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Communication Style in China:

An effective communication system plays a significant role in management decision making

especially in joint ventures or multinational enterprises. With the help of open line
communication managers can work on decreasing the labor turnover rate, this system
requires cultural awareness, language abilities and thorough understanding of the values of
work and employee.

The Chinese business system is normally considered as an having distance is much

higher so it means there is a strong hierarchical structure. Employees wait for the top level
information from their supervisors and complete this thing in irritation when there is shortage
of it.

The concept of 'saving face' plays pivotal role in communication as it is a doubleedged sword. Chinese workers always try to save their own faces and also saves others from
losing a face.Therfore, criticism must be given in methods it gives benefit to culture and local
work values.

Managerial Style in China

With the increase of foreign direct investment into the china so the mangers
who are foreigners has also tremendous growth, this means new managerial styles have sprung
up, some may be not in line with the local traditions and work systems.

A Chinese person Management practices focuses on the control and conformity

but is added by an ideological appeal to the virtues of work (Child, 1994). This clearly shows
that managers are likely to interact with barriers and conflicts with the certain types of
behavior; they create relationships for exchanging informal favors and maintain peace.
Chinese managers use to spend more time getting in contact with their sub-ordinates and
superiors, as they prefer informal methods of informal communication, but they heavily rely on
the building personal relationships.

therefore, utilizing Western retention strategies in the traditional Chinese work culture
is not a good idea as it is looks so there are concerns for career aspirations and equal
treatment are not only the elements in a system that requires huge personal commitment
between superiors and sub-ordinates to make sure about loyalty.
Retaining Valuable Talent
There are various number of strategies are used by the organizations main aim is to
promote retention in china, as employee turnover is becoming an very important critical
issue to handle. So the commonly used retention methods include having a prosperous
management program and it offers training and development opportunities. Employees are
leaving organization just because of this important reason; lack of employee growth and
development. So, the HR professional gives high importance to relate to pay to performance
and improving and enhancing compensation but such financial rewards and incentives are not
guaranteed to be successful.

Generally, dedicated retention plans are less used, whereas team-building activities
are more used. There are certain methods which have higher importance but very low usage
includes career planning services, retaining employee must be corporate objective and should
arrange specialized retention plans. There should be more attention given to the specialized
services when organizations are developing strategies for retaining talent.

In a past few years, a lot of energy has been spent onto making number of strategies
retaining employees, with most needs additional improvement Each and every organization
should look at unusual circumstances and the nature of its employees, which are related to
selecting the suitable path to improve retention. Strategies should be made which have higher
impact, organizations need to find out the reason why employees leave more often, why they
are not satisfied, and the degree to which unhappiness is causing more turnover.

Retention Strategies
The main aim of organizations is to find out why employees are leaving and how they
would be retained here. The answer is a better deal should be given to employees so that they
cannot quit this jobs may be giving them more fringe benefits to retain them

The most effective strategy is to increase the compensation level of employees in this way
turnover rate may fall down (Torrington et. al., 2005). Simple answer if employers offer them
good package very less employees will leave or no one leaves but if employers offer them not
suitable package there are more chances majority will quit. There are number of organizations
who focuses solely on the good packages system so the employee will not even think to leave.

Less Pay is not the only reason behind the employees leaving besides that there are also other
reason which forces an employee to quit job. Job satisfaction is related to pay levels but not the
only reason.however, it will not stop unhappy employees from leaving. Therefore, pay is more
a 'hygiene factor' than a motivator, which means that it can be a cause of unhappiness at
work, but not of positive job satisfaction. Employees may have other reasons to leave an
employer who is not paying them according to their capabilities, but once they are satisfied
with their pay additional increases are less impactful.

Managing expectation is also important factor (Torrington et. al., 2005). It shows that
employers benefit and make sure that employees gain a 'realistic job preview' before they
listen to job offer. The main objective is to make sure that new staff enter an organization
with their expectations meet what they actually thought about it and should not find that the
job fails to meet their standards, which may bring a huge level of dissatisfaction, so there are
chances new comers will leave early if their expectations doesn't meet. Whereas, it is important
not to mislead and cheat candidates about the nature of the work and responsibilities they
will be hand over in an enterprise.

Furthermore, the effective and timely induction process is related with the ensuring
new employees will not leave (Torrington et. al., 2005). There are different

purposes of

induction, all are related with preparing new employees to work as efficiently as possible and
as soon as is possible in their new jobs. It helps new comers to adapt according to their new
workplace. Also, induction provides a platform where basic information about the
organization can be transformed.

Family reasons are also considered as important factor behind employee's leaving their job.
From the last few years, HR practices have emphasized on giving employees a little bit freedom
in the timing system, especially giving leave to pregnant women, as a handy retention tool.

Training and development is considered as an very useful approach according to the

(Torrington et. al., 2005). There are two different things on the link between training
interventions and employee turnover. One is the argument training opportunities helps them
a lot and employees will be more committed to an organization in this way they will not leave
voluntarily than they would if no training were offered. Training gives an employee a
pleasure and they feel as part of the organization if their needs are satisfied they will pursue
their career in a current organization. Some people believe money wasting on the training and
development should be avoided it should be spent somewhere else, because it ultimately
benefits other organizations. The most expensive types of training intervention involve longterm courses of study such as an MBA, CIPD or accountancy qualification. In financing
such courses, employers are showing a clear intent that their employee's contribution is very
important and that they can look forward to enhance their skills if they remain here. No Funds
will be given if employees decide to leave even after getting such incentive (Torrington et. al.,
Enhance retentions include flexible rewards with the help of specific programs, better
induction, and the effective management of expectations, training opportunities and familyfriendly initiatives.

4: Conclusions and Recommendations

There is huge increment in competition level and changes are made it emphasized
organizations to evaluate the importance that people perceive in the context of the institution,
related especially to technologies, processes and products becoming easy to purchase. An
organization that can respond and adapt to the changing nature of the market continuously
believes in innovation and improvement; loyalty is done and over once evidenced are shown
throughout the workplace.

Labor turnover rates are high in the China and in the developed west nations. such
turnover are not only related with the recruitment process , but also customers are less
satisfied, lower productivity, and the loss of an organization's knowledge and


Therefore, employee retention is a problem has an huge impact even beyond the limits of
management and supervisors. The entire organization gets affected - so an organization never
wants its talented and potential employees will leave.

There are many reasons why employees quit jobs voluntarily, so companies rely heavily on the
analysis of these retention plans. The exit interviews and attitude surveys gives clear idea to
the employers knowing the factors behind labor turnover in an organization. So HR
professional requires an comprehensive and efficient approach. it is the duty of HR
professionals to find out the reasons of turnover from each of the management areas.

A friendly environment within the organization enhances trust and encourages continuous
learning among the workers with little bit of fun needed to keep the mindset relaxed. If

management gives their employees a value then it helps the organization in the longer term and it
is in the best interest of the enterprise.
Organizations needs to make sure that open lines of communication are created with the
objective of listening to employees and removing their concerns - whether it is concerned to
work or of a more personal nature. The more management includes employees in the
decision-making process, especially those having a talent, the more the chances of
satisfaction and participation being reached within the workforce due to the allowing them
participating in organization.

Managers should understand the needs, wants and objectives of their subordinates
and then make the impactful motivational strategies which can be used to make sure that a
balance is reached between the individual needs and the organization's requirements. Giving
applause on accomplishments and other activities gives motivation to staff and also it will
help in creating a friendly and peaceful environment that will give the worker a satisfaction
and they feel as a member of a large team, rather than a daily wage earner.

A leadership can show the employees interest; inadequate things will cause increase in the
labor turnover rates. Therefore, more attention needs to be given in terms of selection and
training of the line managers in front of employees they represent the top level management

Recruitment and hiring process shows an organization wants to retain top employees.
Organization main objective is to match the employee's abilities and capacity with the nature of
work required by the organizations so it has great importance with these procedures.

Rewards and fringe benefits are identified as one of the useful tools in encouraging talented
individual to stay in this organization. Suitable compensation should be given and benefits and
rewards should be given to them.

It is a serious human resources challenge with assessment of country like China, especially for
the parent organizations wanting to enter into the local market, problems should be solved by
the managers,

suitable retention plans

should be created that have a impact in every

management areas like culture, motivation, communication, managerial style and key HR
practice areas: recruitment and selection, reward and performance appraisal, training and

With the reference to question is discussed in this topic discussion, there are some
recommendations to cope with the problem of labor retention:

Selection of People
Organization should hire talented individuals who are here to stay for longer period of time.
Hiring according to merit will give them pleasure. Moreover, it is essential to analyze a
candidate's skill level, as well as the expectations they expect from the organization and their
responsibilities in the enterprise.

Improvement of Leadership Skills:

It is good thing to related management with the worker that should be effective and efficient,
related to understanding them and having the right skills to progress. Differences and issues
should be handled in a authentic manner rather than making them as part of organization.

Examination of Retention:
An organization can decrease the unhappiness by using a third-party for exit interviews
which are not in the personnel records. Management should make sure that consistent follow-ups
are required with current employees; there are so many methods that can be used that will help
in understanding how the workforce is coping with the difficult situations.

Underestimating Employees:
The most costly and chaos situations is considered with the key mangers. Other organizations
more often watch the performance of mangers of other organizations and their employee's
performance took into consideration. So the organization completely focuses on the retaining
such members with the organization, they also take the market trends and demands into

Using Effective Methods:

Frequency doesn't always tells you true worth but various levels of retention methods are there,
. Having more special retention objectives and programs, including career planning services,

allows for a flexible approach to this issue. Organizations must take steps into consideration
and analyze their investments by taking steps that are cheap.


Organizations focus mostly on retention of employees by using its resources, including

opportunities for development and advancement. Satisfying employees in not only related to
the pay system. Therefore, establishments must take such steps into consideration, but also focus
on the other valuable and fringe benefits that can have an effect on the satisfaction of an
employee with their organization.

Focusing Retention Strategies

Employees' expectations and issues should be took into consideration by the enterprises. The

right retention strategy is the one which is suitable for each organization's and the nature of
its employees. Any imbalance between the demand for modern workers in China and the
available supply has created unprecedented pressure to find and keep employees. Whatever
situation organizations are facing should make proper strategiesto avoid turnover rates, instead
of adopting a general approach to every issue.

Foreign managers required establishing cross-cultural awareness; traditional system is mostly

followed in the Chinese business practices. Motivational communication should be done in a
positive way by the mangers, because positive perception is created with the help of performance
appraisals. The criticism should be avoided to bring improvement instead and use inspirational

Interpersonal relations play a pivotal role not only in the Chinese working culture, so they
deserve a respect because of Chinese mode of communication but also in general daily life. To
make sure that appropriate training and career opportunities must be given because it will
provide individuals to feel as an important part of the organization, and they will feel as the
family member. Chinese working system believes in the long term sustainability according to
their culture and traditions.

Whereas the new generation wants modern values at the work place, it is still difficult for
organization to create culture within such boundaries and follow more accepted standards within
the society and working system.

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