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Neuron Brain Cells

By Cinthya Barron - Broussard
This might come as a shock to you but your
brain has about 100 billion different cells and
one of them just so happens to be a neuron. The
neuron is responsible for transmitting nerve
signals to and from the brain at 200 mph, if
thats not fast and furious I dont know what is.
These race car driving brain cells consist of a
couple structures such as a cell soma, dendrites,
an axon hillock, axons, and a nerve ending. All
of these play a very big part in making sure that
all of your neurons in your brain work properly
and are able to send information to the rest of
your brain and body in the time it needs to for
you to react. And this is how they help out.

The cell soma is the region of the neuron cell

that contains the nucleus, which is the most
important part of the cell because it operates
everything within the cell. The interior of the
cell soma is made up of proteins and
microtubules that make up the cytoplasm, this is
where all the cells organelles are contained in a
gel like substance. The cell soma metabolism
and the making of organic compounds with the
help of enzymes in the cell, keep the cell in tip
top shape. Kind of like when race car drivers do
a pit stop to touch up the car and see that
everything's ok, thats essentially what those

Diagram of neuron cell

enzymes do. So you can see how important it is

for the neuron to have a cell soma. Dendrites
also help the neuron, they are connected to the
cells body and is able to receive the information
needed from other cells. They also use dendrite
spines that can increase their surface area to
receive even more information than usual.
The part that resides in the Axon Hillock is
called , an Axon, there is only one of these in
every neuron. The Axons job is to transport
information through electrical impulses to
different neurons, muscles, and glands. The axon
hillock ,is a cone shaped region where the axon
resides in. This area of the cell is actually free of
all ribosomes and most of the cells organelles
that are being transported down the axon.
Ribosomes are the things that take the amino
acids in the cell and link them together in order
to rearrange them into RNA molecules. The last
vital part that helps the neuron function is the
Nerve ending which connects to the
dendrites. These are formed by a synapse, the
synapse is a sort of roadway between two nerve
cells. All of these things make up the structure
of the 100 billion neurons that are carefully
placed throughout your brain in order to

Microscope picture of neuron cell

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