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Name : M. Ilham Rizki.

No : 33
Class : XII TKJ 4

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Kunang-kunang adalah sejenis serangga yang dapat mengeluarkan cahaya yang jelas terlihat
saat malam hari. Cahaya ini dihasilkan oleh "sinar dingin" yang tidak mengandung ultraviolet
maupun sinar inframerah dan memiliki panjang gelombang 510 sampai 670 nanometer,
dengan warna merah pucat, kuning, atau hijau, dengan efisiensi sinar sampai 96%.
Kunang-kunang termasuk dalam golongan Lampyridae yang merupakan familia dalam ordo
kumbang Coleoptera. Ada lebih dari 2000 spesies kunang-kunang, yang dapat ditemukan di
daerah empat musim dan tropis di seluruh dunia. Banyak sepesies ini yang ditemukan di rawa
atau hutan yang basah di mana tersedia banyak persediaan makanan untuk larvanya.
Kunang-kunang, yang memancarkan sinar untuk saling mengenali atau untuk memberi tanda
kawin, menggunakan panjang gelombang sinar yang berbeda, tergantung pada spesiesnya.
Selain itu, pada beberapa spesies, kunang-kunang jantan yang mula-mula menyorotkan sinar
untuk menarik sang betina, sementara pada spesies lainnya, sang betina yang memanggil.
Sebagian kunang-kunang menggunakan cahaya mereka untuk mempertahankan diri. Mereka
mengeluarkan sinar sebagai tanda pada musuh bahwa mereka bukan makanan yang lezat.
Bagi kunang-kunang kelompok Photuris, cahaya mereka berperan pula dalam perburuan.
Betina jenis ini dapat meniru kerlipan sinyal cahaya yang dipancarkan betina jenis lain,
misalnya Photuris. Dengan sinyal cahaya palsu ini, kunang-kunang jantan jenis Photuris pun
terjebak dan dimakan oleh Photuris betina.
Cahaya kunang-kunang berperan pula sebagai tanda peringatan, untuk memperingatkan
antar-sesama jenisnya tentang ancaman bahaya, maupun peringatan bagi serangga dan burung
pemangsa agar tidak memakannya. Sebab, zat pemicu pembentukan cahaya kunang-kunang
berasa pahit. Kalaupun ada serangga pemangsa yang nekad, mereka biasanya memakan tubuh
kunang-kunang dari bagian kepala, terus hingga ke bagian belakang, kecuali bagian perut
yang tidak dimakannya.

Name : M. Ilham Rizki. K

No : 33
Class : XII TKJ 4

Sumber :

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Lampyridae are a family of insects in the beetle order Coleoptera. They are winged
beetles, commonly called fireflies or lightning bugs for their conspicuous use of
bioluminescence during twilight to attract mates or prey. Fireflies produce a "cold light", with
no infrared or ultraviolet frequencies. This chemically produced light from the lower
abdomen may be yellow, green, or pale red, with wavelengths from 510 to 670 nanometers.[2]
About 2,000 species of fireflies are found in temperate and tropical climates. Many are in
marshes or in wet, wooded areas where their larvae have abundant sources of food. Their
larvae emit light and often are called "glowworms" in Eurasia and elsewhere. In the
Americas, "glow worm" also refers to the related Phengodidae. In many species, both male
and female fireflies have the ability to fly, but in some species, the females are flightless.[3]
Fireflies tend to be brown and soft-bodied, often with the elytra, or front wings,
more leathery than those of other beetles. Although the females of some species
are similar in appearance to males, larviform females are found in many other
firefly species. These females can often be distinguished from the larvae only
because they have compound eyes. The most commonly known fireflies are
nocturnal,[4] although there are numerous species that are diurnal. Most diurnal
species are not luminescent; however, some species that remain in shadowy
areas may produce light.
A few days after mating, a female lays her fertilized eggs on or just below the
surface of the ground. The eggs hatch three to four weeks later, and the larvae
feed until the end of the summer. The larvae are commonly called glowworms
(not to be confused with the distinct beetle family Phengodidae or the fly genus
Arachnocampa.) Lampyrid larvae have simple eyes. The term glowworm is also
used for both adults and larvae of species such as Lampyris noctiluca, the
common European glowworm, in which only the nonflying adult females glow
brightly and the flying males glow only weakly and intermittently.

Name : M. Ilham Rizki. K

No : 33
Class : XII TKJ 4
Fireflies hibernate over winter during the larval stage, some species for several
years. Some do this by burrowing underground, while others find places on or
under the bark of trees. They emerge in the spring. After several weeks of
feeding on other insects, snails and worms, they pupate for 1.0 to 2.5 weeks and
emerge as adults. The larvae of most species are specialized predators and feed
on other larvae, terrestrial snails, and slugs. Some are so specialized that they
have grooved mandibles that deliver digestive fluids directly to their prey. Adult
diet varies: some are predatory, while others feed on plant pollen or nectar.
Some, like the European Glow-worm beetle, Lampyris noctiluca, have no mouth.
Source :
Vocabulary :
Bettle : Kumbang
Commonly : Umumnya
Fireflies : Kunang-kunang
Twilight : Senja
Prey : Mangsa
Abdomen : Perut
Marshes : Rawa-rawa
Wooded : Berhutan
Abundant : Melimpah
Emit : Memancarkan
Elsewhere : Ditempat lain
Grow worm : Kelemayar
Flightless : Terbang
Leathery : Kasar
Appereance : Penampilan
Distinguished : Dibedakan
Compound : Senyawa
Numerous : Banyak sekali
Diurnal : Harian
Shadowy : Suram

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