.
ruler [rUlr] n 1 gobernante mf, diri
gente mf . 2 (monarch) soberano,-a,
router [rUtr] n comput
dor m, enrutador m.
monarca mf. 3 (instrument) regla.



ruling [rUlIN] adj (in charge) dirigente;

(governing) en el poder; (reigning) rei
P n jur fallo.
rum [rm] n ron m.

Rumania [rUmeInI] n Romania.

Rumanian [rUmeInIn] adj-n Roma

rumble [rmbl] n (gen) ruido sordo;

(of thunder) estruendo.

P vi (gen) hacer un ruido sordo; (thunder) retumbar.
ruminant [rUmInnt] adj rumiante.
P n rumiante m.
run [rn] n 1 carrera. 2 (trip) viaje m; (for
pleasure) paseo. 3 (ski) pista. 4 (in stocking) carrera. 4 (in cricket) carrera. 9 (in
printing) tirada. 10 (at cards) escalera.
l o c to go for a run ir a correr.
P vi 1 (gen) correr. 2 (flow) correr. 3 (operate) funcionar. 4 (trains, buses) circu
lar. 5 (in election) presentarse. 6 (play)
estar en cartel; (contract, etc) seguir vi
gente. 7 (colour) correrse.
P vt 1 (gen) correr. 2 (race) correr en,
participar en. 3 (take by car) llevar,
acompaar. 4 (manage) dirigir, regen
tar. 5 (organize) organizar. 6 (operate) ha
cer funcionar. 7 (pass, submit to) pasar. 8
(publish) publicar. 9 (water) dejar correr.
a to run after vt insep perseguir.
a to run away vi 1 (gen) irse corriendo.
2 (from home, etc) fugarse, escaparse.
a to run down vt sep 1 (knock down)
atropellar. 2 (criticize) criticar. 3 (battery) agotar.
P vt insep bajar corriendo.
P vi 1 bajar corriendo. 2 (battery) ago
tarse. 3 (clock) pararse.
a to run into vt insep 1 entrar corrien
do en. 2 (car) chocar con. 3 (meet) tro
pezar con.
a to run off vt sep (print) imprimir.
P vi irse corriendo.
a to run out vi 1 salir corriendo. 2 (be
used up - gen) acabarse; (- stocks) ago
tarse. 3 (contract) caducar.
pt ran [rQn], pp run [rn], ger running.


[rnr] n 1 corredor,-ra. 2 (of

sledge) patn m; (of skate) cuchilla. 3 (carpet) alfombrilla. 4 (on furniture) tapete
m. c o m p runner bean juda verde.
running [rnIN] n 1 (action) el correr;
(sport) atletismo. 2 (management) direc
cin f.
P adj 1 (water) corriente. 2 (continuous)
runny [rnI] adj 1 (liquid) lquido,-a;
(egg) poco hecho..

comp runnier, superl runniest.

run-up [rnp] n 1 (period before) etapa pre

liminar. 2 (before jumping, etc) carrerilla.

runway [rnweI] n pista de aterrizaje.

rural [rUrl] adj rural.
rush1 [rS] n 1 prisa. 2 (movement) movi

miento impetuoso. c o m p rush hour

hora punta. y rush job trabajo urgente.
P vt 1 (hurry - person) apresurar, dar
prisa a, meter prisa a. 2 (send quickly)
enviar urgentemente. 3 (attack) aba
lanzarse sobre.
P vi ir deprisa, precipitarse.
a to rush in vi entrar corriendo.
a to rush out vi salir corriendo.
rush2 [rS] n (plant) junco.
Russia [rS] n Rusia.
Russian [rSn] adj ruso,-a.
P n 1 (person) ruso,-a. 2 (language) ruso.
rust [rst] n xido, herrumbre m.
P vt oxidar.
P vi oxidar.
rustle [rsl] n (of leaves, etc) crujido; (of
silk) frufr m.
P vt (leaves, etc) hacer crujir.
P vi (leaves, etc) crujir.
P vt (cattle) robar.
P vi (cattle) robar ganado.
rusty [rstI] adj 1 (metal) oxidado,-a. 2
fig oxidado,-a, olvidado,-a.
comp rustier, superl rustiest.

ruthless [rUTls] adj cruel, despiada


Rwanda [rUQnd] n Ruanda.

Rwandan [rUQndn] adj ruands,-esa.


rung1 [rN] n escaln

rye [raI] n centeno. c o m p rye bread pan
rung2 [rN] pp ring.
m de centeno. y rye grass ballica.


S, s [es] n (the letter) S, s f.

saber [seIbr] n us sabre.
sabotage [sQbtAZ] n sabotaje m.

safe [seIf] adj 1 (gen) seguro,-a; (out of dan-

pl sacra [sQkr].

ger) a salvo, fuera de peligro: it's not safe

to play in the road es peligroso jugar en la
calle. 2 (unharmed) ileso,-a, indemne. 3
(not risky - method, investment, choice)
seguro,-a; (subject) no polmico,-a. l o c
safe and sound sano,-a y salvo,-a.
P n caja fuerte, caja de caudales.
safe-conduct [seIfkndkt] n salvo
safely [seIflI] adv 1 (for certain) con toda se
guridad: we can safely say that ... podemos
decir con toda seguridad que .... 2 (without
mishap) sin contratiempos, sin acciden
tes. 3 (securely) de manera segura.
safety [seIftI] n seguridad f . c o m p
safety belt cinturn m de seguridad.
y safety match cerilla, fsforo. y safe
ty pin imperdible m.
saffron [sQfrn] n (plant, condiment)
azafrn m.
sag [sQg] vi 1 (shelf, branch, beam, ceiling)
combarse; (roof, bed) hundirse. 2 (demand, prices, etc) caer, bajar. 3 fig (spirits)
flaquear, decaer.

very sad ests muy triste. 2 (deplorable)

sage1 [seIdZ] adj sabio,-a.

P vt


saboteur [sQbtr] n saboteador,-ra.

sabre [seIbr] n sable m.
saccharin [sQkrIn] n sacarina.
sachet [sQSeI] n bolsita, sobrecito.
sack1 [sQk] n (bag) saco.

P vt gb fam despedir a, echar a. l o c to

get the sack ser despedido,-a. y to give
sb the sack despedir a algn.
sack2 [sQk] vt mil saquear.
P n mil saqueo.

To sack no significa 'sacar', que se tra

duce por to take out.

sacrament [sQkrmnt] n sacramento.

sacred [seIkrd] adj sagrado,-a.
sacrifice [sQkrIfaIs] n 1 (gen) sacrifi
cio. 2 (offering) ofrenda.
P vt sacrificar.

sacrum [sQkrm] n anat sacro.

sad [sQd] adj 1 (unhappy) triste: you look

pt & pp sagged, ger sagging.

P n sabio,-a.
sage2 [seIdZ] n bot salvia.
comp sadder, superl saddest.
Sagittarius [sQdZIterIs] n Sagitario.
sadden [sQdn] vt entristecer.
said [sed] pt & pp say.
P vi entristecerse.
saddle [sQdl] n (for horse) silla (de sail [seIl] n 1 (canvas) vela. 2 (of windmill)
montar); (of bicycle, etc) silln m.
P vt 1 (travel) navegar; (cross) cruzar en
P vt ensillar (up, -).
barco: she sailed the Atlantic single-handsadism [seIdIzm] n sadismo.
ed cruz el Atlntico sola. 2 (control ship)
sadist [seIdIst] n sdico,-a.
gobernar. l o c in full sail a toda vela. y
sadly [sQdlI] adv tristemente.
to set sail zarpar, hacerse a la mar.
sadness [sQdns] n
P vi 1 (ship, boat) navegar. 2 (begin joursafari [sfArI] n safari m.
ney) zarpar, hacerse a la mar.




sailing [seIlIN] n 1 (skill) navegacin f. 2

(sport) vela: we go sailing every weekend ha

cemos vela todos los fines de semana. 3
(departure) salida; (crossing) travesa.
c o m p sailing boat barco de vela, vele
sailor [seIlr] n marinero.
saint [seInt] n (person) santo,-a.
sake [seIk] n bien m: for your own sake
por tu propio bien; for the kids' sake por
los nios. l o c for God's sake! por el
amor de Dios!, por Dios! y for Heav
en's sake! por el amor de Dios!
salad [sQld] n ensalada. c o m p salad
bowl ensaladera. y salad dressing ali
o, aderezo.
salamander [sQlmQnd r] n sala
salami [slAmI] n salami m.
salary [sQlrI] n sueldo, salario.
pl salaries.
sale [seIl] n 1 (act, transaction) venta. 2
(special offer) rebajas fpl, liquidacin f: I
bought it in a sale lo compr en las rebajas.
P n pl sales (amount sold) venta, ventas
fpl; (reductions) rebajas fpl. l o c for sale en
venta. y "For sale" (sign on house, etc) Se
vende. y on sale 1 (available) en venta,
a la venta. 2 (reduced) rebajado,-a.
c o m p clearance sale liquidacin f. y sale
goods artculos mpl rebajados. y sales
assistant dependiente,-a.
salesclerk [seIlzklAk] n us dependien

salmonella [sQlmnel] n 1 (bacteria)

salmonella. 2 (food poisoning) intoxica
cin f.
saloon [slUn] n 1 us taberna, bar m.
2 (public room) sala; (on ship) saln m.
salt [slt] n (gen) sal f. l o c to be the salt
of the earth ser la sal de la tierra.P adj
P vt 1 (preserve, cure) salar. 2 (season)
echar sal a.
P n pl salts sales fpl.
salted [sltId] adj salado,-a.

salpeter [sltpitr] n us saltpetre.

saltpetre [sltpitr] n salitre m.
salty [sltI] adj salado,-a.

comp saltier, superl saltiest.

[slUt] n mil saludo; (firing of


guns) salva.
P vt mil saludar.

To salute no significa 'saludar (decir

hola)', que se traduce por to say hello.

Salvadorian [sQlvdrIn] adj salva

samba [sQmb] n (dance) samba.
same [seIm] adj 1 (not different) mismo,-a:
the same day el mismo da. 2 (alike)
mismo,-a, igual, idntico,-a: he's wearing the same tie as you lleva una corbata
igual que la tuya. l o c at the same time 1
(simultaneously) a la vez, al mismo tiem
po. 2 (however) sin embargo, aun as.
P pron the same lo mismo: it won't be the
same without you no ser lo mismo sin ti.
P adv the same igual, del mismo mo
salesman [seIlzmn] n 1 (gen) vende
do: they talk the same hablan igual. l o c
dor m; (in shop) dependiente m. 2 (travc o m p all the same a pesar de todo. y it's
elling) representante m.
all the same to me me da igual, me da
pl salesmen [seIlzmn].
lo mismo. y the same as igual que, co
saleswoman [seIlzwUmn] n 1 (gen)
mo. y the same to you igualmente!
vendedora; (in shop) dependienta. 2 Samoa [smU] n Samoa.
(travelling) representante f.
Samoan [smUn] adj samoano,-a.
pl saleswomen [seIlzwImIn].
P n 1 (person) samoano,-a. 2 (language)
saline [seIlaIn] adj salino,-a.
saliva [slaIv] n saliva.
sample [sAmpl] n muestra.
salivary [slaIvrI] adj salival.
P vt probar.
salmon [sQmn] n 1 (fish) salmn m. 2 sanatorium [sQntrIm] n sanatorio.
(colour) color m salmn.
pl sanatoriums o sanatoria [sQn
pl salmon.





sanction [sQNkSn] n sancin f.

P vt

fml sancionar.

sanctuary [sQNktjUrI] n 1 rel (sacred

place) santuario. 2 (gen) refugio, pro

teccin f. 3 (for animals) reserva.
pl sanctuaries.

sand [sQnd] n (gen) arena.

(smooth) lijar (down, -).

P n pl sands (beach) playa f sing; (sandbank) banco m sing de arena.
sandal [sQndl] n sandalia.
sandbank [sQndbQNk] n banco de
sandcastle [sQnkasl] n castillo
de arena.
sander [sQndr] n (machine) lijadora.
sandpaper [sQndpeIpr] n papel m de
P vt lijar.
sandwich [sQnwIdZ] n (French bread)
bocadillo; (sliced bread) sndwich m.
P vt

pl sandwiches.


[ s Q n d I ] adj 1 (beach, etc)

arenoso,-a, de arena. 2 (hair) rubio,-a

comp sandier, superl sandiest.

sane [seIn] adj 1 (person) cuerdo,-a;
(mind) sano,-a. 2 fig (solution, decision, etc)


Sane no significa 'sano (con salud)',

que se traduce por healthy.

sang [sQN] pt sing.

sanitary [sQnItrI] adj 1 (to do with health)

sanitario,-a, de sanidad. 2 (hygienic)

higinico,-a. c o m p sanitary napkin / sani
tary pad / sanitary towel compresa.
sanitation [sQnIteISn] n (public health)
sanidad f (pblica); (hygiene) higiene f.

sank [sQNk] pt sink.

Santa Claus [sQntklz] n Pap m Noel.
sap [sQp] n bot savia.
sapphire [sQfaIr] n zafiro.
sarcasm [sAkQzm] n sarcasmo.
sarcastic [sAkQstIk] adj sarcstico,-a.
sarcophagus [sAkfgs] n sarcfago.

sardine [sAdin] n sardina.

c o m p to be
packed like sardines estar como sar

dinas en lata.

sat [sQt] pt & pp sit.

satanic [stQnIk] adj satnico,-a.
satchel [sQtSl] n cartera (de colegial),
mochila (de colegial).

satellite [sQtlaIt] n satlite m.


satellite dish tv antena parablica. y

satellite television televisin f va sa


satin [sQtIn] n satn m, raso.

P adj

(made of satin) de satn, de raso.

satisfaction [sQtIsfQkSn] n satisfac

cin f.


[sQtIsfQktrI] adj 1

satisfactorio,-a. 2 educ suficiente.

satisfied [sQtIsfaId] adj 1 satisfecho,
-a, complacido,-a, contento,-a. 2
(convinced) convencido,-a.
satisfy [sQtIsfaI] vt 1 (please, make happy) satisfacer, complacer, contentar:
does nothing satisfy you? no hay nada
que te satisfaga? 2 (fulfil) satisfacer. 3
(convince) convencer.
pt & pp satisfied, ger satisfying.

satisfying [sQtIsfaIIN] adj (gen) satisfac

torio,-a; (meal) bueno,-a, delicioso,-a.

satsuma [sQtsum] n mandarina.

saturate [sQtSreIt] vt saturar (with, de).
saturation [sQtSreISn] n saturacin f.
Saturday [sQtdI] n sbado: next Sat-

urday el sbado que viene, el prximo

sbado; on Saturday morning el sbado
por la maana; the following Saturday el

sbado siguiente.

Saturn [sQtn] n Saturno.

sauce [ss] n culin salsa.
saucepan [sspn] n cazo, cacerola.
saucer [ssr] n platillo.
Saudi [saUdI] adj saud, saudita.

n saud mf, saudita mf. c o m p Saudi

Arabia Arabia Saudita.
sauna [sn] n sauna.
sausage [ssIdZ] n salchicha.
saut [sUteI] vt saltear.
pt & pp sauted o sautd, ger saut pl sarcophaguses
o sarcophagi
P adj salteado,-a.



savage [sQvIdZ] adj 1 (ferocious) feroz;

(cruel) cruel; (violent) violento,-a, sal

vaje: a savage attack un ataque duro. 2
pej (primitive) salvaje.
savanna [svQn] n sabana.
save [seIv] vt 1 (gen) salvar (from, de),
rescatar (from, de): you saved my life! me
has salvado la vida! 2 (not spend) ahorrar:
I've saved $200 towards my holidays he aho
rrado 200 dlares para las vacaciones. 3
(keep, put by - food, strength) guardar, re
servar; (- stamps) coleccionar. 4 sp (goal)
parar. 5 comput guardar, archivar.
P vi (not spend) ahorrar (up, -): we're saving up to buy a flat ahorramos para com
prar un departamento.
P n sp parada.
saving [seIvIN] n (of time, money) aho
rro, economa.
P n pl savings ahorros mpl. c o m p sav
ings account cuenta de ahorros.

savor [seIvr] n us savour.

savory [seIvrI] adj us savoury.
savour [seIvr] vt saborear.
savoury [seIvrI] adj 1 (salty) salado,
-a; (tasty) sabroso,-a. 2 (respectable,
wholesome) saludable, sano,-a.
P n entrante m salado, canap m.
saw1 [s] n (tool) sierra, serrucho.
P vt serrar.
P vi serrar, cortar.
pt sawed, pp sawed o sawn [sn].

saw2 [sed] pt see.

sawdust [sdst] n serrn m.
sawn [sn] pp saw1.
saxophone [sQksfUn] n saxofn m.
saxophonist [sQksfnIst] n saxofo
nista mf, saxo mf.

say [seI] vt 1 (gen) decir: what did he say?

qu dijo?, qu ha dicho? 2 (prayer) re

zar; (poem, lines) recitar. 3 (think) pensar,
opinar, decir: I say we keep looking creo
que deberamos seguir buscando. 5 (suppose) suponer, poner, decir: come round
at, say, 8.00 pm psate hacia las 8.00, te
parece? l o c it is said that ... dicen que
..., se dice que .... y not to say ... por no
decir .... y that is to say es decir.

scab [skQb] n med costra, postilla.

scabies [skeIbiz] n med sarna.
scaffold [skQfUld] n 1 (framework) an

damio. 2 (for execution) patbulo, ca

scaffolding [skQfldIN] n andamiaje m.
scald [skld] n escaldadura.
P vt escaldar.
scale1 [skeIl] n 1 (of fish, reptile) escama.
2 (on skin) escama.
scale2 [skeIl] n 1 (measure) escala: a metric scale una escala mtrica. 2 (size,
amount) escala, magnitud f. 3 mus es
cala. l o c on a large scale a gran esca
la. c o m p scale model maqueta.
scale3 [skeIl] n (pan) platillo.
P vi sp (weigh) pesar.
P n pl scales (for weighing in shop, kitchen)
balanza; (bathroom, large weights) bscula.
scallop [sklp] n (mollusc) vieira, con
cha de peregrino.
scalp [skQlp] n anat cuero cabelludo.
scalpel [skQlpl] n 1 (surgeon's) bistur
m; (for dissecting) escalpelo. 2 (tool) esco
plo, gubia.
scamper [skQmpr] vi corretear.
scampi [skQmpI] n colas fpl de cigala
scan [skQn] vt 1 (examine) escrutar, es
cudriar. 2 (glance at) echar un vista
zo a. 3 tech (with radar) explorar. 4
med, inform escanear.
pt & pp scanned, ger scanning.
P n 1 tech (with radar) exploracin f. 2
med (gen) exploracin f ultrasnica;

(in gynaecology, etc) ecografa.

scandal [skQndl] n 1 (outrage) escn

dalo; (disgrace) vergenza. 2 (gossip)

Scandal no significa 'escndalo (al

boroto)', que se traduce por racket.

scandalous [skQndls] adj escanda


Scandalous no significa 'escandalo

so (ruidoso)', que se traduce por noisy.

scanner [skQnr] n 1 tech (radar) antena

direccional. 2 med, inform escner m.
pt & pp said [sed].
saying [seIIN] n dicho, decir m.
scapula [skQpjUl] n anat escpula.



scar [skA ] n 1 cicatriz f. 2 fig marca,


seal f.

scarce [skes] adj (not plentiful) escaso,-a.

scarcely [skeslI] adv 1 (hardly) ape

nas: I scarcely know them apenas los co

nozco. 2 (surely not) ni mucho menos.
scare [sker] n 1 (fright) susto: what a
scare you gave me! vaya susto me has da
do! 2 (widespread alarm) alarma, pnico.
P vt asustar, espantar: did I scare you?
te he asustado?
P vi asustarse, espantarse.
scarecrow [skekrU] n espantapja
ros m.
scared [sked] adj asustado,-a, espan
tado,-a. l o c to be scared tener miedo
(of, a/de): I'm scared of spiders tengo mie
do a las araas, las araas me dan miedo.
scarf [skAf] n (small) pauelo; (silk) fu
lar m; (long, woollen) bufanda.
pl scarfs o scarves [skAvz].

scarlet [skAlt] adj escarlata.


escarlata m.


[skerI] adj fam (situation, etc)

espantoso,-a; (film, story) de miedo,

de terror.

comp scarier, superl scariest.

scatter [skQtr] vt 1 (crowd, birds) dis
persar. 2 (papers, cushions, etc) esparcir,

desparramar; (money) derrochar.

P vi dispersarse.
scenario [sInArIU] n 1 (of film) guion
m; (in theatre) argumento. 2 (situation)
(posible) situacin f, panorama m.
pl scenarios.

Scenario no significa 'escenario', que

se traduce por stage.

scene [sin] n 1 (place) lugar m, escena

sceptical [skeptIkl] adj escptico,-a.

sceptre [septr] n cetro.
schedule [SedjUl, US skedjUl] n 1 (pro-

gramme) programa m: a work schedule

un programa de trabajo. 2 (list - gen) lis
ta. 3 us (timetable) horario. l o c on
schedule 1 (flight) a la hora (prevista).
2 (work) al da. y to be ahead of sched
ule ir adelantado,-a. y to be behind
schedule ir retrasado,-a.
P vt programar, fijar.
schematic [skimQtIk] adj esquemti
scheme [skim] n 1 (plan) plan m; (project) proyecto. 2 (system, order) sistema
m, orden m; (arrangement) disposicin
f, combinacin f: a colour scheme una
combinacin de colores. 3 (plot) com
plot m, conspiracin f.
P vi (plot) conspirar, intrigar, confa
P vt (plan deviously) tramar, maquinar.

Scheme no significa 'esquema (resu

men)', que se traduce por outline.

schism [skIzm] n cisma m.

schizophrenia [skItsUfrinI] n es


[skItsUfrenIk] adj


scholar [sklr] n 1 (learned person) eru

dito,-a; (specialist) especialista mf: Latin

scholar latinista. 2 (scholarship holder) be
cario,-a. 3 (good learner) estudiante mf.

Scholar no significa 'escolar (alum

no)', que se traduce por school pupil.

scholarship [sklSIp] n 1 (grant, award)

beca. 2 (learning) erudicin f.

rio; (sight, picture) escena. 2 (in play, school1 [skUl] n 1 (gen) escuela, cole
book) escena. 3 (stage setting) decorado,
gio: what are you going to do when you
leave school? qu hars cuando dejes el
scenery [sinrI] n 1 (landscape) paisaje
colegio? 2 (lessons) clase f: let's meet after
m. 2 theat (on stage) decorado.
school quedemos despus de clase. 3
scent [sent] n 1 (gen) olor m; (pleasant
(university department) facultad f. 4 (group
smell) aroma m. 2 (perfume) perfume m.
of artists, etc) escuela: the Dutch school of
3 (track, trail) pista, rastro.
painting la escuela pictrica holandesa.
P vt 1 (animal) olfatear. 2 fig (suspect) in
c o m p school age edad f escolar.
(with, de).
tuir. 3 (perfume) perfumar
P vt 1 (teach) ensear; (train) educar,
formar. 2 (discipline) disciplinar.
scepter [septr] n us sceptre.


[skUl] n (of fish) banco, cardu

men de peces.

schoolbook [skUlbUk] n libro de texto.

schoolboy [skUlbI] n alumno, esco
lar m.

schoolchild [skUltSaIld] n alumno,-a,

escolar mf.
pl schoolchildren [skultSIldrn].
schoolgirl [skUlgl] n alumna, esco
lar f.
school-leaver [skUllivr] n alumno,-a
que est a punto de dejar la escuela.
schoolteacher [skUltitSr] n (second-

sivo. 2 (in exam, test) sacar, obtener,

conseguir. 3 (give points to) dar, pun
tuar: this question scores 10 points esta
pregunta vale 10 puntos.
P vi sp (gen) marcar (un tanto); (goal)
marcar (un gol); (point) puntuar, con
seguir puntos.
scoreboard [skbd] n marcador m.
scorer [skrr] n 1 (scorekeeper) encar
gado,-a del marcador. 2 (goal striker)
scorn [skn] n desdn m, desprecio.
P vt desdear, despreciar, menospreciar.
Scorpio [skpIU] n Escorpin mf.
scorpion [skpIn] n escorpin m,
alacrn m.
Scot [skt] n escocs,-esa.
Scotland [sktlnd] n Escocia.
Scottish [sktIS] adj escocs,-esa.
scourer [skaUrr] n estropajo.
scout [skaUt] n 1 mil (person) explora
dor,-ra; (plane) avin m de reconoci
miento. 2 (boy) scout m.
scowl [skaUl] vi fruncir el ceo.
P n ceo (fruncido).
scrabble [skrQbl] vi (among stones, etc)
escarbar; (in bag, etc) hurgar; (on floor,
etc) rebuscar.
scramble [skrQmbl] vi trepar (over,
por) (up, a), subir gateando. (clamber)
moverse rpidamente.
P vt 1 (mix, jumble) revolver, mezclar. 2
(eggs) revolver.

ary school) profesor,-ra; (primary school)

science [saIns] n 1 (gen) ciencia. 2
(subject) ciencias fpl. c o m p science fic
tion ciencia ficcin.
scientific [saIntIfIk] adj cientfico,-a.
scientist [saIntIst] n cientfico,-a.
scissors [sIzz] n pl tijeras fpl. c o m p a
pair of scissors unas tijeras.
scold [skUld] vt reir, regaar.
scone [skUn, skn] n culin bollo (que se
suele comer con mantequilla, mermelada, nata, etc).
scoop [skUp] n 1 (for flour, rice, etc) pala; (for
ice-cream) cucharn m. 2 (amount) palada,
cucharada. 3 (news story) primicia.
P vt 1 (take out) sacar con una pala. 2
(beat rival) vencer, pisar; (get news first)
dar la primicia. 3 (win) ganar; (make
profit) forrarse.
scooter [skUtr] n (child's) patinete m,
patineta; (motorized) escter m, Vespa. scrambled eggs [skrAmbleld egz] n
pl huevos revueltos.
scope [skUp] n alcance m: that is beyond
the scope of this report eso queda fuera del scrap [skrQp] n 1 (of paper, cloth, etc) tro
zo, pedazo; (of news, conversation) frag
alcance de este informe.
mento, migaja. 2 (of metal) chatarra. 3
scorch [sktS] vt 1 (singe) chamuscar,.
(in negatives) pizca, pice m.
2 (burn) quemar, abrasar.
P vt 1 (throw away) desechar; (cars, etc)
P vi 1 (singe) chamuscarse. 2 gb fam
desguazar. 2 fig (idea) descartar; (plan)
(travel fast) ir a toda velocidad.
score [skr] n 1 sp (gen) tanteo; (in golf,
pt & pp scrapped, ger scrapping.
cards) puntuacin f: what's the score?
P n pl scraps (gen) restos mpl.
cmo van? 2 (in exam, test) nota, califi
cacin f. 3 mus (written version) partitu scrapbook [skrQpbUk] n lbum m de
ra; (of film, play, etc) msica.
P vt 1 sp (goal) marcar, hacer, meter;
scrape [skreIp] vt 1 (surface, paint, etc) ras
(point) ganar; (run)
hacer, realizar: he
par (away/off, -), rascar (away/off, -): he
scraped the paint off the door rasp la pintura
scored the winning goal marc el gol deci


de la puerta. 2 (graze skin) araarse. 3 (rub

against) rozar, raspar, rascar.
P vi 1 (grate) chirriar. 2 (rub against) ras
par, rozar. 3 (economize) hacer econo
mas, ahorrar.
scratch [skrQtS] n araazo, rasguo:
there's a scratch on this record este disco
est rayado.
P adj 1 (improvised) improvisado,-a.
comp scratchier, superl scratchiest.
P vt 1 (with nail, claw) araar, rasguar;
(paintwork, furniture, record) rayar. 2 (part
of body) rascar: she scratched her leg se


swindle) timar; (overcharge) clavar; (get

money out of) sacar.
P vi (turn, tighten) atornillarse, enros
screwdriver [skrUdraIvr] n (tool) des
tornillador m.
scribble [skrIbl] n garabato, garaba
tos mpl.
P vt garabatear, garrapatear.
scribe [skraIb] n 1 (copier) escribiente
mf, amanuense mf. 2 (in Biblical times)
escriba m.
script [skrIpt] n 1 (of film, etc) guion m. 2
(writing) escritura; (text) texto; (handwriting) letra.
scroll [skrUl] n comput barra de des
a to scroll down vi comput desplazar
se hacia abajo.
a to scroll up vi comput desplazarse
hacia arriba.
scrooge [skrUdZ] n fam pej tacao,-a.
scrotum [skrUtm] n anat escroto.

rasc la pierna.
vi 1 (animal) araar, rascar, rasgu
ar; (pen) raspear; (wool, sweater, towel)
raspar, picar. 2 (itch) rascarse.
scream [skrim] n 1 (of pain, fear) grito,
chillido, alarido; (of laughter) carcajada.
2 fig (screech) chirrido. 3 fam (funny person) persona divertida; (funny thing) cosa
divertida: your cousin's a scream tu primo
es la monda, tu primo es divertidsimo.
P vi 1 (gen) gritar, chillar,; (wind, siren,
pl scrotums o scrota [skrUt].
etc) aullar: she screamed for help pidi so
[skraUndZ] vi fam gorrear
corro a gritos; he was screaming with
(from/off, a), vivir de gorra.
laughter se mondaba de risa, se troncha
P vt (gen) gorrear (from/off, a), gorro
ba de risa. 2 fig (need) pedir (a gritos),
near (from/off, a): he scrounges fags off
clamar (a gritos).
his friends gorronea pitillos a los amigos.
screech [skritS] n (of person) grito, ala
rido, chillido; (of tyres, brakes, birds, etc) scrub 2 [skrb] n (undergrowth) maleza.
chirrido; (of siren) aullido. c o m p scrub [skrb] vt 1 (clean) fregar bien,
restregar. 2 fam (cancel) cancelar.
screech owl lechuza.
pt & pp scrubbed, ger scrubbing.
P vt gritar, decir a gritos, chillar.
scruffy [skrfI] adj desaliado,-a.
P vi (person) chillar; (tyres, brakes, bird, etc)
comp scruffier, superl scruffiest.
chirriar; (siren) aullar; (gate) rechinar.
screen [skrin] n 1 (partition) biombo, scrupulous [skrUpjUls] adj (meticulous)
mampara. 2 (for window) mosquitera.
3 (protection, cover) cortina, pantalla. 4 scrutinize [skrUtInaIz] vt escudriar.
scrutiny [skrUtInI] n 1 (examination)
(of TV, for projection) pantalla.
P n the screen la pantalla, el cine.
examen m profundo. 2 gb (of votes) es
crutinio. l o c to be under scrutiny ser
screenplay [skrinpleI] n guion m.
screensaver [skrinseIv r] n salva
scuba [skjUb] n equipo de submari
pantallas m.
nismo. c o m p scuba diving submari
screw [skrU] n 1 (metal pin) tornillo. 2
nismo, buceo con botellas de ox
(propeller) hlice f. 3 (turn) vuelta.
P vt 1 (fasten with screws) atornillar;
(tighten) enroscar, apretar: screw the two sculptor [sklptr] n escultor,-ra.
dos piezas con sculpture [sklptSr] n escultura.
pieces together une las
P vt esculpir (in, en).
tornillos. 2 (crumple) arrugar. 3 (cheat,



scythe [saID] n guadaa.

sea [si] n 1 mar m & f: we love swimming

in the sea nos encanta nadar en el mar. 2

fig mar m, multitud f: a sea of faces un
mar de caras. l o c at sea en el mar. y by
sea por mar, en barco. y by the sea a
orillas del mar. y out to sea mar
adentro. y to go by sea ir en barco.
c o m p sea bird ave f marina. y sea lion
len marino. y sea mile milla mari
na. y sea wall dique m, rompeolas m.
P adj martimo,-a, de mar.
seabed [sibed] n fondo marino.
seafood [sifUd] n marisco, mariscos mpl.
seagull [sigl] n gaviota.
seahorse [sihs] n caballito de mar,
seal1 [sil] n zool foca.
seal2 [sil] n 1 (official stamp) sello: wax
seal sello de lacre. 2 (on letter) sello; (on
bottle, etc) precinto.
seam [sim] n 1 sew costura. 2 geol (of
mineral) veta, filn m: coal seam veta de
seaman [simn] n marinero, marino.

pl seamen [simn].

search [stS] n (gen) bsqueda (for, de);

temporada de fresas. y to go in season ir

en temporada alta. y to go off/out of
season ir en temporada baja.
P vt 1 (food) sazonar (with, con), con
dimentar (with, con).
seasonal [siznl] adj estacional.
seasoning [siznIN] n culin condi
seat [sit] n 1 (chair - gen) asiento; (- in
cinema, theatre) butaca: I'd like a window
seat quisiera un asiento al lado de la
ventanilla. 2 (place) plaza; (at theatre, opera, stadium) localidad f. 3 pol (in parliament) escao. l o c to take a seat sen
tarse, tomar asiento. c o m p seat belt
cinturn m de seguridad.
P vt 1 (sit) sentar. 2 (accommodate) tener
sitio para; (theatre, hall, etc) tener cabi
da para. l o c please be seated sinte
se/sintense por favor. y to seat os
seaweed [siwid] n alga (marina).
second1 [seknd] n 1 (time) segundo:
Powell's time was 9.77 seconds Powell hizo
un tiempo de 9,77 segundos. 2 fam mo
mento, momentito: I'll be back in a second enseguida vuelvo. c o m p second hand
(of watch) segundero. y second name
second2 [seknd] adj (gen) segundo,-a;
(another) otro,-a: it's the second largest city
in England es la segunda ciudad ms
grande de Inglaterra. l o c to have sec
ond helpings repetir. y to have second
thoughts (about sth) entrarle dudas a
uno (sobre algo), cambiar de idea
(sobre algo). c o m p second floor 1 gb
primer piso. 2 us segundo piso. y
second name apellido.
P pron segundo,-a.
P n 1 (in series) segundo,-a. 2 gb (degree)
notable m.
P adv segundo, en segundo lugar: he
came second lleg segundo, qued en se
gundo lugar.

(of building) registro; (of person) registro.

l o c in search of en busca de. l o c search
warrant orden f de registro.
P vt (gen) buscar (for, -); (building, suitcase, etc) registrar; (person) registrar,
revisar: they searched the house for clues
registraron la casa buscando pistas.
P vi (gen) buscar ( through , entre);
(pockets) registrar.
seashell [siSel] n concha (de mar).
seashore [siSr] n (coast) orilla del mar.
seasick [sisIk] adj mareado,-a.
seasickness [sisIkns] n mareo.
seaside [sisaId] n playa, costa. l o c
c o m p seaside resort lugar m de vera
neo en la costa.
season [sizn] n (of year) estacin f;
. Consulta tambin sixth.
(time) poca; (for sport, theatre, social activity)
temporada: the tourist season la tempo secondary [sekndrI] adj secunda
rada turstica. l o c to be in season 1 (fresh
rio,-a. c o m p secondary school colegio
2 (game) ser tem
food) estar en sazn.
de enseanza secundaria, instituto
de bachillerato .
porada de: strawberries are in season es



second-class [sekndklAs] adj de se

gunda (clase).

second-degree [seknddIgri] adj med

de segundo grado. c o m p second-de

gree burns quemaduras fpl de segun
do grado.
second-hand [sekndhQnd] adj 1 (used,
not new) de segunda mano, usado,-a,
viejo,-a: we bought a second-hand car
compramos un coche de segunda mano.
P adv 1 (buy) de segunda mano. 2
(learn, find out) por terceros.
secret [sikrt] adj (gen) secreto,-a: this
is my secret hiding-place ste es mi escon
dite secreto.
P n 1 (gen) secreto; (something confided) se
creto, confidencia. 2 (method, key) secre
to, clave f. l o c in secret en secreto. y to
keep a secret guardar un secreto.
secretary [sekrtrI] n 1 secretario,a. 2 (non-elected official) ministro,-a;
(representative below ambassador)
ministro,-a plenipotenciario,-a.
pl secretaries.

secrete [sIkrit] vt 1 (emit liquid) secre


[sIkjUrtI] n 1 (safety, confidence) seguridad f. 2 (protection) seguri

dad f. c o m p security guard guarda mf
de seguridad. y security service servi
cio de seguridad. y security van fur
goneta blindada.

pl securities.

sedan [sIdQn] n us (car) berlina.

sedate [sIdeIt] vt med sedar.
sedative [sedtIv] n sedante m, cal
mante m.
P adj sedante.


[sedntrI] adj sedenta

sediment [sedImnt] n sedimento.

sedimentary [sedImentrI] adj sedi

sedimentation [sedImenteISn] n se
dimentacin f.

seduction [sIdkSn] n (sexual) seduc

cin f.

see [si] vt 1 (gen) ver: you can see the sea

from here desde aqu se ve el mar; see page

123 vase la pgina 123. 2 (meet, visit) ver;

(receive) ver, atender; (go out with) salir

con: I'm seeing Pat on Friday he quedado
con Pat el viernes. 3 (understand) com
prender, entender, ver: I can see your
point entiendo tu punto de vista. 4 (visualize, imagine) imaginarse, ver; (envisage)
creer: I can't see him working in a factory no
me lo imagino trabajando en una fbrica.
5 (find out, discover) ver; (learn) or, leer: I'll
see what I can do ver lo que puedo hacer.
6 (ensure, check) asegurarse de, procu
rar: see that you arrive on time procura lle
, Secular no significa 'secular (anti
gar a la hora. 7 (accompany) acompaar:
guo)', que se traduce por ancient.
he saw me home me acompa a casa.
P vi 1 (gen) ver: she can't see without her
secure [sIkjUr] adj 1 (job, income, etc)
glasses no ve sin las gafas. 2 (find out, disseguro,-a; (relationship, etc) estable. 2
cover) ver: we'll have to see ya veremos. 3
(ladder, shelf, foothold) firme; (stronghold)
(understand) entender, ver: oh, I see ah, ya
seguro,-a; (base, foundation) slido,-a.
veo. l o c I'll be seeing you! hasta luego!
P vt 1 (make safe) asegurar; (protect) pro
y let me see/let's see a ver, vamos a
teger (from, de), (against, contra). 2
ver. y seeing is believing ver para creer.
(fasten) cerrar bien. 3 (obtain) obtener,
y see you around ya nos veremos. y see
you later/soon/Monday! hasta luego/
, Secure no significa 'seguro', que se
pronto/el lunes! y you see 1 (in explanatraduce por sure.
tions) vers. 2 (in questions) sabes?, ves?
securely [sIkjUlI] adv bien.
pt saw [s], pp seen [sin], ger seeing.

tar, segregar. 2 fml (hide) ocultar, es

secretion [sIkriSn] n (of liquid) secre
cin f.
secretly [sikrtlI] adv en secreto.
sect [sekt] n secta.
section [sekSn] n seccin f.
sector [sekt] n (gen) sector m.
secular [sekjUl r] adj (education) lai
co,-a; (art, music) profano,-a.



seed [sid] n bot (gen) semilla; (of fruit)

pepita: sunflower seeds pipas.
P vt 1 (plant seeds) sembrar (with, de).
2 (remove seed) despepitar.
seek [sik] vt 1 (look for, try to obtain) bus
car: the homeless seek food and shelter la
gente sin techo busca comida y aloja
miento. 2 (ask for) pedir, solicitar. 3
(attempt, try) tratar de, intentar.
P vi (look for, try to obtain) buscar (after/
for, -), ir en busca de.
pt & pp sought [st].

seem [sim] vi (appear) parecer: she seems

nice parece maja; it seems like there's going to

be a storm parece que va a haber una tor
menta. l o c so it seems eso parece.
seemingly [simINlI] adv 1 (used with
adjective) aparentemente. 2 (used sepa-

rately) al parecer, segn parece.

seen [sin] pp see.

seep [sip] vi filtrarse.
seesaw [sis] n (for children) balancn
m, subibaja m.

see-through [siTrU] adj transparente.

segment [segmnt] n (gen) segmento;
(of orange) gajo.

seize [siz] vt 1 (grab) asir, agarrar, coger:

he seized my arm me agarr del brazo. 2

(opportunity) aprovechar. 3 (take control of)
tomar, apoderarse de. 4 (person - arrest)

detener; (- take hostage) secuestrar. l o c

to be seized with sth (pain, fear, panic, etc)
apoderarse algo de uno.
seldom [seldm] adv raramente, po
cas veces: we seldom eat out pocas veces
comemos fuera.
select [sIlekt] vt (thing) escoger, elegir;
(team, player, candidate) seleccionar.
P adj selecto,-a, escogido,-a.
selection [sIlekSn] n 1 (people or things
chosen) seleccin f; (choosing) eleccin f.
2 (range to choose from) surtido, gama.
selective [sIlektIv] adj selectivo,-a.
self [self] n 1 ser m, uno,-a mismo,-a,
s mismo,-a: he was his usual self again
volvi a ser l mismo. 2 (in psychology)
yo: my other self mi otro yo.
pl selves.


self-catering [selfkeItrIN] adj sin ser

vicio de comidas.

self-confident [selfknfIdnt] adj se

guro,-a de s mismo,-a.

self-control [selfkntrUl] n dominio

de s mismo,-a, autocontrol m.
[selfdIfens] n defensa
personal, autodefensa. l o c to act in
self-defence actuar en defensa pro
self-employed [selfImplId] adj aut
nom o,-a, que trabaja por cuenta
self-esteem [selfIstim] n amor m


self-government [selfgvnmnt] n
autonoma, autogobierno.

self-help [selfhelp] n autoayuda.

selfish [selfIS] adj egosta.
selfishness [selfISns] n egosmo.
self-made [selfmeId] adj (man, woman)

que ha llegado donde est por sus

propios esfuerzos, que se ha hecho
a s mismo,-a .
self-portrait [selfptreIt] n autorre
self-respect [selfrIspekt] n amor m
propio, dignidad f.
self-service [selfsvIs] adj de auto
P n autoservicio.
self-sufficient [selfsfISnt] adj auto
sell [sel] vt 1 (gen) vender: he sold his bike
to his neighbour vendi la bici a su veci
no. 2 fam (convince) convencer de.
P vi (product) venderse: these plants sell
at a pound each estas plantas se venden a
una libra cada una. l o c to be sold out
estar agotado,-a.
a to sell off vt sep liquidar.
a to sell out vi 1 (be disloyal) claudicar,
venderse. 2 comm (sell all of) agotarse
(of, -), acabarse (of, -).
P vt sep comm (sell all of) agotar, agotar
las existencias de.

pt & pp sold [sUld].

adj au sell-by date [selbaIdeIt] n fecha lmi

toadhesivo,-a, autoadherente.

te de venta, fecha de caducidad.



seller [sel ] n (person) vendedor,-ra.

Sellotape [selteIp] n celo.
sell-out [selaUt] n 1 (performance) xito

de taquilla. 2 fam (betrayal) traicin f,

semantic [sImQntIk] adj semntico,-a.
semen [simn] n semen m.
semester [sImestr] n semestre m.

semiautomatic [semItmQtIk] adj


semicircle [semIskl] n semicrculo.

semicolon [semIkUln] n punto y
coma m.

semidetached [semIdItQtSt] adj pa

(house) casa pareada.
semifinal [semIfaInl] n semifinal f.
semifinalist [semIfaInlIst] n semifi
nalista mf.
seminal [semInl] adj seminal.
semiskimmed [semIskImd] adj semi
desnatado,-a, semidescremado,-a.
semolina [semlin] n smola.
senate [sent] n pol senado.
senator [sentr] n senador,-ra.
send [send] vt 1 (gen) enviar, mandar;
(telex, telegram) enviar, poner; (radio signal, radio message) transmitir, emitir: he
sent me some flowers me mand flores. 2
(order to go) mandar, enviar: the doctor
sent me to a specialist el mdico me man
d a un especialista. 3 (cause to become)
volver, hacer: the noise sent her mad el
ruido la volvi loca.
P vi (send a message) avisar.
a to send away vt sep despachar.
a to send back vt sep 1 (goods, etc) de
volver. 2 (person) hacer volver.
a to send for vt insep 1 (person) llamar a,
hacer llamar a. 2 (thing) pedir, encargar.
a to send in vt sep (application, request)
mandar, enviar.

pt & pp sent [sent].

sender [sendr] n remitente mf.

Senegal [senIgl] n Senegal.
Senegalese [senIgliz] adj senega

senile [sinaIl] adj senil.

senior [sinIr] adj 1 (in age) mayor: he's

five years senior to me es cinco aos ma

yor que yo. 2 (in rank) superior; (with

longer service) ms antiguo,-a, de ma

yor antigedad. c o m p senior citizen
P n 1 (in age) mayor mf; (in rank) supe
rior fm. 2 gb (pupil) mayor mf. 3 us es
tudiante mf del ltimo curso.

To accord no significa 'acordar', que

se traduce por to agree.


[senseISn] n (gen) sensa

cin f; (ability to feel) sensibilidad f.
sensational [senseISnl] adj 1 fam
(wonderful) sensacional. 2 (exaggerated)


[senseISnlIst] adj

sense [sens] n 1 (faculty) sentido: sense
of smell sentido del olfato. 2 (feeling - of
well-being, loss) sensacin f; (awareness,
appreciation - of justice, duty) sentido. 3
(wisdom, judgement) sentido comn.
4 (meaning - gen) sentido; (- of word) sig
nificado, acepcin f: in every sense of
the word en todos los sentidos. l o c in a
sense hasta cierto punto, en cierto
sentido. y in no sense de ninguna
manera. y to make sense 1 (have clear
meaning) tener sentido. 2 (be sensible)
ser razonable, ser sensato,-a. y to
talk sense hablar con juicio. c o m p
sense of humour sentido del humor.
senseless [sensls] adj 1 (unconscious) in
consciente. 2 (foolish, pointless)
absurdo,-a, sin sentido, insensato,-a.
sensibility [sensIbIltI] n sensibilidad f.
P n pl sensibilities susceptibilidad f sing.
sensible [sensIbl] adj 1 (person)
sensato,-a; (behaviour, decision) razona
ble, prudente; (choice) acertado,-a. 2
(clothes) cmodo,-a.

Sensible no significa 'sensible', que

se traduce por sensitive.

sensitive [sensItIv] adj 1 (person - percepls,-esa.

tive) sensible (to, a), consciente (to, de).
P n pl the Senegalese los senegaleses mpl.
2 (person - touchy) susceptible (to, a),



preocupado,-a (about, por). 3 (teeth, paper, instrument, film) sensible (to,-a).

sensitivity [sensItIvtI] n 1 (gen) sen
sibilidad f (to, a/frente a). 2 (touchiness) susceptibilidad f (to, a). 3 (of skin,
issue) delicadeza.
sensor [sensr] n tech sensor m, de
tector m.

sent [sent] pt & pp send.

sentence [sentns] n 1 (gen) frase f; (in
grammar) oracin f. 2 jur sentencia, fallo.
P vt jur condenar.

Sentence no significa 'sentencia

(mxima)', que se traduce por saying.

sentimental [sentImentl] adj senti


sentry [sentrI] n centinela m.

pl sentries.

sepal [sepl] n bot spalo.

separate [(vb) sepreIt; (adj) seprt] vt

separar (from, de).

P vi 1 (gen) separarse.
P adj 1 (apart) separado,-a: keep the
sheep separate from the goats mantn a las
ovejas separadas de las cabras. 2 (not
shared) separado,-a, individual: we had
separate rooms cada uno tena su habita
cin. 3 (different) distinto,-a, diferente.
separately [seprtlI] adv por separa
do, aparte.
separation [sepreISn] n separacin f.
sepia [sipI] adj sepia.
September [sptembr] n septiem
bre m, setiembre m.

Serbia [sbI] n Serbia.

Serbian [sbIn] n 1 (person) serbio,
-a. 2 (dialect) serbio.
serf [sf] n siervo,-a.
P adj

sergeant [sAdZnt] n 1 mil sargento

mf. 2 (of police) cabo mf.
[sIrIl] adj 1 consecutivo,-a,
en serie. 2 (in parts) seriado,-a, en ca


(gen) serie f, serial m.
series [sIriz] n (gen) serie f, sucesin
f. l o c in series tech en serie.

pl series.


[sIrIs] adj 1 (solemn, earnest)

serio,-a: you can't be serious! no lo dices
en serio! 2 (causing concern, severe) grave,
serio,-a: no serious damage was caused
no hubo daos importantes.
seriously [sIrIslI] adv 1 (in earnest) en
serio. 2 (severely) seriamente, grave
seriousness [sIrIsns] n 1 (severity)
seriedad f. 2 (earnestness, solemnity) se
riedad f . l o c in all seriousness ha
blando (muy) en serio.
sermon [smn] n sermn m.
serum [sIrm] n med suero.

pl serums o sera [sIr].

servant [svnt] n sirviente mf.

serve [sv] vt 1 (work for) servir (as,

de). 2 (customer) servir: dinner is served at

8.00 pm se sirve la cena a les 8.00. 3 (be
useful to) servir, ser til: it serves many
different purposes sirve para varias cosas.
4 (provide with service) prestar servicio
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta May.
a: the new hospital will serve the whole reseptic [septIk] adj sptico,-a.
gion el nuevo hospital prestar servicio a
septum [septm] n anat septo.
toda la regin.
pl septa [sept].
P vi 1 (work for) servir: my father served in
sepulcher [seplkr] n us sepulchre.
the army mi padre sirvi en el ejrcito. 2
sepulchre [seplk ] n sepulcro.
(in shop) atender; (food, drink) servir.
sequel [sikwl] n 1 (result, consequence) se
3 (be useful to) servir (as, de): this will serve
cuela. 2 (book, film, etc) segunda parte f.
as an example esto servir de ejemplo.
P n (tennis) saque m.
sequence [sikwns] n secuencia, or
den m.
server [svr] n (computer) servidor m.
sequoia [sIkwI] n secoya, secuoya. service [svIs] n 1 (gen) servicio. 2
(maintenance of car, machine) revisin f. 3
Serb [sb] n (person)
P adj serbio,-a.
rel oficio. 4 (tennis) saque m, servicio.



(for use of workers) de servicio: service entrance entrada de servicio. c o m p

service area rea de servicio. y service
charge 1 (on bill) servicio. 2 (in banking)
comisin f. y service station estacin f
P adj

de servicio.

P n pl services

(work, act, help) servicios mpl.

serviette [svIet] n gb servilleta.

sesame [sesmI] n bot ssamo, ajon
jol m.


[seSn] n 1 (gen) sesin f. 2

(term) trimestre m.
set [set] n 1 (of golf clubs, brushes, tools, etc)
juego; (books, poems) coleccin f; (of turbines) equipo, grupo: chess set juego de
ajedrez; set of dishes vajilla. 2 elec (apparatus) aparato: they bought a TV set com
praron un televisor. 3 math conjunto. 4
sp (tennis) set m.
set2 [set] n 1 (in hairdressing) marcado. 2
(scenery) decorado; (place of filming) pla
t m. 3 (position, posture) postura. c o m p
set square cartabn m, escuadra.
P vt 1 (put, place) poner, colocar. 2 (prepare - trap) tender, preparar; (- table)
poner; (- camera, video) preparar; (- clock,
watch, oven, etc) poner: set the table for dinner pon la mesa para la cena. 3 (date, time)
fijar, sealar, acordar: have you set a
date for the wedding? has fijado una fecha
para la boda? 4 (price) fijar; (value) poner.
5 (exam, test, problem) poner; (homework)
mandar, poner. 6 (story, action) ambien
tar: the novel is set in Madrid la novela est
ambientada en Madrid.
a to set off vi (begin journey) salir.
P vt sep 1 (bomb) hacer estallar; (alarm)
hacer sonar; (firework) lanzar, tirar. 2
(cause, start) provocar.

pt & pp set.
a to set up vt sep 1 (business) establecer,
montar. 2 (machine) instalar.
setback [setbQk] n revs m, contra


settee [seti] n sof m.

settle1 [setl] vt 1 (establish) instalar, co

lem, dispute) resolver, solucionar; (- differences) resolver, arreglar; (- score) arre

glar, ajustar: we need to settle an argument
tenemos que resolver una discusin. 4
(calm - nerves) calmar; (- stomach) asentar.
P vi 1 (make one's home in) establecerse,
instalarse. 2 (make os comfortable) po
nerse cmodo,-a (into, en). 3 (bird, fly,
etc) posarse. 4 (sediment, dregs) precipi
tarse. 5 (calm down) calmarse. 6 (pay)
pagar, saldar la deuda.
a to settle down vi 1 (establish a home)
instalarse, afincarse, establecerse;
(lead settled way of life) empezar a llevar
una vida asentada. 2 (calm down) cal
marse, tranquilizarse. 3 (get comfortable) ponerse cmodo,-a.
a to settle in vi 1 (get used to) acostum
brarse, adaptarse. 2 (move in) instalarse.
settle2 [setl] n (wooden bench) banco.
settlement [setlmnt] n 1 (village)
poblado, pueblo, asentamiento;
(colony) colonia. 2 (agreement) acuerdo,
setup [setp] n 1 (arrangement, organization) sistema m , situacin f . 2 fam
(trick) montaje m.
seven [sevn] adj siete.
P n siete m.
. Consulta tambin six.

seventeen [sevntin] adj diecisiete.


diecisiete m.

. Consulta tambin six.

seventeenth [sevntinT] adj decimo

P adv en decimosptimo lugar.
P n 1 (in series) decimosptimo,-a. 2
(fraction) decimosptimo; (one part) de
cimosptima parte f.
. Consulta tambin sixth.

seventh [sevnT] adj sptimo,-a.

P adv

en sptimo lugar.

n 1 (in series) sptimo,-a. 2 (fraction)

sptimo; (one part) sptima parte f.

locar; (make comfortable) poner

. Consulta tambin sixth.
cmodo,-a he settled himself on the sofa se
[sevntIT] adj septuag
puso cmodo en el sof.
acordar, decidir, fijar. 3 (sort out - probsimo,-a.

P adv


en septuagsimo lugar.

n 1 (in series) septuagsimo,-a. 2

(fraction) septuagsimo; (one part) sep

tuagsima parte f.
. Consulta tambin sixtieth.

seventy [sevntI] adj setenta.


setenta m.

. Consulta tambin sixty.

several [sevrl] adj (some) varios,-as:

we've been there several times hemos ido

varias veces.
P pron (some) varios,-as.
severe [sIvIr] adj 1 (person, punishment,
treatment) severo,-a. 2 (pain) agudo,-a;
(injury, illness, damage) grave, serio,-a.
severity [sIvertI] n 1 (of person, punishment, criticism) severidad f. 2 (of pain)
agudeza, intensidad f; (of illness, wound)
gravedad f.
sew [sU] vt coser (onto, a).
P vi coser.
a to sew up vt sep 1 (hole, tear, etc) coser;
(mend) remendar. 2 fam (arrange, settle)
arreglar, acordar: you've got everything
sewn up! lo tienes todo arreglado!

pt sewed, pp sewed o sewn [sUn].

sewage [sjUIdZ] n aguas fpl residuales.

sewer [sjUr] n alcantarilla, cloaca.
sewing [sUIN] n costura. c o m p sew
ing machine mquina de coser.

sewn [seUn] pp sew.

sex [seks] n sexo: the opposite sex el sexo

to have sex with sb tener

relaciones sexuales con algn.
sexism [seksIzm] n sexismo.
sexist [seksIst] adj sexista.
P n sexista mf.
sexual [seksjUl] adj sexual.
sexuality [seksjUQltI] n sexualidad f.
sexy [seksI] adj (sexually attractive) sexy;
(erotic) ertico,-a.

comp sexier, superl sexiest.

shade [SeId] n 1 (shadow) sombra: a tem-

perature of 30 degrees in the shade una tem

peratura de 30 grados a la sombra. 2 (for
lamp) pantalla; (for eye) visera; (blind)
persiana. 3 (of colour) tono, matiz m.
P vt 1 (shelter from light) proteger de la
luz. 2 art (darken) sombrear (in, -).
P vi (change gradually) convertirse (into, en).
P n pl shades fam gafas fpl de sol.
shadow [SQdU] n 1 (dark shape) som
bra. 2 (trace) sombra, vestigio. 3 (follower) sombra.
P adj gb en la sombra.
shady [SeIdI] adj 1 (place) a la sombra;
(tree) que da sombra. 2 fam (person)
sospechoso,-a; (deal, past) turbio,-a.

comp shadier, superl shadiest.

[SAft] n 1 (of axe, tool, golf club)
mango; (of arrow) astil m; (of lance, spear)
asta. 2 (of mine) pozo; (of lift) hueco. 3


(of light) rayo.


[SeIk] n 1 sacudida. 2 us fam

(milkshake) batido.
P vt 1 (move - carpet, person) sacudir; (- bottle,
dice) agitar: shake well before use agtese bien
antes de usar. 2 (upset, shock) afectar, im
presionar: the news shook her badly la noti
cia le afect mucho. l o c to shake hands
estrecharse la mano. y to shake one's
head negar con la cabeza.
P vi (gen) temblar: she was shaking with
fear temblaba de miedo.

pt shook [SUk], pp shaken [SeIkn].

shaken [SeIkn] pp shake.

P adj

(liquid) agitado,-a.

shaker [SeIkr] n (for cocktails) coctelera;

(for salt) salero.

shaky [SeIkI] adj 1 (hand, voice) tembloro

so,-a; (writing) tembln,-ona; (step)

inseguro,-a. 2 fig (argument, etc) sin fun
damento; (government, currency) dbil.
comp shakier, superl shakiest.

shall [SQl, unstressed Sl] aux 1 [usado con

la primera persona del sing y el pl ] (future): I

shall go tomorrow ir maana; I shan't
rado,-a, desharrapado,-a; (furniture)
mention any names no dar nombres. 2
de aspecto lastimoso. 2 (person) mal
[usado con la primera persona del sing y el
vestido,-a, desaseado,-a.
pl] (questions, offers, suggestions): shall I
comp shabbier, superl shabbiest.
close the window? cierro la ventana?; I'll
carry it, shall I? lo llevar yo, quieres?
shack [SQk] n choza.

shabby [SQbI] adj 1 (clothes) gastado,-a,



3 fml (emphatic, command): you shall leave

immediately te irs enseguida.
shallow [SQlU] adj 1 (water, pond, etc)

(tell news, feelings, etc) compartir. 3 (divide) repartir, dividir.

P vi compartir: there's only one bed so
you'll have to share solo hay una cama, as
poco profundo,-a; (dish, bowl) llano,
que tendris que compartirla.
-a, plano,-a. 2 fig superficial.
shareholder [SehUldr] n accionista mf.
comp shallower, superl shallowest.
P n pl shallows bajo m sing.
shareware [Sewer] n programas mpl
shame [SeIm] n 1 (disgrace, humiliation)
vergenza; (dishonour) deshonra. 2 shark [SAk] n zool tiburn m.
(pity) pena, lstima: what a shame you sharp [SAp] adj 1 (knife, etc) afilado,-a;
couldn't go qu pena que no pudieras ir.
(needle, pencil) puntiagudo,-a. 2 (angle)
P vt avergonzar, deshonrar.
agudo,-a; (bend) cerrado,-a; (slope)
empinado,-a. 3 (outline) definido,-a;
shameful [SeImfUl] adj vergonzoso,-a.
(photograph, etc) ntido,-a; (contrast)
shameless [SeImls] adj desvergon
marcado,-a. 4 (mind, wit) perspicaz;
(eyes, ears) agudo,-a, bueno,-a: keep a
shammy [SQmI] n gamuza.
sharp eye on those two ten bien vigilados a
pl shammies.
esos dos. 5 (person - clever) listo,-a, vivo,shampoo [SQmpU] n 1 (product)
a. 6 (pain) agudo,-a, fuerte; (cry, noise)
champ m. 2 (act) lavado.
agudo,-a, estridente; (frost) fuerte;
pl shampoos.
(wind) cortante, penetrante. 7 (taste)
shandy [SQndI] n gb cerveza con li
cido,-a; (smell) acre. 8 (change, etc)
brusco,-a, repentino,-a, sbito,-a. 9
pl shandies.
mus (key) sostenido,-a; (too high)
shan't [SAnt] aux shall.
shanty [SQntI] n (shack) chabola.
P adv 1 (exactly) en punto: at ten o'clock
pl shanties.
sharp a las diez en punto. 2 (abruptly)
shantytown [SQntItaUn] n chabolas
fpl, barrio de chabolas.
sharpen [SApn] vt 1 (knife, claws) afi
lar; (pencil) sacar punta a. 2 fig (feeling,
shape [SeIp] n 1 (form, appearance) for
intelligence) agudizar; (desire) avivar;
ma: in the shape of a heart en forma de
(appetite) abrir.
corazn. 2 (outline, shadow) figura. 3
P vi (voice) agudizarse.
(state - of thing) estado; (- of person) for
ma, condiciones fpl: the team is in good sharpener [SApnr] n (for knife) afila
dor m; (for pencil) sacapuntas m.
shape el equipo est en buena forma. 4
(framework, character) configuracin f. sharply [SAplI] adv 1 (abruptly, suddenly)
l o c in shape (fit) en forma. y in the
repentinamente. 2 (acutely) aguda
shape of 1 (physically) bajo la forma
mente. 3 (clearly) marcadamente, cla
de. 2 (figuratively) en forma de. y to
take shape tomar forma.
shatter [SQtr] vt 1 (break into small piecP vt 1 (gen) dar forma a; (clay) modelar:
es) romper, hacer aicos, hacer pe
he shaped the dough into a ball form una
dazos. 2 fig (health) destrozar, que
bola con la masa. 2 (character) formar;
brantar, minar; (nerves) destrozar.
(future, destiny) decidir, determinar.
shave [SeIv] n afeitado. l o c to have a
a to shape up vi desarrollarse.
shave afeitarse.
P vt 1 (face, legs, underarms) afeitar;
share [Ser] n 1 (portion) parte f. 2 fin
(head) rapar. 2 (wood) cepillar.
accin m
P vi (person) afeitarse: he shaves every
P vt 1 (have or use with others) compartir:
morning se afeita cada maana.
can you share one book
between two? po
dis compartir un libro entre los dos? 2 shaver [SeIvr] n mquina de afeitar.




[SeIvIN] n (of face) afeitado.

shaving brush brocha de afeitar.
y shaving cream crema de afeitar. y
shaving foam espuma de afeitar.
P n pl shavings (wood) virutas fpl.
shawl [Sl] n chal m, mantn m.
she [Si] pron ella: she's called Nina se lla
ma Nina; she's happy est contenta.
P n (animal) hembra; (baby) nia.
she- [Si] pref hembra: she-bear osa.
shear [SIr] vt 1 (sheep) esquilar.
pt sheared, pp sheared o shorn [Sn].
P n pl shears (gen) tijeras fpl (grandes);
(for hedges) podadera f sing.
shearer [SIrr] n esquilador,-ra.
shed1 [Sed] n (in garden, for bicycles) co


shed2 [Sed] vt 1 (leaves, horns, skin) mu

dar; (clothes) quitarse, despojarse de;

(workers, jobs) deshacerse de; (load,
weight) perder: the snake sheds its skin la
serpiente muda la piel. 2 fig (inhibitions,
etc) liberarse de. 3 (water) repeler. 4
(blood, tears, etc) derramar.
pt & pp shed, ger shedding.
[Sid] contr 1 she had. 2 she

estructura; (of vehicle) armazn m; (of

ship) casco. 3 mil (for explosives) pro
yectil m, obs m.
she'll [Sil] contr 1 she will. 2 she shall.
shellfish [SelfIS] n (individual) marisco;
(as food) marisco, mariscos mpl.
pl shellfish.


[Seltr] n 1 (protection) abrigo,

proteccin f, cobijo: the climbers sought
shelter from the storm los montaeros
buscaron abrigo para protegerse de la
tormenta. 2 (place) refugio, cobijo.
P vt (protect) proteger, resguardar; these
trees should shelter us from the rain esos r
boles nos resguardarn de la lluvia.
P vi (from weather, etc) resguardarse,
guarecerse; (from danger) refugiarse.
shelve [Selv] vt 1 (put on shelf) poner en el
estante, poner en la estantera. 2 fig
(postpone, abandon) aparcar, archivar.
shepherd [Sepd] n pastor m.
P vt (guide, direct) guiar, conducir.

shelves [Selvz] pl shelf.

sheriff [SerIf] n 1 us sheriff mf, algua
cil,-la. 2 gb gobernador,-ra civil.


sherry [SerI] n jerez m.

sheep [Sip] n oveja.

she's [Siz] contr 1 she is. 2 she has.

shield [Sild] n 1 (for protection) escudo. 2


pl sheep.

sheepdog [Sipdg] n perro pastor.

sheepfold [SipfUld] n redil m, aprisco.
sheer [SIr] adj 1 (total, utter) total, abso

pl sherries.

tech pantalla protectora. 3 (of animal)

caparazn m.
P vt (protect) proteger (from, de).
luto,-a, puro,-a: by sheer coincidence shift [SIft] n 1 (change) cambio: a shift in
policy un cambio de poltica. 2 (of work,
por pura casualidad. 2 (cliff) escarpado,workers) turno: the day/night shift el tur
a; (drop) vertical.
no de da/de noche. c o m p shift key tecla
sheet [Sit] n 1 (on bed) sbana: bottom/
de las maysculas.
top sheet sbana bajera/encimera. 2 (of
P vt 1 (change) cambiar; (move) despla
paper) hoja; (of metal) lmina, chapa;
zar, mover: he shifted his feet movi sus
(of glass) lmina, placa; (of tin) hoja.
pies. 2 (transfer) traspasar, transferir. 3
c o m p sheet music hojas pl de partitu
us (change gear) cambiar.
ra, papel pautado.
P vi 1 (change) cambiar: the wind shifted
shelf [Self] n estante. c o m p (set of)
el viento cambi de direccin. 2 us
shelves estantera.
(change gear) cambiar de marcha.
pl shelves.
shell [Sel] n 1 (of egg, nut) cscara; (of shilling [SIlIN] n cheln m.
pea) vaina; (of tortoise, lobster, etc) capa shin [SIn] n anat espinilla, canilla.
c o m p shin guard / shin pad espinillera.
razn m; (of snail, oyster, etc) concha: the
children were collecting shells on the beach shinbone [SInbUn] n anat tibia.
los nios recogan
conchas en la playa. shine [SaIn] n brillo, lustre m: he gave his
shoes a good shine sac brillo a sus zapatos.
2 (of building) armazn m, esqueleto,

P vi 1 (sun, light, eyes) brillar; (metal, glass,
shoes) relucir, brillar; (face) resplande
cer, irradiar: her eyes shone with happiness le brillaban los ojos de alegra. 2 fig
(excel) sobresalir ( at, en), destacar
(at, en), brillar (at, en): he shines at tennis destaca en tenis.

pt & pp shone [Sn].

shiny [SaInI] adj brillante.

comp shinier, superl shiniest.

ship [SIp] n (gen) barco, buque m, em

barcacin f. c o m p passenger ship bu

que m de pasajeros. y ship's company
tripulacin f.
P vt (send - gen) enviar, mandar; (- by
ship) enviar por barco: we had our luggage shipped to England mandamos nues
tro equipaje a Inglaterra por barco.
pt & pp shipped, ger shipping.

shipbuilding [SIpbIldIN] n construc

cin f naval.

shipment [SIpmnt] n (act) embarque

m, envo, transporte m (martimo).

shipowner [SIpUnr] n armador,-ra.

shipwreck [SIprek] n naufragio. l o c
to be shipwrecked naufragar.

shipyard [SIpjAd] n astillero.

shirk [Sk] vt (duty, etc) esquivar, eludir.
shirt [St] n (gen) camisa; (for sport) ca

shirtsleeve [Stsliv] n manga de ca


tress) conmocin f, golpe m; (fright,

scare) susto: you gave me quite a shock me
has dado un buen susto. 3 med shock m,
choque m. c o m p shock absorber amor
tiguador m. y shock therapy / shock
treatment electrochoque m.
P vt 1 (upset) conmocionar, conmo
ver, afectar. 2 (startle) asustar, sor
prender; (scandalize) escandalizar,
P vi impresionar, impactar.
shock2 [Sk] n (of hair) mata.
shocked [Skt] adj horrorizado,-a, es
shocking [SkIN] adj 1 (disgraceful, offensive) chocante, escandaloso,-a, ver
gonzoso,-a. 2 fam (very bad) espanto
so,-a, psimo,-a.
shoe [SU] n 1 zapato: I need a new pair of
shoes necesito unos zapatos nuevos. 2
(for horse) herradura. l o c to put os in sb
else's shoes ponerse en el lugar de
algn. c o m p shoe polish betn m.
y shoe shop zapatera.
shoebrush [SUbrS] n cepillo para los
shoehorn [SUhn] n calzador m.
shoelace [SUleIs] n cordn m (de za
shoemaker [SUmeIkr] n zapatero,-a.
shoeshine [SUSaIn] n limpieza de za
patos. c o m p shoeshine boy limpiabo
tas m.

misa. l o c in shirtsleeves en mangas

de camisa.
shit [SIt] n fam (faeces) mierda.
shone [Sn] pt shine.
P interj fam mierda!
shook [SUk] pt shake.
shiver [SIvr] n (with cold) escalofro.
shoot [SUt] n bot (gen) brote m, reto
P vi (with cold) temblar, tiritar; (with
o, renuevo; (of vine) sarmiento.
fear) estremecerse.
P vt 1 (person, animal) pegar un tiro a,
P n pl the shivers escalofros mpl.
pegar un balazo a; (hit, wound) herir
shivery [SIvrI] adj (with cold) estreme
(de bala); (kill) matar de un tiro, ma
cido,-a; (feverish) destemplado,-a.
tar a tiros; (hunt) cazar: she was shot in
shoal 1 [SUl] n (underwater sandbank)
the back recibi un balazo en la espalda.
banco de arena.
2 (fire - missile) lanzar; (- arrow, bullet,
shoal [SUl] n (of fish) banco, cardu
weapon) disparar; (- glance) lanzar: they
men m.
shot questions at her la bombardearon a
P n pl shoals fam montones mpl.
preguntas. 3 (film) rodar, filmar; (photograph) fotografiar. l o c to shoot pool
shock1 [Sk] n 1 (jolt, blow) choque m,
jugar al billar. y to shoot sb dead ma
(of explosion, etc) sa
impacto, golpe m;
tar a algn a tiros.
cudida; (electric) descarga. 2 (upset, dis-



1 (fire weapon) disparar (at, a/so

bre); (hunt with gun) cazar. 2 sp (aim at
goal) tirar, disparar, chutar. 3 cinem
rodar, filmar. 5 bot brotar.
a to shoot down vt sep 1 (aircraft) derri
bar, abatir; (person) matar a tiros. 2
fig (argument, idea, etc) rebatir.
P vi

pt & pp shot [St].

shooting [SUtIN] n 1 (shots) disparos

mpl , tiros mpl ; (killing) asesinato. 2
(hunting) caza. 3 cinem rodaje m.
P adj (pain) punzante. c o m p shooting
star estrella fugaz.
shop [Sp] n 1 (gen) tienda; (business) co
mercio, negocio: I'm going to the shop
voy a la tienda. 2 (workshop) taller m. l o c
to keep shop tener una tienda. c o m p
repair shop taller m de reparaciones. y
shop assistant dependiente,-a. y shop
window escaparate m.
P vi (gen) hacer la compra, comprar:
we usually shop on Saturday mornings nor

malmente hacemos la compra los sba

dos por la maana.
a to shop around vi ir de tienda en
tienda y comparar precios.
pt & pp shopped, ger shopping.

shopkeeper [Spkipr] n tendero,-a.

shoplifter [SplIftr] n mechero,-a.
shoplifting [SplIftIN] n hurto (en las

shopper [Spr] n comprador,-ra.

shopping [SpIN] n (purchases) compra,

compras fpl; (activity) compra: I had a bit of

shopping to do tuve que hacer unas com
pras. l o c to do the shopping hacer la
compra. y to go shopping ir de compras.
c o m p shopping bag cesta de la compra. y
shopping basket bolsa de la compra.
y shopping centre centro comercial. y
shopping list lista de la compra. y shop
ping mall us centro comercial. y shop
ping precinct zona comercial. y shop
ping trolley carrito (de la compra).
shore [Sr] n (of sea, lake) orilla; (coast)
costa; (beach) playa. l o c on shore en

lo corto; Jo is short for Joanne Jo es el dimi

nutivo de Joanne. 2 (brief - of time) breve,
corto,-a: the days are shorter in winter los
das son ms cortos en invierno 3 (deficient) escaso,-a: water was short escasea
ba el agua. 4 (curt) seco,-a, brusco,-a.
l o c for short para abreviar. y in short
en pocas palabras. y short of a menos
que, salvo que. y to be short of sth an
dar escaso,-a de algo, estar falto,-a
de algo: I'm a bit short of money ando algo escaso de dinero. y to run short of sth
acabarse algo: we're running short of coffee se nos est acabando el caf. c o m p
short circuit cortocircuito. y short cut 1
(route) atajo. 2 (method) mtodo fcil,
frmula mgica. y short order us co
mida rpida. y short story cuento.
P adv (abruptly) bruscamente: the car
stopped short el coche se par brusca
P n 1 (drink) copa, chupito. 2 cinem
cortometraje m, corto. 3 elec corto
shortage [StIdZ] n falta, escasez f.
shorten [Stn] vt acortar.
P vi acortarse.
shorthand [SthQnd] n taquigrafa.
shortly [StlI] adv 1 (soon) dentro de
poco, en breve: shortly after/before po
co despus/antes. 2 (impatiently) brus
shorts [Sts] n pl 1 pantalones mpl
cortos, shorts mpl: a pair of shorts un
pantaln corto. 2 us (underpants) cal
zoncillos mpl.


[StsaItId] adj 1


miope, corto,-a de vista. 2 (plan, policy, etc) corto,-a de miras, estrecho,-a

de miras.
short-sleeved [Stslivd] adj de man
ga corta.
shot1 [St] n 1 (act, sound) tiro, disparo,
balazo: I thought I heard a shot creo ha
ber odo un disparo. 2 (projectile) bala,
proyectil m. 3 (person) tirador,-ra. 4 sp
(in football) chut m, chute m; (in tennis,
shorn [Sn] pp shear.
golf, cricket, etc) golpe m; (in basketball) ti
ro. 5 (attempt, try) intento. 6 fam (injecshort [St] adj 1 (not
long) corto,-a; (not
tion) inyeccin f, pinchazo. 7 (drink)
tall) bajo,-a: he's got short hair lleva el pe



trago, chupito. 8 (photo) foto f; (cinema) toma. l o c like a shot (without hesitation) sin pensarlo dos veces, sin du

shot2 [sed] pt & pp shoot.

shotgun [Stgn] n escopeta.
should [SUd] aux 1 (duty, advisability, rec-

ommendation) deber: you should see the

dentist deberas ir al dentista. 2 (probability) deber de: the clothes should be dry
now la ropa ya debe de estar seca. 3 (subjunctive, conditional): if you should see Janet
by any chance si por casualidad vieras a
Janet. 4 (conditional, 1st person) : I should
like to ask a question quisiera hacer una
pregunta. 5 (tentative statement) : I should
think so me imagino que s. 6 (disbelief,
surprise): how should I know! yo qu s!
l o c I should have thought ... hubiera

shovel [Svl] n 1 (tool) pala. 2 (machine)

excavadora, pala mecnica.

show [SU] n 1 theat (entertainment) es

pectculo; (performance) funcin f: let's

go and see a show vayamos a ver un es
pectculo. 2 (on TV, radio) programa m,
show m. 3 (exhibition) exposicin f. 4
(display) muestra, demostracin f: a
show of strength una demostracin de
fuerza, una exhibicin de fuerza. 5 (out-

ward appearance, pretence) apariencia.

l o c the show must go on el espect
culo debe continuar. y time will show
el tiempo lo dir. c o m p fashion show
desfile m de modelos. y quiz show pro
grama m concurso. y show business el
mundo del espectculo.
P vt 1 (gen) ensear: I showed her my photos le ense mis fotos. 2 (point out) indi
car, sealar. 3 (reveal - feelings) demos
trar, expresar; (- interest, enthusiasm, etc)
. Should, cuando expresa el condicional
demostrar, mostrar: she rarely shows
para la primera persona, equivale a
his feelings raras veces demuestra sus
sentimientos. 4 (allow to be seen) dejar
ver: black doesn't show the dirt el negro
shoulder [SUldr] n 1 anat hombro: she
no deja ver la suciedad. 5 (prove, demonlooked over her shoulder mir por encima
strate) demostrar. 6 (guide) llevar,
del hombro. 2 (of meat) paletilla. 3 (of hill,
acompaar: I'll show you to your room te
mountain) ladera; (of road) arcn m, an
acompaar a tu habitacin. 7 (painting,
dn m. l o c a shoulder to cry on un pa
etc) exponer, exhibir; (film) dar, po
o de lgrimas. y to rub shoulders with
ner, pasar, proyectar; (slides) pasar,
sb codearse con algn. c o m p shoulder
proyectar; (on TV) dar, poner.
bag bolso (de bandolera). y shoulder
P vi 1 (be perceptible) verse, notarse: the
blade omplato. y shoulder strap 1 (of
stain doesn't show no se ve la mancha. 2
garment) tirante m. 2 (of bag) correa.
P n pl shoulders anat hombros mpl, es
cinem poner, dar, echar, proyectar, ex
palda f sing.
hibir: what's showing at the Odeon? qu dan
en el Odeon?, qu echan en el Odeon?
shout [SaUt] n grito.
a to show off vi (gen) fanfarronear,
P vt gritar ( out, -): get out! he shouted
presumir, lucirse; (child) hacerse el/la
fuera! grit.
P vi gritar: I don't like it when you shout at
P vt sep 1 (set off) hacer resaltar, real
me no me gusta que me grites.
a to shout down vt sep abuchear.
zar. 2 (flaunt, parade) hacer alarde de,
presumir de.
shouting [SaUtIN] n gritos mpl.
a to show up vt sep 1 (make visible) ha
shove [Sv] n empujn m: we had to give
cer resaltar, hacer destacar. 2 fam
the car a shove tuvimos que dar un em
(embarrass) dejar en ridculo, poner
pujn al coche.
en evidencia.
P vt 1 (push) empujar: she shoved the
P vi 1 (be visible) notarse, verse. 2 fam
plate away apart el plato de un empu
(arrive) acudir, presentarse, aparecer.
jn. 2 (put casually) meter.
P vi (push) empujar, dar empujones.
pt showed, pp showed o shown [SUn].



shower [SaU ] n 1 meteor chubasco,


chaparrn m. 2 (of stones, blows, insults,

etc) lluvia. 3 (in bathroom) ducha. l o c to
have a shower / take a shower du
charse. c o m p shower cap gorro de ba
o. y shower gel gel m de bao, gel m
de ducha.
P vt 1 (sprinkle) espolvorear; (spray) ro
ciar. 2 fig (bestow, heap) inundar, col
mar, llover.
P vi 1 (rain) llover; (objects) caer, llover.
2 (in bath) ducharse.
showing [SUIN] n 1 (of film) pase m, se
sin f, proyeccin f; (of paintings) exhi
bicin f. 2 (performance) actuacin f;
(result) resultado.
showman [SUmn] n 1 (manager) em
presario (de espectculos). 2 (entertainer) artista m, showman m.
pl showmen [SUmn].

shown [SUn] pp show.

show-off [SUf] n fam fanfarrn,

showroom [SUrUm] n sala de expo

siciones (de concesionario de coches).
[SUI] adj (thing) llamativo,-a,
vistoso,-a; (person) ostentoso,-a.


comp showier, superl showiest.

shrill [SrIl] adj 1 (voice, words, people) agu

do,-a, estridente; (sound, whistle) agudo,a, estridente, penetrante. 2 (demand,

protest, criticism) frentico,-a, estri
P vi (whistle) pitar; (phone, alarm) sonar;
(person, voice) chillar.
shrimp [SrImp] n camarn m, gamba.
shrine [SraIn] n rel (holy place) santua
rio, lugar m sagrado.
shrink [SrINk] vt (clothes, etc) encoger.
P vi 1 (clothes) encoger, encogerse; (meat)
achicarse, reducirse. 2 (savings, numbers,
profits, etc) disminuir, reducirse. 3 (move
back) retroceder, echarse atrs.
pt shrank [SrQNk], pp shrunk [SrNk].

shroud [SraUd] n 1 rel mortaja, suda

rio. 2 fig (of mist, secrecy) velo.

Shrove Tuesday [SrUvtjuzdI] n mar

tes m de carnaval.

shrub [Srb] n arbusto, mata.

shrug [Srg] vt encoger. l o c to shrug

one's shoulders encogerse de hombros.

pt & pp shrugged, ger shrugging.
shrunk [SrNk] pp shrink.
shudder [Sdr] n 1 (of person) escalo
fro. 2 (of machine, engine) vibracin f,

P vi 1 (person) estremecerse, temblar
(with, de): I shudder to think of it me dan
escalofros solo de pensarlo. 2 (machinrn m; (of paper) tira; (of tobacco) brizna,
ery, vehicle) vibrar, dar sacudidas.
hebra. 2 fig (bit) pizca: not a shred of shuffle [Sfl] n 1 (walk) arrastre m. 2
truth ni pizca de verdad. l o c to tear sth/
(of cards) baraje m, barajadura.
sb to shreds hacer trizas algo /a
P vt 1 (feet - drag) arrastrar; (- move) mo
ver. 2 (cards) barajar; (papers) revolver.
P vt (paper) hacer trizas, triturar; (vegP vi (walk) andar arrastrando los pies;
etables - cut in strips) cortar en tiras;
(in seat) revolverse.
(- grate) rallar.
shut [St] vt (gen) cerrar: shut your eyes
pt & pp shredded, ger shredding.
cierra los ojos.
shrew [SrU] n zool musaraa.
P vi (gen) cerrar, cerrarse.
shrewd [SrUd] adj 1 (person) astuto,-a,
a to shut down vt sep (factory, business)
sagaz. 2 (decision) muy acertado,-a;
(move) hbil, inteligente.
P vi (factory, business) cerrar.
shrewdness [SrUdns] n (gen) astucia,
a to shut up vt sep 1 (close) cerrar. 2
sagacidad f.
(confine) encerrar. 3 fam (quieten) callar,
hacer callar.
shriek [Srik] n chillido, grito agudo.
P vi 1 (close) cerrar. 2 (keep quiet) callar
P vi chillar, gritar. l o c to shriek with
se: shut up! cllate!
laughter rerse a carcajadas.
P vt chillar, gritar.
pt & pp shut, ger shutting.

shrank [SrQNk] pt shrink.

shrapnel [SrQpnl] n metralla.
shred [Sred] n 1 (gen) triza; (of cloth) ji



cierre m.

[StdaUn] n (of factory, etc)

shutter [Str] n 1 (on window) postigo,

contraventana; (of shop) cierre m. 2 (of

camera) obturador m.
shuttle [Stl] n 1 av puente m areo.
2 (bus, train) servicio regular de enla
ce. 3 (in weaving) lanzadera. c o m p shut
tle service servicio regular de enlace.
shuttlecock [Stlkk] n volante m.
shy [SaI] adj 1 (person) tmido,-a, ver
gonzoso,-a: don't be shy no seas tmido,
no tengas vergenza. 2 (animal) asusta
comp shyer o shier, superl shyest o shiest.
P vi (horse) espantarse (at, de), respin

gar, asustarse.

shyness [SaIns] n timidez f.

sick [sIk] adj 1 (ill) enfermo,-a. 2 (nause-

ated, queasy) mareado,-a. 3 (fed up)

harto,-a; (worried) preocupado,-a: I'm
sick and tired of your moaning estoy ms
que harto de tus quejas. l o c to be sick
vomitar, devolver. y to feel sick estar
mareado,-a, tener nuseas. c o m p sick
leave baja por enfermedad.
sickle [sIkl] n hoz f.
sickly [sIklI] adj 1 (person) enfermizo,-a.
2 (smell, taste) empalagoso,-a, dulzn,
-ona; (colour) horrible, asqueroso,-a.

dario. y side street callejuela. y side

view vista de perfil.
sideboard [saIdbd] n (furniture) apa
rador m.
sideboards [saIdbdz] n pl patillas fpl.
sideburns [saIdbnz] n pl patillas fpl.
sidecar [saIdkAr] n sidecar m.
sidelight [saIdlaIt] n auto luz f de po

sidereal [saIdIrIl] adj sideral.

sidewalk [saIdwk] n us acera.
sideways [saIdweIz] adj (movement, step)

lateral; (look, glance) de soslayo, de reojo.

P adv de lado.
siege [sidZ] n 1 mil sitio, cerco. 2 (by
criminals, journalists) asedio. l o c to be
under siege estar sitiado,-a.
Sierra Leone [sIerlIUn] n Sierra

Sierra Leonean

[sIerlIUnIn] adj

P n sierraleons,-esa.
sieve [sIv] n (fine) tamiz m; (coarse) cri
ba; (for liquids) colador m.
P vt (fine) tamizar; (coarse) cribar.
sigh [saI] n (of person) suspiro.
P vi (person) suspirar (for, por); (wind)
susurrar, gemir: she sighed with relief
suspir aliviada.
sight [saIt] n 1 (gen) vista: his sight is fail comp sicklier, superl sickliest.
ing le est fallando la vista; we waited until
sickness [sIkns] n 1 (illness) enferme
he was out of sight esperamos hasta que
dad f. 2 (nausea) nuseas fpl, ganas fpl
hubo desaparecido; it was her first sight of
de vomitar.
the countryside fue la primera vez que vea
side [saId] n 1 (gen) lado; (of coin, cube,
el campo. 2 (thing seen, spectacle) espect
record) cara: there's a garage at the side of
culo. l o c in/within sight a la vista. y to
the house hay un garaje al lado de la ca
come into sight aparecer. y to know sb
sa; write on one side of the paper only solo
by sight conocer a algn de vista.
escribir en una cara del papel. 2 (of hill,
P vt ver, divisar.
mountain) ladera, falda. 3 (of body) la
P adv a sight fam (a great deal) mucho: a
do, costado: she was lying on her side es
sight better mucho mejor.
taba echada de lado. 4 (edge - gen) borde
P n pl sights (of city) monumentos mpl,
m; (- of lake, river, etc) orilla; (- of page)
lugares mpl de inters.
margen m. l o c side by side juntos,-as,
uno,-a al lado del/de la otro,-a. y to sightseeing [saItsiIN] n visita turs
tica, turismo. l o c to go sightseeing
keep on the right side of sb tratar de
visitar los monumentos y lugares
llevarse bien con algn.
de inters.
P adj lateral. c o m p side dish guarni
cin f, acompaamiento.
y side drum sign [saIn] n 1 (symbol) signo, smbolo.
tambor m. y side effect efecto secun
2 (gesture) gesto, sea; (signal) seal f:



wait until I give the sign espera hasta que d

la seal. l o c as a sign of como muestra
de. c o m p sign language lenguaje m por
P vt 1 (letter, document, cheque, etc) firmar:
sign your name here, please firme aqu, por
favor. 2 (player, group) fichar (on/up, -).
3 (gesture) hacer una sea/seal.
P vi 1 (write name) firmar. 2 (player,
group) fichar (for/with, por). 3 us (use
sign language) comunicarse por seas,
hablar por seas.
a to sign up vt sep (soldier) reclutar;
(worker) contratar.
P vi (soldier) alistarse; (student) matricu
signal [sIgnl] n seal f: traffic signal se
al de trfico.
P adj (achievement, triumph, success, etc)
sealado,-a, destacado,-a, notable.
P vt 1 (indicate) indicar, sealar, marcar;
(forecast) pronosticar. 2 (gesture) hacer
seas, hacer una sea: he signalled the
waiter to bring the bill le hizo una sea al
camarero para que trajera la cuenta.
P vi 1 (gesture) hacer seas, hacer una
sea. 2 auto poner el intermitente.
signature [sIgnItSr] n (name) firma.
significance [sIgnIfIkns] n 1 (meaning)
significado. 2 (importance) importan
cia: it's of no significance no tiene impor
significant [sIgnIfIknt] adj 1 (meaningful gen) significativo,-a. 2 (important) impor
tante, trascendente, considerable.
signify [sIgnIfaI] vt fml significar.

pt & pp signified, ger signifying.

signpost [saInpUst] n poste m indi



[saIlns] n (gen) silencio: we

walked in silence caminamos en silencio.

l o c to reduce sb to silence dejar a algn

sonant) mudo,-a; (prayer) silencioso,a. l o c to be silent callarse.

silhouette [sIlUet] n silueta.
silicon [sIlIkn] n silicio.
silicone [sIlIkUn] n silicona.
silk [sIlk] n seda.
P adj de seda.
silken [sIlkn] adj (like silk) sedoso,-a;
(of silk) de seda.
silkworm [sIlkwm] n gusano de seda.
silky [sIlkI] adj (cloth, hair, fur, etc) sedo
so,-a; (voice) aterciopelado,-a; (skin)
comp silkier, superl silkiest.

sill [sIl] n (of window) alfizar m, ante



[sIlI] adj 1 (stupid) tonto,-a,

estpido,-a: how silly of me! qu tonto
soy! 2 (unimportant) trivial, sin impor

comp sillier, superl silliest.

P n tonto,-a, bobo,-a.
silver [sIlvr] n 1 (metal) plata: sterling silver plata de ley. 2 (coins) monedas fpl (de
plata). 3 (articles, ornaments, etc) plata.
P adj 1 (made of silver) de plata. 2 (in col-

our) plateado,-a; (hair) canoso,-a,

cano,-a. c o m p silver foil / silver paper
papel m de plata. y silver medal meda
lla de plata. y silver screen el cine m.
P vt (metal) dar un bao de plata a,
similar [sImIlr] adj parecido,-a (to,
a), similar (to, a), semejante (to, a):
those boys are very similar esos chicos se
parecen mucho.
similarity [sImIlQrtI] n (likeness) se
mejanza, parecido, similitud f.
pl similarities.

simile [sImIlI] n smil m.

simmer [sImr] vt culin hervir a fuego

sin habla.
P vi culin hervir a fuego lento.
P vt (person) acallar, hacer callar; (protest,
simple [sImpl] adj 1 (gen) sencillo,-a,
opposition, criticism) apagar, silenciar.
simple: a simple solution una solucin
silencer [saIlnsr] n silenciador m.
sencilla. 2 (plain, pure, nothing more than)
silent [saIlnt] adj 1 (thing, place, taciturn
sencillo,-a, puro,-a, mero,-a: for the
person) silencioso,-a. 2 (not speaking)
simple reason that ... por la sencilla razn
callado,-a: he was
silent for a moment se
que ...
qued callado un momento. 3 (film, con comp simpler, comp simplest.



simplicity [sImplIstI] n 1 (easiness, in-

complexity) sencillez f, simplicidad f. 2

(lack of sophistication) sencillez f, natura
lidad f.
simplify [sImplIfaI] vt simplificar.
pt & pp simplified, ger simplifying.

simply [sImplI] adv 1 (easily, plainly, modestly) simplemente, sencillamente: she

lives very simply vive muy sencillamente. 2

(only) simplemente, solamente, solo;

(just, merely) meramente: I simply don't
know sencillamente, no lo s. 3 (really, absolutely) francamente, realmente.
simulate [sImjleIt] vt simular.
simultaneous [sImlteInIs] adj si
multneo,-a: simultaneous translation
traduccin simultnea.
sin [sIn] n pecado.
P vi pecar (against, contra).
pt & pp sinned, ger sinning.

since [sIns] adv desde entonces: she arrived in 1988 and has lived here ever since lle

g en 1988 y vive aqu desde entonces.

prep desde: I've been here since four
o'clock llevo aqu desde las cuatro.
P conj 1 (time) desde que: it's years since I
went to the theatre hace aos que no voy
al teatro. 2 (because, seeing that) ya que,
puesto que: since you're going to the shop
... ya que vas a la tienda ...
sincere [sInsIr] adj sincero,-a.
sincerely [sInsIlI] adv sinceramente.
l o c Yours sincerely (in letter) (le saluda)
sincerity [sInsertI] n sinceridad f.
sinew [sInjU] n tendn m.
sing [sIN] vt (gen) cantar.
P vi (person, bird) cantar; (wind, kettle, bullet) silbar; (ears, insect) zumbar.

pt sang [sQN], pp sung [sN].

singer [sINr] n (gen) cantante mf; (in
choir) cantor,-ra: jazz singer cantante de


singing [sININ] n (act) canto, cantar m;

de un solo dgito. 3 (for one person) indi

vidual. 4 (separate, individual) cada: every
single day todos los das. 5 (unmarried)
soltero,-a. l o c in single file en fila in
dia. c o m p single cream nata lquida. y
single parent 1 (mother) madre f solte
ra. 2 (father) padre m soltero. y single
room habitacin f individual.
P n 1 gb (single ticket) billete m de ida,
billete m sencillo. 2 (record) (disco)
sencillo, single m.
P n pl singles sp (in tennis, badminton) in
dividuales mpl.


[sINglpernt] adj

(family) monoparental.


[sINgjUlr] adj 1 (in grammar)

singular. 2 fml (outstanding) extraordi
P n ling singular m.
sinister [sInIstr] adj siniestro,-a.
sink [sINk] n (in kitchen) fregadero, pila;
(in bathroom) lavabo, lavamanos m.
P vt 1 (ship) hundir. 2 fig (hopes, plans)
acabar con.
P vi 1 (gen) hundirse. 2 (sun, moon) po

pt sank [sQNk], pp sunk [sNk].

sinner [sInr] n pecador,-ra.

sip [sIp] n sorbo.
P vt

sorber, beber a sorbos.

pt & pp sipped, ger sipping.

siphon [saIfn] n (gen) sifn m.
sir [sr] n 1 fml (gen) seor m: yes, sir s,
seor. 2 (title) sir m. l o c Dear Sir (in letter)

muy seor mo, muy seores mos,

estimado seor.
siren [saIrn] n (gen) sirena.
sirloin [slIn] n solomillo.
sister [sIstr] n 1 (relative) hermana. 2
(comrade) hermana, compaera.
sister-in-law [sIstrInl] n cuada.
pl sisters-in-law.

sit [sIt] vt 1 (child, etc) sentar (down, -):

she sat him down on the table lo sent en

(songs) canciones fpl: he loves singing in
la mesa. 2 (room, hall, etc) tener cabida
the shower le encanta cantar en la ducha.
para. 3 gb (exam) presentarse a.
P vi 1 (action) sentarse ( down, -): I sat
single [sINgl] adj 1 (only one) solo,-a,
next to Anna me sent junto a Anna. 2 (be
nico,-a: we heard a single scream omos
seated) estar sentado,-a: they were situn solo grito. 2 (composed
of one part)
simple, sencillo,-a: single figures cifras
ting on the floor estaban sentados en el



suelo. 3 (village, building) estar, situarse;

(clothes) sentar, quedar: that dress sits
well on you aquel vestido te sienta bien.
P vi fam (baby-sit) hacer de canguro
(for, a).
a to sit back vi 1 (lean back) recostarse;
(relax) ponerse cmodo,-a. 2 (take no
active part) cruzarse de brazos.
a to sit out vt sep 1 (stay until end)
aguantar (hasta el final). 2 (not dance)
no bailar.
a to sit up vi 1 (in bed) incorporarse
(en la cama). 2 (stay up late) quedarse
P vt sep (child, etc) sentar.

pt & pp sat [sQt], ger sitting.

site [saIt] n (location) situacin f, em
plazamiento, colocacin f . c o m p
archaeological site yacimiento ar

P vt situar, ubicar, emplazar.
sit-in [sItIn] n (protest) sentada.
sitting [sItIN] n (of meal) turno; (of committee, for portrait) sesin f.
P adj (position) sentado,-a. c o m p sitting
room sala de estar.
situated [sItjUeItId] adj (building, etc)
situado,-a, ubicado,-a.
situation [sItjUeISn] n 1 (circumstances)
situacin f: we're in a difficult situation
estamos en una situacin difcil. 2 (location) situacin f, ubicacin f.
sit-up [sItp] n sp abdominal m.
six [sIks] adj seis: it costs six pounds cues
ta seis libras; six hundred seiscientos,-as;
six thousand seis mil.
P n seis m : she's six years old tiene seis
aos; it's six o'clock son las seis.
sixteen [sIkstin] adj diecisis.
P n diecisis m.
. Consulta tambin six.

sixteenth [sIkstinT] adj decimosex

sixth [sIksT] adj sexto,-a: the sixth floor

la sexta planta, el sexto piso.

P adv sexto, en sexto lugar: he came
sixth lleg en sexto lugar.
P n 1 (in series) sexto,-a; (day) el seis, el
da seis: the sixth of June el seis de junio.
2 (fraction) sexto; (one part) sexta parte
f. c o m p sixth form gb segundo de
bachillerato. y sixth form college gb

instituto para estudiantes de segundo de

sixtieth [sIkstIT] adj sexagsimo,-a.
P adv en sexagsimo lugar.
P n 1 (in series) sexagsimo,-a. 2 (frac-

tion) sexagsimo; (one part) sexagsi

ma parte f.
sixty [sIkstI] adj sesenta: there were
about sixty people haba unas sesenta per
P n sesenta m.
size [saIz] n 1 (gen) tamao; (magnitude)
magnitud f: it's the size of an egg es del
tamao de un huevo. 2 (of clothes) talla;
(of shoes) nmero; (of person) talla, esta
tura: she's a size 12 gasta la talla 12.
skate1 [skeIt] n patn m.
P vi patinar.
skate2 [skeIt] n (fish) raya.
skateboard [skeItbd] n monopatn m.
skater [skeItr] n patinador,-ra.
skating [skeItIN] n patinaje m. c o m p
ice skating patinaje m sobre hielo. y
skating rink pista de patinaje.
skeleton [skelItn] n 1 (of person, animal) esqueleto. 2 (of building, ship) ar
mazn m, estructura.
sketch [sketS] n 1 (drawing) dibujo; (preliminary drawing) bosquejo, esbozo. 2
(outline, rough idea) esquema m, esbozo.
P vt (draw) dibujar; (preliminary drawing)
bosquejar, hacer un bosquejo de.
P vi hacer bosquejos, hacer bocetos.
a to sketch in/out

skewer [skjUr] n culin pincho, bro

P adv en decimosexto lugar.
ski [ski] n (equipment) esqu m.
P n 1 (in series) decimosexto,-a. 2 (fracP vi esquiar. l o c to ski down bajar es
tion) decimosexto; (one part) decimo
quiando. c o m p ski jump 1 (slope) pista
sexta parte f.
de saltos, trampoln m. 2 (competition)
. Consulta tambin sixth.
saltos mpl de esqu. y ski lift telesqu m.



y ski resort estacin f de esqu. y ski

slope pista de esqu.
skid [skId] n auto patinazo, derrapaje
m. c o m p skid row us barrios mpl bajos,
barriadas fpl.
skier [skIr] n esquiador,-ra.

skies [skaIz] pl sky.

skiing [skIIN] n esqu m.
skilful [skIlfUl] adj (gen) diestro,-a, h
bil. l o c to be skilful at sth ser hbil
para algo.
skilfully [skIlfUlI] adv hbilmente.
skill [skIl] n 1 (ability) habilidad f, des
treza; (talent) talento, don m, dotes
fpl. 2 (technique) tcnica, arte m.
P n pl skills (expertise) capacidad f sing,
aptitudes fpl : a person with computer
skills una persona que sepa informtica.
skilled [skIld] adj 1 (specialized) cualifi
cado,-a, especializado,-a. 2 (able) h
bil, diestro,-a; (expert) experto,-a.

skillful [skIlfUl] adj us skilful.

skillfully [skIlfUlI] adv us skilfully.
skimmed [skImd] adj (milk) desnata


[skImr] n (spoon) espuma

skin [skIn] n 1 (of person) piel f; (of face)

cutis m, piel f: she has light/dark skin tie

ne la piel clara/morena. 2 (of animal) piel
f, pellejo. 3 (of fruit, vegetable) piel f. 4
(on paint) telilla, capa fina; (on milk, custard, etc) nata.
skinflint [skInflInt] n fam tacao,-a.
skinhead [skInhed] n cabeza mf rapa
da, skin mf.
skinny [skInI] adj fam flaco,-a.
comp skinnier, superl skinniest.

skip1 [skIp] n salto, brinco.

P vi 1 (move, jump) saltar, brincar; (with rope)

saltar a la comba. 2 (jump, flit) saltar.
P vt (miss, omit) saltarse: she skipped a few
pages se salt unas pginas.

pt & pp skipped, ger skipping.

skip2 [skIp] n (container) contenedor m.

skipper [skIpr] n 1 mar patrn,-ona,
capitn,-ana. 2 sp capitn,-ana.

skirt [skt] n (garment) falda.

skirting [sktIN] [also skirting board]
n gb zcalo, rodapi m.

skittle [skItl] n (wooden pin) bolo.

P n pl

skittles bolos mpl, boliche m sing.

skull [skl] n 1 anat crneo. 2 (symbol)

calavera. c o m p skull and crossbones

bandera pirata.
skunk [skNk] n zool mofeta.
sky [skaI] n (gen) cielo; (firmament) fir
pl skies.

sky-blue [skaIblU] adj azul celeste.

skylark [skaIlAk] n alondra.
skylight [skaIlaIt] n tragaluz m, clara

skyline [skaIlaIn] n 1 (horizon) horizon

te m. 2 (of city) perfil m.

skyscraper [skaIskreIpr] n rascacie

los m.

slab [slQb] n (of stone) losa; (of cake) tro

zo; (of chocolate) tableta.

slack1 [slQk] adj 1 (not taut) flojo,-a: a

slack rope una cuerda floja. 2 (careless,

lax) descuidado,-a. 3 (not busy - trade,

demand) flojo,-a.
(part of rope, wire, etc) parte f floja.


a to slack off

slack2 [slQk] n (coal) cisco.

slacken [slQkn] vt 1 (rope, grip) aflojar;

(reins) soltar. 2 (speed) reducir, dismi

P vi (speed) reducirse, disminuir.
slalom [slAlm] n sp slalom m, eslalon m.
slam [slQm] n (of lid, book, etc) golpe m;
(of door) portazo.
P vt 1 (shut forcefully) cerrar de golpe:
she slammed the door in my face me dio
con la puerta en las narices. 2 (throw noisily) arrojar, lanzar. 3 fig (criticize) criti
car duramente. 4 (defeat) dar una pa
liza a. l o c to slam on the brakes auto
dar un frenazo. y to slam the phone
down colgar de golpe.
pt & pp slammed, ger slamming.

c o m p skipping rope
slang [slQN] n argot m, jerga.
skipping [skIpIN] n

comba, cuerda de saltar.

P adj

de jerga, de argot.



slant [slAnt] n 1 (gen) inclinacin f. 2

(point of view) enfoque m, punto de

P vt 1 (slope) inclinar. 2 fig (news, report,
etc) presentar tendenciosamente.
P vi (slope) inclinarse.
slap [slQp] n (gen) palmada; (smack) ca
chetada f; (in face) bofetada, bofetn
m . c o m p a slap in the face (rebuff) un
desaire, una bofetada.
P adv 1 (straight) de lleno: we drove slap
into a wall dimos de lleno contra una pa
red. 2 (right) justo.
P vt (gen) pegar (con la mano).
pt & pp slapped, ger slapping.

slash [slQS] n 1 (with sword) tajo; (with

knife) cuchillada. 2 fam (oblique) barra

P vt 1 (with sword) dar un tajo a; (with
knife) acuchillar, rajar. 2 fig (prices,
wages) rebajar, reducir: prices slashed
precios de remate.
slate [sleIt] n (gen) pizarra. l o c to wipe
the slate clean hacer borrn y cuenta
slaughter [sltr] n matanza.
P vt (animals) matar, sacrificar; (people)
matar brutalmente.
slaughterhouse [slthaUs] n mata
slave [sleIv] n esclavo,-a. c o m p slave
trade trata de esclavos.
slavery [sleIvrI] n esclavitud f.
sledge [sledZ] n gb trineo.
P vi ir en trineo.
sleep [slip] n sueo: I'm going to have a
little sleep voy a dormir un poco. l o c to
go to sleep 1 (fall asleep) dormirse. 2
(become numb) dormirse, entumecer
P vi (gen) dormir: I slept well dorm bien.
a to sleep in vi (sleep late) quedarse en
la cama, dormir hasta tarde.


[slipls] adj insomne. l o c

to have a sleepless night pasar la no

che en blanco.

sleepy [slipI] adj 1 (drowsy) soolien

to,-a. 2 (quiet, not busy) tranquilo,-a.

comp sleepier, superl sleepiest.
sleet [slit] n aguanieve f.
P vi caer aguanieve.
sleeve [sliv] n 1 (of garment) manga. 2
(of record) funda. l o c to have sth up
one's sleeve guardarse una carta en
la manga.

sleigh [sleI] n trineo.

cascabel m.


sleigh bell

slender [slendr] adj 1 (person) delga

do,-a, esbelto,-a. 2 fig (hope, chance)

ligero,-a, remoto,-a; (income, majority)
comp slenderer, comp slenderest.

slept [slept] pt & pp sleep.

slice [slaIs] n 1 (of bread) rebanada; (thin

- ham, etc) lonja, loncha; (- meat) taja

da; (- of salami, lemon, etc) rodaja. 2 (portion - of cake, pie) porcin f, trozo; (- of
melon, etc) rebanada, rodaja. 3 fig
(share) parte f; (proportion) proporcin
f. c o m p sliced bread pan m de molde.
P vt 1 (cut up) cortar a rebanadas, cortar
a lonjas, cortar a rodajas: she sliced up
the ham cort el jamn en lonchas. 2 (cut
off) cortar: can you slice me a piece of cake?
puedes cortarme un trozo de pastel?
a to slick down vt sep (hair) alisar.

slid [slId] pt & pp slide.

slide [slaId] n 1 (act of sliding) desliza

miento, desliz m; (slip) resbaln m. 2

(in playground) tobogn m. 3 (photo) dia
positiva. 4 (of microscope) platina, por
taobjetos m. c o m p slide projector pro
yector m de diapositivas.
P vt (gen) deslizar, pasar; (furniture) co
P vi 1 (slip deliberately) deslizar, desli
zarse; (slip accidentally) resbalar: she slid
on the ice resbal en el hielo. 2 (move quietly) deslizarse: the drawer slid open el
cajn se abri con facilidad.

pt & pp slept [slept].

[slipIN] adj durmiente,
dormido,-a. c o m p sleeping bag saco
pt & pp slid [slId].
de dormir. y Sleeping Beauty la Bella
Durmiente. y sleeping
car coche ca slight [slaIt] adj 1 (small in degree) pe
ma m.
queo,-a, ligero,-a; (not serious, unim-




portant) leve, insignificante: a slight

change of plan un pequeo cambio de
planes. 2 (person) menudo,-a. l o c not
in the slightest en absoluto.
P n (affront) desaire m, desprecio.
slightly [slaItlI] adv (a little) ligeramen
te, un poco, algo: I know him slightly
apenas lo conozco. l o c to be slightly built
ser de complexin menuda.
slim [slIm] adj 1 (person, build) delga
do,-a, esbelto,-a. 2 (chance, hopes, prospect) remoto,-a.
comp slimmer, superl slimmest.
P vi adelgazar, hacer rgimen: I'm
slimming estoy a rgimen.
pt & pp slimmed, ger slimming.
sling [slIN] n 1 med cabestrillo. 2 (catapult) honda; (child's) tirador m. 3 (device

for lifting, carrying) cuerda; (for baby) can

P vt 1 fam (throw) tirar, arrojar: sling it in
the bin tralo a la basura. 2 (lift, support)
pt & pp slung [slN].

slingshot [slINSt] n tirachinas m.

slip [slIp] n 1 (slide) resbaln m; (trip)

traspis m, tropezn m. 2 (mistake)

error m, equivocacin f; (moral) desliz
m. 3 (women's underskirt) combinacin
f; (petticoat) enaguas fpl. c o m p a slip of
the pen un lapsus. y a slip of the
tongue un lapsus linguae.
P vi 1 (slide) resbalar; (fall, get away, escape) caer: my foot slipped se me fue el
pie. 2 auto (clutch, tyre) patinar.
P vt 1 (pass, give, put) pasar, deslizar,
dar a escondidas: she slipped the note
into her bag disimuladamente meti la
nota en el bolso. 2 (overlook, forget) esca
a to slip out vi (secret, comment, etc) esca

through the slits in the blind entraba la luz

por las ranuras de la persiana.
P vt (cut) cortar, rajar, hender.

pt & pp slit, ger slitting.

slither [slIDr] vi deslizarse.

slogan [slUgn] n eslogan m, lema m.
slope [slUp] n 1 (incline) cuesta, pen

diente f; (upward) subida; (downward)

bajada, declive m: a steep slope una
cuesta empinada. 2 (of mountain) ladera,
falda, vertiente f; (of roof) vertiente f.
P vi inclinarse.
sloppy [slpI] adj 1 (messy, careless - gen)
descuidado,-a; (- manual work)
chapucero,-a; (- appearance, dress)
desaliado,-a, dejado,-a. 2 (sentimental) empalagoso,-a.
comp sloppier, superl sloppiest.

slot [slt] n 1 (for coin) ranura; (groove)

muesca; (opening) rendija, abertura. 2

(programme) espacio; (position, place)
puesto, hueco. c o m p slot machine 1
(vending machine) distribuidor m auto
mtico. 2 (for gambling) mquina tra
P vt (insert) insertar, introducir: slot the
coin in the machine insertar la moneda en
la mquina.
pt & pp slotted, ger slotting.

Slovak [slUvQk] adj eslovaco,-a.

P n 1 (person) eslovaco,-a. 2 (language)

Slovakia [slUvQkI] n Eslovaquia.
Slovene [slUvin] adj esloveno,-a.
P n 1 (person) esloveno,-a. 2 (language)
Slovenia [slUvin] n Eslovenia.
slow [slU] adj 1 (gen) lento,-a: a slow
recovery una recuperacin lenta. 2 (clock,
watch) atrasado,-a: my watch is slow mi
reloj va atrasado. 3 (dull, not active)
aburrido,-a. 4 (not quick to learn) lento,a, torpe; (thick) corto,-a de alcances:
pt & pp slipped, ger slipping.
he's a slow learner le cuesta aprender.
slipper [slIpr] n zapatilla.
c o m p to be slow about/in doing sth tar
slippery [slIprI] adj (surface) resbala
dar en hacer algo.
P adv despacio, lentamente: drive
comp slipperier, superl slipperiest.
slow! conduce despacio!
P vt (vehicle, machine) reducir la marcha
slit [slIt] n (opening)
abertura, hende
dura; (cut) corte m , raja: light came



(gen) ir ms despacio.
hacer ir ms
P vi (gen) ir ms despacio.
slowdown [slUdaUn] n us (workers)
huelga de brazos cados.
slowly [slUlI] adv despacio, lenta
sludge [sldZ] n 1 (mud) fango, cieno,
lodo, barro. 2 (sewage) aguas fpl resi
slug [slg] n zool babosa.
slum [slm] n 1 (place, house, etc) casu
cha, tugurio. 2 fam (tip) pocilga.
P vi fam visitar los barrios bajos.
P vi

a to slow down vt sep

pt & pp slummed, ger slumming.

P n pl slums (area) barrios mpl bajos.
slump [slmp] n (recession) crisis f eco
nmica; (drop in demand, etc) bajn m,

baja repentina.

slung [slN] pt & pp sling.

slurp [slp] vt sorber ruidosamente.
sly [slaI] adj 1 (cunning) astuto,-a, ladi

no,-a; (deceitful) tramposo,-a. 2 (secretive, knowing) furtivo,-a: a sly smile una

sonrisa maliciosa. 3 (mischievous, playful)
travieso,-a, pcaro,-a. l o c on the sly a

P adv pequeo: cut it up small crtalo en

smallpox [smlpks] n viruela.
smart [smAt] adj 1 (elegant) elegante,
fino,-a; (chic) fino,-a, de buen tono. 2
us (clever) listo,-a, inteligente; (sharp)
agudo,-a, vivo,-a; (impudent) fresco,a, descarado,-a: he thinks he's so smart
se cree muy listo. 3 (quick, brisk)
rpido,-a, ligero,-a.
smash [smQS] n 1 (noise) estrpito, es
truendo. 2 (collision) choque m violen
to, colisin f. 3 (blow) golpe m. 4 sp
(tennis) smash m, mate m. 5 (success, hit)
exitazo, gran xito. c o m p smash hit
gran xito, exitazo.
P vt 1 (break) romper; (shatter) hacer pe
dazos, hacer aicos; (destroy - car, room,
etc) destrozar: the vandals smashed the
place up los vndalos destrozaron el local.
2 (hit forcefully) romper; (crash, throw violently) estrellar (into, contra). 3 (defeat)
vencer, aplastar; (destroy) destrozar. 4
sp (in tennis) hacer un mate.
P vi 1 (break) romperse; (shatter) hacer
se aicos: the mirror smashed into tiny
pieces el espejo se hizo aicos. 2 (crash)
estrellarse (into, contra), chocar (into, contra).
smashing [smQSIN] adj gb fam estu
pendo,-a, fantstico,-a, genial, fe
smear [smIr] n 1 (smudge, stain) man
cha. 2 fig (defamation) calumnia.
P vt 1 (spread - butter, ointment) untar; (grease, paint) embadurnar: he smeared
butter on the bread unt el pan con man
tequilla. 2 (make dirty) manchar. 3 fig
(defame) calumniar, difamar.
smell [smel] n 1 (sense) olfato. 2 (odour)
olor m; (perfume) perfume m, aroma m.
P vt 1 oler. 2 fig olfatear.
P vi 1 oler. 2 (have particular smell) oler (a).

comp slyer o slier, superl slyest o sliest.

[smQk] n 1 (slap) bofetada,
tortazo, azote m; (blow) golpe m. 2
fam (loud kiss) besote m, beso sonoro.
P vt 1 (slap) dar una bofetada a, abo
fetear, pegar a. 2 (strike) golpear.
smack2 [smQk] n 1 (flavour) sabor m;
(smell) olor m. 2 (hint, suggestion) pizca.
small [sml] adj 1 (not large) pequeo,
-a, chico,-a: we live in a small flat vivi
mos en un departamento pequeo. 2 (in
height) bajo,-a, pequeo,-a: he's a small
man es un hombre bajito. 3 (young) jo
ven, pequeo,-a: when I was small
cuando era pequeo. l o c in the small
pt & pp smelled o smelt [smelt].
hours a altas horas de la madruga
da. y c o m p small ads anuncios mpl por smelly [smelI] adj apestoso,-a, malo
palabras, pequeos anuncios mpl. y
small change cambio, monedas fpl smelt [smelt] vt (melt) fundir.
sueltas. y small letter letra minscu smelt [smelt] pp smell.
[smaIl] n sonrisa.
la. y small print letra
P vi (gen) sonrer.
comp smaller, comp smallest.

smack 1


P vt

(say with a smile) decir sonriendo.

a to smile on vi sonrer a.

smiley [smaIlI] n comput emoticn m.

smith [smIT] n herrero,-a.
smog [smg] n niebla txica, smog m.
smoke [smUk] n 1 (gen) humo. 2 fam

(cigarette) cigarrillo, cigarro, pitillo.

P vt 1 (person) fumar. 2 (meat, fish) ahu
P vi 1 (person) fumar. 2 (fire, chimney, etc)
echar humo, humear.
smoker [smUkr] n 1 (person) fuma
dor,-ra. 2 (on train) vagn m de
smoking [smUkIN] adj humeante.
P n fumar m.
smoky [smUkI] adj lleno,-a de humo.
comp smokier, comp smokiest.
smooth [smUD] adj 1 (surface, texture,

pl snacks (gen) cosas fpl para picar;

(in bar) tapas fpl.
snail [sneIl] n caracol m.
snake [sneIk] n (big) serpiente f; (small)
P vi fig (river, road, etc) serpentear.
snap [snQp] n 1 (sharp noise) ruido se
co; (of fingers, branch) chasquido. 2 fam
(snapshot) foto f, instantnea.
P vt 1 (break) partir en dos, romper en
dos. 2 (close) cerrar de golpe. 3 (click)
chasquear. 4 (say sharply) decir brus
P vi 1 (break) romperse, partirse. 2 fig
(person) perder los nervios, sufrir una
crisis nerviosa. 3 (speak sharply) regaar
(at, a), hablar con brusquedad (at, a).

pt & pp snapped, ger snapping.

" Snap es tambin un juego de cartas en

el que los jugadores van poniendo cartas

tyre) liso,-a; (skin) suave; (road) lla
sobre la mesa, y si salen dos del mismo
no,-a, uniforme; (sea) tranquilo,-a,
nmero el primero que cante snap se las
en calma. 2 (liquid mixture, sauce) sin
lleva todas. El que se quede sin cartas es
grumos. 3 (wine, beer, etc) suave.
eliminado; gana el que queda cuando los
P vt (gen) alisar; (with sandpaper) lijar;
dems estn eliminados.
(polish) pulir.
smother [smD ] vt 1 (asphyxiate) as snapshot [snQpSt] n foto f, instan
fixiar, ahogar. 2 (put out - fire) sofocar,
extinguir, apagar. 3 (stifle - yawn, snarl [snAl] n (growl) gruido.
cough, laughter) contener, reprimir;
P vi (growl) gruir (at, a).
(suppress - opposition) acallar. 4 (cover)
P vt (say) gruir.
cubrir ( in/with, de); (heap) colmar snatch [snQtS]
(in/with, de).
vt 1 (grab) arrebatar, arrancar, coger;
P vi (asphyxiate) asfixiarse, ahogarse.
(steal) robar; (kidnap) secuestrar. 2
smudge [smdZ] n (stain - gen) man
(sleep, food, etc) agarrar, pillar; (opportucha; (- of ink) borrn m.
nity, etc) aprovechar.
P vt (gen) manchar; (writing) emborro
P vi arrebatar, quitar.
sneak [snik] n fam acusica mf, acu
P vi (ink, paint, etc) correrse.
sn,-ona, chivato,-a, sopln,-ona.
smuggle [smgl] vt 1 (illegally) pasar
P vt (take out) sacar (a escondidas);
de contrabando. 2 (sneak) pasar a es
(take in) pasar (a escondidas), colar
(de extranjis).
smuggler [smglr] n contrabandis
P vi 1 (move) moverse sigilosamente.
ta mf.
2 (tell tales) acusar ( on, a), chivarse
(on, de).
snack [snQk] n (light meal) bocado, pis
colabis m, tentempi m, refrigerio; sneakers [snikz] n pl us zapatillas fpl
de deporte.
(in afternoon) merienda.
P vi comer, comerse. l o c to have a
sneer [snIr] n 1 (look) cara de despre
c o m p snack bar ca
snack picar algo.
cio; (smile) sonrisa burlona. 2 (remark)
comentario desdeoso.



P vi (mock) burlarse (at, de), mofarse

(at, de); (scorn) desdear, despreciar.
sneeze [sniz] n estornudo.
P vi estornudar.
sniff [snIf] n 1 aspiracin. 2 (inhalation)
aspiracin f (por la nariz), inhala
cin f.
P vt 1 (person - gen) oler; (animal) olfa
tear, husmear. 3 (drugs) esnifar.
a to snip off vt sep cortar con tijeras.
snob [snb] n esnob mf.
snooker [snukr] n snooker m.
snoop [snUp] vi 1 (search, investigate)
husmear, fisgar. 2 (pry) entrometer
se, meterse (into, en).
P n (person) fisgn,-ona.
snooze [snUz] n fam cabezada, sies
P vi fam dormitar, echar una cabezada.
snore [snr] n ronquido.
P vi roncar.
snorkel [snkl] n (of swimmer) tubo
de respiracin; (of submarine) esnr
quel m.
P vi bucear con tubo de respiracin.

snowman [snUmQn] n mueco de


snowplough [snUplaU] n quitanie

ves m.


[snUSU] n raqueta (de

snowstorm [snUstm] n tormenta

de nieve.

snowy [snUI] adj de nieve, nevado,-a.

comp snowier, superl snowiest.

a to snuff out vt sep (rebellion) sofocar;

(hopes) acabar con.

so [sU] conj 1 (therefore) as que, por lo

tanto, de manera que. 2 (to express

purpose) para, para que.
P adv 1 (introductory) as que, pues, bue
no: so you've decided to come as que has
decidido venir. 2 (very - before adj or adv)
tan; (- before noun or with verb) tanto,-a:
she's so bored est tan aburrida. 3 (unspecified number or amount, limit) tanto,-a: I can
only do so much no puedo hacer ms. 4
(thus, in this way) as, de esta manera,
de este modo: he's about so tall es as de
alto. 5 (to avoid repetition) que s: I think/
pt & pp snorkelled (us snorkeled), ger
hope so creo/espero que s. 6 (to express
snorkelling (us snorkeling).
agreement, also) tambin: so am I/so do I/so

snorkelling [snk lIN] n buceo (con

can I/so have I yo tambin.
tubo de respiracin).
P adj (factual, true) as: it can't be so no
snort [snt] vi 1 (make noise - person) re
puede ser. l o c and so on (and so forth)
soplar, bufar; (- animal) resoplar. 2
y as sucesivamente. y if so de ser
(say angrily, etc) bramar, gruir.
as. y or so ms o menos. y so far has
P vt (drugs) esnifar.
ta ahora. y so long! hasta luego! y so
P n 1 (person) resoplido, bufido; (animany tantos,-as. y so much tanto. y
mal) resoplido. 2 fam (drink) trago.
so much for sth: so much for your advice!
snout [snaUt] n 1 (of animal) morro, ho
vaya consejo que me diste! y so that
cico. 2 gb fam (of person) napias mf, na
para que. y so what? y qu?
rizotas mf. 3 (of gun, bottle, etc) morro. 4 soak [sUk] vt (put in liquid) poner en
gb sl (tobacco) tabaco. 5 gb sl (informer)
remojo, remojar; (saturate) empapar.
sopln,-ona, chivato,-a.
P vi 1 (washing, dried pulses) estar en re
snow [snU] n 1 meteor (gen) nieve f;
mojo, 2 (bathe) baarse. 3 (penetrate)
(snowfall) nevada. 2 tv nieve f.
empapar, calar.
P vi nevar: its snowing est nevando.
P n 1 remojn m . 2 fam (drunkard)
snowball [snUbl] n bola de nieve.
snowboard [snUbd] n snow soap [sUp] n jabn m: a bar/cake/tablet of
soap una pastilla de jabn. c o m p soap opera
snowdrop [snUdrp] n bot campani
culebrn m, telenovela. y soap powder
lla de invierno.
detergente m en polvo.
P vt enjabonar, jabonar.
snowflake [snUfleIk] n copo de nieve.




[s ] vi 1 (bird, plane - fly) volar;

(- rise) remontar el vuelo, remontarse;
(- glide) planear. 2 fig (prices, costs, etc) dis
pararse. 3 (building) elevarse, alzarse.
sob [sb] n sollozo.
P vi sollozar.
P vt decir sollozando, decir entre so

pt & pp sobbed, ger sobbing.

sober [sUbr] adj 1 (not drunk) sobrio,-a.

2 (person) serio,-a, formal; (attitude)

sobrio,-a, moderado,-a, sensato,-a.
3 (colour) discreto,-a, sobrio,-a.
so-called [sUkld] adj llamado,-a,
soccer [skr] n ftbol m.

" El soccer es la denominacin que se

utiliza en Estados Unidos para hablar

nuestro ftbol. La palabra football est
reservada al ftbol americano, uno de los
deportes rey del pas.

sociable [sUSbl] adj sociable.

social [sUSl] adj 1 (gen) social. 2 fam

(sociable) sociable.
P n (informal meeting) acto social, reu
nin f (social); (party) fiesta; (dance)
baile m.
socialism [sUSlIzm] n socialismo.
socialist [sUSlist] adj & n socialista mf.
socialize [sUSlaIz] vi (mix socially) rela
cionarse, alternar; (at party) mezclar
se con la gente, hacer vida social.
P vt 1 tech (adapt to society) socializar. 2
us (nationalize) nacionalizar.
society [ssaItI] n 1 (community, people)
sociedad f. 2 (fashionable group, upper
class) (alta) sociedad f. 3 (organization,
club) sociedad f, asociacin f, club m,
crculo. 4 fml (company) compaa.
pl societies.

sociology [sUsIldZI] n sociologa.

sock [sk] n calcetn m.
socket [skIt] n 1 anat (of eye) cuenca,


[sUd] n 1 chem sosa, soda. 2

(soda water) soda, sifn m. 3 us (pop)
refresco. 4 (ice-cream soda) soda con
helado y almbar.
sodium [sUdIm] n chem sodio. c o m p
sodium bicarbonate bicarbonato s
sofa [sUf] n sof m.
soft [sft] adj 1 (not hard) blando,-a;
(spongy) esponjoso,-a; (flabby) fofo,-a. 2
(skin, hair, fur, etc) suave. 3 (light, music, colour) suave; (words) tierno,-a; (breeze, steps,
knock) ligero,-a; (outline) difuminado,-a;
(voz) baja. 4 fam (easy) fcil. c o m p soft
copy datos mpl contenidos en la me
moria del ordenador. y soft drink re
fresco. y soft palate velo del paladar.
soft-boiled [sftbIld] adj (egg) pasa
do por agua.
soften [sfn] vt suavizar, ablandar.
P vi (leather, heart, butter) ablandarse;
(skin) suavizarse.
softener [sfnr] n suavizante m.
software [sftwer] n comput soft
ware m.
soggy [sgI] adj 1 (wet) empapado,-a,
saturado,-a. 2 (too soft) pastoso,-a,

comp soggier, superl soggiest.

soil [sIl] n 1 (earth) tierra. 2 fml (country,

territory) tierra.
P vt 1 (dirty) ensuciar; (stain) manchar.
2 fig (reputation) manchar.
P vi ensuciarse.
soiled [sIld] adj (dirty) sucio,-a;
(stained) manchado,-a.
solar [sUlr] adj solar. c o m p solar cell c
lula solar. y solar corona corona solar. y
solar energy energa solar. y solar plexus
plexo solar.y solar year ao solar. y the
solar system el sistema m solar.

sold [slept] pt & pp sell.

solder [sldr] n soldadura.

P vt soldar.
rbita; (of joint) glena. 2 elec (for plug) soldier [sUldZr] n (not officer) soldado;
(military man) militar m. c o m p a soldier
enchufe m, toma de corriente; (for
of fortune un mercenario.
c o m p sock
light bulb) portalmparas
sole1 [sUl] n (fish) lenguado.
et wrench llave f de tubo.




[sUl] adj 1 (only, single) nico,-a. 2

(exclusive) exclusivo,-a.
sole3 [sUl] n (of foot) planta; (of shoe,
sock) suela.
P vt poner suela a.
solicitor [slIsItr] n 1 gb abogado,-a.
2 us oficial mf de justicia.
solid [slId] adj 1 (not liquid or gas) sli
do,-a. 2 (not hollow) macizo,-a. 3 (dense,
compact) compacto,-a. 4 (unmixed) pu
ro,-a, macizo,-a. 5 (strong) slido,-a,
fuerte. 6 (reliable) slido,-a, de con
fianza, de fiar. 7 (unanimous) unni
me. 8 (continuous) seguido,-a, entero,
-a; (unbroken) continuo,-a. 9 tech
(three-dimensional) tridimensional.
P n (substance) slido.
solidarity [slIdQrtI] n solidaridad f.
solidification [slIdIfIkeISn] n solidi
ficacin f.
solidify [slIdIfaI] vt solidificar.
P vi solidificarse.

pt & pp solidified, ger solidifying.

solitary [slItrI] adj 1 (alone) solitario,

-a. 2 (secluded, remote) apartado,-a,
retirado,-a. 3 (only, sole) solo,-a, nico,-a.
solitude [slItjUd] n soledad f.
solo [sUlU] n 1 mus solo. 2 av vuelo
en solitario. 3 (card game) solitario.
pl solos.
P adj 1 mus (performance, album) en soli

cuantos,-as, unos,-as pocos,-as: there

were some flowers on the table haba unas
flores en la mesa. 2 (with singular noun) al
gn, alguna; (a little) algo de, un poco
de: would you like some coffee? quieres un
poco de caf? 3 (certain) cierto,-a,
alguno,-a: some days are better than others
algunos das son mejores que otros. 4
(unknown, unspecified) algn, alguna:
some day un da de stos. 5 (quite a lot of)
bastante: she's been gone some time hace
ya bastante tiempo que se ha ido. 6 fam
iron (none, not at all) valiente, menudo,a: some help that was! valiente ayuda! 7
fam (quite a, a fine) menudo,-a: that was
some meal! menuda comida!
P pron 1 (unspecified number) unos,-as,
algunos,-as: I'll have to buy some potatoes tendr que comprar patatas. 2 (unspecified amount) no se traduce: if you want
more paper, there's some in the drawer si te
hace falta ms papel, hay en el cajn. 3
(certain ones) ciertos,-as, algunos,-as;
(a certain part) algo, un poco, parte f:
some of my friends algunos amigos mos.
P adv 1 (approximately, about) unos,-as, al
rededor de, aproximadamente: there
were some twenty people haba unas veinte
personas. 2 us fam (rather, a little) un poco:
they waited some esperaron un poco.
somebody [smbdI] pron alguien:
somebody must have lost it alguien debe
haberlo perdido. l o c somebody else
otro,-a, otra persona.
somehow [smhaU] adv 1 (in some way)
de algn modo, de alguna manera.
2 (for some reason) por alguna razn.

tario; (instrument) solo; (piece) para so

lista. 2 (attempt, flight) en solitario.
P adv 1 mus (play, sing) solo,-a. 2 (fly) en
soloist [sIlUIst] n mus solista mf.
solstice [slstIs] n solsticio.
soluble [sljbl] adj soluble.
someone [smwn] pron somebody.
solution [sljuSn] n solucin m.
someplace [smpleIs] adv us some
solve [slv] vt (problem) resolver, solu
cionar; (case, equation) resolver.
somersault [smslt] n (by acrobat)
solvent [slvnt] adj 1 (not in debt) sol
salto mortal; (by child) voltereta; (by
vente. 2 (that can dissolve) soluble.
car) vuelta de campana.
P n solvente m, disolvente m.
P vi (acrobat) dar un salto mortal;
Somali [smAlI] adj somal.
(child) dar volteretas; (car) dar una
P n somal mf.
vuelta de campana.
Somalia [smAlI] n Somalia.
something [smTIN] pron 1 algo. 2 (a
thing of value) algo. 3 (in vague or ill-desome [sm] adj 1 (with
plural noun) unos,
-as, algunos,-as; (a few) unos,-as
fined statements) algo.


adv: it costs something like 100 pounds

cuesta unas cien libras.
sometime [smtaIm] adv algn da.
P adj fml (former) antiguo,-a, ex-.
sometimes [smtaImz] adv a veces,
de vez en cuando.
somewhat [smwt] adv algo, un
somewhere [smwer] adv 1 (in some
place) en alguna parte; (to some place) a
alguna parte. 2 (approximately) ms o
menos, alrededor de.
P pron un lugar, un sitio. l o c somewhere
else 1 (in) en otra parte, en otro sitio.
2 (to) a otra parte, a otro sitio.
son [sn] n hijo.
song [sN] n (gen) cancin f; (art, of bird)
songbird [sNbd] n pjaro cantor,
ave f canora.
songbook [sNbUk] n cancionero.
songwriter [sNraItr] n compositor,
-ra (de canciones).
son-in-law [snInl] n yerno.

pl sons-in-law.
[sUn] adv 1 (within a short time)
pronto, dentro de poco. 2 (early)
pronto, temprano. 3 (expressing preference, readiness, willingness): I'd (just) as soon
eat in as preferira comer en casa que
l o c as soon as tan pronto como. y as
soon as possible cuanto antes. y soon
afterwards poco despus.
sooner [sUnr] adv 1 (earlier) ms tem
prano. 2 (rather) antes. l o c no sooner
said than done dicho y hecho. y soon
er or later tarde o temprano. y the
sooner the better cuanto antes mejor.
soot [sUt] n holln m.
soothe [sUD] vt 1 (calm) calmar, tran
quilizar, aplacar; (quieten) acallar. 2


3 lit (great) enorme, gran; (serious) grave;

(urgent) urgente.
P n med llaga, lcera.
sorrow [srU] n 1 (grief) pena, pesar m,
dolor m. 2 (cause of sadness) disgusto.
P vi llorar (at/over/for, por).
sorry [srI] adj (pitiful, wretched) triste,
lamentable. l o c to be sorry (grieved,
feeling sadness) sentir. y to feel sorry for
sb compadecer. y to say sorry discul
parse, pedir perdn.

comp sorrier, superl sorriest.

P interj 1 (apology) perdn!, disculpe!
2 gb (for repetition) perdn?, cmo?
sort [st] n 1 (type, kind) clase f, tipo, g
nero, suerte f; (make, brand) marca. 2
fam (person) tipo,-a, to,-a. l o c a sort of
una especie de. y of a sort / of sorts una
especie de. y nothing of the sort nada
semejante. y sort of en cierto modo.
P vt 1 (classify) clasificar. 2 (repair) arre

P vi (check) revisar (through, -).
a to sort out vt sep 1 (classify) clasificar;
(put in order) ordenar, poner en orden.
2 (separate) separar (from, de). 3 (solve
- problem) arreglar, solucionar; (- misunderstanding) aclarar. 4 (arrange) orga
nizar, arreglar; (set - date) fijar. 5 (deal
with - person) meter en vereda.
so-so [sUsU] adv fam as as, regular.

sought [st] pt & pp seek.

soul [sUl] n 1 rel alma, espritu m. 2

(spirit) espritu m; (feeling, character) carc

ter m, personalidad f. 3 (person) alma,
persona. 4 mus soul m, msica soul.
sound1 [saUnd] adj 1 (healthy) sano,-a. 2
(solid) slido,-a, firme; (in good condition)
en buen estado. 3 (sensible) sensa
to,-a, acertado,-a; (valid) slido,-a,
lgico,-a, razonable; (responsible) res
ponsable, formal, de fiar; (reliable,
(ease pain) aliviar, calmar.
safe) seguro,-a. 4 (thorough) comple
sorcerer [ssrr] n hechicero, brujo.
to,-a; (severe) severo,-a. 5 (of sleep)
sorcery [ssrI] n hechicera, brujera.
profundo,-a. l o c to be sound asleep
estar dormido como un tronco.
sore [sr] adj 1 (aching) dolorido,-a;
(painful) doloroso,-a; (inflamed) inflama sound2 [saUnd] vt 1 mar sondar. 2 med
do,-a. 2 us fam (angry)
(gen) sondar; (chest) auscultar.
P n med sonda.
(about, por), picado,-a (about, por).


[saUnd] n

zo de mar.


estrecho, bra

sound4 [saUnd] n 1 (gen) sonido; (noise)

souvenir [sUvnIr] n recuerdo (of, de).

sovereign [svrIn] n 1 soberano,-a. 2

gb (coin) soberano.
ruido. 2 tv (volume) volumen m. 3 (imP adj soberano,-a.
pression, idea) idea. c o m p sound effects sow1 [saU] n zool cerda, puerca.
efectos sonoros.
sow2 [sU] vt (gen) sembrar (with, de).
P vt 1 (bell, horn, trumpet) tocar, hacer
pt sowed, pp sowed o sown [sUn].
sonar; (alarm) dar (la seal de); (retreat)
[sUn] pp sow.
tocar. 2 ling pronunciar.
soy [sI] n us soja.
P vi 1 (bell, horn, alarm, etc) sonar, reso
nar. 2 (seem) parecer; (give impression) soya [sI] n gb soja. c o m p soya bean
sonar. 3 ling pronunciarse, sonar.
soundtrack [saUndtrQk] n banda so spa [spA] n 1 (resort) balneario; (baths)
baos mpl, termas fpl. 2 us (jacuzzi) ja
soup [sUp] n culin (gen) sopa; (clear,
cuzzi m. 3 us (gymnasium) gimnasio.
thin) caldo, consom m.
space [speIs] n 1 phys espacio. 2 (conr
sour [saU ] adj 1 (fruit) cido,-a, agrio,
tinuous expanse) espacio. 3 (room, unoccu-a; (milk) cortado,-a, agrio,-a; (wine)
pied area) espacio, sitio, lugar m. 4
agrio,-a. 2 (person) amargado,-a,
(gap, empty place) espacio, hueco. 5 (in
avinagrado,-a; (behaviour, expression)
time) espacio, lapso. c o m p space lab la
agrio,-a, avinagrado,-a.
boratorio espacial. y space probe son
P vt 1 (milk) agriar, cortar. 2 (person, reda espacial. y space ship nave f espa
lationship) amargar.
cial. y space shuttle transbordador m
P vi 1 (milk) agriarse, cortarse; (wine)
agriarse. 2 (person, character) amargar
space-bar [speIsbAr] n barra espa
se, avinagrarse.
ciadora m.
source [ss] n 1 (of river) fuente f, naci
miento. 2 (origin, cause) fuente f, ori spacecraft [speIskrAft] n nave f espa
gen m.
pl spacecraft.
south [saUT] n sur m.
P adj sur, del sur, meridional. c o m p
spaceship [speIsSIp] n nave f espa
South American sudamericano,-a. y
the South Pole el Polo Sur.
spade1 [speId] n (playing card - international
P adv (direction) hacia el sur; (location) al sur.
pack) pica; (- Spanish pack) espada.
P n the South el Sur m, el sur m.
spade2 [speId] n (for digging) pala.
southeast [saUTist] n sudeste m.
, Spade no significa 'espada', que se
P adj sudeste, del sudeste.
traduce por sword.
P adv (direction) hacia el sudeste; (location) al sudeste.
spaghetti [spgetI] n espagueti m.
southern [sDn] adj del sur, meridio
Spain [speIn] n Espaa.
nal, austral. c o m p Southern Europe
span1 [spQn] pt spin.
Europa del Sur.
southward [saUTwd] adj hacia el span [spQn] n 1 (of wings) envergadu
arch, bridge) luz f, ojo; (of hand)
sur, en direccin sur.
palmo. 2 (of time) perodo, lapso.
P adv al sur, hacia el sur.
P vt 1 (cross) atravesar, cruzar. 2 (extend
southwards [saUTwdz] adv (direction)
over) abarcar, extenderse a.
hacia el sur; (location) al sur.
pt & pp spanned, ger spanning.
southwest [saUTwest] n suroeste m.
[spQnjd] n (person) espa
P adj suroeste, del suroeste.
P adv al suroeste, hacia el suroeste.



Spanish [spQnIS] adj espaol,-la.


Spanish America Hispanoamrica. y

Spanish guitar guitarra clsica.
P n 1 (person) espaol,-la. 2 (language)
espaol m, castellano.
P n pl the Spanish los espaoles mpl.
spanner [spQnr] n llave f de tuerca.
spare [sper] adj 1 (reserve) de repues
to; (free) libre; (extra) de sobra. 2 (thin,

lean) enjuto,-a.
n (spare part) recambio, repuesto.
c o m p spare room habitacin f de invi
tados. y spare time tiempo libre. y
spare tyre 1 (wheel) rueda de recam
bio. 2 (stomach) micheln m. y spare
wheel rueda de recambio.
P vt 1 (do without) prescindir de, pasar
sin. 2 (begrudge) escatimar. 3 (save, relieve) ahorrar, evitar.
spark [spAk] n 1 (from fire, electrical) chis
pa. 2 (trace) chispa, pizca. 3 (cause, trigger) chispazo. c o m p spark plug buja.
P vi echar chispas, chispear.

sparking plug

[spAkINplg] n


sparkle [spAkl] n 1 (of diamond, glass)

centelleo, destello, brillo; (of eyes) bri

llo. 2 fig (liveliness) viveza; (wit) brillo.
P vi 1 (gen) brillar; (firework) echar chis
pas, chispear. 2 fig (person) brillar, lu
cirse; (conversation) brillar.
sparkler [spAklr] n 1 (firework) ben
gala. 2 fam (gem) brillante m.
sparrow [spQrU] n gorrin m.
sparse [spAs] adj (vegetation) escaso,-a,
poco denso,-a; (population) disper
so,-a, esparcido,-a; (hair) ralo,-a; (information) escaso,-a.
spasm [spQzm] n 1 med espasmo. 2
(of coughing, laughing, etc) ataque m, ac
ceso; (of anger) arrebato, acceso.

1 (utter, say) decir. 2 (language) ha

blar. l o c generally/roughly speaking
en trminos generales. y personally
speaking personalmente. y speaking
of a propsito de
a to speak for vt insep (state views, wishes
of) hablar en nombre de.
a to speak out vi (speak openly) hablar
a to speak up vi 1 (speak more loudly)
hablar ms fuerte. 2 (give opinion) de
P vt

pt spoke [ s p U k ] , pp spoken
speaker [spik r] n 1 (gen) persona

que habla, el que habla, la que ha

bla; (in dialogue) interlocutor,-ra; (in
public) orador,-ra; (lecturer) conferen
ciante mf. 2 (of language) hablante mf. 3
(loudspeaker) altavoz m.
P n the Speaker 1 gb el/la presiden
te,-a de la Cmara de los Comunes.
2 us el/la presidente,-a de la Cma
ra de los Representantes.
spear [spIr] n 1 (gen) lanza; (javelin) ja
balina; (harpoon) arpn m. 2 bot punta.
P vt (with fork) pinchar; (with harpoon)
arponear; (impale with spear) atravesar
con una lanza.
special [speSl] adj 1 (not ordinary or usual)
especial; (exceptional) extraordinario,
-a. 2 (specific) especfico,-a, particular.
P n 1 (train) tren m especial. 2 (TV programme) programa m especial. 3 us
(special offer) oferta especial.
speciality [speSIQlItI] n especialidad f.
pl specialities.

specialize [speSlaIz] vi especiliazarse.

species [spiSiz] n especie f.
pl species.


[spsIfIk] adj 1 (particular, not

general) especfico,-a; (definite) concre
to,-a. 2 (exact, detailed, precise) preci
so,-a; (clear in meaning) explcito,-a.
(with, de); (sprinkle) rociar (with, de).
P n med (drug) especfico.
P vi salpicar.
P n pl specifics (particulars, details) datos
P n (spattered spot) salpicadura, man
mpl (concretos).
chita; (small amount) pizca.
speak [spik] vi 1 (gen) hablar. 2 (make specify [spesIfaI] vt especificar, pre
cisar, concretar.
un discurso. 3 (on
speech) pronunciar
pt & pp specified, ger specifying.
phone) hablar.

spat [spQt] pt & pp spit2.

spatter [spQt r] vt (splash) salpicar



specimen [spesImn] n 1 (sample) es

pcimen m , muestra. 2 (example)

ejemplar m. 3 fam pej (person) tipo,-a.
speck [spek] n 1 (of dust, soot) mota;
(stain) manchita; (dot) punto negro. 2
(trace) pizca.
spectacle [spektkl] n (show, display)
P n pl spectacles gafas fpl.
spectacular [spektQkjlr] adj espec
spectator [spekteItr] n espectador,-ra.
P n pl the spectators el pblico m sing.

specter [spektr] n us spectre.

spectre [spektr] n espectro.
spectrum [spektrm] n 1 phys espec
tro. 2 (range) espectro, gama.

pl spectra [spektr].

sped [sped] pt & pp speed.

speech [spitS] n 1 (faculty, act) habla. 2

(spoken language, way of speaking) habla,

manera de hablar. 3 (formal talk) discur
so, alocucin f; (informal talk) charla;
(lectura) conferencia; (lines in play) dilo
go. c o m p direct speech estilo directo. y
indirect speech estilo indirecto. y part
of speech parte de la oracin.
pl speeches.

speed [spid] n 1 (rate of movement) velo

cidad f; (quickness) rapidez f; (haste)

prisa. 2 (sensitivity of film) sensibilidad f,
velocidad f; (time of shutter) tiempo de
exposicin, abertura. 3 (gear) mar
cha, velocidad f. 4 sl (drug) speed m,
anfetas fpl. c o m p speed limit lmite m
de velocidad.
P vi 1 (go fast) ir corriendo, ir a toda
prisa, ir a toda velocidad. 2 (break
limit) ir a exceso de velocidad.
1 (hurry - process, matter) acelerar. 2 (take
quickly) hacer llegar rpidamente.
a to speed up vt sep (process, matter, production) acelerar; (person) apresurar,
meter prisa a.
P vi (vehicle) acelerar; (person, process,
production) acelerarse, apresurarse,
darse prisa.

speeding [spidIN] n auto exceso de


speedometer [spIdmItr] n veloc



[spidweI] n 1 (racing) ca
rreras fpl de moto. 2 (track) pista de
carreras, circuito.
speedy [spidI] adj (quick) rpido,-a,
veloz; (prompt) pronto,-a, rpido,-a.

comp speedier, superl speediest.

speleology [spilIldZI] n espeleologa.

spell1 [spel] n (magical) hechizo, en

spell3 [spel] vt 1 (orally) deletrear; (writ-

ten) escribir correctamente. 2 fig

(mean) significar, representar; (bring)
traer, acarrear; (foretell) anunciar, au
gurar, presagiar.
P vi saber escribir correctamente.
a to spell out vt sep 1 (word) deletrear.
2 (explain in detail) explicar con deta
lle, detallar, pormenorizar.

pt & pp spelled o spelt [spelt].

[spelIN] n ortografa. c o m p
spelling mistake falta de ortografa.
spelt [spelt] pt & pp spell.
spend [spend] vt 1 (money) gastar (on,
en). 2 (pass time) pasar. 3 (devote time/
energy) dedicar (on, a), invertir (on,
en). 4 (use up, exhaust) gastar, agotar.
P vi (money) gastar.
pt & pp spent [spent].
spent [spent] pt & pp spend.
P adj 1 (used) usado,-a, gastado,-a. 2


(exhausted) agotado,-a; (finished)

sperm [spm] n esperma mf . c o m p
sperm whale cachalote m.
sphere [sfIr] n 1 (shape) esfera. 2 (area,
range, extent) esfera, mbito.
spherical [sferIkl] adj esfrico,-a.
sphincter [sfINktr] n esfnter m.
sphinx [sfINks] n esfinge f.
spice [spaIs] n 1 especia. 2 fig sazn
m, sal f, salsa, sabor m.
pt & pp speeded o sped [sped].
P vt 1 culin sazonar, condimentar. 2
speedboat [spidbUt] n lancha rpida.
(story, etc) echar salsa a (up, -).



spicy [spaIsI] adj 1 culin (seasoned) sa

zonado,-a, condimentado,-a; (hot)

picante. 2 fig (story, etc) picante.
comp spicier, superl spiciest.

spider [spaIdr] n araa.

c o m p spider's
web telaraa.
spied [spaId] pt & pp spy.
spike1 [spaIk] n 1 (sharp point) punta,

pincho; (sharp-pointed object) objeto

puntiagudo. 2 (on running shoe) clavo.
P vt 1 (with shoes) clavar. 2 (drink) echar
alcohol a.
spike2 [spaIk] n bot espiga.
spill [spIl] vt (liquid) derramar, verter;
(knock over) volcar.
P vi 1 (liquid) derramarse, verterse. 2
(people) salir en tropel.
a to spill over vi (liquid) salirse, des
bordarse; (people) rebosar; (conflict) ex
pt & pp spilled o spilt [spIlt].

spilt [spIlt] pt & pp spill.

spin [spIn] n 1 (turn) vuelta, giro, revo

lucin f. 2 (of washing machine) centri

fugado. 3 sp (of ball) efecto. 4 (of plane)
barrena; (of car) patinazo. 5 (ride, trip)
vuelta, paseo (en coche o en moto).
P vt 1 (make turn) hacer girar, dar vuel
tas a. 2 (washing) centrifugar. 3 (ball)
darle efecto a. 4 (cotton, wool, etc) hilar;
(spider's web) tejer.
P vi 1 (turn) girar, dar vueltas. 2 (washing machine) centrifugar. 3 (cotton, wool,
etc) hilar. 4 (plane) caer en barrena;
(car) patinar. 5 (move rapidly) girar(se),
darse la vuelta.

pt spun [spn] o span [spQn] , pp

spun [spn], ger spinning.
spinach [spInIdZ] n 1 bot espinaca. 2
culin espinacas fpl.
spinal [spaInl] adj espinal, vertebral.
c o m p spinal column columna verte
bral. y spinal cord mdula espinal.
spin-dryer [spIndraIr] n secador m

centrfugo, centrifugadora.

spinning [spInIN] n (action) hilado; (art)

hilandera. c o m p spinning top peon

za, trompo. y spinning wheel rueca,
torno de hilar.
spiny [spaInI] adj espinoso,-a.
comp spinier, superl spiniest.

spiral [spaIrl] n espiral f.

P adj

espiral, en espiral.

1 (move in a spiral) moverse en es

piral. 2 (increase rapidly) dispararse.
spire [spaIr] n aguja.
spirit1 [spIrIt] n chem alcohol m.
P n pl spirits (alcoholic drink) bebidas fpl
alcohlicas, licores mpl.
spirit2 [spIrIt] n 1 (soul) espritu m, al
ma; (ghost) fantasma m. 2 (person) ser
m, alma. 3 (force, vigour) vigor m, ener
ga; (personality) carcter m; (courage)
valor m.
spiritual [spIrItjUl] adj espiritual.
P n (song) espiritual m negro.
spit1 [spIt] n 1 culin asador m, espetn
m. 2 geog (of sand) banco; (of land) pun
P vi

ta, lengua.

spit2 [spIt] n (saliva) saliva, esputo.

(gen) escupir.
1 (gen) escupir (at, a), (on, en). 2
(rain) chispear. 3 (sputter) chisporrotear.
a to spit out vt sep 1 (gen) escupir. 2 fig
(say sharply) soltar.
P vt

P vi

pt & pp spat [spQt].

spite [spaIt] n (ill will) rencor m, ojeri


P vt


in spite of a pesar de, pese a



[spaItfUl] adj (person) renco

roso,-a, malvolo,-a; (comment)
spittle [spItl] n saliva, baba.
splash [splQS] n 1 (noise) chapoteo. 2
(spray) salpicadura, rociada. 3 (small
amount) gota, chorrito, poco. 4 fig (of
light, colour, etc) mancha.
P vt 1 (gen) salpicar (with, de), rociar
(with, de). 2 fam (of news, story, etc) sa
car, salir.

pl splashes.
P vi 1 (of liquid) salpicar, esparcirse. 2 (move
bral, espina dorsal, espinazo. 2 (of
noisily) chapotear (about/around, -).
(of hedgehog, etc)
book) lomo. 3 zool
a to splash down vi amarar, ameri
pa. 4 bot espina.

spine [spaIn] n 1 anat columna verte



a to splash out vi

fam darse un lujo,

gastarse un dineral.
spleen [splin] n anat bazo.
splendid [splendId] adj 1 (excellent) es
tupendo,-a, maravilloso,-a. 2 (magnificent) esplndido,-a, magnfico,-a.

Splendid no significa 'esplndido

(generoso)', que se traduce por lavish.

splinter [splIntr] n (of wood) astilla; (of

metal, bone, stone) esquirla; (of glass)

split [splIt] n 1 (crack, cut, break) grieta,
raja. 2 (tear - in garment) desgarrn m,
rasgn m; (- in seam) descosido. 3 (division) divisin f, ruptura. 4 (division,
sharing out) reparto.
P adj 1 (cracked) partido,-a, rajado,-a;
(torn) desgarrado,-a, rasgado,-a. 2 (divided) dividido,-a.
P vt 1 (crack, break) agrietar; (cut) partir.
2 (tear - garment) rajar, desgarrar;
(- seam) descoser. 3 phys (atom) desinte
grar. 4 (divide, separate) dividir (up, -).
P vi 1 (crack) agrietarse, rajarse; (in two
parts) partirse. 2 (tear - garment) rajarse,
desgarrarse; (- seams) descoserse. 3
(divide) dividirse (up, -).
a to split up vt sep (friends, lovers) separar.
P vi (crowd, meeting) dispersarse; (couple)
separarse, romper.
pt & pp split, ger splitting.

spoil [spIl] vt 1 (ruin) estropear, echar

a perder, arruinar. 2 (invalidate) anu

lar. 3 (make child selfish) mimar, con
sentir; (indulge) complacer.
P vi (food) estropearse, echarse a per
pt & pp spoiled o spoilt [spIlt].

spoilt [spIlt] pp spoil.

P adj 1 (food, etc) estropeado,-a. 2 (child)

mimado,-a, consentido,-a. 3 (ballot
paper) nulo,-a.
spoke1 [spUk] n (of wheel) radio, rayo.

spoke [spUk] pt speak.

spoken [spUkn] pt & pp speak.

P adj

hablado,-a, oral.

spokesperson [spUkspsn] n por

tavoz mf.
pl spokespersons o spokespeople
spokeswoman [spUkswUmn] n
portavoz f.
pl spokeswomen [spUkswImIn].
sponge [spndZ] n 1 (gen) esponja. 2
gb (cake) bizcocho. c o m p sponge cake

sponsor [spnsr] n 1 (gen) patrocina

dor,-ra, sponsor mf; (for arts) mecenas

mf. 2 fin avalador,-ra, garante mf.
P vt 1 (gen) patrocinar; (studies, research)
subvencionar. 2 (support) apoyar, res
paldar. 3 fin avalar, garantizar.



[ s p n t e I n I s ] adj

spooky [spUkI] adj fam escalofriante,

espeluznante, horripilante.

comp spookier, superl spookiest.

spool [spUl] n carrete m, bobina.
spoon [spUn] n cuchara.
spoonful [spUnfUl] n cucharada.
pl spoonfuls o spoonsful.
sport [spt] n 1 (gen) deporte m. 2 (person) buena persona. 3 (fun) diversin
f. 4 fam (fellow) amigo,-a.
P vt (wear proudly) lucir.
P vi (frolic) retozar, juguetear.
sports [spts] n pl deportes mpl.
P n (meeting) competicin f deportiva.
P adj deportivo,-a, de deportes. c o m p
sports car (coche m ) deportivo. y
sports centre/complex polideportivo.
y sports club club deportivo. y sports
commentator comentarista deporti
vo. y sports event evento deportivo.
y sports ground campo de deportes. y
sports jacket chaqueta (de) sport.
sportsman [sptsmn] n deportista m.
pl sportsmen [sptsmn].
sportswear [sptswer] n (for sport) ropa

de deporte; (casual) ropa (de) sport.


[sptswUmn] n de

pl sportswomen [sptswImIn].

sporty [sptI] adj deportivo,-a, afi

spokesman [spUksmn]
n portavoz m
cionado,-a a los deportes.
pl spokesmen [spUksmn].

comp sportier, superl sportiest.



spot [spt] n 1 (dot) punto; (on fabric) lu

nar m, mota; (on animal) mancha. 2

(mark, stain) mancha. 3 (blemish, pimple)
grano. 4 (place) sitio, lugar m. 5 (area of
body) punto; (flaw) mancha. 6 (fix, trouble) lo, aprieto, apuro. 7 (place in
broadcast) espacio. 8 fam (small amount)
poquito, poquitn m; (drop) gota. 9
(position) puesto. 10 fam (spotlight) foco.
l o c on the spot 1 (at once, then and there)
en el acto, all mismo. 2 (at the place of
the action) en el lugar del los hechos. 3
(without moving away) en el lugar.
P vt 1 (notice) darse cuenta de, notar;
(see) ver; (recognize) reconocer; (find)
encontrar, descubrir; (catch out) pillar.
2 (mark with spots) motear; (stain) man
char, salpicar.
P vi gb (rain) chispear, lloviznar.

pt & pp spotted, ger spotting.

P adj (price, cash) contante, al contado.
spotlight [sptlaIt] n (lamp) foco, pro
yector m, reflector m; (beam) luz f de


P vt 1 iluminar, enfocar. 2 (draw attention to) poner de relieve, destacar.

spotted [sptId] adj (with dots) con
puntos; (fabric) de lunares; (speckled)
moteado,-a; (stained) manchado,-a;
(animal) con manchas.
spotty [sptI] adj (person, face, complexion) con granos, lleno,-a de granos.

comp spottier, superl spottiest.

spout [spaUt] n 1 (of jug) pico; (of fountain) surtidor m, cao; (of roof-gutter)
canaln m; (of teapot) pitorro. 2 (jet of
water) chorro.
sprain [spreIn] n med torcedura.
P vt torcer.

sprang [s`rQN] pt spring.

spray1 [spreI] n (of flowers) ramillete m.
spray2 [spreI] n 1 (of water) rociada;

spread [spred] vt 1 (lay out) extender,

tender; (unfold) desplegar; (scatter) es

parcir. 2 (butter, etc) untar, extender;
(paint, glue, etc) extender, repartir. 3
(news, ideas, etc) difundir, divulgar; (rumour) hacer correr; (disease, fire) propa
gar; (panic, terror) sembrar. 4 (wealth,
work, cost) distribuir, repartir.
P vi 1 (stretch out) extenderse; (open out,
unfold) desplegarse; (widen) ensan
charse. 2 (butter, etc) extenderse. 3
(news, ideas, etc) difundirse, divulgar
se; (rumour) correr; (disease, fire) propa
garse. 4 (in time) extenderse.
pt & pp spread.

spreadsheet [spredSit] n hoja de cl


spring [sprIN] n 1 (season) primavera. 2

(of water) manantial m, fuente f. 3 (of

mattress, seat) muelle m; (of watch, lock,
etc) resorte m; (of car) ballesta. 4 (elasticity) elasticidad f; (active, healthy quality)
energa, bro. 5 (leap, jump) salto,
brinco. c o m p spring onion cebolleta.
P vi 1 (jump) saltar. 2 (appear) aparecer
(de repente),
P vt 1 (operate mechanism) accionar. 2 fig
(news, surprise) espetar (on, a), soltar. 3
fam (help escape, set free) soltar.
pt sprang [sprQN], pp sprung [sprN].

springboard [sprINbd] n trampoln m.

sprinkle [sprINkl] vt 1 (with water) ro
ciar (with, de/con), salpicar ( with,
de/con). 2 (with flour, sugar, etc) espol
vorear (with, de/con). 3 fig salpicar
(with, de/con).
sprint [sprInt] (dash) carrera corta.
P vi (dash) correr a toda velocidad.
sprocket [sprkIt] n tech diente m de
engranaje. c o m p sprocket wheel rueda
sprout [spraUt] n bot (shoot) brote m,
retoo. c o m p (Brussels) sprouts coles
fpl de Bruselas.
P vi brotar, salir.
P vt (leaves, shoots) echar; (beard, etc) salir.

(from sea) espuma; (from aerosol) pulve

rizacin f. 2 (aerosol) spray m; (atomizer)
atomizador m, vaporizador m. c o m p
spray can aerosol m. y spray paint pin
tura spray.
sprung [sprN] pp spring.
P vt (water) rociar; (crops) fumigar;
spud [spd] n fam patata.
(paint) pintar a pistola.
P vi (water) rociar.
spun [spn] pt & pp spin.



spur [sp ] n 1 (horse rider's) espuela. 2


(of cock) espoln m.

P vt 1 (horse) espolear. 2 fig (stimulate)
estimular, incitar.

pt & pp spurred, ger spurring.

spy [spaI] n (gen) espa mf.
pl spies.
P vi espiar (on, a).
pt & pp spied, ger spying.
spyhole [spaIhUl] n mirilla.
squabble [skwbl] n ria, pelea.
P vi reir, pelearse (over, por) (about,


squad [skwd] n 1 mil pelotn m. 2 (of

police) brigada. 3 sp (team) equipo; (national) seleccin f.

squadron [skwdrn] n (of soldiers) es
cuadrn m; (of planes) escuadrilla; (of
ships) escuadra.
square [skwer] n 1 (shape) cuadrado;
(on fabric) cuadro; (on chessboard, graph
paper, crossword) casilla. 2 (in town) pla
za; (block of houses) manzana. 3 math
cuadrado. 4 (tool) escuadra.
P adj 1 (in shape) cuadrado,-a; (forming
right angle) en ngulo recto, a escuadra.
2 math cuadrado,-a. 3 fam (fair) justo,
-a, equitativo,-a; (honest) honesto,-a,
franco,-a. 4 (equal in points) igual,
empatado,-a; (not owing money) en paz.
c o m p square metre metro cuadrado. y
square root raz f cuadrada.
P adv directamente.
squared [skwed] adj (paper) cuadri
squash1 [skwS] n 1 (drink) concentra
do de frutas. 2 sp squash m.
P vt 1 (crush, flatten) aplastar, chafar. 2
(squeeze) apretar, apiar.
P vi 1 (crush, flatten) aplastarse, chafar
se. 2 (squeeze) apretujarse.
squash2 [skwS] n bot calabaza.
squat [skwt] adj (person) rechoncho,
-a y bajo,-a, achaparrado,-a; (building) achaparrado,-a.

squatter [skwtr] n ocupante mf ile

gal, okupa mf.

squeak [skwik] n (of mouse) chillido; (of

wheel, hinge, etc) chirrido, rechina

miento; (of shoes) crujido.
P vi (mouse) chillar; (wheel, hinge, etc)
chirriar, rechinar; (shoes) chirriar.
squeal [skwil] n (of animal, person) chi
llido, grito; (of tyres, brakes) chirrido.
P vi 1 (animal, person) chillar; (tyres,
brakes) chirriar. 2 fam (inform on) can
tar, chivarse.
P vt (say) decir chillando, gritar.
squeeze [skwiz] vt 1 (gen) apretar; (lemon,
orange) exprimir. 2 (fit in) meter. 3 (force
out) extraer, sacar.
squeezer [skwizr] n exprimidor m.
squid [skwId] n (gen) calamar m; (small)
chipirn m.
pl squid o squids.

squint [skwInt] n 1 med bizquera, es

trabismo. 2 fam (quick look) vistazo,

ojeada, miradita.
P vi 1 med bizquear, ser bizco,-a. 2 (in
sunlight) entrecerrar los ojos.
squire [skwaIr] n 1 hist (knight's armourcarrier) escudero. 2 gb fam jefe m.
squirrel [skwIrl] n ardilla.
Sri Lanka [srilQNgk] n Sri Lanka.
stab [stQb] n 1 (with knife) pualada,
navajazo. 2 (of pain) punzada.
P vt (with knife) apualar, acuchillar.
pt & pp stabbed, ger stabbing.

stability [stbIlItI] n estabilidad f.

stabilizer [steIblaIzr] n 1 (on plane,
ship, bicycle) estabilizador m. 2 (in food)
estabilizante m.
stable1 [steIbl] adj 1 estable.
comp stabler, comp stablest.
[steIbl] n (for horses) cuadra;


(for other animals) establo.

stack [stQk] n 1 (pile, heap) montn m.

2 (of grass, grain, etc) almiar m. 3 (chim-

ney) can de chimenea.

1 (pile up) apilar, amontonar; (fill)
llenar. 2 fam (in cards) arreglar.
P n pl stacks fam montn m, monto
nes mpl.
P n pl stacks (in library) estanteras fpl.
pt & pp squatted, ger squatting.
comp squatter, superl squattest.
P vi 1 (crouch) agacharse, ponerse en
cuclillas. 2 (in building) ocupar ilegal

P vt


stadium [steIdIm] n estadio.

pl stadiums o stadia [steIdI].

staff [stAf] n 1 (personnel - gen) perso
nal m, plantilla; (- teachers) profesora
do. 2 mil estado mayor. 3 (stick) bas
tn m; (of shepherd) cayado; (of bishop)
bculo; (flagpole) asta. 4 [n staves
[steIdI] mus pentagrama m.
stag [stQg] n zool ciervo, venado.
stage [steIdZ] n 1 (point, period) etapa,
fase f. 2 (of journey, race) etapa; (day's
journey) jornada. 3 (in theatre) escena


stale [steIl] adj 1 (food - gen) no fresco,

-a, pasado,-a; (- bread, cake) duro,-a;

(tobacco) rancio,-a; (wine, beer) picado,
-a. 2 (air) viciado,-a; (smell) a cerrado.
3 (news) viejo,-a, pasado,-a; (joke)
stalemate [steIlmeIt] n 1 (chess) tablas
fpl. 2 fig punto muerto, impasse m.
stalk [stk] n 1 bot (of plant) tallo; (of
fruit) rabo, rabillo; (of cabbage) tron
cho. 2 zool pednculo.
stall2 [stl] n 1 (in market) puesto, ten
derete m; (at fair) caseta, barraca. 2 (for
animal - stable) establo; (- stable compartment) compartimiento (en un esta
blo). 3 (row of seats) sillera. 4 (small
room, compartment) compartimiento.
P vi auto calarse, pararse.
P n pl stalls (in theatre) platea f sing.
stallion [stQlIn] n semental m.
stamen [steImn] n bot estambre m.
stamina [stQmIn] n (endurance) resis
tencia, aguante m.
stammer [stQmr] n tartamudeo.
P vi tartamudear.
P vt (say with a stammer) decir tartamu
deando, farfullar.
stamp [stQmp] n 1 (postage) sello; (fiscal)
timbre m; (trading stamp) cupn m, vale
m. 2 (tool - gen) sello; (- rubber) sello de
goma, tampn m; (- metal) cuo, tro
quel m. 3 (seal, mark) sello. 4 (with foot act) patada, pisotn m; (- sound) paso.
c o m p stamp collecting filatelia.
P vt 1 (letter) franquear. 2 (passport, document) sellar, marcar con sello; (metal,
coin) acuar, troquelar.

rio, escena; (raised platform) platafor

ma, tablado, estrado. 4 fig (scene of
action) escena. 5 (of rocket) fase f. 6 fam
(stagecoach) diligencia. l o c by stages /
in stages por etapas.
P vt 1 theat poner en escena, mon
tar. 2 (hold, carry out) llevar a cabo,
efectuar; (arrange) organizar, montar.
P n the stage (the theatre) el teatro, las
tablas fpl.
stagecoach [steIdZkUtS] n diligen
stagger [stQg r] vi (walk unsteadily)
P vt 1 (hours, work) escalonar. 2 (amaze)
asombrar, pasmar.
P n (unsteady walk) tambaleo.
stagnation [stQgneISn] n (of water)
estancamiento; (person) anquilosa
stain [steIn] n 1 (gen) mancha. 2 (dye)
tinte m, tintura.
P vt 1 (gen) manchar. 2 (dye) teir. c o m p
stain remover quitamanchas m.
P vi mancharse.
stainless [steInls] adj (spotless) sin
mancha. c o m p stainless steel acero
, Stamp no significa 'estampa', que se
traduce por picture.
stair [ste ] n 1 (single step) escaln m,
peldao. 2 lit escalera.
stand [stQnd] n 1 (position) lugar m, si
P n pl stairs escalera f sing.
tio; (attitude, opinion) posicin f, postu
staircase [stekeIs] n escalera.
ra; (defence, resistance) resistencia. 2 (of
lamp, sculpture, etc) pie m, pedestal m,
stairway [steweI] n escalera.
base f. 3 (stall - in market) puesto, ten
stake [steIk] n 1 (bet) apuesta. 2 (investderete m; (- at exhibition) stand m; (- at
ment, share) inters m, participacin f.
fair) caseta, barraca. 4 (for taxis) para
P vt 1 (bet) apostar, jugar(se); (risk)
da. 5 sp (in stadium) tribuna. 6 us (wit2 (give financial suparriesgar, jugarse.
port to) invertir en.
ness box) estrado.



P vi 1 (person - be on one's feet) estar de

pie, estar; (- get up) ponerse de pie,
levantarse; (- remain on one's feet) que
darse de pie; (- take up position) poner
se. 2 (measure - height) medir; (- value,
level) marcar, alcanzar. 3 (thing - be situated) estar, encontrarse.
P vt 1 (place) poner, colocar. 2 fam (bear,
tolerate) aguantar, soportar. 3 fam (invite)
invitar: I'll stand you a drink te invitar a
una copa. l o c not to stand a chance no
tener ni la ms remota posibilidad.
y to stand clear (of sth) apartarse (de al
go). y to stand in the way of impedir,
obstaculizar, poner trabas a. y to
stand to reason ser lgico,-a. y to stand
trial ser procesado,-a.
a to stand back vi (move back) apartar
se, echarse hacia atrs, alejarse; (be
objective) distanciarse (from, de).
a to stand by vi 1 (do nothing) cruzarse
de brazos, quedarse sin hacer nada.
2 (be ready for action - gen) estar
preparado,-a, estar listo,-a; (- troops)
estar en estado de alerta.
P vt insep 1 (not desert) no abandonar, res
paldar, apoyar, defender. 2 (keep to - decision) atenerse a; (- promise) cumplir.
a to stand for vt insep 1 (mean) signifi
car, querer decir; (represent) represen
tar. 2 (support, be in favour of) defender,
apoyar, ser partidario,-a de. 3 (tolerate)
tolerar, permitir, consentir.
a to stand in for vt insep (substitute, deputize) sustituir, suplir.
a to stand up vi 1 (get up) ponerse de
pie, levantarse; (be standing) estar de
pie. 2 (withstand) resistir (to, -), sopor
tar (to, -).
P vt sep 1 (place upright) poner en posi
cin vertical. 2 fam (fail to keep appointment) dejar plantado,-a a, dar un
plantn a.
a to stand up for vt insep (defend) defen
der; (support) apoyar.

m. 5 (official measure) patrn m. c o m p

standard of living nivel m de vida.
P adj normal, estndar.
P n pl standards (moral principles) princi
pios mpl, valores mpl.
standardize [stQnddaIz] vt normali

zar, estandarizar.


[stQndbaI] n 1 (person) su
plente mf, sustituto,-a, reserva mf. 2
(thing) recurso.

stank [stQNk] pt stink.

stanza [stQnz] n estrofa.
staple1 [steIpl] adj 1 (food, ingredient)
bsico,-a; (product, export) principal. 2
(usual) tpico,-a, de siempre.
P n (main food) alimento bsico; (main
product) producto principal; (main thing)
elemento principal.
staple2 [steIpl] n (fastener) grapa.
P vt grapar.
stapler [steIplr] n grapadora.
star [stAr] n (gen) estrella; (person) es
trella, astro. c o m p Stars and Stripes la
bandera de los Estados Unidos.
P vi cinem protagonizar (in, -).
pt & pp starred, ger starring.

" La bandera de Estados Unidos se conoce

como Stars and Stripes (barras y estre

llas) porque est compuesta por 13 barras
horizontales rojas y lleva en una esquina 50
estrellas blancas sobre un fondo azul.

starboard [stAbd] n mar estribor m.

starch [stAtS] n (for laundry, in rice) almi

dn m; (in potatoes) fcula.

P vt (laundry) almidonar.
stare [ster] n mirada fija.
P vi mirar fijamente (at, -), clavar la
vista (at, en).
starfish [stAfIS] n estrella de mar.
starlet [stAlt] n aspirante f a estrella.
starling [stAlIN] n estornino.
start [stAt] n 1 (gen) principio, co
pt & pp stood [stUd].
mienzo, inicio. 2 sp (of race) salida;
(advantage) ventaja. 3 (fright, jump) sus
standard [stQndd] n 1 (level, degree) ni
to, sobresalto.
vel m; (quality) cualidad f. 2 (criterion,
P vt 1 (begin - gen) empezar, comenzar,
yardstick) criterio, valor m. 3 (norm, rule)
iniciar; (- conversation) entablar. 2 (cause
norma, regla, estndar
m. 4 (flag) es
tandarte m, bandera; (of ship) pabelln
to begin - fire, epidemic) provocar; (- argu-



ment, fight, war, etc) empezar, iniciar. 3 static [stQtIk] adj 1 tech esttico,-a. 2
(set up - business) montar, poner; (- or(not moving, not changing) estaciona
ganization) fundar, establecer, crear. 4
rio,-a. c o m p static electricity electrici
(set in motion - machine) poner en marcha;
dad f esttica.
(- vehicle) arrancar, poner en marcha.
P n (interference) interferencias fpl, pa
P vi 1 (begin) empezar, comenzar. 2
rsitos mpl.
(be set up - business) ser fundado,-a,
P n statics phys esttica.
fundarse, crearse. 3 (begin to operate) station [steISn] n 1 (railway) estacin f
ponerse en marcha; (car) arrancar.
(de ferrocarril); (underground) estacin
a to start off vi 1 (begin) empezar, co
f de metro; (bus, coach) estacin f, ter
menzar. 2 (leave) salir, ponerse en
minal f. 2 (radio) emisora, estacin f,
radio f; (TV) canal m. 3 agr granja. 4
P vt sep empezar, ayudar a empezar.
(social rank) condicin f social, posi
a to start up vt sep (car) arrancar; (encin f social.
gine) poner en marcha; (business) stationary [steISnrI] adj estaciona
montar, poner en marcha; (conversario,-a.
tion) entablar.
stationer [steISnr] n dueo,-a de
starter [stAt ] n 1 sp (official) juez mf
una papelera. c o m p stationer's (shop)
de salida. 2 sp (competitor) competi
dor,-ra, participante mf. 3 auto mo
stationery [steISnrI] n (paper) papel
tor m de arranque. 4 culin fam pri
m de escribir; (pen, ink, etc) artculos
mer plato, entrante m.
mpl de escritorio.
startle [stAtl] vt asustar, sobresaltar:
statistics [sttIstIks] n (science) esta
you startled me! me has asustado!
starvation [stAveISn] n hambre f,
P n pl (data) estadsticas fpl.
inanicin f.
statue [stQtjU] n estatua.
starve [stAv] vi (feel hungry) pasar
statuette [stQtjUet] n estatuilla.
hambre; (die) morirse de hambre.
stature [stQtSr] n 1 (height) estatura,
P vt 1 (deprive of food) privar de comida
talla. 2 fig (standing) talla.
a, hacer pasar hambre a. 2 fig privar
statute [stQtjUt] n estatuto.
(of, de).
starving [stavIN] adj muerto,-a de staves [steIvz] n pl staff.
stay1 [steI] n 1 (prop, support) sostn m, so
hambre, famlico,-a.
porte m, puntal m. 2 (in corset) ballena.
state [steIt] n 1 (condition) estado. 2 pol
(government) estado. 3 (country, division of stay2 [steI] n (time) estancia, perma
country) estado. 4 (ceremony, pomp) cere
P vi (remain) quedarse, permanecer.
monia, pompa, solemnidad f.
P adj pol estatal, del estado.
P vt (continue to be) seguir.
P vt 1 (say, declare, express) exponer, de
P vi (reside temporarily) alojarse, hospe
clarar, afirmar. 2 (specify) fijar.
P vt fml (stop) detener; (delay) aplazar,
stated [steItId] adj (specified) indica
suspender; (calm) calmar.
do,-a, sealado,-a.
a to stay in vi quedarse en casa, no
statement [steItmnt] n 1 (gen) decla
racin f, afirmacin f; (official) comu
nicado. 2 fin estado de cuentas, ex steadily [stedIlI] adv 1 (grow, improve,
tracto de cuenta. c o m p to make a
rise) constantemente, a un ritmo
statement jur prestar declaracin.
constante; (rain, work) sin parar. 2
(gaze, stare) fijamente; (walk) con paso
statesman [steItsmn] n estadista m,
seguro, decididamente; (speak) fir
hombre m de estado.
pl statesmen [steItsmn].



steady [stedI] adj 1 (table, ladder, etc) fir

me, seguro,-a; (gaze) fijo,-a; (voice)

tranquilo,-a, firme. 2 (regular, constant heartbeat, pace) regular; (- demand, speed,
improvement, decline, increase) constante;
(- flow, rain) continuo,-a; (rhythm) regular,
constante; (- prices, currency) estable. 3
(regular - job) f i j o , - a , e s t a b l e ;
(- income) regular, fijo,-a. 4 (student) apli
cado,-a; (worker, person) serio,-a, formal.
comp steadier, superl steadiest.
P interj cuidado!, ojo!
P n (boyfriend) novio; (girlfriend) novia.
P vt 1 (hold firm - ladder, table, etc) sujetar,
sostener; (stabilize) estabilizar. 2 (per-

son, nerves) calmar, tranquilizar.

pt & pp steadied, ger steadying.

steak [steIk] n 1 (of beef) bistec m, filete

m; (of salmon) rodaja. 2 (meat for stewing)

carne f de vaca para estofar.
steal [stil] vt robar, hurtar.
P vi 1 (rob) robar, hurtar. 2 (move quietly,
creep) moverse con sigilo.
pt stole [stUl], pp stolen ['stUln].
c o m p steam
engine 1 (locomotive) locomotora de
vapor, mquina de vapor. 2 (engine)
motor m de vapor. y steam iron plan

steam [stim] n vapor m.

brusco,-a. 2 fam (price, fee) excesivo,-a;

(demand) excesivo,-a, poco razonable.
steeple [stipl] n aguja, chapitel m.
steeplechase [stiplSeIs] n carrera de
steer1 [stIr] n buey m.
steer2 [stIr] vt (gen) dirigir, guiar; (vehicle) conducir, dirigir; (ship) gobernar;
(conversation) llevar.
P vi (vehicle) ir al volante; (ship) llevar el
timn, estar al timn.
steering [stIrIN] n direccin f. c o m p
steering column columna de (la) di
reccin. y steering lock 1 (device) segu
ro antirrobo. 2 (when turning) radio de
giro. y steering wheel volante m.
stem [stem] n 1 bot (of plant, flower) ta
llo; (of leaf) pecolo; (of fruit) pedncu
lo. 2 (of glass) pie m; (of tobacco pipe) bo
quilla, caa. 3 ling raz f, radical m.
P vt (stop - gen) frenar, detener, parar;
(- bleeding) contener, parar.
pt & pp stemmed, ger stemming.

stench [stentS] n hedor m, peste f, feti

dez f.

stencil [stensl] n 1 (template) plantilla;

(design, pattern) estarcido. 2 (for typewriter) clich m, matriz f.

cha de vapor.
stenography [stngrfI] n us taqui
P vt culin (vegetables) cocer al vapor.
P vi (boat) echar vapor; (soup, drink, etc)
step [step] n 1 (gen) paso. 2 (measure)
medida; (formality) gestin f, trmite
steamboat [stimbUt] n vapor m.
m. 3 (stair) escaln m, peldao; (of vehisteamer [stimr] n 1 mar vapor m, bu
cle) estribo.
que m de vapor. 2 culin olla a vapor.
P vi 1 (move, walk) dar un paso, andar.
steamship [stimSIp] n vapor m, bu
2 (tread) pisar.
que m de vapor m.
P n pl steps gb (stepladder) escalera de
steel [stil] n (gen) acero.
tijera. (outdoor) escalinata; (indoor) es
P adj (knife, girder, etc) de acero. c o m p
calera; (of plane) escalerilla.
steel industry industria del acero y
pt & pp stepped, ger stepping.
steel mill acerera, acera. y steel wool
stepbrother [stepbrDr] n herma
estropajo de acero.
steelworks [stilwks] n pl acera,
stepchild [steptSaIld] n hijastro,-a.
pl stepchildren [steptSIldrn].
steep1 [stip] vt (soak - washing) remojar;
(- dried food) poner en remojo; (- fruit) stepdaughter [stepdt ] n hijastra.
stepfather [stepfADr] n padrastro.
P vi (fruit) macerarse.
stepladder [steplQdr] n escalera de
steep2 [stip] adj
1 (hill, slope, stairs)
empinado,-a; (rise, drop) abrupto,-a, stepmother [stepmDr] n madrastra.



steppe [step] n geog estepa.

stepsister [stepsIStr] n hermanastra.
stepson [stepsn] n hijastro.
stereo [sterIU] n estreo.
stereotype [sterItaIp] n estereotipo.
P vt


sterile [straIl] adj 1 (barren) estril. 2

(germfree) esterilizado,-a.

sterility [strIlItI] n esterilidad f.

sterilize [sterlaIz] vt esterilizar.
sterling [stlIN] n fin libra esterlina,
libras fpl esterlinas. l o c the pound
sterling la libra esterlina.
stern1 [stn] adj severo,-a, austero,-a.
stern2 [stn] n mar popa.
sternum [stnm] n anat esternn m.
pl sternums o sterna [stn].
steroid [sterId] n esteroide m.
stethoscope [steTskUp] n estetos


[stIk] n 1 (piece of wood) trozo de

madera, palo; (twig) ramita; (for punishment) palo, vara. 2 (for walking) bastn
m. 3 (for plants) rodrign m, tutor m. 4
mus (baton) batuta; (drumstick) palillo. 5
sp (for hockey) palo.
sticker [stIkr] n 1 (label) etiqueta ad
hesiva; (with slogan, picture) pegatina. 2
(person) persona tenaz.

sticking [stIkIN]


sticking plaster

(small) tirita; (on roll) esparadrapo.

sticky [stIkI] adj pegajoso,-a. c o m p
sticky tape cinta adhesiva.
comp stickier, comp stickiest.

stiff [stIf] adj 1 (hair, fabric) rgido,-a, tie

so,-a; (card, collar, brush, lock) duro,-a. 2

(joint) entumecido,-a; (muscle) agarro
tado,-a. 3 (door, window) difcil de abrir,
difcil de cerrar. 4 (not liquid) espeso,-a,
consistente. 5 (person, manner) estira
do,-a, tieso,-a; (smile) forzado,-a. 6 fig
(climb, test, etc) difcil, duro,-a; (breeze)
stew [stjU] n culin estofado, guisado.
fuerte; (sentence, punishment) severo,-a.
P vt (meat) estofar, guisar; (fruit) hacer
7 fam (price, fee) excesivo,-a. 8 fam
una compota de.
(drink) fuerte, cargado,-a. l o c to be
steward [stjUd] n 1 (on ship) camarero;
stiff tener agujetas.
(on plane) auxiliar m de vuelo. 2 (manager

of estate) administrador m. 3 (of club, hotel) stifle [staIf l] vt ahogar, sofocar.

mayordomo. 4 gb (in horse racing) comi still [stIl] adj 1 (not moving) quieto,-a, in
mvil; (stationary) parado,-a; (water)
sario de carreras; (in athletics) juez m; (at
manso,-a; (air) en calma. 2 (tranquil,
demonstration, etc) oficial mf.
calm) tranquilo,-a; (peaceful) sosegado,stewardess [stjUdes] n (on ship) ca
a; (subdued) callado,-a, apagado,
marera; (on plane) azafata, auxiliar f
-a; (silent) silencioso,-a. 3 (not fizzy - wade vuelo.
ter) sin gas; (soft drink) sin burbujas.
pl stewardesses.
P adv 1 (so far) todava, an. 2 (even)
stick1 [stIk] vt 1 (insert pointed object) cla
an, todava. 3 (even so, nevertheless) a
var, hincar. 2 fam poner, meter. 3 (fix)
pesar de todo, con todo, no obstan
colocar, fijar; (with glue) pegar, fijar. 4
te, sin embargo. 4 fml (besides, yet, in
fam (bear) aguantar, soportar.
addition) an, todava. 5 (quiet, without
P vi 1 (penetrate) clavarse. 2 (fix, become
moving) quieto,-a. c o m p still life art na
attached) pegarse. 3 (jam - drawer, key in
turaleza muerta m.
lock) atascarse; (- machine part, lock)
atrancarse, encasquillarse; (- vehicle in stilt [stIlt] n zanco.
stilted [stIltId] adj afectado,-a.
mud) atascarse. 4 (in cards) plantarse.
stimulant [stImjUlnt] n estimulante m.
a to stick out vi 1 (project, protrude) salir,
sobresalir; (be noticeable) resaltar, des stimulate [stImjleIt] vt (activate) esti
mular; (encourage) animar, alentar.
tacarse. 2 fam (be obvious) ser obvio,-a,
stimulating [stImjleItIN] adj (gen) es
ser evidente.
timulante; (inspiring) inspirador,-ra.
P vt sep 1 (tongue, hand) sacar. 2 (endure)
stimulation [stImjleISn] n (stimulus)
pt & pp stuck [stk].
estmulo; (action) estimulacin f.



stimulus [stImjls] n estmulo.

pl stimuli [stImjli].
sting [stIN] n 1 (organ - of bee, wasp) aguijn
m; (- of scorpion) ua; (- of plant) pelo urti
cante. 2 (action, wound) picadura. 3 (pain)
escozor m, picazn f. 4 fig (of remorse)
punzada. 5 us (trick) timo, golpe m.
P vt 1 (gen) picar. 2 fig (remark) herir en
lo ms hondo; (conscience) remorder. 3
(provoke) incitar, provocar (into/to, a).
4 (overcharge, swindle) clavar.
P vi 1 (insects, nettles, etc) picar; (substance)
escocer. 2 (be painful) escocer.
pt & pp stung [stN].
stink [stINk] n 1 (smell) peste f, hedor m,
hediondez f, fetidez f. 2 fam (fuss, trouble) escndalo, lo, folln m.
P vi 1 apestar (of, a), heder (of, a). 2

fam (seem bad or dishonest) dar asco.

pt stank [stQNk] o stunk [stNk], pp

stunk [stNk].
stinking [stINkIN] adj apestoso,-a.
stipulate [stIpjleIt] vt estipular, es



[stIpjleISn] n estipula
cin f, condicin f.
stir [str] vt 1 (liquid, mixture) remover,
revolver. 2 (move slightly) mover, agitar.
3 (curiosity, interest, etc) despertar, excitar;
(anger) provocar; (imagination) avivar, es
timular; (emotions) conmover.
P vi 1 (move) moverse, agitarse; (wake
up) despertarse; (get up) levantarse. 2
(feelings) despertarse. 3 fam (cause trouble) armar lo, meter cizaa.

pt & pp stirred, ger stirring.

stirring [strIN] adj (moving) conmove

stock [stk] n 1 (supply) reserva. 2 comm

(goods) existencias fpl, stock m; (variety)

surtido. 3 fin (company's capital) capital
m social. 4 agr (livestock) ganado. 5
culin (broth) caldo. l o c in stock en exis
tencia. y out of stock agotado,-a. c o m p
stock exchange bolsa. y stock market
mercado burstil.
P vt comm (keep supplies of) tener en
stock; (sell) vender.
P n pl stocks fin (shares) acciones fpl,
valores mpl.
stockbroker [stkbrUk r] n corre
dor,-ra de bolsa, agente mf de bolsa,
bolsista mf.
stockholder [stkhUldr] n us accio
nista mf.
stocking [stkIN] n media.
stoic [stUIk] n estoico,-a.
stoical [stUIkl] adj estoico,-a.
stoicism [stUIsIzm] n estoicismo.

stole1 [stUl] pt steal.

stole2 [stUl] n (garment) estola.
stolen [stUln] pp steal.
stomach [stmk] n 1 anat estmago.

2 fam (belly) barriga; (abdomen) abdo

men m, vientre m.
P vt fig (bear, endure) aguantar, sopor
tar, tragar; (eat, drink) tolerar.
stomachache [stmkeIk] n dolor m
de estmago.
stoma [stUm] n estoma m.

pl stomas o stomata [stUmt].

stomp [stmp] vi fam pisar fuerte.

stone [stUn] n 1 (gen) piedra. 2 (on

grave) lpida. 3 (of fruit) hueso. 4 med

clculo, piedra. 5 gb (measure of weight)
dor,-ra; (rousing, exciting) emocionante.
unidad de peso que equivale a 6,348 kg.
stirrup [stIrp] n 1 (for riding) estribo. 2
P adj de piedra, ptreo,-a. c o m p Stone
(on trousers) trabilla. c o m p stirrup pump
Age Edad f de Piedra.
bomba de mano.
P vt 1 (person) apedrear, lapidar. 2 (fruit)
stitch [stItS] n 1 (in sewing) puntada; (in
knitting) punto. 2 med punto (de sutu
ra). 3 (sharp pain) punzada; (when run- stoneware [stUnwe ] n gres m, cer
mica de gres.
ning, etc) flato.
stonework [stUnwk] n mampostera.
P vt 1 sew coser (on, a), (up, -). 2 med
stood [stUd] pt & pp stand.
suturar (up, -).
P vi sew coser.
stooge [stUdZ] n 1 theat comparsa mf.
stoat [stUt] n armio.
2 pej (person) ttere mf, pelele mf.



stool [stUl] n 1 (seat) taburete m, banque

ta. 2 med (faeces) deposicin f, heces fpl.

stoop1 [stUp] n us (porch) entrada.
stoop2 [stUp] n (of person) encorva
miento, encorvadura; (of shoulders) es
paldas fpl encorvadas.
P vi 1 (bend) inclinarse (down, -), aga
charse (down, -). 2 (have a stoop) andar
stop [stp] n 1 (halt) parada, alto. 2
(stopping place) parada. 3 (on journey) pa
rada; (break, rest) descanso, pausa. 4
(punctuation mark) punto; (in telegram)
stop m. 5 mus (on organ) registro; (knob)
botn m de registro; (on wind instrument) llave f. 6 (in camera) diafragma m.
P vt 1 (halt - vehicle, person) parar, dete
ner; (- machine, ball) parar. 2 (end, interrupt
- production) parar; (- inflation, advance) pa
rar, contener; (- conversation, play) inte
rrumpir; (- pain, etc) poner fin a, acabar
con. 3 (pay, match, holidays) suspender;
(cheque) cancelar; (money from wages) re
tener. 4 (cease) dejar de, parar de. 5
(prevent) impedir, evitar. 6 (block - hole)
tapar, taponar (up, -); (- gap) rellenar
(up, -); (- tooth) empastar (up, -). 7 mus
(string, key) apretar; (hole) cubrir.
P vi 1 (halt) parar, pararse, detener,
detenerse. 2 (cease) acabarse, termi
nar, cesar. 3 gb fam (stay) quedarse.
a to stop over vi 1 (interrupt journey) pa
rar; (overnight) pasar la noche, hacer
noche. 2 (on flight) hacer escala.
pt & pp stopped, ger stopping.

stopcock [stpkk] n llave f de paso.

stopover [stpUvr] n (stop) parada;
(on flight) escala; (stay) estancia.

stopper [stpr] n tapn m.

stopping [stpIN] adj gb (of train) que
para en todas las estaciones.

stop-press [stppres] adj (news) de l


[st ] n 1 (supply - gen) reserva,

provisin f; (- of wisdom, knowledge) reser
va; (- of jokes, etc) coleccin f. 2 (warehouse)
almacn m, depsito. 3 us (shop) tienda.
P vt 1 (put away) almacenar ( up , -);
(keep) guardar; (amass) acumular, ha
cer acopio de. 2 comput almacenar. 3
(put in storage) guardar, almacenar,
mandar a un depsito. 4 fig (trouble,
etc) ir acumulando (up, -), ir almace
nando (up, -). 5 (fill with supplies) abas
tecer (with, de).
P n pl stores (provisions) provisiones fpl,
vveres mpl. mil (supplies, equipment) per
trechos mpl; (place) intendencia f sing.
storehouse [sthaUs] n almacn m,
storekeeper [stkipr] n us tendero,-a.
storeroom [strUm] n (gen) almacn
m, depsito; (for food) despensa.
storey [strI] n piso, planta.
stork [stk] n cigea.
storm [stm] n 1 (thunderstorm) tor
menta; (at sea) tempestad f, temporal
m; (with wind) borrasca. 2 fig (uproar) re
vuelo, escndalo; (of missiles, insults)
lluvia, torrente m.
stormy [stmI] adj 1 (weather) tormen
toso,-a. 2 fig (meeting, discussion) acalo
rado,-a; (relationship) tormentoso,-a,
con muchos altibajos.

comp stormier, superl stormiest.

story1 [strI] n us storey.

story2 [strI] n 1 (gen) historia; (tale)
cuento, relato; (account) relato. 2 (anecdote) ancdota; (joke) chiste m. 3 (rumour)
rumor m; (lie) mentira, cuento. 4 (newspaper article) artculo; (newsworthy item) ar
tculo de inters periodstico. 5 (storyline, narrative, plot) argumento, trama.
pl stories.

tima hora.

storybook [strIbUk] n libro de cuen

pl stopwatches.

storyteller [strItelr] n cuentista mf.

stout [staUt] adj 1 euph (fat) corpulen

stopwatch [stpwtS] n cronmetro.

storage [strIdZ] n 1 (act) almacenaje


to,-a, robusto,-a. 2 (strong) slido,-a,

m, almacenamiento. 2 (place) alma
fuerte. 3 (determined, resolute) firme,
cn m, depsito, guardamuebles m.
resuelto,-a, tenaz; (brave) valiente.
3 (cost) (gastos mpl de)
almacenaje m. 4
P n (beer) cerveza negra.
comput almacenamiento.



stove [stUv] n 1 (for heating) estufa. 2

(cooker) cocina; (cooking ring) hornillo;

(oven) horno.
straight [streIt] adj 1 (not curved - gen)
recto,-a; (- hair) liso,-a. 2 (level, upright)
derecho,-a, recto,-a. 3 (tidy, neat) en
orden. 4 (honest - person) honrado,-a,
de confianza; (sincere) sincero,-a. 5 (direct - question) directo,-a; (- refusal, rejection) categrico,-a, rotundo,-a. 6 (correct, accurate) correcto,-a. 7 (consecutive)
seguido,-a. 8 (drink) solo,-a.
P adv 1 (in a straight line) recto,-a. 2 (not in
a curve) derecho,-a, recto,-a. 3 (directly)
directamente. 4 (immediately) en segui
da. 5 (frankly) francamente, con fran
queza. 6 (clearly) claro, con claridad:
l o c straight away en seguida. y straight
off en el acto. y straight up en serio. y
to go straight (criminal) reformarse.
straightaway [streItweI] adv en se
guida, inmediatamente.
straighten [streItn] vt 1 (wire) endere
zar; (- tie, skirt, picture) poner bien, po
ner recto,-a; (- hair) estirar, alisar. 2
(tidy) ordenar (up, -), arreglar (up, -).
P vi (road) hacerse recto,-a.


[streItfwd] adj 1

strainer [streInr] n colador m.

strait [streIt] n geog estrecho.

n pl straits (difficulties) aprietos mpl,

apuros mpl.

straitjacket [streItdZQkIt] n 1 camisa

de fuerza. 2 fig control m, limitacio

nes fpl.
strand1 [strQnd] n lit (beach) playa.
strand2 [strQnd] n 1 (of thread) hebra,
hilo; (of rope, string) ramal m; (of hair) pe
lo; (of pearls) sarta. 2 fig (of story, argument) hilo, lnea.
strange [streIndZ] adj 1 (odd, bizarre)
extrao,-a, raro,-a. 2 (unknown) des
conocido,-a; (unfamiliar) nuevo,-a.
c o m p strange to say aunque parezca
strangely [streIndZlI] adv extraa
stranger [streIndZr] n (unknown person)
extrao,-a, desconocido,-a; (outsider)

Stranger no significa 'extranjero', que

se traduce por foreigner.

strangle [strQNgl] vt 1 (kill) estrangu

lar. 2 fig (stifle) sofocar, ahogar.


[strQNglhUld] n 1


(honest) honrado,-a; (sincere, open)

(wrestling) llave f al cuello. 2 pej (firm
sincero,-a, franco,-a, abierto,-a. 2 (simcontrol) poder m, dominio.
ple, easy) sencillo,-a, simple; (clear) strap [strQp] n (on watch, camera) correa;
(on bag) asa; (on shoe) tira; (on dress, etc)
strain1 [streIn] n 1 (race, breed) raza; (detirante m.
scent) linaje m; (of plant, virus) cepa. 2
P vt 1 (fasten) atar con correa. 2 (band(streak) vena.
age) vendar.
strain [streIn] n 1 phys (tension) tensin
pt & pp strapped, ger strapping.
f; (pressure) presin f; (weight) peso. 2 strapless [strQpls] adj sin tirantes.
(stress, pressure) tensin f, estrs m; (ef- strapping [strQpIN] adj (big, strong)
fort) esfuerzo; (exhaustion) agotamien
fornido,-a, robusto,-a.
to. 3 (tension) tirantez f, tensin f. 4
stratagem [strQtdZm] n estratagema.
med torcedura, esguince m.
strategic [strtidZIk] adj estratgico,-a.
P vt 1 (stretch) estirar, tensar. 2 (damage,
weaken - muscle) torcer(se), hacerse un strategist [strQtdZIst] n estratega mf.
esguince en; (- back) hacerse dao en; strategy [strQtdZI] n estrategia.
pl strategies.
(- voice, eyes) forzar; (ears) aguzar; (- heart)
cansar. 3 (stretch - patience, nerves, credulity) stratosphere [strQtsfIr] n estratos
poner a prueba; (- resources) estirar al
mximo; (- relations) someter a dema stratum [strAtm] n 1 geol estrato. 2
(level, class) estrato, nivel m.
siada tensin, crear
tirantez en. 4 (filter
pl strata [strAt].
- liquid) colar; (- vegetables, rice) escurrir.


straw [str] n 1 (dried stalk(s)) paja. 2 (for

drinking) paja, pajita.
P adj de paja.


strength [streNT] n 1 (of person - physical)

fuerza, fuerzas fpl, fortaleza; (- stamina) resistencia, aguante m. 2 (intellectual, spiritual) fortaleza, entereza, firme
strawberry [strb rI] n (gen) fresa;
za. 3 (of machine, object) resistencia; (of
(large) fresn m. c o m p strawberry jam
wind, current) fuerza; (of light, sound, magmermelada de fresa. y strawberry tree
net, lens) potencia. 4 (of solution) con
centracin f; (of drug) potencia; (of alco pl strawberries.
hol) graduacin f. 5 (of currency) valor m,
stray [streI] adj 1 (lost) perdido,-a, ex
fortaleza; (of economy) solidez f, forta
traviado,-a; (animal) callejero,-a. 2
leza. 6 (of argument, evidence, story) fuer
(isolated, odd) perdido,-a.
za, validez f, credibilidad f; (of emotion,
P n (animal) animal m extraviado.
conviction, colour) intensidad f; (of protest)
P vi 1 (get lost) extraviarse, perderse;
energa. 7 (strong point) punto fuerte,
(wander away) desviarse, apartarse,
virtud f; (ability, capability) capacidad f;
alejarse; (from group) separarse, apar
(advantage) ventaja. 8 (power, influence)
tarse, alejarse. 2 fig (digress, wander)
poder m, potencia. 9 (force in numbers)
divagar, apartarse del tema, des
fuerza numrica, nmero.
viarse del tema.
stream [strim] n 1 (brook) arroyo, ria strengthen [streNTn] vt 1 (wall, glass,
defence, etc) reforzar; (muscle) fortalecer.
chuelo. 2 (current) corriente f. 3 (flow of
2 (character, faith, love) fortalecer; (supliquid) flujo, chorro, ro; (of blood, air)
port) aumentar; (relationship, ties) conso
chorro; (of lava, tears) torrente m; (of
lidar, fortalecer; (resolve, determination)
light) raudal m. 4 fig (of people) oleada,
redoblar, intensificar.
torrente m; (of vehicles, traffic) desfile m
P vi 1 (muscle) fortalecerse. 2 (economy,
continuo, caravana; (of abuse, excuses,
currency) reforzarse, fortalecerse; (relainsults) torrente m, sarta. 5 gb (class, putionship) consolidarse, reforzarse, for
pils) clase f, grupo, nivel m (de alumnos
talecerse; (support, opposition, feeling) in
seleccionados segn su nivel acadmico).
P vi 1 (flow, pour out) manar, correr,
tensificarse, aumentar.
chorrear; (gush) salir a chorros. 2 fig stress [stres] n 1 med tensin f (nervio
(people, vehicles, etc) desfilar. 3 (hair, bansa), estrs m. 2 (pressure) presin f,
ner, scarf) ondear.
tensin f. 3 tech tensin f. 4 (emphasis)
P vt 1 (liquid) derramar. 2 gb poner en
hincapi m (on, en), nfasis m (on,
grupos segn su nivel acadmico.
en). 5 ling (on word) acento (tnico).
c o m p stress mark acento.
streamer [strimr] n (decoration) ser
P vt 1 (emphasize) hacer hincapi en,
pentina; (flag) bandern m.
poner nfasis en, subrayar, enfati
street [strit] n calle f. l o c at street level a
zar. 2 ling (word) acentuar.
nivel de la calle. y to walk the streets 1
(homeless) estar sin techo. 2 (prostitute) tra stressed [strest] adj 1 med (person) estre
bajar la calle. c o m p one-way street calle
sado,-a. 2 phys (object) tensado,-a.
de sentido nico. y street cleaner stressful [stresfUl] adj estresante, de
barrendero,-a. y street corner esquina. y
mucho estrs.
street directory callejero. y street lamp stretch [stretS] n 1 (of land, water) exten
farola. y street lighting alumbrado p
sin f; (of road) tramo, trecho. 2 (elasticity)
blico. y street plan plano de la ciudad. y
elasticidad f. 3 (act of stretching) estira
street market mercadillo. y street value
miento. 4 (period of time) perodo,
valor m (en el mercado).
tiempo, intervalo; (in prison) condena.
streetcar [StritkA] n us tranva.
5 sp (of racetrack) recta.
streetlamp [stritlQmp]
n farol m, farola.
P vt 1 (extend - elastic, clothes, rope) estirar;
streetlight [stritlaIt] n farol m, farola.
(- canvas) extender; (- shoes) ensanchar;



(- arm, leg) alargar, estirar, extender; (wings) desplegar, extender. 2 (make demands on, make to use all abilities) exigir a.
3 (strain - money, resources) estirar, em
plear al mximo; (- patience) abusar;
(- meaning) forzar, distorsionar.
P vi 1 (elastic) estirarse; (fabric) dar de s;
(shoes) ensancharse, dar de s; (person,
animal - gen) estirarse; (person - when
tired) desperezarse. 2 (extend - land, sea,
etc) extenderse (out, -); (- in time) alar
garse, prolongarse. 3 (reach) llegar (to,
para), alcanzar (to, para).
P adj (material, jeans, etc) elstico,-a.
a to stretch out vi (person - gen) estirar
se; (- lie down) tumbarse.
P vt sep 1 (arm, leg) alargar, estirar, ex
tender. 2 (money, resources) estirar.

To stretch no significa 'estrechar', que

se traduce por to tighten, to narrow.

stretcher [stretSr] n camilla.

stretchy [stretSI] adj elstico,-a.

comp stretchier, superl stretchier.

strew [strU] vt lit (scatter) esparcir, des

parramar; (lie scattered) sembrar, cubrir.

pt strewed, pp strewed o strewn [strun].

strict [strIkt] adj 1 (severe - person) seve

ro,-a, estricto,-a; (- discipline) riguroso,-a,

severo,-a, estricto,-a; (- rule, law, order,
etc) estricto,-a, riguroso,-a, rgido,-a.
2 (exact, precise) estricto,-a, riguro
so,-a; (complete, total) absoluto,-a.
strictly [strIktlI] adv 1 (severely) severa
mente, estrictamente, de manera
estricta. 2 (rigorously, rigidly) estricta
mente; (categorically) terminantemen
te. 3 (exactly, precisely) estrictamente,
exactamente; (completely) totalmente,
del todo. 4 (exclusively) exclusivamen
te. l o c strictly speaking en realidad.
stride [straId] n 1 (long step) zancada;
(gait) paso, manera de andar. 2 (advance, development) progresos mpl.
P vi andar a zancadas.

strike [straIk] n 1 (by workers, students, etc)

huelga. 2 sp (blow - gen) golpe m; (- in

tenpin bowling) pleno; (- in baseball)
strike m. 3 (find) hallazgo; (of oil, gold,
etc) descubrimiento. 4 mil ataque m:
air strike ataque areo.
P vt 1 (hit) pegar, golpear. 2 (knock
against, collide with) dar contra, chocar
contra; (ball, stone) pegar contra, dar
contra; (lightning, bullet, torpedo) alcan
zar. 3 (disaster, earthquake) golpear, so
brevenir; (disease) atacar, golpear. 4
(gold, oil) descubrir, encontrar, dar
con; (track, path) dar con. 5 (coin, medal)
acuar. 6 (match) encender. 7 (of clock)
dar, tocar. 8 mus (note) dar; (chord) to
car. 9 (bargain, deal) cerrar, hacer; (balance) encontrar, hallar; (agreement) lle
gar a. 10 (pose, attitude) adoptar. 11 (give
impression) parecer, dar la impresin
de. 12 (occur to) ocurrrsele a; (remember)
acordarse de. 13 (render) dejar. 14
(cause fear, terror, worry) infundir. 15 (take
down - sail, flag) arriar; (- tent, set) des
montar. 16 (cutting) plantar.
P vi 1 (attack - troops, animal, etc) atacar;
(- disaster, misfortune) sobrevenir, ocu
rrir; (- disease) atacar, golpear; (- lightning) alcanzar, caer. 2 (workers, etc) de
clararse en huelga, hacer huelga. 3
(clock) dar la hora.
a to strike back vi 1 (gen) devolver el
golpe. 2 mil contraatacar.
a to strike down vt sep (by illness, disease)
abatir, fulminar.
a to strike off vt sep 1 (name from list) ta
char. 2 jur (doctor, lawyer, etc) inhabilitar
para ejercer.
a to strike on vt insep (discover) dar con,
a to strike out vt sep (remove, cross out) ta
P vi 1 (attack, hit out) arremeter (at, con
tra). 2 (set off) emprender el camino.
a to strike up vt insep (friendship) entablar,
trabar; (conversation) entablar, iniciar.
P vi (band) empezar a tocar.

pt strode [strUd] , pp stridden

P n pl strides fam (trousers) pantaln m
pt & pp struck [strk].
sing, pantalones mpl.
strikebreaker [straIkbreIkr] n esqui
stridden [strIdn] pp stride.
rol mf, rompehuelgas mf.


striker [straIk ] n 1 (worker) huelguis


ta mf. 2 sp (football) delantero,-a; (cricket) bateador,-ra.

striking [straIkIN] adj 1 (eye-catching)
llamativo,-a; (stunning) atractivo,-a. 2
(similarity, resemblance) sorprendente,
asombroso,-a; (feature, etc) impresionan
te, destacado,-a. 3 (on strike) en huelga.
string [strIN] n 1 (cord) cuerda, cordel m;
(lace) cordn m; (of puppet) hilo. 2 (on instrument, racket) cuerda. 3 (of garlic, onions)
ristra; (of pearls, beads) sarta, hilo. 4 (of
vehicles) fila, hilera; (of hotels) cadena; (of
events) serie f, cadena, sucesin f; (of lies,
complaints) sarta; (of insults) retahla. c o m p
string orchestra orquestra de cuerda. y
string quartet cuarteto de cuerda.
P vt 1 (beads) ensartar, enhebrar. 2 (guitar, racket) encordar. 3 (beans) quitar la
hebra a.
pt & pp strung [strN].
P n pl the strings mus los instrumentos
mpl de cuerda.
strip1 [strIp] vt 1 (person) desnudar, qui

tarle la ropa a; (bed) quitar la ropa de;

(room, house) vaciar; (wallpaper, paint)
quitar; (leaves, bark) arrancar. 2 (property, rights, titles) despojar (of, de). 3 (engine) desarmar, desmontar (down, -);
(ship) desaparejar.
P vi (undress) desnudarse (off, -), qui
tarse la ropa; (perform striptease) hacer
un strip-tease.


striven [strIvn] pt strive.

strode [strUd] pt stride.
stroke [strUk] n 1 (blow) golpe m. 2 (ca-

ress) caricia. 3 sp (in tennis, cricket, golf)

golpe m, jugada; (in billiards) tacada; (in
rowing) palada; (in swimming - movement)
brazada; (- style) estilo. 4 sp (oarsman)
cabo. 5 (of pen) trazo; (of brush) pince
lada. 6 (of bell) campanada. 7 (of engine)
tiempo; (of piston) carrera. 8 med ata
que m de apopleja, derrame m cere
bral. 9 (oblique) barra (oblicua).
P vt 1 (caress) acariciar. 2 (ball) dar un
golpe a.
stroll [strUl] n paseo, vuelta.
P vi dar un paseo, dar una vuelta.
stroller [strUlr] n 1 (pushchair) coche
cito, sillita de nio. 2 (person) pasean
te mf.
strong [strN] adj 1 (physically - person)
fuerte; (- consitution) robusto,-a. 2 (material, furniture, shoes, etc) fuerte, resisten
te. 3 (country, army) poderoso,-a, fuer
te. 4 (beliefs, views, principles) firme; (faith)
firme, slido,-a; (support) mucho, fir
me. 5 (argument, evidence) contundente,
convincente; (influence) grande; (protest)
enrgico,-a. 6 (colour) fuerte, inten
so,-a, vivo,-a; (smell, food, drink) fuerte;
(tea, coffee) fuerte, cargado,-a; (light) bri
llante. 7 (resemblance, accent) fuerte,
marcado,-a. 8 (chance, likelihood, probability) bueno,-a. 9 (wind, current) fuerte. 10
(good - team) fuerte; (- cast) slido,-a. 11
(currency, etc) fuerte.
P adv fuerte.
strongbox [strNbks] n caja fuerte.
stronghold [strNhUld] n 1 mil forta
leza. 2 fig baluarte m.
strongroom [strNrUm] n cmara
stroppy [strpI] adj gb fam borde, de
mala uva.

pt & pp stripped, ger stripping.

P n (striptease) strip-tease m.
strip2 [strIp] n 1 (of paper, leather) tira; (of
land) franja; (of metal) tira, cinta. 2 sp
(colours, kit) equipo. 3 (airstrip) pista (de
aterrizaje). 4 [also strip (cartoon)] his
torieta, tira cmica. c o m p strip lighting
alumbrado fluorescente. y strip min
ing us explotacin f a cielo abierto.
stripe [straIp] n 1 (gen) raya, lista. 2 mil
galn m. 3 (kind, type) tipo, clase f.
P vt pintar a rayas, dibujar a rayas.
comp stroppier, superl stroppiest.
striped [straIpt] adj rayado,-a, a rayas:
strove [strUv] pt strive.
a striped shirt una camisa a rayas.
struck [strk] pt & pp strike.
stripy [staIpI] adj rayado,-a, a rayas.
comp stripier, superl stripiest.
structural [strktSrl] adj (gen) estruc
tural. c o m p structural engineer inge
strive [straIv] vi esforzarse,
pt strove [strUv], pp striven [strIvn].
niero,-a de estructuras.



[strktS ] n 1 (organization,
composition) estructura. 2 (thing constructed) construccin f; (building) edificio.
P vt (arguemnt, essay, report, etc) estructu
rar; (event) planificar.
struggle [strgl] n (gen) lucha; (physical
fight) pelea, forcejeo.
P vi 1 (fight) luchar; (physically) forcejear.
2 (strive) luchar (for, por), esforzarse
(for, por); (suffer) pasar apuros; (have
difficulty) costar, tener problemas.
strum [strm] vt rasguear.
P vi rasguear (on, -).

pt & pp strummed, ger strumming.

strung [strN] pt & pp string. l o c to
be highly strung estar muy nervioso,

-a, estar muy tenso,-a.

strut [strt] n 1 arch (rod, bar) puntal m,

riostra. 2 (way of walking) contoneo,
P vi pavonearse, contonearse.
pt & pp strutted, ger strutting.

stub [stb] n (of cigarette) colilla; (of pencil,

candle) cabo; (of cheque, etc) matriz f.
P vt darse un golpe.

pt & pp stubbed, ger stubbing.

a to stub out vt sep apagar.
stubborn [stbn] adj 1 (person, animal)

terco,-a, testarudo,-a, tozudo,-a,

obstinado,-a; (refusal, resistance)
obcecado,-a. 2 (stain, cough, etc) rebel
stubbornly [stbnlI] adv tercamente,
stubby [stbI] adj corto,-a y rechon
comp stubbier, superl stubbiest.

stucco [stkU] n estuco.

pl stuccoes o stuccos.
stuck [stk] pt & pp stick.
P adj 1 (unable to move) atascado,-a. 2

studio [stjUdIU] n 1 (TV, radio) estu

dio. 2 (artist's) estudio, taller m.

pl studios.
P n pl studios cinem estudios mpl.
studious [stjUdIs] adj 1 (fond of studying) estudioso,-a, aplicado,-a. 2 fml

(careful) esmerado,-a; (deliberate)

study [stdI] n 1 (act of studying) estudio;
(investigation, research) investigacin f,
estudio. 2 (room) despacho, estudio.
pl studies.
P vt 1 (gen) estudiar; (university subject)

estudiar, cursar; (investigate, research)

estudiar, investigar. 2 (scrutinize) estu
diar, examinar.
P vi estudiar.

pt & pp studied, ger studying.

P n pl studies (work) estudios mpl; (subjects) estudios mpl, asignaturas fpl.
stuff [stf] n 1 fam (matter, material, substance) materia, material m . 2 fam
(things, possesions) cosas fpl, trastos mpl.
3 fam (content) cuento, rollo, cosas fpl.
P vt 1 (fill - container, bag, box) llenar
(with, de); (- cushion, toy, food) rellenar
(with, de); (- hole) tapar. 2 (dead animal)
disecar. 3 (push carelessly, shove) meter,
poner. 4 fam (beat, thrash) dar una pali
za a. 5 sl (sod) meter.
stuffed [stft] adj 1 (full) relleno,-a;
(crammed) atiborrado,-a. 2 (animal)


stuffing [stfIN] n relleno.

stuffy [ s t f I ] adj 1 (room) mal

ventilado,-a; (atmosphere) cargado,-a.

2 (person) estirado,-a, remilgado,-a;

(institution) tradicional; (ideas, manners)

formal, serio,-a, convencional.

comp stuffier, superl stuffiest.

(trapped) atrapado,-a; (in routine) estan

cado,-a. 3 fam (stumped) atascado,-a; stumble [stmb l] n tropezn m, tras

(in difficulties) en apuros.
P vi 1 (trip) tropezar ( on/over, con),
stuck-up [stkp] adj fam credo,-a,
dar un traspi. 2 (walk unsteadily) tam
balearse. 3 (while speaking) atrancarse,
stud [std] n semental m. c o m p stud
farm cuadra.
a to stumble across / stumble on vt
student [stjUdnt] n 1 (university) estu
insep dar con, tropezar con.
diante mf, universitario,-a; (school)
estudioso,-a. stun [stn] vt 1 (make unconscious) dejar sin
alumno,-a. 2 fml (scholar)
P adj estudiantil.
sentido; (daze) aturdir, atontar, pas



mar. 2 (surprise) sorprender, dejar atni

to,-a, dejar pasmado,-a; (shock) atolon
drar, aturdir, dejar anonadado,-a.
pt & pp stunned, ger stunning.

stung [stN] pt & pp sting.

stunk [stNk] pt & pp stink.
stunning [stnIN] adj 1 (surprising) aluci

nante, apabullante; (shocking)

asombroso,-a. 2 (beautiful, impressive) im
presionante, imponente, fenomenal.
stunt1 [stnt] vt (growth) atrofiar.
stunt2 [stnt] n 1 (dangerous act) proeza;
(in film) escena peligrosa. 2 (trick) truco,
maniobra. c o m p stunt man especialis
ta m. y stunt woman especialista f.
stunted [stntId] adj (tree, body)
raqutico,-a; (growth) atrofiado,-a.
stupefy [stjUpIfaI] vt 1 (alcohol, drugs)
atontar, aturdir, aletargar. 2 (amaze) de
jar pasmado,-a, dejar estupefacto,-a.
pt & pp stupefied, ger stupefying.

stupid [stjUpId] adj 1 tonto,-a, bobo,-a,

imbcil, estpido,-a. 2 (senseless) aton
tado,-a. 3 fam (annoying) maldito,-a.

comp stupider, comp stupidest.

P n tonto,-a, imbcil mf.
stupidity [stjUpIdItI] n estupidez f,


stupidly [stjUpIdlI] adv estpidamen

te, tontamente.

stupor [stjUp ] n estupor m.

sturdy [stdI] adj 1 (strong) robusto,-a,

fuerte; (solid) slido,-a. 2 (opposition, resistence, defence) enrgico,-a, frreo,-a,

tenaz, inquebrantable.

1 (gen) disear; (hair) peinar. 2 fml

(name, title) llamar.
stylish [staIlIS] adj 1 (elegant) elegante,
con mucho estilo. 2 (fashionable) a la
moda, de ltima moda.
stylist [staIlIst] n 1 (hairdresser) estilista
mf, peluquero,-a. 2 (writer) estilista mf.
stylized [staIlaIZd] adj estilizado,-a.
stylus [staIls] n 1 (of record player) agu
ja. 2 (for writing) estilo.
P vt

pl styluses o styli .

suave [swAv] adj (charming, polite) afable,

corts; (slick, ingratiating) zalamero,-a.

Suave no significa 'suave', que se tra

duce por soft.

sub [sb] n 1 (submarine) submarino. 2

(substitute) sustituto,-a, suplente mf.

3 (subscription) cuota, subscripcin f,
suscripcin f. 4 (subeditor) redactor,-ra.
5 gb (advance from wages) anticipo.
P vi (act as substitute) sustituir (for, a).
P vt 1 gb (give an advance) anticipar, dar
un anticipo. 2 (subedit) corregir, revisar.
pt & pp subbed, ger subbing.
subconscious [sbknSs] adj sub


P n the subconscious

continente m.

el subconsciente m.

[sbkntInnt] n sub

subcontract [ (n)

sbkntrQkt ; (vb)
sbkntrQkt] n subcontrato.
P vt

subcontratar (to, a).

subculture [sbkltSr] n subcultura.

subdivide [sbdIvaId] vt subdividir

(into, en).
comp sturdier, superl sturdiest.
subgroup [sbgrUp] n subgrupo.

sturgeon [stdZ n] n esturin m.

subhuman [sbhjUmn] adj infrahu
stutter [sttr] n tartamudeo.
P vi tartamudear.
subject [(n-adj) sbdZekt; (vb) sbdZekt]
P vt decir tartamudeando, balbucear.
n 1 (theme, topic) tema m. 2 educ asigna
sty1 [staI] n (for pigs) pocilga.
tura. 3 (citizen) sbdito, ciudadano,-a.
pl sties.
4 ling sujeto. 5 (cause) objeto (of/for,
sty2 [staI] n stye.
de). 6 (of experiment) sujeto.
pl sties.
P vt (bring under control) someter, sojuz
stye [staI] n (in eye) orzuelo.
gar (to, a).
P adj (subordinate, governed) sometido,-a.
style [staIl] n 1 (gen) estilo. 2 (type, model) modelo, diseo. 3 (of hair) peinado.
subject to (bound by) sujeto,-a a; (prone
4 (fashion) moda. 5 fml
(correct title) ttu
to - floods, subsidence) expuesto,-a a;
lo. 6 bot estilo.
(- change, delay) susceptible de, suje



to,-a a; (- illness) propenso,-a a. c o m p

subject matter 1 (topic) tema m, mate
ria. 2 (contents) contenido.
P prep subject to (conditional on) previo,
-a, supeditado,-a a.
a to subject to vt sep someter a.
subjective [sbdZektIv] adj subjetivo,-a.


[sbdZNktIv] adj


P n ling subjuntivo.
sublet [sblet] vt realquilar, subarrendar.
P vi realquilar, subarrendar.
pt & pp sublet, ger subletting.

sublime [sblaIm] adj 1 (beauty, music,

compliment, etc) sublime. 2 fam (food, performance) maravilloso,-a, sensacional.

3 pej (indifference, ignorance, etc) sumo,-a,
supremo,-a, absoluto,-a, total.
P n the sublime lo sublime.
subliminal [sblImInl] adj subliminal.


[sbmSingn] n

ametralladora, metralleta.
submarine [sbmrin] n submarino.
P adj submarino,-a.
submerge [sbmdZ] vt sumergir (in,
P vi sumergirse.
submission [sbmISn] n 1 (subjection)
sumisin f (to, a). 2 sp (in wrestling) ren
dicin f. 3 (presentation) presentacin f.
4 (report) informe m; (proposal) pro
submit [sbmIt] vt 1 (present) presen
tar. 2 (subject) someter (to, a). 3 jur
(suggest) sostener.
P vi (admit defeat, surrender) rendirse, ce
der; (to demand, wishes) acceder.
pt & pp submitted, ger submitting.
subnormal [sbnml] adj 1 (person)
subnormal, retrasado,-a. 2 (tempera-

tures) por debajo de lo normal.

subordinate [(adj-n)

sbdInt ; (vb)
sbdIneIt] adj 1 (lower, less important)

bordinacin f.

[sbdIneISn] n su

subscribe [sbskraIb] vi 1 (to newspaper,

etc) suscribirse (to, a), abonarse (to,

a). 2 (to charity) hacer donaciones,
contribuir con donativos (to, a). 3 (to
opinion, theory) suscribir (to, -), estar de
acuerdo (to, con). 4 fin (shares) suscri
bir (for, -).
P vt 1 (contribute) contribuir, donar. 2
fml (sign) suscribir.
subscriber [sbskraIbr] n (to newspaper,
etc) suscriptor,-ra, abonado,-a; (to telephone service, cable television) abonado,-a.
subscription [sbskIpSn] n (to newspaper,
etc) suscripcin f, abono; (to club) cuota;
(to charity) donativo, donacin f.
subsection [sbsekSn] n jur (in document, text) artculo.
subsequent [sbsIkwnt] adj subsi
guiente, posterior. l o c subsequent to
posterior a.
subside [sbsaId] vi 1 (land, building,
road) hundirse. 2 fig (person) dejarse
caer. 3 (storm, wind) amainar; (floods)
decrecer, bajar; (pain, fever) disminuir;
(noise, applause) irse apagando; (anger,
excitement) calmarse.
subsidiary [sbsIdIrI] adj 1 (role, interest, issue) secundario,-a. 2 (income) adi
cional, extra; (payment, loan) subsidia
P n comm filial f.
pl subsidiaries.

subsidize [sbsIdaIz] vt (gen) subven

cionar; (exports) primar.

subsidy [sbsIdI] n subvencin f, sub


pl subsidies.

subsist [sbsIst] vi subsistir.

subsistence [sbsIstns] n subsistencia.
subsoil [svbSIl] n subsuelo.
substance [sbstns] n 1 (matter) sus

tancia. 2 (real matter, solid content) sustan

subordinado,-a (to, a), secundario,
cia, solidez f. 3 (essence, gist) esencia,
-a. 2 ling subordinado,-a. c o m p subor
sustancia. 4 (wealth) riqueza.
dinate clause oracin f subordinada.
substantial [sbstQnSl] adj 1 (solid)
P n (person) subordinado,-a,
slido,-a, fuerte. 2 (large - sum, increase,
loss, damage) importante, considera
P vt subordinar (to, a), supeditar (to, a).
ble; (- difference, change) sustancial, no



table. 3 (meal - large) abundante; (nourishing) sustancioso,-a. 4 (wealthy)

acaudalado,-a. 5 fml (real, tangible) sus
substantiate [sbstQnSIeIt] vt (gen)
confirmar, corroborar; (accusation)
substantive [sbstntIv] adj fml (research, information, evidence) sustantivo,
-a; (matter, issue) fundamental.
P n ling sustantivo.
substitute [sbstItjUt] n 1 (person)
sustituto,-a, suplente mf. 2 (thing) su
cedneo (for, de).
P vt sustituir, reemplazar.
P vi sustituir, suplir (for, a).
substitution [sbstItjUSn] n sustitu
cin f.

succeed [sksid] vi 1 (be successful - person)

tener xito, triunfar; (- plan, marriage)

salir bien; (- strike) surtir efecto, dar re
sultado. 2 (manage) lograr, conseguir. 3
(throne) subir (to, a); (title) heredar (to, -).
P vt 1 (take place of) suceder a. 2 fml (follow after) suceder a.

To succeed no significa 'suceder', que

se traduce por to happen.

succeeding [sksidIN] adj subsiguiente.

success [skses] n 1 (good result, achievement) xito. 2 (successful person, thing) xito.

Success no significa 'suceso', que se

traduce por event.

successful [sksesfUl] adj (person, career,

film) de xito; (plan, performance, attempt)

acertado,-a, logrado,-a; (business)
subterranean [sbtreInIn] adj
prspero,-a; (marriage) feliz; (meeting)
satisfactorio,-a, positivo,-a.

subtitle [sbtaIt l] n subttulo.

successfully [sksesfUlI] adv con xi
P vt subtitular, poner subttulos a.
to, satisfactoriamente.
subtle [stl] adj 1 (person - tactful) delica succession [skseSn] n 1 (act of followdo,-a, discreto,-a. 2 (colour, difference, hint,
ing) sucesin f. 2 (series) serie f, suce
joke) sutil; (taste) delicado,-a, ligero,-a;
sin f. 3 (to post, throne) sucesin f.
(lighting) tenue, sutil. 3 (remark, mind) successive [sksesIv] adj sucesivo,-a,
agudo,-a, perspicaz; (plan, argument,
analysis) ingenioso,-a; (irony) fino,-a.
successor [skssr] n sucesor,-ra.
comp subtler, comp subtlest.
succulent [skjlnt] adj 1 (juicy) sucu
subtotal [sbtUtl] n subtotal m.
lento,-a. 2 bot carnoso,-a.
subtract [sbtrQkt] vt restar (from, de).
P n bot planta carnosa, suculenta.
subtraction [sbtrQkSn] n resta.
such [stS] adj 1 (of that sort) tal, seme
subtropical [sbtrpIkl] adj subtropical.
jante. 2 (so much, so great) tal, tanto,-a.
suburb [sbb] n barrio residencial.
P adv (so very) tan.
c o m p the suburbs las afueras fpl.
P pron (of that specified sort) tal. l o c as
such 1 (strictly speaking) propiamente
, Suburb no significa 'suburbio (barrio
dicho. 2 (that way) como tal. y in such a
desfavorecido', que se traduce por slums.
way that de tal manera que y

suburban [sbb n] adj (area) de los

such as (like, for example) como. y such
barrios residenciales; (attitude) con
as? por ejemplo?
suck [sk] vt 1 (person - liquid) sorber; (suburbia [sbbI] n los barrios mpl
lollipop, pencil, thumb, etc) chupar; (insect
-blood, nectar) chupar, succionar. 2 (vac
subversion [sbvS n] n subversin f.
uum cleaner) aspirar (in, -); (pump) suc
subversive [sbvsIv] adj subversi
cionar, aspirar (in, -); (plant) absorber
(up, -). 3 (draw powerfully) arrastrar.
P n (person) elemento subversivo.
P vi 1 (person) chupar (at/on, -); (baby)
subway [sbweI] n 1
gb (underpass) paso
mamar (at, -); (vacuum cleaner) aspirar
subterrneo. 2 us (underground) metro.
(up,-); (pump) succionar, aspirar.



sucker [sk ] n 1 zool ventosa. 2 bot

suffocate [sfkeIt] vt asfixiar, aho

chupn m, mamn m. 3 (rubber disc)
P vi asfixiarse, ahogarse.
suckle [skl] vt amamantar, dar de
, To suffocate no significa 'sofocar (un
mamar a.
incendio)', que se traduce por to put out.
P vi mamar.
[sfkeIS n] n asfixia,
sucrose [sjUkrUz] n sacarosa.

suction [skS n] n (sticking together) suc

cin f; (of water, air) aspiracin f. c o m p suffrage [sfrIdZ] n sufragio.
suction cup ventosa. y suction pump sugar [SUgr] n 1 azcar m & f. 2 us fam
(form of address) cario, cielo. c o m p sug
bomba de aspiracin.
ar beet remolacha azucarera.
Sudan [sUdQn] [also the Sudan] n Su
P vt azucarar.
Sudanese [sUdniz] adj sudans, sugar-coated [SUgkUtId] adj cubier
to,-a de azcar.
suggest [sdZest] vt 1 (propose) sugerir,
P n sudans,-esa.
proponer; (advise) sugerir, aconsejar.
P n pl the Sudanese los sudaneses mpl.
2 (imply) insinuar. 3 (indicate) indicar. 4
sudden [sdn] adj 1 (quick) sbito,-a,
(evoke) evocar, sugerir.
repentino,-a. 2 (unexpected)
inesperado,-a, imprevisto,-a. 3 (abrupt) suggestion [sdZestSn] n 1 (proposal)
sugerencia, propuesta. 2 (insinuation)
brusco,-a. l o c all of a sudden de repen
te. c o m p sudden death muerte f sbita.
insinuacin f. 3 (indication, hint) indicio;
(slight trace) sombra, traza, asomo, no
suddenly [sdnlI] adv 1 (unexpectedly)
ta. 4 (in psychology) sugestin f.
de repente, de pronto. 2 (abruptly)
suggestive [sdZestIv] adj (with sexual connotations) provocativo,-a, insinuante.
suds [sdz] n pl jabonaduras fpl, espu
ma f sing (de jabn).
suicidal [sUIsaIdl] adj suicida.
sue [sU] vt jur demandar.
suicide [sUIsaId] n 1 (act) suicidio. 2
P vi jur entablar una demanda ( for,
(person) suicida mf. 3 fig suicidio. c o m p
to commit suicide suicidarse.
suede [sweId] n ante m, gamuza.
suit [sUt] n 1 (man's) traje m; (woman's)
P adj de ante, de gamuza.
traje m de chaqueta. 2 jur pleito, jui
suet [sUIt] n sebo.
cio. 3 (in cards) palo.
P vt 1 (be convenient, acceptable) convenir
suffer [sfr] vt 1 (gen) sufrir; (pain) pa
a, venir bien a; (please) satisfacer,
decer, sufrir; (hunger) padecer, pasar;
agradar, contentar. 2 (be right for) ir
(losses) sufrir, registrar. 2 (bear, tolerate)
bien a, sentar bien a; (look good on)
aguantar, soportar, tolerar.
P vi 1 (gen) sufrir. 2 (be affected - work,
quedar bien a, favorecer. 3 (adapt)
adaptar (to, a), ajustar (to, a).
studies, etc) verse afectado,-a; (- health)
resentirse: l o c to suffer from 1 (illness) suitable [sUtbl] adj 1 (appropriate)
sufrir de, padecer. 2 (shock) sufrir los
adecuado,-a (for, para), apropiado,
efectos de. 3 (effects) resentirse de.
-a ( for, para); (for job, post) adecua
sufferer [sfrr] n enfermo,-a.
do,-a, indicado,-a, idneo,-a. 2 (acceptable, proper) apropiado,-a, apto,-a.
suffering [sfrIN] n (affliction) sufri
3 (convenient) conveniente.
miento, afliccin f; (grief) pena, dolor
m; (pain) dolor m.
suitcase [sUtkeIs] n maleta.
sufficient [sfIS nt] adj suficiente, suite [swit] n 1 (of furniture) juego. 2 (in
bastante. l o c to be sufficient bastar.
hotel) suite f. 3 mus suite f. 4 (retinue) s
suffix [sfIks] n sufijo.
quito, comitiva. 5 comput juego.



suited [sUtId] adj apropiado,-a (for,

para), adecuado,-a (for, para).

sulk [slk] vi enfurruarse, estar de
mal humor.
P n malhumor m.
sulky [slkI] adj (look, mood) malhu
morado,-a; (person) con tendencia a
comp sulkier, superl sulkiest.

sullen [sln] adj 1 (person, mood) hos

co,-a, arisco,-a, hurao,-a; (face)
sully [slI] vt 1 (dirty) ensuciar. 2 fig (tarnish, spoil) manchar, mancillar.
pt & pp sullied, ger sullying.

sultan [sltn] n sultn m.

sultry [sltrI] adj 1 (weather) bochorno
so,-a, sofocante. 2 (person) sensual.
comp sultrier, superl sultriest.

sum [sm] n 1 math (calculation) cuenta;

(addition) suma, adicin f. 2 (amount of

money) suma (de dinero), cantidad f
(de dinero). 3 (total amount) suma, to
tal m. c o m p in sum en resumen. y l o c
the sum total total m.
P n pl sums aritmtica f sing, clculos mpl.
a to sum up vt sep 1 (summarize) resu
mir, hacer un resumen de, sinteti
zar. 2 (size up - situation) evaluar; (- person) catalogar.
P vi (summarize) resumir; (of judge) reca

pt & pp summed, ger summing.

summarize [smraIz] vt resumir, ha

cer un resumen de.

summary [smrI] n (gen) resumen m.

summon [smn] vt 1 (person) llamar;

(meeting, parliament) convocar. 2 jur ci
tar, emplazar.
a to summon up vt insep 1 (courage) armar
se de; (strength) reunir, cobrar; (support)
lograr, obtener; (resources, help) reunir,
conseguir. 2 (memories, thoughts) evocar.
sumptuous [smptjUs] adj (gen) sun
tuoso,-a; (meal) opparo,-a.
sun [sn] n (gen) sol m.
sunbathe [snbeID] vi tomar el sol.
sunbeam [snbim] n rayo de sol.
sunbed [snbed] n cama solar.
sunburn [snbn] n quemadura de sol.
sunburnt [snbnt] adj (burnt) quema
do,-a (por el sol); (tanned) bronceado,
-a, moreno,-a.
Sunday [sndI] n domingo.
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta Saturday.

sundial [sndaIl] n reloj m de sol.

sundown [sndaUn] n us puesta de(l)

sun-dried [sndraId] adj secado,-a al


sunflower [snflaUr] n girasol m.


sunflower seed semilla de girasol, pipa.

sung [sN] pp sing.
sunglasses [snglAsIz] n pl gafas fpl

de sol.

sunhat [snhQt] n pamela, sombrero

de ala ancha.

sunk [sNk] pp sink.

sunken [snkn] adj 1 (ship, treasure)

pl summaries.
P adj 1 jur (justice, punishment) sumario,
-a: summary trial juicio sumario. 2 (immediate - dismissal) inmediato,-a. 3 (brief account) breve, corto,-a. l o c in summa
ry en resumen.
summer [smr] n 1 (gen) verano. 2 lit
abril m.
P adj (gen) de verano; (summery)

hund ido,-a, sumergido,-a; (eyes,

cheeks) hundido,-a. 2 (terrace, bath) a un
nivel ms bajo.
sunlight [snlaIt] n sol m, luz f del sol.
sunlit [snlIt] adj soleado,-a.
sunny [snI] adj 1 (room, house, etc)
soleado,-a; (day) de sol. 2 fig (person)
alegre, risueo,-a; (future) risueo,-a.


sunrise [snraIz] n (sun-up) salida del


[smtaIm] n verano,

comp sunnier, superl sunniest.

sol; (dawn) amanecer m, alba m.

summit [smIt] n 1

(of mountain, career) sunroof [snrUf] n 1 auto capota, te
cumbre f, cima. 2 (meeting) cumbre f.

cho corredizo. 2 (on building) azotea.




[snset] n (sundown) puesta

de(l) sol, ocaso; (twilight) crepsculo,
atardecer m.
sunshade [snSeId] n 1 (parasol) som
brilla. 2 (awning) toldo.
sunshine [snSaIn] n 1 sol m, luz f de
sol. 2 fig alegra. 3 gb fam (friendly form
of address) corazn, majo,-a; (sarcastic)
sunstroke [snstrUk] n insolacin f.
suntan [sntQn] n bronceado, more
no. c o m p suntan lotion bronceador m.
sun-tanned [sntQnd] adj broncea
do,-a, moreno,-a.
super [sUpr] adj fam genial, sper,
fenomenal, de primera.
P n 1 gb (superintendent) comisario,-a de
polica. 2 us (superintendent) portero,-a.
superb [sUpb] adj estupendo,-a,
magnfico,-a, esplndido,-a,
superbly [sUpblI] adv estupenda
mente, magnficamente, esplndi
damente, soberbiamente.
supercilious [sUpsIlIs] adj (condescending) altanero,-a; (disdainful)
superficial [sUpfISl] adj (gen) super
superfluous [sUpflUs] adj (gen) su
perfluo,-a; (remark, comment) de ms.


[sUphjUmn] adj


superintendent [sUprIntendnt] n 1

superman [sUpmQn] n superhom

bre m.
pl supermen [sUpmn].

supermarket [sUpmAkIt] n super

mercado, autoservicio.

supernatural [sUpnQtSrl] adj so



the supernatural lo sobrenatural m.

superpower [sUppaUr] n superpo



[sUpsnIk] adj super

superstar [sUpstAr] n superestrella.

superstition [sUpstISn] n supersti
cin f.



[sjUpstISs] adj su

superstore [sUpstr] n hipermercado.

superstructure [sUpstrktSr] n su


[sUptQNkr] n super

supervise [sUpvaIz] vt 1 (watch over)

vigilar. 2 (keep check on) supervisar;

(run) dirigir.
supervision [sUpvIZn] n supervi
sin f.
supervisor [sUpvaIz r ] n 1 (gen)
supervisor,-ra. 2 gb (of thesis) director,ra de tesis.
superwoman [sUpwUmn] n super
mujer f.
pl superwomen [sUpwImIn].
l o c to have sup
per cenar.
supper-time [sptaIm] n hora de cenar.
supplement [ (n) splImnt] ; (vb)
splIment] n 1 (charge) suplemento. 2
(dietary) complemento. 3 lit suple

supper [spr] n cena.

(person in charge - gen) director,-ra,

inspector,-ra, supervisor,-ra. 2 gb (in
police) comisario,-a de polica. 3 us (in
apartment building) portero,-a, conserje
mf. 4 (of park) encargado,-a.
superior [sUpIrIr] adj 1 (gen) supe
P vt complementar.
rior (to, a). 2 pej (attitude, tone, smile) de
supplementary [splImentrI] adj 1
P n (senior) superior mf.
(gen) suplementario,-a, adicional. 2
math suplementario,-a.
superiority [sUpIrIrItI] n superiori
dad f.
supplier [splaIr] n comm proveedor,
-ra, abastecedor,-ra.
superlative [sUpltIv] adj 1 (excellent)
superlativo,-a, de primera, excelente, supply [splaI] n 1 (provision) suminis
excepcional. 2 ling
tro. 2 comm (provision - to markets, areas,
P n ling superlativo.
etc) abastecimiento; (- to individuals,



houses, shops, etc) suministro. 3 (amount

availabe) reserva.

pl supplies.
P vt 1 (goods, materials) suministrar. 2 (a

person, company, city, etc) abastecer

(with, de), proveer (with, de). 3 (give information, proof, facts) facilitar, propor
cionar. 4 mil (with provisions) aprovisio
nar. 5 fml (need, requirement) satisfacer.

pt & pp supplied, ger supplying.

P n pl supplies (food) provisiones fpl,
vveres mpl ; (stock) existencias fpl ,
stock m. mil pertrechos mpl.
support [spt] n 1 (physical - gen) apo
yo, sostn m; (- thing worn on body) pro
tector m. 2 (of building) soporte m, pun
tal m. 3 (moral) apoyo, respaldo. 4

(financial) ayuda econmica, apoyo

econmico; (sustenance) sustento; (person) sostn m. 5 (supporters) aficin f. 6
(evidence) pruebas fpl.
P vt 1 (roof, bridge, etc) sostener; (weight)
aguantar, resistir; (part of body) sujetar.
2 (back, encourage) apoyar, respaldar,
ayudar; (cause, motion, proposal) apoyar,
estar de acuerdo con. 3 sp (follow) se
guir; (encourage) animar. 4 (keep, sustain)
mantener, sustentar, sostener; (feed)
alimentar. 5 (corroborate, substantiate)
confirmar, respaldar, apoyar, respal
dar. 6 fml (endure) soportar, tolerar.

P conj 1 (hypothesis) y si?, pongamos

por caso, supongamos. 2 (making suggestions) y si?, qu tal si?
supposed [spUzd] adj supuesto,-a.
l o c to be supposed to 1 (supposition,
reputation) se supone que, dicen que.
2 (obligation, responsibility) deber, tener
que. 3 (intention) se supone que.
supposing [spUzIN] conj 1 (hypothesis)
y si?, suponiendo. 2 (making suggestions) y si?, qu tal si?
suppository [spzItrI] n supositorio.

pl suppositories.

supremacy [sUpremsI] n supremaca.

supreme [sUprim] adj (highest) supre

mo,-a, sumo,-a; (greatest) supremo,-a.

[sUprimU] n gb fam gran


pl supremos.

surcharge [stSAdZ] n recargo, so

(person) aplicar un recargo a.
sure [SUr] adj 1 (positive, certain) segu
ro,-a (about/of, de); (convinced) con
vencido,-a. 2 (certain, inevitable) segu
ro,-a. 3 (reliable) seguro,-a.
P adv 1 (of course) claro, por supuesto. 2
us (as intensifier) realmente, de verdad.
surely [SUlI] adv 1 (doubtless) segura
mente, sin duda. 2 (as intensifier): surely
you haven't forgotten! no se te habr olvi
dado! 3 (in a sure manner) con seguri
dad. 4 us (certainly) por supuesto, des
, To support no significa 'soportar (su
de luego, claro (que s).
frir)', que se traduce por to bear.
surf [sf] n (waves) olas fpl, oleaje m;
suppor ter [ s p t ] n 1 p o l
(foam) espuma.
partidario,-a. 2 sp (gen) seguidor,-ra;
P vi hacer surf. l o c to surf the net na
(fan) hincha mf, forofo,-a.
vegar en Internet.
P n pl supporters sp la aficin f sing .
surface [sfIs] n 1 (gen) superficie f; (of
c o m p supporters' club pea deportiva.
road) firme m. 2 fig (exterior) apariencia.
supporting [sptIN] adj (part, role)
P adj (gen) superficial.
P vt (cover road) pavimentar; (with assuppose [spUz] vt 1 (assume, imagine)
phalt) asfaltar.
P vi 1 (submarine, etc) salir a la superfi
suponer, imaginarse. 2 (in polite recie; (problems, etc) aflorar, aparecer,
quests): I don't suppose you could lend me 10,
surgir. 2 (from bed) asomarse, dejarse
could you? no podras dejarme 10 libras,
ver; (after disappearance) reaparecer.
no? 3 (believe) creer. 4 (postulate) supo
ner. 5 fml (presuppose) suponer. l o c I surfboard [sfbd] n tabla de surf.
que no. y I sup surfer [sfr] n surfista mf.
suppose not supongo
surfing [sfIN] n surf m.
pose so supongo que s.
P vt



surgeon [sdZ n] n cirujano,-a.

surgery [sdZrI] n 1 (operating) ciru

ga. 2 gb (place) consultorio, consulta;

(time) consulta.
pl surgeries.

surgical [sdZIkl] adj (instrument, treatment) quirrgico,-a.

Surinam [sUrInQm] n Surinam.

surmount [smaUnt] vt 1 (overcome) su
perar, vencer. 2 arch rematar, coronar.

surname [sneIm] n apellido.

surpass [spAs] vt (better) superar; (exceed) superar, sobrepasar.

surplus [spls] n (of goods, produce) ex

(- of prices, trends, etc) estudio; (written report) informe m. 2 (of land) inspeccin
f, reconocimiento; (in topography) me
dicin f. 3 (general view) visin f gene
ral, visin f de conjunto. 4 gb (of house,
building) inspeccin f, peritaje m.
P vt 1 (contemplate, look at) contemplar,
mirar. 2 (study - gen) examinar, anali
zar; (- prices, trends, etc) estudiar, hacer
una encuesta sobre; (investigate - people) encuestar, hacer un sondeo de. 3
(- land) hacer un reconocimiento de;
(in topography) medir. 4 (house, building)
inspeccionar, hacer un peritaje de.
surveyor [sveIr] n (of land) agrimen
sor,-ra, topgrafo,-a; (of house, building)
survival [svaIvl] n 1 (gen) supervi
vencia. 2 (relic) reliquia, vestigio
(from, de).
survive [svaIv] vi 1 (gen) sobrevivir;
(custom, tradition) sobrevivir, perdurar;
(book, painting) conservarse. 2 fam (cope,
get by) ir tirando, arreglrselas.
P vt 1 (disaster) sobrevivir a. 2 (person)
sobrevivir a.
survivor [svaIvr] n superviviente mf,
sobreviviente mf.
suspect [(adj-n) sspekt; (vb) sspekt]
adj (suspicious) sospechoso,-a; (dubious,
questionable) dudoso,-a.
P n (person) sospechoso,-a.
P vt 1 (believe guilty) sospechar de; (mistrust) recelar de, desconfiar de, dudar
de. 2 (think true) sospechar. 3 (suppose,
guess) imaginarse, creer.
suspend [sspend] vt 1 (stop temporarily)
suspender; (postpone) posponer, apla
zar. 2 (remove) suspender. 3 (hang) sus
pender, colgar.

cedente m, sobrante m; (of budget) su

pervit m.
P adj sobrante, excedente.
surprise [spraIz] n sorpresa.
P adj (visit, result) inesperado,-a; (attack,
party) sorpresa.
P vt 1 (cause surprise to) sorprender. 2
(catch unaware) sorprender, tomar des
prevenido,-a, tomar por sorpresa.
surprised [spraIzd] adj (person)
sorprendido,-a; (look) de sorpresa.
surprising [spraIzIN] adj sorprendente.
surreal [srIl] adj surrealista.
surrealism [srIlIzm] n surrealismo.
surrealist [srIlIst] n surrealista mf.
P adj surrealista.
surrender [srendr] n 1 (capitulation)
rendicin f; (submission) sumisin f,
claudicacin f. 2 (giving up - of arms) en
trega; (- of rights) renuncia.
P vt 1 mil (weapons, town) rendir, entre
gar. 2 fml (passport, ticket, etc) entregar;
(claim, right, privilege) renunciar a, ceder.
P vi rendirse, entregarse.
surround [sraUnd] vt (encircle) rodear
(with, de).
, To suspend no significa 'suspender
P n marco, borde m.
(un examen)', que se traduce por to fail.
surrounding [sraUndIN] adj circun
suspense [ssspens] n (anticipation) in
P n pl surroundings (of town, city, etc) alre
certidumbre f; (intrigue) suspense m,
dedores mpl fpl. (environment) entorno,
ambiente m.
suspension [sspenSn] n 1 (halt) sus
surveillance [sveIlns] n vigilancia.
pensin f; (postponement) aplazamien
to, postergacin f. 2 (of employee, playsurvey [(n) sveI;
(vb) sveI] n 1 (investigation - of opinion) sondeo, encuesta;
er) suspensin f; (of pupil) expulsin f.



chem suspensin f. 4 tech suspen

sin f. c o m p suspension points puntos
suspicion [sspISn] n 1 (gen) sospe
cha; (mistrust) recelo, desconfianza;
(doubt) duda; (hunch) presentimiento.
2 (slight trace) pizca, asomo, atisbo.
suspicious [sspISs] adj 1 (arousing suspicion) sospechoso,-a. 2 (distrustful,
wary) desconfiado,-a, suspicaz.
sustain [ssteIn] vt 1 (keep alive - gen)
sustentar; (- spirits, hope) mantener. 2
(maintain - gen) sostener; (- interest, conversation) mantener; (- work) continuar.
3 mus (note) sostener. 4 fml (suffer - loss,
injury, wound, etc) sufrir. 5 fml (hold up)
sostener. 6 jur admitir.
sustainable [ssteInbl] adj sosteni
suture [stSer] n (thread) hilo de sutura;
(stitch) punto de sutura.
P vt suturar.
swab [swb] n 1 med (cotton wool) algo
dn m; (gauze) gasa. 2 med (specimen)
frotis m, muestra. 3 (cleaning cloth) pa
o, bayeta, trapo; (mop) fregona.
P vt 1 med (wound) limpiar. 2 mar (deck)
limpiar, fregar.

pt & pp swabbed, ger swabbing.

swallow1 [swlU] n (of drink, food) trago.

1 (food, etc) tragar. 2 fig (be taken in

by) tragarse.
P vi tragar.
a to swallow up vt sep 1 (engulf) tragar
se, engullir. 2 (use up) consumir, tra
garse, comerse, absorber.
swallow2 [swlU] n (bird) golondrina.
P vt

swarm [swm] n 1 (of bees) enjambre

m. 2 fig (of people) enjambre m, nube f,

multitud f.
P vi 1 (bees) enjambrar. 2 fig (people) aglo
merarse, apiarse, arremolinarse.
a to swarm with vt insep rebosar de,
estar plagado,-a de.

swathe1 [sweID] n swath.

swathe2 [sweID] vt (wrap) envolver,

a to swathe in vt sep fig envolver.

sway [sweI] n 1 (movement) balanceo,

vaivn m, movimiento. 2 fig (influence)

dominio, influencia (over, sobre).
P vt 1 (swing) balancear, bambolear. 2
fig (influence) influir en, influenciar,
P vi 1 (person, tree, ladder) balancearse,
bambolearse; (tower) bambolearse;
(crops) mecerse; (person - totter) tamba
learse. 2 fig (waver) vacilar (between,
entre), oscilar (between, entre).
swear [swer] vt 1 (declare formally) jurar;
(vow) juramentar. 2 fam (state firmly) jurar.
P vi 1 (declare formally) jurar, prestar jura
mento. 2 (curse) decir palabrotas, sol
tar tacos; (blaspheme) jurar, blasfemar.
a to swear by vt insep fam tener una fe
absoluta en.
a to swear in vt sep (in court) tomarle ju
ramento a.
a to swear to vt insep jurar.
pt swore [swr], pp sworn [swN].

swearword [swerwd] n palabrota.

sweat [swet] n 1 (perspiration) sudor m.

2 fam (hard work) paliza. 3 fam (anxious

state) nerviosismo. c o m p sweat gland
glndula sudorpara.
swam [swm] pt swim.
P vi 1 (perspire) sudar. 2 (cheese) exudar
swamp [swmp] n pantano, cinaga.
humedad. 3 (work hard) sudar la gota
P vt 1 (land) inundar, anegar; (boat)
gorda. 4 fam (worry) estar preocupa
hundir. 2 fig (inundate) inundar (with/
do,-a, sufrir.
by, de); (overwhelm) agobiar, abrumar
P vt gb (cook gently) rehogar.
(with/by, de).
a to sweat out vt sep (illness, cold) quitar
swan [swn] n (bird) cisne m.
se sudando; (toxins) eliminar.
P vi pavonearse.
sweater [swetr] n suter m, jersey m.
pt & pp swanned, ger swanning.
sweatshirt [swetSt] n sudadera.
swap [swp] n canje m, cambalache m.
Swede [swid] n (person) sueco,-a.
P vt fam cambiar, intercambiar.
Sweden [swidn] n Suecia.
P vi hacer un intercambio, cambiar.
pt & pp swapped, ger swapping.
Swedish [swidIS] adj sueco,-a.



(language) sueco.
the Swedish los suecos mpl.
sweep [swip] n 1 (with broom) barrido.
2 (of arm) movimiento amplio, gesto
amplio; (with weapon) golpe m. 3 (curve)
curva; (area, stretch) extensin f. 4 fig
(range, extent) abanico, alcance m. 5 (by
police, rescuers) peinado, rastreo. 6 fam
(chimney cleaner) deshollinador,-ra.
P vt 1 (room, floor) barrer; (chimney) des
hollinar. 2 (with hand) quitar de un
manotazo. 3 (move over) azotar, ba
rrer. 4 (remove by force) arrastrar, llevar
se. 5 (pass over) recorrer. 6 fig (spread
through) recorrer, extenderse por. 7
(touch lightly) rozar, pasar por.
P vi 1 (with broom) barrer. 2 (move quickly)
pasar rpidamente. 3 (extend) reco
rrer, extenderse.
a to sweep aside vt sep 1 (objection, etc)
rechazar; (suggestion) descartar. 2 (object) apartar (bruscamente).
a to sweep away vt sep 1 (privilege, etc)
erradicar. 2 (by flood, storm) arrastrar,
a to sweep up vt sep 1 (room, etc) barrer;
(dust, etc) (barrer y) recoger. 2 (object,
person) recoger, levantar.
P vi barrer, limpiar.

P n pl

pt & pp swept [swept].

sweeping [swipIN] adj 1 (broad) am
plio,-a; (very general) muy general. 2



[swit nsaU r ] adj

sweetcorn [switkn] n maz m tierno.

sweeten [switn] vt 1 (drink, etc) endul

zar, azucarar; (air, breath) refrescar. 2

fig (person) endulzar (el carcter de);
(temper) aplacar, calmar. 3 fam (make
more attractive) hacer ms apetecible.
a to sweeten up vt sep ablandar.
sweetener [switnr] n 1 (in food, drink)
edulcorante m, dulcificante m. 2 fam
(bribe) soborno.
sweetheart [swithAt] n 1 (dear, love)
cario, tesoro, amor m. 2 (loved one)
sweetness [switns] n (taste) dulzor
m; (smell) fragancia; (sound) suavidad f;
(character) dulzura, simpata.
swell [swel] n 1 (of sea) marejada, olea
je m. 2 mus (crescendo) crescendo.
P vi 1 (gen) hincharse (up, -); (sea) le
vantarse; (river) crecer, subir. 2 (grow in number) crecer, aumentar; (- louder)
hacerse ms fuerte.
P vt 1 (gen) hinchar; (river) hacer crecer. 2
(increase in number) aumentar, engrosar.
pt & pp swelled o swollen [swUln].

swelling [swelIN] n (swollen place) hin

chazn f, bulto; (condition) tumefac

cin f.

swept [swept] pt & pp sweep.

swerve [swv] n 1 auto viraje m brus

(overwhelming) arrollador,-ra, aplastan

co, desvo brusco. 2 sp (by player) re
te; (far-reaching) radical; (huge) enorme.
gate m; (of ball) efecto.
c o m p sweeping brush escoba.
P vi 1 auto virar bruscamente, dar un
sweet [swit] adj 1 (taste) dulce; (sugary)
viraje brusco. 2 sp (player) dar un re
azucarado,-a. 2 (pleasant) agradable;
gate, regatear; (ball) llevar efecto. 3
fig (veer, deviate) desviarse (from, de).
(smell) fragante, bueno,-a; (sound, music, voice) melodioso,-a, suave, dulce. swift [swIft] adj 1 (runner, horse) rpido,
3 (air) limpio,-a; (water) dulce. 4 (charm-a, veloz. 2 (reaction, reply) pronto,-a,
ing) encantador,-ra, simptico,-a;
(cute) rico,-a, mono,-a; (gentle) dulce.
P n (bird) vencejo comn.
c o m p sweet corn maz m tierno. y
swim [swIm] n bao. l o c to go for a
sweet pea guisante m de olor. y sweet
swim ir a nadar. y to have a swim ba
pepper pimiento morrn. y sweet po
arse, nadar.
tato boniato, batata.
P vi 1 (gen) nadar. 2 (be covered in liquid)
P n 1 gb (candy) caramelo, golosina;
nadar (in, en), flotar (in, en); (be over(chocolate) bombn m. 2 gb (dessert) pos
flowing) estar cubierto,-a (with, de),
tre m. 3 (form of address)
cario, cielo,
estar inundado,-a. 3 (spin, whirl) dar
amor m, vida.



(cross river) cruzar a nado, cruzar

nadando; (cover distance) nadar, hacer;
(use particular stroke) nadar.
P vt

pt swam [swQm], pp swum [swm],

ger swimming.
swimmer [swImr] n nadador,-ra.
swimming [swImIN] n natacin f. l o c
to go swimming ir a nadar. c o m p
swimming baths piscina cubierta. y
swimming costume baador m . y
swimming pool piscina. y swimming
trunks baador m (de hombre).
swimsuit [swImsUt] n baador m.
swimwear [swImwer] n baadores mpl.
swindle [swIndl] n (fiddle) estafa; (con)

P vt estafar, timar.

swine [swaIn] n 1 [pl swine] arch (pig)

cerdo, puerco, cochino. 2 [pl swines]

fam (person) cerdo,-a, canalla mf, ma
swing [swIN] n 1 (movement) balanceo,
vaivn m; (of pendulum) oscilacin f, vai
vn m; (of hips) contoneo. 2 (plaything)
columpio. 3 (change, shift) giro, viraje m,
cambio. 4 sp (in golf, boxing) swing m. 5
mus (jazz style) swing m; (rhythm) ritmo.
c o m p swing bridge puente m giratorio. y
swing door puerta giratoria.
P vi 1 (hanging object) balancearse, bam
bolearse; (pendulum) oscilar; (arms, legs)
menearse; (child on swing) columpiar
se; (on a pivot) mecerse. 2 (drive) girar,
doblar; (walk) caminar con energa;
(jump) saltar. 3 (shift) cambiar, oscilar,
virar. 4 (music, band) tener ritmo; (party) estar muy animado,-a.
P vt 1 (gen) balancear. 2 (cause to move)
hacer girar. 3 (change) cambiar. 4 fam
(arrange, achieve) arreglar.
pt & pp swung [swN].


[swl] n 1 (gen) remolino; (of

smoke, cream) voluta; (of skirt) vuelo. 2
(pattern) espiral f.
P vi (whirl) arremolinarse; (person) gi
rar, dar vueltas.
P vt arremolinar.
Swiss [swIs] adj suizo,-a.
P n suizo,-a.
P n pl the Swiss los suizos mpl.
switch [swItS] n 1 elec interruptor m,
conmutador m. 2 us (on railway) agujas
fpl. 3 (change, shift) cambio; (turnaround)
viraje m. 4 (exchange, swap) intercam
bio, trueque m.
P vt 1 (change) cambiar de; (move) tras
ladar; (attention) desviar. 2 (exchange)
intercambiar. 3 (setting) poner; (channel) cambiar de. 4 (train) desviar, cam
biar de va.
P vi (gen) cambiar (to, a).
a to switch off vt sep (light, TV, etc) apa
gar; (current, gas, electricity) cortar, des
conectar; (engine) parar.
P vi (light, machine, heating) apagarse; (engine) parar; (person) distraerse, desco
nectar, dejar de prestar atencin.
a to switch on vt sep (light, machine, engine) encender; (light, radio, TV) poner.
P vi (gen) encenderse.
a to switch over vi (gen) cambiar (to,
a); (channel) cambiar de canal.
switchboard [swItSbd] n centralita.
Switzerland [swItslnd] n Suiza.
swivel [swIvl] vi girarse, volverse.

pt & pp swivelled (us swiveled), ger

swivelling (us swiveling).
P vt (head) girar; (chair) hacer girar.
c o m p swivel chair silla giratoria.
swollen [swUln] pp swell.
P adj (ankle, face) hinchado,-a; (glands)

inflamado,-a; (river, lake) crecido,-a.

swoop [swUp] vi 1 (bird) abalanzarse

(down on, sobre), abatirse (down on,

sobre); (plane) bajar en picado. 2 fam
(police) hacer una redada (on, en).
bal attack) ataque m. c o m p swipe card
P n 1 (of bird, plane) descenso (en pica
tarjeta magntica.
do). 2 fam (by police) redada.
P vt 1 pegarle a, darle a. 2 fam (pinch)
sword [sd] n espada.
birlar, mangar, afanar.
swordfish [sdfIS] n pez m espada.
P vi asestar un golpe (at, a), intentar
swore [swr] pt swear.
darle (at, a).

swipe [swaIp] n 1 (blow) golpe m. 2 (ver-



sworn [swn] pp swear.

swot [swt] n empolln,-ona.
P vi

symposium [sImpUzIm] n simposio.

pl symposiums o symposia.

symptom [sImptm] n 1 med sntoma


pt & pp swotted, ger swotting.

swum [swm] pp swim.

swung [swN] pt & pp swing.
sybarite [sIbraIt] n lit sibarita mf.
syllable [sIlbl] n slaba.
syllabus [sIlbs] n programa m de

pl syllabuses o syllabi.

sylph [sIlf] n slfide f.

symbiosis [sImbIUsIs] n simbiosis f.
symbol [sImbl] n smbolo (of, de).
symbolize [sImblaIz] vt simbolizar.
symmetrical [sImetrIkl] adj simtri

symmetry [sImItrI] n simetra.

sympathetic [sImpTetIk] adj 1 (showing pity, compassion) compasivo,-a; (understanding) comprensivo,-a (to, con);
(kind) amable. 2 (showing agreement, approval) favorable (to, a).

Sympathetic no significa 'simptico',

que se traduce por nice.

sympathize [sImpTaIz] vi 1 (show pity,

commiserate) compadecer, compade

cerse ( with, de); (understand) com
prender (with, -). 2 (support - cause)
simpatizar (with, con).
sympathizer [sImpTaIzr] n simpati
zante mf.
sympathy [sImpTI] n 1 (pity, compassion) compasin f, lstima; (condolences)
condolencia, psame m. 2 (understanding) comprensin f; (affinity) afinidad f.
3 (agreement, support) acuerdo.
pl sympathies.
P n pl sympathies (condolences) condo
lencia f sing, psame m sing. (loyalties,
leanings) simpatas fpl, tendencias fpl.

Sympathy no significa 'simpata

(amabilidad)', que se traduce por pleasantness.

symphony [sImfnI] n sinfona.


symphony orchestra orquesta sinf

m. 2 (sign) sntoma m, seal f, indicio.

synagogue [sIngg] n sinagoga.

synchronize [sINkrnaIz] vt sincronizar.
syncopation [sINkpeISn] n sncopa.
syndicalism [sIndIklIzm] n sindica

syndicalist [sINdIklIst] n sindicalista mf.

syndicate [sIndIkt] n 1 (gen) corpora
cin f, agrupacin f, empresa. 2 (news
agency) agencia (de prensa).
P vt (distribute) distribuir; (publish) pu

Syndicate no significa 'sindicato', que

se traduce por trade union.

syndrome [sIndrUm] n sndrome m.

synonym [sInnIm] n sinnimo.
synopsis [sInpsIs] n sinopsis f, resu
men m.

pl synopses.

syntactic [sIntQktIk] adj sintctico,-a.

syntax [sIntQks] n sintaxis f inv.
synthesis [sInTsIs] n sntesis f inv.
pl syntheses.

synthesize [sInTsaIz] vt sintetizar.

synthesizer [sInTsaIzr] n sintetiza
dor m.

synthetic [sInTetIk] adj sinttico,-a.


fibra sinttica.



syphilis [sIfIlIs] n sfilis f.

Syria [sIrI] n Siria.
Syrian [sIrIn] adj sirio,-a.
syringe [sIrIndZ] n med jeringa, jerin

P vt med

(ear) hacer un lavado de.

syrup [sIrp] n 1 med jarabe m. 2 culin

almbar m.

system [sIstm] n 1 (gen) sistema m: 2

(body) cuerpo, organismo.

systematic [sIstmQtIk] adj sistem

tico,-a, metdico,-a.

systematize [sIstImtaIz] vt sistema


systemize [sIstmaIz] vt sistematizar.
pl symphonies.
systole [sIstlI] n sstole m.



T, t [ti] n (the letter) T, t f.

tab [tQb] n 1 (flap) lengeta; (on can)

anilla. 2 (label) etiqueta. 3 us (bill)

cuenta. 4 (on computer) tabulador m.
table [teIbl] n 1 (gen) mesa. 2 (chart) ta
bla, cuadro. 3 sp clasificacin f. c o m p
table football futboln m. y table of con
tents ndice m de materias. y table
tennis tenis m de mesa, pingpong m.
P vt gb (motion, report, etc) presentar.
P n pl tables tablas fpl de multiplicar.

Table no significa 'tabla (de madera)',

que se traduce por board, plank.

tactics [tQktIks] n pl mil tctica f sing.

tactless [tQktls] adj (person) falto,-a
de tacto, poco diplomtico,-a; (remark, question) indiscreto,-a.
tadpole [tQdpUl] n renacuajo.
Tadzhik [tQdZIk] adj tadjiko,-a.
P n (person) tadjiko,-a.
pl Tadzhik.


[tQdZikI] n (language) tad

Tadzhikistan [tQdZikIstQn] n Tadji


tag [tQg] n 1 (label) etiqueta. 2 (phrase)

coletilla. 3 (game) el corre que te pillo.

P vt etiquetar.
Tahiti [thitI] n Tahit.
rn m. 2 cuchara grande.

tablet [tQblIt] n 1 med pastilla, com Tahitian [thiS n] adj tahitiano,-a.

P n 1 (person) tahitiano,-a. 2 (language)
primido. 2 (of soap) pastilla.
tabloid [tQblId] n peridico de for
4 [teIf] n taifa.
mato pequeo.
tail [teIl] n (gen) cola; (of some four-legged
tabulate [tQbjUleIt] vt tabular.
animals) cola, rabo.
tachycardia [tQkIkAdI] n taquicardia.
P n pl tails (of coin) cruz f sing.
tack [tQk] n 1 (nail) tachuela. 2 mar
[teIlbQk] n (traffic jam) carava
bordada, viraje m. 3 (approach) tcti
na, cola, retencin f.
ca. 4 sew hilvn m.
tackle [tQkl] n 1 (equipment) equipo, tailbone [teIlbUn] n cccix m.
aparejos mpl. 2 mar polea, aparejo. 3 tailor [teIl ] n sastre,-a.
n Taiwan.
sp (football) entrada; (rugby) placaje m.
P vt 1 (deal with - problem) abordar, en
Taiwanese [taIwQniz] adj taiwans,-esa.
P n taiwans,-esa.
carar; (- task) emprender; (person) ha
blar con. 2 sp (football) entrarle a; (rug- take [teIk] n cinem toma.
by) placar.
P vt 1 (gen) llevar. 2 (remove) llevarse,
tact [tQkt] n tacto, discrecin f.
quitar, coger. 3 (hold, grasp) tomar,
coger. 4 (accept - money, etc) aceptar. 5
, Tact no significa 'tacto (sentido)', que
(win prize, competition) ganar. 6 (medicine,
se traduce por touch.
drugs) tomar. 7 (subject) estudiar; (course
tactful [tQktfUl] adj diplomtico,-a.
of study) seguir, cursar. 8 (bus, train, etc)
tactic [tQktIk] n tctica.
tomar, coger. 9 (time) tardar, llevar.
l o c not to take no for an answer no
tactical [tQktIkl] adj tctico,-a.

tablecloth [teIblklT] n mantel m.

tablespoon [teIblspUn] n 1 cucha



pt took [tUk], pp taken [tIkn].

de talento, gente f dotada. 3 fam (attractive people) gente f guapa.

talented [tQlntId] adj de talento.
talk [tk] vi 1 (gen) hablar (to, con/a).
2 (negotiate) negociar.
P vt hablar (about/of, de).
P n 1 (conversation) conversacin f . 2
(lecture) charla, conferencia.
P n pl talks negociaciones fpl.
a to talk back vi contestar, contestar
de mala manera.
a to talk down vt insep 1 (person) hacer
callar. 2 (aircraft) dirigir por radio.
talkative [tktIv] adj hablador,-ra,
parlanchn,-ina, charlatn,-ana.
tall [tl] adj alto,-a. c o m p tall story
cuento chino.
tallow [tQlU] n sebo.
talon [tQln] n garra.
tambourine [tQmbrin] n pandereta.
tame [teIm] adj 1 (by nature) manso,-a,
dcil. 2 (tamed) domesticado,-a.
P vt domar, domesticar.
tampon [tQmpn] n tampn m.
tan1 [tQn] n 1 (colour) color m marrn
claro. 2 (suntan) bronceado, moreno.
l o c to get a tan ponerse moreno.
P adj marrn claro.
P vt 1 (leather) curtir. 2 (skin) broncear,
poner moreno,-a.
P vi broncearse, ponerse moreno,-a.

da para llevar. 2 (restaurant) restau

rante m de comida para llevar.

tangent [tQndZnt] n tangente f.

tangerine [tQndZrin] n 1 (fruit) clemen

aceptar una respuesta negativa.

y take it or leave it lo tomas o lo de
jas. y to take place ocurrir. y to take sth
for granted dar algo por sentado.
P vi 1 (fire) prender; (cutting) prender;
(seed) germinar. 2 (fish) picar. 3 (in
draughts, etc) comer.
a to take after vi parecerse.
a to take apart vt sep 1 (machine, etc)
desmontar, deshacer. 2 (argument)
echar por tierra.
a to take away vt sep 1 (remove) llevar
se, quitar. 2 (subtract) restar.
P vi (food) llevar.
a to take back vt sep 1 (accept back) reci
bir otra vez, aceptar algo devuelto;
(employee) readmitir. 2 (return) devol
ver. 3 (retract) retirar, retractar. 4 (in
time) hacer recordar.
a to take off vt sep 1 (clothes) quitarse. 2
(remove, detach) quitar, sacar. 3 (force to
go) llevar. 4 (have as holiday) tomarse. 5
(imitate) imitar. 6 (deduct, discount) des
contar, rebajar.
P vi 1 (plane) despegar. 2 (leave hurriedly)
irse, marcharse. 3 (become popular) te
ner xito, ponerse de moda.
a to take over vt sep 1 (country, party, etc)
tomar (posesin de), apoderarse de;
(building) ocupar. 2 (company, business)
absorber, adquirir; (job, post) hacerse
cargo de; (duty, responsibility) asumir.

take-away [teIkweI] n 1 (food) comi

taken [teIkn] pp take.

pt & pp tanned, ger tanning.

tina, mandarina. 2 (colour) naranja.

P adj naranja.
tangle [tQNgl] n (confused mass) enre
do, embrollo; (confusion) enredo, lo.
P vt enredar, enmaraar.
P vi enredarse.
tank [tQNk] n 1 (for water) depsito, tan
que m; (for fuel) depsito. 2 mil tanque
m. c o m p think tank grupo de expertos.
talcum powder [tQlkmpaUd r] n tanker [tQNkr] n 1 (ship) buque m cis
polvos mpl de talco.
terna. 2 (for oil) petrolero. 3 (lorry) ca
min m cisterna.
tale [teIl] n (story) cuento.
talent [tQlnt] n 1
(special ability) talen tanned [tQnd] adj (person) moreno,-a,
to, dotes mpl. 2 (talented people) gente f
bronceado,-a; (leather) curtido,-a.
(seat) ocupado,-a.
take-off [teIkf] n 1 (aviation) despe
gue m. 2 sp salto.
take-out [teIkaUt] n us (food) comida
para llevar.
takeover [teIkUvr] n 1 pol toma de
posesin. 2 (of company) adquisicin f.
talc [tQlk] n talco.
P adj



tantrum [tQntrm] n berrinche m, ra


Tanzania [tQnznI] n Tanzania.

Tanzanian [tQnznIn] adj tanzano,-a.


tap1 [tQp] n 1 grifo. 2 (light blow) golpe

cito. 3 (on phone) micrfono de escu

cha. 4 (on barrel) espita; (for gas) llave f.
c o m p tap water agua del grifo.
P vt 1 (strike lightly) dar un golpecito a.
2 (on keyboard) teclear, pulsar. 3 (liquid)
sacar. 4 (resources) explotar, utilizar. 5
(telephone) pinchar, intervenir.
a to tap out vt sep 1 teclear, escribir a
mquina. 2 (in Morse code) enviar.
pt & pp tapped, ger tapping.

Tap no significa 'tapa', que se traduce

por lid.

tap2 [tQp] n claqu m.

claqu m.


tap dance

tape [teIp] n 1 (audio, visual) cinta. 2 (re-

corded material) grabacin f. 3 sp cinta

de llegada. 4 (sticky) cinta adhesiva.
c o m p tape measure cinta mtrica. y
tape recorder magnetfono.
P vt 1 (fasten) pegar con cinta adhesi
va. 2 (record) grabar.
tapestry [tQpstrI] n 1 (art) tapicera.
2 (cloth) tapiz m.
pl tapestries.
tar [tAr] n 1 (for roads, in cigarettes) alqui
trn m. 2 (in soap, etc) brea.
P vt alquitranar.
pt & pp tarred, ger tarring.
target [tAgIt] n 1 (of missile, goal, aim)
objetivo. 2 (in shooting, of criticism) blan
co. 3 (board) diana.
P vt 1 (aim at target) apuntar. 2 (cause to

tart [tAt] adj 1 (sour) acre, agrio,-a. 2

(reply) mordaz, spero,-a, acre.

P n 1 (pie) tarta, pastel m.
a to tart up vt sep (building) renovar, re
modelar; (person) emperifollar.
tartan [tatn] n tartn m.
tartar [tAtr] n 1 (on teeth) sarro. 2 (in
wine) trtaro.
task [tAsk] n tarea, labor f.
Tasmania [tQzmeInI] n Tasmania.
Tasmanian [tQzmeInIn] adj tasma
P n tasmano,-a.
taste [teIst] n 1 (faculty) gusto. 2 (flavour)
sabor m. 3 (small sample) muestra, po
quito; (experience) experiencia. 4 (ability
to make good judgements) gusto; (liking)
aficin f (for, a), gusto (for, por). c o m p
taste buds papilas gustativas.
P vt 1 (try food) probar; (wine) catar, de
gustar. 2 (eat, drink) probar. 3 (experience) conocer. 4 (perceive flavour) notar.
P vi saber (of/like, a).
tasteful [teIstfUl] adj de buen gusto,
tasteless [teIstls] adj 1 de mal gus
to. 2 (insipid) inspido,-a, soso,-a.
tasty [teIstI] adj sabroso,-a, rico,-a.
comp tastier, superl tastiest.

tattoo [ttU] n 1 mil retreta. 2 (on skin)

tatuaje m.

pl tattoos.
P vt tatuar.
pt & pp tattooed, ger tattooing.
taught [tt] pt & pp teach.
taunt [tnt] n mofa, pulla, insulto.
P vt (mock) bufarse de, mofarse de;

(provoke) hostigar, provocar.

have effect on) dirigir a, destinar a.
Taurus [trs] n Tauro.
P adj (date, figure) fijado,-a; (audience,
taut [tt] adj tirante, tenso,-a.
market) objetivo.
tariff [tQrIf] n 1 (list of fixed charges) tari tavern [tQvn] n taberna, mesn m.
fa. 2 (duty to be paid on imports) arancel m. tax [tQks] n 1 impuesto, contribu
P adj arancelario,-a.
cin f. 2 fig (burden, strain) carga (on,
tarmac [tAmQk] n 1 asfalto. 2 (area)
sobre), esfuerzo (on, para).
pl taxes.
P vt asfaltar.
P vt 1 (impose a tax on - goods, profits) gra
tarpaulin [tAplIn] n lona.
var; (- business, person) imponer contri
buciones a. 2 fig (strain, test) poner a
tarsus [tAss] n anat
pl tarsi.



taxation [tQkseIS n] n (taxes) impues

tos mpl; (system) sistema m tributario.


[tQksdIdktbl] adj


[tQksfri] adj libre de im

puestos, exento,-a de impuestos.
taxi [tQksI] n taxi m. c o m p taxi driver
taxista mf.

pl taxis.

taxonomy [tQksnmI] n taxonoma.

pl taxonomies.

taxpayer [tQkspeIr] n contribuyen

te mf.

tea [ti] n 1 (gen) t m. 2 (infusion) infu

sin f.

tomar el t.

[tibreIk] n descanso para


[titS] vt (gen) ensear; (subject)

dar clases. l o c thatll teach you as
P vi ser profesor,-ra, dar clases

pt & pp taught [tt].

teacher [titSr] n maestro,-a, profe


teaching [titSIN] n enseanza.

pt tore [tr], pp torn [tn].

tear2 [tIr] n lgrima.

teardrop [tId rp] n lgrima.
tearoom [tirUm] n saln m de t.
tease [tiz] vt 1 (make fun of - playfully) to

mar el pelo a, burlarse de; (- annoyingly,

unkindly) molestar. 2 (wool, etc) cardar.
P vi tomar el pelo.
P n 1 (joker) bromista mf. 2 fam (flirt)
teasel [tizl] n cardencha.
teashop [tiSp] n saln m de t.
teaspoon [tispUn] n cucharilla.
teat [tit] n 1 zool tetilla. 2 (on bottle)
teatime [titaIm] n hora del t, hora
de la merienda.
technical [teknIk l] adj tcnico,-a.
c o m p technical college instituto de
formacin profesional.
technician [teknISn] n tcnico,-a.
technique [teknik] n tcnica.


[teknldZIk l] adj

technology [teknldZI] n tecnologa.

P adj docente. c o m p teaching staff
pl technologies.
teddy bear [tedIber] [also teddy] n
P n pl teachings enseanzas fpl.
osito de peluche.
teacup [tikp] n taza para t.
tedious [tidIs] adj tedioso,-a, abu
teak [tik] n teca.
team [tim] n 1 (gen) equipo. 2 (of horses)
teenage [tineIdZ] adj adolescente.
tiro; (of oxen) yunta.
P adj de equipo.
teenager [tineIdZr] n quinceaero,-a.
P vi combinar (with, con).
teens [tinz] n pl adolescencia.
teamwork [timwk] n trabajo de tee-shirt [tiSt] n camiseta.
teeth [tiT] n pl tooth.
teapot [tipt] n tetera.
teethe [tiD] vi echar los dientes.
tear1 [ter] n (rip) rasgn m, desgarrn m. teetotaller [titUtlr] n abstemio,-a.
P vt 1 (rip, make a hole) rasgar, desgarrar;
telecommunications [telIkmjUnI(pull apart, into pieces) romper, hacer pe
keISnz] n pl telecomunicaciones fpl.
dazos. 2 (remove by force) arrancar.
telegram [telIgrQm] n telegrama m.
P vi 1 romperse, rasgarse. 2 (rush) ir a
toda velocidad, lanzarse, precipi telegraph [telIgrAf] n telgrafo.
P vi telegrafiar.
tarse. c o m p wear and tear desgaste m.
telepathy [tIlepTI] n telepata.
a to tear apart vt sep 1 (rip up) despe
dazar, desgarrar; (destroy) destrozar. telephone [telIfUn] n telfono. c o m p
telephone box cabina telefnica.
2 fig destrozar, desgarrar.
y telephone call llamada telefnica. y
a to tear up vt sep
(paper) hacer peda
telephone directory listn m telefni
zos; (plant) arrancar de raz.



co. y telephone number nmero tele

P vt telefonear, llamar por telfono.
P vi hacer una llamada telefnica.
telephonist [tlefnIst] n telefonista mf.
telephoto lens [telIfUtUlenz] n te
teleprinter [telIprIntr] n teletipo.
telescope [telIskUp] n telescopio.
telescopic [telIskpIk] adj (aerial)
telescpico,-a; (umbrella) plegable.
televise [telIvaIz] vt televisar.
television [telIvIZn] n 1 (gen) televi
sin f. 2 (set) televisor m.
telex [teleks] n tlex m.
P vt enviar por tlex.
tell [tel] vt 1 (gen) decir. 2 (story, joke)
contar; (truth, lies, secret) decir. 3 (talk
about) hablar de. 4 fml comunicar, in
formar. 5 (distinguish) distinguir.
a to tell apart vt sep (saber) distinguir.
a to tell off vt sep 1 regaar, reir. 2
mil destacar.
a to tell on vt insep (inform on) chivarse de.

temptation [tempteIS n] n tentacin f.

teller [telr] n (in bank) cajero,-a.

telling-off [telINf] n fam bronca.
telltale [telteIl] n chivato,-a, acusica mf.

tender2 [tendr] n comm (offer) oferta.

pt & pp told [teUld].


to yield to temptation caer en la


tempting [temptIN] adj tentador,-ra.

ten [ten] n diez m.
P adj


. Consulta tambin six.

tenable [tenbl] adj 1 (theory, etc) sos

tenible, defendible. 2 (post, office): how
long is the post tenable for? durante cun
tos aos se puede ocupar el puesto?

tenacity [tnQsItI] n tenacidad f.

tenant [tennt] n inquilino,-a.
tend [tend] vt (person) cuidar de, aten
der; (other) ocuparse de.
(have tendency) tender (to, a), tener
tendencia (to, a).
a to tend to vt insep ocuparse de.
tendency [tendnsI] n tendencia.
P vi

pl tendencies.

tender1 [tendr] adj 1 (meat, etc) tierno,

-a. 2 (loving) tierno,-a, carioso,-a. 3

(sore) dolorido,-a. 4 (delicate) delica
do,-a, sensible.
comp tenderer, comp tenderest.

presentar, ofrecer.
hacer una oferta (for, para).
tenderness [tendns] n ternura.
P adj revelador,-ra.
tendon [tendn] n tendn m.
telly [telI] n fam tele f.
tennis [tenIs] n tenis m. c o m p tennis
pl tellies.
court pista de tenis. y tennis player
temper [tempr] n 1 (mood) humor m;
jugador,-a de tenis.
(nature) genio. 2 (of metal) temple m.
tenon [tenn] n espiga.
P vt 1 (metal) templar. 2 fig atenuar.
P vt despatillar.
tempera [tempr] n temple m. c o m p
tenor [tnr] n tenor m.
tempera paints tmperas.
temperate [ t e m p r r I t ] adj (gen) tense [tens] adj 1 (anxious) tenso,-a. 2
(taut) tirante, tenso,-a.
moderado,-a; (climate) templado,-a.
P n (of verb) tiempo verbal.
temperature [temprItSr] n tempe
P vt tensar.
ratura. l o c to have/run a temperature
tension [tenSn] n tensin f.
tener fiebre.
tempered [tempd] adj templado,-a. tent [tent] n tienda de campaa.
tentacle [tentkl] n tentculo.
tempest [tempIst] n tempestad f.
tenth [tenT] adj dcimo,-a.
template [templeIt] n plantilla.
P adv en dcimo lugar.
temple [templ] n 1 (building) templo.
P n (fraction) dcimo; (one part) dcima
2 anat sien f.
parte f.

temporary [temp rrI]

adj temporal.
. Consulta tambin sixth.
tempt [tempt] vt tentar.
P vt
P vi



tepee [tipi] n tipi m.

tepid [tepId] adj tibio,-a.
term [tm] n 1 educ trimestre m. 2

(period of time) perodo. 3 (expression,

word) trmino.
P n pl terms (sense) trminos mpl. comm
condiciones fpl, (relations) relaciones fpl.
terminal [tmInl] adj terminal.
P n 1 elec borne m. 2 comput terminal
m. 3 (at airport, etc) terminal f.
terminate [tmIneIt] vt 1 (gen) termi
nar, poner fin a; (contract) rescindir. 2
(pregnancy) interrumpir.
P vi terminarse.

termini [tmInaI] n pl terminus.

terminology [tmInldZI] n termi

terminus [tmIns] n trmino.

pl terminuses o termini [tmInaI].

termite [tmaIt] n termita.
terrace [ters] n 1 (of house, caf, bar, etc)
terraza. 2 (on hillside) terraza, bancal m.
P n pl terraces sp gradas fpl.
terraced house [tersthaUs] n casa


terrain [treIn] n terreno.

terrible [terIbl] adj 1 terrible, espan
toso,-a. 2 fam (as intensifier) mucho,-a.

terribly [terIblI] adv 1 terriblemente.

2 fam (very) muy.

terrific [trIfIk] adj 1 (wonderful) fabulo

so,-a, estupendo,-a. 2 (huge) tremen


Terrific no significa 'terrorfico', que

se traduce por terrifying.

terrify [terIfaI] vt aterrar, aterrorizar.

pt & pp terrified, ger terrifying.

terrifying [terIfaIIN] adj aterrador,-ra,


territory [terItrI] n 1 (gen) territorio.

test [test] n 1 (trial) prueba. 2 educ (gen)

examen m; (multiple choice) test m. 3 med

anlisis m. c o m p test tube probeta.
P vt probar.
testicle [testIkl] n testculo.
testify [testIfaI] vt jur declarar.
P vi 1 (bear witness) dar fe (to, de). 2 jur
prestar declaracin, testificar.
pt & pp testified, ger testifying.

testimony [testImnI] n testimonio.

pl testimonies.

test-tube baby [testtjUbbeIbI] n ni

o,-a probeta.

tetanus [tetns] n ttanos m inv.

text [tekst] n texto.
textbook [tekstbUk] n libro de texto.
textile [tekstaIl] adj textil.

textil m.

texture [tekstSr] n textura.

Thai [taI] adj tailands,-esa.

P n 1 (person) tailands,-esa. 2 (language) tailands m.

Thailand [taIlQnd] n Tailandia.
Thames [temz] n el Tmesis m.
than [DQn, unstressed Dn] conj 1 que: he
is taller than you are l es ms alto que t.
2 (with numbers) de: more than fifty ms
de cincuenta. 3 (followed by clause) de lo
que: this is easier than we thought esto es
ms fcil de lo que pensbamos.
thank [TQNk] vt dar las gracias a,
agradecer. l o c no, thank you no, gra
cias. y thank you gracias.
thankful [TQNkfUl] adj agradecido,-a.
thankless [TQNkls] adj ingrato,-a.
thanks [TQNks] interj gracias: thanks to
gracias a. l o c no, thanks no, gracias.
P n pl (gratitude) agradecimiento.
thanksgiving [TQNksgIvIN] n accin f
de gracias. c o m p Thanksgiving Day
Da m de Accin de Gracias.

2 (zone) zona, rea.

pl territories.
" Thanksgiving Day (Da de Accin de
Gracias) se celebra en Estados Unidos el
terror [terr] n 1 (gen) terror m, espan
cuarto jueves de noviembre. Recuerda el da
to. 2 fam (child) diablillo.
de 1621 en que los colonos ingleses dieron
terrorism [terrIzm] n terrorismo.
gracias a Dios por la cosecha que les permi
terrorist [terrIst] n terrorista mf.
tira sobrevivir su segundo invierno en el
P adj terrorista.
Nuevo Mundo.
tertiary [tSrI] adj terciario,-a.



that [DQt unstressed Dt] adj ese, esa; (remote) aquel, aquella.

pl those.
P pron 1 se m, sa; (remote) aqul m,
aqulla. 2 (indefinite) eso; (remote)
aquello. 3 (relative) que. 4 (with preposi-

tion) que, el/la que, el/la cual.


that is to say es decir. y thats it 1 (thats

all) eso es todo. 2 (thats right) eso es. 3
(thats enough) se acab. y thats right
as es. y thats that se acab. y whos
that? (on phone) quin es?
pl those.
P adv fam tan, tanto,-a, tantos,-as.
thatch [TQtS] n 1 (straw) paja; (roof) te
jado de paja. 2 (hair) mata.
thaw [T] n deshielo.
P vt (food) descongelar; (snow, ice) de


P vi 1 (food) descongelarse; (snow, ice)

derretirse. 2 (person) ablandarse; (relations) distenderse, mejorar.
a to thaw out vi descongelarse.
P vt sep descongelar.
the [D] [delante de una vocal se pro
nuncia [DI]; con nfasis [Di]] def art 1
el, la; (plural) los, las. 2 (per) por: we are
paid by the hour nos pagan por horas. 3
(emphasis) el, la, los, las: youre not the
Paul Newman, are you? no sers el autnti
co Paul Newman, verdad?
P adv (with comparatives): the more you
have, the more you want cuanto ms se
tiene, ms se quiere.

theater [TIt ] n us theatre.

theatre [TItr] n 1 (gen) teatro. 2 med

conoces?; take these flowers and give them

to Mary coge estas flores y se las das a
Mary. 2 (with preposition, stressed) ellos,
ellas: dont speak to them no hables con
ellos. 3 fam (used with singular meaning)
lo, la, le: if anyone arrives, tell them to wait
si llega alguien, dile que espere.

thematic [TImQtIk] adj temtico,-a.

theme [Tim] n tema m. c o m p theme
park parque m temtico.

themselves [Dmselvz] pron 1 (subject)

ellos/ellas mismos(as): they made it

themselves lo hicieron ellos mismos. 2
(object) se: they looked at themselves in the
mirror se miraron en el espejo. 3 (after
preposition) s mismos,-as: they are old
enough to look after themselves son lo bas
tante mayores como para cuidar de s
mismos. l o c by themselves solos,-as:
dont leave the children by themselves no
dejes a los nios solos.
then [Den] adv entonces, luego: I was
born in 1963, life was different then nac en
1963, entonces la vida era distinta; Ill
have soup first and then steak primero to
mar sopa y luego un filete.
theology [TIldZI] n teologa.
theorem [TIrm] n teorema m.
theoretic [TIretIk] adj terico,-a.
theoretical [TIretIkl] adj terico,-a.
theory [TIrI] n teora. l o c in theory
en teora.
pl theories.

therapist [TerpIst] n terapeuta mf.

therapy [TerpI] n terapia, teraputi

ca: shes having therapy est recibiendo

quirfano. 3 us cine m. 4 (scene of acterapia.
tion) escenario.
pl therapies.
P adj teatral, de teatro.
there [Der] adv 1 all, all, ah: I often
theft [Teft] n robo, hurto.
go there on holiday voy de vacaciones all
their [Der] adj su; (plural) sus: they took
a menudo. 2 (in discussion) acerca de
their children and their dog se llevaron a
eso: I agree with you there estoy de acuer
sus hijos y al perro.
do contigo en eso. l o c there and then
en el momento. y there is/are, etc
theirs [Dez] pron (el) suyo, (la) suya;
be. y there you are aqu tiene. y there
(plural) (los) suyos, (las) suyas: that
you go ya est.
house is theirs aquella casa es suya.
them [Dem, unstressed Dm] pron 1 (direct thereafter [DerQftr] adv a partir de
object) los, las; (indirect object) les; (before
another pronoun) se: the
Smiths are coming, thereby [DebaI] adv por eso, por
do you know them? vienen los Smith, los



therefore [Def ] adv por tanto, por


lo tanto, por consiguiente.

thermal [Tml] adj 1 (stream, bath,
spring) termal; (underwear) trmico,-a.
2 phys trmico,-a.
P n corriente f trmica.
thermometer [TemmItr] n term
thermos [Tms] n termo.
thermostat [TmstQt] n termostato.
thesaurus [TIsrs] n diccionario
these [Diz] adj estos,-as: these apples
are cheaper than those estas manzanas
son ms baratas que aquellas.
P pron stos,-as: which ones do you prefer? these cules prefieres? stos.
they [DeI] pron 1 (plural) ellos,-as: where
are the children? theyre in the garden

dnde estn los nios? estn en el jar

dn. 2 fam (singular - substitutes he or she)
l, ella: if anyone saw the accident, they
should go to the police si alguien vio el ac
cidente, que vaya a la polica. l o c they
say that se dice que
thick [TIk] adj 1 (solid things) grueso,-a:
its a thick book es un libro grueso. 2 (liquid,
gas, vegetation, etc) espeso,-a. 3 (beard,
eyebrows) poblado,-a. 4 (cloud, smoke, fog,
forest) denso,-a, espeso,-a. 5 (fur, hedge)
tupido,-a. 6 fam (stupid) corto,-a, cor
to,-a de alcances; (unable to think) espe
so,-a. 7 (accent) marcado,-a, cerrado,
-a; (of speech, voice) poco claro,-a.
P adv espesamente, gruesamente.
thicken [TIkn] vt espesar.
P vi espesarse, hacerse ms denso,-a.
thickness [TIkns] n 1 (in size) espesor
m, grosor m. 2 (density - of liquid) espesu
ra; (- of fog) densidad f. 3 (layer) capa.
thief [Tif] n (gen) ladrn,-ona; (mugger)
pl thieves [Tivz].

claro,-a; (- rain) fino,-a. 3 (audience, crowd)

poco numeroso,-a; (response, attendance)
escaso,-a. 4 (voice) dbil. 5 (excuse, argument) pobre, poco convincente.
comp thinner, superl thinnest.
P adv finamente.
P vt (paint) diluir; (sauce) hacer menos

P vi 1 (fog, mist) disiparse. 2 (audience,
crowd, traffic) hacerse menos denso,-a,
a to thin down vi adelgazar.
P vt sep (sauce) hacer menos espeso,-a,
aclarar; (paint) diluir.
a to thin out vt insep (crowd, traffic) mer
mar, disminuir.
P vt sep (crops, plants) entresacar.
thing [TIN] n 1 (object) cosa, objeto. 2
(non-material) cosa. 3 (affair) asunto. 4
(person, creature): you poor little thing! po
brecito! 5 (with negative) nada: I cant understand a thing youre saying no entiendo
nada de lo que dices.
P n the thing (what) lo que: the thing I like
most in life lo que ms me gusta en la vida.
P n pl things (belongings) cosas fpl, ropa
f sing, equipaje m sing.
think [TINk] vi 1 (gern) pensar. 2 (remember) acordarse (of, de), recordar. 3
(imagine) imaginarse, pensar.
P vt 1 (gen) pensar. 2 (believe) creer. 3
(remember) recordar, acordarse de.
a to think ahead vi prevenir.
a to think back vi hacer memoria.
a to think out vt sep (consider carefully)
estudiar, pensar bien.
pt & pp thought [Tt].

thinking [TINkIN] n 1 (opinion) opinin

f, parecer m. 2 (thought) pensamiento.

P adj pensante, inteligente.
third [Td] adj tercero,-a. c o m p third
person ling tercera persona.
P adv (in series) tercero, en tercer lugar.
P n 1 tercero,-a. 2 (fraction) tercio; (one
part) tercera parte f.

thieves [Tivz] pl thief.

thigh [TaI] n muslo.
thighbone [TaIbUn] n fmur m.
. Consulta tambin sixth.
thimble [TImbl] n dedal m.
thin [TIn] adj 1 (gen)
delgado,-a, fino,-a, third-party [TdpAtI] adj (insurance) a
2 (liquid - soup, sauce) poco espeso,-a,



third-world [Tdwld] adj (in general)

del tercer mundo; (pejorative use) ter

thirst [Tst] n sed f.
thirsty [TstI] adj 1 sediento,-a: Im
thirsty tengo sed. 2 (work, etc) que da
sed. 3 fig (eager) ansioso,-a (for, por).
l o c to be thirsty tener sed.
comp thirstier, superl thirstiest.

thirteen [Ttin] n trece m.

P adj


. Consulta tambin six.


[TtinT] adj decimoter

P adv en decimotercero lugar.
P n (fraction) decimotercero; (one part)
decimotercera parte f.

. Consulta tambin sixth.


[TtIz] n pl the thirties los

aos mpl treinta. l o c to be in ones
thirties tener treinta y tantos aos.

. Consulta tambin sixties.


minucioso,-a. 3 (person) concienzudo,

-a. 4 (utter, complete) total, verdadero,-a.
thoroughgoing [TrgUIN] adj pro
fundo,-a, minucioso,-a.
thoroughly [TrlI] adv 1 (carefully) a
fondo, meticulosamente. 2 (completely) totalmente, absolutamente.
those [DUz] adj esos,-as; (remote)
aquellos,-as: could you pass me those
plates? me podras pasar esos platos?
P pron sos,-as; (remote) aqullos,-as: if
these are my books, whose are those? si estos
libros son mos, de quin son aquellos?
though [DU] conj aunque, si bien, a
pesar de que: though he doesnt earn
very much, he loves his job aunque no gana
mucho, le encanta su trabajo.
P adv sin embargo, a pesar de todo:
its expensive its worth it though es caro
sin embargo, vale lo que cuesta. l o c
even though como si. y even though
aun cuando, a pesar de que.

thought [Tt] pt & pp think.

P n 1 pensamiento 2 (consideration)
f. 3 (idea, opinion) idea,
thirtieth [TtIT] adj trigsimo,-a.
opinin f. 4 (intention) intencin f.
P adv en trigsimo lugar.
thoughtful [TtfUl] adj 1 (considerate)
P n (fraction) trigsimo; (one part) trig
atento,-a, considerado,-a. 2 (pensive)
sima parte f.
pensativo,-a, meditabundo,-a. 3
. Consulta tambin sixtieth.
(considered) serio,-a.
thoughtless [Ttls] adj 1 (unthinking)
thirty [TtI] n treinta m.
irreflexivo,-a, descuidado,-a. 2 (inP adj treinta.
considerate) desconsiderado,-a, poco
. Consulta tambin sixty.
this [DIs] adj este, esta: whose is this book? thousand [TaUznd] n mil m: there were
de quin es este libro?
thousands of people haba miles de personas.
pl these [Dis].
P adj mil: it costs a thousand euros cuesta
P pron 1 ste, sta; (indefinite) esto: I premil euros.
fer this one prefiero ste. 2 (on phone): thousandth [TaUznT] adj milsimo,-a.
this is Laura soy Laura.
P adv en milsimo lugar.
pl these [Dis].
P n (fraction) milsimo; (one part) mil
P adv tan, tanto,-a: I didnt think it was
sima parte f.
this far no crea que fuera tan lejos.
thrash [TrQS] vt 1 (beat) azotar. 2 (dethis is (introducing) te presento a.
feat) derrotar, dar una paliza a. 3
thistle [TIsl] n cardo.
(arm, leg, etc) sacudir.
thoracic [TrQsik] adj torcico,-a.
thread [Tred] n 1 sew hilo, hebra. 2 (of
thorax [TrQks] n trax m inv.
screw, bolt) rosca. 3 (of story) hilo.
P vt 1 (needle) enhebrar. 2 (beads) en
thorn [Tn] n espina, pincho.
thorough [Tr] adj
1 (deep) profun
do,-a, a fondo. 2 (careful) cuidadoso,-a, threat [Tret] n amenaza.



threaten [Tret n] vt amenazar (with/

to, con).
P vi amenazar.

threatening [TretnIN] adj amenaza

dor,-ra, intimidatorio,-a.

three [Tri] n tres m.

P adj tres. c o m p three quarters tres

cuartos. y Three Wise Men los Reyes

. Consulta tambin six.

three-dimensional [TridImenSnl]
adj tridimensional.

thresh [TreS] vt trillar.

thresher [TreSr] n (machine) trilladora.
threshold [TreSUld] n 1 umbral m. 2
fig umbral m, lmite m.

threw [Tru] pt throw.

thrill [TrIl] n (excitement) emocin f, ilu

1 (gen) tirar, arrojar, lanzar. 2 fig

(kiss) echar, tirar; (glance, look) lanzar,
a to throw away vt sep 1 (get rid of, discard) tirar. 2 (waste) desaprovechar,
perder; (money) malgastar, derrochar.
3 (speech) lanzar al aire.
a to throw back vt sep 1 (ball, etc) de
volver. 2 (bedclothes) echar atrs.
a to throw in vt sep 1 fam (include) in
cluir gratis. 2 sp sacar de banda.
a to throw out vt sep 1 (expel) echar, ex
pulsar. 2 (reject) rechazar. 3 (discard) tirar.
a to throw up vi vomitar, devolver.
P vt

pt threw [TrU], pp thrown [TrUn].

throwaway [TrUweI] adj de usar y


throw-in [TrUIn] n sp saque m de banda.

thrown [TrUn] pp throw.
thru [TrU] prep-adv us through.

sin f.
a to thrust on vt sep imponer.
(excite) entusiasmar, hacer ilusin
thud [Td] n ruido sordo.
a, ilusionar.
P vi caer con un ruido sordo.
P vi (de excited) entusiasmarse.
pt & pp thudded, ger thudding.
thriller [TrIlr] n (novel) novela de sus
penso; (film) pelcula de suspenso; thumb [Tm] n pulgar m.
P vt hacer autostop.
(play) obra de suspenso.
a to thumb through vt insep hojear.
thrilling [TrIlIN] adj emocionante,
thumbtack [TmtQk] n us chinche.
throat [TrUt] n garganta.
thump [Tmp] n (blow) golpe m, pue
tazo; (sound) golpazo.
thrombosis [TrmbUsIs] n trombo
P vt golpear, pegar un puetazo.
sis f inv.
P vi (gen) golpear; (heart) latir con fuer
throne [TrUn] n trono.
za; (feet) caminar con pasos pesados.
throttle [Trtl] n 1 vlvula regulado
ra. 2 fam acelerador m. l o c at full thunder [Tndr] n trueno.
P vi tronar.
throttle a toda mquina.
P vt (shout) bramar, rugir.
through [TrU] prep 1 por, a travs de.
2 (because of) por, a causa de. 3 (from thunderstorm [Tndstm] n tor
beginning to the end) hasta el final de.
Thursday [TzdI] n jueves m.
P adv 1 de un lado a otro. 2 (to the end)
hasta el final. 3 gb (on phone) conecta
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta Saturday.
do,-a. 4 us terminado,-a, acabado,-a.
thus [Ds] adv 1 (in this way, like this) as,
P adj (train) directo,-a; (traffic) de paso.
de este modo. 2 (consequently) as que,
throughout [TrUaUt] prep 1 por to
por lo tanto, por consiguiente. 3 (to
do,-a, en todo,-a. 2 (time) a lo largo de.
this extent) hasta.
P adv 1 (all over) por/en todas partes. 2
(completely) completamente. 3 (time) thwart [Twt] vt desbaratar, frustrar.
thyme [taIm] n tomillo.
todo el tiempo.
throw [TrU] n 1 lanzamiento, tiro. 2 thyroid [TaIrId] n tiroides m. c o m p
thyroid gland glndula tiroides.
(of dice) tirada, lance
m; (in game) juga
Tibet [tIbet] n Tbet.
da, turno.
P vt



Tibetan [tIbet n] adj tibetano.


1 (person) tibetano,-a. 2 (language)


tibia [tIbI] n tibia.

tick1 [tIk] n zool garrapata.
tick2 [tIk] n 1 (noise) tictac m. 2 (mark)

marca, seal f.
P vi (clock) hacer tictac.
P vt sealar, marcar.
ticket [tIkIt] n 1 (for transport) billete m. 2
(for concert, cinema, etc) entrada. 3 (for library,
etc) carnet m. 4 (label) etiqueta. 5 (for item
deposited) resguardo. 6 fam (fine) multa.
7 pol lista de candidatos. c o m p ticket
collector revisor,-a. y ticket inspector
revisor,-a. y ticket office taquilla.
tickle [tIkl] n cosquilleo.
P vi (touch lightly) hacer cosquillas; (itch)
tidal [taIdl] adj de la marea. c o m p tidal
wave 1 (gen) maremoto. 2 fig oleada.
tide [taId] n 1 marea. 2 fig (trend) co
rriente f. c o m p high tide pleamar f.
y low tide bajamar f.
tidy [taIdI] adj 1 (place) ordenado,-a,
bien arreglado. 2 (person - appearance)
arreglado,-a; (- habits) metdico,-a.

cionar. 3 (occupy) liar, ocupar. 4 fin

(capital) inmovilizar, invertir. 5 (finalize) finalizar, concluir, cerrar.

pt & pp tidied, ger tidying.

[tI r] n 1 (in stadium) grada. 2 (of
cake) piso. 3 (in hierarchy) nivel m.
tiger [taIgr] n tigre m.
tight [taIt] adj 1 (firmly fastened) apreta
do,-a, duro,-a. 2 (taut) tirante, tenso,
-a. 3 (clothes) ajustado,-a, ceido,-a. 4


(not leaky) hermtico,-a, impermea

ble. 5 (hold) estrecho,-a, fuerte. 6
(packed together) apretado,-a. 7 (strict schedule) apretado,-a; (- security)
estricto,-a, riguroso,-a. 8 fam (mean)
agarrado,-a, tacao,-a. 9 fam (drunk)
borracho,-a. 10 (bend) cerrado,-a.
P adv firmemente, fuerte.
tighten [taItn] vt 1 (gen) apretar, ajus
tar; (rope) tensar. 2 (make stricter - security)
hacer ms estricto, reforzar; (- credit)
P vi (gen) apretarse; (rope, muscles) ten
a to tighten up vt sep intensificar, ha
cer ms estricto,-a.
P vi ponerse ms estricto,-a.
comp tidier, superl tidiest.
tightrope [taItrUp] n cuerda floja.
P n organizador m.
c o m p tightrope walker funmbulo.
P vt [also tidy up] ordenar.
tights [taIts] n pl 1 (gen) pantys mpl,
P vi [also tidy up] poner las cosas en
medias fpl . 2 (thick) leotardos mpl ,
mallas fpl.
a to tidy away vt sep recoger, guardar.
tigress [taIgrs] n tigresa.
a to tidy out vt sep limpiar, ordenar.
tile [taIl] n (wall) azulejo; (floor) baldo
pt & pp tidied, ger tidying.
sa; (roof) teja.
tie [taI] n 1 (of shirt) corbata. 2 (for fastenP vt 1 (wall) alicatar, poner azulejos a.
ing) cierre m. 3 (rod, beam) tirante m. 4
2 (floor) embaldosar. 3 (roof) tejar.
fig (bond) lazo, vnculo: family ties are
[tIl] prep hasta.
strong los lazos del parentesco son fuer
P conj hasta que.
tes. 5 fig (restriction) atadura. 6 sp (draw)
P n (for cash) caja.
empate m; (match) partido.
P vt (cultivate) labrar, cultivar.
P vt 1 (fasten) atar; (knot, bow) hacer. 2
fig ligar, vincular, relacionar. 3 (re- tiller [tIl ] n caa del timn.
tilt [tIlt] n 1 inclinacin f, ladeo. 2 (with
strict) atar. 4 mus ligar.
lance) acometida.
P vi 1 (fasten) atarse. 2 sp empatar.
P vt inclinar, ladear.
a to tie down vt sep 1 atar, sujetar. 2
P vi 1 (slope, shift) inclinarse. 2 (with
(restrict) atar; (commit oneself) compro
lance) acometer.
a to tie up vt sep 1
(fasten) atar; (boat) timber [tImbr] n 1 (wood) madera (de
amarrar. 2 (link) conectar, ligar, rela
construccin). 2 (beam) viga. 3 (trees)



rboles mpl maderables. c o m p timber

mill aserradero.
P interj cuidado, que cae!, all va!
time [taIm] n 1 (period) tiempo. 2 (short
period) rato. 3 (of day) hora. 4 (age, period, season) poca. 5 (occasion) vez f. 6
(suitable moment) momento. 7 mus
comps m. 8 gb la hora de cerrar.
P vt 1 (measure time) medir la duracin
de, calcular; (races, etc) cronometrar. 2
(schedule) estar previsto,-a. l o c (and)
about time ya era hora. y all the time
todo el tiempo. y at any time en cual
quier momento. y at no time nunca. y
at one time en un tiempo. y at the
same time al mismo tiempo. y for the
time being de momento. y from time
to time de vez en cuando. y in time 1
(in the long run) con el tiempo. 2 (not late)
a tiempo. y on time puntual. y time af
ter time una y otra vez. y times up se
acab el tiempo. y to be ahead of ones
time adelantarse a su poca. y to give
sb a hard time ponrselo difcil a algn.
y to have a bad time pasarlas negras. y
to have a good time pasarlo bien. y to
take ones time 1 (not hurry) hacer algo
con calma. 2 (be slow) tardar mucho. y
to tell the time decir la hora.
P n pl times veces fpl. l o c at times a
veces. y to keep up with the times es
tar al da.

timeless [taImls] adj eterno,-a.

timely [taImlI] adj oportuno,-a.
timer [taImr] n temporizador m.
time-share [taImSer] adj (property) en

timetable [taImteIbl] n horario.

timid [tImId] n tmido,-a.
timing [taImIN] n 1 (time chosen) mo

mento escogido; (judgement) sentido

de la oportunidad. 2 sp (measurement of
time) cronometraje m.
tin [tIn] n 1 (metal) estao. 2 (can) lata,
bote m. 3 (for baking) molde m.
P vt enlatar.

P vi 1 (ring) tintinear. 2 gb fam (urinate)

hacer pip.
tinned [tInd] adj enlatado,-a. c o m p
tinned food comida de lata.
tin-opener [tInUpnr] n abrelatas m inv.
tinsel [tInsl] n espumilln m.
tiny [taInI] adj diminuto,-a.

comp tinier, superl tiniest.

tip1 [tIp] n (gen) extremo, punta, cabo;

(of cigarette) boquilla, filtro. l o c from

tip to toe de pies a cabeza.
tip2 [tIp] n 1 (gratuity) propina. 2 (advice)
consejo, truco; (confidential information)
soplo, confidencia; (prediction) pro
P vt 1 (give gratuity to) dar una propina
a. 2 (predict) pronosticar.
tip3 [tIp] n (for rubbish) vertedero, basure
ro; (dirty place) porquera, desorden m.
P vt 1 (lean, tilt) inclinar, ladear. 2 (pour)
verter; (throw) tirar; (empty) vaciar. 3
(rubbish) verter.
a to tip over vi (overturn) volcarse,
caerse; (boat) zozobrar.
P vt sep volcar.
pt & pp tipped, ger tipping.

tipsy [tIpsI] adj achispado,-a, piripi.

comp tipsier, superl tipsiest.

[tIptU] vi caminar de punti
llas. l o c on tiptoe de puntillas.
tire1 [taIr] vt cansar.
P vi cansarse (of, de).
a to tire out vt sep agotar.
tire2 [taIr] n us tyre.
tired [taId] adj 1 (weary) cansado,-a. 2
(fed up) harto,-a (of, de). l o c to get
tired cansarse.
tireless [taIls] adj incansable.
tiresome [taIsm] adj molesto,-a,



tiring [taIrIN] adj cansado,-a, agota


tissue [tISU] n 1 (cloth) tis m. 2 (hand-

kerchief) pauelo de papel, kleenex. 3

tejido. c o m p tissue paper papel m
pt & pp tinned, ger tinning.
de seda.
tinfoil [tInfIl] n papel m de estao.
title [taItl] n ttulo.
P vt titular.
tinkle [tINkl] n tintineo.
P vt hacer tintinear.
P n pl titles (film credits) crditos mpl.




[taItlhUld ] n cam

toe [tU] n 1 anat dedo del pie. 2 (of

to [tU, unstressed t] prep 1 (with place) a:

toecap [tUcQp] n puntera.

toenail [tUneIl] n ua del dedo del pie.
toffee [tfI] n caramelo.


were going to a concert vamos a un con

cierto. 2 (towards) hacia: the Labour party
has moved to the right el partido laborista
se ha desplazado hacia la derecha. 3 (as
far as, until) a, hasta: from beginning to end
desde el principio hasta el final. 4 (of time)
menos: its ten to two son las dos menos
diez. 5 (with indirect object) a: I showed the
letter to my mother le ense la carta a mi
madre. 6 (indicating comparison) a: I prefer
tea to coffee prefiero el t al caf. 7 prep
(ratio) a: they won by fourteen points to ten
ganaron por catorce puntos a diez. 8 (in
order to) para, a fin de: I worked overtime
to earn some extra money hice horas extras
para ganar ms dinero. 9 (substituting infinitive): would you like to dance? -Id love to

te gustara bailar? -me encantara.

P adv (of door) ajustada: push the door to
ajusta la puerta. l o c to and fro ir y venir.

. Cuando se usa con la raz del verbo pa

ra formar el infinitivo no se traduce: I want
to help you quiero ayudarte.

toad [tUd] n sapo.

toadstool [tUdstUl] n hongo vene

. Toadstool es el nombre en general de

las setas no comestibles, las que s se pue
den comer se llaman mushrooms.

toast [tUst] n 1 (food) pan m tostado,

tostada. 2 (drink) brindis m.
P vt 1 (cook) tostar. 2 (drink) brindar
por, beber a la salud de.
toaster [tUstr] n tostadora.
tobacco [tbQkU] n tabaco.

shoe) puntera; (of sock) punta.

a to tog out / tog up vt sep vestir.

P vi


together [tgeDr] adv 1 (gen) juntos,

-as. 2 (simultaneously) a la vez, al mismo

tiempo. 3 (nonstop) seguido,-a. l o c to
bring together reunir. y to come togeth
er juntarse.y together with junto con.
P adj fam (confident, organized, capable)
seguro,-a de s mismo,-a.
Togo [tUgU] n Togo.
Togolese [tUgliz] adj togols,-esa.
P n togols,-esa.
toilet [tIlt] n 1 (appliance) vter m,
inodoro; (room) lavabo, bao. 2 (public) servicios mpl, aseos mpl. 3 (washing)
aseo personal, higiene m personal.
c o m p toilet paper papel m higinico.
toiletries [tIltrIz] n pl artculos mpl
de aseo.
token [tUkn] n 1 (sign, proof) seal f,
prueba. 2 (memento, souvenir) detalle m,
recuerdo. 3 (coupon) vale m. 4 (coin) fi
cha. l o c in token of en recuerdo de.
P adj simblico,-a.

told [tUld] pt & pp tell.

tolerance [tlrns] n tolerancia.
tolerant [tlrnt] adj tolerante (of/
towards, con).

tolerate [tlreIt] vt tolerar, aguantar,


toll1 [tUl] n 1 (payment) peaje m. 2 (loss)

mortalidad f, nmero de vctimas

mortales. l o c to take its toll on afec
tar negativamente.
toll2 [tUl] n (of bell) taido.
pl tobaccos o tobaccoes.
P vt taer, doblar.
P vi doblar.
tobacconists [tbQknIsts] n estanco.
Tobago [tbeIgU] n Tobago.
tollgate [tUlgeIt] n peaje m.
toboggan [tbgn] n trineo.
tom [tm] n gato (macho).
today [tdeI] n hoy m.
tomahawk [tmhk] n hacha de
P adv 1 hoy. 2 (nowadays) hoy en da.
a to toddle off vi marcharse, irse.
tomato [tmAtU, us tmeItU] n to
toddler [tdlr] n nio,-a
(que empie
mate m.
za a andar).
pl tomatoes.



tomb [tUm] n tumba, sepulcro.

tombstone [tUmstUn] n lpida (se

tomcat [tmkQt] n gato (macho).

tomorrow [tmrU] n maana.

maana: tomorrow morning/afternoon maana por la maana/tarde; see

you tomorrow! hasta maana!
ton [tn] n tonelada.
P n pl tons fam montones mpl.
tone [tUn] n tono.
Tonga [tNg] n Tonga.
Tongan [tNgn] adj tongano,-a.
P n 1 (person) tongano,-a. 2 (language)
tongs [tNz] n pl tenacillas fpl, pinzas
tongue [tN] n 1 anat lengua. 2 (language) lengua, idioma m. 3 (of shoe)
lengeta. 4 (of bell) badajo. 5 (of land,
flame) lengua. l o c to stick ones
tongue out sacar la lengua. c o m p
tongue twister trabalenguas m.
tonic [tnIk] n 1 med tnico. 2 mus t
nica. 3 (drink) tnica.
P adj tnico,-a. c o m p tonic water tnica.
tonight [tnaIt] n esta noche f.
P adv esta noche f.
tonne [tn] n tonelada.
tonsil [tnsl] n amgdala.
tonsillitis [tnslaIts] n amigdalitis f.
too [tU] adv 1 (excessively) demasiado. 2
(also) tambin. 3 (besides) adems. 4
(very) muy. l o c too many demasiados,as. y too much demasiado,-a.
P adv

took [tUk] pt take.

tool [tUl] n (gen) herramienta; (instru-

tooth [tUT] n 1 (gen) diente m; (molar)

muela; (front tooth) incisivo. 2 (of comb)

pa. 3 (of saw) diente m.
pl teeth.


[tUTeIk] n dolor m de

toothbrush [tUTbrS] n cepillo de dien


toothless [tUTls] adj desdentado,-a.

toothpaste [tUTpeIst] n pasta de

toothpick [tUTpIk] n mondadientes

m inv, palillo.

top1 [tp] n 1 (highest/upper part) parte f

superior. 2 (far end - of street) final m; (- of

table) cabecera. 3 (of mountain) cumbre
m. 4 (of tree) copa. 5 (surface) superficie
f. 6 (of bottle) tapn m; (of pen) capu
chn m. 7 (highest position): she was top of
the class fue la primera de la clase. 8 (of
list) cabeza. 9 (of car) capota. 10
(clothes) top m; (of bikini) parte de arri
ba. 11 (beginning) principio. 12 (gear)
P adj 1 (highest) de arriba, superior,
ms alto,-a. 2 (best, highest, leading) me
jor, principal. 3 (highest, maximum)
principal, mximo,-a. c o m p top brass
altos mandos mpl. y top gear directa.
P vt 1 (cover) cubrir, rematar. 2 (remove
top of plant/fruit) quitar los rabillos. 3 sl
(kill) cargarse. 4 (come first, head) enca
bezar. 5 (better, surpass, exceed) superar.

pt & pp topped, ger topping.

P n pl tops (of plant) hojas fpl.
top2 [tp] n peonza. l o c to sleep like a
top dormir como un tronco.
topaz [tUpQz] n topacio.
topic [tpIk] n tema m.

ment) instrumento.
, Tpico no significa 'tpico', que se
P vt (book) estampar; (leather) labrar.
traduce por commonplace.
P n pl tools (gardening, etc) tiles mpl.
a to tool up vt sep equipar.
topography [tpgrfI] n topografa.
toolbar [tUlbAr] n barra de herra toponym [tpnIm] n topnimo.
topping [tpIN] n (for pizza) ingredien
toolbox [tUlbks] n caja de herramien
te m; (for ice-cream) cubierta.
P adj excelente.
toolkit [tUlkIt] n juego
[tpl] vt 1 (overturn) volcar. 2 fig
(overthrow) derribar, derrocar.


P vi (fall) caerse; (lose balance) tamba
learse, perder el equilibrio.
torch [ttS] n 1 (with naked flame) antor
cha. 2 (electric) linterna.
P vt quemar, prender fuego a.

tore [tr] pt tear.

torment [(n) tmnt; (vb) tment] n

(gen) tormento; (suffering) angustia.

P vt 1 (cause to suffer) atormentar, tor
turar. 2 (annoy) molestar.

torn [tn] pp tear.

tornado [tneIdU] n tornado.
pl tornados o tornadoes.

torpedo [tpidU] n torpedo.

pl torpedos o torpedoes.
torrent [trnt] n torrente m.
torrential [trenSl] adj torrencial.
torso [tsU] n torso.
pl torsos.
tort [tt] n jur agravio.
tortoise [tts] n tortuga (de tierra).
torture [ttr] n tortura.
Tory [trI] n gb conservador,-ra.
pl Tories.
P adj gb conservador,-ra.
toss [ts] n 1 (shake) sacudida, movi
miento. 2 (of coin) sorteo a cara o cruz.
P vt 1 (move, shake) mover, agitar, sacu

dir; (pancake) dar la vuelta a; (salad)

mezclar. 2 (throw) arrojar, lanzar, tirar.
l o c to toss a coin echarlo a cara o cruz.
pt & pp totted, ger totting.

total [tUtl] adj (overall) total; (complete)

completo,-a, rotundo,-a.
P n total m, suma. l o c in total en total.
P vt sumar.
P vi sumar, ascender a.

llo. 9 sp toque m. l o c to be in touch

with sth estar al corriente de algo. y
to get in touch ponerse en contacto
(with, con).
P vt 1 (gen) tocar; (lightly) rozar. 2 (eat)
probar. 3 (move) conmover. 4 (equal,
rival) igualar.
P vi tocarse.

a to touch down vi 1 (plane) aterrizar.

a to touch on / touch upon vi mencionar.
a to touch up vt sep art retocar.
touching [ttSIN] adj conmovedor,-ra.
touch-screen [ttSskrin] n pantalla


tough [tf] adj 1 (strong) fuerte, resis

tente. 2 (difficult) duro,-a, arduo,-a. 3

(rough, violent) violento,-a. 4 (severe)
duro,-a, severo,-a. 5 (meat) duro,-a.
P n tipo duro.
tour [tUr] n 1 viaje m, excursin f. 2
(round building) visita. 3 (by performers)
gira; (cycling) vuelta.
P vt 1 (gen) recorrer, viajar por. 2
(building) visitar. c o m p tour operator
agente m de viajes.
P vi (by performers) hacer una gira.
tourism [tUrIzm] n turismo.
tourist [tUrIst] n turista mf.
P adj turstico,-a. c o m p tourist class
clase f turista. y tourist office oficina
de turismo.
tournament [tUnmnt] n torneo.
tow [tU] vt remolcar.
P n remolque m. l o c on tow de remol

toward [twd] prep us towards.

towards [twdz] prep 1 (in direction of)

hacia. 2 (attitude) con, para con. 3 (payment) para. 4 (of time) hacia, cerca de.
towel [taUl] n toalla.
totally [tUtlI] adv totalmente, com tower [taU r] n 1 (gen) torre f. 2 (of
church) campanario. c o m p tower block
totem [tUtm] n ttem m. c o m p to
bloque m (de departamentos).
tem pole ttem m.
town [taUn] n 1 (large) ciudad f; (small)
touch [ttS] n 1 (gen) toque m; (light
poblacin f, municipio, pueblo. 2
touch) roce m. 2 (detail) detalle m, toque
(city centre) centro. 3 (people) ciudada
m. 3 (sense) tacto. 4 (connection) contac
nos mpl, ciudad f.
P adj urbano,-a, municipal. c o m p
to, comunicacin f. 5 (slight quantity)
poquito, pizca. 6 fam
(skill, ability) ha
town council ayuntamiento. y town
hall ayuntamiento.
bilidad f. 7 (manner, style) toque m, se


[tUtQlIterIn] adj



township [taUNSIp] n 1 (gen) munici

trademark [treIdmAk] n marca regis

pio, pueblo. 2 (in South Africa) distrito
trada, marca.
trader [treIdr] n comerciante mf.
toxic [tksIk] n txico,-a.
tradesman [treIdzmn] n 1 (businesstoy [tI] n juguete m.
man) comerciante m; (shopkeeper) ten
P adj 1 de juguete. 2 (dog) enano,-a.
dero. 2 (deliveryman) repartidor m.
c o m p toy shop juguete m.
pl tradesmen [treIdIN].
toyshop [tISp] n juguetera.
trading [treIdIN] n comercio.
trace [treIs] n 1 (mark, sign) indicio, ras
tro. 2 (small amount - material) pizca, ves tradition [trdSn] n tradicin f.
tigio; (- non-material) dejo, asomo, no traditional [trdISnl] adj tradicional.
ta. c o m p trace element oligoelemento. traffic [trQfIk] n trfico.
P adj de la circulacin, del trfico. c o m p
P vt 1 (sketch) trazar, esbozar. 2 (copy)
calcar. 3 (find) encontrar, localizar;
traffic circle us rotonda. y traffic jam
(follow) seguir la pista de. 4 (describe deatasco, embotellamiento. y traffic
velopment) describir.
lights semforo. y traffic warden guar
tracer [treIsr] n 1 mil trazadora. 2
dia mf de trfico.
med trazador m. c o m p tracer bullet ba
P vi traficar (in, con).
la trazadora.
" Un traffic warden es un especie de
trachea [trkI] n anat trquea.
guardia urbano que vigila que los coches
tracing [treIsIN] n calco. c o m p tracing
estn bien aparcados y regula el trfico de
paper papel m de calco.
las ciudades.
track [trQk] n 1 (mark) pista, huellas
fpl, rastro; (of wheels) rodada. 2 (of rocktragedy [trQdZdI] n tragedia.
et, bullet, etc) trayectoria. 3 (path) cami
pl tragedies.
no, senda, sendero. 4 sp pista. 5 (for
[trQdZIk] adj trgico,-a.
motor-racing) circuito. 6 (of railway) va;
(platform) andn m. 7 (on record, etc) te trail [treIl] n 1 (path) camino, sendero.
2 (track, mark, scent) rastro, pista, hue
ma m, corte m, cancin f. l o c to be on
llas fpl. 3 (of rocket, comet) cola; (of dust,
the right track ir por buen camino. y
to keep track of seguir. c o m p track and
vapour) estela; (of blood) reguero.
field atletismo.
P vt 1 (follow) seguir la pista de. 2
P vt 1 (person, animal) seguir la pista de.
(drag) arrastrar.
2 tech seguir la trayectoria de.
P vi 1 (lag behind) ir rezagado,-a, que
a to track down vt sep localizar.
darse atrs. 2 (drag) arrastrarse.
tracksuit [trQksUt] n chndal m.
trailer [treIlr] n 1 auto remolque m. 2 us
tract [trQkt] n (treatise) tratado; (pamcaravana. 3 cinem triler m, avance m.
phlet) folleto.
train [treIn] n 1 (transport) tren m. 2 (of

traction [trQkS n] n traccin f.

dress) cola. 3 (line - of animals) recua;
tractor [trQktr] n tractor m.
(- of vehicles) convoy m.
trade [treId] n 1 (commerce) comercio. 2
P vt 1 sp entrenar, preparar. 2 (teach)
(business) negocio; (industry) industria.
ensear. 3 (animal) amaestrar, adies
3 (occupation) oficio, profesin f.
trar. c o m p train driver maquinista m.
P adj comercial. c o m p trade gap dfi
y train station estacin f de tren.
cit m comercial. y trade fair feria de
P vi 1 sp entrenarse, prepararse. 2
muestras. y trade name nombre m
(teach) estudiar. 3 mil adiestrarse.
comercial. y trade union sindicato. y
trained [treInd] adj 1 (worker - skilled) ca
trade winds vientos mpl alisios.
lificado,-a, cualificado,-a. 2 (animal)
P vi (do business) comerciar.
P vt (exchange) cambiar.
amaestrado,-a, adiestrado,-a.




[treIni] n 1 (manual work)

aprend iz,-za. 2 (professional work)
persona que est haciendo prcticas.
trainer [treInr] n 1 sp entrenador,-ra.
2 (of dogs) amaestrador,-ra; (of circus
animals) domador,-ra; (of race horses)
preparador,-ra. 3 (shoe) zapatilla de
training [treInIN] n 1 formacin f
(profesional), capacitacin f. 2 sp en
trenamiento, preparacin f fsica.
P vi mil instruccin f.
traitor [treItr] n traidor,-ra.
tram [trQm] n tranva m.
tramcar [trQmkA] n tranva m.
tramp [trQmp] n vagabundo,-a.

translate [trQnsleIt] vt 1 (gen) traducir

trample [trQmpl] vt pisotear.


Tramp no significa 'trampa', que se

traduce por trap.

P vi

pisotear (on/over, -).

trampoline [trQmplin] n cama els


tranquilliser [trQNkwIlaIzr] n tran



[trQNkwIlaIzr] n tran

quilizante m, calmante m.

transcend [trQnsend] vt 1 (go beyond)

trascender. 2 (surpass) superar.

transept [trQnsept] n crucero.

transfer [(n) trQnsfr; (vb) trQnsfr] n

1 fin transferencia. 2 jur (of property)

traspaso. 3 (of employee) traslado. 4 sp
(of player) traspaso; (player) fichaje m. 5
(drawing) cromo, calcomana. 6 (of airline passenger) transbordo, trasbordo.
P vt 1 fin transferir. 2 jur (property)
traspasar. 3 (employee, prisoner) trasla
dar. 4 sp (player) traspasar. 5 (data, information, phone call) pasar.

pt & pp transferred, ger transferring.

transform [trQnsfm] vt transformar.

(from, de) (into, a). 2 (express, explain)

expresar. 3 (transform) transformar.
P vi (person) traducir; (word, book, etc)
translation [trQnsleISn] n traduccin f.
translator [trQnsleItr] n traductor,-ra.



[ t r Q n z l U s n t ] adj

transmission [trQnzmISn] n transmi

sin f.

transmit [trQnzmIt] vt transmitir (to, a).

pt & pp transmitted, ger transmitting.

transmitter [trQnzmItr] n transmi

sor m.


[trQnsperensI] n 1

(quality) transparencia. 2 (slide) diapo

sitiva; (acetate) transparencia.
pl transparencies.

[trQnspernt] adj 1

transparente. 2 fig claro,-a, evidente.

transplant [ (n) trQnsplAnt ; (vb)
trQnsplAnt] n trasplante m.
P vt trasplantar.
transpor t [ (n) t r Q n s p t ; (vb)
trQnspt] n transporte m.
P vt 1 transportar. 2 hist deportar.
trap [trQp] n 1 (gen) trampa. 2 (vehicle)
coche m ligero de dos ruedas. 3 (of
drain) sifn m. l o c to set a trap tender
una trampa.
P vt 1 (catch - gen) atrapar; (snare - animal) cazar; (imprison) entrampar; (part
of body) pillar. 2 sp (in football) parar con
el pie. 3 fig (trick) engaar, tender una
trampa a. 4 (heat, light, etc) retener.
pt & pp trapped, ger trapping.

trapdoor [trQpdr] n (gen) trampilla;

(in theatre) escotilln m.

trapeze [trpiz] n (of circus) trapecio.

trapezium [trpizIm] n trapecio.

pl trapeziums o trapezia [trpizI].

trapezoid [trQpIzId] n 1 gb trapecio m.

P vi transformarse (into, en), conver

1 us trapezoide
tirse (into, en).
trash [trQS] n basura. c o m p trash can 1
transistor [trQnzIstr] n transistor.
(on computer) papelera de reciclaje. 2
transition [trQnzISn] n transicin f.
(for waste) us cubo de la basura.
transitive [trQnsItIv] adj transitivo,-a. trauma [trm] n trauma m.



travel [trQv l] n viajes mpl, viajar m. c o m p

travel agency agencia de viajes. y travel

sickness mareo.
P vt viajar por, recorrer.
P vi 1 (make a journey) viajar; (go) ir. 2
(move, go) ir. 3 (go fast) ir rpido, ir a
toda velocidad. 4 (as salesperson) ser
viajante, ser representante. 5 (wine,

food, etc) poderse transportar.

pt & pp travelled ( us traveled), ger

travelling (us traveling).
P n pl travels (journeys) viajes mpl.
traveler [trQvlr] n us traveller.
traveller [trQvlr] n 1 (gen) viajero,-a.
2 (representative) viajante mf, represen
tante mf. c o m p travellers cheque cheque
m de viaje.
trawler [trlr] n pesquero de arrastre.
tray [treI] n 1 (for food) bandeja. 2 (for papers) caja, cesta. 3 (in photography) cubeta.
treachery [tretSrI] n traicin f.
pl treacheries.
tread [tred] n 1 (manner or sound of walking)
paso, pasos mpl. 2 (on stair) escaln m.
P vt 1 (gen) pisar, pisotear. 2 (walk on)

andar por; (make) hacer.

pt trod [trd], pp trodden [trdn] o

trod [trd].
treason [trizn] n traicin f.
treasure [treZr] n (gen) tesoro.
treasurer [trZrr] n tesorero,-a.
treasury [treZrI] n tesorera.
pl treasuries.
treat [trit] n 1 (meal, drink) convite m. 2
(present) regalo. 3 (pleasure) placer m,
gusto, deleite m.
P vt 1 (gen) tratar. 2 (invite) invitar; (give)


treatment [tritmnt] n 1 med trata

miento, cura. 2 (manner of treating) tra

to. 3 (process) tratamiento.

Treatment no significa 'tratamiento

(forma de dirigirse alguien)', que se tradu
ce por form of address.

tree [tri] n rbol m.
P vt
P vi

tree-top [tritp] n copa.

trekking [trekIN] n senderismo.
tremble [trembl] n temblor m.
P vi


tremendous [trImends] adj 1 (huge)

trem endo,-a, inmenso,-a. 2 fam

(great) fantstico,-a, estupendo,-a.
trench [trentS] n 1 (ditch) zanja. 2 mil
trend [trend] n 1 (tendency) tendencia
(to/towards, hacia), tnica. 2 (fashion)
trendy [trendI] adj fam moderno,-a,
de moda.
comp trendier, superl trendiest.

trespass [tresps] n 1 entrada ilegal.

2 rel pecado.
P vi 1 (on land) entrar sin autoriza
cin; (in affairs) entrometerse. 2 rel
pecar (against, contra). l o c No tres
passing Prohibido el paso.

To trespass no significa 'traspasar',

que se traduce por to go through.

trespasser [trespsr] n intruso,-a.

tress [tres] n mechn m.
P n pl tresses

melena f sing, cabellera f sing.

trestle [tresl] n caballete m.

trial [traIl] n 1 jur proceso, juicio. 2

(test) prueba. 3 (suffering) afliccin f,

sufrimiento; (trouble) molestia.
P n pl trials sp pruebas fpl.
triangle [traIQNgl] n tringulo.
triangular [traIQNgjUlr] adj triangular.
tribal [tmaIt] adj tribal.
tribe [traIb] n 1 tribu f. 2 fam (family)
tribu f, familia.
tribune [trIbjUn] n 1 arch tribuna. 2
(Roman magistrate) tribuno.
tributary [trIbjUtrI] n afluente m.

pl tributaries.
P adj tributario,-a.
treble [trebl] adj 1 (threefold) triple. 2 mus tribute [trIbjUt] n 1 (homage) homena
je m, tributo. 2 (payment) tributo.
clef clave f de sol.
de tiple. c o m p treble
P n mus tiple mf.
triceps [traIseps] n pl trceps m inv.

treaty [tritI] n tratado.

pl treaties.



trick [trIk] n 1 (gen) truco.2 (prank, joke)

broma. 3 (cards won) baza. l o c to play
a trick on sb gastarle una broma a
algn. y trick or treat us frase de los nios

que en Halloween van por las casas pidiendo un

regalo a cambio de no hacer una jugarreta.
P adj de juguete, de mentira.
P vt (deceive) engaar, burlar.
trickle [trIkl] n 1 goteo, hilo. 2 fig pe
quea cantidad f, poco.
P vi 1 (liquid) gotear, salir gota a gota.
2 fig salir (entrar, llegar, etc) poco a poco.
tricky [trIkI] adj 1 (person) astuto,-a. 2

(problem, situation - difficult) difcil; (- delicate) delicado,-a.

comp trickier, superl trickiest.

tricycle [traIsIkl] n triciclo.
trident [traIdnt] n tridente m.
trier [traIr] n persona que se esfuerza.
trifle [traIfl] n 1 (unimportant thing) ni
miedad f. 2 (little money) poco dinero. 3
gb postre de bizcocho. l o c a trifle un poco,

rations) adornos mpl. 3 (after cutting) re

cortes mpl.
Trinidad [trInIdQd] n Trinidad. c o m p
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad y Tobago.
trip [trIp] n 1 (journey) viaje m. 2 (excursion) excursin f.
P vi 1 (stumble) tropezar (over, con). 2
(move lightly) ir con paso ligero.
pt & pp tripped, ger tripping.

tripe [traIp] n 1 culin callos mpl. 2 fam

tonteras fpl, bobadas fpl.

triple [trIpl] adj triple.

triplet [trIplt] n (child) trillizo,-a.
triumph [traImf] n 1 triunfo, xito. 2
(joy) jbilo, alegra.
P vi triunfar (over, de/sobre), vencer.
trivial [trIvIl] adj trivial.

trod [trd] pt tread.

trodden [trdn] pp tread.
troll [trUl] n duende m.
trolley [trlI] n 1 (in supermarket, at air-


port) carro, carrito. 2 (in hospital) cama

con ruedas. 3 (for food) mesita de rue
das. 4 us tranva. c o m p trolley bus tro
lebs mf. y trolley car tranva mf.
trombone [trmbUn] n trombn m.
trophy [trUfI] n trofeo.

merly) trilln m.

tropic [trpIk] n trpico.


trigger [trIg ] n 1 (of gun) gatillo. 2 (of


camera, machine) disparador m.

trigonometry [trIgnmtrI] n trigo

trillion [trIlIn] n 1 billn m. 2 gb (for. En el uso actual, tanto en EE UU como en
Gran Bretaa, un trillion equivale al billn
espaol, es decir, un milln de millones.

trim [trIm] adj 1 (neat, tidy) (bien) arre

glado,-a, ordenado,-a, cuidado,-a. 2

(person, figure) esbelto,-a, delgado,-a.

comp trimmer, superl trimmest.

P n 1 (cut) recorte m. 2 (decoration - on
clothes) adornos mpl; (- along edges) ribete
m; (upholstery) tapicera.
P vt 1 (make neat) arreglar; (cut - hair)
cortar, recortar; (- hedge, etc) podar. 2

pl trophies.

pl the tropics los trpicos mpl.

tropical [trpIkl] adj tropical.

tropism [trpIzm] n tropismo.
troposphere [trpsfIr] n troposfera.
trot [trt] n trote m.

P vi (gen) trotar, ir al trote; (on horse)

cabalgar al trote.

pt & pp trotted, ger trotting.

P n pl the trots fam diarrea f sing.
trouble [trbl] n 1 (problems) problema
m, problemas mpl. 2 (inconvenience, bother) molestia, esfuerzo. 3 (unrest, disturbance) conflictos mpl, disturbios mpl.
(reduce by cutting back) recortar, reducir.
l o c to be in trouble tener problemas. y
3 (decorate) adornar (with, con); (upholto get in trouble meterse en un lo.
ster) tapizar.
P vt 1 (cause worry, distress) preocupar,
a to trim off vt sep recortar, quitar.
inquietar. 2 (hurt) dar problemas a,
pt & pp trimmed, ger trimming.
doler. 3 (bother) molestar, incomodar.
P vi molestarse, preocuparse (about,
trimmings [trImINs]
n pl 1 culin (ac
companiments) guarnicin f sing. 2 (deco-

troublemaker [trb


lmeIk ] n albo

trough [trf] n (for drinking) abrevade

truth [trUT] n verdad f.

truthful [trUTfUl] adj 1 (account, etc) verdi

co,-a, veraz. 2 (person) sincero,-a, veraz.

ro; (for eating) comedero, pesebre m.
try [traI] n 1 intento. 2 sp (rugby) ensayo.
trousers [traUzz] n pl pantaln m sing,
pl tries.
P vt 1 (attempt) intentar. 2 (test, use) pro
pantalones mpl.
bar, ensayar; (food) probar. 3 jur juz
trout [traUt] n trucha.
gar, procesar.
trowel [traUl] n 1 (bricklaying tool) pale
P vi (make an attempt) intentar.
ta. 2 (garden tool) desplantador m.
a to try for vi tratar de obtener.
truant [trUnt] n (from school) persona
a to try on vt sep (clothes) probarse.
que hace novillos. l o c to play truant
a to try out vt sep probar, ensayar.
hacer novillos.
pt & pp tried, ger trying.
truce [trUs] n tregua.
truck [trk] n 1 (lorry) camin m. 2 gb tsar [zA ] n zar m.
tsarina [zArin] n zarina.
(railway wagon) vagn m.
tsetse fly [tsetsIflaI] n mosca tsets.
trucker [trkr] n us camionero,-a.
true [trU] adj 1 (not false) verdadero,-a, T-shirt [tiSt] n camiseta.
cierto,-a. 2 (genuine, real) autntico,-a, tub [tb] n 1 (for washing clothes) balde m. 2
(bath) baera. 3 (food container) tarrina.
genuino,-a, real. 3 (faithful) fiel, leal. 4
(exact) exacto,-a. l o c to come true ha tuba [tjUb] n tuba.
cerse realidad.
tube [tjUb] n 1 (pipe, container) tubo. 2
P adv 1 (truthfully) sinceramente. 2 (acauto cmara de aire.
curately) bien.
P n the tube la televisin f.

P n the Tube (underground) el metro.

truffle [trf l] n trufa.
truly [trUlI] adv 1 (really) verdadera
" The Tube es el nombre con el que se
mente, de verdad, realmente. 2 (sinconoce al metro de Londres.
cerely) sinceramente. 3 (faithfully) fiel
mente, lealmente. l o c yours truly (in tuck [tk] n 1 (fold) pliegue m. 2 gb (sweets,
letters) atentamente.
etc) golosinas fpl, chucheras fpl.
a to trump up vt sep inventar, falsificar.
Tuesday [tjUzdI] n martes m inv.
trumpet [trmpIt] n mus trompeta.
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta Saturday.
P vi 1 fanfarronear. 2 (elephant) barritar.

truncheon [trntS n] n porra (de polica). tuft [tft] n 1 (of feathers) penacho. 2 (of
hair) mechn m. 3 (of grass) mata.
trunk [trNk] n 1 (of tree, body) tronco. 2
(large case) bal m. 3 (elephants) trom tug [tg] n 1 (pull) tirn m, estirn m. 2
pa. 4 us (of car) maletero.
(boat) remolcador m.
P vt 1 (pull) tirar de, dar un estirn de.
trunks [trNks] n pl baador m sing (de
2 (boat) remolcar.
pt & pp tugged, ger tugging.
trust [trst] n 1 (confidence) confianza.
P vi tirar (at, de).
2 (responsibility) responsabilidad f. 3 fin
pt & pp tugged, ger tugging.
(money, property) fondo de inversin.
P vt 1 (have faith in, rely on) confiar en,
tuition [tjUISn] n enseanza, instruc
cin f. c o m p private tuition clases fpl par
fiarse de. 2 (hope, expect) esperar.
P vi confiar (in, en), tener confianza
ticulares. y tuition fees educ matrcula.
(in, en).
tulip [tjUlIp] n tulipn m.
trustful [trstfUl] adj confiado,-a.
tumble [tmbl] n cada, tumbo. c o m p
tumble drier secadora.
trustworthy [trstwDI] adj 1 (person)
P vi 1 (fall) caerse. 2 (in acrobatics) dar
digno,-a de confianza,
2 (news, etc) fidedigno,-a.



tumbler [tmb l ] n 1 (glass) vaso. 2 (ac-

P vt 1 (rotate) girar, hacer girar. 2 (page)

pasar, volver; (soil) revolver; (ankle)
torcer. 3 (change) convertir, transfor
mar; (milk) agriar; (stomach) revolver.
pl tummies.
P vi 1 (revolve) girar, dar vueltas. 2
tumor [tjUmr] n us tumour.
(change direction - person) girarse, vol
tumour [tjUm ] n barriga.
verse. 3 (become) hacerse, ponerse,
tuna [tjUn] n atn m, bonito.
volverse; (milk) agriarse, cortarse.
pl tuna o tunas.
a to turn back vt sep 1 (make return) ha
tune [tjUn] n meloda. l o c in tune afi
cer volver. 2 (clock) retrasar.
nado,-a. y out of tune desafinado,-a.
P vi (return) volverse atrs.
P vt 1 mus afinar. 2 (radio, etc) sintoni
a to turn down vt sep 1 (reject) recha
zar. 3 (engine) poner a punto.
zar; (request) denegar. 2 (radio, etc) ba
tuner [tjUn ] n 1 (of piano) afinador,
jar. 3 (fold) doblar.
-ra. 2 (on radio) sintonizador m.
a to turn into vt sep convertir.
a to turn off vt sep 1 (electricity) desco
tungsten [tNstn] n tungsteno.
nectar; (light, gas, appliance) apagar; (tap)
tunic [tjunIk] n tnica.
cerrar. 2 (dislike) repugnar, dar asco a.
tuning [tjUnIN] n 1 (of instrument) afina
P vt insep (off road) salir de.
cin f. 2 (of radio) sintonizacin f. 3 (of
P vi 1 (switch off) apagarse. 2 (off road) salir.
engine) puesta a punto. c o m p tuning
a to turn on vt sep 1 (electricity) conec
fork diapasn m.
tar; (light, gas, appliance) encender; (tap)
Tunis [tjUnIs] n Tnez.
abrir; (engine) poner en marcha, en
Tunisia [tjUnIsI] n Tnez.
cender. 2 (attack) atacar, arremeter
Tunisian [tjUnsIn] adj tunecino,-a.
contra; (aim, point at) apuntar, dirigir.
P n tunecino,-a.
3 fam (excite) excitar, entusiasmar.
tunnel [tnl] n tnel m.
P vt insep (hinge on) depender de, girar
P vt excavar un tnel.
en torno a.
pt & pp tunnelled (us tunneled), ger
P vi encenderse.
tunnelling (us tunneling).
a to turn out vt sep 1 (light) apagar. 2
(produce) producir, fabricar. 3 (empty)
turban [tbn] n turbante m.
vaciar; (cake, jelly, etc) desmoldar. 4
turbojet [tbUdZet] n turborreactor m.
(expel) expulsar, echar.
turbot [tbt] n rodaballo.
P vi 1 (prove to be, happen) salir, resultar.
pl turbot o turbots.
2 (go out) salir; (attend) asistir, acudir;
turbulence [tbjUlns] n turbulencia.
(crowds) salir a la calle.
turf [tf] n csped m. c o m p the turf las
a to turn round vi dar la vuelta.
carreras de caballos, el turf m.
a to turn up vi (arrive) llegar, presen
a to turf out vt sep fam poner de pati
tarse; (appear) aparecer.
tas en la calle, echar.
P vt sep 1 (fold upwards) doblar hacia
Turk [tk] n (person) turco,-a.
arriba, levantar; (shorten) acortar. 2
Turkey [tkI] n Turqua.
(radio, gas, heat, etc) subir.
P vt insep (find) descubrir, encontrar.
turkey [tkI] n pavo. l o c to talk tur
key hablar a las claras.
turnabout [tnbaUt] n giro, cambio.
Turkish [tkIS] adj turco,-a.
turning [tnIN] n bocacalle f, esqui
P n (language) turco.
na. c o m p turning lathe torno.
P n pl the Turkish los turcos mpl.
turnip [tnIp] n nabo.
turn [tn] n 1 (gen) vuelta. 2 (change of direc- turnover [tnUvr] n 1 (sales, business)
tion) giro, vuelta; (bend) curva, recodo. 3
facturacin f. 2 (movement of employees)
(chance, go) turno. 4 (change)
cambio, giro.
movimiento; (of stock) rotacin f. 3
l o c to turn a corner doblar la esquina.
culin pastelito relleno.

robat) volteador,-ra. 3 (toy) tentetieso.

tummy [tmI] n barriga.



turnpike [tnpaIk] n us autopista de


turquoise [tkwIz] n 1 (gem) turque

sa. 2 (colour) azul m turquesa.
azul turquesa.
turtle [ttl] n tortuga marina.
tusk [tsk] n colmillo.
tutor [tjUtr] n 1 (private teacher) profe
sor,-ra particular. 2 (at university) pro
fesor,-ra, tutor,-ra.
P vt dar clases particulares a (in, de).
Tuvalu [tUvlU] n Tuvalu.
tuxedo [tksidU] n us esmoquin m.
P adj

pl tuxedos.

TV [tbjUlns] abbr (television) televi

sin f, tele f.

tweezers [twizz] n pl pinzas fpl.

twelfth [twelfT] adj duodcimo,-a.
P adv

en duodcimo lugar.

n (fraction) duodcimo; (one part)

duodcima parte f.

. Consulta tambin sixth.

twelve [twelv] n doce m.

P adj


. Consulta tambin six.


[twentIz] n pl the twenties

los aos mpl veinte. l o c to be in ones

twenties tener veintitantos aos.
. Consulta tambin sixties.

twentieth [twentIT] adj vigsimo,-a.

en vigsimo lugar.
(fraction) vigsimo; (one part) vigsi
ma parte f.
P adv

. Consulta tambin sixtieth.

twenty [twentI] n veinte m.

P adj


. Consulta tambin sixty.

twice [twaIs] adv dos veces.

twinkle [twINkl] n 1 (of light, stars) cen

telleo. 2 (in eye) brillo.

P vi 1 (lights, stars) centellear, destellar.
2 (eyes) brillar.
twirl [twl] n giro, vuelta.
P vt 1 girar rpidamente, dar vueltas
a. 2 (twist, fiddle with) retorcer, jugue
tear con.
P vi girar rpidamente, dar vueltas.
twist [twIst] n 1 (in road) recodo, vuel
ta. 2 (action) torsin m. 3 med torcedu
ra, esguince m. 4 (dance) twist m.
P vt 1 (sprain) torcer. 2 (screw, coil) retor
cer. 3 (turn, wind) girar, dar vueltas a.
P vi 1 (turn) girarse. 2 (wind, coil) enros
carse, enrollarse. 3 (road) serpentear.
twitch [twItS] n 1 (pull) tirn m. 2 (nervous tic) tic m nervioso.
P vt mover.
P vi moverse nerviosamente.
twitter [twItr] n gorjeo.
P vt gorjear.
two [tU] n dos m. l o c in two por la mi
tad. y in twos de dos en dos. y it takes
two es cosa de dos. y to put two and two
together atar cabos. y that makes two of
us ya somos dos.
P adj dos.
tycoon [taIkUn] n magnate m.
type [taIp] n 1 (kind) tipo, clase f. 2 (letter) letra, carcter m.
P vt & vi escribir a mquina.
a to type up vt sep pasar a mquina.

Type no significa 'tipo (persona)', que

se traduce por guy.

typewriter [taIpraItr] n mquina de


typhoid [taIfId] n fiebre f tifoidea.

typhus [taIfs] n tifus m.
typical [tIpUkl] adj tpico,-a.
typing [taIpIN] n mecanografa.
typist [taIpIst] n mecangrafo,-a.
tyranny [tIrnI] n tirana.

l o c twice
over dos veces.
twig1 [twIg] n ramita.
pl tyrannies.
twilight [twaIlaIt] n crepsculo.
tyrant [taIrnt] n tirano,-a.
twin [twIn] n gemelo,-a, mellizo,-a.
tyre [taIr] n neumtico.
P adj gemelo,-a, mellizo,-a. c o m p
Tyrrhenian [tIrinIn] adj tirreno,-a. c o m p
twin bed cama doble.
the Tyrrhenian Sea el (mar) m Tirreno.
P vt hermanar.
pt & pp twinned, ger twinning.
tzar [zAr] n zar m, czar m.


U, u [jU] n (the letter) U, u f.

udder [dr] n ubre f.
UFO [juefU] abbr (unidentified flying

object) ovni m f, objeto volador no


Uganda [jUgQnd] n Uganda.

Ugandan [jUgQndn] adj ugands,

P n ugands,-esa.
ugly [glI] adj 1 feo,-a. 2 (situation, etc) de
sagradable. 3 (custom, vice) repugnante.
comp uglier, superl ugliest.

Ukraine [jUkreIn] n Ucrania.

Ukranian [jUkeInIn] adj ucrania

P vt


. El trmino umpire se emplea sobre

todo para hablar de rbitros de deportes
como el cricket o el tenis. La palabra usual
para rbitro es referee.

unable [neIbl] adj incapaz.

unacceptable [nkseptbl] adj in
aceptable, inadmisible.


[nkaUntb l] adj

unaccustomed [nkstmd] adj de



[nfektId] adj 1 (unchanged) no afectado,-a. 2 (for person)

afable, campechano. 3 (indifferent) in
mutable. 4 (style) llano,-a.
unanimous [jUnQnIms] adj unnime.
unashamed [nSeImd] adj descara
pl ulnae [lni].
ultimate [ltImt] adj 1 (final) final. 2 unattended [ntendId] adj 1 (children)
s i n v i g i l a r. 2 (not looked after)
(basic) esencial, fundamental.
P n the ultimate (good) el ltimo grito;
desatendido,-a. 3 (alone) solo,-a.
(bad) el colmo.
unavailable [nveIlbl] adj 1 no dis
ponible. 2 (busy) ocupado,-a. 3 (out of
, Ultimate no significa ltimo', que se
print) agotado,-a. 4 (not for sale) que no
traduce por last.
est en venta.
ultrasound [ltrsaUnd] n ultrasoni
unaware [nwer] adj ignorante, in
ultraviolet [ltrvaIlt] adj ultravio
[nberbl] adj inaguan
umbilical [mbIlIkl] adj umbilical.
unbeatable [nbitbl] adj 1 (competic o m p umbilical cord cordn m umbi
tion) invencible. 2 (price, quality) insu
perable, inigualable, inmejorable.
umbrella [mbrel] n 1 paraguas m. 2

fig (protection) manto f; (patronage) pa unbelievable [nbIlivb l] adj increble.

unbiased [nbaIst] adj imparcial.
umpire [mpaIr] n rbitro,-a.
unbiassed [nbaIst] adj unbiased.

P n 1 (person) ucraniano,-a. 2 (language)
ulcer [lsr] n 1 (external) llaga. 2 (in
stomach) lcera.
ulna [lna] n cbito.



unblock [nblk] vt 1 (pipe, drain) de

satascar. 2 (street, road) desobstruir. 3

(nose) destaponar.
unbreakable [nbreIkbl] adj 1 irrom
pible. 2 fig inquebrantable. 3 (horse)
unbutton [nbtn] vt desabrochar.
P vi fam relajarse.
uncertain [nstn] adj 1 (not certain)
incierto,-a, dudoso,-a. 2 (unspecified)
indeterminado,-a. 3 (indecisive)
indeciso,-a. 4 (changeable) variable.
unchanged [ntSeIndZd] adj igual, sin
unchecked [ntSekt] adj 1 no com
probado,-a. 2 (unrestrained) libre, li
uncivilized [nsIvlaIzd] adj 1 (tribe) sal
vaje. 2 (not cultured) inculto,-a. 3 fig po
co ortodoxo,-a.
uncle [nkl] n to.
unclear [nklIr] adj confuso,-a.
uncoil [nkIl] vt desenrollar.
P vi 1 (snake) desenroscarse. 2 (rope)


[nkmf tb l] adj 1

(physical) incmodo,-a. 2 (worrying) in

quietante. 3 (unpleasant) desagradable.
uncommon [nkmn] adj 1 (rare) po
co comn. 2 (strange) inslito,-a; (unusual) extraordinario,-a. 3 (excessive)
unconcerned [nknsnd] adj des
preocupado, indiferente.
unconscious [nknSs] adj 1 med in
consciente. 2 (unaware) inconsciente.
3 (not on purpose) involuntario,-a.
P n the unconscious el inconsciente.


[NkSn] n 1 rel (act, ointment)

uncin f. 2 (balm) ungento.


[nkltIveItId] adj 1

(land) yermo,-a, baldo,-a. 2 (person)

undamaged [ndQmIdZd] adj 1 (goods)
sin desperfectos, intacto,-a. 2 (person) indemne, ileso,-a.
undefeated [ndIfitId] adj invicto,-a.
undeniable [ndInaIbl] adj innegable.
under [ndr] prep 1 (below) bajo, debajo
de. 2 (less than) menos de. 3 (controlled, affected, influenced by) bajo. 4 (suffering, subject
to) bajo. 5 (according to) conforme a, se
gn. 6 (known by) con, bajo.
P adv 1 (below) debajo. 2 (less) menos.
undercarriage [ndkQrIdZ] n tren m
de aterrizaje.
underclothes [ndklUDz] n pl ropa f
sing interior.
undercover [ndkvr] adj clandesti
no,-a, secreto,-a,.
P adv en la clandestinidad.

underdeveloped [nddIvelpt] adj 1

subdesarrollado,-a. 2 (of photo) insufi
cientemente revelado,-a.
underestimate [(n) ndrestImt; (vb)
ndrestImeIt] n menosprecio.
P vt infravalorar, subestimar.
undergo [ndgeU] n cbito.

pt underwent [ndwent], pp undergone [ndgn].

undergone [ndgn] pp undergo.
underground [ (adj-n) ndgraUnd ;
(adv) ndgraUnd] adj 1 subterrneo,
-a. 2 fig clandestino,-a. 3 fig (cinema,

music) underground.
1 (railway) metro. 2 (resistance) re
, Unconscious no significa 'incons
ciente (irresponsable)', que se traduce por
P adv 1 bajo tierra. 2 fig (secretly) en la
clandestinidad, clandestinamente.
uncontrollable [nkntrUlbl] adj 1 undergrowth [ndgrUT] n maleza,
monte m bajo.
(general) incontrolable. 2 (people) ingo
bernable. 3 (desire) irresistible. 4 underline [ndlaIn] vt subrayar.
(child) indisciplinado,-a.
underneath [ndniT] prep bajo, de
uncountable [nkaUntbl] adj incon
bajo de.
P adv abajo, debajo, por debajo.
P adj de abajo, inferior.
uncover [nkv ]
vt 1 destapar. 2 (seP n parte f inferior, fondo.
cret) revelar, descubrir.



undernourished [ndnrISt] adj des

nutrido,-a, subalimentado,-a.
underpants [ndpQnts] n pl calzon
cillos mpl, eslip m sing.
understand [ndstQnd] vt 1 enten
der. 2 (believe) tener entendido. 3 (to
get on with sb) entenderse. 4 (take for
granted) sobreentender.

ment) anular. 4 (destroy) deshacer, des

truir. 5 (to set right) enmendar, reparar.
pt undid [ndId], pp undone [ndn].

undone [ndn] pp undid.

P adj

(incomplete) inacabado,-a.

undoubted [ndaUtId] adj indudable.

undress [ndres] vt desnudar.
P vi


pt & pp understood [ndstUd].

undrinkable [ndrInkbl] adj imbe




[ndstQndIN] n


[ndsteItmnt] n


understood [ndstUd] pt & pp un



[ndteIk] vt (take on - job,

task) emprender; (- responsibility) asumir.

P vi (promise) comprometerse (to, a).

pt undertook [ndtUk], pp undertaken [ndteIkn].

undertaken [ndteIkn] pp under
undertaker [ndteIkr] n empresa

rio,-a de pompas fnebres.

pl (undertakers) funeraria, pompas
fpl fnebres.

undertook [ndtUk] pt undertake.

undervalue [ndvQljU] vt subvalorar.
underwater [ndwtr] adj subma
rino,-a, subacutico,-a.
P adv bajo el agua.

underwear [ndwr] n ropa inte


underwent [ndwent] pt undergo.

underworld [ndwld] n (of crimi-

nals) hampa, bajos fondos mpl ,

undesirable [ndIzaIrbl] adj inde
P n indeseable mf.
undetermined [ndItmaInd] adj in
determinado,-a, indefinido,-a.

undid [ndId] pt undo.

undisputed [ndIspjUtId] adj 1 (un-


[nizI] adj 1 (worried) intran

quilo,-a, inquieto,-a, preocupa
do,-a; (disturbing) inquietante. 2 (annoying) incmodo,-a.

comp uneasier, superl uneasiest.

unemployed [nImplId] adj parado,

-a, sin trabajo, en paro.


[nImplImnt] n 1

paro, desempleo. 2 (percentage) n

mero de parados.
unequal [nikwl] adj 1 (not the same) des
igual, distinto,-a; (pulse) irregular. 2 (not
adequate) poco apto, inadecuado,-a.
unequivocal [nIkwIvkl] adj inequ
voco,-a, claro,-a.
uneven [nivn] adj 1 (not level) des
igual; (bumpy) accidentado,-a. 2 (varying) irregular, variable. 3 (road) lleno,
-a de baches. 4 (unfairly matched)
desigual. 5 math impar.
unexpected [nIkspektId] adj 1 ines
perado,-a. 2 (event) imprevisto,-a.
unfair [nfer] adj injusto,-a.
unfaithful [nfeITfUl] adj 1 (husband,
wife) infiel. 2 (friend) desleal.
unfamiliar [nfmIlIr] adj (unknown)
unfashionable [nfQSnbl] adj (fashion, trends, etc) pasado,-a de moda;
(ideas, measures) poco popular.
unfasten [nfAsn] vt 1 (vest, button)
desabrochar. 2 (untie) desatar. 3 (open)


[nfeIv rb l] adj


questionable) indiscutible, incuestio
nable. 2 (unchallenged) incontestable.
unfavourable [nfeIvrbl] adj 1 (gen)
desfavorable; (criticism) adverso,-a. 2
undo [ndU] vt 1 (knot)
deshacer, des
(winds) contrario,-a.
atar. 2 (button) desabrochar. 3 (arrange-




[nfInISt] adj inacabado,

-a, incompleto,-a, sin acabar.
unfit [nfIt] adj 1 (person) no apto,-a,
incapaz. 2 (physically) incapacitado,a, intil. 3 (injured) lesionado,-a. 4 (incompetent) incompetente. l o c to be
unfit no estar en forma.
unfold [nfUld] vt 1 (paper) desplegar;
(sheet) desdoblar. 2 (newspaper) abrir;
(map) extender. 3 (outline) exponer;
(reveal) revelar. 4 (secret) descubrir.
P vi 1 (open up) desdoblarse; (landscape)
extenderse. 2 (ideas, etc) desarrollar
se. 3 (secret) descubrirse, revelarse.
unforgettable [nfgetbl] adj inol
unfortunate [nftSnt] adj 1 (person,
event) desgraciado,-a. 2 (remark) desa
unfriendly [nfrendlI] adj poco amis
toso,-a, antiptico,-a, hostil.

comp unfriendlier, superl unfriendliest.

unfulfilled [nfUlfIld] adj 1 (not carried out)

incumplido,-a, frustrado,-a. 2 (not satisfied) insatisfecho,-a. 3 (ambition)

frustrado,-a; (dream) irrealizado,-a.
ungrateful [ngreItfUl] adj 1 (unthankful) desagradecido,-a. 2 (thankless)
unhappy [nhQpI] adj 1 (sad) infeliz.
2 (miserable) desdichado,-a. 3 (unsuitable) desafortunado,-a, poco
comp unhappier, superl unhappiest.

unharmed [nhAmd] adj ileso,-a.

unhealthy [nhelTI] adj 1 (place) mal

sano,-a, insalubre. 2 (ill) enfermizo,

-a, enfermo,-a. 3 fig (unnatural)
morboso,-a, malsano,-a.

comp unhealthier, superl unhealthiest.

unhelpful [nhelpfUl] adj (advice) in

unimportant [nImptnt] adj insig

nificante, sin importancia, poco im
uninhabited [nIhQbItId] adj 1 desha
bitado,-a. 2 (deserted) despoblado,-a.
uninteresting [nIntrstIN] adj sin in
union [jUnIn] n 1 unin f. 2 fig (marriage) enlace m. 3 (of workers) sindicato.
4 tech unin f.
P adj sindical, del sindicato. c o m p Un
ion Jack la bandera del Reino Unido.

" La Union Jack es la bandera del Reino

Unido y est formada por la combinacin
de las enseas de Inglaterra, Escocia e Ir

unionize [jUnjnaIz] vt sindicalizar.

P vi

agremiarse, sindicalizarse.

unirrigated [nIrIgeItd] adj de secano.

unique [jUnik] adj 1 (singular) nico,
-a. 2 (outstanding) extraordinario,-a.

unit [jUnIt] n 1 unidad f. 2 (furniture) m

dulo, elemento. 3 mil unidad f. 4 math

unidad f. 5 tech grupo. 6 (centre) centro;
(department) servicio. 7 (team) equipo.
unite [jUnaIt] vt (join) unir; (assemble)
P vi unirse, reunirse.
unity [jUnItI] n (union) unidad f; (harmony) armona.
universal [jUnivsl] adj universal.
universe [jUnIvs] n universo.
university [jUnIvstI] n universi
dad f.
pl universities.
P adj universitario,-a.
unkempt [nkempt] adj 1 (general) des
cuidado,-a. 2 (hair) despeinado,-a. 3

(appearance) desaliado,-a.
unkind [nkaInd] adj 1 (unpleasant) des
til, vano,-a; (person) poco servicial.
considerado,-a. 2 (cruel) cruel; (critiunhurt [nht] adj ileso,-a, indemne.
cism) despiadado,-a.
unicorn [jUnikn] n unicornio.
uniform [jUnIfm] adj 1 uniforme. 2 unknown [nnUn] adj desconocido,-a.
P n lo desconocido.
(temperature) constante.
P n uniforme m.
unleash [nliS] vt 1 (dog) soltar. 2 fig
(free - gen) liberar; (- passions) desatar. 3
unify [jUnIfaI] vt unificar.
pt & pp unified, ger unifying.
(fury) provocar.



unless [nles] conj a menos que, a no

ser que.
P prep salvo, excepto.
unlike [nlaIk] adj (different) diferente
a, distinto de; (not characteristic)
P prep a diferencia de
unlikely [nlaIklI] adj (improbable) im
probable, poco probable; (unexpected,
unusual) inverosmil.
comp unlikelier, superl unlikeliest.

unlimited [nlImItId] adj ilimitado,-a.

unload [nlUd] vt 1 (gen) descargar. 2

(get rid of) deshacerse de.

P vi descargar.
unlock [nlk] vt 1 (door) abrir (con lla
ve). 2 fig (secret) revelar; (enigma) resol
unlucky [nlkI] adj 1 (unfortunate)
desafortunado,-a, desgraciado,-a. 2
(fateful) aciago,-a, nefasto,-a.
comp unluckier, superl unluckiest.

unmarried [nmQrId] adj soltero,-a.

unmistakable [nmIsteIkbl] adj in
confundible, inequvoco,-a.

unnecessary [nnessrI] adj innece



[nnUtIst] adj inadv er

tido,-a, desapercibido,-a.

unoccupied [nkjUpaId] adj 1 (house)

deshabitado,-a. 2 (person) desocupa

do,-a. 3 (post) vacante. 4 (area) des
poblado,-a. 5 (seat) libre. 6 mil no ocu
unofficial [nfISl] adj extraoficial,
unpack [npQk] vt 1 (objects) desempa
quetar, desenvolver. 2 (suitcase) des
hacer. 3 (boxes) desembalar.
P vi deshacer las maletas.
unpardonable [npAdnbl] adj im
unpleasant [npleznt] adj 1 (disagreeable, nasty) desagradable, molesto,-a.
2 (unfriendly) antiptico,-a. 3 (words)
grosero,-a, mal educado,-a.
unplug [nplg] vt desenchufar.

unpredictable [nprIdIktbl] adj 1 im

previsible. 2 (of person) de reacciones

imprevisibles. 3 (whimsical)
unproductive [nprdktIv] adj 1 (inefficient) improductivo,-a. 2 fig (fruitless)
unprovable [nprUvb l] adj inde
unpublished [npblISt] adj indito,-a,
no publicado,-a.
unreachable [nritSbl] adj inalcan
unreadable [nridbl] adj 1 (handwriting) ilegible. 2 (book) imposible de
leer; (understand) incomprensible.
unreal [nrIl] adj irreal.
unrealistic [nrIlIstIk] adj poco rea
unreasonable [nriznbl] adj 1 irra
zonable. 2 (irrational) irracional. 3 (excessive) desmesurado,-a; (prices) exor
bitante. 4 (hour) inoportuno,-a.

unrecognizable [nrekgnaIzbl] adj


unreliable [nrIlaIbl] adj 1 (person) de

poca confianza, poco formal, que

no es de fiar. 2 (information) que no es
de fiar, poco seguro,-a. 3 (machine)
poco fiable, poco seguro,-a. 4 (news)
poco fidedigno,-a.
unrest [nrest] n 1 (uneasiness) malestar
m. 2 (restlessness) inquietud f; (political disturbance) agitacin f, disturbios mpl.
unroll [nrUl] vt desenrollar.
P vi desenrollarse.
unsaddle [nsQdl] vt 1 (horse) desen
sillar. 2 (horseman) desmontar.
unsafe [nseIf] adj 1 (risky) inseguro,-a,
arriesgado,-a. 2 (dangerous) peligroso,-a.


[nsQtIsfQkt rI] adj

insatisfactorio,-a, poco satisfacto



[nseIv rI] adj




[nseIvrI] adj 1 (taste, etc)

desagradable; (tasteless) inspido,-a. 2
pt & pp unplugged, ger unplugging.
(morally not right) deshonroso,-a, infame,
unpopular [nppjlr] adj impopular.
sospechoso,-a; (person) indeseable.


[nskrU] vt destornillar,


untie [ntaI] vt 1 (unfasten) desatar. 2

(liberate) soltar, desligar.

unseen [nsin] adj (invisible) no visto,

until [ntIl] prep hasta.



-a, invisible; (unnoticed) inadvertido,-a.

[nselfIS] adj desinteresa
unsettled [nset ld] adj 1 (weather)
inestable. 2 (person) nervioso,-a, in
tranquilo; (situation) inestable. 3 (country, etc) agitado,-a. 4 (question, matter)
pendiente; (account, etc) sin saldar. 5
(land) sin colonizar, sin poblar.
unshaven [nSeIvn] adj sin afeitar.
unsheathe [nSiD] vt desenvainar.
unshrinkable [nSrINkbl] adj inen
cogible, que no encoge.
unskilled [nskIld] adj 1 (worker) no
cualificado,-a. 2 (job) no especializa
do,-a. 3 (untalented) inexperto,-a.
unsolved [nslvd] adj sin resolver.
unstable [nsteIbl] adj inestable.
unsteady [nstedI] adj 1 (not firm) inse
guro,-a, inestable; (furniture) cojo,-a,
inestable. 2 (voice, hand) tembloroso,
-a, poco firme. 3 (weather conditions)
variable; (pulse) irregular.
comp unsteadier, superl unsteadiest.

unstressed [nstrest] adj ling tono,-a.

unsuccessful [nsksesfUl] adj 1
fracasado,-a, sin xito. 2 (useless) in
til, infructuoso,-a; (examination)
suspendido,-a. 3 (candidate in elections)
derrotado,-a, vencido,-a.
unsuited [nsUtId] adj 1 (person) no
apto,-a; (thing) impropio,-a, inade
cuado,-a. 2 (people) incompatible.
unsure [nSUr] adj inseguro,-a, poco


[nsImpTetIk] adj

P conj

hasta que.

[ntrU] adj 1 falso,-a. 2 (unfaithful) infiel, desleal. 3 (inexact)

inexacto,-a, errneo,-a.
unusable [njUzbl] adj inservible.
unused adj 1 [njuzd] (new) nuevo,-a,
sin estrenar; (not in use) que no se uti
liza. 2 [njust] (unaccustomed) desa
unusual [njUZUl] adj 1 (rare, strange)
inslito,-a, poco comn. 2 (different)
original; (exceptional) extraordinario,-a.
unveil [nveIl] vt 1 (uncover) descubrir.
2 fig (reveal) descubrir, desvelar; (secret) revelar.
unwanted [nwntId] adj 1 (child) no
deseado,-a. 2 (advice, etc) no solicita
do,-a, no pedido,-a. 3 (superfluous)
unwelcome [nwelkm] adj 1 (guest)
inop ortuno,-a, molesto,-a; (news)
desagradable. 2 (uncomfortable) inc
unwell [nwel] adj (sick, ill) indispues
to,-a, malo,-a.
unwilling [nwIlIN] adj reacio,-a, po
co dispuesto,-a.
unwind [nwaInd] vt desenrollar.
P vi 1 desenrollarse. 2 fam (relax) rela

pt & pp unwound [nwaUnd].

unwise [nwaIz] adj 1 (foolish) impru

dente; (senseless) insensato,-a. 2 (illadvised) desaconsejable, poco acon


unwound [nwaUnd] pt & pp unwind.

unwrap [nrQp] vt (present) desenvol

(unfeeling) poco compasivo, sin com

ver; (parcel, package) abrir, deshacer.
pasin f, indiferente; (lacking under pt & pp unwrapped, ger unwrapping.
standing) poco comprensivo,-a.
unzip [nzIp] vt 1 bajar la cremallera
untamable [nteImbl] adj indomable.
de. 2 comput descomprimir.
untangle [ntQNgl] vt desenredar.
pt & pp unzipped, ger unzipping.
untidy [ntaIdI] adj 1 (room, person) des up [p] adv 1 (upwards) hacia arriba, arri
ordenado,-a. 2 (scruffy) desaliado,-a,
ba. 2 (out of bed) levantado,-a. 3 (sun,
desaseado,-a; (hair)
moon): the sun is up ha salido el sol. 4 (road
comp untidier, superl untidiest.
works) levantado,-a, en obras. 5 (towards)



hacia. 6 (northwards) ir hacia el norte. 7

(totally finished) acabado,-a. 8 (into pieces) a
trozos, a porciones, a raciones.
P prep 1 (movement): to go up the stairs su
bir la escalera. 2 (position) en lo alto de.
P vt subir, aumentar.
pt & pp upped, ger upping.

up-and-coming [pnkmIN] adj pro

metedor,-ra, que promete mucho.

[pndaUn] adj 1 (motion) vertical; (varying) variable. 2
(eventful) accidentado,-a; (period) con
upbringing [pbrININ] n educacin f.
upcoming [pkmIN] adj prximo,-a.
update [(n) pdeIt; (vb) pdeIt] n ac
tualizacin f, puesta al da.
P vt actualizar, modernizar.
upfront [pfrnt] adj sincero,-a, fran
upgrade [(vb) pgreId; (n) pgreId] vt 1
(promote) ascender, subir de catego
ra. 2 (improve) mejorar.
P n mejora.


uphekd [pheld] pt & pp uphold.

uphill [(adj) phIl; (adv) phIl] adj 1 as

cendente. 2 fig (task, struggle) ar

duo,-a, difcil, duro,-a, penoso,-a.
P adv cuesta arriba.
uphold [phUld] vt 1 (opinion) sostener,
mantener; (to support) apoyar. 2 (defend)
defender. 3 (confirm) confirmar.
pt & pp upheld [pheld].


[pmUst] adj 1 ms
alto,-a. 2 fig principal, dominante.
upright [praIt] adj 1 derecho,-a, ver
tical. 2 (honest) recto,-a, honrado,-a.
P adv derecho, en posicin f vertical.
P n sp poste m, palo.
uprising [praIzIN] n alzamiento, le
vantamiento, sublevacin f.
uproar [prr] n alboroto, tumulto.
uproot [prUt] vt 1 (plant, etc) desarrai
gar, arrancar; (people) desarraigar. 2
(eliminate) eliminar, extirpar.
upset [(adj-vb) pset; (n) pset] adj 1 (angry) disgustado,-a, contrariado,-a. 2
(mentally or physically) trastornado,-a;
(worried) preocupado,-a. 3 (nerves) des
quiciado,-a; (a little unwell) indispues
to,-a. 4 (stomach) trastornado,-a. 5 (overturned) volcado,-a; (spoiled) desbaratado,-a.
P n 1 (reversal) revs m, contratiempo;
(slight ailment) malestar m. 2 (emotion,
stomach, etc) trastorno; (plans, etc) tras
torno. 3 (trouble, difficulty) molestia f. 4
(sport) un resultado inesperado.
P vt 1 (overturn) volcar; (capsize) hacer
zozobrar. 2 (spill) derramar. 3 (shock)
trastornar. 4 (person) contrariar; (worry)
preocupar; (displease) disgustar. 5 (stomach) sentar mal. 6 (plans) desbaratar. 7
(to cause disorder) desordenar, revolver.

pt & pp upset [pset], ger upsetting.

[psetIN] adj desconcer


tante, inquietante, preocupante.

upside down

[psaIddaUn] adv 1 al
revs. 2 fig (disorder) patas arriba.
upstairs [(adv) pstez; (n) pstez] adv
vacin f; (costs) gastos mpl de mante
(direction) al piso de arriba; (position) en
el piso de arriba.
uplift [plIft] vt (lift up) elevar, levan
P adj de arriba.
tar; (soul, voice) inspirar, elevar, alzar.
P n piso de arriba, piso superior.
P n fig edificacin f, inspiracin f.
upstream [pstrim] adv 1 aguas arri
upload [plUd] vt (Internet) publicar
ba. 2 (against the current) a contraco
en la red, subir a la red.
up-market [pmAkIt] adj de calidad f upsurge [psdZ] n 1 (increase) au
superior, de categora.
mento; (anger) acceso. 2 fig (strong inupon [pn] prep fml en, sobre.
crease in feelings, etc) resurgimiento; (of
Consulta tambin on.
violence) ola.
upper [pr] adj 1 (position) superior. 2 up-to-date [ptdeIt] adj 1 al da. 2
(in geography) alto,-a;
(modern) moderno,-a, a la moda; (inP n (of shoe) pala.
formed) al tanto, al corriente, al da.

upholster [UphUlstr] vt tapizar.

upkeep [pkip] n (maintenance) conser



upward [pwd] adj hacia arriba.

hacia arriba.
P adj comm (tendency) al alza m.
upwards [pwdz] adv 1 hacia arriba.
2 fam algo ms de.
uranium [jUreInIm] n chem uranio.
Uranus [jUreIns] n Urano.
urban [bn] adj urbano,-a.
urbane [beIn] adj corts, urbano,-a.
ureter [jUritr] n urter m.
urethra [jUrITr] n uretra.
urge [dZ] n impulso, deseo.
P vt 1 encarecer, preconizar, instar,
insistir. 2 (incite) incitar; (plead) exhor
tar. 3 (encourage) animar.
urgency [dZnsI] n urgencia.
urgent [dZnt] adj urgente.
urinary [jUrInrI] adj urinario,-a.
c o m p urinary tract tracto urinario.
urinate [jUrIneIt] vi orinar.
urine [jUrIn] n orina.
urn [n] n urna.
urology [jUrldZI] n med urologa.
Ursa [rs] (constellation) n la Osa.
Uruguay [jUrgwaI] n Uruguay.
Uruguayan [jUrgwaIn] adj uru
P n uruguayo,-a.
us [s, z] pron 1 nos; (with preposition)
nosotros,-as. 2 fam me.
usable [jUzbl] adj utilizable, apro
usage [jUsIdZ] n 1 uso, manejo. 2
(custom) uso, costumbre f, usanza. 3
ling uso. 4 (way of speaking) habla m,
lenguaje m.
use [(n) jUs; (vb) jUz] n 1 uso, empleo,
utilizacin f. 2 (handling) manejo. 3
(usefulness) utilidad f. 4 (right to use,
power to use) uso.
P vt 1 utilizar. 2 (consume) gastar, con
sumir. 3 (exploit unfairly) aprovecharse
de. 4 fam (need) necesitar.
P adv

to use to (past habits) soler, acos

tumbrar: we used to go fishing in the lake
solamos ir a pescar al lago.
P aux

. Como auxiliar, si la frase no indica una

costumbre, se debe traducir con el imperfec
a to use up vt sep gastar, acabar.

useable [jUzbl] adj usable.

used [jUst] adj 1 [juzd] (second-hand)

usado,-a. 2 [just] (accustomed) acos

tumbrado,-a. c o m p to be used to estar
acostumbrado,-a a. y to get used to
acostumbrarse a.
. Consulta tambin use.

useful [jUsfUl] adj til.

useless [jUsls] adj 1 intil. 2 fam
(person) inepto,-a, incompetente.

user [jUzr] n usuario,-a.

usual [jUZUl] adj habitual, corriente.

1 lo habitual. 2 fam (drink, etc) lo

de siempre.
utensil [jUtensl] n utensilio.
uterus [jUtrs] n tero.

pl uteruses o uteri [jUtraI].

utility [jUtIlItI] n 1 utilidad f. 2 (com-

pany) empresa de servicio pblico.

pl utilities.

utmost [tmUst] adj sumo,-a, extre



utter [tr] adj completo,-a, total.

vt 1 (words) pronunciar, articular;

(feelings) expresar. 2 (lies curses, etc) sol
tar; (shouts, cries, etc) lanzar, dar. 3 (theatre) proferir; (sounds) emitir.
utterly [tlI] adv totalmente.
uvula [jUvjUl] n vula, campanilla.

pl uvulas o uvulae [juvjUli].

Uzbek [Uzbek] adj uzbeco,-a.

P n 1 (person) uzbeco,-a. 2 (language)

Uzbekistan [UzbekIstQn] n Uzbekis


V, v [vi] n (the letter) V, v f.

vacancy [veIknsI] n 1 (job) vacante f. 2

(room) habitacin f libre. l o c No va

cancies Completo.
pl vacancies.
vacant [veIknt] adj 1 (gen) vaco. 2
(job) vacante. 3 (room) libre. 4 (mind, expression) vaco,-a.

vacation [vkeISn] n vacaciones fpl.

 accinate [vQksIneIt] vt vacunar.
vaccination [vQksIneISn] n vacuna
cin f.

vaccine [vQksin] n vacuna.

vacuum [vQkjUm] n 1 vaco. 2 fam

(vacuum cleaner) aspiradora. c o m p vacu

um cleaner aspirador m . y vacuum
flask termo.
P vt limpiar con aspiradora, pasar la
aspiradora por.

vacuum-packed [vQkjUmpQkt] adj

envasado,-a al vaco.

vagina [vdZaIn] n vagina.

pl vaginas o vaginae [vdZaIni].

vaginae [vdZaIni] n pl vagina.
vague [veIg] adj 1 (imprecise) vago,-a,
impreciso,-a. 2 (indistinct) borroso,-a.

Vague no significa 'vago (holgazn)',

que se traduce por lazy.

vain [veIn] adj 1 (conceited) vanidoso,-a.

2 (hopeless) vano,-a, intil. l o c in vain
en vano.
valence [veIlns] n us valencia.
valency [veIlnsI] n gb valencia.

pl valencies.
valid [vQlId] adj 1 vlido,-a. 2 (ticket)


valor [vQlr] n us valor.

valour [vQlr] n valor m, valenta.

Valour no significa 'valor (vala)', que

se traduce por value.

valuation [vQljUeISn] n 1 (act) valora

cin f. 2 (price) valor m.

value [vQljU] n valor m.

vt 1 (estimate value of) valorar, tasar.

2 (appreciate) valorar, apreciar.
valve [vQlv] n 1 (in general) vlvula. 2 rad
lmpara. 3 zool valva. 4 mus llave f.
vampire [vQmpaIr] n urgencia.
van [vQn] n 1 camioneta, furgoneta.
2 gb (on train) furgn m.
vanadium [vneIdIm] n vanadio.
Vandal [vQndl] adj vndalo,-a.
P n vndalo,-a.
vandalism [vQndlIzm] n vandalismo.
vandalize [vQndlaIz] n urgencia.
vane [veIn] n 1 (weather, etc) veleta. 2 (of

fan, etc) aspa.

vanilla [vnIl] n vainilla.

vanish [vQnIS] vi desaparecer.
vanity [vQnItI] n vanidad.
vapor [vQlr] n us vapour.
vapour [veIpr] n 1 vapor m. 2 (on windowpane) vaho.

variable [verIbl] adj variable.


variable f.

variant [verInt] n variante f.

varicose [vQrIkUs] adj varicoso,-a.

varicose veins varices fpl.

varied [verId] adj variado,-a, diver


variety [vraItI] n 1 (diversity) varie

validate [vQlIdeIt] vt

fml validar.
dad f. 2 (assortment) surtido.
valley [vQlI] n valle m.
pl varieties.



various [verIs] adj 1 (different) diver

so,-a, distinto,-a. 2 (several) varios,-as.

varnish [vAnIS] n 1 (for wood, metals)
barniz m. 2 (for nails) esmalte m.
P vt 1 (wood, metals) barnizar. 2 (nails)
vary [verI] vi variar.
P vt variar de.
pt & pp varied, ger varying.

vascular [vQskjlr] adj vascular.

vas deferens [vQs defrenz] n anat
conducto deferente.

vase [vAz, us veIz] n jarrn m, florero.

vassal [vQsl] n vasallo,-a.
vast [vAst] adj (extensive) vasto,-a, in

menso,-a; (huge) inmenso,-a, enor

Vatican [vQtIk n] adj vaticano,-a.
c o m p Vatican City Ciudad f del Vati
P n the Vatican el Vaticano.
vault1 [vlt] n 1 (ceiling) bveda. 2 (in
bank) cmara acorazada. 3 (for dead)
panten m; (in church) cripta. 4 (cellar)
stano; (for wine) bodega.
vault2 [vlt] vt saltar.
P vi saltar.
P n (gymnastics) salto.
veal [vil] n ternera.
vector [vektr] n vector m.
vegetable [vedZtbl] n 1 (as food) ver
dura, hortaliza. 2 (as plant) vegetal m.
3 fam (person) vegetal m.
vegetarian [vedZIterIn] adj vegeta
P n vegetariano,-a.
vegetation [vedZIteIS n] n vegeta
cin f.
vehicle [vik l] n 1 tech vehculo.
2 fig medio, vehculo.
veil [veIl] n velo.
P vt velar.
vein [veIn] n 1 anat vena. 2 bot vena,
nervio. 3 (of mineral) veta, vena, filn
m. 4 (mood) humor m, vena.
velum [vilm] n velo (del paladar).
pl vela [vil].

vena cava

[vin keIv] n

vending machine


[vendINmSin] n

mquina expendedora.
vendor [vendr] n vendedor,-ra.
Venezuela [venzweIl] n Venezuela.
Venezuelan [venzweIln] adj vene
P n venezolano,-a.
vengeance [vendZns] n venganza.
venous [vins] adj venoso,-a.
ventilate [ventIleIt] vt ventilar.
ventricle [ventrIkl] n ventrculo.
venture [ventSr] vt arriesgar, aventu
P vi arriesgarse.
P n aventura, empresa arriesgada.
c o m p business venture empresa comer
cial. y joint venture empresa conjunta.
y venture capital capital m riesgo.
venue [venjU] n 1 (place) local m. 2
(scene) escenario.
Venus [vins] n Venus f. c o m p Venus
flytrap dionea.
veranda [vrQnd] n porche m.
verb [vb] n verbo.
verbal [vbl] adj verbal. c o m p verbal
noun gerundio.
verdict [vdIkt] n 1 veredicto, fallo.
2 (opinion) opinin f, juicio.
verge [vdZ] n 1 borde m, margen m.
2 (of road) arcn m.
a to verge on vt insep 1 (condition) rayar
en. 2 (age) rondar.
verify [verIfaI] vt verificar, comprobar.
pt & pp verified, ger verifying.

vermicelli [vmIselI] n fideos mpl.

vermin [vmIn] n pl 1 (small animals)

alimaas fpl. 2 (insects) bichos mpl, sa

bandijas fpl. 3 (people) gentuza f sing,
chusma f sing.
verruca [vrUk] n verruga.

pl verrucas o verrucae [vrUki].

[vs] n 1 (poetry) versos mpl ,
poesa. 2 (set of lines) estrofa. 3 (song, set
of lines) estrofa. 4 (in Bible) versculo.


Verse no significa 'verso (parte del
poema)', que se traduce por line.

velvet [velvIt] n terciopelo.




version [vZ

n] n 1 versin f. 2 mus
interpretacin f . 3 auto modelo.
c o m p stage version theat adaptacin f
versus [vss] prep 1 (against) contra.
2 (as opposed to) frente a.
vertebra [vtIbr] n vrtebra.

pl vertebrae [vtIbri].

vertebral [vtIbrl] adj vertebral.

vertebrate [vtIbrt, vtIbreIt] adj
P n vertebrado.

vertex [vteks] n vrtice m.

pl vertexes o vertices [vtIsIz].

vertical [vtIkl] adj vertical.

very [verI] adv 1 (extremely) muy. 2 (em-

phatic) muy.
P adj 1 (extreme) de todo. 2 (precise)
mism o,-a, exacto,-a. l o c the very
best el/la mejor, lo mejor,
vesicle [vesIkl] n vescula.
vessel [vesl] n 1 (ship) nave f, buque
m. 2 (container) recipiente m, vasija. 3
anat vaso. c o m p cargo vessel buque m
de carga.
vest [vest] n 1 gb camiseta. 2 us chaleco.
vestibule [vestIbjUl] n 1 (entrance hall)
vestbulo, entrada. 2 anat vestbulo.
vet [vet] n fam veterinario,-a.
veteran [vetrn] adj veterano,-a.
P n 1 veterano,-a. 2 (soldier, etc) ex
combatiente mf.
veterinary [vetrInrI] adj veterina
rio,-a. c o m p veterinary surgeon veteri
veto [vitU] n veto.
pl vetoes.
P vt vetar; (forbid) prohibir, vedar.
pt & pp vetoed, ger vetoing.
vexed [vekst] adj disgustado,-a. c o m p
vexed question tema m controvertido.
via [vaI] prep 1 (through) va, por. 2 (by


[vaIs] n (tool) torno de banco,

tornillo de banco.
vice3 [vaIs] pref vice-. c o m p vice admiral
mil vicealmirante m. y vice chancellor
e d u c rector,-ra. y vice president
vicereine [vaIsreIn] n virreina.
viceroy [vaIsrI] n virrey m.
vicinity [vsIntI] n 1 inmediaciones
fpl. 2 fml proximidad f.
vicious [vISs] adj 1 (cruel) cruel; (malicious) malintencionado,-a. 2 (violent)
virulento,-a, violento,-a. 3 (dangerous)

Vicious no significa 'vicioso', que se

traduce por depraved.

victim [vIktIm] n vctima.

victory [vIktrI] n victoria, triunfo.
pl victories.

victuals [vItlz] n pl vituallas fpl, vve

res mpl.

vicuna [vIkjUn] n vicua.

video [vIdIU] n 1 (in general) vdeo. 2
(pop video) videoclip m .
game videojuego.



pl videos.

videoconference [vIdIUkknfrns]
n videoconferencia.

videodisc [vIdIUdIsk] n videodisco.

videorecorder [vIdIUrIkdr] n v

videotape [vIdIUteIp] n cinta de video


vt grabar en vdeo.

videotext [vIdIUtekst] n videotexto.

Vietnam [vIetnQm] n Vietnam.
Vietnamese [vIetnmiz] adj vietna

n 1 (person) vietnamita mf. 2 (language) vietnamita m.

P n pl the Vietnamese los vietnamitas
means of) por medio de, a travs de.
vibrate [vaIbreIt, us vaIbreIt] vi vibrar view [vjU] n 1 vista, panorama m. 2
(with, con).
(opinion) opinin f, parecer m.
P vt hacer vibrar.
P vt 1 (consider) considerar, ver. 2 (revibration [vaIbreISn] n vibracin f.
gard, think about) enfocar. 3 (examine)
vicar [vIkr n prroco.
ver; (visit) visitar. 4 (watch) ver; (critical
ly) visionar.
vice1 [vaIs] n vicio.



[vjU ] n 1 tv telespecta
dor,-ra, televidente mf. 2 (photography)
viewpoint [vjUpInt] n punto de vista.
vignette [vInjet] n 1 (artwork) vieta. 2
(description) estampa.

vigor [vIgr] n us vigour.

vigour [vIgr] n vigor m, energa.
Viking [vaIkIN] adj vikingo,-a.


villa [vIl] n 1 (for holidays) chalet m; (in

viper [vaIpr] n vbora.

viral [vaIrl] adj viral, vrico,-a.
virgin [vaIlInist] adj virgen.

virgen f.

Virgo [vgU] n Virgo.

virtual [vtSUl] adj virtual.

c o m p vir
tual reality realidad f virtual.
virtue [vtSU] n 1 virtud f. 2 (advantage) ventaja. l o c by virtue of en vir
tud de. y in virtue of en virtud de.
virus [vaIrs] n virus m. c o m p virus in
fection infeccin f vrica.
pl viruses.
visa [viz] n visado, am visa. c o m p en
try visa visado de entrada. y exit visa

country) casa de campo. 2 (Roman) vi

lla. 3 gb (large house) villa, quinta.
village [vIlIdZ] n (gen) pueblo; (small)
pueblecito. c o m p village idiot el tonto
del pueblo. y village life la vida de
visado de salida.
viscosity [vIsksItI] n viscosidad f.
villager [vIlIdZ ] n habitante m del
visibility [vIzIbIltI] n visibilidad f.
pueblo, aldeano,-a.
villain [vIln] n 1 (bad character) malo,-a, visible [vIzIbl] adj visible.
malo,-a de la pelcula. 2 gb fam mal Visigoth [vIzIgT] n visigodo,-a.
vado,-a. l o c the villain of the piece Visigothic [vIzIgTIk] adj visigodo,-a.
vision [vIZn] n 1 (gen) visin f. 2 (eyefam el malo de la pelcula.
sight) vista. l o c a man of vision un
vine [vaIn] n 1 vid f. 2 (made to climb) pa
hombre con visin de futuro.
rra. c o m p vine grower viticultor,-ra. y
vine growing viticultura. y vine leaf visit [vIzIt] vt 1 (person) visitar, hacer
hoja de parra. y vine shoot sarmiento.
una visita a. 2 (place) visitar, ir a.
P vi estar de visita.
vinegar [vInIgr] n vinagre m. c o m p
P n visita. l o c to pay sb a visit hacer
vinegar bottle vinagrera. y wine vine
una visita a algn. y to visit with sb us
gar vinagre m de vino.
charlar con algn.
vineyard [vInjd] n via, viedo.
visiting [vIzItIN] adj 1 (for visiting) de vi
vintage [vIntIdZ] n cosecha.
P adj 1 (wine) de aada. 2 (classic)
sita. 2 (guest) visitante. c o m p visiting
clsico,-a; (high-quality) glorioso,-a,
card tarjeta de visita. y visiting hours
maravilloso,-a. 3 fam lo mejor de.
horas fpl de visita. y visiting lecturer
c o m p vintage car coche m de poca
prof esor,-ra invitado,-a. y visiting
construido entre 1919 y 1930.
team equipo visitante.
viola1 [vaIUl] n mus viola.
visitor [vIzItr] n 1 (at home) invitado,-a,
viola2 [vaIUl] n bot violeta.
visita. 2 (tourist) turista mf, visitante mf.
c o m p visitors book libro de visitas.
violate [vaIleIt] vt violar; (law) infrin
gir, transgredir.
visor [vaIzr] n visera.
violation [vaIleISn] n violacin f; (of visual [vIZUl] adj visual. c o m p visual
law) infraccin f, transgresin f.
aid medio visual. y visual arts artes
violence [vaIlns] n violencia.
mpl visuales. y visual display unit pan
violet [vaIlt] n 1 bot violeta f. 2 (colour)
violeta m, violado,-a, violceo,-a.
vital [vaIt l] adj 1 vital. 2 (essential)
P adj (de color) violeta, violado,-a.
esencial, imprescindible. c o m p vital
violin [vaIlIn] n violn.
organ rgano vital. y vital signs sea
violinist [vaIlInist] n violinista mf.
les fpl de vida.


P n pl rganos mpl vitales. l o c of vital
importance de suma importancia.
vitamin [vItmIn, vaItmIn] n vitami
na. c o m p vitamin C vitamina C. y vita
min content contenido vitamnico. y
vitamin deficiency avitaminosis f.
vitro [vitrU] l o c in vitro in vitro.
viva [vaIv] n gb fam (abbr of viva voce)
examen m oral.
vivid [vIvId] adj 1 vivo,-a, intenso,-a.
2 (description) grfico,-a. l o c to have a
vivid imagination tener mucha ima


viviparous [vIvIprs] adj vivparo,-a.

vixen [vIksn] n (mammal) zorra.
V-neck [vinek] n cuello de pico.
vocabulary [vkjQbjUlrI] n vocabu

P vt

1 (empty) vaciar. 2 jur anular.

volcano [vlkeInU] n volcn m.

pl volcanos o volcanoes.
[vlI] n 1 mil descarga. 2 fig
(of stones) aluvin m; (of blows) tanda; (of
applause) salva. 3 (tennis) volea.
P vi 1 mil lanzar una descarga. 2 (ten-


nis) hacer una volea.

P vt (sp) volear.

volleyball [vlIbl] n voleibol m.

volt [vUlt] n voltio.
voltage [vUltIdZ] n voltaje m, tensin f.
voltmeter [vUltmitr] n voltmetro.
voluble [vljbl] adj locuaz, habla

Voluble no significa 'voluble', que se

traduce por changeable.


[vljUm] n 1 volumen m. 2
(book) tomo. l o c to speak volumes de
cirlo todo. y to turn down/up the vol
ume bajar/subir el volumen.
voluntary [vlnt rI] adj volunta
rio,-a. c o m p voluntary organization
organizacin f benfica. y voluntary
society sociedad f benfica. y volun
tary work obras fpl benficas. y vo
luntary helper/worker voluntario,-a.
volunteer [vlntIr] n voluntario,-a.
vocative [vktIv] n vocativo.
P vt ofrecer.
P adj vocativo,-a.
P vi 1 ofrecerse (for, para). 2 mil alis
vogue [vUg] n boga, moda. l o c to be
tarse como voluntario,-a (for, en).
all the vogue estar muy en boga. vomit [vmIt] n vmito.
c o m p to be in vogue estar en boga.
P vi vomitar, devolver la comida.
vote [vUt] n 1 voto. 2 (voting) voto,
voice [vIs] n voz f. l o c at the top of ones
votacin f. 3 (right to vote) sufragio.
voice a voz en grito. y in a loud voice en
P vi votar. c o m p vote of censure voto
voz alta. y in a low/soft voice en voz ba
de censura. y vote of confidence voto
ja, a media voz. y to lose ones voice
de confianza.
quedarse afnico,-a, quedarse sin voz.
P vt 1 votar. 2 (elect) elegir. 3 fam con
y to lower/raise ones voice bajar/levan
siderarse: the party was voted a complete
tar la voz. y with one voice de una voz, a
flop la fiesta se consider un desastre to
una, a coro. c o m p voice box laringe f. y
tal. l o c to be voted into/out of office
voice offstage theat voz f en off.
ganar/perder las elecciones. y to vote
P vt 1 expresar. 2 ling sonorizar.
by a show of hands votar a mano al
voiceless [vIsls] adj 1 (hoarse)
zada. y to vote on sth / take a vote on
afnico,-a. 2 ling sordo,-a.
sth someter algo a votacin.
a to vote down vt sep rechazar.
voice-over [vIsUvr] n voz f en off.
a to vote through vt sep aprobar.
void [vId] adj 1 vaco,-a (of, de): void
of interest falto,-a de inters. 2 jur nulo, voter [vUtr] n votante mf.
-a, invlido,-a.
voucher [vaUtSr] n gb vale m, bono.
P n vaco.
jur comprobante m, justificante m.


pl vocabularies.
vocal [vUkl] adj 1 vocal. 2 fam (noisy)
esc and aloso,-a. c o m p vocal cords
cuerdas fpl vocales.
vocational [vUkeISnl] adj vocacio
nal, tcnico/profesional. c o m p voca
tional guidance orientacin f profesio
nal. y vocational education educacin f



vow [vaU] n 1 promesa solemne. 2 rel



to take a vow of chastity/

poverty hacer voto de castidad/po

breza. y to take ones vows pronun
ciar sus votos. c o m p vow of silence

voto de silencio.
vowel [vaUl] n vocal f.
voyage [vIIdZ] n viaje m; (by sea) viaje
m en barco; (crossing) travesa.
P vi fml viajar.
. Voyage se refiere a un viaje general
mente largo por mar o en el espacio. La
palabra ms usual para viaje es journey.


[vlg r] adj 1 (in poor taste) de

mal gusto. 2 (coarse) grosero,-a, ordi
nario,-a. 3 ling vulgar. c o m p vulgar
fraction fraccin f comn.

Vulgar no significa 'vulgar (corriente',

que se traduce por common.


[vlgQrItI] n 1 (poor taste)

mal gusto. 2 (coarseness) vulgaridad f,
ordinariez f, grosera.
vulnerable [vlnrbl] adj vulnera
vulture [vltSr] n buitre m.
vulva [vlv] n vulva.

pl vulvas o vulvae [vlvi].


W, w [djblju] n (the letter) W, w f.

W [west] abbr (west) oeste m; (abbreviation) O.

wade [weId] vi caminar por el agua.

P vt


wafer [weIfr] n (for ice cream) barqui

llo; (biscuit) galleta de barquillo.

wage [weIdZ] n sueldo, salario.

n pl wages sueldo m sing, salario m

waggon [wQgn] n gb wagon.
wagon [wQgn] n 1 (cart) carro; (covered) carromato. 2 gb (railway truck) va
gn m. 3 us (trolley) carrito, mesa ca


wagon-lit [vQgnli] n coche-cama m.

pl wagons-lits.

wail [weIl] n (of pain, grief) lamento, ge

waiting [weItIN] n espera.

c o m p wait
ing room sala de espera.
waitress [weItrs] n camarera, garzona.
pl waitresses.
wake [weIk] vt despertar (up, -).
P vi despertarse (up, -).
a to wake up to vt insep (become aware)

darse cuenta de.

pt woke [wUk], pp woken [wUkn].

Wales [weIlz] n Pas m de Gales.

walk [wk] n 1 (gen) paseo; (distance)

camino; (long) caminata, excursin f;

(sport) marcha. 2 (path, route) paseo,
ruta; (long) excursin f. 3 (gait) modo
de andar mpl.
P vi andar, caminar, pasear.
P vt 1 (cover on foot) ir a pie, ir andando,
andar. 2 (person) acompaar; (animal)
a to walk away vi alejarse.
a to walk into vt insep 1 (get caught) caer
en. 2 (bump into) tropezar con.
a to walk out vi 1 (leave suddenly) mar
charse. 2 (go on strike) ir a la huelga.
a to walk out on vt insep (abandon)
abandonar a.
walker [wkr] n 1 (gen) paseante mf;
(hiker) excursionista mf . 2 (athlete)
marchador,-ra. 3 (for babies) andador
m; (for disabled) andador m.
walkie-talkie [wkItkI] n walkietalkie m.
walkman [wkmn] n walkman m.

mido; (of siren) aullido.

1 (person - cry) gemir, llorar; (- complain) quejarse (about/over, de), la
mentarse (about/over, de). 2 (siren)
aullar, ulular; (wind) ulular.
waist [weIst] n 1 anat cintura. 2 (of
garment) talle m. 3 (of guitar, etc) parte
waistcoat [weIskUt] n chaleco.
waistline [weIstlaIn] n 1 anat cintura.
2 sew talle m.
wait [weIt] n (gen) espera; (delay) de
P vi esperar (for, -), aguardar (for, -).
l o c to wait at a table servir la mesa.
pl walkmen [wkmn].
P vt esperar, aguardar.
wall [wl] n 1 (exterior) muro; (defensive,
a to wait about / wait around vi es
city) muralla; (garden) tapia; (sea) di
perar, perder el tiempo.
que m. 2 (interior) pared f; (partition) ta
a to wait on vt insep servir.
bique m. 3 anat (of artery, blood vessel)
waiter [weItr] n camarero,
pared f; (of abdomen) pared f abdomi
c o m p head waiter maitre m.
nal. 4 sp barrera.
P vi



wallet [wlIt] n cartera.

wallpaper [wlpeIpr] n 1 papel m

pintado. 2 (for computer screen) papel m

P vt empapelar.
wally [wlI] n fam idiota mf, intil mf.
pl wallies.

walnut [wlnt] n (fruit) nuez f; (wood)

nogal m.


walnut tree nogal m.

walrus [wlrs] n morsa.

pll walruses.

waltz [wls] n vals m.

pl waltzes.

wand [wnd] n varita.

wander [wndr] vi 1 (roam) deambu

P vi


a to warm up vt sep 1

(food) calentar,
recalentar; (engine) calentar. 2 (audience, party) animar.
P vi 1 (food, engine, etc) calentarse. 2 (audience, party) animarse. 3 sp hacer ejer
cicios de calentamiento.
warm-blooded [wmbldId] [se es
cribe warm blooded cuando no se usa pa
ra calificar a un nombre] adj de sangre


warmly [wmlI] adv 1 (with heat) con

ardor. 2 (thank) con efusin; (recommend) con entusiasmo; (welcome, greet)

calurosamente. 3 (dress) con ropa de
warmth [wmT] n 1 (heat) calor m. 2
fig afecto, cordialidad f.
warm-up [wmp] n sp calentamien
to, precalentamiento.
warn [wn] vt 1 avisar (of, de), adver
tir (of, de), prevenir (about, sobre),
(against, contra). 2 (instead of punishing)
warning [wnIN] n 1 (of danger) aviso,
advertencia. 2 (instead of punishment)
amonestacin f. 3 (advance notice) aviso.
P adj (shot, glance) de aviso, de adver
warrant [wrnt] n 1 jur orden f judi
cial, mandamiento judicial. 2 (voucher) bono, vale m. 3 fml (justification) jus
tificacin f . c o m p warrant officer
suboficial m.
P vt 1 fml (justify) justificar; (deserve)
merecer, ser digno,-a de. 2 (guarantee)
warranty [wrntI] n 1 comm (guarantee) garanta. 2 fml (authority) autoriza
cin f.

lar, errar, vagar; (stroll) pasear, cami

nar. 2 (stray) apartarse, desviarse,
alejarse; (get lost) extraviarse.
P n vuelta, paseo.
want [wnt] n 1 (lack) falta, carencia.
2 (desire, need) necesidad f.
P vt 1 (gen) querer. 2 fam (need) necesi
tar. 3 fam (ought to) deber. 4 fml (lack)
necesitar, carecer de,.
wanted [wntId] adj 1 (for work) nece
sario,-a. 2 (by police) buscado,-a.
war [wr] n guerra.
ward [wd] n 1 (in hospital) sala. 2 gb
(for elections) distrito electoral.
warden [wdn] n 1 (of hostel, home) en
cargado,-a. 2 us (of prison) alcaide m,
director,-ra. 3 (of university) rector,-ra.
wardrobe [wdrUb] n 1 armario
(ropero), guardarropa m. 2 (clothes)
vestuario. 3 (theatre) vestuario.
warehouse [wehaUs] n almacn m,
P vt almacenar, depositar.
warfare [wfer] n 1 (war) guerra. 2
pl warranties.
(conflict, struggle) lucha, batalla.
warrior [wrIr] n guerrero,-a.
warhead [whed] n ojiva, cabeza.
warm [wm] adj 1 (climate, wind) warship [wSIp] n buque m de gue
clido,-a; (day) caluroso,-a, de calor.
2 (hands, etc) caliente; (liquid) tibio,-a, wart [wt] n verruga.
templado,-a. 3 (clothing) de abrigo, warthog [wthg] n jabal m verru
que abriga. 4 (colour) clido,-a. 5 (welcome, applause, etc) clido,-a, caluroso,- wartime [wtaIm] n tiempos mpl de
a. 6 (character) afectuoso,-a.
P vt (gen) calentar.
P adj de guerra.


was [wz, unstressed wz] pt be.

wash [wS] n 1 (act) lavado. 2 (laundry)

vigilante mf, guardia mf, centinela mf,
guarda mf. 3 mar (period, body) guardia;
(individual) viga. 4 hist ronda.

ropa sucia, colada. 3 (of ship) estela;

pl watches.
(of water) remolinos mpl; (sound) cha
P vt 1 (look at, observe) mirar, observar;
(television, sport) ver. 2 (keep an eye on) vi
P vt 1 (gen) lavar; (dishes) fregar. 2 (cargilar, observar; (spy on) espiar, vigi
ry) llevar, arrastrar.
lar. 3 (be careful about) tener cuidado
P vi 1 (gen) lavarse. 2 (flow, lap) batir.
con, cuidar de.
a to wash away vt sep 1 (destroy and
P vi (look) mirar, observar. l o c watch
carry away) llevarse, arrastrar. 2 (reout! cuidado!
move) borrar.
a to watch out for vt insep 1 (look out for,
a to wash up vt sep 1 fregar. 2 arras
be alert) estar alerta, estar pendiente
trar a la playa.
de. 2 (be careful of) tener cuidado con.
P vi 1 fregar los platos. 2 us lavarse
las manos y la cara, lavarse rpida watchdog [wtSdg] n 1 perro guar
din. 2 fig guardin,-ana.
watcher [wtSr] n observador,-ra,
washable [wSbl] adj lavable.
washbasin [wSbeIsn] n (fixed to wall)
water [wtr] n 1 (gen) agua: drinking
lavabo; (bowl) palangana.
water agua potable; mineral water agua
washbowl [wSbUl] n us palangana.
mineral; running water agua corriente;
washer [wSr] n 1 tech (metal) aran
spring water agua de manantial. 2 (tide)
dela; (rubber) junta. 2 fam (machine) la
marea. c o m p water bottle (flask) can
timplora. y water polo waterpolo.y
washing [wSIN] n 1 (action) lavado, el
water power energa hidrulica. y
lavar m. 2 (dirty clothes) colada, ropa
water supply abastecimiento de
sucia; (clean clothes) colada; (clothes
agua, suministro de agua. y water
hanging out) ropa tendida. l o c to do
tank depsito de agua. y water va
the washing hacer la colada. l o c
pour vapor m de agua. y water wheel
washing machine lavadora. y washing
1 (for power) rueda hidrulica. 2 (for irpowder detergente m.
rigation) noria.
washing-up [wSINp] n 1 (action) fre
P vt 1 (plant, river) regar. 2 (animals)
gado, el fregar m. 2 (dishes) platos mpl.
l o c to do the washing-up fregar los
a to water down vt sep 1 (drink) aguar,
platos. c o m p washing-up liquid lava
mezclar con agua. 2 fig descafeinar.
vajillas m.
watercolor [wtklr] n watercol
wasp [wsp] n avispa. c o m p wasps
nest avispero.
watercolour [wtklr] n acuarela.
waste [weIst] n 1 (gen) derroche m; (of
P n pl watercolours acuarelas fpl.
money, energy) despilfarro; (of time) pr
[wtkres] n berro.
dida,. 2 (matter) desechos mpl, desper
waterfall [wtfl] n cascada, salto
dicios mpl; (rubbish) basura.
de agua, catarata.
P adj 1 (unwanted) desechado,-a. 2
watering [wtrIN] n riego.
(land) yermo,-a, baldo,-a.
watermark [wtmAk] n filigrana.
P vt (gen) desperdiciar, malgastar; (resources) derrochar; (time, chance) desa watermelon [wtmeln] n sanda.
provechar, perder.
watermill [wtmIl] n molino de
wastepaper basket [weIstpeIp bA-kIt] n papelera.
waterpark [wtpAk] n parque m
watch [wtS] n 1 (timepiece)
reloj m. 2
(look-out) vigilancia, guardia; (person) waterpipe [wtpaIp] n caera.



waterproof [wtprUf] adj 1 (material)

impermeable. 2 (watch) sumergible.

P n (coat) impermeable m.
P vt impermeabilizar.
water-ski [wtski] n esqu m acu
P vi hacer esqu acutico.
water-skiing [wtskiIN] n esqu m
watersports [wtspts] n pl depor
tes mpl acuticos.
watertight [wttaIt] adj 1 estanco,-a,
hermtico,-a. 2 fig irrefutable, irreba
water-wheel [wtwil] n 1 (for power)
rueda hidrulica. 2 (for irrigation) noria.
waterworks [wtwks] n depura
dora, planta de tratamiento de
P n pl gb fam euph aparato urinario.
watt [wt] n elec watt m, vatio.
wave [weIv] n 1 (in sea) ola. 2 (in hair)
onda. 3 phys onda. 4 (of hand) ademn
m, movimiento; (in greeting) saludo
con la mano. 5 (steady increase) ola,
oleada. 6 (influx) oleada; (sudden increase) oleada, ola.
P vi 1 (greet) saludar (con la mano). 2
(flag) ondear; (corn) ondular. 3 (hair)
P vt 1 (brandish) agitar. 2 (direct) indicar
con la mano. 3 (hair) marcar, ondu
wavelength [weIvleNT] n rad longi
tud f de onda.
wavy [weIvI] adj ondulado,-a.
comp wavier, superl waviest.

wax [wQks] n 1 (gen) cera. 2 (in ear)

psito, por cierto. y in a way en

cierto modo, en cierta manera. y in
some ways en algunos aspectos. y in
this way (thus) de este modo, de esta
manera. y one way or the other (somehow) de algn modo, de una manera
u otra, como sea. y out of the way 1
(remote) apartado,-a, remoto,-a. 2 (exceptional) excepcional, particular, ori
ginal. y that way 1 (direction) por all. 2
(like that) as. y the right way round
bien puesto. y the wrong way round
al revs. y to be in the way estorbar,
estar por en medio. y to be on the
way (coming) estar en camino, estar al
llegar, avecinarse. y to get out of the
way apartarse. y to find your way en
contrar el camino. y to give way 1 (collapse) ceder, hundirse. 2 (yield) ceder
(to, a). 3 (when driving) ceder el paso. y
to loose your way perderse. l o c way
in entrada. y way out 1 (exit) salida. 2
(solution) solucin f, remedio.
P n pl ways (customs) costumbres fpl ;
(habits, behaviour) manas fpl.
WC [wtskiIN] abbr water closet v
ter m, retrete m.
we [wi, unstressed wI] pron nosotros,
weak [wik] adj 1 (gen) dbil. 2 (tea, coffee, etc) aguado,-a, poco cargado,-a.
P n pl the weak los necesitados mpl,
los invlidos mpl.
weaken [wikn] vt 1 (gen) debilitar. 2
(argument) quitar fuerza a; (morale) so
P vi 1 (person) debilitarse, desfallecer.
2 (resolve, influence) flaquear. 3 (currency)
aflojar, caer. 4 (give in) ceder.
weakness [wikns] n 1 (gen) debili
dad f, flaqueza. 2 (lack of conviction) fal
ta de peso, pobreza. 3 (defect, fault,
flaw) flaqueza, punto flaco.

cerumen m.
P vt (polish) encerar. c o m p paraffin wax
parafina. y sealing wax lacre m. y wax
candle vela. y wax crayons ceras fpl. y
wax paper papel m encerado.
pl weaknesses.
way [weI] n 1 (right route, road, etc) cami
no. 2 (direction) direccin f. 3 (distance) wealth [welT] n 1 (riches) riqueza. 2 fig
abundancia, profusin f.
distancia. 4 (manner, method) manera,
wealthy [welTI] adj rico,-a, adinera
do,-a, acaudalado,-a.
P adv fam muy. l o c all the way 1 (dis comp wealthier, superl wealthiest.
2 (completely) total
tance) todo el viaje.
mente. y by the way (incidentally) a pro weapon [wepn] n arma.



wear [we ] n 1 (clothing) ropa: evening


wear traje de noche; ladies wear ropa pa

ra seoras; mens wear ropa para hom
bres. 2 (use) uso: for everyday wear para
todos los das. 3 (deterioration) desgaste
m, deterioro. 4 (capacity for being used)
durabilidad f . c o m p wear and tear
desgaste m.
P vt 1 (clothing, jewellery, etc) llevar, ves
tir; (shoes) calzar. 2 fam (accept, tolerate)
tolerar, aceptar, soportar. 3 (damage

by use) desgastar.
P vi 1 (become damaged by use) desgas
tarse. 2 (endure) durar.
a to wear out vt sep 1 (shoes, etc) gastar,
desgastar, romper con el uso. 2 (person) agotar, rendir.
P vi (shoes, etc) gastarse, desgastarse,
romperse con el uso.
pt wore [wr], pp worn [wn].

wearable [werbl] adj que se puede

llevar, que se puede poner.

weary [wIrI] adj 1 (exhausted) cansado,

-a, agotado,-a. 2 (fed up) cansado,-a,


comp wearier, superl weariest.

P vt cansar.
P vi cansarse de.
weasel [wizl] n comadreja.
weather [weDr] n (gen) tiempo. c o m p
weather forecast parte m meteorol


wed [wid] contr (we had, we would)

have, would.

wedding [wedIN] n boda, casamien

to. c o m p wedding anniversary aniver
sario de bodas. y wedding ring anillo
de bodas.
wedge [wedZ] n 1 (gen) cua, calza. 2
(of cake, cheese) trozo grande. 3 (golf)
wedge m.
P vt 1 (force apart) acuar, calzar. 2
(pack tightly) apretar.
Wednesday [wenzdI] n mircoles m inv.
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta Saturday.


[wid] n 1 bot (in garden) mala

hierba; (in water) algas fpl. 2 fam pej
(person) debilucho,-a, canijo,-a.
weedkiller [widkIlr] n herbicida m.
week [wik] n semana.
weekend [wikend, wikend] n fin m
de semana. c o m p long weekend puen
te m.
P vi pasar el fin de semana.
weekly [wiklI] adj semanal.
P adv semanalmente, cada semana:
twice weekly dos veces por semana.
P n (press) semanario.
weep [wip] vi 1 fml (person) llorar. 2
(wound) supurar.

pt & pp wept [wept].

weigh [weI] vt 1 (gen) pesar. 2 fig (con-

sider carefully) ponderar, sopesar (up, -);

(compare carefully) contraponer (with/
against, a).
weave [wiv] n tejido.
P vi 1 (gen) pesar. 2 (be important to, have
P vt 1 (gen) tejer. 2 fig (plot, story) tra
influence on) influir en, pesar.
mar, urdir.
weight [weIt] n 1 (gen) peso. 2 (of
pt wove [wUv], pp woven [wUvn],
scales, clock, gym) pesa; (heavy object) pe
ger weaving.
so, cosa pesada. 3 fig (burden, worry)
weaver [wivr] n tejedor,-ra.
peso, carga. 4 fig (importance, influence)
web [web] n 1 (spiders) telaraa. 2 fig
peso, importancia, influencia. l o c
red f, sarta, embrollo. 3 (of animals
to lose weight perder peso, adelga
feet) membrana interdigital. 4 (Interzar. y to put on weight engordar, ga
net) web f.
nar peso. c o m p weights and measures
webmaster [webmAstr] n adminis
pesos mpl y medidas.
trador,-ra de web.
P vt 1 (make heavy) cargar con peso,
website [websaIt] n web f, sitio web.
poner peso en, aadir peso a; (fishing net) lastrar. 2 fig (statistics, etc) pon
wed [wed] vt casarse
pt & pp wedded o wed, ger wedding.

weather-vane [weDveIn] n (clothing)




weightlifter [weItlIft ] n sp levanta


dor,-ra de pesas, halterfilo,-a.

weird [wId] adj 1 (bizarre) raro,-a, ex
trao,-a. 2 (eerie) siniestro,-a.
welcome [welkm] adj 1 (gen) bien
venido,-a. 2 (news, sight, etc) grato,-a,
agradable; (change) oportuno,-a, be
neficioso,-a. l o c youre welcome (not
at all) no hay de qu, de nada.
P interj bienvenido,-a (to, a).
P n bienvenida, acogida.
P vt 1 (greet) acoger, recibir; (officially)
dar la bienvenida a. 2 (approve of, support) aplaudir, acoger con agrado.
welcoming [welkmIN] adj (smile) aco
gedor,-ra; (speech) de bienvenida.
weld [weld] n soldadura.
P vt 1 soldar. 2 fig soldar, unir.
P vi soldarse.
welfare [welfer] n 1 (well-being) bien
estar m; (health) salud f. 2 (care, help)
proteccin f. 3 us (money) seguridad f
social. c o m p welfare state estado de
bienestar. y welfare worker asistente
mf social.
well1 [wel] n 1 (for water) pozo. 2 (of
staircase) hueco de la escalera; (of lift)
hueco del ascensor. 3 gb (in court) rea
de los abogados.
P vi (tears, blood) brotar (up, -), manar
(up, -).
well2 [wel] adj 1 (in good health) bien. 2
(satisfactory, right) bien.
P adv 1 (gen) bien. 2 (with modals) bien.
3 (much, quite) bien. l o c as well (also,
too) tambin. y as well as adems de. y
very well muy bien, bueno. y well
done! muy bien!, as se hace! y well I
never! vaya!, habrse visto! y well
off (comfortable, rich) acomodado,-a.
P interj 1 (gen) bueno, bien, pues. 2
(surprise) vaya!
well-balanced [welbQlnst] [se escribe


[weldn] [ se escribe well

done cuando no se usa para calificar a un
nombre] adj muy hecho,-a.
well-founded [welfaUndId] [se escribe
well founded cuando no se usa para calificar
a un nombre.] adj bien fundado,-a.
wellington [welINtn] [ a veces Wellington] n botas de agua.
well-known [welnUn] adj (bien) co


well-off [welf] [se escribe well off cuan

do no se usa para calificar a un nombre] adj

rico,-a, acomodado,-a, pudiente.
Welsh [welS] adj gals,-esa.
P n (language) gals m.
P n pl the Welsh los galeses mpl.
Welshman [welSmn] n gals m.

pl Welshmen [welSmn].

Welshwoman [welSwUmn] n galesa.

pl Welshwomen [welSwImIn].

went [went] pt go.

wept [wept] pt & pp weep.
were [wr] pt be.
were [wIr] contr (we are) be.
werewolf [wIwUlf] n hombre m lobo.
pl werewolves [wIwUlvz].

west [west] n oeste m, occidente m.

occidental, del oeste. c o m p West

Indies las Antillas. y West Indian

P adj

P adv al oeste, hacia el oeste.
P n the West pol Occidente m , los
pases mpl occidentales.
western [westn] adj del oeste, occi
P n (cinema) western m.
westerner [westnr] n occidental mf.
westward [westwd] adj hacia el
westwards [westwds] adv hacia el
wet [wet] adj 1 (gen) mojado,-a; (damp)
hmedo,-a. 2 (weather) lluvioso,-a. 3
(paint, ink) fresco,-a. 4 fam (person)
apocado,-a, soso,-a.

well balanced cuando no se usa para califi

car a un nombre] adj equilibrado,-a.
well-behaved [welbIheIvd] [se escribe
comp wetter, superl wettest.
well behaved cuando no se usa para calificar
P n 1 (damp) humedad f. 2 (rain) lluvia.
a un nombre] adj formal, educado,-a.
3 fam (person) apocado,-a; (politician)
well-being [welbiIN] n bienestar m.


P vt

mojar, humedecer.

pt & pp wet o wetted, ger wetting.

wetness [wetns] n humedad f.
wetsuit [wetsut] n traje m isotrmico.
weve [wiv] contr (we have) have.
whale [weIl] n ballena.
whalebone [weIlbUn] n (barba de)


whaler [weIlr] n (gen) ballenero,-a.

whaling [weIlIN] n caza de ballenas.

whaling industry industria ba



[wf] n muelle m, embarca

pl wharfs o wharves.

wharves [wvz] pl wharf.

what [wt] adj 1 (direct questions) qu:

what time is it? qu hora es?. 2 (indirect

questions) qu: I dont know what to do no
s qu hacer. 3 (exclamations) qu: what
a man! qu hombre! 4 (all the) todo,-a:
what money we have is in the drawer todo
el aceite que tenemos est aqu.
P pron 1 (direct questions) qu: what is it?
qu es?. 2 (indirect questions) qu: he
didnt know what to say no saba qu de
cir. 3 lo que: thats what he told me eso
es lo que me dijo. l o c guess what? sa
bes qu? y what about? qu te pa
rece?. y what for? 1 (why) por qu?
2 (for what purpose) para qu? y what
if? y si? y what is it? 1 (whats
wrong?) qu pasa? 2 (definition) qu
P interj cmo!: what! youve lost it! c
mo! lo has perdido!
whatever [wtevr] adj 1 (any) cual
quiera que. 2 (at all) en absoluto.
P pron 1 (anything, all that) (todo) lo
que. 2 (no matter what): whatever happens
pase lo que pase. 3 (surprise) qu. 4 fam
(show indifference) lo que sea.
whatsoever [wtsUevr] adj en ab
wheat [wit] n trigo.

1 girar. 2 (birds) revolotear.

pl wheels fam coche m sing.
wheelbarrow [wilbQrU] n carretilla
P vi

de mano.

wheelchair [wiltSer] n silla de rue


when [wen] adv 1 (direct questions) cun

do: when did it happen? cundo pas? 2

(indirect questions) cundo: tell me when
youre ready dime cundo ests listo. 3 (at
which, on which) cuando, en que: there
are times when I cant cope hay momentos
en que no puedo ms.
P conj 1 (at the time that) cuando: when I
arrived cuando llegu yo. 2 (whenever)
cuando, siempre que: when I have a
free moment cuando tenga un momento
libre. 3 (considering) cuando, si: why do
you want to move? por qu te quieres
mudar? 4 (although) cuando, aunque:
they said it was red when in fact it was blue

dijeron que era roja cuando en realidad

era azul.
P pron cuando: that was when it broke fue
entonces cuando se rompi.
whenever [wenevr] conj 1 (at any time,
when) cuando quiera que. 2 (every time
that) siempre que.
P adv (surprise) cundo.
where [wer] adv 1 (direct question - place)
dnde; (- direction) adnde: where is it?
dnde est?. 2 (indirect question) dnde,
adnde: tell me where it is dime dnde
est. 3 (at, in or which) donde, en que;
(to which) adonde, a donde: this is where
it all happened es aqu donde pas todo.
P conj 1 donde: where I come from we
dont do that de donde soy yo eso no se
hace. 2 (when) cuando: where possible
cuando sea posible.
whereabouts [(n) werbaUts; (adv)
werbaUts] n paradero.
P adv (por) dnde.
whereas [werQz] conj 1 mientras
que. 2 jur considerando que.
wheatmeal [witmil] n c o m p wheat whereby [webaI] adv fml por el/la/lo
meal flourharina integral de trigo.
wheel [wil] n 1 rueda. 2 (steering wheel) wherein [werIn] adv en donde.
whereupon [werpn] adv con lo
volante m.
P vt (push) empujar.



wherever [werev ] conj 1 (in any place,


where) dondequiera que. 2 (everywhere)

P adv 1 (in questions) dnde, adnde. 2
(unspecified place) en cualquier parte.
whether [weDr] conj 1 si. 2 (no matter if)
which [wItS] adj 1 (direct questions) qu,
cul, cules: which size? qu tamao/
talla? 2 (indirect questions) qu: I cant remember which department shes in no re
cuerdo en qu seccin trabaja.
P pron 1 (questions) cul, cules: which
do you want? cul quieres? 2 (indirect
questions) cul: ask him which is his pre
gntale cul es el suyo. 3 (defining relative) que; (with preposition) que, el/la
que, el/la cual, los/las que, los/las
cuales: the shoes which I bought los zapa
tos que compr. 4 (non-defining relative)
el/la cual, los/las cuales: two glasses,
one of which was dirty dos copas, una de
las cuales estaba sucia. 5 (referring to a
clause) lo que, lo cual: he lost, which was
sad perdi, lo cual era triste.
whichever [wItSevr] adj 1 (any one)
cualquier, el/la que. 2 (no matter which)
cualquiera que, no importa. 3 (interrogative) cul.
P pron 1 cualquiera, el/la que. 2 (interrogative) cul.
while [waIl] n (time) rato, tiempo: we
talked for a while charlamos durante un
P conj 1 (when) mientras: somebody stole
our car while we were on holiday nos roba
ron el coche mientras estbamos de va
caciones. 2 (although) aunque: while I

whip [wIp] n 1 (for animals) ltigo; (for

punishment) azote m; (for riding) fusta. 2

(desert) batido.
P vt 1 (person) azotar; (horse) fustigar.
2 (wind) azotar. 3 culin (ingredients) ba
tir; (cream, egg whites) montar. 4 gb fam
(steal) birlar, mangar. 5 (act quickly) ha
cer algo deprisa.

pt & pp whipped, ger whipping.

whipping [wIpIN] n azotaina, paliza.



whipping cream nata para mon

whirl [wl] n 1 (movement) giro, vuelta.

2 fig torbellino.
P vi 1 (move round) girar, dar vueltas; (of
dust, leaves, etc) arremolinarse. 2 (move

quickly) ir como un relmpago.

whisk [wIsk] n 1 (quick movement) movi

miento brusco, sacudida. 2 culin

(hand) batidor m; (electric) batidora.
P vt 1 (of animals tail) sacudir (la cola).
2 culin batir. 3 (take quickly) llevar r
whisker [wIskr] n (single hair) pelo (de
la barba).
P n pl whiskers (mans) patillas fpl. (of
cat, etc) bigote m, bigotes mpl.

whiskey [wIskI] n whisky.

whisky [wIskI] n whisky m.
pl whiskies.

whisper [wIspr] n 1 (quiet voice) susu

rro. 2 (rumour) rumor m, voz f.

P vt 1 (gen) susurrar, decir en voz baja.
2 (rumour) correr la voz, rumorearse.
whispering [wIsprIN] n (gen) cuchi
cheo; (of leaves) murmullo.
whistle [wIsl] n 1 (instrument) silbato,
pito. 2 (noise) silbido, pitido; (of train)
sympathize with the cause, I cannot support
pitido; (of wind) silbido.
your methods aunque simpatizo con la
P vt (tune) silbar.
causa, no puedo apoyar tus mtodos. 3
P vi (person, kettle, wind) silbar; (referee,
(whereas) mientras que: he prefers to go
police, train) pitar.
out, while I like staying in l prefiere salir white [waIt] adj 1 blanco,-a. 2 (pale)
mientras que a m me gusta quedarme
en casa.
P n 1 blanco, color m blanco. 2 (perwhim [wIm] n antojo, capricho.
son) blanco,-a. 3 (of egg) clara. 4 (of eye)
whimsical [wImsIkl] adj (person, idea,
blanco. c o m p white (blood) cell glbu
etc) caprichoso,-a;
(smile) enigmtico,lo blanco. y the White House la Casa
a; (story, etc) fantstico,-a.



pl whites (linen) ropa f sing blanca;

(for tennis) ropa f sing de jugar al te

general, masivo,-a, sistemtico,-a,

absoluto,-a, indiscriminado, -a.
P adv 1 comm al por mayor. 2 (on a
large scale) de modo general, en su to
" La White House es la residencia ofi
talidad, en masa, de manera siste
cial del presidente de Estados Unidos y se
usa como sinnimo del gobierno de este
P n comm venta al por mayor.
whom [hUm] pron 1 fml (direct questions)
a quin/quines: to whom should I adwhite-collar [waItkl r] adj admi
dress it? a quin debera ir dirigido? 2
nistrativo,-a; oficinista mf.
fml (relative - defining) que, quien, quie

whiten [waIt n] vt blanquear, em

nes; (- after preposition) quien, quienes,
el cual, la cual, los cuales, las cuales:
a to whittle away vt sep mermar, ir
pupils whom I have taught alumnos a
reduciendo, ir disminuyendo.
quienes he dado clase. 3 (relative - nona to whittle down vt sep reducir.
defining) quien, quienes, el cual, la
whiz [wIz] n whizz.
cual, los cuales, las cuales: our guest,
whizz [wIz] n (sound) zumbido, sil
of whom you must all have heard, nuestro
invitado, de quien todos deben haber
P vi 1 (make sound) zumbar, silbar. 2
odo hablar,
(car, bullet) pasar zumbando, pasar whopper [wpr] n 1 fam (large thing)
silbando; (time) pasar volando.
cosa enorme, cosa descomunal. 2
who [hU] pron 1 (direct questions) quin,
fam (lie) trola, bola.
quines: who is it? quin es? 2 (indirect whose [hUz] pron 1 (direct questions) de
questions) quin, quines: I dont know
quin/quines: whose is this? de quin
who they are no s quines son. 3 (defines esto? 2 (indirect questions) de quin/
ing relative) que: youre the only one who
quines: I dont know whose it is no s de
can help me eres el nico que puede ayu
quin es.
darme. 4 (non-defining relative) que,
P adj 1 (direct questions) de quin/qui
quien, quienes, el/la cual, los/las
nes: whose dog is this? de quin es este
cuales: the workers, who were on strike,
perro? 2 (indirect questions) de quin/
los trabajadores, los cuales estaban en
quines: I wonder whose books these are
me pregunto de quin sern estos libros.
whoever [hUev r] pron 1 (the person
3 (relative) cuyo,-a, cuyos,-as: the
who) quien, quienquiera que, el que.
woman whose car was stolen la mujer cu
2 (no matter who) quienquiera que,
yo coche fue robado.
cualquiera que. 3 (questions, exclama- why [waI] adv 1 (direct questions - for what
tions) quin?
reason) por qu; (- for what purpose) para
whole [hUl] adj 1 (entire, all (the), the full
qu: why didnt you go? por qu no fuis
amount of) entero,-a, ntegro,-a,
te? 2 (indirect questions - for what reason)
todo,-a. 2 (intact, not broken) intacto,-a,
por qu; (- for what purpose) para qu:
sano,-a; (in one piece, complete) entero,
I asked him why he did it le pregunt por
-a. c o m p whole number nmero en
qu lo hizo. 3 (relative) por eso: that is
why he left por eso se fue. c o m p why not?
P n conjunto, todo. l o c as a whole en
por qu no?
P interj vaya!, anda!, toma!
conjunto, en su totalidad. y on the
P n porqu m.
whole en general.
wholemeal [hUlmil] adj integral.
wick [wIk] n mecha.
wholesale [hUlseIl]
adj 1 comm al por wicked [wIkId] adj 1 (evil - person) mal
mayor. 2 (complete, indiscriminate) total,
vado,-a, malo,-a; (- action) malo,-a,



perverso,-a, inicuo,-a. 2 (harmful) wig [wIg] n 1 (gen) peluca. 2 jur pelu

peligroso,-a, daino,-a, nocivo,-a. 3
qun m.
(mischievous) travieso,-a, pcaro,-a. 4 wild [waIld] adj 1 (gen) salvaje. 2 (plant,
fam fig (very bad - gen) malsimo,-a; (flower) silvestre; (vegetation) salvaje. 3
weather) feo,-a, horrible; (- temper, price)
(country, landscape) agreste. 4 (weather terrible; (- waste) vergonzoso,-a; (huwind) borrascoso,-a; (- sea) bravo,-a;
mour) cruel.
(- night) tempestuoso,-a. 5 (very excited
P n pl the wicked los malos.
- person) loco,-a (with, de), alocado,
wicker [wIkr] n mimbre m.
-a. 6 (showing lack of thought - thoughts,
P adj de mimbre.
talk) disparatado,-a; (- guess) al azar;
wide [waId] adj 1 (broad) ancho,-a;
(- idea, scheme) descabellado,-a. 7 fam
(space, hole, gap) grande. 2 (having specified
(fantastic, crazy) brbaro,-a, salvaje.
l o c wild boar jabal m.
width) de ancho. 3 (large - area) amplio,a, extenso,-a; (- knowledge, experience, reP n the wild estado salvaje, estado
percussions) amplio,-a; (- coverage, range,
natural, naturaleza.
support) extenso,-a. 4 (eyes, smile) wildcat [waIldkQt] n gato,-a monts.
abierto,-a. 5 (off target) desviado,-a.
c o m p wildcat strike huelga espont
P adv 1 (fully - gen) completamente. 2
(off target) desviado.
wildebeest [wIldbist] n u m.
wide-angle [waIdQNg l] adj am wildlife [waIldlaIf] n fauna. c o m p wild
plio,-a. c o m p wide-angle lens objetivo
life park reserva natural.
gran angular.
will1 [wIl] n 1 (control, volition) voluntad f;
widely [waIdlI] adv 1 (over wide area or
(free will) albedro. 2 jur testamento,
range of things) extensamente; (generalltimas fpl voluntades. l o c against
ly) generalmente. 2 (to a large degree)
ones will contra su voluntad. c o m p
last will and testament ltima volun
widen [waIdn] vt 1 (road, etc) ensan
tad f.
char. 2 fig (knowledge, etc) ampliar, ex
P vt 1 (make or intend to happen by power of
mind) desear, querer. 2 fml (intend, deP vi 1 (road, etc) ensancharse; (eyes)
sire) querer, ordenar, mandar. 3 jur
abrirse. 2 (project, etc) extenderse; (diflegar, dejar en testamento.
ference, gap) aumentar.
will2 [wIl] aux 1 (future): she will be here
widescreen [waIdskrin] adj tv panta
tomorrow estar aqu maana. 2 (be dislla panormica.
posed to, be willing to): (no), I wont no quie
widespread [waIdspred] adj (concern,
ro. 3 (requests) querer: will you do me a
confusion, unrest, use, belief) generalizado,favour? quieres hacerme un favor? 4
a; (damage, disease, news) extenso,
(general truths, custom): accidents will hap-a, extendido,-a. l o c to become wide
pen siempre habr accidentes. 5 (orders,
spread 1 (gen) generalizarse. 2 (illness,
commands): will you be quiet! quieres ca
news) extenderse, difundirse.
llarte! 6 (insistence, persistence) insistir
widow [wIdU] n viuda.
en: she will play her music at full volume
widower [wIdU ] n viudo.
insiste en poner la msica a tope. 7 (can,
width [wIdT] n 1 (gen) anchura. 2 (of
possibility) poder: this phone will accept
material) ancho. 3 (of swimming pool) an
credit cards este telfono va con tarjetas
de crdito. 8 (supposition, must, probability)
wield [wild] vt 1 (weapon, tool, etc) em
deber de: thatll be John ser John, debe
puar, blandir, manejar. 2 fig (power,
de ser John.
control, etc) ejercer.
willing [wIlIN] adj 1 (without being forced)
complaciente, de gran voluntad,
wife [waIf] n esposa,
mujer f.
pl wives.
dispuesto,-a; (eager) entusiasta. 2



(ready, prepared, disposed) dispuesto,-a

(to, a). 3 (given/done gladly) voluntario,
-a. c o m p to show willing dar pruebas
de buena voluntad.
willingly [wIlINlI] adv de buena gana,
de buen grado.
willow [wIlU] n sauce m.
willpower [wIlpaUr] n (fuerza de)
voluntad f.
wilt [wIlt] vt marchitar, secar.
P vi 1 (plant) marchitarse, secarse. 2
(person - become weak or tired) debilitar
se, decaer, languidecer; (- lose confidence) desanimarse.
wimp [wImp] n fam pej debilucho,-a,
esmirriado,-a, canijo,-a.
win [wIn] n victoria,
P vt 1 (gen) ganar; (victory) conseguir,
ganar. 2 (prize, cup, etc) ganar, llevarse.
3 (gain, obtain, achieve - gen) conseguir,
obtener, ganar; (- friendship, respect)
granjearse; (- sympathy, affection) ganar
se, granjearse; (- support) atraer, cap
tar; (- heart, love) conquistar.
P vi ganar.
pt & pp won, ger winning.

wind1 [wInd] n 1 meteor viento, aire

m. 2 (breath) aliento. 3 (flatulence) gases

mpl, flato; (air) gases mpl del estma
go. 4 pej (talk) palabrera.
P adj mus de viento. c o m p wind instru
ment instrumento de viento.
P vt 1 dejar sin aliento, cortar la res
piracin. 2 (baby) hacer eructar.
wind2 [waInd] vt 1 (handle) dar vueltas
a, girar. 2 (on reel) arrollar, devanar. 3
(tape, film) bobinar. 4 (clock) dar cuerda
a (up, -). 5 (bandage, scarf) envolver;

window-dressing [wIndUdresIN] n

1 decoracin f de escaparates, esca

paratismo. 2 fig fachada, aparien
cias fpl.
windowpane [wIndUpeIn] n cristal m.
windpipe [wIndpaIp] n trquea.
windscreen [wIndskrin] n auto para
brisas m inv. c o m p windscreen wiper
limpiaparabrisas m.
windshield [wIndSild] n us wind
windsurf [wIndsf] vi hacer wind


windsurfing [wIndsfIN] n windsurf m.

windy [wIndI] adj 1 (day, weather)
ventoso,-a; (place) expuesto,-a al
viento. 2 (speech) rimbombante.

comp windier, superl windiest.

[waIn] n 1 vino: red/ros/white
wine vino tinto/rosado/blanco. 2 (colour) (color m ) morado, granate m .
c o m p wine cellar bodega. y wine
grower vinicultor,-ra. y wine taster
catavinos mf.
winery [waInrI] n bodega.
pl wineries.
wineskin [waInskIn] n odre m, bota.
wing [wIN] n 1 (gen) ala. 2 auto aleta. 3


(side) banda; (player) extremo,-a.

P n pl wings theat bastidores mpl.
winged [wINd] adj alado,-a, con alas.
winger [wINr] n sp extremo,-a.
wingspan [wINspQn] n envergadura.
wink [wINk] n guio.
P vi 1 (person) guiar el ojo. 2 (of light,
star) titilear, parpadear..
a to wink at vt insep (pretend not to notice)
(wool) ovillar.
hacer la vista gorda.
P vi (road, river) serpentear, zigza
winker [wInkr] n gb (indicator) intermi
guear; (staircase) formar una espiral.
tente m.
pt & pp wound [waUnd].
P n (bend) curva, recodo, vuelta.
winkle [wINkl] n bgaro, bigarro.
windlass [wIndls] n torno.
winner [wIn r ] n 1 ganador,-ra,
vencedor,-ra. 2 fam (idea, etc) xito.
windmill [wIndmIl] n molino de
winning [wInIN] adj 1 (person, team, etc)
ganador,-ra. 2 (ticket, number, etc)
window [wIndU] n 1 (gen) ventana. 2
premiado,-a. 3 (stroke, goal) decisivo,-a. 4
(in vehicle, bank, theatre, etc) ventanilla.
(smile, ways) atractivo,-a, encantador,-ra.
3 (of shop) escaparate
m. 4 (glass) cris
P n pl winnings ganancias fpl.
tal m. 5 comput ventana.

P vi



winter [wInt ] n invierno.


fml invernar, pasar el invierno.

c o m p winter solstice solsticio de in
wipe [waIp] vt (clean) limpiar; (dry) en
P vi (dishes) enjugar.
P n 1 (clean) lavado, fregado. 2 (cloth)
pao, trapo.
a to wipe out vt sep 1 (destroy - army)
aniquilar; (- population, species) exter
minar. 2 (clean inside) limpiar el inte
rior de. 3 (cancel - debts) saldar, liqui
dar, cancelar; (- profit) borrar, anular.
wiper [waIpr] n auto limpiaparabri
sas m inv.
wire [waIr] n 1 (metal) alambre m. 2
elec cable m, hilo. 3 (fence) alambra
da, valla. 4 us telegrama m. c o m p wire
cutters cortaalambres m inv.
P vt 1 (fasten, join) atar con alambre. 2
(house) hacer la instalacin elctrica
de; (equipment, appliance) conectar (a la
toma elctrica). 3 us (telegram) enviar
un telegrama a; (money) mandar un
giro telegrfico a.
wired [waId] adj conectado,-a.
wireless [waIls] n 1 (set) radio f. 2
(system) radiofona. c o m p wireless op
erator radiotelegrafista mf.
wiring [waIrIN] n cableado.
wisdom [wIzdm] n 1 (knowledge) sabi
dura, saber m. 2 (good sense - of person)
cordura, (buen) juicio, tino; (- of action)
prudencia, sabidura, sensatez f .
c o m p wisdom tooth muela del juicio.
wise [waIz] adj 1 (learned, knowledgeable)
sabio,-a. 2 (sensible, prudent - person) pru
dente, sensato,-a; (- action, remark)
prudente; (- advice) sabio,-a; (- decision,
choice, move) atinado,-a, acertado,-a.
c o m p the Three Wise Men los Reyes
Magos. y wise guy sabelotodo.
P vi

wish [wIS] vt 1 (want) querer, desear. 2

fml (demand, want) querer. 3 (hope) de

P vi 1 desear (for, -). 2 fml (want) que
P n deseo.
P n pl wishes (greeting) deseos mpl; (in
letter) saludos mpl, recuerdos mpl.
a to wish on vt sep: I wouldnt wish that
on anyone eso no se lo deseara a nadie.
wishful [wISfUl] adj fml de ensueo.
c o m p wishful thinking ilusiones fpl.
wisp [wIsp] n 1 (of grass, straw, etc) briz
na; (of hair, wool, etc) mechn m ; (of
smoke, cloud) voluta. 2 (person) persona
wistful [wIstfUl] adj pensativo,-a,
nostlgico,-a, melanclico,-a.
wit [wIt] n 1 (clever humour) agudeza,
ingenio. 2 (intelligence) inteligencia. 3
(person) persona salada, chistoso,-a.
witch [wItS] n bruja. c o m p witch doctor
pl witches.

witchcraft [wItSkrAft] n brujera.

witch-hunt [wItShnt] n caza de bru


[wID, wIT] prep 1 (accompanying)

con: come with me ven conmigo. 2 (having, possessing) con, de; (including, and also) con, incluido: the man with the beard
el hombre de la barba. 3 (using, by means
of) con: cut it with a knife crtalo con un
cuchillo. 4 (cover, fill, contain) de: you fill it
with water lo llenas de agua. 5 (agreeing, in
support of) con: were with you all the way!
estamos contigo hasta el final! 6 (against)
con: Ive had a row with Daniel he discuti
do con Daniel. 7 (because of, on account of)
de: trembling with fear temblando de mie
do. 8 (indicating manner) con: with pleasure
con mucho gusto. 9 (in same direction as)
con: with the flow con la corriente. 10 (at
the same time and rate as) con: wine improves with age el vino mejora con los
aos. 11 (regarding, concerning) con: this
. Consulta three.
has nothing to do with you esto no tiene na
a to wise up vi (realize, become aware)
da que ver contigo. 12 (in the case of, as redarse cuenta; (become
informed) ente
gards) con respecto a, en cuanto a:
rarse; (wake up) espabilarse.
with Mrs Smith what happened was that en



el caso de la Seora Smith lo que pas

fue que 13 (as an employee or client of)
en: shes with the council now trabaja en el
ayuntamiento ahora. 14 (remaining): with
only half an hour to go cuando tan solo fal
ta media hora. 15 (despite, in spite of) con:
with all his faults con todos sus defectos.
16 (in comparisons) con: if we compare this
brand with a cheaper one si comparamos
esta marca con una ms barata. 17 (illness) con: hes in bed with flu est en cama
con la gripe. 18 (according to) segn, de
acuerdo con: prices vary with the seasons
los precios varan segn la temporada.
withdraw [wIDdr] vt 1 (take out) reti
rar, sacar. 2 fml (retract, take back - statement) retractarse de, retirar; (- offer)
renunciar a; (- charge, support) retirar.
pt withdrew [wIDdru], pp withdrawn
P vi (retire, not take part in) retirarse. c o m p
to withdraw into oneself retraerse.
withdrawal [wIDdrl] n 1 (gen) reti
rada. 2 (of words) retractacin f. 3 (psy-

chology, behaviour) retraimiento. c o m p

withdrawal symptoms sndrome m de


[wIDdrn] pp with

withdrew [wIDdru] pt withdraw.

wither [wIDr] vt 1 (plant) marchitar,

secar. 2 (crush) fulminar, aplastar, in

P vi 1 (plant) marchitarse (away, -), se
carse (away, -). 2 fig (hopes, etc) desva
necerse, menguar.
within [wIDIn] prep 1 fml (inside) dentro
de. 2 (inside range or limits of) al alcance
de. 3 (less than - distance) a menos de. 4
(less than - time) dentro de.
P adv fml dentro, en el interior.
without [wIDaUt] prep 1 sin. 2 arch
fuera de.
P adv 1 fuera. 2 sin.
withstand [wIDstQnd] vt (gen) resistir;
(pain) aguantar, soportar.


[wItns] n 1 (person) testigo

mf. 2 fml (testimony, evidence) testimo


pl witnesses.
P vt 1 (see) presenciar, ver. 2 (document)
firmar como testigo. 3 (be a sign or

proof of) testimoniar; (look at the example

of) ver, notar, considerar.
P vi jur fml (give evidence, testify) atesti
guar (to, -), declarar (to, -).
witty [wItI] adj (person) ingenioso,-a,
agudo,-a, salado,-a; (remark) agudo,
-a; (speech) gracioso,-a.
comp wittier, superl wittiest.

wives [waIvz] n pl wife.

wed [wid] contr (we had, we would)
have, would.

wizard [wIzd] n 1 (male witch) brujo,

hechicero. 2 (genius) lince mf, genio,

woeful [wUfUl] adj 1 fml (very sad) afli
gido,-a, apenado,-a, triste. 2 (deplorable) lamentable, deplorable, peno
so,-a, malsimo,-a.

woke [wUk] pt wake.

woken [weUkn] pp have, wake.
wolf [wUlf] n lobo. c o m p wolf cub

pl wolves.
P vt [ also wolf down] tragarse, zam

parse, devorar.

wolfhound [wUlfhaUnd] n perro lobo.

wolfram [wUlfrm] n wolframio, vol
framio, wolfram m.

wolves [wUlvz] pl wolf.

woman [wUmn] n mujer f, seora.
pl women [wImIn].

womb [wUm] n tero, matriz f.

women [wImIn] n pl woman.
won [wn] pt & pp win.
wonder [wndr] n 1 (thing) maravilla,

milagro. 2 (feeling) admiracin f ,

P adj milagroso,-a.
P vt 1 fml (be surprised) sorprenderse,
pt & pp withstood [wIDstUd].
extraarse. 2 (ask oneself) preguntar
se. 3 (polite request): I wonder if you can
withstood [wIDstUd]
pt & pp with
help me a ver si puede ayudarme.



P vi 1 (reflect, ponder) pensar ( about ,

en); (doubt) tener dudas. 2 fml (marvel)
asombrarse, maravillarse, admirar
se. c o m p I shouldnt wonder if + indic
no me extraara que + subj. y its a
wonder (that) + indic es un milagro
que + subj . y no/little/small wonder
(that) + indic no es de extraar que +
wonderful [wndfUl] adj maravillo
so,-a, estupendo,-a.
wont [wUnt] n costumbre f, hbito.

wont [wUnt] contr (will not) will.

wood [wUd] n 1 (material) madera. 2 (for

fire) lea. 3 (forest) bosque m. 4 sp (golf)

palo de madera; (bowling) bola.
P n pl woods bosque m sing.
wooden [wUdn] adj 1 de madera. 2
fig (expression, style) rgido,-a; (movement) tieso,-a; (acting) sin expresin.
woodland [wUdlnd] n bosque m, ar
bolado, monte m.
woodpecker [wUdpekr] n pico, pja
ro carpintero.
woodwork [wUdwk] n 1 (craft) car
pintera. 2 (of building) maderaje m,
maderamen m.
woodworm [wUdwm] n carcoma: it
has woodworm est carcomido,-a.
woody [wUdI] adj 1 (wooded) arbola
do,-a. 2 (like wood) leoso,-a.
comp woodier, superl woodiest.

wool [wUl] n lana.

P adj 1 (made of wool) de lana. 2 comm


woolen [wUln] adj-n us woollen.

woollen [wUln] adj 1 (made of wool) de

est embarazada. l o c in a word en una

palabra. y in other words o sea, es de
cir. y not in so many words no exacta
mente. y to keep ones word cumplir
su palabra. y to put sth into words ex
presar algo con palabras. y word for
word palabra por palabra. c o m p a word
of advice un consejo. y a word of warn
ing una advertencia. y word processor
procesador m de textos.
P n pl words (lyrics) letra f sing. (discussion,
talk) palabras fpl.
P vt expresar, formular, redactar: a
well-worded letter una carta bien redac
wording [wdIN] n redaccin f, ex
presin f, palabras fpl, trminos mpl.

wore [wr] pt wear.

work [wk] n 1 (gen) trabajo. 2 (em-

ployment) empleo, trabajo. 3 (building

work, roadworks) obras fpl. 4 (product, results) trabajo, obra. 5 (literary, etc) obra.
P vt 1 (person) hacer trabajar. 2 (machine)
manejar; (mechanism) accionar. 3 (mine,
oil well) explotar; (land, fields) trabajar,
cultivar. 4 (produce) hacer. 5 (wood, metal, clay) trabajar; (dough) amasar. 6
(make by work or effort) trabajar. 7 fam
(arrange) arreglar. 8 (move gradually):
work the butter into the flour vaya mez
clando la mantequilla con la harina. c o m p
to be in work tener trabajo. y to be out
of work estar en el paro. y to get
down/set to work ponerse a trabajar.
y to get worked up exaltarse.
P vi 1 (gen) trabajar. 2 (machine, system)
funcionar. 3 (medicine, cleaner) surtir
efecto; (plan) tener xito. 4 (move):

lana. 2 comm lanero,-a.

they eventually worked round to my way of
P n pl woollens gneros mpl de lana.
thinking finalmente coincidieron con mi
word [wd] n 1 (gen) palabra: tell me
what happened in your own words explca
P n pl works (factory) fbrica f sing.
me con tus propias palabras lo que pas.
a to work out vt sep 1 (calculation, sum)
2 (message, news) noticia: word came that
calcular, hacer. 2 (plan, scheme) planear,
lleg noticia (de) que 3 (promise) pala
elaborar, pensar; (itinerary) planear; (debra: I give you my word te doy mi palabra.
tails, idea) desarrollar. 3 (problem) solu
4 (command) orden f: wait until I give the
cionar, resolver; (solution) encontrar. 4
word espera hasta que d la orden. 5 ling
(person) calar, entender.
palabra, vocablo, voz f. 6 the word (ruP vi 1 (calculation) salir (at, por), resul
mour) voz f, rumor
m: the word is that Matar. 2 (turn out well - things) salir bien;
cy is pregnant corre la voz de que Macy



(- problem) resolverse. 3 sp hacer ejer

workaholic [wkhlIk] n fam
adicto,-a al trabajo.
workbench [wkbentS] n banco de
workbook [wkbUk] n cuaderno, li
breta de ejercicios.
workday [wkdeI] n us da m labora
worker [wkr] n (gen) trabajador,-ra;
(manual) obrero,-a, operario,-a; (office)
oficinista mf, administrativo,-a. c o m p
worker bee abeja obrera.
workforce [wkfs] n (of company, factory, etc) personal m, plantilla; (of country) poblacin f activa.
working [wkIN] adj 1 (clothes, conditions, surface) de trabajo; (week, day, life)
laborable. 2 (population, partner, etc)
activo,-a; (person, mother) que trabaja.
c o m p the working class la clase traba
P n (machine, model) que funciona; (part)
P adj 1 (majority) suficiente. 2 (hypothesis, etc) de trabajo.
P n (of machine) funcionamiento; (of pit)
explotacin f.
P n pl workings (of mine, quarry) pozos
mpl. (mechanics) funcionamiento.
working-class [wkINklAs] adj (person) de clase obrera, de clase trabaja
dora; (area) obrero,-a.
workman [wkmn] n (gen) trabaja
dor m; (manual) obrero, operario.
pl workmen [wkmn].

workmate [wkmeIt] n compaero,

-a de trabajo.


[wkpleIs] n lugar m de

workshop [wkSp] n taller m.

worktop [wktp] n encimera.
world [wld] n 1 (earth) mundo: Id love

mundo. 5 (large amount, large number):

this will make a world of difference to the

disabled esto cambiar totalmente la vi
da de los minusvlidos. l o c out of this
world fenomenal.
P adj (population, peace) mundial; (politics, trade) internacional: world record
rcord mundial; world power potencia
mundial. c o m p World Bank Banco
Mundial. y world champion cam
pen,-ona mundial. y World Cup el
Mundial, los Mundiales. y world fair
exposicin f internacional. y world
music msica tnica. y World Wusic

guerra mundial.

worldwide [wldwaId] adj mundial,

P adv mundialmente.
worm [wm] n 1 (grub, maggot) gusa
no; (earthworm) lombriz f. 2 pej (person)
gusano, canalla. 3 tech (of screw) tor
P vt 1 (make ones way) deslizarse; (insinuate) insinuarse ( into, en). 2 med
quitar las lombrices a, desparasi
P n pl worms med lombrices fpl.

worn [wn] pp wear.

worn-out [wnaUt] [se escribe worn

out cuando no se usa para calificar a un

nombre] adj 1 (thing) gastado,-a, estro
peado,-a. 2 (person) rendido,-a, ago



[wrId] adj (person) inquie

to,-a, preocupado,-a ( about, por);
(look, voice) de preocupacin.
worry [wrI] n (state, feeling) preocupa
cin f, inquietud f, intranquilidad f;
(problem) preocupacin f, problema
m; (responsibility) responsabilidad f.

pl worries.
P vt 1 inquietar, preocupar. 2 (annoy,
disturb) molestar. 3 (of dog) acosar, per

to travel round the world me encantara
P vi inquietarse, preocuparse (about/
dar la vuelta al mundo. 2 (sphere) mun
over, por).
do: the world of show business el mundo
pt & pp worried, ger worrying.
del espectculo. 3 (life) mundo, vida: in
4 (people) mun worrying [wrIIN] adj inquietante,
this world en esta vida.
do: in the eyes of the world a los ojos del
preocupante, desconcertante.



worse [ws] adj (comp of bad) peor.

(comp of badly) peor; (more intensely)

ms. l o c to be worse off 1 (financially)
andar peor de dinero. 2 (physically)
estar peor. y to get worse empeorar. y
to get worse and worse ir de mal en
peor. y to go from bad to worse ir de
mal en peor. y to make matters worse
por si fuera poco. y worse still lo que
es peor.
P n lo peor.
worsen [wsn] vt empeorar.
P vi empeorarse.
worship [wSIp] n 1 rel adoracin f,
veneracin f, culto; (service) culto,
oficio. 2 (devotion, love) amor m, culto,
P vt 1 rel adorar, venerar. 2 (idolize)
rendir culto a, idolatrar.
P adv

pt & pp worshipped, ger worshipping.

worst [wst] adj (superl of bad) peor.

(superl) peor.
P n (indefinite) lo peor; (person) el/la
peor, los/las peores. l o c at (the)
worst en el peor de los casos. y if the
worst comes to the worst si pasa lo
worth [wT] n 1 (in money) valor m. 2
(of person) vala; (of thing) valor m.
P adj 1 (having certain value) que vale,
que tiene un valor de. 2 (deserving of)
que vale la pena, que merece la pe
na. l o c to get ones moneys worth sa
carle jugo al dinero. y to be worth sbs
while valer la pena.
worthless [wTls] adj 1 (gen) sin va
lor. 2 (useless) intil, sin ningn valor.
3 (person) despreciable.
worthwhile [wTwaIl] adj (gen) que
vale la pena, que merece la pena.
worthy [wDI] adj 1 (deserving) dig
no,-a (of, de), merecedor,-ra (of, de);
(winner, opponent, successor) digno,-a. 2
(action, cause) meritorio,-a, bueno,-a,
P adv

tana? 3 (offers, invitations): would you like a

drink? quieres tomar algo? 4 (willingness): he wouldnt help me se neg a ayu
darme, no quiso ayudarme. 5 (giving advice): I wouldnt dwell on it yo que t no
pensara en ello. 6 (conjecture): that would
have been in 1978 eso debe haber sido en
1978. 7 (past habit, custom) soler: we
would often go out together a menudo sa
lamos juntos. 8 (insistence, persistence):
you would say that! es tpico de ti decir
wound1 [wUnd] n herida.
P vt herir.

wound2 [waUnd] pt & pp wind2

wounded [wUndId] adj herido,-a.

pl the wounded los heridos.

wove [wUv] pt weave.

woven [wUvn] pp weave.
wrap [rQp] vt 1 (cover) envolver. 2 fig

(surround, immerse) envolver (in, de),

rodear (in, de).
a to wrap up vi 1 (wear warm clothes)
abrigarse. 2 (shut up) callarse, cerrar
el pico.
P vt sep (complete) conseguir; (conclude)
concluir, dar fin a.
pt & pp wrapped, ger wrapping.

wrapper [rQpr] n (of food) envoltorio,

envoltura; (of book) sobrecubierta.

[rQpIN] n envoltura, en
voltorio. c o m p wrapping paper 1
(plain) papel m de envolver. 2 (fancy)
papel m de regalo.
wrath [rT] n clera, ira.
wreak [rik] vt causar, provocar, sem
brar. c o m p to wreak damage/havoc on
sth hacer estragos en algo.
wreath [riT] n (of flowers) corona.
wreck [rek] n 1 mar (action) naufragio;
(ship) barco naufragado o hundido. 2
(of car, plane) restos mpl; (of building) rui
nas fpl, escombros mpl. 3 fig (person)
P vt 1 mar (ship) hacer naufragar. 2 (car,
comp worthier, superl worthiest.
plane) destrozar; (machine) desbaratar,
would [wUd] aux 1 (conditional): I would
estropear. 3 fig (health, career) arruinar;
love to me encantara. 2 (polite requests):
(life, marriage) destrozar; (hopes) destruir,
would you be so kind
as to close the window?
echar por tierra; (plans) estropear, des
me hara usted el favor de cerrar la ven
baratar; (chances) echar a perder.




wreckage [rekIdZ] n 1 (of vehicle) restos

mpl; (of building) ruinas fpl, escombros
mpl. 2 fig ruina.
wrecked [rekt] adj 1 mar (ship) nau
fragado,-a; (sailor) nufrago,-a. 2 (car,

plane) destrozado,-a; (building) dest

P n fig (life, career, hopes) arruinado,-a,
destrozado,-a; (plans) estropeado,-a.
P adj fam fig (stoned) ciego,-a, coloca
do,-a, pasado,-a.
wrench [rentS] n 1 (pull) tirn m, arran
que m. 2 med torcedura. 3 fig separa
cin f dolorosa. 4 gb (tool) llave f in
glesa. 5 us (tool) llave f.

pl wrenches.
P vt 1 (pull) arrancar (de un tirn),
arrebatar. 2 med torcer.
wrestle [resl] vi 1 (fight) luchar (with,
con/contra). 2 fig (problem, conscience)
luchar (with, con), lidiar (with, con).
P vt luchar contra.
P n lucha.
wrestler [reslr] n sp luchador,-ra.
wrestling [reslIN] n lucha.
wretch [retS] n 1 (unfortunate person)

d e sd i c h a d o , - a , i n f e l i z ,
desgraciado,-a. 2 fam (rascal) pillo,-a,
pcaro,-a, granuja mf. 3 (bad person)
canalla mf, malvado,-a.
wriggle [rIgl] vi retorcerse, menear
se, moverse.
P vt menear, mover.
P n meneo.
wriggly [rIglI] adj sinuoso,-a.


[rIst] n 1

clothes) puo.


mueca. 2 (of


[rIstbQnd] n 1 (of clothes)

puo. 2 (sweatband) muequera.
wristwatch [rIstwtS] n reloj m de

pl wristwatches.

write [raIt] vt (gen) escribir; (article) re

dactar; (cheque) extender.
(gen) escribir (about, sobre).
a to write back vi contestar (por car
a to write down vt sep (note) anotar,
P vi

pt wrote [rUt], pp written [rItn],

ger writing.
writer [raIt r] n 1 (by profession) es
critor,-ra; (of book, letter) autor,-ra. 2 (of
handwriting): shes a neat writer tiene bue

na letra.

writhe [raID] vi (physically) retorcerse,



[raItIN] n 1 (script) escritura;

(handwriting) letra. 2 (written work) com
posicin f, trabajo. 3 (occupation) pro
fesin f de escritor,-ra, trabajo lite
rario; (activity) escribir m . l o c in
writing por escrito. c o m p writing desk
escritorio. y writing materials objetos
mpl de escritorio. y writing paper pa
pel m de escribir.
P n pl writings obra, escritos mpl.

written [rItn] pp write.

P adj escrito,-a. l o c the written word

la palabra escrita. c o m p written con
comp wrigglier, superl wriggliest.
sent consentimiento por escrito. y
wring [rIN] vt 1 (ones hands) torcer, re
written exam examen m escrito.
torcer; (birds neck) retorcer. 2 (clothes) wrong [rN] adj 1 (erroneous) errneo,-a,
escurrir (out, -), retorcer (out, -). 3 fig
equivocado,-a, incorrecto,-a: a wrong
(heart) partir. 4 fig (confession, truth, etc)
answer una respuesta incorrecta. 2 (missonsacar, arrancar, sacar.
taken) equivocado,-a: we proved him
pt & pp wrung [rUN].
wrong demostramos que estaba equivo
P n (of clothes): give it a good wring escrre
cado. 3 (evil, immoral) malo,-a; (unacceplo bien.
table, unfair) injusto,-a: stealing is wrong
wringer [rIN ] n escurridor m, rodi
robar es malo. 4 (amiss) mal: is anything
wrong? pasa algo? 5 (unsuitable) inade
wrinkle [rINkl] n arruga.
cuado,-a, impropio,-a; (time) inopor
P vt arrugar.
tuno,-a: shes the wrong person for the job
P vi arrugarse.
no es la persona adecuada para el pues
to; I think I said the wrong thing creo que
wrinkled [rINkld] adj arrugado,-a.



he dicho algo que no deba; he was in

the wrong place at the wrong time estaba

en el sitio equivocado en el momento

inoportuno. l o c to be in the wrong 1
(mistaken) estar equivocado,-a. 2 (at
fault) tener la culpa. y to be wrong (person) estar equivocado,-a, no tener
razn, equivocarse. y to have/get the
wrong number (tel) confundirse de
nmero, equivocarse de nmero. y
to get sb wrong malinterpretar a algn.
y to get sth wrong equivocarse, no
acertar. y to go wrong 1 (things in general)
salir mal. 2 (make a mistake) equivocar
se. 3 (go wrong way) equivocarse de

camino. (machine, device) romperse,

estropearse. (plan) fallar, fracasar. y
wrong side out al revs. y you cant go
wrong (giving directions) no tiene prdi
P adv mal, incorrectamente, equivo
P n 1 (evil, bad action) mal m. 2 (injustice)
injusticia; (offence) agravio.
P vt (treat unfairly) ser injusto,-a con;
(judge unfairly) juzgar mal; (offend) agra

wrote [rUt] pt write.

wrung [rN] pt & pp wring.
wry [raI] adj irnico,-a, sardnico,-a.


X, x [eks] n (the letter) X, x f.

xenon [zenn] n xenn m.
xenophobia [zenfUbI] n xenofobia.
xenophobic [zenfUbIk] adj xenfo

xerography [zIrgrfI] n xerografa.

Xerox [zIrks] n xerocopia, foto

vt xerocopiar, fotocopiar.


[eksreI] n 1 rayo X. 2 (photograph) radiografa.

P vt radiografiar.
xylene [zaIlin] n xileno.
xylography [zaIlgrfI] n xilografa.
xylophone [zaIlfUn] n xilfono.


Y, y [waI] n (the letter) Y, y f.

yacht [jt] n 1 yate m. 2 (with sails) vele

yellow [jelU] adj 1 amarillo,-a. 2 (cow-

ardly) cobarde.
P n amarillo.
P vt ponerse amarillo.
P vi amarillear. c o m p yellow card (sp)
tarjeta amarilla. y yellow fever fiebre f
amarilla. y yellow jersey (sp) maillot m
amarillo. y Yellow Pages pginas ama
rillas. y yellow press prensa sensacio
yelp [jelp] n gaido.
P vi gair.
Yemen [jemn] n Yemen.
Yemeni [jemnI] adj yemen.
P n yemen mf.
c o m p Scotland Yard oficina central de la poliyeoman [IUmn] n hist pequeo terra
ca britnica en Londres.
teniente m. c o m p yeoman of the guard
. Una yarda equivale a 0,914 metros.
alabardero de la Torre de Londres.
yarn [jAn] n 1 hilo. 2 (story) cuento. yes [jes] adv 1 s. 2 (answering person) di
c o m p to spin a yarn 1 (story) contar un
me; (answering phone) dgame?
cuento. 2 (lie) venir con cuentos.
P n s m. l o c to say yes decir que s.
yawn [jn] vi 1 bostezar. 2 (gap, etc) yesterday [jestdI] adv ayer.
P n ayer m. l o c the day before yester
P n 1 bostezo. 2 fam (boring event) rollo.
day anteayer.
year [jI ] n 1 ao. 2 educ curso. l o c yesteryear [jestjIr] adv lit antao.
all the year round durante todo el yet [jet] adv 1 todava, an. 2 (until
ao. y year in, year out ao tras ao.
now) hasta la fecha, hasta ahora. 3
yearbook [jIbUk] n anuario.
(even) an, todava. 4 (expressing future
yearly [jIlI] adj anual.
possibility, hope, etc) an: dont give up, you
P adv anualmente.
may win yet no te rindas, an puedes ga
yearn [jn] vi (desire) anhelar (for, -),
nar. c o m p yet again otra vez. y yet an
ansiar (for, -); (nostalgically) aorar. l o c
other otro,-a ms: yet another gold
to yearn to do sth suspirar por hacer
medal for Broddle otra medalla de oro
ms para Broddle.
P conj pero, aunque: a cheap yet effective
yearning [jnIN] n (desire) anhelo (for,
solution to the problem una solucin bara
de); (nostalgia) aoranza (for, de).
P adj anhelante.
ta pero efectiva para el problema.
yew [jU] n tejo.
yeast [jist] n levadura.
yield [jild] n 1 (harvest) cosecha. 2 fin
yell [jel] n grito, alarido.
P vi gritar, dar alaridos.
(return) rendimiento, rdito.
ro, yate m . c o m p yacht club club m
nutico. y yacht race regata.
yachting [jtIN] n deporte m de la vela,
yak [jQk] n yac m, yak m.
yank [jQNk] n fam tirn m.
P vt fam tirar de.
a to yank out vt sep arrancar, sacar de
un tirn.
yard [jAd] n 1 (measure) yarda. 2 gb (of
house) patio. 3 us (of house) jardn m. 4
(industrial) almacn m. 5 (naut) verga.


P vt 1 (produce) producir, dar. 2 (give,
hand over) entregar. 3 fin rendir.
P vi 1 (surrender) rendirse ( to , ante),
ceder (to, a). 2 (break) ceder. 3 us ce
der el paso.
a to yield up vt sep (secrets) revelar.

yoghourt [jgt] n yoghurt.

yoghurt [jgt] n yogur m. c o m p yo
ghurt maker yogurtera.

yogurt [jgt] n yoghurt.

yoke [jUk] n 1 (for carrying, pulling) yugo.

2 (pair of oxen) yunta. 3 sew canes m.

P vt 1 (oxen) uncir. 2 fig unir.
yolk [jUk] n yema.
you [jU] pron 1 (subject, familiar, singular)
t: and what did you say? y t, qu dijis
te? 2 (subject, familiar, plural - men) voso
tros; (- women) vosotras: you two, where
are you going? vosotros dos, adnde
vais? 3 (subject, polite, singular) usted,
Vd., Ud.: you must wait here until the
doctor arrives usted debe esperar aqu
hasta que llegue el mdico. 4 (subject, polite, plural) ustedes, Vds., Uds.: you
must both wait here ustedes dos deben
esperar aqu. 5 (subject, impersonal) se,
uno: you can go by coach or train se puede
ir en tren o en autocar. 6 (object, familiar,
singular) te; (with prep) ti; (if prep is con)
contigo: Im going with you voy contigo.
7 (object, familiar, plural) os; (with preposition) vosotros,-as: Ill go with you ir con
vosotros. 8 (direct object, polite, singular -

man) lo, le; (- woman) la; (with preposition)

usted: good morning, sir, can I help you?
buenos das, seor, puedo ayudarlo? 9
(direct object, polite, plural - men) los;
(- women) las; (with preposition) ustedes: I
wanted to talk to you two ladies quera ha
blar con ustedes dos. 10 (indirect object,
polite, singular) le: Ill send you a letter le
mandar una carta. 11 (indirect object, polite, plural) les: I sent both of you a card les
mand una felicitacin a los dos. 12 (object, impersonal): cyanide kills you el cianu
ro mata.
young [jN] adj (gen) joven; (brother,
sister) menor. l o c to be young at heart

ser joven de espritu. c o m p young la

dy 1 (woman) seorita. 2 (girlfriend) no
via. y young man 1 (man) joven m, mu
chacho. 2 (boyfriend) novio. y young
woman joven f, muchacha.
P n the young (humans) los jvenes
mpl, la juventud f, la gente f joven;
(animals) las cras fpl.
youngish [jNIS] adj bastante joven,

youngster [jNstr] n joven mf.

your [jr] adj 1 (familiar, singular) tu, tus;

(plural) vuestro,-a, vuestros,-as. 2 (polite) su, sus. 3 fml (address) Su: Your Majesty Su Majestad.
yours [jz] pron 1 (familiar, singular) (el)
tuyo, (la) tuya, (los) tuyos, (las) tu
yas; (plural) (el) vuestro, (la) vuestra,
(los) vuestros, (las) vuestras. 2 (polite)
(el) suyo, (la) suya, (los) suyos, (las)
suyas. 3 (letters) le saluda: Yours sincerely le saluda atentamente
yourself [jself] pron 1 (familiar singular)
te; (emphatic) t mismo,-a. 2 (polite singular) se; (emphatic) usted mismo,-a.
yourselves [jselvz] pron 1 (familiar
plural) os; (emphatic) vosotros,-as
mismos,-as. 2 (polite plural) se; (emphatic) ustedes mismos,-as.
youth [jUT] n 1 (period) juventud f. 2
(young person) joven mf. 3 (young people)
juventud f , los jvenes mpl . c o m p
youth club club m juvenil. y youth hos
tel albergue m juvenil.
youthful [jUTfUl] adj joven, juvenil.
yowl [jaUl] n aullido.
P vi aullar.
yucca [jk] n yuca.
Yugoslav [jUgslAv] n (person)
Yugoslavia [jUgslAvI] n Yugosla


[jUgslAvIn] adj

P n yugoslavo,-a.
yuppie [jpI] n yuppie mf.


Z, z [zed] n (the letter) Z, z f.

Zaire [zA I] n Zaire.
Zairean [zA IrIn] adj zaireo,-a.




Zambia [zQmbI] n Zambia.

Zambian [zQmbIn] adj zambiano,-a.
zap [zQp] vt 1 fam (kill) cargarse. 2 (attack) atacar.
vi (hurry) apresurarse.

pt & pp zapped, ger zapping.

P n marcha.
zeal [zi l] n celo, entusiasmo.
zebra [zi br, zebr] n cebra. c o m p ze
bra crossing paso de peatones, paso

de cebra.

zebu [zi bU, zi bjU ] n ceb m.

zed [zed] n gb zeta.
zee [zi ] n us zeta.
zenith [zenIT] n cenit m.
zephyr [zefr] n cfiro.
zeppelin [zeplIn] n zepeln m.
zero [zIrU] n cero.
pl zeros o zeroes.

zest [zest] n 1 (eagerness) bro, entusias

mo. 2 (spice) emocin f. 3 (of lemon, etc)
zigzag [zIgzQg] n zigzag m.
P vi zigzaguear.
pt & pp zigzagged, ger zigzagging.


[zImbA bweI] n Zimba


[zImbA bwIn] adj

zimbabwense, zimbabuo,-a.
P n zimbabwense mf, zimbabuo,-a.
zinc [zINk] n cinc m, zinc m.
zip [zIp] n 1 cremallera. 2 fam (energy) vi
gor m, energa. 3 fam (hiss) zumbido.
P vt comput comprimir. c o m p zip code
us cdigo postal. y zip fastener cre
a to zip by vt insep pasar como un rayo.
P vi pasar como un rayo.

a to zip past vt-vi zip by.

a to zip up vt sep cerrar con cremallera.
zipped [zIpt] adj comput comprimido,-a.
zipper [zIpr] n us cremallera.
zodiac [zUdIQk] n zodiaco, zodaco.
zombie [zmbI] n zombi mf, zombie mf.
zonal [zUnl] adj zonal.
zone [zUn] n zona.
P vt

dividir en zonas.

zoo [zU ] n zoo m, parque m zoolgi

co, zoolgico.

pl zoos.


[ZUldZIk l] adj zool

zoologist [zUldZIst] n zologo,-a.

zoology [zUldZI] n zoologa.
zucchini [zU ki nI] n us calabacn m.
pl zucchini o zucchinis.

zygote [za;IgUt] n cigoto.

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 hysical education /

Educacin fsica

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The weather / El tiempo

At the lab / En el laboratorio

The human body / El cuerpo humano

Computer science / Informtica


TIme goes by / El tiempo pasa


How to write a letter / Cmo escribir una carta

Phone & SMS / Telfono y SMS

Pronunciation / Pronunciacin

English verbs / Los verbos ingleses

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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In class


In class

La comunicacin
en clase

 ood morning everybody!

P Buenos

 ow are you this morning?

P Cmo

 hat does mean?

P Qu

 ow do you pronounce
this word?

P Cmo

 ould you repeat that, please?

P Podras

 ould you speak more slowly?

P Podra

 orry, I dont understand.

P Lo

das a todos!

estn esta maana?

quiere decir?

se pronuncia esta palabra?

repetir eso, por favor?

hablar ms despacio?

siento, no lo entiendo

Taking the register

Pasar lista

P Voy

Im going to take the register

a pasar lista

 heres Peter? >Hes not
here today

P Dnde

 evin isn't here because
he's ill

P Kevin

 arta is absent because
she's gone to the doctors

P Marta

est Pedro?
Hoy no ha venido
no vino porque est
no est porque
fue al mdico

Vocabulary / Vocabulario
lista de
de clase
rub off
climatolgico answer
hand out
take out
switch on
air conditioner aparato de
switch off
aire acondiopen


En clase


Requesting actions
in class

Preguntar sobre cosas

que se hacen en clase

 ould you clean the blackboard?

 ould you rub off those sentences?

P Podras

 lease, put those chairs up

P Por

Podras limpiar la pizarra?

borrar esas frases?

favor, levanten esas sillas

Arranging the class

Organizar la clase

P Saquen

 ake your maths books out, please

los libros de matemticas,

por favor

 ould you hand out these papers,

P Podras

 ut yourselves into
groups of 2,3,4

P Pnganse

Im going to divide the class

in two groups

P Voy

Setting homework

repartir estas hojas,

por favor?
de 2,3,4

en grupos

a dividir la clase en dos grupos

Poner tareas

Read this passage at home

P En

 o over these exercises

P Revisen

 omplete the following activities

P Completen

casa, lean este fragmento

estos ejercicios

las siguientes

Talking about the lesson

Hablar sobre la leccin

P En

In a few minutes were going

to practice

unos minutos vamos

a practicar

 t the end of the class were going
to read a story

P Al

 ary, please, could you answer
this question?

P Mara,

 ould you bring me
the dictionaries?

P Podras

 ould you pass me the rubber?

P Podras

final de la clase vamos

a leer una historia
por favor, podras
responder a esta pregunta?
los diccionarios?
pasarme la goma?



Vocabulary / Vocabulario
toilet paper

glazed paper

papel de lija
papel de
papel de
papel charol



coloured paper

tela vaquera,
a rayas
a cuadros
de lunares


Textures / Texturas




egg decorating
decoracin de huevos
de collares





Patterns / Diseos

de libros
diseo de
tarjetas y postales



sentences in the
arts & crafts class

F etch the wax crayons,


Frases comunicativas
en clase de
P Anda

a buscar los lpices

de cera, por favor

 tudents in charge, please, hand
out the brushes

P Que

 idy up that mess!

P Arreglen

 ay I sharpen the crayons?

P Puedo

 oday we are going to do
two workshops in class

P Hoy

F etch some towels to dry

the table

P Traigan

 race round the template
onto the card

P Calquen

 ang up those printings
to dry them up

P Cuelguen

 his glue sets right away

P Este

 ash your hands before leaving
the class

P Lvense

los encargados repartan

los pinceles, por favor
ese desorden!

sacar punta a los lpices

de colores?
vamos a hacer dos talleres
en clase
la mesa

toallas para secar

la plantilla
en la cartulina
esos dibujos para
que se sequen
pegamento se seca
las manos antes
de salir de clase

Action verbs in the arts & crafts class

cut out
start over comenzar
de nuevo


In the maths class


Frases comunicativas

sentences in
the maths class

en clase de

 an you solve this

7 x 3 = (seven times three equals
me the answer
to this sum

P Puedes

resolver esta
7 x 3 = (siete por tres
igual a ____)

P Tell

P Dime

P What

P Cul

P How


is the dividend
of this division?
and the remainder?
many sides does
a hexagon have?

P Draw

el resultado
de esta suma
es el dividendo
de esta divisin?
y el resto?

lados tiene
un hexgono?

a straight line

P Dibuja

P Take

a ruler and check this


P Toma

P How

P Cmo

do you read these numbers?

6.5 six point five
1 / one and two thirds
8 eight squared
5 five cubed
3 three to the power
of four

Vocabulary / Vocabulary


una lnea recta

una regla y comprueba

esta medida
se leen estos nmeros?
seis coma cinco
uno y dos tercios
ocho al cuadrado
cinco al cubo
tres elevado
a cuatro

No lo olvides

Mientras que en espaol se

usa el punto (.) para separar los millares, en ingls se
emplea una coma (,):
1,532,620 1.532.620

Por el contrario, para separar los decimales, el ingls

emplea el punto (.) en vez de
la coma (,):
23.45 23,45

En clase de matemticas





multiplied by
multiplicado por

divided by
dividido entre

is equal to
es igual a

addition / suma


subtraction / resta


multiplication / multiplicacin


division / divisin


is not equal to
no es igual a

1 /2








belongs to
pertenece a

empty set
conjunto vaco
is equal to or greater than
es igual o mayor que
is equal to or less than
es igual o menor que


is less than
es menor que

square root of
raz cuadrada de

is greater than
es mayor que

decimal part
parte decimal


Numbers, weights and measures


Numbers / Nmeros
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
11 eleven once
12 twelve doce
13 thirteen trece
14 fourteen catorce
15 fifteen quince
16 sixteen diecisis
17 seventeen diecisiete
18 eighteen dieciocho
19 nineteen diecinueve
20 twenty

21 twenty-one
22 twenty-two
30 thirty
31 thirty-one treinta y uno
40 forty
50 fifty
60 sixty
70 seventy setenta
80 eighty
90 ninety
100 one hundred cien
one hundred ciento uno
and one
200 two hundred doscientos
300 three
1,000 o
un milln

one million

Ordinal numbers / Ordinales


dcimo centsimo

Nmeros, pesos y medidas













a half


a third
un tercio


a quarter
un cuarto


three quarters
tres cuartos

Linear measures / Medidas de longitud

1 inch
1 foot
1 yard
1 mile

1 pulgada
1 pie
1 yarda
1 milla


2,54 centmetros
12 inches / 30,48 centmetros
3 feet / 91,44 centmetros
1,760 yards / 1.609 metros

Measures of capacity / Medidas de capacidad

1 pint
1 gallon

1 pinta
1 galn

= 0,57 litros
= 8 pints / 4,546 litros

Weights / Pesos
1 ounce
1 pound
1 stone
1 ton

1 onza
= 28,35 gramos
1 libra
= 16 ounces / 453,6 gramos

= 14 pounds / 6,348 kilos
1 tonelada = 2,240 pounds / 1,000 kilos

Physical education

sentences in basketball
and football

Frases comunicativas
en ftbol
y baloncesto

 ome on! Lets do ten

P Vamos,

 ounce the ball

P Reboten

F ake and shoot the ball

P Haz

 hree-second violation

P Penalizacin

 top the game

P Paren

 o to the free-throw line

P Vayan

 lock the shot

P Bloqueen


P Pasos!

 ouble dribble

P Dobles

 o to the penalty spot

P Vayan

al punto de penalty

 o to the side line

P Vayan

a la lnea de banda

 o to the end line

P Vayan

a la lnea de fondo

 ass the ball

P Pasen

la pelota

 et the rebound

P Tomen,

Jump ball

P Salto

 top the ball at
the midfield line

P Detn

diez flexiones

por ms de 3 segundos

el partido
a la lnea de tiros libres
el tiro

agarren el rebote

entre dos

la pelota en la lnea
de medio campo

athletic track
pista de atletismo

la pelota

una finta y lanza la pelota

arena (US)

de juego

pista de juego

Educacin fsica


Action verbs in the physical education class

jog hacer
hacer esqu
hit (the ball) pegarle
(a la pelota)
a la comba


blow a whistle usar

el silbato
hacer una
do push-ups hacer
pararse en
do a
las manos
bend over flexionar
bend backwards 
hacia atrs

(hockey) stick
palo de hockey





The weather / El tiempo


Frases comunicativas



Look, its pouring down!

P Miren,

 esterday, lightning struck the


P Ayer

L ets look at the weather station

and check
the humidity

P Vamos

It's two degrees below zero!

P Estamos

 ow, a rainbow has just


P Bien!

 cold front is

P Se

un rayo cay
en la antena
a mirar la estacin
meteorolgica y comprobar
la humedad
a dos grados
bajo cero!
Acaba de salir
un arco iris!
un frente fro

Seasons / Estaciones
fall (US)

est lloviendo
a cntaros!


Temperature / Temperatura


Vocabulary / Vocabulario


arco iris

At the lab / En el laboratorio



sentences at the lab

Frases comunicativas
en el laboratorio

L ook at that insect under

the microscope

P Examinen

Adjust the lens if its blurred

P Ajusten

 e very careful with those test


P Tengan

Put those stools back properly

P Coloquen

Dont take the lab coats home

P No

Connect those electrodes

P Conecten


ese insecto con

el microscopio
el lente si est borroso

mucho cuidado con esas

bien los taburetes / pisos

se lleven las cotonas

del laboratorio a casa
esos electrodos

The microscope / El microscopio

prism binoculars
focusing Wheel
convex lens
concave lens

prismticos binoculares
rueda de enfoque
lente convexa
lente cncava

Vocabulary / Vocabulario
test tube
filter paper filtro de
magnifying glass lupa
thermometer termmetro
lab coat cotona de
objective lens objetivo

The human body / El cuerpo humano

The face / La cara



The eye / El ojo


globo ocular

The organs / Los rganos



Hairstyles / Peinados
en punta
a la altura de
los hombros


receding hairline entradas
cola de
de 3 das

Frases comunicativas

 ow many bones do you think the

human body has got?

P Cuntos

Are you long-/short-sighted?

P Eres

P Te han operado alguna vez?

Have you ever had

huesos creen que tiene el

cuerpo humano?

Computer science / Informtica



sentences at the
computer science class


Frases comunicativas

en clase de informtica

 rint the texts after

you've corrected them

P Impriman

los textos despus

de corregirlos

Switch the monitors on

P Enciendan

 o to the My documents folder

and open it

P Vayan

 repare a short visual


P Preparen

 heres no Internet connection

available now

P Ahora

los monitores

a la carpeta
Mis documentos y branla

una breve presentacin

no hay conexin
a Internet

Parts of an email / Partes de un e-mail

correo basura
archivo adjunto
address book
libreta de direcciones

Vocabulary / Vocabulario
de mando
ink jet printer impresora
de inyeccin
search engine motor de
laser printer
impresora lser

Time goes by


Months / Meses



Days / Das

No lo olvides
En ingls, los meses y los das
se escriben con mayscula.

Frases comunicativas


What's todays date?

P Qu

The year 2007 is not a leap year

P El

 hat day of the week is

the 13th?

P Qu

 ere going on a field trip

on the last weekend in March

P El

We have 10 minutes left

P Nos

 e need to replace
the clock's batteries

P Tenemos

Whats the time? /

What time is it?

P Qu



fecha es hoy?

ao 2007 no es un ao bisiesto

da de la semana es
el 13?
ltimo fin de semana de marzo
iremos de excursin
quedan 10 minutos

que cambiar las pilas

al reloj de pared
hora es?

Vocabulary / Vocabulario
the hands of agujas
a clock
del reloj
de pulsera
reloj de
leap year
ao bisiesto

El tiempo pasa


its five past nine

son las 9 y cinco

Its nine oclock

son las nueve
en punto

its ten past nine

son las 9 y diez

its a quarter past nine

son las nueve y cuarto

its half past nine

son las nueve
y media

its twenty to ten

son veinte para las
diez / faltan veinte
para las diez

its a quarter to ten

son un cuarto para
las diez / falta un
cuarto para las diez

09:15 son las nueve

its nine fifteen

y quince


its ten to ten

son diez para las
diez / faltan diez
para las diez

nine ten
09:10 its
son las nueve y diez

its nine thirty

son las nueve y treinta /
son las nueve y media
its nine forty
son las nueve y cuarenta


How to write a letter


Formal letter / Carta formal

C/ Juan Maragall 188

28083 Madrid
Tel. +34 93 7561773

your address
Mrs Patricia Smith
18 Regent St.
London, SW1
Great Britain

1st May, 2007

Dear Mrs Smith,

the title (Mr, Mrs,

Ms, Miss) of the person
you are writing to,
the address, postal code
and country
the date
if you dont know the name,
you can use Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you to request information about applying for a scholarship to get onto the European Program Visiting students, offered by
your organization. I am a 13-year old Spanish boy, living in Madrid.
I would be very grateful if you could send me some brochures to read about
the conditions and closing dates for handing in the documents.

Yours sincerely,

Luis Figueras

If you dont know the name

of the person, use
Yours faithfully
your name

Cmo escribir una carta


Informal letter / Carta informal

C/ Juan Maragall 188

28083 Madrid

your address

1st May, 2007

the date

Dear Patricia,

opening greeting (saludo)

Hi!, howdy?
Ive been on holiday in Greece for a week with my parents. It's such an
amazing country. Id love to go back soon but with you and
some more friends. I have enclosed some pictures for you to loook at.
Well, I have to do my homework now and Im going to Pedros party on
Saturday so I may see you there.

ending greeting (saludo de

despedida; tambin puedes
utilizar Love si tienes una
relacin muy estrecha)


Luis Figueras

your name

P.S. and dont take so long to write back to me, please!


Phone & SMS / Telfono y SMS


On the phone

Al telfono

P Can

P Puedo

P Could

P Podra

I speak to John, please? / Is

John there, please?
I leave a message
for him, please?

P Whos
P Hello,
P Hold


it's Beln speaking

on, please

P He/she's

hablar con Juan? /

Est Juan?

P De

parte de quin?

P Al,

soy Beln

P Un

not in at the moment

momento, por favor

P Ahora

number / You've dialled the

wrong number

no est

P Wrong

P Est

P Could

P Puede

P The
P I'll

you spell your name?

line's engaged / The line's busy

put you through

P Theres

dejarle un mensaje, por

equivocado /
Nmero equivocado

P Est

deletrear su nombre?

ocupado / Suena ocupado

P Comunico

no tone

P No

P My

email address is AI, EN, EF, OU,

"AT", EI, BI, SI, DOT, I, ES

/ Lo(la) comunico

hay lnea

P Mi

direccin de correo electrnico es



Im happy

Estoy contento

Im angry

Estoy enojado

I wear glasses

Uso anteojos


Thanks in advance Gracias de antemano


In other words

En otras palabras


By the way

A propsito


Pronunciation / Pronunciacin
En el diccionario, despus de cada palabra en ingls

hay unos corchetes ([]) con unos signos que te resultarn

un poco extraos. Son los signos que se emplean en el llamado

alfabeto fontico de la Asociacin Fontica Internacional (AFI).
Sirven para saber cmo se pronuncia una palabra.

Puede parecer un poco extrao, ya que en espaol casi

se escribe como se pronuncia. Sin embargo, en ingls

es bastante difcil saber cmo se pronuncia una palabra

por su ortografa y estos smbolos fonticos
son muy tiles.

Consonantes que se pronuncian igual que en espaol

[b] big [bIg], habit [hQbIt], stab [stQb].
indica el sonido de la ch espaola
chap [tSQp], hatchet [hQtSIt], beach [bitS].
[d] drip [drIp], middle [mIdl], rid [rId].
[f] coffee [kfI], wife [waIf].
[g] god [gd], mugger [mgr], dog [dg].
[l] light [laIt], illness [Ilns], bull [bUl].
[m] moon [mun], common [kmn], came [keIm].
[n] nail [neIl], counter [kaUntr], shone [Sn].
[p] pan [pQn], happy [hQpI], slip [slIp].
[s] spit [spIt], stencil [stensl], niece [nis].
[t] top [tp], sitting [sItIN], bit [bIt].
[k] card [kAd], maker [meIkr], sock [sk].

Vocales que se pronuncian igual que en espaol

es un sonido casi igual que el de la a espaola, aunque
se puede escribir de varias maneras: fat [fQt], thank
[TQNk], plait [plQt].

Pronunciation / Pronunciacin


es un sonido casi igual que el de la e espaola, aunque
se puede escribir de varias maneras: shed [Sed], instead
[Insted], any [enI], bury [berI], friend [frend].
es un sonido casi igual que el de la i espaola, aunque
se puede escribir de varias maneras: ship [SIp], pity [pItI],
roses [rUzIz], babies [beIbIz], college [klIdZ].
es un sonido casi igual que el de la o espaola, aunque
se puede escribir de varias maneras: horse [hs], straw
[str], fought [ft], cause [kz], fall [fl], boar [br],
door [dr].
es un sonido casi igual que el de la u espaola, aunque
se puede escribir de varias maneras: look [lUk], pull [pUl],
woman [wUmn], should [SUd].

Diptongos que se pronuncian igual que en espaol

es un sonido casi igual que el del diptongo ai espaol,
aunque se puede escribir de varias maneras: lime [laIm],
thigh [TaI], height [haIt], lie [laI], try [traI], either [aIDr].
es un sonido casi igual que el del diptongo au espaol,
aunque se puede escribir de varias maneras: house [haUs],
cow [kaU].
es un sonido casi igual que el del diptongo ei espaol,
aunque se puede escribir de varias maneras: cable
[keIbl], way [weI], plain [pleIn], freight [freIt], prey
[preI], great [greIt].
es un sonido casi igual que el del diptongo oi espaol, aunque se puede escribir de varias maneras: toy [tI], soil [sIl].

El acento
En ingls no existen los acentos. Para saber dnde va acentuada
una palabra, hay que conocerla o recurrir al diccionario y buscar
el smbolo [], que va siempre delante de la slaba acentuada. As,
siempre sabrs cul es la slaba tnica de cada palabra.


Pronunciation / Pronunciacin
Sonidos ingleses

En ingls, existen algunos sonidos que no tenemos en espaol.

Son estos y te damos pistas para que sepas cmo se pronuncian.

Consonantes propias del ingls

sonido similar a la d espaola cuando va entre dos vocales: they [DeI], father [faDr], loathe [lUD].
sonido similar a la pronunciacin argentina de la ll: gi[Z] 
golo [ZiglU], pleasure [pleZr], massage [mQsAZ].
sonido similar al anterior precedido de una d: jack
[dZQk], digest [daIdZest], wage [weIdZ].
sonido similar a una j espaola pero mucho ms suave: help [help], ahead [hed].
sonido similar al de la n espaola seguida de una g:
linger [fINgr], sank [sQNk], thing [TIN].
sonido a medio camino entre nuestra r entre vocales
y la rr: rug [rg], merry [merI].
sonido similar a la pronunciacin argentina de la ll:
show [SU], fascist [fQSist], wish [wIS].
sonido similar a la z de zapatilla: thing [TIN], cathode [kQTUd], filth [fIlT].
sonido de la v como se pronuncia esta letra en muchos
pases americanos: very [verI], never [nevr], give [gIv].
sonido similar al del diptongo ua: want [wnt].
sonido similar al del diptongo iu: young [jN], university [junIvsItI], Europe [jUrp].
sonido de la s sonora tpica del cataln o del francs:
zoo [zu], weasel [wizl], buzz [bIz].
se llama linking r y se encuentra nicamente a final
de palabra; se pronuncia slo cuando la palabra siguiente empieza por una vocal: mother and father came
[mDr n faD keIm].

Pronunciation / Pronunciacin


Vocales propias del ingls

sonido de la a pero ms largo: rather [rADr], car [kAr],
heart [hAt], clerk [klAk], palm [pAm], aunt [Ant].
sonido a medio camino entre la a y la o: lock [lk],
wash [wS], trough [trf], because [bIkz].
sonido similar a una e pronunciada con los labios colocados como si fuese una o: third [Td], herd [hd],
heard [hd], curl [kl], word [wd], journey [dZnI].
sonido de la i pero ms largo: sheep [Sip], sea [si],
scene [sin], field [fild].
sonido de la u pero ms largo: loop [lup], do [du],
soup [sup], elude [ilud], true [tru], shoe [Su], few
[] sonido a medio camino entre la e y la o, pero ms
cercano a la o: cub [kb], ton [tn], young [jN], flood
[fld], does [dz].
es la llamada e neutra, un sonido intermedio entre la
e y la o, pero ms cercano a la e: actor [Qktr],
honour [nr], about [baUt].

[ ] 
en algunos casos la e neutra es opcional, es decir, se
puede pronunciar o no: trifle [traIfl].

Diptongos propios del ingls

Se trata de combinaciones de los sonidos voclicos que hemos visto antes.
[U] go [gU], toad [tUd], toe [tU], though [DU], snow
[I] near [nIr], here [hIr], sheer [SIr], idea [aIdI], museum [mjuzIm], weird [wId], pierce [pIs].
[e] hare [her], hair [her], wear [wer].
[U] pure [pjUr],
during [djUrIN], tourist [tUrIst].

English verbs / Los verbos ingleses


Los verbos regulares ingleses forman el pasado (past tense)

y el participio pasado (past participle) aadiendo la
terminacin -ed a la raz, o -d si la raz acaba en -e:

watch watched (mirar) / love loved (amar)

Sin embargo, hay muchos verbos irregulares.
Los ms usados son:







arise arose arisen

eat ate eaten
babysit babysat babysat
fall fell fallen
was, were been
feed fed fed
bear bore borne
feel felt felt
beat beat beaten
fight fought fought
become became become
find found found
begin began begun
flee fled fled
bend bent bent
fly flew flown
bid bid bid
forbid forbade forbidden
bind bound bound
foresee foresaw foreseen
forget forgot forgotten
bite bit bitten
bleed bled bled
forgive forgave forgiven
blow blew blown
freeze froze frozen
break broke broken
get got got
bring brought brought
give gave given
build built built
go went gone
burst burst burst
grow grew grown
hang hung, hung,
bought bought
can could

hanged hanged
catch caught caught
have had had
hear heard heard
choose chose chosen
cling clung clung
hide hid hidden
come came come
hit hit hit
cost cost cost
hold held held
creep crept crept
hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept
deal dealt dealt
dig dug dug
kneel knelt knelt
know knew known
do did done
draw drew drawn
lay laid laid
drink drank drunk
lead led led
drive drove driven
leave left left

English verbs / Los verbos ingleses







lend lent lent

speed sped sped
let let let
spend spent spent
lie lay lain
spill spilt spilt
spin spun spun
light lit lit
lose lost lost
spit spat spat
split split split
make made made
mean meant meant
spoil spoilt spoilt
meet met met
spread spread spread
mistake mistook mistaken
spring sprang sprung
overcome overcame overcome stand stood stood
oversleep overslept overslept
steal stole stolen
overtake overtook overtaken stick stuck stuck
put put put
sting stung stung
read read read
stink stank stunk
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt
stride strode stridden
resit resat resat
strike struck struck
rewind rewound rewound
sweep swept swept
rid rid rid
swim swam swum
ride rode ridden
swing swung swung
ring rang rung
take took taken
tear tore torn
rise rose risen
run ran run
tell told told
say said said
think thought thought
see saw seen
throw threw thrown
tread trod trodden
seek sought sought
sell sold sold
understand understood understood
set set set
undo undid undone
shake shook shaken
upset upset upset
wake woke woken
shed shed shed
shine shone shone
wear wore worn
shoot shot shot
weave wove woven
shrink shrank shrunk
weep wept wept
shut shut shut
wet wet wet
win won won
sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
wind wound wound
sit sat sat
withdraw withdrew withdrawn
sleep slept slept
withstand withstood withstood
slit slit slit wring wrung wrung
smell smelt smelt
write wrote written

la clase / the classroom




coat pegs
bulletin board cotona
diario mural


rubber (GB)/
eraser (US)

paper bin (GB)/

trash bin (US)












exercise book
cuaderno de

libro de texto

school bag

school materials / material de clase



paper clips



10 11
12 13
14 15
16 17
18 1
9 20

highlighter (GB) /
marker (US)


a pair of compasses

rubber (GB) / eraser (US)

goma de borrar

ballpoint pen

pencil case

pencil sharpener

ordenador / computer


PDA (personal
digital assistant)
PDA (agenda


digital camera
cmara de
fotos digital

USB flash drive

lpiz de memoria







compact disc

cmara web

digital monitor



shapes / formas


ellipse / elipse

triangle / tringulo







cone / cone

pyramid / pirmide

cube / cubo

circle / crculo


height / altura

width / anchura

apex / vrtice
face / cara

depth / profundidad

geometra / geometry


right / recto acute / agudo

obtuse / obtuso


plane / plano

hypotenuse / hipotenusa




arc / arco

radius / radio

diameter / dimetro

segment / segmento

sector / sector

solar system / sistema solar


Eris (dwarf planet)

Eris (planeta enano)

Pluto (dwarf planet)
Plutn (planeta enano)



The Earth
La Tierra





la Tierra / the Earth


Arctic Circle
Crculo Polar rtico

North Pole
Polo Norte

Tropic of Cancer
Trpico de Cncer

of Capricorn
de Capricornio

South Pole
Polo Sur

North America
Amrica del Norte
South America
Amrica del Sur


Antarctic Circle
Crculo Polar



























killer whale


fruits / frutas




kiwi fruit


verduras / vegetables











the human body / el cuerpo humano













profesiones / jobs







taxi driver


music / msica


flauta travesera


flauta dulce






plstica / arts & crafts


wax crayons
lpices de cera
coloured pencils
lpices de colores








azul marino










halfway line
lnea de medio

penalty spot
de penalty
penalty area
rea de



referee (ref)
coach rbitro

midfield player



juez de lnea
football field
de ftbol
(de 3 segundos)

forward guard ring
alero escolta aro
basketball pitch
pista de basquet









table tennis




lentes de sol






trainers (GB) /
sneakers (US)
de deporte






ropa interior




swimming trunks

traje de bao

a pair of gloves




transport / transportes





lorry (GB)/truck (US)




el restaurante / the restaurant


apple pie
pastel de manzana



bottle of water
botella de agua

fruit juice
jugo de frutas



glass of wine
copa de vino



a fried egg
huevo frito


la cocina


loaf of bread

biscuits (GB)/cookies (US)

water heater
calentador de agua

microwave oven
horno microondas

coffee maker

kitchen roll
papel de cocina



frying pan



pressure cooker
olla a presin

the kitchen






roast chicken
pollo asado







rubbish bin
tea towel
pao de cocina




la sala de estar


jigsaw puzzle

reloj de pared




equipo de msica


DVD recorder
grabadora de DVD



remote control

control remoto


the living room


computer games
juegos de computador









the house / la casa






alarm clock


bedside table





toilet paper
papel higinico




reino unido / united kingdom







N o r t h


S e a
































Stratford upon Avon















Isle of






0o Meridian


Administrative Capital

Land Below 0


500 1000




International boundary

National Capital
Other City






100 km









k y
R o c




i n s
t a
u n
M o




300 km

















n V







F L OTallaha

o f



Long. 90o west of Greenwich

M e x i c

Baton Rouge
New Orleans


Little Rock




G u l f





of Ca

elier 5
osto 7
E W Alba
ford ork
Phila 2
Des Moines
ILLINOIS dianapolis
us Wash D. C.
A harlesto 9
Springfield INDIAN C
N I Richmond
Kansas City










K A N S A S Jefferson




D A Sa
lt Lake
C ar s
on C


Santa Fe






500 km













100 km










Land Below

National Capital
Administrative Capital
Other City



Mississi i


united states / estados unidos

australia / australia








A ra f u ra S e a





Gulf of



S e a

C o r a l


S e a



Papua-New G





T a s m
a n










Great Australian Bight

Long.130o east of Greenwich

500 km



500 1000 2000



Ti m o r





Land Below 0


of Cap





National Capital
Administrative Capital























ic C


We g




Copenh K


LUXE urgPari



LUXE urg


C Z E C H R E P. C Z


TEIN Bratis






Madeira Island Madeira Island













Canary IslandsCanary Islands







O A T I A Belg







H Lju











terda ndonE


G Rh
S e a CoM
I N Am L T I N Am
o H
IRE ublinT


















IRE lin















ic C









20o 10o





M e d i Mt ee dr i t e r
a n
a n
500 km
0 500 km

Long. 10o east of Greenwich

Long. 10o east of Greenwich








We g













a Vilnius
















0h east of Greenwich








S e
B l a c B l a c


S e a


S e




S E RSarajev

a n
S MetaAe a

















O A T I A Belgrade
O A T I A Belgrade



A U S TBudapest
H Lju





TEIN Bratislava



C Z E C H R E P. C Z E C H R E P.













Copenh K




50o 60o



o o



Ro r



o o










prepositions / preposiciones


The cat is
at the door

The cat is on the chair

The cat is in the kennel

The cat is under the table

The cat jumps over the stones

The cat is in front of

the kennel

The cat runs behind the ball

The cat walks through

the stump

The cat is between

the bowl and the kennel

The cat runs around

the kennel
The cat is opposite the dog


A, a nf (la letra) A, a.
a prep 1 (direccin) to, on , in: girar a la

derecha to turn (to the) right; irse a casa

to go home; subir al autobs to get on
the bus; llegar a Barcelona to arrive in
Barcelona. 2 (destino) to, towards. 3
(distancia) away: a diez kilmetros de ca
sa ten kilometres (away) from home. 4
(lugar) at, on: a la entrada at the entrance; a la izquierda on the left. 5 (tiempo) at: a las once at eleven; a tiempo in
time; al final in the end. 6 (modo) by, in:
a ciegas blindly; a oscuras in the dark. 7
(instrumento) by, in: a mano by hand; a
pie on foot. 8 (precio) a: a tres euros el kilo
three euros a kilo. 9 (medida) at: a 90 ki
lmetros por hora at 90 kilometres an
hour. 10 (finalidad) to: l vino a vernos he
came to see us. 11 (complemento directo
persona): vi a Juanita I saw Juanita. 12
(complemento indirecto) to: dmelo give it
to me. 13 verbo + a + inf to: aprender a
nadar to learn (how) to swim.

. Consulta tambin al.

baco nm abacus.
abad nm abbot.
abadesa nf abbess.
abada nf abbey.
abajo adv 1 (lugar) below, down: ah

abandonado,a pp abandonar.

P adj 1 abandoned: un barco abandona

do an abandoned ship. 2 (descuidado)
neglected: tiene el despacho abandonado
his office hasnt been looked after. 3

(desaseado) untidy, unkempt.

abandonar vt 1 (desamparar) to aban-

don, forsake: la suerte le ha abandonado

luck has forsaken him. 2 (lugar) to
leave, quit: abandonar el barco to abandon ship. 3 (descuidar) to neglect. 4 dep
(retirarse) to withdraw from.
P vpr abandonarse to neglect os.
abanicar vt to fan.
abanico nm 1 fan. 2 fig range: un abani
co de posibilidades a range of possibilities.
abaratar vt to reduce the price of,
make cheaper.
P vpr abaratarse (precio) to come
down; (artculo) to become cheaper.
abarcar vt 1 (englobar) to cover, embrace:

sus conocimientos abarcan el campo de la psi

cologa her knowledge covers the field of
psychology. 2 (abrazar) to embrace.
abarrotado,a adj packed (de, with).
abastecer vt to supply, provide.
abastecimiento nm supplying.
abasto l o c dar abasto fam to be sufficient for: no doy abasto para corregir
tantos ejercicios Ive got so many exercis-

abajo down there. 2 (en una casa) downes to correct that I just cant cope.
stairs. 3 (direccin) down, downward:
adj folding, collapsible:
calle abajo down the street.
asiento abatible folding seat.
P interj down with!: abajo el dictador!
abatido,a pp abatir.
down with the dictator!
P adj (deprimido) dejected, depressed.
abalanzarse vpr 1 (lanzarse) to rush
forward, spring forward. 2 abalan abatir vt 1 (derribar) to knock down, pull
down. 2 (matar) to kill; (herir) to wound.
zarse sobre to rush at; (len, tigre) to
3 (bajar) to lower, take down.
pounce on; (guila,
etc) to swoop
down on.
abdicar vt & vi to abdicate, renounce.

abdomen nm abdomen.
abdominal adj abdominal.

(a revista) subscription; (a teatro, tren, etc)

P nm pl abdominales (ejercicios) sit-ups.
abordaje nm boarding. l o c al aborda
je! stand by to board!
abductor adj abductor.
abordar vt 1 mar (chocar) to run foul
abecedario nm alphabet.
of, collide with; (atacar) to board. 2
abedul nm birch tree, birch.
fig (persona) to approach; (asunto, tema)
abeja nf bee. c o m p abeja obrera workto tackle.
er bee. y abeja reina queen bee.
aborigen adj aboriginal, native.
abejorro nm bumblebee.
P nm aborigine, native.
abertura nf 1 (agujero) opening, gap;
(grieta) crack, slit. 2 (en ptica) aperture. aborrecer vt 1 to abhor, hate, detest.
2 (aves) to abandon.
abeto nm fir tree, fir.
abortar vi (voluntariamente) to abort,
abierto,a pp abrir.
have an abortion; (involuntariamente)
P adj 1 open, unlocked. 2 (grifo)
to miscarry, have a miscarriage.
(turned) on: dej el grifo abierto she left
P vt (interrumpir) to stop; (frustrar) to
the tap running. 3 fig (sincero) open,
foil, thwart.
frank. 4 (tolerante) open-minded.
aborto nm 1 (provocado) abortion; (esabisal adj abyssal.
pontneo) miscarriage. 2 pey (persona)
abismo nm abyss.
ugly person, freak; (cosa) abortion.
ablacin nf ablation.
ablandar vt 1 to soften. 2 fig (persona) abotonar vt (ropa) to button, button up.
P vpr abotonarse to do ones buttons up.
to soothe, soften up, appease.
abovedado,a adj vaulted, arched.
P vpr ablandarse to soften, get softer.
abrasador,ra adj burning, scorching.
ablativo nm ablative (case).
abrasar vt (quemar) to burn, scorch.
abofetear vt to slap.
P vi to burn (up): esta sopa abrasa this
abogaca nf legal profession.
soup is scalding hot.
abogado,a nm & nf lawyer, solicitor;
P vpr abrasarse to burn. l o c abrasarse
(tribunal supremo) barrister.
de calor fig to be sweltering.
do de oficio legal-aid lawyer. y abogado
defensor counsel for the defence. y abrazadera nf clamp, brace.
abrazar vt to embrace, hug.
abogado del diablo devils advocate.
abrazo nm hug, embrace. l o c dar un
abolicin nf abolition.
abrazo a algn to embrace sb. y un abrazo
abolir vt to abolish.
a hug y abrazos hugs.
abolladura nf (hundimiento) dent; (bollo)
nm inv bottle opener.
abrecartas nm inv letter-opener, paabollar vt to dent.
per knife.
abominable adj abominable, loathabrelatas nm inv tin-opener, us cansome.
abonado,a pp abonar.
abrevadero nm drinking trough.
P adj 1 (tierra) fertilized. 2 fin paid.
abreviar vt 1 (acortar) to shorten, cut
P nm & nf (al telfono, a revista) subscriber;
short. 2 (texto) to abridge; (palabra) to
(a teatro, tren, etc) season ticket holder.
abonar vt 1 fin to pay. 2 (tierra) to fertiabreviatura nf abbreviation.
lize. 3 (subscribir) to subscribe.
abridor nm opener.
P vpr abonarse (a una revista) to subscribe (a, to); (al teatro, tren, etc) to buy abrigar vt 1 (contra el fro) to wrap up;
a season ticket (a, for).
(ropa) to be warm. 2 (proteger) to shelter, protect. 3 fig (sospechas) to harabono nm 1 (pago)
payment. 2 (fertilizante) fertilizer; (accin) fertilizing. 3
bour (us harbor), have.


vpr abrigarse (uso reflexivo) to wrap



abrigo nm 1 (prenda) coat, overcoat. 2

(refugio) shelter. l o c ropa de abrigo

warm clothing, warm clothes pl.
abril nm April.
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta marzo.

abrillantador nm polish.
abrillantar vt to polish, make shine,

abrir vt 1 (gen) to open. 2 (cremallera) to

abstencin nf abstention.
abstenerse vpr to abstain (de, from),

refrain (de, from).

abstinencia nf abstinence. c o m p sn
drome de abstinencia withdrawal
symptoms pl.
abstraccin nf abstraction.
abstracto,a adj abstract.
absurdo,a adj absurd.
abuchear vt to boo, jeer at.
abuela nf grandmother; (familiarmente)
grandma, granny.
abuelo nm grandfather; (familiarmente)
granddad, grandpa.
P nm pl abuelos grandparents.
abundancia nf abundance, plenty.
abundante adj abundant, plentiful.
abundar vi to abound, be plentiful.

undo: abri la cremallera de la maleta she

undid the zip on the case, she unzipped
the case. 3 (luz) to switch on, turn on;
(gas, grifo) to turn on.
P vpr abrirse 1 (gen) to open. 2 (dar) to
open (a, onto), look (a, onto): la casa
se abre al mar the house looks onto the
sea. 3 fig (sincerarse) to open out. 4 argot aburrido,a pp aburrir.
(largarse) to clear off, be off. l o c abrir
P adj 1 (con ser) boring, tedious. 2 (con
fuego mil to open fire. y abrir paso to
estar) bored, weary; (cansado) tired of;
make way. y en un abrir y cerrar de ojos
(harto) fed up with.
fam in the twinkling of an eye.
aburrimiento nm boredom.
abrochar vt 1 (camisa) to button (up); aburrir vt 1 to bore. 2 (cansar) to tire.
(zapato) to tie up. 2 (botones) to do up;
P vpr aburrirse to get bored (con/de/
(broche, corchete) to fasten: abrchense los
por, with).
cinturones please fasten your seat belts.
abusar vi 1 (propasarse) to go too far,
absceso nm abscess.
abuse (de, -): abusar de algn to take unabscisa nf abscissa.
fair advantage of sb. 2 (usar mal) to misbside nm apse.
use (de, -): abusar de la comida to eat too
absolucin nf 1 rel absolution. 2 jur
abusivo,a adj excessive, exorbitant.
absolutismo nm absolutism.
abuso nm 1 abuse, misuse. 2 (injusticia)
absoluto,a adj absolute. l o c en abso
luto not at all, by no means. y nada a.C. abrev (antes de Cristo) before
en absoluto nothing at all.
Christ; (abreviatura) BC.
absolver vt 1 rel to absolve. 2 jur to ac adv 1 (lugar) here, over here. 2
(tiempo) now, at this time. l o c de ac
absorbente adj 1 absorbent. 2 fig (trapara all to and fro, up and down.
bajo) absorbing; (exigente) demanding. acabado,a pp acabar.
3 fig (persona) overbearing.
P adj 1 (terminado) finished; (perfecto)
P nm absorbent.
perfect, complete: acabado,a de hacer
absorber vt to absorb, soak up.
freshly made. 2 fig (malparado) wornabsorcin nf absorption.
out, spent: una persona acabada a hasbeen; un actor acabado a burnt-out actor.
absorto,a adj 1 (pasmado) amazed. 2
P nm acabado finish.
(ensimismado) absorbed (en, in).
acabar vt 1 (gen) to finish; (completar) to
abstemio,a adj abstemious,
P nm & nf teetotaller.
complete. 2 (consumir) to use up.

1 (gen) to finish, end; acaba en punta
it has a pointed end. 2 acabar por +
gerundio to end up + -ing: acab por com
prar el vestido I ended up buying the dress.
P vpr acabarse to end, finish, come
to an end; (no quedar) to run out. l o c
acabar bien to have a happy ending.
y acabar con 1 (destruir) to destroy, put
an end to. 2 (terminar) to finish, finish
off. y acabar de + inf to have just + pp:
P vi

accidental adj accidental: no fue ms

que un encuentro accidental it was noth-

ing but a chance meeting.

accidente nm 1 accident: sufrir un acci

dente to have an accident. 2 (terreno) unevenness, irregularity. l o c por acci

dente by chance. c o m p accidente de
trabajo industrial accident. y accidente
de trfico road accident. y accidentes
geogrficos geographical features.
no lo toques, acabo de pintarlo ahora mismo accin nf 1 action; (acto) act, deed. 2
com share. 3 teat plot. l o c entrar en
dont touch it, Ive just painted it. y aca
accin mil to go into action. y ponerse
bar mal 1 (cosa) to end badly. 2 (persoen accin to start doing sth. c o m p pe
na) to come to a bad end. y se acab!
lcula de accin adventure film.
thats it!
academia nf 1 (institucin) academy. 2 accionar vt (mquina) to drive, work,
(escuela) school, academy.
acalorado,a adj 1 hot; (cara) flushed. accionista nm o nf shareholder, stockholder.
2 fig (persona) excited, worked up;
acechar vt 1 (vigilar) to watch, spy on; (es(debate) heated, angry.
perar) to lie in wait for. 2 (caza) to stalk.
acampada nf camping.
l o c estar al acecho de 1 (vigilar)
acampar vt & vi to camp.
to be on the lookout for. 2 (esperar)
acantilado nm cliff.
to lie in wait for.
acaparar vt 1 (productos) to hoard; (meraceite nm oil. c o m p aceite de girasol
cado) to corner, buy up. 2 (monopolizar)
sunflower oil. y aceite de maz corn
to monopolize, keep for os.
oil. y aceite de oliva olive oil. y aceite
acariciar vt 1 to caress, fondle. 2 (pelo,
de ricino castor oil.
animal) to stroke. 3 fig (esperanzas, etc) to
aceitera nf 1 oil bottle. 2 auto oil can.
cherish; (idea, plan) to have in mind.
P nf pl aceiteras oil and vinegar set
caro nm mite.
sing, cruet sing.
acarrear vt 1 (transportar) to carry, aceituna nf olive.
transport. 2 fig (producir) to cause, aceleracin nf acceleration. c o m p po
bring, give rise to.
der de aceleracin auto acceleration.
acaso adv perhaps, maybe: acaso est acelerador,ra adj accelerating.
enfermo maybe hes ill. l o c por si acaso
P nm acelerador auto accelerator.
just in case.
acelerar vt 1 to accelerate; (paso) to
acatar vt 1 (leyes, etc) to obey, observe,
quicken. 2 fig to speed up.
comply with. 2 (respetar) to respect.
acelga nf chard.
acatarrarse vpr to catch a cold.
acento nm 1 (tilde) accent (mark). 2 (tacceder vi 1 (consentir) to consent (a,
nico) stress. 3 (pronunciacin) accent:
to), agree (a, to). 2 (tener entrada) to
acento andaluz Andalusian accent. 4 (nenter. 3 (alcanzar) to accede (a, to).
fasis) emphasis, stress. c o m p acento
accesible adj accessible; (persona) aportogrfico written accent, accent.
acentuacin nf accentuation.
acceso nm 1 (entrada) access, entry. 2 (de acentuar vt 1 (tilde) to accentuate; (tbout. 3 inform
tos) fit; (de fiebre) attack,
nico) to stress. 2 (resaltar) to empha
access: acceso aleatorio random access.
size, stress.


vpr acentuarse to become more

pronounced, become more marked.
acepcin nf meaning, sense.
aceptable adj acceptable.
aceptacin nf 1 acceptance. 2 (aprobacin) approval; (xito) success: la pelcu
la tuvo poca aceptacin the film wasnt
popular, the film met with little success.
aceptar vt 1 to accept, receive. 2
(aprobar) to approve of.
acequia nf irrigation channel, ditch.
acera nf pavement, us sidewalk.
acerca de adv about, concerning, on.
acercar vt to bring near, bring nearer,
draw up: acrcate come closer; me
acercas el agua? can you pass the water?
P vpr acercarse 1 (aproximarse) to be
near: se acerca el verano summer is near.
2 (ir) to go: acrcate a la esquina go to the
corner. 3 (visitar) to drop in, drop by.
acero nm steel. c o m p acero inoxidable
stainless steel.

achuchar vt 1 (azuzar) to nag at. 2

(abrazar) to hug, squeeze: haba una
pareja achuchndose en el rincn there was
a couple having a cuddle in the corner.

3 (empujar) to shove.
achuchn nm 1 fam (empujn) push,
shove. 2 fam (indisposicin) ailment: le
dio un achuchn he had a funny turn. 3

fam (abrazo) hug, squeeze.

acicalarse vpr to dress up, smarten up.

acicate nm spur.
acidez nf 1 (sabor) sourness, sharp-

ness. 2 qum acidity. c o m p acidez de

estmago heartburn.
cido,a adj 1 (sabor) sharp, tart. 2 qum
acidic. 3 (tono) harsh.
P nm cido qum acid. c o m p cido sulf
rico sulphuric acid. y cido rico uric

acierto nm 1 (adivinacin) correct guess,

right answer. 2 (buena idea) good

aclamar vt to acclaim.
acertado,a pp acertar.
P adj 1 (opinin, etc) right, correct; (coaclaracin nf explanation.
mentario) fitting; (idea, decisin) clever; aclarar vt 1 (cabello, color) to lighten,
(palabra) exact. 2 (conveniente) suitable.
make lighter. 2 (lquido) to thin
l o c estar acertado,a to be wise.
(down). 3 (enjuagar) to rinse. 4 (expliacertante nm o nf winner.
car) to explain.
P vi (mejorar el tiempo) to clear (up).
acertar vt 1 (en un objetivo) to hit. 2 (dar
P vpr aclararse 1 (entender) to undercon lo cierto) to get right: solo acert cinco
preguntas she only got five questions
stand: no me aclaro con esta leccin I cant
right. 3 (por azar) to guess correctly;
understand this lesson. 2 (decidirse) to
(concurso, quinielas) to win.
make up ones mind.
P vi to get right, be right.
aclimatacin nf acclimatization, us
acertijo nm riddle.
actico,a adj acetic.
aclimatarse vpr to become acclimatized (a, to), become us acclimated
acetileno nm acetylene.
(a, to).
achacar vt to impute, attribute.
acn nf acne.
achaque nm ailment, complaint.
acobardarse vpr to become frightachatado,a adj flattened.
ened, lose ones nerve, shrink back
achicar vt 1 (hacerse ms peqeuo) to di(ante, from).
minish, reduce, make smaller. 2
acogedor,ra adj 1 (persona) welcom(agua) to drain; (en barco) to bale out.
ing, friendly. 2 (lugar) cosy, warm.
P vpr achicarse 1 (amenguarse) to get
smaller. 2 (amilanarse) to lose heart.
acoger vt (recibir) to receive; (a invitado)
to welcome.
achicharrar vt to scorch; (comida) to
acogida nf 1 reception, welcome. 2
P vpr achicharrarse to roast.
(aceptacin) popularity. l o c tener bue
na acogida to be welcomed.
achicoria nf chicory.

acometer vt 1 (embestir) to attack. 2

(emprender) to undertake.
acometida nf 1 (ataque) attack, assault. 2 (derivacin) connection.
acomodado,a adj (rico) well-to-do,
well off.
acomodador,ra nm & nf (hombre) usher; (mujer) usherette.
acompaamiento nm 1 accompaniment. 2 (guarnicin de plato) accompaniment to a main dish, side dish. 3
ms accompaniment.
acompaante nm o nf 1 companion,
escort. 2 ms accompanist.
acompaar vt 1 to accompany, go
with: te acompao a la puerta Ill see you
to the door; nos acompa al cine she
came with us to the cinema. 2 (adjuntar)
to enclose, attach. 3 ms to accompany. l o c acompaar en el sentimiento
fml to express ones condolences to.

acorden nm accordion.
acorralar vt to corner.
acortar vt & vi to shorten, make shorter.
acosar vt to pursue, chase.
acoso nm 1 pursuit, chase. 2 fig

hounding. c o m p acoso sexual sexual

acostarse vpr 1 (estirarse) to lie down.
2 (irse a dormir) to go to bed: es hora de
acostarse its bedtime. l o c acostarse con
fam to sleep with, go to bed with.

acostumbrado,a pp acostumbrar.

adj 1 (persona) accustomed (a, to),

used (a, to). 2 (hecho) usual, customary: es lo acostumbrado it is the custom.
acostumbrar vt 1 (habituar) to accustom to. 2 (soler) to be in the habit of.
P vpr acostumbrarse (habituarse) to become accustomed (a, to), get used
(a, to).
acondicionado,a pp acondicionar. acre nm (medida) acre.
P adj equipped, fitted-out.
acreditado,a adj 1 (prestigioso) reputable, well-known, prestigious. 2 (reacondicionador nm conditioner. c o m p
presentante, embajador) accredited.
acondicionador de aire air conditioner. y acondicionador del cabello hair acreedor,ra adj deserving: ser/hacerse
acreedor a to be worthy of.
acondicionar vt 1 to fit up, set up. 2
P nm & nf fin creditor.
(mejorar) to improve.
acribillar vt to riddle, pepper.
aconsejable adj advisable.
acrlico,a adj acrylic.
aconsejar vt to advise.
acrobacia nf acrobatics.
acontecimiento nm event, happening. acrbata nm o nf acrobat.
acopio l o c hacer acopio de to store up. acta nf 1 (relacin) minutes pl, record
acoplamiento nm 1 fitting, adapta(of proceedings); (publicacin) transaction. 2 (de naves espaciales) docking.
tions pl. 2 (certificado) certificate, offiacoplar vt 1 (juntar) to fit (together), join,
cial document. l o c levantar acta to
adjust. 2 tc to couple, connect.
draw up the minutes. c o m p acta no
P vpr acoplarse 1 to fit, join. 2 (naves
tarial affidavit.
espaciales) to dock.
actinia nf sea anemone.
acorazado,a adj armoured ( us armored), armour-plated (us armor- actitud nf (disposicin) attitude; (postura)
activar vt 1 tc to activate. 2 inform
P nm acorazado battleship.
to enable. 3 fig (avivar) to liven up,
acordar vt 1 to agree. 2 (decidir) to decide.
P vpr acordarse to remember (de, -):
no se acuerda de nada she cant remember actividad nf activity.
activo,a adj active: estar en activo to be
on active service.
acorde adj in agreement,
P nm ms chord.
P nm activo fin asset, assets pl.

acto nm 1 act, action. 2 (ceremonia) cere-


acusacin nf 1 accusation. 2 jur

mony. 3 teat act. l o c en el acto at
acusado,a pp acusar.
P nm & nf accused, defendant.
actor nm actor.
actriz nf actress.
acusar vt 1 (echar la culpa) to accuse (de,
of). 2 jur to charge (de, with). 3 (maactuacin nf 1 (en cine, teatro) perfornifestar) to give away.
mance. 2 (intervencin) intervention,
acusativo nm accusative.
actual adj 1 present, current: dadas las acuse c o m p acuse de recibo acknowlcircunstancias actuales under the present
edgement of receipt.
circumstances. 2 (actualizado) up-to- acstica nf acoustics.
date: tiene un diseo muy actual it has a acutngulo c o m p tringulo acutngulo
very up-to-date design.
acute triangle.
actualidad nf 1 present (time). 2 (he- adaptacin nf adaptation.
chos) current affairs pl; (estado) the cur- adaptar vt 1 (acomodar) to adapt. 2
rent state of things: este programa te da
(ajustar) to adjust, fit.
toda la actualidad cinematogrfica this proP vpr adaptarse (persona) to adapt os
gramme gives you all the latest cinema
(a, to); (cosa) to fit, adjust.
en la actualidad at present.
adecuado,a pp adecuar.
actualizar vt 1 (poner al da) to bring up
P adj adequate, suitable.
to date, update. 2 (filosofa) to actualadecuar vt to adapt, make suitable.
a. de J.C. abrev (antes de Jesucristo) beactualmente adv (hoy en da) nowafore Christ; (abreviatura) BC.
days, these days; (ahora) at present,
adelantado,a l o c por adelantado in
at the moment.
actuar vi 1 (gen) to act (como/de, as). 2
adelantamiento nm overtaking. l o c
(en obra, pelcula) to perform, act.
hacer un adelantamiento to overtake.
acuarela nf watercolour (us wateradelantar
vt 1 to move forward. 2
(reloj) to put forward. 3 (pasar delante)
acuario nm aquarium.
to pass. 4 auto to overtake. 5 (dinero)
Acuario nm inv Aquarius.
to pay in advance.
acutico,a adj aquatic, water.
P vi (reloj) to be fast.
acudir vi 1 (ir) to go; (venir) to come,
P vpr adelantarse 1 (ir delante) to go
arrive. 2 (presentarse) to come back.
ahead. 2 (llegar temprano) to be early. 3
acueducto nm aqueduct.
(anticiparse) to get ahead (a, of). 4 (reacuerdo nm agreement. l o c de acuer
loj) to gain, be fast.
do! all right!, O.K.! y de acuerdo con adelante adv forward, further.
in accordance with. y estar de acuer
P interj 1 (pase) come in! 2 (siga) go
do to agree (con, with). y llegar a un
ahead!, carry on! l o c de aqu en ade
acuerdo to come to an agreement. y
lante from here on. y en adelante
ponerse de acuerdo to agree.
henceforth. y ms adelante 1 (tiempo)
acumulacin nf accumulation.
later on. 2 (espacio) further on.
acumular vt to accumulate; (datos) to adelanto nm 1 (avance) advance. 2
gather; (dinero) to amass.
(tiempo) advance. 3 (pago) advance;
acunar vt to rock.
(tcnicamente) advance payment.
acuar vt 1 (monedas) to strike, coin, adelgazar vt (afinar) to make slim.
mint. 2 (una frase) to coin.
P vi (perder peso) to slim, lose weight.
acupuntura nf acupuncture.
ademn nm (gesto) gesture.
P nm pl ademanes manners.
acurrucarse vpr to curl up, snuggle up.

adems adv 1 (tambin) also, as well. 2

adjudicar vt 1 (premio) to award. 2 (venta) to sell, knock down: adjudicado!

(es ms) furthermore, what is more:
sold! 3 (obras) to award a contract to.
y adems, el coche es mo! and whats
P vpr adjudicarse 1 (apropiarse) to appromore, the cars mine! l o c adems de as
priate, take over. 2 (obtener) to win.
well as, in addition to: adems de
amable es guapo as well as being kind, adjunto,a adj 1 (en carta) enclosed. 2
hes handsome.
(asistente) assistant.
adenoides nm adenoids.
administracin nf 1 (gen) administration. 2 (de medicamento) administering.
adentro adv inside.
c o m p administracin de lotera lottery
P nm pl adentros inward mind sing: pa
office. y administracin pblica public
ra sus adentros in his heart. l o c mar
adentro out to sea.
adepto,a nm & nf follower, supporter. administrador,ra nm & nf 1 administrator. 2 (manager) manager. c o m p
aderezar vt (condimentar) to season; (enadministrador,ra de fincas estate agent.
salada) to dress.
y administrador de web webmaster.
adeudar vt 1 (deber) to owe, have a
administrar vt 1 (bienes, justicia) to addebt of. 2 fin to debit, charge.
minister. 2 (dirigir) to manage, run. 3
adherente adj adherent, adhesive.
(suministrar) to give: le administr una as
adherir vt (pegar) to stick on.
pirina she gave him an aspirin.
P vi (pegarse) to stick (a, to).
P vpr administrarse to manage ones own
P vpr adherirse 1 (pegarse) to stick (a,
money, manage ones own affairs.
to). 2 fig (unirse) to adhere to, follow.
administrativo,a adj administrative.
adhesivo,a adj adhesive.
P nm & nf (funcionario) official, civil
P nm adhesivo adhesive.
servant; (de empresa, banco) office
adicin nf addiction.
adiccin nf addition. l o c crear adic
admirable adj admirable.
cin to be addictive.
admiracin nf 1 admiration. 2 (signo)
adicional adj additional.
exclamation mark.
adictivo,a adj addictive.
admirador,ra nm & nf admirer.
adicto,a adj addicted (a, to).
admirar vt 1 (estimar) to admire. 2 (sorP nm & nf 1 (drogas) addict. 2 (partidario)
prender) to amaze, surprise, astonish.
supporter, follower.
admisin nf 1 admission. 2 (aceptacin)
adiestrar vt to train, instruct.
acceptance. 3 tc inlet, intake. l o c
adinerado,a adj rich, wealthy.
Reservado el derecho de admisin
adis interj 1 (gen) goodbye!; (familiarThe management reserves the
mente) bye!, bye-bye! 2 (al cruzarse con
right to refuse admission. c o m p pla
alguien) hello!
zo de admisin closing date.
P nm goodbye.
admitir vt 1 (dar entrada) to admit, let in.
adiposo,a adj adipose.
2 (aceptar) to accept, admit: No se admi
aditivo,a adj additive.
ten propinas No tipping, Tipping not
P nm aditivo additive.
allowed. 3 (permitir) to allow: su obra ad
adivinanza nf riddle, puzzle.
mite varias interpretaciones his work is
adivinar vt 1 (descubrir) to guess: le adi
open to various interpretations. 4 (reconovin el pensamiento she read his mind. 2
cer) to admit. 5 (tener capacidad) to hold.
(predecir) to forecast, foretell. 3 (enig- ADN abrev med (cido desoxirribonucleima) to solve.
co) desoxyribonucleic acid; (abreviaadivino,a nm & nf fortune-teller.
tura) DNA.
adjetivo,a adj adjective,
adobar vt 1 culin to marinate, mari
P nm adjetivo adjective.
nade. 2 (pieles) to tan.


adobe nm adobe.
adolescencia nf adolescence.
adolescente adj adolescent.
P nm

o nf adolescent.

adonde adv where.

adnde adv where.
adopcin nf adoption.
adoptar vt to adopt.
adoptivo,a adj adoptive.
adoqun nm cobble, paving stone.
adorable adj adorable.
adoracin nf adoration, worship.
adorar vt 1 rel to worship. 2 fig to

adormecerse vpr to doze off.

adormilarse vpr to doze, drowse.
adornar vt to adorn, decorate.
adorno nm decoration, adornment.
de adorno decorative.
adosado,a adj semidetached: casas
adosadas semidetached houses.
adquirir vt to acquire; (comprar) to buy.
adquisicin nf acquisition; (compra)

buy, purchase.

adrede adv deliberately, on purpose,


adrenalina nf adrenalin.
aduana nf 1 customs pl. 2 (oficinas) cus-

te lo advert I told you. 3 (aconsejar) to


adviento nm Advent.
adyacente adj adjacent.
areo,a adj 1 aerial. 2 av air.
aerobic nm aerobics.
aerobio,a adj aerobic.
aerodeslizador nm hovercraft.
aerodinmico,a adj aerodynamic.
aerdromo nm aerodrome, us airfield.
aeroespacial adj aerospace.
aerofagia nf aerophagia.
aergrafo nm airbrush.
aerolnea nf airline.
aeronutica nf aeronautics.
aeronaval adj air-sea.
aeronave nf airship. c o m p aeronave es
pacial spaceship.

aeroplano nm aeroplane, us airplane.

aeropuerto nm airport.
aerosol nm aerosol, spray.
aerosttico,a adj aerostatic.
aerotaxi nm air taxi.
afable adj affable, kind.
afamado,a adj famous, well-known.
afn nm 1 (celo) zeal; (inters) keenness,
eagerness. 2 (esfuerzo) effort.

afanar vt fam (robar) to nick, pinch.

toms building. l o c pasar (por) la

P vpr afanarse to work with zeal. l o c
aduana to go through customs.
afanarse en to work hard at. y afanar
aducir vt to adduce, allege.
se por to strive to, do ones best to.
aduearse vpr to take possession afeccin nf (enfermedad) complaint, dis(de, of).
adulacin nf adulation, flattery.
afectado,a pp afectar.
adular vt to adulate, flatter.
P adj affected.
adulterar vt to adulterate.
afectar vt 1 (impresionar) to move. 2 (daadulterio nm adultery.
ar) to damage. 3 (concernir) to concern.
adulto,a adj adult.
afectivo,a adj 1 (sensible) sensitive. 2
P nm & nf adult.
(psicologa) affective.
adverbio nm adverb.
afecto nm affection: con todo mi afecto
with all my love. l o c tomarle afecto a
adversario,a adj opposing.
algn to become fond of sb.
P nm & nf adversary, opponent.
adversidad nf adversity, misfortune. afectuoso,a adj affectionate.
afeitar vt to shave.
adverso,a adj adverse.
advertencia nf 1 warning. 2 (consejo) afeminado,a adj effeminate.
aferrarse vpr to clutch (a, to), cling (a,
piece of advice.
advertir vt 1 (darse cuenta)
to notice, re
alize. 2 (llamar la atencin) to warn: ya Afganistn nm Afghanistan.

afgano,a adj Afghan.

& nf (persona) Afghan.

P nm afgano (idioma) Afghan.
afianzar vt 1 (sujetar) to strengthen,
reinforce. 2 fig to support, back.
P vpr afianzarse (estabilizarse) to steady os.
aficin nf 1 (inclinacin) liking, penchant: tener aficin por algo to be fond of
sth. 2 la aficin the fans pl, the supporters pl.
aficionado,a pp aficionarse.
P adj 1 keen, fond: ser aficionado a algo to
be fond of sth. 2 (no profesional) amateur.
P nm & nf 1 fan, enthusiast. 2 (no profeP nm

sional) amateur.

aficionarse vpr to become fond ( a,

of), take a liking (a, to).

afijo nm affix.
afilar vt to sharpen.
afiliarse vpr to join (a, to), become


aforo nm (capacidad) seating capacity.

afortunado,a adj 1 lucky, fortunate:

fue una pregunta poco afortunada it was a

rather inappropriate question. 2 (dichoso)
afrenta nf fml affront, outrage.
africano,a adj African.
P nm & nf African.
afrontar vt to face, confront.
afterhours nm after-hours club.
afuera adv outside: la parte de afuera the
outside; salir afuera to come/go out.
P nm pl afueras outskirts.
agacharse vpr 1 (encogerse) to cower. 2
(agazaparse) to crouch (down), squat.
agalla nf 1 (de pez) gill. 2 (de ave) temple. 3 bot gall, oak apple.
P nf pl agallas fam courage sing, guts,
pluck sing: tener agallas to have guts.

agarrado,a pp agarrar.

affiliated (a, to).

P adj fam stingy, tight. l o c bailar aga
afn adj 1 (semejante) similar, kindred. 2
rrado to dance cheek to cheek.
(relacionado) related. 3 (prximo) adja- agarrar vt 1 (con la mano) to clutch,
cent, next.
seize, grasp: agrrala fuerte hold it
afinar vt 1 ms to tune. 2 (puntera) to
tight. 2 fam (pillar) to catch.
P vpr agarrarse (cogerse) to hold on,
afinidad nf 1 affinity. 2 qum similarity.
cling (a, to).
afirmacin nf statement, assertion.
agarrotado,a adj (msculo) stiff.
afirmar vt 1 (afianzar) to strengthen, gata nf agate.
reinforce. 2 (aseverar) to state, say, agencia nf agency; (sucursal) branch.
c o m p agencia de turismo tourist ofP vpr afirmarse (ratificarse) to maintain
fice. y agencia de viajes travel agency.
(en, -).
agenda nf 1 (libro) diary. 2 (orden del da)
afirmativo,a adj affirmative. l o c en
caso afirmativo if the answer is yes.
agente nm o nf agent.
afliccin nf affliction, grief, suffering.
P nm agent. c o m p agente de cambio y
afligir vt to afflict, grieve, trouble.
bolsa stockbroker. y agente de polica
P vpr afligirse to grieve, be distressed.
1 (hombre) policeman. 2 (mujer) policewoman.
aflojar vt 1 (soltar) to loosen. 2 fig (esfuerzo) to relax. 3 fam fig (dinero) to pay up. gil adj agile.
aflorar vi 1 (mineral) to crop out/ agilidad nf agility.
up, outcrop. 2 fig (aparecer) to come up agilizar vt to speed up.
to the surface, appear.
agitar vt 1 (mover) to agitate, shake;
afluencia nf inflow, influx: afluencia de
(pauelo) to wave: Agtese antes de usar
pblico flow of people.
lo Shake before use. 2 (intranquilizar)
afluente nm (ro) tributary.
agitate, excite.
afona nf loss of voice.
aglomeracin nf 1 agglomeration. 2
(de gente) crowd.
afnico,a adj hoarse,
voiceless. l o c
estar afnico to have lost ones voice. aglomerado nm (madera) chipboard.



agnosticismo nm agnosticism.
agobiado,a pp agobiar.

fig (abrumado) overwhelmed: ago

biado de trabajo up to ones eyes in work.
agobiar vt (abrumar) to overwhelm.
P vpr agobiarse (angustiarse) to worry
too much, get worked up.
agobio nm burden, fatigue, suffocation.
agona nf 1 dying breath, last gasp: mu
ri despus de una larga agona she died after a long illness; en su agona on her
deathbed. 2 (sufrimiento) agony, grief,
agonizar vi to be dying: est agonizan
do she could die any moment now.
agosto nm August. l o c hacer su agos
to fig to make a packet/pile, feather
ones nest.
P adj

agrario,a adj agrarian, land, agricultural.

agravante adj aggravating.

P nm & nf 1 added difficulty. 2 jur aggravating circumstance.

agravar vt to aggravate, worsen.
P vpr agravarse to get worse, worsen.
agravio nm offence, insult.
agredir vt to attack.
agregar vt to add.
agresin nf aggression, attack.
agresividad nf aggressiveness.
agresivo,a adj aggressive.
agresor,ra nm & nf aggressor, attacker.
agreste adj 1 (salvaje) wild. 2 (abrupto)
rugged; (rocoso) rocky. 3 (sin cultivar)
agrcola adj agricultural, farming.
agricultor,ra nm & nf farmer.
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta marzo.
agricultura nf agriculture, farming.
agotado,a pp agotar.
agridulce adj 1 bittersweet. 2 culin
P adj 1 (cansado) exhausted, worn out. 2
sweet and sour.
(libros) out of print; (mercancas) sold out.
agrietarse vpr to crack; (piel) to get
agotador,ra adj exhausting.
agotamiento nm exhaustion. c o m p
agrio,a adj sour.
agotamiento fsico physical strain.
P nm pl agrios citrus fruits.
agotar vt to exhaust, tire/wear out.
nf agronomy.
P vpr agotarse 1 (cansarse) to become
exhausted, become tired out. 2 com agrnomo,a adj farming.
P nm & nf agronomist.
to be sold out.
adj agricultural,
agraciado,a adj 1 (bello) attractive,
beautiful. 2 (ganador) winning.
agrupacin nf 1 grouping, group. 2
P nm & nf lucky winner. l o c ser poco
(asociacin) association.
agraciado, -a to be unattractive/plain.
vt to group, put into groups.
agradable adj nice, pleasant.
P vpr agruparse 1 to group together,
agradar vi to please.
form a group. 2 (asociarse) to associate.
agradecer vt 1 to thank for, be grate- agua nf 1 water: echarse al agua to dive
ful for. 2 (uso impersonal) to be welin. 2 (lluvia) rain. 3 arquit slope of a
come: siempre se agradece una ayuda
roof: tejado a dos aguas pitched roof.
help is always welcome.
c o m p agua dulce fresh water. y agua
agradecido,a pp agradecer.
corriente running water. y agua de co
P adj grateful, thankful: le quedara
lonia (eau de) cologne. y agua del gri
muy agradecido si I should be very
fo tap water. y agua mineral con gas
much obliged if
sparkling mineral water. y agua oxi
agradecimiento nm gratefulness,
genada hydrogen peroxide. y agua
gratitude, thankfulness.
potable drinking water. y aguas juris
agrado nm pleasure: no es de su agrado it
diccionales territorial waters.
isnt to his liking.
aguacate nm (rbol) avocado; (fruto)
avocado (pear).
agrandar vt to enlarge, make larger.

aguacero nm heavy shower, downpour.

aguado,a pp aguar.
P adj

watered down, wishy-washy.

aguafiestas nm o nf inv killjoy, spoilsport, wet blanket.

aguafuerte nm & nf 1 arte etching. 2


nitric acid.

aguamarina nf aquamarine.
aguanieve nf sleet.
aguantar vt 1 (contener) to hold (back).


agujero nm 1 hole. 2 fig (falta de dinero)

shortfall: encontraron un agujero de va

rios millones de euros they found that several million euros were missing. c o m p
agujero negro black hole.
agujetas nf pl stiffness sing: tener aguje
tas to be stiff.
ah interj 1 (caer en la cuenta) ah!, oh! 2 (sorpresa, admiracin) oh!
ah adv there, in that place. l o c de ah
que hence, therefore. y por ah 1 (lugar) round there. 2 (aproximadamente)
more or less.
ahijado,a nm & nf 1 godchild; (chico)
godson; (chica) goddaughter. 2 (adoptivo) adopted child.
ahnco nm eagerness.

2 (sostener) to hold, support. 3 (soportar) to tolerate: no aguanto ms I cant

stand any more, I cant take any more.
P vpr aguantarse 1 (contenerse) to keep
back; (risa, lgrimas) to hold back. 2
(resignarse) to resign os.
aguante nm 1 (paciencia) patience, en- ahogado,a pp ahogar.
durance. 2 (fuerza) strength. l o c tener
P adj 1 drowned. 2 (asfixiado) asphyxmucho aguante 1 (paciente) to be very
iated, suffocated.
patient. 2 (resistente) to be strong,
P nm & nf drowned person.
have a lot of stamina.
ahogar vt 1 (asfixiar) to choke, suffoaguar vt to water down, add water
cate. 2 (en el agua) to drown. 3 (motor)
to. l o c aguar la fiesta a algn to spoil
to flood.
sbs fun.
P vpr ahogarse 1 to be drowned,
aguardar vt to wait (for), await.
drown: se cay al ro y se ahog he fell inP vi to wait.
to the river and drowned. 2 (sofocarse) to
aguardiente nm eau de vie, spirit,
choke, suffocate. 3 (motor) to flood.
l o c ahogarse en un vaso de agua fig to
aguarrs nm turpentine.
make a mountain out of a molehill.
agudo,a adj 1 (afilado) sharp. 2 (dolor) ahora adv 1 (en este momento) now: ahora
acute. 3 fig (ingenioso) witty; (mordaz)
no tengo tiempo I havent got time now.
sharp. 4 (voz) high-pitched. 5 (sonido)
2 (hace un momento) just a moment
treble, high. 6 ling (palabra) oxytone;
ago: lo acabo de ver ahora Ive just seen it.
(acento) acute. 7 mat (ngulo) acute.
3 (dentro de un momento) in a minute,
agero nm omen, presage. l o c ser de
shortly: ahora te lo preparo Ill get it
mal agero to be ill-omened. y ser p
ready for you in a minute. l o c de ahora
jaro de mal agero fig to be bird of ill
en adelante from now on. y hasta
ahora until now, so far. y por ahora
aguijn nm 1 zool sting. 2 bot thorn,
for the time being.
prickle. 3 fig (estmulo) sting, spur.
ahorcar vt to hang.
guila nf eagle.
P vpr ahorcarse to hang oneself.
aguilucho nm (cra del guila) eaglet.
ahorrador,ra adj thrifty.
P nm & nf thrifty person.
aguinaldo nm Christmas bonus/box.
aguja nf 1 needle; (de tricotar) knitting ahorrar vt to save.
needle. 2 (de reloj) hand; (de tocadiscos)
P vpr ahorrarse to save os: te ahorrars
stylus. 3 (de arma) firing pin. 4 (de tren)
problemas si lo haces como yo te digo youll
point, us switch.
save yourself problems if you do it the
agujerear vt to make holes in.
way I say.


ahorro nm saving: me supone un ahorro

ajustar vt 1 (adaptar) to adjust, regu-

late. 2 (apretar) to tighten. 3 (encajar)

to fit, fit tight.
ajuste nm 1 (unin) adjustment, fitting.
2 tc assembly. 3 com settlement,
ahumado,a pp ahumar.
fixing. c o m p ajuste de cuentas fig setP adj smoked; (bacon) smoky.
tling of scores.
ahumar vt to smoke.
ahuyentar vt 1 to drive away, scare al contr a. l o c al + inf on + ger: me lo
encontr al salir de casa I met him when I
away. 2 fig to dismiss.
was leaving, I met him on leaving.
airbag nm airbag.
aire nm 1 air. 2 (viento) wind; (corriente) ala nf 1 wing. 2 dep winger.
P nf pl alas (atrevimiento) daring sing .
draught. 3 fig (aspecto) air, appearance:
c o m p ala delta 1 (aparato) hang glider.
tiene un aire cansado she looks tired. 4 fig
2 (deporte) hang gliding.
(parecido) resemblance, likeness: tienen
alabanza nf praise.
un aire de familia theres a family likeness
to them. 5 fig (estilo) style, manner, alabar vt (elogiar) to praise.
way: lo hizo a su aire he did it his way. alabastro nm alabaster.
6 ms air, melody. l o c al aire libre in alacena nf cupboard.
the open air, outdoors. y tomar el aire alacrn nm scorpion.
to take the air, get some fresh air. alambique nm still.
c o m p aire acondicionado air conditionalambre nm wire.
ing. y aire puro clean air.
alameda nf 1 poplar grove. 2 (paseo)
avenue, promenade, boulevard.
airear vt 1 (ventilar) to air. 2 fig (un asunto) to publicize.
lamo nm poplar.
P vpr airearse to get some fresh air.
alano,a adj mastiff, wolfhound.
airoso,a l o c salir airoso,a to do alarde nm display, bragging, boastwell, be successful: sali airoso de la en
ing. l o c hacer alarde de to flaunt,
trevista he did well in the interview.
show off, parade.
aislado,a pp aislar.
alardear vi to boast, brag, show off.
P adj 1 (suelto) isolated. 2 tc insulated.
alargador nm extension lead.
aislante adj insulating.
alargar vt 1 to lengthen. 2 (estirar) to
P nm insulator.
stretch. 3 (prolongar) to prolong. 4
(dar) to hand, pass.
aislar vt 1 (dejar separado) to isolate. 2
tc to insulate.
alarido nm screech, yell, shriek.
a. J.C. abrev a. de J.C.
alarma nf alarm. l o c dar la alarma to
give the alarm, raise the alarm.
ajedrez nm 1 (juego) chess. 2 (tablero y
alarmante adj alarming.
piezas) chess set.
ajeno,a adj 1 (de otro) anothers, be- alarmar vt to alarm.
P vpr alarmarse to be alarmed, alarm os.
longing to other people. 2 (extrao)
alarmista nm o nf alarmist.
not involved.
alazn,ana adj light chestnut, sorrel.
ajetreo nm activity, bustle.
ajo nm garlic. l o c estar en el ajo fam fig alba nf dawn, daybreak.
to be involved, be in the thick of it. albacea nm o nf jur (hombre) executor;
c o m p ajo tierno young garlic.
(mujer) executrix.
albahaca nf basil.
ajustado,a pp ajustar.
P adj 1 (precio) very low, rock-bottom;
albans,esa adj Albanian.
P nm & nf (persona) Albanian.
(presupuesto) tight.
2 (apretado) tightP nm albans (idioma) Albanian.
fitting, tight.
de 60 euros al mes it represents a saving

of 60 euros a month.
P nm pl ahorros savings.

Albania nf Albania.
albail nm (de ladrillos) bricklayer; (en


alcantarillado nm sewer system.

alcanzar vt 1 (gen) to reach. 2 (persona)

to catch up, catch up with. 3 (pasar)

to pass, hand over: alcnzame el agua
pass me some water. 4 (conseguir) to atnote.
tain, achieve: alcanzamos los objetivos
albaricoque nm 1 (fruta) apricot. 2 (rwe achieved the goals.
bol) apricot tree.
P vi 1 (ser suficiente) to be sufficient (paalberca nf reservoir.
ra, for), be enough (para, for): eso no
albergar vt 1 (alojar) to lodge, house,
alcanza para todos thats not enough for
accommodate. 2 fig (sentimientos) to
all of us. 2 (ser capaz) to manage, succherish, harbour (us harbor).
ceed: no alcanzo a verlo I cant see it.
albergue nm 1 (hostal) hostel. 2 (refugio)
shelter, refuge. c o m p albergue juvenil alcaparra nf 1 (fruto) caper. 2 (planta)
caper bush.
youth hostel.
alcayata nf hook.
albino,a adj albino.
alczar nm 1 (fortaleza) fortress, citaP nm & nf albino.
del. 2 (palacio) palace, castle.
albndiga nf meatball.
alce nm elk, moose.
albornoz nm bathrobe.
alborotador,ra nm & nf troublemak- alcoba nf bedroom.
alcohol nm 1 (sustancia) alcohol. 2 (bebier, agitator.
da) alcohol, spirits pl.
alborotar vt 1 (agitar) to agitate, excite. 2 (desordenar) to make untidy, alcoholemia nf alcohol: tasa/nivel de
alcoholemia blood alcohol level.
turn upside down. 3 (sublevar) to inalcohlico,a adj alcoholic.
cite to rebel.
P nm & nf alcoholic.
P vi to make a racket.
alboroto nm 1 (gritera) din, racket, alcoholmetro nm breathalyzer.
row. 2 (desorden) uproar, commotion, alcoholismo nm alcoholism.
alcornoque nm 1 bot cork oak. 2 fig
blockhead, idiot, dimwit.
albufera nf lagoon.
aldaba nf 1 (llamador) door knocker. 2
lbum nm album.
(barra) bar. 3 (pestillo) bolt.
albmina nf albumin.
alcachofa nf 1 (planta) artichoke. 2 aldea nf hamlet, small village.
aldeano,a nm & nf villager.
(pieza) rose, sprinkler.
aldehdo nm aldehyde.
alcalde nm mayor.
alcaldesa nf 1 (cargo) lady mayor, aleacin nf alloy.
mayoress. 2 (mujer del alcalde) mayoress. aleatorio,a adj random, chance.
alcalda nf 1 (cargo) mayorship. 2 (ofici- alegar vt to allege, plead, claim.
na) mayors office, mayoralty.
alegora nf allegory.
alcalino,a adj alkaline.
alegrico,a adj allegorical, allegoric.
alcaloide nm alkaloid.
alegrar vt 1 (causar alegra) to make
alcance nm 1 reach, grasp: est al alcan
happy, make glad, cheer up. 2 fig
ce de todo el mundo its within everyones
(avivar) to brighten (up), enliven. 3
reach. 2 (de arma) range. 3 (trascendencia)
fam (achispar) to make tipsy.
scope, importance. 4 (inteligencia) inP vpr alegrarse 1 to be pleased, be
telligence: persona de pocos alcances perglad. 2 fam (achisparse) to get tipsy.
son of low intelligence.
alegre adj 1 (contento) happy, glad. 2
alcanfor nm camphor.
(color) bright. 3 (msica) lively. 4 (espacio) cheerful, pleasant. 5 fam (achispaalcantarilla nf 1 (conducto)
sewer. 2 (bo
do) tipsy.
ca) drain.
general) building worker.

albarn nm delivery note, despatch



alegra nf happiness, joy.

alejar vt to remove, move away.

alejarse to go/move away.

alemn,ana adj German.
P nm & nf (persona) German.
P nm alemn (idioma) German.
Alemania nf Germany.
alentar vt 1 (animar) to encourage. 2 (teP vpr

ner) to harbour (us harbor), cherish.

alrgeno nm allergen.
alergia nf allergy.
alrgico,a adj allergic (a, to).
alero nm 1 arquit eaves pl. 2 dep forward.

alerta adv (vigilante) on the alert.

algo pron (afirmacin) something; (nega-

cin, interrogacin) anything: vamos a to

mar algo lets have something to drink;
quieres algo? do you want anything?
l o c algo es algo something is better

than nothing.
adv (un poco) a bit, a little, somewhat: te queda algo grande its a bit too
big for you.
algodn nm cotton. c o m p algodn dulce/
de azcar candyfloss, (us cotton candy). y algodn hidrfilo cotton wool.
algoritmo nm algorithm.
alguacil nm bailiff.
alguien pron (afirmativo) somebody,
someone; (interrogativo, negativo) anybody, anyone: preguntemos a alguien
lets ask someone; hay alguien? is anyone there?

(atencin) alert.
look/watch out!
alertar vt to alert (de, to).
aleta nf 1 (de pez) fin; (de mamfero, de na- algn adj alguno,a.
dador) flipper. 2 (de nariz) wing, ala. 3 alguno,a adj (afirmativo) some; (interrogativo, negativo) any: alguna noche voy al ci
(de avin) aileron; (de coche) wing.
ne some nights I go to the cinema; ha
aletear vi 1 (ave) to flutter, flap its
habido alguna llamada? has anyone
wings. 2 (pez) to move its fins.
phoned?, have there been any phone
alfabetizar vt 1 (ensear) to teach to
calls?; el ministro no facilit dato alguno the
read and write. 2 (ordenar) to alphaminister didnt provide any information.
betize, put in alphabetic order.
P pron (afirmativo) someone, somealfabeto nm 1 (abecedario) alphabet. 2
body; (interrogativo, negativo) anybody:
(cdigo) code. c o m p alfabeto Morse
que venga alguno que sepa francs get
Morse code.
someone who speaks French. l o c algu
no que otro some, a few.
alfalfa nf alfalfa, lucerne.
alfarera nf 1 (arte) pottery. 2 (taller) alhaja nf 1 jewel, gem. 2 fig (cosa, persona) gem, treasure.
potters workshop.
aliado,a pp aliar.
alfizar nm sill, windowsill.
P adj allied.
alfrez nm second lieutenant.
P nm & nf ally.
alfil nm bishop.
nf 1 (pacto) alliance. 2 (anillo)
alfiler nm 1 (costura) pin. 2 (joya) brooch,
wedding ring.
pin. 3 (del pelo) clip. 4 (de corbata) tiepin.
aliar vt to ally.
alfombra nf 1 carpet, rug. 2 (de bao)
P vpr aliarse to become allies, form
bath mat.
an alliance (con, with).
alfombrilla nf 1 rug, mat. 2 (de ordena- alias adv alias.
dor) mousemat, mousepad.
P nm inv alias.
alforja nf saddlebag.
alicates nm pl pliers.
alga nf alga; (marina) seaweed.
aliciente nm incentive, inducement.
algarroba nf 1 (fruto) carob bean. 2 aliengena nm o nf alien.
(planta) vetch.
aliento nm 1 (respiracin) breath,
algarrobo nm carob
breathing. 2 fig (nimo) spirit, courage. l o c quedarse sin aliento 1 (respilgebra nf algebra.
P nf

P interj



there, round there. 2 (tiempo) then, at

that moment.
alma nf soul. l o c no haba ni una alma
there wasnt a soul, there was nobody there. y no poder algn con su al
ma to be absolutely exhausted.
almacn nm 1 (local) warehouse,
storehouse. 2 (habitacin) storeroom.
P nm pl almacenes department store
sing. c o m p grandes almacenes department store sing.
almacenar vt 1 to store, warehouse.
2 (acumular) to store up, keep.
almeja nf clam.
almena nf merlon.
P nf pl almenas battlements.
almendra nf almond.
almendro nm almond tree.
almbar nm syrup.
almidn nm starch.
almirante nm admiral.
almizcle nm musk.
almohada nf pillow. l o c consultar algo
con la almohada fam to sleep on sth.
almohadilla nf 1 (gen) small cushion. 2
cost (para coser) sewing cushion; (para
alfileres) pincushion. 3 (de teclado) number sign, pound. 4 (de animal) pad. 5
arquit (de capitel) volute cushion.
almohadn nm cushion, large pillow.
almorrana nf fam pile.
almorzar vi (al medioda) to have lunch;
(de desayuno) to have breakfast; (a media maana) to have elevenses, have a
mid-morning snack.
P vt (al medioda) to have for lunch; (de
desayuno) to have for breakfast; (a media maana) to have for elevenses,
have for a mid-morning snack.
allanamiento c o m p allanamiento de mo
rada 1 unlawful entry. 2 (robo) house- almuerzo nm 1 (a medioda) lunch. 2 (a
breaking, breaking and entering.
media maana) mid-morning snack,
elevenses pl. 3 (desayuno) breakfast.
allanar vt 1 (aplanar) to level, flatten. 2
(dificultad, etc) to smooth out, solve, alojamiento nm lodging, accommoresolve.
allegado,a adj close, related.
alojar vt 1 (hospedar) to lodge, put up,
P nm & nf (familia) relative; (amigo)
accommodate; (dar vivienda a) to
close friend.
house. 2 (meter) to put, place.
P vpr alojarse (persona) to stay; (bala,
all adv 1 (lugar) there,
over there: all
etc) to be lodged.
abajo/arriba down/up there; por all over

rando mal) to be breathless, be out of

breath. 2 (sorprendido) to gasp.
alijo nm consignment: un alijo de armas a
consignment of smuggled arms, an arms
alimaa nf pest.
alimentacin nf 1 (accin) feeding. 2 (alimento) food; (dieta) diet. 3 tc feed. c o m p
bomba de alimentacin feed pump.
alimentar vt 1 (dar alimento) to feed. 2
(mantener) to keep, support. 3 (uso tcnico) to feed.
P vpr alimentarse to live (de/con, on).
alimento nm 1 (comida) food. 2 (valor
nutritivo) nutritional value, nourishment.
alineacin nf 1 (colocacin) alignment,
lining up. 2 (equipo) line-up.
alinear vt 1 (poner en lnea) to align, line
up. 2 dep to pick, select.
aliar vt (gen) to season, flavour (us
flavor); (ensalada) to dress.
alio nm (gen) seasoning; (para ensalada)
alisar vt to smooth.
alistarse vpr to enlist, join up, enrol
(us enroll).
aliviar vt 1 fig (enfermedad, dolor) to relieve, ease, alleviate, soothe. 2 (consolar) to comfort, console.
alivio nm 1 (mejora) relief: qu alivio!
what a relief! 2 (consuelo) comfort, consolation.
aljibe nm cistern, tank.
all adv 1 (lugar) there, over there: ms
all further (on); all va tu madre there
goes your mother. 2 (tiempo) back: all
por los aos sesenta back in the sixties.



alondra nf lark.
alopecia nf alopecia.
alpaca1 nf (animal, tela) alpaca.
alpaca2 nf (metal) nickel silver, German
silver, alpaca.

alpargata nf rope-soled sandal, es-

altercado nm argument, quarrel.

alternar vt (gen) to alternate.

1 (turnar) to alternate. 2 (relacionarse) to meet people, socialize ( con,

with), mix (con, with). 3 (en salas de
P vi

fiesta, bar) to entertain.

Alpes nm pl los Alpes the Alps.

alpinismo nm mountaineering,

alternativa nf alternative, option, choice.

alternativo,a adj alternative.
alterno,a adj alternate, alternating:

alpinista nm o nf mountaineer, moun-

Alteza nf Highness.


mountain climbing.

tain climber.

alpiste nm birdseed, canary grass.

alquilar vt 1 (dar en alquiler - perodo largo)

das alternos alternate days.

l o c Su Alteza Real
1 (hombre) His Royal Highness. 2 (mu-

jer) Her Royal Highness.

altibajos nm pl ups and downs.

altiplano nm high plateau.
altitud nf height, altitude.
alto1 nm (parada) stop: hicieron un alto pa

to rent, rent out, let; (- perodo corto) to

hire out. 2 (recibir en alquiler - perodo largo) to rent; (- perodo corto) to hire. l o c
Se alquila To let.
ra comer they stopped for lunch.
P interj halt!; (polica) stop!
alquiler nm 1 (accin - de casa) renting,
letting; (- de coche) hire. 2 (cuota - de ca- alto,a2 adj 1 (persona, edificio, rbol) tall. 2
sa) rent; (- de TV, etc) rental. l o c En al
(montaa, pared, techo, precio) high. 3 (elevaquiler To let, us For rent.
do) top, upper: viven en los pisos altos they
live on the upper floors. 4 (voz, sonido)
alquimia nf alchemy.
loud: lo dijo en voz alta she said it aloud.
alquitrn nm tar.
l o c a altas horas de la noche late at
alrededor adv 1 (lugar) round, around:
night. c o m p alta cocina haute cuisine.
mira alrededor look around. 2 alrededor
y alta sociedad high society.
de (tiempo) around: alrededor de las cuatro
P adv alto 1 high (up). 2 (voz) loud,
around four oclock. 3 (aproximadamente)
loudly. l o c pasar por alto to pass over.
about: alrededor de veinte about twenty.
P nm 1 (altura) height: solo hace dos me
P nm pl alrededores surrounding area
tros de alto its only two metres high. 2
sing: en los alrededores de Sevilla in the vi(elevacin) hill, high ground. l o c en lo
cinity of Seville, just outside Seville.
alto de on the top of. y por todo lo al
alta nf 1 (de un enfermo) discharge: dieron
to fig in a grand way.
de/el alta al enfermo the patient was discharged from hospital. 2 (de un empleado) altramuz nm lupin.
registration with Social Security. 3 (entra- altruismo nm altruism.
da, admisin) admission; (ingreso) mem- altura nf 1 (gen) height: el edificio tiene una
altura de 80 metros the building is 80 metres
high. 2 (altitud) altitude. 3 (nivel) level,
altar nm altar.
par; (punto) point: a qu altura de la calle
altavoz nm loudspeaker.
vives? how far up the street do you live?
alteracin nf 1 (cambio) alteration,
l o c estar a la altura de to measure up
change. 2 (excitacin) agitation, unto, match up to, be on a par with. y a
easiness, restlessness. c o m p altera
estas alturas by now, at this stage.
cin del orden pblico breach of the
alubia nf bean.
peace, disturbance of the peace.
alterar vt 1 (cambiar) to change, modi- alucinacin nf hallucination.
alucinado,a pp alucinar.
fy, alter. 2 (enfadar) to annoy, upset.
P adj argot amazed, stunned, gobP vpr alterarse 1 (cambiar) to change. 2 (en
fadarse) to lose ones temper, get upset.

alucinante adj 1 hallucinatory. 2 argot

(extraordinario) brilliant, fantastic,

amazing, incredible, mind-blowing.
alucinar vt 1 (producir sensaciones) to hallucinate. 2 fig (cautivar) to fascinate,
amaze, astound, flip out, stun.
P vi argot to be amazed, be gobsmacked: alucinas! youre out of your
mind!, youre crazy!
alud nm avalanche.

aludido,a pp aludir.
P adj

above-mentioned, in question.

darse por aludido,a to take the


aludir vi to allude (a, to), mention (a, -),

refer (a, to).

alumbrado,a nm lighting, lights pl;

(coche) lights pl.

alumbramiento nm afterbirth.
alumbrar vt 1 (iluminar) to light, give


vpr alzarse 1 (levantarse) to rise up,

get up. 2 (sublevarse) to rise, rebel.
a.m. abrev (ante meridiem) ante meridiem; (abreviatura) a.m.
ama nf (propietaria) landlady. c o m p ama
de casa housewife.
amabilidad nf kindness, affability.
amable adj kind, nice: sera usted tan ama
ble de? would you be so kind as to?
amaestrar vt (adiestrar) to train; (domar)
to tame.
amainar vi (viento) to die down, drop.
amamantar vt to breast-feed, suckle.
amanecer vi 1 to dawn, get light: en
verano amanece pronto day breaks early
in summer. 2 (estar) to be at dawn, be
at daybreak: amanecimos en Barcelona
we were in Barcelona at dawn.
P nm dawn, daybreak. l o c al amane
cer at daybreak.
amanerado,a adj affected, mannered.
amante adj loving, fond (de, of).
P nm o nf lover.
amaar vt (falsear) to fiddle, fix; (cuentas) to cook; (elecciones) to rig.
amapola nf poppy.
amar vt to love.
P vpr amarse to love each other, be
in love (with each other).
amarar vi (hidroavin) to land at sea;
(nave espacial) to splash down.

light to, illuminate. 2 fig (ensear) to

P vi 1 (iluminar) to give light. 2 (parir) to
give birth to.
aluminio nm aluminium, us aluminum.
alumnado nm (de colegio) pupils pl; (de
universidad) student body.
alumno,a nm & nf (de colegio) pupil; (de
universidad) student. c o m p alumno ex
terno day pupil. y alumno interno
boarder. y antiguo alumno 1 (de colegio)
old boy, former pupil. 2 (de universidad) old student, former student.
alunizar vi to land on the moon.
amargado,a pp amargar.
alusin nf allusion, reference.
P adj embittered, resentful: estar
aluvin nm 1 alluvion: tierra de aluvin
amargado,a to feel very bitter.
alluvium, alluvial soil. 2 fig flood: un
P nm & nf bitter person.
aluvin de insultos a barrage of insults.
amargar vi (tener sabor amargo) to taste
alveolar adj alveolar.
alveolo nm 1 anat alveolus. 2 (de paP vt 1 (hacer amargo) to make bitter. 2
nal) cell.
fig (disgustos, etc) to embitter, make
alza nf (aumento) rise, increase. l o c al alza
bitter. 3 fig (estropear) to spoil, ruin: la
/ en alza rising.
lluvia nos amarg el da the rain put a
alzamiento nm 1 (aumento) raising, liftdamper on our day.
ing. 2 (rebelin) uprising, insurrection.
P vpr amargarse fig to become embitalzar vt 1 (levantar) to raise, lift. 2 (constered, become bitter. l o c a nadie le
truir) to build, erect. 3 (un plano) to
l o c alzar el vuelo
un dulce a gift is always weldraw up, make out.
to take off.


amargo,a adj 1 (sabor) bitter. 2 fig (ca-


ambiguo,a adj ambiguous.

rcter) sour; (experiencia) bitter, sour, mbito nm 1 (espacio) sphere, space. 2
(marco) field: en el mbito de la informti
amargura nf 1 bitterness. 2 (dolor) sorca in the computer science field.
row, grief, sadness.
ambivalente adj ambivalent.
amarillo,a adj yellow.
ambos,as adj both: por ambos lados on
P nm amarillo yellow. c o m p prensa
both sides.
amarilla sensationalist press.
P pron both: me gustan ambos I like both
amarra nf mooring rope.
of them, I like them both.
P nf pl amarras fam fig connections.
ambulancia nf ambulance.
l o c soltar las amarras 1 mar to cast
ambulante adj itinerant, travelling.
off, let go. 2 fig to break loose.
ambulatorio,a adj ambulatory.
amarrar vt 1 (atar) to tie (up), fasten. 2
P n ambulatorio surgery, clinic.
mar to moor, tie up.
ameba nf amoeba (us ameba).
amarre nm mooring.
amedrentar vt to frighten, scare.
amasar vt 1 culin to knead. 2 fig (reunir)
P vpr amedrentarse (asustarse) to be
to amass.
frightened, be scared; (acobardarse) to
amasijo nm fam (mezcolanza) hotchbecome intimidated.
potch, jumble.
amn nm rel amen. l o c decir amn a
amateur adj amateur.
todo/todos fam to agree with everyP nm o nf amateur.
amatista nf amethyst.
amenaza nf threat, menace.
amazona nf 1 (mitologa) Amazon. 2 (jiamenazar vt & vi to threaten.
nete) horsewoman.
Amazonas nm el Amazonas the Ama- amenizar vt to liven up, make entertaining, make enjoyable.
adj lively, entertaining, enamaznico,a adj Amazonian.
mbar nm amber.
Amrica nf America. c o m p Amrica Cen
ambicin nf ambition, aspiration.
tral Central America. y Amrica del
ambicioso,a adj (plan, etc) ambitious;
Norte North America. y Amrica del Sur
(persona) ambitious, enterprising.
South America. y Amrica Latina Latin
ambidextro,a adj ambidextrous.
P nm & nf ambidextrous person.
americana nf jacket.
ambientacin nf 1 (ambiente) atmosamericano,a adj American.
phere. 2 (localizacin) setting.
P nm & nf American.
ambientador nm air freshener.
amerizar vi amarar.
ambiental adj 1 (del ambiente) environametralladora nf machine gun.
mental. 2 (de fondo) background.
ambientar vt 1 (dar ambiente) to give ametrallar vt 1 to machine-gun. 2 fig
(acosar) to chase, pursue, besiege.
atmosphere to. 2 (localizar) to set.
amianto nm asbestos.
P vpr ambientarse to adapt, get used
amgdala nf tonsil.
(a, to).
ambiente nm 1 (aire) air, atmosphere. amigdalitis nf inv tonsillitis.
2 (entorno) environment, atmosphere: amigo,a adj 1 (amigable) friendly: es muy
no hay mucho ambiente de noche there is
amigo de Julio hes very friendly with Julio.
not much going on at night. l o c cam
2 (aficionado) fond (de, of): no es muy ami
biar de ambiente to have a change of
ga de discotecas shes not keen on discos.
P nm & nf 1 friend: una amiga ma a
ambigedad nf ambiguity.
friend of mine; son amigos ntimos they



are close friends. 2 (novio) boyfriend; amotinarse vpr 1 to rebel, rise up, riot.
2 mil to mutiny.
(novia) girlfriend. 3 (amante) lover.
amparar vt to protect, shelter.
amigote nm fam pal, mate, chum.
P vpr ampararse 1 (protegerse) to take
amiguismo nm contacts pl, stringshelter, protect os . 2 (acogerse) to
avail os of the protection (en, of),
aminocido nm amino acid.
seek protection (en, in).
aminorar vt to reduce, decrease. l o c
amparo nm protection, shelter.
aminorar el paso to slow down.
amperio nm ampere.
amistad nf friendship.
ampliacin nf 1 enlargement, extenP nf pl amistades friends. l o c hacer
sion. 2 arquit extension. 3 (fotografa)
amistades to make friends.
amistoso,a adj friendly: partido amis
ampliar vt 1 to enlarge, extend. 2
toso friendly match.
arquit to build an extension onto. 3
amnesia nf amnesia.
(fotografa) to enlarge. 4 (capital) to inamnitico,a adj amniotic.
crease. 5 (estudios) to further. 6 (tema,
amnista nf amnesty.
idea) to develop, expand on.
amo nm 1 (seor) master. 2 (dueo) amplificacin nf amplification.
owner. 3 (jefe) boss.
amplio,a adj 1 (extenso) large. 2 (espaamoldarse vpr to adapt, adjust (a, to).
cioso) roomy, spacious. 3 (ancho)
amonestacin nf 1 (reprensin) repriwide, broad. 4 (holgado) loose.
mand, admonition, admonish- amplitud nf 1 (extensin) extent, range.
ment. 2 dep caution, booking.
2 (espacio) room, space, spaciousness.
amonestar vt 1 (reprender) to repri3 (anchura) width. 4 (holgadura) looseness. 5 fs amplitude.
mand, admonish. 2 dep to caution,
ampolla nf 1 med blister. 2 (burbuja)
bubble. 3 (tubito) ampoule, phial.
amonaco nm ammonia.
amontonar vt 1 to heap up, pile up. 2 amputar vt to amputate.
(juntar) to collect, gather, accumulate. amueblar vt to furnish. l o c sin amue
blar unfurnished.
P vpr amontonarse 1 to heap up, pile
up. 2 (gente) to crowd together.
amuleto nm amulet, charm.
amor nm 1 (gen) love. 2 (cuidado) loving amurallar vt to wall.
care; (devocin) devotion. l o c con/de anabolizante adj anabolic.
mil amores fam willingly, with anaconda nf anaconda.
pleasure. y hacer el amor to make anacoreta nm o nf anchorite.
love. c o m p amor propio self-esteem.
anacronismo nm anachronism.
amoral adj amoral.
anaerobio,a adj anaerobic.
amoratado,a adj 1 (de fro) blue with anagrama nm anagram.
cold. 2 (de un golpe) bruised, black anal adj anal.
and blue.
analfabetismo nm illiteracy.
amordazar vt (persona) to gag; (perro) to analfabeto,a adj 1 illiterate. 2 fig
amorfo,a adj amorphous.
P nm & nf 1 illiterate person. 2 fig stuamoroso,a adj loving, affectionate.
pid person, ignoramus.
amortiguador nm 1 auto shock ab- analgsico,a adj analgesic.
sorber. 2 tc damper.
P nm analgsico analgesic, painkiller.
amortiguar vt (golpe) to cushion; (do- anlisis nm inv analysis. c o m p anlisis
soothe; (ruido)
lor) to alleviate, ease,
de orina urine test. y anlisis de san
to muffle; (luz) to subdue, dim.
gre blood test.


analizar vt to analyse (us analyze).

analoga nf analogy.
analgico,a adj analogical.
anlogo,a adj analogous, similar.
anaquel nm shelf.
anarqua nf anarchy.
anrquico,a adj anarchic, anarchical.
anarquista adj anarchist.

llas to tiptoe. y andar con rodeos to
beat about the bush. y andar con cui
dado / andarse con cuidado to be careful. y andarse por las ramas fig to beat

about the bush.

P interj anda! well!, oh!: anda ya!
come off it!.
andn nm platform.
Andes nm pl los Andes the Andes.
P nm o nf anarchist.
andino,a adj Andean.
anatoma nf anatomy.
P nm & nf Andean.
anca nf haunch.
ancas de rana
nm Andorra.
frogs legs.
andorrano,a adj Andorran.
ancestral adj ancestral, ancient.
P nm & nf Andorran.
ancho,a adj 1 (gen) broad, wide. 2
nm android.
(prenda - holgada) loose-fitting; (- granancdota nf anecdote.
de) too big.
anlido nm annelid.
P nm ancho 1 (anchura) breadth, width:
qu ancho tiene? how wide is it?; tiene anemia nf anaemia (us anemia).
cuatro metros de ancho its four metres anemona nf anemone. c o m p anemona
de mar sea anemone.
wide. 2 (en costura) width. l o c a sus an
chas fam comfortable, at ease. y estar anestesia nf anaesthesia (us anesthems ancho,a que largo,a to be full of
os. y quedarse tan ancho,a fam to beanestsico,a adj anaesthetic (us anhave as if nothing had happened,
not bat an eyelid.
P nm anestsico anaesthetic (us anesanchoa nf anchovy.
anchura nf breadth, width.
anexin nf annexation.
anciano,a adj very old, elderly, aged. anexo,a adj adjoining, attached (a, to).
P nm & nf old person, elderly person.
P nm anexo annexe (us annex).
ancla nf anchor.
anfetamina nf amphetamine.
anclar vi mar to anchor.
anfibio,a adj amphibious.
P vt tc to anchor.
P nm anfibio amphibian.
P nm pl los anfibios amphibia pl.
andadas l o c volver a las andadas to go
back to ones old tricks.
anfiteatro nm 1 amphitheatre (us amphitheater). 2 (en universidad) lecture
Andaluca nf Andalusia.
theatre (us theater). 3 (en teatro, cine)
andaluz,za adj Andalusian.
P nm & nf (persona) Andalusian.
anfitrin,ona nm & nf (hombre) host;
P nm andaluz (dialecto) Andalusian.
(mujer) hostess.
andamio nm scaffold.
ngel nm angel.
andanada nf mar broadside.
andante c o m p caballero andante angina nf angina. l o c tener anginas to
have a sore throat. c o m p angina de pe
knight errant.
cho angina pectoris.
andanzas nf pl adventures.
andar vi 1 (moverse) to walk. 2 (funcionar) anglosajn,ona adj Anglo-Saxon.
P nm & nf (persona) Anglo-Saxon.
to work, run, go: este reloj no anda this
P nm anglosajn (idioma) Anglo-Saxon.
watch doesnt work. 3 (estar) to be: c
mo andas? how are you?, hows it going? Angola nf Angola.
4 (juntarse) to mix (con
, with). l o c an angosto,a adj narrow.
dar a gatas to crawl. y andar de punti ngstrom nm angstrom.

anguila nf eel.
angula nf elver.
ngulo nm 1 angle. 2 (rincn) corner.

ngulo recto right angle.

angustia nf anguish, distress.
angustiar vt 1 (afligir) to distress, upset.
2 (preocupar) to worry, make anxious.
angustioso,a adj (situacin) distresscomp


aniquilar vt to annihilate, destroy.

ans nm 1 (planta) anise; (grano) aniseed.
2 (bebida) anisette.

aniversario nm anniversary.
ano nm anus.
anoche adv (late) last night; (early) yesterday evening.

anochecer vi 1 to get dark: cuando ano

checi when it got dark. 2 to be at

nightfall, reach at nightfall.
P nm nightfall, dusk, evening. l o c al
anochecer at nightfall, at dusk.
nodo nm anode.
anofeles nm inv anopheles.
P nf pl anillas dep rings.
anillo nm 1 ring. 2 arquit annulet. 3 (de anomala nf anomaly.
gusano) annulus; (de culebra) coil. l o c anmalo,a adj anomalous.
venir como anillo al dedo to be just anonimato nm anonymity.
what sb needed, suit sb fine.
annimo,a adj 1 (desconocido) anonyanimacin nf 1 (actividad) activity,
mous. 2 (sociedad) limited, us incormovement, bustle. 2 (viveza) liveliporated.
ness. 3 cine animation.
P nm annimo (carta) anonymous letter.
animado,a pp animar.
anorak nm anorak.
P adj 1 (movido) animated, lively, jolly.
anorexia nf anorexia.
2 (concurrido) bustling, full of people. anormal adj 1 (no normal) abnormal. 2
3 (alegre) cheerful, in high spirits, ex(inhabitual) unusual. 3 med subnormal.
anotacin nf 1 (acotacin) annotation.
animador,ra nm & nf 1 (artista) enter2 (nota) note. 3 (apunte) noting.
tainer. 2 (de un equipo) cheerleader.
anotar vt 1 (acotar) to annotate, add
animadversin nf antagonism, hosnotes to. 2 (apuntar) to take down,
tility, ill will, animosity.
jot down, make a note of.
animal adj animal.
ansia nf 1 (ansiedad) anxiety; (angustia)
P nm 1 animal. 2 fig (basto) rough peranguish. 2 (deseo) eagerness, longing,
son, brute, lout; (necio) dunce. c o m p
yearning: tener ansia de poder to be
animal domstico pet. y reino animal
longing for power.
animal kingdom.
ansiar vt to long for, yearn for.
animar vt 1 (alegrar a algn) to cheer up.
ansiedad nf 1 anxiety. 2 med nervous
2 (alegrar algo) to brighten up, liven
up. 3 (alentar) to encourage.
adj 1 (desasosegado) anP vpr animarse 1 (persona) to cheer up.
guished, anxious, desperate. 2 (deseo2 (fiesta, etc) to brighten up, liven up.
so) eager, longing (por/de, to).
3 (decidirse) to make up ones mind.
nimo nm 1 (espritu) spirit; (mente) antagnico,a adj antagonistic.
mind; (alma) soul. 2 (intencin) inten- antao adv formerly, in olden times,
long ago.
tion, purpose: sin nimo de ofender no
offence intended. 3 (valor) courage: antrtico,a adj Antarctic.
no tengo nimos de nada I dont feel up to Antrtida nf Antarctica.
anything. 4 (aliento) encouragement.
ante1 prep 1 before, in the presence
P interj cheer up!
of. 2 (considerando) in the face of: ante
anin nm anion.
estas circunstancias under the circum-

ing, worrying; (mirada) anguished.

anhelar vt to long for, yearn for.

anhelo nm longing, yearning.
anhdrido nm anhydride.
anilla nf (aro) ring.



stances. l o c ante todo 1 (primero) first antesala nf anteroom, antechamber.

of all. 2 (por encima de) above all.
antiadherente adj nonstick.
ante2 nm 1 zool elk, moose. 2 (piel) antiareo,a adj anti-aircraft.
antibalas adj bullet-proof.
anteayer adv the day before yesterday. antibitico,a adj antibiotic.
antebrazo nm forearm.
P nm antibitico antibiotic.
antecedente nm 1 precedent. 2 gram anticaspa adj anti-dandruff: champ
antecedent. 3 med history.
anticaspa dandruff shampoo.
P nm pl antecedentes record sing.
anticicln nm anticyclone, high presantecesor,ra nm & nf 1 (en un cargo)
sure area.
predecessor. 2 (antepasado) ancestor.
anticipacin nf anticipation, advance.
antelacin nf precedence: con cinco
l o c con anticipacin in advance.
das de antelacin five days beforehand. anticipado,a pp anticipar.
l o c con antelacin in advance.
P adj brought forward; (temprano)
antemano l o c de antemano beforeearly: gracias anticipadas thanks in adhand, in advance.
vance; pago anticipado payment in adantena nf 1 rad tv aerial, antenna. 2
vance. l o c por anticipado in advance.
anat antenna, feeler. l o c estar en an
anticipar vt 1 to anticipate, advance,
tena to be on the air. c o m p antena pa
bring forward. 2 (dinero) to advance.
rablica satellite dish.
P vpr anticiparse 1 (llegar antes) to
anteojos nm pl 1 (binculos) binoculars,
come early. 2 (adelantarse) to beat to
field glasses. 2 (gafas) glasses, spectait: l se me anticip he beat me to it.
anticipo nm 1 (gen) foretaste, preview.
antepasado nm ancestor.
2 (pago) advance, advance payment.
P nm pl antepasados forefathers, foranticlinal nm anticline.
anticonceptivo,a adj contraceptive.
antepenltimo,a adj antepenultiP nm anticonceptivo contraceptive.
anticongelante adj antifreeze.
anteponer vt 1 (poner delante) to place
P nm anticongelante antifreeze.
in front (a, of), put in front (a, of); anticorrosivo,a adj anticorrosive.
(poner antes) to put before. 2 (preferir)
P nm anticorrosivo anticorrosive.
to prefer (a, to).
anticuado,a adj antiquated, oldantera nf anther.
fashioned, obsolete, out-of-date.
anterior adj 1 (tiempo) previous, pre- anticuario nm (conocedor) antiquary, anticeding, before: el da anterior the day
quarian; (comerciante) antique dealer.
before. 2 (lugar) front: la parte anterior
anticuerpo nm antibody.
the front part.
antidepresivo,a adj antidepressant.
P nm o nf the previous one.
P nm antidepresivo antidepressant.
anterioridad nf priority. l o c con ante
adj riot. c o m p material
rioridad previously. y con anterioridad
antidisturbios riot gear. y polica anti
a prior to, before.
disturbios riot police.
antes adv 1 (tiempo) before, earlier: llma
adj anti-doping, anti-drug.
me antes de salir ring me before you leave;
deberas estar all antes de las nueve you antdoto nm antidote.
should be there before nine. 2 (en el pasa- antifaz nm mask.
do) before, in the past. 3 (lugar) in front, antgeno nm antigen.
before. l o c antes de nada first of all. y antigedad nf 1 (perodo) antiquity. 2
(en empleo) seniority. 3 (objeto) antique.
as possible.
lo antes posible as soon
l o c en la antigedad in olden days,
P adj before.



in former times. c o m p tienda de anti anuario nm yearbook.

gedades antique shop.
anudar vt (atar) to knot, tie, fasten.
antiguo,a adj 1 (gen) ancient, old; (co- anulacin nf 1 (gen) annulment, canche) vintage, old. 2 (en empleo) senior. 3
cellation; (de ley) repeal; (de sentencia)
(pasado) old-fashioned. 4 (anterior) forquashing, overturning. 2 dep (de gol)
mer: el antiguo primer ministro the former
disallowing. c o m p anulacin de matri
Prime Minister.
monio annulment of marriage.
antihroe nm antihero.
anular1 adj ring-shaped.
antihistamnico nm antihistamine.
P nm ring finger.
antiinflamatorio nm anti-inflamma- anular2 vt 1 (matrimonio) to annul; (una
ley) to repeal; (una sentencia) to quash.
2 (un pedido, viaje) to cancel; (un contrato)
antlope nm antelope.
to invalidate, cancel. 3 dep (un gol) to
antimonio nm antimony.
antiniebla adj inv anti-fog. c o m p faros
antiniebla foglamps. y luces antinie anunciar vt 1 (avisar) to announce,
make public. 2 (hacer publicidad) to adbla foglamps.
antipata nf antipathy, dislike.
P vpr anunciarse to put an advert (en, in).
antiptico,a adj unfriendly, unanuncio nm 1 (aviso) announcement;
pleasant, unkind.
(signo) sign. 2 (publicidad) advertisement,
P nm & nf unpleasant person.
advert, ad. 3 (valla publicitaria) hoarding,
antpoda nm & nf (punto) antipode, anus billboard. c o m p anuncios por pala
tipodes pl.
bras classified adverts, small ads.
antirrobo adj inv anti-theft.
anverso nm 1 (de moneda) obverse. 2 (de
antisemitismo nm anti-Semitism.
pgina) recto.
antisptico,a adj antiseptic.
anzuelo nm 1 fish-hook. 2 fig lure,
P nm antisptico antiseptic.
bait. l o c tragar/morder/picar el an
antiterrorista adj antiterrorist.
zuelo to swallow the bait.
anttesis nf inv antithesis.
aadidura nf addition, addendum. l o c
antitetnico,a adj anti-tetanus.
por aadidura besides, in addition.
antitranspirante adj antiperspirant.
aadir vt to add (a, to).
P nm antiperspirant.
aejo,a adj 1 (vino, queso) mature; (jaantivirus nm 1 (frmaco) antivirus
mn) cured. 2 (viejo) old.
drug. 2 inform antivirus.
aicos nm pl bits, pieces. l o c hacer ai
antojo nm 1 (capricho) whim, fancy; (de
cos to smash to pieces. y hacerse aicos
embarazada) craving. 2 (en la piel) birthto shatter, smash to bits.
ao nm year: el ao pasado last year; el ao
antologa nf anthology.
que viene next year; los aos sesenta the
antnimo nm antonym.
sixties. c o m p ao escolar school year. y
antonomasia nf antonomasia. l o c
ao luz light year.
por antonomasia par excellence.
P nm pl years, age sing: cuntos aos tie
antorcha nf torch.
nes? how old are you?; tengo 20 aos Im
antracita nf anthracite.
20 years old. l o c hace aos a long time
ntrax nm inv anthrax.
ago, years ago.
antro nm 1 (caverna) cavern. 2 (tugurio) aorar vt 1 (gen) to long for, miss,
dump, hole, dive.
yearn for. 2 (pas) to be homesick
for, miss.
antropoide nm o nf anthropoid.
aorta nf aorta.
antropologa nf anthropology.
anual adj annual, yearly.
aovar vi to lay eggs.


apacible adj (persona) gentle, calm,


(tener aspecto de) to look: no aparenta la

edad que tiene he doesnt look his age.
placid; (vida) quiet, peaceful; (clima,
P vi to show off.
tiempo) mild; (mar) calm.
apaciguar vt to pacify, appease, pla- aparente adj apparent.
cate, calm down.
aparicin nf 1 appearance. 2 (visin)
apadrinar vt 1 (en bautizo) to act as
godfather to. 2 (en boda) to be the apariencia nf appearance, aspect.
best man for. 3 (artista) to sponsor.
l o c en apariencia apparently, by all
appearances. y guardar las aparien
apagar vt 1 (fuego) to extinguish, put
cias fig to keep up appearances.
out. 2 (luz) to turn out, turn off, put
out. 3 (televisin, etc) to switch off, apartado,a pp apartar.
turn off. 4 fig (sed) to quench.
P adj 1 (alejado) remote, distant; (aislaapagn nm power cut, blackout.
do) isolated, cut off. 2 (retirado) retired.
P nm apartado 1 post office box. 2 (papaisado,a adj 1 oblong. 2 inform
rrafo) section.
apalancarse vpr argot to settle os, set- apartamento nm small flat, apartment.
tle down.
apalear vt (pegar) to beat, cane, thrash. apartar vt 1 (alejar) to move away. 2
(reservar) to put aside, set aside.
apaarse l o c aparselas to manage,
P vpr apartarse 1 (alejarse) to move
get by.
away. 2 (separarse) to withdraw,
apao nm 1 (remiendo, compostura) repair,
move away.
mend, patch. 2 (acuerdo) agreement, deal.
aparador nm 1 (escaparate) shop win- aparte adv apart, aside, separately.
P adj (distinto) special: eso es caso aparte
dow. 2 (mueble) sideboard, cupboard,
thats completely different.
P nm 1 teat aside. 2 ling paragraph:
aparato nm 1 (mecanismo) (piece of) appunto y aparte full stop, new paragraph.
paratus, set; (elctrico) appliance. 2 (disl o c aparte de (excepto) apart from.
positivo) device; (instrumento) instrument.
(adems de) as well as, besides.
3 (telfono) telephone: est al aparato hes
on the phone. 4 (avin) plane. c o m p apa apasionante adj exciting, fascinating.
rato de radio radio set. y aparato diges
apasionarse vpr to get excited, betivo anat digestive system.
come enthusiastic (por/de, about).
aparcamiento nm 1 (accin) parking. 2
(en la calle) place to park, parking place. apata nf apathy.
aptrida adj stateless.
3 (parking) car park, us parking lot.
P nm o nf stateless person.
aparcar vt to park.
apeadero nm halt.
P vi to park. l o c Prohibido aparcar
No parking.
apearse vpr (del tren, autobs, etc.) to get
off; (del coche) to get out of; (del caballo)
aparearse vpr to mate.
to dismount.
aparecer vi 1 to appear: no aparece en la
lista de invitados shes not on the guest list. apedrear vt 1 (tirar piedras) to throw
stones at. 2 (matar a pedradas) to stone
2 (dejarse ver) to show up, turn up: es
(to death).
pero que no aparezca por mi casa I hope he
apego nm attachment, affection, likdoesnt show his face near my house.
ing, fondness.
aparejador,ra nm & nf (de obras) clerk
apelacin nf 1 jur appeal. 2 (llamamienof works; (perito) quantity surveyor.
to) appeal, call.
aparentar vt 1 (simular) to pretend, afshe pretends apelar vi 1 jur to appeal. 2 fig (recurrir)
fect: aparenta indiferencia
not to care, she affects indifference. 2
to resort to.

apelativo nm appellative, name.
apellidarse vpr to be called, have as a

apellido nm family name, surname,

(us last name).

apenas adv 1 (casi no) scarcely, hardly:

apenas lo conozco I hardly know him. 2
(con dificultad) only just. 3 (tan pronto como) as soon as, no sooner: apenas en
tramos, son el telfono no sooner had we

had come in than the phone rang.

apndice nm 1 (rgano interno) appendix. 2 (de libro) appendix.

apendicitis nf inv appendicitis.

aperitivo nm 1 (bebida) apritif. 2 (comida) appetizer, snack.

apertura nf 1 (comienzo) opening, beginning. 2 pol liberalization.

apestar vi (oler mal) to stink.

apetecer vi (agradar) to feel like, fan-


aplazar vt (gen) to adjourn, postpone,

put off; (un pago) to defer.

aplicacin nf application.
aplicado,a pp aplicar.

adj (estudioso) studious, diligent,

aplicar vt to apply.
P vpr aplicarse (esforzarse) to apply os,
work hard.
aplique nm 1 (adorno) appliqu. 2 (lmpara) wall light, wall lamp.
aplomo nm composure, self-possession.
apocado,a adj 1 (intimidado) intimidated, frightened. 2 (tmido) shy, timid.
apocalipsis nm inv apocalypse.
apcope nm apocope.
apodarse vpr to be nicknamed.

apoderado,a pp apoderarse.

P nm & nf 1 agent, representative. 2

cy: te apetece ir al teatro? do you fancy
(de torero, deportista) manager.
going to the theatre?
apoderarse vpr to take possession
apetecible adj 1 (empleo) desirable;
(de, of), seize (de, -): el miedo se apoder
(idea) appealing. 2 (comida) tasty, apde l he was seized by fear.
apodo nm nickname.
apetito nm appetite. l o c abrir el apeti apogeo nm 1 (de rbita) apogee. 2 fig
to to whet ones appetite.
(punto culminante) summit, height, cliapetitoso,a adj 1 (aspecto de comida)
max, peak.
appetizing; (comida) tasty, delicious. apoltico,a adj apolitical.
2 (oferta) tempting.
apologa nf apology, defence (us deapiadarse vpr to take pity (de, on).
pice nm 1 (punta) apex. 2 fig tiny bit, apopleja nf apoplexy, stroke.
speck, iota. l o c ni un pice not one bit. aporrear vt (persona) to beat, hit,
apicultura nf beekeeping, apiculture.
thrash; (puerta) to bang on; (piano) to
apilar vt to pile up, heap up.
bang (away) on.
apio nm celery.
aportacin nf contribution.
aplacar vt to placate, calm, soothe.
aportar vt 1 (contribuir) to contribute. 2
aplanadora nf steamroller, roadroll(proporcionar) to give, provide.
aposento nm 1 (cuarto) room. 2 (hospeaplanar vt to smooth, level, make even.
daje) lodgings pl.
aplastante adj crushing, over- apsito nm dressing.
whelming. c o m p triunfo/victoria aposta adv on purpose, deliberately,
aplastante (electoral) landslide victory.
aplastar vt 1 (gen) to flatten, squash, apostar vt to bet (por, on).
crush. 2 fig (destruir) to crush, destroy.
P vpr apostarse to bet.
aplaudir vt to clap, applaud.
apstol nm 1 apostle. 2 fig (defensor)
aplauso nm applause.
apostle, champion.
aplazamiento nm
(gen) adjournment, apstrofe nm & nf 1 gram apostrophe.
2 (reprimenda) reprimand, rebuke.
postponement; (de pago) deferment.



apotema nf apothem.
apotesico,a adj enormous, tremen-

aprisa adv quickly.

aprobacin nf (gen) approval; (ley)

apoyar vt 1 to lean, rest. 2 (fundar) to

aprobado,a pp aprobar.



P adj approved, passed.

base, found. 3 fig (defender algo) to
P nm aprobado educ pass (mark). l o c
support; (defender a alguien) to back,
sacar/tener un aprobado to get a pass.
P vpr apoyarse 1 (descansar) to lean (en,
aprobar vt 1 (gen) to approve; (ley) to
on), rest (en, on), stand (en, on). 2 fig
pass. 2 (estar de acuerdo) to approve of.
(basarse) to be based (en, on).
3 educ (examen, asignatura) to pass.
P vi to pass.
apoyo nm support.
apreciable adj 1 (perceptible) apprecia- apropiacin nf appropriation. c o m p
ble, noticeable. 2 (estimable) valuable,
apropiacin indebida jur theft.
apropiado,a pp apropiarse.
P adj suitable, fitting, appropriate.
apreciar vt 1 (valorar) to appraise (en,
at). 2 (sentir aprecio) to regard highly, apropiarse vpr to appropriate (de, -),
hold in high esteem. 3 (reconocer valor)
take possession (de, of).
to appreciate. 4 (percibir) to notice, aprovechable adj usable.
see, perceive.
aprovechado,a pp aprovechar.
aprecio nm esteem, regard. l o c sentir
P adj 1 (espacio) well-planned. 2 pey (egosaprecio por algn to be fond of sb.
ta) selfish; (gorrn) sponging, scroungaprender vt 1 to learn. 2 (memorizar) to
ing. l o c mal aprovechado,a wasted.
learn by heart.
P nm & nf fam (gorrn) sponger,
P vpr aprenderse learn by heart.
scrounger; (oportunista) opportunist.
aprendiz,za nm & nf apprentice, aprovechamiento nm 1 (uso) use, extrainee.
ploitation: el aprovechamiento de los re
aprendizaje nm 1 (situacin) apprencursos naturales the exploitation of natuticeship. 2 (tiempo) training period. 3
ral resources. 2 (provecho)
(en pedagoga) learning.
improvement, progress.
aprensin nf (miedo) apprehension; aprovechar vt 1 (emplear tilmente) to
(asco) squeamishness.
make good use of, make the most
of. 2 (sacar provecho) to benefit from,
aprensivo,a adj apprehensive.
take advantage of.
apresar vt 1 (tomar por fuerza) to seize,
P vpr aprovecharse (de alguien) to take
capture. 2 (asir) to clutch.
advantage (de, of); (de algo) to make
apresurarse vpr to hurry, hurry up.
the most (de, of). l o c que aproveche!
apretar vt 1 (estrechar) to squeeze, hug.
enjoy your meal!
2 (tornillo) to tighten; (cordones, nudo) to
do up tight. 3 (comprimir) to com- aproximacin nf 1 (gen) approximation. 2 (acercamiento) bringing togethpress, press together, pack tight. 4
er; (de pases) rapprochement.
(botn) to press, push.
aproximado,a pp aproximar.
P vi 1 fig (aumentar) to increase, get
P adj approximate, estimated. c o m p
worse: el calor aprieta its getting hotter
clculo aproximado rough estimate.
and hotter. 2 (prendas) to fit tight, be
aproximar vt to bring near, put near.
tight on.
P vpr aproximarse to come near,
apretn c o m p apretn de manos handcome closer.
aprieto nm tight spot, difficulty, aptitud nf aptitude, ability.
a algn en un aprie apto,a adj 1 (apropiado) suitable, apscrape, fix. l o c poner
to to put sb in an awkward situation.
propriate: no es apto para este trabajo

hes not suitable for this job. 2 (capaz)
capable, able.
apuesta nf bet, wager.
apuesto,a adj (gen) good-looking;
(hombre) handsome.
apuntador,ra nm & nf teat prompter.
apuntar vt 1 (sealar) to point (a, at). 2
(arma) to aim. 3 (anotar) to note down,
make a note of. 4 teat to prompt.
P vpr apuntarse 1 (inscribirse) to enrol. 2
fam (participar) to take part (a, in): te
apuntas? are you game?
apunte nm 1 note. 2 (dibujo) sketch.
P nm pl apuntes (de clase) notes.
apualar vt to stab.
apurar vt 1 (terminar) to finish up. 2 am
(dar prisa) to hurry, rush.
P vpr apurarse 1 (preocuparse) to get
worried, be worried. 2 am (darse prisa)
to hurry, rush.
apuro nm 1 fix, tight spot; (de dinero)
hardship. 2 (vergenza) embarrassment. l o c estar/encontrarse en un apu
ro to be in a tight spot. y pasar apuros
1 (econmicos) to be hard up. 2 (dificultades) to be in a tight spot.
aquejado,a adj suffering (de, from).
aquel,ella adj 1 that. 2 aquellos,as
aqul,lla pron 1 that one; (el anterior)
the former: aqul es el mo that one is
mine. 2 aqullos,as those; (los anteriores)
the former. l o c aqul que he who
y todo aqul que anyone who,


arancel nm tariff, customs duty.

arndano nm bilberry, blueberry.
arandela nf washer.
araa nf 1 (arcnido) spider. 2 (pez) weever. 3 (lmpara) chandelier. c o m p araa
de mar spider crab. y tela de araa

spiders web.

araar vt 1 (raspar) to scratch. 2 fig (re-

coger) to scrape together.

araarse to scratch.
araazo nm scratch.
arar vt to plough (us plow).
arbitraje nm 1 (en un desacuerdo) arbitration. 2 dep (en ftbol, boxeo) refereeing;
(en cricket, tenis) umpiring.
arbitrar vt 1 to arbitrate. 2 dep (en ftbol, boxeo) to referee; (en cricket, tenis) to
arbitrario,a adj arbitrary.
rbitro,a nm & nf 1 arbiter, arbitrator. 2 dep (ftbol, boxeo) referee; (cricket,
tenis) umpire.
rbol nm 1 bot tree. 2 tc axle, shaft.
3 mar mast. 4 (grfico) tree (diagram).
arboleda nf grove, wood, copse.
arbusto nm shrub, bush.
arca nf chest. c o m p arca de No Noahs
ark. y arcas pblicas Treasury sing.
arcada nf 1 (conjunto de arcos) arcade. 2
(de puente) arch. 3 (vmitos) retching.
arcaico,a adj archaic.
arce nm maple (tree).
arcn nm side of the road, verge; (de
autopista) hard shoulder.
archipilago nm archipelago.
aquella adj aquel.
archivador nm (mueble) filing cabinet;
aqulla pron aqul.
(carpeta) file.
aquello pron that, it.
archivar vt 1 (ordenar) to file (away). 2
aquellos,as adj aquel,ella.
inform to save. 3 (arrinconar) to shelve.
aqullos,as pron aqul,llas.
archivo nm 1 (informe, ficha) file. 2 (docuaqu adv 1 (lugar) here: por aqu por favor
mentos) files pl, archives pl. 3 inform
this way please. 2 (tiempo) now: de aqu
file. 4 (lugar) archive. 5 (archivador) filen adelante from now on.
ing cabinet.
rabe adj (gen) Arab; (de Arabia) Arabian. arcilla nf clay.
P nm & nf Arab.
arco nm 1 arquit arch. 2 (en geometra)
Arabia nf Arabia. c o m p Arabia Saudita
arc. 3 (arma) bow. 4 (de violn, etc) bow.
Saudi Arabia.
c o m p arco de medio punto semicircuarcnido nm arachnid.
lar arch. y arco iris rainbow. y arco vol
arado nm plough (us plow).
taico electric arc.
P vpr


arder vi to burn; (completamente) to


aristcrata nm o nf aristocrat.
burn down; (sin llama) to smoulder.
aritmtico,a adj arithmetical, arithmetic.
ardid nm scheme, trick.
arma nf weapon, arm. l o c alzarse en ar
ardilla nf squirrel.
mas to rise up in arms. y ser de armas
ardor nm 1 burning sensation, burn;
tomar fig to be formidable. c o m p arma
(calor) heat. 2 fig (ansia) ardour (us arblanca knife. y arma de fuego firearm.
dor), fervour (us fervor). c o m p ardor
armada nf navy, naval forces pl.
de estmago heartburn.
armadillo nm armadillo.
arduo,a adj arduous.
rea nf 1 (zona) area, zone. 2 (medida) armador,ra nm & nf shipowner.
are. 3 (superficie) area.
armadura nf 1 (traje) suit of armour (us
armor). 2 (armazn) frame. 3 arquit
arena nf sand. c o m p arenas movedizas
quicksand sing.
armamento nm (accin) armament,
arenisca nf sandstone.
arenoso,a adj sandy.
armar vt 1 (dar armas) to arm. 2 (cargar)
arenque nm herring.
to load; (bayoneta) to fix. 3 (montar argamasa nf mortar.
mueble) to assemble. 4 fam (causar, origiArgelia nm Algeria.
nar) to cause, kick up, create: arm un
argelino,a adj Algerian.
lo tremendo he kicked up a tremendous
P nm & nf Algerian.
fuss. l o c armarla fam to cause trouArgentina nf Argentina, the Argenble, kick up a fuss.
P vpr armarse 1 (proveerse) to provide os
argentino,a adj Argentinian.
(de, with), arm os (de, with): se arm
P nm & nf Argentinian.
de pintura y pincel y se puso a pintar he proargn nm argon.
vided himself with paint and paintbrush
argot nm 1 (popular) slang. 2 (tcnico) jarand began to paint. 2 (producirse) to be,
break out: se arm un jaleo there was a
argucia nf sophism, subtlety.
right row. l o c armarse de paciencia to
summon up patience. y armarse de
argumentacin nf 1 (proceso) arguing,
valor to pluck up courage.
argument. 2 (argumento) argument.
armario nm (para ropa) wardrobe, us
argumentar vt to deduce, to argue.
closet; (de cocina) cupboard. c o m p ar
argumento nm 1 argument. 2 (de novemario empotrado built-in wardrobe,
la, obra, etc) plot.
built-in cupboard.
aria nf aria.
armatoste nm (cosa) monstrosity; (maridez nf 1 aridity. 2 fig dryness.
quina) useless contraption.
rido,a adj 1 arid. 2 fig dry.
armazn nm & nf 1 frame, frameP nm pl ridos dry goods.
work; (de madera) timberwork. 2
Aries nm inv Aries.
arquit shell; (de escultura) armature.
ariete nm 1 (ftbol) centre (us center)
nm ermine.
forward. 2 (mquina) battering ram.
armisticio nm armistice.
ario,a adj Aryan.
arisco,a adj 1 (persona - altiva) unsocia- armona nf harmony.
ble, unfriendly; (- spera) surly, gruff; armnica nf harmonica, mouth organ.
armonioso,a adj harmonious.
(- huidiza) shy. 2 (animal) unfriendly.
arista nf 1 (lnea) edge. 2 (filamento del tri- aro nm 1 hoop, ring. 2 (juego) hoop.
go) beard. 3 arquit (de viga) arris; (de aroma nm aroma; (del vino) bouquet.
bveda) groin. 4 (de montaa)
aromtico,a adj aromatic, fragrant.
aristocracia nf aristocracy.
arpa nf harp.

arpn nm harpoon.
arqueologa nf archaeology (us archeology).

arquelogo,a nm & nf archaeologist

(us archeologist).

arquero,a nm & nf archer.

arquetipo nm archetype.
arquitecto,a nm & nf architect.
arquitectura nf architecture.
arquitrabe nm architrave.
arquivolta nf archivolt.
arrabales nm pl outskirts.
arraigar vi to take root.

vpr arraigarse (establecerse) to settle


arraigo nm 1 (accin) act of taking

root. 2 fig (races) roots: con mucho

arraigo deeply-rooted.
arrancar vt 1 (rbol) to uproot; (flor) to
pull up. 2 (plumas, cejas) to pluck; (ca-


arrebato nm (arranque) fit, outburst.

arreciar vi to get stronger, get worse.
arrecife nm reef.
arreglado,a pp arreglar.

P adj 1 (solucionado) settled, fixed, sorted out. 2 (ordenado) tidy, neat, arranged, orderly. 3 (bien vestido) welldressed, smart.
arreglar vt 1 (gen) to settle, sort out,
fix. 2 (ordenar) to tidy up, clear up. 3
(reparar) to mend, fix, repair. 4 ms to
arrange. 5 fam to sort out: ya te arre
glar! Ill teach you!, Ill sort you out.
P vpr arreglarse 1 (componerse) to get
ready, dress up; (cabello) to do. 2 (solucionarse) to get sorted out, work out;
(pareja) to get back together again. l o c
arreglrselas to manage, cope: arrgla
telas como puedas do the best you can.
arreglo nm 1 (acuerdo) arrangement,
agreement, settlement. 2 (reparacin)
repair. 3 ms arrangement. c o m p arre
glo de cuentas settling of scores, settling-up.
arremangarse vpr to roll up ones
arremeter vi 1 (gen) to attack, charge; (el
toro) to charge. 2 (verbalmente) to attack.
arrendamiento nm 1 renting, leasing, letting. 2 (precio) rent.
arrendar vt (dar en alquiler) to let, lease;
(tomar en alquiler) to rent, lease.
arrendatario,a nm & nf 1 (que da en
arriendo) leaseholder, lessee. 2 (inquilino)

bello, diente) to pull out; (con violencia pgina) to tear out. 3 (obtener - aplausos,
sonrisa) to get; (- confesin, informacin) to
extract. 4 (coche) to start.
P vi 1 (partir) to begin, start. 2 (salir) to
go, leave. 3 (coche) to start; (tren) to
pull out.
arranque nm 1 tc starting mechanism. 2 (comienzo) start. 3 fig (arrebato)
outburst, fit.
arrasar vt 1 (destruir) to raze, destroy. 2
(allanar) to level, smooth.
P vi (disco, libro, pelcula) to be a smash
hit, sweep the board; (deportista) to
sweep to victory.
arrastrar vt 1 (gen) to drag, pull, 2 (co- arrepentido,a pp arrepentirse.
P adj regretful, repentant.
rriente, aire) to sweep along. 3 (traer como
P nm & nf penitent.
consecuencia) to cause, bring, lead to.
arrepentimiento nm regret, repentP vpr arrastrarse 1 to drag os, crawl. 2
fig (humillarse) to creep, crawl.
arrastre nm 1 (accin) dragging, pulling. arrepentirse vpr 1 (gen) to regret (de, -). 2
rel to repent (de, of).
2 (telesqu) drag lift. 3 (en naipes) lead.
arrestar vt 1 to arrest, detain. 2 (poner en
arre interj gee up!, giddy up!
prisin) to imprison, jail, put in prison.
arrear vt 1 (animales) to spur on, urge
on. 2 (apresurar) to hurry up. 3 fam arresto nm arrest.
(pegar) to hit: le arre una bofetada she arriar vt 1 (velas) to lower. 2 (bandera) to
slapped him round the face.
arrebatar vt 1 (quitar)
to grab, snatch. arriba adv 1 up; (encima) on (the) top:
2 fig (cautivar) to captivate, fascinate.
ponlo ms arriba put it higher up. 2 (piso)


upstairs: vive arriba he/she lives upstairs.

3 (en escritos) above: vase ms arriba see
P interj up!: arriba la Repblica! long live
the Republic!, up the Republic! l o c de
arriba abajo from top to bottom. y
hacia arriba upwards.

arriesgado,a pp arriesgar.

P vpr arrugarse 1 (piel) to wrinkle; (ropa)
to crease; (papel) to crumple (up). 2
fam (acobardarse) to get the wind up.
arruinar vt 1 to bankrupt, ruin. 2 (estropear) to damage: la tormenta ha arruinado
la cosecha the storm has ruined the crops.
P vpr arruinarse to be bankrupt, be
arrullar vt 1 (ave) to coo. 2 (adormecer)
to lull.
arsenal nm 1 mar shipyard. 2 (de armas) arsenal. 3 fig (cantidad) storehouse, mine.
arsnico nm arsenic.
arte nm 1 art. 2 (habilidad) craft, skill. 3
(astucia) cunning. 4 (pesca) fishing gear.
artefacto nm device, appliance; (explosivo) explosive device.
arteria nf artery. c o m p arteria cartida
carotid artery. y arteria coronaria coronary artery.
artesa nf trough.
artesanal adj (objeto) handmade; (comida) home-made.
artesana nf 1 (calidad) craftsmanship.
2 (arte, obra) crafts pl, handicrafts pl.
artesano,a adj handmade.
P nm & nf (hombre) craftsman; (mujer)
artesonado nm panelled ceiling, coffered ceiling.
rtico,a adj Arctic.
P nm el rtico the Arctic. c o m p el Crcu
lo rtico the Arctic Circle. y el ocano
rtico the Arctic Ocean.
articulacin nf 1 ling articulation. 2
anat joint, articulation. 3 tc joint.

1 (peligroso) risky, dangerous. 2

(temerario) bold, daring, fearless.
arriesgar vt 1 to risk; (dinero) to stake.
2 (aventurar) to venture.
P vpr arriesgarse to risk.
arrimar vt (acercar) to move closer.
P vpr arrimarse to move close, get close.
arrinconar vt 1 (poner en un rincn) to
put in a corner. 2 (retirar) to lay aside,
put away. 3 (acorralar) to corner.
arritmia nf arrhythmia.
arroba nf 1 (medida de peso) measure of
weight equal to 11.502 kg, 25.3 lbs; (medida
de capacidad) variable liquid measure. 2 (Internet) at, @.
arrodillarse vpr to kneel down, get
down on ones knees.
arrogancia nf arrogance.
arrogante adj arrogant.
arrojar vt 1 (tirar) to throw, fling. 2
(echar con violencia) to throw out, kick
out. 3 (vomitar) to vomit, throw up. 4
(cuentas, etc) to show, produce, give.
P vpr arrojarse to throw os.
arrojo nm boldness, dash, bravery,
arrollador,ra adj overwhelming, irresistible.
arrollar vt 1 (envolver) to roll (up). 2 (al articulado,a pp articular.
enemigo) to crush, rout.
P adj 1 (lenguaje) articulate. 2 (objeto) ararropar vt to wrap up.
arroyo nm 1 (corriente de agua) stream, articular adj articulated.
brook. 2 (en la calle) gutter.
P vt 1 to articulate. 2 jur to article.
arroz nm rice. c o m p arroz blanco 1 (seco) artculo nm 1 article. 2 (mercanca) artiwhite rice. 2 (hervido) boiled rice. y
cle, product. c o m p artculos de prime
arroz con leche rice pudding. y arroz
ra necesidad basic commodities.
integral brown rice.
artfice nm o nf 1 (artista) craftsman, artarruga nf (piel) wrinkle; (ropa) crease.
ist. 2 (autor) author: Pepe ha sido el artfice
de todo esto this is all Pepes doing.
arrugar vt (piel) to wrinkle;
(ropa) to
crease; (papel) to crumple (up).
artificial adj artificial.
P adj

artificioso,a adj affected.
artillera nf artillery.
artilugio nm device, gadget.
artimaa nf artifice, trick, ruse.
artista nm o nf artist.
artstico,a adj artistic.
artritis nf inv arthritis.
artrpodo nm arthropod.
artrosis nf inv arthrosis.
arzobispo nm archbishop.
as nm 1 (naipes) ace. 2 (dados) one. 3 fig
ace, star, wizard.


ascensor nm lift, us elevator.

asco nm disgust, repugnance.

l o c dar
asco to be disgusting. y hacer ascos a algo to turn up ones nose at sth. y qu
asco! how disgusting!, how revolting!
ascua nf live coal.
asear vt (adecentar) to clean, tidy up.
P vpr asearse (arreglarse) to wash, get


asediar vt to besiege.
asedio nm siege.
asegurado,a pp asegurar.

P adj 1 (con seguro) insured. 2 (garantizado) secure: tiene el futuro asegurado his
future is secure.
P adj roast, roasted.
asegurar vt 1 (fijar) to secure. 2 com to
P nm asado roast.
insure. 3 (garantizar) to assure, guarasador nm 1 (utensilio) roaster. 2 (estableantee.
cimiento) grill room, grill house.
P vpr asegurarse 1 (cerciorarse) to make
asalariado,a nm & nf wage earner,
sure. 2 com to insure os.
salaried worker.
asemejarse vpr to look like, be like.
asalmonado,a adj salmon-pink.
asentir vi to assent, agree; (con la cabeasaltante adj assaulting, attacker.
za) to nod.
P nm o nf attacker; (en robo) raider, robber.
aseo nm 1 (accin) cleaning, tidying up.
asaltar vt 1 to assault, attack; (para ro2 (limpieza) cleanliness, tidiness. 3
bar) to raid, rob. 2 (abordar) to ap(habitacin) bathroom, toilet.
proach, come up to.
asptico,a adj 1 aseptic. 2 fig cold,
asalto nm 1 assault, attack; (con robo)
raid, robbery. 2 (boxeo) round.
asequible adj accessible: a un precio
asequible at a reasonable price, at an afasamblea nf assembly, meeting.
fordable price.
asar vt to roast.
aserrar vt to saw (up).
P vpr asarse 1 (cocerse) to roast. 2 fig
(pasar calor) to be roasting, be boiling asesinar vt 1 to kill, murder. 2 (a un
hot. l o c asar a la parrilla to grill. y asar
personaje importante) to assassinate.
al horno to roast.
asesinato nm 1 killing, murder. 2 (de
un pesonaje importante) assassination.
ascendencia nf 1 ancestry, ancestors
pl: era alemn, pero de ascendencia polaca asesino,a nm & nf killer; (hombre) murhe was German, but of Polish descent. 2
derer; (mujer) murderess.
(influencia) ascendancy.
asesor,ra adj advisory.
P nm & nf adviser, consultant.
ascender vt to promote.
P vi 1 (subir) to climb. 2 (de categora)
asesorar vt 1 (dar consejo) to advise, give
to be promoted (a, to). 3 (sumar) to
advice. 2 com to act as a consultant to.
amount (a, to).
P vpr asesorarse (tomar consejo) to take
advice, consult (de, -).
ascendiente nm o nf (antepasado) ancestor.
P nm (influencia) ascendancy, power.
asesora nf 1 (cargo) consultancy. 2 (oficina) consultants office.
ascensin nf (subida) climb, climbing.
ascenso nm 1 (subida) climb, ascent. 2 aseveracin nf asseveration, assertion.
(aumento) rise ( de
, in). 3 (promocin)
asfalto nm asphalt.

asa nf handle.
asado,a pp asar.



asfixia nf asphyxia, suffocation.

asfixiar vt to asphyxiate, suffocate.
P vpr


asfixiarse to asphyxiate, suffo-

as adv 1 (de esta manera) thus, (in) this

way. 2 (de esa manera) (in) that way:

por decirlo as so to speak; y as sucesiva
mente and so on. 3 (tanto) as: as usted
como yo both you and I. 4 (por tanto)
therefore. 5 (tan pronto como) as soon
as: as que lo sepa as soon as I know. l o c
as as so-so. y as que so.
P adj such: un hombre as a man like

asistente adj 1 (que est) attending. 2

(que ayuda) assistant.
P nm o nf 1 (que est) member of the
audience. 2 (que ayuda) assistant.
c o m p asistente social social worker.
asistir vi to attend, be present.
P vt (ayudar) to help, assist; (a los enfermos) to attend, care for.
asma nf asthma.
asno nm ass, donkey.
asociacin nf association.

asociado,a pp asociar.

P adj associated, associate.

that, such a man.
P nm & nf associate, partner.
Asia nf Asia.
asociar vt to associate (a/con, with),
asitico,a adj Asian.
connect, link.
P nm & nf Asian.
P vpr asociarse 1 (relacionarse) to be asasiduidad nf assiduity, frequency.
sociated (a/con, with). 2 com to form
a partnership, become partners.
asiduo,a adj assiduous, frequent.
asiento nm 1 (silla, etc) seat. 2 (emplaza- asociativ0,-a nf associative. c o m p pro
piedad asociativa associativity.
miento) site. 3 com entry, registry. l o c
tomar asiento to take a seat.
asomar vi (empezar a aparecer) to appear, begin to show, come out.
asignacin nf 1 (accin) assignment, alP vt (mostrar) to stick out.
location. 2 (nombramiento) appointP vpr asomarse 1 (a ventana) to stick
ment, assignment. 3 (remuneracin) alloones head out (a, of), lean out (a,
cation, allowance; (sueldo) wage,
of); (a balcn) to come out (a, onto). 2
(aparecer) to appear.
asignar vt 1 to assign, allot, allocate.
asombrar vt to amaze, astonish.
2 (nombrar) to appoint, assign.
P vpr asombrarse to be astonished,
asignatura nf subject.
be amazed, be surprised.
asilo nm 1 (institucin) asylum, home, institution. 2 fig (proteccin) protection, asombro nm amazement, astonishment, surprise.
assistance. l o c dar asilo to shelter.
asombroso,a adj amazing, astonc o m p asilo de ancianos old peoples
ishing, surprising.
home. y asilo poltico political asylum.
asomo nm sign, trace, hint. l o c ni por
asimetra nf asymmetry.
asomo by no means.
asimilar vt to assimilate.
asimismo adv 1 (tambin) also, as well. asonante adj assonant.
2 (de esta manera) likewise. 3 (adems) aspa nf 1 (cruz) cross. 2 (de molino) sail;
(de ventilador) blade; (armazn) arms pl.
asir vt (agarrar) to grab, seize, grasp, aspaviento nm fuss. l o c hacer aspa
vientos to make a great fuss.
take hold of.
asistencia nf 1 (presencia) attendance, aspecto nm 1 (faceta) aspect, side, angle. 2 (apariencia) look, appearance:
presence. 2 (pblico) audience. 3 (ayuda)
qu aspecto tena? what did he look like?
assistance, help, aid. c o m p asistencia
mdica medical assistance. y asisten aspereza nf roughness, coarseness.
cia tcnica technical backup. y falta de spero,a adj 1 (cosa) rough, coarse. 2
asistencia absence.
fig (persona) surly.
asistenta nf cleaning lady.
aspersin nf sprinkling.

aspersor nm sprinkler.
aspiracin nf 1 (al respirar) inhalation,


asuntos exteriores




breathing in. 2 ling aspiration. 3 tc asustado,a adj frightened, scared.

intake. 4 fig (ambicin) aspiration, am- asustar vt to frighten, scare.
P vpr asustarse to be frightened, be
aspirador nm vacuum cleaner, Hoover.
aspirante nm o nf candidate, appli- atacar vt to attack.
atajar vi to take a short cut.
aspirar vt 1 (al respirar) to inhale, atajo nm 1 (camino) short cut. 2 fig (grubreathe in. 2 (absorber) to suck in,
po) bunch.
draw in. 3 ling to aspirate.
atalaya nf (torre) watchtower, lookP vi fig (desear) to aspire (a, to).
out; (mirador) vantage point.
aspirina nf aspirin.
ataque nm 1 attack. 2 med fit. c o m p ata
asquear vt to disgust, revolt.
que de nervios nervous breakdown.
asqueroso,a adj 1 (sucio) dirty, filthy. atar vt to tie. l o c atar cabos fig to put
two and two together.
2 (desagradable) disgusting, revolting,
atardecer vi to get dark, grow dark.
P nm & nf (sucio) filthy person, revoltP nm evening, dusk.
ing person.
atareado,a adj busy, occupied.
asta nf 1 (de bandera) staff, pole. 2 (de atascar vt 1 (bloquear) to block up,
lanza) shaft; (pica) lance, pike. 3 (cuerclog. 2 fig (obstaculizar) to hamper,
no) horn.
hinder, obstruct.
asterisco nm asterisk.
P vpr atascarse 1 (bloquearse) to get
blocked. 2 (mecanismo) to get stuck.
asteroide adj asteroid.
P nm asteroid.
atasco nm 1 (accin) obstruction,
blockage. 2 (de trfico) traffic jam.
astigmatismo nm astigmatism.
atad nm coffin.
astilla nf splinter, chip.
ataviar vt 1 (arreglar) to dress up. 2
astillero nm shipyard, dockyard.
(adornar) to adorn, deck.
astrgalo nm 1 anat astragalus. 2
atesmo nm atheism.
arquit astragal.
atemorizar vt to frighten, scare.
astro nm star.
atencin nf 1 (gen) attention. 2 (detalle)
astrofsica nf astrophysics.
nice thought: fue una atencin por su parte
astrologa nf astrology.
it was a nice thought, it was very kind of
astrlogo,a nm & nf astrologer.
him. l o c a la atencin de algn (en cartas)
astronauta nm o nf astronaut.
for the attention of sb. y llamar la aten
astronoma nf astronomy.
cin to attract attention. y llamar la
astrnomo,a nm & nf astronomer.
atencin a algn to take sb to task. y pres
astucia nf 1 astuteness, cunning,
tar atencin to pay attention (a, to).
shrewdness. 2 (treta) trick, ruse.
P interj atencin! (gen) your attention
astuto,a adj astute, cunning, shrewd.
please!; (cuidado) watch out!, look out!
asumir vt to assume, take on, take atender vt 1 (servir - cliente) to serve, atupon os.
tend to, see to: ya la atienden? are you
asunto nm 1 (cuestin) matter, issue; (tebeing served? 2 (cuidar) to take care of,
ma) subject; (de obra) theme: no quiero
look after. 3 (negocio) to take care
hablar del asunto I dont want to discuss
of; (telfono) to answer. 4 (consejo, adverthe matter. 2 (negocio) affair, business:
tencia) to heed, pay attention to; (rueno es asunto tuyo its
none of your busigo, deseo, protesta) to attend to; (instruc
cin) to follow, carry out.
ness. 3 (aventura) affair, love affair.



P vi 1 (prestar atencin) to pay attention

atisbo nm 1 (accin) spying, watching.
2 fig (indicio) inkling, slight sign.
(a, to), attend (a, to). 2 (tener en cuenta)
to bear in mind.
atizar vt 1 (fuego) to poke; (vela) to
snuff. 2 fig (pasiones) to rouse, excite;
atenerse vpr 1 (ajustarse) to abide (a,
(rebelin) to stir up. 3 (dar - golpe) give,
by), comply (a, with). 2 (acogerse) to
rely (a, on).
atentado nm 1 (ataque) attack, assault. atlntico,a adj Atlantic. c o m p el (oca
no) Atlntico the Atlantic (Ocean).
2 (afrenta) affront. c o m p atentado te
atlas nm inv atlas.
rrorista terrorist attack.
atentamente adv 1 attentively, careful- atleta nm o nf athlete.
ly. 2 (amablemente) politely; (en carta) sin- atltico,a adj athletic.
cerely, faithfully: Le saluda atentamente atletismo nm athletics.
Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully.
atmsfera nf atmosphere.
atentar vi (fsicamente - a una institucin) to atolondrado,a adj 1 (desatinado) scatterbrained, reckless, silly. 2 (aturdido)
attack (a/contra, -), make an attack
stunned, bewildered.
(a/contra, on); (- a una persona) to attempt to kill, make an attempt on atmico,a adj atomic.
sbs life.
atomizador nm atomizer, spray.
atento,a adj 1 attentive. 2 (amable) po- tomo nm atom.
lite, courteous.
atnito,a adj astonished, amazed.
atenuante adj 1 attenuating. 2 jur ex- tono,a adj atonic, unstressed.
atontado,a adj 1 (aturdido) stunned,
P nm jur extenuating circumstance.
confused, bewildered. 2 (tonto) stupid,
silly, foolish.
atenuar vt 1 to attenuate. 2 jur to extenuate.
atormentar vt 1 (torturar) to torture. 2
fig (causar disgusto) to torment, harass.
ateo,a adj atheistic.
P vpr atormentarse (sufrir) to torment os.
P nm & nf atheist.
aterrador,ra adj terrifying, frightful. atornillar vt to screw on, screw down.
aterrizaje nm landing. c o m p aterrizaje atracador,ra nm & nf (de banco) (bank)
robber; (en la calle) attacker, mugger,
forzoso emergency landing.
aterrizar vi to land.
atracar vt (robar - banco, tienda) to hold
aterrorizar vt to terrify.
up, rob; (- persona) to mug.
atesorar vt 1 (acumular) to hoard, acP vi mar (a otra nave) to come alongcumulate, store up. 2 fig to possess.
side; (a tierra) to tie up, dock, berth.
atestado1 nm jur affidavit, statement.
P vpr atracarse (de comida) to gorge os
atestado,a adj packed (de, with),
(de, on), stuff os (de, with).
crammed (de, with).
atraccin nf (gen) attraction.
atestiguar vt 1 jur to testify to, bear
P nf pl atracciones (de feria) rides pl.
witness to, give evidence of. 2 (ofrecer atraco nm hold-up, robbery.
muestras) to attest, testify, vouch for.
atracn nm fam binge, blowout.
atiborrarse vpr fam (de comida) to stuff atractivo,a adj attractive, charming.
os (de, with).
P nm atractivo attraction, charm, aptico nm 1 (vivienda) penthouse, attic
flat. 2 arquit attic, loft.
atraer vt to attract.
atinar vi 1 (dar con) to hit upon, find. 2 atragantarse vpr (no poder tragar) to
(acertar) to get it right, be right, succhoke (con, on), swallow the wrong
atpico,a adj atypical.
atrapar vt to seize, capture, catch.

atrs adv 1 back: dio un salto atrs she

jumped back. 2 (tiempo) ago: das atrs

several days ago.


atn nm tuna, tuna fish, tunny.

aturdido,a adj 1 (confundido) stunned,

dazed, bewildered. 2 (atolondrado)

reckless, harebrained.
P adj 1 (desfasado) outdated. 2 (pago)
audacia nf audacity, boldness, daring.
overdue. 3 (reloj) slow. 4 (pas) back- audaz adj audacious, bold, daring.
ward, underdeveloped; (alumno) slow, audicin nf 1 (accin) hearing; (radio, tebackward.
levisin) reception. 2 teat audition. 3
atrasar vt (gen) to delay, postpone,
ms concert.
put back; (reloj) to put back.
audiencia nf 1 (recepcin) audience,
P vi (reloj) to be slow.
hearing. 2 (entrevista) formal interview.
P vpr atrasarse 1 (tren, etc) to be late. 2
3 jur high court. 4 (pblico) audience.
(quedarse atrs) to fall behind.
audfono nm hearing aid, deaf aid.
atraso nm 1 delay. 2 (de reloj) slowness: audiovisual adj audio-visual.
el tren lleva mucho atraso the train is very
P nm audio-visual.
late. 3 (de un pas) backwardness.
auditar vt to audit.
atravesar vt 1 (cruzar) to cross, go auditivo,a adj auditory.
across, go over; (pasar por) to go auditor,ra nm & nf fin auditor.
through, pass through. 2 (experimentar
auditorio nm 1 (pblico) audience. 2 (lu- gen) to go through, experience; (enfergar) auditorium, hall.
medad, etc) to suffer. 3 (poner oblicuamente)
to put across, lay across. 4 (con bala, etc) auge nm 1 (del mercado) boom. 2 (de precios)
boost. 3 (de fama, etc) peak, summit.
to go through; (con espada) to run
augurio nm augury.
through. 5 (situacin) to go through.
aula nf (en escuela) classroom; (en univeratrayente adj attractive.
sidad) lecture room.
atreverse vpr to dare, venture.
aullar vi to howl, yell, bay.
atrevido,a pp atreverse.
aullido nm howl, yell.
P adj 1 (osado) daring, bold. 2 (insolente)
insolent, impudent. 3 (indecoroso) dar- aumentar vt 1 to augment, increase;
(precios) to put up; (produccin) to step
ing, risqu.
up. 2 (ptica) to magnify. 3 (fotos) to
atribuir vt to attribute (a, to), ascribe.
enlarge. 4 (sonido) to amplify.
atributo nm attribute, quality.
aumento nm 1 increase, growth. 2
atril nm (para libros) lectern, bookrest;
(ptica) magnification. 3 (fotos) en(para msica) music stand.
largement. 4 (sonido) amplification. 5
atrio nm 1 (patio) atrium. 2 (vestbulo)
(salario) rise, us raise.
vestibule, entrance hall.
aun adv even: aun los tontos lo saben even
atrocidad nf 1 (barbaridad) atrocity,
a fool knows that.
outrage. 2 (disparate - accin) someP conj (+ gerundio o participio) although, even
thing stupid, foolish thing; (- dicho)
though: aun llegando tarde, lo recibieron ama
silly remark, stupid remark.
blemente although he was late, he was givatropellar vt 1 auto to knock down,
en a warm reception. l o c aun as even so,
run over. 2 (arrollar) to trample over.
even then. y aun cuando although, even
atropello nm 1 (accidente) accident, colthough.
lision; (de coche) knocking down, an adv (afirmacin) still; (negacin, interrorunning over. 2 (apresuramiento) haste.
gacin) yet: an no ha llamado he hasnt
3 fig (agravio) outrage, abuse; (de derephoned yet. l o c an ms even more.
cho) violation.
aunque conj 1 (valor concesivo) although,
atroz adj atrocious,
though; (con nfasis) even if, even
atuendo nm attire, dress, outfit.
though. 2 (valor adversativo) but.

atrasado,a pp atrasar.



aupar vt to help up.

aureola nf aureole, halo.
aurcula nf auricle.
auricular adj auricular, of the ear.

1 (telfono) receiver, earpiece. 2

(dedo) little finger.
P nm pl auriculares earphones, headphones.
aurora nf dawn, daybreak. c o m p auro
ra boreal/borealis aurora borealis,
northern lights pl.
auscultar vt to sound.
ausencia nf absence.
ausentarse vpr 1 (faltar) to be absent.
2 (irse) to leave.
ausente adj 1 absent. 2 (distrado) lost
in thought.
P nm o nf absentee.
austeridad nf austerity.
austero,a adj austere.
Australia nf Australia.
australiano,a adj Australian.
P nm & nf (persona) Australian.
australopiteco nm australopithecine.
Austria nf Austria.
austraco,a adj Austrian.
P nm & nf Austrian.
autntico,a adj authentic, genuine, real.
auto1 nm (coche) car. c o m p autos de cho
que bumper cars.
auto2 nm 1 jur decree, writ. 2 lit mystery play, religious play.
autoadhesivo,a adj self-adhesive.
autobiografa nf autobiography.
autobs nm bus.
autocar nm coach.
autocontrol nm self-control.
autctono,a adj indigenous.
autodefensa nf self-defence (us selfdefense).
autodeterminacin nf self-determination.
autodidacta nm o nf self-taught person.
autoescuela nf driving school, school
of motoring.
P nm

autmata nm automaton.
automtico,a adj automatic.
automvil nm automobile, car.
automovilismo nm 1 motoring. 2 dep
motor racing.

automovilista nm o nf motorist, driver.

automovilstico,a adj car.
autonoma nf 1 (gen) autonomy. 2 (capacidad para funcionar sin recargar) range.

autonmico,a adj autonomous,


autnomo,a adj 1 (regin) autono-

mous. 2 (trabajador) self-employed.

P nm & nf com self-employed person.
autopista nf motorway, us highway.
autopsia nf 1 autopsy, postmortem.
2 fig postmortem.
autor,ra nm & nf 1 (escritor) writer, author; (hombre) author; (mujer) authoress. 2 (responsable - gen) person responsible; (- de delito) perpetrator.
autoridad nf authority.
autoritario,a adj authoritarian.
autorizacin nf authorization.

autorizado,a pp autorizar.

1 (oficial) authorized, official. 2

(experto) authoritative, expert.
autorizar vt 1 to authorize. 2 jur to
legalize. 3 (aprobar) to approve of,
give authority to.
autorretrato nm self-portrait.
autoservicio nm 1 (restaurante) self-service restaurant, cafeteria. 2 (supermercado) supermarket.
autostop nm hitchhiking.
autostopista nm o nf hitch-hiker.
autosuficiencia nf self-sufficiency.
autova nf dual carriageway, us highway.
auxiliar adj auxiliary, assistant.
P nm 1 (persona) auxiliary, assistant. 2
gram (verbo) auxiliary.
P vt (ayudar) to help, assist; (a un enfermo) to attend; (a un pas) to give aid to.
c o m p auxiliar administrativo administrative assistant.
autoestop nm autostop.
auxilio nm help, aid, assistance, relief.
autoestopista nm o
nf autostopista.
P interj help! c o m p primeros auxilios
autgrafo,a nm autograph.
first aid sing.
P adj

aval nm endorsement, guarantee.
avalancha nf avalanche.
avalar vt to guarantee, endorse.
avance nm 1 (accin) advance. 2 (pago)


averiado,a pp averiar.

P adj 1 (en productos) damaged. 2 tc

faulty, not working, out of order. 3
auto broken down.
advance payment. 3 (de pelcula) trailer. averiar vt 1 (productos) to damage,
spoil. 2 tc to cause to malfunction.
c o m p avance informativo tv news pre3 auto to cause a breakdown to.
view, us news brief.
P vpr averiarse 1 (productos) to get damavanzar vi to advance, go forward.
aged. 2 tc to malfunction, go
P vt 1 (mover adelante) to advance,
wrong. 3 auto to break down.
move forward. 2 (dinero) to advance.
averiguacin nf inquiry, investiga3 (una propuesta) to put forward.
avaricia nf avarice.
avaro,a adj (tacao) avaricious, miser- averiguar vt to inquire, investigate,
find out about: averigua quin viene
ly, mean; (codicioso) greedy, avaricious.
find out whos coming.
P nm & nf (tacao) miser; (codicioso)
aversin nf aversion. l o c sentir aver
greedy person.
sin por to loathe.
avasallar vt to subjugate, subdue.
ave nf bird. c o m p ave de rapia bird of avestruz nm ostrich.
aviacin nf 1 aviation. 2 mil air force.
prey. y aves de corral poultry sing.
c o m p accidente de aviacin air crash.
avecinarse vpr to approach (a, -).
aviador,ra nm & nf aviator, flier;
avellana nf hazelnut.
(hombre) airman; (mujer) airwoman.
avemara nf Ave Maria, Hail Mary.
avidez nf avidity, eagerness.
avena nf oats pl.
avenida nf 1 (calle) avenue. 2 (riada) vido,a adj avid, eager: el chico estaba
vido de aventuras the boy was thirsty for
flood, spate.
aventajar vt 1 (exceder) to surpass,
beat. 2 (ir en cabeza) to lead, be ahead; avin nm aeroplane ( us airplane),
plane, aircraft.
(llegar) to come first, come ahead (a,
avioneta nf light plane, light aircraft.
aventura nf 1 adventure. 2 (riesgo) avisar vt 1 (informar) to inform, notify,
announce. 2 (advertir) to warn. 3
hazard, risk. 3 (relacin amorosa) (love)
(mandar llamar) to call for.
aviso nm 1 (informacin) notice. 2 (adveraventurado,a pp aventurar.
tencia) warning. l o c hasta nuevo aviso
P adj 1 (arriesgado) dangerous, risky. 2
until further notice. y sin previo aviso
(atrevido) daring, bold.
without prior notice.
aventurar vt (idea, opinin, etc) to venavispa nf wasp.
ture, dare, hazard.
avispero nm 1 (conjunto de avispas)
P vpr aventurarse to venture, dare.
swarm of wasps. 2 (nido de avispas)
aventurero,a nm & nf (hombre) advenwasps nest. 3 fig (lo) tight spot,
turer; (mujer) adventuress.
avergonzado,a pp avergonzar.
avivar vt 1 (fuego) to stoke (up). 2 (anP adj embarrassed, ashamed.
helos, deseos) to enliven. 3 (pasiones, doavergonzar vt (causar vergenza) to
lor) to intensify. 4 (paso) to quicken. 5
shame, put to shame; (turbar) to em(colores, luz) to brighten up.
axial adj axial.
P vpr avergonzarse to be ashamed
(de, of), be embarrassed (de, about). axila nf 1 (del cuerpo) armpit, underarm. 2 med axilla. 3 (de planta) axil.
avera nf 1 (en productos)
damage. 2 tc
axioma nm axiom.
failure. 3 auto breakdown.



ay interj 1 (dolor) ouch!, ow! 2 (pena)

alas!: ay de m! woe is me!, poor me! 3

(temor) oh!
ayer adv 1 (el da anterior) yesterday. 2
(en el pasado) in the past, formerly.
P nm past. l o c ayer por la maana/tar
de yesterday morning/afternoon. y
ayer por la noche last night.
ayuda nf 1 help, aid, assistance. 2 (lavativa) enema. l o c ir en ayuda de algn
to come to sbs assistance. y prestar
ayuda to help (a, -).
ayudar vt to help, aid, assist: en qu po
demos ayudarte? how can we help you?
P vpr ayudarse (apoyarse) to make use
(de/con, of).
ayunar vi to fast.
ayunas l o c en ayunas on an empty
stomach: tmalo en ayunas take it on an
empty stomach.
ayuno nm fast, fasting.
ayuntamiento nm 1 (corporacin) town
council, city council. 2 (edificio) town
hall, city hall.
azabache nm jet. l o c negro,a como el
azabache jet-black.
azada nf hoe.
azafata nf 1 (de avin) air hostess,
stewardess. 2 (de congresos) hostess.
azafrn nm saffron.
azahar nm (de naranjo) orange blossom; (de limonero) lemon blossom.
c o m p agua de azahar orange flower
azalea nf azalea.

azar nm 1 chance. 2 (percance) misfortune, accident. 3 (en probabilidad)

event. l o c al azar at random. y por
puro azar by pure chance.
azotar vt 1 (con ltigo) to whip, flog. 2
(golpear) to beat down on. 3 (viento,
olas) to lash. 4 fig (peste, hambre, etc) to
azote nm 1 (instrumento) whip, scourge.
2 (golpe) lash, stroke (of the whip). 3
(manotada) smack. 4 (del viento, del agua)
lashing. 5 fig scourge.
azotea nf flat roof.
azteca adj Aztec.
P nm o nf Aztec.
azcar nm & nf sugar. c o m p azcar blanco
refined sugar. y azcar flor icing sugar.
y azcar moreno/negro brown sugar.

azucarado,a pp azucarar.

adj 1 (con azcar) sugared, sweetened. 2 (como el azcar) sugar-like; (dulce) sweet. 3 fig sugary.
azucarero nm (vasija) sugar bowl.
azucarillo nm (terrn) sugar lump.
azucena nf white lily.
azufre nm sulphur (us sulfur).
azul adj blue.
P nm blue. c o m p azul celeste sky blue,
light blue. y azul cielo sky blue, light
blue. y azul elctrico electric blue. y
azul marino navy blue. y azul turquesa
turquoise. y sangre azul blue blood.
azulejo nm (baldosa) tile, glazed tile.
azuzar vt to egg on.

B, b nf (la letra) B, b.
baba nf 1 (de animal, adulto) spittle, sali-


5 (estar suelto) to be loose: este tornillo

baila this screw is loose.
bailarn,ina nm & nf dancer.
baile nm 1 dance. 2 (de etiqueta) ball. 3

va; (de nio) dribble. 2 (de caracol, babosa) slime. l o c carsele a uno la baba
(sala) dance hall.
fam to drool.
babear vi 1 (adulto, animal) to slobber, baja nf 1 (descenso) fall, drop. 2 (por enfermedad) sick leave.
slaver; (nio) to dribble. 2 fig to
bajada nf 1 (disminucin) drop, fall. 2
drool, slobber.
(descenso) descent; (de teln, barrera)
babero nm 1 bib. 2 (babi) child's overlowering. 3 (camino) way down. 4 (en
carretera, etc) slope, hill.
babosa nf slug.
baca nf rack, roof rack, luggage rack. bajar vt 1 (coger algo de un lugar alto) to
get down. 2 (dejar ms abajo) to lower.
bacalao nm cod.
3 (reducir) to lower, reduce, bring
bache nm 1 (en carretera) pothole. 2 (de
down. 4 (recorrer de arriba abajo) to go
aire) air pocket. 3 fig bad patch.
down. 5 (en informtica) to download.
bachillerato nm 1 Spanish certificate
P vi 1 to come down. 2 (reducirse) to
of secondary education. 2 Spanish
fall, drop: ha bajado la temperatura the
non-compulsory secondary educatemperature has dropped. 3 (marea) to
go out. 4 (apearse - de coche) to get out
(de, of); (de bicicleta, caballo) to get off
bacilo nm bacillus.
(de, -).
bacn nm bacon.
P vpr bajarse to come down, to get
bacteria nf bacterium.
out (de, -), to get off (de, -).
bdminton nm badminton.
bajo,a adj 1 (gen) low: precios bajos low
bafle nm loudspeaker.
prices. 2 (persona) short, not tall. 3 (caBahamas nf pl las Bahamas the Bahabeza) bowed, held low; (ojos) lowmas.
ered, downcast. 4 (marea) out: la ma
baha nf bay.
rea est baja the tide is out. 5 (poca)
bailaor,ra nm & nf flamenco dancer.
late: la Baja Edad Media the late Middle
bailar vt 1 to dance. 2 (hacer girar) to
spin: bail una moneda en la mesa she bajo nm 1 (piso) ground floor, us first
spun a coin on the table.
floor. 2 ms (instrumento) bass; (contraP vi 1 to dance: bailas? do you want to
bajo) double bass.
P nm o nf ms (msico) bass player.
dance?, would you like to dance? 2 (giP adv low, softly, quietly.
rar) to spin. 3 (ser grande) to be too
P prep under, below.
big: me bailan estos zapatos these shoes
P nm pl bajos ground floor;
are too big for me. 4 (moverse - cosa) to
l o c de bajura inshore.
wobble; (- persona)
fidget: esta silla baila this chair wobbles. bala nf 1 bullet. 2 (paquete) bale.


balada nf ballad.
balancear vt to rock, swing.

bench. 4 (de peces) shoal. c o m p banco
de datos data bank.
banda1 nf 1 (faja) sash. 2 (lista) band. 3
(tira) strip. 4 (lado) side. 5 (en billar)
cushion. c o m p banda magntica magnetic strip.
banda2 nf 1 (msicos) band. 2 (maleantes)
bandada nf 1 (de pjaros) flock; (de insectos) swarm; (de peces) shoal. 2 (de personas) horde.
bandeja nf (gen) tray; (para diapositivas)
bandera nf flag. c o m p bandera nacional
national flag.
banderilla nf 1 (tauromaquia) banderilla
(barbed dart stuck into the bull's back). 2 (tapa)

to rock, to swing.
balancearse (mecerse) to rock; (columpio, brazo) to swing.
balanceo nm (gen) swinging.
balancn nm 1 (mecedora) rocking chair.
2 (columpio) seesaw.
balanza nf (aparato) scales pl.
balar vi to bleat, baa.
balcn nm (en edificio) balcony.
balde nm bucket, pail. l o c de balde
free, for nothing.
baldo,a adj uncultivated, barren.
P nm baldo wasteland.
baldosa nf floor tile.
baldosn nm tile, wall tile.
pickled onion, carrot, gherkin, pepper, etc on a
balido nm bleat, baa.
cocktail stick.
baln nm pellet.
bandern nm pennant.
baliza nf 1 (de mar) buoy. 2 (de tierra) bandido,a nm & nf bandit.
bando nm 1 (faccin) faction, party,
ballena nf whale.
camp. 2 (de aves) flock; (de insectos)
swarm; (de peces) shoal.
ballesta nf (arma) crossbow.
bandolera nf bandolier.
ballet nm ballet.
bandolero nm bandit.
balneario,a adj spa.
banjo nm banjo.
baln nm dep ball.
banquero,a nm & nf banker.
baloncesto nm basketball.
banqueta nf 1 (taburete) stool; (para los
balonmano nm handball.
pies) footstool. 2 (banco) little bench.
balonvolea nm volleyball.
banquete nm banquet, feast.
balsa nf 1 pool. 2 mar raft.
baador nm (gen) swimsuit; (de mujer)
blsamo nm balsam, balm.
swimming costume; (de hombre)
bambolear vi to sway.
swimming trunks pl.
P vpr bambolearse to sway.
baar vt 1 (lavar) to bath: me bao cada
bamboleo nm swaying.
maana I have a bath every morning. 2
bamb nm bamboo.
(cubrir) to coat: ba los pasteles en choco
banal adj trivial.
late she coated the cakes in chocolate.
banana nf banana.
P vpr baarse to bathe; (nadar) to
banca nf 1 com banking; (bancos) (the)
have a swim, go for a swim.
banks pl. 2 (en juego) bank.
baera nf bath, bathtub.
bancada nf 1 (banco) long bench. 2 (su- baista nm o nf bather, swimmer.
perficie) work surface.
bao nm 1 (gen) bath; (en piscina, mar)
bancal nm 1 (en pendiente) terrace. 2 (en
dip, swim. 2 (cuarto) bathroom; (servillano) plot.
cio) toilet. 3 (baera) bath, bathtub.
P nm pl baos (balneario) spa sing.
bancarrota nf bankruptcy. l o c estar
en bancarrota to be bankrupt.
bar nm 1 (cafetera) caf, snack bar; (de
bebidas alcohlicas) bar. 2 fs bar.
banco nm 1 bank. 2
(asiento) bench; (de
iglesia) pew. 3 (mesa) bench, work baraja nf (naipes) pack, deck.
P vi

P vpr

barajar vt (naipes) to shuffle.
baranda nf handrail, banister.
barandilla nf handrail, banister.
barato,a adj cheap.
P adv

barato cheaply, cheap.

barba nf 1 anat chin. 2 (pelo) beard.

barbacoa nf barbecue.
barbaridad nf 1 (crueldad - cualidad) cru-


barracn nm hut, large hut.

barranco nm 1 (precipicio) precipice. 2
(torrentera) gully; (ms profunda) ravine.

barranquismo nm canyoning.
barrendero,a nm & nf road sweeper.

barreno nm 1 (barrena) large drill. 2

(agujero) drill hole, bore hole.

elty; (- acto) atrocity, act of cruelty. 2 barreo nm large bowl.
(disparate) piece of nonsense.
barrer vt 1 (suelo) to sweep; (hojas, mibarbarismo nm barbarism.
gas, etc) to sweep up. 2 (limpiar) to
brbaro,a adj 1 hist barbarian. 2
sweep away: el viento barri las nubes
(cruel) barbaric, savage, cruel. 3 fam
del cielo the wind swept the clouds from
(esplndido) fantastic, terrific.
the sky.
P nm & nf hist barbarian.
barrera nf 1 (gen) barrier. 2 (en plaza de
P adv brbaro : lo pasamos brbaro we
toros - valla) barrier; (- asientos) front
had a great time.
row. 3 fig obstacle.
barbecho nm fallow land.
barricada nf barricade.
barbera nf barber's shop, barber's.
barriga nf belly, stomach, tummy.
barbero nm barber.
barril nm barrel, keg.
barbilla nf chin.
barrio nm neighbourhood (us neighbarbo nm barbel.
borhood); (zona) district, area.
barca nf boat, small boat.
barrizal nm quagmire.
barcaza nf lighter.
barro nm 1 (lodo) mud. 2 (arcilla) clay:
barco nm (gen) boat; (grande) ship.
objetos de barro earthenware sing. 3 (objebardo nm bard.
to) earthenware object.
baremo nm 1 (para calcular) ready reck- barroco,a adj 1 arte baroque. 2 fig
oner. 2 (tarifas) scale, table.
bartono nm baritone.
barrote nm 1 bar. 2 (de escalera, silla)
barman nm barman, us bartender.
barniz nm (para madera) varnish; (para
barullo nm noise, din, racket.
cermica) glaze.
basar vt to base (en, on).
barnizar vt (madera) to varnish; (cermiP vpr basarse (cosa) to be based ( en,
ca) to glaze.
on); (persona) to base oneself on.
barmetro nm barometer.
bscula nf (gen) scales pl; (de farmacia)
barn nm baron.
weighing machine.
barquero,a nm & nf (hombre) boatbascular vi 1 to tilt. 2 (oscilar) to swing.
man; (mujer) boatwoman.
3 (variar) to swing, alternate.
barquillo nm (gen) wafer; (cucurucho)
base nf 1 (gen) base. 2 fig basis. 3 qum
base, alkali. 4 mat base. 5 (en bisbol)
barra nf 1 (en bar, cafetera) bar. 2 (vara)
base. c o m p base de datos database.
bar; (para cortinas) rod; (de bicicleta)
P nf pl bases 1 (de concurso) rules. 2 las
crossbar. 3 (de helado) block. 4 (de pan)
bases (de partido, etc) grass roots.
loaf. c o m p barra de labios lipstick.
bsico,a adj (gen) basic.
barrabasada nf dirty trick.
barraca nf 1 (casita) cottage (typical in baslica nf basilica.
Valencia and Murcia).
2 (puesto) stall; (case- basta nf tacking stitch.
ta de feria) booth. 3 (chabola) shack.
basta2 interj enough!, stop it!



bastante adj 1 enough, sufficient. 2

batido,a nm batido 1 culin beaten

(abundante) quite a lot of: haba bastan
eggs. 2 (bebida) milk shake.
te gente there were quite a lot of people.
batidor,ra nm culin (manual) whisk.
P adv 1 enough: son lo bastante ricos co
batidora nf blender, mixer.
mo para poder permitrselo they're rich batir vt 1 (huevos) to beat; (nata, claras) to
enough to be able to afford it. 2 (un poco)
whip. 2 (palmas) to clap. 3 (metales) to
fairly, quite: es bastante alto it's fairly
beat. 4 (alas) to flap, beat. 5 (derribar)
high. 3 (tiempo) some time, quite a
to knock down. 6 (vencer) to beat, dewhile.
feat. 7 dep (marca, rcord) to break.
bastar vi to be enough, be sufficient,
P vpr batirse to fight.
suffice: mi sueldo no basta para pagar el batracio,a adj batrachian.
alquiler my salary is not enough to pay
P nm batracio batrachian.
the rent. l o c bastar con to be enough: batuta nf baton. l o c llevar la batuta to
es muy concentrado, basta con una gota it's
be the boss.
highly concentrated, one drop is
nm (cofre) chest; (de viaje) trunk.
bastidor nm 1 frame. 2 (de lienzo) bautismo nm baptism, christening.
stretcher. 3 (de coche) chassis. 4 teat bautizar vt 1 to baptize, christen. 2
(poner nombre a) to name.
bautizo nm baptism, christening.
basto1 nm club.
bauxita nf bauxite.
P nm pl bastos clubs: el as de bastos
baya nf berry.
the ace of clubs.
basto,a2 adj 1 (grosero) coarse, rough. bayeta nf 1 baize. 2 (pao) cloth.
bayo,a adj bay, whitish yellow.
2 (sin pulimentar) rough, unpolished.
P nm bayo (caballo) bay.
bastn nm 1 stick, walking stick, us
baza nf 1 (naipes) trick. 2 (ventaja) asset,
cane. 2 (de esqu) stick, ski stick.
advantage. 3 (ocasin) chance. l o c
basura nf 1 (cosa) rubbish, us garbage.
meter baza fig to butt in, stick one's
2 (persona despreciable) swine. l o c sacar
oar in.
la basura to put the rubbish out.
basurero nm 1 (persona) dustman, us bazar nm 1 (oriental) bazaar. 2 (tienda)
electrical goods and hardware
garbage man. 2 (lugar) tip, rubbish
bata nf 1 (prenda ligera) housecoat; (al- beatificar vt to beatify.
bornoz) dressing gown, us robe. 2 (de beato,a adj 1 (beatificado) blessed. 2
(devoto) devout.
trabajo) overall; (de mdicos, etc) white
beb nm baby. c o m p beb probeta testtube baby.
batalla nf battle.
bebedero,a nm 1 (abrevadero) water
batallar vi to battle, fight.
trough. 2 (vasija) drinking dish.
batalln nm 1 mil battalion. 2 (multitud)
beber vt to drink.
P vi 1 to drink. 2 (emborracharse) to
batata nf bot sweet potato.
drink, drink heavily: bebe mucho he's
bate nm bat.
a heavy drinker.
batear vi to bat.
bebida nf drink, beverage.
P vt to hit.
batera nf 1 (elctrica) battery. 2 teat beca nf (gen) grant; (concedida por mritos)
scholarship, award.
footlights pl. 3 (conjunto de cosas) set;
(de preguntas) barrage. 4 ms drums pl. becar vt (gen) to award a grant to; (por
mritos) to award a scholarship to.
P nm o nf drummer. l o c recargar las ba
batteries. c o m p becario,a nm & nf grant holder,
teras to recharge one's
scholarship holder.
batera de cocina pots and pans pl.

becerro,a nm & nf calf (up to one year

bechamel nf bchamel sauce, white


bedel,la nm & nf porter.

beduino,a nm & nf Bedouin.
begonia nf begonia.
beicon nm bacon.
beige adj beige.


benfico,a adj charitable.

c o m p fun
cin benfica charity performance.
benevolencia nf 1 benevolence,
kindness. 2 (comprensin) understand-


benvolo,a adj 1 benevolent, kind.

2 (comprensivo) understanding.

bengala nf (para fiestas, etc) sparkler.

benigno,a adj 1 (persona) benign,

gentle. 2 (tumor) benign. 3 (clima)

bisbol nm baseball.
benjamn,ina nm & nf (en familia - gen)
beln nm rel nativity scene, crib.
youngest child.
belga adj Belgian.
P adj dep of the youngest age group (9 or 10
P nm & nf Belgian.
years old).
Blgica nf Belgium.
berberecho nm cockle, common
Belice nm Belize.
blico,a adj military. c o m p conflicto berenjena nf aubergine, us eggplant.
blico armed conflict, war.
berilo nm beryl.
belleza nf beauty.
bermudas nm pl Bermudas, Bermuda
bello,a adj beautiful.
bellota nf acorn.
berrear vi 1 (becerro) to bellow. 2 (persobemol adj ms flat.
na) to bawl; (nio) to howl, bawl.
P nm ms flat.
berrido nm 1 (de becerro) bellow. 2 (de
bencina nf 1 qum benzine. 2 (combustipersona) howl.
ble) petrol, us gasoline.
berrinche nm rage, tantrum, anger.
l o c hacer un berrinche to throw a
bendecir vt to bless.
bendicin nf blessing.
P nf pl bendiciones wedding ceremoberro nm watercress.
ny sing.
berza nf cabbage.
bendito,a adj 1 (bienaventurado) bless- besamel nf bechamel, white sauce.
ed. 2 (feliz) happy: bendita la hora en besar vt to kiss.
que la conoc! happy the hour I met her! 3
P vpr besarse (uso recproco) to kiss.
(poco inteligente) simple.
beso nm kiss.
P nm & nf simple soul.
bestia nf (animal) beast.
benefactor,ra adj beneficent.
P nm o nf (persona - bruto) brute; (- ignoP nm & nf (hombre) benefactor; (mujer)
rante) ignorant fool; (- torpe) clumsy
beneficiar vt 1 to benefit, favour (us
P adj 1 (bruto) brutish. 2 (ignorante) igfavor). 2 (mina) to work. 3 com to sell
norant; (grosero) rude; (torpe) clumsy. 3
below par.
(asombroso) fantastic, amazing. l o c a
P vpr beneficiarse 1 to benefit. 2 com
lo bestia 1 (fuerte) hard. 2 (a lo loco) like
a madman. 3 (en cantidad) in enorto profit. l o c beneficiarse de algo to
mous amounts.
do well out of sth, benefit from sth.
bestial adj 1 (brutal) beastly, bestial. 2
beneficiario,a nm & nf beneficiary.
fam (enorme) enormous.
beneficio nm 1 (ganancia) profit. 2 (bien)
benefit. l o c a beneficio de in aid of. bestiario nm bestiary.
y sacar beneficio de to profit from.
best-seller nm best-seller.
beneficioso,a adj beneficial.
besucn,ona adj fond of kissing.
P nm


besugo nm (pez) sea bream.

besuquear vt to kiss again and again.
betn nm (para zapatos) shoe polish.
bianual adj biannual.
bibern nm baby's bottle, bottle.
Biblia nf Bible.
bibliografa nf bibliography.
biblioteca nf 1 library. 2 (mueble)
bookcase, bookshelf.

bibliotecario,a nm & nf librarian.

bicarbonato nm bicarbonate.
bicentenario,a nm bicentenary,


we'll send it to you either by post or by
bienal adj biennial.
P nf biennial exhibition, biennial
bienestar nm wellbeing, welfare:
bienestar social social welfare.
bienhechor,ra adj beneficent, beneficial.
bienio nm (periodo) two-year period,
bienvenido,a adj welcome.
bfido,a adj forked.
bifocal adj bifocal. c o m p gafas bifocales
bifurcacin nf (de la carretera) fork; (de
ferrocarril) junction.
bigamia nf bigamy.
bigote nm 1 moustache ( us mustache). 2 (de gato) whiskers pl.
bigotudo,a adj mustachioed.

bceps nm inv biceps.
bicho nm (animal) animal, creature; (insecto) bug, creepy-crawly.
bici nf fam bike.
bicicleta nf bicycle. c o m p bicicleta de
carreras racing bike. y bicicleta de
montaa mountain bike.
bicolor adj two-coloured ( us twobikini nm biquini.
bilabial adj bilabial.
bid nm bidet.
bilateral adj bilateral.
bidn nm drum.
biliar adj biliary, bile.
biela nf auto connecting rod.
bien adv 1 (gen) well: canta bien she sings bilinge adj bilingual.
well. 2 (como es debido) properly, right: si bilingismo nm bilingualism.
no pronuncias bien, no te van a entender if bilis nf inv 1 bile. 2 fig spleen.
you don't pronounce the words properly, billar nm 1 billiards. 2 (mesa) billiard
table. c o m p billar americano pool.
they won't understand you. 3 (acertadaP nm pl billares billiard room.
mente) right, correctly: contest bien a to
das las preguntas she answered all the ques- billete nm 1 (moneda) note, us bill: un
billete de cincuenta euros a fifty-euro note.
tions correctly. 4 (de acuerdo) O.K., all
2 (de transporte, sorteo, teatro, etc) ticket.
right: -ven maana a las dos, -bien -come
c o m p billete de ida y vuelta return
tomorrow at two, -all right. 5 (mucho)
ticket, us round-trip ticket.
very: es bien sencillo it's really simple. 6 (de
gusto, olor, aspecto, etc) good, nice, lovely: billetera nf wallet, us billfold.
esta cerveza est muy bien this beer's very billetero nm purse, us change purse.
good. 7 (de salud) well: te encuentras bien? billn nm trillion.
are you feeling all right? 8 (fsicamente)
. El uso espaol coincide con el antiguo
good-looking: su novio est muy bien her
significado britnico en el que un billion
boyfriend's very good-looking. l o c hacer
era a million million.
bien to do good. y ya est bien! that's
binario,a adj binary.
P nm pl bienes property sing, possessions. c o m p bienes inmuebles real es- bingo nm 1 (juego) bingo. 2 (sala) bingo
hall. l o c bingo! bingo!
tate sing.
nm pince-nez.
P conj bien bien either or: se lo en
viaremos bien por correo, bien por mensajero binomio nm binomial.

biodegradable adj biodegradable.
biografa nf biography.
biogrfico,a adj biographical.
bigrafo,a nm & nf biographer.
biologa nf biology.
biolgico,a adj biological.
bilogo,a nm & nf biologist.
biomasa nf biomass.
biombo nm screen, folding screen.
biopsia nf biopsy.
bioqumica nf biochemistry.
biosfera nf biosphere.
bixido nm dioxide.
bpedo,a adj biped.
biplaza nm two-seater.
bipolar adj bipolar.
biquini nm (traje de bao) bikini.
Birmania nf Burma.
birria nf rubbish.
bis adv 1 (en direccin): viven en el 23 bis


bizcocho nm sponge, sponge cake.

biznieto,a nm & nf bisnieto,a.
bizquear vi to squint, be cross-eyed.
blanco,a adj white.

& nf (gen) white; (hombre) white

man; (mujer) white woman.
P nm blanco 1 (color) white. 2 (objetivo)
target, mark. 3 fig object: fue el blanco
de todas sus crticas he was the target of
all their criticism. 4 (hueco) blank, gap;
(en escrito) blank space. 5 (vino) white
blancura nf whiteness.
blando,a adj (gen) soft.
blandura nf softness.
blanquear vt 1 to whiten, make
white. 2 (con cal) to whitewash. 3 (con
leja) to bleach.
P vi to whiten, turn white.
blanquecino,a adj whitish, offwhite.
blanqueo nm 1 whitening. 2 (con cal)
they live at 23A. 2 ms repeat, bis.
bisabuelo,a nm & nf great-grandparent; (hombre) great-grandfather; (mu- bledo nm common amaranth. l o c me
importa un bledo fam I don't care
jer) great-grandmother.
less, I couldn't give a damn.
bisagra nf hinge.
blindado,a adj armoured ( us arbiscote nm piece of Melba toast.
mored). c o m p puerta blindada reinbiseccin nf bisection.
forced door.
bisectriz nf bisector.
blindaje nm 1 armour (us armor), arbisel nm bevel.
mour-plating (us armor-plating). 2
biselado,a adj bevelled (us beveled).
(de puerta) reinforcing.
bisiesto adj leap. c o m p ao bisiesto blindar vt 1 to armour-plate (us arleap year.
mor-plate). 2 (puerta) to reinforce.
bislabo,a adj two-syllabled.
bloc nm notepad, pad.
bismuto nm bismuth.
bloque nm 1 block. 2 (papel) pad,
bisnieto,a nm & nf great-grandchild;
notepad. l o c en bloque en bloc.
(chico) great-grandson; (chica) great- bloquear vt (gen) to block: esto podra
bloquear el proceso de paz this could block
bisonte nm bison.
the peace process.
bistec nm steak.
P vpr bloquearse (persona) to have a
bistur nm scalpel.
mental block.
bisutera nf costume jewellery (us bloqueo nm 1 (gen) blocking. 2 mil
blockade. 3 (precios, cuenta) freezing.
bit nm inform bit (unidad informtica).
blues nm inv blues.
biunvoco,a adj one-to-one.
blusa nf blouse.
bivalente adj bivalent.
boa nf (serpiente) boa.
bivalvo,a adj bivalve,
bobada nf silliness, foolishness. l o c
bizco,a adj cross-eyed.
decir bobadas to talk nonsense.
P nm


bobina nf 1 reel, bobbin. 2 elec coil.

bobo,a adj silly, foolish.
P nm

& nf fool.

boca nf 1 anat mouth. 2 (abertura) en-

boleto nm 1 ticket. 2 (quiniela) coupon.
boli nm fam ballpen, biro.
blido nm fam (coche) racing car.
bolgrafo nm ballpoint pen.
bolvar nm bolivar (monetary unit of

trance, opening: hay una boca de metro

en la esquina there's an entrance to the
underground on the corner. l o c boca Bolivia nf Bolivia.
abajo face downwards. y callarse la boliviano,a adj Bolivian.
boca to shut up, shut one's mouth.
P nm & nf Bolivian.
c o m p boca a boca kiss of life.
bollo nm 1 (dulce) pastry, bun. 2 (abollabocacalle nf entrance to a street.
dura) dent.
bocadillo nm sandwich.
bolo nm skittle, ninepin.
bocado nm 1 mouthful. 2 (piscolabis)
P nm pl bolos skittles.
snack, bite to eat. 3 (mordedura) bite.
bolsa1 nf (gen) bag: tiene una bolsa de
bocajarro l o c a bocajarro 1 (disparar)
plstico? have you got a plastic bag?
at point-blank range. 2 (decir algo)
c o m p bolsa de aseo toilet bag. y bolsa
de deportes sports bag.
bocata nm fam sandwich, sarnie.
bolsa2 nf stock exchange.
boceto nm sketch; (proyecto) outline.
bolsillo nm pocket. l o c de bolsillo
bochorno nm 1 (calor) sultry weather,
pocket: una calculadora de bolsillo a
close weather; (viento) hot wind. 2 fig
pocket calculator.
(rubor) embarrassment, shame.
bolso nm handbag, us purse.
bochornoso,a adj 1 (sofocante) hot, bomba nf 1 (explosivo) bomb. 2 (noticia)
sultry. 2 fig (vergonzoso) disgraceful,
bombshell. 3 pump. l o c pasarlo
bomba to have a whale of a time.
bocina nf horn.
bombardear vt 1 (desde el aire) to
boda nf marriage, wedding.
bomb. 2 fig to bombard: me bombar
dearon a preguntas they bombarded me
bodega nf 1 (almacn) wine cellar. 2
with questions.
(tienda) wine shop. 3 (de barco) hold.
bombardeo nm (desde el aire) bombing.
bodegn nm still life.
bombardero nm bomber.
body nm body.
bombear vt (agua) to pump.
bofetada nf slap, slap in the face.
bombero,a nm (gen) firefighter; (hombofetn nm hard slap.
bre) fireman; (mujer) firewoman.
boga nf vogue.
bombilla nf light bulb, bulb.
bogavante nm lobster.
bombn nm (sombrero) bowler hat.
bohemio,a adj (vida, etc) bohemian.
bombo nm (tambor) bass drum.
P nm & nf (artista, etc) bohemian.
bombn nm chocolate.
boicot nm (no participacin) boycott.
bombona nf cylinder. c o m p bombona
boicotear vt (no participar) to boycott.
de butano butane cylinder.
boina nf beret.
boj nm 1 (rbol) box tree. 2 (madera) bonachn,ona adj kind.
bondad nf kindness.
bondadoso,a adj kind, good.
bol nm bowl.
boniato nm sweet potato.
bola nf 1 (gen) ball. 2 fam fib, lie.
bonito nm (pez) bonito.
bolera nf bowling alley.
boletn nm 1 (revista) periodical. 2 (de bonito,a adj lovely, nice.
noticias) bulletin, news
bulletin. 3 (im- bono nm 1 (vale) voucher. 2 (billete)
preso) form. 4 (de colegio) report.

bonobs nm multiple-journey bus ticket.
bonoloto nm Spanish state-run lottery.
boiga nf cow dung.
boquern nm (pez) anchovy.
boquete nm hole.
boquiabierto,a adj open-mouthed,


botnico,a adj botanical.

botar vi 1 (pelota) to bounce. 2 (persona)

to jump, jump up and down.

mar small boat. c o m p bote
salvavidas lifeboat.
bote2 nm (salto) bounce.
bote3 nm 1 (lata) tin, can. 2 (tarro) jar. 3
(para propinas) jar for tips, box for
boquilla nf 1 (de pipa, instrumento)
tips. 4 (fondo) kitty.
mouthpiece. 2 (filtro de cigarrillo) tip.
botella nf 1 bottle. 2 (de gas) cylinder.
borbotear vi to bubble.
botelln nm small bottle.
borbotn nm bubbling.
botijo nm earthenware jar (with spout
bordado,a nm embroidery.
and handle for drinking).
bordar vt to embroider.
botn1 nm (zapato) ankle boot.
borde1 adj (antiptico) unpleasant.
borde2 nm 1 (extremo) edge. 2 (de vaso, botn nm 1 (de guerra) spoils pl, booty.
robo) haul.
taza) rim.
botiqun nm first-aid kit.
bordear vt to skirt, go round.
botn nm (gen) button.
bordillo nm kerb, us curb.
bordo nm mar board. l o c a bordo on bveda nf vault.
boxeador,ra nm & nf boxer.
boxear vi to box.
boreal adj boreal, northern.
boxeo nm boxing.
brico,a adj boric.
bxer nm (perro) boxer.
borla nf tassel.
boya nf 1 mar buoy. 2 (corcho) float.
borrachera nf drunken state.
boyante adj fig prosperous.
borracho,a adj (persona) drunk.
bozal nm muzzle.
P nm & nf drunkard, drunk.
borrador nm. 1 (de pizarra) duster. 2 bracear vi (nadar) to swim.
braga nf (prenda) panties pl, knickers pl.
(goma) eraser, gb rubber.
borrar vt 1 to erase, rub out. 2 inform bragueta nf fly, flies pl.
braille nm Braille.
to delete.
bramar vi to bellow.
borrasca nf (tormenta) storm.
branquia nf gill.
borrego,a nm & nf lamb.
brasa nf ember, live coal.
borrn nm blot, ink blot.
brasero nm brazier.
borroso,a adj (visin) blurred, hazy.
Bosnia nf Bosnia. c o m p Bosnia-Herze Brasil nm Brazil.
govina Bosnia Herzegovina.
brasileo,a adj Brazilian.
P nm & nf Brazilian.
bosnio,a adj Bosnian.
P nm & nf Bosnian.
bravo,a adj (animal) wild, fierce.
bosque nm wood, forest.
bravo,a adj (fiero) fierce, ferocious.
P interj bravo! well done!, bravo!
bosquejar vt to sketch, outline.
bosquejo nm (dibujo) sketch; (plan, etc) bravura nf (fiereza) fierceness.
braza nf (natacin) breaststroke.
bostezar vi to yawn.
brazada nf (natacin) stroke.
bostezo nm yawn.
brazalete nm bracelet, bangle.
bota1 nf boot. c o m p botas de agua gum brazo nm (de persona) arm.
P nm pl brazos hands, workers.
boots, us rubber boots.
bota2 nf (de vino) wineskin.
brea nf tar, pitch.

bote1 nm



brebaje nm brew, potion.

brecha nf 1 break, opening. 2 fig

breve adj short, brief.


en breve

broma nf joke: no es broma It's not a


bromear vi to joke.
bromista nm o nf joker.
bronca nf 1 (lo) row. 2 (pelea) quarrel;

soon, shortly.
brevedad nf brevity, briefness.
(discusin) argument. 3 (reprimenda)
brezo nm heather, heath.
bronce nm bronze.
bricolaje nm do-it-yourself, DIY.
bronceado,a adj bronzed.
brida nf (de caballo) bridle.
P nm bronceado tan, suntan.
bridge nm bridge.
bronceador,ra nm suntan lotion.
brigada nf (unidad militar) brigade.
brillante adj 1 (extraordinario) brilliant: broncear vt (persona) to tan, suntan.
P vpr broncearse to tan, get a tan.
un alumno brillante a brilliant student. 2
(pelo, metal, zapatos) shiny; (ojos) spar- bronquio nm bronchus.
kling; (luz, color) bright; (pintura) bronquitis nf inv bronchitis.
brotar vi (plantas - nacer) to sprout;
P nm (diamante) diamond.
(- echar brotes) to come into bud.
brillantina nf brilliantine.
brote nm shoot, sprout.
brillar vi 1 (luz, sol, luna, pelo, zapatos) to broza nf 1 (hojas) dead leaves; (ramitas)
shine. 2 (ojos) to sparkle; (estrella) to
dead twigs. 2 (maleza) scrub, brush.
twinkle; (metal, dientes) to gleam; (cosa bruces l o c caerse de bruces to fall flat
hmeda) to glisten. 3 fig to be outon one's face.
bruja nf (hechicera) witch.
brillo nm 1 (gen) shine. 2 (de estrella) brujera nf witchcraft, sorcery.
twinkling; (de ojos) sparkle; (de pelo,
brujo,a nm wizard, sorcerer.
zapatos) shine. 3 (en televisor) brightbrjula nf compass.
brincar vi (cabra, etc) to skip; (persona) to bruma nf mist.
bruido,a adj burnished.
leap, bound.
brinco nm (de cabra) skip, hop; (de perso- brusco,a adj 1 (repentino) sudden. 2
(persona) abrupt.
na) leap, bound.
nf 1 (de carcter) abruptbrindar vi to toast ( por, to), drink
ness. 2 (rapidez) suddenness.
(por, to): brindemos por el futuro! let's
brutal adj (cruel) brutal, savage.
drink to the future!
brutalidad nf (crueldad) brutality.
P vt (ofrecer) to offer, provide.
bruto,a adj 1 (cruel) brutal. 2 (necio)
P vpr brindarse to offer (a, to), volunstupid, thick. 3 (tosco) rough, coarse.
teer (a, to).
P nm & nf (persona - violenta) brute,
brindis nm inv toast.
beast; (necio) ignoramus.
brisa nf breeze.
bucal adj oral, mouth.
britnico,a adj British.
bucanero nm buccaneer.
P nm & nf British person, Briton, Britbucear vi to dive.
bucle nm 1 curl. 2 inform loop.
brizna nf (gen) bit; (de hierba) blade.
buclico,a adj bucolic.
broca nf (barrena) drill, bit.
budismo nm Buddhism.
brocha nf brush, paintbrush.
budista adj Buddhist.
brochazo nf brushstroke.
P nm o nf Buddhist.
broche nm 1 (cierre)
fastener. 2 (joya)
buen adj bueno,a.



bueno,a adj 1 (gen) good. 2 (persona amable) kind; (- agradable) nice. 3 (tiempo) good, nice. 4 (apropiado) right,
suitable. 5 (de salud) well.
P interj bueno! (sorpresa) well, very
well; (de acuerdo) all right!
buey nm ox, bullock.
bfalo nm buffalo.
bufanda nf scarf.
bufar vi (toro) to snort.
buf nm buffet.
bufete nm (de abogado) lawyer's office.
bufido nm snort.
bufn,ona nm & nf buffoon, jester.
buhardilla nf attic.
bho nm owl.
buitre nm vulture.
buja nf (de motor) spark plug.
bulbo nm bulb.
bulevar nm boulevard.
Bulgaria nf Bulgaria.
blgaro,a adj Bulgarian.
P nm & nf (persona) Bulgarian.
P nm blgaro (idioma) Bulgarian.
bulldozer nm bulldozer.
bullicio nm 1 (ruido) noise, racket. 2 (tumulto) bustle, hustle and bustle.
bullicioso,a adj (ruidoso) noisy.
bulto nm 1 (tamao) volume, size,
bulk. 2 (forma) shape, form. 3 (abultamiento - en cosa) bulge; (- en piel) lump.
bum interj boom!
bumern nm boomerang.
bungalow nm bungalow.
bnker nm bunker.
buuelo nm fritter.
buque nm mar ship, vessel.

burbuja nf bubble.


con burbujas

(bebida) fizzy.
burbujear vi to bubble.
burdo,a adj 1 (tejido) coarse, rough. 2
(persona) coarse, crude.
burgus,esa nm & nf middle-class.
burguesa nf middle class.
burla nf 1 (mofa) mockery, gibe. 2
(broma) joke. 3 (engao) deception,
burlar vt 1 to deceive, trick. 2 (eludir)
to dodge, evade.
P vpr burlarse to mock (de, -), make
fun (de, of), laugh (de, at).
burln,ona nm & nf joker.
burocracia nf bureaucracy.
burcrata nm o nf bureaucrat.
burrada nf 1 drove of asses. 2 fam a
lot: me gusta una burrada I love it.
burro,a adj stupid.
P nm & nf 1 (animal) donkey, ass. 2 (persona ignorante) ass.
bus nm 1 auto bus. 2 inform bus.
busca nf search, hunt.
buscapersonas nm bleeper, pager.
buscar vt 1 (gen) to look for, search
for. 2 (en lista, ndice, etc) to look up:
bscalo en el diccionario look it up in the
dictionary. 3 (ir por algo/alguien) to go
and get, fetch. 4 (recoger) to pick up.
bsqueda nf search.
busto nm (figura) bust.
butaca nf (silln) armchair.
butacn nm easy chair.
butano nm butane.
buzo nm diver.
buzn nm letter box, us mailbox.
byte nm inform byte.


C, c nf (la letra) C, c.
C1 sm (Celsius) Celsius; (smbolo) C.
C2 sm (centgrado) centigrade; (smbo-

cabeza nf 1 (gen) head: diez mil por cabe

za ten thousand a head. 2 fig (juicio)

good judgement; (talento) talent, intelligence. l o c cabeza abajo upside

down. y estar mal de la cabeza fig not
cabal adj 1 (exacto) exact, precise. 2 fig
to be right in the head. y meterse al(persona) honest, upright.
go en la cabeza fam to get sth into
cbala nf 1 (ciencia oculta) cabala, cabone's head. c o m p cabeza cuadrada
bala. 2 [en este sentido, tambin se usa en
fam bigot. y cabeza de ajo bulb of
plural con el mismo significado] fig (conjegarlic. y cabeza rapada skinhead.
tura) guess, divination. 3 fig (intriga)
cabezada nf (golpe recibido) blow on the
head; (golpe dado) butt, head butt. l o c
cabalgar vi to ride (en/sobre, -).
dar cabezadas fam to nod.
cabalgata nf cavalcade.
cabezal nm tc head, headstock.
caballa nf mackerel.
caballera nf 1 mil cavalry. 2 hist cabina nf (gen) cabin, booth. c o m p ca
bina telefnica telephone box, us telknighthood.
ephone booth.
caballero,-a nm 1 gentleman, sir. 2
nm (maroma) cable.
hist knight.
cabo nm 1 (extremo) end, stub. 2 fig
caballete nm easel.
end: al cabo de un mes in a month's time.
caballito nm small horse. c o m p caballi
3 (cuerda) rope, line. 4 geog cape. l o c
to de mar sea horse.
al cabo finally. y llevar a cabo to carry
P nm pl caballitos (tiovivo) merry-goout.
round sing, us carrousel sing.
nf goat. l o c estar como una ca
caballo nm 1 zool horse. 2 (ajedrez)
bra fam to be off one's rocker, be
cabaa nf (choza) cabin, hut, shack.
vpr fam to get very angry.
cabecear vi 1 to move one's head,
shake one's head. 2 (dar cabezadas) to cabrito nm zool kid.
caca nf 1 fam euf (excremento) pooh. 2
fam (en lenguaje infantil) dirt.
cabecera nf 1 (gen) top, head. 2 (de un
cacahuete nm (fruto) peanut.
peridico) headline.
cacao nm 1 bot cacao. 2 (polvo, bebida)
cabecilla nm o nf leader.
cocoa. 3 fam (jaleo) mess, cockup.
cabellera nf hair, head of hair.
cacarear vi (gallina) to cluck; (gallo) to
cabello nm hair.
caber vi 1 (encajar) to fit (en, into): cabe
nf (ave) cockatoo.
ah arriba it'll fit up there. 2 (pasar) to fit,
go. 3 mat to go: ocho entre dos caben a cacera nf hunting, hunt.
goes four times, cacerola nf saucepan, casserole.
cuatro two into eight
eight divided by two is four.
cachalote nm sperm whale.
lo) C.

cacharro nm 1 (de cocina) crock, piece


cafetera nf (gen) snack bar, coffee

of crockery. 2 fam (cosa) piece of
junk. 3 fam pey (coche) banger.
caimn nm alligator, cayman.
cachemira nf (tejido) cashmere.
caja nf 1 (gen) box. 2 (de madera) chest;
(grande) crate. 3 (de bebidas) case. 4 (en
cachete nm (bofetada) slap.
comercio) cash desk, till; (en banco)
cacho nm fam bit, piece.
cashier's desk; (en supermercado)
cachorro,-a nm & nf (de perro) pup,
checkout. 5 (banco) bank: caja de aho
puppy; (de gato) kitten; (de len, oso, zorros savings bank. c o m p caja registrado
rro, tigre) cub; (de otros mamferos) young.
ra cash register.
cacique nm 1 (jefe indio) chief, cacique.
cajero,-a nm & nf cashier. c o m p cajero
2 pol local political boss.
automtico cash point, automatic
caco nm fam thief.
cash dispenser.
cacto nm cactus.
cajetilla nf 1 (de tabaco) packet, us
cada adj 1 (de dos) each; (de varios) evepack. 2 (de cerillas) box.
ry. 2 fam (intensificador) such: dice cada
nm 1 (en mueble) drawer. 2 (caja
cosa! he says such strange things! l o c
grande) crate.
cada da every day.
cal nf lime. c o m p cal viva quicklime.
cadver nm corpse, cadaver, body,
cala nf 1 (ensenada) cove, creek. 2 (plandead body.
ta) arum lily.
cadena nf 1 (gen) chain; (de perro) leash,
lead. 2 (montaosa) range. 3 (musical) calabacn nm 1 (pequeo) courgette, us
zucchini. 2 (grande) marrow, us
music centre (us center). 4 tv chansquash.
nel. 5 rad chain of stations. c o m p tra
calabaza nf gourd, pumpkin.
bajo en cadena assembly-line work.
calabozo nm 1 (prisin) jail, prison. 2
cadera nf hip.
(celda) cell.
caducar vi 1 (documento, etc) to expire:
mi pasaporte caduca este ao my passport calamar nm squid.
expires this year. 2 (alimento) to pass its calambre nm 1 (contraccin) cramp. 2
(descarga elctrica) electric shock.
sell-by date.
calamidad nf (desgracia) calamity, discaducidad nf expiry.
caer vi 1 (gen) to fall: caer de espalda to
fall on one's back. 2 (derrumbar) to fall calar vt (mojar) to soak through, soak,
down, collapse. 3 (hallarse) to be: el
P vpr calarse 1 (mojarse) to get soaked.
camino cae a la derecha the road is on the
2 auto to stop, stall.
right. 4 (coincidir fechas) to fall on, be: el
da cuatro cae en jueves the fourth falls on calavera nf (cabeza del esqueleto) skull.
a Thursday. l o c dejar caer to drop: de calcetn nm sock.
clcico,-a adj calcium, calcic.
j caer el vaso I dropped the glass.
calcinar vt 1 to calcine. 2 fig to burn.
P vpr caerse 1 (gen) to fall, fall down.
2 (desprenderse) to fall out: se le cae el pe calcio nm calcium.
lo he's losing his hair. l o c caerse de calcita nf calcite.
sueo fig to be dead on one's feet, calcomana nf transfer.
be ready to drop.
calculador,-ra adj calculating.
caf nm 1 (gen) coffee. 2 (cafetera) caf,
P nm & nf calculator. c o m p calculadora
coffee bar, coffee shop. c o m p caf
de bolsillo pocket calculator.
con leche white coffee.
calcular vt 1 to calculate, work out:
cafena nf caffeine.
calcular una suma to calculate a figure. 2
cafetera nf 1 (para
hacer caf) coffee(suponer) to think, suppose, figure,
maker. 2 (para servir caf) coffeepot.


clculo nm calculation, estimate.

caldera nf boiler.
calderilla nf small change.
caldo nm 1 culin stock, broth. 2 (sopa)

calmante adj soothing, sedative,
tranquillizing (us tranquilizing).

calmar vt 1 (persona) to calm (down). 2

(dolor) to relieve, soothe.

P vpr calmarse 1 (persona) to calm
down. 2 (dolor, etc) to abate, ease off.
calefaccin nf heating. c o m p calefac
calor nm heat, warmth: hace calor it is
cin central central heating.
calefactor nm (mquina) heater.
calendario nm calendar. c o m p calenda calora nf calorie.
rio acadmico school year.
caluroso,-a adj 1 (tiempo) warm, hot. 2
calentador,-ra nm heater.
fig warm, enthusiastic.
calentar vt 1 (comida, habitacin, cuerpo) calva nf 1 (de la cabeza) bald patch. 2 (de
to warm up; (agua, horno) to heat. 2
un bosque) clearing.
dep to warm up, tone up.
calvo,-a adj (persona) bald.
calibre nm 1 (de arma) calibre. 2 fig (im- calzada nf pavement, us sidewalk.
portancia) importance.
calzado nm footwear, shoes pl.
calidad nf 1 quality. 2 (cualidad) kind, calzar vt 1 (poner calzado) to put shoes
types. l o c de primera calidad firston. 2 (llevar calzado) to wear: qu n
mero calzas? what size do you take?
clido,-a adj warm: un clima clido a
P vpr calzarse (forma reflexiva) to put
warm climate.
(one's shoes) on.
caliente adj (mayor intensidad) hot; (me- calzoncillos nm pl pants.
nor intensidad) warm.
cama nf (gen) bed. l o c guardar cama to
calificacin nf (nota) mark.
be confined to bed, stay in bed. y
calificar vt 1 (determinar las cualidades) to
hacer la cama to make the bed. y irse
describe, qualify. 2 educ to mark,
a la cama to go to bed. c o m p cama de
matrimonio double bed. y cama indi
caligrafa nf 1 (arte) calligraphy. 2 (esvidual single bed.
critura de una persona) handwriting.
nf (gen) litter.
c o m p ejercicios de caligrafa handwritcamalen nm chameleon.
ing exercises.
cliz nm 1 rel chalice. 2 bot calyx. 3 lit cmara nf 1 (de parlamento) house. 2 (de
rueda) inner tube. 3 tc chamber. 4
(copa) cup.
(fotogrfica, de cine) camera. 5 anat cavicaliza nf limestone.
ty. c o m p cmara alta pol upper house.
callar vi (no hablar) to be quiet, keep
y cmara baja pol lower house. y c
quiet. l o c cllate! keep quiet!, be
mara de aire air chamber. y cmara de
cine cine camera, (us movie camera).
calle nf 1 street, road. 2 dep lane. l o c
P nm o nf (hombre) cameraman; (mujer)
dejar a algn en la calle 1 (sin trabajo) to
fire sb. 2 (sin casa) to leave sb homecamarero,-a nm & nf (de bar, restaurante
- hombre) waiter; (mujer) waitress.
callejero,-a adj (que gusta de callejear)
camarn nm common prawn.
fond of wandering about.
camarote nm cabin.
P nm callejero (de calles) street directory.
cambiar vt 1 (gen) to change: han cam
callo nm med callus, corn.
biado las sillas the chairs have been
changed. 2 (intercambiar) to exchange.
calma nf calmness, calm, tranquillity
o c tomrselo con
3 (moneda extranjera) to change, ex( us tranquility). l
calma to take it easy.

1 (gen) to change: has cambiado mu
cho you have changed a lot.
P vpr cambiarse 1 (mudarse de ropa) to
change, get changed. 2 (mudarse de
P vi

casa) to move.

cambio nm 1 change, changing. 2 (in-


camping nm camp site.

l o c hacer cam
ping / ir de camping to go camping.
campia nf countryside.
campo nm 1 (campia) country, countryside: vivir en el campo to live in the
country. 2 (agricultura) field. 3 (de deportes)
field, pitch. 4 (espacio) space: en el cam
po de la medicina in the field of medicine.
campus nm inv campus.
camuflaje nm camouflage.
cana nf grey hair, white hair.
Canad nm Canada.
canadiense adj Canadian.
P nm & nf Canadian.
canal nm 1 (artificial) canal. 2 (natural)

tercambio) exchange, exchanging. l o c

a cambio de in exchange for. y en cam
bio on the other hand, but, whereas.
camelia nf camellia.
camello nm zool camel.
camerino nm dressing room.
camilla nf (para enfermos) stretcher.
caminar vi (andar) to walk.
P vt (recorrer) to cover, travel: he cami
nado cinco kilmetros I have covered five
P nm & nf tc channel.
caminata nf long walk, trek.
canalizar vt to channel.
camino nm 1 (va) path, track. 2 (ruta) canalla nm o nf swine.
way, route. l o c ir camino de to be on
canaln nm (por el borde del tejado) gutter.
one's way to. y ponerse en camino to
Canarias fpl las (islas) Canarias the Caset off (on a journey).
nary Islands, the Canaries.
camin nm lorry, us truck. c o m p ca
canario,-a adj Canarian.
min de mudanzas removal van.
P nm & nf Canarian.
camionero,-a nm & nf lorry driver, us
P nm canario (pjaro) canary.
truck driver.
canasto nm (cesto) basket, hamper.
camioneta nf van.
cancelar vt 1 (anular) to cancel. 2 (saldar
camisa nf shirt.
una deuda) to settle, pay.
camiseta nf 1 (ropa interior) vest, us undershirt. 2 (niqui) T-shirt. 3 dep shirt, cncer nm cancer.
cancergeno,-a adj carcinogenic.
cancha nf (gen) ground; (tenis) court.
camisn nm nightdress, nightie.
campamento nm 1 (accin de acampar) canciller nm chancellor.
cancin nf song. c o m p cancin de cuna
camping. 2 (lugar) camp.
campana nf 1 (gen) bell. 2 fam (extractora) extractor hood, (us stove extrac- candado nm padlock.
candidato,-a nm & nf candidate.
tor hood).
candidatura nf 1 (aspiracin) candidacampanada nf stroke of a bell.
cy, candidature: present su candidatu
campanario nm belfry, bell tower.
ra she put forward her candidature. 2
campanilla nf 1 (gen) small bell. 2
(lista de candidatos) list of candidates.
anat uvula. 3 (flor) morning glory.
campaa nf 1 campaign: campaa elec candidez nf ingenuousness, innocence.
toral election campaign.
cndido,-a adj ingenuous, innocent.
campechano,-na adj fam frank.
candil nm oil lamp.
campen,-ona nm & nf champion.
canela nf cinnamon.
campeonato nm championship.
campesino,-a nm & nf (gen) peasant; cangrejo nm (de mar) crab.
(hombre) countryman;
(mujer) coun- canguro nm zool kangaroo.
P nm o nf fam baby-sitter.



canbal nm o nf cannibal.
canica nf marble: jugar a las canicas to
play marbles.

canino,-a adj canine.

canjear vt to exchange.
canoa nf canoe; (bote) boat.
canon nm 1 (regla) canon, norm. 2 (cantidad de dinero) tax.

canoso,-a adj grey-haired (us grayhaired).

cansado,-a adj 1 (gen) tired, weary:

cantor,-ra adj singing.

l o c pjaro can
tor songbird.
P nm & nf singer.
caa nf 1 (planta) reed. 2 (tallo) cane,
stem. 3 (de pescar) rod. 4 (de cerveza)
small glass of draught beer. c o m p ca
a de azcar sugar cane.
caada nf 1 geog glen, dell, hollow. 2

(sendero) cattle track.

camo nm bot hemp.

caera nf piping.
cao nm (tubo) tube.
can nm 1 (de artillera) gun; (antigua-

estoy cansada I'm tired. 2 (que fatiga) tiring: es un trabajo muy cansado it's a very
mente) cannon. 2 (de arma) barrel. 3
tiring job. 3 (harto) tired (de, of), fed
geog canyon.
up (de, with).
caoba nf mahogany.
cansancio nm tiredness, weariness.
cansar vt 1 (causar cansancio) to tire, tire caoln nm kaolin.
out, make tired. 2 (molestar) to an- caos nm inv chaos.
catico,-a adj chaotic.
noy; (aburrir) to tire, bore.
P vi (causar cansancio) to be tiring.
capa nf 1 (prenda) cloak, cape. 2 geol
P vpr cansarse (padecer cansancio) to get
stratum, layer. 3 (de pintura) coat; (de
tired, tire: se cans de correr he got tired
polvo) layer; (de chocolate, etc) coating,
of running.
cantante nm o nf singer.
capacidad nf 1 (gen) capacity: hay capa
cidad para cinco personas there's room for
cantaor,-ra nm & nf flamenco singer.
five people. 2 fig (habilidad) capability,
cantar vt 1 to sing: cant una cancin
preciosa she sang a beautiful song. 2 (en
capacitar vt 1 (instruir) to train, qualify.
juegos de naipes) to call.
2 (autorizar) to qualify, entitle.
P vi 1 to sing. 2 (pjaros) to sing, chirp;
(insectos) to chirp.
caparazn nm shell, carapace.
cntaro nm (vasija) pitcher. l o c llover a capataz,-za nm & nf (hombre) foreman;
cntaros fig to rain cats and dogs.
(mujer) forewoman.
capaz adj 1 (competente) capable, able:
cante nm ms singing.
es una persona muy capaz she's very capacantera nf (de piedra) quarry.
ble. 2 (cualificado) qualified. 3 (capaz)
cantero nm stonemason.
capable (de, of): no es capaz de eso he's
cntico nm canticle.
incapable of doing that.
cantidad nf (gen) quantity; (de dinero)
capazo nm 1 (cesto) basket. 2 (para beb)
amount, sum.
carry cot.
P adv fam a lot: llova cantidad it was
capelln nm chaplain.
pouring with rain.
capica adj reversible.
cantimplora nf water bottle.
cantina nf 1 (comedor) canteen. 2 (de es- capilla nf (iglesia) chapel.
capital nf capital, chief town.
tacin) buffet.
canto nm 1 (arte) singing. 2 (cancin) capitalismo nm capitalism.
song. 3 (de cuchillo) blunt edge. 4 (es- capitalista adj capitalist.
P nm o nf capitalist.
quina) corner. 5 (piedra) stone, pebble. c o m p canto rodado
nm & nf 1 (oficial) captain.
der. 2 (pequeo) pebble.
2 (jefe) leader, chief. 3 dep captain.

capitanear vt 1 (gen) to lead; (tropas) to


carbnico,-a adj carbonic. c o m p anh

drido carbnico carbon dioxide.
command. 2 (equipo) to captain. 3
(buque) to captain.
carbonfero,-a adj carboniferous.
carbonilla nf (residuo de carbn) coal dust.
capitel nm capital, chapiter.
captulo nm 1 (gen) chapter. 2 fig (tema) carbonizar vt 1 (reducir a carbn) to carbonize. 2 (quemar) to burn, char.
subject, matter.
carbono nm carbon. c o m p dixido de
cap nm bonnet, us hood.
carbono carbon dioxide.
capota nf (cubierta plegadiza) folding
carburador nm carburettor (us carbuhood, folding top.
capricho nm (deseo) whim, fancy.
caprichoso,-a adj capricious, whim- carcajada nf burst of laughter, guffaw. l o c rer(se) a carcajadas to laugh
sical, fanciful.
one's head off, roar with laughter.
P nm & nf whimsical person.
crcel nf jail, gaol, prison.
cpsula nf (gen) capsule.
carcelero,-a adj prison, goal, jail.
captar vt 1 (ondas) to receive. 2 (entencarcoma nf (insecto) woodworm.
der) to understand, grasp. 3 (atraer a
cardamomo nm cardamom.
personas) to attract, recruit.
cardenal (hematoma) bruise. nm rel carcaptura nf capture.
capturar vt to capture, seize.
cardiaco,-a adj cardiac, heart.
capucha nf hood.
cardinal adj cardinal.
capuchn nm (de estilogrfica, etc) cap.
cardiologa nf cardiology.
capullo nm 1 (de insectos) cocoon. 2 bot cardilogo,-a nm & nf cardiologist.
cardo nm 1 bot (espinoso) thistle; (comescaqui adj khaki.
tible) cardoon.
cara nf 1 (rostro) face. 2 (expresin) face, carecer vi to lack (de, -).
expression. 3 (lado) side; (de moneda) carencia nf lack (de, of).
right side. 4 (superficie) face. 5 fig (aspec- careta nf (mscara) mask. c o m p careta
to) look. 6 fam fig (desvergenza) cheek,
antigs gas mask.
nerve: vaya cara! what a cheek! l o c dar carey nm 1 (animal) sea turtle. 2 (concha)
la cara fig to face the consequences. y
poner buena cara to look pleased. carga nf 1 (accin) loading. 2 (lo cargado)
cara de circunstancias fig serious
load; (de avin, barco) cargo, freight.
look. y cara dura fig cheek, nerve.
cargado,-a adj 1 (atmsfera) heavy,
carabina nf (arma) carbine, rifle.
dense. 2 strong. 3 fig burdened,
caracol nm (de tierra) snail.
weighed down: cargado,-a de responsabi
lidades weighed down with responsibility.
caracola nf conch.
carcter nm 1 (personalidad) character. cargador,-ra nm 1 (de arma) magazine.
2 (de batera) battery charger. 3 (de plu2 (condicin) nature, kind. l o c tener
ma, etc) filler.
buen carcter to be good-natured.
cargamento nm (gen) load; (de avin,
caracterstico,-a adj characteristic.
barco) cargo, freight.
carambola nf (billar) cannon, us carom.
cargar vt 1 (poner peso) to load. 2 (arma,
caramelo nm (dulce) sweet, us candy.
mquina de fotos) to load. 3 elec to charge:
caravana nf (expedicin) caravan. (atascargar las pilas to charge the batteries. 4
co) traffic jam, tailback.
(pluma, etc) to fill. 5 inform to load.
caray interj good heavens!, God!
P vi 1 (gen) to load. 2 (batera) to
carbn nm (gen) coal.
charge. 3 (toro, elefante, etc) to charge.
carboncillo nm charcoal.
4 (atacar) to charge (contra/sobre, -). 5



carpa nf 1 (pez) carp. 2 (de circo) big top,

obligacin) to shoulder, take on.
P vpr cargarse 1 (llenarse) to load os
carpeta nf (archivador) folder, file; (infor(de, with): cargarse de trabajo to burden
mtica) folder.
os with work. 2 elec to become
carpintera nf (obra y oficio) carpentry.
charged. 3 educ fam (suspender) to fail. carpintero,-a nm & nf carpenter.
4 fam (destrozar) to smash, ruin. 5 fam
carraca nf (instrumento) rattle.
(matar) to knock off.
carrera nf 1 (accin) run. 2 (trayecto - de
cargo nm 1 (peso) load, weight. 2 (emdesfile) route; (- de taxi) ride, journey. 3
pleo) post, position. 3 (gobierno, custo(camino) road. 4 dep race. 5 (estudios)
dia) charge, responsibility. l o c hacer
degree course, university educase cargo de 1 (responsabilizarse de) to
tion. c o m p carrera contra reloj race
take charge of. 2 (entender) to realize:
against the clock. y carrera diplomti
me hago cargo I realize that.
ca diplomatic career.
caricatura nf caricature.
carreta nf cart.
caricia nf caress, stroke.
carrete nm 1 (de hilo) bobbin, reel. 2
caridad nf charity.
elec coil. 3 (de caa de pescar) reel. 4 (de
caries nf inv (enfermedad) tooth decay,
pelcula) spool; (de fotos) film, roll of
caries pl; (lesin) cavity.
film. 5 (de mquina de escribir) cartridge.
cario nm 1 (amor) love, affection. 2 (es- carretera nf road. c o m p carretera na
mero) loving care. 3 (apelativo) darling,
cional A road, main road. y carretera
love, us honey. l o c coger/tomar cari
de circunvalacin ring road.
o a algn/algo to grow fond of sb/sth.
carretilla nf wheelbarrow.
carioso,-a adj loving, affectionate.
carril nm 1 (de ferrocarril) rail. 2 (de carretecarisma nm charisma.
ra) lane. c o m p carril bus bus lane.
carismtico,-a adj charismatic.
carrillo nm cheek.
carmn nm (pintalabios) lipstick.
carrito nm (para la compra) trolley, us
carnada nf bait.
carnaval nm carnival.
carro nm 1 (vehculo) cart. 2 (de supermercarne nf 1 anat flesh. 2 culin meat. 3
cado, aeropuerto) trolley, us cart.
(de fruta) pulp. 4 fig (cuerpo) flesh. c o m p carrocera nf body, bodywork.
carne de cerdo pork. y carne de corde
carromato nm covered wagon.
ro lamb. y carne de ternera veal. y car
nf carrion.
ne de vaca beef. y carne picada mince,
mincemeat, us ground meat, loose carroero,-a adj carrion-eating.
carroza adj fam old, old-fashioned.
P nf (tirado por caballos) coach, carriage.
carn nm card. c o m p carn de conducir
driving licence. y carn de identidad carruaje nm carriage, coach.
carrusel nm (tiovivo) merry-go-round,
identity card..
us carrousel.
carnicera nf butcher's, butcher's
carta nf 1 (misiva) letter. 2 (naipe) card. 3
(minuta) menu. l o c a la carta la
carnicero,-a nm & nf (profesin) butchcarte. y echar una carta to post a leter.
ter, us mail a letter.
carnvoro,-a adj carnivorous.
cartabn nm set square, triangle.
P nm & nf carnivore.
cartel nm poster, bill.
caro,-a adj (costoso) expensive, dear.
P adv caro at a high price. l o c costar
cartelera nf (en peridicos) entertainment section. l o c en cartelera runcaro,-a / salir caro,-a
1 (ser costoso) to
ning, on.
cost a lot. 2 (causar dao) to cost dear.
cargar con (algo que pesa) to carry; (una

cartera nf 1 (monedero) wallet. 2 (de cole-


hut, us bath house. 4 (de perro) kennel, doghouse.

gial) satchel, school bag. 3 (de ejecutivo)
casete nm (magnetfono) cassette player, cassette recorder.
carterista nm o nf pickpocket.
P nf (cinta) cassette, cassette tape.
cartero,-a nm & nf (hombre) postman;
casi adv almost, nearly: haba casi cin
(mujer) postwoman.
cuenta personas there were almost fifty
cartlago nm cartilage.
people. l o c casi nunca hardly ever.
cartilla nf 1 (para aprender) first reader.
casilla nf 1 (casita) hut, lodge. 2 (de ca2 (cuaderno) book.
sillero) pigeonhole. 3 (cuadrcula)
cartn nm 1 (material) cardboard. 2 (de
cigarrillos) carton. c o m p cartn piedra
casillero nm pigeonholes pl.
casino nm casino.
cartucho nm (de explosivo) cartridge.
casis nm inv blackcurrant bush.
cartulina nf thin cardboard.
casa nf 1 (vivienda) house. 2 (departamen- caso nm 1 (ocasin) case, occasion. 2
(gramatical) case. l o c en caso de que if:
to) flat. 3 (edificio) building. 4 (hogar)
en caso de que te pierdas, llmame if you
home: nos quedamos en casa we stayed
get lost, call me. y en cualquier caso in
at home. 5 (empresa) firm, company.
any case. y en todo caso anyhow, at
l o c buscar casa to go house-hunting.
any rate.
casaca nf fitted short coat.
caspa nf dandruff.
casado,-a adj married.
casquete nm (prenda) skullcap.
casar vt to marry.
casquillo nm 1 tc ferrule, metal tip.
P vi (casarse) to marry ( con , -), get
2 (de cartucho) case.
married (con, to).
casta nf (linaje) lineage, descent.
P vpr casarse to get married (con, to)
castaa nf bot chestnut.
marry (con, -).
castaetear vi (dientes) to chatter.
cascabel nm bell.
castao,-a adj (pelo) brown.
cascada nf cascade, waterfall.
P nm castao 1 bot (rbol) chestnut
cascanueces nm inv nutcrackers pl.
tree. 2 (madera) chestnut.
cascar vt (romper) to crack.
castauela nf castanet.
P vpr cascarse (romperse) to crack.
cscara nf 1 (de huevo, nuez) shell. 2 (de castellano,-a adj Castilian.
P nm & nf (persona) Castilian.
fruta) skin, peel.
P nm castellano (idioma) Castilian,
cascarn nm eggshell.
cascarrabias nm o nf inv fam grumpy
castigar vt (aplicar una pena) to punish.
person, bad-tempered person.
casco nm 1 (para la cabeza) helmet. 2 castigo nm 1 (gen) punishment. 2 (en
deporte) penalty.
(envase) empty bottle. 3 (de barco) hull.
castillo nm castle.
4 (de caballera) hoof.
casero nm 1 (casa) country house. 2 casting nm casting, audition.
castizo,-a adj pure, authentic.
(pueblo) hamlet, small village.
casero,-a adj 1 (persona) home-loving. casto,-a adj chaste.
2 (productos) home-made: pan casero castor nm beaver.
casual adj accidental, chance.
home-made bread.
P nm & nf (dueo - hombre) landlord;
casualidad nf 1 chance, accident. 2
(mujer) landlady.
(coincidencia) coincidence. l o c de ca
sualidad / por casualidad by chance.
caseta nf 1 (casita)
hut, booth. 2 (de feria) stall, stand. 3 (de baistas) bathing cataclismo nm cataclysm.


catacumbas nf pl catacombs.
cataln,-ana adj Catalan, Catalonian.

& nf (persona) Catalan.

cataln (idioma) Catalan.
catalejo nm telescope.
catalogar vt 1 to catalogue (us catalog). 2 fig to classify, class.
catlogo nm catalogue (us catalog).
catamarn nm catamaran.
cataplasma nf poultice, cataplasm.
catapulta nf catapult.
catar vt 1 (probar) to taste. 2 (examinar)
P nm

caudal nm (de ro) flow.
caudaloso,-a adj (ro) deep, plentiful.
causa nf 1 (gen) cause. 2 (motivo) cause,

reason, motive. l o c a causa de because of, on account of.

causar vt 1 (provocar) to cause, bring
about. 2 (proporcionar) to make, give.
custico,-a adj caustic.
cautela nf caution, cautiousness.
cauteloso,-a adj cautious, wary.
cauterizar vt to cauterize, fire.
cautivar vt to take prisoner, capture.
cautivo,-a adj captive.
to examine, inspect.
catarata nf 1 waterfall. 2 med cata- cauto,-a adj cautious, wary.
cava nm (bebida) cava, champagne.
catarro nm cold, catarrh: cog un catarro cavar vt to dig.
caverna nf cavern, cave.
I caught a cold.
caverncola nm o nf cave dweller,
catstrofe nf catastrophe.
catastrfico,-a adj catastrophic.
caviar nm caviar.
catear vt educ fam to fail, us flunk.
cavidad nf cavity.
catecismo nm catechism.
ctedra nf (cargo de universidad) profes- cavilar vi think about, brood over.
sorship; (de instituto) post of head of caza nf 1 (accin) hunting. 2 (de animales)
game. l o c ir de caza to go hunting.
catedral nf cathedral.
cazador,-ra nm & nf hunter.
catedrtico,-a nm & nf (de universidad) cazadora nf (chaqueta) jacket.
professor; (de instituto) head of de- cazar vt 1 to hunt. 2 fam (conseguir) to
catch, land.
categora nf category, class; (social) cazo nm 1 (cucharn) ladle. 2 (cacerola)
class: un restaurante de primera categora
a first-class restaurant.
cazuela nf 1 (utensilio) casserole, saucecatequesis nf inv catechism.
pan. 2 (guiso) casserole, stew.
cateto nm (de tringulo) side of a right- CE abrev (Comunidad Europea) Europeangled triangle forming the right
an Community; (abreviatura) EC.
cebada nf barley.
catolicismo nm Catholicism.
cebar vt 1 (animal) to fatten, fatten up.
catlico,-a adj Catholic.
2 (poner cebo) to bait.
catorce adj (cardinal) fourteen; (ordinal)
P vpr cebarse fig (ensaarse) to show
no mercy (en/con, towards), take it
catorceavo,-a adj fourteenth.
out (en/con, on), vent one's anger
P nm & nf fourteenth.
(en/con, on).
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.
cebo nm 1 (para animales) food. 2 (para
pescar) bait.
catre nm (cama plegable) folding bed; (de
cebolla nf 1 onion. 2 (bulbo) bulb. 3 (de
campaa) camp bed.
ducha) rose, nozzle.
cauce nm 1 (de ro) bed. 2 fig (canal)
channel, way.
nf 1 (especia) chives pl. 2 (ce
bolla) spring onion.
caucho nm rubber.
P nm

cebollino nm 1 (especia) chives pl. 2 (ce-

bolla) spring onion.

cebra nf zebra. c o m p paso cebra zebra
crossing, us crosswalk.
ceceo nm lisp.
cecina nf cured meat.
ceder vt 1 (dar) to cede, give: 2 dep (baln) to pass.
P vi 1 (rendirse) to yield ( a, to), give
way (a, to). 2 (disminuir) to diminish,
slacken, go down: la fiebre ha cedido
his temperature has gone down. l o c ce
der el paso auto to give way, us
cedro nm cedar.

CEE abrev (Comunidad Econmica Euro-


celosa nf 1 (reja) lattice. 2 (ventana) lattice window.

celoso,-a adj (envidioso) jealous.

Celsius nm Celsius.
clula nf cell.
celular adj cell, cellular.
celulosa nf cellulose.
cementerio nm cemetery.
cemento nm (gen) concrete, cement.
c o m p cemento armado reinforced
cena nf (gen) supper; (formal) dinner.
cenar vi to have supper, have dinner.
P vt to have for supper, have for dinner.
cencerro nm cowbell. l o c estar como
un cencerro to be nuts, be crackers.
cenefa nf 1 (sobre tejido) edging, trimming. 2 (sobre muro, pavimento, etc) ornamental border, frieze.
cenicero nm ashtray.
cenit nm zenith.
ceniza nf ash, ashes pl.
censar vt (hacer el censo) to take a census of.
censo nm (padrn) census. c o m p censo
electoral electoral roll.
censura nf 1 censorship.
censurar vt to censor: el libro fue censu
rado the book was censored.
centavo,-a nm 1 (parte) hundredth,
hundredth part. 2 (moneda) cent, centavo.

pea) European Economic Community; (abreviatura) EEC.

cefalpodo,-a adj cephalopod.
P nm cefalpodo cephalopod.
cefalotrax nm cephalothorax.
cegar vt (gen) to blind: el sol me ceg the
sun blinded me.
P vpr cegarse fig to become blind, be
ceguera nf blindness.
ceja nf eyebrow. l o c tener algo entre
ceja y ceja fig to have sth in one's
celda nf cell.
celebracin nf (fiesta) celebration.
celebrar vt 1 (festejar) to celebrate. 2
(organizar) to hold: celebraron el debate
ayer the debate was held yesterday.
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.
P vpr celebrarse (tener lugar) to take
place, be held.
centella nf 1 (rayo) lightning. 2 (chispa)
clebre adj famous, celebrated.
spark, flash.
celeste adj (color) sky-blue.
centellear vi 1 (gen) to sparkle, flash.
P nm (color) sky blue.
2 (estrellas) to twinkle.
celestial adj celestial, heavenly.
centena nf hundred.
celibato nm celibacy.
centenar nm hundred. l o c a centena
res / por centenares in hundreds.
celo1 nm fam sellotape, us Scotch
centenario,-a nm & nf (persona) centenarian.
celo2 nm 1 (cuidado) zeal, fervour (us
P nm centenario (aniversario) centenary,
fervor). 2 biol (macho) rut; (hembra)
centennial, hundredth anniversary.
P nm pl celos jealousy sing. l o c dar ce
centeno nm rye.
los to make jealous.
centsimo,-a adj hundredth.
P nm & nf hundredth.
celofn nm cellophane.

P nm


centsimo (moneda) cent, centes-

centuria nf century.
ceir vt 1 (estrechar) to cling to, be tight

on. 2 (rodear) to surround, encircle.

P vpr ceirse 1 (atenerse) to keep ( a ,
to), limit os (a, to): ceirse al tema to
keep to the subject. 2 (ajustarse una prengramme.
da) to cling.
centilitro nm centilitre (us centiliter). ceo nm frown. l o c fruncir el ceo to
centmetro nm centimetre (us cenfrown.
cepa nf (de vid) vine.
cntimo nm cent, centime. l o c estar cepillar vt (gen) to brush.
sin un cntimo fam to be penniless.
cepillo nm 1 brush. 2 (de carpintera)
centinela nm & nf 1 mil sentry. 2 (guarplane. c o m p cepillo de dientes toothdin) watch, lookout.
brush. y cepillo del pelo hairbrush.
centollo,-a nm spider crab.
cepo nm 1 (rama) bough, branch. 2 (de
central adj central.
yunque) stock. 3 (de reo) pillory, stocks
P nf 1 (oficina principal) head office,
pl. 4 (trampa) trap. 5 (para auto) clamp.
headquarters pl. 2 (elctrica) power cera nf 1 wax; (de abeja) beeswax. 2
station. c o m p central telefnica tele(pulimento) wax, polish.
phone exchange.
cermica nf 1 (arte) ceramics, pottery.
centralita nf switchboard.
2 (objeto) piece of pottery.
centralizar vt to centralize.
ceramista nm o nf ceramist, potter.
centrar vt 1 (gen) to centre (us center). cerca1 nf (vallado) fence, wall.
2 fig (atencin, etc) to centre (us center),
cerca2 adv (lugar y tiempo) near, close:
aqu cerca near here. l o c cerca de 1 (cerP vpr centrarse to centre (us center)
cano a) near, close. 2 (aproximadamente)
(en, on), focus (en, on): se centr en el
nearly, about, around.
tema principal he focused on the main
cercado nm 1 (lugar) enclosure. 2 (cerca)
fence, wall.
cntrico,-a adj central, us downcercano,-a adj 1 (inmediato) near, close:
el fin est cercano the end is near. 2 (vecicentrifugadora nf (para ropa) spinno) nearby, neighbouring (us neighdryer.
boring). 3 (pariente) close.
centrifugar vt (ropa) to spin-dry.
cercar vt (poner una cerca) to fence in,
centrfugo,-a adj centrifugal.
enclose: cercaron la hacienda they
centrpeto,-a adj centripetal.
fenced in the property.
centro nm 1 centre (us center), middle. 2 (de ciudad) town centre, city cerco nm 1 (lo que rodea) circle, ring. 2
(aureola) halo. 3 (asedio) siege.
centre, us downtown area. 3 (asociacin) centre (us center), association, cerdo,-a nm & nf fam pey (persona sucia)
pig, slob.
institution. c o m p centro comercial
P nm cerdo 1 (animal) pig. 2 (carne)
shopping centre, us mall. y centro
cultural cultural centre (us center).
centrocampista nm o nf midfield cereal nm cereal.
cerebro nm 1 anat brain. 2 fig brains
pl: es el cerebro de la banda he's the brains
cntuplo,-a adj centuple, hundredbehind the gang.
nf ceremony.
P nm cntuplo centuple, hundred
ceremonial adj ceremonial.
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

centgrado,-a adj centigrade.

centigramo nm centigram, centi-



ceremonioso,-a adj ceremonious,

cesrea nf caesarean (us Cesarean),

cereza nf cherry.
cerezo nm cherry tree.
cerilla nf (fsforo) match.
cero nm 1 mat zero. 2 (cifra) nought,

cese nm 1 cessation. 2 (despido) dis-


Caesarean (us Cesarean) section.


cesin nf cession.
csped nm lawn, grass.
cesta nf 1 basket. 2 dep (baloncesto) bas-

zero. 3 dep nil: ganamos tres a cero we

ket. c o m p cesta de la compra shopwon three nil.
ping basket.
cerrado,-a adj 1 shut, closed. 2 ling
close, closed: vocal cerrada close vow- cesto nm basket. c o m p cesto de los pa
peles wastepaper basket.
el. 3 (acento) broad, thick. 4 (curva)
tight, sharp. 5 fig (persona introvertida) cetceo,-a nm cetacean.
uncommunicative, reserved.
cetro nm sceptre (us scepter).
cerradura nf lock.
CFC abrev (clorofluorocarbono) chlorocerrajera nf (negocio) locksmith's
fluorocarbon; (abreviatura) CFC.
cg sm (centigramo) centigram, centicerrajero,-a nm & nf locksmith.
gramme; (smbolo) cg.
cerrar vt 1 to close, shut: cierra la puerta chabola nf shack: un barrio de chabolas a
close the door. 2 (grifo, gas) to turn off;
shanty town.
(luz) to turn off, switch off. 3 (crema- chacal nm jackal.
llera) to zip (up). 4 (frontera, puerto) to chacha nf 1 fam (niera) nanny, nurseclose; (camino) to block. 5 (en domin)
maid. 2 fam (sirvienta) maid.
to block.
chacinera nf pork butcher's shop.
P vi 1 to close, shut. 2 (punto) to cast
chador nm chuddar, chudder, chudoff. 3 (una herida) to close up, heal.
P vpr cerrarse 1 to close, shut. 2 (una
chafar vt 1 (aplastar) to squash, crush,
herida) to close up, heal.
flatten. 2 (arrugar) to crumple,
cerro nm hill.
cerrojo nm bolt. l o c correr el cerrojo to
P vpr chafarse (aplastarse) to be
squashed, be crushed, be flattened;
certamen nm competition, contest.
(arrugarse) to become creased, becerteza nf certainty.
come crumpled.
certificado,-a adj (envo) registered.
chafln nm 1 (bisel) chamfer. 2 (esquina)
P nm certificado 1 (documento) certificorner.
cate. 2 (carta) registered letter.
chal nm shawl.
certificar vt 1 (gen) to certify. 2 (carta, chalado,-a adj (loco) mad, crazy, nuts.
paquete) to register.
chalar vt fam (enloquecer) to drive cracerumen nm earwax, cerumen.
cervato nm fawn.
P vpr chalarse fam to go mad, go crazy, go nuts.
cervecera nf 1 (bar) pub, bar. 2 (destilera) brewery.
chaleco nm waistcoat, us vest. c o m p
chaleco salvavidas life jacket.
cerveza nf beer, ale. c o m p cerveza de
barril draught (us draft) beer. y cerve chalet nm 1 (casa individual) house, deza negra stout.
tached house. 2 (adosado) semidetached house.
cervical adj cervical, neck.
cesar vi to cease, stop: ces de llover it chalupa nf (embarcacin) boat, launch.
l o c sin cesar incesstopped raining.
chamn nm sorcerer, wizard, shasantly.



chamarra nf (zamarra) sheepskin jack-

charanga nf 1 brass band. 2 fam (bulla)

champaa nm champagne.
champin nm mushroom.
champ nm shampoo.
chamuscar vt to singe, scorch.

charca nf pool, pond.

charco nm puddle, pond.
charcutera nf pork butcher's shop,


din, racket.


vpr chamuscarse to be singed, get

charla nf 1 (conversacin) talk, chat. 2

chamusquina nf scorching, singeing.

chancho nm am (animal) pig; (carne)

charlar vi to chat, talk.

charlatn,-ana adj 1 (hablador) talka-


(conferencia) talk, informal lecture.

tive. 2 (chismoso) gossipy.

& nf 1 (parlanchn) chatterbox. 2
(chismoso) gossip.
charloteo nm fam chatter, prattle.
chancla nf (chancleta) flip-flop.
chrter adj inv charter.
chancleta nf flip-flop.
P nm charter.
chndal nm track suit, jogging suit.
chasco nm fig (decepcin) disappointchanquete nm transparent goby.
ment. l o c llevarse un chasco to be
chantaje nm blackmail.
chantajear vt to blackmail.
chao interj fam bye-bye!, cheerio!, so chasis nm (del coche) chassis.
chasquear vi 1 (lengua) to click; (dedos)
long!, ciao!
to snap. 2 (ltigo, madera) to crack.
chapa nf 1 (de metal) sheet, plate. 2 (de
madera) panel, sheet; (contrachapado) chasquido nm 1 (de la lengua) click; (de
los dedos) snap. 2 (de ltigo, madera)
plywood. 3 (tapn) bottle top, cap. 4
(medalla) badge, disc.
chat nm inform chat.
P nf pl chapas game sing of tossing up
chatarra nf 1 (hierro viejo) scrap iron,
scrap. 2 fam pey (calderilla) small
chapado,-a adj 1 (metal) plated:
change. c o m p comida chatarra junk
chapado,-a en plata silver-plated. 2 (madefood.
ra) veneered, finished.
chaparrn nm (lluvia) downpour, chatear vi inform fam to chat ( con,
heavy shower: cay un buen chaparrn
chateo nm inform fam chat, chatthere was a downpour.
chapista nm o nf 1 sheet metal workchato,-a adj (nariz) snub; (persona)
er. 2 auto panel beater.
chapotear vi (agitar en el agua) to splash
chaval,-la nm & nf (joven) kid, youngabout.
ster; (chico) lad, boy; (chica) lass, girl.
chapurrear vt to speak a little, have a
smattering of: chapurreo el ingls I have checo,-a adj Czech.
P nm & nf (persona) Czech.
a smattering of English, I speak a little
P nm checo (idioma) Czech. c o m p Rep
blica Checa Czech Republic.
chapuza nf 1 (trabajo sin importancia) odd
job. 2 (trabajo mal hecho) botched job, chef nm chef.
shoddy piece of work.
cheln nm shilling.
chapuzn nm (bao) dip. l o c darse un cheque nm cheque (us check). l o c co
chapuzn to have a dip.
brar un cheque to cash a cheque (us
chaqueta nf jacket. c o m p chaqueta de
punto cardigan.
chequear vt 1 (controlar) to check. 2
chaquetn nm winter jacket.
(comprobar) to check up on.

chanchullo nm fam fiddle, wangle,

P nm

chequeo nm med checkup.
Chequia nf Czechia.
chica nf girl.
chicharra nf (cigarra) cicada.
chicharro nm 1 (chicharrn) pork crack-

ling, fried pork rind. 2 (pez) scad,

horse mackerel.
chicharrn nm (de cerdo) pork crackling, fried pork rind.
chichn nm bump, lump.
chicle nm chewing gum.
chico,-a nm & nf (gen) kid, youngster.
chiflado,-a adj fam mad, crazy, barmy, nuts, bonkers.
chiflar vi (silbar) to hiss, whistle.
P vt 1 (silbar) to hiss, boo. 2 fam (gustar)
to fascinate, enchant.
chiflido nm whistle, whistling.
chi adj Shiite.
P nm o nf Shiite.

chita adj-nm o nf chi.

chilaba nf jellabah, jellaba.
chile nm (pimiento) chili, chili pepper.
Chile nm Chile.
chileno,-a adj Chilean.
P nm

& nf Chilean.

chillar vi 1 (persona) to scream, shriek,


chincharse fam to grin and bear

it, put up with it, lump it. l o c chn
chate! fam hard luck!, tough luck!
chinche nm & nf 1 zool bedbug, bug. 2
(clavo pequeo,) drawing pin, us thumbtack.
chincheta nf drawing pin, us thumbtack.
chinchilla nf chinchilla.
chino,-a adj Chinese.
P nm & nf (persona) Chinese person.
P nm chino 1 (idioma) Chinese. 2 (colador) sieve.
P nm pl chinos guessing game sing.
chip nm inform chip.
chipirn nm baby squid.
Chipre nm Cyprus.
chipriota adj Cypriot.
P nm o nf Cypriot.
chiquillo,-a nm & nf kid, youngster.
chiquito,-a adj tiny, very small, weeny.
P nm & nf tiny tot, kid.
chirimoya nf custard apple.
chiringuito nm fam (en playa) refreshment stall, refreshment stand; (en
carretera) roadside snack bar, hot
food stand.
chirla nf small clam.
chirriar vi 1 (al frer comida, etc) to sizzle.
2 (rueda, frenos) to screech, squeal;
(puerta) to creak. 3 (aves) to squawk.
chirrido nm 1 (de rueda, frenos) screech;
(de puerta) creak, creaking. 2 (de aves)
squawk, squawking.
chisme nm 1 (comentario) piece of gossip. 2 (trasto) knick-knack; (de cocina,
etc) gadget; (cosa) thing, thingamajig.
chismoso,-a nm & nf gossip.
chispa nf 1 (de lumbre, elctrica, etc) spark.
2 fig (ingenio, gracia) wit, sparkle; (inteligencia) intelligence; (viveza) liveliness.
chispear vi 1 (echar chispas) to spark,
throw out sparks. 2 [en este sentido se
P vpr

shout: 2 (cerdo) to squeal; (ratn) to

squeak; (pjaro) to squawk, screech.
3 (radio) to blare; (frenos) to screech,
squeal. 4 (colores) to be loud, be
gaudy, clash. 5 fam (reir) to tell off.
chillido nm 1 (de persona) shriek,
scream, cry. 2 (de cerdo) squeal; (de ratn) squeak; (de pjaro) squawk,
chilln,-ona adj 1 (que chilla mucho)
screaming, loud. 2 (voz) shrill, highpitched; (sonido) harsh, strident. 3 fig
(color) loud, gaudy.
chimenea nf 1 chimney. 2 (hogar) fireplace, hearth. 3 (de barco) funnel,
chimpanc nm chimpanzee.
usa slo en tercera persona; no lleva sujeto]
china nm (piedrecita) pebble.
meteor to drizzle, spit.
China nf China.
chistar vi to speak. l o c sin chistar
chinchar vt fam to annoy, pester, bug.
without saying a word.



chiste nm 1 (dicho) joke, funny story. 2

chorizo,-a nm chorizo (highly-seasoned

pork sausage).
(dibujo) cartoon. l o c contar un chiste
to tell a joke.
chorrear vi 1 (caer a chorro) to spout,
gush, spurt. 2 (gotear) to drip.
chistera nf fig (sombrero) top hat.
chistoso,-a adj 1 (persona) witty, fun- chorro nm 1 (de lquido) jet, spout,
spurt, gush. 2 (de gas) jet, blast. l o c a
ny, fond of joking. 2 (suceso) funny,
chorros in abundance: tiene dinero a
chorros he's got plenty of money, he's
chivar vt 1 fam (molestar) to annoy, pesloaded (with money).
ter. 2 fam (delatar) to squeal on, tell
choto,-a nm & nf 1 (cabrito) kid, young
goat; (cabrita) female kid, young sheP vpr chivarse fam to tell, squeal,
goat. 2 (ternero) sucking calf.
chivato,-a nm & nf fam (acusica) telltale. choza nf hut, shack.
chivo,-a nm & nf (cra macho) kid, young christmas nm inv Christmas card.
goat; (cra hembra) kid, young she- chubasco nm (chaparrn) heavy shower, downpour.
chubasquero nm raincoat.
choc nm shock.
chocar vi 1 (colisionar con algo) to collide chuche nm fam sweet, us candy.
(contra/con, with), crash (contra/con, chuchera nf fam (golosina) sweet, us
into), run (contra/con, into). 2 (una pelota) to hit (contra, -), strike (contra, -). chucho,-a nm & nf fam (perro) mutt, us
P vt 1 fig (sorprender) to surprise; (extrachucrut nm sauerkraut.
ar) to shock. 2 (las manos) to shake.
chufa nf (planta) chufa; (fruto) tiger
choco nm small cuttlefish.
chocolate nm 1 (slido) chocolate. 2 (lquido) drinking chocolate, cocoa. chuleta nf 1 (costilla) chop, cutlet. 2
fam fig (entre estudiantes) crib, crib
c o m p chocolate con leche milk choconote, us trot.
chocolatera nf 1 (fbrica) chocolate chulo,-a adj 1 fam (descarado) cocky,
cheeky. 2 fam (vistoso) showy, flashy.
factory. 2 (tienda) chocolate shop. 3
3 (de mal gusto) tacky.
(donde se toma) caf specializing in
chupado,-a adj 1 fig (muy flaco) skinny,
drinking chocolate.
thin; (mejillas, cara) hollow. 2 argot fig
chocolatero,-a adj (aficionado al chocola(muy fcil) dead easy.
te) fond of chocolate, chocolatechupar vt 1 to suck. 2 (absorber) to abloving.
sorb, soak up, suck up.
P nm & nf 1 (fabricante) chocolate makchupete nm dummy, us pacifier.
er. 2 (vendedor) chocolate seller.
churrera nf fritter shop.
chocolatina nf bar of chocolate.
chfer, chofer nm 1 (particular) chauf- churro nm (dulce) fritter, us cruller.
chusma nf riffraff, rabble, mob.
feur. 2 (de autocar, etc) driver.
chollo nm 1 fam (ganga) bargain, snip, chut nm dep shot, kick.
chutar vi dep to shoot, kick.
gift. 2 (trabajo) cushy job.
chute nm argot fix.
chopera nf poplar grove.
cianita nf cyanite.
chopo nm (rbol) poplar.
choque nm 1 (gen) collision, impact; cianuro nm cyanide. c o m p cianuro po
tsico potassium cyanide.
(de coche, tren, etc) crash, smash, collicibercaf
nm Internet caf.
sion. 2 (discusin) dispute,
med shock.
ciberespacio nm cyberspace.

cibernauta nm o nf Net user.
ciberntica nf cybernetics.
cicatriz nf scar.
cicatrizar vi to heal, cicatrize.
cclico,-a adj cyclic, cyclical.
ciclismo nm cycling.
ciclista adj cycle, cycling.
P nm

o nf cyclist.

ciclomotor nm moped.
cicln nm cyclone.
ciego,-a adj (persona) blind.

l o c a cie
gas 1 (sin ver) blindly. 2 (sin pensar)

without thinking.

cielo nm 1 (gen) sky. 2 (clima) weather,

climate. 3 rel heaven.

P interj cielos good heavens! l o c llovi
do,-a del cielo fig heaven-sent. y ser un
cielo (de persona) fam to be an angel.
ciempis nm inv centipede.

cien adj [se usa slo antes de los nombres

en plural] one hundred, a hundred.
P nm one hundred, a hundred. l o c
cien por cien one hundred per cent.

. Consulta tambin ciento y seis.

cinaga nf marsh, bog.

ciencia nf (disciplina) science.

c o m p cien
cia ficcin science fiction. y ciencias
naturales natural sciences.
cienmilsimo,-a adj hundred thou-


P nm

& nf hundred thousandth.

. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

cienmillonsimo,-a adj hundred

P nm & nf hundred millionth.
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

cientfico,-a adj scientific.

P nm

& nf scientist.

ciento adj one hundred, a hundred:

1 (nmero) hundred. 2 un ciento

(centena) about a hundred. l o c por
ciento per cent.
P nm

. Consulta tambin cien.


(de bolso) clasp; (de cinturn) buckle,

clasp. c o m p cierre patronal lockout.
cierto,-a adj 1 (seguro) certain, sure. 2
(verdadero) true: no es cierto that's not
true. l o c estar en lo cierto to be right.
y por cierto by the way.
P adv cierto certainly.
ciervo,-a nm & nf (gen) deer; (macho)
stag, hart; (hembra) doe, hind.
cifra nf 1 (nmero) figure, number. 2
(cantidad) amount, number. 3 (cdigo)
cipher, code.
cifrar vt (codificar) to encode; (en informtica) to encrypt.
cigala nf Dublin Bay prawn.
cigarra nf cicada.
cigarrillo nm cigarette.
cigarro nm 1 (puro) cigar. 2 (cigarrillo)
cigoto nm zygote.
cigea nf (ave) stork.
cilindrada nf cylinder capacity.
cilndrico,-a adj cylindric, cylindrical.
cilindro nm cylinder.
cima nf 1 (de montaa) summit, top; (de
rbol) top. 2 fig (cumbre) summit, peak.
cimentar vt 1 arquit to lay the foundations of. 2 fig (afianzar) to strengthen, consolidate.

cimiento [se usa slo en plural con el mis-

mo significado] nm 1 arquit foundation, foundations pl. 2 fig basis, origin. l o c poner los cimientos to lay

the foundations.

cinabrio nm cinnabar.
cinc nm zinc.
cincel nm chisel.
cincelar vt to chisel, engrave.
cincha nf (de caballo) girth, us cinch.
cinco adj (cardinal) five; (ordinal) fifth.

P nm (nmero) five. l o c choca esos cin

co! fam put it there!, give me five!

. Consulta tambin seis.

cincuenta adj (cardinal) fifty; (ordinal)

P nm (nmero) fifty.
(de fbrica) shutdown;
close-down. 2 (de prenda) fastener;
. Consulta tambin seis.

cierre nm 1 (accin) closing, shutting;



cincuentavo,-a adj fiftieth.

autobuses) to run; (peatn) to walk. 4 fig

(rumor, etc) to spread, get round.
crculo nm (gen) circle. c o m p crculo fa
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.
miliar family circle. y crculo polar an
cine nm 1 (local) cinema, us movie
trtico Antarctic Circle. y crculo po
theater: ir al cine to go to the cinema, us
lar rtico Arctic Circle. y crculo
go to the movies. 2 (arte) cinema.
vicioso fig vicious circle.
cineasta nm o nf film director, film- circunferencia nf circumference.
circunflejo,-a adj circumflex.
cineclub nm 1 (organizacin) film socieP nm circunflejo circumflex.
ty, film club. 2 (local) cinema, us circunscribir vt to circumscribe.
movie theater.
P vpr circunscribirse (ceirse) to confine
cinematografa nf film-making, cinos (a, to), limit os (a, to).
ematography, us movie-making.
circunscripcin nf district, area. c o m p
cinematogrfico,-a adj cinematocircunscripcin electoral constituengraphic.
cinematgrafo nm film projector, us circunstancia nf circumstance. l o c
movie projector.
en estas circunstancias under the circintica nf kinetics.
circunstancial adj circumstantial.
cintico,-a adj kinetic.
circunvalar vt to go round.
cnico,-a adj cynical.
P nm & nf cynic.
cirio nm long wax candle. l o c armar
un cirio fam to kick up a rumpus.
cinismo nm cynicism.
cinta nf 1 (gen) band, strip; (decorativa) cirrosis nf inv cirrhosis.
ribbon. 2 cost braid, edging. 3 tc ciruela nf plum. c o m p ciruela claudia
tape. 4 (de mquina de escribir) ribbon. 5
greengage. y ciruela pasa prune.
(casete) tape. c o m p cinta adhesiva ad- ciruelo nm plum tree.
hesive tape. y cinta magntica mag- ciruga nf surgery. c o m p ciruga estti
netic tape. y cinta mtrica tape measca plastic surgery.
cirujano,-a nm & nf surgeon.
cintura nf waist.
cisma nm rel schism.
cinturilla nf waistband.
cisne nm swan.
cinturn nm belt. c o m p cinturn de se cisterna nf cistern, tank.
guridad safety belt, seat belt.
cita nf 1 (para negocios, mdico, etc) apciprs nm cypress.
pointment: tengo una cita con mi aboga
circo nm 1 (gen) circus. 2 geog cirque.
do I have an appointment with my lawcirconita nf zirconite.
yer. 2 (amorosa) date. 3 (mencin)
quotation. l o c tener una cita to have
circuito nm 1 (elctrico) circuit. 2 (recorrian appointment, have an engagedo) tour, circuit. 3 (de carreras) track,
circulacin nf 1 (gen) circulation. 2 (de citacin nf 1 (mencin) quotation. 2 jur
citation, summons.
vehculos) traffic. c o m p circulacin san
gunea blood circulation. y cdigo de citar vt 1 (dar cita) to make an appointment with, arrange to meet. 2 (men(la) circulacin highway code.
cionar) to quote.
circular adj circular.
citoplasma nm cytoplasm.
P vi 1 (gen) to circulate, move, go
round. 2 (lquido, electricidad)
to circu- ctrico,-a adj citric.
P nm pl ctricos citrus fruits.
late, flow. 3 (coche) to drive; (trenes,
P nm

& nf fiftieth.

ciudad nf city, town.

c o m p ciudad dor
mitorio dormitory town. y ciudad
universitaria university campus.
ciudadana nf citizenship.
ciudadano,-a adj civic.
P nm & nf citizen.
ciudadela nf citadel, fortress.
cvico,-a adj civic.
civil adj 1 civil. 2 (no militar) civilian. 3


clasicismo nm classicism.
clsico,-a adj 1 (de los clsicos) classical:

literatura clsica classical literature. 2 (tradicional) classic.

P nm clsico classic: este libro es un clsi
co de la ciencia ficcin this book is a science-fiction classic.
clasificacin nf 1 (gen) classification.
2 (distribucin) sorting, filing. 3 dep
league, table. 4 (de discos) top twenty,
(no eclesistico) lay, secular.
hit parade.
civilizacin nf civilization.
vt 1 to class, classify. 2 (discivilizar vt to civilize.
tribuir) to sort, file.
civismo nm 1 good citizenship, comP vpr clasificarse 1 dep to qualify. 2
munity spirit. 2 (al servicio de los dems)
(llegar) to come.
claustro nm arquit cloister.
cizalla [tambin se usa en plural con el misclaustrofobia nf claustrophobia.
mo significado.] nf (tijeras) metal shears
claustrofbico,-a adj claustrophopl, wire cutters pl.
cl sm (centilitro) centilitre (us centilitclusula nf clause.
er); (smbolo) cl.
clamor nm (gritero) shouting, din, clausura nf 1 (cierre) closure. 2 (acto)
closing ceremony, closing session.
clausurar vt 1 (poner fin) to close, conclan nm clan.
clude. 2 (cerrar) to close (down).
clandestino,-a adj clandestine, unclavar
vt 1 (con clavos) to nail. 2 (un claderground, secret.
vo) to bang, hammer in; (estaca) to
claqu nm tap dancing.
drive. 3 fig (atencin) to fix; (ojos) to
claraboya nf skylight.
claridad nf (luminosidad) light, brightP vpr clavarse (gen) to stick.
ness. l o c con claridad clearly.
clave nf 1 (de un enigma, etc) key, clue: la
clarn nm (instrumento) bugle.
clave del xito the key to success. 2 (de
P nm o nf (msico) bugler.
signos) code, key, cipher: un mensaje en
clarinete nm (instrumento) clarinet.
clave a coded message. 3 ms key: 4
clarinetista nm o nf clarinettist, clariarquit keystone.
P nm (instrumento) harpsichord.
claro,-a adj 1 (gen) clear. 2 (iluminado) clavel nm carnation.
bright, well-lit. 3 (color) light: azul cla clavicmbalo nm harpsichord.
ro light blue. 4 (salsa, etc) thin; (caf, cho- clavicordio nm clavichord.
colate, etc) weak. l o c dejar algo claro to clavcula nf clavicle, collarbone.
make sth clear. y estar claro to be
clavija nf 1 tc peg. 2 elec (de enchufe)
P adv clearly.
clavo nm 1 nail. 2 bot clove. l o c dar en
P interj claro! of course!.
el clavo fig to hit the nail on the
clase nf 1 (grupo, categora) class. 2 (aula)
classroom; (de universidad) lecture
hall. 3 (tipo) type, sort. l o c asistir a claxon nm horn, hooter.
clase to attend class. c o m p clase me clemencia nf clemency, mercy.
dia middle class. y clase particular clerical adj clerical.
private class, private
lesson. y prime clrigo nm priest.
clero nm clergy.
ra clase first class.



clic nm click.

l o c hacer clic 1 (hacer ruido)

cobalto nm cobalt.
to click, go click. 2 inform to click.
cobarde adj cowardly.
P nm o nf coward.
clicar vt to click on.
P vi to click.
cobarda nf cowardice.
clienta nf client, customer.
cobaya nm guinea pig.
cliente nm o nf client, customer.
cobertizo nm shed, shack.
clientela nf customers pl, clients pl, cobertura nf 1 (gen) cover. 2 (de una red,
servicio) coverage. c o m p cobertura de
clima nm climate.
chocolate chocolate coating. y cober
tura de seguros insurance cover.
climtico,-a adj climatic, climatical.
cobijar vt 1 (cubrir) to cover. 2 fig to
climatizado,-a adj air-conditioned.
climatizar vt to air-condition.
P vpr cobijarse to take shelter.
climatologa nf climatology.
clnica nf (hospital) clinic, private hos- cobijo nm 1 (hospedaje) lodging. 2 (refugio) shelter. 3 fig protection, refpital.
clnico,-a adj clinical: muerte clnica
cobol nm inform COBOL.
clinical death.
clip nm 1 (para papel) paper clip. 2 (para cobra nf (serpiente) cobra.
pelo) hair-grip, us bobby pin. 3 (pen- cobrador,-ra nm & nf 1 (de luz, etc) collector. 2 (de transporte - hombre) conducdiente) clip-on earring.
tor; (- mujer) conductress.
cloaca nf sewer, drain.
cobrar vt 1 (fijar precio por) to charge;
clon nm clone.
(cheques) to cash; (salario) to earn. 2 to
clonacin nf cloning.
get: si no te ests quieto vas a cobrar una
clonar vt to clone.
torta if you don't keep still you'll get a
clnico,-a adj cloned.
smack. 3 fig (adquirir) to gain, get.
P nm clnico (ordenador) clone.
P vi to be in for it.
cloquear vi to cluck.
P vpr cobrarse 1 (dinero) to take, colcloro nm chlorine.
lect. 2 (vctimas) to claim. 3 (recuperar)
clorofila nf chlorophyll.
to recover (de, from); (volver en s) to
cloroflico,-a adj chlorophyllous.
come round.
cloroformo nm chloroform.
cobre nm (metal) copper.
clown nm clown..
cobro nm 1 (pago) payment. 2 (cobranza)
club nm club, society. c o m p club de
collection; (de cheque) cashing. c o m p
ftbol football club. y club de tenis
cobro revertido reverse-charge, us
tennis club. y club nutico yacht
coca nf 1 (arbusto) coca. 2 argot coke. 3
cm sm (centmetro) centimetre ( us
fam (bebida) Coke.
centimeter); (smbolo) cm.
coccin nf (gen) cooking; (en agua) boilcoaccionar vt to coerce, compel.
ing; (en horno) baking.
coagular vt (gen) to coagulate, clot; cccix nm inv coccyx.
(leche) to curdle.
cocear vi to kick.
P vpr coagularse to coagulate, clot;
cocer vt (gen) to cook; (hervir) to boil; (al
(leche) to curdle.
horno) to bake.
cogulo nm coagulum, clot.
P vpr cocerse 1 (gen) to cook; (hervir) to
coala nm koala, koala bear.
boil; (al horno) to bake. 2 fam (de calor)
to be roasting, be boiling.
coartada nf alibi.
l o c dar coba a
coche nm 1 (automvil) car, automobile,
coba nf fam soft soap.
motorcar: fuimos en coche we went by
algn fam to soft-soap sb.



car. 2 (de tren, de caballos) carriage, codiciar vt to covet, desire, crave

coach. 3 (de nio) pram, us baby carriage. c o m p coche cama sleeping car. y codicioso,-a adj covetous, greedy.
coche de alquiler hired car, us rented codificacin nf 1 (de mensajes) encodcar. y coche de bomberos fire engine. y
ing. 2 inform coding, code.
coche de carreras racing car.
codificar vt 1 (leyes) to codify. 2 (mensacochera nf depot.
jes) to encode. 3 inform to code.
cochino,-a adj (sucio) filthy, disgust- cdigo nm code. c o m p cdigo de barras
bar code. y cdigo de la circulacin
P nm & nf 1 zool (gen) pig; (macho)
highway code. y cdigo de seales
swine; (hembra) sow. 2 fam (persona)
mar flag signals. y cdigo Morse
dirty person, filthy person, pig.
Morse code.
cocido,-a adj cooked; (en agua) boiled; codillo nm 1 (del brazo) elbow. 2 (en coci(al horno) baked.
na) shoulder. 3 (de tubera) elbow.
P nm cocido culin stew.
codo nm 1 anat elbow. 2 tc bend.
l o c alzar el codo / empinar el codo fam
cociente nm quotient.
to have a few drinks, knock them
cocina nf 1 (lugar) kitchen. 2 (gastronoback. y codo a codo / codo con codo fig
ma) cooking: cocina espaola Spanish
side by side, closely. y de codos on
cooking, Spanish cuisine. 3 (aparato)
one's elbows. y hablar por los codos
cooker, us stove. c o m p cocina casera
fam to talk nineteen to the dozen,
home cooking. y cocina de gas gas
talk nonstop. y romperse los codos fig
cooker, us gas stove. y cocina de mer
to study a lot, swot, cram.
cado seasonal produce. y cocina elc
trica electric cooker, us electric codorniz nf quail.
coeficiente nm 1 mat coefficient. 2
(grado) degree, rate. c o m p coeficiente
cocinar vt to cook.
de inteligencia intelligence quotient,
P vi to cook.
cocinero,-a nm & nf cook. c o m p primer
cofia nf bonnet.
cocinero chef.
coco1 nm 1 bot (rbol) coconut palm. 2 coexistir vi to coexist.
(fruta) coconut. c o m p coco rallado des- cofrada nf 1 (hermandad) brotherhood. 2 (asociacin) association. 3 (greiccated coconut.
mio) guild.
coco2 nm 1 fam (fantasma) bogeyman. 2
argot (cabeza) noddle, noggin, nut. cofre nm (grande) trunk, chest; (pequeo)
box, casket.
comerse el coco fam to get
coger vt 1 (asir) to seize, take hold of:
worked up, worry about it.
coge al beb hold the baby. 2 (apresar) to
cocodrilo nm crocodile.
capture, catch. 3 (tomar) to take: coge
cocotero nm coconut palm.
algo para beber take a drink. 4 (tren, etc) to
cctel nm (bebida) cocktail.
catch. 5 (tomar prestado) to borrow: te
codazo nm (golpe) poke with one's elhe cogido el libro I've borrowed your
bow, blow with one's elbow: le peg
book. 6 (recolectar frutos, etc) to pick; (del
un codazo she poked him with her elsuelo) to gather. 7 (enfermedad, baln) to
bow. l o c abrirse paso a codazos to elcatch: cog un resfriado I caught a cold. 8
bow one's way through.
(velocidad, fuerza) to gather. 9 (emisora,
codear vi (empujar) to elbow.
canal) to pick up, get: coger la BBC to
P vpr codearse to rub shoulders (con,
get the BBC. 10 (notas) to take, take
with), hobnob (con, with).
down. 11 (entender) to understand,
codera nf elbow patch.
get: no agarr el final I didn't get the end.
l o c coger cario a algo /algn to becodicia nf greed, coveting.



la colada to do the washing, do the

come fond of sth/sb, take a liking to
sth/sb. y coger por sorpresa to catch
by surprise.
colador nm 1 (de t, caf) strainer. 2 (de
P vpr cogerse (agarrarse) to hold on:
caldo, alimentos) colander, sieve.
agrrate fuerte hold on tight.
colapsar vt (ciudad, aeropuerto, etc) to
cogollo nm (de lechuga, etc) heart.
paralyse; (trfico) to bring to a standstill, bring to a halt.
cogote nm back of the neck.
P vi to collapse.
coherencia nf coherence, coherencolar vt (lquido) to strain, filter.
P vi fam to wash: veremos si cuela we'll
coherente adj coherent, connected.
see if it washes.
cohete nm rocket.
P vpr colarse 1 (escabullirse) to slip in,
cohibir vt to inhibit, restrain.
gatecrash. 2 (en una cola) to push in,
P vpr cohibirse to feel inhibited, feel
the queue, us jump the line. 3
fam (equivocarse) to slip up, make a
coincidir vi 1 (estar de acuerdo) to agree
(en, on), coincide (en, in). 2 (ajustarse)
nf bedspread.
to coincide. 3 (ocurrir al mismo tiempo) to
c o m p colchn
be at the same time (con, as), coin- colchn nm mattress.
neumtico air mattress.
cide (con, with); (en el mismo lugar) to
colchoneta nf small mattress.
cojear vi 1 (persona) to limp, hobble. 2 cole nm fam school.
(muebles) to wobble. l o c cojear del colear vi (perro, etc) to wag its tail; (vaca,
caballo, etc) to swish its tail.
mismo pie fam to have the same
coleccin nf collection.
coleccionar vt to collect.
cojera nf limp, lameness.
coleccionista nm o nf collector.
cojn nm cushion.
cojo,-a adj 1 (persona) lame, crippled. 2 colectividad nf community.
(mueble) wobbly. 3 fig (defectuoso) colectivo,-a adj collective, group.
P nm colectivo 1 (asociacin) associafaulty, incomplete.
tion, guild. 2 ling collective noun.
col nf cabbage. c o m p col de Bruselas
colegio nm (escuela) school: van al cole
Brussels sprout.
gio en autobs they go to school by bus.
cola1 nf 1 (gen) tail. 2 (de vestido) train;
c o m p colegio pblico state school.
(de chaqueta) tail. 3 (fila) queue, us line.
coleptero nm coleopteran.
l o c hacer cola to queue up, us stand
in line. y c o m p cola de caballo (peinado) clera nf 1 (bilis) bile. 2 fig (ira) anger,
P nm med cholera.
cola2 nf (pegamento) glue.
colaboracin nf 1 collaboration. 2 colrico,-a adj furious, irascible.
colesterol nm cholesterol.
(prensa) contribution.
coleta nf pigtail, ponytail.
colaborador,-ra adj collaborating.
P nm & nf 1 collaborator. 2 (prensa)
colgado,-a adj hanging (de, from).
colgador nm (coat) hanger.
colaborar vi 1 to collaborate ( con, colgante adj hanging.
with). 2 (prensa) to contribute ( en,
P nm 1 arquit festoon. 2 (joya) pento).
colada nf 1 (lavado) washing, laundry; colgar vt 1 (gen) to hang (up). 2 (la cola(con leja) bleaching.
2 (ropa) washing,
da) to hang out. 3 (atribuir) to pin. 4 (el
wash. 3 (volcnica) outflow. l o c hacer
telfono) to put down.

1 (estar colgado) to hang (de, from):
cuelga del techo it hangs from the ceiling.
2 (una prenda) to hang down, be
crooked. 3 (telfono) to hang up, ring
off: no cuelgue! please hold!, hold the
P vi


coloquio nm talk, discussion.

color nm 1 colour (us color): es de color

verde it's green. l o c de color 1 (en color)

in colour ( us color), coloured ( us
colored). 2 (persona) coloured ( us
line, please!
colored). y en color / en colores (cine,
colibr nm humming bird.
foto) in colour (us color).
clico nm colic.
colorado,-a adj 1 coloured (us colored). 2 (rojo) red. l o c ponerse colora
coliflor nf cauliflower.
do,-a to blush, go red.
colilla nf cigarette end, cigarette butt,
colorante nm colouring (us coloring),
colina nf hill, slope.
colorear vt to colour (us color).
colirio nm eye drops pl.
colisin nf (de vehculos) collision, colorete nm rouge, blusher.
colorido nm colour (us color).
colisionar vi (chocar) to collide (con/ coloso nm colossus.
contra, with), crash (con/contra, in- columna nf 1 (gen) column. 2 anat
spine. 3 (elemento central) backbone.
c o m p columna vertebral vertebral colcolitis nf inv colitis.
umn, spinal column.
collar nm 1 (adorno) necklace. 2 (de animal) collar.
columpiar vt to swing.
P vpr columpiarse to swing (de, on).
colmar vt (gen) to fill (de, with); (vaso,
copa) to fill to the brim.
columpio nm swing.
colmena nf beehive.
colza nf rape. c o m p aceite de colza
rapeseed oil, us canola oil.
colmillo nm 1 eye tooth, canine
tooth. 2 (de carnvoro) fang; (de jabal, coma1 nf 1 (puntuacin) comma. 2 (en
elefante, morsa) tusk.
msica) comma. 3 mat point: cuatro co
ma cinco four point five.
colmo nm height, summit. l o c esto
es el colmo! this is the last straw!, coma2 nm med coma. l o c entrar en co
this is the limit!
ma to go into a coma.
colocar vt 1 (gen) to place, put. 2 (dar comadreja nf weasel.
empleo) to get a job for.
comadrona nm & nf midwife.
P vpr colocarse 1 (situarse) to place os,
comandante nm 1 (oficial) commandput os, find os a place. 2 (trabajar) to
er, commanding officer. 2 (graduafind a job (de, as), get a job (de, as).
cin) major. 3 (piloto) pilot.
Colombia nf Colombia.
comando nm 1 mil commando. 2
colombiano,-a adj Colombian.
inform command.
P nm & nf Colombian.
comarca nf area, region.
colon nm anat colon.
comba nf 1 (de cuerda, cable) bend,
colonia nf 1 (grupo) colony. 2 [normalcurve. 2 (cuerda) skipping rope. 3 (juemente en plural] (vacaciones infantiles)
go) skipping. l o c saltar a la comba to
summer camp. 3 (perfume) cologne.
skip, us skip rope.
colonial adj pol colonial.
combar vt to bend.
colonialismo nm colonialism.
P vpr combarse (una cuerda) to bend;
colonizacin nf colonization.
(viga, pared) to sag, bulge.
colonizar vt to colonize, settle.
combate nm 1 (gen) combat, battle. 2
mil battle. 3 (boxeo) fight, contest.
colono nm 1 (habitante) colonist, setfarmer.
tler. 2 agr tenant
combatiente adj fighting.
P nm o nf fighter, combatant.
coloquial adj colloquial.



combatir vi to fight (contra, against

comercial adj 1 (del comercio) commercial. 2 (de tiendas) shopping.

/-), struggle (contra, against).
P nm o nf (vendedor) seller; (hombre)
P vt 1 (luchar contra) to fight: combatir el
salesman; (mujer) saleswoman.
cncer to fight cancer. 2 fig to combat,
fight. 3 fig (batir, golpear) to beat, lash. comerciante adj business-minded.
P nm o nf 1 merchant. 2 (interesado)
combativo,-a adj spirited, aggresmoneymaker.
combinacin nf 1 combination. 2 comerciar vi 1 (comprar y vender) to
trade, deal, buy and sell. 2 (hacer ne(prenda) slip.
gocios) to do business (con, with).
combinar vt 1 (gen) to combine. 2
comercio nm 1 (ocupacin) commerce,
qum to combine. 3 (colores) to match
trade. 2 (tienda) shop, store. l o c co
(con, -), go (con, with).
mercio al por mayor wholesale trade.
combustible adj combustible.
c o m p comercio exterior foreign trade.
P nm fuel.
y libre comercio free trade.
comedero nm feeding trough, mancomestible adj edible, eatable.
P nm pl comestibles groceries, food
comedia nf 1 teat comedy, play. 2 fig
sing, foodstuffs pl.
farce, pretence (us pretense).
nm (cuerpo celeste) comet.
comediante,-a nm & nf 1 (hombre) acP nf (juguete) kite.
tor; (mujer) actress. 2 fig hypocrite,
cometer vt (crimen) to commit; (falta,
error) to make.
comedor,-ra nm (sala) dining room;
cmic nm comic.
(en una fbrica, un colegio, etc) canteen.
comensal nm o nf person at the table, cmico,-a adj 1 (divertido) comic, comical, funny. 2 (de comedia) comedy.
P nm & nf (actor) comedian, comic.
comentar vt 1 (texto) to comment on.
2 (expresar una opinin) to talk about, comida nf 1 (alimento) food: 2 (desayuno,
etc) meal. 3 (almuerzo) lunch.
comentario nm 1 (observacin) remark, comienzo nm start, beginning. l o c a
comienzos de at the beginning of. y
comment. 2 (explicacin, narracin)
dar comienzo to begin, start.
comillas nf pl inverted commas. l o c
P nm pl comentarios (murmuracin) gosentre comillas in inverted commas.
sip sing.
comilona nf big meal, blowout.
comentarista nm o nf commentator.
comino nm bot cumin, cummin. l o c
comenzar vt to begin, start.
me importa un comino fam I don't
P vi to begin, start: comenz a rer he
give a damn.
began to laugh, he began laughing. l o c
comenzar con to begin with. y co comisara nf (de polica) police station.
menzar + ger to start by + ger: comenz comisario nm (de polica) police inspector.
explicando... he started by explaining...
comer vt 1 to eat. 2 (en ajedrez) to take, comisin nf 1 (retribucin) commission.
2 (comit) committee. l o c a comisin /
con comisin on a commission basis.
P vi (gen) to eat; (a medioda) to have
comisin bancaria service
lunch, lunch; (por la noche) to have
charge, bank commission.
dinner, dine.
comit nm committee.
P nm eating.
comitiva nf suite, retinue.
P vpr comerse 1 to eat. 2 fig (saltarse) to
omit; (prrafo) to
skip; (palabra) to como adv 1 (modo) how: lo hizo como qui
so he did it the way he wanted to. 2 (com-



paracin) as, like: negro como la noche as

compaero,-a de colegio schoolmate.
dark as night. 3 (en calidad de) as: como
y compaero,-a de departamento flatinvitado as a guest. 4 (segn) as: como dice
mate. y compaero,-a de trabajo
tu amigo as your friend says. 5 fam
workmate, colleague.
(aproximadamente) about: haba como compaa nf company. l o c en compa
unos cien there were about a hundred.
a de in the company of. y hacer
l o c como quiera que 1 (no importa cmo)
compaa a algn to keep sb company.
however. 2 (ya que) since, as, inasl o c en
much as. y como sea whatever hap- comparacin nf comparison.
pens, no matter what. y hacer como si
comparison to.
to pretend to +inf: hace como si no viese
nada he's pretending not to see any- comparar vt to compare:
comparativo,-a adj comparative.
P conj 1 (as que) as: como llegaban se pre
compartimento nm compartment:
sentaban they introduced themselves as
compartimento de primera clase first-class
they arrived. 2 (si) if: como lo vuelvas a
hacer... if you do it again.... 3 (porque) as, compartir vt 1 (dividir) to divide (up),
since: como llegamos tarde no pudimos
split, share (out). 2 (poseer en comn) to
entrar since we arrived late we couldn't
get in.
cmo adv 1 (interrogativo) how. 2 (por comps nm 1 (instrumento) compass,
compasses pl. 2 (brjula) compass. 3
qu) why. 3 (admiracin) how: cmo pa
ms (divisin) time; (intervalo) beat; (ritl
sa el tiempo! how time flies!
mo) rhythm. l o c al comps de in
fam what? y cmo es que...? how is it
time to. y llevar el comps 1 (con la
that...? y cmo no! but of course!,
mano) to beat time. 2 (al bailar) to
keep time. y perder el comps to lose
cmoda nf chest of drawers, comthe beat.
comodidad nf 1 (confort) comfort. 2 (fa- compasin nf compassion, pity.
cilidad) convenience. l o c con comodi compasivo,-a adj compassionate,
dad comfortably.
comodn nm (mono) joker; (otra carta) compatibilidad nf compatibility.
wild card.
compatibilizar vt to make compaticmodo,-a adj 1 comfortable, cosy. 2
(til) convenient, handy.
compatible adj compatible.
compactar vt to compact, compress. compendio nm summary, digest,
compadecer vt to pity, feel sorry for.
prcis, synopsis.
P vpr compadecerse to take pity (de,
compenetrarse vpr (uso recproco) to
on), pity (de, -), feel sorry (de, for).
understand each other.
compaginar vt (combinar) to combine,
compensar vt 1 (prdida, error) to make
make compatible.
up for. 2 (indemnizar) to compensate,
P vpr compaginarse to go together,
indemnify. 3 tc to balance, combe compatible.
pensate. 4 fam (merecer la pena) to be
compaerismo nm companionship,
worth one's while.
fellowship, comradeship.
compaero,-a nm & nf 1 (sentimental, competencia nf 1 (rivalidad) competition, rivalry: 2 (competidores) competipareja) partner. 2 (colega) companion,
tors pl, rival company. 3 (habilidad)
mate; (camarada) comrade. 3 fig (guancompetence, ability, proficiency. 4
te, zapato, etc) the other
one, the one
that goes with this one. c o m p
(incumbencia) responsibility.



competente adj 1 (capaz) competent,

complot nm plot, conspiracy.

capable, proficient. 2 (adecuado) ade- componente adj component, conquate.
competicin nf competition, conP nm 1 (pieza) component, constitutest.
ent; (ingrediente) ingredient. 2 (miembro)
competidor,-ra adj 1 (que compite)
competing. 2 (rival) rival.
componer vt 1 (formar) to compose,
P nm & nf 1 (rival) competitor. 2 (en
make up, form. 2 (reparar) to fix, recompeticin deportiva) competitor.
pair, mend. 3 (adornar) to adorn, deccompetir vi to compete.
orate. 4 (msica, versos) to compose.
competitividad nf competitiveness.
P vpr componerse (consistir) to consist
competitivo,-a adj competitive.
(de, of), be made up (de, of): las pala
bras se componen de slabas words are
complacer vt 1 (satisfacer) to satisfy,
made up of syllables.
gratify, oblige. 2 (agradar) to please. 3
fml to please, give pleasure.
comportamiento nm behaviour (us
complejo,-a adj complex.
behavior), conduct.
P nm complejo complex.
comportar vt (implica) to involve, encomplementar vt to complement.
tail: eso comporta un cambio de planes
P vpr complementarse to complethat involves a change of plan.
ment each other, be complementaP vpr comportarse (portarse) to behave:
ry to each other.
se comport mal she misbehaved.
complementario,-a adj complemen- composicin nf 1 (gen) composition.
2 (arreglo) arrangement.
complemento nm 1 (gen) comple- compositor,-ra nm & nf composer.
ment. 2 g r a m object, comple- compota nf compote.
ment. c o m p complemento circunstan
compra nf purchase, buy. l o c hacer la
cial adverbial complement. y
compra to do the shopping, go
complemento directo direct object. y
shopping. y ir de compras to go shopcomplemento indirecto indirect obping. c o m p compra a plazos hire purject.
chase, us instalment buying.
completamente adv completely.
completar vt 1 (gen) to complete. 2 comprador,-ra nm & nf purchaser,
buyer, shopper.
(acabar) to finish; (perfeccionar) to
comprar vt to buy.
round off.
completo,-a adj 1 (terminado) finished, compraventa nf buying and selling,
completed. 2 (lleno) full. l o c al com
pleto full up, filled to capacity. y por comprender vt 1 (entender) to understand: lo comprendiste mal you misuncompleto completely.
derstood it. 2 (contener) to comprise,
complexin nf constitution, build: su
include. l o c comprendes? (en converhermano es de complexin fuerte his
sacin) you see?
brother is well-built.
comprensin nf understanding.
complicacin nf complication.
complicado,-a adj 1 (gen) complicat- comprensivo,-a adj 1 (tolerante) understanding. 2 (que comprende o incluye)
ed, complex. 2 (carcter) complex.
complicar vt 1 (gen) to complicate,
make complicated. 2 (implicar) to in- compresa nf 1 (higinica) sanitary towvolve (en, in).
el. 2 (vendaje) compress.
cmplice nm o nf accomplice.
adj compressed.
P nm comprimido tablet.
complicidad nf complicity.

comprimir vt (apretar) to compress;


computerizar vt to computerize.
(gente) to cram together.
cmputo nm computation, calculation.
comprobante nm (recibo) receipt,
comulgar vi rel to receive Holy
comprobar vt 1 (verificar) to verify,
check. 2 (observar) to see, observe: co comn adj 1 (gen) common: eso es poco
comn that's unusual. 2 (compartido)
mo podrn ustedes comprobar as you can
shared, communal.
see for yourselves. 3 (confirmar) to confirm.
comuna nf commune.
comprometer vt 1 (exponer a riesgo) to comunal adj communal.
endanger, jeopardize, risk; (a una per- comunicacin nf 1 (gen) communicasona) to compromise. 2 (implicar) to
tion. 2 (comunicado) communication;
involve, implicate. 3 (obligar) to com(oficial) communiqu. 3 (telefnica) conmit. 4 (poner en un aprieto) to embarnection. 4 (unin) link, connection.
P nf pl comunicaciones communicarass.
P vpr comprometerse 1 (contraer una oblitions.
gacin) to commit os, pledge. 2 (invo- comunicado,-a adj served. c o m p co
lucrarse) to get involved. 3 (establecer
municado de prensa press release.
relaciones formales) to get engaged. l o c comunicar vt 1 (hacer partcipe) to comcomprometerse a hacer algo to undermunicate, convey, transmit. 2 (hacer
take to do sth.
saber) to communicate, make
known, tell. 3 (conectar) to connect.
comprometido,-a adj 1 (difcil, arriesgaP vi 1 (ponerse en comunicacin) to commudo) difficult, in jeopardy. 2 (escritor, arnicate; (por carta) to correspond. 2 (teltista, etc) committed. 3 (involucrado) infono) to be engaged, us be busy. 3 (estar
volved. 4 (para casarse) engaged.
conectado) to communicate, be concompromiso nm 1 (obligacin) commitnected.
ment, obligation: cumpli sus compro
P vpr comunicarse 1 (tener relacin) to
misos she fulfilled her obligations. 2 (cita)
communicate; (ponerse en contacto) to get
appointment; (amorosa) date. 3 (apuro)
in touch, get in contact (con, with). 2
difficult situation, bind. 4 (matrimo(estar conectado) to be connected (con,
nial) engagement.
compuesto,-a adj (gen) compound.
compulsar vt 1 (cotejar) to collate. 2 jur comunicativo,-a adj 1 (actitud, sentimiento) catching, infectious. 2 (persoto make a certified true copy of.
na) communicative, sociable, open.
compulsivo,-a adj compelling, comcomunidad nf community. c o m p co
munidad autnoma autonomous recompungido,-a adj 1 (arrepentido) region. y Comunidad Econmica Europea
morseful. 2 fig (triste) sorrowful, sad.
European Economic Community.
compungir vt fml (entristecer) to sad- comunin nf 1 communion, fellowden, make sad.
ship. 2 rel Holy Communion.
P vpr compungirse (entristecerse) to be
comunismo nm communism.
saddened, feel sad.
comunista adj communist.
computacin nf computing.
P nm o nf communist.
computador nm computer.
comunitario,-a adj (gen) of the comcomputadora nf computer.
munity, relating to the community.
computar vt 1 (calcular) to compute, con prep 1 (instrumento, medio) with. 2
calculate. 2 fml (tomar en cuenta) to
(modo, circunstancia) in, with. 3 (juntatake into account, count.
mente, en compaa) with. 4 (contenido)
with. 5 (relacin) to. 6 (comparacin)
computarizar vt to computerize.


compared to. 7 con + inf by + ger.

8 (aunque) in spite of. l o c con que /
con tal de que / con tal que provided,
as long as. y con todo (y eso) nevertheless, even so.
concavidad nf concavity.
cncavo,-a adj concave.
concebir vt 1 (engendrar) to conceive. 2
fig (comprender) to understand.
P vi (quedarse embarazada) to become
pregnant, conceive.
conceder vt 1 (otorgar) to grant, concede; (premio) to award. 2 (atribuir) to
give, attach. 3 (oportunidad, tiempo) to
give. 4 (admitir) to concede, admit.
concejal,-la nm & nf town councillor.
concejo nm town council, council.
concentracin nf 1 (gen) concentration. 2 (de gente) gathering, rally.
concentrar vt to concentrate.
P vpr concentrarse 1 (reunirse) to concentrate. 2 (fijar la atencin) to concentrate (en, on).
concntrico,-a adj concentric.
concepcin nf conception.
concepto nm 1 (idea) concept, conception, idea. 2 (opinin) opinion, view.
l o c bajo ningn concepto under no
circumstances. y en concepto de by
way of.
conceptual adj conceptual.

concesionario,-a nm & nf concession-

aire, licence holder, licensee.

P nm concesionario (de coches) dealer.
concesivo,-a adj ling concessive.
concha nf 1 (caparazn) shell. 2 (carey)
tortoiseshell. 3 (ostra) oyster.
conciencia nf 1 (moral) conscience. 2
(conocimiento) consciousness, awareness. l o c a conciencia conscientiously. y remorderle a algn la conciencia to
weigh on sb's conscience.
concienciar vt to make aware ( de,
P vpr concienciarse to become aware
(de, of).
concienzudo,-a adj conscientious.
concierto nm 1 ms (sesin) concert;
(composicin) concerto. 2 (acuerdo)
agreement. 3 (armona) concert, concord.
conciliacin nf conciliation, reconciliation.
conciliador,-ra adj conciliatory, conciliating.
conciliar adj conciliar.
P vt 1 (gen) to conciliate, bring together. 2 (enemigos) to reconcile.
concilio nm council.
concisin nf concision, conciseness.
conciso,-a adj concise, brief.
concernir vi [se usa slo en tercera perso- conciudadano,-a nm & nf fellow citizen.
na de presente de indicativo, imperfecto de
indicativo y presente de subjuntivo; y en concluir vt 1 (terminar) to finish. 2 (trato,
negocio) to close.
formas impersonales] (afectar) to conP vi (finalizar) to finish, come to an
cern, touch. l o c en lo que a m (ti, l,
end, conclude.
etc) concierne as far as I am (you are, he
conclusin nf 1 (final) conclusion,
is, etc) concerned.
end. 2 (deduccin) conclusion. l o c en
concertado,-a adj concerted.
conclusin in conclusion. y llegar a
concertar vt 1 (planear) to plan, cooruna conclusin to come to a concludinate. 2 (entrevista) to arrange; (acuersion.
do) to reach; (tratado, negocio) to conconcluyente adj conclusive, decisive.
clude, settle. 3 (precio) to agree on.
P vi 1 (concordar) to agree, match up;
concordancia nf 1 concordance,
(nmeros) to tally. 2 ling to agree.
agreement. 2 ling agreement.
concertino nm first violin.
concordante adj concordant.
concertista nm o nf soloist.
concordar vt 1 (poner de acuerdo) to
bring into agreement, reconcile. 2
concesin nf 1 concession,
2 (de premio) awarding.
ling to make agree.



vi 1 (convenir) to agree, coincide, condensar vt to condense.

match. 2 ling to agree.
condescender vi (adaptarse) to comply
concordia nf concord, harmony.
(a, with), consent (a, to).
concrecin nf (concisin) concision, condescendiente adj (complaciente)
concretar vt 1 (precisar) to specify, condicin nf 1 (naturaleza) nature, constate explicitly. 2 (hora, precio) to fix,
dition. 2 (carcter) nature, character. 3
set. 3 (resumir) to sum up.
(circunstancia) circumstance, condiP vpr concretarse (tomar forma) to take
tion. 4 (estado social) status, position.
5 (calidad) capacity. 6 (exigencia) condiconcreto,-a adj 1 (real) concrete, real.
tion. l o c a condicin de que... provid2 (particular) particular, specific. l o c
ed (that) y con la condicin de que...
en concreto (en particular) in particular,
on the condition that
P nf pl condiciones 1 (estado) condition
concurrencia nf 1 (confluencia) combising, state sing. 2 (aptitud) aptitude sing,
nation, concurrence. 2 (participacin)
talent sing. l o c estar en condiciones de
hacer algo 1 (fsicas) to be fit to do sth.
concurrido,-a adj 1 (lugar pblico) busy,
2 (posicin, autoridad) to be in a posicrowded. 2 (espectculo) well-attendtion to do sth.
ed, popular.
condicionado,-a adj conditioned.
concurrir vi 1 (juntarse en un lugar - gente) condicional adj conditional.
to gather, come together, meet. 2
P nm conditional.
(tomar parte - concurso, etc) to compete,
condicionar vt 1 (influir en) to conditake part.
tion, determine. 2 (supeditar) to make
concursante nm o nf 1 (a concurso) conconditional.
testant, participant, competitor. 2 (a
condimentar vt to season, flavour
empleo) candidate.
(us flavor).
concursar vi 1 (competir) to compete,
nm seasoning, flavourtake part. 2 (para un empleo) to be a
ing (us flavoring).
concurso nm 1 (gen) competition; (de condolerse vpr to sympathize (de,
with), feel sorry (de, for), feel pity
belleza, deportivo) contest; (en televisin)
(de, for).
quiz. 2 (para puestos) public examinacndor nm condor.
tion: 3 fml (concurrencia) gathering.
conducir vt 1 (guiar) to lead, take,
condado nm county.
show. 2 (coche, animales) to drive.
conde nm count.
P vi 1 (un coche) to drive. 2 (llevar) to
condecoracin nf decoration.
lead (a, -).
condecorar vt to decorate.
conducta nf conduct, behaviour (us
condena nf jur sentence.
condenado,-a adj 1 jur convicted. 2
conductividad nf conductivity.
(sin remedio) hopeless.
condenar vt 1 jur (declarar culpable) to conductivo,-a adj conductive.
convict, find guilty. 2 jur (decretar con- conducto nm (tubera) pipe, conduit.
dena) to sentence, condemn. 3 (desa- conductor,-ra adj fs conductive.
probar) to condemn.
P nm & nf auto driver.
P nm conductor fs conductor.
condensacin nf 1 (accin) condensing. 2 (efecto) condensation.
conectar vt (gen) to connect (up).
condensado,-a adj
P vi 1 rad tv (sintonizar) to tune in (con,
to); (dar conexin) to tune in ( con ,
condensador,-ra adj condensing.



with). 2 fam (llevarse bien) to hit it off, confianza nf 1 (seguridad) confidence.

2 (familiaridad) familiarity, intimacy. 3
get on well.
(presuncin) conceit. l o c de confianza 1
conector nm connector.
(fiable) reliable. 2 (de responsabilidad)
conejera nf 1 (conejal) rabbit hutch. 2
trustworthy. y en confianza confi(madriguera) rabbit warren, rabbit
dentially, in confidence. y tener con
fianza en uno mismo to be self-conficonejero,-a nm & nf rabbit breeder.
conejillo nm young rabbit. c o m p cone
vi 1 (tener fe) to trust ( en, -),
jillo de Indias guinea pig.
confide (en, in). 2 (estar seguro) to be
conejo,-a nm & nf rabbit.
confident, trust. 3 (contar) to count
conexin nf tc connection.
(en, on), rely (en, on).
conexo,-a adj connected, related.
P vt 1 (depositar) to entrust. 2 (secretos,
confabulacin nf conspiracy, plot.
problemas, etc) to confide.
confabular vi to confabulate, disP vpr confiarse (entregarse) to entrust
P vpr confabularse to conspire, plot.
confidencia nf confidence, secret.
confeccin nf 1 (accin) dressmaking, confidencial adj confidential.
tailoring; (ropa) off-the-peg clothes confidencialidad nf confidentiality.
pl, ready-to-wear clothes pl. 2 (reali- configurar vt 1 to form, shape. 2
zacin) making, making up.
inform to configure.
confeccionar vt (vestido) to make, confinar vt (recluir) to confine.
make up; (plato) to prepare.
confirmacin nf confirmation.
confederacin nf confederation, confirmar vt to confirm.
confiscar vt to confiscate.
confederar vt to confederate.
confitado,-a adj (fruta) candied, glac.
conferencia nf 1 (charla) talk, lecture.
c o m p frutas confitadas candied fruit
2 pol conference, meeting. 3 (telfono)
long-distance call. l o c dar una confe confitar vt (frutas) to candy; (carne) to
rencia sobre algo to lecture on sth ,
give a lecture on sth.
confitera nf confectioner's, sweet
conferenciante nm o nf lecturer.
shop, us candy shop.
conferenciar vi to confer.
confitero,-a nm & nf confectioner.
conferir vt 1 (conceder) to confer, be- confitura nf preserve, jam.
stow, award. 2 (dar) to give.
conflictividad nf disputes pl.
confesar vt (reconocer) to confess, ad- conflictivo,-a adj (situacin) difficult;
(tema) controversial.
P vpr confesarse to go to confession,
conflicto nm 1 (choque) conflict. 2 fig
(apuro) dilemma. c o m p conflicto labo
confesin nf (expresin) confession,
ral industrial dispute.
confluencia nf confluence.
confesional adj denominational.
confluir vi (personas) to converge, come
confesionario nm confessional.
together; (ros, caminos, etc) to meet,
confeso,-a adj jur self-confessed.
confesor nm confessor.
conformar vt 1 (dar forma) to shape. 2
confeti nm confetti.
(adaptar) to conform, adjust.
P vpr conformarse (contentarse) to reconfiado,-a adj 1 (crdulo) unsuspecting, gullible. 2 (seguro)
sign os (con, to), be content (con,
with), make do (con, with).

conforme adj 1 (satisfecho) satisfied. 2


congnito,-a adj 1 congenital. 2 fig

(de acuerdo) in accordance with, in
keeping with. 3 (resignado) resigned. congestin nf congestion.
l o c conforme a in accordance with,
congestionar vt to congest.
according to.
P vpr congestionarse to become conP adv 1 (segn, como) as. 2 (en cuanto) as
soon as. 3 (a medida que) as.
conglomerado nm 1 tc conglomerconformidad nf (aprobacin) approval,
ate. 2 fig conglomeration, collecconsent. l o c en conformidad con algo
in conformity with sth, in agree- conglomerar vt to conglomerate.
ment with.
congratular vt fml to congratulate
conformismo nm conformism.
conformista nm o nf conformist.
P vpr congratularse fml to congratuconfort nm comfort.
late os (de/por, on).
confortable adj comfortable.
congregacin nf 1 (reunin) assembly.
confraternizar vi to fraternize.
2 rel congregation.
confrontacin nf (enfrentamiento) con- congregar vt to congregate, assemfrontation.
confrontar vt 1 (gen) to confront; (caP vpr congregarse to congregate, asrear) to bring face to face. 2 (cotejar) to
compare (con, with), collate (con, congresista nm o nf 1 (que asiste a un conwith).
greso) congress participant. 2 (diputaconfundir vt 1 (equivocar) to confuse
do) member of congress; (hombre)
(con, with), mistake (con, for). 2 (turcongressman; (mujer) congresswombar) to confound, embarrass.
P vpr confundirse 1 (mezclarse) to mincongreso nm congress. c o m p congreso
gle; (colores, formas) to blend. 2 (equivode los Diputados Parliament, us Concarse) to get mixed up, make a misgress.
take. 3 (turbarse) to be confused, be congrio nm conger, conger eel.
congruencia nf 1 (conveniencia) congruconfusin nf 1 (desorden) confusion,
ity. 2 mat congruence.
chaos. 2 (equivocacin) mistake, confu- congruente adj 1 (coherente) coherent,
suitable. 2 mat congruent.
confuso,-a adj 1 (ideas) confused. 2 (es- cnico,-a adj 1 conical. 2 (en geometra)
tilo, etc) obscure, confused. 3 fig (turbaconic.
do) confused, embarrassed.
confera nf conifer.
congelacin nf 1 (gen) freezing. 2 (preconjetura nf conjecture. l o c hacer
cios, salarios, etc) freeze. 3 med (gen) exconjeturas to make conjectures.
posure; (extremidades) frostbite.
congelado,-a adj 1 (gen) frozen. 2 med conjeturar vt to conjecture.
conjugacin nf conjugation.
conjugado,-a adj (enlazado) comP nm pl congelados frozen food sing.
congelador nm freezer.
congelar vt 1 (gen) to freeze. 2 med to conjugar vt to conjugate.
conjuncin nf conjunction.
cause frostbite on.
conjuntamente adv jointly, together.
P vpr congelarse 1 to freeze. 2 med to
conjuntar vt to coordinate.
get frostbite.
congeniar vi to get on.
conjuntivitis nf inv conjunctivitis.



conjunto,-a adj 1 (compartido) joint. 2

P vpr conocerse (a s mismo) to know

(combinado) combined. l o c en conjun
os; (dos o ms personas) to know each
to altogether, on the whole.
other; (por primera vez) to meet, get to
P nm conjunto 1 (grupo) group, collecknow.
tion. 2 (todo) whole: 3 (prenda) outfit, conocido,-a adj 1 known. 2 (famoso)
ensemble. 4 ms (clsico) ensemble;
(pop) band, group. 5 mat set. 6 dep
conocimiento nm 1 [en 1, tambin se usa
en plural con el mismo significado] (saber)
conjura nf plot, conspiracy.
knowledge. 2 (sensatez) good sense. 3
conjuracin nf plot, conspiracy.
(conciencia) consciousness. l o c tener co
conjurar vt (gen) to exorcise; (peligro) to
nocimiento de algo to know about sth.
avert, stave off, ward off.
conquista nf conquest. l o c hacer una
P vi (conspirar) to conspire ( contra ,
conquista (amorosa) to make a conagainst).
P vpr conjurarse to conspire ( contra,
conquistador,-ra adj conquering.
conjuro nm 1 (exorcismo) exorcism. 2 conquistar vt (con las armas) to conquer.
(encantamiento) spell, incantation.
consagracin nf 1 (artista, etc) recogniconmemorar vt to commemorate.
tion. 2 (de una costumbre) establishconmemorativo,-a adj commemoment. 3 (dedicacin) dedication.
consagrado,-a adj (reconocido) recogconmigo pron with me, to me.
nized, established.
conmocin nf 1 commotion, shock:
causar conmocin to cause a commotion. consagrar vt 1 (palabra, expresin) to es2 med concussion. 3 (levantamiento) riot.
tablish. 2 (dedicar) to dedicate. 3 (artisc o m p conmocin cerebral concussion.
ta, etc) to confirm, establish.
conmocionar vt 1 to shock. 2 med to consanguneo,-a adj consanguineconcuss. 3 fig to trouble, disturb.
conmovedor,-ra adj moving, touchP nm & nf blood relation.
consanguinidad nf consanguinity,
conmover vt 1 (persona) to move,
blood relationship.
touch. 2 (cosa) to shake.
consciente adj 1 conscious, aware. 2
conmutador nm switch.
med conscious. 3 (responsable) reliable,
conmutar vt 1 (cambiar) to exchange. 2
responsible. l o c estar consciente to
jur to commute. 3 elec to commube conscious. y ser consciente de algo
to be aware of sth.
conmutativo,-a adj commutative.
consecuencia nf 1 consequence, reconnivencia nf connivance, collusult. 2 (coherencia) consistency. l o c a
consecuencia de as a consequence
cono nm cone.
of, as a result of. y como consecuencia
conocedor,-ra nm & nf expert ( de,
de as a consequence of, as a result
on), connoisseur (de, of).
conocer vt 1 (gen) to know; (noticia) to
hear. 2 (persona) to meet, get to consecuente adj 1 (siguiente) consequent. 2 (resultante) resulting. 3 (coheknow. 3 (reconocer) to recognize. 4
rente) consistent.
(pas, lugar) to have been to.
dar a
consecutivamente adv consecutiveconocer to make known.
P vi 1 (saber) to know ( de, about). 2
jur to hear (de, -).
consecutivo,-a adj consecutive.

conseguir vt 1 (cosa) to obtain, get;
(objetivo) to attain, achieve. 2 (lograr)
to manage, succeed in.
consejera nf 1 (lugar) Council. 2 (cargo)
consejero,-a nm & nf 1 (asesor) adviser,
advisor, counsellor. 2 pol councillor.
consejo nm 1 (recomendacin) advice. 2
(junta) council, board. l o c pedir con
sejo a algn to ask sb for advice. c o m p
consejo de ministros cabinet.
consenso nm 1 (acuerdo) consensus. 2
(consentimiento) consent, assent.
consensuar vt to reach a consensus
consentido,-a adj (mimado) spoiled,
P nm & nf (persona) spoiled person,
spoilt person; (nio) spoiled child,
spoilt child.
consentimiento nm consent.
consentir vt 1 (tolerar) to allow, permit, tolerate. 2 (mimar) to spoil.
P vi 1 (admitir) to consent ( en , to),
agree (en, to). 2 (ceder) to weaken.
conserje nm 1 (portero) porter; (de hotel)
hall porter. 2 (de escuela) caretaker.


considerablemente adv considerably.

consideracin nf 1 (reflexin) consider-

ation, attention: este tema merece nues

tra consideracin this subject deserves
our attention. 2 (respeto) regard. l o c
con consideracin (respeto) respectfully. y en consideracin a considering.
considerar vt (reflexionar) to consider,
think over, think about.
consigna nf (en estacin, etc) left-luggage office, us check-room.
consignar vt 1 (mercancas) to consign,
ship, dispatch. 2 (destinar - dinero, etc)
to allocate. 3 (anotar) to note down.
consigo pron 1 (3 persona singular - hombre) with him; (- mujer) with her; (- cosa, animal) with it. 2 (usted) with you.
3 (3 persona plural) with them. 4 (ustedes) with you.
consiguiente adj consequent, resulting, resultant. l o c por consiguiente
therefore, consequently.
consistencia nf (dureza) consistency.
consistente adj 1 (firme) firm, solid. 2
fig sound, solid. 3 culin thick. l o c
consistente en consisting of.
consistir vi 1 (fundarse) to lie (en, in),
conserva [tambin se usa en plural con el
consist ( en, in). 2 (estar formado) to
mismo significado] nf 1 (en lata) tinned
consist (en, of).
food, canned food. 2 (dulces) pre- consistorial adj rel consistorial. c o m p
serves pl.
casa consistorial town hall.
conservacin nf (de alimentos) preser- consola nf 1 (mueble) console table. 2
(de ordenador, etc) console. c o m p consola
de videojuegos games console.
conservador,-ra adj pol conservative.
consolar vt to console, comfort.
P nm & nf 1 pol conservative. 2 (de muconsolidacin nf consolidation.
seos) curator.
consolidar vt to consolidate.
conservadurismo nm conservatism.
consom nm clear soup, consomm.
conservante nm preservative.
consonante nf consonant.
conservar vt 1 (alimentos) to preserve. consonntico,-a adj consonantal,
2 (guardar) to keep, save.
P vpr conservarse 1 (tradicin, etc) to surconspiracin nf conspiracy, plot.
vive. 2 fig (mantenerse) to keep well.
conspirador,-ra nm & nf conspirator.
conservatorio nm conservatory, con- conspirar vi to conspire, plot.
servatoire, school of music.
constancia nf 1 (perseverancia) constanconservero,-a adj canning: industria
cy, perseverance. 2 (evidencia) eviconservera canning industry.
dence, proof. l o c dejar constancia de
considerable adj considerable.
algo (probar) to prove sth.



constante adj 1 (invariable) constant. 2

(persona) steadfast.
P nf mat constant.

consultorio nm med (consulta) surgery,

doctor's office; (habitacin) consulting room.

constantemente adv constantly.
consumar vt (terminar) to complete,
carry out.
constar vi 1 (consistir en) to consist (de,
of), be made up (de, of), comprise consumicin nf 1 consumption. 2
(de, -). 2 (figurar) to figure, be includ(bebida) drink.
ed, appear. 3 (ser cierto) to be a fact. 4 consumidor,-ra nm & nf consumer.
(quedar claro) to be clear, be known. consumir vt 1 (gastar, usar) to conl o c hacer constar 1 (sealar) to point
sume, use. 2 (destruir) to destroy,
out, state. 2 (escribir) to put down, inconsume.
P vpr consumirse 1 (extinguirse) to burn
constatar vt to verify, confirm.
out. 2 fig (afligirse) to waste away.
constelacin nf constellation.
consumismo nm consumerism.
consternar vt to dismay, shatter.
consumista nm o nf consumerist.
constipado,-a nm med cold. l o c estar consumo nm consumption.
constipado,-a to have a cold.
contabilidad nf 1 (profesin) accountconstiparse vpr to catch a cold.
ancy; (carrera) accounting. 2 (de empreconstitucin nf constitution.
sa, etc) accounting, bookkeeping. l o c
llevar la contabilidad to keep the
constitucional adj constitutional.
constituyente adj constituent.
construccin nf 1 construction: la in contabilizar vt to enter in the books.
dustria de la construccin the construction contable nm o nf bookkeeper, accountant.
industry. 2 (edificio) building. l o c en
P adj countable.
construccin under construction.
constructivo,-a adj constructive.
contactar vt to contact, get in touch
(con, with).
constructor,-ra adj construction,
contacto nm 1 contact. 2 auto igniP nm & nf (de edificios) builder; (de barcos)
tion. l o c ponerse en contacto con to
get in touch with, get in contact
construir vt to construct, build.
contado,-a adj few. c o m p en contadas
consuelo nm consolation, comfort.
ocasiones seldom, rarely.
cnsul nm o nf consul.
consulado nm 1 (oficina) consulate. 2 contador,-ra nm meter.
contagiar vt 1 (enfermedad) to transmit,
(cargo) consulship.
pass on. 2 fig to infect, pass on,
consular adj consular.
consulta nf 1 (accin) consultation. 2
P vpr contagiarse 1 (enfermar) to get inmed surgery, us doctor's office; (confected. 2 (transmitirse) to be contasultorio) consulting room. l o c pasar
gious: esta enfermedad no se contagia this
consulta to see patients, hold surdisease is not contagious.
consultar vt 1 (pedir opinin) to consult contagio nm med contagion, infection.
( con , with/-), seek advice ( con ,
from): consult con mis padres I consult- contagioso,-a adj infectious, contagious: enfermedad contagiosa infectious
ed with my parents. 2 (buscar en un libro)
disease; risa contagiosa infectious laugh.
to look up. l o c consultar con un abo
gado to consult a lawyer, take legal continer nm container.
contaminacin nf contamination; (de
agua, aire) pollution.
consultor,-ra nm & nf consultant.



contaminante nm polluting agent.

contaminar vt to contaminate; (agua,

continuidad nf continuity.
continuo,-a adj 1 (seguido) continuous.

contar vt 1 (calcular) to count. 2 (expli-

contornar vt 1 (dar vueltas) to skirt. 2

aire) to pollute.

2 (continuado) continual, constant.

(hacer los perfiles) to trace the outline

car) to tell: me cont un cuento she told
me a story.
P vi to count: los nios saben contar the
contorno nm 1 (perfil) outline; (permechildren know how to count.
tro) perimeter. 2 (canto) rim, edge.
contemplacin nf (accin) contempla- contorsionarse vpr to contort os,
twist os.
contemplar vt (mirar) to contemplate. contorsionista nm o nf contortionist.
contemplativo,-a adj contempla- contra prep 1 against: tres contra uno
three against one. 2 for: un producto con
tra las picaduras de mosquitos a product
contemporneo,-a adj contempofor mosquito bites. l o c en contra
against: estaba en contra he was against
contenedor,-ra adj containing.
P nm contenedor container.
contener vt 1 (incluir) to contain, hold. contraatacar vt to counterattack.
2 (detener) to hold back, restrain. 3 contraataque nm counterattack.
(respiracin) to hold.
contrabajo nm (instrumento) double
contenido,-a adj (moderado) moderate,
contrabandista nm o nf smuggler.
P nm contenido content, contents pl.
contrabando nm 1 smuggling, concontentar vt (satisfacer) to please, contraband. 2 (mercancas) smuggled
goods pl, contraband. l o c pasar algo
P vpr contentarse (conformarse) to make
de contrabando to smuggle sth in.
do ( con , with), be satisfied ( con , contraccin nf contraction.
contrachapado nm plywood.
contento,-a adj happy, pleased: estoy contracorriente nf crosscurrent.
contento de conocerle I'm pleased to meet contractura nf contracture.
contradecir vt (decir lo contrario) to concontestacin nf (respuesta) answer, retradict.
contradiccin nf contradiction. l o c
contestador nm answering machine.
estar en contradiccin con to be incontestar vt (responder) to answer.
consistent with, contradictory to.
contienda nf contest, dispute, strug- contradictorio,-a adj contradictory.
contraer vt 1 (encoger) to contract: con
contigo pron with you.
traer un msculo to contract a muscle. 2
contiguo,-a adj contiguous ( a, to),
(enfermedad) to catch. 3 (deuda) to conadjoining, adjacent (a, to).
tract, incur; (hbito) to pick up. 4 ling
continental adj continental.
to contract.
continente nm geog continent.
contrafuerte nm arquit buttress.
continuacin nf continuation, fol- contrahecho,-a adj deformed,
low-up. l o c a continuacin next.
continuador,-ra adj continuing.
contraindicacin nf med contraindiP nm & nf continuator.
continuamente adv continuously.
contraindicar vt med to contraindicate.
continuar vt (proseguir)
to continue,
carry on.
contralto nm o nf contralto.



contraluz nm o nf view against the

P nf race against the clock. c o m p (eta

pa) contrarreloj time trial.
light, back light.
l o c a contraluz against the light.
contrarrestar vt (hacer frente) to resist,
contraofensiva nf counteroffensive.
contrasentido nm 1 (contradiccin) concontraorden nf countermand.
tradiction. 2 (disparate) piece of noncontrapartida nf 1 com balancing ensense: eso es un contrasentido that's nontry. 2 fig compensation.
contrapesar vt 1 to counterbalance,
counterpoise. 2 fig to balance, off- contrasea nf (sea) secret sign; (palabra) password.
vt (comprobar) to check,
contrapeso nm 1 counterweight. 2
fig counterbalance.
P vi (oponerse) to contrast (con, with).
contraponer vt 1 (oponer) to set in opcontraste
nm (oposicin) contrast.
position ( a, to). 2 fig (contrastar) to
contratacin nf 1 (contrato - obrero) hircontrast (a, with).
ing; (- empleado) engagement. 2 (pedicontraportada nf back page, back
do) total orders pl, volume of busicover.
contraposicin nf 1 (contraste) concontratar vt 1 (servicio, etc) to sign a
trast. 2 (oposicin) conflict, clash: con
contract for. 2 (obrero) to hire; (empleatraposicin de intereses conflict of interdo) to engage.
ests. l o c estar en contraposicin to
contratiempo nm (contrariedad) setclash.
back, hitch; (accidente) mishap.
contraprestacin nf contractual obcontratista nm o nf contractor. c o m p
contratista de obras building concontraproducente adj counterprotractor.
contrato nm contract. c o m p contrato
contrapuesto,-a adj opposed.
de alquiler lease, leasing agreement.
contrapunto nm counterpoint.
y contrato de compraventa contract of
contra-reloj adj against the clock.
sale. y contrato de trabajo work conP nm (en ciclismo) time trial.
tract. y contrato temporal temporary
contrariamente adv contrary (a, to).
contrariar vi 1 (oponerse) to oppose, go contraventana nf shutter.
against. 2 (disgustar) to annoy, upset: contrayente adj contracting.
P nm o nf (en matrimonio) contracting
no quera contrariarte I didn't want to upparty.
set you.
contrario,-a adj 1 (opuesto) contrary, contribucin nf 1 contribution. 2 (impuesto) tax.
opposite: iba en sentido contrario he was
going in the opposite direction. 2 (perju- contribuir vt (pagar) to pay.
P vi 1 (aportar) to contribute: contribuir
dicial) harmful (a, to), bad (a, for): el
a los gastos to contribute to the expensfumar es contrario a la salud smoking is
es. 2 (pagar impuestos) to pay taxes.
bad for your health. l o c al contrario on
the contrary. y de lo contrario other- contribuyente nm o nf taxpayer.
wise. y llevar la contraria a algn to op- contrincante nm opponent, rival.
pose sb. y por el contrario on the con- control nm 1 (gen) control. 2 (comprobatrary. y todo lo contrario quite the
cin) check. 3 (sitio) checkpoint. l o c
estar bajo control to be under conP nm & nf opponent, adversary, rival.
trol. y estar fuera de control to be out
contrarreloj adj against the clock.
of control. c o m p control a distancia



remote control. y control de natalidad conveniencia nf 1 (utilidad) usefulness. 2 (oportunidad) suitability, advisbirth control.
ability: la conveniencia de estas medidas
controlador,-ra adj control.
the advisability of these measures. 3
P nm & nf (areo) air traffic controller.
(provecho) interest, benefit: solo se
controlar vt 1 (gen) to control. 2 (compreocupa de su propia conveniencia he only
probar) to check.
looks out for his own interests. c o m p
P vpr controlarse (moderarse) to control
conveniencias sociales social convenos.
tions. y matrimonio de conveniencia
contundente adj fig (categrico) conmarriage of convenience.
vincing, overwhelming, weighty:
conveniente adj 1 (til) useful. 2 (oporun no contundente a firm no.
tuno) suitable, convenient. 3 (ventajocontusin nf contusion, bruise.
so) advantageous. 4 (aconsejable) adcontusionar vt to contuse, bruise.
visable. 5 (precio) good, fair. l o c creer
convalecencia nf convalescence.
conveniente to think advisable, be
convalecer vi to convalesce (de, afbetter.
ter), recover (de, from).
convenientemente adv (adecuadamenconvaleciente adj convalescent.
te) suitably; (bien) properly.
P nm o nf convalescent.
convenio nm agreement, treaty. c o m p
convalidacin nf 1 educ validation. 2
convenio colectivo / convenio laboral
(documentos) ratification, authenticacollective agreement.
convenir vt (acordar) to agree, arrange:
convalidar vt 1 educ to validate. 2 (doconvenimos el precio we agreed the price.
cumentos) to ratify, authenticate.
P vi 1 (acordar) to agree: convinimos en la
convencer vt 1 (de algo) to convince;
fecha we agreed on the date. 2 (ser opor(para hacer algo) to persuade: lo conven
tuno o conveniente) to be good for: no te
cieron de su error they convinced him of
conviene hacer esfuerzos it's not good for
his mistake. 2 fam (en frases negativas) to
you to exert yourself. 3 (ser adecuado o
like, be keen on: ese color no me acaba
propio) to suit: ese chico no te conviene
de convencer I'm not sure about that colthat boy is not right for you. l o c convie
ne + inf it is as well to + inf: conviene
P vi to be convincing: el equipo local no
mencionar que... it's as well to mention
convenci con su actuacin the local
that y conviene que + subj it is better
team's performance was not very conthat, it is advisable + inf: conviene que
te vayas it is better that you go.
P vpr convencerse to become conconvento nm (de monjas) convent; (de
vinced, be convinced, convince os:
monjes) monastery.
se convenci de que era guapo he con- converger vi to converge, come tovinced himself that he was good-lookgether.
convergir vi to converge, come toconvencimiento nm conviction. l o c
llegar al convencimiento de que... to conversacin nf conversation, talk.
be convinced that
l o c dar conversacin a algn to talk to
convencin nf 1 (congreso) convention,
sb, keep sb chatting. y entablar con
congress. 2 (acuerdo) convention,
versacin con algn to get into convertreaty. 3 (costumbre) convention.
sation with sb, engage sb in converconvencional adj conventional.
conventionalconversador,-ra adj talkative.
P nm & nf conversationalist, talker.
ism, conventionality.


conversar vi to converse (con, with),

talk (con, to).

conversin nf conversion.
convertir vt (transformar) to change,

coordenada nf coordinate.
coordinacin nf coordination.
coordinador,-ra adj coordinating.

P nm & nf coordinator.
turn, transform, convert.
coordinadora nf (comit) coordinating
P vpr convertirse 1 (transformarse) to
turn (en, into), change (en, into). 2 coordinar vt to coordinate: coordina
(volverse) to become (en, -), turn (en,
ron la compaa they coordinated the
into): su sueo se convirti en realidad his
dream came true.
copa nf 1 (vaso) glass; (bebida) drink: te
convexo,-a adj convex.
apetece una copa? do you fancy a drink?
conviccin nf conviction: tengo la con
2 (de rbol) top. 3 (trofeo) cup.
viccin de que vendrn I firmly believe
P nf pl copas (naipes) hearts.
that they'll come.
copete nm 1 (cabello) tuft. 2 (penacho)
convidado,-a adj invited.
crest. 3 (de montaa, helado) top.
P nm & nf guest.
copia nf 1 (gen) copy. 2 (de fotografa)
convidar vt 1 (invitar) to invite: me con
print. 3 fig (persona) image: es la copia
vid a una fiesta he invited me to a party.
de su padre he's the image of his father.
2 (ofrecer) to offer: nos convid a pastel he
l o c sacar una copia to make a copy.
offered us some cake.
copiadora nf photocopier.
convincente adj convincing.
copiar vt 1 (gen) to copy: lo copi del libro
convincentemente adv convincinghe copied it from the book. 2 educ to
cheat, copy. 3 (escribir) to take down.
convite nm 1 (invitacin) invitation. 2
l o c copiar al pie de la letra to copy
(comida) meal; (fiesta) party.
word for word.
convivencia nf 1 living together. 2 fig copiloto nm 1 av copilot. 2 auto cocoexistence.
convivir vi 1 to live together. 2 fig to copioso,-a adj 1 fml (abundante) plenticoexist. l o c saber convivir to give
ful, abundant, copious. 2 fml (lluvia)
and take.
heavy; (cabello) long.
convocar vt to convoke, summon, copista nm o nf copyist.
call together. l o c convocar una reu
copla nf 1 (verso, estrofa) verse, stanza. 2
nin to call a meeting.
(cancin) popular folk song.
convocatoria nf 1 (citacin) convocacopo
nm (gen) flake; (de nieve) snowtion, summons sing, call to a meetflake; (de algodn) ball (of cotton).
ing. 2 educ examination: convocatoria
c o m p copos de avena rolled oats.
de septiembre (September) resits pl.
nf co-production, joint
convoy nm 1 (escolta) convoy. 2 (tren)
conyugal adj conjugal. c o m p vida con coproductor,-ra nm & nf co-producer.
yugal married life.
cnyuge nm o nf (gen) spouse, partner; copropiedad nf joint ownership.
coprotagonizar vt to co-star (-, in).
(marido) husband; (mujer) wife.
copulativo,-a adj copulative.
P nm pl cnyuges husband and wife,
married couple sing.
coque nm coke.
coac nm cognac, brandy.
coqueta nf 1 (mujer) flirt, coquette. 2
(mueble) dressing table.
cooperacin nf cooperation.
vi to flirt.
cooperar vi to cooperate.
cooperativa nf cooperative.
coqueteo nm flirtation.



coquetera nf coquetry, flirting, flirtation.

coraje nm 1 (valor) courage, toughness.

2 (ira) anger.

dar coraje fam to infuriate, make furious: me da coraje que

haya ganado l it makes me furious that
he won. y echarle coraje a algo to put

cordel nm rope, cord.

cordelera nf 1 (oficio) ropemaking. 2
(cuerdas) ropes pl.

cordero,-a nm & nf 1 lamb. 2 fig (perso-

na dcil) lamb, angel.

P nm cordero 1 (piel) lambskin. 2 (carne
- joven) lamb; (- crecido) mutton. l o c ser
manso como un cordero to be as gensome spirit into sth.
tle as a lamb.
coral1 adj ms choral.
cordial adj (afectuoso) cordial, friendly,
P nf ms (grupo) choir, choral society.
warm: una bienvenida cordial a warm
P nm ms (composicin) choral, chorale.
coral2 nm zool coral.
cordialidad nf cordiality, warmth,
P nm pl corales coral beads.
coralina nf coralline.
cordialmente adv 1 cordially, warmcoralino,-a adj coral.
ly. 2 (despedida en carta) sincerely.
Corn nm Koran.
cordillera nf mountain range, mouncornico,-a adj Koranic.
tain chain.
coraza nf 1 (armadura) armour (us arcordn
nm 1 (cuerda) string. 2 (de zapamor), cuirass. 2 (caparazn) shell, cartos) shoelace, shoestring.
apace. 3 fig (proteccin) armour (us arcordoncillo nm 1 (en tejido) rib, ribbing.
mor), protection.
2 (bordado) braid, piping.
corazn nm 1 anat heart. 2 fig (parte
nf good sense. l o c con cordu
central) heart, core: en el corazn de la
ra sensibly, prudently, wisely.
ciudad in the heart of the city. 3 (de fruta)
core. 4 (apelativo) darling, dear, Corea nf Korea. c o m p Corea del Norte
North Korea. y Corea del Sur South
sweetheart. l o c abrir el corazn a algn
fig to open one's heart to sb. y de to
do corazn fig sincerely, in all sincer- coreano,-a adj Korean.
P nm & nf (persona) Korean.
ity. y estar con el corazn en un puo
P nm coreano (idioma) Korean.
fig to have one's heart in one's
mouth. y estar enfermo del corazn to corear vt 1 (cantar) to chorus, sing in
chorus. 2 (hablar) to chorus, speak in
have heart trouble.
chorus. 3 fig (aclamar) to applaud.
P nm pl corazones (naipes) hearts.
corazonada nf (sentimiento) hunch, coreografa nf choreography.
feeling, inkling: tuve la corazonada de coreografiar vt to choreograph.
que l no estaba I had a hunch that he coregrafo,-a nm & nf choreographer.
wasn't there.
corbata nf tie, us necktie: iba con corba corindn nm corundum.
corinto,-a adj maroon.
ta he was wearing a tie.
P nm corinto (color) maroon.
corcel nm lit steed, charger.
cormorn nm cormorant.
corchea nf quaver.
corchete nm 1 cost hook and eye, cornada nf goring.
snap fastener. 2 (signo impreso) square cornalina nf cornelian, carnelian.
cornamenta nf (gen) horns pl; (del cierbracket.
vo) antlers pl.
corcho nm 1 cork; (corteza) cork bark. 2
(tapn) cork. 3 (para pescar, nadar) float. cornamusa nf bagpipe.
4 (tabla) cork mat. 5 (tabln para anun- crnea nf cornea.
cios, notas) cork board.
cornear vt to gore.
cordada nf rope.
corneja nf crow.



cornejo nm dogwood.
crneo,-a adj hornlike, corneous.
crner nm dep (lugar) corner; (golpe) cor-

P nm

detention centre, reformatory.

correctamente adv 1 (sin errores) cor-

rectly, accurately. 2 (con educacin)

correctly, politely, properly.
correcto,-a adj 1 (sin errores) correct,
accurate. 2 (adecuado) suitable. 3 (edutake a corner.
cado) polite, courteous. 4 (conducta)
corneta nf (instrumento) bugle.
cornisa nf arquit cornice.
coro nm 1 ms choir. 2 teat chorus. corrector,-ra adj corrective.
P nm & nf (de pruebas impresas) proofl o c a coro fig all together. y hacer coro
fig to join in the chorus.
corredero,-a adj sliding: ventana corre
corola nf corolla.
dera sliding window.
corona nf 1 (aro, cerco) crown. 2 (de flores, etc) wreath, garland, crown. 3 fig corredor,-ra adj 1 running. 2 (ave)
flightless: ave corredora flightless bird.
(dignidad real) King's, Queen's: el dis
P nm & nf 1 dep runner; (de coches) drivcurso de la corona the King's speech. 4 fig
er. 2 fin broker. c o m p corredor,-ra de
(reino) crown, kingdom. 5 (aureola)
bolsa stockbroker. y corredor,-ra de
halo. 6 (en geometra) annulus, ring.
coches racing driver. y corredor,-ra de
c o m p corona solar solar corona.
fondo long-distance runner.P nm co
coronacin nf 1 coronation. 2 fig (culrredor (pasillo) corridor, gallery.
minacin) crowning.
corregir vt 1 (amendar) to correct, reccoronar vt to crown.
tify. 2 (reprender) to reprimand, scold,
P vi to crown.
tell off. 3 educ to mark.
coronel nm colonel.
coronilla nf (parte de la cabeza) crown of correlacin nf correlation.
the head. l o c estar hasta la coronilla correlativo,-a adj correlative.
correo nm 1 (servicio, correspondencia)
fam to be fed up (de, with).
post, us mail. 2 (persona) courier.
corpio nm bodice.
l o c echar al correo to post, us mail. y
corporacin nf corporation. c o m p cor
correo by post, us by mail. c o m p
poracin metropolitana city corporaapartado de correos (post office) box.
y correo areo airmail. y correo certifi
corporativo,-a adj corporative, corcado registered post, us registered
imagen corporativa corporate.
mail. y correo electrnico electronic
porate image.
mail, e-mail. y correo urgente special
corpulencia nf corpulence, stoutdelivery.
P nm pl correos (oficina) post office sing.
corpulento,-a adj corpulent, stocky, correr vi 1 (gen) to run: se march corrien
do she ran off. 2 (darse prisa) to rush,
corral nm 1 (de casa) yard, courtyard. 2
hurry: corre, es tarde! hurry up, it's late!
(de granja) farmyard, us corral.
3 (viento) to blow. 4 (agua) to flow,
correa nf 1 (tira de piel) strap, leather
run. 5 (tiempo) to pass, fly. 6 (conductor)
strip. 2 (de perro) lead, leash. 3 (de reloj)
to drive fast. 7 (coche) to go fast. 8
watchstrap. 4 (cinturn) belt. 5 tc
(puerta, ventana) to slide.
P vt 1 (distancia) to cover; (pas) to travcorreccin nf 1 (rectificacin) correction.
el through. 2 (carrera) to run; (caballo)
2 (educacin) courtesy, correctness,
to race, run. 3 (echar) to close; (cortina)
politeness, good manners pl . l o c
to draw; (cerrojo) to bolt. 4 (mover) to
tratar con correccin to be polite.
pull up, move, draw up: corre la mesa
correccional adj correctional.
move the table. 5 (estar expuesto) to run:
lanzar un crner
/ sacar un crner / tirar un crner to

ner, corner kick.


correr un peligro to run a risk. 6 (aventura)
to have. l o c a todo correr at full
speed. y correr mundo to be a globetrotter. y correr un peligro to be in
P vpr correrse 1 (persona) to move
over; (objeto) to shift, slide. 2 (color, tinta) to run. 3 (media) to ladder. 4 (avergonzarse) to blush, go red.
correspondencia nf 1 (gen) correspondence. 2 (cartas) post, us mail. 3
(de trenes, etc) connection. l o c mante
ner correspondencia con algn to correspond with sb. c o m p curso por corres
pondencia correspondence course.
corresponder vi 1 (ser adecuado) to become, befit; (color, aspecto) to match,
go with: los zapatos no corresponden al
vestido the shoes don't go with the
dress. 2 (encajar) to correspond (a, to),
tally (a, with); (descripcin) to fit. 3
(pertenecer) to belong, pertain: esta me
sa corresponde a mi habitacin this table
belongs in my bedroom.
P vt 1 (ser el turno) to be one's turn: me
corresponde a mi it's my turn. 2 (en un reparto) to get. 3 (incumbir) to be the job
of, be the responsibility of: eso te co
rresponde a ti that's your job. 4 (devolver)
to return; (amabilidad) to repay.
P vpr corresponderse 1 (ajustarse) to
correspond; (cifras) to tally: la direccin


fifth of this month. 4 (cuenta) current.

l o c al corriente 1 (actualizado) up to
date. 2 (enterado) aware. 3 (informado)
informed, in the know: ests al co
rriente de lo que ha pasado? do you know
what's happened? y ir a contra corriente
fig to go against the tide. y seguirle la
corriente a algn to humour ( us humor) sb. y tener al corriente to keep
informed. y corriente sangunea
P nm (mes) current month, this month.
P nf 1 (masa de agua) current, stream,
flow. 2 (de aire) draught (us draft). 3
elec current.
corrientemente adv usually, normally.
corro nm 1 (cerco) circle, ring. 2 (juego)
ring-a-ring o'roses. 3 (en la bolsa)
round enclosure.
corroer vt 1 (desgastar) to corrode. 2
geol to erode.
corromper vt 1 (pudrir) to turn bad. 2
(pervertir) to corrupt, pervert. 3 (sobornar) to bribe.
P vpr corromperse 1 (pudrirse) to go
bad, rot. 2 (pervertirse) to become corrupted.
corrosivo,-a adj 1 corrosive. 2 fig
P nm corrosivo corrosive.
corrupcin nf 1 (putrefaccin) rot, decay. 2 fig corruption, degradation. 3
que te dio no se corresponde con la que yo
fig (soborno) bribery.
tengo the address he gave you doesn't
correspond to the one I have. 2 (armoni- corrupto,-a adj corrupt.
zar) to be in harmony, go with. 3 corruptor,-ra adj corrupting.
P nm & nf corrupter, perverter.
(amarse) to love each other.
correspondiente adj 1 (que corresponde) corsario,-a adj privateer.
P nm corsario privateer.
corresponding ( a, to). 2 (apropiado)
suitable, appropriate. 3 (respectivo) cors nm corset.
corsetera nf ladies' underwear
corresponsal nm o nf correspondent.
corretear vi 1 fam (correr) to run about. corta nf tree felling.
2 fam (vagar) to hang about.
cortacsped nm & nf lawnmower.
corrida nf 1 (carrera) run, race. 2 (de to- cortacircuitos nm inv circuit breaker.
ros) bullfight.
cortado,-a adj 1 (troceado) cut; (en loncorriente adj 1 (comn) ordinary, averchas) sliced. 2 (leche) sour. 3 fam (aturdiage: personas corrientes ordinary people.
do) dumbfounded. l o c quedarse
2 (agua) running.
3 (fecha) current,
cortado,-a 1 fam (sin palabras) to be
speechless, be lost for words. 2
present: el cinco del corriente mes the



(avergonzado) to become embar- corte nm 1 (gen) cut: me he hecho un cor

te en el dedo I've cut my finger. 2 (filo)
edge. 3 (seccin) section: corte horizontal
P nm cortado (caf) coffee with a dash
horizontal section. 4 (de pelo) cut, hairof milk.
cut. 5 (de helado) wafer, us ice-cream
cortador,-ra adj cutting.
sandwich. 6 fam fig (vergenza) emP nm & nf (sastre, zapatero) cutter.
barrassment: le daba corte entrar y se
cortadora nf cutting machine.
qued fuera he was too embarrassed to
cortafro nm cold chisel.
go in so he stayed outside. l o c dar un
cortafuego nm 1 (en el campo) firecorte a algn fam to cut sb dead.
break. 2 (en un edificio) firewall. 3 cortejar vt to court.
inform firewall.
cortejo nm 1 (acompaantes) entourage,
cortante adj 1 (que corta) cutting,
retinue. 2 (galanteo) courting.
sharp. 2 fig (aire) biting. 3 fig (persona,
corts adj courteous, polite.
estilo) sharp, brusque.
cortesano,-a adj 1 (de la corte) court. 2
cortaplumas nm inv penknife.
(corts) courteous, courtly.
cortar vt 1 (gen) to cut. 2 (pelo) to cut,
P nm & nf (de la corte) courtier.
trim. 3 (rbol) to cut down. 4 (carne) to cortesa nf 1 (educacin) courtesy, pocarve. 5 (pastel) to cut up. 6 (cabeza,
liteness. 2 (en cartas) formal ending. 3
telfono, gas) to cut off. 7 (mayonesa, le(tratamiento) title. 4 (reverencia) bow,
che) to curdle. 8 (piel) to chap, crack.
curtsy. 5 (regalo) present: esta bolsa es
9 (viento, fro) to chill, bite. 10 cost to
una cortesa de la empresa this bag is courcut out. 11 (interrumpir) to cut off, intesy of the company.
terrupt. 12 (bloquear) to block: cortaron cortina nf 1 curtain. 2 fig curtain,
la carretera the road was blocked. 13 (suscreen. l o c correr las cortinas to
primir) to cut out. 14 fig (separar) to didraw the curtains. c o m p cortina de
vide, split, cut. l o c corta el rollo! fam
humo fig smoke screen.
knock it off! y cortar con algn fam to cortinaje nm drapery.
split up with sb. y cortar el queque corto,-a adj 1 (extensin) short: distancia
fam to be the boss. y cortar en seco fig
corta short distance. 2 (duracin) short,
to cut short. y cortar la digestin to
brief: una pelcula corta a short film. 3
give one indigestion, upset one's
(escaso) scant, meagre (us meager). 4
stomach. y cortar la palabra to interfig (tonto) thick, dim. 5 fig (tmido) shy,
rupt. y cortar por lo sano fam to take
timid. l o c corto,-a de miras fam nardrastic measures.
row-minded. y corto,-a de vista
P vpr cortarse 1 to cut: este metal se cor
short-sighted. y quedarse corto,-a 1
ta fcilmente this metal cuts easily. 2 (he(ropa) to become too short: el panta
rirse) to cut, cut os: me he cortado I've
ln se me ha quedado corto my trousers
cut myself. 3 (el pelo - por otro) to have
have become too short for me. 2 (calcular mal) to underestimate, miscalcuone's hair cut; (- uno mismo) to cut
late: te quedaste corto con los bocadillos
one's hair: te has cortado el pelo? have
you didn't make enough sandwiches.
you had your hair cut? 4 (piel) to beP nm corto short film, short.
come chapped. 5 (leche) to go off,
curdle; (mayonesa) to curdle. 6 (comuni- cortocircuito nm short circuit.
cacin) to be cut off.
cortometraje nm short film, short.
cortaas nm inv nail clippers.
corva nf back of the knee.
corte1 nf 1 (del rey, etc) court. 2 (squito) corzo,-a nm & nf (macho) roe buck;
(hembra) roe deer.
retinue. 3 am (tribunal) court.
P nf pl las Cortes the Spanish Parliacosa nf 1 (gen) thing: coge tus cosas take
ment sing.
your things, take your stuff. 2 (asunto)



matter, business: es cosa tuya it's your cosmopolita adj cosmopolitan.

P nm o nf cosmopolitan.
business. 3 (nada) nothing, not anything: no hay cosa igual there's nothing cosmos nm inv cosmos.
like it.
cosquillas nf pl tickling sing. l o c hacer
l o c como cosa tuya as if it were your
cosquillas a algn to tickle sb. y tener
idea. y como si tal cosa just like that. y
cosquillas to be ticklish. y buscarle las
es cosa de... 1 (tiempo) it's time to 2
cosquillas a algn fam to needle sb, an(cuestin) it's a matter of y no valer
noy sb.
gran cosa not to be worth much. y cosquilleo nm tickling.
ser cosa hecha fam to be no sooner costa1 nf (litoral) coast, coastline; (playa)
said than done.
beach, seaside, us shore: tenemos una
P nf pl cosas fam (manas) hang-ups:
casa en la costa we have a house at the
son cosas de nios kids do that kind of
seaside, us we have a house on the
cosaco,-a adj Cossack.
costa2 nf fin cost, price. l o c a costa de
P nm cosaco Cossack.
1 (aprovechndose) at the expense of. 2
coscorrn nm blow on the head,
(a base de) by, by dint of, by means
knock on the head.
of: lo consigui a costa de muchos sacrifi
cosecante nf cosecant.
cios he managed it by making a lot of
sacrifices. y a toda costa at all costs, at
cosecha nf 1 harvest, crop. 2 (tiempo)
any price.
harvest time. 3 (ao del vino) vintage.
P nf pl costas jur costs.
l o c de cosecha propia 1 (hortalizas, fruta) home-grown. 2 fig (ideas, etc) of Costa de Marfil nf Ivory Coast.
one's own invention.
costado nm side.
P nm pl costados lineage sing. l o c por
cosechadora nf combine harvester.
los cuatro costados through and
cosechar vi to harvest, reap.
P vt 1 (recoger) to harvest. 2 (cultivar) to
costar vi 1 (valer) to cost: cunto cost?
how much was it? 2 (ser difcil) to be
coseno nm cosine.
hard, be difficult; (resultar difcil) to be
coser vt 1 (unir) to sew; (un botn) to
difficult for: cuesta encontrar trabajo it's
sew on; (pespuntes, etc) to stitch: le cos
hard to find a job. 3 (tiempo) to take: me
los pantalones I sewed up her trousers. 2
cost cuatro horas it took me four hours.
med to stitch up. 3 (grapar) to staple
l o c costar barato,-a to be cheap. y
together. 4 fig (unir) to join.
costar caro,-a 1 to be expensive, cost
cosido nm 1 sewing. 2 med stitching.
a lot. 2 to pay dearly for sth: esa afir
cosificar vt to trivialize, belittle.
macin le costar cara he'll pay dearly for
cosmtica nf cosmetics pl.
saying that. y costar mucho / costar tra
cosmtico,-a adj cosmetic.
bajo to be difficult, be hard work.
P nm cosmtico cosmetic.
Costa Rica nf Costa Rica.
csmico,-a adj cosmic.
costarricense adj Costa Rican.
cosmogona nf cosmogony.
P nm o nf Costa Rican.
cosmografa nf cosmography.
coste nm cost, price, expense. c o m p
cosmogrfico,-a adj cosmographic,
coste de la vida cost of living.
costear vt (pagar) to pay for, afford: su
cosmologa nf cosmology.
padre le coste el viaje his father paid for
cosmolgico,-a adj cosmologic, coshis journey.
P vpr costearse to pay one's way.
cosmonauta nm o
nf cosmonaut.
costero,-a adj coastal, coast.
cosmonave nf spaceship, spacecraft. costilla nf 1 anat rib. 2 culin cutlet.


P nf

pl costillas fam (espalda) back sing.

costillar nm ribs pl.

costo nm cost, price.
costoso,-a adj 1 (caro) costly, expen-

cotilleo nm fam gossip, gossiping, tittle-tattle.

cotilln nm 1 (danza) cotillion, cotil-

lon. 2 (fiesta) party, celebration

especially on New Year's Eve.
sive. 2 (difcil) hard, difficult.
cotizacin nf 1 fin quotation, market
costra nf 1 crust. 2 med scab.
price. 2 (cuota) membership fee, subcostumbre nf 1 (hbito) habit: tengo la
costumbre de comer temprano I'm in the
habit of having lunch early. 2 (tradicin) cotizar vt fin to quote, price.
P vi (pagar cuota) to pay a subscripcustom: es una costumbre rusa it's a Rustion.
sian custom. 3 jur usage. l o c como de
P vpr cotizarse 1 (acciones) to sell (a, at):
costumbre as usual. y tener por cos
las acciones del banco se cotizan a diez euros
tumbre + inf to be in the habit of +
con veintitrs the bank's shares are selling
ger. c o m p la fuerza de la costumbre the
ten euros twenty-three. 2 fig (valorarforce of habit.
se) to be valued, be in demand: este
P nf pl costumbres (personales) ways,
pintor se cotiza mucho this painter is in
manner sing; (de un pueblo) customs.
great demand.
costumbrismo nm folk literature.
coto1 nm 1 (terreno) enclosure, reserve.
costumbrista adj about local cus2 (poste) boundary mark. 3 (lmite) retoms.
striction. l o c poner coto a algo to put
P nm o nf writer of folk literature.
a stop to sth. c o m p coto de caza game
costura nf 1 (cosido) sewing. 2 (lnea de
puntadas) seam: medias sin costura seam- coto2 nm (pez) miller's thumb.
less stockings. 3 (confeccin) dressmakcotorra nf 1 (ave) parrot. 2 fam fig
ing. c o m p cesto de la costura sewing
chatterbox. l o c hablar como una co
torra to be a chatterbox.
costurera nf seamstress.
cotorrear vi fam fig to chatter, prattle
costurero nm 1 (estuche) sewing bas(on).
ket, sewing kit. 2 (mueble) workbox.
cotorreo nm fam fig chatter, prattle.
cota nf (traje) tabard. c o m p cota de ma COU abrev educ (Curso de Orientacin
lla coat of mail.
Universitaria) former pre-university
cota2 nf 1 (altura) height above sea
level: la cota mil one thousand metres cowboy nm cowboy.
above sea level. 2 (nmero en mapa) spot coxis nm inv coccyx.
height. 3 fig (nivel) level: la xenofobia
coyote nm coyote.
est llegando a cotas muy altas xenophocoyuntura nf 1 anat joint, articulabia is showing an alarming increase.
tion. 2 fig (circunstancia) moment,
cotangente nf cotangent.
juncture. c o m p coyuntura econmica
cotejar vt (gen) to compare; (textos) to
economic situation.
collate, compare.
coz nf kick. l o c dar una coz to kick.
cotejo nm (gen) comparison; (textos) crac nm 1 (quiebra) crash, bankruptcy:
collation, comparison.
el crac de la bolsa de Nueva York the Wall
cotidiano,-a adj daily, everyday: la vi
Street crash. 2 (onomatopeya) crack,
da cotidiana everyday life.
snap: el brazo me hizo crac my arm gave a
cotiledn nm cotyledon.
cotilla nf (faja) corset.
crack nm (persona) star, ace: es un autn
P nm o nf fam busybody, gossip.
tico crack del ftbol he's a crack football
cotillear vi fam to gossip, tittle-tattle.

craneal adj cranial.
craneano,-a adj cranial.
crneo nm cranium, skull.

l o c ir de
crneo fam to have a lot on one's

plate, have one's work cut out.

crter nm crater.
crawl nm crawl.
creacin nf 1 (gen) creation. 2 (funda-


crdito to be reliable. c o m p crdito hi

potecario debt secured by a mort-


credo nm fig (creencias) credo, creed.

credulidad nf credulity, gullibility.
crdulo,-a adj credulous, gullible.
creencia nf belief.
creer vt 1 (dar por cierto) to believe: si no

cin) foundation, establishment, setlo veo no lo creo I've got to see it to beting up.
lieve it. 2 (suponer, opinar) to think, supcreador,-ra adj creative.
pose: y t que crees? what do you think?
P nm & nf creator, maker.
3 (tener fe) to believe. l o c creer a cien
cia cierta to be convinced. y no creas!
crear vt 1 (gen) to create: crear problemas
do you really think so?, I'm not so
to create problems. 2 (fundar) to found,
sure. y ya lo creo! of course!
establish; (partido) to set up. 3 (invenP vpr creerse 1 (aceptar) to believe: no
tar) to invent.
P vpr crearse to make, make for os:
me lo creo I don't believe it, I can't becrearse enemigos to make enemies for
lieve it. 2 (considerarse) to think: quin
te has credo que eres? who do you think
you are? l o c que te crees t eso! that's
creatividad nf creativity.
what you think!
creativo,-a adj creative.
crecer vi 1 (persona, planta) to grow: has creble adj credible, believable.
crecido mucho you've grown a lot. 2 (in- credo,-a adj arrogant, vain, conceitcrementar) to increase, grow, get biged. l o c ser un credo,-a to be full of
ger: la poblacin ha crecido un uno por
ciento the population has grown by one crema nf 1 (de leche, licor, ungento)
per cent. 3 (corriente, marea) to rise. 4 (lucream. 2 (natillas) custard. 3 (betn)
na) to wax.
shoe polish. 4 fig (lo mejor) cream.
P vpr crecerse (tomar mayor fuerza) to
c o m p crema bronceadora suntan
grow in confidence: se crece ante las
cream. y crema de afeitar shaving
dificultades he comes into his own when
cream. y crema hidratante moisturizfaced with problems.
ing cream.
crecido,-a adj 1 (persona) grown,
P adj cream, cream coloured ( us
grown-up. 2 (cantidad) big, large. 3
cream colored).
(ro) in flood, in spate.
cremacin nf cremation.
creciente adj 1 (que crece) growing; (que crematorio nm crematorium.
aumenta) increasing: un inters creciente cremoso,-a adj creamy: queso cremoso
an increasing interest. 2 (precios) rising.
full-fat cheese.
3 (luna) crescent (in the first quarter).
crepe nf (torta) pancake, crepe.
P nf (de agua) flood, spate.
crep nm (tejido, caucho) crepe.
crecimiento nm 1 (desarrollo) growth,
increase. 2 (subida) rise. 3 (de un ro) crepera nf creperie.
crepitar vi to crackle.
flooding, rising.
crepsculo nm twilight.
credibilidad nf credibility.
crdito nm 1 com credit. 2 (confianza) cresta nf 1 (de ave) crest; (de gallo) comb.
2 (de pelo) toupe. 3 (de montaa, ola)
credit, belief, credence. 3 (fama) repcrest. l o c estar en la cresta de la ola
utation, standing. l o c a crdito on
fam to be on the crest of a wave.
credit. y dar crdito a (creer) to believe
(in): no doy crdito
a mis odos I can't be- Creta nf Crete.
lieve what I'm hearing. y ser digno,-a de cretense adj Cretan.


P nm

o nf Cretan.

P nm

& nf cretin, idiot.

P nm

o nf believer.

cretino,-a adj stupid, cretinous.

creyente adj believing.
cra nf 1 (acto de criar) nursing; (de animal)

breeding, raising. 2 (cachorro) young.

3 (camada - ovparos) brood; (- mamferos)
criada nf maid.
criadero nm 1 (de plantas) nursery; (de
animales) breeding farm; (de peces)
hatchery. 2 (mina) seam. c o m p criade
ro de ostras oyster bed.
criado,-a adj (animal) reared, raised;
(persona) bred, brought up.
P nm & nf servant.
criador nm & nf breeder.
criar vt 1 (educar nios) to bring up, rear,
care for: lo cri una ta his aunt brought
him up. 2 (nutrir) to feed (con, -); (con
pecho) to suckle, nurse, breast-feed.
3 (animales) to breed, raise, rear. 4
(producir) to have, grow; (vinos) to
make, mature.
P vpr criarse 1 (crecer) to grow; (formarse)
to be brought up. 2 (producirse) to grow.
criatura nf 1 creature. 2 (nio) baby,
child. 3 fig baby.
cribar vt 1 (colar) to sift, sieve. 2 fig (seleccionar) to screen.
cric nm jack.
cricquet nm cricket.
crimen nm 1 (delito) crime. 2 (asesinato)
criminal adj 1 criminal. 2 fam (muy malo) awful, criminal, appalling.
P nm o nf criminal.
criminalista nm o nf (abogado) criminal
criminologa nf criminology.

P nm

(idioma) Creole.

cripta nf crypt.
crquet nm cricket.
crislida nf chrysalis.
crisantemo nm chrysanthemum.
crisis nf inv 1 (dificultad) crisis. 2 (ataque)

fit, attack: crisis de asma asthma attack.

3 (escasez) shortage: crisis de alimentos
food shortage. l o c estar en crisis to be
in crisis, reach crisis point. c o m p cri
sis de gobierno cabinet crisis. y crisis
nerviosa nervous breakdown.
crisma nm & nf fam (cabeza) head, nut.
crisol nm 1 crucible. 2 fig melting pot.
crispacin nf fig tension: un clima de
crispacin a tense atmosphere.
crispar vt fig (irritar) to irritate, annoy,
infuriate: ese tipo me crispa that guy infuriates me. l o c crispar los nervios a
algn fig to get on sb's nerves.
P vpr crisparse fig (irritarse) to get annoyed, get angry.
cristal nm 1 (mineral) crystal. 2 (vidrio)
glass. 3 (de ventana) window pane,
pane. 4 (de lente) lens. 5 (de coche) window.
P nm pl cristales 1 (trozos) glass sing: ten
cuidado, hay cristales por el suelo be careful, there's some broken glass on the
floor. 2 (ventanas) windows. c o m p bo
tella de cristal glass bottle. y cristal de
cuarzo quartz crystal.
cristalera nf 1 (mueble) display cabinet. 2 (escaparate) window, shop
window. 3 (conjunto de cristales) windows pl; (puertas) glass doors pl; (techo)
glass roof.
cristalera nf 1 (fbrica) glassworks. 2
(tienda) glassware shop. 3 (conjunto)
glassware; (vasos) glasses pl.
cristalero,-a nm & nf glazier.
crin [tambin se usa en plural con el mismo cristalino,-a adj transparent, crystalclear.
significado] nf mane.
P nm cristalino crystalline lens.
cro,-a nm & nf fam kid, child.
P adj fam young: todava eres muy cro
cristalizacin nf 1 crystallization. 2
fig consolidation.
you're still too young. l o c ser un cro,-a
fam to be childish.
cristalizar vt to crystallize.
P vi 1 to crystallize. 2 fig to crystalcriollo,-a adj Creole.
P nm & nf (persona) Creole.
lize (en, into).

P vpr

cristalizarse to crystallize.

cristalografa nf crystallography.
cristiandad nf Christendom.
cristianismo nm Christianity.
cristiano,-a adj Christian.
P nm


criterio nm 1 (en lgica) criterion. 2 (jui-


cronmetro nm 1 chronometer. 2 dep


croqueta nf croquette.
croquis nm inv sketch, outline.
cros nm inv (a pie) cross-country race;
(en moto) motocross race.

cruasn nm croissant.
cruce nm 1 cross, crossing. 2

cio) judgement, discernment. 3 (opiauto

nin) opinion, point of view.
crossroads. 3 (de razas) crossbreedcriticar vt to criticize.
ing. 4 (interferencia telefnica, etc) crossed
P vi (murmurar) to gossip.
line: hay un cruce there's a crossed line.
5 elec short circuit.
crtico,-a adj critical.
P nm & nf critic.
crucero nm 1 (buque) cruiser. 2 (viaje)
Croacia nf Croatia.
croar vi to croak.
crucial adj 1 crucial. 2 fig crucial, critical.
croata adj Croatian, Croat.
P nm o nf (persona) Croat, Croatian.
crucifijo nm crucifix.
P nm (idioma) Croat, Croatian.
crucifixin nf crucifixion.
crocante nm almond brittle.
crucigrama nm crossword (puzzle).
crocanti nm almond brittle.
crudeza nf 1 (rudeza) crudeness, rudecroch nm crochet.
ness, coarseness. 2 (del clima) harshcroissant nm croissant.
croissantera nf croissant shop.
crudo,-a adj 1 (sin cocer) raw; (poco hecho)
underdone: la carne est cruda the meat
crol nm crawl.
is underdone, the meat isn't cooked
cromado,-a adj chrome.
enough. 2 fig (duro) crude, coarse. 3
P nm cromado chroming.
(color) natural, unbleached. 4 (clima)
cromar vt to chrome.
harsh. l o c verlo muy crudo fam not to
cromtico,-a adj chromatic.
hold out much hope.
cromatismo nm chromatism.
P nm crudo (petrleo) crude oil, crude.
cromo nm 1 (metal) chromium,
chrome. 2 (estampa) picture card, cruel adj (persona) cruel (con/para, to).
sticker: un lbum de cromos a picture- crueldad nf 1 cruelty. 2 (dureza) harshness, severity.
card album. l o c ir hecho,-a un cromo
cruelmente adv cruelly.
fam to look a sight.
crujido nm 1 (de puerta) creak, creakcromosoma nm chromosome.
ing. 2 (de patatas fritas) crunching. 3
crnica nf 1 (gen) account, chronicle. 2
(seda, papel) rustle, rustling. 4 (de dien(en peridico) article, column, feature.
tes) grinding.
3 rad tv (programa) programme ( us
program); (reportaje) feature, report. 4 crujiente adj 1 (alimentos) crunchy. 2
(seda) rustling.
hist chronicle.
crnico,-a adj 1 chronic. 2 fig deeply crujir vi 1 (puerta) to creak. 2 (patatas frirooted.
tas) to crunch. 3 (seda, hojas) to rustle.
4 (dientes) to grind.
cronista nm o nf 1 hist chronicler. 2 (de
prensa) columnist, feature writer. 3 crustceo nm crustacean.
rad tv commentator.
cruz nf 1 (gen) cross. 2 (de moneda) tails
cronologa nf chronology.
pl: cara o cruz? heads or tails?
cronolgico,-a adj
cruzada nf 1 hist crusade. 2 (campaa)
cronometrar vt to time.


cruzar vt 1 (gen) to cross: cruzar una calle

to cross a street. 2 (poner atravesado) to lay

across; (estar atravesado) to lie across. 3
(en geometra) to intersect. 4 (animales) to
cross. 5 (miradas, palabras) to exchange.
l o c cruzar a nado to swim across. y
cruzar los brazos to fold one's arms.
P vpr cruzarse 1 (encontrarse) to crosseach
other. 2 (intercambiarse) to exchange.
cuaderno nm (libreta) notebook, journal; (escolar) exercise book.
cuadra nf 1 (establo) stable. 2 am (manzana) block, block of houses.
cuadrado,-a adj 1 (forma) square. 2
fam (persona) broad, stocky. 3 fig (mente) rigid, one-track.
P nm cuadrado square. l o c elevar al
cuadrado to square.
cuadragsimo,-a adj fortieth.
P nm & nf fortieth.

cuadro nm 1 (cuadrado) square. 2 (pintu-

ra) painting, picture. 3 teat scene. 4

(descripcin) description, picture. 5 (dirigentes) leaders pl; (personal) staff. 6
(conjunto de datos) chart, graph. l o c a
cuadros checked, us checkered: tela a
cuadros checked ( us checkered) cloth.
c o m p cuadro clnico clinical pattern. y
cuadro sinptico diagram, chart.
cuadrpedo,-a adj quadruped.
P nm cuadrpedo quadruped.
cudruple adj quadruple, fourfold.
cuadruplicar vt to quadruple.
P vi to quadruple.
cuajada nf (leche) curd; (requesn) cottage cheese.
cuajar vt 1 (gen) to coagulate; (leche) to
curdle; (sangre) to clot. 2 (huevo) to
P vi 1 (nieve) to lie. 2 fig (tener xito) to
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.
be a success, come off: la cosa no cuaj
cuadrangular adj quadrangular.
it didn't come off.
cuadrngulo nm quadrangle.
P vpr cuajarse 1 to coagulate; (leche) to
cuadrante nm 1 (reloj) sundial. 2 (instrucurdle; (sangre) clot. 2 (huevo) to set.
mento) quadrant. 3 (cojn) square pillow. cual pron 1 (precedido de artculo - persona)
cuadrar vt 1 (dar figura cuadrada) to
who, whom: la gente a la cual pregunta
square, make square. 2 (geometra, mamos the people whom we asked. 2 (pretemticas) to square. 3 com to balance.
cedido de artculo - cosa) which: la ciudad
P vi 1 (coincidir) to square, agree. 2 com
en la cual nac the city where I was born.
to tally, add up: las cuentas de este mes
l o c cada cual everyone, everybody.
no cuadran the accounts don't add up
P adv fml as, like: se enamor cual si tu
this month. 3 fig (ir bien) to suit: el estilo
viese quince aos he fell in love like a
no cuadra con el tema the style doesn't
suit the subject.
cul pron 1 (interrogativo) which, which
cudriceps nm inv quadriceps.
one, what: cul es el ms alto? which
cuadrcula nf squares pl, grid.
one is the tallest? 2 (valor distributivo)
cuadriculado,-a adj squared.
some. 3 (exclamativo) how, what: cul
P nm cuadriculado squares pl, grid.
no sera mi asombro! imagine my amazecuadricular vt to square, divide into
ment! l o c a cul ms equally: a cul
ms listo each as clever as the other.
P adj squared.
P adj (interrogativo) which.
cuadrienio nm quadrennium.
cualidad nf 1 (de persona) quality, atcuadriga nf chariot.
tribute. 2 (de cosa) quality, property.
cuadriltero,-a adj quadrilateral,
cualitativo,-a adj qualitative.
cualquier adj (indefinido) any: cualquier
P nm cuadriltero (boxeo) ring.
otro da any other day; cualquier cosa ancuadrilla nf 1 (grupo) party, gang. 2 (de
ything; cualquier persona anyone.
bandidos, etc) gang, band.
. Consulta tambin cualquiera.
gang, team.

cualquiera adj 1 (indefinido) any: un da
cualquiera any day. 2 (ordinario) ordinary: no es una corbata cualquiera it's not

an ordinary tie.
P pron 1 (persona indeterminada) anybody, anyone; (cosa indeterminada) any,
any one: cualquiera lo comprara anybody would buy it. 2 (nadie) nobody:
cualquiera lo coge! nobody would take
P nf cualquiera que (persona) whoever;
(cosa) whatever, whichever: cualquie
ra que diga eso, miente whoever says that
is lying.

cuan adv [se usa slo antes de adjetivo y de

adverbio] fml as: cay cuan largo era he

fell flat on the floor.

. Consulta tambin cuanto.

cun adv [se usa slo antes de adjetivo y de

adverbio] (interrogativo) how: cun idiota!

how stupid!

. Consulta tambin cuanto.

cuando adv (tiempo) when: cuando tena

diez aos when he was ten.

P conj 1 (temporal) when, whenever:
ven a verme cuando quieras come and see
me whenever you want. 2 (condicional)
if: cuando l lo dice if he says so. 3 (causal)
since. l o c de vez en cuando now and
then, from time to time. y hasta
cuando until.
P prep during, at the time of: cuando
la guerra during the war.
cundo adv (interrogativo) when: cun
do es tu cumpleaos? when is your birth-



cin) what a lot of, so many, so much:

cunta gente! there are so many people!,

what a lot of people!

P pron (singular) how much; (plural)
how many: cunto es? how much is it?
P adv how, how much: cunto me ale
gro! I'm so glad!
cuanto,-a3 adj (singular) as much as;
(plural) as many as: puedes beber cuanta
agua quieras you can drink as much water as you want. l o c cuanto antes as
soon as possible. y en cuanto as soon
as, when: en cuanto llegue dile... as soon
as he arrives tell him y unos,-as
cuantos,-as some, a few.
P pron 1 (singular) everything, all: escri
be cuanto quieras write as much as you
want. 2 (plural) all who, everybody
who: cuantos entraron se asustaron everybody who came in was frightened.
cuarcita nf quartzite.
cuarenta adj (cardinal) forty; (ordinal)
fortieth. l o c cantarle las cuarenta a
algn to give sb a piece of one's
P nm (nmero) forty.
. Consulta tambin seis.

cuarentavo,-a adj fortieth.

P nm

& nf fortieth.

. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

cuarentena nf 1 (exacto) forty; (aproxi-

mado) about forty. 2 med quarantine.

l o c poner a algn en cuarentena med to
quarantine sb, put sb in quarantine.
cuaresma nf Lent.
cuarta nf 1 (palmo) span. 2 (cuadrante)

P nm when: no s el cmo ni el cundo I

don't know how or when.
. Consulta tambin cuarto,-a.
cuanta nf 1 (cantidad) quantity; (importe) amount: la cuanta de una factura the cuartear vt 1 (dividir en cuatro) to quarter, divide into four. 2 (descuartizar) to
amount of a bill. 2 (dimensin) extent: la
quarter. 3 (rajar) to crack.
cuanta del desastre ecolgico the extent of
P vpr cuartearse (rajarse) to crack,
the ecological disaster.
cuantitativo,-a adj quantitative.
cuanto nm fs quantum: la teora de los cuartel nm mil barracks pl.
cuarteto nm quartet.
cuantos the quantum theory.
cunto,-a adj 1 (pregunta - singular) how cuartilla nf sheet of paper.
many: cuntos cuarto nm 1 (parte) quarter: un cuarto de
much; (- plural) how
aos tienes? how old are you? 2 (exclamahora a quarter of an hour. 2 (de animal)



quarter. 3 (de ropa) quarter: un chaque

tn tres cuartos a three-quarter length
jacket. 4 (habitacin) room. l o c de tres
al cuarto fam worthless, third-rate. y
estar sin un cuarto fam to be broke. y
tres cuartos de lo mismo fam almost
exactly the same. c o m p cuarto cre
ciente first quarter. y cuarto de bao
bathroom. y cuartos de final dep quarter finals.
P nm pl cuartos fam (dinero) money sing,
dough sing.
cuarto,-a adj (ordinal) fourth: lleg cuar
to he arrived in fourth place, he came
P nm & nf fourth.

cubeta nf 1 (rectangular) tray, tank,

dish. 2 (cubo) bucket.

cbico,-a adj cubic: raz cbica cube


cubierta nf 1 (gen) cover, covering. 2

(de libro) cover. 3 arquit roof. 4 (de neumtico) tyre (us tire). 5 (de barco, avin)
deck. l o c en cubierta on deck.
cubierto,-a adj 1 (gen) covered. 2 (cielo)
overcast. 3 (plaza) filled.
P nm cubierto 1 (techumbre) cover. 2 (en
la mesa) place setting. l o c ponerse a
cubierto to take cover. y tener las es
paldas cubiertas fam to be wellheeled.
P nm pl cubiertos cutlery sing.
cubilete nm 1 (molde) mould (us mold).
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.
2 (de dados) dice cup, dice shaker;
cuarzo nm quartz.
(juego) cup.
cuaternario,-a adj quaternary.
cubismo nm cubism.
P nm el cuaternario the quaternary.
cubista adj cubist.
cuatrienio nm quadrennium, fourP nm o nf cubist.
year period.
cubito nm 1 little cube. 2 (de hielo) ice
cuatrimestral adj (en frecuencia) fourcube.
monthly; (en duracin) four-month.
cbito nm cubitus.
cuatrimestre nm four-month period:
cubo1 nm 1 (recipiente) bucket. 2 (de rueen el primer cuatrimestre de 2007 in the
da) hub. c o m p cubo de la basura rubfirst four months of 2007.
bish bin, us garbage can.
cuatrislabo,-a adj quadrisyllabic.
nm mat cube. l o c elevar al cubo
P nm cuatrislabo quadrisyllable.
to cube.
cuatro adj (cardinal) four; (ordinal)
cubrecama nm bedspread.
fourth. l o c caer cuatro gotas fam to
rain very lightly, spit. y decirle cuatro cubrir vt 1 (gen) to cover. 2 culin to
coat (de, with). 3 (poner tejado) to put
cosas a algn to tell sb off. c o m p cuatro
a roof on. 4 (niebla, etc) to shroud (de,
gatos fam just a few people, hardly
in), cloak. 5 (ocultar) to hide. 6 (llenar)
to fill (de, with), cover (de, with):
P nm (nmero) four.
cubrir de agua to fill with water. 7 (alcan. Consulta tambin seis.
zar) to come up: el agua le cubra hasta
los tobillos the water came up to his ancuatrocientos,-as adj four hundred.
P nm cuatrocientos (nmero) four hunP vpr cubrirse 1 (abrigarse) to cover os.
2 (la cabeza) to put one's hat on. 3 fig
. Consulta tambin seis.
(protegerse) to protect os. 4 (cielo) to becuba nf cask, barrel.
come overcast. 5 (llenarse) to be
Cuba nf Cuba.
cucaa nf (palo, juego) greasy pole.
cubano,-a adj Cuban.
P nm & nf Cuban.
cucaracha nf cockroach.
cubertera nf cutlery.
cuchara nf spoon.

cucharada nf spoonful.


c o m p cuchara
da colmada heaped spoonful. y cu
charada rasa level spoonful.
cucharadita nf teaspoonful.
cucharilla nf teaspoon. c o m p cucharilla
de caf coffee spoon.
cucharita nf teaspoon.
cucharn nm ladle.
cuchichear vi to whisper.
cuchicheo nm whispering.
cuchilla nf (hoja) blade. c o m p cuchilla de
afeitar razor blade.
cuchillada nf (golpe) stab, slash; (herida)

ta que le trae in one's own interest. y

sacar cuentas to work out. y tener en
cuenta to take into account. c o m p
cuenta atrs countdown. y cuenta co
rriente current account. y cuenta de
correo electrnico e-mail account.
cuentagotas nm inv dropper.
cuentakilmetros nm inv (de velocidad)

speedometer; (de distancia) mileometer.

cuentarrevoluciones nm inv rev
cuentavueltas nm inv rev counter.
cuentista adj fam overdramatic.
stab wound, knife wound.
P nm o nf 1 (autor) story writer; (narracuchillera nf cutler's shop.
dor) storyteller. 2 fam (que exagera)
cuchillo nm 1 knife. 2 arquit support.
over-dramatic person; (que miente)
en cuclillas crouching. y
fibber, liar.
ponerse en cuclillas to crouch down.
cuento nm 1 (relato) story, tale. 2 lit
cuclillo nm cuckoo.
short story. 3 fam (chisme) gossip. 4
cuco nm (insecto) caterpillar.
fam (embuste) fib, story. l o c dejarse de
cuco,-a adj 1 fam (coquetn) cute. 2 (taicuentos 1 fam (ir al grano) to get to the
mado) shrewd, crafty.
point. 2 (decir mentiras) to stop telling
P nm cuco 1 (ave) cuckoo. 2 fam (fanfibs. y ir con el cuento a algn to go and
tasma) bogeyman.
tell sb. y tener mucho cuento fam to
cuc nm 1 (canto) cuckoo. 2 (reloj) cuckmake a lot of fuss. y venir a cuento to
oo clock.
be pertinent. c o m p cuento chino tall
story. y cuento de hadas fairy tale.
cucurucho nm 1 (de papel) paper cone.
2 (helado) cornet, cone. 3 (capirote) cuerda nf 1 (cordel) rope, string. 2 (inspointed hood.
trumento) string, cord; (voz) voice. 3 (de
reloj) spring: dar cuerda a un reloj to wind
cuello nm 1 anat neck. 2 (de camisa, vesup a watch. 4 (en geometra) chord. 5 dep
tido, abrigo) collar; (de jersey) neck: un
interior. c o m p cuerdas vocales vocal
jersey de cuello alto a polo neck jumper,
us a turtleneck jumper. 3 (de botella) botP nf pl cuerdas 1 (boxeo) ropes. 2 ms
cuenca nf 1 (escudilla) wooden bowl. 2
cuerdo,-a adj 1 (persona) sane. 2 (accin)
anat socket. 3 geog basin. 4 (minera)
prudent, sensible.
P nm & nf (persona) sane person, percuenco nm (vasija) earthenware bowl.
son in one's right mind.
cuenta nf 1 (bancaria) account. 2 (factura) bill. 3 (clculo) count, counting. 4 cuerno nm 1 horn; (de ciervo) antlers pl.
2 (de antena) antlers pl. 3 ms horn.
(de collar, etc) bead. l o c caer en la cuen
P interj golly!, gosh!
ta to realize: y entonces ca en la cuenta
de que... and then I realized that..., and cuero nm 1 (de animal) skin, hide. 2 (curtido) leather: pantaln de cuero leather trouthen it dawned on me that.... y en resu
sers. 3 (odre) wineskin. 4 (baln) ball. l o c
midas cuentas in short. y hacer cuen
quedarse en cueros fam to strip off.
tas to do sums. y ms de la cuenta too
much, too many: comi ms de la cuen cuerpo nm 1 anat body. 2 (constitucin)
ta she ate too much.
y pedir cuentas to
build. 3 (figura) figure. 4 (tronco) trunk.
5 (grupo) body, force, corps: el cuerpo
ask for an explanation. y por la cuen



de bomberos the fire brigade (us the fire

department). 6 (cadver) corpse, body.
7 qum substance. 8 fs body. 9 dep
length. l o c cuerpo a cuerpo hand-tohand. y de cuerpo entero full-length. y
en cuerpo y alma fig heart and soul,
body and soul. c o m p cuerpo diplom
tico diplomatic corps. y cuerpo
geomtrico regular solid. y cuerpos
celestes heavenly bodies.
cuervo nm (crvido en general) crow; (es-

culminacin nf culmination, climax.

culminante adj (momento) culminating, climatic; (punto) highest.

culminar vi 1 to reach a peak. 2 fig

(acabar) to finish, end.

culo nm 1 fam bottom, bum, arse (us

ass). 2 fam (ano) arse (us ass).

. Esta palabra es de uso vulgar en Chile.

culpa nf 1 (culpabilidad) guilt, blame. 2

(falta) fault: esto es culpa ma it's my

pecfico) raven.
fault. l o c echar la culpa a algn to put
the blame on sb. y tener la culpa to be
cuesta nf (pendiente) slope. l o c a cues
to blame (de, for): yo no tengo la culpa
tas on one's back, on one's shoulI'm not to blame, it's not my fault.
ders. y hacrsele a uno algo cuesta arri
ba fig to find sth an uphill struggle, culpabilidad nf guilt, culpability.
find sth very difficult. y ir cuesta aba culpable adj guilty.
jo fig to go downhill.
P nm o nf offender, culprit.
cuestin nf 1 (pregunta) question. 2 culpar vt 1 (gen) to blame (de, for). 2
(asunto) business, matter, question. 3
(de un delito) to accuse (de, of).
(discusin) dispute, quarrel, argument. cultivar vt 1 to cultivate, farm. 2 (ejerl o c en cuestin in question. y en cues
citar facultades) to work at, practise (us
tin de... (tiempo) in just a few..., in a
practice), improve: cultivar la memoria
matter of... y eso es otra cuestin
to improve one's memory. 3 (en biologa)
that's a whole different matter.
to produce. l o c cultivar las amistades
cuestionable adj questionable.
fig to cultivate friendships.
cuestionar vt to question.
cultivo nm 1 (accin) cultivation, farmcuestionario nm questionnaire.
ing. 2 (cosecha) crop. 3 biol culture. 4
fig (desarrollo) development, growth.
cueva nf cave.
cuidado nm 1 (atencin) care, careful- culto,-a adj 1 (persona) cultured, educated. 2 (estilo) refined.
ness. 2 (recelo) worry.
P nm culto worship.
P interj look out!, watch out!: cuidado
con la moto! mind the motorbike! l o c
cultura nf culture. l o c de cultura eduandarse con cuidado to go carefully. y
Cuidado con el perro Beware of cultural adj cultural.
the dog. y con cuidado carefully. y cumbre nf 1 (de montaa) summit, top.
tener cuidado to be careful. y traer sin
2 fig (culminacin) pinnacle. 3 (reunin)
cuidado not to care. c o m p cuidados in
summit conference, summit meettensivos intensive care sing.
cuidador,-ra nm & nf keeper.
cumpleaos nm inv birthday.
cuidadoso,-a adj 1 (atento) careful. 2 cumplido,-a adj 1 (completo) complete,
(celoso) cautious.
full. 2 (abundante) large, ample. 3 (percuidar vt to look after, take care of,
fecto) perfect. 4 (educado) polite, courcare for.
P vpr cuidarse to take care of os, look
P nm cumplido compliment. l o c sin
after os: cudate mucho! take good care
cumplidos informally.
of yourself!
cumplidor,-ra adj (que cumple) who deculebra nf snake.
livers the goods: es una chica muy cum
culinario,-a adj culinary,
cooking: ar
plidora she always delivers the goods,
te culinario cuisine.
she always fulfils her promises.



cumplir vt 1 (orden) to carry out; (deseo)

to fulfil (us fulfill); (deber) to do. 2

(promesa) to keep. 3 jur (ley) to observe, abide by; (pena) to serve. 4
(aos) to be, turn: que cumplas muchos
ms! many happy returns! 5 (satisfacer)
to do, carry out, fulfil (us fulfill). l o c
cumplir con el deber to do one's duty.
y cumplir con su palabra to keep one's
word. y para cumplir as a formality.
P vi 1 (plazo) to expire, end. 2 (deuda,
pago) to fall due.
P vpr cumplirse 1 (realizarse) to be fulfilled, come true: se cumpli la profeca
the prophecy came true. 2 (fecha) to be:

se cumple una semana del comienzo del cur

so it's a week since the course began.
cmulo nm 1 (montn) load, pile, heap;
(cantidad) series, host, string: un cmu
lo de desgracias a series of misfortunes. 2


cumulonimbo nm cumulonimbus.
cuna nf 1 (cama) cradle. 2 (linaje) birth,

ming treatment. l o c hacer las primeras

curas to give first aid.
curable adj curable.
curacin nf 1 (gen) cure. 2 (de herida)
healing. 3 (recuperacin) recovery.
curandero,-a nm & nf 1 (charlatn)
quack. 2 (curador) folk healer.
curar vt 1 (sanar) to cure. 2 (herida) to
dress; (enfermedad) to treat.
P vi 1 (cuidar) to take care ( de, of). 2
(recuperarse) to recover, get well. 3 (herida) to heal (up).
P vpr curarse 1 (recuperarse) to recover
(de, from), get well. 2 (herida) to heal
curativo,-a adj curative: poder curativo
healing power.
curia nf 1 rel curia. 2 jur Bar.
curiosamente adv 1 (con curiosidad) curiously, strangely. 2 (limpiamente)
curiosear vi 1 (fisgar) to pry, nose
around. 2 (mirar) to look around.
P vt (fisgar) to pry into.
curiosidad nf 1 (gen) curiosity. 2 (aseo)
cleanliness, tidiness. 3 (cuidado) care.
l o c tener curiosidad de algo to be curious about sth.
currculo nm curriculum, curriculum
curry nm curry.
cursar vt 1 (estudiar) to study. 2 (enviar)
to send, dispatch; (orden) to give. 3
(tramitar) to make an application.
cursi adj fam (afectado) pretentious, affected, twee.
P nm o nf fam pretentious person, affected person.
cursilada nf 1 (cualidad) affectation,
pretentiousness. 2 (hecho) pretentious thing to do, posh thing to do.
3 (obra, cosa) pretentious thing: las pel

lineage, stock. 3 fig (origen) cradle,

birthplace: la cuna de la filosofa the cradle of philosophy. 4 (lugar de nacimiento)
cundir vi 1 (extenderse) to spread: cundi
el pnico panic spread. 2 (dar de s) to go
a long way, go far: una hora cunde muy
poco you can't do much in an hour. 3
(aumentar de volumen) to swell, expand:
los fideos cunden al cocerse noodles expand when cooked.
cuneta nf 1 (de carretera) verge. 2 (zanja)
cua nf (pieza) wedge.
cuado,-a nm & nf (hombre) brother-inlaw; (mujer) sister-in-law.
cuo nm 1 (troquel) die, stamp. 2 (sello)
stamp, mark.
cuota nf 1 (pago) membership fee,
dues pl. 2 (porcin) quota, share.
cupo nm (cuota) quota.
culas romnticas me parecen una cursilada
for me romantic films are just sentimencupn nm 1 (vale) coupon, voucher. 2
tal slush.
(de lotera) ticket.
cursillo nm short course, training
cpula nf cupola, dome.
cura nm rel priest.
P nf 1 cure, healing. 2 (tratamiento)
cursiva nf (escritura) cursive; (tipografa)
italics pl.
treatment: cura de adelgazamiento slim-



curso nm 1 (direccin) course, direction:

el curso de los acontecimientos the course

of events. 2 educ (nivel) year, class;

(materia) course; (escolar) school year:

vamos al mismo curso we are in the same
class. 3 (ro) flow, current. c o m p curso
acelerado crash course.
cursor nm 1 inform cursor. 2 tc slide.
curtido,-a adj 1 (por el sol) tanned, sunburnt. 2 (cuero) tanned. 3 fig (endurecido) hardened.
P nm curtido (operacin) tanning.
P nm pl curtidos tanned leather sing.
curtidor,-ra nm & nf tanner.
curtir vt 1 (piel) to tan. 2 fig (acostumbrar)
to harden, toughen.
P vpr curtirse 1 (por el sol) to get
tanned. 2 fig (acostumbrarse) to become hardened.
curva nf 1 (gen) curve. 2 (de carretera)
bend. 3 (grfico) curve, graph. l o c tra
zar una curva to draw a curve.
curvar vt 1 (gen) to curve, bend. 2 (espalda) to arch.
curvilneo,-a adj 1 curvilinear, curvilineal. 2 fam (del cuerpo) curvaceous,
curvo,-a adj curved, bent.
cuscs nm couscous.

cspide nf 1 (cumbre) summit, peak. 2

(en geometra) apex. 3 fig peak.

custodia nf 1 custody, care. 2




bajo custodia in

custodiar vt 1 (proteger) to keep, take

care of. 2 (vigilar) to guard, watch

cutneo,-a adj cutaneous, skin: enfer
medad cutnea skin disease.
cter nm 1 (barco) cutter. 2 (cuchillo) cutter.
cutcula nf cuticle.
cutis nm inv skin, complexion.
cuyo,-a pron 1 (personas) whose, of
whom: esta mujer, cuya hermana trabaja
en Alemania... this woman, whose sister
works in Germany..., this woman, the
sister of whom works in Germany... 2
(cosas) whose, of which: un rbol cuyas
hojas presentan esta enfermedad a tree
with leaves that show signs of this disease. l o c en cuyo caso in which case.
CV1 sm (caballos de vapor) horse power; (smbolo) HP.
CV2 abrev (currculum vtae) curriculum
vitae; (abreviatura) CV.


D, d nf (la letra) D, d.
dado nm 1 (para jugar) die. 2 tc block.

P nm

o nf dancer.

danzar vt (bailar) to dance.

P vi (bailar) to dance (con, with).

3 arquit dado. l o c echar los dados to
throw the dice.
danzarn,-ina nm & nf dancer.
dado,-a adj 1 given: dada la base y la al daado,-a adj damaged, spoiled.
tura, hallar la superficie given the base and daar vt 1 (causar dolor) to hurt, harm.
the height, find the area. 2 (en vista de) in
2 (estropear) to damage, spoil. 3 fig to
view of: dada su experiencia in view of
damage, stain: ese asunto daar su re
his experience. l o c dado que since, as,
putacin that affair will damage his repugiven that: dado que llueve no saldremos
as it's raining we won't go out.
P vpr daarse (estropearse) to get damdaga nf dagger.
aged, spoil; (alimentos) to go bad, go
dalai lama nm Dalai Lama.
daino,-a adj harmful ( para , to),
dalia nf dahlia.
damaging (para, to).
dlmata adj Dalmatian.
dao nm (a persona) harm, injury; (a coP nm Dalmatian.
sa) damage; (perjuicio) wrong. l o c ha
daltnico,-a adj colour-blind, dalcer dao 1 (doler) to hurt. 2 (causar dolor
a algn) to hurt. 3 (ser malo para algo) to
daltonismo nm colour ( us color)
damage, harm. (ser malo para algn) to
blindness, daltonism.
do sb harm: me hizo dao con sus pala
dama nf 1 (seora) lady. 2 (en el juego de
bras her words hurt me. y hacerse dao
damas) king; (en ajedrez) queen.
to hurt os: se hizo dao en la mano she
P nf pl damas draughts, (us checkers).
hurt her hand.
c o m p tablero de damas draughtboard,
dar vt 1 (gen) to give: te dar un libro I'll
(us checkerboard).
give you a book. 2 (poner en las manos,
damero nm draughtboard, us checkentregar) to deliver, hand over; (poner
al alcance) to pass, hand: dame la sal
damnificar vt 1 (a una persona) to inpass me the salt. 3 (proporcionar, ofrecer,
jure, harm. 2 (cosa) to damage.
procurar algo no material a una persona - nodandy nm dandy.
ticia) to tell, announce, report; (- condans,-esa adj Danish.
sejo) to give; (- recuerdos, recado) to pass
P nm & nf (persona) Dane.
on, give. 4 (permitir tener algo, conceder)
P nm dans (idioma) Danish.
to give. 5 (pagar a cambio) to give, pay:
danza nf 1 (baile) dance. 2 fig (negocio
cunto me dara por esto? how much
sucio) shady business, shady deal;
would you give me for it? 6 (realizar una
(lo) mess: no te metas en esa danza don't
accin). 7 (producir - cosecha) to produce,
get mixed up in a deal like that. 3 fam
yield; (- fruto, flores) to bear, produce;
fig (ria) row.
(- beneficio) to produce, yield: la higuera
danzante adj dancing.
da higos the fig tree bears figs. 8 (celebrar,



tener lugar - pelcula) to show, screen; d.C. abrev (despus de Cristo) Anno
(- obra de teatro) to perform, put on; (- conDomini; (abreviatura) AD.
cierto) to give, perform, put on; (- fiesta) DDT abrev (diclorodifeniltricloroetano)
to give, throw: daremos una fiesta we'll
have a party. 9 (pegar) to hit. 10 (sonar el
(abreviatura) DDT.
reloj las horas) to strike. 11 (untar, recubrir de prep 1 (posesin, pertenencia) of, in: la
una superficie) to apply, give. 12 (abrir el
mesa de mi habitacin the table in my
paso de conductos) to turn on: he dado el
bedroom. 2 (procedencia, origen) from,
dar a en
gas I've turned the gas on.
in: viene de Barcelona she comes from
tender que to give to understand
Barcelona. 3 (descripcin) with: el seor
that, imply that: dio a entender
del abrigo azul the man in the blue coat. 4
que no vendra she implied she wouldn't
(tema) of, on, about: hablaron del tiempo
come. y dar a luz to give birth (a, to). y
they talked about the weather. 5 (matedar algo por to assume, consider. y
ria) made of, of: un anillo de oro a gold
dar de s 1 (ropa) to stretch, give. 2 (diring. 6 (contenido) of: un vaso de agua a
nero, comida) to go a long way. y dar
glass of water. 7 (oficio) by, as: trabaja de
igual to be all the same, not matter:
profesor he works as a teacher. 8 (modo)
le daba igual it didn't matter to him, he
on, in, as: de pie standing up. 9 (tiempo)
didn't care. y dar la mano a algn to
at, by, in: de da by day, during the day.
shake hands with sb.
10 (lugar) varias traducciones: la vecina de
P vi 1 (pegar, golpear) to hit: la pelota le
arriba our upstairs neighbour. 11 (medidio en toda la cara the ball hit him right in
da) measuring: una botella de dos litros a
the face. 2 (en naipes) to deal. 3 dar a
two litre bottle. 12 (causa) with, be(botn, interruptor) to press: dale al botn
cause of, of: llorar de alegra to cry with
press the button. 4 (mirar una cosa hacia
joy. 13 (agente) by: es una obra de Lope a
una parte) to look out onto, overlook.
play by Lope. 14 (con superlativo) in, of:
5 dar de (caer) to fall: dio de narices en el
el mayor de los tres the eldest of the three.
suelo he fell flat on his face. 6 dar de (su15 (en una aposicin) of: la ciudad de Barce
ministrar) to give. 7 dar en (acertar) to
lona the city of Barcelona.
find, hit on. 8 dar para (ser suficiente) to
. Consulta tambin del.
be enough for, be sufficient for: la
sopa da para cuatro the soup serves four.
deambular vi to saunter, stroll.
dardo nm (arma) dart, arrow.
debajo adv below, underneath: el libro
drsena nf dock, basin.
verde est debajo the green book is undarvinismo nm Darwinism.
derneath. l o c por debajo underneath:
tuvieron que pasar por debajo they had to
datar vt (poner la data) to date, put a
go underneath.
date on.
P vi (tener origen) to date ( de , from),
debate nm debate, discussion.
date back (de, to): esa iglesia data del si debatir vt to debate, discuss.
glo XI that church dates from the elev- debe nm debit side.
enth century.
deber vt 1 (estar obligado a algo) to owe:
dtil nm date.
debemos respeto a nuestros padres we owe
datilera nf date palm.
respect to our parents. 2 (dinero, cosa) to
dativo,-a adj dative.
owe: te debo cincuenta euros I owe you
P nm dativo dative. l o c en dativo in
fifty euros.
the dative.
P aux 1 (obligacin presente) must, have
dato nm (informacin) fact, piece of into, have got to: debo ir a comprar I must
formation, datum. c o m p datos perso
go shopping. 2 (obligacin pasada)
nales personal details.
should, ought to: deba haberlo compra
dB sm (decibelio) decibel; (smbolo) dB.
do ayer I should have bought it yester-



day. 3 (obligacin futura) must, have to, decaer vi (perder fuerzas) to weaken;
have got to: debers tenerlo a las cinco
(- entusiasmo, inters) to flag; (- salud) to
you must have it ready by five o'clock.
go down, deteriorate, decay; (- belle4 (obligacin moral) should, ought to: no
za, etc) to lose: su inters est decayendo
deberas haberlo hecho you shouldn't
his interest is flagging.
have done it. 5 deber de (probabilidad) decagonal adj decagonal.
must; (negativa) can't: deben de ser las decgono nm decagon.
seis it must be six o'clock; no deben de ha
decagramo nm decagram, deca
ber llegado they can't have arrived.
P vpr deberse 1 (ser consecuencia) to be
due (a, to). 2 (tener una obligacin) to decado,-a adj 1 (dbil) weak. 2 (triste)
sad, depressed, low.
have a duty (a, to).
decalitro nm decalitre (us decaliter).
P nm deber (obligacin) duty, obligation. l o c cumplir con su deber to do declogo nm Decalogue.
one's duty. y hacer los deberes to do decmetro nm decametre (us decamone's homework.
P nm pl deberes (escolares) homework
decano,-a nm & nf (cargo) dean.
decantar1 vt (verter) to decant, pour
debidamente adv duly, properly.
debido,-a adj 1 (merecido) due: con el de decantar2 vt (alabar) to praise, laud.
bido respeto, with all due respect, 2
P vpr decantarse (preferir) to prefer (ha(conveniente) right. l o c como es debido
cia/por , -): el pblico se decant por el
1 (correctamente) right, properly. 2 (como
equipo local the spectators were on the
es merecido) deservedly: sintate en la silla
side of the local team.
como es debido sit properly on the chair.
dbil adj 1 (persona) weak, feeble. 2 decapar vt (pintura) to strip (off).
(ruido) faint; (luz) dim, feeble. 3 ling decapitar vt to behead, decapitate.
decpodo nm decapod.
P nm o nf weak person.
decaslabo,-a adj decasyllabic.
debilidad nf 1 (de una persona) weak- decatln nm decathlon.
ness, feebleness. 2 fig weakness: los decena nf 1 (exacto) ten. 2 (aproximado)
coches de carreras son su debilidad he has a
about ten: he invitado a una decena de
weakness for racing cars. l o c tener de
personas I have invited ten or so people.
bilidad por 1 (algo) to have a weakdecenal adj ten-year, decennial.
ness for. 2 (alguien) to have a soft
decencia nf 1 (decoro) decency, proprispot for.
ety. 2 (honestidad) honesty.
debilitamiento nm weakening.
decenio nm decade.
debilitar vt to weaken, debilitate.
decente adj 1 (decoroso) decent, proper.
P vpr debilitarse to weaken, get
2 (honesto) honest, upright; (respetable)
weak, become weak.
decent, respectable.
debut nm debut, dbut.
debutante nm o nf (actor) first-time ac- decentemente adv decently.
decepcin nf disappointment.
tor; (actriz) first-time actress.
debutar vi to make one's debut, decepcionado,-a adj disappointed.
make one's dbut.
decepcionar vt to disappoint, let
down: no nos decepciones don't disapdcada nf decade.
point us.
decadencia nf decadence, decline,
decibelio nm decibel.
decadente adj decadent.
decididamente adv (con determinacin)
resolutely, with determination: soli
decaedro nm decahedron.



cit el trabajo decididamente he applied

for the job with determination.

decidido,-a adj determined, resolute:
est decidido a acabar el trabajo he's determined to finish the job.
decidir vt (gen) to decide; (asunto) to
P vi to decide, choose: tuvo que decidir
entre los dos she had to decide between
the two.
P vpr decidirse to make up one's
mind. l o c decidirse por to decide on:
se decidi por la falda roja she decided on
the red skirt.
decigramo nm decigram, decigramme.
decilitro nm decilitre (us deciliter).
dcima nf lit stanza of ten octosyllabic lines. l o c tener (unas) dcimas
fam to have a slight temperature.
decimal adj decimal.
P nm decimal.
decmetro nm decimetre (us decimeter).
dcimo,-a adj tenth.
P nm & nf tenth.
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

decimoctavo,-a adj eighteenth.

P nm

& nf eighteenth.

. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

decimocuarto,-a adj fourteenth.

P nm

& nf fourteenth.

. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

decimonnico,-a adj nineteenthcentury: un escritor decimonnico a nineteenth-century writer.

decimonono,-a adj nineteenth.
P nm & nf nineteenth.

decimosptimo,-a adj seventeenth.

P nm

& nf seventeenth.

. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

decimosexto,-a adj sixteenth.

P nm

& nf sixteenth.

. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

decimotercero,-a adj thirteenth.

P nm

& nf thirteenth.

. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

decir vt 1 (gen) to say. 2 (contar, revelar) to

tell: dijo la verdad she told the truth. 3

(nombrar, llamar) to call: le dicen Cuca
she's called Cuca. 4 (opinar) to have to
say. 5 (un texto) to read, say: el texto di
ce lo siguiente the text reads as follows.
l o c digo yo in my opinion, I think. y
el qu dirn what people say. y es de
cir that is (to say). y no me digas! really! y querer decir to mean: quiero de
cir, I mean, y se dice they say, it
is said
decisin nf 1 (resolucin) decision: sus
padres tuvieron que tomar una decisin his
parents had to make a decision. 2 (determinacin) determination, resolution.
decisivo,-a adj (importante) decisive.
declamar vi to declaim, recite.
P vt to declaim, recite.
declamatorio,-a adj declamatory.
declaracin nf 1 (gen) declaration: de
claracin de renta income tax return. 2
[tambin se usa en plural con el mismo significado] (explicacin pblica) statement,
comment. 3 jur evidence. 4 (en bridge)
bid. l o c prestar declaracin jur to

give evidence.

declarar vt 1 (gen) to declare; (manifes-

tar) to state: lo declararon vencedor he

was declared the winner. 2 jur to find.
P vi 1 to declare. 2 jur to testify.
decimonoveno,-a adj-nm & nf
P vpr declararse 1 (amor) to declare
one's love (a, for). 2 (fuego, guerra, etc)
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.
to break out, start: se declar un incen
decimoquinto,-a adj fifteenth.
dio en el monte a fire broke out on the
P nm & nf fifteenth.
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.
declinacin nf (gramatical) declension.
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.



declinar vi 1 (disminuir) to decline,

deducir vt 1 to deduce, infer. 2 (dinero)

come down. 2 (acercarse al fin) to end,
to deduct, subtract.
draw to an end.
P vpr deducirse to follow: de aqu se de
P vt gram to decline.
duce que from this it follows that
declive nm fig (decadencia) decline. l o c deductivo,-a adj deductive.
en declive fig on the decline.
defecto nm 1 (gen) defect, fault; (de una
decodificar vt to decode.
joya) imperfection, flaw. 2 (de persona
decolorar vt (perder el color) to discolour
- moral) fault, shortcoming; (- fsica)
(us discolor).
handicap. l o c por defecto inform deP vpr decolorarse (perder el color) to fade,
fault: la impresora por defecto the default
become discoloured (us discolored).
decoracin nf 1 (gen) decoration. 2 defectuoso,-a adj defective, faulty.
teat scenery, set.
defender vt 1 (gen) to defend (contra/
decorador,-ra nm & nf 1 decorator. 2
de, against). 2 (mantener una opinin,
teat set designer.
afirmacin) to defend, uphold; (respaldar a algn) to stand up for, support. 3
decorar vt (gen) to decorate, adorn,
(proteger) to protect ( contra/de ,
embellish; (una casa) to decorate.
against/from). 4 jur (algo) to argue,
decorativo,-a adj decorative.
plead; (a alguien) to defend.
decoroso,-a adj 1 (digno) decent, reP vpr defenderse (espabilarse) to manspectable. 2 (respetable) respectable,
age, get by, get along: qu tal se de
honourable (us honorable): un trabajo
fiende en ingls? how does she get by in
decoroso an honourable job.
English?, what's her English like?
decrecer vi (gen) to decrease, dimindefensa nf defence (us defense).
ish; (aguas) to subside, go down.
P nm o nf dep (jugador) back, defender.
decretar vt 1 (con decreto) to decree. 2
defensiva nf defensive. l o c estar a la
(ordenar) to ordain, order.
defensiva to be on the defensive.
decreto nm decree, order.
defensor,-ra adj defending.
dcuplo,-a adj tenfold.
P nm & nf 1 defender. 2 jur counsel
P nm dcuplo ten times.
for the defence (us defense). c o m p
dedal nm thimble.
defensor del pueblo ombudsman.
dedicacin nf dedication, devotion.
adj 1 (defectuoso) deficient,
l o c de dedicacin exclusiva full-time.
faulty. 2 (insuficiente) lacking, insuffidedicar vt 1 (una dedicatoria) to dedicate,
inscribe. 2 (tiempo, dinero) to devote (a,
P nm o nf mentally retarded person.
to). 3 (palabras) to address.
c o m p deficiente mental mentally rededicatoria nf dedication, inscriptarded person.
dficit nm inv com deficit.
dedo nm 1 (de la mano) finger; (del pie) deficitario,-a adj showing a deficit.
toe. 2 (medida) finger, digit. l o c hacer
definicin nf definition. l o c por defi
dedo fam to hitchhike. y no tener dos
nicin by definition.
dedos de frente fig to be as thick as
vt to define.
two short planks. c o m p dedo anular
ring finger, third finger. y dedo gordo definitivamente adv (para siempre) for
good, once and for all: se march defi
1 (de la mano) thumb. 2 (del pie) big toe.
nitivamente she left for good.
y dedo ndice forefinger, index finger.
y dedo meique little finger. y dedo definitivo,-a adj definitive, final. l o c
en definitiva finally, in short, all in
pulgar thumb. y yema del dedo fingerall.
deforestacin nf deforestation.
deduccin nf deduction.



deforestar vt to deforest.
deformacin nf deformation, distor-

1 dejar de + inf (cesar - voluntariamente) to stop + ger, give up + ger; (involuntariamente) to stop + ger: ha deja
do de llover it's stopped raining. 2 no
deformar vt (gen) to deform, put out
dejar de + inf not to fail to + inf: no deja
of shape; (cara) to disfigure; (realidad,
de sorprenderme she never fails to surimagen, etc) to distort.
prise me. 3 dejar + pp: lo dej escrito en
deforme adj (persona) deformed; (cosa)
su agenda he wrote it down in his diary.
misshapen, out of shape; (imagen, caP vpr dejarse (olvidar) to forget, leave
ra) distorted.
behind: me he dejado las llaves en casa
deformidad nf deformity, malformaI've left my keys at home.
P vpr dejarse de (cesar) to stop: djate de
defraudar vt 1 (estafar) to defraud,
tonteras don't be silly. l o c dejar algo
cheat. 2 (decepcionar) to disappoint,
por imposible to give up on sth. y de
deceive. 3 fig (frustrar) to betray: de
jar en paz to leave alone. y dejar
fraudar las esperanzas to dash one's
preocupado,-a to worry. y dejarse lle
var por algn to be influenced by sb.
del contr (de + el) de.
defuncin nf fml death, decease.
delantal nm apron, pinafore.
degenerar vi to degenerate.
delante adv 1 (enfrente) in front; (adelandegenerativo,-a adj degenerative.
tado) in front, ahead. 2 de delante in
deglutir vt to swallow.
front. 3 delante de in front of, ahead
P vi to swallow.
of, before: delante de mis ojos before my
degradante adj degrading, humiliateyes. 4 por delante in front, ahead:
tenemos mucho tiempo por delante we've
degradar vt to degrade, debase.
got plenty of time ahead.
P vpr degradarse to demean os , dedelantera nf 1 (frente) front (part). 2
grade os.
dep forward line, forwards pl. 3 (vendegustacin nf tasting.
taja) lead, advantage. l o c llevar la de
degustar vt to taste, sample, try.
lantera to be in the lead, be ahead.
dehesa nf pasture, meadow.
delantero,-a adj front, front part: el
deidad nf deity, divinity.
asiento delantero the front seat.
P nm delantero dep forward. c o m p de
dejadez nf 1 (negligencia) negligence,
lantero centro centre (us center) forcarelessness. 2 (pereza) laziness, apaward.
dejado,-a adj 1 (descuidado) untidy, delatar vt to inform on.
P vpr delatarse to give os away.
slovenly. 2 (perezoso) lazy.
delator,-ra adj accusing, denouncP nm & nf untidy person, slovenly
P nm & nf accuser, denouncer.
dejar vt 1 (colocar) to leave, put. 2 (abandonar - persona, lugar) to leave; (- hbito, delegacin nf 1 (gen) delegation.
2 (cargo) office.
cosa, actividad) to give up: dej el tabaco
he gave up smoking. 3 (permitir) to al- delegado,-a nm & nf 1 delegate. 2
com representative.
low, let: djale jugar let him play. 4
(prestar) to lend. 5 (ceder) to give. 6 delegar vt to delegate.
(aplazar) to put off: dejmoslo hasta ma deletrear vt to spell, spell out.
ana let's leave it till tomorrow. 7 (causar deletreo nm spelling (out).
un efecto) to make: le pelcula me ha deja delfn nm (animal) dolphin.
do triste the film made
me sad. 8 (legar) delgado,-a adj 1 (poco ancho) thin. 2 (es
belto) slim, slender. 3 (flaco) thin.
to bequeath, leave.
P aux



deliberacin nf deliberation.
deliberadamente adv deliberately.
deliberar vt to decide.
P vi

to deliberate (sobre, on).

delicadeza nf 1 (finura) delicacy, dain-

P pron the other, the rest: los dems lle

garon tarde the others arrived late.
P adv besides, moreover. l o c por lo
dems apart from that, otherwise. y
todo lo dems everything else.
demasiado,-a adj (singular) too much;

tiness. 2 (tacto) thoughtfulness; (refi(plural) too many.

namiento) refinement.
P adv (modificador de adjetivo) too; (modifidelicado,-a adj 1 (fino) delicate; (refinacador de verbo) too much: es demasiado
do) refined. 2 (difcil) delicate, diffigordo he's too fat.
cult: una situacin delicada a delicate situation. 3 (frgil) fragile.
demencia nf 1 insanity, madness, dedelicia nf delight, pleasure.
m e n t i a . 2 f i g (disparate) s i l l y
thing. c o m p demencia senil senile dedelicioso,-a adj delightful, charming;
(una comida) delicious.
delimitar vt 1 (terreno) to delimit, demente adj mad, insane.
mark off. 2 (definir) to define, specify.
P nm o nf 1 (persona enferma) mental patient. 2 (loco, chalado) lunatic.
delincuencia nf delinquency.
delincuente nm o nf delinquent.
democracia nf democracy.
delineante nm o nf (hombre) draughts- demcrata nm o nf democrat.
man; (mujer) draughtswoman.
democrtico,-a adj democratic.
delinear vt to delineate, outline, demografa nf demography.
demogrfico,-a adj demographic.
delirar vi to be delirious.
demoler vt to demolish, pull down,
delirio nm 1 (desvaro) delirium. 2 fig
tear down.
(disparate) nonsense.
demolicin nf demolition.
delito nm offence (us offense), crime. demoniaco,-a adj demoniacal, dedelta nf 1 (letra) delta. 2 (ala delta) hangmonic, possessed by the devil.
demonio nm demon, devil. l o c de
P nm geog delta.
monios! fam hell!, damn!
demacrado,-a adj (gen) emaciated;
nf delay.
(cara) haggard, drawn.
demagogia nf demagoguery, dema- demorar vt (retrasar) to delay, hold up.
P vpr demorarse (retrasarse) to be degogy.
layed, be held up.
demaggico,-a adj demagogic,
demostracin nf 1 (gen) demonstrademagogical.
tion. 2 mat proof.
demagogo,-a nm & nf demagogue.
demanda nf 1 (peticin) petition, re- demostrar vt 1 (probar) to prove,
show. 2 (hacer una demostracin) to
quest. 2 com (pedido de mercancas) dedemonstrate, show. 3 mat to prove.
mand. 3 jur lawsuit. l o c en demanda
demostrativo,-a adj demonstrative.
de asking for.
P nm demonstrative.
demandado,-a nm & nf defendant.
demandante nm o nf 1 jur plaintiff. 2 denegar vt (desestimar) to refuse; (negar)
to deny.
(persona que busca) seeker, hunter. (persona que compra) buyer. c o m p deman denigrante adj denigrating, disparaging.
dante de empleo job hunter.
demandar vt 1 (pedir) to request, ask denigrar vt 1 to denigrate, disparage,
for; (desear) to desire. 2 jur to sue.
run down. 2 (insultar) to insult, revile.
demarcar vt to demarcate.
denominacin nf 1 (accin) denomi
nation, naming. 2 (nombre) denomidems adj other, rest of.



nation, name. c o m p denominacin de

origen (vinos) guarantee of origin.
denominador,-ra adj denominative.
P nm denominador mat denominator.

lodge a complaint against sb, bring

an action against sb, report sb.
denunciar vt 1 (poner una denuncia) to
report. 2 (dar noticia) to denounce.
c o m p mnimo comn denominador
deparar vt 1 (presentar) to bring, hold
lowest common denominator.
in store: nadie sabe lo que el destino nos
deparar nobody knows what fate holds
denominar vt to denominate, name.
in store for us. 2 (proporcionar) to give,
densidad nf 1 (gen) density. 2 fig (espeafford.
sura) thickness, denseness. c o m p
densidad de poblacin population departamento nm 1 (seccin) department, section. 2 (de tren) compartdensity.
ment. 3 (habitacin) flat, us apartment.
denso,-a adj (gen) dense; (espeso)
dependencia nf 1 (hecho de depender)
dense, thick.
dependence. 2 (habitacin) room, outdentado,-a adj 1 (con dientes) toothed.
2 bot dentate.
dentadura nf teeth pl, set of teeth. depender vi 1 to depend (de, on): de
pende de ti it's up to you. 2 (estar bajo el
c o m p dentadura postiza false teeth pl,
mando o autoridad) to be under, be andentures pl.
swerable to; (necesitar) to be dependdental adj dental. c o m p cepillo dental
ent on: an depende de sus padres she's
still dependent on her parents.
dentellada nf 1 (mordisco) bite. 2 (seal)
nf shop assistant,
tooth mark.
salesgirl, saleswoman.
dentera nf fig (envidia) envy. l o c dar
dentera a algn 1 (dar grima) to set sb's dependiente adj dependent (de, on).
P nm o nf shop assistant, salesman.
teeth on edge. 2 (dar envidia) to make
depilacin nf depilation, hair removsb green with envy.
al. l o c depilacin a la cera waxing.
denticin nf 1 (accin de dentar) teething, dentition, cutting of the teeth. depilar vt to depilate, remove the
hair from; (cejas) to pluck.
2 (poca en que dentan los nios) dentidepilatorio,-a adj depilatory. c o m p
crema depilatoria hair-removing
dentfrico,-a adj tooth.
P nm dentfrico toothpaste. c o m p pas
deplorable adj deplorable, regrettata dentfrica toothpaste.
dentista nm o nf dentist. l o c ir al den
deplorar vt to deplore, lament, regret
tista to go to the dentist's.
dentro adv inside; (de edificio) indoors,
inside: est ah dentro it's in there. l o c deponer vt 1 (dejar) to lay down, set
aside. 2 (destituir) to remove from ofdentro de 1 (lugar) in, inside: dentro de
fice; (a un rey) to depose.
la casa in the house; dentro de una sema
na in a week, in a week's time. 2 (tiempo) deportacin nf deportation.
in. y dentro de lo posible as far as pos- deportar vt to deport.
sible. y dentro de poco soon, shortly. deporte nm sport: practicas algn depor
te? do you do any sport?, do you play
y por dentro 1 (de una cosa) (on the) inany sport? l o c hacer deporte to do
side. 2 (de una persona) deep down,
some sport.
inside, inwardly.
denuncia nf 1 (acusacin) accusation, deportista adj sporty, keen on sport.
P nm o nf (hombre) sportsman; (mujer)
formal complaint, report. 2 jur (acsportswoman.
cin) reporting; (documento)
report. l o c
presentar una denuncia contra algn to deportividad nf sportsmanship.



deportivo,-a adj 1 (aficionado al deporte)

derecho,-a adj 1 right: la mano derecha

the right hand. 2 (recto) straight, upsporting, sporty. 2 (relacionado con el
deporte) sports: club deportivo sports
P adv derecho straight: se fue derecho a
club. 3 (informal) casual: ropa deportiva
la cama he went straight to bed.
casual clothes.
P nm derecho 1 (leyes) law. 2 (privilegio)
P nm deportivo (coche) sports car.
right: todos los nios tienen derecho a la
depositar vt 1 (dinero, joyas) to deposit.
enseanza gratuita all children have a
2 (colocar) to place, put. 3 (sedimentar)
right to free education. 3 (de una tela, calto deposit.
cetn, etc) right side.
P vpr depositarse (caer en el fondo) to
P nm pl derechos (impuestos) duties,
taxes; (tarifa) fees. l o c no hay dere
depositario,-a nm & nf (de algo material)
cho! it's not fair! y tener derecho a to
depositary, trustee; (de algo inmaterial)
be entitled to, have the right to.
c o m p derecho civil civil law. y derecho
depsito nm 1 (recipiente) tank. 2 (almade admisin right sing to refuse adcn) store, warehouse, depot. 3 (sedimission. y derechos de matrcula regmento) deposit, sediment. l o c en de
istration fees. y derechos humanos
psito in bond. c o m p depsito de
human rights.
gasolina petrol tank.
deriva nf drift. l o c ir a la deriva to drift.
depreciar vt to depreciate.
derivada nf mat derivative.
P vpr depreciarse to depreciate.
derivado,-a adj derived, derivative.
depredador,-ra adj depredatory.
P nm derivado 1 ling derivative. 2
P nm & nf depredator, pillager.
(subproducto) derivative, byproduct.
depredar vt to depredate, pillage.
derivar vi 1 (proceder) to spring, arise,
depresin nf depression: depresin atmos
come, stem. 2 mar to drift. 3 ling to be
derived (de, from), derive (de, from).
frica atmospheric depression. c o m p de
P vt 1 (dirigir) to direct, divert. 2 ling
presin nerviosa nervous breakdown.
to derive. 3 mat to derive.
depresivo,-a adj 1 (deprimente) deP vpr derivarse 1 (proceder) to result
pressing. 2 med depressive.
(de, from), stem (de, from). 2 ling to
deprimente adj depressing.
be derived (de, from).
deprimido,-a adj depressed.
nf dermatology.
deprimir vt to depress.
dermatlogo,-a nm & nf dermatoloP vpr deprimirse to get depressed.
deprisa adv quickly.
drmico,-a adj dermal, dermic, skin.
depuracin nf (del agua) purification;
dermis nf inv dermis.
(de la sangre) cleansing.
dermoprotector,-ra adj which is
depurador,-ra adj purifying.
kind to the skin.
P nm depurador (sustancia) depurative;
derogar vt 1 jur to abolish, repeal. 2
(aparato) purifier.
(contrato) to rescind, cancel.
depurar vt 1 (purificar agua) to purify,
derramar vt to pour out, spill.
depurate; (sangre) to cleanse. 2 pol to
derrame nm pouring out, spilling.
purge. 3 fig (perfeccionar) to purify, rec o m p derrame cerebral med brain
derecha nf 1 (mano) right hand. 2 (lu- derrapar vi to skid.
gar) right: dame el de la derecha give me
derredor nm surroundings pl. l o c al/
the one on the right. 3 la derecha pol
en derredor round, around.
the right, the right wing.
. Consulta tambin alrededor.
derechista adj right-wing, rightist.



derretir vt (gen) to melt; (hielo, nieve) to

P vpr desacostumbrarse (perder la costumbre) to get out of the habit (de,

melt, thaw; (metal) to melt down.
P vpr derretirse (fundirse) to melt; (hielo,
of), lose the habit (de, of), give up
(de, -).
nieve) to melt, thaw.
derribar vt 1 (demoler) to pull down, desacreditar vt to discredit, bring
discredit on, bring into discredit.
demolish, knock down. 2 (hacer caer
a una persona) to knock over; (de un ca- desactivar vt to defuse.
ballo) to throw.
desacuerdo nm disagreement. l o c es
derribo nm (demolicin) demolition,
tar en desacuerdo con to be in disaknocking down, pulling down.
greement with.
derrocar vt 1 (demoler) to pull down, desafiar vt 1 (gen) to defy. 2 (no hacer
demolish, knock down. 2 (gobierno)
caso a) to flout; (no obedecer) to defy. 3
to overthrow, bring down.
(plantar cara a - persona) to defy, stand
up to; (- dificultad) to brave. l o c desa
derrochar vt (dilapidar) to waste,
fiar a algn a hacer algo to challenge sb
to do sth, dare sb to do sth.
derroche nm (despilfarro) waste, squandesafilar vt to blunt.
derrota nm 1 (de un ejrcito) defeat. 2 desafinado,-a adj out of tune.
(fracaso) failure, setback.
desafinar vi (gen) to be out of tune;
(cantar) to sing out of tune; (tocar) to
derrotar vt to defeat, beat: me derrot
play out of tune.
al tenis he beat me at tennis.
P vt to put out of tune.
derruido,-a adj in ruins.
derruir vt to pull down, demolish, desafo nm 1 (reto) challenge. 2 (provocacin) provocation, defiance.
knock down.
derrumbar vt (demoler) to pull down, desafortunadamente adv unfortunately.
demolish, knock down.
desafortunado,-a adj (sin suerte) unP vpr derrumbarse 1 (un edificio) to collucky, unfortunate.
lapse, fall down; (un techo) to fall in,
cave in. 2 fig to collapse.
desagradable adj disagreeable, unpleasant.
desabotonar vt (desabrochar) to unbutton, undo.
desagradar vi to displease: me desa
grada su msica I don't like her music.
desabrigar vt (ropa) to take someone's coat off.
desagradecido,-a adj ungrateful.
P vpr desabrigarse (uso reflexivo) to take
desagrado nm displeasure, disconoff one's coat.
tent. l o c con desagrado reluctantly.
desabrochar vt to undo, unfasten.
desagraviar vt (reparar el agravio) to
P vpr desabrocharse (una prenda) to
make amends for, make up for.
come undone, come unfastened.
desagravio nm amends pl, compendesacato nm 1 (falta de respeto) lack of
respect (a, for), disrespect (a, for). 2 desage nm 1 (accin) draining, drainjur contempt (a, for). l o c desacato a
age. 2 (caera) waste pipe, drainla autoridad contempt.
desacelerar vi to decelerate.
desahogado,-a adj 1 (espacioso)
desaconsejar vt to advise against.
roomy, spacious. 2 (con dinero) welldesacostumbrado,-a adj unusual,
off, well-to-do, comfortable: una po
sicin desahogada comfortable circumstances.
desacostumbrar vt (hacer perder un
uso) to break of a habit,
get out of a desahogar vt 1 (consolar) to comfort;
(aliviar) to relieve. 2 fig (mostrar) to



vent, pour out: desahog sus penas he desaparecer vi (dejar de estar) to disapvented his grief.
P vpr desahogarse (desfogarse) to let off
desaparecido,-a adj missing.
steam: desahgate! don't bottle it up!
P nm & nf missing person: haba diez
desahogo nm 1 (alivio) relief. 2 fig (ecodesaparecidos there were ten missing.
nmico) comfort, ease: viven con desaho desaparicin nf disappearance.
go they live comfortably.
desapasionado,-a adj dispassionate,
desahuciado,-a adj 1 (enfermo) hopeobjective, impartial.
less. 2 (inquilino) evicted.
desapego nm 1 (indiferencia) indifferdesahuciar vt 1 to deprive of all
ence. 2 (falta de afecto) coolness, lack
hope. 2 jur (inquilino) to evict.
of affection.
desahucio nm eviction, monetary desapercibido,-a adj (inadvertido) uncompensation.
noticed. l o c pasar desapercibido,-a to
desajuste nm (mal funcionamiento) malgo unnoticed.
adjustment; (avera) breakdown.
desaprensivo,-a adj unscrupulous.
desalar vt to desalt.
P nm & nf unscrupulous person.
desalentador,-ra adj discouraging, desaprobacin nf disapproval.
desaprobar vt to disapprove of.
desalentar vt fig (quitar el nimo) to disdesaprovechado,-a adj (desperdiciado)
courage, dishearten.
P vpr desalentarse get discouraged.
desaprovechar vt 1 (no sacar suficiente
desaliento nm discouragement.
provecho) not to take advantage of. 2
desalinear vt to put out of line.
(desperdiciar) to waste. l o c desaprove
desaliado,-a adj untidy, unkempt,
char una ocasin to miss an opportuscruffy.
nity, waste an opportunity.
desalojar vt 1 (marcharse) to evacuate,
adj 1 (sin armas) unclear, move out of. 2 (inquilino) to
armed. 2 (desmontado) dismantled,
evict (de, from).
taken to pieces.
desamortizacin nf disentailment.
vt 1 (quitar las armas) to disdesamortizar vt to disentail.
arm. 2 (desmontar) to dismantle, take
desamparado,-a adj (persona) helpapart, take to pieces: el mecnico des
less, unprotected.
mont el motor the mechanic stripped
desamparar vt to abandon, desert,
the engine down.
leave helpless.
c o m p des
desamparo nm 1 (abandono) abandon- desarme nm disarmament.
ment, desertion. 2 (falta de ayuda)
desarraigado,-a adj fig (persona) roothelplessness.
less, without roots, uprooted.
desandar vt to go back over, retrace.
vt (rbol, persona) to updesangrar vt (sangrar) to bleed.
P vpr desangrarse to bleed heavily,
P vpr desarraigarse fig (persona) to pull
lose blood.
up one's roots.
desanimado,-a adj (decado) dejected,
desarraigo nm (de rbol, persona) updownhearted.
desanimar vt to discourage, disdesarreglar vt (desordenar) make untihearten.
dy, mess up, untidy.
P vpr desanimarse to be discouraged,
be disheartened, lose heart.
desarrollado,-a adj developed: es un
pas desarrollado it's a developed coundesnimo nm despondency,
agement, dejection.



desarrollar vt 1 (gen) to develop. (des-

desatornillar vt to unscrew.
hacer un rollo) to unroll, unfold. 2 (ex- desautorizacin nf disapproval.
poner) to expound, explain. 3 (llevar a desautorizado,-a adj unauthorized.
cabo) to carry out: desarrollar un proyec desautorizar vt 1 (desaprobar) to disapto to carry out a project. 4 mat to exprove. 2 (prohibir) to ban, forbid: el
pand, develop.
gobierno desautoriz la manifestacin the
P vpr desarrollarse (crecer) to develop.
Government banned the demonstradesarrollo nm 1 (gen) development. 2
mat expansion.
desavenencia nf (desacuerdo) disagreedesarticulado,-a adj disjointed.
ment, discord.
desarticular vt 1 med to disarticulate, desavenir vt to cause to quarrel.
put out of joint, dislocate. 2 (un mecaP vpr desavenirse to quarrel.
nismo) to take to pieces.
desayunar vi to have breakfast,
desaseado,-a adj 1 (sucio) untidy,
dirty. 2 (dejado) untidy, slovenly, unP vt to have for breakfast.
kempt, scruffy.
desayuno nm breakfast.
desasosegado,-a adj restless, anx- desazn nf fig (disgusto) grief, afflicious.
tion, worry.
desasosegar vt to make restless, desazonado,-a adj 1 fig (disgustado)
make uneasy.
upset. 2 fig (inquieto) anxious, uneasy.
P vpr desasosegarse to become restdesazonar vt 1 fig (disgustar) to annoy,
less, become uneasy.
upset. 2 fig (inquietar) to make undesasosiego nm uneasiness, anxiety,
easy, worry.
P vpr desazonarse 1 fig (disgustarse) to
get upset. 2 fig (inquietarse) to worry.
desastrado,-a adj (desaseado) untidy,
slovenly, unkempt, scruffy.
desbandada nf scattering.
desastre nm 1 (catstrofe) disaster, ca- desbandarse vpr to scatter, disperse.
tastrophe. 2 fam (calamidad) disaster, desbaratar vt (frustrar) to spoil, ruin:
flop: la excursin fue un desastre the trip
nos desbarat los planes she spoilt our
was a washout.
desastroso,-a adj disastrous.
desbloquear vt 1 tc to free. 2 fin to
desatar vt 1 (soltar - gen) to untie, ununfreeze.
do, unfasten; (- perro, etc) to let loose: desbloqueo nm 1 tc freeing. 2 fin
desata al perro let the dog loose. 2 fig
(desencadenar) to spark off, give rise desbocado,-a adj (caballo) runaway.
to; (pasiones) to unleash.
desbocar vi (desembocar) to flow (en,
P vpr desatarse 1 (soltarse) to come uninto).
tied, come undone, come unfasP vpr desbocarse (caballo) to run away,
tened. 2 fig (desencadenarse) to break,
explode: se desat una gran tormenta a desbordar vt 1 (sobrepasar) to overgreat storm broke.
flow. 2 fig (exceder) to surpass, exdesatascador nm plunger.
ceed: eso desborda mis conocimientos
desatascar vt to unblock, clear.
that's way over my head.
desatender vt (no prestar atencin) to
P vi (salirse) to overflow: el ro desbord
pay no attention to.
the river overflowed.
P vpr desbordarse 1 (salirse) to overdesatento,-a adj (descorts) discourteflow, flood. 2 fig to burst.
ous, impolite.
P nm & nf (descorts) impolite person,
desbrozar vt (terreno) to clear of
weeds, clear of undergrowth.
discourteous person.



descabalgar vi to dismount.
descabellado,-a adj fig wild, crazy:

descarga nf 1 (accin) unloading. 2

(elctrica) discharge. 3 inform download.

descargar vt 1 (disparar una arma) to
fire, discharge, shoot; (vaciar una ar(estropear) to ruin, mess up, spoil.
ma) to unload. 2 inform to downdescafeinado,-a adj decaffeinated.
P nm descafeinado decaffeinated cofP vi (tormenta) to break; (nubes) to
descalabrar vt (herir) to injure; (en la
P vpr descargarse (pilas, bateras) to discabeza) to injure in the head.
P vpr descalabrarse to injure one's
descargo nm (descarga) unloading.
descalabro nm misfortune, damage, descaro nm impudence, cheek,
nerve. l o c qu descaro! what a
descalcificacin nf decalcification.
descarriado,-a adj fig lost. l o c ser la
descalcificar vt to decalcify.
oveja descarriada fig to be the lost
descalificacin nf 1 disqualification.
2 (descrdito) discredit.
descalificar vt 1 to disqualify. 2 (desa- descarriar vt 1 (apartar del camino) to
send the wrong way, put on the
creditar) to discredit.
wrong road, misdirect. 2 fig to lead
descalzar vt (zapatos) to take off sb's
P vpr descarriarse 1 (perderse) to lose
P vpr descalzarse to take off one's
one's way, get lost, go the wrong
way. 2 fig to go astray.
descalzo,-a adj barefoot, barefooted. descarrilar vi to be derailed, run off
descamacin nf desquamation.
the rails, go off the rails .
descamarse vpr to desquamate.
descartar vt to discard, reject, rule
descampado,-a nm open space,
out: descartamos esa posibilidad we ruled
open field.
out that possibility.
descansado,-a adj 1 rested, re- descastado,-a adj (poco carioso) unaffreshed. 2 (tranquilo) easy, effortless.
fectionate, cold.
descansar vi 1 (gen) to rest, have a
P nm & nf (poco carioso) unaffectionate
rest; (un momento) to take a break. 2
(dormir) to sleep: que descanses! sleep descendencia nf offspring, descendwell!
ants pl.
descansillo nm landing.
descender vi 1 to descend, go down,
descanso nm 1 rest, break. 2 (en un escome down. 2 (temperatura, nivel, etc) to
pectculo) interval; (en un partido) interdrop, fall, go down. 3 (ser descendiente)
val, half-time. 3 (alivio) relief, comto descend ( de , from), issue ( de ,
fort: qu descanso! what a relief! 4
(rellano) landing.
P vt (bajar) to go down: descendi la es
descapitalizar vt (perder el capital) to
calera muy rpidamente he went down
the stairs very quickly.
descapotable adj convertible.
descendiente nm o nf descendant; (hiP nm convertible.
jos) offspring.
descarado,-a adj (actitud) shameless, descenso nm 1 (accin) descent, lowerbrazen, insolent; (persona) cheeky.
ing. 2 (de temperatura) drop, fall. 3 fig
P nm & nf shameless person, cheeky
(declive) decline, fall. 4 dep (de divisin)
una idea descabellada a crackpot idea.
descacharrar vt fam (romper) to break;



descentralizacin nf decentralization.

descentralizar vt to decentralize.
descentrar vt fig to disorientate,
throw, put off.
P vpr

descentrarse fig to become dis-


descifrar vt 1 to decipher, decode. 2

descomunal adj huge, enormous.

desconcertado,-a adj disconcerted,
confused, upset.

desconcertante adj disconcerting,


desconcertar vt (perturbar) to disconcert, upset, disturb.

P vpr desconcertarse (perturbarse) to be

fig (llegar a comprender) to solve, figure
desconchado,-a nm (pared) flaking,
peeling; (loza) chipping.
desclavar vt (desprender) to take off.
descodificar vt to decode.
desconchar vt (pared) to peel off,
flake; (loza) to chip.
descolgar vt 1 (cuadro, etc) to take
P vpr desconcharse to peel off, flake
down. 2 (bajar) to lower, let down. 3
off; (loza) to chip.
(el telfono) to pick up, lift: dej el telfo
no descolgado she left the telephone off desconchn nm (en pared) bare patch.
the hook.
desconcierto nm disorder, confusion, chaos.
descollar vi to stand out, excel.
descolonizacin nf decolonization.
desconectado,-a adj fig cut off (de,
descolonizar vt to decolonize.
descolorar vt to discolour ( us dis- desconectar vt 1 elec to disconnect. 2
(un aparato) to switch off, turn off. 3
color), fade.
(desenchufar) to unplug. 4 fam fig to
descolorido,-a adj discoloured (us
turn off, switch off.
discolored), faded.
desconexin nf disconnection.
descombro nm clearing.
descompensar vt to unbalance, up- desconfiado,-a adj distrustful, suspicious, wary.
set, throw out of kilter.
P nm & nf distrustful person, suspidescomponer vt 1 (separar) to break
cious person, wary person.
down, split up. 2 (estropear) to break.
3 fs to resolve. 4 qum to decom- desconfianza nf distrust, mistrust,
pose. 5 mat to split up. 6 fig (molestar)
to disturb, upset; (irritar) irritate. 7 desconfiar vi 1 (faltar la confianza) to
distrust (de, -), mistrust (de, -), be
(pudrir) to rot.
suspicious (de, of). 2 (tener cuidado) to
P vpr descomponerse 1 (pudrirse) to debeware (de, of).
compose, rot. 2 (estropearse) to break
down. 3 fs to resolve. 4 qum to de- descongelar vt 1 (comida) to thaw,
compose. 5 mat to split.
thaw out. 2 (nevera) to defrost.
descomposicin nf 1 (pudrimiento) de- descongestin nf (nasal) unblocking,
composition, decay. 2 fam (diarrea)
clearing, decongestion.
diarrhoea (us diarrhea).
descongestionar vt to clear.
descompresin nf decompression.
desconocer vt not to know, be unaware of: desconozco su nombre I don't
descomprimir vt to decompress, depressurize.
know her name.
descompuesto,-a adj 1 (podrido) de- desconocido,-a adj 1 (no conocido) uncomposed, decayed, rotten. 2 (estroknown. 2 (extrao) strange, unfamilpeado) out of order, broken down. 3
P nm & nf stranger, unknown perf i g (alterado) u p s e t . l o c estar
descompuesto,-a to
have diarrhoea
P nm lo desconocido the unknown.
(us diarrhea).



desconocimiento nm ignorance (de,


desconsideracin nf thoughtlessness .

desconsiderado,-a adj thoughtless.

P nm

& nf thoughtless person.

desconsolado,-a adj disconsolate,

grief-stricken, inconsolable.

desconsolar vt to distress, grieve.

desconsuelo nm affliction.
descontar vt (restar) to deduct, take
off, knock off.

descontento,-a adj displeased, un-

descremado,-a adj skimmed.


yogur descremado low-fat yoghurt.

describir vt to describe.
descripcin nf description.
descriptivo,-a adj descriptive.
descrito,-a adj described.
descuartizar vt (persona) to quarter;

(animal) to quarter, cut up.

descubierto,-a adj open, uncovered:

el cielo est descubierto the sky is clear.

descubrimiento nm discovery.
descubrir vt 1 (gen) to discover; (petr-

leo, oro, minas) to find; (conspiracin) to

uncover; (crimen) to bring to light. 2
happy, dissatisfied, discontented.
(averiguar) to find out, discover: descu
P nm & nf malcontent.
brimos sus intenciones we found out his
descontrol nm fam lack of control,
P vpr descubrirse (la cabeza) to take off
descontrolado,-a adj 1 uncontrolled,
one's hat.
out of control. 2 fam fig out of condescuento
nm 1 discount, reduction,
trol, wild.
deduction. 2 dep injury time. l o c con
descontrolarse vpr (persona) to lose
descuento at a discount, on offer.
adj 1 (negligente) caredesconvocar vt to cancel, call off.
less, negligent. 2 (desprevenido) unpredescorazonador,-ra adj disheartenpared.
ing, discouraging.
descuidar vt 1 to neglect, overlook. 2
descorazonar vt to dishearten, dis(distraer) to distract.
P vpr descuidarse (no tener cuidado) to be
P vpr descorazonarse to lose heart,
careless. l o c descuida! don't worry!
get discouraged.
descuido nm 1 (negligencia) negligence,
descorchar vt to uncork.
carelessness, neglect. 2 (distraccin)
descorrer vt (cortinas) to draw; (cerrojo)
oversight, slip, mistake. l o c por des
to unbolt.
cuido inadvertently, by mistake.
descorts adj impolite, rude, dis- desde prep 1 (tiempo) since: desde 1992
since 1992. 2 (lugar) from: desde all
descortesa nf impoliteness, rudefrom there. l o c desde ahora from now
ness, discourtesy.
on. y desde luego 1 (en realidad) really. 2
(como respuesta) of course, certainly.
descoser vt to unpick.
P vpr descoserse to come unstitched.
desdentado,-a adj toothless.
desdibujar vt to blur.
descosido,-a nm open seam.
P vpr desdibujarse t o b e c o m e
descoyuntar vt 1 (hueso) to dislocate,
blurred, become faint.
disjoint. 2 fig (cansar) to exhaust, tire
desdicha nf misfortune, misery, adout.
P vpr descoyuntarse to become dislocated. l o c descoyuntarse de risa fam desdichado,-a adj unfortunate,
wretched, unlucky.
to split one's sides laughing.
descredo,-a adj disbelieving, unbe- desdoblar vt to unfold.
desdramatizar vt to make less trau
P nm & nf disbeliever, unbeliever.
matic, play down.



deseado,-a adj desired: en el momento

deseado at the right time.

desear vt 1 (querer) to want: deseo que
venga I want him to come. 2 (anhelar) to

desempatar vt to break a tie between.

vi dep (desempatar un resultado) to

break the deadlock.
long for, wish for, desire; (para al- desempate nm 1 tie-break, tiebreaker. 2 dep play-off, tie-break. c o m p
guien) to wish: qu desea? can I help
partido de desempate play off, decidyou?, what can I do for you?
ing match.
desecar vt 1 (gen) to dry up. 2 (pantano,
desempear vt 1 (cumplir una obligacin)
laguna, etc) to drain.
to discharge, fulfil (us fulfill), carry
P vpr desecarse to dry up.
out; (un cargo) to fill, hold, occupy. 2
desechable adj disposable.
(papel) to play: desempea un papel vital
desechar vt 1 (tirar) to discard, throw
she plays a vital role.
out, throw away. 2 (rechazar) to redesempeo nm 1 (obligaciones, cargo)
fuse, reject; (proyecto, idea) to drop,
carrying out, fulfilment (us fulfilldiscard.
ment). 2 teat performance, acting.
desecho nm (residuo ) reject.
desempleado,-a adj unemployed,
P nm pl desechos waste sing, rubbish
out of work.
P nm & nf unemployed person.
desembalar vt to unpack.
desempleo nm unemployment. l o c
desembarazar vt (dejar libre) to free.
cobrar el desempleo to be on the
P vpr desembarazarse (librarse) to rid
dole, (us be on welfare).
os (de, of), get rid (de, of).
desempolvar vt 1 (quitar el polvo) to
desembarcar vi to disembark, land,
dust. 2 fig (volver a usar) to unearth.
go ashore.
desencadenar vt fig (producir) to spark
P vt (mercancas) to unload; (personas) to
off, give rise to.
disembark, put ashore.
P vpr desencadenarse 1 (desatarse) to
break loose. 2 (guerra, tormenta) to
desembarco nm (mercancas) landing,
break out: se desencaden una tormenta
unloading; (personas) disembarkaa storm broke. 3 (acontecimientos) to
tion, landing.
desembocadura nf (de ro) mouth,
desencajar vt (desunir) to take apart,
desembocar vi 1 (ro) to flow (en, inP vpr desencajarse (desunirse) to come
to). 2 (calle) to end (en, at), lead (en,
apart, come loose.
desembolso nm (gasto) expense, out- desencallar vt to refloat.
desencantar vt (desilusionar) to disillulay, expenditure.
sion, disappoint.
desembozar vt fig to uncover, bring
P vpr desencantarse to be disappointout into the open.
ed, be disillusioned.
desembrujar vt to remove a spell desencanto nm (desilusin) disillusionfrom.
ment, disappointment.
desembuchar vi to come clean, spill desenchufar vt to unplug, disconthe beans: desembucha de una vez!
come out with it once and for all!
desencolar vt to unglue, unstick.
desempaar vt to wipe the steam
P vpr desencolarse to come unglued,
from, demist.
come unstuck.
desempaquetar vt to unpack, un- desencuadernar vt to unbind.
P vpr desencuadernarse to come un
desemparejar vt to separate.



desenfadado,-a adj 1 (despreocupado)

desenroscar vt to unscrew, uncoil.

free and easy, carefree. 2 (ropa) casu- desentenderse vpr (afectar ignorancia) to
pretend not to know (de, -/about),
desenfadar vt to calm down.
ignore (de, -), feign ignorance (de,
P vpr desenfadarse to calm down.
of): se desentiende de m she ignores me.
desenfado nm 1 (soltura) self-confi- desenterrar vt (un objeto) to unearth,
dence, assurance. 2 (franqueza) frankdig up; (cadver) to disinter, exhume.
ness, openness.
desentonar vi 1 ms (instrumento) to be
desenfocado,-a adj out of focus.
out of tune; (cantante) to sing out of
tune. 2 fig (combinar) not to match
desenfocar vt to take out of focus.
(con, -).
desenfoque nm incorrect focusing.
desenfrenado,-a adj (gen) frantic, un- desentrenado,-a adj out of training.
desentrenarse vpr to be out of traincontrolled, wild.
ing, get out of training.
desenfreno nm (falta de control) lack of
desenvainar vt to unsheathe, draw.
control, wild abandon.
desenfundar vt (quitar) to draw out, desenvoltura nf fig (soltura) confidence, assurance.
pull out.
desenganchar vt (gen) to unhook, un- desenvolver vt 1 (quitar lo que envuelve)
to unwrap. 2 (aclarar) to clear up.
fasten; (despegar) to unstick.
P vpr desenvolverse (manejarse) to
desengaado,-a adj 1 (desilusionado)
manage, cope: se desenvuelve muy bien
disillusioned. 2 (decepcionado) disapen los negocios he manages very well in
pointed, let down.
desengaar vt 1 (decepcionar) to disapdesenvuelto,-a adj (seguro) confident,
point. 2 (desilusionar) to disillusion.
P vpr desengaarse 1 (ver la verdad) to
have one's eyes opened (de, about). deseo nm wish, desire. l o c formular
2 (tener una decepcin) to be disappointun deseo to make a wish. c o m p bue
nos deseos good intentions.
desengao nm (desilusin) disillusion; deseoso,-a adj desirous, eager, anx(decepcin) disappointment. l o c sufrir
ious. l o c estar deseoso,-a de hacer alun desengao to be disappointed.
go to be eager to do sth.
desengrasar vt to remove the grease desequilibrado,-a adj 1 unbalanced,
out of balance. 2 (persona) mentally
desenhebrar vt to unthread.
desenjaular vt to let out of a cage, desequilibrar vt 1 to unbalance,
throw off balance. 2 fig to unbalrelease.
desenlace nm 1 (resultado) outcome,
P vpr desequilibrarse fig to become
result. 2 (final) end.
desenlazar vt (desatar) to untie, undo.
desenmaraar vt 1 (desenredar) to un- desequilibrio nm 1 lack of balance,
imbalance. 2 fig (mental) unbalanced
tangle, unravel. 2 fig (poner en claro) to
state of mind.
unravel, clear up; (un asunto) to sort
desertar vi 1 mil to desert. 2 fig (abanout.
donar) to abandon, desert.
desenmascarar vt to unmask.
desenredar vt to untangle, disentan- desrtico,-a adj desert.
desertizacin nf desertification.
P vpr desenredarse to get out (de, of),
desertor,-ra nm & nf deserter.
extricate os (de, from).
desesperacin nf despair, despera
desenrollar vt to unroll, unwind.



desesperadamente adv desperately,

desfiladero nm defile, gorge, narrow

desesperado,-a adj (sin esperanza)

desfilar vi 1 (gen) to march. 2



mil to
hopeless, desperate.
march, march past, parade. 3 (moda)
to parade, walk up and down.
desesperanza nf despair, desperation, hopelessness.
desfile nm 1 (gen) parade, procession. 2 mil parade. 3 (moda) fashion
desesperanzar vt to drive to despair.
P vpr desesperanzarse to despair, lose
hope, give up hope (de, of).
desfogar vt (descargar) to give vent to,
desesperar vt 1 (hacer perder la paciencia)
P vpr desfogarse to let off steam,
to drive to despair. 2 (exasperar) to
vent one's anger.
P vpr desesperarse 1 (desesperanzar) to
desgajar vt 1 (rama) to tear off; (pgina)
lose hope, despair. 2 (irritarse) to get
to rip out, tear out. 2 (romper) to
irritated, become exasperated: se
desespera por todo everything exasper- desgana nf (inapetencia) lack of appeates her.
tite. l o c con desgana reluctantly.
desestabilizacin nf destabilization. desganado,-a adj 1 (sin gana) not hundesestabilizar vt to destabilize.
gry: est desganado he has no appetite.
2 (aptico) apathetic, half-hearted.
desestimar vt to disregard, underestimate.
desganar vt 1 (quitar el apetito) to spoil
the appetite of. 2 (quitar las ganas) to
desfachatez nf cheek, nerve.
turn off.
desfalco nm embezzlement.
P vpr desganarse 1 (perder el apetito) to
desfallecer vt (disminuir las fuerzas) to
lose one's appetite. 2 (perder el inteweaken.
rs) to lose interest (de, in), go off
P vi 1 (debilitar) to weaken, lose
(de, -).
strength. 2 (decaer) to lose heart.
desgarbado,-a adj ungainly, undesfallecido,-a adj weak, faint.
graceful, clumsy.
desfallecimiento nm faintness.
desfasado,-a adj outdated, out of desgarrador,-ra adj heartbreaking,
date; (persona) old-fashioned, behind
desgarrar vt (rasgar) to tear, rip.
the times.
P vpr desgarrarse (rasgarse) to tear,
desfasar vt tc to phase out.
P vpr desfasarse 1 tc to change
phase. 2 (persona) to be out of synch. desgarro nm (rompimiento) tear, rip.
desfase nm 1 (diferencia) imbalance, desgastar vt (ropa) to wear out, wear
away; (tacones) to wear down.
gap. 2 tc phase difference. c o m p
P vpr desgastarse (gastarse) to wear
desfase horario 1 (entre pases) time difout, get worn.
ference. 2 (al volar en avin) jet lag.
desfavorable adj unfavourable (us desgaste nm (gen) wear.
desglosar vt 1 (escrito) to detach. 2 (gasunfavorable).
tos) to break down.
desfavorecer vt (perjudicar) to disaddesglose nm breakdown, separation.
vantage, put at a disadvantage.
desfigurado,-a adj (persona) disfig- desgracia nf 1 (desdicha) misfortune. 2
(mala suerte) bad luck, mischance. l o c
por desgracia unfortunately.
desfigurar vt (cara) to disfigure.
P vpr desfigurarse (descomponerse) to
adj 1 (sin suerte) unfor
tunate, unlucky. 2 (infeliz) unhappy.
become distorted.



nm & nf wretch, unfortunate per-


desgraciar vt (echar a perder) to spoil.


vpr desgraciarse (malograrse) to fail,

deshidratado,-a adj dehydrated.

deshidratar vt to dehydrate.
P vpr

deshidratarse to become dehy-


be spoiled; (plan, proyecto) to fall deshielo nm thaw; (de congelador) dethrough.

frosting; (de parabrisas) de-icing.
desgranar vt (guisante, maz) to shell; deshilachado,-a adj frayed.
(trigo) to thresh.
deshilachar vt to fray.
desgravar vt to deduct.
deshilvanar vt to untack.
desguace nm 1 (de barco) breaking up;
deshinchado,-a adj 1 (neumtico, etc)
(coche) car breaking, scrapping. 2 (luflat, deflated. 2 (sin hinchazn) not
gar) breaker's yard, scrapyard.
swollen: la rodilla ya la tienes deshincha
desguazar vt (barco) to break up; (coda the swelling in your knee has gone
che) to scrap.
deshabitado,-a adj (pueblo, lugar) undeshinchar
vt 1 (neumtico, etc) to deinhabited; (casa, departamento) unocflate, let down. 2 (reducir la hinchazn)
to reduce the swelling of.
deshabitar vt to leave, abandon, vaP vpr deshincharse 1 to deflate, go
down. 2 (reducirse la hinchazn) to go
deshabituar vt (hacer perder el hbito) to
break from the habit.
deshojar vt (flor) to strip the petals
P vpr deshabituarse to get out of the
off; (rbol) to strip the leaves off.
habit (a, of), give up (a, -).
P vpr deshojarse (flor) to lose its petdeshacer vt 1 (estropear) to ruin, damals; (rbol) to lose its leaves.
age; (romper) to break; (desordenar) to
upset. 2 (nudo) to untie, loosen; (pa- deshollinador nm chimney sweep.
quete) to undo, unwrap; (cama) to deshollinar vt to sweep.
strip; (equipaje) to unpack; (puntadas) deshonestidad nf (sin honestidad) disto unpick. 3 (romper un acuerdo) to
break off. 4 (disolver) to dissolve; (de- deshonesto,-a adj (sin honestidad) disrretir) to melt. 5 (desandar) to retrace. 6
(planes, proyectos) to spoil, ruin.
deshonra nf dishonour (us dishonor),
P vpr deshacerse 1 (nudo) to come undisgrace.
done, come untied; (puntada) to
come unsewn. 2 (disolverse) to dis- deshonrar vt (gen) to dishonour (us
dishonor), disgrace.
solve; (derretirse) to melt.
adj dishonourable (us
desharrapado,-a adj ragged, in tatdishonorable).
deshecho,-a adj 1 (destruido) de- desidia nf negligence.
stroyed. 2 (estropeado) damaged, ru- desierto,-a adj (sin habitantes) uninhabited, deserted: una isla desierta a desert
ined. 3 (nudo) untied, undone; (paqueisland.
te) unwrapped; (cama) unmade;
P nm desierto desert.
(equipaje) unpacked. 4 (disuelto) dissolved; (derretido) melted.
designar vt 1 (denominar) to designate.
deshelar vt 1 to thaw, melt. 2 (congela2 (nombrar para un cargo) to appoint,
dor) to defrost. 3 (coche) to de-ice.
name, assign.
P vpr deshelarse to thaw out, melt.
desigual adj 1 (gen) unequal, uneven.
desherbar vt to weed.
2 (diferente) different, unequal. 3 (irredesheredar vt to disinherit.
gular) uneven, irregular. 4 (no liso) un
deshidratacin nf dehydration.
even, rough. 5 (variable) changeable:


tiene un carcter muy desigual she is very


desliz nm 1 (resbaln) slide, slip. 2 fig

(error) slip, mistake error. l o c tener

un desliz fig to slip up, make a slip.
deslizamiento nm slipping, slip. c o m p
deslizamiento de tierra landslide.
desilusin nf disappointment.
deslizar vt (pasar) to slide, slip.
desilusionar vt to disappoint.
P vi (resbalar) to slide, slip.
P vpr desilusionarse to be disappointP vpr deslizarse (gen) to slide; (sobre
agua) to glide.
desincrustar vt to descale.
deslucir vt fig (quitar la gracia) to mar,
desinencia nf ending, desinence.
desinfectante adj disinfectant.
deslumbrar vt to dazzle.
P nm disinfectant.
deslustrar vt (metal) to tarnish.
desinfectar vt to disinfect.
desinflamar vt to reduce the inflam- desmadejar vt fig to tire out, exhaust.
mation in.
P vpr desinflamarse to go down.
desmagnetizar vt to demagnetize.
desinflar vt (gen) to deflate; (una rueda) desmantelar vt to dismantle.
to let down.
desmaquillar vt to remove make-up
P vpr desinflarse to go down.
desinformar vi to misinform.
P vpr desmaquillarse to remove one's
desinsectar vt to fumigate.
desintegrar vt 1 to disintegrate. 2 fig desmarcarse vpr 1 dep to get into an
to disintegrate, break up. 3 fs to
unmarked position. 2 (distanciarse) to
distance os (de, from), disassociate
P vpr desintegrarse 1 to disintegrate.
os (de, from) .
2 fig to break up. 3 fs to split.
desmayar vt (causar desmayo) to make
desinters nm (falta de inters) lack of
interest, indifference.
P vpr desmayarse (perder el sentido) to
desinteresarse vpr 1 (perder el inters) to
lose interest (de, in), go off (de, -). 2 desmayo nm (prdida del conocimiento)
(desentenderse) to have nothing to do
faint, fainting fit. l o c sufrir/tener un
(de, with).
desmayo to faint.
desintoxicacin nf detoxication.
desmejorar vt to spoil, make worse,
desintoxicar vt to detoxicate.
P vi to deteriorate, get worse, go
desistir vi (gen) to desist, give up.
deslavar vt to half-wash.
P vpr desmejorarse to deteriorate, get
desleal adj disloyal.
worse, go downhill.
deslealtad nf disloyalty.
deslenguado,-a adj fig (descarado) in- desmelenar vt (desgrear) to tousle, dishevel.
solent, cheeky.
P vpr desmelenarse fam (desmadrarse)
desligar vt 1 (desatar) to untie, unfasto let one's hair down.
ten. 2 fig (separar) to separate ( de,
from). 3 fig (librar de una obligacin) to desmemoriado,-a adj forgetful, absent-minded.
release (de, from), free (de, from).
desmentir vt 1 (negar) to deny. 2 (conP vpr desligarse 1 (desatarse) to break
tradecir) to contradict, belie.
away (de, from). 2 (librarse) to release
desmenuzar vt (gen) to break into litos (de, from), free os (de, from).
tle pieces.
deslindar vt to delimit,
mark the
boundaries of.
desmirriado,-a adj fam weedy, puny.

desigualdad nf (gen) inequality, dif-



desmitificar vt to demystify.
desmoldar vt to remove from a

desolado,-a adj (triste) distressed,


mould, turn out.

desolador,-ra adj (desconsolador) heart-

to pieces.

desorden nm disorder, disarray,

desmontable adj that can be taken

desmontar vt 1 (desarmar) to take to

breaking, devastating.

mess, untidiness.
pieces, take down, dismantle. 2 (mo- desordenado,-a adj 1 (habitacin, etc)
untidy, messy. 2 (persona) slovenly.
tor) to strip.
desordenar vt to untidy, disarrange,
P vi (del caballo) to dismount (de, -).
mess up.
desmoralizar vt to demoralize.
desorganizar vt to disorganize, disP vpr desmoralizarse to become derupt.
desmoronamiento nm crumbling, desorientar vt 1 to disorientate. 2 fig
(confundir) to confuse.
disintegration, fall.
P vpr desorientarse to lose one's
desmoronar vt to crumble, destroy.
bearings, lose one's sense of direcP vpr desmoronarse to crumble, coltion, get lost.
lapse, fall to pieces.
vi (insectos) to lay eggs; (peces)
desnatado,-a adj (leche) skimmed; (yoto spawn.
gur) low-fat.
desnaturalizacin nf 1 qum dena- desove nm (insectos) egg-laying; (peces)
turation. 2 (adulteracin) adulteration.
desnaturalizar vt 1 (adulterar) to adul- desoxidante adj deoxidizing.
terate. 2 qum to denature, denatur- desoxirribonucleico,-a adj deoxyribonucleic.
desnivel nm 1 unevenness. 2 (cuesta) despabilado,-a adj fig (listo) smart,
sharp, quick.
slope, drop. 3 fig difference.
vt fig (despertar) to wake
desnivelar vt 1 (sacar de nivel) to make
uneven. 2 (desequilibrar) to throw out
P vpr despabilarse 1 (despertarse) to
of balance; (balanza) to tip.
wake up. 2 (avivarse) to wise up.
desnudar vt 1 to undress. 2 fig (despodespachar vt 1 (resolver) to resolve, get
jar) to strip.
through; (tratar un asunto) to deal
P vpr desnudarse (persona) to get unwith, attend. 2 (despedir) to dismiss,
dressed, take one's clothes off.
sack, fire. 3 (en tienda) to serve; (vendesnudez nf nudity, nakedness.
der) to sell.
desnudo,-a adj (persona) naked, nude; despacho nm (oficina) office; (estudio)
(parte del cuerpo) bare.
study. c o m p despacho de billetes/loca
desnutricin nf malnutrition, underlidades ticket/box office.
despacio adv (gen) slowly.
desnutrido,-a adj undernourished.
desparasitar vt (piojos) to delouse;
desobedecer vt to disobey.
(lombrices) to worm.
desobediente adj disobedient.
desparramar vt to spread, scatter; (un
desocupado,-a adj 1 (ocioso) free, not
lquido) to spill.
busy. 2 (desempleado) unemployed, despectivo,-a adj 1 contemptuous,
out of work.
disparaging. 2 gram pejorative, dedesocupar vt to vacate, leave, empty.
desodorante nm deodorant.
despedida nf farewell, goodbye.
desolacin nf 1 desolation.
2 (tristeza) despedir vt 1 (echar) to throw out. 2
affliction, grief.
(del trabajo) to dismiss, fire, sack. 3



P vpr despistarse 1 (perderse) to get

(decir adis) to see off, say goodbye
lost.. 2 (distraerse) to get confused.
P vpr despedirse (decirse adis) to say
despiste nm 1 (distraccin) absentgoodbye (de, to).
mindedness. 2 (error) mistake, slip.
despegar vt (desenganchar) to unstick, desplazamiento nm (traslado) moving,
take off, detach.
P vi (avin) to take off.
desplazar vt 1 (mover) to move, shift. 2
P vpr despegarse (separarse) to come
fig (sustituir) to replace, take over
P vpr desplazarse to travel.
despegue nm (avin) takeoff.
desplegar vt (extender) to unfold,
despeinar vt to dishevel, ruffle.
spread (out).
P vpr despeinarse to mess up one's
despliegue nm fig (exhibicin) display,
show, manifestation.
despejar vt 1 (desalojar) to clear. 2 mat
desplomar vt (hacer perder la verticalidad)
to find. 3 inform to clear.
to put out of plumb.
P vpr despejarse 1 meteor to clear up.
P vpr desplomarse (caer algo de peso) to
2 (espabilarse) to wake os up, clear
fall down, collapse, topple over.
one's head.
despoblar vt to depopulate.
despenalizar vt to legalize.
P vpr despoblarse to become depopdespensa nf (lugar) pantry, larder.
ulated, become deserted.
despear vt to throw over a cliff.
despojar vt (quitar) to deprive (de, of),
P vpr despearse (caer) to fall over a
P vpr despojarse (desposeerse voluntariamendesperdiciar vt to waste, squander;
te) to forsake (de, -), give up (de,-).
(oportunidad) to throw away.
despojo nm (botn) plunder, booty.
desperdicio nm waste.
P nm pl despojos (sobras) leavings,
P nm pl desperdicios (basura) rubbish
sing; (desechos) scraps, leftovers.
desposeer vt (gen) to dispossess.
desperdigar vt to scatter, disperse.
dspota nm o nf despot, tyrant.
desperezarse vpr to stretch.
desperfecto nm 1 (dao) damage. 2 despreciar vt 1 (desdear) to despise,
scorn, look down on. 2 (ignorar) to
(defecto) flaw, defect.
disregard, ignore.
despertador nm alarm clock.
desprecio nm (desestima) contempt,
despertar vt to wake, wake up,
scorn, disdain.
desprender vt 1 (soltar) to release. 2
P vi to wake up, awake.
(emanar) to give off.
P vpr despertarse to wake up, awake.
P vpr desprenderse (soltarse) to come
despiadado,-a adj ruthless, mercioff, come away.
desprendimiento nm (accin de desprendespido nm dismissal, sacking.
derse) detachment, loosening.
despierto,-a adj 1 awake. 2 (espabila- despreocupado,-a adj (tranquilo) undo) lively, smart, sharp, bright.
concerned, unworried.
despilfarrar vt to waste, squander.
despreocuparse vpr 1 (dejar de preocudespilfarro nm waste.
parse) to stop worrying. 2 (desentenderdespistado,-a adj (distrado) absentse) to be unconcerned (de, about),
be indifferent (de, to).
despistar vt fig (desorientar)
to mislead, desprestigiar vt to discredit, ruin the
reputation of.



desprevenido,-a adj unprepared, un-

co g e r /p i l l a r a a l g n
desprevenido,-a to catch sb una-

r e a d y.


destilera nf distillery.
destinar vt 1 (asignar) to assign, set

aside, destine; (dinero) to allocate, set

aside. 2 (persona) to assign, post.
destinatario,-a nm & nf 1 (de carta) addressee. 2 (de mercancas) consignee.
destino nm 1 (sino) destiny, fate. 2 (uso)
purpose, use. 3 (lugar) destination.
l o c con destino a bound for, going
destitucin nf dismissal, removal.
destituir vt to dismiss.
destornillador nm screwdriver.
destornillar vt to unscrew.
destrabar vt (quitar las trabas) to unfetter.
destreza nf skill.
destronar vt 1 to dethrone. 2 fig to
overthrow, unseat.
destrozar vt 1 (romper) to destroy,
wreck; (despedazar) to tear to pieces,
tear to shreds. 2 fig (causar dao moral)
to crush, shatter, devastate.
destrozo nm (accin) destruction.
destruccin nf destruction.
destruir vt to destroy.
desunir vt (separar) to divide, separate.
desuso nm disuse: eso est en desuso
that's obsolete, that's outdated.
desvalido,-a adj needy, destitute.
desvalijar vt 1 (a alguien) to rob. 2 (un
lugar) to burgle.
desvn nm loft, attic.
desvanecer vt 1 (hacer desaparecer) to
clear, dispel, disperse. 2 fig (recuerdo,
etc) to dispel, banish.
P vpr desvanecerse 1 (disiparse) to disdesternillarse l o c desternillarse de ri
perse, clear. 2 fig (desaparecer) to vansa fam to split one's sides laughing,
ish, disappear; (recuerdos) to fade.
be in stitches.
desvanecimiento nm (desmayo) faint,
desterrar vt to exile, banish.
fainting fit.
destiempo l o c a destiempo inopportunely, at the wrong moment: lleg a desvariar vi to be delirious, rave.
destiempo he arrived at the wrong mo- desvaro nm 1 (delirio) delirium, ravment.
ing. 2 (disparate) nonsense, act of
madness. 3 (capricho) fancy, whim.
destierro nm 1 (pena) banishment, exile. 2 (lugar) place of exile.
desvelar vt 1 (quitar el sueo) to keep
awake. 2 fig (revelar) to reveal, disdestilar vt to distil (us distill).

wares, take sb by surprise.

desproporcionado,-a adj disproportionate, out of proportion.
despus adv 1 afterwards, later. 2 (entonces) then. 3 (luego) next. l o c des
pus de 1 (tiempo) after. 2 (desde) since.
3 (+ pp) after, once: despus de la cena
after supper. y despus de todo after
all: despus de todo no est tan mal it's not
that bad after all.
despuntar vt (quitar la punta) to blunt,
make blunt.
destacamento nm detachment.
destacar vi (despuntar) to stand out.
P vt fig (dar nfasis) to point out, emphasize.
P vpr destacarse to stand out.
destajo nm piecework. l o c a destajo
by the piece.
destapar vt 1 (gen) to open: destap la
caja y vi que estaba vaca I opened the box
and saw it was empty. 2 (tapn) to uncork; (tapa) to take the lid off. 3 fig
(descubrir) to reveal, uncover.
P vpr destaparse (en la cama) to take
the covers off.
destellar vi (estrella) to twinkle.
destello nm (resplandor) sparkle, flash;
(brillo) gleam, shine.
destemplado,-a adj 1 (carcter) irritable, tetchy. 2 (tiempo) unpleasant.
desteir vt to discolour (us discolor),
P vi to lose colour (us color), fade,



close: nos desvel el secreto she revealed detener vt 1 (parar) to stop, halt; (proceso, negociacin) to hold up. 2 (retener)
the secret to us.
to keep, delay, detain.
P vpr desvelarse 1 to be unable to
P vpr detenerse 1 (pararse) to stop,
sleep. 2 fig (dedicarse) to devote os
halt: el tren se detuvo the train stopped. 2
(por, to): siempre se ha desvelado por su
(entretenerse) to hang about, linger.
familia she has always devoted herself
detenidamente adv carefully, thorto her family.
desvelo nm (dedicacin) devotion, dedidetenido,-a adj 1 (parado) held up. 2
jur under arrest: est detenido he's undesventaja nf 1 disadvantage, drawder arrest.
back. 2 (problema) problem. l o c estar
P nm & nf jur prisoner.
en desventaja to be at a disadvandetergente nm detergent.
desvergonzado,-a adj (sinvergenza) deteriorar vt (estropear) to damage,
spoil; (gastar) to wear out.
shameless, brazen.
P vpr deteriorarse (estropearse) to get
desvergenza nf (falta de decoro)
damaged; (gastarse) to wear out.
nm 1 (dao) damage, deteridesvestir vt to undress.
oration; (desgaste) wear and tear. 2 fig
P vpr desvestirse to undress, get un(empeoramiento) deterioration, worsdressed.
desviacin nf 1 deviation. 2 (de carretedeterminado,-a adj 1 (preciso) definite,
ra) diversion, detour.
precise, certain, given, particular. 2
desviar vt 1 (gen) to deviate, change
(da, hora, etc) fixed, set, appointed. 3
the course of: desvi la mirada she
gram definite. 4 mat determinate.
looked away. 2 (golpe, baln) to deflect. determinante adj decisive, determi3 (carretera, ro, barco, avin) to divert. 4
fig (tema) to change.
P nm mat determinant.
P vpr desviarse 1 (avin, barco) to go off
determinar vt 1 (decidir) to resolve,
course; (coche) to make a detour. 2
decide, determine. 2 (fijar) to fix, set,
(golpe, baln) to be deflected. 3 (persoappoint. 3 (estipular) to stipulate,
na, camino) to leave.
desvo nm diversion, detour.
P vpr determinarse (decidirse) to make
desvivirse vpr 1 (desvelarse) to do one's
up one's mind, decide.
utmost (por, for), be devoted (por, detestar vt to detest, hate, abhor.
to). 2 (desear) to be mad (por, about). detonacin nf detonation.
detallado,-a adj detailed, thorough.
detonador nm detonator.
detallar vt 1 to detail, give the details detonante adj detonating, exploof, tell in detail. 2 (especificar) to specsive.
P nm 1 detonator. 2 fig trigger.
detalle nm 1 (pormenor) detail, particu- detrs adv 1 behind: detrs de la puerta
lar. 2 (delicadeza) nice gesture, nice
behind the door. 2 (en la parte posterior) at
thought. 3 (toque decorativo) touch. l o c
the back, in the back. 3 (despus)
al detalle com retail. y tener un detalle
then, afterwards. l o c ir detrs de to
to be considerate, be thoughtful.
go after.
detallista nm o nf com retailer, retail deuda nf 1 debt. 2 rel trespass. c o m p
deuda pblica national debt.
detectar vt to detect.
nm & nf debtor.
detective nm o nf detective.
devaluacin nf devaluation.



devaluar vt to devalue.
devocin nf 1 devotion, devoutness.
2 (aficin) devotion, dedication.

devolver vt 1 (volver algo a un estado ante-

diagrama nm diagram.

c o m p diagrama
de flujo inform flow chart.
dial nm dial.
dialecto nm dialect.
dialogar vi 1 (conversar) to talk, have a
conversation. 2 fig (negociar) to negotiate, hold talks (sobre, on).
dilogo nm dialogue, conversation.
diamante nm diamond.
dimetro nm diameter.
diana nf dep (objeto) target; (para dardos)

rior) to put back, return. 2 (por correo)

to send back, return. 3 (restituir un dinero) to refund, return. 4 (una visita, un
cumplido, etc) to return, pay back. 5
fam (vomitar) to vomit, throw up,
bring up.
P vi fam (vomitar) to throw up, be
dartboard; (blanco) bull's eye.
devorar vt to devour.
diapositiva nf slide.
devuelto,-a nm (vmito) vomit.
diario,-a adj daily, everyday.
Dg sm (decagramo) decagram; (smbolo)
P nm diario 1 (prensa) daily, paper,
daily newspaper. 2 (ntimo) diary,
dg sm (decigramo) decigram; (smbolo)
journal. l o c a diario daily, every day.
diarrea nf diarrhoea (us diarrhea).
da nm 1 day. 2 (con luz) daylight, day- dibujante nm o nf 1 artist, drawer. 2
time: ya es de da it's daylight. 3 (tiempo)
(de dibujos animados) cartoonist. 3 tc
day, weather.
(hombre) draughtsman ( us draftsP nm pl das (vida) days. l o c al da si
man); (mujer) draughtswoman ( us
guiente the following day. y buenos
das! good morning! y todos los das dibujar vt 1 to draw, sketch. 2 tc to
each day, every day. y dar los buenos
design. 3 fig (describir) to describe.
das to say good morning. y de da
dibujo nm 1 (arte) drawing, sketching.
during the day. y estar al da fig to be
2 (imagen) drawing. 3 (motivo) pattern,
up to date. y hacer buen/mal da to
design. c o m p dibujo artstico artistic
be a nice/horrible day. y ser de da to
drawing. y dibujo lineal draughtsbe daylight. c o m p da de ao nuevo
manship (us draftsmanship). y dibu
New Year's Day. y da de descanso
jos animados cartoons.
day off. y da festivo holiday, bank
diccionario nm dictionary.
holiday. y da de paga payday. y da
dicho,-a adj said, mentioned: dicha ca
entre semana weekday.
sa the said house; dicho esto se mar
diabetes nf inv diabetes.
ch having said this he left. l o c dicho y
diabtico,-a adj diabetic.
hecho no sooner said than done.
diablo nm devil, demon. c o m p un dia diciembre nm December.
blillo a little devil.
. Consulta tambin marzo.
diablura nf mischief, naughtiness.
dictado,-a nm dictation.
diacrtico,-a adj diacritic, diacritical.
diadema nf 1 (joya) diadem. 2 (adorno dictador,-ra nm & nf dictator.
para el pelo) hairband.
dictadura nf dictatorship.
diafragma nm 1 anat diaphragm. 2 dictar vt 1 to dictate. 2 jur (ley) to en(en fotografa) aperture. 3 med diaact, decree, announce; (sentencia) to
phragm, cap.
pronounce, pass.
diagnstico,-a nm diagnosis.
didctico,-a adj didactic.
l o c en diago
diagonal adj diagonal.
diecinueve adj (cardinal) nineteen; (or
nal diagonally.
dinal) nineteenth.


P nm 1 (nmero) nineteen. 2 (fecha)

. Consulta tambin seis.

dieciocho adj (cardinal) eighteen; (ordinal) eighteenth.

nm 1 (nmero) eighteen. 2 (fecha)

. Consulta tambin seis.

diecisis adj (cardinal) sixteen; (ordinal)

P nm 1 (nmero) sixteen. 2 (fecha) sixteenth.
. Consulta tambin seis.

diecisiete adj (cardinal) seventeen; (ordinal) seventeenth.

P nm 1 (nmero) seventeen. 2 (fecha)
. Consulta tambin seis.

diente nm 1 (gen) tooth. 2 (de ajo) clove.

l o c echar los dientes to teethe. y ha

blar entre dientes fig to mumble,
mutter. c o m p diente de leche milk


diresis nf inv diaeresis, dieresis.

diesel adj diesel.
diestro,-a adj 1 lit right. 2 (hbil) skilful (us skillful).
dieta nf (rgimen, alimentacin) diet.
diez adj (cardinal) ten; (ordinal) tenth.
P nm 1 (nmero) ten. 2 (fecha) tenth.

difusin nf 1 (de luz, calor) diffusion. 2

fig (de noticia, enfermedad, etc) spreading.

3 rad broadcast, broadcasting.
digestin nf digestion.
digestivo,-a adj digestive.
digital adj digital.
dgito nm digit.
dignarse vpr to deign (a, to), condescend (a, to).
dignidad nf 1 (cualidad) dignity. 2 (cargo) rank, office, post.
digno,-a adj 1 (merecedor) worthy, deserving. 2 (respetable) worthy, honourable (us honorable). l o c digno,-a
de admiracin worthy of admiration, admirable.
dilatado,-a adj 1 dilated. 2 (vasto) vast,
extensive, large. 3 fs expanded.
dilatar vt 1 to dilate. 2 fs to expand. 3
(prolongar) to prolong, extend.
diligencia nf 1 (cuidado) diligence,
care. 2 (rapidez) rapidity, speed. 3 (carreta) stagecoach.
diluir vt 1 (un slido) to dissolve. 2 (un lquido) to dilute.
P vpr diluirse 1 (un slido) to dissolve. 2
(un lquido) to dilute.

diluviar vi [se emplea slo en tercera per-

sona del singular; no lleva sujeto] to pour

with rain, pour down.

diluvio nm flood.
dimensin nf 1 [tambin se usa en plural

con el mismo significado] dimension,

size. 2 fig (importancia) importance.
adj diminutive.
diezmilsimo,-a adj ten-thousandth.
P nm diminutivo diminutive.
P nm & nf ten-thousandth.
diminuto,-a adj tiny, minute.
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.
dimisin nf resignation.
diferencia nf difference.
dimitir vi to resign (de, from).
diferenciar vt (distinguir) to differenti- Dinamarca nf Denmark.
ate, distinguish (entre, between).
dinamita nf dynamite.
P vpr diferenciarse to differ, be differdinasta nf dynasty.
ent (por, because of).
dinero nm 1 money. 2 (fortuna) wealth.
diferente adj different.
l o c andar mal/escaso,-a de dinero to
difcil adj difficult, hard.
be short of money. y tirar el dinero
dificultad nf 1 difficulty. 2 (obstculo)
por la ventana to throw money
obstacle; (problema) trouble, probdown the drain. c o m p dinero en me
tlico cash.
difunto,-a nm & nf deceased.
dinosaurio nm dinosaur.

. Consulta tambin seis.

dioptra nf dioptre (us diopter).
dios nm god.
diosa nf goddess.
diploma nm diploma.
diplomacia nf diplomacy.
diplomtico,-a adj diplomatic.


discapacitado,-a adj handicapped,


disciplina nf 1 (conjunto de reglas) disci-

pline. 2 (doctrina) doctrine. 3 (asignatura) subject.

disciplinado,-a adj disciplined.
discpulo,-a nm & nf 1 (seguidor) disciP nm & nf diplomat.
ple, follower. 2 (alumno) pupil, studiptongo nm diphthong.
diputado,-a nm & nf (miembro del Con- disc-jockey nm o nf disc jockey, DJ.
greso) deputy, member of the Spanish
disco nm 1 disc. 2 dep discus. 3 (de msiParliament.
ca) record. 4 inform disk. c o m p disco
dique nm (muro) dike, breakwater.
duro hard disk.
direccin nf 1 (accin de dirigir) manage- discoteca nf (local) discotheque,
ment, running. 2 (cargo) directorship,
position of manager. 3 (sentido) direc- discrecin nf 1 (sensatez) discretion,
tion, way. 4 (destino) destination: sali
tact. 2 (agudeza) wit. l o c a discrecin
con direccin a Cdiz he left for Cdiz. 5
(a voluntad) at one's discretion.
(domicilio) address. 6 tc steering. c o m p discreto,-a adj (prudente) discreet, prucalle de direccin nica one-way
dent, tactful.
discriminacin nf discrimination.
directivo,-a adj directive, managing.
c o m p discriminacin racial racial disP nm & nf director, manager, board
discriminar vt 1 (diferenciar) to discrimdirecto,-a adj direct, straight.
inate, distinguish. 2 (por raza, religin,
P nm directo dep straight hit. l o c en
etc) to discriminate against.
directo tv live.
disculpa nf excuse, apology. l o c pedir
director,-ra nm & nf 1 director, mandisculpas a algn to apologize to sb.
ager. 2 (de colegio - hombre) headmas- disculpar vt 1 (descargar de culpa) to exter; (- mujer) headmistress. 3 (de orcuse: disculpe el retraso please excuse the
questa) conductor. c o m p director,-ra de
delay. 2 (perdonar) to excuse, forgive:
cine film director.
disculpe! excuse me!
P vpr disculparse to apologize ( por ,
directorio,-a nm 1 (gobierno) governing
for), excuse os.
body. 2 (de direcciones) directory,
guide. 3 inform directory.
discurrir vi 1 (andar) to walk, wander.
2 (fluir) to flow, run. 3 (transcurrir) to
dirigente adj leading, directing.
pass, go by. 4 fig (reflexionar) to think
P nm o nf 1 leader. 2 (de empresa) man( sobre, about), ponder (sobre, on/
over), meditate (sobre, on).
dirigir vt 1 (empresa) to manage; (negocio, escuela) to run; (un peridico) to edit. discurso nm (conferencia) speech.
2 (orquesta) to conduct; (pelcula) to di- discusin nf 1 (charla) discussion. 2
(disputa) argument.
rect. 3 (coche) to drive, steer; (barco) to
steer; (avin) to pilot. 4 (un partido) to discutir vi 1 (examinar) to discuss (de, -).
2 (contender) to argue.
lead. 5 (carta, protesta) to address.
diseminar vt to disseminate, scatter,
P vpr dirigirse 1 (ir) to go (a, to), make
one's way (a, to), make (a, for). 2
P vpr diseminarse to spread.
(hablar) to address (a, -), speak (a, to):
se dirigi a su padre
she addressed her fa- diseador,-ra nm & nf designer.
disear vt to design.


diseo nm design.
disfraz nm 1 (para engaar) disguise. 2


disparar vt 1 (arma) to fire; (bala, flecha)

to shoot. 2 (lanzar) to hurl, throw. 3

dep to shoot.
(para una fiesta, etc) fancy dress outfit,
fancy dress costume.
disparatado,-a adj absurd, foolish,
disfrazar vt (persona) to disguise, dress
disparo nm 1 (accin) firing. 2 (efecto)
P vpr disfrazarse 1 (para engaar) to disshot. 3 dep shot.
guise os (de, as). 2 (para una fiesta, etc) dispersar vt (gen) to disperse, scatter.
to dress up (de, as).
P vpr dispersarse (gen) to disperse,
disfrutar vt 1 (poseer) to own, enjoy,
possess; (pensin, renta) to receive. 2 disperso,-a adj (esparcido) scattered.
(aprovechar) to make the most of.
disponer vt 1 (colocar) to dispose, arP vi 1 (poseer) to enjoy ( de , -), have
range, set out. 2 (preparar) to prepare,
(de, -), possess (de, -): disfruta de buena
get ready. 3 (ordenar) to order, decree.
salud he enjoys good health. 2 (gozar) to
P vi 1 (tener) to have (de, -). 2 (hacer uso)
enjoy, enjoy os: disfrut mucho en el ci
to make use (de, of), have the use
ne I enjoyed myself very much at the
(de, of).
P vpr disponerse (prepararse) to get
disgustar vt 1 (molestar) to displease,
ready (a, to), prepare (a, to).
annoy, upset. 2 (desagradar) to dis- disponibilidad nf availability.
like: me disgusta ese sabor dulce I don't
disponible adj (gen) available.
like that sweet taste.
dispositivo nm device, gadget.
P vpr disgustarse 1 (enfadarse) to get
angry, get upset. 2 (pelearse) to quar- dispuesto,-a adj 1 (decidido) determined. 2 (preparado) prepared, ready,
rel (con, with).
disgusto nm 1 (enfado) displeasure, annoyance, anger. 2 fig (pelea) argu- disputa nf (discusin) dispute, argument, quarrel.
ment, quarrel. l o c a disgusto against
one's will, reluctantly, unwillingly. disputar vt 1 (competir) to compete for,
contend for. 2 dep to play: los equipos
y dar un disgusto to upset. y llevarse
disputaron un partido amistoso the teams
un disgusto to get upset.
played a friendly match.
disimular vt (ocultar) to hide, conceal.
P vi to pretend, dissemble: no disimu
disquete nm diskette, floppy disk.
les stop pretending.
disquetera nf disk drive.
disimulo nm pretence (us pretense), distancia nf 1 distance. 2 fig (diferencia)
difference, gap. l o c a distancia from
dislocar vt (sacar de lugar) to dislocate.
a distance: lo vimos a distancia we saw it
from a distance.
disminucin nf decrease, reduction.
distanciar vt to distance, separate.
disminuido,-a adj disabled.
P vpr distanciarse to move away, bedisminuir vt 1 (gen) to decrease. 2 (mecome separated.
didas, velocidad) to reduce.
P vi 1 (gen) to diminish. 2 (temperatura,
distante adj 1 (en el espacio) distant, far;
precios) to drop, fall.
(en el tiempo) distant, remote. 2 fig distant.
disolucin nf 1 (gen) dissolution. 2
qum solution, dissolution.
distincin nf 1 (gen) distinction. 2 (elegancia) distinction, elegance, refinedisolver vt (gen) to dissolve.
P vpr disolverse 1 (gen) to dissolve. 2
fig to be dissolved.
distinguido,-a adj 1 distinguished. 2
dispar adj unlike, different.
(elegante) elegant.



distinguir vt 1 (diferenciar) to distin-

divisible adj 1 dividable. 2 mat divisiguish. 2 (caracterizar) to mark, distinble.

guish. 3 (ver) to see, make out.
divisin nf 1 divisin. 2 fig division,
P vpr distinguirse (destacar) to stand
out, distinguish os.
divisor nm 1 divider. 2 mat divisor.
distinto,-a adj (diferente) different.
c o m p mximo comn divisor mat highP adj vpr distintos,-as various, several.
est common factor, ( us highest
distraccin nf 1 (divertimiento) amusecommon denominator). y mnimo
ment, pastime, recreation, entercomn divisor mat lowest common
tainment. 2 (despiste) distraction, abfactor, (us lowest common denomisent-mindedness.
nator) .
distraer vt 1 (divertir) to amuse, enter- divo,-a nm & nf star.
tain. 2 (atencin) to distract.
divorciado,-a adj divorced.
P vpr distraerse 1 (divertirse) to amuse
P nm & nf (hombre) divorc; (mujer) dios, enjoy os. 2 (despistarse) to get disvorce.
tracted, be inattentive, be absentdivorciar
vt to divorce.
minded .
P vpr divorciarse to get divorced (de,
distrado,-a adj 1 (desatento) absentfrom).
minded. 2 (entretenido) entertaining,
nm divorce.
distribuir vt 1 (repartir) to distribute. 2 divulgar vt 1 (difundir) to divulge,
spread, disclose. 2 (por radio) to
(correo) to deliver; (trabajo) to share, albroadcast. 3 (propagar) to popularlot.
distrito nm district.
P vpr divulgarse to become known,
disturbio nm disturbance, riot.
diurno,-a adj daily, daytime.
Djibouti nm Djibouti, Jibouti.
divagar vi to digress, ramble.
dl sm (decilitro) decilitre (us deciliter);
divn nm divan, couch.
(smbolo) dl.
divergente adj divergent, diverging.
Dl sm (decalitro) decalitre (us decalitdivergir vi to diverge.
er); (smbolo) Dl.
diversidad nf diversity, variety.
dm sm (decmetro) decimetre (us decidiversificar vt to diversify, vary.
meter); (smbolo) dm.
diversin nf fun, amusement, enterDm sm (decmetro) decametre ( us
decameter); (smbolo) Dm.
diverso,-a adj different.
nm (de solfa) doh, do; (de escala diatniP adj vpr diversos,-as several, various.
ca) C.
divertido,-a adj 1 (gracioso) funny,
amusing. 2 (entretenido) fun, enter- dobladillo nm 1 (de vestido, etc) hem. 2
(de pantalones) turn-up, us cuff.
taining, enjoyable.
doblaje nm dubbing.
divertir vt to amuse, entertain.
doblar vt 1 (duplicar) to double: le doblo
P vpr divertirse to enjoy os , have a
la edad I'm twice as old as she is. 2 (plegood time: divirtete! enjoy yourself!
gar) to fold. 3 (torcer) to bend: doblar un
dividir vt 1 to divide. 2 (separar) to didedo to bend a finger. 4 (esquina) to
vide, separate: el ro divide las dos co
turn, go round. 5 (pelcula) to dub.
marcas the river separates the two counP vpr doblarse (plegarse) to fold.
ties. 3 (repartir) to divide, split.
P vpr dividirse (separarse) to divide,
doble adj 1 double. 2 (nacionalidad) dual.
split up.
P nm 1 double: tiene el doble que yo he's
got twice as much as I have. 2 (duplicado)
divino,-a adj divine.



ver doble to see dou-

domicilio nm 1 residence, home,

o nf cine stand-in, double; (hom-

dominante adj dominant, dominat-

P nm


bre) stunt man; (mujer) stunt woman.

P nm pl dobles (tenis) doubles.
doce adj (cardinal) twelve; (ordinal)
P nm 1 (nmero) twelve. 2 (fecha)

abode. 2 (direccin) address.


P adv

dominar vt 1 (tener bajo dominio) to dom-

. Consulta tambin seis.

of English.
1 (ser superior) to dominate. 2 (destacar) to stand out: domina mucho el rojo
red is the predominant colour. 3 (predominar) to predominate.
P vpr dominarse (controlarse) to control
os, restrain os.
domingo nm Sunday.

docena nf dozen.


a docenas


inate. 2 (conocer a fondo) to master: do

mina el ingls she has a good command
P vi

by the dozen.
dcil adj docile, obedient.
doctor,-ra nm & nf doctor.
. Consulta tambin jueves.
doctrina nf 1 doctrine. 2 (enseanza)
nf Dominica.
teachings pl.
adj Dominican.
documentacin nf 1 documentaP nm & nf Dominican. c o m p Repblica
tion, documents pl. 2 (para identificar)
Dominicana Dominican Republic.
papers pl, identification.
dominio nm 1 (soberana) dominion. 2
documental adj documentary.
(poder) power, control. 3 (supremaca)
P nm documentary.
supremacy. 4 (de conocimientos) masdocumento nm document.
tery, good knowledge; (de un idioma)
dodecaedro nm dodecahedron.
good command. 5 (territorio) domain.
dodecaslabo,-a nm dodecasyllable,
6 inform domain.
domin nm 1 (juego) dominoes pl. 2 (fidlar nm dollar.
chas) set of dominoes.
doler vi 1 to ache, hurt. 2 (afligir) to don1 nm (talento) talent, natural gift.
distress, sadden, upset, hurt: me due don 2 nm Mr: Seor Don Juan Prez Mr
le tal pobreza such poverty distresses me.
Juan Prez.
3 (sentir) to be sorry, be sad: me duele donante nm o nf donor. c o m p donante
habrselo dicho I'm sorry I told her about
de sangre blood donor.
donar vt fml to donate, give.
dolido,-a adj fig hurt.
donativo nm donation.
dolor nm 1 pain, ache. 2 fig pain, sor- donde adv where, in which. l o c de
row, grief. c o m p dolor de cabeza
donde / desde donde from where,
dolorido,-a adj sore, aching.
dnde pron where: dnde est? where
doloroso,-a adj 1 painful. 2 fig painis it?; no s dnde est I don't know
ful, distressing.
where it is; a dnde va? where is he godomador,-ra nm & nf tamer; (de cabaing?; hasta dnde? how far?
llos) horse breaker.
dondequiera adv (en cualquier parte) andomar vt 1 to tame; (caballos) to break
ywhere; (en todas partes) everywhere:
in. 2 fig to tame, control.
dondequiera que est lo encontraremos
wherever he is we'll find him.
domesticar vt 1 to domesticate,
tame. 2 (adiestrar) to train. 3 fig to dnut nm doughnut.
doa nf Mrs: Doa Elena Surez Mrs Ele
domstico,-a adj domestic.
na Surez.



dorado,-a adj golden.

dormido,-a adj 1 asleep. 2 (sooliento)

sleepy: tengo el brazo dormido my arm

has gone numb, my arm has gone to
sleep. l o c quedarse dormido,-a 1 (dormir) to fall asleep. 2 (dormirse ms de la
cuenta) to oversleep.
dormir vi 1 to sleep: tengo ganas de dor
mir I feel sleepy. 2 (pernoctar) to spend
the night.
P vt to put to sleep.
P vpr dormirse 1 to fall asleep, nod
off. 2 fig to go to sleep: se me ha dormi
do el pie my foot has gone to sleep. l o c
a dormir! to bed! y dormir como un li
rn fam to sleep like a log. y dormir la
siesta to have a nap.
dormitorio nm 1 (en una casa) bedroom. 2 (colectivo) dormitory.
dorsal adj 1 dorsal, back. 2 ling dorsal.
P nm dep number.
dorso nm back, reverse. c o m p dorso de
la mano back of the hand.
dos adj (cardinal) two; (ordinal) second:
entre ellas dos between the two of them.
P nm (nmero) two; (fecha) second. l o c
cada dos por tres fam every five minutes. c o m p dos veces twice: es dos veces
mayor que su hermana she's twice as old
as her sister.

with), provide (de, with): la naturale

za la dot de un sexto sentido nature endowed her with a sixth sense.

dragn nm 1 (reptil) flying dragon. 2

(animal fabuloso) dragon.

drama nm drama.
dramtico,-a adj dramatic.
drenar vt to drain.
drive nm drive.
droga nf 1 drug. 2 fig (cosa desagradable)

nuisance. c o m p droga blanda/dura soft/

hard drug.
drogadicto,-a nm & nf drug addict.
drogar vt to drug.
P vpr drogarse to take drugs.
droguera nf hardware shop.
dromedario nm dromedary.
dualidad nf duality.
ducentsimo,-a adj two-hundredth.
P nm & nf two-hundredth.
ducha nf shower. l o c darse/tomar una
ducha to take a shower, have a
duchar vt to give a shower.
P vpr ducharse to take a shower,
have a shower.
duda nf doubt. l o c no hay duda there
is no doubt. y salir de dudas to shed
one's doubts. y sin duda no doubt,
without a doubt.
. Consulta tambin seis.
dudar vi 1 to doubt, have doubts. 2
(titubear) to hesitate: dudo entre quedar
doscientos,-as adj (numeral) two hunme o marcharme I'm not sure whether to
dred; (cardinal) two-hundredth.
stay or leave.
P nm & nf two hundred.
P vt to doubt: lo dudo I doubt it. l o c
. Consulta tambin seis.
dudar de algn to doubt sb, mistrust
dosificar vt 1 (gen) to dose. 2 (esfuerzos,
dudoso,-a adj 1 (incierto) doubtful, unetc) to measure.
certain. 2 (vacilante) hesitant, undedosis nf inv dose.
cided. 3 (poco seguro) questionable.
dotado,-a adj 1 (equipado) equipped,
provided: est dotado con airbag it's duende nm (espritu travieso) goblin, elf.
equipped with an airbag. 2 (con dotes) dueo,-a nm & nf 1 (propietario) owner:
quin es la duea? who is the owner? 2
gifted: est muy dotado para las matem
(de casa, departamento - hombre) landlord;
ticas he has a talent for mathematics.
(mujer) landlady. l o c ser dueo,-a de s
dotar vt 1 (proveer de personal) to staff
mismo,-a to be self-possessed.
(de, with); (de material) to equip (de,
with). 2 (bienes, dinero)
to assign. 3 fig dulce adj 1 (gen) sweet. 2 fig soft, gen
(dones y cualidades) to endow ( de ,



dulce de membrillo quince

(caramelo) sweet; (pastel)

duradero,-a adj durable, lasting.

duramente adv 1 (con dificultad) hard. 2

dulzura nf 1 sweetness. 2 fig soft-

durante adv during, in, for: viv all du

duna nf dune.
do nm duet.
duodcimo,-a adj twelfth.

durar vi 1 to last, go on for: la pelcula




ness, gentleness, sweetness.

P nm

& nf twelfth.

. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

duodeno nm duodenum.
duplicar vt (gen) to duplicate; (cantidad)
to double.
P vpr

duplicarse to double.

duque nm duke.
duquesa nf duchess.
duracin nf 1 duration, length: cul es
la duracin de la obra? how long is the
play? 2 (coche, mquina, etc) life. l o c de
larga duracin 1 (periodo de tiempo) long,
long-term. 2 (bombilla, etc) long-life.

(con severidad) harshly.

rante un ao I lived there for a year.

dur tres horas the film went on for three

hours. 2 (ropa, calzado) to wear well,
last: ese abrigo le dur mucho he got a lot
of wear out of that coat.
durazno nm 1 (fruto) peach. 2 (rbol)
peach tree.
dureza nf 1 hardness, toughness. 2
fig (de carcter) toughness, harshness,
severity. 3 (callosidad) corn.
duro,-a adj 1 hard. 2 (carne) tough;
(pan) stale. 3 (difcil) hard, difficult.
P nm duro (antiguamente) five pesetas;
(moneda) five-peseta coin.
P adv hard: dale duro hit him hard.
DVD nm (Disco Verstil Digital) DVD.


E, e nf (la letra) E, e.
e conj and.
. Usado en vez de y antes de palabras
que empiezan por i o hi: compramos man
zanas e higos we bought some apples

and figs.

EAU abrev (Emiratos rabes Unidos)

eclipsar vt 1 (astro) to eclipse. 2 fig to

eclipse, outshine.

eclipse nm eclipse.
eco nm echo.
ecografa nf ultrasound scan.
ecologa nf ecology.
ecolgico,-a adj ecological.
ecologista adj ecological.

P nm o nf ecologist.
United Arab Emirates; (abreviatura)
economato nm company store.
economa nf 1 (administracin) econoebanista nm o nf cabinet-maker.
my. 2 (ciencia) economics. 3 (ahorro)
ebullicin nf (hervor) boil, boiling.
economy, saving.
echado,-a adj (tumbado) lying down.
adj 1 (gen) economic. 2
echar vt 1 (lanzar) to throw. 2 (dejar caer)
(barato) cheap, economical, inexpento put, drop. 3 (lquido) to pour; (comisive. c o m p crisis econmica economic
da) to give; (sal) to add, put in. 4 (carcrisis, recession.
ta) to post, us mail. 5 (expulsar) to
nm o nf economist.
throw out: lo han echado del cine he was
thrown out of the cinema. 6 (despedir de economizar vt (ahorrar) to economize,
empleo) to sack, dismiss, fire. 7 (brotar,
P vi to economize, save.
salir - plantas) to sprout; (- dientes) to
cut; (- pelo) to grow. 8 (decir) to tell. 9 ecosistema nm ecosystem.
(emanar) to give out, give off: la caja de ecuacin nf equation. c o m p ecuacin
de primer grado simple equation. y
fusibles echa chispas sparks are coming
ecuacin de segundo grado quadratic
out of the fuse box. 10 (suponer, calcular)
to guess: yo le echo 40 I think she's 40.
11 (poner, aplicar) to put on, apply. 12 ecuador nm geog equator.
(llave) to lock, turn; (cerrojo) to bolt, Ecuador nm Ecuador.
fasten. 13 fam (en el cine, teatro) to ecuatoguineano,-a adj of Equatorial
Guinea, from Equatorial Guinea.
show, put on: echan una buena pelcula
P nm & nf person from Equatorial Guinen la tele there's a good film on TV.
ea, inhabitant of Equatorial Guinea.
P vi 1 echar a + inf (empezar) to begin
to: ech a correr she ran off. 2 echar de + ecuatorial adj equatorial.
ecuatoriano,-a adj Ecuadorian.
inf (dar): echar de comer to feed.
P nm & nf Ecuadorian.
P vpr echarse 1 (arrojarse) to throw os.
2 (tenderse) to lie down. 3 (ponerse) to ecuestre adj equestrian.
put on. 4 (novio, novia) to get os. 5 edad nf 1 age. 2 (tiempo, poca) time,
echarse a + inf (empezar)
to begin to:
se ech a rer he burst out laughing.
edn nm 1 Eden. 2 fig paradise, heaven.



edicin nf 1 (ejemplares) edition. 2 (publi-

cacin) publication. 3 inform editing.

edificar vt (construir) to build, construct.
edificio nm building.
edil,-la nm & nf (concejal) town councillor.
P nm edil (magistrado romano) aedile.
edredn nm eiderdown, us comforter.
educacin nf 1 (preparacin) education.
2 (crianza) upbringing, breeding. 3
(modales) manners pl, politeness.
educado,-a adj polite.
educar vt 1 (ensear) to educate, teach.
2 (criar) to bring up. 3 (en la cortesa, etc)
to teach manners.
educativo,-a adj educational: sistema
educativo education system.
edulcorar vt 1 to sweeten. 2 fig to
soften, alleviate.
EE UU abrev (Estados Unidos) the United
States of America; (abreviatura) USA.
efe nf name of the letter f.
efectivamente adv 1 (realmente) in
fact, actually. 2 (de verdad) indeed.
efectivo,-a adj (que tiene efecto) effective.
P nm efectivo (dinero) cash.
efecto nm 1 (resultado) effect, result,
end. 2 (impresin) impression: la escena le
hizo un gran efecto the scene made a great
impression on her. 3 dep spin: dio efecto a
la pelota he put some spin on the ball.
efectuar vt 1 (gen) to carry out, perform, make, do. 2 (pago) to make;
(pedido) to place. 3 (suma, etc) to do. 4
(viaje, visita, etc) to make.
efervescente adj 1 (gen) effervescent.
2 (bebida) sparkling, fizzy. 3 (pastilla)
eficacia nf 1 (persona) efficiency, effectiveness; (cosas) efficacy, effectiveness. 2 (rendimiento) efficiency.
eficaz adj 1 (eficiente) efficient. 2 (cosa)
efficacious, effective. 3 (que produce
rendimiento) efficient.
eficiente adj efficient.

Egipto nm Egypt.
egosmo nm selfishness, egoism.
egosta adj selfish, egoistic, egoistical.
P nm

o nf egoist, selfish person.

eje nm 1 (lnea, recta) axis. 2 tc shaft,

spindle. 3 auto axle.

ejecucin nf 1 (de una orden, etc) carry-

ing out, execution. 2 ms performance. 3 (ajusticiamiento) execution.

ejecutar vt 1 (una orden, etc) to carry
out. 2 ms to perform, play. 3 (ajusticiar) to execute. 4 inform to run.
ejecutivo,-a adj executive.
P nm & nf executive.
P nm el ejecutivo (gobierno) the government. c o m p poder ejecutivo the executive.
ejemplar nm (copia) copy, number, issue.
ejemplo nm 1 example. 2 (modelo)
model. l o c dar ejemplo to set an example. y por ejemplo for example,
for instance.
ejercer vt 1 (profesin, etc) to practise (us
practice), be in practice as. 2 (influencia) to exert.
ejercicio nm 1 (de profesin) practice; (de
derecho) use, exercise; (de funcin) performance. 2 educ exercise; (examen)
test; (pregunta de examen) question; (deberes) homework. 3 dep exercise.
ejrcito nm army.
el determinante 1 the: el agua water. 2 el de
the one: el de hoy today's. 3 el que (persona - sujeto) the one who; (- objeto) the
one, the one that, the one whom: el
que vi the one I saw. 4 (cosa) the one,
the one that, the one which: el que
me diste the one (that) you gave me.
l pron 1 (sujeto - persona) he; (- cosa, animal) it: l vive aqu he lives here. 2 (objeto
- persona) him; (- cosa, animal) it: comi
con l she had lunch with him. l o c de l
(posesivo) his: es de l it's his. y l mismo
EGB abrev educ (Enseanza General B- elaborar vt 1 (producto) to make, mansica) former Primary School Education.
ufacture, produce. 2 (madera, metal,
etc) to work.
egipcio,-a adj Egyptian.
P nm & nf (persona) Egyptian.
elstico,-a adj elastic.
P nm egipcio (idioma) Egyptian.
P nm elstico elastic.



ele nf name of the letter l.

eleccin nf 1 (nombramiento) election. 2

rid of, cast aside. 3 fam (matar) to kill,

(opcin) choice: lo dejamos a tu eleccin eliminatoria nf heat, qualifying
we'll leave it up to you.
P nf pl elecciones elections.
eliminatorio,-a adj eliminatory.
electricidad nf electricity.
elipse nf ellipse.
electricista nm o nf electrician.
elptico,-a adj elliptic, elliptical.
elctrico,-a adj electric, electrical.
elite nf elite.
electrodomstico nm electrical ap- ella pron 1 (sujeto - persona) she; (- cosa, anipliance.
mal) it. 2 (objeto - persona) her; (- cosa,
electrn nm electron.
animal) it: vino con ella he came with her.
electrnica nf electronics.
elle nf name of the digraph ll.
electrnico,-a adj electronic.
ello pron it: no me digas nada de ello don't
elefante,-a nm & nf (macho) elephant;
tell me anything about it.
(hembra) cow elephant, female ele- ellos,-as pron 1 (sujeto) they. 2 (objeto)
phant. c o m p elefante marino elephant
them: vino con ellos she came with
them. l o c de ellos,-as theirs: el coche es
elegancia nf elegance.
de ellos the car is theirs. y ellos,-as
elegante adj elegant, smart, stylish.
mismos,-as themselves.
elegir vt 1 (escoger) to choose. 2 pol to elocuente adj eloquent.
elogiar vt to praise, eulogize.
elemental adj 1 (del elemento) elemen- elogio nm praise, eulogy.
tal. 2 (obvio) elementary, basic.
eludir vt 1 (responsabilidad, justicia, etc) to
elemento nm 1 (gen) element. 2 (parte)
evade. 2 (pregunta) to avoid, evade;
component, part. 3 (individuo) type,
(persona) to avoid.
sort. l o c menudo elemento! fam he's emanar vi 1 (olor, etc) to emanate. 2 (dea right one!
rivar) to derive (de, from), come (de,
elevacin nf 1 (de terreno) elevation,
rise. 2 (precios) rise, raising, increas- emancipar vt to emancipate, free.
ing; (voz, tono) raising; (peso) raising,
P vpr emanciparse to become emanlifting. 3 mat raising.
cipated, become free.
elevado,-a adj (gen) high. l o c elevado,-a embajada nf (edificio) embassy.
a mat raised to: elevado a la quinta poten
embajador,-ra nm & nf ambassador.
cia raised to the power of five; elevado al
embalar vt (empaquetar) to pack, wrap.
cubo cubed.
P vpr embalarse (acelerar) to speed up.
elevalunas nm inv window winder.
nm 1 (accin) damming. 2 (prec o m p elevalunas elctrico electric
sa) dam, reservoir.
elevar vt 1 (peso, etc) to elevate, raise, embarazada adj-nf pregnant woman.
lift. 2 (precios) to raise, increase, put embarazo nm (preez) pregnancy.
embarazoso,-a adj embarrassing.
up; (tono, voz) to raise. 3 mat to raise.
embarcacin nf (nave) boat, vessel,
P vpr elevarse 1 (subir) to rise (up): el
humo se elevaba the smoke was rising
up. 2 (alcanzar) to reach: se eleva hasta el embarcadero nm pier, jetty, quay.
techo it reaches the ceiling.
embarcar vt (personas) to embark, put
eliminacin nf elimination.
on board; (mercancas) to load.
P vpr embarcarse (en barco) to embark,
eliminar vt 1 (gen)
to eliminate, exclude. 2 (esperanzas, miedos, etc) to get
go on board; (en avin) to board.



embargar vt 1

jur to seize, sequesemirato nm emirate. c o m p Emiratos

trate, impound. 2 (emociones) to overrabes Unidos United Arab Emircome.
embargo nm (de bienes) seizure of prop- emisin nf 1 (gen) emission. 2 (bonos,
erty, sequestration. l o c sin embargo
sellos, monedas) issue. 3 rad tv (progranevertheless, however.
ma) broadcast; (transmisin) transmisembarque nm (de personas) boarding;
(de mercancas) loading.
emisora nf radio station.
embaucar vt to deceive, trick, dupe, emitir vt 1 (sonido, luz) to emit; (olor) to
cheat, swindle.
give off. 2 (manifestar) to express. 3
embelesar vt to charm, delight, fas(bonos, monedas, sellos) to issue. 4 rad tv
to broadcast, transmit.
embellecer vt to make beautiful,
P vi rad tv to transmit.
emocin nf 1 (sentimiento) emotion,
P vpr embellecerse to make os beaufeeling. 2 (excitacin) excitement.
tiful, beautify os.
emocionado,-a adj (deeply) moved,
embestir vt (toro) to charge.
(deeply) touched.
mbolo nm tc piston; (de cafetera)
emocionante adj 1 (conmovedor) movplunger.
ing, touching. 2 (excitante) exciting,
emborrachar vt to make drunk.
P vpr emborracharse to get drunk.
vt 1 (conmover) to move,
emboscada nf ambush. l o c tender
touch. 2 (excitar) to excite, thrill.
una emboscada to lay an ambush.
P vpr emocionarse 1 (conmoverse) to be
embotellamiento nm auto fig traffic
moved, be touched. 2 (excitarse) to
get excited.
embrague nm clutch.
emoticono nm inform emoticon.
embrin nm 1 embryo. 2 fig (idea, etc)
emotivo,-a adj (persona) emotional;
beginnings pl, embryo.
(acto, etc) moving, touching; (palabras)
embrujar vt 1 (persona) to bewitch; (luemotive.
gar) to haunt. 2 fig (fascinar) to beempachar vt (comer demasiado) to give
witch, enchant.
embrujo nm 1 spell, charm. 2 fig (fasciP vpr empacharse (de comer) to have innacin) fascination, attraction.
digestion, get indigestion.
embudo nm funnel.
embuste nm (mentira) lie; (engao) trick. empacho nm (indigestin) indigestion.
empalagoso,-a adj 1 (dulces) too
embustero,-a nm & nf liar.
sweet, sickly. 2 fig (persona) sickly
embutido nm (alimento) processed cold
sweet, cloying.
meat, cold cut.
empalmar vt (unir) to join, connect.
eme nf name of the letter m.
P vi 1 (enlazar) to join, connect. 2 (seemergencia nf 1 (imprevisto) emergenguir) to follow on from.
cy. 2 (salida) emergence. l o c en caso
de emergencia in case of emergency. empanada nf pasty, pie.
empanadilla nf pasty.
emerger vi to emerge.
emigracin nf 1 emigration. 2 (aves, empaar vt (cristal) to steam up.
P vpr empaarse (cristal) to steam up.
pueblo) migration.
emigrante nm o nf emigrant.
empapar vt 1 (humedecer) to soak; (penetrar) to soak, drench. 2 (absorber) to
emigrar vi to emigrate;
(aves, pueblo) to
soak up.



empaparse 1 (humedecerse) to get emprendedor,-ra adj enterprising,

soaked. 2 (persona) to get soaked, get
drenched, be soaked, be drenched.
emprender vt 1 (gen) to start. 2 (misin)
to tackle; (viaje) to set off on; (tarea)
empapelar vt (una pared) to wallpaper.
to undertake. l o c emprender el vuelo
empaquetar vt (hacer paquetes) to pack
to take flight.
(up), wrap (up).
empresa nf (compaa) firm, company.
empastar vt (diente) to fill.
c o m p empresa multinacional multinaempaste nm (de diente) filling.
tional company.
empatar vt to draw.
empate nm (en ftbol, rugby) draw, us empresario,-a nm & nf (gen) employer,
manager; (hombre) businessman, mantie; (en carrera, votacin) tie: el gol del em
ager; (mujer) businesswoman, managpate the equalizer.
empedrado,-a adj (calle) cobbled.
empujar vt to push, shove, thrust.
P nm empedrado 1 (adoquines) cobbles
pl , cobblestones pl . 2 (accin) cob- empuje nm 1 push, thrust, drive. 2 fig
(energa) energy, drive.
bling, paving.
empujn nm push, shove. l o c abrirse
empeine nm (pie, zapato) instep.
paso a empujones to push one's way
empear vt 1 (objetos) to pawn, us
hock. 2 (palabra) to pledge.
en prep 1 (lugar - gen) in, at: en Valencia in
P vpr empearse 1 (endeudarse) to get
Valencia; en casa at home; en el trabajo at
into debt. 2 (insistir) to insist (en, on).
work. 2 (- en el interior) in, inside: en el
empeo nm (insistencia) determination.
cajn in the drawer. 3 (lugar - sobre) on:
empeorar vi to worsen, deteriorate.
en la mesa on the table. 4 (ao, mes, estaemperador nm 1 emperor. 2 (pez)
cin) in; (da) on; (poca, momento) at: en
1994 in 1994; en aquel momento at that
emperatriz nf empress.
moment. 5 (direccin) into: entr en su ca
empezar vt to begin, start.
sa he went into his house. 6 (transporte)
empinado,-a adj (alto) very high.
by: ir en coche to go by car. 7 (tema, mateemplazar vt (situar) to locate, place,
ria) at, in: experto en economa expert in
economics; bueno en ajedrez good at
chess. 8 (modo, manera) in: en ingls in
empleado,-a nm & nf employee, clerk.
English. l o c en cuanto as soon as. y en
emplear vt 1 (dar empleo) to employ. 2
camino on the way.
(usar) to use: emple un cuchillo he used
a knife. 3 (dinero) to spend. 4 (tiempo) to enajenar vt (propiedad) to alienate.
enamorado,-a nm & nf lover, sweetinvest, spend.
P vpr emplearse 1 (usarse) to be used:
este tipo de ordenador ya no se emplea this enamoramiento nm infatuation,
type of computer is no longer used. 2
falling in love.
(tener trabajo) to be employed.
enamorar vt to win the heart of.
empleo nm 1 (trabajo) occupation, job.
P vpr enamorarse to fall in love ( de,
2 pol employment. 3 (uso) use.
empobrecer vi to impoverish.
enano,-a adj dwarf.
P vpr empobrecerse to become poor,
P nm & nf dwarf.
become impoverished.
encabezamiento nm 1 (gen) heading.
empollar vt 1 (huevos) to hatch. 2 fam
2 (frmula) form of address.
(estudiar) to swot, swot up, us bone encabezar vt 1 (carta, lista) to head. 2
up on.
(acaudillar) to lead. 3 dep (carrera) to
lead; (clasificacin) to head, top.
empolln,-ona nm & nf fam pey swot.
P vpr



encadenar vt 1 (poner cadenas) to chain

encargo nm 1 (recado) errand. 2 com

order, commission. l o c hacer un en
(up). 2 fig (enlazar) to connect, link up.
cargo (recado) to run an errand.
encajar vt 1 (ajustar) to fit. 2 (recibir) to
take, withstand. 3 (soportar) to bear. 4 encariarse vpr to become fond (con,
of), get attached (con, to).
(indirecta, comentario) to get in. 5 (dar un
golpe) to land: le encaj un golpe he land- encauzar vt 1 to channel. 2 fig to direct, guide.
ed him a blow. 6 tc to gear.
encaje nm 1 (acto) fit, fitting. 2 (hueco) encfalo nm encephalon.
socket; (caja) housing. 3 cost lace.
encendedor nm lighter.
encender vt 1 (hacer arder) to light, set
encalar vt to whitewash.
fire to; (cerilla) to strike, light; (vela) to
encallar vi 1 mar to run aground. 2 fig
light. 2 (luz, radio, tv) to turn on, switch
to flounder, fail.
on, put on; (gas) to turn on, light.
encaminar vt (guiar, orientar) to direct,
P vpr encenderse (luz) to go on, come
guide, set on the right road, put on
on; (llama) to flare up.
the right road.
encerado nm (pizarra) blackboard.
P vpr encaminarse (dirigirse) to head (a,
for) (hacia, towards). l o c estar bien encerar vt to wax, polish.
encaminado,-a to be on the right encerrar vt 1 (gen) to shut in, shut up.
2 (con llave) to lock in, lock up.
encantador,-ra adj enchanting, encestar vt to score a basket.
enchufado,-a adj fam well-connectcharming, delightful.
ed, with friends in the right places.
encantar vt 1 (hechizar) to cast a spell
P nm & nf fam (gen) person with
on, bewitch. 2 fam (gustar) to delight,
friends in the right places, us wirelove.
puller; (en la escuela) teacher's pet.
encanto nm 1 (hechizo) spell, enchantment, charm. 2 fig (cosa) delight, en- enchufar vt 1 elec to connect, plug in.
2 (unir) to join, connect, fit. 3 fam fig
chantment; (persona) charm.
to pull strings for: enchuf a su hija en
encapricharse vpr 1 (empearse) to set
la empresa he got his daughter a job in
one's mind (con/en, to). 2 (encariarse)
the company.
to take a fancy (con, to).
enchufe nm 1 elec (hembra) socket;
encarar vt (afrontar) to face, face up to,
(macho) plug. 2 fam fig (trabajo) easy
job; (influencias) contacts pl, friends pl
P vpr encararse 1 (situacin, problema)
in high places. l o c tener enchufe fam
to face up (a/con, to). 2 (persona) to
to have contacts.
stand up (a/con, to).
enca nf gum.
encarcelar vt to imprison.
enciclopedia nf encyclopaedia, enencarecer vt (precios) to put up the
price of.
encima adv 1 (ms arriba) above, overencargado,-a adj in charge.
head; (sobre) on top. 2 (ropa, etc) on, on
P nm & nf 1 com (hombre) manager;
top: ponte algo encima put something
(mujer) manageress. 2 (empleado) peron. 3 (adems) in addition, besides. 4
son in charge.
fam (por si fuera poco) what's more, on
encargar vt 1 (encomendar) to entrust,
top of that, besides. l o c encima de 1
put in charge of. 2 (recomendar) to rec(a ms altura) over, above. 2 (sobre) on.
ommend, advise. 3 com (pedir) to or3 (adems) besides, as well as, on top
der, place an order for: encarg 4 kilos
of that. y por encima de 1 (ms imporde naranjas he ordered 4 kilos of oranges.
tante) above. 2 (ms all) beyond: est
P vpr encargarse de to take charge of,
por encima de sus posibilidades it's beyond
look after, see to, deal with.
her capabilities.



encina nf holm oak, evergreen oak.

encoger vt 1 (contraer) to contract. 2

endurecer vt 1 to harden, make hard.

2 fig to harden, toughen.

ene nf name of the letter n.
(tejido) to shrink.
P adj (indeterminado) n: ene veces n times.
P vi (tejido) to shrink.
P vpr encogerse 1 (contraerse) to conenebro nm juniper.
tract. 2 (tejido) to shrink.
eneldo nm dill.
encolar vt (dar cola) to glue.
enemigo,-a adj enemy, hostile.
P nm & nf enemy, foe.
encontrar vt 1 (gen) to find. 2 (una persona sin buscar) to come across, meet, enemistar vt to make enemies of, set
bump into. 3 (dificultades) to run into,
at odds, cause a rift between.
P vpr enemistarse to become enecome up against.
P vpr encontrarse 1 (estar) to be: se en
cuentra enfermo he's ill. 2 (persona) to energa nf 1 energy, power. 2 fig vigmeet; (por casualidad) to bump into,
our (us vigor). c o m p energa cintica
run into, meet: nos encontraremos all
kinetic energy.
we'll meet there. 3 (dificultades) to run enrgico,-a adj 1 energetic, vigorous.
into. 4 fig (sentirse) to feel, be: me en
2 fig (decisin) firm; (palabra) strong.
cuentro mal I feel bad.
enero nm January.
encrucijada nf 1 crossroads, intersec. Consulta tambin marzo.
tion. 2 fig crossroads.
encuadernacin nf (arte) bookbinding. enervar vt 1 med to enervate. 2 fam
(irritar) to irritate, exasperate, get on
encuadernar vt to bind.
one's nerves.
encuadrar vt 1 (cuadro, etc) to frame. 2
P vpr enervarse fam to get flustered,
fig (encajar) to fit in, insert.
get worked up.
P vpr encuadrarse (incorporarse) to join.
enfadado,-a adj angry, cross, anencuadre nm framing.
noyed, us mad.
encubrir vt 1 (ocultar) to conceal, hide. enfadar vt to make angry, make
2 jur (delito) to cover up; (criminal) to
cross, annoy.
cover up for.
P vpr enfadarse 1 to get angry ( con,
encuentro nm 1 (de personas) meeting.
with), get cross (con, with). 2 (pelear2 dep meeting, clash; (partido) match,
se) to fall out ( con , with) ( por ,
encuesta nf (sondeo) poll, survey. l o c enfado nm anger, irritation.
hacer una encuesta to carry out an nfasis nm & nf inv emphasis, stress.
opinion poll.
enfermar vi to fall ill, become ill, be
encuestador,-ra nm & nf pollster.
taken ill.
encuestar vt to poll.
enfermedad nf illness, disease, sickencurtidos nm pl pickles.
ness. c o m p enfermedad contagiosa
contagious disease.
endecaslabo,-a adj hendecasyllabic.
enderezar vt 1 (poner derecho) to enfermera nf infirmary, sick bay.
straighten out. 2 (poner vertical) to set enfermero,-a nm & nf (hombre) male
upright. 3 fig (situacin, etc) to put right.
nurse; (mujer) nurse.
P vpr enderezarse (ponerse recto) to
enfermizo,-a adj sickly, unhealthy.
straighten up.
enfermo,-a adj sick, ill.
endeudarse vpr to get into debt, fall enfilar vt 1 (poner en fila) to line up. 2
into debt.
(una calle) to go along, go down.
endibia nf endive.
enfocar vt 1 to focus, focus on, get
endulzar vt to sweeten.
into focus. 2 (luz) to shine a light on.



3 fig (problema, etc) to focus on, ap- engarzar vt 1 (perlas, etc) to string,
thread. 2 fig (palabras, frases) to string
proach, look at.
enfoque nm 1 (accin) focus, focusing.
engatusar vt fam to get round, coax,
2 fig focus, approach, angle.
enfrascarse vpr 1 fig to become absorbed (en, in), become engrossed engendrar vt to engender, beget.
(en, in). 2 fig (en lectura) to bury os (en, engendro nm 1 (feto) foetus (us fetus).
2 fam fig (persona) freak. 3 fig (cosa)
enfrentamiento nm confrontation.
enfrentar vt 1 (poner frente a frente) to englobar vt 1 (incluir) to include, comprise. 2 (reunir) to bring together,
bring face to face, confront. 2 (encalump together.
rar) to face, confront.
engomar vt to gum, glue, stick.
P vpr enfrentarse 1 (hacer frente) to face
(a/con, -), confront (a/con, -). 2 dep to engominarse vpr (brillantina) to put
hair cream on; (fijador) to gel one's
meet (a/con, -). 3 (pelearse) to have an
hair, put hair gel on.
argument ( a , with), fall out ( a ,
engordar vt to fatten, fatten up,
with); (chocar) to clash (a/con, with).
make fat.
enfrente adv opposite, in front, facing.
P vi 1 (persona) to put on weight, get
enfriar vt 1 to cool (down), chill. 2 fig
fatter. 2 (alimento) to be fattening.
to cool down.
engorroso,-a adj fam bothersome,
P vpr enfriarse 1 (lo demasiado caliente) to
annoying, awkward.
cool down. 2 (tener fro) to get cold;
engranaje nm 1 tc gears pl. 2 (de reloj)
(resfriarse) to catch a cold, get a cold.
cogs pl. 3 fig machinery.
enfurecer vt to infuriate, enrage.
engrasar vt (dar grasa) to grease, oil,
P vpr enfurecerse 1 to get furious,
lose one's temper. 2 (mar) to become engrescar vt (incitar) to cause trouble
between; (animar) to get going, arouse,
enfurruarse vpr fam to sulk, get in a
P vpr engrescarse to get embroiled.
engalanar vt (cosa) to festoon, deck out. engrosar vt 1 (hacer grueso) to thicken.
P vpr engalanarse (persona) to dress
2 fig (aumentar) to increase, swell.
up, get dressed up.
engullir vt to swallow.
enganchar vt 1 (agarrar con gancho) to enharinar vt (cubrir) to flour; (manchar)
hook. 2 (colgar) to hang, hang up. 3
to sprinkle with flour.
(vagones) to couple.
enhebrar vt 1 to thread. 2 fig to conP vpr engancharse 1 to get caught
nect, link.
(en, on), snag (en, on). 2 mil to en- enhorabuena nf congratulations pl.
list, join up. 3 argot (drogas) to get
P adv thank God.
hooked (a, on).
enigma nm enigma, puzzle, mystery.
engaar vt 1 (gen) to deceive, mis- enigmtico,-a adj enigmatic, mystelead, fool, take in. 2 (estafar) to cheat,
rious, puzzling.
enjabonar vt 1 to soap. 2 fig to softP vpr engaarse 1 (ilusionarse) to desoap, butter-up.
ceive os. 2 (equivocarse) to be mistak- enjambre nm 1 swarm. 2 fig swarm,
en, be wrong.
throng, crowd.
engao nm 1 deceit, deception. 2 (esta- enjaular vt 1 to cage. 2 fam fig to put
fa) fraud, trick, swindle. 3 (mentira) lie.
in jail, put inside.
engaoso,-a adj (gen) deceptive.
enjoyar vt to adorn with jewels.



enjoyarse fam to put on lots of enmascarar vt 1 to mask. 2 fig to

jewellery (us jewelry), be dripping
mask, disguise, conceal.
with jewels.
enmendar vt 1 to correct, put right. 2
enjuagar vt to rinse.
(un dao) to repair, put right.
P vpr enjuagarse to rinse one's
P vpr enmendarse to reform, mend
mouth out.
one's ways.
enjugar vt (secar) to dry, wipe (away), enmienda nf 1 correction. 2 (de dao)
mop up.
repair, indemnity, compensation.
l o c hacer propsito de enmienda to
enjuiciar vt 1 (juzgar) to judge; (examiturn over a new leaf.
nar) to examine. 2 jur (civil) to sue;
(criminal) to indict, prosecute.
enmohecer vt (pan, queso, etc) to make
mouldy (us moldy); (metal) to rust.
enlace nm 1 (conexin) link, connecP vpr enmohecerse (pan, queso, etc) to go
tion. 2 (boda) marriage. 3 (tren, etc)
mouldy (us moldy); (metal) to rust, go
connection. 4 qum bond.
enlatado,-a adj canned, tinned.
enmoquetar vt to carpet.
enlatar vt to can, tin.
enlazar vt 1 (unir) to link, connect, tie enmudecer vt (hacer callar) to silence.
P vi 1 (quedar mudo) to be struck dumb;
(together). 2 (ideas, etc) to link, connect,
(perder la voz) to lose one's voice. 2 (carelate. 3 (carreteras, etc) to connect.
llar) to fall silent, keep quiet.
P vi (trenes, etc) to connect (con, with).
enojado,-a adj angry, cross.
P vpr enlazarse 1 (unirse) to be linked,
be connected. 2 (casarse) to get mar- enojar vt to anger, annoy, make angry.
ried, marry.
P vpr enojarse to get angry ( con ,
with), get annoyed (con, with), lose
enlodar vt to muddy, cover with
one's temper (con, with).
enojo nm anger, annoyance.
enloquecedor,-ra adj maddening.
enloquecer vt 1 (volver loco) to drive enojoso,-a adj annoying, irritating.
mad. 2 fam (gustar) to be mad/crazy enorgullecer vt to fill with pride.
about, be wild about.
P vpr enorgullecerse to be proud (de,
P vi (volverse loco) to go mad/crazy, go
of), pride os (de, on).
out of one's mind.
enorme adj (grande) enormous, huge,
enlosado nm (de losas) paving; (de baldovast.
sas) tiling.
enormidad nf (grandeza) enormity,
enlosar vt (losas) to pave; (baldosas) to
enquistarse vpr to encyst.
enlucir vt (paredes, etc) to plaster.
enrabiar vt to enrage, infuriate.
enmadrado,-a adj tied to one's mothP vpr enrabiarse to become enraged.
er's apron strings.
enraizar vi 1 bot to take root. 2 fig
enmadrarse vpr to be tied to one's
(persona) to put down roots.
mother's apron strings.
P vpr enraizarse (planta, rbol) to take
root; (persona) to put down roots.
enmaraar vt 1 (enredar) to tangle. 2 fig
to embroil, muddle up, confuse.
enredadera nf creeper, climbing
P vpr enmaraarse 1 (enredarse) to get
tangled. 2 fig to get into a muddle, enredar vt 1 (engatusar) to involve, imget confused.
plicate. 2 (meter cizaa) to sow disenmarcar vt to frame.
cord, cause trouble. 3 (enmaraar) to
tangle up, entangle. 4 fig (asunto, etc)
adj masked.
P nm & nf masked person.
to confuse, complicate.
P vpr


enredarse 1 (hacerse un lo) to get

tangled up, get entangled, get into a
enredo nm 1 (maraa) tangle. 2 (confusin) mess, muddle, confusion, mixup. 3 (engao) deceit. 4 (travesura) mischief.
enrejado nm (reja) railings pl, grating.
enrejar vt 1 (puerta, ventana) to put a
grating on. 2 (vallar) to fence, put
railings round.
enrevesado,-a adj complicated, difficult.
enriquecer vt 1 (hacer rico) to make
rich. 2 fig to enrich.
P vpr enriquecerse to get rich.
enriquecimiento nm enrichment.
enrocar vi (ajedrez) to castle.
P vt (ajedrez) to castle.
enrojecimiento nm (rostro) blushing.
enrollado,-a adj 1 (papel) rolled up;
(cable) coiled. 2 fam (guay) cool, great.
enrollar vt 1 (papel) to roll up; (hilo) to
wind up. 2 (a alguien) to involve.
P vpr enrollarse 1 fam fig (hablar) to go
on and on (con, to), chatter (con, to).
2 fam fig (tener relaciones) to have an affair (con, with). 3 fam fig (liarse) to get
involved (con, with).
enroque nm castling.
enroscar vt (tornillo) to screw in.
P vpr enroscarse to wind, coil; (cable) to
roll up; (serpiente) to coil itself (up).
P vpr


ensayar vt 1 teat to rehearse. 2 ms to

practise (us practice). 3 (probar) to try

out, test.
ensayo nm 1 teat rehearsal. 2 ms
practice. 3 (prueba) test, experiment,
trial, attempt. 4 (literario, etc) essay.
enseguida adv at once, straight away,
. Tambin se escribe en seguida.

enseante nm o nf teacher.
enseanza nf 1 (educacin) education,

teaching. 2 (doctrina) teaching, doctrine. c o m p enseanza general bsica

general basic education. y enseanza
primaria primary education.
ensear vt 1 (en escuela, etc) to teach,
train, instruct. 2 (educar) to educate.
3 (mostrar, dejar ver) to show: me ense
el libro he showed me the book.
ensillar vt put a saddle on.
ensimismado,-a adj engrossed, absorbed, lost.
ensimismarse vpr (abstraerse) to become lost in thought.
ensoar vt to daydream about.
ensordecedor,-ra adj deafening.
ensordecer vt to deafen.
P vi to go deaf.
ensortijado,-a adj curly.
ensuciar vt to dirty, make dirty.
P vpr ensuciarse (mancharse) to get
ensueo nm dream, fantasy. l o c de
ensaimada nf spiral-shaped pastry made of
ensueo dream.
light dough.
entablar vt 1 (poner tablas) to plank,
ensalada nf salad.
board. 2 (conversacin) to begin, start,
ensaladera nf salad bowl.
open; (amistad) to strike up.
ensaladilla nf vegetable salad.
entallar vt cost to take in at the
ensamblar vt to join, assemble.
ensanchar vt 1 (gen) to widen, en- entarimado nm parquet floor.
large, extend. 2 cost to let out.
ente nm (ser) being.
P vpr ensancharse to get wider, exentender nm (opinin) understanding,
pand, spread, stretch.
ensanche nm 1 (gen) widening, enP vt 1 (comprender) to understand. 2
largement, extension. 2 (de ciudad)
(darse cuenta) to realize. 3 (discurrir) to
urban development.
think, believe: entiendo que sera mejor
ensartar vt (cuentas)
to string (togethir I think it would be better to go. 4 (interpretar) to understand, take it.
er), thread; (aguja) to thread.



P vi (tener conocimiento) to know ( de ,

entorpecer vt 1 to make numb,
make dull. 2 fig (dificultar) to obstruct.
P vpr entenderse 1 (comprenderse) to be
entorpecimiento nm 1 dullness,
understood. 2 fam (conocerse) to know
numbness. 2 fig (obstruccin) obstrucwhat one is doing: yo ya me entiendo I
tion, hindrance.
have my reasons. 3 fam (llevarse bien) to entrada nf 1 (gen) entrance, entry. 2
get along.
(vestbulo) hall, entrance. 3 (billete) tickentendido,-a nm & nf expert.
et, admission. 4 (pblico) audience. 5
entendimiento nm 1 (comprensin) un(de libro, oracin, etc) opening; (de ao,
derstanding, comprehension. 2 (senmes) beginning: la entrada de la primave
tido comn) understanding, sense,
ra the beginning of spring. 6 (pago inicial)
judgement. 3 (inteligencia) intellidown payment, deposit. 7 culin engence.
tre, starter. 8 inform input. 9 dep
enterado,-a nm & nf fam expert, autackle. l o c de entrada 1 (desde el princithority. l o c darse por enterado,-a de
pio) straight away, from the outset.
algo to be aware of sth . y estar
2 (en comida) for starters. y Prohibida
enterado,-a to be in the know.
la entrada No admittance.
enterar vt to inform (de, about/of); entramado nm wooden framework.
(poner al corriente) to acquaint ( de , entrante adj entering, coming, inwith), tell (de, about).
coming: el ao entrante the coming
P vpr enterarse 1 (averiguar) to find out
year; el mes entrante next month.
( de , about). 2 (tener conocimiento) to
P nm culin starter.
learn, hear. 3 (darse cuenta) to realize.
entraable adj 1 (amistad) intimate,
enternecer vt (conmover) to move,
close. 2 (amigo) dear. 3 (recuerdo) fond.
entrar vi 1 (ir adentro) to come in, go in.
P vpr enternecerse to be moved, be
2 (tener entrada) to be welcome. 3 (en
una sociedad, etc) to join; (en una profesin)
entero,-a adj (completo) entire, whole,
to take up, join. 4 (encajar, caber) to fit:
este tornillo no entra this screw doesn't
P nm entero mat whole number.
fit. 5 (empezar - ao, estacin) to begin,
enterrar vt 1 to bury, inter. 2 fig (olvistart; (- perodo, poca) to enter; (- libro,
dar) to forget, give up.
carta) to begin, open: ya ha entrado el
entierro nm 1 (accin) burial. 2 (ceremoverano summer has begun. 6 (venir) to
nia) funeral.
come over, come on: me entraron ga
nas de llorar I felt like crying. 7 (alcanzar)
entonar vt 1 (nota) to pitch; (cancin) to
to reach: ha entrado en los cuarenta he
sing, intone. 2 (colores) to match.
P vi 1 ms to intone. 2 (colores) to
has reached forty. 8 inform to access.
P vt (meter) to put.
match. 3 fig (armonizar) to be in harmony (con, with), be in tune (con, entre prep 1 (dos trminos) between. 2
(varios) among, amongst: entre los pe
entonces adv 1 (en aquel momento) then.
ridicos among the newspapers. 3 (entre2 (en tal caso) so, then: entonces no lo
medio) somewhere between: entre
quieres so you don't want it. l o c desde
azul y verde somewhere between blue
entonces since then.
and green. l o c de entre from among,
out of: y entre tanto meanwhile, in
entornado,-a adj (ojos, etc) half-closed;
the meantime.
(puerta) ajar.
entornar vt 1 (ojos, etc) to half-close. 2 entreabierto,-a adj (ojos, etc) halfopen; (puerta) ajar.
(puerta) to leave ajar.
entorno nm 1 environment,
sur- entreabrir vt 1 (ojos) to half open. 2
(puerta, etc) to leave ajar.
roundings pl. 2 inform environment.



entreacto nm interval.
entrecejo nm space between the

keep occupied. 4 (divertir) to entertain, amuse, distract.

P vpr entretenerse 1 (retrasarse) to be
eyebrows; (ceo) frown.
delayed, be held up. 2 (distraerse)
entrecot nm entrecte.
to keep os occupied. 3 (divertirse) to
entredicho nm (duda) doubt, quesamuse os.
tion. l o c poner algo en entredicho to
entretenido,-a adj (divertido) enterhave one's doubts about sth.
taining, amusing.
entrega nf 1 (gen) handing over. 2 (de
premios) presentation. 3 com delivery. entretenimiento nm (distraccin) entertainment, distraction, amuse4 (de posesiones) surrender. 5 (fascculo)
instalment (us installment), part. 6
entretiempo nm period between
dep pass. c o m p entrega a domicilio
seasons; (primavera) spring; (otoo) auhome delivery.
tumn. l o c un traje de entretiempo a
entregar vt 1 (dar) to hand over. 2 (delightweight suit.
beres, ejercicios) to hand in, give in; (premios) to present, award. 3 com to de- entrevista nf 1 (prensa) interview. 2
(reunin) meeting. l o c hacer una entre
P vpr entregarse 1 (rendirse) to give in
vista a algn to interview sb.
(a, to), surrender. 2 (dedicarse) to de- entrevistador,-ra nm & nf interviewer.
vote os (a, to), be devoted (a, to). 3 entrevistar vt to interview.
pey (caer en) to give os over (a, to),
P vpr entrevistarse 1 (prensa) to have
take (a, to).
an interview (con, with). 2 (reunirse)
entrelazar vt to entwine, interto have a meeting (con, with).
weave, interlace.
entristecer vt to make sad.
entremedias adv 1 in between. 2
P vpr entristecerse to be sad ( por ,
(mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the
meantime. l o c entremedias de be- entrometerse vpr to meddle, interfere.
tween, among.
entrometido,-a adj nosy.
entrems nm hors d'oeuvre pl.
P nm & nf meddler, nosy parker.
entremezclar vt to intermingle.
entroncar vt to relate, link, connect.
P vpr entremezclarse to intermingle.
P vi (parentesco) to be related.
entrenador,-ra nm & nf trainer, entumecido,-a adj numb.
entumecimiento nm numbness.
entrenamiento nm training.
enturbiar vt 1 to make muddy, make
entrenar vt to train, coach.
cloudy, cloud. 2 fig to cloud, mudP vpr entrenarse to train.
dle, obscure.
entreno nm training.
P vpr enturbiarse 1 to get muddy, beentresijo nm fig secret, mystery. l o c co
come cloudy. 2 fig to get confused,
nocer todos los entresijos fig to know all
get muddled.
the ins and outs.
entusiasmado,-a adj excited.
entresuelo nm mezzanine, gb first entusiasmar vt 1 (causar entusiasmo) to
floor, us second floor.
fill with enthusiasm, excite. 2 (gusentretanto adv meanwhile.
tar) to like, love: me entusiasma la pera
entretejer vt to interweave, interI love opera.
P vpr entusiasmarse 1 to get enthusiastic (con, about), get excited (con,
entretener vt 1 (detener) to hold up,
about). 2 (gustar) to love (con, -), like
detain; (retrasar) to delay.
2 (ocupar) to
keep busy. 3 (distraer) to occupy,
(con, -).

entusiasmo nm enthusiasm.


l o c con
entusiasmo keenly, enthusiastically.
entusiasta adj enthusiastic.
enumeracin nf (cmputo) enumera-

P vpr enviciarse (pervertirse) to become

corrupted, fall into bad habits.
envidar vi to bid, bet.
envidia nf envy. l o c dar envidia to
tion, count, reckoning.
make envious. y tener envidia de algo/
algn to envy sth/sb.
enumerar vt to enumerate.
enunciado nm 1 (teora, etc) enuncia- envidiable adj enviable.
tion. 2 ling statement. 3 (problema, etc) envidiar vt to envy.
envidioso,-a adj envious.
enunciar vt 1 (teora) to enunciate. 2 envo nm 1 (accin) sending, dispatch.
(expresar) to express, state, word.
2 com dispatch, shipment. 3 (paquete)
envalentonar vt to make bold, make
parcel. 4 (mensaje electrnico) posting.
l o c hacer un envo com to dispatch
P vpr envalentonarse (volverse valiente)
an order. y envo contra reembolso
to become bold, become daring.
cash on delivery. y c o m p gastos de en
vo postage and packing.
envasado,-a adj (bebidas) bottled; (conservas) canned, tinned; (paquetes) envite nm (apuesta) bet.
enviudar vi (hombre) to become a widP nm envasado (bebidas) bottling; (conower, lose one's wife; (mujer) to beservas) canning; (paquetes) packing.
come a widow, lose one's husband.
c o m p envasado al vaco vacuumenvoltorio nm (de caramelo, etc) wrapper.
envolver vt (con papel) to wrap, wrap up.
envasar vt (botellas) to bottle; (latas) to enyesado nm 1 plastering. 2 med plascan, tin; (paquetes) to pack.
ter cast.
envase nm 1 (accin - paquetes) packing; enyesar vt 1 to plaster. 2 med to put in
(- botellas) bottling; (- latas) canning. 2
(recipiente) container. 3 (botella vaca)
enzarzar vt 1 (de zarzas) to cover with
envase de cartn carton.
brambles. 2 fig (engrescar) to sow disy envase de plstico plastic container.
cord among, set at odds.
y envase sin retorno nonreturnable
P vpr enzarzarse 1 (enredarse en zarzas) to
get entangled in brambles. 2 fig (disenvejecer vt to age, make look old.
cusin, asunto) to get involved (en, in).
P vi to get old, grow old.
enzima nm & nf enzyme.
envejecido,-a adj aged, old, oldee nf name of the letter .
looking: Pablo est muy envejecido Pablo
eoceno,-a adj Eocene.
looks very old.
P nm eoceno Eocene.
envejecimiento nm ageing.
adj wind: energa elica wind
envenenamiento nm poisoning.
envenenar vt to poison.
pica nf epic poetry.
envs nm inv 1 (de pgina) back, reverse.
epiceno adj epicene.
2 (de tela) wrong side. 3 bot reverse.
enviado,-a nm & nf messenger, en- epicentro nm epicentre (us epicenter).
voy. c o m p enviado,-a especial special pico,-a adj epic, heroic.
epicuresmo nm Epicureanism.
enviar vt 1 (gen) to send. 2 com to dis- epicreo,-a adj Epicurean.
epidemia nf epidemic.
patch, remit; (por barco) to ship.
enviciar vt (pervertir) to corrupt, pervert. epidmico,-a adj epidemic.
P vi bot to produce too many leaves
epidrmico,-a adj epidermic, skin:
and not enough fruit.
enfermedad epidrmica skin disease.



epidermis nf inv epidermis, skin.

epgrafe nm 1 (cita) epigraph. 2 (ttulo)
title, heading.

epilepsia nf epilepsy.
epilptico,-a adj epileptic.
eplogo nm (parte final) epilogue ( us

episcopado nm (obispos) episcopacy.

episcopal adj episcopal.
episodio nm 1 (literario) episode. 2 (suce-

equipaje nm luggage, baggage.


equipaje de mano hand luggage.

equipar vt to equip, furnish.
P vpr equiparse (uso reflexivo) to kit os
out (con/de, with), equip os (con/de,


equiparable adj comparable (a/con,


equiparar vt to compare ( a/con ,

with), liken (a/con, to).

equipo nm 1 (prestaciones) equipment. 2
so) incident, event.
(ropas, utensilios) outfit, kit. 3 (de persoepstola nf fml epistle, letter.
nas) team. c o m p equipo de alta fideli
epitelio nm epithelium.
dad hi-fi system. y equipo de ftbol
epteto nm epithet.
football team. y equipo de msica
poca nf 1 time, age. 2 hist period,
music centre, stereo system.
epoch: muebles de poca period furniture. 3 agr season, time: la poca de la equis nf inv 1 name of the letter x. 2 mat x,
unknown quantity.
recoleccin harvest time. l o c por aquella
poca about that time. y ser de su po equitacin nf horsemanship, horse
riding, us horseback riding.
ca to be with the times.
epopeya nf 1 lit epic poem. 2 (hecho) equitativo,-a adj equitable, fair.
equivalencia nf 1 (igualdad) equivaheroic deed.
lence. 2 (sustitucin) compensation.
equidad nf (moderacin) fairness, reaequivalente adj (igual) equivalent.
P nm equivalent.
equidistancia nf equidistance.
equivaler vi 1 (ser igual) to be equivaequidistante adj equidistant.
lent (a, to), be equal (a, to). 2 (signifiequidistar vi to be equidistant (de,
car) to be tantamount ( a , to),
amount (a, to), mean (a, -).
equiltero,-a adj equilateral.
equilibrado,-a adj 1 balanced. 2 (per- equivocacin nf 1 (error) mistake, error. 2 (malentendido) misunderstandsona) sensible, well-balanced.
ing. l o c cometer una equivocacin to
equilibrar vt 1 to balance, poise. 2 fig
make a mistake.
to balance, adjust.
equivocado,-a adj mistaken, wrong.
P vpr equilibrarse 1 to balance ( en ,
equivocar vt 1 to mistake, get wrong. 2
on). 2 fig to recover one's balance.
(cambiar) to get mixed up: equivoqu vues
equilibrio nm 1 (estabilidad) balance:
tros regalos I got your presents mixed up.
perdi el equilibrio he lost his balance. 2
P vpr equivocarse to make a mistake,
fs equilibrium. 3 fig (armona) balbe mistaken, be wrong; (de direccin, caance, harmony. l o c hacer equilibrios
mino, etc) to go wrong, get wrong: me
fig to perform a balancing act. y
equivoqu de calle I got the wrong street.
mantener el equilibrio to keep one's
equvoco,-a adj equivocal, misleadequilibrismo nm (gen) balancing act;
ing, ambiguous.
P nm equvoco 1 ambiguity, double
(de funmbulo) tightrope walking.
meaning. 2 (malentendido) misunderequilibrista nm o nf (funmbulo) tightstanding.
rope walker.
era nf (tiempo) era, age.
equino,-a adj equine, horse.
erario nm exchequer, treasury.
equinoccio nm equinox.
equinodermo nm echinoderm.
erasmismo nm Erasmianism.



ere nf name of the letter r.

erecto,-a adj erect.
eremita nm hermit, eremite.
ergonmico,-a adj ergonomic.
erguido,-a adj erect, upright, straight.
erguir vt to raise (up straight), erect,
lift up.

erudito,-a adj erudite, learned.

P nm

& nf scholar, expert.

erupcin nf 1 (volcnica) eruption. 2 (cutnea) rash.



entrar en erupcin to

eruptivo,-a adj eruptive.

esbelto,-a adj slim, slender.
esbozar vt to sketch, outline.

P vpr erguirse (ponerse derecho) to

l o c es
straighten up, stand up straight.
bozar una sonrisa fig to force a smile,
erial adj uncultivated, untilled.
smile weakly.
P nm uncultivated land.
esbozo nm sketch, outline.
erigir vt (alzar) to erect, build.
escabechado,-a adj pickled, in brine.
Eritrea nf Eritrea.
escabechar vt to pickle, preserve in
eritreo,-a adj Eritrean.
brine; (arenque) to souse, pickle.
P nm & nf (persona) Eritrean.
escabeche nm brine, pickle.
erizado,-a adj bristly, prickly.
escabechina nf fam massacre.
erizar vt (pelo - animal) to bristle; (- per- escabroso,-a adj 1 (desigual) uneven,
sona) make stand on end.
rough: terreno escabroso rough terrain. 2
P vpr erizarse (pelo - de animal) to brisfig (difcil) tough, difficult.
tle; (- de persona) to stand on end: el
escabullirse vpr 1 (entre las manos) to
pelo se le eriz his hair stood on end.
slip through. 2 fig (persona) to slip
erizo nm (animal) hedgehog. c o m p erizo
away, sneak off, disappear.
de mar sea urchin.
escacharrar vt 1 fam (romper) to break.
ermita nf hermitage, shrine.
2 fam (estropear) to ruin, spoil.
ermitao,-a adj recluse.
escafandra nf diving suit.
P nm & nf (persona solitaria) hermit.
escafandrista nm o nf diver.
P nm ermitao zool hermit crab.
escala nf 1 (escalera - de mano) ladder; (- de
erosin nf erosion, wearing away.
tijera) stepladder. 2 (mapa, plano, etc)
erosionar vt to erode.
scale: lo dibuj a escala he drew it to scale.
erosivo,-a adj erosive.
3 (puerto) port of call; (aeropuerto) stopoerradicar vt 1 to eradicate. 2 (enfermever. 4 ms scale.
dad) to stamp out.
nf (montaa) climb, climbing.
errado,-a adj mistaken, wrong.
escalador,-ra nm & nf climber.
errante adj wandering, errant.
escalafn nm (de personas) roll, promoerrar vt (objetivo) to miss, get wrong.
tion list.
P vi 1 (vagar) to wander, rove, roam.
2 (equivocarse) to be mistaken, be escalar vt (montaa) to climb.
escaldado,-a adj scalded.
escaleno adj scalene.
errata nf erratum, misprint.
escalera nf 1 stairs pl, staircase. 2 (eserrtico,-a adj erratic.
cala) ladder.
erre nf name of the digraph rr.
errneo,-a adj erroneous, wrong, escalerilla nf (de barco) gangway; (de
avin) steps pl.
mistaken, unsound: explicacin err
nea wrong explanation.
escalfar vt to poach: huevos escalfados
error nm error, mistake.
poached eggs.
eructar vi to belch, burp.
escalinata nf outside steps pl.
eructo nm belch, burp.
escalofriante adj chilling, bloodcur
dling, hair-raising.
erudicin nf erudition, learning.



escalofro nm (de fro) shiver.

l o c tener
escalofros to shiver.
escaln nm 1 (peldao) step, stair; (de escala) rung. 2 fig (grado) degree, level,
grade. 3 fig (paso, medio) stepping stone.
escalonado,-a adj (espaciado) spaced

out, at regular intervals.

escalonar vt 1 (espaciar) to place at in-

tervals, space out. 2 (cabello) cut in

escama nf 1 scale. 2 fig (de piel, de jabn)
escamado,-a adj fam fig wary, suspicious.
escamar vt 1 (quitar escamas) to scale,
remove the scales from. 2 fam fig to
make suspicious, make wary.
escampar vt to clear out.

escaramujo nm 1 (rosal) wild rose,

dog rose. 2 (fruto) rosehip.

escaramuza nf (ria) run-in, squabble.

escarbar vt 1 (suelo) to scratch. 2 (bolsillo, papeles) to rummage in.

escarcha nf frost, hoarfrost.

escarlata adj scarlet.
escarlatina nf scarlet fever.
escarmentar vt teach a lesson to.

P vi

P vi to learn one's lesson: a ver si escar

mientas that'll teach you (a lesson).
escarmiento nm lesson.
escarola nf curly endive.
escarpado,-a adj 1 (inclinado) steep,
sheer. 2 (abrupto) craggy.
escarpia nf spike, hook.
escasear vi (faltar) to be scarce.
escasez nf (carencia) scarcity, lack,

clear up.

escaso,-a adj 1 (insuficiente) scarce,

[se emplea slo en tercera persona; no

lleva sujeto] meteor to stop raining,


scant, very little, small. 2 (recursos)

slender; (dinero) tight; (pblico) small;
(lluvias, salario) low; (tiempo) very little.
3 (poco de algo) few: escasos das few
days. 4 (que le falta poco) hardly, scarcely, barely: un kilo escaso barely a kilo.
escayola nf 1 (yeso) plaster of Paris;
(estuco) stucco. 2 med plaster.
escayolar vt to put in plaster, plaster.
noisy, rowdy.
escena nf 1 teat (parte) scene; (lugar)
Escandinavia nf Scandinavia.
stage. 2 fig scene.
escandinavo,-a adj Scandinavian.
escenario nm 1 teat stage. 2 cine sceP nm & nf Scandinavian.
nario. 3 fig scene, setting.
escanear vt to scan.
escenificar vt 1 (novela) to dramatize.
escner nm scanner.
2 (obra de teatro) to stage.
escao nm 1 (banco) bench. 2 pol seat.
escapada nf 1 fam (salida) quick trip. 2 escenografa nm 1 cine set design. 2
teat stage design.
(huida) escape.
escapar vi 1 (huir) to escape, get away, escengrafo,-a nm & nf 1 cine set designer. 2 teat stage designer.
run away. 2 (librarse) to escape.
escepticismo nm scepticism ( us
P vpr escaparse 1 (huir) to escape, run
away, get away. 2 (librarse) to escape,
escptico,-a adj sceptic (us skeptic).
avoid. 3 (gas, etc) to leak.
escindir vt to split, divide.
escaparate nm shop window.
P vpr escindirse to split (off) (en, into).
escapatoria nf 1 (huida) escape, flight.
escisin nf 1 split, division. 2 fs fis2 (excusa) excuse, way out.
sion. 3 med excision.
escape nm 1 (huida) escape, flight,
nf slavery, servitude.
getaway. 2 (de gas, etc)
escarabajo nm beetle.
esclavizar vt to enslave.

escandalizar vt to shock.

escandalizarse to be shocked (de/

por, at), be scandalized (de/por, by).
escndalo nm 1 scandal. 2 (alboroto)
racket, fuss, din, uproar. l o c armar
un escndalo to kick up a fuss.
escandaloso,-a adj 1 scandalous,
shocking, outrageous. 2 (alborotado)
P vpr



esclavo,-a adj enslaved.

& nf (gen) slave.

esclusa nf lock, sluicegate, floodgate.
escoba nf brush, broom.
escobilla nf small brush.
escobn nm large brush.
escocer vi 1 to smart, sting: le escuecen
sus heridas his cuts sting. 2 fig to hurt.
escocs,-a adj Scottish.
P nm & nf (persona) Scot; (hombre) ScotsP nm

man; (mujer) Scotswoman.

P nm escocs (idioma) Scottish Gaelic.
Escocia nf Scotland. c o m p Nueva Esco
cia Nova Scotia.
escoger vt to choose, pick out, select.
escogido,-a adj chosen, selected; (selecto) choice, select.
escolar adj school, scholastic.
P nm o nf (chico) schoolboy; (chica)
escolstico,-a adj scholastic.
escollera nf breakwater, jetty.
escollo nm fig difficulty, pitfall, snag.
escolopendra nf centipede.
escolta nf escort.
escoltar vt 1 to escort. 2 mar to convoy.
escombros nm pl rubble sing, debris sing.
esconder vt to hide, conceal.
P vpr esconderse to hide.

escrito,-a adj written; (mencionado)


P nm escrito 1 (documento) writing,

document, text. 2 (obra) work, writing: los escritos de Orwell Orwell's writings.
escritor,-ra nm & nf writer.
escritorio nm 1 (mueble) writing desk,
bureau. 2 (oficina) office.
escritura nf 1 (gen) writing: escritura fo
ntica phonetic script. 2 (caligrafa)
handwriting, writing. 3 jur deed,

escrpulo nm 1 [tambin se usa en plural

con el mismo significado] (recelo) scruple,
doubt, qualm. 2 [tambin se usa en plural con el mismo significado] (aprensin)
fussiness: eso me da escrpulos I'm finicky about it, I'm fussy about it. 3 fig
(cuidado) extreme care: lo hizo con escr
pulo he did it with extreme care.
escrupuloso,-a adj 1 scrupulous. 2
(aprensivo) finicky, fussy. 3 fig (exacto)

scrupulous, meticulous.

escrutinio nm 1 (examen) scrutiny, examination. 2 (de votos) count.

escuadra nf 1 (instrumento -de dibujo) set

square; (-de carpintera) square; (pieza

de metal) bracket. 2 (de tropas) squad;
(de buques) squadron, fleet. 3 (ftbol)
escondidas l o c hacer algo a escondidas
de algn to do sth behind sb's back.
escuadrilla nf squadron.
escondite nm 1 (lugar) hiding place. 2 escuadrn nm squadron.
(juego) hide-and-seek.
esculido,-a adj 1 (delgado) emaciated,
escopeta nf shotgun.
extremely thin, skinny. 2 (sucio)
squalid, filthy.
escorpin nm scorpion.
escucha nf (accin) listening. l o c estar
escorzo nm foreshortening.
a la escucha de to be listening out
escote nm cost low neckline.
for. y c o m p escuchas telefnicas phone
escozor nm 1 stinging, smarting. 2 fig
tapping sing.
pain, grief.
escribir vt 1 (gen) to write. 2 (deletrear) escuchar vt 1 to listen to; (or) to hear.
2 (atender) to listen to, pay attention
to spell, write.
to: no escuchaba mis consejos he didn't
P vi to write.
listen to my advice.
P vpr escribirse 1 (deletrear) to spell, be
spelt: cmo se escribe? how do you spell escudo nm 1 (arma) shield. 2 (de armas)
coat of arms. 3 (moneda) escudo. 4 fig
it? 2 (uso recproco) to write to each
(amparo) protection, shield.
other. l o c escribir a mano to write in
longhand, write
by hand. y escribir a escuela nf 1 (gen) school. 2 (experiencia)
mquina to type.
experience, instruction.


esculpir vt (gen) to sculpt, sculpture;

(madera) to carve; (metal) to engrave.

escultor,-ra nm & nf (hombre) sculptor;
(mujer) sculptress.
escultura nf (gen) sculpture; (en madera)
carving; (en metal) engraving.
escupir vi to spit.
P vt 1 to spit out. 2 fig (despedir) to
belch out: la fbrica escupa humo the
factory belched out smoke.
escurreplatos nm inv plate rack.
escurridizo,-a adj 1 slippery. 2 fig
slippery, elusive.
escurridor nm 1 (colador) strainer, colander. 2 (de platos) plate rack. 3 (para
ropa) wringer, mangle.
escurrir vt (platos, etc) to drain; (ropa) to
wring out; (comida) to strain.
P vi 1 (destilar) to drip, trickle. 2 (deslizar) to slip, slide.
P vpr escurrirse 1 (platos, etc) to drain. 2
(lquido) to drip, trickle. 3 (deslizarse) to
slip, slide. 4 fam (escapar) to run
away, slip away.
esdrjulo,-a adj proparoxytone,
stressed on the antepenultimate
ese nf name of the letter s.
P nf pl eses zigzags.
ese,-a adj that; (plural) those.
se,-a pron 1 (cosa) that one. 2 (hombre sujeto) he; (mujer - sujeto) she: se me lo
dijo he told me. 3 (hombre - complemento)
him; (mujer - complemento) her: se lo dio a
sa he gave it to her. 4 (anterior) the former.


esforzar vt 1 (forzar) to strain. 2 (animar)

to encourage, spur on.

P vpr esforzarse (fsicamente) to make an
effort, exert os; (moralmente) to try
hard, strive: se ha esforzado para llegar a la
cumbre she has striven to get to the top.
esfuerzo nm 1 effort, endeavour (us
endeavor). 2 (valor) courage, spirit.
l o c sin esfuerzo effortlessly.
esfumar vt 1 (esfuminar) to stump,
blend. 2 (colores) to tone down.
P vpr esfumarse fam (largarse) to disappear, fade away.
esgrima nf fencing.
esguince nm med sprain.
eslabn nm link.
eslalon nm slalom.
eslip nm 1 (ropa interior) men's briefs pl,
underpants pl. 2 (baador) trunks pl.
s pl eslips.
eslogan nm slogan. c o m p eslogan pu
blicitario advertising slogan.
eslovaco,-a adj Slovak.
P nm & nf (persona) Slovak.
P nm eslovaco (idioma) Slovak.
Eslovaquia nf Slovakia.
Eslovenia nf Slovenia.
esloveno,-a adj Slovene.
P nm & nf (persona) Slovene.
P nm esloveno (idioma) Slovene.
esmaltar vt 1 to enamel. 2 (uas) to
varnish. 3 fig (adornar) to decorate,
esmalte nm 1 (gen) enamel. 2 (de uas)
nail varnish, nail polish. 3 (objeto esmaltado) enamelled object. 4 (color)
. Cuando no se produzca confusin con
el adjetivo se puede omitir el acento.
esmeralda nf emerald.
esencia nf 1 essence. 2 (perfume) es- esmerar vt (pulir) to polish.
P vpr esmerarse to do one's best (en/
sence, perfume, scent.
por, to), take great pains ( en/por,
esencial adj essential. l o c lo esencial
the main thing.
esfera nf 1 sphere, globe. 2 (de reloj) esmero nm great care, neatness.
dial, face. 3 fig (campo) field, sphere; esnob adj (persona) snobbish; (lugar, etc)
(ambiente) sphere, circle.
P nm o nf snob.
esfrico,-a adj spherical.
P nm esfrico (baln) ball.
esnobismo nm snobbery, snobbish
esfinge nf sphinx.



eso pron that: eso es lo que dijo that's what

she said.

esparcir vt 1 (desparramar) to scatter. 2

fig (divulgar) to spread.

P vpr esparcirse 1 (desparramarse) to
Obligatoria) compulsory secondary education
scatter, be scattered. 2 fig (divulgarse)
up to 16.
to spread out.
esfago nm oesophagus (us esopha- esprrago nm asparagus.
gus), gullet.
esparto nm esparto grass.
esos,-as adj those.
esptula nf 1 (gen) spatula. 2 (de pintor)
. Consulta tambin ese,-a.
palette knife; (de cristalero) putty
knife. 3 tc stripping knife. 4 (ave)
sos,-as pron those (ones).
. Consulta tambin se,-a.
especia nf spice.
espacial adj 1 mat spatial, spacial. 2 especial adj 1 (gen) special. 2 (remilgado)
(del cosmos) space.
fussy ( para, about), finicky ( para,
espaciar vt to space out.
about): es un poco especial para la comida
espacio nm 1 (gen) space. 2 (que se ocushe's a bit finicky about food. l o c en
pa) space, room: necesitamos ms espa
especial especially.
cio we need more room. 3 (de tiempo) especialidad nf 1 (gen) speciality (us
period, space. 4 (programa) prospecialty). 2 educ main subject, spegramme (us program).
cialized field.
espacioso,-a adj (ancho) spacious,
adj specialist.
P nm o nf 1 specialist. 2 cine stand-in;
espada nf 1 (arma) sword. 2 (naipe)
(hombre) stunt man; (mujer) stunt
P nf pl espadas (palo de baraja) spades.
especializacin nf specialization.
espaguetis nm pl spaghetti sing.
espalda nf 1 [tambin se usa en plural con especialmente adv 1 (exclusivamente)
specially. 2 (particularmente) especially.
el mismo significado] (gen) back. 2 (nataespecie nf 1 (de animales, plantas) specin) backstroke.
cies. 2 (tipo) kind, sort. 3 (tema) matespantapjaros nm inv scarecrow.
ter, notion, idea; (noticia) piece of
espantar vt 1 (asustar) to frighten,
news. l o c en especie in kind: pagar en
scare, scare off. 2 (ahuyentar) to
especie to pay in kind.
frighten away.
P vpr espantarse 1 (asustarse) to be
especiero,-a nm & nf grocer.
frightened, be scared. 2 (asombrarse)
P nm especiero spice rack.
to be amazed, be astonished.
especificar vt to specify.
espanto nm 1 (miedo) fright, dread, especfico,-a adj specific.
terror. 2 (asombro) astonishment,
P nm especfico (medicamento) specific;
amazement. l o c qu espanto! how
(especialidad) patent medicine. c o m p
peso especfico specific gravity.
espantoso,-a adj 1 (terrible) frightful,
dreadful. 2 (asombroso) astonishing, espcimen nm specimen.
amazing. 3 (desmesurado) dreadful, espectacular adj spectacular.
espectculo nm 1 spectacle, sight. 2
(diversin) entertainment. 3 (TV, radio,
Espaa nf Spain.
etc) performance, show.
espaol,-la adj Spanish.
P nm & nf (persona) Spaniard.
espectador,-ra nm & nf 1 (de deportes)
P nm espaol (idioma) Spanish, Castilian.
spectator. 2 (de obra, pelcula) member
of the audience; (de televisin) viewer.
esparadrapo nm sticking plaster.

ESO abrev educ (Enseanza Secundaria



P nm pl espectadores (de obra, pelcula)

P vpr esperarse 1 (aguardar) to wait: es
prense en recepcin please wait in recepaudience sing; (de programa televisivo)
tion. 2 (creer, contar) to expect: se espera
que seas puntual you're expected to be
espectro nm 1 fs spectrum. 2 (fantaspunctual. 3 (desear) to hope: se espera
ma) spectre (us specter), ghost, apque lo hayan pasado bien we hope you've
parition. 3 fig (persona) ghost. 4 (conhad a good time.
junto, serie) range.
espermatozoide nm spermatozoon,
especulador,-ra adj speculating.
P nm & nf speculator.
especular vt fig (reflexionar) to specu- espesar vt (salsa, etc) to thicken; (tejido,
etc) to make thicker.
late about.
P vpr espesarse 1 (gen) to get thicker.
P vi 1 (comerciar) to speculate (en, in);
2 (salsa, etc) to thicken.
(en bolsa) to speculate (en, on). 2 (conespeso,-a adj 1 (lquido, sustancia, objeto)
jeturar) to speculate (sobre, about).
thick. 2 (bosque, niebla) thick, dense. 3
espejismo nm 1 mirage. 2 fig mirage,
(pasta, masa) stiff. l o c estar espeso,-a
fam not to be able to think straight.
espejo nm 1 mirror. 2 fig (imagen) mirespesor nm thickness.
ror, reflection.
espeleologa nf potholing, speleolo- espesura nf 1 (de lquido, objeto) thickness. 2 (de niebla, etc) denseness. 3 fig
(en bosque) thicket, dense wood.
espelelogo,-a nm & nf potholer,
espa nm o nf spy.
espeluznante adj hair-raising, terri- espiar vt to spy on, watch.
espiga nf 1 (gen) spike; (de trigo) ear. 2
fying, horrifying.
(de tejido) herringbone. 3 (clavija) peg,
espeluznar vt to horrify, terrify,
make one's hair stand on end.
espera nf 1 wait, waiting. 2 (paciencia) espigado,-a adj 1 bot ripe. 2 (en forma
de espiga) ear-shaped. 3 fig (persona)
patience. l o c en espera de... waiting
tall, lanky.
for.... y estar a la espera to be waitespign nm 1 mar breakwater, jetty. 2
ing, be expecting.
(punta) sharp point, spike.
esperanza nf hope, expectance. l o c
con la esperanza de... in the hope espina nf 1 (de planta) thorn. 2 (de pez)
fishbone. 3 (columna vertebral) spine,
of.... y tener muchas esperanzas to
backbone. 4 fig (pesar) sadness, sorhave high hopes. c o m p esperanza de
row, grief.
vida life expectancy.
espinaca nf spinach.
esperanzador,-ra adj encouraging.
espinal adj spinal: mdula espinal spinal
esperanzar vt to give hope to.
P vpr esperanzarse to have hope.
esperar vt 1 (tener esperanza) to hope espinilla nf 1 (de la pierna) shinbone. 2
(grano) blackhead.
for, expect: esperan un milagro they're
hoping for a miracle. 2 (contar, creer) to espino nm 1 (rbol) hawthorn. 2 (alambre) barbed wire. c o m p espino albar
expect: no te esperbamos hasta maana
common hawthorn. y espino negro
we didn't expect you till tomorrow. 3
(aguardar) to wait for, await: espera un
momento wait a moment. 4 (desear) to espinoso,-a adj 1 (planta) thorny. 2
(pez) spiny. 3 fig thorny, prickly, difhope: espero verlo I hope to see him. 5
ficult, tricky.
fig (beb) to expect.
P vi to wait: esperar hasta que lleguen
espionaje nm spying, espionage: pel
I'll wait until they get here.
cula de espionaje spy film.



espiral adj spiral: escalera espiral spiral

espordico,-a adj sporadic.

esposa nf wife.
P nf 1 spiral. 2 (de reloj) hairspring.
esposado,-a adj 1 (casado) married. 2
espirar vt to exhale, breathe out.
(con esposas) handcuffed.
P vi to breathe.
esposar vt to handcuff, put handespiritismo nm spiritualism.
cuffs on.
espiritista adj spiritualistic.
esposas nf pl handcuffs.
P nm o nf spiritualist.
esposo nm husband.
espritu nm 1 (gen) spirit. 2 (alma) soul, esprint nm sprint.
spirit. 3 (fantasma) ghost, spirit. 4 (lico- esprintar vi to sprint.
res) spirits pl. 5 fig (idea central) spirit, esprnter nm o nf sprinter.
essence, soul.
espuela nf 1 spur. 2 fig spur, stimulus.
espiritual adj spiritual.
espuerta nf two-handled rush basket.
espiritualidad nf spirituality.
espuma nf 1 (gen) foam; (de jabn) lathesplndido,-a adj 1 (magnfico) splener; (de cerveza) froth, head; (olas) surf.
did, magnificent. 2 (generoso) gener2 (impurezas) scum. 3 (tejido) foam.
ous, lavish.
espumadera nf skimmer.
esplendor nm 1 (resplandor) brilliance,
shining. 2 fig (magnificencia) magnifi- espumar vt (quitar espuma) to skim.
P vi (hacer espuma - jabn) to lather;
cence, splendour ( us splendor). 3
(- cerveza) to froth; (- vino) to sparkle;
(auge) glory.
(- olas) to foam.
esplendoroso,-a adj 1 (resplandeciente)
brilliant, radiant, shining. 2 (grandio- espumilln nm tinsel.
espumoso,-a adj (ola) foamy, frothy;
so) magnificent, lavish.
(jabn) lathery; (vino) sparkling.
espliego nm lavender.
espolear vt 1 to spur on. 2 fig to spur esqueje nm cutting.
esquela nf 1 (carta) short letter. 2 (moron, encourage.
tuoria) obituary notice.
espoln nm 1 (de ave) spur. 2 (de caballera) fetlock. 3 (de nave) ram. 4 (malecn) esqueleto nm 1 anat skeleton. 2
arquit framework.
sea wall. 5 fam (saban) chilblain.
espolvorear vt 1 (despolvorear) to dust. esquema nm 1 (grfica) diagram. 2
(plan) outline, plan.
2 (esparcir) to powder, sprinkle.
esponja nf 1 sponge. 2 fig (gorrn) esquemtico,-a adj schematic, diagrammatic.
esponjar vt (ahuecar) to fluff up; (tierra) esquematizar vt 1 (plan, idea) to outline. 2 (plano, etc) to sketch.
to loosen.
esqu nm 1 (tabla) ski. 2 dep skiing.
P vpr esponjarse 1 fig (envanecerse) to
swell with pride. 2 fig (fsicamente) to s pl esqus. c o m p esqu acutico waterskiing. y esqu alpino alpine skiing. y
glow with health.
esqu nutico water-skiing.
esponjoso,-a adj (gen) spongy; (bizcoesquiador,-ra nm & nf skier.
cho) light.
espontneamente adv spontane- esquiar vi to ski.
esquilador,-ra nm & nf sheepshearer.
espontaneidad nf spontaneity.
esquiladora nf shears pl.
espontneo,-a adj 1 (cosa) spontane- esquilar vt 1 (pelo) to clip. 2 (ovejas) to
ous; (discurso) impromptu, unpreshear.
pared. 2 (persona) natural, unaffected. esquimal adj Eskimo.
espora nf spore.
P nm o nf Eskimo.
P nm (idioma) Eskimo.
espordicamente adv sporadically.



esquina nf corner.

estacionar vt 1 (colocar) to position,

place. 2 auto to park.
vt 1 (hacer esquina) to form a corner
P vpr estacionarse 1 (estancarse) to be
with, be on the corner of. 2 (poner en
stationary, remain in the same
esquina) to put in a corner.
place. 2 auto to park.
esquinazo nm corner. l o c dar el esqui
estacionario,-a adj stationary, stanazo a algn fam to give sb the slip.
esquirla nf splinter.
estadio nm 1 (lugar) stadium. 2 (fase)
esquirol nm blackleg, scab.
stage, phase. 3 arc (medida) stadium,
esquisto nm shale.
esquivar vt 1 (persona) to avoid, shun.
nm o nf 1 pol (hombre) states2 (golpe) to dodge, elude.
man; (mujer) stateswoman. 2 mat
esquivo,-a adj cold, aloof.
esquizofrenia nf schizophrenia.
estadstica nf 1 (ciencia) statistics. 2
esquizofrnico,-a adj schizophrenic.
(dato) statistic, figure.
P nm & nf schizophrenic.
estadstico,-a adj statistical.
estabilidad nf stability.
P nm & nf statistician.
estabilizacin nf stabilization.
estado nm 1 (situacin) state, condiestabilizar vt to stabilize, make station: su estado es delicado his condition
is delicate. 2 (en orden social) status. 3
P vpr estabilizarse to become stable,
hist estate. 4 pol state.
become stabilized.
Estados Unidos nm pl The United
estable adj stable, steady.
establecer vt 1 (gen) to establish; (fun- estadounidense adj American, from
dar) to found, set up. 2 (rcord) to set.
the United States.
3 (ordenar) to state, lay down, estabP nm o nf American, person from the
United States.
P vpr establecerse (en un lugar) to setestafa nf fraud, swindle.
tle; (en un negocio) to set up in busi- estafador,-ra nm & nf racketeer,
swindler, trickster.
establecimiento nm 1 (acto) establish- estafar vt to swindle, trick, cheat,
ment, founding, setting-up. 2 (de
gente) settlement. 3 (local) establish- estafilococo nm staphylococcus.
ment, shop, store.
estalactita nf stalactite.
establo nm 1 stable, cowshed, stall. 2 estalagmita nm stalagmite.
fig filthy place, pigsty.
estallar vi 1 (reventar) to explode,
estabular vt to stable.
blow up. 2 (neumtico) to burst; (bomestaca nf 1 (palo con punta) stake, post;
ba) to explode, go off; (cristal) to shat(para tienda de campaa) peg. 2 (garrote)
ter. 3 (volcn) to erupt. 4 (ltigo) to
stick, cudgel. 3 (rama) cutting. 4 (clacrack. 5 fig (rebelin, epidemia) to break
vo) spike.
out. 6 fig (pasin, sentimientos) to burst:
estacada nf (obra) fence, fencing.
estallar en lgrimas to burst into tears.
estacazo nm blow with a stick.
estallido nm 1 (explosin) explosion. 2
estacin nf 1 (del ao, temporada) sea(de trueno) crash; (de ltigo) crack. 3 fig
son. 2 (de tren, radio) station.
estacional adj seasonal.
estambre nm 1 cost worsted, woollen yarn (us woolen yarn). 2 bot staestacionamiento nm 1 auto (accin)
park, us parking
parking; (lugar) car
estamento nm class, stratum.
lot. 2 fig (estancamiento) impasse.



estampa nf 1 (imagen) picture. 2 fig (as-

estar con (tener) to have; (estar de acuerdo) to agree with: estoy con Ana I agree
pecto) appearance, look, aspect.
with Ana. 4 estar de (gen) to be; (trabaestampacin nf printing.
jar) to be, be working as; (ir vestido) to
estampado,-a adj (gen) patterned,
be, be dressed in: estar de vacaciones to
print; (tela) printed; (metal) stamped.
be on holiday; est de uniforme he's in
P nm estampado (tela) print.
uniform. 5 estar en (consistir) to be, lie;
estampar vt 1 (imprimir) to print. 2 (me(entender) to understand; (creer) to
tales) to stamp. 3 (dejar huella) to
think, believe; (depender de uno) to be
stamp. l o c estampar la firma to sign.
up to. 6 estar para (estar a punto) to be
estampida nf 1 (ruido) bang. 2 (de aniabout to; (estar acabado) to be finmales) stampede.
ished, be ready; (estar de humor) to feel
estampilla nf stamp, rubber stamp.
like, be in the mood for. 7 estar por
estampita nf religious print.
(no haberse ejecutado) to remain to be;
estancado,-a adj 1 (agua) stagnant. 2
(estar determinado) to be for; (ir a) to be
fig (asunto, negocio) at a standstill; (negogoing to; (a favor) to be for. 8 estar que
ciaciones) deadlocked; (persona) stuck,
fam to be nearly, be really, be practibogged down.
cally: est que se hunde it's practically ruestancamiento nm 1 stagnation. 2 fig
ined. 9 estar sin + inf not to have
been + pp: el coche est sin lavar the car
deadlock, standstill.
hasn't been washed, the car still needs
estancar vt 1 (aguas) to hold up, hold
back, dam; (flujo) to check. 2 fig (proP vpr estarse (permanecer) to spend,
greso) to check, block, hold up.
stay: se estuvo todo el da leyendo she
P vpr estancarse 1 (lquido) to stagnate,
spent all day reading.
become stagnant. 2 fig to stagnate,
estarcido nm stencil.
get bogged down.
estarcir vt to stencil.
estanco,-a adj watertight.
P nm estanco (tienda) tobacconist's.
estasis nf inv stasis.
estndar adj standard, standardized: estatal adj state.
modelo estndar standard model; reglas esttico,-a adj static.
estndar set rules.
estatua nf statue.
estandarte nm standard, banner.
estatuilla nf statuette, figurine.
estanque nm 1 (de peces, etc) pool, pond. estatura nf height, stature.
2 (para proveer agua) reservoir, tank.
estatuto nm statute. c o m p estatuto de
estanquero,-a nm & nf tobacconist.
autonoma statute of autonomy.
estante nm 1 (anaquel) shelf; (para libros) este adj 1 east, eastern. 2 (direccin)
bookcase. 2 (de mquina) stand.
easterly; (viento) east, easterly.
P nm 1 east. 2 (viento) east wind.
estantera nf shelving, shelves pl.
este,-a adj this; (plural) these: este libro
estao nm tin.
this book; estas manzanas these apples.
estar vi 1 (lugar, posicin) to be: estamos
en casa we are at home. 2 (permanecer) to ste,-a pron 1 (cosa) this one: dame ste
give me this one. 2 (hombre - sujeto) he;
be, stay: estuvimos all diez das we
(mujer - sujeto) she: sta me lo dijo she told
stayed there for ten days. 3 (cualidades
me. 3 (hombre - complemento) him; (mujer
transitorias) to be: est cansado he's tired.
- complemento) her: se lo dio a ste she
4 (una prenda) to suit, be: te est grande
gave it to him. 4 (este ltimo) the latter. 5
it's too big for you.
pey this one.
P aux 1 estar + gerundio to be: estaban
cantando they were singing. 2 estar a
. Cuando no se produzca confusin con
(precio) to be, sell at;
(fecha) to be: esta
el adjetivo se puede omitir el acento.
mos a 15 de marzo it's the 15th of March. 3



estela nf 1 (de barco) wake, wash; (de

estircol nm dung, manure.

avin) vapour (us vapor) trail; (de come- estilete nm 1 (punzn) stylus. 2 (pual)
ta) tail. 2 fig trail.
stiletto. 3 med probe.
estela2 nf (monumento) stela, stele.
estilismo nm stylism.
estelar adj 1 (sideral) stellar. 2 fig star.
estilista nm o nf 1 (escritor) stylist. 2 (diseestenordeste nm 1 east-northeast. 2
ador) stylist, designer.
(viento) east-northeast wind.
estilstico,-a adj stylistic.
estepa nf (llanura) steppe.
estilizacin nf stylization.
estepa2 nf (planta) rockrose.
estilizar vt 1 to stylize. 2 (hacer delgado)
estepario,-a adj steppe, from the
to make thinner.
estilo nm 1 (gen) style. 2 (modo) manster nm ester.
ner, fashion. 3 gram speech. 4 (nataestera nf rush mat.
cin) stroke.
estercolero nm 1 dunghill, dung estilogrfica nf fountain pen.
heap. 2 fig pigsty.
estima nf esteem, respect.
estreo nm stereo.
estimable adj 1 esteemed, reputable,
estereofnico,-a adj stereo, stereoworthy. 2 (cantidad) considerable.
estimacin nf 1 (afecto) esteem, reestereoscopio nm stereoscope.
spect. 2 (valoracin) estimation, evaluestereotipado,-a adj fig stereotyped,
ation. 3 (clculo) estimate. c o m p propia
standard, set.
estima self-esteem.
estereotipo nm stereotype.
estimado,-a adj 1 (apreciado) esestril adj 1 (tierra) sterile, barren. 2
teemed, respected. 2 (valorado) val(hombre) sterile; (mujer) sterile, inferued, estimated: el precio estimado the
tile. 3 (asptico) sterile. 4 fig futile,
estimated price.
estimar vt 1 (apreciar) to esteem, reesterilidad nf 1 (de terreno) sterility,
spect, hold in esteem, admire. 2 (vabarrenness. 2 (de hombre) sterility; (de
lorar) to value. 3 (juzgar, creer) to conmujer) sterility, infertility. 3 fig futilisider, think, reckon.
ty, uselessness.
estimulacin nf stimulation.
esterilizacin nf sterilization.
estimulante adj stimulating, encouresterilizador,-ra nm sterilizer.
esterilizar vt to sterilize.
P nm stimulant.
esterilla nf 1 (felpudo) small mat. 2 (de estimular vt 1 (animar) to encourage,
caamazo) rush matting, wickerstimulate. 2 (apetito, pasiones) to whet.
estmulo nm 1 stimulus, stimulation.
esterlina adj sterling.
2 fig encouragement. 3 com incenP nf sterling.
esternocleidomastoideo nm ster- esto nm summer.
estipendio nm stipend, fee, remuesternn nm sternum, breastbone.
estesudeste nm 1 east-southeast. 2 estipular vt to stipulate.
(viento) east-southeast wind.
estirado,-a adj 1 fig (en el vestir) stiff,
esteta nm o nf aesthete (us esthete).
formal, starchy. 2 fig (orgulloso) stiff,
esttica nf aesthetics (us esthetics).
conceited, haughty.
estticamente adv aesthetically.
P nm estirado 1 (textil) drawing. 2 (del
pelo) straightening; (de la piel) lift.
esttico,-a adj aesthetic
(us esthetic).
estetoscopio nm stethoscope.
estiramiento nm stretch.



estirar vt 1 (gen) to stretch. 2 (cuello) to

crane. 3 (medias) to pull up; (falda) to

pull down. 4 fig (dinero) to spin out,
make go further.
P vi (crecer) to shoot up.
P vpr estirarse 1 (crecer) to shoot up. 2
(desperezarse) to stretch.
estirn nm pull, jerk, tug.
estirpe nf stock, lineage, race.
estival adj summer.
esto pron this: esto me gusta I like this.
estocada nf stab, thrust.
estofa nf fig class, type.
estofado nm culin stew.
estofar vt culin to stew.
estoicismo nm stoicism.
estoico,-a adj stoic, stoical.
P nm & nf stoic.
estoma nm stoma.
estomacal adj 1 (del estmago) stomach,
of the stomach. 2 (digestivo) digestive.
P nm (bebida) digestive liqueur.
estmago nm stomach. c o m p dolor de
estmago stomachache.
Estonia nf Estonia.
estonio,-a adj Estonian.
P nm & nf (persona) Estonian.
P nm estonio (idioma) Estonian.
estopa nf 1 (fibra) tow. 2 (tela) burlap.
c o m p estopa de acero steel wool.
estoque nm (espada) sword.
estor nm roller blind.
estorbar vt 1 (dificultar) to hinder, get
in the way; (obstruir) to obstruct,
block, hold up. 2 fig (molestar) to annoy, bother, disturb.
P vi (ser obstculo) to be in the way.
estorbo nm 1 (obstculo) obstruction,
obstacle. 2 (molestia) hindrance, encumbrance; (persona) nuisance.
estornino nm starling.
estornudar vi to sneeze.
estornudo nm sneeze.
estos,-as adj these.
. Consulta tambin este,-a.

estrabismo nm strabismus, squint:

tengo estrabismo I have a squint.

estrado nm stage, platform; (tarima)

P nm

pl estrados jur courtrooms.

estrago nm havoc, ruin, ravage.

estragn nm tarragon.
estrangular vt 1 (ahogar) to strangle. 2

to strangulate. 3 auto to throttle.

mil stratagem. 2
fam fig trick.
estratega nm o nf strategist.
estrategia nf strategy.
estratgicamente adv strategically.
estratgico,-a adj strategic.
estratificar vt to stratify.
P vpr estratificarse to be stratified.
estrato nm 1 geol stratum. 2 (capa)
stratum. 3 (nivel social) stratum, class.
4 (nube) stratus.
estratosfera nf stratosphere.
estraza nf rag, piece of cloth.
estrechamente adv 1 (con estrechez)
narrowly, tightly. 2 fig (con intimidad)
closely, intimately: estn estrechamen
te unidos they're very close.
estrechar vt 1 (carretera) to make narrower. 2 (prenda) to take in. 3 (abrazar)
to squeeze, hug; (mano) to shake: nos
estrechamos las manos we shook hands.
4 fig (obligar) to compel, constrain. 5
fig (relaciones, lazos) to strengthen.
P vpr estrecharse 1 (valle, etc) to narrow, become narrower. 2 (apretarse)
to squeeze together, squeeze up. 3
fig (relaciones, etc) to strengthen, get
estrechez nf 1 (poco ancho) narrowness. 2 (falta espacio) lack of space. 3
(prendas) tightness. 4 fig (econmica)
want, need. 5 fig (amistad) closeness,
intimacy. 6 fig (apuro) tight spot. l o c
pasar estrecheces fig to be hard up.
estrecho,-a adj 1 (poco ancho) narrow. 2
(ropa) tight; (calzado) tight, small.
3 (habitacin) cramped, poky, small. 4
(sin espacio) packed, jam-packed. 5 fig
stos,-as pron these (ones).
(amistad, etc) close, intimate.
. Consulta tambin ste,-a.
P nm estrecho geog strait, straits pl.

estratagema nf 1


estrella nf 1 (gen) star. 2 fig (destino)


estra nf 1 (ranura) groove. 2


flute. 3 (en la piel) stretch mark.

estrellado,-a adj 1 (cielo) starry, star- estriar vt 1 (hacer ranuras) to groove. 2
arquit to flute. 3 (piel) to give stretch
spangled, full of stars. 2 (forma) starmarks.
shaped. 3 (hecho pedazos) smashed,
P vpr estriarse (piel) to get stretch
estrellar vt 1 (llenar de estrellas) to cover
with stars. 2 fam (hacer pedazos) to estribillo nm 1 (de poesa) refrain; (de
cancin) chorus. 2 (muletilla) pet
smash (to pieces), shatter. 3 (frer) to
phrase, pet saying.
estribo nm 1 (de jinete) stirrup. 2 (de caP vpr estrellarse 1 (llenarse de estrellas) to
rruaje, tren) step. 3 auto running
be full of stars. 2 (hacerse pedazos)
board; (de moto) footrest. 4 arquit
to smash, shatter. 3 (chocar) to crash.
buttress; (de puente) pier, support. 5
estremecedor,-ra adj 1 startling. 2
(del odo) stirrup bone.
(grito) bloodcurdling.
estremecer vt 1 (gen) to shake. 2 fig estribor nm starboard.
estricto,-a adj strict, rigorous.
(asustar) to startle, frighten.
estridencia nf 1 (ruido) stridency,
P vpr estremecerse 1 (temblar) to
shrillness. 2 (color, etc) loudness, garshake. 2 (de miedo) to tremble, shudishness, gaudiness.
der; (de fro) to shiver, tremble. 3 fig
estridente adj 1 (ruido) strident, shrill.
to shudder.
2 (color, etc) loud, garish, gaudy.
estrenar vt 1 (gen) to use for the first
time; (ropa) to wear for the first estroboscpico,-a adj stroboscopic.
time. 2 (obra) to perform for the first estroboscopio nm stroboscope,
time, give the first performance of;
estrofa nf stanza, verse.
(pelcula) to release, put on release.
estrgeno nm oestrogen ( us estroP vpr estrenarse to make one's degen).
estreno nm 1 (de algo) first use. 2 (perso- estropajo nm 1 (para fregar) scourer. 2
fig (desecho) useless thing.
na) dbut, first appearance. 3 (de
obra) first performance; (de pelcula) estropajoso,-a adj 1 (lengua) furry. 2
(carne, etc) gristly, tough. 3 (pelo)
estreido,-a adj 1 constipated. 2 fig
estropear vt 1 (mquina) to damage,
mean, stingy.
break, ruin. 2 (cosecha) to spoil, ruin.
estreimiento nm constipation.
3 (plan, etc) to spoil, ruin.
estreir vt to constipate, make conP vpr estropearse 1 (mquina) to break
down. 2 (cosecha) to be spoiled, get
P vpr estreirse to become constidamaged. 3 (plan, etc) to fail, fall
through, go wrong. 4 (comida) to go
estrpito nm 1 din, racket, clatter. 2
fig ostentation, fuss.
estropicio nm 1 fam (rotura) breakage,
estrepitoso,-a adj 1 noisy, clamordamage; (ruido producido) crash, clatous. 2 (ruido) deafening. 3 fig (xito)
ter, smash. 2 fam (desorden) mess; (jaresounding; (fracaso) spectacular.
leo) fuss, rumpus.
estreptococo nm streptococcus.
estructura nf 1 (gen) structure. 2 (armaestrs nm stress.
zn) frame, framework.
estresado,-a adj under
estructurado,-a adj structured, or
estresante adj stressful.
destiny, fate.



estructurar vt to structure, organize.

P vpr

estructurarse to be structured,

be organized.

estruendo nm 1 (ruido) great noise,

din. 2 (confusin) uproar, tumult.

estruendoso,-a adj (ruido) noisy, deafening; (aplauso) thunderous.

estrujar vt 1 (exprimir) to squeeze. 2

etapa nf 1 period, stage. 2 (parada)

stop, stage. 3 dep leg, stage.

ter nm qum ether.

etreo,-a adj ethereal.
eternamente adv eternally.
eternidad nf 1 eternity. 2 fam ages pl.
eternizar vt 1 to eternize, eternalize.

2 fam to prolong endlessly.

(apretar - alguien) to crush; (- algo) to
P vpr eternizarse 1 fam (ser interminable)
screw up. 3 (ropa) to wring. 4 fig (sato be interminable, be endless; (discusin) to drag on. 2 fam (tardar mucho)
car partido) to drain, bleed dry.
to take ages.
P vpr estrujarse (apretujarse) to crowd,
eterno,-a adj eternal, everlasting,
estuario nm estuary.
tica nf ethics pl, ethic.
estucado nm stucco, stucco work.
ticamente adv ethically.
estucar vt to stucco.
estuche nm 1 (caja) case, box. 2 (conjun- tico,-a adj ethical.
etlico,-a adj ethylic.
to) set.
etimologa nf etymology.
estuco nm stucco.
etimolgico,-a adj etymological.
estudiante nm o nf student.
etope adj Ethiopian.
estudiar vt to study, learn.
P nm o nf (persona) Ethiopian.
P vi to study: estudia para maestro he's
P nm etope (idioma) Ethiopian, Ethitraining to be a teacher.
P vpr estudiarse to consider.
estudio nm 1 (gen) study. 2 (apartamen- Etiopa nf Ethiopia.
to) studio flat (us apartment), bedsit. etiqueta nf 1 (rtulo) label, tag. 2 (formalidad) etiquette, formality, cereP nm pl estudios (conocimientos) studies,
education sing.
etiquetar vt to label, put a label on.
estudioso,-a adj studious.
estufa nf (calentador) heater, stove; (de etnia nf ethnic group.
tnico,-a adj ethnic.
gas, elctrica) fire.
etnografa nf ethnography.
estupa nf argot (grupo) drug squad.
etnologa nf ethnology.
P nm o nf (oficial) drug-squad officer.
etnlogo,-a nm & nf ethnologist.
estupefaciente adj stupefying.
P nm drug, narcotic.
eucalipto nm eucalyptus.
estupefacto,-a adj astounded, eufemismo nm euphemism.
dumbfounded, flabbergasted.
euforia nf euphoria, elation.
estupendamente adv marvellously eufrico,-a adj euphoric, elated.
(us marvelously), wonderfully.
eunuco nm eunuch.
estupendo,-a adj marvellous ( us eureka interj eureka!
marvelous), wonderful, super.
euritmia nf eurythmics.
estupidez nf stupidity, stupid thing.
euro nm euro.
estpido,-a adj stupid, silly.
euroasitico,-a adj Eurasian.
P nm & nf berk, idiot.
P nm & nf Eurasian.
estupor nm stupor, amazement, as- eurodiputado,-a nm & nf Member of
tonishment. l o c causar estupor to
the European Parliament, MEP, Euastonish.
ro MP.
esturin nm sturgeon.
Europa nf Europe.



europesta adj pro-European.

o nf pro-European.
europeo,-a adj European.
P nm & nf European. c o m p Comunidad
Europea European Community. y
Unin Europea European Union.
eurovisin nf Eurovision.
Euskadi nm the Basque Country.
euskera nm (idioma) Basque.
eutanasia nf euthanasia.
evacuacin nf evacuation.
evacuar vt 1 (lugar) to evacuate. 2 anat
P nm

to empty.

evocar vt 1 (recuerdo) to evoke, call up.

2 (recordar) to evoke, bring to mind.

evolucin nf 1 (cambio) evolution; (desarrollo) development. 2 (vuelta) turn.

evolucionar vi 1 (gen) to evolve, develop. 2 (dar vueltas) to turn.

evolucionismo nm evolutionism.
evolutivo,-a adj evolutionary, evolving.

ex- pref ex-, former: el ex primer ministro

the former prime minister.

exacerbar vt 1 (agravar) to exacerbate,

aggravate, make worse. 2 (irritar) to

exacerbate, exasperate, irritate.
(responsabilidad) to shirk. 2 (capital, im- exactamente adv exactly, precisely.
puestos) to evade.
exactitud nf (fidelidad) exactness; (preP vpr evadirse (escaparse) to escape.
cisin) accuracy.
evaluacin nf 1 evaluation, assess- exacto,-a adj 1 (fiel) faithful, true; (prement. 2 educ (accin) assessment;
ciso) accurate, exact. 2 (verdad) true:
(examen) exam.
eso no es exacto that's not true.
evaluar vt to evaluate, assess.
exageracin nf exaggeration.
evanglico,-a adj evangelical.
exagerado,-a adj exaggerated.
evangelio nm gospel.
exagerar vt to exaggerate.
evangelista nm evangelist.
P vi 1 to exaggerate. 2 (abusar) to
evaporacin nf evaporation.
overdo it, do too much.
evaporar vt to evaporate.
exaltado,-a adj 1 (discusin, etc) heated,
P vpr evaporarse 1 to evaporate. 2 fig to
impassioned. 2 (persona) hot-headed,
vanish, disappear.
worked up.
evasin nf 1 (fuga) escape, flight. 2 fig
vt 1 (elevar) to raise, promote.
escape, escapism.
2 fig (alabar) to exalt, praise, extol.
evasivo,-a adj evasive.
P vpr exaltarse (excitarse) to get overeventual adj 1 (casual) chance; (probaexcited, get worked up, get carried
ble) possible. 2 (trabajo) casual, temaway.
porary, provisional. 3 (ingresos, gastos)
examen nm 1 examination, exam. 2
(estudio) consideration, examination,
P nm o nf casual worker, temporary
study. c o m p examen final final examworker.
ination. y examen oral oral examinaeventualidad nf eventuality, contintion.
vt (gen) to examine.
evidencia nf (claridad) obviousness,
P vpr examinarse to take an examiclearness; (certeza) certainty.
nation, sit an examination.
evidenciar vt to show, make evident,
exasperante adj exasperating.
prove, make obvious.
exasperar vt to exasperate.
evidente adj evident, obvious.
P vpr exasperarse to get exasperated.
evidentemente adv evidently, obviexcavacin nf 1 excavation, digging.
2 (arqueolgica) dig.
evitar vt 1 (gen) to avoid. 2 (impedir) to
prevent, avoid. 3
(ahorrar) to spare, excavadora nf (mquina) digger.
excavar vt to excavate, dig.

evadir vt 1 (peligro, respuesta) to avoid;



excedencia nf 1 (de funcionario, etc)

exclusiva nf 1 com sole right. 2 (prenleave. 2 (de profesor) sabbatical leave.

sa) exclusive, scoop.
excedente adj (sobrante) excess, sur- exclusividad nf exclusiveness, excluplus.
P nm com surplus, excess.
exclusivo,-a adj exclusive.
exceder vt 1 (superar) to excel, sur- excluyente adj exclusive.
pass. 2 (sobrepasar) to exceed, be in excremento nf excrement.
excess of.
excretor,-ra adj excretory.
P vpr excederse 1 (pasarse) to overdo
exculpar vt 1 to exonerate. 2 jur to
it, go too far. 2 (en atenciones, etc) to be
extremely kind.
excursin nf excursion, trip.
excelente adj excellent, first-rate.
excursionismo nm hiking, rambling.
excentricidad nf eccentricity.
excursionista nm o nf tripper; (a pie)
excntrico,-a adj eccentric.
hiker, rambler.
excepcin nf exception.
a excep
nf 1 (pretexto) excuse. 2 (disculpa)
cin de with the exception of, exexcuse, apology.
cept for. y de excepcin exceptional.
excepcional adj 1 (extraordinario) excep- excusar vt 1 (justificar) to excuse. 2 (disculpar) to pardon, forgive, excuse.
tional, outstanding. 2 (raro) exceptionP vpr excusarse (justificarse) to excuse
al, unusual.
os; (disculparse) to apologize.
excepto adv except (for), apart from,
exencin nf exemption.
exceptuar vt to except, leave out, ex- exento,-a adj 1 free (de, from), exempt (de, from). 2 (descubierto) open.
exfoliacin nf exfoliation.
excesivo,-a adj excessive.
exceso nm 1 excess. 2 com surplus. exfoliar vt to exfoliate.
P vpr exfoliarse to exfoliate.
c o m p exceso de equipaje excess bagexhalacin nf 1 exhalation. 2 (estrella)
shooting star; (rayo) flash of lightexcipiente nm excipient.
excisin nf excision.
excitacin nf 1 (accin) excitation. 2 exhalar vt 1 (gases, vapores, etc) to give
off; (aire) to exhale, breathe out. 2 fig
(sentimiento) excitement.
(suspiros, etc) to heave, let out; (quejas)
excitante adj 1 exciting. 2 med stimuto utter.
excitar vt 1 to excite. 2 (emociones) to exhaustivo,-a adj exhaustive, thorough, comprehensive.
stimulate, arouse.
exhausto,-a adj exhausted.
P vpr excitarse to get excited, get
exhibicin nf 1 (exposicin) exhibition,
worked up, get carried away.
show. 2 cine showing.
exclamacin nf exclamation; (grito)
exhibicionismo nm exhibitionism.
exhibir vt 1 to exhibit, show, display.
exclamar vt to exclaim, cry out.
P vi to exclaim, cry out.
2 (ostentar) to show off.
P vpr exhibirse (ostentar) to show off,
exclamativo,-a adj exclamatory.
make an exhibition of os.
exclamatorio,-a adj exclamatory.
excluir vt 1 to exclude, shut out. 2 (re- exhortar vt to exhort.
chazar) to reject; (descartar) to rule out; exhumacin nf exhumation.
(expulsar) to throw out.
exhumar vt 1 to exhume. 2 fig to re
exclusin nf exclusion, shutting out.
vive, recall.



exigencia nf 1 demand, exigency. 2

3 (accin de expedir) dispatch, shipping;

(remesa) shipment.
(requisito) requirement.
expedientar vt to take disciplinary
exigente adj demanding, exacting.
action against, open a file on.
exigir vt 1 (pedir por derecho) to demand.
expediente nm 1 jur proceedings pl,
2 fig (necesitar) to require, call for.
action: expediente judicial legal proceedexilado,-a nm & nf exile.
ings. 2 (informe) dossier, record; (ficha)
exilio nm exile.
file. 3 (recurso) expedient.
existencia nf (vida) existence, life.
expedir vt 1 (mercancas) to send, disP nf pl existencias stock sing, stocks.
patch, ship; (correo) to send, disexistencial adj existential.
patch. 2 (pasaporte, ttulo) to issue. 3
existencialismo nm existentialism.
(contrato, documento) to draw up.
existencialista adj existentialist.
expeditivamente adv expeditiously.
P nm o nf existentialist.
expeditivo,-a adj expeditious.
existente adj 1 existing, existent. 2 expendedor,-ra adj selling, retailing,
com in stock.
existir vi to exist, be.
P nm & nf dealer, retailer, seller.
xito nm success.
expender vt 1 (gastar) to spend. 2 (venexitoso,-a adj successful.
der) to sell. 3 (vender al menudeo) to retail, sell.
xodo nm exodus.
expensas nf pl expenses, charges,
exogamia nf exogamy.
exorcismo nm exorcism.
experiencia nf 1 (gen) experience. 2
exorcista nm o nf exorcist.
(experimento) experiment.
exotrico,-a adj exoteric.
nf experimentaextico,-a adj exotic.
tion, experimenting, testing.
exotismo nm exoticism.
experimentado,-a adj 1 (persona) exexpandir vt 1 (dilatar) to expand. 2 fig
perienced. 2 (mtodo) tested, tried.
(divulgar) to spread.
experimental adj experimental.
P vpr expandirse 1 (dilatarse) to exexperimentar vt 1 (hacer experimentos)
pand. 2 fig (divulgarse) to spread.
to experiment, test. 2 (probar) to test,
expansin nf 1 (dilatacin) expansion.
try out. 3 (sentir, notar) to experience,
2 (difusin) spreading. 3 (aumento) exfeel; (- cambio) to undergo; (- aumento)
pansion, increase, growth.
to show; (- prdida, derrota) to suffer.
expansionista adj expansionist.
experimento nm experiment, test.
expansivo,-a adj 1 (gas, etc) expansive. experto,-a adj expert.
2 fig (franco) expansive, open, frank.
P nm & nf expert.
expatriar vt to expatriate, banish.
expiar vt to expiate, atone for.
P vpr expatriarse (emigrar) to emigrate,
expirar vi to expire.
become an expatriate; (exilarse) to go explanada nf esplanade.
into exile.
explayar vt fml (extender) to extend,
expectativa nf 1 (esperanza) expectaspread out.
tion, hope. 2 (posibilidad) prospect.
P vpr explayarse (dilatarse al hablar) to
expectoracin nf 1 (accin) expectoradwell (en, on), talk at length (en,
tion. 2 (flema) sputum, phlegm.
expectorar vt to expectorate.
explicable adj explicable, explainaP vi to expectorate.
expedicin nf 1 (gen)
expedition. 2 explicacin nf 1 explanation. 2 (moti
(grupo de personas) expedition, party.
vo) reason.



explicar vt 1 (gen) to explain, ex-

chos) to state, set out. 2 (mostrar) to

pound, tell. 2 (justificar) to justify.
show, exhibit; (mercancas) to display.
P vpr explicarse (expresarse) to explain
3 (arriesgar) to expose, risk, endanger.
os, make os understood, make os
P vpr exponerse (arriesgarse) to expose
os (a, to), run the risk (a, of).
explicativo,-a adj explanatory.
exportable adj exportable, for exexplcito,-a adj explicit.
exploracin nf 1 (gen) exploration. 2 exportacin nf export, exportation.
tc scanning. 3 mil reconnaissance.
exportador,-ra adj exporting.
explorador,-ra nm & nf 1 (persona) exP nm & nf exporter.
plorer. 2 (nio) boy scout; (nia) girl exportar vt to export.
guide, us girl scout.
exposicin nf 1 (de arte) exhibition,
explorar vt 1 (gen) to explore. 2 med to
show; (de mercancas) display. 2 (expliprobe. 3 mil to reconnoitre. 4 tc
cacin) account, explanation; (hechos,
to scan. 5 (de mina) to drill, prospect.
ideas) expos. 3 (al sol, etc) exposure.
exploratorio,-a adj 1 exploratory. 2
adj explanatory.
med exploratory, probing.
adj 1 (tren) express. 2 (caf) exexplosin nf 1 explosion, blast,
presso. 3 (olla) pressure.
blowing up. 2 fig outburst.
vt 1 (gen) to express. 2 (maniexplosionar vt to explode.
festar) to state; (comunicar) to convey.
P vi to explode, blow up.
P vpr expresarse to express os.
explosiva nf ling plosive.
nf expression.
explosivo,-a adj 1 explosive. 2 ling
expresionismo nm expressionism.
expresionista adj expressionist.
P nm explosivo explosive.
P nm o nf expressionist.
explotacin nf 1 (gen) exploitation. 2
(de terreno) cultivation, farming. 3 (de expresividad nf expressivity.
industria) running, operating. 4 (de re- expresivo,-a adj 1 (elocuente) exprescursos) tapping, exploitation.
sive. 2 (mirada) meaningful; (silencio)
explotador,-ra nm & nf pey exploiter.
explotar vt 1 (sacar provecho) to exploit; expreso,-a adj (especificado) express.
(mina) to work; (tierra) to cultivate; (in- exprimidor nm lemon squeezer, us
dustria) to operate, run; (recursos) to
tap, exploit.
exprimir vt (fruto) to squeeze; (zumo) to
P vi (explosionar) to explode, blow up.
squeeze out.
expoliacin nf plundering, pillaging,
expropiacin nf expropriation.
expropiar vt to expropriate.
expoliar vt to plunder, pillage, deexpuesto,-a adj (peligroso) dangerous,
risky; (sin proteccin) exposed.
expolio nm 1 (accin) plundering, pillaging, despoiling. 2 (botn) loot, boo- expulsar vt 1 (expeler) to expel, eject,
throw out; (humo, etc) to belch out. 2
dep to send off.
exponencial adj exponential.
exponente adj exponent, expound- expulsin nf 1 expulsion, ejection. 2
dep sending off. 3 (alumno) expulsion.
expurgar vt 1 to expurgate. 2 fig to
P nm 1 mat index, exponent. 2 (prototipurge.
po) exponent.
nf 1 exquisiteness. 2 (manexponer vt 1 (explicar)
plain; (propuesta) to put forward; (hejar) delicacy.



exquisito,-a adj 1 (gen) exquisite. 2

exteriorizar vt to show, reveal, express outwardly.

(gusto) refined; (sabor) delicious, exquisite.
exterminacin nf (supresin) extermination, wiping out; (destruccin) deextasiado,-a adj ecstatic.
extasiar vt to enrapture.
exterminador,-ra adj exterminating.
P vpr extasiarse to go into ecstasies,
P nm & nf exterminator.
go into raptures.
exterminar vt (suprimir) to extermixtasis nm inv ecstasy, rapture.
nate, wipe out; (destruir) to destroy.
exttico,-a adj extatic.
extender vt 1 (mapa, papel) to spread exterminio nm extermination, wiping out; (destruccin) destruction.
(out), open (out). 2 (brazo, etc) to
stretch (out); (alas) to spread. 3 (man- externado nm day school.
tequilla, etc) to spread. 4 (documento) to externo,-a adj 1 external, outward:
parte externa outside. 2 (alumno) day.
draw up; (cheque) to make out; (pasaporte, certificado) to issue.
extincin nf extinction.
P vpr extenderse 1 (durar) to extend,
extinguir vt 1 (fuego, etc) to extinguish,
last. 2 (terreno) to stretch. 3 fig (difunput out. 2 (especie, deuda, epidemia) to
dirse) to spread, extend.
wipe out.
extendido,-a adj 1 (difundido) wideP vpr extinguirse 1 (fuego, etc) to go
spread. 2 (mano, etc) outstretched.
out. 2 (especie, etc) to become extinct,
die out. 3 (plazo) to expire, run out.
extensible adj extendable.
extensin nf 1 (gen) extension. 2 (di- extintor nm fire extinguisher.
mensin) extent, size; (superficie) area, extirpacin nf 1 med removal, extracexpanse. 3 (duracin) duration,
tion. 2 fig eradication, wiping out,
stamping out.
extensivo,-a adj extendable, exten- extirpar vt 1 med to remove, extract.
2 fig to eradicate, wipe out, stamp
extenso,-a adj 1 (amplio) extensive,
vast; (grande) large. 2 (largo) lengthy, extorsin nf 1 (usurpacin) extortion. 2
fig (molestia) inconvenience, trouble.
extenuado,-a adj 1 (agotado) exhaust- extorsionar vt 1 (usurpar) to extort,
exact. 2 fig (molestar) to inconvened. 2 (dbil) weak. 3 (flaco) emaciated.
ience, cause inconvenience to.
extenuante adj exhausting.
extenuar vt 1 (agotar) to exhaust. 2 (de- extra adj 1 fam extra. 2 fam (superior)
top-quality, best-quality. 3 (paga)
bilitar) to weaken.
P vpr extenuarse (agotarse) to exhaust
P nm 1 fam (gasto) additional expense.
os, wear os out.
2 fam (plus) bonus.
exterior adj 1 (gen) exterior, outer, external. 2 (ventana, puerta) outside; (pa- extraccin nf 1 (gen) extraction; (de lotera) draw. 2 (origen) descent, extracred) outer. 3 (aspecto) outward. 4 (extion. c o m p extraccin de datos inform
tranjero) foreign.
data retrieval.
P nm 1 (superficie externa) exterior, outside. 2 (extranjero) abroad, overseas. 3 extracto nm 1 (sustancia) extract. 2 (trozo) extract, excerpt. 3 (resumen) sum(de una persona) appearance. 4 dep outmary.
extractor nm extractor.
P nm pl exteriores cine location shots.
exteriorizacin nf
manifestation, extradicin nf extradition.
extraditar vt to extradite.



extraer vt 1 (gen) to extract. 2 (conclusin) to draw.

extraescolar adj out of school, extra-

curricular. c o m p actividades extraesco

lares extracurricular activities.
extrafino,-a adj superfine, best quality.
extralargo,-a adj king-size.
extralimitarse vpr fig to go too far,
extranjero,-a adj foreign, alien.
P nm & nf foreigner.
P nm extranjero foreign countries pl,
extraar vt 1 (sorprender) to surprise. 2
(notar extrao) to find strange, not to
be used to.
P vpr extraarse 1 (desterrarse) to go into exile. 2 (sorprenderse) to be surprised (de/por, at).
extrao,-a adj 1 (no conocido) alien, foreign. 2 (particular) strange, peculiar,
odd, funny.
extraordinaria nf (paga) bonus payment.
extraordinariamente adv extraordinarily, unusually.
extraordinario,-a adj 1 (fuera de lo comn) extraordinary, unusual; (sorprendente) surprising; (admirable) outstanding, exceptional. 2 (raro) queer, odd.
3 (gastos, etc) additional, extra; (paga)
bonus. 4 (revista, etc) special.
P nm extraordinario 1 (correo) special
delivery. 2 (revista, etc) special issue.
extraplano,-a adj slimline.
extrapolar vt to extrapolate.
extrarradio nm outskirts pl, suburbs pl.

extraterrestre adj extramundane,

P nm o nf alien.

extravagancia nf extravagance, eccentricity.

extravagante adj extravagant outrageous.

extraviado,-a adj 1 (disoluto) dissolute.

2 (perdido - persona, objeto) missing, lost;

(- perro, nio) stray.

extraviar vt 1 (persona) to mislead. 2

(objeto) to mislay, lose.

P vpr extraviarse 1 (persona) to get lost,
lose one's way. 2 (objeto) to get mislaid.
extravo nm (persona) misleading; (cosa)
loss, mislaying.
extremado,-a adj extreme.
extremar vt to carry to extremes,
carry to the limit, overdo.
P vpr extremarse to do one's best, do
one's utmost, take great pains.
extremidad nf 1 (parte extrema) extremity; (punta) end, tip. 2 anat limb,
extremismo nm extremism.
extremista adj extremist.
P nm o nf extremist.
extremo,-a adj 1 (exagerado) extreme.
2 (distante) further. 3 fig (intenso) utmost.
P nm extremo 1 (punta) extreme, end.
2 (asunto, materia) matter, question. 3
dep wing.
extrnseco,-a adj extrinsic.
extrovertido,-a adj extroverted.
P nm & nf extrovert.
exuberante adj 1 exuberant. 2 (vegetacin) lush, abundant.


F, f nf (la letra) F, f.
F sm (Fahrenheit) Fahrenheit; (smbolo) F.
fa nm F.
fabada nf bean stew including pork
sausage and bacon.
fbrica nf 1 (industria) factory, plant. 2

facturacin nf 1 com invoicing. 2 (de

equipajes) registration, check-in.

facturar vt 1 com to invoice, charge

for. 2 (equipaje) to register, check in.

facultad nf 1 (capacidad) faculty, abili-

ty. 2 (poder) faculty, power. 3 (universitaria) faculty, school.

(fabricacin) manufacture.
fabricacin nf manufacture, produc- faena nf 1 (tarea) task, job. 2 fam (mala
pasada) dirty trick.
tion, making.
fabricante nm o nf manufacturer, fagocito nm phagocyte.
fagot nm (instrumento) bassoon.
P nm o nf (msico) bassoonist.
fabricar vt 1 (producir) to make, manufacture, produce. 2 fig (inventar) to fab- faisn nm pheasant.
ricate, invent.
faja nf 1 (cinturn) band, belt. 2 (ropa interior) corset, girdle.
fbula nf 1 lit fable. 2 (mito) myth, legend. 3 (mentira) invention.
fajo nm bundle; (de billetes) wad.
fabular vt 1 (contar fbulas) to fable. 2 falda nf 1 (prenda) skirt. 2 (regazo) lap. 3
(imaginar) to imagine.
(ladera) slope. 4 (corte de carne) brisket.
fabuloso,-a adj 1 (fantstico) fabulous, faldn nm 1 (de traje) coat-tail; (de camifantastic. 2 lit fabulous, mythical.
sa) shirt-tail. 2 (prenda de beb) wraparound skirt. 3 (de tejado) gable.
faceta nf facet.
fachada nf 1 arquit faade, front. 2 falible adj fallible.
fam (apariencia) outward show.
falla nf 1 (defecto) defect, fault. 2 geog
facial adj facial.
fcil adj 1 easy. 2 (probable) probable, fallar vi 1 (premio) to award a prize. 2
(fracasar, no funcionar) to fail. 3 (puntera)
to miss; (plan) to go wrong.
facilidad nf 1 (simplicidad) ease, facility.
P vt (premio) to award.
2 (aptitud) talent, gift: tiene facilidad pa
ra la msica he has a gift for music. c o m p fallecer vi fml to pass away, die.
facilidad de palabra fluency.
fallo nm 1 (en concurso) decision. 2 (error)
P nf pl facilidades (medios que facilitan) famistake, blunder; (fracaso) failure. 4
(defecto) fault, defect.
facilitar vt 1 (simplificar) to make easy, falsear vt (falsificar) to counterfeit,
make easier, facilitate. 2 (proporcionar)
to provide with, supply with.
falsedad nf 1 (hipocresa) falseness, hypocrisy. 2 (mentira) falsehood, lie.
factor nm (gen) factor.
factora nf 1 com trading post. 2 (fbri- falsete nm falsetto.
ca) factory, mill.
falsificador,-ra adj (de firma, cuadro)
forging; (de dinero) counterfeiting.
factura nf invoice, bill.



& nf (de firma, cuadro) forger; (de di- fanfarronear vi fam (chulear) to show
nero) counterfeiter.
off, swank.
falsificar vt 1 (gen) to falsify. 2 (firma, fango nm (barro) mud, mire.
cuadro) to forge; (dinero) to counter- fantasear vi 1 (forjar en la imaginacin) to
feit, forge.
daydream, dream. 2 (presumir) to
falso,-a adj 1 (no verdadero) false, unboast, show off.
P vt (imaginar) dream.
true. 2 (moneda) false, counterfeit. 3
(persona) insincere, false.
fantasa nf 1 fantasy. 2 fancy.
falta nf 1 (carencia) lack: falta de sensibili fantasioso,-a adj imaginative.
dad lack of sensitivity. 2 (escasez) short- fantasma nm 1 (espectro) phantom,
age: existe una falta de agua there is a
ghost. 2 fam (fanfarrn) braggart,
water shortage. 3 (ausencia) absence. 4
(error) mistake: has hecho una falta de or fantasmal adj ghostly.
tografa you've made a spelling mistake.
fantstico,-a adj 1 fantastic. 2 (estu5 (defecto) fault, defect. 6 dep (ftbol)
pendo) wonderful.
foul; (tenis) fault. l o c echar en falta to
nm 1 (ttere) puppet, mariomiss. y sin falta without fail.
nette. 2 pey (fanfarrn) braggart.
faltar vi 1 (haber poco) to be lacking, be
faquir nm fakir.
needed: falta (ms) leche we need (more)
milk. 2 (no tener) to lack, not have faradio nm farad.
(enough). 3 (quedar) to remain, be farndula nf 1 (compaa de teatro) group
of strolling players. 2 (profesin, mundo
left: falta poco para que... it won't be long
del teatro) acting, the stage.
falto,-a l o c estar falto,-a de to lack, faran nm Pharaoh.
be short of, be without: estamos fal faranico,-a adj Pharaonic.
fardar vi argot (presumir) to show off,
tos de dinero we're short of money.
fama nf (renombre) fame, renown.
fardo nm (paquete) bundle, pack.
famlico,-a adj starving, famished.
familia nf 1 family. 2 (prole) children fardn,-ona adj argot classy, flash.
farero,-a nm & nf lighthouse keeper.
pl, family.
familiar adj 1 (de la familia) family, of faringe nf pharynx.
the family. 2 (conocido) familiar, well- faringitis nf inv pharyngitis.
known. 3 ling colloquial.
farmacutico,-a adj pharmaceutical.
P nm o nf relation, relative.
P nm & nf pharmacist.
familiaridad nf familiarity.
farmacia nf 1 (estudios) pharmacy. 2
familiarizar vt to familiarize ( con,
(tienda) chemist's (shop), us drugwith), make familiar (con, with).
store, pharmacy.
P vpr familiarizarse to get to know:
frmaco nm medicine, medication.
familiarzate con el teclado get to know farmacologa nf pharmacology.
the keyboard.
faro nm 1 (torre) lighthouse, beacon. 2
familiarmente adv familiarly.
(coche) headlight. 3 fig (gua) guiding
famoso,-a adj famous, well-known.
light, guide.
fan nm o nf fan, admirer. l o c ser un,-a farol nm 1 (farola) streetlamp, streetlight.
fan de algo to be mad about sth.
2 argot (fardada) bragging, swank.
fantico,-a adj fanatic, fanatical.
farola nf streetlight, streetlamp; (de
fanatismo nm fanaticism.
gas) gas lamp.
fanergamo,-a adj phanerogamic, farolero,-a adj fam boastful.
P nm & nf fam (fanfarrn) show-off.
P nm farolero (de profesin) lamplighter.
fanfarrn,-ona adj fam swanky.
P nm



farolillo nm 1 (farol de papel) Chinese

fauna nf fauna.
lantern. 2 bot Canterbury bell.
fauvismo nm fauvism.
farra nf fam binge, spree.
fauvista nm o nf fauvist.
farruco,-a adj fam conceited, cocky.
favor nm favour (us favor). l o c a favor
de in favour (us favor) of. y hacer un
farsa nf teat farce.
favor to do a favour (us favor). y por
farsante adj lying, deceitful.
favor please.
fascculo nm instalment (us installfavorable adj favourable (us favorament), fascicule, fascicle.
ble). l o c mostrarse favorable a algo to
fascinacin nf fascination.
be in favour (us favor) of sth.
fascinante adj fascinating.
favorecer vt 1 (ayudar) to favour (us
fascinar vt to fascinate, captivate.
favor), help. 2 (agraciar) suit: el azul no
fascismo nm fascism.
me favorece blue doesn't suit me.
fascista adj fascist.
favoritismo nm favouritism (us fafase nf (etapa) phase, stage.
fastidiado,-a adj 1 (hastiado) sickened, favorito,-a adj favourite (us favorite).
disgusted. 2 (molesto) annoyed. 3 fam
fax nm (sistema, documento) fax.
(estropeado) ruined, spoilt. 4 fam (mal
fe nf faith.
de salud) ill, sick, in a bad way.
fastidiar vt 1 (hastiar) to sicken, disgust. fealdad nf ugliness.
2 (molestar) to annoy, bother. 3 (partes febrero nm February.
del cuerpo) to hurt: le fastidia el estmago
. Para ejemplos de uso consulta marzo.
he's got a bad stomach. 4 fam (estropear)
febril adj med feverish.
to damage, ruin; (planes) to spoil.
fecha nf 1 date: qu fecha es hoy? what's
P vpr fastidiarse 1 (aguantarse) to put up
the date today? 2 (da) day. l o c fijar la
with, grin and bear it. 2 fam (estropearfecha to fix a date. c o m p fecha de naci
se) to go wrong, break down: se ha
date of birth.
fastidiado la tele the telly has gone wrong.
fastidio nm 1 (molestia) bother, nui- P nf pl fechas (poca) time sing: por esas fe
chas at that time.
sance. 2 (aburrimiento) boredom.
fastidioso,-a adj 1 (molesto) annoying, fcula nf starch.
irksome. 2 (aburrido) boring, tedious. fecundacin nf fertilization.
fastuoso,-a adj 1 (cosa) splendid, lav- fecundar vt to fertilize.
fecundidad nf (fertilidad) fertility.
ish. 2 (persona) lavish, ostentatious.
fatal adj 1 (inexorable) fateful. 2 (mortal) federacin nf federation.
federal adj federal.
deadly, fatal.
federalismo nm federalism.
P adv fam awfully, terribly.
fatalidad nf 1 (destino) fate. 2 (desgracia) federalista adj federalist.
federar vt to federate.
fatalismo nm fatalism.
feldespato nm feldspar, felspar.
fatalista adj fatalistic.
felicidad nf happiness. l o c (muchas)
felicidades! 1 (xitos) congratulations!
fatdico,-a adj (desastroso) disastrous,
2 (cumpleaos) happy birthday!
felicitacin nf 1 (accin) congratulafatiga nf (cansancio) fatigue.
tion. 2 (tarjeta) greetings card.
fatigar vt 1 (cansar) to wear out, tire. 2
felicitar vt to congratulate (por, on).
(molestar) to annoy.
fatigoso,-a adj (cansado) tiring, ex- felino,-a adj feline.
feliz adj happy.
fauces nf pl (en anatoma) gullet sing.
felizmente adv (con felicidad) happily.



felpa nf plush.
felpudo,-a adj (textil) plushy, velvety.
femenino,-a adj 1 feminine. 2 (sexo)
female; (equipo, asociacin) women's.

feminidad nf femininity.
feminismo nm feminism.
feminista adj feminist.
femoral adj femoral.
fmur nm femur.
fenomenal adj fam (fantstico) great,

feto nm foetus (us fetus).

feudal adj feudal.
feudalismo nm feudalism.
feudo nm fief, feud.
fiable adj reliable, trustworthy.
fiambre nm 1 culin cold meat, cold
cut. 2 fam (cadver) stiff, corpse.

fiambrera nf lunch box.

fianza nf (depsito) deposit.
fiar vt 1 (vender) to sell on credit. 2 (con-

fiar) to confide, entrust. l o c de fiar

P adv wonderfully, marvellously.
trustworthy, reliable.
P vpr fiarse (confiarse) to trust (de, -).
fenmeno nm phenomenon.
P adj fam (fantstico) fantastic, terrific.
fibra nf fibre (us fiber). c o m p fibra pti
ca optical fibre (us fiber).
fenotipo nm phenotype.
feo,-a adj 1 (persona - nada atractiva) ug- fibroso,-a adj fibrous.
ly; (- poco atractiva) plain. 2 (aspecto, si- ficcin nf fiction.
tuacin, tiempo, etc) nasty, horrible, un- ficha nf 1 (tarjeta) index card, file card.
pleasant, awful.
2 (de telfono) token. 3 (en juegos) counfretro nm coffin.
ter; (naipes) chip; (ajedrez) piece, man;
(domin) domino.
feria nf 1 com fair. 2 (fiesta) fair.
fichaje nm signing (up).
fermentacin nf fermentation.
fichar vt 1 (anotar) to put on an index
fermentar vi to ferment.
card; (registrar) to open a file on. 2 dep
fermento nm ferment.
to sign up, sign on.
ferocidad nf ferocity, fierceness.
P vi dep to sign up (por, with): final
feroz adj fierce, ferocious.
mente fich por el Barcelona he finally
ferretera nf ironmonger's.
signed up with Barcelona F.C.
ferretero,-a nm & nf ironmonger.
fichero nm 1 (archivo) card index. 2 (muefrrico,-a adj ferric.
ble) filing cabinet, file. 3 inform file.
ferrocarril nm railway, us railroad.
ficticio,-a adj fictitious.
ferroviario,-a adj railway.
ficus nm inv rubber plant.
frtil adj fertile, rich.
fidelidad nf 1 (lealtad) fidelity, faithfertilidad nf fertility, fecundity.
fulness. 2 (exactitud) accuracy. c o m p
fertilizacin nf fertilization.
alta fidelidad high fidelity, hi-fi.
fertilizante adj fertilizing.
fideo nm noodle.
P nm (abono) fertilizer.
fiebre nf (enfermedad) fever, temperafertilizar vt to fertilize.
ture. l o c tener fiebre to have a temferviente adj fervent, passionate.
fervor nm fervour (us fervor).
fiel adj 1 (leal) faithful, loyal. 2 (exacto)
festejar vt (celebrar) to celebrate.
festejo nm feast, entertainment.
fieltro nm felt.
festival nm festival.
fiera nf wild animal, wild beast.
festividad nf 1 (fiesta) festivity, cele- fiero,-a adj wild, fierce, ferocious.
bration. 2 (da) feast day, holiday.
fiesta nf 1 (da no laborable) holiday: el
festivo,-a adj 1 (alegre) festive, merry.
viernes es fiesta Friday's a holiday. 2 (reu2 (humorstico) witty.
nin) party.
P nf pl fiestas festivity, fiesta.
ftido,-a adj stinking, fetid.


figura nf 1 (gen) figure. 2 (forma) shape.

figurar vi 1 (encontrarse) to appear, be,


final adj (ltimo) final, last.

P nm end. c o m p final feliz happy ending.

figure: figura como director he appears as
P nf dep final.
director. 2 (destacar) to stand out, be
finalidad nf purpose, aim.
P vpr figurarse (imaginarse) to imagine,
finalista nm o nf finalist.
finalizar vt to end, finish.
fijador,-ra nm (para pelo) hairspray,
P vi to end, finish.
hair gel.
financiacin nf financing.
fijar vt (sujetar) to fix, fasten; (puerta) to financiar vt to finance.
hang; (ventana) to put in.
finanzas nf pl finances.
P vpr fijarse 1 (darse cuenta) to notice. 2
finca nf property, estate. c o m p finca
(poner atencin) to pay attention,
rstica country property.
watch: fjate cmo se hace watch how
fingir vt to feign, pretend: fingi indife
it's done.
rencia he feigned indifference.
fijo,-a adj 1 (sujeto) fixed, fastened. 2
adj finite.
(establecido) set, definite, firm: fecha fi
ja set date. 3 (firme) steady, stable, finlands,-esa adj Finnish.
P nm & nf (persona) Finn.
firm. 4 (permanente) permanent.
P nm finlands (idioma) Finnish.
fila nf (lnea) file, line, row.
Finlandia nf Finland.
P nf pl filas (de ejrcito, partido) ranks.
fino,-a adj 1 (delicado) fine, delicate. 2 (delfilamento nm filament.
gado) thin. 3 (educado) refined, polite.
filete nm (de carne, pescado) fillet (us fifiordo nm fiord, fjord.
Filipinas nf pl las Filipinas the Philip- firma nf 1 (acto) signing. 2 (empresa) firm.
firmamento nm firmament.
firmar vt to sign.
filipino,-a adj Filipino.
firme adj (estable) firm, steady.
P nm & nf (persona) Filipino.
P nm filipino (idioma) Filipino.
firmeza nf firmness, steadiness.
film nm film, us movie.
fiscal adj fiscal, tax.
P nm o nf jur public prosecutor, us disfilmar vt to film, shoot.
trict attorney.
filmina nf slide, transparency.
fisco nm exchequer, us treasury.
filmoteca nf film institute.
fisgar vt fam to pry, snoop.
filo nm cutting edge, edge.
fisgn,-ona adj snooper, busybody.
filo- pref philo-.
fisgonear vt to pry, snoop.
filologa nf philology.
fsica nf physics.
fillogo,-a nm & nf philologist.
fsico,-a adj physical.
filn nm (mineral) seam, vein.
P nm & nf (profesin) physicist.
filosofar vi to philosophize.
P nm fsico (aspecto) physique.
filosofa nf philosophy.
fisioterapeuta nm o nf physiotherapist.
filsofo,-a nm & nf philosopher.
fisioterapia nf physiotherapy.
filoxera nf phylloxera.
fisonoma nf appearance.
filtrar vt to filter, to leak.
fisura nf fissure.
P vpr filtrarse (pasar a travs) to filter.
fito- pref phyto-.
filtro nm (material) filter.
fin nm 1 (final) end. 2 (objetivo) purpose, Fiyi nm Fiji.
aim. l o c a fin de in order to, so as to. fiyiano,-a adj Fijian.
P nm & nf (persona) Fijian.
y en fin anyway.
y a fin de que so that.
c o m p fin de semana weekend.
P nm fiyiano (idioma) Fijian.



flccido,-a adj flaccid, flabby.

flaco,-a adj 1 (delgado) thin, skinny. 2
(dbil) weak, frail.

flagelo nm 1 whip. 2 biol flagellum.

flamenco,-a adj 1 (gitano) Andalusian

flota nf fleet.
flotador nm (de nio) rubber ring.
flotar vi to float.
flote l o c a flote afloat.
fluctuar vi (variar) to fluctuate.
fluido,-a adj (sin obstculos) fluid.

gypsy. 2 (msica) flamenco.

P nm flamenco 1 (idioma) Flemish. 2 (mP nm fluido fs fluid. c o m p fluido elc
sica) flamenco music. 3 (ave) flamingo.
trico current, power.
flan nm (dulce) crme caramel. l o c estar fluir vi to flow.
como un flan to be shaking like a leaf.
flor nm fluorine.
flanco nm flank, side.
fluorescente adj fluorescent.
flanera nf mould (us mold).
P nm fluorescent light.
flaquear vi to weaken, give in, to fail. fluvial adj fluvial, river.
flaqueza nf weakness, frailty.
fobia nf phobia.
flash nm flash, flashlight.
foca nf seal.
flato nm (gas) belch; (punzada) sharp foco nm 1 (en fsica) focus. 2 (lmpara)
pain, stitch.
spotlight, floodlight.
flauta nf flute.
fofo,-a adj flabby.
flautista nm o nf flute player.
fogata nf bonfire.
flecha nf arrow.
fogn nm (de cocina) kitchen range,
flechazo nm fig (enamoramiento) love at
first sight.
fogueo l o c de fogueo blank.
fleco nm (adorno) fringe.
folclore nm folklore.
flema nf phlegm.
folclrico,-a adj folkloric, popular.
flequillo nm fringe, us bangs pl.
folio nm folio, leaf.
flexibilidad nf flexibility.
folk nm folk music.
flexible adj flexible.
folleto nm pamphlet, leaflet, broflexionar vt (cuerpo) to bend.
chure; (explicativo) instruction leaflet.
flexo nm adjustable table lamp.
folln nm 1 fam (alboroto) rumpus,
flirtear vi to flirt.
shindy. 2 fam (enredo, confusin) mess,
flojear vi 1 (disminuir) to go down. 2
trouble. l o c armar (un) folln fam to
(debilitarse) to weaken, grow weak.
kick up a rumpus.
flojera nf fam 1 (debilidad) weakness, fomentar vt to promote.
faintness. 2 (pereza) laziness.
fonda nf inn.
flojo,-a adj 1 (suelto) loose; (no tensado) fondo nm 1 (parte ms baja) bottom: en el
slack. 2 (dbil) weak. 3 (mediocre) poor:
fondo del pozo at the bottom of the well.
es un estudiante flojo he's a poor student.
2 (parte ms lejana) end, back: al fondo de
4 (perezoso) lazy.
la sala at the back of the hall. 3 (segundo
flor nf bot flower, bloom. l o c en flor
trmino) background. l o c a fondo 1
in bloom.
(adjetival) thorough. 2 (adverbial) thoroughly. y en el fondo fig deep down,
florecer vi 1 (plantas) to flower,
at heart. c o m p fondo del mar sea bed.
bloom; (rboles) to blossom. 2 (prospeP nm pl fondos funds, money sing.
rar) to flourish, thrive.
fonema nm phoneme.
floreciente adj prosperous.
fontico,-a adj phonetic.
florera nf florist's (shop).
fnico,-a adj phonic.
florero nm vase.
fono- pref phono-.
florista nm o nf florist.
floristera nf florist's (shop).
fonologa nf phonology.



fonoteca nf record library.

fontanera nf plumbing.
fontanero,-a nm & nf plumber.
footing nm jogging. l o c hacer footing
to go jogging.

forastero,-a nm & nf stranger.

forcejear vi to wrestle, struggle.
forcejeo nm struggle, struggling.
forestal adj forest.
forja nf (fragua) forge.
forjado nm arquit framework.
forjar vt (metales) to forge.
forma nf 1 (gen) form, shape: en forma de

forro nm 1 (interior) lining. 2 (funda) cover, case. 3 (tapizado) upholstery.

fortalecer vt to fortify, strengthen.

P vpr

fortalecerse to strengthen.

fortaleza nf 1 (vigor) strength. 2 (recinto

fortificado) fortress.

fortificacin nf fortification.
fortuito,-a adj chance, fortuitous.
fortuna nf 1 (destino) fortune, fate. 2
(suerte) luck.

forzado,-a adj 1 (obligado) forced. 2 (re-

buscado) forced, strained. c o m p risa

forzada forced laugh.
X X-shaped. 2 (manera) way. 3 dep form. forzar vt 1 (persona) to force, compel. 2
(cosa) to force open, break open.
l o c de todas formas anyway, in any
case. y estar en forma to be in shape, forzoso,-a adj 1 (inevitable) inevitable,
unavoidable. 2 (obligatorio) obligatobe fit.
ry, compulsory.
formacin nf 1 (gen) formation. 2 (educacin) upbringing. c o m p formacin forzudo,-a adj strong, brawny.
fosa nf 1 (sepultura) grave. 2 (hoyo) pit,
profesional vocational training.
hollow. 3 anat cavity, fossa. 4 (en el
formal adj 1 (con los requisitos necesarios)
ocano) trench, deep. c o m p fosas nasa
formal. 2 (serio) serious, serious-mindles nostrils.
ed. 3 (cumplidor) reliable, dependable.
fosfato nm phosphate. c o m p fosfato de
formalizar vt to make formal.
cal calcium phosphate.
formalmente adv formally.
formar vt 1 (gen) to form. 2 (integrar, fosforescente adj phosphorescent.
constituir) to form, constitute: formar fsforo nm 1 qum phosphorus. 2 (cerilla) match.
parte de algo to be a part of sth. 3 (educar)
fsil nm fossil.
to bring up.
foso nm 1 (hoyo) hole, pit. 2 (de fortaleza)
P vpr formarse (educarse) to be educatmoat.
ed, be trained.
foto nf fam photo, picture.
formatear vt to format.
fotocopia nf photocopy.
formato nm (gen) format.
formidable adj tremendous, formi- fotocopiadora nf photocopier, photocopying machine.
fotocopiar vt to photocopy.
formn nm firmer chisel.
fotografa nf 1 (proceso) photography.
frmula nf (gen) formula.
2 (retrato) photograph. l o c hacer foto
formular vt 1 (una teora) to formulate.
grafas to take photographs.
2 (quejas, peticiones) to express, make.
fotografiar vt to photograph, take a
P vi qum to write formulae.
photograph of.
formulario,-a nm (documento) form: for
fotgrafo,-a nm & nf photographer.
mulario de solicitud application form.
fotn nm photon.
forofo,-a nm & nf fam fan, supporter.
fotosntesis nf inv photosynthesis.
forraje nm (pienso) fodder, forage.
forrar vt 1 (por dentro) to line. 2 (por fue- FP abrev educ (Formacin Profesional) Professional Formation (vocational training).
ra) to cover. 3 (tapizar) to upholster.
P vpr forrarse fam (de dinero) to make a
fracasar vi to fail, be unsuccessful,
fortune, make a packet.
fall through.



fracaso nm failure.
fraccin nf 1 (gen) fraction. 2 pol fac-

fraternal adj fraternal, brotherly.

fraternidad nf fraternity, brother-

fraccionar vt to divide, break up,

fraude nm fraud.



c o m p fraude fiscal tax

fray nm Brother.
fractura nf fracture.
frecuencia nf frequency. l o c con fre
fragancia nf fragrance.
cuencia frequently, often.
fragata nf frigate.
frgil adj 1 (quebradizo) fragile, breaka- frecuentar vt to frequent, visit.
frecuente adj 1 (repetido) frequent. 2
ble. 2 (dbil) frail, weak.
(usual) common.
fragilidad nf 1 (cualidad) fragility. 2 (defrecuentemente adv frequently, ofbilidad) frailty, weakness.
fragmento nm 1 (pedazo) fragment,
fregadero nm kitchen sink.
piece. 2 (literario) passage.
fregar vt 1 (lavar) to wash. 2 (el suelo) to
fragua nf forge.
mop. l o c fregar los platos to wash
fraguar vt 1 (metal) to forge. 2 fig (plan)
the dishes, gb do the washing up,
to dream up, fabricate; (conspiracin)
wash up.
to hatch.
fregona nf (utensilio) mop.
P vi (endurecerse) to set, harden.
freidora nf fryer, deep fryer.
fraile nm friar, monk.
frer vt 1 (guisar) to fry. 2 fig to annoy,
frambuesa nf raspberry.
francamente adv frankly.
frenar vt 1 to brake. 2 fig to restrain,
francs,-esa adj French.
P nm & nf (persona) French person;
P vi to brake: fren de golpe he jammed
(hombre) Frenchman; (mujer) Frenchon the brakes.
frenazo nm sudden braking. l o c dar
P nm francs (idioma) French.
un frenazo to jam on the brakes.
Francia nf France.
freno nm 1 (de auto) brake. 2 fig (contenfranco,-a1 nm & nf hist (persona) Frank.
cin) curb, check. l o c poner freno a alP nm franco hist (idioma) Frankish; (mogo fig to curb sth.
neda) franc.
franco,-a2 adj 1 (persona) frank, open. frente nm 1 (gen) front. 2 mil front,
front line.
2 (cosa) clear, obvious. 3 com free.
P nf anat forehead. l o c de frente 1
francotirador,-ra nm & nf sniper.
(hacia adelante) straight ahead. 2 (sin
franela nf flannel.
rodeos) straight. y ponerse al frente de
franja nf 1 (banda) band, strip. 2 (de tiealgo to take command of sth.
rra) strip. 3 cost fringe, border.
fresa nf 1 (planta) strawberry plant. 2
franquear vt 1 (dejar libre) to free, clear.
(fruto) strawberry.
2 (atravesar) to cross. 3 (obstculo) to
P adj strawberry.
overcome. 4 (carta) to frank.
fresco,-a adj 1 (temperatura) cool, cold:
franqueo nm postage.
viento fresco cool wind; agua fresca cold
franqueza nf 1 (sinceridad) frankness,
water. 2 (tela, vestido) light, cool. 3 (coopenness. 2 (confianza) familiarity,
mida) fresh. 4 (reciente) fresh, new: no
ticias frescas latest news sing. 5 (desvergonfrasco nm flask.
zado) cheeky, shameless.
P nm fresco 1 (frescor) fresh air, cool
frase nf 1 (oracin) sentence. 2 (exprep frase hecha set
sin) phrase. c o m
air. 2 arte fresco. l o c al fresco in the
cool. y quedarse tan fresco,-a not to
phrase, set expression, idiom.

split up.



P vpr frustrarse 1 (proyectos, planes) to

bat an eyelid. y tomar el fresco to get
fail, come to nothing. 2 (persona)
some fresh air.
to get frustrated, get disappointed.
frescor nm coolness, freshness.
frescura nf 1 (frescor) freshness, cool- fruta nf fruit.
ness. 2 (desvergenza) cheek, nerve. frutera nf fruit shop.
frutero,-a nm & nf fruit seller, fruiterer.
l o c qu frescura! what a nerve!
P nm frutero fruit dish, fruit bowl.
fresno nm ash tree.
frialdad nf 1 (fro) coldness. 2 (indiferen- fruto nm 1 (fruta) fruit. 2 (resultado)
fruit, result, product. l o c dar fruto
cia) coldness, indifference.
to bear fruit. y sacar fruto de algo to
fricativo,-a adj fricative.
profit from sth. c o m p frutos secos 1
friccin nf 1 (roce) friction. 2 (desacuerdo)
(almendras, etc) nuts. 2 (pasas, etc) dried
friction, discord.
fruit sing.
frigorfico nm 1 (electrodomstico) refrig- fucsia nf fuchsia.
erator, fridge. 2 (cmara frigorfica) cold fuego nm 1 fire. 2 (lumbre) light. 3 (cocistore.
na) burner, ring. l o c a fuego lento 1
frijol nm bean, kidney bean.
on a low flame. 2 (al horno) in a slow
oven. y poner las manos en el fuego
fro,-a adj 1 (gen) cold. 2 (indiferente)
por algo/algn to stake one's life on
cold, cool, indifferent; (pasmado)
sth / sb . y prender fuego a algo to set
stunned: la pelcula me dej fro the film
fire to sth . c o m p fuegos artificiales
left me cold.
P nm fro cold. l o c pillar a algn en fro
fig to catch sb on the hop. y hace un fuel nm fuel oil.
fro que pela fam it's freezing cold. y fuelle nm (aparato) bellows pl.
hacer fro to be cold. y tener fro / pa fuente nf 1 (manantial) spring. 2 (artificial) fountain. 3 (recipiente) serving
sar fro to be cold.
dish, dish. 4 fig source.
friolero,-a adj sensitive to the cold.
friso nm 1 arquit frieze. 2 (zcalo) skirt- fuera adv 1 (exterior) out, outside: sali
mos fuera we went out, we went outing board.
side. 2 (alejado) away; (en el extranjero)
frito,-a adj 1 culin fried. 2 fam fed up,
sick: este nio me tiene frita I'm sick and
P interj get out!
tired of this kid.
P prep fuera de (un lugar) out of; (ms
P nm frito piece of fried food. l o c
all de) outside, beyond; (excepto) exquedarse frito,-a fam (dormido) to fall
cept for, apart from. l o c estar fuera
fast asleep.
de s to be beside os. y fuera de lo nor
frvolo,-a adj frivolous.
mal extraordinary, very unusual. y
fuera de serie extraordinary. c o m p
frondoso,-a adj leafy, luxuriant.
fuera de juego offside.
frontera nf 1 frontier, border. 2 fig
fuerte adj 1 (gen) strong: tiene un sabor
limit, bounds pl, borderline.
fuerte it has a strong taste. 2 (en asignatufrontn nm 1 (juego) pelota. 2 (edificio)
ra) strong, good: est muy fuerte en his
pelota court. 3 arquit pediment.
toria she's very strong on history. 3
frotar vt to rub. l o c frotarse las manos
(viento) strong; (lluvia, nevada) heavy;
to rub one's hands together.
(tormenta, sesmo) severe; (calor) intense.
fruncir vt cost to gather. l o c fruncir el
4 (dolor, enfermedad) severe, bad. 5 (golceo to frown, knit one's brow.
pe) hard, heavy. 6 (sonido) loud. 7 (sufrustracin nf frustration.
bida) steep, sharp; (bajada) sharp: un
frustrar vt 1 (cosa) to
frustrate, thwart.
fuerte descenso en el precio del petrleo a
2 (persona) to disappoint.
sharp fall in the price of oil. 8 (discusin)



heated, violent; (aplauso) loud, thun- funcionar vi (desempear una funcin) to

derous. 9 (comida - pesado) heavy;
work, function: funciona con gasolina/
(- cargado) rich. 10 (color) intense.
diesel it runs on petrol/diesel.
P nm 1 (fortificacin) fort. 2 (punto fuerte)
funcionario,-a nm & nf functionary,
forte, strong point.
e m p l o y e e . c o m p funcionario,-a
P adv 1 (mucho) a lot. 2 (con fuerza) hard:
pblico,-a civil servant, government
empuja fuerte push hard. 3 (volumen)
loud: la msica sonaba fuerte the music funda nf 1 (flexible) cover. 2 (rgida)
was loud.
case. 3 (de disco) sleeve. c o m p funda de
fuerza nf 1 (gen) strength. 2 (violencia)
almohada pillowcase.
force, violence. 3 (militar) force. 4 (en fundacin nf foundation.
fsica) force. 5 (electricidad) power, elecfundador,-ra nm & nf founder.
tric power. 6 (poder) power. l o c a
fuerza de by dint of, by force of. y fundamental adj fundamental.
a la fuerza by force. y con fuerza 1 fundamentalismo nm fundamentalism.
(gen) strongly. 2 (llover) heavily. 3
(apretar, agarrar) tightly; (pegar, empujar) fundamentalista adj fundamentalist.
P nm o nf fundamentalist.
hard. y por fuerza by force. c o m p fuer
za de voluntad willpower.
fundamentalmente adv fundamentally, basically.
fuga nf 1 (huida) flight, escape. 2 (escape) leak.
fundamento nm 1 (base) basis,
grounds pl. 2 (seriedad) seriousness;
fugarse vpr (gen) to flee, escape; (de casa) to run away from home.
(confianza) reliability. l o c sin funda
mento unfounded.
fugaz adj fleeting, brief.
fundar vt 1 (crear) to found; (erigir) to
fugitivo,-a adj (en fuga) fleeing.
P nm & nf fugitive, runaway.
raise: su padre fund la empresa her father founded the company. 2 (basar) to
fulano,-a nm & nf so-and-so; (hombre)
base, found.
what's his name; (mujer) what's her
P vpr fundarse 1 (crearse) to be foundname.
ed. 2 (teora, afirmacin) to be based
P nm fulano fam pey guy, gb bloke.
(en, on); (persona) to base os (en, on).
fulminar vt 1 to strike with lightning. 2
fig to strike dead. l o c fulminar a algn fundicin nf 1 (derretimiento) melting. 2
(con la mirada) to look daggers at sb.
(de metales) smelting. 3 (lugar) foundry,
smelting works.
fumador,-ra nm & nf smoker. l o c los
no fumadores nonsmokers.
fundir vt 1 (derretir) to melt: el sol funde la
nieve the sun melts the snow. 2 (separar
fumar vt to smoke.
mena y metal) to smelt. 3 (dar forma) to
fumigar vt to fumigate.
cast: fundir una figura en bronce to cast a
funmbulo,-a nm & nf tightrope
figure in bronze. 4 (bombilla, plomos) to
funcin nf 1 (gen) function. 2 (cargo) duP vpr fundirse 1 (derretirse) to melt: la
ty. 3 (espectculo) performance, show.
nieve se funde snow melts. 2 (bombilla,
l o c en funcin de according to. y en
plomos) to fuse, go, blow, burn out: se
funciones acting. y entrar en funcin
han fundido los plomos the fuses have
(persona) to take up one's post. y estar
gone. 3 (unirse) to merge.
en funciones to be in office. c o m p fun
cin de noche evening performance. fnebre adj 1 (mortuorio) funeral. 2 (ly funcin de tarde matine.
gubre) mournful, lugubrious.
funcional adj functional.
funeral nm [tambin se usa en plural con el
mismo significado] 1 (entierro) funeral. 2
nm operation,
(conmemoracin) memorial service.




ojo a la funerala fam

fusilamiento nm shooting, execu-

funeraria nf undertaker's, us funeral

fusilar vt 1 (ejecutar) to shoot, execute.

funerario,-a adj funerary, funeral.

funesto,-a adj ill-fated, fatal.
fungicida adj fungicidal.

fusin nf 1 (de metales) fusion, melting;


black eye.

P nm


funicular nm funicular, funicular railway.

furgn nm 1 auto van, truck. 2 (de tren)

(goods) wagon, us boxcar. c o m p fur

gn de cola guard's van.
furgoneta nf van.
furia nf fury, rage.
furibundo,-a adj furious, enraged.
furiosamente adv furiously.
furioso,-a adj 1 (colrico) furious. 2 (tempestad, vendaval) raging. l o c ponerse
furioso,-a to get angry.
furor nm fury, rage. l o c hacer furor fig
to be all the rage.

furtivamente adv furtively.

furtivo,-a adj furtive.
furnculo nm boil.
fusa nf demisemiquaver, us thirtysecond note.

fuseaux nm ski pants pl.

fuselaje nm fuselage.
fusible nm fuse.
fusil nm rifle, gun.


2 (plagiar) to plagiarize.

(de hielo) thawing, melting. 2 (de intereses, partidos, ideas) fusion. 3 (de empresas)
merger, amalgamation.
fusionar vt 1 (fundir) to fuse. 2 (unir) to
join, unite. 3 com to merge: proponen
fusionar ambas empresas they propose to
merge the two companies.
P vpr fusionarse (unir) to join, unite;
(empresas) to merge.
fusta nf riding whip.
fuste nm 1 (palo) stick. 2 (de columna)
futbito nm five-a-side football.
ftbol nm football, soccer. c o m p ftbol
americano American football.
futboln nm table football.
futbolista nm o nf footballer, football
player, soccer player.
futbolstico,-a adj football.
futn nm futon.
futurista adj futuristic.
futuro,-a adj future.
P nm futuro future. l o c en un futuro
prximo in the near future. c o m p fu
turo imperfecto future. y futuro per
fecto future perfect.


G, g nf (la letra) G, g.
g sm (gramo) gram, gramme; (smbolo) g.
gabn nm overcoat.
gabardina nf (impermeable) raincoat.
gabinete nm 1 (habitacin) study. 2 pol

gallery, balcony. c o m p galeras comer

ciales shopping centre sing.
gals,-a adj Welsh.
P nm & nf (persona) Welsh person;

(hombre) Welshman; (mujer) Welshwoman.

cabinet. 3 (despacho) office.
P nm gals (idioma) Welsh.
Gabn nm Gabon.
Gales nm Wales. c o m p Pas de Gales
gabons,-esa adj Gabonese.
P nm & nf Gabonese.
galgo,-a nm & nf greyhound.
gacela nf gazelle.
galleta nf culin biscuit, us cookie.
gacha nf (masa) paste.
gallina nf hen.
P nf pl gachas (papilla) porridge sing.
P nm o nf fam chicken, coward. l o c
gafas nf pl 1 spectacles, glasses. 2 (de
jugar a la gallina ciega to play blind
motorista, esqu, natacin) goggles.
man's buff.
gafas de bucear diving mask sing. y ga
gallinero nm 1 henhouse. 2 fam bedfas de sol sunglasses.
lam, madhouse. 3 el gallinero teat
gafe adj fam jinx.
the gods pl.
P nm o nf fam jinx.
gallo nm 1 cock, rooster. 2 (pez) John
gaita nf 1 bagpipes pl, pipes pl. 2 fam
Dory. 3 fig (al cantar) false note; (al habother, drag, pain.
blar) squeak. l o c en menos que canta
gaitero,-a nm & nf ms piper, bagpipe
un gallo in a flash.
galn1 nm 1 (cinta) braid. 2 mil stripe,
gajo nm (de fruta) segment.
gala nf 1 (espectculo) gala. 2 (vestido) galn2 nm (medida) gallon.
best dress. l o c hacer gala de to galopar vi to gallop.
make a show of. c o m p cena de gala galope nm gallop. l o c a galope / al ga
gala dinner.
lope 1 at a gallop. 2 fig in a rush. y a
P nf pl galas (adorno) finery sing. l o c lu
galope tendido at full gallop.
cir sus mejores galas to be dressed in gama nf 1 ms scale. 2 (gradacin, varieall one's finery.
dad) range.
galctico,-a adj galactic.
gamba 1 nf zool prawn; (pequea)
galn nm (atractivo) handsome young
man; (mujeriego) ladies' man.
gamba2 nf argot 1 (parte del cuerpo) foot.
galardn nm prize.
2 (dinero) 100 $ . l o c meter la gamba
galaxia nf galaxy.
fam to put one's foot in it.
galera nf (mar) galley.
Gambia nf Gambia.
galera nf 1 (gen) gallery.
2 (corredor des- gambiano,-a adj Gambian.
P nm & nf Gambian.
cubierto) balcony, verandah. 3 teat


gamo nm fallow deer.

gamuza nf 1 zool chamois. 2 (piel)


ganso,-a nm & nf zool goose; (macho)

ganza nf 1 (garfio) picklock. 2 (ladrn)
chamois leather. 3 (pao) duster.
gana nf 1 (deseo) wish (de, for), desire.
2 (apetito) appetite; (hambre) hunger. garabatear vt (escribir) to scribble,
scrawl; (dibujar) to doodle.
l o c dar a algn la gana de hacer algo fam
to feel like doing sth. y tener ganas garabato nm 1 (gancho) hook. 2 (dibujo)
doodle; (escritura) scrawl, scribble.
de (hacer) algo to feel like (doing)
garaje nm garage.
ganadera nf 1 (crianza) cattle raising, garanta nf 1 (seguridad) guarantee, security. 2 com guarantee, warranty.
stockbreeding. 2 (ganado) cattle, livestock.
garantizado,-a adj guaranteed.
ganadero,-a nm & nf 1 (propietario) cat- garantizar vt 1 to guarantee. 2 com
to warrant.
tle breeder, stockbreeder. 2 (cuidador
de ganado) herdsman, us herder.
garbanzo nm chickpea.
ganado nm livestock, stock; (vacas) garbeo nm fam walk, stroll.
cattle. c o m p ganado bovino cattle pl. y garbo nm 1 (airosidad al andar) gracefulganado vacuno cattle pl.
ness. 2 (gracia) grace, stylishness.
ganador,-ra adj winning.
garboso,-a adj (airoso) graceful.
P nm & nf winner.
gardenia nf gardenia.
ganancia nf gain, profit.
garfio nm hook, grapple.
ganar vt 1 (partido, concurso, premio) to garganta nf 1 (cuello) throat. 2 (desfilawin. 2 (dinero) to earn: cunto ganas al
dero) gorge, narrow pass.
ao? how much do you earn a year? 3 gargantilla nf short necklace.
(alcanzar) to reach. 4 (lograr) to win.
grgola nf gargoyle.
P vi 1 (mejorar) to improve. 2 (cambiar
garita nf 1 (caseta) box, cabin, hut; (de
favorablemente) to gain.
centinela) sentry box. 2 (portera) porP vpr ganarse 1 to earn. 2 (ser merecedor)
ter's lodge.
to deserve: se lo han ganado they de- garito nm 1 (casa de juego) gambling
serve it. l o c ganar a algn en algo to be
dene. 2 (antro de diversin) dive, joint.
better than sb at sth.
garra nf (de mamfero) paw, claw; (de ave)
ganchillo nm 1 (aguja) crochet hook. 2
(labor) crochet work. l o c hacer gan
P nf pl garras (poder) clutches. l o c caer
chillo to crochet.
en las garras de algn fig to fall into sb's
gancho nm 1 hook. 2 (para ropa) peg. 3
clutches. y tener garra 1 (relato, etc) to
fam (atractivo) attractiveness, charm.
be compelling. 2 (persona) to have
(en boxeo) hook. 4 (en baloncesto) hook
shot. l o c tener gancho fam to be at- garrafa nf carafe.
tractive, have charm.
garrafal adj monumental, huge.
gandul,-la adj lazy, idle.
garrafn nm demijohn, large carafe.
P nm & nf idler, loafer, lazybones.
garrapata nf tick.
gandulear vi to idle, loaf around.
garrotazo nm blow with a stick.
ganga nf (algo barato) bargain, good garrote nm thick stick, cudgel, club.
buy. c o m p precio de ganga bargain garza nf heron. c o m p garza real grey
gngster nm gangster.
gas nm (gen) gas.
P nm pl gases (flatulencias) wind sing ,
gansada nf fam silly
thing to say, silly thing to do.
flatulence sing, us gas sing.



gasa nf gauze.
gaseosa nf gb lemonade, us soda.
gasleo nm diesel oil.
gasolina nf petrol, us gasoline, gas.


poner gasolina to get some pet-

gasolinera nf 1 petrol station, us gas

station. 2 (lancha) motorboat.

gastado,-a adj 1 (desgastado) wornout. 2 (acabado) finished, empty,
used up.
gastador,-ra adj (derrochador) spendthrift.
gastar vt 1 (consumir dinero, tiempo) to
spend; (gasolina, electricidad) to use
(up), consume: este coche gasta mucha
gasolina this car uses a lot of petrol. 2
(malgastar) to waste. 3 (usar perfume, jabn) to use; (ropa) to wear.
P vpr gastarse 1 (desgastarse) to wear
out. 2 (consumirse) to run out.
gasto nm expenditure, expense. c o m p
gastos de mantenimiento running
costs, maintenance costs. y gastos
diarios daily expenses.
gastronoma nf gastronomy.
gastronmico,-a adj gastronomic,
gata nf she-cat, cat.

gaznate nm gullet.
gazpacho nm cold soup made of tomatoes and
other vegetables.

ge nf name of the letter g.

gel nm gel.
gelatina nf 1 (sustancia) gelatine. 2 (preparado alimenticio) jelly.

gelatinoso,-a adj gelatinous, jellylike.

glido,-a adj icy, icy cold.

gema nf 1 bot bud. 2 (piedra) gem.
gemelo,-a adj twin.

& nf twin.
gemelo (msculo) calf muscle.
P nm pl gemelos 1 (botones) cufflinks. 2
P nm
P nm

(anteojos) binoculars.

gemido nm (quejido) groan, moan.

gemir vi (quejarse) to moan, groan.
gen nm gene.
genciana nf gentian.
generacin nf generation.
generacional adj generation, generational.

generador,-ra nm (mquina) generator.

general adj 1 general. 2 (comn) com-

mon, usual, widespread.

P nm (oficial) general. l o c en general in
. Vase tambin gato.
general, generally.
gatas l o c a gatas on all fours. y andar generalidad nf 1 (gen) generality. 2
(mayora) majority. 3 (generalizacin)
a gatas to crawl.
general statement.
gatear vi (andar a gatas) to crawl.
P nf pl generalidades (nociones) basic
gatera nf cat door, cat flap.
knowledge sing.
gatillo nm trigger.
generalizacin nf 1 (gen) generalizagatito,-a nm & nf fam kitty, pusy.
tion. 2 (extensin) spread, spreading.
gato nm 1 cat, tomcat. 2 (de coche) jack.
generalizado,-a adj widespread,
l o c buscarle tres/cinco pies al gato fam
to split hairs, complicate things. y
dar gato por liebre fam to take sb in, generalizar vt 1 (gen) to generalize. 2
(extender) to spread, popularize.
con sb . y hay gato encerrado fam
P vpr generalizarse to spread, bethere's something fishy going on.
come widespread, become comgatuno,-a adj catlike, feline.
gaviln nm sparrowhawk.
generalmente adv usually.
gavilla nf (de ramas, etc) sheaf.
generar vt to generate.
gaviota nf seagull, gull.
genricamente adv generically.
gay adj gay, homosexual.
P nm gay, homosexual.
genrico,-a adj generic.



gnero nm 1 (clase) kind, sort. 2 (tela)

georgiano,-a adj Georgian.

P nm & nf (persona) Georgian.
cloth. 3 (mercanca) article. 4 gram
P nm georgiano (idioma) Georgian.
gender. 5 biol genus.
geranio nf geranium.
generosamente adv generously.
generosidad nf generosity, unself- gerencia nf (actividad) management.
gerente nm o nf (hombre) manager; (mujer) manageress.
generoso,-a adj generous (con/para,
geriatra nf geriatrics sing.
gnesis nf inv genesis.
geritrico,-a adj geriatric.
P nm geritrico (sanatorio) geriatric
gentica nf genetics sing.
hospital; (residencia) old people's
genial adj 1 brilliant, inspired. 2 fam
terrific, great, smashing.
germano,-a adj Germanic.
P adv fam great.
genialidad nf 1 (idea) brilliant idea, germen nm germ.
stroke of genius. 2 (cualidad) genius.
germinar vi to germinate.
genio nm 1 (carcter) temper, disposi- gerundio nm gerund.
tion. 2 (facultad) genius: Einstein fue un gesta nf arc heroic deed, exploit.
genio Einstein was a genius. 3 (espritu) gestacin nf 1 gestation. 2 (perodo)
spirit: el genio del Renacimiento the Regestation period.
naissance spirit. l o c estar de mal genio gestante adj gestating.
to be in a bad mood. y tener mal ge
P nf expectant mother.
nio to have a bad temper.
gesticular vi to gesticulate.
genital adj genital.
gestin nf [tambin se usa en plural con el
P nm pl genitales genitals.
mismo significado] (trmite) step, measgenocidio nm genocide.
ure, move. c o m p gestin de datos dagente nf 1 people pl. 2 (familia) family,
ta management.
folks pl, people pl: me gusta estar con gestionar vt 1 (negociar) to negotiate. 2
mi gente I like being with my family.
(administrar) to manage, run.
c o m p gente menuda fam nippers pl ,
gesto nm 1 (movimiento) gesture. 2 (muekids pl.
ca) grimace. l o c hacer gestos a fam to
gentil adj (amable) kind.
make gestures at.
gentileza nf 1 (gracia) grace, elegance. gestor,-ra nm & nf 1 (administrador)
2 (cortesa) politeness, kindness.
manager, director. 2 person who transacts
gentilicio adj gentile.
official business on his clients' behalf, soliciP nm gentile.
gento nm crowd.
Ghana nf Ghana.
gentuza nf pey mob, rabble, riffraff.
ghans,-a adj Ghanaian.
genuino,-a adj genuine, authentic.
P nm & nf Ghanaian.
geografa nf geography.
giba nf hump, hunch.
gegrafo,-a nm & nf geographer.
giga nf (gigabyte) giga, gigabyte.
geologa nf geology.
gigabyte nm gigabyte.
geolgico,-a adj geologic, geologi- gigante nm & nf (hombre) giant; (mujer)
P adj giant, gigantic, huge.
gelogo,-a nm & nf geologist.
gigantesco,-a adj giant, gigantic.
geometra nf geometry.
geomtrico,-a adj geometric, geo- gimnasia nf gymnastics sing.
gimnasio nm gymnasium, gym.
Georgia nf Georgia.
gincana nf gymkhana.



ginebra nf gin.
ginecologa nf gynaecology.
gineclogo,-a nm & nf gynaecologist.
gineta nf genet.
gira nf tour.
girar vi 1 (dar vueltas) to rotate, whirl,

glucosa nf glucose.
gluten nm gluten.
gnomo nm gnome.
gobernador,-ra nm & nf governor.
gobernante adj ruling, governing.

P nm o nf ruler, leader.
spin. 2 (torcer) to turn: girar a la izquierda gobernar vt 1 (gen) to govern. 2 (un
pas) to rule. 3 (un negocio) to run, hanto turn left. 3 fig (versar) to deal with:
dle. 4 (un barco) to steer.
la conversacin gir en torno al teatro the
gobierno nm 1 pol government. 2
conversation evolved around theatre.
P vt 1 com to issue: girar una letra to is(mando) command, running, handling. 3 (conduccin) direction, control;
sue a draft. 2 (cambiar de sentido) to turn,
(de un barco) steering; (de timn) rudder.
turn around: girar el cuerpo to turn one's
goce nm pleasure, enjoyment.
girasol nm sunflower.
godo,-a adj Gothic.
P nm & nf (persona) Goth.
giratorio,-a adj rotating, gyratory.
giro nm 1 (vuelta) turn, turning. 2 (direc- gofre nm waffle.
cin) course, direction. 3 com draft. gol nm goal.
c o m p giro postal money order.
goleador,-ra nm & nf scorer. c o m p el
mximo goleador the top scorer.
gitano,-a nm & nf gypsy, gipsy.
golear vt to hammer.
glaciacin nf glaciation.
glacial adj 1 glacial. 2 fig glacial, icy: golf nm (deporte) golf.
tuvo un recibimiento glacial he had an icy golfista nm o nf golfer.
golfo nm gulf, large bay.
glaciar nm glacier.
golfo,-a nm & nf (holgazn) good-forgladiador nm gladiator.
nothing; (nio) rascal, little devil.
gladiolo nm gladiolus.
golondrina nf (ave) swallow.
golosina nf sweet, us candy.
glndula nf gland.
goloso,-a adj sweet tooth.
glicerina nf glycerin, glycerine.
golpe nm 1 blow, knock; (puetazo)
global adj global, comprehensive.
punch: le dio un golpe he hit him. 2 (de
globo nm 1 (esfera) globe, sphere. 2 (tiecoche) collision; (fuerte) bang; (ligero)
rra) globe. 3 (de aire) balloon.
bump. 3 fig (desgracia) blow, misforglbulo nm globule. c o m p glbulo
tune. l o c de golpe suddenly, all of a
blanco white corpuscle. y glbulo ro
sudden. y no dar golpe fam not to lift
jo red corpuscle.
a finger, not do a blessed thing. c o m p
gloria nf 1 (bienaventuranza) glory. 2 (fagolpe bajo fig punch below the belt.
ma) fame, honour (us honor).
y golpe de Estado coup, coup d'tat. y
glorieta nf 1 (en un jardn) arbour. 2 (plagolpe de vista quick glance.
zoleta) small square.
golpear vt (gen) to hit, strike; (personas)
glorificar vt to glorify.
to thump, hit, punch; (puerta) to
glorioso,-a adj glorious.
knock on.
glosar vt 1 (explicar) to gloss. 2 (interpre- golpista nm o nf person involved in a
tar) to interpret.
coup d'tat.
glosario nm glossary.
goma nf 1 (material) gum, rubber. 2 (de
glotn,-ona adj greedy, gluttonous.
borrar) rubber, us eraser. 3 (de pegar)
P nm & nf glutton.
glue, gum. 4 (banda elstica) rubber
glotonera nf gluttony,
band. c o m p goma arbiga gum ara
bic. y goma de mascar chewing gum.
glcido nm glucide.


gomaespuma nf foam rubber.

gomina nf hair cream.
gominola nf jelly bean, jelly.
gong nm gong.
gordo,-a adj 1 (carnoso) fat: se puso gordo


gracia nf 1 (favor) favour (us favor). 2

(atractivo) grace, charm. 3 (chiste) joke.

l o c hacer gracia, tener gracia (diversin) to be funny. y qu gracia! how
P nf pl gracias thank you, thanks. l o c
he got fat. 2 (grueso) thick. 3 (grave) sedar gracias a algn to thank sb. y gracias
rious. 4 (importante) big: qu mentira
a thanks to.
tan gorda! what a big lie!
adj 1 (atractivo) graceful,
P nm & nf fat person, fatty.
charming. 2 (bromista) witty, faceP nm gordo 1 fam (grasa) fat. 2 el gordo
tious. 3 (divertido) funny, amusing.
the first prize in the lottery.
P nm & nf teat jester, clown, fool.
gordura nf fatness.
l o c hacerse el gracioso to try to be
gorila nm (animal) gorilla.
gorjear vi to chirp, twitter.
grada nf 1 (peldao) step, stair. 2 (gradegorra nf 1 (gen) cap. 2 (con visera)
ra) tier.
peaked cap. l o c de gorra fam free.
P nf pl gradas stands, terraces.
gorrin,-ona nm & nf sparrow.
gradera nf stands pl, terraces pl.
gorro nm 1 cap. 2 (de beb) bonnet. 3 grado nm 1 (gen) degree: estbamos a 27
(de cocinero) chef's hat.
grados it was 27 degrees. 2 (estado)
gorrn,-ona adj fam scrounging,
stage. 3 educ (curso) class, year. 4
educ (ttulo) degree. 5 (peldao) step.
P nm & nf sponger, scrounger.
graduacin nf 1 (gen) graduation. 2 (de
gorronear vi to scrounge.
alcohol) strength. 3 educ graduation.
gota nf 1 drop. 2 (de sudor) bead. 3 (de graduado,-a nm & nf educ graduate.
aire) breath. l o c caer cuatro gotas to
c o m p gafas graduadas prescription
be spitting with rain. y gota a gota
glasses. y graduado escolar certificate of
drop by drop. y ni gota not a bit,
elementary school studies.
nothing at all. c o m p gota fra cold air gradual adj gradual.
graduar vt 1 (termmetro) to graduate,
gotear vi 1 (grifo) to drip; (tejado) to
calibrate. 2 (regular) to adjust, reguleak. 2 [slo se usa en tercera persona; no
late. 3 (conceder un diploma) to confer a
lleva sujeto] (lluvia) to drizzle.
degree on, us graduate. 4 (medir) to
gotera nf 1 (agujero) leak. 2 (agua) drip.
gauge, measure; (la vista) to test,
gtico,-a adj Gothic.
P vpr graduarse to graduate, get
gozar vi 1 (poseer, disfrutar) to enjoy (de, -):
one's degree. l o c graduarse la vista
goza de muy buena salud he enjoys very
to have one's eyes tested.
good health. 2 (sentir placer) to enjoy os:
gozamos con su presencia we really enjoy grafa nf 1 (signo) graphic symbol. 2
(escritura) writing. 3 (ortografa) spellher company.
gozne nm hinge.
grficamente adv graphically.
gozo nm joy, delight, pleasure.
grafa nf graph, diagram.
grabacin nf recording.
grabado,-a nm 1 (arte) engraving. 2 grfico,-a adj graphic.
P nm grfico (dibujo) sketch, chart.
(dibujo) picture, drawing.
grabar vt 1 arte to engrave. 2 (registrar) grafiti nm pl graffiti.
to record. 3 inform to save. l o c gra grafito nm graphite.
barse en la memoria
fig to be en- gragea nf pill, tablet.
graved on one's memory.
grajo,-a nm & nf rook.



gramtica nf grammar.
gramo nm gram, gramme.
gramfono nm gramophone.
gramola nf gramophone.
gran adj [se usa delante de nombres masculinos en sigular] 1 (fuerte, intenso) great:
se llevaron un gran susto they were terribly shocked. 2 (excelente) great: aqul
era un gran libro that was a great book.

. Consulta tambin grande.

granada nf bot pomegranate.

granate adj maroon, claret.
P nm

1 (color) maroon, claret. 2 (mine-

ral) garnet.

grande adj 1 (tamao) large, big. 2 (fuer-

te, intenso) great: su partida les produjo

una pena muy grande his departure
caused them great sorrow. 3 (mayor)
grown-up, old, big.
P nm (de elevada jerarqua) great. l o c a lo
grande on a grand scale, in a big
way. y estar grande una cosa a algn to
be too big on sb. y pasarlo en grande
fam to have a great time.
. Consulta tambin gran.

grandeza nf 1 (tamao) size. 2 (generosidad) generosity.

grandioso,-a adj grandiose, grand,



l o c a granel 1 (sin envase) in

bulk. 2 (en abundancia) lots of.
granero nm granary, barn.
granito nm granite.
granizada nf 1 hailstorm. 2 fig (lluvia)
hail, shower.
granizado,-a nm iced drink.

granulado,-a adj granulated.

granuloso,-a adj 1 (superficie) granular.
2 (piel) pimply.

grapa nf (para papel) staple.

grapadora nf stapler.
grapar vt to staple.
grasa nf grease, fat.
grasiento,-a adj greasy, oily.
graso,-a adj greasy, oily, fatty.
gratamente adv pleasantly.
gratn nm gratin.
gratificacin nf 1 (satisfaccin) gratification. 2 (recompensa) reward.

gratificador,-ra adj gratifying, rewarding.

gratificante adj gratifying, rewarding.

gratificar vt 1 (satisfacer) to gratify. 2

(recompensar) to reward, tip.

gratinador nm grill.
gratinar vt to brown under the grill.
gratis adv free.
gratitud nf gratitude.
grato,-a adj pleasant, pleasing (para,

gratuidad nf gratuitousness.
gratuitamente adv (de balde) free of
charge, free.

gratuito,-a adj (de balde) free.

grava nf 1 (guijas) gravel. 2 (piedra machacada) crushed stone.

gravable adj taxable.

gravar vt to tax.
grave adj 1 (pesado) heavy. 2 (serio)

grave, serious. 3 (voz, nota) deep, low.

l o c estar grave to be seriously ill.
gravedad nf 1 fs gravity. 2 (importangranizar vi [slo se usa en tercera persona;
cia) gravity, seriousness.
no lleva sujeto] to hail.
gravemente adv 1 (seriamente) seriousgranizo nm hail, hailstone.
ly. 2 (solemnemente) solemnly, gravely.
granja nf farm.
gravilla nf fine gravel.
gravitar vi 1 fs to gravitate. 2 (apoyargranjero,-a nm & nf farmer.
se en) to rest (sobre, on).
grano nm 1 grain; (de caf) bean. 2 med
pimple, spot. l o c ir al grano fam to graznar vi 1 (cuervo) to caw, croak. 2
(oca) to honk. 3 (pato) to quack.
come to the point, get to the point.
P nm pl granos cereals.
graznido nm 1 (de cuervo) caw, croak. 2
(de oca) honk. 3 (de pato) quack.
granuja nm 1 (pilluelo)
ragamuffin, ur
greca nf fret, fretwork.
chin. 2 (estafador) crook, trickster.


Grecia nf Greece.
greda nf fuller's earth, clay.
gregario,-a adj gregarious.
gremial adj 1 trade union, union. 2


grosella nf redcurrant.
grosellero nm redcurrant bush.
groseramente adv crudely, rudely.
grosera nf 1 (ordinariez) rude word,

rude expression. 2 (rusticidad) rudeness, coarseness. l o c decir una grose

2 (sindicato) union. 3 (profesin) profesra to say something rude.
grosero,-a adj 1 (tosco) coarse, crude. 2
grea nf lock of entangled hair.
(maleducado) rude.
P nf pl greas untidy mop of hair.
P nm & nf rude person.
gres nm stoneware.
grosor nm thickness.
gresca nf 1 (bulla) racket. 2 (ria) row.
grotesco,-a adj ridiculous.
griego,-a adj Greek.
gra nf 1 (construccin) crane, derrick. 2
P nm & nf (persona) Greek.
auto breakdown van, us tow truck.
P nm griego (idioma) Greek.
nf (doce docenas) gross.
grieta nf crack, crevice.
grueso,-a adj 1 (objeto) thick. 2 (persona)
grifera nf taps pl, us faucets pl.
fat, stout.
grifo nm (llave) tap, us faucet.
P nm grueso 1 (grosor) thickness. 2
grill nm grill.
(parte principal) bulk.
grillete nm shackle.
nf crane.
grillo nm zool cricket.
grumete nm cabin boy.
grima nf displeasure, disgust.
grumo nm lump; (de sangre) clot; (de legripal adj related to flu.
che) curd.
gripe nf flu, influenza. l o c tener la gri
grumoso,-a adj lumpy, clotted.
pe to have (the) flu.
griposo,-a adj flu. l o c estar griposo to gruido nm grunt, growl.
have (the) flu.
gruir vi to grunt.
gris adj 1 grey (us gray). 2 fig (mediocre) grun,-ona adj grumbling, grumpy.
mediocre, third-rate. 3 fig (triste) grey grupa nf croup, hindquarters pl.
(us gray), gloomy.
grupo nm 1 group. 2 tc unit, set.
P nm (color) grey (us gray).
c o m p grupo electrgeno power plant.
grisceo,-a adj greyish.
y grupo sanguneo blood group.
gritar vi (gen) to shout; (chillar) cry
out, scream: no me grites! don't shout gruta nf cavern, grotto, cave.
gua nm 1 (juego) marbles pl. 2 (hoyo)
at me!
hole for the marbles.
gritero nm shouting, uproar.
grito nm shout; (chillido) cry, scream. guacamayo nm macaw.
l o c a grito limpio at the top of one's
guache nm gouache.
voice. y dar un grito 1 to shout. 2 (chi- guadaa nf scythe.
llar) to scream. y el ltimo grito fig the guantada nf slap.
latest thing, the last word. y pedir al- guantazo nm slap.
go a gritos fig to be crying out for
guante nm glove. l o c echar el guante a
sth, be badly in need of sth. y pegar
algo fam to nick sth.
un grito 1 to shout. 2 (chillar) to
guantera nf glove compartment.
gritn,-ona adj noisy, loudmouthed. guaperas adj inv fam good-looking.
P nm o nf good looker, looker.
P nm & nf loudmouth.
adj fam good-lookgrogui adj 1 dep punch-drunk,
gy. 2 fig groggy, half-asleep.

gremio nm 1 hist guild, corporation.



guapo,-a adj 1 good-looking; (hombre)

(doctor) to be on duty, be on call. 2

(soldado) to be on guard duty. 3 (marihandsome; (mujer) beautiful, pretty.
no) to be on watch. c o m p farmacia de
2 argot (bonito) nice, smart.
guardia duty chemist's. y mdico
guapote,-a adj fam good-looking.
de guardia doctor on duty.
guapura nf fam good looks pl.
guarda nm o nf (persona) guard, keeper. guardin,-ana nm & nf guardian,
keeper, custodian.
P nf 1 (custodia) custody, care. 2 (de la
guarecer vt to take shelter (de, from),
ley, etc) observance. 3 (de libro) flyleaf.
shelter (de, from).
guardabarrera nm o nf gatekeeper.
nf zool haunt, den, lair.
guardabarros nm inv mudguard, us
guarnecer vt 1 (decorar) to adorn, decfender.
orate; (en cocina) to garnish. 2 (proveer)
guardabosque nm forester.
to provide (de, with).
guardacoches nm o nf inv parking at- guarnicin nf 1 (gen) decoration,
trimmings pl. 2 culin accompaniment to a
guardacostas nm o nf inv (persona)
main dish. 3 mil garrison.
guarrada nf 1 fam something dirty,
P nm coastguard vessel.
disgusting thing: no hagas guarradas!
guardaespaldas nm o nf inv bodyguard.
don't do such filthy things! 2 fam (mala
guardafrenos nm o nf inv guard.
pasada) dirty trick.
guardagujas nm o nf inv (hombre) guarro,-a adj dirty, filthy.
pointsman, us switchman; (mujer)
P nm & nf pig, dirty pig.
pointswoman, us switchwoman.
guasa nf jest, fun, mockery. l o c estar
guardameta nm o nf goalkeeper.
de guasa to be joking.
guardamuebles nm inv furniture guasn,-ona adj funny, joking.
P nm & nf jester, joker.
guardapolvo nm 1 (cubierta) dust cov- guata nf 1 (algodn) raw cotton. 2 (relleno) padding.
er. 2 (mono) overalls pl.
guardar vt 1 (cuidar) to keep, watch guateado,-a adj padded, quilted.
over, keep an eye on. 2 (conservar) to Guatemala nf Guatemala.
keep, hold. 3 (la ley) to observe, obey; guatemalteco,-a adj Guatemalan.
P nm & nf Guatemalan.
(un secreto) to keep. 4 (poner en un sitio) to
put away: gurdatelo en el bolsillo put it in guateque nm party.
your pocket. 5 (reservar) to save, keep: le guay adj fam great, cool.
guardaron el mejor sitio they saved the best gubernamental adj government,
seat for him. 6 inform to save. 7 guar
darse de (precaverse, evitar) to guard gubernativo,-a adj government,
against, avoid, be careful not to.
guardar las formas to be polite.
gubia nf gouge.
guardarropa nm 1 (armario) wardrobe. guepardo nm cheetah.
2 (cuarto) cloakroom.
guerra nf war. l o c dar guerra fam to
guardarropa nf wardrobe for props.
cause trouble. y declarar la guerra a to
guardava nm (hombre) signalman.
declare war on. c o m p guerra civil civil
war. y guerra fra cold war. y guerra
guardera nf 1 crche, nursery. 2 (ofimundial world war.
cio de guarda) keeping. c o m p guardera
guerrear vi to war.
infantil nursery, nursery school.
guardia nf 1 (vigilancia) watch, look- guerrera nf (chaqueta) army jacket.
out. 2 (servicio) duty, call.
guerrero,-a adj 1 warlike. 2 fam (nio)
P nm o nf (hombre) policeman; (mujer)
P nm & nf warrior, soldier.
policewoman. l o c estar de guardia 1



guerrilla nf 1 (guerra) guerrilla war-

guisar vt to cook, stew.

P vpr guisarse to cook, stew.
fare. 2 (banda) guerrilla band.
guiso nm stew.
guerrillero,-a nm & nf guerrilla.
guitarra nf guitar.
gueto nm ghetto.
guitarrero,-a nm & nf 1 (vendedor) guigua nm o nf (persona) guide, leader.
P nf 1 (norma) guidance, guideline. 2
tar seller. 2 (fabricante) guitar maker.
(libro) guidebook. c o m p gua de telfo guitarrista nm o nf guitarist.
nos telephone directory, phone gula nf gluttony.
gur nm guru.
guiar vt 1 to guide, lead. 2 (conducir au- gusanillo nm 1 little worm. 2 (espiral)
tomvil) to drive; (barco) to steer; (avin)
spiral binding. 3 (intranquilidad) nigto pilot; (caballo, bici) to ride.
gling doubt. l o c matar el gusanillo
P vpr guiarse to be guided.
fam to have a snack.
guijarro nm pebble, stone.
gusano nm 1 worm; (oruga) caterpilguillotina nf guillotine.
lar. 2 fig (persona) worm. c o m p gusano
guillotinar vt to guillotine.
de seda silkworm.
guinda nf 1 (fruta) sour cherry, morel- gustar vt 1 (agradar) to like. 2 (probar) to
lo cherry. 2 (remate) final touch.
taste, try.
guindilla nf 1 red pepper, chilli. 2 fam gustativo,-a adj gustative. c o m p papi
(polica) cop.
la gustativa taste bud.
guindo nm morello cherry tree. l o c gustillo nm 1 fam (regusto) aftertaste. 2
fam (satisfaccin) satisfaction, pleascaerse algn del guindo fam to cotton
on, twig.
gusto nm 1 (sentido, sabor) taste. 2 (incliguinea nf guinea.
nacin) liking, taste. 3 (placer) pleasGuinea nf Guinea. c o m p Guinea Ecua
ure: tengo el gusto de presentarle a mi her
torial Equatorial Guinea. y Guineamano may I introduce you to my
Bissau Guinea-Bissau. y Nueva Gui
brother? 4 (capricho) whim, fancy. l o c
nea New Guinea.
con mucho gusto with pleasure. y dar
guineano,-a adj Guinean.
gusto to please, delight: me da gusto
P nm & nf Guinean.
verla comer I enjoy watching her eat. y
guiapo nm 1 (andrajo) rag, tatter. 2 fig
estar a gusto to feel comfortable,
(persona) wreck.
feel at ease. y hacer algo a gusto to enguiar vt 1 to wink: me gui un ojo he
joy doing sth. y hacer algo por gusto
winked at me. 2 mar to yaw.
to do sth for fun. y qu gusto! how
guio nm wink.
lovely! y tanto gusto pleased to meet
guiol nm puppet theatre.
you. y tener buen gusto to have good
guion nm 1 (esquema) notes pl, sketch,
outline. 2 gram hyphen, dash. 3 cine gustosamente adv with pleasure,
gladly, willingly.
guionista nm o nf scriptwriter.
gustoso,-a adj 1 (sabroso) tasty, saguirigay nm 1 (lenguaje) gibberish. 2
voury, palatable. 2 (agradable) agree(gritero) racket, noise, din.
able, pleasant. 3 (con gusto) glad, willguirlache nm almond brittle.
ing, ready: acept gustosa she accepted
guirnalda nf garland, wreath.
guisa nf manner, way.
gutural adj guttural.
guisado,-a adj cooked, stewed.
Guyana nf Guyana.
P nm guisado stew.
guyans,-esa adj Guyanese.
P nm & nf Guyanese.
guisante nm pea.


H, h nf (la letra) H, h.
haba nf (legumbre) broad bean.
haber vi (impersonal) to be: hay un coche

habitable adj habitable, liveable.

habitacin nf 1 (gen) room. 2 (dormito-

rio) bedroom. c o m p habitacin doble

double room. y habitacin individual
there's a car.
single room.
P aux 1 (en tiempos compuestos) to have:
lo has hecho you have done it. 2 haber habitante nm o nf inhabitant.
de + (obligacin) to have to, must, habitar vt to live in, inhabit.
should: han de venir hoy they must
P vi to live.
come today. 3 haber que + (obligacin) hbitat nm habitat.
must, have to: habr que hacerlo we'll hbito nm 1 (costumbre) habit, custom.
have to do it. l o c haberlo dicho! why
2 (vestido) habit. l o c tener el hbito
didn't you say so! y haba una vez...
de... to be in the habit of...
once upon a time there was... y ha
habitual adj usual, habitual.
brse visto! what a cheek! y hay que
ver! well, really!, well, I never! y no habitualmente adv (repetidamente)
usually; (regularmente) regularly.
hay de qu you're welcome, don't
mention it. y no hay (nada) como... habituar vt to accustom (a, to).
P vpr habituarse to become accusthere's nothing like... y qu hay?
tomed (a, to), get used (a, to) .
hello!, hi!, how are you doing?
habla [va precedido de el en singular] nf 1
P nm com credit, assets pl.
(facultad) speech. 2 (idioma) language;
P nm pl haberes (posesiones) property
(dialecto) dialect. l o c de habla espaola
sing, assets.
/ de habla hispana Spanish-speaking.
habichuela nf (gen) bean; (juda blanca)
y estar al habla con algn to be in touch
haricot bean; (juda verde) French
with sb . y perder el habla to lose
bean, green bean.
one's power of speech.
hbil adj 1 (diestro) skilful (us skillful). 2
(despabilado) clever, smart. 3 (acto) hablado,-a adj spoken, oral: francs
hablado spoken French.
clever. 4 (apto, adecuado) good, suitable. l o c ser hbil en algo / ser hbil pa hablador,-ra adj 1 (parlanchn) talkative. 2 (chismoso) gossipy.
ra algo (persona) to be good at sth .
c o m p da hbil working day.
habladura [tambin se usa en plural con
el mismo significado] nf (chisme) piece of
habilidad nf 1 (aptitud) skill. 2 (astucia)
gossip; (rumor) rumour (us rumor).
cleverness, smartness. l o c tener ha
bilidad para algo to be good at sth.
hablante nm o nf speaker.
habilidoso,-a adj skilful (us skillful).
hablar vi 1 (gen) to speak, talk: habl
conmigo he spoke to me. 2 (mencionar) to
habilitar vt 1 (espacio) to fit out; (tiempo)
talk, mention: no me habl de eso she
to set aside: habilit una habitacin para
didn't mention that. l o c hablar a solas
consulta he fitted a bedroom out as a
to talk to os. y hablar bajo to speak
2 (capacitar) to enticonsulting room.
softly. y hablar claro to speak plainly.
tle, qualify; (autorizar) to empower.



P vpr hacerse 1 (volverse) to become,

y hablar en broma to be joking. y
get: hacerse rico to get rich. 2 (crecer) to
quin fue a hablar! look who's
grow: se ha hecho mucho he's grown a
talking!P vt 1 (idioma) to speak: habla
francs he speaks French. 2 (tratar) to
lot. 3 (resultar) to become, go on,
talk over, discuss: ya lo hablaremos des
seem: la pelcula se hizo muy larga the
pus we'll discuss it later. l o c Se habla
film went on too long. 4 (simular) to
ingls English spoken.
pretend: se hizo la elegante she pretendP vpr hablarse (uso recproco) to speak,
ed to be elegant. 5 (mandar hacer) to
talk: ayer nos hablamos por telfono we
have made, have done: me hice un
spoke on the 'phone yesterday. l o c no
vestido en la modista I had a dress made at
hablarse con algn not to be on speakthe dressmaker's. l o c hacerse el/la
ing terms with sb.
sordo,-a fig to turn a deaf ear. y hacer
hacendado,-a nm & nf landowner.
se una idea de algo to imagine sth.
hacendoso,-a adj house-proud.
hacha [va precedido de el en singular] nf
hacer vt 1 (producir, fabricar, crear) to
(instrumento) axe (us ax).
make: hice un pastel I made a cake. 2 hache nf (la letra) aitch.
(arreglar, disponer - uas) to do; (- barba) hacia prep 1 (direccin) towards, to. 2
to trim; (- cama) to make; (- maleta) to
(tiempo) at about, at around: estaremos
pack. 3 (obrar, ejecutar) to do: haz lo que
ah hacia las dos we'll be there at about
quieras do what you want. 4 (conseguir two. l o c hacia abajo downward(s),
amigos, dinero) to make. 5 (obligar) to
down. y hacia ac this way. y hacia
make: nos hizo leer she made us read. 6
adelante forward(s): inclnate hacia de
(recorrer) to do: hacer noventa kilmetros
lante lean forward. y hacia all that
por hora to do ninety kilometres per
way. y hacia atrs backward(s),
hour. 7 (en suma) to make: con esta ha
back. y hacia casa home, homeward.
cen ochenta that makes eighty. 8 (ocupar
un lugar) to be: l hace el nmero cuatro hacienda nf 1 (bienes) property,
wealth, possessions pl. 2 (finca) eshe's the fourth on the list. 9 (hacer paretate, property, us ranch. 3 fin Treascer) to make look: ese vestido te hace ma
ury. c o m p hacienda pblica public
yor that dress makes you look older. 10
pl, public finances pl.
(acostumbrar) to accustom. 11 (practicar)
to do: haces deporte? do you do any hada [va precedido de el en singular] nf
sport? l o c a medio hacer half-done,
half-finished. y as se hace! that's it! y Hait nm Haiti.
hace mucho a long time ago. y hacer haitiano,-a adj Haitian.
bien en... to be right to...: hice bien en ir I
P nm & nf Haitian.
was right to go. y hacer mal to do the halagador,-ra adj flattering.
wrong thing. y hacer tiempo to kill halagar vt 1 (lisonjear) to flatter. 2 (satistime.
facer) to please.
P vi 1 (actuar) to play (de, -); (representar)
halago nm compliment, flattery.
to act: hizo de abuela she played the
halcn nm falcon.
grandmother. 2 (comportarse) to pretend
to be, act: hacer el tonto to act the fool. hallar vt 1 (encontrar) to find. 2 (averiguar) to find out.
3 (clima) to be: hace buen da it's a fine
P vpr hallarse (estar) to be: se hallaba en
day. 4 (tiempo pasado) ago: hace tres aos
fermo he was ill.
three years ago. l o c hacer como que +
nm 1 (descubrimiento) finding,
to pretend, act as if: hizo como que no
discovery. 2 (cosa descubierta) find.
saba nada he acted as if he knew nothing. y hacer como si
+ to pretend, act halo nm halo, aura.
as if.
halgeno,-a adj halogenous.



hamaca nf 1 (de red) hammock. 2 (tum-

hasto nm 1 (repugnancia) disgust. 2 fig

hambre [va precedido de el en singular] nf

hatajo nm fig heap, lot, bunch: un ha

bona) deck chair.

(aburrimiento) boredom.

hunger, starvation, famine. l o c ma

tajo de disparates a load of nonsense.
tar el hambre fig to stave off hunger. hatillo nm small bundle.
y ser ms listo,-a que el hambre fig to haya nf bot beech.
be a cunning devil. y tener hambre to hayedo nm beech groove.
be hungry.
haz nm 1 (de cosas) bundle. 2 (de luz)
hambriento,-a adj 1 hungry, starvshaft, beam.
ing. 2 fig hungry, longing: hambriento
nf deed, exploit, heroic feat.
de justicia longing for justice.
hazmerrer nm laughing stock.
hambruna nf famine.
hebilla nf buckle.
hamburguesa nf hamburger.
hamburguesera nf hamburger res- hebra nf 1 (de hilo) thread. 2 (de carne)
sinew; (de legumbre) string; (de madera)
grain; (de planta) strand.
hmster nm hamster.
hebreo,-a adj Hebrew.
harapiento,-a adj ragged, tattered.
P nm & nf (persona) Hebrew.
harapo nm rag, tatter.
P nm hebreo (idioma) Hebrew.
hardware nm hardware.
hechicera nf 1 (arte) sorcery, witchharn nm harem.
craft. 2 (hechizo) spell, charm.
harina nf flour.
hechicero,-a nm & nf (hombre) sorcerer,
hartar vt 1 (atiborrar) to satiate, fill up.
wizard; (mujer) sorceress, witch.
2 fig (deseo, etc) to satisfy. 3 (fastidiar) to
vt 1 (embrujar) cast a spell on.
annoy, irritate: me harta con sus tonte
2 fig (cautivar) to charm, bewitch.
ras his silly remarks get on muy nerves.
hechizo nm 1 (embrujo) charm, spell. 2
4 (cansar) to tire, bore.
fig (embelesamiento) fascination,
P vpr hartarse 1 (atiborrarse) to eat
one's fill, stuff os. 2 (cansarse) to get
fed up (de, with), get tired (de, of): hecho,-a adj 1 (carne) done. 2 (persona)
mature. 3 (frase, expresin) set. 4 (ropa)
me hart de esperarla I got tired of waitready-made. l o c muy hecho,-a 1 (caring for her. l o c hasta hartarse to rene) well-cooked. 2 (pasada) overpletion.
done. y ser un hombre hecho y derecho
harto,-a adj 1 (repleto) full, satiated. 2
to be a real man.
fam (cansado) tired (de, of), fed up (de,
P nm hecho 1 (realidad) fact. 2 (suceso)
event. l o c de hecho in fact.
hasta prep 1 (tiempo) until, till, up to:
hasta el sbado until Saturday; desde las hectrea nf hectare.
diez hasta las dos from ten to two. 2 (lu- hectogramo nm hectogramme.
gar) as far as, up to, down to. 3 (canti- hectolitro nm hectolitre.
dad) up to, as many as. 4 (incluso) hectmetro nm hectometre.
even: hasta sabe escribir she even knows
how to write. 5 (como despedida) see hediondo,-a adj (apestoso) stinking,
foul-smelling, smelly.
you: hasta maana! see you tomorrow!
hedor nm stink, stench.
l o c desde... hasta... from... to... y
hasta cundo? until when?, how helada nf meteor frost.
heladera nf ice-cream parlour.
long? y hasta que until.
helado,-a adj 1 (gen) frozen: estoy hela
hastiar vt to bore.
P vpr hastiarse to get sick (de, of), get
do I'm frozen. 2 (muy fro) icy, freezing
tired (de, of).
cold. 3 (caf, t) iced.



helado ice-cream. l o c dejar a algn

helado,-a to stun sb.
helador,-ra adj icy, freezing.
helar vt (congelar) to freeze.
P vi [slo se usa en tercera persona; no lleva
sujeto] meteor to freeze: anoche hel it
P nm

froze last night.

helarse 1 (congelarse) to freeze: el

estanque se ha helado the pond has frozen over. 2 (persona) to freeze, freeze
to death: me estoy helando I'm freezing.
helecho nm fern.
hlice nf 1 (espiral) helix. 2 (propulsor)
P vpr

herbolario,-a nm & nf (persona) herbalist.

nm herbolario (tienda) herbalist's


herboristera nf herbalist's (shop).

hercio nm hertz.
heredad nf (terreno) country estate.
heredar vt 1 to inherit. 2 fig to inher-

it: ha heredado los ojos de su padre he's got

his father's eyes.
heredero,-a nm & nf (hombre) heir; (mujer) heiress.
hereditario,-a adj hereditary.
hereje nm o nf heretic.
helicptero nm helicopter.
hereja nf heresy.
helio nm helium.
herencia nf 1 inheritance, legacy. 2
helipuerto nm heliport.
(gentica) heredity.
hertico,-a adj heretical.
hematoma nm bruise.
hembra nf 1 (animal) female. 2 (mujer) herida nf wound.
woman. 3 tc female.
herido,-a adj 1 (fsicamente) wounded,
injured, hurt: el nio result herido the
hemeroteca nf newspaper library.
boy was injured. 2 fig (emocionalmente)
hemiciclo nm (parlamento) floor.
hurt, wounded. l o c herido,-a de gra
hemisferio nm hemisphere.
vedad badly injured.
hemorragia nf haemorrhage. c o m p
P nm & nf wounded person, injured
hemorragia nasal nosebleed.
hemorroide nf haemorrhoid.
herir vt 1 (daar) to wound, injure,
P nf pl hemorroides piles, haemorhurt. 2 fig (ofender) to hurt, offend.
adj hermaphrodite.
henchir vt (llenar) to fill ( de, with),
hermanado,-a adj (ciudad, pueblo)
stuff (de, with), cram (de, with).
hender vt (cortar) to cleave, split,
hermanar vt 1 (unir) to unite, join. 2
(combinar) to combine. 3 (personas) to
hendidura nf cleft, crack.
unite spiritually. 4 (ciudades) to twin.
heno nm hay.
hermanastro,-a nm & nf (hombre) stephepatitis nf inv hepatitis.
brother; (mujer) stepsister.
heptaedro nm heptahedron.
hermandad nf (de hermanos) fraternity,
heptagonal adj heptagonal.
brotherhood; (de hermanas) fraternity,
heptgono,-a adj heptagonal.
P nm heptgono heptagon.
hermano,-a nm & nf (hombre) brother;
herldica nf heraldry.
(mujer) sister: cuntos hermanos tienes?
herbario,-a adj herbal.
how many brothers and sisters have
P nm & nf (botnico) botanist.
you got?
P nm herbario (coleccin) herbarium.
hermtico,-a adj 1 hermetic, airtight.
herbicida nm weedkiller, herbicide.
2 fig impenetrable, secretive.
herbvoro,-a adj herbivorous, grass- hermoso,-a adj 1 (gen) beautiful,
lovely: hace un da hermoso it's a lovely
P nm & nf herbivore.
day. 2 (hombre) handsome.



hermosura adj (cualidad - de mujer, lugar)

hidroelctrico,-a adj hydroelectric.

beauty, loveliness; (- de hombre) hidrgeno nm hydrogen.
hidromasaje c o m p baera de hidroma
P nf 1 (mujer hermosa) beautiful womsaje Jacuzzi, whirlpool bath.
an, beauty. 2 (persona, cosa) beautiful hidroterapia nf hydrotherapy.
hiedra nf ivy.
hernia nf hernia, rupture.
hiel nf 1 bile. 2 fig bitterness, gall.
hroe nm hero.
hielo nm 1 ice. 2 fig (frialdad) coldness.
heroicamente adv heroically.
c o m p cubito de hielo ice cube.
heroico,-a adj heroic.
hiena nf hyaena, hyena.
herona nf 1 (mujer) heroine. 2 (droga) hiertico,-a adj (rgido) rigid.
hierba nf 1 grass. 2 culin herb. c o m p
herosmo nm heroism.
finas hierbas mixed herbs.
herpes nm inv herpes, shingles.
hierbabuena nf mint.
herradura nf horseshoe.
hierro nm (metal) iron. c o m p hierro forja
herraje nm iron fittings pl, ironwork.
do wrought iron. y hierro fundido
herramienta nf tool.
cast iron.
herrar vt (caballo) to shoe.
hgado nm liver.
herrera nf 1 (fbrica) ironworks pl. 2 higiene nf hygiene.
(taller) forge, smithy, blacksmith's.
higinico,-a adj hygienic.
herrero nm blacksmith, smith.
higo nm fig. l o c de higos a brevas fig
herrumbre nf (xido) rust.
once in a blue moon. c o m p higo
hervir vt to boil.
chumbo prickly pear.
P vi 1 to boil: el agua ya hierve the water
higuera nf fig tree.
is boiling. 2 fig (el mar) to surge.
hijastro,-a nm & nf (nio, nia) stepchild;
hervor nm boiling, bubbling. l o c dar
(hijo) stepson; (hija) stepdaughter.
un hervor a algo to blanch sth.
hijo,-a nm & nf (nio, nia) child; (chico)
heterogneo,-a adj heterogeneous.
son; (chica) daughter: tiene dos hijos y
heterosexual adj heterosexual.
dos hijas he has two sons and two
P nm o nf heterosexual.
daughters. c o m p hijo,-a nico,-a 1 (nio,
hexaedro nm hexahedron.
nia) only child. 2 (chico) only son. 3
hexagonal adj hexagonal.
(chica) only daughter.
hexgono nm hexagon.
P nm pl hijos children: tiene cuatro hijos
hexmetro nm hexameter.
she has four children.
hiato nm hiatus.
hilacha nf 1 (hilacho) loose thread. 2
hibernacin nf hibernation.
(resto) rest.
hibernar vi to hibernate.
hilado,-a adj spun.
P nm hilado 1 (operacin) spinning.
hibisco nm hibiscus.
2 (hilo) thread.
hbrido,-a adj hybrid.
P nm & nf hybrid.
hilandera nf 1 (arte) spinning. 2 (fbrica) spinning mill.
hidalgo,-a nm nobleman.
hilandero,-a nm & nf spinner.
hidratante adj moisturizing.
hidratar vt 1 to hydrate. 2 (piel) to hilar vt 1 to spin. 2 fig to work out.
hilarante adj hilarious.
hidrulico,-a adj hydraulic.
hilaridad nf fml hilarity, mirth.
hdrico,-a adj hydric.
hilatura nf 1 (arte) spinning. 2 (industria)
spinning mill.
hidroavin nm seaplane.
hidrocarburo nm hydrocarbon.
hilera nf (lnea) line, row.



hilo nm 1 thread; (grueso) yarn. 2 (lino)

hipocondraco,-a adj hypochondrilinen. 3 (alambre, cable) wire. 4 fig (de

luz) thread, thin beam; (de lquido) hipocresa nf hypocrisy.
trickle, thin stream. 5 fig (de historia, hipcrita adj hypocritical.
discurso) thread; (de pensamiento) train.
P nm o nf hypocrite.
l o c estar pendiente de un hilo fig to
hipdromo nm racetrack, racebe hanging by a thread. y mover los
hilos fig to pull the strings. y perder el hipoptamo nm hippopotamus.
hilo fig to lose the thread.
hipoteca nf mortgage.
hilvanar vt 1 to tack, baste. 2 fig to
hipotecar vt to mortgage.
put together, outline.
hipotecario,-a adj mortgage.
himno nm hymn. c o m p
hipotensin nf low blood pressure.
hincapi l o c hacer hincapi (insistir) to
insist on. (subrayar) to emphasize hipotenso,-a adj hypotensive.
hipotenusa nf hypotenuse.
(en, -), stress (en, -).
hiptesis nf inv hypothesis.
hincar vt (clavar) to drive (in).
hipottico,-a adj hypothetic, hypohincha nm o nf dep fan, supporter.
hinchado,-a adj 1 (inflado) blown up. 2
hippie adj hippy.
(piel) swollen, puffed up.
P nm o nf hippy.
hinchar vt 1 (inflar) to blow up; (con
bomba) to pump up: hinchar un globo to hiriente adj 1 wounding. 2 fig hurtful, cutting, wounding.
blow up a balloon. 2 fig (exagerar) to
hirsuto,-a adj 1 hairy; (cerdoso) bristly.
blow up.
2 fig (persona) rough, brusque, surly.
P vpr hincharse 1 med to swell (up): se
me ha hinchado el pie my foot has swol- hispnico,-a adj Hispanic, Spanish.
hispano,-a adj 1 (de Espaa) Spanish,
len up. 2 fam (comer) to stuff os.
Hispanic. 2 (de Amrica) Spanishhinchazn nf swelling, inflation.
hind adj Hindu.
P nm & nf 1 (de Espaa) Spaniard. 2 (de
P nm o nf Hindu.
Amrica) Spanish American, us Hishinduismo nm Hinduism.
hinojo nm bot fennel.
hipar vi (tener hipo) to hiccup, have the hispanoamericano,-a adj Spanish
American, Latin American.
Hispanoamrica nf Spanish Amerihiperactivo,-a adj hyperactive.
ca, Latin America.
hipermercado nm hypermarket.
hispanohablante adj Spanish-speakhipersensible adj hypersensitive.
hipertensin nf high blood pressure.
P nm o nf Spanish speaker.
hipertenso,-a adj hypertensive.
histeria nf hysteria.
P nm & nf hypertensive.
histrico,-a adj hysterical.
hpica nf horse riding.
P nm & nf hys t er i c. l o c poner
hpico,-a adj horse, equestrian.
histrico,-a a algn fam to drive sb
hipnosis nf inv hypnosis.
hipntico,-a adj hypnotic.
histerismo nm hysteria.
hipnotismo nm hypnotism.
historia nf 1 (estudio) history. 2 (narrahipnotizador,-ra adj hypnotizing.
cin) story, tale. l o c pasar a la historia
P nm & nf hypnotist.
to go down in history. c o m p historia
natural natural history. y historia uni
hipnotizar vt to hypnotize.
versal world history.
hipo nm hiccup. l o c
quitar el hipo fig
historiado,-a adj fig overelaborate.
to take one's breath away.



historiador,-ra nm & nf historian.

historial nm 1 med medical record,

case history. 2 (currculo) curriculum

historiar vt 1 (contar) to tell the story
of; (acontecimientos) to recount. 2 (escribir) to write the history of.
histrico,-a adj 1 (relativo a la historia)
historical. 2 (importante) historic,
memorable. 3 (cierto) factual, true.
historieta nf 1 (cuento) short story, anecdote. 2 (vietas) comic strip.
hito nm 1 (mojn) milestone. 2 fig (hecho
importante) milestone, landmark.
hobby nm hobby.
hocico nm (de animal) snout, muzzle.
hockey nm hockey. c o m p hockey sobre
hielo ice hockey.
hogar nm 1 (de chimenea) hearth, fireplace. 2 fig (casa) home. 3 fig (familia)
hogareo,-a adj 1 (vida) family. 2 (persona) home-loving, stay-at-home.
hogaza nf large loaf (of bread).
hoguera nf 1 bonfire. 2 fig blaze.
hoja nf 1 (gen) leaf. 2 (ptalo) petal. 3 (de
papel) sheet. 4 (de libro) leaf, page. 5
(de cuchillo, etc) blade. 6 (de puerta, ventana) leaf: una ventana de dos hojas a double-leaf window. l o c de hoja perenne
bot evergreen. y c o m p hoja de afeitar
razor blade.
hojalata nf tin, tin plate.
hojalatera nf (taller, tienda) tinsmith's.
hojalatero nm tinsmith.
hojaldrado,-a adj puff: pasta hojaldrada
puff pastry.

holandesa nf (papel) quarto sheet.

holgado,-a adj 1 (ropa) loose. 2 (espacio) roomy. 3 (posicin) comfortable.

holgar vi 1 (descansar) to rest. 2 (estar

ocioso) to be idle. l o c huelga decir

que... needless to say (that)...
holgazn,-ana adj idle, lazy.
P nm & nf lazybones, layabout.
holgazanear vi to laze around.
holgazanera nf idleness, laziness.
holgura nf 1 (ropa) looseness. 2 (espacio) room, spaciousness. 3 fig (bienestar) affluence, comfort.
hollar vt (comprimir) to tread (on).
holln nm soot.
holocausto nm holocaust.
hombre nm 1 (individuo) man. 2 (especie)
man, mankind. 3 fam (marido) husband.
P interj (asombro) hey!, hey there!,
well!: hombre, Pedro, no te esperaba! hey,
Pedro, I didn't expect you! c o m p hombre
orquesta one-man band. y hombre ra
na frogman.
hombrera nf shoulder pad.
hombra nm manliness, virility.
hombro nm shoulder. l o c a hombros
on one's shoulders. y arrimar el hom
bro to help out, lend a hand.
hombruno,-a adj mannish, manly.
homenaje nm homage, tribute. l o c
en homenaje a in honour of. y rendir
homenaje a algn to pay tribute to sb.
homenajear vt to pay tribute to.
homeopata nf homeopathy.
homicida adj homicidal, murder: el
arma homicida the murder weapon.
P nm o nf (hombre) murderer; (mujer)
hojaldre nm & nf [suele utilizarse ms comurderess.
mo masculino] puff pastry.
hojarasca nf dead leaves pl.
homicidio nm homicide, murder.
hojeada nf flick.
homnido nm hominid, hominoid.
hojear vt to leaf through.
homogneo,-a adj homogeneous.
hola interj fam hello!, hullo!, us hi!
homologado,-a adj 1 (centro, estudios)
officially approved, officially recHolanda nf Holland.
ognized. 2 (productos) authorized.
holands,-esa adj Dutch.
homologar vt (comprobar) to approve,
P nm & nf (persona) Dutch person;
recognize, authorize.
(hombre) Dutchman; (mujer) Dutchwoman.
homosexual adj homosexual.
P nm holands (idioma) Dutch.
P nm o nf homosexual.



homosexualidad nf homosexuality.
honda nf sling.
hondo,-a adj 1 deep. 2 fig profound.
hondonada nf hollow, depression.
hondura nf depth.
Honduras nm Honduras.
hondureo,-a adj Honduran.

hour. c o m p hora de comer lunch time,

dinner time. y hora punta rush hour.
horadar vt 1 (perforar) to pierce. 2 (taladrar) to bore (through).
horario,-a adj time.
P nm horario 1 timetable. 2 (jornada laboral) hours pl, timetable: tengo horario
de maana I work mornings. c o m p hora
P nm & nf Honduran.
rio comercial (tienda) opening hours pl.
honestidad nf 1 (honradez) honesty,
horario laboral working hours pl.
uprightness. 2 (decencia) decency.
honesto,-a adj 1 (honrado) honest, up- horca nf 1 (patbulo) gallows pl, gibbet.
2 agr hayfork, pitchfork.
right. 2 (decente) decent.
l o c a horcajadas astride.
hongo nm (gen) fungus; (comestible)
horchata nf sweet milky drink made
mushroom; (venenoso) toadstool.
from tiger nuts or almonds.
honor nm (virtud) honour. l o c en honor
a la verdad to be fair, in all fairness. y horchatera nf bar where horchata is
hacer honor a to live up to.
horda nf 1 horde, mob. 2 fig gang.
P nm pl honores (agasajo) honours.
horizontal adj horizontal.
honorable adj honourable.
horizonte nm horizon.
honorario,-a adj honorary.
horma nf 1 mould. 2 (de zapato) last.
P nm pl honorarios fees.
hormiga nf ant.
honorfico,-a adj honorary.
honra nf 1 (honor) honour. 2 (buena repu- hormign nm concrete. c o m p hormi
gn armado reinforced concrete.
tacin) reputation, good name.
P nf pl honras (fnebres) last honours.
hormigonera nf concrete mixer.
hormiguear vi to itch, tingle: me hor
honradez nf honesty, integrity.
migueaba la mano I had pins and needles
honrado,-a adj (honesto) honest.
in my hand.
honrar vt (gen) to honour: nos honr con
su presencia he honoured us with his hormigueo nm pins and needles pl.
hormiguero nm ant hill, ant's nest.
P vpr honrarse to be honoured.
hormona nf hormone.
honroso,-a adj 1 (que honra) honoura- hormonal adj hormonal.
ble. 2 (decoroso) respectable.
hornacina nf niche.
hora nf 1 (unidad de tiempo) hour: media hornada nf 1 batch. 2 fig set, batch.
hora half an hour. 2 (tiempo) time: qu hornear vt to bake.
hora es? what time is it? 3 (cita) appoint- hornillo nm 1 tc small furnace. 2 (pament: tengo hora para las cuatro y media
ra cocinar) stove.
I have an appointment at half past four.
nm 1 (de cocina) oven. 2 tc furl o c a altas horas in the small hours. y
nace. 3 (cermica, ladrillos) kiln. 4 (panaa buenas horas! and about time too!
dera) bakery. c o m p horno (de) mi
y a la hora at the proper time, on
croondas microwave oven. y horno
time. y a primera hora first thing in
elctrico electric oven.
the morning. y dar la hora to strike
the hour. y de ltima hora last- horscopo nm horoscope.
minute: una noticia de ltima hora some horquilla nf (de pelo) hairgrip, hairclip.
last-minute news. y pedir hora to make horrendo,-a adj horrible, awful.
por horas by the hrreo nm granary.
an appointment. y
hour: cobro por horas I get paid by the horrible adj horrible, awful.



horripilante adj hair-raising, horrify-

hoyo nm 1 (agujero) hole, pit. 2 (sepultura) grave.

ing, terrifying.
hoyuelo nm dimple.
horripilar vt to horrify, scare stiff.
horror nm 1 (repulsin) horror, terror. 2 hoz1 nf agr sickle.
(temor) hate. 3 fig (atrocidad) atrocity. hoz2 nf geog ravine, gorge.
l o c qu horror! how awful!
hucha nf moneybox, piggy bank.
horrorizar vt (causar horror) to horrify, hueco,-a adj 1 hollow: pared hueca holterrify.
low wall, stud wall. 2 (vaco) empty. 3
P vpr horrorizarse to be horrified.
(cncavo) concave.
horroroso,-a adj 1 (que causa miedo)
P nm hueco 1 (cavidad) hollow, hole. 2
horrifying. 2 fam (feo) hideous.
(de tiempo) slot, free time; (de espacio)
empty space. 3 fig (vacante) vacancy.
hortaliza nf vegetable.
hortelano,-a nm & nf market garden- huelga nf strike. l o c estar en huelga /
estar de huelga to be on strike. c o m p
huelga de brazos cados go-slow. y
hortensia nf hydrangea.
huelga de celo work-to-rule. y huelga
hortera adj fam common, tasteless.
general general strike. y huelga de
hortcola adj horticultural.
hambre hunger strike.
horticultor,-ra nm & nf horticulturist.
. Consulta tambin holgar.
horticultura nf horticulture.
hosco,-a adj 1 (insociable) sullen, surly. huelguista nm o nf striker.
2 (lugar) gloomy, dark.
huella nf 1 (de pie) footprint; (de ruedas)
hospedaje nm 1 (accin) lodging; (pretrack. 2 fig (vestigio) trace, sign: las hue
cio) cost of lodging. 2 (lugar) lodgings
llas del tiempo the traces of time. l o c de
pl, accommodation.
jar huella to leave one's mark ( en,
hospedar vt to lodge, put up.
on). c o m p huella dactilar fingerprint.
P vpr hospedarse to stay (en, at).
hurfano,-a adj orphan, orphaned.
hospicio nm 1 (de hurfanos) orphanage.
P nm & nf orphan.
2 (de pobres) poorhouse.
huerta nf (terreno) market garden.
hospital nm hospital, infirmary.
huerto nm (de verduras) vegetable garhospitalidad nf hospitality.
den; (de frutas) orchard.
hospitalizar vt to send into hospital, hueso nm 1 anat bone. 2 (de fruta) stone,
us pit. 3 fam fig (cosa difcil) struggle,
hostal nm hostel, hotel.
problem: las ciencias son un hueso para m
(me cuestan mucho) I find sciences really
hostelera nf catering.
hard. l o c ser un hueso duro de roer fig
hostia nf 1 rel host. 2 tab (choque)
to be a hard nut to crack.
bump, bash; (torta) slap, punch.
hostigar vt 1 (azotar) to whip. 2 fig husped,-da nm & nf (invitado) guest.
hueste nf [tambin se usa en plural con el
(perseguir) to plague, persecute.
mismo significado] mil army, host.
hostil adj hostile.
huesudo,-a adj bony.
hostilidad nf hostility.
hueva nf roe, spawn.
P nf pl hostilidades hostilities.
huevera nf 1 (copa) egg cup. 2 (cartn)
hotel nm (establecimiento) hotel.
egg box.
hotelero,-a adj hotel.
huevera nf egg shop.
P nm & nf hotel manager, hotelier.
hoy adv 1 (da) today. 2 fig (actualmente) huevero,-a nm & nf (persona) egg seller.
now, nowadays. l o c de hoy en ade huevo nm egg. c o m p huevo duro hardon. y hoy (en) da
lante from now
boiled egg. y huevo frito fried egg. y
huevo pasado por agua soft-boiled egg.
nowadays, today, these days.


huida nf flight, escape.

huidizo,-a adj fleeting, elusive.
huir vi 1 (escapar) to flee, run away. 2


humor nm 1 (nimo) mood. 2 (carcter)

temper. 3 (gracia) humour. l o c estar

de buen humor to be in a good
(evitar) to avoid (de, -).
humorada nf joke, witticism.
hule nm oilcloth, oilskin.
humorismo nm humour.
hulla nf coal.
humanidad nf 1 (gnero humano) hu- humorista adj humorous.
P nm o nf (cmico) comedian.
manity, mankind. 2 (cualidad) huhumorstico,-a adj humorous.
manity, humaneness.
humus nm inv humus.
P nf pl humanidades educ humanities.
hundible adj sinkable.
humanismo nm humanism.
hundido,-a adj 1 (barco, etc) sunken.
humanista nm o nf humanist.
2 (ojos) deep-set; (mejillas) hollow.
humanstico,-a adj humanistic.
hundimiento nm 1 (barco) sinking. 2
humanitario,-a adj humanitarian.
(tierra) subsidence. 3 (edificio) collapse.
humanizar vt to humanize.
hundir vt 1 (sumir) plunge: hundi la ma
P vpr humanizarse to become more
no en la arena she plunged her hand into
the sand. 2 (barco) to sink. 3 (derrumbar)
humano,-a adj 1 human. 2 (benigno)
to demolish, ruin: el terremoto hundi
el edificio the earthquake caused the
humareda nf cloud of smoke.
building to collapse.
P vpr hundirse 1 (barco) to sink. 2 (dehumeante adj 1 (de humo) smoky,
rrumbarse) to collapse, fall down.
smoking. 2 (de vaho) steaming.
humear vi 1 (humo) to smoke. 2 (vaho) hngaro,-a adj Hungarian.
P nm & nf (persona) Hungarian.
to steam.
P nm hngaro (idioma) Hungarian.
humectante adj moistening.
humedad nf 1 humidity. 2 (de vapor) Hungra nf Hungary.
huracn nm hurricane.
huracanado,-a adj hurricane: vientos
humedecer vt to moisten, dampen.
huracanados hurricane winds.
P vpr humedecerse to become moist.
adj sullen, unsociable.
hmedo,-a adj 1 (clima) humid, damp.
hurgar vt 1 (remover) to poke, rake. 2
2 (impregnado) damp, moist, wet.
(bolsillo, bolso, etc) to rummage in.
hmero nm humerus.
P vpr hurgarse to pick.
humidificador nm humidifier.
hurn,-ona nm (animal) ferret.
humidificar vt to humidify.
hurra interj hurray!, hurrah!
humildad nf humility, humbleness.
hurraca nf magpie.
humilde adj humble, modest.
hurtadillas l o c a hurtadillas stealthihumildemente adv humbly.
ly, on the sly.
humillacin nf humiliation.
hurtar vt (robar) to steal, pilfer.
humillante adj humiliating.
hurto nm petty theft, pilfering.
humillar vt to humiliate, humble.
husmeador,-ra adj 1 (con la nariz) sniffP vpr humillarse to humble os.
ing. 2 fig (fisgn) prying.
humo nm 1 smoke. 2 (gas) fumes pl. 3 husmear vt 1 (con el olfato) to sniff,
(vapor) steam.
scent. 2 fig (indagar) to pry (en, into).
P vi 1 to sniff. 2 fig to snoop around.
P nm pl humos fig airs. l o c bajarle los
humos a algn fig to put sb in his/her huso nm (para hilar) spindle, bobbin.
c o m p huso horario time zone.

I, i nf (la letra) I, i.


i griega name of the letter y. y i latina

name of the letter i.
ibrico,-a adj Iberian.
bero,-a adj Iberian.
P nm & nf (persona) Iberian.
iberoamericano,-a adj Latin Americomp

idiota adj 1
P nm


idiotic. 2 fam (tonto)

o nf idiot.

idiotez nf 1 med idiocy. 2 (estupidez) stupid thing to say, stupid thing to do.

idiotizar vt to turn into an idiot.

ido,-a adj 1 (loco) mad. 2 (despistado) ab-

sent-minded. l o c estar ido,-a 1 fam

(loco) to be mad. 2 (despistado) to be
& nf Latin American.
miles away.
iceberg nm iceberg.
idolatrar vt 1 to worship. 2 fig to
icono nm icon.
ida nf (accin) going; (salida) departure. dolo nm idol.
l o c de ida sola single. y de ida y vuelta
idneo,-a adj suitable.
(billete) return.
iglesia nf 1 (edificio) church. 2 (institucin)
idea nf 1 idea. 2 (nocin) notion. 3 (ingeChurch.
nio) imagination.
igl nm igloo.
ideal adj ideal.
ignorancia nf ignorance.
P nm ideal.
ignorante adj ignorant.
idealismo nm idealism.
P nm o nf ignoramus.
idealista adj idealistic.
ignorar vt 1 (desconocer) not to know, not
P nm o nf idealist.
be aware of. 2 (no hacer caso) to ignore.
idealizar vt to idealize.
igual adj 1 (parte) equal. 2 (lo mismo) the
same. 3 (muy parecido) just like.
idear vt 1 (concebir) to conceive. 2 (invenP nm (persona) equal.
tar) to design.
P adv 1 (en comparativas) the same. 2
ideario nm ideology.
fam maybe, perhaps: igual no vienen
idntico,-a adj identical.
they may well not come.
identidad nf identity. c o m p carnet de
igualar vt 1 to make equal. 2 (allanar)
identidad identity card.
to level; (pulir) to smooth. 3 (comparar)
identificar vt to identify.
to match: no hay nadie que lo iguale noP vpr identificarse (solidarizarse) to
body can match him, he has no equal.
identify (con, with).
P vpr igualarse 1 (ser iguales) to be
ideologa nf ideology.
equal. 2 (compararse) to be compared.
idelogo,-a nm & nf ideologist.
igualdad nf equality.
idlico,-a adj idyllic.
iguana nf iguana.
idilio nm 1 lit idyll. 2 fam romance.
ilegal adj illegal.
idioma nm language.
ilegalidad nf illegality.
idiosincrasia nf idiosyncrasy.
ilegible adj unreadable, illegible.

P nm



ilegtimo,-a adj illegitimate.

ileso,-a adj unharmed, unhurt.

imbcil adj 1 med (retrasado) imbecile.


salir ileso,-a to escape unharmed.

iletrado,-a adj illiterate.
ilcito,-a adj unlawful, illicit.
ilimitado,-a adj unlimited.
ilgico,-a adj illogical.
iluminacin nf (de una sala) lighting;

(de una feria) illumination; (de una pelcula, un espectculo) lighting.

iluminar vt to light, light up.
ilusin nf 1 (no real) illusion. 2 (esperanza) hope. 3 (emocin) excitement.
ilusionado,-a adj excited.
ilusionar vt 1 (crear ilusiones) to raise
hopes. 2 (entusiasmar) to excite.
P vpr ilusionarse 1 (esperanzarse) to
build up one's hopes. 2 (entusiasmarse)
to be excited (con, about).
ilusionismo nm conjuring.
ilusionista nm o nf conjurer, illusionist.
iluso,-a adj naive, gullible.
ilustracin nf 1 (de un texto) illustration. 2 (erudicin) learning. 3 la Ilustra
cin hist the Enlightenment.
ilustrado,-a adj 1 (texto) illustrated. 2
(culto) learned. 3 hist of the Enlightenment.
ilustrar vt 1 (texto) to illustrate. 2 (instruir) to enlighten.
ilustre adj 1 (clebre) renowned, illustrious. 2 (distinguido) distinguished.
imagen nf 1 image. 2 tv picture. l o c
ser la viva imagen de algn to be the
spitting image of sb.
imaginacin nf imagination, fantasy.
imaginar vt 1 (gen) to imagine. 2 (idear)
to devise, think up.

2 fam stupid, imbecile.

P nm o nf 1 med imbecile. 2 fam idiot.
imbecilidad nf 1 med imbecility. 2

fam stupid thing to do.

imberbe adj beardless.

imborrable adj indelible.
imbuir vt to imbue.
imitacin nf 1 (copia) imitation. 2 (parodia) impression.

imitador,-ra adj imitative.

P nm & nf


1 imitator. 2 (cmico) impres-

imitar vt to copy, imitate; (gestos) to

mimic; (persona) to mimic, do an impression of.

impaciencia nf impatience.
impacientar vt to make lose one's
patience, exasperate.
P vpr impacientarse to get impatient.
impaciente adj impatient, anxious.
impactado,-a adj impacted.
impactante adj striking, powerful.
impactar vt 1 (fsicamente) to hit. 2 (impresionar) to make an impression on:
esa escena me impact mucho that scene
made a deep impression on me.
impacto nm 1 (choque) impact. 2 (marca)
mark; (agujero) hole.
impar adj odd.
imparable adj unstoppable.
imparcial adj impartial, fair.
imparcialidad nf impartiality.
impartir vt (leccin) to give.
impasible adj impassive.
impvido,-a adj dauntless.
impecable adj impeccable, faultless.
impedido,-a adj disabled.
P nm & nf disabled person.
impedimento nm impediment, ob. Tambin se usa la forma imaginarse,
sobre todo en el lenguaje coloquial.
impedir vt (hacer imposible) to prevent,
imaginario,-a adj imaginary.
stop: hay algo que te lo impida? is there
imaginativo,-a adj imaginative.
anything stopping you?
imn1 nm magnet.
impeler vt to drive forward, propel.
imn2 nm rel imam.
impenetrable adj impenetrable.
imantar vt to magnetize.
impensable adj unthinkable.
imbatible adj unbeatable.
imperar vi to rule, prevail.

imperativo,-a adj imperative.


imperativo ling imperative.

imperceptible adj imperceptible.
imperdible nm safety pin.
imperdonable adj unforgivable.
imperfeccin nf 1 imperfection. 2
P nm

impopular adj unpopular.

importacin nf 1 (accin) importation,
import. 2 (productos) imports pl.

importancia nf importance.
importante adj 1 (gen) important; (por

su gravedad) serious; (por su cantidad)

(defecto) defect, fault.
imperfecto,-a adj 1 imperfect. 2 ling importar vt 1 com (traer de fuera) to imimperfect.
port. 2 (valer) to amount to.
P nm imperfecto imperfect.
P vi 1 (tener importancia) to matter. 2
imperialismo nm imperialism.
(molestar) to mind.
imperio nm empire.
importe nm (gen) price, cost.
imperioso,-a adj 1 (autoritario) imperi- importunar vt (molestar) to pester.
ous. 2 (necesario) urgent, pressing.
imposible adj impossible.
impermeabilizar vt to waterproof.
imposicin nf (gen) imposition.
impermeable adj waterproof.
impostor,-ra nm & nf 1 (farsante) imP nm raincoat.
postor. 2 (difamador) slanderer.
impersonal adj impersonal.
impotencia nf impotence.
impertrrito,-a adj imperturbable.
impotente adj impotent.
impertinencia nf 1 impertinence. 2 impreciso,-a adj imprecise, vague.
(palabras) impertinent remark.
impredecible adj (persona) unpredictimpertinente adj impertinent.
able; (circunstancia) unforeseeable.
P nm pl impertinentes lorgnette sing.
imprenta nf 1 (arte) printing. 2 (taller)
imperturbable adj imperturbable.
printer's, printing house.
mpetu nm 1 (fuerza) vigour; (entusias- imprescindible adj essential, indismo) enthusiasm; (energa) energy. 2
(impulso) impetus; (fuerza) force.
nf 1 (en imprenta) printing. 2
impetuoso,-a adj 1 (persona) impetu(huella) impression, imprint. 3 fig
ous. 2 (viento) violent.
(efecto) impression; (negativo) shock.
implacable adj implacable, relentimpresionable adj impressionable.
implantar vt 1 to introduce. 2 med to impresionante adj 1 (admirable) impressive. 2 fam (gen) incredible; (enorimplant.
implante nm implant.
implicar vt 1 (conllevar) to imply. 2 (in- impresionar vt 1 (causar admiracin) to
impress: me impresion el paisaje the
volucrar) to involve (en, in).
scenery impressed me. 2 (afectar) to afimplcito,-a adj implicit.
fect; (inquietar) to disturb.
implorar vt to implore, entreat, beg.
impresionismo nm impressionism.
impoluto,-a adj spotless.
imponderable adj (factor) impondera- impresionista adj impressionist.
P nm o nf impressionist.
ble; (valor) incalculable.
adj printed.
imponente adj impressive.
P nm impreso (formulario) form.
imponer vt 1 (ley, lmite, sancin) to imimpresor,-ra nm & nf (persona) printer.
pose. 2 (respeto) to inspire.
impresora nf (mquina) printer.
P vi (asustar) to be frightening.
imprevisible adj (hecho) unforeseeaP vpr imponerse 1 to impose one's
ble; (persona) unpredictable.
2 (obligarse) to force
authority (a, on).
imprevisto,-a adj unexpected.
os to. 3 (prevalecer) to prevail.

P nm

pl imprevistos (gastos) incidental


imprimir vt 1 (gen) to print. 2 (dejar hue-


inanimado,-a adj inanimate, lifeless.

inapreciable adj 1 (insignificante) imper-

ceptible. 2 (valioso) invaluable.

lla) to stamp. 3 fig (grabar) to fix.
inaudible adj inaudible.
improbable adj improbable, unlikely. inaudito,-a adj (nunca odo) unheard-of.
improductivo,-a adj unproductive.
inauguracin nf opening, inauguraimproperio nm insult.
impropio,-a adj (inadecuado) unsuita- inaugurar vt to inaugurate, open.
ble, inappropriate. l o c ser impropio,- inca adj Inca.
a de algn not to be worthy of sb.
P nm o nf Inca.
improvisado,-a adj (gen) improvised. incalculable adj incalculable.
improvisar vt to improvise.
incalificable adj (intolerable) unspeakaP vi to improvise.
improviso l o c de improviso suddenly, incandescente adj incandescent.
incansable adj tireless.
imprudencia nf 1 (falta de prudencia) incapacidad nf 1 (gen) incapacity, incarelessness. 2 (accin imprudente) rash
ability. 2 (insuficiencia) disability.
move; (indiscrecin) indiscretion.
incapacitado,-a adj (fsicamente) disaimprudente adj careless.
bled; (mentalmente) incapacitated, unfit.
P nm o nf (imprudente) careless person;
incapacitar vt 1 (impedir) to incapaci(indiscreto) indiscreet person.
impdico,-a adj (indecente) immodest, incapaz adj 1 incapable (de, of). 2 (inindecent.
competente) incompetent.
impuesto,-a nm impuesto tax, duty.
incauto,-a adj (crdulo) gullible.
impugnar vt 1 (resultado) to contest. 2
P nm & nf gullible person.
(teora) to refute.
incendiar vt to set on fire, set fire to.
impulsar vt 1 to impel. 2 tc to drive
P vpr incendiarse to catch fire.
forward. 3 (incitar) to drive.
incendiario,-a adj incendiary.
impulsivo,-a adj impulsive.
P nm & nf arsonist.
P nm & nf impulsive person.
incendio nm fire.
impulso nm 1 impulse. 2 (fuerza, veloci- incentivo nm incentive.
dad) momentum.
incertidumbre nf uncertainty.
impune adj unpunished.
incesto nm incest.
impunidad nf impunity.
incestuoso,-a adj incestuous.
impureza nf impurity.
incidente nm incident, event.
impuro,-a adj impure.
incidir vi incidir en 1 (repercutir en) to
imputacin nf accusation.
have an effect on, affect. 2 (incurrir en)
imputar vt to impute.
to fall into. 3 (tratar) to touch upon;
inabarcable adj huge, vast.
(insistir en) to stress.
inaccesible adj inaccessible.
incienso nm incense.
inaceptable adj unacceptable.
incierto,-a adj uncertain, doubtful.
inadaptado,-a adj maladjusted.
incinerar vt (basura) to incinerate; (caP nm & nf misfit.
dveres) to cremate.
inadvertido,-a adj unnoticed.
incipiente adj incipient.
inagotable adj inexhaustible.
incisin nf incision.
inaguantable adj unbearable.
inciso,-a nm passing remark.
inalmbrico,-a adj cordless.
incitante adj 1 (estimulante) inciting. 2
inanicin nf starvation.
(provocativo) provocative.



incitar vt to incite (a, to).

inclemencia nf harshness.
inclinacin nf 1 (desviacin) slant. 2 (tendencia) leaning. 3 (aficin) penchant.

inclinar vt 1 (ladear) to tilt. 2 fig (persua-

inconstante adj (variable) inconstant,


incontable adj countless.

incontinencia nf incontinence.
incontrolable adj uncontrollable.
inconveniente adj inappropriate.

dir) to dispose, move.

P vpr inclinarse 1 (doblarse) to bend,
P nm (desventaja) drawback.
lean; (como saludo) to bow. 2 inclinarse incordiar vt to pester, bother.
a fig (propender a) to incline to. 3 incli incorporacin nf (llegada) arrival; (innarse por (escoger) to choose, opt for.
clusin) inclusion; (unin) joining.
incluir vt 1 to include. 2 (adjuntar - en incorporar vt 1 (aadir) to incorporate,
carta, etc) to enclose.
include. 2 culin (aadir) to add.
incluso adv even.
P vpr incorporarse 1 (levantarse) to sit
P prep even.
up. 2 (a un trabajo) to start; (a una empresa, equipo, etc) to join.
incgnita nf fig (misterio) mystery.
incorreccin nf 1 (falta de correccin) inincgnito,-a adj unknown.
correctness. 2 (error) mistake.
incoherencia nf (falta de coherencia) inincorrecto,-a adj 1 (inexacto) incorrect.
2 (descorts) impolite.
incoherente adj incoherent.
incomodar vt 1 (causar molestia) to in- incorregible adj incorrigible.
convenience. 2 (fastidiar) to annoy, incrdulo,-a adj incredulous.
bother. 3 (enojar) to anger.
increble adj incredible.
P vpr incomodarse (enfadarse) to get
incrementar vt to increase.
annoyed, get angry.
incremento nm increase, rise.
incmodo,-a adj uncomfortable. l o c increpar vt (insultar) to abuse.
sentirse incmodo,-a to feel awkward. incriminar vt to incriminate.
incomparable adj incomparable.
incrustar vt 1 to incrust, encrust. 2
incompetencia nf incompetence.
(arte) to inlay.
incompetente adj incompetent.
incubar vt to incubate.
incompleto,-a adj 1 incomplete. 2 inculcar vt to inculcate, instil: les incul
(inacabado) unfinished.
caron la necesidad de tener estudios they
incomprensin nf lack of underinstilled in them the need to study.
inculpar vt to accuse (de, of).
incomunicado,-a adj 1 (por la nieve) cut inculto,-a adj (persona) uneducated.
off. 2 (preso) in solitary confinement.
P nm & nf (persona) ignoramus.
inconcebible adj inconceivable.
incumbir vi to be incumbent (a, upon).
incondicional adj (rendicin) uncondi- incumplir vt (promesa) to break; (deber)
to fail to fulfil; (contrato) to break; (orP nm o nf staunch supporter.
den) to disobey, fail to comply with.
inconexo,-a adj disconnected.
incurable adj incurable.
inconformista adj nonconformist.
incurrir vi incurrir en (error) to fall into;
P nm o nf nonconformist.
(delito) to commit.
inconfundible adj unmistakable.
indagar vt to investigate, inquire into.
incongruencia nf incongruity.
indecencia nf 1 indecency. 2 (accin indecente) scandal, outrage.
inconsciencia nf 1 med unconsciousness. 2 (irreflexin) thoughtlessness.
indecente adj 1 (impdico) indecent. 2
(indigno) miserable.
inconsciente adj 1
med unconscious.
2 (irreflexivo) thoughtless.
indecible adj indescribable.


indecisin nf indecision.
indeciso,-a adj 1 (persona) indecisive,


indigno,-a adj 1 unworthy (de, of). 2

(vil) low, contemptible.

undecided. 2 (asunto no resuelto) unde- indio,-a adj Indian.
P nm & nf Indian. l o c hacer el indio
fam to play the fool.
indecoroso,-a adj indecorous.
indirecto,-a adj indirect.
indefenso,-a adj defenceless.
indefinido,-a adj 1 (periodo de tiempo) in- indiscrecin nf indiscretion.
definite; (contrato) open-ended. 2 (im- indiscreto,-a adj indiscreet.
preciso) indefinite. 3 ling indefinite.
P nm & nf indiscreet person.
indemne adj unharmed, unhurt.
indispensable adj essential.
indemnizacin nf compensation, in- indisponer vt med to upset, make undemnity.
indemnizar vt to compensate ( de/
P vpr indisponerse (enfermarse) to be
por, for), indemnify (de/por, for).
independencia nf independence.
indispuesto,-a adj med indisposed,
independiente adj 1 independent. 2
(individualista) self-sufficient.
individual adj individual.
independizar vt to make independP nm pl individuales dep singles.
individualista adj individualistic.
P vpr independizarse to become indeP nm o nf individualist.
pendent (de, of).
individuo,-a nm & nf pey (gen) characindeterminado,-a adj 1 (gen) indeterter, individual.
minate; (en tiempo, nmero) indefinite.
P nm individuo person.
2 (impreciso) vague.
indocumentado,-a adj (sin documentaIndia nf India.
cin) without means of identification.
indicacin nf 1 (gesto, seal) sign. 2 (ins- ndole nf 1 (carcter) disposition, natruccin) instruction.
ture. 2 (tipo) type, kind.
indicado,-a adj appropriate, suitable. indolente adj indolent.
indicador,-ra adj (gen) indicating.
indoloro,-a adj painless.
P nm (gen) indicator; (con aguja, escala)
indmito,-a adj indomitable.
Indonesia nf Indonesia.
indicar vt to indicate, point out.
indonesio,-a adj Indonesian.
indicativo,-a adj indicative.
P nm & nf Indonesian.
P nm indicativo ling indicative.
vt 1 to induce. 2 elec to induce.
ndice nm 1 (gen) index. 2 (de un libro)
index, table of contents; (catlogo) indulgencia nf indulgence, leniency.
indultar vt jur to pardon.
catalogue. 3 (dedo) index finger.
indulto nm pardon, amnesty.
indicio nm 1 (seal) sign. 2 (resto) trace.
indumentaria nf clothing, clothes pl.
indiferencia nf indifference.
industria nf 1 (gen) industry. 2 (fbrica)
indiferente adj indifferent.
indigente nm o nf poor person: los indi
industrial adj industrial.
gentes the needy.
P nm o nf industrialist, manufacturer.
indigestin nf indigestion.
indigesto,-a adj (alimento) indigestible. industrializar vt to industrialize.
indito,-a adj (libro) unpublished.
indignacin nf indignation.
inepto,-a adj (persona) incompetent.
indignar vt to infuriate.
P nm & nf incompetent person.
P vpr indignarse to become indignant
inercia nf inertia.
(por, at/about).



inerte adj 1 (materia, gas) inert. 2 (cad-

infinidad nf 1 (infinito) infinity. 2 (gran

inesperado,-a adj unexpected.

inestable adj unstable, unsteady.
inevitable adj inevitable.
inexistente adj nonexistent.
inexorable adj inexorable.
inexperto,-a adj inexperienced.
inexplicable adj inexplicable.
inexpresivo,-a adj expressionless.
infalible adj infallible.
infame adj (vil) despicable, vile.
infamia nf disgrace.
infancia nf 1 (gen) childhood. 2 (los ni-

infinitivo nm infinitive.
infinito,-a adj infinite.

ver) lifeless.

cantidad) infinite number.

P nm

el infinito the infinite, infinity.

inflamable adj inflammable.

inflamacin nf med inflammation.
inflamar vt med to inflame.

vpr inflamarse



to become in-

inflar vt 1 (baln) to blow up, inflate.

2 fig (hechos, noticias) to exaggerate. 3

(precios) to inflate.
P vpr inflarse 1 to inflate one's opinion of os. 2 fam (hartarse de comer) to
os) children pl.
stuff os (de, with).
infante nm 1 lit (nio) infant. 2 (soldado) inflexible adj inflexible.
influencia nf influence.
infantera nf infantry.
influir vt to influence.
infantil adj 1 (literatura, juego) chilP vi to have influence.
dren's; (equipo) junior. 2 (inmaduro) influyente adj influential.
informacin nf 1 (conocimiento) inforinfarto nm (de miocardio) heart attack.
mation. 2 (noticia) piece of news; (conc o m p infarto de miocardio heart attack.
junto de noticias) news. 3 (en telefnica)
infatigable adj indefatigable, tireless.
directory enquiries pl.
infeccin nf infection.
informal adj 1 (desenfadado) informal. 2
infectar vt to infect (de, with).
(persona) unreliable.
P vpr infectarse to become infected
informar vt (dar noticia) to inform (de,
(de, with).
infeliz adj 1 (desdichado) unhappy. 2 (inP vi to inform ( de , about), tell
genuo) ingenuous.
(de, about).
P vpr informarse to find out ( de ,
inferior adj 1 (situado debajo) lower. 2
(cantidad) less, lower. 3 (en calidad) inabout).
ferior (a, to).
informtica nf computing.
P nm o nf (en rango) subordinate; (en caliinformtico,-a adj computer.
dad) inferior.
P nm & nf computer expert.
inferioridad nf inferiority.
informativo,-a adj (ilustrativo) informinfernal adj infernal.
ative: una campaa con carcter informa
tivo a public awareness campaign.
infidelidad nf 1 (sexual) infidelity, unP nm informativo news programme.
faithfulness. 2 (de un amigo) disloyalty.
infiel adj (esposo) unfaithful (a/con/pa- informatizar vt to computerize.
ra, to); (amigo) disloyal (a, to).
informe nm report.
P nm pl informes references.
infiernillo nm portable stove.
infierno nm hell. l o c vete al infierno! infraccin nf infringement.
go to hell!, get lost!
infractor,-ra adj offending.
P nm & nf offender.
infiltrar vt to infiltrate.
P vpr infiltrarse to infiltrate (en, -).
infraestructura nf infrastructure.
nfimo,-a adj (en calidad)
lowest, poor- infranqueable adj 1 impassable. 2 fig
est; (precio) ridiculous.



infrarrojo,-a adj infrared.

infravalorar vt to underestimate.
infrecuente adj infrequent.
infringir vt (gen) to infringe; (ley) to

P vpr inhibirse 1 (reprimirse) to be inhibited. 2 (abstenerse) to refrain (de,

from); (negarse) to refuse (de, to).
inhspito,-a adj inhospitable.
inhumano,-a adj 1 (persona) inhuman,
cruel. 2 (dolor, sufrimiento) inhuman.
infructuoso,-a adj fruitless, unsuciniciacin nf 1 (comienzo) start, begincessful.
ning. 2 (de una persona) initiation.
infundado,-a adj unfounded.
infundir vt (respeto) to command; (mie- inicial adj initial.
P nf initial.
do) to fill with; (valor) to instil.
iniciar vt 1 (empezar) to start, begin. 2
infusin nf infusion.
(introducir) to initiate (en, in).
ingeniar vt to devise.
P vpr iniciarse (empezar) to start, beP vpr ingenirselas to manage, find a
way, contrive.
iniciativa nf initiative.
ingeniera nf engineering.
inicio nm beginning, start.
ingeniero,-a nm & nf engineer.
ingenio nm 1 (talento) talent; (chispa) inimitable adj inimitable.
injertar vt to graft.
wit. 2 (habilidad) ingenuity.
ingenioso,-a adj (inteligente) ingenious, injerto nm graft.
injuria nf insult, affront.
clever; (con chispa) witty.
injuriar vt (insultar) to insult.
ingenuo,-a adj naive, ingenuous.
injusticia nf injustice, unfairness.
P nm & nf naive person.
ingerir vt (alimentos) to eat; (bebida) to injusto,-a adj unfair, unjust.
inmadurez nf immaturity.
inmaduro,-a adj immature.
Inglaterra nf England.
inmediaciones nf pl (de una zona) suringle nf groin.
rounding area sing; (de una casa) viciningls,-esa adj English.
ity sing.
P nm & nf (persona) English person;
(hombre) Englishman; (mujer) English- inmediato,-a adj 1 (poco despus) immediate. 2 (contiguo) next (a, to), adwoman.
joining (a, -).
P nm ingls (idioma) English.
ingratitud nf ingratitude, ungrateful- inmejorable adj (gen) unbeatable.
inmensidad nf 1 immensity. 2 (gran
cantidad) great number.
ingrato,-a adj 1 (persona) ungrateful. 2
inmenso,-a adj immense, vast.
(trabajo, tarea) thankless.
inmersin nf (gen) immersion; (de un
ingrediente nm ingredient.
buceador, submarino) dive.
ingresar vt (dinero) to pay in, deposit.
inmerso,-a adj immersed (en, in).
P vi ingresar en 1 (entrar) to join. 2 (hospital) to be admitted to.
inmigracin nf immigration.
ingreso nm 1 (en club, ejrcito) joining; (en inmigrante adj immigrant.
hospital) admission; (en universidad) enP nm o nf immigrant.
trance. 2 (entrada) entry.
inmigrar vi to immigrate.
P nm pl ingresos (sueldo, renta) income
inminente adj imminent.
sing; (beneficios) revenue sing.
inmobiliario,-a adj property, us real
inhabitable adj uninhabitable.
inhalar vt to inhale, breathe in.
P nf (agencia) inmobiliaria estate
inherente adj inherent
(a, in).
agency, us real estate company.
inhibir vt (reprimir) to inhibit.
inmolar vt to immolate, sacrifice.

inmoral adj immoral.
inmoralidad nf immorality.
inmortal adj immortal.
inmortalidad nf immortality.
inmortalizar vt to immortalize.
inmvil adj still, motionless.
inmovilizar vt to immobilize.
inmueble nm building.
inmundo,-a adj (sucio) dirty, filthy.
inmune adj med immune (a, to).
inmunidad nf immunity.
inmutar vt to affect.
P vpr

inmutarse to react.

innato,-a adj innate, inborn.

innecesario,-a adj unnecessary.
innegable adj undeniable.
innovacin nf innovation.
innovador,-ra adj innovatory.


vpr inquietarse to worry ( por ,


inquieto,-a adj 1 (agitado) restless. 2

(preocupado) worried, anxious.

inquietud nf 1 (agitacin) restlessness.

2 (preocupacin) worry, anxiety.

inquilino,-a nm & nf tenant.

inquina nf animosity, antipathy.


tener inquina a algn to feel animosity

towards sb.

insaciable adj insatiable.

insalubre adj unhealthy.
insano,-a adj 1 (no sano) unhealthy. 2
(loco) insane.

insatisfecho,-a adj dissatisfied, unsatisfied.

inscribir vt 1 (grabar) to inscribe. 2 (apun-

tar) to register; (en un curso) to enrol.

P vpr inscribirse (gen) to register; (para
P nm & nf innovator.
un curso) to enrol.
innovar vi to innovate.
inscripcin nf 1 (grabado) inscription. 2
innumerable adj innumerable,
(registro) registration; (en un curso) encountless.
inocencia nf innocence.
insecticida adj insecticidal.
inocentada nf practical joke.
P nm insecticide.
inocente adj 1 innocent. 2 (ingenuo) insecto nm insect.
naive, innocent.
inseguridad nf 1 (falta de confianza) inP nm o nf naive person, innocent persecurity. 2 (duda) uncertainty. 3 (pelison.
gro) lack of safety.
inocuo,-a adj innocuous, harmless.
inseguro,-a adj 1 (sin confianza) inseinodoro,-a adj odourless.
cure. 2 (que duda) uncertain. 3 (peligroP nm inodoro toilet.
so) unsafe.
inofensivo,-a adj harmless, inoffen- insensato,-a adj foolish.
P nm & nf fool.
inolvidable adj unforgettable.
insensible adj 1 insensitive, unfeeling, thoughtless. 2 med insensible.
inoperante adj ineffective, inoperative.
inseparable adj inseparable.
inopia l o c estar en la inopia 1 fam (dis- insertar vt to insert (en, into).
trado) to have one's head in the inservible adj useless.
clouds. 2 (ignorante) to be in the dark. insigne adj distinguished, eminent.
inoportuno,-a adj inopportune.
insignia nf (distintivo) badge.
inorgnico,-a adj inorganic.
insignificante adj insignificant.
inoxidable adj rustproof.
insinuacin nf 1 (indicacin) insinuainput nm input.
tion, hint. 2 fam (amorosa) overture.
l o c hacerle insinuaciones a algn (insiinquebrantable adj (promesa) unbreakable; (fe) unshakeable.
nuarse) to make a pass at sb.
inquietante adj disturbing.
insinuar vt to insinuate, hint.
inquietar vt to worry.
inspido,-a adj insipid.


insistencia nf insistence.
insistente adj insistent.
insistir vi 1 to insist (en, on). 2 (enfatizar) to stress (en, -).

insobornable adj incorruptible.

insolacin nf med sunstroke.
insolencia nf 1 (atrevimiento) insolence.
2 (palabra) cheeky remark.


instar vi (insistir) to press, urge.

instauracin nf establishment.
instaurar vt to establish.
instigar vt to instigate.
instintivo,-a adj instinctive.
instinto nm instinct.
institucin nf 1 (organismo) institution.

2 (creacin) establishment, institution; (introduccin) introduction.

(soberbio) haughty.
institucional adj institutional.
insolidario,-a adj unsupportive.
instituir vt 1 (crear) to institute, estabinslito,-a adj extremely unusual.
lish. 2 (nombrar) to appoint.
insolvente adj insolvent.
instituto nm 1 (asociacin) institute. 2
insomne adj sleepless.
educ state secondary school, us
P nm o nf insomniac.
high school. c o m p instituto de bachi
llerato state secondary school, us
insomnio nm insomnia.
high school.
insondable adj unfathomable.
institutriz nf governess.
insonorizado,-a adj soundproof.
instruccin nf 1 (enseanza) instrucinsonorizar vt to soundproof.
tion; (cultura) education. 2 mil miliinsoportable adj unbearable.
tary training.
insospechado,-a adj unexpected.
P nf pl instrucciones (indicaciones) ininsostenible adj untenable.
inspeccin nf (gen) examination, ininstructivo,-a
adj (conferencia) instrucspection; (policial) search.
tive; (juguete) educational.
inspeccionar vt (gen) to inspect; (zona,
instructor,-ra adj (gen) instructing.
lugar del crimen) to search.
P nm & nf instructor.
inspector,-ra nm & nf inspector.
inspiracin nf 1 inspiration. 2 (inhala- instruido,-a adj well-educated.
instruir vt 1 (ensear) to instruct. 2 mil
cin) inhalation.
to train. 3 jur to investigate.
inspirado,-a adj inspired.
inspirar vt 1 (aspirar) to inhale, breathe instrumental adj (msica) instrumental.
P nm instruments pl.
in. 2 (infundir) to inspire.
instrumentar vt (gen) to arrange; (para
P vpr inspirarse to be inspired (en, by).
orquesta) to orchestrate.
instalacin nf installation.
instrumentista nm o nf (msico) instruP nf pl instalaciones (de un servicio) facilmentalist.
ities pl.
instalador,-ra nm & nf installer, fitter. instrumento nm instrument.
instalar vt 1 (colocar) to install. 2 (equi- insubordinado,-a adj insubordinate.
P nm & nf insubordinate person.
par) to fit out.
insubordinar vt to stir up.
P vpr instalarse (persona) to settle; (emP vpr insubordinarse to rebel.
presa) to set up.
instancia nf (peticin) request; (solicitud) insuficiente adj insufficient.
P nm educ fail.
insufrible adj insufferable.
instantnea nf (foto) snapshot, snap.
instantneo,-a adj 1 (inmediato) in- insular adj insular.
P nm o nf islander.
stantaneous, immediate. 2 (momentinsulina nf insulin.
neo) brief, fleeting.
instante nm moment, instant.
insulso,-a adj insipid, tasteless.

insolente adj 1 (descarado) insolent. 2

insultante adj insulting.
insultar vt to insult.
insulto nm insult.
insumisin nf (gen) rebelliousness.
insumiso,-a adj rebellious.


intensidad nf 1 (gen) intensity. 2 (de una

enfermedad) severity; (del dolor) acuteness. 3 (de la luz, del color) brightness,
intensity; (del amor, de la fe) strength.
intensificar vt to intensify.
intensivo,-a adj intensive.
P nm & nf mil person who refuses to do military
intenso,-a adj 1 (gen) intense. 2 (dolor)
service or community service in lieu.
acute. 3 (luz, color) bright, intense. 4
insuperable adj (calidad, capacidad) un(amor) passionate.
beatable; (obstculo, miedo, complejo)
intentar vt to try.
unsurmountable, insuperable.
intento nm attempt, try.
insurgente adj insurgent.
interactivo,-a adj interactive.
insurreccin nf insurrection.
intercalar vt to insert.
intachable adj irreproachable.
intercambiar vt to exchange.
intacto,-a adj intact.
intercambio nm exchange.
integracin nf integration.
integral adj 1 (completo) full. 2 (pan, pas- interceder vi to intercede.
ta) wholemeal; (arroz) brown.
interceptar vt 1 (mensaje, correspondencia)
integrante adj integral.
to intercept. 2 (obstruir) to block.
P nm o nf member.
interceptor adj intercepting.
P nm interceptor.
integrar vt (formar) to make up.
P vpr integrarse to integrate.
intercesin nf intercession.
integridad nf integrity.
intercesor,-ra adj interceding.
integrismo nm (gen) reaction; (religioso)
P nm & nf intercessor.
interconexin nf interconnection.
integrista adj (gen) reactionary; (religio- inters nm 1 (gen) interest; (propio) selfso) fundamentalist.
interest. 2 fin interest.
P nm o nf (gen) reactionary; (en religin)
interesado,-a adj 1 (gen) interested.
2 (egosta) selfish, self-interested.
ntegro,-a adj 1 (completo) whole, enP nm & nf 1 (gen) interested party. 2
tire; (versin) unabridged. 2 (honrado)
(egosta) selfish person.
honest, upright.
interesante adj interesting.
intelecto nm intellect.
interesar vt 1 to interest. 2 (afectar) to
intelectual adj intellectual.
P nm o nf intellectual.
P vpr interesarse to take an interest
inteligencia nf intelligence. c o m p
(por, in).
inteligencia artificial artificial intelli- interfaz nf interface.
interferencia nf 1 (gen) interference;
inteligente adj intelligent.
(intencionada) jamming. 2 fig interferintemperie nf bad weather. l o c a la
intemperie in the open (air).
interferir vt 1 (transmisin, programa) to
intempestivo,-a adj inopportune.
jam. 2 (obstaculizar) to interfere in.
intemporal adj timeless.
P vi to meddle, interfere.
intencin nf (propsito) intention.
interfono nm intercom.
intencionado,-a adj deliberatel.
interino,-a adj 1 temporary, provisional. 2 (director, presidente) acting.
intendencia nf mil (cuerpo) service
P nm & nf (sustituto) stand-in.
corps, us quartermaster corps.
intendente nm 1
supervisor. 2 mil interior adj 1 (bolsillo) inside; (habitacin)
quartermaster general.
without a view, interior; (jardn) in-



terior. 2 (del pas) domestic, internal. interrogacin nf 1 (accin) interrogation, questioning. 2 (signo) question
3 geog inland.
mark. 3 (pregunta) question.
P nm 1 (en una vivienda) inside: pasemos
al interior let's go inside. 2 (conciencia) in- interrogador,-a nm & nf interrogator.
side. 3 geog interior.
interrogante nm (incgnita) question
interiorismo nm interior design.
interrogar vt 1 to question. 2 (a testigo,
interiorista nm o nf interior designer.
etc) to interrogate.
interiorizar vt (creencia, principio) to ininterrogativo,-a adj interrogative.
interrogatorio nm interrogation.
interjeccin nf interjection.
interlocutor,-ra nm & nf speaker, in- interrumpir vt 1 (gen) to interrupt. 2
(trfico) to block.
nf interruption.
intermediario,-a nm & nf (gen) interinterruptor nm switch.
mediary; (en disputas) mediator.
intermedio,-a adj (gen) intermediate; interseccin nf intersection.
(tamao) medium; (calidad) average; interurbano,-a adj (gen) inter-city;
(llamada) trunk, long-distance.
(tiempo) intervening; (espacio) between.
intervalo nm 1 (de tiempo) interval. 2 (de
P nm intermedio (de un espectculo) inespacio) gap.
terval, intermission.
interminable adj endless, intermina- intervencin nf 1 (gen) intervention.
2 (discurso) speech. 3 med operation.
intervenir vi 1 (tomar parte) to take part
intermitencia nf intermittence.
(en, in). 2 (hablar) to speak (en, at).
intermitente adj (gen) intermittent.
P vt 1 med to operate on. 2 (alijo, merP nm auto indicator, us blinker.
canca) to seize.
internacional adj international.
interventor,-ra nm & nf (gen) inspecinternado nm boarding school.
tor, auditor.
internar vt (en un colegio) to send to intestinal adj intestinal.
boarding school; (en un hospital) to con- intestino nm intestine.
fine (en, to).
intimar vi to become close (con, to).
P vpr internarse (penetrar) to penetrate.
intimidacin nf intimidation.
internauta nm o nf internaut, netsurfer. intimidad nf 1 (amistad) intimacy. 2 (viinterno,-a adj 1 (rgano) internal. 2
da privada) privacy, private life.
(alumno) boarding.
intimidar vt to intimidate.
P nm & nf 1 (alumno) boarder. 2 (mdico)
ntimo,-a adj 1 (vida) private. 2 (amigo,
intern. 3 (preso) prisoner.
relacin) close. 3 (sentimiento, emocin)
interpelar vt pol to interpellate.
most intimate. 4 (higiene) personal.
interponer vt to interpose.
P nm & nf (amigo) close friend.
P vpr interponerse 1 (fsicamente) to inintocable adj untouchable.
terpose os. 2 fig to intervene.
intolerable adj intolerable.
interpretacin nf 1 (gen) interpreta- intolerancia nf intolerance: intoleran
tion. 2 (de pieza, obra) performance.
cia a la lactosa intolerance of lactose.
interpretar vt 1 to interpret. 2 (obra, intolerante adj intolerant.
pieza) to perform; (papel) to play.
intoxicacin nf poisoning.
intrprete nm o nf 1 (traductor) inter- intoxicar vt to poison.
preter. 2 (actor, msico) performer.
P vpr intoxicarse to poison os.
interrelacin nf interrelation.
adj untranslatable.
interrelacionar vt to interrelate.
intranquilidad nf worry, uneasiness.



intranquilizar vt to worry.

intranquilizarse to get worried.

intranquilo,-a adj worried, uneasy.
intransferible adj nontransferable.
intransigencia nf intransigence.
intransigente adj intransigent.
intransitable adj impassable.
intransitivo,-a adj intransitive.
intrascendente adj unimportant, inP vpr


intratable adj (persona) unsociable.

intrpido,-a adj intrepid.
intriga nf 1 (maquinacin secreta) in-

invasor,-ra adj invading.

P nm

& nf invader.

invencible adj (ejrcito) invincible; (obstculo) unsurmountable.

invencin nf invention.
invendible adj unsaleable.
inventar vt 1 (crear) to invent. 2 (mentir)
to make up, fabricate.

inventario nm inventory.
inventiva nf inventiveness.
invento nm invention.
inventor,-ra nm & nf inventor.
invernadero nm greenhouse.
invernal adj winter, wintry.
invernar vi (animales) to hibernate.
inverosmil adj unlikely.
inversin nf 1 (gen) inversion. 2 fin in-

trigue. 2 (curiosidad) curiosity. 3 (de una

narracin, pelcula) intrigue.
intrigado,-a adj intrigued.
intrigante adj intriguing.
intrigar vt (interesar) to intrigue.
intrnseco,-a adj intrinsic.
inverso,-a adj inverse, opposite.
introduccin nf introduction.
invertebrado,-a adj invertebrate.
introducir vt 1 (gen) to introduce; (leP nm invertebrado invertebrate.
gislacin) to introduce, bring in. 2 (meinvertido,-a
adj reversed, inverted.
ter) to put, place; (insertar) insert. 3
invertir vt 1 (orden) to invert, reverse. 2
(importar) to bring in, import.
(direccin) to reverse. 3 (tiempo) to
P vpr introducirse (entrar) to get in.
spend (en, on). 4 fin to invest (en, in).
intromisin nf interference, meddling.
investidura nf investiture.
introspectivo,-a adj introspective.
investigacin nf 1 (indagacin) investiintrovertido,-a adj introverted.
gation, enquiry. 2 (estudio) research.
P nm & nf introvert.
investigador,-ra adj 1 (que indaga) inintruso,-a adj intrusive.
vestigating. 2 (que estudia) research.
P nm & nf intruder.
P nm & nf 1 (cientfico) researcher. 2 (deintuicin nf intuition.
tective) investigator.
intuir vt to sense, feel.
investigar vt 1 (indagar) to investigate.
intuitivo,-a adj intuitive.
2 (campo) to do research on.
inundacin nf flood, flooding.
inundar vt 1 to flood. 2 fig to inun- investir vt to invest.
inviable adj non-viable, unfeasible.
invidente adj blind.
inusitado,-a adj uncommon, rare.
P nm o nf blind person.
inusual adj unusual.
nm winter.
intil adj 1 (gen) useless. 2 (intento) vain.
invisible adj invisible.
P nm o nf fam (persona) hopeless case.
inutilizar vt 1 to render useless. 2 invitacin nf invitation.
invitado,-a adj invited.
(mquina) to put out of action.
P nm & nf guest.
invadir vt to invade.
invlido,-a adj disabled, handicapped. invitar vt to invite.
P vi (incitar) to encourage.
P nm & nf disabled person.
vt to invoke.
invariable adj invariable.
invasin nf invasion.
involucrar vt to involve (en, in).



involuntario,-a adj (reflejo, movimiento)

irregular adj irregular.

involuntary; (error) unintentional.
irregularidad nf irregularity.
invulnerable adj invulnerable.
irrelevante adj irrelevant.
inyeccin nf injection.
irremediable adj (dao) irremediable.
inyectable adj injectable.
irrepetible adj unrepeatable.
P nm injection.
irreprochable adj irreproachable.
inyectar vt to inject (en, into).
irresistible adj 1 irresistible. 2 pey (iniodo nm iodine.
soportable) unbearable.
ir vi 1 (gen) to go; (acudir) to come. 2 (ca- irrespetuoso,-a adj disrespectful.
mino, etc) to lead. 3 (funcionar) to work, irresponsable adj irresponsible.
go. 4 (sentar bien) to suit; (agradar) to
P nm o nf irresponsible person.
like. 5 (tratar) to be about.
irreversible adj irreversible.
P aux ir + a + inf 1 going to: voy a venderlo
irrigar vt to irrigate.
I'm going to sell it. 2 ir + ger: fuimos an irrisorio,-a adj derisory, ridiculous.
dando we walked, we went on foot. 3 ir +
irritable adj irritable.
pp to be: ir cansado,-a to be tired.
irritacin nf irritation.
P vpr irse 1 (marcharse) to go away,
leave. 2 (deslizarse) to slip. 3 (gastarse) irritante adj irritating, annoying.
irritar vt to irritate.
to go, disappear.
P vpr irritarse to get annoyed.
ira nf wrath, rage.
vi to burst (en, into).
iracundo,-a adj irritable, irate.
irrupcin nf irruption.
Irak nm Iraq.
isla nf island.
Irn nm Iran.
islam nm Islam.
iran adj Iranian.
islmico,-a adj Islamic.
P nm o nf Iranian.
islands,-esa adj Icelandic.
iranio,-a adj Iranian.
P nm & nf (persona) Icelander.
P nm & nf (persona) Iranian.
P nm islands (idioma) Icelandic.
P nm iranio (idioma) Iranian.
Islandia nf Iceland.
iraqu adj Iraqi.
isleo,-a adj island.
P nm o nf (persona) Iraqi.
P nm & nf islander.
P nm (idioma) Iraqi.
islote nm small unhinhabited island.
irascible adj irascible, irritable.
issceles adj isosceles.
iris nm inv iris.
Irlanda nf Ireland. c o m p Irlanda del Israel nm Israel.
israel adj Israeli.
Norte Northern Ireland.
P nm o nf Israeli.
irlands,-esa adj Irish.
istmo nm isthmus.
P nm & nf (persona - hombre) Irishman;
(- mujer) Irish woman.
Italia nf Italy.
P nm irlands (idioma) Irish.
italiano,-a adj Italian.
P nm & nf (persona) Italian.
irona nf irony.
P nm italiano (idioma) Italian.
irnico,-a adj 1 ironic. 2 (burln) mocking.
itinerante adj itinerant.
irracional adj irrational.
itinerario nm itinerary.
irradiar vt to irradiate, radiate.
izar vt to hoist.
irreal adj unreal.
izquierda nf 1 (mano) left hand; (pierna)
left leg. 2 pol the left.
irreconocible adj unrecognizable.
irreflexivo,-a adj (acto) rash; (persona) izquierdista adj left-wing.
izquierdo,-a adj left.


J, j nf (la letra) J, j.
jabal nm wild boar.
jabalina nf dep javelin.
jabato nm zool young wild boar.
jabn nm soap. c o m p jabn de tocador

Japn nm Japan.
japons,-esa adj Japanese.

jabonera nf soap dish.

jabonoso,-a adj soapy.
jaca nf cob, small horse.
jacinto nm hyacinth.
jactarse vpr to boast, brag (de, about).
jacuzzi nm jacuzzi.
jade nm jade.
jadear vi to pant.
jadeo nm panting.
jaguar nm jaguar.
jalea nf jelly. c o m p jalea real royal jelly.
jalear vt 1 (animar) to cheer (on), clap

jaqueca nf migraine, headache.

jarabe nm med syrup, mixture.

toilet soap.

& nf (persona) Japanese.

japons (idioma) Japanese.
jaque nm check. c o m p jaque mate
P nm
P nm



jarabe para la tos cough syrup.

jardn nm garden. c o m p jardn botnico
botanical garden. y jardn de infancia

nursery school.

jardinera nf 1 (mujer) gardener. 2 (mue-

ble para tiestos) plant stand; (en ventana)

window box.
jardinera nf gardening.
jardinero,-a nm & nf gardener.
jarra nf 1 (para servir) jug, us pitcher. 2
(para beber) tankard, beer mug.
and shout at. 2 (caza) to urge on.
jarro nm 1 (recipiente) jug. 2 (contenido)
jaleo nm 1 (alboroto) din, racket: no se
oye nada con este jaleo I can't hear a thing jarrn nm 1 vase. 2 arte urn.
with all this racket. 2 (escndalo) fuss, jaspeado,-a adj mottled, speckled.
jaula nf cage.
jaln nm 1 (estaca) stake, post. 2 fig jaura nf pack of hounds.
milestone, landmark.
Java nf Java.
jalonar vt (con estacas) to stake out.
javans,-esa adj Javanese.
Jamaica nf Jamaica.
P nm & nf Javanese.
jamaicano,-a adj Jamaican.
jazmn nm jasmine.
P nm & nf Jamaican.
jazz nm jazz.
jams adv (+ indic) never; (+ subj) ever: jeep nm jeep.
jams volver I shall never return. l o c ja jefatura nf (sede) central office; (militar)
ms de los jamases never ever. y por
siempre jams for ever (and ever).
jefe,-a nm & nf 1 boss, head, chief. 2
jamba nf jamb.
com (hombre) manager; (mujer) managjamn nm (curado) cured ham; (pata del
eress. 3 pol leader. 4 (de una tribu)
cerdo) leg of ham. c o m p jamn de York/
chief. c o m p jefe de cocina chef. y jefe
ham. y jamn
jamn en dulce boiled
de estacin station master. y jefe de
serrano cured ham.
Estado Head of State.



jengibre nm ginger.
jeque nm sheik, sheikh.
jerarqua nf 1 hierarchy. 2 (grado)
scale. 3 (categora) rank.

jerrquico,-a adj hierarchical.

jerez nm sherry.
jerga nf (lenguaje) jargon.
jergn nm (colchn) pallet.
jeringuilla nf syringe.
jeroglfico,-a adj hieroglyphic.

jeroglfico 1 hieroglyph, hieroglyphic. 2 (juego) rebus.

jersey nm sweater, pullover, jumper.
jesuita nm o nf Jesuit.
jet nm jet.
jilguero nm goldfinch.
jinete nm rider, horseman.
jirafa nf giraffe.
jirn nm shred: una camisa hecha jirones a
P nm

tattered shirt.

jocoso,-a adj (persona) jocular; (tono)

humorous, jokey.

jofaina nf washbasin.
jogging nm jogging: practican el jogging
they go jogging.

jolgorio nm 1 (juerga) binge. 2 (algazara)


Jordania nf Jordan.
jordano,-a adj Jordanian.
P nm

& nf Jordanian.

jornada nf 1 (da de trabajo) working

jovial adj jovial, cheerful.

jovialidad nf joviality, cheerfulness.
joya nf jewel, piece of jewellery.
joyera nf (tienda) jewellery shop, jeweller's shop.

joyero,-a nm & nf jeweller.

P nm

joyero jewellery case.

juanete nm (en el pie) bunion.

jubilacin nf 1 (accin) retirement. 2
(dinero) pension.

jubilado,-a adj retired.

P nm

o nf pensioner, retired person.

jubilar vt 1 (retirar) to retire. 2 (persona)

to pension off; (objeto) to get rid of.

P vpr jubilarse (retirarse) to retire.
jbilo nm jubilation, joy.
jubiloso,-a adj jubilant, joyful.
jubn nm arc doublet.
judaico,-a adj Judaic.
judasmo nm Judaism.
judera nf Jewish quarter.
juda nf (planta) bean. c o m p juda verde
French bean, green bean.
judicatura nf 1 (profesin) judgeship. 2
(cuerpo) judiciary, judicature.
judicial adj judicial.
judo,-a adj (gen) Jewish.
P nm & nf (persona) Jew.
judo nm judo.
judoca nm o nf judoka.
juego nm 1 (gen) game; (actividad deportiva) sport. 2 (con dinero) gambling. 3 (accin de jugar) playing. 4 (conjunto de piezas) set: un juego de llaves a set of keys.
c o m p juego de azar game of chance. y
juego de caf/t coffee/tea service.
juerga nf fam rave-up, bash.
juerguista adj fun-loving.
P nm o nf raver.
jueves nm inv Thursday: todos los jueves
every Thursday; el jueves que viene next
Thursday; el jueves pasado last Thursday;

day: una jornada de ocho horas an eighthour day. 2 (camino recorrido) day's journey. 3 (en periodismo) day: las noticias de
la jornada today's news. c o m p media
jornada half-day.
jornal nm day's wage.
jornalero,-a nm & nf day labourer.
joroba nf (deformidad) hump.
jorobado,-a adj hunchbacked.
P nm & nf hunchback.
jorobar vt 1 fam (fastidiar) to bother, annoy. 2 fam (romper) to smash up,
el jueves por la maana/tarde/noche
break. 3 fam (estropear) to ruin, wreck.
Thursday morning/afternoon/night.
jota nf popular Spanish dance and music.
juez,-za nm & nf judge. c o m p juez de l
joven adj young.
nea linesman. y juez de paz justice of
P nm o nf (hombre) youth, young man;
(mujer) young lady, girl.
the peace.



jugada nf 1 (en ajedrez) move; (en billar)

junto,-a adj together.

l o c junto a next
to. y junto con along with, together
jura nf (accin) oath; (ceremonia) swearing-in, pledge.
jurado,-a adj sworn.
P nm jurado jur (tribunal) jury; (miembro
del tribunal) juror, member of the jury.
juramentar vt to swear in.
juramento nm 1 jur oath. 2 (blasfemia)
jurar vt to swear, take an oath.
P vi (blasfemar) to curse, swear.
jursico,-a adj Jurassic.
jurel nm scad, horse mackerel.
jurdico,-a adj legal, juridical.
jurisdiccin nf jurisdiction.
jurisprudencia nf jurisprudence.
jurista nm o nf jurist, lawyer.
justicia nf 1 (equidad, derecho) justice, fairness. 2 la justicia (organismo) the law.
justiciero,-a adj avenging.
justificable adj justifiable.
justificacin nf justification.
justificante adj justifying.
P nm (prueba) written proof.
justificar vt 1 (accin) to justify. 2 (persona) to excuse.
P vpr justificarse (persona) to justify os;
(accin) to be justified.
justo,-a adj 1 (persona, decisin) just, fair. 2
julio nm fs joule.
(ropa) tight. 3 (exacto) exact: tengo el dine
jumbo nm jumbo jet.
ro justo para el autobs I have the exact
juncal nm bot reedbed.
money for the bus. 4 (escaso) just
enough: me queda lo justo para llegar a fin
junco nm bot rush, reed.
de mes I have just enough money to get
jungla nf jungle.
junio nm June.
P adv justo (en el preciso momento) just; (en el
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta marzo.
preciso lugar) right: vivo justo en el centro de
la ciudad I live right in the centre of town.
jnior adj dep junior.
juvenil adj 1 young, youthful. 2 dep
junta nf (reunin) meeting, assembly.
junior, youth.
juntar vt 1 (unir) to put together; (piezas) to assemble. 2 (reunir - dinero) to juventud nf 1 (perodo) youth. 2 (los jvenes) young people pl, youth pl.
raise; (- gente) to gather together.
juzgado nm (local) court. c o m p juzgado
P vpr juntarse 1 (unirse) to join, get tode guardia court, police court.
gether; (ros, caminos) to meet. 2 (acercarse) to squeeze up: juntaos un poco juzgar vt 1 (formar juicio) to judge. 2 (considerar) to consider, think.
up, I can't get in.
que no quepo squeeze

shot; (en dardos) throw. 2 (momento del juego)

move, piece of play. 3 fam dirty trick.
jugador,-ra nm & nf 1 player. 2 (apostador) gambler.
jugar vi to play.
P vt (intervenir) to play, go: quin juega?
whose go is it?
P vpr jugarse 1 (arriesgar) to risk. 2 (apostarse) to bet: cunto te juegas a que no vie
ne? what's the betting he won't come?
jugarreta nf fam dirty trick.
juglar nm minstrel.
jugo nm 1 (gen) juice. 2 (inters) substance.
jugoso,-a adj (fruta, carne) juicy.
juguete nm 1 toy. 2 fig plaything.
juguetear vi to play (con, with).
juguetera nf (tienda) toy shop.
juguetn,-ona adj playful.
juicio nm 1 (gen) judgement: a mi juicio in
my opinion. 2 (sensatez) reason, common sense. 3 jur trial. l o c en su sano
juicio in one's right mind. y llevar a algn
a juicio to take legal action against sb. y
perder el juicio to go mad.
juicioso,-a adj (persona) sensible, wise.
juliana nf damewort.
julio1 nm July.
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta marzo.


K, k nf (la letra) K, k.
kaki nm 1 (rbol) persimmon tree. 2
(fruta) persimmon.

Kampuchea nf Kampuchea.
kampucheo,-a adj Kampuchean.
P nm

& nf Kampuchean.

karst nm karst.
krstico,-a adj karstic.
kart nm go-kart, kart.
karting nm go-kart racing, karting.
Kathmandu nm Katmandu, Kathmandu.

kayac nm kayak.
kazajio,-a adj Kazakh.

& nf (persona) Kazakh.

P nm kazajio (idioma) Kazakh.
Kazajstn nm Kazakhstan.
Kenia nf Kenya.
keniano,-a adj Kenyan.
P nm & nf Kenyan.
keroseno nm kerosene.
Khartum nm Khartoum.
kilo nm 1 kilogram. 2 argot (antiguamenP nm

te) million pesetas.

kilobyte nm kilobyte.
kilocalora nf kilocalorie.

kilogramo nm kilogram.
kilohertz nm inv kilohertz.
kilolitro nm kilolitre, us kiloliter.
kilometraje nm mileage.
kilmetro nm kilometre, us kilometer.
kilowatt nm kilowatt.
kirgus adj Kirghiz.
P nm
P nm

o nf (persona) Kirghiz.

(idioma) Kirghiz.

Kirguizistn nm Kirghizstan, Kirghizia.

Kiribati nm Kiribati.
kiwi nm 1 (ave) kiwi. 2 (fruta) kiwi, kiwi fruit.

km/h abrev (kilmetros hora) kilome-

tres (us kilometers) per hour; (abreviatura) kph.

knock-out nm knockout.
koala nm koala.
kurdo,-a adj Kurdish.
P nm & nf (persona) Kurd.
P nm kurdo (idioma) Kurdish.
Kuwait nm Kuwait.
kuwait adj Kuwaiti.
P nm & nf Kuwaiti.
kW/h abrev (kilovatios hora) kilowatts
per hour; (abreviatura) kWh.


L, l nf (la letra) L, l.
la1 art def the: la casa the house.
la2 pron (persona) her; (cosa) it: la invit a
cenar I invited her to supper; no la he le
do I haven't read it.

. Consulta tambin las.

la3 nm ms la, lah, A.

laberntico,-a adj labyrinthic.
laberinto nm labyrinth, maze.
labial adj (gen) labial.
P nf ling


labio nm lip.
labor nf 1 (gen) work: las labores del cam
po farm work.

. Consulta tambin las.

laborable adj (de trabajo) working.

laboral adj labour.
laboratorio nm laboratory.
laborioso,-a adj (trabajoso) laborious.
labrador,-ra nm & nf farmer.
labranza nf farming.
labrar vt agr (campo) to work; (con ara-

lcteo,-a adj milk, milky.

c o m p pro
ductos lcteos dairy products.
lctico,-a adj lactic.
lactosa nf lactose.
lacustre adj lake.
ladear vt to tilt.
ladeo nm tilt.
ladera nf hillside.
lado nm (gen) side. l o c al lado de algn
next to sb: me puse a su lado I sat next to
her. y estar al lado (muy cerca) to be very
near. y por un lado por otro on the

one hand on the other hand

ladrador,-ra adj barking.

ladrar vi to bark.
ladrido nm bark.
ladrillo nm brick.
ladrn,-ona nm & nf (persona - que roba)
thief; (- que tima, engaa) crook.

lagartija nf small lizard.

lagarto,-a nm & nf (animal) lizard.
lago nm lake.
lgrima nf tear. l o c llorar a lgrima vi

va fam to cry one's eyes out.

do) to plough (us plow).
lagrimal adj tear, lachrymal.
labriego,-a nm & nf farm worker.
P nm corner of the eye.
lacio,-a adj (cabello) straight.
lagrimear vi to run, water.
lacn nm ham.
lagrimeo nm watering.
lacnico,-a adj laconic.
lagrimn nm large teardrop, large tear.
lacra nf 1 (seal) mark, scar. 2 (defecto) laguna nf small lake, lagoon.
laico,-a adj lay, secular.
lacrado,-a adj (sobre) sealed with wax. laja nf slab.
lacrar vt to seal (with sealing wax).
lama1 nm rel lama.
lacre nm sealing wax.
lama2 nf 1 (lmina) slat. 2 (barro) slime.
lacrimal adj tear, lacrimal, lachrymal. lamentable adj (injusticia) regrettable,
lacrimoso,-a adj tearful.
deplorable; (estado) sorry, pitiful.
lactancia nf lactation.
lamentar vt to regret.
P vpr lamentarse to complain.
lactante nm o nf unweaned baby.



lamento nm moan, cry.

lamer vt to lick.
lametazo nm lick.
lametn nm lick.
lmina nf 1 (gen) sheet, plate. 2 (ilustra-

lapa nf (molusco) limpet.

laparoscopia nf laparoscopy.
lapicero nm pencil.
lpida nf tombstone, slab.
lpiz nm pencil. c o m p lpiz de ojos eye-

laminado,-a adj laminated.

laminar vt to laminate.
lmpara nf lamp.
lamparn nm fam stain.
lamprea nf lamprey.
lana nf wool. l o c de lana woollen (us

lapso nm (de tiempo) period of time.

lapsus nm inv (error) slip; (de memoria) mem-

cin) illustration; (grabado) engraving.

liner. y lpiz ptico light pen.

ory lapse, lapse of memory.

laquear vt to lacquer.
largar vt 1 fam (dar) to give: le larg un dis

curso de media hora he gave him a half-hour

speech. 2 fam (contar) to tell: esa lo larga
todo she can't keep anything to herself.
lanar adj wool-bearing.
P vpr largarse fam (irse) to go, leave:
lance nm 1 (suceso) event. 2 (pelea) quarme largo I'm off, us I'm out of here.
largo,-a adj (en longitud) long. l o c a lo
lanceolado,-a adj lanceolate.
largo de along, throughout: a lo largo
lancero nm lancer.
del ao throughout the year. y dar largas
lanceta nf lancet, lance.
a algn to put sb off. y pasar de largo to
lancha nf (bote) launch, boat. c o m p lan
pass by.
cha salvavidas lifeboat.
P nm largo 1 length: qu mide de largo?
landa nf moor.
how long is it?, what length is it? 2 (de
lanero,-a adj wool.
piscina) length, us lap.
langosta nf 1 (crustceo) crawfish,
largometraje nm feature film.
spiny lobster. 2 (insecto) locust.
larguero nm (en ftbol) crossbar.
langostino nm type of prawn.
larguirucho,-a adj fam lanky.
languidecer vi to languish.
largura nf length.
languidez nf (falta de vigor) languor.
lnguido,-a adj (falto de vigor) languid, laringe nf larynx.
larngeo,-a adj laryngeal.
laringitis nf inv laryngitis.
lanilla nf (tejido) flannel.
laringologa nf laryngology.
lanza nf lance, spear.
laringlogo,-a nm & nf laryngologist.
lanzadera nf shuttle.
lanzado,-a adj (impetuoso) impetuous; larva nf larva.
larvario,-a adj larval.
(decidido) determined.
lanzador,-ra nm & nf (de jabalina) throw- las art def the: las casas the houses.
P pron (objeto directo) them: las vi I saw
er; (de bisbol) pitcher; (de cricket) bowler.
lanzamiento nm 1 (accin de lanzar)
throwing. 2 (de cohete) launching.
. Consulta tambin la.
c o m p lanzamiento de peso shot put.
lanzar vt 1 (gen) to throw. 2 (cohete) to lasca nf chip.
lser nm inv laser.
launch. 3 fig (grito) to let out.
lasitud nf lassitude, weariness.
P vpr lanzarse (actuar decididamente) to
lstima nf pity.
throw os, launch os into.
lastimar vt (herir) to hurt, injure.
Laos nm Laos.
P vpr lastimarse to hurt os.
laosiano,-a adj Laotian.
adj pitiful.
P nm & nf (persona) Laotian.
P nm laosiano (idioma) Laotian.
lastimoso,-a adj pitiful, sorry.



lastrar vt mar to ballast.

lastre nm mar ballast.
lata nf 1 (hojalata) tin plate. 2 (envase) tin,

lavar vt 1 (ropa, cuerpo, etc) to wash. 2

(platos) to wash up.

P vpr lavarse to wash os.
lavativa nf enema.
lavavajillas nm inv dishwasher.
laxante nm laxative.
laxitud nf laxity, laxness.
laxo,-a adj (sin tensin) slack.
lazada nf 1 (nudo) knot. 2 (lazo) bow.
lazar vt to lasso.
lazarillo nm guide. c o m p perro lazarillo
guide dog.
lazo nm 1 (cinta) ribbon; (de adorno)
bow. 2 fig (vnculo) tie, bond.
le pron 1 (objeto directo) him; (usted) you:
quin le sirvi? who served you? 2 (objeto
indirecto - a l) him; (- a ella) her; (- a usted) you: le regalaron un perrito they gave
him a puppy; le repito la pregunta I'll repeat the question for you.
. Consulta tambin les y lesmo.

can. 3 (fastidio) bore, drag, pain: es una

lata tener que estudiar los fines de semana it's
a pain having to study at weekends.
latente adj latent.
lateral adj (gen) side.
ltex nm inv latex.
latido nm beat.
latifundio nm (finca) latifundium.
latigazo nm lash.
ltigo nm whip.
latn nm Latin.
latino,-a adj Latin.
P nm & nf Latin.
Latinoamrica nf Latin America.
latinoamericano,-a adj Latin American.
P nm & nf Latin American.
latir vi to beat.
latitud nf latitude.
leal adj 1 loyal, faithful. 2 (justo) fair.
latitudinal adj latitudinal.
lealtad nf loyalty, faithfulness.
latn nm brass.
lebrel nm greyhound.
latoso,-a adj fam annoying, boring.
lebrillo nm bowl.
lad nm lute.
leccin nf lesson. l o c dar una leccin a
laudatorio,-a adj laudatory.
algn fig to teach sb a lesson.
laureada nf mil (insignia) decoration.
lechada nf whitewash.
laureado,-a adj prizewinning.
lechal adj sucking.
laurear vt 1 to award a prize to. 2 (mi- lechazo nm (cordero) sucking lamb.
litar) to decorate.
leche nf milk. c o m p leche desnatada
laurel nm (rbol) bay.
skimmed milk.
lava nf lava.
lechera nf (recipiente) milk churn.
lavable adj washable.
lechera nf dairy.
lavabo nm 1 (pila) washbasin. 2 (cuarto lechero,-a nm milkman, dairyman.
de bao) washroom. 3 (pblico) toilet.
lecho nm (gen) bed; (de un ro) river bed.
lavada nf big wash.
lechn nm (animal) piglet.
lavadero nm 1 (en casa) laundry room. lechuga nf lettuce.
2 (pblico) public washing place.
lechuza nf owl.
lavado nm wash.
lectivo,-a adj school.
lavadora nf washing machine.
lector,-ra nm & nf reader. c o m p lector
lavafrutas nm inv finger bowl.
ptico optical scanner.
lavamanos nm inv washbasin.
leer vt (gen) to read.
P vi to read.
lavanda nf lavender.
lavandera nf (automtica) launderette, legado,-a nm 1 (herencia) legacy, beus laundromat; (con servicio) laundry.
quest. 2 (persona) legate.
lavaplatos nm inv dishwasher.
legajo nm dossier.



legal adj (gen) legal.

legalidad nf (de una accin, etc) legality.
legalista adj legalistic.
legalizacin nf 1 (de una situacin) legalization. 2 (de documento) to authenticate.

legalizar vt 1 (situacin) to legalize. 2

(documento) to authenticate.

legaa nf sleep.
legar vt to bequeath.
legendario,-a adj legendary.
legibilidad nf legibility.
legible adj legible.
legin nf mil legion.
legionario,-a nm legionary.
legislacin nf legislation.
legislador,-ra adj legislative.
legislar vi to legislate.
legislativo,-a adj legislative.
legislatura nf (perodo) term of office.
legitimacin nf legitimization.
legitimar vt to legitimate.
legitimidad nf legitimacy.
legtimo,-a adj (genuino) real, authentic.
legua nf (medida) league.
legumbre nf 1 (planta) legume. 2 (fruto)

leguminoso,-a nf pl leguminous

ledo,-a adj well-read.

lesmo nm incorrect use of le and les as direct
object instead of lo and los.

lesta adj given to lesmo.

o nf person who is given to lesmo.

lejana nf distance.
lejano,-a adj (tierra, pas) distant.
leja nf bleach.
lejos adv far, far away, far off. l o c a lo
lejos in the distance, far away. y de le
jos from a distance.
lelo,-a adj fam gormless, stupid.
lema nm (gen) motto; (en publicidad) sloP nm


lencera nf (ropa interior) lingerie.

lengua nf 1 anat tongue. 2 (idioma)


on the tip of one's tongue. y


lengua materna mother tongue.

lenguado nm sole.
lenguaje nm 1 (gen) language. 2 (habla)


lenguaraz adj (hablador) garrulous.

lengeta nf (de zapato) tongue.
lente nm & nf lens.
P nm pl lentes

lenses. c o m p lentes de con

tacto contact lenses.
lenteja nf lentil.
lentejuela nf sequin.
lentilla nf contact lens.
lentitud nf slowness.
lento,-a adj slow.
P adv lento slowly.
lea nf wood, firewood.
leador,-ra nm & nf woodcutter.
leera nf woodshed.
leo nm log.
leoso,-a adj ligneous, woody.
len,-ona nm & nf (animal - macho) lion;
(- hembra) lioness. c o m p len marino
sea lion.

leonera nf lion's den.

leonino,-a adj 1 (de len) lion-like.
leopardo nm leopard.
leotardos nm pl thick woollen tights.
lepra nf leprosy.
leproso,-a adj leprous.
lerdo,-a adj fam slow-witted.
les pron 1 (objeto directo) them; (ustedes)

you: dice que les vio ayer she says she

saw them yesterday; no les entiendo I
don't understand you. 2 (objeto indirecto)
them; (a ustedes) you: entraron en casa
ladrones y les robaron burglars broke in
and robbed them; les doy una oportuni
dad ms I'll give you one more chance.
. Consulta tambin le.

lesin nf (dao fsico) wound, injury.

lesionado,-a adj injured.
lesionar vt (herir) to injure.

P vpr lesionarse to get injured.

language. l o c irse de la lengua fam to lesivo,-a adj damaging, injurious.
let the cat out of the
bag. y tener algo Lesotho nm Lesotho.
en la punta de la lengua fig to have letal adj lethal, deadly.

letana nf fam (lista) long list.
letargo nm lethargy.
letn,-ona adj Latvian.


& nf (persona) Latvian.

letn (idioma) Latvian.
Letonia nf Latvia.
letra nf 1 (del alfabeto) letter. 2 (de imprenta) character. 3 (escritura) handwriting. 4 (de cancin) lyrics pl, words pl.
c o m p letra de imprenta block capitals
pl. y letra mayscula capital letter.
letrado,-a nm & nf lawyer.
letrero nm sign, notice.
letrina nf latrine.
leucemia nf leukaemia, us leukemia.
leucocito nm white blood cell.
leva nf mil levy.
levadizo,-a adj which can be raised.
levadura nf yeast.
levantamiento nm (de objeto, etc) lifting.
levantar vt (alzar) to raise, lift: no lo pue
do levantar, pesa mucho I can't lift it, it's
heavy. l o c levantar la vista to look up.
P vpr levantarse 1 (alzarse) to rise. 2 (ponerse de pie) to stand up. 3 (dejar la cama)
get out of bed. 4 (viento) to get up.
levante nm (este) East.
levar vt (ancla) to weigh.
leve adj 1 slight, light.
levedad nf lightness, insignificance.
levitar vi to levitate.
lxico,-a adj lexical.
lexicn nm (diccionario) lexicon.
ley nf law.
leyenda nf (narracin) legend.
lezna nf awl.
liado,-a adj (ocupado) busy.
liana nf liana.
liar vt 1 (atar) to tie up, bind; (envolver) to
wrap up. 2 fam (complicar) to mix up,
P nm
P nm

libar vt (nctar) to suck.

liblula nf dragonfly.
liberacin nf (de una persona) release.
liberado,-a adj liberated.
liberador,-ra adj liberating.
liberal adj liberal.
P nm

o nf liberal.

P nm

& nf Liberian.

liberalismo nm liberalism.
liberalizacin nf liberalization.
liberar vt to free.
Liberia nf Liberia.
liberiano,-a adj Liberian.
libertad nf (gen) freedom, liberty.


poner en libertad to free, release.

c o m p libertad de expresin freedom of


libertar vt to liberate.
libertario,-a adj libertarian.
Libia nf Libya.
libio,-a adj Libyan.
P nm

& nf Libyan.

libra nf (moneda, medida) pound.

c o m p li
bra esterlina pound sterling.
librar vt to save (de, from): me libraron
de toda responsabilidad they absolved me

of all responsibility.
P vi fam (tener libre) to be off: libro todos
los lunes I've got Mondays off.
P vpr librarse to escape (de, from).
libre adj (gen) free. c o m p entrada libre
free admittance.
librecambio nm free trade.
librera nf (tienda) bookshop.
librero,-a nm & nf bookseller.
libreta nf (para anotar) notebook.
libreto nm libretto.
libro nm (gen) book. c o m p libro de bolsillo
paperback. y libro de consulta reference book. y libro de texto textbook.
make a mess of; (confundir) to confuse:
cuntale la verdad y no lo les ms tell him licencia nf (permiso) licence.
licenciado,-a nm & nf educ graduate.
the truth and stop messing him about.
licenciar vt educ to award a degree to.
P vpr liarse a + sustantivo to start + ger:
P vpr licenciarse to graduate.
se liaron a discutir they started arguing.
licenciatura nf university degree.
libans,-esa adj Lebanese.
P nm & nf Lebanese.
liceo nm (colegio) secondary school.
Lbano nm el Lbano the Lebanon.
lcito,-a adj 1 (legal) licit. 2 (justo) fair.



licor nm (dulce) liqueur; (bebida alcohlica)

limpiabotas nm inv bootblack.

liquor, spirits pl.
limpiacristales nm inv (producto) winlicuadora nf juice extractor.
dow cleaning fluid.
licuar vt to liquefy.
limpiador,-ra adj cleaning.
P nm & nf (persona) cleaner.
lid nf fig (controversia) dispute.
limpiamente adv cleanly.
lder nm o nf leader.
limpiaparabrisas nm inv windscreen
liderar vt to lead.
wiper, us windshield wiper.
liderazgo nm leadership.
limpiar vt (gen) to clean, cleanse.
lidia nf (de toros) bullfight.
limpieza nf (accin de limpiar) cleaning.
liebre nf (animal) hare.
limpio,-a adj (sin suciedad) clean.
Liechtenstein nm Liechtenstein.
P adv fairly: no juegan limpio, hacen tram
lienzo nm arte (tela) canvas.
pa they don't play fair, they cheat.
liga nf 1 (asociacin) league, alliance. 2
linaje nm (ascendencia) lineage.
dep league.
linaza nf linseed.
ligadura nf (atadura) tie, bond.
lince nm zool lynx.
ligamento nm ligament.
ligar vt 1 (atar) to tie, bind. 2 (unir) to linchar vt to lynch.
link, connect.
lindar vi to border (con, on), adjoin
(con, -).
ligero,-a adj 1 (liviano) light. 2 (sin importancia) minor, light.
linde nm & nf boundary.
lignito nm lignite.
lindo,-a adj pretty, nice, lovely.
lija nf (papel) sandpaper.
lnea nf (gen) line. c o m p lnea area airlijar vt to sand.
line. y lnea recta straight line.
lila adj (color) lilac.
lineal adj linear.
P nf (flor) lilac.
linftico,-a adj lymphatic.
lima nf 1 (herramienta) file; (para uas) nail lingote nm ingot.
file. 2 (fruta) lime; (rbol) lime tree.
lingstica nf linguistics.
limar vt (pulir) to file.
lino nm 1 (tela) linen. 2 bot flax.
limitacin nf limitation.
linterna nf (de pilas) torch.
limitado,-a adj limited.
lo nm (embrollo) mess. l o c hacerse un lo
limitar vt (gen) to limit.
1 (uso literal) to get tangled up. 2 (uso
P vi limitar con to border with. l o c li
figurado) to get muddled up.
mitarse a + inf to restrict os to + ger, lpido nm lipid.
do no more than + inf : una persona in
lipotimia nf blackout.
teligente no se limita a ver la televisin an
intelligent person does not restrict him- liquen nm lichen.
liquidacin nf (venta) sale.
self to watching television.
lmite nm 1 (extremo) limit. 2 (frontera) liquidar vt 1 (deuda) to settle, liquidate. 2 (mercancas) to sell off.
boundary. c o m p lmite de velocidad
lquido,-a nm liquid.
speed limit.
lira nf 1 ms lyre. 2 (moneda) lira.
limtrofe adj bordering.
lrica nf poetry, lyric poetry.
limo nm slime.
lirio nm lily.
limn nm lemon.
lirn nm dormouse. l o c dormir como
limonada nf lemonade.
un lirn to sleep like a log.
limonero nm lemon tree.
lis nf (planta) lily.
limonita nf limonite.
limosna nf alms pl,
charity. l o c pedir liso,-a adj 1 smooth. 2 (pelo) straight.
limosna to beg.
lista nf (relacin) list.



listo,-a adj 1 (inteligente) clever, smart.

2 (preparado) ready: ests lista? are you


litera nf bunk bed; (tren) couchette.

literal adj literal.
literario,-a adj literary.
literatura nf literature.
litigar vi (disputar) to argue, dispute.
litigio nm (disputa) dispute.
litio nm lithium.
litoral nm coast.
litosfera nf lithosphere.
litro nm litre, us liter.
Lituania nf Lithuania.
lituano,-a adj Lithuanian.

& nf (persona) Lithuanian.

lituano (idioma) Lithuanian.
liviano,-a adj (ligero) light.
lvido,-a adj livid.
llaga nf (gen) sore; (en la boca) ulcer.
llagar vt to cover with ulcers.
llama nf 1 (de fuego) flame. 2 zool llama.
llamada nf (gen) call.
llamamiento nm (convocatoria) call.
llamar vt 1 (gen) to call. 2 (dar nombre) to
name. 3 (atraer) to appeal to. l o c lla
mar por telfono to call, phone, gb
P nm
P nm

te llega con diez euros? is ten euros

enough? 5 (cantidad) to amount (a, to).
6 llegar a + inf (uso enftico): lleg a lla
marme tonto he even called me a silly.
llenar vt 1 (espacio, recipiente) to fill. 2
(formulario) to fill in. 3 (tiempo) to fill,
occupy. 4 llenar de (alegra) to fill with.
P vpr llenarse 1 (gen) to fill. 2 (de gente) to
fill up.
lleno,-a adj 1 full (de, of): est lleno de
gente it's full of people. 2 (cubierto) covered (de, with).
llevadero,-a adj bearable.
llevar vt 1 (gen) to take: llvale esto a tu
abuela take this to your granny. 2 (tener)
to have; (tener encima) to have, carry:
qu llevas ah? what's that you've got
there? 3 (prenda) to wear, have on: no
me gusta llevar sombrero I don't like wearing a hat. 4 (aguantar) to cope with. 5
(dirigir) to be in charge of: quin lleva
los pedidos? who's in charge of orders? 6
(conducir - coche) to drive: lleva un Seat
azul he drives a blue Seat. 7 (aos) to be
older: te llevo tres aos I'm three years
older than you.
P vi 1 llevar a (conducir) to take, lead:
esta senda lleva a la cima this path takes
you to the summit. 2 llevar a + inf (inducir) to lead to, make: esto me lleva a pen
sar que this leads me to think that
P vpr llevarse 1 (obtener) to get; (ganar)
to win: los rusos se llevaron todas las me
dallas the Russians won all the medals.
2 (recibir) to get: se llev un buen susto he
got quite a shock. 3 (estar de moda) to be
fashionable: este color ya no se lleva this
colour is not fashionable any more. 4
(entenderse) to get on (con, with), get
along (con, with): se lleva bien con sus
padres he gets on well with his parents.
5 mat to carry over.
llorar vi to cry, weep.
P vt to mourn.
llorn,-ona nm & nf fam crybaby.
lloroso,-a adj tearful, weeping.

ring, ring up.

P vi (a la puerta) to knock; (al timbre) to
ring; (al telfono) to ring, call, phone.
P vpr llamarse (tener nombre) to be
llamativo,-a adj showy, flashy.
llamear vi to blaze.
llano,-a adj 1 (plano) flat. 2 (sencillo)
P nm llano (llanura) plain.
llanta nf wheel rim, rim.
llanto nm crying, weeping.
llanura nf (llano) plain.
llave nf (de puerta, etc) key.
llavero nm key ring.
llegada nf 1 arrival. 2 dep finishing line.
llegar vi 1 to arrive (a, at/in), get (a,
at), reach (a, -): lleg el primero he ar- llover vi [se usa slo en tercera persona; no
lleva sujeto] to rain: llueve it's raining.
rived first. 3 (alcanzar) to reach: llegas a
ese estante? can you
reach that shelf? 4 lloviznar vi [se usa slo en tercera perso
(ser suficiente) to be enough, suffice:
na; no lleva sujeto] to drizzle.



lluvia nf 1 rain. 2 fig shower, barrage.

lo art neut the: dime lo que quieres tell me

what you want. l o c lo que what.

P pron 1 (objeto directo - l) him; (- usted)
you: no lo conozco de nada I don't know
him from Adam. 2 (objeto directo - cosa, animal) it: lo has probado? have you tried it?
loar vt to praise, extol.
lobezno,-a nm & nf zool wolf cub.
lobo,-a nm & nf (macho) wolf; (hembra)
lbulo nm lobe.
local adj local.
P nm (para negocio) premises pl.
localidad nf 1 (ciudad) town. 2 teat
(asiento) seat; (billete) ticket.
localizar vt 1 (encontrar) to locate, find.
2 (infeccin, incendio) to localize.
locativo,-a adj locative.
locin nf lotion.
loco,-a adj (gen) mad, crazy, insane.
P nm & nf lunatic.
locomocin nf locomotion.
locomotor,-ra adj locomotive.
locomotora nf locomotive.
locucin nf phrase, locution.
locura nf (perturbacin) madness.
locutor,-ra nm & nf announcer.
locutorio nm telephone booth.
lodo nm mud.
logartmico,-a adj logarithmic.
logaritmo nm logarithm.
lgica nf logic.
lgico,-a adj 1 (de la lgica) logical. 2
(natural) normal, to be expected.
logstica nf logistics.
logopeda nm o nf speech therapist.
logotipo nm logo, logotype.
logrado,-a adj (conseguido) successful.
lograr vt (conseguir) to get, achieve.
logro nm (xito) achievement.

loncha nf (de jamn, queso, etc) slice.

londinense adj of London.
P nm

o nf Londoner.

Londres nm London.
longaniza nf cured pork sausage.
longitud nf 1 length. 2 geog longitude.

lonja nf (mercado) exchange, market.

lontananza nf (fondo) background.
loor nm lit praise.
lord nm lord.
loriga nf hist cuirass.
loro nm (pjaro) parrot.
los art def the: los nios the boys.
P pron

(objeto directo) them; (ustedes) you:

los vi I saw them; a ustedes dos no los quie

ro volver a ver I don't want to see you

two again.

. Consulta tambin lo, el.

losa nf flagstone, slab.

loseta nf floor tile.
lotera nf lottery.
loto nm (flor) lotus.
loza nf (cermica) china.
lozana nf (de persona) healthiness.
lozano,-a adj 1 (persona) healthy,
lusty. 2 (planta) fresh.

lubina nf bass.
lubricante nm lubricant.
lubricar vt to lubricate.
lucerna nf skylight.
lucero nm bright star.
lucha nf 1 (gen) fight, struggle. 2



lucha libre free-style

luchador,-ra nm & nf 1 (gen) fighter. 2



luchar vi 1 to fight. 2 dep to wrestle.

lucidez nf lucidity.
losmo nm incorrect use of lo and los as lucido,-a adj beautiful.
lcido,-a adj lucid, clear-headed.
indirect objects instead of le and les.
lucirnaga nf glow-worm.
loma nf hill.
lucfero,-a adj lit resplendent.
lombriznf (intestinal) worm.
lomo nm 1 culin (de cerdo) loin; (de ternera) lucimiento nm showing off.
lucio nm pike.
sirloin. 2 anat back.
lona nf canvas.
lucin nm slowworm.



lucir vt (mostrar) to show, display; (ropa)

to wear, sport.
P vpr lucirse (sobresalir) to be brilliant.
lucrarse vpr to make a profit.
lucrativo,-a adj lucrative, profitable.
lucro nm gain, profit.
luctuoso,-a adj lit mournful, sorrowful.
ldico,-a adj recreational.
ludpata nm o nf compulsive gambler.
ludopata nf compulsive gambling.
luego adv 1 (despus) then, afterwards,
next. 2 (ms tarde) later.
P conj so, therefore.
lugar nm 1 (sitio, ciudad) place. 2 (posicin,
situacin) place, position: lleg en quinto
lugar he finished in fifth place. 3 (espacio)
room, space: ya no hay lugar para ms
muebles there's no room for any more
furniture. l o c en lugar de instead of.
lugareo,-a adj local.
P nm & nf local.
lugarteniente nm deputy.
lgubre adj (triste) bleak, lugubrious.
lujo nm luxury.
lujosamente adv luxuriously.
lujoso,-a adj luxurious.
lumbago nm lumbago.
lumbar adj lumbar.
lumbre nf (fuego) fire.
lumbrera nf (persona) genius, luminary.
luminaria nf (en fiestas) light.
lumnico,-a adj light.
luminiscencia nf luminiscence.
luminiscente adj luminiscent.
luminosidad nf luminosity.
luminoso,-a adj bright, luminous.

luminotecnia nf lighting.
luminotcnico,-a adj lighting.
luna nf 1 (satlite) moon. 2 (cristal) win-

dow pane; (de ventana) glass. 3 (espejo)

mirror. c o m p luna llena full moon. y
luna de miel honey moon.
lunacin nf lunation.
lunar adj lunar, moon: las fases lunares
the phases of the moon.
P nm (en la piel) beauty spot. l o c de lu
nares spotted.
luntico,-a nm & nf lunatic.
lunes nm inv Monday.
. Consulta tambin jueves.

luneta nf car window.

c o m p luneta tr
mica heated rear windscreen.
lnula nf half-moon, lunule.
lupa nf magnifying glass. l o c con lupa


lpulo nm hop.
lustrabotas nm o nf bootblack.
lustrar vt to polish.
lustre nm (brillo) polish, shine, lustre,


lustro nm five years pl.

lustroso,-a adj shiny.
luto nm 1 mourning. 2 fig grief.
luxacin nf dislocation.
Luxemburgo nm Luxembourg.
luxemburgus,-esa adj of Luxem-

bourg, from Luxembourg.

& nf Luxembourger.
luz nf 1 (gen) light. 2 fam (electricidad) electricity. 3 (iluminacin) lighting. l o c dar a
luz to give birth. y salir a la luz to
come out. c o m p luces de posicin sidelights. y luz del sol sunlight.
P nm


M, m nf (la letra) M, m.
m1 sm (metro) metre (us meter); (smbo-

macho adj 1 (animal, planta) male. 2

(persona) macho, tough.

P nm 1 (animal, planta) male. 2 fam
(hombre) macho man, tough guy.
m2 sm (milla) mile; (smbolo) m.
m3 abrev (minuto) minute; (abreviatura) macilento,-a adj wan, pallid.
macizo,-a adj solid.
P nm macizo (montaoso) massif,
maca nf (en fruta) bruise.
mountain mass.
macabro,-a adj macabre.
macro nf inform macro.
macaco,-a nm & nf zool macaque.
macarrn nm (pasta italiana) piece of macrocefalia nf macrocephaly..
macrocosmos nm inv macrocosm.
macroeconoma nf macroeconomics.
P nm pl macarrones macaroni.
macedonia nf fruit salad. c o m p mace macroeconmico,-a adj macroeconomic.
donia de frutas fruit salad.
maceracin nf (remojo - de fruta) macer- macroscpico,-a adj macroscopic.
ation, soaking; (- de carne, pescado) mcula nf lit blemish.
macuto nm knapsack, rucksack.
macerar vt (poner en remojo - fruta) to Madagascar nm Madagascar.
macerate, soak; (- carne, pescado) to madeja nf (de lana) skein, hank.
madera nf (en el rbol) wood; (cortada)
timber, us lumber: es de madera it's
maceta nf flowerpot.
made of wood, it's wooden.
macetero nm flowerpot holder.
maderero,-a adj (industria) timber.
macha adj (almeja) type of clam.
machacar vt 1 (triturar) to crush. 2 fam madero nm piece of timber.
(vencer) to hammer, thrash. 3 fam (insis- madona nf Madonna.
tir en) to harp on about, go on about.
madrastra nf stepmother.
P vi 1 (estudiar) to swot up, cram, us
madraza nf fam doting mother.
grind. 2 (insistir en) to go on ( con , madre nf mother. c o m p madre soltera
about), harp on (con, about).
single mother.
machacn,-ona adj fam insistent, re- madreselva nf honeysuckle.
madrigal nm madrigal.
machaque nm beating.
madriguera nf (de conejo) burrow,
machetazo nm blow with a machete.
warren; (de zorro) den, lair.
machete nm machete.
madrina nf godmother.
machihembrado,-a nm tongue and madroo nm strawberry tree.
groove joint.
madrugada nf (despus de medianoche)
machismo nm male
early morning: a las cinco de la madru
machista adj male chauvinist.
gada at five o'clock in the morning.
lo) m.



madrugador,-ra nm & nf early riser.

madrugar vi (levantarse pronto) to get up



pegarse un madrugn

magno,-a adj great.

magnolia nf (rbol, flor) magnolia.
magnolio nm magnolia.
mago,-a nm & nf (gen) magician, con-

fam to get up at the crack of dawn.

jurer; (de los cuentos) wizard.
madurar vi 1 (fruto) to ripen. 2 (persona) magro,-a adj lean.
to mature.
magulladura nf bruise, contusion.
P vt 1 (fruto) to ripen. 2 (plan, proyecto)
magullar vt to bruise.
to think about carefully.
maicena nf cornflour.
madurez nf (de la persona) maturity.
mailing nm mailshot.
maduro,-a adj 1 (persona) mature. 2 maitre nm o nf head waiter, matre.
(fruta) ripe.
maz nm 1 (planta) maize, us corn. 2
maestre nm hist master.
(grano) sweet corn, us corn.
maestra nf (destreza) mastery, skill.
maizal nm maize field, us corn field.
maestro,-a adj (principal) master; (pa- majada nf sheepfold.
red, viga) main, supporting.
majadera nf nonsense, balderdash.
P nm & nf 1 (de primaria - hombre) schoolmaster; (- mujer) schoolmistress. 2 (ins- majadero,-a adj stupid, dim-witted.
tructor) teacher. c o m p maestro de escue majar vt to crush.
majestad nf (distincin) majesty.
la schoolteacher.
majestuoso,-a adj majestic.
magacn nm (revista) magazine.
majo,-a adj (simptico) nice.
magdalena nf small sponge cake.
majuelo nm (via) young vine.
magenta nf magenta.
mal nm 1 evil. 2 (dao) harm. 3 (enfermemagia nf magic.
dad) sickness.
mgico,-a adj (pcima, palabra) magic.
P adj (forma apocopada de malo) bad.
magisterio nm (profesin) teaching
P adv 1 (no adecuadamente) badly: se port
mal con nosotros he treated us badly. 2
magistrado,-a nm & nf (juez) judge.
(enfermo) ill, sick: me encuentro mal I feel
magistral adj masterly, masterful.
ill, I don't feel well. 3 (incorrectamente)
magistratura nf (cuerpo) judges pl.
wrong: lo has hecho mal you've done it
magma nf magma.
wrong. 4 (en frases negativas) bad, badly:
magnanimidad nf magnanimity.
la pelcula no est mal the film's not bad.
magnnimo,-a adj magnanimous.
malabarismo nm juggling. l o c hacer
magnate nm tycoon, magnate.
malabarismos to juggle.
magnesio nm magnesium.
malabarista nm o nf juggler.
magntico,-a adj magnetic.
malacostumbrado,-a adj spoilt.
magnetismo nm magnetism.
malacostumbrar vt to spoil.
magnetizacin nf magnetization.
malaria nf malaria.
magnetizar vt to magnetize.
malasio,-a adj Malaysian.
magnetofnico,-a adj sound recordP nm & nf Malaysian.
malaventura nf misfortune.
magnetfono nm tape recorder.
malaventurado,-a adj unfortunate.
magnicidio nm assassination.
Malawi nm Malawi.
magnificar vt (ensalzar) to praise.
malawiano,-a adj Malawian.
magnificencia nf magnificence,
P nm & nf Malawian.
malayo,-a adj Malay.
magnfico,-a adj splendid.
P nm & nf (persona) Malay.
P nm malayo (idioma) Malay.
magnitud nf fs magnitude.



Malaysia nf Malaysia.
malcarado,-a adj grim-faced.
malcomer vi not to eat enough.
malcriado,-a adj (mimado) spoilt.
malcriar vt to spoil.
maldad nf 1 (cualidad) evil, wickedness.
2 (acto) evil thing, wicked thing.

maldecir vt to curse, damn.

P vi

to curse.

maldiciente adj slanderous.

maldicin nf curse.
maldito,-a adj damned.
Maldivas nm Maldives.
maldivo,-a adj Maldivian.
P nm

& nf Maldivian.

maleabilidad nf malleability.
maleable adj malleable.
maleante nm o nf delinquent.
malear vt (daar) to spoil, damage.
malecn nm mole, jetty.
maledicencia nf evil talk, gossip.
maleducado,-a adj rude.

& nf rude person: es una maledu

cada she's really rude.
maleducar vt (nio) to spoil.
maleficio nm curse, evil spell.
malfico,-a adj evil, harmful.
malentendido nm misunderstanding.
malestar nm fig unrest.
maleta nf suitcase, case. l o c hacer la
maleta 1 (empacar) to pack. 2 (irse) to
P nm

pack up.

maletero nm auto boot, us trunk.

maletn nm briefcase.
malvolo,-a adj malevolent.
maleza nf (malas hierbas) weeds pl.
malformacin nf malformation.
malgache adj Madagascan, Malagsy.
P nm

o nf Madagascan.

malhumorado,-a adj bad-tempered.

l o c estar malhumorado,-a to be in a
bad mood.
Mal nm Mali.
malicia nf (mala intencin) malice.
maliciosamente adv maliciously.
malicioso,-a adj malicious, spiteful.
maliense adj Malian.
P nm o nf Malian.
maligno,-a adj malignant.
malintencionado,-a adj malicious.
P nm & nf malicious person.
malinterpretar vt to misinterpret.
malsimo,-a adj terrible.
malla nf (red) mesh.
P nf pl mallas (medias sin pie) leggings.
malnacido,-a nm & nf despicable person.
malnutricin nf malnutrition.
malnutrido,-a adj malnourished.
malo,-a adj 1 bad: qu da tan malo hace!
what dreadful weather! 2 (malvado)
wicked, evil: es muy mala persona he's a
nasty piece of work. 3 (travieso) naughty:
qu nio ms malo! what a naughty child!
4 (nocivo) harmful: el tabaco es malo para la
salud smoking is bad for you. 5 (enfermo)
ill, sick: no ha venido a trabajar porque est
malo con gripe he's off sick with flu. 6 (estropeado) off: este pescado ya est malo this
fish has gone off already.
P nm & nf (en la ficcin) baddy, villain:
quin es el malo? who's the baddy?
malogrado,-a adj wasted.
malograr vt (desaprovechar) to waste.
maloliente adj foul-smelling.



to come off badly.

salir malparado,-a

malpensado,-a adj nasty-minded.

malsano,-a adj (ambiente, vida) un-

healthy; (curiosidad) morbid, unhealthy; (mente) sick.

malgastador,-ra nm & nf squanderer. malsonante adj offensive, rude.

malgastar vt to waste, squander.
malta nf malt.
malhablado,-a adj foul-mouthed.
Malta nf Malta.
malhecho,-a adj deformed.
maltear vt to malt.
malhechor,-ra nm & nf criminal.
malts adj Maltese.
malherir vt to wound
P nm & nf (persona) Maltese.
P nm malts (idioma) Maltese.
malhumor nm bad temper.



maltratar vt (tratar mal) to ill-treat,

mancomunidad nf association.
mistreat; (pegar) to batter.
mandamiento nm rel commandmaltrato nm mistreatment.
maltrecho,-a adj 1 (persona) battered. mandar vt 1 (ordenar) to order, tell. 2
2 (cosa) damaged, destroyed.
(enviar) to send.
P vi (dirigir - un grupo) to be in charge.
malva adj (color) mauve.
P nf mallow.
mandarina nf mandarin, tangerine.
malvado,-a adj wicked, evil.
mandatario,-a nm & nf pol leader.
malvarrosa nf hollyhock.
mandato nm (orden) order.
malvasa nf (uva) malvasia.
mandbula nf jaw.
malvavisco nm marshmallow.
mandil nm apron.
malvender vt to sell at a loss.
mandioca nf manioc, cassava.
malversar vt to embezzle.
mando nm 1 (autoridad) command: le han
Malvinas nf pl Islas Malvinas Falkland
relevado en el mando he's been dismissed.
Islands, Falklands.
2 (dispositivo) control. c o m p mando a dis
tancia (sistema) remote control.
malvinense adj of the Falklands.
P nm o nf Falklander, Falkland islander.
mandolina nf mandolin.
malvivir vi to live very badly.
mandn,-ona adj fam bossy.
P nm & nf fam bossy boots.
mama nf (pecho) breast.
mandrgora nf mandrake.
mam nf fam mummy, us mom.
mandril nm zool mandril.
mamar vt (succionar) to suck.
P vi (beb) to feed. l o c dar de mamar
manecilla nf (de reloj) hand.
to breast-feed.
manejable adj easy-to-handle.
mamario,-a adj mammary.
manejar vt to handle, operate, use.
mambo nm mambo.
manejo nm (uso) handling, use.
mamfero,-a adj mammalian.
manera nf way, manner. l o c de cual
mamografa nf mammography.
quier manera 1 (en cualquier caso) in any
mamotreto nm (armatoste) monstrosity.
case. 2 (sin cuidado, consideracin, inters)
carelessly. y de ninguna manera certainmampara nf screen.
ly not. y de todas maneras in any case.
mampostera nf masonry.
manga nf sleeve: en mangas de camisa in
mamut nm mammoth.
shirt sleeves.
man nm manna.
manada nf (vacas, elefantes) herd; (ovejas) manganeso nm manganese.
flock; (lobos, perros) pack. l o c en ma mangar vt fam to pinch, nick, swipe.
manglar nm mangrove swamp.
nada en masse.
mango1 nm handle.
mnager nm o nf manager.
manantial nm spring.
mango2 nm bot mango.
manar vi (salir) to flow ( de, from), mangonear vt fam to boss about.
pour (de, from), well (de, from).
mangoneo nm fam meddling.
manat nm manatee.
mangosta nf mongoose.
manazas adj inv clumsy.
manguera nf (de riego) hose.
mancha nf stain, spot.
manguito nm (de manos) muff.
manchado,-a adj stained.
man nm peanut.
manchar vt to stain, dirty.
mana nf 1 med mania. 2 (ojeriza) disP vpr mancharse to get dirty.
like, grudge. 3 (costumbre) habit; (obsemancillar vt arc to sully.
sin) obsession, mania: tiene la mana
de morderse las uas she has a habit of
manco,-a adj (sin un
brazo) one-armed;
(sin una mano) one-handed.
biting her nails.


manaco,-a adj med manic.

& nf fam maniac.

maniatar vt to tie up.
manitico,-a adj (raro) cranky.
P nm & nf (quisquilloso) fusspot.
manicomio nm mental hospital.
manicura nf manicure.
manido,-a adj (tema) stale.
manifestacin nf demonstration.
manifestante nm o nf demonstrator.
manifestar vt (expresar) to express.
P vpr manifestarse to demonstrate: se
manifestaron a favor del desarme nuclear
P nm


mantear vt to toss in a blanket.

manteca nf (elaborado) lard. c o m p man

teca de cacao cocoa butter. y manteca

de cerdo lard.
mantecado nm (helado) dairy ice cream.
mantecoso,-a adj greasy.
mantel nm tablecloth.
mantelera nf table linen.
mantener vt 1 (conservar) to keep. 2
(sustentar) to support, maintain: ella
sola mantiene a toda la familia she supports the whole family by herself. 3

(conversacin, relaciones) to have; (correspondencia) to keep up.

they demonstrated in favour of nuclear
P vpr mantenerse 1 (sostenerse) to redisarmament.
main, stand. 2 (continuar en un estado, una
manifiesto,-a adj obvious, evident.
posicin) to keep: se mantuvo a distancia
P nm manifiesto manifesto.
she kept her distance. 3 (sostenerse) to
manija nf handle.
manage, maintain os, ssupport os.
manilla nf (de reloj) hand.
mantenimiento nm maintenance.
manillar nm handlebars pl.
mantequera nf butter dish.
maniobra nf manoeuvre.
mantequera nf (tienda) delicatessen.
maniobrar vi to manoeuvre.
mantequilla nf butter.
manipulacin nf manipulation.
mantilla nf 1 (de mujer) mantilla. 2 (de
manipulador,-ra adj manipulative.
nio) shawl.
P nm & nf manipulator.
mantillo nm (abono del suelo) humus.
manipular vt to manipulate.
maniquesmo nm (doctrina) Man- mantis nf mantis. c o m p mantis religio
sa praying mantis.
manto nm (capa) cloak.
maniqu nm (mueco) dummy.
mantn nm large shawl.
manirroto,-a adj fam spendthrift.
P nm & nf fam spendthrift.
manual adj manual.
P nm manual, handbook.
manitas nm o nf handyman.
manualidad nf handicraft.
manivela nf crank, handle.
P nf pl manualidades arts and crafts.
manjar nm delicious dish, delicacy.
mano nf 1 anat hand. 2 (de pintura) coat. manubrio nm crank, crankhandle.
l o c a mano 1 (escrito) handwritten, by
manufacturar vt to manufacture.
hand. 2 (hecho) handmade, by hand. 3 manuscrito,-a adj handwritten.
(cerca) to hand, handy, near. y echar una
P nm manuscrito manuscript.
mano to give a hand, lend a hand.
manutencin nf (gen) maintenance.
manojo nm bunch.
manzana nf bot apple.
manmetro nm pressure gauge.
manzanilla nf (planta) camomile.
manopla nf (guante) mitten.
manzano nm apple tree.
manotazo nm slap, smack, swipe.
maa nf (habilidad) skill, knack. l o c
mansarda nf attic.
agarrarle la maa a algo fam to get the
mansedumbre nf meekness, docility.
knack of sth, get the hang of sth.
mansin nf mansion.
maana nf morning: hace una maana
manso,-a adj (animal)
preciosa it's a beautiful morning. l o c por
la maana in the morning.
manta nf (gen) blanket.



P vpr maravillarse to marvel (de, at).

tomorrow: maana no tengo que ir
al cole I don't have to go to school to- maravilloso,-a adj wonderful.
morrow. l o c hasta maana! see you marca nf 1 (seal) mark, sign. 2 (en cotomorrow!
mestibles, productos del hogar) brand; (en
maoso,-a adj (habilidoso) skilful.
otros productos) make. 3 dep record. c o m p
maor adj Maori.
marca registrada registered tradeP nm & nf (persona) Maori.
P nm (idioma) Maori.
marcado,-a adj 1 (sealado) marked.
mapa nm map.
2 (acento) marked, pronounced.
mapache nm racoon.
marcador nm 1 dep scoreboard. 2
mapamundi nm map of the world.
inform bookmark.
maqueta nf (de edificio, monumento, etc) marcapasos nm inv pacemaker.
scale model.
marcar vt 1 (sealar) to mark; (ganado)
maquetar vt to do the page layout of.
to brand. 2 dep (gol, canasta) to score.
maquetista nm o nf 1 (de maquetas) mod3 (en telfono) to dial.
el maker. 2 (de libros) page designer.
marcha nf 1 (de protesta, soldados) march.
maquiavlico,-a adj Machiavellian.
2 (progreso) course, progress. 3 (abandono) leaving. 4 auto gear. 5 dep walk.
maquillador,-ra nm & nf make-up assistant.
6 fam (de persona) go, energy; (de lugar,
ambiente) life. l o c dar marcha atrs 1
maquillaje nm make-up.
(coche) to reverse. 2 (proyecto) to fall
maquillar vt to make up.
through. y ir de marcha (por la noche) go
P vpr maquillarse (ponerse maquillaje) to
out on the town. y poner en marcha 1
make os up.
(coche) to start. 2 (proyecto) to start up.
mquina nf 1 (gen) machine. 2 (de un tren)
engine. c o m p mquina de afeitar shav- marchar vi 1 (ir) to go, walk. 2 (funcionar) to work, run. 3 mil to march.
er, electric razor. y mquina de coser
P vpr marcharse to leave.
sewing machine. y mquina de escribir
typewriter. y mquina de fotos camera. marchitar vt to wither.
y mquina de lavar washing machine.
P vpr marchitarse to wither.
maquinar vt to scheme, plot.
marchito,-a adj (planta) withered; (belleza) faded.
maquinaria nf 1 machinery. 2 mechanism.
marchoso,-a adj fam (persona) funmaquinilla nf razor.
loving, wild; (msica, sitio) lively.
P nm & nf raver, fun-lover.
maquinista nm o nf (de tren) engine
driver, us engineer.
marcial adj martial.
mar nm & nf (gen) sea. l o c en alta mar marciano,-a adj Martian.
on the high sea, on the open sea. y
P nm & nf Martian.
la mar de (muy) very, really.
marco nm 1 (de cuadro, ventana) frame.
marabunta nf 1 swarm of ants. 2 fam
2 (moneda) mark.
fig mob, crowd.
marea nf tide. c o m p marea alta high
maraca nf maraca.
tide. y marea baja low tide. y marea
maracuy nf passion fruit.
negra oil slick.
maraj nm maharajah.
mareado,-a adj (en general) sick: estoy
maraa nf (espesura) thicket.
mareado I feel sick.
maratn nm marathon.
mareante adj (que marea) sickening.
maratoniano,-a adj marathon.
marear vt to make sick.
P vpr marearse 1 to get sick. 2 (sentir
maravilla nf wonder, marvel. l o c de
vrtigo) to get dizzy.
maravilla wonderfully.
maravillar vt to astonish, amaze.
marejada nf swell.
P adv



marejadilla nf slight swell.

maremoto nm tidal wave.
mareo nm sickness.
marfil nm ivory.
marfileo,-a adj (de Costa de Marfil) of

marmolera nf (taller) marble cutter's


marmreo,-a adj marmoreal.

marmota nf zool marmot.
maroma nf thick rope.
marqus,-esa nm & nf (hombre) mar-

the Ivory Coast.

P nm & nf native of the Ivory Coast.
quis, marquess; (mujer) marchioness.
marquesina nf bus shelter.
marga nf marl.
marquetera nf marquetry.
margarina nf margarine.
margarita nf 1 bot daisy. 2 (de mqui- marrano,-a adj fam filthy, dirty.
P nm & nf fam (sucio) filthy pig, dirty pig.
na) daisywheel.
P nm marrano zool pig.
margen nm (del papel) margin.
marrn adj brown.
marginacin nf exclusion.
P nm (color) brown.
marginado,-a adj marginalized.
marroqu,-ina adj Moroccan.
P nm & nf social outcast.
P nm & nf Moroccan.
marginal adj 1 (asunto) marginal, mimarroquinera nf (artculos) leather
nor. 2 (persona) marginalized.
goods pl.
marginar vt (persona) exclude; (grupo
Marruecos nm Morocco.
social) marginalize.
marrullero,-a adj fam crafty.
marido nm husband.
marimandn,-ona nm & nf fam bossy marsupial nm marsupial.
marsupio nm marsupium.
marta nf marten.
marina nf (flota) navy.
Marte nm Mars.
marinar vt to marinate.
martes nm Tuesday.
marine nm marine.
marinero,-a nm sailor.
. Consulta tambin jueves.
marino,-a adj (corriente, animal) marine.
martillazo nm blow with a hammer.
marioneta nf puppet. c o m p (teatro de)
martillear vt to hammer.
marionetas puppet show.
martilleo nm hammering.
mariposa nf (insecto) butterfly.
mariposear vi (andar alrededor) to buzz martillo nm hammer.
martinete nm (ave) heron.
mariquita nf zool ladybird, us ladybug. martingala nf fam (artimaa) ruse.
Martinica nf Martinique.
marisabidilla nf fam know-all.
martn pescador nm kingfisher.
mariscada nf (comida) seafood dish.
mrtir nm o nf martyr.
mariscal nm marshal.
martirio nm 1 martyrdom. 2 fig tormariscar vi to fish for shellfish.
ture, torment.
marisco nm seafood, shellfish.
vt 1 to martyr. 2 fig to tormarisma nf salt marsh.
ment, torture.
marismeo,-a adj (cultivo) marshy.
marzo nm March: el da 16 de marzo March
marisquera nf seafood restaurant.
the sixteenth, the sixteenth of March; nac
marital adj marital.
el 6 de marzo de 1993 I was born on March
martimo,-a adj maritime, sea.
6th 1993; durante el mes de marzo in
marketing nm marketing.
March; en marzo del ao pasado last March;
marmita nf casserole,
cooking pot.
en marzo del ao que viene next March; a
principios de marzo at the beginning of
mrmol nm marble.



March; a mediados de marzo in mid-March; matalahva nf (planta) anise.

a finales de marzo at the end of March.
matamoscas nm 1 (insecticida) fly
mas conj but.
spray. 2 (pala) fly swat.
ms adv 1 (comparativo) more: este ao ha matanza nf (gen) slaughter.
llovido ms it has rained more this year. 2 matar vt 1 (persona - gen) to kill.
(con nmeros o cantidades) more: ms
P vpr matarse (involuntariamente) to die;
de tres more than three. 3 (superlativo)
(voluntariamente) to kill os.
most: es la ms guapa she's the prettiest. 4 matasellos nm inv (marca) postmark.
(despus de pron interrog e indef) else: algo mate1 adj (sin brillo) matt.
ms? anything else? 5 (exclamativo) so: qu
mate2 nm (ajedrez) mate.
pelcula ms buena! what a wonderful film!
mate3 nm (hierba) mat.
l o c de ms spare, extra. y ms bien
matemtica nf (ciencia) mathematics.
rather. y ms o menos more or less.
matemticas nf pl mathematics sing.
P prep mat plus: dos ms dos igual a cua
matemtico,-a adj mathematical.
tro two plus two is four.
P nm & nf mathematician.
P nm (signo) plus sign.
masa nf 1 (en general) mass. 2 fs mass: materia nf 1 (sustancia) matter. 2 (asignatura) subject. c o m p materia prima
unidad de masa unit of mass. 3 culin (paraw material.
ra pan) dough; (para tartas) pastry. 4 (de
gente) mass, crowd.
material adj (en general) material.
P nm (conjunto de cosas) equipment.
masacre nf massacre.
materialismo nm materialism.
masaje nm massage.
masajear vt to massage.
materialista adj materialistic.
masajista nm o nf (hombre) masseur; materializar vt to put into practice.
(mujer) masseuse.
maternal adj maternal, motherly.
P nm & nf dep (en ftbol) physiotheramaternidad nf maternity.
pist, physio.
materno,-a adj (abuelo, etc) maternal.
mascar vt to chew.
matinal adj morning.
mscara nf (careta) mask.
matiz nm 1 (color) shade, tint. 2 (variamascarilla nf (de belleza) face mask.
cin) nuance.
mascota nf 1 (figura) mascot. 2 (animal matizar vt 1 arte (colores) to blend. 2
domstico) pet.
(sonido) to modulate. 3 (aadir un matiz)
masculinidad nf masculinity.
to tinge (de, with).
masculino,-a adj 1 male: la poblacin matojo nm small shrub, bush.
masculina the male population. 2 (propio de matn,-ona nm & nf fam bully, thug.
hombres) masculine. 3 gram masculine. matorral nm (maleza) bushes pl.
mascullar vt to mumble, mutter.
matraca nf wooden rattle.
masificado,-a adj overcrowded.
matraz nm flask.
masilla nf putty.
matriarca nf matriarch.
masivo,-a adj mass, massive.
matriarcado nm matriarchy.
master nm educ Master's degree.
matriarcal adj matriarchal.
mster nm (estudios) master's degree.
matrcula nf 1 (registro - de personas) regmasticar vt to chew, masticate.
istration, enrollment: plazo de matr
mstil nm 1 (asta) mast. 2 mar mast.
cula registration period. 2 (tasa) regismastodntico,-a adj fam enormous.
tration fee(s), tuition fee(s). 3 auto
mastoides nf inv mastoid.
(placa) number plate, us license
mata nf (arbusto) shrub, bush.
plate. c o m p matrcula de honor dismatadero nm slaughterhouse.
matador,-ra adj fam (agotador) killing.
matricular vt (persona) to register.



matricularse to register, enroll:

me he matriculado en Informtica I've enP vpr

rolled for computer science.

matrimonial adj (derecho) matrimonial.
matrimonio nm 1 (estado) marriage. 2
(pareja) married couple.
matriz nf 1 anat womb. 2 mat matrix.
matrona nf (comadrona) midwife.
matutino,-a adj morning.
P nm matutino (peridico) morning paper.
maullar vi miaow, us meow.
Mauritania nf Mauritania.
mauritano,-a adj Mauritanian.
P nm & nf Mauritanian.
mausoleo nm mausoleum.
maxilar nm jaw, jawbone.
mxima nf (temperatura) maximum
mxime adv fml especially.
maximizar vt to maximize.
mximo,-a adj (velocidad) maximum;
(puntuacin, condecoracin) highest.
P nm mximo maximum: tenis una
hora como mximo para acabar you must
be finished in an hour.
maya adj Mayan.
P nm o nf (persona) Mayan.
P nm maya (idioma) Mayan.
mayesttico,-a adj majestic.
mayo nm May.

mayora nf majority: la mayora de los

hombres most men

mayorista nm o nf wholesaler.
mayoritario,-a adj majority.
mayscula nf capital, capital letter.
maysculo,-a adj (enorme) enormous,

maza nf hist (arma) mace.

mazapn nm marzipan.
mazmorra nf dungeon.
mazo nm (martillo) mallet.
mazorca nf cob. c o m p mazorca de maz

me pron 1 me: no me lo dijo she didn't tell

me; dmelo give it to me. 2 (reflexivo)

myself: me veo en el espejo I can see myself in the mirror.
meandro nm meander.
meca nf mecca, Mecca.
mecnica nf (ciencia) mechanics.
mecnico,-a adj mechanical.
P nm & nf mechanic.
mecanismo nm mechanism.
mecanizacin nf mechanization.
mecanizado,-a adj mechanized.
mecanizar vt to mechanize.
mecano nm Meccano.
mecanografa nf typing.
mecanografiar vt to type.
mecedora nf rocking chair.
mecenas nm o nf patron.
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta marzo.
mecer vt to rock.
maylica nf majolica.
P vpr mecerse (en una silla) to rock; (en
mayonesa nf mayonnaise.
un columpio) to swing.
mayor adj 1 (comparativo) bigger, great- mecha nf 1 (de vela) wick. 2 mil fuse.
er, larger; (persona) older; (hermanos, hi- mechado,-a adj larded.
jos) elder, older. 2 (superlativo) biggest, mechar vt (carne) to lard.
greatest, largest; (persona) oldest; (hermechero nm (cigarette) lighter.
manos, hijos) eldest, oldest. 3 (de edad)
mature, elderly: la gente mayor elderly mechn nm (de pelo) lock, strand.
people. 4 (adulto) grown-up. 5 (principal) medalla nf medal.
medallero nm dep medals table.
main. 6 ms major.
medallista nm o nf dep medal winner.
P nm pl los mayores (adultos) grownups, adults.
medalln nm (joya) medallion.
P nm & nf el/la mayor (entre varios) the
media nf 1 (calcetn) sock. 2 (promedio)
average. 3 mat mean. 4 la media (homayoral nm (capataz)
ra) half past, half past the hour. c o m p
mayordomo nm butler.
media aritmtica arithmetic mean.



P nf pl medias (enteras) tights, pantimediocre adj mediocre.

hose; (no enteras) stockings.
mediocridad nf mediocrity.
mediacin nf mediation.
medioda nm (las doce) midday.
mediado,-a adj (recipiente) half-empty; mediopensionista nm o nf day student.
l o c a mediados de halfway through.
medir vt to measure.
mediador,-ra adj mediating.
P vpr medirse to measure os.
P nm & nf mediator.
meditacin nf meditation.
mediana nf mat median.
meditar vt to meditate, think.
medianero,-a adj dividing.
P vi to meditate (sobre, over).
mediano,-a adj (de calidad) average; (de mediterrneo,-a adj Mediterranean.
tamao) medium, medium-sized.
P nm & nf Mediterranean. c o m p el
medianoche nf midnight.
(mar) Mediterrneo the Mediterramediante adj by means of.
nean (Sea).
mediar vi 1 (interceder) to intercede (en mdium nm o nf medium.
favor de, on behalf of). 2 (interponerse) to medrar vi (mejorar socialmente) to get rich.
mediate (en, in), intervene (en, in). 3 mdula nf 1 anat marrow. 2 bot pith.
(estar en medio) to be. 4 (llegar a la mitad).
c o m p mdula espinal spinal cord.
medicacin nf medicines pl.
medular adj anat marrow.
medicamento nm medicine, drug.
medusa nf jellyfish.
medicar vt (recetar) to prescribe.
megabyte nm megabyte.
P vpr medicarse to take medicine.
megafona nf sound amplification.
medicina nf medicine.
megfono nm megaphone.
medicinal adj medicinal.
megahercio nm megahertz.
medicin nf (accin) measuring.
megaltico,-a adj megalithic.
mdico,-a adj medical.
megalito nm megalith.
P nm & nf doctor. c o m p mdico,-a de
megalmano,-a nm & nf megalomacabecera general practitioner, GP. y
mdico,-a de familia family doctor.
nm megaton.
medida nf 1 (accin) measuring; (dato,
nmero) measurement. 2 (disposicin) megavatio nm megawatt.
megavoltio nm megavolt.
measure. l o c a medida que as.
mejicano,-a adj Mexican.
medidor,-ra nm am (contador) meter.
P nm & nf Mexican.
medieval adj medieval.
Mjico nm Mexico.
medievalista nm o nf medievalist.
mejilla nf cheek.
medievo nm Middle Ages pl.
medio,-a adj 1 (mitad) half: las dos y me mejilln nm mussel.
dia half past two; un ao y medio a year mejor adj 1 (comparativo) better: este libro
es mejor que aqul this book is better than
and a half. 2 (intermedio) middle: a media
that one. 2 (superlativo) best: mi mejor
tarde in the middle of the afternoon. 3
amigo,-a my best friend. l o c a lo mejor
(de promedio) average.
perhaps, maybe.
P adv half: medio terminado,-a half-finP adv 1 (comparativo) better: cada vez me
jor better and better every day. 2 (superP nm medio 1 (mitad) half. 2 (centro) midlativo) best.
dle. 3 (contexto - fsico) environment.
P nm & nf el/la mejor the best (one).
c o m p medio ambiente environment.
P nm pl medios (recursos) means.
mejora nf (progreso) improvement.
medioambiental adj environmental. mejorable adj which could be improved.
nm o nf midfield
mejorar vt to improve.


P vi

to improve, get better.

vpr mejorarse to get better: que te

mejores! I hope you get better.
mejora nf improvement.
melancola nf melancholy, sadness.
melanclico,-a adj melancholic.
melanina nf melanin.
melaza nf molasses.
melena nf 1 (de persona) hair. 2 (de len)


melisa nf lemon balm.

mella nf (hendedura) nick, notch.
mellar vt 1 (objeto) to chip, nick. 2 fig
to dent, damage.

mellizo,-a adj twin.

P nm

& nf twin.

melocotn nm peach.
melocotonero nm peach tree.
meloda nf melody.
meldico,-a adj melodic.
melodrama nm melodrama.
melodramtico,-a adj melodra-

mendicidad nf begging.
mendigar vi to beg.
mendigo,-a nm & nf beggar.
mendrugo nm hard crust (of bread).
menear vt (cabeza) to shake; (cola) to
wag; (cuerpo, caderas) to wiggle.

menestra nf vegetable stew.

mengua nf (disminucin) decrease.
menguado,-a adj diminished.
menguante adj (luna) waning.
menguar vi 1 (cantidad) to decrease. 2
(luna) to wane.

menhir nm menhir.
meninge nm meninx.
meningitis nm inv meningitis.
menisco nm meniscus.
menopausia nf menopause.
menopusico,-a adj menopausal.
menor adj 1 (comparativo - en tamao)

smaller; (- en calidad, importancia) lesser;

(- en edad) younger. 2 (superlativo - en
tamao) smallest; (- en calidad, importanmatic.
cia) least; (- en edad) youngest. 3 (infemelmano,-a adj music lover.
rior) minor. 4 ms minor.
meln nm (fruto) melon.
P nm o nf jur minor. c o m p menor de
edad minor.
meloso,-a adj (dulce) sweet, honeyed.
menos adj 1 (comparativo - en cantidad)
membrana nf membrane.
less; (- en nmero) fewer: yo tengo menos
membrillo nm (fruta) quince.
aos que t I'm younger than you. 2 (sumemo,-a adj fam stupid, dim.
perlativo - de cantidad) least; (- de nmero)
memorable adj memorable.
fewest: yo soy la que menos culpa tiene
memorndum nm (cuaderno) notebook.
I'm the least guilty.
memoria nf 1 (gen) memory. 2 (informe)
P adv 1 (comparativo - de cantidad) less; (report. 3 (inventario) inventory.
de nmero) fewer: voy al gimnasio menos
P nf pl memorias (biografa) memoirs.
que antes I go to the gym less than bel o c de memoria (off) by heart, by
fore. 2 (superlativo) least: es el menos gua
memory. y hacer memoria to try to
po he's the least good-looking. 3 (con horemember. c o m p memoria RAM RAM
ras) to: las tres menos cuarto a quarter to
three. 4 mat minus. l o c a menos que
memorial nm (acto) conmemoration.
unless. y al menos at least. y por lo
memorizar vt to memorize.
menos at least.
mena nf ore.
P prep but, except: todo menos eso anymenaje nm household goods. c o m p
thing but that.
menaje de cocina kitchen equipP pron (cantidad) less; (nmero) fewer:
me pag menos he paid me less.
mencin nf mention.
P nm mat minus sign.
mencionar vt to mention, cite.
menospreciar vt 1 (despreciar) to demendelismo nm Mendelism.
spise, scorn. 2 (no valorar) to under
value, underrate.
mendicante adj mendicant.



menosprecio nm (poco aprecio) under-

mercera nf (tienda) haberdasher's

shop, us notions store.
estimation, lack of appreciation.
mensaje nm 1 (en general) message. 2 mercurio nm qum mercury.
(envo electrnico) posting.
merecedor,-ra adj worthy.
mensajera nf courier service.
merecer vt to deserve, be worth: me
rece la pena verlo it's worth a visit.
mensajero,-a nm & nf courier.
merecido,-a nm (just) come-upmenstruacin nf menstruation.
pance. l o c llevar su merecido to get
menstrual adj menstrual.
one's come-uppance.
menstruar vi to menstruate.
merendar vi to have tea.
mensual adj monthly.
P vt to have something for tea.
mensualidad nf (que se cobra) monthly
merendero nm open-air snack bar.
salary; (que se paga) monthly instalmerengue nm culin meringue.
meridiano,-a nm meridian.
mensurable adj measurable.
meridional adj southern.
menta nf (hierba) mint.
merienda nf afternoon snack, tea.
mental adj mental.
merina nf merino sheep.
mentalidad nf mentality.
mrito nm (de alguien) merit.
mentalizar vt to make aware.
merluza nf hake.
P vpr mentalizarse (hacerse a la idea) to
mermar vt to reduce.
get used to the idea.
P vi to decrease, diminish.
mente nf 1 (pensamiento) mind. 2 (faculmermelada nf jam; (de ctricos) marmatades) mind, intelligence, intellect.
mentir vi to lie.
mero nm (pez) grouper.
mentira nf lie.
merodear vi (curiosear) to prowl
mentiroso,-a nm & nf liar.
mentn nm chin.
mes nm month.
mentor nm mentor.
mesa nf (gen) table; (de oficina) desk. l o c
men nm 1 culin menu. 2 inform
poner la mesa to set the table, lay
menu. c o m p men del da set menu.
the table. y quitar/recoger la mesa to
menudo,-a adj 1 (pequeo) small, tiny.
clear the table.
2 (enftico) what a: menudo lo! what meseta nf geog plateau.
a mess! l o c a menudo often.
mesianismo nm Messianism.
meique adj little. c o m p (dedo) mei mesas nm inv Messiah.
que little finger.
mesilla nf small table. c o m p mesilla de
meollo nm (lo esencial) core, heart,
noche bedside table.
mesocarpio nm mesocarp.
mercader nm arc merchant.
mesoltico,-a nm the Mesolithic.
mercadera nf merchandise.
mesn nm old-style restaurant.
mercadillo nm flea market, bazaar.
mestizaje nm crossbreeding.
mercado nm market. c o m p Mercado mestizo,-a adj of mixed race.
Comn Common Market. y mercado
P nm & nf person of mixed race.
de abastos wholesale food market.
mesura nf restraint, moderation.
mercanca nf (gen) goods.
meta nf 1 (en una carrera) finishing line.
mercante adj merchant.
2 (portera) goal. 3 fig purpose.
mercantil adj commercial.
metabolismo nm metabolism.
mercantilismo nm
metabolizar vt to metabolize.
mercenario,-a nm & nf mercenary.
metafsica nf metaphysics.



metfora nf metaphor.
metafrico,-a adj metaphorical.
metal nm metal.
metlico,-a adj metallic.
P nm

metlico cash.

metalista nm o nf metal worker.

metalistera nf metal work.
metalizado,-a adj metallic.
metalizar vt to metallize (us metalize).

metalurgia nf metallurgy.
metalrgico,-a adj metallurgical.

metodologa nf methodology.
metodolgico,-a adj methodological.

metonimia nf metonymy.
metraje nm (pelcula rodada) footage.

largo metraje (full-length) fea-

ture film.

metralla nf shrapnel.
metralleta nf sub-machine-gun.
mtrica nf metrics pl.
mtrico,-a adj 1 (sistema, unidad) met-

ric. 2 (del verso) metrical, metric. c o m p

sistema mtrico metric system.
metro nm 1 metre (us meter). 2 (cinta)
tape measure. 3 (transporte) underground, tube, us subway. c o m p me
tro cuadrado square metre.
metrnomo nm metronome.
metrpoli nf metropolis.
metropolitano,-a adj metropolitan.
P nm metropolitano fml underground,
tube, us subway.
mexicano,-a adj Mexican.
P nm & nf Mexican.
Mxico nm Mexico.
mezcla nf 1 (accin) mixing, blending.
2 (producto) mixture, blend.
metepatas nm o nf fam bigmouth.
mezclar vt 1 (incorporar, unir) to mix,
meter vt 1 (introducir) to put. 2 (implicar)
blend. 2 (desordenar) to mix up.
to put into (en, -), get into (en, -), inP vpr mezclarse 1 (personas) to mix (con,
volve in (en, -).
with). 2 (cosas) to get mixed up.
P vpr meterse 1 (introducirse en) to get
mezquindad nf 1 meanness, stingiin: se meti en la cama he got into bed. 2
ness. 2 (accin) mean thing.
(tomar parte - negocio) to go into (en, -); mezquino,-a adj low, base.
(involucrarse en) to get involved (en, in/
mezquita nf mosque.
with), get mixed up (en, in/with). 3
mi nm ms E.
(introducirse) to get involved (en, in):
me met totalmente en el papel I got com- m pron me: ste es para m this one is for
pletely into in the role. 4 (ir) to go: dn
de se habr metido? where can he have miau nm miaow, meow, mew.
mica nf geol mica.
got to?
meticuloso,-a adj (cuidadoso) meticu- micheln nm fam spare tyre.
mico nm (animal) monkey.
metido,-a adj (envuelto, implicado) in- micologa nf mycology.
volved (en, in).
micosis nf inv mycosis.
metileno nm methylene.
micra nf micron.
metlico,-a adj methylic.
micro nm fam mike, microphone.
metdico,-a adj methodical.
microbio nm microbe.
mtodo nm method.
microbiologa nf microbiology.
& nf metallurgist.
metamrfico,-a adj metamorphic.
metamorfosis nf inv metamorphosis.
metano nm methane.
metanol nm methanol.
metstasis nf inv metastasis.
metatarso nm metatarsus.
meterico,-a adj meteoric.
meteorito nm meteorite.
meteoro nm meteor.
meteorologa nf meteorology.
meteorolgico,-a adj meteorological.
meteorlogo,-a nm & nf meteoroloP nm



microchip nm microchip.
microclima nm microclimate.
microcomputador nm microcomputer.

microcosmos nm inv microcosm.

microeconoma nf microeconomics.
microelectrnica nf microelectronics.
microfilme nm microfilm.
micrfono nm microphone.
microondas nm microwave. c o m p

horno microondas microwave oven.

microordenador nm microcomputer.
microprocesador nm microprocessor.
microscpico,-a adj microscopic.
microscopio nm microscope.
miedo nm fear. l o c tener miedo to be
scared, be frightened, be afraid: tiene
miedo a la oscuridad he's afraid of the dark.
miedoso,-a adj easily frightened.
miel nf honey.
miembro nm 1 (extremidad) limb. 2 (socio) member. 3 mat member.
mientras adv meanwhile.
P conj 1 (temporal) while, whilst: mientras
ests de vacaciones no pienses en el trabajo

milenario,-a adj millennial.

P nm

milenario millennium.

P nm

& nf thousandth.

milenio nm millennium.
milsimo,-a adj thousandth.
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

milhojas nm inv culin millefeuille.

mili nf fam military service. l o c hacer la
mili fam to do one's military service.

milicia nf (gente armada) militia.

miliciano,-a adj of the militia.

P nm & nf (hombre) militiaman; (mujer)

miligramo nm milligram.
mililitro nm millilitre (us milliliter).
milimtrico,-a adj pinpoint.
milmetro nm millimetre (us millimeter).
militante adj militant.
militar adj military.
P nm military man, soldier.
milla nf mile. c o m p milla nutica nautical mile.
millar nm thousand.
while you're on holiday, don't think milln nm million.
about work. 2 (adversativa) whereas: yo millonario,-a nm & nf (hombre) millional menos he estudiado, mientras que t no at
aire; (mujer) millionairess.
least I have studied, whereas you haven't. mimar vt (consentir) to spoil.
mircoles nm Wednesday.
mimbre nm wicker.
. Consulta tambin jueves.
mimetismo nm mimicry.
mmico,-a adj mimic.
mies nf corn, grain.
mimo nm 1 (actor) mime artist. 2 (cario)
miga nf (parte blanda del pan) crumb.
pampering. 3 (cuidado) care. l o c ha
migracin nf migration.
cerle mimos a algn to pamper sb.
migraa nf migraine.
mimosa nf bot mimosa.
migrar vi to migrate.
mimoso,-a adj (carioso) loving.
migratorio,-a adj migratory.
mina nf 1 mine. 2 (explosivo) mine. 3 (de
mijo nm millet.
lpiz) lead. c o m p mina de carbn coal
mil adj 1 thousand. 2 (milsimo) thoumine.
vt (terreno) to mine.
P nm a thousand, one thousand.
minarete nm minaret.
. Consulta tambin seis y sexto,-a.
mineral adj mineral. c o m p agua mine
milagro nm miracle.
ral mineral water.
P nm mineral.
milagroso,-a adj miraculous.
milanesa l o c a la milanesa done in minera nf (tcnica) mining.
minero,-a adj mining.
P nm & nf miner.
milano nm (ave) kite.


miniatura nf miniature.
minifalda nf mini skirt.
minifundio nm smallholding.
minigolf nm crazy golf.
mnima nf (temperatura) minimum


mirador nm 1 (balcn) glassed-in balcony. 2 (lugar) viewing point.

miramiento nm consideration.
mirar vt 1 (observar) to look at; (con aten-

cin) to watch. 2 (buscar) to look; (registrar) to search: me miraron todo al pasar

por la aduana they went through everyminimizar vt to minimize.
thing at customs. 3 (tener cuidado con) to
mnimo,-a adj minimum, lowest.
watch: mira bien lo que haces watch
P nm mnimo minimum: pon el gas en el
what you do.
mnimo turn the gas right down. l o c co
P vi 1 (gen) to look. 2 (buscar) to look:
mo mnimo at least. c o m p mnimo
mira debajo de la cama look under the
comn mltiplo lowest common
bed. 3 (tener cuidado) to mind, watch,
be careful: mira que no te engaen mind
minino nm fam pussy, kitty.
they don't cheat you. l o c mira! look!
minio nm red lead, minium.
mirada nf myriad.
ministerio nm pol ministry, us de- mirilla nf peephole, spyhole.
miripodo nm myriapod.
ministro,-a nm & nf pol minister, us mirlo nm blackbird.
secretary. c o m p primer,-ra ministro,-a mirn,-ona nm & nf fam pey (curioso) noprime minister.
sy parker.
minora nf minority.
mirra nf myrrh.
minorista adj retail.
mirto nm myrtle.
minoritario,-a adj minority.
misa nf mass.
minucia nf trifle.
misal nm missal.
minucioso,-a adj meticulous.
misntropo,-a nm & nf misanthrope,
minscula nf (letra) small letter.
minsculo,-a adj (letra) small; (detalle) miscelnea nf miscellany.
miserable adj 1 (tacao) mean. 2 (malinsignificant.
vado) wretched.
minusvala nf handicap, disability.
P nm o nf 1 (malvado) wretch. 2 (tacao)
minusvlido,-a adj disabled, handimiser.
miseria nf (pobreza) extreme poverty.
P nm & nf disabled person.
misericordia nf mercy.
minuta nf (factura) bill.
msero,-a adj miserable.
minutero nm minute hand.
misil nm missile.
minuto nm minute.
mo,-a adj my, of mine: es muy amiga misin nf (tarea) mission, task.
misionero,-a nm & nf missionary.
ma she's a good friend of mine.
mismo,-a adj 1 (idntico) same: el mismo
P pron mine: este abrigo es mo this coat
color the same colour. 2 (enftico) very:
is mine.
en esta misma casa nac yo I was born in
miocardio nm myocardium.
this very house.
miope adj short-sighted, myopic.
P pron same: es el mismo del ao pasado
P nm o nf short-sighted person.
it's the same one as last year.
miopa nf short-sightedness.
P adv mismo same: piensa lo mismo que
mira nf 1 (dispositivo) sight. 2 fig intention.
tu he thinks the same as you. l o c es lo
mirada nf (gen) look; (vistazo) glance.
mismo 1 (la misma cosa) it amounts to
l o c echar una mirada a algo /algn to
the same thing. 2 (no importa) it
doesn't matter.
take a look at sth/sb.



misgino,-a adj misogynous.

mster nm (en ftbol) manager, coach.
misterio nm mystery.
misterioso,-a adj mysterious.
mstica nf 1 (misticismo) mysticism. 2
(teologa) mystic theology.

misticismo nm mysticism.
mstico,-a adj mystic, mystical.
P nm

& nf (persona) mystic.

mitad nf 1 half: me llevo la mitad I'll take

modernismo nm (arte, literatura) Modernism.

modernista adj Modernist.

P nm

o nf Modernist.

modernizar vt to modernize.
moderno,-a adj modern.
modestia nf modesty.
modesto,-a adj modest.
modificar vt to alter, modify.
modista nm o nf (de ropa para mujer)

half. 2 (medio) middle: en mitad de la pla
modisto nm 1 (diseador) fashion deza in the middle of the square.
signer. 2 (sastre) tailor.
mtico,-a adj mythical.
mitificar vt (convertir en mito) to mythi- modo nm 1 way, manner. 2 ling
mood: el modo subjuntivo the subjunccize.
tive mood. l o c de modo que so: de mo
mitin nm meeting, rally.
do que ya lo sabes so now you know. y en
mito nm myth.
cierto modo in a way.
mitologa nf mythology.
P nm pl modos manners. l o c de todos
mitolgico,-a adj mythological.
modos anyhow, at any rate.
mitosis nf inv mitosis.
modorra nf fam drowsiness.
mixto,-a adj mixed.
modular vt to modulate.
mobiliario nm furniture.
P adj modular.
moca nf (caf) mocha.
mdulo nm 1 (gen) module. 2 (mueble)
mocasn nm moccasin.
mochila nf rucksack, backpack.
mofa nf mockery, derision.
mochuelo nm zool little owl.
mofarse vpr to scoff, mock.
mocin nf motion.
mofeta nf skunk.
moco nm 1 (mucosidad) mucus; (familiar- moflete nm fam chubby cheek.
mente) snot. l o c limpiarse los mocos mogolln nm fam loads pl.
fam to blow one's nose.
P adv fam a lot: nos gust mogolln it
mocoso,-a nm & nf fam brat.
was dead brilliant.
moda nf fashion.
mohair nm mohair.
modales nm pl manners.
moho nm mould, (us mold).
modalidad nf form, means, way.
mohoso,-a adj mouldy (us moldy).
modelado nm modelling (us mode- mojado,-a adj (hmedo) wet, moist.
mojama nf dried salted tuna.
modelar vt to model, shape.
mojar vt 1 (gen) to wet. 2 (alimento) to dip
modlico,-a adj model.
P vpr mojarse 1 to get wet. 2 fam (comprometerse) to commit os.
modelismo nm (de arcilla, etc) modelling.
mojigato,-a adj (gazmoo) prudish.
modelo adj model.
P nm o nf (persona) (fashion) model.
mojn nm (poste - de distancia) milepost.
mdem nm modem.
molar nm (diente) molar.
moderacin nf moderation.
molde nm mould (us mold).
moderado,-a adj moderate.
moldeable adj mouldable.
moderador,-ra nm & nf (de reunin) moldeado,-a adj moulded (us molded).
moldear vt arte (dar forma) to mould
moderar vt to moderate.
(us mold).


moldura nf moulding (us molding).

mole nf mass, bulk, hulk.
molcula nf molecule.
molecular adj molecular.
moler vt 1 (gen) to grind. 2 (cansar) to
wear out.

molestar vt 1 (interrumpir) to disturb. 2


monarqua nf monarchy.
monrquico,-a adj monarchic.
monasterio nm monastery.
monstico,-a adj monastic.
monda nf (piel) peel, skin.
mondadientes nm inv toothpick.
mondadura nf (piel - de fruta) peel.
mondar vt (pelar) to peel.
mondo,-a adj (limpio) bare.
mondongo nm innards pl.
moneda nf (pieza) coin.
monedero nm purse.
monegasco,-a adj Monegasque.

(perturbar) to bother, upset: me moles

tan los ruidos noise bothers me. 3 (importunar) to pester: deja de molestarme ya!
stop pestering me! 4 (hacer dao - apretar)
to hurt: estos zapatos me molestan these
shoes hurt my feet.
P vpr molestarse to bother: perdone
P nm & nf Monegasque.
que le moleste I'm sorry to bother you.
molestia nf 1 (incomodidad) bother, trou- monetario,-a adj monetary.
monetarismo nm monetarism.
ble; (fastidio) nuisance. 2 med trouble.
molesto,-a adj 1 annoying. 2 (enfada- monetarista adj monetarist.
do) annoyed.
monglico,-a adj a f f e c t e d b y
Down's syndrome.
molido,-a adj 1 (caf) ground. 2 fam
P nm & nf person affected by Down's
(cansado) worn-out. l o c estar molido,-a
fam to be worn-out.
mongolismo nm Down's syndrome,
molienda nf (de caf) grinding.
moliente l o c corriente y moliente run
monicaco nm fam dodgy geezer.
of the mill, common or garden.
monigote nm 1 (figura) rag doll, paper
molinero,-a nm & nf miller.
doll. 2 (dibujo) matchstick man.
molinillo nm grinder, mill.
molino nm mill. c o m p molino de viento monismo nm monism.
monista adj monistic.
molla nf (pulpa) flesh.
monitor,-ra nm & nf (profesor) instructor.
P nm monitor (pantalla) screen.
molleja nf (de ave) gizzard.
monja nf nun.
mollera nf fam (inteligencia) brains pl.
monje nm monk.
moln,-na adj argot cool, brill, fab.
mono,-a adj (bonito) nice, lovely, cute.
molusco nm mollusc (us mollusk).
P nm & nf zool monkey.
momentneo,-a adj momentary.
P nm mono (prenda de trabajo) overalls pl.
momento nm 1 moment. 2 (perodo)
monocarril nm monorail.
monocolor adj monochrome.
momia nf mummy.
monocorde adj fig (montono) dull.
momificacin nf mummification.
monocotilednea nf monocotyledon.
momificar vt to mummify.
monocotiledneo,-a adj monocotymonacal adj monastic.
monacato nm (institucin) monastic
monocromtico,-a adj monochrocommunity.
Mnaco nm Monaco.
monada nf (cosa bonita) beauty, lovely monocroma nf monochrome.
monocromo,-a adj monochrome.
thing; (persona) gorgeous person.
monocular adj monocular.
monaguillo nm altar
monarca nm monarch.
monculo nm monocle.



monocultivo nm monoculture.
mondico,-a adj monodic.
monofsico,-a adj single-phase.
monofona nm mono.
monofnico,-a adj mono.
monogamia nf monogamy.
mongamo,-a adj monogamous.
monografa nf monograph.
monogrfico,-a adj monographic.
monograma nm monogram.
monolinge adj monolingual.
monoltico,-a adj monolithic.
monolito nm monolith.
monologar vi to soliloquize.
monlogo nm (reflexin) monologue.
monomana nf 2 fam obsession.
monomanaco,-a adj med monoma-

monta nf 1 (importancia) value, account,

importance. 2 (de un caballo) riding.

montacargas nm service lift.

montador,-ra nm & nf (operario) fitter.
montadora nf splicing machine.
. Consulta tambin montador,-a.

montaje nm 1 (de piezas) assembly. 2

(en foto) montage. 3 fam (farsa) setup.

montante nm 1 (total) total, total

amount. 2 (pieza vertical) upright. 3

(ventana) skylight.
montaa nf mountain.
montaero,-a nm & nf mountaineer.
montas,-esa nm & nf highlander.
montaismo nm mountaineering.
montaoso,-a adj mountainous.
montaplatos nm inv dumb waiter.
montar vi 1 (subir - caballo, bicicleta) to
mount, get on; (- coche) to get in; (monomio n mat monomial.
avin) to get on, board. 2 (ir en bicicleta)
monoparental adj one-parent.
to ride: sabes montar en bicicleta? can
monopatn nm skateboard.
you ride bicycle?
monoplano nm monoplane.
P vt 1 (subir - caballo) to mount, get on.
monoplaza adj single-seat.
2 (subir - persona) to put on: mont al ni
monopolio nm monopoly.
o en la bicicleta I lifted the kid onto his
monopolista adj monopolistic.
bike. 3 (ensamblar) to assemble, put
together; (tienda de campaa) to put
monopolizacin nf monopolization.
up. 4 (nata) to whip; (claras) to whisk.
monopolizador,-ra adj monopolizing.
P vpr montarse 1 (subirse) to get on; (- en
monopolizar vt to monopolize.
un coche) to get in; (- en un caballo)
monorral nm monorail.
to mount, get on. 2 fam (armarse) to
monosilbico,-a adj monosyllabic.
break out: se mont un buen jaleo there
monoslabo,-a adj monosyllabic.
was a real to-do.
P nm monoslabo monosyllable.
montaraz adj (de montaa) mountain.
monotesmo nm monotheism.
monte nm 1 mountain, mount. 2 (bosmonotesta adj monotheistic.
que) wild, woodland.
P nm o nf monotheist.
montenegrino,-a adj Montenegrin.
monotona nf monotony.
P nm & nf Montenegrin.
montono,-a adj monotonous.
Montenegro nm Montenegro.
monovolumen nm people carrier.
montepo nm friendly society.
monxido nm monoxide. c o m p mo montera nf bullfighter's hat.
nxido de carbono carbon monoxide.
montera nf (caza) hunt.
monseor nm Monsignor.
montero,-a nm & nf hunter.
monserga nf fam (leccin) nagging.
monts adj wild.
monstruo adj fam fantastic, terrific.
montculo nm mound, hillock.
P nm 1 monster. 2 fam (genio) genius.
monto nm total, total amount.
monstruosidad nf
(cosa) monstrosity. montn nm 1 heap, pile. 2 fam (gran
cantidad) stacks pl, loads pl, heaps pl:
monstruoso,-a adj monstrous.



vino un montn de gente loads of people


montura nf 2 (silla) saddle. 3 (armazn de gafas) frame.

monumental adj monumental.

monumento nm arte monument.
monzn nm monsoon.
monznico,-a adj monsoon.
moa nf fam (borrachera) bender.
moo nm bun.
moquear vi to have a runny nose.
moqueta nf fitted carpet.
moquillo nm (de perro) distemper.
mora nf 1 (de moral) mulberry. 2 (zarzamora) blackberry.

morada nf adobe, dwelling.

morado,-a adj (color) purple.
P nm

morado (color) purple.

morador,-ra nm & nf dweller.

moral1 adj moral.

mordida nf fam (soborno) bribe.

mordiente nm mordant.
mordisco nm bite.
mordisquear vt to nibble.
morena nf (pez) moray eel.
moreno,-a adj 1 (pelo) dark. 2 (pan,

azcar) brown.
moreno suntan.
morera nf white mulberry.
moretn nm bruise.
morfema nm morpheme.
morfina nf morphine.
morfinmano,-a nm & nf morphine
morfologa nf morphology.
morfolgico,-a adj morphological.
morgantico,-a adj morganatic.
morgue nf morgue.
moribundo,-a adj moribund.
morir vi (ser vivo) to die.
P vpr morirse to die.
mormn,-ona adj Mormon.
P nm & nf Mormon.
mormnico,-a adj Mormon.
moro,-a adj Moorish.
P nm & nf Moor.
morosidad nf 1 (tardanza) delay; (- en
un pago) arrears pl.
moroso,-a adj fin (cliente) in arrears.
P nm & nf defaulter.
morral nm haversack.
morralla nf 1 (pescado) small fish. 2 pey
(gente) riffraff.
morrazo l o c pegarse un morrazo fam
to give os a bash.
morrena nf moraine.
morria nf homesickness.
morrin nm helmet.
morro nm 1 fam (de persona - boca) lips
pl, mouth; (cara) face. 2 fam (cara dura)
cheek. 3 (de animal) snout, nose.
morrocotudo,-a adj fam terrific.
P nm

1 (reglas) morals pl. 2 (nimo) morale, spirits pl.

moral2 nm bot mulberry tree.
moraleja nf moral.
moralidad nf morality.
moralina nf false morals pl.
moralista adj moralistic.
moralizador,-ra adj moralizing.
moralizar vi to moralize.
P vt to moralize.
morar vi to reside, dwell.
moratn nm fam bruise.
moratoria nf moratorium.
morbidez nf softness, tenderness.
morbo nm fam thrill.
morbosidad nf (inters) morbid curiosity.
morboso,-a adj fam kinky.
morcilla nf black pudding.
mordaz adj mordant, sarcastic.
mordaza nf gag.
mordedura nf bite.
morder vt to bite: le ha mordido mi perro morrn adj c o m p pimiento morrn
sweet red pepper.
my dog's bitten him.
morrudo,-a adj fam thick-lipped.
P vi to bite: ten cuidado que muerde be
morsa nf walrus.
careful, it bites.
Morse nm Morse code.
P vpr morderse to bite. l o c morderse la
lengua (callarse) to hold one's tongue.
mortadela nf mortadella.
P nf



mortaja nf shroud.
mortal adj 1 (criatura, ser) mortal. 2 (peli-

motejar vt to nickname.
motel nm motel.
motilidad nf motility.
motn nm (levantamiento) riot, uprising.
motivacin nf motivation, motive.
motivar vt 1 (causar) to cause, give rise

gro, herida) fatal. 3 (aburrimiento, susto)

P nm o nf mortal.
mortalidad nf mortality.
mortandad nf death toll.
to. 2 (estimular) to motivate.
mortecino,-a adj 1 (luz) faint, dull. 2 motivo nm motive, reason, cause.
(color) lifeless, dull.
moto nf fam (motocicleta) motorbike.
mortero nm mortar.
motocarro nm three-wheeled van.
mortfero,-a adj deadly, lethal.
motocicleta nf motorcycle.
mortificacin nf mortification.
motociclismo nm motorcycling.
mortificante adj mortifying.
motociclista nm o nf motorcyclist.
mortificar vt to mortify.
motocross nm motocross.
motocultivo nm mechanised agriculmortuorio,-a adj mortuary.
moruno,-a adj Moorish.
motonutica nf speedboat racing.
mosaico nm mosaic.
motonutico,-a adj speedboat.
mosca nf fly.
moscada c o m p nuez moscada nut- motor,-ra adj 1 motive. 2 biol motor:
funcin motora motor function.
P nm motor tc engine.
moscardn nm 1 blowfly. 2 (persona)
motora nf small motorboat.
motorismo nm motorcycling.
moscatel nm muscatel.
motorista nm o nf motorcyclist.
mosconear vt fam to pester.
motorizado,-a adj motorized.
P vi fam to be a pest, be a pain.
motorizar vt to motorize.
mosquear vt fam to annoy.
motosierra nf power saw.
P vpr mosquearse fam (enfadarse) to get
motriz adj [slo se usa con monbres en fecross.
menino] motive.
mosquete nm musket.
mousse nf culin mousse.
mosquetero nm musketeer.
mosquetn nm 1 (arma) short car- mouton nm (piel) sheepskin.
movedizo,-a adj (inestable) unstable.
bine. 2 (cierre) snap link.
mover vt 1 to move.
mosquitera nf mosquito net.
P vpr moverse 1 (gen) to move. 2 fam
mosquitero nm mosquito net.
(darse prisa) to get a move on.
mosquito nm mosquito.
movible adj movable.
mostacera nf mustard pot.
movida nf fam (animacin) action.
mostacho nm moustache.
movido,-a adj 1 (da, temporada) busy. 2
mostaza nf mustard.
(fiesta, concurso) lively. 3 (foto) blurred.
mosto nm (zumo) grape juice.
mvil adj movable, mobile.
mostrador nm (de tienda) counter.
P nm 1 fs moving body. 2 (motivo)
mostrar vt to show.
motive. 3 (decoracin, juguete) mobile. 4
P vpr mostrarse to appear.
(telfono) mobile (phone), cell phone.
mostrenco,-a adj (grande) mammoth. movilidad nf mobility.
mota nf (partcula) speck.
movilizacin nf mobilization.
mote nm nickname.
movilizar vt to mobilize.
moteado,-a adj dotted,
movimiento nm 1 (gen) movement;
motear vt to fleck, speck.
(tcnicamente) motion. 2 (de gente, ideas)


activity. 3 (artstico, poltico) movement.

moviola nf (mquina) Moviola.
moza nf (chica) lass.
Mozambique nm Mozambique.
mozambiqueo,-a adj Mozambiquean.
P nm & nf Mozambiquean.
mozrabe adj Mozarab.
P nm o nf Mozarab.
mozo,-a adj young.
P nm mozo 1 (joven) young man, lad. 2
(camarero) waiter. 3 (de estacin) porter.


mudar vt 1 to change, alter. 2 (plumas)

to moult (us molt). 3 (voz) to break: le

est mudando la voz his voice is breaking.
4 (piel) to shed.
P vpr mudarse 1 to change. 2 (de residencia) to move.
mudez nf dumbness, muteness.
mudo,-a adj 1 (por defecto) dumb; (por
voluntad) silent, quiet. 2 (vocal, consonante) mute.
mueble nm piece of furniture.
P nm pl muebles furniture sing.
mueca nf 1 (de burla) mocking gesture,
face. 2 (de dolor) grimace.
MP3 abrev (Moving Pictures Experts
muela nf (diente) tooth, molar.
Group Audio Layer 3) MP3.
muelle nm 1 (elstico) spring. 2 mar
mu interj (mugido) moo.
dock, wharf; (malecn) pier, jetty.
muar nm moir.
muchacho,-a nm & nf (chico) boy; (chica) murdago nm mistletoe.
muerdo nm fam bite.
muchedumbre nf (de personas) crowd. muermo nm fam drag, pain, bore.
mucho,-a adj 1 (singular - en afirmativas) a muerte nf 1 death. 2 (asesinato) murder.
lot of; (- en negativas, interrogativas) a lot
of, much: hicieron mucho ruido they muerto,-a adj 1 (sin vida) dead; (sin actividad) lifeless. 2 fam (cansado) tired.
made a lot of noise; no tiene mucho dine
P nm & nf dead person.
ro he hasn't got a lot of/much money. 2
(plural - en afirmativas) a lot of, lots of; muesca nf (corte) nick, notch.
(- en negativas, interrogativas) a lot of, muesli nm muesli.
many: tienes muchos libros? have you muestra nf 1(ejemplar) sample. 2 (modegot a lot of/many books? 3 (demasiado lo) pattern. 3 (seal) proof, sign: daba
singular) too much; (- plural) too
muestras de alegra she looked happy.
4 (exposicin) show, display.
P pron (singular) a lot, much; (plural) a
muestrario nm collection of samples.
lot, many: muchos de sus amigos acudie muestreo nm (gen) sampling.
ron many of his friends came.
mugido nm (de vaca - uno) moo.
P adv 1 (de cantidad) a lot, much: mucho
mugir vi (vaca) to moo.
mejor/peor much better/worse. 2 (de
tiempo): mucho antes/despus much earli- mugre nf grime, filth.
er/later. 3 (de frecuencia) often: no vienen mugriento,-a adj grimy, filthy.
mucho por aqu they don't come here of- muguete nm lily of the valley.
ten. l o c como mucho at the most: te mujer nf 1 woman. 2 (esposa) wife.
pagarn como mucho treinta euros they'll mujeriego,-a adj pey fond of the lapay you thirty euros at the most.
mucosa nf mucous membrane.
mujerona nf fam big woman.
mucosidad nf mucus.
mjol nm grey mullet.
mucoso,-a adj mucous.
muladar nm dump.
muda nf (de ropa) change of clothes.
mulato,-a adj mulatto.
P nm & nf mulatto.
mudable adj 1 changeable. 2 (carcter)
nm muleteer.
mudanza nf (de residencia) moving.
muleta nf (para andar) crutch.



muletilla nf 1 (bastn) cross-handled

multirriesgo adj fully comprehencane. 2 (frase repetida) pet phrase.

muletn nm flannelette.
multitud nf 1 (de personas) crowd. 2 (de
cosas, ideas) multitude.
mullido,-a adj soft, springy.
mullir vt (lana) to soften; (almohada, col- multitudinario,-a adj multitudinous.
chn) to fluff up.
mulo,-a nm & nf (macho) mule; (hembra) multiuso adj multipurpose.
she-mule. l o c ser ms terco,-a que una mundanal adj of the world, munmula to be as stubborn as a mule.
dane. l o c huir del mundanal ruido to
get away from it all.
multa nf (gen) fine; (de trfico) ticket.
multar vt to fine: cunto te multaron? mundano,-a adj of the world.
how much did they fine you?
mundial adj worldwide, world.
P nm world championship. l o c de
multiacceso nm multiaccess.
fama mundial world-famous. c o m p
multicines nm pl multiplex sing.
mundial de ftbol World Cup.
multicolor adj multicoloured.
mundialmente adv worldwide. l o c
multicopiar vt to duplicate.
mundialmente conocido,-a world-famulticopista nf duplicator.
multicultural adj multicultural.
multidimensional adj multidimen- mundillo nm world, circles pl: el mun
dillo teatral theatrical circles.
multidireccional adj multidirectional. mundo nm world: ha dado la vuelta al
mundo dos veces he's been around the
multidisciplinar adj multidisciplinary.
world twice; vive aislado en su propio mun
multifactico,-a adj multifaceted.
do he's isolated himself in his own little
multiforme adj multiform.
world; el mundo del cine the cinema, the
multigrado adj multigrade.
world of cinema. l o c no ser nada del
multilateral adj multilateral.
otro mundo to be nothing to write
multimedia adj multimedia.
home about. y por nada del mundo not
for all the world. y tener mundo to
multimillonario,-a adj (de libras) mulknow the ways of the world. y venir
timillion-pound; (de dlares) multimillion-dollar: un contrato multimillo
al mundo to come into the world. y el
nario a multimillion-dollar contract.
fin del mundo the end of the world.
c o m p el Nuevo Mundo the New World.
P nm & nf multimillionaire.
y el Tercer Mundo the Third World.
multinacional adj multinational.
P nf multinational.
mundologa nf fam worldliness.
multpara nf multiparous.
municin nf ammunition.
mltiple adj 1 multiple. 2 (muchos) municipal adj (gobierno) town, municimany, a number of, numerous: opi
pal; (instalaciones) council.
niones mltiples a number of opinions.
P nf pl las municipales local elections.
multiplicable adj multipliable.
municipio nm 1 municipality. 2 (ayuntamiento) town council.
multiplicacin nf multiplication.
mueca nf 1 anat wrist. 2 (juguete)
multiplicador,-ra adj multiplying.
doll. c o m p mueca de trapo rag doll.
P nm multiplicador multiplier.
mueco nm (juguete) doll. c o m p mueco
multiplicar vt to multiply (por, by).
de nieve snowman.
multiplicidad nf multiplicity.
muequera nf wristband.
mltiplo adj multiple.
P nm multiple.
muir vt (amaar) to fix.
mun nm anat stump.
multipropiedad nf
multirracial adj multiracial.
mural adj mural.



muralla nf city wall.

murcilago nm bat.
murga nf fam nuisance.
murmullante adj babbling.
murmullo nm (susurro) whisper, whis-

msico,-a nm & nf musician.

musicologa nf musicology.
musiclogo,-a nm & nf musicologist.
musiquilla nf fam pey tacky music.
musitar vi (susurrar) to whisper.
muslo nm 1 thigh. 2 culin (de ave)

murmuracin nf gossip, backbiting.

murmurador,-ra adj gossipy.

mustiarse vi to wilt, wither.

mustio,-a adj 1 (plantas) withered,

murmurar vt (susurrar) to murmur,

musulmn,-ana adj Muslim.

P nm


pering; (voz baja) murmur, murmuring.

P nm

& nf gossip.

P vi 1 (criticar) to gossip. 2 (decir en voz
baja) to murmur.
muro nm wall.
murria nf sadness, melancholy.
mus nm (juego de cartas)card game in
which players use signs to communicate.
musa nf muse.
P nf pl las musas the Arts.
musaraa nf zool shrew. l o c estar
pensando en las musaraas to daydream.
musculacin nf body-building.
muscular adj muscular.
musculatura nf muscles pl.
msculo nm muscle.
musculoso,-a adj muscular.
muselina nf muslin.
museo nm museum. c o m p museo
de arte art museum.
musgo nm moss. l o c cubierto,-a de
musgo mossy, moss-covered.
musgoso,-a adj mossy.
msica nf music. c o m p msica de fondo
background music. y msica clsica
classical music.
musical adj musical.
P nm musical.
musicalidad nf musicality.
musicalizar vt to write the music for,
set to music.


faded. 2 (persona) down, downcast.

P nm

& nf Muslim.

mutabilidad nf changeability.
mutable adj mutable.
mutacin nf 1 change. 2 biol mutation.

mutante adj mutant.

P nm

o nf mutant.

P nm

& nf cripple.

mutilacin nf mutilation.
mutilado,-a adj (persona) disabled.
mutilar vt to cripple.
mutis nm teat exit.
mutismo nm silence.
mutual nf mutual benefit society.

c o m p mutual de seguros mutual insurance company.

mutualidad nf (asociacin) mutual benefit society.
mutualista nm o nf (afiliado) member of
a mutual benefit society.
mutuamente adv mutually: se quieren
mutuamente they love each other.
mutuo,-a adj mutual, reciprocal: por
mutuo acuerdo by mutual agreement.
muy adv very: es muy difcil it's very difficult; se levant muy temprano he got up
very early; lo has hecho muy bien you've
done it very well. l o c muy de maana
very early in the morning. y por muy
que however: por muy tarde que sea
however late it is.


N, n nf (la letra) N, n.
N sm (norte) north; (smbolo) N.
nabo nm (planta) turnip.
ncar nm mother-of-pearl.
nacarado,-a adj nacred.
nacer vi 1 (persona) to be born; (ave) to

nothing of it, (us you're welcome).

2 (insignificante) insignificant: gracias,
de nada thanks, don't mention it. y na
da ms as soon as, no sooner
nadador,-ra nm & nf swimmer.
nadar vi to swim.
hatch out; (semilla, planta) to sprout. 2 nadera nf trifle.
(ro) to rise; (agua) to spring; (camino) nadie pron nobody, not anybody:
aqu no hay nadie there's nobody here.
to start, begin. 3 (sol) to rise. l o c al
nacer at birth.
nado l o c a nado swimming: cruzaron
el ro a nado they swam across the river.
nacido,-a adj born. l o c bien nacido,-a
(de buen corazn) kind-hearted. y mal nafta nf naphtha.
nacido,-a despicable.
naftalina nf naphthalene. c o m p bola
naciente adj 1 (nuevo) new. 2 (creciente)
de naftalina mothball.
naif adj naf, naive.
P nm (este) East.
P nm naf art.
nacimiento nm 1 birth. 2 fig origin, nailon nm nylon.
beginning. l o c de nacimiento from naipe nm playing card.
nalga nf buttock.
nacin nf nation. c o m p Naciones Uni Namibia nf Namibia.
das United Nations.
namibio,-a adj Namibian.
nacional adj national.
P nm & nf Namibian.
nacionalidad nf nationality.
nana nf lullaby.
nacionalismo nm nationalism.
naranja nf (fruto) orange.
nacionalista adj nationalist.
P adj (color) orange.
P nm o nf nationalist.
naranjada nf orangeade, orange drink.
nacionalizacin nf naturalization.
naranjal nm orange grove.
nacionalizar vt 1 (persona) to naturalnaranjo nm orange tree.
ize. 2 (empresa) to nationalize.
narcisismo nm narcissism.
P vpr nacionalizarse (persona) to become naturalized: nacionalizarse espa narcisista adj narcissistic.
P nm o nf narcissist.
ol/britnico/etc to take up Spanish/Britnarciso nm 1 (flor) daffodil, narcissus.
ish/etc citizenship.
2 (hombre) narcissist.
nada pron nothing: no quiero nada I don't
narctico,-a adj narcotic.
want anything.
P nm narctico (medicamento) narcotic;
P adv (not) at all: no me gusta nada
(droga) drug.
I don't like it at all.
P nf nothingness. l o c de nada 1 (no
narcotraficante adj drug trafficking.
P nm o nf drug trafficker.
hay de qu) don't mention it, think


narcotrfico nm drug trafficking.

nardo nm nard, spikenard.
narign,-ona adj fam big-nosed.
nariz nf 1 anat nose. 2 fig (sentido) sense


naufragar vi 1 (barco) to sink, be

wrecked; (persona) to be shipwrecked. 2 fig to fail.

naufragio nm shipwreck.
nufrago,-a adj shipwrecked.
P nm & nf shipwrecked person.
Nauru nm Nauru.
nauruano,-a adj Nauruan.
P nm & nf Nauruan.

of smell. l o c meter las narices en algo

to poke one's nose into sth.
P interj narices! fam not on your life!
narracin nf (historia) story.
narrador,-ra nm & nf storyteller.
nusea [tambin se usa en plural con el
narrar vt (gen) to tell, relate, narrate.
mismo significado] nf nausea, sickness.
narrativa nf (gnero) fiction.
nauseabundo,-a adj nauseating.
narval nm narwhal.
nutica nf navigation, seamanship.
nasa nf (aparejo) keepnet; (cesta) creel.
nutico,-a adj nautical. c o m p deportes
nasal adj nasal.
nuticos water sports.
P nf (letra) nasal.
navaja nf (cuchillo) penknife.
nata nf 1 cream. 2 (de leche hervida) skin.
naval adj naval.
c o m p nata montada whipped cream.
nave nf 1 (nutica) ship, vessel. 2 (espanatacin nf swimming.
cial) spaceship, spacecraft. 3 (almacn)
natal adj native. c o m p ciudad natal
industrial warehouse.
home town: y pas natal native counnavegable adj (ro) navigable.
navegacin nf (arte) navigation.
natalicio nm birthday.
navegador nm (de internet) browser.
natalidad nf birth rate.
navegante nm o nf navigator.
natillas nf pl custard sing.
navegar vi 1 (barco) to sail. 2 (avin) to fly.
natividad nf nativity.
Navidad nf Christmas. l o c felicitar las
nativo,-a adj native.
Navidades a algn to wish sb a merry
nato,-a adj born.
natural adj 1 (no artificial) natural. 2 (fru- navideo,-a adj Christmas.
ta, flor) fresh. l o c al natural culin in its naviera nf (empresa) shipping company.
own juice.
navo nm vessel, ship.
P nm (nativo) native, inhabitant. l o c
Neanderthal adj Neanderthal.
ser natural de to be a native of, come
neblina nf mist.
naturaleza nf 1 nature. 2 (complexin) neblinoso,-a adj misty.
nebulizador nm nebulizer.
physical constitution.
naturalidad nf 1 (sencillez) natural- nebulosa nf nebula.
ness. 2 (espontaneidad) ease, sponta- nebulosidad nf nebulosity.
nebuloso,-a adj cloudy, hazy.
necedad nf (ignorancia) stupidity.
naturalismo nm naturalism.
necesario,-a adj necessary.
naturalista adj naturalist.
neceser nm (bolsa de aseo) toilet bag.
P nm o nf naturalist.
necesidad nf 1 necessity, need. 2 (ponaturalizar vt to naturalize.
breza) poverty, want. l o c pasar nece
P vpr naturalizarse to become natusidades to be in need.
ralized: se ha naturalizado espaol he has
necesitado,-a adj needy, poor.
taken up Spanish citizenship.
necesitar vt to need.
naturista adj naturist.
P nm o nf naturist.
necio,-a adj stupid.
naturopata nf naturopathy.
ncora nf fiddler crab.

necrologa nf (biografa) obituary.
necrolgico,-a adj obituary.
P nf


pl necrolgicas (seccin prensa) obit-

uaries pl.

necrpolis nf inv necropolis.

necrosis nf inv necrosis.
nctar nm nectar.
nectarina nf nectarine.
neerlands,-esa adj Dutch.

nene,-a nm & nf baby.

nenfar nm water lily.
neoclasicismo nm neoclassicism.
neoclsico,-a adj neoclassical.
neocolonialismo nm neocolonialism.
nefito,-a nm & nf neophyte.
neoltico,-a adj neolithic.
P nm

neoltico Neolithic.

neologismo nm neologism.
nen nm neon.
neonatal adj neonatal.
neorrealismo nm neorealism.
neozelands,-esa adj of New Zea-

P nm & nf 1 (persona - hombre) Dutchman; (- mujer) Dutch woman. 2 (idioma) Dutch.

nefasto,-a adj unlucky, ill-fated.
nefrtico,-a adj nephritic. c o m p clico
land, from New Zealand.
nefrtico nephrocolic.
P nm & nf New Zealander.
negacin nf 1 (de un derecho) negation. Nepal nm Nepal.
2 refusal. 3 (en gramtica) negative.
nepals,-esa adj Nepalese, Nepali.
negado,-a adj (inepto) hopeless.
P nm & nf (persona) Nepalese, Nepali.
negar vt 1 (rechazar) to deny. 2 (no conceP nm nepals (idioma) Nepalese, Nepali.
der) to refuse.
nepotismo nm nepotism.
P vpr negarse to refuse (a, to): se neg
nereida nf nereid.
a devolverme el dinero he refused to give
nervadura nf bot nervures pl.
me my money back.
nervio nm anat nerve.
negativa nf (rechazo) refusal.
P nm pl nervios nerves. l o c tener los
negativo,-a adj negative.
nervios de punta to be on edge.
P nm negativo (en fotografa) negative.
nerviosismo nm nervousness.
negligencia nf negligence.
nervioso,-a adj (gen) nervous. l o c po
negligente adj negligent.
nerse nervioso,-a to get nervous.
P nm o nf negligent person.
neto,-a adj (peso, cantidad) net.
negociable adj negotiable.
neumtico,-a nm tyre (us tire).
negociacin nf negotiation.
neumona nf pneumonia.
negociado nm (seccin) department.
neura nf fam obsession.
negociador,-ra adj negotiating.
neurlgico,-a adj fig (fundamental) key.
P nm & nf negotiator.
neurocirujano,-a nm & nf neurosurgeon.
negociante nm o nf dealer, merchant.
neurologa nf neurology.
negociar vi (comerciar) to do business,
neurlogo,-a nm & nf neurologist.
deal (con, in).
neurona nf neuron, neurone.
P vt pol to negotiate.
negocio nm 1 (actividad) business. 2 neurosis nf inv neurosis.
neurtico,-a adj neurotic.
(gestin) deal, transaction.
P nm & nf neurotic.
negra nf ms crotchet, us quarter note.
negro,-a adj 1 (gen) black. 2 (cine, nove- neutral adj neutral.
neutralidad nf neutrality.
la) detective.
neutralizar vt to neutralize.
P nm & nf (hombre) black (man); (mujer)
neutro,-a adj 1 neutral. 2 ling neuter.
black (woman).
P nm neutro neuter.
P nm negro (color) black.
nm neutron.
negrura nf blackness.
negruzco,-a adj blackish.
nevada nf snowfall.



nevado,-a adj covered with snow.

nevar vi [se usa slo en tercera persona; no
lleva sujeto] to snow.

nevera nf (elctrica) fridge, refrigerator.

nevero nm ice field.
newton nm newton.
nexo nm 1 link. 2 ling connective.
ni conj 1 neither, nor. 2 not even.
Nicaragua nf Nicaragua.
nicaragense adj Nicaraguan.
P nm

o nf Nicaraguan.

nicho nm niche.
nicotina nf nicotine.
nidada nf (polluelos) brood.
nidificar vi to nest.
nido nm nest.
niebla nf 1 (nubes) fog. 2 fig mist.
nieto,-a nm & nf grandchild; (nio)
grandson; (nia) granddaughter.

nieve nf snow.
Nigeria nf Nigeria.
nigeriano,-a adj Nigerian.
P nm

& nf Nigerian.

nigromancia nf necromancy.
nihilismo nm nihilism.
nihilista adj nihilistic.
niln nm nylon.
nimbo nm nimbus.
nimiedad nf (cosa nimia) trifle.
nimio,-a adj insignificant, trivial.
ninfa nf nymph.
ningn adj [se usa ante un nombre mascu-

nquel nm nickel.
niquelado,-a adj nickel-plated.
niquelar vt to nickel.
niqui nm T-shirt.
nirvana nm nirvana.
nscalo nm milk cap.
nspero nm (fruto) medlar.
nitidez nf (transparencia) clearness.
ntido,-a adj (claro) accurate.
nitrato nm nitrate.
ntrico,-a adj nitric.
nitrito nm nitrite.
nitrgeno nm nitrogen.
nitroglicerina nf nitroglycerine.
nitroso,-a adj nitrous.
nivel nm 1 (altura) level. 2 (categora)


nivel del mar sea level.

nivelacin nf (de un terreno) levelling.

nivelado,-a adj level.
nivelar vt (gen) to level out, level off.
nveo,-a adj lit snow-white.
no adv no, not.
P nm

no: un no rotundo a definite no.

P nm

o nf noble.

nobel nm Nobel prize.

nobiliario,-a adj noble.
noble adj (gen) noble; (madera) fine.

nobleza nf 1 honesty. 2 nobility.

noche nf night. l o c buenas noches 1

(saludo) good evening. 2 (despedida)

good night. y por la noche at night,
after dark.
lino en singular] ninguno,-a.
Nochebuena nf Christmas Eve.
ninguno,-a adj no, not any.
Nochevieja nf New Year's Eve.
P pron 1 (persona) nobody, no one. 2
nocin nf notion, idea.
(objeto) not any, none: ninguno me gusta nocividad nf noxiousness.
I don't like any of them.
nocivo,-a adj noxious, harmful.
. Consulta tambin ningn.
noctmbulo,-a adj nocturnal.
P nm & nf fam (trasnochador) night owl.
niato,-a nm & nf fam brat.
nocturno,-a adj (gen) nocturnal; (vida)
niera nf nanny.
night; (clase) evening.
niera nf (chiquillada) childishness.
nodo nm node.
niez nf (de una persona) childhood.
nio,-a nm & nf 1 (gen) child; (chico) nodriza nf wet nurse.
nodular adj nodular, nodulated.
boy, little boy; (chica) girl, little girl.
ndulo nm nodule.
P nm pl nios children, kids.
nogal nm walnut tree.
nipn,-ona adj Nipponese.
P nm & nf Nipponese.
nogalina nf walnut dye.



nmada adj nomadic.

o nf nomad.
nomadismo nm nomadism.
nombrado,-a adj well-known.
nombramiento nm appointment.
nombrar vt to name.
nombre nm 1 name. 2 ling noun.
nomenclatura nf nomenclature.
nomeolvides nm inv (flor) forget-me-not.
nmina nf pay cheque (us check).
nominacin nf nomination.
nominal adj nominal.
nominalismo nm nominalism.
nominalista adj nominalist.
nominalizar vt to substantivize.
nominalmente adv nominally.
nominar vt to nominate.
nominativo,-a adj 1 (cheque) personal.
2 ling nominative.
non nm odd number.
nonagenario,-a nm & nf nonagenarian.
nonagsimo,-a nm & nf ninetieth.
P adj ninetieth.
nones interj no way!
noquear vt to knock out.
norcoreano,-a adj North Korean.
P nm & nf North Korean.
nordeste nm northeast.
nrdico,-a adj 1 (del norte) northern. 2
P nm

(de los pases del norte) Nordic.

P nm & nf (persona) Scandinavian.

noreste nm nordeste.
noria nf 1 (para agua) water wheel.
2 (de feria) big wheel.

norma nf norm, rule.

normal adj (habitual) normal, usualy.
P nf

(gasolina) two-star petrol.

normalidad nf normality.
normalizacin nf normalization.
normalizar vt to normalize.
normativa nf rules pl, regulations pl.
normativo,-a adj normative.
noroeste nm northwest.
norte nm north.
Norteamrica nf North America.
norteamericano,-a adj North Amer-

Noruega nf Norway.
noruego,-a adj Norwegian.

& nf (persona) Norwegian.

noruego (idioma) Norwegian.
nos pron 1 (complemento) us: nos dijo que
no nos moviramos he told us not to
move. 2 (uso reflexivo) ourselves: nos la
vamos we wash ourselves. 3 (uso recproco) each other: nos vemos mucho we see
P nm
P nm

each other often.

nosotros,-as pron 1 (sujeto) we: nosotros

no fuimos we didn't go. 2 (complemento)

us: con nosotros,-as with us.
nostalgia nf homesickness.
nostlgico,-a adj nostalgic.
nota nf 1 (anotacin) note. 2 (calificacin)
mark, grade. 3 ms note.
notable adj considerable, remarkable.
notacin nf notation.
notar vt 1 (percibir) to notice. 2 (sentir) to
feel: noto un poco de calor I feel a bit hot.
P vpr notarse 1 (percibirse) to show:
apenas se le nota la cicatriz you can hardly
see his scar. 2 (sentirse) to feel.
notario,-a nm & nf notary public.
noticia nf (informacin) news pl.
P nf pl las noticias the news.
noticiario nm news.
noticin nm fam bombshell.
notificacin nf notification.
notificar vt to notify, inform.
notoriedad nf (fama) fame, prestige.
notorio,-a adj well-known.
novatada nf (broma) practical joke.
novato,-a nm & nf (principiante) beginner.
novecientos,-as adj nine hundred;
(ordinal) nine-hundredth.
. Consulta tambin seis.

novedad nf 1 (cualidad) newness. 2

(cambio) change, innovation.

novedoso,-a adj novel.

novel adj (escritor, escultor) novice.
novela nf novel.
novelar vt to novelize.
novelesco,-a adj (de novela) fiction-like.
novelista nm o nf novelist.
P nm & nf North American.
novena nf rel novena.


noveno,-a adj ninth.

P nm

& nf ninth.

. Consulta tambin sexto.

noventa adj ninety.

P nm


. Consulta tambin sesenta.

novia nf (amiga) girlfriend.

noviazgo nm engagement.
novicio,-a nm & nf rel novice.
noviembre nm November.

. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta marzo.

novillada nf bullfight with young


novillero,-a nm & nf novice bullfighter.

novillo nm young bull.
novio nm boyfriend.
nubarrn nm storm cloud.
nube nf cloud.
nbil adj nubile.
nublado,-a adj cloudy, overcast.
P nm

nublado storm cloud.

nubosidad nf cloudiness.
nuboso,-a adj cloudy.
nuca nf nape (of the neck).
nuclear adj nuclear.
ncleo nm nucleus.
nudillo nm knuckle.
nudismo nm nudism.
nudo nm knot.
nudoso,-a adj (madera) knotty.
nuera nf daughter-in-law.
nuestro,-a adj our, of ours.
P pron


nueva nf tidings pl, news sing.

nueve adj nine; (noveno) ninth.
P nm


. Consulta tambin seis.

nuevo,-a adj new. l o c de nuevo again.

nuez nf bot walnut.
nulidad nf 1 (ineptitud) incompetence.
2 jur nullity.

nulo,-a adj (sin valor) invalid.


numeracin nf 1 (proceso) numbering.

2 (conjunto) numbers pl . 3 (sistema)

numbers pl, numerals pl.
numerador nm numerator.
numeral adj numeral.
P nm numeral.
numerar vt to number.
numrico,-a adj numerical.
nmero nm 1 (gen) number. 2 (de una
publicacin) number, issue. 3 (de zapatos) size: qu nmero calzas? what's
your shoe size?, what size shoe do you
take? 4 (de un espectculo) act. 5 (de lotera) lottery ticket number. 7 ling
number. c o m p nmero impar odd
number. y nmero ordinal ordinal
number. y nmero par even number.
y nmero primo prime number. y n
mero quebrado fraction. y nmero ro
mano Roman numeral.
numeroso,-a adj numerous: son fami
lia numerosa they're a large family.
numismtica nf numismatics.
numismtico,-a adj numismatic.
nunca adv 1 never. 2 (en interrogativa)
ever. l o c ms que nunca more than
ever. y nunca ms never again. y
nupcial adj (marcha, tarta) wedding; (misa) nuptial; (lecho) marriage.
nupcias nf pl fml wedding sing, nuptials.
nurse nf nanny.
nutria nf otter.
nutricin nf nutrition.
nutrido,-a adj (alimentado) nourished.
nutriente adj nutrient.
P nm nutrient.
nutrir vt 1 (alimentar) to feed, nourish.
2 fig to encourage. 3 (abastecer) to
supply (de, with).
P vpr nutrirse 1 (alimentarse) to receive
nourishment (de, from). 2 fig (abastecerse) to draw (de, on).
nutritivo,-a adj nutritious, nourishing. c o m p sustancia nutritiva nutrient.
y valor nutritivo nutritional value.


, nf the fifteenth letter of the Spanish alphabet.

and nm am rhea.
oera nf (tontera) inanity, nonsense.

oo ,-a adj 1 (soso) insipid, dull. 2 (tmido)

shy. 3 (remilgado) fussy. 4 (poco seguro)

wet, drippy, wimpish: no seas oo, no es

ms que un rasguo dont be such a wimp,
its no more than a scratch. 5 am old.
oqui nm gnocchi pl.
ora nf type of red pepper.
u nm gnu.


O, o nf (la letra) O, o.
o conj 1 or: t o caf? tea or coffee? 2 (con-

obra nf 1 (trabajo) work. 2 (construccin)

building site. c o m p obra de teatro play.

cesiva) whether or: estudie o no, tiene P nf pl obras (en casa) repairs.
que aprobar whether he studies or not, obrar vi (proceder) to act, behave.
he has to pass.
obrero,-a adj working.
P nm & nf worker, labourer.
O sm (oeste) west; (smbolo) W.
obscenidad nf obscenity.
oasis nm inv oasis.
obsceno,-a adj obscene.
obcecado,-a adj blind.
obscurantismo nm obscurantism.
obcecar vt to blind.
obscurantista adj obscurantist.
P vpr obcecarse to be obstinate.
obscurecer vt to darken.
obedecer vt (regla, ley) to obey.
P vpr obscurecerse (da) to get cloudy.
P vi (persona) to obey.
obscuridad nf darkness.
obediencia nf obedience.
obscuro,-a adj 1 (cielo, color) dark. 2
obediente adj obedient.
(idea, razonamiento) obscure.
obertura nf ms overture.
vt (regalar) to give, offer.
obesidad nf obesity.
obsequio nm gift, present.
obeso,-a adj obese.
observacin nf (accin) observation.
obispo nm bishop.
observador,-ra adj observant.
objecin nf objection.
P nm & nf observer.
objetar vt to object.
observar vt 1 (mirar) to observe, watch.
objetividad nf objectivity.
2 (notar) to notice.
objetivo,-a adj objective.
observatorio nm observatory.
P nm objetivo 1 (fin) aim, objective. 2
obsesin nf obsession.
(lente) lens.
obsesionar vt to obsess.
objeto nm 1 (cosa) object. 2 (fin) aim,
P vpr obsesionarse to get obsessed.
purpose, object.
obseso,-a nm & nf maniac.
objetor,-ra adj objecting, dissenting.
P adj obsessed.
P nm & nf objector.
obsidiana nf obsidian.
oblea nf wafer.
obsoleto,-a adj obsolete.
oblicuo,-a adj oblique.
obstculo nm (inconveniente) objection.
obligacin nf (deber) duty, obligation.
obstante adv no obstante nevertheobligado,-a adj (forzoso) required.
less, however.
obligar vt to force, make.
obstetricia nf obstetrics.
P vpr obligarse to undertake, promise.
obstinado,-a adj obstinate.
obligatorio,-a adj compulsory.
obstinarse vpr to persist (en, in), inobnubilar vt (fascinar)
to fascinate.
sist (en, on).
oboe nm oboe.
obstruccin nf obstruction.

obstruir vt to obstruct, block.


obstruirse to get blocked up.

obtener vt (beca, resultados) to get, obP vpr

tain; (premio) to win.

obturador nm shutter.
obtuso,-a adj obtuse.
obviar vt fml to obviate, remove.
obvio,-a adj obvious.
oca nf goose.
ocasin nf (oportunidad) opportunity.
ocasional adj (gen) occasional.
ocasionar vt (causar) to cause.
ocaso nm (anochecer) sunset.
occidental adj western, occidental.
occidente nm the West.
Oceana nf Oceania.
ocano nm ocean.

octogonal adj octagonal.

octgono nm octagon.
octoslabo,-a adj octosyllabic.
P nm

octoslabo octosyllable.

octubre nm October.

. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta marzo.

ocular adj eye, ocular.

oculista nm o nf eye specialist.
ocultar vt (gen) to hide, conceal.
oculto,-a adj (escondido) hidden.
ocupacin nf (empleo) occupation,

ocupado,-a adj 1 (persona) busy. 2

(asiento) taken; (telfono) engaged.

ocupante nm o nf occupant.
ocupar vt 1 to occupy, take. 2 (llenar) to

take up. 3 (habitar) occupy. 4 (estar - en

un cargo) to hold, fill.
P vpr ocuparse de to take care of.
oceanografa nf oceanography.
ochenta adj eighty; (octagsimo) eighti- ocurrencia nf idea.
ocurrir vi to happen: qu fue lo que ocu
rri? what happened?
P nm eighty.
P vpr ocurrirse to occur to: no se me ocu
. Consulta tambin sesenta.
rre nada nothing occurs to me.
odiar vt to hate, loathe.
ocho adj eight; (octavo) eighth.
P nm eight.
odio nm hatred, loathing.
odioso,-a adj hateful, despicable.
. Consulta tambin seis.
odontlogo,-a nm & nf odontologist.
ochocientos,-as adj eight hundred; odorfico,-a adj odoriferous.
(ordinal) eight hundredth.
odre nm wineskin.
P nm & nf eight hundred.
oeste nm west.
ocio nm (tiempo libre) leisure.
ofender vt (herir) to offend: no quisiera
ocioso,-a adj (desocupado) idle.
ofenderte, pero no offence, but
ocre adj ochre.
P vpr ofenderse to get offended.
octagonal adj octagonal.
ofendido,-a adj offended.
octgono,-a nm octagon.
ofensa nf offence.
octano nm octane.
ofensivo,-a adj offensive.
octava nf (en msica) octave.
oferta nf 1 offer. 2 (suministro) supply.
octavilla nf (impreso) pamphlet.
ofertar vt (ofrecer) to offer.
octavo,-a adj eighth: lleg en octavo lu oficial adj official.
gar he came eighth.
P nm o nf office worker, officer.
P nm & nf eighth: era la octava en la lista
oficiala nf (operaria) assistant.
she was the eighth on the list.
oficialmente adv officially.
P nm octavo (parte) eighth.
oficiante nm o nf officiant.
. Consulta tambin sexto.
oficiar vi (ejercer) to act (de, as).
octeto nm octet.
oficina nf office.
octogsimo,-a adj eightieth.
oficinista nm o nf office worker, clerk.
. En poesa tambin se escribe oceano.



oficio nm (ocupacin) job.

oficioso,-a adj (noticia) unofficial.
ofidio nm snake.
ofimtica nf office automation.
ofrecer vt (dar) to offer.
P vpr

ofrecerse (prestarse) to offer.

P vpr

ofuscarse to get muddled.

ofrecimiento nm offer, offering.

ofrenda nf offering.
ofrendar vt to make an offering of.
oftalmologa nf ophthalmology.
oftalmlogo,-a nm & nf eye specialist.
ofuscar vt (confundir) to muddle.
ogro nm ogre.
oh interj oh!
ohm nm ohm.
ohmio nm ohm.
odas l o c de odas by hearsay.
odo nm 1 (sentido) hearing. 2 (rgano) ear.
oiga interj (para llamar la atencin) excuse
me!; (por telfono) hello?

or vt 1 (percibir) to hear: no o nada I didnt

hear anything. 2 (atender) to answer.

ojal nm buttonhole.
ojal interj I hope so: ojal sea verdad! I
hope it's true!

ojeada nf glance, quick look.

ojear vt (mirar) to have a quick look at.
ojeras nf pl dark rings under the eyes.
ojeriza nf fam dislike.
ojeroso,-a adj haggard.
ojival adj (arte) ogival.
ojo nm 1 eye. 2 (agujero) hole; (de aguja)


okupa nm o nf argot squatter.

ola nf wave. c o m p ola de fro cold spell.
oleceo,-a adj oleaceous.
oleada nf 1 big wave. 2 fig wave.
oleaginoso,-a adj oleaginous.
oleaje nm swell.
oleicultura nf (cultivo) olive-growing.
leo nm (material) oil; (obra) oil painting.
oleoducto nm pipeline.
oleoso,-a adj oily.
oler vt to smell.

P vpr olerse to sense: se ha olido que nos

vamos she has sensed that we are leaving.
olfatear vt (oler) to sniff, smell.
olfateo nm sniffing.
olfativo,-a adj olfactory.
olfato nm sense of smell.
olfatorio,-a adj olfactory.
oligarca nm o nf oligarch.
oligarqua nf oligarchy.
oligrquico,-a adj oligarchic.
oligoelemento nm trace element.
oligofrenia nf 1 (enfermedad) mental
handicap. 2 pey mental deficiency.
oligofrnico,-a adj mentally retard-


P nm

& nf mentally retarded person.

olimpiada nf hist Olympiad.

. Tambin se escribe olimpada.

olisquear vt (olfatear) to sniff.

oliva nf olive.
olivar nm olive grove.
olivarero,-a adj (industria) olive.
P nm

& nf olive grower.

P vpr

olvidarse to forget (de, -).

olivo nm olive tree.

olla nf (utensilio) pan.
olmo nm elm tree.
olor nm smell.
oloroso,-a adj fragrant.
olvidadizo,-a adj forgetful.
olvidar vt to forget.

olvido nm 1 (desmemoria) oblivion. 2

(lapsus) oversight, lapse.

Omn nm Oman.
oman adj Omani.
P nm

o nf Omani.

ombligo nm navel.
omega nf (letra) omega.
omisin nf omission.
omitir vt (no decir) to omit, leave out.
mnibus nm inv bus.
omnipotente adj omnipotent.
omnipresente adj omnipresent.
omnvoro,-a adj omnivorous.
omoplato nm shoulder blade.

to smell: huele a

gas it smells of gas
. Tambin se escribe omplato.
in here.

P vi



once adj eleven; (undcimo) eleventh.

P nm


. Consulta tambin seis.

onceavo,-a adj (parte) eleventh: la on

ceava parte de an eleventh of

eleventh: tres onceavos three elev-

P nm


. Consulta tambin sexto.

oncologa nf oncology.
onclogo,-a nm & nf oncologist.
onda nf wave.
ondear vi (bandera) to fly, flutter.
ondina nf water nymph, undine.
ondulacin nf undulation, wave.
ondulado,-a adj (pelo) wavy.
ondulante adj (movimiento) rolling.
ondular vt (pelo) to wave.
ondulatorio,-a adj undulatory.
oneroso,-a adj onerous.
nice nm onyx.
onrico,-a adj dream, of dreams.
nix nm onyx.
onomstica nf saint's day.
onomstico,-a adj onomastic.
onomatopeya nf onomatopoeia.
onomatopyico,-a adj onomatopoeic.
ontologa nf ontology.
ontolgico,-a adj ontological.
ONU abrev (Organizacin de las Nacio-

P vpr


operarse med to have an opera-

operario,-a nm & nf operator, worker.

operativo,-a adj operative.
opereta nf operetta.
operstico,-a adj operatic.
opinable adj debatable.
opinar vi to think (de, about).
opinin nf (juicio) opinion.
opio nm opium.
opparo,-a adj fml lavish.
oponente nm o nf opponent.
oponer vt to reply with.

vpr oponerse (estar en contra) to oppose (a, -), be against (a, -).
oporto nm port.
oportunidad nf opportunity, chance.
oportunismo nm opportunism.
oportunista nm o nf opportunist.
oportuno,-a adj (a tiempo) opportune.
oposicin nf (antagonismo) opposition.
opresin nf oppression.
opresivo,-a adj oppressive.
opresor,-ra nm & nf oppressor.
oprimido,-a nm & nf oppressed person.
oprimir vt 1 (botn) to press: oprima el bo
tn press the button. 2 fig to oppress.
oprobio nm opprobrium.
optar vi (elegir) to choose (entre, from).
optativa nf educ (asignatura) optional
nes Unidas) United Nations Organioptativo,-a adj 1 optional. 2 ling (orazation; (abreviatura) UNO.
cin, modo) optative.
onza nf (peso) ounce.
ptica nf 1 (tienda) optician's. 2 fs optics.
opacidad nf opaqueness, opacity.
ptico,-a nm & nf optician.
opaco,-a adj opaque.
optimismo nm optimism.
opalino,-a adj (de palo) opal.
optimista adj optimistic.
palo nm opal.
optimizar vt to optimize.
opcin nf (en general) option.
ptimo,-a adj very best, optimum.
opcional adj optional.
opuesto,-a adj 1 (contrario) contrary,
open nm inv dep open.
opposed. 2 (de enfrente) opposite.
pera nf opera.
opulencia nf opulence.
operacin nf (gen) operation.
opulento,-a adj opulent.
operador,-ra nm & nf operator.
oquedad nf (hueco) cavity.
operando nm operand.
oracin nf 1 rel (plegaria) prayer. 2 ling
operante adj operative.
clause, sentence. c o m p
operar vt med to operate (a, on).
orculo nm oracle.



orador,-ra nm & nf speaker, orator.

oral adj oral.
orangutn nm zool orang-utan.
orar vi to pray.
oratoria nf oratory.
oratorio,-a adj (estilo, arte) oratorical.
orbe nm (esfera) orb; (mundo) world.
rbita nf (de un astro) orbit.
orbital adj orbital.
orca nf killer whale, orc.
orden nm (ordenacin) order.

rgano nm organ.
orgullo nm (propia estima) pride.
orgulloso,-a adj proud.
orientacin nf aspect.
oriental adj eastern, oriental.
P nm

o nf Oriental.

orientar vt 1 (antena) to point. 2 (esfuer-

zos) to direct. 3 (aconsejar) to advise.

P vpr orientarse to find one's bearings.
oriente nm East.
orificio nm (agujero) hole.
origen nm (causa) cause, origin.
P nf (mandato) order.
original adj (gen) original.
ordenacin nf arrangement.
P nm original.
ordenada nf mat ordinate.
nf originality.
ordenado,-a adj tidy.
originar vt to cause, give rise to.
ordenador,-ra nm inform computer.
originario,-a adj original.
ordenamiento nm ordering.
orilla nf 1 (borde) edge. 2 (del ro) bank;
ordenanza nf (norma) ordinance.
(del mar) shore.
ordenar vt 1 (arreglar) to put in order; (haorillar vt (sortear) to get round.
bitacin) to tidy up. 2 (mandar) to order.
orina nf urine.
ordear vt to milk.
orinar vi to urinate.
ordinal adj ordinal.
oriundo,-a adj native of.
P nm ordinal.
orla nf (adorno) edging.
ordinariez nf (defecto) vulgarity.
ordinario,-a adj 1 (corriente) ordinary, ornamentacin nf ornamentation.
ornamental adj ornamental.
common. 2 (grosero) vulgar, common.
ornamentar vt to adorn, decorate.
organo nm oregano.
ornamento nm ornament.
oreja nf ear.
ornitologa nf ornithology.
orejera nf earflap.
ornitolgico,-a adj ornithological.
orejero nm (silln) wing chair.
ornitlogo,-a nm & nf ornithologist.
orfanato nm orphanage.
ornitorrinco nm platypus.
orfandad nf orphanage.
oro nm gold.
orfebre nm goldsmith, silversmith.
orografa nf orography.
orfebrera nf (en oro) gold work.
orogrfico,-a adj orographic.
orfen nm choral society.
orondo,-a adj hearty, plump.
rfico,-a adj lit orphic.
orquesta nf orchestra, dance band.
organd nm organdie.
orquestal adj orchestral.
orgnico,-a adj organic.
organigrama nm organization chart. orquestar vt to orchestrate.
organillero,-a nm & nf organ-grinder. orqudea nf orchid.
ortiga nf nettle.
organillo nm barrel organ.
organismo nm 1 (humano) organism. 2 ortodoncia nf orthodontics.
(institucional) organization, body.
ortodoxia nf orthodoxy.
organista nm o nf organist.
ortodoxo,-a adj orthodox.
P nm & nf orthodox.
organizacin nf organization.
nf spelling.
organizar vt to organize.
organizativo,-a adj organizational.
ortogrfico,-a adj spelling.



ortopedia nf orthopaedics.
ortopdico,-a adj orthopaedic.
ortopedista nm o nf orthopaedist.
oruga nf caterpillar.
orzuelo nm sty.
os pron 1 (complemento directo) you: os es

cucho I am listening to you. 2 (complemento indirecto) you: os traje un libro I

brought you a book. 3 (reflexivo) yourselves: ya os estis vistiendo? are you
getting dressed already? 4 (recproco)
each other: os parecis mucho you look

very much alike.

osada nf (audacia) audacity, daring.
osado,-a adj (audaz) audacious.
osamenta nf (esqueleto) skeleton.
osar vi lit to dare, have the audacity to.
oscilacin nf (de precios) fluctuation.
oscilar vi (variar) to vary, fluctuate.
oscilatorio,-a adj oscillating.
oscurantismo nm obscurantism.
oscuras l o c a oscuras in the dark.
seo,-a adj (tejido, estructura) bone.
osera nf bear's den.
osezno nm bear cub.
osificacin nf ossification.
osificar vt to ossify.
osmio nm osmium.
smosis nf inv osmosis.
oso nm bear.
ostentacin nf ostentation.
ostentar vt (poseer) to hold.
ostentoso,-a adj ostentatious.
ostepata nm o nf osteopath.
osteopata nf osteopathy.
osteoptico,-a adj osteopathic.
ostra nf oyster.
ostracismo nm ostracism.
ostrero,-a adj oyster.
ostrcola adj oyster.

OTAN abrev (Organizacin del Tratado

otomano,-a adj Ottoman.

P nm

& nf (persona) Ottoman.

otoal adj autumnal, autumn, us fall.

otoo nm autumn, us fall.
otorgante adj (de un premio) awarding.
otorgar vt (conceder) to grant, give (a,
to); (premio) to award (a, to).

otorrinolaringlogo,-a nm & nf ear,

nose and throat specialist.

otorrinolaringologa nf ear, nose

and throat, ENT.

otro,-a adj other, another.

P pron

other, another: otros others.

ovacin nf ovation, applause.

ovacionar vt to give an ovation (a, to).
oval adj oval.
ovalado,-a adj oval.
valo nm oval.
ovario nm ovary.
oveja nf sheep, ewe.
overtura nf ms overture.
ovillar vt to roll into a ball.
ovillo nm ball of wool.
ovino,-a adj ovine, sheep.
ovparo,-a adj oviparous.
ovulacin nf ovulation.
ovular adj ovular.
P vi

to ovulate.

vulo nm ovule.
oxiacetilnico,-a adj oxyacetylene.
oxiacetileno nm oxyacetylene.
oxidable adj oxidizable.
oxidacin nf 1 qum oxidation. 2 (proceso) rusting.

oxidado,-a adj rusty.

oxidar vt to rust.
P vpr

oxidarse to rust, go rusty.

xido nm (herrumbre) rust.

oxigenado,-a adj qum oxygenated.
oxigenar vt to get some fresh air in.

P vpr oxigenarse to get some fresh air.

Treaty Organization; (abreviatura) oxgeno nm oxygen.
oye interj fam (para llamar la atencin) hey!
otear vt (horizonte) to scan.
oyente nm o nf rad listener.
otero nm hillock.
ozono nm ozone. c o m p capa de ozono
ozone layer.
otitis nf inv ear infection,

del Atlntico Norte) North Atlantic


P, p nf (la letra) P, p.
pabelln nm (en una feria) stand.
pabilo nm wick.
pbulo nm fuel.
pacana nf pecan nut.
pacer vi to graze.
pachn,-ona adj (perro) pointer.
paciencia nf patience.
paciente nm o nf patient.
pacificacin nf pacification.
pacficamente adv peacefully.
pacificar vt to pacify.
pacfico,-a adj peaceful.
pacifismo nm pacifism.
pacifista adj pacifist.

pagar vt to pay: ya he pagado lo que deba

I've already paid what I owed.

vi to pay: en esta empresa pagan muy
bien this company pays very well.
pgina nf page.
paginacin nf pagination.
pago nm payment.
paguro nm (ermitao) hermit crab.
pas nm country.
paisaje nm landscape.
paisajista nm o nf (pintor) landscape artist.
paisajstico,-a adj landscape.
paisano,-a nm & nf 1 (compatriota) fellow countryman. 2 (campesino) countryman.
paja nf 1 straw. 2 fig (relleno) waffle.
P nm o nf pacifist.
pajar nm (lugar) hayloft.
pactar vt to agree (to).
pajarera nf aviary.
P vi to come to an agreement.
pajarera nf (tienda) caged-bird shop.
pacto nm pact, agreement.
pajarero,-a adj of birds.
padecer vt to suffer.
pajarita nf (de cuello) bow tie.
P vi (sufrir) to suffer (de, from).
pjaro nm (animal) bird.
padecimiento nm suffering.
paje nm page.
padrastro nm (padre) stepfather.
pajita nf (para beber) straw.
padrazo nm fam loving father.
pajizo,-a adj straw-coloured ( us
padre nm father.
P nm pl padres parents.
Pakistn nm Pakistan.
padrino nm (de bautizo) godfather.
pakistan adj Pakistani.
P nm pl padrinos godparents.
P nm o nf Pakistani.
padrn nm (censo) census.
pala nf 1 shovel. 2 dep (de ping-pong) bat.
paella nf (comida) paella.
palabra nf word.
paellera nf paella pan.
paga nf 1 (sueldo) pay. 2 (de los nios) palacete nm mansion.
palaciego,-a adj palatial.
pocket money.
palacio nm palace.
pagadero,-a adj payable.
palada nf (gen) shovelful.
pagador,-ra adj paying.
P nm & nf (gen) payer.
paladar nm 1 palate. 2 fig taste.
paganismo nm paganism.
paladear vt to savour, relish.
pagano,-a nm & nf rel pagan.
paladn nm fig champion.



palafito nm house on stilts.

palanca nf (gen) lever. l o c hacer palan
ca to lever.

palangana nf bowl.
palangre nm (arte de pesca) boulter.
palatal adj palatal.

palmetazo nm stroke of the cane.

palmpedo,-a adj web-footed.
P nf

pl palmpedas

footed birds.


(gnero) web-

palmito nm 1 culin palm heart. 2 bot

palmo nm (medida) span.
palco nm (en el teatro) box.
palmotear vi to clap.
paleografa nf palaeography.
palmoteo nm clapping.
palegrafo,-a nm & nf palaeographer.
palo nm 1 (estaca) stick; (de valla) post;
(de telgrafos) pole. 2 (golpe) blow.
paleoltico,-a adj Palaeolithic.
P nm el paleoltico the Palaeolithic.
paloma nf (gen) pigeon; (blanca) dove.
paleontologa nf palaeontology.
palomar nm dovecote.
paleontlogo,-a nm & nf palaeontol- palometa nf Ray's bream.
palomilla nf (tuerca) wing nut.
Palestina nf Palestine.
palomino nm young pigeon.
palestino,-a adj Palestinian.
palomitas c o m p palomitas de maz
P nm & nf Palestinian.
popcorn sing.
palestra nf arena, forum.
palomo nm cock pigeon.
paleta nf 1 (de pintor) palette. 2 (de alba- palote nm (dibujo) stroke.
il) trowel.
palpable adj palpable.
paletada nf (de albail) going over palpar vt med to palpate.
with a trowel.
palpitacin nf palpitation.
paletilla nf 1 anat shoulder blade. 2
palpitante adj (tema, cuestin) burning.
culin shoulder.
palpitar vi to palpitate, throb.
paliar vt to palliate, alleviate.
plpito nm hunch, feeling.
paliativo,-a adj palliative.
paludismo nm malaria.
P nm paliativo palliative.
palidecer vi 1 to turn pale. 2 fig to fade. palurdo,-a nm & nf country bumpkin.
palustre adj (de las lagunas) lake.
palidez nf paleness, pallor.
pamela nf wide-brimmed straw hat.
plido,-a adj pale.
pampa nf pampas pl.
palillero nm toothpick holder.
pmpano nm vine shoot.
palillo nm (mondadientes) toothpick.
pamplina nf (tontera) daft thing.
palio nm canopy.
pamplinero,-a adj sweet-talking.
palisandro nm rosewood.
pan nm 1 (masa) bread; (hogaza) loaf of
paliza nf beating, thrashing.
bread. 2 (alimento) food, bread. c o m p
palma nf 1 bot palm (tree). 2 (de la mabarra de pan loaf of bread. y pan inte
no) palm.
gral wholemeal bread.
P nf pl palmas (aplausos) clapping sing.
pana nf corduroy.
palmada nf (golpe) slap, pat.
panacea nf panacea.
palmar nm palm grove.
panadera nf bakery, baker's.
palmars nm (lista) list of winners.
panadero,-a nm & nf baker.
palmatoria nf candlestick.
palmeado,-a adj 1 bot palmate. 2 panal nm honeycomb.
zool (dedos) webbed.
Panam nm Panama.
palmear vi to clap.
panameo,-a adj Panamanian.
P nm & nf Panamanian.
palmera nf bot palm
tree, palm.
palmeral nm palm grove.
panamericano,-a adj Pan-American.
P nf



pancarta nf 1 placard. 2 inform banner.

panceta nf bacon.
pncreas nm inv pancreas.
pancretico,-a adj pancreatic.
panda nm zool panda.
pandemnium nm pandemonium.
pandeo nm (torcedura) warp.
pandereta nf small tambourine.
pandero nm tambourine.
pandilla nf group of friends.
panecillo nm bread roll.
panel nm (gen) panel.
panera nf breadbasket.
panfleto nm fig propaganda.
pnico nm panic.
panificadora nf industrial bakery.
panocha nf (de maz) corncob.
panorama nm panorama, view.
panormica nf panorama.
panormico,-a adj panoramic.
pantalla nf screen.
pantaln [tambin se usa en plural con el

mismo significado] nm trousers pl, us

c o m p pantaln vaquero jeans pl.
pantano nm 1 (artificial) reservoir. 2 (na-


pap nm fam dad, daddy.

c o m p Pap
Noel Santa Claus.
papada nf double chin.
papagayo nm parrot.
papaya nf papaya.
papayo nm papaya tree.
papel nm 1 (gen) paper. 2 (en pelcula)
role, part. c o m p papel higinico toilet
paper. y papel pintado wallpaper.
P nm pl papeles fam (documentacin) pa-


papeleo nm fam paperwork.

papelera nf 1 wastepaper basket. 2
(en la calle) litter bin.

papelera nf stationer's.
papelero,-a adj (del papel) paper: la in
dustria papelera the paper industry.

papeleta nf 1 (de voto) ballot paper.

2 (de examen) results slip.

paperas nf pl mumps.
papi nm fam dad, daddy.
papila nf papilla.
papilla nf (infantil) baby food.
papiro nm papyrus.
pap adj Papuan.
P nm

o nf Papuan.

Papa nf Papua.

c o m p Papa Nueva
Guinea Papua New Guinea.
pantanoso,-a adj marshy.
paquete nm 1 (cajita) packet, pack. 2
pantesmo nm pantheism.
(conjunto) set, packet: un paquete de ga
panten nm pantheon.
lletas a package of biscuits. c o m p paque
pantera nf panther.
te postal parcel.
panties nm pl tights.
paquidermo nm pachyderm.
pantomima nf 1 (representacin) panto- Paquistn nm Pakistan.
mime, mime. 2 fig farce, pretence.
paquistan adj Pakistani.
pantorrilla nf calf.
P nm o nf Pakistani.
pantufla nf slipper.
par adj 1 equal. 2 mat even.
P nm (dos) couple; (pareja) pair.
panza nf belly.
para prep 1 (finalidad) for: es para su cum
panzada nf (en el agua) belly flop.
pleaos it's for her birthday. 2 (uso, utilipaal nm nappy, us diaper.
dad) for: tienes algo para el dolor de cabe
paera nf draper's, draper's shop.
za? have you got anything for a
pao nm cloth.
headache? 3 (destino, direccin) for, to:
paoleta nf shawl.
para dnde vas? where are you going? 4
pauelo nm handkerchief.
(tiempo, fechas lmites) by, before: lo necesi
papa nm 1 fam dad. 2 el Papa the
to para el viernes I need it by Friday.
P conj (finalidad) to, in order to: lo hice
c o m p papas fri
para ahorrar tiempo I did it to save time.
papa2 nf (patata) potato.
tas chips, us French fries.
parbola nf mat parabola.

tural) marsh.

parablica nf satellite dish.
parablico,-a adj parabolic.



tena parablica satellite dish.

parabrisas nm inv windscreen.
paracadas nm inv parachute.
paracaidismo nm parachuting.
paracaidista nm o nf dep parachutist.
parachoques nm inv auto bumper.
parada nf 1 (gen) stop, halt. 2 (de autobs, etc) stop. 3 (pausa) pause. c o m p pa
rada de autobs bus stop.
paradero nm whereabouts pl.
paradigmtico,-a adj paradigmatic.
paradisaco,-a adj heavenly.
parado,-a adj 1 (quieto) still. 2 (sin traba-

parapsicolgico,-a adj parapsychological.

parar vt 1 to stop. 2 dep to save: ha pa

rado tres disparos he's made three saves.
P vi to stop: aqu no para el tren the train

doesn't stop here.

pararse to stop.
pararrayos nm inv lightning conductor.
parasitario,-a adj parasitic.
parsito,-a nm biol parasite.
parasol nm parasol, sunshade.
parcela nf (de tierra) plot (of land).
parcelar vt (finca) to divide into plots.
parche nm patch.
parchs nm inv ludo.
parcial adj (gen) partial.
jo) unemployed.
P nm (examen) examination covering part of
P nm & nf unemployed person.
the course and counting towards the final mark.
paradjico,-a adj paradoxical.
parcialidad nf (injusticia) bias, partiality.
parador nm (hotel) state-run hotel.
parco,-a adj (escaso) frugal, sparing.
parafina nf paraffin.
pardo,-a adj (color tierra) brown.
paraguas nm inv umbrella.
pareado,-a adj (casa) semidetached.
Paraguay nm Paraguay.
parecer nm (opinin) opinion, mind.
paraguaya nf type of peach.
P vi 1 to seem, look (like): parece un oso
paraguayo,-a adj Paraguayan.
it looks like a bear. 2 (opinar) to think:
P nm & nf Paraguayan.
qu te parece? what do you think?
P vpr parecerse to be alike, look like:
paraso nm paradise.
se parecen mucho they're very much alike.
paraje nm spot.
parecido,-a adj similar.
paralela nf (lnea) parallel line.
P nm parecido resemblance, likeness.
P nf pl paralelas dep parallel bars.
pared nf 1 wall. 2 (de una montaa) side.
paralelo,-a adj parallel.
paredn nm execution wall.
P nm paralelo parallel.
pareja nf 1 (gen) pair: he perdido la pareja
paralelogramo nm parallelogram.
de este calcetn I've lost the other sock. 2
parlisis nf inv paralysis.
(de personas) couple; (de baile) partner.
paraltico,-a adj paralytic.
parejo,-a adj (sin diferencia) the same;
P nm & nf paralytic.
(por igual) even.
paralizacin nf paralysis.
parentela nf relatives pl, relations pl.
paralizar vt 1 med to paralyse. 2 (circu- parentesco nm kinship, relationship.
lacin) to bring to a standstill.
parntesis nm inv 1 (gen) parenthesis.
parmetro nm parameter.
2 fig (interrupcin) break, interruption.
pramo nm moor.
paria nm o nf pariah.
paranoia nf paranoia.
paridad nf (gen) parity, equality.
paranoico,-a nm & nf paranoic.
pariente,-a nm & nf relative.
parapente nm paragliding.
parir vt fam to give birth to.
parapeto nm parapet.
P vi to give birth.
parapljico,-a nm
& nf paraplegic.
parlamentario,-a adj parliamentary.
P nm & nf member of parliament.
parapsicologa nf parapsychology.
P vpr


parlamento nm parliament.
parlante adj talking.
parlotear vi fam to chatter, prattle on.
parmesan nm (queso) Parmesan cheese.
paro nm 1 stop. 2 (desempleo) unem-


participio nm participle.
partcula nf particle.
particular adj (concreto) particular.

P nm 1 private individual. 2 (asunto)

matter, subject.
particularidad nf (gen) peculiarity.
particularizar vt to distinguish.
parodia nf parody.
partida nf 1 (remesa) consignment, lot.
parodiar vt to parody.
2 (documento) certificate. 3 (juego)
paroxismo nm paroxysm.
game. l o c jugar una partida to play a
parpadear vi (ojos) to blink, wink.
game. c o m p partida de nacimiento
prpado nm eyelid.
birth certificate.
parque nm (jardines) park. c o m p parque
partidario,-a adj supporting.
de atracciones amusement park.
P nm & nf supporter.
parqu nm parquet.
partidista adj biased, partisan.
parqumetro nm parking meter.
partido,-a adj 1 divided. 2 (roto) broken.
parra nf grapevine.
P nm partido 1 (grupo poltico) party,
parrafada nf fam (conversacin) chat.
group. 2 dep (equipo) team; (juego)
prrafo nm paragraph.
game, match. c o m p partido amistoso
parranda nf fam spree.
friendly game.
parrilla nf 1 grill, us broiler, barbecue. partir vt 1 (dividir) to divide, cut: voy a
l o c a la parrilla culin grilled.
partir pan I'll cut some bread. 2 (romper)
parrillada nf mixed grill (of meat or fish).
to break; (nueces, almendras) to crack.
P vi (irse) to leave, set out, set off.
prroco nm parish priest.
P vpr partirse to break: se ha partido la
parroquia nf (iglesia) parish church.
pierna he's broken his leg.
parsimonia nf (lentitud) slowness.
partitivo,-a adj partitive.
parsimonioso,-a adj (tranquilo) slow.
P nm partitivo partitive.
parte nf 1 (gen) part; (en una particin)
portion: divide el pastel en tres partes cut partitura nf score.
the cake into three (slices). 2 (en negocio) parto nm childbirth: fue un parto difcil it
was a difficult birth. l o c estar de parto
share. 3 (lugar) place: no lo venden en
to be in labour (us labor).
ninguna parte they don't sell it anywhere. 4 (en un conflicto) side: las dos par parvulario nm nursery school.
tes quieren llevar la razn both sides be- prvulo,-a nm & nf infant.
lieve they are right.
pasa nf raisin.
P nm (comunicado) official report.
pasable adj passable.
P nf pl partes fam privates, private
pasadizo nm passage.
parts. l o c en parte partly. y por una pasado,-a adj 1 past. 2 (ao, semana, etc)
parte, por otra on the one hand,
last. 3 (despus) after: pasadas las once
on the other hand
after eleven. 4 (estropeado) bad. c o m p pa
partera nf midwife.
sado maana the day after tomorparterre nm flowerbed.
particin nf (de una herencia) partition.
P nm pasado 1 (tiempo) past. 2 ling
past, past tense.
participacin nf involvement.
pasador nm slide.
participante nm o nf participant.
pasaje nf 1 (tarifa) fare, ticket. 2 (pasajeros)
participar vi to participate, take part.
passengers pl. 3 (fragmento) passage.
P vt (notificar) to notify, inform.
nm & nf passenger.
partcipe adj participating.
P nm o nf participant.
pasamanos nm inv handrail.



pasamontaas nm inv balaclava.

pasaporte nm passport.
pasapurs nm inv vegetable mill.
pasar vi 1 (ir) to pass, pass by, go: pasa

pase nm (permiso) pass.

pasear vi to stroll, go for a walk.
P vt

to take for a walk.

paseo nm 1 (a pie) walk; (a caballo) ride.

2 (en coche) drive; (en bicicleta, moto) ride.

de un idioma a otro sin darse cuenta he goes
l o c dar un paseo to go for a walk.
from one language to another without realizing. 2 (tiempo) to pass, go by: cmo pasillo nm corridor.
pasa el tiempo! doesn't time fly! 3 (entrar) pasin nf passion.
to come in, go in: pasa, est abierto pasividad nf passiveness, passivity.
come in, it's not locked. 4 (cesar) to pass, pasmado,-a adj flabbergasted.
cease: en cuanto pase la tormenta salimos pasmar vt to astonish, amaze.
we'll go out when the storm has passed.
P vpr pasmarse fam (asombrarse) to be
5 (lmite) to exceed (de, -). 6 (ocurrir) to
astonished, be amazed.
happen. 7 (sufrir) to suffer.
pasmo nm (asombro) amazement.
P vt 1 (trasladar) to move, transfer: pasa
pasmoso,-a adj astonishing.
este documento al otro CD move this file to
the other CD. 2 (comunicar, dar) to give: paso nm 1 (movimiento) step, footstep. 2
(camino) passage. l o c abrirse paso to
psale el informe al jefe give this report to
force one's way through. y estar de
the boss. 3 (cruzar) to cross: pasamos la
paso to be passing through. c o m p pa
frontera ayer we crossed the border yesterso de peatones pedestrian crossing.
day. 4 (alcanzar) to pass, reach: psame
la sal, por favor pass me the salt, please. 5 pasta nf 1 (masa) paste. 2 culin (italiana)
pasta. 3 (croissant, etc) pastry; (de t) bis(aventajar) to surpass, be better than: tu
hermano ya te pasa en matemticas your
brother is better than you at maths. 6 pastar vt to pasture, graze.
P vi to pasture, graze.
(adelantar) to overtake: me pas un depor
tivo rojo en una curva a red sports car over- pastel nm culin (dulce) cake; (salado) pie.
took me on a bend. 7 (deslizar) to run: pastelera nf (tienda) cake shop.
pas el dedo por el estante he ran his finger pastelero,-a nm & nf pastrycook.
along the shelf. 8 (tolerar) to overlook: pasteurizado,-a adj pasteurized.
esta vez te la paso, pero que no se repita I'll pasteurizar vt to pasteurize.
overlook it this time, but don't let it hap- pastilla nf 1 (medicina) tablet, pill. 2 (de
pen again. 9 (aprobar) to pass: pas el exa
chocolate, jabn) bar.
men a la primera I passed my test first
pasto nm (pastizal) pasture.
time. 10 (proyectar) to show: pasaron unas
pastor,-ra nm & nf shepherd.
diapositivas they showed some slides. 11
(tiempo - estar) to spend; (- disfrutar, pade- pastoso,-a adj (sustancia) pasty.
cer) to have: pasamos unas vacaciones estu pata nf 1 (gen) leg. 2 (garra) paw. 3 (pezua) hoof. l o c a cuatro patas on all
pendas we had a wonderful holiday.
fours. y meter la pata fam to put one's
P vpr pasarse 1 (cambiar) to pass over (a,
foot in it. y patas arriba upside down.
to): se ha pasado al otro bando she's gone
over to the other side. 2 (pudrirse) to go patada nf kick.
off. 3 (olvidarse) to forget: se me pas la fe patalear vi 1 (con enfado) to stamp one's
feet. 2 (protestar) to kick up a fuss.
cha de entrega I forgot about the deadline. 4
(ir) to go by (por, -), call in (por, at): psa pataleo nm 1 (con los pies) stamping. 2
te por casa cuando quieras pop in any time.
(protesta) complaining.
pasarela nf (puente) footbridge.
pataleta nf fam tantrum.
pasatiempos nm pl puzzles.
patata nf potato. c o m p patatas fritas 1
(de bolsa) crisps. 2 (de sartn) chips.
pascua nf Easter.
P nf pl pascuas Christmas sing.
pat nm pt.


patear vt 1 to kick. 2 (andar) to walk.

patentado,-a adj patented.
patentar vt to patent.
patente adj (evidente) obvious, patent.
patera nf boat.
paternal adj paternal.
paternalista adj paternalistic.
paternidad nf paternity.
paterno,-a adj paternal.
pattico,-a adj pathetic.
patbulo nm gallows sing.
patilla nf 1 (pata) leg. 2 (de las gafas) arm.


patronal adj (fiesta) of one's patron

P nf (institucin) employers' association.
patronato nm (patronal) employers'
patrulla nf (de vigilancia) patrol.
patrullar vt to patrol.
paulatino,-a adj gradual.
pausa nf 1 pause. 2 ms rest.
pausado,-a adj unhurried, slow.
pauta nf (norma) rule, guideline.
pavimentar vt (con losas) to pave.
P nf pl sideboards, us sideburns.
pavimento nm (de losas) pavement.
patn nm 1 (de ruedas) roller skate, pavo,-a nm & nf (ave - macho) turkey;
skate; (de hielo) ice skate. 2 (tabla)
(- hembra) turkey hen. c o m p pavo real
skateboard. 3 (patinete) scooter. 4 (en
el mar) pedalo.
P nm pavo fam (timidez) shyness.
ptina nf patina.
pavonearse vpr to brag, swagger.
patinador,-ra nm & nf skater.
pavoneo nm strutting.
patinaje nm skating. c o m p patinaje ar pavor nm terror.
tstico figure skating. y patinaje sobre pavoroso,-a adj frightful.
hielo ice-skating. y patinaje sobre rue payasada nf 1 buffoonery. 2 fam silly
das roller skating.
patinar vi 1 (como diversin) to skate. 2 payaso,-a nm & nf 1 (artista de circo)
(vehculo) to skid.
clown. 2 fam joker.
patinazo nm 1 skid. 2 fam (error) boob. paz nf peace. l o c dejar en paz to leave
patinete nm scooter.
alone. y hacer las paces to make up.
patio nm 1 (de una casa) courtyard; (de peaje nm 1 (dinero) toll. 2 (lugar) tollun colegio) playground. 2 teat pit.
pato,-a nm & nf (ave ) duck.
peana nf pedestal, stand.
P nm pato fam (persona) clumsy person.
peatn nm pedestrian.
patolgico,-a adj pathological.
peatonal adj (calle, zona) pedestrian.
patria nf homeland.
peca nf freckle.
patriarca nm patriarch.
pecado nm sin.
patriarcado nm patriarchy.
pecador,-ra nm & nf sinner.
patrimonio nm patrimony.
pecaminoso,-a adj sinful, wicked.
patrio,-a adj of one's homeland.
pecar vi to sin.
patriota nm o nf patriot.
pecera nf fishbowl, fish tank.
patritico,-a adj patriotic.
pechera nf (de camisa) shirt front.
patriotismo nm patriotism.
pechina nf scallop.
patrocinador,-ra nm & nf sponsor.
pecho nm 1 (gen) chest. 2 (seno) breast.
patrocinar vt to sponsor.
l o c dar el pecho to breast-feed.
patrocinio nm sponsorship.
patrn,-ona nm & nf 1 (dueo de una ca- pechuga nf (de un ave) breast.
sa) landlord. 2 (jefe) employer. 3 rel pecolo nm petiole.
pecoso,-a adj (persona) freckly.
patron saint.
pectina nf pectin.
P nm patrn 1 (en costura) pattern. 2 (de
barco) skipper. 3 (modelo) standard.
pectoral nm (msculo) pectoral muscle.



pecuario,-a adj cattle.

peculiar adj (caracterstico) particular.
peculiaridad nf peculiarity.
pecuniario,-a adj pecuniary.
pedagoga nf pedagogy.
pedaggico,-a adj pedagogic(al).
pedagogo,-a nm & nf educator.
pedal nm 1 pedal. 2 fam bender.
pedalear vi to pedal.
pedaleo nm pedalling.
pedana nf hamlet.
pedante adj pedantic, pompous.
pedantera nf pedantry, pomposity.
pedazo nm piece, bit.
pedernal nm 1 (slex) flint. 2 fig rock.
pedestal nm pedestal.
pedestre adj (a pie) on foot.
pediatra nm o nf paediatrician.
pediatra nf paediatrics.
pedicuro,-a nm & nf chiropodist.
pedido nm (de mercancas) order. l o c ha

me your flu. 3 (acercar) to move close to:

pega la estantera a la pared move the bookcase against the wall. 4 inform to paste.
P vi (combinar) to match: esta blusa no
pega con la falda this blouse doesn't go
with the skirt.
P vpr pegarse 1 (quemarse) to stick: se
me ha vuelto a pegar el arroz the rice has
stuck again. 2 (persona) to latch onto.
pegar2 vt 1 (golpear) to hit: mam, Pablo
me ha pegado mum, Pablo hit me. 2 (dar)
to give: vaya susto me has pegado! you
didn't half scare me!
pegatina nf sticker.
pego l o c dar el pego fam to look like
the real thing.
pegote nm fam (masa) sticky dollop.
peinado nm combing.
peinado,-a adj combed.
peinar vt 1 (gen) to comb; (con cepillo) to
brush. 2 (registrar) to comb, search.
peine nm comb.
peineta nf ornamental comb.
cer un pedido to place an order.
peladilla nf sugared almond.
pedigr nm pedigree.
pelado,-a adj 1 bald, bare. 2 (cabeza)
pedigeo,-a nm & nf pest.
hairless, bald.
pedir vt 1 (gen) to ask for: me pidi que la
acompaara she asked me to go with peladuras nf pl peelings.
her. 2 (mercancas, en restaurante) to or- pelaje nm (de animal) coat, fur.
der: qu has pedido de postre? what did pelambrera nf fam hair.
you order for dessert?
pelapatatas nm inv potato peeler.
P vi (por la calle) to beg.
pelar vt 1 (persona) to cut sb's hair. 2
pedrada nf blow with a stone.
(fruta, patata, etc) to peel.
pedregal nm rocky ground.
P vpr pelarse 1 (cortarse el pelo) to get
pedregoso,-a adj stony, rocky.
one's hair cut. 2 (piel) to be peeling.
pedrera nf stone quarry.
peldao nm step.
pedrera nf precious stones pl.
pelea nf (fsica) fight; (verbal) quarrel.
pedrisco nm (granizo) hail.
peleador,-ra adj argumentative.
pedrusco nm rough stone.
pelear vi to fight, to quarrel, argue.
P vpr pelearse to fight, to quarrel.
pednculo nm (de planta) stem.
pega nf fam (dificultad) snag: me pusieron pelen,-ona nm & nf quarrelsome.
muchas pegas they made it difficult for me. peletera nf (establecimiento) fur shop.
pegadizo,-a adj 1 (cancin, msica) peletero,-a adj (industria) fur.
P nm & nf furrier.
catchy. 2 (sustancia) sticky, adhesive.
pegajoso,-a adj 1 (mano) sticky. 2 pey peliagudo,-a adj tricky.
(persona) clingy.
pelcano nm pelican.
pegamento nm glue.
pelcula nf film. c o m p pelcula de sus
pegar1 vt 1 (gen) to
stick. 2 (contagiar) to
pense thriller. y pelcula muda silent
give: me has pegado la gripe you've given


peligrar vi to be in danger.
peligro nm danger. l o c correr peligro


pender vi to hang (de, from).

pendiente adj 1 hanging. 2 (asunto)

pending, outstanding. l o c estar pen

diente de algo (a la espera) to be waiting for sth.
P nf (cuesta) slope; (inclinacin) gradient.
P nm (joya) earring.
pendular adj pendular.
pndulo nm pendulum.
penetracin nf penetration.
penetrante adj penetrating.
penetrar vi 1 (introducirse - en un territorio)
to penetrate (en, -); (- en propiedad) to
enter. 2 (atravesar) to penetrate, seep
through: la humedad ha penetrado por el
suelo damp has seeped through the floor.
P vt (atravesar) to penetrate; (ruido) to
penicilina nf penicillin.
pennsula nf peninsula. c o m p la Penn
sula Ibrica the Iberian Peninsula.
P nm o nf fam creep.
nm penny.
pelotazo nm blow with a ball.
penitencia nf rel (virtud) penitence;
pelotilla nf small ball.
(castigo, sacramento) penance.
pelotn nm 1 fig (grupo) bunch. 2 (de cipenitenciara nf penitentiary.
clistas) pack, peloton.
penitenciario,-a adj (institucin, sistema)
peltre nm pewter.
peluca nf wig.
penoso,-a adj (doloroso) painful.
peluche nm (mueco) teddy bear.
pensador,-ra nm & nf thinker.
peludo,-a adj hairy.
pensamiento nm (idea) thought.
peluquera nf hairdresser's.
pensante adj thinking.
peluquero,-a nm & nf hairdresser.
pensar vi 1 (gen) to think ( en , of/
peluqun nm hairpiece.
about): estuvo pensando en sus amigos he
pelusa nf (pelo) fluff.
was thinking about his friends. 2 (consiplvico,-a adj pelvic.
derar) to consider, think (en, about).
pelvis nf inv pelvis.
3 (creer) to think, think about. 4 (opinar) to think (de, about). 5 (decidir) to
pena nf 1 (castigo) sentence, punishdecide. 6 (tener la intencin) to intend
ment. 2 (tristeza) grief, sorrow. 3 (lstito, plan, think of.
ma) pity: qu pena que no podis venir! it's
a shame you can't make it! 4 (dificultad) pensativo,-a adj pensive.
hardship, trouble.
pensin nf 1 (para jubilados) pension. 2
penado,-a nm & nf convict.
(casa de huspedes) boarding house.
c o m p pensin completa full board.
penal adj (derecho) criminal.
P nm (prisin) prison, us penitentiary.
pensionista nm o nf (jubilado) pensioner.
penalidad nf trouble, hardship.
pentagonal adj pentagonal.
penalizacin nf (accin) penalization.
pentgono nm pentagon.
pentagrama nm ms stave, staff.
penalizar vt to penalize.
pentatln nm pentathlon.
penalti nm penalty.
penltimo,-a adj penultimate.
penar vt (castigar) to punish,
P vi (padecer) to suffer, grieve.
P nm & nf last but one, next to last.
de to be in danger of. y estar fuera de
peligro to be out of danger.
peligroso,-a adj dangerous.
peln nm fam teeny bit.
pelirrojo,-a adj red-haired.
pellejo nm (piel) skin.
pelliza nf (forrada de piel) fur-lined coat.
pellizcar vt to pinch, nip.
pellizco nm pinch, nip.
pelo nm 1 hair. 2 (de animal) coat, fur. 3
fam bit: perd el tren por un pelo I missed
the train by seconds. l o c no tener un
pelo de tonto,-a fam to be nobody's
fool. y poner los pelos de punta to
make one's hair stand on end. y to
mar el pelo a algn to pull sb's leg.
pelota nf ball. c o m p pelota de ftbol



penumbra nf (gen) semidarkness.

penuria nf (escasez) shortage.
pea1 nf (piedra) rock; (monte) crag.
pea2 nf (grupo) group of friends; (asociacin) club.

peasco nm crag.
pen nm craggy rock.

l o c el Pen
de Gibraltar the Rock of Gibraltar.
pen nm 1 (trabajador) unskilled labourer (us laborer). 2 (en el ajedrez)


peona nf bot peony.

peonza nf top, spinning top.
peor adj 1 (comparativo) worse: tu coche

percibir vt (notar) to perceive, notice.

percusin nf percussion.
percusionista nm o nf percussionist.
percutir vt (golpear) to strike.
perdedor,-ra nm & nf loser.
perder vt 1 (gen) to lose. 2 (malgastar,

desperdiciar) to waste: se pasa el da per

diendo el tiempo he's always wasting
time. 3 (tren, etc) to miss.
P vi 1 (gen) to lose; (salir perdiendo) to
lose out. 2 (empeorar) to get worse.
P vpr perderse 1 (extraviarse - persona) to
get lost; (- cosa, etc) to go missing: se
me ha perdido un pendiente I've lost an
earring. 2 (dejar escapar) to miss: no te lo
pierdas! don't miss it!
perdicin nf (moral) undoing, ruin.
prdida nf 1 (dao) loss: las tormentas han
originado muchas prdidas materiales the
storms have caused serious damage. 2
(desperdicio) waste. 3 (escape) leak.
perdido,-a adj 1 (extraviado) lost. 2 (desperdiciado) wasted. 3 (bala) stray.
perdign nm pellet.
perdiguero nm gun dog.
perdiz nf partridge.
perdn nm pardon, forgiveness. l o c
pedir perdn to apologize, say sorry.
perdonable adj excusable, forgivable.
perdonar vt 1 (gen) to forgive. 2 (excusar) to excuse: perdona que te interrumpa
excuse me for interrupting. 3 (deuda) to

es peor que el mo your car is worse than

mine. 2 (superlativo) worst.
pepinillo nm gherkin.
pepino nm cucumber.
pepita nf (de fruta) seed, pip.
peque nm kid.
pequeez nf 1 (de tamao) smallness. 2
(insignificancia) trifle.
pequeito,-a adj fam teeny, wee.
pequeo,-a adj 1 (de tamao) little,
small: este jersey me est pequeo this
jumper is too small for me. 2 (de edad)
young. 3 (en tiempo) short: nos hemos
tomado unas pequeas vacaciones we've
taken a short holiday.
P nm & nf (nio) little one: a esta hora los
pequeos tienen que estar en la cama kids
should be in bed by now. l o c de
pequeo,-a as a child.
write off.
pequins,-esa adj Pekinese.
perdurar vi to last, continue to exist.
P nm pekins (perro) Pekinese.
perecedero,-a adj perishable.
pera nf (fruta) pear.
perecer vi to perish, die.
peral nm pear tree.
peregrinacin nf pilgrimage.
perca nf perch.
peregrinar vi to go on a pilgrimage.
percance nm mishap.
peregrino,-a nm & nf rel pilgrim.
percatarse vpr to notice (de, -).
perejil nm parsley.
percebe nm goose barnacle.
perenne adj perennial.
percepcin nf perception.
pereza nf laziness. l o c tener pereza to
perceptible adj perceptible.
feel lazy.
perceptivo,-a adj perceptive.
perezoso,-a adj lazy.
percha nf 1 (de ropa) hanger. 2 (perchero
P nm perezoso zool sloth.
de pared) rack; (gancho) hook.
perfeccin nf perfection. l o c a la per
perchero nm (de pie)
coat stand.
feccin perfectly: habla ingls a la per
perchern,-ona adj (caballo) Percheron.
feccin he speaks perfect English.



perfeccionar vt 1 (mejorar) to improve.

perjudicados han sido los campesinos farmers have been worst affected.
perjudicar vt to adversely affect.
perjudicial adj harmful.
perjuicio nm (material) damage; (econmico) loss.
perjurio nm perjury.
perla nf 1 pearl. 2 fig gem.
permanecer vi to stay, remain.
permanencia nf (estancia) stay.
permanente adj permanent, lasting.
permanganato nm permanganate.
(de papeles) punch.
perforar vt 1 (gen) to perforate. 2 (terre- permeabilidad nf permeability.
permeable adj permeable.
no) to drill, bore. 3 (papel) to punch.
permisividad nf permissiveness.
perfumar vt to perfume, scent.
permisivo,-a adj permissive.
perfume nm perfume.
permiso nm 1 permission. 2 (documenperfumera nf (tienda) perfumery.
to) permit. 3 leave. c o m p permiso de
pergamino nm parchment.
conducir driving licence, us driver's
prgola nf pergola.
pericardio nm pericardium.
permitir vt to allow, let: permiti que
pericarpio nm pericarp.
sus hijas fueran al concierto he let his
pericia nf skill.
daughters go to the concert.
P vpr permitirse to allow os, afford.
periferia nf (de una ciudad) outskirts pl.
l o c me permite? may I?
perifrico,-a adj 1 (gen) peripheral. 2
permuta nf exchange.
(barrio, zona) outlying.
permutacin nf permutation.
P nm perifrico inform peripheral unit.
permutar vt 1 to exchange. 2 mat to
perifollo nm bot common chervil.
perfrasis nf periphrasis.
pernicioso,-a adj pernicious, harmful.
perifrstico,-a adj periphrastic.
pernoctar vi to spend the night.
perilla nf goatee.
pero conj but.
permetro nm perimeter.
perol nm cooking pot.
periodicidad nf periodicity.
peron nm fibula.
peridico,-a adj periodical.
perorata nf spiel.
P nm peridico newspaper.
perxido nm peroxide. c o m p perxido
periodismo nm journalism.
de hidrgeno hydrogen peroxide.
periodista nm o nf journalist.
perpendicular adj perpendicular.
perodo nm period.
perpetrar vt to perpetrate, commit.
peripecia nf incident.
perpetuacin nf perpetuation.
peripuesto,-a adj fam all dressed up. perpetuar vt to perpetuate.
periquito,-a nm o nf parakeet.
P vpr perpetuarse to be perpetuated.
periscopio nm periscope.
perpetuidad nf perpetuity.
peristilo nm peristyle.
perpetuo,-a adj (gen) perpetual; (cargo)
peritaje nm (informe) expert's report.
permanent. c o m p nieves perpetuas
perpetual snows.
perito,-a nm & nf (experto) expert.
perjudicado,-a nm
& nf person who perplejidad nf perplexity.
loses out, person affected: los ms perplejo,-a adj perplexed.
2 (hacer perfecto) to perfect.
perfeccionista adj perfectionist.
P nm o nf perfectionist.
perfecto,-a adj perfect.
perfidia nf perfidy.
prfido,-a adj perfidious.
perfil nm 1 (gen) profile. 2 (silueta) outline.
perfilar vt (dar forma) to outline.
perforacin nf (gen) perforation.
perforadora nf 1 (en una mina) drill. 2

perrera nf (lugar) dog pound.
perro,-a nm perro zool dog.


rro caliente hot dog. y perro pastor


pertinaz adj 1 (sequa, fro) prolonged,

persistent. 2 (persona) obstinate.

pertinente adj 1 (oportuno) appropriate. 2 (relevante) pertinent, relevant.

persecucin nf 1 pursuit. 2 (represin)

pertrechar vt to supply (de, with).

perseguidor,-ora nm & nf pursuer.

perseguir vt 1 to pursue, chase. 2 fig

pertrechos nm pl equipment sing.

perturbacin nf disruption.
perturbado,-a adj 1 (trastornado) men-


P vpr

pertrecharse to equip os.

(seguir) to follow: este perro me persigue

tally disturbed. 2 (intranquilo) perthis dog follows me everywhere.
perseverante adj persevering.
perturbar vt 1 (alterar) to disturb, perperseverar vi to persevere.
turb. 2 (inquietar) to perturb.
persiana nf blind.
Per nm Peru.
persignarse vpr to cross os.
peruano,-a adj Peruvian.
persistente adj persistent.
P nm & nf Peruvian.
persistir vi (mantenerse firme) to persist,
perversidad nf (maldad) wickedness.
persona nf person. l o c en persona in perversin nf (maldad) wickedness.
perverso,-a adj (malvado) evil, wicked.
P nm & nf evil person.
personaje nm 1 (famoso) celebrity. 2 (en
vt (gen) to corrupt.
obra, pelcula) character.
pervivencia nf survival.
personal nm (de una empresa) staff.
personalidad nf (carcter) personality. pervivir vi to live on, persist.
pesa nf weight.
personalizar vt to personalize.
pesadez nf 1 (lentitud) sluggishness.
P vi to get personal.
2 (molestia) bore.
personarse vpr to appear in person.
pesadilla nf nightmare.
personificacin nf personification.
pesado,-a adj 1 (gen) heavy. 2 (molesto)
personificar vt to personify.
tiresome; (aburrido) boring.
perspectiva nf 1 arte perspective. 2 (poP nm & nf (persona) bore, pain. l o c po
sibilidad) prospect: este negocio presenta
nerse pesado,-a to get boring.
muy buenas perspectivas this business has
pesadumbre nf sorrow, grief.
good prospects. 3 (vista) view, perspecpsame nm condolences pl. l o c dar el
tive. 4 (punto de vista) point of view.
psame to offer your condolences.
perspicacia nf sharpness.
pesar vi 1 to weigh: cunto pesas? how
perspicaz adj sharp, perspicacious.
much do you weigh? 2 (tener mucho peso)
persuadir vt to persuade, convince.
to be heavy. 3 (sentir) to be sorry, reP vpr persuadirse to be convinced.
gret: me pesa mucho no haberle invitado
persuasin nf persuasion.
I really regret not having invited him.
persuasivo,-a adj persuasive.
P vt to weigh.
P nm (pena) sorrow, grief. l o c a pesar
pertenecer vi to belong (a, to).
de despite, in spite of.
perteneciente adj belonging (a, to).
pertenencia nf 1 (propiedad) property: pesca nf (actividad) fishing.
esto es de mi pertenencia this belongs to pescadera nf fishmonger's.
pescadero,-a nm & nf fishmonger.
me. 2 (afiliacin) membership.
P nf pl pertenencias (bienes) belongings.
pescadilla nf young hake.
o m p salto de prtiga
prtiga nf pole. c
pescado nm fish. c o m p pescado azul
blue fish. y pescado blanco white fish.
pole vault.



pescador nm & nf fisherman.

pescar vi (ir a pescar) to fish, go fishing.
ir a pescar to go fishing.
1 (sacar del agua) to get, catch. 2 fam
(agarrar) catch: he pescado un buen res
friado I've caught a really nasty cold.
pescuezo nm neck.
pesebre nm manger, stall.
pesimismo nm pessimism.
pesimista adj pessimistic.
P nm o nf pessimist.
psimo,-a adj dreadful, awful.
peso nm 1 (gen) weight. 2 (balanza)
scales pl. 3 (carga) load, burden. l o c
de peso 1 (pesado) heavy. 2 (importante)
important. 3 (convincente) strong,

P vt


pezn nm nipple.
pezua nf hoof.
piadoso,-a adj pious, devout.
pianista nm o nf pianist.
piano nm piano.
pianola nf Pianola.
piar vi to chirp, tweet.
piara nf herd of pigs.
pica nf 1 (lanza) pike. 2 (de la baraja)

picada nf (picadura - de avispa) sting; (- de

mosquito) bite.

picadero nm (escuela) riding school.

picadillo nm (de carne) minced meat;
(de verduras) chopped vegetables.

picado,-a adj 1 culin (cortado - verdura)

finely chopped; (- carne) minced. 2

(diente) decayed. 3 fam (ofendido) offended. 4 fam (que no le gusta perder)
bad sports.
picador nm (minero) face worker.
picadora nf mincer.
picadura nf (de insecto, serpiente) bite; (de
abeja, avispa) sting.
picante adj 1 (comida) hot. 2 fig (chiste)
picapedrero nm stonecutter.
to bolt.
picaporte nm 1 (para llamar) door
ptalo nm petal.
knocker. 2 (para abrir) door handle.
petanca nf petanque, boules.
picar vt 1 (morder - insecto) to bite; (- abepetardo nm (de verbena) firecracker.
ja, avispa) to sting. 2 (perforar - papel,
petate nm (de soldado, marinero) kit bag.
tarjeta) to punch. 3 (dar con un pico) to
peticin nf 1 (gen) request. 2 plea.
jab, goad. 4 culin (cortar) to chop
petirrojo nm robin.
finely; (carne) to mince. 5 (comida) to
nibble: vamos a salir a picar algo we're
peto nm (pantaln) pair of dungarees.
going to get a bite to eat.
ptreo,-a adj stony.
P vi 1 (sentir escozor) to itch: me pica todo
petrificar vt (fosilizar) to petrify.
el cuerpo I'm itching all over. 2 (estar pipetrleo nm oil.
cante) to be hot. 3 (pez) to bite; (persopetrolero,-a adj oil.
na) to fall for it. 4 (comer) to have a
P nm petrolero oil tanker.
petrolfero,-a adj oil-bearing.
P vpr picarse 1 (muela) to decay, go
petroqumica nf petrochemistry.
bad. 2 (mar) to get choppy. 3 (ofenderpetroqumico,-a adj petrochemical.
se) to take offence.
petulancia nf vanity.
picarda nf (astucia) craftiness.
petulante adj vain.
picaresco,-a nf picaresque genre.
petunia nf petunia.
pcaro,-a adj (astuto) crafty, sly.
P nm & nf (persona astuta) slyboots.
peyorativo,-a adj pejorative.
pez nm fish.
picazn nf (picor) itch.

pespunte nm backstitch.
pesquero,-a nm fishing boat.
pesquisa nf inquiry.
pestaa nf (del ojo) eyelash.
pestaear vi to blink.
peste nf (mal olor) stink, stench.
pesticida nm pesticide.
pestilente adj (apestoso) stinking.
pestillo nm bolt. l o c cerrar con pestillo



pichichi nm (goleador) top goal scorer.

pichn,-ona nm & nf pigeon.
pico nm 1 (de ave) beak. 2 (herramienta)

P vi fam (encontrarse) to be: me pilla muy

cerca de casa it's very near home.
pillo,-a nm & nf (nio) little monkey,

little devil.
pickaxe, pick. 3 (de montaa) peak. 4
(punta) corner. l o c y pico (cantidad): lle piln nm (de una fuente) basin.
garemos sobre las seis y pico we'll be there ploro nm pylorus.
just after six.
pilotar vt (avin) to pilot, fly; (coche) to
drive; (barco) to sail.
picor nm itch.
picotazo nm 1 (de ave) peck. 2 (de insecto, pilote nm pile.
piloto nm (conductor - de avin) pilot; (- de
reptil) bite; (de abeja, avispa) sting.
coche) driver; (- de barco) pilot.
picotear vt to peck, peck at.
picoteo nm 1 (de ave) pecking. 2 (accin pimentero nm 1 (recipiente) pepper pot.
2 (planta) pepper plant.
de comer) nibbling, snacking.
pimentn nm paprika. c o m p pimentn
pictrico,-a adj pictorial.
picante cayenne pepper.
picudo,-a adj pointed.
pie nm 1 anat foot. 2 (base - de una lm- pimienta nf (especia) pepper.
para) base; (- de una escultura) plinth. 3 pimiento nm (gen) pepper; (rojo) red
pepper; (verde) green pepper.
(medida de longitud) foot. l o c a pie on
foot. y ponerse de pie to get to one's pinacoteca nf art gallery.
pinculo nm pinnacle.
feet, stand up.
pinar nm pine grove.
piedad nf (misericordia) pity, mercy.
piedra nf stone. c o m p piedra preciosa pincel nm paintbrush.
pincelada nf brush stroke.
gem, precious stone.
piel nf 1 (de persona) skin. 2 (de la fruta, pinchadiscos nm o nf disc jockey, DJ.
pinchar vt 1 (punzar) to prick. 2 med (popatatas) peel.
ner inyeccin) to give a injection. 3 (sujepienso nm fodder.
tar) to spear, jab. 4 (enfadar) to needle.
pierna nf leg.
pinchazo nm 1 (de neumtico) puncture.
pieza nf 1 (gen) piece; (de un aparato)
2 (inyeccin) injection, jab, us shot.
part. 2 ms piece, piece of music. 3
pinche nm & nf (de cocina) kitchen assisteat play. 4 (de un juego de tablero) piece.
pigmentacin nf pigmentation.
pincho nm 1 (de una planta) thorn. 2 (de
pigmento nm pigment.
un erizo) spine, prickle. 3 (de aperitivo)
pigmeo,-a adj (raza) Pygmy.
snack. 4 (brocheta) skewer. c o m p pin
P nm & nf (raza) Pygmy.
cho moruno shish kebab.
pijama nm pyjamas (us pajamas) pl.
pineda nf pine grove.
pila nf 1 elec battery. 2 (de fregar) sink. pingo nm fam (de ropa) rag.
3 fam (montn) pile, heap: tengo una pila ping-pong nm table tennis, ping-pong.
de cosas que hacer I've got piles of work pinge adj substantial.
to do. l o c ponerse las pilas fam to get pingino nm penguin.
one's act together.
pino nm (rbol) pine tree; (madera) pine.
pilar nm pillar.
pinta nf 1 (mancha) dot. 2 (medida) pint.
pilastra nf pilaster.
3 fam (aspecto) look.
pldora nf pill, tablet.
pintada nf graffiti.
pileta nf am swimming pool.
pintado,-a adj (maquillado) made-up.
pillaje nm looting.
pintalabios nm inv lipstick.
pillar vt 1 (coger) to catch. 2 fam (robar) pintar vt 1 (gen) to paint; (dibujar) to
to run over.
to nick. 3 fam (atropellar)
draw. 2 (maquillar) to make up.
P vi 1 (gen) to paint. 2 (marcar) to write.
4 fam (entender) to catch, get, grasp.


P vpr

pintarse (maquillarse) to put one's

make up on.

pintarrajear vt fam to daub.

pintarrajo nm fam daub.
pintaas nm inv nail varnish.
pinto,-a adj spotted.
pintor,-ra nm & nf artist, painter.
pintoresco,-a adj 1 (lugar) picturesque. 2 (persona) bizarre.

pintura nf 1 (arte) painting. 2 (producto)

paint: un bote de pintura a tin of paint.

pinza nf 1 (de cangrejo) pincer. 2 (de la ropa) clothes peg.

pl pinzas 1 (de depilar) tweezers. 2
(de servir hielo) tongs.
pinzamiento nm trapped nerve.
pinzn nm finch.
pia nf 1 (fruta) pineapple. 2 (del pino)
pine cone.

piropear vt to make flirtatious comments to.

piropo nm compliment.
pirotecnia nf fireworks pl.
pirotcnico,-a adj pyrotechnic.
P nm

& nf fireworks expert.

pirueta nf pirouette.
piruleta nf lollipop.
pirul nm fam (de caramelo) lollipop.
pisada nf (huella) footprint.
pisapapeles nm inv paperweight.
pisar vt 1 (gen) to tread on. 2 (acelerador,

embrague) to put one's foot on. 3 fig

(entrar) to set foot in.
P vi to tread, walk, step: no pises muy
fuerte que nos oyen los vecinos tread more
quietly, the neighbours will hear us.
piscifactora nf fish farm.
piscina nf swimming pool.
piata nf hollow figure filled with sweets (which piso nm 1 (para sentarse) stool. 2 (planta)
children try to break open at parties).
pin nm (comestible) pine nut kernel.
pisotear vt (pisar) to trample.
po nm chirp.
pisotn nm stamp.
po,-a adj pious.
pista nf 1 (rastro) trail, track. 2 (indicio)
piojo nm louse.
clue. 3 (de baile) dance floor. 4 (camino)
piolet nm ice axe (us ax).
track. 5 (de tenis) court. 6 (de circo) ring.
pionero,-a nm & nf pioneer.
7 (de aterrizaje) runway. c o m p pista de
pipa1 nf (de tabaco) pipe.
esqu ski slope.
pipa2 nf (de girasol) sunflower seed.
pistachero nm pistachio tree.
pipeta nf pipette.
pistacho nm pistachio (nut).
pique nm (rivalidad) rivalry, needle.
pistilo nm pistil.
piqueta nf pickaxe.
pistola nf gun.
piquete nm (de huelga) picket.
pistolera nf holster.
pira nf pyre.
pistolero nm gunman.
pirado,-a adj fam (loco) loony, wacky.
pistoletazo nm gunshot.
piragua nf canoe.
pistn nm (de un motor) piston.
piragismo nm canoeing.
pita nf bot pita.
piragista nm o nf canoeist.
pitada nf 1 (bocinazo) hoot. 2 (pitido)
piramidal adj pyramidal.
pirmide nf pyramid.
pitar vi 1 (silbar) to blow a whistle. 2
piraa nf piranha.
(tocar la bocina) to hoot. 3 (abuchear) to
pirata adj pirate.
boo and hiss. l o c ir/irse pitando fam
P nm o nf (de la informtica) hacker.
to rush out, dash off.
P vt dep (falta) to whistle.
piratear vt 1 (gen) to pirate. 2 (informtica) to hack.
pitido nm 1 (silbido) whistle. 2 (bocinazo)
hoot, honk.
piratera nf (gen) piracy.
nf cigarette case.
pirita nf pyrite.
pirmano,-a nm & nf pyromaniac.
pitillo nm cigarette.
P nf



pito nm (silbato) whistle.

pitn1 nf zool python.
pitn2 nm (del toro) horn.
pitonisa nf fortune teller.
pitorro nm spout.
pituitaria nf pituitary (gland).
pvot nm o nf centre.
pivotar vi to pivot.
pivote nm pivot.
pizarra nf 1 (mineral) slate. 2 (para escri-

planeo nm gliding, glide.

planeta nm planet.
planetario,-a adj planetary.
P nm

planetario planetarium.

P nm

& nf planner.

planicie nf plain.
planificacin nf planning.
planificador,-ra adj planning.
planificar vt to plan.
plano,-a adj (superficie) flat.

nm plano 1 (de una ciudad) street

plan, map. 2 (de una casa) plan. 3 (nivel)
level. 4 mat plane.
planta nf 1 bot plant. 2 (del pie) sole. 3
(de un edificio) floor. c o m p planta baja
ground floor, us first floor.
bre) plaque. 3 (de matrcula) number
plantacin nf 1 (terreno) plantation. 2
plate. 4 (de hielo) sheet.
(accin) planting.
placaje nm tackle.
plantar vt 1 agr to plant. 2 (colocar placar vt (en rugby) to tackle.
gen) to put, place; (- tienda de campaa)
placebo nm placebo.
to pitch, put up.
placenta nf placenta.
P vpr plantarse fam (colocarse) to place
placentero,-a adj pleasant.
os, position os: se plant en la esquina
placer nm pleasure.
she positioned herself on the corner.
P vi to please: haz lo que te plazca do as
plante nm (laboral) protest action.
you please.
planteamiento nm 1 mat (formulacin placidez nf placidity.
de un problema) formulation.
plcido,-a adj placid, calm.
plantear vt 1 (pregunta) to pose, raise.
plafn nm (lmpara de techo) ceiling light.
2 (problema) to cause. 3 mat (problema)
to formulate.
plaga nf 1 (epidemia) plague. 2 (de insecP vpr plantearse to consider.
tos) plague, pest. 3 fig invasion.
plantel nm cadre.
plagar vt to plague, infest.
plantilla nf 1 (patrn) model, pattern.
plagiar vt to plagiarize.
2 (personal) staff.
plagio nm plagiarism.
plantn l o c darle plantn a algn fam
plaguicida nm pesticide.
(no presentarse) to stand sb up.
plan nm 1 (intencin) plan. 2 (programa)
plaidero,-a adj plaintive, mournful.
plana nf (pgina) page: la noticia viene en pri plair vi to mourn.
plaqueta nf (de sangre) platelet.
mera plana the news is on the front page.
plancha nf 1 (de metal) plate. 2 (electrodo- plasma nm plasma.
mstico) iron. l o c a la plancha grilled.
plasmar vt fig to give expression to.
planchado,-a nm (accin) ironing.
plastelina nf Plasticine.
planchar vt to iron, press.
plstica nf plastic arts pl.
planchista nm o nf panel beater.
plasticidad nf plasticity.
plancton nm plankton.
plstico,-a adj plastic.
P nm plstico (material) plastic.
planeador nm glider.
adj laminated.
planear vt (futuro, idea)
P vi (en el aire) to glide.
plastificar vt to laminate.

bir) blackboard.

pizca nf fam (gen) bit; (de sal) pinch.

pizza nf pizza.
pizzera nf pizzeria, pizza parlour.
placa nf 1 (de metal) sheet. 2 (con el nom-



plastilina nf Plasticine.
plata nf silver.
plataforma nf platform. c o m p plata
forma petrolfera oil rig.

platanal nm banana plantation.

platanero,-a nm banana tree.
pltano nm banana.
platea nf stalls pl.
plateado,-a adj (color) silvery.
platear vt to silver-plate.
plateresco,-a adj plateresque.
platera nf (taller) silversmith's.
platero,-a nm & nf silversmith.
pltica nf talk.
platicar vi to chat, talk.
platillo nm 1 (de postre) dessert plate;
(de caf) saucer.
flying saucer.


platillo volante

platina nf ms pletina.
platino nm platinum.
plato nm 1 (recipiente) plate, dish. 2 culin

plegaria nf prayer.
pleitear vi to sue.
pleito nm litigation, lawsuit.
plenamente adv fully.
plenario,-a adj plenary.
plenilunio nm full moon.
plenitud nf (sensacin fsica) fullness.
pleno,-a adj (gen) full, complete: en

pleno centro de la ciudad right in the cen-

tre of the city.

pleonasmo nm pleonasm.
pletina nf deck, cassette deck.
pletrico,-a adj full. l o c pletrico de
alegra jubilant, euphoric.

pleura nf pleura.
plexigls nm Perspex.
plexo nm plexus.
pliego nm (papel) sheet of paper.
pliegue nm 1 fold. 2 (en la ropa) pleat.
plinto nm (en gimnasia) vaulting horse.
plisado,-a adj pleated.
plomada nf 1 (de albail) plumb line. 2

dish. 3 (en comida) course: de primer plato

hay sopa we've got soup for starters.
(sonda) lead. 3 (para pescar) weights pl.
plat nm (de cine) set, film set; (de televi- plomazo nm o nf fam bore.
sin) floor.
plomizo,-a adj (color) lead-coloured.
platnico,-a adj platonic.
plomo nm 1 lead. 2 (pesa) lead weight.
3 elec fuse. 4 fam fig bore. l o c sin
plausible adj (probable) plausible.
plomo (gasolina) unleaded, lead-free.
playa nf 1 (superficie de arena) beach. 2
pluma nf 1 (de ave) feather. 2 (de escribir)
(costa) seaside.
fountain pen.
playeras nf pl canvas shoes.
plaza nf 1 (de una poblacin) square. plumaje nm (de ave) plumage.
2 (mercado) marketplace. 3 (puesto de plumero nm (para el polvo) feather
trabajo) position. c o m p plaza de parking
parking space.
plumilla nf nib.
plazo nm 1 (periodo de tiempo) time. 2 (de plumn nm 1 (de un ave) down. 2 (anocompra) instalment, us installment.
rak) down-filled anorak. 3 (de cama)
l o c comprar algo a plazos to buy sth
on hire purchase, us buy sth on an plural adj plural.
installment plan.
P nm plural.
plazoleta nf small square.
pluralidad nf (gen) multiplicity; (diverpleamar nf high tide.
sidad) diversity.
plebe nf (gen) common people.
pluralismo nm pluralism.
plebeyo,-a nm & nf plebeian.
pluralista adj pluralist.
plebiscito nm plebiscite.
pluralizar vt ling to pluralize.
P vi (generalizar) to generalize.
plegable adj folding, collapsible.
pluriempleo nm having more than one job.
plegamiento nm folding.
plurilinge adj multilingual.
plegar vt to fold.
P vpr plegarse to yield, give in.
pluscuamperfecto nm pluperfect.



plusmarca nf record.
plusmarquista nm o nf record holder.
plusvala nf 1 (aumento) appreciation.

open it, I was unable to open it. 2 (de permiso) may, can: pueden pagar en efectivo o
con tarjeta you can pay in cash or by
credit card; puede retirarse you may leave.
2 (impuesto) capital gains tax.
3 (conjetura) may, might: podra haberlo
plutocracia nf plutocracy.
dejado sobre la mesa I may have left it on
Plutn nm Pluto.
the table. 4 (sugerencias) can: podramos ir
plutonio nm plutonium.
a esquiar we could go skiing. l o c puede
pluvial adj rain, pluvial.
que maybe, perhaps: puede que venga
pluvimetro nm rain gauge.
ms tarde she may come later.
pluviosidad nf rainfall.
P vi (superar) to be stronger than: t
poblacin nf 1 (nmero de habitantes) poppuedes a todos you can beat all of them.
ulation. 2 (lugar - ciudad) town; (- pueblo)
P nm 1 (gen) power. 2 (posesin) possesvillage.
sion, hands pl: la pelota est ahora en mi
poblado,-a adj (zona) populated.
poder the ball is now in my hands.
poblamiento nm settlement.
podero nm (autoridad) power.
poblar vt 1 (ocupar territorio) to settle. 2 poderoso,-a adj powerful.
(habitar) to inhabit. 3 (llenar) to fill: han podio nm podium.
poblado de rboles el campo they've plantpodlogo,-a nm & nf chiropodist.
ed the field with trees.
podredumbre nf rottenness.
pobre adj 1 (gen) poor. 2 (infeliz) poor.
podrido,-a adj 1 rotten. 2 fig corrupt.
P nm o nf 1 (con poco dinero) poor person;
(mendigo) beggar. 2 (infeliz) poor thing: poema nm poem.
la pobre se cree que le van a devolver el dine poesa nf 1 poetry. 2 (poema) poem.
ro the poor thing thinks she is going to poeta nm o nf poet.
get her money back.
potico,-a adj poetic.
pobreza nf (escasez de dinero) poverty.
poetisa nf poetess.
pocilga nf pigsty.
polaco,-a adj Polish.
P nm & nf (persona) Pole.
pcima nf (preparado) potion.
P nm polaco (idioma) Polish.
pocin nf potion.
poco,-a adj little; (plural) few, not polar adj polar. c o m p estrella polar Pole
Star, Polaris.
many: hago muy poco ejercicio ltimamen
te I do very little exercise these days. l o c
polaridad nf polarity.
hace poco not long ago. y poco antes polarizar vt 1 fs to polarize. 2 (atenshortly before. y poco despus shortly
cin) to focus.
afterwards. y por poco nearly.
polaroid nf Polaroid.
P pron poco little; (en plural) not many:
polea nf pulley.
lo poco que aprend se me ha olvidado what
polmica nf controversy.
little I learned I've forgotten.
polmico,-a adj controversial.
P adv little, not much: voy poco por all I
polemizar vi to debate.
rarely go there.
polen nm pollen.
P nm un poco a little, a bit: me das un
poleo nm 1 (planta) pennyroyal. 2 (infupoco? could you give me a little?
sin) mint tea.
poda nf pruning.
polica nf police, police force.
podadera nf pruning shears pl.
P nm o nf (gen) police officer; (hombre)
podar vt to prune.
policeman; (mujer) policewoman.
podenco nm hound.
poder vt 1 (de facultad) can, be able to: policaco,-a adj detective.
puedes echarme una
mano? can you lend policial adj police.
me a hand?; no pude abrirlo I couldn't policroma nf polychromy.


policromo,-a adj polychrome.

polideportivo nm sports centre.
poliedro nm polyhedron.
polister nm polyester.
poliestireno nm polystyrene.
polietileno nm polythene.
polifactico,-a adj versatile.
polifnico,-a adj polyphonic.
poligamia nf polygamy.
polgamo,-a adj polygamous.


pollera nf am skirt.
pollera nf (tienda) poultry shop; (seccin de supermercado) poultry section.

pollino,-a nm & nf zool donkey.

pollo nm chicken.
polluelo nm chick.
polo nm 1 tc pole. 2 (caramelo) ice lol-

ly. 3 dep polo. c o m p Polo Norte North

Pole. y Polo Sur South Pole.
Polonia nf Poland.
poltrona nf easy chair.
P nm & nf polygamist.
poltrn,-ona adj lazy.
polgloto,-a adj polyglot.
polucin nf (atmosfrica) pollution.
P nm & nf polyglot.
polucionar vt to pollute.
poligonal adj polygonal.
polgono nm 1 (figura) polygon. 2 (gen) polvareda nf (de polvo) cloud of dust.
area. c o m p polgono industrial indus- polvera nf (powder) compact.
polvo nm 1 (suciedad) dust. 2 (medicamento,
trial estate.
etc) powder. l o c en polvo 1 (leche, cacao)
polgrafo,-a nm & nf polygraph.
powdered. 2 (nieve) powdery. c o m p
poliinsaturado,-a adj polyunsaturated.
polvos de talco talcum powder sing.
polilla nf moth.
plvora nf gunpowder.
polmero nm polymer.
polvoriento,-a adj dusty.
polimorfo,-a adj polymorphic.
pomada nf cream.
polinizacin nf pollination.
pomelo nm (fruto) grapefruit; (rbol)
polinizar vt to pollinate.
grapefruit tree.
polinomio nm polynomial.
pmez nf pumice stone.
poliomielitis nf inv poliomyelitis.
pomo nm (de puerta) knob.
polisemia nf polysemy.
pompa nf 1 (de jabn, chicle) bubble. 2
polismico,-a adj polysemous.
(ostentacin) pomp. c o m p pompas de ja
polislabo,-a adj polysyllabic.
bn soap bubbles.
politcnico,-a adj (gen) polytechnic.
pomposo,-a adj pompous.
P nm politcnico (instituto) technical
pmulo nm 1 (hueso) cheekbone. 2 (mecollege.
jilla) cheek.
politesmo nm polytheism.
ponche nm punch.
politesta adj polytheistic.
ponderado,-a adj (prudente) measured.
P nm o nf polytheist.
ponderar vt 1 (sopesar) to ponder, conpoltica nf politics.
sider, think over, weigh up. 2 (alapoltico,-a adj 1 political. 2 (por matribar) to praise highly.
monio) -in-law: madre poltica mother- ponedero nm nest box.
in-law; padre poltico father-in-law.
ponedora adj (gallina) laying.
P nm & nf politician.
ponencia nf (acadmica) paper; (parlapolitizar vt to politicize.
mentaria) address, speech.
poliuretano nm polyurethane.
ponente nm o nf speaker.
polivalente adj fig (verstil) versatile.
poner vt 1 (gen) to place, put, set. 2
polivinilo nm polyvinyl.
(prenda) to put on: me pondr el pantaln
pliza nf 1 (de seguros) policy. 2 (sello)
negro I'll put my black trousers on, I'll
official tax stamp.
wear my black trousers. 3 (encender) to
turn on, put on: puso la radio she put
polizn nm stowaway.



the radio on. 4 (programar) to set: he

aqu it's somewhere round here. 5 (caupuesto el despertador a las siete I've set the
sa) because of: suspendieron el concierto
alarm clock for seven. 5 (escribir) to put,
por la lluvia they cancelled the concert
write: pon tu nombre aqu put your
because of the rain. 6 (tiempo) at, for:
name here. 6 (decir) to say: qu pone ese
nos veremos por vacaciones I'll see you
letrero? what does that sign say? 7 (en ciduring the holidays. 7 (medio) by: lleg
ne, televisin) to show: lo ponen maana
por correo it arrived by post. 8 (autora)
a las tres it's on tomorrow at three
by: fue escrito por Azorn it was written
o'clock. 8 (dar nombre) to name, call: le
by Azorn. 9 (distribucin) per: cinco por
pusieron Laura they called her Laura. 9
ciento five per cent. 10 (tras) by: les inte
(dinero) to put in: pusimos veinte euros ca
rrog uno por uno he interrogated each
da uno we put in twenty euros each. 10
one in turn. 11 (con pasiva) by: fue com
(telegrama, fax) to send; (nota) to leave.
prado por la reina it was bought by the
11 (deber, multa) to give: nos han puesto
queen. 12 (en calidad de) as: la tom por
deberes para las vacaciones they've given
esposa he took her as his wife. 13 (en luus homework for the holidays. 12 po
gar de) instead of, in the place of: ve
ner + adj to make, turn: la has puesto
t por mi you go in my place. 14 (multitriste you've made her sad.
plicado por) times, multiplied by: tres
P vpr ponerse 1 (sol) to set. 2 (volverse)
por cuatro, doce three fours are twelve,
to become, get, turn: se puso muy con
three times four is twelve. l o c estar por
tenta con la noticia the news made her
+ inf (a punto de) to be on the point of
very happy. 3 (contestar al telfono) to an+ -ing. y por ms que + subj however
swer the phone; (hablar por telfono) to
much, no matter how much. y por
come to the phone: en este momento
mucho que + subj however much, no
no se puede poner he can't come to the
matter how much.
phone right now. 4 ponerse a + inf to
start + to + inf/-ing: se puso a cantar he porcelana nf china, porcelain: una
started to sing, he started singing.
porcelana a piece of china.
poniente nm (direccin) west.
porcentaje nm percentage.
pontificar vi to pontificate.
porcentual adj percentage.
pontfice nm pope, pontiff.
porche nm veranda(h), us porch.
pontn nm pontoon.
porcino,-a adj porcine. c o m p ganado
ponzoa nf venom.
porcino pigs pl, us hogs pl.
ponzooso,-a adj venomous.
porcin nf (gen) portion, part.
popa nf stern.
pordiosero,-a nm & nf beggar.
populacho nm mob, masses pl.
porfiar vi (insistir) to insist (en, on).
popular adj 1 (del pueblo) traditional. 2 pormenor nm detail. l o c al pormenor
(muy conocido) popular.
popularizar vt to popularize.
pormenorizar vt to detail.
populista adj populist.
poro nm pore.
populoso,-a adj populous.
poroso,-a adj porous.
popurr nm potpourri.
porque conj 1 (de causa) because: no voy
pquer nm poker.
porque no quiero I'm not going because I
por prep 1 (gen) for: lo hice por ti I did it
don't want to. 2 (de finalidad) in order
for you. 2 (a travs de) through, by: ire
that, so that.
mos por la autopista we'll go on the moporqu
nm cause, reason: nunca sabre
torway. 3 (calle, carretera) along, down,
mos el porqu we'll never know why.
up: bamos por la calle cuando we were
walking along the street
when 4 (lugar porquera nf (suciedad) dirt, filth.
aproximado) in, near, round: est por porqueriza nf pigsty.



porra nf (de polica) truncheon.

vpr posarse 1 (pjaro) to alight,

perch, sit. 2 (sedimento) to settle.
to get lost, send sb packing.
posavasos nm inv coaster.
porrazo nm (con bastn) blow; (al caer) posdata nf postscript.
bump, knock.
pose nf (postura) pose.
porrn nm typical glass drinking vessel with a poseedor,-ra nm & nf owner.
thin spout used for pouring wine into the mouth.
poseer vt 1 (propiedad) to own. 2 (conociportaaviones nm inv aircraft carrier.
mientos, talento, etc) to have.
portada nf (de revista, peridico) front posesin nf possession. l o c tomar po
page; (de libro) title page.
sesin (de un cargo) to take up.
portador,-ra adj carrying.
posesivo,-a adj possessive.
P nm & nf (de un virus) carrier.
poseso,-a nm & nf possessed person.
portaequipajes nm inv 1 (de un coche - posguerra nf postwar period.
maletero) boot, us trunk; (- en el techo)
posibilidad nf possibility.
roof rack. 2 (de un tren) luggage rack.
posible adj possible. l o c hacer todo lo
portafolios nm inv 1 portfolio, folder.
posible to do one's best.
2 (maletn) briefcase.
posicin nf (postura, situacin) position.
portal nm (entrada de edificio) hallway.
positivo,-a adj positive.
portalmparas nm bulbholder.
poso nm 1 (del caf) dregs pl. 2 fig trace.
portaminas nm inv propelling pencil.
posologa nf dosage.
portamonedas nm inv purse.
posparto nm postpartum.
portar vt to carry.
posponer vt (en el tiempo) to postpone.
P vpr portarse to behave. l o c portarse
posta nf (de caballos) change of horses.
bien to be good, behave os.
l o c a posta on purpose.
porttil adj portable.
postal nf postcard.
portavoz nm o nf (gen) spokesperson.
poste nm post.
portazo nm bang, slam (of a door).
porte nm (transporte) carriage, freight. pster nm poster.
postergar vt (retrasar) to postpone.
c o m p portes debidos carriage due.
posteridad nf posterity.
porteador,-ra nm & nf porter.
posterior adj 1 (en el espacio) back, rear:
portentoso,-a adj prodigious.
en la parte posterior del edificio at the back
portera nf 1 (de un edificio) porter's
of the building. 2 (en el tiempo) later.
lodge. 2 dep goal.
portero,-a nm & nf 1 (de un edificio) por- posteriori l o c a posteriori a posteriori.
ter. 2 dep goalkeeper. c o m p portero postgrado nm postgraduate course.
postgraduado,-a nm & nf postgraduautomtico entryphone.
ate student.
prtico nm portico.
postigo nm (de ventana) shutter.
portillo nm breach.
postilla nf scab.
portn nm large door.
postizo,-a adj false.
Portugal nm Portugal.
postor,-ra nm & nf bidder.
portugus,-esa adj Portuguese.
postrar vt to prostrate.
P nm & nf (persona) Portuguese.
P vpr postrarse to prostrate os.
P nm portugus (idioma) Portuguese.
postre nm dessert.
porvenir nm future.
postular vt (defender) to postulate.
pos l o c en pos de after, in pursuit of.
pstumo,-a adj posthumous.
posada nf inn.
postura nf 1 (de un cuerpo) posture, poposar vi (para foto, etc)
to pose.
P vt (colocar) to rest.
sition. 2 (actitud) attitude.

mandar a la porra a algn fam to tell




potable adj drinkable.

potaje nm culin hotpot.
potasio nm potassium.
pote nm (vasija) pot.
potencia nf 1 (capacidad) power: este

coche tiene mucha potencia this car is very

powerful. 2 (pas) power. 3 (en matemtica) power: elevamos seis a la tercera po
tencia we raise six to the power of three.
potencial adj potential.
P nm 1 potential. 2 ling conditional


potenciar vt to strengthen.
potentado,-a nm tycoon, potentate.
potente adj powerful.
potestad nf power.
potestativo,-a adj optional.
potingue nm fam (crema) face cream.
potrero nm (lugar) paddock.
potro,-a nm & nf zool (macho) colt.
poza nf (en un ro) pool.
pozo nm (de agua, petrleo) well.
prctica nf practice.

prcticas practical sing. l o c en la

prctica in practice.
practicable adj (realizable) feasible.
practicante nm o nf (persona) nurse.
practicar vt 1 (gen) to practise (us practice). 2 (hacer) to make; (deporte) to play.
P vi to practise (us practice).
prctico,-a adj 1 (gen) practical. 2 (hP nf pl

preceptivo,-a adj compulsory.

precepto nm precept.
preceptor,-ra nm & nf educ tutor.
preciado,-a adj precious.
preciarse vpr to be proud (de, of).
precintar vt to seal.
precinto nm seal.
precio nm 1 (coste) price. 2 fig (valor) value.
preciosidad nf (belleza) loveliness.
precioso,-a adj (bello) beautiful.
precipicio nm cliff, precipice.
precipitacin nf 1 (prisa) rush, haste.
2 meteor precipitation, rainfall.

precipitado,-a adj (apresurado) hasty.

precipitar vt 1 (apresurar) to rush. 2

to precipitate.

vpr precipitarse 1 (apresurarse) to

rush, be hasty. 2 (caer) to fall.
precisar vt 1 to say exactly. 2 (necesitar)

to need.

precisin nf precision, accuracy.

preciso,-a adj 1 precise. 2 (necesario)

precocinado,-a adj precooked.

preconcebido,-a adj preconceived.
preconizar vt to advocate.
precoz adj 1 (persona) precocious. 2 (cosecha) early. 3 (diagnstico) early.

precursor,-ra nm & nf precursor.

predador,-ra adj predatory.
predecesor,-ra nm & nf predecessor.
bil) skilful (us skillful).
predecir vt to predict.
pradera nf prairie, grassland.
predestinado,-a adj predestined.
prado nf meadow.
predestinar vt to predestine.
pragmtico,-a adj pragmatic.
predeterminar vt to predetermine.
pragmatismo nm pragmatism.
prdica nf sermon.
prembulo nm preamble.
predicacin nf preaching.
preaviso nm notice.
precalentamiento nm dep warming up. predicado nm predicate.
predicador,-ra nm & nf preacher.
precalentar vt to pre-heat.
predicar vt to preach.
precariedad nf precariousness.
predicativo,-a adj predicative.
precario,-a adj precarious.
prediccin nf prediction.
precaucin nf precaution.
predileccin nf predilection.
precavido,-a adj cautious.
predilecto,-a adj favourite.
precedente adj preceding.
P nm precedent.
predisponer vt to predispose.
predisposicin nf predisposition.
preceder vt to precede.
preceptiva nf precepts pl.
predominante adj predominant.


predominar vt to predominate.
predominio nm predominance.
preeminente adj pre-eminent.
preescolar adj (enseanza, edad, etapa)


premura nf (prisa) urgency.

prenatal adj antenatal.
prenda nf 1 (de vestir) garment. 2 (en jue-

go) forfeit.
prendarse vpr to fall in love (de, with).
preschool, nursery-school.
prendedor nm (broche) brooch; (alfiler)
preestablecer vt to pre-establish.
preestablecido,-a adj pre-established.
prender vt 1 (sujetar) to attach; (con agupreestreno nm preview.
jas) to pin. 2 (encender - fuego) to light;
prefabricado,-a adj prefabricated.
(- luz) to turn on.
prefacio nm preface.
P vi 1 (arraigar - planta, costumbre) to take
preferencia nf preference.
root. 2 (fuego, madera, etc) to catch
preferente adj preferential.
light, catch fire.
preferible adj preferable.
prensa nf 1 (mquina) press. 2 (peridicos)
preferido,-a adj favourite ( us fapapers pl.
prensar vt to press.
preferir vt to prefer.
preado,-a adj pregnant.
prefijo nm 1 ling prefix. 2 (telefnico) di- prear vt (mujer) to make pregnant;
alling code, us area code.
(animal) to impregnate.
pregn nm (discurso de fiestas) opening preocupacin nf worry.
preocupado,-a adj worried.
pregonar vt (noticia) to announce,
preocupar vt to worry.
make public.
P vpr preocuparse 1 (sentir preocupacin)
pregonero nm town crier.
to worry (por, about).
pregunta nf question. l o c hacer una preparacin nf 1 (gen) preparation. 2
pregunta a algn to ask sb a question.
(fsica, deportiva) training.
preguntar vt to ask.
preparado,-a adj ready, prepared.
P vpr preguntarse to wonder: me pre
preparador,-ra nm & nf dep coach.
gunto si vendr I wonder if he'll come.
preparar vt 1 to prepare, get ready:
preguntn,-ona adj fam inquisitive.
voy a preparar el desayuno I'll get breakfast
prehistoria nf prehistory.
ready. 2 dep (entrenar) to train, coach:
prehistrico,-a adj prehistoric.
se est preparando para el maratn she's
prejuicio nm prejudice.
training for the marathon. 3 (estudiar) to
prejuzgar vt to prejudge.
revise for, work for.
preliminar adj preliminary.
preparativos nm pl arrangements.
preludio nm prelude.
preposicin nf preposition.
prematrimonial adj premarital.
prepotencia nf (arrogancia) arrogance.
prematuro,-a adj premature.
prepotente adj arrogant.
premeditacin nf premeditation.
prerrogativa nf prerogative.
premeditado,-a adj premeditated.
presa nf 1 (embalse) dam. 2 (accin) cappremeditar vt to premeditate.
ture. c o m p ave de presa bird of prey.
premiado,-a adj prizewinning.
presagiar vt to be a warning of.
P nm & nf prizewinner.
presagio nm (seal) omen.
premiar vt to award a prize to.
presbtero nm priest.
premio nm prize.
prescindir vi prescindir de (pasar sin) to
premisa nf premise.
do without.
premonicin nf premonition.
vt (recetar) to prescribe.
premonitorio,-a adj premonitory.
prescripcin nf prescription.



presencia nf (gen) presence.

presenciar vt (acontecimiento) to be pre-

prestigioso,-a adj prestigious.

presto,-a adj 1 (preparado) ready. 2 (r-

presentacin nf 1 (de un objeto, documen-

presumible adj probable, likely.

presumido,-a adj (en el vestir) vain.
presumir vi 1 (vanagloriarse) to boast

sent at.

to, etc) presentation, showing: la pre

sentacin del carn es imprescindible para
entrar passes must be shown to allow
access. 2 (de personas) introduction.
presentador,-ra nm & nf presenter.
presentar vt 1 (gen) to present; (mostrar)
to show. 2 (entregar) to hand in. 3 (sacar
al mercado) to launch. 4 (personas) to introduce: te han presentado ya? have you
been introduced yet? 5 tv to present.
P vpr presentarse 1 (comparecer) to turn
up. 2 (para eleccin) to stand.
presente adj present.
P nm 1 (tiempo) present. 2 ling present
tense. 3 (obsequio) gift.
P nm pl presentes those present.
presentimiento nm premonition.
presentir vt to have a feeling ( que,

pido) quick.

(de, about), show off ( de, about).

2 (ser presumido) to be vain.
P vt (suponer) to suppose, assume.
presunto,-a adj presumed, alleged.
presuntuoso,-a adj (presumido) vain.
presuponer vt to presuppose.
presupuestar vt (proyecto) to budget
for; (construccin, obra, etc) to estimate.

presupuesto nm (en finanzas) budget; (de

una obra) estimate.

pretencioso,-a adj pretentious.

P nm

& nf pretentious person.

pretender vt 1 (querer) to want to: pre

tende ganar el concurso he wants to win

the contest. 2 (intentar) to try to: no s
qu pretende hacer I don't know what
he's trying to do. 3 (cortejar) to court.
preservar vt to preserve.
pretendido,-a adj supposed.
preservativo nm condom.
pretendiente nm (enamorado) suitor.
presidencia nf 1 pol presidency. 2 (de pretensin nf 1 (intencin) aim; (ambiuna empresa) chairmanship.
cin) ambition. 2 (derecho) claim.
presidente,-ta nm & nf 1 pol presi- pretrito,-a adj past: en tiempos pretri
tos in the past.
dent. 2 chairman, us president.
P nm pretrito simple past, preterite.
presidiario,-a nm & nf convict.
pretexto nm pretext.
presidio nm prison, penitentiary.
prevalecer vi to prevail.
presidir vt (reunin) to chair.
prevencin nf (precaucin) prevention.
presilla nf fastener.
prevenido,-a adj forewarned.
presin nf pressure.
presionar vt 1 (objeto) to press. 2 (perso- prevenir vt (evitar) to avoid, prevent.
preventivo,-a adj (medicina) preventive.
na) to pressure, put pressure on.
prever vt (anticipar) to foresee.
preso,-a nm & nf prisoner.
prestacin nf 1 (servicio) service. 2 (de la previo,-a adj previous.
Seguridad Social) benefit, allowance. previsible adj foreseeable.
c o m p prestacin por desempleo unemprevisin nf forecast. c o m p previsin
ployment benefit.
meteorolgica weather forecast.
previsor,-ra adj farsighted.
prestado,-a adj lent, on loan.
prieto,-a adj tight.
prestamista nm o nf moneylender.
prstamo nm (crdito) loan.
pedir prima nf (gratificacin) bonus.
un prstamo to ask for a loan.
primaca nf primacy.
prestar vt (dejar prestado) to lend, loan. primar vi (predominar) to be important.
nm & nf conjuror.
primaria nf primary education.
prestigio nm prestige.
primario,-a adj primary.



primate nm primate.
primavera nf 1 spring. 2 lit (ao) year.
primaveral adj spring, spring-like.
primera nf 1 auto first gear. 2 (en trans-

rrer prisa to be urgent. y tener prisa to

be in a hurry.
prisin nf prison.
prisionero,-a nm & nf prisoner.
portes) first class.
prisma nm prism.
primerizo,-a nm & nf beginner.
prismticos nm pl binoculars.
primero,-a adj first: el primer da del ao privacidad nf privacy.
the first day of the year.
privacin nf deprivation, privation.
P nm & nf first: es la primera de la clase
privado,-a adj private.
she's top of the class.
privar vt (despojar) to deprive (de, of).
P adv primero (en primer lugar) first: pri
privativo,-a adj (exclusivo) exclusive.
mero vamos a mirarlo en el diccionario let's
privatizar vt to privatize.
look it up in the dictionary first.
privilegiado,-a adj privileged.
. Antes de los nombres masculinos en
privilegiar vt to privilege.
singular se usa primer.
privilegio nm privilege.
pro nm advantage. c o m p los pros y los
primicia nf (noticia) scoop.
contras the pros and cons.
primigenio,-a adj original.
proa nf bow, prow.
primitiva nf National Lottery.
probabilidad nf probability.
primitivo,-a adj hist primitive.
probable adj (posible) probable, likely.
primo,-a nm & nf (familiar) cousin.
probado,-a adj proven.
primognito,-a adj first-born, eldest.
probador nm changing room.
P nm & nf first-born, eldest.
probar vt 1 (demostrar) to prove. 2 (comprimor nm (delicadeza) delicateness.
probar) to test, check: prueba el coche a
primordial adj essential.
ver cmo responde check the car to see
primoroso,-a adj delicate.
how it performs. 3 (vino, comida, etc) to
princesa nf princess.
taste, try. 4 (prenda, zapato) to try on.
principado nm principality.
P vi to try: prueba a cambiarle la pila try
principal adj main: lo principal es que duer
changing the battery.
ma the main thing is that he sleeps.
probeta nf test tube.
P nm (piso) first floor, us second floor.
problema nm problem. l o c tener pro
prncipe nm prince.
blemas con to have trouble with.
principiante,-a nm & nf beginner.
problemtico,-a adj problematic.
principio nm 1 (inicio) beginning, start: procedencia nf 1 origin.
me voy de vacaciones a principios de mes procedente adj coming (de, from): el
I'm going on holiday at the beginning of
tren procedente de Sevilla the train arriving
the month. 2 (moral) principle.
from Seville.
pringar vt (ensuciar) to make greasy: proceder l o c proceder de to come: el
me he puesto las manos pringando de grasa
queso procede de la leche cheese comes
I've got my hands covered in grease.
from milk.
pringoso,-a adj greasy.
procedimiento nm (mtodo) procedure.
prior,-ra nm & nf (hombre) prior; (mujer) procesado,-a adj 1 inform processed.
2 jur tried.
prioridad nf priority.
P nm & nf el/la procesado,-a the acprioritario,-a adj priority.
prisa nf hurry: date prisa
nm processor. c o m p procesa
dor de textos inform word processor.
hurry up or we'll never make it! l o c co



procesar vt 1 (gen) to process. 2 jur to

profundidad nf depth: tiene cuatro me

procesin nf procession.
proceso nm (gen) process.

profundizar vt profundizar en (tema,


c o m p proceso
de datos data processing.
proclamar vt to proclaim.
P vpr proclamarse to proclaim os.
proclive adj prone.
procreacin nf procreation.
procrear vi to procreate.
procurador,-ra nm & nf jur procurator.
procurar vt 1 to try. 2 (proporcionar) to

tros de profundidad it's four metres deep.

cuestin) to look deeply into.

profundo,-a adj (gen) deep.

profuso,-a adj profuse.
progenitor,-ra nm & nf (padre) father;
(madre) mother.
P nm

pl progenitores parents.

programa nm 1 (gen) programme (us

program). 2 inform program. 3 educ

(de un curso) syllabus.
programacin nf 1 (de televisin, radi, etco)
programming (us programing). 2 (de
prodigar vt to be lavish with.
teatro) billing. 3 inform programming.
prodigio nm prodigy, miracle.
programador,-ra nm & nf inform proprodigioso,-a adj prodigious.
prdigo,-a adj (generoso) lavish.
programar vt 1 (gen) to programme
produccin nf production.
(us program). 2 inform to program. 3
producir vt 1 (gen) to produce. 2 (cau(organizar, planear, etc) to plan.
sar) to cause.
progresar vi to progress.
P vpr producirse to happen.
progresin nf progression. c o m p pro
productividad nf productivity.
gresin aritmtica arithmetic proproductivo,-a adj productive.
producto nm (gen) product.
progresista adj progressive.
productor,-ra adj producing.
P nm o nf progressive.
P nm & nf producer.
progresivo,-a adj progressive.
productora nf cine production comprogreso nm progress.
prohibicin nf prohibition, ban.
proeza nf feat, heroic deed.
prohibido,-a adj forbidden.
profanar vt to desecrate, profane.
prohibir vt to forbid.
profano,-a adj (no sagrado) profane.
prohibitivo,-a adj prohibitive.
profeca nf prophecy.
prjimo nm fellow man, neighbour
proferir vt (palabra, sonido, etc) to utter.
(us neighbor).
profesin nf profession.
profesional adj professional: es futbo prole nf offspring.
lista profesional he's a professional foot- proletariado nm proletariat.
proletario,-a nm & nf proletarian.
proliferar vi to proliferate.
P nm o nf professional: es todo un profe
prolijo,-a adj (meticuloso) meticulous.
sional he's a real professional.
profesionalidad nf professionalism. prlogo nm prologue, us prolog.
profesor,-ra nm & nf teacher. c o m p prolongacin nf (gen) prolongation.
profesor,-ra particular private tutor. y prolongado,-a adj (largo) prolonged.
profesor,-ra universitario professor.
prolongar vt 1 (en el tiempo, etc) to proprofesorado nm teaching staff.
long. 2 (en el espacio) to extend.
P vpr prolongarse to go on.
profeta nm prophet.
promedio nm average.
proftico,-a adj prophetic.
promesa nf promise.
profetizar vt to prophesy.
prfugo,-a nm & nf fugitive.
prometedor,-ra adj promising.


prometer vt to promise: lo prometes?

P vi to be promising: esta chica es una
pintora que promete this girl is a promising artist.
prometido,-a nm & nf (hombre) fianc;
(mujer) fiance.
prominente adj prominent.
promiscuo,-a adj promiscuous.
promocin nf promotion.
promocionar vt (to promote.
promontorio nm promontory.
promotor,-ra nm & nf (inmobiliario) developer.
promover vt to promote.
promulgar vt to enact, promulgate.
pronombre nm pronoun.
pronosticar vt to predict.
pronstico nm (del tiempo) forecast.


propinar vt to give.
propio,-a adj 1 (de nuestra propiedad)

own. 2 (indicado) appropriate. 3 (mismo - l) himself; (- ella) herself; (- cosa,

animal) itself; (- en plural) themselves.
proponer vt (persona, plan, etc) to propose.
P vpr proponerse to intend.
proporcin nf proportion.
proporcionado,-a adj in proportion.
proporcional adj proportionate.
proporcionar vt (ayuda, etc) to supply.
proposicin nf (idea) proposal.
propsito nm 1 (intencin) intention. 2
(objetivo) aim.
propuesta nf proposal.
propugnar vt to advocate.
propulsar vt (medida, idea, etc) to promote.
p ro n s t i co m e t e o ro l g i co propulsin nf propulsion.
weather forecast.
propulsor,-ra nm (motor) motor.
pronto,-a adv 1 (rpido) soon: no llores prrroga nf (de un plazo) extension.
que pronto vendr tu mam don't cry, prorrogable adj renewable.
your mummy will be here soon. 2 (temprorrogar vt (alargar) to extend.
prano) early: has llegado demasiado pron
to you've arrived too early. l o c de pron prosa nf prose.
prosaico,-a adj prosaic.
to suddenly.
proscribir vt (prohibir) to proscribe.
pronunciacin nf pronunciation.
pronunciado,-a adj (marcado) marked. proscrito,-a nm & nf (criminal) outlaw.
pronunciar vt 1 (gen) to pronounce. 2 proseguir vt to continue, carry on.
proselitismo nm proselytism.
(discurso) to make.
proselitista adj proselytic.
propagacin nf propagation.
P nm o nf proselytizer.
propaganda nf 1 (publicidad) advertisprosodia nf prosody.
ing. 2 (electoral) propaganda.
prosopopeya nf (figura retrica) prosopropagar vt to propagate, spread.
propano nm propane.
prospeccin nf (del suelo) surveying;
propasarse vpr to go too far.
(para minerales) prospecting.
propensin nf inclination, tendency.
propenso,-a adj inclined. l o c ser prospecto nm leaflet, prospectus.
propenso,-a a algo to be prone to sth. prosperar vi to prosper, thrive.
prosperidad nf prosperity.
propiciar vt (favorecer) contribute to.
prspero,-a adj prosperous.
propiciatorio,-a adj propitiatory.
prstata nf prostate, prostate gland.
propicio,-a adj (gen) suitable.
propiedad nf (bien inmueble) property. prostitucin nf prostitution.
c o m p propiedad privada private propprostituir vt to prostitute.
P vpr prostituirse to prostitute os.
prostituta nf prostitute.
propietario,-a nm &
nf owner.
propina nf tip.
protagonismo nm leading role.

protagonista adj main, leading.


provocativo,-a adj provocative.

(de pelcula - actor) leading man; prximamente adv shortly, soon.
(- actriz) leading lady.
proximidad nf proximity.
protagonizar vt (pelcula, etc) to star in.
prximo,-a adj 1 (cerca) near. 2 (siguienproteccin nf protection.
te) next: el mes prximo next month.
proteccionismo nm protectionism.
proyeccin nf 1 (gen) projection. 2
proteccionista adj protectionist.
cine screening, showing.
protector,-ra nm & nf (persona) protector. proyectar vt (pelcula) to show.
proteger vt to protect.
proyectil nm projectile, missile.
protegido,-a nm & nf (hombre) protg; proyecto nm 1 (propsito) plan. 2 (plan)
(mujer) protge.
protena nf protein.
proyector nm (de cine) film projector.
protenico,-a adj proteinic.
prudencia nf (cuidado) care, caution;
prtesis nf med (uso formal) prosthesis.
(moderacin) moderation.
c o m p prtesis dental denture.
prudente adj sensible, prudent.
protesta nf protest.
prueba nf 1 (demostracin) proof. 2 (exprotestante adj Protestant.
perimento) experiment, trial: haz la
P nm o nf Protestant.
prueba try it. 3 (examen) test. 4 med
test. 5 dep event. l o c poner a prueba
protestar vi (mostrar disconformidad) to
protest (contra, against).
to put to the test. c o m p prueba de ac
ceso entrance examination.
protocolo nm (gen) protocol.
psicoanlisis nm inv psychoanalysis.
protn nm proton.
psicologa nf psychology.
protoplasma nm protoplasm.
psicopata nf psychopathy.
prototipo nm prototype.
psicosis nf inv psychosis.
protozoo nm protozoan.
psique nf psyche.
protuberancia nf protuberance.
provecho nm (beneficio) benefit. l o c psiquiatra nf psychiatry.
buen provecho! enjoy your meal!
psiquitrico,-a adj psychiatric.
provechoso,-a adj (beneficioso) benefi- psquico,-a adj psychic, psychical.
pterodctilo nm pterodactyl.
proveedor,-ra nm & nf supplier.
pa nf 1 (de peine, cepillo) tooth. 2 (de eriproveer vt (suministrar) to provide (de,
zo) quill. 3 ms plectrum.
pubertad nf puberty.
provenir vi to come (de, from).
pubis nm inv 1 pubes pl. 2 (hueso) pubis.
proverbial adj proverbial.
publicable adj publishable.
proverbio nm proverb, saying.
publicacin nf publication.
providencia nf jur ruling.
publicar vt (libro, etc) to publish.
providencial adj providential.
publicidad nf (comercial) advertising.
provincia nf province. l o c de provin publicista nm o nf advertising execucias provincial.
provinciano,-a adj pey provincial.
publicitario,-a adj advertising.
provisin nf (suministro) provision.
pblico,-a adj public.
provisional adj provisional.
P nm pblico (de un espectculo) audiprovisto,-a adj provided (de, with),
ence; (de televisin) audience, viewers
equipped (de, with).
pl: el pblico aplaudi entusiasmado the
provocacin nf (gen)
audience applauded warmly. l o c en p
provocar vt to incite, to provoke.
blico in public.
P nm o nf



publirreportaje nm (documentary style)

pulgada nf inch.
television advertisement.
pulgar nm thumb.
puchero nm (olla) cooking pot.
pulgn nm aphid.
pdico,-a adj chaste, decent.
pulimentar vt to polish.
pudiente adj wealthy, rich.
pulir vt (superficie) to polish.
pudor nm (decencia) decency.
pullover nm pullover.
pudoroso,-a adj decent, chaste.
pulmn nm lung.
pudrir vt to rot.
pulmonar adj lung, pulmonary.
P vpr pudrirse to rot.
pulmona nf pneumonia.
pueblerino,-a adj (de pueblo) village.
pulpa nf pulp.
pueblo nm 1 (poblacin) village. 2 (gente) plpito nm pulpit.
pulpo nm zool octopus.
puente nm (sobre un ro, etc) bridge.
pulsacin nf 1 pulsation. 2 (de corazn)
puerco,-a nm & nf pig. c o m p puerco es
beat. 3 (en mecanografa) stroke.
pn porcupine.
pulsador nm (gen) push button.
puericultor,-ora nm & nf child care pulsar vt 1 (botn, timbre, etc) to press. 2
(tecla - de mquina de escribir) to tap; (- de
puericultura nf child care.
piano) to play.
pueril adj (infantil) puerile, childish.
pulsera nf 1 bracelet. 2 (de reloj) watch
puerro nm leek.
puerta nf 1 door. 2 (verja) gate. 3 dep pulso nm 1 (presin sangunea) pulse: dja
me que te tome el pulso let me take your
(portera) goal. c o m p puerta de embar
pulse. 2 (firmeza en la mano) steady hand:
que gate.
para dibujar hay que tener buen pulso to be
puerto nm 1 mar port, harbour. 2 (de
able to draw you need a steady hand.
montaa) (mountain) pass. c o m p puer
pulular vi to swarm.
to deportivo marina.
pulverizador nm spray, atomizer.
Puerto Rico nm Puerto Rico.
puertorriqueo,-a adj Puerto Rican. pulverizar vt 1 (lquido) to atomize,
spray. 2 (slido) to pulverize. 3 (enemiP nm & nf Puerto Rican.
go) to crush, wipe out.
pues conj 1 (ya que) since, as. 2 (por lo
tanto) therefore, so. 3 (repetitivo) then. puma nm puma, mountain lion.
4 (enftico) well: pues bien well then; puncin nf puncture.
pues claro! of course!; pues no well no.
punitivo,-a adj punitive.
puesta nf 1 (colocacin) setting. 2 (de hue- punta nf (extremo) tip; (extremo afilado)
vos) laying. c o m p puesta de sol sunset.
point. l o c sacar punta a (lpiz) to
puesto,-a nm 1 (sitio) place: ya han llega
do al primer puesto they've made it to the puntada nf stitch.
top. 2 (de mercado) stall; (de feria, etc) puntal nm 1 prop. 2 fig support.
stand. 3 (empleo) position, post. l o c puntapi nm kick.
puesto que since, as.
puntear vt 1 (dibujar) to dot. 2 ms to
pgil nm boxer.
pugnar vi to fight, struggle.
punteo nm ms plucking, us picking.
puja nf (accin) bidding.
puntera nf (de zapato, calcetn, etc) toe.
pujante adj thriving.
puntera nf aim: qu buena puntera!
pujar vt (en subasta) to bid higher.
what a good shot!
pulcritud nf neatness.
puntero,-a adj leading.
P nm puntero (para sealar) pointer.
pulcro,-a adj neat.
pulga nf flea.
puntiagudo,-a adj pointed.

puntilla nf cost lace.
on tiptoe.


de puntillas

puntilloso,-a adj (exigente) punctilious.

punto nm 1 (gen) point. 2 (tanto) point:

pupila nf pupil.
pupilaje nm (de persona) board and
lodging; (de coche) garaging.

pupilo,-a nm & nf (de un tutor) pupil.

pupitre nm school desk.
purasangre adj thoroughbred.

nos llevan cinco puntos de ventaja they're

five points ahead of us. 3 (detrs de abreviatura) dot; (al final de la oracin) full
P nm (caballo) thoroughbred.
stop, us period. 4 (lugar) spot: en qu pur nm (espeso) pure; (sopa) thick
punto de la carretera se encuentran? exactsoup: hoy tenemos pur de zanahoria toly where on the road are they? 5 (tejido)
day we've got thick carrot soup. c o m p
knitwear: me he comprado una falda de
pur de patatas mashed potatoes.
punto I bought a knitted skirt. 6 (en costura, sutura, etc) stitch: me ca y me dieron pureza nf purity.
tres puntos en la barbilla I fell and needed purga nf purge.
three stitches on my chin. l o c en punto purgacin nf (accin) purging.
sharp, on the dot: son las tres en punto purgante nm purgative, laxative.
it's exactly three o'clock. c o m p dos pun purgar vt to purge (de, of).
tos colon. y punto cardinal cardinal purgatorio nm purgatory.
point. y punto de vista point of view. purificacin nf purification.
y punto dbil weak point. y punto y purificador,-ra adj purifying.
coma semicolon. y punto y seguido
P nm purificador purifier.
full stop, new sentence, us period,
purificante adj purifying.
new sentence.
purificar vt to purify.
puntuable adj valid.
puntuacin nf 1 (en ortografa) punctua- purismo nm purism.
tion. 2 (accin de puntuar) scoring; (total purista adj purist.
P nm o nf purist.
de puntos) score. 3 educ (accin) marking; (nota) mark: obtuvo una puntuacin puritano,-a adj puritan, puritanic.
P nm & nf puritan.
muy alta she got a very high mark.
puntual adj (que llega a su hora) punctu- puro,-a adj 1 (sin mezcla) pure: tiene un
perro de pura raza he has a purebred dog.
al: han llegado muy puntuales they've ar2 (mero) sheer, mere, pure: me enter
rived right on time.
por pura casualidad I found out by pure
puntualidad nf punctuality.
puntualizacin nf remark.
P nm puro cigar.
puntualizar vt (especificar) to point out.
puntuar vt 1 ling to punctuate. 2 educ prpura adj purple.
P nm purple.
to mark.
purulento,-a adj purulent.
P vi dep to score.
pus nm pus.
punzada nf sharp pain, stab of pain.
pusilnime adj faint-hearted.
punzante adj stabbing.
pusilanimidad nf faint-heartedness.
punzar vt to prick.
pstula nf pustule.
punzn nm punch.
putrefaccin nf putrefaction.
puado nm handful.
putrefacto,-a adj putrefied, rotten.
pual nm dagger.
ptrido,-a adj putrefied, rotten.
pualada nf (herida) stab wound.
puya nf (comentario) gibe.
puetazo nm punch.
puo nm 1 (mano) fist. 2 (de arma) han- puyazo nm (comentario) gibe.
puzzle nm jigsaw, puzzle.
dle. 3 (de camisa, abrigo, etc) cuff.


Q, q nf (la letra) Q, q.
Qatar nm Qatar.
qusar nm quasar.
que1 pron 1 (sujeto, persona) who, that;

qu pron what: no s qu hacer I don't

know what to do; qu queras? what did

you want?
P adj 1 (cul) which: no s qu libro quiere
I don't know which book he wants. 2
(cosa) that, which: la chica que vino ayer
(en frases interrogativas) how, what: qu
est enferma the girl who came yesteraos tienes? how old are you?; qu has
day is ill. 2 (complemento, persona)
dicho? what did you say? 3 (en frases exwhom, who; (cosa) that, which: el
clamativas) how, what: qu bonito!
coche que me prestaste est ah the car
how nice!; qu flor ms bonita! what a
(that) you lent me is there. 3 prep + que
lovely flower! 4 (cantidad) what: qu de
(complemento circunstancial) which; (lugar)
gente! what a crowd!
where; (tiempo) when: la casa en que vi
quebrada nf geol (paso) gorge, ravine.
va estaba lejos the house where he lived
quebradizo,-a adj 1 (frgil) fragile,
was far away. 4 art def + que the one
brittle; (pastel) short. 2 fig (dbil moralwhich, the one that: ese libro es el que
mente) weak, frail.
me gusta that's the book I like.
quebrado,-a adj 1 (terreno) rugged,
que conj 1 that: dice que no vendr he
rough, uneven; (camino) tortuous. 2
says (that) he won't come. 2 (en compa(nmero) fractional.
raciones) than: es ms alto que su padre he quebrantar vt 1 (cascar) to crack. 2
is taller than his father. 3 (deseo, manda(romper) to break, shatter; (machacar)
to): que te diviertas! enjoy yourself! 4
to grind. 3 (debilitar) to weaken. 4 fig
(duda, extraeza): que no te hicieron pagar
(salud, posicin, fortuna) to undermine,
nada? (you say) they didn't make you
shatter. 5 fig (incumplir) to break, viopay anything? 5 (causal, consecutiva): arri
late. 6 fig (suavizar) to take the edge
ba, que ya son las ocho! get up, it's eight
off, temper; (ablandar) to soften. 7 fig
o'clock! 6 (tanto si como si) wheth(causar lstima) to wound, shatter.
er or not: que llueva que no llueva,
P vpr quebrantarse 1 (cascarse) to
iremos de excursin whether it rains or
crack. 2 (romperse) to break. 3 (la salud)
not, we're going on a trip. 7 (reiterativo)
to be shattered.
and: charla que charla se nos pas la hora quebrar vt (romper, incumplir) to break.
we were so busy talking that the hour
P vi 1 fin to go bankrupt. 2 fig (flajust flew by. 8 (final) so that: ven aqu
quear) to weaken.
que te vea bien come here so that I can
P vpr quebrarse 1 (romperse) to break. 2
see you properly. 9 fam (condicional) if:
(herniarse) to rupture os. 3 (interrumpirque te gusta, te lo quedas; que no te gusta, lo
se) to be broken, open up. 4 fig (nimo) to break, crack.
cambias if you like it, keep it; if you
don't, you can change it. 10 que no (ad- quedar vi 1 (permanecer) to remain,
versativa) not: justicia
pido, que no perdn
stay. 2 fig (terminar) to end. 3 (cita)
I want justice, not mercy.
to arrange to meet. 4 (resultado de algo) to



P nm & nf 1 (amante) lover; (mujer) misbe. 5 (favorecer) to look, fit. 6 (estar situado) to be. 7 (restar) to be left, retress. 2 fam (apelativo) darling.
main. 8 (faltar) to be, be still. 9 que quesera nf 1 (fbrica) cheese factory.
dar en (convenir) to agree to. 10 quedar
2 (para servirlo) cheese dish.
por + inf not to have been + pp: la ca queso nm cheese.
ma qued por hacer the bed had not been quicio nm pivot hole.
made, the bed was left unmade. 11 quid nm crux.
quedar + ger to be, remain: cuando me
quiebra nf 1 (rotura) break, crack. 2
fui el nio quedaba durmiendo when I left
(bancarrota) failure, bankruptcy; (crack)
the child was sleeping.
crash, collapse. 3 (prdida) loss. 4
P vpr quedarse 1 (permanecer) to remain,
geog gorge. 5 fig (fracaso) failure.
stay, be. 2 (resultado de algo) to be, remain. 3 euf (morirse) to die. 4 (mar, viento) quien pron 1 (sujeto) who: me encontr a
Toni, quien me dijo que estabas enfermo
to become calm; (viento) to drop. 5
I met Toni, who told me you were ill. 2
quedarse con (retener algo) to keep.
(complemento) who, whom: las personas
quehacer nm task, chore, job.
a quienes me encontr ayer estn aqu the
queja nf 1 (descontento) complaint. 2 (de
people (whom) I met yesterday are here.
dolor) moan, groan.
3 (indefinido) whoever, anyone who:
quejarse vpr 1 (de descontento) to comquien sepa la respuesta que me lo diga anyplain (de, about). 2 (de dolor) to moan,
one who knows the answer tell me.
quin pron 1 (sujeto) who: quin te lo di
quejido nm groan, moan.
jo? who told you? 2 (complemento) who,
quejumbroso,-a adj 1 (persona) whinwhom: con quin hablas? who are you
ing, plaintive. 2 (tono) querulous.
talking to? 3 de quin (posesivo) whose:
quemado,-a adj 1 burnt; (por el sol)
de quin es esto? whose is this?
sunburnt. 2 fig (resentido) embittered. quienquiera pron whoever: entre,
3 fam (acabado) spent, burnt-out.
quienquiera que sea come in, whoever
quemador,-ra nm burner.
you may be.
quemadura nf 1 (accin) burning. 2 (he- quieto,-a adj 1 (sin movimiento) still, morida) burn; (de sol) sunburn; (escaldadutionless. 2 fig (sosegado) quiet, calm.
ra) scald.
quilate nm 1 (unidad de peso) carat. 2 (uniquemar vt 1 (gen) to burn; (plantas) to
dad del oro) carat (us karat).
scorch. 2 (incendiar) to set on fire. 3 quilogramo nm kilogramo.
fam (acabar) to burn out.
quilomtrico,-a adj kilomtrico,-a.
P vi (estar muy caliente) to be burning hot.
quilmetro adj kilmetro.
P vpr quemarse (persona) to burn os;
quimera nf 1 (mitologa) chimera. 2 fig
(cosa) to be burnt.
(ilusin) wild fancy, fantasy. 3 fig
querella nf 1 jur action, lawsuit. 2
(preocupacin) worry; (sospecha infunda(queja) complaint. 3 (enfrentamiento)
da) unfounded suspicion.
dispute, quarrel.
querencia nf 1 (accin) love. 2 (inclina- quimrico,-a adj unrealistic, fantastic.
cin del animal) homing instinct; (incli- qumica nf chemistry.
qumicamente adv chemically.
nacin del hombre) homesickness.
querer vt 1 (amar) to love. 2 (desear) to qumico,-a adj chemical.
P nm & nf chemist.
want. 3 (buscar) to be asking for, be
looking for. 4 (peticin) would. 5 (verifi- quincalla nf (objetos de metal) cheap
metalware; (baratija) trinket.
carse) may, might.
P nm love, affection.
quincallero,-a nm & nf (de objetos de metal) seller of cheap metalware; (de
querido,-a adj (amado)
dear, beloved;
(en carta) dear.
baratijas) trinket seller.



quince adj (cardinal) fifteen; (ordinal) fifteenth.

P nm fifteen.

. Consulta tambin seis.

quinceaero,-a adj 1 (de quince aos)

fifteen-year-old. 2 (adolescente) teenage.

P nm & nf 1 (de quince aos) fifteenyear-old. 2 (adolescente) teenager.
quinceavo,-a adj fifth.
P nm & nf fifth.
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

quincena nf 1 (tiempo) fortnight. 2 (paga) fortnightly pay.

quincenal adj fortnightly.
quincuagenario,-a adj quinquagenarian.
P nm & nf quinquagenarian.
quincuagsimo,-a adj fiftieth.
P nm & nf fiftieth.
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

quingentsimo,-a adj five hundredth.

P nm

& nf five hundredth.

. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

quiniela nf (juego de apuestas) football

pools pl.

quinientos,-as adj (cardinal) five hun-

dred; (ordinal) five-hundredth.

P nm quinientos (nmero) five hundred.
. Consulta tambin seis.

quinina nf quinine.
quinqu nm oil lamp.
quinquenal adj quinquennial, fiveyear.

quinquenio nm quinquennium, fiveyear period.

quinta nf 1 (casa) country house. 2

(reemplazo militar) call-up, conscript, us
draft. 3 ms fifth.
quintal nm quintal (46 kilograms).
quinteto nm quintet.

quintilla nf five-line stanza.

quintillizo,-a nm & nf quintuplet,

quinto,-a adj fifth.

& nf fifth.
quinto 1 mil conscript, recruit. 2
fam (de cerveza) small bottle of beer (=
20 cl).
P nm
P nm

. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

quintuplicacin nf quintupling.
quintuplicar vt to quintuple.
quntuplo,-a adj quintuple.
P nm

quntuplo quintuple.

quinzavo,-a adj-nm & nf quinceavo,


quiosco nm kiosk; (de peridicos) newsstand; (de msica) bandstand.

quiosquero,-a nm & nf newsagent.

quirfano nm operating theatre (us

quirrgico,-a adj surgical.

quitaesmaltes nm inv nail polish remover.

quitamanchas nm inv stain remover.

quitamiedos nm inv handrail.
quitanieves nm inv snowplough (us

quitapinturas nm inv paint stripper.

quitar vt 1 (separar) to remove, take
off. 2 (sacar) to take off, take out;
(prendas) to take off; (tiempo) to take
up. 3 (apartar) to take away, take off.
4 (hacer desaparecer) to remove; (dolor)
to relieve; (sed) to quench. 5 (despojar)
to take; (robar) to steal. 6 (restar) to
subtract; (descontar) to take off. 7 (prohibir) to forbid, rule out. 8 (impedir) to
prevent. 9 (disminuir) to take away. 10
fam (radio, agua, etc) to turn off.
P vpr quitarse 1 (desaparecer) to go
away, come out. 2 quitarse de (del
juego, bebida, etc) to give up.

quiz adv quizs.

quizs adv perhaps, maybe.

R, r nf (la letra) R, r.
rbano nm radish.



me importa un

radiacin nf radiation.
radiactivo,-a adj radioactive.
radiador nm radiator.
radiante adj fig radiant: radiante de ale

rbano! I don't give a toss!, I couldn't

care less!
rab nm rabbi.
gra radiant with joy.
rabia nf 1 med rabies. 2 fig (enfado) radiar vt 1 (irradiar) to radiate, irradiate.
rage, fury, anger. l o c dar rabia to
2 (retransmitir) to broadcast, transmit.
make furious.
radical adj radical.
rabiar vi 1 (enfadarse) to rage, be furi- radicalizar vt 1 to radicalize. 2 (postuous: Elena est que rabia Elena is furious.
ra) to harden.
2 fig (padecer) to suffer (de, from): ra
P vpr radicalizarse 1 (conflicto) to intenl
biar de dolor to writhe in pain.
sify. 2 (postura) to harden.
rabiar a algn to make sb see red.
radio1 nm 1 (de crculo) radius: en un radio
rabieta nf fam tantrum. l o c hacer una
de 10 metros within a radius of 10 metres.
rabieta fam to throw a tantrum.
2 (de rueda) spoke. 3 (campo) scope.
rabillo nm (pecolo) stalk, stem. l o c mi
c o m p radio de accin fig field of acrar por el rabillo del ojo to look out of
tion, scope.
the corner of one's eye.
radio2 nf 1 (radiodifusin) radio: lo o por la
rabino nm rabbi.
radio I heard it on the radio. 2 (aparato)
rabioso,-a adj fig (airado) furious, anradio, wireless.
gry. l o c ponerse rabioso,-a to fly into radioactivo,-a adj radioactive.
a rage.
radioaficionado,-a nm & nf radio
rabo nm (gen) tail.
rcano,-a adj fam (tacao) mean, stin- radiocasete nm radio cassette.
radiodifusin nf broadcasting.
racha nf 1 (rfaga) gust, squall. 2 fig
radiofnico,-a adj radio: concurso ra
(perodo) spell, patch. 3 fig (serie) string,
diofnico radio quiz programme.
run, series sing: hubo una racha de incen
dios there was a series of fires. l o c a ra radiografa nf 1 (tcnica) radiography.
2 (imagen) X-ray, radiograph. l o c ha
chas in fits and starts, on and off. y
cerse una radiografa to have an Xtener una buena racha to have a run
ray taken.
of good luck.
radionovela nf serial.
racimo nm bunch, cluster.
racin nf 1 (parte) portion, share. 2 (de radiorreceptor nm radio, radio set.
comida) portion, serving, helping: radioterapia nf radiotherapy.
radiotransmisin nf broadcasting.
Cuatro raciones Serves four.
radiotransmitir vt to broadcast.
racional adj rational.
radioyente nm o nf listener.
racionar vt (limitar)
to ration.
racismo nm racism, racialism.
raer vt to scrape (off).



rfaga nf 1 (de viento) gust, squall. 2 (de

rancio,-a adj 1 (comestibles) stale. 2 fig

(antiguo) old, ancient: de rancio abolengo
disparos) burst. 3 (de luz) flash.
of ancient lineage.
rafia nf raffia.
rand nm rand.
raid nm (incursin) raid.
raigambre nf 1 (races) roots pl, root rango nm rank.
ranking nm ranking.
system. 2 fig tradition, history.
ranura nf (para monedas, fichas) slot.
ral nm rail.
raz nf root.
de raz entirely. y echar rapapolvo nm fam dressing-down,
ticking off, talking-to.
races 1 (planta) to take root. 2 (persona) to settle, put down roots. c o m p rapar vt (pelo) to crop.
raz cuadrada square root.
rapaz adj zool predatory, of prey: ave
rapaz bird of prey.
raja nf 1 (corte) cut, slit. 2 (hendidura)
crack, split. 3 (tajada) slice.
rape1 nm (pez) angler fish.
rape2 nm fam (rasura) quick shave. l o c
raj nm rajah.
al rape close-cropped, short.
rajar vt 1 (hender) to split, crack. 2 (hacer
rapero,-a nm & nf rapper.
tajadas) to slice.
P vpr rajarse 1 (partirse) to split, crack.
rapidez nf speed, rapidity: con rapidez
2 fam (desistir) to back out, quit.
rajatabla l o c a rajatabla strictly.
rpido,-a adj quick, fast.
P adv quickly: rpido! hurry up!
ralent nm cine slow motion. l o c al
P nm rpido (tren) fast train.
ralent (motor) ticking over.
P nm pl rpidos (del ro) rapids.
ralentizar vt to slow down.
rapiar vt fam to pinch, steal.
rallado,-a adj (queso, etc) grated.
rappel nm abseiling. l o c hacer rappel
rallador nm grater.
to abseil.
ralladura nf grated rind: ralladura de li
raptar vt to kidnap, abduct.
mn grated lemon rind.
rapto nm (secuestro) kidnapping.
rallar vt to grate.
raqueta nf (de tenis) racket; (de pingrally nm rally.
pong) bat, us paddle.
rama nf branch. l o c andarse por las ra
mas fam to beat about the bush. y en raqutico,-a adj 1 fig (exiguo) meagre
(us meager), small. 2 fig (dbil) weak.
rama raw: canela en rama cinnamon
rareza nf 1 (poco comn) rarity, rarestick.
ness. 2 (extravagancia) eccentricity.
ramaje nm foliage, branches pl.
raro,-a adj 1 (escaso) scarce, rare: los go
ramal nm (de camino, etc) branch.
rilas albinos son animales raros albino goriramalazo nm fam (ataque) fit.
las are rare animals. 2 (peculiar) odd,
rambla nf (paseo) boulevard, avenue.
strange, weird: ltimamente la encuen
ramificacin nf ramification.
tro rara I think she's been acting a little
ramificarse vpr to ramify, branch
strange recently. l o c qu raro! how
odd!, that's strange!
ramillete nm 1 posy. 2 fig (conjunto) ras l o c a ras de (on a) level with. y a
bunch, group, collection.
ras de tierra at ground level.
ramo nm 1 (de flores) bunch, bouquet. 2 rasante adj (vuelo) low, skimming.
fig (sector) field: el ramo de la alimentacin
P nf (inclinacin) slope. c o m p cambio de
the food sector, the food industry.
rasante brow of a hill.
rampa nf (pendiente) ramp. c o m p rampa rascacielos nm inv skyscraper.
de lanzamiento launching pad.
rascador nm (para rascar) scraper.
rana nf frog.
rascar vt 1 (la piel) to scratch. 2 (con ras
rancho nm am (granja) ranch, farm.
cador) to scrape, rasp.

rasero nm strickle.


l o c por el mismo
rasero fig equally.
rasgado,-a adj (roto) torn, ripped.
rasgar vt to tear, rip.
rasgo nm 1 (faccin del rostro) feature. 2 (pe-

raudal nm 1 (agua) torrent, flood. 2 fig

(abundancia) flood, wave. l o c a rauda

les in torrents.
raudo,-a adj lit swift, rapid.
raviolis nm pl ravioli.
raya1 nf 1 (lnea) line. 2 (de color) stripe:
pantaln a rayas striped trousers.
raya2 nf (pez) skate.
rayado,-a adj 1 (tejido) striped. 2 (papel)

culiaridad) characteristic, feature. l o c

explicar a grandes rasgos to outline.
rasguear vt (instrumento) to strum.
rasguar vt to scratch, scrape.
rasguo nm (araazo) scratch, scrape.
raso,-a adj 1 (plano) flat, level; (liso)
P nm rayado stripes pl.
smooth: una cucharada rasa a level rayar vt 1 (lneas) to draw lines on,
spoonful. 2 (atmsfera) clear.
line, rule. 2 (superficie) to scratch.
P nm raso (tejido) satin.
rayo nm 1 ray, beam: rayo de sol sunraspa nf (de pescado) bone, backbone.
beam; rayo de luz ray of light. 2 (relmparaspar vt 1 (rascar) to scrape (off); (dago) lightning. c o m p rayo de luna
ar) to scratch, graze. 2 (rasar) to
moonbeam. y rayos ultravioletas/UVA
graze, skim.
ultraviolet rays. y rayos X X-rays.
rasposo,-a adj rough, sharp.
rayuela nf hopscotch.
rasqueta nf scraper.
raza nf 1 race. 2 (animal) breed. l o c de
rastra nf (rastro) trail, track. l o c a ras
raza 1 (perro) pedigree. 2 (caballo) thortras 1 (arrastrando) dragging. 2 (sin queoughbred. c o m p raza humana human
rer) unwillingly, grudgingly: llevar a
rastras to drag along.
razn nf 1 (facultad) reason. 2 (motivo)
rastrear vt (seguir el rastro) to trail, track.
reason, cause. 3 (mensaje) message. 4
rastrillar vt (hojas, etc) to rake.
(justicia) justice. 5 mat ratio, rate. l o c
rastrillo nm 1 (rastro) rake. 2 fam (mercadar la razn a algn to agree with sb,
dillo) flea market.
say that sb is right. y perder la razn
rastro nm 1 (seal) trace, track: ni rastro de
to lose one's reason. y tener razn to
sangre not a trace of blood. 2 (vestigio) vesbe right.
tige. 3 (mercado) flea market. l o c seguir razonable adj reasonable.
el rastro de algn to follow sb's trail.
razonamiento nm reasoning.
rastrojo nm (paja) stubble.
razonar vi 1 (discurrir) to reason. 2 (harasurar vt to shave.
blar) to talk.
rata nf zool rat.
P vt (explicar) to reason out.
ratero,-a nm & nf pickpocket.
re nm re, ray, D.
ratificar vt to ratify.
reaccin nf reaction. l o c reaccin en
P vpr ratificarse to be confirmed.
cadena chain reaction.
rato nm 1 (tiempo) time, while, mo- reaccionar vi to react.
ment: charlamos un rato we chatted for reacio,-a adj reluctant, unwilling.
a while. 2 (espacio) way: hay un buen rato
reactivar vt to reactivate.
hasta Vigo it's a long way to Vigo. 3 fam
(mucho) very, a lot: sabe un rato de depor reactor nm 1 reactor. 2 av jet, jet plane.
tes she's a mine of information about readmitir vt (gen) to readmit; (un trabajador) to reinstate.
sports. l o c a ratos at times. y pasar un
buen rato to have a good time. c o m p reafirmar vt to reaffirm, reassert.
ratos libres free time sing.
reagrupar vt to regroup.
P vpr reagruparse to regroup.
ratn nm mouse.
ratonera nf (trampa) mousetrap.
reajustar vt to readjust.


real adj (verdadero) real: en la vida real in


real life.

real2 adj (regio) royal.

realce nm (adorno) relief.
realeza nf royalty.
realidad nf reality. l o c en realidad ac-


rebao nm (gen) herd; (de ovejas) flock.

rebeca nf cardigan.
rebelarse vpr to rebel, revolt.
rebelde adj 1 rebellious. 2 fig (tos, etc)

P nm o nf rebel.
tually, in fact.
rebelin nf rebellion, revolt.
realista adj (de la realidad) realistic.
reblandecer vt to soften.
P nm o nf (de la realidad) realist.
P vpr reblandecerse to soften.
realizacin nf 1 (de un deseo) fulfilment rebobinar vt to rewind.
(us fulfillment). 2 (ejecucin) execu- reborde nm (de mesa) edge; (de taza, de
tion, carrying out.
tela) edging.
realizador,-ra nm & nf producer.
rebosar vi 1 (derramarse) to overflow,
realizar vt 1 (ambicin) to realize, fulfil,
brim over. 2 fig to brim (de, with),
achieve; (deseo, esperanza) to fulfil. 2
burst (de, with): rebosar de alegra to be
(llevar a cabo) to accomplish, carry
brimming with joy.
out, do, fulfil. 3 (un viaje) to make.
P vt fig (sentimiento) to brim with; (saP vpr realizarse 1 (ambicin, deseo) to be
lud) to exude.
fulfilled, be achieved; (sueo) to rebotar vi (pelota) to bounce, rebound.
come true. 2 (llevarse a cabo) to be ex- rebote nm (de baln) bounce, rebound.
ecuted, be carried out.
l o c de rebote fig on the rebound.
realmente adv 1 (de verdad) really, tru- rebozado,-a adj coated in batter.
ly. 2 (en realidad) actually, in fact: real rebozar vt culin to coat in batter.
mente no haca tanto fro in fact it wasn't
rebrotar vi to shoot, sprout.
too cold.
realzar vt 1 (elevar) to raise, lift. 2 fig rebuscado,-a adj affected, recherch.
rebuscar vt to search carefully for.
(engrandecer) to enhance, heighten.
reanimar vt 1 (persona) to revive. 2 rebuznar vi to bray.
rebuzno nm bray, braying.
(fiesta, conversacin) to liven up.
recabar vt 1 (solicitar) to ask for, enP vpr reanimarse (persona) to revive.
treat. 2 (obtener) to manage to get.
reanudar vt (gen) to renew, resume.
reaparecer vi 1 (gen) to reappear. 2 (un recadero,-a nm & nf (gen) messenger.
artista, etc) to make a comeback. 3 (un fe- recado nm 1 (mensaje) message. 2 (encargo) errand: me hizo un recado she ran
nmeno) to recur.
the errand for me.
reavivar vt 1 (fuego) to stoke. 2 (dolor)
P nm pl recados (compras) shopping
to intensify; (inters) to revive.
rebaba nf rough edge.
rebaja nf (descuento) discount, reduc- recaer vi (enfermedad) to relapse, have
a relapse.
recada nf (enfermedad) relapse. l o c su
P nf pl rebajas sales.
frir una recada to have a relapse.
rebajado,-a adj 1 (precio) reduced. 2
recalcar vt fig to emphasize, stress.
(humillado) humbled.
rebajar vt 1 (nivel) to lower. 2 (precio) to recalentar vt 1 (volver a calentar) to warm
up. 2 (calentar demasiado) to overheat.
reduce. 3 (color) to soften. 4 fig (humirecmara nf 1 (cuarto) dressing room.
llar) to humiliate.
P vpr rebajarse fig (humillarse) to hum2 (de arma) chamber.
ble os.
recambio nm spare, spare part; (de
pluma, bolgrafo) refill.
rebanada nf slice.
rebaar vt (comida) to finish off.
recapacitar vi to think (sobre, over).



recapitular vt to recapitulate, sum up.

recargado,-a adj fig (exagerado) overe-

recin adv [se usa slo ante un participio

pasado] recently, newly; (caf, pan)

freshly: un pastel recin hecho a freshly
laborate, exaggerated, contrived.
baked cake. l o c Recin pintado
recargar vt 1 (volver a cargar) to reload;
Wet paint.
(pilas) to recharge; (mechero) to refill. 2
(sobrecargar) to overload. 3 fig (exage- reciente adj recent.
rar) to overelaborate, exaggerate.
recinto nm grounds pl, precincts pl.
recargo nm extra charge, surcharge.
recio,-a adj (fuerte) strong, robust.
recatado,-a adj 1 (prudente) cautious, recipiente nm container, receptacle.
prudent. 2 (decente) decent.
recproco,-a adj reciprocal, mutual:
recauchutar vt to retread, remould.
un sentimiento recproco a mutual feeling.
recaudar vt to collect.
recital nm 1 ms recital, concert. 2 lit
recelar vt 1 (sospechar) to suspect, disreading: recital de poesa poetry reading.
trust. 2 (temer) to fear.
recitar vt to recite.
P vi (desconfiar) to be suspicious ( de,
reclamacin nf 1 (demanda) claim, deof): recela de todos he is suspicious of
mand. 2 (queja) complaint. l o c pre
sentar una reclamacin to lodge a
recelo nm suspicion.
recepcin nf 1 (gen) reception. 2 (de do- reclamar vt (pedir) to demand, claim.
cumento, carta, etc) receipt.
P vi (protestar) to protest ( contra ,
recepcionista nm o nf receptionist.
against): reclamaron contra aquella medi
receptivo,-a adj receptive (a, to).
da they protested against the measure.
receptor,-ra nm & nf receiver, recipi- reclamo nm 1 (para cazar) decoy bird,
lure. 2 (anuncio) advertisement; (esloP nm receptor (de radio, etc) receiver.
gan) advertising slogan.
receta nf 1 med prescription. 2 culin reclinar vt to lean.
P vpr reclinarse to lean back, recline:
recetar vt to prescribe.
se reclin sobre la almohada he lent back
on the pillow.
rechazar vt 1 (gen) to reject, turn
down. 2 (ataque) to repel, drive back. recluir vt (encerrar) to shut in.
rechazo nm 1 rejection, refusal. 2 (ne- recluso,-a nm & nf prisoner.
gativa) denial, rejection.
recluta nm o nf recruit.
rechinar vi (madera) to creak; (metal) to reclutar vt to recruit.
squeak, screech; (dientes) to grind.
recobrar vt 1 (gen) to recover. 2 (aliento)
rechistar vi to say, reply.
to get back. 3 (tiempo) to make up.
rechoncho,-a adj fam chubby, tubby.
P vpr recobrarse (recuperarse) to recover
rechupete l o c de rechupete fam (muy
(de, from).
bien) super, brill, fantastic. (comida) recodo nm twist.
delicious, scrumptious.
recogedor nm dustpan.
recibidor nm (de casa) entrance hall.
recoger vt 1 (volver a coger) to take
recibimiento nm reception, welagain, take back. 2 (coger) to pick up,
take back. 3 (ir a buscar) to pick up,
recibir vt 1 (gen) to receive. 2 (salir al encollect: me recoger a las cuatro he'll pick
cuentro) to meet: nos recibi en la puerta
me up at four o'clock. 4 (cosecha) to harhe met us at the door.
vest, gather; (fruta) to pick. 5 (juntar)
recibo nm 1 (resguardo) receipt. 2 (factuto gather, collect. 6 (velas) to take in;
ra) invoice, bill.
(cortinas) to draw. 7 (dar asilo) to take
reciclar vt (materiales) to recycle.
in, shelter: lo recogieron sus abuelos he



da a mi hermano he reminds me of my
was taken in by his grandparents. 8 (orbrother.
denar) to clear up, tidy up.
P vpr recogerse 1 (irse a casa) to go
recorrer vt 1 (distancia) to cover, travel. 2
home. 2 (irse a dormir) to go to bed.
(pas) to tour, travel over, travel
round. 3 (ciudad) to visit, walk round.
recolectar vt 1 (reunir) to gather, collect. 2 (cosechar) to harvest.
recorrido nm 1 (trayecto) journey, trip.
2 (distancia) distance travelled: un tren
recomendar vt to recommend, adde largo recorrido a long-distance train. 3
vise: te recomiendo que estudies ms I rec(itinerario) itinerary, route.
ommend that you study harder.
recompensa nf reward, recompense. recortar vt 1 (muecos, telas, etc) to cut
l o c en recompensa in return.
out. 2 (lo que sobra) to cut off. 3 (el pelo)
to trim. 4 fig to cut, restrict: han recor
recompensar vt 1 (compensar) to comtado los gastos expenses have been cut.
pensate. 2 (remunerar) to reward.
recorte nm 1 (accin) cutting. 2 (trozo)
recomponer vt to repair, mend.
cutting, clipping. 3 (de peridico) press
reconcentrar vt 1 (concentrar) to conclipping, newspaper cutting. 4 (de pecentrate (en, to). 2 (reunir) to bring
lo) trim, cut. 5 fig (reduccin) cut, reductogether.
tion: recorte del presupuesto budget cut.
P vpr reconcentrarse (ensimismarse) to
become absorbed in thought, con- recostar vt to lean.
P vpr recostarse 1 (apoyarse) to lean. 2
(tumbarse) to lie down.
reconciliar vt to reconcile.
recoveco nm turn, bend.
P vpr reconciliarse (uso recproco) to be
recrear vt (divertir) to amuse, entertain.
P vpr recrearse to amuse os, enjoy os.
recndito,-a adj hidden, secret.
reconfortar vt 1 (confortar) to comfort. recreo nm (en la escuela) playtime, break.
recriminar vt 1 (reprender) to recrimi2 (animar) to cheer up.
nate. 2 (reprochar) to reproach.
reconocer vt 1 (gen) to recognize. 2
(admitir) to recognize, admit: reconoci recrudecer vi (empeorar) to worsen,
su error she admitted her mistake. 3
P vpr recrudecerse 1 (empeorar) to
(afrontar) to face: reconozcmoslo let's
worsen. 2 (aumentar) to be increasing.
face it. 4 mil (terreno) to reconnoitre (us
reconnoiter). 5 med (paciente) to ex- recta nf 1 (lnea) straight line. 2 (en carretera) straight.
P vpr reconocerse 1 to recognize each
rectangular adj rectangular.
other. 2 (admitirse) to admit: se recono rectngulo,-a adj rectangular: trin
ci culpable he admitted his guilt.
gulo rectngulo right-angled triangle.
reconocimiento nm 1 (gen) recogniP nm rectngulo rectangle.
tion. 2 (admisin) admission. 3 mil re- rectificar vt 1 to rectify. 2 (corregir) to
connaissance. 4 med checkup.
reconstituyente nm tonic.
recto,-a adj 1 (derecho) straight. 3 (ngureconstruir vt to reconstruct.
lo) right.
P adv straight, straight on: vaya todo
reconvertir vt to restructure.
recto go straight on.
recopilar vt to compile, collect.
rcord adj record: en un tiempo rcord in recuadro nm box.
recubrir vt to cover (con/de, with).
record time.
P nm record.
recuento nm recount, count.
recordar vt 1 (rememorar) to remember: recuerdo nm 1 (imagen) memory. 2 (rerecuerdas? do you remember?
2 (traer a
galo) souvenir, keepsake.
l o c en recuerdo de in memory of.
la memoria) to remind (a, of): me recuer



reducirse 1 (gen) to be reduced. 2

(resultar) to come down (a, to): todo se
redujo a una equivocacin it all came
down to a mistake.
recular vi (retroceder) to go back.
redundante adj redundant.
recuperacin nf recovery.
recuperar vt 1 (gen) to recover. 2 (afec- redundar vi 1 (abundar) to abound. 2
to) to win back; (conocimiento) to re(resultar) to redound (en, to): redund en
gain; (tiempo, clases) to make up.
nuestro beneficio it was to our advantage.
P vpr recuperarse to recover (de, from).
reembolsar vt 1 (pagar) to reimburse.
recurrir vi (acogerse - a algo) to resort (a,
2 (devolver) to refund.
to); (- a algn) to turn (a, to): recurri a reembolso nm 1 (pago) reimbursesus padres she turned to her parents.
ment. 2 (devolucin) refund. c o m p con
recurso nm (medio) resort.
tra reembolso cash on delivery.
P nm pl recursos resources, means.
reemplazar vt to replace.
red nf 1 (gen) net. 2 (sistema) network, reemplazo nm 1 replacement. 2 mil
system. 3 elec mains pl . 4 inform
network. 5 fig (trampa) trap. c o m p red reencarnacin nf reincarnation.
de carreteras road network.
reencuentro nm reunion.
redaccin nf 1 (escritura) writing. 2 (esreestreno nm (teatro) revival; (cine)
crito) composition, essay. 3 (estilo)
rerelease, rerun.
wording. 4 (oficina) editorial office. 5
vt to restructure.
(redactores) editorial staff.
referencia nf (relacin) reference. l o c
redactar vt (escribir) to write.
hacer referencia a algo to refer to sth.
redactor,-ra nm & nf editor. c o m p re
P nf pl referencias (informes) references.
dactor jefe editor in chief.
referndum nm inv referendum.
redada nf fig raid.
referente adj concerning ( a, -), reredencin nf redemption.
garding (a, -).
redescubrir vt to rediscover.
vt 1 (expresar) to tell, relate. 2
redil nm fold, sheepfold.
(remitir) to refer.
redimir vt to redeem.
P vpr referirse to refer (a, to).
P vpr redimirse to redeem os.
l o c mirar algo de refiln to look
redoblar vt (aumentar) to redouble: re
at sth out of the corner of one's eye.
doblar esfuerzos to redouble one's efforts.
refinado,-a adj (gen) refined.
P vi (tambores) to roll.
refinamiento nm refinement.
redoble nm roll.
refinar vt (azcar, etc) to refine.
redonda l o c a la redonda around.
redondear vt 1 (poner redondo) to round, refinera nf refinery.
make round. 2 (cantidad) to round up. reflector,-ra adj reflecting.
P nm reflector 1 (cuerpo) reflector. 2
redondo,-a adj 1 (circular) round. 2 fig
elec searchlight, spotlight.
(perfecto) perfect, excellent: un benefi
cio redondo an excellent profit. 3 fig (can- reflejar vt 1 (gen) to reflect. 2 (mostrar)
to show: su rostro refleja sus sentimientos
tidad) round: en nmeros redondos in
her face shows her feelings.
round figures.
P vpr reflejarse to be reflected.
reduccin nf reduction.
reducir vt 1 (gen) to reduce: reducir a ce reflejo,-a adj (movimiento) reflex.
P nm reflejo 1 (imagen) reflection. 2
nizas to reduce to ashes. 2 (disminuir) to
(destello) gleam, glint.
reduce, cut, cut down
reflexin nf reflection.
tos to cut down on expenses.

pl recuerdos (saludos) regards: me

dio recuerdos para ti he sends you his re-

P nm

P vpr



reflexionar vi to reflect (sobre, on),

P vpr refugiarse (gen) to take refuge;

(de la lluvia) to shelter.
think (sobre, about): reflexionamos so
bre el tema we reflected on the subject.
refugio nm (gen) shelter, refuge.
reflexivo,-a adj reflective, thoughtful. refunfuar vi fam to grumble, moan.
reforma nf 1 (gen) reform. 2 (mejora) refutar vt to refute, disprove.
regadera nf watering can.
P nf pl reformas (en construccin) alteraregado,-a adj irrigable.
tions, repairs, improvements.
P nm regado 1 (accin) irrigation, wareforma agraria agrarian reform.
tering. 2 (tierras) irrigated land. c o m p
reformar vt 1 (gen) to reform. 2 arquit
cultivo de regado irrigation farming.
to renovate, do up.
regalar vt (dar un regalo) to give as a
P vpr reformarse (corregirse) to reform os.
present: le podemos regalar un libro para
reformatear vt inform to reformat.
su cumpleaos we can get him a book for
reformatorio nm reformatory, rehis birthday.
form school. c o m p reformatorio de regaliz nm liquorice (us licorice).
menores remand home.
regalo nm 1 (obsequio) gift, present. 2
reforzar vt to reinforce, strengthen.
(ganga) bargain, steal.
refraccin nf refraction. c o m p ngulo regaadientes l o c a regaadientes
de refraccin angle of refraction.
reluctantly, grudgingly, unwillingly.
refrn nm proverb, saying.
regaar vt to scold, tell off.
P vi (reir) to argue, quarrel, fall out:
refregar vt 1 to rub hard. 2 fam fig to
no hacen ms que regaar they're always
rub in: me refreg mi error he kept on
about my mistake.
refrenar vt to restrain, curb, control. regar vt 1 (plantas, tierra, ro) to water. 2
(calle) to wash down, hose down.
refrescante adj refreshing.
refrescar vt 1 (poner fresco) to cool, re- regata nf mar regatta, boat race.
fresh. 2 fig (la memoria) to refresh; regatear vt 1 (un precio) to haggle over,
barter for. 2 (escatimar) to be sparing
(idiomas) to brush up on.
with. l o c no regatear esfuerzos to
P vi 1 (el tiempo) to get cooler, cool
spare no effort.
down, turn cooler. 2 (comida, bebida)
P vi 1 (comerciar) to haggle, bargain. 2
to be refreshing.
dep to dribble. 3 mar to race.
P vpr refrescarse 1 (gen) to cool down,
cool off; (lavarse) to freshen up; (tomar regateo nm 1 (precios) haggling, bargaining. 2 dep dribbling.
el fresco) to get a breath of fresh air. 2
(beber) to have a cold drink.
regazo nm lap.
refresco nm (bebida) soft drink.
regenerar vt to regenerate.
refriega nf (lucha) scuffle, brawl.
regentar vt 1 pol to govern, rule. 2
(cargo) to hold. 3 (dirigir) to manage.
refrigeracin nf 1 refrigeration. 2 (aire
acondicionado) air conditioning. 3 (siste- regente,-a adj ruling, governing.
ma) cooling system.
P nm o nf pol regent.
refrigerador nm fridge, refrigerator.
reggae nm reggae.
refrigerar vt 1 (enfriar) to refrigerate. 2 rgimen nm 1 pol regime. 2 med diet.
(con aire acondicionado) to air-condition.
3 (condiciones) system, regime, rules pl.
l o c estar a rgimen to be on a diet.
refrigerio nm refreshments pl, snack.
refuerzo nm (fortalecimiento) reinforce- regimiento nm regiment.
ment, strengthening.
regio,-a adj (real) royal, regal.
refugiado,-a nm & nf refugee. c o m p re regin nf region.
fugiado poltico political refugee.
regir vt 1 (gobernar) to govern, rule. 2
refugiar vt to shelter, give refuge to.
(dirigir) to manage, direct, run.



(ley, etc) to be in force, apply: esta

ley an rige this law is still in force.
P vpr regirse (guiarse) to follow, abide
(por, by), go (por, by): se rige por la opi
nin de su padre he goes by his father's
P vi


registrador,-ra adj registering, re-

P vpr

rehacerse (recuperarse) to recover,


rehn nm o nf hostage.
rehogar vt to fry lightly.
rehuir vt to avoid, shun.
rehusar vt to refuse, decline: rehus la

invitacin I declined the invitation.

cording: caja registradora cash register.
reimprimir vt to reprint.
P nm & nf registrar.
reina nf (gen) queen.
registrar vt 1 (inspeccionar) to search. 2 reinado nm reign.
(cachear) to frisk. 3 (inscribir) to register, reinar vi 1 to reign. 2 fig (prevalecer) to
record, note.
reign, prevail: reina el desconcierto disP vpr registrarse 1 (matricularse) to regorder reigns.
ister, enrol (us enroll). 2 (detectarse) to reincidente adj 1 relapsing. 2 jur rebe recorded. 3 (ocurrir) to happen: se
offending, recidivist.
ha registrado un terremoto there has been
P nm o nf jur reoffender, recidivist.
an earthquake.
reincidir vi 1 to relapse (en, into), fall
registro nm 1 (inspeccin) search, inback (en, into). 2 jur to reoffend.
spection. 2 (inscripcin) registration, reincorporar vt to reincorporate.
recording. 3 jur (oficina) registry. c o m p
P vpr reincorporarse to rejoin (a, -): se
registro civil (oficina) registry office.
reincorporar al trabajo el lunes she will go
back to work on Monday.
regla nf 1 (norma) rule. 2 (pauta) pattern, rule. 3 (instrumento) ruler. 4 (mens- reiniciar vt to restart.
truacin) period. l o c en regla in order. reino nm kingdom, reign.
reglamentar vt to regulate.
reinsercin nf reintegration, rehabilitation: la reinsercin social social rehareglamentario,-a adj statutory, prebilitation.
scribed, required; (arma) regulation.
reglamento nm regulations pl, rules pl. reinsertar vt to reintegrate.
P vpr reinsertarse to reintegrate.
reglar vt (regular) to regulate.
vt 1 (reincorporar) to reinregocijarse vpr 1 (alegrarse) to be destate, restore. 2 (pagar) to refund, relighted (con, by). 2 (regodearse) to deimburse.
light (de, in), take pleasure (de, in).
P vpr reintegrarse (volver a ejercer) to reregocijo nm (placer) delight, joy.
turn (a, to): se reintegr a su puesto he
regresar vi to return, come back, go
returned to his job.
reintegro nm 1 fin reimbursement,
regreso nm return. l o c estar de regre
repayment, refund. 2 (de lotera) reso to be back.
fund of the price of the ticket.
reguero nm 1 (corriente) trickle of wa- rer vt to laugh at: rer las gracias to laugh
ter. 2 (seal) trail, trickle.
at jokes.
P vi to laugh.
regular adj 1 (gen) regular. 2 fam (pasaP vpr rerse to laugh (de, at): de qu te
ble) so-so, average, not bad.
res? what are you laughing at?
P vt 1 (gen) to regulate. 2 (ajustar) to
reiterar vt to reiterate, repeat.
regularizar vt to regularize; (normalizar) reiterativo,-a adj repetitive.
to standardize; (arreglar) to sort out.
reivindicacin nf claim, demand.
reivindicar vt to claim, demand.
rehabilitar vt to rehabilitate.
P nf (en rango) to reinstate.
reivindicativo,-a adj protest.
rehacer vt (volver a hacer) to do again.
reja nf (de ventana) grill, grille, bar.



rejilla nf 1 (celosa) grill, grille. 2 (de chi-

menea) grate. 3 (de silla) wickerwork.

4 (de horno) grid iron. 5 (de ventilador)
grill. 6 (para equipaje) luggage rack.
rejuvenecer vt to rejuvenate.
P vpr rejuvenecerse to become rejuvenated.
relacin nf 1 (correspondencia) relation,
relationship. 2 (conexin) link, connection. 3 (lista) list, record. 4 (relato)
account, telling. 5 (en matemtica) ratio.
P nf pl relaciones (conocidos) acquaintances; (contactos) contacts, connections. l o c con relacin a / en relacin a
with regard to, regarding.
relacionar vt 1 (poner en relacin) to relate, connect, associate. 2 (relatar) to
tell, list.
P vpr relacionarse 1 (estar conectado) to
be related (con, to), be connected
( con , with). 2 (alternar) to get acquainted ( con , with), mix ( con ,
with), meet (con, -).
relajante adj relaxing.
relajar vt (gen) to relax.
P vpr relajarse (descansar) to relax.
relamer vt to lick.
P vpr relamerse to lick one's lips repeatedly.
relamido,-a adj (pulcro) prim and
relmpago nm flash of lightning.

relevo nm 1 mil relief, change of the

guard. 2 dep relay.

relieve nm 1 relief. 2 fig (renombre) re-

nown, fame. l o c en relieve in relief. y

poner de relieve fig to emphasize,

highlight, underline.

religin nf religion.
religioso,-a adj religious.
P nm

& nf (hombre) monk; (mujer) nun.

relinchar vi to neigh, whinny.

reliquia nf relic.
rellano nm landing.
rellenar vt 1 (volver a llenar) to refill, fill

again. 2 (cuestionario) to fill in, fill out.

3 culin (ave) to stuff; (pastel) to fill.
relleno,-a adj 1 (totalmente lleno) stuffed.
2 culin stuffed; (pasteles) filled.
P nm relleno culin (aves) stuffing; (pasteles) filling.
reloj nm clock; (de pulsera) watch. l o c
contra reloj against the clock. c o m p
reloj de arena hourglass. y reloj de pul
sera wristwatch.
relojera nf 1 (arte) watchmaking. 2
(tienda) watchmaker's, jeweller's.
relojero,-a nm & nf watchmaker.
reluciente adj shining, gleaming.
relucir vi (brillar) to shine, gleam. l o c
sacar a relucir algo to bring up sth.
relumbrar vi to shine, dazzle, gleam.
remachar vt (clavo, etc) to clinch; (metal)
to rivet.
remangar vt (mangas, pantalones) to roll
relampaguear vi [se usa slo en tercera
up; (faldas, vestidos) to pull up, hitch up.
persona; no lleva sujeto] to flash.
P vpr remangarse fig to decide quickrelatar vt 1 (una historia) to narrate, tell.
ly, make a snap decision.
2 (un suceso) to report, tell.
remanso nm 1 (estanque) pool. 2 (lugar
relativizar vt to lessen the importranquilo) quiet place.
tance of, play down.
remar vi to row.
relativo,-a adj relative.
remarcar vt to stress, underline.
relato nm 1 (narracin) story, tale. 2 (in- rematado,-a adj 1 absolute, utter,
forme) report, account.
out-and-out. 2 convicted.
relegar vt to relegate (a, to).
rematar vt 1 (acabar) to finish off,
relente nm dew.
round off. 2 (precios) to knock down.
relevante adj 1 (significativo) relevant. 2
3 dep to shoot.
(importante) excellent, outstanding.
P vi dep to take a shot at goal, shoot.
relevar vt 1 (sustituir) to relieve, take remate nm 1 (final) end, finish. 2 dep
to exempt (de,
over from. 2 (eximir)
shot. l o c de remate fam utter, out
from). 3 (destituir) to dismiss, relieve.
and-out, total.



remediar vt 1 (poner remedio) to reme-

P vpr remontarse 1 (al volar) to soar. 2

dy. 2 (reparar) to repair, make good. 3
(datar) to go back (a, to).
(resolver) to solve.
remorder vt fig (desasosegar) to trouble,
remedio nm 1 (cura) remedy, cure. 2
fig (solucin) solution. l o c como lti remordimiento nm remorse.
mo remedio as a last resort. y no te remoto,-a adj remote, far-off.
ner ms remedio que to have no remover vt 1 (trasladar) to move. 2 (tiechoice but to.
rra) to turn over, dig up. 3 (lquido) to
rememorar vt to remember, recall.
stir. 4 (comida) to stir; (ensalada) to toss.
remendar vt cost to mend; (ropas) to
5 fig (agitar) to get moving, stir up.
patch; (calcetines) to darn.
P vpr removerse to stir, shift.
remero,-a nm & nf dep rower; (hombre) remunerar vt to remunerate, reward.
oarsman; (mujer) oarswoman.
renacimiento nm 1 (vuelta a nacer) reremesa nf 1 (de dinero) remittance. 2 (de
birth. 2 fig revival, renaissance. 3 el
mercancas) consignment, shipment.
Renacimiento hist the Renaissance.
remeter vt (meter adentro) to tuck in.
renacuajo nm 1 zool tadpole. 2 fam
remiendo nm mend, darn.
(nio) shrimp.
remilgado,-a adj 1 (afectado) affected. rencor nm 1 (odio) rancour (us rancor).
2 (con la comida) fussy, finicky.
2 (resentimiento) resentment.
remite nm sender's name and address. rencoroso,-a adj 1 (hostil) rancorous. 2
remitente nm o nf sender.
(resentido) resentful.
remitir vt 1 (enviar) to remit, send. 2 rendido,-a adj 1 (sumiso) humble, sub(referir) to refer.
missive. 2 (muy cansado) worn out,
P vi (ceder) to subside: la fiebre ha remiti
do the fever has subsided.
rendija nf crack, split.
P vpr remitirse (atenerse) to refer ( a ,
rendimiento nm 1 (produccin - de terreno)
to): se remiti a su propio acuerdo he reyield; (- de mquina) output; (- de persoferred to his own agreement.
na) progress, performance; (- de inverremo nm 1 (pala) oar, paddle. 2 dep
sin) yield, return. 2 (trabajo - de motor,
mquina) performance.
remodelar vt (modificar) to reshape.
rendir vt 1 (vencer) to defeat, conquer.
remojar vt (empapar) to soak (en, in).
2 (cansar) to exhaust, wear out. 3
remojo nm soaking. l o c poner en re
(producir) to yield, produce; (progresar)
mojo to soak, leave to soak.
to progress.
P vi (dar fruto) to pay.
remolacha nf beetroot. c o m p remola
P vpr rendirse 1 (entregarse al enemigo) to
cha azucarera sugar beet.
surrender, give in. 2 (darse por vencido)
remolcador nm 1 mar tug, tugboat. 2
to give up: me rindo! I give up!
auto breakdown truck.
renegar vt (negar) to deny vigorously.
remolcar vt to tow.
P vi 1 (gen) to renounce (de, -). 2 (proremolino nm 1 (de polvo) whirl, cloud;
testar) to grumble, complain.
(de agua) whirlpool, eddy; (de aire)
rengln nm (lnea) line.
whirlwind. 2 (de pelo) tuft.
reno nm reindeer.
remoln,-ona adj lazy, slack.
renombre nm renown, fame.
remolonear vi to shirk, slack.
remolque nm 1 (accin) towing. 2 (veh- renovacin nf 1 (de contrato, etc) renewal. 2 (de casa) renovation.
culo) trailer.
vt 1 (gen) to renew. 2 (casa) to
remontar vt 1 (elevar)
renovate; (de decoracin) to redecorate.
go up. 3 (ro) to sail up; (vuelo) to soar.



renta nf 1 (ingresos) income. 2 (declara-

repeler vt 1 (rechazar) to repel, repulse.

2 (repugnar) to disgust, repel.
cin de renta) tax return. 3 (beneficio) interest, return. 4 (alquiler) rent. c o m p repente nm 1 fam (movimiento) sudden
renta per cpita per capita income.
movement. 2 fam (ataque) fit. l o c de
repente suddenly, all of a sudden.
rentable adj profitable.
repentino,-a adj sudden.
rentar vt to produce, yield.
renuncia nf 1 renunciation. 2 (dimisin) repercusin nf repercussion.
repercutir vi fig (trascender) to have repercussions (en, on), affect.
renunciar vi 1 (abandonar) to give up
(a, -), abandon (a, -). 2 (dimitir) to re- repertorio nm 1 (resumen) list, index. 2
teat repertoire, repertory.
sign. 3 to renounce (a, -).
reido,-a adj 1 (enemistado) on bad repesca nf fam second chance; (examen) resit. l o c hacer un examen de re
terms, at odds. 2 (de rivalidad) bitter,
pesca to resit an exam.
tough, hard-fought.
reir vi 1 (discutir) to quarrel, argue. 2 repeticin nf (gen) repetition.
(desavenirse) to fall out.
repetido,-a adj repeated.
P vt (reprender) to scold, tell off.
repetidor,-ra nm & nf educ repeat stureojo l o c de reojo out of the corner
P nm repetidor tc relay, booster staof one's eye.
repantigarse vpr fam to lounge, loll.
reparacin nf 1 (arreglo) repair. 2 fig repetir vt 1 (gen) to repeat: se lo repet
dos veces I told him twice. 2 (volver a ha(desagravio) reparation, redress pl.
cer) to do again, do over again.
reparar vt 1 (arreglar) to repair, mend,
P vi 1 (volver a servirse) to have a second
fix. 2 (remediar - dao) to make good;
helping. 2 educ to repeat a year.
(- perjuicio, insulto) to make up for.
P vpr repetirse 1 (persona) to repeat os.
reparo nm objection. l o c no tener re
2 (hecho) to recur.
paros en not to hesitate to.
repetitivo,-a adj repetitive.
reparticin nf distribution.
repartidor,-ra nm & nf (hombre) delivery repicar vt (campanas) to peal, ring out.
man; (mujer) delivery woman; (chico) repique nm peal, ringing.
repisa nf ledge, shelf.
delivery boy; (chica) delivery girl.
repartir vt 1 (dividir) to distribute, di- replantear vt (asunto, problema) to reconsider, rethink.
vide, share out. 2 (entregar) to give
out, hand out; (correo, leche) to deliver; replegarse vpr to withdraw, retreat.
(premios) to give out. 3 (comida) to repleto,-a adj jam-packed (de, with).
hand out. 4 (distribuir) to spread out.
rplica nf 1 (respuesta) answer, reply.
reparto nm 1 (divisin) sharing out, divi- replicar vt (contestar) to answer, reply.
P vi to argue, answer back.
sion; (distribucin) distribution. 2 (de un
terreno) parcelling out; (de un pas) parti- repliegue nm (pliegue) fold, crease.
tion. 3 (entrega) handing out; (de mercan- repoblar vt to repopulate; (bosque) to
cas) delivery. 4 (de obra, pelcula) cast.
reafforest, reforest.
repasar vt (volver a examinar) to revise, repollo nm cabbage.
go over.
reponer vt 1 (reemplazar) to replace. 2
repaso nm check; (leccin) review. c o m p
(en el cine) to rerun.
curso de repaso refresher course.
P vpr reponerse (salud, susto) to recover.
repatriar vt to repatriate.
reportaje nm 1 (prensa, radio) report. 2
repecho nm short steep
(noticias) article, news item.
repelente adj repellent, repulsive.
reportero,-a nm & nf reporter.



reposar vi 1 (descansar) to rest, take a

spare part. l o c de repuesto spare, in

rest. 2 (yacer) to rest, lie, be buried. 3
(un lquido) to settle. l o c dejar reposar repugnante adj repugnant, disgustculin to leave to stand.
reposo nm 1 (descanso) rest. 2 (tranquili- repugnar vt 1 (negar) to deny. 2 (contradecir) to contradict.
dad) peace.
repostar vt 1 (provisiones) to stock up repujado,-a adj embossed, repouss.
with. 2 (coche) to fill up.
repujar vt to emboss.
repostera nf (pastas) cakes pl; (chocola- repulsin nf repulsion, repugnance.
te, bombones) confectionery.
repulsivo,-a adj repulsive, revolting.
reprender vt to reprimand, scold.
repuntar vi 1 (la marea) to turn. 2 (economa) to recover, pick up.
represa nf dam.
reputacin nf reputation.
represalia nf reprisal, retaliation.
representacin nf 1 (gen) representa- requemado,-a adj scorched, burnt.
tion. 2 teat performance. l o c en repre requemar vt 1 (gen) to scorch, burn.
sentacin de as a representative of.
requerimiento nm 1 (splica) request.
2 jur (aviso) summons pl; (intimacin)
representante adj representative.
P nm o nf representative.
representar vt 1 (gen) to represent. 2 requerir vt 1 (necesitar) to require,
need: esto requiere gran paciencia this re(smbolo) to represent, stand for: una
quires a lot of patience. 2 (decir con autoripaloma representa la paz a dove stands for
dad) to demand, call for. 3 (solicitar) to
peace. 3 teat (obra) to perform; (papel)
to play (the part of).
representativo,-a adj representative. requesn nm cottage cheese.
rquiem nm requiem.
represin nf repression.
requisar vt 1 mil to requisition. 2 fam
represivo,-a adj repressive.
(apropiarse) to grab, swipe.
reprimenda nf reprimand.
requisito nm requisite, requirement.
reprimido,-a adj repressed.
res nf (gen) beast, animal; (cabeza de gaP nm & nf repressed person.
nado) head.
reprimir vt (gen) to repress, suppress.
resaca nf 1 (de las olas) undertow, unP vpr reprimirse to control os.
dercurrent. 2 (de borrachera) hangover.
reprochar vt to reproach, censure.
resaltar vi fig (distinguirse) to stand out
reproche nm reproach, criticism.
(de, from).
reproduccin nf reproduction.
P vt to highlight, stress, emphasize.
reproducir vt to reproduce, repeat.
resbaladizo,-a adj slippery.
P vpr reproducirse 1 (gen) to reproresbalar vi 1 (deslizarse) to slide. 2 (sin
duce. 2 (volver a ocurrir) to recur.
querer - persona) to slip.
reproductor,-ra adj 1 (gen) reproduc- resbaln nm slip.
ing. 2 anat reproductive.
rescatar vt 1 (rehn, nufrago, persona
reptar vi (arrastrarse) to crawl, slither.
atrapada, etc) to rescue; (cadver) to rereptil nm reptile.
cover; (ciudad) to recapture. 2 (recuperepblica nf republic.
rar) to recover.
republicano,-a adj republican.
rescate nm 1 (salvamento) rescue; (de ciuP nm & nf republican.
dad) recapture. 2 (dinero) ransom. 3
repudiar vt to repudiate.
(recuperacin) recovery, recapture.
repuesto,-a nm 1
(prevencin) store, resecar vt to dry up.
P vpr resecarse to dry up.
supply, stock. 2 (recambio) spare,



reseco,-a adj (seco) very dry, parched.

resentido,-a adj resentful. l o c estar
resentido,-a con algn to bear resent-

ment towards sb.

resentimiento nm resentment.
resea nf 1 (crtica) review; (en prensa)

resignado,-a adj resigned.

resignar vt to resign, relinquish.
P vpr

resignarse to resign os (a, to).

resina nf resin.
resistencia nf 1 (gen) resistance. 2

(aguante) endurance, stamina. 3 (opowrite-up. 2 (descripcin) description.

sicin) resistance, opposition. 4 elec
resistance. 5 (de materiales) strength.
resear vt 1 (crtica) to review. 2 (describir) to describe.
resistente adj 1 (que resiste) resistant (a,
to). 2 (fuerte) tough, strong.
reserva nf 1 (de plazas, entradas) booking, reservation. 2 (provisin) reserve; resistir vi 1 (aguantar - algo) to hold
(existencias) stock. 3 (cautela) reserva(out); (- alguien) to hold out, take (it),
tion. 4 (discrecin) discretion, reserve.
have endurance. 2 (durar) to endure,
5 (vino) vintage. 6 (de animales) reserve;
last. 3 (ejrcito) to hold out, resist.
P vt 1 (soportar) to stand, tolerate. 2
(de personas) reservation. 7 mil reserve, reserves pl.
(peso, etc) to bear, withstand, take.
P nf pl reservas com reserves, stock
3 (tentacin, etc) to resist.
P vpr resistirse 1 (rechazar) to resist. 2
fam (costar) to be difficult, be hard: la
reservado,-a adj 1 (persona) reserved.
fsica se le resiste he's struggling with
2 (asunto) confidential.
physics. 3 (negarse) to refuse: me resisto
P nm reservado (en local) private room;
a creerlo I find it hard to believe.
(en tren) reserved compartment.
reservar vt 1 (plazas, etc) to book, re- resolucin nf 1 (decisin) resolution,
decision; (determinacin) determinaserve. 2 (guardar) to keep, save. 3
tion, resolve. 2 (solucin) solution; (de
(ocultar) to withhold, keep to os.
un conflicto) settlement; (en tcnica) resoP vpr reservarse 1 (conservarse) to save
os (para, for). 2 to withhold, keep to
os : se reserv su opinin she kept her
resolver vt 1 (solucionar - gen) to resolve,
opinion to herself.
solve; (- asunto, conflicto) to resolve, settle; (- dificultad) to overcome. 2 (decidir)
resfriado,-a adj with a cold.
to resolve, decide (-, to). 3 (deshacer) to
P nm resfriado cold.
resolve. 4 qum to dissolve.
resfriar vt (enfriar) to cool.
P vpr resolverse 1 (solucionarse) to be
P vpr resfriarse med to catch a cold.
solved; (resultar) to work out. 2 (reduresguardar vt 1 (proteger) to protect
cirse) to end up (en, in), turn out.
(de, from), shelter (de, from). 2 (salresonancia nf 1 resonance. 2 (eco)
vaguardar) to safeguard (de, against).
echo. 3 fig (importancia) importance;
P vpr resguardarse (protegerse) to pro(consecuencias) repercussions pl.
tect os.
resguardo nm 1 (proteccin) protection, resorte nm 1 spring. 2 fig means pl.
shelter. 2 (garanta) safeguard, guar- respaldar vt to support, back (up).
P vpr respaldarse 1 to lean back (en,
antee. 3 (recibo) receipt, ticket.
on). 2 (apoyarse) to lean (en, on).
residencia nf (gen) residence. c o m p re
sidencia de ancianos old people's respaldo nm 1 back. 2 fig support,
residir vi 1 to reside (en, in), live (en, respectivamente adv respectively.
in). 2 fig to lie (en, in).
respectivo,-a adj respective. l o c en lo
respectivo a with regard to, regardresiduo nm residue.
P nm pl residuos waste sing, refuse sing.
resignacin nf resignation.
respetar vt to respect.



respeto nm 1 (gen) respect. 2 fam (mie-

P vpr restablecerse 1 (gen) to be reestablished; (orden, etc) to be restored. 2

P nm pl respetos respects. c o m p falta
med to recover, get better.
de respeto lack of respect.
restablecimiento nm 1 (gen) reestablishment; (orden, etc) restoration. 2
respetuoso,-a adj respectful.
med recovery.
respiracin nf 1 (accin) breathing, respiration. 2 (aliento) breath more easi- restante adj remaining.
P nm lo restante the rest, the remainly, breathe.
der, what is left over.
respirar vi 1 to breathe. 2 (estar vivo)
to be breathing. 3 fig (relajarse) to restar vt 1 mat to subtract, take
(away). 2 fig (quitar) to reduce, debreathe more easily, breathe a sigh
duct. 3 dep to return.
of relief: al or al doctor, respiramos when
P vi (quedar) to be left, remain. l o c
we heard what the doctor had to say we
restar importancia a algo to play sth
breathed a sigh of relief. l o c sin respirar
down, play down the importance
1 (sin descanso) nonstop. 2 (con atencin)
of sth.
P vt (absorber) to breathe, breathe in,
restauracin nf (restablecimiento) restoinhale.
respiratorio,-a adj respiratory.
restaurante nm restaurant.
respiro nm 1 (resuello) breathing. 2 fig restaurar vt (obra, etc) to restore.
(descanso) breather, break. 3 fig (alivio) resto nm 1 remainder, rest. 2 mat rerelief, respite.
P nm pl restos 1 (gen) remains; (ruinas)
resplandor nm (de luz) brightness,
brilliance; (de metales, cristales) gleam,
ruins. 2 (de comida) leftovers.
glitter; (del fuego) glow, blaze.
restriccin nf restriction.
responder vt (contestar) to answer.
restringir vt 1 (limitar) to restrict, limit.
P vi 1 (contestar) to answer, reply. 2 (re2 (astringir) to contract.
plicar) to answer back. 3 (corresponder) resucitar vt 1 to resuscitate. 2 fig to
to answer, respond to: tengo que res
ponder a su amabilidad I have to respond
P vi to resuscitate.
to his kindness. 4 (tener el efecto deseado) resuelto,-a adj (decidido) resolute, deto respond: el motor respondi bien the
engine responded well. 5 (ser responsa- resultado nm result.
ble) to answer (de, for), accept re- resultar vi 1 (gen) to result, be the responsibility (de, for).
sult of. 2 (ser) to be: result vencedor he
responsabilidad nf responsibility.
won. 3 (acabar siendo) to turn out to be:
responsable adj responsible.
result ser muy agradable he turned out to
P nm o nf 1 (encargado) person in
be very nice. 4 (salir) to come out, turn
charge. 2 (de un crimen) perpetrator,
out, work out: todo result como esper
culprit, person responsible. l o c ha
bamos it all worked out as we expected.
cerse responsable de algo to assume
5 (ocurrir) to turn out: resulta que est en
responsibility for sth.
fermo y no puede venir it turns out that
respuesta nf 1 (gen) answer, reply. 2
he's ill and can't come. 6 (ser conveniente)
(reaccin) response. l o c en respuesta a
to be advisable. 7 (tener xito) to be a
in response to.
success, come off: el negocio result the
resquebrajar vt to crack.
business was a success. l o c resulta que
P vpr resquebrajarse to crack.
it turns out that.
resta nf subtraction.
resumen nm summary.
restablecer vt (gen)
to reestablish; (or- resumir vt 1 (reducir) to summarize. 2
(concluir) to sum up: resumiendo, es una
den, monarqua) to restore.

do) fear.



retire. l o c no se retire (al telfono) hold

on, don't hang up.
P vpr resumirse 1 to be summarized,
retiro nm 1 (jubilacin) retirement. 2
be summed up. 2 (venir a ser) to be re(pensin) pension.
duced (en, to), boil down (en, to).
reto nm challenge.
resurgir vi 1 (volver a aparecer) to reap- retocar vt (dibujo, fotografa) to touch up,
pear. 2 (revivir) to revive.
retablo nm altarpiece, reredos.
retoque nm finishing touch.
retaguarda nf rearguard. l o c ir a la retorcer vt 1 (gen) to twist. 2 (ropa) to
retaguarda to bring up the rear.
wring (out).
retal nm (de tela) offcut, remnant.
P vpr retorcerse 1 (gen) to become
retama nf broom.
twisted, twist. 2 (doblarse) to bend.
l o c retorcerse de risa fig to double up
retar vt 1 (desafiar) to challenge. 2 fam
(reprender) to scold.
with laughter.
retazo nm remnant, fragment.
retorcido,-a adj fig twisted: mente re
retencin nf 1 (gen) retention. 2 fin
torcida warped mind.
withholding, deduction. 3 (de trfico) retornable adj returnable. l o c Enva
traffic jam, (traffic) hold-up.
se no retornable Non-returnable.
retener vt 1 (contener) to restrain, hold retorno nm 1 return. 2 (recompensa) reback. 2 (no dejar marchar) to keep,
keep back: no quiero retenerte I don't retortijn nm (de tripas) stomach
want to keep you. 3 (no devolver) to
keep. 4 (en la memoria) to retain, re- retozar vi to frolic, gambol.
member. 5 (detener) to detain; (arrestar)
retrado,-a adj 1 (tmido) shy, reserved.
to arrest. 6 fin to deduct, withhold.
2 (poco comunicativo) unsociable, with7 (absorber) to retain, hold: el algodn
retiene el agua cotton holds water.
retraimiento nm (timidez) shyness, reP vpr retenerse to restrain os, hold os
serve, retiring nature.
retransmisin nf broadcast, transretina nf retina.
retirada nf mil retreat, withdrawal.
vt rad tv to broadcast.
retirado,-a adj 1 (apartado) remote. 2
l o c retransmitir algo en directo to
(tranquilo) secluded, quiet. 3 (jubilado)
broadcast sth live.
adj 1 (en conocimientos, traP nm & nf retired person, us retiree.
bajo) behind. 2 (pagos) late. 3 (reloj)
retirar vt 1 (apartar - gen) to take away,
slow. 4 (tren, avin, etc) delayed. 5 (pas)
remove; (- un mueble) to move away.
backward, underdeveloped.
2 (un carnet) to take away. 3 (algo dicho)
P nm & nf mentally retarded person.
to take back. 4 (dinero, ley, moneda) to
retrasar vt 1 (atrasar) to delay, put off,
withdraw. 5 (jubilar) to retire.
postpone. 2 (reloj) to put back. 3 dep
P vpr retirarse 1 mil to retreat, withto pass back.
draw. 2 (apartarse del mundo) to go into
P vpr retrasarse 1 (atrasarse) to be late,
seclusion. 3 (apartarse) to withdraw,
arrive late, be delayed. 2 (reloj) to be
draw back, move back: retrate, no veo
slow. 3 (trabajo, conocimientos, pagos) to
move back, I can't see. 4 (alejarse) to
fall behind.
move away: retrate de la ventana move
away from the window. 5 (irse a descan- retraso nm 1 (demora) delay. 2 (subdesarrollo) backwardness, underdevelopsar) to retire: se retir
a su habitacin she
retired to her bedroom. 7 (jubilarse) to
novela excelente in short, it's an excellent




retratar vt 1 (pintura) to portray, paint

revalorizacin nf (de moneda) revaluaa portrait of. 2 (foto) to photograph,

tion; (de precio) appreciation, increase
take a photograph of. 3 fig to dein value.
scribe, portray, depict.
revalorizar vt (moneda) to revalue; (preP vpr retratarse (darse a conocer) to be
cio) to increase the value of.
described, be portrayed.
P vpr revalorizarse (moneda) to revalue;
retrato nm 1 (pintura) portrait. 2 (foto)
(precio) to appreciate, go up in value.
photograph. 3 fig (descripcin) descrip- revancha nf 1 revenge. 2 (en naipes) retion, depiction, portrayal. l o c ser el
turn game. 3 dep return match.
vivo retrato de algn to be the spitting
revelacin nf revelation.
image of sb.
revelado nm developing.
retrete nm toilet, lavatory.
revelador,-ra adj revealing.
retribucin nf 1 (pago) pay, payment.
P nm revelador developer.
2 (recompensa) recompense, reward.
vt 1 to reveal, disclose. 2 (fotos)
retribuir vt 1 (pagar) to pay. 2 (recomto develop.
pensar) to remunerate, reward.
retroceder vi 1 (recular) to go back, revender vt 1 (gen) to resell. 2 (al por
menor) to retail. 3 (entradas) to tout.
move back. 2 (bajar de nivel) to go
reventa nf 1 (gen) resale. 2 (al por menor)
retail. 3 (de entradas) touting.
retroceso nm 1 (movimiento) backward
reventar vt 1 (gen) to burst. 2 (neumtimovement. 2 (econmico) recession.
co) to puncture, burst. 3 (romper) to
retrgrado,-a adj 1 (que retrocede) retbreak, smash. 4 (estropear) to ruin,
rograde. 2 fig (reaccionario) reactionspoil. 5 fig (agotar) to exhaust, tire
P nm & nf (reaccionario) reactionary.
P vi 1 fam (fastidiar) to annoy: me re
retrospectivo,-a adj retrospective.
vientan sus preguntas her questions get
retumbar vi 1 (resonar) to resound,
on my nerves. 2 (estallar) to burst: la ca
echo. 2 (tronar) to thunder, boom.
era revent the pipe burst.
reuma nm rheumatism.
P vpr reventarse 1 (estallar) to burst. 2
rema nm rheumatism.
fam (cansarse) to tire os out.
reumtico,-a adj rheumatic.
reventn,-ona nm 1 (de caera) burst.
P nm & nf rheumatic.
2 (de neumtico) blowout.
reumatismo nm rheumatism.
reverendo,-a adj 1 reverend. 2 fam
reunificar vt to reunify.
(enorme) enormous, great.
reunin nf (gen) meeting, gathering.
P nm & nf reverend.
reunir vt 1 (congregar) get together. 2
adj reversible.
(juntar algo) to put together: reunimos
todos nuestros libros we put all our books reverso nm reverse, back.
together. 3 (recoger) to gather (togeth- revs nm 1 (reverso) back, reverse,
wrong side; (de tela) wrong side. 2
er); (dinero) to raise. 4 (coleccionar) to
(bofetada) slap; (golpe) backhander. 3
collect. 5 (tener) to have, possess. 6
(en tenis) backhand (stroke). 4 fig (con(requisitos) to satisfy, meet, fulfil (us
trariedad) misfortune, setback, refulfill).
verse. l o c al revs (al contrario) the
P vpr reunirse to meet (con, -), get toother way round.
gether, have a meeting with.
reutilizar vt to reuse.
revestimiento nm covering, coating.
revlida nf final examination.
revestir vt 1 (recubrir) to cover ( de,
with), coat ( de , with), line ( de ,
revalidar vt to confirm,
ratify, vali
with). 3 fig (presentar) to take on: la



ceremonia revisti gran solemnidad the cer- revuelta nf (revolucin) revolt, riot.
emony took on great solemnity.
revuelto,-a adj 1 (desordenado) conP vpr revestirse to arm os: revestirse de
fused, mixed up, in a mess. 2 (gente)
paciencia to arm os with patience.
agitated, restless, up in arms. 3 (tiempo) stormy, unsettled; (mar) rough. 4
revisar vt 1 (gen) to revise, go through,
(poca) turbulent: tiempos revueltos turcheck. 2 (examen, etc) to check, look
bulent times.
over. 3 (cuentas) to check, audit.
revisin nf 1 (gen) revision, checking. rey nm king.
2 (de billetes) inspection. 3 (de coche) rezar vi 1 (orar) to pray. 2 (decir) to say,
service, overhaul. c o m p revisin m
dica checkup.
ra nf (gen) estuary, river mouth; (tcnirevisor,-ra nm & nf ticket inspector.
camente) ria.
revista nf 1 (publicacin) magazine, re- riachuelo nm brook, stream.
view, journal. 2 (inspeccin) inspec- riada nf 1 flood, flooding. 2 fig flood.
tion. 3 mil review. 4 teat revue: chica ribera nf 1 (de ro) bank. 2 (del mar) shore,
de revista chorus girl.
seashore. 3 (tierra cercana a un ro) riverrevistero nm magazine rack.
side, waterfront.
revitalizar vt to revitalize.
ribete nm (cinta) border, trimming,
revivir vi to revive.
P vt to revive, bring back to life.
ribetear vt to edge, border.
revocar vt (ley) to revoke, repeal; (or- ribonucleico,-a adj ribonucleic.
den) to cancel, rescind.
rico,-a adj 1 (acaudalado) rich, wealthy.
revolcar vt (derribar al suelo) to knock
2 (abundante) rich: rico en potasio rich in
down, knock over.
potassium. 3 (sabroso) tasty, delicious.
P vpr revolcarse (echarse) to roll about.
4 (tierra) rich, fertile. 5 (excelente) rich,
excellent. 6 fam (bonito) lovely, adorrevolotear vi to fly about, flutter
able: tiene un nio muy rico she's got a
about, hover.
lovely boy.
revoloteo nm fluttering, hovering.
P nm & nf rich person.
revoltijo nm (mezcla) mess, clutter,
ridiculizar vt to ridicule, deride.
ridculo,-a adj ridiculous, absurd.
revoltoso,-a adj 1 (rebelde) rebellious.
P nm ridculo ridicule. l o c hacer el rid
P nm & nf rebel, troublemaker.
culo to make a fool of os.
revolucin nf revolution.
riego nm irrigation, watering. c o m p
revolucionario,-a adj revolutionary.
riego sanguneo blood circulation.
P nm & nf revolutionary.
revolver vt 1 (agitar) to stir. 2 (mezclar) riel nm rail.
to mix. 3 (ensalada) to toss. 4 (habita- rienda nf 1 rein. 2 fig (control) restraint.
l o c llevar las riendas fig to hold the
cin, casa, etc) to turn upside down. 5
reins, be in control.
(papeles) to rummage through; (bolso,
bolsillo, etc) to rummage in. 6 (producir riesgo nm risk, danger. l o c a todo ries
go (seguro) fully-comprehensive.
nuseas) to upset, turn: le revolvi el es
rifa nf raffle.
tmago it turned his stomach.
P vpr revolverse 1 (moverse) to fidget;
rifar vt to raffle (off).
(en la cama) to toss and turn. 2 (volverse
P vpr rifarse 1 mar to split. 2 (solicitar,
con rapidez) to turn around, spin
desear) to fight over.
round. 3 (tiempo) to turn stormy; rifle nm rifle.
(mar) to become rough.
rigidez nf 1 (dureza) stiffness, rigidity.
revlver nm revolver.
2 fig (rectitud) strictness, firmness, in
revoque nm (enlucido) plastering.



rgido,-a adj 1 (duro) rigid, stiff. 2 fig

rivalizar vi to rival.
(severo) strict, firm, inflexible.
rivera nf brook, stream.
rigor nm 1 (severidad) rigour (us rigor), rizado,-a adj 1 (pelo) curly. 2 mar
strictness, severity. 2 (dureza) rigour
(us rigor), harshness. 3 (exactitud) preP nm rizado (de pelo) curling.
cision, exactness.
rizar vt (pelo) to curl.
rigurosamente adv 1 (con severidad)
P vpr rizarse 1 (pelo) to curl, go curly. 2
rigorously, severely, strictly. 2 (con
(el mar) to ripple.
exactitud) accurately. 3 (minuciosamen- rizo nm 1 (de pelo) curl. 2 (en el agua) ripte) meticulously. 4 (totalmente) absople. 3 (tejido) towelling (us toweling),
terry towelling. 4 av loop.
rigurosidad nf rigorousness, strict- rizoma nm rhizome.
robar vt 1 (banco, persona) to rob; (objeto)
riguroso,-a adj 1 (severo) rigorous, seto steal; (casa) to break into, burgle.
vere, strict. 2 (clima) rigorous, severe,
2 (raptar) to kidnap. 3 (en naipes) to
harsh. 3 (exacto) exact. 4 (minucioso)
draw. 4 fig (cobrar muy caro) to rip off.
5 fig (corazn, alma) to steal.
rima nf rhyme.
robinia nf robinia, false acacia.
P nf pl rimas poem sing.
roble nm oak, oak tree.
rimar vt to rhyme.
robledal nm oak grove, oak wood.
P vi to rhyme.
robo nm 1 (gen) theft, robbery; (en casa)
rincn nm corner.
burglary; (en banco) robbery. 2 (en nairinconera nf corner unit.
pes) draw. 3 fig (estafa) robbery.
ring nm ring.
robot nm robot.
rinoceronte nm rhinoceros.
robtica nf robotics.
ria nf 1 (pelea) fight. 2 (discusin) quarrobtico,-a adj robotic, robot-like.
robotizar vt to automate.
rin nm 1 kidney.
ro nm 1 river. 2 fig stream, river: un ro robustecer vt to strengthen.
P vpr robustecerse to grow stronger,
de sangre a river of blood.
riqueza nf (cualidad) richness, wealthirobusto,-a adj robust, strong, sturdy.
risa nf 1 laugh. 2 (risas) laughter. l o c roca nf rock.
darle risa a algn to make sb laugh. y roce nm 1 (friccin) rubbing; (en piel)
chafing. 2 (seal - en zapatos) scuff
entrar la risa to begin to laugh: y ser
mark; (- en piel) graze; (- en coche, etc)
cosa de risa to be laughable. c o m p
mark. 3 (contacto fsico) light touch,
ataque de risa fit of laughter.
brush. 4 fam (trato) contact. 5 fam (dirisco nm crag, cliff.
sensin) friction, brush.
ristra nf string.
risueo,-a adj 1 (sonriente) smiling. 2 rociar vt 1 (salpicar) to spray, sprinkle.
2 fig (esparcir) to scatter, strew.
(animado) cheerful.
rtmico,-a adj rhythmic, rhythmical. rocn nm (caballo) nag, hack.
ritmo nm 1 rhythm. 2 fig pace, speed. roco nm dew.
rito nm 1 rel rite. 2 fig (costumbre) ritual. rock nm rock.
rockero,-a nm & nf (msico) rock musiritual adj ritual.
cian; (fan) rock fan.
P nm ritual.
rococ adj rococo.
rival adj rival.
P nm o nf rival.
rocoso,-a adj rocky, stony.
rivalidad nf rivalry.
rodaballo nm turbot.


rodaja nf slice. l o c en rodajas sliced.

rodaje nm 1 cine filming, shooting. 2


rollo nm 1 (gen) roll. 2 fam (aburrimiento)

drag, bore, pain: esta peli es un rollo this

film is a drag. 3 fam (discurso, explicacin,
etc) long drawn-out speech, boring
rodamiento nm bearing.
lecture. 4 fam (amoro) affair. 5 fam
rodapi nm skirting board, us base(asunto) business.
rodar vi 1 (dar vueltas) to roll; (rueda) to romance adj ling Romance.
P nm 1 ling (gen) Romance language;
turn. 2 (caer rodando) to roll down. 3
(castellano) Spanish. 2 (amoro) rofig (ir de un lado a otro) to roam. 4 (vehmance.
culos) to run; (velocidad) to do.
romancero nm collection of romances.
P vt 1 (hacer que de vueltas) to roll. 2 cine
to film, shoot. 3 auto to run in. 4 (re- romnico,-a adj 1 (arquitectura, arte - gen)
Romanesque. 2 (lengua) Romance.
correr) to travel.
rodear vt (cercar) to surround, encircle. romanizar vt to Romanize.
romanticismo nm romanticism.
P vpr rodearse to surround os ( de ,
romntico,-a adj romantic.
P nm & nf romantic.
rodela nf round shield.
rmbico,-a adj rhombic.
rodeno,-a adj red.
rodeo nm 1 (desviacin) detour. 2 fig (elu- rombo nm 1 rhombus. 2 (naipes) diamond.
sin) evasiveness.
romboedro nm rhombohedron.
rodera nf tyre (us tire) mark, track.
rodilla nf 1 anat knee. 2 (pao) cloth, romboide nm rhomboid.
romera nf pilgrimage.
rodillazo nm blow with the knee, romero nm bot rosemary.
blow to the knee.
romo,-a adj (sin punta) blunt, dull.
rodillera nf 1 dep knee pad. 2 cost rompecabezas nm inv 1 (juego) (jigsaw)
knee patch.
puzzle. 2 fig (problema) riddle, puzzle, conundrum.
rodillo nm 1 roller. 2 culin rolling pin.
rompecocos nm inv brain-teaser.
rododendro nm rhododendron.
rompecorazones nm o nf inv fam heartrodomiel nm rose honey.
throb, heartbreaker.
roedor,-ra adj rodent.
rompehielos nm inv icebreaker.
P nm roedor rodent.
roer vt 1 (hueso) to gnaw. 2 fig (desgastar) rompeolas nm inv breakwater, jetty.
to wear away.
romper vt 1 (gen) to break; (papel, tela)
to tear. 2 (rajar, reventar) to split. 3 (gasrogar vt (pedir) to request, ask; (implotar) to wear out. 4 fig (relaciones) to
rar) to beg, implore, plead.
break off. 5 fig (ley) to break. 6 fig
rogativa nf rogation.
(cerca, lmite) to break through, break
rodo,-a adj gnawed, eaten away.
rojear vi to redden, turn red.
P vi 1 fig (acabar - con algo) to break; (rojez nf redness.
con alguien) to split up, us break up. 2
rojizo,-a adj reddish.
(olas, da) to break. 3 romper a + inf fig
rojo,-a adj (color) red.
(empezar) to burst out: romper a rer to
P nm & nf pol (gen) red, Communist.
burst out laughing. 4 romper en + sust
P nm rojo red.
fig (prorrumpir) to burst into: romper en
rol nm (papel) role.
llanto to burst into tears.
rollista nm o nf fam (cuentista) over-draP vpr romperse 1 (gen) to break: se me
matic person.
ha roto esta ua I've broken this nail. 2
rollizo,-a adj plump, chubby.
(papel, tela) to tear, rip. 3 (rajarse, revenauto



tarse) to split. 4 (desgastarse) to wear

out: se me han roto los zapatos my shoes
are worn out. 5 (coche) to break down.
ron nm rum.
roncar vi to snore.
roncha nf (en la piel) swelling, lump,
ronco,-a adj hoarse.
ronda nf 1 (patrulla) patrol, watch. 2
(de polica) beat. 3 (vuelta) round. 4 (de
bebidas, cartas) round. 5 (negociaciones)
round. l o c hacer la ronda to do one's
rondar vt 1 (vigilar) to patrol, do the
rounds of. 2 (merodear) to prowl
around, hang about, haunt: siempre
ronda la casa he's always prowling
around the house. 3 fig (aos) to be
about: ronda los cincuenta she's about
P vi 1 (vigilar) to patrol. 2 (merodear) to
prowl around, roam around.
ronquera nf hoarseness.
ronquido nm snore, snoring.
ronronear vi to purr.
ronroneo nm purring.
roa nf (suciedad) filth, dirt.
roera nf fam meanness, stinginess.
roica nm o nf fam scrooge, miser.
rooso,-a adj 1 (sucio) filthy, dirty. 2
fam (tacao) mean, stingy.
P nm & nf fam scrooge, miser.
ropa nf clothing, clothes pl: ropa de in
vierno winter clothes; ropa de esqu ski
wear. c o m p ropa blanca linen, household linen. y ropa interior underwear.
ropero nm wardrobe, us closet.
roquefort nm (especficamente) Roquefort; (en general) blue cheese.

rosal nm rosebush.
rosaleda nf rose garden.
rosario nm 1 rel rosary, beads pl. 2 fig

string, series: rosario de mentiras string

of lies. l o c rezar el rosario to say the
rosbif nm roast beef.
rosca nf 1 (de tornillo) thread. 2 culin
doughnut. 3 (carnosidad) roll of fat. 4
(anilla) ring.
rosco nm ring-shaped bread roll.
roscn nm ring-shaped pastry; (de Pascua) Easter ring.
rosetn nm rose window.
rosquilla nf doughnut, ring-shaped
rostro nm fml (cara) face.
rotacin nf rotation.
rotativo,-a adj rotary, revolving.
P nm rotativo newspaper.
roto,-a adj 1 (gen) broken. 2 (tela, papel)
torn. 3 (gastado) worn out. 4 (cansado)
P nm roto (agujero) hole, tear.
rotonda nf (plaza) roundabout, us
traffic circle.
rtula nf anat kneecap.
rotulacin nf lettering, labelling.
rotulador nm felt-tip pen.
rotular vt to label.
rotulista nm o nf signwriter.
rtulo nm 1 (letrero) sign; (luminoso) neon sign. 2 (titular) heading, title.
rotundo,-a adj 1 (redondo) round. 2 fig
(xito) resounding. 3 (negativa) flat,
categorical; (afirmacin) categorical,
emphatic: un no rotundo a flat refusal.
rotura nf 1 (gen) break, breaking,
crack. 2 (en tela, papel) tear, rip. 3 med
roquero,-a adj-nm & nf rockero,-a.
roturar vt to plough (us plow).
rosa nf (flor) rose.
roulotte nf caravan.
P nm (color) pink.
rozadura nf scratch, abrasion.
P adj 1 (color) pink. 2 fig (novela) romantic. l o c fresco,-a como una rosa rozamiento nm (roce) rubbing, friction.
fig as fresh as a daisy.
rosado,-a adj 1 (color) rosy, pink. 2 (vi- rozar vt 1 (tocar ligeramente) to touch
lightly, brush. 2 (raspar) to rub
no) ros.
P nm rosado (vino) ros.
against, brush against; (herir) to graze:



rugosidad nf rugosity.
my foot.
rugoso,-a adj rough, wrinkled.
P vi 1 (raspar) to rub. 2 fig (tener relacin)
ruibarbo nm rhubarb.
to border (con, on), verge (con, on).
ruido nm 1 (gen) noise. 2 (sonido) sound.
P vpr rozarse 1 (rasparse) to rub ( con,
3 (jaleo) din, row. 4 fig stir, commoagainst), brush (con, against). 2 (destion. l o c hacer ruido 1 to make a
gastarse) to wear (out). 3 fig (tratarse)
noise. 2 fig to cause a stir. y mucho
to come into contact ( con, with),
ruido y pocas nueces fam much ado
rub shoulders (con, with).
about nothing.
Ruanda nf Rwanda.
ruidoso,-a adj 1 noisy, loud. 2 fig senruands,-esa adj Rwandan.
P nm & nf Rwandan.
ruin adj 1 pey (vil) mean, base, despica
rubeola nf German measles, rubella.
ble, vile. 2 (pequeo) petty, insignifirub nm ruby.
cant. 3 (tacao) stingy, mean.
rubia nf blonde.
ruina nf 1 ruin, collapse. 2 fig fall,
rubio,-a adj 1 (cabello) fair; (persona)
end, downfall.
fair-haired; (hombre) blond; (mujer)
P nf pl ruinas ruins. l o c estar hecho,-a
blonde. 2 (tabaco) Virginia.
una ruina fig to be a wreck.
P nm & nf (hombre) blond; (mujer)
ruindad nf 1 (maldad) meanness, vileblonde.
ness. 2 (acto) mean act, low trick.
rublo nm rouble.
ruinoso,-a adj 1 ruinous, disastrous.
rubor nm blush, flush.
2 fig tumbledown, dilapidated.
ruborizarse vpr to blush, go red, red- ruiseor nm nightingale.
rular vt (funcionar) to work.
rbrica nf 1 (de firma) flourish (in sig- ruleta nf roulette.
nature). 2 (ttulo) title, heading. 3 (ins- rulot nf caravan.
trucciones, gua) rubric.
Rumana nf Romania.
ruda nf (planta) rue.
rumano,-a adj Romanian, Rumanian.
rudeza nf roughness, coarseness.
P nm & nf (persona) Romanian, Rumarudimentario,-a adj rudimentary.
rudo,-a adj rough, coarse.
P nm rumano (idioma) Romanian, Rurueca nf distaff.
rueda nf 1 (gen) wheel: de cuatro ruedas rumba nf rumba, rhumba.
four-wheeled. 2 (crculo) circle, ring. rumbo nm 1 (direccin) course, direcc o m p rueda de la fortuna wheel of fortion. 2 fam fig (pompa) pomp, show. 3
tune. y rueda de molino millstone.
fam fig (generosidad) lavishness, genery rueda de prensa press conference. y
osity. l o c perder el rumbo 1 to go off
rueda de recambio spare wheel. y rue
course. 2 fig to lose one's bearings.
da delantera front wheel.
rumiante adj ruminant.
ruedo nm (en las plazas de toros) bullring,
P nm ruminant.
rumiar vi (animal) to ruminate, chew
ruego nm request, petition. c o m p rue
the cud.
gos y preguntas any other business.
P vt 1 (mascar) to chew. 2 fig (pensar) to
rufin nm (canalla) scoundrel, villain,
ruminate, chew over, reflect on.
rumor nm 1 (murmullo) murmur. 2 (notirugby nm rugby.
cia, voz) rumour (us rumor).
rugido nm roar, bellow.
rumorearse vpr [se usa slo en tercera
persona; no lleva sujeto] to be rurugir vi to roar, bellow;
(viento) to
moured (us rumored): se rumorea que
howl; (tripas) to rumble.
el zapato me roza el pie my shoe's rubbing



est enfermo it is rumoured that he's ill,

he's rumoured to be ill.

rupestre adj rock. c o m p pintura rupes
tre cave painting.
rupia nf rupee.
ruptura nf 1 (rotura) breaking, breakage, break. 2 fig breaking-off,
rural adj rural, country: mdico rural
country doctor.
Rusia nf Russia.

ruso,-a adj Russian.

& nf (persona) Russian.

ruso (idioma) Russian.
rstico,-a adj rustic, rural.
P nm rstico peasant. l o c en rstica in
P nm
P nm


ruta nf route, way, road.

c o m p ruta a
rea air route, airway.
rutina nf routine: la rutina diaria the

daily routine.

rutinario,-a adj 1 (gen) routine. 2 (persona) unimaginative, dull.


S, s nf (la letra) S, s.
S sm (sur) south; (smbolo) S.
sbado nm Saturday.

take out. 4 (resolver) to work out,

solve. 5 (encontrar) to get, find. 6 (ensear) to show. 7 (quitar) to remove. 8
(extraer de algo) to extract, obtain. 9
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta jueves.
(agua) to draw. 10 (llevar fuera) to take
sbana nf sheet.
out. 11 (fotografa) to take; (fotocopia, copia) to make. 12 (producir) to produce.
sabelotodo nm o nf inv pey know-all,
13 (moda) to introduce, set; (nuevo producto) to bring out. 14 (publicar) to
saber nm knowledge.
publish, bring out. 15 fam (ir por delanP vt 1 (gen) to know. 2 (tener habilidad)
te) to be ahead. 16 fam (ser ms alto) to
to be able to, know how to. 3 (entebe taller. 17 dep (tenis) to serve; (ftbol)
rarse) to learn, find out.
P vi (tener sabor) to taste (a, of).
to kick off. 18 mat (restar) to subtract;
P vpr saberse to know.
(raz) to extract, find out. 19 (mineral)
to extract. 20 qum to extract.
sabido,-a adj known.
P vpr sacarse 1 (desvestirse) to take off.
sabidura nf 1 (conocimientos) knowl2 (fotografa) to have taken.
edge. 2 (prudencia) wisdom.
sabio,-a adj 1 (con conocimientos) learned, saciar vt 1 (hambre) to satiate; (sed) to
quench. 2 fig (deseos) to satisfy; (ambiknowledgeable. 2 (con prudencia)
ciones) to fulfil (us fulfill).
wise, sensible.
P vpr saciarse to satiate os, be satiated.
P nm & nf 1 (instruido) learned person. 2
(prudente) sage, wise person.
saco nm 1 (bolsa) sack, bag. 2 am (americana) jacket.
sable nm sabre (us saber).
sabor nm 1 taste, flavour (us flavor). sacrificar vt 1 (gen) to sacrifice. 2 fig
(reses) to slaughter; (animal domstico) to
2 fig feeling.
destroy, put down.
saborear vt 1 to taste. 2 fig to savour
P vpr sacrificarse to sacrifice os (por,
(us savor), relish.
sabroso,-a adj 1 (con mucho sabor) tasty,
delicious. 2 (agradable) pleasant, de- sacrificio nm sacrifice.
sacro,-a adj 1 (sagrado) sacred. 2 anat
sabueso nm 1 (perro) bloodhound. 2
P nm sacro (hueso) sacrum.
fig (persona) sleuth.
sacacorchos nm inv corkscrew.
sacudida nf 1 (gen) shake. 2 (movimiento
violento) jolt, jerk. 3 (terremoto) earthsacapuntas nm inv pencil sharpener.
sacar vt 1 (poner en el exterior) to take out,
pull out, get out. 2 (obtener - gen) to sacudir vt 1 (gen) to shake. 2 (alfombra,
etc) to shake out; (polvo, arena) to
get; (- premio) to win; (- dinero) to get,
shake off. 3 (golpear algo) to beat. 4
to get, buy. 3 (dimake, earn; (- billete)
(cabeza) to shake. 5 (dar una paliza) to
nero del banco) to draw, withdraw,



beat up. 6 fig (emocionar, alterar) to saliente adj 1 (que sobresale) projecting.
2 (cesante) outgoing.
P nm projection, overhang, ledge.
sagacidad nf 1 sagacity, cleverness. 2
salina nf 1 (mina) salt mine. 2 (estableci(astucia) shrewdness, astuteness.
miento) salt works.
sagaz adj 1 clever, sagacious. 2 (astuto)
salir vi 1 (ir hacia afuera) to go out (de,
shrewd, astute.
of). 2 (venir de dentro) to come out. 3
sagrado,-a adj sacred, holy.
(partir) to leave. 4 (no estar) to be out. 5
Shara nm Sahara.
(amigos, novios) to go out. 6 (aparecer)
saharaui adj Saharaui, Sahrawi.
to appear, be. 7 (revista, novela, etc) to
P nm o nf Saharaui, Sahrawi.
come out; (moda) to come in. 8 (procesahariana nf safari shirt, safari jacket.
der) to come (de, from). 9 (resultar) to
sahariano,-a adj Saharan.
turn out, turn out to be. 10 (examen,
sal nf salt. c o m p sal fina table salt.
prueba) to go, turn out. 11 (venir a cosP nf pl sales smelling salts.
tar) to come to, cost, work out. 12
(sobresalir) to project, stick out. 13 (sol,
sala nf 1 (aposento) room; (grande) hall. 2
etc) to rise, come out; (vegetales) to
(sala de estar) lounge, living room. 3
come up; (flores) to come out. 14 (gra(de hospital) ward; (de cine) cinema; (de
nos) to get, break out in, come out
teatro) theatre. 4 jur (lugar) courtroom;
in; (pelo) to grow; (diente) to cut. 15
(tribunal) court.
(mancha) to come out, come off. 16
salado,-a adj 1 (con sal) salted; (con de(parecerse) to take after (a, -). 17 (al
masiada sal) salty. 2 fam fig (agudo)
azar) to be drawn. 18 (nombre, palabra)
witty; (gracioso) funny; (encantador)
to be able to think of. 19 (solucionar)
charming, attractive.
to work out. 20 (librarse) to get out
salamandra nf salamander.
( de , of). 21 (trabajo, oportunidad) to
salamanquesa nf zool gecko.
come up. 22 (dar a) to open (a, onto),
salar vt 1 (curar) to salt. 2 (sazonar) to salt,
come out (a, at).
add salt to.
P vpr salirse 1 (lquido, gas) to leak, leak
salarial adj salary, wage.
out; (ro) to overflow. 2 (al hervir) to
salario nm salary, wages pl, wage.
boil over. 3 (tornillo, etc) to come off,
come out. 4 (de la carretera) to go off
salazn nf 1 (accin) salting. 2 (carne)
(de, -).
salted meat; (pescado) salted fish.
salitre nm saltpetre (us saltpeter).
salchicha nf sausage.
saliva nf saliva.
salchichn nm salami-type sausage.
saldo nm 1 (de una cuenta) balance. 2 salmn nm (pez) salmon.
P adj (color) salmon, salmon pink.
(pago) liquidation, settlement. 3 (resto
de mercanca) remnant, leftover, re- salmonete nm red mullet.
Salomn nm Solomon. c o m p Islas Salo
mainder. 4 (venta a bajo precio) sale.
mn Solomon Islands.
salero nm 1 (recipiente) saltcellar, us salt
saln nm 1 (en casa) sitting room,
shaker. 2 fig (gracia) charm, wit.
drawing room, lounge. 2 (en edificio
salida nf 1 (partida) departure. 2 (puerta,
pblico) hall. 3 (exposicin) show, exhietc) exit, way out. 3 (momento de salir). 4
(viaje corto) trip. 5 (de un astro) rising. 6
salpicar vt 1 (rociar) to sprinkle. 2 (caer
dep start. 7 com outlet, market. 8 fin
gotas) to splash.
outlay, expenditure. 9 fig (ocurrencia)
witty remark, witticism. 10 fig (esca- salpullido nm rash.
patoria) solution, way out. 11 fig salsa nf 1 sauce. 2 fam fig (gracia) zest,
spice. 3 ms salsa.
(perspectiva) opening.
12 tc outlet. 13
inform output.
saltamontes nm inv grasshopper.



saltar vi 1 (gen) to jump, leap. 2 (en pa-

to save. 4 (obstculo) to clear. 5 (dificulracadas) to parachute. 3 (romperse) to

tad) to overcome, get round. 6 (disbreak; (estallar) to burst. 4 (desprendertancia) to cover.
se) to come off. 5 (tapn, corcho) to pop
P vpr salvarse 1 (sobrevivir) to survive,
out, pop off. 6 fig (enfadarse) to blow
come out alive. 2 (escaparse) to esup, explode. 7 fig (de una cosa a otra) to
cape (de, from). 3 rel to be saved,
jump, skip. 8 fig (decir) to come out
save one's soul.
(con, with); (contestar) to answer (con, salvapantallas nm inv inform screenwith).
P vt 1 fig (salvar de un salto) to jump
salvavidas nm inv life belt.
(over), leap (over). 2 (arrancar) to pull
salvedad nf (excepcin) exception.
off. 3 (ajedrez, etc) to jump. 4 fig (omitir)
salvia nf sage.
to skip, miss out.
salvo,-a adj (ileso) unharmed, safe.
P vpr saltarse 1 (ley, etc) to ignore. 2
P adv salvo except, except for.
(omitir) to skip, miss out. 3 (desprendersalvoconducto nm safe-conduct.
se) to come off; (- lentilla) to fall out.
salto nm 1 (gen) jump, leap. 2 dep Samoa nf Samoa.
jump; (natacin) dive. 3 (de agua) wa- samoano,-a adj Samoan.
terfall. 4 (despeadero) precipice. 5 fig
P nm & nf (persona) Samoan.
(omisin) gap.
P nm samoano (idioma) Samoan.
salubridad nf (estado de salud) healthi- san adj saint.
ness; (de lugar, clima) salubriousness,
. Se usa delante de nombres de santos
masculinos, excepto Toms, Tom, Toribio
salud nf health.
y Domingo. Consulta tambin santo,-a.
saludable adj 1 (sano) healthy, wholesome. 2 fig (beneficioso) good, benefi- sanar vt to heal, cure.
P vi 1 (enfermo) to recover, get better.
saludar vt 1 (demostrar cortesa) to greet.
2 (herida) to heal.
2 (decir hola) to say hello to. 3 mil to
sanatorio nm clinic, nursing home;
(hospital) hospital.
saludo nm 1 greeting. 2 mil salute.
sancin nf 1 (aprobacin) sanction, apsalvacin nf 1 (gen) salvation, rescue.
proval. 2 (pena) sanction, penalty.
2 rel salvation.
sandalia nf sandal.
salvado nm bran.
sndalo nm sandalwood.
Salvador nm El Salvador 1 El Salvador.
sanda nf watermelon.
2 rel the Saviour (us Savior).
salvadoreo,-a adj Salvadorian, Sal- sndwich nm sandwich.
sanear vt 1 (limpiar) to clean; (desinfectar)
to disinfect. 2 (econmicamente) to
P nm & nf Salvadorian, Salvadoran.
make financially viable.
salvaguardar vt to safeguard ( de,
sangrado nm indention, indentation,
salvaje adj 1 (planta) wild. 2 (animal)
wild. 3 (pueblo, tribu) savage, uncivi- sangrar vt 1 (abrir una vena) to bleed. 2
(dar salida a un lquido) to drain. 3 fam
lized. 4 fam fig (violento) savage, wild.
fig (dejar sin dinero) to bleed dry. 4 (en
5 (bruto) uncouth, boorish.
impresin) to indent.
P nm o nf 1 (no civilizado) savage. 2 (bruto)
brute, boor.
sangre nf blood.
salvamento nm rescue.
sangra nf 1 (bebida) sangria. 2 med
bleeding, bloodletting. 3 fig (de dinesalvar vt 1 (librar de peligro)
to save, res
cue. 2 (barco) to salvage. 3 (honor, ruina)
ro, etc) drain.



sangriento,-a adj 1 (que echa sangre)

bleeding. 2 (con sangre) bloody.

sanguijuela nf leech, bloodsucker.
sanidad nf 1 (calidad de sano) health,
healthiness. 2 (servicios) health: sani
dad pblica public health.
sanitario,-a adj sanitary, health.
P nm & nf health officer.
P nm pl sanitarios bathroom fittings.
sano,-a adj 1 (con salud) healthy, fit. 2
(saludable) healthy, wholesome. 3 fig
(sin corrupcin) sound.
santo,-a adj 1 (gen) holy, sacred. 2 (persona) holy, saintly. 3 fam (para enfatizar) hell of a, real, right. 4 (como ttulo)
saint: Santa Elena Saint Helen.
P nm & nf saint.
P nm santo 1 (imagen) image of a saint.
2 fam (dibujo) picture. 3 (onomstica)
saint's day.
. Consulta tambin san.

santuario nm sanctuary, shrine.

saa nf 1 (enojo) rage, fury. 2 (crueldad)
cruelty, viciousness.

sapiencia nf 1 fml (sabidura) wisdom.

2 (conocimiento) knowledge.
saque nm 1 (tenis) service. 2 (ftbol)
kick-off. c o m p saque de banda (ftbol)


saquear vt (casas) to plunder, pillage;

(casas, comercios) to loot.

sarampin nm measles pl.

sarcasmo nm sarcasm.
sarcstico,-a adj sarcastic.
sarcfago nm sarcophagus.
sardina nf sardine.
sarga nf serge, twill.
sargento nm 1 mil sergeant. 2 fig ty-

satlite nm satellite.
satn nm satin.
satisfaccin nf (gen) satisfaction.
satisfacer vt 1 (gen) to satisfy. 2 (deuda)

to pay. 3 (requisitos, exigencias) to meet,

fulfil satisfy. 4 (agravio, ofensa) to
make amends for.
satisfactorio,-a adj satisfactory.
satisfecho,-a adj 1 (contento) satisfied,
pleased. 2 (pagado de s mismo) self-satisfied.
saturacin nf saturation.
saturado,-a adj 1 saturated. 2 fig sick,
saturnismo nm lead poisoning.
Saturno nm Saturn.
sauce nm willow.
saco nm elder.
saud adj Saudi.
P nm o nf Saudi.

saudita adj-nm o nf saud.

sauna nf sauna.
saurio,-a adj saurian.
P nm

& nf saurian.

savia nf 1 bot sap. 2 fig sap, vitality.

saxofn nm (instrumento) saxophone,

nm o nf (msico) saxophonist, sax


saya nf 1 (falda) skirt. 2 (enagua) petticoat.

sazn nf 1 (madurez) ripeness. 2 (sabor)

taste, flavour (us flavor). 3 (aderezo)

sazonar vt 1 (madurar) to ripen, mature. 2 (comida) to season, flavour (us
se1 pron 1 (reflexivo - l) himself; (- ella)
herself; (- usted, ustedes) yourself,
sarmiento nm vine shoot.
yourselves; (- ellos, ellas) themselves;
sarna nf med (en personas) scabies; (en
(- esto) itself. 2 (recproco) each other,
animales) mange.
one another: se quieren they love each
sarpullido nm rash.
other. 3 (pasiva): se han abierto las puertas
sarro nm 1 (en los dientes) tartar. 2 (sedithe doors have been opened. 4 (impersomento) deposit.
nal): se ve que no apparently not.
sarta nf string.
se2 pron (objeto indirecto - a l) him, to
sartn nf frying pan,
us fry pan.
him; (- a ella) her, to her; (- a ellos, ellas)
sastre,-a nm & nf tailor.
them, to them; (- a esto) it, to it; (- a



usted, ustedes) you, to you: se lo dije I

told her.
. Se usa delante de los pronombres la,
las, lo y los en vez de les o las.

secuenciar vt to arrange in sequence,

put in sequence.

secuestrar vt 1 (personas) to kidnap;

(avin) to hijack. 2 jur to sequester,

seize, confiscate.
secuestro nm 1 (personas) kidnapping;
s1 pres indic saber.
(de avin) hijacking. 2 jur sequestra2
s imperat ser.
tion, seizure, confiscation.
sebo nm 1 (grasa) fat. 2 culin suet. 3
secundar vt to support, second.
(para velas) tallow.
secundaria nf educ secondary educaseca nf (sequa) drought.
secado nm drying.
secundario,-a adj secondary.
secador nm 1 dryer, drier. 2 (de pelo)
P nm secundario geol secondary.
secuoya nf sequoia, redwood.
secadora nf tumble dryer, dryer.
sed nf thirst.
secano nm dry land.
seda nf silk.
secante adj (geometra) secant.
sede nf 1 (oficina central) headquarters,
P nf secant.
central office. 2 (del gobierno) seat.
secar vt 1 (gen) to dry. 2 (lgrimas, vajilla) sedentario,-a adj sedentary.
to wipe; (lquido) to wipe up, mop sediento,-a adj 1 thirsty. 2 fig (poder,
up. 3 (planta) to wither, dry up; (ro,
etc) hungry (de, for), thirsty (de, for).
fuente, etc) to dry up.
sedimentar vt to settle, deposit.
P vpr secarse 1 (gen) to dry. 2 (lquido,
P vpr sedimentarse to settle.
ro, etc) to dry up; (planta) to wither,
sedimento nm sediment, deposit.
dry up.
seductor,-ra adj 1 seductive. 2 (atractiseccin nf 1 (corte) section, cut. 2 (geovo) captivating. 3 (persuasivo) temptmetra) section. 3 (departamento) secing.
tion, department. 4 (en peridico, revisP nm & nf seducer.
ta) page, section.
segador,-ra nm & nf harvester, reaper.
seco,-a adj 1 (gen) dry. 2 (frutos, flores)
segadora nf harvester, reaper; (de csdried. 3 (marchito) withered, dried up.
ped) lawnmower.
4 fig (carcter) dry; (tono, respuesta) curt,
segar vt 1 (gen) to reap, cut; (csped) to
sharp. 5 fig (golpe, ruido) sharp.
mow. 2 fig (matar) to mow down,
secrecin nf secretion.
cut down. 3 fig (truncar) to cut off.
secretara nf 1 (cargo) secretaryship, segmento nm 1 (gen) segment. 2
office of secretary. 2 (oficina) secreinform overlay.
tary's office; (en la administracin) secsegregar vt 1 (separar) to segregate. 2
(secretar) to secrete.
secretario,-a nm & nf secretary.
segueta nf fret saw.
secreteo nm whispering.
seguido,-a adj 1 (continuo) continuous.
secreto,-a adj secret.
2 (consecutivo) consecutive, succesP nm secreto 1 (lo reservado) secret. 2
sive. 3 (en lnea recta) straight, direct.
(reserva) secrecy.
P adv seguido straight.
secta nf sect.
seguidor,-ra nm & nf 1 follower. 2 dep
sector nm 1 (gen) sector. 2 fig (zona) arfollower, supporter, fan.
ea. 3 fig (parte) section.
seguir vt 1 (gen) to follow. 2 (perseguir) to
secuela nf consequence,
pursue, chase. 3 (continuar) to contin
secuencia nf sequence.
ue, carry on. 4 (un camino) to continue



on. 5 (curso, etc) to do; (explicaciones) to

P vi 1 (proseguir) to go on, carry on.
2 (continuar) to follow on, continue. 3
(permanecer, mantenerse) to continue to
be, be still.
P vpr seguirse 1 (inferirse) to deduce. 2
(suceder a continuacin) to follow.
segn prep 1 (conforme) according to.
2 (dependiendo) depending on. 3 (como)
just as. 4 (a medida que) as. 5 (tal vez) it
segunda nf 1 (tren, etc) second class. 2
(marcha del auto) second, second gear.
3 fig (intencin) ulterior motive.
segundero nm second hand.
segundo,-a adj second.
P nm & nf second.
P nm segundo (tiempo) second.

selectividad nf

educ university entrance examination.

selenio nm selenium.
sellar vt 1 (timbrar) to stamp; (oficial) to
seal. 2 (monedas, etc) to hallmark,
stamp. 3 fig (habitacin, etc) to close
(up), seal up. 4 fig (dejar seal) to
stamp, brand. 5 fig (concluir) to seal,
settle, conclude.
P vi to sign on.
sello nm 1 (de correos) stamp. 2 (de estampar, precinto) seal.
selva nf 1 (bosque) forest. 2 (jungla) jungle.
selvicultura nf forestry.
semforo nm traffic lights pl.
semana nf 1 (tiempo) week. 2 fig (salario) weekly wage.
semanal adj weekly.
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta seis.
semanario,-a adj weekly.
seguridad nf 1 (gen) security. 2 (fsica)
P nm weekly magazine.
safety. 3 (certeza) certainty, sureness. semntica nf semantics.
4 (confianza) confidence.
sembrado,-a adj fig (cubierto) covered
seguro,-a adj 1 (asegurado) secure. 2 (a
(de, with), full (de, of).
salvo) safe. 3 (firme) firm, steady. 4
P nm sembrado sown field.
(cierto) certain, sure. 5 (de fiar) reliable.
sembrador,-ra nm & nf sower.
6 (confiado) confident.
sembradora nf seed drill.
P nm seguro 1 (contrato, pliza) insurance. 2 (mecanismo) safety device, sembrar vt 1 agr to sow. 2 fig (esparcir)
to scatter, spread.
safety catch.
P adv for sure, definitely.
semejante adj 1 (parecido) similar. 2
pey (tal) such, like that. 3 (geometra)
seis adj 1 six: pesa seis kilos it weighs six
kilos; son las seis en punto its exactly
P nm fellow being.
six oclock; el seis de junio the six of june;
tienen un hijo de seis aos they have a boy semejanza nf similarity, likeness.
of six; somos seis there are six of us. 2 semen nm semen.
(sexto) sixth: soy el seis de la lista Im sixth semental nm stud.
on the list.
semestral adj half-yearly, semestral.
P nm six: el seis number six; seis por seis
treinta y seis six times six is thirty-six, six semestre nm 1 six-month period, semester. 2 educ semester.
sixes are thirty-six.
semicrculo nm semicircle.
seisavo,-a adj-nm & nf sexto,-a.
seiscientos,-as adj (cardinal) six hun- semicircunferencia nf semicircumference.
dred; (ordinal) six hundredth.
semiconductor nm semiconductor.
P nm seiscientos (nmero) six hundred.
semicorchea nf semiquaver, sixsesmo nm (terremoto) earthquake.
teenth note.
seleccin nf 1 (gen) selection. 2 dep
semiesfrico,-a adj hemispheroidal.
(gen) team; (ftbol)
seleccionar vt to select.
semifinal nf semifinal.



semifusa nf hemidemisemiquaver,

ble. 6 (que causa pena) terrible, sad. 7

sixty-fourth note.
tc (preciso) sensitive.
semilla nf 1 seed. 2 fig seed, seeds.
sensorial adj sensory.
semillero nm 1 seedbed. 2 fig hotbed, sentado,-a adj 1 seated, sitting. 2 (esbreeding ground.
tablecido) established, settled.
seminal adj seminal.
sentar vt 1 (en silla, etc) to sit, seat. 2 fig
(establecer) to establish.
semiologa nf semiology.
P vi 1 (color, ropa, etc) to suit. 2 (comida,
semitica nf semiotics.
etc) to do; (comentario, etc) to take.
semiseco,-a adj medium dry.
P vpr sentarse 1 (en silla, etc) to sit, sit
semitono nm semitone, half-step.
down. 2 (lquido) to settle. 3 (tiempo) to
semivocal adj semivocal.
settle down.
P nf semivowel.
sentencia nf 1 jur (decisin) judgement;
smola nf semolina.
(condena) sentence. 2 (aforismo) provsenado nm 1 senate. 2 fig (reunin) aserb, maxim, saying, motto.
sentenciar vt to sentence (a, to).
senador,-ra nm & nf senator.
sentido,-a adj 1 (muerte, etc) deeply
sencillez nf 1 (gen) simplicity. 2 (naturafelt. 2 (sensible) touchy, sensitive.
lidad) simplicity, lack of affectation,
P nm sentido 1 (gen) sense. 2 (significaunpretentiousness. 3 (ingenuidad) guldo) sense, meaning. 3 (conocimiento)
libility, naivety.
consciousness. 4 (direccin) direction.
sencillo,-a adj 1 (sin adornos) simple,
sentimental adj sentimental.
plain. 2 (fcil) simple, easy. 3 (no comP nm o nf sentimental person.
puesto) single. 4 fig (persona - natural)
natural, unaffected, unpretentious; sentimiento nm 1 (gen) feeling. 2 (pena) sorrow, grief.
(- ingenua) naive, gullible.
nm 1 (sentimiento) feeling. 2 (opisenderismo nm trekking.
nin) opinion, view.
sendero nm path.
P vt 1 (gen) to feel. 2 (lamentar) to resendos,-as adj each, either.
gret, be sorry about, feel sorry. 3
Senegal nm Senegal.
(or) to hear. 4 (presentir) to feel, think,
senegals,-esa adj Senegalese.
have a feeling that.
P nm & nf Senegalese.
P vpr sentirse to feel.
seno nm 1 (pecho) breast, bosom. sea nf 1 (indicio, gesto) sign. 2 (seal)
2 (hueco entre el pecho y la ropa) bosom. 3
(matriz) womb. 4 (cavidad) cavity, holP nf pl seas address sing.
low, hole. 5 mat sine. 6 anat sinus.
seal nf 1 (signo) sign, indication. 2
sensacin nf 1 (impresin) sensation,
(marca) mark; (en libro) bookmark. 3
feeling: sensacin de calor feeling of
(aviso, comunicacin) signal. 4 (placa, letrewarmth. 2 (emocin) sensation.
ro) sign. 5 (vestigio) trace. 6 (cicatriz)
sensacional adj sensational.
scar. 7 (de telfono) tone. 8 (de pago) desensatez nf good sense.
sensato,-a adj sensible.
sealado,-a adj 1 (famoso) distinguished, famous. 2 (fijado) appointsensibilidad nf 1 (percepcin, sentido artsed, fixed. 3 (significativo) noticeable. 4
tico) sensitivity, feeling. 2 (emotividad)
(marcado) marked, scarred.
sensibility. 3 (precisin) sensitivity.
sensible adj 1 (capaz de sentir) sentient. sealar vt 1 (marcar) to mark. 2 (hacer
notar) to point out. 3 (apuntar hacia) to
2 (impresionable) sensitive. 3 (piel, odo)
point to, show. 4 (con el dedo) to point
sensitive. 4 (perceptible) perceptible,
at. 5 (fijar - cita) to arrange, make; (fe5 (consideraappreciable, noticeable.
ble) significant, considerable, sizeacha, lugar, precio) to set, fix.



sealizacin nf 1 (seales) road signs

pl; (de aeropuerto, estacin) signposting,

signs pl. 2 (colocacin) signposting.
sealizar vt to signpost.
seor,-ra adj 1 (noble) distinguished,
noble. 2 fam fine.
P nm & nf 1 (hombre) man, gentleman;
(mujer) woman, lady. 2 (amo - hombre)
master; (- mujer) mistress. 3 (tratamiento hombre) sir; (- mujer) madam, us ma'am. 4

(ante apellido - hombre) Mr; (- mujer) Mrs.

seora nf (esposa) wife.

seorita nf 1 (mujer joven) young woman;

sptimo,-a adj seventh.

. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta sexto,-a.

septuagenario,-a nm & nf septuagenarian.

septuagsimo,-a adj seventieth.

. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta sexto,-a.

sepulcro nm tomb.
sepultar vt to bury.
sepultura nf 1 (lugar) grave. 2 (acto)

sequa nf drought.
ser vi 1 (gen) to be: Scrates era filsofo

(con ms formalidad) young lady. 2 (tratamiento) Miss. 3 fam (puro) small cigar. 4
Socrates was a philosopher. 2 (pertenecer)
la seorita educ the teacher, Miss.
to be, belong (de, to): estas sillas son
seuelo nm 1 decoy. 2 fig bait.
nuestras these chairs are ours. 3 (ser prospalo nm sepal.
pio) to be like (de, -): es muy de Pilar it's
separacin nf 1 separation. 2 (espacio)
just like Pilar. 4 (costar) to be, cost: cun
space, gap.
to es? how much is it? 5 (causar) to cause,
separado,-a adj 1 separate. 2 (divorciabe. 6 (consistir en) to lie in, consist of. 7
do) separated. l o c por separado sepa(suceder) to happen (de, to): qu fue de
rately, individually.
Ivn? what happened to Ivn? 8 (ocurrir,
separar vt 1 (gen) to separate. 2 (hacer
tener lugar) to take place, be held: la
grupos) to separate, sort out. 3 (guarreunin ser en el saln de actos the meeting
dar aparte) to set aside, put aside. 4
will be held in the assembly hall. 9 ser de
(apartar) to move away (de, from). 5
(proceder) to be from, come from: Santi
(de empleo, cargo) to remove (de, from),
es de Cceres Santi is from Cceres. 10 (indismiss (de, from). 6 fig (mantener aledica material) to be made of: la puerta es
jado) to keep away (de, from).
de madera the door is made of wood. 11
P vpr separarse 1 (tomar diferente camino)
(devenir) to become of: qu sera de noso
to separate, part company. 2 (matritros sin ti! what would become of us
monio) to separate. 3 (apartarse) to
without you! 12 (estar escrito) to be by,
move away (de, from). 4 (desprenderbe written by: es de Garca Mrquez it's
se) to separate (de, from), come off
by Garca Mrquez. 13 ser de + inf (ser
(de, -). 5 (de amigo, etc) to part compadigno) to be worth: es de ver it's worth
ny (de, with). 6 separarse de (dejar alseeing; es de admirar she's to be admired.
go) to part with.
P aux (pasiva) to be: fue encontrado por
sepia nf (pez) cuttlefish.
Ral it was found by Ral.
septenario,-a adj septenary.
P nm 1 (ente) being. 2 (esencia) essence,
P nm septenario septenary.
substance. 3 (valor) core, heart. 4 (viseptenio nm septennium.
da) life, existence. c o m p ser humano
septentrional adj northern.
human being.
septeto nm septet.
serbal nm service tree.
septicemia nf septicaemia (us sepserbio,-a adj Serb, Serbian.
P nm & nf Serb, Serbian.
sptico,-a adj septic.
P nm serbio (idioma) Serbian.
septiembre nm September.
vt 1 (gen) to calm. 2 fig (a al. Para ejemplos de
uso, consulta marzo.
guien) to calm down.



serenarse 1 meteor to clear up. 2

(mar) to grow calm. 3 fig (persona) to
calm down.
serenidad nf serenity, calm. l o c con
servar la serenidad to keep calm.
sereno,-a adj 1 meteor (cielo) clear;
(tiempo) fine, good. 2 fig (persona - tranquila) calm. 3 fig (ambiente, etc) calm,
peaceful, quiet.
P nm sereno 1 (vigilante) night watchman. 2 (ambiente de la noche) night air,
night dew.
serie nf 1 (gen) series. 2 (conjunto) series,
string, succession.
seriedad nf 1 (gravedad) seriousness,
gravity. 2 (formalidad) reliability, dependability. l o c con seriedad seriously.
serio,-a adj 1 (importante) serious,
grave. 2 (severo) serious. 3 (formal) reliable, responsible, dependable. 4 (color) sober; (traje, etc) formal. l o c tomar
en serio to take seriously.
sermn nm 1 rel sermon. 2 fam sermon, ticking-off, lecture.
seropositivo,-a adj 1 seropositive. 2
(con el VIH) HIV positive.
serpentear vi 1 (gen) to crawl, wriggle. 2 (camino) to wind, twist; (ro) to
wind, meander.
P vpr

serpentn nm
serpentina nf (de papel) streamer.
serpiente nf snake.
serpol nm wild thyme.
serrana nf mountain range, mountains pl.

serrar vt to saw.
serrera nf sawmill.
serrn nm sawdust.
serrucho nm handsaw.
servicial adj obliging, helpful, accommodating.

servicio nm 1 (gen) service. 2 (criados)

servidor,-ra nm & nf 1 servant. 2 euf

P nm

servidor 1



gunner. 2


servilleta nf napkin, serviette.

servio,-a adj Serb, Serbian.

& nf Serb, Serbian.

servio (idioma) Serbian.
servir vt 1 (gen) to serve. 2 (comida, bebida) to serve, wait on. 3 (ayudar) to
help. 4 com (suministrar) to serve, supP nm
P nm

ply with; (entregar) to deliver.

P vi 1 (gen) to serve. 2 (ser til) to be
useful, be helpful, be a help. 3 (objeto) to be no good: esto no sirve this is no
good. 4 (estar al servicio de otro) to be a
servant, be in service. 5 (asistir a la mesa) to serve (en, at), wait (en, at): ser
vir en la mesa to wait at table.
P vpr servirse 1 (comida, etc) to serve os,
help os. 2 (usar) to use (de, -), make
use of (de, -).
ssamo nm sesame.
sesenta adj (cardinal) sixty; (ordinal) sixtieth.
P nm (nmero) sixty.
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta seis.

sesentavo,-a adj sixtieth.

. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta sexto,-a.

sesin nf 1 (reunin) session, meeting.

2 cine showing. c o m p sesin continua

continuous session. y sesin plenaria
plenary session.
seso nm 1 brain. 2 fam fig brains pl,
grey matter, sense.
P nm pl sesos culin brains.
seta nf (comestible) mushroom; (no comestible) toadstool.
setecientos,-as adj (cardinal) seven
hundred; (ordinal) seven-hundredth.
P nm setecientos (nmero) seven hundred.

. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta seis.

servants pl; (asistente) domestic help. setenta adj (cardinal) seventy; (ordinal)
3 (juego, conjunto) set. 4 (favor) service,
favour ( us favor). 5 dep service,
P nm (nmero) seventy.
.] (retrete) toiserve. 6 [tambin servicios
. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta seis.
let, us rest room.



setentavo,-a adj seventieth.

P nm

& nf seventieth.

. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta sexto,-a.

setiembre nm September.

. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta marzo.

seto nm hedge.
severidad nf 1 (gravedad) severity,
harshness. 2 (rigurosidad) strictness.

severo,-a adj 1 (grave) severe, harsh. 2

(riguroso) strict.

sexagenario,-a adj sexagenarian.

& nf sexagenarian.
sexagesimal adj sexagesimal.
sexagsimo,-a adj sixtieth.
P nm & nf sixtieth.
P nm

. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta sexto,-a.

sexenio nm six-year period.

sexismo nm sexism.
sexista adj 1 sexist. 2 (machista) chau-

P nm 1 sexist. 2 (machista) male chauvinist.
sexo nm 1 sex. 2 (rganos) sexual organs pl, genitals pl.
sextante nm sextant.
sexteto nm sextet.
sexto,-a adj sixth: una sexta parte a
sixth; el siglo sexto the sixth century; Al
fonso sexto Alfonso the sixth; vive en un
sexto piso he lives in a sixth-floor flat;
acab en sexto lugar he finished in sixth
place. 2 (sexto) sixth: soy el seis de la lista
Im sixth on the list.
P nm & nf sixth: le correspondi un sexto
del pastel he got a sixth of the cake.
sextuplicar vt to multiply by six,
sxtuplo,-a adj sextuple.
P nm sxtuplo six times as much, six
times as many.
sexual adj (gen) sex; (relaciones) sexual:
vida sexual sex life.
sexualidad nf sexuality.

si1 conj 1 (condicional) if: si quieres puedes ve

nir con nosotros you can come with us if

you want to. 2 (disyuntiva, duda) if,
whether: no s si decrselo (o no) I don't
know whether to tell her (or not). 3 (nfasis) but: pero si es facilsimo! but it's
really easy! l o c como si as if. y por si
acaso just in case: llvatelo por si acaso

take it with you just in case.

si2 nm ms ti, si, B.

s1 pron 1 (l) himself; (ella) herself; (cosa)

itself; (ellos, ellas) themselves; (usted)

yourself; (ustedes) yourselves: lo hizo
por s misma she did it by herself; habla
ban para s they were talking to themselves. 2 (uno mismo) oneself. 3 (recproco) each other: hablaban entre s they
were talking to each other.
s2 adv 1 yes: dijo que s she said yes. 2
(enftico) of course: s que me gusta of
course I like it. l o c creo que s I think
so. y porque s 1 (sin razn) just because I (you, etc) say so. 2 (por naturaleza) that's the way it is: no puedes mar
charte porque s you can't leave just
because you feel like it.
siberiano,-a adj Siberian.
P nm & nf Siberian.
sicoanlisis nm inv psychoanalysis.
sicodlico,-a adj psychedelic.
sicologa nf psychology.

sida abrev med (sndrome de inmunode-

ficiencia adquirida) acquired im-

mune deficiency syndrome; (abreviatura) AIDS.

siderurgia nf iron and steel industry.
sidra nf cider, us hard cider.
siega nf 1 (accin) harvesting, reaping.
2 (poca) harvest, harvest time. 3
(mieses) harvest.
siembra nf 1 (accin) sowing. 2 (poca)
sowing time. 3 (sembrado) sown field.
siempre adv always: siempre recordar sus
palabras I'll always remember her words.
siempreviva nf everlasting flower,
Seychelles nm pl las (islas) Seychelles
the Seychelles.
sien nf temple.
sha nm shah.
sierra nf 1 tc saw. 2 geog mountain
shrif nm sheriff.


Sierra Leona nf Sierra Leone.

sierraleons,-esa adj Sierra Leonean.

P nm

& nf Sierra Leonean.

siesta nf siesta, afternoon nap.

siete adj (cardinal) seven; (sptimo) seventh.

nm 1 (nmero) seven. 2 fam (rasgn)


. Para ejemplos de uso, consulta seis.


silicato nm silicate.
slice nf silica.
silceo,-a adj flinty.
silcico,-a adj silicic.
silicio nm silicon.
silla nf 1 chair. 2 (de montar) saddle.
sillar nm (piedra) ashlar.
silln nm saddle.
silln nm armchair.
silueta nf 1 (contorno) silhouette. 2 (figu-

ra) figure, shape.

silvestre adj wild.
silvicultura nf forestry.
sigla nf acronym, abbreviation.
siglo nm 1 century. 2 fig (vida mundana) sima nf abyss, chasm.
world. c o m p el Siglo de Oro the Gold- simbiosis nf inv symbiosis.
simblico,-a adj symbolic, symbolien Age.
significacin nf 1 (sentido) meaning. 2
simbolizar vt to symbolize.
(trascendencia) significance.
significado,-a adj well-known, im- smbolo nm symbol.
simetra nf symmetry.
P nm significado 1 meaning. 2 ling
simtrico,-a adj symmetric.
simiente nf seed.
significar vt 1 to mean: no s lo que sig simiesco,-a adj simian, apelike.
nifica I don't know what it means. 2 (ha- smil nm 1 (comparacin) comparison. 2
cer saber) to make known, express.
(semejanza) resemblance. 3 lit simile.
significativo,-a adj 1 (que da a entender) similar adj similar.
meaningful. 2 (importante) significant. simio nm simian, monkey.
signo nm 1 (gen) sign. 2 gram mark. 3 simpata nf 1 (cordialidad) affection
(destino) fate, destiny. 4 (tendencia) ten(por, for), liking (por, for). 2 (amabilidency.
dad) warmth, pleasantness. 3 (afinisiguiente adj following, next: vamos a
dad) affinity (por, with). 4 (solidaridad)
leer el captulo siguiente we're going to
sympathy (por, towards), solidarity
read the next chapter. l o c el siguiente!
(con, with). 5 med sympathy.
next, please!
simptico,-a adj 1 (amable) nice, likeslaba nf syllable.
able; (agradable) kind, friendly; (encansilbar vi 1 to whistle. 2 (abuchear) to
tador) charming. 2 med sympathetic.
hiss, boo.
simpatizante nm o nf supporter.
silbato nm whistle.
simpatizar vi 1 (con persona) to get on
silbido nm 1 (accin) whistle, whis(con, with). 2 (con idea, etc) to sympatling. 2 (abucheo) hissing.
thize (con, with).
silenciar vt 1 (ocultar) to hush up. 2 (pa- simple adj 1 (gen) simple. 2 (nico) sinsar por alto) not to mention.
gle, just one. 3 (mero) mere. 4 (persona)
simple, simple-minded.
silencio nm silence. l o c guardar silen
cio to keep quiet.
simplicidad nf 1 simplicity. 2 (ingenuidad) naivety, ingenuousness.
silencioso,-a adj (persona) quiet; (objeto)
simplificar vt to simplify.
silepsis nf inv syllepsis.
simposio nm symposium.
slex nm inv flint.
simulacin nf simulation.

sigilo nm 1 (secreto) secrecy. 2 (discrecin)



simulacro nm sham, pretence (us pre-

P vpr sindicarse (unirse a un sindicato) to

join a trade union.
tense): simulacro de incendio fire drill.
sindicato nm trade union, union.
simulado,-a adj simulated.
sndico nm 1 pol elected representasimulador,-ra adj simulative.
tive. 2 (depositario) trustee.
P nm & nf pretender.
P nm simulador tc simulator.
sndrome nm syndrome.
simular vt 1 to simulate. 2 (fingir) to sinresis nf inv syneresis, synaeresis.
sinergia nf synergy.
simultanear vt 1 (hacer dos cosas) to do sinfn nm endless number.
simultaneously, do at the same sinfona nf symphony.
time. 2 (combinar) to combine.
sinfnico,-a adj symphonic.
simultaneidad nf simultaneity.
Singapur nm Singapore.
simultneo,-a adj simultaneous.
singular adj 1 (nico) singular, single. 2
sin prep 1 (carencia) without. 2 (adems
(excepcional) extraordinary, excepde) not counting. l o c estar sin + inf
not to have been + pp: est sin plan
P nm gram singular. l o c en singular
char it hasn't been ironed. y sin querer
gram in the singular.
accidentally, by mistake: lo hizo sin singularidad nf 1 (unicidad) singulariquerer he didn't mean to do it.
ty. 2 (excepcionalidad) strangeness,
sinagoga nf synagogue.
sinalefa nf synalepha, synaloepha, singularizar vt 1 (distinguir) to distinguish, single out. 2 gram to use in
the singular.
sincerarse vpr (abrirse) to open one's
P vpr singularizarse to distinguish os
heart (con, to).
(por, by/with), stand out ((por, for).
sinceridad nf sincerity.
siniestra nf (mano izquierda) left hand.
sincero,-a adj sincere.
siniestrado,-a adj lit damaged.
sinclinal nm syncline.
sncopa nf 1 ms syncopation. 2 ling siniestro,-a adj 1 lit (izquierdo) left, lefthand. 2 (malo) sinister, ominous.
P nm siniestro disaster, catastrophe;
sincopado,-a adj ms syncopated.
(accidente) accident; (incendio) fire.
sincopar vt 1 (notas, palabras) to syncosinnmero nm endless number.
pate. 2 fig (abreviar) to abridge.
sino1 conj 1 (contraposicin) but: no es blan
sncope nm syncope.
co sino negro it isn't white but black. 2
sincretismo nm syncretism.
(excepcin) but, except for: nadie lo sabe
sincrona nf synchrony.
sino Antonio nobody knows except for
sincrnico,-a adj synchronic.
sincronismo nm synchronism.
sino2 nm (destino) fate, destiny.
sincronizacin nf synchronization.
sinonimia nf synonymy.
sincronizar vt to synchronize.
sinnimo,-a adj synonymous.
P nm sinnimo synonym.
sindicado,-a adj who belongs to a
trade union.
sinopsis nf inv synopsis.
sindical adj trade union, union.
sinptico,-a adj synoptic, synoptical.
sindicalismo nm trade unionism, un- sinrazn nf wrong, injustice.
sinsabor nm fig worry, trouble, heartsindicalista nm o nf trade unionist,
sintctico,-a adj syntactic, syntacti
sindicar vt to unionize.


sintagma nm phrase.

c o m p sintagma
nominal noun phrase.
sintaxis nf inv syntax.
sntesis nf inv synthesis.
sinttico,-a adj synthetic.
sintetizador nm synthesizer.
sintetizar vt 1 to synthesize. 2 (resumir) to summarize: sintetizando dira
que to sum up, I'd like to say that
sntoma nm symptom.
sintomtico,-a adj 1 symptomatic. 2


sirviente,-a nm & nf servant.

sisa nf cost armhole.
sisal nm sisal.
sisar vt 1 cost to dart, take in. 2 (hurtar)

to pilfer, pinch, nick; (estafar) to

sisear vi to hiss.
P vt to hiss.
siseo nm hiss, hissing.
ssmico,-a adj seismic.
sismo nm earthquake, tremor.
fig significant.
sismgrafo nm seismograph.
sintomatologa nf symptomatology.
sintona nf 1 (de radio) tuning. 2 (msica) sismologa nf seismology.
signature tune. 3 fig (armona) har- sismlogo,-a nm & nf seismologist.
mony. l o c estar en sintona con algn sistema nm system. c o m p sistema de
fig to be in tune with sb, be on sb's
ecuaciones simultaneous equations pl.
y sistema mtrico decimal decimal metsintonizador nm 1 (botn) tuning
ric system. y sistema nervioso nervous
knob. 2 (de cadena de sonido) tuner.
system. y sistema operativo operative
sintonizar vt (radio) to tune in to: sinto
niz una emisora local he tuned in to a lo- sistemtico,-a adj systematic.
cal radio station.
sistematizar vt to systematize.
P vi fig (llevarse bien) to get on well, be
sstole nf systole.
on the same wavelength.
sinuosidad nf 1 (cualidad) sinuosity. 2 sistlico,-a adj systolic.
(curva) bend, curve. 3 fig (de argumento, sitiado,-a adj besieged.
P nm & nf besieged.
etc) tortuousness; (de persona) devisitial nm seat of honour (us honor).
sinuoso,-a adj 1 (camino) winding. 2 fig sitiar vt to besiege, lay siege to.
(argumento) tortuous; (persona) devious.
sitio nm 1 (lugar) place. 2 (espacio) space,
sinvergenza nm o nf 1 (pcaro) rotter,
room. 3 (asiento) seat. 4 mil siege.
swine, louse. 2 (descarado) cheeky
c o m p sitio web website.
sito,-a adj fml located, situated.
siquiatra nm o nf psychiatrist.
situacin nf 1 (circunstancia) situation. 2
siquiatra nf psychiatry.
(posicin) position. 3 (emplazamiento)
squico,-a adj psquico,-a.
situation, location.
siquiera conj 1 (adversativa) even situado,-a adj situated, located.
though, even if: quisiera hablar contigo,
situar vt to place, locate, situate, put.
siquiera fuera un momento I would like to
P vpr situarse 1 (colocarse) to be placed,
speak to you, even if it's only for a mobe located, be situated. 2 (lograr una
ment. 2 (distributiva) whether.
posicin) to get on, do well, be sucP adv (por lo menos) at least: dame siquie
ra la mitad give me at least half of it.
sirena nf 1 (ninfa) siren, mermaid. 2 soasar vt to roast lightly.
sobaco nm armpit.
(alarma) siren.
sobado,-a adj 1 (desgastado) worn,
Siria nf Syria.
shabby. 2 (manoseado) well-thumbed,
sirio,-a adj Syrian.
P nm & nf Syrian.
dog-eared. 3 fig (manido) well-worn.



sobar vt 1 (ablandar) to knead. 2 fig

sobrecogedor,-ra adj 1 (conmovedor)

dramatic, awesome. 2 (que da miedo)
(manosear - objeto) to finger; (- persona)
to grope, paw, touch up.
sobrecoger vt 1 (tomar por sorpresa) to
soberana nf sovereignty.
startle, take by surprise. 2 (asustar)
soberano,-a adj 1 sovereign. 2 fig exto frighten, scare.
treme, supreme. 3 fam huge, great.
sobrecubierta nf jacket, dust cover.
P nm & nf sovereign.
soberbia nf 1 (orgullo) pride; (arrogancia) sobredosis nf inv overdose.
arrogance, haughtiness. 2 (clera) sobreentender vt 1 (comprender) to understand. 2 (deducir) to deduce.
rage, anger.
P vpr sobreentenderse to be implied,
soberbio,-a adj 1 (orgulloso) proud; (arrobe inferred: se sobreentiende que su res
gante) arrogant, haughty. 2 (suntuoso)
puesta ser afirmativa one assumes that
sumptuous, magnificent. 3 (magnfico)
she will say yes.
superb, splendid, magnificent.
sobreexcitacin nf overexcitement.
sobornable adj bribable, venal.
sobreexcitar vt to overexcite.
sobornar vt to bribe, suborn.
P vpr sobreexcitarse to get overexsoborno nm 1 (accin) bribery. 2 (regalo,
etc) bribe.
sobreexponer vt to overexpose.
sobra nf (exceso) excess, surplus. l o c sobreexposicin nf overexposure.
saber algo de sobra to know sth only sobrehilar vt cost to whipstitch.
too well.
sobrehumano,-a adj superhuman.
P nf pl sobras (desperdicios) leftovers.
sobreimpresin nf overprint.
sobrado,-a adj (que sobra) ample, more sobrellevar vt to bear, endure.
than enough, plenty of.
sobremanera adv exceedingly.
sobrante adj leftover, remaining, sobremesa nf 1 (perodo) afternoon: la
programacin de la sobremesa the afterspare.
noon's television programmes. 2 (charla)
sobrar vi 1 (haber ms de lo necesario) to
table talk.
be more than enough, be too much.
2 (estar de ms) to be superfluous, be sobrenadar vi to float.
unnecessary. 3 (quedar) to have left sobrenatural adj supernatural.
sobrenombre nm nickname.
over, be left over.
sobre prep 1 (encima) on, upon, on top sobrentender vt-vpr sobreentender.
of. 2 (por encima) over, above. 3 (acerca sobrepaga nf bonus.
de) about, on. 4 (alrededor de) about, sobrepasar vt 1 to exceed, surpass, be
in excess of. 2 (competicin) to beat.
sobrepeso nm 1 overload, excess
P nm 1 (de correo) envelope. 2 (de sopa,
weight. 2 (de persona) excess weight.
etc) packet. l o c sobre todo above all,
sobreponer vt to put on top (en, of),
superimpose (en, on).
sobre- pref super-, over-.
P vpr sobreponerse 1 fig (al dolor, etc) to
sobreabundancia nf superabunovercome ( a, -). 2 fig (animarse) to
dance, overabundance.
pull os together.
sobrealimentar vt to overfeed.
sobreproduccin nf excess producsobretico nm penthouse.
tion, overproduction.
sobrecarga nf 1 overload. 2 fig addi- sobresaliente adj 1 sticking out, protional burden, further worry.
truding. 2 fig outstanding, excellent.
sobrecargar vt 1 to
overload. 2 fig to
P nm (calificacin - colegio) A; (- universidad)
first, us A.


sobresalir vi 1 to stick out, protrude.


socio,-a nm & nf 1 (miembro) member. 2

com partner, associate. 3 (accionista)

shareholder, member.
socioeconmico,-a adj socioeconomic.
sociologa nf sociology.
sobresdrjulo,-a adj accented on the socilogo,-a nm & nf sociologist.
socorrer vt to help, assist, come to
antepenultimate syllable.
the aid of, go to the aid of.
sobrestimar vt to overestimate.
socorrista nm o nf life-saver, lifeguard.
sobretodo nm (abrigo) overcoat.
socorro nm 1 (ayuda) help, aid, assissobrevalorar vt to overestimate.
tance. 2 (provisiones) supplies pl, prosobrevenir vi to happen to, befall: no
visions pl.
sabremos nunca lo que le sobrevino we'll
P interj help!
never know what happened to her.
soda nf 1 (bebida) soda water. 2 qum
sobreviviente nm o nf survivor.
sobrevivir vi 1 (gen) to survive. 2 (a alsdico,-a adj sodium.
guien) to outlive.
sodio nm sodium.
sobrevolar vt to fly over.
sof nm sofa, settee.
sobrexcitacin nf overexcitement.
sof-cama nm sofa bed, studio
sobrexcitar vt-vpr sobreexcitar.
sobrexponer vt sobreexponer.
sofisticacin nf sophistication.
sobriedad nf sobriety, moderation,
sofisticado,-a adj sophisticated.
sobrino,-a nm & nf (hombre) nephew; sofocante adj suffocating, stifling.
sofocar vt 1 (ahogar) to suffocate, sti(mujer) niece.
fle, smother. 2 fig (incendio) to put
sobrio,-a adj 1 (estilo, color, etc) sober,
out, extinguish; (rebelin) to supplain. 2 (persona) sober, moderate.
press, put down.
socavar vt 1 (excavar) to dig under. 2
P vpr sofocarse 1 (de calor, etc) to suffofig to undermine.
cate. 2 fig (ruborizarse) to blush.
socavn nm 1 (cueva excavada) excava- sofoco nm 1 (ahogo) suffocation, stition. 2 (bache) hollow, hole. 3 (de una
fling sensation. 2 fig (vergenza) emmina) gallery, tunnel.
barrassment; (rubor) blushing. 3 fam
sociabilidad nf sociability.
(disgusto) shock.
sociable adj sociable, friendly.
sofocn nm fam shock. l o c llevarse un
social adj social.
sofocn fam to get into a state.
socialdemocracia nf social democ- sofrer vt to fry lightly, brown.
sofrito nm fried tomato and onion
socialdemcrata adj social demosauce.
software nm software.
P nm o nf social democrat.
soga nf rope, cord.
socialismo nm socialism.
soja nf soya bean, us soybean. c o m p
socialista adj socialist.
salsa de soja soy sauce.
P nm o nf socialist.
sojuzgar vt to subjugate.
socializar vt 1 (gen) to socialize. 2 (na- sol1 nm 1 (estrella) sun. 2 (luz) sun, suncionalizar) to nationalize.
light, sunshine. 3 fam (persona) darsociedad nf 1 (gen) society. 2 com
ling. 4 (moneda de Per) sol, standard
society, assocompany. 3 (asociacin)
monetary unit of Peru. l o c hace sol
it's sunny, the sun's shining. y tomar

2 fig to stand out, excel.

sobresaltar vt to startle.
P vpr sobresaltarse to be startled.
sobresalto nm start; (de temor) fright,



el sol 1 (tendido) to sunbathe. 2 (al ca-

sola venir cada martes she used to come

every Tuesday.
minar) to get some sun.
solicitante nm o nf applicant.
sol2 nm ms sol, G.
solapa nf 1 (de prenda) lapel. 2 (de sobre, solicitar vt 1 (pedir) to request. 2 (trabajo)
to apply for; (permiso, etc) to ask for;
libro) flap.
(votos) to canvass for. 3 (persona) to
solapado,-a adj fig sly, evasive.
chase after. 4 (cortejar) to woo, court.
solapar vt 1 cost to put lapels on. 2
solcito,-a adj obliging, attentive.
fig (ocultar) to conceal, cover up.
solicitud nf 1 (peticin) request; (de traP vi (cubrir) to overlap.
bajo) application; (- impreso) applicasolar1 adj (del sol) solar.
tion form. 2 (instancia) petition. 3 (dilisolar2 nm 1 (terreno) plot, lot; (en obras)
gencia) solicitude, care. c o m p solicitud
building site. 2 (casa solariega) ancesde empleo job application.
tral home.
nf solidarity.
solar vt (suelo) to floor.
solidario,-a adj 1 (ligado) united. 2 (ressolaz nm 1 (esparcimiento) recreation,
ponsabilidad, causa) common.
entertainment. 2 (descanso) rest, resolidarizarse
vpr 1 (gen) to show
one's solidarity (con, with). 2 (aposolazar vt 1 (entretener) to amuse, enyar) to support (con, -).
tertain. 2 (descansar) to rest, relax.
nf (resistencia) solidity, strength;
P vpr solazarse 1 (divertirse) to enjoy os.
(firmeza) firmness.
2 (relajarse) to relax.
solidificacin nf solidification.
soldado nm soldier. c o m p soldado raso
solidificar vt 1 (lquido) to solidify. 2
(pasta) to harden, set.
soldador,-ra nm & nf welder.
P vpr solidificarse 1 (lquido) to solidify.
P nm soldador soldering iron.
2 (pasta) to harden, set.
soldadura nf 1 (accin) welding, solder- slido,-a adj 1 (fuerte) solid, strong; (firing. 2 (unin) weld, soldered joint.
me) firm. 2 fig (color) fast. 3 fig (princisoldar vt 1 (metal) to weld, solder. 2 fig
pios, etc) sound.
(enmendar) to mend.
P nm slido solid.
P vpr soldarse (huesos) to knit.
solista nm o nf soloist.
soleado,-a adj sunny.
solitaria nf med tapeworm.
solear vt to expose to the sun, put in solitario,-a adj 1 (que est solo) solitary,
the sun.
lone. 2 (que se siente solo) lonely. 3 (lusoledad nf 1 (estado) solitude. 2 (sentigar) deserted, lonely.
miento) loneliness. 3 (lugar) lonely
P nm & nf (persona) solitary person.
P nm solitario (diamante, naipes) solitaire.
solemne adj 1 solemn, majestic. 2
pey downright: es una solemne tontera slito,-a adj usual, customary.
it's downright stupidity.
soliviantar vt 1 (inducir) to rouse, stir
up. 2 (irritar) to irritate.
solemnidad nf 1 (pompa) solemnity,
pomp, formality. 2 (acto, ceremonia) sollozar vi to sob.
solemn ceremony, ceremonial oc- slo adv solo1.
solo1 adv [slo se usa si se puede producir
solemnizar vt (celebrar) to solemnize,
confusin con el adjetivo o con el nombre]
celebrate; (conmemorar) to commemonly, just: solo quiero caf I just want a
soler vi (acostumbrar
- presente) to be in solo,-a adj 1 (sin compaa) alone, on
one's own, by os; (sin ayuda) (by) os,
the habit of + -ing; (- pasado) used to:



(for) os. 2 (solitario) lonely. 3 (nico) sombro,-a adj 1 (lugar) dark. 2 fig (teonly, sole, single. 4 (caf) black.
nebroso) gloomy, sombre (us sombP nm solo 1 (naipes) solitaire. 2 fam (caer). 3 fig (persona) gloomy, sullen.
f) black coffee. 3 ms solo. l o c a so someter vt 1 (rebeldes) to subdue, put
las alone, by os.
down; (rebelin) to quell. 2 (hacer recibir)
solomillo nm sirloin.
to subject (a, to). 3 (pasiones) to subsoltar vt 1 (desasir) to let go of, release,
due. 4 (proponer, presentar) to submit.
drop. 2 (desatar) to untie, unfasten,
P vpr someterse 1 (rendirse) to surrenundo; (aflojar) to loosen. 3 (preso) to
der (a, to). 2 (tratamiento, etc) to underrelease, free, set free. 4 (animal) to let
go (a, -). l o c someter a prueba to test,
out; (perro) to unleash. 5 (humo, olor) to
put to the test. y someter algo a vota
give off. 6 (puntos) to drop. 7 (de viencin to put sth to the vote.
tre) to loosen. 8 fam (arrear) to give, somnolencia nf sleepiness, drowsideal. 9 fam (decir) to come out with,
ness, somnolence.
blurt out.
somnoliento,-a adj sleepy, drowsy.
P vpr soltarse 1 (desatarse) to come unson nm 1 (sonido) sound. 2 fig (modo)
tied, come unfastened. 2 (desprendermanner, way: a mi son my way. l o c en
se) to come off. 3 (tornillo, etc) to come
son de paz in peace.
loose. 4 (animal) to get loose, break
adj 1 (conocido) famous. 2
loose. 5 (puntos) to come undone. 6
(escndalo, etc) much talked-about.
(vientre) to loosen. 7 fig (adquirir habili3 fam fig (loco) mad, crazy.
dad) to become proficient, get the
knack. 8 fig (desenvolverse) to become sonmbulo,-a nm & nf sleepwalker,
self-confident, loosen up.
sonar1 vi 1 (hacer ruido) to sound. 2 (timsoltero,-a adj single, unmarried.
bre, telfono, etc) to ring. 3 (alarma, reloj)
P nm & nf (hombre) bachelor, single
to go off. 4 (instrumento) to play. 5 (leman; (mujer) single woman.
tra) to be pronounced.
soluble adj soluble.
P vt 1 (conocer vagamente) to sound fasolucin nf solution.
miliar, ring a bell. 2 (timbre, etc) to
solucionar vt 1 (problema) to solve. 2
ring; (bocina) to blow, sound; (instru(huelga, asunto) to settle.
mento) to play.
solventar vt 1 (dificultad, problema) to
P vpr sonarse (nariz) to blow.
solve, resolve. 2 (deuda, asunto) to setsonar2 nm mar sonar.
solvente adj 1 fin solvent. 2 (fiable) re- sonda nf 1 med (para intervenciones quirrgicas) probe; (para evacuar lquidos) cathliable.
eter. 2 mar sounding line. 3 (barreno)
P nm qum solvent.
drill, bore. 4 (atmosfrica) sonde; (espasomal adj Somali.
cio) probe.
P nm o nf Somali.
sondear vt 1 med to sound, probe. 2
Somalia nf Somalia.
mar to sound. 3 (subsuelo) to drill,
sombra nf 1 (falta de sol) shade. 2 (siluebore. 4 fig (encuestar) to sound out.
ta) shadow. 3 (espectro) ghost, shade.
4 fig (persona que sigue a otra) shadow. 5 sondeo nm 1 med sounding, probing.
2 mar sounding. 3 (del subsuelo) drillfam fig (gracia) wit. 6 fig (parte pequea)
ing, boring. 4 fig (encuesta) poll.
trace, shadow, bit. 7 fig (clandestinisoneto nm sonnet.
dad) secrecy.
snico,-a adj sonic.
sombreado nm shading.
sonido nm sound.
sombrero nm 1 (prenda)
sombrilla nf parasol, sunshade.
sonoridad nf sonority.



sonoro,-a adj 1 (resonante) loud, re-

sordo,-a adj 1 (persona) deaf. 2 (sonido,

dolor, golpe) dull. 3 ling voiceless.
sounding. 2 ling sound.
P nm & nf (persona) deaf person.
sonrer vi to smile.
sordomudez nf deaf-mutism.
P vt 1 to smile at. 2 fig (favorecer) to
sordomudo,-a adj deaf and dumb.
smile on, smile upon.
P nm & nf deaf mute.
P vpr sonrerse to smile.
sorgo nm sorghum.
sonriente adj smiling.
sorprendente adj surprising, amazsonrisa nf smile.
ing, astonishing.
sonrojar vt to make blush.
sorprender vt 1 (tomar desprevenido) to
P vpr sonrojarse to blush.
catch unaware, take by surprise. 2
sonsacar vt 1 (gen) to wheedle. 2 fig
fig (descubrir) to discover; (conversacin)
(secreto) to get out of, worm out.
to overhear. 3 fig (maravillar) to sursoador,-ra nm & nf dreamer.
prise, astonish, amaze.
soar vt 1 (al dormir) to dream. 2 fig
P vpr sorprenderse fig to be surprised.
(fantasear) to daydream, dream.
sorpresa nf surprise.
P vi 1 (al dormir) to dream (con, about/
sortear vt 1 (echar a suertes) to draw lots
of). 2 fig (fantasear) to daydream (con,
for, cast lots for. 2 (rifar) to raffle. 3
about), dream (con, about/of).
mil to draft. 4 fig (obstculos, dificultad)
soolencia nf sleepiness.
to get round, overcome; (preguntas)
sooliento,-a adj drowsy, sleepy.
to dodge, evade, get round.
sorteo nm draw; (rifa) raffle.
sopa nf (plato) soup.
sopesar vt 1 to try the weight of. 2 fig sortija nf (anillo) ring.
to weigh up.
sortilegio nm 1 (hechicera) sorcery,
witchcraft. 2 (hechizo) spell.
soplar vi 1 (viento, etc) to blow. 2 fam
sosa nf 1 qum soda. 2 bot saltwort.
(denunciar) to squeal.
P vt 1 (polvo, etc) to blow away, blow
sosegado,-a adj calm, quiet.
off; (vela) to blow out; (sopa) to blow sosegar vt (aplacar) to calm, quieten.
P vpr sosegarse (calmarse) to calm down.
on; (globo) to blow up. 2 (vidrio) to
blow. 3 fam fig (delatar) to split on, sosiego nm calmness, peace.
grass on. 4 fam fig (en un examen, etc) to soso,-a adj 1 (inspido) tasteless; (sin sal)
whisper the answer, tell the answer.
unsalted. 2 fig dull, insipid.
soplete nm blowtorch, blowlamp.
sospecha nf suspicion.
sospechar vt (imaginar) to suspect,
soplido nm blow, puff.
think, suppose.
soplo nm 1 (con la boca) blow, puff. 2 (de
P vi (desconfiar) to suspect (de, -).
viento) puff. 3 fig (momento) moment,
minute. 4 med murmur. 5 fam (de se- sospechoso,-a adj suspicious.
P nm & nf suspect.
creto, etc) tip-off.
soportar vt 1 (aguantar) to support, bear. sostn nm 1 (apoyo) support. 2 (sustento)
sustenance. 3 [tambin se usa en plural
2 fig (sufrir) to stand, bear, endure. 3 fig
con el mismo significado] (prenda) bra.
(lluvia, tormenta, etc) to weather.
vt 1 (mantener firme) to supc
soporte nm support.
soporte de
port, hold up. 2 (sujetar) to hold. 3 fig
datos inform data carrier.
(apoyar) to support, back. 4 fig (afirmar)
sorbo nm 1 (accin) sip. 2 (trago) gulp.
to maintain, affirm. 5 fig (alimentar) to
sordera nf deafness.
support, keep. 6 fig (velocidad, corressordidez nf 1 (suciedad) squalor. 2 (mezpondencia, relacin, etc) to keep up.
quindad) meanness.
P vpr sostenerse 1 (mantenerse) to supsrdido,-a adj 1 (sucio)
squalid, sordid.
port os; (de pie) to stand up. 2 (perma
2 (mezquino) mean.
necer) to stay, remain.



sostenibilidad nf sustainability.
sostenible adj (gen) sustainable; (argumento) tenable.

sostenido,-a adj 1 (continuado) sus-

sbdito,-a nm & nf 1 (de un rey) subject.

2 (ciudadano) citizen.

subida nf 1 (ascenso) ascent, climb. 2

(pendiente) slope, hill. 3 fig (aumento gen) increase; (- de temperatura) rise; (tained; (constante) steady. 2 ms sharp:
de precios, salario) rise, increase.
fa sostenido F sharp.
subndice nm subscript, subindex.
P nm sostenido ms sharp.
subir vi 1 (ir hacia arriba - gen) to go up,
sota nf (cartas) jack, knave.
come up; (- avin) to climb. 2 (en un
stano nm (gen) basement; (de casa)
vehculo - coche) to get in; (autobs, avin,
cellar, basement.
barco, tren) to get on, get onto. 3 (monsotavento nm lee, leeward.
tar - bicicleta) to get on; (- caballo) to get
soterrar vt 1 to bury. 2 fig to hide.
on, mount. 4 (a un rbol) to climb up.
soto nm 1 (arboleda) grove, copse.
5 fig (elevarse, aumentar) to rise. 6 fig (caSri Lanka nf Sri Lanka.
tegora, puesto) to be promoted.
stop nm 1 (seal) stop sign. 2 (parada)
P vt 1 (escaleras, calle) to go up, climb;
(montaa) to climb. 2 (mover arriba) to
carry up, take up, bring up; (poner
su adj (de l) his; (de ella) her; (de usted, de
arriba) to put upstairs. 3 (cabeza, etc) to
ustedes) your; (de ellos, de ellas) their; (de
lift, raise. 4 (pared) to raise. 5 fig (preanimales, cosas) its; (de uno) one's.
cio, salario, etc) to raise, put up. 6 fig
suave adj 1 (agradable al tacto) soft,
(subir el volumen - voz) to raise; (- aparato)
smooth. 2 (liso, llano) smooth, even. 3
to turn up. 8 fig (color) to strengthen.
fig (apacible) gentle, mild. 4 fig (tranquiP vpr subirse 1 (piso, escalera) to go up. 2
lo) easy. 5 fig (msica, palabras, voz, luz,
(rbol, muro, etc) to climb up (a, -). 3 (en
movimiento, viento) soft, gentle. 6 fig (cliun vehculo - coche) to get in (a, -); (autobs)
ma) mild, clement.
to get on (a, -); (avin, barco, tren) to get
suavizante nm 1 (de pelo) hair condion (a, -), get onto (a,-): sbete, sbete al
tioner. 2 (de ropa) fabric softener.
coche! get in, get into the car! 4 (en animasuavizar vt 1 (hacer agradable) to soften.
les, bicicleta) to get on (a, -), mount. 5
2 (alisar) to smooth (out). 3 fig to sof(ropa, calcetines) to pull up; (cremallera) to
do up, zip up; (mangas) to roll up.
subacutico,-a adj underwater.
sbito,-a adj sudden.
subafluente nm tributary.
subjetivo,-a adj subjective.
subalimentacin nf undernourish- subjuntivo,-a adj subjunctive.
P nm subjuntivo subjunctive.
subalimentar vt to underfeed.
sublevacin nf uprising, revolt.
subalterno,-a nm & nf subordinate.
submarinismo nm skin diving.
subasta nf 1 (venta) auction. 2 (adjudica- submarinista nm o nf skin-diver.
cin de obra) invitation to tender.
submarino,-a adj underwater.
subastador,-ra nm & nf auctioneer.
P nm submarino submarine.
subastar vt to auction (off).
submltiplo,-a adj submultiple.
subatmico,-a adj subatomic.
P nm submltiplo submultiple.
subcampen,-ona nm & nf (en competi- suboficial nm 1 mil noncommiscin) runner-up; (en rnking) number
sioned officer. 2 mar petty officer.
subordinacin nf subordination.
subdesarrollo nm underdevelop- subordinado,-a adj subordinate.
P nm & nf subordinate.
subdirector,-ra nm
& nf assistant di- subordinar vt to subordinate.
P vpr subordinarse to subordinate os.
rector, assistant manager.



subproducto nm by-product.
subrayar vt 1 to underline. 2 fig to

emphasize, underline, stress.

subreino nm subkingdom.
subrepticio,-a adj surreptitious.
subrogar vt to subrogate, substitute.
subsanar vt 1 (remediar) to rectify, correct. 2 (dificultad, etc) to overcome.

subscribir vt-vpr suscribir.

subscriptor,-ra nm & nf subscriber.
subscrito,-a adj-nm & nf suscrito,-a.
subsecretara nf 1 (cargo) under-secre-

taryship. 2 (oficina) under-secretary's

subsecretario,-a nm & nf under-secretary.
subsidiario,-a adj subsidiary.
subsidio nm allowance, benefit.
subsistencia nf 1 (hecho) subsistence.
2 (lo necesario para vivir) sustenance.
P nf pl subsistencias (provisiones) food
sing, provisions, supplies.
subsistir vi 1 (conservarse) to subsist,
last. 2 (vivir) live on, survive.

suburbano,-a adj suburban.

P nm

suburbano suburban train.

suburbio nm (periferia) suburb.

subvencin nf subsidy, grant.
subvencionar vt to subsidize.
subversin nf subversion.
subversivo,-a adj subversive.
subyacente adj underlying.
subyacer vi to underlie (en, -).
subyugar vt 1 to subjugate. 2 fig to

succionar vt to suck up.

suceder vi 1 [slo se usa en tercera perso-

na; no lleva sujeto] (acontecer) to happen,

occur: qu sucede? what's the matter? 2
(seguir) to follow (a, -), succeed (a, -).
3 (heredar) to succeed.
P vpr sucederse to follow one another.
sucesin nf 1 (herencia) succession, inheritance. 2 (descendencia) issue, heirs
pl. 3 (al trono) succession. 4 (serie) series, succession.
sucesivo,-a adj 1 (siguiente) following,
successive. 2 (consecutivo) consecutive, running.
substancia nf sustancia.
suceso nm 1 (hecho) event, happening,
substancial adj sustancial.
occurrence. 2 (incidente) incident. 3
substanciar vt to condense, abridge.
(delito) crime.
substancioso,-a adj sustancioso,-a.
sucesor,-ra nm & nf successor.
substantivar vt to use as a noun.
suciedad nf 1 (inmundicia) dirt, filth. 2
substantivo,-a adj-nm sustantivo.
(calidad) dirtiness, filthiness.
substitucin nf substitution.
adj 1 (con manchas) dirty, filthy.
substituible adj replaceable.
2 (que se ensucia fcilmente) which dirtsubstituir vt sustituir.
ies easily. 3 fig (deshonesto) shady, unsubstituto,-a nm & nf sustituto,-a.
derhand. 4 dep fig foul, dirty, unfair.
substraccin nf sustraccin.
5 fig (trabajo, lenguaje) dirty, filthy.
substraendo nm subtrahend.
P adv sucio fig in an underhand way,
substraer vt-vpr sustraer.
dirty. l o c en sucio in rough.
substrato nm substratum.
sucumbir vi 1 (rendirse) to succumb (a,
to), yield (a, to). 2 (morir) to perish. 3
subsuelo nm subsoil.
fig (tentacin, etc) to give in ( a, to),
subterfugio nm (escapatoria) subteryield (a, to).
fuge; (pretexto) pretext.
sucursal nf 1 (oficina) branch, branch
subterrneo,-a adj underground.
office. 2 (delegacin) subsidiary.
P nm subterrneo underground passudadera nf 1 (prenda) sweatshirt. 2
sage, tunnel, subway.
fam (accin) sweat.
subttulo nm 1 subtitle. 2 lit subSudfrica nf South Africa.
sudafricano,-a adj South African.
subtotal nm subtotal.
subtropical adj subtropical.
Sudamrica nf South America.


sudamericano,-a adj South Ameri-


suerte nf 1 (fortuna) luck, fortune. 2

(azar) chance. 3 (destino) destiny, fate.

4 (estado, condicin) lot, situation. 5 fml
(tipo) sort, kind, type. l o c buena
suerte! good luck!
P nm & nf Sudanese.
sudar vi (transpirar) to sweat, perspire. suter nm sweater.
sudario nm shroud.
suficiente adj 1 (bastante) sufficient,
enough. 2 (apto) suitable. 3 fig (engresudeste adj 1 (del sudeste) southeast,
southeastern; (hacia el sudeste) southdo) smug, complacent.
easterly. 2 (viento) southeast.
sufijo,-a adj suffixal.
P nm 1 (punto cardinal) southeast. 2
P nm sufijo suffix.
(viento) southeast wind.
sufragar vt (costear - gastos) to defray,
sudoeste adj 1 (del sudoeste) southwest,
pay; (- empresa) to finance.
southwestern; (hacia el sudoeste) sufragio nm 1 suffrage. 2 (voto) vote.
southwesterly. 2 (viento) southwest.
sufrido,-a adj 1 (persona) patient, longP nm 1 (punto cardinal) southwest. 2
suffering. 2 (color) practical; (tejido)
(viento) southwest wind.
sudor nm 1 sweat. 2 fig effort.
sudorparo,-a adj sweat. c o m p glndu sufrimiento nm suffering.
sufrir vt 1 (padecer) to suffer. 2 (accidente,
las sudorparas sweat glands.
ataque) to have; (operacin) to undersudoroso,-a adj sweaty.
go. 3 (dificultades, cambios) to experiSuecia nf Sweden.
ence; (derrota, consecuencias) to suffer. 4
sueco,-a adj Swedish.
(aguantar) to bear put up with.
P nm & nf (persona) Swede.
P vi (padecer) to suffer.
P nm sueco (idioma) Swedish.
nf suggestion.
suegro,-a nm & nf (hombre) father-insugerente adj suggestive.
law; (mujer) mother-in-law.
sugerir vt 1 to suggest. 2 (insinuar) to
suela nf (del calzado) sole.
hint. 3 (suscitar) to suggest.
sueldo nm salary, pay, wages pl.
suelo nm 1 (superficie) ground; (de interior) sugestin nf suggestion.
floor. 2 fig (tierra) soil, land; (mundo) sugestionar vt to influence.
earth. 3 (territorio) soil, land. 4 (terreno) sugestivo,-a adj (que atrae) fascinatland. 5 (pavimento) surface. 6 fig (de vaing, attractive.
sija, etc) bottom.
suicidarse vpr to commit suicide.
suelto,-a adj 1 (no sujeto) loose. 2 (des- suicidio nm suicide.
atado) undone, untied. 3 (no envasado o Suiza nf Switzerland.
empaquetado) loose. 4 (desaparejado)
suizo,-a adj Swiss.
odd. 5 (dinero) in change. 6 (en libertad)
P nm & nf Swiss.
free; (huido) at large. 7 (disgregado)
nf (accin) subjection.
scattered. 8 (con diarrea) loose. 9 (prenda) loose, loose-fitting. 10 fig (ligero) sujetador,-ra adj fastening.
P nm sujetador bra.
agile, nimble; (veloz) swift.
sujetar vt 1 (fijar) to fix, secure, hold.
P nm suelto (cambio) change, small
change, loose change.
2 (agarrar, sostener) hold on to. 3 (papeles) to fasten; (pelo) to hold in place. 4
sueo nm 1 (acto) sleep. 2 (ganas de dorfig (dominar, someter) to control.
mir) sleepiness. 3 (lo soado) dream. 4
P vpr sujetarse 1 (agarrarse) to hold on,
fig (ilusin) dream, illusion.
hold tight. 2 fig (someterse) to subject
suero nm 1 med serum.
2 (de la leche)
os (a, to).

Sudn nm Sudan.
sudans,-esa adj Sudanese.



sujeto,-a adj 1 (sometido) subject (a, to),

sumo,-a adj 1 (supremo) supreme,

liable (a, to). 2 (agarrado, atado) fashighest. 2 fig (muy grande) greatest.
tened, secure.
suntuario,-a adj sumptuary.
P nm sujeto 1 ling subject. 2 (individuo)
suntuoso,-a adj sumptuous.
fellow, individual, character.
supeditar vt 1 (subordinar) to subordisulfato nm sulphate (us sulfate).
nate (a, to). 2 (condicionar) to subject
sulfhdrico,-a adj sulphuretted (us
(a, to).
P vpr supeditarse (someterse) to subject
sulfito nm sulphite (us sulfite).
os (a, to), bow (a, to).
sulfurar vt 1 qum to sulphurate (us sper nm fam (supermercado) supermarsulfurate). 2 fam fig (irritar) to infuriket.
P nf fam (gasolina) four-star.
P vpr sulfurarse fam fig to blow one's
superable adj surmountable.
top, lose one's rag.
superabundante adj superabundant.
sulfrico,-a adj sulphuric (us sulfu- superar vt 1 (exceder) to surpass, exric).
ceed, excel. 2 (obstculo, etc) to oversulfuro nm sulphide (us sulfide).
come, surmount.
sulfuroso,-a adj sulphurous (us sulP vpr superarse 1 (sobrepasarse) to excel os.
2 (mejorarse) to improve os, better os.
sultn,-ana nm & nf (hombre) sultan; superconductividad nf supercon(mujer) sultana.
suma nf 1 (cantidad) sum, amount. 2 superconductor nm superconductor.
mat sum, addition. 3 (resumen) sumsuperdotado,-a nm & nf genius.
superestrato nm superstratum.
sumando nm addend.
superestructura nf superstructure.
sumar vt 1 mat to add, add up. 2 (com- superficial adj superficial.
poner una cantidad) to total, amount to,
superficialidad nf superficiality.
come to. 3 (compendiar) to sum up.
superficie nf 1 (parte externa) surface. 2
P vpr sumarse (unirse) to join (a, in).
(rea) area.
sumario,-a adj 1 summary, brief.
superfluo,-a adj superfluous.
2 jur summary.
superhombre nm superman.
P nm sumario 1 (resumen) summary. 2
superndice nm superscript.
jur legal proceedings pl, indictment.
superintendente nm o nf superintensumergible adj submersible.
P nm submarine.
sumergir vt 1 (meter bajo lquido) to sub- superior adj 1 (encima de) upper, top:
labio superior upper lip. 2 (por encima de)
merge, submerse, immerse. 2 fig
greater (a, than), higher (a, than),
(hundir) to plunge, sink.
P vpr sumergirse 1 (meterse bajo lquido)
above (a, -). 3 fig (persona - que supera)
superior; (- mejor) better. 4 fig (calidad,
to submerge (en, in), go underwater. 2 fig to become immersed (en,
etc) superior, high, excellent. 5 educ
P nm 1 (jefe) superior. 2 rel superior.
sumidero nm drain, sewer.
superioridad nf (persona) superiority.
suministrador,-ra nm & nf supplier.
superlativo,-a adj superlative.
suministrar vt to provide, supply.
P nm superlativo superlative.
suministro nm supply, supplying.
sumisin nf 1 (acto) submission. 2 (ca- supermercado nm supermarket.
supernova nf supernova.
rcter) submissiveness.
sumiso,-a adj submissive, obedient.
superpoblacin nf overpopulation.



superpoblado,-a adj overpopulated.

superponer vt 1 to superimpose, lay
on top. 2 fig to put before.

superposicin nf superimposition.
superpotencia nf superpower.
superpuesto,-a pp superponer.
supersnico,-a adj supersonic.
supersticin nf superstition.
supersticioso,-a adj superstitious.
supervisar vt to supervise.
supervisin nf supervision, control.
supervisor,-ra nm & nf supervisor.
supervivencia nf survival.
superviviente adj surviving.
P nm

o nf survivor.

suplemento nm 1 (de revista, etc) sup-

P nm supuesto 1 (suposicin) supposition, assumption. 2 (hiptesis) hypothesis.

supurar vi to suppurate.
sur nm 1 south. 2 (viento) south wind.
Suramrica nf South America.

suramericano,-a adj-nm & nf


surcar vt 1 agr to plough (us plow). 2

(agua) to cut through, cross; (aire) to

fly through.
surco nm 1 (en tierra) furrow. 2 (arruga)
wrinkle. 3 (de disco) groove.
surcoreano,-a adj South Korean.
P nm & nf South Korean.

sureste adj-nm sudeste.

plement. 2 (de dinero) extra charge. 3 surfista nm o nf surfer.

surgir vi 1 (agua) to spring forth, spurt
(geometra) supplement.
up. 2 fig (aparecer - gen) to appear,
suplencia nf substitution.
emerge; (- dificultades) to crop up,
suplente nm o nf 1 (gen) substitute. 2
arise, come up. 3 mar to anchor.
dep reserve player. 3 teat underSurinam nm Surinam.
splica nf 1 request, entreaty, plea. 2 suroeste adj-nm sudoeste.
surtido,-a adj 1 (variado) assorted. 2
jur petition.
(bien provisto) well stocked.
suplicar vt 1 to beseech, beg, imP nm surtido assortment, selection.
plore. 2 jur to appeal to.
surtidor nm 1 (fuente) fountain. 2 (chosuplicio nm (castigo) torture.
rro) jet, spout.
suplir vt 1 (reemplazar) to replace, subsurtir vt (proveer) to supply (de, with),
stitute. 2 (compensar) to make up for.
provide (de, with).
suponer vt 1 (gen) to suppose, asP vi (brotar) to spout, spurt.
sume. 2 (significar) to mean. 3 (conlleP vpr surtirse to supply os, provide os.
var) to mean, entail, require. 4 (adivinar) to guess; (imaginar) to imagine, susceptibilidad nf 1 (gen) susceptibility. 2 (sensibilidad) sensitivity.
think. 5 (creer) to think.
P nm fam supposition.
susceptible adj 1 (gen) susceptible. 2
(sensible) oversensitive.
suposicin nf supposition, assumpsuscitar vt 1 (gen) to cause, provoke. 2
(rebelin) to stir up, arouse; (discusin)
suprarrenal adj suprarenal.
to start; (problemas) to cause, raise;
supremo,-a adj 1 (gen) supreme. 2 (de(inters) to arouse.
cisivo) decisive. 3 (ltimo) last, final.
suprimir vt 1 (libertad, etc) to suppress; suscribir vt 1 fin to subscribe. 2 fig
(convenir con alguien) to subscribe to,
(ley, impuestos) to abolish; (dificultades)
endorse. 3 (a una revista, etc) to take
to eliminate, remove; (restricciones) to
out a subscription for. 4 fml (firmar)
lift. 2 (tabaco, alcohol) to cut out. 3 (pato subscribe.
labra) to delete, take out, leave out.
P vpr suscribirse (abonarse) to sub4 (omitir) to omit.
supuesto,-a adj 1 (que se supone) sup2 (pretendido) so- suscripcin nf subscription.
posed, assumed.
suscriptor,-ra nm & nf subscriber.
called, self-styled.



suscrito,-a adj 1 (abonado) subscribed.

2 (firmado) undersigned.
P nm & nf undersigned.
suspender vt 1 (levantar) to hang, hang
up, suspend. 2 (aplazar - gen) to post-

pone, put off, delay; (- reunin) to adjourn. 3 educ fig to fail. 4 fig (pagos) to
suspend; (servicio) to discontinue.
suspensin nf 1 (acto de levantar) hanging, hanging up, suspension. 2 auto
suspension. 3 (aplazamiento - gen) delay, postponement; (- de reunin) adjournment. 4 (supresin) suspension,
suspenso,-a adj 1 (colgado) hanging,
suspended. 2 rel fig (alumno) failed. 3
fig (asombrado) bewildered, amazed.
P nm suspenso educ fail.
suspicacia nf (sospecha) suspicion.
suspicaz adj 1 (desconfiado) mistrustful,
distrustful. 2 (que sospecha) suspicious.
suspirar vi to sigh.
suspiro nm sigh.
sustancia nf 1 (gen) substance. 2 (esencia) substance, essence.
sustancial adj 1 (gen) substantial. 2
(fundamental) essential, fundamental.
3 (importante) important, substantial.
sustanciar vt to condense, abridge.
sustancioso,-a adj 1 (nutritivo) wholesome. 2 fig (libro, etc) meaty.
sustantivar vt to use as a noun.
sustantivo,-a nm noun, substantive.
sustentable adj tenable.
sustentacin nf 1 (soporte) support. 2
(mantenimiento) sustenance, maintenance.
sustentar vt 1 (familia, etc) to maintain,
support, sustain. 2 (sostener) to hold
up, support. 3 (teora, opinin) to support, defend.
sustento nm 1 (alimento) sustenance,
food. 2 (apoyo) support.
sustitucin nf substitution, replacement.

sustituible adj replaceable, expendable.

sustituir vt (reemplazar) to substitute

(por, with), replace (por, with).

sustitutivo,-a adj substitutive.

P nm

sustitutivo substitute.

sustituto,-a nm & nf substitute,

stand-in, replacement.

susto nm fright, scare, shock.

sustraccin nf 1 (robo) theft. 2


sustraendo nm subtrahend.
sustraer vt 1 (robar) to steal. 2 mat to

P vpr sustraerse (faltar al cumplimiento) to

evade (a, -), elude (a, -); (tentaciones) to
resist (a, -).
sustrato nm substratum.
susurrar vi to whisper.
susurro nm 1 whisper. 2 fig (agua)
murmur; (hojas) rustle.
sutil adj 1 (delgado) thin, fine. 2 (aroma)
delicate; (color) soft. 3 (brisa) gentle. 4
fig subtle.
suturar vt to stitch.
suyo,-a adj (de l) his, of his; (de ella)
her, of hers; (de animales, cosas) its; (de
usted, de ustedes) yours, of yours; (de
ellos, de ellas) theirs, of theirs: este libro
es suyo this book is hers; aquel amigo suyo
that friend of yours.
P pron (de l) his; (de ella) hers; (de usted,
de ustedes) yours; (de ellos, de ellas)
theirs: stos son los mos, los suyos estn
sobre la mesa there are mine, hers are on
the table.
P nf la suya (ocasin, oportunidad) one's
chance, one's opportunity.
P nm lo suyo 1 (lo que toca) what one
deserves. 2 (habilidad) forte, one's
thing: lo suyo es el tenis tennis is his
thing. 3 fam (mucho) a lot: comi lo suyo
he ate a lot.
P nm pl los suyos (familiares) his (her, your,
etc) family sing; (amigos) his (her, your, etc)
friends, his (her, your, etc) people.
Swazilandia nf Swaziland.


T, t nf (la letra) T, t.
tabaco nm 1 (gen) tobacco. 2 (cigarrillos)

tacita nf little cup.

tcito,-a adj tacit.
taco nm 1 (tarugo) plug, stopper. 2 (para

cigarettes pl; (cigarro) cigar. 3 (enfermedad) black rot. c o m p tabaco rubio Virpared) plug, Rawlplug. 3 (bloc de notas)
ginia tobacco.
notepad, writing pad; (calendario)
tear-off calendar. 4 (de entradas) book;
tbano nm horsefly.
(de billetes) wad. 5 (de billar) cue. 6 culin
taberna nf pub, bar.
(de queso, etc) cube, piece; (en Mjico)
tabique nm partition, partition wall.
taco, rolled-up tortilla. 7 fam (palatabla nf 1 (de madera) board, plank. 2
brota) swearword.
(de piedra) slab; (de metal) sheet. 3 (estante) shelf. 4 arte panel. 5 cost pleat. tacn nm heel.
6 (ndice) index. 7 (lista) list; (catlogo) tctica nf tactic, tactics pl, strategy.
catalogue (us catalog). 8 mat table. tacto nm 1 (sentido) touch. 2 (accin)
c o m p tabla de multiplicar multiplicatouch, touching. 3 fig (delicadeza)
tact. l o c tener tacto to be tactful.
tion table.
P nf pl tablas 1 teat stage sing, boards.
Tadjikistn nm Tadzhikistan.
2 (ajedrez) stalemate sing, draw sing.
tadjiko,-a adj Tadzhiki.
tablado nm 1 (suelo) wooden floor. 2
P nm o nf (persona) Tadzhik.
(entarimado) wooden platform. 3 (del
P nm tadjiko (idioma) Tadzhiki.
escenario) stage.
Tahit nm Tahiti.
tablero nm 1 (tabln) panel, board. 2 tahitiano,-a adj Tahitian.
(en juegos) board. 3 (encerado) blackP nm & nf (persona) Tahitian.
board. 4 auto dashboard. 5 inform
P nm tahitiano (idioma) Tahitian.
display board. c o m p tablero de aje tailands,-esa adj Thai.
drez chessboard.
P nm & nf (persona) Thai.
tableta nf 1 (pastilla) tablet. 2 (de chocoP nm tailands (idioma) Thai.
late) bar.
Tailandia nf Thailand.
tabln nm 1 plank. 2 (en construccin) Taiwan nm Taiwan.
board. c o m p tabln de anuncios no- taiwans,-esa adj Taiwanese.
tice board, us bulletin board.
P nm & nf Taiwanese.
tabulacin nf tabulation.
tajada nf 1 (rodaja) slice. 2 (corte) cut;
tacao,-a adj mean, stingy.
(cuchillada) stab.
tacha nf 1 (defecto) flaw, blemish, de- tajo nm 1 (corte) cut, slash. 2 (filo) cutfect. 2 (descrdito) blemish.
ting edge. 3 (escarpa) steep cliff.
tachadura nf crossing out.
tal adj 1 (semejante) such: en tales condicio
tachar vt 1 (borrar) to cross out. 2 (culnes in such conditions. 2 (tan grande)
par) to accuse (de, of): lo tachan de fas
such, so: tal es su ignorancia que he is
cista they accuse him of being a fascist.
so ignorant that 3 (cosa sin especificar)
tachuela nf tack, stud.
such and such: tal da such and such a



nencia I couldn't tolerate such an imperday. 4 (persona sin especificar) someone

called, a certain: vino un tal Alberto
tinent remark.
someone called Alberto came.
P nm tamao (medida) size: de qu ta
P pron (alguno - cosa) such a thing,
mao es? what size is it?
something; (- persona) someone, tamarindo nm tamarind.
somebody: yo no dije tal cosa I didn't tambalearse vpr 1 (persona) to stagger;
say such a thing.
(mueble) to wobble. 2 fig to be shaky.
P adv (as) in such a way, so: tal me con
tambin adv 1 (igualmente) also, too, as
test que no supe cmo reaccionar he anwell, so: Pedro tambin estaba Pedro
swered in such a way that I didn't know
was also there, Pedro was there too, Pehow to react. l o c tal como 1 (ejemplos)
dro was there as well. 2 (adems) besuch as. 2 (de la misma manera) just as. y
sides, in addition.
tal cual just as it is.
tambor nm 1 (instrumento) drum. 2 (matala nf tree felling.
quinaria) drum. 3 (de arma) cylinder,
taladrar vt 1 (gen) to drill; (pared) to
barrel. 4 (de lavadora) drum. 5 (de freno)
bore through. 2 fig (los odos) to pierce.
brake drum.
taladro nm 1 (herramienta) drill, bore. 2
tamiz nm sieve.
(agujero) hole.
talar vt 1 (cortar) to fell, cut down. tamizar vt 1 (harina, tierra) to sieve. 2 (luz)
to filter. 3 fig (seleccionar) to screen.
2 (destruir) to devastate.
adv neither, nor, not eitalento nm 1 (entendimiento) talent, inther: no quiere estudiar y tampoco quiere ir
telligence. 2 (aptitud) gift, talent: tiene
al cine he doesn't want to study and he
talento para las matemticas she has a gift
doesn't want to go to the cinema either.
for mathematics.
talla nf 1 (estatura) height. 2 fig (moral, tan adv 1 (tanto) such, such a, so: no seas
tan cruel don't be so cruel. 2 (comparativo intelectual) stature. 3 (de prenda) size:
como) as as, so (that); (- que) so,
qu talla usa? what size is he? 4 (escultuso (that): est tan gordo como t he's as
ra) carving, sculpture. 5 (tallado - piefat as you (are). l o c tan solo only, just:
dras) cutting; (- metal) engraving.
tan solo quiero uno I only want one.
tallar vt 1 (madera, piedra) to carve,
shape; (piedras preciosas) to cut; (meta- tanda nf 1 (conjunto) batch, lot; (serie)
series, course. 2 (turno) shift. 3 (en biles) to engrave. 2 (medir) to measure
llar) game.
the height of.
talle nm 1 (cintura) waist. 2 (figura - de tangente adj tangent.
P nf tangent.
hombre) build, physique; (- de mujer)
figure, shape.
tanque nm 1 (depsito) tank, reservoir.
2 mil tank. 3 (vehculo cisterna) tanker.
taller nm 1 (obrador) workshop. 2 (de artista) studio. 3 (en fbrica) shop, work- tantear vt 1 (calcular) to estimate, guess.
shop. 4 auto garage, repair shop.
2 (probar medidas) to size up. 3 fig (ensayar) to try out, put to the test. 4 fig (pertallo nm bot stem, stalk; (renuevo)
sprout, shoot.
sona) to sound out. 5 (dibujo) to sketch.
P vi 1 dep to score, keep score. 2 (antaln nm 1 (de pie, zapato, etc) heel. 2
dar a tientas) to feel one's way.
(cheque) cheque (us check). c o m p taln
bancario counter cheque (us check). tanto,-a adj 1 (incontables) so much;
y taln de Aquiles Achilles' heel.
(contables) so many: no comas tantos ca
talonario nm (de cheques) cheque book
ramelos don't eat so many sweets. 2
(us check book); (de recibos) stub book.
(comparacin - incontable) as much; (- contables) as many: tengo tantos libros como
tamao,-a adj (semejante)
such a, so
big a: no pude aguantar tamaa imperti
t I've got as many books as you.



P pron (incontable) so much; (contable) so

tara nf 1 (peso) tare. 2 (defecto) defect,
many: no haba tantos there weren't
blemish, fault.
so many.
tardar vt (emplear tiempo) to take: tard
P adv 1 (cantidad) so much: te quiero
cuatro horas it took me four hours.
tanto! I love you so much! 2 (tiempo) so
P vi (demorar) to take a long time: se
long: esperamos tanto we waited for
tarda ms a pie it takes longer on foot.
so long. 3 (frecuencia) so often: no los tele tarde nf 1 (hasta las cinco aprox.) afternoon.
fonees tanto don't phone them so often.
2 (despus de las cinco aprox.) evening.
P nm tanto 1 (punto) point; (ftbol) goal. 2
P adv 1 (hora avanzada) late: se est ha
(cantidad imprecisa) so much, a certain
ciendo tarde it's getting late. 2 (demasiado
amount: percibes un tanto al mes you get
tarde) too late: es tarde para salir it's too
so much a month. 3 (poco) bit: es un tanto
late to go out.
estrecho it's a bit narrow. l o c a las tantas tarea nf task, job.
fam very late, at an unearthly hour. y tarifa nf 1 (precio) tariff, rate; (de transpor lo tanto therefore.
porte) fare. 2 (lista de precios) price list.
Tanzania nf Tanzania.
tarima nf platform, dais.
tanzano,-a adj Tanzanian.
tarjeta nf card. c o m p tarjeta de crdito
P nm & nf Tanzanian.
credit card. y tarjeta de memoria
tapa nf 1 (cubierta) lid, top; (de botella)
memory card, chip card. y tarjeta
cap, top, stopper. 2 (de libro) cover. 3
postal postcard.
(de zapato) heel-plate. 4 culin (comida) tarro nm 1 (vasija) jar, pot, tub. 2 fam
appetizer, savoury (us savory), tapa.
(cabeza) bonce.
tapadera nf 1 cover, lid. 2 fig cover.
tarta nf flan, tart, pie: tarta de manzana
tapar vt 1 (cubrir) to cover; (con tapa) to
apple pie.
put the lid on. 2 (con ropas, etc) to wrap tartamudear vi to stammer, stutter.
up. 3 (obstruir) to obstruct; (tubera) to
tartamudez nf stammering.
block. 4 (ocultar) to hide; (a la vista)
tartamudo,-a nm & nf stutterer.
to block. 5 fig (encubrir) to cover up.
tasa nf 1 (valoracin) valuation. 2 (precio)
P vpr taparse 1 (abrigarse) to wrap up.
fee, charge. 3 (impuesto) tax, levy. 4 (lmi2 (la nariz) to be blocked up.
te) limit; (medida) measure. 5 (ndice)
tapia nf (cerca) garden wall; (de adobe)
rate. c o m p tasa de natalidad birth rate.
mud wall, adobe wall.
tapiar vt 1 (rea) to wall in, wall off. 2 fig tasar vt 1 (valorar) to value. 2 (poner precio)
to set the price of, fix the price of.
(puerta, ventana) to wall up, close up.
tapicera nf 1 arte tapestry making. 2 Tasmania nf Tasmania.
(tapices) tapestries pl. 3 (de muebles, etc) tasmano,-a adj Tasmanian.
P nm & nf Tasmanian.
upholstery. 4 (tienda) upholsterer's,
tata nf fam nanny.
upholsterer's workshop.
tapiz nm 1 (de pared) tapestry. 2 (alfom- tatarabuelo,-a nm & nf (hombre) greatgreat-grandfather; (mujer) greatbra) rug, carpet.
tapn nm 1 stopper, plug; (de botella) cap.
2 (del odo) wax in the ear. 3 (baloncesto) tataranieto,-a nm & nf (hombre) greatgreat-grandson; (mujer) great-greatblock. 4 (embotellamiento) traffic jam.
taponar vt 1 (orificio, etc) to plug, stop. 2
(atascar) to block. 3 (poner el tapn) to put tatuaje nm 1 (dibujo) tattoo. 2 (tcnica)
the plug in. 4 med to tampon, plug.
taquilla nf 1 (de tren, etc) ticket office; tatuar vt to tattoo.
(de cine, teatro) box office. 2 (recaudacin) tauromaquia nf bullfighting, art of
bullfighting, tauromachy.
pl. 3 (casillero) pitakings pl, returns
taxi nm taxi, cab.
geonholes pl. 4 (armario) locker.



taxista nm o nf taxi driver.

taza nf 1 (recipiente) cup. 2 (contenido)

vas; (cuadro) painting. 4 fam (dinero)

dough. 5 fam (asunto, tema) subject,
matter. c o m p tela metlica wire gauze.
cupful. 3 (de retrete) bowl.
te 1 nf 1 name of the letter t . 2 (regla) telar nm 1 (para tejer) loom. 2 (para encuadernar) sewing press.
te2 pron 1 you, to you, for you: te man telaraa nf cobweb, spider's web.
dar una carta I'll send you a letter. 2 (uso tele nf fam telly, TV.
reflexivo) yourself: ponte el abrigo put telecomunicacin nf telecommuniyour coat on. 3 (uso pronominal) no se
traduce: vete a casa go home.
telediario nm television news bullet nm tea. c o m p la hora del t teatime.
tin, TV news.
teatral adj 1 (del teatro) theatrical, dra- telefrico nm cable car.
matic. 2 fig (exagerado) stagy, stagey, telefilm nm TV film.
telefonear vi to phone.
teatro nm 1 theatre (us theater). 2 arte telfono nm telephone, phone. c o m p
theatre (us theater), acting, stage. 3
telfono mvil mobile phone.
fig (exageracin) show, play-acting.
telegrafiar vt to telegraph, wire.
tebeo nm children's comic.
telgrafo nm telegraph.
teca nf (rbol, madera) teak.
telegrama nm telegram, cable.
techo nm 1 (interior) ceiling; (de coche, tetelemando nm remote control.
jado) roof. 2 fig (lmite superior) ceiling.
telenovela nf soap opera.
tecla nf key.
teleobjetivo nm telephoto lens.
teclado nm keyboard.
teclear vi (piano) to press the keys; telepata nf telepathy.
(mquina de escribir, ordenador) to type, telescopio nm telescope.
telesilla nm chair lift.
tap the keys.
tcnica nf 1 (tecnologa) technique, telespectador,-ra nm & nf TV viewer.
technology. 2 (habilidad) technique, telesqu nm ski lift, drag lift.
method. 3 (ingeniera) engineering.
teletexto nm teletext.
tcnico,-a adj technical.
televisar vt to televise.
P nm & nf technician, technical expert.
televisin nf 1 (sistema) television. 2
tecnologa nf technology.
fam (aparato) television set.
tectnica nf tectonics.
televisor nm television set.
tedio nm tedium, boredom.
tlex nm telex.
teja nf (de barro) tile.
teln nm curtain. c o m p teln de acero
pol iron curtain. y teln de fondo teat
tejado nm roof.
tejano,-a adj Texan.
P nm & nf Texan.
tema nm 1 (de discurso, escrito, etc) topic,
P nm pl tejanos (pantaln) jeans.
subject, theme. 2 ms theme.
tejar vt to tile.
temario nm (de examen) programme
(us program); (de conferencia) agenda.
tejer vt 1 (en telar) to weave. 2 (hacer
punto) to knit. 3 (araa) to spin. 4 fig temtica nf subject matter.
(plan) to weave, plot, scheme.
temtico,-a adj 1 thematic. 2 ling stem.
tejido nm 1 (tela) textile. 2 anat tissue. temblar vi 1 (de fro) to shiver ( de,
tejo nm (rbol) yew tree.
with); (de miedo) to tremble ( de ,
with). 2 (voz) to quiver.
tejn nm badger.
tela nf 1 (textil) material,
fabric, cloth. 2 temblor nm 1 (gen) tremor; (de fro)
shivering, shivers pl. 2 fig shiver.
(de araa) cobweb. 3 arte (lienzo) can-



temer vt 1 (tener miedo) to fear, be afraid

P vi (tener tendencia) to tend ( a , to),

have a tendency (a, to): tiende al abu
of. 2 (sospechar) to fear, be afraid.
rrimiento it tends to be boring.
P vi 1 (tener miedo) to be afraid. 2
P vpr tenderse (tumbarse) to lie down.
(preocuparse) to worry.
P vpr temerse to be afraid: me temo
tendero,-a nm & nf shopkeeper.
que s I'm afraid so.
tendn nm tendon, sinew.
temerario,-a adj reckless, rash.
tenedor,-ra nm (utensilio) fork.
temible adj dreadful, fearful.
tener vt 1 (gen) to have, have got: tuvimos
un da estupendo we had a wonderful day. 2
temor nm fear.
(poseer) to own. 3 (sostener) to hold: qu
temperamento nm temperament.
tienes en la mano? what are you holding? 4
temperatura nf temperature.
(coger) to take: ten tu copa take your glass. 5
tempestad nf 1 storm. 2 fig turmoil.
(sensacin, sentimiento) to be, feel: tengo
templado,-a adj 1 (agua) warm, lukehambre I'm hungry. 6 (mantener) to keep: la
warm; (clima, temperatura) mild, temperlluvia me ha tenido despierta toda la noche the
ate. 2 (moderado) moderate; (sereno)
rain has kept me up all night. 7 (medir) to
composed, unruffled. 3 (valiente)
measure. 8 (contener) to hold, contain. 9
brave. 4 ms tuned. 5 (metal) tempered.
(edad) to be. 10 (un hijo) to have. 11 (celetemplar vt 1 (moderar) to moderate,
brar) to hold: tener una reunin to hold a
temper. 2 (algo fro) to warm up; (algo
meeting. 12 (considerar) to consider,
caliente) to cool down. 3 fig (clera) to
think: lo tienen por muy listo they think he's
appease; (apaciguar) to calm down. 4
very smart. l o c ah tienes! so, there you
(cuerda, tornillo) to tighten (up). 5 ms to
are! y tener cario a to be fond of. y tener
tune. 6 tc to temper. 7 (colores) to
compasin to take pity (de, on). y tener
ilusin to be enthusiastic.
P vpr templarse (contenerse) to control os.
P aux tener que (obligacin) to have to,
templo nm temple.
have got to, must: tengo que quedarme
temporada nf 1 (en artes, deportes, moda)
I must stay.
P vpr tenerse (sostenerse) to stand up.
season. 2 (perodo) period, time. c o m p
l o c tenerse por to consider os: se tiene
temporada alta high season. y tempo
por guapo he thinks he's handsome.
rada baja low season.
temporal1 adj 1 (transitorio) temporary. tenia nf tapeworm.
P nm meteor storm.
teniente nm lieutenant.
temporal2 adj anat temporal.
tenis nm (deporte) tenis. c o m p tennis de
P nm anat temporal bone.
mesa table tennis, ping-pong.
temprano,-a adj early.
tenista nm o nf tennis player.
P adv early: nunca se levanta temprano he
tensar vt 1 (cable, cuerda) to tauten. 2
never gets up early.
(arco) to draw.
tenaza nf [tambin se usa en plural con el tensin nf 1 elec tension, voltage.
mismo sigificado] (herramienta) pliers pl,
2 (de materiales) stress; (de gases) prespincers pl; (para el fuego) tongs pl.
sure. 3 med pressure. 4 fig (de una situacin) tension; (de una persona) stress,
tendedero nm (cuerda) clothesline; (lustrain. c o m p alta tensin elec high
gar) drying place.
tension. y tensin arterial blood prestendencia nf (inclinacin) tendency, insure.
clination, leaning; (movimiento) trend.
tender vt 1 (extender - mantel, etc) to spread; tenso,-a adj 1 (cuerda) tense. 2 fig (relaciones) strained. 3 fig (persona) tense.
(- red) to cast. 2 (puente) to throw; (va,
cable) to lay; (cuerda) to stretch. 3 (ropa, tentacin nf temptation.
4 (mano) to stretch tentculo nm tentacle.
colada) to hang out.
tentador,-ra adj tempting, enticing.
out. 5 (emboscada, trampa) to lay, set.



tentar vt 1 (palpar) to feel, touch. 2 (in-

end (con, to). 5 (estropear) to damage

(con, -), ruin (con, -): la lluvia termin con
la cosecha the rain damaged the crops. 6
(reir) to break up (con, with). 7 (enfermedad) to come to the final stage.
P vpr terminarse 1 (acabarse) to finish.
2 (agotarse) to run out: se ha terminado el
azcar the sugar has run out.
trmino nm 1 (fin) end, finish. 2 (estacin) terminus, terminal. 3 (lmite)
limit, boundary; (hito) boundary
marker. 4 (plazo) term, time, period.
5 (palabra) term, word: trmino tcnico
technical term. 6 (estado) condition,
state. 7 (lugar, posicin) place. 8 (en matemticas, gramtica) term. l o c dar tr
mino a algo to conclude sth.
P nm pl trminos (condiciones) conditions, terms.
tercera nf 1 (clase) third class. 2 (marcha
de auto) third gear, third. 3 ms third.
terminologa nf terminology.
tercermundista adj third-world.
termita nf termite.
tercero,-a adj (ordinal) third.
termitero nm termite's nest.
P nm & nf (parte) third.
termo nm (recipiente) flask, thermos
P nm tercero 1 (mediador) mediator. 2
(persona ajena) outsider.
termmetro nm thermometer.
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.
termostato nm thermostat.
ternera nf culin veal, beef.
tercio,-a adj third.
ternero,-a nm & nf (animal) calf.
P nm tercio 1 (parte) third. 2 (en tauromaquia) stage, part.
ternura nf tenderness, gentleness.
terciopelo nm velvet.
terrapln nm embankment.
terco,-a adj obstinate, stubborn.
terrqueo,-a adj earth.
termal adj thermal.
terrateniente nm o nf landowner.
termas nf pl (baos) spa sing, hot baths. terraza nf 1 (balcn) terrace. 2 (azotea)
trmico,-a adj thermal.
roof terrace. 3 (de un caf) terrace.
terminacin nf 1 (accin) ending, ter- terremoto nm earthquake.
mination. 2 (conclusin) completion. 3 terrenal adj earthly, worldly.
(parte final) end. 4 gram ending.
terreno,-a adj worldly, earthly.
terminal adj (ltimo) final, terminal.
P nm terreno 1 (tierra) land, piece of
P nf 1 (estacin) terminus. 2 (en aeropuerland, ground; (solar) plot, site. 2 geog
to) terminal.
terrain. 3 agr (de cultivo) soil; (campo)
P nm (de ordenador) terminal.
field. 4 dep field, ground.
terminar vt 1 (acabar) to finish, com- terrestre adj 1 (de la tierra) terrestrial,
plete. 2 (dar fin) to end.
earthly. 2 (por tierra) by land.
P vi 1 (acabar) to finish, end: termin a las
cuatro it finished at four. 2 (acabar de) to terrible adj terrible, awful.
have just (de, -): termina de marchar he terrcola nm o nf (habitante) earth dweller; (en ciencia ficcin) earthling.
has just left. 3 (final de una accin, de un estaterritorial
adj territorial.
do) to end up: termin
ended up leaving. 4 (eliminar) to put an territorio nm territory.
citar) to tempt, entice.
tentempi nm fam (refrigerio) snack.
teir vt 1 (dar un color) to dye. 2 (rebajar
un color) to tone down.
P vpr teirse (el pelo) to dye one's hair.
teora nf theory. l o c en teora theoretically.
terica nf theory, theoretics.
terico,-a adj theoretic, theoretical.
P nm & nf theoretician, theorist.
terapeuta nm o nf therapist.
terapia nf therapy.
tercer adj [se usa ante nombres en masculino singular] third: el tercer mundo the
third world.
. Consulta tambin tercero,-a.


terrn nm 1 (de tierra) clod. 2 (de azcar,

etc) lump.

terror nm 1 (gen) terror. 2 cine horror.

terrorismo nm terrorism.
terrorista adj terrorist.
P nm

o nf terrorist.

tesoro nm 1 (gen) treasure. 2 fig treasure.

testamento nm 1 jur will, testament. 2

Testament. l o c hacer testamento

to make one's will.
testarudo,-a adj obstinate, stubborn.
testigo nm o nf witness.
P nm 1 (prueba) proof. 2 dep baton.
testimonio nm 1 jur testimony, evidence. 2 (prueba) evidence, proof.
ttanos nm inv tetanus.
tetera nf teapot.
tetraedro nm tetrahedron.
textil adj textile.
P nm textile.
texto nm text.
textura nf 1 (textil) texture. 2 (minerales)
tez nf complexion.
ti pron [se usa slo despus de una preposicion] you: te lo doy a ti I'll give it to you.
ta nf (pariente) aunt.
tibio,-a adj 1 tepid. 2 fig cool.
tiburn nm shark.
tic nm 1 tic, twitch. 2 fig (mana) habit.

ticket nm tique.
tiempo nm 1 (gen) time. 2 (poca) time,


tierno,-a adj 1 (blando) tender, soft. 2

fig (reciente) fresh: pan tierno fresh bread.

3 fig (carioso) affectionate.
tierra nf 1 (planeta) earth. 2 (superficie slida) land. 3 (terreno cultivado) soil, land.
4 (pas) country, land. 5 (suelo)
ground. 6 elec earth, us ground.
P nf pl tierras land sing. l o c tierra adentro
inland. c o m p tierra de nadie no-man'sland. y tierra firme terra firma.
tieso,-a adj 1 (rgido) stiff, rigid. 2 (erguido) upright, erect. 3 (tenso) taut, tight.
tiesto nm flowerpot.
tifn nm typhoon.
tigre nm tiger.
tijera nf [se suele usar en plural] (instrumento) scissors pl, pair of scissors.
tila nf 1 (tilo) lime. 2 (flor) lime blossom. 3 (infusin) lime-blossom tea.
tilde nf 1 (gen) written accent; (de la )
tilde. 2 fig (tacha) fault, flaw.
tilo nm lime tree.
timar vt to swindle, cheat, trick.
timbre nm 1 (de la puerta) bell. 2 (sello)
stamp, seal. 3 ms timbre.
timidez nf shyness, timidity.
tmido,-a adj shy, timid.
timo1 nm (estafa) swindle.
timo2 nm (glndula) thymus.
timn nm 1 (barco, avin) rudder. 2 (del
arado) beam. 3 fig (negocio, etc) helm.
Timor Oriental nm East Timor.
tmpano nm (del odo) eardrum.
tiniebla nf [tambin se usa en plural con el
mismo signficado] (oscuridad) darkness.
P nf pl tinieblas fig (ignorancia) ignorance sing, confusion sing.
tinta nf 1 (gen) ink. 2 (tinte) dyeing.
P nf pl tintas colours (us colors). c o m p
tinta china Indian ink.
tinte nm 1 (colorante) dye. 2 (proceso)
dyeing. 3 (tintorera) dry-cleaner's. 4
fig (aspecto) shade.
tintero nm inkwell.

period, age, days pl: en tiempo de los ro

manos in Roman times. 3 meteor weather: qu tiempo hace? what's the weather
like? 4 (edad) age: qu tiempo tiene el nio?
how old is your baby? 5 (temporada) season: fruta del tiempo fruit in season. 6 (momento) moment, time: no es tiempo de pre
guntarle eso it's not the time to ask him
that. 7 ms tempo, movement. 8 dep
(parte) half. 9 gram tense. 10 tc stroke.
l o c hacer buen tiempo the weather is
good. c o m p tiempo libre free time.
tienda nf 1 (establecimiento) shop, us tintinear vi tintinar.
store. 2 (de campaa) tent. 3 (de carro) tinto,-a adj 1 (teido) dyed. 2 (vino) red.
P nm tinto (vino) red wine.
to go shopcover. l o c ir de tiendas
tintorera nf dry-cleaner's.
ping. c o m p tienda de campaa tent.



to nm 1 (pariente) uncle. 2 fam (hombre)


pl tos aunt and uncle.

work any more. 5 fam (durar) to last: con

esta reparacin tirar un par de meses after

these repairs it'll last for a couple of

months. 6 fam fig (atraer) to attract, appeal: no le tira la mecnica mechanics
doesn't appeal to him. 7 fig (inclinarse) to
characteristic. 2 (pintoresco) picturbe attracted (a/hacia, to), be drawn
esque; (tradicional) traditional: un plato
(a/hacia, to): esta chica tira hacia las artes
tpico a traditional dish, a local dish.
this girl is drawn to the arts. 8 fig (parecertipo nm 1 (clase) type, kind. 2 fin rate. 3
se) to take after (a, -): tira a su padre she
anat (de hombre) build, physique; (de
takes after her father. 9 fig (mantenerse)
mujer) figure. 4 fam (persona) guy, felto get by, get along: ella tira con poco di
low, bloke. 5 (en impresin) type. c o m p
nero she gets by with little money. 10
tipo de inters fin rate of interest.
(disparar) to shoot, fire. 11 dep (ftbol) to
tquet nm tique.
shoot; (ciclismo) to set the pace.
tira nf 1 (cinta, banda) strip. 2 (de dibujos)
P vpr tirarse 1 (lanzarse) to throw os. 2
comic strip. l o c la tira (cantidad) a lot,
(abalanzarse) to rush (sobre, at), jump
loads; (mucho tiempo) for yonks, for
(sobre, on). 3 (tumbarse) to lie down. 4
ages: comimos la tira we ate loads.
fam (tiempo) to spend: se tir una hora en
tirada nf 1 (accin) throw: en la segunda ti
la ducha he spent an hour in the shower.
rada le salieron dos seises he got two sixes
on the second throw. 2 (impresin) print tirita nf sticking plaster, plaster.
run: una tirada de cinco mil ejemplares a tiritar vi (gen) to shiver, shake.
print run of five thousand. 3 (distancia) tiro nm 1 (lanzamiento) throw. 2 (disparo,
ruido) shot. 3 (galera de tiro) shooting
stretch: hay una buena tirada hasta all it's a
gallery. 4 dep shooting. 5 (caballeras)
good few miles away. 4 (serie) series.
team. 6 cost (de pantaln) distance betirado,-a adj 1 fam (precio) dirt cheap. 2
tween waist and crotch. 7 (de chimefam (problema, asunto) dead easy. 3 fam
nea) draught (us draft). 8 (ftbol, etc)
(abandonado) let down.
shot. c o m p tiro al blanco target shoottirador,-ra nm & nf (persona) shooter.
P nm (de puerta, cajn) knob, handle.
tirn nm pull, tug. l o c de un tirn fam
tirano,-a nm & nf tyrant.
in one go.
tirante adj 1 taut. 2 fig (situacin) tense.
tiroteo nm shooting.
P nm 1 (de ropa en general) strap. 2 tc
ttere nm 1 (marioneta) puppet, mariobrace, stay. 3 arquit beam.
nette. 2 fig (persona) puppet, dupe.
P nm pl tirantes (de pantaln) braces, us
P nm pl tteres puppet show sing. l o c
no dejar ttere con cabeza 1 fam (destirar vt 1 (echar) to throw, fling. 2 (dejar
truir) to break everything in sight. 2
caer) to drop. 3 (desechar) to throw
(criticar) to spare nobody.
away. 4 (derribar) to knock down; (casa, rbol) to pull down. 5 (derramar) to titulado,-a adj 1 (llamado) called. 2
educ (diplomado) qualified.
spill. 6 (vaso, botella) to knock over. 7
(estirar) to pull. 8 (imprimir) to print. 9 titular vt to entitle, title, call.
P adj regular.
(un tiro) to fire; (una bomba) to drop; (coP nm o nf 1 (poseedor) holder. 2 (de un
hete) to launch. 10 dep to take. 11 fig
puesto) office holder.
(malgastar) to waste, squander.
P nm (prensa) headline.
P vi 1 (cuerda, puerta) to pull (de, -). 2 (esP vpr titularse 1 (llamarse) to be called,
tufa, chimenea) to draw. 3 (en juegos) to
be titled. 2 educ to graduate (en, in).
be a player's move, be a player's
turn. 4 fam (funcionar) ttulo nm 1 (de obra) title. 2 (de texto legal)
turn: tira l it's his
heading. 3 (dignidad) title. 4 (persona noto work, run: esto ya no tira this doesn't
P nm

tiovivo nm merry-go-round.
tpico,-a adj 1 (caracterstico) typical,



ble) noble (person). 5 educ (licenciatura)

they're still there. 3 (para reforzar) even:
degree; (diploma) certificate. 6 (documenesto todava est mejor this is even better.
to) title. 7 (titular de prensa) headline.
todo,-a adj 1 (sin excluir nada) all: todos
P nm pl ttulos (titulacin) qualificalos vecinos lo vieron all the neighbours
tions; (mritos) qualities. c o m p ttulo de
saw it. 2 (verdadero) real: era todo un reto
propiedad deeds pl.
it was a real challenge. 3 (cada) every:
tiza nf chalk.
todos los das every day.
P pron 1 (sin excluir nada) all, everytoalla nf towel. c o m p toalla de bao
thing: llamaron todos they all phoned. 2
bath towel.
(cualquiera) anybody: todo el que yo diga
toallero nm towel rail, towel rack.
anybody I say.
tobillera nf ankle sock.
P nm todo (totalidad) whole.
tobillo nm ankle.
P adv completely, totally, all: est todo
tobogn nm 1 (rampa) slide, chute. 2
mojado it's all wet.
(trineo) toboggan, sledge.
todoterreno adj four-wheel-drive.
tocadiscos nm inv record player.
P nm four-wheel-drive vehicle.
tocado nm 1 (peinado) coiffure, hairdo.
nm Togo.
2 (prenda) headdress, hat.
tocado,-a adj 1 (fruta) bad, rotten. 2 togols,-esa adj Togolese.
P nm & nf Togolese.
fam (perturbado) crazy, touched.
nm 1 (cubierta) awning. 2 (de platocador nm 1 (mueble) dressing-table.
ya) sunshade.
2 (habitacin) dressing-room, boudoir.
tocar vt 1 (gen) to touch: no tocar la mer tolerancia nf tolerance.
canca do not handle the goods. 2 (sentir tolerante adj tolerant, lenient.
por el tacto) to feel: tcalo, est fro feel it, tolerar vt 1 (permitir, soportar) to tolerate, put up with: no te tolerar esa acti
it's cold. 3 (revolver) to rummage
tud I won't put up with that attitude. 2
amongst, root around: no toques mis pa
(inconvenientes) to stand.
peles leave my papers alone. 4 (hacer sonar
- instrumento, cancin) to play; (timbre) to toma nf 1 (accin) taking. 2 med dose. 3
mil capture. 4 (de aire) intake, inlet;
ring; (bocina) to blow, honk; (campanas)
(de agua) outlet, tap; (de electricidad)
to strike. 5 (la hora) to strike. 6 dep (diaplug, socket. 5 (grabacin) recording.
na) to hit; (esgrima) to touch. 7 fig (men6 cine take, shot. c o m p toma de pose
cionar) to touch on. 8 fig (impresionar) to
sin takeover.
touch, reach: me toc el corazn he
tomar vt 1 (gen) to take: lo tom en broma
touched my heart.
she took it as a joke. 2 (bao, ducha) to
P vi 1 (ser el turno) to be one's turn: le toca
have, take; (foto) to take. 3 (comer, beber)
a l it's his turn. 2 (corresponder) to be up
to have; (beber) to drink; (comer) to eat:
to: le toca a l explicarse it's up to him to
tmate la leche drink your milk. 4 (el autoexplain himself. 3 (ganar) to win. 4 (en un
bs, el tren) to catch. 5 (aceptar) to accept,
reparto, etc) to fall. 5 (un destino) to be
take. 6 (comprar) to buy, get, have: toma
posted: le toc en Cartagena he was postr manzanas I'll get some apples. 7 (adquirir)
ed to Cartagena. 6 (tener que) to have to:
to acquire, get into: tomar una costumbre
nos toc llevarla we had to take her. 7 (afecto acquire a habit. 8 mil to capture, take.
tar) to concern, affect: le toca directamen
P vi (encaminarse) to go, turn.
te it directly concerns you. 8 (entrar en conP vpr tomarse 1 (gen) to take: me tom
tacto) to touch.
P vpr tocarse (uso reflexivo) to touch os;
una aspirina I took an aspirin. 2 (beber) to
drink; (comer) to eat. l o c tomarse las
(uso recproco) to touch each other.
cosas con calma to take it easy.
tocino nm 1 (carne) bacon. 2 (grasa) fat.
nm (fruto) tomato.
todava adv 1 (a pesar
(tiempo) still, yet: todava estn all tmbola nf tombola.



tomillo nm thyme.
tomo nm (volumen) volume.
tonel nm barrel, cask.
tonelada nf ton. c o m p tonelada mtri

toque nm 1 (acto) touch. 2 (de campana)

ringing, peal, pealing; (de trompeta)

blare, sounding; (de claxon) honk; (de
sirena) hoot; (de tambor) beat, beating.
3 (pincelada) touch. 4 fig (advertencia)
ca metric ton, tonne.
warning. l o c dar un toque a algn 1
Tonga nf Tonga.
(llamar) to take sb to task. 2 (llamar la
tongano,-a adj Tongan.
to call sb's attention.
P nm & nf (persona) Tongan.
trax nm inv thorax.
P nm tongano (idioma) Tongan.
tnica nf 1 (tendencia) tendency, trend. torcer vt 1 (gen) to twist. 2 (doblar) to
bend; (madera) to warp.
2 (bebida) tonic, tonic water.
P vi (girar) to turn: torci a la derecha he
tnico,-a adj 1 (slaba) tonic, stressed.
turned right.
2 (nota musical) tonic.
P vpr torcerse 1 (gen) to twist. 2 (doblarP nm tnico med tonic.
se) to bend; (madera) to warp. 3 (latono nm 1 (gen) tone: el tono de su discur
dearse) to become slanted. 4 med to
so the tone of her speech. 2 (energa) ensprain, twist. 5 fig (plan) to fall
ergy. l o c fuera de tono fig inapprothrough.
priate, out of place.
torcido,-a adj 1 (que no es recto) twisted. 2
tontear vi (decir tonteras) to act the
(madera) warped; (metal) bent. 3 (ladeado)
clown, fool about.
slanted, crooked, lopsided: el cuadro
tontera nf 1 (calidad de tonto) stupidity,
est torcido the painting is crooked.
silliness. 2 (dicho, hecho) silly thing,
torear vt 1 (lidiar) to fight. 2 fig (entretestupid thing. 3 (insignificancia) trifle.
ner) to put off. 3 fig (burlar) to tease,
l o c hacer tonteras to mess about,
confuse. 4 fig (asunto, etc) to tackle
fool around.
skilfully. 5 fig (evitar) to avoid.
tonto,-a adj silly, stupid, us dumb:
P vi (lidiar) to fight.
qu idea ms tonta! what a stupid idea!
torero,-a nm & nf bullfighter.
P nm & nf fool, idiot. l o c hacerse el
tormenta nf storm.
tonto to play dumb.
tornado nm tornado.
topacio nm topaz.
topar vi 1 (chocar) to bump into: el coche torneo nm 1 (justa) tourney, joust. 2
dep tournament, competition.
top contra un poste the car bumped into
a pole. 2 (encontrar - algo) to come tornillo nm screw, bolt.
across, find; (- alguien) to bump into, toro nm (animal) bull.
P nm pl los toros (corrida) bullfight sing;
run into. 3 fig (dificultades, etc) to come
(arte) bullfighting sing.
up against, run into.
tope nm 1 (lmite) limit, end. 2 tc stop, torpe adj 1 (poco hbil) clumsy. 2 (de movimiento) slow, awkward. 3 (poco intelicheck. 3 (de ferrocarril) buffer, bumpgente) dim, thick.
ing post, bumper. 4 mar masthead.
torpedo nm mil torpedo.
P adj fig top, maximum.
P adv argot really, absolutely: la fiesta fue
torpeza nf 1 (falta de habilidad) clumsiness, awkwardness. 2 (mental) dimtope divertida the party was absolutely brilness, stupidity. 3 (de movimiento) slowliant. l o c a tope 1 argot (al lmite) flat out.
ness, heaviness. 4 (error) blunder.
2 (lleno) jam-packed, chock-a-block.
tpico,-a adj med external: uso tpico torre nf 1 (gen) tower. 2 (campanario)
bell tower. 3 (chal) country house,
external use.
P nm tpico commonplace, clich.
house, villa. 4 (ajedrez) rook, castle.
topo nm mole.
torrencial adj torrential.


torrente nm 1 (de agua) mountain

stream. 2 fig (abundancia) flood, stream.

torta nf 1 culin cake. 2 fam (golpe)
blow, crack; (bofetada) slap, wallop.
l o c ni torta fam not a thing: no ve ni
torta he can't see a thing.
tortazo nm 1 fam (golpe) whack,
thump. 2 fam (bofetada) slap, punch.
tortcolis nf inv stiff neck.
tortilla nf 1 omelette (us omelet). 2
am tortilla, pancake. c o m p tortilla de
patatas potato omelette.

trtola nf trtolo,-a.
tortuga nf 1 (de tierra) tortoise. 2 (marina) turtle.

torturar vt to torture.
tos nf cough, coughing.


tener tos


1 (materiales) to work (on). 2 (idea,

idioma, etc) to work on. 3 (la tierra) to
till. 4 culin (pasta) to knead.
trabajo nm 1 (ocupacin) work. 2 (tarea)
task, job. 3 (empleo) job. 4 (esfuerzo) effort. 5 educ report.
P nm pl trabajos fig (penalidades) hardships. c o m p trabajos manuales arts
and crafts, handicrafts.
trabalenguas nm inv tongue twister.
trabar vt 1 (unir) to join, link. 2 (sujetar)
to lock, fasten. 3 (mecanismo) to jam. 4
(prender a alguien) to shackle. 5 (caballera) to hobble. 6 fig (empezar) to start.
7 fig (conversacin, amistad) to strike up.
8 fig (impedir) to impede.
P vpr trabarse (enredarse) to get tangled up. l o c trabrsele la lengua a
algn to get tongue-tied.
tractor nm tractor.
tradicin nf tradition.
tradicional adj traditional.
traduccin nf translation.
traducir vt 1 (gen) to translate. 2 (expresar) to express, show.
P vpr traducirse (resulta) to result in.
traductor,-ra adj translating.
P nm & nf translator.
traer vt 1 (gen) to bring. 2 (llevar consigo)
to carry: traa un bolso she was carrying a
bag. 3 (vestir) to wear: traa una falda ver
de she was wearing a green skirt. 4 (causar) to cause, bring: esto le trajo muchos
problemas it caused him a lot of problems. 5 (contener) to contain: el paquete
trae un regalo the package contains a gift.
P vpr traerse (llevar consigo) to bring
along: trete al beb bring your baby
traficante nm o nf 1 trader, dealer. 2
(ilegal) trafficker.
traficar vi 1 to deal. 2 (de forma ilegal) to
traffic (en, in), deal (en, in): trafica en/
con drogas he traffics in drugs.
trfico nm 1 auto traffic. 2 com traffic.
P vt

to have a cough.
toser vi to cough.
tostada nf toast, slice of toast.
tostador,-ra nm & nf (de pan) toaster;
(de caf) roaster.
tostar vt 1 (pan) to toast; (caf) to roast;
(carnes) to brown. 2 fig (piel) to tan.
P vpr tostarse fig (la piel) to get brown,
turn brown, tan.
total adj total, complete, overall:
anestesia total general anaesthetic.
P nm 1 (totalidad) whole: el total de la po
blacin the whole population. 2 (suma)
total, sum.
P adv 1 (en conclusin) in short, so: total,
que se fueron porque quisieron they left because they wanted to. 2 (al fin y al cabo)
after all.
totalitario,-a adj totalitarian.
totalitarismo nm totalitarianism.
ttem nm totem; (efigie) totem pole.
txico,-a adj toxic, poisonous.
P nm txico toxicant, poison.
toxicmano,-a nm & nf drug addict.
tozudo,-a adj stubborn, obstinate.
trabajador,-ra adj 1 (que trabaja) working. 2 (laborioso) hard-working.
P nm & nf worker (us laborer).
tragaperras c o m p mquina tragape
rras slot machine.
trabajar vi 1 (gen) to work: trabaja mu
cho she works hard. 2 (en obra, pelcula) tragar vt 1 (ingerir) to swallow. 2 (absortrabaja en la
to act, perform: quin
ber) to soak up. 3 fig (hacer desaparecer)
to swallow up. 4 fig (gastar, consumir)
obra? who's in the play?



P nm & nf trickster, cheat; (en las cartas)

to eat up, guzzle: este coche traga mu
cha gasolina this car guzzles petrol. 5 fig
(creer) to swallow, believe. 6 fig (aguan- trancazo nm 1 (golpe) blow with a cudgtar) to put up with; (disimular) to hide:
el. 2 fam fig (resfriado) cold; (gripe) flu.
tuvo que tragar sus exigencias she had to trance nm 1 (momento crtico) critical moput up with his demands. 7 fig (soportar
ment. 2 (dificultad) fix, tight spot. 3
a alguien) to stand, stomach: no trago a
(xtasis) trance.
Pedro I can't stand Pedro.
tranquilidad nf (quietud) calmness; (soP vi to swallow, swallow up.
siego) peace and quiet. c o m p paz y tran
P vpr tragarse (ingerir) to swallow: se
quilidad peace and quiet.
trag un botn he swallowed a button.
tranquilizante nm tranquillizer (us
tragedia nf tragedy.
trgico,-a adj tragic.
tranquilizar vt 1 (calmar) to calm
trago nm 1 (sorbo) swig, drop. 2 fam
down, tranquillize (us tranquilize).
(bebida) drink. 3 fam fig (adversidad)
2 (dar confianza) to reassure, set one's
rough time.
mind at rest.
P vpr tranquilizarse 1 (calmarse) to calm
traicin nf treason, betrayal. l o c a
down. 2 to set one's mind at rest.
traicin treacherously.
traicionar vt 1 (gen) to betray. 2 fig (de- tranquilo,-a adj 1 (sin inquietud) calm,
relaxed, tranquil. 2 (sin preocupacin)
latar) to give away, betray: su expre
reassured. 3 (sin movimiento) calm, still,
sin traicion sus pensamientos his expresquiet. 4 (sin ruidos) quiet, still, peacesion gave away his thoughts.
ful. 5 (persona) calm, easy-going,
traidor,-ra adj treacherous.
placid. 6 (agua) still; (conciencia) clear.
P nm & nf traitor.
traje nm 1 (de hombre) suit. 2 (de mujer) transaccin nf transaction, deal.
dress. c o m p traje de chaqueta tailored transatlntico,-a adj transatlantic.
P nm transatlntico liner, ocean liner.
suit. y traje de noche evening dress.
trama nf 1 (textil) weft, woof. 2 (argu- transbordar vt to transfer.
P vi change (de tren, etc).
mento) plot.
tramar vt 1 (tejidos) to weave. 2 fig (ma- transbordador nm ferry. c o m p transbor
dador espacial space shuttle.
quinar) to plot, cook up.
nm 1 (de vehculo) change, us
tramitacin nf jur procedure.
transfer. 2 (de barco) transshipment.
tramitar vt 1 (gestionar) to deal with,
process: tramitaremos su pasaporte we'll transcribir vt to transcribe.
get your passport sorted out. 2 (solicitar, transcripcin nf transcription.
negociar) to arrange, negotiate: trami transcurrir vi 1 (tiempo) to pass, elapse.
2 (acontecer) to take place, go off.
tar un prstamo to negotiate a loan.
trmite nm 1 (paso) step. 2 (formalidad) transcurso nm 1 (paso) course. 2 (duracin) space, period: en el transcurso de
formality, requirement.
dos aos in the space of two years.
tramo nm 1 (camino, etc) stretch. 2 (de
transente nm o nf (peatn) pedestrian.
escalera) flight. 3 (de terreno) lot.
trampa nf 1 (abertura) trapdoor, hatch. transferencia nf fin transfer.
2 (para cazar) trap. 3 fig (engao) fiddle; transferible adj transferable.
(truco) trick. 4 fig (deuda) debt. l o c ten transferir vt fin to transfer, convey.
der una trampa to set a trap.
transformacin nf transformation.
trampoln nm 1 (de piscina) spring- transformador,-ra adj transforming.
P nm transformador transformer.
board. 2 (de esqu) ski jump.
tramposo,-a adj deceitful, tricky.
transformar vt to transform, change.



vpr transformarse to change, be transmutar vt to transmute.

transformed: se transform completa
P vpr transmutarse to change, transmente he was completely transformed.
l o c transformarse en 1 (persona) to betransocenico,-a adj transoceanic.
come. 2 (objeto) to convert into.
transparencia nf 1 transparency. 2
transfusin nf transfusion. c o m p trans
(diapositiva) transparency.
fusin de sangre blood transfusion.
transparentar vt fig (emociones, etc) to
transgnico,-a adj genetically modireveal.
P vpr transparentarse 1 (ser transparente)
transgresin nf transgression.
to be transparent, show through. 2
transgresor,-ra nm & nf transgressor,
fig (emociones, etc) to show.
transparente adj 1 (gen) transparent.
transicin nf transition.
2 (tela, vestido) transparent. 3 fig
transigencia nf 1 (actitud) tolerance,
straight, plain.
lenience. 2 (concesin) compromise.
transpiracin nf perspiration.
transigente adj accommodating, toltranspirar vi to perspire, transpire.
erant, lenient.
transigir vi 1 (ceder) to compromise, transplantar vt 1 (gen) to transplant. 2
(trasladar) to transfer.
give in, yield. 2 (tolerar) to tolerate.
transplante nm transplant.
transistor nm transistor.
transportable adj transportable.
transitable adj passable.
transportar vt 1 (gen) to transport. 2
transitado,-a adj busy.
(pasajeros) to carry; (mercancas en barco)
transitar vi 1 (viajar) to travel, travel
to ship. 3 mat to transfer. 4 ms to
about. 2 (pasar) to pass, go, walk.
transpose. 5 fig (hacer perder la razn)
transitivo,-a adj transitive.
to carry away, send into raptures.
trnsito nm 1 (accin) passage, transit,
P vpr transportarse fig to be transmovement. 2 auto traffic. 3 euf
ported, be enraptured.
(muerte) death, passing. 4 (lugar de patransporte nm 1 (medio) transport. 2
rada) stopping place.
(accin) transport, us transportation.
transitoriedad nf transience.
3 com freight, freightage. 4 ms
transitorio,-a adj (pasajero) transitory;
transposition. 5 fig transport, ecsta(de transicin) transitional, interim.
sy, bliss. c o m p transporte pblico pubtransmediterrneo,-a adj translic transport.
transportista nm o nf carrier.
transmisible adj transmissible.
transmisin nf 1 (propagacin) trans- transvasar vt 1 (lquidos) to decant. 2
mission. 2 jur transfer, transference.
(entre ros) to transfer.
3 rad tv broadcast. 4 tc drive.
transvase nm 1 (de lquidos) decanting.
P nf pl transmisiones mil signals. c o m p
2 (de ros) transfer.
derechos de transmisin 1 jur (de heren- transversal adj transverse.
cia) succession duty. 2 (de televisin, etc)
transverso,-a adj transverse.
broadcasting rights. y transmisin en
tranva nm 1 (sistema) tramway. 2 (vehdirecto rad tv live broadcast.
culo) tram, tramcar, us streetcar.
transmisor,-ra adj transmitting.
trapecio nm 1 dep trapeze. 2 (geometra)
P nm & nf transmitter.
trapezium, us trapezoid. 3 anat (huetransmitir vt 1 (gen) to transmit. 2 rad
so) trapezium; (msculo) trapezius.
tv to broadcast. 3 (enfermedad) to
4 jur to transfer, trapecista nm o nf trapeze artist.
transmit, pass on.
trapera nf secondhand clothes shop.
hand down.



trapero,-a nm & nf (hombre) rag-and-

bone man, us junkman; (mujer) ragand-bone woman.

trapezoide nm trapezoid, us trapezium.
trapo nm 1 (tela vieja) rag. 2 (pao, bayeta)
cloth. 3 mar sails pl. 4 (teln) curtain.
5 (del torero) red cape.
P nm pl trapos clothes, rags. l o c poner
a algn como un trapo (sucio) fam to
tear sb apart. c o m p trapo del polvo
trquea nf trachea, windpipe.
traqueal adj tracheal.
traqueotoma nf tracheotomy.
tras prep 1 (despus de) after: tras la salida
del avin after the departure of the plane.
2 (detrs) behind: tras el muro behind
the wall. 3 (en pos de) after, in pursuit
of: iba siempre tras el xito he was always
in pursuit of success. l o c da tras da
day after day.
trasbordador nm ferry, car ferry.
trascendencia nf 1 (importancia) significance, importance. 2 (filosofa) transcendence, transcendency.
trascendental adj 1 (importante) significant, very important, consequential; (de gran alcance) far-reaching. 2 (filosofa) transcendent, transcendental.

trasformador,-ra adj-nm transfor


trasgresin nf transgression.
trasgresor,-ra nm & nf transgressor,

trashumancia nf transhumance, seasonal migration.

trashumante adj transhumant.

trasiego nm comings and goings pl,
hustle and bustle.

traslacin nf 1 (de la Tierra) passage,

movement. 2 (en matemticas) translation.

trasladar vt 1 (cambiar de sitio) to move.
2 (de cargo, etc) to transfer. 3 (aplazar)
to postpone, put off.
P vpr trasladarse 1 (ir) to go. 2 (cambiar
de residencia) to move.
traslado nm 1 (cambio de lugar) move,
moving; (de residencia) removal. 2 (de
cargo, etc) transfer. 3 (copia) copy. 4 jur
traslcido,-a adj translucent, semitransparent.
traslucir vt fig to show, reveal, betray.
P vpr traslucirse 1 (material) to be
translucent. 2 fig (dejar ver) to show,
show through.
trasluz nm diffused light, reflected
trascendente adj trascendental.
light. l o c mirar algo al trasluz to look
trascender vi 1 (olor - despedir) to smell;
at sth against the light.
(- llegar hasta) to reach. 2 (darse a conocer) trasmano nm o nf second hand.
to become known, leak out: el resul trasnochado,-a adj 1 fig (viejo) old,
tado trascendi the result leaked out. 3
hackneyed. 2 fig (desmejorado) hag(extenderse) to spread, have a wide efgard, bleary-eyed.
trasnochador,-ra nm & nf night bird,
trascribir vt to transcribe.
trascripcin nf transcription.
trasnochar vi to stay up late, stay up
trasegar vt 1 (mudar) to move about,
until the early hours.
shuffle. 2 (lquidos) to decant.
traspapelado,-a adj mislaid, mistrasero,-a adj back, rear.
P nm trasero fam euf bottom, bum.
traspapelar vt to mislay, misplace.
trasferencia nf transferencia.
P vpr traspapelarse to get mislaid, get
trasferible adj transferable.
trasferir vt transferir.
traspasar vt 1 (atravesar) to go
trasfondo nm 1 background. 2 fig unthrough, cross. 2 (cambiar de lugar) to
move. 3 (perforar) to go through,
pierce. 4 (dar, pasar) to transfer; (ventrasformacin nf transformation.


der) to sell. 5 fig (exceder) to exceed,

go beyond.
traspaso nm 1 (de negocio, etc) transfer,
sale. 2 (precio) transfer fee.
traspi nm 1 (tropezn) stumble, trip. 2
fig (equivocacin) blunder.


trastornar vt 1 (revolver) to turn round,

turn upside down. 2 (alterar - planes)

to disrupt; (- paz, orden) to disturb. 3
(estmago) to upset. 4 fig (enloquecer) to
drive crazy.
P vpr trastornarse (perturbarse) to go
mad, go out of one's mind.
trasponer vt-vpr transponer.
trastorno nm 1 (desorden) confusion. 2
trasportista nm o nf carrier.
(molestia) trouble, inconvenience.
trasposicin nf transposition.
3 (perturbacin) disruption, upheaval,
traspuesto,-a l o c quedarse traspues
upset. 4 med upset.
to,-a to nod off, doze off.
traspunte nm teat (apuntador) callboy. trastrocar vt 1 (gen) to switch around,
change around. 2 (orden) to invert,
trasquilado,-a adj 1 (oveja) sheared;
reverse; (significado) to change.
(pelo) hacked, unevenly cut. 2 fam fig
trasunto nm 1 (copia) copy. 2 (represencurtailed, cut down.
tacin) representation.
trasquilar vt 1 (animales) to shear. 2
(pelo) to hack, cut unevenly. 3 fig to trata nf slave trade.
tratable adj friendly, congenial, easy
to get along with.
trastabillar vi 1 (dar traspis) to stumble, trip. 2 (tambalearse) to stagger, tratadista nm o nf treatise writer.
tratado nm 1 (pacto) treaty. 2 (estudio)
trastada nf fam (mala pasada) dirty
tratamiento nm 1 (gen) treatment. 2
trastazo nm fam whack, wallop,
(de datos, materiales) processing. 3 (ttulo)
thump. l o c darse un trastazo fam to
title, form of address. c o m p trata
come a cropper.
miento de textos word processing.
traste nm ms fret. l o c irse al traste fig tratar vt 1 (gen - objeto) to treat, handle;
to fall through.
(- persona) to treat: nos trat bien he
trastear vt 1 ms to play. 2 (revolver) to
treated us well. 2 (asunto, tema) to disrummage in. 3 fig (manejar) to twist
cuss, deal with. 3 (gestionar) to hanaround one's little finger.
dle, run. 4 (dar tratamiento) to address
P vi (revolver) to rummage.
as. 5 (calificar, considerar) to consider,
trastero,-a nm junk room.
call: lo trat de idiota she called him an
idiot. 6 med to treat. 7 (datos, texto) to
trastienda nf 1 (de tienda) back room.
2 fig (astucia) cunning.
process. 8 qum to treat.
P vi 1 (relacionarse) to be acquainted
trasto nm 1 (algo intil) piece of junk. 2
(con, with), know (con, -). 2 (tener trafam (nio) little devil. 3 fam (persona)
tos) to deal ( con, with). 3 (negociar)
useless person, good-for-nothing,
to negotiate (con, with). 4 (intentar) to
dead loss.
P nm pl trastos 1 (utensilios) tackle sing,
try (de, to): trata de hacerlo try to do it.
gear sing. 2 fam (pertenencias) belong5 (versar) to be about: trata de/sobre es
ings, things. l o c tirarse los trastos a la
pas it's about spies.
cabeza fig to have a blazing row.
P vpr tratarse 1 (relacionarse) to talk to
each other, be on speaking terms:
trastocar vt (cambiar) to change.
P vpr trastocarse (trastornarse) to go
no se tratan they're not on speaking
terms. 2 (llamarse) to address each
other as, call each other. 3 (referirse)
trastornado,-a adj 1 (preocupado) upto be about: se trataba de un atraco it
set. 2 (loco) mad.
3 (mente) unbalwas about a robbery.



trato nm 1 (accin) treatment. 2 (moda-

P nm (nmero) thirteen; (fecha) thirteenth.

les) manner. 3 (contacto) contact. 4
(acuerdo) agreement. 5 com deal.
. Consulta tambin seis.
6 (tratamiento) title. l o c cerrar un trato
to close a deal. y trato hecho! it's a treceavo,-a adj thirteenth.
P nm & nf thirteenth.
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.
trauma nm trauma.
traumtico,-a adj traumatic.
trecho nm 1 (espacio) distance, way;
traumatismo nm traumatism.
(tiempo) while, time. 2 (de camino, ruta)
stretch. 3 agr plot, patch. 4 fam (partraumatizar vt 1 med to traumatize. 2
te) piece, bit.
fam to shock.
travs nm 1 (inclinacin) slant. 2 (pieza de tregua nf 1 truce. 2 fig respite, rest.
madera) crosspiece, crossbeam. 3 mar treinta adj (cardinal) thirty; (ordinal)
beam. 4 fig (desgracia) misfortune. l o c
P nm (nmero) thirty; (fecha) thirtieth.
a travs de 1 (de un lado a otro) across,
over. 2 (por dentro) through. 3 (median. Consulta tambin seis.
te) through, from.
travesao nm 1 arquit crosspiece. 2 treintaero,-a adj thirty-year-old.
P nm & nf thirty-year-old person.
dep crossbar.
treintavo,-a adj thirtieth.
travesa nf 1 (viaje) crossing; (por mar)
P nm & nf thirtieth.
voyage, crossing. 2 (calle) cross. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.
street, passage. 3 (distancia) distance.
travesura nf piece of mischief, child- treintena nf (exacto) thirty; (aproximado)
ish prank. l o c hacer travesuras to get
about thirty.
into mischief.
tremendo,-a adj 1 (terrible) terrible,
dreadful, frightful. 2 (muy grande)
traviesa nf 1 (de ferrocarril) sleeper, us
huge, enormous, tremendous. 3
tie. 2 (en construccin) trimmer.
(travieso) terrible. l o c tomarse algo por
travieso,-a adj mischievous, naughla tremenda fig to make a great fuss
about sth.
trayecto nm 1 (distancia) distance, way.
trementina nf turpentine.
2 (recorrido) route, itinerary.
trayectoria nf 1 trajectory. 2 fig line, tremolar vt to wave.
P vi to wave, flutter.
course, path.
traza nf fig (apariencia) looks pl, appear- trmulo,-a adj 1 (tembloroso) tremulous, quivering. 2 (luz, llama) flickerance.
trazado nm 1 (plano) layout, plan. 2
tren nm 1 (ferrocarril) train. 2 (conjunto de
(dibujo) drawing, sketch. 3 (de carretera,
mquinas) convoy, line. 3 fig (ritmo, moferrocarril) route, course.
do) speed, pace. l o c coger el tren / to
trazar vt 1 (lnea, plano, dibujo) to draw,
mar el tren to catch a train. c o m p tren
draw up. 2 (parque) to lay out; (edificio)
de alta velocidad high-speed train.
to design. 3 (itinerario) to trace. 4 fig trenca nf (abrigo) duffel coat, duffle
(plan, etc) to outline, draft.
trazo nm 1 (lnea) line. 2 (de una letra) trenza nf 1 (peluquera) plait, us braid. 2
stroke. 3 fig (rasgo facial) feature.
cost braid.
trbol nm 1 (planta) clover, trefoil. 2 trenzado nm 1 (trenza - de pelo) plait, us
(naipes) club.
braid; (- de costura) braid. 2 (en danza)
trece adj (cardinal)
thirteen; (ordinal)
entrechat. 3 (de caballo) crossover



trenzar vt 1 to plait, braid. 2 (peluque-

ra) to plait, us braid.

trepador,-ra adj (planta) climbing.
P nm & nf fam pey go-getter, social
trepanacin nf trepanation, trephination.
trepanar vi to trepan, trephine.
trpano nm 1 med trephine. 2 tc bit.
trepar1 vt (escalar) to climb.
P vi (escalar) to climb.
trepar2 vt 1 (taladrar) to drill. 2 (un bordado) to trim.
trepidante adj 1 vibrating, shaking. 2
fig (vida, etc) hectic, frantic.
trepidar vi to vibrate, shake.
tres adj (cardinal) three; (ordinal) third.
P nm (nmero) three; (fecha) third. c o m p
tres en raya noughts and crosses, us
. Consulta tambin seis.

trescientos,-as adj (cardinal) three

hundred; (ordinal) three hundredth.
(nmero) three hundred.
. Consulta tambin seis.
P nm

tresillo nm (mueble) suite, three-piece


treta nf trick, ruse.

trada nf triad.
triangular adj triangular.
tringulo,-a adj triangular.

tributar vt to pay.
tributario,-a adj tributary, tax.
P nm

& nf taxpayer.

tributo nm 1 (impuesto) tax. 2 (a cambio

de algo) tribute. 3 fig (carga) price. 4 fig

(de sentimiento) token.
tricfalo,-a adj tricephalous.
trceps nm inv triceps.
triciclo nm tricycle.
tricornio nm (sombrero) three-cornered
tricotar vt to knit.
tridente nm trident.
tridimensional adj three-dimensional.
triedro nm trihedron.
trienal adj triennial.
trienio nm triennium.
trifsico,-a adj elec three-phase.
trigal nm wheat field.
trigsimo,-a adj thirtieth.
P nm & nf thirtieth.
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

triglifo nm triglyph.
trigo nm (cereal) wheat.
trigonometra nf trigonometry.
trigonomtrico,-a adj trigonometric, trigonometrical.

trigueo,-a adj 1 (pelo) corn-coloured

( us corn-colored), dark blonde. 2

(piel) dark, swarthy. 3 (persona) oliveskinned.
triguero,-a adj wheat.
trilateral adj three-sided, trilateral.
trilinge adj trilingual.
trilita nf TNT, trinitrotoluene.
triatln nm triathlon.
trilla nf threshing.
tribal adj tribal, tribe.
trillado,-a adj 1 (camino) beaten, welltribu nf tribe.
trodden. 2 fig (expresin, etc) overtribuna nf 1 (plataforma) rostrum, dais.
worked, well-worn.
2 dep grandstand.
tribunal nm 1 jur court. 2 (de examen) trilladora nf threshing machine.
board of examiners. l o c llevar a los trillar vt 1 to thresh. 2 fig to wear out.
tribunales to take to court. c o m p Tri trillizo,-a nm & nf triplet.
bunal Supremo High Court, us Su- triloga nf trilogy.
preme Court.
trimestral adj quarterly, three
tributacin nf taxation, levy.
monthly, trimestral.
tringulo triangle. c o m p tringulo
equiltero equilateral triangle. y
tringulo issceles isosceles triangle.
y tringulo rectngulo right-angled
P nm



trimestre nm 1 quarter, trimester. 2

poor, humble. l o c es triste que it's

a pity: es triste que no los podamos ayu
dar it's a pity we can't help them.
trimotor nm three-engined aircraft.
trinar vi 1 (ave) to warble, trill. 2 ms to tristeza nf sadness.
P nf pl tristezas problems, sufferings.
trill. 3 fam (enfadarse) to rage, fume:
tristn,-ona adj fam gloomy, sad,
Pedro est que trina Pedro is fuming.
trinchar vt to carve, slice (up).
tritn nm 1 (anfibio) newt. 2 Tritn (mitotrinchera nf trench.
loga) Triton.
trineo nm sleigh, sled, sledge.
Trinidad nf Trinidad. c o m p Trinidad y triturado,-a adj 1 ground, crushed. 2
fig crumpled up.
Tobago Trinidad and Tobago.
triturador,-ra adj grinding, crushing,
trinitrotolueno nm trinitrotoluene.
trino nm 1 (ave) warble, trill. 2 ms
P nm triturador waste disposal unit,
us garbage disposal unit.
trino,-a adj trine.
trituradora nf grinder, crushing matrinomio nm trinomial.
chine. c o m p trituradora de papel patrinquete1 nm (lengeta) pawl; (mecanisper shredder.
mo) ratchet.
triturar vt 1 to grind (up), crush; (patrinquete2 nm 1 (frontn) pelota court.
pel) to shred. 2 fig (fsicamente) to beat
2 mar (palo) foremast; (vela) foresail.
(up); (moralmente) to tear apart.
tro nm trio.
triunfador,-ra adj winning.
tripa nf 1 (intestino) gut, intestine. 2 (baP nm & nf winner.
rriga) gut, stomach. 3 (de vasija) belly. triunfal adj triumphant.
4 fam (embarazo) belly.
triunfalismo nm 1 triumphalism. 2
P nf pl tripas fam (interior) innards.
pol jingoism.
tripartito,-a adj tripartite.
triunfalista adj 1 triumphalist. 2 pol
triple adj 1 triple. 2 (tres veces) three
times: pagamos el triple del precio real we
P nm o nf 1 triumphalist. 2 pol jingopaid three times the real price.
P nm triple. c o m p triple salto triple
triunfar vi to triumph. l o c triunfar en
la vida to succeed in life.
triplicado nm triplicate.
triunfo nm 1 (victoria) triumph, victory.
triplicar vt to triple, treble.
2 dep win. 3 (xito) success. 4 (naipes)
trpode nm tripod.
trptico nm triptych.
trivial adj trivial, petty.
triptongo nm triphthong.
trivialidad nf triviality, pettiness.
tripulacin nf crew.
trivializar vt to trivialize, minimize.
tripulante nm crew member.
triza nf bit, fragment. l o c estar hecho,
-a trizas fam to feel washed out.
tripular vt to man.
tris nm fam fig bit; (sonido) crack. l o c en trocar vt 1 (permutar) to exchange,
swap: trocar un lpiz por un bolgrafo to
un tris fam in a jiffy: lo hizo en un tris he
exchange a pencil for a biro. 2 (transfordid it in a jiffy.
mar) to turn (en, into), convert (en,
trislabo,-a adj trisyllabic.
P nm trislabo trisyllable.
triste adj 1 (infeliz) sad, unhappy; (futu- trocear vt to cut up.
ro) bleak. 2 (oscuro, sombro) gloomy, trofeo nm trophy.
only: ni un tris trfico,-a adj food.
dismal. 3 (nico) single,
te libro not a single book. 4 (insignificante) troglodita nm o nf troglodyte.




trolebs nm trolley bus.

tromba nf waterspout.
de agua downpour.


trombo nm thrombus.
trombn nm ms trombone.


P nf

pl tropas mil troops, fighting sol-


tropel nm throng, mob.


en tropel

in a mad rush.
tropela nf 1 (atropello) outrage. 2 (tropel) throng, mob. 3 (delito) crime.
P nm o nf trombonist. c o m p trombn de
tropezar vi 1 (trompicar) to trip, stumvaras slide trombone.
ble: tropez con mi pie he tripped over
trombosis nf inv thrombosis.
my foot. 2 fig (encontrar a alguien) to
trompa nf 1 ms horn. 2 (de elefante)
come (con, across), bump (con, intrunk. 3 (de insecto) proboscis. 4 anat
to). 3 fig (encontrar dificultades, etc) to
tube. 5 fam fig (nariz) hooter, snout.
come up (con, against), run (con, inl o c estar trompa fam to be plastered.
c o m p trompa de Eustaquio Eustachian
tube. y trompa de Falopio Fallopian tropezn nm 1 (traspi) trip, stumble. 2
fig (error) slip-up, faux pas. 3 fam (de
comida) chunk of food. l o c dar un troP nm o nf ms horn player.
pezn to trip.
trompazo nm bump.
darse un
trompazo to have a bump, have a tropical adj tropical.
trpico nm tropic.
P nm pl trpicos tropics.
trompeta nf ms trumpet.
tropiezo nm 1 (obstculo) trip. 2 fig (error)
P nm o nf trumpet player.
blunder; (revs) setback, mishap. 3
trompetista nm o nf trumpet player,
(ria) quarrel.
trompicn nm 1 (tropezn) trip, stum- tropismo nm tropism.
ble. 2 (golpe) blow, hit. l o c a trompi- tropo nm trope.
troposfera nf troposphere.
cones in fits and starts.
troquel nm die.
trompo nm top, spinning top.
tronar vi 1 [se usa slo en tercera persona; troqueladora nf stamping machine.
no lleva sujeto] (trueno) to thunder. 2 troquelar vt (gen) to stamp; (monedas)
to strike; (cuero) to emboss.
(can, etc) to thunder.
tronchar vt 1 (rboles) to cut down, trotamundos nm o nf inv globe-trotter;
(mochilero) backpacker.
fell. 2 fig to destroy. l o c troncharse
de risa fam to split one's sides with trotar vi 1 to trot. 2 fig (andar) to bustle, run, run about.
trote nm 1 (de caballo) trot. 2 fam fig (actroncho adj stem, stalk.
tividad) chasing about, hustle and
tronco nm 1 anat trunk, torso. 2 bot
bustle, bustle. l o c al trote at a trot.
(tallo de rbol) trunk; (leo) log. 3 fig (linaje) family stock. 4 fig (persona intil) trovador , -ra nm & nf troubadour,
blockhead. 5 (geometra) frustum. 6
argot (compaero) mate, pal, chum. trozo nm piece, chunk.
l o c dormir como un tronco fam to
trucaje nm trick photography.
sleep like a log. c o m p tronco de cono trucar vt 1 (foto, etc) to doctor, alter,
truncated cone.
tamper with. 2 auto to soup up.
tronera nf 1 (de fortificacin) loophole, trucha nf trout.
embrasure. 2 (de barco) porthole. 3 (de truco nm 1 (ardid) trick. 2 (fotogrfico)
billar) pocket.
trick effect, trick camera shot. 3
trono nm throne.
(maa) knack.
tropa nf 1 mil troops
pl, soldiers pl. 2 truculencia nf 1 cruelty. 2 fig sensa
(muchedumbre) crowd.



truculento,-a adj 1 (cruel) cruel. 2 fig

tufo nm 1 (mal olor) pong, foul smell,

stink. 2 (emanacin) fume, vapour (us
(excesivo) sensationalistic.
trueno nm 1 thunder, thunderclap. 2
tugurio nm 1 (choza) shepherd's hut. 2
fam (joven) hare brain.
(casucha) hovel, shack. 3 fig hole,
trueque nm exchange, swap.
trufa nf 1 (hongo) truffle. 2 (de chocolate)
tul nm tulle.
chocolate truffle.
tulipa nf 1 (bot) small tulip. 2 (lmpara)
trufar vt to stuff with truffles.
tulip-shaped lampshade.
P vi fig to tell lies.
tulipn nm tulip.
truhan,-ana nm & nf rogue, crook.
tullido,-a adj crippled, disabled.
truncado,-a adj (geometra) truncated.
P nm & nf cripple.
truncar vt 1 (cortar) to truncate. 2 fig
adj (estirado) lying,
(ilusiones, esperanzas) to shatter, cut
stretched out: tumbado al sol lying in
short. 3 fig (escrito) to leave unfinthe sun.
ished; (sentido) to upset.
vt 1 (derribar) to knock out,
P vpr truncarse fig (ilusiones, etc) to cut
knock over. 2 educ fam to fail.
P vpr tumbarse (acostarse) to lie down,
trust nm trust, cartel.
stretch out.
tu adj your: tu coche your car; tus coches
tumbo nm jolt, bump. l o c dar tumbos
your cars.
to jolt, bump along.
t pron 1 you. 2 rel Thou. l o c tratar de tumbona nf 1 (hamaca) deck-chair. 2
t to address as t.
(silla extensible) lounger.
tuareg adj Tuareg.
tumor nm tumour (us tumor).
P nm Tuareg.
tmulo nm 1 (montecillo) tumulus, burituba nf tuba.
al mound, barrow. 2 (catafalco) catatubrculo nm 1 bot tuber. 2 med tufalque.
tumulto nm tumult, commotion.
tuberculosis nf inv tuberculosis.
tumultuoso,-a adj tumultuous, riottuberculoso,-a adj 1 bot tuberous. 2
med tubercular, tuberculous.
tuna nf student minstrel group.
tubera nf 1 (de agua) piping, pipes pl, tunda nf 1 fam thrashing, beating.
plumbing. 2 (de gas, petrleo) pipeline.
2 fig (trabajo agotador) exhausting job,
tuberoso,-a adj tuberous.
tubo nm 1 (de ensayo, etc) tube. 2 (tubera) tundra nf tundra.
pipe. 3 anat tube. c o m p tubo de ensa tunecino,-a adj Tunisian.
yo test tube. y tubo de escape exhaust
P nm & nf Tunisian.
pipe, exhaust. y tubo digestivo ali- tnel nm tunnel.
mentary canal.
Tnez nm 1 (ciudad) Tunis. 2 (pas) Tunitubular adj tubular.
P nm bicycle tyre.
tungsteno nm tungsten.
tucn nm toucan.
tnica nf tunic.
tuerca nf nut.
tuno nm bot prickly pear.
tuerto,-a adj one-eyed, blind in one tup adj Tupi.
P nm & nf Tupi.
P nm & nf one-eyed person.
P nm (idioma) Tupi.
tutano nm 1 marrow.
adj 1 dense, thick. 2 fig (tor
pe) clumsy, dense.



tupir vi (apretar) to pack tight, press


vpr tupirse 1 (comiendo) to stuff os.

turismo 1 (pas) to go touring. 2 (ciu-

dad, pueblo) to go sightseeing.

turista nm o nf tourist.
turstico,-a adj tourist.

2 (ofuscarse) to get muddled up, get in

l o c de inters
a muddle.
turstico of interest to tourists.
turba nf 1 (combustible) peat, turf. 2 Turkmenistn nm Turkmenistan.
(abono) peat, peat moss.
trmix nm inv liquidizer, blender.
turba2 nf (muchedumbre) mob, crowd.
turnar vi to alternate.
turbacin nf 1 (alteracin) disturbance.
P vpr turnarse to take turns.
2 (preocupacin) anxiety, worry. 3 (des- turno nm 1 (tanda) turn, go: es mi turno
concierto) confusion, uneasiness.
it's my turn; a quin le toca el turno?
turbado,-a adj 1 (alterado) disturbed,
who's next? 2 (perodo de trabajo) shift.
unsettled. 2 (preocupado) worried, upl o c estar de turno to be on duty. c o m p
set. 3 (desconcertado) confused.
turno de da / turno de noche day
turbador,-ra adj 1 (que altera) disturbshift / night shift.
ing, unsettling. 2 (preocupante) worry- turquesa adj turquoise.
ing, upsetting. 3 (desconcertante) conP nf (piedra) turquoise.
fusing, disconcerting.
P nm (color) turquoise.
turbante nm turban.
Turqua nf Turkey.
turbar vt 1 (alterar) to unsettle, dis- turrn nm type of nougat.
turb. 2 (enturbiar) to stir up. 3 (preocu- turronera nf shop selling nougat.
par) to upset, worry. 4 (desconcertar) to tute nm 1 (naipes) card game. 2 fig (esbaffle, put off.
fuerzo) beating, thrashing.
P vpr turbarse 1 (preocuparse) to be uptutear
vt 1 to address as t. 2 fig to be
set, become upset. 2 (desconcertarse) to
on familiar terms with.
be confused, be baffled.
P vpr tutearse (uso recproco) to address
turbera nf peat bog.
each other as t.
turbina nf turbine.
tutela nf 1 jur guardianship, tutelage.
turbio,-a adj 1 (oscurecido) cloudy,
2 fig protection, guidance. l o c bajo
muddy, turbid. 2 fig (dudoso) shady,
la tutela de under the protection of.
dubious. 3 fig (turbulento) turbulent. 4 tutelar adj tutelary.
fig (confuso) confused. 5 fig (vista)
tuteo nm use of the t form of adblurred.
turbo nm turbo.
tutor,-ra nm & nf 1 jur guardian. 2 fig
turbogenerador nm turbogenerator.
protector, guide. 3 educ tutor.
turbohlice nm turboprop.
P nm tutor agr stake, prop.
turborreactor nm turbojet, turbojet tutora nf 1 jur guardianship, tuteengine.
lage. 2 educ post of tutor.
turbulencia nf turbulence.
Tuvalu nm Tuvalu.
turbulento,-a adj turbulent, trou- tuyo,-a adj of yours, one of your: es
primo tuyo? is he a cousin of yours?, is he
turco,-a adj Turkish.
your cousin?
P nm & nf (persona) Turk.
P pron yours, your own: el tuyo est all
P nm turco (idioma) Turkish.
yours is there.
turgencia nf turgidity, turgidness.
P nm lo tuyo (lo que es tuyo) what is
turgente adj turgid.
yours; (lo que te concierne) your business, your own business.
turismo nm 1 (gen) tourism. 2 (industria)
P nm pl los tuyos (familiares) your famitourist trade, tourist industry. 3
l o c hacer
ly sing; (amigos) your friends.
auto private car, saloon.


U, u nf (la letra) U, u.
u [se usa ante palabras que empiezan por o
u ho] conj or: diez u once ten or eleven.

. Consulta tambin o.

ubre nf udder.
ucraniano,-a adj Ukranian.
P nm

& nf (persona) Ukranian.

Uganda nf Uganda.
ugands,-esa adj Ugandan.
P nm

& nf Ugandan.

lcera nf ulcer.


go stomach ulcer.

lcera de estma

ulceracin nf ulceration.
ultimar vt to finish, complete.
ultimtum nm inv 1 ultimatum. 2 fam
final word.

ltimo,-a adj 1 last. 2 (ms reciente) lat-

1 (numeral) one: tiene un ao he's

one year old. 2 (indef) some: un da vol
ver he'll come some day.
. Consulta tambin uno,-a.
P adj

unnime adj unanimous.

unanimidad nf unanimity.
undcimo,-a adj eleventh.
P nm

& nf (ordinal, partitivo) eleventh.

. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.

ungento nm ointment.
ungulado,-a adj ungulate, hoofed.
P nm

ungulado ungulate.

unicelular adj unicellular, single-cell.

nico,-a adj 1 (solo) only, sole: la nica
persona the only person. 2 (extraordinario)
unicornio nm unicorn.
unidad nf 1 unit. 2 (barco) vessel; (avin)
aircraft; (de tren) carriage, coach. 3
(cohesin) unity.
unido,-a adj 1 (junto) united. 2 (avenido) attached: estar muy unidos to be very close.

est; (de dos) latter. 3 (ms alejado) furthest; (ms abajo) bottom, lowest;
(ms arriba) top; (ms atrs) back. 4 (definitivo) final. l o c por ltimo finally.
ultraje nm outrage, insult.
unifamiliar c o m p vivienda unifamiliar
ultraligero adj ultralight.
detached house.
P nm ultraligero (avin) microlight.
unificacin nf unification.
ultramar nm overseas: viene de ultramar
unificador,-ra adj unifying.
it comes from overseas, it's imported.
P nm & nf unifier.
ultramarino,-a adj overseas.
unificar vt to unify.
P nm pl ultramarinos groceries.
uniformado,-a adj in uniform.
ultrasonido nm ultrasound.
uniformar vt 1 (igualar) to make uniultravioleta adj inv ultraviolet.
form, standardize. 2 (poner un uniforme)
ulular vi 1 (animal) to howl; (bho) to
to put into uniform, give a uniform.
hoot. 2 fig to howl.
uniforme adj 1 uniform. 2 (superficie) even.
umbilical adj umbilical.
P nm (prenda) uniform.
umbral nm 1 threshold. 2 fig thresh- uniformidad nf 1 (igualdad) uniformity. 2 (de superficie) evenness.
old, outset.
vt to standardize.
un,-na art indef a, an:
unilateral adj unilateral.
ojo an eye.



unin nf 1 union. 2

gency room. l o c en (un) caso de ur

tc (acoplamiento)
joining; (junta) joint.
gencia in an emergency.
unir vt 1 (juntar) to unite, join. 2 (combi- urgente adj 1 urgent. 2 (correo) express
nar) to combine (a, with).
(post, us mail), first-class (post, us mail).
unitario,-a adj unitary.
urgir vi to be urgent, be pressing.
univalvo,-a adj univalve.
urinario,-a adj urinary.
P nm urinario (retrete) urinal.
universal adj universal.
urna nf 1 pol ballot box. 2 (vasija) urn.
universidad nf university.
3 (caja) glass case.
universitario,-a adj university.
urraca nf 1 magpie. 2 fig (cotorra) chatP nm & nf (que est estudiando) university
student; (licenciado) university graduate.
urticaria nf hives pl, urticaria.
universo nm universe.
Uruguay nm Uruguay.
unvoco,-a adj univocal.
uno,-a adj (numeral) one: el nmero uno uruguayo,-a adj Uruguayan.
P nm & nf Uruguayan.
number one.
P pron 1 one: uno (de ellos) one of them.
usado,-a adj 1 (gastado) worn out, old. 2
2 (impersonal) one, you: uno tiene que
(de segunda mano) second-hand, used.
velar por sus intereses one has to look af- usar vt 1 to use. 2 (prenda) to wear.
ter one's own interests. 3 fam (persona)
P vi to use (de, -).
someone, somebody: estaba hablando
P vpr usarse (estar de moda) to be used,
con una he was talking to some woman.
be in fashion.
P nm uno (nmero) one.
uso nm 1 use. 2 (ejercicio) exercise. 3 (de
P nf la una (hora) one o'clock.
prenda) wearing. 4 (costumbre) usage,
P adj vpr unos,-as (indefinido) some; (aproxicustom. 5 gram usage.
mado) about, around: unas cajas some usted pron fml you.
boxes; habr unos treinta there must be
usual adj usual, common.
around thirty. l o c a (la) una together. y
usuario,-a nm & nf user.
de uno,-a en uno,-a one by one.
untar vt 1 to grease, smear: untar pan usurero,-a nm & nf usurer.
con mantequilla to spread butter on usurpar vt to usurp.
utensilio nm 1 (herramienta) tool, utenbread. 2 fam (sobornar) to bribe.
sil. 2 (aparato) device, implement.
ua nf 1 nail; (del dedo) fingernail; (del
dedo del pie) toenail. 2 (garra) claw; (pe- uterino,-a adj uterine.
tero nm uterus, womb.
zua) hoof.
til1 adj useful.
uralita nf uralite.
til2 nm (herramienta) tool, instrument.
uranio nm uranium.
utilidad nf 1 utility, usefulness. 2 (beUrano nm Uranus.
neficio) profit.
urbanismo nm town planning.
urbanizacin nf 1 (proceso) urbaniza- utilitario,-a adj utilitarian.
P nm utilitario (coche) utility vehicle.
tion. 2 (conjunto residencial) housing deutilizar vt to use, make use of.
velopment, housing estate.
utopa nf utopia.
urbanizar vt to urbanize, develop.
utpico,-a adj utopian.
urbano,-a adj urban, city.
uva nf grape.
urbe nf large city, metropolis.
uve nf name of the letter v.
urter nm ureter.
uzbeco,-a adj Uzbek.
uretra nf urethra.
P nm & nf (persona) Uzbek.
urgencia nf urgency, emergency.
P nm uzbeco (idioma) Uzbek.
P nf pl urgencias (servicio) casualty de
partment sing, casualty sing, us emer- Uzbekistn nm Uzbekistan.


V, v nf (la letra) V, v.
V sm (voltio) volt; (smbolo) V.
vaca nf 1 cow. 2 (carne) beef. 3 (cuero)

nm & nf 1 (trotamundos) wanderer,

rover. 2 pey vagrant, tramp, us hobo.
3 (sin casa) tramp, us hobo.
vagar1 vi (estar ocioso) to idle about.
vacaciones nf pl holiday, holidays pl, vagar vi (errar) to wander (por, about),
roam (por, about): pasa su tiempo va
us vacation: se fueron de vacaciones a
gando por el pueblo he spends his time
Mallorca they went to Majorca for their
wandering about town.
holidays. l o c irse de vacaciones to go
vago,-a1 adj 1 (vaco) empty; (desocupaon holiday.
do) vacant. 2 (holgazn) lazy, idle.
vacante adj vacant.
P nf vacancy.
vago,-a2 adj (impreciso) vague: idea vaga
vague idea.
vaciar vt 1 (recipiente) to empty; (local)
to empty, clear. 2 (contenido) to pour vagn nm 1 (para pasajeros) carriage,
coach, us car. 2 (para mercancas) wagaway. 3 (dejar hueco) to hollow out. 4
on, goods van, truck, us boxcar.
(moldear) to cast, mould (us mold).
vacilacin nf 1 (duda) hesitation. 2 (os- vaho nm 1 (vapor) vapour (us vapor),
steam. 2 (aliento) breath.
cilacin) swaying, vacillation.
vacilar vi 1 (oscilar) to sway, vacillate. vaina nf 1 (de espada, etc) sheath. 2 (de
instrumento, etc) case. 3 bot pod.
2 (estar poco firme) to wobble. 3 (al andar) to sway, stagger; (al hablar) to vainilla nf vanilla.
falter. 4 (luz) to flicker. 5 fig (dudar) to vajilla nf tableware, dishes pl, crockhesitate, waver. 6 fam (tomar el pelo)
ery. c o m p una vajilla a dinner service.
to joke, tease: no me vaciles! don't vale nm 1 (comprobante) voucher; (recibo)
tease me! 7 fam (presumir) to show off.
receipt. 2 (pagar) promissory note.
vaco,-a adj 1 (gen) empty: el cine est
P interj fam OK!
vaco the cinema is empty. 2 (no ocupado) valedor,-ra nm & nf protector.
vacant, unoccupied; (sin muebles) un- valenta nf (valor) bravery, courage.
furnished. 3 (hueco) hollow.
valer vt 1 (tener un valor de) to be worth:
P nm vaco 1 (gen) emptiness, void. 2
no vale nada it is worthless. 2 (costar) to
(hueco) gap; (espacio) space, empty
cost, be: vale siete euros el kilo it costs
space; (espacio en blanco) blank space.
seven euros a kilo 3 (hacer merecedor) to
3 (vacante) vacancy. 4 fs vacuum. 5
win, earn, get: el suspenso le vali un ra
fig (falta) emptiness, void.
papolvo failing the exam earned him a
vacuna nf med vaccine.
good ticking-off. 4 (ocasionar) to cause:
vacunacin nf med vaccination.
me ha valido muchos problemas he's caused
vado nm 1 (de ro) ford. 2 (de acera)
me a lot of problems. 5 mat to equal.
dropped kerb. c o m p Vado perma
P vi 1 (tener un valor de) to be worth. 2 (ser
nente Keep clear.
til, adecuado) to be useful, be of use,
be good for: te vale (sirve) este libro? is
vagabundo,-a adj
1 wandering, roving. 2 pey vagrant.
this book any use (to you)? 3 (costar) to



cost, be worth. 4 (ser vlido, contar) to vanidoso,-a adj vain, conceited.

count. 5 (tener validez) to be valid; (mo- Vanuatu nm Vanuatu.
nedas) to be legal tender: ese billete an vapor nm 1 (gas) vapour (us vapor),
vale that ticket is still valid. 6 (ser suficiente,
steam. 2 (barco) steamship, steamer.
bastar) to do, be enough: con esto ya me
l o c al vapor culin steamed. c o m p va
vale this will be enough for me. 7 (estar
por de agua water vapour (us vapor).
permitido) to be allowed, be permitted. vaquero,-a adj cow, cattle.
P nm (vala) value.
P nm & nf (pastor) cowherd, us cowP vpr valerse 1 (utilizar) to use (de, of),
boy; (pastora) cowherd, us cowgirl.
make use (de, of): se vali de un bastn
P nm pl vaqueros (pantalones) jeans,
he used a stick. 2 (espabilarse) to manpair of jeans.
age, cope. l o c valerse por s mismo to vara nf 1 (palo) staff, rod, pole. 2 (de manbe able to manage on one's own.
do) staff, mace. 3 (medida de longitud)
valeroso,-a adj courageous, brave.
unit of length equal to approximately 33 inches. 4 (tauromaquia) lance,
validez nf validity.
vlido,-a adj valid.
valiente adj 1 (valeroso) brave, coura- variable adj variable, changeable.
P nf mat variable.
geous, bold. 2 (fuerte) strong.
variacin nf variation, change.
valioso,-a adj valuable, precious.
valla nf 1 (cerca) fence; (construccin) variado,-a adj 1 varied, mixed. 2 (galletas, helados) assorted.
wall. 2 mil stockade. 3 dep hurdle. 4
(para publicidad) hoarding, us bill- variante adj variable.
P nf 1 (versin) variant. 2 (diferencia) difboard. 5 fig obstacle. c o m p valla pu
blicitaria hoarding, us billboard.
vallado nm 1 (cerca) fence. 2 mil stock- variar vt 1 (cambiar) to change. 2 (dar variedad) to vary, give some variety to.
P vi 1 (cambiar) to change: han variado
vallar vt to fence (in).
de planes they have changed their plans.
valle nm valley.
2 (diferir) to be different (de, to), difvalor nm 1 (vala) value, worth, merit:
fer (de, from): lo que dices vara de tus
una persona de gran valor a person of
primeras declaraciones what you're saygreat merit. 2 (precio) price. 3 (validez)
ing differs from your first statement. 3
value: estas monedas dejarn de tener va
mat to vary. l o c para variar irn as
lor muy pronto these coins will soon be
usual, just for a change.
of no value. 4 (importancia) importance. varicela nf med chickenpox, varicella.
5 (coraje) courage. 6 mat value.
variedad nf 1 (diversidad) variety, diverP nm pl valores 1 fin securities, bonds.
sity: una gran variedad de productos a wide
2 (principios) values.
variety of products. 2 (clase, tipo) variety.
valorar vt 1 (tasar) to value, calculate
P nf pl variedades (espectculo) variety
the value of. 2 (aumentar el valor) to
show sing.
raise the value of.
varilla nf 1 (vara) stick, rod. 2 (de paravals nm waltz.
guas, abanico) rib; (de cors) stay.
vlvula nf valve. c o m p vlvula de segu vario,-a adj 1 (diverso) different, diridad safety valve.
verse. 2 (variado) varied, assorted. 3
vampiro nm 1 (espectro) vampire. 2 (ma(mudable) changeable, variable.
mfero) vampire bat. 3 fig parasite.
P nm pl varios (algunos) some, several.
vandalismo nm vandalism.
varita nf small stick. c o m p varita mgi
vndalo,-a adj Vandal.
ca magic wand.
P nm & nf 1 Vandal. 2 fig vandal.
varn nm 1 (hombre) man; (chico) boy. 2
vanidad nf vanity, conceit.
(sexo) male.

vasco,-a adj Basque.


P nm (nmero) twenty-four; (fecha)

veintids adj (cardinal) twenty-two;
(ordinal) twenty-second.
P nm (nmero) twenty-two; (fecha)
veintinueve adj (cardinal) twentynine; (ordinal) twenty-ninth.
blood vessels.
P nm (nmero) twenty-nine; (fecha)
vasto,-a adj vast, immense, huge.
vter nm fam toilet.
veintiocho adj (cardinal) twenty-eight;
vatio nm watt.
(ordinal) twenty-eighth.
vaya interj what a: vaya idea! what an idea!
P nm (nmero) twenty-eight; (fecha)
vecindario nm 1 (lugar) neighbourtwenty-eighth.
hood (us neighborhood). 2 (vecinos) veintisis adj (cardinal) twenty-six; (orneighbours pl ( us neighbors pl ),
dinal) twenty-sixth.
community, residents pl.
P nm (nmero) twenty-six; (fecha)
vecino,-a adj nearby, next, neightwenty-sixth.
bouring (us neighboring).
veintisiete adj (cardinal) twenty-sevP nm & nf 1 (del barrio) neighbour ( us
en; (ordinal) twenty-seventh.
neighbor). 2 (residente) resident. 3 (haP nm (nmero) twenty-seven; (fecha)
bitante) inhabitant.
vegetacin nf vegetation.
veintitrs adj (cardinal) twenty-three;
P nf pl vegetaciones med adenoids.
(ordinal) twenty-third.
vegetal adj vegetable.
P nm (nmero) twenty-three; (fecha)
P nm 1 vegetable, plant. 2 (persona)
veintin adj [se usa slo ante nombres en
vegetariano,-a adj vegetarian.
masculino] twenty-one.
P nm & nf vegetarian.
vehculo nm 1 (gen) vehicle. 2 (coche) veintiuna nf pontoon, blackjack.
car. 3 fig vehicle. 4 fig (enfermedades) veintiuno,-a adj (cardinal) twentyone; (ordinal) twenty-first.
transmitter, carrier.
P nm (nmero) twenty-one; (fecha)
veinte adj (cardinal) twenty; (vigsimo)
vejar vt 1 (molestar) to vex, annoy. 2
P nm (nmero) twenty; (fecha) twentieth.
(humillar) to humiliate.
c o m p los aos veinte the twenties.
nf old age.
. Consulta tambin seis.
vejiga nf bladder.
veinteavo,-a adj twentieth.
vela1 nf 1 (vigilia) watch, vigil; (de muerP nm & nf twentieth.
to) wake. 2 (desvelo) wakefulness. 3
. Consulta tambin sexto.
(candela) candle. l o c pasar la noche en
vela to have a sleepless night.
veintena nf (exacto) twenty; (aproximavela2 nf 1 (de barco) sail. 2 dep sailing. 3
do) about twenty.
fig (barco de vela) sailing ship.
veinticinco adj (cardinal) twenty-five;
velamen nm sails pl.
(ordinal) twenty-fifth.
P nm (nmero) twenty-five; (fecha)
velar1 vi 1 (no dormir) to stay awake; (no
acostarse) to stay up. 2 fig (cuidar) to
watch (por, over), look (por, after):
veinticuatro adj
(cardinal) twentyvelaron por l they looked after him.
four; (ordinal) twenty-fourth.

& nf (persona) Basque.

P nm vasco (idioma) Basque. c o m p Pas
Vasco Basque Country.
vasija nf vessel, pot, jar.
vaso nm 1 (para beber) glass. 2 (para flores) vase. 3 anat vessel. c o m p vaso ca
pilar capillary. y vasos sanguneos
P nm



P vt (enfermo) to sit up with, watch

vendar vt to bandage.
over; (muerto) to keep vigil over.
vendaval nm strong wind, gale.
velar2 adj ling velar.
vendedor,-ra adj selling.
P vt 1 fig (cubrir) to hide, cover, veil. 2
P nm & nf 1 (gen) seller; (hombre) sales(fotografa) to fog. 3 (pintura) to glaze.
man; (mujer) saleswoman. 2 (depenP vpr velarse (fotografa) to become
diente) shop assistant.
fogged, get exposed.
vender vt 1 (gen) to sell. 2 fig (traicionar)
velero,-a nm & nf (fabricante de velas)
to betray.
P vpr venderse 1 (uso impersonal) to be
P nm velero sailing ship, sailing boat.
on sale, be sold: se vende en farmacias on
veleta nf (para el viento) weathercock,
sale at your chemist's. 2 (dejarse sobornar)
weather vane.
to sell os. l o c Se vende For sale.
P nm o nf fam fig (persona) fickle person.
vendimia nf (cosecha) grape harvest.
vello nm 1 (de persona - pelusa) down; (- veneno nm (qumica, vegetal) poison;
en las piernas, etc) hair. 2 (de fruta, planta)
(animal) venom.
down, bloom.
venenoso adj 1 poisonous, venomvelo nm 1 (gen) veil. 2 anat velum.
ous. 2 fig spiteful, venomous.
velocidad nf 1 (rapidez) speed, veloci- venezolano,-a adj Venezuelan.
ty. 2 auto (marcha) gear. c o m p veloci
P nm & nf Venezuelan.
dad de la luz speed of light. y velo Venezuela nf Venezuela.
cidad de transmisin inform bit rate.
venganza nf revenge, vengeance.
velocmetro nm speedometer.
vengar vt to avenge.
veldromo nm cycle track, us veloP vpr vengarse to take revenge (de, on).
venir vi 1 (gen) to come: el mes que viene
veloz adj fast, quick, swift, rapid.
next month. 2 (llegar) to arrive: vino tar
vena nf 1 anat vein. 2 (yacimiento) vein,
de he arrived late. 3 (proceder) to come
seam. 3 bot vein. 4 (en mrmol, etc)
(de, from): viene de Pars it comes from
vein, streak. 5 fig (disposicin) mood.
Paris. 4 (estar, aparecer) to be, come: las
l o c tener vena de to have a gift
explicaciones vienen en espaol the infor: tiene vena de cantante he has a gift
structions are in Spanish. 5 (ser) to be:
for singing.
eso te viene grande that's too big for you.
venado nm 1 zool stag, deer. 2 culin
P aux 1 venir a + inf (aproximacin) to be
about; (alcanzar, llegar a) to arrive at;
(terminar por) to end up. 2 venir + ger
vencedor,-ra adj winning.
P nm & nf 1 (equipo, etc) winner, victor.
(accin durativa): lo vena avisando desde
hace tiempo he has been warning us
vencejo nm (ave) swift.
about it for a long time. 3 venir + pp (ser,
vencer vt 1 dep to beat. 2 (exceder) to
estar) to be: eso viene motivado por la in
outdo, surpass: la vence en belleza she
flacin it's caused by inflation.
surpasses her in beauty. 3 (problema, etc)
P vpr venirse to come back, go back.
to overcome, surmount. 4 (ser dominado) to overcome: la venci el cansan venoso,-a adj 1 (sangre) venous. 2 (manos, etc) veined, veiny.
cio she was overcome by tiredness.
P vi 1 (ganar) to win. 2 (deuda, etc) to fall
venta nf 1 (accin) sale, selling. 2 (hostal)
country inn; (restaurante) restaurant.
due, be payable. 3 (plazo) to expire.
P vpr vencerse 1 (romperse) to break;
ventaja nf 1 (gen) advantage. 2 (prove(doblarse) to bend, incline. 2 fig (repricho) profit l o c llevar ventaja a algn to
mir) to control os.
have the advantage over sb.
venda nf bandage.
ventajoso,-a adj 1 advantageous. 2
vendaje nm dressing.
(beneficioso) profitable.



ventana nf 1 arquit window. 2 (de la

verde adj 1 (color) green. 2 (fruta) un-

ripe, green; (madera) unseasoned. 3

fig (persona) green, immature. 4 fam
(chiste) blue, dirty.
window. 2 (barco) porthole. 3 (de taP nm 1 (color) green. 2 (hierba) grass. 3
quilla) window, ticket window.
pol green: los verdes the Greens.
ventilacin nf ventilation.
verdugo nm 1 (persona) executioner. 2
ventilador nm ventilator, fan.
(prenda) balaclava, balaclava helmet.
ventilar vt 1 (lugar) to air, ventilate. 2
(agitar al viento) to air. 3 fig (dar a conocer) to verdulera nf fig coarse woman, foulmouthed woman.
air. 4 fig (discutir) to discuss, clear up.
verdulera nf greengrocer's (shop).
P vpr ventilarse 1 (lugar) to be ventilated. 2 (objeto) to be aired. 3 fam (terminar) verdulero,-a nm & nf greengrocer.
to finish off: se ventil el pastel en un mi verdura nf 1 (hortaliza) vegetables pl,
nuto he finished off the cake in a minute.
greens pl. 2 (color) greenness, greenery.
ventisca nf snowstorm, blizzard.
vereda nf footpath, path.
ventoso,-a adj windy.
veredicto nm verdict.
ver vt 1 (gen) to see: no te veo I can't see vergonzoso,-a adj 1 (acto) shameful,
you. 2 (mirar) to look (at). 3 (televisin) to
shocking: un asunto vergonzoso a shockwatch. 4 fig (entender) understand: no
ing business. 2 (persona) bashful, shy.
veo por qu lo hizo I can't understand why vergenza nf 1 (deshonor, etc) shame,
she did it. 5 (visitar) to visit, see: ven a ver
sense of shame: sus palabras me dan ver
me come and see me. 6 jur to try, hear.
genza her words make me feel
7 (parecer) to look: te veo triste you look
ashamed. 2 (timidez) bashfulness, shysad. l o c a ver let's see, let me see.
ness; (turbacin) embarrassment: me da
P nm 1 (vista) sight, vision. 2 (aparienvergenza bailar I'm too shy to dance. 3
cia) looks pl, appearance.
(escndalo) disgrace, shame: lo que han
P vpr verse 1 (ser visto) to be seen: aqu
hecho es una vergenza what they did is a
dentro no se ve nada you can't see a thing
disgrace. l o c qu vergenza! it's a disin here. 2 (con algn) to meet, see each
grace!, how disgraceful!
other. 3 (en una situacin, etc) to find os, verdico,-a adj truthful, true.
be: se vio en un apuro he was in a fix. 4 verificar vt 1 (comprobar) to verify,
(imaginarse) to imagine os.
check. 2 (probar) to prove. 3 (efectuar)
veranear vi to spend the summer
to carry out, perform.
(holiday) (en, in/at).
P vpr verificarse 1 (comprobarse) to
veraneo nm summer holiday. l o c ir
come true. 2 (efectuarse) to take place.
de veraneo to go on holiday.
verja nf 1 (reja) grating, grille. 2 (cerca)
veraniego,-a adj summer, summery.
railing, railings pl . 3 (puerta) iron
verano nm summer.
veras l o c de veras really, seriously.
verruga nf wart.
veraz adj
versin nf 1 (gen) version, account. 2
truthful, veracious.
(traduccin) translation. 3 (adaptacin)
adaptation. l o c en versin original in
verbal adj verbal, oral.
the original language.
verbena nf 1 bot verbena. 2 (fiesta)
verso nm 1 lit verse. 2 fam (poema) ponight party.
verbo nm verb.
verdad nf 1 truth, truthfulness: es ver vrtebra nf vertebra.
dad it's true. 2 (confirmacin): es bonita, vertebrado,-a adj vertebrate.
P nm pl los vertebrados the vertebrates.
verdad? she's pretty, isn't she?
verdadero,-a adj true, real.
vertebral adj vertebral, spinal.
nariz) nostril.

ventanilla nf 1 (banco, coche, sobre, etc)


vertedero nm rubbish dump, rubbish tip.


veterinario,-a adj veterinary.

P nm & nf veterinary surgeon, vet, us

pour, pour out. 2 (derramar) to spill. 3 veto nm veto. l o c poner el veto a to
(vaciar) to empty, empty out. 4 (basuput a veto on, veto.
ra) to dump. 5 fig (conceptos, ideas, etc) vez nf 1 time: fue la nica vez que la vi it
to express, voice.
was the only time I saw her; una vez
vertical adj vertical: lo puso vertical she
once; dos veces twice; cuatro veces four
put it upright.
times. 2 (turno) turn; (ocasin) occasion.
P nf vertical, vertical line.
l o c a veces sometimes. y otra vez
P nm vertical.
vrtice nm vertex.
va nf 1 (camino) road, way; (calle) street;
(carril) lane. 2 (de tren) track, line; (en la
vertiente nf 1 (gen) slope. 2 fig (aspecto)
estacin) platform: el tren de la va uno the
train at platform one. 3 anat passage,
vrtigo nm 1 med vertigo. 2 (mareo)
canal, track. 4 fig (modo) way, manner,
dizziness, giddiness: me da vrtigo it
means. 5 jur procedure. 6 (rumbo, direcmakes me feel dizzy. 3 fig frenzy.
cin) via, through: Barcelona-Singapur va
vescula nf vesicle. c o m p vescula biliar
Frankfurt Barcelona-Singapore via Frankgall bladder.
furt. l o c dar va libre a to leave the
vestbulo nm 1 (de casa) hall, entrance.
way open for. y por va area 1 (gen) by
2 (de hotel, etc) hall, lobby, vestibule,
air. 2 (correo) airmail. c o m p transmisin
va satlite satellite transmission.
vestido,-a adj dressed: vestida de blanco
viajante nm commercial traveller (us
dressed in white.
traveler), travelling (us traveling)
P nm vestido 1 (indumentaria) clothes pl,
dress, costume. 2 (de mujer) dress; (de
viajar vi to travel: ha viajado por el mun
hombre) suit.
do entero she's travelled all over the
vestigio nm vestige, trace, remains pl.
vestimenta nf clothes pl, garments pl.
vestir vt 1 (llevar) to wear, be dressed viaje nm 1 (gen) journey, trip. 2 (en coche) drive, journey. 3 (travesa por mar)
in: vesta un vestido rojo she was wearing
voyage. 4 [se suele usar en plural] (cona red dress. 2 (ayudar a vestirse) to dress;
cepto de viajar) travel. 5 (carga) load. l o c
(hacer vestidos) to make clothes for: la
buen viaje! bon voyage!, have a
visti su madre her mother dressed her. 3
good trip! y estar de viaje to be away,
(cubrir) to cover (de, with).
be away on a trip. c o m p viaje de ida y
P vi 1 to dress: vestir de negro to dress in
vuelta return trip, us round trip.
black. 2 (ser elegante, lucir) to be classy,
look smart: esa falda viste mucho that viajero,-a adj travelling (us traveling).
P nm & nf 1 traveller (us traveler). 2
skirt is very classy.
(en transporte pblico) passenger.
P vpr vestirse 1 (uso reflexivo) to dress
os, get dressed. 2 (comprarse la ropa) to
vbora nf viper.
buy one's clothes: se viste en Miln she vibracin nf 1 vibration. 2 ling rollbuys her clothes in Milan.
ing, trilling.
vestuario nm 1 (ropas) wardrobe, vibrar vi 1 (gen) to vibrate; (pulsar) to
clothes pl. 2 teat (ropa) wardrobe,
throb, pulsate: toda la ciudad vibraba de
costumes pl; (camerino) dressing room.
actividad the whole city throbbed with
3 dep changing room.
activity. 2 fig (conmoverse) to be moved,
veta nf 1 (de mrmol, roca) seam, vein;
be overcome with emotion: el cantan
(de madera) streak. 2
fig streak.
te hizo vibrar al pblico the singer thrilled
the audience. 3 ling to roll, trill.
vetar vt to veto, put a veto on.

verter vt 1 (lquido - voluntariamente) to



vibratorio,-a adj vibratory.

viciar vt 1 (corromper) to corrupt, lead

P nm

& nf (hombre) old man; (mujer) old

l o c hacerse viejo,-a to grow


astray. 2 (aire) to pollute.

vpr viciarse 1 (enviciarse) to take to viento nm 1 (gen) wind. 2 (rumbo) direction. 3 (de caza) scent. 4 (cuerda) rope,
vice, become corrupted. 2 (objeto)
guy. 5 fam (flatulencia) wind, flatuto go out of shape.
lence. l o c contra viento y marea fig
vicio nm 1 (corrupcin) vice, corruption.
come hell or high water. y hacer
2 (mala costumbre) bad habit; (inmoraliviento / soplar viento to be windy. y ir
dad) vice. 3 (del lenguaje) incorrect usviento en popa 1 mar to sail before
age. 4 (defecto) defect.
the wind. 2 fig to do very well.
vicioso,-a adj 1 (cosa) faulty, defective. 2 (persona) depraved, perverted. vientre nm 1 anat belly, abdomen. 2
(vsceras) bowels pl. 3 (de embarazada)
P nm & nf depraved person.
vctima nf victim, casualty.
viernes nm inv Friday. c o m p Viernes
victoria nf victory, triumph. l o c can
Santo Good Friday.
tar victoria to proclaim a victory.
. Consulta tambin jueves.
victorioso,-a adj victorious, triumphant.
Vietnam nm Vietnam.
vid nf grapevine, vine.
vietnamita adj Vietnamese.
P nm & nf (persona) Vietnamese.
vida nf 1 (gen) life. 2 (viveza) liveliness. 3
P nm vietnamita (idioma) Vietnamese.
(tiempo) lifetime, life. 4 (modo de vivir)
life, way of life. 5 (medios) living, live- viga nf 1 (de madera) beam, rafter. 2 (de
lihood. l o c darse la gran vida / pegarse
acero, etc) girder.
la gran vida / darse la vida padre fam to vigsimo,-a adj twentieth: vigsimo
live it up. y de por vida for life. y de to
primero twenty-first.
da la vida lifelong: un amigo de toda la vi
P nm & nf twentieth.
da a lifelong friend. y estar con vida / es
. Consulta tambin sexto,-a.
tar sin vida to be alive / be dead. y
ganarse la vida to earn one's living. viga nm o nf lookout.
y quitarle la vida a algn to take sb's life. vigilante adj 1 (que vigila) vigilant,
watchful. 2 (alerta) alert.
c o m p vida familiar family life.
P nm o nf (hombre) guard, watchman;
vdeo nm (aparato) video, video re(mujer) guard. c o m p vigilante nocturno
corder; (cinta) video, video tape.
night watchman.
videoconferencia nf videoconference.
vigilar vt 1 (cuidar) to watch (over),
videoclip nm video, pop video.
look after: vigila al nio look after the
videoclub nm video club.
baby. 2 (con armas, etc) to guard. 3 (suvideojuego nm video game.
pervisar) to oversee. 4 (estar atento) to
vidriera nf 1 (ventana) picture winkeep an eye on, take care of: vigila la
dow. 2 (puerta) glass door. 3 (de balcn,
puerta, que no entre nadie keep an eye on
galera) French window. 4 (vitral)
the door and see nobody gets in.
stained-glass window. 5 (escaparate)
P vi (gen) to keep watch.
shop window.
vigor nm 1 (fuerza) vigour (us vigor),
vidriero,-a nm & nf 1 (fabricante) glassstrength. 2 (validez) force, effect. l o c
maker. 2 (colocador) glazier.
en vigor in force.
vidrio nm (material) glass.
vigoroso,-a adj vigorous, strong.
viejo,-a adj 1 (gen) old: un coche viejo an VIH abrev med (virus de inmunodeficienold car. 2 (desgastado)
old, worn-out. 3
cia humana) Human Immune Defi
(antiguo) old, ancient.
ciency Virus; (abreviatura) HIV.



vil adj vile, base, despicable.

vileza nf 1 (cualidad) vileness, baseness.
villa nf 1 (casa) villa, country house. 2

violoncelo nm cello.
violonchelista nm o nf cellist.
violonchelo nm cello.
viraje nm 1 (curva) turn, bend. 2 (en coche)

villancico nm carol, Christmas carol.

villano,-a nm & nf 1 hist villein, serf.

viral adj viral.

virar vi 1 mar to tack, put about. 2

vinagre nm 1 vinegar. 2 fig sourpuss.

vinculacin nf 1 (accin) linking, bind-

virgen adj 1 (persona) virgin. 2 (puro)

2 (acto) vile act, despicable deed.

(pueblo) small town; (ciudad) town.

2 fig (persona ruin) villain.

turn. 3 mar tack. 4 (fotografa) toning.


to turn round.

virgin, pure.
P nm o nf virgin. c o m p la Santsima Vir
gen the Blessed Virgin.
(a, to). 2 (relacionar) to relate (con, to),
vrico,-a adj viral.
connect (con, with), link (con, with).
virtual adj virtual.
3 jur to entail.
virtud nf 1 (cualidad) virtue. 2 (propieP vpr vincularse to link os (a, to).
dad, eficacia) property, quality: con vir
vnculo nm 1 tie, bond, link. 2 fig link.
tudes curativas with medicinal propervincola adj wine-producing.
ties. l o c en virtud de by virtue of.
vinicultor,-ra nm & nf wine producer.
vinicultura nf wine production, virtuosismo nm virtuosity.
virtuoso,-a adj virtuous.
wine growing.
P nm & nf virtuous person.
vino nm wine. c o m p vino blanco white
viruela nf 1 med smallpox. 2 (marca)
wine. y vino tinto red wine.
pockmark. l o c picado,-a de viruelas
via nf vineyard.
viedo nm vineyard.
vieta nf 1 (en impresin) vignette. 2 (di- virulencia nf virulence.
virulento,-a adj virulent.
bujo humorstico) cartoon.
virus nm inv virus.
viola nf viola.
viruta nf shaving.
violceo,-a adj violaceous, violet.
violencia nf 1 (fuerza) violence. 2 (em- visado,-a adj endorsed with a visa.
barazo) embarrassment. 3 (situacin
P nm visado visa.
embarazosa) embarrassing situation. visar vt 1 (pasaporte) to endorse with a
4 (violacin) rape.
visa. 2 (documento) to endorse, apviolentar vt 1 (forzar algo) to force,
break open. 2 (obligar a alguien) to vscera nf internal organ.
force, use force on. 3 fig (entrar) to
P nf pl vsceras viscera, entrails.
break into, enter by force.
visceral adj 1 visceral. 2 fig profound,
P vpr violentarse 1 fig (molestarse) to get
annoyed. 2 fig (avergonzarse) to feel
viscosa nf viscose.
violento,-a adj 1 (gen) violent. 2 (molesto) viscoso,-a adj viscous.
visera nf 1 (de gorra) peak; (de casco) viembarrassed, awkward, ill at ease.
sor. 2 (suelta) eyeshade. 3 auto sun
violeta adj (color) violet.
P nm (color) violet.
visibilidad nf visibility.
P nf bot violet.
visigodo,-a nm & nf Visigoth.
violn nm violin.
violinista nm o nf violinist.
visillo nm small lace curtain.
violn nm double bass.
visin nf 1 (accin) vision. 2 (vista) sight.
violoncelista nm o nf cellist.
3 (ilusin) vision. 4 fig (persona fea)
ing. 2 (vnculo) link, bond.

vincular vt 1 (unir) to link (a, to), bind



fright, sight. l o c ver visiones to visto,-a adj 1 (anticuado) old-fashioned.

dream, see things.
2 (dado) in view of, considering. 3 (corriente) common. 4 (ladrillo, viga, obra) exvisita nf 1 (accin) visit. 2 (invitado) visitor,
posed. 5 jur (dictaminado): el caso est visto
guest; (invitados) visitors pl, guests pl.
l o c estar de visita en to be visiting.
para sentencia the case has been heard and
c o m p horas de visita med surgery hours.
a verdict may be decided upon.
P nm visto approval. l o c dar el visto
visitante nm o nf visitor.
bueno a algo to approve sth , O.K.
visitar vt 1 (ir a ver a alguien) to visit,
sth . y estar bien visto,-a to be well
pay a visit to, call on, go and see:
looked upon, be considered acceptvamos a ver a la abuela let's go and visit
able. y por lo visto apparently. y visto
grandma. 2 (lugar) to visit, see. 3 (insque in view of the fact that,
peccionar) to inspect, visit, examine.
given that, seeing that
vislumbrar vt 1 (ver) to glimpse, catch
a glimpse of, make out. 2 fig (conjetu- vistoso,-a adj 1 (llamativo) showy,
rar) to begin to see: vislumbraron una
flashy. 2 (colorido) bright, colourful
solucin al problema they began to see a
(us colorful).
solution to the problem.
visual adj visual.
viso nm 1 (reflejo) sheen, shimmer. 2
P nf (lnea) line of vision, line of
(ropa interior) underskirt. 3 fig (apariensight.
cia) appearance. l o c tener visos de to visualizacin nf display.
seem, appear.
visualizar vt 1 to visualize. 2 inform
visn nm mink.
to display.
visor nm 1 (de arma) sight. 2 (de mquina vital adj 1 (de la vida) vital. 2 fig (esencial)
fotogrfica) viewfinder.
essential, vital.
vspera nf 1 (da anterior) day before. 2 vitalicio,-a adj life, for life: un cargo vi
(de fiesta) eve.
talicio a post held for life.
P nf pl vsperas rel vespers.
vitalidad nf vitality.
vista nf 1 (visin) sight, vision. 2 (ojo) eye,
eyes pl. 3 (panorama) view. 4 (aspecto) vitalizar vt to vitalize.
appearance, aspect, look. 5 (dibujo, vitamina nf vitamin.
cuadro, foto) view. 6 (intencin) intention. vitcola adj wine-growing, wine-producing, viticultural.
7 (propsito) outlook, prospect. 8 jur
viticultor,-ra nm & nf wine grower,
trial, hearing.
P nf pl vistas view sing: la habitacin tiene
vistas al mar the room has a view of the viticultura nf wine-growing, viticulsea. l o c a primera vista / a simple vista
at first sight: a primera vista pareca ms vitorear vt (aclamar) to cheer, acclaim.
complicado at first sight it looked more vitral nm stained-glass window.
complicated. y con vistas a 1 (hacia)
vtreo,-a adj vitreous.
overlooking. 2 (pensando en) with a
view to, in anticipation of. y en vista vitrina nf 1 (armario) glass cabinet, display cabinet. 2 (de exposicin) glass
de in view of, considering. y hacer la
case, showcase. 3 (escaparate) shop
vista gorda fam to turn a blind eye. y
ser corto,-a de vista to be short-sighted. y tener vista de lince fig to be ea- vitro loc in vitro in vitro. c o m p fecunda
cin in vitro in vitro fertilization.
gle-eyed, have eyes like a hawk.
vistazo nm glance. l o c dar un vistazo a vitrocermica c o m p encimera vitroce
rmica ceramic hob.
algo / echar un vistazo a algo 1 (mirar) to
nf [generalmente se usa en plural]
have a look at sth
an eye on.
provisions pl, food.



viudedad nf 1 (estado) widowhood. 2

vocabulario nm vocabulary.
(pensin - hombre) widower's pension; vocacin nf vocation, calling.
(- mujer) widow's pension.
vocacional adj vocational.
viudez nf widowhood.
vocal adj vocal.
viudo,-a adj widowed.
P nf vowel.
P nm & nf (hombre) widower; (mujer)
P nm o nf (de junta, etc) member.
vocativo nm vocative.
viva nm cheer, shout.
vocear vi (dar voces) to shout, cry out.
vivaz adj 1 (vivo) vivacious, lively. 2
P vt 1 (divulgar) to publish. 2 (gritar) to
(perspicaz) sharp, quick-witted.
shout, cry out. 3 (divulgar) to publish,
vveres nm pl food sing, provisions,
proclaim. 4 (aclamar) to cheer, acsupplies.
vivero nm 1 (de plantas) nursery. 2 (de vocero,-a nm & nf (gen) spokesperson;
peces) fish farm, fish hatchery; (de mo(hombre) spokesman; (mujer) spokesluscos) bed.
viveza nf 1 (persona) liveliness, vivaci- voladizo,-a adj projecting, jutting
ty. 2 (color, relato) vividness. 3 (al hablar)
vehemence. 4 (agudeza) sharpness,
P nm voladizo projection.
volador,-ra adj flying.
vivienda nf 1 (gen) housing, accommo- volante adj (que vuela) flying.
dation. 2 (morada) dwelling. 3 (casa)
P nm 1 cost flounce; (adorno) frill, rufhouse. 4 (departamento) flat, us apartfle. 2 auto steering wheel. 3 tc flyment.
vivir vi 1 (tener vida) to live; (estar vivo) to volar vi 1 (ir por el aire) to fly. 2 fig (papebe alive: vivi hasta los ochenta aos he
les, etc) to be blown away. 3 fig (ir delived to the age of eighty. 2 (habitar) to
prisa) to fly: el tiempo vuela time flies. 4
live: vive en Barcelona she lives in Barcefam fig (desaparecer) to disappear, vanlona. 3 (mantenerse) to live, live on,
ish. 5 fig (sobresalir de un edificio) to jut
make a living: ese trabajo no le da para
out, project. 6 fig (noticia, etc) to
vivir he can't live on what that job pays.
spread rapidly.
4 fig (durar) to last, live on.
P vt 1 fig (hacer explotar - edificio) to blow
P vt (pasar por, experimentar) to live
up, demolish; (- caja fuerte) to blow
through, go through, experience: mi
open; (- en minera) to blast. 2 fig (en imabuelo vivi la guerra my grandfather
presin) to raise. 3 (en caza) to flush.
lived through the war.
P vpr volarse (papeles, etc) to be blown
vivo,-a adj 1 (que tiene vida) living; (que
away. l o c echarse a volar to fly
est) alive: materia viva living matter; Pe
away, fly off.
pe est vivo Pepe is alive. 2 (fuego, llama)
nm volcano.
live, burning. 3 (lengua) living. 4 fig
(color, etc) bright, vivid. 5 fig (animado) volcnico,-a adj volcanic.
lively, vivacious. 6 fig (dolor, emocin, volcar vi 1 (coche, etc) to turn over,
overturn. 2 mar to capsize.
etc) acute, deep, intense. 7 fig (descripP vt 1 (gen) to turn over, knock over,
cin, etc) lively, graphic. 8 fig (carcter)
upset. 2 (vaciar) to empty out, pour
quick, irritable. 9 fig (listo) quick-witout. 3 fig (hacer cambiar de parecer) to
ted. 10 fig (astuto) shrewd, sly. 11 fig
make change one's mind.
(llaga, herida) open. l o c en vivo tv live.
P vpr volcarse fig (entregarse) to do
P nm & nf 1 living person: los vivos the
one's utmost.
living. 2 fam fig (astuto) quick-witted
volear vt to volley.
vocablo nm word, term.
voleibol nm volleyball.

voleo nm dep volley.


vert. 3 volver a (hacer otra vez) to do

again: volver a leer to read again. l o c
volver a las andadas to fall back into
one's old habits. y volver del revs to
turn inside out. y volver en s to regain consciousness, come round. y
P vpr volverse 1 (regresar - ir) to go
back; (- venir) to come back. 2 (darse
persona) to toss up in the air.
la vuelta) to turn. 3 (convertirse) to
voltereta nf somersault. l o c dar vol
turn, become. l o c volverse atrs fig
teretas to do somersaults.
to go back on one's word, back
voltmetro nm voltmeter.
out. y volverse en contra de algn to
voltio nm volt.
turn against sb.
voluble adj changeable, fickle.
vomitar vt 1 to vomit, bring up. 2 fig
volumen nm 1 (gen) volume. 2 (tamao)
to belch, spew out.
size. c o m p volumen de negocios turnP vi to be sick, vomit: tengo ganas de
vomitar I feel sick.
voluminoso,-a adj 1 voluminous. 2 vmito nm 1 (resultado) vomit. 2 (accin)
(enorme) bulky, massive.
voluntad nf 1 (cualidad) will. 2 (fuerza de voracidad nf voracity, voraciousvoluntad) willpower: tiene mucha volun
tad she's very strong-willed. 3 (deseo)
vorgine nf vortex, whirlpool.
wish. 4 (propsito) intention, purpose:
tiene buena voluntad her intentions are voraz adj 1 voracious. 2 fig fierce, raging.
good. 5 (afecto) affection. l o c a volun
tad at will. y buena voluntad good- vrtice nf 1 vortex, whirlpool. 2 (de
cicln) centre (us center) of a cyclone.
will. c o m p voluntad de hierro / volun
vos pron 1 arc (usted) thou, you. 2 am
tad frrea will of iron, iron will.
(t) you.
voluntariado nm 1 mil voluntary enlistment. 2 (civil) group of volun- vosotros,-as pron (sujeto) you; (objeto)
you, yourselves: con vosotros with
you; entre vosotras among yourselves;
voluntario,-a adj voluntary.
cmo lo sabis vosotros? how do you
P nm & nf volunteer.
voluntarioso,-a adj (con voluntad) willvotacin nf 1 (voto) vote, ballot. 2 (acto)
vote, voting. l o c someter algo a vota
voluta nf 1 arquit volute, scroll. 2 (escin to put sth to the vote, take a
piral) spiral, column. 3 (de humo) ring.
ballot on sth. c o m p votacin a mano
volver vt 1 (dar vuelta a) to turn, turn
alzada voting by a show of hands.
over; (hacia abajo) to turn upside
down; (de dentro afuera) to turn inside votante nm o nf voter.
out; (lo de atrs hacia delante) to turn votar vi (dar el voto) to vote.
P vt (proponer para aprobar) to pass.
back to front: volver la tortilla to turn the
omelette. 2 (convertir) to turn, make, voto nm 1 (gen) vote: tres votos a favor
three votes for. 2 rel vow. 3 (deseo)
change: el dinero ha vuelto tonto a Paco
wish. 4 (blasfemia) curse, oath. c o m p
money has made Paco foolish. 3 (devolderecho al voto the right to vote. y vo
ver) to give back; (a su lugar) to put
to de censura vote of no confidence.
y voto de confianza vote of confiP vi 1 (regresar) to return; (ir) to go
back; (venir) to come back: vuelve
cuando quieras come
back whenever you voz nf 1 (sonido) voice. 2 (grito) shout. 3
want. 2 (a un tema, etc) to return, re(vocablo, palabra) word. 4 gram voice:
l o c a voleo / al vo
leo fig at random, haphazardly.
volquete nm dumper-truck.
voltaje nm voltage.
voltear vt 1 (dar vueltas) to whirl, twirl.
2 (poner al revs) to turn over, toss. 3
(campanas) to peal, ring out. 4 (a una



voz activa active voice. 5 ms (de instrumento) tone; (cantante) voice: cancin a
tres voces three-part song. 6 fig (rumor)
rumour (us rumor). 7 fig (en asamblea
- facultad de hablar) voice, say; (- voto)
vote. l o c alzar la voz / levantar la voz
to raise one's voice. y dar voces to
shout. y en voz alta aloud. y en voz ba
ja in a low voice. y tener voz y voto 1
fam to have a say. 2 fml to be a voting member.
vuelco nm 1 (gen) tumble, upset. 2
(barco) capsizing. 3 fig change. l o c
dar un vuelco 1 (coche) to overturn. 2
(empresa) to go to ruin. y me dio un
vuelco el corazn my heart missed a
vuelo nm 1 (acto, espacio, etc) flight. 2 (accin) flying. 3 arquit (voladizo) projection. l o c al vuelo in flight. y alzar el
vuelo / emprender el vuelo / levantar el
vuelo to take flight. y cazarlas al vuelo
/ agarrarlas al vuelo fig to be quick on
the uptake. c o m p vuelo chrter / vuelo
regular charter flight / scheduled


vuelta nf 1 (giro) turn. 2 (en un circuito)

lap, circuit. 3 (paseo) walk, stroll: va

mos a dar una vuelta let's go for a walk. 4
(regreso, retorno) return; (viaje de regreso)
return journey, journey back: a la
vuelta de las vacaciones after the holidays.
5 (dinero de cambio) change: qudese con
la vuelta keep the change. 6 (curva)
bend, curve. 7 (reverso) back, reverse.
8 (de torneo, etc) round. 9 (cambio)
change, alteration. 10 cost (de pantaln) turn-up; (forro) lining. 11 (al hacer
punto) row. l o c a vuelta de correo by
return of post. y dar la vuelta a 1 (alrededor) to go round. 2 (girar) to turn
(round). 3 (de arriba abajo) to turn upside down. 4 (de dentro a fuera) to turn
inside out. 5 (cambiar de lado) to turn
over. y dar la vuelta al mundo to go
round the world. y dar vueltas a algo

fig to worry about sth: no lo des ms

vueltas! don't worry about it! y dar me
dia vuelta to turn round. y estar de
vuelta de todo to have seen it all before. y hasta la vuelta! see you when
I get back! c o m p la vuelta al colegio 1
(en publicidad) Back to school. 2 (primer da) first day back at school.

vuelto,-a adj (cuello) roll: jersey de cuello

vuelto roll-neck sweater.

vuestro,-a adj your, of yours: vuestra

casa your house; un amigo vuestro a

friend of yours.
P pron yours: stas son las vuestras these
are yours.
P nm lo vuestro what is yours, what
belongs to you.
vulgar adj 1 (grosero) vulgar, coarse,
common: lenguaje vulgar coarse language. 2 (general) common, general. 3
(banal) banal, ordinary; (idea) commonplace. 4 (no tcnico) lay: trmino
vulgar lay term.
vulgaridad nf 1 (grosera) vulgarity,
coarseness. 2 (banalidad) banality,
vulgarismo nm vulgarism.
vulgarizacin nf vulgarization, popularization.
vulgarizar vt 1 (popularizar) to popularize, vulgarize. 2 (hacer vulgar) to
make common.
P vpr vulgarizarse (popular) to become
popular, become common; (grosero)
to become vulgar, become common.
vulgo nm pey common people pl ,
masses pl.
vulnerable adj vulnerable.
vulneracin nf 1 (gen) violation. 2 fig
(reputacin) damaging, harming.
vulnerar vt 1 (ley, etc) to violate. 2 fig (honor, etc) to damage, harm.

W, w nf (la letra) W, w.
W sm (vatio) watt; (smbolo) W.
wter nm fam toilet.
waterpolo nm water polo.
watt nm watt.
. Consulta tambin vatio.


web nf website.
whisky nm whisky; (irlands) whiskey.

whisky escocs Scotch, Scotch


windsurfing nm windsurfing.
wolframio nm wolfram.


X, x nf (la letra) X, x.
xenofobia nf xenophobia.
xenfobo,-a adj xenophobic.
P nm

& nf xenophobe.

xerocopia nf Xerox, photocopy.

xerografa nf xerography.
xilfono nm xylophone.
xilografa nf xylography.


Y, y nf (la letra) Y, y.
y conj 1 and: Alberto y Mara Alberto and

Mara. 2 (hora) past: son las tres y cuarto its

a quarter past three. 3 (en pregunta) what
about: y Pepe, se viene? what about Pepe,
is he coming? 4 (repeticin) after: veces y
veces time after time, time and time again.
l o c y eso que even though. y y (qu)?
so (what)? y y si ? what if ? y y
tanto! you bet!, and how!
. Consulta tambin e.

ya adv 1 already: esa pelcula ya la he visto

yarda nf yard.
yate nm yacht.
yedra nf ivy.
yegua nf mare.
yesmo nm pronunciation of ll as y.
yema nf 1 (de huevo) yolk. 2 bot bud. 3
(del dedo) fingertip. c o m p yema de hue
vo egg yolk.
Yemen nm Yemen.
yemen adj Yemeni.
P nm o nf Yemeni.

yerba nf hierba.

Ive already seen that film. 2 (ms tarde) yermo ,-a adj 1 (estril) barren. 2 (despolater: ya lo har Ill do it later. 3 (ahora misblado) deserted, uninhabited.
mo) at once, right now, straightaway: yerno nm son-in-law.
tienes que mandarlo ya you must send it at
yesca nf tinder.
once. 4 (ahora) now: ya estn viviendo en
yeso nm 1 (mineral) gypsum. 2 (para la
el departamento nuevo theyre living in the
construccin) plaster. 3 (tiza) chalk. 4 (esnew flat now. 5 (uso enftico): ya lo s I
cultura) plaster cast.
know that; es facilsimo, ya vers its dead
easy, youll see. 6 (denota satisfaccin): ya yeyuno nm jejunum.
tenemos coche nuevo! weve got the new yihad nf jihad.
car! 7 (con tono amenazante): ya vers ya! yo pron I: el jefe soy yo Im the boss; soy yo
its me; entre t y yo between you and
just you wait! 8 (con indignacin): ya est
me; yo en tu lugar if I were you; yo
bien! enough is enough! 9 (para tranquilique t if I were you
zar): ya encontrars trabajo, ya vers como s
youll find a job, youll see. 10 (para afir- P nm el yo the ego, the self.
mar) I know, yes: tienes que estudiar ya, yodo nm iodine.
pero you have to study I know, but yogur nm yoghurt.
l o c ya est! there we are!, all done! y
P pl yogures.
ya que since, seeing that: ya que ests
yogurt nm yoghurt.
aqu, qudate a cenar seeing that youre
P pl yogurts.
here, why dont you stay for supper?
nm jockey.
P interj irn oh yes!
yacer vi 1 (estar enterrado) to lie. 2 fml yugo nm yoke.
(hallarse) to lie. 3 lit (dormir) to be ly- yugular adj jugular.
P nf jugular vein.
ing; (acostarse) to lie (con, with): Aqu
yunque nm anvil.
yace Here lies
yacimiento nm bed,
deposit. c o m p ya yunta nf team of oxen, yoke.
yuxtaposicin nf juxtaposition.
cimiento petrolfero oilfield.


Z, z nf (la letra) Z, z.
zafarrancho nm 1 mil clearing for ac-

zanca nf (de pjaro) leg; (de persona) long

tion. 2 (jaleo) commotion. 3 (desorden) zancada nf stride. l o c en dos zancadas
in two shakes.
zafarse vpr to get away (de, from), zancadilla nf 1 trip. 2 fam (engao)
free os (de, from), escape (de, from):
ruse, trick. l o c ponerle la zancadilla a
logr zafarse de la polica he managed to
algn to trip sb up.
get away from the police.
zanco nm stilt.
zafiro nm sapphire.
zancudo,-a adj 1 long-legged. 2 (ave)
zaga nf 1 rear. 2 (en deporte) defence (us
wading. c o m p aves zancudas waders,
defense). l o c a la zaga behind. y no
wading birds.
irle a la zaga a algn not to lag behind
P nm zancudo am mosquito.
sb: es muy travieso, pero su hermano no le
zngano,-a nm & nf fam (persona) loafer.
va a la zaga hes really naughty, but his
P nm (insecto) drone.
brothers every bit as bad.
zagal,-la nm & nf 1 (muchacho) lad; (mu- zanja nf trench. l o c abrir una zanja to
dig a trench.
chacha) lass. 2 (pastor) shepherd; (pastozanjar vt fig (asunto) to settle.
ra) shepherdess.
zapata nf 1 (arandela) washer. 2 tc
zagun nm hall, hallway.
shoe. 3 (de cmara fotogrfica) hot shoe.
zaherir vt 1 to wound, hurt. 2 (sentic o m p zapata de freno brake shoe.
mientos) to hurt.
zapatear vi (bailar) to stamp ones feet
Zaire nm Zaire.
zaireo,-a adj Zairean.
zapateo nm rhythmic stamping.
P nm & nf Zairean.
zalamero,-a adj charming, winning. zapatera nf 1 (tienda) shoe shop. 2 (taP nm & nf charmer. l o c ponerse
ller de reparacin) shoe repairers, cobzalamero,-a to turn on the charm.
blers; (taller de fabricacin) shoemakers. 3 (oficio) shoemaking.
zamarra nf sheepskin jacket.
Zambia nf Zambia.
zapatero,-a nm & nf 1 (que arregla)
shoe repairer, cobbler. 2 (que fabrica)
zambiano,-a adj Zambian.
P nm & nf Zambian.
shoemaker. 3 (que vende) shoe seller.
c o m p zapatero remendn cobbler.
zambo,-a adj knock-kneed.
P nm (mono) spider monkey.
zapatilla nf 1 (de estar en casa) slipper. 2
zambullida nf plunge, dive. l o c darse
(de loneta) plimsoll. c o m p zapatilla de
una zambullida to take a dip.
ballet ballet shoe. y zapatilla de de
porte trainer, running shoe.
zambullir vt to plunge.
zampar vi fam to stuff oneself.
zapato nm shoe. c o m p zapatos de tacn
high-heeled shoes.
zampoa nf panpipes.
zanahoria nf carrot.
zar nm tsar, czar.



zarabanda nf 1 ms saraband. 2 fam

(jaleo) bustle, confusion.

zarandear vt 1 (sacudir) to shake; (empujar) to jostle, knock about. 2 (cribar)
to sieve.
zarandeo nm 1 (sacudida) shaking; (empujones) jostling about. 2 (criba) sieving. 3 (contoneo) swaggering, strutting.
zarcillo nm 1 (pendiente) earring. 2 bot
zarigeya nf opossum.
zarina nf tsarina, czarina.
zarpa nf claw, paw. l o c echarle la zar
pa a algo 1 (animal) to pounce on sth.
2 (persona) to grab sth.
zarpar vi to weigh anchor, set sail.
zarza nf bramble, blackberry bush.
zarzal nm bramble patch.
zarzamora nf (zarza) blackberry bush;
(fruto) blackberry.
zarzuela nf 1 ms zarzuela, Spanish
operetta. 2 culin fish stew.
zenit nm zenith.
zeta nf (letra) zed, us zee.
P nm argot police car.
Zimbabwe nm Zimbabwe.
zimbabwense adj Zimbabwean.
P nm o nf Zimbabwean.
zinc nm zinc.
zcalo nm 1 (de habitacin) skirting
board; (de edificio) plinth course,
plinth. 2 (pedestal) plinth, socle.
zodiaco nm zodiac.
zona nf 1 area. 2 (fronteriza, militar) zone.
P nm med (herpes) shingles. c o m p zona
azul parking meter zone. y zona edi
ficada built-up area. y zona fronteriza
border zone. y zona glacial frigid

zone. y zona templada temperate

zone. y zona trrida torrid zone. y zo
na verde green zone.
zoologa nf zoology.
zoolgico,-a adj zoological.
P nm zoo.
zologo,-a nm & nf zoologist.
zorra nf 1 (animal) vixen. 2 tab (mujer)
zorro,-a adj (astuto) cunning, sly.
P nm zorro 1 (animal) fox; (macho) dog
fox, fox. 2 (piel) fox-fur, fox-skin. 3
(persona) old fox. c o m p zorro viejo sly
old fox.
P nm pl zorros (para el polvo) duster sing.
zorzal nm (ave) thrush.
zozobrar vi 1 (barco) to sink, capsize. 2
(persona) to worry, be anxious. 3 (proyecto) to fail, be ruined.
zueco nm clog.
zulo nm hide-out.
zumbar vi (abejorro, odos) to buzz: me
zumban los odos my ears are buzzing.
P vt fam (pegar) to thrash.
zumo nm juice: zumo de naranja orange
zurcir vt to darn, mend.
zurdo,-a adj (persona) left-handed; (mano) left.
P nm & nf left-hander, left-handed
P nf (mano) left hand: un golpe con la zur
da a left-handed blow.
zurra nf fam thrashing.
zurrar vt 1 fam to thrash. 2 fam (cuero)
to tan.
zurrn nm shepherds pouch, shepherds bag.

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