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ENG 102

Peer Review Analysis

On the back of your essay

Write three questions for your reviewer to answer.

On your own, you should have already

conducting these proofreading steps
MLA format (heading, header)
In-text parentheticals after every
works cited citations
Paragraph length
Topic and concluding sentence
Introduction (opener, explanation,
Conclusion (refers back to intros
opener, summarizes, mic drop)

Verb passivity (circle be verbs)

Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
Shifts (verb tenses, point of view,
direct - indirect, mood/voice

Today we are editing

Sentence Variety


Grammar Sentence Variety

Choose a paragraph
Mark a simple sentence
Mark a compound sentence
Mark a complex sentence

Mark a compound complex sentence

*if you are lacking any of these sentence types, create the
missing type
Do this with all of the essays paragraphs.

Grammar Apostrophes
Highlight all apostrophes
Check words ending in s. Is it owning the word after it? If so,
add an apostrophe.

Does the apostrophe own the word after it?

Does the apostrophe show that something is missing?
If the answer to either question is no, get rid of that apostrophe!

Grammar - Commas
Choose a paragraph
Highlight all FANBOYS
If there is a sentence before and after the FANBOYS, place a
comma before the FANBOYS.
If the FANBOYS fall in a series of 3 or more items, place a comma
before the FANBOYS.
Highlight all dependent words that begin a sentence
Place a comma at the end of the dependent clause
Look for multiple adjectives before a noun. Place commas in between
Read each sentence. Is there any extra information? If so, surround
that information with commas.

Grammar - Semicolons
Must have a complete sentence before and after the semicolon
Use as a super comma

Grammar - Colons
Must have a complete sentence before and after the colon
Must have a complete sentence before the colon. A list follows the

Peer Review
Exchange drafts
Read the essay
Answer the questions on the back

Sign your name

Return essay to owner

Looking at parallelism and misplaced & dangling modifiers
Due Tuesday 11/8 - Analysis final copy (staple together
rubric, final copy, prewrite (freewriting and discussion
notes), plan (outline), rough draft with proofreading marks
and peer review

Due Tuesday 11/8 - Annotated Bibliography mulligans due

(revision placed on top of original submission [rubric, final
copy, etc.])

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