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How to Overcome the homosexual lifestyle

28 keys points that if you follow all these 28 points, you WILL finally be FREEEEEEE
Praise GOD!!!
Rev. 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot
out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before
his angels.
Don't just pick one or two, but rather, do them ALL and you will have success!!!
Repent and Confess your sins. Ask GOD to come into your life, mind, body, heart, spirit and
soul and to take control of your life. Accept Christ as Saviour. Ask forgiveness of your sins
and ask for a change of life. Ask for strength. Pray at least 3 times daily and also without
ceasing. Also ask others to pray for you.
2. Change your life! Very important! Absolutely must do!
This is where most people fail. This is a must do!
Remove the tempation and anything that would stir up the tempation. Move!!! AND Change
your phone number and your email address! Don't tell any gay person your new addresses or
phone number! No gay roommates allowed!!! Change your email addresses! You must
separate yourself from your former lifestyle and all those that would pull you back into the
lifestyle that you want out of. Just as an alcoholic cannot be sober and remain sober in a
house or atmosphere of drinkers, neither can a recovering sex addict become or remain
"sober" in an atmosphere inducive to sexual activity. Yes those ex-friends will hate you. But
you cannot live your life for them. You have to do what you have to do to separate yourself
from those that would influence you. Trust me, I've been there. You cannot, absolutely cannot
live a life of freedom if you are tied to your gay friends and gay roommates. You must be
strong and stand up for your new life choice. If you hang out in a barbar shop, eventually you
are going to end up with a haircut! If you hang out in a bar, you are eventually going to take a
drink! If you give the devil an inch, he will take a mile! Don't give him an inch!
3. Attend Church services often and regularly. This is a very big support. You need support.
Attend every week and even twice a week or more if possible. Even attend 2 different
churches if necessary to attend more than once a week. Being in an environment of GODs
Word and others who are also trying to live for Him will help you and encourage you as well
as spending time away from the house.
4. Accountability partner:
Ask a pastor, minister or family member or friend to be your accountability partner, a person
you can call anytime in the night or day any day of the week or weekend to talk you out of
going to the gay bar or other place that causes you to fall. This partner cannot be a gay person
nor an ex-gay person.
5. Be Baptized in water, full immersion. Repent and be baptized. You do not have to wait
until you are perfect to do this. NO person is perfect regardless of how long you wait. Do not
wait long. Once you are baptized, you have this greater tool in your arsenal. You must be
baptized according to Gods Word and this will help you.

6. Read the Bible every day. At least one chapter but I recommend 3 chapters per day. GODS
word is very important. Do not miss this step.
7. Confess with your mouth to God
Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine
heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Rom 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth
confession is made unto salvation.
1Jo 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.
8. Accept Jesus and his Love, Mercy, Grace and Forgiveness
9. confess to others that you are living for God (then they will either run away or they will
support you)
10. burn or throw out all influences, pictures, porno, movies, music, magazines, letters,
decorations, etc. that would influence you to backslide. Don't wait to sell them. Don't give
them away either but rather throw these things away immediately or burn them in a outdoor
fire pit.
11. anoint your house
12. do not allow any evil to enter your house or body
13. fasting (at least once per month) Mark 9:29 "And he said unto them, This kind can come
forth by nothing, bt by prayer and fasting."
14. Christian music (often as possible) even have christian music playing in your house while
you are away from the house! This helps keep the house clean and let's intruders think there's
someone home!
15. praise him daily even during your worst times. Like the apostle Paul did at the midnight
hour in prison Acts 16:19-26
16. be in thanksgiving (Phillippians 4:6)
17. think on positive things (Philippians 4:8)
18. count your blessings, not your problems
19. focus straight ahead on Jesus, not to the left and not to the right
20. confine (confess privately) in a christian friend Jam 5:16 Confess your faults one to
another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a
righteous man availeth much.
21. faith, knowledge that God is real (Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped
for, evidence of things not seen)

22. Understand that your salvation is not dependent on just you and your righteousness but on
the righteousness, faithfullness and grace of God. It is thru His Strength that He will help you
daily. If you fall, pick yourself back up and keep going. Slips and falls are part of the growing
process. You are not yet perfect. Neither am i. But we put the pass behind us and keep going.
Don't beat yourself up over one mistake. repent and keep going. Don't give up.
23. forgiveness of self and others
24. put notes and bible verses around house and on walls
25. testify to others what God HAS done for you (Rev.12:11)
26. Put on the Whole Armour of God Ephesians 6:10-20
27. Know that you were born with a great purpose Romans 8:16-39
Rev. 3:21
28. Write in a daily Journal. This will help you remember what God has done for you and
also help you realize things.
If you follow ALL of the above steps, You WILL eventually be successful in your journey of
becoming and staying FREE from the bondage of a homosexual lifestyle. Praise GOD!!!
When you stumble and fall, And you will, don't give up! This addiction is like all other
addictions, you will have your ups and your downs. You must continue and stay on your
journey, just pick yourself up and keep going. Ask for forgiveness each time and wipe off the
dust, accept Christ forgiveness of your sins and ask for strength to stand stronger next time.
Go back over each of the above steps and stay away from ALL porn!!! Stay away from
drugs!!! They are tools of satan to pull you down into the pits of hell and you must abstain
from those snares!!! GOD Bless YOU and I know you will become successful in your
journey with GOD.

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