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Proje ct re fe re nce : IP950400

Funde d unde r: FP4-INCO
Country: France

Micro batteries
A microbatte ry is a batte ry de s igne d and built with thin film te chnologie s . It is a ne w conce pt. The e ncaps ulation of the
microbatte rie s is crucial. In orde r to de cre as e the thickne s s of the as s e mbly (air and mois ture ), a ne w tight barrie r is
te s te d. This film is an iron phos phate -bas e d glas s de pos ite d by s putte ring. A ne w large machine able to produce 500
microbatte rie s pe r we e k was de s igne d. Microbatte rie s can be us e d to powe r all s mall de vice s whe re flatne s s is a
prime ne ce s s ity and low curre nt (100 - 200 A/cm2) is re quire d, e .g. it can be inte grate d in s mall flat obje cts like s mart
cards , tags , wire le s s e le ctronic s he lf e dge labe ls .
Ne w s olid-s tate micropowe r s ource s have re ce ntly be e n s tudie d and de ve lope d. The n, thin s e condary lithium batte rie s
can be inte grate d in s mall flat obje cts like s mart cards , tags , wire le s s e le ctronic s he lf e dge labe ls for e xample . The
active unit ce ll is only 10m thick. The unit ce ll is compos e d of curre nt colle ctors , a pos itive titanium oxys ulfide
e le ctrode , an amorphous lithium borate bas e d e le ctrolyte and a ne gative lithium e le ctrode . The s e thin films are
de pos ite d us ing s putte ring and the rmal e vaporation te chnology. The microbatte ry is e ncaps ulate d to prote ct it from
mois ture . A batte ry can typically provide 100-200 A/cm2, more than 1000 cycle s (dis charge /charge ) an OCV of 2.6V
and an ave rage voltage dis charge of about 2.3V. To incre as e the pe rformance , ne w mate rials (e le ctrolyte and pos itive
e le ctrode mate rials ) we re s tudie d. Microwave was us e d to pre pare both mate rials and s putte ring targe t. This original
me thod is ve ry rapid and us e ful.

Related info rmatio n

Result In Brief

Thin film batte rie s

Co ntact
MARTIN, Miche l
Te l.: +33-4-77555222
Fax: +33-4-77555200
Zone Indus trie lle Sud Rue Be noit Fourne yron
42166, Andriz ie ux-Bouth
We bs ite

Coordination and Coope ration - Ele ctronics and Microe le ctronics - Information Proce s s ing and Information Sys te ms Policie s - Te le communications
Last updat ed o n 2001-04-30
Collaboration s ought: Information e xchange /Training
Ret rieved o n 2015-09-25
Permalink: http://cordis .e uropa.e u/re s ult/rcn/26239_e n.html
Europe an Union, 2015

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