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R&P Schedule



Target Audience
Research &

Who is the target audience for our film? What

evidence do we have of similar products to suggest
this is an appropriate target audience? Target
Audience Profile.
An embedded copy of the final treatment following
the accepted conventions. Record of a reading

Film Treatment

Half Term

Week Beginning

Film Script

An embedded copy of our script following the

accepted conventions.

Start Week
Beginning 14

Location Research

Photos of potential locations with evaluations. How do

the locations construct representations? Make links to
locations in existing products.

Half Term

Risk Assessments

Embedded copy of risk assessments of locations,

filming equipment, etc.

Costume Research

Evidence of costume research with photos. Consider

representations, link to existing products. A formal
costume plot.

Half Term

Props Research &


Evidence of props research with photos. Consider

representations, link to existing products. A formal
props list/plot.

Half Term


A completed storyboard. Each frame to be numbered

and labelled with scene & shot references. Annotate
camera movement if appropriate.

Week beginning


A completed animatic with rough soundtrack.

Embedded via YouTube. Evaluate success.

Week beginning

Shooting Schedule

A formal shooting schedule embedded which will be

printed and shared with all cast & crew.

Week beginning

Preparing For The


An audit exercise. Is all equipment booked? Is

transport sorted? Who is responsible for printing
scripts, etc? Are the crew roles sorted? Do any shots
need practicing?
Scans of actor release forms.

Actor Release
Forms (for each

25th Novemb


25th Novemb

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