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{in or eater work 14), there season believe thatthe algorithm am be sed with any mobile manipulator system ‘A potential problem associated with using simulated anealing is that may regu an excesive amount of compte ine, The dt for Figs 3,5, and 6 were obtained on a Mito Van I. We rege fan average of only 45 5 of CPU time to wove the tuotask problem, ‘hile the four-task problem required 140 to 170 sto solve depen Ing on whether a cjelc solution was desired orm. These slstion tines are ofthe same order of magnitude a hose achieved ia [14] and were achieved without opimizing our simulated annealing Algorithm fo spend VE sunny In hie work we have formalated a sequel tsk problem fo ‘mobile manipulitor as a global optimization problem, The mobile ‘manpultor system redundancies low a number of tasks to Be Performed for sme misimam cost. The ahs ae defined simply by Aesied postions and oremations and desired forces sa moms. andthe cost is defined by the length af he tjetry ofthe mail ase. This cost i representative of a measure of time or cots) eqied to positon and orieat the stem for each task, We nae tha these deintions produce a nolincar cos incon with noi ‘ar and nonconvex constants and unconnected region, tn demon State tht stsfaciory sutions canbe obtained through the we of simulated anzealiag. While te computtionl tine eau For this ‘optimiation inreases ith the complet ofthe sym and the umber of sks to be performed. i is mot excessive, and te ‘optimization, perfonnedofine, eld result a tremendous Savings if series of tasks iv Be repeated many times, Rerenences (1 R Mann, W. Mal, and C. Wein, “The desapment of at Ietiges! ale nanan abn a Proc TEBE Tas Conf. ‘ovo Automat 198 2) EG ni, he eno he pion ‘Proc: IEEE In. Conf. Robots Atsomat, 98) p70. 15) T. Yoram, “Amys ad col of rote mangultr wi) ‘eing i Robons Recah The it Sy Com Ieee. MA’ MIT Pres, 98h 735-18, 16) be aan rot onl high Bey, fa Proc JERE" in Conf Robots Automat 198 Tp. Ton, 15) 5 Lee, Du rus am configuration optimization wih sk ‘eed nal em manip TERE Tron Rabo Asmat (6) Scan, ona fend mania or wk cmp. la Pre TERE It Conf Robo Automat 9. pp. 1) ae ta cong of manip pote,” Jn. J: Reboice Fe, al ?sn0°5. 9p 15-31 Oa. 8 Is) Je, “Kier progr aerates fr ea tipo.” in Poe. It Con. Rabo Automat 98, 1) LiKeloe and Kh “Aanoe geen 0 nerati fr x ‘configurable nour hanipaatr m,n Prow TEEE To. ‘Con Robotic automat Ep. 66 68, Geom anD.Gean, "Seca Felton, Gib dan, ‘Mochine Il vl 9p. 21-78, Now. 18a Monta Kk, ltl ig someone lag" MEEE Tran Computer Sted Derg. pp 315-12, Oe oe SUK, 6; ele a M. Vac, “Opinion by saw ted smeaing.” Saence pp -88, May 1 Mega. Rowoh, Yee, aed E Tal, Egos ‘of ste ais fat cng machines," J Chom Py Sg linda, 183 to) un wy us) U6) We Cater, Kooi dB, Ke Eng an 190, [RCs an P-Lasnoe, Poon eerening and const ‘orl odling fr mobic tna in roc TEEE In Con bores Automat 1988, 9p 18-168 Atkin, "Nga pts psig for «vison ted nile ‘ba oboe, wt, poe, fn 988, GPa and Wages" opal ange for anaes ‘cba AT&T Bel ase, Tech” Mesh TM T1208 SNOT, Ho and I, Tuy, "On he comeraece of sta met a Slee epsin”* 7. @p Fsory.Aopaons pe ine, wna ure of tery and aptetos of suit taping” fresh Conf Deon ah Con 18, Pp Aut, Kos an . van Lastoen, “A guanine amass of ‘he sid meagre A ae ay of the tsog falccnan problems" Ste! Phot v'S0 me 12, oe and fntetime behavior of simulated anseaing. Conf. Deon ard Conrot, Das onsen mae ae in ros TERE" a Con obosstutma,ay 1988 int roe WEEE It. Conf Sot is) is, un a) tis, en, en Impedance Control with Adaptation for Robotic Manipulations W.S, Lnand Q-H. Meng, Aburact-Matvatd by been sumed tha some parameters in manipulator dyes abe Impecie By fteducing the concept of tegengedace refeca {ajc IRD), whieh barca» Seed Sonam ton th fndsgin with he cavzonment ant reflordLstpuney appoaty Ms ‘town tha the adaptation mechatens supe by Ciao ad Soin ad Ua ein Hog cnn pe ImettonTesbiiy at mel st compaation ten. Sain te ‘Mita peated Yo laarate te proposed ori 1 fernanecrios Sable execution of contac aks by mechanical manipulators has bee identted as on ofthe majo challenges in robots [1-3]. and a great deal of researchers” ation has bee tated f the problem during the past decade. Among several poponed cone Schemes, appears thatthe impedance contol of Hogan (4. (3), provides an unified approach to unconsvaited medion como, ob Stele aveifance, and contained manipulation, In ado, i has Manuscript rece Janay 1, 199 revised Oar, 1990. This sett lye Cnr Cra he Neen of ‘nena Spi o os Barty, Vc "The hers ae wih the Deprnectof Eesti and Cote Eg scrg,Unvery of Vie, ic, BC, YAW 1, Coad 1082 296X91/060-040850100 © 1891 IEEE theory been shown thatthe approach may also preserve n= ‘ion stability during the contact between the enefetor and the environment (3. Thi is 8 propery expecilyatractve othe eld of comet free cot) As inthe computedogue servo fo unconstrained! motion control (6), (7) implemenation of impedance control requires the uae of sccurae maniplaor dynamics in ie operation space a well a3 perfect measurements of the extemal fore (5, eq. 23). On the ‘er hand, some parimetrs inthe manipulators model sich as ‘moments of inertia o positon ofthe centr of mast inthe end-f- ‘ector may be uncertain due, 10 unpredictable payload changes [8] In aidtion, measurement from a wrt fore sensor are often found noisy. Model unceraimtes of this ype ad inperfestion of the force measurement could severly degrade the performance of 1 medel/Senortused robo conolet sich as impedance conte {5, pp. 1051-1052} and, therefor, feasible compensation metals rus be sought 50 as 10 matin performance quality as well ‘motion sbiiy in the presence of paruncer unceantis ad Moutated bythe algorithm of Crag al (9 and of Slotine and 1 I] for unconstrained motion conto, two adaptive versions of impedance control ae preset ia this work, As mentioned in (9), the metod proposed there "might also be extended to ince an active fore control serv,” bat such an extension his not bee a yet availble to date Slotine and Li (10] extended the method of 8) 10 inclode contained manipulations but only the hybrid contol U1) was considered. In ation, adaptive ingedance control was emi as one ofthe aspects of adaptive contol of contained "ass that are worthy of futher investigation, sed in the Concluding emarhs of (10 “The diferece ofan adaptive impedance control fom an adaptive unconstrained motion coals twofold. Fins, ule unconetaied ‘mati coaol effort mast be made 1 prevent performance Jpra- sation doc to imperfection ofthe force sensor tee, Secon, Mere fone deals with the dynamic interaction betwen the robo end pint ‘and its emiroameat that coud be very rig in many aplication, ‘and, asa reflection ofthis act, repultion ero must be edefined i ‘order 16 accommaate the interactions tit do not exist in the fieemation cae. By introducing the concep of target impedance reference uajectory (TIRT), which characterizes the desired ‘amc eations of the eni-point with the environment, wil be sown thatthe adaption mechanisms of Craig e al. and Sloine ‘and Li canbe inetd into Hogan's conventional impedance con ‘rol I wil also be shown tat he Lyapunov approach ize i (8) and 9] can be relia to properly compenat the measures noise as Tong as the magnitude ofthe oie Hs assed to have 8 owe bound ‘his short paper is organized as follows. In Section Ml, the ‘manpultor djnamics to be used throughout the work Is given, followed ty teo comments oa the convention impedance col that appear tobe usefl in understanding the gost, The main resis ie presented in Seton Il and 1V. Section begins with 2 brie presentation of he impedance contol with estimated dame parameters. The concept of TIRT i then itace, based on ‘which a parameter adaption law similar to [9] is derived ere roperies of strict postive teal (SPR) factions are employed, In Edson, an extra contol torgue ie intaduced and. determine’ Chrough a Lyspunov-ype alysis to suppress the, measurement noise ffom the force seasor. In Section IV, the TIRT is apn ‘ulzed to inject the alapation mechanism of [8] ilo impedance onto. The reing control slgoritim and parameser adaption law ate fist descrted, followed by a comparison of the two proposed adaptive schemes in terms of implementation fess ella computation efficiency. Simulation results ofthe proposed Algor appli to two deqreef-fredom (.) paar tm are deserted and compared in Section V. AN append i ‘tached to inelue s brie dicusion on SPR unions, I. Tae Mucarutaror Moet. xb ConvinioNst Thaemavce Conrnot A. The Manipulator Mode! ‘The dyeumics ofan mo. manipulator can be described by H(a)4+ C(a.a)4 + ea) +44) Where + isthe m 1 vector ofthe jin torque sapling by the airs; ¢ isthe join displacement vector, Hg) the mm Symeti,poive definite mas matt, Clq.) #(@). at (0) represent torques du to cena, gravy, and Irion forces, respectively: i the 7 % 6 configuration dependent Jacobian tat Teles the pint velocity to the linear and angular velocies ofthe aver: and Fx, demos the Tore exerted bythe endefector ‘on the environment and measured by a wrist force sensor. ‘Wien conroling the djmamic Behavior of the eneletr/en ‘soumeat ieracton comes t0 be a main concen, Kis often Assiabe 1 describe the manipultor dynamics in is operations Space. Assuming = 6, the Cartesian spc robot dyamics i sven by 112] Ha) 8+ Cle D+ 82) +48) =~ Fo 2) where x i 4 sin-dimensionl vestorsepreseatng the postion and ‘rcmaton ofthe manipulator piper, ahd Ts CaCI Jheg (0) norte LAs) = TF 1B Two Remarks on the Conventional Impedance Control In the impedance control, target impedance i usually specied by {higher evel supervisory sytem asa second-order dynamics [5] Fa (3) where x, i the vinual trajectory that olen coincides with the desired wajecory when no couact occurs. However, i would most likely correspond to positions beyond the robes workspace during the contact order to mami» proper amount of cote force. We will ear to this pat when discussing simulation ress of the proposed control sate in Seton V. “Remarks 1) Given manipulator dynamics) and target impedance), iis quite nara 1o wie a constrained mation contol counterpart ofthe ‘welknowe resolved acceleration algorithm 13] assign cata torque 7 sich tat the overall system dynam coincides with that ‘ven if 3). Obviouy, such a tongue is piven by 7 =J7F with Pe gg Ct Bet Lot HA, = MBE 8) K(x x) + Ral) (8) M(z~3,) + Be ~ 5) + K(e=x,) fein the station of 51, = WME K(x, — £(0)) + 8(4, — 48) $8, +JHOb+ 8 +S) — J) [T= WM }eEQ) 6) where L()repesets he forward Kinematics operator that ps 2 Set of joint displacements into the corresponding, ex-post posion/orcattion, and W = JA" ithe maby tensor whose Inverse i the aca inca of the robot end-efetr in operational sce [4]. The conralfw (3) as been knowa a pean contok for constrained motion of tabs where the major coal task i 0 regu the dynamic relation ofthe ender withthe environ ‘meat tobe contacted I follows from the abuve uber that Impetance contr is indeed a duality of the resoived scelertion ‘comtl inthe domain of constrained mation contol 2) Conta aw (3) ca also be used for redundant manipulator where the Jacobian Ji ul row-rank rectangular matin over workspace. Indeed, ihe intreducion of mobility tenor in this case avoids performing an inverse operation forthe rectangular acbian. On the oer band, the conto org given by (3) ot ‘computationally efficient when the mnipultr involved has six ‘Gout and is Jcoban is nonsingular over the workspace. AS ¢ mate of fc, it can ready be shove thatthe ji org + ede ‘canbe computed using the formula EHEC EAST hg o where 8 i ven by H = (MU) "[K( x, 1(0)) + 24, 18) $M, —J8~ Fad () One can therefore use the measurements fom joint posion/ ‘loc Sensors aswell at wrist fore somo to cimpute 8° and them adopt the recursive Newon-Buler (NE) compatation scheme 14] eaeulae the sum ofthe Bist four terms onthe gt hand sie of 1, Aparrve Iareoance Connot: ALcoainin In the adaptive impadance control algorithm proposed elow, unknown model parameters are estimated teach control insta in 8 ‘mane smart tu of [9]. This x made possible by refining the regulation evr as x — x, where, reflect he desired get impedance, A. Impedance Control with Estimated Dynamics Lat pand peR”*" denote the vector ofall unknown parameters In the robot dynamic equation 2) and it esinate fom an apt tin aw tobe specifed later (28 (19), respectively. The impence congol canbe implementa if the ested parueter values are ‘ed in (4) or (6). For the sake of ipl, i assumed ta the Sobian isa square and nonsingular mat over the workspace ‘The contol vrgue can then be writen as aH LEAT 8) where #1, €, & and fare evslsted using extimated parameter, 1 the measurement of Fay and F. i «soot force 10 be determined later (se (22) 6 handle the measurement nie fom the weet force senor 8 = (atsy*[K(x, ~ £(0)) + B(x, ~ 38) Me, Jel. @) Similar to the discussion in Section IB, the recunive NE ‘computation scheme (1) plies vo (8) and (9), making it nemer- cally trative formulation in implementing th proposed algo, In onder to perform an error analysis, however, itis more sppropriat to write the conto torus a += J" with Pat Cit bet i, + AAR MBS ~ &) $K(e= x) + Bal) +B B. The Targe-Impedance Reference Trajetory Given the desired en pott/environmert relation 3), 9 target Impatance reference trajectory (TIRT) is a diferentsble sector fiction 21) of time, which solves te scond-oeder dierent equation (3) witha proper set of inl conditons, 8, £0) ~ (0) and %,0) ~ £0), and wit Fy, replaced by Fe. Clea, ‘he TIRT asa fonction of time coinides with he denied tacking tejectory over the uncontained motion duration spy Because of ‘However, stay dif consdersby from the preasgned ‘ual waectory during the comact. Ths i particularly toe when citer the environment iavalved has very high stifess or the ‘argt impalance is assigned such tat is dyaamies has a poe Suficienly close 0 the Ja aus. To be speci, the TIRT 5,1) i the ret of the paper is defined as te unigue solution Of the Intalue problem Mi, + Bk, + Key fay (0) = x,(0) 4,(0) = 50). ay ‘An cxample willbe ven in Section V to show the diferene between the TIRT and viral tajectory of robot am ‘A coupe of remarks on the noice concept are 0 inorder Fit, with measorements fromthe wrist fore senor and the given ial usjectoy, the TIRT can be found very quickly im ach sampling duration by numerically imegrating (1). Farr oie that sch numerical iteration is necessary only daring the contact, since one may eterwise simply tke x(t) = £4). Second, the Imporance of this concept Is due 1 the fact thatthe essence of impetance coulis To fefoem the dyaunic relation for the end et /evironment interaction such that the end-point cold move ‘long the TIRT. The imporance of (11) wll become more apparent ‘ahen an aemptis made to drive an eror equation for eateflec- ‘ors postion isthe Bex! subsection (0) (MR, + Bi, + Rx) © The Parameter Adaptation and Determination of F. Applying conto! lw (10) dynamic esation (2), simple alge treads © M(X=5,) 4 84 — 5) 4 Ke) + Bae Mis (AS G+ 8,43.) +h OF) where Hen Hy He Co Clu. B= bebe Dem he if td BF Fag” Fog AG mente br, fs ot via sctry bathe RT that the cd poi ies 1 flow Caraacnty, the reglaon enor forthe conlasd etn Afi a € = x, and the error dynamics is obtained by combining dhe above equation wih (11) a B+ Bet Kye = HNO + RR) Su (12) where By = IM", Ky = MOK, and Wo= Aas eer8 +h, (3) with é and W, 2.6% r matrix depending on 2, x, and the known manipulator parameters. On comparing (12) withthe eror equation -p (11 ofthe folowing distintons may be observe: 1) Equation (12) i esablbed inthe operational space eather than the Joint Space. 2) The lf-and side of (12) isa reflection ofthe desired target impedance rather than desired encontrined mation. 3) A friction tem has ben iniied in (13) wit he aspen that only ‘sco fricion and dytamie Coulomb fiction efecs are modeled. {Sensor oie Fi present ad the contol force Fielded in the righthand side wo suppres AF, using a Lyapunov approach 2 wl now be demonstrated 1 follow from (9} and the Appendix that an aypmented error vector may be formed as ete a) with ¥, = lag (¥yo---.¥)s $600. by), and by, the Hh dagoal Clement in By, x0 that We input/output map Wee admits a Satespace description given by Aewks aw on ex (1s) where X= Ley eo ey OM f= dag Ay AD. = ing (y+ By) nd = ang (ej - ) ite -4] "Nove that wafer futon max of system (1) agonal with all. iagonal cements SPR. Consequently, there exist lag (Py. P3)> Oar 2 = diap(Qy o>. Qy) > 0 sch that 194 4 8 game? (19) [A Lyapunowsype error analysis bens by defining V(X.6) = ATAX 4 TIEN a with F poive define, While the above Lyapunov fietion has teen tad in [9] for the unconstrained motion coavol problem, cael treatment forthe imprecise force measurement, which Was fot he sein [9] 5 now needed. By (18)-(17) Vom -XTOX + 26"(W HIS + 1E'9) IETHER + AF). (18) “Thus, the parameter adaptation law nw 2H (9) tends (18) 10 We= -XTOK 4 20TH +R). (20) ‘fhe measurement noise AF has «known bond. larnss ey then by choosing pie @) ‘wher 7 = O's the ein fctor te determined ae, we obtain isnot +268 ce) were a= x7Ox Bete ad aa 1Aze Consul, the time derivative of V, wil be sity negative if (a) X20and eh 0 0) X40, eF 60,008 a> tas ©) X40, e860, a= 2p, and 2b a 7 es) 1 condition (a) or () is sisid,(20)-(23) indicate that Fis not needed, ie one may ssn ~ 0. Otherwise the term Five {by @2) ith > saisying (28) must be nce i the conto gue specified by (to grate anegatve Vn oter words, the tem Fin canbe apcied by (22) with» saisying +y > max(0, (245 ~ «)/6") es) Furterooe, sce ee (©) pais 9 20/28 an os Tittus he De o/26h fc ei a les eo ht ns et ne (PLAS) - uly," ee 6 sea ine of we pip erase yates enor Socom Samay, 0, 09, 22, ak) hve pvt an ade ven o's tone tt re pe Srvc entender ese ema FTE, and chs en ipey ad at solange wil ow Sn he Fmd ote oy, Excuses wont Sapir cguaear 6 food's Suc soe tea as bes oo alate wom mtn ew [ws rm (3) snl nate of he ops spi ee Ientiy a Hae a fm cee: set spo oa Het remain bane 8 tay timely sw pl) 1 ode sie researches ey woogie Heh ‘ed res ts 06) D. A Robustness Property ofthe Algorithme There are «numberof cses in which some or al components of the contol torque 7 ealeulaed from (8) exceed the maim, torques tht dhe seats can provide, and, consequently, stration ‘cous, In wha follows we comider ae such case Where stration is due 0 an unusually lage force mensremen Fy. Asume Di 4," sunfommly bounds, Lact si for some constant h* > 0, and tht the messrement ms ro the force senso controled by known bound 8 as (21), Denting by tow the satrted comller ouput and Fag = JP the nd point force dara the saturation canbe wrt Fy 2 Far, where AF, desi a8 with F obtained fom (10). Obviously, with this Fy a8 the contra force, the error dynamics equation (12) shuld be sie as B+ Be Kuen HW + K+ AF, + AF) & “ich es oe lowing modication of 3) Ves ~a~ yO? + 2u(5 + [FI Bye we hve Resa + IM] sIaAIe. — as) 10 fotows that he stration ay lead 1 positive Vand hence an Increasing error signal X (wbich is equvalen to and), On the ‘other hand, since both a and 6 see proportional to sguare of Hel Vel, 28) iniaes that ¥- wil become negative agin before the eror gts late. In ther words, ar maybe expected Sarration of this type cenainly causes 8 relatively Lge efor a8 compared hatin a uesturatd contra, but rbus abit ofthe ‘tor dynamic is preserved for asks in which the contac ose ay ‘cxcasionally go up oa level causing colle saturation. 1. Abarnive hurepance Conta: AvooRami 2 ‘A. The Control Algorithm and Parameter Adaptation ‘Ain the TIRT is employed form the regulation error en xx, (9) ‘The augment error vector defi saet we (60) where W, > O, but oter consti that were imposed on Yt ‘ounerpart in algorithm I se (14) are nw nt needed. Putt, Tet x) be such that sakes on ‘The second proposed adaptive impedance contol i then given by Pe Ht CAB tH + By Kes (22) where Ky >0, ant Hy, Gy, fy. and fae oad by substi ‘ng the estimated parameers imo Hy Cy. 8y> Fe rpestively ‘Deficing ea) = enero) hich isan operational space counterpart ofthe Lyspunoy function ule in (10), (2), GI), G2}, and We fae that Hl, 2C, is skew-symmevic lead Y= OW e+ 0598) —sTKes 4 aT AR, ‘Consequently if the adaptive law b= ns (3) Isused where W, i determined by Woo = Hs + Cat hth 0) tea Y= skys + STAR = Kelsi? +l (5) here K, denotes the sae eigenvale of Ky and (21) has been assume Unlike the uncoatast motion ease (10), (35) indctes, that an arbirarly chosen K, > coud yield postive V, when 51s suicenly small, JF, | is large, andthe toner product SAF, is postive. Nevetses, the following aalsi bows that the error signal s ence e and é) due to the sentor ise is bounded, and te bound canbe reduced if more powerful actuators are availabe The boundedness of Js isan immediate consequence of (5) Fora aed Ky, b,-<0 whenever [3] > 8/dy. and negative P, means 2 elucing’V, (esis time 1) and heace s. The above ‘rgument sso indices that a ager, implies a smaller bound for Isl. By (2), is ebsered that a large A, (herefore a "large 4) may saturate the contol unless te actsrs ued are safciemly powerful, Furthermore, (30) can be writen in aie ‘rl form as a cemmndays fe “alo de ‘ih implies a He(Oh femme) bat f'e ere sled bst/s, where fis the smallest eigenvalue of. Therefore, the bounded res of [3] implies the boundedness of Je}. Final, 30) ges Lets ish+ 1% el 4. the boundedness of 2 In summary, 29)-33) provide «natu combination of Hogan's lmpedance cool with the Sltne-Li parameter adaption. Asi cen from the above argument, the robust ably ofthe error dynamics hasbeen preserved, andthe eror 5 (aswell at and) may be further reduced by increasing gain Ky as long at the ‘ctiatos are suiicemly powers. Final Lyspunov-ype aay Ss similar o that usd in Section LID maybe appli o conse that when the console is strated du toa large extra forse) torque oF a seasr Fae, the contr eror wl ily increase bat remain boul, B. Comparison ofthe Two Algorithms As implementation easily of he algorithms is concerned, note that by 29)-81) We Namely algorithm 2 des not require th acceleration of eni-fee- 10 for computing Fin (32) and, in (3). Moreover, soit 2 oes noc noe the inversion of Fn oping parameter ver 8 8 sen from (3). On the contrary. and, are reid 0 Implement nlgorithm 1 as was mentioned i rena 2 in Seton ILC. Fr those cases where the parameters to be iat ae tine invariant oe slomly tie varying, however, the re for updating? ‘may be chosen much lower then the control rae 20 thatthe Implementation compleiy of algoithen 2 due tothe evaluation of and HY," ay be substantially rede. To compare computation eficieny of the algoihns, we frst oe that uli algorithm 1, the recursive NE computation scheme oes aot diety apply to (32) of algorithm 2."By (31), i however, posible reform (32) 5 PRA A Ct bt het Cot Bag Ket where sum of the st four terms cap be caculted using NE ‘recursion, and the fit term Cs may be ignored when $ small andthe robot motion is stow (which i very Iikely the cate tn ‘ona as). Aether apreach wo eodcing the comptation Barden ‘of algorithm 2 is wo express coal torque Fas. Fa Web Ray — Kas where W, bas been determined by (4), 6) 1 Tenet mp i i fc o Sm h 1 \ @ ® Fe. 2 Cometinal ingen conta with me we of my (m= 1 15) ed aa jc Cn gc 0) Tg et \V. SoeuaTIOn Rests A244, planar robot was used inthe simulation wo verify the propose algorithms. As shown in Fig. 1, the rbot motion begins at et (15,0) moving slong an elie eajcory unl the end-point ff he robot his a wll at pot a. The ed-polati then required to be in proper contact with the wall while sing down to pot & long the srface of the wal, The end-point then leaves the wall ‘moving back © poat (1,0) along the eliptis wajectory. tis ‘sesmed that the mass of ech ink f point mass located the ‘inal end ofthe tink The tbe mass vales ace my = 2k, my = ke, where my represents 0-48 lnk mass pls 2 0.3.45 payload, andthe lnk lengths are, = fs = 1m. The major potion of the Sioa ery 0 = bx) (a lie dese vl) xa,(t) = sine for = 1-<2, but ais shown in Fig. 1, theresa small stright segment replacing the elliptic arn rd 1 mina proper contact fore, Scos x ‘Assuming tat ll parameters ofthe robot manipulator are pe cisely koown and perfect force Semoe is wed, Fig. 2 shows the ‘Snmlation resus whe the conventional impedance coal (5) is ‘employed, where the pararices in target impedance characteriza tion) are chonen as B= 2K wah M= 2. K = 4000, and the erwtonment i assumed to havea high sitfess Ky = 10°. Fig. Shows the TIRT, i, (Sh line) and vial jetory (rel Pig 3. The TORT yr vi yo te ct © » a. 4 Commins impasse wih m= 25g) Ka ant eal igen @) Cl nee) Poking cr int ine ofthe robo, tis seen hat (0) and (0) ae early ena una large eral force applies to the gigper when Hits te wall. Next the simulation onsdes using the conventional impeéance ontrlagortm () with parameter replaced by dhe incomes ‘ale 2.5 kg, As is shown i Fig , the robot motion thea exhibits snanaccetbl performance degradation "Te ager impalance in the adaptive contol case is set as B= M40, M = 2, and K = 4000, Forthe comparison parpose, mt, ‘ste as the ony unknowa paruncter inthe manipulators mel {nd an inal gues of m= 2.5 it ade for the two proposed Algorithms. In aia, Ft the Simulation is assumed 10 be Fx pls «normally distbued rantom ose whose maximum magn= fede if about 15% ofthe peak talue of the contact fore. BY Sppving Algor 1 and assuming no contoller saturation, the eu (eal line) and the pre-and virtual trajectory (ash line). ‘he etna values of my the teekig error, ad the comact force te shown ia Fig. 5. New its asumed that the actuators can oly provide 75% of the maximum forue required in the preceding Simulation, As shown in Fig. 6, in suc a cas the same algorithm Jeads to larger wacking errors and ager contac fore errs, but ‘he overall performance remain acceptable. Final, grin 21s ‘plied and the results are show in ig. 7. I food that the t44 Fig Adve inpedance contol wn lth 1 wit strain, Fie ial Ser) Eid mt) Tsing eo = Fig 6. Adgve peda conta xing sit ith stration, land wal tar) Esme my) Taskng em a mes contol torques require by algocthn 2 to perform the same tsk is ‘onideraly less tha hl eed in algorit 1 Consequently. the ‘onler wil not be saturated even if only 78% ofthe maximum, torques required by algorithm 1 i avaiable. tis nod that the tracking errors remain very small ring the fee-moson pri, bat ‘oth racking ers and contact force errs ae slightly larger than that achieved by algoritim I in the nosturaton ease Also note that he estimated value of, inal cses quickly approaches ots te value I Kg during the fit feemtion raion. ti then followed by some Muewation with a Tess an 20% maximum ‘evition daring the contact ana recovery a5 soon a the en f Fecor eaves fom the wall pin [As discussed in Seaton 1V, algorithm 2 proposed thee pps ‘te computationally more efit a compared with algorithm I In addton, trom a number of computer simblatons erred ob 30 fr, itis found that parameters and, i algorithm 2 ate las ‘ens than their counteypars and Tn slgorithm 1 in ore © comple sable execution of contact task, Atapive inpesiaecoml wing lori 2 ia an a ‘rate () Estate my te) Taking er a ole) Comat VI. Concausons ‘Te adaptive laws of Cag a. nd of Stn and Li have been extend 0 esablsh two adaptive versions of Hogan's impedance oaol for sable execution of contact sks. Ip cur development the wrist force senor has een asim ta be inperet, The tensions are made posible by inoducing the concept of TIRT in Eonjunstion withthe refined Lyapunov approach, Which we sila to thow employed in 9) an (8), ‘Simulation ress reported inthis paper iadeate that severe performance degradation duv to parameter vncersinties in a0 Impedance-conroled robotic system can be prevented y wtilzing fone ofthe io adaptive impedance contol ages proposed in his paper. Srmerey Posrve REAL FUNCTIONS ‘The concept of sity postive rel funetions (SPR) hasbeen enensively studied for more than two decades (15) (16) ane as found namerovs aplicatns in network stl, robustness aay. sis, nonlinear conta, and adaptive comrol A proper ron function f(s) i sai 6 be SPR A the eal part of /(J0) is tty fester than zero for all weR. AS an example, coir second fer stable anstr function oe JG) = (an) here k> 0, ky > O are given, apd astm parameter. ei sy to verify hat J(5) SPR HO -<'y-< ky. When a sable SPR ‘atonal funtion is realized in a sate space, the pussve nature of Sch a tataferfuston provides = rystem here prope hi is ‘wore valble than single Lyapunov equation deer. Ines, if ‘ction f(s) sive by (AI) with ve (0, ,) ie weaned at = (A, be) where wa ‘ean then be shown that here exis to positive define matrices P and @ such that ATP + PA=-9 Ph =e, 2) ‘The combination ofthe two equations in (A2) plays crucial role in eivng an adaptive conral lw for unonsrained motion coxa [BI Notice that one ton 10 (A2) seven by nf | am Fe a elo aK,-¥) ‘oth of which are postive defiite with Ye (0,,)- A thorough

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