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Ideas are original and

creative. A personal style

Ideas are original--unique

to the artist or borrowed
ideas are
merged/changed to create
something new.

An attempt has been

made to use original ideas
that is somewhat
unsuccessful, low level
changes are made.

exceeds expectations.

Artist puts forth needed

effort to develop new
skills successfully.

Artist attempts to learn

new skills, but gives up
when presented with

The work has impact and

makes a personal
connection with the

The work has a

discernible message that
is accessible to the

An original message is
attempted, but it
becomes lost or confused.

Artist embraces the

potential of risk to take
work to the next level.

Artist selects options

where the outcome is

Artist takes limited risks

where the outcome is
somewhat predictable.

Artist takes on leadership

roles within groups.
Searching out other art
communities, or starting
one when one can't be

Artist actively
collaborates. Learning to
interact as an artist with
other artists.

Artist collaborates
passively. Only interacting
with those in our art

Artist generates solutions

to problems

Artist is self directed in

seeking out and
attempting solutions.

Artist can solve problem

with help.


Artist can independently

analyze artwork and apply
observations to past,
present, and future work

Artist can independently

understand strengths and
weaknesses of artwork.

Artist needs help to

analyze work.

Artist understands and

takes inspiration for art
making from
current/historical global

Artist understands
examples of art outside
their personal experience.

Artist has limited

awareness of art outside
of their personal

Artist attends to "details"

in visual, audible, and
written contexts. Artist
applies these details and
highlights these details.

Artist moves beyond

ordinary "looking" and
notices things that
otherwise might be

Artist can see things more

closely with help.

Artist creates several

sketches, mockups, based
on research.

Artist creates multiple


Artist creates a sketch

and edits as he works.

Artist does first-hand

observing of a topic.
Artist includes both
written and visual
research. Artist draws
from multiple sources.

Artist does research and

collects research into a
single place. Uses several
sources to determine the
"look" of idea/subject.

Artist does research, but

only bases artwork on one

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