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Task Card: Thesis Statement Composition

TASK: As a group, compose a strong thesis statement and create an explanation of why it is
1. Read the sample thesis statement individually. Identify the stance the author is
taking and analyze the weakness of their statement. Adopting the same stance the
author is taking, rewrite the thesis on your index card to make it stronger.
2. When everyone is done writing, as a group, reread the sample thesis again.
3. Turn to your group members and share each of your thesis statements and evaluate
the strength of your statements.
4. Work together to construct and write a new thesis statement that combines the
work on the group and write it on the whiteboard at your table. Also write an
explanation for why this new thesis is stronger than the old example.

Thesis Statement: School uniforms are uncomfortable and I dont want to wear one.
Is the authors stance:
a. In favor of school uniforms
b. Against school uniforms
c. Neutral
Rewrite the thesis to be arguable, supportable, specific and detailed enough to map out an argument.

Strengths Required:
1. Knowledge of the 4 criteria for strong thesis statements
2. Critical thinking skills
3. Thinking creatively
1. Helping is showing and talking, not talking over or giving answers
2. No one is done until everyone understands.
3. Everyone is contributing to the groups final product.

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