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Volume 2: The Magickal Sky -- Part 3: The Signs -- Chapter 2: Taurus

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Yael Dragwyla First North American rights

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Volume II: The Magickal Sky

Part 4: The Signs

Chapter 2: Taurus

Section 1: General Discussion

Taurus is the middle of astrological Spring, Spring’s second month, beginning around April 20 or 21,
and ending around May 20. This month is Spring at its Zenith, the fulfillment of Spring’s promise, when
all the trees are fully leafed out, and buds begin to turn to flowers. The Earth is at Her most fertile now --
and Her most beautiful.
This is a month of plowing, for the decomposition of the previous year’s dead plant and animal
detritus that began in the belly of the Black Dragon of Scorpio is now complete, and the soil is at its most
nourishing for the seeds sowed in it now. The Earth swells with water as Spring’s heat begins to draw
water upward through the soil from aquifers deep in the underlying strata of soil and bedrock, and rains
sweep down from the Arctic as the season’s growing warmth continues to liberate water-vapor from
Northern ice, snow, and frigid Polar waters. Infant animals who have come into the world with Life’s
rebirth in Aries feed on the tender new plant-growth, or are nourished on milk made in their mother’s
bodies from that same nascent plant-life.
In Taurus, the life-force that appeared as a potential in Aries is now made physically manifest in the
new young Life that abounds in Taurus. The tops of young plants have now fully broken free from
Earth’s cocooning matrix and are rising into the air with lusty vigor; infant animals begin to tumble
about their mothers, their bodies growing apace with the overflowing bounty now filling the world.
Aries is the promise of Life’s Resurrection; Taurus is the fulfillment of that promise.


Taurus is as fertile astronomically and astrophysically as it is astrologically. A group of Stars known

as T Tauri Stars that are found in the Constellation Taurus are models of formation of Stars like our own
Sun. According to Sally Stephens, in the September 1996 issue of Astronomy Magazine,

Making sense of [T Tauri stars] is a challenge. But astronomers eagerly accept that
challenge because our Sun was probably once a T Tauri star. Knowing what happens
during this awkward time in a star’s life will help us better understand how our Sun,
planets and, ultimately, we got here.
For years, the only thing astronomers knew about these enigmatic stars was that
they were young, no more than ten million years. Most T Tauri stars, I fact, are still
physically near the dark molecular clouds from which they were born.
‘The T Tauri phase is the first phase of star formation in which the star is visible,’
notes Gibor Basri, an astronomer with the University of California at Berkeley who has
worked extensively on T Tauri stars. ‘Prior to that, you can’t see it because it’s
enveloped in this placental cloud.’

Ibid., p. 37
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These intensely active young Stars are surrounded by vast disks of dust and other material which,
stimulated and energized by the seething, violently active electromagnetic activity of these Stars,
eventually evolve into Planetary systems which are potential homes for life. Taurus is a Sign of
enormous fertility; curiously, the Stars of the Constellation Taurus also exhibit that same characteristic.
Our own Sun was initially just such a Star, and we ourselves came into being because our Sun shared the
enormous Taurine fertility of that type of young Star. Fittingly, Sol’s nocturnal exaltation is in Taurus,
an echo of His youthful membership in the T Tauri classification of Stars.
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Section 2: The Astromythology and Psychospiritual Aspects of [sign/house]

Keywords for Taurus:

Steadfast, loyal, stubborn; sensitivity, understanding; calm; enduring; affectionate; generous;

sensual; pragmatic; firm; productive, fertile; materialistic; possessions; the head and horns of a bull;
a sepulcher or tomb; a treasure-vault; values; inherited tendencies.
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Section 3: Correspondences


Egyptian: Osiris; Apis, the sacred bull who is the incarnation of Osiris; Asar; Ameschet; Hathoor.
Greek: Hera; Aphrodite; Selene, matriarchal aspect of Luna; Minos, Judge in the Underworld
Roman: Juno; Venus; Luna matriarchal aspect of the Moon.
Hindu: Shiva, as the sacred bull
Szekeli (Romany Gypsy):
Scandinavian: Frey and Freya, brother and sister, twin Lords of fertility.
The French Enlightenment:
Southeast Asia:
Native Australian:
Central American:
American Indian:
American folklore:
The Land of Oz:
H. P. Lovecraft: Shub Niggurath, Goat with a Thousand Young
Stephen King:
LaVeyan Satanism:

God-Name in Hebrew:

World Religions:


Angelic Choir:


Angels given by Barrett, et al.:

Olympic Planetary Spirit:



Spirits given by Bardon, Barrett, et al.:

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Name of Planet in Hebrew:

Commandment from Exodus:

Ten Plagues of Egypt:

Verses from Creation Story in Genesis:

Cantos from the Inferno of Dante Alighieri :

Cantos from the Purgatorio of Dante Alighieri :

Cantos from the Paradiso of Dante Alighieri :

Orders of Qlippoth:

Qlipphotic Spirit (from Kenneth Grant):

Uriens, associated with Key 16, the letter Vav, and Trump VI, The Hierophant. He sentinels the
Tunnel of Set associated with this Key. According to Kenneth Grant, in Nightside of Eden (Great
Britain: Skoob Books, 1994), Uriens is evoked by vibrating his name in the key of “C” sharp, roaring or
bellowing his name. His sigil shows a seven-armed figure, its upper four arms terminating in Yods, the
lower three in crosses; it should be inscribed in flame-colored lines on a brown triangle. (For a detailed
discussion concerning Uriens, see ibid., pp. 186-189.)

Article of Bill of Rights:

General astrological classification:

Ascending; short ascension; bestial (feral); boreal; changeable (hot in the East, cold in the West);
crooked; dry; fixed (Cherubic, conceptive); four-footed; fruitful; melancholic; negative (feminine,
nocturnal, unfortunate); Northern (commanding); ruminant; whole (strong).

General Qaballistic classification:

Key 16. Connects Sephirah 2, Chokmah, with Sephirah 4, Chesed. Associated with the Hebrew
letter Vav.

The general attributions of the Tarot:

Among the Lower Arcana, the Five, Six, and Seven of Discs/Coins/Pentacles are associated with this
Sign. In the Court Cards, Taurus’s card is the King of Discs/Coins/Pentacles. Among the Major Arcana,
its Trump is V, The Hierophant.

Titles of Tarot Trump:

Correct Design of Tarot Trump:

Titles and Attributes of Court Cards:

Titles and Attributes of Numbered Cards:

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Alchemical and Pythagorean Associations:

Attributions from the I Ching and Taoist Cosmology:

Attributions from Ninpo (Way of the Ninja, Way of Wisdom) and Shinto (Way of the Kami or Gods):

Other Magickal Correspondences, according to Barrett, et. al:

Day of the week ruled by Taurus:



Hours of the day ruled by Taurus:

Geocentric: The ninth and tenth hours of the night; 2-4 hours before dawn.


Astrological month:


Grade of the Temple:


Liber 777 gives the following colors for Taurus. King Scale: red-orange. Queen Scale: deep
indigo. Emperor Scale: deep, warm olive. Empress scale: rich brown.
Other authorities give white mixed with lemon for Taurus.


Forms, shapes, lineal figures, geomantic figures, figures related to pure number, and numerological

The numerical value of Vav, the Hebrew letter associated with Taurus, is 6. The sum of the values
of the Hebrew letters that spell Vav, Vav-Vav, is 6 + 6 = 12. The Mystic Number of the Sephiroth
associated with Key 16 is Σ (1-16) = 136, the sum of the digits of which is 10, and which is equal to 8 x
The sum of the digits of the Key Number for Taurus, 16, is 1 + 6 = 7. 7 is a number of Venus, the
diurnal mundane Lord of this Sign. 7 is therefore also associated with Taurus.
4 is the number of Daleth, the Hebrew letter associated with Venus, ruler of Taurus. 4 x 4 = 16, the
Key Number of Taurus. So 4 is also associated with this Sign.
Finally, the Geomantic figure related to Taurus is Amissio:


Magick Square:

A 6 x 6 Magick Square (for numerical value of letter)

A 16 x 16 Magick Square (for Key value)
The Mystic Rose of 22 Petals (Regardie)
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The Mystic Rose of 116 Petals (extension of Mystic Rose of 22 Petals)

Stones, gems, and metals:

Herbs and Trees:

Animals and Other Organisms:

Ecological domain or process:

Legendary orders of being:

Foods, drugs, flavors, and perfumes:

Clothing, Magickal Weapons, and other objects, phenomena, and processes:

Anatomy and physiology:


Diseases, dysfunctions, and pathologies:

Occupations and ecological niches:

Places, nations, and peoples:

For physical locations, Davis gives lately-cultivated meadows and pastures, visible from one’s house,
with landscaping around the house itself. For places indoors, she gives rules quiet, dim rooms with low
ceilings, ground-floor storerooms and dim closets; basements; tiled floors; the Southeast wall of the
house; the room where is lost item is found.255
Peoples: The ancient Egyptians; the Druids.
Cities: Dublin, Manuta, Leipzig, Lucerne, St. Louis (USA).
Countries: Ireland, Switzerland, Poland, Cyprus, Asia Minor and Persia (Iran), the Grecian
Archipelago, Crete, Menshevik (Russia after the People’s Revolution of 1917 and before the Bolshevik
revolution of 1918), Holland.
Direction of the compass: South-by-East.
Time of day: The ninth and tenth hours of the night; 2-4 hours before dawn.
Interval of time: Months to years.
Past-present-future: The near future.

Planetary Age of Man:

The deposition of fertile soil-beds, such as those that existed in North America’s Great Plains region
before the European Invasion; the time of establishment and growth of great empires; in individuals, the
time of life during which the growth of organs and tissues in young or pubescent organisms is most
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Matters of the horoscope:

A room in which a lost item is found; fertility, fertilizers, and related materials and processes;
individual possessions, including bank-accounts and relatively small, movable items; cattle;* cowboys,
cattle-ranches, cattlemen; boasts and brags, and college bull-sessions, for reasons that should be obvious;
fertility and anything that impairs it.

*Cattle- and range-wars come under Sagittarius and the Ninth House of the horoscope, which is the
Eighth (wars over) from the Second House (cattle).


Carl Orff, Carmina Burana and Catulli Carmina; Igor Stravinsky, Rite of Spring


Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Brahma”

Books and other literary productions:

Alex Comfort, The Joy of Sex: A Guide to Gourmet Lovemaking and More Joy of Sex; Irma S.
Rombauer and Marion Rombauer Becker, The Joy of Cooking

Graphic arts:



Performance Art:



Saints and exemplars:

Julia Child (gourmet chef); Paul Prudhomme (ethnic gourmet chef); Polly Adler (gourmet eroteuse
and manager of same); Xaviera Hollander (ditto and gourmet sexologist); Christian Dior (fashion leader
and promoter); Prince Matchebelli (creator of luxury perfumes); the Bandini family (owner-founders of
a fertilizer empire based in Los Angeles, California);* Minos of Crete, and the Minotaur; Peter Clark, a
Queensland, Australia cattle-drover (he was made famous by H. H. Parry, who wrote a ballad, “The
Death of Peter Clark,” that became enormously popular); Clancy of the Overflow (commemorated in an
Australian ballad); Pecos Bill (commemorated in Texan legend and lore forever); Paul Bunyan’s Blue
Ox Babe (like Hercules, Paul Bunyan himself is ruled by Sagittarius, which rules the Hero)
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*The Bandinis began operation in the 1940s. Geniuses in their field who were decades ahead of their
time, they purchased raw sewage from the City/County of Los Angeles and treated it in various ways
to produce their fertilizers. The extremely low cost of their raw materials and its immediate
accessibility combined with the high quality of the finished product, which created a huge demand
for it among farmers all across the country, guaranteed them an enormous annual profit. You might
say they cleaned up . . ;-)

American emblems, sigils, symbols, myth, folklore, and urban legend:

There was this lady, Mary Jones, who had never been around a farm before, and knew nothing about
farm-life, and she was invited by her cousin Jay Anderson, to visit his farm for a spell, and so she went to
visit there for a couple of weeks, and one morning Jay gets up about 5 a.m. to tend to the cows, and goes
out to the cattle-barn, and there he sees Mary sitting on this stool, milking away at one of the cattle, and
she looks up at him and smiles and says, “Bet you’re sure surprised to see me milking this animal!” and
Jay says, “Not half as surprised as that there bull you’re milking is!”

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