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The ABC Model of Stress Reduction

Thoughts Influence Feelings

Many of us are unaware that our thoughts play a large role in influencing how
we feel. This is an important concept because we may not always be able to
influence what happens to us but we do have a powerful influence in how we
interpret what happens to us and how we deal with it. No matter what happens
to us nobody can take this away from us.
Some really difficult and painful things may happen to us. The late Dr Viktor
Frankl was a Psychiatrist imprisoned by the Nazis in the death camp at
Auschwitz. He saw and experienced, with so many others, the barbarism of the
Nazi's treatment of the Jewish people, and he saw how other camp inmates
reacted to these difficult circumstances of death and torture.
He said:
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of
human freedoms to choose one's attitude in any given set of
circumstances, to choose one's own way." (Viktor Frankl)
Our thoughts have a very powerful effect on our feelings and therefore on the
level of stress we encounter. Not everybody exposed to a challenging event
will find it stressful. Yes, life is unfair but it is not so much the challenging
event that leads to the development of stress, it is how we deal with the
potential, challenging stressors.
People often believe it is external events that cause us stress but this is not
totally correct. As Psychologist Doctor Richard Lazarus says "stress resides
neither in the situation nor in the person it depends on a transaction between the
two." An individual's views, perception, beliefs and expectations play a large
role in whether he/she thinks an event is stressful or not. What do our thoughts
have to do with our feelings? In reality our thoughts about a challenging event
will play a large role in whether we think the event is stressful and also play a
role in whether we think we can cope with the event.
We tend not to pay much attention to our thoughts however our thoughts and
the way we think can and do have a potential influence over our health.

Research has shown, for example that watching a horror film on television
triggers the release of higher levels of stress hormones. In realisty we are not at
threat from a vampire, but our fearful thoughts trigger the fight/flight response.
On the other hand other studies have shown that watching a relaxing comedy
film, where our thoughts are less negative than in the horror film, reduces the
levels of stress hormones in our blood stream. So from this we can see how our
thoughts play a role in stress.
To show how this works the ABC model has been developed and we will now
show you how it works.

A + B = C Model
Most of us tend to think that challenging events occur and they automatically
trigger the fight/flight response, however this is not correct. There is another
stage that happens after the event and influences whether the event will trigger
the fight/flight response. Dr Albert Ellis, founder of a form of talking therapy
called Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (very similar to Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy), identified the role that our thoughts, beliefs and self-talk
play in triggering the fight/flight response. He called this the A+B=C equation.

A = Activating Event
Activating events are the triggers that cause us potential stress. As previously
mentioned in Session 1 of this course there are different types of stressors.
There are the Life Event stressors, such as the death of a loved one, which are
fortunately fairly rare; the majority of us would find these life events difficult
and stressful. Then there are the more common stressors called Daily Hassles.
Not everybody exposed to these daily hassles finds them stressful and this is
partly because our individual beliefs, thoughts and perceptions about the daily
hassles will determine if the event is stressful to us or not.

B = Beliefs
When we are born we come into this world with no beliefs, opinions, views or
perceptions. From the moment we can talk and listen we start to learn the

opinions of our parents, our peers, school etc. We automatically start to use
these beliefs as a template to interpret ourselves, other people and the world in
general. The problem is that other people may not necessarily have the same
template, views and beliefs as us. We use our beliefs to interpret what is
happening to us. These beliefs may be accurate, possible, flexible and
optimistic, these types of beliefs and thinking skills can help to reduce stress,
however a lot of beliefs can be in the form of automatic negative thoughts and
if they are rigid, negative, inflexible and pessimistic then this can exacerbate
any stress we are under. Fortunately it is possible to change our beliefs and so
reduce our stress, the skills to do this are in Session 5.

C = Consequences
The final part of the A+B=C equation is Consequences. Consequences refer to
the feelings that occur as a consequence of our beliefs and self-talk in response
to the activating event. The consequences can be in the form of stress, anxiety,
depression, anger, irritability, aggression, fear, worry, and frustration etc.

"We can't always influence what others may say or do to us - but we

CAN influence how we react TO it!"

One example of the A + B = C equation:

There are two people on a train that stops and is held up for 30 minutes. One of
the people opens his brief case and gets on with some work and calmly waits
until the train starts moving again. While the other person sits, fumes, thinks
that it is disgusting and incompetent of the railway company, and that this state
of affairs should not happen. The same stressor, yet two entirely different
responses, one will trigger the release of stress hormones, the other response
won't. Getting upset and angry didn't make the train move any faster, and it's
the individual's beliefs, thoughts and perceptions that are the key.
It can be useful to break down an event such as the example above using the
A+B=C equation:
A= Activating Event

In this case the delayed train is the activating event.

B= Beliefs
In the example the first person seems to have no fixed beliefs about whether
trains should run on time or not he thinks "Yes, it's a pain, but getting upset
won't make the train move any faster and luckily this doesn't happen every day,
we shall be moving soon.
The second person however, believes "trains should always run on time and it's
disgusting and incompetent of the railway company if they do not".
C= Consequences
The outcome for the two people in our example is that the first person does not
get stressed, he gets out his work and in fact sees the delay as an opportunity to
get some work done which otherwise he may not have had the time to do in the
office or may have had to take home to do, so he has positive consequences to
his beliefs about the activating event.
The second person however has become very stressed, feeling very upset, very
angry, his response has triggered his fight/flight response but it has not made
the train move any faster and he will probably continue to feel angry and upset
long after the train has resumed and got him to his destination; he has not been
able to use the time effectively and will probably have difficulty being efficient
in his work later in the day because of this stress response during the train
Many stressful events that happen to us can be looked at in this way using the
A+B=C equation to help us see how what we thought and believed about a
situation led to the way we felt and the level of stress we experienced.
Changing our self-talk to a less rigid, less pessimistic, more positive, thinking
style will help us cope more effectively and make us more able to deal with the
challenges we encounter. Later on in Session 5 we will be discussing a
Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management Technique called Cognitive
Restructuring, which is a method we can use to help challenge our thinking for
its accuracy and help us substitute more realistic beliefs and thoughts.

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