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Drew Goodall

October 18th, 2016

Bradley, P2
Mock Congress Research Paper
Many people around the world feel like receiving an abortion is like murdering a baby,
but in reality abortions do not harm the fetus in anyway. Abortion is a way for someone to get
rid of a burden they are not ready to carry. In 38 states they require parental consent to receive
an abortion. Abortions without parental consent should be legal because; it is another barrior
stopping underaged kids from getting an abortion, many kids are worried their parents won't
support them, and parents are religious, not supporting abortions.
Abortion should be legal without parental consent because it is just another barrier
stopping teens from getting an abortion. Teens choose to not receive abortions because they are
worried what their parents will think. They are worried their parents will be disappointed in
them or disown them as their children. From TRAP laws that have caused too many abortion
clinics to close, to restrictions on gestational age that send many women traveling out of state, to
mandatory ultrasounds, waiting periods, and counseling laws that unnecessarily burden and
traumatize patients, parental notification and consent laws are yet another law that stands in the
way of women and their legal right to an abortion(Everyday Feminism). With this in mind
people having to get their parents permission just makes it that much harder to do on their own.
They are still going to get an abortion they just won't be able to do it as quickly. For some
minors, it may just be a matter of having to tell parents that may not be very supportive of their
decision; for others, it may mean being kicked out of their home or further exacerbating an

already abusive home life(Everyday Feminism). This shows that some kids will get kicked out
of their house or abused if they tell their parents. Children should be able to receive an abortion
without their parents knowing in order to ensure they stay safe and out of danger.
Parental support is sometimes all teens are looking for; they just need guidance and some
parents would disown their child if they found out they became pregnant. Many teens choose to
not get an abortion because they are afraid of telling their parents until it is too late. Many teens
worry their parents will not support their decision of receiving an abortion. They fear they will
not allow their child to receive an abortion due to political matters. Teens do not want to be
stuck with a burden of carrying a baby at 17, and in many cases their parents make that decision
for them. Most young women do consult their parents before seeking abortion care.
Nonetheless, many teens live in dysfunctional family environments, and parental involvement
laws cannot transform these families into stable homes nor facilitate communications.
[m1]Forcing teens to involve parents in these circumstances puts them at risk(Abortion and
Parental Involvement Laws). This shows that many parents are very unsupportive of their
decision. This makes teens uncertain of getting an abortion making them worried their parents
would not be pleased with their decision. Activists must stand with them against the harmful
parental involvement restrictions that can put their health and well being at risk(Parental
Involvement Laws). Because teens are worried of being at risk they choose to keep their
pregnancy a secret from their parents, in the long run hurting them more. Teens need to feel safe
at home and if this means receiving an abortion without their parents knowing, then they need to
do what they need to do.

Many parents are against abortions because of their religious beliefs while their children
do not feel the same way. In many cases parents force religion on a child, causing the child to
feel obligated to practice that religion even when they do not actually believe in it. Making this
decision may be difficult, and by requiring parental consent, we are telling girls yet again, your
body, your future, is not your own(Everyday Feminism). This shows that by making girls get
their parents consent, they are having their future chosen for them. This objectifies women
making them feel like they do not own their own bodies. Studies have shown that when girls
make up their minds not to tell, they often do so out of self-protection. On average, one in three
come from families with histories of violence. The young women fear that telling the truth may
get them thrown out of the house or bring them physical harm(Their Right to an Abortion, Your
Right to Know). Many cases parents will not allow their child to get an abortion because of
religious reasons or their religion prohibits sex. Sex is a normal everyday thing and should be
allowed if the child wishes to do so. This shows why it is dangerous to require parental consent
to minors.
While some people believe abortions is the same as murdering a child, there are many
facts showing abortions do not harm the fetus at all; another argument one might add as to why
parents should be involved in the decision of getting an abortion is that teens are too young to
make big decisions on their own. Many people believe that abortions harm the fetus and is the
same as murder. Doctors should not be required to discuss fetal pain with women seeking
abortions because fetuses likely cant feel pain until late in pregnancy, according to a review
critics say hardly settles the contentious topic(NBC News). Fetuses cannot feel pain until 20+
weeks showing that abortions do not hurt the fetus. While this is true, another reason people

want parental consent to keep in place is people think parents should make all the decisions of
their child. Many children do not want to have a baby while their parents are against abortions.
This makes it much harder for teens to have support of their parents. With this said teens should
be able to receive abortions without their parents consent in order to ensure their safety at their
Abortions without parental consent should be legal because parents should not make their
kids choice for them, and should not be punished for their choice. Abortions are an easy way to
escape a burden that could be placed on a child's life. Many teens are not ready to have a kid,
financially and socially. They still have not even gone to college and it could ruin a child's life
having to take care of a baby. Abortion should be legal to receive without parental consent
because it is the teens responsibility to take care of their own issues and make their own

Works Cited
"Abortion and Parental Involvement Laws." Advocates for Youth. Parents Sex Ed Center, n.d.
Web. 18 Oct. 2016.
Kacere, Laura. "5 Reasons Why No One Should Be Legally Required to Tell Their Parents
About Their Abortion." Everyday Feminism. Magazine, 12 Aug. 2014. Web. 19 Oct.
2016. <>.
"Study: Fetus Feels No Pain until Third Trimester." N.p., 24 Aug. 2005. Web. 18
Oct. 2016.
"Their Right to an Abortion, Your Right to Know." ShopAPP, 2016. Web.
18 Sept. 2016.

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